Thank You, People Saying “Thank You” to Sarah Palin!

22 11 2008


As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s time to think of gratitude. I have a lot to be thankful for this year, but in particular I’m thankful to Sarah Palin. I was saving this post for Thanksgiving Day, but events have convinced me to say it now.

There are lots of things for which I’m thankful to Sarah Palin. I’m thankful for her interview with Katie Couric. I’m thankful she knows nothing about foreign relations or her native tongue. I’m thankful that she doesn’t know what she reads, because she doesn’t. I’m thankful she doesn’t remember any Supreme Court decisions like Baker vs. Exxon.

I’m thankful for her End Times, Evangelical witch-exorcising pastor. I’m thankful for her irresponsible fiscal policies. I’m thankful she and her daughter who both conceived children out of wedlock feel that abstinence only sex education is the best policy.

I’m thankful she thinks fruit fly research is silly, and that she wants to teach creationism in public schools. I’m thankful she tried to fire a librarian who found the concept of book censoring unacceptable.

I’m thankful that when the Legislative investigation found her guilty of violating ethics law, she said she was glad to have been found innocent.

I’m thankful she spent $150,000 on a wardrobe, and that she winked at the camera during the Vice Presidential debate. I’m thankful she took a prank phone call from “Nicholas Sarkozy” without telling anyone. I’m thankful she “went rogue” in the last weeks of the campaign.

And I’m really thankful she shared all four versions of the inspiring story of how she accepted the Vice Presidential nomination. I can’t decide which one I liked best. It’s a tie between “I didn’t blink”, and the one where she sat everyone down and had a family meeting and a vote to decide if it was the best course of action for the family. But, I digress.

Basically, I’m thankful that she felt so darn comfortable just bein’ herself. And I’m thankful she blew the election for John McCain. I’d like to believe he would have lost anyway, but it’s good to have an insurance policy.

But now, a new layer of complexity is added to my gratitude. I’d like to say thank you to the people who are saying thank you to Sarah Palin.


At first, I thought this was a brilliant satirical masterwork by our friends over at The Onion, or perhaps another jewel from Andy Borowitz. But, no. It’s actually REAL. I haven’t laughed that hard in a good long while….and laughter is good for the soul.

My favorite part was:

“We thank you for your passionate, hopeful and articulate advocacy of common sense conservative values.”

The emphasis was not mine. He really emphasized that word. (Dabbing eyes) And they also somehow managed to find the only two African-Americans that didn’t vote for Obama.

So thank you crazy conservative Our Country PAC people! You made my day.



142 responses

22 11 2008

Some folks…

I hope they all get help.

22 11 2008

That black woman needs to give that pink dress back…

22 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

I couldn’t stand to watch the guy, but I bet he was the conservative talk show host from Wisconsin who begged McCain to hit Obama with his ‘known terrorists pals’.

I am thankful that you guys are stuck with her and I am not! Sorry. Had to be said.

22 11 2008

Hehehe. Another deliciously to-the-point post, AKM! I am NOT going to wreck the experience of reading with watching that vid (not that dial-up would be conducive to it anyway, thank God).

22 11 2008
mhrt oregon

I stand forth to say she shucks

22 11 2008
mhrt oregon

in my hast typed to fast and stand corrected

22 11 2008
Cynthia, TX

I just wanted to go to the nearest toilet and throw up when I heard about this!

22 11 2008

Oh, barf! Thank you sarah palin for ruining any chance you had for the vp of this land. Thank you thank you thank you for showing your dumbness in all it’s shining glory. But mostly, thank you, sarah palin, for simply going away. (That is a thank you in advance!)

22 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Articulate. And intelligent, ethical and humane, also.

22 11 2008
Cynthia, TX

Ok, if you all think that is bad let’s talk a walk down the local craft and hobby place called “Hobby Lobby” here in Texas. And what do you think I see a metal sign about 12″x12″ with the lofty slogan “you know the difference between a pit bull and hockey mom…lipstick” signed Sarah Palin. I turned to my daughter and wanted to leave that store as quick as possible. I mean come on people what the heck was that about. The signs were on the end cap and there were more than my eyes could see or my brain could count!

22 11 2008

we should ALL be thankful……considering the alternative, AND considering the gem we elected! Make me happy every time I think of
that family heading for the White House.

22 11 2008

Bless their hearts, where ever did they leave their darn logic and reason?

22 11 2008

Oh I think the best part is the ending where it shows the banner and says “Our Country Deserves Better” and shows her picture. Damn right that we deserve better than Sarah Palin.

22 11 2008

So where\’d everyone go? Seems like something changed here.

And even though no one\’s here, today , Nov 22, 2008 is the 45th reminder of the assassination of JFK.

22 11 2008

It is like a Walmart Ad only not as well produced

22 11 2008
Political Amazon

Business owners of non-political businesses who show their partisanship are not very good business people because if you want to have large sales you probably should not alienate over half of the buying population.

About 4 years ago my husband and I went to the Gold Country in California. The Gold Country is a collection of small towns that have main drags that are mostly tourist oriented.

We pulled into one town, parked the car, got out and–of course–went to enter the first shop we saw. However, on the big storefront window right next to the entrance was about 5 pages of internet bullshit about Bill Clinton. The information on the internet printouts was totally bogus stuff that had been proven wrong about a gazillion times.

We turned around, got back in the car and left. And then, when I got home I wrote letters to the town’s Chamber of Commerce, the mayor and all the council members, as well as every store whose name I could find that was on that main tourist drag in the town.

It takes some kind of stupid for a store owner to purposely insult a majority of the adult population. I don’t know many businesses–even 4 years ago–that can afford to immediately rule out half of potential buyers.

22 11 2008

Cynthia- how horrifying for you! I would never shop there again.
What are these people thinking? At the beginning of the ad (with a servant’s heart) – CODE to the crazy bible thumping fundamentalists. Common sense? Grace and dignity? Inspired? Wow. These people are crazier than I thought. Stepford.

22 11 2008
Forty Watt

Well they got one thing right–our country most certainly does deserve better.

22 11 2008
Political Amazon

BS, there are some stores or facilities where it is more convenient for us to go, and in some cases there isn’t any other store or facility like it in the area.

That’s the case with the gym I go to, which plays Fox News 24/7, even after I have repeatedly asked/demanded that they switch to a neutral news channel or show no news at all.

So this is what I do: I now wear the most in-your-face political t-shirts I can find to the gym. I am pretty much now wearing t-shirts with a huge picture of Obama on the front.

When I first started doing it, other liberals at the gym were shocked. Then, one at a time, others started doing the same thing. There are now probably 10 people in the gym any time I’ve gone there that are wearing big ol’ pictures of Obama on their chests.

I wear Obama t-shirts a lot of the time, anyway, because I think he will need all the support he can get to deal with the mess our country is in.

22 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

AKM, thank you for your brilliant posts!
this was unreal to me: “articulate advocacy of common sense conservative values.” I had wrote this in the other post and…its still totally unreal to me. Again I have to ask…? What planet are these people from? and what about the request at the end “sarah, how ’bout that moose chili recipe”….OMG! OMG!
I hate to make judgements but…these people are???? Without brains…the kindest thing I can say.
And again I will say, these a-holes thank “Gov. Sarah” thanksgiving, but what about “……” the unemployed, the homeless, who might not even get to celebrate Thanksgiving????
Except in a soup kitchen?
I really hate her and her Fake christian (Dark christian, dominonist’s).
Real Christians are not like her!

22 11 2008

Political Amazon – You are right – sometimes you have to go to a place because it’s the only one. I do the same thing with a local watering hole (long story). I wear my Obama T-shirt and just hope somebody will say something. So far no bites – but I am hoping in the future it will spark a conversation and I hope I can hold my own.

22 11 2008
not your pal Palin

She is the gift that keeps on giving. I second the Thank you Sarah Palin.

If you want to listen to a good Thanksgiving song this holiday season, I suggest you plug in Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant. It’s a family tradition at our house and a reminder that the contradictions between war, justice, and sanctity of life are simply lost on some people. I even found it on you tube:

Camelot, in memoriam of JFK, you can listen to several of his speeches on American Rhetoric. I’ll let you pick your favorite, but he has more than one in the top 100 speeches:

22 11 2008

clipped from comments on a LTE at the news miner [fairbanks, AK]:
“Over 95% of blacks voted for Obama, Only 55% of whites voted for McCain. Who is being racist here?”
what do you think? i believe african americans usually vote for the white man. ’cause that’s all there usually is on the ballot. and 90 to 95 percent vote democratic, since the end of the southern democrats in the ’70s.
right wingers are trying to scare themselves now, since they apparently can’t scare liberals or those on the fence anymore.

22 11 2008

AKM, thank YOU. Brilliant post.

22 11 2008
Dragon Lady

Between the roll out and the convention I thought she would become VP and President in less than the 4 years. I literally could not sleep; had stomach pains.

Then for all the reasons AKM just listed, I joined with many other Christians (and no doubt numerous Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, agnostics and aetheists) saying:
Thank you Lord; Thank you Lord; Thank you Lord!!!

I think we will see an uptick in worship thanks to her scary self.

22 11 2008

Oh, and I just saw that pathetic ad. Aren’t they missing some commas at the end? “THANK YOU, SARAH PALIN.” IS THERE ANYONE WITH HALF A LITERATE BRAIN ON ANY OF HER PR?

22 11 2008

@ Political Amazon (20:51:37),
I agree with you. I still wear my Obama/Biden Button out and about daily. The positive energy I get is just lovely. People are so happy about OUR president…I just love saying that.

22 11 2008
Dragon Lady

While we are observing an early Thanksgiving, the following which I found by accident.

Maybe Sarah will go for an after dinner walk…

22 11 2008
Dragon Lady

If people eat animal crackers, do people eat animal crackers?

If people eat turkeys, do turkeys eat people?

I do not think mooses or caribous eat peoples but there is a first time for everything.

Who posted the cartoon of Sarah’s image on the big screen TV saying “blah, blah, blah.” A turkey, carrying a hatchet, walks over to the man in a chair and says: “just kill me now.”

22 11 2008
Denise sansMSgaAZca

Articulate and Palin aren’t words I would expect to see in the same sentence, without a Not injected.

Gosh. Makes me wonder how difficult it must be to talk about conservative values and positions. Are they wordless states of mind to which Palin has truly applied verbage in an exceptional way?

Or is Palinese simply a string of phrases containing key words delivered in a beauty pageant sing song which some conservatives are happy to interpret? Palin speak leaves me befuddled. As if I have been dropped into a maze without end.

22 11 2008

Cynthia, TX (20:30:27) :

Just a thought, but a lot of times the end caps are filled with — ahem — “clearance” merchandise. Perhaps the Hobby Lobby has an overinventory of a topical item whose topicality is in exponential decay.

22 11 2008

Dragon Lady (21:18:06) :

If people eat animal crackers, do people eat animal crackers?

Is this a trick question? B-)

22 11 2008

Yes, thank you Sarah Palin, for showing the true colors of the Rethuglican Party. Give me your fascist, your racist, your poorly huddles asses…I lift my dimly lit lamp upon this golden (political) whore.

The Wasilla Assembly of God and the mean-spirited shallow one sided bias of the conservative movement is responsible for the content of Sarah Palin.

22 11 2008
Dragon Lady

Brain fuzz – above was “if people eat animal crackers, do animals eat people crackers.” I ruined my own joke.

Strangelet how can you be so intelligent at 1:26 in the morning (“topical item whose topicality is in exponential decay.”)

Denise – it is beauty pageant singsong with a fundie twist. There is no “thinking.” Conservative values and positions are very short and very simple: a six day world example. That makes for a verrryyy short class.

Nice for people with short attention spans and whose vocabulary consists of short words.

22 11 2008

Ewwwww, bad taste in my mouth…
Here’s more about these yo-yos. I’m trying to recall details, but as I remember Kaloogian got himself into some rather hot water here in CA a while ago.

22 11 2008
Dragon Lady

My favorite Palin is the “all of ’em” for what newspapers she reads.

As of 2007 there were 10,104 daily, paid-for newpapers worldwide.
No wonder she needs those glasses!

22 11 2008
Zim in Oz

😯 😯 😯 😯 😯

What ? Are they serious…? Unbelievable..!
Family values ?…..nnnoooooooo !

LOL… an aside. Assuming the actors were paid and the video was paid for and aired at great cost….Why ? Why NOW ?

22 11 2008
Cynthia, TX

strangelet (21:22:37) :

sad to say not on sale full price of $12.99 I believe.

22 11 2008
Dragon Lady

Cannot hold my eyes open.

These PAC ads are hilarious and will be much late-night fodder for Turkey Day.

“Not Just Another Cable News Show” could run an entire program on SP alone.

I must go to bed
and finish reading Le Monde, Figaro – I already finished the other 10,102 newspapers
no wonder I am exhausted

night pups

22 11 2008
mhrt oregon

Dragon Lady (21:10:53) :

While we are observing an early Thanksgiving, the following which I found by accident.

Maybe Sarah will go for an after dinner walk…
this was so good I sent it to my self and send it to friends tomorrow….thanks

22 11 2008
El from Saskatchewan

morelightthanheat (21:42:46) :
I checked out the website about the PAC people as you suggested. I think someone should tell them the election is over. Instead of making ads they should update their website. Thankful for a president-elect who went right to work. Maybe if PAC really wants to make an impact, they should quite dwelling in the past. Or maybe not – Better for us

not your pal Palin (21:00:34) :
I was shocked, absolutely shocked, shocked- I tell you. There wasn’t 1 Bush speech in the top 100 including W and H.

Hope I am not being presumptious as a Canadian saying “us”

22 11 2008

The money spent for those ads would have been better spent on feeding the poor.

22 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Dragon Lady (21:18:06) :
I first posted the cartoon several threads ago- it was in the Denver Post, by Luckovich (Atlanta). I love that cartoon- I may have it framed:)

Sheesh- look what happens: I do errands, go to a DU hockey game- and I miss all the good stuff. I’ll have to catch up tomorrow; at least I won’t need another visual aid. (I hope)

Good night, mud pups…

22 11 2008

El-Sask.: We WELCOME you!

22 11 2008

Is that video really real, for real?

Regardless, I would like to thank John McCain for picking Palin as his running mate. She was absolutely perfect.

22 11 2008
Steph in NOW MN also

It’s not *really* serious, is it? The family with the girls and the baby? The black cowboy? This is really a farce, right?

22 11 2008
QuiltAK AKA Northern Quilter AK

I’m thankful for AKM and her great posts, and everybody here who posts their thoughts and links – be they serious or funny (and or silly), simple or complex, on topic or off.

and Not Your Pal Palin – wow, Alices Restaurant sure dredged up some memories!

Heading over the forum – I’m learning…

22 11 2008
Ann of Brisbane

Who are all these turkeys?

22 11 2008
Steph in NOW MN also

I don’t think this is real. From the website:

She has consistently took time away from her personal life to speak out with unwavering conviction on behalf of our military men and women and their families back here on the homefront.

**How did the above pass both an editor and spell-check?**



**Shouldn’t that be THE Constitution?**

I think it’s fake.

22 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Steph in NOW MN also (22:27:36) :

I tried to link into, but it is an error- and labeled “bad” by the server (smart server).

So whoever it is, is gone- maybe they were trolls, and got booted!

22 11 2008
Pat, Washingonton state

I saw this last night on some show in the middle of the night. It’s really bad when it’s people trying to give the news and they have to talk about Sarah Palin – it’s obvious they can’t take anything about her seriously either. Of course, it all led right back to Turkey Gate, and irony of this group making this ad without knowing what Palin was going to do. (I wonder if they feel as foolish as they look.)

Oh, and it’s also the 45th anniversary of the death of C. S. Lewis.

I do miss John Kennedy – I’ve thought of him often this past year.

Thanks, AKM, for a great post. And seriously, I think we have so very much to be thankful for now that the election is over, and to look forward to. I’ve marked Inauguration Day on my new 2009 calendar. Now, I just hope that we don’t have another storm like we did in the Puget Sound area that knocked out the power so long that no one here saw any of the coverage. This is one that I plan to watch all day long.


22 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Steph in NOW MN also (22:27:36) :

I actually found them- it is Our Country Deserves Better PAC, and they are conservative, right wingnuts. They are still asking for money, although their info is presidential campaign-related. Tsk, tsk- update yourselves, if you want donations (good luck with that one).

22 11 2008
Steph in NOW MN also

On the donations page:, LLC and its agents assume no responsibility or obligation to verify (i) whether the particular organization to which you are donating is legally organized and conducted or (ii) whether the use of or application of any moneys donated are used for proper and/or lawful purposes.

Contact information provided will be transmitted to the committee. assumes no responsibility or obligation for the protection of the privacy of this information by the committee. Credit Card information will be used for processing only and will not be shared with the committee or any third party except for the express purposes of processing or as required by law.

This site utilizes full 128-bit encryption to protect your privacy.

22 11 2008

(And they also somehow managed to find the only two African-Americans that didn’t vote for Obama),rolling on the floor,,,:}

22 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Pat, Washingonton state (22:39:56) :

I miss Kennedy, too- and all of the other great statesmen/women who sat across from each other, with different philosophies- yet they came together to try and solve our nation’s problems. It is my dearest hope that Obama will instill some of that again-

I will be watching the Inauguration also- in my flannel pjs and chili pepper slippers, in solidarity with the other mud pups around the world.

22 11 2008

Is Palin’s Gobblegate on SNL tonight?

22 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

About the Our Country ad:
Sarah should pardon one of those turkeys and then stand in front of the whole lot of them and let the post-pardon interview take it’s, uh, natural course.
Adios turkey-os

22 11 2008
CO Almost Native

WeCan Hussein (22:47:39) :

heh heh heh- very funny.

I am so thankful for Mudflats and all of you- and especially you, AKM- who keep me informed and full of laughter (sometimes it’s snarky, but with Palin- hard to avoid).

22 11 2008
Deuce2 AL "Renegade"

Oh-My-God, If you hadn’t told us that it was real, I would never have thought
so. The nerve of some people. Someone needs to save them from themselves.
Ladies & Gentlemen currently reading this post. Please come over to the
FORUM and join us fortunate mudpups in joyful and educational chats. You
will have a glorious time exploring the CASTLE, swimming in the shark filled
moat and chasing trolls through the beautiful snow covered FORUM Forest.
Take your time as you climb the post-ladder to success. Then and only then
will you be awarded the opportunity to laze about in the plush offices and
chambers of the rich and powerful Community Organizers and Governors.
Come on over and give thanks with us for having such a wonderful place
to call home. “Deuce” 👿

22 11 2008
El from Saskatchewan

If you take a look at the other ads at ourcountrydeservesbetterpac, they are the people who were responsible for that horrid ad with Rev. Wright.

22 11 2008
Vlad the ImPalin

“Why does Sarah Palin carry around a turkey under her arm?”

(For spare parts)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING (and don’t forget to thank the turkey for giving up his life for our enjoyment)

22 11 2008
Kristin aka mudroom palin

All I can say is that…I, along with the rest of the world, have drawn a huge sigh of relief, now that Obama is President Elect! That’s what I’m focusing on now. Not what has been, but the possibilities that we can look at now. Even though the economy is going off the cliff, at least we don’t have to look at a McCain Presidency. God! I would have seriously had to think of relocating!

So, let’s pull together, and help the new President make our dreams come true!

22 11 2008

My husband and I boycott Hobby Lobby. They are owned by wingnuts. Do NOT shop there.

22 11 2008

They should have had someone saying:

“Because she’s good enough, she’s smart enough, and gosh-darn-it, people love her!”

Wait a minute . . . that’s Al Franken… never mind. 🙂

That’s the smarmiest video I’ve ever seen. It looks like a commercial for Vacation Bible School.

23 11 2008

mhrt oregon (19:23:19)
(from a few turkey threads back…I’m sorly behind)

mhrt, I don’t think you know how sweet and special you are and how your words always make be smile…in a nice way.

Just, thanks! 😉 (my thank you)

23 11 2008

I’m thankful Sarah was handed her A$$ at the Vice President “debate.” And Biden didn’t even have to bring out the big guns…oh! Just speak with experience, intelligence, passion and and sincere compassion.

Still not sure what Palin did…but garsh darn I’m glad she blew it.

23 11 2008
SoCal Bob

I’d like to thank the RNC for bringing us all the entertainment that the Palin provided. I’d also like to thank Sarah for making this blog what it is for without her, we’d have probably never found each other. I’d also ask that perhaps one day in the not so distant future, Sarah will awake to the reality of how far out of her league she is when she looks towards Washington.


23 11 2008

Mudflats AKM – thankyou. My post should just read HAHAHAHA again. What a great way to start the day. THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU

I am advertising with all my european friends for you. Hope you don´t mind….


23 11 2008

Uh, is this ad a joke? Those actors were scary! Well–to be fair, so is Sarah.

23 11 2008

Curious (22:10:47) :
Thanks for making me spew my coffee… 😎

23 11 2008
Bethsey in the Midwest

if it’s the Wisconsin radio guy, his name is James T. Harris. I’ve listened to him (but never seen him) and he is unbalanced. This is not a political observation–he really seems to be mentally ill. He starts screaming for no reason. It’s not like he disagrees with a caller or anything, it’s more like he has Tourette’s.

Yesterday, his whole rant was about how the Obamas are sending their girls to a private school. This, according to Mr. Harris, shows Obama is a hypocrite since he took money from the teachers’ union. Now, of course, the union supported him because of his positions on education, not because he promised to send his children to public schools. But he just wouldn’t let it go.

23 11 2008
Enchanted and Healing

I am just so danged thankful for the gift that just keeps giving. And giving. And giving. OK, it has actually sucked the life out of all of us, but it keeps AKM supplied with easy access to blog material, right? 😉

And I’m most thankful that because of Sarah has brought a fabulous group of caring, witty people together at this AWARD-WINNING website!

23 11 2008
Grammy in PA

At the rate it’s going, we’re going to be joined at the hip here at mudflats for at least another four years. I’ll probably be checking in from the old folks home!

23 11 2008

Mommy! Those people are scaring me!


23 11 2008
abo gato

Cynthia/Tx….I’m in Texas too and Hobby Lobby is a VERY religious outfit….I swore some years ago to never set foot in their stores. So their having some Sarah!!! things for sale certainly fits their business model.

Thanks AKM for this, it was a great laugh.

Woo boy, I am glad you all have her and not us.

23 11 2008

Thank you, Gov. Palin,
for tanking the GOP —
that was a nice gift.

23 11 2008

And Thank You to the PAC for airing their “thank you” with its images of roasted turkeys immediately after the “articulate” Palin gave her interview in front of the turkeys being butchered. . . you really couldn’t have made the “before” and “after” any clearer!

23 11 2008
Linda, WA aka We Did It

I too want to thank Sarah for 4 things: 1. I found this remarkable safe haven; 2. she motivated me to get off my rear-end and volunteer for Obama’s (make that President Obama’s, sounds so good) campaign. The last time I volunteered for a candidate I was a teenager and it was for Bobby Kennedy; 3. she reminded me that this is our government, our country, our future. It is worth fighting for , and it needs protection from narrow-minded, self-righteous, blinded by ambition, politicians like her. She forced me to look beyond my doorstep, beyond my city, county, and state; to become actively interested and involved with the issues of other states, including Alaska; and lastly, 4. Thank you for loosing. I can now watch your current (and future) blunders, re-watch the campaign ridiculousness that was you, shake my head and laugh till it hurts and NOT have it scare the living daylights out of me.

23 11 2008
B in MA

Should record a Mudflats version of the Thank You vid using your blog post as the script and post it on Youtube as a thinking person’s alternative! LOL

23 11 2008

I’m thankful to AKM for this blog and these great posts.
I groaned when I first saw this, but now I see it as a holiday gift.
There are people willing to follow the GOP to the ends of the earth, and like musicians on the Titanic, play their song ’til the very end.

Thank you Captain Palin ! My blessings.
Plow through that iceberg. Full speed ahead !

23 11 2008

thank you a.k.m..for your lovely blog.thank you mud-puppies for being you.what an election this has been! we won ourselves a caring ,intelligent president who i believe will do his best for us.when we say we love him,he smiles and says,” i love you back” this thanksgiving i am thankful for every loving heart in the world.oh oh. it’s my birthday and my sister is taking me out to to get dressed….b

23 11 2008

And, how could we forget:

Thank you for wearing that scarf telling us to vote for the Democrats:

23 11 2008

The ironic thing is minorities tend to be more conservative on social issues. They also tend to be more religious as a group than in contrast with caucasians. So the point is if the republicans could make the party more inclusive by CHANGING THEIR STANCE ON SEVERAL POLICIES, and not just sprinkling a few black and brown people here and there, they could see some major improvements down the line.
Especially after this prior election when Mooselini sparked so much racial tension at here rallies, the Grand Ol’ Party has much to do

23 11 2008

Also, too, thank you for being part of a campaign which was open to soliciting campaign funds from socialist Russia (after all, you might as well ask your neighbor to help while keeping an eye on them from your window):

Oops! McCain asks Russia’s U.N. envoy for money. Reuters, 10/21/08:

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – John McCain’s U.S. presidential election campaign has solicited a financial contribution from an unlikely source — Russia’s U.N. envoy — but a McCain spokesman said on Monday it was a mistake.

In the letter, McCain urged Russia’s U.N. Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, to contribute anywhere from $35 to $5,000 to help ensure McCain’s victory over Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama, currently ahead in voter preference polls…

Moscow’s mission to the United Nations issued a terse statement on the Republican presidential candidate’s letter, saying that the Russian government and its officials “do not finance political activity in foreign countries.”…

23 11 2008

Time to be gate-ful! 🙂

23 11 2008

Also, too, thank you for being part of a campaign who was willing to solicit funds from socialist Russia (might as well ask your neighbors for a contribution while keeping an eye on them from your window).

Oops! McCain asks Russia’s U.N. envoy for money. Reuters, 10/21/08:

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – John McCain’s U.S. presidential election campaign has solicited a financial contribution from an unlikely source — Russia’s U.N. envoy — but a McCain spokesman said on Monday it was a mistake.

In the letter, McCain urged Russia’s U.N. Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, to contribute anywhere from $35 to $5,000 to help ensure McCain’s victory over Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama, currently ahead in voter preference polls…

Moscow’s mission to the United Nations issued a terse statement on the Republican presidential candidate’s letter, saying that the Russian government and its officials “do not finance political activity in foreign countries.”…

23 11 2008

OK, just my two cents here regarding the theme of several comments I’ve read here and on other AKM posts.

First of all there is nothing wrong with eating moose. It’s actually pretty tasty. You see, my late Uncle Hobert was a hunter way back in the 50’s when I was a kid. That’s how he put meat on the family table. When they fell on hard times in the 60’s that was about the ONLY way they could put meat on the table. I’ve eaten rabbit, deer, antelope, elk AND moose. Oh yeah, and now you can buy buffalo in the grocery store. Meat is meat. We humans eat meat. My problem is not with hunters who feed their families with their kills but those who hunt for “sport.” Sham on them.

Second, at the ripe old age of just-about 62 I am an atheist. I did NOT come to this state of mind by accident or whim. I have thought long and hard my entire life about spirituality, religion and god. And true to my scandahoovian ancestry I finally realized there is no such thing. I don’t want to do a long winded post or get into an argument but suffice to say I absolutely DO believe that life, as we know it, is a dream and that the REAL place we live is where we go when our bodies die. THAT is home.

So bash Sarah all you want for her idiocy. But let’s get off the “moose chili” wagon (frankly I’d like to try a bowl cause I LOVE chili … chicken, turkey, beef and probably moose) and can we curb the christian moments? We all know she is NOT a Christian. Frankly Jesus would probably scold her harshly for her ways. I’d like to slap her upside the head with a salmon but that’s just me.

23 11 2008
jan jan (Possum)

Yes, Thank You, Sarah Palin!

I am sincere – this is not a joke. I really must thank Sarah Palin.
Sarah brought me to mudflats (the pressure is on) where I will expect to be enlightened and/or entertained on a daily basis from now on. Sometimes I even check mudflats before checking my own mail! OK, not often, but it HAS happened!
Because of Sarah, I spent several more hours standing at the polls encouraging Obama voters, than I might otherwise have done. It was COLD, but so worth it!
I have met a number of like minded people I might never have met. They are COOL!
I have a new role model for the word ditzy, airhead, or the stereotype beauty queen.
I now use new words like, “She is so Palinesque…” (well dressed ((at someone else’s expense,)) but stupid) or “Was that Palinese?” (I didn’t understand what you were trying to say – you were trying to say something, weren’t you?) And, “Don’t Palin me!” for when your kid is giving you nonsensical sound bites to try to cover up what REALLY happened or is going to happen.
I would like to thank Sarah for making such an ass out of an elephant.
Sarah also brought so much humor to the nightly news whenever she showed her face and opened her mouth. I wonder if she can name any newspapers or magazines yet!? OK, probably not.
But most of all, I have to thank Sarah for losing the race for McCain. I hate to think he might have had a chance, we will never know. Maybe the airhead vote actually helped him???????? OMG!
I want to be in the crowd on Inauguration Day and lead a chant saying “Thank you, Sarah! Thank you, Sarah!” Well, OK, maybe not, that would be stooping to her level. Sorry…

23 11 2008

oops! where’s my proofreader?!
>>drchill (05:56:13) :
I’m thankful to AKM for this blog and these great posts.
I groaned when I first saw this, but …
this VIDEO, but …

Geez, video not AKMs post. Oh to be able to proofread myself…

Yes, I see a holiday theme here on Mudflats. Gratitude for a common cause, and a symbol and example of whats wrong with Alaskan Politics, in particular, and national politics in general.
And gratitude that an obscure Alaskan blogger; someone who was paying attention to Alaskan politics, just had enough, and started putting it all out there in the blogosphere to share it with us.

Mudflats seems to have taken a life of its own. It has become both an inspiring opportunity, but a lot of work giving us mud puppies our daily fixes.
So thanks again AKM for the hard work, and sharing your perspective on all this.
I’ll bet you never thought it would have mushroomed into this. And even now, after the election you’ve got lots of mud puppies to ‘feed.’

I’m grateful. I’m thankful. I’m a fan.
I’m proud of you AKM and all my fellow citizens who have had an effect in our politics and created a community that reminds us of our part in our local communities..

Good job!

: )

23 11 2008

well, I agree AKM, it was good for a laugh but once I figured these people were being sincere I was hit by a wave of nausea and a strong desire to cry into my coffee 😦
I haven’t decided what I want to do now but I think I’ll pick laughing; it seems a good day for a laugh.

23 11 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

I will throw in a few thank you’s to SP.

Thank you for making me wake up and realize that there are still women who would deny other women their rights because of religious beliefs. I have to say on a gut level this totally threw me, on a semi intellectual level it completely baffled me. What I have realized is that there are a few generations of women behind me that don’t realize the freedoms they now have, voting, choice etc… were long hard fought battles and it is my job to educate them. They need to be fully informed and realize that those freedoms can be gone in an instant and sadly a woman could lead the way.

My second thank you is for reigniting the reason I do not believe in organized religion. Too many follow their Ministers, Preachers, Priests etc…blindly never questioning. We always need to look at these people as well… people with the same shortcomings, bias, and foibles that all people have. They are not God and are interpreting the word of God how they would like things to be. Often times they lose their way and take advantage. So I will stick to my spiritual beliefs and follow what I feel in my heart and soul.

So Thank You SP for making me take a path out of my stupor and complacency to realize that there is much more at stake when we give our politicians a passing glance, when we really need to put them under a microscope.

23 11 2008

So is she really honestly not bright Alaska? I am thinking she has to be sum what bright? I would think Alaska would hold their leaders to some bright scale? Is this correct? Enlighten me. I have heard she is typically kind.

In the words of nice and in the heart of giving thanks. As a mom who juggles being at home and volunteering. I give her some well wishes. She is a working mom, a brave woman to get in politics, and she got slammed over the sexism thing (which I don’t agree with). Now, as I pull the tomatoes out of my hair.

I am thankful that I am not a politician and I am thankful that I am in another state so that I don’t actually feel the wrath of fruit in thy hair. Ha!
Just thought to stir the pot for a second. Have a great Thanksgiving all!!!

23 11 2008
Moons in Leo

Wow. Made my day. Thanks for sharing. I like the ‘articulate’ line too.

23 11 2008

This is beautiful. I must repost (and link back, of course).

23 11 2008

We just had dinner guests the other night that are still smitten with her. I’ll never get it.

23 11 2008

Would someone please come over and help get my jaw off the floor? What universe do these people live in?! Wow1 Teh stupid! Mind boggling…..

23 11 2008
Taupe Armageddon

I just watched this crazy ad for the 3rd time and I would swear I saw Palin mouthpiece Meg Stapleton in the middle of it. The woman at :44 looks just like her. No doubt Meg would want to be in the middle of it. Take a look!

23 11 2008
Pre-Thanksgiving Thanks (and a good laugh too!) « girl du jour

[…] is where the video is in the original post — you must go there to see […]

23 11 2008

that was funny, where do they find those people?
…thankful SP’s back in Ak…[no harm ment to all the other Ak folks]

23 11 2008
Judy in Chicago

It’s easy and FUN to laugh now and enjoy all the blunders! But I gotta say, part of me was shaking in my boots from the moment that women was put on that stage, until I heard Wolf Blitzer say OBAMA WON! The relief I have felt ever since has been shocking to my system!

By removing Palin from the forefront of the media, and giving it Obama, I can focus on my words, my actions and do what I can do ( what he has called on all of us to do) to help in any area of the day I can find.

AKM thank YOU for this post. Yes, I too am grateful that she did indeed show us who she is.

23 11 2008

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy! Is there any demographic that is missing in this ad? I am surprised they didn’t show a multi-ethnic family with TWELVE kids instead of merely 4 and the mom pregnant too! That would have been really sweet, and SOOOOO….. pro-life too! I can’t always count on you, AKM, to give me a good laugh. Keep ’em coming! Thanks to you, we all care more about Alaska whether or not we are Alaskans, and our country. Have a great Thanksgiving!

23 11 2008

I’m thankful the election is over. Soon you’ll have nothing else to write about and your blog will sink to oblivion again. May it be soon.

Oh my. Dear dear Owen. It’s obvious to me that you don’t live anywhere near the great state of Alaska. My dream of dreams is to have nothing to write about concerning Alaska politics. It would mean a responsive state government, with no corruption, greed, special interests or personal agendas that run counter to the good of the state. It would mean integrity and progress!

So thank you for your kind wishes, although your anaysis of post-election boredom is a little naive in my humble opinion. But I can’t hold that against you.

Here’s hoping we’ll all have nothing to say some day!


23 11 2008

re: Bethsey in the Midwest

I, for one, am relieved that the Obama’s are sending their girls to a private school at least for their own safety. Can you imagine the security nightmare that would be in a public school? We shouldn’t have to be focusing on the school issue when there are so many other things for the nation to deal with. This way both the Obamas and the nation can get down to business. This takes the school thing off the table, I think.

23 11 2008
President Sarah Palin

You don’t need to thank me, it’s my job!
But anyway, you are welcome!
O my Gos, I am sooooooooooooo excited – I just can’t waiiiiiiit for 2012 to become president!

23 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

owen (09:43:25) :

I’m thankful the election is over. Soon you’ll have nothing else to write about and your blog will sink to oblivion again. May it be soon.
Dear troll,
may you fall into the mudflats and sink into oblvian…..Soon! Go back hiding behind Barbie’s skirts, will ya????

23 11 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Crystal Wolf,

Dear troll,
may you fall into the mudflats and sink into oblvian…..Soon! Go back hiding behind Barbie’s skirts, will ya????


LOL I think that would be under Barbie’s skirts! 🙂

23 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Correction oblivion,poof,gone

23 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Proud Community OrganizerWA (09:53:05) :

Crystal Wolf,

Dear troll,
may you fall into the mudflats and sink into oblvian…..Soon! Go back hiding behind Barbie’s skirts, will ya????


LOL I think that would be under Barbie’s skirts! 🙂
Probablly one of those damn pajama wearing 12 yr old bloggers…;)

23 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Oh yes OWEN Barbie is the gift that keeps giving, so AKM will have PLENTY to write about…with all her “GATE’s” and everything…like I said, you just run and play in the mudflats, hope you sink, fast….

23 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

sweep, sweep, sweeping the little troll crumbs out my door into the mud.

23 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Mudpuppies 🙂 Here is a blog and AKM is mentioned! This blog “thank you sarah palin”
cannot discern if she/he is pro palin or not but is funny, calls PAC “wackadoodle”

23 11 2008

Pacificnwgal — a private school is necessary not only for the Obamas’ safety but also for the safety of the other students and the staff, anyone who doesn’t get that should just go back a month or so and watch some video clips from republican rallies . . .

23 11 2008
Blue in MT

Great post AKM. You are always spot-on with your engaging posts and tremendous wit.

It would be so interesting to chat with the producer of the commercial. How difficult was it to find those people? Were they paid well? How many takes were there before they could do it with straight faces?

23 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Here’s a good one:
A Turkey By Any Other Description Is Still the Governor of Alaska (Guest Voice)
“It’s the image that has now been shot (or sliced) around the world: former GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin liberating a Thanksgiving turkey, then giving an interview while turkeys are killed in the background as she speaks. In this Guest Voice post, journalism professor and author Walter Brasch argues that not all turkeys have feathers.”

23 11 2008

Kooky Kaloogian, I love it, Jeeez, what a wingnut.

23 11 2008

This begs for a response in kind. Is there no one who is willing and able to create the well deserved rejoinder out on YouTube?

23 11 2008

If they are honest they have grown by 50,000 in a few weeks. I’d still like to know what they find appealing about her. I work with a highly educated, very successful woman who just adores her, but the issue to just too emotionally charged for me to ask her why?

Does anyone know?

23 11 2008

owen (09:43:25) wrote:
“I’m thankful the election is over. Soon you’ll have nothing else to write about and your blog will sink to oblivion again. May it be soon.”

Thank YOU! If ever we needed proof of how important this blog is, you have just provided that proof and I am grateful. This blog is VITAL! Have a good Thanksgiving yourself! 🙂

23 11 2008
PC in DC

I’m still not sure what the point of this commercial is… Very bizarre that these people would run this ad. I mean, it’s their money and if that’s how they want to support the economy, more power to ’em.

I was surprised that she wasn’t thanked for helping her daughter “choose” to keep the baby. (A choice she doesn’t want other women to have, btw.)

23 11 2008
Taupe Armageddon

Catherine — I can only tell you about my brother and one girl friend and their reasons for liking Palin:

– guns
– snowmobiles
– looks
– bigotry (she’s whiter than Obama)

Note that none of the above have anything to do with the economy, jobs, energy, health care, or any issue that really matter. These are the people who wouldn’t vote for anyone other than old white men, no matter what.

Sadly, they don’t care that she’s uneducated, unintelligible, intellectually-challenged or a self-centered narcissist.

23 11 2008
ak muckracker gives thanks for sarah palin « angryXer

[…] 23, 2008 by angryxer That’s some mighty fine Mudflats gratitude for ya. And there’s more where that came from. A little walk down memory lane of election […]

23 11 2008

hahahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahaha! aahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahaha!
no wait…. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
those people are crazy.

23 11 2008

It’s incredible anyone would criticize the Obama’s for going private. They’re eitiher stupid or evil.

23 11 2008

@ Catherine

I think people who find her extremely likeable just don’t have much respect for the office of the President. They think you could stick Goofy in there with decent enough advisors and everyone would be just fine. They haven’t learned from Bush that it also matters what advisor they pick and if they don’t already have a set agenda stuck in their head.

23 11 2008
Misfit in Texas

How much did she pay them to make that video?

23 11 2008

Palin “articulate”— ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Thanks for the hearty laugh!!!

23 11 2008

Someone has got to create an – our country deserves better than – pac.

Our country deserves better than – John McCain Sarah Palin Ted Stevens George Bush Dick Cheney , Condi Rice, Alberto Gonzales …

Spoofing the Palin ad would be SOOOO easy and tempting …
Thank you Sarah Palin for reminding us that our country deserves better than you.

Our country deserves someone who reads, speaks in complete sentences, has insight and a font of knowledge appropriate to public service, has respect for the law, has honesty and true concern for Americans and the health of our wildlife and the environment. Thank you SP for reminding us by your negative example…

: )

23 11 2008

“We thank you for your passionate, hopeful and articulate advocacy of common sense conservative values.”

In the context of Bushie speak and Heir Karl’s double speak – Palin is as articulate as they are.
And unfortunately she is representative of Nixon/Reagan/Bush conservative values.

The clip is good for a laugh, till you realize that these people are serious. They are still scary.

23 11 2008

I’m back, just had to run into the kitchen to check the calendar after watching that clip. Nope, it’s not April 1st so those people are actually serious in their thanks to Sarah Palin.

I wish I could say something witty right now about these people but I’m pretty much speachless. How in the world can you see what Palin has done and said over the last 3-4 months and thank her? Well unless you’re a Democrat that is I guess.

I’m now going to go jump into bed and pull the covers over my head. I’m afraid to leave the house in fear I’ll have to interact with some of these people. They scare me…… 🙂

23 11 2008

This begs for a response in kind. Is there no one who is willing and able to create the well deserved rejoinder out on YouTube?

Lol if somebody does, it’s just GOT to be a “Thanks, But No Thanks” spoof in response.

I mean really, in our post-Tina-Fey world, to say “this stuff writes itself” is now just an old cliche.

I’d ask, when will the rightwing ever learn, but then they’re against the very idea of an education, so…

23 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

I’d like to slap her upside the head with a salmon but that’s just me.

There’s probably no law against salmon abuse in Alaska but you’d better watch yerself!!


23 11 2008

LOVE that post

23 11 2008

Awww come on guys, everyone has a good side 🙂 Think of all the WONDERFUL SNL skits we have had because of her!


23 11 2008

the guy thanked her for being “a servant”…….code for the right-wingers. This ad is for them. Only they would believe the ad’s message.

Meanwhile, the President-Elect Barack Obama team is rocking and working hard to be ready BEFORE inauguration. That is what i am most thankful for this thanksgiving day.

23 11 2008

Snap, John McCain! “At a time when SO many politicians have let us down”
I really think this video screams out for a response, but it isn’t nice to kick someone when they are down…
…she DOES know she’s down, doesn’t she?
maybe not

23 11 2008
Wood Turner

I’m thankful she’s not the VP. What a nightmare that would have been.

23 11 2008

I was just telling a friend of mine that it’s a very good thing McCain picked Palin. One of the other people he was considering, Bobby Jindal of Lousiana would probably have been a much better choice. But had he chosen Jindal, a deputy governor would have been in charge during Hurricane Ike. Jindal directed a quite successful evacuation of the storm-affected areas. I doubt that his deputy would have been as effective.

Check me out at My latest entry is about love for children in Islam.

23 11 2008

I was just thinking this today–how thankful I am that McCain chose SP as his running mate. Here in MN I am especially thankful, because if our governor TimPaw had gotten selected for VP– as many thought he would given the RNC in Sept.– who knows how close it would have been?
Now we are deep into the Franken-Coleman recount…

24 11 2008
Kansas Lady

This PAC is correct: Americans DO deserve better and that’s why we voted a loud and resounding “NO” to Sarah Palin.
The fact that anyone dares to place the words, “articulate” and “Sarah Palin” in the same sentence deserves to have their credibility ( as well as their sanity) automatically disqualified.

24 11 2008
Dithering In A Hot Tub « Left Eye on the Media

[…] Thursday when I gather with my family.  And speaking of things to be thankful about, please visit for a hilarious post on why we should all thank Sarah Palin.  You’ll be glad you […]

24 11 2008

With so many people un-employed these people would rather waste money on a Palin ad, just to save face. Well it did not work! Now we know that she drew the un-educated, self-righteous idiots as her support base. During the campaign, when I saw the people at the Obama rallies…I saw AMERICA! Such a beautiful sight to see ALL people gathered together…rallying for CHANGE! At Palins/McCain rallies I saw HATE in the pale faces of the people! Thank you Sarah Palin for going back home…sorry you stayed so long. Take care of your family…they need you!

24 11 2008