‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE!

14 09 2008

I attended the Welcome Home rally for Sarah Palin this morning.  Hooo.  It was an experience. About a thousand (maybe) hard-core Palin supporters showed up to hear her speak at the new Dena’ina Convention Center in downtown Anchorage.  

After shaking it off with a good double shot of espresso, and a brisk walk back to my car, it was time to head to the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally.    It was to be held outside on the lawn in front of the Loussac Library in midtown Anchorage.  Home made signs were encouraged, and the idea was to make a statement that Sarah Palin does not speak for all Alaska women, or men.  I had no idea what to expect.

The rally was organized by a small group of women, talking over coffee.  It made me wonder what other things have started with small groups of women talking over coffee.  It’s probably an impressive list.  These women hatched the plan, printed up flyers, posted them around town, and sent notices to local media outlets.  One of those media outlets was KBYR radio, home of Eddie Burke, a long-time uber-conservative Anchorage talk show host.  Turns out that Eddie Burke not only announced the rally, but called the people who planned to attend the rally “a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots”, and read the home phone numbers of the organizers aloud over the air, urging listeners to call and tell them what they thought.  The women, of course, received many nasty,  harassing and threatening messages.

So, as I jettisoned myself from the jaws of the ‘Drill Baby Drill’ crowd and toward the mystery rally at the library, I felt a bit apprehensive.  I’d been disappointed before by the turnout at other rallies.  Basically, in Anchorage, if you can get 25 people to show up at an event, it’s a success.  So, I thought to myself, if we can actually get 100 people there that aren’t sent by Eddie Burke, we’ll be doing good.  A real statement will have been made.  I confess, I still had a mental image of 15 demonstrators surrounded by hundreds of menacing “socialist baby-killing maggot” haters.

It’s a good thing I wasn’t tailgating when I saw the crowd in front of the library or I would have ended up in somebody’s trunk.  When I got there, about 20 minutes early, the line of sign wavers stretched the full length of the library grounds, along the edge of the road, 6 or 7 people deep!  I could hardly find a place to park.  I nabbed one of the last spots in the library lot, and as I got out of the car and started walking, people seemed to join in from every direction, carrying signs.

Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage.  The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators).  This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state.  I was absolutely stunned.  The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by.  And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute.  This just doesn’t happen here.

Then, the infamous Eddie Burke showed up.  He tried to talk to the media, and was instantly surrounded by a group of 20 people who started shouting O-BA-MA so loud he couldn’t be heard.  Then passing cars started honking in a rhythmic pattern of 3, like the Obama chant, while the crowd cheered, hooted and waved their signs high. 

So, if you’ve been doing the math…  Yes.  The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage!  So take heart, sit back, and enjoy the photo gallery.  Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to anyone who needs to know that Sarah Palin most definitely does not speak for all Alaskans.  The citizens of Alaska, who know her best, have things to say.

UPDATE – Eddie Burke suspended without pay for one week.  Better than nothing!



1,725 responses

14 09 2008


You must be exhausted keeping up with all of this.

14 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Thank you Mudflats! Brilliants stuff (and to all the others who were there taking pictures, reporting). Something tells me that the Republicans have vastly underestimated the power of the Internet/bloggers/e-mail…

14 09 2008

This is amazing and needs to be picked up by the MSM so all the WORLD knows that the largest political rally ever in Alaska just took place to REJECT SARAH PALIN.

Great work by the folks who risked their personal safety organizing the event, and great work reporing AKM!

BTW – I found this on the web and wanted to make sure its readily available too – from this document all can see how vindictive the Heath/Palin clan can be.

Click to access Memo_of_findings_10-29-05.source.prod_affiliate.7.pdf

14 09 2008

Hey you made The Washington Post and it has enough hits to make Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire..YES!!!


All the best from the lower 48!!

14 09 2008

Just Tried To Find Local Coverage, TV and Vids, only one station had it but it was good:


The Writeup with Vid

The Video

The code on the Embed is huge, you might try it here to see if it posts.

The other stations looked like they haven’t updated their pages in a few days.

And I left a message on the open thread:
The Women who oragized have another task, They’ve Gotta Go After The Radio Jock, File Charges. According to the vid the station is going to discipline him, Not Enough, that kind of Speech and Call Out Actions Need To Stop On The Public Airways. The fat clown ‘chickenhawk’ isn’t going to anything but he knows he’s inciting others who will than he’ll claim Innocence, can’t Happen, Have Him Arrested and he Needs To Be Tried!!!!!!!!!!!

14 09 2008

This Democrat Abroad in the Netherlands is delighted to see that we’re finally fighting back. Given enough time, the truth would probably put an end to the infatuation with Palin, but I’m not sure we have enough time for that.

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

AKM, this is a very heartening post! I read with trepidation the beginning paragraph and your concern of a few being surrounded by many hate-filled, non-platform aware Pro-Palin protesters. I am so proud of USATODAY reporting the truth; that the Pro-Palin rally was “smaller.” If media was smart, they would be talking to the Alaskan people and asking what they think. Congratulations! Well done!

P.S. Knowing the causes that North Face sponsors, I wonder what they would think of small-minded Eddie having their logo plastered on his jacket as he tries to promote anti-choice, anti-environment, pro-War candidacy….just sayin’

14 09 2008
Jo MacD

Just fantastic to see so many women standing proud and telling the world what they think – the signs are great.
Thankyou SO much for covering this, let’s hope the word really gets out!

14 09 2008

I heard the mosquitos were big up there- but that Burke doofus is the biggest maggot I’ve ever seen !!!!

14 09 2008

Well done, rally attendees. You stood up for what you believe in. It is never an easy thing to do. Good on you!

In this case everyone please remember this was an act of enormous bravery to just show up there given what that Eddie Burke guy did. I was worried about what was going to happen, and I’m half a world away. I’m glad he was outnumbered so greatly.

I firmly believe he should be fired – and if all the people who went to the rally jumped up and down I think it could happen. If he would do that to the rally organisers just because he doesn’t agree with them, what else is he capable of?

Worst case scenario – finding out the names of pregnant teenagers who had abortions and airing them on his show calling them baby killing maggots, complete with their home telephone numbers?

When you put your heads together great things happen, and I think Eddie finding a new job would be a great thing for Alaska.

Being in the media is a big responsibility and people have to do the right thing. Eddie did not. A big thumbs down all the way from Australia, Eddie!

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
joy - fl

AKM you’re the best, thank you. Keep safe.

14 09 2008

I’ve always assumed Alaska was actually Democratic at heart. I think most Alaskans are so independent that voting feels too linked to The Man. There’s too many hippies up here to be a genuine red state. We’re a freaken tie-dyed state, for gawd’s sake.

To quote my favorite non-politically correct t-shirts: Alaska Girls Kick Ass! and The media is not fooling me.

Get your Pop Art portrait of Sarah Palin as Mooselini t-shirts and pins here! Mooselini. That’s right, I said it and I meant it!

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

To coincide, had my Independent Friends who need Enlightenment Dinner last evening. I had invited approx. 20 people and they ALL showed up; some whom I never knew were really Republicans. Here’s the consensus from last evening, so take heart:

1) More die-hard Republicans are going quietly against their Party this year than I thought. The Bloomberg article is quietly circulating. Palin is killing McCain among the moderate Repubs who are smart enough to know there is another agenda that is not being shared by having her on the ticket. The Obama tax hike hysteria is being debunked all over the place by financial analysts and planners (and we had several there last evening who agreed). The war mongering b.s. is not playing well after 8 years.

2) People with even a gumption of morals are disgusted by the smear and out and out lies McCain and his troops are spreading. They are not being fooled by his “aw shucks” POW routine. As one man said: “Reagan helped usher out the Cold War, and McCain wants to bring it back in.”

3) A LOT of people are oblivious to the Extreme Right connection. I know McCain prefers to keep it that way (deceit – there’s another one of those virtues he’s left behind), so get that out as much as possible. The extreme right are not the vast majority. The Republians need for the moderate Christian to believe s/he is voting for something else.

4) Palin’s naivete is showing. I was so proud of one woman who stated just because one can see Alaska does not make one a foreign policy expert!! YESSS!!!!!!

Now, understand there is this “pride” thing so many Repubs are stating publicly that they are aligned with their Party. Do not expect that to change.

At the end of the evening, we encouraged each couple to hold a dinner of their own and discuss the issues. I encouarge y’all to do the same. This is the way the campaign will be won. It feels great to know there are more like-minds than different and the shrill of hypocrisy, hate, and deceit circulating with McCain/Palin will be drowned out.


14 09 2008


Go make us proud!!

14 09 2008
Karrie Jacobs » Blog Archive » “She scares the bejeebers out of me…”***

[…] in Anchorage, organized by a group of local women over coffee. Attendance, according to the blogger Mudflats, was comparable to attendance at the official pro-Palin rally. The “HYPE” poster […]

14 09 2008

Let’s all give a shout out to “Frisco” Eddie Burke

9075228921 9073370388 9073370388

14 09 2008

ROCK ON! This just made my weekend!

We shall show them what Community Organizers can do!

14 09 2008

Congratulations to everyone for a great rally. Keep up the good work!!!!! By the way..If you want some comic relief watch the SNL Clinton/Palin skit. It was awesome!

14 09 2008

Maybe it is Frisco, just nobody ever bothered to tell him?

I have some Skype credit.. what numbers are those BigSlick? 🙂

14 09 2008
NY Dem

To ‘borrow’ a phrase from the best commnetator on television, be it politics or sports, Keith Olbermann:

Eddie Burke — Today’s worsttttttttt person in the worldddddddddd !!!!!!!

14 09 2008

Happiness here in PA. Hugs to all the wonderful people of Alaska who made their voices heard. And, Mudflats, YOU ARE THE MAN!!!

14 09 2008

This is AWESOME to see. Made my weekend, as a women I realize that it’s not just that we want a women for President or Vice President, we want a QUALIFIED women. If Sarah get’s into office I just feel this would set us back 50 years, she is a talking head and not the mover and shaker that she tries to portray, anyone can read from a script. She is being used, when John McCain asked her to run on his ticket, that is when she should have said THANKS, BUT NO THANKS…..

14 09 2008

When there is a great need, sometimes communities even begin to organize themselves!!! Fantastic and many kudos to those women over coffee…great things happen that way. Keep the faith.

14 09 2008

Good on you.

Wish I wasn’t so pessimistic about Obama’s chances. Seems as though the low informed voters will determine the outcome of this election. The McPhalin campaign relies on this, so they lie, lie, lie(say it three times and it’s true) with no repurcussions and will win.

Eddie Burke=Michelle Malkin in pants

14 09 2008

Watch the video of the corwd. Impressive.

Thanks! I had some video, but this is better. I put it in the post. I remember when that woman drove by with the camera. Awesome.

14 09 2008
Belgian Observer

Great to see that despite their apprehensions, people were brave enough to go out and join the rally – the desire to make their voices heard is what made it such a success!

The head of a major Belgian political party was the guest on a midday talk show, and at the end, she was asked for her Top and Flop of the week. She praised firefighters as a group (two recently perished in a blaze in Brussels) and gave a resounding thumbs down to “the Vice-Presidential candidate of the Republican Party in the United States, who thinks war is God’s plan – God deserves to be associated with better things than war.” (an off-the-cuff translation here, I’ll have to listen to it again to be sure.)

Unfortunately for Americans, more and more people abroad are beginning to associate “Americans” as a whole with the policies of the Bush administration and the far right, which are viewed in a very negative light. I hope the results of the November 4 election will change their minds!

14 09 2008

AKMuckraker- YOU are my hero/heroine for the day!!

Between this and the front page of the NY Times I’m gonna
be smiling all day.

Have already emailed my girls across
the country so they can take a look at your blog and to
ask if they’d like to have rally’s in their cities. If so, I’ll
do all I can to help them get it organized.

It would be great if we could one date in October that women
across the US could have rallies at the same time????
Of course our brothers, fathers, sons, husbands, and
male friends can join in too.

How about a National Women Reject Palin Day ??

Any ideas on how to make this happen- email me
Subject Line: Women’s Rally

14 09 2008
White Agate

Let me tell you, I think this election may be decided by women discussing things over coffee, like everything else. The signs were witty and terrific…my favorite is ‘Reckless/Inexperienced’ that looks like the McCain/Palin graphics. Priceless!

Nice polar bear, too.

Stay safe…I just printed out a listing of Dems in my neighborhood to call and I was surprised to see how many there are. More than anything, it’s good to get out and see that you are not alone, in Alaska or anywhere else.

Here’s a link to the Banerjee photos of ANWR, the ones that were moved around in the Smithsonian 2 years ago. He continues to do a lot of important work in the arctic. The comments are really good in terms of illustrating how human activity has impacted this part of the world.


14 09 2008

I see big slick beat me to it. This is an analog of people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. anywho.com is your friend. Only 1 Eddie Burke listed for Anchorage. Keep it clean folks.


14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule


I noticed how many men were protesting with you – even better!! 8)

14 09 2008
Made us proud

After all the news coverage on “ignorant” Alaska enabling the Pitbull, this gives me hope that the truth will overcome the lies. THANKS FOR DOING THIS => AND KEEP IT UP.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@lemonfair, did you say keep it clean???

Anchorage Daily News (AK) {PUBLICATION 2}
July 22, 1994
Section: Metro
Edition: Final
Page: E3

Daily News reporter

A tearful, apologetic Eddie Burke pleaded no contest Thursday to misdemeanour charges for grabbing at a waitress’s crotch, then offering to pay her $400 to keep her from reporting him to the police. Burke, owner of a downtown gas station and former Anchorage Assembly candidate, was fined $1,500 for assault and compounding a crime. Prosecutor Susan Wibker said Burke was out carousing that April night, going from strip joint to strip joint in a white limousine with friends. After midnight, Burke stopped by the Peanut Farm, a restaurant and bar on Old Seward Highway.

“He was intoxicated and he was sexed up,” Wibker said.

Burke approached a waitress from behind, pinned her against a cash register and stuffed his hands into the front pockets of her apron, groping her between the legs and laughing, Wibker said. Later, he assaulted a bartender, putting him in what Wibker described as a headlock.

Defense attorney Carmen Gutierrez said it was more like a bear hug.

Gutierrez argued that Burke, 32, should be given credit for all the good deeds he has done, which include fund raising for the Special Olympics, volunteering for the Chamber of Commerce and giving free turkeys to the needy on Christmas Eve.

“He’s been punished,” she said. “It will take him years to overcome the humiliation.”

When it was his turn to talk, Burke said he was truly sorry.

As his wife and children looked on, he stood to address District Court Judge Gregory Motyka.

“I’ve prepared a statement, your honor, and I’d like to read from it,” Burke said. But the businessman paused, looked down at the defense table and cried. After a brief break, he continued. He said he’s given up drinking.

“If there’s a silver lining in this dark cloud, it is that I have learned my lesson,” Burke said. “By the grace of God, this courtroom will not see my face again.”

In February, in a different courtroom, Burke was tried and acquitted on a charge alleging he assaulted a motorist who followed him to his house to complain about his driving.

Judge Motyka ordered Burke to write apology letters to the waitress and the bartender. If Burke complies with a host of conditions, including alcohol screening and an aggression-awareness program, the assault conviction will be wiped from his record. Motyka, however, decided to make permanent the conviction for compounding the crime.

Copyright © 1994, Anchorage Daily News

14 09 2008

My faves:

Candidate to Nowhere

Hey Hockeymom. Keep the puck out of DC

Here’s a heartfelt thank you to a small group of people who have lifted the spirits of many.

14 09 2008


What is Ms Palin’s current approval rate? All we hear in the lower 48 is that she has an 80% approval rate, but I can’t find the source of that rating.

Please help.

btw…I live in New York and I sure know a lot about England. I can almost see it from here!

Thank you,


Her approval rating went from the low 80s, to about 67% after Troopergate started to hit the news. Then she bounced back to 80%. The latest polls have her at an 80% approval rating as governor, but only 65% as a vice presidential candidate. And that was over a week ago. I’ll be interested to see where the polls go from here.

14 09 2008

AKM: What an absolutely surreal moment it must have been for you to drive up to the library and see all those people, mostly women, carrying signs. I know I would have been choked up and probably starting crying.

This has reaffirmed my faith in so many ways. I think many of us were starting to feel helpless and depressed as we watched the blatant effort by the Republicans to hijack our morality and to insult our intelligence by their disgusting campaign of lies and deception.

Thank you to all the wonderful women of Alaska who made a huge statement yesterday that will reverberate around the country blog by blog by email by post.

I’m so glad I’m on the right side in this one. I would hate to have to justify my position if I were a Republican. And so far I haven’t run into one who can’t do it without telling lies or distorting the truth.

I know I speak for all mudflatter when I say, how very proud we of you! And the pictures are fantastic!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart…

14 09 2008

Best way to deal with a bottom feeder like Eddie Burke? Have the rally attendees call his show sponsors and gently let them know that they are sorry to see that they support that type of person and they will keep that in mind when making shopping decisions.

Might not get him fired, but could get some on air groveling.

14 09 2008

OMG! That’s awesome! Thanks for updating everyone on this.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Sponsors of Burke’s radio station (don’t forget, the station manager came out in support of him)

Alaska House of Yamaha, Big Lake 907-892-1000

Today’s Window Fashions® — (a national brand)
Jeff and Jan Stoeckle
Palmer, AK 99645
877 99-TODAY

Prudential Jack White Vista Real Estate (Anchorage)
Michael Schwartz
Phone 907-351-4228
Mobile 907-351-4228
Fax 907-762-3189
Email alti2d@gci.net

First Frontier Mortgage (Anchorage)
Office 907-222-6001
Direct 229-2287
Fax 907-222-1478
Email info@FirstFrontierMortgage.com

14 09 2008

Aussie puck mule.

Yeah, I did say keep it clean, and i meant it. It’s really important to keep the story on Eddie Burke’s childish, crude, antics, and on Palin, and not on any of us in a negative way.

Besides, I’m sure he’d just love to sue anybody who threatened him.

Thanks for posting that ADN article. Absolutely amazing. What a pity anybody listens to him.

14 09 2008


I recommend the proceeds of your Mooselini T-Shirt sale be used in two ways:

1) Donations to Obama campaign

2) Set up a trust fund to pay for rape kits in Wassilla on behalf of victims without health insurance that covers those costs

14 09 2008

Aussie puck mule

Thanks for posting those advertiser addresses.

I encourage those of you who plan to email them to create new addresses on Yahoo, hotmail, or with one of your extra accounts on your server, so you don’t end up getting harassed by email yourself.

14 09 2008

Hey, great stuff. Please create a Flickr account and post all these and any other photo’s there. It is much easier to share and get the images around the world. Let me know if you need any help doing so and I will be glad to.

Keep it going. We only have a short time to keep the true information going.


14 09 2008

This warms my heart – wish I could personally hug each and every prson at the rally!. Thank you all so much for standing up and expressing yourselves, and thanks to AK Muckraker for bringing us the unfiltered view, as always. This blog is a national treasure.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@gc – I just had to post this in full from the Washington Post !!

In Anchorage, an Anti-Palin Protest
By Karl Vick
ANCHORAGE — A couple of hours after Gov. Sarah Palin returned to the Outside, as Alaskans call the Lower 48, her local critics swarmed an Anchorage intersection to correct the widespread impression that the whole of the Last Frontier endorses her candidacy.

The midday protest outside a city library drew a crowd in the high hundreds — perhaps surging past a thousand — from the city’s relatively liberal environs, who seemed very happy to see one another and be reminded that they are not alone.

“The whole thing grew out of frustration,” said Charla Sterne, one of the organizers, who like several people at the rally declined to say where they worked (several said they were state employees and feared retribution).

“Last week this was just ten women sitting around talking about this perception that all of Alaska supports Sarah Palin. We apparently hit a nerve and started a movement,” Sterne said.

A sense of festival obtained. There was a woman in a polar bear suit representing “Polar Bear Moms Say: No Palin.” Drivers on 36th Avenue saw a little girl waving a sign “Don’t Ban My Books.”

Maia Nolan, 29, wore a sticker reading, “My Mom for V.P.”

“My mom is from Alaska. She’s a working mother. She’s good looking,” said Nolan. “So she seems to be qualified to be vice president.”

There were also a few score Palin supporters in the mix, most of them alerted to the event by a conservative talk show host.

Eddie Burke of KBYR-AM showed up in person, but while there was no evident friction between the two camps, cheerful chants of “O-bam-ah” effectively drowned out whatever he was saying to the cameras in the center of a mini-media scrum.

The din did not prevent reading the signs, pro and against:
Bush In A Skirt
Palin: She Be Failin’
I Love My Alaska Girl
Jesus Was a Community Organizer
We Luv Our Lady Guv
Palin: Thanks But No Thanks
Smearing Alaska’s Good Name One Scandal @ a Time
Candidate To Nowhere
Rape Kits Should Be Free
Voted For Her Once: Never Again!
Community Organizers are the Real Patriots
Barbies for War
I Shall Not Be Pandered To
Give Palin Your Vote AND Your Draft Age Child
Sarah Palin: So Far Right She’s Wrong
Sarah Palin Is My Hero
Alaska Is Not Frisco
Gun Rights
Coat Hangers for McCain
Sarah Palin, Undoing 150 Years of American Feminism
Hockey Mama for Obama (on a hockey stick)

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@gc – thanks, it’s brilliant!

14 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Great job, Mudflats!!! Didn’t someone say “it may only be 10 people or it may be a hundred” ? Well, it looks to me like there were more than expected. I just donated to Defenders of wildlife (for the second time) to help get their ad on air about aerial hunting of wolves and bears. I’d like to ask everyone here (especially those of us from the lower 48) to go to http://www.grizzlybay.org/SarahPalinInfoPage.htm and read what they have to say about it then follow their link to Defenders of wildlife and match (or hopefully beat) my donations. I’m disabled and have a very low income so I wasn’t able to donate much ($25 the first time, then another $50 this morning), but every penny helps to spread the word.

Let me just end this with one of my favorite lines from our great President George W. Bush.
“Sometimes we repeat ourselves, we need to keep saying the same things, uh, — over and over, to,–uh–to, uh, to,– catapult the propoganda”

Only this time we need to catapult the truth.

14 09 2008

MSN has another Palin article on the front page today.
Palin cut own duties as mayor of Wasilla

This article honestly chronicles her time as Wasilla’s mayor. I think the picture is starting to emerge clearer and clearer that this is an ambitious woman who rules by cronyism and favoritism, who doesn’t tolerate dissentors and really doesn’t have a lot of interest in actually ‘doing’ the job she is elected for. She is pure raw ambition of the scariest kind.

Keep them coming MSM. And the beautiful part is all the MSM is doing is just telling it like it really is and was. No distortion necessary.

14 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Oh yeah, can I steal a few of your pictures for a couple of my own sites? I’ll link them back to you of course.

Yes! Yes! Get them anywhere they can be helpful. AKM

14 09 2008
Way Outsider

Does the red meat crowd know that McCain is quietly telling illegal immigrants that he’s really their friend?

McCain ad slams Obama, Senate Democrats on immigration

This is the lowest of the low. He tells small town America he’s going to put up a wall, then slips in a Spanish-language commercial denying it all.

14 09 2008

And the beautiful part is all the MSM is doing is just telling it like it really is and was. No distortion necessary.

Vetting the Resume, which is what the Mac camp and the Repugs should have done, or if anyone knew they went with their tried and true, their Base wouldn’t Give A Crap!!!!

14 09 2008

“Frisco” Eddie needs to hear what you think of his mysoginistic alcohol addiction, anger management issues, and his tearful confession of drunkenly groping a waitress to a judge!

907 522 8921

832 E 6TH AVE
907 337 0388

907 337 0388

14 09 2008
NY Dem

The NY Daily News has fun a “Palin-tology quiz in today’s paper.


For instance — Do you know who ” Iceman ” is ?

That’s the code name the Secret Service uses for Todd Palin !

(Somewhere, Val Kilmer just threw up)

14 09 2008

Nicely done Mudflats, very nicely done. Though I don’t have the time to write great and inspiring pieces like yours I do appreciate reading them. I write what I can in the time I have and hope the message is clear enough, but you go above and beyond, and for that I appreciate you. Keep up the phenomenal work. 🙂

14 09 2008

Thank you so much for the photos….it’s one thing to read reports….but when you get to see visuals – the report some how last longer.

Those voter really had some fantastic lines on those signs….it showed their passion…..Two thumbs up!!!

14 09 2008

I’d like to recommend this site for fellow mudflats readers – http://freedocumentaries.org/
I’m not associated with that site or the particular film I’m recommending in any way, but I think it’s awesome that they make full length films available online for free. Of particular interest in this election cycle when we can clearly see how the media treats or doesn’t treat the candidates, is a film called “Orwell Rolls in his Grave”. Interesting stuff. We should all be thankful that – for now – we have open access to the internet, and blogs like this to offer insight and opinion that we’ll never get mainstream.

14 09 2008
Dem in VA

awesome!! I wish I could have been there!

14 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Great article today in the Boston Globe

For Palin, political issues still unresolved in Alaska
Likely to share ballot with two GOP stalwarts

By Sasha Issenberg, Globe Staff | September 14, 2008

ANCHORAGE – The signs said “Welcome Home.” The brooch on Sarah Palin’s black suit glimmered “Alaska.” The Wasilla High School pep band in which she once played flute added Sarah-specific lyrics to its version of Offspring’s “Pretty Fly (For a White Guy).”

“I thank you for what you have instilled in me. There is no better place to come from than Alaska,” Governor Sarah Palin told a morning rally yesterday, suggesting that she might not return before November.

Despite the exuberant sendoff, Alaska might not be done with her yet. The governor leaves behind several unresolved issues that could force her in coming weeks to renegotiate the tenuous political divorce from the state’s Republican establishment that she has used to cast a “maverick” silhouette as a vice-presidential candidate.

“What she’s saying on the national stage is not at all what she’d say in Alaska,” said Ivan Moore, an Anchorage pollster unaffiliated with any state or national campaigns.

While Palin brags outside Alaska that she battled the state’s “old politics-as-usual . . . big good-old-boys network,” she will likely share a ballot in November with two of its charter members: Senator Ted Stevens and Representative Don Young, erstwhile rivals both struggling in their bids for reelection due to related corruption scandals.

Palin has so far not said whether she would endorse – or even vote for – either of her fellow Republicans. A McCain campaign spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment on the subject. When asked yesterday if he expected that Palin would back Stevens and Young, state party chairman Randy Ruedrich said only that “we’ve talked to the governor about the election. . . . We’ll work with all kind of people and see what happens.”

While Palin’s campaign rallies elsewhere in the country last week were festooned with placards promoting local Republican candidates, the walls were bare in Anchorage. Stevens and Young will hope nonetheless to be pulled up by her coattails, according to a longtime strategist for both who said that finding common cause with them in the interest of party loyalty would not damage Palin politically.

“When you look at the contradictions that are around her, I don’t see how it would complicate her anymore,” said Art Hackney, who is working for both this year. “You could safely say there is a basic team dynamic that everyone recognizes when it comes to McCain-Palin, and Stevens and Young.”

The two Alaska legislators are facing reelection under dramatically different political and legal circumstances. While Stevens faces trial later this month, a federal investigation around Young has not brought charges. Yet polls show Stevens closely trailing his opponent, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich, while Young lags his, former state representative Ethan Berkowitz, by a significant margin.

“She has campaigned with him, and they are enjoying a good relationship,” Hackney said of Stevens. “She certainly has not got as good a relationship with Young as with Stevens.”

Palin backed her lieutenant governor, Sean Parnell, in a challenge to Young in the state’s Aug. 26 primary. The counting of votes has yet to be completed: Young currently holds a 239-vote advantage, with 280 outstanding absentee votes to be tallied on Thursday, according to an election divisions spokeswoman. At that point the election is likely to be certified, but given the closeness of the race either Parnell or a group of voters could demand a recount.

Parnell has not conceded the race or said how he intends to proceed, and Palin has given no indication whether she would support a recount. Polls show Parnell, a close ally who was the only Alaska politician to appear with Palin at the Anchorage rally, would be a far stronger Republican nominee than Young.

Both Stevens and Young have built their political careers on success financing Alaska projects through the congressional earmarking process, one of the favorite targets of McCain’s reform agenda. It is a subject hard for Palin to avoid when she returns home: her new campaign charter plane took off yesterday from Anchorage’s Ted Stevens International Airport for a rally in Nevada last night.

Since joining the ticket, Palin has repeatedly claimed that she said “thanks, but no thanks, on that bridge to nowhere,” referring to a $400 million Ketchikan-area bridge whose earmarked funding had been largely engineered by Stevens and Young. Like many Alaska politicians, Palin initially backed the bridge, withdrawing support only after Congress eliminated the earmark in 2005 and the project became politically toxic.

In an interview with ABC News on Friday, Palin said “the abuse of earmarks, it’s un-American, it’s undemocratic, and it’s not going to be accepted in a McCain-Palin administration. Earmark abuse will stop.”

Yet another project also known as a “bridge to nowhere” – to connect Anchorage to the area near Palin’s Wasilla home across the Knik Arm Crossing – continues to receive state support, though its congressional earmark was eliminated at the same time. Championed by Stevens, the Knik Arm Bridge will be twice as expensive as the Ketchikan project.

“Governor Palin’s been in the news and she’s been talking about one ‘bridge to nowhere’ and not the other,” said Lois Epstein, director of the Alaska Transportation Priorities Project. “She canceled one bridge, but that was the easier of the mega-projects her predecessor left her with.”

A local quasi-public authority responsible for construction is negotiating with private investors and waiting for the Federal Highway Administration to accept a study of the project’s impact on local communities and to sign a “record of decision,” according to a department of transportation spokesman.

Democrats have pushed Palin to impose a public review and legislative oversight on the process, claiming that the project has been mismanaged and that the authority has underestimated its cost.

At her Anchorage rally, Palin did not once mention the “bridge to nowhere” or address the subject of earmarks, staples of her stump speech elsewhere but still broadly popular with Alaskans. A decision this fall on how to proceed with the Knik Arm Bridge could force Palin to again choose between the state’s political establishment and burnishing her national reputation as a reformer, observers say.

“It’s pretty much a Republican-driven entity. It’s a good-old-boy kind of a deal down there,” said Moore. “If she killed it, she would [anger] her base here.”

“But if she doesn’t win in November,” he added, “She’d have to come home.”

Sasha Issenberg can be reached at sissenberg@globe.com.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Thanks for the report, AKM. I can’t even imagine what’s going on in your head. We’re listening and looking hard, but you’re in the eye of the storm.

I was listening to ABC talk radio late last night and they reported that the Welcome Home rally had 10,000 people. They said it was so packed that they had to put people in another room to view it on the monitors. I don’t get it! I’m hoping that erroneous report will self-correct but I’ll take action if I hear it again (I would have last night but I was half-asleep at the time).

10,000??? I don’t think so. I posted a picture in the ‘Infiltrating the Palin Rally in Anchorage’ post that shows the entire crowd, smushed in behind the tape lines. The room capacity was 5000. The crowd may be 1000 but no larger than that. And they definitely didn’t need to open another room.

14 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Wasn’t the “Iceman” the crook that Nick Nolte was looking for in “Another 48 Hours”?

14 09 2008
John Henry

Congrats Mudflats! Score one for the good guys. Everyone did such a great job with the signage. You guys made an important statement. And it looks like everyone enjoyed making it.

We need to subtract people who felt compelled to spend their Saturday afternoon at Sarah’s rally for fear of not being a ‘team’ player. 🙂

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat (04:01:02) :

I can see why you have so many friends. WTG!! 8)

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Amused and Bewildered (05:07:48) :

AKM has posted several pics to demonstrate the crowd pushed together to look a bit bulkier. 😉

Perhaps you could email one to ABC talk radio in your area.

14 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

@Aussie… left a comment for you on open thread 🙂

14 09 2008

Thank you for your unique insight into this election. This runaway freight train is so depressing, your positive report brought tears to my eyes.

14 09 2008

this is so so so absolutely cool. i feel honored to have been a lurker and sometimes poster to mudflats and to have had the glimpse this site provides into the hearts and minds of Alaskans.

when i heard the audio of the Burke fellow – i felt shame that our country has this kind of derision festering inside. someone on the list mentioned the need to fire him – well, look what his cold calculating words has produced? maybe that is the true value of free speech. to KNOW what is on the minds of others and to be able to shout back with equal freedom.

when i explain the details of the pipeline and the natural gas sales, etc to friends and such (including the cashier at the grocery store) by citing Alaskan legislation and USGS reports and Canadian treaties and the testimony presented to the legislature — not one person misunderstands the depth of the lie. but that takes time and patience on both my part and the listener. (i talk fast) they all agree that news cannot or will not take the time to report that type of detail. so we get lipstick.

as you well know – there are so many people that will not pursue that depth of information needed to make a qualified election decision. some will not even read certain newspapers or any papers at all……..and therefore restrict their knowledge base considerably.

many will never read the blogs, the comments, or watch the videos or even know that those sources of varied opinions and facts are available. the fact is that not every family has a computer and internet access.

certainly few will spend 100’s of hours learning about the candidates and the issues surrounding them – including religion, lobbying, budget realities, the war(s), and that huge concept called foreign relations.

they still believe there is a walter cronkite to tell them how it is. we lost tim russert. we have new rising stars in newsmedia – but it takes time to learn their biases and to hear the facts in all the innuendo and in some cases, paid rage.

this blog has been so fantastic – so levelheaded – so compassionate – wow.

from here i have scoured the ‘net to read for myself all of the various tones and opinions and to do a bit of vetting myself via more document-laden sources. again – with the help of excellent posts and links on this blog.

and there cannot be enough said of the value of youtube – to watch the raw footage of speeches, meetings, etc and to learn from the montages and opinion pieces found in abundance there as well.

whatever McCain, et al had in mind for this election – they have done one thing very well – they have awakened a herd of sleeping giants and the stampede to the truth is on!

i have to head out on the road for a week and i am homesick for this blog already (smile). i will keep the AWRP signs and messages in my heart and even now typing this it brings a comfort that the vigorousness of thinking america can plow through the horror that “win no matter what lies you say” is the republican code of this time in us history.

i want to stand with the people that know that this country is not the priveleged playground of a few persons or corporations — but hundreds of millions of real people that deserve the best information and resources to build our nation on a foundation of honesty and integrity.

14 09 2008

dear alaskan protesters…i think i luv ya…
an obama mama from texas

14 09 2008

AKM and Alaskan women….you continue to inspire. Thank you.

I have a tradition of reading with my kids before they go to bed. Our current book is “The Chosen” by Chaim Potok….and last night, we read the section where Potok describes how Americans reacted to the announcement of Roosevelt’s death. Stunned sense of loss….sadness…..bewilderment. Crying in the streets.

That was before my time, but I remember that even in Hong Kong, we sat around the radio every day when Kennedy was running for President…..feeling much the same emotions that I feel today about Obama’s candidacy. How people in Hong Kong cheered when Kennedy won! Then…..Potok’s words could have been used to describe the world’s reaction to Kennedy’s assassination. Stunned sense of loss….sadness….bewilderment.

As we read the book, I realized that my kids (the youngest is 12) have never experienced that sense of respect and trust in a leader. It’s been a long time since we’ve had someone the country believed in. It’s been a long time since we’ve shared common goals and were united in our direction.

There’s a poignant article in WAPO today about how black people would react to an Obama loss. I think you could take the word “black” out of the article, and it would express how all Obama supporters would feel.


14 09 2008
NY Dem

Wasn’t the “Iceman” the crook that Nick Nolte was looking for in “Another 48 Hours”?


Yes – but I referencing the movie Top Gun.

But……….”Another 35 Hours” until Keith and then Rachel are on the air again. Can’t wait……….

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Aussie, as stated above, if I hear it again, I will. These things often have a way of self-correcting. Especially with it being Sunday, which is a very big news day here. Getting ready to for my Sunday dose of political talk shows right now! It’s going to be goooood.

I woke up this morning hoping that the AWRP rally would start a trend and wondered where we would go to try to rally the troops in each of our areas. Went to http://www.womenagainstpalin.com and saw that there’s something in Golden, CO on 9/15. Here’s the info.:

Colorado WAP Rally Monday, Sept. 15th
Women Against Palin
Go to…HomeForumTake Action!MediaAbout Colorado WAP member, Michelle, is organizing a peaceful rally during Sarah Palin’s visit to Golden,
Colorado on Monday.

When: Meet 7 a.m. on Monday, Sept 15th
Where: Meet at Starbucks Highway 93 & Washington. We’ll all carpool from there to Jefferson County
What: Peaceful rally against Palin at Palin’s speech at Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Who: Women & Men

Go to to http://www.womenagainstpalin.com and register to commune with like-minded people in your neck o’ the woods! I just did. I really do think that the AWRP rally is just the beginning and the http://www.womenagainstpalin.com site seems like a good place to convene.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Oh, Aussie. I just got what you wrote (morning brain!). Yes, I am well aware of the true number.

14 09 2008
NY Dem

BTW, wonder if Rachel might be up for a run at the Presidency in 2016 – she’d get my vote !

14 09 2008

Great job at being fair and balanced and I mean that in truth. The MSM long ago gave up any pretense of reporting facts and now spins the news however they wish. Thanks for your courage in the face of the hostile partisans who are trying to cover up everything shady. Report the facts and let us decide.

14 09 2008

I can hardly wait to click on each picture and enjoy the protest!

Alaskan women, THANK YOU!!!! From the bottom of my heart I will be forever grateful.

I honestly think it will be women who can save our country this time. We had the Founding Fathers. But this time it’s the Ladies at Last!!!

14 09 2008

How was Ed SChultz’ forum last night? It will be broadcasted on his showw tomorrow. 12-3 EST

14 09 2008
King Baeksu

Excellent work, sir!

— an encouraged reader from Seoul, Republic of Korea, formerly from Berkeley, CA

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Froth and misskae – thanks, have replied. 😉

14 09 2008
Prairie Sunshine

Thank you for your reporting on the scene! All of us together from all over the country will get the truth out, whether the McCainstream media and the Very Important Pundits in the Village of DeeCee want to hear it.

Learned of this story at dailyKos, and I appreciate the opportunity to pass along your reporting at my blog. Keep up the good work!

14 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Can anyone from Alaska please tell me when Eddie’s radio show is on air? (and the number for the station) I’d like to give him a call while he’s on the air.

14 09 2008
John Henry

@Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat (04:01:02) :

That’s good to hear. It was apparent Republicans were forced to settle for John McCain as the front runner. With the exception of the neocons – the War Baby War crowd, I don’t think any other faction – theocons (religious right), supply-siders, values voters, libertarians,etc – ever really trusted him. He’s proved them right. It looks like the Sarah pick is McCain’s sacrifice to the theocons in order to put Country First – I mean get elected. I’ve heard thecons comprise as much as 40% of the electorate.


14 09 2008

From ‘The Real News Network’

Video: The “lipstick pit-bull” goes to war

As usual Escobar gives it like it is Reality!!!!

14 09 2008
Wisconsin woman

Stunning, it gave me the chills. The power of women to speak back against threats is awesome. Congrats to all the Alaska women who turned out for the rally.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Cartoon Pig Dog, the radio station address is http://www.kbyr.com – they even have a special ‘rant’ line 😉

14 09 2008

All I can say is ZOMG.

You are wonderful.

14 09 2008

Mr. TheraP just had a good idea: Somebody (you, AKmuckraker?) needs to put this on youTube. Just the series of photos. Get some nice music for background.

Surely someone can make the vid – and it will be viral like nobody’s business!

14 09 2008

You go, Alaska. I’m from Texas and constantly filled with shame at what we provided to the nation. I hope you are more successful at keeping your shameful politician at home. I love seeing the pictures from this rally–it gives me the first positive view of your state that I’ve seen in a couple of months!

14 09 2008

Thanks for telling us about this when the national news media is not. The fact that there are women in Alaska who are showing their lack of support is very heartening. Keep it up and hopefully your efforts combined with ours down in the lower 48 will keep this trojan moose out of the White House!

14 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Thanks Aussie, I love to rant 😀 and I have a good one for him. Wonder if I can piss him off enough to get him to come all the way to PA to see me, I have a lot of women friends here that would just LOVE to meet him.

14 09 2008

Please, Please post this article on your blog at Huffington Post. More people read the Post than read or listen to the MSM now adays.

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

bawdywench (05:34:24) :

i was sitting here thinking the same thing how in the heck can the MSM media report such nonsense when clearly the Anti Palin rally was much bigger!!! What a joke!!!

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! they are not on our side…we have to make them be!!!!

14 09 2008

Great photos. I am lifting a couple and of course will provide a link. Thank you for all the great work you’re doing.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

OMG! My favorite picture of Palin so far!!!! I clicked on an article called “Obama tries to blunt Palin, by attacking McCain”. LOOKEE AT THE PICTURE! Best one yet! I hope it appears aaaalll over the web.


14 09 2008

Congratulations to all the wonderful people in Alaska who came out to protest Sarah Pahlin. Great job!

As a Democrat Abroad living in Venezuela, it is heartening to see that there are so many people in Alaska opposing McCain-Pahlin’s fascist policies and working to restore American democracy.

The whole world, not just the U.S., is heavily impacted by the actions of the U.S. government. The last eight years of Bush-Chaney crimes have tragically affected millions around the world. Thus, the world is watching us and praying that U.S. returns to political sanity by electing Obama.

My thanks to Mudflats for being such a wonderful source of factual news and interesting comments about Pahlin.

return to sanity

14 09 2008

That’s wonderful!!

It makes me question the 80-90% approval rating she has gotten. I guess people can think she is doing a good job for Alaska but is not ready to be VP.

But I love to see these types of rallies.

BTW, did anyone see that she spoke in Nevada yesterday giving the exact same speech — plane on Ebay, bridge to nowhere, blah, blah. Ugh.

14 09 2008
Mary Nagle Chicago

Thanks Mudflats. What are we going to do about voter caging? It is happening in Ohio and Wisconsin as we speak. The tide is turning toward Obama away from the lies but will the votes count? Thia is my major concern.

14 09 2008

Thanks to mudflats for your accurate and enthusiastic reporting of what for you must have been a looong day! I have a few pics of rally at my blog if readers want to see more!

14 09 2008

You just made my day. I sent some of the photos out to my e-mail list with the title:
Behold the power of women.

I encourage you to show your discouraged women friends what is possible. Time to mobilize.

14 09 2008
UK lady

UK lady (05:54:12) :

Wow, just saw this, they don’t mince their words or worry about being pc do they.


Please, please read this, you will be gobsmacked.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Did anyone see the Mooselini babywear that Wondering Lake posted?


Poetic justice!

14 09 2008

OK folks, this is the type of rediculousness we are dealing with:


The last paragraph takes the cake:

“Right now, for me, gender trumps everything else. If Democratic women wait for the perfect woman to come along, we will never elect a woman. I will vote for McCain-Palin. I urge other women to do the same. I promise to be the first person knocking on her door if Roe v. Wade or any other legislation that goes against the rights of women is threatened. But in Governor Palin, I find a woman of integrity, who not only talks the talk but walks the walk. I can work with that. I will work with that.”

YEAH, you go ahead and knock on her door and watch how she opens it and slams it right back in your face. Don’t let it hit you in the ass on your way out. Is this woman really that naive?

14 09 2008

Heartwarming, to say the least. I love your website. Thanks for giving us in the lower 48 a taste of what is really happening up there. I love the photos and a great job on the signs!!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

WOW! Consider me gobsmacked!

[quote]UK lady (05:54:12) :

Wow, just saw this, they don’t mince their words or worry about being pc do they.


Please, please read this, you will be gobsmacked.[/quote]

As we say in Australia – bloody hell!

14 09 2008

saturday night live clip…. tina fey as palin and amy poehler as clinton… too damn funny!!!! 🙂

14 09 2008

Thank you Alaska, women. And please support OPRAH on Monday 9/15/08 or online (despite the Oprah boycott being urged by FOXNEWS over a faux Palin-related matter) for her program urging passage of S.1738 PROTECT Our Children Act. The grassroots must unite on this nonpartisan issue, in fact, GOP women may be the key to the bill’s passage.

9/15 TOPIC:Internet Predators: How Bad Is It?
No one knows how bad it really is or fast it spreads…it’s time we all found out. Online sex predators—we’ve got to change the law. Interviews with Wyoming FBI Special Agent Flint Waters and others.

The related House bill passed almost unanimously.


Due to inadequate funding, 2% of KNOWN INDIVIDUALS involved in online ‘child sexual exploitation’ are investigated, yet US SENATE FAILS to authorize additional funds to FBI/DOJ, and despite 30% of offenders identified by ICAC databases being typically associated with local child victims.

Limited funds hinder child porn fight (interview with Agent Waters)

Thank you!

14 09 2008
aka Mustache Warthog Palin

Great job akmuckraker! I’m grinning ear to ear with my coffee this morning!

Gotta love the crowd that turned out to show the rest of us what Alaska really thinks. The hand made signs were a brilliant idea. So many clever signs and quips. I just love people with brains.

Worst repub bumber sticker I’ve seen all week: “Republican, because not everyone can be on welfare.”

14 09 2008

UK lady:

Yep, no mincing of their thoughts, can only imagine what others are saying as well, probably Very Similar!!!!!

14 09 2008

Great stuff. Forwarded this to my mother in Seattle one of those dreaded community organizers, asking her to please spread the word. Also its time to encourage Stewart and colbet to have Ole man mudder on their shows. I am emailng them today.

14 09 2008
UK lady

AUSSIE PACK MULE – glad someone read it, just – bloody hell!!!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@fixthebroken (06:06:12) :

Read the Russian article I just reposted and then she can talk about walking the walk!

Game on!

14 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin - Debate Politics Forums

[…] and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute. This just doesnt happen here. Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Mudflats Pictures of the rally can also be seen at the site (above). __________________ Change will not […]

14 09 2008

Thank you so much! You have brought back sanity in my life that Palin has taken away. For weeks I though I was stuck in a bad episode of the Twilight Zone. I just made another donation to the Obama/Biden campaign. I encourage everyone to do the same.

14 09 2008

That rally is inspiring! I certainly couldn’t get that many Democratic women with signs to show up in my conservative Southern community for fear of censure and shunning by their own church members!

This makes my day ~ Go Alaskans! Lead the way back to sanity.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@aka Mustache Warthog Palin (06:10:46) :

geez, I hope you’re not a girl!

14 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

@Aussie… OMG– totally different press “rules?” Great link. Made me feel kind of naughty reading it. Bloody Hell indeed!

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Aussie, re: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/12-09-2008/106354-palindevil-0 — good find. IMHO, this hasn’t been brought enough but I’m hoping it will be. Just by virtue of what she said, I worry. Just unreal.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@UK lady (06:11:53) :

I’m proudly Aussie PUCK Mule Palin. 😉

Like the other Palins, I didn’t ask for a weird name……

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Amused and Froth, UK lady posted that some time ago, I just reposted it ….

Scary, huh?

14 09 2008
Patty Morse

thank you , thank you, thank you!!!!!

14 09 2008
UK lady

sorry for typo puck mule, so excited by my Russian story, fingers not working.

14 09 2008
Zim in Oz

Well done Alaska Sistas ( and bruvvas…LOL)

I really love seeing Democracy ‘happening’

Off topic….I watched CNN ‘Biden revealed’ today…..
He is HOT ! ‘Common’ ladies….(I am over 50) Who agrees with me ….?

BTW AKM…..I have noticed there are Mudflatters world wide….how about a supporter map…..?

PS….Palin sounds like Mary Murphy….( DYTYCD) !!!!

I have tried to do that, with no luck. Not particularly skilled with widgets and the like…can you tell? Also been trying to figure out how to transfer this blog to a different version of WordPress. ARgh. AKM

14 09 2008

Nice put down by Tony Knowles in NYT…..and he didn’t even name names. In the paper’s op-ed pages today, they asked a number of people w/ similar experience to the candidates to write about how (and if) their life experience would contribute to the Presidency.

Knowles: “My state has a partnership with the federal government to provide health care for children whose working parents cannot afford it. Giving incentives to families to continue to work is a moral, social and economic mandate. Yet today, sadly, fewer children in Alaska have a chance for this vital service than when it was initiated in 1998, even though the state now has huge surpluses as a result of the high price of oil.”

The series is here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/14/opinion/14intro.html?hp

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Mary Nagle Chicago, the idea is to try and prove someone doesn’t live there any more, evidenced by the return-to-sender. I think it’s just a fishing exercise.

SOMEONE, please some advice about caging!!!!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Zim, I would consider a decent proposal from him. 😉

14 09 2008

@UK lady

Thanks for the Pravda article — We HAVE to elect Obama/Biden

14 09 2008

Ill be checking this site often thanks.
Together we can win.

14 09 2008

Bravo, one and all! You are the Americans who speak the truth. My heart and thoughts are with you!!! Thank you, a million times over.

I have sent this to my daughter who has suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for 21 years. Her over all condition is deteriorating. No longer can drive, severe vision damage, loss of bodily functions, nerve pain, mobility issues. Her husband is a diabetic suffering with the on going results ofchildhood diabetes. He has had mutiple heart problems, nerve damage, inability to swollow, digest food, and now vision damage. My daughter will be 40 in a month, my son in law is in his early 40’s.

Both are faced with tremendous medical bills and worse yet will have to decide what they can and cannot afford. Stem cell research would help them both.

As a mother, watching my child suffer from this terrible condition, and seeing my son in law struggling to keep his job, caring for my daughter, and in the midst dealing with probable vision loss is heart breaking.

So, please accept my heartfelt gratitude. Our country’s future is at stake.

14 09 2008

AKM (and everyone else who attended/posted) – Thank you for the reports and pictures. They’re so inspiring.

Lots of talk about Palin on the Sunday news shows, but nothing about the rallies, at least so far.

@Sarah, SNL was priceless. SP should have hired Tina Fey to do the interview w/ Charlie Gibson. I’m guessing Tina has at least thought about the issues, and if not, she’d have done a better job spouting the talking points.

14 09 2008

As a Canadian who has been a mudflatter since early days….I cant tell you how excited I was for this post.

Those people have much more gumption than many would think. Imagine how this could have gone, given that gross Conservative radio personality. What I wouldnt give to have him in a room all by myself for 10 min.

Bravo my friends….;you have done far more than you know. Thankyou for doing what you did. You make this woman proud.

14 09 2008

Great reporting! Thank you.

Please remember that not everyone who knows the truth about Palin is an Obama supporter. Your excellent blog is attracting all kinds of people, many of whom are disaffected Republicans (like myself) who are disgusted with the two-party system in general so will be casting a third-party vote. Thank you.


14 09 2008
White Agate

Wow, that Pravda article is not for the faint of heart. Of course, the last line doesn’t speak to Russia’s many problems with health and social issues.

Nuclear war is not something to mess around with. End of discussion.

Has anyone found any other international articles on this? I know some English and Irish posters have listed some…interested in what they are saying in France.

14 09 2008

Wow. Just wow. I haven’t cried such tears of joy in a long time.

Thank you.

14 09 2008
The "Alaska Women Reject Palin" Rally « Homosecular Gaytheist (and friends!)

[…] AKMuckraker over at Mudflats went to Palin’s Welcome Home rally in Alaska, got bored and went to a bigger, more exciting party. […]

14 09 2008
Tracy in NC

Thank you women of Alaska!!
I’m just sorry she’ll be back as your governor when the Repub ticket is defeated in Nov. (Start that recall petition!)

14 09 2008

Oh Laura…I so wish I could help you. My mom was diabetic and had cancer. She had the best medical care….not a dime out of her pocket. This is what nationalized health care is about.

Obama will be elected my friend. Then….you all will have healthcare. That is my prayer.

14 09 2008

congratulations on the success!
i just wish the media would cover it. good Lord.

i really love reading your blog, keep up the good work!!

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

ok, i am looking for my nerf brick to throw at my tv… Carly Firiona is making me crazy and needs toust hush. Claire McCaskill is a class act and was just so eloquent on ABC This Week.

14 09 2008
White Agate

Aussie Puck Mule:

Oh, and caging. I tried to post a longer thing about it the other day, but it got lost. I live in MN and we got a very tacky ‘absentee ballot’ mailer with a terrorist gallery the day after 9/11. There are lots of online reports about it in swing and purple states. The idea is to get voters to fill out the form and then certain ones get ‘lost’ in the mail.

I am going to my local DLF office to show it to them, and then to the Secretary of State’s office. It looks very official, and was actually addressed to my husband, who is registered but is a busy type who might do absentee ballot.

Document what you got, research the addresses on it, and report it to local political authorities and the Secretary of State. They take things like this very seriously in MN, other states vary a lot.

Why would I trust anyone else with my vote?

14 09 2008
White Agate

Oh, and sorry, the source was the McCain campaign, I should say. No Palin on the mailer, interestingly.

14 09 2008

Go Alaskan women! I was wondering why everyone up there was willing to lie down and act like a doormat for this woman, and it turns out it isn’t true. Love the pictures.

14 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

@ Agate – this is Le Monde’s US election site: http://www.lemonde.fr/web/sequence/0,2-829254,1-0,0.html

14 09 2008

Thank you so much for your outstanding report and pictures on this Rally! If it were not for the internet, I would not have known about this HUGE RALLY.

14 09 2008

Fixthebroken —

Yes, it IS the kind of ridiculousness we are dealing with! And I have seen it with Hillary supporters as well (we must elect a woman at all costs!). AND Obama supporters (we must elect this black man all at costs, so we can make history and we may never have another chance!). These mindless idiots can’t even tell you the positions their candidate takes on the issues — all they care about is the sex (not gender! that is incorrect) of the candidate and/or the color of the skin. And in Palin’s case, what they look like — many males are voting for Palin because she is “hot.”

The American populace is so dumbed down it IS ridiculous! They have no critical thinking skills. That is why so many sheep are voting for one of the major party candidates.

14 09 2008

Alaskan Women rule. I am so proud of ya’ll. Thank you for standing up and being LOUD for the rest of us in the lower 48 + Hawaii. thanksthanksthanks.

14 09 2008

Great coverage Mudflats. Thank you for this heartening news.
I was wondering what you know about this woman: http://syrin.vox.com/
Her Palin’s “Abuse of power” entry is worth reading yet I’ve never seen this posted anywhere. I saw her name buried in the middle of a NY TImes article from yesterday and found her blog. Here’s the article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/14/us/politics/14palin.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin
Have you done any pieces on her?

14 09 2008


I wonder what Carly Firiona expects to get from McSame. She is so repugnant.

14 09 2008

Intrigued, where are you getting this “at all costs” you have heard from Hillary and Obama supporters… I have been pleasantly surprised at the lack of that type of thinking. I would argue that we are “over” that kind of thinking in the Democratic party and that the nomination of Sarah Palin shows (for one thing) that the Republicans entered into that thought process. Democrat Women and African Americans are much more thinking than to be “single gender voters”.

14 09 2008

I am a white southern woman from a small town. I live in Wales (in the UK) right now, but am very concerned about what is happening in our country. Way to go, Alaskans. Way to go, Mudflats. Don’t let SP get to stay in her ‘witness protection program’ bubble. If we all do all we can for the next few weeks, we have a chance to move the country away from gutter politics. I’m so glad that there are so many true patriots in Alaska.

Thank y’all so much.

14 09 2008

PS Intrigued… not slammin’ here just would like to know your sources

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

That video of the anti-palin rally is heartwarming. For the first time I’m beginning to feel a sense of optimism. Keep up the good work muckraker and your fellow Alaskans.

14 09 2008

antsy absolutely… on a quick google she was, back in may, mentioned briefly for VeePee — but obviously she’s not hot enough

14 09 2008


“single gender voters” or “single race voters”

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

I don’t know who posted this video earlier on, but thank you — it’s brilliant!

Barbies for war!

14 09 2008

Just browsing through some web sites and ran across this article. Guess how much Obama raised in August? Click here to find out: http://news.yahoo.com/story//ap/20080914/ap_on_el_pr/obama_3

Slap Spears Palin

14 09 2008

I LOVE TINA FEY’S interpretation of Sarah Palin!

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@swineprincess: Carly Firiona is making me crazy and needs toust hush. Claire McCaskill is a class act and was just so eloquent on ABC This Week.

Same here. Maybe people should examine her own economic record a little more closely so they understand who they’re listening to! Do people so quickly forget the circumstances under which Fiorina was dismissed by Hewlett-Packard??!! (I know, rhetorical question!)

On a brighter note, Debbie Wasserman Schultz did a very good job on “Face the Nation”. (Had to tape “Meet the Press” — it makes me crazy that these shows are on at the same time.) Now looking forward to what’s sure to be a lively discussion on “The McLaughlin Group”!

14 09 2008


I am voting for Obama because his policies are guaranteed to steer this country back on course, while McCain’s will drive is deeper into disaster. Trust me, I am very informed. Plus, McCain has lost all my respect for the campaign he is running.

I would have voted for Hillary Clinton as well.

Race, gender, whatever doesn’t matter. Trust me.

14 09 2008

I’ll try this again. Guess how much money Obama raised in August? Click here to find out: http://news.yahoo.com/story//ap/20080914/ap_on_el_pr/obama_3

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

YES!!!! McLaughlin Group is starting out with the NATO and Georgia comment!!!

14 09 2008
California Cowboy

I’ve been reading your blog for the past couple of weeks. It’s great to find a site that not only shares truthful insights, but in such a excellently written way. Congrats to all who turned out yesterday at the Anchorage Library. Keep up the good work. And not all us saddle tramps are Republicans.

14 09 2008

This gives me hope – thank you so much! The comparison between the two rallies makes me wonder about the Obama approach for the rest of the campaign. Since we know the Repubs are going to continue playing to the tightly controlled “performances” being called town halls, I am hoping that the Obama rallies continue to show the energy and enthusium of real (normal) people as a stark contrast.

14 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

This is Spiegel in Germany

09/10/2008 02:24 PM
God and the Vice-Presidential Candidate

By Alexander Schwabe

Sarah Palin’s Pentacostalist past explains a lot about what she says in public, but the McCain campaign wants to play it down. Can a gas pipeline really be a manifestation of God’s will?

More than once, vice presidential candidate and current governor of Alaska Sarah Palin has shown a habit of investing secular matters with religious meaning. A $30 billion gas pipeline in Alaska was “God’s will,” the war in Iraq was a “task that is from God.” She’s argued for creationism to be taught in schools, alongside evolutionary biology, and she’d rather do away with sexual education completely.

Now the real reason for Palin’s fixation on God — obscured in official biographies — has emerged: For more than two decades, she was a practicing Pentecostal. Until 2002 she belonged to the Wasilla Assembly of God, a Pentecostal community in Wasilla, Alaska, the city of 10,000 where Palin also served as mayor. Since leaving the Assembly of God, Palin has attended the non-denominational Wasilla Bible Church.

The Pentecostal movement emphasizes “expressions of the Holy Spirit” in the form of “spiritual gifts” such as the ability to speak in tongues, prophesize or heal. Assembly of God members also believe in faith healing and “end times,” a massive upheaval that will supposedly herald Jesus’ second coming.

Tim McGraw, Palin’s pastor until 1998, told American broadcaster CNN that the Wasilla Pentecostal community has members who adhere to these beliefs and who speak in tongues, although he has never seen Palin herself in that trance-like state. Caroline Spengler, a member of the Pentecostal community, described the experience as follows: “When the spirit comes on you, you utter things that nobody else can understand … only God can understand what is coming out of our mouths.”

The Republican Party, hoping John McCain and Sarah Palin will bring home a win in the November presidential election, has played down this religious background of the 44-year-old mother of five. Through spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton, McCain has freely admitted that Palin is deeply religious. That fact should be well received by conservative American voters, especially in the so-called Bible Belt. At the same time, campaign strategists have been careful not to let their candidate’s religious enthusiasm loom too large. Biographies of her online and the McCain campaign itself avoid too much detail about her past. Governor Palin does not consider herself a Pentecostal, is the succinct and official word.

McGraw told CNN he could imagine why the Republican Party was trying not to emphasize Palin’s Pentecostal leanings: “I think there may be issues of belief that could be misunderstood or played upon by people that don’t know.”

But what is so difficult to understand? Hasn’t Palin already gone far too far for her political views not to be seen as a consequence of her beliefs? And can her faith truly be judged only by those who believe the same?

McGraw tries to allay these fears. He says he’s sure Palin’s religious convictions don’t influence her political decisions in office.

Until recently, though, Palin was returning to her original congregation, where she attended discipleship classes to strengthen her Pentecostal beliefs and to become a better leader, McGraw says. By then she was already mayor of Wasilla. And when Palin returns to the Pentecostal flock, it is by no means only in a personal capacity, but also as a government official.

Just this June, Palin attended a graduation ceremony for ministry students at the Wasilla Assembly of God. The governor didn’t just offer a few edifying words. Instead, she spoke to these students in Alaska about the war in Iraq. “Pray for our military men and women who are striving do to what is right,” said Palin, whose son had voluntarily enlisted to join the U.S. army and be deployed to Iraq. The graduates were encouraged to pray “for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for — that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.”

Palin acts as though all political decisions emanated directly from a divine resolution — and as if the Republican understanding of this resolution were the only one that could be correct.

On the issue of the gas pipeline as well, Palin linked political and economic business with her personal concept of divine providence, calling on her audience to pray for the controversial planned $30 billion pipeline project. “I think,” Palin told the audience at the Wasilla Assembly of God, “God’s will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas pipeline built.”

And there’s more. On August 17, shortly before she entered the wider public spotlight as vice presidential candidate, according to CNN Palin attended an event at her current congregation, the Wasilla Bible Church. One of the preachers there was David Brickner, founder of the “Jews for Jesus” movement. He made clear to the assembled that in his opinion, terrorist attacks in Israel revealed God’s judgment on Jews who had not found Christ. “When a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people,” according to Brickner, he was unmistakably an instrument of God’s judgment.

The McCain camp tried to de-emphasize attitudes in Palin’s religious circle, making it clear that Brickner’s comments didn’t reflect the vice presidential candidate’s views. Palin, they said, is pro-Israel.

Pastor Ed Kalnin, one of the congregation leaders at Palin’s former Pentecostal church, comes from the same circle. Four years ago he campaigned against John Kerry, then the Democratic candidate for president. Whoever voted for Kerry, Kalnin told his congregation, wouldn’t go to heaven.

The Assembly of God later released a statement: They apologized, saying Kalnin had meant it as a joke.

14 09 2008

All of you rock! Great job organizing and making your opinions known. It’s obvious Palin is a HUGE mistake for this country. We are all proud of everyone in Alaska who thinks rationally and logically.

14 09 2008

Hello all from eastern Canuckland. Just wanted to let you folks know that I caught wind of the rally on a blog. Thank you so much. This is very heartening. Although I cannot vote and this isn’t ‘my’ election what happens with you folks affects us and we watch with held breath and trepidation. I, we those like me want the best for everyone no matter where they come from. There’s been so much BS and illusioning (yes it’s not a word but I think it’s fitting to create it) that’s been circling around the nether about how Alaska and absolutely everyone (especially women) in Alaska loves Palin (and ergo one should vote for her because of it) that sensibly even though I know it’s not true it’s makes such a difference to actually see it and hear about it! So I’m doing my part to get the word out and have posted the links in several places.

Keep up the great work and keep up the fire in your hearts!

14 09 2008

Great idea NY DEM,
“To ‘borrow’ a phrase from the best commnetator on television, be it politics or sports, Keith Olbermann:

Eddie Burke — Today’s worsttttttttt person in the worldddddddddd !!!!!!!”

If everyone emails Keith, I wonder if this jerk could really be showcased on Monday’s Countdown. Here is the email:

14 09 2008
White Agate
14 09 2008

I am currently watching my favourite Canadian Sunday news program. For anybody who tells you, that Canucks dont have a right to desire a positive outcome of this election…please note.

Banking issues…..affect us too. The mortgage companies crisis is the worst since the great depression and Canadian monies are invested there too.

14 09 2008

AKM, didn’t you say that Maureen Dowd from the NYT was at the rallies yesterday? For those who haven’t seen her op-ed piece, it’s worth re-posting http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/14/opinion/14dowd.html And I loved the link from the NYT home page: “Dowd: Palin vs. Thinking”

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@fixthebroken (07:00:56) :

My household was hoping to vote for a white woman, now they will vote for a black man …. we would vote for the drover’s dog if he had good policies! 😉

14 09 2008
White Agate
14 09 2008

I read somewhere that there Secret Service names are “Denali” (Sarah) and “Driller” (Todd)

14 09 2008

@ A&B
In the CDT I am still stuck on the Round Table…. can’t wait for McLaughlin… Nato/Georgia huh? Hapily Meet the Press gets delayed in the KC area because of local news and The Chiefs (oh please).

On another note… has anyone noticed how the McCain campaign ads use pictures of Obama that show him mostly scowling? They are trying so hard to paint him as the “angry black man”. Of course Obama campaign ads are using every picture of McCain looking goofy so I guess it is tit-for-tat.

Finally: Arrrrghhhh! at 55 I am a “senior citizen” (at least as defined by the AARP) and I am NOT voting for John McCain!

14 09 2008
Alaskans Rally Against Palin « ReadingWritingLiving

[…] This totally made my morning. I love Mudflats, a blogger from Alaska. […]

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@pamela – I loved the phrase ‘positive UNthinking’

14 09 2008

Thank you AKMuckraker and women of Alaska for standing up!!!!
I live in a small town in the south and the bullying that goes on here is incredible. So many people are afraid to come out and talk about their views if they differ from the Republican Party line.I’ve started my own email news report for those who believe there must be a better way to run this country. Most people do not or cannot do their own research, so I send real articles and links from the Internet. Today we are a hopelessly RED state, but hopefully we can find more people who don’t want to live like a Stepford Wife or a Rove-bot.

14 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Speigel’s recap of other German media

‘Sarah Palin Will Cost the Republican Party Dearly’

Sarah Palin is a fresh-faced fishing and hunting wild card in the US presidential race. She just might be able to lure the media away from Obama. But can she attract enough voters from the right to make up for those she might lose McCain in the center?

Who is Sarah Palin? More importantly, what does McCain’s pick for vice president think or know about foreign policy? Even after her speech at Wednesday’s Republican National Convention, Palin remains both a mystery and a subject of intense curiosity. She is by turns characterized as a savior of the Republican party, an enormous mistake and something in between.

“Here’s how I look at the choice Americans face in this election,” said Palin during her speech Wednesday. “In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.”

Some, however, see her very candidacy as a cheap ploy to steal some of the limelight from a charismatic opponent. Palin’s family drama has certainly splashed her name all over the media. “Our family has the same ups and downs as any other, the same challenges and the same joys,” said Palin at the convention as she introduced her husband and five children — including her pregnant 17-year-old daughter, Bristol.

As a plucky outsider, though, she may appeal to some voters who want change, though not Obama-style change. Palin is thoroughly uncompromised by national politics. “And I’ve learned quickly these past few days that if you’re not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone,” she said at the convention. “But here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion; I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this great country.”

German papers appreciate Palin’s maverick qualities — especially since McCain’s “straight talk” turned into straight talking points once he became the Republican candidate. But they fret about her lack of foreign-policy knowledge and argue that the narrow scope of Palin’s experience has deflated one of McCain’s primary criticisms of Obama.

Left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes:

“If anyone’s nominating party congress stands for change this year, for flouting conventions, it is that of the conservative Republicans. The Democrats’ mobilization show in Denver ran just like people are accustomed to from past conventions. Highly emotional and professional and staged down to the very last detail. Obstacles were overcome; love of country and love of family were celebrated. Not so for the Republicans …. With the nomination of Sarah Palin as vice-presidential candidate, John McCain took on exactly what Obama avoided at all costs with Biden: a much-talked-about risk. McCain/Palin — this is where real life romps.”

“The McCain campaign can be sure of one thing while running with Sarah Palin: unceasing media coverage of the type reserved until now for Obama. If Palin is regarded as having managed to deliver a good talk as an engaged politician, mother and non-fanatical middle-aged pro-lifer on Wednesday, she might peel off her label as an ‘Oh my God!’ choice and advance as a ‘Hey, wow’ candidate. It might just be enough to steal the show from political comet Barack Obama in the last two months of the race.”

Center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung argues:

“McCain used to look like an ideal candidate for the party. The conservative free spirit repeatedly defied the current president and thereby emanated seriousness and self-assurance.”

“Sarah Palin threatens to demolish [McCain’s] halo. The part-amusing and part-dramatic details that people are discovering about their potential vice president are in themselves no reason for panic. On the contrary, many Americans sympathize with this full-of-life 44-year-old woman, who hunts and fishes and governs a state for good measure and who will be a grandmother sooner than she expected. Destiny! However the the lingering impression that McCain called this fresh face to his side purely out of strategic campaign calculations and without adequate vetting could be fatal. Palin’s selection comes across as imprudent, unserious and, yes, dangerous.”

“McCain has miscalculated: those Democrats who were disappointed by Hillary’s failure and might possibly have voted for the Republican veteran will hardly be lured by the ultraconservative pro-lifer. … McCain only hopes that the evangelical base will gather behind him with new fury. That is important — but not enough to win the election in November. The payoff for this deputy from the right is less than the price of the risk that McCain runs with the center. Sarah Palin will cost the Republican Party dearly.”

The Financial Times Deutschland writes:

“McCain’s hubris and irresponsibility are by now blatant. Hubris — because only a belief in his own immortality for the next four years could justify the choice of a vice president whose only experience, aside from two years as governor of Alaska, was as mayor of a suburb of Anchorage. Irresponsibility — because US presidents run a high risk of being attacked, as exemplified by John F. Kennedy’s assassination, but also by the attack on Ronald Reagan. That occurred on March 30, 1981, 69 days after Reagan took office, and almost cost the new president his life. Imagine what would happen if a President McCain were shot on the evening of March 30, 2009. The world would wake up the next morning to a President Palin, who in an interview about the Iraq war less than two years ago said: ‘I’ve been so focused on state government, I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq.'”

“More has been publicized in the last few days about Palin’s person and family than about her views on domestic and foreign politics, which doesn’t show either the American intellectual condition nor their public media in the best light. A minister moderated the first debate between presidential nominees Obama and McCain during which they had to answer questions on faith and how they would handle the evil bad guys of the world. A politician whose attitude toward war and peace are largely a mystery could become president in five months — and people discuss the implications of her daughter’s pregnancy. The country where all this is happening is the most powerful in the world. But for how much longer?”

14 09 2008
Alaskan Women are not a bunch of Sarah Palin Cronies « Mondo Diablo

[…] bunch of Sarah Palin Cronies September 14, 2008 Posted by alleee in Uncategorized. trackback ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage.  The organizers […]

14 09 2008

I read your blog every day and post some of your columns to my Facebook. Thanks for doing all of this to keep us informed of what’s really happening in your state. Much appreciated.


14 09 2008

voter caging and the rest

The Republican war on democracy


14 09 2008

Good Morning Mudpals,

Bravo!!!! It will get out to MSM. If you notice we are about 3 days to one week ahead of everyone on the scoops. But the images (all the negative SP/MC stuff) are making a difference. I would love to see the Veterans come out big now. If I had made the honorable sacrifice that they have and then had to listen to McBlowhard pontificate about his experience I would be screaming. Especially when he has voted AGAINST them over and over again. How can we help them do what our brave souls in Alaska are doing? Many veterans, current enlistees and POWs have a problem with him and his voting record. Let’s try to point the spotlight on McCain from all sides and then the American public might finally see him for who he really is, warts and all. http://www.votesmart.org for the voting record truth.

14 09 2008

@Laurie, With the world so “flat” (to borrow a phrase from Tom Friedman) we all have stakes in each others’ elections. The news media here doesn’t cover it much, but I know there’s an upcoming Canadian election, too. How does that look?

14 09 2008

Great post. Once again, you’re doing amazing work on behalf of all of us.


Send the link to this post to Huffington Post, to Andrew Sullivan, to mainstream media in your state, to any reporter you can.

That this rally was so huge deserves the same attention as the insane level of coverage of Palin getting off the plane in Alaska.


14 09 2008

Eddie Burke’s tactics bring to mind what Michelle Malkin did to the Students Against the War, publishing their phone numbers and email addresses. Reminded me of your blog about Rove Coming to Alaska. Makes one wonder doesn’t it where Burke got his idea to do this.

14 09 2008

I too thank you and be careful you never know what the Evil Penguin (Rove) and Peter Sellers look-a-like Cheney (movie, BEING THERE) and their gang are ready to do. It takes the pressure off the so called, “Maverick McCain.” Thanks again and keep it up.

14 09 2008

Thank you Alaska! Keep hope alive!

14 09 2008

I can’t believe I got teary-eyed when looking at the pictures! with all the drooling over Palin we have to see it is SO refreshing to see and hear that Alaskans are making their voices heard! phew!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@mk2000 (07:05:25) :

[quote]“To ‘borrow’ a phrase from the best commnetator on television, be it politics or sports, Keith Olbermann:

Eddie Burke — Today’s worsttttttttt person in the worldddddddddd !!!!!!!”

If everyone emails Keith, I wonder if this jerk could really be showcased on Monday’s Countdown. Here is the email:
countdown@msnbc.com [/quote]

I just emailed, and told them where they could get all their resources, too -including pics 😉

14 09 2008
Sunday links. « Fred Klonsky’s PREA Prez Blog

[…] Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage.  The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators).  This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state.  I was absolutely stunned.  The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by.  And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute.  This just doesn’t happen here.  The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage!  Mudflats […]

14 09 2008
Toon Moene

This Obama–supporter in the Netherlands won’t vote in your election – so in that regard, you’re on your own.

But we will wave our banners from the Right Side of the Atlantic: Go, Barack, Go !

14 09 2008

Thanks AKM…..keep up the good work.

14 09 2008

WOW! That’s what I call a real grass roots effort! I’m sending this around to my friends. I believe that similar sentiments exist in the lower 48, as well, it’s just not getting through the corporate media.

(Maybe you need to send a “Thank you” to Eddie Burke for stirring the pot.)

WE still need to get out the vote in November. Watch out for “voter caging.”
Remember they can only win if they cheat.

14 09 2008

I have an off-subject question for people who were dresses: what is the STORY with Cindy McCain’s wardrobe?

I don’t follow women’s fashions very much but it seems to me lately she has been dressing in garish bad taste. And that weird CW-style hairdo! To me, it doesn’t belong on a woman older than 25.

I saw a clip from the McCain’s appearance on The View. All the panelists were dressed in professional-looking black and cream. Cindy came out in a flaming red outfit, showing a bit too much cleavage for a mature woman in public life, and with a pearl choker big enough, if real, to buy half of Wasilla.

She’s also taken to wearing Jackie O style dark glasses. She’s an attractive woman– I don’t know why she has to make herself look so blatantly gauche.

My experience says women often use their clothes to broadcast messages about their state of mind. My question is, what is Cindy saying here? Is she trying to look younger than Sarah Palin? Is she starved for attention? Is she deliberately ignoring advice or just not getting any? Is she playing the role of the ex-trophy wife who has been superseded?

Any ideas?

14 09 2008
Mary from TN

Thanks so much from Tennessee! We, and Obama, need you guys for the next 50 days….we in the lower 48 have to make sure that the 24/7 ‘entertainment’ media pick up on your great web sites and gets the message out.

You guys are doing your job, now we have to do ours. ENOUGH is ENOUGH….FIRED up and READY TO GO!

14 09 2008

As a foreigner this is what I love about the USA – the factor that changed my mind from cordial dislike of the USA (mainly linked to foreign policy), to taking every opportunity to visit various bits of the USA as often as possible. Not specifically Democratic policies or Obama-support or whatever, but just the general existence of large numbers of people who are able, reflective and have the strength of mind to think and act independently, and to do so in a humanitarian manner and with a sense of humour.

So much more than the stereotypes implied by opinion polls, you’re the best, all of you. 😀

14 09 2008

Support “Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund” , and denounce “Sarah Palin’s support for Aerial Hunting of Wolves. SPREAD THE WORD !!!


14 09 2008
Rebecca in Chicago

What an amazing story! My heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes out to all of you brave people!

14 09 2008


Not to get too hysterical, but this was the same tactic that was used in the Rwandan genocide.

14 09 2008

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

Keep up the good work and we will do the same!!


14 09 2008
Anon - AKA Blaster Commando Palin

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You have stood up bravely for liberty, freedom, truth and justice, in the face of one of the biggest and most ruthless propaganda machines in US history!!!!! I AM AMAZED AND AWED BY YOU! HOW CAN WE EVER THANK YOU ENOUGH?

Next week, I will be canvassing in PA for Obama, and I am doing it to try to thank you in “action”–one citizen to another–and to try to help elect our great candidate Sen. Obama,

14 09 2008
White Agate


This is a great article from Thomas Frank, author of ‘What’s the Matter With Kansas?’ and ‘The Wrecking Crew.’ It’s called ‘The GOP Loves the Heartland to Death,’ appeared in the WSJ on 9/10/08.

Good for forwarding to fence-sitters.

14 09 2008

@Intrigued…..where are you getting your info? The ONLY women I ever heard talk like that were the PUMAs …and they havent had much to say lately.

Any person who would vote for someone because they are female/male/black/yellow/whatever…doesnt deserve the privelige of having a vote.

The issues….thats what you need to focus on…man or woman

14 09 2008
HUGE turn out for Alaskan Women Reject Palin Rally. « The Political Pendulum

[…] one has to wonder if that was in reference to her pandering to special needs?  Hop on over to the mudflats to read more. Tags: Alaskan women, democrats, demonstration, government, Politics, Rally, Reject […]

14 09 2008
Mary from TN

To plwalsh – my take on Cindy McCain is that she is dressing the way Mr. McGoo wants her to dress. McGoo likes cleavage and likes bright colors. The jewelry – that’s all Cindy (it’s a way for her to ‘wear’ her wealth).

I also sense that Cindy does not like the attention that Palin is getting. Cindy, unlike McGoo, is sensing that Palin is moving quickly to be known as the Palin/McGoo ticket and Cindy, unlike McGoo doesn’t like the idea. I am beginning to believe McGoo’s only wish is to be called Mr. President, not really have any of the responsibility that comes with the job – Palin will have more clout than we saw with Cheney – that’s darn scary!

Cindy is just trying to get the attention of McGOO, that’s all.

14 09 2008

Whoooooooo…… (jumping up and down with JOY!). Thank God people are coming to their senses. Just had a conversation with a close friend last night over Palin. Her daughter and son-in-law are voting for McCain based on the usual misinformation spread by the Republicans about Obama. I spent over an hour “setting her straight” about those issues mostly due to your wonderful coverage and info about Palin and Alaska! With deep felt thanks to you and prayers that all of our efforts will succceed in creating a more humane world with Obama as our next President.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Laurie, swineprincess, it’s possible intrigued is a troll. Always seemed that way to me.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

CAGING from wiki

“A political party [guess which] sends registered mail to addresses of registered voters. If the mail is returned as undeliverable – because, for example, the voter refuses to sign for it, the voter isn’t present for delivery, or the voter is homeless – the party uses that fact to challenge the registration, arguing that because the voter could not be reached at the address, the registration is fraudulent. If a political party challenges the validity of a voter’s registration; for the voter’s ballot to be counted, the voter must prove that their registration is valid.”

So if you receive registered mail – sign for it, track it down, whatever!

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

McLaughlin Group wasn’t as riveting as I’d hoped. And FYI, Mudflatters — seems that Charlie Gibson actually did make a mistake about the ‘Bush Doctrine’, specifically by reciting content from 2002. It was revised (possibly several times) but last, in 2006 and the content did change. I know it doesn’t change the fact that she didn’t know what the heck it was at all (her response when Gibson asked her what it is was “His world view?”) That is, IF you care. Some don’t care that she knew or not in the first place. However, for those who do care, I’m just sorry that Gibson got it wrong — that’s what they’ll pounce on.

At the end of the show when they do their “predictions” part, McLaughlin’s prediction was about Palin and that the events of last week will hurt her. His line was priceless and made the whole show worth watching. The exact words might be slightly off but it was something like:

“In romance, as in politics, slow introductions are usually better than fast ones.”

14 09 2008
HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Alaskans stand up for American values

[…] Alaskan blog Mudflats has photos and their own account of the rally, including this little tidbit regarding a right-wing talk radio host named Eddie Burke, who tried to […]

14 09 2008
Julie Fanselow

Mudflats rocks! Thanks for letting America know what’s REALLY going on in Alaska.


14 09 2008


That’s more or less my take on the wardrobe issue. Since Palin was picked, Cindy has been looking pretty miserable to me.

As for who will run the country if the ticket wins, I would review I CLAUDIUS for clues. Palin strikes me as the 21st century spiritual descendant of those ruthless shallow Roman women, interested only in power and pay back, whose political tool kit included heavy does of sexual politics and exotic poisons.

And remember what happened to all those Republican men who helped Palin’s career in Alaska? McCain’s biggest rival may well be on the bottom of his own ticket.

14 09 2008

Did a post and gave you some linky love over at our site BRILLIANT!!!


14 09 2008

ooohhhhh… Pat Buchanan just called McCain supporters “McCainiacs” now that one I haven’t heard. I like it!

14 09 2008

Kudos! I hope the women and men of the lower 48 will follow your brave example! The emperor has no clothes, and you were willing to put yourselves out there. Thank you women of Alaska, and many thanks to Muckraker!

14 09 2008

Speechless :with joy: What an amazing group of women you have up there, I’m sorry Palin twisted that to her advantage.

14 09 2008

@Aussie… I am thinkin’ you’re right. I have seen several posts by Intrigued that bother me. S/he is very subtle… not a planted troll, you know… just a troll. I hereby decide to ignore Intrigued from here on out!

14 09 2008
Former Alaskan

More photos from the Anchorage Daily News


14 09 2008

A funny thing happens when you look-up Eddie Burke’s radio sponsors on google maps.

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

Awesome, thanks, Mudflats – keep up the good fight!

14 09 2008
Tricia Christensen

What a wonderful piece! This woman from California is so proud of all of you in Alaska!! It warms my heart to know that you can go just about anywhere & find true, thinking, good-hearted women and men of purpose and morals.
Makes me a little sad that you can’t find them on the Repub ticket.

You all deserve a terrific pat on the back and a warm hug for attending the rally and showing the world your view.

Tricia Ellis Christensen

14 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Way to go AK. women and men with open minds. I’m so excited for you. To listen to the MNM the whole nation is on the Sarah band wagon. I’m off to several small ratherings of friends that support Obama. Keep up the great coverage, the world needs to know.

14 09 2008

Thank the stars above! I was beginning to think all the women and men in Alaska had lost their minds and were following Palin and her VP choice McBush to the ends of the earth. You go girls!!!!!!!! If you need any help protesting that animal killer and book burner, let your sisters in California know and we’ll be there!

14 09 2008

Extremely well done. McCain thought he would throw in
another of his sleazy moves. Thought he could pair up
with another like minded Liar. Well done again! We
support you and will send the link around.
Truth really does speak!

14 09 2008

This is really interesting. From the Bloomberg piece:

“In recent days, journalists attending the [McCain-Palin] rallies have been raising questions about the crowd estimates with the campaign. In a story on Sept. 11 about Palin’s attraction for some Virginia women voters, Washington Post reporter Marc Fisher estimated the crowd to be 8,000, not the 23,000 cited by the campaign.

“The 23,000 figure was substantiated on the ground,” McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said. “The campaign is willing to stand by the fact that it was our biggest crowd to date.”

“Since day one, this campaign has been consistent that we’re not going to win or lose based on crowd size but the substance of John McCain’s record,” Bounds said.”

14 09 2008
Women and the white house « Clouddragon

[…] Luckily not all Alaskan women are as stupid, and have been organising a rally against Palin. A radio host has had the bad manners, and lack of decency, to read out the phone numbers of the organisers, with the incentive to call them and let these women think how you feel about them. So much for democracy, and being a free society. As Palin likes to point out. read here […]

14 09 2008
Toon Moene

Wow, I love this place – sensible politics in the US, up north.

What’s the weather like, around solstice (I biked up to the North Cape in Norway, 1989).

No biking for me now – walking is better when you’re 50+ …

Send me your prospectus !

14 09 2008

Hmm. Here’s a thought. Maybe Palin’s popularity has been inflated by the McCain campaign? If the campaign has been fooling the media about the size of the crowds at the rallies, maybe they have somehow been manipulating the polls as well?

Certainly, AKM’s photos of the Palin ralley in Anchorage suggested that there is a disconnect between image and reality when it comes to Palin’s following.

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!! John McCain picking Sarah Palin and doing so simply because his campaign decided woman are so stupid they’ll vote for any woman regardless of her experience and positions on issues is beyond offensive. What’s worse is that picking her so far has worked. Last night I received an email with a link to a group of woman organizing around the this theme and now I just got a link to your blog talking about this successful rally. It’s the 1st time I’ve felt encouraged in 2 weeks. We’ve got work to do!!!

14 09 2008

Lady MacDeath – A Faustian Bargain of Sinister Deception

When you sell your soul, you never really know the ultimate price at the time of the sinister bargain. It all seems so easy at first. A vote here. A vote there. And pretty soon you’re all the way up to 90% – Prisoner of W – POW-90%! But that’s never enough! Mephisto wants your complete subjugation. Till finally you have to agree to a wedding with Death. A deadly consort is chosen. *Call her Lady MacDeath.*

Jesus, the community organizer – executed by a governor – chose the opposite path. If you don’t know your bible, then maybe you don’t know know the third temptation of Christ – where the devil took him to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. And told him, you can have all that you see – just bow down and worship me.

Jesus refused the Faustian bargain. John McCain did not. The result? His consort – Lady MacDeath.

Back in the summer I boiled the race down to this formula: Obama versus The Corpse. Little did I know!

Here’s how I see it now. Once upon a time we were worried that W would prevent an election and we’d end up with a Dictatorship. Cheney and Rove had a better idea. Hold an election. But insist on a Faustian bargain with the candidate. W endorses – if you sell your soul. And the price of the sale? Well, I doubt that was ever really discussed. Because the thought of all those kingdoms, the thought of all that power…. Well, some can reject the bargain and will never sell their soul for an election. Obama won’t. But John McCain did.

Now we have Lady MacDeath.

“Waiting for a Corpse” could be one title of this play. We’ve had the first two acts. W. And W. One act of W was enough for many. Two acts of W has been too much for more. But the third act here is POW – or not. Our choice. We hope. And POW – The Faustian Bargian is not really Senator MacDeath alone – it includes Lady MacDeath, his Handmaiden “Lady in Waiting.”

Death and his Consort.

We know by now that bush/cheney/rove was nothing more than a criminal enterprise disguised as government. It’s a stinking pile. It reeks. Secrets, deceptions, and lies. Needing to be hidden. By more lies. More disguised government as a criminal enterprise. And who better to do that than someone who has sold his soul? Someone of pretense. And no, I will not bother to count the ways.

But the secret is getting harder and harder to hide. Because to cover secrets, you need lies. Lies and deception. More and more lies. More and more deception. But at some point it all piles up so high – that even the press can’t pretend ignorance any longer.

The Himalayan size pile of secrecy, lies, and deception is hidden in plain sight now.

The Corpse or Obama.

The Corpse and his Handmaiden, Lady MacDeath – a siren of secrecy and lying – but oh, so enticing!

Or a couple of guys working hard every day and asking us to work right along with them.

(posted earlier at tpm Cafe: http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/2008/09/lady-macdeath-a-faustian-barga.php#comments)

14 09 2008

I’ve been following your blog from Canada since you started reporting on this campaign. Kudos to you for giving us daily insights from Alaska, and to the many many women (and men) who clearly told the world that they do not endorse the McCain/Palin recklessness.

14 09 2008

Hi all, I would be very interested in rally here in Central FL. Who would I need to get in contact with?

14 09 2008

VetTheVeep, I would like to know more about your efforts. I have the same issues here in SC and would LOVE to support something similar.

14 09 2008

With 66 million in donations for Aug. and 500.000 new donors for Barack, I’m feeling very hopeful!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@plwalsh, there is a post up near the top on an ABC radio report on the welcome home gathering on Saturday morning, saying there were 10,000 and they had to open another room and folks were hanging from the rafters (or whatever) ….. yeah, right! 😉

14 09 2008

While my distaste for the tactics being applied to this race by the Republicans
remain solidly intact, the race itself has done much to raise my hopes for America in terms of world view. I am an American living in another country.
For the last ten years I have been a resident of the beautiful country of Canada.
I have been afforded this opportunity due to marriage. My husband is a Canadian. When I first arrived here to begin my life with my new husband, I came with a heart that always considered Canada my second ” home “.
I had previously visited Canada many times before meeting my husband, usually for day trips and twice for extended long week-ends. I had always been greeted by Canadian citizens with respect and always wondered what it would be like to live here.
Ten years ago I found out that my view of Canada was correct, the ciizens of this beautiful country were exactly the same as the citizens of America.
They were hard working, loving and giving and respectful to a ” hilt ”
as my Gram used to say. Upon discovering I was an American, new people I was introduced too often had many questions but welcomed me with open arms.
The tide seemed to change however after the Iraq War began.

Due to the nature of the work my husband does, not only have I been blessed with the opportunity to live in six of the Canadian Provinces,
I have also met many people from all walks of life and varying
financial ” categories “, from a myriad of different nations of the globe and from differing religious beliefs. In all but a very few cases, these people again never once disparaged me for having been American.

And for the most part, this has remained true even after The Iraq War began.
Then something seemed to change. Not towards me as an individual, rather in the conversation. Questions from people I know and meet now are geared
more towards political viewpoints and religious and racial viewpoints rather then the typical ” Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?, Isn’t it the most beautiful place on earth? ” I am sure you know what I mean, “Have you ever seen Fishernman’s Warf and what is the weather like in Maryland?

Now I am asked, “Are people racist in the United States?, or is that limited to the southern portion only? ” { an actual verbatim question by the way }
I am constantly asked questions about Mr. Obama and why is it that most Americans seem to simply hate him. I am asked “Why in the world would anyone in in America even consider Mr. McCain given the current state of affairs when they have been presented with such a wonderful alternative
for your country to go in a different direction?”

My response to them is ” I have not got a clue ” and sadly, I do not.

The world is watching ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake.
The world is rooting for America.
The world is actually rooting for the world.
It seems that the only stumbling block to peace, prosperity
and equality for all the citizens of the world is America itself.
America needs to let go of its fears, prejudices and ” religion ”
and welcome all ideas, people of all faiths and ethnic background.
In conclusion, America needs to wake from its slumber and enter the 21 century.
If it does do that and do that soon, there will be no more America.
Indeed, there be no more world.
God Bless America, my home, my country, land that I love.
Thank you world for caring, and keep praying for America and all of us.

14 09 2008

this is awesome. thank you for the report!

14 09 2008
‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Nuclear and Indigenous Items of Interest

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

14 09 2008

From Frank Rich’s column in the NYT:

“No longer able to remember his principles any better than he can distinguish between Sunnis and Shia, McCain stands revealed as a guy who can be easily rolled by anyone who sells him a plan for “victory,” whether in Iraq or in Michigan. A McCain victory on Election Day will usher in a Palin presidency, with McCain serving as a transitional front man, an even weaker Bush to her Cheney.

“The ambitious Palin and the ruthless forces she represents know it, too. You can almost see them smacking their lips in anticipation, whether they’re wearing lipstick or not.”

14 09 2008

@Sharon: At http://www.my.barackobama.com, you can create an account that informs you about all that is happening in your local area. There are also tools to plan events of your own, contact neighbours who are Obama supporters, etc. You can even create your own blog there. Hope it helps.

14 09 2008

oh i forgot to include a link to the bloomberg story about how the mccain campaign is basically MAKING UP and INFLATING the “record number of people” who come to their rallies. these people have no conscience and are lying with a straight face, and it’s time we all call them out on it.


14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Sharon Hi all, I would be very interested in rally here in Central FL. Who would I need to get in contact with?

Sharon, the central source I’ve found that seems to have the most potential is http://www.womenagainstpalin.com. Other than that, look for something local. I hope that the WAP site gets hopping though — it would be a great way for all of us to communicate and join forces to plan rallies!

14 09 2008

There is hope America. This group of Woman, without
the resources of Signs, Money, had something far more
important. The Integrity and strength to tell the World
that all you need is “I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE THE PALIN
Wonderful inspiration & good sample of the power of
Community Organizers!
Thank you Woman Against Palin! Ladies – spread this
Link to every woman you know in every small town!
Womans Group in Canada!

14 09 2008

Beautiful. I am speechless. Thank you.

14 09 2008

I need someone at this point to reassure me that all the information we are getting daily on this ticket will even matter. I live in Switzerland and just last week helped to register over 100 expats to vote. And am now wondering if it was even worth it.

When I see the stories that go ignored such as this one, and then how then media refuses to put this ticket in a media blackout due to the fact that they refuse to allow her to be interviewed; I am losing hope.

All I have had for the past 19 years of living abroad is hope. I was hoping that in the next few years , under a President Obama , I would be able to return home.

I was with the Senator in Berlin( I am a Co-Chair for his campaign in the German Region of Switzerland), and there were thousands of Expats there , all making plans to return home if Sen. Obama is sucessful . Now on our Expat blogs , mostly everyone has lost hope. We read the blogs stateside. But most of all we see and hear the blatant racism that has taken control of our country.

I grew up in Portland Oregon. A place with a very small African American population. But I can tell you this, never in my life was I ever made to feel less than a human due to the color of my skin. I feel like my Paradise has been lost!

Come on y’all, give me some HOPE! I’m all OUT!


14 09 2008

Great rally, loved the photos!!!

14 09 2008

What an outstanding rally – and excellent diary by frsbdg at Daily Kos:

Pohjola (also living above 60th latitude = Finland)

14 09 2008

You ladies should be so proud of yourselves. I am so excited for how this turned out. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

14 09 2008

Raye1, don’t give up! Your efforts are badly needed. Ex-pats need to vote! The Palin bubble has burst, the more she speaks the more people realize how inexperienced she is.

But let’s not forget, this is about McCain. How dishonorable he is acting now.

14 09 2008

Kudos to you guys for speaking out like that – I admire you.

14 09 2008

theys pailins gonna be havin a long list of them enemies whut they be limpin back tuh thet there seaplane….

Excellent work Alaskan Women! Glad to hear it!!!!

14 09 2008

You go raye1

keep registering !

I do my part by sending emails to family and friends.

I wonder how many ” ex-pats ” are here in Montreal?

Tomorrow, my goal is to find out and see what I can do about it.

However, I really do not think too many people here are against Obama.

But hey, every little bit helps

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Sharon, if you read all the blog posts (not the comments), you’ll learn how the rally came about. It wasn’t sponsored by an organization, it was truly a grassroots thing that just grew.

Basically, you’ll need a group of friends to start with ……. and a dollop of anger and frustration that you have been take for a fool if they think Sarah Palin is going to swing your vote.

If I were you I would contact women’s groups in FLA tomorrow – you might find someone is already planning a rally.

I hope things go well in Florida, I understand it’s not looking too healthy this week.

Good luck, Sharon

14 09 2008

Lizzie & Amused and Bewildered, Thanks so much – This rally has really inspired me to get involved more. Thanks

14 09 2008

Thanks Aussie – I will

14 09 2008

I want to share the pictures with my McCain-leaning Mom. Is there a way to view all the photos without viewing one > pressing Back > viewing next one > pressing Back etc.? A slideshow, I guess? We need to share these pictures far and wide.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Knik Arm Bridge??? Alaskans, shed some light?

Article from the Boston Globe

For Palin, political issues still unresolved in Alaska

Yet another project also known as a “bridge to nowhere” – to connect Anchorage to the area near Palin’s Wasilla home across the Knik Arm Crossing – continues to receive state support, though its congressional earmark was eliminated at the same time. Championed by Stevens, the Knik Arm Bridge will be twice as expensive as the Ketchikan project.

14 09 2008

Susan, Daily Kos has a post with a slide show of the photos.

14 09 2008

amr – is there anyway to see the photo’s in a slideshow? Maybe there is, but I’m not seeing it.

14 09 2008

@raye 1: IT IS NOT A LOST CAUSE!!!

Although the world seems focused on Palin right now, there’s tremendous groundwork going on for Obama. He collected $66M in August….a historical high. Many here feel that the backlash against McCain/Palin is taking hold; if you’ve noticed, most recent news about the pair has been negative.

AKM and Alaskan women have been remarkable in making their voices heard….the effort must, and will continue.

14 09 2008

Thanks Aussie – I will, I just join the N2N friday night and had some volunteers stop by Saturday that signed me up. Hopefully we can change the polls here in FL. I think alot of the problem is people are listening to the lies and believing them or they are just staying quiet. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks again, I am glad I joined.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Sharon Craig’s List might be another good idea — I’d check (and get the word out) everywhere possible!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@raye1 (08:09:32) :

RENEE – never give up hope! HOPE is what Obama represents!

Don’t be fooled by the mainstream media, they have masters to serve. And don’t be fooled by all these so-called polls.

This is a time when every citizen in every country should be working towards a Democratic America. So much depends on it.

Patience. And steel.


14 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

@Amused “Knik Arm Bridge??? Alaskans, shed some light?”

Is this the second bridge to nowhere? I’ve seen a blog somehwre in all my googling asking when it’s going to see the light of day…

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Sharon, you’re about to get a visit from Botox Boy McCain in Florida in a few hours, aren’t you? Make your sign right away! Show him what you think today!

Heck, show him what we ALL think. 😉

14 09 2008
Byrne-ing Up The Internet » Blog Archive » News You Don’t Hear

[…] is a link to a blogger in Alaska: https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/alaska-women-reject-palin-rally-is-huge/ It is a first hand account of a  rally that was the same day both Fox News (?) and CNN […]

14 09 2008

Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement. In case there are any Expats out there who are not registered to vote, or have teens who have not yet registered, please go to http://www.votefromabroad.org It only takes about 5 minutes with the registration wizard.

If you are military personale we recommend you use http://www.overseasvotefoundation.org

To all the rest of you, please when sending mails to friends who are Expats, include both links in your signatures.

Once again thanks, and I am preparing as we speak to send out a link to this page to our groups over here in the German Regions of Central Europe.



14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

While all voices are important in the Palin debacle, the voices of women could very possibly emerge as being the most important. Not only in terms of Roe v. Wade, etc. — I really think she could set back women’s opportunites for higher office in the future and the best way to circumvent this is by women speaking opposition. She does NOT represent us as we want to be represented in regard to her abilities (lack thereof). She is an incompetent selection for higher office but not all women are.

14 09 2008

Alaskans! You remind me of Iowa. You know what they did, rght?

14 09 2008

@ Susan and anyone else who wants the pics

I have made the pics available for anyone
on my server. I have zipped them all, I have also rar’d them all or you can grab individual picks.

You can grab them HERE

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Yes. This was the first thing I’ve seen on it. You too?

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule


CAPE COD TODAY (front page)

This email has been landing in countless Cape Cod email boxes this week.
We pass it along for your consideration – The Editor

Please take a minute to participate in this effort if you believe, as I do, that with the addition of Palin to the ticket, the risk of McCain winning has become graver than ever.

“Friends, compatriots, fellow-lamenters,
We are writing to you because of the fury and dread we have felt since the announcement of Sarah Palin as the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. We believe that this terrible decision has surpassed mere partisanship, and that it is a dangerous farce on the part of a pandering and rudderless Presidential candidate that has a real possibility of becoming fact.

Perhaps like us, as American women, you share the fear of what Ms. Palin and her professed beliefs and proven record could lead to for ourselves and for our present or future daughters. To date, she is against sex education, birth control, the pro-choice platform, environmental protection, alternative energy development, freedom of speech (as mayor she wanted to ban books and attempted to fire the librarian who stood against her), gun control, the separation of church and state, and polar bears. To say nothing of her complete lack of real preparation to become the second-most-powerful person on the planet.

We want to clarify that we are not against Sarah Palin as a woman, a mother, or, for that matter, a parent of a pregnant teenager, but solely as a rash, incompetent, and all together devastating choice for Vice President. Ms. Palin’s political views are in every way a slap in the face to the accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers so fiercely fought for, and that we’ve so demonstrably benefited from.

First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She does not demonstrate or uphold our interests as American women. It is presumed that the inclusion of a woman on the Republican ticket could win over women voters We want to disagree, publicly.

Therefore, we invite you to reply here with a short, succinct message about why you, as a woman living in this country, do not support this candidate as second-in-command for our nation.

Please include your name (last initial is fine), age, and place of residence.

We will post your responses on a blog called “Women Against Sarah Palin,” which we intend to publicize as widely as possible. Plese send us your reply at your earliest convenience the greater the volume of responses we receive, the stronger our message will be.

Thank you for your time and action.


Quinn Latimer and Lyra Kilston
New York, NY, email ; womensaynopalin@gmail.com
PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY! If you send this to 20 women in the next hour, you could be blessed with a country that takes your concerns seriously. Stranger things have happened.”

14 09 2008
Patrick Alcatraz

Thanks, from the American West


14 09 2008
Janet Jones

It isn’t right. What does Ms. Paylin run the news too??? What can we do NOW to get the word out that just because we are female we would vote for this very scary lady.
This is too important to leave anything to some ? women.

14 09 2008

It’s in Jacksonville :(, but tomorrow will be in Tampa 🙂 – Thanks

14 09 2008

I am floored as to how well your rally went! Bravo to all of you Alaskan woman, men and children. It gives me a spark of hope that come Nov. we will see Obama/Biden in the white house and a change. Huggs to our Alaskan neighbors. You are truly a great inspiration to America and the world.

And a BIG GOODLUCK to the woman who are rallying in other states in the near future.

14 09 2008
Mary Meredith

Thank you so much for posting this! What a positive display of community democracy. You made my weekend!!!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Harley, you’re a genius! 🙂

14 09 2008

The first thing I’ve done since waking up this morning has been to immediately log on to Mudflats as I anxiously awaited the report of the rally. Simply amazing!!! The contrast of the pic of the pro-Palin rally with the vast expanse of empty space and the crowd bunched together for effect vs the exhuberant anti-Palin rally of clearly more than 1000 is incredible. The MSM must report on this. I am so proud of my sisters up in AK taking the risk and speaking for the rest of us. I loved the “hockey mamma for Obama with her sign tacked to a hockey stick” 🙂

14 09 2008

Thanks for the tips on viewing the pictures! Off to send the email to Mom.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Here we go: (re: Knik Arm Brige)

Palin yet to say ‘no thanks’ to other big earmarks


14 09 2008

LMAO, there is nuttin to it !

I too can see the St Lawrence Seway from mywindow……..guess I can
I can now navigate the world and be vee pee!

14 09 2008

holy cow no amount of cnn polls can refute this. huge grassroots effort. i am stunned that is in her home state. great to see a lot of people get involved in politics.

14 09 2008

tragically, I can not type well however

14 09 2008

Good work! Now get it out to the MSM.
Please send the story and photos to MSNBC’s “first person” at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18616878/

They do not accept html tags, only first person accounts.

14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

To all the women of Alaska and the men who support them–

Well Done!

We can thank you, and believe me, we do! But each and every one of you now shares a secret, don’t you? It is one you will carry through the rest of your lives.

Think about your rally…and if I’m not mistaken, there was a moment, some fractional second during your voicing your heartfelt opinion, that YOU FELT THE EARTH SHIFT…EVER SO SLIGHTLY…a little more toward center.

And that moment was more than empowering, it was ENLIGHTENING.

I am so happy for all of you, and I’m happy for those of us who could not be with you.

Jeep Pike Palin (but I wish I were Jeep Trout Palin, because I keep having this feeling that I’m diving, rather than swimming!)

14 09 2008


What a great post my friend. I am glad that we Canadians made you welcome, but I am not surprised. Canadians love our US neighbours, but since the Iraq war…we have quite often felt slapped in the face. I dont know if you remember, but when; the Iraq war started, many neocons in the US publicly berated us, because we were not part of bushies “coalition of the willing”. No we werent, and our Prime Minister knew ;better than to try. He would have been chased out of Ottawa with a kick in the pants for good luck.

We are in Afghanistan though. Things are desperate there, and you never hear McCain talk about that. Is he so senile he forgets about it.

There was some talk here…..not sure if its the same; but the US was told that we would leave Afghanistan by 2009 unless and until the US and the rest of the world sent in more troops.

Osama Bin Laden is NOT in EYE RAK …..he is in Afghanistan.

If John McCain wins…our politicians will be in a pickle of their own.

14 09 2008

219,303 hits on Brutal and the Palinites are there again.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Hey, I’ve actually BEEN to Russia! Maybe I should run! 🙂

14 09 2008
Quiet Advocate

If it had not been for the bloggers and the websites like this, the silenced media would have buried the truth. Our basic right to knowing the truth was denied both by the Republican Party and the intimidated media. That’s when the blogges went to work and showed the world that this is, after all, a country of ordinary citizens where the real power rests. Now the question is if our strength will/can persuade the other half to see the real difference between McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden. We must demand the media to do their job of objective reporting. We must NOT allow Karl Rovian negative campaign to be part of our democracy! Our country is or should be better than this! Keep fighting! Thanks, Alaskan Women, for taking the risk to show us your courage!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Amused and Bewildered (08:44:10) :

I’ve couldn’t find Russia on a map but why should that stop me? 😉

14 09 2008
Loretta Frey

Sarabots have got go be kidding!!!
Send her packing back up North!!!!

14 09 2008

Oh, AKM, I am so energized by this posting. When you said there will be lots more to come in the previous post, you weren’t kidding. I looked closely at every photo and I love the women’s faces (and the men’s and children’s, too) and their obvious energy towards stopping this Palin mess. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I read those wonderfully home-made signs that express exactly how I feel, too. Thank you so much.
Your blog scoops the MSM media by 5-7 days. I have been reading your blog since Aug 29 and almost every comment.
In regard to Cindy McCain…ever since that rally in Sturgis, she seems to want to appear more “sexy” and youthful. At the beginning of the campaigns, before I knew how wealthy she was, I thought, wow, how does she always have such a different “do” every day? Does she travel with a stylist? Now I think, with her straggly messy style, she is trying to look like she just came from a “roll in the hay” with her “ever-so studly … NOT”… hubby. You see, he is much more virile than his 72 years convey. What a man!
What a joke!

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

Thanks to all of you who braved the wrath of Sarah to rally for Obama. I’m praying daily for your safety and for an Obama victory!!

14 09 2008
Liz I.

I hope you’re not tired of praise!

This is a great story, and I’m so happy to see the posting at Kos and the many references at The Field to this blog. Please keep up your excellent, and important, work reporting to us from Alaska!

A former Alaskan

14 09 2008

Thank you Laurie, I love Canada ! I love America too !

I do NOT HATE Sarah Palin however.
She does terrify me and I do hate what the republicans are doing.
I just wanted to make it very clear I do not hate Sarah, I just cannot support anyone with her views and obvious inability to run my country on ANY level in any regard.
She and Mr. McCain Do Not Reflect What I Stand For and I will do anything in my power to help stop them in their tracks.

14 09 2008

@ Snoskred

You previously posted on “Infiltrating the Palin Rally in Anchorage” that you thought I was a troll. So I wanted to make it clear that I am NOT a troll. And I apologize if I gave that impression.

I’ve actually never really been on a blog until Palin was announced as VP candidate and I came across this site, and like many others, have become addicted. I didn’t even know what a troll was until a few days ago. lol

I am definately for Obama!! The thought of McCain/Palin being in office makes me ill. And I think it is a HUGE insult to the American people for McCain to pull Palin out of a hat to help run this country and not expect people to want to know who this person is and what they’re about. After all it is OUR tax dollars that’s paying their salary.

I haven’t really posted much here, just a few links to articles. I posted the one about the Paline interview because I saw the article on several different sights. I didn’t get to see the 20/20 interview.

There seemed to be a lot of comments about it on all the sights, so I figured it was going to be the next thing they were going to scream foul play about. Just thought it was good to know what the other side was doing/saying.

Sorry if the link was inappropriate.

14 09 2008

Keep spreading the word – you fantastic Alaskan women! We need you all speaking up like this!

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Amused and Bewildered (08:44:10) :

That depends – are you willing to wear red peep-toe stillettos to run in?

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

It is amazing though — searching the ‘news’ section of Google, only 17 hits come up for Knik Arm Bridge.


14 09 2008
One Good Thing About Sarah Palin | Comments from Left Field

[…] Here is a post about the beyond-their-wildest-dreams success of an anti-Palin women’s rally in Anchorage: I attended the Welcome Home rally for Sarah Palin this morning.  Hooo.  It was an experience. About a thousand (maybe) hard-core Palin supporters showed up to hear her speak at the new Dena’ina Convention Center in downtown Anchorage. […]

14 09 2008

Can’t read all the posts right now but thanks for the pics and the good news!
Well done alaskan women! This and the NYTimes page 1 story made my day.

14 09 2008

Many shout outs for the peeps in Alaska!!!

As to Fiorina (not calling her Carly as she likes being an icon), ask any of the HP folks what they think. She did the same twist the truth and lies at HP. She is of the “wink wink” genre. It has many parallels to Palin. Most of the women of HP were overjoyed that one of theirs was finally getting a chance. It was like watching smart people become not so smart just on gender.

It was dark days and about the same time W became president. It felt like the world had gone wacko. She was clearly for herself. She fired Antonio Perez because he challenged her (in fact, it parallels Palin very well) and something about the jets “being an east coast thing”. She got rid of a lot of good people because they challenged her. She brought in people who said “yes” “nice shoes”. She made herself chairman and CEO so no one would challenge her.

Just when they thought it would only end in the company imploding, HP still had some smart people left to rise to the challenge and still had a board that wanted to do what was right. Here is hoping AMERICA gets it and does the same… and a lot of the women wised up to the game. Some too late. They lost their jobs.

Moral of the story: it is not about you.. it is about them. What they can get for their ambitions. We are pawns for them to get to their positions and the morality of their desire does not include telling the truth or destroying lives…

If Carly could destroy a great company with her “thinkin”, imagine what that thinking could do to America?

PS. Frank Fiorina was on the payroll but no one could figure out what he did to get paid that money.. they spent $1M in remodeling that Gulf stream…. because they didn’t like the decor. Must be nice when the previous CEO took commercial flights..

going to do volunteer work today!

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered


No, I’d run on the Wodka Party. On a serious note, I was there when it was the Soviet Union and on the cusp of Estonia declaring their independence. It was quite eye-opening.

14 09 2008

I owe my Brothers and Sisters up in Alaska an apology!! My Swiss hubby always says we should take a cruise up there . I have told him time and time again….”no way!!! they eat democrats for lunch up there!” Thanks for correcting my misrepresentation of your fine state!!!

If Barack wins (even if he doesnt ) I think I will have to take a spin up to Alaska. I am originally from Oregon, so I guess I should visit a sister northwestern state!


14 09 2008
MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin

I manage a local bar in my town. We are considered to be “just a neighborhood bar”. Our customers are mostly white, middle to upper aged southern boys, although the surrounding neighborhood has become very racially mixed. Needless to say, I spend alot of time trying to calm the “boys” down. Over the last few months Obama’s ethnic background has stirred hundreds of years of hatred in some of them. But exciting things have been happening the last couple of weeks. They all know I am an Obama supporter, and while they have enjoyed staying away from the issues and speak only of race, and smear truths, I have continued to speak to them rationally and truthfully. A couple weeks ago, a very racially motivated republican gave me the “nod”. He let me know, although it was to be our secret, that he intended to vote for Obama. I was, to say the least, thrilled. It made me start thinking there might be others. I have been delighted to find out that there are many, who although in a crowd will deny, plan to vote for Obama.
I wanted to shout from the rooftop. But my husband made me understand that the fact that they trusted me with their “dirty little secret”, as he called it, meant that they trusted me to keep it. So I will. But rejoice Mudflatians, for there is Hope!

A big “Thank You” to the Woman of Alaska who dared to be heard.

The reality is that changes are coming… They must come. You must share in bringing them. ~John Hersey~

14 09 2008
Sad In Red State Texas

You all were Great . Thanks from the bottom of my heart for being brave and letting your voice’s be heard. Alsaka Women are HOT Palin NOT !!!!!!!!!!!

14 09 2008

Great work, Muckraker.
You are at ground zero and
can bring us truth.

September 14, 2008

14 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

Congratulations to all who organized and attended the anti-SP rally. You have done a wonderful thing for this country.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Amused and Bewildered (08:53:54) :

Yes, I remember when the Lithuanians broke away, and the price they paid – being starved of oil and Ray-gun not lifting a finger. Brave people, I never forgot them.

Gives us all hope, doesn’t it?

here is this gorgeous War Barbie vid again in case you missed it – I love it!

‘nite all

14 09 2008

Does the fact that I can look up and see the stars make me qualified to be an astronaut?

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin (08:57:31) :

Brilliant! We won’t tell. 😉

14 09 2008

Aussie Pack Mule,

Are you actually in Alaska?

CK from Perth

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Thanks for sharing that. That is my hope too, that there are a lot of people that just won’t admit publically to voting for Obama.

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@CK (09:02:48) :
no, I’m in Victoria, so you can see it’s way past bedtime 🙂
We are an Australian-American family.

You sure as heck don’t have to be from Alaska to support these incredible people – don’t even have to be American!

Everybody has a stake in this…..

‘k, nite

14 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

In the Open Thread posts was a question about Sarah Palin’s Choice

where many Down Syndrom are terminated

that article is on the http://www.salon.com
Sarah Palin’s choice
I greatly admire her decision to have a child with Down syndrome. But she would likely deny other women the right to choose for themselves.

Editor’s note: This story has been corrected since it was originally published. You can find Salon’s complete coverage of Sarah Palin here.
By Rahul K. Parikh, M.D.

14 09 2008

Afternoon, morning, or night, whichever part of the world my fellow mudflatters are in.
This is fantabulous! I checked the Washington post first this morning and was extremely happy to see the coverage of the event.

You guys are the best! “Out of a few, there came many”

So how do we duplicate this. Someone mentioned picking a date in October.
If that’s the plan, why not be October 2 the day of Biden/Palin debate.

14 09 2008

Swineprincess — My statement was based on numerous political discussions with people from all walks of life who belong to both parties. I was first introduced to the concept in the late 1980s when a neighbor of mine, a woman who was a member of the Green Party, implored me to vote for women on the ballots at all costs. “We must get more women into office!” was her constant refrain. Prior to that conversation I had no idea that people with that mindset even existed; I had made the mistake of projecting and assumed that everyone else carefully studied the issues and the candidates’ positions, as I did.

Ever since I have made it a point to broach the subject in conversation and “feel people out.” They are very enthusiastic with their respective mantra, so it doesn’t take long for them to reveal it. This election cycle I have encountered several blacks (via my good friend who is a black Democrat) who believe that this is “their” one shot to get a black into the Presidency, so they “can’t blow it.” When Hillary was still in the race, I met women who felt that way about her candidacy.

There you go with the “only Republicans do that.” That is patently untrue, and in your heart of hearts you must know that this is a HUMAN thing and is not relegated to any particular party. It really is about which group a person identifies with, which may be based on race or sex rather than political.

14 09 2008

Great shot after great shot, AKM. You’ve got the knack for composition
I can confirm that there are plenty of people in this state who support Obama. I call 50 Alaskans almost every weekday from Obama HQ in Homer. At first, I wondered why we don’t call Outside (say , in Ohio or Florida) but my completed calls -about 10 out of every hundred attempts – reflect a close race in Alaska. Yes, I hear a few more “McCains”; only a very few say,”I’m voting for Palin”.
But when I note the tally at the end of my shift, the results are split right down the middle. I’m sayin it…Alaska is a battleground state. Wish I could have been there. Thanks, for using your skills and talent
(and wonky ferocity) to illuminate AK politics and for gracefully bearing the enourmous amount of attention you’re getting.

14 09 2008
Political Irony › Palin’s home town disadvantage

[…] Sarah Palin went back to Alaska for the first time since her nomination, and held a “Welcome Home” rally and speech in downtown Anchorage in front of around 1000 people. What was interesting, however, was that a nearby protest rally, called “Alaska Women Reject Palin” had a significantly larger turnout than the pro-Palin rally. Some reports say the protest rally was the biggest political rally in the history of Alaska. […]

14 09 2008

I cried when i read this. THANK YOU ALL so much!

14 09 2008

more evidence that the poll numbers being released are skewed in a misleading way


14 09 2008

AKM, my I get the video of this to create along with some music. I’ve got the perfect music I think would go with this.
if it is ok, can you email me a divatalk@helloworld.com

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

hi all-
i try to read all before posting,
but, may i say to you all, and uk lady…
i am completely totally GOBSMACKED!!!!


i can’t define it, but i sure as heck know what it is…………

everyone on my email list will be too, some of em need to hear it, others will just feel like we do. and if they don’t like getting all this from me? tough. like i said, this time its personal.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Enjay aka Turbine Yukon (09:10:46) :
Enjay, the question was why was she tested for it.

14 09 2008

SCDem ….I’m in south Carolina too. I have started a group called Thinking Freely. We are having our 1st meeting this Monday night. it went from 5 members to 40+ in less than a week, by word of mouth. Too many people don’t have the time or don’t know how to use the Internet to do research. So I am up late at night reading Mudflats (and comments), Huffington Post, Real Clears Politics, FactCheck.org, re-watching The View McCain Interview, Rachel Maddow, etc, etc… and capturing the best and putting into small readable chunks with links. This is why I have only posted a few times. I read, copy and paste all night long. Most here are still the ‘Inbox Generation’ but this is a step up from “I don’t do email.”
I’m just trying to figure out what to do to help.
I want to get people out of the closet….I would love to talk to you further. I don’t know how to get in touch with you through a forum.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Laughing No Longer… (09:15:30) :

Game on! 🙂

14 09 2008
Aliza Sherman

Awesome! I can’t believe you were there. Wish we had met!

Here is my flickr stream of photos and videos. Please feel free to distribute them widely. You can credit Aliza Sherman with them – an Alaska mom of a 2-year-old girl! They are also on my mommyblog: Babyfruit.

Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally Sept 13, 2008

Hope our paths cross for an espresso drink sometime!

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Sorry, meant to say publicly – am trying to get the dinner and blog at the same time. Am addicted to Mudflats!

14 09 2008

I just read on MSNBC that Obama raised $66 mil $10mil for Palin speech for month of August with 500K new donors. McCain raised $47 mil plus $10mil from since Palin speech.

Let’s keep it up. Donate, Vote, Donote

14 09 2008

Apparently, you aren’t the only one who was covering the rally:




This third one has videotaped interviews with rally attendees.

How does one get this coverage in the mainstream press?

14 09 2008

if you are reading this blog and you understand the fierce urgency of now then of course, you need to do the thing which matters the most. be sure
to vote.

make sure that you are registered and able to do so

the Barackobama.com site is prepared to help regardless of party affiliation


14 09 2008

Calling all Floridians!!! I am game for a rally if you are. I have my coffee in hand right now and am ready to chat my “sisters in arms” about how we can put this in motion. I’m in Miami but will travel so let’s see what we can do. Any takers?

14 09 2008

Remember back in the late 1960s (1967 I believe) when Barbara Garson skewered the Johnsons with her savage MacBird parody/spoof/political dramady of Johnson-as-MacBeth and Kennedy-as-Duncan (the character’s name was John Ken O’Dunc as I recall…)? The suggestion in the play was (obviously) that Johnson had a role in JFK’s assassination. Well, I don’t believe that it was true. What I do believe right now, especially after re-reading the NYTimes article, is that Sarah Palin is capable of almost anything. Maybe the next spoof we’ll see is McHamlet with Palin-as-Claudius. Mackie keep your ears plugged and only let Lieberman close enough to whisper in them.

14 09 2008

Just wow. That was awesome to see.

Don’t lose hope, Renee – the game ain’t over yet. It’s still mid-September, and the election isn’t for another month and a half. Plenty of time left to work. 🙂

“It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.” — Sir Winston Churchill

14 09 2008

I don’t believe that the republicans have any idea of what they have unleashed with the nomination of Palin. A lot of my friends here in Western NY and even my daughters rather lost interest in the campaign when Clinton lost the nomination BUT once Palin was nominated have become vehement Obama supporters. They are now insulted, angry and active. I’ve just sent off the link to this article to a lot of people and would like to add one I just received which gives a real insight into the absurdity of Palin’s candidacy.


14 09 2008

MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin –
I was thinking what you wrote, about those racist, who may actually be considering Obama.

Racism and Sexism are two unpleasant realities, and over the years we have made strides in this country…yet we have a long way to go.

If you think of it, historically the “white male” has been quicker to accept race over gender.

It was the Black Man who got the vote before women. And while many may hate to hear it phrased this way, it was a black man who made it as a presidential candidate before a woman.

If McCain was a much younger man, without a history of cancer, his VP might not be such a hot issue. Sure, she would still be of media and public interest, yet the reality that she might step into the president’s shoes would not be as pressing.

Because of McCain’s age and health, the voters are going to give his VP more scrutiny than another candidate, with or without the Palin-factor.

The more I think about it, perhaps Obama was correct in choosing a white man. (I am sorry Hillary, nothing against you, simply the reality of our society.)

If it was Obama-Hillary ticket, many equality challenged voters would not consider the ticket.

History does have a tendency to repeat itself.

14 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck (05:26:02) :

“whatever McCain, et al had in mind for this election – they have done one thing very well – they have awakened a herd of sleeping giants and the stampede to the truth is on!”

Your entire post was excellent.

Kudos to the women of Alaska who stood up FIRST IN THE NATION to make a statement en masse.


14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

John Henry (05:42:24) : “That’s good to hear. It was apparent Republicans were forced to settle for John McCain as the front runner. With the exception of the neocons – the War Baby War crowd, I don’t think any other faction – theocons (religious right), supply-siders, values voters, libertarians,etc – ever really trusted him. He’s proved them right. It looks like the Sarah pick is McCain’s sacrifice to the theocons in order to put Country First – I mean get elected. I’ve heard thecons comprise as much as 40% of the electorate. ”

Thanks, JohnHenry! I’m counting on this as well. At the end of the day, MOST Americans do pride ourselves with a dose of commonsense.

We’re just getting back in from Church and of course, I had to catch up with the wonderful Patriots and heroes on this blog! Congrats again! I am so encouraged. We’re beginning to hear questions (EVEN at Church!), and I agree with earlier posts that the newness and curiousity with Sarah Palin is beginning to wear off.

This morning, I was walking our dog and was joined by a wonderful couple who travels quite a bit. The talk turned to politics, and I discovered this was the first election in which they could vote as they are new American citizens. Imagine that! 🙂 We talked rationally and gently over several minutes and then I sent them some links before we left for Church with the title: Food for Thought – Make Your Vote Count. Upon return this afternoon, I was greeted with a plate of cookies (this IS the South, after all!!) and a thank you for helping make the issues more real.

The key is we cannot let up! This election is all about who wants to win more. It’s a real game now, and we have to get out and be heard every day. Every day. Biden is in Charlotte this evening – is anyone going?

Talk with your neighbors and friends. YES WE CAN. YES WE CAN.

14 09 2008

On CNN right now…there is a panel discussing Israel bombing Iran. They are thinking that it will happen either October or November. If McCain wins it will happen period

14 09 2008

Hmmm….this about says it all:

“…Sarah Palin is the distilled essence of wingnut. She has it all. She is dishonest. She is a religious nut. She is incurious. She is anti-science. She is inexperienced. She abuses her authority. She hides behind executive privilege. She is a big spender. She works from the gut and places a greater value on instinct than knowledge.

And most dangerous of all, she is supremely self-confident to the point of not recognizing how ill-equipped she is to lead the country.”


14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline (09:26:45) :

I vote for your Palin Baby Name! It is so funny!

14 09 2008

Go REAL women and men of Alaska! Sending support and tons of organic double shots of espresso from Boulder, Colorado!!

Obama-Biden for those with integrity!

14 09 2008

Thanks again Mudflats! Clearly outstanding reporting…

I KNOW it may sound sappy to tell you that I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face…but I AM! I am off to go horseback riding with a small group of women with whom I have only discussed politics once, because the conversation was IMMEDIATELY and abruptly halted by the tantrum of one right-wing rider (try saying that 3 times quickly!). However, today I am going to give it another go. If only ONE like-minded woman is in the group, possibly we can start a bit of community organizing!

14 09 2008
Leonard Pinth-Garnell

Can someone explain why NOBODY in Alaska has the cajones to start a RECALL PETITION?

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@gelfling545 (09:22:40) :
thank you, that was gorgeous – I would vote for Michael Palin any day

14 09 2008

I am so encouraged by your post, yet somehow saddened at the same time. Change is slow and difficult. I often wonder how much racism and sexism is for show. It’s good to remember that everyone casts their vote alone.

14 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@mvngfwd (09:21:01) :
Just about to go to bed and I remembered reading that Obama has a couple of dozen offices in Fla – you might find some really pissed off sisters there.

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Enjoyed that vid. Am a Michael Palin fan too!

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

an espresso stand? they don’t serve LATTE”S, do they?
anyone got a pic of SCARAH drinkin’ one o’ them there latte’s, do ya?
what’s next? chardonnay?

on one hand, latte Drinkers, on the other, war with russia. hmmmm. it’s all so dern confusin’!

14 09 2008
Largest political rally held in Alaska’s history sends the message: REJECT PALIN! « the bruce blog

[…] NOW, to read the rest of this post and see the great Pics of the rally, click HERE. […]

14 09 2008

Aussie Puck Mule (06:59:16) :

I don’t know who posted this video earlier on, but thank you — it’s brilliant!

Barbies for war!

Thank you for this link. I am posting it on my blog and hoping to spread the word.


14 09 2008

This is exciting and really good news. Gave me heart! I took part of it, put it in a post and linked by here. Hope this gets ready by EVERYONE!

14 09 2008

All the way from south Mississippi, thank you for sharing!

I’m a white woman from a red, rural, notoriously backwards state, and Sarah Palin DOES NOT speak for me.

14 09 2008

I have added the Saturday Night Live Opening Video to the pictures link I gave earlier. Just in case it gets taken down for copyright infringement as stated that it might be earlier. It is a flv file.
For those you who may not be familiar with flv, you may need
a free, small and safe little player called VLC to play it.
So if you want it to keep for whatever reason and you do not know how to get
it as an actual download, I have placed it there for you.
You can grab the VLC player too from me if you want ( PC not MAC )
or you can go directly to the VLC site HERE.

I will go ahead and post the url to where to grab the rally pics and Saturday night Live Video once again since the original post is now so far back.

Download Anti Palin Rally Pictures from Mudflats Here and also SNL Opening Video

Go Obama !

14 09 2008

Please, please make your next post about the “other” bridge to nowhere — Knik Arm. I feel this is the next item that should shine in the spotlight! Oh… and the $73M she STILL has from the original bridge!!!

14 09 2008


has been blogrolled !

thanks …..fantastic blog !

14 09 2008

Re: Sarah and the Bush Doctrine

NLP wise, she didn’t even TRY to remember what the Bush Doctrine was — she went straight for the bluff. This means to me that the McBush programmers coaching her think so little of the term “Bush Doctrine” that THEY didn’t remember they should coach her on it.

to all these commentators “out there” in MSM and otherwhere, who are saying that she didn’t blink… oh no… she blinked.

I have seen many grad students in many classes go down in the same flaming try she put up for that little bluff…

As far as her triple repetition of not judging what Israel has to do to protect itself… (sigh) never mind, you’ve all heard me say the say-it-three-times-and-it-is-true thing…

14 09 2008
Payette Gals

Determined Women are the best community advocates in the world! Anchorage Ladies you ROCK! We need more women to pay attention to the true facts and not just the fact that she is a woman. Do your research, she’s NOT all sweetness and light and her calling herself a “pitbull with lipstick” is an insult to pitbulls! If she were a TRUE hockey mom, she’d be sending her son to college and not to an illegal war. Isn’t that the normal next step for kids going to high school? College builds toward their future. Most hockey moms know that their sons ambition is to play in the NHL, the Army doesn’t have a hockey team!

14 09 2008

Funny and insightful


The press is always complaining about Obama not having the short and brutal answers….he is too thoughtful and speaks to us like…well… adults. It is crazy to me that so many people find it more admirable to act form the gut. That so many people would rather have some that they can be comfortable eating “potatoe” chips with then someone who might inspire them to put that bag down and go for a walk instead. The republicans treat their constituency with even less respect then treat their children…..they just keep on pouring out the kool-aid

14 09 2008

P.S. I emailed this post to Arianna. I hope she reads it.

14 09 2008
Wisconsin shopgirl

Thank you to all you brave Alaskan women!!

Huffpost has posted an article about it:


It’s on the Politics page. Let’s hope that the MSM picks it up as well.

Let’s keep alive what the Alaskan women have started down here in the lower 48. We have a lot of work before us, but let’s get fired up. Get out there and donate your time, your money, and your energy for Barack and Joe. This election is too important for our families and our country!!!!

14 09 2008

The pictures were wonderful, the signs were wonderful, I just had a small stroke 3 days ago & I’m quite sure it was this election, I promised my doctor I would stop watching the tv & stop blogging, but I just can’t give up Mudflats, I just can’t. Would like to donate to these educated brave women in Alaska. Pray for our country, pray for OBAMA!!!

14 09 2008

So happy to see this! I’m one of the millions of Americans who asked “Sarah WHO?” just a couple of weeks ago. After hearing time and time again “She’s the most popular guv’na EVER!” as one one of her “qualifications” it’s great to have yet another McCain/Palin lie brought to light.


14 09 2008

Haven’t seen anything this beautiful since the marches of the early 70’s! Brava, women of Alaska!

14 09 2008
Carmen M.

Finally the truth is coming out!
Thanks Alaska for helping America!!

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

karen, please be careful and take care of yourself.
watch snl, laugh, bruceblog is funny. be well.
know that we will keep on,
and you must be well to VOTE and enjoy the fruits of your efforts when our President Obama is sworn in. xoxo


14 09 2008

Hope you stay well Karen
Will say a prayer for your continued health.

14 09 2008

awesome! 🙂

14 09 2008


From newsweek article (http://www.newsweek.com/id/158738/output/comments) :

Posted By: blowfly @ 09/14/2008 10:51:31 AM

Comment: Please note 91% of commercial talk radio is conservative, pro-Republican.

In the last 20 elections, the majority of newspapers have endorsed a Democrate only twice (1964, 1992), that’s just 10% of the elections.

The fastest growing news network, FOX, is blatenly pro-Republican and it’s owner Rupert Murdoch does not deny this, in fact flaunts the stituation.

It’s well know that voters are not happy with the media (presenting bad news is it’s business), so that Republican focusing on the proveably false claim that the media is “liberal”, is an attempt to associate something voters dislike with their opposition, the same way they try to associate them with a lack of morals (both parties have a problem there) and playing fast and loose with the budget (last Democrat, budget down, federal debt down, last Republican budget up, federal debt up).

The reality is that these associations and “knee-jerk” reactions are counter-productive and simply make debates “you’re ugly”, you’re fat”, etc. not the basis for good decisions.

14 09 2008
Kate Henry

I’m glad to hear that the people there shut Eddie Burke up. He needs to be shut up. I just watched a tv spot where Burke said “I didn’t tell those people to be threatening when they called”. Well what in the hell did he think that rabid Palin supporters were going to do when they were given the phone numbers, on the air, of the rally organizers. He knew exactly what they would do. Yes, we do have freedom of speech, but you still can’t yell “fire” in a crowded room, and that’s what Burke did. Some day one of these right winger talking heads are going to incite a crazy who kills the person the right winger vilifies. At that time, I hope that murder charges are brought against the right winger talking head.

14 09 2008

The rally was truly a wonderful moment…There were a lot of great signs, but I wondered why I did not see any signs concerning the AIP. Is it a dead topic?

I have asked this a couple of time and I have yet to get a response. I think that I must be missing something…so please someone. Set me straight!

When will Palins connections to the AIP be reported. It is clear that the political choices that she has made support both small minded evangelist’s values and a secessionist’s philosophy. Of course she went after the republicans system…she is not really one of them. There is damning evidence that she and her husband are both a traitors and an infiltrators!

14 09 2008

I’ve been looking at the photos and video of the protest rally over on DailyKos.

Readers voted on their favorite protest sign:
McCain/Palin = Unstable/Unable

This is a big deal! I love it.

14 09 2008
Payette Gals

Don’t call her a “wing nut” it is an insult to the “Wing Nuts” here in Detroit! We OWN the name and are nothing like the goober-nut Palin. WING NUTS ARE TRUE HOCKEY FANS OF THE THE CHAMPION DETROIT RED WINGS! We are also TRUE hockey moms, not flip floppers like Sara Palin. Please, do not insult us any further by linking her name with us.

14 09 2008

Karen, take care of yourself and don’t let the Republiars have your health.

14 09 2008

This is sooooo wonderful!!! Man, I can’t stand when the MSM misses stuff like this. How was it reported in the local Alaskan papers?
Anyway, thank you so much for this. You made my day (you and NY Times with their ongoing blitzkrieg of lie smashing)

14 09 2008

I just emailed Senator Obama with the following request:

There was an anti-Palin rally yesterday in Alaska…the largest political rally in the state’s history! This rally was half again larger than the pro-Palin rally that took place earlier that day. The pro-Palin rally was notable for how many people stayed away in droves.

Senator Obama, you MUST go to Alaska! You have galvanized that state and are bringing together diverse people, philosophies, and issues there in a way that has never been done before. Please don’t leave your supporters out in the cold…you may find that, indeed, Alaska is a blue state!

And please check out the blog http://www.mudflats.com, a site that has gained world-wide renown for well-written and intelligent commentary on Alaskan politics, by an Alaskan.

Please email Obama and ask him to go to Alaska. Imagine the size of that rally!

14 09 2008

fact check

checkin’ up on a comment from ‘the most educated individual on energy in the country’ or something to that effect.


14 09 2008
Mari Ippolito

I was at the rally and it was liberating! Thanks so much to the organizers for their efforts and to Mudflats for the balanced coverage. I’ve seen the Anchorage Daily News and some of the local TV coverage (Channels 2 and 11) and their coverage was, as expected, biased in favor of Sarah Palin.

14 09 2008

ohhh… Payette Gals this needs to get out. WingNuts Untie (er) Unite! WingNuts against Palin!!!!! Maybe you have found your calling!

14 09 2008


That is great! I hope that it happens.

14 09 2008

now if Arizona could turn blue, there so many here voting for mccain just because he is the az senator, i think he is so pathetic, and desparate to rule!
oh yeah and on the palin doll they should put a pull string on it where she keeps repeating her only statements:
1 bridge to nowhere, thanks but no thanks
2 difference between me and a pitbull? LIPSTICK

14 09 2008

My hat goes off to the brave women of Alaska. There still is courage left in this country. Well done.

14 09 2008

thank you!!! i posted and linked back to this on my blog, The Cranky Crone. we can win this thing if we WASP’s (women against sarah palin) all work together!

14 09 2008

OMG now they’re all harping on Obama and Biden voting for the “bridge to nowhere”. Once again using people’s ignorance against them. Why isn’t the MSM making it clear Alaska GOT the money??? It was up to Palin to use it for the bridge or not? It’s not about whether the Bridge was a bad idea but her LIES about earmarks.

14 09 2008

TomDispatch.com Interesting site. Third article by Schwartz is very interesting. I really enjoy this site. I hope Obama comes to Alaska.

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Karen –

Take care of yourself. You may not be getting universal healthcare if Palin gets in.


14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

yes! Operation Alaska

the warmonger liar party of scarah and mcshame are famous for taking their rallies into the center of blue country… they always make a big deal how much money they raise here on the upper east side..
a rally in alaska says a lot on so many levels,
take it to the belly of the beast, and see what happens.
NOTHING will look better than a huge turnout in alaska. and maybe right down to phoenix after…

14 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Amused and Bewildered (05:57:40) :

OMG! My favorite picture of Palin so far!!!! I clicked on an article called “Obama tries to blunt Palin, by attacking McCain”. LOOKEE AT THE PICTURE! Best one yet! I hope it appears aaaalll over the web.

OMG. THAT is the photo to use on the “Mooselini” posters.

14 09 2008

the thrill is gone

ok, here’s the ‘best’ thing about Sarah Palin’s history (or lack thereof). now there is nothing left to write about. After two weeks of daily front page above the fold pictures and stories, my morning look at more than twenty different national news sources comes up with a few small pieces all of them critical.

and that includes two or three links back to the SNL Tina Fey impression which was pretty (no pun or sexism intended) ripping.


from this, i am concluding that the thrill is gone. clearly, Ms Palin is no Gandhi, has zero new ideas and after the analysis, has done almost as little in her experience as she has gained knowledge about world affairs, energy or well, no one seems to have asked any specifics about hockey yet but my guess here today is that she is not that familiar with hockey either.

one great quote that i found yesterday was this:

we did not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we are borrowing it from our children

if you care about your children and the children of everyone around the world, make sure you are registered to vote and then make sure you go out there and do the one most powerful thing that you can do to keep people with small and generally empty minds out of the government.

get registered (this link is non partisan) and make sure you vote


14 09 2008

sorry i hit enter before i meant to, i wanted to say to the Alaskan women: “YOU GO GIRLS” it gives when your hear the rep say american women are behind her, “NOT”!!!!
God Bless
sally from Arizona

14 09 2008

Laughing–scarah and mcshame..Luv it! 🙂

14 09 2008
John Henry

@UK lady (06:04:21)


Anyone who knows anything about Russia knows that though its getting worse over here for regular Americans, we’re still better off than the Russians. Barbara Walter’s would be assassinated in Russia if she confronted McCain the way she did on the View. If anyone wants to see what its like when the government lies to you 24/7/365 days a year. Brush up on Russian history.

But, its good that you bring Russia up because what pissed me off most from the NYT article is this:

And four months ago, a Wasilla blogger, Sherry Whitstine, who chronicles the governor’s career with an astringent eye, answered her phone to hear an assistant to the governor on the line, she said.

“You should be ashamed!” Ivy Frye, the assistant, told her. “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

Can you imagine SP trying to do this on the national level? Who does she think she is?!?! You can’t be Vice President if you dont believe in the 1st Amendment.


We have a right to speak freely.

Its no longer scary or chilling to me anymore. I am pissed!

I donated to Obama again today and have volunteered for an event here. I am FIRED UP and READY TO GO! There is too much at stake this time!

14 09 2008
» Thinking Alaskans Reject Palin Obama Magazine

[…] More from Mudflats .gallery { margin: auto; } .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } .gallery img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } […]

14 09 2008
Largest rally in Alaska history - Pro-Obama « Egads!


14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

i have to watch a little of my skins. my brain hurts.
i am still gobsmacked. uk lady blew my doors off today. and my doors are well affixed. its very rude, but beyond SERIOUS
i have sent it to people i don’t even remember why they’re in my phonebook.
link again, just in case you have not been gobsmacked yet…


14 09 2008

@ Amused and Bewildered and also HamletsMill

I placed that little beauty with the pics

Its called the real sarah.jpg

Thanks for that !!!!!

14 09 2008

If You Missed, or Don’t Get the PBS Series ‘Bill Moyers Journal’ You May Want To Watch or Read the Show From This Past Friday.

Why you might ask, Well It Sheds the Light on Alaska’s, and all of ours public airways, Chubby Big Mouth ‘Shock Jock’!!

Rage on the Radio

September 12, 2008

What happens when America’s airwaves fill with hate? BILL MOYERS JOURNAL takes a tough look at the hostile industry of “Shock Jock” media with a hard-hitting examination of its effects on our nation’s political discourse.

14 09 2008

Harley is an internet deity, I think. 🙂

Cindy McCain’s dresses puzzle me, too – I saw her wearing a yellow thing the same color as her hair, and she looked like a giant banana.

I finally figured out what seems so funny to me about the constant, un-inventive lies – it’s as though the Republicans are operating in a world where they haven’t fully realized the internet exists and anyone with a computer and internet connection can figure out the lies with a quick google. It reminds me of characters in scary movies, and how they always look back at the wacko with an axe chasing them, where if they had ever seen a movie they would know not to do that. It’s like the world has moved on without them and they are trying to catch up, but not doing very well.

@ Payette Gals: “Wingnut” in lower case means the same thing as a world-class nutbar, not Detroit fans (as with capital letters).

(I’m so happy the season is about to start – I always loved Marian Hossa with the Senators, and can’t wait to see him in the red and white on a line with Datsyuk.) 😀

14 09 2008

Hello from California. You are awesome! Keep fighting against the lies.

14 09 2008

moose (10:06:31) :

TomDispatch.com Interesting site. Third article by Schwartz is very interesting. I really enjoy this site. I hope Obama comes to Alaska

Love those anecdotes about over protected Cheney. C’mon if you were Cheney wouldn’t you be terrified of meeting your maker :X Can’t say I blame him.

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

yesss, SCARAH
say that one 3 times and get it to stick!

14 09 2008

the library, you say

ironic, the citizens of Wasilla first pushed back against Sarah Palin Mayor when she tried to tinker with the city library

14 09 2008

mccain camp lies. a good site to see a running list and explanation of some of the bigger palin lies:


14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@anniekelleher (10:05:49) : we can win this thing if we can get WASP’s (Women Against Sarah Palin) to unite….

I love this!!!!! Is there a web site or group that has taken this name?

New tee-shirt with the bright Lily Pulitzer colors. Shoot, even a golf polo and a small monogram with WASP would be great and how much fun to wear on the course! I’m all for reaching out at the “clubs” any way we can.

14 09 2008

Thank you for the coverage of the protest! Maybe it’s been mentioned but Ed Schultz of The Ed Schultz Show at http://www.wegoted.com is in Alaska this weekend interviewing residents about what Sarah Palin is really like. It will be broadcast on his show Monday. I’m pretty sure you can listen at his website. The show is on the radio from 11-2 CDT.

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

For all those who are aching to help….

I’m a disabled single mom making do on a small fixed income. Over the past few months, I’ve been wracking my brains about what I could do to help with the Dem. campaigns. Blogging is great, but at times, I felt that I was preaching to the choir. So I’ve been sending out a lot of emails both to an ever growing email list as well as letters to media companies. Yesterday, I went to a local Camp Obama to make calls. I was a little nervous, wasn’t sure how my shy nature would hold up. But it was a great experience! Wonderful group of people, and the phone conversations were both enlightening and moving.

I just took a look at http://www.fivethirtyeight.com, a website that had the most accurate predictions for the Congressional races. Have avoided it over the past few days…for good reason. For the first time in months, Obama is down both in electoral votes and popular vote predictions. There’s much work to be done. So happy to have the support of all on Mudflats.


14 09 2008


ACK ! It’s like that old mommy threat “careful or your face will freeze that way”, that’s exactly what Old Lady Palin will look like one day !

14 09 2008
Palin’s Unreported Welcome Home

[…] Over 1400 people attended the first “Alaska Women Reject Palin,” rally outside the Ancho…. […]

14 09 2008

Thank you SO MUCH for writing about this and especially for the photos! I’m linking to your post on my LiveJournal with text and links to a bunch of photos to spread the information and to send people over here.

The anti-Palin sentiment is being so radically under-reported it’s very angering. I know I’m not the only liberal mother who finds her outrageous, but it’s hard to tell if you look at the press! So thank you so much 🙂

14 09 2008

I twittered about this article, to friends, to CNN, to Rachel Maddow, and a few others. i urge others to do the same and let’s see if it makes news???

14 09 2008
John Henry

@swineprincess (06:44:46) :

I know I just saw a clip Carly lying too about earmarks as Governor. They are past the bottom of the barrel. They are now officially drilling a dry well.

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

I want someone to make an ad or you tube video with mccain in and call him a LIAR!!! who has the balls to do that!!! I am sick and tired of his lies and Palin and her right wing nut job stances on women issues!!!

14 09 2008
Roxy Dragon Pebbles

Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I thought that I was alone in thinking Sarah Palin was a religous zealot with only her own interests at heart. It is gratifying to know that there ARE people out there who see her for what she really is.

14 09 2008
Joe Lang

Can’t tell you how much I appreciated this. Made my week.

Keep up the good work, I’ve enjoyed your blog tremendously.

J. Lang in Washington State, once and future Alaska resident

14 09 2008
Kate Henry

winstonsmithcloned (09:20:24) :
make sure that you are registered and able to do so

This is the most important thing to do. Call your county registrar before the last day to register is past. That way if they have your registration mixed up, you can fix it by registering again.

Also, ask your country registrar for an absentee ballot and use it. Then you won’t have to wait in line and you won’t have to vote on a hackable voting machine.

Finally, if you receive an absentee ballot in the mail, unsolicited, check it out thoroughly before you use it. The McCain campaign is sending out altered absentee ballots that either go back to the wrong address or have been altered in a way that the registrar will void the vote. Pass this on to everyone you know.

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
The Angel Of Death

One thing those pro- and anti-Palin protesters had in common yesterday was that they were all dead were they stood, just as America is dead. Wait until the euthanizing of the baby boomers begins as a result of tens of millions of abortions performed during the last thirty-five years. The ‘entitlement programs’ of Medicare and Social Security are broke. Alaskans’ livelihoods exist from two sources: the american taxpayer and black gold. Take away the 70s pipeline, and the population of Anchorage is 50,000- a quarter-million persons less than it is.

Alaska was a beautiful place…before man came around and, as usual, fucked everything up, as is the case with everything he touches.

14 09 2008

“Catherine (10:14:11) :

Harley is an internet deity, I think”

Nah, I had to learn how to do many things with the ” interwebs ”
because after 22 years as a nurse with the Veterans Administration in the United States I now spend my working hours helping hubby sometimes.
He is an art director, cartoonist and advertising ” dude “.
We have our own business. He designs websites, print ads, brochures,
and themes for conventions and the like.
That said, he knows nothing of actually CREATING the website we design via , we hire ” back-end ” people for that. He simply designs via the art end what the site should look like, creates the elements and then we get someone else to do the XHTML, CSS, PHP and all that jazz. Works out quite well actually.
This winter I am going back to school to learn how to all that myself.
Then we will not need the third party designers anymore !
In the meantime, much like Ms. Palin, I am ” learning on the job ”


14 09 2008

regi…thanks for the Palin pix I have enlarged it and put it in my garden and the crows have vanished..

14 09 2008

Makes me wonder if Ms. Palin doesn’t make it as the Vice President will she even make it through this term as Governor let alone be reelected.

Eddie Burke didn’t look so tough in those pictures did he. Especially given how flat out nasty he looked on that TV News interview he did over this thing. I just love people who can’t accept the rights of others to speak their mind. The Bush mantra of “if you’re not with us you’re against us” is certainly the mantra of Burke and Palin it seems.

When I heard about what Burke did I was going to write to the radio station General Manager and voice my displeasure, especially given his disgusting endorsement of Burke’s actions. When I got to the website I saw all the Palin and conservative propaganda along with the link to Fox News and the use of their “Fair and Balanced” tagline and decided it wasn’t worth spending the time. While I don’t mind discussing opposing viewpoints with people if you’re touting Fox News and Fair and Balanced then you’re mind is as closed off as it can be.

I really wanted to thank you for posting this. It does my heart good to see people fight back against bullies and that is exactly what Palin and her bunch are. I hope Ms. Frye enjoys being the governors babysitter, that will look really good on her resume no matter how she tries to fluff it up.

14 09 2008

amused & bewildered……thanks for the PERECT palin photo, I have been working up some cartoons, it was just what I need!

14 09 2008
Ingrid Bengis Palei


14 09 2008

BTW…hubby will get that avatar finished for me today;
The mushroom cloud one.
He is going to create it as a cartoon with glasses and bun for you.
He had to finish a project late into the night yesterday.
Sorry about that.

14 09 2008

@ Catherine: LOL! “giant banana”
The Repubs are, as you say, operating as though the internet doesn’t exist. I think it’s because their base doesn’t do ‘the internets’.

There are a lot of folks out in rural and small-town America who get the bulk of their info from radio (Limbaugh) and whatever big headlines are flashed in front of them (FOX News, CNN). The way to reach them is to make a big noisy splash. No facts, proof or truth is required.

14 09 2008


Thanks for the heads up on the Moyers piece.

I hope that blogging can do something to comabate such hate radio.

Aren’t some of these guys guilty of “inciting a riot”?

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@Harley – BTW…hubby will get that avatar finished for me today;
The mushroom cloud one.

Yippee!!!! That’s me – nothing like a little drama to start the week!! THANK YOU!

Is anyone in Charlotte, NC? Joe Biden will there tonight.

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

You know, she calls herself a HOCKEY MOM, (I dont want a hockey mom runnging my country) ok she is a mom (she told us) and she is a woman, Is that sexist? its noticeable we can see she is a woman, did you notice Obama is black (bi-racial actually) oops can’t touch that! Obama is a dad that loves his children very much, did you know that? well we wanna know what kinda mom, what kinda woman she is…..1)she chose to keep her baby, does that mean she considered not having the baby? and what if her baby wasn’t special do you think she would have pledged special treatment if you vote for her? 2)She’s against sex education because girls might get pregnant (oops don’t look my daughter got pregnant) can’t touch that…. oh but she still believes in abstinence for ours, (because it worked so well for hers) 3)So what if her children were struggling with drug use (mine have) then what? I’m against drug use/abuse, does that make me a bad mom? or maybe it would be ok if that was the case, because then I would have an advocate in D.C. Is this sexist? oops can’t touch that! Before Palin was in the picture Obama was dragged thru the mud, He came out standing because he is strong in his beliefs and values and he has enough credentials to trust he is not after POWER, just our best interest, he wants the best for his children as a dad, and I know as a President he wants the best for all Americans. What I don’t understand is why are they so defensive? what exactly offends them? the fact that we know she is a woman? does she want special treatment because she is a woman? I’m sorry is that sexist? oops!

MY Plea to Arizonans, PLEASE DONT VOTE FOR McCAIN, JUST because he is the senator of Arizona, that is not a good reason, separate him from AZ and take a 2nd look…….

and to ALL THE WOMEN, PLEASE DONT VOTE for McCain JUST because of Palin, just because she is a woman. It’s like she is Ms ALASKA running for Ms USA, Guys oops I mean WOMEN, this is not a run for Ms Congeniality , this is the run for the VicePresident of the United States of America, Cmon women there is a reason we had to fight for the right to vote, the men didn’t trust that we could make an unbiased vote, that we might vote for someone pretty and fun. Id rather have Oprah!

Why can she take aim against Obama/Biden but no one can take aim at her? oops I forgot its sexist to ask questions like that! IM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!! right now its kinda embarrasing, the world must be laughing at us, Osama is probably cracking up, you got Russia, Iran, China, probably Iraq too! all we need is the Germans and Philappines… Thanks alot Maverick! He is more like a desparate old man with the last chance in his life to be The President.

OUT with analog in with Digital in 2009!

I have a question? What is Middle class? I guess I would have to know what is low and what is HIGH? what is average and what is normal? You can’t forget who you represent, Me & him! Thank you!

And the 911 tragedy, hurricane disasters sorry that’s an American thing, DONT TOUCH THAT!

You know, they should be known as McSame/McPain! she seems programmed, can she say anything else, she seems programmed, is she campaigning for him or running for VP?

I have an idea, lets put a pull string on her new little barbie, there are plenty of repeating statements.

1) Hi! Im a Hockey Mom!

2) Whats the difference between a pitbull and me, Lipstick!

3)the bridge to no where, I said Thanks but no thanks!

4)the Plane, I put it on Ebay! yea!

Obama you go! Baby! they are messing with you don’t waiver, you need to hang in with Change and economy, the times have changed right before our eyes, technology, energy needs, awareness to the enviroment, change is coming no matter what, that is what you have to preach…….

and as for the war, i think we went in wanting revenge, the outcome well you see what its caused, but we do have to end it but with dignity for our soldiers, all i know is McCain better make sure and be an advocate our soldiers when they get Home.


By the way where is McCain? Hello i don’t see you anymore, I can’t hear you! Your strategy was to distract Obama and get Hillarys girls

Guys It scares me, just the idea, Maveric huh?


14 09 2008

Thanks for the post and pictures. I’ve told the peeps in my social networks to digg this story.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Pat, my pleasure, LOL! That photo really says it all, doesn’t it? (Thank goodness that one slipped out there!)

Also, re: Sherry Whitstine’s blog, the woman who Ivy Frye called to tell to “Stop blogging!”, here’s the link. I posted it in another one of the comment sections so some may not have seen it and it’s not that easy to find.


14 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

swineprincess (09:46:26) :

Re: Sarah and the Bush Doctrine

NLP wise, she didn’t even TRY to remember what the Bush Doctrine was — she went straight for the bluff. This means to me that the McBush programmers coaching her think so little of the term “Bush Doctrine” that THEY didn’t remember they should coach her on it.

to all these commentators “out there” in MSM and otherwhere, who are saying that she didn’t blink… oh no… she blinked.

I have seen many grad students in many classes go down in the same flaming try she put up for that little bluff…

As far as her triple repetition of not judging what Israel has to do to protect itself… (sigh) never mind, you’ve all heard me say the say-it-three-times-and-it-is-true thing…

Very insightful observation! As you point out, they did NOT even bother to brief her on one of the most important changes in American foreign policy philosophy in 230 years. We MUST get this nation out of the Neocon/Theocon hell that has destroyed our soul as a nation.

As I have posted before, we have this level of resolve for November 4th, 2008.

Everyone VISUALIZE all of us getting ashore in the first, second, and third waves into a new future for our nation. We are all together. I love every one of you here!

14 09 2008
Kate Henry

Lizzie (10:19:22) :
I just took a look at http://www.fivethirtyeight.com, a website that had the most accurate predictions for the Congressional races. Have avoided it over the past few days…for good reason. For the first time in months, Obama is down both in electoral votes and popular vote predictions. There’s much work to be done. So happy to have the support of all on Mudflats.

Don’t despair. The polls are being cooked by polling equal numbers of Democrats and Republican when Democrats are 12% more than registered Republicans. The polls also can’t account for cell phone users and the millions of newly registered voters.

But, don’t get complacent either. I am actually glad that the polling companies are skewing their polls to make it look like a horse race. That will keep Obama supporters on their toes and working hard. It will also encourage the new young voters to actually get out and vote!

14 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike


Seems to be that not only can you be an astronaut, I think you are qualified to be King of Space or something.

And me? Well, I live one-half block from a bank. I can definitely see it and sometimes when I am on my porch, I can even hear customers talking to tellers at the drive-thru.

As luck would have it, I am qualified to be the Chairman of the Federal Reserve! Well,that is, just as soon as someone tells me exactly what it is that the Chairman of the Federal Reserve does.

If that doesn’t work out, I can see the Chinese restaurant a block and a half from me if I go to the edge of my front yard–sounds like I might be in line for an ambassadorship to China. Other qualifications: eating Chinese food, playing Chinese checkers, being the owner of china. Oh, and I played Chinese firedrill when I was a youth.

I am not qualified to be Secretary of Commerce–can’t see that grocery store a block away because of the trees.

14 09 2008
Chris Brown


I used to live in Anchorage, went to UAA (GO SEAWOLVES!!) and am so happy to see this attitude in my former home. Good stuff and thanks for sharing.

14 09 2008

I am SO thrilled to read this entry, I sent it to everyone I know! Thank you, thank you, thank you brave Alaskan progressives!

I encourage everyone to forward this URL so that this rally gets the attention it deserves in the national media. The lie being perpetrated about how so many women are thrilled with Palin needs to be debunked, big time.

The homemade signs are absolutely wonderful. I would like to see women with signs like these, accompanied by a polar bear, at every single Palin rally everywhere she goes. They’d be guaranteed to get local media coverage that would help burst the Palin bubble.

14 09 2008
Linda in Virginia

Just wanted to add my thanks to Mudflats, AWRP, and all the folks who’ve been posting here. I am outraged by the contempt for truth the McCain/Palin ticket demonstrates every day. Thank you all for helping to get the truth out and for working so hard to prevent fear and hatred from carrying the day!

14 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin « Not Very Bright

[…] 14, 2008 by notverybright Read about the big rally over at Mudflats a topnotch Alaska blog you should add to your blogroll for at least the next two […]

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

jeep pike LOL, i love it!!!!

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Saw that picture of SP. Looked uncannily like a pitbull.

Please take care. My thoughts are with you.

Is anyone else starting to believe that this community at Mudflats may just be about to influence the elections? The information that is being accumulated here eventually ends up in the MSM. I’m beginning to feel like I may be participating in a historic event.

14 09 2008

Alaska women and men ROCK in the USA!!! Way to go… keep on… I am with ya here in the lower 48!!! What was McCain thinking??

14 09 2008

Please, those of you from states leaning toward McPain/Calin, please work hard to get the word out in your states. California, where I’m from, is easily going with Obama. But, the swing states are vital for Obama to get elected! Please talk to your neighbors, friends, enemies. Please do the same thing that happened in this demonstration. Please send emails to everyone and provide information as to why McPain/Calin will mean more disaster for our country, that a vote for Obama is our best hope for a better future. Please, this election is too important…….and watch those voting machines. If you suspect something, protest!!

14 09 2008

Let me let you know just a couple of things. I am an African American female. And at the beginning of this race I just knew I would be supporting Hillary. I’ve always liked her. She’s smart, experienced, well connected and has taken a lot from all sides, both politically and personally. I knew she was no pushover.

I did not know anything about Obama and initially never gave him a second thought. Until a friend of mind asked me if I saw what happened in Iowa. Since I had not I began to take notice.

I then began to listen to him speak and it reminded me of JFK. He also began to inspire me to take action. Though Hillary was experienced, Obama motivated me to get involved.

From that point forward I began to look more closely at both candidates. My observation became this:

After each debate I followed I realized that they both had the same agenda. For most of their policies they were identical only with a few variations. Hillary appeared to be a little more centric when it came to foreign policy and how to deal with terriorism and she did vote for the war. Other than that I sumized that it would come down to who do you like as person and not their politics.

For me it was a very difficult choice because either way it was historic, which I found terrific.

However for me at the end of the day, I had to remember my parents and grandparents and what they went through. And that even though I am a women, as an African American women, it was twice as hard.

As you mentioned, people do vote for someone they can Identify with. However recognize that if I did not believe Obama was capable, He would not have my vote.

HE is not the first Black man to ever run for President. And Hillary is not the only female to have run. Shirley Chisholm ran in 1972 (Black woman) and Jessie Jackson ran in 1984 and 1988. There would have been no way in the world I would have ever voted for Jessie Jackson however he did get more votes for nomination than anyone ever thought. Also Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 Vice President.

So this is not the last chance. However there is a since of pride for African American to know since we this close, there may be a cold day in hell that we would ever get this chance again. There is a since of urgency.

Just like it is with women. But don’t in your wildest imagination believe that we are voting for Obama ‘just because he is black”. Since Black are overwhelmingly Democrats, we have always voted for a white person because we had no choice. This time we Do.

To go from No choice, to CHOICE, who would not stand behind that. Unlike popular opinion, we (Blacks and women) are not stupid but when you are given a choice of equal substance, we do as most humans do, what we believe is best for us

14 09 2008

OK, I am going to try this again

I have asked this a couple of time and I have yet to get a response. I think that I must be missing something…so please someone. Set me straight!

When will Palins connections to the AIP be reported? It is clear that the political choices that she has made support both small minded evangelist’s values and a secessionist’s philosophy. Of course she went after the republicans system…she is not really one of them. There is damning evidence that she and her husband are both a traitors and an infiltrators!

The rally was truly a wonderful moment…There were a lot of great signs, but I wondered why I did not see any signs concerning the AIP. Is it a dead topic?

14 09 2008

He is working on it right now Proud

14 09 2008
Kate Henry

Glenn2008 (04:32:44) :

Watch the video of the corwd. Impressive.

Wow, that’s an impressive crowd, especially for Alaska. It looked to me to be more than 1,400 people, but that’s the count the organizers came up with.

Good work!

14 09 2008
Alaskan Woman

Thank you to Mudflats for everything. I’d go crazy without you! I feel so isolated in this small Red Alaska town! Also, a huge thank you to the brave and wonderful women who organized the Anti Palin rally. I hope other states follow this incredible example. Please somebody, tell me how to get in contact with those organizers. I live 3 hours from Anchorage, but I will travel, send moola, or do anything else I can do to support them.

I too think if Barack came here it would help to energize women all over the country.

14 09 2008

For those in Florida: This article may come in helpful.


14 09 2008


It’s so wonderful to see that the people of Alaska are NOT fooled by Palin’s schtick. Thank you for those photos and all.

Now..if we could just get the rest of the country to pay attention and make an informed choice…

14 09 2008

The anti-Palin rally has inspired me to make another donation to the Obama/Biden campaign. Our local campaign headquarters does not have any yard signs: I bought one today (along with campaign buttons, rally signs and a t-shirt).

Go Obama/Biden!!!

14 09 2008

Join with me believing that women are not as stupid as the male-dominated government and news media paint us! Thank goodness. I was starting to doubt my lifelong dream of visiting Alaska for an extended visit 🙂 I refuse to join in giving her any more energy. Thank you, Alaska!!!

14 09 2008

Keep up the good work here. I’m excited to see that women in Alaska are willing to show the world that Palin for vp is definitely not a pretty face. You guys would know best.

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Can you afford 8 more years of a MCCAIN/PALIN ADMINISTRATION??

aSK youself!

Spike in jobless rate for women is worst in more than 33 years

you can read about why not here


14 09 2008

thank you SO MUCH for writing this!! It give me hope, and I can’t wait to send it on to one of my friends who works for Obama here in Chicago!!! Your courage and dedication is amazing and inspiring. Gives me goosebumps, in fact!!
thanks again!


14 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ocliberal and others in SoCal
While many in our area are true blue, others of us live in the red hinterlands. What say we get together and see if we can raise enough interest to do our own version of the anti-Palin rally? If you’re interested, please contact me privately at stitchergini@yahoo.com. Wouldn’t it be great if we could gather a good sized group at various key intersections around in the redder parts of SoCal on different days.

14 09 2008
Wired Differently

Posting at what is probably the tail end of a long thread. My timing is always impeccable, but I had to read and wait until I had it figured out.

First, brava to the folks to had the guts to participate in the first demonstration in the country counter the Republican propaganda machine.

Next, I have been pondering what, if anything, to say to my mother, with whom I have not talked politics (by mutual agreement) in 7 years. She ventured a positive comment about SP after her RNC speech, and I had to ask her not to go there.

But we’re having dinner tonight I think I’ll ask her permission to break the silence. If she agrees, here’s what I’ll say.

Never mind the Bridge to Nowhere. Pork is a way of life in Alaska. Nothing new there.

Never mind Troopergate. Probable violation of ethics? yes. Indication of a habit of patronage and political decisions made for personal reasons? yes. Again, nothing new in the world of politics (and elsewhere). Apply the adage: It’s not the act that will get you, it’s the cover-up. With all the attention brought to the issue, she and her handlers have turned a rather minor event into a national issue. Their problem.

Never mind the evidence that her parenting skills are less than stellar. I’m a raging feminist liberal (aka socialist baby-killing maggot), yet none of my kids are pregnant, forced to decide between the army and jail, all have graduated from high school, etc.

Do mind that her running mate, John McCain, is failing physically and the odds are much higher than usual that he will not be able to serve out his term if elected, elevating her to the presidency.

Do mind the evidence that she’s guided by a fringe, fanatic religious organization that would take many of our hard-won civil liberties away from us. (censorship, anti-choice)

Do mind her shocking ignorance of the world beyond Wasilla, Alaska. (proximity to Russia notwithstanding)

Above all, Do mind that she looked America in the eye and told us blithely that we may have to go to war with Russia.

Mom, I want you to think about what that last statement means for your four grandchildren. Can you justify voting for McCain/Palin knowing that she would (unblinkingly) bring that on? You stopped smoking for the sake of having a better chance of watching your grandchildren grow up. They’re now all beautiful, eager young adults with great aspirations for their lives. Could you please consider not voting for the people who have no scruples about throwing those beautiful young lives away?

I don’t want to turn you into a liberal or convince you to share my political beliefs. I just want you to give your grandchildren a chance to live to your age.

I hope I can muster the self-control to pull this off.

14 09 2008

Is this all true? If so, the radio guy needs a kick in the rear:

“Some of Alaska’s abused women speak out against the Walt Monegan firing.
Apparently, Palin thought it was more important to fire the Top Cop over a vendetta, than to keep the only champion for abused women in the state where rape and domestic violence ranks #1. Women planning to rally against Sarah Palin were called “baby killing maggots” by radio talk show host who gave out their phone numbers over the air. The women were inundated with threatening phone calls from radio listeners. ”

I found this on oldest comments at digg.com:

14 09 2008
Alaskan Women don’t like Palin « Vicarious Living Through Janene

[…] Check out the post here. […]

14 09 2008
John Henry

“@ plwalsh (07:50:54) :
re: Bloomberg Rally Crowd piece:”

Also from the Bloomberg piece here

“Senator John McCain has drawn some of the biggest crowds of his presidential campaign since adding Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to his ticket on Aug. 29. Now officials say they can’t substantiate the figures McCain’s aides are claiming.

McCain aide Kimmie Lipscomb told reporters on Sept. 10 that an outdoor rally in Fairfax City, Virginia, drew 23,000 people, attributing the crowd estimate to a fire marshal.

Fairfax City Fire Marshal Andrew Wilson said his office did not supply that number to the campaign and could not confirm it. Wilson, in an interview, said the fire department does not monitor attendance at outdoor events.”

Another confirmation denied here

“At another recent appearance, the McCain campaign boasted of 10,000 people who attended an event in Pennsylvania. Asked how aides arrived at that number, the campaign said the Secret Service provided the figures. Soon after, the Secret Service said it had done no such thing.”

14 09 2008

here is another video of the rally with interviews. well worth seeing:

14 09 2008

OMG! I lived in Alaska for 6 years, and take it from a woman who actually once walked in a Pride Parade of 30 people through the streets of Anchorage this turn out was really something! Makes me proud to be one of us and not one of them.

Thanks for all your work to bring us this and all the real news from the Alaskan front. I read your blog every day and it really helps keep the faith for the rest of us.
Off to work at the Missouri Obama campaign office today to make sure Missouri doesn’t swing the wrong way. 🙂

All my best to you and all the Mudflatters out there.

14 09 2008
MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin

swineprincess (10:01:09) :

ohhh… Payette Gals this needs to get out. WingNuts Untie (er) Unite! WingNuts against Palin!!!!! Maybe you have found your calling!

Now there’s a thought! WingNuts Against Palin. I like it! I’ve got 5 Obama-voting Red Wing Fans in my home that are ready to join that group!

lol @ WingNuts Untie…

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

hi all- (hamlet..)
regarding mclaughlins erroneous assertions:

the bush doctrine is an addition to along stream of “doctrines” in our history. each one is a response to the previous, either in departing from its premise, or adding to it.
remember the Monroe Doctrine? says we can mess in the affairs of anyone in our hemisphere. it was a response to european powers meddling in south and central america, and the response of a young country that saw the dangers of pressure from the outside. remember, there were a lot of different interests that were in conflict. agriculture in the south, manufacturing in the north. the civil war wasn’t about slavery as much as divergent economic interests in totality.
the roosevelt correlary added an economic dimension in order to blunt european aid and expanding trade to our neighbors. This one also is the beginning of the basis of expansion of the presidency, leading right up to our imperial exec we got now. each one built on the previous to some extent.
we all heard about the Powell doctrine, a reaction (thus a departure and shift) to miscalculation of our abilities to use war as a solution. I think on the wiki page there is a timeline of doctrines at the bottom.
The Bush doctrine says pre-emptive war is ok. based in the philosophy of the neo-cons, it plays on the “OPPORTUNITY” that the “end” of the cold war presents to the united states. there has been NO departure of this from Bush, Inc. There has been plenty of diplomatic backpedaling, and loads of infighting between the signatories to the PNAC. Their theories proved untenable, but they aren’t willing to give up the notion of hegemonic world power. all this wedge-issue and culture stuff is marketing and distraction. cheney and his ilk truly believe their theory is still correct. dominate or be dominated. thats how they see it.
so mclaughlin is a pundit, and i don’t care if he knows or doesn”t know BASIC tenets of first-year college poly-sci. But, in order to make those “unblinking” decisions, one should have a strong basis of knowledge as to how these forces operate and conflict with one another. The mere idea that one could learn a bunch of policy one-liners with one perspective and posess NO depth of understanding and run this country is LUDICROUS.
john mclaughlin flat out LIED.
jeez, can ya believe they would DO such a thing? in-credible.

14 09 2008

Have you ever wondered about the source for all the SP myths? Today’s ADN de-bunks some of those myths: didn’t score winning point in championship game; helped her father dress a moose, but couldn’t hold the eyeballs; the backcourt mate of SP never heard of the nickname ‘Sarah Barracuda’, “I don’t know if anyone actually called her that.”; her coach thinks she might have picked it up at a basketball camp.
These myths are on the scale of George Washington and the cherry tree.


14 09 2008

Wired, very thought provocating….Thanks for sharing:)

14 09 2008

thought provoking, that is!

14 09 2008

WIred Differently,
I have the same problem with my Mother. I think you just inspired me to go at her. If I show her that video of the aerial hunting (have you seen it), she would get sick to her stomach. And that would be a good thing.

14 09 2008

Wired Differently,

Good post! I think that we need to focus on her crazy connections with fringe groups as well. Both the AIP and the Pentecostal teachings. She is a scary woman because she does not blink and she does not think. She is acting according to “god plan”

If elected (god forbid), she will most likely be presidint due to McCains declining health.

Good luck discussing this with your mom….perhaps this link will help

heres an idea…begin your talk by pretending that you are born again and have finally seen the light…might be fun.

14 09 2008

(Went thru withdrawal symptoms ’cause I couldn’t get to my computer till today).


After the SNL opening skit, and now this, I face the week renewed and ready again to take on the right wing-nuts.

Thank you thank you thank you, my Sistas!

14 09 2008

My brother-in -law lives in Topanga
He tells me that ” the hairdo ” is the number one requested haircut and style in California the last three weeks.

His wife is a stylist and permanent make-up person.
( for lack of a better term )

Why in the name of God’s green apples would anyone want
that silly hairstyle?

Are Americans really trying to backwards in time?

14 09 2008

This is just thrilling! How deliciously wonderful…and the polar bear was just the right touch! Thank you all for this. ‘You make me so very happy, I’m so glad you came into my life…’

UK Lady: Pravda said what I think and feel. Many thanks for the link…sending it to others who need to hear it unvarnished like that. Whoo-hoo!
Moose Roadster Palin

14 09 2008
John Henry

@Alice (10:53:30) :
“OK, I am going to try this again re: AIP”

The problem with this Alice is Democratic strategists rarely if ever insinuate that their opponent is traitor. That’s a Republican strategist’s job. They’ll be mum on AIP. But, I bet you alot of Repubs are talking quietly about it.

14 09 2008

this story is #1 on reddit at the moment:


14 09 2008
no more

The worm turns. New York Times -most read- top seven articles are good assessments of Palin (finally) and her candidacy. No smears, no dirt, just the truth. Just sorry that the Anchorage Anti-Palin rally hasn’t gotten more press. Thanks Mudflats for getting it “out there”.

14 09 2008

I saw the posts about ABC radio saying 10,000 people were at the pro-palin’s rally and wanted to call them (ABC) out on the lie, so I sent this to ABC News using their feedback line on abc.com:

Saturday in Anchorage, more people (1500+) showed up at the outdoor anti-Palin rally than at the indoor pro-Palin rally (<1000). ABC News, you need to report the facts, not more made-up attendance lies.

Link to abcnews feedback page: http://abcnews.go.com/Site/page?id=3052660

If it doesn’t work, just click on “feedback” at the bottom of the abcnews home page. No account or sign in necessary to send feedback but you do have to give an email address since ABC sends back a “thank you for your comment” email.

14 09 2008
MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin

Wired Differently,

I think the talking points you mention will be thought provoking for your mom. Especially the ‘quit smoking’ point. A lot of people need a little prodding to think outside of their own interests. I have no doubt you will give your mom something to think about.

14 09 2008
MN reader

Thank you, Alaska Women!! And thank you Mudflats for a fantastic blog that I now read every day. We here in another far north state, MN, are stunned by Palin and rooting for Obama with all our hearts.

14 09 2008
Jackie Lee

Oh YES! This shows the world the beautiful, strong, independent Alaskans I LOVE! Alaskans I know are the antithesis of the phony, craven, manipulative, ambition-addled Palin.

I teared up when I saw you gorgeous folks up there making us all proud. THANK YOU!

14 09 2008

Quote from Mudflats – Home page:
“I am also fortunate to count as my friends some of those who hold elected office in this state, and remind me by example that there are good people out there in our state and city government who are intelligent, diligent, ethical, and working hard for the best interest of Alaska.”

So my question would be , “Are some of your friends, who hold elected office in your state starting a personal Jihad against the Republican VP?” “Are some of those personal friends Democrats working for Obama?”
It was reported today on FOXNEWS that Obama has $66,000,000.00 to spend on the campaign. Wonder if some of that payroll is filtering into Alaska…
LOL! We don’t do “jihad” here. I think Les Gara did a pretty good summary in his poste here about how Alaskans feel when being accused of that. Funny that the Legislature who voted to investigate her (unanimously I might add) is dominated by Republicans. Nice try. NEXT!

14 09 2008

Bravo to the Alaskans who can think for themselves. If what is at stake for this country was not so dire, this Palin selection would actually be comical! However, what is at stake is so dire that many who love this country are outraged by Senator McCain. I am one of them, and I am a republican who will be voting for Obama/Biden in November. What is clear is Senator McCain did not put country first with this selection, the MSM must keep up the pressure for truth and truth only, Palin is not qualified for the VP job, let alone the President’s job! They must be pressured into stopping their stupid, pathetic talking points! I am a republican and I am not taking the bait, and neither are the majority of friends, they see straight through the lies and yes, the hate. It is hard to actually believe that this is the McCain of 2000! Another point of interest, he is 72 years old, lets face facts, 72 is old and when you add in his health conditions the situation goes from urgent to an absolute emergency! His health records must be released, in full, without condition! Running for the presidency is a choice, when you make the choice certain things become public information, including your health! Stop the spin this is serious business. Women, please do not be sidetracked, stay on the issues, and only the issues! We are not stupid, the world functions because of us! I am so proud of the Alaskans!

14 09 2008

Thanks John Henry,

It still seems like a legit talking point that her actions as a so-called reformer a due to her affiliations with this fringe party…not because she is so ethical and courageous.


It is hideous hair style! I just hope that I can find a nice wig and some Tina Faye glasses to wear on Halloween

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

‘it was reported on FOX news”

yeah, right.

14 09 2008

I really enjoyed reading an Alaskan blog on this issue, I have linked from my own blog.

14 09 2008

lmao @ Alice

and @ asenath1az

faux news ? are you kidding?

you just made my day.

14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin


“When will Palins connections to the AIP be reported? It is clear that the political choices that she has made support both small minded evangelist’s values and a secessionist’s philosophy.”

I think that an Alaskan would be better qualified to answer this question. My own thoughts on it are these:

Alaskans feel very far removed from the lower 48 (49) and in many respects, that is why they have chosen to live in Alaska. This, of course does not necessarily include the indigenous tribes, but primarily the “new Alaskans”, after 1958.

Remember also that after 50 years of being exploited by the lower 48(49) for the purposes of military (the old cold war) and energy policies, Alaskans probably feel entitled to earmarks, since without such earmarks, fiscal management of their state economy would require things like state taxes, something most of us in the lower 48(49) take for granted, and that most Alaskans would be against instituting and giving back the yearly check they receive from the state.

I’m not sure that I wouldn’t be tempted to support, at least ideologically, the AIP, if I were an Alaskan.

It’s a narrow line between “I wish we were not part of the U.S.” and actually proposing and implementing a decision to make it so.

As with all of us who visit this website, it is all of us who comprise the whole of the United States as well.

Further, I would not want to bear the responsibility of pushing Alaskans into a secession vote, would you? There are surely places in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and other parts of our nation who feel “far away” and “removed” from the US. Hell, I feel that way and I’m only a few hours away from Washington.

Rather than further divide people with the secessionist topic, we should be concentrating on uniting our government so that all of us feel more involved in it, not less.

I, personally would not want to be responsible for stirring that particular pot, would you?

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Who lives in Minnesota? this is definitely a group you need to reach out to:


If you need help, let me know as I think I can help answer many of the questions these young people may have. My son has been pulling together a draft email for some of his friends since this is their first election. It is pretty eye-opening. This generation is very civic-minded. They want to do something positive for the world and leave a distinct legacy. I don’t think War has anything to do with it.

Let me know how I can help you guys in MN>….

14 09 2008

This is fabulous, thanks so much for putting all this up!

14 09 2008

Oh and please take the ” jihad “ reference right back to where it belongs,
The Republican Party and your precious ” Faux News ”

We do not speak hate here.

14 09 2008

Awesome pics!! Here I am thinking “well I guess by default Palin gets Alaska.”

14 09 2008

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very proud of you and your fellow Alaskans mudflats.

From THE View-to all of you- women want the glass ceiling shattered and know that Palin is not the woman to represent them….
This Presidential nomination should be about who is best to lead the country/the best choice for a future for our kids…
On that, it’s very clear—Vote Obama.

So proud of you guys/gals!
Keep us updated..
great work.

14 09 2008
Wired Differently

Alice and others,

Thank you for your responses. The funny thing is, my mom is not a church go-er, and is not a social conservative. (So she’d be very suspicious of me being born again. 🙂

I’ve been inspired by horsewoman Anne, who lives near me btw, to try to open dialog with ‘the other side’. Living in a blue enclave, I actually don’t know many Republicans besides my parents. And my dad is a whole other matter. As a WWII vet who saw some pretty horrific things in the Pacific, he’s no fan of a war president.

Back to my postcard writing. I got cards that show the mountains of my state, hoping the recipients will think they’re Alaska :P.

14 09 2008
Dave McLane

Such a great story I put a photo, a teaser and a link to it on BarackObama http://tinyurl.com/6hrx2d and one on AZCentral http://tinyurl.com/66p92h

There’s a story on AZCentral about the Grand Opening of Democratic Arizona Headquarters in Phoenix http://tinyurl.com/4g669o The same story is also on OMNI (Oh My News International) in Seoul http://tinyurl.com/3vsa7z

Wish I was in Alaska, sounds like fun!

14 09 2008

I was at the rally. It was very purging and validating. I suggest that for all of the women in the lower 49 who are inspired by this, that it is time to coordinate a rally for Obama in your own neck of the woods. Do you really want this woman standing on your shoulders?

14 09 2008

Just found this – I think we should deluge them with emails- disgusting.


14 09 2008


It is not that I am against the AIP…I am sure that there are a lot of mixed feelings there and some legitimate concerns. What bothers me is that Palin has taken on this mantle of a reformer when she is nothing but an infiltrator.

I do appreciate your answer though…because it has been driving me crazy, not being a talking point. And so now I will drop it.


14 09 2008
14 09 2008

re; Obama Waffles

I just sent one

gonna grab me one of my other emails and send another too

will do it all day long even if I have to create new email addys

14 09 2008
Anti-palin Rally Biggest In Alaska History–mudflats - Sarah Palin | Sarah Palin - Sharpy News

[…] AKMuckraker @ Mudflats: Basically, in Anchorage, if you can get 25 people to show up at an event, it’s a success…. […]

14 09 2008

Thanks, Harley. I am distributing the website around to over 70 active Dems in Sandwich,Ma-

14 09 2008
John Henry

Karl Rove: McCain Ads Fail ‘100% Truth Test’

Rove had to do this because the ‘lipstick on a pig ‘ sexism accusation was the ‘one lie too many’. It even had newly diehard John McCain backers, like Phyllis Schlafly, thinking, ‘Ok John you lost me there’. This is an attempt to get supporters back onto the same page by admitting that obvious misstep.

But then we still have video – ha ha! kryptonite for the fact-repellant, blindly-loyal, lizard brains – of McCain standing by his sexism accusation telling Barbara Walters ‘Obama chooses his words carefully. OK’..

14 09 2008
dorkdestroyer » Blog Archive » awesome photos from ‘alaskan woman reject palin’ rally!

[…] link to source. Filed under: Uncategorized […]

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@Harley: Oh and please take the ” jihad “ reference right back to where it belongs,
The Republican Party and your precious ” Faux News ”

We do not speak hate here.


Republicans – In case you have forgotten, Jesus is the PRINCE OF PEACE and was proclaimed as such by Isaiah and other prophets.

Jesus preaches to help those less fortunate, the poor, the meek, the oppressed – ALL PROGRAMS SUPPORTED BY MR. OBAMA AND PROPOSED TO BE CUT BY MR. MCCAIN.

Paul warns against false prophets in Colossians and reminds us to focus on doing good deeds and not falling for those who predict the end of times – it’s a mighty good read for the Extreme Right who is preaching people start Armageddon by bombing Iraq as God says only HE knows the end of days.

I’ll end with Titus 3:9:

“….Avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels above the law, because they are unprofitable and useless. Warn a divisive person one, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful, and he is self-condemned.”

SORRY, but the self-righteous bigotry has to stop – quit trying to incite and look inside your own house – the attempt to start a jihad is in there, not here.

14 09 2008

Just found this – I think we should deluge them with emails- disgusting.

thanks bellaboo, but my advice is NOT to go to this site because we don’t want to give them any hits. basically it is waffle mix with a really racists cartoon depiction of Obama-disgusting. here is the email if you want to send your disapproval:

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian

14 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Alice about the AIP:

Only now is some of the basic info coming out about Palin through the MSM. Thanks to Mudflats, I learned about AIP early on.

In the meantime, what we can do is follow the lead of DeMo, Proud2B, and so many others: send a youtube link to people you know of Palin addressing the AIP 2008 convention, along with the youtube link of clips from the membership meeting for the AIP and beliefs from the founder of AIP, Volger/Vogler.

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Sorry y’all, I just can’t stand it sometimes. All these self-righteous people taking pock shots in the name of religion and trying to incite hate.

14 09 2008
In the Land of Disbelief

Thanks for the photos Ms. Mflats. I had to leave the rally after 2 hours, but left my sign there. I was happy to see it in your photos the hands of someone else, but not the person I gave it to. Our message lives beyond us.

14 09 2008

When did Alaskans start wearing this many clothes for a day like this. A lot of these people are dress like they are from the lower 48.

14 09 2008

Thank you for sharing that! From what the mainstream media is saying it seems like everyone just loves this woman and I’ve been so confused as I see nothing about her I like.

14 09 2008

This Texan now living in South Dakota just wanted to drop by and say thanks – links to your blog are everywhere.

Your action gives us some hope after stories like these:








They are going to do everything they can to steal this election – time is short and there is a great deal of work to do.

Bless you all for standing up!

14 09 2008
no more

Juneau Empire today. Uncle Ted Stevens on Gov Sarah’s positive impact to his senate campaign. So much for reforming the “good-ole boy network. http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/091408/sta_332203850.shtml

14 09 2008

nancy-INDIANA (09:14:26) :

I cried when i read this. THANK YOU ALL so much!

I’ve been crying for the last three or four threads. It feels good huh? Frightening! Hopeful! Empowering! Amazing! I knew there were people like this out there!

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

if you are not on this list -copy- paste -and add your name and state!!
no to palin no to palin no to palin
Yes Alaskan women Yes Alaskan women!!!!!!!

14 09 2008

Mudflats, et al.: Hi, I’m Casbah (my handle on the Huffington Post, too). Thanks so much for sharing this on The Huffington Post. It does my bleeding liberal NY heart good to see there are some people up in Alaska that aren’t fooled by the Mean Girl administration of Sarah Palin — or as we like to call her in our circle of friends, the Northern Nazi in Nylons. My favorite signs: “Vote Issues, Not Lipstick”; “Hey, Hockey Mom — Keep the Puck Out of DC”; and “We Can’t BEAR Palin!” Bravo to you all for braving the ill winds of your nemesis, conservative talk show host Eddie Burke, and speaking truth to power. Bravo!

14 09 2008

Awesome!!! This makes me so proud of our Alaskan brothers and sisters! -C

14 09 2008

This is wonderful for those of us in the lower 48 to hear!

14 09 2008
OB Rag Blog » Palin Will Never be America’s ‘EveryWoman’

[…] what the AKMuckracker from the Mudflats blog called “the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state,” citizens took to the streets in Anchorage Alaska to show how they feel about Sarah Palin, […]

14 09 2008

Thanks for this info and the pics! As one from the heartland of the lower 48, I can say I couldn’t be happier to find your blog! We all knew there had to be more to the fawning story of All Alaskans Adore Palin mantra spread by the right!

I put a link to Mudflats on my new election 08 blog: http://blankslatestl.blogspot.com

14 09 2008
Barb Haynes

Going to keep an eye on your site you have some interesting views on the state of American politics. A lot of us down here in Australia follow your politics because what happens over there affects us down here. Good to see some different views on Sarah Pallin.

14 09 2008

I posted a couple video’s on my blog about the rally..
I love you Muck, but you are getting so crowded since I started reading I don’t have time to read all of the comments anymore.
As Martha would say.,

“Thats a good thing”

14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

Tried to post this earlier and it went astray:

Alaskan women and their supportive men have lifted my spirits today. Their courage to gather together is inspiring.

Much as I would thank you, and I do, I know that you share a secret that becomes a part of you forever.

Think back to your rally and each of you will remember a moment, maybe only a fraction of a second…when you felt the earth…shift…ever so slightly..to a more centered position.

In that moment, you became more than empowered…you became ENLIGHTENED…and that is the secret you all share with each other and the one that you have allowed us, here, to witness.

Jeep Pike Palin (but I wish I were Jeep Trout Palin, Pike makes me feel like I’m constantly diving instead of swimming!)

14 09 2008
Mollys Mum

DowninMississippi you are hysterical. I have copied your post and sent it to a bunch of friends. LOLOL

14 09 2008
UK lady

MinNJ Glad you liked the link – scary or what! for anyone who missed it I posted it at 5.06 ish. Well worth a look even if it is non pc.

14 09 2008

Makes me proud to be a woman! Thank you for protesting and for putting your pictures up. I used one and linked to your blog.

14 09 2008

Amused Bewildered – 10,000 at pro Palin rally??….I wasn’t sure who was on ABC Talk Radio so I Googled it. Rush Limbaugh is one. ABC News website doesn’t have anything about 10,000 people at rally. I can’t imagine a Mudflatter was listening to him. So what show were you listening to?
If you Google Palin Alaska Rally …the 1st page is full of the anti palin rally.
Don’t want to pass this on or email ABC (DonnaFL) if its not true or verifiable.
But if it is…….

14 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

asenath1az, I just put your name in the baby selector, your Palin baby name is Rovian Troll. (Didn’t I do that yesterday with BobbyLee?)

Harley: Ha Ha — “take your jihad and stick it where the light don’t shine”

(Ok, so I know you didn’t say that, but I just felt like adding a little spin to it.)

Proud2B: once again, good!

JohnHenry, you said something a while back that I liked but at this point, my head is spinning, I can’t keep up, and I really have to do something else today besides mudflats

14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin


Sorry, can’t seem to post how you wonderful Alaskan women and the men who support you make me feel. Failed to post, again.

Let me just say, then, GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

14 09 2008

walk on and rock on, Alaskan women! thank you for keeping us all up to date…

14 09 2008
UK lady

Sorry everybody – posted at 6.04 – my brains all blogged up.

14 09 2008

How can I get my name on the Shout Out List?

14 09 2008
John Henry

@Alice (11:26:34) :

“It still seems like a legit talking point that her actions as a so-called reformer a due to her affiliations with this fringe party…not because she is so ethical and courageous.”

I think that would go the route of the Trig being Bristols son story. Too much speculation without enough documentation. There are enough examples with compelling, documented evidence to prove the reformer claim is just as hollow as all the other ones.

1.) Bridge To Nowhere. She didnt say thanks but no thanks. She shot a dead fish in a barrel and still tried to claim the prize for the biggest and bestest marlin catch.
2.) Is she gonna diss Ted Stevens and not support him for his re-election campaign? Don Young don’t count! Its obvious why she ain’t backing him.
3.) Her spending as mayor and as governor gives new meaning to the term ‘fiscal conservative’.

The list grows everyday.

14 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Cassie aka Jeep Pike,

You asked yesterday: yes, sister we are twins! I guess we know where we were conceived–must have been God’s plan!

14 09 2008
more cowbell

Delurking to give a sincere thank you to those Alaskans at the rally — I once lived in a small town (midwest) and know that it’s a risk for many of you to publicly take that stand. Thank you.

Mudflats – thank you for getting the truth out there before the media does.

You all are making a difference …

14 09 2008
karen marie

i loved the reporting back from both the rally and the demonstration, i loved the still photographs of the demonstrators, but i am greatly heartened by the video.

to be able to see and hear people motivated to publicly stand up against the mccain-palin farce gives me hope of a new day.

i’m just sorry that the film ran out before the length and breadth of the entire demonstration could be seen.

thank you alaskans!

14 09 2008
Mudflats: Alaska Women Reject Palin - Huge Rally « GOV GAP . com

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

14 09 2008
Ed Kohler

Thanks for the great coverage. Much appreciated. I wish I could have been there.

14 09 2008

Hey, I want on the Shout Out list too! Does being here since “P” day give me enough street cred?

14 09 2008
Presbyterian Gal

Linky Linky. Thanks.

14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat


14 09 2008

I keep reading about MSM..what is it??

14 09 2008

TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!! Wow. I’m sitting here with tears running down my face. All those ORIGINAL signs! Every one different (not to put too fine a point on it). These are clearly ALL heartfelt sentiments. THANK YOU AKM for making the effort and spending the shoeleather to get us these FANTASTIC pictures. CHANGE IS GONNA’ COME!

14 09 2008

@ proud tobusa

grab your picsHerefor the avatars.
I assume you now how to use Gravatar for WordPress
If not, I will help you.

14 09 2008

Main Stream Media = MSM

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@Harley –

OMG – I just fell off my chair!!!!! LMAO. OMG.

I don’t know how to use WordPress. What do I do now?

THANK YOU {{{{{{{{{{{hugs to you and your hubby}}}}}}}}}}}

14 09 2008

Thanks David….

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

somebody here posted that their dad in nevada was deeply disturbed by the AIP story.
i wonder if he still is
i say use whatever works.

theres a lot of talk amongst the pundits that the Bush Doctrine question was unfair to poor little scarah,
nobody commented on my doctrine post (sorry i’m a bad writer) but this needs to be emphasized. (see the uk lady’s gobstopping pravda article) these foreign policy notions cannot be discounted.
one cannot have a depth of understanding when all they possess are a few key-word talking points that encompass one side of a foreign relations policy. people may have felt her interview answers were a little thin, and she could learn, but they need to know why her attitude that she “knows” is deeply flawed.

14 09 2008
Patty @ OB Rag

Thanks AKMuckracker! Proud of them, proud of you, proud of us!

14 09 2008

@ Silvio… I’ve mentioned HIGH PRAISE on Mudflats Blog over on Huffpo, sent an email to KO and Maddow (hopefully on Monday they will cover this) I’ve posted Mudflats blog on a few of my personal web sites. This is big.. bigger than just sharing to local media — this is a MUST SEE ON ALL MSM!

I’ve been reading Mudflats blog for well over a month… it is the only way this Oregonian was going to get any true understanding and coverage since MSM has failed us yet again.

Thank you again Mudflats! And thank you to the people of Alaska for standing up and sharing your voice! It is finally getting heard!

14 09 2008

At no time, has such hateful, mean-spirited and cold rhetoric spoken for me. I only want to hear about the issues but have yet to hear anything useful or informative from Sarah Palin.

I’m so glad to hear she doesn’t speak for you either. Thank you so much for this post.

14 09 2008
nancy-INDIANA: a.k.a. buck shot nugent

drip, drip, drip…
thank you all for your great links!

14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat (11:46:27) :

Oh, no, Proud2B—I, for one, loved it!

14 09 2008

Would be pretty funny if the Palin choice turned into a rallying cry for woman toward Obama. Poll numbers show she pushed a lot of white woman into the Mcpander camp but as the truth comes out any moderates who came over are going to be upset for being fooled and active in support of the Dems who have maintained the high ground and did not smear Palin.

14 09 2008
Peggy Gates

From the majestic state of Colorado to the people of Spectacular Alaska – Thank You!!!

14 09 2008
The power of satire « Glad River Dispatches

[…] also stumbled across this blog entry (with lots of pictures) about the large No Palin protest in […]

14 09 2008

I received an email from an old high school friend today with this marvelous commentary by Eva Ensler (‘The Vagina Monologues’ author)

It is a must read for all women (and men) but so clearly
Link Here:
<a href”http://socalmuchacha.wordpress.com/2008/09/12/eve-ensler-on-sarah-palin/ ” Eve Ensler on Sarah Palin

I am having Sarah Palin nightmares.

I dreamt last night that she was a member of a club where they rode snowmobiles and wore the claws of drowned and starved polar bears around their necks. I have a particular thing for Polar Bears.

Maybe it’s their snowy whiteness or their bigness or the fact that they live in the arctic or that I have never seen one in person or touched one.

Maybe it is the fact that they live so comfortably on ice.

Whatever it is, I need the polar bears.

I don’t like raging at women.

14 09 2008

first to to http://wordpress.com/signup/

just sign up for a USERNAME ( * unless you want a blog of course )

after you do that, just go to http://en.gravatar.com/

sign up
then upload the avatar, and crop it

Voila you will now have your own avatar when posting

14 09 2008

I really am not good with the linking – Let me try again….
Eve Ensler on Sarah Palin

14 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Those of you who know moderate Repubs or independently-minded voters, especially folks who are old enough to remember John Dean from Watergate days… This might a good conversation starter.

Dean writes a column for FindLaw. He has also written a number of books recently on the current state of affairs. A quote from his book “Broken Government” sticks in my mind. I’d quote it directly, but my copy is out on loan. The upshot is that a fellow survivor of the Nixon admin, whose son held a position in the current one, remarked that the Republicans shouldn’t be trusted to any position in government, even that of dog-catcher. They had no interest in governing, just in winning elections. A similar sentiment was expressed by a McCain spokesman when questioned about the caliber of recent ads.

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona
14 09 2008

And where was this held? NBC studios?

14 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

For any SoCal folks who tried my yahoo.com addy, it’s now back and reactivated. Sorry for the confusion. Please try again at stitchergini@yahoo.com

14 09 2008

Egads Bellaboo! Yes, I agree, disgusting. Nothing like embracing racism.

14 09 2008

I have been voting for 32 years. registered Republican 19 years, then felt my political views had shifted so now I’m a registered Democrate, have been for the last 13 years. There still are some of us women out there who have been on the PTO, involved in community service, believe in God, hunt elk, love the outdoors, have husbands who are supportive of our careers, live with teenagers, that are ambitious. I feel you are wasting too much time on your vigilante Republican Jihad against Sarah Palin. I’ve followed her career since she became governor. I like her! Maybe it’s because I can relate to her because I grew up in a small town in the mountains of Wyoming or “maybe” it’s because I have researched her policies and dug deep into McCain’s issues. I believe they can take on the SOCIALISTIC trend the Democrats are promising, we are a Democracy. I also live in Arizona, have lived here 21 years, followed McCain policies those 21 years.
Let’s just say this Democrate, come November, won’t be voting the Obama ticket!

So Democrats in Alaska please respond to this:

Press Release – For Immediate Release: – 09/04/08
Contact information at the end of this press release.
Documents filed with the court and a copy of this press release can be downloaded at the end of this press release.
(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 09/04/08) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States, has received confirmation from his Process Service Company that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Senator Barack Obama were served today, September 4, 2008, with the legal documents pertaining to Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083.
The DNC was served at 12:00 p.m. and Senator Obama was served at 1:00 p.m. The U.S. Attorney’s Office accepted service on behalf of the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) on or about August 22, 2008.

Democratic Convention…brought to you by Corporate America!
Reporter pushed around…he was investigating lobbyists at the DNC
Lobbyists and loopholes at the DNC…ABC’s “The Money Trail”

What’s behind the Obama healthcare program..let’s look at the facts

Obama is holding firm to his party’s commitment to full government control — but doing all he can to hide this fact from the public.
That may turn out to be easier said than done. Obama is already on record pledging his allegiance to a single-payer approach, like those now operating in Canada and the United Kingdom. But Obama now says that his apparent 2003 endorsement of a government takeover, captured on a video that was posted on YouTube, was a misunderstanding. What he really meant, he now says, is that if the U.S. were starting from scratch, he would favor a single-payer plan. But since we aren’t starting over, he wants to build on the current employer-based system, not replace it.
That would be reassuring to millions of swing voters who want reform but don’t want to lose their job-based plans — if it were true. But in health care, the devil really is in the details. And despite Obama’s rhetoric and protestations, his plan would destroy employer-based insurance, not preserve it, by pricing it out of business and subsidizing government-run alternatives. That would put the country on a fast track to government-run health care for everyone.
It’s not hard to see how this would unfold. The Obama plan is built on four interrelated provisions. First, he would impose on all employers a new “pay or play” mandate. Businesses would be forced to either offer coverage and pay a substantial portion of the premium or else pay a tax to the federal government. Second, he would create a new national insurance exchange, through which uninsured Americans and others who don’t have employer-based insurance would get their coverage. The government would dictate what would and would not be covered by the insurance offered through the exchange. Third, he would include among its offerings a new, government-run insurance option. And fourth, he would offer expensive new subsidies to offset the premiums for millions of low- to moderate-income households that get their insurance through the exchange.
The fallout from such a plan is entirely predictable. Under “pay or play,” employers would find it increasingly attractive to drop their company-sponsored plans in favor of paying the tax. The tax, after all, would be based on wages, not health care, and wage growth has lagged far behind health-care cost inflation for more than three decades. Over time, without other reforms, paying the tax would almost certainly be less expensive for most businesses than organizing coverage themselves. And with the government making other options available, employers would finally be able to drop their insurance plans without simply abandoning their workers.
As more and more employers chose to “pay” instead of “play,” millions of workers would be pushed into the national insurance exchange, where they would, in theory, have a choice between private insurance and the new, publicly run option. Obama and other Democrats like to say this structure would foster healthy competition between the public and private sectors. But this would not be real, market-style competition. The government would run the new, public insurance option just as it runs Medicare and Medicaid, with plenty of price controls and cost shifting. Doctors and hospitals would have no choice but to accept the government-dictated fees imposed by a federal bureaucracy. These below-market fees would allow the public option to charge premiums considerably lower than those charged by private insurers. And with these artificially low premiums, the public insurance option would become the de facto plan of choice for millions of workers. A recent analysis of an Obama-like plan projected 40 million new enrolle
es in the public option in Year One. That would be like doubling the size of Medicare — overnight.
Once the plan had been set in motion, the momentum toward a full government takeover would be impossible to reverse. Congress would have every incentive to cut doctor and hospital fees further, to control the costs of the new insurance subsidies promised by Obama. It would not be long before private insurers, lacking this ability to control their costs by fiat, abandoned the marketplace entirely.
…This is what ObamaCare would mean for U.S. consumers. It would vastly expand costs and government control, even as Medicare and Medicaid already threaten to push the federal budget deficit to dangerous levels. If most of the country is enrolled in publicly sponsored insurance, as the Obama plan implies, fiscal reality will push Congress to adopt ever more draconian cost-control measures. It will only be a matter of time before stories start circulating, as they do in other countries, of months-long waits for treatment, and of care denied to patients who fall outside formal or informal “guidelines” for providing services.

And what about your candidates slant on equal pay for women…

By CASEY B. MULLIGAN, The Wall Street Journal
September 13, 2008
Article Excerpt:
Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Joseph Biden have proclaimed that they favor equal pay for women, and have alleged that Republicans do not. Sen. Biden has also insisted that Republicans, including vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, represent a step backwards for women. The economic record says exactly the opposite.
I have used labor market data from the Census Bureau to study the amount and reasons for women’s progress in the labor market since the 1960s. One byproduct of my study is a calculation of women’s relative wage growth by presidential administration.
In 1980 — the last full year of the Jimmy Carter administration — the typical woman (older than school age, but younger than retirement age) working full time throughout the year earned 38.5% less per hour than did the typical man in the same age bracket working full time throughout the year. When women earn less per hour than men — even in full-time work — that is known as the gender wage gap. When the gender wage gap narrows, women’s wages have grown relative to men’s.
The gender wage gap was 38.6% in 1976, the last full year of the Gerald Ford administration. By this measure, women made only infinitesimal progress toward equal wages during the four Carter years; women’s wages were essentially stagnant relative to men’s. In 1988, the last full year of the Ronald Reagan administration, women working full time throughout the year earned 30.3% less per hour than did men.
A 30.3% gender wage gap is obviously not full equality. But it is much closer to equality than it was at the end of the Carter administration. Women’s wages grew almost two percentage points per year more than men’s during the Reagan years, compared to less than 0.1 percentage point more than men’s per year during the Carter years.
The nearby chart shows the results for all of the administrations since Lyndon Johnson (I pool Richard Nixon and Ford). Johnson, Carter and Bill Clinton were all Democrats, yet none of them witnessed much labor market progress for women during their administrations. Essentially all of the labor-market progress for women occurred during Republican administrations: eight years of Reagan, four years of George H.W. Bush, and six years of George W. Bush (I do not yet have the data for the last two years of the current administration).
By 2006, the gender wage gap had narrowed to 21%. The Nixon-Ford administrations were the only Republican administrations that failed to witness significant reduction in the gender wage gap during their terms.
Sen. Obama says that he wants equal pay for women. If the historical record is any guide, the best way to achieve this is to work for a labor market that creates opportunities for women like it did during the Reagan and the Bush years. At the Reagan-Bush years’ pace, the gender wage gap in 2016 would be down to about 12%. At the Carter-Clinton years’ pace, women will not see new opportunities, and the gender pay gap will be essentially where it is today.

and don’t forget…

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 110th Congress – 2nd Session as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate
Vote Summary
Question: On Passage of the Bill (H.R. 6304 )
Vote Number: 168 Vote Date: July 9, 2008, 02:47 PM
Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Bill Passed
Measure Number: H.R. 6304 (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 )
Measure Title: A bill to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to establish a procedure for authorizing certain acquisitions of foreign intelligence, and for other purposes.
Vote Counts: YEAs 69
NAYs 28
McCain (R-AZ), Not Voting / Obama (D-IL), Yea / Biden (D-DE), Nay / Clinton (D-NY), Nay
On June 20, the House passed H.R. 6304, an unconstitutional surveillance bill that sanctions warrantless wiretapping and hands immunity to telecommunications companies for their role in domestic spying. Talking Points on the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 (7/1/2008)
The FISA Amendments Act of 2008 is an unconstitutional bill that would significantly modify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It grants sweeping new monitoring powers to the government with little court oversight, and ensures the dismissal of all pending cases against telecommunication companies.
The FISA Amendments Act was passed by the House of Representatives in June. The Senate is expected to vote on the legislation on Tuesday, July 8. Senators should be urged to vote against this unconstitutional bill…the FISA Amendments Act:
• Gives the president broad new powers to spy on innocent Americans’ phone calls and emails – even when they have no connection to terrorism. It legalizes mass, untargeted and unwarranted spying on our international phone calls and emails.
• Restricts judicial oversight of the surveillance program. The FISA court will not know who, what or where will actually be monitored, and the government can continue a spying program even after it has been denied by the court.
• Provides retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies for their role in the president’s domestic spying program. The test in the bill is not whether government certifications sent to the companies were actually legal – only whether they were issued.

14 09 2008
SoCal Muchacha

Oh my goodness, how WONDERFUL this makes me feel!!! And no big surprise about not hearing a DARN THING about it in the media…sigh.

As someone who has been part of a small group of MoveOn folks holding rallies on street corners for children’s healthcare, and other causes, smack dab in the middle of conservative, Republican strongholds, I know just how FANTASTIC it feels to suddenly realize you aren’t alone, that there are other like-minded folks around, and that the synergy created is just out of this world. Keep up the good work in Alaska, and we’ll do our best to keep it up everywhere else. Again, congrats! 🙂

14 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Found this on the Democratic Underground — wonder how far he’s gotten in checking out the internet in two months …..

He’s even able to use a Blackberry. From a NYTimes interview just TWO months ago:

Q: But do you go on line for yourself?

Mr. McCain: They go on for me. I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly soon, getting on myself. I don’t expect to be a great communicator, I don’t expect to set up my own blog, but I am becoming computer literate to the point where I can get the information that I need – including going to my daughter’s blog first, before anything else.

Q: Do you use a blackberry or email?

Mr. McCain: No

Mark Salter: He uses a BlackBerry, just ours.

Mr. McCain: I use the Blackberry, but I don’t e-mail, I’ve never felt the particular need to e-mail. I read e-mails all the time, but the communications that I have with my friends and staff are oral and done with my cell phone. I have the luxury of being in contact with them literally all the time. We now have a phone on the plane that is usable on the plane, so I just never really felt a need to do it. But I do – could I just say, really – I understand the impact of blogs on American politics today and political campaigns. I understand that. And I understand that something appears on one blog, can ricochet all around and get into the evening news, the front page of The New York Times. So, I do pay attention to the blogs. And I am not in any way unappreciative of the impact that they have on entire campaigns and world opinion.


14 09 2008

watching the talking heads for the republican party today on the news, it almost seems as if John McCain is barely a member of their party …he is juuuuuuuuust republican enough that ,ya know, you should vote for him. Its just Bizzare.

14 09 2008
NY Dem

Interesting article regarding cell phones and polling:

“In the current poll, cell-only respondents are significantly more likely than either the landline respondents or the cell-mostly respondents to support Barack Obama and Democratic candidates for Congress this fall.”


14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian

14 09 2008
Alaskan women reject Palin « Later On

[…] in Election, GOP tagged palin at 1:37 pm by LeisureGuy Thanks to Liz for a link to this amazing post, which begins: I attended the Welcome Home rally for Sarah Palin this morning.  Hooo.  It was an […]

14 09 2008

Thank you for this post!

It goes to show you what a few women getting together for coffee can really accomplish!


14 09 2008

Dunno if anyone has posted this article, ‘though I do seem to recall someone saying the couldn’t wait to hear what Gloria Steinem has to say about SP http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-steinem4-2008sep04,0,7915118.story

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

she is on right now I cant stand to hear her she sounds like a broken record

14 09 2008
John McCain

That’s just a fake!
Those women were surely paid by the Dems.
Support me and Sarah.

14 09 2008


Please take your jihad hate and shove off.

14 09 2008

lmfao @John McCain above

14 09 2008

If you give a troll a cookie…

14 09 2008

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California

14 09 2008

Hi All.
The Brutal Video is really getting hit hard. If anyone gets bored or can refresh the page once in a while and paste the following, I would love it!!
“Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund are asking for donations to get this aired in Key states. Please donate.”
I am including this in every post I make there at you tube, it seems to derail their smoke screen issue crap

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@VetTheVeep It was on the actual NEWS, in-between a talk radio show that has nothing to do with politics, at around 3 AM. I can’t believe it was anything more than an error which by now, I hope has been corrected. I have a feeling it probably was since the correct number has been all over MSM.

As for Limbaugh? I absolutely DO listen to him occasionally, as well as tune into Fox News from time to time. I like to hear the propaganda that the other side is dishing out. I know a lot of conservatives automatically call Democrats “liberal” and accuse us of getting our news from biases sources (a case of ‘hello pot, meet kettle’!). That said, I don’t refer to myself as a liberal and I don’t listen to just one news source. Hearing the ‘other side’ just serves to make me stronger in my own convictions! I like hearing ALL sides.

Meanwhile, I just saw a nice little piece of propoganda that’s circulating on the internet. I’ll try to dig it up again and post it a little later. This one really pissed me off. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I just live in another universe than these people!

14 09 2008

Press Release – For Immediate Release: – 09/04/08
Contact information at the end of this press release.
Documents filed with the court and a copy of this press release can be downloaded at the end of this press release.
(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 09/04/08) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States, has received confirmation from his Process Service Company that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Senator Barack Obama were served today, September 4, 2008, with the legal documents pertaining to Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083.
The DNC was served at 12:00 p.m. and Senator Obama was served at 1:00 p.m. The U.S. Attorney’s Office accepted service on behalf of the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) on or about August 22, 2008.

BOO ! We are so scared !

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian

14 09 2008

harley..you imfaoed me as well and I am not sure why.

please inform

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Carolyn, Washington

14 09 2008


14 09 2008
Big Rally!! | SeevsPlace

[…] in midtown Anchorage. The video below was taken by an Alaskan blogger named Mudflats who has a great write up on his site and dozens of other pictures of this huge rally. He estimates about 1400 anti-Palin people with […]

14 09 2008

Harley – It’s the goober PROUD2BUSA (aka Krinkle) and my avatar and NOW my name is gone. . . . please advise, so I’m feeling kinda lost out here. I cropped. I finished. What happens now?

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Carolyn, Washington

14 09 2008


Here is what this NUTCASE Philip J. Berg, Esquire proffers as ” evidence ”
that Mr. Obama can not be President.
I have seen this propaganda before BTW…not ” news” to me.

From Philip J. Berg, Esquire:

1. Where was Obama born? Hawaii; an island off of Hawaii; Kenya; Canada; or ?

2. Was he a citizen of Kenya, Indonesia and/or Canada?

3. What was the early childhood of Obama in Hawaii; in Kenya; in Indonesia when he was adopted; and later, back to Hawaii?

4. An explanation as to the various names utilized by Obama that include: Barack Hussein Obama; Barry Soetoro; Barry Obama; Barack Dunham; and Barry Dunham.

5. Illinois Bar Application – Obama fails to acknowledge use of names other than Barack Hussein Obama, a blatant lie.
what a bunch of BUNK !


I refuse to print anything further,,,find it yourselves so other interlopers
will have to do their own work

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Carolyn, Washington
ocliberal in Orange County, CA

14 09 2008

I apologize if this is a reprint, but even Karl Rove thinks the McCain ads went too far. Read here:


14 09 2008

What do you suppose the women are so afraid of? My guess is the fact that she didn’t abort her baby. What do you think? Most nuts are terrified of women who are pro-life.

I guess Ms. Palin is stronger than I ever thought she was before.

14 09 2008


while staying signed into wordpress, just sign in at the bottom of this blog as Proud2busa

after a few minutes, your avatar should show up

It took mine a while too show up too

It showed as a big black box at first

14 09 2008

Excellent rally! It’s nice to see that there are still many Alaskans who can tell the difference between gold and “Fool’s Gold”.

14 09 2008

@ harley
Still waiting for a resonse


I posted this before. It is agood read

14 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii

14 09 2008
Kate Henry

asenath1az (12:32:30) :

I like her! Maybe it’s because I can relate to her because I grew up in a small town in the mountains of Wyoming or “maybe” it’s because I have researched her policies and dug deep into McCain’s issues.

If you are a woman and you like Sarah Barracuda even though:

1) She wants to outlaw abortion even for victims of incest or rape.
2) She had her police department charge women who were raped for their exams (talk about being raped twice)
3) She is a Pentecostal who believes in the rapture
4) She has supported zero legislation that supports women
5) She is a pathalogical liar

Then may god have mercy on your soul.

14 09 2008

anniewilson:I believe the band HEART has some serious objections to your point of view .specifically Ann WiIson OF HEART .


14 09 2008

@ ocliberal thank you for sharing that story and link!
Speaking of NIGHTMARES I had a terrible one after watching the RNC

I even commented about about my nightmare over on a video of Poltergeist II Youtube trailer saying this:

” Thank you for sharing this video. This morning I woke up at 4 am from a nightmare (after watching all the crap from the RNC this past week) What I remember in the dream was watching the crazy religious crowd at the RNC and McCain up on stage with that creepy grin he has and he sort of morphed into that Preacher Henry Kane!!! And his VP selection that would sell her soul and her kids just for power, while McCreepy tries to lead us to HELL. Now that’s scary! ”

I’m over that nightmare.. but it haunted me for days!
Now, this week, every time I see Mac n P even wiggle their lips, I KNOW it’s just another LIE!

14 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

phillip berg has a youtube channel under a different nick

he is pretty much a full out nutjob

14 09 2008
Kate Henry

asenath1az (12:32:30) :

BTW, if you have ever been a registered Democrat, I have a bridge to sell you. It was very obvious by your long litany of Republican talking points that you are a Rush Limbaugh Operation Chaos “democrat”.

So why don’t you take is somewhere that people will believe your lies.

14 09 2008

“Most nuts are terrified of women who are pro-life”, so says Annie Wilson.

Those nuts are usually the men who make them pregnant but don’t want to marry them. You sound bitter, dearie. Were you one of these unchosen few?

14 09 2008

The smell of all those whacked out liberal wingnuts defecating in their shorts. . . . PRICELESS

14 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Carolyn, Washington
ocliberal in Orange County, CA

14 09 2008

Respect goes to people of Anchorage for taking it up front. If folks in my country had that political awareness, we would be a lot further from where we stand now. Actually, if A LOT of other countries and cities would take this as a model, the world would definitely be a better place.

14 09 2008


14 09 2008


While not an expert, I am in the process of moving my organization’s website to WordPress, and could give you some information that might be helpful.

14 09 2008

also proud3b, I think you need to use whatever email you used t sign up with Gravatar when you post here

14 09 2008

Yippee!!! Harley, it works!!! Thanks!! I have lost my Palin Baby Name, but I can remember that. Can you tell who and what it is?

14 09 2008


I think it might be best to ignore the trolls. You are bound to get more now that you are getting so much press.

14 09 2008

you got it proud !

14 09 2008
Anon - AKA Blaster Commando Palin

annie wilson writes: “What do you suppose the women are so afraid of? My guess is the fact that she didn’t abort her baby. What do you think? Most nuts are terrified of women who are pro-life.I guess Ms. Palin is stronger than I ever thought she was before.”

Speaking for my own perspective, people with low IQs scare me a lot.

14 09 2008
sbkm « Chamblee54

[…] Sarah Palin went back to Alaska. There was a rally of her fans. And another rally of those who are not fans. The second rally was designed for Women to show that not everybody in the 49th state likes the […]

14 09 2008
Kate Henry

anniewilson (12:51:20) :
What do you suppose the women are so afraid of? My guess is the fact that she didn’t abort her baby. What do you think? Most nuts are terrified of women who are pro-life.
I guess Ms. Palin is stronger than I ever thought she was before.

So, you approve of a woman who endangered the live of her premature special needs baby by traveling 9 hours after her water broke to a hick hospital without a neonatal unit. Sure, that showed a lot of courage….NOT. It showed extremely poor judgment. It was by the grace of god her child was born without having suffered from her foolishness. Plus, it doesn’t take a lot of courage to have a baby you know you can palm off onto a nanny or one of your children, even your five year old.

Besides, she needed that baby as a political prop. She drags the poor thing to all her performances.

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

didn’t you just luv saturday night live

14 09 2008

Hey guys, I found this. If you have seen it already> pass it on.

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Cindy and 3 generations of women in my family from PORTLAND, OR

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Carolyn, Washington
ocliberal in Orange County, CA
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii

14 09 2008
Freddie Jones

Looks like they had about the entirety of the 3- 400 members of the democratic party in Alaska people lined up along the road walking in a loop.

14 09 2008
Anon - AKA Blaster Commando Palin

If anyone questions Obama’s birthplace (Hawaii), you might suggest that they take a look at where McCain was born (abroad on a base in Panama).

In fact, the GOP took a lot of time to vet if McCain would possibly be challenged on the grounds of his birthplace from a legal perspective, in terms of being able to be nominated.

14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

Asenathl AZ

You should learn to use these two palces to check on “rumors”
http://www.snopes.com or

Anyone can make any accusation–or even file a lawsuit–it doesn’t have to be true….just has to be a nuisance.

If you are not troll, you should clear out you emails and start getting some real information.

If you are a troll….go home!

14 09 2008


I had some interesting nightmares as well. We should all start writing them down to compile later.

I have to say after one very bad nightmare I had an Election Day dream in which Barack swept it up. There was dancing in the streets. It was great!

I have tried to be more optimistic since

@harley…still waiting…..do you really think that I am a troll. if so what made you think it?

14 09 2008
Nyc Labrets

Don’t know if anybody has run the math but my figures say that if this rally was held in NYC where I’m from it would have had 30,000+ participants.

Good job.

Now who was it that mentioned a “Recall Governor Palin” petition?

Sounds like a good idear to me, ya think?


Do you want to keep putting food on your table?
Don’t vote for the Unstable and Unable(TM) ’08

14 09 2008

alice I did answer you dear, it is just above annie wilsons post I think

14 09 2008
Anon - AKA Blaster Commando Palin

nnie wilson writes: “What do you suppose the women are so afraid of? My guess is the fact that she didn’t abort her baby. What do you think? Most nuts are terrified of women who are pro-life.I guess Ms. Palin is stronger than I ever thought she was before.”

Speaking for my own perspective, people with the mix of low IQs, narcissism, and bile scare me a lot. (Sorry, I didn’t get to finish the thought the first time.)

14 09 2008

Thank you brave Alaskans for speaking truth to power. If you were closer you’d have a million at the next protest.

14 09 2008
Thinking Woman

Thank you, Alaskans, for some heartening news. Bravo!!

How can we do rallies like this around the USA?

Any tips for us? I live and work in Washington, D.C. area and just started my own blog yesterday: http://thinkingwomenforobama.blogspot.com

I would like to organize a similar rally here.

Beyond that, we need one dedicated day nationwide to take the election back from the extremists and to denounce Palin and McCain for what they really are; in her case, a clear and present danger to the future of this country.

Any ideas? Thank you.

14 09 2008

alice and cindpx….what ever in the world are you guys referring too

I was addressing asenath1az, not you two !

14 09 2008
KTN aka Wood Corps Palin

wow the word MUST be getting out judging by the amount of trolls suddenly showing up .

nice work!

14 09 2008

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii

Please, those of you from states leaning toward McPain/Calin, please work hard to get the word out in your states. California, where I’m from, is easily going with Obama. But, the swing states are vital for Obama to get elected! Please talk to your neighbors, friends, enemies. Please do the same thing that happened in this demonstration. Please send emails to everyone and provide information as to why McPain/Calin will mean more disaster for our country, that a vote for Obama is our best hope for a better future. Please, this election is too important…….and watch those voting machines. If you suspect something, protest!!

14 09 2008

sorry, I think I messed up the LIST OF NAMES to Palin — THANKS but NO THANKS! I didn’t see the others that had posted later on this thread

14 09 2008

I wish Palin’s stance and record on Native issues would be addressed, more:

I would love to see this covered on a national level!

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

thinkingwoman- i will send your link to my friends in silver spring, chevy chase, bethesda and dc.

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Carolyn, Washington
ocliberal in Orange County, CA
Josh in Nashville, TN

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
Anchorage Daily News: Hundreds turn out for anti-Palin protest - Volconvo Debate Forums

[…] Anchorage. And from an Alaskan blogger, Mudflats (Tiptoeing Through the Muck of Alaskan Politics), Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is […]

14 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy


first, do yourself a favor and dont cut and paste articles…cuz you are probably violating tons of copyright laws

(btw, nice way to use the term jihad…makes us all sound like terrorists…good move)

second…no, you are not a dem….you have never been one and will never be one…but nice try

btw, to gain and hold power, palin has used socialist and redistribution of wealth tactics…same as the current group of neocons

you see, the current republican party, of which mccain is a part, are not conservatives…they are leo strausian neo cons

but good try

oh and send a note to your puma pals…no one is buying

14 09 2008
Wisconsin shopgirl

There’s a very well-written, thoughtful opinion in the Calgary Herald entitled The Odds Say McCain’s Age Makes Palin a Bad Bet


It looks like our neighbors to the north are just as frightened of a McCain/Palin presidency as we are. The eyes of the world are upon us in this election.

14 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Wired Differently (11:06:28) :

My prayers are with you tonight. Perhaps you can tell this to your dear Mother.

My brother-in-law and oldest sister were the longest serving Peace Corps volunteers in Afghanistan in the history of the United States Peace Corps back in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. They were there on the ground for eight years. They both learned to speak Farsi and Dari fluently. They traveled all over Afghanistan in their youth in their service on the ground.

After 9/11 many old Afghan hands with real experience in that land were sought by the powers that be in the effort to try to address the situation in Afghanistan after 23 years of brutal proxy war that led to the rise of Al Qaeda and then the Civil War that led to the rise of the Taliban which everyone here now knows led to 9/11. All of this happened because the American people were sound asleep and allowed the Afghan people to be brutally and cynically used in a proxy war with the Soviet Union after which they were COMPLETELY ABANDONED by the West.

They have tremendous love and respect for the Afghan people from their many years there in their youth. Both now in their 60’s and not in perfect health as they were in their youth, they went back and with a small staff of other brave and dedicated old Afghan hands, created and ran the entire medical relief effort for the United States of America on the ground in 16 provinces across Afghanistan.

My brother-in-law was on the first U.N. flight in after the shooting stopped in the Fall of Kabul from the Taliban at the end of 2001. He walked across the city to where they used to live 35 years before and sat down on the ground and wept. The destruction of over a third of the city in tank battles was unimaginable in the War Lord Civil War after the West abandoned them while Americans slept their lives away in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

He got up and started to work putting together the physical infrastructure to get eventual medical help to the village level across vast distances. He went from himself to eventually a staff of over 450 American, Canadian, Japanese, Pakistani, and Afghan nationals on the ground over almost six years of effort. They eventually got medical help to over nine million Afghans on the ground at the village level, especially women and children.

There were many close calls with lives at stake in very dangerous situations. And there was tragedy. In February 2005 three beautiful young American and Canadian volunteer women in their 20’s on their staff (Cristin (Cristi) Gadue, Amy Lynn Niebling, and Carmen Urdanetalost) lost their lives in the plane crash at Kabul in the flight from Herat in a snow storm. These young women were completely selflessly dedicated in bringing help to the Afghan people. Especially Afghan women who have suffered so terribly in the long years of war and then the fundamentalist Taliban. My sister and my brother-in-law had to go out and supervise bringing their bodies down from the mountain snow field. My sister felt terrible because if she would have been with them she would have never let them get on that plane in that snow storm in their return flight from Herat.

After 9/11 the Bush Administration shamelessly used the plight of Afghan women under the Taliban in the run up to war. But few people realize (and the MSM NEVER reported) that the Bush Administration never got the funds appropriated in time to be in the next fiscal budget for the first year of relief in Afghanistan! So much for REALLY CARING about Afghan women to make actually doing something a priority! The Project had two wait a full eight months until the funding was in place and started to flow. Meanwhile, my brother-in-law started with what he had. From old contacts he searched and got many assets from the Northern Alliance to start on this effort. He had many contacts from years past and he speaks the language and he got things going for the United States. They eventually hired over 450 Afghans, trained them and got them to work. They tried to hire as many Afghan women as they could.

My brother-in-law put a young female Afghan woman in charge of the motor pool to give the dispatching orders to the men in the field! He asked her if she thought she could do it if there was resistance? She said she thought she could. He put her in charge. She did a great job and eventually the Afghan men came to accept her as the boss! All this after the oppression of the Taliban!

Every person here on Mudflats can be proud of them! They did your tax dollars right! They are credited with achieving one of the most efficient and effective relief projects in the entire International humanitarian relief effort in Afghanistan. Why? Because they LOVED the Afghan people AS PEOPLE and they speak the language and know the culture. During the great run of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 2005 Superbowl, my sister was running around Afghanistan with a Roethlisberger No. 7 jersey on under her Muslim garb! She wore her Black and Gold pin when in the office. The Afghans learned how to say “Pittsburgh Steelers”!

President Bush mentioned this U.S. medical relief project in TWO different State of the Union Addresses in his Presidency. He took FULL CREDIT for this effort even though his Administration completely botched and mismanaged the initial funding which delayed support for my brother-in-laws efforts on the ground for eight full months.

So how did it all turn out after this risky and dangers effort in which lives were lost? Although they are both still in Afghanistan doing something else now, their involvement in the project ended about 16 months ago after almost six years. This is what happened.

With the Iraq War expense crisis in 2006 funding in Afghanistan started to dry up. They and much of the original staff was eventually let go piece by piece. The project still exists but it was scaled back by more than half. More than 250 of the Afghans my brother-in-law painstakingly trained over four years WERE LET GO! You will all be glad to know as real American citizens like him that he then worked as hard as he could and got them jobs with other International agencies and national missions so their families could survive. One working Afghan on a project like this in that Muslim culture might be supporting 20-50 people in extended family! (Did anyone in the Bush Administration know this?) Getting these hard working Afghans new jobs was fairly easy to do because they were so well trained in the project, were so dedicated and proud, and and had been so successful. He made SURE they were treated right. But wait! What happened next was this.

Months passed. My sister and brother-in-law and the rest of the laid off staff found other work in an educational project staying on now in Afghanistan after six years of effort to help the Afghan people. In the now “newly realized” (DUH!) funding crisis in Afghanistan, Condi goes to Bush and says we MUST send money NOW! So suddenly there was triple the funding going to Afghanistan! But, guess what, IT WAS TOO LATE! The staff had ALREADY been cut months before and those trained Afghans were long gone to other jobs for a livelihood! How is THAT for “management” by a “Stanford President” and a “Harvard MBA”? How do you think the Mayor of Wasilla will do as President of the United States (and she will be the President of the United States if this ticket is elected because McCain WILL NOT LAST 14 months before he keels over).

Of course, the MSM never covered a little hands on story like this that directly effects the actual PEOPLE OF AFGHANISTAN and not war money for the MIC, because that is the old America. The America where all of us live. Where you have to actually show up and do a job and be held accountable for the lives of others. In the new America it is all about what is good for the investment bankers and Haliburton, KBR, and Blackwater.

What they are doing now in Afghanistan is another story for another time that is just as enlightening as to what is really going on. But if there is an Obama Administration there are people working on getting them to get a hearing regarding new policy based upon their experience on the ground the last seven years.

Your dear Mother’s vote and the votes of many Grandmothers out there may get them and other REAL hands on Americans in a meeting with a new Obama Administration on a CHANGE of policy from incompetence to competence.

I doubt whether Caribou Barbie knows the detailed history of the Mogul Empire? What do you think? My brother-in-law did and he used that knowledge every day. If Caribou Barbie takes over as President of the United States she had better start to read up on the history of the Pushtuns in Afghan history very fast. She had better start to understand about the “Buzkashi Moms” on the ancient plains of Afghanistan.

You did not read it in the corporate MSM, but on Mudflats where the real ground truth is told.

Every blessing upon both you and your dear Mom WD!

14 09 2008

great job, ladies. Congratulations from Oregon.

14 09 2008

Harley… WHAT?
You said:
“alice and cindpx….what ever in the world are you guys referring too

I was addressing asenath1az, not you two !”

I have no idea what you’re talking about… was it something I said? If so, sorry about the misunderstanding…

14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin


Thanks for bringing this issue up (again). We all looked at this before and it deserves to be heard.

14 09 2008
UK lady

Success folks, our little blog site has got the rethugs scared. In England we would call them ‘twats’, not sure if it means the same thing in US. Poor little low brows are best just ignored.

14 09 2008

For all the newbies and trolls:

Everyone is PRO-life. We are ALL for life (even for those wolves and polar bears).

The difference is some people are ANTI-Choice, and that is how we refer to it here. So, in speaking terms, you are either Anti-Choice or Pro-Choice.

If Republicans are for SMALLER government (which was at one point what being a Republican was all about – back in the day…) then surely governing one’s bedroom is logically not smaller government, but Big Brother.

If the Republicans are so, and let’s use the old-fashioned term here – pro-life: Well, let’s just say killing innocent Iraqi children in the name of a Holy War is Anti-Choice (theirs). Those little children who are going to be bombed in Iraq by the Republican Party: ANTI-Choice.

Women who have to go back to the days of the coat hanger although it takes two to, er, tango and bleed to death. Anti-Choice.

Those little children of the rape victim, incest victim, et al who are now part of a family unit who are just getting by and may be living on the streets because all of the social programs are gone. ANTI-Choice.

Read the Guttmacher Institute’s latest research. Guttmacher is an independent research firm that tracks these things. Abortions have declined considerably and among middle-class, white woman are occurring 8 weeks and before on average. For minorities, it is happening later, and they have good explanations – lack of exposure and education, fear, among other things.

BTW, the reason why the number is declining? Oh yeah – being honest and having good birth control education is the largest contributor. Don’t send me back to the dark ages. I have sons, and I hold fully accountable for their actions. I do not go into their education blindly and hope for the best. Thank goodness I have not had to face what Ms. Palin is facing with her daughter, Bristol. You know why? EXPOSURE AND EDUCATION ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL. I don’t condone, but nor will I condemn.

Sincerely –


14 09 2008

ok @ alice

I scrolled on back to see where I could possibly have given you the wrong impression that i thought you were a troll.
( trust me I do not )

I could find only one comment I made :

“Harley (11:28:55) :

lmao @ Alice

and @ asenath1az

faux news ? are you kidding?

you just made my day.”

I see why you may have thought that and I apologize for
quoting whatever it was you wrote that obviously made me laugh.

I tried to find whatever that could have been and I just can not.

So accept my apology Alice for not being succinct.

It taught me a lesson that with so many posts flying so fast
quoting people when replying is becoming a must.

let me assure I was NOT referring to you Alice and I aplogize if it looked like I was.

14 09 2008

@ Irishgirl ref: historic event

you know, I’ve had that thought myself. we are doing something important, we are a community, in spite of none of us having (knowingly anyway) laid eyes upon each other, and we are working at a unified front to get the word out. when I feel like this, I am hopeful that the end result will be an Obama victory that cannot be stolen by the Republiars. Thanks guys.

14 09 2008

^ 5 Cecilia *waves from Portland, Oregon!*

14 09 2008

apologize for NOT quoting you Alice I meant to type above

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@anniewilson (12:51:20) :

What do you suppose the women are so afraid of? My guess is the fact that she didn’t abort her baby. What do you think? Most nuts are terrified of women who are pro-life.

I guess Ms. Palin is stronger than I ever thought she was before.

annie, you are wrong. I think I speak for many women who have no problem with anyone who takes a pro-life position, just with someone who wants to impose their choice on others. And in the case of Palin, it is a very extreme view because of her position on rape and incest.

There are MANY reasons why most of us who do not support Palin that have nothing to do with either her stance on abortion or anything related to being a woman. They have to do with her hypocrisy, dishonesty, bad decisions and lack of experience. There are many people in Alaska who have been critical of her performance as Governor, long before she got the VP nomination. There are even people in Alaska who like her who feel she is not qualified to have the second most important job in the United States.

14 09 2008

@Amused Bewildered – thanks for clarifications. I too read both points of view and turn to FoxNews TV from time to time. (I’m big on research) I read RealClearPolitics to get both sides that is being printed but I can’t stomach Rush. You’re tougher than me on that one. I find FoxNews gives a smattering of news and then goes back to bashing who-ever. I am forming a group in my red state/county/city to bring us together to talk. I think there are a lot of Independents, Centrists, and Republicans, who can stand what they are seeing and hearing, that are afraid to speak in the Red Country.

14 09 2008


WOW. You are an inspiration, my dear.

14 09 2008

Mudflats, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@anniewilson (12:51:20) : What do you suppose the women are so afraid of? My guess is the fact that she didn’t abort her baby. What do you think? Most nuts are terrified of women who are pro-life.

I guess Ms. Palin is stronger than I ever thought she was before.

annie, you are wrong. I think I speak for many women who have no problem with anyone who takes a pro-life position, just with someone who wants to impose their choice on others. And in the case of Palin, it is a very extreme view because of her position on rape and incest.

There are MANY reasons why most of us who do not support Palin that have nothing to do with either her stance on abortion or anything related to being a woman. They have to do with her hypocrisy, dishonesty, bad decisions and lack of experience. There are many people in Alaska who have been critical of her performance as Governor, long before she got the VP nomination. There are even people in Alaska who like her who feel she is not qualified to have the second most important job in the United States.

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

at first i thought you did a typeO: McPain/Calin…. lovin it
I can’t use that one cause it insults my pitbull..
these people really think we are stupid
all i ever hear out mcsames mouth is SURGESURGESURGESURGE!!!!!
He is pathetic and she is right beside him the side show
we need to de-focus the circus is over
the swing states how can we reach them!

14 09 2008

correction: CAN’T stand what they are hearing…

14 09 2008


@ CindyPDX

I was so taken aback by the misunderstanding between Alice and myself,
I read what she wrote wrong.
Your name was simply in the comment.

So to you, I will apologize as well…..for whatever ! LMAO

14 09 2008

At Uk Lady! Loved your last post regarding the Tw** word..

YES! It does have the same meaning here.. : )

I also learned a few new ones from my UK hubby – he still can’t get over that we have a city nearby our home called “Wankers Corner, Oregon” LOL

14 09 2008
Sandi S in Anchorage

Thanks so much to the mudflats site. I was at the library rally yesterday, and was so amazed at how many people turned out. I was also pretty disappointed in the ADN coverage this morning. People who had attended Sarah’s rally earlier in the day said there were a lot more people at the noon rally, and so many drivers were supportive! I thought it was a very good natured gathering overall. A few Palin folks came over to try to steal the show, but they mostly were ignored. (Really, I think they were shocked at how many of people don’t support Sarah and her god, guns and lipstick rhetoric. I guess there were a couple of arguments that I didn’t see, but mostly we were having fun, and it felt really good to see so many progressive Alaskans out on such short notice. It spoke volumes to any notions of a unequivocal support base for the McCain/Palin ticket here in Alaska.
There were many issues and perspectives represented at the rally, but I was particularly taken with the Tlingit woman who came in her traditional clan cape and hat with posters regarding Palin’s assault on native tribal and subsistence rights. Sarah may be the darling of the Republican machine in Washington D.C., but she got some serious ‘splainin’ to do to lots of different people here at home.

I’m always proud to live in Alaska, but today, well, I’m especially proud of us politically. It’s important here and outside, that everyone know there is no lock-step, right wing overwhelming majority supporting Sarah (except as a mainstream media fantasy), but there are a lot of independent and thoughtful folks raising important issues, and looking for some truthful answers to hard questions.

14 09 2008

Those are Obama supporters , organized and funded by the OBama campaign members flown into Anchorage for that purpose.

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Please, don’t answer the trolls. We have had an invasion. The other side are worrying now, but don’t waste any time responding. Our time is better spent doing positive things.

14 09 2008

Yesterday I was proud to be an Alaskan. The energy at the rally was perhaps the most I have ever witnessed in my 30 years of living here. Please, please, please–all you in the swing states, get out the vote. Email everyone this site and send to everyone you know the Post and NYT articles that are beginning to expose the real story of Palin and her antics. We must elect Obama.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@VetTheVeep LOL. Rush is so ridiculous he’s like theatre to me! The 2 people I have the hardest time with are Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. Even conservatives know that Rush can be over the top (well, some) but the other two are almost believable!!! I’m on a board where someone is being critical of Democrats and then they post “news” they got from Sean Hannity!! Scary.

14 09 2008
Anon - AKA Blaster Commando Palin

Excellent new piece by Andrew Sullivan about Sarah Palin as the Neocon Manchurian Candidate:


14 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

14 09 2008

So the biggest political rally ever in the history of the state, a rally rejecting Palin, is not even covered by the Controlled MSN. And the staged welcome home rally is covered by the national media.

Real news is ignored. Created and staged “news” is reported on as if it were something real. No wonder Americans are so ill-informed and so many (read the GOP) rely on the ignorance factor to get the vote.

14 09 2008

OH, and I need to add one more:

And those mothers who have to send their sons and daughters into certain danger and possible death (and let’s face it, the saber-rattling with Iran and Russia is pretty scary because those countries have a lot more power than Iraq where there were no WMD just a lot of fear)? ANTI-Choice.

14 09 2008

All is cool Harley! Thank you! I thought I offended you.
All the best to you Harley! 🙂

14 09 2008

lucas (08:07:13) :
oh i forgot to include a link to the bloomberg story about how the mccain campaign is basically MAKING UP and INFLATING the “record number of people” who come to their rallies.

That’s why they moved all the people into the middle of the room at Palin’s rally. If they take tight shots, it makes the crowd look much larger than it really is.

14 09 2008


I understand how to add my name, what I need to know is WHERE to go to add my name. In all the turmoil, I missed a link somewhere

14 09 2008

Try again!!!!!

14 09 2008

I am so glad I am not alone on this! My father graduated from high school in Bethel, and I was born there. How could someone simply not care about these people? There are other issues that obviously irritate me (the polar bears, charging for rape kits, etc.), that she has defended, but what is Palin’s explanation for denying Natives of their rights?

14 09 2008

yeah Cindy and Alice, I knew you guys would understand once I related my blunder

14 09 2008

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

could someone add me too? all this cuttin’ an’ pastin’!
Dee, aka Raytheon Monsanto Palin

14 09 2008


14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

proud2be… LOVE the new look!

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin (13:29:03) :

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin
Irishgirl aka puck mule

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Carolyn, Washington
ocliberal in Orange County, CA
Josh in Nashville, TN
amy Oklahoma

14 09 2008

If I may qoute J.R. Tolkien:
Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains of the moon.

Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.

14 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

@Proud2B and Harley! You two are my new best friends!!! Love the new avatar Proud… look how our numbers have grown! We are even attracting new, even more inarticulate trolls and I think that may be a good thing in a strange sort of way. Mudpuppies… we are making history– thanks to Mudflats’ courage!

14 09 2008

Ky wrote: “Cassie,
I am so glad I am not alone on this! My father graduated from high school in Bethel, and I was born there. How could someone simply not care about these people? There are other issues that obviously irritate me (the polar bears, charging for rape kits, etc.), that she has defended, but what is Palin’s explanation for denying Natives of their rights?”

Ky and Cassie, as someone who is of First People heritage (and I’m sure I’m, not the only one on here), I care deeply about this topic. In fact, Obama’s speaking out to the First People community was one of the things that endeared him to me last year. Palin has a horrible record in regards to the First People. McCain has a terrible record in terms of First People as well; check out some of the history of this in Arizona.

14 09 2008

Haha! I am amused by the fact that some McCain/Palin supporters actually believe that protesters were flown into Anchorage for the rally. They obviously don’t know the price of plane tickets to AK, these days.

14 09 2008
Rosemarie McMichael

I’m thrilled to see this level of dissent right in Palin’s backyard. You go girls!

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

but how ignorant are the invaders, as if we need props to get out numbers, like the fire marshall counting the crowd, invaders open your eyes and ears there are Alaskans that dont relate with Ms Alaska thinking she is running for ms USA, what is not true is when you hear the mcsame campaign saying women across america are relating with her, NOT!!!!!
and you know what Im for women can do anything a man can do, BUT the reason she has stood out from men in public office or even other women that work most of us, we are not and men do not stand up front with eirther her finger or knuckle shouting out Im a Hockey Mom as if she is the only one that is a working mom or to assume we women came this far to be ignorant enough to fall for her Ploy….
I dont think so! msProps, maybe if i had a special need child i would vote for you but we have all kinds of children across America and we need someone that represents us all not just the few at the top that are worried they won’t continue to get there tax cuts!!
Sorry Guys!

14 09 2008

AKM…you are doing an awesome job of journalism here, and are an American of the highest order! Keep plugging away; keep using those First Amendment Rights; and keep telling the truth. I will be doing the same on my blog until they pry my keyboard from my cold, dead, hands. I’m mentioning this place every chance I get; haven’t quite figured out the track back thing works yet, but my whopping readership of 66 is aware of this place via a link in a post, or on my links box.

Your blog has been noticed in the rest of the Blogisphere and the MSM so PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

14 09 2008
UK lady

CindyPDX – Seriously? Wankers Corner! Seriously?

Well now , there are a few men I know personally who would be right at home there.

But in public life top of the list has to be Hannity, O’Lierry, Rove, McNocone etc.etc.

14 09 2008
Rosemarie McMichael

SF liberals needed this good news from AK

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Carolyn, Washington
ocliberal in Orange County, CA
Josh in Nashville, TN
amy Oklahoma
Ken in Eatontown, NJ

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

sally in az- some of the folks that will not get a tax cut care more about this country.
i’m not in warren buffets league, but he’s for obama.
my tax savings with mccain was $334
so we sent it to obama.

14 09 2008

You made our day! Keep up the good work and we’ll keep checking back (from San Francisco). It is so encouraging.

14 09 2008

Ok, now i need help. I posted a youtube video up and I thought I used the embed code, but it didn’t embed. Just the code posted. How do I make it a link

I know someone asked this before on another post but dont’ remember what to do. Help me, pls.

14 09 2008
Wired Differently

Mudflats! Help us out here! Please create a new post even if it’s just an open thread to keep us going. This bad boy’s getting too big to load.

Oh, and UK Lady, yes, twat does have a different meaning in the US. It’s a synonym for what McCain called Cindy in public in 1992. Let’s just say women all have ’em, but it’s not nice to be called one. (Can’t even scan to see if someone’s already taken that question.)

14 09 2008

@AmusedBelwildered — A couple of years ago I listened to a program on Wind Power on NPR on the way to a board meeting. At the end of the meeting, 2 members said did you hear NPR is now against Wind Power. I was dumbfounded since I heard the show from beginning to end. I told them I listened to the show and didn’t hear that at all-it was just a report on what people were doing with wind power. They held their ground about NPR being against it. They went on to bash NPR. It took me a long time to realize they had heard it from FoxNews that morning not NPR. They are good people who can’t see how they are being manipulated. It saddens me a lot.

14 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Wired,
You might also take a copy of “Three Cups of Tea” to your mother. It shows what a single person with the drive to help can accomplish. Every American should read it. Schools. In rural villages in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Built by local people with funding from individual Americans who care. Schools where one requirement, in these very conservative villages, is that the daughters be educated, too. This is what one community organizer can accomplish — one with no previous organizing experience.

14 09 2008

This post made my freakin’ day!!! Thank you for this.

14 09 2008

Thanks, women of Alaska! Thanks!
I’m in California, almost 50y.o father of 4, I’m scared for fate of this country would it come again to have more Bush… this couple: Bush + bad temper and Bush + even more extremism.

Obama/Biden 2008

14 09 2008

whabs (13:12:20) : Oh, that was too funny! I loved it when she pulled out a hockey stick to beat the moose to death and then ripped off a shoe to finish the job! Who comes up with these priceless gems?

14 09 2008
Mollys Mum

This is an amazing blog. 😀 The stories, the links, the pictures, AKM’s heroic efforts–I am just so grateful for it all.

HamletsMill, the story about your sister and brother-in-law is truly inspiring. I sure hope the MSM is lurking here, as this is the sort of information that NEEDS to be out there. Thank you, so very much, for sharing this with us.

14 09 2008

@ proud
The gravatar looks good, I did a tweaking however so

Try This One Proud, I think It might show up better

14 09 2008

Palmdale, thanks for the article by John Dean. He makes excellent, well reasoned points. No flame, no panic, just the point that the woman has no qualifications to recommend her for Presidential succession. Well, unless you count the fact that she could be Secretary of State because she has been the governor of a State that can see Russia from a tiny island in the Bering Strait; she could be SecTreas because she has a bank account and put the Alaska “bank account” on line for every one to see; and she could be SecDef because she is the Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard and has a son serving in a military capacity. Wow. Her qualifications just keep stacking up don’t they?

14 09 2008
Alaskan Women Against Palin | friskyGeek

[…] The Alaskan Women Against Palin rally draws a record crowd. […]

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American MOntreal

14 09 2008

oh lord if only I could freakin type ! LMAO

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@Vet — yes, but they think WE’RE the ones who are being manipulated!

14 09 2008

I too left a message on the Open Thread
“So I have been on another blog titled Pagan Power that very oddly seems to be ranting against Obama and extolling the greatness of McCain/Palin. I have been trying to knock some sense into these people. I really don’t understand how people who can claim to be of an “alternative” religion can be looking to the repugs for their safety. They also say that they were for Hillary, but are so scared of Obama and his Marxist ways that they are looking to the moderate Republicans to run the country. Scary huh? So I pointed out what many here have pointed out about the stipend that each Alaskan receives just for living there. I know I know I am just banging my head on the wall, but I have to try anyway don’t I?”

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Palin

14 09 2008

@Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin (13:36:40) :

@Proud2B and Harley! You two are my new best friends!!! Love the new avatar Proud…

Froth – you’ve gotta be PROUD of your Palin baby name! WOW. I get Krinkle Bearcat, and you get Froth Moonshine. It’s perfect.

Harley did my avatar. Isn’t it fun (and scaringly true?) It’s a big mushroom cloud because with all the increased talk of War! War! War! Fight! Fight! Fight! it’s probably going to become a site some of us, unfortunately, will see in our lifetimes, thanks to the recklessness of others. GO OBAMA!!!! GO PEACE!!!

14 09 2008
Kevin C

Liberals, two words of advice.. STOP IT! Every time I read a blog with such an obsessive level of desperation like this , I can assure you, it just magnifies your foolishness and desperate state of affair. WOW! ever since the Repub convention, the LEFT has just become totally “unhinged”. Trust me, the “typical” Mom ( and Dad) is not paying attention to your frantic , desperate rhetoric. I mean the mainstream population, not radicals like in this forum, are far more intelligent. they don’t need to spend time ranting and raving on the internet. They also realize, you would all be bashing Romney, Liberman or whoever McCain selected.

Now get over it, because frankly EVERY TIME you highlight Palin’s inexperience (or whatever trivial trash you spew about her) you are just HIGHLIGHTING the Inexperience at the TOP of the Democratic ticket. I was a volunteer for the Boston area Obama campaign during the primary. But, I am more and more leery of his experience, and NOW EVEN MORE SO, since Palin was picked. So makes me think the danger of having someone with as little (or even less) experience at the top of the Democratic ticket.

I am just getting more anxiety about Obama. Maybe he can do better on the economy , but is he can’t keep us safe, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. AND, as much as we CROW about how BAD BUSH was, he DID PROTECT US from another attack, no matter how you will want to drivel it was not because of him, it indeed was to Bush’s credit, as a number of attempts were circumvented during the past 7 years. But, overwhelming “Bush hatred” will never give him credit for the MOST IMPORTANT responsibility he had. It’s just that we as Americans are complacent by nature. Always looking for the next “bitch session” opportunity.

14 09 2008

I REALLY appreciate the great job your blog is doing with spreading the word about the state of play in AK!

14 09 2008

I give a HUGE KUDOS to MUDFLATS for keeping us informed where MSM continues to fail us. I really hope CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC pick up on this story!

Not sure about you folks out there in the AK or across the nation, but our household BLOCKS the FOX tabloid news channel.

Sing it for us Jack!

Good People by Jack Johnson

14 09 2008
Susan Ploplys

You wonderful wonderful demonstrators and supporters of Obama. You made me cry from happiness. Hope lives in Alaska! Love you all. Susan

14 09 2008

Looks like the Rethug trolls are out!

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American In Montreal
Harley: also of Topanga, California

14 09 2008


Your article is at the top of the page at HuffPo! You deserve recognition for all the hard work you have done to inform and mobilize voters. I am so proud of you! – your enthusiastic, factual reporting has energized this woman…THANKS!

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

just remember patriotism, 9/11 tragedy and hurricane disaters thats American not Dem or Rep, I ? no ones love for OUR COUNTRY!!!! otherwise we wouldnt even be here, we all have the right to our thoughts, comments and speech and to vote so! Lets get everyone you know to go out and vote! GO OBAMA!!!

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Don’t think you owe me an apology.
Glad you feel the same way. I do think this blog is important.
As we would say in Ireland, your the best thing since the sliced pan. (Reference to cutting bread).

14 09 2008

Welcome to Kevin C@ (13:55:34) :

Let me explain something to you. Liberals are pro-freedom of speech. So you can SHOUT at us to stop telling the truth, but we are still going to tell it.

It’s not our fault that your McCain selected someone who wasn’t ready for prime time as a VP. Don’t project your outrage on us. Go tell it to the McCain campaign!

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

i really miss molly ivins in all this…

“don’t piss on my shoes and tell me it’s raining!”

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American Montreal
SwinePrincess, Lawrence KS

14 09 2008

Palin couldn’t fill Hillary’s shoes and she doesn’t relate to all woman voters. What I do with my body is not the governments business. Woman fought for the right to vote, they fought for the right to choose and they vote for equal pay. Palin is Republican and she will do what all republicans do, make life harder for the average citizen and create profits for big business and yes the profit from war, their really big on wars. McCain and Palin brag about how their sons are in Iraq but they don’t tell you they are fairly protected, their not exactly on the front lines of fire like our sons and daughters. I tell you as sure as I am sitting here these two will create havoc for our already ailing economy and they will not show inteligent judgement in the Middle East. Neither one understands the dynamics of the cultures for centuries. I am a Christian by faith but I fear that both of them will bring their religious beliefs into our Government. Our For Fathers are rolling over in their graves. If Palin gets in, she and Mc Cain and they bomb Iran; then all of you who vote them in can pick what city you want Russia or China to hit in the US. Boston. Clevelad, Ancorage. And by the way Georgia attacked Ossetia and Russia came to her rescue. Remember folks we have cameras in space. This was all done to help McCain policaly. No way to Palin! No Way to McCain!

14 09 2008

these are the americans that give me hope for your nation and also the world. plz guys make sure obama wins; he may not do all the good but i am definitely confident that if mcpalin wins, you guys are going to have a hell ride.

And btw i always have a hearty laugh when the cons, neo cons and even some ordinary guys accuse obama being a marxist or left. either i dun understand what left signifies in your nation or ppl love to give stupid labels to politicians they hate out of sheer ignorance.

anyways hope you choose your future well…..

And thanks for the coverage…

14 09 2008

Yes, definitely a troll, who did even take the time to read the posts on this blog.

~ shakes head in disgust ~

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

(sp) sorry guys. You’re the best thing since the sliced pan.

14 09 2008

well, forgive my typo but click the darn link !


14 09 2008
Lisa Damian

Wahoo! I am immensely happy to hear that there are so many smart and vibrant women in Alaska.

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

@p2bn (14:03:44) :
or ppl love to give stupid labels to politicians they hate out of sheer ignorance.”

you got it.

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American In Montreal
Harley: also of Topanga, California
CindyPDX and 3 generations of women in my family from OREGON!

14 09 2008
Indiana Pearl

You go, girls! Wish I could have been there with you!

14 09 2008

If you review the video closely, about half of the gathering is kids under voting age. Just think you should be fair in reporing.

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@Kevin C

You are scared of Obama. WE are scared of Palin. That’s pretty much the long and short of it.

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American MOntreal
CAsweetebony- So Cali

14 09 2008

Does anyone one here even know what it means to be liberal or conservative? Or what it means to be an American? Some of you speak of Patriotism and them say GO OBAMA!!?? (@sally)

Please, go study Marxism and then listen to Obama. He does not speak of a better country, he speaks of us becoming like Europe… of becoming the very thing we liberated ourselves from to become this great nation.

OBAMA IS NO SAVIOR… we need a leader to LEAD US hand in hand and help us become better, not to SAVE us as he preaches.

PALIN is a true patriot. And conservatism will make this country great again. I only ask, all of you in ALASKA who protested, and all of those of your who are easily sold by a powerful speaker, but weak leader who has NEVER DELIVERED A RESULT IN HIS CAREER (except to be the only one to fight against a bill in Illinois that allowed LIVING born children to be left to die), I simply ask that you do your research. Find out what made this country great, and find out what it MEANS to be liberal and conservative. Don’t look for handouts, work for freedom. Don’t rely on a government that maintains MONEY LOSING businesses on your tax dollar to handle your money. I am not mad at anyone, I love America and Americans. Let’s gain our OWN knowledge and our OWN power and make this country great again. Do not blindly vote for the one that makes you feel good, because that is a vote for ignorance.

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

You know Kevin C you can take a hike, dont the reps have a blog you could join? oops i forgot your campaign doesnt know how to email much less blog, dont concern yourself about our commitment and loyalty to each other, Obama is where he is cause he has won votes already, for McCain to bring out this nobody with a few weeks to go is all, but as a previous post has already stated “the thrill is gone”, there is not much more the McSame/McPain party can say or do, now its all about as you all put it personality, the truth is out about the barracuda, Thanks Alaskan women!!! You Go Girls we are behind you!!!!

14 09 2008

@ harley.

It’s cool. I just didn’t want to be misunderstood. Thanks for checking back!

14 09 2008

Its not us who is scared ladies and gents !

Trust me, they are running like rats from a sinking ship.

14 09 2008

Re: increasing troll traffic.

Congratulations, AKM. It is definitely a sign of success! Woo-hoo!!!!

Also, for all the “ugly” insinuations that trolls make, you have to understand that it is a sign that they are in angry and in pain. They are really angry at McCain for picking such a bad candidate, or maybe angry at the GOP for letting McCain get the nomination, or angry that Palin isn’t at the top of the ticket, or angry that the GOP is now run by Christian theo-cons and warmongering neo-cons…Perhaps they aren’t able to properly address their anger to its true source. But to anyone who wants to “troll” here, I say, why not write a comment where it could do some good…back to your own party somehow to express your dissatisfaction with the McCain/Palin ticket!

14 09 2008

Fox News Sunday is ROASTING Sarah Palin right now. GO FOX NEWS!

14 09 2008

Brava, Alaskan women!!!

14 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ CindyPDX
Just listened to “Good People.” Thanks! My guy and I have often wondered why there isn’t more of that sort of music around these days. Maybe we’re just old fogies, but we remember the role that artists played during the 60s, and we just aren’t hearing that combination of rage and inspiration today. Could be because we don’t listen to rap. But I can’t help but wonder at the effect of media consolidation. Just look what happened to the Chicks with that one small remark!

14 09 2008
Joe Koz


Warm wishes from Arizona!

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Here is Palin running from the issue of special needs children. According to this article way of Andrew Halcro’s blog she didn’t show up at the meeting. So, is she really for special needs children or now she is using it as a prop? and yes I said prop! I am brave enough to call her opportunist! And I won’t back down!!!
arc Lester / Daily News archive 2007

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin runs on the Hillside trails near Service High during one of the Tuesday Night races in October 2007.

On October 16, 2006, the gubernatorial campaign landed at a forum held by the ARC of Anchorage. A private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting community integration and quality of life for children and adults who experience developmental disabilities, behavioral health issues, or deafness.

During the forum, the moderator asked if all if the candidates agreed that if they got elected, they would return the following October to give the group an update on what they’ve done for the developmentally disabled. All three candidates including Sarah Palin agreed.

In October of 2007, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich showed up at the forum but Governor Sarah Palin did not. When someone from the crowd yelled out, “Where’s the governor?”, another attendee answered, “She’s out running.”

Marc Lester of the Anchorage Daily News snapped the above photo of Palin at the Tuesday Night Races, at the same time a room full of people across town wondered why she didn’t show up as promised.

14 09 2008

WOOT Great coverage and that is just amazing!!!!!

14 09 2008
Vermont Daily Briefing » That Obstacle to Todd Palin’s Subpeona? Not Much of an Obstacle After All

[…] An “Alaska Women Reject Palin” rally, timed to counter Palin’s first in-state event, attracted over 1000 [photo via Mudflats] […]

14 09 2008

I am uttering a small sigh of relief. As most of us don’t know much about Alaskan politics, the GOP would have us think that all the citizens are 100% supportive of everything about Palin. That was, well, very scary to me. Good to know that not everyone thinks just like her. Love your blog!

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Erin, you must have on the wrong channel. Please check your set. LOL!!!! you must give up an update of what was said, because I can’t bear to point my TV in that direction for fear of throwing up.

14 09 2008

If you haven’t read this article in Salon, go read it now. It really nails why the Palin pick is offensive to women and why so many women are offended.

14 09 2008

The bill that Obama fought was to STOP the hospital from taking LIVE BORN babies and leaving them in a room to die becase they “were supposed to have been aborted.”

14 09 2008

Based on some recent posts looks like this blog is getting a little too popular. Have to scroll through the trolls and wingnuts.

14 09 2008

rwb (14:09:16) :

If you review the video closely, about half of the gathering is kids under voting age. Just think you should be fair in reporing.

This is totally false. I was there myself, and there were probably about 30-40 kids, not 700. You weren’t there- you don’t know.

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

@harley- right 100%
each day, another article….
another so-called conservative… splash

14 09 2008


Don’t look for sympathy here.

We know real hatred when we see it, and its is NOT coming from us.

You are free to think and vote as you please.

If you do get what you desire in November, and NO ONE KNOWS
who will prevail, you shall also get what you deserve.
The sad part about that is, so many more will not.

We have listened, we have made up our minds who we believe
will help lead America the best.
We have done so without saying the other side is unpatriotic, marxist,
or any other lie.

We have listened to what you had to say.

It is a democracy after all and you have had your voice here.

Now, go on ahead and call us another name for recognizing you.

14 09 2008

Palin had a rally this afternoon in Carson City, Nevada. Lots of RABID Republicans there cheering her on, even though she for the most part repeated the same ole scripted campaign speech.

14 09 2008

And Kevin C – if you are not a hit and run poster, and are still lurking…for the record not everyone here can be termed a liberal.

I am from Arizona – McCain country. And while I think of myself as an Independent, I used to lean toward Republican.

I do not believe for a moment that you are a discouraged Obama supporter. But if that is the image you desire, whatever.

For me, McCain’s campaign has so turned me off, with the blatant, insulting lies. Even other Republicans I hear discuss McCain and his current campaign make snide cracks at McCain’s loss of crediblity.

You see, where I live, EVERYONE assumes EVERYONE is a Republican. So they talk pretty freely. I first noticed a shift when stanch Republicans were bitching to each other about Bush.

And then, none seemed thrilled with the GOP canidate choices. Including McCain. In fact, I have a friend that is a personal friend of McCain, and he told me months ago that he would NOT vote for him. Not sure why, cause he said he liked him personally, but would not vote for him. I thought that was intersting, considering what a stanch Repbulican this person is.

While many of the AZ Republicans I know locally will not be voting for Obama, I know many will be voting Independent, which will not be good for McCain. He is turning off the Republican moderates. BIG TIME.

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX


Joe Biden will speak in a moment if you are interesting in hearing him kick the MCCAIN/PALIN IN THE but!!!

14 09 2008

The host (don’t know his name off-hand because I don’t usually watch FOX) was interviewing Tony Knowles (former AK Gov) and Sean Parnell (Lt. Gov- total Palin-bot). He was asking excellent questions and great follow-ups about the bridge, earmarks, firing people, etc. It was great.

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American MOntreal
mvngfwd – and my Obamacan

14 09 2008

Check out Pravda article here: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/12-09-2008/106354-palindevil-0

It’s powerful stuff from overseas.

And I could not agree more with the person who said please do not respond to the haters that have found this blog! Now that the blog is getting lots of press it’s bound to happen. Sticks & stones… Bullies will go away to another site (Anchorage Daily News!) if we ignore them.

14 09 2008

Blah Blah Blah
Type away trolls, we know the truth, spread your lies elsewhere.
your WASTING your time, not ours.

Ok, I know, I won’t feed them anymore.

14 09 2008

UK Lady: I am officially gobsmacked. wow.

Laughing no Longer:

I didn’t comment on your Doctrine post because you said it quite well… particularly: “The mere idea that one could learn a bunch of policy one-liners with one perspective and possess NO depth of understanding and run this country is LUDICROUS.” sums it all up for me. She has not one shred of understanding regarding foreign policy that hasn’t been taught to her in the last two weeks… prior to her nomination, she admitted as much.

If she doesn’t know about foreign stuff and he doesn’t know about the economy, what do we have? A couple of uninformed figure heads that Rove and his bunch can manipulate… Harley’s Pinocchio metaphor is multi-layered.

We do good work here at Mudflatland.

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Kevin C—————> I thought 9/11 happened on who’s watch…hmmm BUSH!!

14 09 2008

SMR, its been on my site since I saw it a few hours ago.
It is a remarkable insight every Republican should see.

14 09 2008

Is this even legal?
A DVD was delivered with the Charlotte Observer (North Carolina) newspaper. It was described as: “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West is a movie that reveals an insider’s view of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. With the help of experts, including first-hand accounts from a former PLO terrorist, a Nazi youth commander, and the daughter of a martyred guerrilla leader, the film shows, clearly, that the threat is real.”

Its 60 minutes of fear-mongering propaganda designed to scare people into voting for the Republican party.


14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

its because the corporatocracy bought the music business when they bought all the radio stations.
it’s there, but ya gotta look for it.
and, digital sucks. another load of crap they shoved down everyone’s ears.

music used to really move people, remember?

14 09 2008

HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline (10:37:55)

Thanks. 🙂

14 09 2008

@ Harley

I will leave one last response.

I am not saying the democratic party is marxist, I am saying that Obama is. I am not calling names, I am comparing principles.

I feel the problem is too many are doing nothing but “listen and decide.” There is more to making these decisions than listening.

I was not happy about McCain as a choice for a few reasons, but I feel confident with Palin at his side.

You have your voice, I have mine. But maybe we should spend a little time studying, learning and listening to each other, and a little less listening soley to Politicians whose words and histories contradict.

14 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Kevin C,

I put your name in the Palin baby name selector and guess what?

Your baby name is Rovian Troll.

Oh, and that goes for you to, Jenna.

Now, let me get back to packing for the next anti-Palin rally that I’m being flown to.

Ha Ha “I was for Obama until I got scared about Palin because she was a mayor and can see Russia. Bush has kept us safe–we haven’t been attacked in the last 7 years.” Ha Ha You are such a scream Kevin. Boston, my ass. Go back and tell headquarters they may want to help Philip Berg with his little lawsuit. I read it. Think I smell a motion to dismiss.

14 09 2008
Suzi in Chicago

Hey Gang, here’s McSame’s campaign appearances for the next few days. They only give out a few days at a time. Hopefully some of our Mudmates will be able to protest?

Road to Victory Rally: Jacksonville, FL – September 15th
Join John McCain at a Road to Victory Rally in Jacksonville, FL on Monday, September 15th. Doors open at 6:00am.

Road to Victory Rally: Tampa, FL – September 16th
Join John McCain at a Road to Victory Rally in Tampa, FL on Tuesday, September 16th. Doors open at 9:30am.

September 18th Cedar Rapids, IA Rally
Join John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin for a Rally in Cedar Rapids, IA on Thursday, September 18th. The doors open at 8am.

14 09 2008

watching Biden now

14 09 2008

Thank you mudflats. Thank you ten wonderful women who got this going despite threats (yes, threats) from opponents on the right. And thank you all you wonderful demonstrators who walked with me in front of the library yesterday. It was a truly uplifting experience. BTW, one person actually went around with a clicker counting everyone. At the time of the count, there were 1496 protesters and 93 Palin supporters.

Now to business: We have work to do in the next 2 months.

1. I would love these rallies to go viral. This one started a week ago with 10 women over coffee and grew to a huge rally. All you out in the battleground states can you do the same? Non-battleground states, too. I have heard some hints of this on the blogs, but would love to see it spread across the land. Get involved. If you are a loser at organizing (as I am) look for someone else’s and join it.
2. Write to newspapers all over the place. My local paper has a once per month policy that I’ve already used up so I am writing to newspapers all over the battleground states. The nice part about this is that you can write one really good letter and send it hundreds of places with cut and paste. Google a state name and the word newspapers and one of the first links is a list of all the papers in the state and their web sites.
3. Contribute what you can. This is too important to hold back. Alaska is awash in money from royalties from these obscene oil prices. The legislature has seen fit to give Alaskans a $1200 “energy rebate”. Mine is going to the Obama campaign. I’ll be adding some more of my own money, too. Every dollar helps.
4. Find your local Obama or Democratic Party office and ask them how you can help out. I am volunteering time when I can. They can all use your help in a number of ways. If anything puts us over the top it will be this army of Obama volunteers.

Please, please, please do what you can. Our country is in serious trouble and needs your help.

>>>>>>Iligitimum Non Carborundum<<<<<<

Thank you all from Eagle River, Alaska

14 09 2008
Mad Max

The world loves you and thank everyone who turned up to this event – be very proud.

14 09 2008


Instead of writing things that aren’t true about Obama on this blog, why not write your true feelings about the failures of the GOP Presidential ticket (you know, how it’s obviously not playing in Peoria or Anchorage) to the RNC? Your efforts here are wasted, whereas if you wrote something real to your own party, you might get some “change” started there.

14 09 2008

Amazing. Simply, amazing.

14 09 2008

tycegn – Actually Palin is rather Maxist…if you consider she taxed the oil companies, and then gave that money to everyone in Alaska.

14 09 2008

@kevinC –

thanks for your post. I, however, disagree with you on many points. Just so you will know, I voted for Huckabee in the Primaries, but I cannot go with the Republican ticket in November. There are many reasons – too numerous – to name here, but mainly:

These are from ACTUAL McCAIN VOTES in the Senate where he opposes positions favored by the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS!

1. 70% of Public thinks invading Iraq was a MISTAKE, but McCain sides with Bush and votes to invade. No WMD – the UN was right. In fact, during the run-up to war in 2002 and 2003, McCain repeatedly described the prospects of war in the rosiest terms, declaring the U.S. would “win easily”:

“Because I know that as successful as I believe we will be, and I believe that the success will be fairly easy, we will still lose some American young men or women.” [CNN, 9/24/02]

“We’re not going to get into house-to-house fighting in Baghdad. We may have to take out buildings, but we’re not going to have a bloodletting of trading American bodies for Iraqi bodies.” [CNN, 9/29/02]

“But the point is that, one, we will win this conflict. We will win it easily.” [MSNBC, 1/22/03]

John McCain was wrong and now he’s trying to re-write history. What kind of integrity is that?

2. 70% of Americans think oil companies are too greedy and that is why they are paying more at the pump, but McCain wants to adopt Big Oil plans to drill, drill, drill for MORE PROFITS. Think about this, JohnC – we are not a socialist country. Drilling oil does not benefit you or me. It benefits the large Oil companies (and remember Valdez?). Oil from Alaska is mainly exported – there are others on the thread much smarter than me on this topic. Japan and Mexico are the primary customers of the oil drilled in this state. This is just a “feel good” tactic for people who are not accumstomed to high gas prices. Auto manufacturers today build cars for other countries (Brazil is an example) that run off of up to four alternative energy sources. They do this TODAY. Bush’s 2009 budget for energy almost obliterates geothermal and other alternative energy sources research and development. And McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time. This is not a forward-looking President.

3. 70% of Americans do NOT want to invade Iran, but McCain says bomb, bomb, bomb Iran and votes for Kyl-Lieberman saber-rattling. There is a lot here, that I just can’t go into again, but I encourage you to visit: http://www.cufi.org for a brief and thought-provoking visit.

4. 75% of Americans FAVOR ratifying Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, but McCain sides with Bush and votes against it.

5. 60% of Americans believe workers should have a right to organize into a union, but McCain sides with Bush and votes against it. This is H.R.600 or 800 (I can’t remember which one off the top of my head) I personally don’t think the majority of Americans want to join a union, but to stop the ability to even do so….? There is a reason people feel the need to come together in a union, and that is where the root cause analysis needs to occur.

6. 70% of Americans favor INCREASING financial aid for college and McCain bucked his party and lost that senate vote 78-18

7. Most Americans are AGAINST fraud in Iraq contracts and want more oversight, but McCain sided with Bush and voted against more oversight. Again, too many links but you can look through this blog and pull them.

8. Most Americans believe gun makers should be liable for making defective guns and McCain bucked his party and lost that vote 90-8.

9. Most Americans FAVOR energy assistance to low income people, and McCain buscked his party and lost that vote 94-3

10. Most Americans FAVOR children’s healthcare, just like they do for seniors, and McCain sided with Bush and lost that vote 68-31, and this would have become law with 10 more votes in the house to sustain an over-ride of Bush’s veto.

These are just a couple of things that made me back away from John McCain. Add his age – his past view which is very Cold War centric (and for those of us who lived through the “duck and cover” days, this is not comforting), his new alligience with the Extreme Right, and finally that lifelong Republicans and respected Alan Greenspan and Warren Buffet re-affirming that McCain’s economic policies are not prudent (in short, you can’t cut taxes on borrowed money), and you have a candidate that I just can’t back.

So you will know, I worked on McCain’s primary campaign in 2000. I understand your feelings because after the Party went with Bush, I felt unsure and eventually voted for Gore. It is a personal decision, but I am voting for my future, the preservation of my constitutional rights and the need for our great USA to move away from this constant fear- and war-mongering. (Go read about Mussolini in the 20’s and 30’s)

Sorry for the rambling, but I just wanted to understand why we are. BTW, many of us are grassroots volunteers and don’t just rant on the web.

Best of luck to you –

14 09 2008

51 days till we change the world !
Obama ! Obama ! Obama !

14 09 2008
American Street » Blog Archive » The McCain/Palin Ticket’s troubles continue to grow

[…] Alaska’s biggest-ever political rally occurs and it’s in opposition to their governor’s VP candidacy, that’s big news. […]

14 09 2008

The crowd is shouting Yes We Can !

It is music to my ears !

14 09 2008


I’m in Eagle River too, and would love to exchange ideas as to how to help. I just printed out my walking list, forms, etc., so my toddler & I will start canvassing our neighborhood tomorrow. But if we can get together to effect some positive change GREAT. We can think of some secret way of exchanging contact info since this blog is now troll-ridden.

14 09 2008

Thanks for letting us in when the traditional media won’t even give us a glimpse.
You are inspiring.
Thanks for the great post.

14 09 2008

@ J T

Study marxism before you post.

14 09 2008

bravo AKM and every single person that was there at that rally – and every single person leaving comments here (well, apart from trolls 😉 ). for what it’s worth: you are all supported in your opinions by literally millions of Britons.

14 09 2008

” tycegn (14:21:55) :

@ Harley

I will leave one last response.

I am not saying the democratic party is marxist, I am saying that Obama is. I am not calling names, I am comparing principles.

I feel the problem is too many are doing nothing but “listen and decide.” There is more to making these decisions than listening.

I was not happy about McCain as a choice for a few reasons, but I feel confident with Palin at his side.

You have your voice, I have mine. But maybe we should spend a little time studying, learning and listening to each other, and a little less listening soley to Politicians whose words and histories contradict.”


Trust me I am well read and well traveled and very well educated,
even if I am not well trained as a typist.

14 09 2008


Try this link!

14 09 2008

This piece was written by a fan of yours. It talks about many similarities and differences between Palin and “other” Alaskan women.


14 09 2008

[…] The good news?  The “Alaska Women Reject Palin” protest in Big City was apparently very well attended. […]

14 09 2008

Are you people really this deluded?

Obama is going to lose in a blowout. It won’t even be close.

14 09 2008

Thank you again AKM! and everyone at the rally. GREAT JOB!

can someone post for me information and/or the links of where to get succinct info on that trans canada pipeline??? I could go through all the threads- but I am lazy.

I want to add the arguments about that issue to my arsenal..

Thank you in advance.

14 09 2008

MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin (08:57:31) :

I was re-reading blogs because I had flipped through them quickly before. There have been many inspiring stories today…yours is a gem

14 09 2008

P.S. I also need to add the personal integrity factor. Have an adulterous affair, and then calling your new wife a C*** on air in the 90’s, the Keating Affair that cost American taxpayers $2B+….it is just too much. I know Obama is not perfect. Yet, he definitely knows the Constitution, he has a lot of experience in government (you have to understand what “present” in Illinois means and many people do not), he has the support of the global community (and isn’t that what we really need versus all the talk about war?), and he a real platform that one can look at and examine. I do not agree with 100% of his platform, but I certainly agree with more on Obama’s platform than I do with McCain’s. . . as McCain’s continues to morph depending on his audience and his need for the moment. Pity, really.

14 09 2008

Hey, Barry. Try this link! http://www.gop.com/Connect/

14 09 2008

There wasn’t anything like that here in Fairbanks. One thing that made me upset was the newspaper article publicizing her “welcome home” said if you weren’t going to vote for her and McCain as president not to come. I can understand not wanting hecklers at a photo op, but it gives a false impression that all of Alaska supports the McCain/Palin campaign which simply isn’t true. It also tends to alienate those like me who think she is doing a good job as governor but not ready for high level national politics.

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

the republicans kill me with the marxist crap and that’s all it is. please define to me what that is supposed to mean.

I can’t stand when mccain stands his but up there and tell people that don’t need government run health care!! what hypocrisy from a person who uses government run healthcare. I know this because I was someone who was responsible for selling it to the employees of the government and yes Mccain is an employee of the government. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with using for all of his cancer needs, but think you don’t have a right to it!!!

ENOUGH WITH THE MARXIST CRAP!!!! ENOUGH!!! It’s propaganda being waged by the right to help the insurance companies make more money while you suffer.

So don’t tell me I am a marxist when I know the truth!! as we say in Texas it’s a bunch of HORSE HOCKEY!!!

14 09 2008
Verrrrry interresting . . . « Frontier Former Editor

[…] Sarah Palin. Michael ‘Oz’ Osborne, talk radio — Frontier Former Editor @ 6:35 pm And a primary source account of Alaskan anti-Palin sentiment to boot . . […]

14 09 2008

PALIN is a true patriot. And conservatism will make this country great again

Do not blindly vote for the one that makes you feel good, because that is a vote for ignorance.

ROFL! The irony! It burns! The goggles, they do nothing!

Sarah Palin is a slap in the face to every Conservative woman who’s worked her butt off to get elected (see: Kay Bailey Hutchison), built a record and done everything right, only to be passed over for a photogenic mouthpeice for fundies and big oil. Sarah Palin is George Bush with breasts.

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

don’t go to that link people it’s a set up by the MCCAIN campain it’s all over their blog!!! yes I have ventured over to that hell of madness!!!!

14 09 2008


I just had this talk with my brother(african american) wife, (hispanic), and it actually got a little heated. He and his family were strong HIllary supporters, and he give Obama his props, and since he believes in the Democrats, that’s where his vote will go. He says Obama is arrogant, which really got me boiling. Because I don’t think Obama is arrogant, I believe he is just very confident in his abilities to lead this country. I don’t know of too many who would give up a six figure income, and go in the innercity to be a community organizer, to help people help themselves.

He had said that alot of African American are voted for Obama because he is one of us, but I had to remind him; Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton also ran as well. The fact is, we love the Civil Rights movement that was the only thing these two brought to the table. Both men, I respect, and admire for their sacrifices and dedication.

So, I said that to say this. We don’t vote on race, we vote for the individuals who will make things better for our nation. Clinton was an exceptional President despite his faults. He was brilliant!

My brother is mad because, he says Hillary had the experience and could have gotten things in order and on the correct path. She would have won this election by a large margin, and the Dems would have been in the White House for 16 years for sure.

He also says, the MSM used us as pawns because they are owned by the Republican’s, and they knew it would be easier to beat Obama than Hillary. And that it is easier for MSM and the Republicans to manipulate the middle class white people and play them against Obama. It would have been a challenge for them, had HIllary been the nominee for President.

I just wonder how the middle class white people feel about being manipulated like this, and will believe anything that comes out of the Republicans mouth, when it is apparent what they say are all lies!

We both agree, if the Republican’s win this election, we will be making bonkers underground of what’s to come should McCain/Palin get elected.

My brother is pretty smart, and retired from the Air Force.

14 09 2008

Heh…you guys are funny

Your right. The 1400 people who showed up probably mean that her huge approval ratings are an illusion. I think Rove is behind it. I bet it was a true representation of the Alaskan populace.

14 09 2008

I added a few videos to my rally coverage. Of course Mudflats coverage is way better but if you want more, feel free to head on over. http://laurainak.blogspot.com

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

harley? where’s biden???? i have a different event?

14 09 2008
Alaskan Women Rally Against Palin | Reno and Its Discontents

[…] Alaskan blogger at MudFlats attended an anti-Sarah Palin rally in Anchorage with 1400 of her closest friends–the largest political protest in state history. […]

14 09 2008
Hope C.

Thank you for your passionate and well written blog. You’ve got yourself quite a following of devote readers and I’m proud to be one of them. Keep up the good work!

14 09 2008

I will be at the Obama campaign headquarters on 2513 Fairbanks St. from about 9:30. How long I stay varies. If you can come there, great. You can also call and ask for me (the tall bald one). The headquarters is on Fairbanks between the Fireweed theater and the Sears Mall.

14 09 2008

Great post, thanks 🙂

14 09 2008

People should also check out this Youtube video. I have never been so proud of Alaskans as I was yesterday.

14 09 2008

tycegn- If you are talking about the theory of division of labor, not sure how you could attribute that characteristic to Obama. I was looking more at the socialist attributes in Marxism, in that everyone shares in the rewards….similar to communes in the 60’s. Considering Palin taxed the oil companies and then ‘shared’ that money with the people…sounds kinda like the GOP is really loosing it. Exactly what do they stand for? Do they even remember?

14 09 2008

Obama Campaign Conference Call: Alaska Officials Discuss Sarah Palin Record
CQ Transcriptswire


This just came out today. You can read the transcript here:


14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American MOntreal
mvngfwd – and my Obamacan
Donna in FL

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

@Proud – wow!

14 09 2008

Thanks, this is great. I’ve spread the word by posting the video with a link back to here at my Lair.

14 09 2008

VetTheVeep, if you check back here please send me an e-mail: secoora@gmail.com and I will follow up. Thanks.

14 09 2008


Time to shift over, if you like. ;D

14 09 2008

Good for you. Please let the whole country know what the “smart” women in Alaska think. We especially need to reach the people who are undecided. Keep talking, meeting, and blogging.

14 09 2008

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

14 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

new thread up!!!

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

i know several people that hate hillary.
i have posted about this before.
they are republicans in virginia and very happy to be voting for obama, and one did in their crossover primary
they are white christian 35-55: female from Peru and very conservative,
male from scranton pa
and also his brother -owns many guns and works for the gov’t in dc, feels comfortable with obama. never voted for a dem before.
they all didn’t like mccain so much, now they think he’s just crazy and desperate.

so in response to your brother, i honestly think hillary has a ceiling due to high negatives. i don’t claim to know if its less than 51%! but its there.

14 09 2008
Palin Does Not Speak for All Alaskans « Bunk in the West

[…] Palin Does Not Speak for All Alaskans Filed under: Uncategorized — Megan @ 4:32 pm I came across a blog this morning that reported on the largest political rally every held in Alaska. No, this was not the rally that Sarah Palin held this morning. It was the “Alaska Women Reject Palin” rally that happened afterward at a library in Anchorage. Click here to read the full report. […]

14 09 2008

Let’sGetReal (14:36:47) : I just wonder how the middle class white people feel about being manipulated like this, and will believe anything that comes out of the Republicans mouth, when it is apparent what they say are all lies!
It occurred to me recently that, if Obama wins, color will disappear. I find that uplifting!

14 09 2008

For anyone who encounters problems at your local polling stations, here are some non-partisan organizations you can contact to inform them of whatever issues going on:

1-866-MYVOTE-1 (1-866-698-6831)–This is a hotline that provides recorded polling place info, a chance to leave a message describing a voting problem, and there’s an option to be forwarded to a local election board.

1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683)–A hotline staffed by live operators run by the People For the American Way Foundation”s Election Protection Coalition.

1-888-SAV-VOTE (1-888-728-8683)–Hotline run by Voter Action

1-888-VOTE-TIP (1-888-868-3847)–Hotline for the Velvet Revolution


Check the status of your voter registration here:


We have to make sure nobody is turned away at the polls!!!!

And keep up the awesome posts on this awesome site!!!

14 09 2008

this is amazing and makes me feel better already. =) thank you so much for sharing.

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

there has been 775 responses so far! let’s hear it for the
Alaskans!!!!!! Go Alaska!

14 09 2008

One idea for action would be for people to follow the campaign stops of McCain/Palin and flood the newspapers from those cities with comments, op ed pieces, etc. If you look at the post on this blog at 14:22:17 the next few city rallies are listed. Write those newspapers with your Alaskan perspectives, especially. Here’s mine:

An Alaskan Woman’s Perspective on Sarah Palin

I am a fifty-five year old woman living in Fairbanks, Alaska. I wish to voice my strong disapproval of the choice of Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate. I expressed total disbelief when McCain selected her, as did most people in my life. Never in my wildest dreams had I considered her to be even remotely qualified to be our nation’s vice-president, much less our president should that ever be the unfortunate case. I have chosen to write down my thoughts and concerns and to share them with other voters in our state and nation. I want people to know what an Alaskan resident thinks about this choice and why. I have lived here for 30 years, and yes, my family enjoys many activities in the outdoors and in the wilderness. We own guns, we hunt, we fish,we enjoy moose burgers and caribou and salmon and halibut. We pick blueberries and cranberries and harvest gardens. We have sailed in Prince William Sound, the Gulf of Alaska and in Southeast Alaska. We have hiked and kayaked in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other wilderness areas. We are active citizens, always vote, have raised two children here, and are proud to live in Alaska. But Governor Palin would never be our choice for vice-president.

Yes, she was a mayor of a small town in Alaska with a small population of under 7000 during her tenure. She was elected with less than 700 total votes. Now she is the governor of our state which has less than 700,000 total residents, and has been so for only 18 months. She was elected with a total of 114,697 votes. Slightly over 239,000 people voted, the lowest voter turnout since 1990. You know, 17 cities in the U.S. have populations greater than the entire state of Alaska! Being Governor of Alaska is like being mayor of a U.S. city where only 239,000 people voted! She’s been learning about government in a small isolated town, and in a state with a small, and isolated population. A small population base makes for a small and often less selective candidate pool. Her experience from a national and world perspective truly is miniscule. It does not make her ready to be a major player on the world stage.

The more I have learned about this candidate since her selection, the more concerned I have become, both about what she is and what she isn’t. Many of my friends, both male and female, have echoed my concerns. Her characterization of her few government accomplishments is disengenuous to put it lightly. She has reaped the benefit of state coffers that are nicely in the black simply due to the state’s royalty share of oil profits. Outrageous world oil prices have given us a budget surplus, not policies from Sarah. She has not had to balance the budget or overcome deficits. She has actually increased our budget considerably. She has not cut our taxes. Alaska does not even have an income tax, nor state sales taxes. What taxes is she talking about? She was definitely for the “Bridge to No Where” until the very last minute and Alaska has kept the money allocated for that project. She has been an active supporter of other earmark funds as well. I am concerned about her national misrepresentation of herself.

During the last year and a half our state has been getting to know this new governor. Her relatively high approval rating may well be due to the “honeymoon” effect of her short tenure to date. That “honeymoon” was starting to end, however, since even before this VP nomination. Questions had already been raised by Alaskans about Palin and her professionalism and judgment. Topics that were already newsworthy concerns even before this selection include: unprofessional and disrespectful talk show behavior, rocky relationships with other elected women in government, and actions against government employees based on personal vendettas. However, most people were still giving her the benefit of the doubt, or, having been so busy living and working, they had paid little serious attention to state government or to Sarah. Plus, of course, when state coffers are overflowing and both permanent fund and energy assistance checks are in the mail (totaling over $3000 per person), constituent approval is understandable.

I do not ever want to be for or against a candidate simply because of age, race, religion, or gender. I do not want to vote for a candidate simply because I can “relate” to him/her. I can relate to many of the parents of my children’s friends. I can relate to women who have been soccer moms, hockey moms, homework moms, PTA moms, orchestra moms,…… as I have been. I can relate to the women in my thirteen year old book group. I can relate to people who enjoy singing, and dancing, and music. I can relate to my coworkers and colleagues. I can relate to these people in my life, but I don’t want to select any of them as my vice-president or president simply because I can “relate” to them. So far Sarah has not let me know what she truly thinks and believes about important issues. During her speeches, she simply replays what she said at her convention speech. I can only assume that she wants my vote based on gender, her religious views, her less than honest portrayal of her accomplishments as small town mayor and governor of a state with a small population, and because she can deliver caustic jabs at her opponents.

Despite her assertion that she is for honest and transparent government, she is apparently not willing to be transparent as a vice-presidential nominee. She has not yet answered any serious queries by the press so that I can get to know more about her other than Alaskan issues and “scandals”, her family matters, as well as her views on abortion, sex education and contraception. I want her to answer serious questions so that I can learn her views on important issues and about why she believes she is prepared for this position. The fact that she has hired a lawyer in regards to “Troopergate” makes me wonder how upfront she wants to be with this ethics investigation. Or, does she just want to stall this inquiry until after the election?

I want any candidate I vote for to be one of the best thinkers and decision-makers our country has to offer. I want them to be someone who can be respectful, who can unify, who can consider all sides of an issue, who can listen, who can evaluate, who can learn from the past. I want a candidate who can be respected both from within our country and from without. I now know that Sarah went to five colleges and then graduated with a degree in journalism and a minor in political science. I would like to know more about her background as a serious student and a deep thinker. If her grades were good or if she participated in university level organizations, this would be one way for me to know about her intellect. I have not yet seen a release of her GPA and most colleges where she attended can’t remember much about her. I want to hear her speak intelligently and “off the cuff” on many issues before I know whether she has the intellect for national office.

So far, most of her comments and her demeanor in the national spotlight have been sarcastic and divisive. This is not what I want in a national leader. She has been praised for becoming McCain’s “pit bull” and talking tough. But you know, if she can talk tough, she needs to truly be tough. Why isn’t she talking to the press on her own? Why is she able to dish it out yet is afraid to take it? The fact that McCain’s campaign says she needs to get ready to talk to the press, that she needs to prepare, and that the press needs to treat her with “deference” only shows me that she’s not ready to be on the national stage on her own. This is not what I want in my vice-president or possible president. She needs to be ready to face some truly formidable characters in many different regions of the world, with very high stakes at risk. How can she be ready for those sorts of confrontations if she can’t even “face” her own country’s press? How can she say she is for transparency in government if she refuses to open herself up to the press? Whether or not she has been under scrutiny for her personal life, she can’t hide from the press. She accepted this scrutiny when she accepted the nomination. Believe me, even more intense scrutiny comes with the job, even more than when interviewing for the job. How can I continue to interview her for this job, which is what I believe a campaign is about, if she won’t even answer my questions via “the press”? If she is elected, will she also feel that she has no obligation to speak with the press? Scary thought. As a woman, I want a female candidate to believe in herself and to feel confident and comfortable talking to the press. She is letting the McCain campaign treat her as a “fragile flower” even as they use her as their “pitbull”. A strong and confident woman would insist on talking to the press for herself. If she can’t handle this scrutiny, or this pressure, what will she do in a national crisis?

The more I learn about Sarah Pallin, the more I believe that she has not put “Country First” when she accepted this nomination. Sarah has not been honest about her accomplishments. She has not been realistic about her educational preparation. She has not been realistic or transparent about her knowledge and preparation for dealing with the national economy. She has not been realistic or transparent about her knowledge and preparation for dealing with world affairs. She is not ready to face her own country’s press much less world leaders and the world press. She is not prepared for this important national and world position and SHE SHOULD KNOW THIS! Is she flattered by the nomination and unable to see beyond her ego that she is unqualified? Is she complicit in realizing that she is not qualified yet is simply being used as bait for the religiously conservative fundamental and female votes? My conclusion is that Sarah is in this for Sarah. She’s willing to sell our country out for the glory of the nomination and for the chance at being a Republican window dressing. She won’t be getting my vote!

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

Let’sGetReal (14:36:47)

These are emotional times. Assure your brother that if Obama gets elected, Senator Clinton will be given prominent post that will make use of her experience.

now let’s watch Biden.


14 09 2008

For every one person who dislikes her, there are two more people who LOVE her. 😉

14 09 2008

Senator Clinton and Governor Palin are proof that women can and do diverge on important issues.

Even on the question of whether women should vote!

Most people are totally in the dark about HOW the suffragettes won votes for women, and what life was REALLY like for women before they did.

Suffragettes were opposed by many women who were what was known as ‘anti.’

The most influential ‘anti’ lived in the White House. First Lady Edith Wilson was a Washington widow who married President Wilson in 1915, after the death of his pro-suffrage wife.

The First Lady’s role in Wilson’s decision to jail and torture Alice Paul and hundreds of other suffragettes will never be fully known, but she was outraged that these women picketed her husband’s White House.

I’d like to share a women’s history learning opportunity…

“The Privilege of Voting” is a new free e-mail series that follows eight great women from 1912 – 1920 to reveal ALL that happened to set the stage for women to win the vote.

It’s a real-life soap opera about the suffragettes! And it’s ALL true!

Powerful suffragettes Alice Paul and Emmeline Pankhurst are featured, along with TWO gorgeous presidential mistresses, First Lady Edith Wilson, Edith Wharton, Isadora Duncan and Alice Roosevelt.

There are tons of heartache on the rocky road to the ballot box, but in the end, women WIN!

Thanks to the success of the suffragettes, women have voices and choices!

Exciting, sequential episodes are great to read on coffeebreaks, or anytime.

Subscribe free at


14 09 2008

Thank you women of Alaska you ladies rock, thank you Mudflats your the best…


14 09 2008

BTW Palin lovers, Mr. Biden’s son will deploy THE SAME DATE AS TRIG!

No one ever mentions that

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

bayted- she’s my senator and she rocks (xcept the war and kyl/lie-berman)
everyone of us (we vote in a group) knew on primary day if hillary didn’t get it, we’d vote for obama i’m just saying that my friends in va wouldn’t.

14 09 2008

I voted for a democrat once . Jimmy carter. never since You forgot to say you woke up and it was just a dream. call1800 get overit

14 09 2008

Please do not feed the tolss

go and watch !


14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Oh, the latest troll feels confident to have Palin by his side. By all means ” take her away”.

14 09 2008

lol trolls

14 09 2008

@LetsGetReal – I’m not Diva (she rocks 🙂 ) but if you don’t mind, I’m going to give you my perspective.

1) People are not reading and researching the issues. Many of us on the Boards have been studying the candidates over the past year. We are familiar with the various candidates’ platforms, their voting records, the various bills they have sponsored and their candidancy’s slogans. Most Americans are not. The things you and I have studied over the past 12-16 months are compressed into a short 60 day period for the average American. People like to be fed their information. It is much harder to SEEK information.

2) There is fear fatigue. Does anyone remember what it was like before all the fear and haranguing? We have a group of young people who probably don’t remember life before all this FEAR.

3) This Country is divided. It’s obvious by the trolls’ posts and it is apparent when neighbors are scared to talk to one another about the election. How sad. That diviseness is placed squarely at the feet of the George W and his administration. Remember the United We Stand? We are so far from that at this point, and we need something different.

4) http://www.votesmart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=53270 this is an excellent site to pull voting records of Obama, McCain, and Biden. No one agrees 100% of the time, but at least you will be armed with more than just rhetoric!

I think I got off topic – I’m multi-tasking, sorry! – but hope that helps some.

14 09 2008

Finally…..the real issues !
No lipstick!

14 09 2008

I am finding it hard to believe her approval rating is so high after seeing this. I mean that is a lot of people, and approval ratings are taken from a representative sample, right? That seemed like a nice sample to me out there on the streets of Anchorage. What is going on?

14 09 2008


Congrats! You have hit the big time. When the trolls start posting, you know you are on the radar.

Great work! 🙂

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

You are spot on!

14 09 2008

I added some video of the Rally yesterday if you’re interested in more coverage of a great event! http://laurainak.blogspot.com

14 09 2008

mvngfwd (14:46:29) :

@Proud – wow!

Yikes. What did I do?????

14 09 2008
Kathy in Austin

Thank you! I’ve been feeling hopeless since the ABC interview, but this made me so happy…. you girls are the best!

Take it from someone who’s state sent W to the white house, it is no fun watching a train wreck who claims to be a good ol’ boy (or gal) from your home. Hang in there. We know you Alaskans will continue to spread the truth about Palin.

Keep up the good work on your blog! We lower 48 states really need it!

14 09 2008


I love Biden!

14 09 2008

A Real-Life Soap Opera About the Suffragettes

Senator Clinton and Governor Palin are proof that women can and do diverge on important issues.

Even on the question of whether women should vote!

Most people are totally in the dark about HOW the suffragettes won votes for women, and what life was REALLY like for women before they did.

Suffragettes were opposed by many women who were what was known as ‘anti.’

The most influential ‘anti’ lived in the White House. First Lady Edith Wilson was a Washington widow who married President Wilson in 1915, after the death of his pro-suffrage wife.

The First Lady’s role in Wilson’s decision to jail and torture Alice Paul and hundreds of other suffragettes will never be fully known, but she was outraged that these women picketed her husband’s White House.

I’d like to share a women’s history learning opportunity…

“The Privilege of Voting” is a new free e-mail series that follows eight great women from 1912 – 1920 to reveal ALL that happened to set the stage for women to win the vote.

It’s a real-life soap opera about the suffragettes! And it’s ALL true!

Powerful suffragettes Alice Paul and Emmeline Pankhurst are featured, along with TWO gorgeous presidential mistresses, First Lady Edith Wilson, Edith Wharton, Isadora Duncan and Alice Roosevelt.

There are tons of heartache on the rocky road to the ballot box, but in the end, women WIN!

Thanks to the success of the suffragettes, women have voices and choices!

Exciting, sequential episodes with lots of historical photos are great to read on coffeebreaks, or anytime.

Subscribe free at


14 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

Anonymous (13:38:13) :

Sorry to be so long in getting back–I was checking on my neighbor.

Subsistence hunting and fishing is, please excuse the phrase, only the tip of the iceberg.

1)When I see the villages without running water and the illnesses that this condition imposes, I am incensed!
2)When I see that First People language is denied in public documents, I am reminded that my own ancestors had Gaelic ruled illegal–in their own country.
3When I encounter prejudice from people who “join the race” late, I feel cheated.
4)When I realize that your state has a SURPLUS every year and still does not address these DEFICIENCIES ( rather than efficiencies, as SP says) I am angered.

Make no mistake: Alaska is not alone with these problems. Every state has them and that is why there are community organizers.

We fail to deal with these important issues at our own peril.

14 09 2008
KTN aka Wood Corps Palin

you can always judge just how loud your voice has become , by the rising level of B.S. by the other side . go ahead and try and to remember how many McCain supporters you saw on here 4 DAYS AGO .


exactly .

14 09 2008

THANK YOU ALASKANS! For the first time in days I’m filled with optimism again about this race. I was feeling alone with my feelings of outrage over McCain’s slap in the face of all women of this country. It feels so good to know you are all out there! I also encourage everyone to check out womenagainstpalin.com and forward it to all the women (and men) that you know. Just think how many people can be reached if everyone emails it to 10 people and then they forward it to more than 10 people. I read that 71% of women polled who said they were voting for Palin did not know about her right wing positions.

No offense to men, but women have been unbelievably insulted by both McCain and Palin and we need to fight back! WE CAN DO IT!

14 09 2008

@ Sandi S in Anchorage – thank you for being there! ((big hugs!!))
And don’t worry about ADN… because of Mudflats report and blog , it is NOW being seen and read from around the world!

@ UK Lady.. oh I am not kidding about Wanker’s Corner, Oregon! Google it.. it will give you a laugh as it also has my in-laws in the UK. LOL

@ Palmdale, CA – ((hugs to my neighbor state)) The song “GOOD PEOPLE” by Jack Johnson (from Hawaii) and his other songs are loved by many generations in my family alone. (I am the 3rd of 5 generations in Oregon)
I love all kinds of music… Music not only soothes the savage beast, but brings us memories and more.

This blog sure brings out the best of people around the world! I can’t thank Mudflats enough!

14 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@MaryC (14:52:27) :One idea for action would be for people to follow the campaign stops of McCain/Palin and flood the newspapers from those cities with comments, op ed pieces, etc. If you look at the post on this blog at 14:22:17 the next few city rallies are listed. Write those newspapers with your Alaskan perspectives, especially. Here’s mine:

Mary, I think that’s a wonderful idea, specifically coming from people in Alaska. YOU are the REAL voice, the people who know her. The over 80% approval rating cannot really be counted without looking at context, which those of us who have been hanging around these parts have come to understand. Bravo! I hope you follow through and can enlist others.

14 09 2008

Friends, you have to check out this great website, http://www.milfandmccain.com. It is fantastically funny!

14 09 2008
Huge Rally for Women against Sarah Palin (via @xenijardin) « manasto jones

[…] snapshot of a rally organized by “Alaska Women Against Palin” this weekend. Some 1500 people are said to have participated, making it possibly the largest […]

14 09 2008

@MaryC, What a woderful letter. Thank you.

14 09 2008

After reading some of the posts today, I realize the reasons I’m voting for Obama has shifted.

I am voting for Obama for national security reasons.

There may have been a time I would have felt comfortable with McCain, in regards to national security, but not now. His recent judgment is in serious question. He scares me. I don’t trust him to keep our country safe.

And Palin, she terrifies me. After her interview, I realized she could seriously lead us into a nuclear war. I don’t want anyone to make “snap” discussions that affect the safety of my children and loved ones. I won’t even go into the fact she has such a limited view (and knowledge) of the world.

For national security, Omaba-Biden is the only choice for this voter.

14 09 2008

ds55 (14:20:04)

I am concerned about the DVD issue.

This is crazy!


14 09 2008
UK lady

G’night mudflatters – time for jimjams here, see you tomorrow.

14 09 2008
From the North of US | Liberaltopia

[…] there is a great source you can check out.  It is a blog out of Anchorage called Mudflats. It is run by a blogger that goes by the handle of AKMudracker, and he has been in Anchorage for a […]

14 09 2008

There has not been a single news source that was willing to number the rally at above the high hundreds. The idea that 1400 people at a rally is the biggest political event in Alaska history seem just as creative.

14 09 2008

Yes, Biden is really good. My husband (a Republican) likes Biden alot.

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

g’nite uk!

14 09 2008

I am watching Biden now. The sad thing he has fallen off the map media wise because of Palin. But you want to know the truth – Biden knows what he is talking about. While sticking on the same themes, he doesn’t always regurgitate the same words over and over and over. And he darn sure doesn’t say the same misstatements and lies over and over and over again.


14 09 2008

I believe we ‘liberated’ ourselves from England because we didn’t want taxation without representation- the founding fathers looked toward Europe for guidance- get your facts straight.

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Night, night fellow mudpuppies. Am determined not to stay up til 3 in the morning tonight.
And as we would say in Ireland, Feck the trolls. They are in deep sh*t now.

14 09 2008

Thank you Mudflats! You rock!

14 09 2008

MaryC, that was fantastic.

14 09 2008

MaryC (14:52:27)

Great post. Those who are in the know..forward to the Huff post.

Here is another post that should be beamed up!


mudflatters you are on top on the Huff post buzz up!..

I like the way that Biden says malarkey (sp?)…and ladies and gentlemen

14 09 2008

Way to go Alaskan Women! Way to stand up for what you believe in.

14 09 2008
Alaskan Women Reject Palin in A HUGE Public Display « The Political Fancier

[…] her full post, click HERE.  There are pictures aplenty of the event.  Hearing about this has been like chicken soup to […]

14 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Oh God, Muckraker has just started a new thread. When will I get sleep.

14 09 2008
From the North of US | Equal Time Radio

[…] there is a great source you can check out.  It is a blog out of Anchorage called Mudflats. It is run by a blogger that goes by the handle of AKMudracker, and he has been in Anchorage for a […]

14 09 2008
Boo Palin! « Pish Posh Etc.

[…] Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and go to Mudflats to enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to […]

14 09 2008


oh my PaganPower makes me want to shower… I cannot believe that is a legitimate group of Pagans and not a Republiar sham site to make Pagans look like, well, what the religious right paints … ok … outing myself… US as… witches not suffered to live. Oh my.

I, for one, am grateful to this site that does not make an issue of religion, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan. We have come here to find a way to assure that our beliefs are respected by our government and our fellow citizens. We have come here to refute the lies and to foster the truth. That group is no better than the religions right. do not darken their door they are baiting you!

14 09 2008

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Whichferret Kansas

14 09 2008

truly amazing job being done on this blog and thank you, thank you to those who stood up for justice.

question: with all of the passionate discourse and repulse surrounding this campaign, do you think that more activists will mobilize and make their presence known should this “dream team” become a reality?

remember what happened outside the rnc….

could we see this impassioned reaction take root and bloom?

i feel, see, real tangible fear at the possibility of a rep government, not only in north america, but around the world.

sp’s off the cuff comments on her stance with russia and the middle east should be interpreted as what they are: an unschooled, unprincipled mind, unleashed at a most precarious moment on the world stage.

the “manchurian candidate” link was a short, but brilliantly revealing synopsis of the palin phenom.

she is the blank slate upon which the future of the world could possibly be written…

14 09 2008
gal from Cal

Thank goodness for this ray of hope you Alaska gals have given us!!! I was a Hillary supporter (very mad at Bill, for if he’d behaved himself we would have had Al Gore and then Hillary), and started to lean towards McCain. That flirtation was over the instant he chose Palin, and I started learning more about Cindy .

However, it’s been alarming to see the attention Palin’s drawn. McCain couldn’t do it without her, for sure. But now that he’s decided to become Bush/Cheney/Rove incarnate, those guys gleefully play scorched earth politics (McCain was once the recipient, and still smarts from it).

As we watch all the institutions sink in our country due to 25 years of Republican misrule (Fanny and Freddie being the latest of Reagan’s deregulation mumbo jumbo), this little news item in a financial newspaper caught my eye. Regardless of your position on abortion, which for some voters is their only criteria for making a presidential selection, voters should quake in their boots. The only prosperity we’ve known in recent history was under Clinton, who came into office with a massive debt, forced the Republicans to leave a balanced budget, and was projected to have created a massive surplus by now. The Republicans have instead dug us into a trillion dollar hole. Clearly, they don’t know how to manage our collective money, and we are now teetering. Our financial well-being is a moral issue as well.

” Who Makes the U.S. Budget Deficit Worse – Democrats or Republicans?
by Charlie Byrne (09/13/2008)”

Republicans like to call themselves the party of fiscal discipline. But if you dig into the numbers, you might find some surprises.

Since 1938, Democrats increased the budget deficit by about 8.3 percent, while Republicans grew the deficit by 9.7 percent – almost a 20 percent increase.

Perhaps most startling is what’s happened since 1946.

From 1946 to today, Democratic presidents pushed the deficit up by 3.2 percent per year. Meanwhile, Republican presidents increased the budget deficit by 9.7 percent. In other words, since 1946, Republican presidents have outspent Democratic presidents by almost 3 to 1. So much for the party of fiscal discipline.

This matters to you, because huge budget deficits decrease the value of the U.S. dollar.

14 09 2008
Worthy Quote: Alaskan Protestor « The Political Fancier

[…] – Woman at a rally in Alaska where other members of her gender reject the notion everyone is voting according to their reproductive system. Read a post about the rally HERE. […]

14 09 2008

G’ nite and sweet dreams to those from across the pond specifically : UK Lady & Irish girl aka puck mule

This Oregon “tree hugger” loved your company today!

14 09 2008
bark, bugs, leaves, and lizards :: Alaska Women Reject Sarah Palin

[…] They outdraw her, too. […]

14 09 2008

From the North of US | Equal Time Radio (15:26:49) :

[…] there is a great source you can check out. It is a blog out of Anchorage called Mudflats. It is run by a blogger that goes by the handle of AKMudracker, and he has been in Anchorage for a […]

That shoud be a glorious SHE

14 09 2008

Here on this site i found, is more pictures and 2 quick videos from the Women Reject Palin Rally


14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Whichferret Kansas
Bellaboo- East Sandwich, Ma



14 09 2008
//\\//\\ e [+_+]

When you wrote “The rally was organized by a small group of women, talking over coffee. It made me wonder what other things have started with small groups of women talking over coffee.” this made me giggle. I’m not much of an Obama fan and I can’t figure out if you are a male/female. The main fact though is that sex sells in American and Palin is very hot even if she has no brains. She could help win votes just because of this. Obama will have to do more than “talk” to get the eyes back on him.


14 09 2008
Political Amazon

Phillip Berg is interesting. He takes cases that no one else will. If I remember correctly, he did some work on Clinton issues during Bill Clinton’s Nookie-Gate. I seem to remember it had to do with Linda Tripp, but the specifics escape me now.

Anyway, he is a strong Hillary Clinton supporter. That he would challenge Obama’s right to run for office has always seemed a big stretch, even for Berg.

He actually helped me out with a copyright issue when I was an active political activist. He actually didn’t have to do anything in court…once the guy who had copied my website content and published it as his own found out Berg was on the case, he immediately took down the content and issued a formal apology.

Anyway, Berg has been helpful to others in the past, but he aint’ the Baby Jesus.

I think that John mcCain’s status as “natural born citizen” is far more dicey than anything I’ve read about Obama. There was no hospital on the Panama military base when McCain was born. I’ve spent time in Panama, in Colon, and the only hospital in Colon at that time was not on the base, but in the city.

This Berg case came up when Hillary was still in the primary. I don’t even know if it is still active or if it’s been withdrawn. It would be hard for Hillary Clinton to redeem herself by supporting Obama if Berg continued this bogus challenge.

14 09 2008
Thinking Woman

Alaska has blazed the trail. THINKING WOMEN NEED TO GET ORGANIZED.

I propose Saturday, September 27 as a national day of protest against Sarah Plain – she is a clear and present danger to this country.

Let’s follow the Alaska women’s model. How did you do it?

Yet again the network news reported tonight that Palin is taking white women’s votes.

WHOSE VOTES? NOT MINE, NOT YOURS! SPEAK UP! The media is writing this story.

Write to my blog with your advice and ideas if you want to be heard on September 27. We must find a way to be break through the madness of the Palin frenzy. If enough women (and enlightened men) JUST SAY NO, we can do it.


Thank you.

14 09 2008
Librul Redneck?

For those of you who are reading this blog and interested in thoughts on the Alaska Independence Party let me share of observations from an Interior Alaskan.
AIP seems to be the party of disgruntled Republicans in Alaska, just a few years one the states republican Icons Wally Hickel use the AIP designation to get elected governor, then after awhile he returned to the republican party. The current AIP candidate for US Senator Mr. Bird is a republican who could not get recognition from his fellow AK republicans. The party is chaired by a couple, the Clarkes, who are gold miners. Having spoken to Mrs. Clarke on a couple of occasions she comes off as republican also. I myself have attennd a meeting and did not feel comfortable there. The folks who have attended AIP meetings on occasions and I have spoken to, felt the party meetings had a too many crazies in the movement. As an Alaskan I have a strong desire to put Alaska First just as many folks in their states feel the same for their home state, the AIP is a party for the hard core.

14 09 2008
Ben Somberg


14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
Shari from NY

14 09 2008
Thinking Woman

Alaska has blazed the trail. THINKING WOMEN NEED TO GET ORGANIZED.

I propose Saturday, September 27 as a national day of protest against Sarah Plain – she is a clear and present danger to this country.

Let’s follow the Alaska women’s model. How did you do it?

Yet again the network news reported tonight that Palin is taking white women’s votes.

WHOSE VOTES? NOT MINE, NOT YOURS! SPEAK UP! The media is writing this story.

Write to my blog with your advice and ideas if you want to be heard on September 27. We must find a way to be break through the madness of the Palin frenzy. If enough women (and enlightened men) JUST SAY NO, we can do it.


Thank you.

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

my dear swineprincess, they are not with nature, and they are not true.
tatoo’d aspirants, nothing more than empty symbols.

14 09 2008

Well, now we know that the dissatisfied 20 percent of Alaskans look like.

Now how about a pro-Sarah rally with the 80 percent that love her!


14 09 2008
Sunday Night Musings « A Home of One’s Own

[…] at the response to Mudflats’ blog entry re: the Alaskan Women Rally against Sarah Palin. https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/alaska-women-reject-palin-rally-is-huge/ I think my faith in Americans has been restored :).  As a Canadian I watched the CNN coverage of […]

14 09 2008

Keep drinking the koolaid here, and time for most of you to get your tinfoil hats enlarged. Perhaps you missed this news, after all it occurred on September 11, 2008, (so your bongs must have been going full blast to drown out all that ‘redneck’ patriotic stuff going on that day):


Seems at the drop of a hat at least 3,000 Gov. Palin supporters turned out in support of Gov. Palin that day. Gee, if your radical anti american anti Palin got 1,400 people (maybe you’re seeing double?) and you claim that was ‘the biggest rally ever’, then the 3,000 patriots who came out in support of Gov. Palin, must be the most super spectacular rally ever in Alaka’s history.
So, keep up the good work. Every venemous article, rumor, slander, attack against Gov. Palin, by your fifteen percenters (85 percent of Alaskans support her, so you really are in the anti Palin crapper that way) multiplies her support throughout the country. Better get some good mind altering substances for November 5, 2008, because you’re going to have a major meltdown when McCain Palin wins a sizeable victory!

14 09 2008

For me the scariest thing is that Republicans actually believe that because she is from Alaska, she can somehow bring the oil prices down.

14 09 2008

Thanks for the blog update. I live in Seattle and just saw a You Tube video of the rally but I didn’t know the extent of it or the background details until reading your blog. By the way, your blog is spreading like wildfire.

Keep up the great work!

14 09 2008

Remember guys… do not feed the trolls

14 09 2008

Here’s what I think.
My father was a democrat his father and my great grand father was democrat. I was a democrat until I seen how that party wants to change everything, and never have a plane that doesn’t involve a tax hick of some sort. And that means money out of my pocket and food out of my families’ belly.
I vote for the best person for the job as President of these United States no matter if Democrat or Republican. I had Uncles, a Brother, and cousins served in the armed forces. When a man won’t speak up for his country and lets some pastor tear our country down and (GD it,) It’s about time to speak up for it, he won’t salute the American Flag which my family died to protect. The man I want to run this country better have some damn back bone, guts and what it take to run a county not some smooth talking cute guy that reminds me of a con artist or a car salesman.
He has the young people that want him in office. But not one of them is thinking of the security of this country. Just that they want change, where’s the money coming from for all this change? Everyone open your eyes and minds this guys is not the man for the job. Pretty face, good education, talk is cheap action gets the job done. He hasn’t shown me he’s the man to run this country.
I’ve lived during the Korea war, Vietnam War, Desert Storm war, and now the Iraq war, and numerous confects with other countries, and the cold war with Russia. Cuba missile confect, The Presidents in these actions spoke hard and the United States Armed forces to back them.
What will Obama do? Cut our armed force like every Democrat has done in the passed? Close Air force bases? Stop production on arms to protect our country? Then try sweet talk other countries out of blowing us to hell during a conflict and have no arms to back him.
Vote with a thinking mind! Remember the morning of September 11, 2001
You all have a great day!

14 09 2008
portland oregon native

Alaska women against palin ROCK!!!
We in Oregon are with you100%!

14 09 2008
Down with Republicans! « The Be Rad Blog

[…] picture is from an anti-Palin rally in Alaska. Thank you Mudflats. Check ‘em […]

14 09 2008

I’m watching Fox Report Sunday. I find that it helps me write my Obama post cards with a little more passion. My hand is cramping a wee bit, but the pain is worth it!

The latest FOX Poll:

Who would you be more comfortable with if they had to step into the Presidency….

51% Biden
37% Palin

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

i hope everyone watches the debates!

14 09 2008
How do NYT Readers Really Feel About Sarah Palin? « Save the Robot - Chris Dahlen

[…] this is awesome: Alaskans themselves rally to reject Sarah Palin. 1,400 people showed up – and if that sounds small, remember that the entire state has fewer people […]

14 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Librul Redneck?
Thanks, Librul. I’ve wanted to hear about the AIP from someone who has actual knowledge of them.

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Whichferret Kansas
Marty – Oregon

14 09 2008
14 09 2008
Top Posts « WordPress.com

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! I attended the Welcome Home rally for Sarah Palin this morning.  Hooo.  It was an experience. About a thousand […] […]

14 09 2008

Hey, Eddie B. what do you have against Frisco, TX?
You may want to do some spell checking…
One of the most beautiful cities is
San Francisco. Your sign references Frisco,TX.

AKM thanks for all you do~!~

14 09 2008

I’m with you on that, Laughing.

14 09 2008
sarah palin - What a joke « Whipped and Chained

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

14 09 2008

I truthfully don’t think the polls are even close, and Obama/Biden have a far more lead than McCain/Palin. Maybe we are just spinning our wheels for nothing?

The only thing I worry about, is another stolen election! Perhaps this is just a set-up to show the polls being a tight race, in order for the Republicans to steal this election.

The only thing Palin has done, is rallied thier base to be more enthused about McCain.

My brother and I also agreed Palin is more scary than Bush himself, and her views are far more extreme! Palin has an agenda, and if John McCain doesn’t watch himself, his family will being mourning. No one would question this, because we are all saying…”She is a heartbeat away from being president”

I just don’t trust this woman, and in my eyes a “Harlot”

I also can’t get out of my head, when Whoopie asked McCain “does she need to worry about being a slave again.” And he didn’t respond, only with a laughter. I can see the back room secret negotiation among the “AIP”, “KKK”, and other “White Supremist Groups”

14 09 2008
Pollyanna Gingerly Steps into the Muck « Pollyanna Rainbow Sunshine and the Needles of Doom

[…] I can see why. (The title of my post today is a sort of tribute to her blog’s tagline.) This post was very interesting, showing that the anti-Palin rally in Anchorage was actually a fair bit larger […]

14 09 2008

2ebb… are you in Frisco TX?

14 09 2008
VA Democrat

Way to go, Alaska women!! Some Virginia women I know are having an anti-Palin party next week!

14 09 2008

So sorry about your lying problem.
Actual account had 1496 protesters vs 93 palin supporters at one part of the rally. The whole thing lasted 3 hours so numbers varied over time. This was the rally started by 10 women over coffee and despite threats (yes threats) by one member of the media and a number of his supporters.
Palin’s rally (planned well ahead) had about 1000 people according to numerous sources. (I wasn’t at that one.) They did clump the people together so it would look better on TV in that 5000 seat arena.

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

yes, worry about stolen elections.
volunteer with your brother with election protection.

and to give (ugh) credit where its due, mccain said whoopi made a good point

he knew she got him on that one (and many others)

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

I was so cheered to hear of this rally! Very best wishes to you, Alaskans!!!

Lorraine (from Washington State)

14 09 2008

Thank you for letting us know about Alaskan women against Palin. It made me feel more optimistic. Cheers.

14 09 2008
End of the Week Links «

[…] If you can’t get enough news on Palin, here is a blog post by Mudflats, a political blogger from Alaska. He describes the Welcome Home Rally […]

14 09 2008

Thanks You!! This is Rad!

14 09 2008
Is Palin’s Past Coming Home to Roost? « Northwestlaw’s Weblog

[…] “Mudflats” has become a kind of link between Alaska and the lower 48. Most recently it reports and provides a video and photographs of a wild anti-Palin rally in Anchorage. Seems that a lot of […]

14 09 2008

I’m really nevrous. I hope McCainPalin LOSE!

14 09 2008
Bit o' Honey

Thank you thank you thank you! Great to see that so many of us want to move FORWARD in this next election and not backwards.

14 09 2008
Politics: Alaska Women Weigh in and Karl Rove’s Remarks « blueollie

[…] Update: here is a featured wordpress blogpost on this rally (1400 people!) […]

14 09 2008

You inspire those of us who have been in the depths of depression after hearing how so many women are excited and enthusiastic about Palin, and how 50% of white women support her. It is truly shocking to me that any woman could support such an anti-women female. I am embarrassed for my country, my gender, and for all those who believe Sarah Palin is qualified to be the second most powerful office in the world. Keep up the good work!

14 09 2008

I support you women 100%. Palin needs to be exposed for the crook that she is. Much love from Vancouver BC, up to you in the north. Keep the fire burning. Makes lots of noise, and let the media catch on. If people from Palin’s own state (women no less) oppose her, then others will surely catch on around your country. McCain Palin must be stopped for the sake of humanity.

14 09 2008

I am so happy to see this. I loved the “Beware of Tricksters” poster with the large raven on it.

14 09 2008

I like Palen and plan to support her.

14 09 2008

Great job, as usual, AKM. I’m another “Obama Mama”…with two voting-age “Obama Kids”.

Keep the info coming. It gives us hope.

14 09 2008
Women Against Palin » Congratulations Alaskan Women!

[…] out this great posting with a video and pictures on the Mudflats blog and read the Alaska Daily News Story about this event below: Hundreds turn out for anti-Palin […]

14 09 2008

i guess, those non supporters would be out there as reflected in the aprox 20% who disfavor her. the greeters were among the 80% approval rating she has in the state. if EVERYONE in alaska loved her than i would fret!

14 09 2008

Way to go!!!!

She’d make a good cult leader, not a good leader for America

14 09 2008

All I want to say is thanks. 🙂

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

i found this at huffpost – a writer compares the educational background of the candidates:

“With America facing historic debt, multiple war fronts,
stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high
prison population, skyrocketing Federal spending, mortgage
crises, bank foreclosures, etc. etc., this is an unusually
critical election year.

Let’s look at the educational background of the
candidates and see what they bring to the job:
Occidental College – Two years.
Columbia University – B.A. political science with a
specialization in international relations.
Harvard – Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna *** Laude

University of Delaware – B.A. in history and B.A. in
political science.
Syracuse University College of Law – Juris Doctor (J.D.)

United States Naval Academy – Class rank 894 out of 899
(meaning that, like George Bush, McCain was at the bottom of
his class)

Palin: Hawaii Pacific University – 1 semester
North Idaho College – 2 semesters – general study
University of Idaho – 2 semesters – journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College – 1 semester
University of Idaho – 3 semesters – B.A. in journalism

Now, which team are you going to hire to lead the most
influential nation in the world?”

14 09 2008

Sue, I second that one! Any real woman would not vote for Palin to be the VP of our Nation! She does not have women best interest, only her own self ambition!

14 09 2008

Let’s get WASPs (Women Against Sarah Palin) outside of every Palin rally across the country over the next few weeks! We need “Liar Liar Pants on Fire” signs (she lies in every damned speech she makes) and other creative slogans like these wonderful signs used at the Alaska rally. If someone could show up in a polar bear suit that would pretty much guarantee local media coverage – they love that kind of visual!

Here are their upcoming events (thanks to Suzi in Chicago!):

Road to Victory Rally: Jacksonville, FL – September 15th
Join John McCain at a Road to Victory Rally in Jacksonville, FL on Monday, September 15th. Doors open at 6:00am.

Road to Victory Rally: Tampa, FL – September 16th
Join John McCain at a Road to Victory Rally in Tampa, FL on Tuesday, September 16th. Doors open at 9:30am.

September 18th Cedar Rapids, IA Rally
Join John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin for a Rally in Cedar Rapids, IA on Thursday, September 18th. The doors open at 8am.

Contact your friends and relatives in Jacksonville, Tampa and Cedar Rapids and ask them to contact their friends/relatives and so on. We should have a couple dozen or more at each of these events. If anyone can locate a polar bear suit that would pretty much guarantee local media coverage – they love visuals like that! Maybe we could Fed-Ex the suit ahead to the next rally location each time? There are several online women’s groups organizing that might supply volunteers and help us get the word out.

I’m in California and I doubt she’ll show up here any time soon (we’re a guaranteed Blue State), but I’d be happy to help coordinate the schedule. We need to move from TALK to ACTION.

14 09 2008

oh, wahoo! this made my day!

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

That is utterly fantastic. The rest of the world is watching. When presented with Palin I was left with a deep concern that she might just be the *voice* of the people. If that is the case we are all doomed.

14 09 2008

I’ve got to run, but I want to shout out a HUGE THANK YOU
@ MaryC (14:52:27)

Thank you so much for posting your comment! AWESOME!

14 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally - Liberal Values - Defending Liberty and Enlightened Thought

[…] everyone in Alaska is excited about Sarah Palin being on the Republican ticket. Mudflats, whose coverage of Alaska politics has suddenly made it one of the hotter blogs around, reports on […]

14 09 2008

Stupid idiots!!!!!!

Alaska could be on the verge of something very big, meaning more jobs, etc.

And, you people are rallying against Palin for Obama.


14 09 2008

Fantastic! Thanks for the insight. If you believed everything you read/heard in the media, Alaskans are in full support of Palin. It’s refreshing to know that some have their heads on straight and see her for what she really is: completely unqualified to be VP position a backwards, frightening example of who women are in this country. She wants to talk about God? God help us all if this uneducated, unworldly woman – who isn’t even qualified to run a Fortune 500 company – gets within 15 feet of the White House.

14 09 2008

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii




14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

God i hate listening to the rep defending i dont know why i watch, she does not represent all middle class women, there should be a poll how many women really relate with her, uugghh

14 09 2008

WASHINGTON – John McCain’s campaign recently declared that the sky is red, with green and yellow polka dots. Armed with binders full of research and a New York Times op-ed, Barack Obama angrily jabbed his finger at the sky and countered that it is blue. McCain’s campaign accused Obama of anti-skyism. Cable TV talkers spent the next 48 hours debating the color of the sky and Obama’s anti-skyist tendencies.

Welcome to the Sept. 11th week of White House 2008.

For a campaign that embraced “change” only belatedly, McCain-Palin is suddenly pushing a ton. And not the kind you can believe, much less believe in.
Read full story here

14 09 2008

these people are fanatics and largely democrates, i’m sure who were among the few that did not vote for her in the first place. as she has aprox an 80% approval rating in the state. these represent the 20% fewer! the biggest rally in the state? these 1400 people out of 250k aprox in anchorage came out, again, because they are fanatics. i bet 1400 people came out to welcome the NY Giants after their superbowl victory. again, they are among the fanatical few! GO PALIN!

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Harley An American In Montreal

thinks the trolls might be erasing peoples names

14 09 2008

Va Dems, where in VA and when, I am in MD . I’m trying to put together some folks. I’ve tapped in to http://www.thinkingwomenforObama.blogspot.com. She is in DC. Let us know, please.

14 09 2008

dur…sorry for that last outdated list post

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Whichferret Kansas
Marty – Oregon

14 09 2008

More coffee, Ladies?

Way to go, way to go, WAY TO GO!!!

I could not be more proud of Alaskans than if they were my own children. They know Palin is speaking out of both sides of her face and she’s going to look pretty stupid when she and McCain can’t even carry Alaska. Rock ON!

14 09 2008
Sarah Palin: spammer and digital secrecy scofflaw.

[…] snapshot of a rally organized by “Alaska Women Against Palin” this weekend. Some 1500 people are said to have participated, making it possibly the largest […]

14 09 2008

Obama rocks, and every time one you wingnuts say another lie,
I donate another 50.00 to Obama’s campaign.
I have money to burn and plenty of relatives to ” loan” money too.
I am not maxed out yet either.
So keep talking wingnuts, Go ahead, make my day.
I do so enjoy it so much evey time I hit the donate button on
Barack Obama .com

14 09 2008

I’ve been reading through the commentary and links to other helpful articles all day! I just found that I could not bypass reading at the risk of missing another insightful link and further inspiration that not all women and citizens of America are so easily had. Now that I’ve reached the end, I can finally say thank you! What a lift! Great job and good luck to all the other rallies planned.

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Whichferret Kansas
Marty – Oregon
Harley An American In Montreal

14 09 2008

….I copied my name and attached to an earlier list.
I’m still catching up on early comments…I’m sorry and embarrassed.

14 09 2008
"Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes " - Project Reality Forums

[…] Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage. The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators). This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state. I was absolutely stunned. The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by. And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute. This just doesn’t happen here. Palin isnt that popular in Alaska it seems: Link […]

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Kate K

14 09 2008

Good for you! Courage and determination!
I thank you and so will my daughter 🙂

14 09 2008

Its no problem Sparky…” ain’t nuttin but a thang “

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

you know cant these trolls find their own party thread, the idiots think their comments are welcome here, everyone here is ANTI-PAIN she is the one shoutin im a hockey mom that doesnt make her a creditable to run our country or speak for all the women of the country, you hear these stategist,commentators whaterver they are say we (women) can relate with her_______NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they even have said if we are against her we are jealous imagine that, they think women are idiots or what?

14 09 2008

LOL why oh why does my name keep disappearing from The Thanks But No Thanks Palin list?

14 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Kate K
Harley An American In Montreal

14 09 2008
Debra McGregor

Ok, fantastic! Then there’s one more really big thing to do! Help Obama win Alaska! Right now, everyone is convinced that Palin sealed the deal in ensuring that AK goes to McCain. Well, if these women can put together this amazing rally, what’s to stop them from giving the state to Obama? Or do the Alaskans secretly hope McCain wins so they can pick a new Governor because who could blame them? But, seriously, time to put the needs of the nation first right?

14 09 2008
Linda in Virginia

MaryC–Wonderful letter, get it out there!! Can we have permission to quote?

VA Democrat–where’s your party? Please point me to a site where I can get more info! Thanks.

14 09 2008
deb danz

Thanks for sharing the good news! Have been really disheartened down here in NC by Palin’s apparent support despite her blatant lying. Am soooo glad to see that others see through her garbage! Go, ladies, go!

14 09 2008
non-partisan female

Thank you mudflats for the video. It was refreshing to see that there actually are people who enthusiastically share my view of Mrs. Palin. Also enjoyed the photos. I would think that if anyone has an opinion of her it would be Alaskans, because frankly, she came out of the woodwork and some women are blindly following her primarily because she is a woman. I for one hope Biden lays into her like he would a male opponent in the debate, and doesn’t suffer backlash from a bunch of feminists who want to get into the fray but yell sexism when things get too hot.

14 09 2008
Sitemeter again, and a Floating Life post-hack phenomenon « Floating Life

[…] in information. However, perhaps at some risk of attracting more, I will finish by referring you to ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! Very […]

14 09 2008

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

BRAVO!!! More rallies are being scheduled as we speak thanks to your courage women of Alaska!

Check this site for updates: http://www.womenagainstpalin.com/

14 09 2008

As swineprincess says — don’t feed the trolls.

As William Wallace said in the movie Braveheart — “Hold! Hold! Hold!”
(our battle with the trolls is on election day).

Trolls need to be fed in order to continue living — let’s deprive them of their sustenance.

14 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

harley- from that blog:
“you could still buy your way into heaven, but the indulgence paper trail was erased. The man-God, martyred hero, and guilt-based morality were fortunately left firmly in place.
McCain-Palin offers something very similar to that.”
AND the article. yes, polka dots. the emperor told me so!

14 09 2008

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead


Anyone in Colorado:

Colorado WAP Rally Monday, Sept. 15th
Women Against Palin
Colorado WAP member, Michelle, is organizing a peaceful rally during Sarah Palin’s visit to Golden, Colorado on Monday.

When: Meet 7 a.m. on Monday, Sept 15th
Where: Meet at Starbucks Highway 93 & Washington. We’ll all carpool from there to Jefferson County
What: Peaceful rally against Palin at Palin’s speech at Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Who: Women & Men

Please everyone do your part to spread the word about this event. It will be great to show our opposition at an event at which Palin is present.

14 09 2008

I sure hope people are going to vote on the issues and not just because they want a woman.

14 09 2008

these people are fanatics and largely democrates, i’m sure who were among the few that did not vote for her in the first place. as she has aprox an 80% approval rating in the state. these represent the 20% fewer! the biggest rally in the state? these 1400 people out of 250k aprox in anchorage came out, again, because they are fanatics. i bet 1400 people came out to welcome the NY Giants after their superbowl victory. again, they are among the fanatical few! PS: mind you she already won governor, so why would the republican’s lose alaska this time as someone mentioned? also, this is not a hate palin site, which merely palin hater’s has taken over. it’s a site that “cuts through politics.” [keyword politics] GO PALIN!

14 09 2008
This Makes My Day « idiosyncrasy

[…] Mudflats Blog – Anti-Sarah Palin Rally […]

14 09 2008
AKMuckraker: "Alaskan Women Reject Palin" Rally | Cross Party Lines

[…] Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and go to Mudflats to enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to […]

14 09 2008

Nice to see you shouted down somebody and are proud of it.

When’s the last time a conservative shouted down anyone?

Nice to see the mob at work. No, we can’t let somebody TALK, can we? That’s not allowed in Obamaland.

14 09 2008
Sarah Palin, Thanks but No Thanks « urban horror

[…] Images from blogsite MudFlats click here to visit […]

14 09 2008
Alex @ Make Something Happen

Did you, by chance, see the Point campaign that is aiming at bringing together folks against Palin to crowd-source swing-state paper advertisements against Palin?

14 09 2008
Alex @ Make Something Happen

Did you, by chance, see the Point campaign that is aiming at bringing together folks against Palin to crowd-source swing-state paper advertisements against Palin?


14 09 2008

Wow…this makes me feel better after seeing the CNN coverage the other night of Palin returning to Alaska. They treated her like royality on CNN…big plane, cheers, her pagent wave and smile firmly in place! Thank you to all who turned out to show there support! Great post…made my day! ~~Dee

14 09 2008

Sally – Arizona. It is one thing to relate to someone, and to vote for them for one of the highest office in our Nation.

Hell, I can relate to Rachel Ray, but it doesn’t mean I want my own cooking show!

Damn, you are an idiot!!!

14 09 2008

Thank you so much for sharing this! I will be passing it on!

14 09 2008

This just in from Wall Street:

Lehman will seek to place its parent company, Lehman Brothers Holdings, into bankruptcy protection, as its subsidiaries remain solvent while the parent firm liquidates, these people said. A consortium of banks will provide a financial backstop to help provide an orderly winding down of the 158-year-old investment bank. And the Federal Reserve has agreed to accept lower-quality assets in return for loans from the government.

Lehman has retained the law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges. The firm’s restructuring head, Harvey Miller, also spearheaded Drexel’s bankruptcy filing in February 1990.

As efforts to acquire Lehman faltered, Bank of America turned to Merrill Lynch and offered at least $38.25 billion in stock for that investment bank, people briefed on the negotiations said. The deal, valued at $25 to $30 a share, could be announced as soon as Sunday night, these people said. Merrill shares closed at $17.05 on Friday.

14 09 2008

Wow, wow, wow! Go Sisters in Alaska! Thank you all so much for braving through the hatred and showing up for your values and beliefs! This is amazing! Keep it up, the lower 48 need to hear from you often.

14 09 2008


You do realize that as a non-native English speaker, you’re most likely on the s-list of your precious republican party..?

..I’m assuming youre a non-native by that mess you posted above anyhow..

14 09 2008
The Lonely Trader

I’m just so goddam grateful for this blog. I can’t thank you enough. I’ve forwarded the link to everyone I think will spread the word. You need more exposure! If only I could get you on the major networks and in the major rags…where the hell are the reporters here and why aren’t they speaking up and getting you interviews??? WTF?

They’re probably lurking here, trying to rip off your stories…but hey, whatever works, right?

I would contribute $$$ to this blog if I could, if only to help you fend off the lawyers Rove and the Republican party will send in to protect Palin. Come to think of it, you’ll probably need a 24hr security detail to protect you from the nutjobs that listen to Burke as well.

Keep up the good work. You are a light in the darkness for the non-Alaskans reading this blog!

14 09 2008

Thanks to the great ladies of Alaska! You inspire us all!

14 09 2008


i am not an english major or anything of the likes, if that’s what you’re getting at. but, if this was for a grade, give me your email, so i can have you proof read it next time i take a course.

should i assume you are a democrat because you complain over the little stuff like subjects and predicates etc. and ignore the real issues as i try to cut through the politics. for example, the group that showed up are merely part of the 20% who disfavor her and come out to show their fanatical nonsupport. if these people had there know-with-all, she wouldn’t have been elected gov. last term, right?

ps: sorry for not capitalizing, but, well, you know…..

14 09 2008

Awesome! Thank you for posting this and for attending this rally. We here in New Jersey are grateful!

14 09 2008
Take Heart! « The Familographer

[…] even residents of places like Alaska and Idaho (well, okay, maybe Idaho has irretrievably lost it), here is a blog report that will hearten every thoughtful person who teeters on the brink of despair that is the […]

14 09 2008
Shade Tail

BT said: “When’s the last time a conservative shouted down anyone?”

Well well well, never thought I’d find a conservative who never watches Fox News. Check out the O’Reilly factor, and you’ll *frequently* see a conservative shout other people down.

14 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally « SexyWhispers Welcomes You…

[…] I read a post (with a great YouTube video and incredible pictures) of the “Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally” at Mudflats.  It gave me strength to remember that the media does not always show the truth!  Apparently, the […]

14 09 2008
Brooklyn 4 Obama

Great rally! Thank you Alaska. Now, can we get this kind of turnout in the lower 48 at McCain – Palin campaign stops? Please?

14 09 2008

Yeah Alaskans!! The lower 48 are watching you. This type of organizing has far more power than you realize. I am so happy to read this post. Please keep fighting the good fight!! I will spread the word. Sarah Palin: Thanks but NO THANKS!!!!

14 09 2008

Jeff, I know it’s hard to resist. Believe, I know. But don’t feed the trolls with responses. That is exactly what they want.

Of course, you are free to do what you wish – but my experience tells me that these people don’t really care about logic and rational thought. They just want to entice a fight and anger.

14 09 2008

I think we have a lot of new people posting on this site, and you’ve probably noticed how long it takes to refresh the page, with almost 1000 comments.

For the newbies: This entire page is only one topic! It’s time to move on. Look at the top of the page on the right, under “Recent Posts”. These are the AKMuckraker posts that we all comment on, with the most recent at the top. Click on it, or click on “Home” and you’ll see AKM’s most recent post, for which we all await hungrily.

I, also, am loathe to leave this particular topic, but I don’t think AKM ever anticipated such a landslide of comments, or this site may have been structured differently.

And you never know; the next posting might be the best, most interesting yet…or the next…or the next…or the next…

14 09 2008
Palin Protest Rally in Anchorage Out-Draws Palin Welcome Party « Insomniactive

[…] Protest Rally in Anchorage Out-Draws Palin Welcome Party This from my dear sister Dana from a blogger in […]

14 09 2008

I’ve been lurking on this blog for awhile since the Palin pick. I just wanted to say how great all you Alaskans who showed up for the anti-Palin rally. It takes a lot of guts especially when you’re the minority!

Palin does not represent women. She’s a complete fraud.

14 09 2008

Love your site.
I posted your website (along with my thoughts) on one of the most McCain/Palin crazy websites..AOL Strawpoll (need more anti-mccain/palin people on there).. and I hope you don’t get as much hate back as I do.. they can’t stand the truth being posted. There are a few who thanked me for the link.
Keep posting and we’ll keep reading.

14 09 2008
Alaska blogger: Anti-Palin rally biggest rally in state history « PretePress

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats. […]

14 09 2008

BT “When’s the last time a conservative shouted anyone down?” Are you serious? Listen any day to Bill O’Reilly’s or Rush Limbaugh’s or apparently Eddie Burke’s show. You’ll hear some real self-righteous, over-the-top and often bigoted shouting down. Or read a conservative blog when a liberal posts. You’ll almost certainly find some very nasty shouting down. So, hey, please spare us the self-righteousness.

And thank you for posting this, Mudflats. It gives me some hope that maybe we’ll soon get past this “Palin bounce” and get back to looking at the issues.

14 09 2008
Tim McFarland - Salem, OR

Thank you so much for doing this. Your voices are being heard around the world!

14 09 2008
I thought this was interesting « Spontaneously Combusting Onions

[…] I thought this was interesting Sarah Palin’s home state has a few things to say […]

14 09 2008
Susan Druding

What a great thing to read (found you on Huffington) and how inspiring to learn. I KNEW there must be women in Alaska who don’t go along with the Sarah-Scam!

Congrats to all!

Susan D. in No. California

14 09 2008

I have a new name for Palin, Cheney in a dress!!!!!

14 09 2008

Thank you Mudflats for sharing this. I can only imagine how exhausted you are of all this.

14 09 2008

Thanks from Australia for this great post.

Here at the other end of the world we’re scared by the thought of a Fundamentalist with their finger on the button.


14 09 2008

You ladies put the grass in grassroots! Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ


14 09 2008



America is better than this.

14 09 2008

Funny, howv this lady has the s**bags on the run!

14 09 2008
The Secret (Sunday, September 14th, 2008) « Jamario Twitty’s Weblog

[…] Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

14 09 2008
Virginia is NOT McCain Contry

What can we do to help make sure this actually makes it on the big news????

When I watch the news here in Virginia, all I see is support for Palin from her homestate (or am told they support her).

It is such a shame that the major media have such a “hands off attitude” when it comes to sharing her political background, support base and stances on actual issues that face Americans.

14 09 2008

Deborah, someone I know said:

“You can pick lipstick on a Cheney, but it is still a Cheney”

I liked it 🙂

14 09 2008
Sara (New York City)

Thank you for this – you brought hope top this household!

14 09 2008

thank you – this warmed my heart and brought me encouragement – thank you thank you thank you

14 09 2008

Wow, this made my day! I’m going to pass it on to my friends…I’m glad to know now that Alaska isn’t completely behind Palin…I was starting to worry…

Cheers to you for posting such a great post!

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

A better turnout than Palin’s own rally?


14 09 2008

Sarah Palin is George W. Bush in a dress. She is Bush’s (also) evil twin. If you think about all the words used to describe Palin , you will hear the words also used to describe GWB all these years. Like Bush she is attractive, personable, shallow, cocky, self-certain, undaunted by logic and unwilling to see the America that is different from herself. She is indifferent to the environment, rigid in her interpretation of religion, and willing to walk over anyone who gets in her way. She has no knowledge of the world outside of Alaska, and has no ability to interpret the thinking of other peoples. She thinks that might makes right. She is George W. Bush, and we have had ENOUGH of George W. Bush. We don’t need Sarah Palin leaving Alaska.

14 09 2008

Thanks for this great post! It’s cheered me up no end!

14 09 2008
Alaska rallies against Sarah Palin « Miss Saigon’s Rants & Escapades

[…] Alaska rallies against Sarah Palin […]

14 09 2008

We are going for the win AND the overall popular vote.

14 09 2008

Be sure to watch this slideshow for the Anti-Palin rally on Sunday.

go to:


14 09 2008

I cannot thank you enough for this post. I hope the story has hit some mainstream press. It would be a very sad day for Americans who love their National Parks and their federally designated Wilderness areas if the McCain ticket won. We women rock!

I am one of MANY outdoors women who does not support Palin.

Thank you again!

14 09 2008

So can someone explain to me then how she got elected as governor if you all hate her? Because it makes no sense whatsoever.

14 09 2008

Well look what we see here. Another Obama organized event. Is that why his
organization sent 30 staff up there? Another weak attempt BO! But ask him and he will say he knows nothing of it….like he does everything else negative.

14 09 2008

And then now we see all his paid bloggers on this website.

14 09 2008

Great reporting and photos! Thanks!

14 09 2008

Funny how this rally didn’t actually accomplish diddly-squat now did it? Who is the GOP VP Nominee? That would be Sara Palin.

Perhaps you forgot that in America, we go by elections, not mob rule.

The fact remains that in most polls, Sara Palin (the VP candidate) is more popular than Obama himself. Isn’t that something?

Those demonstrators that showed up obviously are not conservatives. However, many liberals have already made the point that Alaska is irrelevant.

14 09 2008

You made my day–thank you for reporting this.

14 09 2008
Marie Stewart

Head of State

Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Proposed Commercial: Mac vs. PC

(White background. Childlike piano music plays)

(A picture of Barack Obama appears against the background)

VO: (Similar to voice of “Mac” character): Barack Obama is like a Mac.

(A picture of John McCain appears against the background)

VO: (Similar to voice of “PC” character): John McCain is like a PC.

(Picture of a bank against the background)

VO: McCain likes the old economics, corporate welfare, and tax breaks for the wealthy of George W. Bush.

(Quick cuts: Picture of Countrywide Branch, Picture of Bear Stearns, Picture of IndyMac against background)

(Picture of Obama)

VO: Obama doesn’t like old systems that crash.

(Picture of a Mother, father, son and daughter against the background)

VO: Obama thinks that when it comes to health care, every American should have the access and support they need.

(Picture of family fades to blank background)

VO: McCain is against these health benefits for children, families and the elderly. He believes that when it comes to access and support for health, it’s an “ownership society”–you’re on your own.

(Picture of a woman standing against background)

VO: For women, McCain talks a good game, but he is against a woman’s right to choose, would repeal Roe v. Wade, and even voted against equal pay for women.

(Picture expands to show many women standing behind her)

VO: Barack Obama believes that every woman should be paid the same for the same work as every man, and that every woman has the right to make her own choices.

(Picture of George W. Bush)

VO: Barack Obama has called for an end to the distortions, mismanagement, and failed policies of the Bush Administration that have left so many families in distress.

(Famed picture of McCain hugging George W. Bush)

VO: McCain has agreed with George W. Bush 90% of the time.

(Picture of McCain)

VO: John McCain. Do you really want to spend another four years with the same old system?

(Music outro. Fade.)

Head of State

14 09 2008

You guys ROCKI!!!! I’m linking to my blog and forwarding to every woman I know.

14 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Geesh, I had to put new batteries in my mouse so I could scroll down to this box, looks like there are plenty of you that are speaking out and standing up against Palin. I’m also encourage by the number of you that are standing up for Obama. Now that I have a fresh mouse, I’m going to go back and take a look at some of the great links that are posted here and send them out to my forward list.

Then if I don’t run out of steam I’m going to start a blog some place…”50 day count down calendar” Women for Obama. Why we support the Dem ticket this year. And what we are doing to get Obama/Biden elected.

If one of you younger computer wizz kids beats me to it, please post it here in Mudflats on this thread with to: “GJ in Idaho” in the box so I can do a “find” and not have to read every post. I so love to see and forward what you are all saying and doing. Go AK, Go

14 09 2008

Ladies you’ve done a great job. I’m plastering this article everywhere. Any additional information is greatly appreciate. NO PALIN _ NO MCSANE

14 09 2008

How do we in the lower 48 get Mooselini t shirts?

14 09 2008

Good going Alaska!! I know you are still a red state, and living in a very red area myself, I know that it takes a lot of guts to get out and put yourself on the line that way. Forget the wingnuts who want to tell you what you can and cannot do or try to tell you what to believe. They’ve been in control for 8 years and look at what a disaster they have made of this Country Keep standing up. You inspire us all.

14 09 2008

Wow. I’m impressed by the turnout in Alaska. All of you have my respect and support.

14 09 2008

Wow. I’m so glad to have read this.

I’m proud of you, Alaska women!

14 09 2008
Erin in San Diego, CA

Thank you!
I am proud of you–and all the Alaskan women who had the brains and courage to shout “O-BA-MA”!!!

14 09 2008

Community Organizers, any women protesting Reject Palin in Ohio, Michigan, or Iowa this week? Let’s get the word out!!

September 16th Vienna, OH Victory Rally
Join John McCain and Sarah Palin for a Victory Rally September 16th in Vienna, OH.

Grand Rapids, MI Straight Talk Town Hall Meeting on September 17th
Please join John McCain and Sarah Palin for a Straight Talk Town Hall Meeting in Grand Rapids, MI.

September 18th Cedar Rapids, IA Rally
Join John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin for a Rally in Cedar Rapids, IA on Thursday, September 18th. The doors open at 8am.

14 09 2008

@Deyan (18:58;42)

The FBI raided the offices of many Republican legislators in Juneau and sent 5 (so far) to jail. Governor Murkowski appointed his own daughter to fill the rest of his senate term. He asked for a jet, was refused by the Alaska legislature, and got the jet anyway.
The combination of corruption and arrogance was so bad that Sarah wasn’t the only one to beat him in the primary. Murkowski, the incumbent, acutally finished third!
Once she had the nomination, and with Republican voters outnumbering Democrats 2 to 1, the result was easy for her.

By the way. Her popularity was very high last year, but has been dropping steadily. It was below 60% last month. Personally I’d love to see a popularity poll now.

14 09 2008

Thank You! This brought tears to my eyes!

14 09 2008

Fabulous Alaskans please note that the photos of your rally against Palin are now appearing all over the internet – the msm will be forced to cover this!
In the meantime – keep up the good work – your message means a lot since you are the ones who actually know her and have had to endure her reign.

PS I don’t like to dis anyone’s religion but what is up with this “God’s plan for Iraq, and Alaska becoming a safe haven for the heathens when Armegeddon arrives.
Rats! I thought that after the “rapture” I might have an easier time finding a parking spot and might be able to grab on to some nifty new shoes.

I really don’t care what anyone believes but for God’s sake don’t try to ram your specific religious beliefs down anyone else’s throat or try to inject your religion into government. That pesky separation of church and state thing.

14 09 2008
kathy in Austin

Some of my friends held a gathering of women here in Austin (W.O.R.D) Women Organizing to Restore Democracy. We were supporting a candidate for governor in the spirit of “What would Ann Do”… Ann being our beloved Ann Richards– our former governor who died last year.

We were a group of five women. We just wrote an email and picked a place to hold a gathering. We asked our friends to forward the email, and we ended up with a couple hundred women and $3000 raised for our candidate.

This post is about a rally dreamed up over coffee.

My point is it is easier than you think to harness the power of your email address book. Like minded people are waiting for your good idea to make their feelings known. Pick a park, pick a date, write an email and watch your rally form!

It really is our campaign, just like Obama says at his rallies. It is our election, our country and our future.

Thanks Mudflats for the great example!

14 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Congratulations, Mudflats! The increasing troll count proves that you are having a positive impact nationwide. Your protest has been seen in every state and is getting major buzz on the internet. Thank you! You are wonderful!

14 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin rally much bigger than pro-Palin rally… « No Way, No How, No McCain ‘08

[…] Mudflats is reporting on the huge turnout for the “Alaska Women Reject Palin” rally- which was significantly bigger than the pro-Palin rally! Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage.  The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators).  This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state.  I was absolutely stunned.  The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by.  And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute.  This just doesn’t happen here. […]

14 09 2008

Way to go ladies of Alaska! How inspiring. Women in all swing states – you must organize and do all you can to elect Obama. Go on http://www.barackobama.com and find your local volunteer headquarters. Volunteer to make phone calls, donate $$ if you can, talk to neighbors etc. Obama’s local headquarters organize day trips to swing states to go door-to-door… Make sure every Obama supporter you know is registered to vote. The deadline is coming up soon.

WE CAN CHANGE THIS COUNTRY. A whisper can turn into a roar.

14 09 2008

Please post this on youtube. There are so many people who NEED to see this. Thanks!

14 09 2008

This absolutely warmed my heart.
Great Job!!!

14 09 2008

@ ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck – You said –

“someone on the list mentioned the need to fire him – well, look what his cold calculating words has produced?”

That was me, and the reason I feel he needs to be fired is because he gave out the telephone numbers of people on the press release, called them very bad names and then essentially encouraged people to call and harass them because he did not agree with what they were saying. It’s not exactly appropriate.

14 09 2008
My Sarah Palin Post « casa de Charlotte della luna

[…] was larger than Palin’s “Welcome Home” rally in the same city at the same time. Here is an Alaskan bloggers first-hand report of both rallies with video and photos of the women’s […]

14 09 2008

Keep up the good work ladies. We Idahoans are keeping our fingers crossed that Alaska will go for Obama.

Boise, Idaho

14 09 2008

Keep up the good work ladies. We Idahoans are crossing our fingers that Alaska will vote Obama.

Boise, Idaho

14 09 2008
Sarah Palin and Alaska « AstroChatter

[…] Palin and Alaska I was captivated by this blog on Alaska’s politics and the Sarah Palin rally from Alaskans unhappy with her VP nomination. Then I figured it was time to look at Alaska’s horoscope (courtesy Marc Penfield: 1/3/1959, […]

14 09 2008

Join Colorado Women Against Palin for a Rally in Golden

A Colorado WAP member, Michelle, is organizing a peaceful rally during Sarah Palin’s visit to Golden, Colorado on Monday.

When: Meet 7 a.m. on Monday, Sept 15th
Where: Meet at Starbucks Highway 93 & Washington in Golden. We’ll all carpool from there to Jefferson County Fairgrounds
What: Peaceful rally against Palin at Palin’s speech at Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Who: Women & Men

Please everyone do your part to spread the word about this event. It will be great to show our opposition at an event at which Palin is present.

14 09 2008
Ms. Changes Pants While Driving

this totally made my day. this shows real people, not just articles spitting out her record. these are people in her state. real people, real women and men and kids standing up for what they believe in.

i’ve forwarded it on to a few mail lists. thanks for this. we can forward articles around all we want. these pictures, this video, makes it real. makes it personal.

i hope hilary supporters who said they’d stay home on election day come out and vote.

14 09 2008
Joe Billie

Their recent ads are so full of lies it’s not funny anymore….

14 09 2008
Kim Geller

Sarah Palin better win this election!!! Just so you fuckers can sob in your abortion bull shit.
I believe in Feminists for life
Not Feminists for unborn baby killing!
Susan B. Anthony will be rolling in her grave if she knew what she fought for is going down the toilet!

14 09 2008

Just found your blog and am putting it on my blogroll…nice job!

I created a compilation blog of news, videos and articles from places like factcheck.org to put all the information on Sarah Palin in one place. One thing I haven’t figured out though is how to get it in the hands of people who really need to see the information. Is there a way to infiltrate the mindset of those who are FOR Sarah Palin. Is there a way to change people’s minds? Supporters are getting very cultish about the whole thing.


14 09 2008
Kim Geller

Sarah Palin better win this election!!! Just so you fuckers can sob in your abortion bull shit.
I believe in Feminists for life
Not Feminists for unborn baby killing!
Susan B. Anthony would be rolling in her grave if she knew what she fought for is going down the toilet!

14 09 2008

Cany from CA …

Wants to congrat you! I have posted a link to this site, and have a post up (with a photo and video) at mine.

Someone WAAAAAAAAY upthread asked about the Palin/AIP connection. I just wrote on that today. I can tell you this: If Michelle Obama was in the AIP, there would be hell to pay.

I am so proud of you all!

14 09 2008
Progressive From Oregon

Way to go AK!

Rally all those old hippies, liberal and common sense independents hid out in the woods up there; you’ll make the majority back and win your state back to boot.

I have contended from the beginning that Grampy McSame’s pick of Fraud Palin is now and will continue to cost him more votes than he has gained.

Meanwhile, all this talk about ‘firing up’ the conservative base? It’s lies and blather just like the spew coming the mouths of the Failure Party ticket. What do you think this insulting choice has done to fire up the Democratic base, middle and maybes? Which campaign got $10.00 for every $1.00 Grampy got? Obama did!

Who raised $55,000,000 in August, a new RECORD for presidential campaigns? Obama did!

More important is 500,000 NEW contributors, that’s NEW people, donating for the first time!

Ignore the polls, they are poor questions, asked on small populations and are traditionally inaccurate at this time of the campaign.

Work hard and ALWAYS be vigilant about Failure Party lies and CHEATING. We’re nailing them on the lies, now it’s time to nail their worth hides to the wall for caging, voter intimidation and election fraud.

Volunteer to work at a polling site. Get involved in voter registration. Sign up to work on ‘get-out-the-vote’. Get involved, stay involved. Get our country back.

words to live by until the election

“The Failure Party”: bringing you lies, hypocrisy, deceit and failure since 1972.

“If it wasn’t for lies, there’d be no Palin, or GOP, at all”

I was once taught “it takes the village to raise a child.” I now propose ‘it will take the nation to save our country’.

RNC’s prescription for Failure Party sycophants: tell a lie, break a law, tell a lie to cover it; lie about a position, lie the way you vote, lie about the opponent; cage a voter, suppress the vote, de-fraud an election. Repeat as needed.

Keep up the pressure, don’t EVER back down.

Stand up, speak up & act against or stay quiet & be beaten down.

14 09 2008

Oops… forgot to leave the linkie:


14 09 2008

Greetings to all the good inhabitants of Mudflats! Great rally, I’m so proud of everyone involved that I’m sharing the Mudflats site with everyone in my social network, online and offline.

kd from MO

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

I got misty-eyed looking at those pics and watching that video. Thank you to Mudflats and all the men and women of Alaska who came up with some of the most creative and funny protest signs I have ever seen!

Gotta say – it’s been a good weekend for us Obama supporters.

14 09 2008

I am showing this to EVERYBODY!!!!! Thank you, thank you! McCain, Rove and the rest of them probably think this would never happen. This will be in my next blog entry!

14 09 2008

Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s so difficult to gauge the opinion of those who matter the most–people who have actually been under the jurisdiction of Palin. I hope that the whole nation won’t have to come to the realization that these women have.

14 09 2008

Thank you for this wonderful post and inspiring photographs! And heartfelt thanks to ALL of the wonderful women of Alaska who made this impressive showing!! Can we have a home number for this Eddie guy? I’ll happy ring him up, maybe at 2am?!?

Thank you, women of Alaska! We heard you ALLLL the way down in New Orleans!

14 09 2008
Carson Park Ranger

The rest of the country is still learning who Palin is, but we’re learning.

14 09 2008
Linda (Phoenix)

Go, my gutsy Alaskan sisters!!

14 09 2008
Catherine Howard

To Kim Geller:
Thank you for your kind sentiments. I see you posted them several times, that was thoughtful of you. John McCain is running for President. Sarah Palin is his running mate, so if he doesn’t win, she doesn’t win. As a woman, I abhor the idea of abortion. But, as a woman I also abhor rape, incest and murder. Susan B. Anthony would have been gathering signatures for the right to choose. Now, before you get your blood pressure up to a dangerously high level again, please note that you have the right to choose too. That means that if you are savagedly raped, beaten and left for dead during your fertile time, you will probably become pregnant. Many would say that this pregnancy is a gift from God. You can choose to carry the infant, give birth to the child and either keep the child or give it up for adoption. It is your choice. I can’t take that away from you. Feminists can’t take that away from you. If John McCain is elected president he might try to take that right away from you. If he is able to take that right away from you, he might go after your first amendment rights too. What that would mean, is that you would not be able to share your eloquent opinion with the rest of us. I do hope that you remain safe and secure in your comfort zone, and if your real name is Kim Geller, I would suggest that you change your phone number as soon as possible. You saw what happened when Eddie Burke gave out the names and numbers of the lovely ladies who organized the AK Women Reject Palin Rally. Take Care!

14 09 2008
Progressive From Oregon

Kim Geller,

Typical Failure Party sycophant, can’t promote the candidate, so attack and insult the opponent & supporters.

I’m sure Susan B Anthony would rather women had the right to choose and control their body than support people who wanted to dictate to women how they should think and what they should do.

Palin would like to roll back the clock to before she was born. An appropriate situation for the thought: “ignorance is bliss”. She too young to have a friend in high school die from uterine infection, with blood and pus running down her legs, because she couldn’t have a legal AND safe procedure to end the impregnation started by her abusive father.

Fraud Palin’s ideal? Make my friend pay $400-500 for the evidence kit or no evidence for the criminal report. Force her to carry the child to term, so the psychological scars have 9 months to drive themselves more deeply in her mind.

The ‘deeply’ religious Fraud Palin must have missed bible study the night they talked about THE QUESTION posed of Jesus. You can look for the question. The answer was: “How ever you treat the LEAST of you is how you treat me.”

Men out of the anti-abortion movement.

Only women should decide the fate of their bodies.

14 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

Lets get real what is your problem you are the idiot, i dont relate to the 4eyed pistol packing parana, idiot….do you not know what is meant when a statement is followed by (not)? i guess not! and if you or anyone on here is a troll well guess what you are not gonna relate to us, palin is 1 scary _____ Lets pray for us and the USA to have mercy on us, we will need it if she… nah she wont!
this morning it was at 400 something, now its over 1000, you can leave for awhile and come back and its still going on!!! this is so cool! Goodnight to all i will check back in the AM GOD BLESS THE USA!!!

14 09 2008

Great news. Down here in the lower 48, the supposed “liberal media” of course gave “equal coverage” to the counter-protesters–mentioning that they were a smaller group, but not how much smaller–and didn’t say anything about it being the biggest political rally every in Alaska. Good for you to get the news out that smart people in Alaska don’t want this woman leading them, either.

14 09 2008

@tonya –

Apologies – we do get a fair amount of trolls here and when someone links to a website like the one you linked to it is always the first thing on my mind.

As I said, I did see all the clips which were in bold, so this is certainly yet another lie the Republicans would like to spread. 😦

Glad you’re for Obama 😉

14 09 2008
Heidi in Chicago

This is one of those elections in which I have the sense that the media and pollsters don’t really have a handle on the real story. Things like this amazing story in Alaska keep happening all over the country. I think that Obama voters are the most under-represented voting group in the history of elections. As long as folks show up to vote, there will be no stopping the Obama Biden ticket. This just reinforces my hunch that the November election is going to be a blow out for Obama.

We MUST work hard to register as many folks as possible before the election and get out the vote on election day. Volunteer everyone. DO NOT LET THE REPUBLICANS STEAL THIS ELECTION. Let it be a blow out so that the Republicans can’t come close even with dirty tricks!!!

14 09 2008
Cold Spaghetti » Blog Archive » Heard y’all loud and clear!

[…] in case my words weren’t convincing, take a look at the women who know her best.  This little conceived ‘over coffee’ rally drew a state record for turnout.  […]

14 09 2008
Scotty in Philly

Wow! The power of the internets… To bad McInsane can’t even turn on a computer, but it’s much better, he won’t see what’s going on in the blogosphere.

Great to hear the news. Sending this to friends.

14 09 2008
The Silent Army…. « kavips

[…] blogs that has surfaced on WordPress, since the Sarah Palin announcement, is the one titled Mudflats. which comes out of […]

14 09 2008

Great job Alaskans! Makes me proud to be a woman. I think a lot of conservatives against abortion but pro-war, tend to forget that even in war, not just the “guilty” are killed, there is a lot of innocent blood spilled, even accidental, it still results in the same thing. Shame on them for being so hypocritical.

Much love, from California.

14 09 2008
prematurely grey - And Now a News Update: Sisters to the North Jumpstart Hope (Film at 11)

[…] to get an even better feel for the rally, well, it’s time for our buddy Mudflats. Her descriptive style, combined with the fact that she got to the rally after attending […]

14 09 2008
Media and Propaganda: A case in point…”Plus” « Sola Dei Gloria

[…] From MudFlats: ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’- Rally is HUGE […]

14 09 2008

Wow!! I am so glad to hear about this. Many of us outside the US (I’m Australian but live in France) are holding our breaths. Thanks for your great posts and for getting out there.

14 09 2008
Still Alaskan at Heart

I’ve been living in Oregon since graduating (DHS ’99, represent), but Anchorage will always be home to me. So I can’t even articulate how wonderful it is to see all these photos of the good ol’ Lousacc Library with everyone gathered outside to shout down the spoon-fed “Everyone Up There Loves Palin” nonsense that’s had me so disheartened since her selection as McCain’s running mate. Scoured all the photos for familiar faces, too– you are all *wonderful*!! Thank you so much for gathering, with your fantastic signs, and sincere thanks to this blog for the coverage.

I’m almost afraid to ask, what with all the trolls showing up, but is the AK Women Reject Palin group going to put up a website of some sort? I would love to buy a handful of those bright pink bumper stickers …

“Alaska Disasta'” indeed. I’ve been asking my friends these past two weeks, “Why can’t Alaska get in the news for GOOD reasons?” Lousacc homies, you’ve done just that. 🙂 God bless and love from a kindred spirit in Portland; sorry I missed it!

14 09 2008

High Five from Atlanta GA, and how about Halloween Day for a National-Women-Reject-Palin-Rally???

Thanks SO much for showing up the Paydirt supporters in her own home state!

You go!!!!

14 09 2008

I have a question about Gov. Palin running on a trail in October 2007 from an earlier post about her attending a meeting on special needs children. If I’m not mistaken, the baby was born April 2008 pre-term (8 months). A normal pregnancy is 40 weeks. She would have been in her first trimester. Would she run a trail in October 2007 during her first trimester? At her age, called advanced maternal age, she would have been high risk all the way. No way would a reputable doctor allow her to “run” a trail. As a married mother of four and a long way from menopause, I wouldn’t buy she didn’t know she was pregant. And a sane mother of advanced maternal age would not put herself or baby at risk. I don’t want to bemoan this issue of who’s the baby’s momma, but….” Please enlighten me.

14 09 2008

Organize your own rally against Palin (or join one coming up) right here:


14 09 2008
‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « The Central Tabulator

[…] After shaking it off with a good double shot of espresso, and a brisk walk back to my car, it was time to head to the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally. It was to be held outside on the lawn in front of the Loussac Library in midtown Anchorage. Home made signs were encouraged, and the idea was to make a statement that Sarah Palin does not speak for all Alaska women, or men. I had no idea what to expect. Source Article […]

14 09 2008

The McCain/Palin people love to whine about the media’s scrutiny of Palin, but they don’t realize how much worse they could have it if the news channels decided to show this. I’m so glad this blog exists, it’s good to know that not everyone has been drinking the Palin Kool-Aid, and I trust the judgement of those who have firsthand experience of Palin’s power.

Yesterday Gov. Palin made her solo debut in my State Capital, and all she did was regurgitate an 18 minute synopsis of the same speech she has been programmed to repeat (with the aid of a teleprompter, of course). She made her reference to hockey moms, the lie she keeps on repeating on the bridge, complete with “thanks but no thanks”, and basically said nothing new or different or original. No, wait, she did say that her husband named their daughter Piper after his plane, that I didn’t know. At least she laid off the “pitbull with lipstick” reference. She did pronounce “Nevada” correctly (sounding like someone had coached her on it before), which sent the people there into fits of extasy and mass hysteria. Watch it here if you have 18 minutes of your life to waste:


Keep up the good work, and maybe your very eye-opening views of the person who could be 2nd in command of our country in a few months will spill over to the lower 48 and Hawaii. I have to say you live in a breathtakingly beautiful State that I’ve always wanted to visit, and I’m glad that such a significant number of residents have come out for the truth.

14 09 2008

nice blog…

14 09 2008

I am but a simple man dwelling in lower 48. I missed point why shouting down another free American citizen is a good thing. I guess it’s better than having him arrested or flogged with rolled Doniger galleys, but it does not speak well of your side’s good faith. If I speak against Obama will I get that treatment in AK? Or if I dare speak up for Ms. Palin?

Your delight in this accomplishment leads me to conclude that often the quality of a person can be judged by the qualities of his/her enemies. You’ve helped me along in this direction, and perhaps many others.

14 09 2008
Terry Carroll

Congratulations from Oakland, California!

All stories, good or bad, about Sarah Palin from the mouths of “real Alaskans!” get reported in the rest of America, where we’ve only know about her since August 29th. Keep speaking. Give us details. The suspicion is building that she is a petty tyrant, who is all about cronyism and keeping score — like George Bush with lipstick.

Tell us about Todd, too. He seems like Sarah’s goon. What’s he doing so involved in state business?

14 09 2008

I was reading this out loud to my husband this evening, when lo and behold, an email popped into my box from a NM Dem friend who was circulating this very post. It’s going the rounds. I think I’ll write her back and see what we can do in NM, as it’s a battleground state.

14 09 2008
Still Alaskan at Heart

Gordo, my figurative use of the term “shouting down” is positive in the sense that only one side of the story has made it down to the lower 48: the pro-Palin side. It is heartening to hear that the other side of the debate is making itself known, as any First Amendment advocate– yourself included, presumably– would cheer.

Vocally support whichever ticket you see fit. As long as that support doesn’t advocate the exclusion of such newsworthy events as this one, we’ll all get along just fine.

14 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Well once again, I have to say Mudflats and AK rocks, after reading as much as these old eyes could read tonight, I’m totally amazed at what you have all done here in the Mudflats blogs to further the cause of freedom of speech, freedom of choice, and freedom of peace and liberty. Even the few trolls I came across have got to admit that their right to say and believe as they do is their choice and it’s a free country. Let’s all keep it that way, OK?

14 09 2008
John McCain

You just don’t get it, lady.
Being against abortion and pro-war is no contradiction. Where do soldiers come from, he? I am an international experiences POW and a hero. I just know these things, you don’t – so go back into the kitchen and do something for our country.

14 09 2008

Mudflats – Fantastic stuff!!

Thanks for generosity in encouraging others to share the pics and info.

Very heartening news indeed.


14 09 2008
Martha Davidson Vancouver B.C. Canada

In response to;

ElGordo (21:37:26) :

I am but a simple man dwelling in lower 48. I missed point why shouting down another free American citizen is a good thing. I guess it’s better than having him arrested or flogged with rolled Doniger galleys, but it does not speak well of your side’s good faith. If I speak against Obama will I get that treatment in AK? Or if I dare speak up for Ms. Palin?

Your delight in this accomplishment leads me to conclude that often the quality of a person can be judged by the qualities of his/her enemies. You’ve helped me along in this direction, and perhaps many others.

El gordo, you didn’t read the article either!! This man they shouted down tried to pre-emptively start a riot, and endangered the lives of the organizers. He should be arrested, and put in jail. He’s damn lucky, to have been shouted down, instead of stoned! “The man” is Eddie Burke, and here is what the article said. I hope you’re not too “simple” to read.

One of those media outlets was KBYR radio, home of Eddie Burke, a long-time uber-conservative Anchorage talk show host. Turns out that Eddie Burke not only announced the rally, but called the people who planned to attend the rally “a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots”, and read the home phone numbers of the organizers aloud over the air, urging listeners to call and tell them what they thought. The women, of course, received many nasty, harassing and threatening messages.

14 09 2008


14 09 2008
Sarah Palin: spammer and digital secrecy scofflaw. | The Current Buzz - Tech

[…] snapshot of a rally organized by “Alaska Women Against Palin” this weekend. Some 1500 people are said to have participated, making it possibly the largest […]

14 09 2008
Allyson Kate

this is very interesting and puts a different spin on my views of palin

14 09 2008

great job.Kudos.. you are cool..Olga Lednichenko

14 09 2008


I forwarded it on to everyone I know…

14 09 2008


Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Carolyn, Washington
ocliberal in Orange County, CA
Josh in Nashville, TN
amy Oklahoma
Ken in Eatontown, NJ
Sue, Middle East

14 09 2008

What a beautiful sight…

Way to go Alaska…fight for your rights and don’t ever give up 🙂

You are truly inspiring!

Peace, love and happiness to you all!!!

14 09 2008

Thanks to all the women in the rally. It’s great to hear other women speaking out. Especially from Alaska! Wish I could have been there. Sending my support from Illinois.

14 09 2008
Gail Breakey

What a terrific, brave group of organizers! And yeah for the women of Anchorage. It IS heartening to see people looking beyond the persona and the lies and reject this candidacy.

Someone said the Bridge to Nowhere isn’t important because most of the politicians in Alaska go after pork.

Hey, it’s REALLY important when Palin and McCain have made reform, rejecting earmarks, the cornerstone of their campaign!!! When the person the party is idolizing because they think she said “Thanks, but No Thanks” to the bridge—-when she really took that money” Alaska went after $750 in earmarks while she was Governor; the largest amount per capital in the nation. She also hired a lobbyist to send to DC for funds for Wasilla. PALIN is NO REFORMER.

I hope this rally gets into major media, because the truth about Palin needs to be told until people get it.


Gail in Honolulu

14 09 2008

To all of the “Alaska Women Against Palin,” THANK YOU. Canvassing in our Seattle neighborhood, today, your story swung open doors, minds, and hearts. I couldn’t be more grateful.

14 09 2008
Martin Turow

Is Palin really that bad? I mean, could anyone be worse than Bush. McCain or Obama will be an improvement and McCain is not Bush. In the US, we have unrealistic expectations regarding what it takes to be President. News flash. Humans are not perfect and sad to say, the President is still an imperfect human being. We should put computers in charge of the country if we seek perfection.

14 09 2008

That is awesome, forwarding to a ton of people.

– T


14 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Martin, welcome to mudflats. I am afraid it sounds as if you haven’t really done any independent research on Palin. As a citizen of this country and this world, I do expect to have very high expectations for the leaders of our country.

Does it not make sense to you that given the power we have as well as the ability to destroy the planet that we must absolutely have people in the highest offices who are way above average intelligence?

If you will take the time to go through the comments and pay attention to the people from other countries who have posted here, I think you will see that they, too, have serious concerns for the future of the world as we know it if we put someone in office who just doesn’t have the brain power. Also, there are several good links to international news articles expressing this fear.

It’s real.

14 09 2008

1) You rock… Just ridiculously hard.

2) Extra double strength AWESOME to all those protesters

3) Get some of those coffee drinkers together and start a recall petition for Sarah Palin (the sort that got Arnie into power in KahliForniah). *THAT* will sure as hell get the press’s attention 🙂

14 09 2008
Ten Post Round-Up: Bad News Ahead : The Sirens Chronicles

[…] Your go-away party is bigger than your welcome home party. […]

14 09 2008
14 09 2008

John McCain said:
You just don’t get it, lady.
Being against abortion and pro-war is no contradiction. Where do soldiers come from, he? I am an international experiences POW and a hero. I just know these things, you don’t – so go back into the kitchen and do something for our country.

Awww, very sad. I checked your site. Barely any comments. Trolling here to get traffic? Give it up, Mr. Hero. And by the way, when you call yourself a hero, kind of takes away from the heroism. Kind of like a man who claims he’s well endowed. Usually, they aren’t.

How dare you direct a poster with a female name to go back into the kitchen and do something for her country. Would you tell Palin to do the same?

One of the definitions of hero is a person noted for feats of courage. Attacking someone you don’t know on a blog is hardly heroic. It’s precisely the opposite. You are a coward. And a troll. And I will no longer feed the troll.

14 09 2008
Anti-Palin Rally « Incoherent Mess

[…] (Alaska Women Reject Palin.) […]

14 09 2008

PALIN IS UNAMERICAN – She’s okay with Alaska Seceding from the U.S.!
Palin tells the Alaskan Independence Party (AIP wishes to separate and become an Independent Nation), whose goal is a vote on seceding from the U.S., to ‘keep up the good work.’According to the AIP’s Web site founder of the party, Joe Volger said, “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.”

Here is her address at this Party’s 2008 Convention!

I could NEVER vote for someone so UN-American. She’s ashamed of being a citizen of the U.S.

14 09 2008
Alaskan Women Against Palin rally dwarfs her welcome home crowd « bothwell’s blog

[…] Alaskan Women Against Palin rally dwarfs her welcome home crowd The media seem to have missed this one. […]

14 09 2008

I would say Palin took a big hit the last two weeks in her approval rating. Just by telling Alaska to vote NO on prop 4 (Pebble Mine) cost her the fisherman. It took the national press to start vetting her because the press here in Alaska won’t do their job. I guess we needed Ray Metcalf to go after her a bit earlier.

14 09 2008

Just don’t see pic of 1400 people here. And why do they all look like lesbians?

14 09 2008

Thanks for everyone brave enough to stand up and say Enough is Enough. You guys did a great thing, Congrats!!!! Keep it up. Lets bring the power back to the real people! OBAMA for president!!!

14 09 2008

Way to go Alaska! Love your signs & spirit.
Keep it up

Signed, Fundamentally Rejecting Palin in Oregon

14 09 2008

thank you!!! i will follow your blog and pass on what we probably won’t see in the corporate media.
keep up the good work.
watching in Washington State

14 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike


the reason you don’t see 1400 is because you are looking in a mirror, silly goose

14 09 2008

Thank you for this site,
I’ve been so disheartened about all the articles describing the Obama campaign as defunct. I was really encouraged to see all the protesters out in front of the library. How poetic. The place that Sarah tried to censor. How can we allow a person to occupy the White House that doesn’t believe in global warming, or science, or for that matter, a woman’s right to choose? Do all these people really want to go back in time, just to elect their Legend, Sarah Palin?

Thank you, for giving me a reality check every day, and making me feel like I’m not alone,


14 09 2008
Juneau, we’ve got a problem « No Time for Trivia

[…] It seems as if the good people of Alaska are giving a reality check in regard the Palin pick.  Mudflats (by way of C&L) writes: ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally Is HUGE! […]

14 09 2008

Thank you so much! For attending, for the coverage, for everything! This is indeed heartening!

15 09 2008

I am from a small town in Oregon, and I love you all. These pictures of women and families showing up to say No to McCain/Palin, it’s a beautiful thing. I love that guy’s sign: Unstable/Unable. Thanks to all of you who organized and showed up!

15 09 2008
Alaskan women reject Palin in largest protest in state history « Nuclear Rays From My Halogen Haze

[…] Alaskan Women Reject Palin rally in Anchorage yesterday was the biggest in Alaskan history of its type!  Over 1400 people showed up […]

15 09 2008
"Alaskan Women Reject Palin" Rally - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and go to Mudflats to enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to […]

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
15 09 2008

At the risk of spamming… Check out female george bushwhere we are covering this.

15 09 2008

Awesome job man! keep the truth alive!

15 09 2008

Thanks for this great blog, keep up the good work and greetings from Germany.

15 09 2008
AK Women reject Palin Rally - PoliticalGroove Forums

[…] than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and go to Mudflats to enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to […]

15 09 2008

mudflats, you rock!! your site gives me hope & especially this rally gives me hope!! thank you, Women of Alaska for your courage in organizing this, and People of Alaska for making it the biggest rally in Alaskan history!! Those signs were the greatest -“my daughter deserves better” & too many others to list – I am so proud of you Alaska! Now that’s the American Spirit! Truth & Freedom! OBAMA 08!

15 09 2008
not a sheep!


there are many skeptics of human induced co2 global warming. the weather channel’s president wants to sue al gore for fraud; a once supporter of global warming, a prof in Australia now recants that co2 cannot be the cause because it would show pockets in the earth’s upper atmosphere; the south pole is getting colder, etc

as for women’s and babies or human rights. i know it’s touchy, but who chooses for the baby? that choice a women has, ultimately, is from the point of opening her legs, letting a man insert his penis and ejaculate in her, without contraception or birth control is their choice. it’s like playing russian rulet (or something more beautiful) and you know the consequences of even inserting the “bullets” and “pulling the trigger.” now, it’s not that dire, but really, outside of special, special circumstances, abortion cannot be treated like a trip to the dentist as some women choose. also, partial birth abortion is nine months of contemplating a stupid decision that could’ve been done, if known, during the first trimester. again, what say does the baby have? at what point does he decide? when he’s off the nipple? but before then is it okay to kill your baby like a “drought stricken baboon.”

15 09 2008

Thanks for the hope Mudflats!

If the people of Alaska can come together to show their refusal to drink from the propaganda laden, kool-aid political phenomenon that has become the McCain-Palin ticket then there may be hope for the rest of us.


15 09 2008
Anti-Sarah Palin Rally in Alaska « Nah, Nope, Not Quite

[…] Palin Rally in Alaska Mudflats says it “was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the […]

15 09 2008

Only in America a tainted person can become popular and may also win the election. It is just like the greenback, worthless yet many hang on to it. It’s a mad mad world.

15 09 2008

I agree with Terry Carroll, we want to know more about Todd, too – he does seem like Sarah’s goon, & I’m not buying the ‘snowmobiling Mr Mom’ image. What does he REALLY do?

15 09 2008
Alaskan Women Reject Palin « The Bootleg Saints

[…] the rest here.  Pictures are there […]

15 09 2008

Congratulations on a great event. Let us all tell the world that there are lots of folks in the U.S. that believe Palin and McCain are the absolute wrong choice!!

15 09 2008

Congrats! As an expat Democrat in the Netherlands, I’ve been keeping close track of how people are reacting to Palin…I’m so impressed with the turn out at the rally! Gives me hope!

15 09 2008
Ask this one about dinosaurs! « I am Jaded

[…] (it stands for by the way) congratulations, Sarah! You just inspired the biggest political rally in the history of Alaska. Unfortunately, their goal was to say that in no way do you represent […]

15 09 2008

Thanks, Mudflats, for keeping people aware. The media is not doing its job.

15 09 2008

I would think the spontaneous 1000 were more real than the 1400 manufactured “haters” of Palin’s morally principled leadership. Just goes to show how gullible people are when they don’t have any core convictions.


15 09 2008

Maybe there is hope. We all do our little bit and every few thousand who see the truth and stand up against the lies about Palin (and of course McCain) adds up.

My contribution is here
“With apologies to our porcine friends, the lipstick is off the Palin pig”



Come on oever, comments more than welcome.

Hal Brown

15 09 2008

WOW. I have goosebumps. I’m teary-eyed. I thank you and all the brave northern sisters for showing up and making yourselves heard.

Thanks for sharing!


Lady reading this over coffee feeling inspired thousands of miles away.

15 09 2008

Nice surprise to wake up to Monday morning! Why did this news escape the attention of all the press that traveled to Alaska for her triumphant trip home? Why is it that there is much coverage of her son who is going to Iraq but no coverage of the fact that Joe Biden’s son Beau is headed there too.

We need a huge Obama Rally in Anchorage to wake the media to the truth and balance the coverage. I don’t think this kind of ground swell opposition would happen in reverse in Wilmington.

THANKS so much for your article. And much thanks to the coffee klatch ladies who organized this “bottom up” expression of the truth. You have a fan in New Jersey.

15 09 2008

Again…. this is the “biggest” thing to hit Alaska since Sewards Folly, and… the best the opposition of Palin can do is 1400 people. Give me a break. The liberal media is trying the best they can to manufacture stories against Palin… but… they keep being revealed as a pig chasing its tail (so to speak).

It is to be expected, though. The relativistic thinking of a growing number of Americans is what is going to destroy our country. Unless unchanging, absolute principles are established by our leadership… we will become irrelevant in the world.

Obama will change our country, and if a socialistic government that takes choices away from its citizens is what you want… then… vote for NOBAMA.

Let’s wake up America!

15 09 2008

thank you so much for taking a stand, thank you for letting palin know that all women don’t think like her simply because of our gender, and thank you for blogging about it!

15 09 2008

Help end the Iraq war and more.

Because corporations have taken over the legislative process, we citizens should join together and use our purchasing power and withhold our purchases from some of these major corporations and demand the legislation from some of these companies that have blocked progress. To this end I have formulated these telephone campaigns. After you have made these free calls send email to info@democratz.org

Please make these 4 toll free phone calls and get as many people as you can to make these calls today to get the following progressive legislation enacted.

Call GOP contributor and war contractor General Electric Corporation at 800 386 1215 and tell the person, that you want the GE CEO to get Bush to end the war in Iraq and then Bush resign with Cheney and until that happens you will not buy any GE products and that you will tell your friends. Then call a local appliance store that sells GE products and tell the person you will not buy any GE products from their store until they can convince the GE CEO to convince George W Bush to end the war.

Call GOP contributor Rite Aid Pharmacies at 800 325 3737 and tell the person that you want the Rite Aid CEO to get congress and the President to enact HR 676 single payer universal health care and repeal Medicare Part D and place the drug benefit in Medicare Part B covering 80% of the cost of drugs with no extra premiums, no extra deductibles, no means tests, no coverage gaps, and remove the means test for Medicare Part B and until that happens, you won’t buy ANYTHING from Rite Aid.

Call GOP contributor Wendy’s restaurants at 800 443 7266 and tell the person in that you want their CEO to get congress and the President to enact a $10/HR MIN. WAGE into law and until this happens you will not go to a Wendy’s Restaurant.

Call your local Exxon/Mobil station and tell the manager that you will not get your car repaired there, nor will you buy gas there until their parent company sets their price so that they can sell you gas for $1.75 a gallon. Then only do business with other gas stations.

Copy the above text and send it to your friends by email and to other democrats and thoughtful independents.

15 09 2008

Wow, great to see so much anti-Palin activity. To everyone who was there: Stay organised, guys. You’re a vital voice in this campaign.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

you guys should learn how to count, looks like maybe 200 people showed up not 1400.

15 09 2008

What a delight – both the story and this tsunami of hopeful comment.

15 09 2008

YEAH!!! You all rock and this quote is for you:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.” —Margaret Mead

15 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Sarah Palin Rally « AshPolitics

[…] to Comments For a first hand account of the at least 1400 person strong rally, please head over to Mudflats.  Here’s the […]

15 09 2008
Mommy Jane

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Please continue to get your message out there!!!


15 09 2008
JaneAnne Johnson

My best friend lives in Juneau and my cousins, who lead wilderness birding adventures, live in Anchorage. Both of them told me immediately upon her nomination how unhappy they were with Sarah Palin as governor of Alaska. So I am more than pleased to hear that Alaska women and men turned out to protest Sarah’s views. The use of alternatives to fossil fuels is all-important. And the election of Barack Obama and Joe Biden in November will give our nation a chance to turn the mess that currently is the USA around! Vote Obama/Biden, and work to help them win!

15 09 2008
McCain/Palin v. Obama/Biden - Page 351 - Fires of Heaven Guild Message Board

[…] the House of Cards fall in October? Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! […]

15 09 2008
Alaska’s women don’t all {heart} Sarah Palin. « The Quaker Agitator

[…] This post, from Saturday, is classic.  It tells us the story the Bootlicking McCain Corporate Media failed to tell about an anti-Sarah Palin rally in Alaska that drew a huge crowd. […]

15 09 2008

Thank you for getting the news out about the wonderful anti-Palin rally. God knows the so-called liberal media won’t do it. I would’ve thought thought the predominate feeling about Palin in Alaska was a jingoistic one … you know, “Our Palin … right or wrong”. Thanks for rejecting the idea of having one of your own in at any cost. The temptation must be great. This is a heartening way to start my day here in Chicago. I’m a single dad. I have a 17 year old daughter. I’ve told her all her life that she can do anything a boy can. So, I hope we have a female president some day. However to have it happen in such a dishonest, cynical way … the way the right-wing is foisting on us would dirty the event … and damage our country … irreparably. Go Alaska. We love you for this.

15 09 2008

I talked with my family who lives in Alaska…my sister in law and neice both attended the rally. Way to go Alaskans!!!

Does anyone know if any major network showed any of this rally on tv?

I have been sending your site and articles out to many people..you have a wonderful site, great writing, and such very important information to share

15 09 2008

i’m in upstate NY, and received an email linking your page. Thank you for documenting this, it is encouraging and inspiring in these troubling times.

15 09 2008

I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU – both for this blog – it’s becoming required reading – and to all the men and women who took the time to demonstrate against Palin today.

I am half a world away in New Zealand, watching this election with baited breath (and not a small amount of fear and trepidation about the possibility of Ms Palin ending up in the White House) – and I just wanted to let you know that there are people all over the world supporting you.

A McCain/Palin presidency would be a terrifying disaster for the world, as well as for America. It’s so great to see so many people working so hard to ensure that it doesn’t happen.

The more I read about Sarah Palin, the more concerned I become. This article in Salon – The pastor who clashed with Palin – frightened the bejeezus out of me for some reason. You wouldn’t have more local info about that story would you?

I’m thinking particularly about the whole picketing the abortion clinic issue on page 2. It would be very interesting to find newspaper articles written about it at the time, or even photos of the demonstration itself.

It would be very useful to find corroborating evidence that Palin was picketing – as she would have been either councillor or mayor of Wasilla at that time, and yet has reassured voters that she would not allow her personal religious beliefs to dictate her political positions…

Just saying’ – you might find it an interesting line of inquiry…

Keep up the great work!

15 09 2008
Nuts & Mutton » Alaska Hearts Palin . . . not

[…] McCain continues trying to justify his choice of Palin as Veep, it seems the folks back home have another viewpoint […]

15 09 2008

I was referred to your blog site by a friend. Right on women (and men) of Alaska !!! Even though Indiana tends to be a conservative state there are many of us who support the Obama ticket and will vote that way. It is time for America to vote with compassionate courage instead of fear. We shall over come !!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 09 2008


I am astonished and disappointed that John McCain would make a clearly political move / manipulation by picking Sarah Palin.

Only McCain knows his criteria, but it appears to me that he chose her based on her being a conservative, white, young, anti-choice woman with a son about to deploy to Iraq. I believe that he chose her on this basis because there are so many other capable, respected and experienced Republicans to choose from who are also conservative and anti-choice but not a white, young woman with a son about to deploy to Iraq. And of course McCain is not young, not a woman, and is seeking to pander to the anti-choice conservatives and former Hillary supporters.

I believe that McCain chose Palin on this manipulative political basis despite her having little national and international experience. If, God forbid, in the event that McCain is elected, and God bless him, he encounters some unforeseen inability to serve as President, if Sarah Palin should become President, I do not believe, from what I have seen and heard of her thus far, that she would be able to run this great country of ours.

I NEVER expected McCain to go so low as to choose a VP on the basis of political impact, rather than proven capabilities and earned respect. His choice of Sarah Palin shows to me that McCain has no regard for the welfare for American citizens. His political maneuvering has endangered this good country and for that reason above all, I have lost all respect, that I formerly had, for John McCain. Had he chosen a legitimately capable, respected, experienced VP, I would have at least had respect for him and his good intentions to serve and protect the USA. But this person is not the right choice.

I WANT a woman in the White House because I believe that a capable woman in the White House would bring equal rights and respect to all women in America and even women of the world. But having this women in the White House, Sarah Palin, who I believe does not have proven capabilities and earned respect, will only further women’s positions in the male world as the TOKEN FEMALE and not as a capable, equal person.

15 09 2008

Personally I don’ t like either candidate team but then as usual we are voting against instead of for. I’ d love to hear someone talk about the crisis in our schools and how our kids are high school graduates with a primary school education. How can we compete on a global scale when our kids can’t read or write above a fourth grade level.
How about this country bleeding money to Arabia, which by the way hates us, and no one says a word.
We need better people to run for office and them to put the people first instead of the power of the office.
I suppose in a perfect world that would be possible but definately not in this world
Oh well back to my hole in the ground.

15 09 2008


I’m so excited for you–and all of us– that finally you are getting picked up by the MSM and the AK-Palin love-fest myth is being busted. The photos & homemade signs are impressive!! Clearly, local women (and men) have their act together!

Thanks for everything you are doing for all of us! Most of all, you are giving us HOPE.

(PS: I’m totally addicted to your blog; I think I need help!)

15 09 2008

This is the best news that I’ve read lately. It has been a depressing to watch the news and see nothing but the ‘glorious’ Sarah & to listen to that whiny voice. Thanks Alaska for speaking the truth when the so-called media will not.
Needless to say I have seen nothing about this demonstration on the cable ‘spews’ networks.

Are you sure that this Barbie doll wannabe was not installed via election fraud?

15 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! - Southern Maryland Community Forums

[…] Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Mudflats I attended the Welcome Home rally for Sarah Palin this morning. Hooo. It was an experience. About […]

15 09 2008
Principled Profit » Massive UNREPORTED Anti-Palin Protest in Anchorage

[…] How come we’re not hearing about this in the mainstream press? An on-the-scene blogger (and an articulate one who obviously has some journalism training) called it… […]

15 09 2008
Irene Diaz

Thank you Women of Alaska for showing the rest of us that Alaska is not made up just of red-neck reactionaries. It gives us all hope that all is not lost, that there are intelligent, well-informed people in every corner of the US who are not going to be taken in by the candidacy of a beauty queen. From New York City, I salute you!

15 09 2008

You can chant all you want, but all this nonsense will help put McCain in the WH.

And in this election – I thank you. We don’t need a socialist in the WH. We don’t need McCain, either… but he’s the lesser of the two evils.

Keep up the good work, Libs!

15 09 2008
If you think Sarah Palin will stand up for women, wait a minute… « RightsForMothers.com

[…] To get more information about the rally held on September 13th, I found an independent Alaskan blogger that wrote up a great account (and as my Alaska friend put it…accurate account) of the event.  Visit the site Mudflats… Tiptoeing Through the Muck of Alaskan Politics.  […]

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
Po Larbear

The reason Sarah Palin doesn’t believe in anthropological global warming is because of the faulty and intentionally deceptive “science” that is being used.

You really want some truth? Look this document over, and then get back to me.

Click to access monckton_what_hockey_stick.pdf

Al Gore is a fraud and all of you koolaid drinkers have made him rich. About $100 million worth of rich.

Dummies. Catch a clue.

15 09 2008

@ Lette (05:33:25) : “Personally I don’ t like either candidate team but then as usual we are voting against instead of for. I’ d love to hear someone talk about the crisis in our schools and how our kids are high school graduates with a primary school education. How can we compete on a global scale when our kids can’t read or write above a fourth grade level.”

DON’T GO BACK IN YOUR HOLE IN THE GROUND!! NO, no, come back! I think candidates are hoping we do just that, and that is not electing the best person possible. I am with you – I am an independent and had been undecided until the last day of the RNC. I have spent several weeks researching issues, voting records, campaign slogans against the records, etc. Here are a couple of links that may help you:



You’ll have to look up the issues that are most important to you, e.g. education, and then determine how you want to vote. I would encourage you to get inovlved at the LOCAL level as this is where a lot of decisions about schools are made….it’s an interesting ride and you will learn that national policies play only a minor role in the community when it comes to this. I am mortified, frankly, that our education system has gotten so bad that we have a VEEP candidate who thought the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the Founding Fathers. Many adults don’t even know what their Bill of Rights are, and it’s been so muddied in the media that if that is where one is getting information, it can be troublesome.

Get involved. That is how change happens! Don’t give up – look at what happened on Saturday in Alaska. That has re-charged women all over the country at a grassroots level. It may not be reported in the mainstream YET, but we will and can make a difference. Good luck!

15 09 2008
Actions and Reactions « Piece Of Mind

[…] rally in Anchorage drew 1,400 people, the largest political rally in the history of the state, says Mudflats, an Alaska blog. Of course, national news focused on the Palen rally held earier that day, which […]

15 09 2008

Wow that post just made me feel so much better about where we truly stand…

Fuck a weekly poll…

Sure the media will toot her horn till the cows come home but its so pleasing to see REAL intelligent women standing up for what they believe in…

Great post…maybe this is the start of the deflation of Palin’s bubble

Hey feel free to check out this post to get your mind off of all the serious stuff going on right now…election…economy…natural disasters…


15 09 2008

Great job! Keep it up, from NYC.

15 09 2008
Vote For Palin? You Got To Be Kidding. - Page 5 - Political Fever - The Political Debate Forums

[…] Mudflats The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! __________________ I’m Proud I never Voted For Bush! All Things Cynthia McKinney | The Courage to Lead […]

15 09 2008

Thank God for all of you thinking people.
When I heard the announcement of Palin for VP running mate, my instant and knee jerk reaction was “Jesus, does he think all American women are so stupid they will vote for ANY WOMAN rather thyan the best CANDIDATE?” I thought it would be the end for him, a la Eagleton many moons ago in a galaxy far far away (when I was first old enough to vote.) I thought women everywhere would see it for the insult and shallow drek it is.
I was wrong.
I have bneen crying and sleepless ever since I have seen the Palintology hype and madness and frenzy of the Far Right and the lemmings and thoughtless drones who think this is some kind of feel-good Disney movie about Davy Crockett or something, and that this person will SAVE US…(and from what?) The sanity, reason, experience, diplomacy, and conscience of an Obama?
It has been said again and again that every nation gets the leader it deserves.
Look what happened to the respective countries after the reigns of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Marcos, Castro, Tito, and Hirohito (forgetting the ancients for a moment.) Have we as Americans, in arrogance, smug ignorance, greed, and short sightedness doomed ourselves to the same?
I have had a wonderful opening to my day today, reading this. Bless you for making me see there is still hope. I cannot tell you enough how grateful and proud I am of all of you who did this and all who joined in. Maybe there is hope for America after all.

15 09 2008

Thank you ladies and gentlemen of Alaska. Thank you for not remaining silent. Also, couldn’t that dj be reprimanded for giving out phone numbers on air?

15 09 2008
Alaskan broads rock. « the future spinster librarian manifesto

[…] rally by women in Alaska this weekend that drew between 1000-1500 people. You can see more pics here, and read about it on […]

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
“Alaska Women Who Reject Palin” Rally « Drink More Champagne

[…] September 15, 2008 Filed under: politics — drinkmorechampagne @ 9:22 am Tags: politics Brava, ladies! Click to read […]

15 09 2008
Vote For Palin? You Got To Be Kidding. - Page 6 - Political Fever - The Political Debate Forums

[…] Posted by Affrayer Mudflats The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palins rally that got all the […]

15 09 2008
Kay McElroy

Amazing and well warranted . . . Palin must accept the fact that she does not speak for all of American women, just a few “off the wall nuts” like herself! I am so proud of you Alaska!

15 09 2008

How many lies can they get away with. We all have to do out bit to get the truth out, to our friends and acquaintances and for those of us who have an Internet audience (my latest column is “With apologies to our porcine friends, the lipstick is off the Palin pig LINK ) we should keep hammering away.

I also suggest using Digg and other social networking sites and YouTube and posting on the comments section of the MSM articles to get the word out so we aren’t just preaching to the choir.

And let’s all link to each other too.

15 09 2008

What a joy to see that all of Alaska is NOT like Sarah Palin! Since many Americans don’t get the pleasure of getting to Alaska, we are at a disadvantage, for sure! What a beautiful landscape, especially with all those women AND MEN lined up who are making their voices heard!

Thanks for sharing Mudflats!

15 09 2008

I also just want to add my thanks and mention my admiration for what you all have done. I’m very disappointed, but not all that surprised that this rally did not receive the attention it should have from the national media. I also live overseas and have been writing to and encouraging every American I know to vote in this election because I truly believe that this is the most important election, possibly in American history. It is heartening to know that this movement has taken place on Palin’s home turf and it definitely puts some wind back in my sails. I’ll be spreading the word!

15 09 2008

AMEN from Austin, Texas. I totally know how you feel as the “blue dot of the red state”. I had this much fun at Crawford… funny thing, though. No one at the Peace House in Crawford is from Crawford. TEXAS IS NOT RED EITHER. I work with the POPULIST Democrats here (read: not the Beltway limosene liberals; I don’t buy that one second), and cried 2006 when I watched at headquarters “regular” (but qualified) people standing up to run for office, saying loudly, “THIS SEAT WILL NOT GO UNCONTESTED!!!”

Cried again another way, when they all lost. But it won’t happen again. None of them has dropped out. We go Blue and For The People 2010. And Obama will win; it’s inevitable. They’re crazy to think otherwise.

You just can’t cheat THAT hard.

15 09 2008

The money paragraph:

“At one point during the hospital battle, passions ran so hot that local antiabortion activists organized a boisterous picket line outside Dr. Lemagie’s office, in an unassuming professional building across from Palmer’s Little League field. According to Bess and another community activist, among the protesters trying to disrupt the physician’s practice that day was Sarah Palin.”


15 09 2008
frank matthews

I’m a radio talk show host in Birmingham, Al .need to talk to person’s that was at anti palin rally-call me at 205-410-3557

15 09 2008

Can you post this on CNN’s iReporter series? This needs to get greater play. PLEASE!!!!

15 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona


McCain Campaign Inflates Crowd Size, Lies about Fire Marshall Making Estimate

Palin supporters dont know how to count, this is there comments to antiPalin:
“you guys should learn how to count, looks like maybe 200 people showed up not 1400”.
now you go to this link and tell us who doesnt know how to count McCain is desparate, he needs to stop lieing, thats all they do is lie and avoid, they are hoping these weeks go by and no one will notice all the bull crap cuming out of their pie holes…

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
I am not too sure about Palin - Chula Vista Hardcore

[…] Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Mudflats this is sort of rad. "Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage. The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators). This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state." […]

15 09 2008
Jen Hill

This is incredible. Thank you so much for showing another side to the Palin story.

15 09 2008
Heartening (anti)Palin News « Varied Veracities

[…] skyrocket since Palin was named McCain’s VP pick. Today, one of the top posts on WordPress is this, Mudflats really exciting and heartening recap of an event that took place in Anchorage, […]

15 09 2008

Accck to find the end of these comments. Thank you for blogging this! Congratulations on your rally and beating the conservative radios nastiness! You made this spooked working mom feel better today.

15 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

Kansas:”Why is telling lies an acceptable political tactic for Republicans”

Minnesota: “McCain’s lying habit”
Now, in my time writing columns here, I’ve very rarely mentioned myself. But there is something you should know about me: I’m an English major; I’ve got a bit of a thing for language. And there’s a word that means “to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.” It’s “lie.” And Sen. John McCain and his campaign are lying — compulsively and repeatedly.

15 09 2008

After spending four hours yesterday, canvassing door to door in my heavily Republican community, it made my DAY this morning, to read this and see the pictures of the AWESOME people of Alaska! Keep speaking out!

15 09 2008

To all the Alaskan women out there in this rally, I am very proud of you all, and a very big cheer!

GOOD FOR YOU GIRLS !!!!!! (& BOYS), it was about time that I’ve got to see something to cheer us up across the pond, because as an expat, living in the u.k. is very depressing to see on CBS news (the only American news that me and my hubby get access to), how so many american women are didering on who to vote for, after this dinosaur of Palin was selected for McSame’s VP, when the stakes in the nation have never been so high!!!!!

As if the last 8 years under Bush, has been such a walk in the park!!!!!

Me & my hubby who is English, decided that we couldn’t take it anymore, living under the Bush dictatorship, because that is what he behaves like!!, so we decided to pack our bags and leave our beloved U.S.A.

For us the thought that Obama or Hillary could win, gave us the hope that one day we could return to our beloved U.S.A, but lately, when we watch the news and see the uprising of Palin & McSame, we see that dream further and further away.

By the way, I am a Catholic Hispanic women and I am for Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers to you all and God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
PS: I hope that that a good law suit taking him for all he’s got and more, will teach that jerk of Burke, a good lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!. CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!.

15 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

Wisconsin: James Curtin: “McCain’s lies dishonor his past service”
The Capital Times — 9/15/2008 5:35 am

Dear Editor: John McCain has lost all the honor he ever earned from being in the Navy and being a POW. He picks a really bad running mate, then keeps telling the lies she told at the Republican National Convention.
Palin did not sell the state jet on eBay for a profit. A broker sold it for a loss. She loves lobbyists. She hired one to get tax dollars to the tune of $27 million for Alaskan pork. She promoted the bridge to nowhere before she was against it at the last minute.
McCain knows these are all lies, yet he wants to win so badly that he keeps telling them on the campaign trail. Shame on you John McCain. You bring dishonor to the Navy cap you wear to your campaign stops. As a Navy vet, I think you need to get squared away and start telling the truth.
James Curtin
The Capital Times — 9/15/2008 5:35 am

“McCain and Palin Are Trying to Take Political Lying to the Next Dimension”
By Robert Parry, Consortium News. Posted September 15, 2008.
McCain and Palin reach a new level of campaign dishonesty as they tell lies about their records and their opponent. But will they pay a price? Too

15 09 2008

It was difficult to tell, but only about 25 or 30 people are visible in photos. Meanwhile, McCain and Palin are “surging” in polls! This must be discouraging to Obama women. Can you imagine when the Jeremiah Wright tapes return in late October. People are paying attention now and the whole picture is coming to view. This is bad news for the radical left wingers.

15 09 2008

@Karen (07:15:26) : “After spending four hours yesterday, canvassing door to door in my heavily Republican community…”

YOU GO, GRRRRL! I know it’s hard – I’m in a very conservative Red State too but you/we can do it. I’ve found that many people want to talk about this election but are scared to….there are so many emotions with people calling each other “stupid,” “idiot” and a bunch of other meaningless insults. So, it can be hard for people to quietly step up and talk, but they can and will if given a small arena where one can privately ask questions.

It’s a shame we cannot act like adults, look at the issues and discuss them in a meaningful way, and then agree to disagree or concur. I’ve found that some people are so aligned with their Party (both Parties not just one or the other) that they can’t see, think or read for themselves. It’s a shame as this is the first step toward a mighty repressive regime.

I hope your Republican neighbors are aware of the number of civil rights that have been taken away over the past 4-6 years in the name of “fear” and “terrorism.”

I hope they are aware that, as of 10/1/08 the FBI (thanks to Bush and McCain) have more far-reaching powers and authority than before the Edgar Hoover. I hope people can step back, breathe and look at the issues as Americans, and decide quietly in their hearts what is best for our Country.

That’s what I’m voting on this year as my Constitutional Rights are something I hold very dear. Best of luck – and Congrats on your Courage to speak up!

15 09 2008

This race has become more about race than any I’ve ever witnessed. It will continue to polarize our country until election day and far beyond. I visit lots of sites. But I’m most astonished at African American sites that support McCain/Palin. Black Republicans? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

15 09 2008
NEWSgrist - where spin is art

Over 1000 Protesters In Anchorage Against Palin (video; photos)…

Image Via via Huffington Post:Palin Met By Over A Thousand Protesters In Anchorage (VIDEO) (PHOTOS)September 14, 2008 at 03:17 AM The AP reports: About two hours after Palin’s speech Saturday, hundreds of people protesting the policies of Palin lined …

15 09 2008

This is terrific. According to my calculations, that one rally produced 1 in every 464 Alaskans. Amazing — keep it going.


15 09 2008
Cynthia Ohio

Congratulations, you guys! Wow, what an awesome ralley! Good job!

15 09 2008

Hmm…What’s the truth here. The ‘Largest political rally EVER, in the state”. Really?!

15 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin: Couldn’t make the trip? See the rally here! « canarypapers

[…] Posted in U.S. Politics 2008 by canarypapers on September 15th, 2008 The good folks at Mudflats were kind of enough to allow us to share, vicariously, in yesterday’s ”Alaska Women […]

15 09 2008
Ten Post Round-Up: Bad News Ahead « The Dark Diva Diaries

[…] Your go-away party is bigger than your welcome home party. […]

15 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

right wingers dont concern yourself, go find your own site, what you cant find one, well make one up, thats all the gop have doing!

15 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

and thats the truth!!!

15 09 2008
Richard Hull

Alaska women – YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 09 2008
Brenda from Southern California

Thank you, thank you, thank you Alaska Women Against Palin! How wonderful that so many of you CAN think and ACT!! Wonderful inspiration and action to inspire all of us.

15 09 2008

Well, I’ll be damn!
The lipstick truth is coming out11111

15 09 2008

@Rochelle: “This race has become more about race than any I’ve ever witnessed. It will continue to polarize our country until election day and far beyond.”

In response to your question about are there Black Republicans, of course there are! Condy Rice. Clarence Thomas. Colin Powell. Please don’t generalize, for as a woman, I care not to be generalized that just because a woman is on a ticket, that I must vote for her.

The election has caught the public’s eye and heart this year because the candidates are such polar opposites. (I’m an independent and trust me, no one is sitting in the middle. We Americans don’t like the middle-ground anymore.)

I am not black. I AM a woman. I am casting my vote for Obama after voting Republican in the primaries. Why?

1) Because McCain has voted with Bush the vast majority of the time, and I want real change.
2) Because I am tired of constitutional rights being taken away in the name of fear and terror. . . we didn’t have this many rights abolished during WW2 and we had a much better financed and organized enemy than what we have today.
3) Because McCain’s policies are very Cold War era (and as I’ve stated before – for those of us who have lived the “duck and cover” era, it is an era we all prefer not to repeat)
4) Because lifelong Republicans Alan Greenspan and Warren Buffett have publicly denounced McCain’s Economic Proposal, e.g. you can cut taxes on borrowed money. This is simple math.
5) Because McCain is now linked to an Extreme Right movement (CUFI) that is parallel to the Extreme Middle East factions….it’s all about hate and starting WWIII (http://www.cufi.org) If one looks at Sarah Palin’s beliefs that have been attempted to be suppressed after her nomination, you would find she is not that different from the extreme Islamic groups (neither group which speaks for me).
6) Because McCain could have done better in his selection of a VP. Huckabee, Whitman, Hutchinson were all better prepared and he passed them by to pander to a couple of specific groups.
7) Because McCain’s ads have been despicable and morally low-ground. Do I have to mention the Obama Waffles (sanctioned by James Dobson), the ad that was meant to ignite racial fears around pedophilia and teaching “kindergartners sex ed…” (if one reads the bill, it was to teach about predators), . . . . and yet. . . in the event of rape or incest, the pregnant victim has no rights. Yuck.
8) Because McCain sponsored the bill to remove Habeas Corpus from our Constitution. Thank GOD the Supreme Court overturned this, stating it was like sending the Country back prior to the signing of the Magna Carta.
9) Because McCain supported extending the rights of the FBI for racial, gender and religious profiling and have expanded their powers (starts 10/1) without the public knowledge.
10) Because McCain said in 2002 that the War on Iraq was going to be quick and easy (and he should know as a POW, right)? Obama, on the other hand, cautioned the Bush/McCain camp on telling the American people this would not be a quick campaign.
11) Because McCain uses his POW status as a badge of honor and bravery which it no doubt is, but I am now more interested in what he has been doing over the past 40 years, and that includes the Keating 5 (cost the taxpayers $2B+), adultery, and a bunch of other things that I really don’t consider “family first.”

Obama is far from perfect. I am concerned by some of his policies and desires, but far less so than the world McCain/Palin imagine for all of us. This has to do with color when (a) it is advantageous to call Obama “uppity” (GA Repub), sell Obama Waffles (Repub event in the image of Aunt Jemima), etc. I am thoroughly disgusted and sad that our country has not come further. We should know better.

15 09 2008

[…] is why I was so pleased to read about the ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ rally this […]

15 09 2008
Ignorance of Government is Okay Thanks to Sarah Palin « Otherworld Lounge

[…] She’s used that experience lately as well as the GOP guidelines of “Denial, Denial, then Attack!” as she headed back to Alaska to find that protesters against her are massing in large numbers. […]

15 09 2008

Thank you women of Alaska. We are passing this all over the lower 48. Contra Palin blogs are springing up. Keep up the good work and we will too.

15 09 2008
Palin Power Protest « RallyGrrrl

[…] is why I was so pleased to read about the ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ rally this […]

15 09 2008

If you take away jobs, crush the economy, make it impossible to get loans for homes and education, take over the schools through the NCLB so teachers don’t have time to teach “liberal values” then you’re going to get one hell of a surge in military volunteers. This is McCain’s, and after listening to Kissinger, his too, dream. They think our power lies in being a country of rigidly controlled, military focused isolationists. Obama thinks it lies in being socially liberal, innovative with our less educated having more options than joining the military, like shoring up our infrastructure, and pursuing education. McCain doesn’t want options (empowerment) for the lower class, Obama does. That’s the main difference IMVHO.

15 09 2008
sally ~ Arizona

First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She does not demonstrate or uphold our interests as American women. It is presumed that the inclusion of a woman on the Republican ticket could win over women voters We want to disagree, publicly.
check out this article, and you trolls that are lingering here, put your glasses on first:
Alaska to Cape Cod!!!
Anti-Palin email bombs hits Cape Cod

15 09 2008
Palin Power Protest, part 1 « RallyGrrrl

[…] is why I was so pleased to read about the ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ rally this […]

15 09 2008

Why the “Biggest protest in the history of the state” actually means nothing:
Prior to Sarah Palin’s selection as Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Alaska offered nothing to the popular consciousness of the contiguous states, was never linked to someone famous with easy recollection, and never in contemporary history done anything bold or famous.

You see, when a state is generally an inscrutable tract of land far removed from the day-to-day lives of a country, it’s easy to see why most protests have been small. It’s because most people, perhaps even Alaskans, don’t care what happens in Alaska.

I’m sure great and humorously-barren states like Wyoming would be a real party if a candidate hailed from there, but Wyoming is content with a random angry soul on the sidewalk at it’s one-light intersection.

15 09 2008

Thank you!

15 09 2008

PJ (06:51:52) i was just read the salon article… everyone should… so i’ll re-post the link…. “The Pastor Who Clashed With Palin” http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/09/15/bess/index.html

15 09 2008

Hey lefties –

McCain has NEVER voted with Bush. Bush is not in Congress. Bush is the President. Bush signs or vetoes legislation that has been passed by a majority in the Congress.

Obama has voted 97% with the Democrats. Democrats control Congress. You want change? Get the Democrats out of Congress. This country has nosedived since they took control… and it will only get worse with Obama.

15 09 2008
Granny Gobama

Having just started my first blog, I am inspired by stories like this. Thank goodness for blogs and emails from ordinary citizens that are willing to discuss those things that are not well covered on our local or national news. After 85 years, I am continually overjoyed by the real power of women and their ability to organize – YES WE CAN!

15 09 2008
John McCain

Thank you, pal. You are damn right that I never voted with Bush. Sometimes I was drugged by George W. so I don’t know how I voted but hey, do you have any idea how many bills lawmakers have to vote on?

Anyway, I’ll be president soon. Those lefties will beg for mercy.
Thank you for your support.

15 09 2008
Good morning « Readers Guide to . . .

[…] you seethis? It’s interesting for all the reasons you’d guess, but also because — […]

15 09 2008

Palin is an insult to any woman who is capable of the processes of Choice, Oberservation, Evaluation, & Independent Decision Making. She’s the perfect VP for the low-information, robotic, & confused voter. She’s not more of the same, Palin is the same plus worse. More Radical, More Unqualified, More Arogant Ignorance, More Dis-Misinformation, More Rigth Wing Mean, & More Carl Rovian governing. If McCain/Palin are elected, those who voted for HER, will get exactly what they deserve, Richer For The Rich & Poorer For The Poor. GOOD LUCK!

15 09 2008


People do get the President they deserve ( unless he happens to be a
criminal, a liar and an Election stealer like G.W. Bush ).
Finally, thanks to you Alaskans, the United States might get SMART again.

It’s about time!
Contrary to the GOP propaganda, many other countries are WAY more enlightened and their respective people would never take as much bull as almost 1/2 of Americans do.

Please realize that the rest of the world LAUGHS every time you call yourselves the BEST.
The whatever-EST.

Only loosers need to brag so much.
And while you do, other people out there think AHEAD, build FUTURES that make sense – given the circumstances – and manage better without you.

In my 40 years in the USA, I have seen it spiral down in so many ways, it really makes me SICK, SAD, DEPRESSED ( all gains for the Pharmaceutical Companies who ENSLAVE you ! ).
However, I WORSHIP the original principle this country WAS based on.
That is why I MUST keep saying it like it is.

YES the U.S. Upper Education system is fantastic.
But practically one half of its citizens Americans are purposely kept stupid
by artificial systems that prevent them from accessing education.
Easier to lie to, lead the wrong way, and exploit.
That is why the Army will put you through College – if it has not killed you or maimed you physically and mentally for the rest fo YOUR life…

The American CONSTITUTION was written by imperfect people who TRIED.
Wake up and see what happened to it !

So why are so many of our leaders uniquely self-serving decisions ( like sending your irreplaceable children to DIE and KILL ) glossed over ” in the name of GOD “.
Does WHATEVER God you put your Faith in really want this ?



The History books WILL mention you as one of the triggers that brought the United States of America back into the heart of Humanity, of which the USA is only one small part.

15 09 2008
Bill Edwards

One sign I did not see, which I am having made into a bumper sticker, is:

“McCain-Palin: The REAL Bridge to Nowhere”

15 09 2008

You go, girls! May your sanity and wisdom spread to the rest of Alaska and the red states in general. Congratulations on a brilliant turnout.

15 09 2008
Bill Edwards


You are naive to argue that McCain never voted with Bush. Do you really think Bush has not made it clear to Congress his position on every bill of any consequence that is considered by Congress? McCain has been a “maverick” on very few issues, and he has changed his position now on most of those.

15 09 2008
Jenny in Michigan

I was just sent to this site by a friend and this inspiring post could not have made me happier today.


15 09 2008
Search the Web on Snap.com

Isnt it crazy if we are not for them then we are haters, now who sounds programmed! and its obvious they cant count, they try and say McCain had a crowd of 23,000 NOT more like 8000
and they see almost 2000 people against them and they see 100 !!!!!
you 1st: need to pull your head out of ____ ___ then
2nd: shake off the sand
3rd: give yourself a slap on each side of your face
Ok now you can see IF you are not already blind!
and these people in Alaska are brave cause Ive heard that if palin doesnt like you, you could get fired! but guess what Alaska she cant do it anymore cause now the nation is watching, so when she gets back to Alaska in Nov, you all should impeach her ___!
we the 48 are with you!!!

15 09 2008

Wow this is really encouraging. Perhaps many in Alaska have brains and can see through her murky personality. This actually confirms my hope that Change is on the horizon for our country. I hope McCain/Palin don’t win this! We are serious trouble if they do and if she is convinced the world will end and there will be judgment, they will NOT bring any change. They are just waiting for our world to end and that is no way to live. You have to enjoy every day and look forward to new ones.
I’m voting Obama / Biden!

15 09 2008
Constitution State

Greetings from Connecticut – with THANKS, and our long-distance support!! Please keep up the good work, and keep the faith…

Hope MORE discover this site…

Obama-Biden ’08!

15 09 2008
And the winner is… « Shippie’s playground

[…] Lastly, I’d like to share the following blog with you all from Mudflats at wordpress.  She is living in Alaska and is got some great video and facts to show regarding the rally held when Sarah Palin returned home.  What is interesting is this is the ANTI-Palin supporters rally.  All that schmuck about her being ever so popular in her state is really put into perspective!!  Check out her post HERE and read the “Alaska Women Reject Palin” Rally entry! […]

15 09 2008
Sarah Palin « Mrs. S.’s English Classes

[…] Posted by Corinna Schwartz on September 15, 2008 If  you are following the American presidential elections, you might be interested in this: https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/alaska-women-reject-palin-rally-is-huge/ […]

15 09 2008
John McCain

I’m always telling the truth but that Obama always lies.
Who of you lousy lefties made this lie up in that communist newspaper about my VP Sarah?
Don’t you know any decency?

15 09 2008

Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage. The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators). This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state.

Do you have a link for validation that this was the largest political rally ever?
Just wondering since you’ve been wrong on so many of your other Palin stories.

I guess this rally found the 15% that disapprove of Palin, since she has around an 85% Approval rating in your state.

How does this post stand against the real news reports that John McCain and Palin are now drawing Obama-sized crowds to their events?

15 09 2008

My hope is that as the air leaks out of the McCain/Palin ticket in the coming weeks and days that there will be many many more of these such rallies. I, too, live in a predominantly red state, but we packed the largest venue in Boise when Obama came in February and then increased the number of caucusing folks at the Democratic caucus by at least 7000 people. I was at the 2004 demo caucus and there were maybe 1000 people or 1500 at the most, we had over 8000 people at this last caucus. People are hungry for change and Obama / Biden is the ticket for that change.

15 09 2008
Here Ya Go « The Essentia Sphere

[…] pm (Politics, Random) I swear that I’m going to post something soon that isn’t about US politics. I promise. Pinky swear.* Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in […]

15 09 2008
Letters to the Editor: Because sometimes you just have to respond « Nailing Jello to the Wall

[…] image above is from the awesome blogger akmuckraker over at at Mudflats. Please check out the post Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Prenatal Pornography, Part DeuxNo Compromise to […]

15 09 2008
They’re probably a bunch of sexists « Sarah Watch

[…] They’re probably a bunch of sexists Published September 15, 2008 Sarah Tags: Alaska women rally against Sarah Palin, Alaskans and Sarah Palin, McCain-Palin, presidential election 2008, Sarah Palin https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/alaska-women-reject-palin-rally-is-huge/ […]

15 09 2008
Proud! « Did you know there are bears in Alaska?

[…] Proud! The ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally was HUGE! Check it out! […]

15 09 2008

Hey AKM, we need to alert each other to other GOP blogs out there where we can start to fight back in their comments sections and try to open the eyes of the undecided or easy fooled! What about starting a ‘fight back’ section on your blogroll?

Also – thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!

You take a direct quote like this:

“I thank you for what you have instilled in me. There is no better place to come from than Alaska,” Governor Sarah Palin told a morning rally yesterday, suggesting that she might not return before November.

And the GOP would have this plastered all over the media if it had come from Obama (unamerican, pro-muslim, terrorist…blah blah blah) with comments like “He should be proud to be from AMERICA first! or something like that…..they distort and they dramatize to motivate the uneducated and uninformed.

15 09 2008

Awesome photo gallery! It is truly encouraging to see what is sure to be the first of many major rallies against Palin.

15 09 2008

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I”ve posted this link (with the You Tube embed) to my blog as well.

Let’s share the outrage and maybe we can stop this insanity!

15 09 2008

Awesome post, thank you!

15 09 2008
Michela Colosimo

Thank you!!! You warm the cockles of my heart and give me hope–the audacity of hope!

15 09 2008

read up on her killing wolves !
supposedly to keep the MOOSE population down
but that doesnt make any sense, theres enough hunters to do that.

heres some humor
Mc-Surge 🙂
mccain surge cheese


old man yells at cloud LOL


15 09 2008

Thank you women of Alaska! The rest of us need to make sure we stand up and be counted too. Ever wonder how average people of 1933-1945 Germany allowed it to happen ? Just sit back and say nothing and soon you will see the same here. A must read book, They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer -the life stories of ten average citizens. Don’t let this happen again, I beg you! Please follow the lead of these wonderful people of Alaska. Stand up and be heard!

15 09 2008

It goes without saying that no politician speaks for everybody. But it’s interesting that your gripe with Palin amounts to little more than that’s she’s a Republican.

You’re prejudiced, face it.

15 09 2008
SS8, KFA46, Deluxes Dirtbox (?) Palin, SS9, Cheese. « The Book of Lunacism

[…] Rally’s are fun! – Click Here […]

15 09 2008
None of the above

Well, I bet none of these people said not thanks to the $1200 she refunded to them.. I guess they didn’t need the money. Spent it on making signs..
The bridge to nowhere.. Guess who voted to give her the money.. Obama and Biden.. If you want bigger government.. Vote for Obama.
Even Biden himself said, “Hillary would of made a better vice president than me.” Talking about pulling out your gun and shooting yourself in the foot.. What in the world is this possible Vice President thinking.. No confidence in himself.
I really wish they had a box saying, None of the Above on the ballet. I’d sure check it..
Recession is over.. Depression has started. The next 4 years is going to get worse no matter who gets the president office. War with Russia.. Maybe.. It’s called a stimulas package. Think of WWll. More jobs making gun, bullets, tanks, cloths for the troops, airplanes, ships..

15 09 2008

Thank you for this. I am down here in California and your rally refueled my hope for the Obama ticket.

15 09 2008

Obviously thes folks are ignorant of the real truth of Obamas past and radical associates and Chicago machine politics.

Give me Palin over Pelosi any time

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

wow!! just wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is this for real? well, i don’t care about Palin, but if she’s running along with McBush, then i’ll say “no more of the same”!!!

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Wow!! Kudos to those fantastic organizers for the Anti-McCain/Palin rally. I’m in California and confess to know hardly anything about Alaskans. You are an impressively creative and courageous bunch. Millions of us around the country are with you and we are proud of you. And as the previous commenter said, you have helped to renew my hope. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

15 09 2008
“Alaskan Women Reject Palin” Rally More Popular than Pro-Palin Rally « Op-Edna

[…] Palin” Rally More Popular than Pro-Palin Rally 15Sep08 Our good friends over at Mudflats, the Alaskan political insider, attended the “Alaskan Women Reject Palin” rally in […]

15 09 2008

You guys are amazing. That is just a wonderful show of what women can do when they want change to happen. You are my heroes.

15 09 2008

Wow. Seriously impressive. OMG those signs are great!

15 09 2008

Congrats on such a fab turnout. God bless you for having the courage to organize this! And what did the Barracuda say about community organizers? They don’t really do anything, right?

15 09 2008
Alaska women reject Palin ralley « Lumineux

[…] September 15, 2008 by Lumineux Check out this blog: Alaska women reject Palin ralley is HUGE. […]

15 09 2008

I saw nothing of this in the national (aka “liberal”) mainstream media. If the media were truly liberal, why have we not seen anything about this rally? All I hear is how much they adore the Governor in Alaska.

It really would be nice if the media were fair, balanced and simply reported the news. The celebrity love fest with Palin is simply incredible.

Thank you for the other side of the story. Now, when will the actual candidate for President get back into the game? Again…it’s the conservative “look over here” media strategy that seems to always work for them. Don’t talk about issues, don’t talk about facts, simply make things up that don’t add up if you actually do some research.

Keep up the good work.

15 09 2008
A Hodes

she is a greater danger to our country than al queda will ever be. mc lame is so out of touch he’s not even in the mix. there is a one in three chance he will not survive his first term if he is elected and that should scare anyone not living in the born again right wing nut job cocoon. who cares if she can see russia from alaska. she’s a fright and he’s on gas and can’t send an email…yikes a 19th century man for the 21st century.

15 09 2008
Sarah’s Saga Of Subterfuge « The Liberal Doomsayer

[…] And before I forget, here’s the latest on the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally yesterday, and this tells us that Palin has now officially […]

15 09 2008
Illinois Grandmother

Only you Alaska women can expose her for what she really is. If any of us outside of Alaska do it – it would be considered an insult to all Alaska females. It is terrifying how polarized and over sensitive we have become.

As an almost 70 mother and grandmother – I am angry and concerned about the future of our country.

15 09 2008
Stephanie L

I am heartened by this news. Where’s the Liberal Media when this is happening? So much for Fair and Balanced! More people needs to know!

15 09 2008

Congrats to the organizers of this rally. Not all of us with two X chromosomes have fallen for Sarah Palin. I’d sooner vote for Tina Fey (who did an amazing job on SNL) than a woman who obviously cannot tell the truth from a lie and feels the need to control what I do with my body. Heck, she can’t even get her abstinence-only ideas across to her own daughter. Surely the public will see through this charade soon.

15 09 2008
The “Liberal Media” Myth « Average US Citizen


15 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American In Montreal
Harley: also of Topanga, California
CindyPDX and 3 generations of women in my family from OREGON!
Sojourner’s Place

15 09 2008
Kelly from New Mexico

Awesome! The media has been trying very effectively to paint all Alaskan’s as in the tank for Palin. Thank you for proving me wrong! Now let’s show the rest of the world!

15 09 2008

This is excellent, thanks for reporting on what we cannot see through mainstream media outlets in the lower 48!

15 09 2008

This is good we must know!

15 09 2008
Not All Alaska Women Support Palin « Rabid Liberal’s Rants

[…] All Alaska Women Support Palin Posted in Politics by rabidliberal on September 15th, 2008 Writeup of recent Anti-Palin rally in Alaska… Tagged with: Politics, Obama, Election 2008, mccain, […]

15 09 2008
The Heat is on in Alaska! « Ugot2Bkidding

[…] This is a story (with video and pictures) worth reviewing. So I strongly encourage you to visit Mudflats and check it out: ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

15 09 2008

I don’t know much about Palin or Obama, but your article did catch my eye. So what are some ups and downs of Palin?… Obama?

I didn’t read all the comments, there are a lot, but I did find a story on CNN that you might like…

So what do you think?, Is it true or not?…

15 09 2008

Thank you for posting this. I will pass it on and encourage others do the same.

Boy, our news media shills for the right something awful nowadays.

15 09 2008

Thank you, peace warrior sisters of Alaska! This is the best news I could have had today! You guys rock, rock, rock. From sunny San Diego, I say, truly — yes we can.

15 09 2008

Too bad truth doesn’t count on this website. Palin’s welcome home crowd was estimated at 3,000 – double the size of this group. Just making unjustified claims – what a surprise on this blog.

15 09 2008

Just caught a glimpse of the anti-palin rally on CNN!!
Well done ladies and gents of AK

15 09 2008

A huge thank you to the women and men in Alaska that were brave enough to stand up for sanity and against Palin!!! I live outside Carson City Nevada, where on Saturday, Palin made a stop to spread more of those same lies. I was part of a much smaller protest group of women and men for Obama that showed up to let others know that not ALL Nevadans think Palin is so great. It really gives me hope to see you Alaskans stand up for our country and against the deceptions of Palin! Keep up the good work and know that many others are in the lower 48 doing the same!

15 09 2008

TROLL ALERT. sad really.

15 09 2008
So. Awesome. « In The Form Of A Question

[…] here is a heartening-if-not-necessarily-representative article about a big protest against Palin staged by women in […]

15 09 2008

I couldn’t be more excited!!! I wish I could have joined, I am from California but appreciate these fantastic efforts you women are doing in Alaska!

15 09 2008

Thanks for posting this. It’s nice to see that not everyone is in love with Palin

15 09 2008

Thank you, Alaskans!! I grew up in a small town in Montana and it kills me that people think all rural Americans buy into her hype.

It must be extra scary to risk making an enemy of a woman who is so clearly vindictive, though, so you all get the most points in my book. Keep up the good fight!

15 09 2008

ParkerMom (11:17:28) Said:

“Too bad truth doesn’t count on this website. Palin’s welcome home crowd was estimated at 3,000 – double the size of this group. Just making unjustified claims – what a surprise on this blog.”
Please look at the ( https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/09/13/infiltrating-the-palin-rally-in-anchorage/palin-rally-3/) photo and you tell me how many you think was there. The building will hold 5000. Do yourself a favor and do a little research!

15 09 2008
Ilene Proctor

Reading this letter is like sunlight after a storm, like seeing an oasis in a desert, like balm to my shattered-by-Sarah nerves.
There is no comparison between Obama’s class and McCain’s /Bush/Palin classlessness. The whole world has had enough of these lying, thieving bastards.

15 09 2008
Sad in America

Yahhh HOOO keep it going girls, find out her schedule and help locals organize rallys at every stop!

15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

check out mccain wearing lipstick…
now if someone can add that pic where palin is pouting..
there true colors..

15 09 2008
Jed Rothwell

That’s grand, but you SHOULD NOT shout down Eddie Burke. That’s undemocratic, unfair, impolite and it plays right into his hands. Next time let him have his say.

15 09 2008

Way to go! Now if we can get “The Liberal Media” to cover rallies like this, we will elect Obama in November.

15 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin « The Vortex

[…] Alaska Women Reject Palin ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats. […]

15 09 2008

Thanks for posting this! Things like this gives me hope.

I should have started a “Texans against Bush” pep rally when he was running 😦

15 09 2008
Ilene Proctor

Palin is the Spawn of Cheney and Babe Buchanan

Reading this blog was like coming upon an oasis in the desert, like a rainbow after a long storm, like a marriage proposal to a spinster.
God bless you and keep it up.

15 09 2008

How refreshing to see all these comments. Down in Idaho where Sarah Palin was born she is still a demigod, and I appreciate people making themselves visible and voicing their “first person” opinions.

I am very heartened to see all the very smart, articulate, and well educated women making themselves heard in such eloquent ways.

Thank you all for your time spent debunking the Palin spin.

15 09 2008
Ilene Proctor

keep it up. this is wonderful . A feast.

15 09 2008

This is the best news I’ve seen all day! Keep fighting the good fight, Alaska! 🙂

15 09 2008

Alaskans ought to check out the latest Sarah Palin discussion at Huffpost about Sarah’s taxes. Was she or wasn’t she required to pay taxes on the $60,000 worth of per diem she received for herself and her family from the State treasury? And just who would be Sarah’s Tax preparer be? Anybody on Mudflats know who did the family taxes each year? Her staff, a regular old guy at the local Tax prep office or some big time tax accountant??? So many questions, so little time!

May I just add that Alaska Women who Reject Palin—You women ROCK!

15 09 2008

THANK YOU so much to everyone who participated in this event! The courage, brains, heart, and wisdom everyone showed is amazing! I teared watching the video above and reading this story. As someone above commented, do not underestimate the internet and the truth! KEEP FIGHTING! MAKE SURE YOU VOTE!

And everyone who knows Palin in Alaska, talk about your experienced with her and her family – good or bad. Do not let her Hitler like ways scare you!

15 09 2008

Haha!!! This is GREAT!! Look at all the people. The Nobama army is on the attack. Look out Sarah! 😉 Wow, the left has some UGLY women… try some lipstick.

15 09 2008

You go girls! Wish I could have been there but I live in California now. Wasilla Public Library was where I got all the good books when I was a kid, and I love that you held your rally there.

A friend of mine said “it pisses me off to hear our hometown mentioned on NPR in relation to the frikkin Republican ticket.” I couldn’t agree more. So I thought I’d pitch in my two cents about Sarah Palin, her beliefs, and why she is not a representative of all Wasillans, or Alaskans, or indeed of many women or men that I personally know.

From Moveon.org, here’s a list of Sarah Palin’s stand on several issues, with my comments on the other way of looking at things.

* Palin recently said that the war in Iraq is “God’s task.” She’s even admitted she hasn’t thought about the war much-just last year she was quoted saying, “I’ve been so focused on state government, I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq.” 1, 2
* Many Wasillans, and former Wasillans, believe that “War is not healthy for children and other living things.” Many of us, even though we are very busy, are paying attention to the war in Iraq and are actively involved in promoting Peace. We know that this has been a war that has failed. Many of us believe in an end to all political violence, and seek actively to create a world of understanding and one in which “God” and “War” are finally and forever dissociated from each other in the lexicon of humanity. We read extensively about current events. Oh and we watch The Daily Show too.

* Palin has actively sought the support of the fringe Alaska Independence Party. Six months ago, Palin told members of the group-who advocate for a vote on secession from the union-to “keep up the good work” and “wished the party luck on what she called its ‘inspiring convention.’” 3
* Many Wasillans and former Wasillans feel it is ironic that someone who is married to a person in favor of Alaskan secession from the USA is hoping to become the Vice President of the USA.

* Palin wants to teach creationism in public schools. She hasn’t made clear whether she thinks evolution is a fact.4
* Many Wasillans and former Wasillans have degrees from accredited Universities, and know that evolution is a fact. Douglas Futuyma writes in his Evolutionary Biology book “The statement that organisms have descended with modifications from common ancestors–the historical reality of evolution–is not a theory. It is a fact, as fully as the fact of the earth’s revolution about the sun.” In fact, they even taught us this at Wasilla High.

* Palin doesn’t believe that humans contribute to global warming. Speaking about climate change, she said, “I’m not one though who would attribute it to being manmade.” 5
* Many Wasillans and former Wasillans have seen the film An Inconvenient Truth, and are using canvas bags and driving a Prius. Additionally, we know from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that “this era of global warming is unlikely to be entirely natural in origin and the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence of the global climate.” Many of us know the consequences of, and are actively trying to reduce the effects of Global Warming.

* Palin has close ties to Big Oil. (And supports oil drilling in the ANWR and OCS) Her inauguration was even sponsored by BP. 6
* Many Wasillans and former Wasillans know that human beings have a responsibility to be good stewards of the planet – after all, its the only one we’ve got. While oil is currently a needed commodity, we know that the future of energy lies in renewable resources and not in more drilling of oil, and especially not in the fragile Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Defenders of Wildlife says, “The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the largest wildlife refuge in the United States, encompasses 19 million acres and provides habitat to a diverse array of wildlife including millions of migratory birds, caribou, three species of bears (polar, grizzly and black bears), wolves, Dall sheep, muskoxen, arctic and red foxes, wolverines, plus many more. The nearby continental shelf provides the coastal waters with a rich nutrient base, which in turn supports a variety of marine mammals including the endangered bowhead whale.” Sarah supports the aerial shooting of wolves and opposes placing polar bears and beluga whales on the list of endangered species, despite “overwhelming scientific evidence that such listings are warranted.” Learn more about why it’s so important to protect Alaska’s environment.

* Palin is extremely anti-choice. She doesn’t even support abortion in the case of rape or incest. 7
* Many Wasillans and former Wasillans believe strongly in making good and informed choices about becoming parents, and use birth control. We also believe that women have full and soverign control over their fertility and pregnancy. We are involved with Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, National Organization for Women, and the American Civil Liberties Union. Most major feminist organizations support pro-choice positions. As a woman, I respect other women enough to allow them to make these decisions, and I would hope that Sarah Palin, a woman like the rest of us who benefited from the Women’s Movement, would give other women that respect too.

* Palin opposes comprehensive sex-ed in public schools. She’s said she will only support abstinence-only approaches. 8
* Many Wasillans, and former Wasillans, are the beneficiaries of sex education and remained thankfully un-pregnant, even after all those Saturday nights learning about love in the back seat. Many of us believe that sex is a normal, healthy activity, and want the children and teenagers of our society to learn about it in an age-appropriate way, enabling them to make healthy choices. Many of us know that sex-education in schools is a good thing.

* As mayor, Palin tried to ban books from the library. Palin asked the library how she might go about banning books because some had inappropriate language in them-shocking the librarian, Mary Ellen Baker. According to Time, “news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving “full support” to the mayor.” 9
* Book banning, Really??!? As a former English Teacher, I can’t possibly imagine what Sarah could be thinking. Maybe she needs to get out more. Maybe she should read some of these books. I know I don’t want to live in a government that believes in banning books. If a book is being challenged or banned in your community, the ALA can help you do something about it.

So, I’d like the world to know that while Sarah is from our hometown, and she is from a very nice family, she doesn’t speak for all of us. Many Wasillans, and former Wasillans, will be voting for Obama, a man with a dream for America. You can read his stance on the issues here.

I’d like to add that with the current media fixation on Sarah and the Republican party, (a party that induces nasty hangovers) it is easy to become fearful that they might actually win. Do not be discouraged… focus on the good. Hold a space in your heart and mind for Obama. Contribute to the rise in consciousness that is happening on the planet. Think positive!

15 09 2008
not a sheep!

big news! “1400 fanatical democrates (who probably didn’t vote for her before) now come out in classical liberal wacko form” thinking the tide will shift from rational thinking voters – at least in alaska! WOW! Most of the 80% who did vote for her decided to hunt moose, fish, take care of their children and work for the day! Palin won AK last term, why would she loose AK this time? please someone tell me why this makes your panties wet?

15 09 2008
“Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally” « Falling Into The Gap

[…] this update on Palin’s Rally here.  He attended both the ‘pro-Palin’ rally as well […]

15 09 2008

Texas is a lost cause, they always vote red. =[ Unless it’s local. then usually the best candidate wins.

15 09 2008

Wow!! That’s great! Thanks for the update!

Go Obama-Biden!!!

It goes to show you that McCain’s lies are backfiring! Everyone needs to do what they can to help the Obama-Biden campaign! Donate or volunteer to help make the change happen!!


15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

Here they are again defending her, why don’t you go out and campaign for her and get off a site that you already know is against you, we all are aware of their lies…
they just said on cnn: the campaign passed out homemade signs, LOL.
Hey Alaskans way to go!! they took our motto of change, now they want homemade signs!!LOL!!

15 09 2008
Those who know her best– « Controlling Authority

[…] who know her best– Here’s a great blogpost (w/photos!) of a rally last weekend:  Alaska Women Reject Palin.  Not covered by […]

15 09 2008
not a sheep!

if i were a democrat in republican clothes in this election year, i would usually, act like a victim, want handouts from the government, blame the govt., make up unfounded lies, perpetuate those unfounded lies, call other’s who don’t believe me childish names, personally attack the other side, ignore the issues and use clever subterfuge to deter other’s like me from leaving our party in fear of lies!

If i were a democrat i would do all of the above, but also elect a president who has less so-called experience than the opposing party’s number two! i would ignore the votes of a woman who would help seat that president in the white house (hillary), i would vote for hillary, but let those few delegates, ultimately decide who wins the nomination. i would put down small town mayors, abuse women’s actions, and make fun of war injuries by claiming “he just doesn’t know how to email.” I would want my president to image his style after JFK, but not attend townhall meetings with the opposition as JFK did! i would only turn my message to the group i am speaking with and change it speakign to another. i would apologize for america’s stregths, while gaining from it!


15 09 2008

California thanks you!
I thought our Gov was scary, but you Alaskans have us beat by a mile!

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Wolf in Sheep’s clothing. That’s what I labeled Sarah Palin the first time I saw her. She stands for everything I’m against. When I read this article I had a huge smile on my face. The media make is seem that 80% of Alaskans LOVE Palin. So when I saw your video of how many protestors were there, I started to tear up!! That’s so awesome. I like one woman’s idea in Florida about having more of these protests. I think this would especially be awesome in the town McCain/Palin are traveling to this week/next. GET OUT and PROTEST!!!

15 09 2008
ee cummings had the right idea… | So Much Fail...

[…] Women in Alaska tell Palin to go fuck herself… definitely a heartwarming story. It is the largest protest in the state’s history. Friendly reminder to the trash who either gave out the personal info of the event organizers over the radio and those who decided to menace them with violent threats… Alaskan women shoot back. […]

15 09 2008

Greetings from California. Awesome Post!! Good to know that Alaska doesn’t fits a bad stereotype. Great job to everyone who organized and was there. We’ve got to protect Womens’ Rights!

15 09 2008

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Divatalk – MD/DC
Harley: An American In Montreal
Harley: also of Topanga, California
CindyPDX and 3 generations of women in my family from OREGON!
Sojourner’s Place
Sherri_in_Austin -Austin, TX

15 09 2008

After viewing the ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ article/video posted on CrooksAndLiars.com … I left the following ‘comment’ and thought to copy it to your site:

175 gryfyn Says:


Many excellent comments to the ‘anti-Palin’ demonstration in Alaska … however … (unfortunately … many Democrats as well as Independents and Republicans are missing a more critical fact!) … my premise has always been that John McCain did not select Sarah Palin … the neoCONS did … read the supporting evidence by going to the following link:


Excerpt from … The Palin Doctrine: Why the Neocons Are So Excited … by Arianna Huffington

The Daily Telegraph details how the neocon talent scouts spotted their political Eliza Doolittle back in the summer of ‘07. The love connection began, appropriately enough, on a love boat:

“Sources in the McCain camp, the Republican Party and Washington think tanks say Mrs. Palin was identified as a potential future leader of the neoconservative cause in June 2007. That was when the annual summer cruise organised by the right-of-centre Weekly Standard magazine docked in Juneau, the Alaskan state capital, and the pundits on board took tea with Governor Palin.”

September 15th, 2008 at 12:32 PM – PDT

15 09 2008





15 09 2008
Sarah Palin in 4 words… « BalsamRed: the blog of Khall

[…] out MudFlats, an Alaskan blog, to read more on this story better then I can pretend to […]

15 09 2008
Joy Barnes

I want to remind those people who are gungho about how Palin would be as President, if God forbid something happens to McCain. Recall the time when Bush was called to testify at the 9/11 Commission, he had to be accompanied by Cheney because he, George W., probably needed his VP to hold hands for support. President Bush doesn’t have understanding of our secret intelligence to be able to answer questions from the Commission. Can you imagine how Palin will be as a leader of the “most powerful” nation on earth would be able to negotiate with world leaders, is she also going to ask her VP to accompany her too, because she doesn’t have enough experience. Like McCain, she probably will NOT be making the right choice in choosing her VP. For voters who do not think beyond the “charm” and spins of McCain, where are you leading this country?

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Incredible post and event up there in Anchorage, thanks Mudflats!

To the idiot with the 1% talking point, it was an IMPROMPTU rally. The turnout is astounding, and the fact that it mobilized more people for a demonstration than any in Alaska’s history far overshadows the “low” turnout when compared to the population of the state.

And what have you to say about the fact that the rally was far larger than the campaign event held only a few feet away? It may have been a small percentage of Alaska, but it was 150% of the turnout for Palin’s speech.

15 09 2008
Loussac Library: Site of Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally «

[…] According to the blogger responsible for Mudflats: Tiptoeing Through the Muck of Alaskan Politics , “This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state”. […]

15 09 2008
Sarah Palin not the ‘All-Alaskan’ heroine? « North by Northwest

[…] then I come across the Mudflats blog.  This covers Alaskan politics and has a post on how a recent counter-demo against the triumphant return of VP Candidate Palin turned out 1400 […]

15 09 2008

The feeling that coursed through my brain when I realized there is a much deeper meaning to what is happening in this election than meets the eye is indescribable. It exploded in my brain, but at the same time there was a gut feeling, a knowing, that something both women and men have been wanting for a very long time, is in the process of happening. It is humane, it is spiritual, it is part of the Age of Aquarius that we talked and sang about in the ‘70’s.

It is part of the civil rights’ movement, it is part of the feminist movement, in which a major portion of the women involved wanted desperately to be out of the patriarchy and into the matriarchy. But we did not know how what we prayed and marched for, was going to happen. Neither did the minions of Martin Luther King.

I did not realize until I was watching the Convention and a group of women that work in the U.S. House, came striding up on the stage. There were, by my best guesstimate, about 40 women. A few of them spoke, and it was evident they were realizing the impact of what was happening. They were stoked. Then I think it was Nancy Pelosi, who said there were more women delegates than men and that the number totaled approximately 2,170. I thought back to Michelle O’Bama’s speech and Hillary Clinton’s speech and realized something different. This is when it hit me. We are the ones electing Barack O’Bama and Joe Biden. We are the mothers, the daughters, the sisters, the friends, who are being the instruments of this change. The matriarchy, working its way surreptitiously, to put the best person into office. The person who has the feminine aspect in his heart and soul, who knows the struggles all of us have gone through. Hillary Clinton did her best, put up a good fight, but knew that if she continued and then wasn’t elected, this country would truly be screwed. She knew that Barack would be the best person to defeat the opposition—the patriarchy. Now, whether she knew this on a subconscious level or not we won’t know, but I suspect deep down she did.

By some force that we are perhaps not conscious of, we are supporting and encouraging our “son” to be elected, to do what we, in this patriarchy, are as yet unable to do. He is our “son” helping us to usher in the feminine, the matriarchy, which will not so much rule over all, as work with all, for unity, community , oneness and peace–for all his mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. And Barack could not have picked a better running mate than Joe Biden, because he also is in touch with the feminine aspect of his heart and soul.

The slogans of the O’Bama campaign are “change we can believe in” and “It’s time for a change”. The extent of that change is lost on most people, but there is an underlying form in those statements that touches the hearts of the people who want change. This underlying form will be the impetus for those others who are unsure of their direction, because they can feel it—the little fluttering that tells them what their soul already knows.

We must persevere, knowing that just because a woman was not chosen as a candidate for president, does not mean all is lost. It means we have chosen the right person to carry out our purpose—as women, African-Americans and all other ignored peoples. We must rejoice and be heart-full, knowing that what we are doing, by electing Barack O’Bama, is right for this country and perhaps this world.

15 09 2008


15 09 2008
cyndi rucryst

The feeling that coursed through my brain when I realized there is a much deeper meaning to what is happening in this election than meets the eye is indescribable. It exploded in my brain, but at the same time there was a gut feeling, a knowing, that something both women and men have been wanting for a very long time, is in the process of happening. It is humane, it is spiritual, it is part of the Age of Aquarius that we talked and sang about in the ‘70’s.

It is part of the civil rights’ movement, it is part of the feminist movement, in which a major portion of the women involved wanted desperately to be out of the patriarchy and into the matriarchy. But we did not know how what we prayed and marched for, was going to happen. Neither did the minions of Martin Luther King.

I did not realize until I was watching the Convention and a group of women that work in the U.S. House, came striding up on the stage. There were, by my best guesstimate, about 40 women. A few of them spoke, and it was evident they were realizing the impact of what was happening. They were stoked. Then I think it was Nancy Pelosi, who said there were more women delegates than men and that the number totaled approximately 2,170. I thought back to Michelle O’Bama’s speech and Hillary Clinton’s speech and realized something different. This is when it hit me. We are the ones electing Barack O’Bama and Joe Biden. We are the mothers, the daughters, the sisters, the friends, who are being the instruments of this change. The matriarchy, working its way surreptitiously, to put the best person into office. The person who has the feminine aspect in his heart and soul, who knows the struggles all of us have gone through. Hillary Clinton did her best, put up a good fight, but knew that if she continued and then wasn’t elected, this country would truly be screwed. She knew that Barack would be the best person to defeat the opposition—the patriarchy. Now, whether she knew this on a subconscious level or not we won’t know, but I suspect deep down she did.

By some force that we are perhaps not conscious of, we are supporting and encouraging our “son” to be elected, to do what we, in this patriarchy, are as yet unable to do. He is our “son” helping us to usher in the feminine, the matriarchy, which will not so much rule over all, as work with all, for unity, community , oneness and peace–for all his mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. And Barack could not have picked a better running mate than Joe Biden, because he also is in touch with the feminine aspect of his heart and soul.

The slogans of the O’Bama campaign are “change we can believe in” and “It’s time for a change”. The extent of that change is lost on most people, but there is an underlying form in those statements that touches the hearts of the people who want change. This underlying form will be the impetus for those others who are unsure of their direction, because they can feel it—the little fluttering that tells them what their soul already knows.

We must persevere, knowing that just because a woman was not chosen as a candidate for president, does not mean all is lost. It means we have chosen the right person to carry out our purpose—as women, African-Americans and all other ignored peoples. We must rejoice and be heart-full, knowing that what we are doing, by electing Barack O’Bama, is right for this country and perhaps this world.

15 09 2008





15 09 2008
alaska women reject palin rally [updated] « angryXer

[…] account of the event (and some excellent Alaskan-flavoured political insights), please go here. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Washington Wire – WSJ.com : Palin Leaves Alaska […]

15 09 2008
Philly Boy

Whew! I was scared that people in Alaska had gone bonkers. I escaped Sarah Palin’s religious tradition after seeping in its Bible Colleges and Seminary, so I know that foreign policy in this tradition is simple: God is on the USA’s side, everyone else is of the devil, and bombing other countries’ children is pro-life as long as you don’t have an abortion. Nice to know that not everyone in Alaska thinks this way. Unfortunately, the saner people in Alaska are getting a bad rap because all we hear about in our papers is how everyone in Alaska loves Sarah Palin.

15 09 2008

yay! Thank you for going to the rally, and for reporting on it!

peace, from an Obama supporter in Tennessee.

15 09 2008
Exponential » Alaskan Women are Trying to Tell Us Something

[…] demonstration drew a crowd of close to 1,500, according to protesters who were there, including a local blogger, who writes: “Basically, in Anchorage, if you can get 25 people to show up at an event, […]

15 09 2008

obama supporter

15 09 2008

You brave women of Alaska, you give me great hope!!! Thank you for standing UP and speaking OUT! I loved the drive by video. And the signs at the rally were some of the greatest I’ve seen.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
Linda SF


I KNEW that independent Alaskan spirit would show up!

You’ve made my day.

The clip below of Palin during the Gubernatorial debates is SO chilling and unbelievable. The “gender card” obviously is irrelevant here – au contraire!

15 09 2008
Is Palin white trash? - Page 7 - kittyradio.com

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! Mudflats __________________ "How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself." "I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing." "I will not be just a tourist in the world of images, just watching images passing by which I cannot live in, make love to, possess as permanent sources of joy and ecstasy. " -from the goddess that is Anas Nin […]

15 09 2008

It’s kinda sad the way you libs are so worked up over this campaign. Fun to watch, sad to know you’re all fellow citizens with equal votes.

“The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training”

Not even for “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

15 09 2008

Thank you for posting this! I had not heard about this rally, and I think it deserved much more attention than it got. As someone else stated, between this post and the NY Times article, there seems to be hope that the truth can get out there.

15 09 2008

In refrence to MUDFLATS and all who think the same way: Children of Satan expressing their demented minds and herarts! Wake up to the reality of eternity:


All people are occupied with the daily processes of life on this planet, eating, sleeping, drinking, working, raising a family, daily chores and responsibilities, entertainment, etc. We rarely give a thought to the reality of eternity. We live our lives as if we have a guarantee of tomorrow and even the years to come. There are those who think that when they die it is all there is, just death. Others, push the thought of death far from their minds. They may say, “I don’t want to be bothered with that thought”.

There are 8,760 hours in a period of a year. According to The World Fact book, updated as of June 10, 2008, the average life span for a male on our planet is 64.18 years, and for a female 68.2 years Total average hours of life on this planet is as follows: 56,221.6 for a male, and 59,743 hours for a female. The World Fact book statistics can be found at this link: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/xx.html All of us live our hours in both times of joy, and in times of sorrow.

In the Book of James ( In the Bible) 4:14 it says: “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes”. In the natural, our finite minds cannot comprehend eternity. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (Speaking of God) says: “He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end”.

Eternity should be a major part of our thinking process, but why is it not? 2 Corinthians 4:4 “The god of this age [Satan, The Adversary, The devil] has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel [good news] of the glory of Christ (Yeshua, if your Jewish) , who is the image of God”.

We will all face death at some point in our life, there is no guarantee of our next breath. Hebrews 9:27 :Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement”. What should we be saying?, James 4:15-17 “Instead, you ought to say, If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that. As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins”. Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. Romans 3:10 “There is no one righteous, not even one”. How can we become righteous (right) with our Creator? Romans 3:22 “This righteousness from God comes through faith [trust] in Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach, if your Jewish) to all who believe”. Jesus (Yeshua) took the punishment of eternal separation from God, which we all deserve, because of our sinfulness. How does a person come to salvation? First we must be humble because it says in James 4:6 “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble”. John 14:6 Jesus (Yeshua) said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We must acknowledge to our heavenly Father that we are a sinner, in critical need of salvation. Tell Jesus that you want Him to be the Lord and Master of your life, and surrender your life to him. Ask Him to change you and make you like Him. Read the Bible and obey what it says to do. The New Covenant (Brit Hadashah if your Jewish) is the greatest commentary on the Hebrew Covenant ( Old Testament [Tanach] if your Jewish)

Jesus spoke more about hell, then about heaven. No matter what anybody else has told you, hell is a real place Mark 9:48 “where their worm does not die , and the fire is not quenched”. Jesus (Yeshua) said in Luke 12:4-5 “I tell you my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who , after killing the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes I tell you, fear him.” Jesus (Yeshua) said in Matthew 25:41 “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Not to come to Jesus (Yeshua) for salvation is rebellion against the Heavenly Father’s only way that he has graciously provided for us. Remember that our life here on this earth is like a “mist”, in comparison to eternity. It would be beyond foolishness to reject Jesus (Yeshua) and spend eternity (never ending) in the fires of hell. The absolute worst conditions you can face here on this earth will be like heaven, compared to the separation in hell from our Heavenly Father

Remember that our life here on this earth is like a “mist”, in comparison to eternity. It would bebeyond foolishness to reject Jesus (Yeshua) and spend eternity (never ending) in the fires of hell. The absolute worst conditions you can face here on this earth will be like heaven, compared to the separation in hell from our Heavenly Father.

For those who consider themselves atheists and are reading this, you need to ask yourself the following two questions. 1. What if I am wrong? 2. Am I willing to allow my stubbornness and pride to casue me to make the gravest choice possible?. Remember that you will choose your own destiny, and have no one to blame, except yourself.

My words echo the words of Paul ( Shaul, if your Jewish) ” We are therefore Christ’s (Mashiach’s, if your Jewish) ambassadors , as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s (Mashiach’s) behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”. All the love and joy and peace that you can ever imagine are found in Jesus (Yeshua) 2 Corinthians 6:2 “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation”.

If you know you are not right with God, repent [t’shuvah in Hebrew]. Repent means to turn from doing things your way and turning to God’s ways. Trust in Jesus [Yeshua], not yourself. Ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit [Ruach HaKodesh] Attend a Church that believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Get baptized. Read your Bible daily and follow the teachings of Jesus [Yeshua] Walk in His Love to all you come in contact with.

Shalom in Jesus (Yeshua)

15 09 2008

Truth, no offense, but what does that have to do with anything? God gave everyone free will, and we are free to chose whomever we believe is the better choice. To imply that one choice is the “godlike” choice and the other is the “satanistic” choice shows your own ignorance.

15 09 2008

THANK YOU! I’ve been so embarassed for Alaska (and I’m not even from there) – I know you folks are so much more than this nitwit personifies. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for showing us the true picture. Yippee!

15 09 2008

This was certainly an encouraging read!

I’m not giving up on women voters although the easily-had ones taken in by this transparently orchestrated attempt to use us to help McCain may have made us all as a whole look like putty for a very short time.

We owe Obama this chance to right what was caused by the past two elections.

Everyone should encourage their friends, family, co-workers, etc. to vote and offer rides to those who have hardships, and we will see who wins this election!

15 09 2008

Palin is a child of God, those who oppose her are opposing God.

15 09 2008

Those who believe they can speak for God are committing blasphemy.

Try to not use God. It won’t help you in the end.

15 09 2008
Reason #101 Why I Hate Sarah Palin « Calling 4 Calliope

[…] I am not the only woman who fell off the Palin-bandwagon.  Here is a post from a website called Mudflats, written by a woman in Alaska who attended a “Alaska Women Reject Palin” ralley […]

15 09 2008

BRAVA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eva Braun MUST BE STOPPED !!!!

15 09 2008

I always KNEW I liked Alaska!
Now I like Alaska even better!
Good Job!

15 09 2008


You obviously have not thought about Eternity. I have a mandate to warn people who are choosing any other way beside Jesus [Yeshua in Hebrew]. It is not God’s will thatt any perish, but that all come to Salvation. I do not hate peole.

15 09 2008
Biggest ever political demonstration ever (in Alaska) comes out againt Palin « The Word Warrior

[…] ever (in Alaska) comes out againt Palin Posted on September 15, 2008 by Bento From Mudflats, The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally: The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and […]

15 09 2008

Thanks for the interesting account of this event which we never heard about in the media!!

Far more fun and enriching than just seeing the stories that have appeared in the past days, in the new Family Forest® it is possible to just point-and-click and visually explore the generation-by-generation family ties which connect Governor Palin to ….
A People-Centered Approach To History®

15 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Truth: Whats with all the bible quotes, and what can they possibly have to do with this election? We are not voting between God and Satan in this election, we are choosing between right and wrong for our country. Palin has demostrated that she would be bad for our country and extremely bad for our wildlife, economy, national security and any attempts at curtailing global warming (drill, baby, drill).
But just for the hell of it, tell me your explanation as to why mankind has been on this planet for two million years and God only came into being six thousand years ago. And since God created the world six thousand years ago why is there no mention in the bible of the dinosaurs because if man was created at the same time as all of the beasts of the air, land and sea, then we must have co-existed with the dinosaurs at one point, is that the animals that there wasn’t room for on the ark?

15 09 2008
miriam kurland

Yay!!!! There IS sanity in this world!!! Thank you!!!

15 09 2008

Yea! So refreshing. It is nice to know that there are good people of all faiths who find the prospect of Sarah Palin a leader in our government an appalling notion.

She has neither the cognitive ability nor the self-awareness to fulfill the office to which she aspires. She has been duped by the Emperor.

15 09 2008


You are a dime a dozen unfortunately…or fortunately for eternity’s sake. Those of you who preach about eternity, “I’m going to heaven, I don’t know about you,” have condemned themselves to judgment already, but that’s coming close to speaking for God, for which I would ask forgiveness.

It is my belief that we are judged mostly for how we treat each other here on Earth, and the blasphemous are being judged thoroughly for their using the Bible or any Holy Book as a weapon of mass destruction to be launched with every spoken (or typed) presumptuous condemnation, the same as the rest of us will be judged.

Your biggest mistake is to put yourself above the rest of your equals who share this world with you in this moment of eternity.

15 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

“Palin is a child of God, those who oppose her are opposing God.”

So, is it God’s will to slaughter animals (aren’t they God’s creatures too?) in the name of oil? Your “Truth” has a lot of holes in it.

15 09 2008

hallo – American brothers and sisters in Alaska. being from Florida i would like to know how many people are registered to vote in Alaska? How many actually voted for Palin for governor? and what percentage did Palin get to win the Governorship? dles anyone have these figures? God Bless America!

15 09 2008
Holly From Texas

As a Texan, I know how it is to be lumped in with a few of the more vocal residents of my state as being “republican”. But I live here, and I know that there are a great numbers of voters who DO NOT support Bush or any reincarnation of his administration.

Vote Baby Vote!


15 09 2008

She is a child of God, as are we all. She is precious in His eyes, as are we all. Let her be well, healthy, happy, and blessed. She is standing forward at a watershed. Whether we agree with her or not, that is an action that takes courage.

The time has come to put away childish things and use the judgment of grown men and women. We have the right and the duty to choose fairly who will lead us on Earth. Let us determine who speaks most truly for the majority of us, who is most skilled in judgment, and qualified in mind, and let us aid him or her in their difficult path.

Let each child of God be well, healthy, happy, and blessed. Let us strive to make it so to the best of our ability, and not to prejudge another person’s place in Eternity. That is God’s job, not ours.

In my heart of hearts, I do not think Sarah Palin can do the job. End of story.

15 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Let’s use Truth’s process a bit here. He (or she) wants to use the bible to say that Sarah Palin is the right choice, so let’s use the bible a minute here.
Thou shalt not kill: She encourages and even pays for the slaughter of bears and wolves because she wants to open up the Artic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling. Her and McCain both want a war with Russia and Iran, not to mention they want to invade Pakistan (our ally) without their permission, that, too, is an act of war, against our own ally.
Thou shalt not covet: See above, she covets the oil in ANWR.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor: Her lies about Obama and about herself as well have been well documented. A fact check on her speech at the RNC as well as her remarks in her interview with Charles Gibson has shown that she has a real big problem with telling the truth.
Thou shalt not commit adultery: Yep, she did that too, and got caught.
Thou shalt not steal: She stole her own states tax money to pay for vacations, travel expenses and lodging for Todd and the kids, to the tune of $43,000. She also used almost a half million dollars of the taxpayers money to run a propoganda campaign supporting the slaughter of wolves and bears.
Actually, you could go through the bible and find numerous places where her life directly contradicts the moral guidelines taught in the bible. If she is a child of God, then she is a very rebellious child.

15 09 2008
Harfax Johnson

Further supports my opinion that the main people holding back women today are other women. I’d rather face an angry man any day than an angry woman.

15 09 2008
Joanne Robrahn

I watch the news constantly and never saw anything about this protest on any of the news broadcasts. That’s pretty scary to me, but not surprising-I live in Florida.

15 09 2008
Oh My Goddess

[…] Alaska Women Reject Palin” More great photos at Mudflats blog: link […]

15 09 2008

Hooray! That gave me the chills! I’m glad to know she doesn’t speak for Alaska. I was worried.

15 09 2008
Peninsula Mom

I’ve just been paging through your blog — wow. Thanks mudflats for all of this — for those of us in the bubble in California, it’s great to get a dose of what’s really happening!

15 09 2008

You guys in Alaska make me so proud! I was afraid that all women except me and my friends were on the Sarah bandwagon. It’s great to see brave, determined women taking charge and kicking butt! Much love from the lower 48 and if anyone can tell me how I can write to the station that Eddie “***hole” Burke works for so I can try to get him fired I’d be grateful. I am sick of these right wing nut jobs getting away with crap like this

15 09 2008

ObamaMama: You go! I hope you have some pull there and can get him fired. He’s one of those to be feared, not a Palin protest from correct-thinking folks! Unfortunately, he keeps his job because there are worse nut jobs still listening to him and getting others to do the same, not really “hearing” what’s coming out of his mouth….he’s one of the many who’s egos are easily fed. That’s what’s scary!

15 09 2008

This is the first I’ve heard of this rally! Good job covering something that the mainstream media decided to overlook!

15 09 2008

You guys are AWESOME!!
You gave me hope.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

When is the ‘Alaska Women Reject God’ rally? I can’t believe that Sarah presents us Alaskans as being religious and all … I would prefer to not be associated with someone who wants to take away my rights to do with my body as I wish!!!! Obama!!!!

15 09 2008
Mom of 3 with M.A.

Wu-who! You’re the grit I imagine when thinking of Alaska women! This is going to come down to the wire and what a powerful voice you all will be when Alaska goes blue on Nov. 4!!! Keep organizing (hum, where have we heard about community organizing before?) and speak the truth! You all know best since you all know more truth about Palin than the media shows the rest of us.

I feel the undercurrent, too! My thoughts, praise, and support are with you!

–CA mom

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
jana in CA

I am so glad to see this stuff coming out about Palin. She does not represent me nor my friends. More power to her for getting the nomination but I will not support her presence in DC. Her positions will put women back decades in terms of rights. Women… get informed!!!

15 09 2008
Sarah Palin: spammer and digital secrecy scofflaw. - taccato! trend tracker, cool hunting, new business ideas

[…] snapshot of a rally organized by “Alaska Women Against Palin” this weekend. Some 1500 people are said to have participated, making it possibly the largest […]

15 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin rally « arnoldcam

[…] Women Reject Palin rally 15Sep08 Who would have thought?  Check out this link and read an Alaskan woman’s account of the anti-Palin rally up […]

15 09 2008

Thank you for doing all that! I am not an american citizen, but I de care for the US, and for people like you, from big and small towns, who know better, and that, unlike S. Palin, do have values.

15 09 2008

Thank goodness! My opinions of Alaskans was sinking quickly but I should have known better. I’m a Texan and in no way, shape or form was I ever for Bush. But they keep it real quiet about how many in Texas really HATE Bush. Should have known they were trying to shut ya’ll up too.

15 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally - Political Forum

[…] The rally was organized by a small group of women, talking over coffee. It made me wonder what other things have started with small groups of women talking over coffee. Its probably an impressive list. These women hatched the plan, printed up flyers, posted them around town, and sent notices to local media outlets. One of those media outlets was KBYR radio, home of Eddie Burke, a long-time uber-conservative Anchorage talk show host. Turns out that Eddie Burke not only announced the rally, but called the people who planned to attend the rally a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots, and read the home phone numbers of the organizers aloud over the air, urging listeners to call and tell them what they thought. The women, of course, received many nasty, harassing and threatening messages. So, as I jettisoned myself from the jaws of the Drill Baby Drill crowd and toward the mystery rally at the library, I felt a bit apprehensive. Id been disappointed before by the turnout at other rallies. Basically, in Anchorage, if you can get 25 people to show up at an event, its a success. So, I thought to myself, if we can actually get 100 people there that arent sent by Eddie Burke, well be doing good. A real statement will have been made. I confess, I still had a mental image of 15 demonstrators surrounded by hundreds of menacing socialist baby-killing maggot haters. Its a good thing I wasnt tailgating when I saw the crowd in front of the library or I would have ended up in somebodys trunk. When I got there, about 20 minutes early, the line of sign wavers stretched the full length of the library grounds, along the edge of the road, 6 or 7 people deep! I could hardly find a place to park. I nabbed one of the last spots in the library lot, and as I got out of the car and started walking, people seemed to join in from every direction, carrying signs. Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage. The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators). This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state. I was absolutely stunned. The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by. And even those that didnt honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute. This just doesnt happen here. Then, the infamous Eddie Burke showed up. He tried to talk to the media, and was instantly surrounded by a group of 20 people who started shouting O-BA-MA so loud he couldnt be heard. Then passing cars started honking in a rhythmic pattern of 3, like the Obama chant, while the crowd cheered, hooted and waved their signs high. So, if youve been doing the math Yes. The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palins rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to anyone who needs to know that Sarah Palin most definitely does not speak for all Alaskans. The citizens of Alaska, who know her best, have things to say. Link […]

15 09 2008
McCain is turning into Gulliani « voice from the pack

[…] interesting to note that Palin isn’t the bees knees “oop north” […]

15 09 2008



Poor Sarah… I’m sure she’s quite the nice lady, but she’s in over her head…

15 09 2008
Matt Thomas

This is really interesting. Thanks for the report and the great photos! I just heard about the rally tonight on NPR, and what do you know, when I went to WordPress.com, your blog was the “hawt post” of the moment. 🙂

15 09 2008

WOW!!!! Fabulous post – and congrats on getting the message out about this super event. (OK I’m suppressing blogger envy right now at your comment totals – and your stats must be off the map! – Way cool)

I am enjoying your site, and your reports of all things Alaska. Keep it up!

I’m very proud of those women for bravely pulling off their rally, and for all the folks who took the time to make posters and attend. The voice of the people can be a powerful thing when people join together. Shame on Eddie Burke. Shame on his radio station if they condone such inappropriate behavior and allow him to continue working there. Maybe the ladies will organize a new rally requesting ALL Alaskans to boycott listening to the station and boycott all that station’s advertizers…hit ’em where it really hurts (the good ‘ole pocketbook) …and Bye Bye Eddie.

15 09 2008

This website is the first thing I have seen that really gives me hope..how do I forward it to my friends? Do I copy and paste it? I couldnt find a link that I could forward..if anyone can help I would much appreciate sending this on to the many who need to read this..thank you!

15 09 2008

Thank you so much, for this blog, for your reporting, for your vigilance. But especially for these pictures and the video and for this post. You made me cry (in a good way)! It’s wonderful to see people standing up, fighting for their truth.

On another note, as a Tar Heel, I appreciate the challenge to “red state stereotype” that this rally poses. While we may not always break through the media filters, it’s good to get evidence from the ground that there really are a lot of us out there who are feeling the same way. Thanks again and again!

15 09 2008
Weekend Highlights « The Church and politics

[…] was intriguing: an account of a seemingly fervent anti-Palin rally in […]

15 09 2008

Go Alaska women!!!!

Came across this from a link at The Guardian. Fantastic!

Now forwarding this link to all my mates everywhere in the world to show see the women of Alaska taking a wonderful stand against mickey mouse politics of Miss Palin and her right wing liar brigade.

I wish I could have been there. Even though I’m not a woman nor Alaskan.

As for Mr Burke, what a nasty piece of work. Great to hear he was suitably humiliated.

The boycott sounds like a great idea!

Keep up the good work

15 09 2008
Notional Slurry » links for 2008-09-16

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats (tags: politics Bushism protest election activism video women social-capital social-networks MSM) […]

15 09 2008

GO GRRRLS! The world is behind you 100%. Keep up the good work

15 09 2008

Well done and great photos. Living on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, I hope Sarah Palin doesn’t make an impact in the US. I have a feeling she could be America’s answer to Margaret Thatcher. Anyone familiar with Thatcherism would remember her castration of the trade unions, privatisations, high unemployment, inflation and interest rates.

With the banks in freefall, the last thing America wants is the continuence of neo-liberal economic policies.

15 09 2008

Wow, 1400 whole people? Really? That is an Alaska record?

15 09 2008
Anti-palin Rally Biggest In Alaska History–mudflats | Politics - Sharpy News

[…] AKMuckraker @ Mudflats: Basically, in Anchorage, if you can get 25 people to show up at an event, it’s a success…. […]

16 09 2008

This is such a relief! I hope that Palin isn’t enough of a media pleaser to win over the conservatives, I’m Australian and I don’t want to see another American government, I hope that Obama lives up to everyone’s expectations and that Palin doesn’t win enough enthusiasm to beat him. Many sociologists have predicted though that O’kane will win, but this blog has restored my hope.

16 09 2008
Lipstick « Everything you DIDN’T want to know about Ashley…

[…] Also, I have come to really love Alaskans, especially these. […]

16 09 2008

[…] there was confirmation by passing cars, both of which suggest that demonstration was broad based. To quote a paragraph: Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage. The organizers […]

16 09 2008

Everybody go to http://www.barackobama.com and ask him to come to Alaska and organize the biggest baddest turn out as of yet in American political history. I know you guys can do it. YES WE CAN BABY!!!!!!

Lets show McSame and Miss. Pigstick who really Alaska want’s for President.

please please please go to the site above and sign up and invite him to alaska, beg if you have to and before election day he shall be there.

16 09 2008

Who’s that idiot who said Palin is a child of God? God does not allow indiscriminate killing, human or non-humans. God wrote in stone that “Thou Shall Not Lieth” and Palin failed that commandment miserably along with Bush and McBush. Dumb, dumber and dumbest.

16 09 2008
Phawker » Blog Archive » YOU CAN PUT LIPSTICK ON A STONEWALL BUT: Palin Refuses To Speak To ‘Troopergate’ Investigator, Might Get In Trouble

[…] MUDFLATS: Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage.  The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators).  This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state.  I was absolutely stunned.  The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by.  And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute.  This just doesn’t happen here. Yes.  The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! MORE; PLUS MORE ‘REJECT PALIN’ RALLY PIX […]

16 09 2008
Lee Cavitt

Thanks!! Add you to my website links.

16 09 2008
So, Sarah Palin can do no wrong? « gibberish

[…] Read more here. […]

16 09 2008
It’s Official: I’m Obsessed With Sarah Palin « Family of Five

[…] I’ll close with “Keep Hope Alive.” This report on an anti-Palin rally in Anchorage really raised my spirits. Do scroll down to the bottom of the […]

16 09 2008
Tracey aka rattytatty

I am not from Alaska or The USA but I don’t want Palin to be VP and to be honest that probably means president, with the health of McCain . Shes one scary woman. I worry about her attitudes about war, womens rights and so much more.

I am considering doing a scrapbook layout about my feelings could I use some of your pics. Please e mail me if I can . Unfortunatly I don’t think your protest had much international coverage so I would like to post my layout in UK scrappers
yours Tracey

16 09 2008
The Palin Rally That No One is Reporting About | JordanCornblog

[…] aren’t we reading about the real Palin rally that took place this weekend in Alaska?  That would be this one […]

16 09 2008
Two women, different story « Birmingham University Labour Students

[…] regular user of WordPress can have failed to notice; having been little mentioned in the press, the Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is hearteningly reported on the Mudflats blog, and details the protest which saw over a thousand […]

16 09 2008

Greatings from Australia!
Keep it up, stop the lunacy that is McSame/Palin.
Sent link to the story to one Norwegian paper, and shall see what I can do down here in Oz.
Wake up calls all over the globe!!

16 09 2008
Palin For President

Everybody at that protest was a commie who hates the United States!

Sarah Palin is going to be president of the United States one day!

And I can’t wait!


16 09 2008

You are helping make many people I know understand, somewhat relieved, that not all that’s so-called “newsworthy” in the press is true!

Way to go in the Snow, Alaska!


16 09 2008
Palin For President

Sarah Palin for President!

16 09 2008
Sarah Palin’s Heartwarming Homecoming Event « the Apophatic Attic

[…] Heartwarming Homecoming Event Thanks to April Reign for drawing my attention to this blog account of Saturday’s huge anti-Palin rally in Anchorage.  I understand a thousand some-odd […]

16 09 2008

Great article and photos!

16 09 2008
Bill Clayton

Sarah Palin’s nomination is a statement about John McCain’s poor judgment. Palin is SO unqualified. Being an appealing personality doesn’t make her suitable for the vice presidency. Being the governor of a state with a population that ranks 47th among 50 the states — for only two years — hasn’t given her the experience to be vice president, a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world. Being the mayor of a town of 9,000 people doesn’t qualify her to be the chief executive officer of a country with a population of more than 300 MILLION. She was for the “bridge to nowhere” before she was against it; and she kept the money to use on other state projects.

In her recent interview with Charles Gibson, she couldn’t answer the question: “Do you believe in the Bush doctrine?” because she didn’t know what it was. She’s not well versed on the critical matters confronting the country at one of the most crucial turning points in its history. She told an audience that she and John McCain would be fighting “the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans.” Was she deliberately falsifying history, or does she still not know that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the Sept. 11 attacks? She would be a vice presidential candidate who never even had a passport until last year, so she bases her foreign policy experience on Alaska’s proximity to Russia. She lied about going to Iraq – she’s never been there. She said she had been to Ireland; it was a stop for refueling.

I could go on but I think you get the point. Sarah Palin is an appealing, pleasant woman who’s probably very intelligent and seems to be an attentive mother. But she’s absolutely unqualified for the vice presidency, much less the presidency (which is a very real possibility, given that John McCain is 72 years old and was diagnosed with four malignant melanomas and won’t release his medical records to the press).

Please, have some sense. The are serious times for America; we need serious people who have the ability to lead us out of the hole that the current administration has put us in. Palin is not the person to do that.

16 09 2008

All of your photos made me cry! I am so happy to see your hard work and intelligent actions. Thank you for making yourselves heard!

16 09 2008

Finding the mudflap made my day! Thank you, citizens of the great state of Alaska for showing us that democracy is safe in the hands of the people, and that you see behind Palin’s pretty facade to see the ugliness in her ethics, policies, and ideology. I’m a Senator Obama supporter from Colorado. Please know I am with you at your next pro-Obama rally in spirit.

I am proud to be a citizen of our great country. Now, let’s take it back! Thanks again!

16 09 2008


16 09 2008
Girly Girl

WHEW! Thanks for this great pick me up! I love it!

16 09 2008

This is awesome. Thanks for keeping us on the Outside posted on the realities up there. And kudos to the courageous women who organized and all of you who attended this. You all are some seriously righteous Americans.

16 09 2008

I have been a Democrat since my 21st Birthday…….So OBAMA / BIDEN are my choice to lead our Country !! We sure need a change. McCain/Palin please give up…. THANK YOU ! PEACE !!

16 09 2008

Great work you all know how to twist and distort every fact to the fiction world that fits your fantasy. Drink more St. Obama Kool-aid!

16 09 2008

Such a relief to come across your post – sending this from the other side of the ocean where I and many of my friends have beens spitting blood at Palin, feeling insulted by her false feminism, and marvelling at her gall. Comforting to know that there are so many women who see through her.

Best wishes


16 09 2008
Coco McBean


16 09 2008

Sarah would not be running on the Republican ticket if she were not a women.
The Republican Party selected her in my opinion simply to play the the gender card. She is totally unqualified to be Veep let alone President. Our country would be a shambles if she were there. She has no clue what it’s like to be anywhere outside Alaska. Even tho she admited she had been to Mexico and Canada in her Gibson interview, her scope of knowledge can be stuffed into an olive. This is just a big confusing joke,. The American people have GOT to wake up. Thanks for sending this out there in cyberspace.

16 09 2008
Alaska is anti-Palin and so are we! « Abstraction Reaction

[…] anti-Palin, protest This is absolutely amazing.  Check out the coverage of an anti-Palin rally in Anchorage!!  Thanks to Mudflats for the info and […]

16 09 2008

Thank God! Perhaps She’s had ENOUGH!!!!

16 09 2008

I am so proud of everyone that gathered at this rally! As an Obama supporter from New Jersey I say THANK YOU!!!! We stand with you in spirit!

16 09 2008
L.G. Moore

After reading most of this BS…How do you; that are anti-Palin, explain a nearly 80% approval rating with the rest of Alaska? We down here in the lower 48+Hawaii are beginning to think Anchorage may be Alaska’s San Francisco/Berkley.

You guys need to show more respect to our next Vice-President.

16 09 2008
L.G. Moore

O’ No…just gave a Obama rally…No one showed up..I think I’ll start a blog about it.

16 09 2008
natalie c h

THANK YOU! THANK YOU!, Anti-Palin women of Alaska. In the face of diminishing pro Obama numbers ( according to one of the smaller college pol), your rally let’s us all breathe a bit more deeply than before. Keep your contagious and terrific optimism going.

16 09 2008

Obama’s ship is going down faster then gay congressman Barney Frank at a all boys school. I see Palin Derangement Syndrom is alive and well amongst the Moonbats of Alaska despite her 80% approval rating.

I am so looking forward to seeing the face of The Obamessiah when McCain/Palin hand him his ass on November 5th and he has to give his concession speech….I can imagine the gallons of the poison koolaide that will be served to the Obamabots by the leaders of the Obamanation!

Mazel Tov Bitches!

16 09 2008

Palin should be exposed in the media at large for the animal slaughter policies
that she supports and pays the Alaska Dept of Fish and Gameto slaughter the Alaskan Wolf and their Puppies

16 09 2008
“Alaska women reject Palin,” just saying “no” to Palin as VP pick » Clarksville, TN Online

[…] with a good double shot of espresso, and a brisk walk back to my car, it was time to head to the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally.  It was to be held outside on the lawn in front of the Loussac Library in midtown […]

16 09 2008
C Barnes

Finally an honest perspective Its so hard to find any truth in Alaska these days. Alaska is becoming more corrupt then the Bush administration!
God knows when you are lying!!
Great rally girls!

16 09 2008
C Barnes

Finally an honest perspective Its so hard to find any truth in Alaska these days. Alaska is becoming more corrupt then the Bush administration!

God knows when you are lying!!

Great rally girls!

16 09 2008
kay bennigan

I know a good campaign slogan for Palin



16 09 2008

GO Alaskans GO GO GO! You people are the absolute GREATEST!
An Ohio FAN!

16 09 2008

Read ‘White House Idol’ .. ” .. Palin – that bloated, aged Angelina Jolie is more ‘appealing’ than the serious looking Barack .. You know he might make a clever pass at you but Palin would go the WHOLE way .. And boy, what a jolly romp it would be .. So let it be known – the American Presidential elections are not about a particular job of leading a nation .. ” Continue on http://indiaonedge.wordpress.com/2008/09/15/white-house-idol/

16 09 2008

AWESOME! Thanks for the info… I just linked to this post on my blog: http://14mos.blogspot.com

BIG LOVE to all my forward-thinkin’ and change-wantin’ sisters to the North!

16 09 2008
ANTI-PALIN RALLY: GREAT SUCCESS!! « Painfully Honest Letters To The Editor

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats. […]

16 09 2008
Rally vs. Rally. Do the Math. « Mudflats

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

16 09 2008

You Alaska people are WONDERFUL! Do NOT believe the polls. They have to be rigged now so they can maybe match another theft of the White House this election. They almost went out of business by being so wrong the last time…. actually they were right, the election was rigged. There is solid PROOF that the election was stolen here in Ohio in 2004 and the republicans are trying to do it again by hacking the machines and publishing big lies after lies. There are many stages to their assault on our “elections.” If McBush “wins” in November, it will be because of criminal acts. There is no way the majority of America wants four more years of republicans after the disaster of these past eight.

16 09 2008
Senator Palin is not Alaska's choice for the White House | Janet Klinger's Photography Blog

[…] minds, of which mine is often included. But Alaska is wide awake and roaring now. Check out this post. Phew! I was worried one of my favorite states was wanting a leader so badly, following Palin down […]

16 09 2008

I keep thinking I would have gone to the rally but,
I’m not Alaskan, nor a woman…

I could have brought coffee…

Good going, more power to you.

16 09 2008

Keep making noise! I’ve linked to your story on my blog too:


Keep up the good work and come join my conversation.

16 09 2008
Word Perv

Awesome! So glad you were there. My sister’s boyfriend emailed me this link and I’m glad I read it. Soooo voting for Obama! We need change!!!!

16 09 2008



there’s your reason why there are not covering it.

16 09 2008
Iben hakenluggis

I smell real fear … And methinks the smell is coming from all you left-wing whackos defecating in your shorts. PRICELESS

16 09 2008

Fantastic work gathering all this together and getting so much attention for it online! I’m in awe of all these people for bucking what they are told they think, and for showing up despite probable fears similar to yours. I’m glad for all of you that you weren’t outnumbered, outshouted, and intimidated when you showed up to raise your voices.

16 09 2008

I cannot believe he (McCain) had the audacity! We the people cant let our beautiful country go into the shitter, not again and not like this…

16 09 2008

It’s a good thing that John McCain is “technology-challenged” and does not know how to text. After Redneck Sarah’s interview with Charrrrlee Gibson, I’m sure his phone would have been blowing up with hundreds of hits of this message from other Republicans, including Karl Rove: WTF!? WTF!? WTF!? And after this anti-Sarah rally that outnumbered the Weclome Home rally…OMG! OMG! OMG! As to her qualifications versus Obama’s, I heard a really good line yesterday: Jesus was a community organizer. Pontus Pilate was a governor.
*(And no, Obabma is not Jesus, …the remark just underscores why that type of work should not have been treated so dismissively by Sarah Palin.)

16 09 2008

Awesome blog. Keep up the great work. It’s nice to have an insider’s viewpoint.

16 09 2008

The selection of Sarah Palin as a vice-presidential candidate is a disaster waiting to happen. Go Barak.

16 09 2008

The selection of Sarah Palin as a vice-presidential candidate is a disaster waiting to happen.

16 09 2008


Glad to hear there’s women of SUBSTANCE and brains up there!

16 09 2008

Wow… This election really is about the Passionate vs. the Panderers. Alaska probably won’t go Blue, but you can make it a hell of a fight.

16 09 2008
Shan from Baltimore

Great job guys and gals. You almost made me cry (from joy)


16 09 2008
Sue HM

WOW…WAY TO GO ALASKAN WOMEN (and men!!) I am so proud of your moxie and willingness to get out there and prove that you aren’t all like “her.” THANKS BE TO GOD!! SO did this rally get much if any national media play??? I think this needs to be seen and heard across the country. Get it out there! Send this to Fox news!!! Congrats on organzing such a marvelous rally.
Sue in Tucson, AZ

16 09 2008

@ Iben hakenluggis:
What, exactly, is there to fear? Other than the bigotry and penchant for violence you right wing nutjobs seem to delight in, that is.

@Big Story;
That 80% figure is so last year(plus, a $3000 check buys a lot of “approval”). Its dropped quite a bit, and the numbers from within the gov’t and people who actually follow gov’t, are way, way less. Once again, though, people miss the point. Its not about percentages, its about the truth. More people protested than were there to actually see her. That says a lot, even if the right wingtards don’t get it.

16 09 2008
Sue HM

Send this to every media outlet you can! The real truth needs to be seen and heard. Way to go Alaskan Women!

16 09 2008


If palin gets in, you get what you deserve. Converted yet? Good luck whence the rapture comes.


16 09 2008

@LG Moore

try that thing called ‘reading’. Alaska local papers have discussed this numerous times.

She ran against an already corrupt incumbent, anyone could have won.

She brokered the “Oil welfare” that Alaskans get (a very socialist measure, no?).

The approval ratings have since dropped, and continue to do so.

People inside Alaska Gov’t, as well as those who follow gov’t give her low teens for favorability.

Even you, if you gave all your constituents a couple thousand dollars, could get high public approval ratings for a short period.

16 09 2008

This is an amazing event. I had not heard about this until now, but it is so amazing to see so many women uniting for the greater good and letting their voices be heard! I want to say a big THANK YOU to all the women who participated in the demonstration, it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that, especially to the republican women who went out to voice their opposition to this obviously condescending VP choice.

Last but not least, thank you Mudflats for the great, well written blog post and excellent photos! Keep up the great work, ladies, and GO OBAMA!

16 09 2008

Some of the greatest people aren’t adequately appreciated on their own home turf. I guess this is an example of liberal love.

16 09 2008

I’m actually sorry I missed this. I would have blasted this song in my car stereo with the windows wide open:

Right-wingers Need Love Too!
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008
[audio src="http://www.drblt.net/music/rightwingers.mp3" /]

16 09 2008
R. Johnson

I’ve never seen anything like this before. But then I’ve never seen anyone tell as many lies with such a straight face as Sarah Palin.

Kudos Women of Alaska.

16 09 2008

Thanks for making us aware of this! 🙂 I’ll spread it like wildfire. Forget the mainstream…who needs them? I think SNL made their point well too!

16 09 2008

This is great!! Thanks for getting this out to us when the professional news media won’t! awesome photos!

16 09 2008

Bless you for letting us know about this!

16 09 2008
anti palin rally…..how real alaskans fell about sarah, news media absent! « Finger Prick

[…] palin rally…..how real alaskans fell about sarah, news media absent! The Mudflats Blog has done it again and come up with a great commentary with still pictures and video for (as he puts […]

16 09 2008
Alaskans protest Palin « Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub

[…] here, at the venerable Mudflats blog.  Is it true that this protest against Palin was the largest political rally in Alaska, […]

16 09 2008
Stephen C. Rose: With All The Attention, Palin Still Escapes Scrutiny : WhyWeVote.com

[…] So, if you’ve been doing the math… Yes. The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to anyone who needs to know that Sarah Palin most definitely does not speak for all Alaskans. The citizens of Alaska, who know her best, have things to say. SOURCE […]

16 09 2008

Thanks for letting us know! I dedicated a post on my blog, http://www.writethejourney.wordpress.com, to this protest with a link to this post. Gives me hope!

16 09 2008
Alan Colmes’ Liberaland » Blog Archive » Anti-Palin Rally Organizers Threatened And Called “Socialist Baby-Killing Maggots”

[…] a group called “Alaska Women Reject Palin” announced a  weekend rally, they received threats after conservative talk show host Eddie […]

16 09 2008

I am so proud of the women of Anchorage. Go Women for Obama!

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
No, I’m Not Done Questioning Palin « West Coast Grrlie Blather

[…] those who need an emotional lift: The ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ rally is huge! Watch the […]

16 09 2008

Hello from New York! Just wanted to let you know your reporting is reaching lots of people via the Web who’ve never been near Alaska, and we appreciate the info. I got the story via an Obama news mailing list. We need the info you have, keep up the good work!

16 09 2008

You copy the list and paste it in the comment box and add your name and submit!

Mary in TN
California Cowboy
Tracy NC
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Rebecca Chicago
Mary Nagle Chicago
Cynthis Texas
Wisconsin women
Sally AZ
Wisconsin Shopgirl
GJ Idaho
Ny Dem
Dem VA
David E NY
Dee PA
Susie Jersey
Linda Virginia
Sad in red state Texas
Sara Mississippi
Nancy Indiana
Fred Calif
Marcella Chicago
Uk lady
solsticeatese Nertherlands
Australian puck male
Laurie canadian
RedwoodMan – Northern California
Whichferret Kansas
Lenore – California

16 09 2008

Thanks everyone in Alaska, you may not be on the front page of the national papers, but you made a big noise on the internet and through grassroots proliferation of the media that isn’t always heard. CONGRATS. keep pounding the pavement, stressing the values of our party (diversity, equality, happiness, family values), and rock on until November!

16 09 2008
16 09 2008

Boy … do I feel relieved to hear all of this. I have been quite scared since this exploded – the Palin phenomena.

If I see one more picture of her with that dead Moose, I will loose it. And I really loved the aerial shots of the wolves being killed – that was heart warming.

Thank you all.

16 09 2008
Stephen C. Rose: With All The Attention, Palin Still Escapes Scrutiny | Cross Party Lines

[…] So, if you’ve been doing the math… Yes. The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin’s rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around (links are appreciated) to anyone who needs to know that Sarah Palin most definitely does not speak for all Alaskans. The citizens of Alaska, who know her best, have things to say. SOURCE […]

16 09 2008
Sculpin » My del.icio.us bookmarks for August 5th through September 16th

[…] ?Alaska Women Reject Palin? Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats – The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators). This was the biggest political rally ever in the history of the state. […]

16 09 2008


[b][size=2]Would you buy a used car from this man?[/size][/b]


16 09 2008

Senator I’mFundamentallyDEREGULATOR – the fundamentals or our Economy are strong
will take himself down

Sarah Plain and Tan is just Icing on the deflated Cake

16 09 2008

Wow I cant believe so many Alaskans rejected her!! That’s great, considering I have no idea what McCain was thinking. A hockey mom with that little worldly political experience shouldn’t be in a position to take the vice presidential office..at least not yet. keep up the protests and the media will respond!

16 09 2008






16 09 2008
Jamie Cosumano


16 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin « High Desert Musings

[…] Women Reject Palin I saw this on Pharyngula a few minutes ago, but I also heard it on the Ed Schultz show earlier this afternoon. […]

16 09 2008
Midwest for Obama!

This is really refreshing to see women rejecting Sarah Palin and seeing past this dangerous political ploy by the GOP.

Please, all of you who made it happen and all of you that are glad to see it happen…VOTE IN NOVEMBER! (Wouldn’t it be great if Obama won Palin’s state?)

Emily in Mid-Missouri

16 09 2008
Acts Of Bravery. | Snoskred - Life in the Country

[…] can read more about this at Mudflats – ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! – you can also watch the following you tube […]

16 09 2008

Thank you so much for posting about this.

16 09 2008
Jenn Astle

I’ve been following this campaign closely and it’s frightening how many people are actually taking Palin as a positive thing for America!! It’s refreshing to see that so many women, from so many different backrounds are rallying together to protest Palin and her anti-woman politics.

I wouldn’t trust a mother or a politician, who has put her political beliefs ahead of the well being of her family (particularly that of her pregnant teenage daughter who we know had no choice and is now under the scrutiny of the American eye).

Keep up the fantastic work!


PS. Best quote I’ve heard so far (on http://www.feministing.com) was:

“A woman candidate is not the same as a woman’s candidate”

16 09 2008
Sarah Palin - The Female Dick Cheney « Fish Wrap

[…] a bonus, here’s a blog post from Mudflats that discusses the giant “Alaska Women Reject Palin” Rally that took place September […]

16 09 2008
Mike D

Eddie Burke should have gotten more then a suspension. Giving out people’s phone numbers over the air waves should have put him in jail. That’s endangering their lives to do something like that.
The crowd of 20 people should have beat the cr*p out of him.

16 09 2008
Mike D

It’s a shame the mainstream media won’t cover this

16 09 2008

I never heard about this and I consider myself well informed. Thank you for showing us, and WAY TO GO ALASKA!

16 09 2008

Excellent! Glad to see that Alaskans who do NOT support Sarah Palin / A Plain Rash / A Slain Harp / Has Anal Rip (choose your anagram) are also getting some attention.

16 09 2008

Love Sarah Palin. Go Girl! Annoy the 20% of wackos in Alaska.

16 09 2008
“Alaska Women Reject Palin” Protest Largest in Alaskan History « Kasama

[…] story was originally posted on mudflats.wordpress.com.  Go to that website for pictures from the […]

16 09 2008

Beautiful! I imagine that was quite the experience for you. This American expat-in-Australia is heartened to see not everyone back home has lost their minds.

16 09 2008
Beck Farris

That’s amazing glad to hear that the good people of Alaska has some sense! Hopefully, the rest of America will take up the notions. 🙂

16 09 2008
Beck Farris

That’s amazing glad to hear that the good people of Alaska has some sense! Hopefully, the rest of America will take up the same notions. 🙂

16 09 2008

I love how everyone is buying the lie that the “mainstream media” wouldn’t cover this.
First of all, each of the liberal branches of media who serve as Obama’s Press Corpse have a ton of reporters in Alaska trying to uncover dirt on Palin, if this was something that warranted BIG news, they would have been all over it. Obama himself has over 30 attorneys in Alaska trying to uncover dirt on her.

The reason you have not heard about the story, is because it is small in comparison to how it has been exaggerated.

For those saying her approval rating is no longer 80% in Alaska, you are wrong and lying. Sarah Palin is attracting crowds as large as Obama all across the Country, and if you fail to recognize that, you are living in a hole somewhere. Blogs like this one only does one thing, give those who agree with the author something to run their mouth about, but you are not changing anyone’s mind about Palin. The information on this blog is all smoke in mirrors.

16 09 2008

i’m glad. ’nuff said.

16 09 2008

I just wanted to thank you so much for this post. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to link to it from my blog as well as put this on Facebook. Although the McCain/Republican campaign has been crying foul at the media’s supposed bias against them, news such as yours is not making it onto the airwaves and the front pages. Best!

16 09 2008

Great post!!! Yes, I heard all about this in the news today- not about Palin supporters but about about the protest! Very cool indeed. Although I’m not politicaly savy, I’d take my chances on Obama rather than the other dude. Again, great post!

16 09 2008

16 09 2008
Fact Check

I dont know whay liberals are so obsessed with demonstrations as if they PROVE something. They dont. Thats why you are the only group stupid enough to engage in them. The only thing you prove is that you are hysterical, angry, histrionic unemployed idiots

Meanwhile, the FACT is that the most recent independent poll of Alaskans shows Governor Palin is probably the most popular politician in the country, easily the most popular governor. Her over-all approval rating is a whopping 86% … sorry you didnt even make a dent in that. Her approval among independents in Alaska is also 86% and her approval among Democrats is 75%.

Nothing about your parade of immaturity and ignorance does a THING to change any of it. It just makes you look the fools you are.

16 09 2008

Is it even legal to announce personal phone numbers, which are considered personal property, over the air and make them public? I smell a lawsuit especially because of the objective to publicize those phone numbers and the threats received by those organizers. Someone needs to deport that fat bastard to Russia/China where personal freedoms and privacy laws aren’t recognized.

16 09 2008

@Harfax – Yes, some of women’s greatest enemies are other women. Indeed. However, you do realize you have the parties backwards. If any woman is holding back another woman as a woman, it is Palin. The women who oppose Palin do not oppose her on the basis of her being a woman but of her ineptitude and willingness to sacrifice everybody else for her personal gain, just to start.

I have been utterly shocked by the degree to which Palin has been embraced by some women and the ease with which they have made excuses for her, all the while knowing that very little of that generosity was extended to another female candidate far more qualified, whether or not preferred. And I have to ask if you can sleep at night. I can accept supporting her candidacy because you want someone who shares your values. That does not necessitate you to go against truth. But the denial? It’s akin to trying to tell the world that the human beings don’t die. While your ability to be singleminded is enviable, willfully lying neither helps your cause nor makes the world a better place. Let us work with at least truth as the foundation.

16 09 2008
Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves! « I opine

[…] Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves! Posted in gender, politics by echo on September 16th, 2008 I chanced upon this firsthand account of the Alaskan women’s rally against Palin’s nomination. It was heartening. Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage.  The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators).  This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state.  I was absolutely stunned.  The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by.  And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute.  This just doesn’t happen here. – ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

16 09 2008
Lee Ruth

Wow, and I thought Alaska woman were smart. Guess I was wrong.
You people are unreal.


16 09 2008
Kaethe Cherney

I was deeply moved by what I read and like to beleive that the tide is finally turning against Palin, the Uber-Idiot who we all have cause to fear.

16 09 2008
Fact Check

LOL. Hillary Clinton more qualified??? BAHAHAHAHA

The left’s ultimate feminist and how did she get where she is? On the coat tails of her husband!

The only executive experience Hillary has was heading a healthcare task force –again, that she only got because of her husband — which was uniformly recognized as an unmitigated disaster. She was called utterly incompetent by other Democrats.

lthough she did manage to turn an extremely unusual profit on cattle futures!

She and her husband are the most corrupt couple to occupy the White House since Warren Harding if not the most corrupt ever. Illegally using FBI memos against her political opponents, caught with “missing” documents in her own residence, Whitewater, travelgate, pardongate, found guilty on multiple occasions of millions of dollars in illegal campagin finance shenaningans, and they even stole the china, silverware and art on their way out.

Meanwhile Palin is the most popular governor in the country, praised by Democrat presidential candidate Mike Gravel, she has taken on corruption in both parties and won, slashed the earmarks accepted by her state by over half, taken on the oil companies and won, negotiated international agreements, commanded the national guard for which National Guard commanders have made the unusual move of publicly praising her performance, she has been a mayor, a councilwoman, a businesswoman.

Hillary’s ONLY qualifications are as the most corrupt housewife in American history.

17 09 2008
17 09 2008

Well that settles it. I am voting for McCain.

Democrats are from hell….all they do is hate, spit poison, and lie. They are total trash.

Maybe all the Republicans were at WORK that day, so they could pay TAXES to support the illegal, greedy, and lazy democrats. That is why they could not be there. Think about it.

The rally was held on a Saturday. Think about it.


17 09 2008

This is a great post, mudflats! Keep up the good work!

17 09 2008
Alaska rallies against Sarah Palin « tope’s topix

[…] “Alaska rallies against Sarah Palin”. Here is the video which I first saw here: https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/alaska-women-reject-palin-rally-is-huge/   This blogger has some great pictures of the signs people are holding, which you can’t see […]

17 09 2008
Inspired by Mudflat « Jeanneabeck’s Weblog

[…] About Me Inspired by Mudflat September 17, 2008, 6:08 pm Filed under: inspiration | Tags: japan, mudflat, of blog, Palin, power Before logging in to update my blog, I couldn’t help but clicking on one of wordpress’ hot blogs of the day – one by the name of Mudflat’s, which is all about Alaskan politics. It made the front page of wordpress because of the author’s excellent reporting of both the pro-Sarah Palin rally and anti-Sarah Palin protest that happened recently in Anchorage.  But most importantly, the author taught us how rare such a well-attended political event was in Alaska; the anti-Palin event broke the record for largest political event in Alaska and was like nothing this political blogger had seen in 17 years of Alaskan politics.  The author had pictures and a youtube video of the event posted, and from there I was able to access even more coverage of the Anchorage events including personal videos other protest goers had made and local and national news coverage of the events.   Here’s the link if you’re interested in checking it out: https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/alaska-women-reject-palin-rally-is-huge/ […]

17 09 2008

New News…Eddie Burke was suspended, and if anyone wants HIS home number I have it

17 09 2008

thanks for the brilliant post! i’m passing it along on my blog, as well as my facebook. much appreciated!

17 09 2008
Tariq Nelson

I am glad that we are finally back to talking about ISSUES and not about Palin’s celebrity

17 09 2008
17 09 2008
17 09 2008

there is hope. thanks for this. from Oxford, MS where the first debate will be next week. OBAMA, kick ass!

17 09 2008

yes cristen

Obama WILL kick your “ass”.. give him a few months in office.

17 09 2008

Kudos and accolades mudflaps!

17 09 2008

Feminism=equal rights for women=equal scrutinization of women in politics.
Thank you to everyone that worked on and protested in this rally.
Power to those that can end Burke’s sponsorships and annoy the crap out of him with repeated phone calls to his home.
Thank you, Mudflats for this article.

17 09 2008

hey, thanks for doing your part to keep Sarah Palin’s iron fist/velvet glove off my town. DC has been a rough place to live during the Bush/Cheney years but I can’t imagine waiting in line at the grocery store with Sarah Palin’s Wasilla class of ’82 school treasurer, who will probably now be the Secretary of State.

The photos were really great, thanks again.

17 09 2008

Alaska you make me proud!!!!! That protest rally lifted my spirits way down here in Florida—together we can show the world that Palin is a bullet away from starting World War Three!! Thank you for showing the world all in the USA are not republican robots being led around like a dog on a chain.

My heart breaks at the thought of wolves and bears hunted down by helicopter after running them into exhaustion. That Palin does not represent me as a woman.

17 09 2008
derivative work » Blog Archive » science & politics of reporting protests

[…] this account of a large “Alaskan Women Reject Palin” rally — reminds me of the massive anti-Gulf War protest in San Francisco in the early 1990s. Almost […]

17 09 2008

‘Hillary’s women’ reject McCain’s VP choice

By Leonard Doyle in Washington; Wednesday, 17 September 2008

“In Alaska at the weekend, a Welcome Home rally for Mrs Palin was dwarfed by a demonstration organised by Alaska Women Reject Palin, which was held on the lawn of a downtown Anchorage library.”

This was taken from the following web link:

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/hillarys-women-reject-mccains-vp-choice-933050.html? ref=opinion

17 09 2008
The Pali(n)ban › Largest Political Rally in Alaska’s History - and it’s pro-Obama and anti-Palin

[…] You can see more photos over at Mudflats. […]

17 09 2008

Thanks for this superb coverage. Don’t know if you’ve seen this already, but Maureen Dowd mentioned this rally in her op-ed today.

Keep up the flow of information!

17 09 2008

Regarding the poster above: “diana (o8:56:38) comment: It is very obvious Palin supporters do not have a large vocabulary–hence the foal language in a public forum. It seems the republicans can only win an election they cheat see below:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/17/uselections2008.democrats? ref=opinion

“Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington The Guardian, Wednesday September 17 2008 Article historyThe Obama campaign yesterday went to court to block what it alleged was an attempt by Republicans in Michigan to stop people who lost their homes in the mortgage crisis from voting in November’s election.

The suit, filed in a Michigan court yesterday, is the latest sign of contention over voting procedures. Voting rights activists in several battleground states have reported an aggressive push by Republican elected officials and activists to make it harder to vote.”

17 09 2008

Tuesday night– Countdown awards Eddie Burke with Second place for WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD!
Way to go, Keith!

17 09 2008

Regarding the poster above: “diana” comment: It is very obvious Palin supporters do not have a large vocabulary–hence the foal language in a public forum. It seems the republicans can only win an election they cheat see below:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/17/uselections2008.democrats? ref=opinion

“Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington The Guardian, Wednesday September 17 2008 Article historyThe Obama campaign yesterday went to court to block what it alleged was an attempt by Republicans in Michigan to stop people who lost their homes in the mortgage crisis from voting in November’s election.

The suit, filed in a Michigan court yesterday, is the latest sign of contention over voting procedures. Voting rights activists in several battleground states have reported an aggressive push by Republican elected officials and activists to make it harder to vote.”

17 09 2008

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/17/uselections2008.democrats? ref=opinion

“Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington The Guardian, Wednesday September 17 2008 Article historyThe Obama campaign yesterday went to court to block what it alleged was an attempt by Republicans in Michigan to stop people who lost their homes in the mortgage crisis from voting in November’s election.

The suit, filed in a Michigan court yesterday, is the latest sign of contention over voting procedures. Voting rights activists in several battleground states have reported an aggressive push by Republican elected officials and activists to make it harder to vote.”

17 09 2008

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/17/uselections2008.democrats? ref=opinion

The Obama campaign yesterday went to court to block what it alleged was an attempt by Republicans in Michigan to stop people who lost their homes in the mortgage crisis from voting in November’s election.

The suit, filed in a Michigan court yesterday, is the latest sign of contention over voting procedures. Voting rights activists in several battleground states have reported an aggressive push by Republican elected officials and activists to make it harder to vote.

In Macomb county, Michigan, a swing constituency, Republican officials for the first time tried to use America’s housing crisis as a way of striking people off lists, the Obama camp told reporters yesterday. “There is no doubt that there is an immediate threat to the voting rights of citizens in Michigan whose names could appear on a foreclosure list,” said Bob Bauer, an Obama lawyer.

17 09 2008
Mary Jo

THANK YOU! I needed this.

17 09 2008

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/17/uselections2008.democrats? ref=opinion

Michincan Voting Rights being taken away by Republicans–Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 all over again.

17 09 2008

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/17/uselections2008.democrats? ref=opinion

Voting Rights at risk in Michigan

17 09 2008

All the more reason that the McCain – Palin ticket will win the Election .

There comes a time when the American voters will come to their senses !

Biden is a liability to any party …and Obama should have known better !

17 09 2008
“a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots” « The Smart Girls

[…] native Alaska, and apparently they’re so ticked off that they decided to organize “the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state“ just to show us all how ticked off at her they really are. Eddie Burke is not happy now, and […]

17 09 2008

The women of Illinois are cheering on our sisters in Alaska! Don’t back down – the world needs to know you reject this pathetic stereotype and the fatuous politics she stands for. WE STAND WITH YOU!!!

17 09 2008

What and inspiration for all of us Biden – Obama supporters! I just know that the voters are more intelligent than the McCain _ Palin “creators” give us credit for. This election should be about the best professional credentialed candidates for holding the office of President and not about personal, popularity matters. It is clear to me that the best Professional and Personal credentials are held by Biden and Obama!

Have we not learned that race does not determine the character of a man or woman?

17 09 2008

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I found your site via LiveJournal. There’s a community of Obama Supporters there and someone posted a link to your site about the Women again Palin rally. There’s NOT a lot of Alaska news down in the lower 48 unless it involves oil or Iditarod. I was glad I followed the link. For the last week I’ve been shaking my head wondering when certain factions were going to wake up and smell the java. And some media outlets make it seem like everyone is “drinking the Kool-Aid” when it comes to the McCain-Palin ticket. My hope has been restored that people are seeing the bigger picture.

By the way, I was in radio once upon a time and locally we’ve had talk show hosts lose their jobs for LESS than what Burke pulled, and Toledo talk radio runs conservative. The fact he’s only been suspended for a week is hideously wrong!

Anyway, keep up the great work! This is an impressive blog. When I teach workshops about blogging, I’d like to use your site as an example of a tailored, effective use of a blog.

Liz in OH

17 09 2008

Thank you for the coverage and thank you Alaska for the rally.

remember-issues people,issues

17 09 2008

Ron Mexico is the biggest freak of you all. Hopefully you will look at the move France is making AWAY from socialism. What are people thinking who believe NOBAMA really cares about anything but his own agenda — and making a name for himself.

Oh… and if the US really hates Bush so badly…. why is McCain now ahead in most states. If Bush was really that bad… Obama should be running away with this race. But… alas… he is NOT. Amen!!

17 09 2008

What a great blog! I created a compiled news blog on all things Sarah Palin and you are at the top of my blogroll. I’ve posted a lot on Eddie Burke and the rally in the past few days, but it deserves to be posted again.

Keep up the good work Alaska!


17 09 2008

You have a great blog and when I heard you mentioned on NPR today, I smiled!

I recently created a compiled news blog on all things Sarah Palin and you are at the top of my blogroll. I’ve posted a lot on Eddie Burke and the rally in the past few days, but it deserves to be posted again.

Keep up the good work Alaska!


17 09 2008

Sorry for the earlier double post, my Internet connection is a bit finicky today.

I thought it worthwhile to mention that Eddie Burke was suspended, if only for a week:

Radio host Burke suspended for a week
By JULIA O’MALLEY | Anchorage Daily News
September 15th, 2008

Anchorage AM radio host Eddie Burke was been suspended after broadcasting the phone numbers of women involved in organizing a protest rally against Sarah Palin over the weekend, his station manager said today.

In a statement, KBYR-AM 700 station manager Justin McDonald said broadcasting the numbers last week was “breaking station policy.” Burke will be suspended for one week without pay, he said.

“Though I do not agree with some of the comments he made, as a licensee, we attempt to respect everyone’s First Amendment rights, including Eddie Burke’s, our listeners’ and our nonlisteners’,” McDonald’s statement said. “That does not mean I condone inciting violence or harm in any way to people wanting to voice their opinions with peaceful protest.”

Last week Burke, host of a conservative daily talk show, called rally organizers Charla Sterne and Ilona Bessenyey “socialist, baby-killing maggots,” read their phone numbers on the air and encouraged listeners to call them. The women said their voice-mail quickly filled with angry, profane messages, some of them threatening.


17 09 2008
Purple State of Mind

[…] more on the rally, including pictures, go here, and see how the other side takes up the […]

17 09 2008
Christine Lang

I actually cried for joy when I read this. Having visited Alaska and Anchorage specifically exactly a year ago this month I was awed by the beauty and wildlife that Ms. Palin kills with such glee. It tortures my soul to think she could be in charge of our country and I am sorry she is in office there. But I am so PROUD of YOU!!!! To see and I do mean see not just read what other Alaskans feel and think brought enormous hope to me. I needed it! Thank you so much and PLEASE CONTINUE to bring the truth to us.

17 09 2008
catholicanarchy.org™ » The contradictions of “redneck rhetoric,” or why Palin does not represent “rural culture”

[…] The media, of course, will not report the fact that more people turned out for an Alaska Women Reject Palin rally than for the down-home “Welcome Home Sarah” rally held on the very same day. Such […]

17 09 2008
The contradictions of “redneck rhetoric,” or why Palin does not represent “rural culture” « Vox Nova

[…] The media, of course, will not report the fact that more people turned out for an Alaska Women Reject Palin rally than for the down-home “Welcome Home Sarah” rally held on the very same day. Such […]

17 09 2008
Marlene Alvarado

I cried for joy when I read and saw your article and video. THERE IS HOPE! People don’t let us down! I hope the majority of the American and in this case Alaskan populations have learned their lesson the Republicans with all their retoric about being Christian they have destroyed this country. You can’t put Palin lipstic on the Republican pig and try to sell it.

17 09 2008

I hope everyone reads this – I agree Sarah Palin is really scary!!!

17 09 2008
17 09 2008
Check It Out Department: Palin and Yellow Stickies | Deeper Issues

[…] about blog traffic! Check out this Mudflats link to read about a huge rally of Alaskan women against Palin. It was much bigger than the rally for […]

17 09 2008

You can check out more pics and videos of the rally here.

17 09 2008

This has given me hope that there are people who really see what/who is about to happen!
Thank God for Alaskan women! Please spread this far and wide everyone in the lower 48 needs to hear.

17 09 2008

We hear you down here in Missouri! Glad to see it, and we are listening!
Good, tough, strong folks with minds of their own, no doubt about it –
Your voice means more than any on this subject as far as I am concerned.

17 09 2008
michael ann

We women do change the world through our voices, and our persistence in the truth. Palin is an ambitious woman who is so scripted that her own voice is that of the power structure. Good for the Alaskan women who can stand up to such scary nonsense.

17 09 2008

Got this first via an e-mail forward from my mom. I hate forwards, but I loved this one! I had to come find the source. Thank you!! I didn’t know Alaskans made such sweet signs. These folks kick ass!

17 09 2008

Thank you so much for posting this! It is so good to know that other women believe in the issues, not the gender of the candidates. I hope to see more about this rally in national news!!

17 09 2008
Alaska Women for America | The Ruth Group

[…] Mudflats […]

17 09 2008

I love this! It is nice to know that I am not alone in my feelings. Obama for President whoooohooooo!

17 09 2008
17 09 2008

If we are going to stop Palin, who scares the hell out of me, then we all have to get behind Obama. Bush has been an embarrassment to this country. My family cannot afford 4 more years. Our health insurance has gone up 87% since he was elected.

Thanks Women of Alaska. Your rally gives me hope.

17 09 2008

RE: “Palin’s naivete is showing. I was so proud of one woman who stated just because one can see Alaska does not make one a foreign policy expert!”

I can’t even believe she used that line…… REALLY???????

And who can’t see through the flat out lies spouting out of the McCain/Palin duo?Back to the real world, people! We need intelligent leaders to represent the good ol’ USA in this Global playing field,
not puppets of the wealthy American Corporations. Look at the banking crisis, now look who’s holding the bag. Aww shucks!

Anyway, this story gives me new hope that the Palin surge was short lived.
Go Obama, go!!!!!!!

17 09 2008

Oh, that Sarah!!! Remember the slogan, “Palin is Pro Life – unless you’re a moose!!” Keep the true information flowing! jj

18 09 2008

Sarah is a disgrace to the Republican party. McCain’s choice portrays a harsh lack of sound judgement. Just as Sarah said that Obama is regretting not choosing Hillary as a running mate, guess who is regretting not choosing Mitt Romney?

18 09 2008
18 09 2008
18 09 2008
18 09 2008
18 09 2008

Fantastic! I am so happy to have read this post. We do not hear much about Alaska or from the citizens of Alaska generally (in the media), but it is so nice to know Palin does not represent all of you!!!! Bush in a skirt, that is precisely what she is, McCain made a poor choice. McCain IS a poor choice.

Thank you for showing up to this event, for blogging about it and for sharing it all with us!!!!

18 09 2008

We don’t like palin in Scotland. Well those of us with a brain don’t. Keep up the good work…

18 09 2008

Thanks so much for this post. I’m gonna mention it and refer to you on my show… if that’s alright.
Thanks again! Go Obama/Biden! No McCain/Palin!

18 09 2008
Why Hasn’t This Been All Over My Yahoo News? « Chicks Against Palin

[…] This Been All Over My Yahoo News? September 18, 2008, 9:59 am Filed under: Palin Look at This. No Comments so far Leave a comment RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URI […]

18 09 2008
Nathan in Vienna

Fantastic, Alaska. Keep up the good work.

18 09 2008

The rally seemed mostly a pro Obama Rally not anti Palin and if you can only get 1400 people out that is pretty sad. WOMEN FOR PALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 09 2008

Why are you spreading these statistical lies? ALL of the news media outlets said hundreds, most listing it at about 300-400. Palin’sn’s Welcome Home rally – in high contrast to your observation – drew 3,000. How can we believe anything you have written when just the basic stats are fluffed?

18 09 2008

Why are you spreading these statistical lies? ALL of the news media outlets said hundreds, most listing it at about 300-400, showed up for the “anti” rally. Palin’s Welcome Home rally – in high contrast to your observation – drew 3,000. How can we believe anything you have written when just the basic stats are fluffed?

18 09 2008
18 09 2008

Glad you had your say. I wish you were as open to hear what the opposition has to say too. “Shouting down” those you don’t agree with is not exactly the most high-brow way to make your point.

In the end I think it’s still pretty clear who will be getting Alaska’s electoral votes.

18 09 2008

Thanks for reporting the story the national media missed (as usual).

BTW, here’s a handy way of keeping track of how McCain and Palin are trying to lie their way into the White House:


18 09 2008
she’s greatly disliked by the women of her own state « mireille + mischa

[…] Quoth a participant: Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage. The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators). This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state. I was absolutely stunned. The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by. And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute. This just doesn’t happen here. […]

18 09 2008

Thank you SO much for taking the time to do this! I am so grateful in NEW MEXICO. NO to McSame/Palin….YES WE CAN OBAMA!

18 09 2008
Alaskan Women Reject Palin « The Mag-Blog of Judy “the Foodie.”

[…] Mudflats tells the story: ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin is HUGE!’ […]

18 09 2008

Just sharing. I cannot believe this what is happens in the USA.
Sarah Palin, no way! God Bless America and Americans

18 09 2008

Thank you!

18 09 2008
mike in LA

YES YES YES. Keep it up. Our national media will ignore you but not if you get enough people. Good for you and thank you.

18 09 2008
EM Richards

Alaska women, you rock exceptionally hard. Those photos brought tears to my eyes.

18 09 2008
“Women Reject Palin”: Largest Protest in Alaskan History « Kasama

[…] by onehundredflowers on September 18, 2008 jlThis story was originally posted on mudflats.wordpress.com.  Go to that website for pictures from the […]

18 09 2008

Thank you SO much for posting this. I have a renewed hope in America.

18 09 2008

Thank God you guys & gals are up there! Y’all had us worried there, for a while!


18 09 2008

Looking at the wide angle shots (I’m assuming taken and posted to show the number of protestors) you can count and estimate the number of people there. It doesn’t even look close to being a thousand people to me … but that’s just seeing with my own eyes and applying basic math skills. Then there’s the news coverage which shows the group was a mix of ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ demonstrators (again trust your own eyes) so the not so huge group of protestors is actually not all there protesting Sarah Palin. How do you know the people driving by honking or signaling were doing it for the anti-palin people and not the pro-Palin people standing next to and among them?

As desperately as you’d like this steaming heap of lies to be true it is clearly not. Your egos are surpassed only by your ignorance.

18 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin rally sounds the call! « wurdz

[…] Women Reject Palin rally sounds the call! Check out this account of the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally at Mudflats’ blog. Make sure you scroll down and check out the […]

18 09 2008
Alice Connally Fisk

OBAMA 2008!

by 70-year-old grandmother, poet

Global justice billions crave
Revolution now — the wave.
Fresh solutions far and wide
Peace procurement now — the tide.
On waves and tides of cosmic scale
audacity and hope now sail.
OBAMA 2008!

U. S. poverty must Go.
A conscientious overthrow.
The working poor, the down and out.
Revolution now — the shout.
Vote ones heart — evolve — transcend —
the Wisdom Way to comprehend.

A living wage for one and all.
Resolution now — the call.
Civil rights again restore.
Revolution! Just once more.
The Common Dream now full force —
a visionary, gutsy course.
OBAMA 2008!

Universal health care, Yes!
Congress HAS it, are WE less?
Equal rights across the board.
Resolution now — the chord.
Americans, a lively blend,
pilot the progressive trend.

Peaceful revolution, Yes!
The human race to coalesce.
One Creator, over ALL.
One last chance to heed the Call —
Love’s the Lesson. Life’s the school.
Peace On Earth. The Golden Rule.
Live the Lesson. Heal our Earth.
— Imagine —
Transformation now. Rebirth!



Spur the people stir the fire
Mobilize and walk the wire.
Back on track and off the dime —
Revolution. One last time.
So amplify the drums and riff.
Be the ANSWER to What if — ?

© 2006 Alice Connally Fisk Afisk10302@aol.com

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. – John Fitzgerald Kennedy

18 09 2008
Alaska women rate Palin

[…] Mudflats reports on a ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally on Monday. Apparently not all Alaskans are elated to have Tina Fay for governor. While […]

18 09 2008

[…] THROUGH THE MUCK OF ALASKAN POLITICS My friend Shiva sent this dispatch. Please be aware, read, realize our rights to government that fairly governs.  […]

18 09 2008
18 09 2008

i was a commercial fisherman for sixteen years. so i know what its like to be away at sea. had i had that discraceful fascist ( sarah ) waitin for me on the dock i would be still out there.

18 09 2008

God bless you for sharing this with the rest of us. It really did my heart good to see it. I want to know why it wasn’t covered on the networks. I have three friends in Anchorage. I’m so glad to know they aren’t the only sane people in Alaska.

18 09 2008
Is Eddie Burke Sara Palin's Kind of Guy?

[…] over coffee” about the political goings-on in their state and nation. They decide to organize a rally– some might call them community organizers – to voice their rejection […]

18 09 2008
Is Eddie Burke Sarah Palin's Kind of Guy?

[…] over coffee” about the political goings-on in their state and nation. They decide to organize a rally– some might call them community organizers – to voice their rejection […]

18 09 2008
BGBoys4Obama: The Obamanites of Ohio

[…] The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally — biggest political rally ever in Alaska!;) […]

18 09 2008

What a bunch of jealous hags!!! Sarah is so on the money and finger on the pulse, swept everyone off their feet and the left loonies are in a tailspin showing their lack knowledge that I find it refreshing. Can’t wait til she gets sworn in! Thank “GOD” real change is GOING to happen, and happen soon.
PS Please pass the lipstick! How’s that Val?

18 09 2008

As a Californian, I’m proud to see such an active and united group of Alaskans rally for a great cause! Thank you for sharing – it’s good to know there are many, many, MANY of us who feel so strongly about McCain’s horrible choice for a running mate!

What I want to know is why did we not see this event in the media?

18 09 2008
Vicki Lane

How fine to hear that there are thinking women in Alaska!!

Here’s an idea I got from a friend: Make a donation to Planned Parenthood. In Sarah Palin’s name. (And if you feel as if you’ve been giving a LOT lately, it doesn’t have to be much to make the point. :- ) And here’s the good part: when you make a donation to Planned Parenthood in her name, they’ll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor.

Here’s the link to the Planned Parenthood Web site where you can make a donation in someone’s name: https://secure.ga0.org/02/pp10000_inhonor

You’ll need to fill in the address to let Planned Parenthood know where to send the “in Sarah Palin’s honor” card. My friend suggested that you use the address for the McCain campaign headquarters, which is:

McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202
Or, if you prefer, send it to the Governor’s office in Juneau, Alaska:
Alaska State Capitol Building
Third Floor
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001

If you like this idea, pass it on.

18 09 2008
Mary E.

Great job! We are planning a similar reception for Palin here in Orange County CA, heart of the Nixon and Bush conservatives. She canceled the date in
September but is coming in October. Your rally has inspired us to get more people out to rally against her!!!! I know a lot of Republican women who wanted Hillary, but are saying No McCain, No Palin, No way!

18 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin rally-Anchorage Alaska

[…] read more on the Mud Flats blog, Ankorage, Ak […]

18 09 2008

Alaska is not all Republican. Neither is Texas. Even Lubbock. Go Obama!

18 09 2008
19 09 2008
Jeramie Dreyfuss

Thank GOd we get to see the truth and all Alaskans aren’t as despicable as this woman who is no Hillary and an embarassment to mankind. If she ever gets elected I will leave this country. Her animal cruelty is legendary. Love all the people who came out and we were told there was a trickle.

19 09 2008
solicitor bulgaria

Awesome pictures from an Alaskan Women s rally protesting Palin as McCain s VP-candidate.

19 09 2008

The women that marched did a fabulous job and I wish they would march again to demand Palin answer the charges of Troopergate before the election. I can’t believe she is getting away with avoiding that while running as a reformer. It’s revolting. She is even more like Bush than McCain is.

19 09 2008
19 09 2008
Did this get missed? Anti-Palin Rally in Alaska - Page 5 - Debate Politics Forums

[…] stage their own rally: Top Stories | adn.com This site has pictures from the Anti Palin Rally: Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Mudflats __________________ Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We […]

19 09 2008
Nancy Alderman

Why did not the march hit the mainstream press? You all did such a good job. Is it too late to get some of the pictures on the mainstream Press?

19 09 2008
Thomas from Virginia

Thank you, thank you, thank you for standing up and showing the rest of us how it’s done!

I understand that the Washington attack dogs have arrived in Alaska and are now trying to control and take ownership of any and all Palin issues. I have witnessed 8 years of this kind of social engineering by the right wing and to see this being thrust upon you in Alaska is truly disheartening.

It is my sense of things that Alaskans are independent enough to push back, and that honesty and integrity are still valid virtues in some places in this country, no matter the party affiliation. I hope so. We will never have an educated and informed voter population if the news and information that a true democracy depends on is continually being undermined.

I urge all Alaskans to resolve the Palin issues on their terms. Please fight off the Rovian tactics and speak up for truth and justice.

Thank you again!


19 09 2008

Thanks, Alaska – you’re giving those of us down here in the Lowe 48 some hope.

19 09 2008
Joe Crain

This is great! Thanks!

What do you think about Anne Kilkenny?

Also, may I have permission to use some of these pictures?

19 09 2008

It’s been 36 years since I took (and passed) the FCC 1st Class Radio Telephone Operators License Exam. At that time it was a violation of FCC regs to give out a persons name and address/phone number over the air. AFAIK, that reg hasn’t changed. Maybe the FCC should be informed that Eddie Burke did so. OTOH, considering that the FCC is controlled by the current administration in Washington, it might be an exercise in futility.

19 09 2008


19 09 2008

JL in Wasilla

19 09 2008

Women of Chicago support anti-Palin women in Anchorage and throughout AK! NO PALIN!! NO MCSAME!!!

19 09 2008

I’d be curious to know if all these anti Palin women rejected their big energy checks they received last week that Palin implemented. Did they send their big checks back? I respectfully disagree with these women, Palin has been VERY good for ALASKA! People believing about the book banning need to do a little fact checking. Some of the list of books she supposedly banned back in’96 weren’t even published yet.

19 09 2008
Sarah Armstrong Jones

RE: website: two emails came. One linked me to a site in Illinois that linked me to mudflats. The other had your article and photos in the email itself.

T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! ! ! !

What would we do without people like you and the worldwide web???

19 09 2008

This is so good to see. The thought of Palin as VP is frightening to people well outside the borders of the US.

19 09 2008

I am very proud of Alaskans, that lady Palin scares me.
We love your courage here in California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19 09 2008

@Jae –

That list was debunked about as quickly as it came out. What she’s never denied was asking about banning books.

19 09 2008

View slideshow from Anti-Palin rally this Sunday in Anchorage, AK

go to:


19 09 2008

Well, for an “Alaska Women Reject Palin rally”, I didn’t see many women. Mostly men (hen-pecked), young children (lots of boys), no female wearing a skirt or dress. Yep, typical average normal women. NOT! I would guess that most women were flown in from the lower 48 or bussed in from Canada. The Alaskan women were your typical far-left liberal feminists, wannabe transvestites and the aged from the 60’s hippie generation.

You women finally have a woman (Palin) who has accomplished the goals of NOW (except the pro-abortion stand) and yet you trash her. Shame on you, you’ve shown your true colors. You don’t care about women’s rights, you really only care about your leftist agenda and bashing men.

Bussed in from CANADA?? Flown in from the Lower 48?? I laughed so hard I thought I’d cry. Skirts and dresses??? This is A-LAS-KA. I could go on, but I just….can’t…. Sigh… AKM

19 09 2008
Rachel’s Musings » Women Against Sarah Palin

[…] Women are starting to speak out against Palin, which gives me hope! Including in Alaska, where a recent rally drew record crowds to reject Palin. Not all of us are falling for the gynecological twin enthusiasm […]

19 09 2008
Portland Kev

Thanks for exposing Republican Mrs. shrieking know-it-all for who she really is:
Cheney having a good hair day.

19 09 2008

Hm. More trolls. I guess Palin really is in trouble.

19 09 2008
Mickiboop in Elk Grove, CA

Wow – wow – wow! So glad to see that Alaska’s women and men are just as progressive as the rest of our great nation. The media keeps stating that Ms. Palin has an 80% approval rate there. After reading your post and seeing these pics, I can tell folks that they are lying again… Thanks so much for giving us hope and the truth. Stay fired up and fighting to win this election. Our futures are at stake!
Obama – Biden ’08, Can’t Wait!

20 09 2008
Liz Williams

Well done, folks. Watching from across the Pond, this gives me hope for your (still) great country. I have huge faith in American feminism and this just confirms it for me. You rock!

20 09 2008
Cherie Hacker

great work everyone! Lets keep it rollin…

20 09 2008
Writing from Alaska

In case anyone makes it to the end of this looooonnnngggg list of posts – here is another brief writeup and a few more photos. Also a piece enititled ‘Does Sarah Palin Understand Diversity”

And for the person who posted way up the list – there weren’t that many kids at the protest – probably the same amount as at the downtown rally so if we are going to start subtracting, we have to subtract numbers from both. I was at both the rally and the protest, also – so how many of us went to the rally just out of curiousity – aha! or because we were reporting, or because we were selling Tshirts with pictures of pitbulls with lipstick – yes, it’s true – and then we have to subtract the secret service guys, ……you get my point.

20 09 2008
Writing from Alaska

Oh, got so busy writing forgot to include the site


and again – article
Does Sarah Palin Understand Diversity

and a short writeup and photos of demonstration.

20 09 2008
Writing from Alaska

This is particularly amusing –
“Well, for an “Alaska Women Reject Palin rally”, I didn’t see many women. Mostly men (hen-pecked), young children (lots of boys), no female wearing a skirt or dress. Yep, typical average normal women. NOT! I would guess that most women were flown in from the lower 48 or bussed in from Canada. The Alaskan women were your typical far-left liberal feminists, wannabe transvestites and the aged from the 60’s hippie generation. ”

You might want to check distances on a map before you make statements like this – It is not particularly feasible to fly a bunch of people up and it would have been completely ridiculous to bus people from Canada. It would have taken them days to get to Anchorage. And, at the rally, there were people we all knew together so they weren’t shipped in from elsewhere.
If you come to Alaska, you will see that not a whole lot of women are running around in dresses. And they weren’t wearing dresses at Palin’s rally any more than at the demonstration- not too many of us do unless we are dressed up for church or an evening out – THIS IS ALASKA – Where men are men, and women win the Iditarod. (look it up)

20 09 2008
Writing from Alaska

to the person who thinks people were flown in or bussed in from Canada – You might want to check a map for distances – not very feasible, especially the bussing. That is actually pretty funny. And in Alaska, not too many of us are wearing dresses most of the time – you would have seen the same thing at the Palin rally. This is Alaska – where the men are men, and women win the Iditarod (look it up!) and where it is often a little cool for the feminine attire….brrrr…. ;o)

20 09 2008
I think I’m going to need to change my name… « Bohemian Wellspring

[…] which is currently my favorite blog about Sarah Palin. I got an email from someone with a copy of this post, although it wasn’t linked back to the blog. I actually found it by copying a chunk of the […]

20 09 2008
AKMuckraker: Palin Lies: One Man’s Protest on the Juneau Cruise Ship Docks | Cross Party Lines

[…] huge Anti-Palin rally in Anchorage last weekend saw more than 1500 people gathered in front of the Loussac Library. […]

20 09 2008
minnesota gabe

Thank you for organizing this rally. It is time that the world sees Failin Palin for the stooge she really is. With Palin at his side to publically show off his strong lack of judgement, McCain will definitely loose the election and we will have trust, integrity and hope when Obama is elected President of the United States!!! God Bless all of you women and men who are willing to tell the truth about how Alaska thinks about Palin!
We can’t afford another 4 years of disasterous policies like we have had for the past 8 years. We can’t affort more conservative supreme court judges and we can’t afford the relentless attacks on our personal freedoms that the Bush regime has taken from us in the name of protecting the “home land”. Enough is enough. We want our freedoms back. Keep putting out the word about foolish Palin and McCain. Regisiter everyone to vote for Obama. We love you Alaskans who have the balls to tell the truth. You have our admiration and we are listening to you all!

20 09 2008

This question is to the women of Alaska. I am curious if with all the coverage of Palin’s governing tactics are her approval ratings slipping in Alaska like they are every where else? I know she is smart and like McCain she is trying to morph into something else, but with the tanning bed, troopergate, the none existent pipeline and the bridge to no-where I would think that public opinion would be shifting. What are you guys hearing?

20 09 2008
Chad McCullough

Wonderful post! It makes me proud to say that I lived in Alaska for a while. I miss the state and the people. Way to go organizers!

20 09 2008
Anthony Brown

Great Work! I love it! Thank you all!

20 09 2008
Olivia Chow wants me to what? « donna di bastoni

[…] the other hand, I take a little bit of heart from the scattered (but officially “unreported”) evidence of voter awareness, it helps me to know that, contrary to what the media and several […]

20 09 2008
sue fan

This gives me such hope! Go Alaska!

20 09 2008
Typical cave man

I think it’s fantastic to see what a community organizer can do. It fills me with hope to see people aren’t laying down and just simply excepting this election. Your rally reached far outside the borders of your town and I for one thank you.

20 09 2008
Amazed at the Hate

Hey Chicago Slam,

You are just repeating Republican talking points that have already been debunked. You need to listen to more than just Fox News or go to Factchecker.org and learn something.

20 09 2008

Amazed at the Hate said “Hey Chicago Slam,

You are just repeating Republican talking points that have already been debunked. You need to listen to more than just Fox News or go to Factchecker.org and learn something.”

I checked out Factchecker.org and it links to http://www.buzzflash.com/ which is a very liberal biased website and organization. Perhaps you meant http://www.factcheck.org/ which is another similarly leftist group.


The only thing that has been debunked are the lies against Sarah Palin.

20 09 2008
One Man’s Protest In Alaska « Suzie-Q

[…] huge Anti-Palin rally in Anchorage last weekend saw more than 1500 people gathered in front of the Loussac Library. […]

20 09 2008

This is a real message of her popularity. No where else in the United States would Palin have been elected as Governor. She can’t even hold a conversation with substance. It’s all fluff. Is this who Republicans want to have discussions with foreign dignataries? Scary and irresponsible.

20 09 2008
timwheatley.org » Blog Archive » Who knows Sarah Palin best?

[…] September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 August 2007 July 2007 June 2007 May 2007 April 2007 March 2007 February 2007 January 2007 December 2006 November 2006 October 2006 March 2006 February 2006 December 2005 November 2005 October 2005 September 2005 August 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 November 2004 September 2004 July 2004 March 2004 September 2003 May 2003 February 2003 October 2002 January 2002 September 2001 August 2001 October 2000 September 2000 Small Text | Large Text Logitech Momo Amazon (USA)Amazon (UK)Want to Advertise? Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum Panoramic/Photo Gallery (Java Required) Red Bull Flugtag Photo Gallery City of Lincoln Panoramic/Photos/Photo Gallery (Java Required) Lincoln Castle 360° Panoramic Image (Java Required) Will County Fairgrounds Demolition Derby Images More Photography PostsPhoto Galleries Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo Steering Wheel Review Logitech Driving Force EX Steering Wheel Review Ironman (2008) Review Best Cat or Kitten Toys – Advice on Play and Training I Am Legend (2007) Review More Written Articles © 1999-2008 Tim Wheatley.All Rights Reserved. Previous Post: X³: Terran Conflict “Trade” Trailer Who knows Sarah Palin best? Alaska knows Sarah Palin best and just recently in the very small town of Anchorage, an anti-Palin r… […]

20 09 2008
Stormy C

I Just sent the following email to:

BSmith ; Brian Williams Mail ; cnn ; McLaughlin ; countdown ; Glenn ; Greta Van Sustren ; hardball ; Stephanie Hairston ; Jeff.zucker@nbcuni.com; Joe S. ; Rachel@msnbc.com; rfournier@ap.org;

“THIS is HUGE news! This should be on national TV! Lots of pictures and video!

The media missed this. SHAME on all of you! Fair and Balanced?


I hope you have more protests and the media get wind of it before hand. Good luck and GOOD JOB!

20 09 2008
Stormy C

The email list did not print out above, but the email was sent out to 25 cable and network news agencies. I’m going to put the link in my outgoing mailbox too. Hell, I blog the article anywhere I can. I’m in SanFrancisco, Ca and we have NEVER saw this protest until now! This is awesome! You did GREAT. And WE know great protests here! Keep it going!

Stormy C

20 09 2008
Stormy C

This is from a blogger on the Huffingtonpost
“Did you know that there was a HUGE anti Palin protest a few days ago (9/14) in Anchorage? Check out the pictures and viedeo! Good for them! Hopefully they will hook up live video and we can all watch it online, since the media isn’t interested in covering it.

Maybe we can have a national PROTEST: THANKS, BUT NO THANKS MCAIN/PALIN DAY!.

MUDFLATS: It’s actually a great read, local news, well written. News about the FACTS that we don’t get here. https://mudflats.wordpress.com/category/sarah-palin/
Does any writer from this site blog or write nationally? I’d like to read more. Please start blogging your protests dates in advance on http://www.huffingtonpost.com and other places.

Deb, you can always tell when YOUR right, when someone resorts to a nasty 2nd grade IQ level blog post as a come back.

Thank you!
Stormy C

20 09 2008

Sarah Palin represents a return to the 1800’s with women struggling to vote; to obtain the same rights as men. She is poorly informed and not able to make any informative statements regarding international matters or economics. All she wants to do is go to war.
Further, if she truely believes in teaching no sex education and abstaining from sex, she certainly missed the boat and so did her offspring.
Moreover, I would think MADD mothers would be rising up in arms over the DWI her spouse had.
To think of this woman a heartbeat from the presidency is scary.

20 09 2008

According to KBYR station manager, Eddie Burke was suspended for a week because he has free speech rights too? He was using the public airwaves (that’s federal jurisdiction folks!) to harrass (that’s assault) and incite violence against citizens exercising their own free speech rights (a hate crime?). For crying out loud, he called them “baby killing maggots”!! It’s simply outrageous that someone like this would actually be defended by management, much less remain on the payroll.

Exactly what do Eddie Burke and the station manager think our troops are fighting and dying for in Iraq, Afganistan, or any other war? Our rights, thats what. They tell us all the time! Well, tell me, how do we decide who gets free speech rights and who doesn’t?

If you want to contact anyone to protest this outrage, I suggest starting with the FTC:


KBYR Radio, Alaska
907-273-KYBR (5297)
907-273-3170 (Unknown if this is a good #)

Sponsors of Burke’s radio station (don’t forget, the station manager came out in support of him)

Alaska House of Yamaha, Big Lake 907-892-1000
Today’s Window Fashions® ­ (a national brand)
Jeff and Jan Stoeckle
Palmer, AK 99645
877 99-TODAY

Prudential Jack White Vista Real Estate (Anchorage)
Michael Schwartz
Phone 907-351-4228
Mobile 907-351-4228
Fax 907-762-3189
Email alti2d@gci.net

First Frontier Mortgage (Anchorage)
Office 907-222-6001
Direct 229-2287
Fax 907-222-1478
Email info@FirstFrontierMortgage.com

20 09 2008
We need to ask more questions

Why are people so hard on Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama and yet they don’t hold Palin’s husband to the same standards. Such as his level of education (he will be meeting world leaders with his wife and be expected to be able to converse in an intelligent and informed manner) or his good works (which don’t usually include community service for a DUI). I guess he could entertain them with stories of why he wouldn’t testify about Troopergate.

We are going to continue to be the laughing stock of the world. Bush wasn’t bad enough? We have to subject ourselves to 4 more years? We already chose one from the bottom of his class. Do we have to do it again?

20 09 2008

I am glad that there are other people recognize that she is just McCain’s Trophy Vice, and a poor one at that! Sarah Palin is an insult to thinking people everywhere . . .

21 09 2008
my alaska

my alaska…

This enables authors to keep track of who is linking to, or referring…

21 09 2008
21 09 2008
Rady Ananda

Let’s repost this at OpEdNews.com. We’re a progressive news and opinion website that receives over 700,000 unique visitors a month.

Please contact me.

Rady Ananda
Senior Editor

21 09 2008

Watching her deny to Gibson that she had ever harbored the slightest doubt about her readiness to take command of the world’s only superpower, one got the feeling that Palin would gladly assume any responsibility on earth:

“Governor Palin, are you ready at this moment to perform surgery on this child’s brain?”

“Of course, Charlie. I have several boys of my own, and I’m an avid hunter.”

“But governor, this is neurosurgery, and you have no training as a surgeon of any kind.”

“That’s just the point, Charlie. The American people want change in how we make medical decisions in this country. And when faced with a challenge, you cannot blink.”

The prospects of a Palin administration are far more frightening, in fact, than those of a Palin Institute for Pediatric Neurosurgery. Ask yourself: how has “elitism” become a bad word in American politics? There is simply no other walk of life in which extraordinary talent and rigorous training are denigrated. We want elite pilots to fly our planes, elite troops to undertake our most critical missions, elite athletes to represent us in competition and elite scientists to devote the most productive years of their lives to curing our diseases.

21 09 2008

Congrats Alaska on a great anti-Palin rally!! Bravo on getting the job done over coffee – let’s all try to keep up with Alaska and maybe we can broom this hockey Mom off the ice for good, before she ruins this country. The lower 48 are with you AK – keep it up!!

21 09 2008
Terri Dufore

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in this rally. It does give the rest of us in the country hope to see women the women of Alaska stand up against the policies of Sarah Palin.

As someone who has been in media sales for years, I can confirm that sponsors are interested in selling products and are sensitive to staying away from problematic programming. The previous comment about sending a message to that radio station through thesponsors of Eddie Burke’s show is so true.

Could someone post a list of the companies they have heard advertise on his show? As someone living outside of Alaska, I would really like to know who is supporting that kind of programming.

21 09 2008

Who ever said that Sarah Palin speaks for all Alaskans (which is the foundation for this whole issue)?
Certainly there could be 1,400 people who don’t like her. Her approval rating is only 🙂 80%.

21 09 2008

Next stop: Alaska State Capitol Bldg! re: Troopergate

I don’t live in Alaska, but if I did I would participate in regular protests of the stonewalling of the Troopergate investigation. Most Americans know so little about Palin and her ethics as governor and we have the right to transparency in government — especially on the eve of a crucial presidential election!

Who agrees?

21 09 2008

This story is going viral on the web! I’ve just put it onto our local Dem website all the way over on the Atlantic Ocean in Virginia! Great work fellow Dems in Alaska! http://www.accomackdemocrats.org/index.html

21 09 2008
Susan Fisher

My sister in CA sent me the link to this info on the great rally in Alaska. Best news I’ve had in a while! I have a whole different picture of Alaskans than I got from seeing their governor on TV interviews – thank heaven!

You go, you northern “tell-’em what we really think”-ers!!!!!!!!!

Susan in Ann Arbor, MI

21 09 2008
A Nana from Alaska

“Palin Failin'”

Editorial Link:


21 09 2008
21 09 2008

You GO, girl! I have forwarded your story to a bunch of my friends and posted links to your blog from my own. Keep the faith! If we can come together and keep declaring the truth, their lies cannot prevail.


P.S. Another friend of mine came up with a wonderfully wicked idea. Make a $10 donation to Planned Parenthood – in honor of Sarah Palin!


21 09 2008
Doreen from Duluth MN

Thank you Mudflats for this! You are awesome! I am not impressed with Palin and will not vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

21 09 2008
Alaskan Women Reject Palin -Mudflats « Fading Ad Blog by Frank H. Jump

[…] This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state.  I was absolutely stunned. … […]

21 09 2008
Journal » Blog Archive » Alaska Women Reject Palin

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats […]

21 09 2008

Due to the huge comment thread, I’m closing comments on this post since it’s taking so long to load and read!

Thank you all for your amazing support! Alaskan women (and men) who reject Sarah Palin are not finished yet. Please keep linked here for more coming soon!

21 09 2008
60,000 in florida makes 70,000 at Obama's acceptance look silly - Page 3 - Political Forum

[…] to anyone who needs to know that Sarah Palin most definitely does not speak for all Alaskans. The citizens of Alaska, who know her best, have things to say. __________________ McCain on National […]

22 09 2008
Is anyone else seriously afraid of Palin becoming VP? « Bold Little Swallow

[…] news regarding Palin that I’ve heard since she graced the public eye with her presence: from “Alaska Women Reject Palin”: Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage.  The […]

22 09 2008
Juice The Blog » Blog Archive » Massive ‘Women Against Palin’ Rally in Anchorage

[…] friend Adam at work passed along this blog post for the Juice The Blog crowd. Regarding the anti-Palin demonstration in Alaska: …I felt a bit […]

22 09 2008
Me, Too! Sorry I Missed Our Rally! « The Nomad

[…] have real experience with Palin, though, so I was delighted to read Mudflats’ coverage of the “Alaska Women Reject Palin” rally, which immediately followed Palin’s “Welcome Home” rally in Anchorage on […]

23 09 2008
Biggest Rally in AK history - Anti-Palin?

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

23 09 2008
Quick Political Nod « Book-Wyrm-Knits

[…] thought this blog post about how not everyone in Alaska is a shiny happy Palin lover was an eye-opener. I’m not […]

23 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Sarah Palin Rally - Really? « ROTUS

[…] Sarah Palin |   Mudflats has the featured post at wordpress.com this morning with her post Alaska Women Reject Sarah Palin Rally Is Huge. Who woulda thunk it? This may be an indication that the email about Palin from a local Alaskan, […]

24 09 2008
Day 20 - the word on the street « Wearing Obama Everyday

[…] it was a good day for long sleeves. I so love the fall. You’ve all seen the photos from the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally, right? I’ve talked with a few republican friends who plan to vote democrat for the […]

24 09 2008
Bloguer ou ne pas bloguer » Le Langur et la Carabe

[…] : Alaska Women’s Network ; pour voyager en images et découvert en cherchant “Alaska Women Reject Palin” Rally is Huge ! ; encore des images, sur les élections à […]

24 09 2008
OB Rag Blog » Photos from Alaskan Women Reject Sarah Palin Rally

[…] to the MudFlats blog for pictures… Share […]

25 09 2008
Alaskans actually hate Sarah Palin | The Ultimate Appeal

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

25 09 2008
BGBoys4Obama: On The Negative Side...

[…] The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally — biggest political rally ever in Alaska!;) […]

28 09 2008
Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « CrackerBoy

[…] “Alaska Women Reject Palin” Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats […]

28 09 2008
VOTE on November 4 — our future at stake « healing worlds

[…] September 14, 2008 Alaska Women Reject Palin rally of over 1400 people in midtown Anchorage. Watch it on Youtube! See more photos at mudflats! […]

29 09 2008
Sarah Palin Protest: Largest political rally in Alaska`s history! - Snowboarding Forum - Snowboard Enthusiast Forums

[…] Palin Protest: Largest political rally in Alaska`s history! ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! MudflatsGotta love it when the people who know her best show the world…good on them! […]

29 09 2008
Palin « Vulgarieloquentia

[…] In any case, this makes me very happy: ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

29 09 2008
Charles Brownson » Blog Archive » Alaska Women Reject Palin

[…] ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! « Mudflats […]

30 09 2008
‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally « Rendering Jen

[…] October 1, 2008 ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! […]

6 10 2008
Bake My Ninja » Blog Archive » Vice Presidential Debate

[…] If you think that Senator McCain is a maverick-reformer, you ought to read this article by Rolling Stone. If you think Governor Palin is beloved as a maverick-reformer in her home state, well, she’s not. […]

7 10 2008
‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally « WTF Grand Old Party!!??

[…] Read one participants blog entry and see more pictures here. […]

10 10 2008
Hockey Mama For Obama

[…] I’m not sure if these pictures are from it but I understand there was an anti Palin rally, I believe in Anchorage, which was one of the largest political rallies ever held in Alaska. Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Mudflats […]

10 10 2008
Hockey Mama For Obama - Page 2

[…] rally, I believe in Anchorage, which was one of the largest political rallies ever held in Alaska. Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally is HUGE! Mudflats Ya I heard there were like 10 people there. A record for […]

13 10 2008
stuff and things. « me, unplugged

[…] September 17, 2008 · 2 Comments so, apparently sarah palin isn’t very well liked even in her home state. […]

2 11 2008
analogueteacher » Alaskans gegen Palin

[…] tur rundt i blogosfæren kom jeg over denne søte historien om en hendelse i Anchorage, Alaska. Legg spesielt merke til opptrappingen til klimakset, der […]