Sarah Palin? McCain’s Next Trophy Girl?

29 08 2008


Well, this Alaskan is sitting here in disbelief.  This is a total gift to the Obama – Biden ticket.  As the nation scrambles to figure out who Sarah Palin IS, the thinking people of Alaska are simply mystified.  I’ll be posting about this a lot later in the day after I’m awake, (it’s early a.m. here in Alaska) but first impressions:

This woman is going to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?  2 years ago she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.  For those of you out of state, this is as small, and backwoods as it sounds.  A dark horse candidate for governor, she was elected on the ‘anybody but Frank Murkowski’ ticket.  Our previous governor went down hard in his primary bid for reelection, because basically he was the worst governor, ever.  People questioned whether Sarah Palin was actually qualified to be governor of a state that has 1/2 a million people in it.

McCain obviously is looking for the Hillary vote since apparently he thinks women need no other criteria than a set of ovaries to mark their ballot, right?  I mean women don’t actually make policy decisions, do they?

He’s  also looking for the Evangelical vote.  Palin, a creationist, anti-gay, pro-lifer will appeal to this crowd.  Her fondness for creationism in schools, and the recent birth of a Downs Syndrome child can’t hurt here.

Did I say recent birth of a child?  Why, yes.  Our new Vice Presidential candidate has four children plus an infant son.  She obviously feels caring for her newborn won’t get in the way of her Vice Presidential duties. 

And don’t worry fellas.  There’s plenty for you.  Sarah won second place in the Miss Alaska contest! Didn’t they have a card for that in Monopoly?  And John McCain knows how important it is to have a trophy wife Veep on his arm.

John McCain has just done something that Obama has not been able to do yet – prove to the world unequivocably that McCain doesn’t have the judgement to be President.  He will never ever be able to hold his head up and say that Obama isn’t “ready to lead”.  

The pro-drilling crowd will be pleased too.  Why she’s even sueing the Federal Government for daring to suggest that polar bears should be listed as ‘threatened’.  Can’t have those damned bears interfering with the oil rigs.

And then there’s that annoying little ethics investigation by the Alaska State Legislature…

I think I’ll be chuckling all weekend over this.  More to come later.  There’s just so much fodder here.  Where’s a blogger to start?



380 responses

29 08 2008

McCain just lost my vote. I was hoping he would be environmently friendly, but Palin is sueing the Feds over the polar bears.
I’ll vote for change over stupidity any day!

29 08 2008
Instant Tea » Blog Archive » Not iced over by McCain’s VP pick

[…] the women who cleaned up Alaskan government and cut pork barrel spending. Although according to an Alaskan political blog, Palin faces an on-going ethics investigation herself for allegedly trying to get her […]

29 08 2008

Thank you so much for blogging from an Alaskan’s viewpoint on McCain’s selection. We all know so little about Palin “down here.” Even if you strip away all of the opinions on abortion, and party affiliations, I have to ask …. “which VP nominee would make the best President of our country should catastrophe strike?” The choice for me is clear…..I have now switched my vote to Obama.

Please keep the blog going….we need more insight from those in the know.

29 08 2008

I’m in Texas. Why do I give a damn about polar bears. I want gasoline at a cheap price so I can drive my high proformance cars. I have earned that right and I could care less about ant stupid bear or coon.

29 08 2008

If McCain wins, Playboy can try to produce an issue entitled “Girls of the White House”

29 08 2008

Harold – You may be an overt racist, and not care about polar bears, but you might care that the oldest candidate for president in history has just chosen a completely unqualified Vice Presidential candidate to lead the country if something happens to him. BAD judgement.

29 08 2008

Hey, Harold:

I could care less about you, Texas, or polar bears, but I find your stupid racist innuendo very offensive. I hope you drive your car off a f****in’ cliff!

29 08 2008

LOL. Complaining about Palin being mayor of a small town in Alaska? That’s immediately more executive experience than Obama.

As for judgement, Obama picked Joseph Biden. How is that good judgement? The man insulted him along old racial stereotypes, by implying that that “articulate and clean” black people are rare. Furthermore, Biden went to South Carolina and played up to the racist voting bloc by bragging that Delaware was a former slave state. Not to mention that Obama’s platform is based on an as yet undefined call for Hope and Change, yet Biden has spent 35 years in the Senate. How is that any sort of change? And again, Biden’s Senate career does little to pad Obama’s lack of executive experience.

29 08 2008

McVictim picked a bible thumping breeder who has a pro Bush, anti Environment stance that goes beyond the ordinary.
It’s clear they hope to grab some disillusioned Hillary voters and the Christian Right.
That alone spells defeat in THIS election.
It was a bad choice and I couldn’t be more pleased.

29 08 2008

My dumb questions from Texas:
1. Does Palin support seceding from the union (platform plank, I believe)?
2. Is she a wolf puppy killer (aerial hunting issue)?
3. Where can I see her beauty contest photo’s? (nudes?)
Thanks for any answers!

29 08 2008

I believe McCain now stands a chance with Palin on the ticket. She is smart and believes we should tap into oil resources! I am so excited about this.

29 08 2008

Hey harold,

I actually couldn’t care less about you and funny thing, I’m in TX also. You must be some kind of moron to not understand how the food chain works. I’m going to keep this short since I’m well aware that some people just don’t know, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t make them understand. So Harold, go ahead and choose ignorance, I wish you the bliss you so deserve.

29 08 2008

This blog is rich.

Okay…she’s a woman…big deal. Is she fit not for the Presidency yet, but she first be good for the Vice President position? She has more experience as a Governor of the Alaskan National Guard…where is Biden and Obama? No where. Come on. Bad argument.

How is this person good as a executive…council, mayor and current a governor? How’s the person record in office?

Get the facts on all the candidates. Hey, Joe, do you really think we belief you that you were even going to vote for McCain…using the word CHANGE is just typical for a democratic hard core. State your real issues not political lines.
She didn’t fire Monegan…she ask him to move from the job he was in to another because he wasn’t cutting it in the current. The man was ineffective–you’d judge her if she didn’t remove him. Also, read about the fine officer on the roads of Alaska. Officer Wooten was an idiot…even before she was in office. Get your facts straight.

29 08 2008
Christopher Wren

Re McCain/Palin – “The mind boggles”

29 08 2008

Let’s see…

Liberals are complaining that Palin is inexperienced…I would make a comment about the pot and the kettle, but Lord knows people would come unglued screaming that was obviously a racist thing.

This blog shows an obviously condescending attitude towards women, and yet not one liberal picks up on that.

Mudflats might try to convince people that Palin only won because of an anti-Murkowski sentiment, yet her approval ratings have hovered near 90%. That’s nearly ten times what Pelosi garners.

Some of the comments are meant to convince us that supposed McCain voters are now switching their votes based on the choice of Palin. You actually want us to believe that? You want to stick with that story? Seriously?

Oh, and not caring about polar bears is hardly racist. Additional thought on this – constantly bringing up racism accusations when they simply aren’t there in order to win power is simply sad.

This can only help McCain, and will prove to be a good choice. Mudflats might be chuckling over the choice, but those who can reason will be laughing at this blog all weekend.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

This was the smartest choice he could have made. She has more experience than Hussain Obama. That speaks volumes.

29 08 2008

Thank you so much for blogging about McCain’s poor choice as a VP. Since you live in the state of Alaska, you are well versed in what an ill choice she is and what her background, and lack of experience is all about. McCain’s decision just proves that he truly is senile. He is 72 years old. There is a very real likelihood that he could die in office if elected, as he would be 76 by the time his first term ends. I don’t want some self proclaimed Soccer Mom (sorry, no disrespect to all the Soccer Moms out there) running my country. And, SHE IS CURRENTLY UNDER INVESTIGATION for Ethics Violations. Are you kidding me? She was MAYOR, not a SENATOR as Obama is, but a MAYOR of a podunk, small town (I’m from a podunk small town myself) of 5,470 people!! She has no experience debating issues of War, Economics and legislation that affects the billions of American citizens. No one in their right mind now, would vote for McCain, as this just shows his poor lack of judgement and his “maverick” decision making. I have to believe that the Power Boys of the Republican party are not happy with this decision. But us Obama supporters, we are jumping up and down with excitement!!!

And, Harold: you should care about those polar bears. And, you should really care about bumble bees — as they are dieing off, did you know that? And, did you know that scientists and other really smart people like Albert Einstein, have predicted, that us HUMANS will die off within 4 to 7 years after the bumble bees die off, because we will no longer have the bumble bees to pollinate our food crops. So see, you do have to care about the other creatures of our earth, because it’s a circle of life; and when one is affected, we all are affected. You and your cars are far from the most important thing in this world. Get a clue.

29 08 2008
camp fannyho

Right on. McCain’s transparency in this choice makes even more of a mockery of the Republican ticket.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Hey Ms. Liberal Tracyseattle can you name one accomplishment of Hussain Obama? Being a Governor is way more experience than a Senator. You need to brush up on your polotics before you open your mouth.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

sorry “politics”

29 08 2008

Clearly McCain lacks good judgement. He is pandering to the women voters by thinking having a female on the ticket will cause them to race to his campaign in greatful support. These bra burning baby boomer/hippy NOW SISTAS are way to smart to fall for this stage crafting. Palin does not even have a Law degree, much less than a working knowledge of CONSTITUTIONAL LAW which is the hallmark of any serious POTUS . Lets weight this out Obama, graduated from HARVARD LAW SCHOOL and Biden 35 years of experience in the Senate or McCain, war VICTIM and socker mom Palin. WHO DO YOU WANT ANSWERING THAT CALL AT 3:00a.m.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Hey Fannyho. It is obvious you are a liberal. Republicans, Independents and women withs brains know that this was a wise choice. They will vote for McCain and he will win the election.

29 08 2008

WE CAN ALL START CHANTING NOW …OBAMA, OBAMA, OBAMA YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN. LOLOL lord Johnboy needs to have his head examined. Actually this make our task of winning this election ALL THE MORE EASIER. THANK YOU JOHN!!!! John…put the boxes away…you will NOT be moving out of ANY OF YOUR HOMES JUST YET.

29 08 2008

Sounds like some folks on this blog have a problem with Mom’s who are successful, opinionated and attractive…is that jealously or ignorance?

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Do they give free kool-aid to people on this blog? They must.

29 08 2008

The only thing worse than a man governing my uterus is a hypocritical woman governing my uterus. The only reason she has her 5 children is because she had a CHOICE. No one took her choices away so what right does she have to dictate to others? And what about the whole “Hillary Psychodrama Queens For McCain”? If they were ever TRULY for family issues (healthcare, gunlaws, choice, education, family values etc.) they have to feel real silly with all of that egg on their faces…

29 08 2008


I also hope you drive your car over a cliff. Go to Iraq if you’ve earned the right to kill for oil.

29 08 2008
Grizzly guy

This blog is really great …
Obviously Laughing doesn’t know a racist comment when he/she sees one…
Palin fits the GOP party perfectly … But please don’t talk about experience any longer … She has never been to Washington as an elected official and that is scary enough but that doesn’t matter, just so she knows how big oil works. I think McCain has given the Dems more fodder for their campaign than vice versa …

29 08 2008
Bill K.

The whole liberal concept is based on jealousy and envy. The harder one works and the more one better’s his or herself the more the Gov’t should take and give to people who don’t work as hard.

29 08 2008
Republican for Obama


Excellent choice John McCain! If your an Obama supporter.

“John McCain has just done something that Obama has not been able to do yet – prove to the world unequivocably that McCain doesn’t have the judgement to be President. He will never ever be able to hold his head up and say that Obama isn’t “ready to lead”. ”

This is certainly true!!!

Obama/Biden ’08 – ’12

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Republican my *ss. A true Republican would never vote for Mr. Socialist Hussain Obama.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Can someone on this blog give me ONE just ONE accomplishment of Hussain Obama? Just ONE.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

I’m waiting.

29 08 2008

“Obviously Laughing doesn’t know a racist comment when he/she sees one…”

Obviously I can see when people are grasping at any available straw to try and color an argument by insinuating, accusing and/or outright lying. Smacks of the whole “water buffalo” incident.

Someone might want to inform Tracyseattle that Palin has moved on from small town mayor to another job…did so quite some time ago. Turns out she has more time as Governor than the 143 days (not counting campaigning) Obama has spent in the Senate.

Keep it up, people, this is like fish in a barrel (gee, hope that’s not too anti-environment for you).

29 08 2008

Bill K: Since you asked, yes, I can name many accomplishments of Obama: Columbia undergrad degree, Harvard Law Degree and President of the Harvard Law Review (btw, Harvard is that really old, well respected Ivy League university in Boston, in case you hadn’t heard of it).

SENATOR Obama has experience debating and making decisions about our nation’s international foreign policy, economics and healthcare. Obama has sponsored more than 800 bills during his 8 years in the Illinois Senate. He has sponsored and co-sponsored Bills in the U.S. SENATE which include: Election reform bills, the Cooperative Proliferation Detection reduction Act, and Internet database transparency Act.

Obama has been involved in legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty. He sponsored a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse. He has worked on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US Senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate.

So yeah, I can list those, and many more accomplishments by Obama. And maybe you would know all this if you could pry yourself away from Fox (Not) News and Rush Limbaugh long enough to actually become EDUCATED about the man.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Still waiting.

29 08 2008

So this election we have a choice between a non-qualified president with a qualified old codger vp to back him up; or a qualified old codger president with a non-qualified vp. Hmmm, I think I’ll still go for the guy with some experience. Anyone else notice the similarity between Obama and Castro? Obviously most of American does not. McCain pandering to the women voters? What, like Obama pandering to the white voters?! Please, I can’t imagine the Obama’s and the Biden’s sitting down to a meal together! When all you people get your wish and vote Obama into office and see what happens to the freedoms and liberties of the American public, just remember, YOU voted for him.

29 08 2008
Shannon Skahli

This guy does not represent the vast majority of us in Alaska. Sarah is the most popular governor we have ever had. I think she has an approval rating of over 90%. Apparently this blogger thinks he is in the 10% of Alaskans that is intelligent and the other 90% of us are idiots.

29 08 2008

Well, I have to say I am thoroughly disappointed in McCain’s choice for VP. She may appeal to women and evangelical Christians, but I think she was a poor choice. I am a women and an evangelical Christian and I think he just made a big mistake. I will still vote for them because I believe they are the lessor of two evils but I don’t know that McCain has a chance now—At least she does somewhat balance McCain’s liberal side, but I don’t know that I would feel comfortable with her as Pres., if something happens to him!!Lot’s of prayer needs to be going out! God’s will be done!!!

29 08 2008
camp fannyho

Bill K.,
Thanks for filling me in on my Liberal status. I wasn’t aware. Out of curiosity, what do you define as a “true Republican?”
A pro-choice college graduate middle class white woman from California

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Hey Tracy Debating and sponsoring things does not equal accomplishments.. I will still be waiting here for someone to explain his ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

29 08 2008


No what I have a problem with is McCain pandering trying to garner the female vote by picking a female VP THAT IS NOT QUALIFIED TO LEAD IN THE EVENT HE SHOULD BIGHT THE DUST. It demonstrates he lack of JUDGEMENT.

29 08 2008
Apostrophe Protection Society

The Obama and Biden families do not require a possessive s when referred to during a meal. No apostrophe required here.

More than one Obama would be referred as: “Obamas” and more than one Biden would be referred as: “Bidens”.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Fanny I describe it as someone who would never vote for a socialist.

29 08 2008

Bill K, mommy sean and daddy rush must be so proud… you spew your hate so well. You think Obama isn’t qualified, and yet you want to put a nobody a heartbeat away from the presidency… John McCain is72 and a heartbeat away from a stroke.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Do you sponsor socialism Fanny? Each according to his abilities each according to his needs? Does that statement ring true with you?

29 08 2008

Hey, “Laughing”–can you honestly say “coon” is NOT a racist slur?

You’ve got to be kidding, jackass.

29 08 2008


So when Obama wins the election, as it will be God’s will that this comes to pass, I hope you will recognize that fact. MCCain …doesn’t have a prayers chance of winning ESPECIALLY AFTER THIS MISGUIDED CHOICE.

Well desperate is as desperate does. Last night I heard the Straight Talk Express bus will be coming through small town across the USA to pick up those who would like to go to the convention…..McCain HOPES he will have at least 10,000 people at his acceptance speech rally. LOLOL Now that is desperate indeed.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Anne I would rather have her a heartbeat away than him (Mr. Socialist) in control. To answer your question…yes.

29 08 2008
marsh jones

what a sad day for the repubs. of all the people out there to choose he picks a mother with a baby. lol. he had no chance before and now has a built in excuse when voting time rolls around. can you just see her talking to a saudi or arab and they have that lust look in there face? lol. is this mcains CHANGE?

29 08 2008

Mrs Podunk up against Putin and the Chines if anthing happens to McCain..
High fives all around for them ….

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Rebecca The reason is because Republicans are busy working to support the people who went to the DNC Convention. They don’t need to go and drink Kool-aid.

29 08 2008

Bill K. please Google Lugar-Obama Proliferation and Threat reduction Initiative.

I think we can all agree that securing loose nuclear material, thereby keeping it out of the hands of Terra-ists, is a positive step towards a more secure nation.

29 08 2008

Joe…It’s stupid to fight against unnecessary federal regulations that could hamper development?? The stupid thing would be to allow government to become bigger and more intrusive into our lives.
John Baker…You are going to base your vote for POTUS based solely on which VP would be the best president in the remote case that the VP would have to act as POTUS?? The way it sounds right now, Palin would be a better POTUS than Obama would be!! I seriously doubt that you ever intended to vote for McCain.
Nice sexist rant, Vantor1!! Way to show your true stripes!!
AKMuckRaker & James…I had to read Harold’s post 3 times to figure out what you were so upset about. I figured he was referring to people decrying her for her stand against the feds adding animals to the endangered species list, which could stifle development in her state.
KarlaElisa…take your Prozac today? Your rant is difficult to comprehend.
Oh, hell…nevermind!! 2/3 of the posters here are ignorant. It must really suck to have your heads stuck so far up your a$$es.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

“They” meaning us…true Republicans

29 08 2008

Hey bill k,

Keep on waiting, okay? and stop filling this space with your ridiculous comments. You want to talk so much about racism, fine. Let’s talk about people who judge others based on their name and the race and heritage that their name represents. You keep on spewing “hussain” like it’s some kind of swear word which only furthers the obviousness of your ignorance and blatant racism. So take a hike a go spew your hatred with your white supremacist friends at tomorrow’s meeting. ‘kay? thanks.

29 08 2008
marsh jones

bill k , why do repubs think they are the only ones that work? how narrow minded. wake up and live brother.

29 08 2008

God Bless America! (OH, I appologise, to those of you who don’t believe.) America where we can make our opinions with out fear . There is one very important point that everyone is forgetting. The fine leaders of Iran have already signed our death warrant publicly. Christians and Jews and every one else that does not believe must die. If they succeed and don’t forget Hitler almost did. All of your liberal fodder will not mean a thing not the polar bears the bees or the insane politics we deal with.

29 08 2008

Bill K.: LOL, these guys are a hoot, aren’t they? Worried over Palin should something happen to McCain in office, while they’re guaranteed to have nothing but a “debater” in office should Obama win.

It’s a completely ridiculous argument, yet I’m sure it’s perfectly “logical” to the average leftist. Maybe they hope Obama will confer with the likes of Castro and other assorted terrorists and tyrants before making any decisions for the United States.

To tracyseattle: So the best you can come up with for Obama is school and debating? Sponsoring bills is not decision making. Obama is at best an empty suit. At worst, he’s an associate of the likes of America hater/domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. He spent 20 years in an America hating church, yet never took on those same thoughts? How is that good for America?

Though that is the point of leftists, isn’t it? The change they want is to change America into a socialist cesspool.

29 08 2008

Bill K what the hell you talking about. Some of the richest people in the country were at that event. It was a first class star studded event fitting of a PRESIDENT. The delegates worked hard to get to the convention. They have to pay their own way and the rest of the people attending paid their own way to get their. Your implying all that attended are on welfare. Your racist comments are offensive, out dated, unwarrented and ignorant. …But that is the type of folks that gravitate to MCCain/Bushwackary.

29 08 2008

This is hilarious…here we have Republicans defending a choice based soley on a person’s gender. Would she have been chosen if she was Samuel Palin? I don’t friggin’ think so.

“Tim Pawlenty, you wanted that job, but they gave it to a woman.”

More proof that blatant hypocrisy is a classic defining character trait of conservatives.

29 08 2008
Seamus J. Wilson

An attempt by cCain to snatch a victory from an impending defeat. Will not work, he will be quayled.
Seamus J.

29 08 2008

Ernesto: right on the money brother. Something that hasn’t really been brought up. Of course her gender was the contributing factor to her being picked. Could it be anymore obvious?!? she straight-out mention ferraro and clinton in her speech and said she was picked to break-thru the glass ceiling. There were Pawlenty of people who should have been considered but we’re ruled out based solely on their gender.

29 08 2008
marsh jones

president aboma has a nice ring to it.

29 08 2008


What you want to bet as soon as Bushshyt gets out of office these Arab nations will be more than glad to sit down at the table to talk resolution. THEY HATE BUSH more than they hate you, me or anyother American. Bush created this problem and as soon as he is out of the way 95% of the problem will be solved.

29 08 2008

does anyone care about a Chicagoans perspective of Obama?

Do you realize, or care, that Obama was an ineffective member of the Illinois State senate? Do you care that he is a part of the most corrupt political machine in the country? Do you care that our city’s hospitals are being shut down because they have no money? Do you care that our state, led by Obama’s machine associates, cannot balance a budget? Do you care that 27 Chicago school children were killed last year? Do you care that Obama’s state senate district is infested with gang violence, drug warfare, and poverty……..Obama did nothing to change this….absolutely nothing….do you care?

Wake up……travel to Obama’s state senate district on the southside…..then….tell me what obama did…talk to me about his experience….his political associations….his judgement…..

oh yeah…speaking of judgment……you do realize that senator obama was NOT a senator when he “voted” against the war…..he was a state senator….he did not have a vote…he did not have any intel…..if he did….he probably would have voted the same as his running mate…joe biden.

also, for someone who was so against the war……why did he not lead any anti-war movements……never heard of the guy until he ran for US senate…..he was not a very vocal anti-war activist….pretty weak

29 08 2008
marsh jones

i couldnt agree more rebeccavail. what a relief that will be

29 08 2008

No ray, we don’t care. But thanks.

29 08 2008
marsh jones

ray, you are a repub so dont act stupid on here please, just read and you may learn something

29 08 2008

oh, and btw ray, when was your last trip to Arizona? Alaska?

Okay then. Thanks again.

29 08 2008

Sarah Palin can rid the world of dangerous soccer balls . Putin is having a great day
Obama an empty suit ??? Better than stuffed !!!!!!!
Debate is a terrible thing ,, how about more war pigs ??? go get em Mcwarpig…
How about American pride ??? feel that lately ??? nice pic’s burning the flag overseas (last 8 years)… I felt a great deal of pride when I had a look at 200K Germans waving the US flag .. What’s that worth to you ???

29 08 2008

[…] Sarah Palin? McCain’s Next Trophy Girl? Well, this Alaskan is sitting here in disbelief. This is a total gift to the Obama – Biden ticket. As the nation scrambles to figure out who Sarah Palin IS, the thinking people of Alaska are simply mystified. I’ll be posting about this a lot later in the day after I’m awake, (it’s early a.m. here in Alaska) but first impressions: […]

29 08 2008

Bill K,

Senator, Would be the first one to come to mind, but let’s get to the real meat and (potatoe’s- for the republicans reading this) potato’s, I hear he is getting his pilot’s license. God knows what will happen when he and his buddies get onto Air Force One, They can fly anywhere they want, we are not even safe in a nuclear reactor.

29 08 2008
camp fannyho

Keneth and Bill K.,

Long live the “Socialist cesspool!”


29 08 2008

RAY Chi-town was phucked up long before Obama got on the scene. Do I care. NO! Obama did not create that mess. That mess was created by millions of Chicagoians who DIDN’T VOTE, DIDN’T hold their leaders accountable, DIDN’T CHECK THE MAN IN THE MIRROR.

29 08 2008
Gary Verbosky

Does McCain think the American Voters are really this gullible? Gee, maybe I should have a woman on my ticket, since Hillary Lost, and was popular. Don’t take this wrong, I think the right woman is a GREAT idea. Unfortunately, Sara (sorry Sarah) is just not qualified to take over the job of President. She seems honest and sincere, and is definitely better looking than Hillary (sorry Hillary, I DID vote for you though). Why does it always come down to looks, it shouldn’t play a part. John, it seems you listened to the wrong advisor’s for this choice. Is this the kind of decisions you will make if (not likely) you get elected?

29 08 2008

His pilot’s license? oh no…airforce one is gonna be like “Soul Plane”. Right Bill? Billl? hello? Bill? hmmm….where’d he go now?

29 08 2008
marsh jones

cheers all, back to work i go………

29 08 2008

WoW yeah that was sweat. The home of Hitler one of the biggest racists of all times…. 200+K Germans cheering Obama, a Black American.

“Times are a chang’n…”

29 08 2008

Gary I am affraid this is just the tip of the “Stupid” iceberge.

29 08 2008
Marianne from Raleigh, NC

Can you please elaborate on Palins’ animal rights record?
I hear it’s not too favorable – what about the environment?

29 08 2008


WoW yeah that was sweat. sweat=sweet, But it’s OK rebeccavail Dan Quayle can’t spell either and he was a Vice President.

29 08 2008
Son of Bill Brasky

great post.. I thought her big selling points were 1. politician with military child 2. woman. You know the McCain camp just thought “2 birds with one stone!”

and forget about being a heartbeat from the Presidency.. she’d be casting tie-breaking votes in the Senate!!


29 08 2008

Marianne google her name

29 08 2008

Given John’s past record, I could just hear him in the oval office when she says something he does not agree with; “Shut up C–t”

29 08 2008

Hitler must be doing back flips in the lake of fire ,, HA!!!
No price can be put on that kind American support ,, no amount of experience can buy it ..
I want to see the world wave the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S flag again ..
Ten billion republican dollars can not buy what Obama gets with a smile .

29 08 2008
McCain Palin | meme patch

[…] Update: An Alaskan weighs in with quite a profile of McCain’s next trophy girl. […]

29 08 2008

rebeccavail ? You say your on an iceberg? (not iceberge)

29 08 2008

marianne more importantly she does not believe in a woman’s right to have abortions, she wants to repeal affirmative action, she was supported by big oil companies in her election campaigns, favors oil drilling in Anwr, does not believe gays and lesbians have the same rights as straights….she is a carbon copy of McBush.

29 08 2008
Intelligent Person

Here’s the deal: Palin has a son in war – that will pull hard on the heartstrings of mothers everywhere. It also lends credibility to the McCain ticket. She IS a woman, which will intrigue other women. She has a pretty good, albeit short (which it seems nobody can complain about) career, except that ONGOING ethics investigation. But ultimately she is NOT a good choice for McCain. I get that it helps him pull votes he couldnt get on his own and that she represents his constituency well, but ultimately it is weak and transparent. It is too obvious that this was a strategic move TO WIN, not necesarrily to do what is best for americans. While she will initially intrigue women voters, the true Hillary supports (which i DEFINATELY am not) wont identify with her – especially when she uses a direct line from Michelle Obama’s speech about hillary to insinuate that she can do what hillary couldnt. And by the way, becoming VP doesnt shatter the glass ceiling, your still answering to a man and that is not thier goal. Another quick note on her speech, did anyone else think she came off like a cheerleader more than a VP? You cant ignore that he picked a running mate who IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR ETHICS VIOLATIONS, i cant overstate that enough i mean come on!!! And by the time this is all over with, its going to be too transparent a choice and he will lose credibility for it. To be fair i must say that the Biden choice was no better – both candidates chose running mates that would hopefully pull votes from the other party and ultimately (at least in my mind) they both took credibility away from thier campaigns. To Obama: Biden does not represent “new government and politics”; to McCain: You cant complain about experience and pick a runningmate with less experience than your opponent. This seems like a good time to point out that “executive experience” is complete BS. I was president of my fraternity in college and that does not make me more qualified to be POTUS then Obama. I will take experience at the highest level any day before executive experience of a trivial office. Senate is higher than Mayor and she has only been gov. for two years and is already under investigation.
Look, i am not a Republican or a Democrat, i am an intelligent american and as such i will look at only those things that actually matter – the issues. Vote for what you think matters the most right now. We are in a critical time in our history and we cant afford to waste our votes on a VP or an image – what matters for america right now? Vote for that. But as far as the VP choices go: they were both bad, but i think McCain’s will prove to be far worse.

29 08 2008

you are such an intelligent person

29 08 2008

Skidalw couple that with poor typing skills and well this is what you get. lolol

29 08 2008

j.skidalw is a spellchecker everybody ,, wow ,,, what a relief now I can blog without fear of misstakes ..(don’t miss that one J )

29 08 2008
Intelligent Person

oh and the racist part wasnt the polar bear, it was the coon part you f*****g moron!!!

29 08 2008

I am stupefied…utterly. WHAT is he thinking???!! I really do believe he thinks he can suck up to women with this pick. I mean come on…we are all stupid dont you know. Actually John has other names for us…just ask Cindy.

Women are smarter than this I hope. Sarah Palin is no stand in for the likes of Hillary Clinton. Oh. my. goodness.

29 08 2008

yyyyesssshhhh ,, can we all just go back to work ???

29 08 2008

rebeccavail, I was mad sorry about the brow beating.

29 08 2008

Me to J

29 08 2008

Intel Person. I have a son in law that has be deployed 3 times in 5 years. I at know the difference between being on the right side of history and a damn lie created by power hungry leaders who could not give a damn about anything or anyone but their own personal gain. I am a mom and a grandmother, and this Palin chick does not pull on my heartstrings SHE IS UNQUALIFIED TO LEAD. Period. If McCain kicks the bucket…she has no foreign policy experience to deal with crazy insane leaders hell bent on mayhem. THAT IS MY ONLY BEEF WITH HER. But MCCain ….he proved to me he lacks JUDGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP BY PICKING HER FOR VP. He is more a danger to my well being and the future of my grandkids dreams and aspirations than some sand jockie in the foot hills of Afganistan.

29 08 2008

Okay lets give her the chance, we may not know much about her right now. I believe we will have that information soon and alot of our questions answered.

Lets not judge too fast.

So what she has five kids and came in second in a beauty contest and is well educated and has moved up in the ranks in a free america.

29 08 2008

I’ll just post this —

29 08 2008
independent woman

Folks let’s put our partisanship ideologies aside and be objective and realistic.
The Vice Presidential choice is an important person to this country. Especially when the running mate has a history of cancer.

Those die-hard republicans that put GW back in the White House are paying for their narrow-minded views. Look at our economy, those gas prices are high because they have failed us and destroyed the value of the dollar to increase trade in this global ecconomy.

I am an independent that has looked at the attitudes of the Republican right and seen so much hate and disdain in their supporters. When you let your emotions lead you, you get what we have had for the last eight years.

Please take the time and look at the issues and see who you really feel has our interests at heart.

Our country was not built by supporting big business, but by small businesses flourishing and supporting their communities. Having bake sales and rallies to send children off to college who then come back and rejoin their community and make it easier and viable for others to do the same thing.

Are you going to make a living with the corporations that get corporate welfare from the Republican machine who then ships your job overseas? When is the last time you called customer service for a large company and talked to someone in the US?

What have Republicans done for you lately? Are you still proud to support people that OBVIOUSLY don’t have your best interests at heart and call you Whiners.
As a woman I am excited that twice in my lifetime there has been a woman on the ticket. She is not the first to be on the ticket, just the first time for Republicans.

As a thinking person I am mortified that she would be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Just stay home and let the people who really care about this country and not just filled with hate and intolerance handle it.

Altough you may hate Obama or anybody who is to the left of your views and won’t support them, isn’t good to know that they still love you and are determined to bring change to your life.

At the same time in his life that McCain was serving his country, Obama was serving his community and helping those in peril at home to affect change in their everyday life. How dare you dishonor any of their service in public life.

It has become clear to me that I want a person who cares about those that don’t have a voice.

It is obvious that Obama and Biden are the ones who will give voice to those that have been silenced by the crush of the Republican Party.

29 08 2008

LOLOLOL oh my god this site is off the chain. lolol

29 08 2008
palin mccain

[…] lead???.And then there??s that annoying little ethics investigation by the Alaska State Legislature names Palin as running mate: campaign source – AFPAsked if palin was to be McCain&39s choice, […]

29 08 2008

As a Washingtonian, I anxiously await the arrival of the First Family. Ya gotta love the Bill K.s of the country because just as the McCain camp has shown with his current selection, Bill’s comments continue to solidify one thing for CERTAIN: The Republican Party is The Party of Idiots.

The “Decider” and Bill K.s continue to drive that point home on a daily basis.

Thank you Decider, thank you McCain and now thank you Bill K. You may all now return to your village.

29 08 2008
Intelligent Person

rebeccavail: my fault, i guess she wont even do that. Oh well.

29 08 2008

I’m really surpised at all the bloggers who can’t spell. I too was concerned when McCain made his pick. But listening to Palin speak and her background I am amazed.

Not sure when having children automatically makes a woman not qualified for office. Try that in the private sector.

29 08 2008

Who farted?

29 08 2008

Your mama

29 08 2008

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Intel person… almost had me until you started down memory lane with the history lesson on how this country was built. google the new publication….Slavery By Another Name and learn how this nation was built. All this pilgrim, ma and apple pie rhetoric is getting old and warn out. This country was built by stealing the land from the Native Indians, then trafficing in the human slave trade to bring free labor to build this country from the ground up. The steal industry, the agricultural industry, the lumber industry, the mining industry, the rail road industry, the infrastructure roads, county buildings, the sewer systems, the levees the entire way we did business was based on BIG BUSINESS BANK ROLLING THE PROCESS. J.P. MORGAN RING A BELL, EDISON, UPJOHN, HILTON, DOW…..GEORGIA PACIFIC RAIL ROAD, SELMA STEAL COMPANIES they all bought and sold slave laborers to build their businesses. PLEASE….COME CORRECT NOW

29 08 2008

slavery never died it just got outsourced

29 08 2008

This is the BEST move John McCain can do… At first I was not going to vote but this put a little salt on my bitter plate!

Thumbs UP McCain!

29 08 2008


so John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his VP nominee.

im hoping he screwed himself with this decision.

Sarah has only been governor of alaska for LESS than TWO years, very little experience to have to become prez if something were to happen. I mean, i can even barely find information about what she thinks about certain issues because she has barely put out any votes/opinons for anything.

but what i DO know is that just 3 months ago she said he would rather stay in alaska and help those people than run for VP along with McCain.

she also claims to “want to help the people” by allowing the US to tap into oil reserves in alaska instead of overseas. funny considering her HUSBAND works for an OIL company there!! if she REALLY wanted to try and help the people, she would support replacing coal and oil with alternatives, which she OPPOSES. hmmm…

again, i could go on and on….but….whatever…look for yourself, heres a link to find more [but verrrry little] info on her position with isues:
http://www. ontheissues. org/Sarah_Palin. htm

29 08 2008

RANDY it is not about her …it is about the fact MCCain is pandering to the female voters thinking this will win him the election. SHE IS NOT QUALIFIED. PERIOD.

The VP needs to be able to step in and LEAD in the event the President can not!!!! She has no law degree, she has no foreign policy experience, she was hoisted to Gov. only because of corruption in the former administration in Alaska. She put into law a ethic bill AND NOW IS BEING INVESTIGATED FOR CORRUPTION HERSELF

This should not be a lightbulb moment for McCain.

29 08 2008

Erin Yo and lets not forget that since her husband is part Native American Eskimo he gets royalty checks on that oil.

29 08 2008

McCain’s choice of Gov. Palin reeks of hypocrisy and desperation to lock in still bitter Clinton supporters. Since the McCain campaign is so set on arguing that experience is based on the number of years one has served rather than accomplishments (and yes Bill K. the Obama/Biden ticket has a lengthy and impressive list of accomplishments) I find it laughable that he would choose Gov. Palin as a running mate. This is obviously a choice of the Conservative-based pressured head rather than the heart. Shortly after the annoucement Fox News countered Gov. Palin’s lack of experience by saying that John McCain’s experience in the Senate makes up for this. Therefore by the logic of Fox News (which is debatable) Joe Biden’s experience in the Senate makes up for Obama’s lack of experience. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that right now the Obama/Biden ticket has more total experience than the McCain/Palin ticket…

And as for Bill K.’s request for at least one of Barack Obama’s accomplishments I have this to say:

Barack Obama is twenty-five years younger than Senator McCain and in his forty-seven years has been able to counter what McCain has achieved in seventy-two. If elected Barack Obama (or McCain) will be the first person to go from the Senate to the White House since Kennedy. Only two people in the last century managed to go from the Senate to the White House (Presidents Kennedy and Harding).

But what is most striking is that in his forty-seven years Barack Obama has been able to transform a political campaign into a movement. Regardless of whether or not you believe in this movement or think of it as delusion false hope it does not change the fact that he has been able to gather a massive number of supporters from some of the most unlikely places. Delivering a speech for the ages, Obama spoke in front of 75,000 people who believe that this man can deliever the change they want.

The last time there was a movement of this magnitude could be compared to the “Draft Adlai Stevenson” movement. Hillary Clinton couldn’t do it. McCain couldn’t do it. Ron Paul certainly attempted to sell his campaign as a movement but only Barack Obama successfully did.

And whether or not you believe in that movement, millions of Americans do. And the ability to project a political campaign as movement, as something more than one’s self is an accomplishment.

A word of advice to Bill K.:

John McCain is an accomplished senator with fascinating life story. His work to reign in pork-barrel spending is admirable. And while I personally disagree with him on a wide variety of issues, I would never disrespect a U.S. Senator by mocking his name.

If you’d like there are plenty of people your own age to rant with on their emo posts on myspace. The grown ups are trying to have a discussion.

29 08 2008

Sarah Palin may be somewhat new to politics, but she has more experience governing than Obama! She is a GOVERNOR. Every one of the offices she has held were executive positions. Obama is a first term senator! He had only been an US Senator for 16 months before announcing his bid for the presidency! So before liberals attack Palin for her “lack of experience” they should look at their candidate for PRESIDENT, which brings me to my next point.

Palin is running for VICE PRESIDENT, not president. She is not running to be Commander-in-Chief, she is running as McCain’s VP. There is a huge difference.

Regarding McCain’s age, the liberal democrats who love to attack him for it should look at thee VP candidate. He’s only three years younger! McCain is in excellent health. He has the best medical care
in the world. In a society where a huge number of people live into their nineties, it is a stupid argument.

As far as foreign policy experience, Palin may not have a ton, but neither does Obama! McCain, the PRESIDENTIAL candidate, has 30+ years of experience. Palin has about the same amount of foreign policy experience as Obama. She has been to Iraq and Afghanistan and met with world leaders.

The so called “corruption” involving Sarah Palin is a joke. The state trooper at the center if the investigation was a major problem before Palin took office. She was the person who did something about it. And the polar bear thing that has so many people worked up, POLAR BEARS ARE NOT ENDANGERED! It is just a stupid ploy by the Democrats to prevent drilling in Alaska. Apparently they like paying $4 a gallon.

People need to

29 08 2008
Sarah Palin « Northwestlaw’s Weblog

[…] least some Alaskans are amused by this choice.  Remarkably the internet videos of our v.p. candidate in beauty […]

29 08 2008

Hey Bill K.K.K. Keating 5! Remember? Maybe McInsane can dump his current wife for this new one like he did the old one!

29 08 2008

I’m sure if you look at the statisics in Alaska to see what percentage of people or have people in their families who work for oil companies you may be a little surprised. Palin’s husband was also a commercial fisherman. Both Palins are union members and Mrs. Palin is a member of the NRA. They are people like all of us and I think that says a lot.

29 08 2008

The biggest problem with oil is no refineries have been built in 30 years .. not one word from Obama or McCain about a new refinery for all this “new drilling”
What are they going to do with billions of gallons of new oil if we can’t refine what we have now ??

29 08 2008

People need to take a close look at their candidate ( the messiah according to Nancy Pelosi)

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Sorry Josh I am busy working trying to save up for all of the taxes your socialist buddy will take IF he gets in. Us Republicans like to be prepared…just in case.

29 08 2008

Still laughing at all those who post on here proclaiming how conservatives “hate” but the only hateful words you see are from liberals. Funny, yet sad.

What have Republicans done for us lately, you ask? First, we do more for ourselves than any government does for us. This is the basis of the Libertarian/Conservative movement. The Liberal/Socialist movement believes that progress/success/achievment only comes from government doing for you. So the question in itself shows a socialist leaning. But to answer – the best thing Republicans have done lately is try and slow down the liberals in charge in congress who are trying to institute wealth redistribution and socialism, punishing any who dare succeed on their own.

The economy is not as bad as you claim. Numbers release earlier this week were better than expected. True, the MSM will never admit it, but things….just….aren’t….that….bad (how DARE that be uttered?). More people own homes now than ever. People own more stuff now than ever. Even people listed in the poverty levels have possessions that were unthinkable a generation ago. Amazing that you can be “poor” and have two cars, multiple cell phones, cable tv, laptops, etc, etc.

The levels at which people are considered in poverty fluctuate, as do the numbers. Most listed in the poverty levels are entry workers, recent graduates, etc. There are some who remain at that level, but a lot who simply move up to the next level. Economists understand this. Those who are spoon-fed by the MSM do not.

Understanding politics and government is simply more than chanting slogans and thirty second soundbites. Sadly, it’s true that there are a lot of people just too uninformed to be qualified to vote responsibly. There are informed people on both sides of most issues, but the vast majority is filled by those who really have no in-depth knowledge. This leads to people who will swoon over a candidate but can’t give you a reason why they like them. It also leads to ads calling for “change” without details or costs of said change.

I know I lost most of the uninformed about four paragraphs ago. Too bad that politics can’t be a bit more civil.

29 08 2008

Polar bears rock ,, save the bears!!!!!

29 08 2008

The arguement can go on and on about who is qualified for what. As far as being investigated for corruption, thats right being investigated but not found guility.

No matter what is said i support her. I support the McCain/Palin ticket as a Navy veteran and a father of a soldier.

Why do you need a law degree to be a VP? Foreign policy experience she has about the same as the number one pick on the other side.

29 08 2008

Laughing, you are exactly right. The economy has problems I admit that, but people watch too much TV. I am single and I make twice the money I made 8 years ago, I now own my own home (bought in April) and have a car that is paid for. My 81 year old mother and 88 year father now have health care (compliments of the US government) which they haven’t been able to get since my dad retired .

29 08 2008

What an interesting pick by McCain. It seems like both the Dems and the GOP are happy about this pick. The Dems because she has little experience. The GOP because she is conservative and independent thinking.

29 08 2008

Laughing is right ,things are great
I just observed a homeless man with a new TV in his cart , on top of his foreclosure papers from the house he lost (texasSandy) purchased ..
Sure people have more things than ever ,, along with more credit card debt .

29 08 2008

This from the man who dumped his first wife who stood by him and raised his 3 children as a single parent. This is the McCain who had pursued and had an affair with Cindy while still married. Who divorced his model first wife because she’d “changed”. A horrific accident and 20 surgeries will do that to a person.,0,6546861.story?page=1

29 08 2008

I have to say I was very impressed to learn that included on her rather short resume was that she was involved with the PTA. I am sure I would enjoy chatting with her watching a kid’s hockey game, but I cannot imagine her as president.

29 08 2008


I am sorry for leaving you off my list of “thank you”s.

Where are you located that you are so out of touch with reality? Sure the upper class has not suffered in our current economy (this is how the wealthy stay wealthy), but based on your level of ignorance I am not inclined to believe that you are included in that echelon.

Not only is the economy in a dire straits but it has been there for quite sometime if you ask the majority of people who make up this country. When Bush was lying about the unemployment rates, missions accomplished and more, people were already beginning to worry about how they would KEEP their homes or car(s) or children in college or food on their tables, etc.

So enlighten me Laughing. Please tell us why Iraq is sporting a 79 DOLLAR SURPLUS while the only mission truly accomplished by The Decider is his record breaking deficit that he has created for our country?

And yes, your village is looking for you.

29 08 2008

Cheese, I don’t think homeless people are new. There are always going to be a cerain percentage of people that will not work. The key to purchasing a home is to be informed in your purchase and not taking out home equity loans for unnecessary items such as expensive cars and toys. Those are not the government’s fault; I call those self-inflicted injuries.

29 08 2008

who cares if she is a GOVERNOR, she hasnt even been one for two whole years. she was elected in dec of 2006.

obama on the other hand was elected to the state senate in 1997 and to the us senate in 2004.

thats a hell of a lot more experience then mrs palin.

also, who cares if polar bears arent technically endangered. if we start drillin in the anwl the WILL BE. and also, again to make my point, i would be more impressed if she wanted to build windmills or something along the lines of that in the anwl. but to want to have polar bears not on the endagered species list so we can drill for oil [when her hubby works for BP] seems a bit odd to me.

and about the law degree, NO, you dont have to have one, BUT im pretty sure having a LAW degree when running for prez/vp wouldnt hurt.

29 08 2008
obama palin

[…] lead???.And then there??s that annoying little ethics investigation by the Alaska State Legislature Talking About Obama and Palin on WLEZ Today Jackson Free PressTodd and I will return to Radio […]

29 08 2008

This is great. Her husband works for BP. The republicans never cease to amaze me. Nor do Americans, who will in all probability, will elect this clown ticket into office and we can pay $8.00/gallon at the pump by 2012. Well at least maybe we’ll get another environmental movement started when the polar bears are extinct.

29 08 2008


This is exactly my point. While the Clintons are dirty, no doubt, more people in this country benefited financially. You cannot say that under the dirt of the current admin. Your story is not the story of the majority.

People will ALWAYS purchase homes and make money. The question is: do we as a people when there is a small percentage or a larger percentage?
If you do not think that the rise in crime, drug use, mental health needs (not to mention Veteran suicides), foreclosures, bankruptcies, drop outs, pregnancies (let alone teen pregnancies), and more doesn’t affect you simply because you just joined the club of homeownership, you are truly oblivious and in for a RUDE awakening.

29 08 2008

also, its kind of funny that she is PRO-LIFE [doesnt think abortion is a womens right, no matter what] but yet she is a big supporter of the death penalty [with limiting appeals]

29 08 2008

Hmmm, does anybody else think “Bill” and “BillK” are actually one in the same person? I read one crazy Right Wing ranting elsewhere, the poster said, “I don’t care that Obama is well liked in Germany. Germany doesn’t vote for our President.” REALLY? Wow, the fact that some uber right Republicans who love their guns and wars so much, that they don’t understand how a country has to have Allies around the world in the event of a rogue country or dictator invading us — then they are ignorant and living in la la land that America will always be the #1 Superpower. Our country has been laughed at and ridiculed abroad due to the Republicans and Bush Administration. Very, very dangerous countries hate us more now than they ever did, and we have the Republicans and the rampant Go to War knee jerk reaction of the Bush, Cheney, McCain cronies, that are putting our country at risk. So think about that, when you think about potentially voting for a representative of the War Monger Party – the Republicans. (BillK and TexasSandy: I wonder if you have passports and have ever traveled outside the U.S.? I ask, because it opens your eyes to so much – how people are, how the U.S. is perceived abroad, etc. Hunting trips to Canada don’t count.)

29 08 2008

Again, she is a mother of 5 BY CHOICE. What right does she have to dictate any other woman’s choice?

29 08 2008

nodoubtnow – did you not know who to vote for before?? and now you have no doubt to vote for obama/biden?

bc i will be a happy person knowing i changed/help make up at least one persons mind about the election with my high intelligence =) lol

29 08 2008

I Think its funny how some of you people, that have nothing to say, start referring to Obama, as Hussein, messiah, you have to be kidding me!!!
Wake you People, Our country is in REAL trouble, and we need real change, and name calling is so junior High, GROW UP, before its to late.

29 08 2008

nodoubtnow << clinton democrat

29 08 2008


This is exactly my point. While the Clintons are dirty, no doubt, more people in this country benefited financially. You cannot say that under the dirt of the current admin. Your story is not the story of the majority.

People will ALWAYS purchase homes and make money. The question is: do we, as a people, benefit when there is a small percentage or a larger percentage?

If you do not think that the rise in crime, drug use, mental health needs (not to mention Veteran suicides), foreclosures, bankruptcies, drop outs, pregnancies (let alone teen pregnancies), and more doesn’t affect you simply because you just joined the club of homeownership, you are truly oblivious and in for a RUDE awakening.

29 08 2008

And you think that’s the only way to become homeless ?
Not work ?? what if you job was sent to china and there was no job in your town to replace it .. Now you can’t afford to move , you try and slide into the abyss before you have a chance to turn it around .. There goes your house ,, Even if you car was paid for and you do not have any unnecessary items .
Well thought out slam on the homeless texasSandy..

29 08 2008

BJ, Don’t pretend to know my situation by insinuating I’m uninformed and uneducated. I’m saying that much of our personal situations are our OWN personal choices. People who cannot afford homes should not buy them and if they can don’t do anything to jeopardize that by taking out a second loan (for whatever reason) unless it’s absolutely necessary.

29 08 2008

Cheese, you are just a little off base. My job was sent to India, so I got ANOTHER one. That’s how it works; you don’t just give up.

29 08 2008

Tracyseattle, I have traveled to many differnt countries in my life time and i’m not old. As always Americans are received in open arms in most countries. As like in our great country you have the bad apples who are anti tis and anti that. I have traveled the middle east and orient with no problems. When you talk about the very dangerous countries those have always been anti american and will never change.

29 08 2008

I gave a 20$ to a homeless guy yesterday .. 66 year old black guy named Cecil (yes I ask his name ) shipped here ( az ) by fema and has still not been helped to get back home .. Talk about feel like a fool , I purchased a cold beer for him when I went in the store (homeless guys drink right?) he handed it back and stated he does not drink .. He asked me for a job . Hows that for a kick in the teeth to your way of thinking texasSandy? Good for you you have a new house and have enough spit left over for the less fortunate “because they don’t want to work”

29 08 2008

do you care about the environment? animals? gas prices?

no one in their right mind should vote this women anywhere presidency

and trust me, its not bc shes a woman, im a woman, and i was pulling for hilary in the beginning buut now my heart belongs to obama lol

29 08 2008


You are projecting. You are actually the person being judgemental. I did not insinuate anything. I was very dierct about the fact that your own comments speak to how informed you “choose” to be.

29 08 2008

Cheese, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I applaud you giving money to the homeless, I’ve done so myself. Although it was not $20; I’m a new homeowner you know : ). Look, there are legitimate homeless people and I fully sympathize with their situation.

29 08 2008

cheese – love the post!

i myself used to think of homeless people as lazy and drunks until one day i met one and found out why he was homeless, and i gave him the only few bucks i had and he was soo grateful. i saw him go right into walmart and buy a blanket. not a beer.


29 08 2008

Stereotyping people by calling them liberals is old politics and very childish.
As for the question on experience the only pot calling the kettle black are McCains ads. It will be stupid to continue them. lol

This woman is up for investigation. Poor judgment on McCain.
Oh wait… the republicans are also up for investigation with firing attorneys too right? So maybe McCain will get the attorney fired or scared to fully prosecute her. hmm…..

Biden said it best. Say what you want about Obama, but he has been right.
And Obama said it best last night. McCain gave up on the attackers of 9/11 even though they know where they are. Now that he is up for election he wants to talk tough, but wouldn’t even go after the man in a cave. LOL!

This woman does not have more experience than Obama.
She has dealt with local issues. Obama has dealt with a broader spectrum of issues that involved legistation that will effect not only his people, but the nation. So kill that noise please. This is why I say to continue to make that statement only proves one thing.

Any Hillary supporter that thinks this is a replacement are doing nothing more than insulting who they claimed they stood for and why. lol


29 08 2008

anyways, please people, DO YOUR RESEARCH before you VOTE!!!

29 08 2008

Indie Woman — Why are you so mad? And why do all the Dem’s want change…..I think things are going pretty good. I got no problems-

29 08 2008

Ok texas sandy ,, smile 🙂
much better (why can’t polititains do that?)

29 08 2008

McCain will give us more years of Bush. I seriously have to question his judgment on his choice of running mate in Palin. To insult women voters by saying, “I have one that you can vote for” is simply ridiculous! To name a few, Palin is currently swirling in controversy from issues of the investigation with the firing of her ex brother-in-law, to the aerial shooting of wolves, to even her personal decision to fly to Dallas at 8 months of pregnancy to do a speech. I don’t want to trust the country to more years of Bush. And more importantly I don’t want to take a chance on Sarah Palin for Pres. should something happen to 72 year OLD McCain. He is too old and I worry about him even being able to carry out a full term.

I was a Republican but I will be voting for Obama/Biden in this election. People WAKE UP…..we need a change of government and if we keep on doing what we have been doing we will keep getting what we have been getting. Obama/Biden are certainly the best choice in this very important election and they have my VOTE.

29 08 2008

Good job Erin ,, blankets rock ( ask Micheal Jackson)

29 08 2008
David Gaines

Governor Palin has excluded herself from any serious consideration for this office by (1) asking on a CNBC interview recently what it is exactly that the VP does every day (this is virtually a direct quote); (2) supporting the teaching of vague, unsubstantiated religious doctrines in public school science classes, and (3) behaving in a manner that she ought to have known would lead to a public ethics investigation.

As far as the rest of you are concerned, both Democrats and Republicans…you’re doing your best to demonstrate why many people are switching to Ralph Nader, Bob Barr, or Cynthia McKinney:

1. Why is it necessary to refer to Obama using his middle name only (“Hussein Obama”)? Is that supposed to be clever, or smart, or……I have no clue what it’s supposed to be, but it makes the person who says it sound like a 10-year-old on a playground. I’m not sure even Rush Limbaugh has referred to Obama that way. Was his father a secretly evil Muslim terrorist because he bestowed that middle name upon his son 47 years ago?

2. I’m not sure why it has eluded Obama supporters (or most of the rest of planet Earth, for that matter) what Joe Biden meant when he used the word “clean” to refer to Obama. What he meant, and it’s pretty obvious when you look at the context within which he made the comment, was that Obama is politically clean. Simple.

Of course, it was a poor choice of phrasing in this present media climate of……well, blogs like this. But his intent should have been clear and there was obviously no racist intent involved. The irony is that Obama is very UNclean politically, having taken steps to get all of his opponents (including the incumbent) tossed off of the Democratic primary ballot in his first race for the Illinois state legislature (as reported by the Chicago Tribune), so that on primary day he was the only candidate on the ballot. Obama himself not only doesn’t deny these shenanigans (something at which his fellow Democrats showed they were very adept in 2004), he referred to this episode as simply “hardball politics.”

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Hey BJ How do you think the wealthy got wealthy? Hard Work. Everyone in this country has the oportunity work hard and become wealthy. When my wife and I got married we had a combined income of $48,000/year. After 11 years of SACRAFICE and HARD WORK we tripled that…with no help from the Gov’t…we did it on our own.

29 08 2008

Do the right wingers here realize that by their definition of experience (ie. executive) that Palin would have more experience than McCain as well??? Because all three of the other people on the ballot are Senators! The mayor of Podunk, Maine would technically have more executive experience. God you people are dumb.

29 08 2008

Hitler said : quote : It is good fortune for governments that people do not think…
Think people !!!!!

29 08 2008

“If you aren’t mad, you aren’t paying attention”

29 08 2008

if any of that were true we would have heard a lil bit of it by now.
I’m not a senator. I had no CIA intelligence either. But I knew Iraq did not have WMD. We were just attacked on 9/11. You know the one that the republicans keep falling back on to say we haven’t been attacked since?
The one that took over 10 yrs to plan and carry out? The one that STILL have not captured the SOB who killed over 2000 of our people???? The one where they said they will go anywhere the terrorist are, but for some reason they didn’t go in Pakistan________________________. Why not? WMD!!!!!!!!!!
Remember when China had our spy plane? We negotiated to get it back. WMD!!!!! Look at Russia rolling into Georgia. WMD!!!!!

We are in NO WAY going to tell a country with WMD how and when we will strike and have live broadcast of the event. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!!!!!!

Obama wasn’t the ONLY one to be against it so whether he had the intelligence infor or not doesn’t mean it would have changed a thing.
Keep in mind. Most that voted for the attack did not… I repeat DID NOT READ IT!!!! This is how we got in the mess we are in now. And these are the people you STILL… despite this… want to run our country????

This administration abandoned the victims and survivors of 9/11 and yet keep trying to use the event like they have done something special.

They could be planning another attack that might take 10+ yrs to do.
So this so called safer mess is false. It could happen during the next presidency or 2012 if we don’t remove our troops and protect our borders.
We can’t protect anyone if we can’t protect ourselves!!!!


29 08 2008

I just posted more details on her ethics investigation and other thoughts. The media is now spinning this as the ‘Hail Mary’ pass. Hail Sarah…

29 08 2008

“Where are you located that you are so out of touch with reality? Sure the upper class has not suffered in our current economy (this is how the wealthy stay wealthy), but based on your level of ignorance I am not inclined to believe that you are included in that echelon.”

I’ll ignore the personal attacks, as they just don’t matter. Facts are facts, and the economy is not that bad. It’s true. Sure, nitpicking can find this stat or that stat to make it look like maybe a recession is approaching, but then other stats can show just the opposite. Things would be soaring were it not for the price of oil, which would not be so high if we had more refineries and more drilling here, both of which are the fault of liberals. So…if you must try to use logic, and you want to say the economy is bad, blame those liberals.

“Not only is the economy in a dire straits but it has been there for quite sometime if you ask the majority of people who make up this country.”

Again, just not true, despite what the MSM says.

“When Bush was lying about the unemployment rates, missions accomplished and more, people were already beginning to worry about how they would KEEP their homes or car(s) or children in college or food on their tables, etc.”

Unemployment rates have been lower than during Clinton’s term, when liberals and MSM informed us the rates were simply wonderfully low. Griping about “Bush lying” over and over just gets old, and still doesn’t prove anything. There is no crisis on losing homes. Look at the numbers. For years, liberals demanded that mortgage companies make it easier for people to own homes. Restrictions were eased, and lots of people bought more home than they could afford. The small number of foreclosures, while highlighted by the MSM, mostly represents these people.

“So enlighten me Laughing. Please tell us why Iraq is sporting a 79 DOLLAR SURPLUS while the only mission truly accomplished by The Decider is his record breaking deficit that he has created for our country?”

I’ll grant you there is a bad deficit, because Bush went right along with liberals in spending, spending, spending. Bad habit. Needs to be reined in. Tons of wasteful government spending that could be abolished.

“This is exactly my point. While the Clintons are dirty, no doubt, more people in this country benefited financially. You cannot say that under the dirt of the current admin.”

Yes you can, and you’d be right. More people own homes now, and less people have been unemployed. Facts.

“Very, very dangerous countries hate us more now than they ever did, and we have the Republicans and the rampant Go to War knee jerk reaction of the Bush, Cheney, McCain cronies, that are putting our country at risk.”

Countries have always hated us, in part because we stand for freedom and we stand in the way of their desires. As a veteran and a believer of a strong defense, I would much rather have countries dislike us because we’re too strong than to laugh because someone like Clinton worked to destroy the military, leaving us open to attack. Do you want to be loved by most everyone in the entire world (a slim chance at best), or do you want to be safe?

29 08 2008

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Like that Bj ?

29 08 2008

Laughing, Nice post. Hit the points dead on.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

I want to know how having our troops home will make us safer. Will they all hold hands around our border and airspace and block missles? Troops are for fighting on the ground. Our technology (ie. Starwars…thank you Reagan) will keep us safe. The troops are abroad to nip the enemy’s technology at the bud.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

29 08 2008
Bill K.

The last time I checked Iraq is right next to Iran.

29 08 2008

I want to be loved by 200k flag waving Germans !!!!!!!! that’s what makes us safe.. Safety in numbers , the more people in the world that wave the flag of the USA the better . Seeing bush burned in effigy while they are stomping the us flag does in no way make me feel safe !!!

29 08 2008


I’m with you on the whole “hardwork” thing but let me tell you that as contributor to a family income that supercedes yours (and we are still part of the middle class being hit by the economy), I realize that I have a moral responsibility look at what is happening around me. I am a parent and as oppose to making blanket judgement calls about how hard someone is working or not working, I know that I have to vote in a manner that will ge this country out of the whole that it is in.
Perhaps you can tell me why our country does not get a piece of Iraq’s 79 BILLION DOLLAR surplus. Our troops are over there working hard fighting and dying. The ones who make it home aren’t benefiting from that surplus. Explain that one.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Because liberals like you would say…”See I told you Bush went to Iraq for oil.”

29 08 2008
D in NY

I see the conservatives up there in AK are not so good at English! What else do they not understand, about the lower 48 and the rest of the world? Read their letters and see. As Joe Biden said, I can’t wait to hear Palin debate! It will be like shooting wolf cubs and polar bears from a chopper.

29 08 2008

Setay …
They are only repeating what the media feeds them without thinking on their own. A little research on their part would make them realize they make no sense. When they learn to add “quality” with regard to the years of experience they would realize how wrong they are too.

29 08 2008

Our troops not going to benefit from anything unless we stand up and demand that they are taken care of. If you have not had a chance go visit your local VA hospital and see how our vets are treated and the conditions that they receive treatment in.

29 08 2008

Wether you like Palin or not, you got to admit that she is better damn looking than Biden. I’m gonna vote twice for her-

29 08 2008

Bill K…
Not true. If the money was used to help pay for the war America would have no problem.
Reporter: “Mr. President how is it we can afford to finish the job in Iraq”
President: “The Surplus from their oil is paying for it.”

Just that simple. Try again.

29 08 2008

>>…Our new Vice Presidential candidate has four children plus an infant son. She obviously feels caring for her newborn won’t get in the way of her Vice Presidential duties. <<

Oh, not to worry — she’s got nannies for that, I’m sure. Hopefully, they’re LEGAL immigrants; you can be certain someone will check. McCain’s campaign doesn’t have the best track record on vetting staff for the campaign, so who knows….

…Oh, and it’s always good to have a candidate for one the highest offices of the land, who — while running — is suing the self-same government while running for office. No conflict of interest there, right…???

…So now lessseee, if I first sue McDonalds for having hot coffee spilled on me, and then apply for a job there while the suit is still pending, and list the lawsuit among my “experience,” do ya suppose that would help my chances of getting hired…?? No…? And it is different for Ms. Palin, why…????

I reiterate my prediction, cited throughout the summer, that Obama will mop up the floor with McCain come November.

29 08 2008

and you’ll still get no where. Not even a pole dance. lol

29 08 2008

Keith, That is fricking funny!

29 08 2008

DENVER – John McCain’s risky choice of Gov. Sarah Palin gives him a running mate who doubles down on his maverick image, may appeal to “hockey moms” and other women, and counters Barack Obama’s aura of new-generation change. But he may have undercut his best attack on the Democrat.

If Obama is an empty suit, as McCain has suggested, is Palin suited for the Oval Office herself?

She is younger and less experienced than the first-term Illinois senator, and brings an ethical shadow to the ticket. A governor for just 20 months, she was two-term mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.

“On his 72nd birthday, is this really the one-heartbeat-away he wants to put in the White House?” said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the No. 3 Democrat in the House. “What does this say about his judgment?”

It says that McCain wanted to add a reform-minded politician to his ticket, and an abortion opponent to boot. It says he needs more women to back him over Obama, who just welcomed a passel of Hillary Clinton voters into his fold but remains shaky with white males. And, finally, it’s a recognition of how vulnerable McCain is despite polls showing it’s close.

He put his money down on a darkhorse to try to change the race.

A suburban mother and PTA member who described her fisherman husband as a proud union member and “champion snow machine racer,” Palin brings to the ticket the blue-collar, everyday-American qualities that Sen. Joe Biden brought last week to Obama’s ticket — with a distinctively Alaskan twist.

The pick earned McCain praise Friday from evangelicals and other social conservatives who have been skeptical of him. “Conservatives will be thrilled with this pick,” said Greg Mueller, a conservative GOP strategist.

The price for that support could be high. Palin’s lack of experience undercuts GOP charges that Obama is not ready to be commander in chief. McCain said in April that he was determined to avoid a pick like Dan Quayle, the little-known Indiana senator whom George H.W. Bush put on his ticket in 1988. The choice proved embarrassing.

Quayle “had not been briefed and prepared for some of the questions,” McCain said while discussing his vice presidential search. He was clearly aware that, as a septuagenarian, the decision he made about a running mate would be “of enhanced importance.”

Four months and one birthday later, McCain’s announcement of Palin made clear the paucity of her experience.

“As the head of Alaska’s National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself,” the statement said, “Gov. Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation and she understands the importance of supporting our troops.”

It is true, as the statement said, that Palin has a record of bipartisan reform. She has a growing reputation as a maverick for bucking her party’s establishment and Alaska’s powerful oil industry. Palin campaigned on ethics reform in the 2006 GOP primary to defeat incumbent Gov. Frank Murkowski, who served 22 years in the U.S. Senate before winning the governor’s seat in 2002.

“She’s exactly who I need,” said McCain, who passed over several more experienced candidates — mostly men. “She’s exactly who this country needs to help me fight the same old Washington politics of `Me first and Washington second.'”

The campaign put out a statement saying what McCain did not: “She is ready to be president.”

She has an ethical issue as well. Alaska lawmakers are investigating whether Palin abused her power in firing a public safety commissioner. Lawmakers say they want to know whether Palin was mad at the commissioner for not firing an Alaska state trooper who went through a messy divorce and ongoing child custody battles with Palin’s sister.

Palin is 44, Obama 47. She served in her statehouse 20 months. Obama served in his statehouse for eight years. Obama and Palin are running less on their resumes than on they are on their promise. The promise of change and new politics.

The difference: Obama wants the top job, Palin the No. 2. But experience is something that matters to all voters — whether Republican, Democratic or independent. And, as McCain has suggested himself, his 72nd birthday is a reminder that age matters, too.

29 08 2008

starwars will keep us safe ,,,,,,HA!!!!! till they shoot down a satellight’s then it’s back to old fashioned fighting .. They shoot down some GPS and other satellites and then what ?? then you better have some troops here at home .

29 08 2008

Amen! The story on Walter Reed should have opened their eyes. The number of suicides should have opened their eyes. The number who face financial crisis because the system clogs up their benefits should have opened up their eyes.

McCain wants everyone to believe they will come home, write a book, be considered a hero, and own 7-10 homes.
He forgets they do not have Admirals as their fathers fighting the war and protecting their image.
Sending these guys to fight in Iraq is an abuse of power.
They should have stayed in Afghanistan instead of quitting on finding Bin Laden.
Just imagine how many lives could have been saved while leaving what little bit of stability in the middle east together.

29 08 2008

Keith (12:06:59) :

Wether you like Palin or not, you got to admit that she is better damn looking than Biden. I’m gonna vote twice for her-


29 08 2008

haha the American South is pwn3d.

29 08 2008

The Sexism vs. Racism drama continueth…

29 08 2008

Good answer, Bilk! If I were you, I’d use it.

Laughing and Billk, I am always amazed at the WEAK arguments that your kind present. The problem is, we can’t just brush it under the carpet with “Griping about “Bush lying” over and over just gets old, and still doesn’t prove anything” because when Bush lied, people died. In the meantime, why would IRAQ ,of all places, have this surplus and we have nothing? That should make even you guys mad unless you’ve been drinking the Kool Aid.

My shock and awe moments come from the Republican waffling. How can we have such a defecit but yet you claim that there is not economic crisis. Where do you get your numbers? A Fox News issued economic status report?

The reason that more people own more homes now, is that Clinton left a SURPLUS and put into motion JOBS!!! and programs for this to be possible. However, this administration can add to it’s resume that while more ppl may have owned homes at this time simultaneously, more ppl LOST their homes at record breaking rates. I don’t even want to know the other records that these folks are willing to break.

The reason that your unemployment stats are off is that the number of people who have registered with their jurisdictions, fall off after a certain amount of time. That does not necessarily mean that they are employed. That is just ONE way that you all are able to skew these stats. There are numerous variables that go into measuring this stat.

I am going to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and pray that you suffer from some level of cognitive dissonance. I find it so hard that there are still ppl out there making excuses for this blundering administration. I personally know people who have worked under this admin and say that they cannot take it anymore.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Hey Cheese can you tell me the main reason the USSR capitulated? Let me tell you. Star wars was one of the main reasons.

29 08 2008

this is going to get ugly ,, rickyrab ,, wwwwwwwooo ugly ,, ding ding ,,in this corner we have

29 08 2008

The difference between me and McCain on pork-barrel spending is that he considers a national railroad system to be pork-barrel spending, whereas I disagree. I consider a choice in transportation modes for passengers to be important, particularly if passengers don’t like being cramped like sardines into airplanes and buses.

29 08 2008

Good anger 😉

29 08 2008

they capitulated ??? so they gave back ossetia and abkhazia today ??? sorry I did not hear about that ..

29 08 2008
Bill K.

The economy got better beacause of the dot coms and inflated stock market during Clinton. And we all know what happened to the stock market and dot coms…don’t we?

29 08 2008

erin yo-
It’s only not funny to mean people. Like they say in Chicago, “Vote early, vote often”… that’s funny, too.

29 08 2008

not all of them bill,,,cha ching $$$$

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Cheese Not Russia…the USSR (remember they were communist). Russia’s(still almost communist) actions just recently will be regreted.

29 08 2008

I am more than willing to agree to disagree but I don’t think you guys would understand half of it. You guys (I won’t mention any names…KEITH, TexaSandy, Bilk and Laughing) make it so hard to wonder why you don’t have to take a test in order to vote.

Gooseguy, believe me, if no one has brought up the S and L scandal not just now but in the last two elections as well, they will sweep her investigation and law suit under the carpet. S and L pertained to Presidential candidates she’s just a VP candidate. Are you kidding?!?!?!?!?

29 08 2008

Go bj — testing for voters ,, you have to take one to drive but not to elect the leader of the free world .. More GGGGGGGgggggrrrrrrr
Bill – the Russians do not care , they do not and will not regret what they just did. There only regret will be they did not go all the way with it .. They do not need us for anything ..

29 08 2008

“If you have not had a chance go visit your local VA hospital and see how our vets are treated and the conditions that they receive treatment in.”

Following TexasSandy’s logic theory, this is a choice.

29 08 2008

Come on, BJ. You act like the Dems have no scandals. Who forgot Monica?

Come on, BJ. Keith made a funny and you didn’t get it. Have some fun because after the election (whoever wins) not much will change. It’s still up to all of us to make our own difference.

Seems like your answer to someone who doesn’t agree with you is they are somehow impaired. Get over it.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

whatever BJ. It is a fact that Republicans are more educted, more giving and most important vote the issues. Unlike others who are snowed by clever marketing campains

29 08 2008

BJ and Cheese-
We did have a test for voters back in the day……one passed the test if one was white and had a pee-pee. Let’s re-instate, shall we? And you think I’m the backwards one? Geez…..

29 08 2008

What? Another funny?!!! Not sure they will get it.

29 08 2008

Keith — That’s means you could not vote ??? (ha)
Bill ———PPPPPPPPPPPPPPfffffttttt
Texassandy—— Monica ,, that was for a BJ ,, and bj had nothing to do with it… so bill got a little (or a lot she was a big gal) that’s a scandle I can live with.

29 08 2008

And what’s up with the whining about homeless people? I can’t belive for a moment that any healthy American can’t get a job and at least live in a trailer. 100 gazillion Mexican’s ain’t sneaking over the border so they can come live on our park benches…

29 08 2008

Good one, Cheese….you got me on that one…..ha-

29 08 2008

Bill K….
The troops at home is not meant to mean pull all our troops place them on bases here in the US.

Rest for a war they should be fighting.
These troops should have been in Afghanistan capturing Bin Laden.

We have lost too many troops because of abuse to their well being and we want more to sign up? Volunarily? Our troops are valuable and should be treated as such not like some replacement pushpin you have in your cubicle.

Talking about pride and support is one thing, but this guy has done nothing and considering his history that is ashame.

29 08 2008

BillK- have you ever sat through one of you ever heard your leader speak? He’s the President for Christ’s sake! Is this your representative of intelligence?

Attempting to draw a corelation between Monica and S and L is a rich stretch. Honestly, someone’s trashy intern does not come close to what we have witnessed over the last eight years. Bill had worse dirt than that yet, he left office with a surplus and the country was not at war.

A test of intelligence Keith. Not fear.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

Keith…There is a direct corrilation between our size of Gov’t and when females were able to vote. You might have something there.

29 08 2008

Keith– sorry it was so easy I had to take it ,,hhaa
About the homeless ,,, Mexicans take care of each other that’s why you don’t see many of them homeless ,, if your white or black see ya good luck with that buddy ,see ya when you get a job loser ..
Mexican will always pack another in there home ,, they got us on that one.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

BJ just cause someone can read from a teleprompter does not make them smart.

29 08 2008

that’s right bill left us in good shape ,,maybe it was that bj he got from monica .. maybe they should bring her back for the next pres,,

29 08 2008

Hey Laughing, look a little closer for the rascist comment and you will see it. All Republicans need to take off their blinders.

29 08 2008

Pardon me for being politically ignorant but what specifically has McCain done that would make him qualified other than getting himself caught in Viet Nam?

Since he did spend a fair amount of time there… wouldn’t he know more about socialist policies than Obama?

Of all the choices in the world for VP, why would he decide to pick a candidate currently under an ethics investigation?

I’m no statesman but has Palin ever been to Washington, DC?

You know I’m also not a scientist but selecting this woman over say… the many other candidates including women… isn’t going to convince me that McCain is committed to women’s equality and change?

Pardon me… but… I mean… where were the republican women running in the primaries or is this simply another “sleight of hand” sly insult to the American public? The Dems set the standard and now you acquiesce with less than three months before election? The Pubs are in deep trouble and it’s pretty hard not to see it. The media is going to party off of this one!

Uh… hmmmm. I don’t have a law degree but… is this choice akin to the false thinking that the incog-negro Justice Clarence Thomas would represent the fractured rights of African Americans and other minority groups?

Which brings me to another question… maybe because I’m not as educated as say… the people supporting McCain’t… uh ohhh… did I write that? Sorry!!

As I was saying before my ignorance kicked in… that… uhh… ??? The McCain supporters will defend any vituperative, onerous and myopic decision he will make simply because he’s white? I understand… I really do… McCain’t could be hooked up to a respirator and you’d still vote for him and the former Miss Alaska. I get it… We’ll deal with the consequences later… right?

That regardless of the dialogue here… the Republican Party stands for and represents the “laissez faire” policies of government. That the only government intervention they will allow is the ones that will allow their “base” to profit.

I can look on the internet or TV and find a pedophile or low level criminal but what about the boys robbing us blind?@@@!!! That’s right… they own the media… and printing presses. They gave McCain’t so many passes… it boggles the mind over Obama.

Republicans want freedom… but freedom for themselves… just like the old days… remember? Sign a constitution of freedom and equality for all and then institutionalize a certain segment of the global population as less than human to perpetuate one of the greatest crimes against humanity. Those were the days man… we had it all!

The freedom to take every dime they can get and have the hard working American (Black and white) pay for the damage. When was the last time a Republican left a financial surplus upon exiting office? It won’t happen because it’s up to the rest of America to pay the tab. Everybody’s awake now and the coffee machine is missing.

And, they call bringing prosperity back to the middle class a socialist program? I don’t know about you but the Republicans have been the beneficiary of the biggest welfare program in the history of mankind! From the Savings and Loan scandal to Iraq… it’s all been government sponsored by Republican rule.

What worst is who cares if you believe it or not… you’ll pay your share at the pump and accountant’s office.

FYI: I’ve been a registered and voting Republican for 32 years and that’s why I feel so G$%$ Da%$n STUPID! And anyone who is voting for McCain should feel like me… Now all of a sudden he’s talking about bringing “CHANGE “… hmmm… another word for “HOPE” to Washington and the USA?

Give me a break! Like he gives a damn about across-the-board equality and the political rights of women with seven homes and a trophy wife? You could not find another potential running mate in Washington to support you in the bid for Presidency… other than Palin?

If you believe this cock-and-bull charade of Republicans bringing change… just remember Bush’s campaign and how he’d restore our nation’s character. Having sex out of marriage seems real insignificant in contrast to the infidelity dealt to the American people in the last eight years. And if Hillary could forgive him… who are we to bring up the subject?

We need to stop the game of entitlement of being white in America regardless of intelligence, dignity or character and especially pursuant to responsibility and accountability to all American citizens. We would deserve every bumbling misstep and mistake McCain makes if we elect him POTUS… the world community might then be right calling us idiots.

Finally, Harold… People in other countries like Turkey pay far less than we do for gas. It’s about 1/3 the price we pay… but by the time the product is sold and re-sold we pay the high premium because the benefits go to the market and nail the consumer under Republican rule. We watch a false barometer at the pumps that show us that whenever there’s a holiday… prices go up and whenever a Republican wants to get elected… prices… go down. How scientific!

But you wouldn’t know this because somehow you feel privileged under some lost antiquated system of thinking. You’d rather look stupid and forgo the real issues… You’d rather “fry in hell… than support a ni@@a” who is younger, smarter and more qualified than McCain’t. I get it…

Well, in case you didn’t know flawed economics is the creator of new ni@@a’s” who are black and white. Btw – what has McCain done for us to compel us to elect him POTUS beyond any doubt? This is what you should be writing and pitching… but you probably don’t know anything besides his service record… why do any work… when you feel so entitled to feel privileged? Why act like there’s something substantial when it’s easier to distract? McCain’t deserves the recognition for his service to America but let’s not mistake that there are many other requirements to hold the office of Commander in Chief.

Bill K… there are so many statistical reports on races and so forth… I bet you know what and where they all are… but I bet you don’t have a clue as to the stats and reporting source for white-collar crime. It ain’t on Fox News or with Limbaugh. Always disrespecting the other man on issues of morals… just because he’s doesn’t look like you or share your values. O’Reilly finally paid off his female worker in a lawsuit because she taped sexual harassing conversations he unknowingly had containing some of the most vile language known to man…

Prior to the disclosure of the tapes, he denied everything and called the woman a psycho and every other name… but once the tape rolled… he paid her off… now that’s a moral leader! And Limbaugh… the jerk, a closet pill-popping addict publically disparaging anyone who wasn’t as privileged as he thought he was until the closet door opened.

No problem though… (Old Weird) Harold and Bill KKK (couldn’t help it). Your closet door is opening too! Keep It up… keep the venom flowing… you’ll need the antidote soon enough… It doesn’t matter… don’t kid yourself… you’ll be black soon enough… your daughter, son, grandkids or wife is considering “Jungle Fever” right now… if they haven’t already gone “black-by-injection”.
Ooops! Did I say that? Sorry… I guess I’ll go back to being Republican at all cost.

29 08 2008
Bill K.

BJ…During Reagan’s presidency people like you were saying the same things. Boy were they ever proved wrong. Just as you will be.

29 08 2008

My point regarding homeless folks is that I can’t imagine in this great country why anyone would become homeless other than by choice. Believe me, I am far from an elitist. I am a simple caveman and during my college years I survived on $3.35 an hour (min wage at the time). No money from parents. I was BELOW the poverty level and lived in a place with no heat or A/C and limited food, but I wasn’t homeless. I worked as many hours as I could and spent my money wisely. I am not special, so why couldn’t other people find a way to make ends meet?

29 08 2008

Bill K –just cause someone is the president of Harvard law review does mean they are smart ,, very smart .. The fact he does not trip on his own lips like bushski is just a bonus

29 08 2008


Star wars was not the main reason the USSR collapsed.
But that is that “Old PARTIAL American History Telling” we all grew up with.
Haven’t you learned that the truth in this countries history hasn’t been fully told? Heck our national anthem was a lie from the beginning and we refused to admit it. Still fighting for it today.

The USSR was on the verge of collapse way before Star Wars.
A military race does not collapse a nation, but the historians will tell you that to dramatize what happened. Kinda like Bush on the Carrier, but only he had to back down from the event. lol.

Actually the USSR collapse had many issues that we face today.
dept, homeless, low world view of them, unrest within its nation that went ignored, trying to win over people and nations by force.

Poor budgeting and spending habits such as space, military, etc…

I know it sounds so much better to believe that one mans plan dropped the USSR, but it didn’t. lol

29 08 2008

Goodbye, suckas!

29 08 2008

back to the homeless ,, try having that conversation with a homeless guy that has a 70 or 80 IQ and go from there .. Easy to say and do the things needed when you have the capacity to do so .. I have a 137 IQ 8 years ago lost all and started over with a new business , new house ,cars paid off ,no credit cards .. Fricken easy for me , not so easy for a guy who can’t figure out how to tie his shoes .. Has to start with minimum wage job (if he can get one)
then expected to be a financial genius ?? and make chump change into a house .. I feel bad for people like that ,worse for those who have no compassion or just do not get some people need help..

29 08 2008
Melissa in CO

I guess now McCain has someone to serenade with his favorite song, “Dancing Queen.” You be da judge: is McCain a pedophile, a girly-man (shhh, don’t tell Ahnold, that’s his Prez candidate!), a wannabe transsexual who would tease men in a club if only he was young enough, or …?

Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen…

You’re a teaser, you turn ’em on
Leave them burning and then you’re gone
Looking out for another, ANYONE WILL DO
You’re in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance…

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Nor can I ignore that his #6 favorite song is “Good Vibrations.” Guess the little blue pill wasn’t working for him and Cindy the day he got into that tune…

29 08 2008

Keith left in a hurry , looks like his boss snuck up on him..

29 08 2008

First off nice story and I use to have partial thoughts to that until I listened to reason. One. What makes one person poor or homelesss doesn’t make everyone poor and homeless. It really is that simple. The next thing is just because you were able to pull yourself up doesn’t mean everyone else can. While on the surface your circumstance may appear or sound the same they are very different in many households. Some people are dealing with parents hooked on drugs or alcohol and provide no type of guidance.

I didn’t notice you mentioned this in your story so I take it you are special my friend.
To use your experience and try to make it seem like anyone else should be able to do the same tells me you haven’t experience the issues other have.

Full time student? School Loan? I mean $3.35 won’t pay for college?
Credit card? Must have had good credit if you charged it?
You lived somewhere obviously. You couldn’t have worked so much as a full-time student.

See there is a lot in there that is missing that goes untold.
I know someone who could tell a similar story, but they went to school on a scholarship which paid for their education. No money from home needed.
The part-time took care of other needs. You’ve got to realize some support is not is direct as we state it.

29 08 2008

Boy, you really have to have your head in your ass to try to defend Mccain’s selection of Palin. Puts country before himself. You’ve got to be kidding. Clearly feels he had to do this to win with no thought of what might happen if he should be unable to fulfill his duties as president. My god people, this is scary stuff and McCain’s lack of judgement is disconcerting to say the least.

29 08 2008

Keith, it is my strong opinion that people choose to be ignorant.

29 08 2008

I just don’t understand how anyone who supports that administration doesn’t have a lack of intelligence and or moral integrity. They have led millions of families to devastating circumstances time and time again. Where do you find the good in this?

It is not about race, religion or gender. It’s beyond that. You do not have to be a Democrat to be outraged. I would be forced to question the intellect and or integrity of anyone that I know that supports even one more year of this.

To that point, McCain’s camp has to believe that their supporters lack brain power simply by this pick. This woman is contradictory to everything that Hillary supporters claim to be fighting for. The fact that they think that Palin was the best way to gain the Hillary supporters is just insulting. It’s obvious that they thought women were voting based on gender. They had a much better chance of winning those people with Romney or Gumby for that matter.
Any Clinton supprter at this point who supports McCain has an agenda and it is by no means hidden.

If McCain believed that he were leading anything other than sheep, he would have real answers rather than always relying on old trusty “I was a POW”. No one is disrespecting the fact that he was a POW; but what does that have to do with fielding real questions? He knows that this is all that he has to say to satiate his followers. His followers don’t want answers or a better country. They just want their agenda met. No matter how ignorant a platform.

29 08 2008
fast eddie

What’s wrong with this selection? Would we prefer to see another white/male/conservative/retread from a northern/midwestern state as his choice? I like the choice, bloggers and scandals be dammed.
I do laugh at the idea the Biden is going to rip her a new one head to head – like his credibility is all that. I also laugh at the notion that McCain lost his ammo against Obama’s inexperience now that he’s chosen a newbie – let’s get this straight: Palin & Obama are not running for the same position, McCain and Obama are…

29 08 2008

And McCain’s first major decision is reactionary. It is designed not in the best interest of the nation, but to win him the election. It is a move of strategy, not a move of integrity.

And that’s the difference between McCain and Obama.

29 08 2008

WOW..this was quite a read. Where I come from people like “Bill K” would be taken into an alley then he would have the crap beaten out of him then he would end up in the East River as chum for the fish.

Bill K, bullies like you just intimidate. You rant and you rave and you ask others for answers that you can’t come up with yourself. The only thing that drives assholes like you is the fear of change. Come up with one viable complete sentence before you ask for anyone else’s opinion.

29 08 2008

I am struck by the degree to which Palin discredits scientific evidence about things. To disbelieve in evolution is simply loony. It’s not a great stretch of the intellect or of the spirit to believe that evolution could be considered a part of the divine plan. Or not. On a more personal note, I am also critical of her decision to conceive a baby after 40 as much RESEARCH suggests that a Down’s baby is much more likely.

A further FYI for the self-righteous blogger about homeless people. According to much other RESEARCH, approx. half of the adult homeless have moderate to severe mental health issues. They literally don’t have bootstraps with which to pull themselves up.

I hope we all realize how lucky we are as Dems to have a candidate which can reasonably synthesize science and religion for the common good.


29 08 2008

Can you smell the desperation of the GOP? It is quite a horrible stench. They must have googled their ideal characteristics (pro-life, NRA loving, anti-environmentalist) and then searched for someone who could appeal to disenfranchised Hillary supporters, to the young voters, and people who are afraid of having a black president…and they needed someone with that “rock star quality” (former beauty queen)…and they came up with…Palin…
I am female and now former Republican and not stupid enough to fall for this dumb move. I voted for Bush and I will regret it forever…I was hesitant about McCain…this seals the deal. Go Obama/Biden!

29 08 2008

Does anyone else see what the Obama campaign is doing???? They are BUYING your vote. He is saying he’ll give you $1000 if he is elected! AKA BUYING YOUR VOTES!

29 08 2008

I think it is wonderful that Palin didn’t abort her baby with Down syndrome…they are truly special children.

But what kind of mother will she be to this child and her four others if she is the VP? Absent. Working mothers do an amazing job…but being Pres or VP is a job that requires dedication like no other…What if something happens to McCain and she is president??? Children with Down syndrome need a lot of medical attention…where will she be???

29 08 2008

This pick and McCain disgusts me. It’s obvious pandering on the part of McCain. And for him to believe that ANY WOMAN WOULD DO diminishes women like Hilary & Feraro who have done far more for our country and women’s rights then Palin. Her lack of experience confuses me even more about this pick. Isn’t that the whole argument about Obama? There are so many woman Republicans such as Hutchinson who would have been far better suited for this position. And more experienced Republicans period. One political pundit said it best “If she were a MAN, would she even be considered?”. Thanks for the insight!

29 08 2008

If you want to talk about scandal and corruption, we can talk about it any day. The democrats should look at their leader and his corrupton before attacking Palin on her “corrution.” Palin wanted the state trooper fired involved in the story so many people are talking about because he broke laws. The state trooper is her ex-brother-in-law. He has been caught driving under the influence and hunting illegally. In addition, he has ADMITTED to tasering his 10 year old stepson. The trooper has also threatened to kill Palin’s father if he hired a divorce lawyer for Palin’s sister. Sounds like a great person to be in law enforcement.

Obama’s scandals (yes more than one) are FAR worse than this petty one. Does the name TONY REZKO ring a bell. He helped Obama buy his $1.7 million home below market value. Rezko is a convicted felon, yet Obama still regards him as one of his closest friends.

Another Obama friend: William Ayers, a TERRORIST responsible for bombing the Pentagon, Capitol Building, and the NY police station.

These sound like great people that the democratic candidate associates himself with.

I also want to make a point about McCain’s houses. My question is, “Who cares how many houses he owns?” His wife is extremely wealthy! She owns them and manages her estate. Also, three of the seven properties are investment properties, and one is used by their daughter. Isn’t it the American dream to be successful and be able to own multiple homes. Just look at the number of jobs the McCains create by owning multiple households. If people like them are taxed heavily, all of those jobs go away, meaning more money is needed for welfare. Where is that money going to come from. Once you take their money, there is no more source of jobs and growth of businesses.

But don’t forget, Obama isn’t living too badly either! He has a multi-million dollar home, travels on private jets, etc. How does he get these things? Favors from wealthy friends who want favors in return if he is elected. But the circle goes around and around: if Obama is elected those people won’t be able to afford a private jet, meaning no more living large for Obama!

Did the democrats have a problem with John Kerry? He owned six homes! He was never said to be “out of touch with the people.”

I am insulted by Tim Kaine’s quote saying that the American dream is to own one home. Apparently the democrats don’t want people to be successful. It seems a little communist to me (by the way, Casto supports Obama.)

I am all for change in Washington, and we all know we need it, but Obama has NEVER given SPECIFIC ways to bring about change. He is a celebrity candidate who didn’t think he would get this far. Wanting change doesn’t mean voting completely opposite from the Republicans.

If you do your homework, you would know that McCain oppossed the war in Iraq in the beginning, Obama supported it. McCain knows that we can’t just pull out when we are so close to victory. The soldiers WANT to go and see the job done. If we pull out too soon, Iraq will collapse and be run by terrorists once more.

In regards to the people saying McCain will only do something to win the election, thats the pot calling the kettle black don’t you think. Listen to Obama’s speeches. Every single one has the word “I” at least 15 times, yet it “isn’t about him, its about the country?” Yeah right.

Any other issues you want to throw out there?

29 08 2008
Stephen Patterson

A little education 101
Yes Palin wants to be able to drill for more oil and natural gas resources but will that lower the cost?
In order to drill the companies need to spend more and why would they do that without compensation?
So the state or feds offer HUGE tax breaks or payoffs in order to take the work and charge us for it.
And when they charge all of us for their product they will not write off any savings.
Supply and demand.
Some gas stations will switch to this type of fuel under the illusion of saving money but in order to save money the entire country would have to switch over and they can’t produce that much and OPEC will just raise costs on their end.
And as to her scandal about her ex brother in law.
If she is telling the truth the question should be asked why wasn’t he arrested for using a taser on an 11 year old step son or threating to kill her father?
It sounds as if she only thought he should not be on the force…..hell,if a man threatens a child he should be in jail.
How does that mesh with her belief that abortion should be wrong.
Killing an unborn child is a crime to her but using a taser on an 11 year old is only punishable by firing????
And McCain only met with her once.
I wonder if it was done like Monica and Bill.
She is no leader…..she is only a milf.

29 08 2008

He’s going to buy my vote? Yippeee!

The joke’s on him, though, because I was going to give it to him anyway … for free. Maybe I’ll just send the campaign an e-mail and tell them to keep my tax refund instead of me having to go to all the trouble of clicking the “contribute” button every month.

We who support Obama/Biden send the warmest of thanks to John “at least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you c***” McCain for this wonderful gift.

Sarah Palin … lolololol … woohoooooo!

: )

29 08 2008
fast eddie

lol on the milf quote – she’s pretty hot. in fact, if mccain/palin wins, and something were to happen to mr mccain, she’d become the hottest head of state on the planet (currently, that position is held by cristina fernández de kirchner of argentina)

seriously – her baggage is nothing compared to biden and obama’s. hell, obama’s baggage alone is enough to make me cringe

29 08 2008

McCain thinks Hillary supporters will switch support to ANY woman. This is an insult to Hilliry Clinton’s hard fought campain and women in general.

The oldest presidential candiate on record picks the least qualified VP candiate on record, solely for political gain.

Obama did not pick a swing state Govener, but a Senator from the huge electoral state of Delaware, who has the only qualification of being ready to be President.

Obama 1 McCain 0

29 08 2008

Great post. Hey check out the video of McCain’s introduction of his VP. Look how he ogles her while twisting his wedding ring. Then look how she has to push him away after he hugs and nuzzles her. She tries to shake his hand and he grabs her. Yikes.

29 08 2008

I am so happy to have found your blog! Getting the inside scoop from
a real Alaskan resident is WOW for me. I have never met an Alaskan
although my cousin lives and works there. 6 very cold degrees of separation.

I’ll check back often so keep us amused. The next two months will be lots more
fun now that McBush has picked this nice but completely unqualified woman
as his running mate.

29 08 2008


Is there a problem with Palin being attractive and intelligent enought to lead?

You are obviously very naive to think that drilling offshore won’t affect oil prices. If we drill ourselves, we are cutting out the middlemen ad we will be more self sufficient.

Tony was unclear with his info earlier, but Palin’s ex brother in law has been charged for tasering the boy and threatening her father.

29 08 2008
Sarah Unger

Your post had me alternatively laughing out loud and burying my face in my hands. So is the vp candidacy of Sarah Palin funny ha-ha or funny sad or funny scary? Probably a really frightening combination of all three. Thanks for the inside account and eye-opening preview of what’s to come.

29 08 2008

Don’t bother trying to reason with Bill K and Cars-R-Us Harold. You’re wasting your time trying to engage in a battle of wits with unarmed opponents.

29 08 2008

i thought i was the only one who noticed mcCains wife was a MILF. he has a good eye for women it seems! cant knock him for that.

and i care about polar bears. i have no car nor a desire for one (most people near me do own a car though..) organic growth all the way. we would be better off- unless we can manage a way to distribute hydrogen.

ps: to the commentator who thinks obama is more qualified because he went to harvard? no body gives a shit about harvard, there is plenty of hurting americans who didn’t goto harvard who are just as bright and educated than some pretentious academics. not to mention, the inspiring few with no college education who come from poverty- and turn themselves into millionaires and employ others!

i’m 27, so turned off by the politics and how they are funded by private interests and rock stars like oprah- that i don’t think i will vote at all this year unless ron paul is still even on the ballot.

we need to switch the budgets of the dept of defense and healthcare. let halliburton take iraq, with bush. because i’m not buying any of it.

america needs to get off it’s high horse, or it’s SUV, and realize the fact is between russia and opec, and speculators getting rich off predicting the cost of oil tomorrow that we will pay today- that our pockets will be only squeezed further. it’s time for self dependence… bicycle if you live in the city, suburbs may become more like sprawling little cities one day when oil reaches over 150$ a barrel.

and funny, my electric bill from con ed stated a rate increase after oil hit 147$, now that it went down after speculators stopped speculating when the finger got pointed- my rates still going up.

for all the taxes we pay, income tax, federal tax, state tax, local tax, estate tax, payroll taxes that come out before we even get paid, nickel and dime taxes on tobacco, gas, services- how about some god damn healthcare for us americans!

illegal immigrants reproducing like no tomorrow can get medicaid, but there is no universal healthcare for working americans???

when i stop bitching, i’m gonna start leaving!@

29 08 2008
A Mind is a Terrible Thing » “McCain picks female running mate”

[…] rather like this quote from Mudflats, a blogger well acquainted with Palin and the "gravel pit, strip mall, fundamentalist, […]

29 08 2008

AHHHH the typical republican hate machine in action. Bill K. some fucks from texas. and a few disillusioned women who are just happy to be uneducated, drunk and hoping that pa will bring home the bacon tonight eh?

Let us make this perfectly clear. Sarah LOL Palin. Is not Hillary Clinton. Hell She doesn’t compare to Nancy Pelosi, and I personally just tolerate her. She was the mayor of a backwoods hick town where instead of sheep they have moose, she likes her guns, and probably had a stint chewing tobacco.

Please tell me how a journalism degree from University of Idaho (LOL), former runner up in a beauty contest, 2 years as said hick town backwoods Alaskan (can we say northern exposure) city council (with a booming population of 5500) member turned mayor, turned governor, with a whole 20 months under her belt that lacks any foreign policy credentials, has no knowledge of any of the 20 plus MAJOR issues/problems facing the United States today, lacks any common sense (THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER THINKS PASTAFARIANISM should be taught in schools too!) or concept of the CONSTITUTION, has no clue what a Vice President does, could possibly think or be thought to be ready to be president.

You neo cons think about this. Think about what the fuck you are saying and how ABSOLUTELY hilarious it is. It is beyond hilarious into the realm of surreal and somewhat unbelieveable. You have successfully destroyed your party. IF you don’t see it, well you are probably as old as McCain, nearly as senile, but seriously KUDOS to you for learning the mysterious art of internets. She is a joke, a sad grasp at votes by a dying party that has all but accepted that they WILL lose power.

So please attack us free thinking non sheep loving individuals (or non moose lovers for you alaskans), please tell us we are wrong, that compared to your candidates our candidate Barack Obama has no experience (HAHAHAHAHAHA), please call me every name you can think of… Ask if I am drinking kool-aid, and then for fuck’s sake, go end yourselves. seriously. Take your gun, hug your bible and end it. Over population is getting out of control, and well think how much better this world would be without ignorant douchebags like you.

29 08 2008

I can’t believe he picked her. He’s lost my vote.

29 08 2008

Sigh… Wooten was investigated by the department, and disciplined for his actions. The case was closed. Some of these offenses happened literally years before the Palin/Heath clan ever brought them up. All of a sudden these actions from years past became intolerable during the custody investigation but not before? Palin was asking Monegan to fire the guy after the fact. Monegan said no. Wooten is no angel, but the case was closed and Palin was using inappropriate strong-arm tactics to oust the guy and when it didn’t work, she fired the guy with integrity. First she covered it up. Then she lied about it. Then she pre-empted an investigation by having the AG talk to witnesses before the investigator.

And there are so many factual errors in your whole Obama rant, you’ll just have to go figure that one out for yourself. Just take a deep breath, let go of the talking points and go do some research…it’ll be OK.

30 08 2008

This is all about the Russians. They have a plan to get Alaska back. McCain knows about it and figures if the Russians try to grab Alaska by force he’ll have a vice president that will back him up when he tries to kick their commie butts.

30 08 2008

Sarah Palin is McCain’s general that will lead the fight to expel the Russians after they invade Alaska to take it back. Putin is pissed off they got such a bad deal when we bought it from them in 1867 for a little over seven million bucks. Putin and McCain are dinosaurs that still think the Cold War never ended. The Georgia invasion is just testing the waters , a rehersal to grab Wasilla and made it part of the old Czarist Russia.

30 08 2008

LOL – This is SO funny….

“Palin HAS NO EXPERIENCE!” – is what my liberal friends are shrieking (yes, actuallly shrieking). And perhaps there is something to their shriek.

Only one problem: She has MORE public service AND EXECUTIVE experience that Barak Messiah, err, I mean Obama. Is it something in the water libs drink?

They spent THE ENTIRE YEAR telling us that experience doesn’t matter… JUST CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE matters – until Palin is announced. 🙂

Now she’s not experienced enough for the #2 spot but somehow Obama’s experienced enough the the dem #1 slot ?!?!?!?

and they think they have a “gotcha moment” – until it bites them in the rear.

Oh for the good old days when libs controlled 95% of the media….then their logical stupidity was hidden by their media arm, err, I mean the “main stream” media. so sad…. too bad…

30 08 2008
local alaskan reaction to palin nomination - PoliticalGroove Forums

[…] Palin? McCains Next Trophy Girl? 29 08 2008 Sarah Palin? McCain’s Next Trophy Girl? Mudflats Well, this Alaskan is sitting here in disbelief. This is a total gift to the Obama – Biden […]

30 08 2008

WOW! Now that I’ve read all the comments I’m exhausted … and at least I know I am not alone in my fury regarding McCain’s pick. How insulting to women and well, everyone else. I thought he was going to pick someone experienced … oh this is such BAD judgement it makes me want to cry. My vote goes to Obama/Biden. I’m still shaking my head.

30 08 2008

When McCain starts dropping like a rock in the polls he’ll understand that his misguided choice in his running mate was his undoing. She’s already working hard to run a pipeline through Canada that will cost US citizens jobs. She’s under investigation for firing someone who wouldn’t fire her ex brother in law for her. All this drama from the back woods of Alaska. Just wait till she hits Washington.

30 08 2008

The news said that Palin has a 80% favorable rating, because, Alaska is a Republican state and the person she was running against didn’t want the other person. Interesting.
Nothing has to happen to McCain in order for Palin to have to deal with Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, etc. As Vice President she may be required to go to those countries. I read where she asked, “what does a VP do?” Interesting
It is obvious that McCain was trying to one up on Obama and he actually did. I’m just not sure it will work. The good ole boy system is still around. Interesting.
I personally think McCain is using this young lady and that shows that he will do anything to win the election. Interesting.
I’m not saying she is not qualified or experienced. If we have not held any of those positions, who are we to judge? We just have opinions. So in my opinion, I am totally bewildered as to why he would leave so many others on the table with more experience. In my opinion, I have to ask myself, did McCain make the best decision, did he use good judgement? Only time will tell.

30 08 2008

Enlighten me on where I went wrong in my post before, because it seems like you don’t have much to say

30 08 2008

Tony ~ you went wrong when you wrote the post! Very negative and onesided…
You are one of the 80% of republicans from Alaska…… Go figure. Your way or the highway…
Now as I said, opinions, like assholes, everyone has one! Some have two!

30 08 2008

I went wrong when I wrote the post? Hmmm…i still don’t see anyone showing my mistakes, just saying I am wrong…interesting

30 08 2008

The choice should have been Romney, BUT this was a great and unexpected move by the McCain camp. Come on, talk about REAL change! This is NOT business as usual, as what the Obama camp is falsely trying to promote.

Again I NOW support the McCain camp! Not saying I was going to ever support Obama but I was thinking about NOT going to the poles, and NOW I am… because I REALLY WANT CHANGE.

30 08 2008

Looks like ol’ Johnboy has found his very own crack in the glass ceiling. Cindy better hide the Viagra.

30 08 2008

In the little information known about Sarah Palin, she told a reporter that she had an amniocentesis done after she became pregnant at age 43 or 44 to determine whether her baby would have Downs Syndrome. That struck me odd given her strong beliefs against abortion, based on my own experiences many years ago. My wife was 34 years old when she became pregnant with our first child. She was told by her doctor that there is an increased risk that the baby might have Downs Syndrome because of her age (if I recall correctly, back then the belief was that the risk increases at about 35 years old instead of the current age of 40). Her doctor informed her that he can do an amniocentesis, but the test itself presented some risk of a miscarriage.

My response was a simple question: Will she consider an abortion? Her response was “no,” which simply resolved the question as to whether an amniocentesis should be done. Whether the baby has Downs Syndrome or not, we would deal with it if it occurs. Which is why Palin’s choice to have an amniocentesis struck me odd. I suppose someone would want to know in advance as to whether the baby will have Downs Syndrome, as stated by Palin, but why do so if the test itself puts the baby at risk? Alternatively, one may speculate – and it is just that, speculation — that she may have considered an abortion at the time although later chosen not to do so. If true, can such a person who ponders this very personal decision and in difficult circumstances, and yet she still wants others to be precluded from making their own personal decisions?

30 08 2008
Mudflat Alaska Has things to say about sarah Palin

[…] be interesting to watch he already has some interesting things to say about his alaskan neighbor. Sarah Palin? McCain’s Next Trophy Girl? Mudflats Sarah Palin? McCains Next Trophy Girl? 29 08 2008 Well, this Alaskan is sitting here in […]

30 08 2008
dave mcduffie

What a bunch of loose lipped losers, commie libs probably who should have been thrilled with McCains choice, but then she is not a lib! So lets destroy her the old fashioned communist way, thats what democrats are all about! The dems say they feel your pain, what a bunch of liars, THEY INFLICT PAIN with their stupid environmental whacko solutions to supposed THEORIES. The left is already screaming about Sarah’s lack of experience when she has much more experience than the 143 day old communist they are pushing for president! NOBAMA has NEVER HAD A JOB!!! You demorats are on a tear trying to destroy this country! You want a nation of ignorant, brain-dead morons standing in line for their weekly handout and expect those who work hard and sacrifice for their families to pay for it! At least Sarah has worked in the private sector as does her husband and she can relate to the average American! Obama and his moronic wife have the audacity to dis this country when MRS Obama is paid $300,000 per year and she tells black women NOT TO FOLLOW HER PATH!???? How proud is she of Nigeria where her husbands brother lives in a hut and earns $1. per month, all the while Obama claims he is his brothers keeper! Holly crapola, if this communist is elected the biggest revolution in American history will follow and will be on the shoulders of the left wing agenda driven media in this country. They have dissed Bush for eight years now, inspite of a great economy which is going down the tubes because the democrats blocking all attempts to get us to energy independence. You idiots want us to have sails on our cars! Better get a clue gang, Big Oil is NOT the problem…BIG GOVERNMENT IS!

30 08 2008
Palin left town of Wasilla $20 million in debt

[…] , women speak out about McCains senile mental works . Sarah Palin? McCain’s Next Trophy Girl? Mudflats Tracyseattle (08:31:11) : Thank you so much for blogging about McCain’s poor choice as a […]

30 08 2008

“Chi-town was phucked up long before Obama got on the scene. Do I care. NO! Obama did not create that mess.”

I guess if Obama is elected, in four years you’ll be saying the same about Washington. Quite a standard for choosing who gets your vote. Hey, he didn’t mess it up.

“Hey Bill K.K.K.”

Again with those racist comments.

“I Think its funny how some of you people, that have nothing to say, start referring to Obama, as Hussein, messiah, you have to be kidding me!!!”

But it’s okay to call people McInsane, McCan’t, etc, right?

“Stereotyping people by calling them liberals is old politics and very childish.”

Referring to people as liberal or conservative is stereotyping and childish? Wow, the PC meter is really pegging out.

“Say what you want about Obama, but he has been right. And Obama said it best last night. McCain gave up on the attackers of 9/11 even though they know where they are. Now that he is up for election he wants to talk tough, but wouldn’t even go after the man in a cave.”

By God, you’re right! There was only one single cave in those mountains, and it was so obvious where he was hiding and we just refused to go in after him! How could we all have missed that?

“This woman does not have more experience than Obama.”

Um, yes….she does.

“To insult women voters by saying, “I have one that you can vote for” is simply ridiculous!”

Much better to say to them, “I had one you could vote for, but I refused to pick her.”

“I was a Republican but I will be voting for Obama/Biden in this election.”

Uh huh.

“Do the right wingers here realize”

Careful, the PC meter is pegging. Someone is going to say you’re childish.

“I knew Iraq did not have WMD”

Ladies and Gentlemen, the smartest person in the world, smarter than any world leader including Tony Blair, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and so many, many others.

“You know the one that the republicans keep falling back on to say we haven’t been attacked since?”

Maybe because we haven’t?

“Most that voted for the attack did not… I repeat DID NOT READ IT!!!!”

You mean Clinton, Kennedy, Kerry, etc?

“This administration abandoned the victims and survivors of 9/11”


“So this so called safer mess is false.”

Well, since we are safer, the false part must be the “mess” part.

“So now lessseee, if I first sue McDonalds for having hot coffee spilled on me, and then apply for a job there while the suit is still pending, and list the lawsuit among my “experience,” do ya suppose that would help my chances of getting hired…?? No…? And it is different for Ms. Palin, why…????”

How about if you apply at McDonald’s, and you have on your resume almost two years working at a locally owned fast food place, and you are accused of not having experience by someone applying for the manager’s job whose resume consists of 143 days of working at a check cashing store.

“I am always amazed at the WEAK arguments that your kind present. The problem is, we can’t just brush it under the carpet with “Griping about “Bush lying” over and over just gets old, and still doesn’t prove anything” because when Bush lied, people died.”

It’s been proven many time over that Bush did not lie, and yet the sour grapes persist.

“How can we have such a defecit but yet you claim that there is not economic crisis. Where do you get your numbers?”

Well, this is from this week – A revised reading on gross domestic product announced Thursday showed much better U.S. economic growth than previously reported for the second quarter.

And this is from that conservative bastion, NPR, also this week – The Commerce Department has revised second-quarter growth in gross domestic product to 3.3 percent, up from the previous estimate of 1.9 percent. The rate of increase is the fastest in nearly a year. Higher exports were credited for the increase.

This is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics who released new jobs figures for July – the unemployment rate was at 5.7 percent, below the average for each of the last three decades.

Finally, from Bloomberg – Aug. 29 — A measure of U.S. business activity showed expansion at the fastest pace in more than a year, as production accelerated the most since October 2004.

“The reason that more people own more homes now, is that Clinton left a SURPLUS and put into motion JOBS!!! and programs for this to be possible. However, this administration can add to it’s resume that while more ppl may have owned homes at this time simultaneously, more ppl LOST their homes at record breaking rates. I don’t even want to know the other records that these folks are willing to break.”

Sorry, I forgot the playbook. Democrats get all credit for good things, and Republicans get all blame for bad things. Got it.

“The reason that your unemployment stats are off is that the number of people who have registered with their jurisdictions, fall off after a certain amount of time. That does not necessarily mean that they are employed. That is just ONE way that you all are able to skew these stats. There are numerous variables that go into measuring this stat.”

It’s the same stats that have been used forever, so there has to be some basis for comparison. Yes, they are skewed frequently, but they are skewed equally across the board. For example, numbers always go up during the summer months when kids graduate from school and all of a sudden, bam, you have a lot more “unemployed”. So despite your point, numbers have been as good or better for Bush as for Clinton. Amazing, isn’t it. Didn’t Bill have the “best economy” in what was it, 50 years? 1000 years? Eons?

“I am going to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and pray that you suffer from some level of cognitive dissonance. I find it so hard that there are still ppl out there making excuses for this blundering administration. I personally know people who have worked under this admin and say that they cannot take it anymore.”

Nice on the personal attacks again. We’re not making excuses, we’re laughing at those who still attack and repeat the same misinformation. I personally know people who have worked for the admin and they love it so that negates your point by your standards.

“I am more than willing to agree to disagree but I don’t think you guys would understand half of it. You guys (I won’t mention any names…KEITH, TexaSandy, Bilk and Laughing) make it so hard to wonder why you don’t have to take a test in order to vote.”

Love those personal attacks. I am completely in favor of testing for voting. I am also completely in favor of tighter standards for voting, such as having a simple form of ID in order to have your vote counted. Just prove you are who you say you are. Now let’s hear from liberals on that. (insert sounds of crickets here)

“after the election (whoever wins) not much will change. It’s still up to all of us to make our own difference.”


“Pardon me for being politically ignorant but what specifically has McCain done that would make him qualified other than getting himself caught in Viet Nam?”

Ummm…how about 22 years in the Military and 26 years in Congress? Your’re pardoned.

“Pardon me… but… I mean… where were the republican women running in the primaries or is this simply another “sleight of hand” sly insult to the American public? The Dems set the standard and now you acquiesce with less than three months before election?”

Since Elizabeth Dole ran in 2000, I guess by your standards, the Dems were doing the sleight of hand and insulting the public. By the way, Dole was the first woman to serve as Secretary of Transportation, so by your standards, any Dem appointed to a secretary position since has simply been a sleight of hand insult. Right?

Oh, and a couple of quick facts – who was the first woman to receive an electoral vote for either President or VP? That’s right, it was a Libertarian – Toni Nathan in 1972. Who was the first woman to have her name placed in nomination for President by a major party? That’s right, it was a Republican – Margaret Chase Smith in 1964. I am sorry to inform you that the Dems don’t own the market on promoting women, or even on promoting minorities.

“Uh… hmmmm. I don’t have a law degree but… is this choice akin to the false thinking that the incog-negro Justice Clarence Thomas would represent the fractured rights of African Americans and other minority groups?”

Talk about racist comments…

“As I was saying before my ignorance kicked in”

Possibly the most honest thing you said.

“The McCain supporters will defend any vituperative, onerous and myopic decision he will make simply because he’s white?”

Again with the racist comments. Better watch out, because there are some on here who have shown they will jump and scream and toss out death threats on the slightest perceived racist comment.

“the Republican Party stands for and represents the “laissez faire” policies of government. That the only government intervention they will allow is the ones that will allow their “base” to profit.”

You get it! The less the government, the better. Good job.

“And, they call bringing prosperity back to the middle class a socialist program?”

No, we call wealth redistribution a socialist program.

“FYI: I’ve been a registered and voting Republican for 32 years”

If that is true, you have some serious self-hate issues. Please consider seeking professional help.

“People in other countries like Turkey pay far less than we do for gas. It’s about 1/3 the price we pay”

Because of two major reasons – a lot of countries subsidize the gas (do you really want that?) and because of all the taxes already built into the price here. You do know, don’t you, that government gets a much higher cut of the pie than the oil company’s supposed windfall profit margins. Who is responsible for most tax increases? That’s right, the Democrats.

“You’d rather “fry in hell… than support a ni@@a” who is younger, smarter and more qualified than McCain’t. I get it…”

You’re the one making racist comments, don’t project them onto others. It’s just sad.

“Btw – what has McCain Obama done for us to compel us to elect him POTUS beyond any doubt?”

Fixed it for you.

“but you probably don’t know anything besides his service record… why do any work… when you feel so entitled to feel privileged?”

And we know what about Obama?

“McCain’t deserves the recognition for his service to America but let’s not mistake that there are many other requirements to hold the office of Commander in Chief.”

Hey, you get it! Obama doesn’t even have the military service, of course. Glad you are making all the arguments against Obama.

“Bill KKK (couldn’t help it).”

We know. You have no viable points of view so you just crawl into the racist gutter. It’s okay, but you really should consider that seeking help suggestion.

“don’t kid yourself… you’ll be black soon enough… your daughter, son, grandkids or wife is considering “Jungle Fever” right now… if they haven’t already gone “black-by-injection”.”

The longer you rant, the sadder you are.

“I guess I’ll go back to being Republican at all cost.”

Back??? Okay, now I really AM laughing.

“I just don’t understand how anyone who supports that administration doesn’t have a lack of intelligence and or moral integrity.”

People don’t understand lots of things that are true.

“Where I come from people like “Bill K” would be taken into an alley then he would have the crap beaten out of him then he would end up in the East River as chum for the fish.”

And yet you picked a peace sign as your icon. Too funny.

“Can you smell the desperation of the GOP Dems? It is quite a horrible stench. They must have googled their ideal characteristics and then searched for someone who could appeal to disenfranchised Hillary supporters, to the young voters, and people who are afraid of having a black an experienced president…and they needed someone with that “rock star quality” (former beauty queen community organizer)…and they came up with…Palin Obama…”

Fixed it for you.

“I am female and now former Republican”

Possibly the former, definitely not the latter. You actually want us to believe that picking a female running mate is angering Republican women enough to cross party lines and vote for the man who rejected a female running mate. Riiiiiight.

“Sarah LOL Palin. Is not Hillary Clinton. Hell She doesn’t compare to Nancy Pelosi”

For which we are very, very thankful.

“please call me every name you can think of… Ask if I am drinking kool-aid, and then for fuck’s sake, go end yourselves. seriously. Take your gun, hug your bible and end it. Over population is getting out of control, and well think how much better this world would be without ignorant douchebags like you.” (emphasis added)

Do you even read what you write?

30 08 2008

great post dave! Well said and very true

30 08 2008

Wow! It’s amazing how many people put race and sexism before common sence. The real issue, and please stop reffering to “Barack” as “Hussein”. Do you want to trust someone who John Mc. meet once and does not know at all, as your next President. Even though she has more executive expereince than Johnny. This is a choice for sexism over qualifications. I was personally more worried about Mitt. Now us Dems can sit back and celebrate the victory.

30 08 2008

There is no better evidence that McCain is more of the same than this appointment. Remember all of Bush’s ideological and / or incompetent appointments to high office? – FDA, FEMA, Iraq, Justice Department, EPA, etc.? Next he will announce his cabinet – Brown(ie), Gonzales, Harriet Myer, Monica Goodling. I am ashamed that I have ever voted GOP. I was for Obama this time, but still thought McCain had more professionalism than Bush. But he has lost all credibility with me now.

30 08 2008
Canadian Woman

Canadians and American Democrats are laughing their arses off at the stipidity! The powers that be are ensuring a Democratic victory in November. Why else would these two (the old codger and the baby mamma — ha!) be on the ticket?
Obama will win the election.
But by April 2009, all you “instant gratification” Americans will be flipping out that Obama hasn’t “fixed” everything in the first quarter of the first year of his term.
Then, in 2012 you will elect the Republicans to usher in your screwed up version of Armageddon. “Nuke em all! Jeezuz! (TM) is comin’ for a whole-world makeover anyway! Nuke em all!”

Why on earth are there not more atheists in the USA? what the hell is WRONG with you people? There is no friggin god. Get over yourselves already.

30 08 2008
Big Al

McCain will try to charm our adversaries by treating them to hot oil wrestling matches between Palin and Cindy McCain. Hey Miss Buffalo Chip, you got competition!

30 08 2008
dave mcduffie

You commie libs are a nasty disgusting bunch of ignorant haters, you don’t just disagree with people, you call them names, try to destroy them and shut them up. To you clowns, freedom of speech is really freedom of “liberal” speech and everyone else shut up. You democrats have strung along the black population for years by making them promises and not delivering! They rave about Clinton as the first black prez yet he never did one thing for them, never appointed even One black person to high office(Bush has nominated many high profile black people and has been criticized for it by the left wing media!!!). All the dems do is make promises and keep you in your place, always dependent on them and you are too stupid to figure that out. You simple minded dems are pushing a candidate for one reason and one reason only, because he is black. No experience, no ideas, no programs(except take the money from those who earn it and give it to those that sit on their ass all day), never had a job, cannot relate to American culture, can’t think on his feet, and has very childish ideas about a country of 300,000,000 becomming energy independent! Fortunately all Americans have not succumbed to the dumbing down process enforced by the democrats in their public school system. They don’t want our kids to be educated they want them to be indoctrinated, the communist way, the government cradle to grave. No wonder these kids can’t keep up with the private school educated achievers. It is my understanding that several big money people in Europe are calling the shots in this country, pushing us in the direction of socialism to once and for all control the majority of the world. Why else would a nobody like Obama be forced upon us by a news media which is so obviously socialist agenda driven . Anyone with a brain can see it.

30 08 2008
Gayle Gerson

As a woman, I am disappointed that McCain would pander to women by nominating an inexperiences candidate for VP. What a terrible lack of judgment. How stupid do you think we are. Fortunately, most of us are not as stupid as McCain! He crashed his own plane when he was captured in Vietnam. He was NOT shot down. How stupid is that! I guess that is what makes him feel qualified to pick an inexperienced candidate for VP and makes him qualified to be Commander in Chief! I believe he is a patriotic American, but there are a lot of patriotic Americans who will not find him or his new woman satisfactory candidates to lead this great country!

30 08 2008

Rumors already swirling on conspiracy/woo-woo sites that the governor herself was not pregnant, but Trig is actually her teen daughter’s child. Sounds completely nuts, but tell me, did she really make it all the way to her 7th month (this is her fifth child) and no one she worked with knew she was pregnant? Did she really fly to Texas six weeks before her due date, an older mother carrying a special needs child, and risk early labor during an 11-hour flight?

Daughter allegedly missed four months of high school due to mononucleosis, coinciding with third trimester and birth.

Maybe it’s just coincidence, but showing such disregard for her unborn child makes me think she wasn’t really pregnant or she’s reckless.

30 08 2008

Sen. McCain had my vote already, and I like his choice. Gutsy choice, but a gun-toting Conservative Christian is 1000 times better than an anti-American anti-white empty suit.

Anytime Demoncrats show their true colors and come out nasty, deceitful and mean as the Press and many of the bloggers have and will, it reinforces in my mind how much they oppose the desires and beliefs of most true American families, and those of our country’s founding fathers.

McCain is not as conservative some would like. But he has indicated a strong belief in courage, honor and sacrifice for his country. His pick for VP is a good balance, adding more conservative input to his team.

All Mr. and Mrs Hussein have stated is “this country sucks”, “our race has been oppressed for too long” (though both of them received minority-earmarked scholarships to Harvard) and “we are going to really shake things when we get in power”…

Exactly the same speech a young unknown politician and charismatic speaker born in another country gave to lemmings in Germany in the 1930’s…Adolph Hitler.

P.lS. By the way, the 200,000 Germans did not come to see Hoboama. The Dem’s weaseled him in as a fill in act between two rock concerts, to make it look like he had international appeal. Half the crowd was drunk and thought he was Richard Pryor doing a stand-up routine.

30 08 2008
Canadian Woman

Mary, you speak of sacrifice? Are you willing to “sacrifice” your life, your daughter’s or your son’s life for the Republican’s “war on a verb”?

Do you believe that an invisible “god” is on your side? Maybe the gods should just duke it out in the sky and save all the puny humans? Of course there are no such things as gods so you sacrifice for nothing but oil to fill your suburban housewife suv so you can get to church and bow to an invisible entity.

30 08 2008

Apple and Laughing,

Please do not insult my intelligence by mentioning Pelosi or Obama in the same sentence as Palin. There’s no comparison. There was more to Obama’s Southside Chicago community organizing than to her position of Mayor of Wasilla . I’m a 47 yr old black female voting for the first time. I too care about what happens in this country. I’ve been affected by the choice you experienced voters have made in the last two elections… electing Bush not once but twice. I’m off the fence now. Some of you fickle minded windbags with closet minds should sit this one out, especially if you’re for a McCain/Palin ticket. And I have lived in Alaska.

Why should McCain care what happens to the rest of us? He owns eight to thirteen houses whether directly or indirectly. He’s not affected by the Bush/McCain policies of the last eight years, he’s wealthy enough to live out the rest of his life without a worry in the world regardless to what happens in the ecomony. But I care, and not this time. The stakes are too high and cost too great. I’ll take Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin any day. If I had to vote simply on VP lines without a doubt Biden.

30 08 2008

Let me remind you that we are electing the president first then the VP. It days something when the republican VP candidate has more experience in governing than the democratic presidential candidate. Obama has only spent 140 working days in the Senate. Palin has taken very little time off or not shown up to the job.

Before you speculate on who McCain will pick as his advisors, look at Obama’s closest friends! William Ayers and Tony Rezko. Great people

30 08 2008


Your mind was reinforced and closed a long time before Obama arrived on the scene, and the mean and nasty Press and Obama supporters had nothing to do with it. Some people would never vote for him regardless of what he achieved. And I guess you are one of those people. And apparently you do not need universal healthcare or jobs in the United States, etc.

The Republicans have ran this country in a deep hole… We must change course, not stay the course. And yes, in my opinion McCain is more of the same. But Palin is even worst. She’s very attractive… but it’s going to take a whole lot more than that pretty face. You certain don’t know pandering when you see it. I guess you’re one of those folks who voted for Bush twice. It took you 8 long years to comprehen.

30 08 2008

I’d be interested to see where “she” is the one suing the fed’s over polar bears, can anyone document this? The state of Alaska does not equal “Palin” Anyone documents? Thats what I thought, people just love to repeat bs. Also sorry Wasilla is first alot larger than we get credit for, there is a HUGE outskirt population which is why we have a target, superwalmart, chili’s, ihop, a couple other large grocery stores all seeming to be full most of the time heck I can’t even get a close parking spot. I’ll love seeing media come into town and try to show how biblebelt and backwards we are. Also I have guns, I shoot animals (better than eating a poor animal kept in a tiny pen it’s entire life) plus at least it gets to run around and not get injected with growth hormones. Have I ever smoked a cigarette? NO have I ever chewed tobacco? No this whole thing is turning into liberal woman hating how sad is that. Keep insulting us the republicans would love your vote!

30 08 2008

I am extremely disappointed in women would would vote for McCain just because he put “a pair of ovaries” on his ticket. I, as a female, am HIGHLY insulted that he thinks I am stupid and gullible enough to fall for such a BLATANT gimmick…

And to the women who are…you are proving to our male counterparts why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote…

30 08 2008


I am extremely disappointed in women WHO would vote for McCain just because he put “a pair of ovaries” on his ticket

30 08 2008

What’s this about Obama being a socialist? Is this a joke like the Monty Python routine about Cannibalism in the Royal Navy? The joke being that if you say something over and over again, some people will start to believe it is true, no matter how ridiculous it is?

If you’re going to make such an accusation, first define what you mean by socialism, then give some evidence that Obama possesses some of these characteristics. Otherwise, stop talking nonsense.

30 08 2008

Please stop with the “she has more executive experience nonsense”. If that is your argument, then she should be the GOP presidential candidate since she has more executive experience than McCain.

I disagree with all her positions but that’s not the point. How can McCain be so reckless; after spending months hammering the commander in chief scare tactic against Obama to put a neophyte ex-mayor of a 5000 person town in line for the presidency.

The fact that she is a woman has nothing to do with either. The reaction would be the same if he nominated a guy with the same resume. How stupid do you think Hillary supporters are? She stands for nothing that Hillary stands for. Just because she’s a woman doesnt mean that she’ll pull the woman vote.

Panic move.

30 08 2008
Suzi in Chicago

Hee hee, I am IN LOVE with this blog!!!

30 08 2008
Martha Davidson Vancouver B.C. Canada

I just had a thought. What if we’ve all been punked over this Palin for VP?

At the RNC the Republicans can refuse to vote for Palin, then someone else could get nominated, and voted in VP. This will have been nothing short of a way to diminish the DNC with Obamas’ great speech, a HUGE distraction for the voters, and Democratic Party.

Any thoughts folks?

30 08 2008

rebeccavail: Speaking of bad judgement and being under-educated, please note the word is “bite”, not “bight”, and you’ve misspelled several other “tough” words like “too” in your posts. I’ll bet Sarah Palin wouldn’t make that mistake. Your world view may be as flawed as your spelling skills, why not re-examine it before trying to convince othersi?

30 08 2008

What completely angers me is women who demand equal treatment with their male counterparts, but when the media or Obama campaign attacks Palin over her lack of experience or on her views/policies..then women everywhere want to scream sexism.

For all intents and purposes, she is about to enter into a “man’s world”. The women of America wont be standing beside her to scream sexism when she meets with other HOS, ambassadors, etc. to get them to back down and do what she wants. She or the other feminists needs to toughen up and learn to take some blows.

She is not being carefully scrutinized because she is a woman, she is being carefully scrutinized because she will be the VP to a man who could easily die in office and be our next president and we dont know ANYTHING about her. Say what you will, we had almost 2 years to carefully review Obama, 30 years to review Biden, 25 years to review McCain. But Sarah Palin was just dropped in our laps for ONE day with a record less than 2 years old and the election 8 weeks away. SO excuse me if I, the media, obama campaign and other repulbicans are going to be on her like white on rice.

I dont give a damn that she is a great mom, that she is a loving wife, or that she can be the first woman vp of the USA. I give a damn about her agenda, where she wants to take the country, who is she, what has she done for Alaska, can she handle the finances/economy of 300 million, not just 500,000. Can she handle healthcare issues for 300 million not just 500,000. What are views on foreign policy, where is her experience on foreign policy (since McCain thought it was extremely important to criticize Obama on).

How am I suppose to take her seriously on being a vp when she herself didn’t even take herself seriously when she said she didnt think she would be seriously vetted or when she doesn’t even know what a vp does on a day-to-day basis.

30 08 2008

Post police, when you are correcting someone on their spelling please make sure that yours is correct… ok mr. ‘othersi’ ?

*rolls eyes*

30 08 2008

Excuse me for being so direct, but this woman is disgusting. Her environmental record and views are worse than Bush’s. That alone should be enough to dismiss her outright. She wants Creationism taught in schools, apparently to replace science. She apparently hates gays and wouldn’t allow a woman an abortion for ANY reason.

Forget this woman taking us back into the ugly Bush policies, she will take us back to the DARK AGES. I thinks she feels that she has more international foreign policy experience than Obama, because Alask is situated so close to Russia.

30 08 2008

Excellent eye, Gerri! Perhaps the post police need to be policed as well.

30 08 2008

LOL This B;pg is so hillarious…
McCain’s 72nd Birthday Present to himself anf the GOP is a Barbie Doll!!

30 08 2008

This pick reminds me of an old episode of “Brady Bunch” (apparently Michelle Obama’s favorite show, by the way), where Greg Brady becomes a rock star. His most important qualification? He fit the glitter outfit!!!!

McCain must have been turned down by all the actually QUALIFIED women in the Republican party, then finally found that Sarah Palin “fits the glitter outfit.” His unbelievable lack of judgement would be cute if he were running for Wal-Mart greeter, but he’s running for leader of the free world.
Scary … very scary.

Vote Obama

30 08 2008

Dear Bill K: Obama accomplishments you ask? How about working for and getting passed the most comprehensive Veteran’s Assistance bill (which, I might add John McCain didn’t vote for!) since WWII (The Big One). There are many more, if you care to inquire and learn. And let’s not forget that he beat Hillary Clinton (aka The Unbeatable Juggernaut as of Jan. 2007 according to all the Washington insiders and the press) in the Democratic Primary by playing by the rules (set up by Clintonites), keeping his fundraising and spending in line and managing (executive experience) his people and the money. Sounds pretty accomplished to me. Re: Ms Palin–this choice is simply an irresponsible one by a 72-year-old candidate with recurring cancer in his health dossier. Thanks for listening!

30 08 2008

It is offensive to women for McCain to pick an inexperienced and uninformed VP candidate just because she is a woman. According to her resume, she was the mayor of a tiny, insignificant rural community who happened to be propelled into local noteriety when she became a whistleblower. She used that noteriety to launch a campaign for Governor– and was able to pull it off because people in Alaska were tired of the good ol’ boys and their corruption and wanted a fresh face. Once in office, she immediately began abusing her position and is now facing 2 ethics investigations. For McCain to believe that former Hilllary supporters are so desperate, hysterical and unintelligent that they will embrace this former beauty contestant – regardless of her politics – is extremely offensive. For McCain to disregard this nation’s need for an experienced, informed, skilled and credible leader to step in and help address the multitude of crises we face is nothing short of reckless. Perhaps McCain believes that Sarah Palin can don a bikini and negotiate a treaty between Israel and Pakistan? If he respected women at all, he would have picked some one like Condi Rice, who has credibility as a national leader and is an asset to the Republican party– not a gimmick. McCain’s decision is a pathetic, desperate move that endangers the future of his party and his country.

30 08 2008

Shameless pandering to women. Is it any surprise? McCain has been pandering to large voting blocks for the last 2 years (most noteably to the Republican base). It’s nice to see that so many women are disgusted by it. We’ll have to see if that sentiment catches on (as it should). Did anybody see Samantha B on The Daily Show last night? She had a bit about this exact issue – shameless pandering to women. Hilarious! If you missed it, it’s probably on their website,

30 08 2008

“She apparently hates gays and wouldn’t allow a woman an abortion for ANY reason.”

Wow. She must hate gays since she has homosexual friends. There is a difference between hating gays and believing that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I do not agree with her on this issue but you are making false statements. Palin also believes that a woman should be able to get an abortion if it poses a risk to the mother.

30 08 2008

Here’s why Palin is perfect — for Democrats.

And here is why she’s perfect for Battlestar Galactica fans.

30 08 2008

If you don’t think Sarah Palin is capable of handling international affairs, why do you support Obama? He has equal if not less experience in foreign affairs than Palin! And Obama is running for president! Palin is running for VP. The president deals with such a big responsibility as foreign affairs. She may be a “heartbeat from the Presidency” but Obama will be in the Presidency if he wins!

30 08 2008

There’s nooooo way I’m voting for Obama. He could have chosen the dearest person to me and still not get my vote. He’s never served in our armed forces. He’s anti-military and a Muslim. There’s no F!@#$%^ way I’m voting for a Muslim. Both McCain and Palin are pro-military.
All of you who have posted ignorant nonsense have no idea of the capabilities Palin has. You can bet she will clean House once McCain wins office. She will also make decisions for the peolple not for the politician’s agendas.
McCain made a very good decision.
Obama would be a bad choice for president. His religeous beliefs will get us into an alignment with another nation or politican/religeous group/ secret soceity or whoever that will take control of our country.
I don’t want to hear you Obama supports bitchen when it happens…..

30 08 2008

While searching for more information on Sara Palin I ended up on this blog. Wow, did I receive new insight. I have always wondered about the moral and educational level of most liberals-now I know. You all are very angry, really do not think for yourselves, and basically are mindless. You deserve Obama and the rest of the liberals to govern your lives-they will be more than happy to tell you how to think, what you are allowed to say and hear. Enjoy your mindless, angry blobs while you can because if the liberals win this election- blogging will more than likely NOT be allowed unless they censor what you say! In case you haven’t figured it out I am going to support the GOP ticket and pray they win. I like Sara Palin not because she is a woman, but because she represents what I am passionate about-true conservatism. FYI I am a 48 yr old mother of 4 and an employed nurse. I want a better country for me and my grandchildren. Not a socialist disaster!

30 08 2008

Thanks for the perspective from Alaska. It confirms the belief that the good, old-boy had a senior moment when making his choice for VP. Saturday Night Live, late night talk shows. comedians and even the New Yorker cover artist must be thrilled. And voters will have an ongoing show of shows between now and Nov.

30 08 2008

Brent –

Apparently you’ve been drinking the Hannity and Rush Kool-Aid or your ignorance is making you blind. If you show me prove that Obama is a Muslim even I’ll vote for McCain. Check out C.W.s comments. He voted for the Veterans Assistance bill. MCCAIN voted against it. Please do us all a favor, read the facts first. Then make an educated decision.

And by the way Anonymous, you may want to do the same. You know, without a doubt, that if the tickets were reversed, the Republican Hate campaing would be all over the selection of the least qualified VP in the history of politics.

You have the right to be as conservative as you want to be but don’t prejudge the so called “liberal morals and education”.

The flag, morality and family values are not owned by republicans.

30 08 2008

Reading this blog, I get the feeling that there is nothing good about Palin. This means you must be a liar or at least confused.

This Lady has got more executive experience than any candidate on the ticket; her political career began in 1992, while Obama’s began in 1996. She FOUGHT her party elite and BIG companies to become governor; Obama never fought any establishment – the establishment made him.

If her decision to have a baby diagnosed with downs syndrome was wrong, then I assume that all people born with downs syndrome wish they were never born. I am yet to find one person who wishes her mother aborted him/her.

Women can now look forward toward having a real representative at the Whitehouse or wait until 2012 for a ceremonial handover to Hilary.

Finally, it would seem that this lady and Obama both studied political science….Obama is running for the position of PRESIDENT and this lady for the Vice President.

30 08 2008

To those of you who use the word socialist as slander, I want to share my experiences with you. I am a Penn State education student completing my student teaching in Sweden. Everyone I have met, including hundreds of international students from countries all over the world and all the Swedes I have talked to, think that Obama is the right choice for America; intelligent people from basically every country in the world respect and admire Obama and his policies. Here in Sweden, all students who earn a high school degree get to go to college for free- that’s right for FREE! Not only that but the quality of the education here, especially in the field of education, is absolutely superb. Students teachers here begin teaching in the classroom in their first semester and teach for weeks every semester, whereas in the US we student teachers don’t begin getting real life experience until our last year. In addition, every school here gets equal funding for all students so that all students get good education unlike in the US where the quality of our children’s education depends on their parents’ income thus creating a circle of social reproduction of class and racial inequality. If we had education like that in the US we could easily fix our education system by placing teachers in the classroom that have experience and don’t have to deal with inadequate resources. Here in Sweden, everyone gets health care not just the privileged. Not only that but Sweden is also a fairly wealthy and advanced nation. Guess what Sweden’s ruling party right now are socialists and all the policies I described are socialistic but you know what I frankly think that our nation would benefit from them. I know our education system would benefit and so would most America’s. Most Americans need a college education to get a good job, but our higher education system is a market driven enterprise and guess what almost all American’s leave college in debt. Health care bills are also the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the US. So essentially in the US you get punished for working hard for an education and getting sick because the US seems more interested in the bottom line then the betterment of its people. When people become broke they become a burden on society and then you get higher crime and the need for programs that you conservatives so despise like welfare. We wouldn’t need welfare if we took care of our citizens before the burden becomes too much. If these are socialist programs seem to work here and just about every other advanced country, then perhaps it’s about time the US needed a good dosage of socialist programs.

30 08 2008

This is very revealing…I was going to vote for McCain, but this Palin pick proves that he’s a lunatic. Obama for me..

30 08 2008

She is quite hot though!

30 08 2008

Thank you John. So many Americans have no clue what it’s like to live (not visit) outside this country. I have lived overseas in countries that have less, but also in countries that are equal or better than the US in general living standards. Many Americans don’t believe that any other country has decent living standards because they are ignorant. I am married to an Aussie who grew up enjoying free health care and a free college education. I am a teacher and I am disgusted at the vast differences I’ve seen teaching in a wealthy area and then in an impoverished area. “All Men Are Created Equal” — sure, but some have much less of a chance from the beginning. There are vicious poverty cycles in this country that have just gotten worse under the Bush administration. I am voting for Obama/ Biden because I truly believe they have a plan that will begin to reverse this cycle — though anything will be difficult to accomplish after the rubble of the past eight years.

30 08 2008
Barb from Illinois

Bill-here’s my first post in response to what has Barack Obabma done.
Obama Sponsored Bill To Add Transportation Problems As Excuse For Nonparticipation In A Required Program. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of bill providing that good cause for failure to participate in a required program or to accept or retain suitable employment includes a breakdown in transportation arrangements or lack of reasonable available transportation. [90th GA; SB 1668; 1998; Session Sine Die 1/12/99],

I will continue to list them until you cry uncle!

30 08 2008
Barb from Illinois

Bill – Here’s another
Obama Sponsored Bill To Pilot Welfare Transportation Program. Obama was the chief sponsor of bill requiring IDHS to operate a program (one in a city of over 500,000 and one in a rural area with limited public transportation) that will facilitate transportation to employment for welfare recipients and former welfare recipients. [90th GA; SB 0756; 1997; Session Sine Die 1/12/99]

30 08 2008
Barb from Illinois

Bill – You still with us?
Obama Sponsored Bill To Create Public-Private Partnership For TANF Transportation. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of bill requiring IDHS to enter into agreements with local school districts, religious institutions and community organizations to provide recipients under the TANF program with transportation to work during non-traditional hours. [91st GA; SB 0682; 1999; Session Sine Die 1/9/01]

30 08 2008


You’re not too bright, are you? Thanks for playing.

30 08 2008

Palin’s approval rating plummeted to 67% after the Wooten scandal. High, yes, but not unheard of and certainly not implying any credibility on a national level.

30 08 2008

The point of the experience question is this: McCain obviously believes that Palin is qualified on day one to be President (at 72 it can happen soon, did you know McCain’s father died from heart attack at 70). So when he tries to say Obama isn’t qualified beacause of how many years he has served in office, he is implying that Palin isn’t qualified either.

Please don’t say she has “executive experience” McCain has no “executive experience” either.
The question is, which candidate, do you believe will serve your interests better?

!!!End Of Story!!!

30 08 2008

In the words of the late Pat Paulsen, “Assuming either the Left Wing or the Right Wing gained control of the country, it would probably fly around in circles” which is exactly what our poor country has been doing the past 7 and a half years.

30 08 2008

between all her ethics scandals and possibly some more serious personal stuff this is going to make the republicans October surprise pale in comparrison. It is funny that some of the most vigilant reformers are guilty themselves. Spitzer comes to mind. I just watched mcmierdas keynote speech from 2004 and the chants of four more years and the promises of getting Bin Ladin, chilling, well at least they got their four years, the whole Bin Ladin thing kind of eluded them though.

30 08 2008
Deborah from Washington State

The issue I have with this VP pick is that it is a big secret until a few months before the election. I think that it irresponsible on both sides. The American people need more time to get used to a new person, such as Palin. We have some knowledge of the others with helps so our choice can be an educated one. I was looking forward to McCain’s pick, so there would be some real intelligent dialog. But, I was actually shocked and belwildered at this pick. It is really scarey. There is just no way this woman has the experience to handle foreign affairs. Rural Alaska is not like the issues in the inner cities that desparately need addressing, nor immigration, multiculturalism and globalism that are a big part of the world today and not going away. I had once considered voting for McCain, but no longer. This slight to Hillary Clinton is pathetic and disgusting. It just shows how little respect the Republican party and McCain have for women. Hillary cannot be replaced with just any woman.

People are certainly passionate. That’s great! At least people care. For me, I vote democrat because I basically believe that democratic policies and views are the most humane. No, I didn’t say “always right”, I said “humane”. This means that they understand people and life not to be black and white, but somewhere inbetween. Yes, we have some lazy people out there, but everyone needs helps sometimes and I would rather be on the “socialist” side than on the selfish side of humanity. Let’s just say that I would rather my tax money go to welfare moms and children than to the Iraq War. I think that there would also be many less abortions if women weren’t still so discriminated against.

I was uncertain about Obama at first — until I learned more about him. I now believe that he is the right person to move our country forward in the right direction. No, he is not a Muslim. He said he is a Christian. But, even if he was a Muslim, so what? Islam is a viable major world religion also. Christians are not the only people who believe in God. We need people with experience on difficult grass roots issue like poverty. Too many entrenched politicians are not good. Both Obama and Biden are just the right balance of experience to bring a fresh, yet educated focus to the country.

I do not consider myself extremely liberal, and I am conservative about some things. But, I believe that we are all individuals. It is important to work together and stop calling each other names. I have a master’s degree and am a teacher. I raised four sons basically alone including one with Down Syndrome who I still care for. It is a difficult, difficult life. I don’t want to sound vain — but I am an attractive woman who has not had time for a real relationship in 15 years. I get some state and federal supports for my son, but work as much as I can. Yet, although I am certainly not ignorant, and have degrees (now working on a PhD in education), my income is not enough to provide the $70,000 and up annual fees to care for a person with a disability. If the state took him, it would be double that amount for the state and I would worry about his welfare.

I guess I wonder how it will be like for the Palins. They have a baby with Down syndrome — a BABY. They don’t even know what they are in for yet. But, apparently, a nannny will probably raise this child anyway. The rest of us –young, old, educated, non-educated, single, married — will have to make do in the real world. I wouldn’t find the “mom” factor in Palin’s case to be very significant. Maybe in about 25 years –then I would like to hear from her (them).

30 08 2008

Hello All,
I keep seeing all over the boards that Sara has “EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE” because she held a “title” of Governor. We are throwing this word “executive” around too freely, e.g. within any organization being President trumps Treasurer in terms of experience and responsibility, however being a PRESIDENT of the PTA doesn’t trump being the Treasurer of a fortune 500 company, i.e. just because she is a Governor over a non threatening, dark 6 months out of the year, a state barely spoken of more than once in a year, accept by those who live there, doesn’t mean that she has used any more of that “EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE” any more than I do when I may an EXECUTIVE DECISION to serve chicken instead of fish for dinner. Obama as a Senator has been involved with the movers and shakers of our country and has the ability to influence and bring people together, and the common sense to surround himself with someone who compliments his skills, this is a sign of a true leader, not one who is stubborn and know it all and starts a war because he doesn’t want to listen to reason; Sara is being used by McCain, he has no respect for women, he didn’t respect his first wife or the current one, Sara is a skirt and Cindy had better watch out. Sara is no substitute for Hilary, I will still cast my vote for OBAMA. If Sara was really for women’s equality she would have said “thanks, but no thanks” to being used!!!!

30 08 2008
allen bean

allen bean Says:

August 30, 2008 at 11:08 am
Posted by: Scott | August 30, 2008 1:11 AM

Ms Palin has had virtually no contact with
Jewish people in America.

In fact, most Alaskans still use the term
“to jew someone down” as part of their every day vocabulary when
speaking about bargaining at the store….

so I guess Ms Palin has a
huge storehouse of inherited antiSemitic fixations based not on hatred
but on ignornace.

so some reporter, please, Ask her what she thinks of Jewish people someone? destined to go to hell because they do not accept Jesus?

am sure he only knows about 3 jewish people in all. ANd while she does not hate Jews, no no no, she nevertheless believes they will all go to hell at death. is this what we want in a VP or even A Pres.? oi.

30 08 2008

McCain could have made so many better choices. It reminds me of the boss that needs to fill a quota, so he grabs the first “minority” available and gives them the promotion, regardless of their qualifications. I see absolutely nothing in Palin’s past to warrent this possible “promotion”. I mean, here is someone who just in her second year is already embroiled in a scandal. That is usually the “honeymoon” period. WTF??

Will this work? Who knows. Is it insulting to women? Yes, if you are actually a thinking woman. Could he have picked someone better? Hell yeah! I think it might secure the vote of the far right, but I thought they were gonna vote for him anyway. Did it secure the much exaggerated Hillary hold outs? Not a fat chance of that happening with REAL Hillary fans … I’m not talking the Rush Limbaugh stooges that registered Democrat and voted for Hillary at his urging to throw the primaries into chaos (how’s THAT working for ya Rush?) The so-called PUMAs.

I am still amazed at all the right wing “propaganda” that is just not true that has been spouted on this comment section, especially the laughable Palin has had more experience that Obama, or Biden and Obama together, or the one I REALLY love, Biden, Obama, AND McCain. Talk about delusional thinking and changing reality to comfort themselves when they know deep in their hearts that McCain just laid a big fat one. These people are gonna vote for McCain anyway, even if he had picked Paris Hilton as his running mate.

This selection of Sarah Palin certainly won’t bring in the jewish vote, the hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the woman’s vote, the gay vote, the black vote, the green vote, or the middle of the road Independents. It probably will bring in the dumb redneck Bubba vote … well, unless they realize that they are voting for some hot chick as a potential president, then their chauvinism will kick in. LOL! As a tactic of McCain’s I don’t think this was really thought out.

30 08 2008
Mike from Colorado

Coming from a realistic point of view, Palin is a bad choice. After researching what she’s done and accomplished, I came across many other bad points regarding her year an a half Governorship of Alaska.

1)She’s under investigation for abuse of powers. Wootengate anyone?
2)Babygate is sure to play a role in the future. Allegedly pretending to have a child which is possibly her daughter’s.

Palin was unemployed for 3 years after being mayor of Wasilla, so not much experience there I’m afraid. Also her “90%” approval rating was before the Wootengate scandal. It’s at 67% now. With all that I’ve seen and read up on, she is a loose cannon, and will set woman’s rights back 50 years. Not to mention keeping the country dependent on foreign oil.

Fact: McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time. 10% came when he was running against him. This tells the American people that McCain agreed with Bush for practically everything.

What has this administration given us?
1)Deregulated oil and higher gas prices (Beginning of Bush’s first term, gas was at $1.35 a gallon. It’s since hit $4 and higher in some places.)
2)The most secretive government in the history of politics. Did you know the Bush administration is currently under investigation for about 225 days of missing e-mails?
3)Blatent disregard for Constitutional rights.
Illegal wiretaps since BEFORE 9/11, illegal hiring practices in the Justice Department, caging lists for voters, Supreme Court appointed president for the first time in history, jobs being sent overseas, wages being lowered by unemployment here at home, veterans having their benefits cut or completely nullified if injured in combat, inneffecient helthcare for our veterans (voted against giving more aid to veterans by McCain btw), the outing of Valerie Plame, and the largest deficit this country has ever known. Bush has racked up more debt than the rest of the presidents before him COMBINED. And that’s not even including the cost of the war!!

The scandals of the Republicans has astounded me. I’m not saying Democrats are clean by any stretch, but how can the Republican party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when everytime we turn around, one of their own is caught in sex scandals with children, airport bathroom stalls, and running a brothel? News today said Abramoff “lobbys” for shorter sentance. Wasn’t lobbying what got him into jail in the first place?

Now with all that, how can anyone vote for ANY Republican? For me it’s more of the same, and McCain’s policies portray that.

Palin states she’s against renewable energy sources because the American people need relief now. Is she aware that it will take between 5-10 years to see any of that relief? Is she aware that the relief she’s talking about will only be a few cents? There has been speculation that there is less than a year’s worth of oil in ANWR. Definately not enough to last with as much as we go through in a day. If we came together as a country as we did under Kennedy, I believe we could push through on alternate fuels and eliminate our dependence on foreign oils entirely.

Barack Obama may not have the experience everyone wants as president, but he does have a vision. A vision that I am proud to take part in.

I hear so many Republicans say they don’t want to pay for benefits put out by the Government to help other people along. Let me ask you this. Can you name me a single program that not a single Republican has taken advantage of? You seem to have a misconception that these programs are for Democrats only. Are you forgetting schools, roads and infrastructure, tuition and grants for college? These are programs paid for and shared by everyone. Yet not everyone takes advantage of them. Why aren’t they complaining about paying into something they don’t get anything back from?

For me Palin is another typical Neo-Con these days. Scandalous, divisive, and for big oil and not the country.

So for all the racist banter, hate mongering, and name calling individuals, take a look at the last 8 years and where we are today, and ask yourself if McCain with the same policies as Bush and running the same crooked campaigns as other Republicans can get things changed. If not, then look to Obama with an open mind and see that he is for real and genuinely wants to put this country back where it needs to be. Moving forward.

Obama/Biden 08

30 08 2008

To me, this choice shows mcain is panicking and made a maverick choice. he does have poor judgment. You cannot have a maverick in the commander position. Maybe in the battle field, but not in the white house. No, a soccer mom is not qualified either.

I think Romney and the other boys are just glad they weren’t chosen after this news. They will have another chance to run again for Prez in ’12.

31 08 2008

mav·er·ick Audio Help /ˈmævərɪk, ˈmævrɪk/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[mav-er-ik, mav-rik] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. Southwestern U.S. an unbranded calf, cow, or steer, esp. an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother.
2. a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates.
3. (initial capital letter) an electro-optically guided U.S. air-to-ground tactical missile for destroying tanks and other hardened targets at ranges up to 15 mi. (24 km).


[Origin: 1865–70, Americanism; after Samuel A. Maverick (1803–70), Texas pioneer who left his calves unbranded]

—Synonyms 2. nonconformist, independent, loner.
So since when has the term” maverick” been a flattering term. Seems to me that’s what we’ve had in the white house the last 8 years. Look around at where he’s brought us. And why wouldn’t the people of Alaska love Palin. She’s pro -oil and each person in Alaska gets a cut of the production profits. $1200 per person last year I do believe. Thanks John. OBAMA’08

31 08 2008

ll I want to point it out because people like this irritate me.

OK, Sarah Palin is pro-life, even in cases of rape or incest (so if a child gets raped by her father and becomes pregnant, in Palin’s world the poor girl should be forced to have the baby.)
However, she is for the Death penalty and more limitations on the appeals for those incarcerated (let’s hurry up and kill them). She is also in favor of killing any animal she has the “good fortune” to come across with her gun, such as wolf pups, moose, cougars or polar bears, etc. I guess the “sanctity of life” is only applicable if you are a unborn human fetus or zygote.

I hate hypocrisy. If she was a Pro-life vegan that abhored the Death penalty, I might not agree with her 100%, but I would have more respect for her.

31 08 2008

Rumors have grown like an uncontainable wildfire overnight as to whether Gov. Palin is Trig’s biological mother or grandmother. Watch this video filmed on 2/20/08 of the governor “hiking” to work. Trig was born less than 2 months later. Governor Palin’s a liar

31 08 2008
independent woman

Whew I don’t know where to start.

I personally don’t hate anyone, even those of you who frame your opinions and values by regurgitating someone else’s views. First off do you realize that many of those crazy pundits don’t really believe all they are saying?
They say it to feed on your hate and fear and pander to ratings. It’s their job! It’s entertainment, for a twisted bunch of misguided folks.

But I watch too. So I can know where you get your ideologies from and try to understand why you hate humanity so much.

Laughing (09:13:57)

Oh, and a couple of quick facts – who was the first woman to receive an electoral vote for either President or VP? That’s right, it was a Libertarian – Toni Nathan in 1972. Who was the first woman to have her name placed in nomination for President by a major party? That’s right, it was a Republican – Margaret Chase Smith in 1964. I am sorry to inform you that the Dems don’t own the market on promoting women, or even on promoting minorities.

Sorry Toni Nathan is correct but, Laura Play and Cora Wilson Stuart, Kentucky Democrats were actually the first women to have their names put in for presidential nomination in 1920 at the San Francisco convention.

Laughing the joke is on you. I am an independent because I was tired of people like you trying to define me. The Democratic Party has let you GOP’s spin caring about humanity into someting evil.
I know for a fact that most Republicans are republicans because their parents and grandparents were and they don’t want to be associated with them “negroes and negro lovers”.

It’s killing some of my friends that their children are now Dems or indies.

Back to you Laughing, Bill k, the tx chick and the rest; All you do is complain about handouts when your white woman are the ones geting the majority of those handouts in this country.

Reason with me that Obama is such a terrible person that he did what most of you won’t. Get an education and use it to help people change their lives. Sacrifice comfort for the better of many. Name one thing you do to help shape the lives of your community beside shopping at the quickie mart and patronizing the local hookers, strip joints and bars.
Now you have the audacity to begrudge him success.

See until you go out there and scarifice something of yourself. You’ll never have another word to say. Volunteer in your community and be a real “American” and see what the big picture is. I volunteer at a food pantry and soup kitchen through my church and we feed all kinds of people. Most are hard-working, solid citizens and some are hard living people who fell through the cracks. I listen to their stories and many of them were doing fine during the Clinton era and a down-sized job, family crisis or health issue has put them in financial ruin. Do you realize how many people refinanced to make an improvement on a home they owed for over 10 years and were victimized by the lending industry.

You right-wing Republicans like to think that everyone who is in foreclosure bought fancy cars and tapped their houses. Some had to refinance for tuition or medical costs. Some were told they could lower their mortgage payments and they did for about 18 months and then that ARM kicked them in the arse.

What pisses me off is that you feel entitled to have it all. The best jobs because you’re white and right (geez). The best and safest neighborhoods. The trophy wife. The SUV and the 2.5 kids in your nice house.

You forget all the time you spent in your parent’s basement or with Aunt Sally. Those checks that covered your rent or fed you. What if you don’t have a mother, father or aunt? A support system? Should you not fulfill your potential because you lack the resources the more fortunate have? They don’t have a Dad who’s good friend Bob can give them a start with a decent paying job.

In most inner cities a minimum wage job can’t even cover the rent before taxes. with two you can pay it, maybe eat but you won’t have light. Don’t get sick cause you have to start over again and now no one will rent to you. (Damn I wish I had an aunt Sally!)

Do you think Sarah Palin would be where she is today, if she was twice as smart but Black or half as attractive. I’m sure there are lot’s of people who helped her who are calling in favors as we speak.

There is not one successful person I know including myself that made it without help from somewhere. You pompous self-righteous neo-cons make me sick, but I still love you. You are a constant reminder of where this country used to be and is headed again and every so often God reveals to me one of you that has been forever changed and assures me that, that love is worthy.

Go to the hospital and feed those abandoned babies you want people to have without any choice. Just once. Listen to the stories of those that you look down on, just listen. You will find some of them were just like you and they found out who their friends were when times were bad. Think of somebody besides your self.
The only people I know that take in a bunch of unwanted children are usually the liberal, democrats you despise.

McCain is done and Sarah Palin is not going to be VP. Too many of the thinking Republicans are paying attention to reality.

31 08 2008

Thanks for this article. I am independent and looking for answers. Ironically, I am from Delaware and have always heard good things about Biden. I am leaning a little more toward the DEMS. This is an interesting and entertaining spoof of McCain’s recent use of celebrities in ads. It makes sense:

31 08 2008

i have been reading more of this blog, and the rumor that trig is not sarah palin’s baby is very interesting…

my best friend is an ob/gyn and she says there is no way (if the rumor is true) that palin would have been able to give a 30 min speech in texas after her water broke and then fly back to alaska with this being her 5th child. she would have delivered on the plane if not on the podium.

and mono typically takes 6 to 8 weeks from which to recover…

31 08 2008

I don’t know why it is so difficult for you all to understand. When taxes are lower, people spend more money, causing businesses to grow and jobs are created. If the government increases taxes, they waste a lot of the money. The upper class pays almost 90% of the taxes now! The Republican ideal is for everyone to be wealthy, own multiple homes, drive nice cars, etc. If the government takes the upper class’s money and gives it to the middle and lower class ( after wasting BILLIONS of dollars) where is the incentive to work? You talk about sending jobs overseas, but the very economic policies you support would send all manufacturing jobs overseas because the businesses will move overseas. Or the businesses will stop operating.

Believe it or not, the government takes in MORE money when taxes are lower. John McCain wants to lower taxes for all classes, not just the upper class. Don’t believe all of the false information the die-hard liberals feed to you.

Think about communisim, everyone is equal, everyone has the same things. Sounds like the democratic economic idea.

Palin is a fresh face on the political field, and I applaud McCain’s pick. Better than one of the boring, predictable picks. The investigation about Palin are completely blown out of proportion by the media. Don’t you think a state trooper who threatens to kill someone, tasers a child, and drives drunk should be fired and held accountable? So did Palin.

31 08 2008

palin supporters…

all of your support may be all for naught. the more i have been reading about her “son”, the less i am convinced it is her “son”. the alaska daily news reported the birth of her son and confirmed that she went in to labor in texas and then did fly to alaska to deliver (

…a very stupid and risky move as the child was born a month early, her 5th child, and with down syndrome…i also read it was a home delivery. are you kidding me??? children with down syndrome are at very high risk for congenital heart disease (which can not always be diagnosed prior to delivery) , intestinal obstruction, etc…this baby should have been born at a hospital…but then everyone would know then it was actually her daughter’s baby…

all of you who are celebrating mccain’s “brilliant” move may be in for a huge shock…

this definitely is a historical time…

31 08 2008

Who cares if it is or is not her biological son???? Why does it matter? Does it change her opinion on issues: NO! She is caring for the child as if it were her son ( which it probably is but people are distroting the story) which is all that matters

31 08 2008

Bobby- who cares??? you are kidding, right?

you don’t care about fraud or deception? would it change her opinion on abstinence only? maybe she would have wished her daughter had used a condom if it is her baby.

i saw a previous link where the child was a home delivery, not a hospital delivery…if anyone else finds the link, i’d appreciate it.

31 08 2008

A mother of five–one of who is in infant. Yeah, thats a brilliant choice for
VP. What an insult to america. Is this the best VP the GOP could find? Couldnt find a person with a CLEAN record? McCain is senile and obviously is blinded by a pretty face…. All the republicans are playing the game of ‘Oh, we LOVE the choice’ for sake of party unity, but they are all grumbling and ticked off at how maveric mccain blew the election.

31 08 2008

The people of Alaska should take notice of my fine state: Instead of re-electing a corrupt Republican to office, the citizens of the state voted for a dead guy! Mel Carnahan died while running for office (plane crash). We honestly felt that a dead person was better than the live incumbent John Ashcroft for the US Senate.

31 08 2008

Bill K, you’re asking for Obama’s accomplishment. Can you name one accomplishment in McCain’s 26 years that has benefited the middle and working class people a lot? He’s been a senator for 26 years and has voted against alternative means of energy everytime. Where was his foresight on this issue for the last 26 years until it became a crucial need for it? McCain is the same guy who voted against equal pay for equal work for women, so his choice of a female VP is pandering. McCain voted against a GI Bill that would’ve extended additional benefits to his other veterans. Just because his wife Cindy can afford his healthcare, other veterans haven’t been as lucky. But he was one of the first to call for war with Iraq that sent our troops in harm’s way and say that we’ll stay there a 100 years if necessary.

I guess in those 26 years he was too busy spending 3.4 billion of taxpayer’s money getting his old friend Charles Keating and Cindy McCain out of their bad investments. Palin’s under investigation for ethics’ violations in her state. I guess birds of a feather flock together. Palin said that she wouldn’t vote for a woman and doesn’t believe in abortion in cases of incest and rape. Lincoln and Kennedy had about the same amount of experience as Obama. We need an extremely intelligent and compassionate person in the office this time.

31 08 2008
Teena MI

To the republicans that feel tax hikes are a menis to society and the destruction of our economy, listen to what some billionaires have to say. They have started a club called “the billionaire for tax hikes club”.
“Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise,” Buffett told the senators. “Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward a plutocracy.”
Buffett also proposed higher taxes on the wealthy in order to give working people a break on their payroll taxes, which now cost three Americans in four more than they pay in income taxes. And he supports taxing hedge fund bonuses at the same rate as ordinary income, so that billionaire hedge fund managers don’t pay taxes at a lower rate than the people who clean their offices.
The conservatives on the committee were somewhat nonplussed, since Buffett is a poster boy for capitalist entrepreneurship. He isn’t supposed to hold such views. And indeed, few Americans of great wealth do.
Another one who does is William Gates Sr., who writes in the current issue of the magazine Politico with coauthor Chuck Collins that “Without our society’s substantial investments in taxpayer-funded research, technology, education, and infrastructure, the wealth of the Forbes 400 richest Americans would not be so robust.”
The source of great wealth is not just private entrepreneurs, but the society they inhabit and the public resources on which they build.
Collins, a Bostonian who gave away an inherited fortune while still in his 20s, has organized a new group called Business for Shared Prosperity.
One of the leaders of that group is Jim Sinegal, chief executive of Costco, which offers a business model that radically contrasts with rival Wal-Mart. Sinegal not only provides decent wages and health insurance for his employees, but was part of a small group of business leaders who actually lobbied for an increase in the minimum wage.
One has to admire citizens like Buffett, Gates, Collins, and Sinegal, patricians who look beyond their own personal fortunes to the fortunes of the Republic and who lay constructive civic roles beyond their business interests.
Read the rest of the article
also read this website article
Robert Kuttner’s new book is “The Squandering of America: How the Failure of our Politics Undermines our Prosperity.

Thanks for listening….Go Obama/Biden 2008

31 08 2008

Hey, Jill, I mean Bill K… I don’t think you’d know a socialist if one punched in the mouth. LOL Careful, we’re not liberals. We like to fight. Jackass!

31 08 2008

Everyone keeps saying Palin has more executive experience…blah blah blah

Technically, so did Bush..and his look where his ‘experience’ got us.

Need I say more?

31 08 2008
Mudflats: the real deal about Sarah Palin « Suz at Large

[…] “Is this a joke?” when they heard the news.  His first post after the news broke – “Sarah Palin? McCain’s Next Trophy Girl?” – is worth reading in […]

31 08 2008


31 08 2008

As an American living outside the country, I get a different view than all of you. All I can say is that if you fall for this last ditch political trick by McShame, after what the Repugnants have done to this country and your constitution, you deserve what you get!

31 08 2008

shit..hit wrong button..anyways, point is , …obama inspires me to hope for a better america but i also like mccain. i believe mccain is tough and i like that he’ll bomb bomb those that threaten and kill americans..ii want retaliation but don’t take forever though..

i voted obamA in the primary ’cause among other things, im pro choice.,… but after watching news of dead babies in dumpsters and bathrooms im so disgusted i now want laws to make penalty for baby abandonment to include= death..
you harm the baby, you die…
those people have choices to not have sex, use protection, give baby up for adoption or friggin drop baby off at hospitals, firedepartments or whereever..i hate hate those moms that do that, however, i can’t be prolife…..

anybody who wants to have authorities over my body better think twice..beside, why the woman gotta end up with messed up uterus??..i’ll accept a -no abortion law- if the baby daddies of these abandoned/unwanted babies get one ball cut off -after all, he too is 50% responsible..if he’s the daddy to another unwanted baby, then there goes his other ball, so now he can have all the unsafe sex he wants and won’t have to worry about the aftermath…

..though i think mccain’s choice is retarded im glad this is a free country where mccain can pick sara palin if he wants to….
i think obama/biden will win though because people are just mad crazy with the government right now and want a change…
is obama/biden the right change??..who knows, left to be seen…

i have no opinion of sara palin ’cause i don’t know much about her but if mccain picked her as his vp, she has the right to accept…she is of age and a citizen aftr all…
my question though??…if you had to vote for a vice president position like a regular presidential primary, would the republicans have viewd sarah palin as their most qualified candidate and vote her in??..,

im learning a lot of crazy stuff about her in this blog sure some are true, and some are straight lies long as i swallow my little common sense pills before reading any comments/blogs i guess i’ll be alright…looking forward to more readings :-:

31 08 2008

…..(humminn.,,..rumors, surrounding me everyday….my best friend say, did u hear the one about how you got pregnat and had an abortion from the guy next door:???…hmmmmm…hmmmm…rumors.._)

come on grown people, who ever is throwing the “pregnancy” ..abortion..story around…can u put some facts up or quit already…yea yea…free country, free will -free air, ya ya ya-but put up or shut up…’cause i for one want to know all about it!!! 🙂

31 08 2008

You know whats really funny. People who actually make valid points on this commentary get shoved off, and told they dont care about what they have to say. And i am using a brush when i say this generalized statement, but Dems seem to keep spouting off about how Obama is so great, but they refuse to give good reason or defense to why. He is no saint. No man is. People need to stop making this about color, and focus on the fact that this is about our future president. Do we want to pay higher taxes, do we worry about global warming (something being contradicted ten times a day), do we want changes in Iraq, etc? Or do we want to run our mouths about stuff we dont understand and claim we want whats best for our country.
Also, if you have been raped, then i believe you should have the right TO TALK ABOUT IF IT IS OK TO KILL AN INOCCENT LIFE. but untill that day you have faced the choice of having an abortion or not cuz someone raped you, you should SHUT YOUR MOUTHS. it is a choice no one should have to make, and it is between a woman and God.

And why do so many non-christians get soo offended about wanting to drill oil over saving bears??? Or killing people on death row, or aborting a child? Isnt it survival of the fitest? Who cares if we kill an uborn child or chose to not worry about endangered species? They are endangered cuz of natural selection, right? Time to stop contradicting ourselves and find the Truth.

1 09 2008
English guy

Hey From the other side of the atlantic

Just poping in to say that i hope you all do the right thing and make the world proud of america again.

Obama/Biden 2008 🙂

1 09 2008

Ummmm, you need to check the recent baby revelations about Palin…seems the daughter’s staunch Christian upbringing wasn’t enough to keep her from getting some…remember the parable about throwing stones… PREDICTION–She’s off the ticket by October 1st, no later and Obama landslides McCain.

1 09 2008

Breaking News – — – –
Monday Sept. 7, 2008

Sarah Palin has make the difficult decision to return to Alaska to see her daughter through a very difficult time.

John McCain is very saddened to see her go but understands her deep commitment to her family. While he will miss his ‘soul mate’ he will persevere.

Now that McCain is getting a do-over he has asked Senator Joe Leiberman to join him inhis run, (slow crawl ) to the Whitehouse.

1 09 2008
Abuse of Blog Power? Sarah Palin Blasted by the Rumor Mill « Doug Geivett’s Blog

[…] vicious lampooning of Sarah Palin (and John McCain) is “AKMuckraker” at Mudflats. On one post she insinuates that Sarah Palin is John McCain’s latest “trophy girl.” In […]

1 09 2008

Bill: You claim Palin’s lack of experience is OK because she’s only running to be the VP???? If in the event that something happens to John McCain, Palin could be President. She is more likely than any other VP candidate in history to have to become President. A VP is campaining for the presidency as well, not just the president. Remember Murphy’s law.

Dick Cheney has expanded the role of the VP immensly. I don’t know if I can trust Palin with that. As much as I disagree with Vice President Cheney, I know he was giving 100% to the job. There is no possible way that as the parent of five children (especially a special needs baby, a soon to be deployed soldier, and expecting daughter) that you are giving 100% to the job.

And if Gov. Palin is giving 100% to the job then she’s obviously not giving 100% to her family. And having someone else care for your children is not family values in my book.

2 09 2008

what a bunch of losers,,,we have only poor choices all around
now we have to wait 4more years for some reral candidates…

2 09 2008


You say that Palin, with her “lack of experience,” could become President if something happens to McCain. Obama WILL be president if he wins! He has the same amount of expereince. What is the best training to be president? VICE PRESIDENT. So don’t say all this experience BS when your PRESIDENTIAL candidate has just as little.

2 09 2008
Bill K.

Since they both have the same experience lets do a little analysis:

Obama – Sat in a church for 20 years with pastor who said God damn America
Is friends with a Self-admitted terrorist and in fact launch his campain in the terrorist house. Is the most liberal Senator in congress.

Palin – Wants to drill in Alaska, supports all aspects of our constitution. Fought corruption in Alaska as GOVERNER.

2 09 2008
Reality Check

Obama: Served on the foreign relations committee. Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. President of the Harvard Law Review. Served in the senate representing a constituency greater than the state of Alaska.

Palin: PTA, Hockey mom, can shoot a rifle, lies geographically near Russia (this is her foreign relations experience), mayor of a town of 5000, governor of a state which is constantly in turmoil and claims to be a reformer, while being investigated for abuse of power!, Miss Wasilla, shoots Moose and then barbeques mooseburgers (that there is an automatic qualifier!), does not want to teach sex education in school, wants to teach abstinence-only (that one turned out well), wants to teach creationism in school (wow, you would think a politician knew the constituional seperation of church and state)….yeah, she is qualified to deal with a war, with terrorism, with international policies. Bwaahahahaha!!!!!

2 09 2008

Bobby- Your claim that Gov. Palin and Senator Obama have the same amount of experience is simply false. I agree that Barack Obama certainly does not have as much as experience as Senator McCain and certainly not as much as Senator Biden. However, Senator Obama was elected in 2004 and has served three years on the foreign relations committee with Senator Biden. He manages a staff that is more than twice the size of gov. Palin’s staff. On top of that he deals with a budget for his campaign that is much larger than the state budget for Alaska. Two years ago Gov. Palin was the MAYOR of WASILLA, ALASKA.

Cindy McCain even said (I’m paraphrasing here) that Sarah Palin had been on the front line of stopping a Russian invasion. And since Gov. Palin is commander in chief of the Alaskan National Gaurd that is protecting us from a made up Russian invasion that she has more foreign policy experience than a team that has spent years actually directing the foriegn policy of the United States. A team that actually knew actors on the foreign policy stage personally such as Benazier Bhutto.

Bill K.- Where in the constitution does it support seceding from the Union? Burning books? Abusing executive power? Also, if you charge that Obama’s personal life has anything to do with his experience than you need to buy the whole package. If you’re going to mention Mr. Obama’s religous affiliation and friends then, by your logic, Sarah Palin’s experience must include her husbands DUI, her daughter Bristol’s pregnancy, and the poor decision making that went into the birth of her son, Trig.

Personally, all personal matters should be off limits. Palin’s and Obama’s.

Oh, and Bobby, I don’t recall ever claiming Obama as “my candidate.”

Biden 08.

2 09 2008
Bob in MN

Thanks for you hard work. This preacher sounds like he is advocating terrorism.
FDR had it right–“the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Perhaps if the preacher read the Bible he would realize: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.” John1 4:18. The fearless do not go to war.

2 09 2008


You are right, Obama was elected in 2004. But how many days has he actually spent on the Senate floor? 140. He has only spent 140 working days as a senator in his 3 years. He has been absent from the senate for most of his time as a senator. A governor can’t be absent from their duties. Palin has been governing Alaska every single day since she was elected.

Obama really manages a staff twice the size of Obama’s? That seems unlikely since Palin oversees 10,000 people as Governor of Alaska. I don’t think Obama is in charge of that many people. That would be a perfect example of of his wasteful spending.

About the budget, the state budget of Alaska is $10 BILLION. Obama’s campaign budget is more than that? Wow

2 09 2008


Palin oversees 24,000 people. I mixed up my numbers.

The first line in the second paragraph should read:

“Obama really manages a staff twice the size as palin’s?”

3 09 2008


If we’re going to discuss absences it must be noted that John McCain has the WORST attendance record for the 110th Congress. Barack Obama has the fourth worst attendance record. I’m not saying Barack Obama is the savior, I’m saying he’s the lesser of two evils. McCain’s attendance record is worse than that of Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) who was absent for a brain hemorrhage!

McCain and Obama both served in the 110th and 109th Congresses.

Of the 645 votes of the 109th Congress Barack Obama missed 11 and John McCain missed 58.

Of the 229 votes of the 110th Congress Barack Obama missed 23 votes and John McCain missed 118 votes.

John McCain has missed more than 60% of the votes for the 110th Congress. So if we’re going to get nitpicky about attendance does McCain even really count as a member of the 110th Congress WHEN HE HASN’T EVEN BEEN THERE HALF OF THE TIME?!?

Oh, and one more thing:

As Gov. of Alaska Sarah Palin serves a constituancy of 670,053.

While a member of the State Legislature Obama served the Illinois 13th District which is over 800,000 people.

As a Senator he serves over 12,831,970 people.

And Governor’s can be absent from their duties. Gov. Palin is obviously absent from her duties if she is on the campaign trail. Also, she took three days off from her duties after giving birth to her son, Trig.

Also, as a side note:

When trying to find numbers on Senate attendance records and found that Senator McCain’s “Service” slogan might need to be changed. When 53 senators sponsored the new GI bill, John McCain didn’t and when 75 senators voted to approve the final version of the new GI bill, McCain did not.

And while Iraq/Afghan Veterans only give Senator Obama a B+ rating, Senator McCain gets a D.

Also Disabled Am Vets give Barack Obama an 80% support rating. John McCain only recieves a 20% support rating.

McCain does say that the VFW give him a perfect score. That would be great if the VFW actually did give candidates ratings.

And finally, my favorite new quote comes from none other than Gov. Palin herself:

In response to an interview with Larry Kudlow Palin states that she would like to know “what is it exactly that the Vice President does every day.”

Oh, and one last note: given JUST his age Senator McCain has like a 15% chance of dying his first year in office. You realize if he’s elected and stays for two terms he’ll be 80 when he leaves office…..

3 09 2008

John McCain may have the worst voting record as of right now, but keep in mind that he has been a senator for over 20 years. Obama’s 140 working days in two years is not even comparable to the thousands of working days John McCain has had in his 20+ years in the Senate. Also note that John MCain’s attendance record has been extremely good for almost all of his years as a senator.

Serving people as a senator and serving them as a governor are two completely different things. Sarah Palin has LED the people of Alaska, Obama has sat in Washington, making deals and voting. (Yeah, your so called advocate for change isn’t any different)

Sarah Palin is no in Alaska right now because she is campaigning to lead America in the right direction. She still is governor of Alaska. Saying Palin was absent from her duties when she gave BIRTH is copletely unfair. So you have a problem with a woman who has been a proven reformer taking a few days after having a baby?

McCain did not support the GI Bill because it provided no incentive for soldiers to stay as noncommissioned officers, which he says “are the backbone of the military.” What you conviently forget to mention( or did not know) is that he introduced a bill which gave the same educational benefits but in varying amounts based the number of years of service. Seems a bit more fair, doesn’t it?

Your statistics seem interesting but befo I say anything about them, is there a source for them or did you make them up?

About Gov. Palin’s quote: First, it is not a new quote, Palin made this statement MONTHS ago. And not many people Do know what the VP does on a daily basis. Why would the governor of Alaska bother herself with researching it if she was not a probably contender at that time?

Oh, and one last note: I don’t know how you can calculate a percentage of when McCain will die? Sounds like some liberal BS to me. Senator McCain is not planning on running for two terms.

4 09 2008

Thanks, Austin, for your unbiased reporting of McCain’s and Obama’s voting records. As a conserve Democrat, and a devout Christian, I’m dubious of Sarah Palin’s faith and values. If she truly cared about God’s creation, she would have limited the number of children she conceived, since overpopulation is causing a great deal of stress to our global ecosystems. She promotes egregious aerial gunning of native wolves and has even recently promoted a return to bounty hunting of wolves, with the owner of the left forepaw receiving $100 for their effort. And she thinks we should drill in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to solve our energy problem, fully knowing that any oil recovered wouldn’t reach our tanks for at least 10 years and would do great damage to the wilderness and the wildlife that live there. She’s suing the Federal Govt to stop the endangered species listing for the Polar Bear too. How stupid is that. What would Jesus Do? (WWJD?)
Further, if she really cared about children, knowing her risk of having a Down’s Syndrom child was signficant at her age, she and her husband should have taken steps (vasectomy or tubal ligation) to prevent having further children. This “compassionate” Governor has caused her youngest child to face many terrible challenges in his future, including early death. She should not have allowed that to happen to an innocent child.
Hillary Clinton’s women supporters are insulted by the suggestion of the Republicans that Sarah Palin is the answer to their votes. Palin has paltry experience, poor judgment, terrible values. America Needs to return to its primal values of Hope and Opportunity, guided by good Judgment and care for our common humanity.

4 09 2008

you guys are hilarious! get a job! PS-not all Alaskans are racist, don’t feel bad about jews, and mudflats is a screaming liberal –doe’s not exactly reflect the reasoning of 90% of Alaskan’s.

5 09 2008
Chuck Johns

I’m taken truly taken aback at how insane American politcs have become – these people are just beginning their Presidential run and already one of them (Palin) is under investigation.

We’ve seen Repubs. under investigation for the last 4 years, even heavy hitters like Trent Lott.

Nothing but cheating, lies and slight of hand, BUT STILL the American people have both parties almost even!I
Now that’s insanity – repeating the same thing over and over even though the result still stinks.

However only FEAR the HUB of Republican politics is what has these numbers so close.

America is AFRAID! American’s are frightened! American’s are mildy insane!

Meanwhile Cons take full advantage of their instilled fear politics, by raping the middle class while they’re fully paralyzed by it.

How can they still be so afraid?

Americans can’t turn anywhere without hearing the FEAR message repeated:

In churches (where selling fear has become an art form), through FOX and other Repub. media where “fair and balanced fearmongering” rule the day – through “AM Radio talk fear shows”…all of whom work in concert as one to bring the repeated message of FEAR home to the true SUCKERS – the American voter!

Don’t believe it?

Just count (and be honest Repubs.) how many times Cons push the fear button, when the hole in their face starts flapping!

Constant war, killing and Terrorists – then screw the economy, world relations, social issues, “I’m alright Jack how about you?”

All they have is FEAR, otherise they’d just be like a creepy, social misfits who need to spike the drink of an unsuspecting females in order to get dates.

8 09 2008
Here's a thought

There is a difference between what the media say and what people think/believe. You might have come across the info below but not everyone has so PLEASE forward to as many people as you can.

Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan and former John McCain adviser, Time columnist, and MSNBC contributor Mike Murphy were caught on tape disparaging John McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate.
“It’s over,” Noonan said.

When Chuck Todd asked her if this was the most qualified woman the Republicans could nominate, Noonan responded, “The most qualified? No.


Chuck Todd: Mike Murphy, lots of free advice, we’ll see if Steve Schmidt and the boys were watching. We’ll find out on your blackberry. Tonight voters will get their chance to hear from Sarah Palin and she will get the chance to show voters she’s the right woman for the job Up next, one man who’s already convinced and he’ll us why Gov. Jon Huntsman. (cut away)
Peggy Noonan: Yeah.

Mike Murphy: You know, because I come out of the blue swing state governor world: Engler, Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush. I mean, these guys — this is how you win a Texas race, just run it up. And it’s not gonna work. And —
PN: It’s over.

MM: Still McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech to do himself some good.

CT: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.

PN: Saw Kay this morning.

CT: Yeah, she’s never looked comfortable about this —

MM: They’re all bummed out.

CT: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?

PN: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this — excuse me– political bullshit about narratives —

CT: Yeah they went to a narrative.

MM: I totally agree.

PN: Every time the Republicans do that, because that’s not where they live and it’s not what they’re good at, they blow it.

MM: You know what’s really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical.

CT: This is cynical, and as you called it, gimmicky.

MM: Yeah.

Other interesting links:


Jon Stewart Hits Karl Rove, Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris On Sarah Palin Hypocrisy


8 09 2008
A Different Perspective

If you’re a minority and you’re selected for a job over more qualified candidates you’re a “token hire.” If you’re a conservative and you’re selected for a job over more qualified candidates you’re a “game changer.”

If you live in an Urban area and you get a girl pregnant you’re a “baby daddy.” If you’re the same in Alaska you’re a “teen father.” (Actually, according to your own MySpace page you’re an F’n redneck that don’t want any kids, but that’s too long a phrase for the evil liberal media to take out of context and flog morning noon and night).

Black teen pregnancies? A “crisis” in black America . White teen pregnancies? A “blessed event.”

If you grow up in Hawaii you’re “exotic.” Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, you’re the quintessential “American story.”

Similarly, if you name you kid Barack you’re “unpatriotic.” Name your kid Track, you’re “colorful.”

If you’re a Democrat and you make a VP pick without fully vetting the individual you’re “reckless.” A Republican who doesn’t fully vet is a “maverick.”

If you say that for the “first time in my adult lifetime I’m really proud of my country” it makes you “unfit” to be First Lady. If you are a registered member of a fringe political group that advocates secession that makes you “First Dude.”

A DUI from twenty years ago is “old news.” A speech given without proper citation from twenty years ago is “relevant information.”

And, finally, if you’re a man and you decide to run for office despite your wife’s recurrence of cancer you’re a “questionable spouse.” If you’re a woman and you decide to run for office despite having five kids including a newborn… Well, we don’t know what that is ’cause THAT’S NOT A FAIR QUESTION TO ASK.

8 09 2008
Just Thinking

According to Senator John McCain he knows where Osama bin Laden is if this is true why has he not passed this information on to the millitary???

thinking about it all it would take for him to win this election would be for him to find bin laden and blow his head of

So why does he not do it???

I think maybe he was liying lol

9 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Akmuckraker…..time to de-troll

9 09 2008

People are still perplexed over Sarah Palin

Read about it here:

or follow us on Twitter at:

10 09 2008
Lovi Samson

McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential candidate is nothing short of reckless. Indeed in his first fundamental decision as the standard bearer for the GOP, he has demonstrated a total lack of judgment by selecting someone without national experience and absolutely no international relations background to serve as one who is “a heartbeat away.”

Furthermore, I stumble a clash videos awhile ago, the US Presidential candidates have talked taxes. The said clash videos is being featured in

11 09 2008
Palin McCain

Yea – you’re the reason why I won’t vote for Palin.. NOT.

“This is a total gift to the Obama – Biden ticket. ”


11 09 2008

The choice of Sarah Palin was brilliant. I was worried that Barry might pull this one out until the McCain-Palin ticket was announced. I believe he just hit one out of the park. I will definitely be casting my vote for Palin. As long as she remains pro-life, pro-creation, and pro-drilling I’ll stay pro-Palin. If she kills bears and wolves, it won’t keep me from getting a good night’s sleep. I’ve been waiting years for a good, conservative candidate in the mold of Ronald Reagan and it looks like I’ve finally got one. Thank God for Sarah Palin!

16 09 2008
May Ross

Writing from Hong Kong, which is south of Beijing to Palin-fans who probably are just as ignorant as her. Thank you for your insightful blog on bursting the Palin bubble. Keepp spreading the message cause ignorant American soccer mums need to wake up and smell the oil fumes coming their way.

16 09 2008
Palin_McCain: The bridge to hell

McCain-Palin: bridge to hell

As the slime of the John McCain-Sarah Palin campaign engulfs the world like a tidal wave of sewage, the calculating political manipulators behind the Republican ticket, and their end game, have received scant attention. If recent polls are to be believed, the election (if it is not already stolen) may already be over.

The Turd Blossom’s son

The McCain-Palin dirty tricks campaign is the work of Republican operative Steve Schmidt.

Schmidt is a protégé of Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove. He has elevated several of the most toxic individuals on earth to positions of global power. He is also a counselor to Dick Cheney. It was Schmidt who successfully spearheaded the lobbying efforts behind the confirmations of Supreme Court justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito. And it was Schmidt’s manipulation of image, celebrity and popular disgust that installed actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger as the do-nothing governor of California.

The Rove filth playbook — media manipulations, intimidation, lurid character attack techniques, corruption, falsification and lying, cynical appeals to the most foul aspects of the American psyche — is something that Schmidt has clearly mastered, and it is being enthusiastically applied to McCain-Palin as part of a long-term extremist agenda.

As described in Paul Alexander’s Machiavelli’s Shadow: “The Rove scorched earth approach to political campaigns is a reflection of a willingness to perform whatever ruthless, unethical acts necessary to transform America into a fascist regime.

“Once he [George W. Bush] reached the White House, as part of his effort to achieve a permanent Republican majority, he would put into place a plan that included a corruption of the state and federal governing systems that bordered on the diabolical, a scheme that went so far to create a sort of government within a government to carry out its actions. But in order to achieve what he wanted he had to win elections, and to win elections, in true Machiavellian style, he would do or say whatever he had to, no matter who got damaged in the process, no matter how badly.”

Alexander quotes longtime Texas Republican strategist Mark Sanders: “[Rove] immediately started putting together a plan for what was essentially the Third Reich of the Republican majority in this country. That was absolutely his plan, a Republican majority domination not just of the US House, the US Senate and the presidency, but also state legislatures across the country. This was not just a pie-in-the-sky dream that Karl had. He wanted to see the Republican Party rule for the next 30 to 40 years.”

Rove’s choreography of George W. Bush’s political career proved that it was possible to elevate a mentally ill and willfully stupid criminal to world power, and, along the way, harness the ignorance of the American masses with a completely manufactured image, appeals to fear, appeals to right-wing evangelical fanatics (via cultural and moral “wedge issues”), and other rude distractions from reality, and from the issues.

To the Rove formula, Schmidt adds insidious new elements that tap even further into the lowest aspects of the modern American mass psyche: the “politics of personality.” The stuff of Hollywood tabloids and gossip rags, and lowbrow reality television programs.

Schmidt secured the governorship of California for Schwarzenegger by projecting the unqualified actor’s Hollywood action hero persona, along with a manufactured aura of being a maverick outsider fighting against an establishment.

McCain-Palin is an Arnold Schwarzenegger sequel, with extreme violence, and a murderous female assassin, as its star.

Sarah Palin: irritant

Far from being the desperate, hasty, unvetted “hail Mary” on the part of John McCain, the selection of Sarah Palin, “Caribou Barbie,” the self-described “pit bull in lipstick” is a diabolical master play on the part of Schmidt and the right wing.

The Palin element has revitalized a dead McCain campaign, while creating anxiety and confusion across Obama-Biden and the Democratic Party. By design, Palin, not McCain, is essentially the head of the ticket, its star, its attack poodle.

She is crass and vindictive, psychotic, willfully stupid, criminal, crass, zealously loyal to more powerful masters, a world-class narcissist, an egomaniac, and a vengeful hatemonger — a female George W. Bush and a perfect Republican tool.

The vast wasteland of her mind, combined with a mean, sadistic and crazed fanaticism (see The Palin theocracy and Sarah Palin’s Ties to the Christian Right) appeals to the right-wing base. But her appeal goes beyond that.

No one better represents, and appeals to, the demise of mainstream American society than Palin. Nobody better embodies the ignorance, stupidity, self-importance, and brash emptiness that appeals to the widest swath of today’s American wasteland.

Palin’s mental illness and crass stupidity were clearly exposed in her ABC interview with Charles Gibson. Palin recited, in robotic fashion, the propaganda talking points she was told to repeat ad nauseum (by Schmidt). Asked by Gibson if nuclear war with Russia was a possibility with a McCain-Palin administration, she happily replied “Perhaps so!”

A nuclear holocaust and all-out world war. Just like that.

She is clearly unqualified, and deeply and openly corrupt. Her activities in Alaska are brimming with scandal, abuses of power, and vicious vendettas. She is a secessionist and a wild-eyed Creationist, who three times asked city librarian Mary Ellen Emmons if she was okay with censoring books, even sending her a letter (later rescinded) that she was going to be fired.

None of this matters, by Steve Schmidt’s calculations. He knows that the America the McCain-Palin machine needs to wrap up doesn’t read, doesn’t know about the world, and doesn’t care about her qualifications; only her “maverick,” “pit bull” image — and her measurements. (There is no question that sex appeal is a factor.) The qualifications of George W. Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t matter, either.

Sarah Palin is someone out of a bad reality television program, a living lampoon. And she’s “hot” — she will get the vote of untold numbers of men, who do not give a damn on this basis alone.

Palin is honey to all of them: the “Wal-Mart” drones, the right-wing Christian Dominionist fringe, the gun-toting white trash survivalists, the militant Hillary Clinton “PUMAs,” the right-wing thugs.

The Chinese war strategist Sun Tzu, another favorite of Rove (and therefore Schmidt), delighted in the use of irritants to confuse, harass and sow disorder among adversaries.

Palin is an irritant, brought in to pester, aggravate, annoy, the victims of her crass, shrill attacks.

Palin’s gender has been used as both a weapon of mass destruction, and as a defensive shield. She can attack Obama and the Democrats, but she has been protected from any sort of counterattack, thanks to the deer-in-headlights mentality of her opponents, as well as a free pass from the media. It doesn’t matter, in the Schmidt-Rove calculation, that Palin is an insult to women, and also an insult to women who identify with Hillary Clinton. All that matters is it’s working.

Palin is not only being used as a distraction. There is “strategery” involved. She has turned an easy and orderly Obama conclusion into a race against the clock. As an unknown, a complete mystery when her out-of-left field selection was announced, the Democrats have been racing against the political clock to gather enough information to even come up with a counter-strategy. So far, there is no evidence of one.

It is not clear at this point if the more mature neocon manipulators behind the larger John McCain machine (Henry Kissinger, William Kristol, Iran-Contra figure Robert McFarlane, Brent Scowcroft, George Shultz, etc.) approve of Palin, or the prospect of having to stage-manage another George W. Bush, should McCain secure the White House and die or become incapacitated before his term ends. But Palin in any office, on any level, is nightmarish.

If there is a rational plan behind the Palin selection, it is the one put forth by

Mike Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon. It involves the central question, oil: “The selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be John McCain’s running mate is terrifying. It would be good news if McCain were just out of his mind or desperate. Remember Dan Quayle? Quayle was also a lightweight. But in Quayle’s case there was little to suggest what his influence in Indiana could do for the Bush I administration.

“In Palin’s case what she can do for a McCain administration is all too obvious. She can help turn Alaska into one giant oil field quickly and without any concern for the environment. She can redefine the term ‘fast track.’ She knows the state and can wheel and deal in the places that will most quickly open up protected areas for drilling. Damn the torpedoes . . . That realization was instantaneous for me. Then came the second epiphany. McCain is acting as if the election is irrelevant and it just may be. The Republicans did steal the last two didn’t they?

“Is this one already so far in the bag that McCain doesn’t care what she does to his national ticket?”

Sarah Palin will be the next president of the United States. If not in the next few years, then at the next opportunity. The world will have Steve Schmidt’s manipulations to thank for it.

The McCain “war hero” lie

John McCain’s tepid presidential effort was falling apart under the management of the (equally unsavory) strategist Charles Black, and appeared doomed in the wake of the Democrat’s euphoric convention.

In recent weeks, going into the successful Republican convention, Schmidt and Co. has united the fractured Republicans (with Palin), while orchestrating a massive Roveian tidal wave of the most transparently outrageous swift boating gutter attacks against Obama and fear-mongering, and sharpening, simplifying, and dumbing down the McCain image to its most basic:

McCain=War Hero and prisoner of war. McCain=Maverick.

Other pithy campaign themes include “Drill, baby, drill,” and regurgitated “war on terror/9-11” slogans.

Both of McCain’s false character labels have served as one-word talking points on the campaign trail, to be repeated endlessly like a blunt instrument on the collective skull of the American population. It is also being used as protective shield, with McCain crying, “You can’t attack me because I was a POW” to all forms of criticism and inquiry.

Schmidt’s stage and media management has successfully silenced discussions about the darkness of McCain: his temperament (irrationality, penchant for rage, bizarre outbursts, etc.), his corruption, and his criminal connections.

Douglas Valentine, a foremost authority on war history, and the author of The Phoenix Program, wrote the most incisive and thorough analysis of John McCain in the following piece:

John McCain: War Hero or North Vietnam’s Go-To Collaborator?

In this thoughtful and on-target expose, Valentine demolishes the “war hero” myth, while exposing the McCain psychology.

Valentine points out the following:

McCain is the scion of a family of military elites. His career has been one of privilege.
McCain is no war hero, he is a war criminal, who bombed “gooks” on some 22 Navy bombing missions, boasting about himself, and the killing, without remorse, according to a psychologist who interviewed McCain in 1970.
McCain was likely a willing collaborator, who quickly and routinely (over three years) offered up specific classified information to his captors. This specific information resulted in key military defeats for the US, and untold American deaths. Two of McCain’s fellow POWs, Ted Guy and Gordon “Swede” Larson have long expressed doubts that McCain was tortured.
McCain was a “professional psywar stooge,” who collaborated in psychological warfare offensives aimed at American servicemen.
McCain has persistently lied about his experience, to political advantage across his subsequent civilian career. Meanwhile, his detractors, including fellow POWs who knew him, and other Vietnam veterans critical of his posturing, have been ignored, but not discredited. If there is a man who deserves to be legitimately “swift-boated,” it is McCain.
According to Valentine, “This is the lesson of McCain’s experience as a POW: a true politician, a hollow man, his only allegiance is to power. The Vietnamese, like McCain’s campaign contributors today, protected and promoted him and in return, he danced to their tune.”

Valentine credits strategist Mark Salter for creating the original McCain myth, “casting him as a modern Teddy Roosevelt, ‘the war hero turned domestic reformer.’ In large, the Salter strategy has worked. The American media accepts McCain’s war hero myth as gospel and, in so doing, bolsters the ‘straight talk’ image so essential in politics.” Further, Valentine notes, “it’s not the collaboration that makes John McCain unfit for office; it’s the fact that he has managed to rewrite his collaboration into political capital. ‘He’s a war hero, respect him, or die.’ . . . In his current presidential campaign, he’s cozying up to the hate-mongering Christian right he once criticized. He’s reversed positions on so many issues that his Democratic rivals have assembled his contrasting statements into ‘The Great McCain Versus McCain Debates’ . . . This essential dishonesty, this lie of the soul, is a sign of a larger lack of character . . .

“McCain is not some principled leader, not a maverick cowboy fighting the powerful. He’s a sycophant. He believes in nothing but power and will do anything to attain it. He explodes in anger when challenged because, when a criticism hits too close to home, it goes straight to his deep-seated shame.”

McCain’s political career is full of skeletons, and continuous corruption. Among them, McCain was a member of the infamous Keating Five, a member of Congress who received bribes for covering up the savings and loan scandal, and blocking investigations. The S&L Scandal, a CIA/Mafia operation connected to the Bush faction, looted $2 billion in taxpayer money. McCain was also an Iran-Contra liar, one of Oliver North’s most passionate defenders. An airplaine used by McCain and his lobbyist was used to fly the Saudi royal family out of the US, after 9/11.

There is strong evidence that the conflict in Georgia and South Ossetia was set up by provocateurs, lobbyists working for McCain, sent in by McCain, and the Bush-Cheney administration. Routed Georgian forces were caught crying for McCain’s help.

Steve Schmidt and the rest of the McCain apparatus will make sure that none of this factual history becomes campaign fodder.

Deer in the headlights

Flushed with euphoria from their successful Denver convention, Obama-Biden and the Democrats were promptly kicked repeatedly in the private parts by the McCain-Palin-Schmidt machine and the corporate media that the right wing almost fully controls.

While the swift boating has gone largely unanswered, Obama-Biden have refused to respond to the attacks, while also refusing to criticize the “great American war hero McCain and his great service,” and refusing to go after Palin.

At the same time, Steve Schmidt has stolen, literally ripped, the Obama “change” theme from under Obama-Biden’s feet. Nobody except Obama’s people care that they stole it.

Everything important about McCain and Palin are off the table, just as the impeachment of Bush-Cheney has been kept off the table by the spineless Dem leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid. Joe Biden, presumed to be the feisty fighter on the Obama ticket, has been silent and invisible. He has already promised to be nice to Palin.

At a recent appearance, Obama tried to laugh off the swift boating, saying to the audience, “they must really think you’re that stupid.” What Obama doesn’t seem to grasp is what Schmidt/Rove does: the election will be decided by the genuinely stupid. The people who have no interest in polite, long-winded, rational discussions of nuanced policy.

The playbook that successfully stole the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections has not changed. (The 2006 contest was ceded to the Democrats; Bush-Cheney bet that the Dems would not successfully challenge them on any major issue, and have won that bet.) Schmidt understands that the Democratic faction still hasn’t learned to win either the rhetorical fight, or prevent the entire charade from being stolen electronically (Republican companies still control elections), and through intimidation, theft of voting rolls, and purges.

Also, in what appears to be another calculated Republican trick, just in time for the election, the Bush-Cheney administration has stolen Obama’s thunder by redeploying forces from Iraq to Afghanistan (as suggested for months by Obama), ramping up the “war on terrorism” in Pakistan (as suggested by Obama). Obama who has now proclaimed that Bush’s Iraq “surge” was “successful beyond his wildest dreams.”

Does Obama-Biden have anything left to talk about, with just two months left?

Past the brink of madness

Should the right-wing successfully secure White House power for the mentally ill, warmongering John McCain, and the demented, willfully stupid, fanatical Sarah Palin, humanity will face a horror even worse than Bush-Cheney.

For all of its brutality and vileness, Bush-Cheney was, at its core, a criminal apparatus charged with a campaign of pillage that it carried out like a team of mafia assassins.

By contrast, McCain and Palin are two irrational individuals with deranged, pathological psyches, backed by a massive and rapidly growing fanatical theocracy with visions of murderous world destruction.

It is not clear at this time if the more seasoned, rational elites have control of this machine, or if a fanatical Rove/Schmidt theocratic faction within the neocon faction is truly on the verge of an unprecendented coup.

It is even less clear if its counterweight, the establishment neoliberal faction behind Obama, with its more obvious Wall Street backing, will even get a sniff at the White House, or survive another stolen election. The battle between the two corporate war factions will pave the way towards a certain horror.

With the world facing an energy crisis, world war over resources, an economic system on the verge of collapse, and other unprecedented catastrophes, is the American empire about to be handed over to typical fist-in-velvet glove neoliberals, or even more openly fascist regime in the eleventh hour, to complete the war and homeland militarization started with Bush-Cheney?

5 10 2008

Change you can trust, a slogan that could turn around McCain’s campaign?

Change you can trust contrasts beautifully with change you can believe in.

Everyone wants change, only with a team that we can trust to implement it.
If you’re in a tough spot, you want someone to come to help you that you can trust, not someone you believe may want to help you.

John McCain, polls show, is rated as highly qualified and highly trusted. This slogan, change you can trust, reinforces this message.

It can even be added on to John McCain’s current slogan. Country first, change you can trust. Or perhaps Change you can trust that puts Country first. Or how about Change you can trust that puts America first

It implies without directly saying it that the other side is perhaps a little less trustworthy.

It also reinforces the message that in a time we are facing battle with Al Qaeda worldwide and two conventional wars, John McCain is a commander in chief you can trust to lead us to victory.

There are 30 days left before Election Day. Sarah Palin’s debate performance was good, but it’s really up to John McCain to win.





John, are you listening???

9 10 2008
NYS OutdoorsWoman

Sarah Palin strikes a nerve with me. She strikes a good nerve that I have been praying that would be brought forth into the public. A set of morals and beliefs that is held by many of the real women of the USA. Maybe even existing of the women of this world.
I am so honored to have a woman of this stature representing the Vice presidency of the United States of America. A woman who is for every right of Americans to bear arms. A woman who is for Conservation of this land. For without Conservation how could PRESERVATION exist?
There are many women of this Land who are independent, or with a partner who hold the standards and beliefs proudly that Sarah Palin represents.
To me, the McCain/Palin ticket is a winner. Each party is looking for change in an ever changing world leaning towards the inevititable future of Globalization. The foudation of success in this changing environment is dependant on the recognition and acknowledgement of our HOMELAND and it’s needs, and core beliefs!

17 10 2008

Unbelievable rationale. This is the most sexist, reverse progress thing that has happened to women in DECADES. An intelligent and articulate person, presumably necessary for whitehouse duties, is someone who can answer questions, even when they are unsure of the answer, by intelligently stating why they cannot answer as desired. Faking it is a sign of a sophmore in life, much less politics. I have yet to see this woman say something original, as opposed to quoting her religious leaders or her handlers. Even if I completely disagreed I could respect something intelligent and well thought out, coming from the heart, not from rote memorization. And why is it ‘cute’ to mispronounce common words and act like an undeducated redneck? Fine for a small state, unacceptable on international grounds.

Finally, when women really do have choices, as we do now, then we make the choice to bear children, by definition that should be the most important thing. If children and family and the crises they experience come second to pursuit of career and public attention, that clearly shows priority. I am sorry for her children.

22 10 2008
Christie Lee

I’m a mother of four. I named my first Virginia Colleen, which means “Virgin Girl”, and I think she waited until her wedding day to lose her virginity (at least that’s what she told me”). Does this mean I’m more qualified to be VP? By the way, I’m a Democrat with morals.

8 11 2008

Never knew that would be an Alaskan’s point of view. You’d imagine her to be a superstar out there!!