Ted Stevens Update

2 11 2008

Our embattled Senior Senator Ted Stevens is facing the fallout of his seven felony convictions at every turn.  Here’s a semi-concise summary of where things stand.

Poll Numbers – The latest polls in Alaska, taken after the conviction, show Anchorage Mayor and Democratic challenger Mark Begich ahead with a commanding 22 point lead.    36% of Alaskans don’t mind voting for a convicted felon, but 58% do.  So that’s something.  The race was in a statistical tie just before the conviction, which makes you wonder why he pressed so hard for a speedy trial.  If he hadn’t requested it, he’d be in a lot better shape today.

Law License – Ted Stevens is an attorney, and last Thursday, the Alaska Bar Association sought to temporarily suspend his license to practice law.  Under the Bar Association rules, a conviction is considered to take effect as soon as the verdict is handed down by the jury. (Remember this for the next section).

Ability to Vote – The Division of Elections sought counsel from the Alaska Department of Law regarding whether Senator Stevens will, in fact, be prevented from voting on Tuesday.  Assistant Attorney General Michael Barnhill returned the opinion that Stevens may vote, and that the restriction of that privilege, due to felony conviction, comes at the moment of sentencing, and after the appeals process has run its course.  It’s interesting to note that the day this opinion was released by Barnhill, two callers in to progressive talk radio station KUDO in Anchorage, said that they were convicted felons and that they had lost their right to vote immediately upon the guilty verdict, despite the fact that they had appealed the case and were not yet sentenced. 

PFD Check – Because Stevens committed his seven felonies outside the state of Alaska, he will be allowed to continue to receive his Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend check.  Had the crimes been committed in the state of Alaska, he would have been ineligible to receive the annual check.  If Stevens’ appeal is tried in the state, and he loses, he would also lose his check.

Endorsements – Stevens still retains the support of Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Congressman Don Young, and his long-time close friend Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii.  Those on the other side who have rapidly distanced themselves from Stevens and have asked for him to step down are:  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), Republican Presidential nominee John McCain, and VP nominee and Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin.

In a statement released by the Stevens campaign, [Senator] Inouye argues that his longtime friend will be seated as a Member of the Senate next year if re-elected and that he believes the felony convictions will be overturned.

“As the Senate has done in every other instance in its long 220-year history, I am absolutely confident that Ted Stevens will be sworn into the Senate while he appeals this unjust verdict, I am certain that this decision in Washington, D.C., will be overturned on appeal,” Inouye said.

But Reid rejected that reading of Senate history and chastised Stevens for using his friend in a political campaign.

“While I respect the opinion of Senator Daniel Inouye, the reality is that a convicted felon is not going to be able to serve in the United States Senate. And as precedent shows us, Senator Stevens will face an ethics committee investigation and expulsion, regardless of his appeals process,” Reid said.

Expulsion – Expulsion requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate, and is likely should Stevens be re-elected.  As much of a lion as Stevens has been, and although he has built solid relationships in the Senate, I don’t believe that more than a third of the Senate will fall on their swords to support him.  Voters don’t like politicians that like to pal around with convicted felons.

Appointment to vacant Senate seat –

If Stevens does get re-elected and then expelled, Alaska law states that there must be a special election held to fill the seat.  Sarah Palin, as Governor, cannot appoint herself to fill the seat.  She cannot appoint anyone to fill the seat, either permanently or temporarily.  There has been widespread misinformation on this point, including information coming from the head of the Division of Elections.  Yes, really…

The Alaska Replacement of U.S. Senators Act, also known as Alaska Ballot Measure 4 was on the November election ballot in Alaska.  It passed, with 55.6% of voters in favor.

The ballot initiative related to how the state fills its U.S. Senate vacancies, which became an issue in Alaska after Republican Frank Murkowski appointed his daughter Lisa Murkowski his Senate seat when he was elected governor in 2002.

Prior to the successful passage of the 2004 ballot measure, the governor could appoint a replacement to a vacant Senate seat. The initiative was primarily sponsored by Democratic legislators. It abolished the practice of appointments and required a special election in all cases except when the vacancy occurs within 60 days of a primary election.

Lt. Gov. Loren Leman, the Republican chief of the Division of Elections, twice removed the measure from the Nov. 2 ballot but was ordered by the Alaska Supreme Court to put it back on.

He wrote the initiative’s ballot summary, which said the proposition would leave Alaska without full representation in the Senate for three to five months.

The group that petitioned for the initiative, Trust the People, sued for an injunction once it discovered the language of the summary on Sept. 21.

The language that appeared on the ballot:

This measure would repeal state law that allows the Governor to appoint a person to temporarily fill a vacant seat in the United States Senate until an election can be held and certified. Under this measure a vacated seat would remain vacant for three to five months, leaving Alaska without full representation in the Senate. Other provisions are identical to existing law and those parts of the law remain unchanged. Current law requires that a senate vacancy be filled by special election, or regular election if the vacancy occurs less than 60 days before the primary election for that seat.

If Governor Palin attempted to put someone in that seat without a special election, there would be legal action filed within hours. Guaranteed.

However, that said, nothing would prevent Palin from running for that seat against whomever else the Republican party rules allowed to run.

At this point, down by 22 points, Stevens stands next to no chance of winning his re-election bid.  So, at the risk of jinxing it, I think this is a shoe-in for Begich.  BUT, Lisa Murkowski, the Senator mentioned above, is running for re-election in 2010.  I think it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that Palin has her eye on that seat.  She already took down one Murkowski in a Republican primary, so why not try for another?  She’s caught a bit of the flavor of being in the national spotlight, and she likes it.

I’ll quote my Grandmother, just because I like to do that.  She would have said, “How do you get Nellie back on the farm, once she’s seen Par-ee?”



345 responses

2 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child


2 11 2008

Anyone think that Stevens will go quietly out into the good night?

2 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

!!! Wow !!!

2 11 2008
marksmyword aka Barrel McRaven Palin

The man’s delusional. Why doesn’t he withdraw from the race and concentrate on his appeal?

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Well. I bet there are a whole lotta folks shaking in their boots, wondering what ole’ Ted’s gonna have to say if his appeal fails. What will he have to lose? Besides he just might want some prison-mates he knows.

2 11 2008
SoCal Bob

I’m glad Alaskans have the courage to tell a felon that he’s unwelcome in office. Now, I wish they would do the same thing to anyone found to have abused the power of their office too.

2 11 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@Halcrow (16:01:49) :

HA! I think he’s been using the word “fight” nearly as much as McCain of late.

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

SoCal Bob (16:03:20) :

I’m glad Alaskans have the courage to tell a felon that he’s unwelcome in office. Now, I wish they would do the same thing to anyone found to have abused the power of their office too.
Yea, wouldn’t it be nice if all of our Senators felt that way? Course some of them are probably worried that they’re next.

2 11 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@marksmyword aka Barrel McRaven Palin (16:02:02) :

Because, my dear friend, that would require coming out of his own little world and facing the real one!

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I feel guilty having two posts in the top ten!

2 11 2008

Nightfall…check…Blue Candles lit…Check…Positive ohmmmmms being sent thru out the universe…check.

2 11 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

shoeho (15:53:06) :

H1 B visas–these go to professionals who have skills needed in the US.

About 20 years back–well, maybe 15, now that i think of it–I worked with an organization interviewing nurses from overseas to work in the US. We were in the midst of a nurse shortage, especially at hospitals in less than great neighborhoods. The person has to have an offer from a legit US business, and when I worked in the field, it HAS to be a professional field in which there is a shortage of US workers.

Today, engineering is a good example Unfortunately many of the engineers we train today in US universities are not US citizens. We have about the best training, but not many US citizens choose that field for whatever reason. We need the skills, therefore the jobs may go to non-citizens.

Thanks for the Clinton-Bush justification of the H1-B visa program. I like katiebegood have seen the underbelly of the H1-B visa program in which corporations use the H1-B visa program to hire foreign nationals that will work for less than American workers. I have seen this primarily in high tech but I am sure it happens in other fields like research. There are plenty of programmers qualified for these high tech jobs that are U.S. citizens, but they do not even get to interview for the jobs because the Bill Gates of the the world already have their H1-B allocations reserved from the federal gov’t thanks to their lobby power. So, it is not a matter of not enough Americans being qualified for these jobs it’s about the lobbying power of U.S. corporations to undercut American workers by hiring H1-B’s at a cheaper rate. Again, maybe this is primarily in high-tech, but my assumption is there are other industries like research where the H1-B visa program is undercutting the American worker here on U.S. soil. I’m just saying I would hate for Obama to create millions of new jobs like Clinton did only to see so many of these jobs end up going to foreign nationals either through offshoring or through the H1-B visa program. Been seeing this for at least 15 years in the High-Tech Industry.

My wife was a High-Tech HR Recruiter and said that 90% of high tech H1-B’s lie on their resumes. They get here and they are not qualified and rely on the corporation to provide on-the-job training. I worked for a U.S.-India company and saw the same thing. It was God-awful. H1-B’s taking jobs for Americans than getting the on-the-job training paid for by the corporation because they are unqualified for the job they got through the H1-B visa program. Mind-boggling really.

2 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Has this been posted yet?

Michigan McCain-Palin supporter says no treats for Obama

2 11 2008
Lil' Geese Whalebone Palin


2 11 2008

PFD Check – Because Stevens committed his seven felonies outside the state of Alaska, he will be allowed to continue to receive his Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend check. Had the crimes been committed in the state of Alaska, he would have been ineligible to receive the annual check. If Stevens’ appeal is tried in the state, and he loses, he would also lose his check.

I don’t get it. Isn’t his home in Alaska? Therefore, weren’t the crimes committed in Alaska?

The Senate disclosure forms were filled out and submitted in DC, and the work on the house was paid for (or not) from DC. He also lives in DC for much more of the year than he lives in Alaska. This was one of the reasons that they rejected his request to have the trial in Alaska. AKM

2 11 2008

Don’t feed the trolls!

2 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (16:05:26) : I feel guilty having two posts in the top ten!

Be careful Crusty, If the repubs win, you will be assuring yourself a place with the first round of citizens sent off in train cars to the “re education” camps.

2 11 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

PFD Check – Because Stevens committed his seven felonies outside the state of Alaska, he will be allowed to continue to receive his Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend check. Had the crimes been committed in the state of Alaska, he would have been ineligible to receive the annual check. If Stevens’ appeal is tried in the state, and he loses, he would also lose his check.

This does not make sense! A Felony Conviction is a felony conviction. It is suppossed to stay on your record and does not disappear when you move to another state or commit the crime in another state.

Seems to me someone is playing fast and loose with the law.

2 11 2008
Newfoundland Dogs Rule

Some people just don’t want to give up. Perhaps after the years and years and years Stevens has been in office, he can not conceive of himself as anything but a Senator. Unfortunately because of his own doing, he’s now a convicted felon also. The resume seems to be going in a wrong direction.

Living as I do in MA, I was amazed to get a robo-call today. Imagine my surprise that it was Fred Thompson calling to tell me about the man running again Senator Kerry.

Well, I thought it would be rude to hang up, so I put the phone down and left it. For forty-five minutes. I seemed to have tied up their line. I was sorry, but the dogs said they wanted to go for a walk and I forgot.

Oh well.

2 11 2008

@ InJuneau aka Wrangler

He’s still eligible for his pension ($122,000-odd per year) and benefits even as a convicted felon.

The appeal will be uphill and damnably expensive. At 84 yrears of age, statistics would suggest that he’d soon be trading his Senate seat for a wheelchair, anyway, and why spend a million or so of his own cash to tie himself up in protracted litigation in his final years?

Fight trips easily off the end of the tongue, but when it has to be accompanied by a six-figure cheque as an advance to a team of lawyers, then it’s likely mighty hard to fight the urge to say enough is enough.

Can’t see anyone else paying his legal fees for him, right?

2 11 2008

ngoldfarb (16:11:14) :



Thanks dude ,, great reason to donate another 100 bucks to Obama ..
I will do so right now ,,, I appreciate the push .. 🙂

2 11 2008

I love Harry Reid…especially as he tends to get under bad Repubs skin in a subtle fashion. 🙂

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

Wonder how sp is feeling today……….everyday it is some thing new……….

2 11 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

I saw something on MSNBC that if Ted wins and has to step down (I was so upset I hope I got it right!) that Grifter spice could 1) appoint herself to the position or 2) appoint someone else. (my thought turns to ” first dud” here! 😦
Both horrify me and I don’t even live in AK!!!
MudPups….Talk me down!!!!!

I am going to post an update to the post with the answer to this question. AKM

2 11 2008
More Light than Heat

RE: H1-B visas and abuse thereof
I haven’t seen the underbelly part, though I suspect it may be more prevelant in the IT industry. God, I hope not in nursing!

Part of the problem, tho certainly not all, is that we’ve not been turning out the required number of engineers. It’s particularly a concern in the aerospace industry, where a significant number of engineers are approaching retirement age. And it’s a growing problem for those companies who depend on engineers to develop next generation military equipment. US citizenship is required, and for some that’s not enough if parents are from an “unfriendly” country. These are jobs that we don’t want to have to outsource!

I’m not recommending that our education system do what some countries do and route people into certain fields based on a standardized test, but somehow we need to make sure that the distribution of degrees is appropriate to our needs.

B-school is too often seen as the easy route to high-paying jobs. Perhaps the collapse of the finance sector will bring some much-needed realignment of priorities.

When I lived in Las Vegas, the engineering project I worked on used some H1-B folks who had the right combination of skills and experience. The numbers were fairly small, although there were also people who’d been born elsewhere, come to this country and gained citizenship. I realize it’s more of a problem with IT work.

I wonder how much is a reflection of the overall state of our education system. Take a good look at the student population of many universities and especially at grad schools in technical fields. There are many, many foreign students. In the UC system here in CA, admission is guaranteed to the top 10% of h.s. grads. And Asian students are disproportionately represented compared to the population at large. When my own kids griped at the number of Asian and immigrant kids who made the honor roll at their h.s., I pointed out to them that these groups were under represented on the sports teams. I don’t think that was a coincidence.

2 11 2008

@sosad (16:17:23)

Excellent! Now THAT’S how you feed a troll!

2 11 2008

Heh. To think that we normal folk are supposed to worry about midget violations like speeding or jaywalking. Remind me again WHY that should even concern us, when politicians and lawyers try to convince us that it’s not a big deal to be a convicted felon way up high in the hierarchy?

2 11 2008

sosad (16:17:23) : Thanks dude ,, great reason to donate another 100 bucks to Obama ..I will do so right now ,,, I appreciate the push ..

Thanks for the reminder, sosad…meant to do that again today, also!

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"
2 11 2008

Question for the Alaskans re PFD.. the money comes from the oil in the State, am I correct? but technically the oil is owned by ALL Americans, not just Alaskans (or am i wrong here???) So why is the PFD for Alaskans only, and not ALL Americans?

I was thinking about this over the weekend and I could not easily find the answer. Thought one of you all might know.


The oil is a state resource, and belongs to Alaskans, so only Alaska residents are eligible to get the PFD. Perhaps our Mudflats Department of Energy (SMR!) could weigh in on this with more details! 🙂 AKM

2 11 2008

ngoldfarb (16:11:14) :



You know I really must thank trolls like you … You guys pushed me to donate , make calls , put out yard signs , talk to the most hard core republicons and change a few votes , do more than I ever have before …
It fuels me up for the next day .. That’s why I was never so ignorant as to go on a pro McLame blog and stir people into action ..
You troll have done Obama a great service and I thank you ..

2 11 2008

Thank you sosad for saying what I was thinking!

2 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Another MYTH bites the dust — Perhaps some ppl will listen THIS time

Honolulu on Friday VERIFIED Obama’s Birthcertificate is on file

Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama’s original birth certificate.

“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai?i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai?i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama?s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures,” Fukino said.

2 11 2008

Thanks AKM. You’re fast on those trolls!

2 11 2008

Trini (16:31:41) :

Thanks AKM. You’re fast on those trolls!

Left just long enough to get some donations for Obama (ha ha troll)

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

Man ..AKM is fast…….the troll is already sinking fast and no trace is left to mucky up the place

2 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Well, now we know why you have to tiptoe through the MUCK of Alaskan politics! Thanks AKM. Without your strong voice bringing it to the people, so much of this would just slip into the outer limits unnoticed…….

Hi all…been gone most of the day doing my part.

Just checking in to see what I missed. Everyone have fun in CHICAGO?

We are now officially UNDER two days…so one plus left. We can almost breathe!


2 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I interrupt this post for a post Mudstock II – Chicago shout out. We had a great time today (with 11 of us) and I have written a report I’ll email to AKM shortly. Shikago has some great photos to send. I missed my train back to the burbs and ended up two hours later on trainload of all the Bears fans. It wasn’t too rowdy in my car, at least. Gave me time to write my report.

Big thanks to Shikago for going beyond the call of duty to make this event so special. Love you Mudflats.

And we loved our special guest — Lila Ban-WalMart, who was at Mudstock I in PA – and who entertained us with her Palin impersonation. Photo coming.

2 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Bec!! Welcome back….so happy to hear you guys had a good time…

Isn’t it cool how Obama together with AKM has brought so many GOOD people together? Can hardly wait to see your photos…okay now I will really be back later.

2 11 2008

Sign report from phoenix ,,, not a scratch …. not one of my several Obama
signs have been touched in three weeks ..
Right here in McLames home town ..
Lots of people see them ,, right across the street from a school ..
I can not find one person with a McCnut sign any place close ..

2 11 2008
Tom from PA

I tried to post this before on another thread but poof!!!

Our local television station reported that McCain’s rally in Perkasie, PA was attended by hundreds of supporters.

Today’s Columbus rally was attended by 60,000 Obama supporters and the Cleveland rally promises to be even bigger. People were ling up since 5:30 this morning.

2 11 2008

Can someone fill me in on the blue candle idea?? I must have missed it somewhere. It sounds so good………

Positive ohmmmmms being sent thru out the universe @ JaneDoe

2 11 2008

mhrt oregon”steve” (16:22:50) : alaska is now dark pink

Thanks for the link! I’ve added this to the list of polls I check in on. However, Dems shouldn’t be discouraged by this map. It’s extremely conservative – it only shows states as solid Obama if he’s leading by over 20 points!

2 11 2008

AKM — Thanks to you most of all ,, I did nothing to help till I found this site.
Thanks to everyone 🙂
Now I work every day in every way I can to get Obama the job ..

2 11 2008
More Light than Heat

Biden’s comments in Florida today, about a group of McCain supporters “wailing” outside the event:
“We can’t moan about the politics of division unless after this election’s over, God willing we win, we reach out to the very people out in the outer parking. I mean literally, not a joke,” Biden said. “I know you find some of that obnoxious, but … we’ve got to end this. Somebody’s got to be big enough to stand up and end it.”

How true!

2 11 2008

I went to Cabela’s sporting goods store tonight and got a lightweight folding chair, the kind campers use. I’m taking it with me Tuesday in case there’s a long wait. Water bottle and granola bars, too. I’m gonna be prepared!

2 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

From the last threat and naturally the last post

Another report from Western PA

I live about 5 miles from Murtha’s district. What Murtha said about rednecks is essentially true for many in the population. However, he has brought a lot of jobs and money to a district that has substantial population below the poverty line. In truth he is pretty corrupt and has played some nasty games with non-profits and defense spending. He is getting old. The Dem party in the state isn’t exactly a model of probity either so getting a replacement hasn’t been possible. I think he will win, but not by the margin he had before.

My district, the 3rd is going to turn out their 8 term Repub rep for a woman, Kathy Dahlkemper. They are both from Erie and Erie has gone seriously blue. This is a good example of how redistricting isn’t exactly working as planned.

Many Republicans in the area are going to vote Obama. There are quite a few fundies and the Catholic church in the area is busy guilt tripping the parishioners. However, the unions are doing person to person with their membership. People who were very anti-Obama during the primaries have stopped talking but I have noticed a lot of names on the Obama call lists when I was working.

We have been robo-called to death and people don’t answer any more. I noticed when calling that some small group have turned their phones to fax when out. We had 4 robos today (better than the last few) and a survey. Didn’t answer any. So I would have my doubts about any PA polling. I doubt that they can get a reliable sample any more.

I had a lot of Slippery Rock U students on my call list yesterday and they are very enthused but worried about long lines. The county did create more polling places and larger areas for them so at least that has been worked on. They take training very seriously here so I don’t worry about that.

2 11 2008

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (16:17:56)

OK, I’ve updated the post with a final section about filling the vacant senate seat should Stevens win, and then be expelled.

2 11 2008

Work The Vote is having an Instructional conference call in a few minutes – 5:00 PM (Pacific, I think) on how to do poll monitoring.

Phone Number 712-432-0600
Access Code 417584#

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

2 NMJ (16:43:10) :

mhrt oregon”steve” (16:22:50) : alaska is now dark pink
i just think it’s great that they are not dark red…..it is a move in the direction that we want…………Yaaaa for alaska

2 11 2008

Colberg and Barnhill–Where in the hell did Palin find these two guys? Their loose interpretation of Alaska Law leaves one thinking “huh.” Who has oversight of these two dolts? And why is the Law Dept. so silent. I know CC was encouraging Alaskans to file complaints on Colberg, but haven’t heard anything on that either. In this instance sounds like a lawless frontier.

2 11 2008

Blue candles. Blue because we want to turn the red and pink and purple states blue. Candles because they are a simple symbol of the little light each of us has inside ourselves. Lighting candles goes with sending a stream of strength and good wishes for safety and energy to finish the race to our favorite candidate…

That’s why I’ve got a blue candle burning. 🙂

2 11 2008

@Bec Hussein in Illinois (16:35:54)
Big Sob!!!
Last night, I washed the dog, did her nails, shaved her whiskers, did my poster, packed up biscuits, poop bags, leash, camera (checked the batteries), put gas in the car, and layed out my clothes. All ready to meet at the Bean! Then, I got called into work. I’m so po’d about it. My poster was great! It’s in my window now. So SORRY to miss it! I’m just sick about it. I am really looking forward to the report and pics!

2 11 2008

Hiya Kids!

Wow it sounds like Mudstock II was fun! I can’t wait for the report and photos! Welcome back Bec!

I just got back from Obama HQ in Anchorage. I spent the last 5 hours calling people in Iowa, getting out the vote and chatting with folks. Hands down, I talked to more Obama voters than McCain voters. And this was the undecideds that we were calling.

There were tons of volunteers there – several times all the phones were in use. Lots of great people brought food. The beef stew I brought went fast! When I left, someone just brought in three huge Subway subs!

It was my first time volunteering to call folks and I just loved it! Why did I think I would hate doing this?

Anway – time to start the chores….and catch up on all today’s posts. 🙂

2 11 2008


Obama/Biden: Takin’ the high road 2008

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden made fun of a small group of protesters Sunday, then told supporters that the raucous Republicans are the same people they need to embrace once the election is over.

About two dozen supporters of Republican John McCain wailed loudly outside an event next to Florida State University’s football stadium, causing Biden to stop and say, “I thought it was a siren, it’s just a whine.”

While Biden made several references to the protesters as he criticized McCain, President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, he told the crowd of about 1,000 that they need to unite with Republicans.

“We can’t moan about the politics of division unless after this election’s over, God willing we win, we reach out to the very people out in the outer parking. I mean literally, not a joke,” Biden said. “I know you find some of that obnoxious, but … we’ve got to end this. Somebody’s got to be big enough to stand up and end it.”

While Biden made several references to the protesters as he criticized McCain, President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, he told the crowd of about 1,000 that they need to unite with Republicans.

“We can’t moan about the politics of division unless after this election’s over, God willing we win, we reach out to the very people out in the outer parking. I mean literally, not a joke,” Biden said. “I know you find some of that obnoxious, but … we’ve got to end this. Somebody’s got to be big enough to stand up and end it.”

Still “whine” was funny 🙂

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

I had a feelling not all felons were being treated equally by the Alaska Department of Elections with regard to voting status. That’s Alaska for ya.

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

I had a feeling not all felons were being treated equally by the Alaska Department of Elections with regard to voting status. That’s Alaska for ya.

2 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

New gallup poll 53O 42 Mc!!!!!!

2 11 2008


“…I’ll quote my Grandmother, just because I like to do that. She would have said, “How do you get Nellie back on the farm, once she’s seen Par-ee?”

Ah, AKM, but your Grandmother would hardly have been taken in by a Montreal radio host and a phony French president, would she?

I think that Palin would be hard put to differentiate between the Eiffel Tower and a drill rig, so why waste the money on flying her to France? Give her a carton of two-buck chuck and a French postcard (not the porno kind), and she can float in her backyard in Wasilla and gaze at the Paris skyline from the comfort of her hot tub.

2 11 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein McLoser Songbird

Creep alert.. Heather Wilson on msnbc!!

2 11 2008

If Palin were impeached or recalled wouldn’t that throw a wrench into any plans to run for the senate in 2010?

2 11 2008
Lana, KY

Borrowed a comment from an article I was reading about the senatorial race here in Kentucky between McConnell and Lunsford.

” Given a choice between two assholes, you always want the one with the least seniority.”

2 11 2008

More Light than Heat (16:46:10) : It was a great article on huffpost:


About two dozen supporters of Republican John McCain wailed loudly outside an event next to Florida State University’s football stadium, causing Biden to stop and say, “I thought it was a siren, it’s just a whine.”

“We can’t moan about the politics of division unless after this election’s over, God willing we win, we reach out to the very people out in the outer parking. I mean literally, not a joke,” Biden said. “I know you find some of that obnoxious, but … we’ve got to end this. Somebody’s got to be big enough to stand up and end it.”

Obama/Biden: Takin’ the high road 2008
Still, “whine” was funny 🙂

2 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Okay, so I just got off the phone with my Grandmama in Boise, Idaho. I called to ask her if she had voted yet, and if she had not, to encourage her to go tomorrow so that she wouldn’t have to stand in a really long line on Tuesday. Turns out that the retirement community where she lives has their own polling station! As she put it, “I just have to go down to the lobby to vote. It’s really quite civilized.” I was so glad to hear that. She is “true blue”, and I know she will be voting for the good guys, but she was tickled pink that I am voting in her old precinct in Indiana.

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

At least 50 papers have now switched to Obama from Bush in 2004, with just four flipping to McCain. In addition, several top papers that went for Bush in 2004 have now chosen not to endorse this year, the latest being the Indianapolis Star in key swing state Indiana.

2 11 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein McLoser Songbird

god .. heather doesn’t stop her own creepy death grin

2 11 2008

Canadians caught up in Obamamania head south to help out
Bruce Deachman, Canwest News Service
Published: Sunday, November 02, 2008

“There’ll never be another first black U.S. president and, hopefully, we’ll be there,” said Ottawa facilities manager Mario Cuconato, 46, who flew to Pittsburgh, Penn., this weekend to help pull the Obama vote in the battleground state.

Cuconato is among a handful of friends, including London, Ont., lawyer and former Liberal party president Mike Eizenga, who have chosen to help Obama in Pittsburgh.


2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@amy (16:39:50) :

Can someone fill me in on the blue candle idea?? I must have missed it somewhere. It sounds so good………
hi Amy, a lot of folks are burning blue candles from now until the election. Blue lights in the window is also a suggestion.

I’m going to tie a blue ribbon around a tree in front of my house because candle smoke gives me asthma.

2 11 2008

Lost on last thread, OT but reposting

This is a great article on the differences between Obama vs McCain healthcare plans:

The Case for Obama: Healthcare by Rob J.

“I support Barack Obama’s campaign for the Presidency. Over the next several weeks, I will post a series of articles laying out Barack Obama’s position on the issues that matter most to me and discuss how those positions differ from – and are better than – John McCain’s. I start with Obama’s healthcare proposal. Senator Obama’s proposal is a move toward universal healthcare. As a primer, most developed nations – and many developing nations – have universal healthcare. According to the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, the United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not provide universal healthcare. It is also one of the only nations in North and South America that does not provide universal healthcare (Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba and Uruguay all have universal healthcare). Universal healthcare is available to citizens of 34 European countries (including the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia), 15 countries in Asia and the Middle East (including China, Hong Kong, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Korea and Taiwan), and all of Australia and New Zealand. These countries have varying forms of government and their healthcare programs work to varying degrees, but the point is that the U.S. stands almost as an island in the developed world as a country without universal healthcare. About 47 million Americans do not have health insurance.”

Rest of the article at below link:


2 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Oh Trini – we missed you and your dog. So sad! We even had some dogsitting help on standby for you. You were there in spirit, we know!

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

ds55 (16:48:49) :

I went to Cabela’s sporting goods store tonight and got a lightweight folding chair, the kind campers use. I’m taking it with me Tuesday in case there’s a long wait. Water bottle and granola bars, too. I’m gonna be prepared!
I have a folding stool with backpack straps. You might want to consider putting straps on your chair. They make life so much easier.

2 11 2008

@Bec Hussein in Illinois (17:09:38)

Thanks. I so wanted to see you all. One nickname for my dog is “Beans” because she jumps like a jumping bean. (typical boxer) I really wanted her to be at the “Bean” and to see you all. She was really cleaned up and ready to rally!

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh (16:14:02) :

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (16:05:26) : I feel guilty having two posts in the top ten!

Be careful Crusty, If the repubs win, you will be assuring yourself a place with the first round of citizens sent off in train cars to the “re education” camps.
The repubs are going to lose big! If they don’t, I’ll have my thumb out when the next train comes by!

Bec Hussein in Illinois (16:35:54) :
Wow! 11 Chicago area mudpuppies – y’all are blessed. I’d hazard a guess that I’m the only one in Odum, GA! Can’t wait to see the pictures.


2 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Suchanut – I am so impressed! Alaskans calling Iowa. How fantastic is that. This is such a nationwide effort!

I heard a discussion in the last few day (I think Bill Maher? it’s a blur) — about how Obama’s beautifully run campaign is going to change the way all future campaigns will be run. I can really believe it and certainly hope so. Look at how many people have been engaged by the Obama campaign. Young and old, people of all stripes. Be disciplined. Enthusiastic. Persevere. Has there been any thing like it in the past?

I even look at the Obama logo – how they have enabled it to be so customized to represent so many different groups, people, places. Truly inspiring.

2 11 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

*wringing hands* I can’t wait to vote!!! My polling place opens at 6 AM, right down the street… I’m up at 5:30 to get ready for work, and I’m sure there won’t be lines by 6:15. My town is small. But I’m excited to be participating in history. Never have I been so politically motivated.

WOOHOO!!!! Less than 48 hours, we may know our choice!!!

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

It’s notable that SP did robo calls for Sean Parnell (of manipulated the wording on the ballot initiatives fame) in the failed attempt to defeat Don Young in primary, but was absolutely silent with regard to Uncle Ted at that time. And now she says he should step down (maybe after the election)–wink,wink.

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama shooting for Montana now?

“With less than 48 hours to go before Election Day, talk of the usually reliable red state of Montana going Obama is being seen as a real possibility.

Both CNN and NBC have moved the Big Sky state from leaning McCain to toss-up.”


2 11 2008
Skinny That One

Yeah, “shooting for Montana” cuz “He’s not gonna take away your guns” ya know.

2 11 2008

@NoCalGal (16:23:17)
Question for the Alaskans re PFD.. the money comes from the oil in the State, am I correct? but technically the oil is owned by ALL Americans, not just Alaskans (or am i wrong here???) So why is the PFD for Alaskans only, and not ALL Americans?
The Alaska Statehood Act allowed AK to select a portion of the federally owned land (which was the vast majority of the state). The North Slope oil is on State land which entitles it to the oil and mineral rights under it. Privately owned land grants surface rights only. The following site may be helpful:

When the North Slope lease sale (1968 or 1969) suddenly catapulted Alaska’s coffers from destitution to wealth, our politicians went wild and in two years it was nearly gone. Gov. Jay Hammond later proposed the Permanent Fund to invest oil royalties to cover future state budgets after the fields are depleted. Residents share a potion of the interest derived from oil revenues averaged over a five year period. The PFD provides a barometer of the health of our treasury, and legislators realize that to try to change the formula for spending will incur the wrath of voters.

At least that’s the best I can explain, but not an expert. I believe that a similar plan has been suggested for Iraq if matters ever stabilize.

2 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

If you haven’t visited this page of all the logos created for Obama — it is a beautiful site to see:


2 11 2008

Is anyone concerned about Stevens winning and Palin taking his place? Or that she would pick a friend to take his place???

2 11 2008

Thanks AKM

“The oil is a state resource, and belongs to Alaskans, so only Alaska residents are eligible to get the PFD. Perhaps our Mudflats Department of Energy (SMR!) could weigh in on this with more details! AKM

Wonder why Oklahoma and Texas and even CA never thought to do the same thing… curious to me…

2 11 2008

Dan Inouye.

Now there’s a story of a real crook.
Not worried about libel.
He could never prove his way out of it.
(Longtime resident of Hawaii)

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

There has to be a special election. Who knows how SP would fare? She might prefer the security of governor for now.

2 11 2008

((have you guys received the moveon vid to GOTV for obama? it is hilarious))
it needs to be emailed to be customized

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

Alaska had a really good governor once. His name was Jay Hammond. He thought up the PFD idea and cared about protecting the land and wildlife.

2 11 2008

Thank you AKaurora… BTW I have ALWAYS wanted to come to AK to see the Aurora Borealis… its on my list!

2 11 2008

CNN just reported that 59% of the population does NOT want to see Palin on a ticket in years to come. Nellie may not want to stay on the farm, but she might want to thing about strengthening her milking hands. The farm it is!

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I have got to quit adding links to my ‘Palin’s an Idiot’ folder in my favorites. I have never had a folder run rampant, but this one is like Palin, out of control.

2 11 2008

NoCalGal (17:30:29) :

Thank you AKaurora… BTW I have ALWAYS wanted to come to AK to see the Aurora Borealis… its on my list!

———me too. i’ve been lucky to have travelled a lot, but this is undone
is there a good time to come for the AB?

2 11 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

akmuckraker (16:49:49) :

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (16:17:56)

OK, I’ve updated the post with a final section about filling the vacant senate seat should Stevens win, and then be expelled.
Thanks AKM, feel better now 😉
I hope she’s so bogged down with eithics violations and maybe recall/impeachment so she won’t even think to run…and if she did… Even though, shes been to “Par-ee” hopefully the people of AK will see her as the national/international joke she is!!

2 11 2008
More Light than Heat

We called Colorado voters today — left lots of messages. But of the voters we spoke with ZERO McCain supporters, well except for the one guy who hung up on us. One was voting Ron Paul, the others Obama. I figure a vote for “other” is almost as good as a vote for our guy. Such enthusiasm… people had voted early. One man I spoke with just laughed and said he probably knew my script by heart because of all the calls he’s made. He’ll be working at the polls on Tuesday and his wife will be bringing food to the poll workers — a “comfort worker”. Such happy voices among the Obama supporters.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Bec Hussein in Illinois (17:21:12) :

If you haven’t visited this page of all the logos created for Obama — it is a beautiful site to see:

thanks for sharing………..i actual got a tear when it came to the kids and senior one……..”we are older but bolder” …every one is covered………..I put in my AK file

2 11 2008

@NoCalGal (17:22:59) :
Wonder why Oklahoma and Texas and even CA never thought to do the same thing… curious to me…
The Alaska Statehood Act was essentially a contract with the federal govt. This may the advantage Alaska had in being denied Statehood for so long. Whereas OK, TX, and CA were flung in quickly with little planning, Alaska had decades to craft a plan. The Alaska Constitution is considered a model document. Amendments are rare.

It should be noted that at the time of Statehood, little was known of the oil wealth on the North Slope. Focus on oil development was in Cook Inlet and the Kenai Peninsula.

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

DeMo “CNN just reported that 59% of the population does NOT want to see Palin on a ticket in years to come.”

Only 59%?? Arghhh!

2 11 2008
White Agate

RE: H1-B visas and math education: that’s a whole other post unto itself, sheesh, another whole BLOG. My third grader is taking Everyday Math at school. Many school districts use this and it is not a good system, to say the least. That’s why the overhaul, nay, scrapping of No Child Left Behind and the rebuilding of our education policy/system is so important or we will not grow the future engineers and scientists we need at home. Huge topic, but thanks for calling attention to it, Big Al. As a mom with young kids and girls, specifically, math education is a big concern of mine, and our schools have been set back by NCLB.

2 11 2008

@LaNon (17:32:11) :
———me too. i’ve been lucky to have travelled a lot, but this is undone
is there a good time to come for the AB?

Unfortunately the best time to see the aurora borealis is during the coldest months when the skies are clear. Fairbanks sees them more than Anchorage, and even when they are out here, city lights reduce their visibility. Chena Hot Springs Resort an hour or so drive from Fairbanks runs a thriving winter tourist business based on the aurora. Seems the Japanese have an insane fascination with them.

Locally, it’s possible to be included in a telephone tree for sightings if you don’t mind being awoken in the middle of the night. I think the Alaska Geophysical Institute even provides predictions of activity on their website.

2 11 2008

NCLB helps to keep the lousy teacher education system in place. Makes it nearly impossible for second career people to go into teaching. I know there are exceptions, but the Cal State teacher education system is enough to kill the normal adult, IMHO.

Let me know when you hear of a teacher getting fired that’s not in jail first (rhetorical).

2 11 2008

Thanks AK Aurora
I figured it would be cold and far-flung!
Still, I want to see them. Maybe Northern Scotland too. Dark cold and far.

2 11 2008
SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper

Wow. Just saw an anti-Obama ad with Reverend Wright as the main feature. I’m surprised they’re spending ANY money in South Carolina!

Sorry to be OT-

2 11 2008
Tom from PA

Joe Biden just announced that his final campaign stop tomorrow night will be with the World Champion Philadelphia Phillies. Exactly which players will attend has not been announced yet but the Phillies are Gods right now in the last firewall state for John McCain.

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Odds of single vote deciding election: 1 in 60M

“In those states [VA, NH, CO] voters are more likely to decide the election than die by dog bite this year.”


2 11 2008

Used to appreciate and respect Inouye, especially for his service to this country during WWII – when his family was in deportation camp. But now. I think Inouye needs to retire and fast. Cuz his support of Stevens is awfully suspicious – makes me wonder what Inouye’s been up to. . . or in with. . . or ya know?
We’re lucky here in FL – we have Mel Martinez who’s owned by the Cuban Cartel and Bill Nelson who is owned by NASA. Sigh. What a bunch of crooks.

2 11 2008
Tom from PA

I’ll try again.
Joe Biden just announced that his final campaign stop will be with the World Series Champion Philadelphia Phillies tomorrow night. Although it has not been announced who will attend, the Phillies are now God-like in a city that hasn’t won a championship in 25 years. It is also the last resort for John McCain.

2 11 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper (17:48:06) :

Wow. Just saw an anti-Obama ad with Reverend Wright as the main feature. I’m surprised they’re spending ANY money in South Carolina!

Sorry to be OT-
I saw it being played on MSNBC!!! I wonder why?? Why is Rev. Wright a issue but Dodo’s spice’s Witch hunting churches aren’t??? I’m mean we saw her being personally blessed by this idiot? Don’t see Barack getting blessed or anything from Wright. It’s here say that he was Even there when this guy spoke, anyway.

2 11 2008

Ennealogic & Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Thanks for the info. I spent 20 mins digging thru xmas boxes and have come up with a blue candle that is now lit! I will buy more tomorrow! Thanks again!
(dusting off tinsel and glitter)

2 11 2008
More Light than Heat

First became aware of Inouye during Watergate hearings, and I respected him for putting country first in the tone of his questioning. But the Stevens thing is disappointing. I can understand friendship, but I would have respected him a lot more had he not echoed the “unfair trial” meme. So many of these older guys who’ve been around forever just end up diminishing their reputation by not retiring sooner. Reminds me of the the star athlete who doesn’t go out at the top of his/her game…. So sad.

2 11 2008
Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker

if you love the rousing music of Les Mis, and you can hardly wait for Tuesday, just keep playing this over and over tomorrow! One more day. Do you hear the people sing?

2 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

If this has been posted on earlier thread – my apologies
Appears the Justice Dept may finally be taking a stand – too little too late

WASHINGTON – A judge has ordered the Justice Department to produce White House memos that provide the legal basis for the Bush administration’s post-Sept. 11 warrantless wiretapping program.

U.S. District Judge Henry Kennedy Jr. signed an order Friday requiring the department to produce the memos by the White House legal counsel’s office by Nov. 17. He said he will review the memos in private to determine if any information can be released publicly without violating attorney-client privilege or jeopardizing national security.
read more @ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27486959/


WASHINGTON – The Bush administration is raising the stakes in a court fight that could change the balance of power between the White House and Congress.

Justice Department lawyers said Wednesday that they will soon ask a federal appeals court not to force the president’s top advisers to comply with congressional subpoenas next month. President Bush argues Congress doesn’t have the authority to demand information from his aides.


2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

AKM– I asked this question on previous post. Forgive me if you’ve alread answered it. Where did the Ted STevens investigation come from? How did it originate? Was it well in the works before Palin’s nomination? And finally, had Alaska’s remoteness allowed Stevens more freedom than most Senators?

One or more answers appreciated.

2 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

AKM, do you really think Sarah would want the Senate seat? Clearly she loves the power, but it would be much harder for her to be “rogue” in the Senate, and I think it would be hard work, too.

I would guess that if she doesn’t get taken down by all the muck she’s created in Alaska, then she’d be inclined to go for President in 2012. Do you sense otherwise?

2 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Being in Montana – we get to see some of the aurora borealis – they are beautiful. It would be great to see the entire sky filled further North.

2 11 2008

Great work Muckie!

Now THAT is investigative reporting!

I was confused about that temporary appointment by the Governor issue as well. I have to say I feel a lot better now.


2 11 2008

Just picked up this comment on ABC. Hope this doesn’t pick up too much steam in Alaska Tuesday!!!!

I think the time has come for loyal republicans to band together and spend every dollar avaiable in the RNC war chest on a massive media campaign to write in Sarah Palin as a replacement for Sen. Ted Stevens. This will provide her with the experience necessary to ultimately LEAD the Senate and reaffirm the statement that she is the most popular governor in the country. Hopefully this would squelch forever the notion that Alaskans can’t see things like the lower 48.

Posted by: sirobx | Nov 2, 2008 5:48:40 PM

2 11 2008

This is off subject but I just received it and it’s done well and really funny

2 11 2008

Bev (17:52:42) :

Used to appreciate and respect Inouye, especially for his service to this country during WWII – when his family was in deportation camp. But now. I think Inouye needs to retire and fast. Cuz his support of Stevens is awfully suspicious – makes me wonder what Inouye’s been up to. . . or in with. . . or ya know?
He is a war hero and nothing can take that away from him.
He (not sure at this exact moment) has been the Senator with the biggest fattest PAC so he contributes the most money to other Senate campaign races. Everybody owes Inouye. (I actually thought better of it and deleted a fairly inflammatory sentence here). He has been accused of sexual harassment in a credible manner and most believe he is a real womanizer who perhaps has out-of-wedlock-grown children to support. He is a cad. I have a friend…

2 11 2008

Enjay in Eastern MT (18:01:23) :

Being in Montana – we get to see some of the aurora borealis – they are beautiful. It would be great to see the entire sky filled further North.

you far up northerners are lucky that way

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

More Light than Heat (17:56:04) :

Yeah, I used to respect Inouye too. Now it just smells. Does Ted have him by the short hairs? Damn, I hate it that I’ve gotten so cynical about our public servants.

2 11 2008

More Light than Heat (17:56:04) :

First became aware of Inouye during Watergate hearings, and I respected him for putting country first in the tone of his questioning. But the Stevens thing is disappointing.

my guess is that Stevens has something on him

2 11 2008
wired hussein differently

One question about Ted: If he were to step down from the race in the next 24 hours (I know, not a chance), I’m assuming the race would simply be uncontested– no opportunity for the R’s to slot in another candidate?

Re: this being the first election of the 21st century in terms of how differently Obama’s campaign has organized itself and its use of technology– I’ve been struck by how different my own information -seeking behavior has been this year. I have never before blogged during a campaign or gotten my information primarily online. I click back and forth between this blog and others, NYT, MSNBC, CNN, 538, etc. I feel very well-informed, plus I have this cool community where I feel I kind of know people.

We have people from Alaska phoning or otherwise contacting voters in other states, viral videos, even in-real-life gatherings such as today’s Chicago Mudstock. And one Alaska citizen, fed up with politics as usual, decided to start writing a blog. AKM, did you ever imagine your destiny was going to come knocking the way it has?

It’s truly amazing.

I voted by mail a week ago. I’ve never had reason to doubt the integrity of the system in WA state, but I agree with those here who say the whole thing needs to be revamped. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz talked to Rachel about this the other night. Put it on the list for January 20, 2009.

2 11 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Mendeltna (17:21:29) :

Is anyone concerned about Stevens winning and Palin taking his place? Or that she would pick a friend to take his place
She can’t do that. AKM’s post above should answer your questions.

2 11 2008

Hope you all don’t mind my brining this over from the last thread but I am SO d@mn mad and I wanted to be sure my fellow Virginians saw this:

Student Voting Challenged in VA
Students at Radford University in Virginia got some bad news recently– the local county registrar’s office informed them that they were ineligible to vote because they listed their dormitory addresses on their voter registration application.

The county registrar, Tracy Howard, told a local newspaper in October that “a dorm is generally–and I say generally–the same thing as a long-term motel stay.” Some students who had registered using their school address had been sent postcards asking them to re-state their “home” address, and those that replied with dormitory addresses again were disqualified. Other students received no requests for clarification, and though they submitted applications more than a month in advance of the deadline, were notified of their ineligibility a week after it had passed.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1971 that students may register to vote where they attend school, and the Virginia state board of elections explicitly states that a dormitory may constitute a valid address. What’s more, the additional paperwork sent to students violates the constitutional requirements against discrimination against particular groups of voters, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. The center, along with the ACLU of Virginia, sent a letter detailing these complaints last week, and threatening legal action if the students applications are not cleared.

more at link: http://www.thenation.com/blogs/campaignmatters/379334/student_voting_challenged_in_va

I think the registrar of Radford needs to hear from us Mudpups on this outrage:

Tracy Howard
106 A Arlington Avenue
Radford, Virginia

email: radfordelections@jetbroadband.com


2 11 2008

sounds like tracy howard will be heading to court

2 11 2008

LaNon (18:10:52) :

sounds like tracy howard will be heading to court

And then to JAIL, I hope! We need to start PROSECUTING these unAmerican jerks who break the law and deny other citizens their most precious right.

2 11 2008

those students need to demand provisional ballots at their near-school voting place

2 11 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

annie (18:02:50) :

Just picked up this comment on ABC. Hope this doesn’t pick up too much steam in Alaska Tuesday!!!!

I think the time has come for loyal republicans to band together and spend every dollar avaiable in the RNC war chest on a massive media campaign to write in Sarah Palin as a replacement for Sen. Ted Stevens. This will provide her with the experience necessary to ultimately LEAD the Senate and reaffirm the statement that she is the most popular governor in the country. Hopefully this would squelch forever the notion that Alaskans can’t see things like the lower 48.

Posted by: sirobx | Nov 2, 2008 5:48:40 PM
Probably some right wing RNC church behind that, although, from AKM message above I don’t think that could happen. And I sincerely doubt enough Alaskans would writer her in anyway…!!!!

2 11 2008
Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker

@msbeader I truly loved that! Thanks for the link.

I recently visited Washington DC, and my grandson here in Calif wanted only one souvenir: an Obama cap. He’s 4.

2 11 2008


a pretty amazing story from the Christian Science Monitor about canvassing. It is an upneat tale.

2 11 2008

Oh golly gosh darn! I was looking so forward to the Palin family reality show. I hope she doesn’t decide to do the boring senate thing and instead stay in the spotlight like a diva movie star. She is so less dangerous there. I think also think that Ted is going to have his hands full for awhile so why should he worry about his senate seat?

2 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Someone will take the county registrar to court and she will lose. People actually live in many places including hotels and that does not disenfranchise them. The court in OH said that wherever you generally hang is a good enough address, even if it is a park bench. Radford is probably a blue island in a sea of red. I thought it was in the same county as VA Tech. Guess not.

2 11 2008

Skinny That One (17:42:27) said:

DeMo “CNN just reported that 59% of the population does NOT want to see Palin on a ticket in years to come.”

Only 59%?? Arghhh!
I figure if you’re a hero with 60% loving you, you’re pretty much a piece of poo when 60% aren’t.
Deep Blue in VA (17:59:48) said:

“AKM, do you really think Sarah would want the Senate seat? Clearly she loves the power, but it would be much harder for her to be “rogue” in the Senate, and I think it would be hard work, too.”

She may not be able to go rogue, but she could go maverick. Or, like McCain, sidekick.

I don’t put anything beyond this woman’s grasp. She is a poor excuse for a human being. I see her as utterly without feeling for anyone or anything that doesn’t serve her needs/desires.

While I greatly admire ambition (Obama must have plenty), I abhor blind ambition. Palin is the kind of person who stops at nothing and smiles the whole time. When you feel blood trickling down your back, rest assured that it’s Palin who inserted the knife.

2 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

It’s too late to organize a write in campaign. Those are actually quite difficult and rarely effective. Ted wouldn’t like it.

2 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Bea: Thanks for the e-mail link. Homework done. Text below. Hope you don’t mind, I borrowed some of your wording.
Ms. Radford,

Disenfranchising university students is illegal. The Supreme Court ruled in 1971 that students may register to vote where they attend school, and the Virginia state board of elections explicitly states that a dormitory may constitute a valid address. It is not a long-term motel stay. And even if it is, are you suggesting that those who are temporarily otherwise homeless should not have the right to vote? This constitutes discrimination. I trust you will act immediately to rectify this matter so that students in your county will be able to cast ballots for the candidates of their choice.

A concerned voter,

2 11 2008

amy (17:56:03) :
Ennealogic & Aussie Puck Mule Hussein
Thanks for the info. re: a blue candle that is now lit! I will buy more tomorrow! Thanks again! (dusting off tinsel and glitter)

Hi, Amy: Just want to say that a couple days ago, I suggested (me first, #1 to promote this idea!) that we all light a candle for Obama’s win, safety for all, peace, etc. Then, A Brit (….hussein palin in UK) dug her big blue candle out she had been saving for 7 years, and put it to a good purpose/use on her desk. So, there is now the occasional sweet reference to blue candles now lit in Idaho, CO, VA, etc. Then……..I suggested that in case AKM had nothing else to do but get some designed for the Mudflats store with perhaps various messages of HOPE, Unity, Peace, Harmony, Light ….then we could all buy them and keep it going until the whole world burns with the message so well articulated by Our Guy Obama. I have some 2 X 3 squarish candle holders of a cobalt blue, so am burning constant tea lights….anyone else for this mavericky and evolving idea? 🙂 There is LIGHT at the end of this tunnel !!

2 11 2008

LaNon (17:45:56) :

NCLB helps to keep the lousy teacher education system in place. Makes it nearly impossible for second career people to go into teaching. I know there are exceptions, but the Cal State teacher education system is enough to kill the normal adult, IMHO.

Let me know when you hear of a teacher getting fired that’s not in jail first (rhetorical).

Boy, are you right! I left the public school system because of NCLB. It’s bullshit. Can’t afford to teach anymore at that level, so I am going back into the university system. Maybe I will get to work with Bill Ayers! (he he)

2 11 2008

Shove Maggot “That One” Hussein aka the problem child (18:29:43) :

Bea: Thanks for the e-mail link. Homework done. Text below. Hope you don’t mind, I borrowed some of your wording.

Thank you, thank you! I hope she is FLOODED with calls and emails from OUTRAGED citizens.

I just heard that a VA TEch student went in to get an absentee ballot and was told that ‘the election was yesterday, you missed it!” Can you BELIEVE that the very people who are supposed to protect the vote are so BLATANTLY suppressing it? *head explodes from anger*

2 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Beautiful, sad story of a lady voting for Obama from her deathbed. If she can do it, yes, we can.

2 11 2008

Live Obama rally at Univ. of Cincinnati to air shortly on CNN.

Though his speech will probably be what I’ve heard before, I can’t get enough of his hopeful message.

The tenor at an Obama rally is vastly different from McCain’s and Pailin’s. They’ve stuck with divisive and negative. Obama makes me believe life can be different in this country, but not only because of him, but because of what he asks of all of us.

Maybe it’s pie in the sky, but I’ll gladly take a slice of that pie. And I look forward to McCain/Palin eating humble pie.

2 11 2008

@LaNon (18:08:00) :
my guess is that Stevens has something on him
Despite being across the aisle, Stevens and Inouye really are close friends and have been for years. They visit each other, go fishing together, etc.

2 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

We are drowning in anti-Obama ads here in Pittsburgh tonight. Never saw so many.

I did not know until tonight that Obama kills kittens and may have been behind that one space shuttle explosion.

2 11 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Here’s a good Bible spice story….
The pastor who clashed with Palin

2 11 2008

Wikipedia says Ted Stevens was born in November 1923.
He’s 85 years old ?! Step down, man! What is your friggin’ problem ?!

2 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Rachel Maddow just showed the Alaskan Human Obama symbol!

Yeah, AKM and Mudflats!

2 11 2008

Someone asked when is a good time to visit AK to see the Northern Lights…..I recall a late November evening years ago, driving to Wasilla to visit friends for Thanksgiving ~ the lights were dancing across the sky, greenish blue…..we don’t see them as much from Anchorage (city lights get in the way) but Fairbanks gets them……. Summer is best for our stunning flowers (midnight sun-fed) ~~ but it has to be in the dark of winter that you will see Aurora Borealis….

2 11 2008
GJ in Idaho

OT….just saw the AK Obama clip on Racheal….go Obama….they were really having fun with all greatest clips from the run up to the election and that Obama circle with red, white and blue rain gear was by far the best!

Yes We Can

2 11 2008
Dragon Lady



(Now let me go back and catch up on the other 13 threads I’ve missed.)

2 11 2008

OT Re: BLUE lights & ribbons:

@ amy 16:39:50 and @Aussie Puck 17:08:37

Just went over to Ace Hardware and they just so happened to have a hanging ‘Starlight Sphere’ globe w/ 50 little lights (for 50 states) in BLUE approx 6″ in diameter / looks like a mini disco dance ball. It really sparkles. Found it in the Xmas section. It’s now hanging in my kitchen window for all to see with my Obama sign outside below. Aussie good idea for those allergies. Just thought I’d pass it along. Cheers everyone.

2 11 2008
disenchanted tore

Ha! Y’all beat me to it! Rachel’s show featured the AK rally Obama symbol. She was giggling! tee hee

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

I can not believe that SWWNBN would want a senate seat…..after 1-20-09……every thing will be so diffrent….there will be a dem president…..increase of dems in both houses……it will not be the same old boys club…..sp may have street smarts….but she can not think on the cuff…..as we just saw when she was pranked…..so many people in both houses have said so many negitive things about her……….I remember reading about Miss cindy feeling dissed in D.C……she ran home to arizona ……….those people would just eat sp up……can you see her running in to HRC…….ohooo yap ….yu betcha……..I would love to be right there

2 11 2008

Jane Doe: great find!

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Sunday CNN poll

The more we learn about Sarah, the less we like her. (Gosh, they should’ve polled us – we could’ve told them this a long time ago).


2 11 2008
Road Runner


I am confused. I thought the crimes were committed in Alsaka. Isn’t the house in Alaska. How can he continue to receive his “socialist” Permanent Fund check?

2 11 2008

…Road Runner…….posted a bit earlier, the bills were paid in DC, where Stevens’ reside most of the year. Guess that is what makes it ‘local’ there….

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

mhrt oregon”steve” (19:02:42) :

I can not believe that SWWNBN would want a senate seat…
For sure. The last time she acted like a team player was when she played HS basketball. Besides, she’d be one of many – definitely not her style.

2 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Sorry if this was posted before. Paul Simon’s “American Tune” in an Obama ad…it’s PERFECT!


2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (18:56:22) :

Rachel Maddow just showed the Alaskan Human Obama symbol!

Yeah, AKM and Mudflats!
man i missed it…………i wanted to see that so bad

did you hear alaska turned pink today

2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

Jane Doe,

My website, http://www.sparkleball.com, shows how to make your own sparkleball. So anybody out there, you want a blue sparkleball, check it out.

And if anybody makes a blue sparkleball, I’d love a photo to post on the website.


Alex, the sparkleball lady

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

One of CNN’s latest polls show Palin costing McCain votes. The more we know her, the less we like her. The spam filter threw out the link, sorry.

2 11 2008
sharon in canada

off topic…no medical records and not one press conference.How could it get this far that no one has challenged her?Shocking..just shocking.

2 11 2008

@ mwTHATONE40yrsAnchorage (19:03:29) :
Jane Doe: great find!

Yup…it’s metaphorically perfect when you think of it! Hope Ace has a run on them tomorrow.

Oh and great minds think alike.

2 11 2008

It is a bit odd, Palin is the big champion of free speech, BUT she will not give a press conference!

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

BigPete (19:13:46) :

It is a bit odd, Palin is the big champion of free speech,
Only her own.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

ALASKA is now pink ……..go alaska

2 11 2008


I LOVE your sparkleballs! I have bookmarked your site so I can make one with my super creative little goddaughter next time she visits!

2 11 2008

Didn’t Sarah say , after days of thinking about it, that she reads ‘the economist’?
Well, she had a chance to read their endorsement of Obama. –

Its time

” … The Economist does not have a vote, but if it did, it would cast it for Mr Obama. We do so wholeheartedly: the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence. …”


: )

2 11 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I’ve just finished composing an email to send out to various people in response to all the anti-Obama messages I’ve received. Just like in Pittsburgh, those negative ads (on my computer) have been multiplying as the election draws nearer.

I sat patiently through an entire sermon this morning about voting biblically. My pastor is a dear friend, but he will also be receiving one of my emails. Of course, it’s very non-confrontational, and mostly filled with sources for facts about Obama and messages of hope from his supporters.

It contains no opponent bashing whatsoever, just a fervent request to look at the truth and to see what we see.

Thank you for all your stories, which have certainly contributed to my own message of hope.

I am woefully behind on Mudflats posts, and probably not going to catch up tonight, but I do want to be with you all on Tuesday.

I did catch a few goodies tonight though. I loved the hockey mama for Obama! The Christian Science monitor story about the banker canvassing for Obama was brilliant. And Sparkleball Lady: you go! Also, I have a candle lit, and I’ll light another one when I get to work in the morning.

You all fill me with sparkly good thoughts, and I know that we have all made a difference. (jeepers, can you feel the love tonight?)

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Sparkleball Lady (19:07:49) :

you are now in my alaska file

2 11 2008

@sharon in canada (19:09:29) :
off topic…no medical records and not one press conference.How could it get this far that no one has challenged her?Shocking..just shocking.

The president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has given more press conferences-two- in the US since Palin was nominated then she has.

2 11 2008
rf11 in FL aka Palin Queen Distributor

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (19:08:59) :

One of CNN’s latest polls show Palin costing McCain votes. The more we know her, the less we like her. The spam filter threw out the link, sorry.
I saw this poll today on CNN. The most striking aspect is that Palin’s unfavorables have DOUBLED since McLoser chose her. Truly, as Crust said, the more we know her, the less we like her. Unfavorables are the most difficult numbers for a political candidate to overcome. From CNN.com:

“A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Sunday indicates McCain’s running mate is growing less popular among voters and may be costing him a few crucial percentage points in the race for the White House.

Fifty-seven percent of likely voters questioned in the poll said Palin does not have the personal qualities a president should have. That’s up 8 points since September.

Fifty-three percent say she does not agree with them on important issues. That’s also higher than September.

“Just after the GOP convention in early September, 53 percent said they would vote for Palin over Joe Biden if there were a separate vote for vice president. Now, Biden would beat Palin by 12 points if the running mates were chosen in a separate vote,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

And what if voters were allowed to vote for president separately?

“It would be a 4-point edge for Barack Obama, 52 percent to 48 percent. Since the McCain-Palin ticket is currently getting 46 percent in a match-up against the Obama-Biden ticket, it looks like Palin’s presence on the GOP ballot is taking 2 percentage points away from McCain. In a close race, that might represent the margin of victory,” Holland said.

The unfavorable numbers for Palin, Alaska’s governor, also have been growing. They are 8 points higher in the current poll than in early October, and they’re twice as high as they were when McCain announced his running mate in late August.”

Just wait till she gets back to Alaska and is mired in constant ethics investigations. Those unfavorables should just keep on rising.

2 11 2008

Hey all —

Before we speculate about whether or not Bible Spice will want to run against Lisa Murkowski (practically a given, taking into consideration her blind ambition), we need to focus on WHAT DO WE DO TO MAKE SURE THAT SHE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HER CRIMES AGAINST ALASKA/ALASKANS. With luck, her many -gates will end with ethics sanctions, recall, etc., and preclude the possibility that she will, in the future, hold any elected seat.

Hard to campaign from the pokey!!!!!!

So, let’s stay focused on how we can get her tax issues, Troopergate, and much much more pursued to the full extent of the law.

On a positive note, talked to a former co-worker (oil employee like us), he said he’d have voted McCain if not for the addition of SP to the ticket. That is the case with my husband, as well (don’t ask!), and I’m assuming many other oil employees who have a front-row seat when it comes to the shenanigans she’s been pulling related to her oil taxes & pipeline. Crossing fingers there’s a mass defection of usually-GOP-voters here in AK. I’d say that oil people can usually be counted on for those votes, but not with her on the ticket…….. Happened in our house, and we’re not the only ones now voting Obama!

2 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

DrChill (19:25:04) :

Didn’t Sarah say , after days of thinking about it, that she reads ‘the economist’?
If that were true, she’d be a whole lot more qualified to be VP!

2 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

mhrt oregon”steve” (19:07:33) :
Alaska really has turned pink—-and we all know all the wonderful blue Mudpuppies, don’t we? 😉

2 11 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Not sure I agree with the analysis about Stevens’ ability to vote on Tuesday.

Seems to me that if Stevens was convicted in a federal court that the state cannot overturn or over rule on federal law as to a convicted person being able to vote in the federal portion of the election on Tuesday. See how state’s rights turns into a prickly cactus against him?

Would not hurt if some enterprising attorney in Alaska took a good look at the federal law on voting eligibility after conviction and see what it says. And if it says what I think it might say, ie, Stevens cannot vote in the federal election, then perhaps that enterprising attorney could do Alaskans a real favor by filing an action in federal court asking for its interpretation and a clarification of any applicable law, and for a TRO against Stevens being able to cast a ballot on Tuesday. Under that scenario, the worse might be an inconvenience for Stevens in that he might have to cast a provisional ballot.

2 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (19:27:33) :

DrChill (19:25:04) :

Didn’t Sarah say , after days of thinking about it, that she reads ‘the economist’?
If that were true, she’d be a whole lot more qualified to be VP!

If that were true, Palin would know the Economist is wholeheartedly endorsing Obama.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@SMR (19:27:27) :

Hey all –
you turned pink today

2 11 2008

Sparkleball Lady (17:57:20) :

AKM– I asked this question on previous post. Forgive me if you’ve alread answered it. Where did the Ted STevens investigation come from? How did it originate? Was it well in the works before Palin’s nomination? And finally, had Alaska’s remoteness allowed Stevens more freedom than most Senators?

One or more answers appreciated.

Sparkeleball Lady – see this site for a good overview regarding corruption in AK


2 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Good night my dear mudpups. Can’t stay up for more. Love you all and thinking of blue sparkleballs. (I only just learned how to make a 20 sided ball using nothing but old greeting cards, an exacto knife, and glue.) The sparkleball is far more hi-tech, but also, it glows! Also.

2 11 2008
rf11 in FL aka Palin Queen ReDistributor

Obama’s strategy to have many paths to a victory has simply been amazing!

I’m so happy that a candidate who is so inspiring to the American people also executed such a perfectly run campaign. The management of his campaign says much about this man. The American people are so lucky that someone of Obama’s character, intelligence and judgment was willing to run.

2 11 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

btw – Sarah Palin was seen tricker treating Friday night in a little town north of Harrisburg. Think it was the younger (Willow?) with her.

2 11 2008

@Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker (17:56:10)
Awesome Youtubes! I gotta go back and listen again. One more day!

2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

Thanks, Suchanut! So the investigation that brought Stevens down is what Palin rode in on. . . Wow. That’s quite a story, and how amazing that the timing of it has coincided so beautifully with the election.

It seems like Alaska politicians got away with murder being so far away, literally and figuratively. Or maybe Alaska politicians were not as slick as the lower 48’s? At least not yet.

2 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin (19:32:05) :

Not sure I agree with the analysis about Stevens’ ability to vote on Tuesday.

Just from what I am finding looking around the web–without any legal background to bring to bear on the subject–the right to vote after felony varies from state to state. The key in Alaska is the nature of the crime for which Stevens has been convicted in not a felony of the type that comes with a loss of voting.

2 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Palin will never overcome her negatives. Think of all the TV that can now be used against her; not to mention her great radio performance. The Senate isn’t a good venue for her. She is better off as Gov. That is, if she can keep the seat.

2 11 2008

Enjay in Eastern MT :

I have been following this for some time now. All hell is going to break loose as soon as Bush leaves office. They are dirty to the core.

2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

You know, I just might need to make a blue sparkleball tomorrow and change the opening page of http://www.sparkleball.com on wednesday.

I don’t want to scare away any mccain or paul or nader sparkleballers, but one day can’t hurt (or maybe even a week.)

2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

I forgot to thank you, Jane Doe, for the blue sparkleball idea. Thanks!

2 11 2008

I think Rachel is a mudflatter–one of us, one of the magic ones of us.
Hey Rachel: You rock. We love you.

2 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Okay, sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin (19:32:05) :

I am with you based on the below snippet from Juneau Empire [which may well be posted elsewhere, but dang I can’t read that fast when I get here late] and what the venerable AKM wrote. Stevens is getting special treatment and interpretation of the Alaska law.

“Alaska law says “a person convicted of a crime that constitutes a felony involving moral turpitude under state or federal law may not vote in a state, federal, or municipal election from the date of the conviction through the date of the unconditional discharge of the person.”

But state legal officials say that since Stevens has not been sentenced yet, he is eligible to vote in the general election . . . “

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Lee (19:45:49) :

Enjay in Eastern MT :

I have been following this for some time now. All hell is going to break loose as soon as Bush leaves office. They are dirty to the core.
lets just hope that they are not as smart as obama ……and they left stuff to find………….yup yu betcha they are dirty to the core………..but we knew that during their first term ….then got stuck with for another 4

2 11 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Tracy Howard is an idiot. Students across the country use their dorm as their address because that is where they are living while in school. It’s been a well-recognized practice in nearly every state for decades. Plus, if Tracy Howard is the only Registrar in the entire state to interpret the requirements that way, then the students ought to file for a court injunction under a Equal Protection action.

2 11 2008

OFF TOPIC – I have had such a good time campaigning in this election until today…had a really devastating short call with a man in PA during my phone banking. He told me he was going to personally sue me, call the “FEC” on me, blamed me for the fact that he had been called repeatedly by the Dems, and called me names. It only lasted 1 minute and 34 seconds, but it was pretty horrible because he was so abusive. I cried after I hung up. And all I said, to start his diatribe, was say I was with Barack Obama’s Campaign for Change…

2 11 2008

Cry No More, Sweet Lulu.
Things are gonna change.

2 11 2008

Thanks, LaNon.

2 11 2008


BTW> you are ON TOPIC
and you have worked to change the world
and a lot of people do not like that idea

Thank you, Lulu

2 11 2008

Big Al from Las Vegas (16:08:39) :,

I think that the brain drain we experienced in our colleges from the hard sciences may finally be forced to come to an end–all these kids who went to business school to get their MBAs and become Wall Street millionaires aren’t faring so well right now, so a solid career in research or engineering might suddenly look more appealing. It would also help if people could go to school without acquiring student loan debt equal to a mortgage. I have everything crossed for an Obama win on Tues so that maybe, finally, some of this stuff will start to happen.

2 11 2008
Irish in FL

Lulu….when people protest that much….they’re scared……he’s scared of change….oh well, it’s gonna happen!!!!!!!!!!! Florida’s looking pretty blue right now……..!!!!

2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

Lulu, I had one of those too– but a very old Jewish man, I think (from his name and the sound of his voice) who said he had never voted Republican in his entire life– and FDR was his greatest hero– until this election. It wiped me out. The anger and ugliness is hard to shake.

Thank you for making those calls. And thank you for quoting GBShaw my favorite playwright a few days ago (I think that was you.)

2 11 2008

Awwww Lulu…..bummer, girl. Ok, here is a guaranteed mood lifter: stand up and skip around the room. When you skip you have to smile! 🙂 Try it!

2 11 2008

Bummer, Lulu (two of my great-aunts had your name!)….just remember it says ‘more about him’ (ALL about him!), and is just an indicator that what YOU (and Obama & and muddies everywhere) are about, is what he needs…….

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Lulu (19:55:42) :

OFF TOPIC – I have had
I would have cried also…….but think that about all the good calls that you had and all of the good that you have done………there is some some really nasty people out there…when you think of that call …….pls replace it with a good…….one that made you feel really good………..go obama..go america…….go pink alaska………

2 11 2008

Lulu: I take it the bad guy was a McCain supporter?

2 11 2008

@mhrt Steve —

Yes, I saw that here, and can add that: I have not been called, my husband has not been called. The fella I talked to today has not been called. I doubt our other co-worker that is voting Dem instead of Rep has been called. So, if that’s the trend here, they are overlooking a lot of voters who can change this state to blue! If the pollsters are not bothering to call registered republicans (my husband, our coworkers, myself until Bible Spice was picked), thinking that they’ve got those votes sewn up, well, they could be in for a huge surprise!

As I said before, having a front-row seat for her oil tax & pipeline shenanigans is a real eye-opener!!!!

2 11 2008

(psst: lulu, if it makes you feel any better, i did get two ballots in the mail.)

2 11 2008

So what do you thnk are the chances that SP would win Ted Stevens seat IF there is a run-off. Is she still popular enough? or have enough people been embarassed enough?

2 11 2008

hey, let’s all intensely but peacefully picture alaska going light blue overnight; while we’re at it, go totally blue by noon tomorrow!!

2 11 2008


Am I correct in assuming that the dropping price per barrel is going to dramatically impact your checks? Frankly, the checks seem nice and all, but it doesn’t seem such a great tradeoff for the higher prices you guys have to pay for fuel–especially since the funds are so directly tied to the volatile oil market. Is there some cushion for drops like we’ve recently experienced (33% in one quarter according to CNN). That’s gotta hurt the state fund.

2 11 2008

Thanks, LaNon, Irish in FL, Sparkleball Lady, Suchanut, mwTHAT ONT, and mhrt. I appreciate your kind words.

2 11 2008
Irish in FL

Lulu….we’re all in this together…and together we’ll make a CHANGE!!!!!

Go O!!!!!!

2 11 2008
rf11 in FL aka Palin Queen ReDistributor

Lulu, so sorry for your bad experience. Tuesday night will help you forget all about the old meany.

2 11 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Worth a repeat:

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (19:50:12) :

“Alaska law says “a person convicted of a crime that constitutes a felony involving moral turpitude under state or federal law may not vote in a state, federal, or municipal election from the date of the conviction through the date of the unconditional discharge of the person.”

But state legal officials say that since Stevens has not been sentenced yet, he is eligible to vote in the general election . . . “

Thanks, Denise!!

And therein lies the rub. The law says one thing while legal officials say another. The law is the law is the law which should never be overturned just because someone with a law degree and a political agenda believes people are too stupid or indiffernt to think otherwise.

Someone in Alaska ought to file an action in the federal court, perhaps as a mandamus action, demanding the legal officials enforce the law as to Stevens’ ability to cast a vote as applied to anybody with a felony conviction.

It would be extremely useful to see what the federal law is on voting rights after a felony conviction on federal charges (might be more stringent than what the state lawbook says). Someone with access to the US Code would be in the best position to provide an opinion on this matter.

2 11 2008

Enjay in Eastern MT :

Yes, that was the religious right voteing him in because of fear. They knew he was a crook. He will fight this very hard, but there are also people who want to see him burn in his own party. Crooks are never very smart. That is why they are crooks.

2 11 2008

Unfortunately, even though I cannot imagine it, there are definitely enough R’s in this state who might go for SP in Stevens’ seat, but……..well, maybe Hollis French or John Binkley…. go, Begich.

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Lulu (20:07:21) :

Thanks, LaNon, Irish in FL, Sparkleball Lady, Suchanut, mwTHAT ONT, and mhrt. I appreciate your kind words.
Don’t let anyone talk to you that way, Lulu. You had every right to call him and you have every right to hang up.

ps: do you still have his number? [evil grin]

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

SMR (20:05:00) :

@mhrt Steve –

Yes, I saw that here, and can add that: I have not been called, my husband has not been called. The fella I talked to today has not been called. I doubt our other co-worker that is voting Dem instead of Rep has been called. So, if that’s the trend here, they are overlooking a lot of voters who can change this state to blue! If the pollsters are not bothering to call registered republicans (my husband, our coworkers, myself until Bible Spice was picked), thinking that they’ve got those votes sewn up, well, they could be in for a huge surprise!

As I said before, having a front-row seat for her oil tax & pipeline shenanigans is a real eye-opener!!!!
from what i saw it was dark pink……..but whoooooooo …not red…….way to go………i may have to stay up really late tuesday to see how you guys do…….I AM SO EXCITED

2 11 2008

mickeymusing (20:07:10) :

Here is a shortcut to a pdf that shows how this year’s Permanent Fund Dividend was calculated. They use the past five years revenues and then apply some formulas.

Click to access 2008DividendCalculation.pdf

2 11 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Lulu – I’d like to apologize for how that pennsyltuckian treated you. Unfortunately, this part of the state is full of aholes like that guy. They go to bed angry and they get up angry. People avoid them, even other republicans. They march in and out of the polling places muttering under their breath, and they usually smell worse than warmed-over carrion.

And that’s just the good part about them.

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin (20:10:00) :

I was under the impression that the crimes were considered not involving moral turpitude.

2 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Lulu (19:55:42) : I think people in PA are simply worn out with calls. From 8-9 pm I had 6 calls. 1 from Obama thanking me for volunteering, 1 from Fast Eddie (the governor) who at least apologized about a prop on the ballot. The rest were for McCain. When I was calling yesterday even supporters were getting cranky. The problem is that aside from Obama other organizations are calling and the McCain people call everyone in the state multiple times a day.

It would be especially hard if you are a registered Democrat and have decided to vote for McCain for whatever reason. That means you are being aggravated and also probably feel a bit guilty. It isn’t personal. Just hang up and the next one will be better.

2 11 2008

@ lUlU
it’s a b***ch…in Nebraska, I get more hang-ups than cuss-outs…I’m sorry you had to experience that! In the place of that a**hole, may I say “thank you for calling, but I’d rather not risk a thing…I believe if I just hunker-down all will be well…again, thank you for offering”
just keep those fingers dialin’, by-golly…we will overcome…ya bettcha 🙂

2 11 2008

And thanks also to rf11, sauerkraut and Aussie…I thank you all. You have cheered me up! 🙂

2 11 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Mickey – whatever happens to the dollar amount on the Alaskan checks, just remember that lower oil prices should translate into lower heating bills for the winter. And that’s not just in Alaska.

2 11 2008
Skinny That One

If Stevens gets his PFD, then he is an Alaska resident and crimes were committed while being an Alaska resident. The home where all the gifts not reported is in Alaska. Upside down thinking there. Seems a bit convoluted in the logic department.

2 11 2008

This is off subject but I just received it and it’s done well and really funny

Hocky momma for Obama

2 11 2008

And I want to add that I canvassed one day door to door in PA and had a great time…so I realize it’s the luck of the draw type of thing in terms of the number I got.


2 11 2008

Lulu, I’m sorry you had such a horrible experience. I’ve had a few of those myself. One guy told me he’d report me if I ever called again, and then promptly hung up. Of course, I called him back.

In fairness to some of these people, they are deluged by calls. I know someone who got 17 calls in one day. She’s leaving her phone off the hook until Tuesday.

Sparkleball Lady (20:02:38) said:

Lulu, I had one of those too– but a very old Jewish man, I think (from his name and the sound of his voice) who said he had never voted Republican in his entire life– and FDR was his greatest hero– until this election. It wiped me out. The anger and ugliness is hard to shake.
Here’s something I just don’t get. Supporters of Obama, I thought, were looking beyond what separates us. Eschewing divisiveness. How do you know the person you called was Jewish? And what difference does it make to the experience? Is the ugliness better or worse because of your perception that his name and sound of his voice (totally lost me on that one) makes him Jewish?

Yes, I’m Jewish. A New Yorker. Went to an Ivy school. Just label me an East Coast elitist because who doesn’t want to be reduced to a cultural stereotype?

Walking away from the computer for a bit because I’m shocked and hurt that as we joyfully gather to elect America’s first black POTUS, someone would cast a dark light on another minority. I’ll agree with you on one salient point, Sparkleball Lady, the ugliness is very hard to shake.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

SMR (20:05:00) :

@mhrt Steve –

Yes, I saw that here, and can add that: I have not been called, my husband has not been called. The fella I talked to today has not been called. I doubt our other co-worker that is voting Dem instead of Rep has been called. So, if that’s the trend here, they are overlooking a lot of voters who can change this state to blue! If the pollsters are not bothering to call registered republicans (my husband, our coworkers, myself until Bible Spice was picked), thinking that they’ve got those votes sewn up, well, they could be in for a huge surprise!

As I said before, having a front-row seat for her oil tax & pipeline shenanigans is a real eye-opener!!!!
After reading SMR ….it make you think …..hummm..I really may have to stay up late…….then you will hear me hollering from oregon

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Touching message from someone in the Coloradoans for Obama group.

“On another note…This afternoon as my husband and I were driving back
from volunteering at Obama HQ when we saw an elderly man, his wife and
their dog walking on the side of the freeway in the shivering cold. We
stopped to see if there was anything we could do to help. Their car had
broken down a couple of miles back and they were walking to the nearest
gas station. Now, I drive a BIG SUV (yeah I know I’m insane) with towing
capability. So we took them back to their car (a little jeep number)
hooked it up to our truck, and towed it to the gas station (5 miles away).
During the drive the talk turned to politics as they saw the Obama button
I had hanging from my rear-view mirror. They said they were life-long
southern Baptist republicans… have never voted democrat, kind of liked
what they saw in Obama but were worried about taxes and that they didn’t
know much about him.
We shared our story about why we voted for Obama. The wife said “but I
don’t want to become a democrat”. I said you don’t have to become a
democrat to vote for Barack. You can join the large and growing number of
Republicans who are staying republican but voting for the best choice to
lead our country for the next 8 years. She looked skeptical, and not much
more was said after that. We got to the station but there was no mechanic
on duty. So my husband called AAA to arrange to have their car towed to
their house. We waited with them until the tow truck came and as we were
leaving the elderly man grabbed my husband’s hand and shook it and said..
“if you folks are an example of the kind of people who believe in Mr.
Obama, then that is all I need to know about him and he’s got my vote.”

I cried all the way home…”

2 11 2008
The Messenger

Please Alaska , Please take this idiot back Please. God please help us. Please Jesus.

I just listened to Palin getting pranked.

2 11 2008

@ Skinny that One
I wish the legal/political world viewed that your way…logic, ain’t it a beautiful thing?

2 11 2008

@THAT ONE & mhrt Steve —

It would almost be entertaining to see Bible Spice take on Lisa Murkowski. Let me tell you something about Alaska (that That One probably already knows) — there are a lot of republicans that blindly vote party line. But this election has proved that there are many who don’t (not enough, but won’t look a gift horse in the mouth). What I can tell you about the Alaskan repubs, though, is that there are not enough religious fundies to carry someone. If Bible Spice lined herself up against Lisa M., I don’t see Lisa forsaking any sort of ammo out there to be used against Bible Spice. Lisa has come out in support of Ted, the non-religious repubs are lined up behind her, and some of the religious types too. Bible Spice has thrown him under the bus. Not good in Alaska from the repub perspective!

I honestly don’t think that Bible Spice could win against Lisa unless she has dirt on her. Far as I can tell, Lisa’s been keeping her nose clean. If you give moderate republicans a choice between the two, they will vote for Lisa, hands down.

By the time 2010 rolls around I like to think Alaskans will have done their job to uncover all of Bible Spice’s secrets. TV evangelism may be all that she’s got left in terms of options by then.

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Northern Lights can be seen anytime the sky is dark enough to reveal them–even early June, late July–even if sky only dark for an hour or so. Difficult around summer solstice though–June 21. Odds increase in the dead of winter–but then you have to be awake and watching when they decide to dance for you. And willing to hang out in the cold if you want to photograph them.

2 11 2008

@ northern exposure
so, is miss sarah the “darkest of night skies” that allow the light to be seen…
or is she the “blanket of velvety light” that captivates the seer?

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@ lulu
yaaaa…lulu is smiling:)

2 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Bea (18:09:32) :
Thanks for the information on Radford. I did my homework and emailed the wench mentioning all the fine institutions of higher education in Virginia who are NOT denying their students the right to vote.

Watchdogs of the world will eventually make it right!

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

“Fifty-seven percent of likely voters questioned in the poll said Palin does not have the personal qualities a president should have. That’s up 8 points since September.

Fifty-three percent say she does not agree with them on important issues. That’s also higher than September.”

Only 53-57%??? Bang head on wall.

2 11 2008

what a great story, Northern Exposure! Way to make actions speak louder than words, AND have the words to share with that couple. Two more votes!

With candles lit, we’re almost there!

2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady


Please forgive me if I offended you by my assumption that the man I called was Jewish. But I felt so guilty when I hung up that I had only responded with shock and speechlessness to this man, that somehow I was letting him down by not being able to talk to him in a way that could help him associate Obama with FDR and the Democratic candidates in his past. Having a picture of someone when I called helped me talk to them, and for me, this picture was haunting. What pain he must be in, I thought, and I couldn’t help.

I’m a Texan. And BELIEVE ME, I know how tough it is to live with stereotypes!

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

If homeless people in Michigan can register using their favoritie park bench as an address, then surely students in a dormitory are qualified to use dorm residence as an address. They don’t need letters from Mudpuppies, they need the Obama legal team.

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

If homeless people in Michigan can register using their favorite park bench as an address, then surely students in a dormitory are qualified to use dorm residence as an address. (It is their residence after all.) These people don’t need letters from Mudpuppies, they need the Obama legal team. Sic ’em.

2 11 2008

@De Mo —

Don’t be angry. This is a place where we should all feel free to tell our stories and be heard without judgement, right?

I could be as guilty as anyone of assuming that someone with a certain last name or accent could be Jewish, but that is because of my limited exposure. Alaska probably has a fairly small population of Jewish folk. I have one Jewish friend. My teenage daughter has more Jewish friends than I do, as there are many at her school.

I think that were I to phone someone, and assume that they are Jewish based on name or accent, I might feel like I was not fully equipped to address all of their expressed concerns with regard to Obama. That is only because of what I have read during the course of this election — you can correct me, but don’t be angry with me — I would be guessing that they would be concerned about the rumors that he’s a Muslim, what his policies in regard to Israel are, his association with Khalidi, and many many more rumors that have been flying around about him, put out there by the GOP, that have been pretty much specifically targeted toward drawing the Jewish vote to the GOP ticket.

Keep in mind, though, that the Muslim issue, the Khalidi issue have been HUGE with other far-right voters, but something that the majority of those in the center or left has blown off (rightfully so, or maybe not, maybe they’ve given it a lot of thought, who knows).

I don’t know, I guess I just hope that we can all try to educate each other here instead of getting angry. We’re all in this together, differences in education, religion, ethnicity, aside.

2 11 2008

Sauerkraut et al,

I am not sure why so many of you are questioning Stevens’ ability to vote. It is just unfair.

Stevens is another Maverick so the whole legal dilemma is simply irrelevant. End of story.

2 11 2008
fawnksin hussein mudpuppy

i had the most marvelous experience here in cleveland this evening…went to an obama rally with springsteen opening then an almost hour long speech by the man himself…in the rain.
can you say “wow” !!!!

the initial estimates of the crowd size: 85,000.

i am hyped.

2 11 2008

@ northern exposure
from dark night skies to sparklin’ sky lights…to park benches and dorms???
got something to say? or am I misreading your posts?

does it be a troll I smell??? oh my, please tell

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

The state has ruled that, yes, the moral turpitude definition applies in this case.

2 11 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin


Thanks for the Clinton-Bush justification of the H1-B visa program. I like katiebegood have seen the underbelly of the H1-B visa program in which corporations use the H1-B visa program to hire foreign nationals that will work for less than American workers. I have seen this primarily in high tech but I am sure it happens in other fields like research. There are plenty of programmers qualified for these high tech jobs that are U.S. citizens

I run a semi conductor plant and have a masters degree in industrial engineering. In my field thier are five jobs for every qualified person to fill them. Please forgive me for saying this but my product is to important to hire some snot nosed brat straight out of college with no experience and a giant ego. I have found that hiring people with a high school education or some college to the production line and then paying their way through school gets me better results. I have 28 of these engineers working on site now. I have another 10 in the pipeline. I currently have 7 chinese, one jamacian, and two Irish engineers working on H1-B visas simply because I need the help, they all work hard, do a good job and came to me with several years of experience in this specific field and have contributed a great deal to our continued success and competitive edge on the world market. It would be diffacult if not impossible at this time to replace them with US citizens. I hope someday this will be possible but right now my fully american business using american supplies generating several hundred local jobs just suppling this company would be severly crippled without our foriegn workers.

2 11 2008
Divatalk Hussein

Hi Everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend, volunteering, GOTV and gearing up for the
upcoming week.

I wrote an article to Huffpost about my weekend and it got published. Check it
out and add your feedback. I’m so excited. I’ve never been published before.

I’m working as poll judge on Tuesday and doing some more phone banking on Monday. and then attending election party Tuesday night. Whew! I don’t know what I’m going to do come Wednesday!

What do you guys have planned for the upcoming week. I am journaling, so I
really like to know to add to my notes.

2 11 2008
CO Almost Native

@amy and lighthouse-

I can’t remember who I was conversing with no mudflats, but we were talking about signs of support; I suggested blue wristbands and she mentioned candles- I said they should be blue, for true blue Obama supporters…and it took off from there.

Look what happened, when I had to go to the grocery store- we had zippo in the frig and my love-him-but-he’s-a-Repug was coming home…a new thread on Stevens and many posts to read. I’d better get cracking…

2 11 2008

This is a must see. I have no words. My heart is breaking over this video.

2 11 2008
Divatalk Hussein

I love the blue candle idea. I think I’m going to get some caviar and champagne, light my blue candle, and put out my Obama for president energy into the Universe for the next 2 nights.

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Hillary is coming to Duluth Monday to stump for Al Franken. She looks good in the ad.


2 11 2008

Divatalk Hussein (20:45:14) :

That’s SO GREAT that you got published on HuffPo!! Going over to read it now…

2 11 2008
248 Crayons

Lulu (19:55:42) :

OFF TOPIC – I have had such a good time campaigning in this election until today…had a really devastating short call with a man in PA during my phone banking.


I work in customer service and have learned this: The customer may indeed rip your face off but the terrific news is it always grows back by the next day:) Luckily when I did phones it was maybe one awful nasty vile idiot about once every 24 hours. Chin up – I feel the Change A Coming!!!!

2 11 2008
Dr. Patois

A Goodby ad I think you will enjoy.


2 11 2008

@PJ –

No smell. Read back thru the other posts.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@SMR (20:24:02) :

@THAT ONE & mhrt Steve –

i really do not think palin has what it takes up stairs………the glass just seems so empty………she does not even seem like she is has what it takes to be your gov……….but when she says i will do what i want until the court tells me i can’t……what is that about…….duhhhh…..and the way she treats the little baby is beyound me……..she has never covers him …………carries him like a package……..I don’t care if he is her son or grandson………I would cary him very, very carefully………..I just don’t get it

2 11 2008
2 11 2008

I did, and to Northern Exposure…I sincerely apologize!!! No excuse…I should have checked before I “ran my big mouth”.


2 11 2008
Bella the Bunny Girl

I am confused. I thought the crimes were committed in Alsaka. Isn’t the house in Alaska.

Weren’t the charges for failing to claim gifts of that value on his Senate forms or something? That would make the wrongdoing happen in DC.

2 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Northern Exposure (20:22:05) :
I’m crying, too! But it really is true, you know….that Obama supporters are truly kinder and gentler. That was our experience in our canvassing today.

Thank you for the kindness you and yours showed to all of us through your kindness to them…and thank you for sharing that story and mostly for leading by example.

2 11 2008
CO Almost Native


Perhaps Colorado should declare all the oil/gas in the state as belonging to the residents. Bushie and friends are rushing to auction off all lots, even on the beautiful Roan Plateau. Gov Ritter and state depts are trying to slow it down, if not stop. What may bring the leasing and development to a halt are the new EPA regs on ozone and other pollutants. Much of the increase comes from oil/gas wells-and not just CO wells.

The good news: we may have at least one new Dem Senator and maybe a Dem member of the House-

2 11 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

northern exposure’s been around a long time.

2 11 2008

@ Divatalk
great reporting!!!
best of luck to you in the future…I loved the “love”

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

The darkest of dark night skies are a natural beautiful phenomenon–even if no lights dancing–stars will sparkle. The Great Bear, The North Star. Let’s not insult the beautiful dark skies with a comparison to SP–she who shoots wolves.

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Divatalk Hussein (20:45:14) :

I’m going to clean up my house and garden before the polls close.

When the polls close, I’m going to light my blue smoke-free candle, turn down the bed, and open the first bottle of champagne.

Then I’m going to do the Obama Hustle all over my tidy house

You can’t have an anxiety attack while you’re singing and dancing. 😉

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

What is that wordpress snapshot thing that makes one feel like a camera is popping up every time one clicks on a link here? Can we turn it off?

2 11 2008

@ upnorth MN
I know…I am so sorry…I’m too new here, I will never make that mistake again!

2 11 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

no need to apologize. i was just vouching for n.e.
glad to have you here.

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

PJ–I am a nice little troll that lives in a cabin in Cecily.

2 11 2008

@ Northern Exposure
I’m glad you are still on…will u forgive me??
I know we have talked before…it’s an ol’ lady…late night…brain fart…type of mindless “mouthiness”

2 11 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

When the North Slope lease sale (1968 or 1969) suddenly catapulted Alaska’s coffers from destitution to wealth, our politicians went wild and in two years it was nearly gone. Gov. Jay Hammond later proposed the Permanent Fund to invest oil royalties to cover future state budgets after the fields are depleted. Residents share a potion of the interest derived from oil revenues averaged over a five year period. The PFD provides a barometer of the health of our treasury, and legislators realize that to try to change the formula for spending will incur the wrath of voters
Wow, that’s so sensible, you should build a shrine for this former governer.

2 11 2008
gal from Cal

I was born and raised Republican, but am voting for Obama. I have even gone to the local Obama office and done some calling. The Nevada people I got on the phone were usually pretty nice. But the Missouri Republicans were rude and awful — every single one I got on the phone was unpleasant. Wow! I guess we forget sometimes that we are all Americans. On the other hand, it is irritating to get a bunch of calls — and those poor folks in the swing states are getting pummeled. If they’d just say they were voting for Obama, they’d get taken off the list!

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Suchanut, thanks for the link to the Cleveland pics!

Can anyone spot fawnskin hussein mudpuppy?

2 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

It’s been an amazing thread– and ending for me with divatalk’s journalistic debut (and inspiring story about my former state. I lived in Richmond VA for 7 years), fawnkskin’s experience in cleveland, suchanut’s great cleveland photos, northern exposure’s rescue and conversion story.

tomorrow I plan to make a blue sparkleball to hang outside in my red San Diego neighborhood. good night, all and bless your hearts.

2 11 2008

I’m a nice old troll too! I live in a dream cabin somewhere far…far…away…
actually, it’s nebraska, in a “ranch-style” house…love me anyway?

2 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Rest well, fellow Mudpuppies, I’m off to bed on the East Coast.

While our Obama work is nearly done, we’ll have to help AKM and all out other Alaskan friends to solve the question of what to do about Sarah…and Ted…and Don…and my very favorite villain Talis and many others that make the work of the good folks so much more difficult.

2 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Yah, love all Mudpuppies, PJ.

2 11 2008


2 11 2008

@Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

LOL I was thinking the same thing…

2 11 2008

I’m buried in grad school and have had no time to post – but I had to take a break and read mudflats and catch up on at least some of the posts.

Like others, I saw a “Rev Wright” ad tonight – in NY of all places! Seems like this is “3rd” party group – the National Republican Trust PAC. According to http://adspotlight.nationaljournal.com/2008/10/the-blame-game.php it’s airing on OH, FL, and PA – but maybe they did a national buy?

Not that I want to give the McCain camp any suggestions, but you’d think that rather than waste money in states that are reliably blue (or red) they’d spend it on the ground game. Hopefully, they’ll waste more money in NY!

It’s after midnight on the East Coat – last day before I get to vote for change.

2 11 2008

Ok, Mudpups, like my fellow East Coasters I am off to bed. Phone banking to do tomorrow and i think I’ll bake some of my special Raspberry Oatmeal cookies to take to the Obama office in town.

Sweet sparkelball dreams, everyone!!!

2 11 2008
CO Almost Native

I know how it is, being confronted by nasty Repugs; I was verbally accosted by one in our grocery store- he was offended by a pic of Obama on a news mag by the checkouts. He loudly complained that the media was biased and not telling the truth about Obama. Most customers moved away- not me (I’m a retired high school teacher, 29+ years with the little darlings) I looked him in the eye, and he ranted about Obama increasing taxes; I calmly asked him if he was in favor of the Iraq War (he was). Then I suggested he and others like him should be paying for it now, as I felt it was immoral to pass the costs on to our children and grandchildren. And that McCain, especially because he is a decorated war hero, should be a leading a push for a dedicated tax for the war.

He left the store, and I got a small ovation.

I know I didn’t change his vote, but maybe someone else who listened may have-

I’m usually tolerant, but not with that nonsense.

Good news in CO: Michele Obama will be in Littleton tomorrow (yeah), CroutonBarbie will talk to her fans at the Co Sprgs airport (boo), and I think McGrumpy will be here somewhere Tuesday (not worth the effort, he should sat in AZ)

2 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

I’m off to bed as well. More calling or data entry tomorrow. Our Obama people are sooooooooooooo burnt out. Poor dears.

2 11 2008
fawnksin hussein mudpuppy

oh, i spot me, i spot me.

but the rest of you will just have to guess.

i’ll give you a hint:

i’m not wearing a hat.

but am carrying a mudflats messenger bag.

2 11 2008

fawn- You got your order already? I’m jealous! 😉

2 11 2008

Divatalk Hussein (20:45:14)

Divatalk! Aren’t you just something else! Your article at HuffPo is simply divine! Absolutely fabulous! I’m very proud to know you. 🙂

2 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

I’ve seen about 6 or 7 of the Rev. Wright ads on TV tonight – course – we have become a toss up state – so its to be expected.

Would be interesting to hear the entire sermon – not just the one sentence – perhaps in “context” it would have different connotation.

Know what I mean?

2 11 2008
CO Almost Native


Where in Nebraska? I grew up in Omaha-

2 11 2008

I hear you Enjay….the whole thing has to be out there somewhere…I will go look and see if I can find it.

2 11 2008
2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

is here a new post where are the pictures

2 11 2008
Divatalk Hussein

Thanks guys. I appreciate the encouragement. I think I may have found a new career. This was fun.
I love some of the election night ideas, it will be great for my journal.

Good night everyone. Have a great day tomorrow!

2 11 2008

Good night all,
like LuLu I have trouble with calling folks…but most of ’em think other things about Obama, even with Biden on the ticket…
so, as soon as I see my parole officer on Monday, I’ll request permission to go out “of county” to canvass…then I’ll steal a state vehicle and take acorn-registered voters to their official voting locations…even mickey-mouse!!!
And with enough prayers, nebraska will at least get one EV for the …hush… he’s black…Obama/Biden!
Seriously, I’m not a felon, but I’ll take your prayers on Tues.

2 11 2008

The video of Wright is no longer available there

2 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

mhrt oregon”steve” (21:35:25) :

is here a new post where are the pictures
if it’s the pics from Cleveland, they are these

suchanut (20:51:53) :

Great photos from the rally in Cleveland


2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

oh thank you….out in the rain again……….what a group…the hugh diffrence …when you see the rallies……….on one you see peace and the other you see anger………you just see the peace……..that is why i like coming here ….it makes your heart slow down

2 11 2008

braveny (21:37:57) :

I can click on it and get there just fine. Hmmmm.

Here it is on two lines…


2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@fawnksin hussein mudpuppy (21:22:19)
i see where you get your name…you look lovely…no one comes to oregon,,,,,,,,,well he did come really early to portland…but it was before i got into this………

2 11 2008

suchanut (21:47:59) :

it says it is temporarily unavailable.. but I read the transcript elsewhere already so no loss. I think it was someone else looking for it. Maybe it worked for them.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

diva…..congratulations……..that was great

2 11 2008

Whoa!! Apologies if you already saw it but Rachel Maddow on MSNBC (nearly 1AM my time, Eastern Daylight) just showed a clip of the Anchorage people in red, white and blue parkas making the O sign! It was great!

2 11 2008

Ennealogic – when I saw it I was jumping up and down and laughing, my grandson came in to see what I was watching. Isn’t it great!! I so love Rachel!

2 11 2008
More Light than Heat

@ enjay
The sermons used to be on You Tube — if not in their entirety, at least enough to provide appropriate context. They were posted by Trinity UCC. Haven’t searched recently so don’t know they’re still there. As one who was raised in the UCC, a very white denomination but a liberal one, there was little of what Wright said that I found problematic, especially once viewed in context.

2 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Spectacular MUDSTOCK II in Chicago today. Outstanding weather, sunny skies 70 degrees. It was a real kick. We all gathered at Millennium Park this morning. AKM will be posting details soon. Thanks to the folks that showed up, it was my pleasure meeting my fellow muddies today. I will never forget this day. We made a real statement for Mudflats.

Of course, I had the bright idea to use red, white and blue balloons to make it easy for Muddies to locate and gather. I was nailed by a cop on a Segway, the minute I stepped foot inside the park, who informed me that balloons were not permitted inside the park. (Insert heated argument here) Yes, 9 rubber balloons filled with helium NOT PERMITTED. I guess they can get tangled in the overhead sculptures. So, I continue to tangle with the cops here in Chi. some things never change. 🙂

2 11 2008

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

What was the reason for no balloons in the park?

2 11 2008

Overhead sculptures???

Overhead sculptures??

2 11 2008

My computer is sticking.. having fun now.

2 11 2008

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Yikes! I’m sorry. I was trying to understand what the issue is about the overhead sculptures and balloons. I don’t understand how the is a problem.

2 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Dianna (22:20:24) : Oh, OK, I found it…look at the overhead sculture here, we met at the Bean (Cloud Gate) right next to this…


2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

DivaTalk Hussein, that was an excellent post over in HuffPo. I felt like I was right there by your side. Keep it up!

Lulu and all the others who have negative experiences, try to envision a blue ball of light encircling you as they come your way. It can be a protective shield between you and the hate/fear.

DeMo, I know what it’s like to face assumption because of who you are, and I know it hurts when you feel slighted in a safe place. I hope you can find your way back here knowing that we care about you.

These next couple days are going to be insane, so I want to re-post this video, which is my personal inspiration:


Sing along. It will make you feel better. Yes, we can.

I love the Obama logos for the different group of people. I have my Asian Americans Support Obama pins, and I wear them with pride.

Finally, November is write a novel month for anybody who is a writer. Here is the website:


This is my second year participating, and it’s a blast.

Oh, really, final thing: I am disappointed in Senator Inouye, more so because he’s Asian. Yes, it’s unfair of me, but we have so little representation (Asians) that it’s doubly disappointing when one of us fails.

2 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

I guess thats their reason. They don’t want to be untangling balloons (all day) from all of the art…

2 11 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

AKaurora (17:45:13) :

@LaNon (17:32:11) :
———me too. i’ve been lucky to have travelled a lot, but this is undone
is there a good time to come for the AB?

I think the Alaska Geophysical Institute even provides predictions of activity on their website.

You can sign up for the Aurora Forecast and/or check the levels at: http://www.gedds.alaska.edu/auroraforecast/

You can even check the forecast for areas other than Alaska; look at the Current view: Alaska section at the top left, and you can look at alternate views. Enjoy. We love them here, but they always seem to be high level when it’s cloudy and low level on our rare clear nights… 😦

2 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN hi sunshine!

2 11 2008

Evening Mudpuppies,
Hope everyone is well.
@ Shikago ..here in Calif we have had problems with them getting into power lines and causing power failures. Maybe thats the reason???

2 11 2008

hikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Thank you for the website and the Crown Fountain is interesting.
What a wonderful meeting place.
Again forgive the goofed up posts,as I am having computer issues here.

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Chief Hussein Shikago! Glad to see you, bro. Also glad you weren’t arrested for carrying illicit balloons! I woulda bailed you out.

Damn. I am freaking out. I can’t believe how close we are.

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

fawnksin hussein mudpuppy, it’s worse than where’s waldo trying to spot you in the pics. A hint, please?

Night to all who are going to bed.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (22:39:24) :

fawnksin hussein mudpuppy

she says she is not wearing a hat….one pretty lady

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

mhrt oregon”steve”, which pics? The ones that suchanut provided, or did I miss some?

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

no you saw them …..new photos up

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

CO Almost Native, excellent way to stand up to the nonsense in a nonconfrontational yet firm way. Keep it up.

2 11 2008

Sparkleball Lady (20:32:09) said:


Please forgive me if I offended you by my assumption that the man I called was Jewish. But I felt so guilty when I hung up that I had only responded with shock and speechlessness to this man, that somehow I was letting him down by not being able to talk to him in a way that could help him associate Obama with FDR and the Democratic candidates in his past. Having a picture of someone when I called helped me talk to them, and for me, this picture was haunting. What pain he must be in, I thought, and I couldn’t help.

I’m a Texan. And BELIEVE ME, I know how tough it is to live with stereotypes!”

Thank you for clarifying things for me. I wish I had known that someone’s name was merely your attempt to picture someone and perhaps better understand their concerns.

As a New Yorker calling folks in PA, I was confronted by similar concerns. I live in the concrete jungle, would benefit more from McCain’s economic plan, so how can I relate to people in PA? Our common concern for the future of the nation. It doesn’t matter that my wallet is relatively OK when someone else’s isn’t. We all want America and Americans to be safe. We are safest when our President understands that diplomacy is the first course and committing troops is a last resort. We all want children to receive the finest education so that America can once again lead the world. We all want to know that we won’t go broke if we get sick, so we need health care that cares for everyone’s health.

If someone asked me a question I felt ill-prepared to answer, I referred them to Barack’s website or told them I didn’t know the answer, but would get back to them, if they wanted me to.

Sparkleball Lady, please don’t feel guilty if you couldn’t mitigate someone’s anger. Maybe his pain was too great for one call to change his perspective. We have to accept that there is only so much we can do. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, but we can’t fault ourselves too greatly if we don’t always succeed. And I’m sure there were plenty of calls you made that ended in great success.

SMR (20:35:51) said:

“@De Mo –

Don’t be angry. This is a place where we should all feel free to tell our stories and be heard without judgement, right?

I could be as guilty as anyone of assuming that someone with a certain last name or accent could be Jewish, but that is because of my limited exposure. Alaska probably has a fairly small population of Jewish folk. I have one Jewish friend. My teenage daughter has more Jewish friends than I do, as there are many at her school.

I think that were I to phone someone, and assume that they are Jewish based on name or accent, I might feel like I was not fully equipped to address all of their expressed concerns with regard to Obama. That is only because of what I have read during the course of this election — you can correct me, but don’t be angry with me — I would be guessing that they would be concerned about the rumors that he’s a Muslim, what his policies in regard to Israel are, his association with Khalidi, and many many more rumors that have been flying around about him, put out there by the GOP, that have been pretty much specifically targeted toward drawing the Jewish vote to the GOP ticket.

Keep in mind, though, that the Muslim issue, the Khalidi issue have been HUGE with other far-right voters, but something that the majority of those in the center or left has blown off (rightfully so, or maybe not, maybe they’ve given it a lot of thought, who knows).

I don’t know, I guess I just hope that we can all try to educate each other here instead of getting angry. We’re all in this together, differences in education, religion, ethnicity, aside.”

SMR, thank you for addressing my feelings. The thing is, we ARE all in this together, but differences aren’t put aside when a specific religion is mentioned. (I now have a better understanding why Sparkleball Lady related her story in the way she did, but I didn’t get it at first.)

I’m not so sure that I agree about this being a place to share our stories without judgment. Not when there is an implied judgment in the sharing. Another poster and I shared a very interesting exchange after (s)he suggested that Lieberman was so awful that any Jew should consider leaving the religion. As you might imagine, it was a WOW moment for me. And very painful. Fortunately, after several posts back and forth, we came to a greater understanding of each other.

The thing is, we are at a unique point in history. A black man might very well be our next POTUS. Isn’t it time to put assumptions aside? If the name Barack Obama came up on my call list, I might assume I was calling someone who is Muslim. Look how wrong I’d be. And if I were calling someone who is Muslim, how awful it would be of me to assume that this person had terrorist sympathies. Wouldn’t that be beyond ludicrous? If we’re going to move ahead as a nation, we have to leave old judgments behind. And I choose to believe we can.

I apologize if my post sounded angry. It wasn’t anger; it was pain. But if my tone insulted anyone, I sincerely apologize.
Divatalk Hussein,
What a great piece and what a great experience. Thanks for writing about it and sharing it with us and the Internet.
Forgive me for not scrolling up again. I’m incredibly tired. But whoever told the story about the couple rescued from the side of the road, what a hopeful story. Definitely one to put my mind at ease and send me to a peaceful slumber.

I hope all Mudpuppies get some rest. We begin anew tomorrow…

2 11 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Divatalk Hussein (20:45:14) :

Thank you so much for your excellent report!

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

DeMo, sleep well. I hope you can find some comfort in your dreams.

2 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Dianna (22:35:45) : That was exactly why I chose rubber this time.

Spouse and I released mylar balloons with notes on the 2nd anniversary of the loss of our son. Later the following day the entire Goldcoast was knocked out at 5am by (we think) our mylar “star” balloons. All the papers reprinted there standard “don’t release mylar balloons” warnings. Very light NW winds that day and 7 miles later, bingo, Goldcoast, 50,000 homes out!. Needless to say, I didn’t let them know it was our “stars” they had found. WWWhhhhhhoooppppssssiiiiieeeee

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Chief Hussein Shikago, ah, you stealth operative, you. Good for you.

P.S. Any chance of seeing any sneak preview pics from today’s festivities?

2 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

I have to sign off too. Had a wonderful Mudstock II. Wish each of you could have been there. You were in spirit!

1 more day 🙂

Til then mudpups.

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Night, Chief Hussein Shikago. I guess I’ll have to wait to see the pics.

2 11 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (22:55:32) :

AKM had a NEW THREAD up with the Mudstock II information and photos already.

Everyone. pop on over to the NEW THREAD to check out Mudstock II!

2 11 2008

@Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin (21:05:31) :
When the North Slope lease sale (1968 or 1969) suddenly catapulted Alaska’s coffers from destitution to wealth, our politicians went wild and in two years it was nearly gone. Gov. Jay Hammond later proposed the Permanent Fund to invest oil royalties to cover future state budgets after the fields are depleted. Residents share a potion of the interest derived from oil revenues averaged over a five year period. The PFD provides a barometer of the health of our treasury, and legislators realize that to try to change the formula for spending will incur the wrath of voters
Wow, that’s so sensible, you should build a shrine for this former governer.
Debbie, Jay Hammond was unique, a once in a lifetime politician who fought to protect the Permanent Fund right up to his death. His funeral was televised and I sat alone in my living room crying. I tear up even now. He was so eloquent and down-to-earth. Wish he was here to give SP and others a proper dressing down. Many of us hope to see Ted Stevens International Airport renamed for him as it should have been in the first place.

2 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN

Wait to you see our Palin holding the printed “Walt Monegan for Governor” sign. There ya go… AKM will get them up pdq now.

Night sista

2 11 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Oops, that should say AKM has a NEW THREAD…

2 11 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Red plaid jacket, fawnksin hussein mudpuppy?

2 11 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@AKaurora (23:00:31) :

Oh yeah, I meant to say that earlier about the Anchorage airport too. I REALLY think it should be (should have been) named for Jay Hammond. Of course, I think it’s REALLY foolish to name ANYTHING after anyone who is still alive, but there you go. Now that we’ve, sadly, lost Jay, I think Anchorage ought to get their act in gear and rename that airport.

2 11 2008

@ asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (22:58:53) :
Pics are up..AKM just posted them…New Thread

2 11 2008

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN, thank you for your kind words. I can’t express how much they are appreciated and how much they touched my heart.

Fawnskin, maybe it’s the late hour, but I can’t find you. Like asianHusseingrrl said, it’s like a game of Where’s Waldo. Since the crowd is filled with such beautiful people, at least I know you’re one of them. What an event you got to attend! Something you’ll never forget, I’m sure.

Looking forward to Shikago’s report from Millenium Park. What a great location.

2 11 2008

Came here to share from Mississippi. My friend and I went out yesterday, with some trepidation but all went well. We shared the Obama signs and people were happy to have them but our immediate region hasn’t been the hotbed of open excitement about this election. In fact, if you came here, you might miss the fact that anything was happening politically, other than a sprinkling of senate signs. Pretty subdued.

This has been a wonderful place to learn, to commiserate, and find support.
These last days are going to be trying and I applaud the ones making the calls. Talking to someone that you don’t know is difficult when you are at odds over an issue. Possibly those people wouldn’t treat someone like that to their face but feel safe in their anonymity. We never know what is going on in someone’s life, especially when cold calling.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@DeMo (22:46:26) :
if you are still here….i was born in arkansa………not very left……we moved to calif when i was 5….I do not know how my mother got it ……..but she did……she always said you will have white trash….any color trash ….but that is not what you want to be….she grew up poor……but she was not trash………I grew up thinking it who you were that counted………….I think we are all people…..we have some good people and we have bad people….like those in our goverment now…….I just hate it ..that people over seas hate us….I want to say…..it is not me..it is them……..I did not have a thing to do with what bush has done…I have said it before and will again……….here we are like the village…………I tell my 5 year g-daughter ……we are all caryons………diffrent colors diffrent shapes….i hope you are ok…….my spelling is always……..way messed up

2 11 2008
pdx mb

@ enjay
The sermons used to be on You Tube — if not in their entirety, at least enough to provide appropriate context. They were posted by Trinity UCC. Haven’t searched recently so don’t know they’re still there. As one who was raised in the UCC, a very white denomination but a liberal one, there was little of what Wright said that I found problematic, especially once viewed in context.
Ditto for me. I was trying to explain this to my cousin, but she just doesn’t get it.

2 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

new post

2 11 2008

I am glad you are here and are you going to the new thread?

3 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Dianna (23:07:35) :

Came here to share from Mississippi. My friend and I went out yesterday, with some trepidation but all went well. We shared the Obama signs and people were happy to have them but our immediate region hasn’t been the hotbed of open excitement about this election. In fact, if you came here, you might miss the fact that anything was happening politically, other than a sprinkling of senate signs. Pretty subdued.
hey Dianna, I knew you would be fine. Maybe there is something positive in the lack of interest in the election ……. 😉

3 11 2008

Thank you so much for the link to that “Bring Him Home” video. I watched the entire thing with tears in my eyes, thinking the whole time that I am so lucky. My older son was in Desert Storm and did two tours in the later Iraq mess. He was not injured and did come home.

3 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Congratulations on the article, Diva!

3 11 2008

Sorry it’s taken so long to respond! Had to be prompted by my husband via email!

@NoCalGal & AKM —

My husband sent me an email saying that my input had been requested. What a trooper he is, reading up on Mudflats when I fall down on the job…

Here’s what my husband said (much more of an energy expert than I am since he is gainfully employed while I stay at home with our tot!):

Tough one to explain but this is my take on it.

Most of the oil and gas leases are under State Lands and therefore do not belong to all Americans. There is some production from Federal Lands and Waters which is looked after by the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). I guess you could make an argument that this oil and gas belongs to the people of the US. Keep in mind that quite a bit of the oil is on Native Alaskan lands as well and they receive royalty payments for it.

If NoCalGal is wondering why the rest of America doesn’t get a divended check, this is why, “At least 25 percent of all mineral lease rentals, royalties, royalty sales proceeds, federal mineral revenue-sharing payments and bonuses received by the state must be placed in a permanent fund, the principal of which may only be used for income-producing investments.” The revenue that goes into the permanent fund for investment comes from monies earned from state controled lands.

The fund was esentially created by Alaskan’s to keep some of the money earned from oil and gas out of the hands of the Alaskan government. Not a bad idea since our government has a tendency to waste the state oil wealth on frivolous projects like the Anchorage Fish Processing Plant, Matanuska Maid Dairy, Grain Silos in Valdez (i think intended for hops that was to be grown in the valley) and of course the $500 million that will be pissed away on TransCanada. Investment advice here. Buy TransCanada while the energy stocks are getting hammered because at least you know they will earn a sure $500 million in a couple of years–even after they say they can’t build the pipeline because it is un-economical.

Okay, all that stuff above was from my brilliant husband (and handsome & witty, if he’s reading again).

However, I still maintain that if Alaska is one of the states of the USofA, and as such is receiving federal monies for state projects that benefit the population of AK only, that the monies currently distributed to Alaskans should actually be used to fund our state needs, not to enrich individual Alaskans. The rest of the US is sending us a disproportionate amount of their tax dollars while their own schools/roads/etc suffer. That’s not right.

I’ve long been a proponent of NO PFDs and PERSONAL INCOME TAX. If this state would do those two things there would be a line of cars at the border of people wanting to leave Alaska, and many of them would be people who blindly vote Republican, so that can only be a good thing!

3 11 2008
strangelet Hussein

Big Al from Las Vegas (16:08:39) :

Just a couple remarks on H1-B, from the perspective of a former middle manager in the semiconductor biz. Obviously, these observations are based only on my own experience.

(1) There have been, honestly, times when there were not enough qualified citizens/PRs to meet hiring needs.

(2) In my personal experience, the amount of resume puffing for H1-B folks was about the same as for anybody else.

(3) The provisions of the law that are supposed to protect citizens and permanent residents are routinely cheated. E.g., requirements are defined so specifically that only the target individual meets them; required advertising of the job is done in the most obscure ways possible; pay scale is downsized to be absurd to a PR.

(4) In my opinion, the biggest (and most obnoxious) driving factor for companies to hire H1-Bs is not the payroll impact — it is the indentured servitude aspect. If an H1-B employee quits his job, he loses the right to remain in the US. To change jobs requires the prospective new employer to go through substantial hoops, and still exposes the employee to considerable risk.

On balance, I think the program has some benefits, but it is too easily misused.