Palin’s Audacity of Hype – Coming to a Bookstore Near You!

17 11 2008

Are you ready for the hard-bound copy of The Audacity of Hype?  Well, Sarah Palin may just oblige, at least, if the law allows.  Poised to rake in a cushy book deal of reportedly up to $7 million, Palin may have to weigh her options.  Alaska state law says that a sitting governor can only hold down one job.  So, “best-selling author” may be an illegal line on the resume…at least for the next two years of her term.

From TimesOnline:

She failed to save John McCainfrom presidential election doom, but Sarah Palin, the Republican senator’s controversial running mate, may yet emerge as the saviour of the American publishing industry. Literary agents are queueing up to sign her to a book deal that could earn her up to $7m.

With Barack Obama’s election victory certain to generate dozens of volumes from politicians, strategists and journalists – and with another shelfload of memoirs expected from members of President George W Bush’s administration – Palin’s personal account of her tumultuous introduction to national politics is widely regarded as the book most likely to repay a multi-million-dollar advance.

“She’s poised to make a ton of money,” said Howard Rubenstein, New York’s best-known public relations adviser.


With publishers as nervous as everyone else about next year’s economic prospects, Palin’s popularity has become a boon. “Nobody is waiting for George W Bush’s memoirs,” one New York agent noted.

A provision of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act restricts outside employment. It says: “The head of a principal executive department of the state may not accept employment for compensation outside the agency that the executive head serves.”  So, it sounds like Sarah Palin must continue to live the ascetic life of a state governor, and forego the lucrative, glittering life of a celebrated author and multi-millionaire.

Not so fast…

It would mean this, IF you assumed that Palin thought that the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act was actually binding.  If you will recall, the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act is that very same act that was referred to in the Branchflower Report of the Troopergate Investigation by the Alaska Legislature.

Let’s see…..yes, it’s still right here on my desk…under….this pile of papers… (thumbing through).  Ah.   Page 8, section II – Findings: (clears throat and uses ‘official sounding voice’)

Finding Number One – For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.  Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides

“The legilature reaffirms that each public officer holds ofice as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust”

(Closes giant 264-page report)  So, there you have it.  If she feels comfortable violating THATone, then a job-on-the-side book deal is cake!  It shouldn’t be long before you can pre-order on Amazon.  I’m guessing it’ll be out in time for her 2010 bid for the Senate, when Lisa Murkowski comes up for re-election.

There’s only one thing that would actually make me buy this book, and it’s not going to happen.  I would consider buying the book if, and only if, Palin wrote it herself.  Or better still, if she dictated it verbatim.  I’d put it on my “humor” shelf, and use it as a constant source of entertainment.

But I have a feeling that once an editor (God help the poor soul) got finished with it, and removed all the “also”s and “too though”s, and the rest of the Palinese word salad, and created actual sentences, with subjects and predicates, and got rid of the syntax mutilation, there wouldn’t be much left to say, or much left to be amusing.  And I can imagine shocked colleagues walking into said editor’s office on Monday morning to find him/her lying on the floor, still seated in the toppled chair, gripping a red pen, and muttering quiet little word bits at the ceiling, staring upward with unblinking eyes, gazing into the literary abyss…”must shore together…solutions also…energy independence…don’tcha know…progress the country…”

More likely, since command of the language completely eludes her, there would be a ghost-writer involved somehow, and that would just be no fun at all.



179 responses

17 11 2008
More Light than Heat


17 11 2008

I won’t be buying, reading, or even picking up the book to look at it. The only speech she could give well was her performance of one written for her. And it was hate speech, pretty much.
Whenever she spoke without notes or prompter, she stumbled.
I myself am a stumbler. But then my profession is not politician – i.e. speech giver.

17 11 2008
Scott Palin

I hate to admit it…but there are probably a million people out there who would really buy that book and read it…what’s this world coming to??

17 11 2008

“Audacity of Hype”.

Now that’s a good one AKM!

I might be be tempted to buy it if I were not afraid my leather bound “Complete Works of William Shakespeare” would commit suicide if I dared to place on the bookshelf next to it.

LOL! Would it be hemlock, dagger, or perhaps drowning…. AKM

17 11 2008
Kelly M

If the editor took out all the Palin-isms and word salad, there’d only be one or two sentences left. If she writes it herself, I’ll buy it for that section that is a combination of fantasy and humor.

17 11 2008
Elmer Creek

It’ll be a thick one if the editor can’t sumarize her ramblings.

17 11 2008

I heard about a public radio show where actors take turns reading from remaindered, officious autobiographies – ‘Celebrity Autobiography,’ Playing With The Truth. Can you imagine if this crew gets ahold of this book???!?

17 11 2008

7 mil for a little over 2 month’s work. What a deal! Where do I sign up for that? I can humiliate my family for that long for such a pay-out.

I like the Audacity of Hype. How about musing about some other possible titles?

How about:

“9 and 1/2 weeks” …. would be good if there wasn’t already a film by that name (on the other hand, I see some similarities between the two)


“The Fall of 2008”

Or Maybe

“Moose Droppings” … with a clear nod to killing a few moose and the remains of the day…


The McCain Mutiny

I’ll let you know if I think of some others…

17 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

If she writes it / or it’s written with her salad Palin-ese

It will the most profitable best seller because it will be required reading by every 6th grade class to learn how to diagram sentences & teach reading comprehension.


17 11 2008

Well, if her following stays true to form, there will be a half-dozen reporters at Fox and about nine hundred thousand illiterates buying her book. But I’m guessing it will be a coffee table book, more for show than for actual reading. A redneck status symbol, if you will.

It will probably be the only real opportunity for Sarah to contribute to the advancement of education. She missed the 3-day meeting right?

17 11 2008
Okinawan Nanook

The worst part of this is that it will be like those horrible books that Corsi (sp) guy wrote to “swift boat” John Kerry and Barack Obama. People actually buy them and they end up on the NY Times bestseller lists. To think all you have to do to get rich is ride the stupid wave all the way to the shore!

17 11 2008
More Light than Heat

@ Enjay
That assumes it’s comprehensible!

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Ok, this is unfair. I am a struggling writer, and I have been rejected countless times. This, this, this….this…English-manglin’, caribou huntin’, eye winkin’ idiot is guaranteed millions if she decides to write down her nonsense and slap a spine on it. Grr.

Chief, you there, bro?

17 11 2008

Everything that this abominable snow-woman says reads like a 13 year-old girl’s Myspace blog; but given abysmally low literacy levels and our society’s celebration of the mediocre, I suspect that she’ll outsell Jo Rowling. The Fed will have to flood the money supply with several billion more dollars just so that consumers have the cash on hand to buy her tome of great, folksy wisdom and cookie recipes.

Please impeach her so that the stupid half of the country can’t put her into a position of power…

17 11 2008

@Gryphen, the Bard would recognize “The devil hath assumed a pleasing shape”.

@ All,
Here in Alaska, we promote Wild Alaska Salmon with the tag line “Friends don’t let Friends eat Farmed Salmon”.

It will be up to us to advise Friends not to buy books by or about SWMNBN.

I nominate “Audacity of Hype” as a great tag for the anti-campaign. Nice one, AKM

17 11 2008

Everything that this abominable snow-woman says reads like a 13 year-old girl’s Myspace blog; but given abysmally low literacy levels and our society’s celebration of the mediocre, I suspect that she’ll outsell Jo Rowling. The Fed will have to flood the money supply with several billion more dollars just so that consumers have the cash on hand to buy her tome of great, folksy wisdom and cookie recipes.

Please impeach her so that the stupid half of the country can’t put her into a position of power…

17 11 2008

rofl @ LibertyLover

“How To Kill A National Election And Still Make A Buck”

“Killing The Republican Party – On Their Dime”

“All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go”

(ok this is more fun than I thought it would be – heh)

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Okinawan Nanook, you hit the nail on the head. It irritates me no end, along with Joe-the-Faux-Plumber’s book deal.

17 11 2008

Are you hearing anything about recalling her? Or does she do a good/adequate job running Alaska?

Are people unhappy with her up there as they are down here?
Will they be really looking at what she does and how she does it now that some unsavory things have come to light?
Do you really have to pay her for time spent in her own home?

Are there questions about her connections to Stevens corruption with the Veco?

Inquiring minds want to know!

17 11 2008
mhrt oregon

ooowwoooo…I actually touched that other book out about her once and i had to go wash my hands…..some one had put in front of a obama book………ooowwooo

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

“I’ll Do Anything For a Buck or Time in the Spotlights!”

“How Much Ya Gonna Pay Me?”

“Greta Van Sususu-deo, I’m Gunnin’ For You!”

17 11 2008

“I like the Audacity of Hype. How about musing about some other possible titles?”

“You Betcha – The Complete Words of Sarah Palin”
“Also – The Decomposition of Sarah Palin”

17 11 2008

” ‘Nobody is waiting for George W Bush’s memoirs,’ one New York agent noted.”

Don’t let that door hit you on the way out.
The World

Caribou Barbie, please shut up unless you can speak in complete sentences. Unless you can be coherent, no one wants to listen to you.

The World minus “a half-dozen reporters at Fox and about nine hundred thousand illiterates buying her book. But I’m guessing it will be a coffee table book, more for show than for actual reading. A redneck status symbol, if you will.”

17 11 2008
lauren in SD

Liberty Lover… you have some really great book titles going on!

I am taking poetic license with: “9 1/2 Weeks To Shop, 7 1/2 Months To Track!”

I hope that you don’t mind … just being poopy!

Holy abstinence!

17 11 2008
trish in SW FL

listening to her speak makes my head hurt.
Reading her is simply NOT an option!

17 11 2008
Poetic Justice

Kind of humorous. Alaska was just left at the starting gate. No matter what happens to her now, she has just made it all worthwhile. Even if recalled she wins: who needs an under two hundred thousand a year job when you have made 7 million plus all the additional opportunity to create more. She has no worries in the world.

Political life may not turn out as planned, but she has just shaved 35 years off her life of working 200k salary jobs…heh heh, very nice.

She will just say, God has opened a new door for her to help her family, country, and state….lol…and that maybe political life is not what she had in store for her. That is assuming this interferes with her political life, which it won’t.

As for Alaskan ethics and enforcement…obviously quite impotent. I’m moving to Alaska…God has shown me the way. 😉

Alaskans have been schooled!!!!!!

17 11 2008

In related news, hard cover copies of Obama’s books are being sold at double the price in many bookstores b/c “They’re going to be a collectors item” or so the store clerk told my dear mummy.

Somehow, I don’t think bookstore owners will be marking up ‘Ya Can’t Blink, Ya Gotta Wink: My Story of How I Almost Progressed to the White House, Doggone It!’ as a piece of collectible Americana. I’m thinking the $2 remainder bin is a more likely future for Sarah’s ‘book’.

17 11 2008

If they did edit this hypothetical book of hype, there would be one page of words and that’s it. The rest would have been pagent speak filler.

17 11 2008
Expat Deb

Sorry for the OT here… but does anyone know how I can get a new snowflake? This green one I’m stuck with is just awful!

17 11 2008
Expat Deb

Best part of the post: the editor, on the floor, looking at the ceiling muttering a string of Palin-isms…. eyes glazed over…. Oh, the mental image. Oh, his aching head!

17 11 2008

The Lyin’, The Witch and the Wardrobe? …geeze she is Forrest Gump in heels.

17 11 2008

Sarah Sarah Quite Contrary
The Fabticated World of Sarah Palin (Also Translated in English)

17 11 2008

It’ll be at the discount table first week. Well we know it won’t be a tome.

17 11 2008
Tess In TX

I wouldn’t shell out a dime for her book but I say, let her write it. Even though she’ll need a ghost writer to make any sense of her Palinese, anything she says always comes back to bite her in the a$$. Hopefully, whatever she pens will do just that and squelch any chance of her holding an office outside of AK.

17 11 2008

After I read about this earlier today, I was checking out some right-wing blog to see reactions, and they were all scheming about how to funnel the money through pacs or some such thing so as not to cheat poor Sarah out of her millions. I’m not joking.

17 11 2008

You absolutely must go after the ghost-writing gig!!!!!
What a hoot!!!!!!
You’re the only one who can write this story, and it would be the only book about her I’d ever buy.

17 11 2008

Another suggestion for the title:
“Much Ado About Nothing”

17 11 2008

“The Audacity of Hype”…..absolutely perfect/hilarious.

Second volume: “The Call of the Riled: How to Whip up Xenophobia and Racism with a SIngle Howl.”

We can only hope that many eyes will be on the Guv as she contemplates ignoring Alaskan Statute 39.52.119(a) again. Better yet…she should be held responsible for her outstanding charges of abuse of power, ethical breaches, and probable perjury during the January legislative session. At the least, she should not prosper from her disgraceful behavior on the campaign trail with a lucrative book deal.

17 11 2008
old salt

So she campaigned roughly 70 days and if she gets 7M…..WOW that’s 100K per day. Guess there is something to that old saying…ignorance is bliss!!

17 11 2008
Vlad the ImPalin

And the country continues to reward stupidity and mediocrity.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Bea, you win for best title.

SMG-MN, oh, for goodness sakes. She’s gonna get seven mill or so, and the wingnutters are wah-ing about her getting paid? Please.

17 11 2008

“Winking Your Way To The Top”

(or the more common title “Aww Shucks You Didn’t Have To Pay Me $7mil – I Woulda’ Tossed Alaska Under The Bus For Way Less Than That!)

There is one consolation. It might have taken about 15 years, but OJ is finally in jail. Karma’s out there Sarah and you can’t buy her off.

17 11 2008

Book title? Rufflin’ Feathers?

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Vlad the ImPalin, you got it. At least nobody wants to publish W.’s memoir.

SMG-MN, that’s a bit too literate for La Palin. I bet she couldn’t name five Shakespeare plays.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Crap. Unbold. Unbold. Unbold.

17 11 2008

What could possibly be interesting about her life?

We all have to cross our fingers that the legislature here decides to follow up on the Branchflower report. If they do not then begins a saga/odyssey for citizens to step up and do their job for them, and that just sucks & pisses me off.

After all of that is followed up on we must wait & hope that the FBI & IRS do their jobs in regard to the housegate, per diem gate, RNC clothes gate, etc etc ad nauseum.

Okay, then there is the little matter of a baby that will or won’t be born in a few weeks?

I mean with all of this stuff going on who in the world is going to buy a book about all of her legal troubles & family troubles? Well, the hard core religious nutters, okay, but besides them, who?

I was actually thinking about this early today, hoping that she WOULD sign some big deal and get a big advance, because I want Wooten & Monegan to be able to sue her for slander & defamation and get some really big bucks.

And I am really really looking forward to some insider books written (or ghostwritten, who cares) by McCain staffers who are just dying to give a peek into that campaign, especially the stuff about Bible Spice. I want the story about the campaign implosion, would never in a million years read ANY book solely about HER. Ick.

17 11 2008

This book will be titled something about Open Doors and God and Faith. Someone creative can borrow those to think of a good one. Maybe a Maverick in there too.

17 11 2008
17 11 2008
Earmark Ulu Palin

Since she doesn’t bother with g’s at the end of words, thus the publisher won’t have to waste precious page space on them…think of all the extra space for her profound observation(s)! (Assuming she can come up with two.)

17 11 2008

You guys are too funny! I’m liking your book titles…and rotfl

How about:

“On Thin Ice – Sliding into History”

or “Slinging Mudflat Mud for Fun and Profit”

“The Greatest Speeches of Governor Sarah Palin” ( it would be a short book ) 🙂

17 11 2008
Expat Deb

SMR – I think you’ve hit the nail. It will be about the doors that God opens, and the miracles of the power of faith. If she angles it that way, if she ends up with no political future she’ll still have a solid future with Focus on the Family, etc.

17 11 2008

Ok, mutflatters…. grab your air sickness bags. You’re gonna need them.

“Joe not-a-plumber” has a book coming out, too.

In less than TWO WEEKS. Seriously.

I’m sure it’s a masterpiece that will be studied, and quoted from, for several generations, and of course — translated into every language on earth.

17 11 2008
CO Almost Native

I’m chuckling over these titles, and my love-’em-but-he’s-a-Repug husband wants to no what’s so funny; I’m not sure he’ll get the humor.

LibertyLover (20:24:14) You win the title competition, although SMG-MN has a great one (you’re right, SP wouldn’t get it), and SMR is right: faith, God, open doors, will be incorporated.

I want to see SP go for this; Bookgate, another gate to add to her growing collection. And I have edited too any to count freshman essays, but you couldn’t pay me enough to touch this. Aargh.

17 11 2008
CO Almost Native

oops- I meant know, but maybe no (you can’t look at mudflats) might work.

17 11 2008

“Yes, This Book is Mine (And so is Trig)”-Each copy omes with a pair of silk men’s undies and a Senate seat!

17 11 2008

Maybe her book deal is for a Biography of William Ayers ??? 😉

17 11 2008

Ok… gotta run mudpuppies… good night all…sun comes up early in AZ… I’ll check tomorrow for your funny titles…

17 11 2008

Oh – and btw, don’t be jealous of his “book deal”. The publisher is a total, complete joke.

They’ve only printed ONE other book; ever. Their website is zencart; free e-commerce software; they didn’t even bother change the graphics so it doesn’t look like it designed by a sixth grader. Same goes for the cover of the books.

My guess is that they’re beyond inept, the book will be full of libelous claims, and they will be sued out of business by Tuesday.

(FYI: I know a little bit about these things — I’ve published a book, and I’m a professional graphic designer.)

17 11 2008

So she will write a book before she has read a book. Why not? She thought she was going to the White House to help, or worse, be the leader of the free world and had no experience of the world. Shame on anyone for buying anything from this woman.

17 11 2008

Typo! Oops – that’s “it was designed by a sixth grader”

17 11 2008
Expat Deb

Wondering Lake – “Joe not-a-plumber” has a book coming out, too.

I cringe to think that he continues to get air/press time. I grew up near Toledo and I’m just as sick of Joe-I’m-not-a-Plumber as I could be. When Palin/McCain lost I was thrilled to think that this would be the end of Joe from Toledo. He’ll fade away eventually, I hope.

17 11 2008
Okinawan Nanook

How cleaver all of you are to think up such FABULOUS titles. I believe all of us more enlightened beings will see whatever is written for what it is — drivel, but the 45 percent of the population that think she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread will lap it up.

On a serious note, I see no way to make the Wordsmith of Wasilla (thank you Dick Cavett) fade away. I think back to the article Andrew Halcro wrote in the Anchorage Daily News just prior to the VP debate. He pretty well said it all when he advised that to underestimate SWWNBN was to do so at your own risk. Throughout the campaign, everything Mr. Halcro wrote about how she handled things in their governor’s race happened in the VP contest. She knows how to work the crowd. To ridicule her only makes her stronger because she has the uncanny ability to make herself look like a victim — poor Sarah, simple little country girl, mother of five, I love my country and God will show me how to make it over in my own image because the answer is in this stack of papers and we’re goin’ find it, you betcha!

Her loyal followers will accuse us of being jealous — a maybe we are on some primitive level. It’s pretty tough watching mediocrity rewarded when some of us have worked long and hard to succeed on even minor levels and someone like SWWNBN falls into this kind of a deal through dumb luck and no talent. Whatever, I’m not jealous — just disgusted. I’m sick of seeing her face all over the internet and television.

My GAWD, she’s like herpes — extremely painful and impossible to get rid of. You think you’re finally over an outbreak and SHAZAM, it’s right back more insidious than ever.

17 11 2008

“Sarah Pain and Gall”

“Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail”

“The Lyin’, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”

17 11 2008
CO Almost Native

A relevant quote from Joe’s (who’s not really a Joe…or a hero…or a taxpayer…or a plumber…) web site:

“May they hearken to our voice if ever we feel our basic freedoms are being threatened, for it will be loud and clear.”

Urg. I never used a red pen on an essay, but I’m going to buy a whole boxful at Office Max-

17 11 2008

Speaking of Ayers (I know this is slightly OT), this is what Ayers said in an interview when he was talking about being “just a guy in Obama’s neighborhood.”

“It’s an interesting neighborhood, a college town [the University of Chicago]. It’s close-knit. It’s kind of like Wasilla, Alaska, except that it’s different.”

I loved the last line.

17 11 2008

Nope – his media groupies are all Texans. They’re latching on to him. He’s obviously trying to make a career of punditry — his dumbass website just launched today. It’s professionally designed; so it’s obviously not his work. The design firm is in Texas, so is his “publisher.”

He’s being “handled” by right-wing PR zealots. They’re trying to make his image into a brand.

Just when you thought your eyes couldn’t roll any further back in your head, eh?

17 11 2008
Expat Deb

Clearly there will be a run on Red Pens!!!!!!!!!

17 11 2008
Friend from Canada

Stunning, really, how defeat, denial and delusion, astonishing arrogance and unbridled ambition collude to create an opportunity that will rival “The Hills” in depth and banality.

What we really need is a faux book based on Tina Fey’s sly mocking of Permafrost Palin.

17 11 2008
Vlad the ImPalin

The title must be simple (like the author) and instructive … bordering on zealous. Something like “The Grifter’s Bible” (with the subtitle of ‘how to succeed in hustling the gullible”).

17 11 2008

@Okinawan Nanook (21:32:19) :

I think back to the article Andrew Halcro wrote in the Anchorage Daily News just prior to the VP debate. He pretty well said it all when he advised that to underestimate SWWNBN was to do so at your own risk.

I totally agree, and this is one of the reasons why I can’t seem to let go.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

LibertyLover, good night.

Wondering Lake, you’ve made me feel marginally better that that piece of excrement is getting his book published.

SMG-MN, I’m hoping that Ayers will write a book about his experience this campaign season–I would actually read that book!

SMR, I agree. What can she say that will be in the least illuminating? Nothing.

P.S. I am watching Rachel Maddow’s show, and Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark, is very cute.

17 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Okinawan Nanook (21:32:19) :

Exactly! I’m hoping the Alaskan Legislature does the right thing and embroils her in all the “gates”: Troopergate, emailgate, housegate, and- if she does the book deal- bookgate. Between the legal squirmishes and the haggling over the doomed pipe line (she’ll never beat the Canadian natives), she won’t have time to leave the state.

I don’t think I’m jealous- I’m annoyed at all the simpletons who accept SP at face value, and don’t ask pertinent questions: like why the #@!&*!! her kids weren’t in school this fall.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

You know, as much as I detest W., it seems strange that there is more interest in Palin’s book than in W.’s. I mean, I can understand why there’s no interest in a memoir by W., but I have NO idea why anyone would want to read a book “written” by Palin.

17 11 2008

Oh man. Looking at the forums for Mr. Joe-the-Foot-in-Mouth made brain cells die. I’d advise staying away.

17 11 2008
CO Almost Native

“G night, mudpuppies- it’s late in Colorado, and I must head upstairs to kick my dog off the bed…

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

CO Almost Native, I am not really jealous, either, just incredulous that she’s continuing to get so much attention!

17 11 2008

“A Tale of Two Shitties”

17 11 2008
Expat Deb

Stuck – I can only imagine that those forums are darkand frightening places devoid of intelligent life.

17 11 2008
Vlad the ImPalin

Or…..the title could be more reflective of her real self. Such as

My Book will be about all those things, you know, that, again, we have to really get together and improve seriously all the big things that are hurtin our country, you know, like the economy and how the car people like the bank people and the evil Washington people want us to give our, well, sort of, in a way, like, our money which would be a real tragedy because, you know, we all work hard and God looks after those of us who look out for Russians coming into our air space and killing wolves, but I think we could really, you know, again, stand up and take back our country from those bad people who took our country and used our money to look after themselves but, you bet that I’m going to help make the government work better, because I’m, like, a real American and can cook moose stew which I don’t like to kill but can field dress ’em real good, so this is just a collection of my thoughts which, you know, should bring this wonderful country of mine, no, ours, back to the front door of god’s house and we can just bulldoze our way in and telll god that we are his people and he will smile and be happy because we’ll be home and he can protect us from those Washington types who want to hurt my, no , our country by telling tall tales to those media jerks, so I hope you will buy this book as it is my thought-filled binder of my thoughts.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Night, Co Almost Native!

17 11 2008
Vlad the ImPalin

Or she and Dubya could get together and co-write (it would be unintelligible obviously) “My Pet Gloat”.

17 11 2008
Lacy Lady

Don’t know who would buy this book. I wouldn’t pay a dime for it. It is bound to be a fairy tale.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN


Four scores and seven years ago, dinosaurs walked the earth with the humans and they peacefully cohabitated because dinosaurs are really only big big lizards only not as cuddly. Also.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that it’s much easier just to listen to Todd and do what he says, you betcha! We’re like one soul split into two bodies only my body is female with breasts and nice legs and his body is male with a firm butt and male parts, also.

Give me liberty or give me a Neiman Marcus credit card because even though I’m just an ordinary Jane Six Pack doncha know a gal has to look her best when she’s on stage and gosh, those were not my clothes, but I sure had fun buying them, or I would have if I had gone with the gal from New York to buy them, which I didn’t because these are tough times, and we all have to tighten our belts, also.

Drill, baby, drill!

17 11 2008
Friend from Canada

Puss in Boots?

17 11 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

I think you’re being really unfair, AKM. I mean, after all, she DOES have a journalism degree from the Univ of Potato.

You’re just so cynical to think she couldn’t or wouldn’t write it herself…..

17 11 2008
Deuce2 AL "Renegade"

asiangrrl”Yes we DID”MN (21:07:32)
I’ll bet that she can’t even spell Shakespeare!

17 11 2008

If Palin wrote the book herself, here is a great preview of what it might look like:

These are from the doodles and her 2 page letter she wrote to launch her run for mayor. A whole book like this could be quite … something…

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Vlad the ImPalin, oh, you are priceless!

Lacy Lady, the same idiots who like her because ‘she’s just like me, doncha know!

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Deuce2 Al “Renegade”, hey! Aren’t you supposed to be in bed??????

You’re right, though, there’s no maverick in Shakespeare, so she couldn’t spell it.

17 11 2008
knikgoose Hussein justaskin

In Canada, a convicted criminal, political or otherwise, is not allowed to gain financially from the sale of any biographical work, especially if any part of the work refers to any of the criminal activities. The law was made to stop criminals from being seen as smart, heroic, clever or any type of role-models.
(And also because it’s disgusting for criminals to gain financially when they have broken laws and hurt others- like Walt Monegan – yet remain not only completely unrepentant, but deny any wrongdoing or involvement.)
It would be nice if the US had the same law.
Here’s my question: at this time, there’s a kid who happened to figure out her email password (how hard can that be? also), with lawyers fighting over whether what he did was actually ‘hacking’, YET, Palin openly admits to having hacked Randy Ruedrich’s laptop and copying his emails, without being a police officer, without reporting it for months, and without having any clear reason for doing it,…only speculation.
How is it she has not been charged with hacking?
And, in these memoirs, will she also brag, as she did, about committing this ILLEGAL act without being chastised for it?
Being a sociopath, I dare say, she will try to turn that act into an act of couage on her part,..maybe even patriotic.
I think she needs to go to prison,…for real. NOW.

I made a point of contacting most of my repug friends this weekend.
The one’s (male) from Ak, not only think Palin is wonderful, but has done wonders for Alaska. They have NO CLUE about what she’s done to natives, or the ongoing baloney at Bristol Bay. In fact, most of them believe that since “Todd is native ” (1/8th ?) that all must be fine with natives and Sarah. They pay no mind to the clothing debacle, or the Monegan issues, and are still bad-mouthing Wootten.
The Repugs who don’t live in Ak, are totally pissed,…even yet,…and pouting.
I was told that Obama is a secret Muslim, and a (oh dear!) Socialist!
What scares me is them telling me of this rumor coming from Texas that the run on guns is due to an imminent attack by some Arab country BECAUSE Obama was elected. Holy Cow!
A knee-jerk Repug run on domestic artillery because Obama may raise taxes on ammo, somehow gets turned into an attack on the US by an Arab Nation. I can’t help but think this ‘rumor’ is more crap emanating from the same RNC terror mill that brought us, “Obama is an Arab” and “Obama is a terrorist”, and is all designed to spread fear, hate, hysteria and suspicion for Obama’s administration from the word “Go”.
Has anyone else heard this stuff?

Really. I really want this woman to go to prison.
The truth is there, somewhere. Somebody in Wasilla knows how that house appeared. And, about now, somebody who built her house for free is getting ticked that this brainless bimbo is offered a $7M book deal, when they worked ‘for free”, building a house out of ‘free’ materials.
How about we post a reward for info leading to her conviction, or, at least, an IRS investigation ?
(I’m betting that librarian in Wasilla has ONE BOOK in mind she’d like to censor before it’s even written)

17 11 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

Dances with Dinosaurs ???

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

knikgoose Hussein justaskin, I like that law. I thought the US had a similar law, but now I’m not so sure.

I will throw in five dollars for the reward.

You know the sad thing about all that crap people are still spouting about Obama? All of it totally contradicts itself. He’s a Muslim! He went to church with the bigoted Jeremiah Wright! He’s a socialist! He wants to control everything! He’s like Hitler! I would respect them a tiny bit more if they actually found some cohesion in their idiocy.

17 11 2008
Deuce2 AL "Renegade"

asiangrrl”Yes we DID”MN (21:58:12) :

Deuce2 Al “Renegade”, hey! Aren’t you supposed to be in bed??????
I was told by a physcologist that I have an addictive personality.
I’m going to bed now, so no more scolding. Luv Ya All. G’nite.

17 11 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

asiangrrl”Yes we DID”MN
“He’s a Muslim! He went to church with the bigoted Jeremiah Wright! ”

See, he’s a one-man sleeper cell, doncha know. He pretends to be a Christian because he’s deep undercover. Just wait until the morning of Jan 21 and look to see if the crescent and star are flying from the roof of the Black House. Then he’ll send the nookular codes to Bin Laden on his Blackberry. ya betcha

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

Deuce2 AL “Renegade”, I’m only looking out for you, my friend. I have OC tendencies, myself. Night!

17 11 2008
knikgoose Hussein justaskin

@Friend from Canada,
Speaking of Tina Fey, did you hear the snarky comment Palin made about Fey at the Repug Govs convention?
“…“I did some traveling; I very briefly expanded my wardrobe; I made a few speeches; I met a few VIP’s, including those who really impact society, like Tina Fey. …(snicker)”
This journalism major doesn’t even get how important SNL and Tina Fey impacted the election!

17 11 2008

Hilarious! Imagine it…book tours, book signings, celebrity, photo ops…right up her alley…plowing thru that open door. Now about that free house…why was Ted Stevens charged with 7 counts? same crime, different person…wake up Alaskan prosecutors! or can Palin fire you too?!?!

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin, thanks for clearing that up for me! Now, I get it! Obama has been planning his fascist, socialist, Muslim, radical black panther takeover for the last twenty years without anybody ever knowing!

Sheesh. They take away his Blackberry before he even gets into the White House, anyway. The Prez is not allowed to use a cell phone, a blackberry, or e-mail. It’s gonna suck for him.

17 11 2008
White Agate

So what was the verdict on posting here versus the Forum? People are still posting here.

Asian: Yes, folks appear to be loosing their cookies. The likes of Bill O and Newt Gingrich appear to be afraid, very afraid, the sky will fall at any moment! At any moment we wild-eyed progressive liberal Democrats will tie Bill down and make him do yoga, eat tofu, and recycle something! People are buying guns en masse! The Prop. 8 demonstrations have convinced many that the country is going to hell in a handbasket. Uh-oh, too late, the Bush administration already did that.

And now they are burrowing their folks into the civil service, especially Interior, so they can mess with environmental laws for decades to come. Kinda funny for people who say they don’t believe in government.

Jon Stewart had to give Bill O a teddy and he’s still upset. Why do people think Obama is such a radical guy? They haven’t read his books, but they’ll read Palin’s?

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

knikgoose Hussein justaskin, she was mocking Tina Fey? Does Palin realize that her approval numbers took a nosedive as soon as Tina Fey started aping her? Sheesh! Buy a vowel, governor!

17 11 2008
Tree Fitz

If this speculation is true, this means some people who think they know how the book biz works believe they can make a profit after paying Palin seven million bucks. Wow. This seems to amazing to me. It means people who are focussed on making money believe that a whole lot of people will buy it.

I predict Palin would blithely ignore the Alaska ethics law, which appears to have no teeth anyway.

I am an attorney and I can easily hear some attorney arguing that being paid to write a book is not other employment. The statute cited here could easily be construed in her favor (I don’t say this would be right but we the people let people let people snow us with legal spin all the time).

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

White Agate, apparently, the verdict is to post in the forum when you have general chatter. The blogs are only for whatever post is posted. As you can tell, we are a bit lax in keeping to this rule. I am actually posting in both at the same time.

I haven’t read Obama’s books yet, but I have them. Hm. I should do that before he takes office. I will never understand the appeal of Palin–never. Ever. Never ever ever.

17 11 2008

I’ve been reading Mudflats for a while now, but this is my first post.
I like coming here to read about the far-reaching effects of the Sarah-tsunami that hit nationwide.
Like it or not- America is enthralled with her (myself included, I’m afraid)
It’s going to be a long time before it reaches the saturation point. There will be articles, books, documentaries, and at least one made for TV movie about Sarah, her family, her career, her cover-ups and deceptions, for many years to come.
but I digress…
I am here to post a link to a Sarah interview I hadn’t seen before. It was recorded the same day as the Newsweek video I believe (a couple days before she announced her pregnancy). My apologies if someone has already posted this link. 🙂

Have a good night!

17 11 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

“I get it! Obama has been planning his fascist, socialist, Muslim, radical black panther takeover for the last twenty years without anybody ever knowing!”

Well fer shur. What good does it do to be underground if everyone knows about it. If you ask him, of course he’ll just lie and tell you it’s not true.

The Anti’s will challenge you to prove them wrong, not even realizing that proving the negative is often nearly impossible.

17 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I just have to comment on this one before I start my day because it is just so unbelievable! Does anyone worth their salt really think that this woman has anything of substance to say? And like AKM so aptly put, once you clean up the sentences, there is nothing left! Anyone who listened to her “press conference” at the RGA must see that there is nothing between the ears (oh, maybe some distortions and lies) and that during the campaign she was just a doll that someone dressed up and handed a speech to.

Wow! $7 million for her to tell a warped and distorted story. I hope that McCain is getting his lawyers ready!

But if I was her, between $7 mill for the book + $2 mill for the porn flick, she doesn’t really need to be gov. After that, her ambition will be fulfilled by all the post-book and -film tv appearances and guest spots.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

MommaBoo, welcome to the ‘flats! Check out the forums when you get a chance.

I am afraid you are right about Palin. No matter how I personally feel about her, I will not be able to ignore her for some time to come. Maybe I should write a book about it!

17 11 2008

You know, as I’m reading through all the input from those Alaskans who actually have to deal with Sarah as their Governor. it occurs to me…

You can’t get away with putting in writing what you off-handedly say in an interview. Verbal interviews allow one to backtrack and claim ‘you misunderstood me!’ or ‘that’s not what I meant!’

In a *book* if you write “I didn’t want any of the clothes – the RNC bought them without my consent…” all it would take would be one store clerk remembering serving her on behalf of one RNC staffer and the libel suits would start rolling in.

I think the biggest irony of all would be for Sarah to accept a $7 mil advance on a book she couldn’t possibly author because:
a. she can’t keep her stories straight,
b. she can’t derail an issue by saying “I’ll look that up and get back to you”
c. and most of all she can’t NOT lie.

A factual book by Sarah Palin would be a giant mixture of class-action and libel. Relax. Alaskans might benefit from this book deal after all 🙂

17 11 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

off to bed. up too early.

Hope I don’t stumble into the mudflats on the way….Is the tide in or out?

17 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@ asiangrrl”Yes we DID”MN (22:24:41) :

You haven’t read Obama’s books yet? Oh you must. Fascinating reading as well as thoroughly enjoyable. I just finished the second and now whenever I watch him, listen to him or see what he’s doing I feel like I understand completely where he’s coming from and how he came to a decision.

I, on the other hand, haven’t watched the 60 Minutes interview yet- must do that today.

17 11 2008

The book should be called “Left Behind” in keeping with the apocalyptic fiction series based on the Book of Revelations by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. It would star Sarah Palin as the last Christian left on earth and she would be charged with defending right thinking and energy independence until the Lord appears.

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin, that’s why I don’t argue with hardcore rightwingnuts–no point. I’d much rather bang my head against the wall because then I’m in control of the pain.

Jamie, Fl. in Fr., hey, you! You know, the problem with publishing (and I can’t believe I’m saying this because I want to be published) is that there are too many books. Nowadays, it’s more about who you are than what your ideas are. If you are a celeb of any sort, you can get a book contract. Sad, really.

17 11 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

Oh – one more title 😛


now I”m really off to bed

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin, night!

Lynn-in-Australia, she doesn’t think she’s lying, though, so I bet she’ll write the durn thing.

Jamie, Fl. in Fr., ok, you’ve convinced me. I am going to go dig them out of my ‘to read’ pile. By the way, I am probably in the minority, but the 60 Minutes interview was just ok to me.

DesertMud, how prophetic would that be?

17 11 2008
asiangrrl"Yes we DID"MN

All right, it’s lights’ out for this Midwesterner. Jamie, Fl. in Fr., you are in charge of welcoming people now.

Good night, all!

17 11 2008
A Brit Abroad

Hiya all…

Lynn in Australia’s points are really good. If Palin were to actually “write” a book about herself, she opens herself up to all sorts of problems… apart from producing a coherent sentence. Not only will she have a harder time not lying, but untruths and omissions are easier to check up on – and it allows other people to conduct more research into what she claims. Let’s face it, a book still has more authority than bloggers in pyjamas – the moment she publishes, she opens up the field for someone to publish another book about the “real” Palin… and they will get read and reviewed.

I think if I was her lawyer and had any idea about the sort of things she’s been up to I’d advise her to run a million miles from a book deal. But she won’t will she – she just needs to stay in the spotlight.

17 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Just an asidde – I read an editorial about Obama’s election in the Le Monde weekly magazine entitled (in English), “No We Can’t” – alluding to the fact that the French aren’t even close to electing a “person of color” to high office.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this (translated for you) beautiful quote from the editorial :

“40 years later (after MLK), Michelle and Barack Obama, each one holding one of their daughters by the hand, advance towards the crowd (election night at Grant Park). At this moment, we understand where the new President gets his strength, his serenity even when being severely tested. Michelle, Malia and Sasha, it is from them that he gets his incredible energy.”

17 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@ asiangrrl”Yes we DID”MN (22:34:32) :

Hiya! and Good Night now! Go lull yourself to sleep with a good book! And I agree that it is all about the celebrity, but, as Lynn and Brit say, as a politician she has a lot more at stake legally…

@Brit : I am sure, tho, that between the book deal and the Branchflower findings of Ethics violations, she’ll look around until she finds the “right” lawyer, dontcha know!

Off to do some gym, so I’ll let Brit take over for this short while….

17 11 2008

Before I head off to bed, I had to share this possible title:

God, Opening That There Door, So the Faithful Can Plow on Through, Also.

(though I DO love “Dances with Dinosaurs”!)

17 11 2008

How about “Inhalin with Palin” or “Gramma’s Got A Gun”, “Brokewater Mountain” and finally “I’m A Liar And I Can Prove It”.

17 11 2008

I am really puzzled. Shortly before the election I was at various stores looking for Obamas book. They ran out at Wal Mart, they ran out at Barnes and Nobles, I finally saw it at Target. But while looking at books, at Walmart I noticed this one.

When I saw it, I was like, Geez, who would waste money on a book, and I told the Managers, because all they had were republican books, one on mcCain and this one, Wouldnt this one … curtail any book deal that she happens to consider?

As stated before, I wouldnt ever waste my money on a book. But, just to let you know, As an Alaskan, it is amazing what the politicians get away with. I hope they follow up on litigation with her.

As for the 7 million-there are probably alot of men who might buy it, because they arent interested in what women know. But, I know one day I will be writing books on our tribe, and the women in my tribe. I’m so grateful that god gave me brains to explain that. It reminds me of what my sis used to say, Oooh lordy me, I wish god would have made me rich instead of beautiful. lol. But in this case, it is only …her looks, that people are buying into.

Well, I would much rather have the respect of people and be known for a women of substance. I dont think any amount of money can compare to that. And, as a lady here, I dont think SP has any substance at all.

18 11 2008

hmm… I seem to recall her RNC speech in which she sneered at Barack Obama about finding the time to write two books while he was working…

18 11 2008
rf11 in Blue FL

Akm, you hit the nail on the head, as usual!

Now, let’s shore up the strategies and progress the nation there, too, also!

18 11 2008

@ InJuneau (23:35:27) :
LOVE the title!

18 11 2008
NY Dem

Back at 21:11, SMR wrote:

Okay, then there is the little matter of a baby that will or won’t be born in a few weeks?


Here’s my take – On or about Dec. 18, there WILL be a birth announcement, and probably headlines and a picture in the ADN. They’ll probably “borrow” another baby from the maternity ward, sit Bristol in a chair and cover her “bump”, and take the pictures.

But after that, Bristol will mysteriously “disappear” for about 2 months.

And then she will ACTUALLY give birth in mid-February.

Of course, all the pertinent documents will be forged to show a Dec. 18 birth-date, and there will be no record of the Feb. birth at any hospital in Alaska.

I can smell this “cover-up” coming a mile away !

18 11 2008

hahahahahahaha – Dancing With Dinosaurs – hahahahahahaha

I wrote a little song for another blog…

To the tune of “Billie Jean”
(Ok I didn’t actually write Billie Jean but you already knew that so…)

john McCain, he’s not my plumber
He’s just a guy who told me
I was the one
The kid is not my son
(John McCain
Not my plumber
John McCain
Not my plumber
John McCain
Not my plumber)
But the kid is not my son…

And talk about karma – I haven’t been able to get that friggin’ refrain out of my head ALL NIGHT!

18 11 2008

Ok I went to the link providedby Teri and found FOUR books recently published on Sp:

Pub Sept 2008
Sarah: How a hockey mom turned Alaska’s political establishment upside down
by Kaylene Johnson

Pub Oct 2008
Sarah Palin: A new kind of leader
by Joe Hilley

Pub Oct 2008
Sarah Palin, the real deal: A refreshing new voice in America
by G. Robert James

Pub Oct 2008
Sarah Palin: Faith, family, country
by Susan Parr

Looks like your governor might already be dipping into the royalties pool. It would be really hard to imagine she didn’t get or won’t be getting financial compensation for allowing these four books to be written about her. I mean – she had to give permission, right? Does she do stuff like this for free?

18 11 2008

There could be an upside to this .. If she follows the usual book promotion tour throught the networks we could look for her on Letterman, Leno, Jon Stewart and Colbert… One can only hope…

18 11 2008
Mollys Mum

I worked as an editor for many years and my feeling is I’ll be surprised if this book sees the light of day, given what we know about Sarah. For one thing, she likes to be in control, and I can tell you that working with good writers who like to be in control of the editing process is bad enough. A diva like our Sarah–perish the thought. 🙂 Secondly, you have to have SOME material to work with, as noted above, and what she offers is a confused tangle of garbage that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy to sift through. I can see her signing a lucrative contract, burning through a stream of editors and copy editors and ghostwriters, and the project finally being shelved with a lot of angry feelings and threatened lawsuits.

Just my little peek into the crystal ball of Palinfuture.

18 11 2008
Grammy in PA

How ’bout:

How to Talk to Your Daughters about Abstinence, in Palinese

I now understand why Bristol got pregnant, she couldn’t understand a word her mom was saying on the subject of abstinence.

Letterman could have a field day w/ Top Ten lists on Palin book titles.

18 11 2008

I seriously doupt that if Palin writes a book, it would be a “best seller.”
I might read excerpts from the internet, but would never pay a nickel towards any thing that has to do with her. She’ll probably go the way of Joe the Non-Plummer.
Hey, great idea! Palin and Joe can try and write their book together! That way it would have more than four pages in it!

18 11 2008
Emough Already

Grammy in PA (03:52:53) :
How ’bout:

How to Talk to Your Daughters about Abstinence, in Palinese

I now understand why Bristol got pregnant, she couldn’t understand a word her mom was saying on the subject of abstinence.

OK, I was tired from doing an all-nighter and that one was the cream in the coffee that I can’t drink. I am officially on third wind. Thanks Grammy!

I am still here Mudpups, lying the cut reading your comments and virtually hugging you all.

Maybe that chick Lisa Miller (that’s what I call FEMALES that I prefer not address with the distinction of Lady) who wrote that article on Obama (Is Obama the Anti-Christ?) could write the forward as I hope she has no future in mainstram journalism.

Now that’s a book that will never grace my coffee table, I f I had a fireplace I wouldn’t burnit, lest I choke from the poisonous fumes it would cause.

18 11 2008
18 11 2008
Grammy in PA

“The Alaska Ethics Act: How it Applies to You and Not Me”

18 11 2008
Grammy in PA

“The Alaska Ethics Act is for Wimps”

18 11 2008
Sarah of Arizona

One of the reasons I feel we never need a book from Sarah Palin or George W. Bush is because I don’t think either one of them capable of honest introspection, both are completely lacking in world curiosity and just not really intelligent in general.

18 11 2008
SmallSteps in Blue VA

All – I have enjoyed your fun with the future titles to SP’s book. David Letterman has his next top ten list written here – with your permission of course 😉

Grammy in PA – that’s what my kids call my mom, and of course, she lives in PA so I always think of her when I see your posts.

Wish I had a more clever SP book title: Sarah in Wonderland: Through the Shopping Doors.
I totally agree with AKM – the only way I might read this book is if she actually wrote it herself, but then I wouldn’t wish that on any editor. I can’t listen to her speak, but reading her words, I can only imagine …. also then progress forward abstinence in literature, there children dontcha know they are the best in the world here in those great small town of real American values that great mavericks like John McCain who is a real hero too there also.


18 11 2008

Hopefully whatever publishing house does a deal with her will VET her properly ( before they pay out any money. If some of the questionable details start coming out about her faking a pregnancy and lying about it….she may not sell so many books. I wonder if the book deal would include an interview with fake baby birthing doctor, Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnston? Would the doc be willing to put her license on the line?

18 11 2008

‘Joe the Plumber’

Becomes ‘Joe the Fame Lover’

Joe is slated to release a book December 1st. Yes, of this year.

Word coming out is that some of his book will be a ‘coloring book’ which some of the Palin/Joe koolaid drinkers may not have too much trouble with, but there will also be a ‘connect the numbers’ section that will really confuse Most of them!

Palin’s is supposed to be even More Difficult, reason for the high advance payday, that ones geared toward goper politicians and talking heads!

18 11 2008
Ben in SF

I can buy blank books at my local, independent stationery store.
For blankity blank books I have to go to the Green Apple Bookstore on Clement Street. 🙂

18 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

If Palin writes a book, do you think we could get it banned from the Library of Congress?

18 11 2008

Vlad the ImPalin (21:46:53)

Too Funny!!!

18 11 2008

No surprise that Sarah is attempting to stretching her moment in the national spotlight out with a book deal while there’s still some name recognition because unless she does something really spectacular up there in AK…either good or bad…her star is starting to fade.

There is a story there but as far as filling a book I doubt it! There’s nothing she could reveal about herself or her past that citizen journalists haven’t already vetted out about her. And as someone mentioned above, can you imagine an editor working with her? What a nightmare!

The book I am just incredulous about is ‘Joe the plumber’. Seriously stupid to even think this guy as a compelling story or that anyone would care! Plucked from obscurity my a$$!

18 11 2008

As a writer it
ticks me off when idiots
get whomping book deals.

November 18, 2008

18 11 2008

ethics? she don’t got no stinkin’ ethics. She might get the money up front, but her ‘book’ will either rot on the ‘remainder tables’ of bookstores or in landfills.
After, of course, a temp parking spot on the NYT bestseller list.
What a waste of good trees!
As a former bookseller, I’m appalled, but not surprised.

18 11 2008
Emough Already

OK Grammy Enough Already! ROFL

If she can write a book then I will too!

Creating the New Stepford Wife (Sarah Palin/Pitbull edition)

Discover how to make your very own Stepford Wife at home. The New Stepford Wife/Sarah Palin Edition will still cook, clean and give you untold amounts of off-spring, but she hunts, kills and maims with you at your will. She’s your very own “little woman” and pit bull all rolled into one package.

Don’t worry about her getting all “mavericky” with you for we have instructions for a fail-safe that will only allow her to direct her attacks at liberals, those that live in big cities, educated people and those that actually care about and/or understand the world and human beings, so you’ll be safe from her bite.

Instructions for lipstick and optional accessories from Bergdorf Goodman, etc. are included.

18 11 2008

I believe Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry have volunteered to ghost write the book. And they’ve indicated they’ll take their pay in “favors.” Lowry wants more of those little starbursts flying around in his head. We won’t go into what Bill wants.

18 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Ah…the irony. GWB is being advised to “let a little time pass” before launching his book on the presidency of eight years ( by SEVERAL publishing houses) and SWWNBN is offered a contract????

Beware the person who lacks a sense of irony. 🙂

18 11 2008

the book to nowhere….

18 11 2008

Go away you bitcha, doggoneit goddoneit.

18 11 2008

It just goes to show that no matter how utterly stupid a person is, you can get a book deal. I have yet to be able to decipher a single word uttered by Sarah Palin. She gives me a headache. I’m just glad she finally “clicked her heels three times” and flew back to Alaska.

Interesting, even though she gave the keynote address(?) in that unintelligible gibberish of hers, at the recent republican governors’ conference, the new leadership chosen at the conference, did not include Sarah Palin.

18 11 2008
Grammy in PA

And don’t forget all those “How to” and recipe books – the woman has an endless career in the literary world awaiting . . .

18 11 2008
Grammy in PA

nleath (07:22:05) :

I thought the pictures of her out by the pool at the conference were telling – sitting there by herself (except for the one of her w/ the pool boy) – NO ONE was interested in some poolside chat w/ her – I’ll bet they avoided her as much as possible.

18 11 2008
Joan aka Timber Challenge Palin

Might as well have our lovely Brian do the ghost writing – he has more things to say of interest and no doubt would express himself better! 😉

18 11 2008
more cowbell

I was thinking the same thing — so unfair that an editor will fix this up and make her sound half-way to coherent. Come on Sarah, let your natural self shine through on the page — then too, just keep on plowin’ through those doors that perhaps might be open to ya, also.

I’ll just wait for the editor to write a book about his/her experience. Now THAT would be worth buying.

Maybe Brian could leave a big steaming pile of gotcha journalism in her yard?

18 11 2008

You are all falling for a rumour on this book story. In reality, Palin is working on a much bigger tome than you think, about 1500 pages. An unparalelled literary masterpiece of immense magnitude. A Marcus Neiman catalogue that wil feature all her 180k worth of wardrobe.

Sarah will feature on each page with personal commentary like:
“I am Sarah Palin and I approve of these clothes. Also.”
“Shore up in this dress to kill. Also.”
“Betcha you cannot afford it. Also.”
“It is nice to be ushered in wearing this. Also.”
“Social, but not socialist. Gotcha liberals stay with Walmart.”
“As well from Neiman Marcus, too, also.”

18 11 2008

I doubt a one-off book counts as “outside employment.” First Amendment problems also come to mind. But jeez, who is going to want to read this thing? She seems very boring, although marginally less so than eye candy “First Dud.”

18 11 2008
JB in Tennessee

“Political Fame on a Wink and a Prayer”

Have you noticed that Sarah’s rhetoric has that odd sort of archaic Biblical flavor? “Those who would seek to bomb our Pentagon. . .(or whatever) ”

I fear she would sell her million copies in Tennessee alone–one of the few places getter more and more Republican every year, alas.

18 11 2008

@ akm:

too bad you felt it necessary to kill the ‘Night Kitchen’!

18 11 2008
Political Amazon

I’d go for (forgive me, C.S. Lewis fans) “The Barracuda, the Witch and Her Wardrobe: The Looting of America’s Nieman-Marcus”

18 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

“The Voice of Sarah: Shrill, Baby, Shrill”
“Moose Stew with a Side of Word Salad” (special bonus recipes edition)
“America’s Me-First Family”

18 11 2008

I would rather poke my eyes out with hot coals than have to read ONE word about that insufferable women… UGH !!!!…..I can hear Ernest Hemingway turning in his grave…..

18 11 2008

I wish you were kidding…

18 11 2008

I can’t stop chuckling over the suggested titles — thank you!

I have to wonder, who IS going to buy this book (if it actually materializes, unlike the pipeline)? We can be fairly certain that her “base” isn’t frequenting Barnes & Noble or even And in the midst of a recession, I doubt they’re going to spend their hard-earned dollars on it at walmart.

Want to start a pool on how long would it take Sarah and Todd to burn through $7 million? 🙂

18 11 2008
Bec -Yes We Did - in Illinois

There was an article in my suburban Chicago newspaper today about a couple of women in a nearby city who were thrilled to find Palin carrying one of their designer handbags. This quote in the story was telling:

Palin was being bombarded with designer goodies (not to mention a $150,000 wardrobe budget), so the chances of her even seeing it were slim. But every day, Fladeland Googled Palin’s name and looked through hundreds of pictures of her. Then, one day in mid-October, there it was.

So, apparently, on top of the $150,000 plus wardrobe, Palin was being bestowed designer goods as if she was an Academy Award nominee.

I hope the taxman cometh one of these days. Guess she had a lot more to sort through than just the RNC goods. Did she keep all of this stuff? Or is it all being donated to charity, too?

Book deals, designer goods. Can you really put this genie back in the bottle?

18 11 2008
grumpy in Illinois

I was thinking on the lines of

“The McCain Mutiny”
“The Mouth that Roared”
“How to Say It”..Choice words,phrases,run-on sentences,paragraphs, cliches and colloquialisms for every situation.

18 11 2008


18 11 2008

@MizKay (02:29:15) :

Aw, thanks. I was just taking up the challenge presented by SMR (21:13:01) : and Expat Deb (21:20:08) :.

18 11 2008

I discovered the Table Of Contents for Palin’s upcoming book:

18 11 2008

Since she has gotten away with every other unethical thing, I suppose one more violation won’t even make a blip on her radar. Not to mention that fact that $7 millon is a good trade for her measely $125,000 per year. Write it herself? That should be interesting and not really plausible. This should be a nightmare for the publisher. Gee…. NOW I am getting VERY angy and jealous. I have a master’s degree in English and would love to yet a book published…. shit. There is no way I will read that crap-o-fiction from her.

18 11 2008

Book should be called, “ICE HOLE”.

18 11 2008

Sarah has lots to share for her Table of Contents. Chapters such as:
I was a high school pitbull
Beauty queen charm, what’s it good for
How to meet a First Dude
Climbing over dead bodies to get to the Alaskan Top Job…aka becoming Mavericky or performing an Exorcist or two on the way up
I can see Russia from my backyard
Palling around with terriorist…stomping for the Alaska secessionist movement
$150,000 clothing gate etc., etc.. etc.,

The title should be “You can’t make this stuff up” (as Obama said numerous times).

I’m sure there’s a sitcom in development as well. That I will watch, hopefully starring these very same fools and clowns.

18 11 2008

I wouldn’t even buy her book or read it if someone paid me top dollars for it! The book is probably going to be based on her political experience and her life as if we all didn’t know already. For those who are obsessed with this woman and are big die hard fans of her are complete idiots and must really have something in commen with her personality. It’s a joke to even want to her to come out with a book lol. Heck, they might as well call the book “The laughing stock of politicians”.

18 11 2008
Elrond Hubbard

Forgive me if someone has suggested this, for I scanned the comments but did not read all. But while a ghost writer will certainly be involved and ruin the fun of the book, a reality TV show about Palin and her family would be a total hit. They could just show the family, go to church with them, go hunting with them, everything. Give updates from Track in the military. If this sounds banal, remember, such shows are already proven successes; Palin has her following; and even Palin non-fans like myself might be fascinated enough to watch sometimes.

18 11 2008

Mudflats, thanks for the post and the laughs, especially towards the end.

I think “Much Ado About Nothing” would be an insult to Shakespeare and his readers. I agree with who ever it was that said Palin probably couldn’t list 5 of his plays.

Great titles, folks.

18 11 2008

SWWNBN clearly has no grasp of the English language. She’ll need a good ghost writer. Hmmmm, who should it be? How about an English professor from one of the most esteemed universities in the country? That’s right Bill Ayers! What a wonderful choice for a ghost writer!

18 11 2008
raccoon coyote

If she does get her book published, I expect to see it at my local bookstore on the $5.00 rack of really bad books that haven’t sold. In the meantime, the media should tire of her soon, as she really doesn’t have much coherent to say.

18 11 2008

W. T. F. …………what did P.T. Barnum say about suckers…….if you buy this book??….your name should be put on the net!!

19 11 2008
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19 11 2008

Fer shur, the thing is the fun of Palin watching is that there is no concept of when a sentence stops and starts and how she just goes on and on sounding like she’s sayin’ somethin’,but she’s not sayin’ anythin’, but uh, turning one subject in regards to one thing into bein’ about another thing, but it’s all unfair criticism that never happened and never ever does a clear point get to be made.

Please, editing would ruin this singularly elegant prose style.