Readers Who Purchased Sarah Palin’s Biography Might Also Like….WHAT?!

30 11 2008
Sarah for Sale
Sarah for Sale

Oh, those crazy conservatives at Human Events….they do make me laugh!  Most of the time they make me cringe, and occasionally they make me nauseous, but somehow they manage to toss me little crumbs that make it all worth while.  Today, I received my daily email from the dark side, and in it, the offer of “Sarah Palin’s New Book” for free!

Of course, the book isn’t by Sarah Palin as the subject line might imply.  And it isn’t new as the subject line might also imply.  This book has been around for at least a year, and I’ve seen it sitting in stacks on the book table at Costco. 

 I’ve even seen it for sale at Wal-Mike’s (left), an interesting little business with lots of “local color,” located on the Parks Highway about an hour north of Wasilla, where they were also selling a ‘Sarah Palin for Governor’ frisbee for $1500.  I didn’t bother to check how much they were charging for the book.  But, I digress…

 Back to the email:

Now, the major media is in full overdrive to smear and rewrite the accomplishments of this courageous young woman and rising Republican star.

But who is the real Sarah Palin?

She is more than a former beauty queen, conservative politician, family advocate, hockey mom with “lipstick” and moose-hunting NRA lifetime member.

She is a true reformer who took on the political and business establishment in Alaska and won.

And she may make history as the first female vice president of the United States.

(screechy brake noise)  She MAY make history as the first female vice president?  Yes, I received this email on November 30th, which means that Human Events doesn’t actually update, or proofread their emails before sending them.   It’s the “Just use that one again” strategy.

In Sarah, the first biography of Palin, author Kaylene Johnson draws upon personal interviews with Palin herself, her family, and closely placed sources to explore her private and public life. Sarah also includes 16 pages of Sarah Palin’s most personal photos!

(screechy brake noise) MOST personal photos?  Couldn’t we just have the regular personal photos?  What makes these the MOST personal??  I solemnly take a vow that the next time I am in Costco, I will take a big deep breath and look at Sarah Palin’s most personal photos, and report back.

In the meantime, those of you who do not have access to this amazing free book deal, can order your very own copy of Sarah at Amazon for a mere $15.95 in paperback.  AND, you know how Amazon has that thing where you can buy two related books, and get a special offer?  Here’s the deal you get with Sarah:

Buy Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned the Political Establishment Upside Down and get Terror Occulta at an additional 5% off’s everyday low price.   Buy Together Today: $25.86

HUH??  No, I am not making this upTerror Occulta….truly.  This is the book, of all books, that Amazon has chosen to pair with Sarah Palin’s Biography. Wow.

Here’s a brief description:

Product Description
In a classic tale of good and evil, in Terror Occulta, author Victor F. Paletta goes to an eerie and wicked place that is wholly unusual and utterly fascinating. His is a distant future where life on earth has taken a turn for the worst. An enemy that once hid from a more technologically advanced people turns the tide, and is now on a relentless hunt for humans.

Could this “distant future” be…(insert creepy organ chord here)….2012???




72 responses

30 11 2008

Wow! First?

1 12 2008
Irishgirl Rosebud.

The pairing seems fitting! 🙂

1 12 2008

I suggest FABULA by Christoph Marzi, which I did not particularly like (personal taste, don´t fight with me about it).

Fabula is about a lady that can tell stories that come true in a magical and very threatening way. The problem is she does it with everybody around her; her sons, her husband, their friends and acquaintances. Peope die or dissappear and nobody is what they appear to be anyway…..

1 12 2008
GJ in ID

To very strange….I was busy doing my catch-up project but just had to come back to see if AKM had posted anything new….way to weird news…

1 12 2008
GJ in ID

When has the S bio used for about $1.25 I might consider, no on 2nd thought, I’ve read way more than I ever want to know about her already.

1 12 2008
GJ in ID

The weird part is I was reading over in the forum just a bit ago and thinking, gee what good books have I read lately? Sigh, I’m reading two local authors and just finished 2 of the Obama books all good and to my liking, but now you are suggesting that I read more occult stuff? The Palin cult is just to weird for me just now. I going into my Peace on Earth, good will to all phase, this time of year.

1 12 2008

Ok, I’m not laughing about the Sarah book, but the book pairing? Hahaha! I’m going to be thinking up funny books-for-sale pairings now whenever I’m sitting in traffic, or in my teen’s orthodontist appointments, or, just like, all day today! What a hilarious new hook for a joke!
(…muttering as she runs upstairs to get wake offspring to get ready for the Mom Car Delivery route, “Must alert Leno, and Letterman…”)

1 12 2008
ian in hamburg

If the book is about a future where life on earth has taken a turn for the worst, it’s the perfect one to be sold with Palin’s.

1 12 2008

South Side Chicago

I may read the Palin biography should I ever see it in a Dollar store.

We got our first snow in Chicago overnight–nothing like AK’s but snow none the less. AKM the real community organizing work that you do and facilitate with this blog is awesome. Continue your wonderfully pointed and well-written story telling!

It is important work that you do here. I first heard of Sarah Palin at the Republican Convention and googled her–and I found Mudflats. I’m glad I did.

1 12 2008

……..pairing it with “Grifting 101” would’ve made sense………

1 12 2008

Ya can’t make this stuff up!

It’s nice to know there are like-minded folk in interesting places. Until a year ago, googling “failure” used to give the #1 hit to President Bush’s official site. Google finally “fixed” that one…!

1 12 2008

@Aeroentropy (03:10:14)
I’d forgotten the Googlebomb!
Google Kills Bush’s Miserable Failure Search

1 12 2008

Thanks for the tip…I’ll put that on my Christmas shopping list for Santa. “Most personal photos”…well, I certainly hope she has all her clothes, (not RNC’s), on in these “most personal photos”. Quite the self promotion….oh it’s Monday I guess she hot on the campaign trail with the racist Georgia senator by now. Just another day in the life of a Hockey Mom. Sorry Alaskans, looks like you guys are on you own.

1 12 2008
UK Lady


In yesterday’s London Times newspaper –

Underneath the picture of Sarah Palin at the turkey yard we have all seen –


‘See what we’ve missed? Sarah Palin, defeated candidate for the US vice-presidency, gave a cheery television interview last week – seemingly failing to spot that turkeys were being slaughtered behind her. Apparently, it was all a misunderstanding by a farmhand who was told: “There’s some dreadful old bird in the yard. See if you can get rid of her.”

1 12 2008
Jan (SW Washington)

What is her current official “approval rating?” Will there be another poll soon?

1 12 2008

Ahhhh… I always savor my first laugh of the morning. And I usually get it here.

1 12 2008
Rebuilding the Party Fail

[…] not hazard (though the answer lies later in this paragraph) — but I’m not so sure that hawking year-old biographies of Sarah Palin is the path to victory the Rebuild the Party crowd had in mind. But the ultimate failure in this […]

1 12 2008
Alaska Pi

If someone here takes a hit for the team and reads this book , would you please report back about what in the world this writer means by
“She is a true reformer who took on the political and business establishment in Alaska and won.” We could pass the hat here to pay for counselling for any symptoms of PTSD you develop as a thank you.
I can’t take much more of the gov resting on others’ laurels nor her continued dismissal of citizen concerns about her definition of “open and transparent”…I think I might yet stroke out over the reformer thingy.
I thought for awhile that we might band together and send the gov a huge box of index cards to put all her crib notes on to help keep her on track with Alaska’s issues for the next 2 years. I’ve realized in the last couple of weeks that we would have to write all those cheat-sheets ourselves… The gov just will NOT focus or cannot focus on anything except her own reflection …in the mirror, in the storefront window, in every mudpuddle along the way…

1 12 2008

the pairing of the two books makes perfect sense to me…should also be hooked up with a book on the mayan calandar where it ends in 2012(when she’s supposed to run for president)…maybe she’s the anti-christ the christians are always warning us about.
being a pagan I don’t believer in that crap…so far.

1 12 2008
SoCal Bob

If you want to know what God thinks of Republicans, just look at the savior he sent them.

1 12 2008
Newfoundland Dogs Rule

Alaska Pi (04:50:07) :
If someone here takes a hit for the team and reads this book , would you please report back about what in the world this writer means by
“She is a true reformer who took on the political and business establishment in Alaska and won.”

I’m with you Alaska Pi, but it’s just NIMYB for me. I just can’t do it. I read one of the far right books before she was ever thought about. I just can’t do it again.

1 12 2008
christy kennedy

HAHAHA! Thanks. I was just sitting here wondering what funny/insane stuff I might find today while procrastinating. There’s been such a void since the election—not that I’m complaining. But I’ve been fueled for nearly eight years by outrage and indignation, and the humor produced by the ignoramuses (ignorami?) in charge of this country has really kept me going.

1 12 2008

When I got up this morning, my nose was clogged and my throat was raw. The daily morning coffee didn’t help much, nor did the antihistamine.

But then I see this post.

Now I feel all better. Although I think a better book match would be Damien.

Looking forward to seeing the substance of this post in next week’s MSM offerings of “new” stuff. (Why are they always so far behind?)

OT – the man responsible for the insertion of “under God” into the pledge of allegiance has passed on at age 97. Do you suppose Sarah Palin will attend his memorial service?

1 12 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Well somebody at Amazon has a very wicked sense of humor! I love it!

1 12 2008


Oh, that’s a sad Omen.

1 12 2008
Alaska Pi

Newfoundland Dogs Rule (05:21:23) :

I can’t do it either…I borrowed a book .a few years ago, from the library to read about the neo-con thingy -written by a so-called founder of the philosophy. It made my fingers numb and my brain barf. I was MOST appalled to find that I too could dream about banning certain books.
I made myself take it back… sorry to say I threw it in the return box as hard as I could… you know, maybe break it’s spine?

1 12 2008

akm: “Terror Occulta”! That is hilarious! I had to search Amazon myself to check it out and you were absolutely correct! Your ‘best value’ is Sarah Palin and Terror Occulta! Makes perfect sense if you think about it.

I’m a little sad about the ‘miserable failure’ google search being ‘corrected’ but if it’s any consolotion if you google on ‘idiot’ you still get a couple of very accurate photos about 3 entries down.

1 12 2008

Just curious if she has worked a day as governor of the state since this whole “15 1/2 minutes” started? Maybe she ought to concentrate about what’s going on at HOME instead of traipsing all over the other 49 states pageant walking. Can Alaskans impeach the governor for lack or (in this case more like) no job performance??? Or did the “gotcha” media get her again when they told her it was Georgia and she thought they meant the one she can see from her kitchen in Russia??

1 12 2008
Wendy in Massachusetts

Does the book have any photos of Sarah Palin with her mouth SHUT? I’ve actually never seen such a thing. Just asking.

1 12 2008

amazon has a look inside feature

1st chapter only though
growing up sarah

well and the index
nothing political in the slightest in the first pages…

Weeeel ok, the cover states “Sarah Palin is a politician of eye popping integrity” Fred Barnes, Fox

Integrity and Sarah Palin in one sentence….

1 12 2008
Blue Idaho

Any word on the 7 million dollar book deal for Sarah? Also di that fancy white jacket Sarah wore this weekend look familiar?

1 12 2008

Terror Oculta !! You know I have to verify this 😀

1 12 2008
Windy City, aka Alien Ears

Is Amazon making a commentary? Is this subtle journalistic commentary about us, the people, somewhat technologically advanced–or my case ‘advancing’ (I finally made it into the Forums!) being stalked by Sarah the Terror?

1 12 2008
SC Sista M Cluckhead

More news under the heading: Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Sarah’s stranger than both…

1 12 2008
say no to palin in politics

Palin’s Star Dims In Georgia: Networks Barely Cover Speech

While MSNBC carried the roughly 15-minute speech in full, CNN cut out only a few minutes in and FOX News didn’t even go to the affair.

“I’m kind of selfishly looking at this,” Palin told the crowd. “This is not just for Georgia, this is for folks in Alaska, Hawaii and Maine… and in Washington D.C. This is for my kids and their future. We need Saxby because we need checks and balances in Washington. And we will not have that if Saxby is not reelected, Georgia.”

1 12 2008

I don’t know if this link was on here, or if I got it somewhere else, but I find it very interesting, and it speaks to this insightful pairing of books in a chilling way. We need to keep working to change this madness! I laughed out loud at the pairing of these books, but it really isn’t very funny how hardened this divide in our country has become, and after the gut-punch laugh, we need to keep working to change it. Obviously “defeat” doesn’t speak to this kind of insanity. We need to employ careful, patient, but persistent education and persuasion. In my case, the education has been that I need to be involved. It’s not going away on its own, as I had fervently hoped!,0,1009632.story


1 12 2008
Political Amazon

1) “Human Events” is antisemitic, and they have had some real corkers working for them. Check out Kevin Lamb, ex-managing editor for Human Events.

The New Racialists (SPLC)
Kevin T. Lamb, 43
Mt. Airy, Md.
Until his firing in 2005, Kevin Lamb was an editor who had reached the heights of conservative journalism, serving as managing editor of Human Events magazine and also The Evans-Novak Political Report. That ended after his boss, Thomas White, fired him from both positions after learning from the Southern Poverty Law Center that Lamb was simultaneously editing the white supremacist journal The Occidental Quarterly. After his firing, Lamb wrote a bitter essay saying that several fellow employees had known of his work for the racist quarterly, including Al Regnery, the conservative publisher who owns Human Events and The Evans-Novak Report. In fact, Lamb had written for racist publications going all the way back to the early 1990s, when he published works in Mankind Quarterly. He also edited a 2002 book on Glayde Whitney, a racist academic who once wrote a fawning introduction for former Klan leader David Duke. Today, Lamb, a graduate of Indiana University with a political science degree, continues as editor of The Occidental Quarterly and is also the communications director for the National Policy Institute, a racist think tank, both of which were started by William H. Regnery, a cousin of Al Regnery’s.

2) Having just heard Bill O’Reilly’s voice read part of his porn-novel (on the Stephanie Miller Show), for the Love of God, please, Sarah Palin should NOT read for audiobooks ANYTHING, including anything about her.

1 12 2008

@ lettersfromeurope (07:36:34) :

Weeeel ok, the cover states “Sarah Palin is a politician of eye popping integrity” Fred Barnes, Fox

Integrity and Sarah Palin in one sentence….
It’s the eye popping bit that moves the seat of thought apparently–integrity-shmegrity-whatever…..she looks hot!

1 12 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Yes keep watching the “clothes” her first interview on ADN she was wearing the black jacket she wore in the debate with Joe Biden. I would NEVER buy a Sarah/Barbie book!!
I get too much info here at AKM and other blogs/news for free! Here is a interesting one I posted late last night! 8)

From Alaska Dispatch
Get used to Palin: The show’s just starting
By Donald Craig Mitchell

“But during the two years that she’s been Alaska’s Governor, Sarah has had no “system of governance,” much less a system that, with her doing the thinking, has developed any new ideas about how to solve any of the major problems that beset the jurisdiction over which she was elected to preside. Instead, what she has had was Alaska oil selling for $120 to $140 a barrel. That allowed Sarah to govern, not by developing ideas, but by writing checks. ”

” When Sarah was asked on the campaign trail what, being an “energy expert,” she would do as Vice President to ensure that oil and coal produced in the United States is consumed in the United States, rather than transported overseas, here was her answer:

Of course, it’s a fungible commodity and they don’t

flag, you know, the molecules, where it’s going and

where it’s not. But in the sense of the Congress

today, they know that there are very, very hungry

domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I

believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is

not to allow the export bans to such a degree that

it’s Americans who get stuck holding the bag without

the energy source that is produced here, pumped here.

It’s got to flow into our domestic markets first.

Huh? And with an absolutely straight face, John McCain vouched to the nation that Sarah Palin “knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America.”

“During the two years she has been Governor, Sarah bunked in the Governor’s Mansion more often than not between January and May when the Legislature was in session. But as soon as the Legislature left town she flew home to Wasilla to live with her husband, Todd Palin, and her children who still live at home in the house that Todd built for her several years ago on the shore of a lake there. And when she’s been in Wasilla she’s had the politically tone deaf chutzpah to collect the same per diem that got Tony Smith fired. During her first nineteen months in office, out of 570 days Sarah spent more than 300 of them living at home in Wasilla and she collected $43,490 in per diem.

It’s now been three weeks since the election. And Sarah has yet to set foot in Juneau. Next week she’s off to Georgia. And from there up to Philly. By the time she gets back to Alaska the Holiday Season will be full upon her. So it’s unlikely that Sarah will spend another night in the Governor’s Mansion until the Legislature returns to Juneau in January.”
And that’s just excepts from the article! 😀

1 12 2008
Misfit in Texas

Oh my!!! I am trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard after reading this one AKM! That was great!! Perfect pairing hahaha

1 12 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

New Huff post article from Shannyn Moore
The Alaskans Are Getting Restless….

I love her ending here….
“Enough is Enough! Someone needs to tell Sarah that SHE DIDN’T WIN. She has been paid for her governor job for months during a campaign. Show up or shut up.”

1 12 2008

Palin is in the peach state (please leave). Mudflats, are all the problems in Alaska taken care of, because she damn sure doesn’t do any governing, it seems…

1 12 2008

LOL thanks crystalwolf aka caligrl, great link, great minds think alike!!!!

1 12 2008
Windy City, aka Alien Ears

@Hope…Thank you for posting the article from the LA Times. Very important to see what is happening and be able to name it.

I know a conservative who is quite happy that Obama is president (elect), thinks Obama is doing a good job (already!)–but voted McCain because “he has done so much for our country” even though “there would have been more wars with McCain”. Talk about voting against one’s own best interest!!!! The question that keeps me up at night is how to communicate with someone like her. I think we need “National Logic Lessons”.

Of course, she really “likes” SP.

1 12 2008
Kate in Canada

Good catch AKM! No, you can’t make this stuff up.
And thanks UK Lady for the London Times bit- snork!

Last week Palin was in the news with a $6-7 Mm book deal. But Tina Fey ealier sold her own book for $5-6MM, and it will be humor.
Palin’s will probably be humor- but not the intentional kind.
Fey still rules.

1 12 2008

This link was just forwarded to me by my DH. One of the commenters called it the best summary of all SP doings. Might be good to place in our files to share with anyone curious about the ‘whole story’ in one article.

1 12 2008

mwthatone: I had read the Alaskadispatch article this morning (it was linked on Andrew Sullivan’s). A very good profile of the Palin. Long but well worth the read.
I personally am still trying to understand why ANYONE thinks Palin brings anything to the table politically. I get she is a bonafide ‘personality’ who attracts attention and media fawning everywhere she goes. But how can anyone seriously consider her a political asset? If there is one thing she has demonstrated with remarkable consistency it is her abysmal lack of knowledge and interest in even the most basic issues facing this country. That is the truly mind-boggling thing about her.

I have yet to hear her speak one single statement of substance regarding any issue or make one single statement of clarification regarding her own personal political philosophy.

Are the Republicans so deluded that they haven’t put two and two together yet to understand that even though thousands may have turned out to view the Palin “rock star” phenom, that when push came to shove, millions rejected her outright and voted for Obama because no one in their right mind could fathom having this woman in charge of anything?

But to paraphrase Willie Wonka, “I hope she never ends.” She is the best thing that ever happened for the Democratic party.

I have a funny feeling those polls saying Palin is a front-runner in the Republican party are being padded by Democrats. That is the only thing that makes sense. Well that or the fact that maybe the far-right base of the Republican party really is that stupid!

1 12 2008

I have to tell you…it is one of the coldest December days in Georgia that we have had for a long, long time. Sarah must have brought some of her icy temperatures with her.

Please make her go back home, Alaskans!!! Doesn’t she have a budget to work on…educational issues to fix? UGH. Saxby is bad enough all by himself…now he has his own pit bull.

1 12 2008

Oh, and FYI, the photo above is high-res so you can click & zoom in on all the things stuck on the door.

1 12 2008
CO Almost Native

Hope (08:16:18) :

This article is right on; Palin, Chamblin, Coleman, Bachmann, the Freepers, and their cronies are from the McCarthy branch of the GOP tree, not Goldwater, or Rockefeller, or any of the other honorable limbs.

May the Palinbranch become diseased, rot, and break off…

I was glad to read Shannyn Moore’s column, as I wondered if more Alaskans might be irritated with all the gallivanting of Her Royal Media Personality-

1 12 2008

According to the article I read on HuffPo, old moose droppings has yet to set foot in the gov’s office in Juneau. So, the job of a governor can be done from home? Who knew? Guess that’s what’s meant by “phoning it in”.

1 12 2008

Nah- you just cannot make this stuff up… sigh. Truth IS stranger than fiction..

and from Andrew Sullivan-

“It’s now been three weeks since the election. And Sarah has yet to set foot in Juneau. Next week she’s off to Georgia. And from there up to Philly. By the time she gets back to Alaska the Holiday Season will be full upon her. So it’s unlikely that Sarah will spend another night in the Governor’s Mansion until the Legislature returns to Juneau in January.”

yep. you. betcha.

1 12 2008
Moose Pucky

Sounds like Amazon’s onto her. Good find, AKM. Snort!

1 12 2008
Lacy Lady

When this guy looses in Georgia–maybe—just maybe they will wake up to the fact that Sarah is BAD NEWS. As my Dad always said—“People in hell want ice water” .

1 12 2008
CO Almost Native

Dee (10:32:48)

lol…heh heh, very funny:)

1 12 2008
CO Almost Native

Lacy Lady (10:39:14) :

I would dearly love a Chambliss loss, but it doesn’t look very likely:

1 12 2008

How in the world did the US get in this situation, where GW Bush spends 8 years in a failed presidency and then some one like Sarah Palin pops up and is seen as a savior? How did we get to a point where truth does not matter, where SP can lie, get away with it, not be present in her state with a financial crisis and is still seen as a savior?

I think that John McCain secretly hates this country and unleashed Sarah Palin in revenge.
Alaskans MUST hold her accountable for her actions and lack of actions and make her work for the people.

1 12 2008

Is Sarah’s state issued cell phone on a nationwide plan ?? Also-do we know how many minions/fawning sychophants went on this little jaunt?? AND – does she take state troopers as her security detail……if so….how many??

1 12 2008
UK Lady


1 12 2008

Alaska Pi (04:50:07) :

If someone here takes a hit for the team and reads this book , would you please report back about what in the world this writer means by
“She is a true reformer who took on the political and business establishment in Alaska and won.”

Just read it as re, as in repeat, former as in before, took on, as in adopted or if you prefer got in bed with, the business and political establishment.
Put it all together and she did what ever crooked pol has done before her and allowed business and politics to buy her.

See, its so simple if you just think like Sarah talks, and speak like crooked politicians think.

1 12 2008

UK Lady

Oh, a palbale touch. Pity it didn’t come with a cartoon.

I think the occult context is perfect for Sarah considering what we have seen of her congregations version of the Christian Church service.

1 12 2008

Sarah Palin’s book will end up on the “top seller’s” list. Do you want to know how it is done? Well, the RNC and other right wing organizations pre-purchase pallets of the books along with book sellers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. The list is driven by the distributor sales to book stores, not on the number of books are actually sold to the public. It’s a total scam. Then when the RNC can’t sell the books they will give them away and when they can’t give them away, they send them to be shredded. They don’t return the unsold books to the publisher because that will affect the total end sales, a number that is important to the Publisher. They do this with all the righty books that are published by people like Bill O’Reilly & Mann Coulter.

1 12 2008

Doesn’t Google contribute to the Republicans?

Maybe this is a way to cozy up the Dems now?

1 12 2008

ocliberal (09:35:44) :
She is the best thing that ever happened for the Democratic party.

Just because Obama is more capable, intelligent, organized and knowledgeable than McCain/Palin doesn’t mean that he would have won without the help of McCain and especially Palin. For that, most Americans the the rest of the world are grateful.

McCain, I believe would have done a yeoman’s job of the office but if Palin kept undercutting him and got a private clack going on her own agendas….
That’s why not just most Americans, but most of the World is afraid of her.

How about: Dem v. Rep running for the same office. Dem invites Sarah to speak.
Buttons and bumper stickers. “Sarah Palin the best thing to happen to Democrats.”
Who wins the election?

1 12 2008


Similar to your note… at one point, googling “weapons of mass destruction” returned “no results”! Someone at Google has a great sense of humor…

1 12 2008

I prefer her foreign policy experience to her book.

1 12 2008
Alaska Pi

Marnie (12:39:35) :
“Just read it as re, as in repeat, former as in before, took on, as in adopted or if you prefer got in bed with, the business and political establishment.”

AGH! Is this you , Sarah?
If not , you have HER voice!!!!!!!!!!
( heehee- good job )

2 12 2008

Somebody over at Amazon has a sense of humor.

2 12 2008
When Giants Meet

Thats…ummm, HAHAHAHAH! Fantastic.

2 12 2008

If pple are nuts to vote this crazy witch as president in 2012 I can gaurantee you that we all will be doomed and this country will turn into hell!

3 12 2008
William Ayers a Known Terrorist Co-Wrote Obama’s Dreams? (Most Likely the Evidence says) « Goodtimepolitics

[…] which I find as a normal every day thing for the Mudflats blogger and followers! Her blog was about “Sarah Palin’s New Book” Of course, the book isn’t by Sarah Palin as the subject line might imply. And it isn’t new as […]

3 12 2008

They should bundle Palin’s book with the movie “Clueless”.