Alaska Needs Your Help! In Which I Explain That the Creature from the Black Lagoon is a Good Guy.

24 11 2008


I’ve been talking for weeks now about goings on beneath the surface of Alaskan politics. I’ve fielded dozens of inquiries asking, “What can we do to help?” I’ve answered, “Don’t worry. News is coming. Things are happening. Just be patient.”

I’ve said it’s like bubbles in a pond that start small, and get larger, and clue you in that there’s something down there…and the bigger they get, the sooner you know it’s coming.

Now I want you to imagine a rowboat containing all those Alaskan politicians that don’t want to be held accountable for their actions, all those that have been stonewalling, and twisting the truth, and doing everything possible to stay comfortable right where they are. The boat is large, and the crew is pleased with themselves. They sit under parasols and straw hats, dining on little sandwiches without crusts spread with lies, and tiny cakes glazed with croneyism.

“Do you guys hear anything?….Sounds like bubbles.” says communications director A, with a mouthful of sandwich.

“I don’t hear anything. Can you pour me a glass of lemonade? Ooo…And take my picture!” says politician B, smiling.

“Yeah, I hear it. It definitely sounds like bubbles to me.” says Politician B’s husband.

“What’s that?” (shrieks spokeswoman C, peering over the side of the rowboat at the large growing circle of bubbles)

“Get away from the edge!” bellows Legislator D.

(The occupants all scoot over to the far side of the boat. It lists precariously from the sudden shift in weight distribution, and almost starts to take on water. All of a sudden, a large webbed hand emerges from the bubbles, grabs the rail, and pulls down hard. The boat is now upright again, and the picnickers gape in horror as they realize the boat is about to be boarded. Another webbed hand grabs the rail, and the creature, fueled by the moral outrage of the citizenry pulls its massive body out of the water with a terrible cry. It’s……

Alaskans for Truth! Hooray! (The creature places its webbed hand on its leathery abdomen, extends its leg backward, and makes a sweeping bow. Distant applause is heard over the water.)

The boaters realize with growing dismay that the crowd that has gathered on the shore has not come to help them fight off the beast. They are actually cheering for the creature who has boarded the boat! What can this mean?! Why do they hate us?! Quick, offer this thing a sandwiche or something!

But neither the creature, nor the townsfolk on the shore will be deterred. The creature has made itself quite comfortable on the boat, and is now sitting, and has actually begun to row the boat ashore (Hallelujah!) with the intent of delivering the trembling crew right into the middle of the mob of agitated townsfolk….

It’s amazing what can be brought to life with some good old fashioned community organizing. What all this means is that Alaskans for Truth is now an official Political Action Committee, registered with the Alaska Public Offices Commission. And they have issued a call to action.

Rather than to try to figure out how to get our creature to pull something out of his non-existant pocket, and read an eloquent call to action, I’ll just give you a link to the Alaskans for Truth website, which spells it all out. What do they want?

  1. Censure of the Governor for violating the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.
  2. Penalties for the state employees and Todd Palin who ignored subpoenas.
  3. Hold hearings on whether Governor Palin and her husband committed perjury in their sworn statement to Timothy Petumenos.
  4. An independent investigation into Attorney General Talis Colberg’s alleged witness tampering in the Troopergate investigation.

How is this going to happen? In two ways.

First, the call to action involves emailing the Alaska State Legislature and letting them know in no uncertain terms that these things still matter. A governor who is in violation of a state ethics act matters. An Attorney General who tells state employees to ignore legislative subpoenas matters. A Vice Presidential candidate and her husband who may have committed perjury matters. They are trying to tell us that these things don’t matter. But, they do.

And don’t for a minute think, dear Mudflatter, that what you do won’t have an effect. Do you remember when we were all biting our nails, wondering if the Legislative Council would release the Troopergate Report? It was touch and go. That report almost didn’t get released. I was there biting my nails in person, when they voted to release it. And one of the Legislators said, “Maybe I’ll be able to get through my inbox again…….”

That means you mattered. And you can matter again. Alaska is small, and every voice that speaks up may as well be using a megaphone. Nobody gets lost in the shuffle. Everyone is heard.

And don’t worry if you are not from Alaska. Because when Sarah Palin was foisted upon you as a Vice Presidential candidate, and when she was made an international celebrity, and when 77% of Republicans want to see her on the national political stage, this matters to you too. All you need to do is explain that, in case they don’t get it.

And the second way to help, is by donating. Alaskans for Truth wants to get their message out, and that means funds are necessary. The goal is to take out ads in the Anchorage Daily News, The Anchorage Press, The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, The Juneau Empire, The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, The Tundra Drums…you name it. You’ll see the big yellow DONATE button on the website.

And here again, your voice matters. Alaska is one of the cheapest media markets in the country. Don’t think that a donation of $5 or $10 won’t matter. Everything will.

I once compared Alaska Bloggers, and citizens on both sides of the aisle who wanted the truth to get out to “Whos”, from the Dr. Seuss book Horton Hears a Who. Those little Whos, living on a dust speck, had to raise their collective voices to be heard by the outside world, and save themselves from doom. We in Alaska have been doing our best since August 29th to tell you our story, and to make sure that the rest of the country learned the truth. Just like the Whos, we have been yelling “We are here! We are here! We are here!” Do you hear us?

If so, then climb on board the rowboat, go to Alaskans for Truth, and start emailing and donating. The time has come to hold Alaska’s leaders accountable. The time for action is now.



212 responses

24 11 2008
SC Sista M Cluckhead

On my way to work, but I will hit the Donate button tonight, when I get home.
Because you are right, AKM, it DOES matter and the people are the ones who have to make sure that their representatives “get it.”

Thanks for the chance to help in making the difference.

24 11 2008
Quince Squib Underpinnings

My husband was tallying up all last month’s political donations last night……I look forward to telling him why Alaskans for Truth will be on our next bill!

Thank you, AKM. I shall email as well and explain why this matters to That Coast.

24 11 2008

Truth and Justice will always prevail……..unleash the hounds of hell on ’em !!………feed Sarah to the turkeys………may she die the death of a 1000 pecks……..

24 11 2008

I like the idea. Mainly because, as you said, Alaska is small enough that the power of the internet purse can effect a particular area and provide a TEST TUBE BABY for the rest of the US (etc). I think at 5 or 10 bucks each that mudflatters would be able to enjoy watching what might happen as far as ethics investigations and media impact on that.

It would kinda be interesting if you had a program that would pie-chart the percentage of mudflatters that whizzed 5 bucks or more to Alaskans for Truth. I used to use that method to get people to donate to United Way way back when I promoted them…I don’t know how to do that but it would be an interesting game to see if we all could impact Alaska. Mud-flatters?

24 11 2008

Donate, agitate – the two actions that can ensure the government of the people, for the people, and by the people remains a reality. What happens in Alaska no longer stays in Alaska, just as what happens in Florida no longer stays in Florida. If we really want a government that LISTENS and HEEDS the citizens, then we must stay active and LOUD.

24 11 2008

Greytdog – I like that – ‘Donate and agitate’ – that I can do! Off to the Alaskans for Truth Website….bye

24 11 2008
Bren D'a Moore

Thanks! I would love to donate. I’d love to write too. How do you suggest an out-of-stater approach writing the ASL? Just email everyone at once on the list?

24 11 2008

First of all, I have always thought the creature from the black lagoon was a good guy (just misunderstood), so he’s the perfect metaphorical hero for your story. Thanks for that! Also, I almost spit my coffee on the keyboard when you said row the boat ashore (yes, I’m of the age that we sang that song endlessly at campouts and such). Thanks for the early morning laugh.
I love your story, as usual. I have been feeling kind of icky ever since the Alaska legislators started that warm and fuzzy move-on talk. grrrr. I HATE that kind of cowardice. Now you’ve given us a way to yank off their blankies and shove them out in to the cold to DO THEIR JOBS. Thank you.
On another note, I had strange dreams last night (I kept chasing a pet bunny) and woke suddenly at 3am with the song, “The Morning After.” It’s an old seventies song that was sung on the original version of “The Poseidon Adventure” right before the boat turned over. Anyway, it’s a plaintive song that goes, “there has got to be a morning after….”
Lest you wonder at this point what the heck I’m getting to, well, that was only part of the 3am wakening. As the chorus began to play over and over in my head, I saw a collage of Sarah Palin’s pardon and slaughterfest, with turkeys swaying in the background to the tune. At 4am I gave up and got up because the darn thing played in an endless loop in my head.
So, you real turkeys on the farm, I don’t really have a bright future for you, but for the metaphorical turkeys that in my dream represent all the helpless citizens and laws that Sarah Palin has kicked and stomped on, for you there really will be a morning after, because we are going to make it happen.

24 11 2008

Thank you to Alaskans, we can now prove that we will no longer stand for business as usual wherever it occurs, we are Americans and we have the right and responsibility to ensure that our politicians function with the utmost credibility and that taxpayer funds are used legally and in the best interest of every citizen of the US

We can work to prove this even in our pajamas in our parent’s basement. This is going to be GREAT!!!

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this process…YAHOOOOO….

24 11 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Adding Alaskans for Truth to my Christmas list!

24 11 2008
Taupe Armageddon

Thanks AKM for the great referral. I’m headed that way next and will “donate and agitate.” Love that phrase! Perhaps our new motto?

Is Alaskans for Truth a part of Act Blue?

24 11 2008

Be sure to write to Senator Gary Stevens, our new senate president, and Rep. Mike Chenault, our new Speaker of the House, when you write. If you’re only going to write to your home legislators, please CC the two top guys, too.

Sen. Stevens was on the Lege Council and was reluctant to vote to accept the Branchflower Report. He thought the whole thing turned into a partisan attack after Sarah got picked by McSame. How anyone could accuse US of partisan attacks while Meg Stapleton was spewing lies for the Hit Squad is beyond me; I think he was just being loyal to the Governor. Sen. Stevens is a very nice man. It’s a shame that he’s a republican. Public pressure will not go unnoticed in his office.

24 11 2008
nhfeminist and I vote

Great news. I’ll be back to send emails and donate after work today.

Any ideas how we can get enough people organized to go after the ethics violations – spying on Americans, torture, putting the executive branch outside the law, cronyism and so many more – perpetrated in Washington in the last 8 years?

We’re going to need a much bigger CREATURE to help the US Congress find its backbone

24 11 2008
Ripley in CT


Go Alaskans for truth!!!

Just another reason to watch this blog now!! Not like I needed another reason, but you know….

24 11 2008

I’m in! Just donated and will follow-up after Thanksgiving with e-mails.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Just donated AND added their site to my favorites! It would be cool if they could add some sort of graph or other visual to show the donations when they come in.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Also, they should indicate whether the donation is tax deductible; I assume that it’s not but they should indicate one way or the other.

24 11 2008

oops. The Morning After was playing in my head when I woke up, not on the radio or something.

24 11 2008
say no to palin in politics

Thank you AKM! Finally we can do something more than just talking amongst ourselves over this BS. I will gladly donate and email to make this happen, it’s about time!

Lets roll!

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

say no to palin in politics (05:17:57) :

I agree! It’s NICE to actually do something; I think a lot of us were getting frustrated w/ all the “crap” going on and no one taking an official stand; Alaskans for Truth will have their hands full w/ the Palin administration – even if some of the issues are addressed, there will always be more!!!!

24 11 2008
Alaska Pi

Yeehaw! It’s off to work we go! Thanks AKM!

24 11 2008

Hears the call of action and is off to donate to feed the creature. 🙂

24 11 2008

OK, AFT is on my blog roll. Luv jamming e-mail in-boxes.

One question though, in the aftermath of Trooper-gate and the maligning of so many careerist Alaskan State Troopers…


Just askin….

24 11 2008

AKM…also in the the other day this article:

Tobacco settlement money going up in smoke Anti-tobacco push stagnates as states siphon off millions
In 2006, Alaska desperately needed cash to complete a Fairbanks museum featuring a mummified bison and other natural wonders of the frozen North. So the state dipped into its share of the landmark 1998 tobacco settlement.

Perhaps this might be a topic to look into. How Alaska under Palen has spent the tobacco money. Here’s an eye opener: Ten years later, tobacco deal going up in smokeConsider this the next time you see a teenager take a drag on a cigarette: Your state government likely has a financial stake in that kid continuing to smoke. And quite possibly, so does your retirement portfolio.

24 11 2008
The Messenger

Palin continues to open her mouth (turkey slaughter) and every time she does, she embarrasses Alaskans and the nation.

The only truthful and honest way to stop her is to expose her for what she it.

You expose her and we get the word out. That’s a promise.

Is there any website in Alaska exclusively devoted to exposing her?

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

avahome (05:47:38) :

Good GRIEF – would that be a misappropriation of funds??

24 11 2008
grumpy in Illinois

I just donated to Alaskans for Truth. I feel this is an investment for the future for not only Alaska, but for all of the US. I am fed up with the social and political ignorance and the apathy that is permeating this country today. The only way you stop a Sarah Palin is to constantly remind people of her ignorance, stupidity, racism, ethics violations,etc,etc. and to legally go after her and friends for the their many violations.
I am not a writer, but I will contact whomever is necessary in Alaska to get the ball rolling. Thanks AKM your cause is just and justice will prevail.

24 11 2008

Sen. Stevens is a nice man, his wife and my sister are old friends. Apparently he thinks Palin is pretty awful but has to maintain party loyalty. I’m off to work but will donate when I get home. So happy to see this will not be swept under the rug!!

24 11 2008
SoCal Bob

I can’t help feeling sorry for the good people of Alaska, not for having to live in such a beautiful state, but for having to suffer through so many politicians who think they are above the public trust. Alaska’s citizens deserve ethical and open government.
Good work AKM.

24 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Ooh, homework. We haven’t had any of that for a while… Citizen agitators in your face, Alaska Legislators!

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

Great post, AKM. And very good news about AFT. I will throw my money in the pot today. As Sun Tzu said in “The Art of War” (loose quote here, can’t remember the exact words): “To weaken your enemy, help strengthen your enemy’s enemy.” Viva la AFT, and may their strength go forth and multiply–exponentially.

Just wanted to say that, during the election I came here every day to learn and learn and learn about Palin. All of a sudden, so many of us had to get up to speed and RIGHT NOW, and we could not have done it without you.

I realized this morning when I stopped to sign on and visit Mudflats before I go to work that it isn’t so much Palin anymore that gets me to visit Mudflats every day. It’s to learn more about the political machine in Alaska, which is fascinating and–dare I say it?–hypnotizing, much like a boa constrictor is fascinating right before it wraps you in its fatal embrace.


Why is it ALWAYS about the Clintons? They are like feral toddlers who only know one way to get attention: by making asses of themselves — and the entire nation, by extension.

Anyway, I would rather waller around in the Alaskan political mudflats than read news sites which now ALWAYS have some bullshit about the Clintons and their drama.

Yes, some Alaskan politicans are asshats, but they are NEW asshats (to me). The drama from discovering who and what they are is refreshing.

The Clinton drama–we’ve seen it before, OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. It is boring. THEY are boring.

This is the only decisions Obama has made–to bring in the Clintons and their drama to his administration–that I question. I can understand his reasons for inviting this polar bear into his tent. Yes, it is better to have Hillary out of the Senate and under the Obama administration’s direction, than to have her laying her filthy little plots in the Senate, which can so easily lead to another presidential run in 2012.

But the drama–I can’t forgive him for inflicting that on us. For the love of God, didn’t we pay our dues during the 8 years the Clintons were in the Whitehouse? Didn’t we all suffer enough as the national agenda was put on the back burner time after time after time while they sorted out their sordid little problems on the front pages of our newspapers, making us the object of ridicule throughout the world?

So, once again, thank you AKM for providing refuge and sanctuary from the never-ending and now VERY boring Clinton drama. It is going to be a LONG 8 years with them and their drama sucking energy from the Obama administration, which we really need to be focused on solving America’s problems. And I’m quite thankful that we have someplace to go where a whole new (to us) batch of politician asshats can delight and amaze us with every one of your revelations.

24 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

what a marvelous way to start the day. i just donated from here in california.

24 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

For those of you non-Alaskans wondering how to go about this, I thought I’d share my approach:

Dear Honourable Senators and Representatives of the State of Alaska,

It’s just possible that you have heard of Alaskans for Truth. I am not an Alaskan, but I am an American voter.

I believe that after having Governor Palin foisted upon us as a supposed fighter of corruption on the recent Presidential/ Vice-Presidential ticket, the rest of the country has every right to look to you as responsible adults to take appropriate steps to see that she and those she is responsible for are held to those high standards of ethics and responsibility she claims to represent. Alaskans for Truth has issued the following request, and I concur wholeheartedly:

We the people … [quote from the Alaskan’s for Truth four point request]

I understand that you may not be in a position to take action until you reconvene for your session in January. Nonetheless, that gives you plenty of time to regroup and consider whether you want to be seen as a politician who just goes along to get along, or one with principles. Americans around the world are watching to see how you will conduct yourselves.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

austintx (02:51:16) :

Truth and Justice will always prevail……..unleash the hounds of hell on ‘em !!………feed Sarah to the turkeys………may she die the death of a 1000 pecks……..


Every dollar donated = one turkey peck!

24 11 2008

the problem child (a jerk, also) (06:45:07) :

Thanks for the advice in the letter writing….I already sent the email to every single person on that list.
This is what I said:……..

I know I am not from Alaska but when Sarah Palin was tapped for VP, that put her in my backyard and I was not very happy.

What I expect from my government, no matter what branch or state, is accountability…you expect it from your citizens, then in turn we expect the same.
We hired you, we can fire you and if you are elected at the behest of the citizenry, then you are to abide by what we want, not what you want.

When those in office break the rules and are dealt with like you would deal with the ordinary person, then and only then will corruption stop.
Slapping on the wrist just tells the offender that next time they will be more sneaky and not get caught….if the offender is not held accountable, then you will be accountable…the buck stops at your desk, ours stops at the ballot box.

This is what your job is:

Censure Governor Sarah Palin who, the Branchflower Report found to have “abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act” which provides “The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.

Seek contempt charges against the Governor’s husband, Todd Palin and the state officials who willingly ignored the Legislative Council’s subpoenas during the investigation.

Hold hearings on whether Gov. Palin and her husband, Todd Palin, committed perjury in their sworn statements to Timothy Petumenos, in his function as independent counsel to the Alaska State Personnel Board.

· Call for an independent investigation to determine if Alaska Attorney General Talis Colberg or others engaged in criminal witness tampering in advance of the Branchflower investigation.

Also that Palin should not benefit from book deals,TV interviews or speeches…as long as she is Governor as that would be a conflict to her abilities to govern.
One job at a time please.
Bev in Ohio

24 11 2008

Have signed up for notices and, after the next paycheck, will send a donation. Will also peruse any emails that others have used and do something similar.

24 11 2008

@Political Amazon

I agree. Oh no, it’s not the Bill & Hilary show again. Hilary is like Sarah Palin with a brain. Think it’s Obama first bit mistake. How soon people forget what she did during the primaries. Since everyone is always analyzing Sarah…Hill could use a little too. Does greed & narcissism ring a bell?

24 11 2008

Oh my GOSH,,,,,tv ads giving thanks for Sarah Palin…..done by conservatives….they should be conservative and stop running amuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA


I liked that you mentioned the book deal, interviews, etc.; I think that is something they should be watching for and dealing with as it happens.

24 11 2008
White Agate

Checking in after a few days away…Hollis French has my vote! Go Alaskans!

The turkey thing and the PAC: you cannot make these things up. I may have to get that liner for my license plate.

24 11 2008
Lin in AZ

Grammy, I like the way you think!

24 11 2008

SP strategy: Desperate and Decent Americans in the world will pay her to stay away from politics.

We are being blackmailed.

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Thank you, thank you, AKM-

I really loved the creature symbolism:)
And thanks, the problem child and bev, for sample letters; that helps those of us who have not had enough coffee yet…

Off to donate, then-when I return home- time to compose a letter.

24 11 2008
Sue in Kansas

Don’t be too hard on the Clintons. Compared to the last 8 years, the Clinton years were paradise. I don’t know if Obama would have been elected without the Clinton’s help, but that is neither here nor there. They did work very hard to assure that he got the Hillary people behind him. At least Hillary Clinton has the intelligence to be in high public office, unlike Sarah Palin.

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native

I’ve donated, and now I’m in the rowboat with the other Who-flatters, rowing our way to the truth:)

Sue in Kansas-

I agree about Hilary; I think she will be a fine Secretary of State, and not a fawning “yes” person, like Condolezza Rice (very intelligent, but too close to Bushie II). Bill will need to be on a short leash- send him out on a extended goodwill ambassador tour, away from the oval Office.

24 11 2008

On my way to bed after a long shift….will hit the donate button as soon as I get to work tonight. All of you collectively pulled us through this, our collective journey. Now is the time for pay backs!

So very happy to feel that I can help (even if I am a lower 48-er!)


24 11 2008

@grewingk – I interviewed Sen.Stevens the day after the Branchflower report was released. He was in Seattle, took my call and bravely and outright said on the air that Palin had abused her power….. In. Those. Words.
Now , yes, he also took French to task for telling reporters there would be an “October Surprise” when the report was released and for saying that McCain would rue the day he chose Palin. But frankly, as much as I like French, I could have done without the political (i’ll refrain from saying “partisan” )grandstanding.
Why do you say Stevens was reluctant to vote?

24 11 2008
Naomi Schiff

Just sent my $25. Thank you, Mudflats, for a) great writing, b) working to rescue Alaska from danger and corruption, c) helping me survive the anxiety of this last election and d) enabling us to avoid having a turkey for V.P. The combination of passion, activism, and a sense of humour will prevail!

24 11 2008
UK Lady

Not being a big fan of Hillary Clinton I was also, like some of you surprised by his pick. After reading this article the reasons became much clearer …..

24 11 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")


The Clintons are AMAZING!

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

You know the old adage, “Be careful what you pray for. You may get it.” Well, I’ve heard Alaskans for years complain that they were ignored and unknown to the rest of the country. Politicians, too. Surprise Alaskan politicians! How do you feel now that you’ve got what you prayed for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 11 2008

GO Alaskans For Truth and GO AKM! I will donate and write today. May I suggest you post this on Daily Kos – those people tend to add substabtial money when the call goes out. I will not rest easy until Palin is OUT of politics. I suspect, if the rumours of media/book offers are true, she will gladly exchange politics for fame and fortune. The sooner the better.

24 11 2008

I am hoping Alaskans for Truth can find the time and resources to investigate the building and materials for her house in Wasilla. Also.

24 11 2008

Bev – also we need to see if she recieved any money from Cesar Capone and/or Todd has a new snow machine………

24 11 2008
24 11 2008
24 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

@the problem child (a jerk, also) (06:12:00) :
RE:Ooh, homework. We haven’t had any of that for a while… Citizen agitators in your face, Alaska Legislators!
LOL @ homework!
That’s how we roll!
Stopping the menace before it returns national should be EVERYONE’S goal.
Great post AKM!

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

Since the holidays are coming and everyone’s thoughts are lightly turning to thoughts of shopping, I think the AFT website needs a printable holiday card with which to inform family and friends that you have made a donation in their name to help weld the door shut on Sarah. I don’t have that expertise. Anyone out there?
I know my brother, who never ever wants presents, will get a huge hoot out of getting this donation in his name. I just need the card . . .

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

WeCan Hussein (09:08:41) :

Very cool idea, especially for those hard to shop for relatives!!

24 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

Would it be evil to donate anonymously, in the name of various Repug friends/family? (heh-heh-heh…)

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

Of course, I have a few relatives that wouldn’t appreciate that gift AT ALL. Seriously, I was looking for them in that Thank You Sarah Palin ad. (Thanks goodness they weren’t there.) I’ll have to give my brother his gift in private or it’ll start a heck of a row Christmas morning. My family doesn’t need that.

24 11 2008
Miemaw from Texas

halledamnedlujah! and God Bless Mudflats.

I said months ago I’d contribute to your PAC.

My Thanksgiving gift to Alaska.

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

MonaLisa, that would be great. I’m thinking of Uncle Ted, here. Thought perhaps in the name of my republican congressman. 😀

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

I personally believe that chasing the legislature to actually do something is a waste of time worthy of Don Quixote.

What needs to happen is for someone of good ideals and wisdom, and with a pocketful of dollars, files one of more writs of mandamus seeking to force 1) Petumenos to correct his report, 2) the AG to fulfill the terms and requirements of his office, and 3) whatever relevant and statutory agency(ies) to investigate and enforce the laws with respect to the various “gates” out there, not exclusive of per diem gate and housegate.

I’ve seen plenty of corrupt politicians on trial – at the state level and the federal level – and the Alaskan governor gives off that stench of corruption. Frankly, I long ago discovered that where there’s a mighty smell in politics, there is bound to be a skunk. Sarah Palin appears to be the source of that smell and, yes, she does appear to be that stinky skunk. Time to give her a tomato bath.

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

You’ve done such a great job on here. But I’m curious. Other than serving on the PTA and pardoning a turkey that was actually saying “Kill me now” while she blathered on and on, what public service has Palin ever done? Does she give or serve at homeless shelters, donate books ( 🙂 ) to isolated bush libraries, teach Sunday School, help dig wells for African villages? I have a feeling she’s never been a community organizer! 😉
Seriously, what has she actually ever done to make her world better that wasn’t part of her job description, or included in her expense account?

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise (09:24:06) :

Perhaps Alaskans for Truth should take some of the donations and get some legal advice on how to proceed – or maybe there is an attorney out there who would do some pro bono work – I agree that asking the Legislature to step on Palin’s toes is going to be less effective and very time consuming.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

WeCan Hussein (09:25:09) :

She hasn’t done jack for anybody but herself – it’s all about her, doncha know?

24 11 2008

And, even better, AFT takes PAYPAL!

I seriously doubt anyone on this blog would like to see SP running for national (or even state) office again. I guess y’all are stuck with her in AK unless you can force a recall. But that doesn’t mean she needs to have a political future.

I really wouldn’t even be upset if she took her new found taste for NM and Saks, got a bigtime talker gig and moved to ah, LA. Or NYC. They have the wherewithal to stand her massive ego. Let her babble on Fox like Sean and Bill, where she really can’t hurt anyone.

24 11 2008

Hi to all

This is great, I will figure out how to email all those people after my chemistry class.

It’s amazing to me that Gov Palin can get away with so much. I dont know how I ended up with this information I get from, they send me stuff and from time to time I open their emails, but things are making sense as to why these people support her. They, are basically a bunch of people with “her beliefs” and they consider that “they ” are taking back control. This makes me want to be a part of this political action for truth even more.

Check out what was cluttering my email, an ad for SP’s book, how can she get in on this and still govern.??

Get This Book FREE — Go Here Now

This is a powerful book about a very ordinary person who has done extraordinary things.

Inspirational? Yes. But a must read for anyone who wants to know the real Sarah Palin, the lady who may someday be President.

The author says: “I had watched Palin’s rise to the state’s highest office with interest. Jaded as I was about politics in general, the notion that people could take government back into their own hands renewed my faith in the democratic process. It was an opportunity to learn and write about a fascinating woman who made Alaskan history by being the first woman and the youngest governor ever elected.”

Find out how you can make a difference — read Sarah Palin’s story!

Gag me! i just choked on some of my coffee! So, I will email away later on! I never reply to these people at all.

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

Tessa (05:59:35) :

Sen. Stevens is a nice man, his wife and my sister are old friends. Apparently he thinks Palin is pretty awful but has to maintain party loyalty.

It’s a sad day when “party loyalty” takes precedence over doing what’s best for your community, state or country. I swear… some of these republicans would declare Charles Manson innocent if he were registered as a republican. What the heck happened to the “Country First” movement? Guess that was just another load of road apples tossed into the political wind.

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

Grammy in PA (09:29:36) :
Well, that’s what I’m figuring–that she’s actually clearing her throat, getting ready to sing her opera (you know, up and down the scale, singing me, me, me, me, me, me, me!) The ADN or the local news should do a piece on :The Good Works of Sarah Palin–a Committed Christian Cares for Others, Good Samarian Style.”
Every real Christian

24 11 2008

Housegate will be her undoing — bet the ranch on it…….

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

My last sentence got cut off. “Every real Christian tries to serve their wider community in some way, if at all possible, don’t they?”

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

Speaking of good works, just how much unpaid time, thought, and effort do you think Piper’s teacher and school volunteers are putting into getting that child caught up in school while her mom is avoiding her office, standing in front of turkey, uh, processing units, and planning her get away to talk show couches????????????

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA


That’s what’s so hypocritical about SP and her ilk, they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk – in fact, if anything, they spread hate and fear – I just don’t see anything Christian about that.

I love the mememememememe – too funny!

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

MonaLisa – Would it be evil to donate anonymously, in the name of various Repug friends/family?


No, it would not.

In fact, I am tempted to make a donation in honor of a soldier from down the road who is currently serving in Iraq. It’s a great way to support our troops and keep them from ever having to face the prospect of Sarah Palin as CIC.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Not just Piper – but what about overall NEGLECT of all the kids – plus, it seems to be that she is going to cast Todd aside soon, too, won’t he get tired of tagging along behind her? Maybe he and the “nanny” can find things to commiserate about, hmmmm?

What about the new “grandbaby” – is SP just going to tell Bristol she’s on her own for the delivery b’cuz the bright lights/big city are calling? Honestly, the woman doesn’t have a sensitive bone in her body.

Gobble gobble

24 11 2008

My husband and I were both happy to donate, AKM. Thank you for everything you’re doing to expose Sarah’s duplicity.

24 11 2008

OT–sorry but had to pass this along (and sorry if it appears above… I’m actually starting to get back to doing my real job so haven’t read through the thread. It’s been a slow process).

From the Chicago Trib: Our President-elect speaks in complete sentences!,0,240689.story

24 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Just emailed my letter, I remember one of them had e-mailed a couple of people before to “stay out of Alaska’s business” so I was sure to remind them this was biz of the lower 48 also since Barbie could of been our VP or even Prez had something dreadful happened to JM.
So will wait and see what happens next. I also stressed that “everything” she has done in public office needs to be scrutinized!
Dairygate, houegate, troopergate I & II clothesgate whatever, everything she has ever done as “public servant”(funny joke there)
Alaska deserves better.

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[@Political Amazon

I agree. Oh no, it’s not the Bill & Hilary show again. Hilary is like Sarah Palin with a brain. Think it’s Obama first bit mistake. How soon people forget what she did during the primaries. Since everyone is always analyzing Sarah…Hill could use a little too. Does greed & narcissism ring a bell?]]]


That’s a very good observation, and I totally agree. Perhaps that is what has sensitized me to the Clintons–having experienced Sarah Palin and her lies, manipulations, bigot pandering, and incessant drama, it produced flashbacks to the 8 Clinton years. And it wasn’t a pleasant experience.

I think, with the Palins and the rest of the probematic politicians in Alaska, AFT is our best hope at this time.

With the Clintons–there is no hope. It was great during the last 8 years when WJC was off galavanting all of the globe because he had little time, energy and inclination to stir the pot here.

Ironically, that would have been a GOOD manifestation of the Clintons’ drama–if they would have been as outspoken against Bush Jr as they were against Obama in the primary. When we could have used the Clintons to stand up for the American people, they were way too silent.

I have to hand it to Alaskans–the Palins are as enjoyable as a hat full of butts, and Alaskans have not yet been driven insane.

And now that AFT has become a legit PAC, there is a real chance of getting change.

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

Grammy in PA (09:45:36) :

Mememememe–can’t you just hear her in her fingernail voice? Carnegie Hall, here she comes! 😀

But that’s really my point–don’t we want to have public servants that know how to, you know, actually serve? So what has she done in that capacity? Even in her paid work, what has she done to serve her constituency besides send them each a check–money that could have been spent on infrastructure or saved for the now upon us lean years?

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA


Yes, that one legislator was downright nasty last time – thankfully he didn’t run for re-election. But, I’m sure there are plenty of other hostile folks who will respond. And you’re right, everyone must point out that SP is fair game b’cuz SHE is talking about 2012!!!

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

Tessa (05:59:35) :

Sen. Stevens is a nice man, his wife and my sister are old friends. Apparently he thinks Palin is pretty awful but has to maintain party loyalty.

(TESSA): It’s a sad day when “party loyalty” takes precedence over doing what’s best for your community, state or country. I swear… some of these republicans would declare Charles Manson innocent if he were registered as a republican. What the heck happened to the “Country First” movement? Guess that was just another load of road apples tossed into the political wind.


I work closely with elected officials who set public policy. The vast majority (in fact, ALL of the ones with whom I work) do not put what is best for the community first. Their first concern is paying back the special interests that support them, then the voters. If they do pass a measure that actually is the best option for the community, it is only by random coincidence.

I had always hoped that there were still politicians who actually supported what was best for the community/state/nation. I have not encountered any in a very long time.

24 11 2008
El from Saskatchewan

Congratulations Alaskans! Us fer-in-ners cannot make donations to political entities in the US but we can do our part to ensure Mudflats stays healthy to spread the word.

OT: Hilary Clinton as SOS —-Yes, How refreshing it will be to see a woman of knowledge and confidence speak to the people on important issues.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA


I don’t think we can expect Barbie to turn into a public servant; she doesn’t see that as her role, oh, in fact, she wouldn’t know how to play that part. She’s waaaay above her lowly constituency unless they are like her – when she did the turkey interview, she never even stopped to think that some people/children might find it distasteful, or even downright horrifying. She doesn’t have that kind of depth!!

24 11 2008
shell from Ohio

Count me in on a donation and a few letters. 🙂

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

P.S. When I say they “support the voters,” it isn’t the voters’ best interest—it’s whatever self-serving approach or law the voters want. They will refuse to inact laws or ordinances to protect an area’s water supply from going belly up just because the more wealthy, more vocal voters don’t want it because they don’t want to have to restrict their water use, or pay more for it.

24 11 2008

Oh, and I reposted this on DemocraticUnderground. My friends there may be good for a few bucks.

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

Grammy in PA (09:58:10) :

Depth? Of course she has depth–about the same depth as a sheet of single ply toilet paper.

So it’s time to show her as the public servant that doesn’t and never did serve! (Not that she’s alone.) But she claims she has and that she’s Christian. I don’t see it with the big C or little c. Do you? Obviously not.

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

I’m waiting a few days to see if they get a downloadable “donation made in your name” gift card. I really want one.

Now it’s off to lunch.

What am I thankful for this holiday? Days off. My husband and I both teach and we desperately need to catch up in our classrooms.

24 11 2008

Just finished my two-hour+ letter-writing campaign. Capped off by donation to Alaskan’s for Truth, then sent out email appeal to family asking them to step up to the plate as well (and plagiarize my letter if they need to).


24 11 2008

Our Country Deserves Better Pac will be running ads in Alaska. Thanking SP and how she reminds them of RR. $50,000.00 budget. I just sent a donation to Alaskans For Truth.

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

“Hilary is like Sarah Palin with a brain.”

Yeah, gotta give the Hill that: she’s got smarts. But her drive is for power whereas Palin seems to me more interested in the adoration she gets from “the base.” A base which appears to be every bit the dullard that she is. Must be where their collective values collide.

24 11 2008

This is awesome and I shall support! It would be great if our fellow mudflatters from the south do the same. I would LOVE to support grassroot efforts to help overthrow the bigots (and Saxby, you would be first on my list).

I am DONE being hoodwinked by the republican party.

Power to the people!

24 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

who are the peeps behind “our country deserves better”?
how do they have that sort of budget?

24 11 2008

Carrying this over from the last thread, trying to catch up to Alaska Pi:

@Alaska Pi (20:51:22) :

If you’re still around here, check out the Forum for info on a Juneau Mudstock…

24 11 2008
WeCan Hussein

I’d have a lot more respect for Our Country Deserves Better if they actually used their $$$ to make things better–like feeding the hungry, donating to schools, etc.etc. Of course what I’d really like is if they donated to AFT. Heh heh.
Seriously. If they like her, can’t they just send her an email?

And now off to lunch. Really.

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

P.A. – “I had always hoped that there were still politicians who actually supported what was best for the community/state/nation. I have not encountered any in a very long time.”

There’s a growing group in Congress which is more constituency/community and issue-focused than anyone else in DC: Blue Dog Democrats.

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

fawnskin – who are the peeps behind “Our Country Deserves butter”?

Greasy people with OCD?

24 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy


24 11 2008

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (10:11:04) :

who are the peeps behind “our country deserves better”?
how do they have that sort of budget?

Info was on CNN Political Ticker

24 11 2008

@Political Amazon

The most terrifying moment for me in the endless campaign was when McCain picked Sarah for his VP. Prior to that the worst thing was the sleazy campaign the Clintons ran knowing that it could cost the Democrats the election. There are plenty of books written about Hilary, none are too complementary. Pragmatic & souless comes to mind. I read in Newsweek that up until she actually gave her speech at the convention she was meeting with her staff. Hopefully, Axelrod whose decisions have been right on will prevail.

Now I think it’s time for me to climb on board the rowboat & donate to the AFT. Yes, let’s get Sarah out of Alaksa & get her a nice christian talk show….so those who choose to listen to her can & the rest of us can change the channel & thank our lucky stars we know just where she is & what she’s doing……preaching to her choir.

24 11 2008 the Pine Barrens

Political Amazon (06:25:35) :


“Anyway, I would rather waller around in the Alaskan political mudflats than read news sites which now ALWAYS have some bullshit about the Clintons and their drama.”

Well, I hope you’re feeling better after your OT Clinton-hating rant. As you noted in your comment, the only Clinton drama is the one being drummed up in the MSM and spewed by the other obsessed Clinton bashers who use their forum to express their personal issues and agenda. Since all of this so-called “Cllinton drama” is so upsetting to you, I suggest maybe you should stop reading it.

I can’t think of anyone more qualified to serve as SOS than Sen. Clinton, and I applaud PE Obama for his decision to select her.

24 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

bravo and ditto, mired in the pine barrens.

as a clinton supporter, it’s rather upsetting to have the hate spewing forth.
i thought that most of us did a nice turnaround into the obama camp.
and i am thankful that i found my way there.
having said that, i still have profound respect for senator clinton and do hope that she sturts her stuff as sos.

24 11 2008

Let’s not rain on the Alaskans for Truth Parade….. 😦

Perhaps discuss the Clintons on the Forum?

The creature wants to keep doing the happy dance!

And I just got an update from Alaskans for Truth! Donations are coming in, and they’re on their way to getting their first ad out there! This is going to be great!! Thanks to all the Mudflatters who are stepping forward. It really means a lot. 😀

24 11 2008

A LITTLE OFF-TOPIC, but I just read on CNN that there is a series of ads now appearing on AK TV called “Thank you, Sarah Palin”, sponsored by some PAC. They are supposed to air nation-wide later this week. Anyone know anything about this?

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA


Mudflats has a story posted a day or so ago – called Thank you Sarah Palin:

Thank You, People Saying “Thank You” to Sarah Palin!

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[There’s a growing group in Congress which is more constituency/community and issue-focused than anyone else in DC: Blue Dog Democrats.]]]

I would bet that, if you worked with the and knew how they work, you’d see that they really are no different than the rest…it’s just that their own self-interests happen to coincidentally jive with what the majority of their constituents are demanding.

In fact, by placing their consituents first ahead of what is best for America, they are certainly addressing their own reelection.

The public, no matter how well-informed, usually do not really know what an issue means to us, our country and our future because they don’t know what is coming down the pike in Congress. They also are not a party to restricted information that congressional reps get.

In the case of an elected governing body for an area where their one source of water is about to go belly up because of over-consumption, not instituting water conservation measures and higher prices for water (which is a proven way to drive down consumption rates) keeps the public off their back and ensures that the politicians are likely to get elected again.

It’s a whole different world working on the inside of a governing body that sets public policy.

24 11 2008 the Pine Barrens

AKM, I apologize for responding to the original comment. However, the bulk of it was OT. I don’t want to discuss the Clintons on the forum or anywhere else. That was my point.

24 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

Excellent, wonderful, stupendous, awesome, thank you thank you thank you!

This is exactly what I’ve been planning to do on my own – now the impact will be much greater and I love to be in good company with like minds.

1) Donate if you can!
2) Pass on the link to everyone you know who is also watching SP
3) Write an email to all legislators, even if it’s just to say you support what the Alaskans For Truth is stating in their Call to Action. One sentence.. or more.

Who would have thought in three months ago that Alaska would need / have its own PAC ? Way to go – I love the Alaskan spirit and ingenuity – thank you again!

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

I wonder how soon AFT will be taking out ads in the AK papers? Will they wait ’til closer to the session starting? I hope they’ll post links or images on their site so we can see them online.

24 11 2008

Thanks to AKM and to those who gave some suggestions/ideas for the letters. UK Lady, your referenced Times article was a great one!!

Perhaps if there is enough support from us, and press coverage on this, Florida and Ohio among other states will get the message that we are demanding honesty, unequivocally, from the governments throughout our nation.

Regarding Hillary – IMHO we owe her a lot because she pummeled Obama as no one else did/could over a very, very long time. He is stronger, and better at his delivery than at the outset of the primary campaign. I believe he gota lot of practice with her intense micro, micro hammering of detail in her LOUD and repetitive, unrelenting barrage toward him, both in debates and in her press releases criticizing him.

I too, also (per Palinese) think he learned a lot about strategy from what did not work for her, and thus utilized it, as did his campaign team in the general campaign. His primary experience from Hillary helped in ignoring and/or responding to Palin’s obnoxious behaviors and McCain’s missteps and nastiness later.

24 11 2008

I’m a concerned Oregonian. I was seriously wondering just what I’d do (migrate to British Columbia?) if the McCain/Palin ticket won the election. I was SOOOOOO relieved they lost, but it seems like the message hasn’t gotten through to Palin or her Palinistas.

I just happily donated $25 to Alaskans For Truth, and applauded them for their mission/goals. They can use the money for ads, legal muscle, whatever…

That option to donate via PayPal is a plus, for me (I’m an old eBay fanatic, used PayPal all the time).

I’m also rapidly becoming a daily regular visitor here at Mudflats, also Immoral Minority/Progressive Alaska (but I’m a bit puzzled as to what happened to Alaska Dispatch, it seems their site has been disabled). Thanks for your vigorous information gathering and dissemination to all us curious outsiders.

24 11 2008
El from Saskatchewan

AKM: The Alaskans for Truth page is excellent. Are the people who are doing the work doing it on their own time? I think it would be good to know so demands on their time if all voluntary would be kept to a minimum in the start-up stages.

24 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

i, fawnskin hussein mudpuppy, hereby promise to never ever rain on akm’s parade again.

24 11 2008
Left-Eyed Jack

I think Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich would also be interested in donating. Perhaps someone could make a donation in their names. Ha! Ha!

Thanks for the heads up!

24 11 2008

Just finished emailing every last one of them, and made a donation. Fill those inboxes Muddies! I’m so happy, I may even call in to CC’s show this afternoon! Spent my day off dishing out some s##t instead of shovelling it.
(sigh, but the barn still needs attention, why do horses need barns anyway, they just use them as outhouses)

It would be nice if AFT would put up some numbers regarding donations recieved, a target sum to reach or something. Plan to contribute again, and those target numbers sure work for NPR when fundraising. People rally to the cause when it gets close!

24 11 2008

Apologies, was composing when AKM’s request went up. Off to donate and write support letters.

24 11 2008
Howling Wolf Pup

Alaskans for Truth–hopefully following closely the disbursement of state monies this legislative session. Where’s the pork flowing and why?

24 11 2008
Sue in Kansas

Bravo mired in the pine barrens and fawnskin hussein mudpuppy. political amazon doesn’t have much good to say about anyone today. Sorry AKM. Bye

24 11 2008
Howling Wolf Pup

And is Scarah a reformer or not?? Stay tuned to Alaskans for Truth. The creature is watching you, Governor Palin.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

I think AFT could take out a full page ad just to list all the lies she has told starting from Day 1 on the campaign trail (Bridge to Nowhere) – I’d really like to see all of her lies set out in one place but I don’t know if AFT can afford an ad that big. . . .

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Oh, add contradictions to that ad, too.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Oh, and add “formal” lies (perjury) to that, too.

24 11 2008

Thanks GrammyPA…wrote and sent that email to them while really half asleep….I think what we all should do is keep emailing.
When she does something stupid, point it out to them that doing this kind of stuff sure would not add intelligence to the white house LOL

Just keep adding to the list.

24 11 2008
Kate in Canada
24 11 2008

This is beautiful! Alaska, you are leading the way. Had it not been for the national campaign, many of these things might not have come to light. And had the national campaign itself not meddled, some of these things might not have happened. We’re paying a lot of attention. So many people check this blog daily, whether they post or not.

And you, AKM, wow, what a writer! What a great reporter! A joy to read your blog.

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Kate in Canada

Here is some advice from that letter that Barbie really really should heed:

Governor Palin, I hope that you will become educated in government, geography and national policies before you consider running for office again. You could do so much good with your ability to speak directly to people, or you could become a conservative talk-show host, spreading hatred and intolerance to those who want to believe everything they hear without investigating the truth. I hope you will change your message to one of bringing people together, which is what Barack Obama did for our country.

24 11 2008

Has PETA come around to check on the turkey “cone of death” in Wasilla ??

24 11 2008
Grammy in PA

I hope there is a whole army of people descending on Wasilla, people to look over the bid procedure on that hockey rink, people to compare the Palin’s house w/ the hockey rink, people asking for receipts in general; and throw in some PETA people and maybe someone from the state to check out whether Joe the Turkey Killer’s slaughterhouse is up to code. They might need to build a hotel in Wasilla to accommodate everyone, this could be bigger than the tourism business, if there is one.

24 11 2008
El from Saskatchewan

Kate in Canada (11:52:50)
I read the post and I thought it well done. Then I scanned the comments. There seems to be no willingness at all by some to overcome their hatred. Our wonderful Alaskans For Truth have their work cut out for them. They will come under intense scrutiny and attack. Good luck to them and know that people all across the world are with you.

24 11 2008

GRAMMY – Thanks for the Sarah Palin ad info. Now those ads will be playing all over the country – just what we need during the holiday season!

24 11 2008

Just donated to AFT; thanks for the convenient link!

Haven’t been posting much, lately, but I’ve been reading several times a day. I love the “Stay on Topic” enforcement! It’s just like the good ol’ days…

24 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

i just checked over at the aft blog. nowhere did i see a name attatched to the site.
and although i donated, i wonder if someone is at some time going to ask just who is fronting this movement. there’s going to have to be a point person to answer questions when this thing goes viral.
what do you think, akm?

The Chair is Camille Conte, and the Treasurer is Ron Devon, both of whom were involved in organizing the rally this fall. This is all public information with APOC. I suspect that either one of them, or another spokesperson will be fielding questions. AKM

24 11 2008
claudine willis

Because McCain brought Palin forth and shoved her down America’s throat, and because many Americans found her ignorance offensive and the idea that she was fit to be vice president of the United States insulting, I will do what I can to help Alaskans get ride of Palin and her husband.

We the people in the lower 48 states and Hawaii, do not want Palin to have anything to do with our government. It is my belief that Alaskans will shun her, too. If anything good has come from her run for the vice presidency it is that all Alaskans have see her for what she is… an arrogant, not too smart powermonger without conscience. Any woman who would use two of her kid’s unhappy circumstaces to get votes (and sympathy) is no mother at all.

Her $150,000 Hollywood “make over” failed. The “unprofessional jerks”…Palins’s words for them…that dressed her up in fancy duds…should have remembered that you can’t make a Cindy McCain out of a moose hunter. That was the outside of Palin. Nobody can change the corrupt inside of her either. So stand up and be counted Alaskan’s…come on…take your beautiful state back! Unless…you’re good with giving it to Governor and Mr. Todd Palin.

Claudine Willis Portland, Oregon

24 11 2008

While I reading this story, my husband delivered today’s mail and guess what – there was a letter from Sarah. How did she get my address? Is she mailing to everyone in the United States? I live in sunny Florida. She’s inviting me to send for an official Alaskan travel guide and painted a dreamy picture.

She enclosed a self-address post card on which I wrote “Have you no shame – F You.
Wonder how many similar cards will arrive at the Alaska Vacation and Information Distribution Center – postage paid courtesy of the citizens of Alaska who are currently facing a budget shortfall.

24 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

@ Claudine Willis

Hello friend in OR ! So you see – we Alaskans ARE paying attention, and we DO appreciate all that Lower 48ers are doing to support out efforts ! I would like to add that I am so IMPRESSED that you are so proactive in politics – I had worried that we lost our “seniors” to lies and lies via email to the unsuspecting elders who believe that if it is written, it is truth. Thank you for showing me how wrong I was!

24 11 2008
Freakout in Kansas

Here’s a list dubious Sarah Palin items that I was able to come up with off the top of my head:

1. Bridge To Nowhere
2. Town librarian and police chief firing threats
3. Troopergate
4. Climate change
5. Alaska’s oil and gas production
6. How she decided to run for vp after talking to her family
7. Natural gas pipeline
8. Obama’s “Pallin’ around with terrorists”
9. Her alleged tolerance of homosexuality
10. Her use the teleprompter at the convention
11. Her alleged paycut as mayor
12. Polar bears
13. RNC warddrobe
14. Travelgate
15. Per diems
16. Baby Trig
17. Affair
18. Turkeygate
19. Re-decorating the mayor’s office and guv’s mansion
20. Wasilla sports complex
21. Housegate
22. Fake Sarkozy phone call
23. Witchdoctor
24. Jews for Jesus
25. Gibson interview
26. Couric interview
27. “Real” America
28. Banning books
29. University history
30. Track’s questionable enlistment
31. AIP affiliation
32. Wolves
33. Obama’s a socialist

Darn it! I wanted to get to thirty-five, but it’s made my head hurt too much to continue. She’s a real class act, that Sarah Palin is! Whoooweee!

24 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

@ Freakout in Kansas

You can add the ethics complaints filed against her by citizens to reach 35!

24 11 2008
UK Lady

36 Hiring unqualified friends fo top jobs!

24 11 2008
UK Lady

37 Accepting undeclared gifts (salmon, facials etc).

24 11 2008

I’ve been in a “can’t deal with any more politics today” mood this Monday, changing the channel from news stations, putting off my emails to legislators. Went to my mental refuge, “Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares” (aka the cussing chef). But, as evidenced by my waking dream this morning, and by my brain borrowing stuff from the tv show I’m watching, I’m passing on an insult ala Ramsey: Sarah Palin thinks she the dog’s bollocks, but she’s really the cat’s piss.

sorry, can’t help myself.

24 11 2008

Freakout in Kansas:

Poor boundaries


No comprehension of ethics

That gets you to 35.

24 11 2008

AKM congratulations to you and your friends at Alaskans for Truth for getting the party started. Going to donate next. Thanks to problemchild and bev for the sample letters; they are great inspirations. While I understand the position of PoliticalAmazon, I agree that any discussion of the Clintons just sucks the air out of the room, and the Creature needs oxygen to keep rowing, so we’ll stick to the topic here. Hooray for Mudflats!

24 11 2008

Yes! Just when I was getting nauseous from the insane “Thank you , Sarah” ad I find relief like a giant tub of ginger ale right here at Mudflats. I am sooo in and will go right now to donate. I bet they will get a few anonymous donations from Arizona, Lousiana, and whatever state Romney now calls home.

24 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

RE: Hilary is like Sarah Palin with a brain.

I beg to differ. You are comparing apples to peach pits.

YES, HC has a brain but she lost my vote because she voted yes on the war. When her biggest backer was the weapons manufactures, I walked right on by her. It was a sad day for me, I WANTED to vote for a woman, but like many said about Sarah…”Wrong woman for this job!”, I felt the same about HC when the weapon manufactures backed her.

24 11 2008
El from Saskatchewan

Freakout in Kansas (12:38:46) :
Your list is incredible. I think we’ll have to alphabetize it so we make sure you get ’em all down.

24 11 2008
El from Saskatchewan

Thought of another: Running for VP when she didn’t know the job description

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

Freakout in Kansas (12:38:46)

The List

Not a bad job but 10 and 30 are dogs.

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Freakout in Kansas (12:38:46) :

You missed the biggest one of all: premeditated massacre of the English language!

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise (13:27:03) :

I think you’re right: eliminate #10 and 30, but Freakout would still have 35 with the other mudpup additions… lots to keep the legislature and Her Royal Media Personality busy.

24 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

@ Freakout in Kansas

Add “Palin devoided Lake Lucille of all life”

24 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

Can’t we all just send her a postcard that says:
and be done with her?

24 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

@ Freakout in Kansas

Ooops, I’m sure there are little microbes all over the Lake living off the dead fish and nasty runoff, so I guess “devoided of all fish” is more accurate.

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

womanwithsardinecan (13:00:01) :

Sarah Palin thinks she the dog’s bollocks, but she’s really the cat’s piss.


I’m sorry, but why would you insult cat’s piss in such a sad fashion??


sorry. gotta clean the coffee off my monitor now.

24 11 2008

phoebe (07:13:38) :

@Political Amazon

I agree. Oh no, it’s not the Bill & Hilary show again. Hilary is like Sarah Palin with a brain. Think it’s Obama first bit mistake. How soon people forget what she did during the primaries. Since everyone is always analyzing Sarah…Hill could use a little too. Does greed & narcissism ring a bell?

What is that phrase… hold your friends close but your enemies closer.

I do NOT think Obama has erred here. I think he is very very savvy… wait and see.

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

CO almost Native – I think you’re right: eliminate #10 and 30, but Freakout would still have 35 with the other mudpup additions.


Aye to that. 30 could be changed to something to reflect the suspicious manner in which Track landed in Michigan, but then Bristol’s pregnancy would need to be added. ooooo…oh oh oh oh… how about her double standard/hypocracy with respect to abstinence and sex ed?

Seems the list is getting on to 40 items, eh?

24 11 2008
sharon in canada

to Hillary supporters; Couldn’t resist a comment.
IMO, Hillary’s thirst for power and her sense of entitlement is so transparent .Name recognition got her a Jr Senate position in New York (after she transplanted her self there)and she continued in that thread during her run for POTUS..claiming Bill’s experience as hers.(watching your husband do his job does not equate with real experience.)She stepped up to campaign for Obama(and so she should have) only after Obama held a firm lead and it was evident at that time she had her sights set on 2012.Obama beat the Clinton machine at their own game.She has no foreign policy exp and is not a team player.I think Richardson would be a better pick for SOS.He is smart and has the experience that she lacks…I agree, the less said regarding her “Drama” the better….just saying

24 11 2008

Add child abandonment/abuse……..

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native


UKLady posted a link to a very insightful column by Andrew Sullivan much earlier in this post about HRC and the Secretary of State position- a good thing to read, especially for all of you serious doubters.

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native

sharon in canada (13:48:19) :

While some may be strong HRC supporters, most of us are strong Obama supporters, and are willing to be patient/hope his team can help restore America.

Look at his choices for his economic council- strong selections, indeed.

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[to Hillary supporters; Couldn’t resist a comment.
IMO, Hillary’s thirst for power and her sense of entitlement is so transparent ….]]

At AKMs request, I moved my discussion of the Clintons over to:,3684.0.html

The discussion is a lot more civil over there, and I think you’ll enjoy it.

24 11 2008

I’m sitting here reading my new favorite blog and watching ‘ol Paula Deen on the Food Network (she is one scrumptious lady!) and it occurs to me that if Sarah Palin were to describe herself, sweet, down-home, pro-family, pro-America Paula Deen is what Palin thinks she is. And, except for Palin’s lack of sincerity, lack of warmth, lack of sweetness, lack of inner generosity, lack of ability to connect with and inspire the goodness others….Palin’s delusion may be true.

24 11 2008

Maybe the pesty mosquitoes AKM made reference to a few days ago are swarming in for the kill. Congratualtions on the AFT site AKM. It is about time this self-serving woman realizes she just cannot wave her hand and blame someone else for her actions. Who knows, maybe accountablity in ALL elected officials may become the fashion.

I can take no credit for their site, but I agree it’s great! They are good people, and very dedicated. They’ve got a long road ahead. AKM

24 11 2008
UK Lady

Thanks Co Native – this is a really informative read, your link didn’t work for me so I am reposting. It gives the reasons for PE Obama’s picks so far better than anything else I have read. Sarah Palin couldn’t even begin to hold a candle to any one of them.

24 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

While we’re writing our ‘wish lists’, I’d like to order a copy of the newspaper that has the first AFT ad (I’m building a time-capsule!)

24 11 2008 the Pine Barrens

Freakout in Kansas (12:38:46) :

My goodness, Freakout, that’s quite a list! You’ve really been paying attention. And that’s just off the top of your head? Imagine if you had given it some thought.

24 11 2008
the problem child

Update: Alaskans For Truth now has the e-mail addresses of some recently elected Alaskan legislators. Make sure they get in on the action by forwarding whatever you may have shared earlier to them as well.
They should get some sammiches and lemonade, too!

24 11 2008

Donated. That felt good.

Must. get. rid. of. slaughterhouse Sarah

24 11 2008

@ katanalori (08:46:10) :
“I am hoping Alaskans for Truth can find the time and resources to investigate the building and materials for her house in Wasilla.”

ayup… still think ‘housegate’ will ‘do a Stevens’ on the wicked witch of the north and her cuckold driller…

and once more disappointed… the brief crack in the Night Kitchen window has been again slammed ahut :-(((

24 11 2008

Okay AKM, maybe you cannot take credit, but I am willing to bet you and Mudflats were a real inspiration.

24 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

Re: Putting things about the kids on The List

I’m perfectly fine with the inclusion of things like using her own children as a prop at the rallies, or a hockey-fan boo-shield (Remember “How DARE they boo Piper!”? <- and how sick was that, anyway?), and exposing her special-needs infant to huge, noisy, germ-laden crowds day after day for months… these are things Sarah chose to do, to advance her agenda.

But I’d vote to leave Track and Bristol off the list. Their stories are private. It’s not their fault, who their mother is. Just sayin’….

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

Freakout, GREAT LIST! What a great negotiating start point.

“Here, I want you to investigate all of these issues.”

“No, we can’t possibly do all of those! ”

“Okay, I’ll settle for 75% of them.”

Good job.

24 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[I’m perfectly fine with the inclusion of things like using her own children as a prop at the rallies, or a hockey-fan boo-shield (Remember “How DARE they boo Piper!”? <- and how sick was that, anyway?), and exposing her special-needs infant to huge, noisy, germ-laden crowds day after day for months… these are things Sarah chose to do, to advance her agenda.

But I’d vote to leave Track and Bristol off the list. Their stories are private. It’s not their fault, who their mother is. Just sayin’….]]]

Well, it’s kind of hard to get to the bottom of Sarah’s Mysterious and Miraculous Pregnancy without roping Bristol into it, at least as collateral damage.

Same with Track–hard to refute her “mother-of-the-year” mantle without bringing up the issue of Track’s need to enlist because of prior run-ins with the police.

The thing that Sarah Palin did using Piper as a shield—that reminded me WAY too much of when Bush JR, towards the end of the 2000 presidential campaign, when his DUI was outed….he then claimed that he had lied about it and covered it up “to protect his daughters.”

I thought that stunk. As you pointed out, that “using the kid for a shield” deal seems so unclean.

24 11 2008
Deuce2 AL Renegade

Right on AKM, get my SS check the third of Dec.

Deuce 👿

24 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Sarah Palin Turkey Noise

P.A. – “The thing that Sarah Palin did using Piper as a shield—that reminded me WAY too much of when Bush JR, towards the end of the 2000 presidential campaign, when his DUI was outed….he then claimed that he had lied about it and covered it up “to protect his daughters.”


I’ve got the papers from gw’s DUI around here somewhere… my memory is that his daughters were not yet born when he was nabbed for the DUI (almost hitting a couple local girls in the process) but they were drinking by the time gw claimed to be protecting his daughters!! Fact is, as with Palin currently, gw was asked time and time again about the rumors concerning a DUI and he always denied those rumors. Until that actual court papers showed up on the evening news in Portland, ME.

gw and Palin have more than a few things in common, it seems.

24 11 2008

AKM…Any way to get your “Creature from the Black Lagoon” blog on Huffington Post? Palin’s turkey-pardon debacle generated 725,00 views on huffpost as of today. Judging by the comments, a lot of those people would no doubt love to give some money to AFT instead of just ranting about her.

24 11 2008
Howling Wolf Pup

#34 opposed the clean water initiative
#35 allowed the wording on the ballot initiatives to be manipulated to support shooting wolves, oppose clean water initiative, and oppose clean elections initiative

24 11 2008
Howling Wolf Pup

Political Amazon, I agree. A list relating to public policy is the most significant as far as the voters are concerned. Kids are kids and deserve love and support from all concerned.

24 11 2008
Howling Wolf Pup

AKM, your Thanksgiving list is tops and should remain somewhere that one can link to on the sidebar for permanent reference!!

24 11 2008

I left, dusted my feet off, unfroze myself and left. I am an ex-alaskan. My husband and I would have stayed, but my accountant hubby did not want to work for the oil industry, and he got to the highest he could at the native coop for being a non-native.

I want to help. I will be going to that web-site to donate.

But I want to say, Sarah Palin has done more damage, in my opinion, to Alaska.

I was talking to a German immigrate today about culture shock. I went through that when I left Alaska. I was raised mostly up there. She was agreeing with me that the lower 49 is different, than her Germany. I know Germany and Alaska are miles away from each other.

When a man came up and interrupted the conversation and said, “They pay you to live up there.”

My come back was not polite, “You should try to live on 2,000 for a whole year.”

I also want Alaska to get Politician’s that are pro-development of other industries than oil. Maybe eco-tourism? Maybe a little construction of a road to Dutch Harbor or Nome, some ideas to develop tourism that does not include expensive pilots? Maybe get more film makers to film in Alaska and not Vancouver? I don’t know, just throwing out ideas.

I want Palin out of the media, I know that will not happen, but maybe holding her accountable for her rotten politics will get some dignity back for Alaska.

24 11 2008
Alaska Pi

Will look at forum for Juneau Mudstock! Thanks!

Been singing “hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go” all day.
Alaskans For Truth ! Sent emails – now home from work time to donate… heehee
hi-ho, hi-ho, It’s time for the gov to go…hi-ho, hi-ho…

24 11 2008
Bec -Yes We Did - in Illinois

Enjoying watchinhg KO watch the Turkey vid on his show for the first time!

24 11 2008
Bec -Yes We Did - in Illinois

KO related that a conservative friend told him recently that “he thought Palin was great before the election, but now he is realizing that not only is she the dumbest politician he has ever heard, but she doesn’t even realize that she is the dumbest politician he’s ever heard!”

24 11 2008

I’ve gotten my donation in!

But first, I had to watch as KO watched the turkey slaughter with his jaw wide open. I think the guy manning the turkey machine knew quite well what a spectacle she was making of herself. He seemed to be begging her to turn around and look. She’s so self-absorbed! Blood could have been spewing through the air and she would still have been blabbing. AFT, go get her!

I think the house-gate could have prosecutorial legs. Look at Ted. I don’t see any difference in the two house construction projects. (both, unfortunately, resulted in architecturally ugly houses) She must be booted out of the power that she wrests in politics. It affects all of us. (furiously rubbing face) Do people really buy into her? I mean, really!?!?!??!

24 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

from the ADN blog:
A Palin Thanksgiving: Thank-you notes or contempt charges?
NOVEMBER 24, 2008 – 11:15 AM
From Kyle Hopkins in Anchorage —

First they blab on about the stupid PAC ad…then the good stuff:
“And at home, a group led at least partly by left-leaning bloggers and that staged a big anti-Palin rally during the election – Alaskans for Truth – is calling on the Legislature to run with the Legislative Council’s “Troopergate” report, which found Palin abused her power. (As opposed to the conflicting Personnel Board investigation, that cleared her.)

The group calls on lawmakers to:

— Censure Palin.
— Seek contempt charges against Todd Palin and state officials “who willingly ignored the Legislative Council’s subpoenas during the investigation.”
— Hold hearings on whether the governor and Todd Palin committed perjury in their statements to the Personnel Board’s investigator.
— Investigate whether Attorney General Talis Colberg committed witness tampering. ”

24 11 2008

Freethinking (14:55:12) : “slaughterhouse Sarah”

I think I’m going to start calling her “Slaughterhouse Sarah” instead of Caribou Barbie…. It’s got a good ring to it!

And Freakout in Kansas, that was a great list. I’m sure Slaughterhouse Sarah will give and give and give to that list.

24 11 2008

Just contacted huffingtonpost to recommend AKM’s “Creature” blog today be included on the huffpost blog pages. More mudflatters should do the same…just go to the “Contact us” link….it will take you to “scoops etc.”

WHY?….Palin’s “Turkey-Slaughter” story is up to 727,000 views now. These people are probably desperate to give money to AFT so they can do more than just rant at her. Haha.

24 11 2008
Kate in Canada

Just saw the AFT press releas on Associated Press here:

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native

crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl (17:04:59) :

A big thank you for including this link; nice to know what adn is thinking.

The Our Country Deserves Better PAC is funded by the same religious right wingnuts who helped promote SP’s candidacy.

24 11 2008

Giving in “others” names: best not to do that – PAC money is scrutinized and you don’t want AFT to have to explain the bogus names on their donors list.

Although. . . .wouldn’t it be funny to see John & Cindy McCain’s name on that donor list?

24 11 2008
Grassroots New Mexico

Shout out to Alaska citizens! You make me proud.

I will link the Truth site to my blog and let everyone know: we mean business!

24 11 2008

Amanda, your ideas for promoting Alaska are excellent. There are several avenues you can pursue through the Center for Biological Diversity, Nature Conservancy, and even through the Sundance Institute (Sundance Film Festival) – most states have film commission offices – depending on the state deals really determines where the film companies go – right now, though with the upcoming SAG strike and probable writer’s strike, the film industry will be pulling back from location shoots except in those states that offer outstanding financial incentives and a strong local production groundswell. You might also want to connect with Elderhostel in re to eco-tourism/education jaunts.

24 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Ok, mud pups-

I just emailed Huffington Post, and asked them to include this post from Mudflats- very easy to do. Just click on “contact us” at the bottom of the screen. It would help get the word out about AFT…

24 11 2008
Bec -Yes We Did - in Illinois

Did anyone else catch tonight, in his lead into a vid of him making pie with Martha Stewart, KO talking about pie coming up a lot during the campaign and mentioned how political blogs have taken to sharing recipes? Me thinks he (and/or his staff) have been reading Mudflats. We detected in the past that Rachel has, too.

KO must have snagged the idea for the WKRP Turkey vid from Celtic Diva, who had found it on Pam’s House Blend.;jsessionid=278EF11604C82F21D35E35F948451B0C?diaryId=320

I find it interesting that somewhat mainstream media now is not only quoting from blogs, but they are also starting to quote blog comments. Guess it saves them having to go stand out on street corners and in malls to get those “man on the street” comments. But it sure is changing news reporting – as we knew it. Watch out, you might find one of your comments quoted in the Wall Street Journal or New York Times some day!

24 11 2008
Wasilla women

email my legislator? that’s funny! he works for SP not me, if I WANT persecution that would be great. I’m subject to taxation with out representation in my area..(Lyda Green is one example of palin vindictiveness). I will donate. I file my complaints outside my area.

24 11 2008

Oh dear. I do not like PACS (Political Action Committes). Oh dear. For 30 years I have preached about them having too much control in government.
I said I would never donate to one, even if that particular PAC was in “my best interests.” Oh dear. I was wrong, sure DID donate to one today!

24 11 2008

BEC, I also caught the “Pie” comment and thought the same thing.

24 11 2008
Kate in Canada
24 11 2008
Cynamen Winter

I agree with Bev~

That our efforts need to continue well into the New Year…to keep the heat on as the legislators return back to work to deal with the issues. CNN and the like also need to be made aware that there are multitudes of us who are indeed “thankful” that Slaughterhouse Sarah is not a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Just the thought of that prompted a flashback of the angst I felt some 20 days ago…whew, I’m glad that’s all now behind us.

Truth is marching ~ in Boots!

24 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

@Bec -Yes We Did – in Illinois (18:37:17)
I glowed for DAYS after AKM quoted one of my comments in a recent blog!

@ Wasilla women (18:42:49): Yeah, but our legislators SHOULD be working for US (and everyone else who voted them in). Remaining silent implies their actions are acceptable.

If enough people say, :
“Hey, I’m one of your constituents. I voted for you. But if you’re the kind of politico that thinks baloney like this is OK to let slide, well – that just makes me wonder what you’ve been up to… If you’re too weak to stand up for what’s right, if you’re not strong enough to uphold Alaskan laws, then we need someone better than you, doing your job. I’m not voting for you again unless I see some signs that my faith in you was justified. And I have no problem pointing all this out to everyone I know.” -and back it up in the voting booth, the PTB will either change or be changed.
(*gets off soapbox*) 😀

@ Katanalori: The very important difference here, is that AFT isn’t looking for your standard ‘special interest’ political favors… THIS particular PAC is lobbying for the enforcement of existing Alaskan (and I imagine a few Federal) laws. Woo-HOO! 🙂

24 11 2008
Mrs. Polly aka R. Trinket Palin

Okay, it’s a Bulletin! OT, sorry Mudpuppies, but it’s time-sensitive:


It’s that good a deal, paid for by YOUR tax dollars: the Mitchell-Lama program for middle-income people. There are catches and pitfalls, too, but hubby and I got in and still can’t believe it. It’s changed our lives completely, but you need more information than this, so–

I started a blog with all the details:

We paid under $40,000 for our 1 bedroom w/terrace, maintenance $540/month w/electric and gas. It’s better odds than hitting the NY lottery, no risk, and we need nice mudflat people to get in! ;0)
Please look, consider, and pass along this info to anyone in NY you think would be interested!

24 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

thanks, mrs molly…i sent the info to my son in ny.

24 11 2008
mhrt oregon

new post

24 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

For the record … it is against the law in Alaska to give political contributions in anyone’s name but your own (this is different than gifts given to 501 c(3) nonprofits). See

24 11 2008


24 11 2008

37? Todd Palin in her office/lied in their testimony
38. Tried to take polar bears off as well as beluga whales even though scientists have solid proof that they need to be on the endangered species list.

39. Blamed media (couric) for her lack of knowledge and couldnt even answer “what do you read?” what magazines and newspapers. BTW, she still never answered, just said the mainstream media is so unfair to be asking me this.

IT is good to see that ADN put the information on AFT in their article.

25 11 2008

Just made my donation to AFT, and also emailed to get on their list. WA-HOO! GO, AFT! Made a suggestion that as soon as they can afford it, they get a top-notch lawyer to bring this into the national spotlight. This still has a fuzzy chance if kept at the AK legislative level.

When I saw the ADN (Anchorage Daily News) story “A Palin Thanksgiving: Thank-you notes or contempt charges?,” there were quite a few nasty comments being made. So if that’s still happening, please provide some sense of balance! Some of these people need a real lesson in reality!

“I personally believe that chasing the legislature to actually do something is a waste of time worthy of Don Quixote.”
I agree – I suggested to AFT that they find themselves a top-notch lawyer as soon as they can to bring this into a national venue.

“Get This Book FREE — Go Here Now”
You’ve got to be kidding! They’re sending out a FREE book about her? What is IN this book? (OK, someone needs to get the book so we can check it out.)

@WeCan Hussein:
“But that’s really my point–don’t we want to have public servants that know how to, you know, actually serve? So what has she done in that capacity? Even in her paid work, what has she done to serve her constituency besides send them each a check–money that could have been spent on infrastructure or saved for the now upon us lean years?”
That’s exactly what I thought when we got that $1200. And that’s when I KNEW she was nothin’ good. I had heard that the legislators had had other ideas what to do with the $$, but apparently it was just so easy for her to do it that way. Bet she wishes she had all of those bucks right now.

…But maybe you have some friends in the US who would support AFT? hmmmm…..

@Political Amazon:
“When I say they “support the voters,” it isn’t the voters’ best interest—it’s whatever self-serving approach or law the voters want. ”
I used to work in government too, and it’s a natural course to get pretty jaded after a while. Unfortunately you’re right. But that doesn’t mean we can’t keep trying! Gotta try to keep ’em honest.

@Grammy in PA:
“I wonder how soon AFT will be taking out ads in the AK papers? Will they wait ’til closer to the session starting? I hope they’ll post links or images on their site so we can see them online.”
I think AFT needs to take a smart cue from those good ol’ Obama community organizers and get hold of their mailing list. Now they might not be able to do that directly, but maybe there’s someone who can ….. Just think of all the O supporters who would also support AFT!

25 11 2008
Abbie Knorrmal

channel 2 polls are fun, but this one is funner

help crash the 2008 American Values Survey brought to you by your friends at the Christian Coalition of America.

25 11 2008

Sarah will escape all the gates with just a wrist slap or a few tax dollars to the IRS.

If house gate is true, she will not escape.

Maybe mudflats can set up a reward fund to be paid for information on house gate. Someone knows the truth.

25 11 2008
Alaskans for Truth Makes a Splash! « Mudflats

[…] for Truth Makes a Splash! 25 11 2008 Alaskans for Truth has hit the ground running. I used the metaphor of the Creature from the Black Lagoon yesterday, and if we decide to hold to that metaphor, then […]