Walt Monegan for Governor?! Can I Vote Now?

4 12 2008
Walt Monegan at UAA on 12/3/08. Photo by Linda Kellen Biegel.

Walt Monegan - Photo by Linda Kellen Biegel.

Has Christmas come a little early here in the North Land? I almost fell off my chair yesterday when the latest rumors broke. I was unable to attend a talk given by former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, but two of Alaska’s intrepid bloggers were there and they have some interesting news.

First, let’s hear from Phil over at Progressive Alaska:

Former Anchorage Police Chief and Alaska Public Safety Commissioner, Walt Monegan, speaking to a group of journalism students, UAA faculty, and community members, refused, when asked whether he might consider running for governor of Alaska, to rule it out.

When asked a third time about this, he stated that he had agreed with his faculty host, not to discuss his political future at the event.

I attended the talk to meet Monegan, a public safety officer I’ve long respected. There were a couple of questions I had hoped to ask, but they weren’t about his political aspirations. The questions on future politics and potential political considerations he might be pondering, took me completely by surprise.

And this, from Linda at Blue Oasis:

Mr. Monegan spoke on what he’s learned over the years about the relationship between the people and their government. “Basically, what I want to talk about, and what I’ve been invited to speak on, is the importance of the integrity of our government and its leaders.”

He discussed his appreciation of our Founding Fathers and how “the law of the land” includes an understandting that “If the government starts to become more oppressive, the citizens not only have a right but an obligation to alter or abolish the government.”

The third question on the subject was from APRN, who first asked if Walt was going to take any action against the State on being called a “rogue” and he said “I love the State of Alaska so the answer is no.” Then she asked for a firmer answer to the question about running for governor and he said he didn’t want to violate the non-political requirement of speaking at UAA. [snip]

As long as it’s not violating any rules I could honestly say that my wife and I are talking about it.

And a hush falls on the land. What’s this? Did someone actually address the importance of the integrity of our government and its leaders and MEAN it? Ears prick up everywhere. I’d recommend reading both posts in their entirety, and also check out the link to the audio of Monegan’s talk on Blue Oasis.

2010 could be very very interesting. I wonder what’s being chatted about at the Governor’s office today? I’m sensing another chapter in the Greek myth that is Alaska politics. OK, Mr. Monegan, you take the left flank, and Senator Murkowski, you take the right flank and Alaskans for Truth will head right up the middle. Someone blow a horn!

And if anyone wondered about what kind of support people feel for Walt Monegan, how many other former Commissioners of Public Safety could inspire someone who lives thousands of miles away to dress up like Sarah Palin and make the following statement:

Sarah...er...I mean Lila with a 2010 campaign sign!

Sarah...er...I mean Lila with a 2010 campaign sign!

Sarah Palin isn’t the only Alaska politician with national appeal! This is Lila from the Mudstock meetup in Chicago in October. It’s true…Mudflatters can see the future!



82 responses

4 12 2008
Lori in Los Angeles

Monegan deserves it! YES, make it happen Alaska!

4 12 2008
nswfm CA

Please, please let him defeat Slaughterhouse Sarah/Grifter Spice/Caribou Barbie!

4 12 2008

He will get my vote! 🙂

4 12 2008
Misfit in Texas

If I were in Alaska, He’d get my vote too!!! I’m pulling for you Walt!!!!

4 12 2008
nswfm CA

He might just win!
Read some of this from HuffPo:

Watching the Republican Party implosion and subsequent bloody flailing has become my favorite spectator sport. “Wow, the Republican Party is really, really horribly mangled,” then, “Cool! Palin’s making an ass of herself on TV again!”

Why the excitement? Well, it appears as if she’s being christened as the de facto leader of the Republican Party. Wednesday, for example, instead of attributing his victory to the well-known Republican majority in Georgia, Saxby Chambliss credited his expected victory to Sarah Palin’s stump speeches:

“…when she walks in a room, folks just explode.”
Explode? Smart choice of words, Senator. Sarah Palin makes Republicans explode. Perfect.

If Palin, in fact, becomes the leader of the Republican Party, exploding is precisely what will happen — and not in the weirdly excited-slash-sexual way Chambliss seemed to imply. Specifically, Sarah Palin is a walking, talking psychobomb, and elevating her to anything beyond a near-term novelty will be disastrous — in a word, “explosive” — for the Republican Party.

And it’ll be almost too much fun to watch.

As of right now, we have several contenders for this post. There’s “Sister Sarah” (a nickname I don’t quite understand). There’s the twice divorced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. There’s Bobby Jindal, the far-right governor of Louisiana. And Tuesday, we learned that Jeb Bush might be running for Senate and thus throwing his gigantic hat into the fight for the future of the party.

How screwed are the Republicans right now? Put it this way: the sanest contender in the above list is named “Bush.” Yes, Bush: a name that proved to be even less popular this year than the name “Hussein.” Yet there he is front and center.

Now, it’s important to clarify the schadenfreude and why the aforementioned Republican contenders are so much fun, and, more importantly, why many fellow liberals are rooting for them to keep talking.

Simply put, Palin and the others, will serve to more or less confine the Republican Party to the deep South where there are enough white fundamentalist hoopleheads to provide the GOP with a respectable electoral showing, but not enough support to seriously compete nationally. In other words, the Republicans are inexplicably pushing names that will do much more harm than good. And that’s just fine and dandy.

For instance, apart from her unserious pageant walking and clueless turkey geeking, it’s practically impossible for Sarah Palin, with her far-right ideology and divisive politics, to expand a Republican electorate that’s already suffering from, well, shrinkage. Her appeal is so laser-focused on a rabidly fanboy-ish chunk of the GOP base that many more Americans who would otherwise vote Republican will surely continue to snap to other options. Meanwhile, the Palin base — the fanboys who are “exploding” over Sarah Palin — are a mélange of Bush dead-enders, disgruntled former Bush loyalists who haven’t yet realized that the only difference between Palin and Bush is, well, lipstick, and, of course, way too many disturbingly pervy older men. Outside of this narrow demographic, everyone else thinks she’s more or less an earnest yet embarrassing joke.

Anecdotally speaking, while working the polls on Election Day, I overheard more than one relatively uninformed, uneducated Republican — I mean, guys who probably think “peeance freeance” is an actual foreign policy term — turn to their buddy and say (paraphrasing), “Palin’s kind of an idiot. And she probably don’t know what peeance freeance means neither.”
You go, Walt!

4 12 2008

Now there’s a happy thought!

4 12 2008
Irishgirl Rosebud.

Good news indeed!

4 12 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

I would vote for him if I was in Alaska..:)
I sent a email to Les Gara, from Alaska for truth, adding in my opinions, and recieved a interesting “newsletter” from him.
Has anyone else received this? It talks of writing opinions to ADN, Barbie, and he talks about barbie campaigning for the pedophile (who she helped win BTW)
The newsletter contains this article, from Alaskan Dispatch: http://www.alaskadispatch.com/features/2-features/355-palin-knows-how-to-pick-em.html
The rest of his newsletter talks about energy and the high cost of oil for Alaskans and also education.
Is that grumbling I hear! Dissension! Has the Empress lost her clothes?? I don’t know enough about Alaska politics…but….just sayin’

4 12 2008
Martha Vancouver B.C.

Palin is going to be toast if Walt runs. Then he can expose HER for all the BS she’s done while in office. Palin has 2 more years to break every ethic law on the books and probably a criminal law or 2 while she’s at it.

His campaign slogan could be…..Nailin’ Palin…..I crack myself up sometimes!

I’d like to see someone jailin’ Palin. Dump her in with Uncle Ted.

4 12 2008
WV Democrat

I’m not surprised. I figured he would run when he found he had an amazing amount of support from everyday Alaskans. If Hubby ever wins the lottery and we move to Alaska (yes, it’s his dream or rather was until Palin), then I would vote for Walt. I would even campaign for Walt.

4 12 2008
Grammy in PA

When does he have to make a formal announcement? I think I read the dealine is in June???

4 12 2008
Blue Idaho

Everything I have ever heard this man say shows how classy he is. Class is not something you can dress up in a fancy suit.

4 12 2008
lynn (MA)

@ Martha Vancouver B.C. (10:35:29) :

His campaign slogan could be…..Nailin’ Palin…..I crack myself up sometimes! I’d like to see someone jailin’ Palin.


Maybe we could revive the Mudflats version of the Palin biography!

The college years could be Failin’ Palin.

Then all those kids=Nailin’ Palin.

The Mayormobile + other tales from Wasilla + Detailin’ Palin

Maybe a Pastor Muthee chapter–Impalin’ Palin?

The VP run+Wardrobegate=Upscalin’ Palin.

When she’s run out of office (thanks, Walt!) = Hightailin’ Palin

What we all hope comes next = Jailin’ Palin.

I don’t really wanna go there, but after her death + cremation = Inhailin’ Palin?

4 12 2008
Wired Differently

Yes, Virginia (oops, I mean Alaska), there is a Santa Claus. And he’s bringing coal to somebody’s stocking in Wasilla.

4 12 2008
Lori in Los Angeles

I think Monegan’s fundraising efforts will be cruicial. Small donors, from all over the Country (ala Obama). I will sure be opening my checkbook as soon as he announces his candidacy. I bet the whole Country will back him up – for the sake of the security of the entire U.S.A.

4 12 2008
Grammy in PA

I just hope it’s not a three way race where she pulls out 39% of the vote and wins again. I wish they would change the law there and have a run off and require the winner to take 51% . . .

4 12 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Very intriguing news. How long is the lead-time for the Alaska governor’s campaign? He may just be testing the waters now, but I hope he will find more of the support that is out there for an inherently decent guy to run and win.

4 12 2008

I hope Walt DOES run for Governor in 2010. I’ll tell you one thing, if he does…campaign contributions will POUR IN from around the Country!!! No need to worry about funding Walt, that’s for sure!!

4 12 2008

Move over Tina Fey….

Here’s…………………….. Lila


With a hat tip to Pink Floyd…

I have seen the writing on the wall
All in all Palin was just bricks in the wall

But don’t let them bury the light
Don’t give in without a fight

Wouldn’t you like to see the Dems
Rule again, my friends?

Just get out, break down that wall
Together we stand, divided we fall

So, gather your bands
With head, hearts, and hands

Standing so tall
Break down that wall…

4 12 2008

Monegan strikes me as an individual who actually HAS integrity!

AKM, as soon as he announces, put up the contact info and we can donate from here to assist him in his quest.

AK will be better for having a governor who actually does what he says.

I look forward to supporting Mr. Monegan.

4 12 2008
Grammy in PA

OK, so will Palin choose to run for re-election in 2010 (if Walt is her opposition) or will she choose to run against Lisa M.??

4 12 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

I am tempted to move my permanent residence back to Kenai so I can vote for Walt.

4 12 2008
Miemaw from Texas

Hot damn!

4 12 2008
CO Almost Native

I know a lot can happen in a couple of years, but this is awesome news for Alaska:)

lynn (MA) (10:49:53) :

heh heh…very funny.

4 12 2008
Moose Pucky

Three hoofs (hooves?) up for Monegan!!

4 12 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Moose Pucky (11:20:22) :

Three hoofs (hooves?) up for Monegan!!

That would make for a highly unstable moose. Please be careful!

4 12 2008

He’s got a pretty impressive security resume. What party would he run under? And I imagine he would be popular among vets, considering his dad got a Medal of Honor. Guy took on SIX tanks to defend a position in Seoul. If he takes on after his dad, he’d make a great and selfless governor.


4 12 2008

Okay, I’d never heard of Mr. Monegan three months ago, but tears sprang to my eyes at the thought of his being Governor of Alaska. I can’t vote, but I sure as hell can donate! Imagine if every mudflatter threw just ten bucks his way.

4 12 2008
Grammy in PA

Ohhhh, I didn’t think about that – would he run as a Repug? Which means he’d have to beat her in the primary, sort of like she did to Frank M.

4 12 2008
MinNJ Moose Roadster

What wonderful news! He would be a great choice for Alaska: integrity, sense of duty to the people, proven steadfastness in his principles. GO ALASKA!

4 12 2008

Great news Alaska. If I lived there he would have my vote. Alaska start the campaign NOW.

4 12 2008
Denise sansMSgaAZca

Looking up for Alaska. A bona fide contender.

Betcha would be nice for the lower 48 donchano, also.

4 12 2008
WeCan Hussein

Can those of us out of state–and country–register and vote absentee? The voting rules in Alaska seem a bit lax, to me, if you can get more than 100% turn out in some areas! B-)

4 12 2008
MinNJ Moose Roadster

My most sincere wish is that he would beat her in a primary. That would be such a blow for justice! But whatever the outcome, I’m not counting media-mogul-must-have-attention Sarah for a minute. She is truly irksome in every way.

4 12 2008
Wasilla women

Wow, I hope he runs… the political future in Alaska may be VERY INTERESTING!!

4 12 2008
Grammy in PA

How long do you have to live there to vote? It’s only 30 days isn’t it? Shoot, a long vacation sometime in late September/early October??

4 12 2008

I will HAPPILY make a donation just as soon as he sets up a campaign office. In a perfect world, that donation would ALSO TOO get me a bumper sticker! Even here in Virginia, we want to show our Monegan pride!

4 12 2008
CO Almost Native

Another article from the Alaska Dispatch; questions about the deal with TransCanada to build the gas pipeline, to be signed tomorrow. Sounds like it may be a raw deal for Alaska, thanks to SuperGovernor Sarah:

http://www.alaskadispatch.com/tundra-talk(I hope this link works; or go to alaskadispatch.com, and then to Tundra Talk)

Grammy in PA (11:28:08) :
Ohhhh, I didn’t think about that – would he run as a Repug? Which means he’d have to beat her in the primary, sort of like she did to Frank M.

I think Monegan could run under the newly made-up Moose Party banner, and he’d have a chance to win…

4 12 2008
Wasilla women

he could run as an independent.

4 12 2008
Krinkle Bearcat Palin

Maybe we’ll see Barbara Walters asking SP her opinion of Walt on the tellie tonight…

4 12 2008

That would be such fitting justice if Monegan beat Palin. I can’t think of anything that would make me happier.

4 12 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

I’m in! (Not that I can do much from CT, but whatever I CAN do, I will!)

4 12 2008

I imagine it would be best if he ran on the Democratic ticket. It seems like that they would be out for Republican blood in 2010.

4 12 2008
Wasilla women

Gov. Monegan and Lt.gov. ???(got any idea’s). Atty Gen. Les Gara

4 12 2008

Um…Vladimir Putin for Lt. gov? 😛 It’d be rearing his head in Alaska alright!

4 12 2008
Goalie in NM

Great news for Alaska AKM!

4 12 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

I noticed that what little of the media actually covered the goings-on in GA didn’t bother to mention crowd numbers ….. I guess a lot of folks just spontaneously exploded before leaving home. 😉

4 12 2008
CO Almost Native

Aussie Blue Sky (13:00:39) :

heh heh heh…very funny.

4 12 2008

I will certainly send a check. We can tell Big Ed look what he did for the Tinkster even though Bachmann still won in MN.

4 12 2008

I know folks who think a lot of this person. He has a lot of respect, even though it doesn’t come from the current governor. Go for it, Walt Monegan!

4 12 2008

Aussie Blue Sky –

I live in GA and they didn’t even cover the crowds locally.

A win for Walt Monegan would be an amazing end to this story. Go Walt!

4 12 2008

Wonderful news!

4 12 2008

Talk about Poetic Justice!! I totally agree that he would have no trouble raising money – he can certainly count on me – provided however he is not for continuing Murkowski and Palin’s wolf “management” solutions; but somehow I just cannot see this decent man doing this.

4 12 2008

Bush’s last act of defiance will be to pardon her. Send well wishes, I am afraid that a bit of the “Secret” is happening. If you believe in Karma, every “dog will have his day.” Or perhaps pittbulls wearing lipstick. I wish her well and I am wishing that a super smart women will step on the political stage within the next eight years (after President-Elect serves).

4 12 2008


Run baby run!!! Or run Monegan run!!!

4 12 2008

@libbs —

I thought she made the crowds “explode?” That’s what scumbag Chambliss said!

Monegan winning a run for gov because of her would be a fitting end. Much to be done before that can happen, though. She’s managed to muddy his name quite well. I hope that when he says he’s not suing the state he’s not saying that he’s not going to sue her! There is a difference, and hopefully he’ll sue HER for defamation/slander.

4 12 2008

SMR – I heard that bit of nonsense from Saxby, too. Sorry, didn’t hear anything about an “explosion”. I’m afraid that may have been a personal problem related only to our dear Senator. Way too much information, in my opinion.

I agree….Monegan winning a run for Gov because of SP would be a fitting end.
Integrity has to win out up there soon! I think the good folks in Alaska deserve nothing less.

4 12 2008
Goalie in NM

OT to a degree

I wish that Tweety would QUIT talking about how much people LOVE SP…and how she is the future of the repugs (okay – well – then they are truly sorry if she is all they’ve got!).

ENOUGH! There is no need to keep pointing out how the crowds keep coming to see this woman and how they appear to love her.

Now, I love Tweety just as much as the next liberal thinking person…but quit yer tweetin’ Tweety!

4 12 2008

Well, if SWWNBN gets past all her gates without getting convicted and runs against Monegan, I hope he knocks her socks off and and send her and first “Dud” off packing as far away from the political scene as possible. Hopefully, Alaska sends her up the river to serve time along with Ted Stevens for all of her gates. Maybe she can get the inmates to explode in prison. Just thinking….

4 12 2008
Moose Pucky

Balancing on one hoof. It’s my new yoga pose…

4 12 2008

I saw him on Rachel Maddow and was struck by the earnestness, integrity and honesty of the man. Getting to know Monegan was one of the ONLY happy byproducts of the Disasta from Alaska debacle. I really hope he runs. Alaska could use someone who actually cares about little things like violence against women, cutting down crime and fighting corruption (meaning: actually fighting it and not just spouting off about it to opportunistically ride popular sentiment to get elected).

4 12 2008

I’d like to know what is happening with the suit filed in court asking for SP’s emails to be released. Make a way make a way!!!!!!! Someone get Pastor Muthee on the phone — we need a way!

Check out this article:


4 12 2008

Who is Tweety?

4 12 2008
Lin in AZ

Tweety is Chris Matthews

4 12 2008

I don’t think it matters what ticket Walt runs under. He will win. But some strategy should be used, whether he beats her in the primary or the general, to figure out which ticket he needs to be on. If Palin runs for Senate then Lisa has got to knock her out in the first round. Walt is smart, and ethical, and listens to the people. Yippee!

4 12 2008

@libbs –
There is a difference, and hopefully he’ll sue HER for defamation/slander.


He won’t. He’s a spiritual positive type of guy. He believes in justice and all that, and is pretty tough – very tough when need be. I think filing lawsuits would be petty play to him. I can see him running for Governor, tho. 🙂

4 12 2008
Lori in Los Angeles

Can someone print out this blog and comments and snail mail them to Walt Monegan? I don’t know if he sees this site, and if he sees all of the support he will have (and how much he is admired), maybe he will be more confident in his RUN FOR GOVERNOR. Governor Monegan, I like the sound of that!

4 12 2008

If Monegan does run, I know a lot of people not living in Alaska, who I think would contribute to his campaign to help him beat Palin. Is that legal? Can you contribute to a candidate in a different state?

4 12 2008

I found it very telling that Monegan was the one who repeatedly told Palin and her henchpeople, “You don’t want to go there.” when they tried to get him to talk about Wooten.

Here’s a guy who was very well versed on the ethical considerations of the situation and tried to impart that information to Palin to no avail. She just kept trying to plow through the door she wanted to plow.

Then….to add insult to his injury (firing), she drags his name and reputation down into the mud. Monegan has shown his classiness and professionalism by sticking to the “higher plane” in this whole dirty business. Alaska needs Monegan.

Recall/impeach Troglodyte Palin…..and clean out the state offices of her kin and kith.

4 12 2008

Can you say “hope”?

4 12 2008
Wasilla women

at her press conf tonight (surprise!) she seems like she didn’t want to be there, like she would rather be doing something else and would love to find a way out of being Gov.. there is more money in selling books and glasses.. Oh well.

4 12 2008
Texas Brian

If he was to win, that would be the ultimate slap in the face to SP. Please let this happen. I will be celebrating from Houston.

4 12 2008

Oh man, if this turns out to be true…. You Alaskan folks sure are in for a change, and that’s a change for the better, you betcha!

This guys seems to fully understand what ethics, honesty, integrity, and hard work really means. He also seems to live his life incorporating these things into his everyday being. I like that. I like that a lot. If I were Alaskan, I’d vote for him regardless of party.

4 12 2008

A rouge is like a maverick, right ?
heh …

4 12 2008
wired differently

@Sarah: Yes, out-of-state $$ is okay. Remember Tinklenberg. It’s just out-of-country $$ that’s not okay.

OT. I see Dubya and Laura have bought a house in ‘an affluent neighborhood north of Dallas’. So it was true that the Crawford ranch was just a prop. Gosh, they sure had me fooled.

4 12 2008

Wasilla women (12:41:21) :

Gov. Monegan and Lt.gov. ???(got any idea’s). Atty Gen. Les Gara


Hollis French for Lt. Gov. He’s smart as hell and likeable. I think Monegan could work well with French. And Les Gara would make a terrific AG, but I’ve heard that he’s considering a run for a national seat. I have a hunch that French may be considering a run at a US Senate seat.

No matter who Monegan picked for a running mate, I’d vote for him. He’s the real deal. He not only *has* integrity, he knows how to spell it.

Now that Obama has us all trained in grassroots organizing, we can kick some butt in the next election cycle. : )

4 12 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Moose Pucky (16:17:18) :

Balancing on one hoof. It’s my new yoga pose…

And if you can assume that position for long enough, you will experience the “floating moose sutra”. Or the “moose can fly syndrome”. Whichever.

4 12 2008

I had a dream where I wake up one day and the Great State of Alaska is all swathed in Blue and there is no Palin to be seen on the horizon. How wonderful that would be. How long will it take me to take up residence in Alaska so I can vote the bitch out.

5 12 2008

Wasilla women (18:06:58) : “at her press conf tonight (surprise!) she seems like she didn’t want to be there, like she would rather be doing something else and would love to find a way out of being Gov..”

— I didn’t hear the press conf., but I’ll betcha she’s thinkin’ of that gas line agreement she has to sign tomorrow. That will effectively give the $500K to TransCanada, I think. (For all I know, maybe the press conf was about that.) Anyway, I was thinking earlier today that she might be a little worried about the gas line now, with oil prices so low, and no guarantees whatsoever from the big 3 oil companies. She could be feeling the squeeeeeeeeeeze, the consequences of her actions.

But oh yeah, I forgot. She’s an energy expert.
Anything good at the press conference that we should know about?

5 12 2008

Oops sorry, I should probably take the OT stuff to the Night Kitchen, eh?

(senior moment…….)

5 12 2008

FINALLY…some decent news coming out of Alaska! Gov. Walt Monegan sounds like a new beginning for you folks up there. Our UNIFIED goal should be (also) to keep Palin out of ANY higher office…John McCain, you did us a favor by exposing this ignoramus to the world. Now there’s NO excuse to be broadsided.

6 12 2008
claudia in nyc

Horn definitively being blown! Go Walt Monegan, Go Alaskans for Truth!