In the Land of Palin.

30 08 2008

I’m off for the Labor Day weekend.  Little would I have known that my scheduled weekend away, right in the heart of Palin country (known to Alaskans as “The Valley”) would fall on the weekend she became one of our Vice Presidential nominees.  No, it still hasn’t sunk in.  I’ll be passing through Wasilla itself and will post more pictures when I return, and get some local reaction on the “day after”.   I’ll have internet access, though it will be dial-up.  Eek.


UPDATE:  Just watched the back-to-back McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden rallies in the “rust belt”.  I was waiting to hear Palin’s second speech, but got the recycled speech from yesterday.  McCain’s intro was the same too.  Palin keeps referencing Alaska, which no doubt endears her more to her fan base here, but I keep asking myself….can people relate to Alaska gas issues?  When she talks about Juneau, do they even know that’s the capitol of Alaska? 

The most remarkable thing?  The McCain camp obviously hoped to endear themselves to the disgruntled Hillary supporters by choosing a female running mate. But when Palin saluted Hillary Clinton saying that she ran her campaign with ‘determination and grace’….there were BoosLots of them.  I’m guessing that any Hillary supporters who had tuned in to check out the McCain/Palin party didn’t feel very welcome.  I doubt that they’ll mention Hillary again on the open road.  They won’t want to risk that again.  Maybe we’ll hear it at the convention where delegates will understand it’s strategically not good to jeer at the candidate whose votes you hope to win.

Then the Obama/Biden appearance.  Looks like they’re being cautious about Palin.  Obama referred to Biden as one of the great statesmen of our times.  They didn’t even have to say Palin for everyone to make that comparison in their minds. Then Obama made reference to the fact that he’d visited every state except Alaska, and that, come to think of it, he ought to visit now.  He’s been saying this for months, but nothing firm yet.  I think it would be great.  Obama got 75% of the votes in the Democratic caucus here, and the caucus site in Anchorage was packed.  People were literally having to park 2 miles away from the caucus site and ran in 5 below zero to make it in on time.  I know many people that couldn’t even make it into the building.  I think a huge rally for Obama would go a long way to show how much support he has in Palin’s home state.

In my trip throgh the Valley today, I didn’t see any McCain signs.  I wasn’t really surprised, as McCain came in a less-than-impressive fourth in the Alaska Republican caucus.  But I’m sure when the name Palin gets added, they will pop up like mushrooms overnight.  I did see a resurrected ‘Sarah Palin for Governor’ sign in front of a store.  The shopkeep said he cried with joy when he heard the news, and that she was a good woman who supported Alaskans.  Then he said that he had given up on all those ‘liberal socialists’ and decided they may as well all be ‘queer’.  I’m hoping that this is one of the more extreme reactions, and I was really glad I took the Obama sign out of my car window before leaving home. 

The only other person I’ve talked to so far is an Independant (over 50% of Alaskan voters are Independant or registered non-partisan) who said she was stunned by the announcement and added, “But she’s not qualified!” She also said that she didn’t remember Palin standing up against the Bridge to Nowhere.

More tomorrow.



1,268 responses

30 08 2008
kathryn jones

would love to hear your thoughts on babygate… is it wishful thinking/mud slinging or could there be truth there?

30 08 2008
Mr Moderator

Can’t wait to hear what the locals have to say about this!

30 08 2008
Jack Herman

I’m confused about this blog. What is the author trying to say? If you come from small town America, you couldn’t handle politics or succeed at the national level?
Wake up, look at history. This country and it’s successes didn’t solely originate in LA or NYC.
Has Palin been out of the country? What is the point of this comment? Should she going on the European tour as BO did?
I too have concerns about the investigation in Alaska. If true, it’s clearly and abuse of power; but so is attempting to send DOJ attack dogs against AIP.
Let’s have the investigation conclude and then call Palin on it. By the same token, BO needs to address the message in the AIP campaign ad, not attack the messenger.
But I shouldn’t comment. By the blog author’s opinion everything I say is invalid because I was reared in a small town in Kansas. Never mind that I’ve traveled to 30 plus countries in this world and have overnighted in places that would make Wasilla look like Vegas (been there too).
Let’s allow Palin to speak of her specific policy positions before tearing her down. BO refuses to provide details as he knows his ideas stand on shaky foundations.

30 08 2008


You say: “Never mind that I’ve traveled to 30 plus countries in this world”.

Fantastic. It’s surprising McCain didn’t pick you. And I bet you’ve actually given some thought to the Iraq situation too!

30 08 2008

I love it. I’m excited about what fresh thoughts they can bring to our country. My votes decided and it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m a 44 year old woman. It’s because he’s got the history and she’s got the brains. This is a fabulous combination.

30 08 2008

“and she’s got the brains”

Twila, absolutely! I’d take a beauty queen / Journalism Major from Idaho U over a Harvard Law / constitutional scholar any day!

30 08 2008

Bill Clinton came from Hope, Arkansas… a very poor and rural small town. He was also a state governor.

Key differences:
Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar who got a Law degree from Yale.
Arkansas Attorney General (2 years)
Governor of Arkansas (12 years)
Headed the national Democratic Leadership Council (2 years)
Chair of National Governors Association (2 years)
Republicans attacked Bill Clinton relentlessly in 1992 for his lack of national and international experience.

Experience is not the sole predictor of judgment and wisdom. With 50+ years of combined national/international experience, Cheney and Rumsfeld have made a complete mess of Iraq, Afganistan, and our international relationships in general. And there nothing wrong with coming from a small town (I grew up in a small Illinois farm town of 1,500 myself). But if you only left that small town 18 months ago, one might reasonably question your readiness to lead the largest nation in the world.

30 08 2008

“and she’s got the brains”???

Do you really think that Palin is on par with Hillary Clinton, Kay Hutchinson, Elizabeth Dole, Condi Rice, etc…? Palin is not stupid by any means, and seems very engaging based upon the videos I’ve been able to find. But if she is providing the brains for this ticket, the Republicans are in deep, deep trouble.

30 08 2008

Joke, I mean Joko. You are obviously very passionate about this. What’s so funny is your constant sarcasm. I’ll bet these posts just make your blood boil. How’s that workin for ya?

30 08 2008
Judy Asman

My question is, if she’s known for “cleaning up” the administration in Alaska, who will she oust if McCain wins? Will she have the balls to take on an ethics investigation in D.C. or has she sold out? I’m still learning about this person.

My fear is that Americans will be so stupid as to vote for a ticket just because there’s a woman on there. I know Hillary supporters who won’t give Obama a second look, they’re the voters who scare me!

30 08 2008

I think the person responsible for this website is Wooten and or someone related to him. So much venom!

30 08 2008
Truth to Power
30 08 2008


“I’ll bet these posts just make your blood boil”

Laughing my ass off is more like it. And “that’s workin” for me just fine, thanks!

30 08 2008

Maybe I should have said: Twat, I mean Twila.

Nah…that would make me sound like an idiot.

30 08 2008

Well, I never heard of the woman until I saw her on TV but I can tell you ONE thing: she’s a perfect example of what happens when you let a straight do your hair styling.

30 08 2008

Maybe I should have said: Twat, I mean Twila.

Nah…that would make me sound like an idiot.

No, that would make you sound like John McCain, that is what he called his wife Cindy (Different word same meaning)

30 08 2008
Indo Joe

Granny, that’s damn funny!

30 08 2008

Wow… Love the blog. While in Wasilla, can you find any people she smoked pot with?,28804,1837523_1837531_1837534,00.html

30 08 2008

Judy Asman – if she becomes VP, the first person she’ll go after will be John McCain himself. Afterall, there’s his family connections to the mafia (his father-in-law served fed pen time for mob activities and was given the beer distributorship in exchange for not ratting out his fellow mobsters) and for his role (never fully vetted) in the Lincoln Savings and Loan corruption investigation.

Palin will do to McCain as she did to Reudirth.

30 08 2008

Groundhogday–well said. Thank you!

I’m from a small town and I also went to the U of Idaho, and I (as a woman, a mother and a patriot) couldn’t be more astonished or infuriated by McCain’s choice. Palin is totally unprepared and categorically unqualified to lead this nation.

My state education was fine, but let’s get real, the U of I ain’t Harvard or Princeton. And even in this state education context, she certainly didn’t exert herself:
A journalism major who never even wrote an article for the school paper?? Oy.

This selection is an embarrassment to the GOP and an insult to the office of Vice President.

30 08 2008

Bookmarked !!


30 08 2008
Mother Who Thinks

I am a mother who thinks. I am a mother of a child – now 21 – with Down syndrome. I am an Alaskan who raised her child in Alaska (along with another kid, a husband, an education, and a job with benefits.)

IT IS THE HARDEST THING I EVER DID. It took everything I had, and more. There were highlights – but they in no way balanced the demands, frustrations, and dark nights of the soul. The impact on my nondisabled son is still being felt. My marriage effectively turned into a parenting partnership with no future that escaped the impact of having a child with significant and inescapable needs.

I was, by our society’s standards, well-equipped to cope with this unexpected aspect of parenting. It devastated me nonetheless. When my son was born I had no idea what lay ahead. It was gut-wrenching determination and motherlove that carried me forward. I still can’t count it a success.

I learned, through much hard work, how to navigate the system that we all think exists for “all” children and adults with disabilites. Had I not been intent on accessing services, finding out how agencies and regulations work, and forcing them to work for us, the outcome would have been far worse for my child, family, and self.

Had I been less able, less determined, less economically able, less educated….I don’t know how I could have survived to “make the best” of the life I had been handed. I can’t count the times I thought, “What do other parents do? I want to quit trying to make this work.”

Do I wish I could have been spared this challenge? Make that a resounding YES. Do I think that my child should have been spared the difficulties, loneliness, heartache, and exclusion that disability, by nature, means? Make that a YES too. Would I have chosen to terminate the pregnancy had I had the foreknowledge and choice? Yes, even from the other end of the trail, now that my child is grown in years but will forever remain a child, dependent, vulnerable in an uncertain world.

What disturbs me most about Sarah Palin’s choice to continue her pregnancy, knowing that her child would have Down syndrome, is that she would make that choice for me, or my sister, or my daughter, or my friends, male and female alike. No one can decide for us. Certainly not “government” who cannot be counted on to help the hundreds of thousands of those with disabilities, already and to-be-born.

Oh, and have I mentioned this? I, who through struggle and persistence and crisis, mastered the service and funding system, have a reasonably happy kid. He still and will struggle through his lifetime with mental retardation and related behavior and communication issues. He lives in federally subsidized housing, attends public school as an intensive-needs student, gets his healthcare through medicaid, and has 24 hour care from direct service providers. When you make the system work, you can build a community-based life for your child.

Only a small percentage of those who need this level of care can get it. Without advocacy, forget it. Without continued funding of education, healthcare, vocational, and independent living services, this will all go “POOF.” The waitlist, even in a small state like Alaska, has over a thousand people on it, many for years. Most languish at home with aging parents or siblings. Some are receiving “care” in corrections while they try to find someone to “take” them. Some are homeless.

My son’s cost of care is over $200,000 a year. Thank you, taxpayers. And the Chinese lenders.

Palin has delegated the care of her infant with Down syndrome to others. I don’t know how this can be done, emotionally or financially. Kudos to her if she and her family pull this off. They are well-positioned financially, socially, and politically to do this. I think that this is not an option for 99.9% of families who include children and adults with disabilites.

To take the position that EVERY American family SHOULD and MUST be denied the option to terminate a pregnancy that will result in hardship, cost, heartache, and diminished possibilities that will last a lifetime is just plain wrong. I could never support a candidate on any ticket that would take the hardline prolife position she takes. She can no more use her experience to decide for all than I can.

But it is about CHOICE. About REALITY. And no one can decide that for someone else, and force them into the netherworld of disability.

30 08 2008

Powerfully written, Mother.

Having interacted with Down’s adults in extended-care facilities (put into care out of necessity when the parents couldn’t handle them as they grew too large to control and tend to in the family’s home) , anyone who knowingly subjects themselves, their family and a child to that bleak life is no better than a parent who retrofits their child into a “Pillow Angel”.

30 08 2008

Mother Who Thinks,
Excellant Post.

30 08 2008

Well as one of Hillary’s PUMA supporters, this one pushed me over the edge. I could no more support someone of Palins lack of depth, experience and ideology than I could stick a fork in my eye (or shoot a moose). The selection of this vindictive queen has flung me into the Obama camp with a vengeance. As a native of Northeast PA, I am one of the people that the McCain camp was courting. I am still angry about the Hillary situation. Heck, I even considered and briefly did join Ralph Nader.

No how. No way. No McCain/Palin.

30 08 2008
Sue Williams

To the person who commented on Sarah’s hair – no, it’s what happens when one has hair extensions – which Sarah, at one time, don’t know about now, had.

Re: babygate – I don’t know what’s being reported. Here, however, is the truth. Trig is Sarah and Todd’s baby.

When Sarah first learned she was pregnant, it was shocking and overwhelming. While she and Todd had not planned to have anymore children, it is common knowledge among their family and friends that neither of them ever surgically insured that they wouldn’t have any “late in life” surprises/blessings.

This, to me, showed a disturbing lack of judgement. If you want to ask the citizens of a state to let you run the state for four years, to me she and Todd should have thought ahead and determined that the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy wouldn’t have been prudent for either the child, their family, their extended family (who are the ones who end up helping them raise their current four children) or the citizens of the state.

They either didn’t think this through, or didn’t care. Not sure. But, either way, to me and to others, it was a lack of foresight and judgement.

But it is the same vein – this lack of judgement – Sarah showed, on the campaign trail for governor, when asked who would raise her children should she win, she promptly stated that Todd would quit his job and stay at home with the kids (Todd works a “Slope” week on/week off schedule).

Sarah was elected and then – whoops. Todd didn’t like the stay at home gig – so Sarah, citing they needed money for the kid’s college (even though Track enlisted in the military) said Todd was returning to work. When asked about her statements on the campaign trail about how Todd would quit his job, Sarah said she’d actually never talked to him about what they would do if she was elected (in terms of his employment) and that she’d spoken out of turn when she spoke for him stating he’d quit his job.

Again, call me picky, but this is the kind of bizarre judgement Sarah routinely displays. Are you kidding me that she would run for governor and she and her husband would somehow not think to have a conversation about what to do with their four school aged kids? That’s insane. So, either her judgement is super goofy, or she wasn’t telling the truth. Either way, it’s not reassuring to now think this is someone who would be one 72 year old heartbeat away from having to call shots for the country/world.

So Todd trots himself back to work and Sarah is busy traipsing around the state and the nation. The kids are “farmed out” (this is the word used by thier associates in “the Valley”) to family and friends to raise while Todd and Sarah are off having their respective careers (Sarah is famously quoted as saying, “My mom does whatever I need her to”).

During this period is when Bristol, Sarah’s sixteen year old daughter, turns up pregnant. So, it’s kind of interesting to note that the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee and her sixteen year old junior in high school unwed daughter were carrying babies at the same time. Once Bristol’s condition became more obvious this summer, she was whisked out of sight and hasn’t been seen in public until yesterday in Ohio. This is why Trig’s blanket was strung across her entire abdomen and torso, but, when she walked down the stairs from the stage, in a profile shot, it was very clear to see she is well into her third trimester of her pregnancy.

It has come out in the past couple of days that she and her high school boyfriend had a quickie wedding and that she is home schooling her senior year.

The Anchorage Daily News has known about this for months – and haven’t touched the story. But I can’t imagine the national press or the Democratic Party will be as willing to turn a blind eye.

For me, once again it speaks to judgement. We all – every single one of us – even Sarah’s closest friends in the Valley (I know, I’ve been speaking to them) know she is in no way qualified for this position. At all.

But then, why would she accept the nomination, knowing that Bristol’s situation will come to light and knowing her hunger for national and international acclaim and attention will carry with it a mighty high price for her seventeen year old daughter who had absent parents last year and who turned up pregnant.

How embarrassing will it be for Bristol once the news (or the baby) comes out and not just the Valley, not just Alaska, not just the USA – but Bristol will be known the world over as the seventeen year old unwed – then quickly wed senior-in-high-school-homeschooled-teenage mom and daughter to the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee?

How hard will that degree of scrutiny and shame be?

How does one do that to one’s daughter?

How does one dash about the country for the next 66 days trying to pull off an image of the devoted mother of five when she, by and large, isn’t the one raising them and when one of them – her daughter, is in a truly vulnerable point in life; not to say anything about the needs of Trig. But maybe he doesn’t count, except as a talking point or a photo prop. But this is a person, a little boy who is going to require a tremendous amount of time and attention. From his mother.

This is okay?

30 08 2008

This isn’t going to have a pretty ending.

30 08 2008
One Love

Ok. If Palin’s daughter is pregnant, it’s really none of our business. People like you are the reason why the Democratic Party loses each election.

30 08 2008

The stories abound about Trig being Bristols baby, Bristol is pregnant again, Sara never being pregnant. How much of this is truth and how much is slander?

Personally I don’t think having children is scandalous even if you aren’t married. If Sara is just trying to be a supportive Mom, kudos. But if all of this is being lied about and hidden, then it is a problem. I do have reservations about knowingly having a child with Down’s syndrome and I am sort of pro-life (with a few exceptions) just as I am anti death penalty (again with severe reservations).
The hypocrisy and lying is the issue here if there is a “here” here. It appears as if Gov. Palins personal and family life is one big messy flotsam regarding her vendetta against her brother in law, deserved or not, along with the weirdness about the pregnancy(ies?)

30 08 2008
CD McCurry

This blog should be renamed the “Alaskan Democratic Party Blog”. Anyone with any intelligence at all would realize that Sarah’s ratings do not reflect the venom shown here. I would think that by now even the demo’s would realize that it is lawyers, a lot of them from the big name law schools, that have screwed up this country for years. A regular person who is just like the rest of us will probably use more sense and have better results than our lawyer politicos. As for the “Troopergate” thing that is going on, a lot of Alaskans such as myself are asking, why is someone who has had domestic volience charges filed, illegally sot a moose, tasered an 11 year old (no matter the circumstances), threatened the Palin family and was driving drunk, still serving as a trooper? My feelings is that both he and his boss should have been fired.

30 08 2008


Is this true? I like the pick for McInsane but I do not understand it. She has no experience on the national scene and only limited in AK. This just makes no sense.

Thank you,


30 08 2008
Sue Williams

Hello One Love. I live in this Valley. I know the Heath/Palin families. I am a proud Republican. And I’m a conservative. Frankly, if Democrats realized how socialistic and liberal Sarah is in her governing stances, probably they’d welcome her on the ticket.

My points were directed at her judgement. I do not trust Sarah’s judgement.

Just like her decision, once her water broke while, according to her, she was in the middle of delivering an address in Texas, and she decided she “just couldn’t deliver her baby in Texas,” so she hopped on two flights and flew for ten hours plus back to Alaska where Trig was born just a couple hours later.

She is 44. She knew she had a medically classified high risk pregnancy. She knew she was carrying a special needs baby. She knew she was in active labor one month prior to her due date. She knew her water had broken (which means she is in what is considered medically active labor) when she chose to put herself on two long flights.

This is sound judgement?

This is not sound judgement.

I will not vote for Sarah to be one heart beat away from having to make decisions that effect every citizen of our country on matters of national security. She has demonstrated to me that she is faulty in making decisions of security and safety when it comes to her own children.

30 08 2008

Most of us are pretty tired of the “regular person” approach to running the country. Big name schools don’t mean much if you are at the bottom of your class (both Bush & McCain barely graduated Yale and the Naval Academy with help from their fathers). I prefer smart people running things and who have enough sense to hire the smartest person for the job, not the one you want to have a beer or shoot a moose with. We’ve had enough with the lowest common denominators.

In fairness to the trooper, most of the charges were put by Palin and her sister and were unsubstantiated. There are more than one side to the stories. According to court papers, Palins father and ex wife were there on the moose hunt and Palins dad butchered and distributed the game to the family, Sara included and the charge was filed 2 years after the incident during the custody battle. It is my understanding that the test-tasered boy, now 17, has chosen to live with his dad, the trooper and that charge was brought 2 years after the incident as well.

30 08 2008

In the game of Chess sometimes an opponent will make the most moronic move possible to confound and confuse the other player. McCain has made just such a move.

30 08 2008

“To take the position that EVERY American family SHOULD and MUST be denied the option to terminate a pregnancy that will result in hardship, cost, heartache, and diminished possibilities that will last a lifetime is just plain wrong.”

Mother who thinks: thank you for your post. It is terrifying to think that in a country with no universal health care and little in the way of welfare could condemn women to being unable to choose what to do with their own bodies. Next they will be telling us they’re getting rid of contraception too.
If you’re a 13 year old girl that gets pregnant because your daddy rapes you, this woman is going to say, “Sorry, but that’s a life in there”. What about the life of that 13 year old girl? How is one child going to care for another in a country that doesn’t offer her any support? To deny abortion in the case of incest and rape is inconceivable. This is one of the many, many reasons that religion and state need to be completely exclusive from one another, and why Palin terrifies me.

I’m glad to hear from a Hilary supporter that is moving into the Obama camp (Smitty). That’s where we all need to be if we’re ever going to drag ourselves out of the rut we’re in right now.

30 08 2008
The Anti-Palin Blog

I do not understand this pick for VP nominee. It will drive away moderates, and McCain will lose. I was supporting his candidacy until yesterday. Oh well.

30 08 2008

Is it Sara or Sarah Heath Palin? Just curious. Seen it both ways! You guys are getting mean out there. Twat? Joke? Phooey! You are better than that! Now smile, shake hands….and then proceed to rip each others throats out! Might as well emulate the campaign ads the Republicans are airing! I am expecting a whole spat of nasty Dem ads. Lordy, Lordy but McCain has earned them with this disastrous V.P. choice! Am looking forward to the comments and pics of Gov. Palin’s hometown. You are bookmarked by me and linked to everyone I know. Good stuff! Thanks.

30 08 2008

Wasilla, AK, per Wikipedia: the Y2000 census, which is the source of these stats, was done in the third year of Palin’s mayoralty.

Population 5,469; [a very small town, is being mayor a part-time job?].

Median income for females $29,100, versus males $41,300;

Per capita income $21,100;

Quote from the Wikipedia entry on Wasilla: “10% of the population and 67% of the families were below the poverty line.”

Let me repeat that: SIXTY-SEVEN PERCENT of Wasilla’s families live under the poverty line. Palin is proud of being mayor of a town where 67% of families are below the poverty line??? Doesn’t ANY of the state’s resource wealth trickle down to the poor?

30 08 2008

Mother who thinks..I am a proud taxpaper and I’m glad to know my money is helping people like you and your son.
You are spot on with your comment.

30 08 2008
Laura Fleming

Sue Williams – thank you for clarifying the family story. It was obviously confusing to those of us in the lower 48, but we didn’t know just how confusing. Are you ready for the interviews?
I live in Ridgefield Connecticut, and I have been trying to figure out the children/grandchildren story all day.

30 08 2008

Sue Williams,

The choices she claims to have made at the end of her pregnancy make me question her judgement too. If I don’t question her judgement, I would seriously have to question whether or not she is telling the truth.

I find it hard, in these days of malpractice suits that any doctor upon receiving a call would okay a flight from Texas to Alaska without at the very least demanding she get checked at a hospital before flying after hearing what she was claiming. Especially if that patient is the Gov. of Alaska!

I also find it incredible that she would not advise someone on the flight of her condition unless of course she could reasonably expect that Alaskan Air would need a medical certification allowing her to fly.

Her admitted self-serving, reckless behavior, not only endangered herself, but endangered her baby and possibly could have proven incredibly disruptive and dangerous to a plane full of people.

This, along with other things that I am learning about your Gov, there is nothing that could make me support her candidacy. I appreciate all of you who live up there who have posted. You are certainly providing a much more complicated and detailed picture than McCain’s base- the main stream media.

30 08 2008

The selection of Sarah Palin has moved undecided voters strongly AGAINST McCain. Has no real impact on current core supporters of Obama or McCain (the folks who are yelling past one another on this blog, I’d imagine).

At her second appearance, Palin is booed by the crowd in Pennsylvania for trying to claim Hillary’s mantle.

Palin booed for mentioning Hillary Clinton

30 08 2008

Sorry, here is a link to where I read her interview:

I apologize for not knowing how this blog works.

30 08 2008
The Logician

Re: babygate – I don’t know what’s being reported. Here, however, is the truth. Trig is Sarah and Todd’s baby.

Nice try. Truly a masterpiece of Republican spin.

The truth is different. Sarah Palin and her crowd want people to think that a 44-year-old woman pregnant with her fifth child fly to a business conference during her 8th month of pregnancy. While there, her water breaks, and she wouldn’t rush to the hospital. Instead, she would stay and make a half-hour speech.

Then she would to to the Dallas airport and board a series of commercial flights, including a layover in Seattle, lasting more than 9 hours. Once in Anchorage, this high-risk mother would bypass the superior Anchorage hospitals and head to some small-town community hospital in the back country and deliver a 6 lb., 2 oz. baby one month premature.

Sorry, but that one does NOT (pardon the pun) hold water. On its face, it is impossible. What actually happened is that Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, was pregnant. By whom we don’t know, but boy would we ever like to. The father’s identity was the real embarrassment here, so Gov. Palin covered for her daughter by declaring herself pregnant.

Problem is, she wasn’t a good enough actress. Her body didn’t look pregnant in most of her photos, and story of the baby’s birth is preposterous. Along comes Sue Williams to concoct some alternative story that makes even less sense; once disproven by showing that Bristol Palin is not currently pregnant, the whole “controversy” would blow away.

But Aha! in the actual course of events, Bristol Palin gave birth in April to a baby that Sarah Palin claims is hers. Neither of them could currently be pregnant. Nice try at a diversion, Sue. I hope whoever paid you to make that posting paid you enough.

30 08 2008
Alexndner Treutler

I give Legally Blond 3 about two weeks to resign for “family and health reasons” – no part-time village mayor is gonna cut it. This is a desparate McBush move to put a lipstick on a Quayle/Quail brain.

30 08 2008

Great blog -very informative for those of us here in the Lower 48.
My first reaction was “Who?” My second reaction “is McCain NUTS?” My third reaction is “what a jack*ss!” My fourth reaction was “the race will not longer be in a dead heat.” I’ve never voted for the GOP, but do keep an open mind. McCain has managed to INSULT all female voters by his pick of Palin. He IS a complete moron, if the strategy is to drive the die-hard Hillary supporters are going to just switch their vote to a ticket with the female on it.

30 08 2008

In researching Sarah Palin I found an undated photo in an article from the Anchorage Daily News. It sure does look like Bristol Palin is pregnant in this photo.
(click on the photo to enlarge)

30 08 2008
Sue Williams

Dear Logician – that was funny to read! I am only reporting what I hear constantly from Sarah and Todd’s “inner circle” (it sounds so funny saying that about anyone in this Valley. It’s way too high brow sounding – and truly, the more you hear about SP, we’re certainly not high brow around these parts. By. Any. Stretch.)

Fine if I’m wrong. I was just hanging out with people who are close friends with the Heath family the last two days and this is what I’ve heard.

Who cares if I’m wrong (I’m not). Obviously in the next 48 hours or so I imagine a reporter will try to weasel around the Secret Service and ask her personally. I assume she must have mentioned the whole scenario to McCain, right? She wouldn’t have blindsided him with this -? But, I don’t know. That was the discussion around these parts this morning – How much did McCain know about the baby stuff and how much did he know about Troopergate (like, the interesting little fact that she’s been caught multiple times the past six weeks not telling the truth).

This, I think, is what will finally get her. She can’t be prepping for the cursory answers she’s going to have to memorize on every national and intl issue – AND remember what she said when and to whom re: her Troopergate cover-up attempts. I know this coming week is when the special counsel up here was supposed to depose her.

My. My. It’s not gonna be pretty. Anyway, Logic whomever – think what you will. No worries.

30 08 2008
The Anti-Palin Blog

baliey – Did you save the photo? It looks like it’s no longer there.

30 08 2008
The Anti-Palin Blog

Oh never mind – there it is.

30 08 2008

A couple of points:
1) Alaska Airlines has no policy or restrictions on flying while pregnant.
2) Her fluid could have leaked without a full “water break,” which is suggested by this article.
3) Could someone really get a doctor to fake a delivery, even in rural Alaska? Wouldn’t that be grounds for losing your license to practice medicine or something?
4) If Bristol is currently pregnant, how could they possibly fake a delivery in the next couple of months? Would they borrow a baby for her to carry around?
5) Down’s syndrome is much more likely for an older Mom.

So… I would personally need a LOT more evidence to believe that Trig is not Sarah Palin’s daughter.

30 08 2008

Oops, I would personally need a LOT more evidence to believe that Trig is not Sarah Palin’s SON.

30 08 2008

Larryb I don’t know when you checked wikipedia for your info but this is what it reads right now at 9:52 pm centeral time zone Aug. 30.2008.

“The median income for a household in the city was $48,200 and the median income for a family was $53,800. Males had a median income of $41,300 versus $29,100 for females. The per capita income for the city was $21,100. 9.6% of the population and 5.7% of families were below the poverty line.[5] 13% of those under the age of 18 and 10% of those 65 and older were living below the poverty line.”

Seems like a lot of things are getting changed yesterday and today.

30 08 2008
The Logician

Could someone really get a doctor to fake a delivery, even in rural Alaska? Wouldn’t that be grounds for losing your license to practice medicine or something?

No one “faked a delivery.” Bristol Palin gave birth to Trig Palin in April. Bristol’s mother, Sarah, claimed that the child was her own. She went to great lengths to do this. She announced a pregnancy to Alaska’s media, such as it is, in March.

In April, when she was told her daughter was giving birth, she rushed back to West Dogs***, Alaska’s community hospital and claimed that she’d given birth to the baby that her daughter actually bore. The doctor and the hospital went along with it. Why? Because it’s a small town and some people there wanted to protect the family.

The real question is the identity of the father. Look, there are enough teen births out of wedlock for that not to be a huge issue. But if the father was closer to home — and I will leave it at that — then we have, as they said in The Wizard of Oz — a horse of a different color. I would suggest that this is what Mrs./Gov. Palin was actually trying to conceal.

30 08 2008
The Logician

Down’s syndrome is much more likely for an older Mom.

What is the likelihood of Down Syndrome for a child conceived by a brother and a sister?

30 08 2008
The Logician

By the way, who names their children Track and Trig? Nicknames, yes, but given names? This reminds me of a story I once read about people in some Central American country naming their children after automobile parts, as in “Sparkplug Hernandez” and “Oil Filter Sanchez.” The government eventually stepped in and banned it.

Maybe Trig’s name is really Trigonometry Palin? But what about Track? Trackstar? Tracker? Trackilicious?

30 08 2008
The Logician

ONE thing: she’s a perfect example of what happens when you let a straight do your hair styling.

Ha ha ha ha ha!!

30 08 2008
Don Smitty

Great blog.

Please send me any information regarding the “unknowns” of Sarah Palin.

I’ll make sure it reaches the highest levels of the DNC Media Strategy team.


30 08 2008
Sue Williams

Hey Logician – actually Sarah’s doc is Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, a family physician, who, a few years back, was awarded some sort of national Family Doctor of the Year award. CBJ (as she is known in these parts) wouldn’t lie. I think if you go back and read the more-or-less cover-up article put out by the Anchorage Daily News (adn) during this situation, where Sarah talks about conferring with CBJ, and CBJ is interviewed, CBJ was pretty careful not to say she felt like the travel was wise – but Sarah tried to pass it off as if she had CBJ’s approval.

Trust me, Sir, this is a Valley of few secrets. Everyone knows everyone and everything. There’s no way at all the hospital staff would be able/be willing to pull off that kind of a cover-up.

If Barack and Joe want to win this thing, it’s certainly their’s for the taking. They’ll have to be careful not to act condesending or bullying of Sarah, b/c she can pull out the sympathy card like nothing you’ve ever seen. Men swoon; women roll their eyes.

McCain didn’t choose her for the female votes, sillies. He chose her for the male vote. She does that little batting of her eyes and the aw-golly-gee-shucks-I’m the poor little damsel in distress routine and the guys just knock themselves out eating it up.

Oh, and while we’re on it. Watch Sarah drop her “-ing’s” This has driven so many of us in AK to distraction and beyond, it’s so Appalachian sounding (sorry West Virginians). Everything is huntin’, fishin’, votin’, fightin’ — you get the idea.

SNL is going to have a field day. I wish McCain could have thought that one point through a wee bit more…..

30 08 2008
The Logician

Hey Logician – actually Sarah’s doc is Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, a family physician, who, a few years back, was awarded some sort of national Family Doctor of the Year award. CBJ (as she is known in these parts) wouldn’t lie.

Why of course not. No one in Alaska tells any lies. Especially not for money.

30 08 2008
The Logician

McCain didn’t choose her for the female votes, sillies. He chose her for the male vote. She does that little batting of her eyes and the aw-golly-gee-shucks-I’m the poor little damsel in distress routine and the guys just knock themselves out eating it up.

That’s interesting, because plenty of people have been remarking how she comes across as a “naughty librarian” on a late-night soft-core cable TV epic! Talk about your NASCAR-on-Viagra vote.

30 08 2008

Guess if she ever wants to meet with Putin…he will ask, “Can we do it after hockey practice?” Then the Pundits say that Biden has to be soft on her…will the President of Iran take the same tone? NO!!!

She is the Bridge to Nowhere…trying to Bridge the Clinton voters. The message between both candidates are not the same at all. Seems as if she is not too bright…have to give her credit for 5 kids though. As a father of 2, my hat is off to her.

30 08 2008

Hey Sue,

I’ve enjoyed your commentary on the Healths-Palins. Tell us now about Sarah’s campaign to become mayor Wasilla. Just how nasty did it get?

30 08 2008
The Logician

have to give her credit for 5 kids though

Better put an asterisk on that number.

30 08 2008
Sue Williams

Hey Logic – I didn’t say nobody tells lies. Goodness, read the accounts of Sarah at andrew and at the for the past six weeks. Make up your own mind about whether Sarah and her closest associates in her Administration were telling lies (hint: her close aide, Frank Bailey is now on leave with pay b/c he was caught in the most pathetic, on tape, lying shenanigan). But, do I think CBJ, Sarah’s doc, would lie? I do not think so.

Houston – her mayoral races were like a stroll through the park on a hot summer day. Her dad has basically taught everyone out here when they were in middle school science. She won her last mayoral race with less than 1,000 votes. It takes more than that to win a seat on the Valley’s school board.

What hasn’t been reported, at least not much, is that she was unemployed for almost three years before becoming gov. So, people talk about how she was gov for two years – make that 20 months. And before that? Unemployed for almost three years. She ran for mayor on a line of Positively Palin. Everyone knew her and her family. It wasn’t a nasty race.

The race for gov wasn’t exactly “nasty” either. She played the sympathy card constantly. It’s weird how people who aren’t paying attention will fall for it.

She ran for gov against the LEAST LIKED GOV IN THE UNION. His positive numbers were single digits. The local dog catcher could have run and won. Come on, people. This IS Alaska. She won b/c she got in the race so early and I think it kept more qualified people out. Also, the former gov took forever to decide if he’d run for reelection. If he hadn’t, the other guy on the Rep. side would have walked away with the win easily. But, the old gov and the other guy – John Binkley, who was the favorite in the business/thinking community – didn’t count on Sarah being served up no scrutiny in the press. The local press just ran pictures of her and whatdoyaknow? She won. And now she’ll apparently be VP and possilbly president.

The only thing – business wise – she did while being unemployed for almost three years, was to file for a business license she called Cou Rouge or Rouge Cou (I don’t know French). But it means “redneck” in French. Sarah wanted to start a local political consulting firm.

Scary indeed.

30 08 2008

Mr. Moderator
Live in the lower 48, MD. How about educating me (us) on how Alaska derives its revenue for state supported services. For instance, Obama, has taken a lot of flack for proposing excess profits tax on big oil. My understanding is that Palin recently pushed for a similar increase in oil taxes?? Just how does this $$ work that allows 0% state tax plus some sort of rebate for all state residents.
Second, Palin has been making a big deal about the need to drill in ANWAR to “lock up and secure domestic natural resource supplies to feed those hungry lower 48 markets.” My question: wouldn’t any extracted oil have to go into the open market? And presuming we are still using 25% of world-wide oil, we could only keep that portion for our market. Bottom line, it just seems Palin is making it sound like all the oil we would find in ANWAR would be kept for only US consumption. Is she mis-leading folks down here?

30 08 2008

So have you seen any secret service types or media folks up there yet?

30 08 2008
August 31, 2008 « the haiku diaries

[…] am Filed under: rachel’s post | Tags: babygate, Bristol, haiku, Palin, Trig Lots of gossip re Palin and “babygate.” Who’s baby Trig’s mother? No Comments so far Leave a comment RSS feed for […]

30 08 2008

More Palin haiku
at The Haiku Diaries.
This is too much fun.

August 31, 2008

30 08 2008
The Logician

But, do I think CBJ, Sarah’s doc, would lie? I do not think so.

Why not? What do you really know about her other than her getting an award? And how many people other than the doc would have had to be involved in delivering a kid and switching it? Seems to me that there’s no lack of money sloshing around Alaska for purposes like that.

30 08 2008
Mad Skillz

The Dems are gonna let Palin kill the GOP hopes. I gotta love how a Palin supporter rewrote her Wikipedia info. Gotta love the Internet. Oh yeah – you didn’t mention how her staff took down how she SUPPORTED Obama’s energy plan.

Still, you are my new bestest friend.

Mad Skillz out

30 08 2008

It’s obvious as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Politico and many other experts knew. John McCain new he had no chance whats so ever of winning (despite all the lies about “it’s a dead lock or tie), otherwise he would of never picked this woman.

AbC reported that Mccain lied, and not only had he met this woman before this week, but he made his decision Thursday Night (obvious shaken, after Obama accepted his nomination/speech).

The media has been lying to us all along. This thing was never close. CNN said that, Karl Rove etc, ran all their election/turn out model, and there was no way, that they saw McCain winning (which is the reason why, you never saw the Obama team panicked, despite the fact the his supporters would complain when they felt things weren’t going right).

John McCain blinked! He blinked to Karl Rove. He blinked to the religious right, and he blinked to Obama’s speech and momentum

The question is did McCain just bury his chances for good, or just gave it some temporary oxygen?

30 08 2008
The Logician


Baby Trig and Mom
The smolts migrate toward the sea
Sarah claims the prize

30 08 2008
The Logician

The local press just ran pictures of her and whatdoyaknow? She won.


Librarian winks
Autumn men, sap rising hard
North, to Alaska

30 08 2008


I don’t even know where to begin.

As a mother, when I first heard that she was the veep pick, I could not help but to know that ALL of her minor children were going to suffer. As a working mother to a healthy child (thank you, God) I know the difficulty of balancing work and raising my child. Let alone, being a wife and the other challenges of life. Any working mother knows that the equitable balance of rearing a child and anything else is a myth. The commitment and time distribution is inequtable. It is up to the individual mother to decide how they prioritize their child on the totem pole, so to speak. You just simply cannot give your children 100% and anything else 100%.

Clearly, Palin has shown the world that her children are not her priority. This is even more disconcerting given the fact that she has a child with special needs. This is in addition to the needs of the other children. I more than question her judgement. Obviously, she makes poor decisions.

In giving her the benefit of the doubt, becoming Governor was one of her wildest dreams. However, once she did become governor, it should have been obvious that her career demands were different. Since she is pro life, why not put off having a new baby until her term was up? If that is her child. That is called being a responsible adult.

Then there is the story (or stories) which are nothing short of mind boggling.

Even if a doctor was negligent enough to tell her that she could travel during her last trimester of a high risk pregnancy carrying a child that would have special needs, doesn’t she have a responsibility to the health of her hild and self? Why would she risk her child’s life like this? Then when she “went into labor” knowing the circumstances, why would she not put the unborn child’s needs first and get to a hospital? Isn’t it true that with each pregnancy the labor is actually shorter and at times less predictable? Why would she not think that once in labor the child could come at any moment? Wasn’t she extremely fortunate to be able to not only travel for several hours without pain medication in labor but then to actually control the birth of the child until she was exactly where she wanted (needed) to be?

Why would we vote for a person who is clearly negligent when it comes to her own family? If she is covering for her daughter, why would we vote for someone who intends to go into office lying and with her family in cahoots? What message an moral foundation is she setting for her children? If she cannot raise her own children how can she be even remotely involved in making policies for the country’s families?

I would like to hear from any former VP what they would say their commitment level to the job was. Would we be okay if they were able to prioritize their family over the country’s needs? At least Hillary’s child was an adult when Hillary ran.

And McCain…he has always been reactionary. In true form, his knee jerk reaction to Obama’s phenomenal speach was to announce his running with a woman he’d only met with once! Simply because he thought he could swap one woman for another in front of the voters. Any other President of any operation would take it under consideration that the candidate for VP is the mother of a NEW BORN. No matter what the story is about the baby, there is no pleasant way of spinning this. His people did not do their research and this is the result. What else will he venture into without being properly informed? This is a perfect example of why he would support lies of WMDs.

Lastly, if I were Rebublican, I would be mortified by the state of the party. The party has spewed it’s lies for so long, they don’t even realize how transparent they are. Obviously, the party feels that he is the most qualified of the party for President of the United States and he in turn feels that Palin was the best package (ALL factors considered) out of his choices for a running mate. This is sick.

30 08 2008

So I’m just wondering how Todd can work at BP, fish the Bristol Bay season and take care of the kids. I’m also wondering how he feels about her feelings about allowing the Pebble Mine which could ruin herring and sockeye forever.
There is a reason that the Borax, Quartz Hill mine in Boca de Quadra (near Ketchikan) was shut down in the early 80’s. It was to protect salmon habitat. Guess she needs to read the history of her own state.

30 08 2008
Sue Williams

Hey Haiki Loving Logic – My gosh. Give up the “doc could have lied shtick.” Okay. I suppose it’s not out of the realm of the possible. How do I know CBJ? She happens to be my doctor. That’s how I know her.

One thing I’m seeing very clearly: The rest of the country has NO IDEA how small town life in this Valley is. I never go anywhere without running into multiple people I know. Everyone knows everyone and everyone talks. It’s kind of sweet and quaint if you like the small town gig – but people from larger metro areas can’t really understand how small towns work if they’ve never lived in one. (Visiting doesn’t count. You have to live here long enough to know half the folks).

Part of this is kind of starting to be funny for me – though, from a Valley Perspective (for anyone who wants to hear this) yesterday felt like someone had died. People were walking around saying how they wanted to throw up. Truly. I’ve never heard (or read, try andrew or so many people describe feeling like they were going to get physically sick and vomit). That’s how CRAZY this sounded to all of us. (fyi – on those blogs, esp the adn site you’ll find a posse of Palinbots – as they’re referred to up here – who think she can do no wrong. These are what we call “bumper sticker” citizens. If an idea is too long for a bumper sticker, it’s too complicated for them to try and wrap their minds around. These people, by and large, compose Sarah’s base. The 80% approval numbers you all – and presumably McCain – heard of where wrong).

But today, I’m torn between being angry and being sad and being shocked and — well, finding this whole thing so gosh darned funny. When EVERYONE except the bumper sticker citz KNOW beyond any shadow of any doubt that there is no way Sarah is qualified for this post – well, it makes me just shake my head as a Republican.

The chatter now is whether she’ll survive the first two weeks – what with her upcoming deposition this week on Troopergate matters and the brewing baby questions. Will Sarah be another Eagleton? And, if so, will she be as gracious as Chuck Kopp was less than a month ago when she tapped him to be Commissioner of Public Safety without vetting him worth squat (it came out almost immediately he had a scandal in his past). She held onto him for two weeks before the pressure became overbearing and she let him go (with a nice $15,000 severance check that she didn’t disclose until it was reported on a local blog). Will she be as gracious as Chuck Kopp if and when McCain wakes up to his insanity and realizes he has to find someone who actually knows something about the job?

30 08 2008
allen bean

allen bean Says:

August 30, 2008 at 11:08 am
Posted by: Scott | August 30, 2008 1:11 AM

Not only all that, but Ms Palin has had virtually no contact with
Jewish people in America. In fact, most Alaskans still use the term
“to jew someone down” as part of their every day vocabulary when
speaking about bargaining at the store….so I guess Ms Palin has a
huge storehouse of inherited antiSemitic fixations based not on hatred
but on ignornace. Ask her what she thinks of Jewish people someone? I
am sure he only knows about 3.

30 08 2008
allen bean

The AFP wire service today, based out of Juneau, that’s Agence France press, AFP, they said today in news story that Palin commutes daily to her office in Juneau from her home in Wasilla? By jet? every day? IS AFP reporter smoking something?

30 08 2008
The Logician


Whose baby is it?
Fish run thick in slanting sun
Republicans lie

30 08 2008
The Anti-Palin Blog

I’m skeptical about the baby story, but here’s what confuses me: If she is pro-life in ALL cases, why did she have genetic testing done early in the pregnancy? If it’s really hers, as is likely, did that mean that abortion was an option? If it’s not hers, was the genetic test done to find out who the dad is – and the extra chromosome came up in the screening?

30 08 2008
The Logician


How can lies succeed?
Snow thick on cedar branches
Ted owns Alaska

30 08 2008

I am a woman, 46-years old retired from military at the age of 33…I have a 24-years old daughter…I don’t know this person but it don’t take rocky science to realize that unless their some unknown secret info out there … this person said out of her own mouth that she did not think it was possible she could be consider for such a high position…I don’t know what is true and what is not true…but what seen to be true is she have very little experience…and I would not want to think about sleeping at night…and this country … and my daughter future in her hands…it makes me sad and scary…but it said a great deal about the judgement of McCain…as military person I once consider voting for him…how I thank “God” I never had that chance… as far as parent resposibility…I was a single parent as a soldier…I worry everyday that my commitment and demand of being a soldier cause me to neglect my child at times…I looked forwarded to the day when I could get out…I felt bad about not being their for my child…but I also loved my career and I was a delicated soldier…but my child was my first priority… I think as a mother it is hard for me to understand how you can really be there for five children or maybe only three since the other two seen to be much older…and do your public job….

This is a personal decision but whatever the reason for her decision…she know just as well as any honest person know …she is not qualify to be a heart beat away from the presidents job…or to be seriously concider for VP…

it all just make me very very sad for my child…her children ….all the children future…and the future of our country…

We are going to either vote for change…for our children future and this country…

Or we are going to witness something we maybe hope we don’t live threw…

What really sading me also is … how so many persons can say they trust this woman to have a finger on the “red button” do they want to win a election so bad that they will lie to themself and not care about the their childs future…I don’t know how they do it f..because they care more about winning a election…

I have always had fate in “God” if we get out there and do our part…”God” will do his part and keep us all safe…my child and this country…

This VP pick is very scary…

30 08 2008
The Logician

If this is a matter of day care for young Trigonometry, don’t you think Cindy McCain has already waved a magic dollar-filled wand and solved that problem? The question is still, “whose baby?” Sue says that she and Sarah share the same doctor and the doctor would never lie.

I think Sarah’s story is preposterous, although I am intrigued by the alternative, i.e., the Sarah’s story is real and that the 17-year-old is in her third trimester by her high school boyfriend.


What to do but spawn?
Alaska: six months no sun
Sex and Yukon Jack

30 08 2008

So Sue–you’re saying that the “Sarah has claims Bristol’s baby as her own” story is as preposterous as it sounds. But Bristol actually is pregnant and everybody up there knows it and she’s being kept out of sight for that reason? Fascinating.

30 08 2008

That should read “Sarah claims Bristol’s baby as her own” story. Stupid lack of editing.

30 08 2008

IS this studd true???

Sandy, This picture was shot on March 9,. 2007 http://www.adn. com/news/ alaska/v- gallery/story/ 339587.html? /news/alaska/ v-enlarge/ story/339587- a339583-t3. html

According to this other website, she missed school sick?, for 5 months! http://www.reddit. com/comments/ 6f3nq/coverup_ alaska_gov_ palin_r_announce d_she_was/ c03o1ma

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Sandy Dunsmoor wrote:

As a mom of 3, pregnant twice (twins) that looks pretty darned preggo to me! I know you can doctor pictures but you`d have to be really good to get that unique authentic look to the belly! I don`t know,,,,looks like this rumor has merit to me! Thanks Jd!

30 08 2008

I can only see one way for McCain to back out of this now…

Palin would suddenly ‘decide’ that she is needed by her family, her son in particular, and her state and simply cannot be veep. Then McCain would get to pick a new veep and all of the things that Dems said about Palin would be flipped back over and used against Obama.

Risky, but if I were advising McCain, I’d likely be pushing for that very scenario.

But thank goodness I’m voting for Obama. XD

ps: How long until the McCain/Palin ticket gets called the Beauty and the Beast ticket?

30 08 2008

Dear Sue & Logician,

I love conspiracy theories (mostly for the sake of debunking them)! There is a picture of Bristol and the rest of the Palin family (sans Track of course) in a People spread that was obviously shot this Friday. In it, Bristol does not appear pregnant. In fact, she appears more slim than other pictures of her floating around. I believe these pictures are organized in correct sequence from newest to oldest:,,20222685_2,00.html (from this Friday — note Bristol appears “skinny” and Willow has no braces) (from sometime in 2007 when it was warm enough in Juneau to wear short sleeves — note Bristol appears a bit “puffy” and Willow has braces) (this picture is titled “Alaska’s New First Family” and is probably from early 2007 — note Bristol appears “skinny”) (from fall 2006 — note Bristol appears a bit “puffy” and Willow has no braces) (even though the article is from March 2008, the picture is recycled from fall 2006 — note same coat on Mrs. Palin and same sunset in background as picture above)

So, what am I trying to say here? Only that Bristol appears to have gone through 2 phases of gaining (mid 2006 and mid 2007) and losing (early 2007 and now) weight. Neither of these periods correspond with a delivery due date of April or May 2008. Sometime during this time period, she was also apparently out of school with mononucleosis for several months. In addition, the son Track was apparently off at a school in Michigan and then joined the Army. Finally, judging by the deep tan sported by Willow in the People photo, I’d assume she spent this summer somewhere other than Alaska. If that’s the case, it’s quite possible that Bristol accompanied her.

I haven’t lived in a small town but I still understand what goes on in most of them. There is just enough circumstantial stuff here that the nosy neighbor syndrome could have made “people who are close friends with the Heath family” put two and two together and come up with five. At a minimum, if Bristol was indeed pregnant, it would have been either sometime in late 2006 or summer 2007 as indicated by the slight “puffiness” in the pictures taken during those periods. There appears to be no evidence to substantiate that she was pregnant as recently as this spring much less this summer. As such, this for now is all just some small-town rumor.

30 08 2008

Sue, I am confused. Are you saying that Bristol is still pregnant right now?

31 08 2008

My understanding is that Palin spends quite a bit of time working outside of Juneau. She’s not fond of the distance from home and has tried to stay in her home territory as much as possible. This has caused some nervousness in Juneau (the capitol) because there is an ongoing battle in Alaska to move the capitol to somewhere actually on the road system (Juneau is only accessible by boat or plane), like the Valley where Sarah is from. So far efforts to keep the capitol in Juneau have been successful, but just the mention of a capitol move sends Juneau residents into a tizzy.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Tom, you didn’t have any pictures of Sarah Palin or her daughter, Bristol, between January 2008 and April 2008. The material you supplied is completely worthless.

31 08 2008
The Logician

p.s.: Tom, maybe you need to review your materials from biology class. The human gestation period is nine months. Young Trigonometry was born April 18, 2008, one month early, which would place his conception in September 2007. Pictures from early 2007 and 2006 are irrelevant.

You write of Bristol Palin that “there appears to be no evidence to substantiate that she was pregnant as recently as this spring much less this summer,” but you offered no pictures of her between this summer and the summer of 2007. You might have cast doubt on whether she is still pregnant — something I question anyway — but you have provided utterly no evidence of her condition this past spring.

So tell us, Tom, who signs your checks?

31 08 2008
The Logician

correction: ” … which would place his conception in August 2007.” I’m up late. Time to hit the hay.

31 08 2008

Kathy, I believe she is. Surely when the Republican convention is finally held, Bristol will be there and we’ll be able to tell if she’s truly in her 3rd trimester right now. I’d love to see some of those Ohio pictures Sue talks about.

31 08 2008

On the other hand, check out Meghan McCain’s blog–she took a bunch of pictures and there’s one showing Bristol from the side. It’s the one with the caption “Getting ready for the People Magazine photo shoot.”

31 08 2008

Yes, that is what she is saying but the following picture from People taken this Friday disproves it:,,20222685_2,00.html

There is also a blog on Daily Kos, “Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]”:

This blog purports to show 2 pictures of Bristol pregnant with Trig. But as I revealed in my previous comment above, one of these pictures was taken in 2007 when it was “warm” (I use the term loosely) in Juneau:

That pretty much means between April and October. So, Bristol would have been early in her first trimester considering Trig’s May 2008 delivery due date. In other words, it is very unlikely that picture shows Bristol pregnant with Trig.

The other picture on the Daily Kos blog was from late 2006, which obviously cannot show Bristol being pregnant with Trig much less being pregnant today:

That someone would mistake the above picture as being from March 2008 (when the article in which it appears was printed) simply shows sloppy research skills as I also revealed. Note that the picture from a story in October 2006 is from the same “sitting”:

Clearly, if the above indeed shows a pregnant Bristol, she is not carrying Trig.

Moreover, a picture taken in the time frame between the two purported “pregnant gun” pictures shows Bristol was definitely not pregnant:

So, if the two pictures (taken several months apart) in which Bristol appears “puffy” supposedly prove that she was pregnant, that would actually mean that she was pregnant not once, but twice. Not only that, but if she IS in fact Trig’s mom, that would make her pregnant three times. Hold on, I’m not done: if she is still pregnant today, that means she has been pregnant a grand total of four times since 2006! In other words, she has not been not pregnant since 2006! Me, I’ll go with just “not pregnant” until someone comes along to make this conspiracy theory worth chasing further.

31 08 2008

My “on the other hand” was directed at Tom. So very slow…

31 08 2008

justinslot, I was just about to come back with a link to video of Bristol at the rally, but your photos are much clearer. She certainly looks bigger now than she did in that photo of her in a blue shirt (from back in February, I think) that everyone’s linked to. Curiouser and curiouser.

31 08 2008
American in London

Jack Herman – there is nothing wrong with small town americans running for office. Abe Lincoln was one. George Washington and Tom Jefferson, too. I’m sure she’s a bright young talent in Alaska and eventually in the national Republican party.

But for now, she’s no Hillary Clinton. She’s not even Marge Simpson. She is being used, and is just another example of McCain’s reckless disregard for the public welfare, a reflection of his cynical tokenism and a victim of everything wrong with the GOP over the past 8 years.

If you think Obama is light on detail, try and post any remaining questions you might have. You’re right to ask for specifics – but if you raise the question, you have an obligation to listen to the answers (which are there in full).

And if it’s not enough to get you to vote the right way, maybe you should show your disdain by not voting at all? Just a thought.

31 08 2008
American in London


Agree that the Beast (love that) should find a way now to gracefully dump the Beauty, but I don’t see it happening. Mavericks can’t question themselves after making “bold” (reckless) decisions. He’ll need to stick with this to the bitter end. Or arrange a snowmobile accident / Dick Cheney hunting trip.

31 08 2008

Logician: Tom, you didn’t have any pictures of Sarah Palin or her daughter, Bristol, between January 2008 and April 2008. The material you supplied is completely worthless.

The “material” I supplied is way more than what you supplied (to support your point)! The pictures show Bristol looking supposedly pregnant at times when she could not have been pregnant with Trig. These are the pictures that people are claiming as “proving” something. They prove nothing, and in that sense I agree with you that they are worthless. That was my point.

Logician: p.s.: Tom, maybe you need to review your materials from biology class. The human gestation period is nine months. Young Trigonometry was born April 18, 2008, one month early, which would place his conception in September 2007. Pictures from early 2007 and 2006 are irrelevant. You write of Bristol Palin that “there appears to be no evidence to substantiate that she was pregnant as recently as this spring much less this summer,” but you offered no pictures of her between this summer and the summer of 2007. You might have cast doubt on whether she is still pregnant — something I question anyway — but you have provided utterly no evidence of her condition this past spring. So tell us, Tom, who signs your checks?

I’m there with you, the pictures are irrelevant. Now tell that to the conspiracy nuts who are using them to “prove” that Trig is Bristol’s baby. While you’re at it, why don’t you come up with some “proof” of your own. I don’t need to provide “evidence of her condition this past spring” since I’m not the one claiming she was pregnant! I sign my own checks, who signs yours?

justinslot: On the other hand, check out Meghan McCain’s blog–she took a bunch of pictures and there’s one showing Bristol from the side. It’s the one with the caption “Getting ready for the People Magazine photo shoot.”

I photoshopped that picture and some others and they do show a figure that isn’t as “skinny” as the picture published by People would suggest. The problem with the picture you reference is that Bristol actually has her hip under the baby and is reclining backwards, which creates a wider-than-normal body outline. Meanwhile, another picture shows Bristol sitting with her legs crossed and leaning forward (not an easy feat in the third trimester). On the other hand, yet another picture shows her sitting with her hands clasped across her lap in a stereotypical “preggie pose”. Then again, why wouldn’t they have put her behind somebody in that People picture if she was pregnant and showing (or at least face her belly inward)? Finally, we know she has supposedly looked pregnant in pictures before (from fall 2006 and summer 2007), so why is this any different (looked pregnant but wasn’t)?

Sydney: justinslot, I was just about to come back with a link to video of Bristol at the rally, but your photos are much clearer. She certainly looks bigger now than she did in that photo of her in a blue shirt (from back in February, I think) that everyone’s linked to. Curiouser and curiouser.

That “photo of her in a blue shirt (from back in February, I think)”, if it’s the one with twilight in the background, is actually from October 2006! And so, yes, she might look bigger now since she is two years older! Willow looks “bigger” as well–does that mean she’s pregnant, too? The only thing that all of these pictures make clear is that Bristol isn’t some pencil-thin clone of her mother. She could be going through a temporary “teenage plump” phase, but if she wasn’t already self-conscious about her body, she sure might be now.

31 08 2008

Personally, I don’t give a rat’s ass about all this pregnancy stuff regarding the teenage daughter. I do care about the lack of judgement Sarah Palin made when in labor with her DS baby … it seems selfish and definately not wise.

The polls show that McCain made a really bad blunder picking Palin, and it will only get worse as time goes on. I wonder if he will attempt a “do over”.

31 08 2008
connecticut man1

Most people just want to figure our what the truth is about her so they can make an honest decision.

So far, there are clearly lies coming from the Palins on Troopergate. First they didn’t know anything about pressure to fire their inlaw, Wooten… Then she changed it to “Maybe?” some of her aides had called – but she only changed the story after she found out about tapes of phonecalls… Then the truth comes out that not only were the aides pressuring, but so were BOTH Sarah and Todd Palin in phonecalls, emails and face-to-face meeting(s) with Monnegan.

Also, we know that both Wooten and the Palins are complete idiots just based on the facts that have come out in that story.

Now this whole thing about who the Mom(s) and Dad(s) really are seems to have some serious legs getting ready to run… And the whole thing about the Alaska .gov pics on the website moving around and deleting a lot of photos only seems to add credibility to the whole story.

But she could also be hiding other photos with those Alaskan CBC types. Who knows? But it really doesn’t look good.

I am just waiting for Wooten to have to do a paternity test for Sarah’s or Bristol’s kid(s) OR Both Todd and Track having to do the same to round out the picture perfect family they “seem” to have created.

The only way this story could get more twisted is if VECO’s Allen, Ted Stevens or Don Young turned out to be the father/grandfather/great-grandfather to every single one of them.

Hell? With John McCain’s track record of turning in older ex beauty pageant winners for younger ones… Maybe Cindy should be demanding paternity tests? Are we really sure that he didn’t personally “Vet” the entire Palin family previous to their quickie before this decision?

Regardless of any of this, McCain has, undeniably, shown that he is recklessly capable of making the ridiculous attempt, by Bush, to put Harriet Myers on the SCOTUS almost seem like a competent choice in comparison…

31 08 2008

i am from india. have no immediate stakes in this (i wish!!)
anyway, as an outside observer, i think Sue is trying to blunt and discredit the ‘investigation’ or suspicion that it was Bristol’s baby by floating new theories. That will put it way too many variables in the equation and the reader will be confused. Sue would hope that the reader would be so confused that he or she will stop caring.. discredit by multiplying the attacks..

31 08 2008
The Logician

That’s right, raghu. The theory has been that young Trigonometry is not Sarah’s child as she claims, but Britsol’s. Sue introduced a new theory that Sarah did indeed bear the future Alaskan mathematician, but that Bristol is pregnant by her high school boyfriend. I’m skeptical. I tend to believe this is the story of Deliverance, not Peyton Place. But up in the land of the Midnight Sun, anything can happen.

31 08 2008
The Logician


It’s a mystery
Seasons grumble like grizzly
White trash is white trash

31 08 2008
The Logician


What will bring her down?
Spring baby, summer baby?
Maybe Troopergate?

31 08 2008
The Logician

By the way, if Trig is Bristol’s kid, and a paternity test is ordered, make sure to include the high school math teacher.

31 08 2008
Sue Williams

You all are a hoot. Kind of. You have no idea how surreal this whole pick is for Alaskans. NO ONE up here that I know – beside “bumper sticker citz” think Sarah is ready for – heck, the Senate, let alone VP or the White House. It’s truly crazy.

Here are the facts – and really, if you want to spend time trying to understand Sarah, my best advice to you is to go to Andrew and read the past six weeks worth of his blog entries and the comments section – or, the Anchorage Daily News ( The ADN is very Palin friendly (the staff is all hoping she’ll bring them on board her Administration – cynical? Yes. But, kind of true, too. She rewarded the editor with a nice post in DC once she was elected gov).

Re: the pregnancy stuff. I wouldn’t bother trying to track down anymore photos. Some I’ve seen have the wrong dates assoicated with them anyway. Sarah gave birth to Trig. Many of us in Alaska speculated she kept her mouth shut b/c she didn’t want people in DC to know when she went there in Feb (it allowed her to get to talk VP speculation). By the end of the preg (like late March, early April) she did look pregnant – her face got full and she only wore black changing out her scarves for color.

Trig is Sarah and Todd’s baby. She was very open (once she told everyone she was pregnant) that learning she was pregnant was a difficult thing, let alone learning he had Down’s. Sarah is amazingly ambitious. She doesn’t like to let anything stop her – clearly, she, and all of us, and anyone with a functioning mind, saw this pregnancy as taking her out of VP speculation. But, what do you know, John McCain I guess, doesn’t have a functioning mind.

Bristol Palin is pregnant. She is well into her third trimester. She has been out of sight in Alaska for the past couple months. I learned the morning we all heard Sarah was chosen that Bristol and her high school boyfriend had had a quickie wedding. So, at least Sarah’s grandchild won’t be born to an unwed teenage mother, just a teenage, senior in high school mother.

When Todd and Sarah first learned Bristol was pregnant, they were “devastated” – which parents wouldn’t be? Sarah said she knew the scrutiny of the press would be hard for Bristol to take.

And then Sarah decides it’s okay to run for VP? If she thought the press in down home Alaska – a press corp who has given her family a free pass and who, even tho they’ve known about Bristol’s pregnancy for months, hasn’t touched it with a ten foot pole – if Sarah thought Alaska’s press would be hard for Bristol to bear, just exactly what did she think the nation’s press pool would be like? Or the fact that by accepting McCain’s offer to join the ticket, Sarah knew full well Bristol will become the most well known pregnant high school senior ON THE PLANET.

Apparently that’s what blind ambition does for you, folks. It blinds you to the hearts and needs and lives and emotions and futures of everyone around you – incl. your own daughter who, God only knows how she’ll bear up under the shock and shame when this story finally comes out.

No thank you. I would like a VP candidate who puts the lives of the people she’s supposed to be caring for first, above her own. Since, for social reasons (abortion and gay issues) I can’t in my conscience vote for Obama, I’ll show up in the booth this Nov and vote for congressional races then slip out before casting a vote for people who have no business being given the responsibility and honor of running our nation.

This whole thing is sick. Sick.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

I’ve been enjoying the thread, particularly the most intelligent comments by The Logician, American in London and Raghu.

I appreciate your pointing out Sue as a ‘plant’ on this site; her story just got better and better after that. Then suddenly she disappears, and ‘Tom’ pops up with his meaningless photos and even more preposterous theories. I wonder if it’s even a different person? Do they do tag team matches? Lies and obfuscation brought to you by Rove and Rovette junior. And now back to our sponsor.

I think SP either showed ridiculously poor judgment by having a special needs baby in some backwater hospital over 9 hours (and more) after her water started ‘leaking’, or that this is possibly her daughter’s child and she rushed to her side as soon as she found out that BP was in labor. Why else would anyone in the first family have a baby (with Down’s Syndrome) away from the best hospital possible?

After checking out the McCainette blog,, it was interesting to watch BP holding the baby almost all of the time, except for one or two photo ops with ‘Mom’. Notice how in the family photo, BP is the one holding her ‘brother’? Anyone else find this odd?

31 08 2008
Clever Else

I like Haiku!

Holding her baby
A smiling mother I see
Will we ever know?

31 08 2008
The Logician


Her brother or son?
Only the August wind knows
And the Enquirer

31 08 2008
The Logician

Clever Else, this from Wikipedia: “A haiku traditionally contains a kigo (season word) which symbolises or intimates the season in which the poem is set.”

31 08 2008
Sue Williams

Hey Clever Else – so funny you think I’m a plant and that my story got “better and better.” So, I guess you think the truth got better and better.

Am I somehow not being clear? Sarah Palin would be a DISASTER as VP. In my opinion she’s been a disaster as governor.

Are you a plant?

31 08 2008
The Logician


Cucumber or squash?
August garden grows fertile
Like Alaska girls

31 08 2008

Is it true Ruedrich resigned before she snooped in his files, did so uncomfortably at the request of the attorney general and resigned from her ethics post because she couldn’t handle the repurcussions?

31 08 2008
The Logician

a press corp who has given her family a free pass and who, even tho they’ve known about Bristol’s pregnancy for months, hasn’t touched it with a ten foot pole

Men are known to exaggerate, but ten feet?

31 08 2008
The Logician

Incidentally, I’ve read that the hospital in Peyton Place, Alaska has a website, and until they took it down sometime last night it showed no births having taken place there on the date that young Trigonometry was born. The plot grows thicker. How’s this: Delivered by midwife — hey, if the Christians can “home school,” they can “home birth” too — then rushed to the hospital to meet its “mother.”

31 08 2008

lol American in London, thank you.

Those are probably things some Republicans are currently dreaming about. I don’t think Palin will get knocked off though. But I just know all of his advisors are struggling someway to salvage this if McCain truly made a gaffe. My humble opinion is that McCain is nutter… But I’ve thought that for a while now.

Just looking online gives a taste as to the roasting Palin is going to get. She still has some Rabid Republicans defending her, and some Rabid Dems saying things that are out of line… but the rest of us ‘sane’ people are going “He did what? Okay, Obama/Biden 08/12 it is.” I am going to be watching the polls. I don’t think McCain can recover from this lol.

31 08 2008

Clever Else, Precisely what “preposterous theories” am I spouting? That the pictures being touted all over the Internets as showing Bristol being supposedly pregnant are actually from summer 2007 and earlier? That is not theory, IT IS FACT. Please PROVE otherwise or shut up with your innuendo. Frankly, if Sue is a “plant” then “she” is a pretty good one. I’ve seen better though. Clearly she does not like Palin and has an axe to grind. That doesn’t make her statements automatically false, but they should be taken with a grain of salt. They are rumors. They might be true, but they are still rumors. I like to deal in FACTS. As for my personal motives, I’m a conspiracy theory fanatic and enjoy investigating “mysteries”. Oh yeah, I also believe Palin was a joke of a pick for VP and I will be voting for Obama (not for that reason, though).

31 08 2008
The Logician

Here is a picture of Sarah Palin seven months pregnant with her first child, and here is a picture of Sarah Palin seven months “pregnant” with her fifth child.

Your serve, Sue Williams.

31 08 2008
The Logician

And you, too, Tom.

31 08 2008

Logician, You know that a hospital birth announcement on a public website requires parental consent, right? So you can’t jump to a conspiracy conclusion on the sole basis that Trig’s birth was not listed there, especially since he is a Downs baby. Could it be the Palins wanted a day or two of privacy without reporters roving around looking for the scoop? As for “took it down sometime last night”, you are incorrect:

31 08 2008
Laura Fleming

Look at the Meghan McCain blog and lighten two pictures from Friday’s People Mag photo shoot and you will see the pregnant teen daughter without any question. The McCain family is clearly in the know at this point. Is there any public record of Bristol Palin’s wedding?

31 08 2008
Sue Williams

Oh my gosh, you guys. Please. What do I care if Trig is Bristol’s baby? Maybe he was and now she’s pregnant again. I don’t know. That seems unlikely to me. Look, all I can tell you is Bristol is pregnant. Have you never lived in a small town? When one hears this “rumor” (and okay, I admit, I never heard it straight from Sarah’s mouth) but have heard it from close to 20 people who are all long time friends of the family. Maybe they are all lying – and have been lying since April of this year when Willow’s boyfriend (Willow is the 8th grader) wouldn’t shut up about how Bristol was pregnant. The story came out (not by the news, of course, because all four reporters in this state wanted Sarah to choose them next for some cool govt post) but by everyone whose anyone around here (and it’s not a hard job to be an “everyone” when there’s so few of us).

What I’m seeing is that America doesn’t know how small towns work. You either lead the lily pure white life, or you move to a city, or, when your child turns up pregnant at 16, you hide her somewhere. That’s what happened here. Now, apparently, Sarah is keeping Bristol on the bus with Trig while she makes her appearances.

This must be the problem with conspirators, when the truth stares them straight in the eyes, they don’t know how to recongize it. Please.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

My apologies, Sue. Thank you for making a simple and clear statement.

I think the only plant involved in this situation is Sarah Palin, justice crusader for the neo-cons.

31 08 2008
Sue Williams

Hey Laura – now there’s a good question, because the “Bristol got a quickie wedding” remark I heard from a friend was Friday morning while all this was hitting the fan in AK. If she really is married, there would have to be a public document somewhere. I suppose checking up here or checking Idaho (where it was presumed she was sent) would be the natural choices to look. I really questioned the person who told me, but they were adament that they’d been told the truth about the wedding. It kind of made sense to me (I mean would McCain really choose a woman who has an unwed pregnant home schooled daughter for VP?). But then, would McCain really choose a mother who has a wed pregnant homeschooled teenager for VP?



Oh God, please save the Republic from this Insanity.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Logician, You know that a hospital birth announcement on a public website requires parental consent, right?

A birth is a matter of public record, Tom. Why wouldn’t the hospital have a record of this birth on its website?

Could it be the Palins wanted a day or two of privacy without reporters roving around looking for the scoop?

I realize that Alaska is a backwater, but the woman is your state’s governor. And the birth was reported in your state’s media, such as it is, on the same day it allegedly occurred. These things would tend to negate your “privacy” angle, Tom. A more plausible explanation is that young Trigonometry Palin wasn’t born there.

Oh my gosh, you guys. Please. What do I care if Trig is Bristol’s baby?

You have seemed to care a great deal up until now. Why the change of heart? It’s rather sudden.

This must be the problem with conspirators, when the truth stares them straight in the eyes, they don’t know how to recongize it.

I think you’ve been making an admirable attempt to distract us, but if not, then we’ll all know soon enough. I’m going to be checking my supermarket every week for the latest updates from the Enquirer. They always nail these stories.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Logician, thanks for the info on the Haiku. I’m far from ‘traditional’, tho. Also, wiki seems to forget to mention Matsuo Basho 1644-1694, Zen philosopher poet.

Thanks for the links to the photos, though I can’t seem to view them from the tinyurl.

31 08 2008
The Logician

And, Sue, your silence on the two pictures I posted is rather deafening, is it not?

31 08 2008
Sue Williams

Hey Clever Else. No worries. I know it must be beyond bizarre to think any of this is truly happening. Well, welcome to my world. I’ve had to live in it (crazy, insane, nonsensical Alaskan politics) for most of my life. But Friday’s announcement took the Insane to depths even I didn’t know existed.

If you can tear yourself away from the Sarah Stuff, sometime, just to clear your head, read up on our Congressman, Don Young.

He, all by his little wacky self, would provide enough material for Jon Stewart and the Colberg guy for a year. A year, I tell you.

Do you know that a growing number of former legislators (like one of our most recent Speakers of the House) populate federal pens up and down the West Coast? You can’t make this stuff up. Really. I wish you could, I promise. I wish, desperately, this wasn’t real time. But, it is what it is. Sarah is what she is and once the nation finds out, and once conservatives find out, and the Christian community finds out and heck, even good old John McCain finds out who and what Sarah Palin really is, then it’s all over.

But will they find out before the election?

That’s the only question.

31 08 2008
The Logician

I will try this again, then.

Sarah Palin, seven months pregnant with her first child:

Sarah Palin, seven months “pregnant” with her fifth child:

31 08 2008

I hereby suggest we leave behind the term ‘Palin-bots’ and instead adopt the far more amusing term ‘Palin-drones’.

Do i get a second on this one?

31 08 2008

Okay, Logician, I’m up for the challenge. Here is a picture of Sarah Palin as Miss Alaska:

I presume you’ve also seen other pictures of her “younger” days (such as when she was a sports broadcaster).

The point is that Ms. Size Zero was not quite so athletic and trim looking as a youth. In fact, this is none of our business, but I wouldn’t be surprised if her amazing 40-something figure isn’t the result of driving herself to extreme limits of exercise in order to bolster her body self-image.

Besides all that, there are a number of photos out there dated March and April 2008 showing her with a very large mid-section under her scarf-and-jacket combo (which, by the way, is what you would wear to hide a pregnancy).

Speaking of hiding a pregnancy, there is THE major flaw in your logic: if Sarah Palin wanted to have people think she was actually pregnant instead of her daughter, why wouldn’t she have wanted to APPEAR pregnant? Occam’s Razor and all . . .

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Tom-Yes, that is what she is saying but the following picture from People taken this Friday disproves it:,,20222685_2,

She looks like she’s wearing a maternity sheath! How does this shot prove she’s not pregnant?

You are right in that none of the photos show ‘proves’ anything.

Maybe all this is just complete nonsense and a waste of time to try to throw us off the trail of the alleged Republican ‘reformer’.

That’s what I’m going with for now.

31 08 2008

Sue Williams, I’m curious, where in Alaska do you live, and for how long?

31 08 2008
Sue Williams

My gosh, Logic. I thought you had calmed down. With all your Haiku talk, you’re a wee bit uptight – and I’m going to have to take a break here to go to church. Look: I’m assuming you and I couldn’t be more far apart politically.

Here’s who I am: Christian, wife, mom, business woman, proud (except for the past 42 hours) Alaskan, proud (except for the past 42 hours) American.

I know Sarah Palin. While I’m sure she has redemptive qualities; there are just so many reasons there is NO POSSIBLE WAY I would ever support her candidacy. Sarah is all about spin, spin, spin.

I’m not. You either are who you are, or get out. Sarah promotes the notion that she is the devoted and doting mom. But just do the math – while she has been running around the state, and now the nation, trying to advance herself, four children, who she and her husband made, are at home and could use a little mom time. There’s just not enough hours in poor Sarah’s day.

That, right there, I will look forward to my brothers and sisters in the Christian community trying to defend.

I remember very well when she ran for Lt. Gov in 2002. I didn’t know her nearly as well and was planning to vote for her. Then another woman and I got into a conversation. When she heard I was going to vote for Sarah she asked if I was a Christian. I said I was, and a very devoted one at that. Then she said, “How can you as a Christian and a mother support voting for someone to a position that will take them out of the daily life of their children for significant amounts of the time?”

I know this point is so anti-feminist. But it made me think. At the time Piper was like a year old or so. I chose to vote for another candidate. Then, by the time she ran for gov I’d seen enough of her and her self-serving ways that I knew there was no way I’d vote for her (actually, that was a secondary reason. I didn’t agree with her views on getting AK’s gas to market – but that’s another story).

Got to go. I’ll say a prayer for you, Logic. And for the nation. If ever we needed our eyes opened, it’s now.

(and don’t think I don’t know the things I’ve raised here won’t raise your or other’s ire: my beliefs – about mothering, about honesty, about church attendance, about prayer).

31 08 2008
The Logician

Tom, you keep posting irrelevant photos in hopes that it will distract people. A head shot of her as Miss Alaska? What does that have to do with the price of orange juice, anyway? You know, this sort of stuff might work in West Dogs***, Alaska, but now the whole country is watching.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

After all, the Nation Enquirer special edition can’t be far off. 😉

31 08 2008
The Logician

Clev, your link didn’t work.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Sarah promotes the notion that she is the devoted and doting mom. But just do the math – while she has been running around the state, and now the nation, trying to advance herself, four children, who she and her husband made, are at home and could use a little mom time. There’s just not enough hours in poor Sarah’s day.

Perhaps she should follow the example set by Michelle Obama, then?

31 08 2008

Clever Else: She looks no more pregnant in that picture than Willow. She is showing partial profile, isn’t behind anybody, and is facing out, not in (opposite of what someone hiding a belly would do). I do have to say, however, that several pictures on the Meghan McCain website do look a bit suspicious. On the other hand, the one picture of her leaning forward with her legs crossed is a pretty good contrary argument against third trimester. Certainly if she is not pregnant, we could safely assume the black smock dress is meant to hide something. Black works amazingly well for such things (look at pictures of Sarah Palin from early 2008).

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Sorry, it was a copied link from Tom’s post above. Bristol certainly appears to me as if she could be pregnant in this photo. I was only saying this photo doesn’t disprove that she’s prego.

Then again, young girls often wear those type of sheath things that are ugly and shapeless anyway. Thoughts?,,20222685_2,00.html

31 08 2008
The Logician

As for Sarah Palin and Sue William’s (so she claims) doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, who would never have a reason to lie for the governor, well, it would seem that the selfsame governor appointed her to an Alaska health policy commission. With what we know of how Alaska works, one might fairly ask what money-making opportunities might present themselves.

As for the doctor of the year award, or whatever it was, it might be worthwhile for someone to sniff around and see who might have recommended Dr. Baldwin-Johnson for that award.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Let me just state this…

If Bristol is pregnant, they aren’t necessarily trying to do anything except to not make it obvious. So they shove her in the bus. Or saddle her with the baby. Is she married to her boyfriend? If she is, this is all immaterial, since the extremist religious breeders on the far-right seem to start pretty early these days.

How exactly did we get off the topic of Trig, anyway? Who cares if the daughter is pregnant now or not?

31 08 2008
Clever Else


Did you notice Dr. Baldwin-Johnson was a consultant and trainer on child abuse issues?

31 08 2008
The Logician

Remember, Clev, there are two theories here. Biologically speaking, they can’t both be true. Theory #1 is that young Trigonometry is not Sarah’s son, but her grandson by Bristol Palin. With the Down Syndrome possibly related to incest. Theory #2 is that Trig is Sarah’s son, and that Bristol is currently pregnant by her high school boyfriend.

I lean strongly toward Theory #1, although I’m agnostic on the incest angle. I think Theory #2 is a distraction planted by Sue Williams. I think the best evidence lines up in favor of Theory #1. I don’t think the picture you cited, which would bear on Theory #2, does a single thing to support it.

I continue to note that neither Sue Williams nor Tom have responded in any serious way to my having posted the one picture of Sarah Palin seven months pregnant with her first child, and showing quite routundly so be with child, versus the other picture of Sarah Palin “pregnant” with her “fifth child” (Trigonometry) and showing nothing.

And then there is the lack of a birth announcement by the hospital, which Tom insultingly and outrageously attributes to “privacy” concerns, when in fact the governor’s “pregnancy” was widely announced and the “birth” was covered in all of the state’s media on the day it “occurred.”

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Why would Gov. Palin not have called an OB-GYN during a high-risk pregnancy and delivery, rather than a family practice physician? Is there an OB-GYN mentioned? I may have missed something…

31 08 2008
Clever Else


I do lean more toward’s Theory#1 as you state it. If the daughter were to be Trig’s real mother, perhaps she is only carrying around a little extra baby weight/belly. That would make sense.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Sorry, have to run. I’m late for meeting a friend. I may check back in later. Lmk if the ‘National Inquirer’ runs a story.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Why would Gov. Palin not have called an OB-GYN during a high-risk pregnancy and delivery, rather than a family practice physician? Is there an OB-GYN mentioned? I may have missed something…

When the truth comes out — and it will — I think we’ll learn that Bristol Palin gave birth to young Trigonometry at home and that Sarah and her husband picked up Trig, went to the hospital, and checked in. This would account for the lack of a birth announcement by the hospital. Blood tests all around would solve this one.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Oh, and by the way, note that the “birth” allegedly occurred in the wee hours of the morning. How many are on staff at the West Dogs***, Alaska community hospital in the middle of the night? They check her into a room, stick her in a bed, oh and maybe they didn’t pick up Trig on the way but the future mathematician was brought over at, oh, I don’t know, 5 in the morning.

There’s no need for Bigfoot or space aliens here. Just mom, dad, baby, and a doctor who’s been appointed to a lucrative health commission. Stranger things have happened, especially in the Frozen Northland.

31 08 2008

“Logician”: You wanted an explanation for why she might look very pregnant during an earlier pregnancy but not with the current one. I showed you the picture of a girl who could have easily put on 50 pounds or more while pregnant. Do you really think a Size 0 middle age woman who has obviously worked very hard to attain that shape would gain a similar amount of weight while pregnant? Do you even know any women?

“I like running the hills, that’s why I like it, I mean, it thrashes your guts and your lungs and your thighs…”

By the way, watch the end of that video in the governor’s office when they do a close-up of her face and show her from the side. To me, she looks very much like she could be pregnant. At a minimum, she is much larger than normal and not in a “stuffed pillow” sort of way. She looks “stuffed 360”. Of course at the very end of the segment there is also footage of her scarfing down something while the cameras are still rolling . . . wonder why that might be?

31 08 2008
The Logician

Tom, you have to try harder. Oh, and I’m my mother’s fifth child. When I told her the Palin story, she laughed and laughed and laughed.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Tom, I just saw the video. I see no sign that she was pregnant. In the words of the videographer: “As for me and for the rest of us who visited Sarah back in February – I’m fairly certain we can say that we had no idea she was pregnant, nor do we think there is some huge scandalous cover up taking place.”

The videographer can’t know about a cover-up. But if you compare Palin in that video to this picture of her in the seventh month of her first pregnancy, I’d say she wasn’t pregnant when the video was shot.

31 08 2008

Dear American in London,

there is nothing wrong with small town americans running for office. Abe Lincoln was one. George Washington and Tom Jefferson, too. I’m sure she’s a bright young talent in Alaska and eventually in the national Republican party.

I am in agreement with you on your other points. However, I do believe that it is important that we consider the population of the country at the time that these men were in office.

Ms. Palin is currently the governor of a state with a population that is smaller that all of NORTHERN VIRGINIA. Big concern here.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Looks like this story is hitting the big time — in England! The London Times calls the rumors about Palin’s fifth child “utterly unfounded,” without examining any of the evidence. I guess we’ll have to wait for the National Enquirer, then. They’ll get the story that the regular media is afraid of.

31 08 2008
Obama raised by grandparents good Palin does it then bad? « Old Atlantic Lighthouse

[…] Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Sarah Palin is no Barack Hussein Obama IISarah Palin and her children […]

31 08 2008

logician Tom, maybe you need to review your materials from biology class. The human gestation period is nine months. Young Trigonometry was born April 18, 2008, one month early,

you don’t know trig was one month early. he could have been exactly on time. back up that gestation period one month, add 2 more, viola and the photo could have been taken in early fall when vristol was 3 months pregnant and the sun was shining in alaska.

the most damning evidence is a pregnant woman in the beginning stages of labor doesn’t board an airplane. period. regardless of the photos

31 08 2008

Well, plainly Obama didn’t have Down’s Syndrome, and wasn’t a newborn baby when he was raised by his grandparents, so I think it’s a little different.

31 08 2008

I think Palin’s poor judgement shows – going from Texas to Alaska for her delivery- and not a attempt to cover-up a daughter’s pregnancy.

In fact, for me, the latter is understandable, even if foolish. The former is totally incomprehensible, however, and utterly disqualifies her for anything.

31 08 2008

Why would anyone think that it is an admirable trait for a mother risk the life and rearing of her children? Palin wears these as if they are badges of honor.

Obama’s mother on the other hand only sent him to live with his grandparents after she realized that he may not have been receiving the best education in Indonesia. He was ten years old.

31 08 2008

Hi everyone,

Reading all the comments and I am grateful to obtain very real insight into
small towns and small town culture. I forgot in small towns, with probable
rigid, religious parents, with need to control reproduction of their children (Remember birth control is bad and more importantly – It Works.) that female and pregnant children need to hustle to a pregnancy boarding school and be redeemed later, when the parent’s ideology and church doctrine fails.

I feel for the teen girl – she being used and controlled and being the worst
kept secret. No way to live as a human being.

Remember – your only sick as your Family’s Secrets?

Yes, the facts aren’t known here, however, there is enough non-photos
events described to warrant the National Enquirer looking into this
news story (see Edwards). Sorry, the Lower 48-Media is in McCain’s pocket. They won’t investigate until it hits the public newswire – somewhere else.

Pulin always felt like a “Harriet Meirs” choice to me, even before
hearing about this “living gaffe machine dashing from TX to AK”.

Also, I didn’t realize Pulin was aimed at a voter like me, Male, Adult and Lower 48. I thought she was bait for the PUMAs, which aren’t a serious movement anyways.

So….Men like me are suppose to see her smile 1st (being kind) and vote for

Sorry McCain, I am voting for your 1st Female Presidential Choice.

– PARIS!!!!

– Smart Choice – Paris is Hot. Paris as never been prego:)!

Okay, My real choices, are now for President are Bob Barr or Ron Paul- Real candidates. I haven’t made the final decision between the two.

McCain in my mind is now just a Stunt, desiring to be President,
with his “choice” for VP.

31 08 2008


I hate to break it to you but once a woman goes into labor with her fifth child, I am sure that any obstetrician would tell you that it is PHYSICALLY impossible to control the delivery of the child for SEVERAL hours. Besides, isn’t it just sick to think that a woman would stand before a crowd of people and deliver a speach once her water is broken. Classless.

31 08 2008

Whether the girl was pregnant or is pregnant. Has this country lowered it’s standards to the acceptance of the Brittanys and Jamie Lynns as the norm with regard to our family values?

Isn’t it ironic that the state capitol sounds like “Juno”?

31 08 2008
Shaking My Head in PA

Wow…Alaska is way more exciting than I thought it was! Here in PA, we say that this story sounds like it came right out of West Virginia. So, I guess Alaska is simply “West Virgnia West!” Hey, at least politics will be exciting for the next few weeks!!! As a Democrat, I can’t wait!

31 08 2008
The Logician

you don’t know trig was one month early. he could have been exactly on time. back up that gestation period one month, add 2 more, viola and the photo could have been taken in early fall when vristol was 3 months pregnant and the sun was shining in alaska.

Well, I’m not always trusting of the media, but there were enough stories about the birth being a month premature that I tend to believe them.

the most damning evidence is a pregnant woman in the beginning stages of labor doesn’t board an airplane. period.

I think the story of her return from Texas is a steaming, stinking crock of (in deference to Mrs. Palin’s culinary preferences) moose feces. Everything about it is suspicious, to put it quite mildly. Could it have happened the way she said? Sure. And I might be Warren Buffett. But I’m probably not, and I don’t think she attended a half-day of speeches, gave one herself, and then flew from Texas to Alaska while leaking anmiotic fluid and having occasional contractions.

Yes, the facts aren’t known here, however, there is enough non-photos
events described to warrant the National Enquirer looking into this
news story (see Edwards). Sorry, the Lower 48-Media is in McCain’s pocket.

I completely agree. And how weird is this, to depend on the tabloids to save the country?

31 08 2008
The Logician


Ooh baby, baby
Autumn Enquirer will tell
Truth shall set you free

31 08 2008
The Logician


Hillbilly husband!
No Texas fishpickers for
Alaskan summer

31 08 2008

This Palin thing is a joke, she’s being pimped by a man that has been using women as stepping stones his whole life, John McShame enemy war collaborator. That for the links to the pics,,20222685_2,00.html
Just one question is the bald guy in the suit the one that is afflicted with downs syndrome?

31 08 2008

Well, I’m not always trusting of the media, but there were enough stories about the birth being a month premature that I tend to believe them.

why? it stands to reason this decision wasn’t made overnight. it took some planning. if sarah wasn’t pregnant how was she supposed to go full term and get bigger and bigger in the public eye? it makes perfect sense she would announce @ 7 months, deliver @ 8, and only be pregnant in the public eye for a month. besides, why would the media dig into the question of an early birth and not just repeat what they were told. i had a baby a month early, he was underweight. 6 lbs can be a normal weight for a baby. anyway i find it interesting you would chose to accept this one little factoid. i don’t.

31 08 2008

Hey you valley locals fill us in on Todd Palin? Very driven and smart women like Sarah usually have a spouse that matches up or else a real low key not too bright partner. So which is Todd?

31 08 2008

Wow…no version of this story makes Sarah Palin look like someone with a working brain. If it is true, that baby Trig is Bristol’s, she is under intense public scrutiny now. Did she really think this story would stay hidden forever? If the baby is hers, even worse, what was she doing screwing around in TX making speeches when her water had broken? Abortion by neglect?

Every version of this rumor discussed here makes her seem a bad mother, and a stupid woman with a terrifying lack of judgment.

31 08 2008
The Logician

i find it interesting you would chose to accept this one little factoid. i don’t.

annie, maybe I’m missing something but I don’t think it makes nearly as much difference as you do.

31 08 2008
The Logician

FDR, there is an assumption buried in there. Yes, Mrs. Palin is driven. Now, as for the hillbilly husband, I’d say the fishpicker comment he made pretty much says it all. If he were from Arkansas, his name would be Jethro Bodine.

31 08 2008

Logician, looks like you know one woman after all! Okay, it may have been dumb for me to state the lack of birth announcement could have been due to the Palins wanting privacy for a couple of days, but the fact still stands that online birth announcements with full names and photos require a signed consent. You insinuate the online nursery was taken down when it wasn’t. You also insinuate that a doctor who can fake a delivery at a hospital where she isn’t even a resident ( ) would be unable to get a fake birth announcement posted! Seriously, have you ever been to a hospital? Or had your children delivered at one?

Why would “CBJ” not have used a hospital where she was a big shot and presumably better able to bribe and blackmail?

Especially since it was also the hospital best equipped to handle “high risk pregnancies”. Wait . . . maybe it’s because Palin’s was NOT a high risk pregnancy. See Providence’s own description of what constitutes “high risk”:

if your baby is late;
if you have pre-eclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension;
if your baby seems small for your expected due date;
if you have had previous problems in pregnancy;
if you have other medical problems, such as diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, severe anemia;
if your baby is moving less than normal.

I don’t recall any of this being discussed as an issue with Palin.

31 08 2008
Patrick Bateman

Someone can easily check to see if Sue Williams is real. If you google you get a phone number in Wasilla AK. All I can say is that all of the verifiable info that she is stating can be found in the various newspaper articles that already exist on the web. There is nothing new coming from her other than rumors and allegations which can’t proven.

31 08 2008
Charles Darwin

This is just so gorgeous. I wish I had the copyright to Lawrence Kudlow’s comments on the Laura Ingraham Show Friday afternoon when he was gushing over Palin giving birth to a baby with Down Syndrome…I think he said something to the effect that “this is the strongest political biography in modern times.”

I knew we all had hit paydirt last night when out of nowhere CNN announced at 10:30 p.m. that Palin would be breast-feeding as she campaigns with McSame.

Hey Wing-Nuts, repeat after me: LANDSLIDE!

31 08 2008
Sue Williams

Oh my gosh, Logic – you’ve almost convinced me about your Bristol theory. But, in the middle of it all is a 17 year old young woman who is going to need a lot of mom time. Not to mention 4 month old Trig who could use some Mommy time, too.

31 08 2008


Mommy scandalous
Run pipeline, royalty checks
Be it Eskiho

31 08 2008

I don’t think any of her kids have gotten much in the way of Mommy time ever.

31 08 2008

maybe I’m missing something but I don’t think it makes nearly as much difference as you do.

like i said earlier, i am not relying on photos to make my determination. it only makes a different when refuting arguments like tom’s..

the pictures being touted all over the Internets as showing Bristol being supposedly pregnant are actually from summer 2007 and earlier

if she was due in april she was actually pregnant earlier last summer. no big deal.

31 08 2008

While still skeptical about the whole “baby gate” thing, I can’t come up with a good explanation as to why the birth of Trig Palin is NOT recorded for April 18, 2008 on the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center website.

Yes, parents can chose to keep a birth off the website, but when you immediately issue a press release the morning of the birth (as Sarah Palin did) what would be the point of keeping that information off the website?

At the very least, after doing a bit of research I find it INCOMPREHENSIVELY STUPID that an older mother (44 years old) leaking amniotic fluid with an at-risk baby in her womb would: (1) sit in a meeting (2) give a talk (3) drive to the airport (4) fly for most of a day and (5) drive all the way out to a small regional medical center to deliver her child. Yes there are gushing leaks and slow leaks, but ANY leak means get yourself to a good hospital under those conditions. I have no way to prove this didn’t happen, but if it did Sarah exhibited poor judgment in the extreme. Is a talk on energy policy to a group of governors more important than your baby’s life??!!!!

31 08 2008

btw logician i love the 7th month photo you linked to earlier. from her first pregnancy.

31 08 2008

Well, I had PROM (a month early), and didn’t need to check into the hospital until ten hours later, at which point my labor slowed to nothing within 8 hours. I had to go home and relax to get labor going again and delivered 34 hours after the rupture. Traveling or anxiety can slow things down for some women, and the reason that hospitals place limits on post-PROM labor is that it isn’t always speedy.

I was mentally cogent until transition, as well, and had an easy labor with very little distraction from contractions. It does happen. So I can possibly, not probably, see someone much more determined than I am pulling off the speechmaking.

What I can’t see is getting through all the travel without anyone on the plane noticing. And I’m sorry, a more than 6lb baby, not looking pregnant? I don’t care how slender or tight you are or how little you gain. Go look at a six-pound chicken. No. Simply, No.

By the way – as a working woman, I functioned through all manner of pregnancy side effects, including urine leakage. Yuck. But doable and absolutely necessary in my circumstances. Being “classy” and keeping your job and reputation are often two different things.

31 08 2008

Her own actions show her views re: reputation(s).

31 08 2008


were you too a mid fortyish woman carrying a special needs fetus during a high risk pregnancy?

31 08 2008

Bah. Any woman, of any age, with any baby-high or not, knows to get to her doctor if she begins to leak.

31 08 2008

The Logician:

Thank you for your logic.
Sue and Tom are shills, probably bought and paid for by Sarah Palin.


31 08 2008

Bah. Any woman, of any age, with any baby-high risk, or not, knows to get to her doctor if she begins to leak fluid.

31 08 2008

Sorry Dina, left out: was this also your 5th pregnancy?

31 08 2008
Patrick Bateman

Here is Sue William’s phone number:

Someone can call her if you are so concerned about all of this baby stuff. If it really is a Sue Williams from Wasilla, then you can probably have a long, intense conversation because she appears to love to talk. However, if the poster is just someone impersonating the (seemingly) real Sue Williams and spreading filth out Palin then you will find that out rather quickly as well. If it is an impersonator, that person should be sure to cease their activities because they could be facing potential legal actions. I guess the only other option is that the poster is such a conspiratorial plant that he/she created a fake name on Google and has relocated to Alaska simply to answer a local phone call and confuse a bunch of anonymous bloggers . . . Unlikely

31 08 2008


were you too a mid fortyish woman carrying a special needs fetus during a high risk pregnancy?”
Comment by BJ

Yeah, Dina, that’s apples and oranges.


31 08 2008

“Sorry Dina, left out: was this also your 5th pregnancy?”

That is another key point. Usually later pregnancies go much faster. For first pregnancies prolonged labor, false starts, etc… are common.

My mom was HUGE for her 5th child. After 4 children, all of the surrounding tissue is so stretched out that my little sister was sprawling out of her womb. She wasn’t any fatter, it was just that everything wasn’t held in as tight. I find it very hard to believe that Sarah Palin would not have been obviously huge during her 5th pregnancy, regardless of whether she exercised, etc…

31 08 2008
The Logician

Diana, I don’t know what a PROM is, except for the one in high school. In any case, my understanding is that the docs don’t like women carrying Down Syndrome babies to go too far or do too much, because those fetuses have special vulnerabilities. Then there’s also the issue of Sarah Palin’s age, and it being (allegedly) the fifth kid.

Look, the thing about “one in a million” is that there really is that one case. But this just doesn’t add up for that mother to get on a plane, fly 3,000 miles to Texas in her eighth month, have her fluid leak while she’s there, and feel contractions, and then stay at a business meeting, give a speech, and then fly home for 3,000 miles and 10 or so hours, then be driven not to the big hospital in Anchorage but another hour to West Dogs*** to give birth.

I don’t believe it happened. Blood tests would convince me, but without objective confirmation I think your governor’s story is a crock.

31 08 2008
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s

Fun, fun, fun. I’m definitely setting my sites on Alaska as my next vacation.

31 08 2008
The Logician

I’ve been to Alaska a couple times. Hooterville with mountains.

31 08 2008

Every woman I’ve talked to, including my wife and daughter, are insulted by this pick by McCain, view it as pandering of the worst sort, and say that it is evidence that McCain thinks women are so stupid that they will vote for a woman just because she is a woman regardless of her stance on issues. Yesterday, I heard two men at a football game, one a president of a bank, say exactly that and laud it as a “great pick” and say that “she’s a babe.” I told them they should be careful what they wanted, because they got it and will have to live with it.

My son said he had to have three interviews before being hired for a summer job in college as a busser for Outback Steakhouse but McCain met with this woman one time for 30 minutes and the next time offered her the position of the second most powerful position in our government. As he said, “What’s wrong with that picture?”

31 08 2008

Sue Williams said that Sarah Palin’s doctor is Sarah’s doc is Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. It’s been widely reported that Palin gave birth at Mat Su Regional.

I just checked Mat Su Regional’s roster of doctors. Nobody by the name of Baldwin-Johnson practices there according to the online search tool.

Nobody by the name of Baldwin either. Or Johnson.

Also, on April 18, the date that Palin was supposed to have given birth to Trig there, two other births are listed but Trig’s is not.

Further, I’ve seen pix of Palin when she definitely was pregnant, online at the New York Daily News site. She’s big as a house: (click on picture 7).

Now, look at pix of her supposedly late in her 7th month for the current pregnancy:

This was a fake pregnancy. As a woman who’s been pregnant and given birth, and known countless others who’ve been pregnant and given birth, I can’t imagine how anyone could believe differently. What a hoot!

31 08 2008

I think this blog should single-handedly put an end to the rumors. Bristol is clearly now well into a pregnancy and so could not have had a child four months ago.

31 08 2008

Here is the photo that proves it: . This was taken on Friday, according to McCain’s daughter’s blog.

31 08 2008

To those who say this was a “high risk pregnancy”, please look up the term. Here is how Providence Health (where Cathy Baldwin-Johnson is affiliated) defines it:

if your baby is late;
if you have pre-eclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension;
if your baby seems small for your expected due date;
if you have had previous problems in pregnancy;
if you have other medical problems, such as diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, severe anemia;
if your baby is moving less than normal.

A Down syndrome baby is not necessarily high risk if ultrasound and other tests do not detect major physiological abnormalities.

As for amniotic fluid leaks, they come in different shapes and sizes. Immediate medical attention is required when the fluid is not clear but otherwise the first thing to do is call the doctor. Obviously, active labor means a pretty quick trip to the hospital (Palin was apparently having minor contractions). It is, however, a total fallacy that a woman needs to go immediately once her water breaks (and we don’t even know if Palin’s water broke, only that she allegedly “noticed” amniotic fluid).

At the same time, I can’t see any circumstance where a 10 hour flight would be a wise choice immediately after amniotic fluid leaked and there were minor contractions. My guess is Palin feared that if the baby got delivered in Texas and there were complications, he might have to stay in a Texan ICU for 3 months. Then she might have to make the “tough” choice of staying by his side or carrying on as Goobner several thousand miles away. This episode clearly brings her judgment and priorities into question.

The rest is pure tinfoil hat stuff at this point. Why, oh why, would Palin have said that she “noticed” amniotic fluid and had “minor contractions” to cover up a quick return to Alaska? Did she not know there would be criticism for making such an unusual, potentially reckless decision? Does a liar embellish a story in a way that casts additional suspicion?

And you’re telling me I have to try harder? Bizarro!!!

31 08 2008
284 Dan

This should resolve the issues as to whether Bristol Palin was at all pregnant late 2007 into early 2008:

Bristol Palin, summer 2007:

Bristol Palin, Late 2007:

Bristol Palin, early 2008:

She is either pregnant or found an odd obsession to Big Mac’s.

31 08 2008
284 Dan

Oops, my above post got goofed up. Review each image to see the amazing transformation from summer 2007 to early 2008. This chick was pregnant.

31 08 2008


men should be insulted as well. Is a beauty queen all it takes for a fence sitting man to make up his mind?

31 08 2008
Parker CA

“Does a liar embellish a story in a way that casts additional suspicion?” -Tom


31 08 2008

Logician: “Diana, I don’t know what a PROM is, except for the one in high school.”

Why open your mouth and prove you’re an idiot?

31 08 2008


Republican games
Gustav causes contraflow
Republican save

31 08 2008

284 Dan:

“This should resolve the issues as to whether Bristol Palin was at all pregnant late 2007 into early 2008:

Bristol Palin, summer 2007:

Bristol Palin, Late 2007:

Bristol Palin, early 2008:

She is either pregnant or found an odd obsession to Big Mac’s.”

Your date stamps are all off! The photo you say is “Late 2007” is not late 2007 but if it was, it would clearly show Bristol was not pregnant. In fact, that picture is from earlier in 2007.

The photo you say is “early 2008” cannot possibly be that. Note Bristol is in short sleeves in Juneau and that can only be braved between April and October, but more likely just June – August. That picture was taken in the summer of 2007. (I think you goofed up and meant to say “Late 2007” for this one but that would still be wrong.)

Your last picture was not taken in early 2008 but rather October 2006. It came from a sitting that included this

Back to the drawing board with your conspiracy theory!

31 08 2008
The Logician

I’ve seen pix of Palin when she definitely was pregnant, online at the New York Daily News site

Anita Bee, I can’t find picture #7 at your link. Could you give a direct link to the photo? I am very interested.

Why open your mouth and prove you’re an idiot?

Now Tom, we can remain civil here.

Why, oh why, would Palin have said that she “noticed” amniotic fluid and had “minor contractions” to cover up a quick return to Alaska?

Because she got word that her daughter, Bristol, had given birth. She knew that, if she was going to pull this switcheroo off, she had to skedaddle back to Alaska. This was her cover story.

Did she not know there would be criticism for making such an unusual, potentially reckless decision? Does a liar embellish a story in a way that casts additional suspicion?

Well yes, liars often do that. Look at Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

31 08 2008

Parker CA: “YES!!”

Well, you do have a point, after all she did lie about being against the bridge to nowhere . . . but seriously, that lie at least came with some potential payoff (being viewed by a few dopes as a fiscal conservative). This one had none. If she had lied, it would have been to make herself look better, not worse.

31 08 2008
The Logician

This one had none. If she had lied, it would have been to make herself look better, not worse.

It was a lie told in support of her big lie, i.e., being pregnant. Which made her look very good indeed. And even the smaller lie, while it remained undiscovered, made her look tough, which in today’s America is good publicity.

31 08 2008

Sorry Logician, I agree that we can remain civil, but you are making high falutin’ arguments about what “high risk pregnancies” are and about Down syndrome fetuses where you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. At least some of the mothers here who happen to be misinformed have some experience and genuine motives and concerns. You should really try doing some research first. The burden of proof is on you, and all I see is grabbing at straws.

31 08 2008
Parker CA

Tom, you seem to have some potential information to dispute the claims people are proposing, but I have a question.

From the most recent picture posted on daughter mccain’s blog, one could infer that Bristol has given birth to her first child within the last 3-4 months. You have been referencing pictures from time frames you claim are not late 2007 or early 2008, but can you provide any pictures that are from late 2007 or early 2008?

It seems strange that all of the photos being passed around, not including the most recent, are strangely void of any taken within the timeframe that Bristol may have been pregnant with this child.

I think the case could be closed if someone can locate a picture that is definitively from within the late 2007 or early 2008 months. Either she is pregnant, or she is not. The fact that she was out of school for months during this timeframe does not bode well for the support of the claim that the child is her brother rather than her son.

One other question. Why wouldn’t the father ever be pictured holding HIS son? There are photos with Sarah and each of the children holding the baby, but I have not seen a single one showing the father holding his OWN son. Very odd.

I am keeping an open mind about this one until there is some more solid evidence, but as many others have noted above, there are far too many loose ends in this story to give Sarah Palin’s claim to motherhood solid legitimacy.

31 08 2008

Unless you’ve been dead for the last 8 years there is no reason to vote for a Republican.


31 08 2008

Who the hell flies across the country 8 months pregnant to give a political speech? Who continues to fly back after their water breaks without telling the airlines while carrying a special needs child and are in a high risk group due to your age?

Seriously bad horrific judgment. She put politics ahead of her own baby’s safety and health as well as her own. Disgusting.

31 08 2008
The Logician

you are making high falutin’ arguments about what “high risk pregnancies” are and about Down syndrome fetuses where you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Ah. Highfalutin’. Well then bucko, when the ol’ gal’ is over 40 and the kid’s is one a-them there what you call Down Syndromes, the doctors you know they don’t like the ol’ gal to get too far out of sight an’ they don’t like to have the ol’ gal even move around too much because them there Down Syndrome babies well they break easier than other ones.

Now generally speakin the airlines don’t like the fly the pregnant woman past six and a half months although I get that there Alaska Airlines by reason of being in the outback does it different, but at eight months even a young gal ain’t supposed to be on the plane, y’all hear?

This one’s a-wrapped clear around the tree like an unruly vine around the ‘shine still so I done think it’s a purty tall tale, y’all hear?

31 08 2008

Haikuing may be
the answer here — no space to
parse pregnancy pix.

31 08 2008

I have been reading this blog off and on today and I must admit – it is interesting to see the attempts to muddy the waters. divert, distract, put bad dates on pictures… throw ’em off the trail. just have to muddy the waters enough to get through the next 2 months…

Those who are trying to muddy the waters should be ashamed at what you are trying to accomplish – this is potential blackmail material for the vice president of the united states. you really think it’s worth putting your country in danger that way? is it really worth it to you?

woman with her “5th” pregnancy, who does not look pregnant (but clearly looked pregnant in atleast one previous pregnancy), gives birth 29.5 hours after her water breaks. 5th pregnancy, people, 29.5 hours later. please.

mccain is a total idiot. this shows just how much he really cares about this country.

31 08 2008

Whew, thank you Sue Williams. I’m from Juneau, and learned about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy Friday morning (through a friend of a friend), and have been following this story all weekend. Everything you say makes sense, you’ve put this to rest for me. And I’ll second all of your comments on Palin’s lack of judgment and misplaced priorities. Thanks.

31 08 2008

Dirt-digging aside, this person is an ardent pro-lifer who advocates abstinence-only education. Anyone with half a brain knows abstinence-only education is a steaming load of useless b.s. Instead of acknowledging, yes, in the real world, that doesn’t fly, she’d prefer to perpetuate a ridiculous charade like this.

What else is there to do in an isolated mostly-rural places – drink and have unprotected sex of course.

31 08 2008
The Logician

you really think it’s worth putting your country in danger that way? is it really worth it to you?

They’re Christian Republicans. Need we say more?

31 08 2008

that photo of Palin pregnant shows 80/90’s hair and different glasses. there is no way to tell who is the girl behind her. there are other photos showing her in March of this year and she does not look pregnant. No airlines would allow a woman on the plane without a doctor’s permission that far along. There are reports that nobody knew at the airlines and that Palin didn’t mention it. Seriously bad judgement all across the board. This photo is from another time and not from this year. Anyone can see that she is pregnant in that photo but it is clearly not from this year.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Who is the Heath family? They’re the ones who provided the old photo which I’ve now located on Yahoo News. It’s clearly not of Palin pregnant with her fifth child. If nothing else, the Sarah Palin in the photo had a much fatter face and a different hairstyle.

31 08 2008

Greetings from California and kudos to Sue Williams, for some very well written information about yur Gov.

OK, so I must say, that I never heard about Sarah Palin and honestly, when it was announced that she would be the VP on the Rep ticket I said “Sarah who?????, I gues Paris Hilton was too busy”

Well interesting reading stuff on this blog and others and I am sure all these information and more is going to hit the National Media within a week or two and suddenly, Alaska will be known as part of the US 🙂

31 08 2008

Heath is Palin’s maiden name. The picture of her obviously pregnant is part of a collection of family pics. It clearly says that it is undated. I have read speculation that it is of when she was pregnant with Bristol. I don’t think anyone is trying to pass that one off as her pregnant with Trig. Its value is that it clearly shows that when she has been pregnant in the past, she was very obviously pregnant, to the point where it couldn’t be hidden by black suits and colorful scarves.

31 08 2008

If Bristol got married, where is the marriage certificate?

31 08 2008

They’re Christian Republicans. Need we say more?

well you have a point logic, but I would really, really like to think that even the right-wing fundies would be concerned about their country being blackmailed.

31 08 2008
Redwood Man

Regarding the picture of SP 7 months along with her first child…

I could be mistaken that I read it in this blog, but somewhere I read that the pregnant lady in the photo is Dianne Keller, the current mayor of Wasilla, and that the lady to Dianne’s left is Sarah. Here is a picture of the mayor… You be the judge:

Here is the picture of the pregant lady with the other lady to her left.

Maybe Sue can shed some light on this.

31 08 2008
31 08 2008


One good reason Trig’s birth is not recorded on the Mat-Su Medical website is because the parents must sign a waiver to have that information released to the public. Why didn’t they? There are more valid reasons I can think of that are not conspiratorial (never got around to it) than that are (couldn’t get around the system to fake the birth announcement after they were able to perfectly fake EVERYTHING else). In other words, you start from a bad assumption that the Palins had to do something to KEEP the information OFF the website. Instead, they had to do something to PUT the information ON the website.

You make bad assumptions about amniotic fluid leaks as well. In fact, some women do not deliver for WEEKS after they start leaking, especially if the baby is really premature. The relevant facts are how much fluid has leaked, how much is left, what color is it and what are the circumstances of the pregnancy. As far as age of mother, that is almost irrelevant. If anything, a woman with several similar prior and normal pregnancies might be considered lower risk (perhaps someone like Palin?). The Down syndrome itself does present a risk but testing would have already established the presence of severe, life-threatening cardiovascular or other problems requiring immediate postnatal intensive care. Otherwise, Down syndrome babies don’t appear to have a much higher rate of delivery complications compared to the average population.

Perhaps the weakest argument that is being made here is that once the Palins landed in Anchorage, why they didn’t just go to the nearest hospital? Well, what if she wasn’t leaking fluid at the time and she wasn’t in active labor? Should she sit around at some hospital an hour from home waiting to be induced? Unless her amniotic fluid was a pussy yellow-black, no OB/GYN would have told her to go to the “nearest” hospital at that point.

The problem seems to be that so many people view medicine as an absolute, yet in real life it is practiced based on probabilities. And the field of obstetrics is no exception. Look, for example, at the decision to have an amniocentesis — the test for conditions like Down syndrome — which itself carries the risk of miscarriage. Or, the calculation that goes into NOT having every woman in early labor rush immediately to the hospital.

Again, I’m not trying to defend any Palin decisions, just trying to poke hole in conspiracy theories. And boy, this is a pretty juicy one!

31 08 2008
The Logician


Andrew Sullivan
Gay but not sunstruck: right wing
Truly objective

31 08 2008

according to this site the photo is of a pregnant Governor Palin, the photo being donate by the Heath family. This is from the AP

31 08 2008
The Logician

Tom, by all means keep digging, and let us know when you’ve reached China. Now that Andrew Sullivan has picked it up, you can be sure that the national press now swarming into Hootville with mountains will find out the truth. If I were Sarah Palin I’d insist on riding on the same aircraft with John McCain when they go down to New Orleans.

31 08 2008

I’m from New York City (the building I grew up in in Manhattan had almost as many people as Wasilla!) and have found the comments here fascinating. I hope you all won’t mind two cents from the 51st State (as a lot of us New Yorkers wish we’d be).

Politically, I don’t think it matters whether Trig is Bristol’s or Sarah’s. Sarah is either a lying grandmother who used her teenaged daughter’s pregnancy falsely to bolster her own pro-life credentials, or she’s a wildly irresponsible mother who jeoparized the life of her one-month-premature, special-needs baby for the vain reason that she didn’t want him born in Texas (wonder how that will go over with the base in the Lone Star State). Either way, her judgment is so unreliable as to disqualify her and McCain from national office.

A few points responding to the above. My wife is expecting our first child at the beginning of October. She is 41, and thus is automatically considered a “high-risk” pregnancy, though so far so good. Her Ob. forbade her from flying from August on. The idea that if her water broke today (33 days before her due date) that she’d get on a plane for 7 to 12 hours is ludicrous.

Down’s Syndrome is NOT caused by incest. Although incest can lead to genetic problems (e.g. hemophilia), it is because of the increased likelihood of two recessive genes from related parents. Down’s Syndrome is based on having an extra chromosome 21, which is a mutation, not a recessive condition.

J, the recent photo of Bristol looking heavy does not necessarily mean she is pregnant now. A lot of women continue to carry their baby weight for months (or years) after giving birth.

On balance, the evidence that Trig is Sarah’s grandson is more persuasive to me, but either way, when the mainstream media gets a hold of this story, it’s going to be very, very bad for the McCain ticket.

P.S. I loved Alaska when I visited 10 years ago. I took the railroad all the way between Seward and Fairbanks, and bopped around the glaciers and valleys outside Anchorage. The natural beauty was just jawdropping. I hope some day to come back with my wife and soon-to-be son!

31 08 2008

If I were Sarah Palin I’d insist on riding on the same aircraft with John McCain when they go down to New Orleans. <blockquote

According to Charlie Black Palin is supposed to sit at McCain’s feet to learn the ropes – uggg so wrong on a million offensive levels…

31 08 2008

thought this might be of interest:

31 08 2008
Mooseburger Lover

I checked out the pictures of the Palins on the McCain blog and found these two of BP that were interesting;

31 08 2008

RedwoodMan – interesting information. Apparently, Dianne M. Keller is Sarah’s cousin and recently survived a recall campaign.

God, this is just so weird. And Tom? It is the cumulative weirdness that builds the story. Poke holes all you want (the one about it not being on the hospital website is crap and you know it), but looking at the totality, something is amiss here.

Logician, you are doing good work here.

Anyone want to take a guess why Bristol and the baby aren’t on stage with the rest of the family? Or mentioned anywhere in today’s posting from Megan McCain blog? When she was featured so prominently yesterday, holding Trig, before all this exploded?

31 08 2008


whoever made that video is one who is attempting to muddy the waters. throw the false statement out there so when it is disproven then automatically people think the entire story is disproven.

that “interview” was originally posted on a travel blog at the beginning of feb 2008. there’s no way that interview was done in april, as the person who made the video on “ireport” states. it was made prior to the 2nd week of feb 2008.

31 08 2008

Having lived with an OBGYN for a long time, leaking amniotic fluid causes great concern about the risk of infection and would not be made light of with any one, especially with a high risk pregnancy.

And, NO, flying in the 3rd trimester, is not recommended for any one, especially someone who is having their fifth child. Labor, generally, goes faster after multiple pregnancies, not slower. Additionally, 6 lbs is a small baby, and as such would deliver easily.

Also, tendons and ligaments, once stretched, streatch a lot easier, sooner, than those never stretched…There’s no way she was 7 months along. If she the pictures I’ve seen of Palin from this spring are of her pregnant, I am hard pressed to believe it.

31 08 2008
Kristin Wolke

Ah, the plot thickens… enter “C-Ray”, or Chris Ray.

Chris Ray is a 16 year old from a town called Palmer, AK. Population: 6,920.

…Who up until 2 days ago, had this as a MySpace page:


Until it was taken offline. Of course, there’s Google, and when his page was indexed by Google on July 20, it captured:

Interesting side note: When Sarah Palin supposedly gave birth, she flew from Texas to Seattle to Anchorage, and then drove 2+ hours (bypassing regional hospitals in anchorage that had special wards for preemies and downs babies) to Mat Su Regional Hospital to give birth.

Guess where Mat Su Regional Hospital is?

Why, none other than the town where Chris Ray lives, and goes to high school… Palmer, AK! probably the hospital where Bristol gave birth!!! to their child.

Tsk tsk tsk.. Somebody call Maury. I think we have a baby daddy who needs a paternity test! 🙂

31 08 2008


here is the blog in question, with the original video:

31 08 2008

To J, thank for the pic for the McCain Daughters Website. It shows Bristol as a girl who could very well have been pregnant and delivered, in April. Excess pregnancy weight frequently hangs around for many months after delivery….even when breast feeding. It is important to note here that the tiny pic you linked or copied to your site, doesn’t seem to be on Meghan McCain’s blog spot that was linked in a previous post any more!!!!! I wonder why????
Also, if the Dr Bailey-Johnson does not want to lie for Palin, the doc may just find ways to make herself scarce and unavailable for futher comment. Lets all watch what happens.
Oh and Sue, I do believe you are who you say you are and that you have heard these things from people who should know. But, I think it is still entirely possible that Sarah Palin would have lied and tried to cover this up, even to close friends, if the stakes were this high+VP.

31 08 2008

thanks emrysa. i wasnt trying to throw coal on the fire, just saw something that hadn’t yet been linked to. i like discussion, that’s all.

31 08 2008

do you see the difference NOW????

pic of sarah’s FIRST pregnancy at 7 months

pic of sarah’s alleged FIFTH pregnancy at 7 months

31 08 2008
Parker CA

“It is important to note here that the tiny pic you linked or copied to your site, doesn’t seem to be on Meghan McCain’s blog spot that was linked in a previous post any more!!!!! I wonder why????” – Merg

Look on the archived page from yesterday. The photo is still there.

31 08 2008

Fascinating stuff!

May I suggest to those doing the research that a public wiki/timeline of this issue be created? This would allow for individual photos/events of interest to be arranged and edited chronologically, and for each item to be fully substantiated (or not!).

An objective, community-maintained forum with a collection of facts (rather than hearsay) would be very credible… and necessary, given that this story could “break” to a larger audience any minute now!

31 08 2008

One thing doesn’t make sense, though. If Trig’s mother is 16 year old Bristol, why would an amniocentesis have been done (letting the parents know that the fetus had Down’s syndrome)? Young mothers don’t typically get this risky test.

31 08 2008

it would make sense if they detected abnormalities in the routine tests or ultrasound and then did the amnio.

The thing is that all of these questions could very easily be answered by the Palin’s providing some documentation. Put it all out there in verifiable form and all of this goes away. There really are just too many peculiarities for this just to be dismissed.

31 08 2008
31 08 2008

kyle: no problem. I wasn’t accusing you, but I do wonder what the motivation is of the person who made the video on ireport…

31 08 2008


You may be right: It may be post-pregnancy excess weight.

The pic is still on Meghan McCain’s blog, just not on the main page. Look under Sat. Aug. 30th.

31 08 2008

“She had to make decisions,” Rudy Giuliani told Face The Nation anchor Bob Schieffer. “All Senator Obama has had to do is talk. That’s all he does.”
He’s never run a city, he’s never run a state, he’s never run a business, he’s never administered a payroll, he’s never led people in crisis. I think that she (Palin) already has more executive experience than Biden and Obama combined.”

Looks like there a quite a few typical DU’ers here posting all their vile, evil, vicious and revolting rumour mill tactics, they like to call themselves progressive, well, progressively getting more regressive is true and more to the point. What an illmannered uneducated bunch they are.

31 08 2008

Yeah just a thought here. All you people who are NITPICKING A TEENAGE GIRL’S BODY FAT? You people are sick. I really hope that none of you are Democrats, because that is just so unspeakably crass and irrelevant I can’t even begin to think that people in the party that so champions womens’ rights would even think that way. Tearing this girl apart for her physical appearance is unbelievably inappropriate. And all for what? To make a completely irrelevant, impossible to prove, manipulative petty political point? The baby thing? IT’S A RED HERRING. It does not, and if actual intelligent, reasonable people were the voters in this country, WOULD NOT, matter. It really doesn’t. Why not? Because not only will you never know the truth, but there are so many other, more valid reasons why Palin was a poor choice and further proof of McCain’s unsuitability to lead this nation. Such as? Well. Petty baby-related arguments aside (see, women are actually capable of doing things other than delivering babies), Sue Williams, the Alaska Republican, raised some excellent points. Do YOU want someone who is so ill-prepared to become the default president in the perhaps not so unlikely event that Senator McCain passes away while in office? The people who know her best – those who supposedly would be the first in line to support her – don’t seem to think so. To me, that says it all. I don’t want this woman’s finger on our proverbial national trigger. Leave that girl (and her insipid mother’s uterus) out of this.

31 08 2008
jackpine savage

The most interesting internet comment thread that i may have ever read. Kudos to all. If Sue is a plant, then she is an amazing plant…more of a towering tree than a plant, really. (and so good that she’s worth reading for her horticultural excellence)

I look forward to finding out the soap-operatic truth. Small town America (i live it) is looking like it will hit the big stage, and i’m not so sure that our collective, idyllic image of it will survive the encounter.

P.S. the haikus were great.
P.P.S. Sue, are there others in your community who would be willing to tell us their thoughts? (not to corroborate you, just to hear them…it is rare that we get offered a personal glimpse of our would be leaders)

31 08 2008

“To make a completely irrelevant, impossible to prove, manipulative petty political point? ”

It’s completely irrelevant that the possible future Vice President of the United States either lied about her pregnancy or showed remarkable bad judgment?

And it’s not impossible to prove. If a bunch of ordinary people with a little too much time on their hands can poke this many holes in the story, why didn’t the McCain campaign already know this and choose someone else faaaaaaaaaar better suited to be, as someone said, a 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency?

31 08 2008
Clever Else


Best work since Logician. Most of the pics, other than Kyle’s video, are posted earlier on this thread. I think finding the possible ‘baby daddy’ is a stroke of genius.

BP appears as if she easily could have given birth a few months ago, and is, strangely, the one holding the baby most of the time, even in group family pics.

And who mentioned about the ring on her finger? It looks like an engagement ring.

31 08 2008

Way to miss the point! There is no justification for the kind of nitpicking these people are doing on this girl’s body. None! Those pictures and the accompanying analysis prove nothing. Any OB/GYN will tell you that different women show pregnancy weight in different ways, and it is COMPLETELY NORMAL for a teenage girl to fluctuate in weight while not pregnant. And if she was pregnant? I still fail to see how that is a valid political point. These are not the types of arguments that should be making or breaking elections. I enjoy schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but this is over the line of relevance AND taste. I have supported Obama from the very moment he announced his candidacy – I registered as a Democrat for the first time in my voting history – and I’d like to know that he won this election without the “help” of petty, sexist arguments like this.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Curious Lurker- excellent, and comical points. It’s obvious that SP is highly un-qualified in any and all cases to be VP of the USA.

I don’t believe she ever was properly vetted, especially due to the trooper scandal- they never bothered to interview anyone involved.

I think we might be able to chalk up her choice to McCain’s obvious weakness for beauty queenns.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Jane- This is not a personal thing about the daughter. I feel very sorry for her. I’m not poking any fun at her body or body-type. We all got into this thread to ponder a conspiracy theory. It is difficult to do that while leaving out BP, unfortunately.

None of this will make or break Obama’s election results. I for one am just sick and tired of the sheer hypocrisy of the neo-con agenda, the lies and obfuscation. If this were about the Obama family, the same thing would be going on.

Please try not to take it personally. No one is making fun of the teenager, only trying to prove her mother to be a potential liar.

31 08 2008

Ok – i looked it up – 80% of Downs Syndrome cases are in women under 35 – this is just due to the sheer numbers of babies born to this age group. The causes of Downs are unknown – the result of the whatever causes it is the extra chromosome in each cell. Women over 40 have the most percentage – but there are very few babies born to this group – so the percentage of all is small – but in this group large – unknown why. One type – Balanced Translocation – can be inherited. So Sarah knew from previous pregnancy that she had this condition and could have passed it to her daughter. She was a carrier. So they tested the daughter and knew the baby had Downs. I missed this part i admit, but i assume it was public knowledge before the baby was born that the baby had Down’s – did she announce it ?
(There is no evidence that incest causes the condition)

31 08 2008

Way to cherrypick, Jane! No one here is nitpicking over whether or not Bristol is fat. Some have observed that she appears to either be pregnant or having recently given birth, particularly in the photos from Meghan McCain’s blog. This supports the two stories advanced here, that either Sarah or Bristol had Trig. Sue Williams is claiming that Bristol is pregnant right now and claiming she knows this because she lives in Wasilla. I have to say that Sue sounds very credible to me, but there are still a number of holes in the story. And yes, this is not the kind of story that should make or break an election…but this story shouldn’t even be out there because the McCain campaign should have done their job and thoroughly vetted Palin before choosing her for the ticket. Had they done that, we wouldn’t be here. But they didn’t and we are, and it’s indicative of the rash, off-the-cuff decisions McCain makes and exactly why he should be no where near the red button.

31 08 2008

Also, any guess why her doctor didn’t deliver at the hospital at which she works, and Palin’s hometown? Which has a department for high risk pregnancy? But rather opted for Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, which is now offline?

I don’t know my Alaska geography whatsoever, but considering that she claims she consulted with her doctor, who sort of gave the go-ahead for the flight, it is beyond bizarre that she didn’t go to, uh, her doctor’s hospital, in her hometown.

More weirdness.

31 08 2008

None of this would be any of our business except that SP decided to run for VP. That makes it our biz. We have a right to know whether or not she is a liar, a hypocrate or can barely manage her familial affairs. It is all indicative of her moral fiber or lack thereof.

31 08 2008

Thanks Else. I understand that perfectly well. But as with everything on the internet – you make your point, I make mine. As I said, I like political schadenfreude, but I think it’s sad when people stoop to analyzing a 17 year old’s body fat in the name of politics – it doesn’t matter what the end is. To me, this is just about as empty and offensive a line of discussion as the Obama/Osama “Barack Hussein” BS. I just think, and you may disagree all you want, that Americans should hold themselves to higher intellectual standards than this crap. There are far more damning things about Palin than this, as has been pointed out in this thread.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

I’m becoming quickly less interested in the baby story, and more interested in her own special interest issues. Like buying votes…

Among the governor’s most recent accomplishments was the State Legislature passing Senate Bill 4002. Using revenues generated from state resources to provide a one-time special payment of $1,200 to each eligible Alaskan, it returns part of a substantial budget surplus (a portion of which came from the original funding for the “bridge to nowhere” that AK got to keep), provides energy relief and a rollback of gas taxes. How might this affect the decision of voters as they go to the polls in November?

Anyone out there from AK receive this money?

31 08 2008
Leila Abu-Saba

Hi Sue Williams – I believe you are who you say you are, and I thank you for your direct comment. Just want to send you my own good wishes and prayers. I am a feminist, left-liberal, gay-loving, hetero & married 46-year-old California mom of two kids including one with special needs. I believe in God and prayer although you and I might not line up exactly on doctrine. (understatement) I want you to know that although we are completely at odds on politics, abortion rights and gay rights, I have no problem whatsoever with your views on motherhood and family, prayer, and faith. For instance, I too would never choose to run for office (dear lord) while mothering four children, and then have a fifth, special needs or no, and run for vice president, whether qualified or not. My kids need me – both of them – and I share your concern about what kind of family choices this governor has made. I am more “libertarian” on the subject – in theory I believe it’s none of my business – but in practice I think the kids need an attentive, caring parent who does mom-like behavior. If that’s the gay uncle who does it , fine. I *really* don’t understand running for VP while raising an infant. When does she get any sleep?

One thing about this whole kerfuffle is that you and I get to “meet” in cyberspace. I want to reach out to you as a sister American mom and give you my blessings and warm wishes. Sincerely, your liberal feminist compatriot. God Bless America.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Seems to me SP has sided with big oil&gas, in addition to several other industries at the expense of the people and the environment of the State of Alaska. She’s a member of the Alaska Miners Association and the Alaska Resource Development Council (hint- their agendas are not environmentally friendly).

She was thrilled with getting the Supreme Court to review ‘tailing’ (disposal of mine waste on sensitive land). Was this not a conflict of interest considering her affiliations?

She’s a reformer? That’s a joke. The only guys she ‘investigated’ were from the old boy network, and she got them out of the way in a hurry in order to forward her own (or maybe someone else’s altogether) agenda.

31 08 2008

I admit that I am interested in the baby story because when I first heard about her, my reaction was “What the hell is someone with a newborn doing running for Vice President?” And before anyone jumps in with the women can work and be a mom at the same time, yes, but this is Vice President of the United States. Then the rumors about said newborn surfaced and it’s been like going down a rabbit hole…it gets more and more peculiar.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

I’m thinking that the owner of this blog is gonna lose her mind when she gets back from vacation and has to read through this entire thread! LOL!

31 08 2008

Sue Williams… I want you to know that you’ve thoroughly “enlightened” me to Sara Palin! Have you been contacted by the MSM about Sara Palin? I swear [loosely]; you should be doing interviews and educating the rest of America on Sara Palin.

Everyone has their story; but your information has been like reading a novel that you just can’t put down until you’ve reached the last page!

31 08 2008

good grief.

and we wonder how people like gwb are able to get so many votes. couldn’t be that we have so many suckers in this country.

31 08 2008
independent woman

I have been reading this blog with an odd sense of sliminess creeping over my fingers making it hard to respond.

It does ring of the propaganda that they wrote about Obama and people are reading this and saying to themselves WTF.

But maybe, just maybe it will make them slow down, back up and let the spell cast by the witch ( oh wrong fairy tale, that’s not Beauty and the Beast) wear off.

After Obama wins we all need to meet and have a mudflat convention here in NYC, I’ll host and we’ll take pictures and post them on the blog.

Tahnk you all for making my day as I have been under the weather and this was the only thing that kept me from falling into paralysis.

Clark Kents, Lois Lanes.. Love you all!

31 08 2008

If you go to McCainblogette and look at the photos from 8/30 they have a “family” photo of the Palins and McCain’s the couples no kids but the baby – they are using the baby as a prop and that is beyond disgusting. Especially when the Mother supposedly flew across the country at 8 months pregnant after her water broke.

I don’t know of any woman unless they are out of their mind who can accept Palin as someone who has good judgment.

31 08 2008
independent woman

btw am i the only nervous that Sue hasn’t posted a response in hours. Why do i feel like double locking the doors?

31 08 2008
31 08 2008

What a family. The oldest son slacked all through school and couldn’t get into college with his 2.00 gpa so he goes into army to save face. Teen daughter gets knocked up and mom assumes the pregnancy while teen says out of school with a ridiculously long case of mono. Mom sees it fit to leak amnio while giving speeches and aboard extended airline flights. I can only wonder if the Palins would pass an interview with Child & Family Services from a lower 48 state.

31 08 2008

As a former Hillary supporter I am ashamed of what the Democratic Party has become. As an old timer (I’m almost 70 years old) I can truthfully say the REAL Democratic Party has gone forever, replaced by the most foul, mean-spirited, ugly group of liberals that I have ever encountered.
From Don Fowler joking that the timing of Hurricane Gustav shows that God is on the side of the Democrats, not stopping for a moment to think of the dangers posed to those living in it’s path, to the protesters at the RNC convention with their buckets of urine and feces (per the police chief on C-Span this morning), to the sick Michael Moore and the even sicker Keith Olbermann, not to mention the filth posted on the ‘Democratic Underground’ I just don’t recognize my party any more. JFK and Dr. King would turn in their graves. I am so saddened and ashamed at it all.

31 08 2008

btw am i the only nervous that Sue hasn’t posted a response in hours.

do you really think that the “real” sue williams from tinytown alaska is going to come on here and spill tinytown’s dirt?

if you were in “sue’s” situation, wouldn’t you blog with a fake name? I can’t believe all the suckers.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Independent, you just made me laugh!

31 08 2008
fem dem

I have to say, as a strong Obama supporter, and as someone who is adamantly opposed to both McCain as President and his choice of Palin as VP, this thread is enough to make me feel sorry for her. All the conspiracy theories and holes in this story aside, this is ridiculous. So, thank you Logician, not only have you not convinced me of the incestuous, hidden pregnancy, but you have actually gotten to me to admire Sarah Palin as a woman who has to put up with this kind of undignified bullshit.

And incest? Give me a fucking break.

Thanks to Sue and Jane. Sue, I hope you’ll change your telephone number so you aren’t bombarded.

31 08 2008

Karion..interesting notation, Matsure Regional was online earlier and I looked at babies born on April 18 and none were Palin. Now I just went back to that page, as I book marked it a few hours ago and they are all gone and doesnt work.

31 08 2008
Clever Else

emrysa- we aren’t all suckers. I’m not sure who ‘sue’ is, but someone googled her name and phone # earlier in the thread. She’s also posted in other threads on this blog…not quite sure what her agenda was/is.

31 08 2008

McCain had to supply his medical records. Won’t Palin have to, too?

31 08 2008

YUP….this Page is down and out, at least for now, but did work earlier.

Welcome to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center.April 18, 2008. Baby Boy Isaiah Travis. Father, Justin Travis. Mother, Erin Chantal. DOB, 04/18/2008. Time, 1:27 AM. Weight, 7 lbs 14 oz. Length, 20.00 in …

31 08 2008

BUT someone was smart to clip and posted the page when it was up earlier.

31 08 2008
independent woman

I admit that Sue and Tom are likely red herrings, but that doesn’t mean anything with the incompetency of that lot. Ever heard of friendly fire?

LMAO the first laugh I had in two days since I choked when I heard the VP pick cause I was drinking some tea. Lawd! lawd! lawd!

They might be trying to exorcise her in church. I’ve seen those movies, it always happens in a small town….. Children of the Corn, Body Snatchers….

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Sue could just be a sweet, super chatty lady from AK who really dislikes Palin…or not.

On to the real stories, enough about the conspiracy baby theory for me. If it’s a story, we’ll see it somewhere. SP’s already been proven a liar about the bridge to nowhere “she was for it before she was against it”.

Thanks for the interesting day.

31 08 2008
31 08 2008
independent woman

Night clever,

Danish the site is still up it is just getting more hits today then it usually gets in a year. Their server will be down by the morning.

31 08 2008

fem dem, these people have no shame, nor decency.

31 08 2008

So their is actually someone posting here from Wasilla? Wonder why they didn’t bother mentioning that McCain has just begun vetting Palin. His campaign vetting team now has eight rooms reserved at a Wasilla hotel, and will begin background checks and investigations this week, per one Andrew Halcro.

31 08 2008

For the edification of those who don’t know Alaska geography, according to Google Maps, Palmer and Wasilla are 22 miles apart, and the Mat-Su regional medical center is pretty much right between the two towns.

The Mat-Su hospital is 36 miles from Anchorage and the drive would probably take about 45 minutes, not the 2+ hours claimed by others in this thread.

31 08 2008


You’re doomed, Bud. Give it up. I’ll put my money on Sue Williams.

Here’s a pic taken backstage at the VP announcement. You can clearly see McCain in the background having makeup applied, and Sarah and Bristol in the foreground. Bristol is holding Sarah’s baby.

She is clearly pregnant.

31 08 2008

Ooops! Sorry. Here’s the pic:

31 08 2008

Correction: McCain has an 8-member vetting staff that have reserved ALL the rooms at the Wasilla hotel to begin their work checking out Sarah P. Who knows, maybe Sue’s with them, now!

31 08 2008

I wasn’t so sure about this story at first, but something about it seems to be true. After looking at the photos on McCainBlogette, there seem to be some inconsistencies about this family. Bristol looks clearly pregnant in a few shots and very unhappy in most of the shots. Then in a later photo a top McCain advisor is carrying the baby blanket prop they used to cover Bristol’s stomach during the announcement. Then the girl basically disappears from the place.

Did she leave the campaign trail? Are they now worried about how she looks? Something strange is going on. I thought this VP pick was insane from the beginning, but this is all too crazy! What happened to the People photos? I looked all over their site and they aren’t there. Hmmmmm.

31 08 2008

Talk about obsessive compulsive!

31 08 2008

“Also, any guess why her doctor didn’t deliver at the hospital at which she works, and Palin’s hometown? Which has a department for high risk pregnancy? But rather opted for Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, which is now offline?”

As far as I can tell, the Providence department for high risk pregnancy is in Anchorage. However, Providence Mat-Su does have a maternity center. The Providence clinic was actually founded by Sarah Palin’s doctor.

Question for Sue Williams: is the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center better equipped for neonatal care? (Though if that were an issue, why not deliver in Anchorage?)

31 08 2008
The Logician

Down’s Syndrome is NOT caused by incest. Although incest can lead to genetic problems (e.g. hemophilia), it is because of the increased likelihood of two recessive genes from related parents. Down’s Syndrome is based on having an extra chromosome 21, which is a mutation, not a recessive condition.

I can readily accept what you’re saying. I am also aware that there are several hundred thousand people with Down Syndrome, and that the common belief that they are products of incest is hurtful to them.

Here are my questions:

1. Is all Down Syndrome caused by this mutation?

2. What causes the mutation?

3. Are there any conditions that closely approximate Down that are or could be incest-related?

4. Has anyone ever done a reliable study comparing the rate of Down Syndrome offspring of incestuous unions with those in non-incestuous unions?

31 08 2008

Most of the “evidence” given in this doesn’t prove a thing. I’m with Tom – I love conspiracies, but they’ve got to be substantiated or they are just gossip.

Most pro-life Christians I know would not hide their unwed daughter’s pregnancy. Several of my friends or relatives have dealt with this type situation – either a quickie marriage or daughter just raises baby in the parental home. I don’t think it is as big a deal as folks claim to have a daughter with a baby out of wedlock (even in very conservative Christian circles). Why would Sarah have to cover for her? It would be even a bigger pro-life statement to stand behind a pregnant teen.

I know several teen girls who have a “pregnant-looking” belly that goes in and out depending on their weight gain. And none of them have given birth… not every woman gains her weight in her thighs and rear. By the way, little Piper Palin seems to have the biggest belly in that family.

I’ve had nine children – deliveries do not necessarily go faster with each baby. My labors are all over the map for length. After the first two or three you get to know when labor is serious and when it is just warming up. I didn’t run to the hospital the minute my water broke with baby 9 – they asked diagnostic questions to see if I needed to go in. They trusted my judgement. I ran errands and took kids to piano lessons when I realized that things weren’t moving along and the water was just leaking a bit. I was aware of what was going on and no one thought I was being irresponsible. Baby 8 I didn’t deliver until 40 hours after my water broke and that was with pitocin induction. I just had intermittent labor and it just never really got going even though I walked and even did all the natural induction stuff. For me, only one baby came quickly and she was almost three weeks overdue.

Some doctors consider pregnancy over 35 or 40 automatically high risk and some don’t – my doctor didn’t think I was high risk at 41. Down Syndrome isn’t automatically considered high risk by all doctors either. Big difference between the big city doctors and small town doctors. And family doctors can be just as good as ob/gyn for care and delivery – actually, I prefer them myself. Nurse-midwives are even better. One of the things I didn’t like about some doctors is that they required every possible test known, Most people get tested for Down Syndrome now whether they would abort or not.

As to appearance, folks didn’t know I was pregnant with some of mine until I was close to the end. I got tired of maternity clothes and just bought stuff that was dark and stretchy and I just looked chunky. Plus working out and getting in better shape helped hold those stomach muscles in a bit better.

And my Working Mother magazine would be horrified to hear some of the anti-working mom statements about Mrs. Palin. My goodness, haven’t you heard? Women can have it all – with some help from parents, husbands, daycares, babysitters, nannies, housekeepers, cooks, etc. I read all the time about female corporate leaders who see less of their children than the gov. of Alaska. In our enlightened era are you saying that it is OK for men to be in public office and neglect their families, but not OK for women to do the same thing????

31 08 2008

“Here’s a pic taken backstage at the VP announcement. You can clearly see McCain in the background having makeup applied, and Sarah and Bristol in the foreground. Bristol is holding Sarah’s baby.

She is clearly pregnant.”

Woman often look slightly pregnant for months after delivering. (My wife certainly did.) Some women hold that weight for years. And some girls DO gain weight in high school. I have yet to see ANY picture posted on this blog definitively showing Bristol to be pregnant. Sue Williams may very well be correct, and I believe she is correctly repeating what she has heard. But did she hear the truth?

Here is a question: Would the McCain campaign really take an detectably pregnant, unwed, Bristol Palin out on the road show without first releasing this information carefully to the press? Would they take her out at all? Why not just say she isn’t feeling well and let her stay home? Why subject this girl to that kind of scrutiny?

And I agree with Andrew Sullivan. These rumors are EXTREMELY easy to disprove. It won’t take much for the McCain campaign to definitively put all this to rest (and likely score some SERIOUS points doing so). If this all turns out to be nonsense, you know that the Republicans are going to accuse democrats of a deliberate smear campaign against a hockey mom with a Down’s syndrome child.

31 08 2008

Was this already posted?

Sarah Palin’s delivery doctor’s contact info as of 10/31/08, 9:30PST on the web:

Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, MD
Family Medicine

Providence Matanuska Healthcare
1700 E Bogard Road, #100
Wasilla, AK 99654
Providence Department: Family Medicine
Office Phone: 907-352-6200

Can someone track down the doctor and get a statement?

31 08 2008
Clever Else

An 8 month photo of Gov. Palin on another thread here. She certainly looks pregnant. DaliyKos is dropping the story.

31 08 2008

Small towns! where do I start? I call b.s. about not being able to hide anything in a small town. Everything is hidden in small towns. Nobody talks publically about scandalous things because the stakes are too high. You don’t cross the connected families, you just pretend you don’t know or didn’t see anything.

31 08 2008
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s

Hi guys. Don’t you all feel silly now.

-Karl Rove

31 08 2008

Surely you are not naive enough to believe that the ‘glass ceiling’ is going to be shattered anytime soon? I’ve been waiting half a century for that to happen.

31 08 2008

“1. Is all Down Syndrome caused by this mutation?

2. What causes the mutation?

3. Are there any conditions that closely approximate Down that are or could be incest-related?

4. Has anyone ever done a reliable study comparing the rate of Down Syndrome offspring of incestuous unions with those in non-incestuous unions?”

There is the Robertsonian translocation, which is a mutation usually passed down from fathers to daughters, then daughters to offspring that can cause trisomy 21 (Downs). You can google for more info.

31 08 2008
Curious Too

I don’t know what the answer is to all of this.
I don’t think Palin is a serious choice as a candidate.
I don’t think she sounds like a serious mother either.
The story about her Texas trip doesn’t make her seem very intelligent IMO.

But I will say that it is not impossible for young Trig to be the grand son and for the daughter also to be entering her 3 rd trimester now. Sue could be right about Bristol being pregnant right now. As many have pointed out, Bristol’s weight fluctuates. Nothing wrong with that especially in today’s world. Could the parents (and maybe poor homeschooled Bristols herself) simply not have realized that she was pregnant in the winter/spring before then?

Is it clear when exactly she disappeared from the scene from the 8 month mono? Could the surprise have been discovered just before they announced the impending birth? Maybe that’s why there is no local gossip.

Maybe they tried closing the barn door too late. Maybe Bristol ran back to the boy as soon as she could and “made” the same “mistake” she did before. This time she gets to keep it.

I’ve known many people who were separated by 11 months from a sibling. It does happen. When I had my second child I popped out so much so fast I was convinced I was carrying twins. And my third was conceived when I was breast feeding my 4.5 month old. Be interesting to see if this new baby rumor plays out if the new baby is late.

I could see some rebellion playing out here and one woman’s hubris that she can get away with it all.

31 08 2008
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s

“Surely you are not naive enough to believe that the ‘glass ceiling’ is going to be shattered anytime soon? I’ve been waiting half a century for that to happen.”

And you certainly aren’t naive to believe that a man would be involved in the process, do you?

31 08 2008

An 8 month photo of Gov. Palin on another thread here. She certainly looks pregnant. DaliyKos is dropping the story.

Clever Else, DailyKos doesn’t “pick up” or “drop” stories. The diaries are all reader generated–and the readers are all anonymous.

Gabrielle, Just wondering what you thought of the swift boating of John Kerry in 2004. I find it puzzling that all your disappointment and anger about the degradation of modern politics in the US is directed at the Democratic Party.

31 08 2008
Redwood Man

Hi Kim. Not being with your 5 month old baby, assuming it is your baby, you are calling an enlightened era ??? I for one don’t care if it is a mother or a dad… you should be with your children and live and plan your life to be able to do that as much as you can. Yes, you read all the time about female corporate leaders who see less of their children than the governor of Alaska. I am sorry that is true. Kind of shows the state of our union… One more thing for Barack to tackle…

31 08 2008

This blog has been so interesting! I’ve been reading it all day and also checking Meghan McCain’s blog. Bettina, to answer your questions, Meghan’s pictures from today showed that Bristol is still on the campaign trail, just being kept in the background–in this case, in the waaay background, meaning back on the plane:


(She’s the one holding Trig.) She didn’t get to go to the rally? Or be on the bus?

The People photo is still there:,,20222685_2,00.html

31 08 2008

Sue: thank you so much for all of your posting; I disagree with your politics, but you are a well-spoken, or I guess well typed woman. I also thank you for your input, Alaska seems oh so very different than where I live. Something, is clearly amiss. I live in Minneapolis, and was walking around today talking to delegates, and none of them had heard any of this–however, I spoke to a lobbyist who was at a press party and he said that no one could stop talking about this. Was the baby hers? was the baby her daughter’s? Some over at huffpo are calling foul that we should not stoop to tabloid fodder, etc, but I unequivocally disagree, we are at an impasse, for the first time in my lifetime (I’m young) we have the power to do something– here is a ticket, that acted compulsively? impulsively? and made a ridiculous, almost surreal v.p. choice. Our feet have been held to the fire for the actions of Edwards and Clinton. I want to know the truth about Palin, and I want everything. I am sorry that her daughter will suffer for this, and Palin herself should apologize to her daughter publicly for making this the way that it is, but goddamn it is refreshing to feel like my ticket might actually win, for the first time in my life! and that Rove, et al do not have the conniving upper hand.
and, yes we have the right to know about someone who WOULD believe that she has the right to my uterus; I want to know, Sarah Palin, what’s the truth, is Bristol pregnant?

31 08 2008


Did you also notice that Cindy McCain’s wrist brace/cast is missing. She’s standing in the background sans her hot pink fashion accessory!

Also, even a blind person can see that Bristol is VERY pregnant! How long until MSM start reporting this? Can’t wait… This is WAY better than watching The Young and the Restless! Thanks John McCan’t!

31 08 2008

And now Daily Kos, while not “dropping” the story, has put up a new photo of a visibly pregnant Sarah, saying “we can drop this crap now”:

31 08 2008
The Logician

A reminder to all: There are two competing and mutually exclusive theories here. Theory 1 is that Sarah Palin was never pregnant, but rather claimed pregnancy to conceal her daughter Bristol’s pregnancy, and subsequent birth in April of young Trigonometry. Theory 2 is that both Sarah and Bristol have been pregnant, and that Sarah delivered Trig last April and Bristol is now in her third trimester.

I am far more persuaded by Theory 1, and believe that Theory 2 is a smokescreen designed by she who introduced it, Sue Williams, to throw everyone off the track.

Now, onto Q & A.

Ah, the plot thickens… enter “C-Ray”, or Chris Ray.


The plot not only thickens, but perhaps lengthens as well?

May I suggest to those doing the research that a public wiki/timeline of this issue be created? This would allow for individual photos/events of interest to be arranged and edited chronologically, and for each item to be fully substantiated (or not!).

How does one “create a Wiki?” If it’s not some Microsoftian plot to steal all my time, maybe I’ll do it.

Looks like there a quite a few typical DU’ers here posting all their vile, evil, vicious and revolting rumour mill tactics, they like to call themselves progressive, well, progressively getting more regressive is true and more to the point. What an illmannered uneducated bunch they are. Disgusting.

I must say that I love it when Republicans say that anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun who fights back against their lies is a meanie. Okay, I’m a meanie. Now get over it.

The baby thing? IT’S A RED HERRING. It does not, and if actual intelligent, reasonable people were the voters in this country, WOULD NOT, matter. It really doesn’t. Why not? Because not only will you never know the truth, but there are so many other, more valid reasons why Palin was a poor choice and further proof of McCain’s unsuitability to lead this nation.

Unlike you, the rest of us can actually walk and chew gum at the same time. You cannot, and that is a pity. For you.

P.S. the haikus were great.

Special Haiku

Haikus, my great joy
Like August’s morning stiffness
They focus the mind

Most of the pics, other than Kyle’s video, are posted earlier on this thread. I think finding the possible ‘baby daddy’ is a stroke of genius.

I agree. All hail Kristen!

I enjoy schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but this is over the line of relevance AND taste. I have supported Obama from the very moment he announced his candidacy – I registered as a Democrat for the first time in my voting history – and I’d like to know that he won this election without the “help” of petty, sexist arguments like this.

To quote Saturday Night Live of yore, “Jane, you ignorant slut!”

this is not the kind of story that should make or break an election

That, like the date of the Rapture, is not for us to decide. It’s not even for Fox News to decide. It is, as they say, above our pay grade. In the meantime, we pull at loose threads.

I think it’s sad when people stoop to analyzing a 17 year old’s body fat in the name of politics – it doesn’t matter what the end is. To me, this is just about as empty and offensive a line of discussion as the Obama/Osama “Barack Hussein” BS. I just think, and you may disagree all you want, that Americans should hold themselves to higher intellectual standards than this crap.

No one is “analyzing a 17 year olds body fat in the name of politics.” This is about finding the truth. Jane, a Republican posing as something else, understandably resents the truth.

What a family. The oldest son slacked all through school and couldn’t get into college with his 2.00 gpa so he goes into army to save face. Teen daughter gets knocked up and mom assumes the pregnancy while teen says out of school with a ridiculously long case of mono. Mom sees it fit to leak amnio while giving speeches and aboard extended airline flights. I can only wonder if the Palins would pass an interview with Child & Family Services from a lower 48 state.

BINGO!! If I were Monty Hall, I’d give you the contents of Door #1, Door #2, and Door #3 for that one. The Palin family, such as it is, comes to us straight from a cave in West Virginia.

As a former Hillary supporter I am ashamed of what the Democratic Party has become. As an old timer (I’m almost 70 years old) I can truthfully say the REAL Democratic Party has gone forever, replaced by the most foul, mean-spirited, ugly group of liberals that I have ever encountered.

Will all those here who believe Gabrielle to have ever cast a single Democratic vote in her life raise their hands? Seeing none, I move that we declare Gabrielle Fox Babe of the Weekend. Hearing no objections, the motion carries. Boy, I love the smell of democracy in the morning!

31 08 2008

I abhorred the treatment of John Kerry and I abhorr what has happened to my party.
Yes, the degredation is out there for ALL to see, more so now than in ‘my day’. I guess the tone has changed, I’ve never encountered such venom and hatred for the opposition as I read on ‘DU’ every day. We used to have much more respect for each other but respect and plain common decency seem to have disappeared from the political scene, replaced by…well I won’t go there .
And yes, my disappointment and frustration is directed at the Democratic Party simply because that is MY party.
Where are the genuine Democrats, are they all dead, am I the only one left?

31 08 2008

Having had the pleasure to travel the magnificent wonderland of Alaska in ’80, I always held on to the hope that if things got too weird down here in the 48, I could escape to the wilderness. Oh, crap.
This Palin vp pick genuinely had me shaking my head and laughing at Mc cains frantic selection until I realized what an incredible insult this entire campaign of his has become. This selection is an affront to women who have spent years making sure they were highly educated, accomplished and competent to watch as some bimbo that has caught the bosses eye gets the promotion that the more qualified woman deserves. (Check out mc cain ogling her ass during the speech she gave accepting the selection – way too creepy). To hear Palin reference the “glass ceiling” as though she expects to make a dent is beyond belief.
This selection is an insult to the American people who deserve leadership that has demonstrated careful deliberation skills and an ability to grasp the intricate challenges that face this country and humanity not only nationally but internationally. Will she present Putin and Chavez with a plate of cookies and some good old fashioned eye-batting or just giggle?
Most importantly it is an insult to the election process itself which is an opportunity for each party to nominate people with experience and an understanding of the seriousness of governing our country even though their approaches may differ they bring qualities of knowledgeable leadership to the table.
I find it interesting and it is posted somewhere on the internet (I think I bookmarked the page, I will have to see) that some actress of similar name from Canada was whisked away and installed in a hotel in Pennsylvania for three days having been told that she had been selected for vp by mc cain. I guess that vetting process just wasn’t too terribly in depth.
I have known nothing about your politics but it sounds like an episode straight out of Desperate Housewives. Sorry, you guys. I live in a small town. I know that when it comes to leadership of the community the pickings are thin to say the least.
As to the baby deal – if the daughter is the mom and Palin has covered that up and made up these outrageous lies – how tragic for the daughter to be shamed and betrayed by a mother who would not have the courage to stand up for and support her daughter in this most difficult time.
If Palin is the mother – I can see that she would risk the health and welfare of her unborn child to further her political career and that doesn’t say much for her as a human being.
If by some fluke of the universe or corrupt voting machines once again, these two are given the keys to this government I plan to leave the country with my children to never return. Can;t go to Alaska, darn it all, so may as well just put my toes on a sandy beach somewhere and sell Slushies to the other escape artists.
Please Vote – and write your newspapers.

31 08 2008

This proves “Sue Williams” is a plant:

On July 25th she was already trashing Palin, but implies she was first for her and turned against only after reading internet postings: not that she knew her personally.

You guys have been duped, and subsequently, duped other blogs:

“Sue Williams Says:
July 25th, 2008 at 9:03 am
I just finished spending a couple hours on the adn (Anchorage Daily News) website and a site called and I have to say, stunning. I had become very interested and enthused about Palin for V.P. but after reading the news reports (and also I read the blogs under Alaska Politics on the adn site and the comments in the Andrew Halcro site). Very disturbing and not at all the image of Palin that I had come to believe. If what these two sites say is even partially true, I can’t image McCain choosing her. It’s such a shame. The Alaska State House and Senate will appoint a special investigator to look into potential ethical wrongdoing of her firing of the state’s commissioner of public safety. This appointment is expected Monday. McCain can’t choose someone who is under the cloud of an ethics investigation. Shocking.”

31 08 2008
Clever Else

Ajax- my mistake. Did you even look at the photo? It seems that they are taking a poll over there whether to drop it, maybe the photo, since they came up with it on a freeper lurk.

31 08 2008
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s

The Republicans used to have respect for Democrats? When was that…was it before Hillary Clinton was a lesbian bitçh who had an affair with Vince Foster and had to murder him?

31 08 2008
A very public vetting for Sarah Palin « SchizoFrenetic

[…] 4: Read the comments at this Mudflats Post, “In The Land of Palin.”  Plenty of people leave links to photos that appear to shoot down the […]

31 08 2008

You sound as though you are far too young to remember what it once meant to be a Democrat.
I’m guessing you were even born at the time of Dr. King and JFK.

31 08 2008

I want to share this one with you all, actually really funny×6855834

31 08 2008

Like anyone sane with a dog in this hunt, I’m watching all this with morbid curiosity and a bit of horror. I’m a former Republican activist who left the party when it became clear to me from the inside that the national party had gone irretrievably off the deep end. It looks like that’s becoming ever more clear from the outside as well (qualification: there are still some pockets of sanity among Republicans at the local level, but even that is getting scarce).

I’m certainly as puzzled as any about the details of “babygate”, among the boatload of -gates that seem to have come packaged with the Palin selection. There’s something weird about the story, yes. But it seems that some people have come to conclusions in advance of information. I don’t know if Sue Williams is telling the truth or not, but what she has posted is a datapoint. Until I know more it seems pretty foolish for me to do anything other than listen to what she has to say, and file the information away for later confirmation or refutation. There are, after all, at least three possible permutations to this weird story, and I sure don’t have the information yet to figure it out.

I used to say “God Bless the GOP”, but I think right now “Father, forgive them, because they haven’t the slightest clue about what they’ve done,. what they’re doing, or what they’re going to do next” is more apt.

31 08 2008

All Down Syndrome is caused by a problem with the 21st chromosome. Age of the mother, and secondarily, the father, is the greatest predictor of Down risk. What I know about it comes from my wife and I (both over 40) about to become parents of, luckily, a healthy baby (I’m not a scientist). Nothing I have seen suggests that incest is a cause of Down; indeed, whenever I see a geneticist asked in the press, he or she rejects the notion that incest increases Down likelihood.

Here’s wikipedia on the subject. Knock yourself out.

BTW, it’s completely plausible to me that either Sarah or Bristol would have learned pre-birth of Trig’s Down Syndrome. Ultrasound (including the non-risky nuchal translucency testing) would likely pick up indicia of Down, which could be confirmed by amniocentesis. One would have ultrasounds normally, even if one is young and/or vehemently anti-abortion. We ended up not having amnio (or CVS) after the NT testing said our risk of Down (and a couple of other nasty trisomy chromosomal issues) was less than the risk from amnio.

31 08 2008

I feel sorry for you guys up there in Alaska, which by the way is a beautiful state, but rest of the lower 48 are having a huge laugh about SP….as VP×178631

31 08 2008

Suppose the baby thing is true and Bristol asked her mother to pretend the child is hers or maybe Bristol was so distraught that Palin just did it to help Bristol = wouldn’t that make Palin the ultimate hero mother? Stepping in to help her daughter……

31 08 2008

This photo was on a right-wing blog with the question – who looks like they just had a baby? in rebuttal to Trig not being Sarah’s child. They didn’t bother to ask who looks like they’re going to have a baby?

31 08 2008
The Logician

I checked out the Flickr pics of Sarah Palin, and they one of the following:

– A pregnant woman
– Photoshopped images
– A woman wearing a fat suit

Which is it? Well, even I would have to be skeptical of the fat suit idea, so I’m going to toss that one out. Photoshopped images? That’s a real possibility, so I’d love it if someone could find the Channel 11 film clip and/or video or pics from the conference she attended.

I would say, in the meantime, that these images do let some of the air out of the tires of Theory #1. Not entirely, though. I’ve never believed that a single image or even two of them is automatically determinative. I’d like to see some corroboration.

31 08 2008

Well, even I would have to be skeptical of the fat suit idea, so I’m going to toss that one out.

well if you were pretending to be 8 months pregnant, how would you do that?

Photoshopped images?

I lightened it in photoshop and it does not appear to be altered. she certainly does appear to be pregnant. however, given that this is the only photo I have seen so far where she looks pregnant, I am still skeptical.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Here’s a story with another pic, from mid-March. I’m starting to think this was great fun while it lasted.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Unless, of course, she was wearing an empathy belly! Sorry, but I can’t wrap either my mind or arms around that one. Maybe it’s my limited imagination.

31 08 2008

I’m starting to think this was great fun while it lasted.

you may be right – but, according to diarist at kos, this picture is from march 9, one week earlier than the one you just posted:

seems like a big change for one week – still curious to me.

31 08 2008

Tom, The list you said was what constituted “high-risk” said only that the symptoms might include those. I had two premies and I can tell you, that is considered high risk. Duh. The first baby was taken right to ICU and I didn’t see him for 16 hours. The second developed jaundice the first day (almost all premies do). So yes, it would be high-risk if she went into labor a month early.

And if her water broke and the labor hadn’t commenced in a couple hours? More high-risk, because both mother and child are at risk of serious infection then.

And a Down Syndrome birth is high risk in and of itself. Many of these babies are born with heart problems. It’s not unusual to have surgery in the first couple weeks. And a 44-year-old mom faces her own dangers (like blood clots and extreme bleeding).

I agree, the Palins apparently didn’t think of this as high-risk– obviously. They were remarkably cavalier about it all. That might be because this was the 5th child, I don’t know. But really, I can’t imagine the litigation-wary doctors and hospital would think, “Older mom. Down Syndrome child. Premature contractions,” and then say, “No problem! Come in any time!”

It just sort of beggars the imagination. Half of us out here have had babies, and I bet you none of us had remotely the experience Sarah Palin describes, of casual doctors and nurses, a husband who doesn’t object to her flying 8 hours, and a mom in labor who doesn’t feel any sense of urgency. Crisis management is good, crisis ignoring is not.
But I don’t think it’s Bridget’s child. I just think Sarah Palin is one weird person.
Interesting, btw, that so many of the links posted no longer work.

31 08 2008

This is exactly why she was chosen as McCain’s Running mate: “They” knew this would all come out, and they wanted it to. Why? Because it will bring the Conservative Base to McCain, and convince them that he can be trusted. In fact, considering McCain’s health, she would be likely to become the first female President if their ticket gets elected, which is absolutely going to bring the Religious Right to the polls.

It doesn’t matter one way or the other who Trig’s mother is, nor if both mother and daughter are/have been pregnant. What is important in this story is that it gets tons of coverage and Sarah Palin is presented to the Right Wing as someone who is uber conservative. In fact, if Bristol turns out to be pregnant, and Sarah gave birth to a premature Down Syndrome child, it will double the positive affect on the Conservative Christian/Evangelical crowd–it demonstrates two instances where the family could have considered abortion but chose to follow their chosen values despite the obvious fallout that could be expected from the Left. It’s really quite disturbingly brilliant, if it was thought through that way.

I expect that when she’s questioned about this, she’ll talk about how God told her that it was important for her to get back to Alaska before giving birth, and how she knew that God would see her through, or else she would have given birth in Texas.

In any case, I suspect there will be massive coverage about this by the Corporate Media (mostly focused on this thread, Kos, HuffPo, and incorporeal Democrats’ attempts to destroy her character, and based on past experiences, I’m sure it will work. According to posts here, Sarah is great at playing the innocent victim, and this whole issue sets her up to use that quality. Ultimately, I fear it will destroy the Democratic ticket’s chance of winning. I wish I had more faith in the American Public, but as I’ve already said that I wouldn’t live in an America governed by McCain, I think it’s time to start looking for new employment…

31 08 2008
The Logician

Well, look, once we get into parsing picture by picture, it’s pretty much over with, isn’t it? The April 13th photos from Flickr show a pregnant woman, or a woman wearing (sorry, but I can’t help chuckling as I write this) an “empathy belly.”

I could imagine Sarah Pallin claiming to be pregnant in her daughter’s place, but like I say, I just can’t imagine her wearing an empathy belly everywhere she went. She does not strike me as a woman with a great deal of empathy. But who knows, I could be wrong.

Which would then necessitate a re-examination of Sue Williams’s Theory #2. Which, quite frankly, strikes me as no one’s business. It still boggles my mind that Palin would’ve flown to TX in her eighth month and then done what she did the day before giving birth. That one’s way out there, but pending re-thinking of this overnight, I’ve got to say that it looks like the preponderance of evidence is against Theory #1.

Now, if someone can come up with video of Palin at that TX conference looking like Barbara Eden (“I Dream of Jeannie”), then I’ll change my tune. I have to say, though, that this was a lot of fun.


Snow melts in harsh sun
Sarah’s Trigonometry
Leaves us Troopergate

31 08 2008

now the anchorage daily news has it. interesting quote from Palin’s in-state spokesman, Bill McAllister.

from the story:

“McAllister was an Anchorage TV reporter before working for Palin. He said Palin once approached him – before people knew she was pregnant – assuming he’d been hearing rumors.

“She said it’s not true about Bristol,” McAllister said.

At the time, the rumor would have been that Palin’s daughter was pregnant.”

guess I better get a screen shot, haha

31 08 2008
The Logician

p.s.: I can hardly wait for the Republican “outrage.” Remember, these are the people who gave us Willie Horton, the murder of Vincent Foster, the attacks on Chelsea Clinton, the lies about Obama’s religion, the character assassination of Hillary Clinton, the investigation of John Edward’s sex life, and the lies about Obama’s “forged” birth certificate.

So cry me a river, nutcases. This one lasted a day or two, and our side squelched it. You should look to our example. And to the National Enquirer, just in case there’s something we overlooked.

31 08 2008

Here is a theory being advanced. I want to attribute the author, who is ‘Jack Bodg….. but I can’t completely remember his name. It is his theory, but it seems quite plausible to me I paraphrase here; Supposition: Bristol finds that she is pregnant sometime in Aug/Sep/Nov 2007. Bristol tells her mother. Parents confer and with Bristol decide that Bristol will no longer attend public school (Oh the joys and wonders of home schooling or Mono, whatever) Parents decide to arrange a private adoption for offspring of Bristol and ? Done deal. Somewhere in March (about 4 months into Pregnancy when most amnioceteses are done, it is discovered that Bristol’s baby is a Down’s Syndrome baby. Adoption falls through. Enter Plan B. What do we do with this child that now, no one is eager to adopt this child. SOLUTION: Mom (Sarah Palin) announces she is pregnant!!!! But, she tells no one the child has Down’s Syndrome. Now ‘Mom’ in her alleged 7th month says she is pregnant when no one who knows her or has worked with her before this announcement had a clue because there were no Obvious sign of Preggars before this announcement. What, no morning sickeness???? No pre-natal visits on the Gov’s calendar???? No pre-natal vitamins??? No fatigue???? No nothing!
Come April. ‘Mom’ is in TX when Bristol goes into labor. ‘Mom’ must get back to Wallisa, AK and put her A** in the maternity ward at Zero, dark 30. Must be there in the wee small hours in the town where she was Mayor for X number of years. ‘Mom’ KNOWS everybody at that small, ill-equipped for High-risk Pregnancies, hospital. The easier to manage the story. ‘Mom’ bypassed better, safer, Neonatal Intensive Equipped hospitals, in order to be sure her ‘delivery’ would occur in her favorite local hospital. The hospital where she KNOWs everybody and in the wee small hours. hardly anybody is present at the birth of this. (Hold your breath now) and I quote but still paraphrase from the Anchorage Gazette, the “God’s Chosen” recipient of this gift of a Down’s Syndrome Child.
I will leave the of the details for each of you imaginations to fill in. This is speculation, BUT, It is pretty good, considering the timeline of announcements and awareness we are working from. You decide. If I find the attribution, I will post it.

31 08 2008

Just read on Google News that Palin has announced she will be breast feeding while on the campaign trail. I would love to have seen McCain’s face when he first heard this.

31 08 2008
Parker CA

Clearly, it is now evident that Trig is Sarah’s baby. Topic should end. It also seems that Bristol is pregnant and carrying her baby. Topic should end as it has no bearing on Sarah Palin’s character as a potential VP.

The longer this goes on without rebutal from the repub’s, the more I am beginning to believe that this was all part of the script and plan devised by Rove et al. Better to drop the baby issue and focus on the real issues at hand, those involving the corruption and scandal amidst Palin’s professional life and interactions.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Merg, that’s basically Theory #1, but given the pictures that have just surfaced, it requires that Sarah Palin spent a month wearing an empathy belly everywhere she went. Maybe she did, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet my ranch on it.

31 08 2008

For crying out loud, Wasilla is not a “rural” “village” with a “clinic.” The hospital was built in the last…. 3 years? (it’s been a while since I’ve been home). I’m not even going to address the babygate issue (I think it’s absurd and some sites are just being plane cruel), but it’s not like she chose to give birth to her baby in a shack. That just shows ignorance and bigoted stereotypes of Alaska as some foreign exotic place where only the facilities in Anchorage could POSSIBLY be good enough.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Alaska is not a “foreign exotic place.” It is Hooterville with mountains. And by the way, did anyone ever teach you how to write a sentence in standard English, or how to spell? Just asking.

31 08 2008
The Logician

now the anchorage daily news has it.

I posted about our thread in their comment thread.

31 08 2008

After looking at the pictures of Sarah and Bristol facing each other with Trig (link found in Moose’s post), I asked myself “Which woman looks like she gave birth 4 months ago?” Given my own experience with pregnancies, I would have to guess Bristol.

31 08 2008

Maria, thank you for pointing her out WAAAAAAY in the back and still holding the baby. I’d seen the other Palin girls all over McCain’s blog, so it seemed strange that Bristol was suddenly absent from the photos and the stages where her mother was appearing.

I have seen other blog sites about this subject and the most amusing comments are the Bree references to Desperate Housewives!!! If they can pull it off on TV, I guess they can pull it off in Alaska. The more I hear, see and read, the more I am convinced that the Palin family is hiding something.

Sarah Palin doesn’t seem smart enough to keep this dirty little secret hidden much longer. I give her about a week left as the VP candidate. She should be counting her blessings that Gustav came along to keep her around this long.

As for testing for Down’s, I know a few younger pregnant women who have been tested. To say it was only because Sarah was 44 is wrong. Any pregnant woman would want to know about any possible complications. And OB/GYNs are more likely to test these days too if there is any sign of an issue.

And if you sort of think this whole thing through, it seems a real story!! The reason Sarah Palin announced her “pregnancy” so late in the game could be likely because Bristol tried to hide it as long as she could from her parents. The reason Sarah gave birth a month early could be because Bristol wasn’t completely sure of her due date. Yes, I know doctors can pinpoint that, but what if Sarah never consulted her daughter’s doctors??

Why did Sarah only “pop” a few days before the birth? Anyone who has seen/or been a pregnant woman knows that after four kids you get big very fast. The Palins seem to be big liars. Shameful!!

The baby was born a month early and at a healthy weight. Like I’ve said, this sounds like cover-up…. Just saying.

31 08 2008
The Logician

Though it appears Sarah’s the mother of the young Trigonometry, I think this hilarious decision map explains why so many have been, shall we say, wondering just which oven cooked that little loaf.

31 08 2008

Well tomorrow I am going to call Cathy Baldwin-Johnson and tell her what Sue Williams has posted here and ask her if she will confirm what Sue has told us because we all want to know the truth!

31 08 2008
The Logician

Don’t expect any kind of data dump, Snooper. The medical privacy laws are pretty strict, which means that everyone still gossips to whomever they please but feels better about stiff-arming everyone else.

31 08 2008
This is crazy!

The only way the Palins can end this debate is to come forward publicly and deny it and prove it’s not true. This has been on the Web for more than two days and nothing from them or the McCains. Refusing to deny is basically admitting it is the truth!

31 08 2008
Parker CA

“The only way the Palins can end this debate is to come forward publicly and deny it and prove it’s not true. This has been on the Web for more than two days and nothing from them or the McCains. Refusing to deny is basically admitting it is the truth!”

Or, it is only playing perfectly into Rove’s trap. Never underestimate the modern-day Machievellian he is.

31 08 2008
This is crazy!


Yep, the doctor can’t reveal anything because of law. HIPPA Act. But she should be investigated for giving her so-called pregnant patient lousy advice about flying while in labor!!

31 08 2008
This is crazy!


I don’t get it. Why would Rove even want to have this woman on the ticket? Yes, maybe the sympathy card, but real women don’t give a shit about a liar from Alaska!!

31 08 2008

She definitely not pregnant in this video

1 09 2008

Okay, I am seriously late on replying to this, but Redwood Man, I think you’re right. The AP photo allegedly of Palin pregnant with her first kid looks a lot more like the current mayor, who is Palin’s cousin. But I can’t imagine it’s conspiracy, probably just an AP screw up.

The point of all this is that the rumor is sticking because of Palin’s past actions. She’s been caught in lies about Troopergate, she’s a little nutty, her kids and husband aren’t even living with her, and because of all that people are willing to believe this wacky theory of Trig being her grandson, not her son. So if this was all a Republican set-up to smear “mean” Democrats for starting a “nasty rumor”, I think it’s going to backfire. Most people aren’t going to forget all the other stuff about Palin we’ve now learned.

1 09 2008
This is crazy!


That photo was provided by her FAMILY!! So it’s her. Not her cousin! WOW, women get big when they get pregnant? Not a big shocker. The problem with Sarah Palin is that she doesn’t have a good publicist who has carefully tracked her life. She’s done. She needs to leave now before the real truth comes and she has no career left!!

1 09 2008

Sydney said: So if this was all a Republican set-up to smear “mean” Democrats for starting a “nasty rumor”, I think it’s going to backfire. Most people aren’t going to forget all the other stuff about Palin we’ve now learned.

It won’t backfire. whether or not it was a Republican Setup, it will unite the George W. Bush Base behind the Republican ticket. The more Democrats talk about it, the easier it will be for the Corporate Media to parade it around and further the cause of the Republican Ticket. It’s time to stop discussing the personal family issues and focus on the character issue: Palin is a bad character for all the reasons listed here today. End of story.

1 09 2008

This is Crazy: When I first saw that picture, I was sure that the pregnant woman (Diane?) wasn’t Sarah, but that it was Sarah who was turned away from the camera. The person looking away from the camera has a similar body-shape to SP. The AP story says that it shows Sarah pregnant…is she pregnant in the photo? IDK. Was she pregnant and not showing at the same time that her cousin was pregnant and clearly showing? I haven’t looked into it, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard. If she is pregnant in that photo (assuming she is the person shying away from the camera), it would lend credence to the idea that she wasn’t one who looked pregnant, even when she was. In any case, It’s pretty obvious that the clearly pregnant woman in that picture is not Sarah Palin.

1 09 2008
This is crazy!

Tronk! Pregnant women get BIG! It looks like her. I really don’t know what else to say, other than that AP photo looks like a pregnant Sarah Palin. She’s had at least four kids, so she must have been photographed pregnant at some point. You’re trying to fool yourself…. Is this Track???

1 09 2008

lol @ the GOP talking points.

People are only interested in this because nobody has a clue who in the hell Sarah Palin really is. No smear, that is just fact.

Only in the Alternate Republican Universe is a black Harvard Law graduate with 3+ years on the senatorial FRC and 12 years in politics less qualified to be president than a white person with an bachelors in journalism from the U. of Idaho who is 20 months removed from city council in a town of 8000.

I’m sure she’s a great person or whatever, but we’re at war people. I feel like this is all a bad joke.

1 09 2008

Come on – there’s no way, for anyone who is a female & has been through labor not to know that Palin’s story about her airplane trip is totally bogus. Labor and breaking water is not a situation that you can control. No doctor would tell his patient it’s okay to hop on a plane & noone around her would not know that she was in labor. Her baby was born at 6lbs? Is that premature? This story is totally unreal, except to someone, who has never given birth. Sarah Palin, especially, would be aware of all of this. Egomaniacs like her would never risk their own life in a situation like this. What a farse for anyone to suggest otherwise. McCain is senile not to have vetted this person. Bottom line – let’s just go for intelligent & honest leadership. McCain & his Cindy are trying to replay the old “Russians are Coming” to Alaska & Sarah Palin is a bad replay of “Peyton Place”. Good thing that the RNC is cancelling their convention. The more we see or hear from them it’s just like getting slapped in face with their lies and duplicity. And Sarah Palin is just more of the same only more obvious and dumber as she drags her whole family into a mud fest.

1 09 2008

If Willow is 14ish, that would mean that she was born in 1994. Diane Keller’s son was also born in 1994, so the AP Photo could be showing a pregnant Sarah looking away from the camera, and not showing signs of being pregnant. My 2-minute internet search only showed me that Diane’s son was born in 1994 and simple mathematics tell me that it’s possible that both are pregnant in the picture. The AP quote accompanying the photo is, “This undated photo provided by the Heath family shows Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin pregnant in Wasilla, Alaska.”, which doesn’t contradict anything I’ve said.

1 09 2008
This is crazy!

Thank you Dorothy! You are right on about what you posted. This Palin thing is insane and I don’t think it’s even real anymore. McCain could not be so stupid, but maybe he is….

1 09 2008
This is crazy!

Tronk! Sarah Palin is a MEDIA whore! Um, she was a beauty pagent contestant. Since when do they look away from the camera??

1 09 2008

TIC!: I know that pregnant women get big, but big is relative. I’ve known many fit, petite women who looked no different from the pictures posted here of SP, even late in their pregnancies. I’m not trying to fool myself, I’m just trying to keep myself from being blinded by things that may not turn out to be true. I agree with others on this site who believe that even if her daughter is not/has never been pregnant, and she was honest (after 7 months of dishonesty by omission) there are more important issues than who bore which child, and I’m worried (and convinced) that the Corporate Media is going to spend far more time on “babygate” than on the real issues.

1 09 2008

TIC!: When they are Beauty Pageant Queens who are used to being told how beautiful and fit they look but feel like, because they are pregnant, they are fatter than everyone else around and don’t want to be seen.

1 09 2008
This is crazy!

Well, Corporate Media is SCARED to DEATH about something like this. This is not a regular story (if true) and would most likely end up on Lifetime and not on ballots. Americans in general are not ready for a lying family and teen pregnancies are better left to the Spears family. The Palins are done. Political career, as lame as it’s been, is OVER! Pack up and GO HOME!!!

1 09 2008

I agree that CM is afraid to touch a story like this, unless it furthers the CM agenda, which they will ensure it does, if they choose to follow it. I hope that you are right and that Sarah Palin’s career is over, but I doubt that this is the case. Either McCain will win the election and go to the White House with Palin at his side, in which case we are all in deep trouble, or McCain/Palin will lose, in which case Obama/Biden will have to be the best political duo in American (if not World) History to keep all of us from deep, deep trouble in the coming years. I see it as a win/win for the GOP, but I’ve always been deeply cynical like that.

1 09 2008

The McCain people are watching this site!!!!

1 09 2008

P.S. Happy Labor Day!

1 09 2008
This is crazy!

Tronk! You are making a lot of sense now! 🙂 The polls are all wrong, McCain picked her because he had no choice. Washington politics are so very wrong. Obama is going to win without a doubt! I was GOP and worked for the party before I realized how FUCKED up the GOP is!! It’s time for a change — and not a loser from Alaska!!

1 09 2008

I agree that it’s time for a change, and definitely not a loser, but I’m not willing to say that someone from Alaska couldn’t be a worthy candidate simply because of the State in which they live. My personal belief at this point is that the Democratic Ticket is the best path forward, and unless something convinces me otherwise that is how I will vote this November. I hope that you and everyone you know will also vote that way–I’ll do my best to make sure that everyone I know does.

1 09 2008

Logician (re: April 13th photos from Flickr)

Do we know the source and veracity of these pictures? The person who posted these pics has never posted anything else before these pics (check out the profile of erik99559). Just three pics with unknown origin. I wouldn’t be too surprised if they have been photoshopped indeed. And I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the camera information file is totally fake. I don’t understand how you can dismiss the whole story based on three pics of uncertain origin in this day and age of digital photography.

1 09 2008
This is crazy!

You rock! How can you send me your email? send it to

1 09 2008

Uh, it is plainly obvious to all that Bristol is pregnant NOW. I don’t know how the McCain camp plans to handle this as it becomes clearer to all in the months ahead. It may be a boon to the bizarre GOP fetishes about teen pregnancies, who knows.

1 09 2008
midnight drizzles

I heard from a friend that Bristol is indeed pregnant, and news of the shotgun wedding is also accurate.

Other than that – I am shocked – shocked – SHOCKED – at the spin. It makes me realize how much “news” on the national news stations is BULLSHIT. I cannot believe how they spin and lie about things!

1) Nothing, nothing has improved for families in Alaska facing disabilities since Trig was born. We’re losing hope it will – we don’t even see the faintest signs. Things are not good right now and we are struggling with quality of care that is dwindling frightfully.

2) We DON’T PAY STATE TAXES – how the hell did she cut our taxes? The energy pay out is a HANDOUT by lower 48 terms. And they try to spin it as a TAX CUT?!??!?!?!?!?!

No, you all have no clue how hard it is to survive here financially if you are poor with the price of heat and long distance commutes so high. But it’s so conservative here that nothing would ever get passed if it were targeted only to the poor, so we all get the energy relief check – rich and poor alike, whether we need it or not. Whether we spend it on keeping the house above 60 degrees or piss it away ridin in the family’s `sleds and rippin up the watershed.

Far from cutting taxes, she comes from a state so rich right now from record oil profits that she CAN give it away when many state residents are truly in need. How will she perform in a situation where she is truly expected to cut budgets, where there is no oil windfall to help her gain the ridiculously over-inflated approval rating she supposedly has here now?

3) In what reality did she reject earmarks for the bridge? I simply don’t remember that….hmmmm…. must have been the TF………..

1 09 2008

It’s not that hard to differentiate “Photoshopped” pictures from true ones. I’m not an expert, but I’ve needed to use Photoshop a few times to change some things on pictures for websites, and in my opinion these photos have not been “Photoshopped”. It’s possible that they are. I think it would take a really, really good GDer to ‘Shop the photos as they appear. I’m not saying it hasn’t been done, I’m just saying that I don’t think it’s likely, and that there are other things that we (assuming you don’t want Sarah Palin representing your country to the rest of the world) should be talking about.

1 09 2008


At this point, we are possibly talking about top-level GOP crisis management team fighting to contain a major scandal. Do you seriously think that these pictures from a certain “erik99559” with no prior account activity are completely authentic? They are not even posted in a natural context of say 50 other pictures depicting other things as well (e.g. other friends, other scenes, before and after the video shooting etc). Just three pictures, obviously addressing the “is she pregnant or not” question only. So, I wouldn’t believe a second that this erik99559 is an innocent person sharing his hobby pictures with friends and relatives.

1 09 2008

I think if theory #1 turns out to be false (i.e. DNA confirms that Trig is Sara’s kid, not Bristol’s), then I think I know WHY the whole it was started and released by the Republicans: For the same reason that you burn fire breaks to fight a forest fire. The GOP have released a rummer that causes the news of teen daughters pregnancy to be revealed as an “internet fight” first, so that once the scandal breaks in the mass media, it is already known to those who would be most shocked about it, thus allowing the FOX and Co spin to be that much more effective.

Plus the timing is perfectly coinciding with Hurricane Gustave. I bet this whole thing was meant to be kept much deeper under wraps, but the current weather situation is a perfect way to have the news be diluted.

Even if #1 is correct in the end, I think the incest angle is a total red hearing added on to make the Dems look like asses later on, if the GOP need too.

Layer and Layers…

1 09 2008

Anchorage Daily News Caught Red Handed Re-editing Date on Palin Family Photo

By eskaton | August 31, 2008

Here is the original link to the photo published March 9th�

Here is the link re-edited to falsify the claim the photo was taken in 2006�

1 09 2008

The crazy part about this is that they didn’t edit the children’s ages. If the photo was taken in 2006, the ages of the children be different than in 2008. The ages of the children are exactly the same…. hmmmmm – weird.

1 09 2008
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s

So the Republicans are using this scandal to show Democratic smear campaign tendancies. How does anyone know that the people on this blog are left wingers? I have my doubts. I bet it’s a bunch of righties pretending to be lefties.

1 09 2008

FWIW, the jpeg called 1stchild.jpg has a bunch of AP meta-data in its header, pretty much as you’d expect. The date info only tells you when this particular jpeg was created (8/30/08), not when the original from which it was created was shot. Here’s what it says:

This undated photo provided by the Heath family shows Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin pregnant in Wasilla, Alaska. Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., announced Palin as his vice presidential running mate on Friday, Aug. 29, 2008. (AP Photo/Heath Family) ** NO SALES **

Interestingly, the one called 31408.jpg, which is supposed to show Palin at 7 months with Trig, has NO meta-data. None, zip, nada. It’s been stripped.

In other words BEWARE. I’m no big fan of Karl Rove/Evil-Genius Double-Bankshot theories. But there is a well established history of this crew setting up Big Awful Scandal limbs and cutting them off after their opponents climb far far out on ’em.

I accuse no one of acting in bad faith here, but this whole story has exactly that kind of potential. Once all this heat gets generated, suddenly the story falls apart and suddenly it’s transformed into a bulletproof shield against all legit criticism or inquiry. “Look what those awful awful Dem sleazeballs tried to do to that Noble Woman and her Innocent Downs Syndrome Child! Have They No Shame???”

The key is to not lose track of the real issue. The real issue is that Palin represents a throw of the dice by McCain. I was using that metaphor before I found out that, in fact, McCain is actually an inveterate craps player. There were any number of more substantial candidates available, and he went with this one. McCain’s impulsive, craps-player governing style is the issue. Gambling the mortgage is what we’re looking at, here, and that’s a case you can make without wandering out on to this very long and dangerous limb.

1 09 2008

Sorry about not closing my blockquote tag. This system doesn’t have “preview,” sigh.

1 09 2008

No matter if the rumor is true or not Sarah Palin is a in catch 22.

1. If she faked the pregnancy to protect her daughter – would could understand (kinda – what parent doesn’t want to protect their child) but the key part is that she lied about it. So it was for selfish reasons because she’s made it a highlight of being apart of this general election campaign.

2. If she was pregnant and she decided to do all that crazy flying back home after her water broke then it shows lack of judgment on her part – so we ask ourselves – if this woman is interested in pro life why would she put her unborn child in such danger.

By the way – I can understand how people can be pro-life but don’t include animals in that category – it’s nasty as a woman that she hunts. ewwww!

Last time I checked having children and hunting were not quals to ANY job…ANY where.

1 09 2008

To me, if the baby is her daughter’s, the important questions are: Did Palin perpetrate this falsehood to protect her daughter? And if so, did she take into account that the falsehood might be revealed if she accepted the VP nomination? In other words, did she put her political opportunity over what she saw as her daughter’s good? And, if the story is true, was Palin too arrogant or too foolish to believe it wouldn’t come out once she was nominated?

1 09 2008
independent woman

Last time I checked having children and hunting were not quals to ANY job…ANY where.

Lol unless you are applying for a Lioness position or want to replace Pocohantas…

sorry I couldn’t sleep 🙂

1 09 2008
independent woman

So is anyone here following up on her claims to have cut taxes, (taxes?) Ok I guess I mean “bridgegate”.

I have never been so tempted to eat cheetos and create some fantastic video for Youtube before. Seems like you folks here are inspiring some more sleepless nights.

I guess this what happens when GOP offers us up a “Nobody” as potential VP to a man with one foot in a grave and another on a banana peel in front of an insane asylum.

What a pity he wil always be remembered for this… What a legacy!

Change we can cry about!

1 09 2008
My thoughts on the Palin rumors | this woman's work

[…] to add: This link puts forth the rumor that Bristol is pregnant NOW. And those pics look more convincing. Man, remind […]

1 09 2008

COOL !!!
nice web site !!!

visit :
visit :

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Thanks Sydney and Tronk. If that’s not Sarah on the left, I’ll hang up my Obama button for an hour or so, LOL…

I’d love to be a fly on the wall in either camp right now. I can only guess what discussions are taking place.

Anyone want to bet whether Sarah is still on the GOP ticket for VP in about 3 days?

1 09 2008

Gabrielle, I do remember Dr. King and JFK… I would suggest that today is the closest we have ever been to recouping a Democratic party, and in many ways recreating a Democratic party. Why would you judge the party by the rantings of DU, or even some of the ranting on Kos and other places? Try reading the intelligent conversation at Al Giordano’s Field, or the thoughtful writing of Craig Hickman, Fumbling for Divinity, or the conversation between Dr. Melissa Harris-Lacewell and Dr. Yolanda Pierce. I beg to differ that DU defines “what the Democratic Party” has become. Or maybe listen to our candidate, who despite all the filth hurled his way, has run a campaign consistent with his challenge to choose the “high road.” Did you see he and Biden on 60 Minutes yesterday? That is what our party is becoming. Are you really a Democrat??

1 09 2008

Palin’s daughter is pregnant, now. And she is engaged.
The McCain campaign just announced it:

1 09 2008
The Logician

Wow, it’s not Deliverance, it’s Peyton Place! Sue Williams, take a bow. You were right, and I was wrong.


Never argue with
A Christian woman on scene
Summer of surprise!

1 09 2008

@ Somebody – I just saw that on Reuters. So I guess Sue Williams was correct!

1 09 2008
The Logician

With apologies to Jerry Lee Lewis

Sweet Little Sixteen

They’re really rockin’ in Wasalia
In Pittsburgh, Pa.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And round the Bristol Bay
All over St.Louis
And down in New Orleans
All the cats wanna dance with
Sweet Little Sixteen

Sweet Little Sixteen
She’s just got to have
About half a million
Famed autographs
Her wallet filled with pictures
She gets them one by one
Becomes so excited
Watch her, look at her run.

“Oh Mommy, Mommy
Please may I go
It’s such a sight to see
Somebody steal the show”
“Oh Daddy, Daddy
I beg of you
Whisper to Mommy
It’s alright with you”

‘Cause they’ll be rockin’ in Wasalia
In Philadelphia, Pa.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And round the Bristol Bay
All over St.Louis
Way down in New Orleans
All the cats wanna dance with
Sweet Little Sixteen

‘Cause they’ll be rockin’ in Wasalia
In Philadelphia, Pa.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And round the Bristol Bay
All over St. Louis
Way down in New Orleans
All the cats wanna dance with
Sweet Little Sixteen

Sweet Little Sixteen
She’s got the grown – up blues
Tight dresses and lipstick
She’s sportin’ high – heel shoes
Oh but tomorrow morning
She’ll have to change her trend
And be sweet sixteen
And back in class again

Well the’ll be rockin’ in Wasalia
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And round the Bristol Bay
Way out in St. Louis
Way down in New Orleans
All the cats wanna dance with
Sweet Little Sixteen

Haiku: A Repeat

What to do but spawn?
Alaska: six months no sun
Sex and Yukon Jack

p.s.: Republicans, before wailing about the cruelty of it all, think back to how you treated Chelsea Clinton, and what you’d have been saying had she turned up pregnant at age 17.

1 09 2008

Bristol’s pregnant, its official…

1 09 2008
The Logician

I think we should all give Sue Williams a round of applause.

Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip, hooray!
Hip, hip, hooray!

All Hail Sue Williams, empress of the Internet!

1 09 2008



Sarah and Todd Palin say their 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant.The couple said in a statement released by John McCain’s presidential campaign that Bristol will keep her baby.

Sarah Palin is McCain’s vice presidential running mate.

The Alaska governor says Bristol intends to marry the father of her child.

She and the campaign also are asking that the media respect the family’s privacy

1 09 2008

Palin needs to excuse herself from this race. Her children need their mother. It’s painfully obvious that this political thing is more important than rearing her children. Perhaps if she was more involved she would have realized her daughter was running around. I guess being a working mother just hasn’t worked for her children.

1 09 2008

maybe so, maybe not. I’m still skeptical.

5 months ago she supposedly had mono. couldn’t go to school, but could spend time with her boyfriend? so what happens when you conceive a child and you are sick with mono at that time? what happens to the fetus?

this all still stinks. don’t be surprised for the story in a month that poor bristol is no longer “with child.”

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

McCain says he knew about Bristol before naming Sarah as his VP choice.

Anybody believe that?

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Ohhh… Great point, emrysa. You could very well be correct.

1 09 2008

If the baby bump picture was taken in 2006, how the HELL did Piper age BACKWARDS??? Look at the following picture, which is TRULY from 2006:

1 09 2008
The Logician


Land of Midnight Sun
Babies, babies everywhere
One more fishpicker

1 09 2008

I just can’t swallow the whole thing hook, line and sinker. My partner thinks that Bristol got pregnant twice!

The first time produced Trig. No way, no how was Palin pregnant. And Bristol got pregnant AGAIN immediately after (happened to my sister.) Palin couldn’t cover up the second pregnancy so it was announced to the media. I haven’t done the math so if it’s impossible for her to be pregnant twice then I’m an idiot.

Also, even if I am wrong then Sarah Palin is still a complete JERK in my book for getting on that plane. No sane person would have done that.

1 09 2008

Anybody believe that?

absolutely not.

1 09 2008
The Logician

What’s really interesting about this is that the five-month timeframe means the new one (I can hardly wait to see what they name it) was conceived in March, the month that Sarah announced the impending arrival of young Trigonometry. That’s a hell of a way for mom and daughter to compete, isn’t it?

1 09 2008
The Logician

And Bristol got pregnant AGAIN immediately after (happened to my sister.)


Alaska April
Baby, then baby! Salmon
Nature’s Viagra?

1 09 2008

So the rumor mill over the past 24 hrs was true. At first I thought it was a Dem Spin (I am Dem) but gezzzz, it was true.

I am a single parent of two teenagers and though with job demands, running a household and a tight ship, I do keep an eye on my teenagers, especially my daughter. What can you expect from parents that put their career first and kids second, things like this will happen?

So how is Sarah going to take that 3 AM call, while breast feeding herself, attending to her own baby with special needs and at the same time teaching her daughter breast feeding as well.

If the Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, etc, are not laughing at in the past, they are for sure laughing now.

How can anyone take the United States serious, when we may have a future PTA and Hokey Mom as the VP and a heartbeat away from being the first Female President.

I am wondering if we are going to make the oval office into a baby nursery.

1 09 2008

What do they name it? Algebra?

1 09 2008

YOU WERE ALL WRONG and it was sad to see the voice of reason get buried like this. You belittled every piece of information presented against your silly position — I was practically the only person on this and other blogs who actually tried to present EVIDENCE — while you held up your rife speculation as proof. The only thing you proved was that “liberals” are just as capable of slinging mud based on unsubstantiated rumors and speculation as the “conservatives”. Thankfully this sorry business will not affect Obama’s chances to shake up national politics. Oh well, on to the next conspiracy theory.

Sue, you were right about the pregnancy but wrong on enough details that you should at least be a little more skeptical of small-town rumors next time. Bristol’s absence over the past couple of days from the campaign trail was probably the best “evidence” for her pregnancy and yet almost nobody picked up on that either. Just goes to show that once you are convinced of something no matter how silly (Bristol being Trig’s mother), you tend to ignore everything that argues against it.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Actually, given the timing of the conception, I’d say Calculus is more like it.

1 09 2008

Amy: “If the baby bump picture was taken in 2006, how the HELL did Piper age BACKWARDS??? Look at the following picture, which is TRULY from 2006:

She didn’t age backwards, Amy, just look at the heights of all the kids from the picture taken in 2006 compared to pictures today. THE KIDS ARE ALL SEVERAL INCHES TALLER! DUHHHHHHH

1 09 2008
The Logician

YOU WERE ALL WRONG and it was sad to see the voice of reason get buried like this. You belittled every piece of information presented against your silly position

If I may recall, Tom, you included Sue Williams in your depiction of various “conspiracy theories.” The reason I wasn’t buying Sue’s version is because it seemed too weird to be true. Now I know that once you cross the 49th parallel, nothing is too weird.

1 09 2008


and PROOF that everyone was wrong is a ‘statement’ saying that the daughter is now pregnant.

apparently sp has a history of making statements that aren’t true. bridge to nowhere? troopergate? but I guess we should believe her on this one.

as I said earlier, don’t be surprised for the story in a month that poor bristol is no longer “with child.”

1 09 2008
The Logician

Oh, and Tom? Now that you’re ranting about “you liberals,” could you give us a rousing three cheers for Christian abstinence education, not to mention the responsibility of a set of parents to provide a stable home for their children? Sue Williams depicted the Palin parents as having farmed out their inconvenient children to friends and relatives.

Is this what you upstandin’ and God fearin’ conservatives advocate?

1 09 2008

Macier: Hey, why not pregnant 4 times? After all, there are two pictures, one from late 2006 and one from summer of 2007 that supposedly show that Bristol was pregnant during each of those times as well. I think you should just go with the self-proclaimed label of intelligence you gave yourself.

1 09 2008
something's fishpicker

I’m glad someone pointed out the thing with the changed dates on the Alaska Daily News pic that shows Bristol’s “belly”… I noticed it yesterday. And yes, the clincher is that the little girl is obviously older than she would have been in 2006.

The timing of the announcement of Bristol’s pregnancy is interesting. (The Palin family has such a flair for drama with their pregnancy announcements!) Why would they hold it back until two days after the VP pick? During a time which, without the Hurricane, would have been smack in the middle OF THE CONVENTION! I doubt that was the plan. This leads me to believe that the Palin camp held the information back from the McCain camp. And only came forth when absolutely backed into a corner — which is consistent for her, re: Troopergate.

John McCain must be sweating pretty hard right now.

1 09 2008

Logician, I agree with you completely! I hate ideology and that goes all the way around. Palin as the leader of the new Christian conservative movement with a 17 year old unwed teenage daughter in tow is like having Hitler in charge of the Red Cross.

1 09 2008
The Logician

The Palins have a 14-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old daughter. Dad’s on the North Slope and mom, well you’ll have to check her travel schedule. So tell me, is this Republican “personal responsibility” on display?

1 09 2008

Tom, I’m praying for you dear!

I hope you get everything you’ve wished for in McCain/Palin.

I already have.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Sue Williams is the one who nailed it. Has anyone noticed that Sarah Palin’s mother-in-law isn’t sure who she’ll vote for? Do you maybe just kinda-sorta think that she’s none too impressed with her son’s wife’s maternal instincts? Which isn’t to say much of Dad, who bailed out on his three daughters.

Yeah, let’s parade this crew as the Christian Republican answer to America’s moral problems. I’ll be ever so happy to have that conversation. As some Texas idiot once said, “Bring It On!”

1 09 2008

I’m afraid for Sue, I’m imagining her in the backseat of a government vehicle staring at a very sweaty Karl Rove. Stay strong Sue!

1 09 2008

sue williams is another reason I am skeptical of this story. that’s not the writing of josephina average in tiny town usa. as someone else pointed out, it ‘reads like a novel that you can’t put down till you’ve read the last page.’ go back and read her first post. if that’s not a narrative written by a pro, then I’ll eat my socks.

also check the link that Bart put up of her post on another alaska blog. in that one, she doesn’t know the palins, but on this blog one now (she) “knows the heath/palin families?” come on. I read a lot of blogs and I guess after a few years, you can spot that stuff. especially when later you get the cheerleaders coming on to support them. so transparent.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Karl works for Fox News now, so it will be worse. Bill O’Reilly will show up on her doorstep, screaming.

1 09 2008
Palin's daughter Bristol is pregnant!!!! (again?) - Page 5 - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] going to require a tremendous amount of time and attention. From his mother. This is okay?" In the Land of Palin. Mudflats __________________ "she was too gelatinous to have been a fighting […]

1 09 2008

Macier, I already have as well!!! I have always identified more Republican than Democrat (mostly because I believe government by nature is inefficient) but never in my life have I ever felt compelled to vote before. About March of this year I decided that I would be registering for the first time (I’m 38) and voting for Obama. After his acceptance speech, I’m even considering helping the Obama campaign financially and by volunteering (which is huge for me considering how much I hate politics and the political process). None of the above means that I can’t call BS when I see it regardless of where it comes from, especially if it has the chance to damage something GOOD that is happening in politics for the first time that I care to remember.

1 09 2008
The Logician

emrysa, there’s another explanation, which would be that Sue knows the Heath family and some of the peripheral Palins. In any case, her story about the pregnancy turned out to be true, so you’ve got to give her credit for that. This reminds of an old country song:

A friend came around
Tried to clean up this town
His ideas made some people mad

He trusted his crowd
So he spoke right out loud
And they lost the best friend they had

Come back, Sue! Come back!

1 09 2008

Sue Williams is right. Bristol Palin is pregnant. CNN has just confirmed the story. I will assume that everything else in Sue Williams post is also true.

1 09 2008
The Logician

If we all chip in on a year’s supply of moose meat (or, if she shoots her own, a freezer), will Sue Williams come back?

1 09 2008

The whole thing stinks to high heaven – and they wont get away with it. She had the baby in April – got pregnant again right away – Bristol was so angry at her Mother for lying about her baby, the plane trip thing was a complete lie – from beginning to end – she never lost the baby weight, she is pregnant, Sarah did not tell McCain the truth about the baby switch, the mono thing, the plants on here, the timing of the pregnancy announcement – on and on it goes – amazing that these scumbag Pubs always think they can pull the wool over the stupid people’s eyes. Sadly, they often do.

1 09 2008

emrysa: I believe you might be right about “Sue Williams” being a crank but the motive for doing that type of thing isn’t political at all, it is purely for the entertainment, or worse, for some personal agenda that is messed up. The type of entertainment where somebody would actually set up a blog like the following:

I tried to be a voice of reason there as well (practically the only one) and I was proven right in the end. Here is my first comment on that blog (parts of which have now been taken down but enough is left to give you a flavor of what went on — I did, however, save a copy of the entire blog on my computer):

Tom said…
This blog is clearly not by Lori Drew. Not even a raving, sociopathic lunatic would name it ‘Megan Had It Coming’ and expect any sort of understanding. Never mind using such endearing terms as ‘little monster’ and ‘bitch’, or admitting that she ‘took a low blow at Megan’s memory’ or describing Mrs. Meier as ‘incoherent’, or attempting to explain the other side of the story by trying to ‘confront the parents’. These terms are beyond insensitive or angry; they are meant to incite. What about using an alias to defend your prior use of an alias? Ironic yes, but not realistic at all. Are we to believe Lori, the supposed “attention whore”, would turn down invitations for a TV or radio interview in which she could tell her side of the story?

If the above is not convincing enough, consider that some of the supposed admissions made in the blog contrast starkly with statements found in the police report. For example, “Fake Lori” claims to have made some of the Josh postings herself up until the final hours of the tragedy whereas the impression the real Lori apparently made to the police was that she only monitored the MySpace discussions. This is a serious matter and not one that would likely escape the “real Lori”, who knows very well that future evidence of wrongdoing might be cause for the investigation to be opened up again. On the other hand, such internal contradiction is exactly what we should expect from a “Fake Lori”, who is not facing the possiblity of future prosecution and therefore does not truly understand the feeling of uncertainty and jeopardy that will follow Lori Drew and her family for a long time to come.

Similarly suspect is the statement from “Fake Lori” that ‘final word from authorities has come down that there will be no charges, so I don’t have to remain silent.’ Yet other considerations, such as civil liability, community resentment, Internet backlash, etc. would be very strong arguments against this “coming out”. Someone suffering the type of vigilante justice that has been metted the Drews, whether deserved or not, would not be looking for more of the same.

Speaking of civil liability, many comments here have mentioned that Lori Drew should be sued for causing emotional distress or a similar legal theory of blame. I’m not sure this would be such a slam dunk (for an example of the way the courts work in the real world, see the final outcome of the notorious Jenny Jones Show murder here: One crucial piece of information might be that Megan was left alone that fateful afternoon to deal with the MySpace ordeal by herself. If her own mother was not worried about Megan so near to the end, how could someone else have been in a position to determine that such a tragic outcome would be possible? The Meiers’ unfortunate but expected marital problems wouldn’t be helpful, either.

Too bad there are more real victims here other than Megan, the Meiers and yes, the Drews. And this time, the culprits are you idiots. For example, it is sad that Social Services may have to deal with angry but pointless calls demanding that Lori Drew be stripped of custody of her children. Don’t you realize these professionals, barely adequate as they are, have real issues to deal with and don’t need your stupid interpretation of the law?

In the end, this blog is nothing more than an attempt to create a lynch mob. In that, it has succeeded spectacularly. The comments here go a long way to explaining how lynchings and mob murders are possible even in supposedly civilized societies. Congratulations to all those who have shown what depraved, unethical, murderous madness lies beneath the “human” veneer of the homo sapien.

Lori Drew did something ill-advised, stupid and selfish, yet it pales in comparison to some of the barbaric, subhuman rhetoric in these comments. If Mrs. Drew killed herself and left a suicide note blaming “Megan Had It Coming”, some of you people would probably be pissing in your pants with pride and joy. Right up to the moment when it was discovered that someone was sexually abusing Megan, or something to that effect. Then you would be worrying about going to Hell, and for a very good reason: YOU ARE!

1 09 2008

So will any media pick up on how Sarah tried to cover it up for so long. Where did I read where she approached the newscast guy and told him ‘those rumors about Bristol being pregnant AREN’T TRUE’ ?

I understand a mother wanting to protect her daughter but we’re all adults here. EVERYONE should be held accountable for their actions.

1 09 2008

I have learned the hard way in my life – when things dont add up – when there are too many questions and inconsistencies – and you just cannot figure out what it is – but you just know on a gut level that it does not add up – guess what – it does not add up. Accomplished Liars have a great ability to tell lies – and when you call them on it – guess what – they get you again.
That is what they do best.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Tom, you have an uncanny ability to introduce the weirdest, most irrelevant things here. I can’t decide whether it’s charming or whether it’s a study in abnormal psychology, but I do think it must have something to do with the Northern Lights.

1 09 2008
Mrs. S.

CNN is reporting that Bristol’s preggers now…it’s front page.

1 09 2008

logician: yes, what sue williams said is true – according to a statement released by the mccain/palin camp. and we all know republican’s lie like rugs. I am fascinated by the timing of it all.

yes, I realize it might be true. we will see.

tom: I hear you, and I know you can also be correct. Just fascinated by the timing. sue comes on and spills the beans sunday night and the mccain/palin camp puts out a statement the next day.

just taking everything into consideration, everything that has been talked about, it’s hard to dismiss all of it by just believing “oh, the daughter is pregnant now.”

1 09 2008

Five months pregnant – let’s see – was Trig born April 18th ?
Help me here – now on 9/1 they come out with the fact that she is 5 months preg – that makes it 9/18 – how convenient Sue Williams – i guess this baby will be born a month early as well – course we all know these estimates can be off by a few weeks this early on – they had to say she was five months instead of four because it cannot add up – it has to be mathematically “impossible” – funny that they think they can get away with it – finally saw my first mainstream news story on this on Reuters – McCain got charmed – dirty old man – they did not vet her properly – she is a liar and is not going to go back on it now – too late – poor Bristol – this woman is a typical Pub – America gets what it deserves

1 09 2008

johnnyboy, excellent point.

1 09 2008

johnnyboy, excellent point.

I was referring to your post at 10:06:44 – just noticed you have a new one that I haven’t read yet.

1 09 2008

Thank you – you are so kind – it is all math with liars

1 09 2008
The Logician

So, now the idea is that Bristol Palin had Trig, then turned right around and went for an encore? You know, maybe the problem is that I am a “logician.” Maybe I need some training in magic. That said, how far apart were Track and Bristol? Maybe Bristol was figuring that what was good for momma would be good for daughter?

I am trapped in a world where sound collides with color. It is the everyday world of … of … Alaska!

1 09 2008

Let’s keep in mind that in pregnancy, 5 months is NOT 5 months ago. The fifth month of pregnancy is weeks 16-20. I’m “4” months pregnant currently, via IVF, and we CONCEIVED on June 20. Today is not 4 months later from June 20. So if she’s in her 5th month, then that means she’s anywhere from 16-20 weeks, and conceived 16-20 weeks ago.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Remember, the two-pregnancy theory requires an empathy belly for Sarah Palin. Not to mention a pint of whisky and an alien abduction. All in a day’s work in the Frozen Northland, but still …

1 09 2008

This is not a disaster this is intentional!!!!!! Think about it. The far right want to make it look cool, or ok to be pregnant as a teenager. I thought this when Jamie Lynn Spears got pregant and after the movie Juno. Why? Because young mothers will not get an education. They may have to depend on religious organizations for help and will feel very obligated to them….and join their ranks. They will probably end up having many more kids so many more people will join their ranks. They will be dependent and brain washed by this type of patriarchal philosophy. This is a long term goal…Even if McCain and Palin don’t win this is what they are up to.

1 09 2008

Voila !! Heidi – i think you are on to something – !!

1 09 2008

I am in agreement with Emrysa. I’m not buying it one bit.

No one has yet to explain why Bristol looks clearly pregnant in the family photo last winter, why all of the photos have been “doctored”, disappeared, etc. online within the last two days, how a woman leaking amniotic fluid doesn’t have the baby until 1 in the morning after the travel fiasco, and so much more!!!

Logician, I am a tad disappointed in your level of tenacity. Also, of course if this family has followed in the steps of other greats such as the Spears family, this is indeed our business. She is running for VP for Christ’s sake!!!!

Notice that the NYTimes story is dated Sept. therefore, they could have some leeway with regard to timing. It could be four months it could be 5 months. Additionally, I too have a strong suspicion about whether or not this pregnancy makes it to full term. If this is not an empathy suit forced on her by her mother, then the full term is still perfect timing. The engagement is plausible regardless.

Can anyone tell me why BP looks more pregnant at 5 months during a “first” pregnancy than her own mother at 7 months during a “fifth” pregnancy.

Also, does anyone know whether or not C-Ray lives in the same town as the fimily member that was allegedly raising BP during her mother’s tenure as governor. Someone, I think it may have been Sue, posted early on that the children were “outsourced” once the father returned to work.

I don’t believe that McCain was aware of this trash before hand (BTW, some heads should roll here in DC, I’ll keep you informed) and if he did, someone needs to conduct an intervention.

SP on the otherhand has once again shown that she is willing to sarifice her child’s well being in order to further her own career. She states in the article that her daugthter’s life will be harder by having a child. Why make it even harder by subjecting her to public srutiny? Why? Because this only strengthens Theory # 1. And think about it, if she “saved” her daughter once, she’s gotta be pissed now.

And poor Bristol, clearly acting out about being neglected by her mother. It would only stand to reason that if the mother thought that it would all go away by claiming that baby as hers and keep going the route she was going, of course this child would rebel again. All you have to do is look at C-Ray (a.k.a Malibu’s Most Wanted). Duh, the writing is on the wall.

BTW, did I miss a birthday somewhere? When SP introduced her family on Friday, I am fairly certain that she said that BP was 16. Now the papers are reporting that she is 17. Is that to make us feel that this is any less wrong?

I can only IMAGINE what this story would have looked like if this had been the potential first Black First Family.


1 09 2008

One can only wonder what was on McCain’s mind (so to speak), when he announced the Bimbo. His age certainly shows with this tremendous error.
Cindy Mc Cain is as ditsy as her husband when she believe’s living across from Russia is foreign relations qualifications.

This attempt to steal away votes from women is so miscalculated, it will only make women even more disgusted with McCain.

Please work and donate to the Barrack Obama’s campaign.

1 09 2008

Really, it makes sense to me that Bristol accidentally or not so accidentally did something that Sarah couldn’t cover up and it finally got exposed nationwide.

1 09 2008

How would you feel if Mom was so ashamed that you had a baby and was forcing you to give it up for adoption – and protecting her political career in the bargain – then finds out the baby has Downs, the adoption falls thru – then plays all kinds of being pregnant and airplane and hospital charades – well – i think the kid would feel pretty down – so she is back to her boyfriend (the Father) as soon as she can get away from Grandma – and guess what – cant use condoms – that is against the rules – i will get you Mom – i will get pregnant again –

Is this possible ? – It is – but it sure is crazy – i hope it is not true – but there is some rotten smell coming from that little town in Alaska –

1 09 2008

Where there is smoke there is fire

1 09 2008

This is a Category 6 and they belive me, there will be major contraflow…

1 09 2008

Let me correct myself, she’s technically only 14-18 weeks past her last period. I’m 13 weeks pregnant, which is technically 11 weeks past my last period (early June). Her last period was probably somewhere in May, and she got pregnant in mid to late May. If the baby was born in April, though, she was definitely messing around before the doctor gave her permission to.

1 09 2008


You are assuming that the fathers are the same boy.

1 09 2008

I don’t think it’s possible for her to have been pregnant with Trig. Doctors advise 6 weeks after giving birth to have sex, and while I’ve never been pregnant, I’ve known plenty of women who said they just couldn’t have sex again until much longer than 6 weeks after birth. Besides, from those photos linked to from Megan McCain’s blog above, Bristol looks much bigger than 5 months along.

The official story is weird enough as it is – no one knowing Sarah was pregnant with Trig, her 9-hour flight after her amniotic fluid started leaking, agreeing to the VP candidacy with a Down syndrome infant and pregnant teenage daughter at home, etc. No need to make it weirder, this is already pure Peyton Place.

1 09 2008

Forgot to give mad props to SUE. Never doubted you…

1 09 2008

Why would Bristol care what the doctor said ? – The doctor was cooperating with her Mother in a lie about Bristol’s Baby !!
Just because you are 17 does not mean you are stupid – and if Mom is that ashamed of you – it must have been devastating for her. This is much simpler than you think because it is so hard to believe and that is what they are hoping for at this point. Look through the cloud of smoke. You will see the truth. Sarah lied to McCain’s people – by default – they probably did not even ask her point blank “what about the rumors of this Baby Gate thing” – but if they did – she lied – she lies to everyone – it is what she does – McCain got sucked in to a real mess – he deserves it

1 09 2008

Logician: Yes it is a study in abnormal psychology–yours and those of many others here. You are about the furthest from “Logic” that one could get. “Logic” is not the act of speculating without a single shred of proof. “Logic” would be to NOT speculate in those circumstances at all.

emrysa, JohnnyBoy: I’ve got a very nice bridge for you in Brooklyn. Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of bridges for others of you here as well. “Sue” may just be a very smart “actor”. “She” put two and two together a bit faster than most other people, and even came up with four instead of five. I noted where reaching such a conclusion might be supportable, and where it might not be (the correct answer was that Bristol is not in her 3rd trimester and therefore she doesn’t look indisputably pregnant–something a “real Sue” would have most likely known and pointed out). There are things that Sue should have also known, but didn’t. For example that it is not necessary (in fact it is discouraged) to go straight to a hospital when the “water breaks” (there is no evidence this in fact is what happened with Palin in Texas — all we know is she “noticed” amniotic fluid). You just need to call your doctor. Or that being over 40 or being diagnosed in vitro with Down syndrome do not automatically mean a “high risk pregnancy”.

1 09 2008

I would bet my bottom dollar the Father is the same boy – just out of respect for this poor kid

1 09 2008

If she (Bristol) had a C-section would a doctor advise against sex the same as they would a vaginal birth?

1 09 2008
Palin: The gift that keeps on giving - The Traveling Gnome - Claire St. Amant

[…] check out this post by The Daily Kos. For highly entertaining commentary, check out this local Alaskan political blog. As far as I can tell, this is where the story first really took off. To date, there are 441 […]

1 09 2008

Valid points DrBB

1 09 2008

According to my Sweetheart – Nurse Ratchet the Childbirth educator – women show up all the time at their six week appointment preggers – put that in your pipe and smoke it !!

1 09 2008

Remember we aren’t talking about 5 months ago. In pregnancy terms (gestation) your due date is typically calculated based on the first day of your last menstrual period NOT from when you conceive so that adds about 2 weeks on to gestation. Bristol can be any where between 16 to 20 weeks. Give or take. I think this 5 months business was to add to the pot of confusion and keep people wondering. Releasing a statement really doesn’t clear up the rumors, it just adds fuel to the fire….

1 09 2008
The Logician

Yes, Tom, and now will you tell us what all of this has to do with Lori Drew and your fearless expose there? Let’s see, now, the Palin announcement said that Bristol is 5 months preg, and Sue said she was in her third trimester. For now, I’ll accept that as close enough for horseshoes.

But Sue, oh Sue, please come back! We all have lots of questions, no doubt!

1 09 2008

Also, careful here. The reps are watching this page an others like it in order for them to put a BELIEVABLE spin on their oh so very many lies and ditches that they dig. Let’s not make their job too easy.

Remember, it does not take much for them to get their supporters to start drinking the KOOL-AID.

1 09 2008

BJ: “No one has yet to explain why Bristol looks clearly pregnant in the family photo last winter…”

THERE IS NO DATED FAMILY PHOTO FROM LAST WINTER. The two photos where she supposedly looks pregnant are from summer 2007 (where she is in short sleeves outside in Juneau) and from late 2006 (during Palin’s gubernatorial campaign). Don’t believe me about 2006? Forget about comparing Piper, look at Willow. In the 2006 pictures that are supposedly from late 2007/early 2008 WILLOW IS A FULL HEAD SHORTER THAN HER MOM. Yet in pictures taken in the past few days she is less than a half head shorter. I suppose this is what you mean by “doctored” pictures? Gimme a break.

1 09 2008
The Logician


One girl two babies?
Spring baby, winter baby
Roswell baby, too?

1 09 2008

You are forgetting that this “woman” had NUMEROUS factors that would have caused any doctor or legitimately pregnant woman to be highly concerned about a leakage of amniotic fluid or any signs of labor. Hence, she would not have been “discouraged” from seeking immediate medical attention.

BTW, what was your last pregnancy like? Do share…

1 09 2008

Silly thought, and kind of off topic– Logician, you commented earlier about “season words” in haiku. [Much earlier] That’s right, yes, but you don’t have to explicitly refer to the seasons.

For instance:

Hot sun beating down,
I sit on in a tree’s branches,
Laughing at debates

is just as valid as

Winter sees resting trees,
Bears searching through the river,
Looking for God’s boon.

In the first, I’m clearly referring to a specific season, at least in MI where I’m from– It’s mid- to late-summer, because during the winter, spring, and autumn are all cold(er), while early summer tends to be rainy. However, the second, I used the word “winter.”

If you read traditional haiku, you’ll notice that the poets often forgo any mention of an actual season, and will hint at it, by talking about plant or animal life that is commonly associated with a given season (Cherry blossoms are a great example)

However, there’s another big failing in both of my haiku, and with every single one here: The third line is almost a separate thought, and if you read it, there should be an implied pause between the second and third lines that is immediately apparent. It’s also smiled upon for the third line to be only one or two words, which summarize the concept laid by the first two.

Um… Yeah, kinda off-topic indeed. But since everyone was talking about haiku (at least, when I decided I had to weigh in) every couple posts, and it was bothering me, there’s my $0.02..

1 09 2008

Yes, Tom, I believe you. I believe you just as much as I believe that the reps have chosen to tone down the RNC due to their sensitivity to the victims of Gustav.


1 09 2008

Ok – how about this – the urgent call came that the baby was born with Down’s- totally shocking and surprising the family – Sarah rushes back to Alaska – claiming she was leaking –

They would never have suspected that Bristol’s baby would have Down’s –

Liars and the tangled webs they weave

1 09 2008

Logic: Sue also said that Bristol had already married the father and that she was hidden away the past few months–both either false and clearly reaching for straws. I provided the Lori Drew example to cast light on PRECISELY the kind of psychology that is going on here. I find it interesting that you dismissed “Sue” out of hand when she said Bristol is currently pregnant, yet I was actually one of the few who admitted that there might be something to it. Why is it “too weird to be true” that a 17 year old is pregnant and we don’t immediately learn that after a VP announcement? Only in your BIZARRO world would that be “too weird”. In the REAL WORLD, that is natural. I sure didn’t see them going to any huge lengths to hide Bristol’s pregnancy–why couldn’t they have hidden her with a “mono” or similar excuse and not even had her come on the campaign trail? THINK MAN, THINK!!!

1 09 2008

Wow…this story was delivered fast!

What kind of christian, fundimentalist mother and
grandmother keep campaigning while….hmm…I do not wish her life
on any of us.

I’m sure the GOP-sadly-the Palin Family have their timelines
coordinated, so that Bristol only as 1 baby and not 2 babies.

I will say talking about this babygate, isn’t about Bristol. There
is no shame for a girl to be prego – The shame lies in the religions
and religion pushers who teach people to learn hatred of self & others.

I am a moneyVoter and not a religionVoter. So, Bristol – your wonderful
teenager. May God bless you a way out of your mother and fathers mess.
The parents, however, are what I am focused. Money is good. Money isn’t
the only thing in life.

Sadly, Palins are missing the lesson of Bristol’s pregnancies. I pray that
the Palins remember themselves that they are parents 1st – fame is secondary.
Fame fades. Sara Palin can still turn this nomination down. No one would fault her in making the best choice for her family. I hold no judgements.

Bristol is only the “identified patient”. The illnesses within the family are the
secrets and NON-responsibility (remember personalresponsiblity?Religionists?)

Because Sarah Palin is a public figure I dare talk about another – especially when she a public, political and if elected – will demand that I do as she says – NOT as she lives. I wouldn’t vote for her or McCain. Barr is looking better and better. I like where he stands on the issues.

Anyways, for Bristol and the other children in the Palin Family – Please, Sarah and Todd, wake up and remember who you are – A Family. Not a political opportunity.

Getting ready – I’m sure there’s more to come to the light of day about
activities of Sara Palin.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Sootsmouth, I agree. In fact, the thought has crossed my mind that my Haikus are too blunt with respect to the season words. I shall endeavor to be subtler


Cherries blossoming
Water breaks, mother boards plane
Whose baby is it?

1 09 2008


Logician wrote “Like August’s morning stiffness” for goodness sake.

Lighten up!

1 09 2008
The Logician



Cherries blossoming
Water breaks, mother boards plane
Whose baby is it?

1 09 2008

Hello again Sue Williams,
Thank you for posting here. Your articulate insight into the truth behind the Sarah Palin myth is more valuable than you may even realize. Please keep it up. Your country is counting on you!

1 09 2008
The Logician

Logician wrote “Like August’s morning stiffness” for goodness sake.

Which, if I may say so myself, was a rather sly reference to young Trigonometry’s conception.

1 09 2008

BJ, Don’t believe me, look at the pictures!!! If you still don’t believe me then, you cannot be helped.

JohnnyBoy, Nice try, but postnatal Down syndrome is confirmed by a blood test and chromosome analysis which takes 48-72 hours, especially where facial features don’t present Downs (none of the pictures I’ve seen of Trig indicate that he has Down, which probably means it is a mild form). At a minimum, that would have given Gubna Palin some time to get back without creating a dramatic story about amniotic fluid leaking and minor contractions.

To the person who said “water breaking” IS active labor: WRONG. Grow up, go have kids and then come back to flap your mouth.

1 09 2008

The articles say she’s “about” 5 months pregnant, not that she “is” 5 months pregnant. Hell, I’m 13 weeks, 3 weeks away from 16 weeks, the big month 5 mark, I think I can say that I’m “about” 5 months pregnant!

1 09 2008
The Logician

Tom, with all due respect, I don’t think it is me who lives in a Bizarro World. But let us not quarrel. There is work to do.

1 09 2008

I’m loose as a noodle. I just like telling people things.

On topic– If it’s Bristol’s baby, who cares? What I mean is this:

If we fight real hard, and find out, “oops! Bristol’s kid!” What do you think we’ll gain? Will it make such a big difference, really? The “Sarah’s kid, but Sarah’s an incredibly irresponsible parent” argument’s already got enough sting that I don’t think the risk of looking like asses if we’re wrong and making lefties look like we’re rabid attack dogs, and we should feel sorry for the poor Palins, you know?

Sweating from the heat,
We fight for strong position,
We already won.

1 09 2008

Tom – you are the one that needs to think my boy – Bristol denied to her Mother that she was preggo – or Mother knew – either way – once all this hit the fan three days ago they had to come up with something – Bristol is still heavy from the first baby – and now is pregnant again – it became too obvious to hide once she became the VP nominee – especially since there was already long lasting suspicion in Alaska – Sue wanted people to think it was third trimester because she was already so heavy – left over baby fat – but once McCain found out Sarah had lied to him as well, after he picked her, they had to try to come clean – Sue was a plant – Tom is Karl Rove’s illegitimate child – the Gimp in the basement –

Think Tom – Think my boy !!

1 09 2008


do you find it bizarre that a woman would accept such a position given the guaranteed exposure to the muck that he family is in?

Do you find it bizarre that McCain would not have an issue with this? Nor the fact that this woman needs to be a parent to the 4 children that she has at home BEFORE fulfilling duties of a VP?

Maybe I am off here in the land of politics and education but last I checked, teen pregnancy is a PROBLEM in this country. Why is it a shameful problem in MA (i.e. teen pregnancy pact) but not in AK?

When the movie Juno came out, I refused to see it in theatres (waiting for the cable version) simply because I do not see how teen pregnancy can be spun into an “endearing” image. Particularly if the main character had been a child of color.

Riddle me that, Batman.

1 09 2008

Logic: I won’t quarrel any more than to point out your ridiculous Haikus, innuendos (incest??? F-off) and other utter BS that has nothing to do with “work to do”. WHY HAVE NEITHER YOU NOR ANYONE ELSE HERE CHALLENGED ME ON A SINGLE FACTUAL STATEMENT THAT I HAVE MADE??? I may or may not check back later once some more BS has accumulated, but in the meantime I have some real work to do–enjoy what’s left of Labor Day with the family.

1 09 2008

Tommy – very noticeable at birth – experienced Doctors identify visually – then run the confirmation tests.

Nice try.

Leaking of amniotic fluid in a 44 year old woman, who is obviously going in to pre-term labor, where Mother and baby can be compromised, is cause for immediate medical attention.
This is that simple. No, Not A, Doctor would not expose themselves to malpractice in this situation. Just think – the Gov. of a State gets this advice – and it all goes wrong. They would err on the side of caution always.

Tom – you are the gimp in the basement –

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

Sootmouth: Too late, the damage is already done. The “Left” can no longer claim foul if Obama is unfairly smeared by the “Right”, not without a huge gollop of hypocrisy.

JohnnyBoy: I love it! Thanks for proving my point so poignantly.

BJ: NOW THAT I DO FIND BIZARRE! The rest, not so much.

1 09 2008

Soot-Just kidding B4. Just wanted to point out Logician’s funny reference. That was a great one, by the way. And we have won. Just indulging in a guilty pleasure prior to getting back to the grind. Besides, my husband loves the fact that I am in the know via this blog.

Log- I got it. Just wanted to point it out again;-)

JB-I think she got an amnio early on because a.) that would be consistent with the adoption theory someone suggested earlier and b.) SP says that she made her announcement during her 7th mo. to let everyone know that the fam was facing the birth of a child w/ special needs.

To add to that, I think when the adoption fell through, SP had to make up for pregnancy weight an allowed herself to indulge in Ben and Jerry’s and Mooseburgers w/ extra cheese and fries.

Tom-having children is not the same as giving birth. Hence your ignorance. Not your fault. This is one of the benefits of being a man. If you were capable of this you would know how a woman’s body stores fat. It is impossible for BP to have had such a pregnant looking belly in “2006” and not have any fat anywhere else. Unless of course she had fibroids or a tumor. That is not just belly fat.

Again, why does she look bigger than her own mother at around 5 months than her mother did 3 weeks from delivering?

1 09 2008

Soot- Sorry. I was complimenting your Haiku as well

1 09 2008

JohnnyBoy (last response for now I promise): NICE BS! Down is NOT always very noticable at birth. IN FACT, IT IS SOMETIMES DIAGNOSED A MONTH IF NOT A YEAR LATER:

RESULTS: For 289 children, data on the age at the postnatal diagnosis were available, in 70.8% of whom there was suspicion of DS on the day of birth. In 1.7% of the cases, the diagnosis was made after 1 year. Place of birth and the specialty of the health worker assisting at the delivery were associated with age at diagnosis. When the child was delivered at hospital, 96.4% of the Down syndrome cases had been diagnosed within 1 month compared to 81.3% following home delivery. CONCLUSION: In some cases of Down syndrome in live-born babies, the diagnosis is made only after months or a year.

That took all of 30 seconds to research on Google.

As for your “This is that simple” about leaking amniotic fluid and pre-term labor, you are BLOWING IT OUT OF YOUR BEHIND. This does elevate the risk but these are not at all the most critical factors to consider, not even close. I am not saying Palin should have flown for 10 hours, she should not have. She prioritized her career over the well-being of her baby. At the same time, it wasn’t as utterly reckless as you are making it out to be. The point is that someone like Palin who is supposedly so family-oriented should have never made this kind of choice, much less flying to Texas while 8 months pregnant. Why can’t you leave it at that, why does a smear bordering on LIBEL have to be a part of this???

1 09 2008

I really appreciate being able to read what is going on in Alaska (I live in Hawaii – definitely NOT one of the lower 48 – and can relate to some of what is going on up there. We too have a female, Republican governor (who has a pretty impeccable political past) and have to wonder why she wasn’t picked over this inexperienced woman. We also have a very provincial attitude here and don’t feel part of the rest of the country’s politics. Hell, our polls are just opening when the networks have already declared the winner, so do our votes count at all? Anyway, again, thanks for the insight.

I applaud Sue Williams for speaking what appears to be the closest version of the truth that we will even know, and as a Democrat solely based on the issues she is opposed to: pro-choice and pro-gay marriage – I still agree with her one hundred percent about her judgment and her comments on whether this woman is fit to run our country based on her incredible lack of judgement, and the lies that will just keep coming.

It all comes back to lying. She lied about her pregnancy until she was 7 months pregnant. She lied about taking a long flight. She withheld the truth about her daughter’s pregnancy, going so far as to hide it by having her hold Trig with a blanket wrapped across her belly at the convention. Do I want a liar as a VP? Hell no. Even if she were the Democratic nominee, I wouldn’t vote for her either.

Although it’s a happy day for us Dems, as the uproar will not cease for some time, I’m still hoping for a good outcome, which would be for Palin to decline the nomination, and go back home and take care of her kids and grandkids, and let McCain find somebody who can take over if he’s elected and dies of a heart attack while in office.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Tom, you don’t like my Haikus? Now you’re hurtin’ me!


Sun sinking toward south
Salmon-fat bears look for dens
Tom hates my Haiku

1 09 2008

Has anyone seen this video and for those in AK who may know the family, is this Todd Palin? :

1 09 2008
The Logician

Soot, I hear you about the third line of Haikus. The best Haikus are those that crawl right up to the edge of non-sequiturhood without crossing the line. I will keep trying. That said, I think many of my Haikus have had the requisite disjointed character.

1 09 2008

BJ: In the words of Reagan (there you — and I — go again). My wife has been pregnant twice, once with twins, and so have dozens of our friends. If that were it, I might be speaking out of line, but the fact is my wife also runs a maternity store and she has seen literally THOUSANDS of pregnant women in all stages of pregnancy. (I’m not at her store a lot but I’ve still seen hundreds and hundreds). She knows how maternity clothing is cut, how it fits on different bodies, and has answered numerous questions from professional women (some close to their due dates) about how best to hide their pregnancies. A couple of times I’ve asked her if I can help do some marketing by going out and giving promotional cards to women that were pregnant, to which she said, “Don’t you dare!!!” Why? Because she KNOWS that a significant portion of women who LOOK pregnant are not actually pregnant, and a significant portion of women who DON’T LOOK pregnant are actually pregnant. Getting this wrong would be horrible negative publicity for her maternity store. Now, please provide your own personal experience, or in absence of that, some proof to go with your big mouth.

1 09 2008

Sorry guys,

watching MSNBC and you would think that it was FOX News. They just interviwed WH spokesperson and NO ONE mentioned the teen mom to be. This speaks to the family values issue why is everyone afraid to touch it but they had no pblm screaming about anyoone who LOOKED like they supported gay marriage in past elections.

I don’t know about you guys but as a mother to a tween, gay marriage does not effect my life nearly as much as the converstion that I have to have with her about why it is not okay for the VP nominees daughter to be pregnant at 16.

Now for those of you who do not think that pics can be manipulated, pls give me one good reason why the media is not talking about this issue in the manner that they should be discussing this. If SP thinks that she has the right to discuss and control my daughter’s uterus, I have the right to hear what is going on with her daughter’s uterus. Why should the media respect her privacy when SP doesn’t respect my private right to choice?

1 09 2008

“She” put two and two together a bit faster than most other people, and even came up with four instead of five.

hey tom tell us – do you know “sue?” I’m just wondering how you come up with “she put 2 and 2 together” when clearly she said “I am only reporting what I hear constantly from Sarah and Todd’s “inner circle.” do you have reading comprehension problems, or just trying to make sue sound like she’s a clever investigator?

Hello again Sue Williams,
Thank you for posting here. Your articulate insight into the truth behind the Sarah Palin myth is more valuable than you may even realize. Please keep it up. Your country is counting on you!

bwaaahahahaa save the world, sue! help us! help us! omg some of you people are too much.

Don’t believe me, look at the pictures!!!

tom that’s great. you’ll believe the pictures of bristol, but you won’t believe the pictures of sp 7 months pregnant with no belly. oh that’s rich.

1 09 2008

Point well taken. Clearly your wife does not think that you are qualified to speak on the subject as well.

1 09 2008

lol, I was reading this last night and thinking Sue Williams couldn’t possibly be right. Well, Logician, it seems you and I and everyone else who accused Sue of being wrong owe her an apology.

The New York Times reported today that Bristol Palin is in fact pregnant. Which means 1. Baby Trig can’t be hers, just as Sue said and 2. well, Sue was right, wasn’t she? and 3. Sarah Palin actually was stupid enough to fly 10 hours after her water broke to give birth to her baby.

so, Sue, apologies on doubting you, you got your info 100% right. You should look into becoming a “source” for one of the papers who are covering Palin in this election.

1 09 2008

Perhaps your wife can tell us why BP looks more preg than her mom did when she was futher along during her 5th preg. Given that you have proven that even your wife deems you less than qualified to peak on the subject.

1 09 2008

Perhaps your wife can tell us why BP looks more preg than her mom did when she was futher along during her 5th preg. Given that you have proven that even your wife deems you less than qualified to speak on the subject.

1 09 2008

Sue was right but you are too easily convinced.

Sue never has told us if anyone ever saw BP during her horrible 5 month bout with mono.

1 09 2008

all you really need to do is google “Bristol Palin pregnant” and you’ll see it’s everywhere.

and, since she’s apparently 5 months pregnant, there’s no way Trig can be hers, unless she gave birth and immediately got pregnant again.

here’s the link:

1 09 2008
The Logician

It all comes back to lying. She lied about her pregnancy until she was 7 months pregnant. She lied about taking a long flight. She withheld the truth about her daughter’s pregnancy, going so far as to hide it by having her hold Trig with a blanket wrapped across her belly at the convention. Do I want a liar as a VP? Hell no. Even if she were the Democratic nominee, I wouldn’t vote for her either.

The Palins are honorary West Virginians. The First Dude, he’s a high-school grad who wouldn’t want his lil’ fishpicker born in Texas. Momma, a runner-up beauty queen with hair extensions who praises Jesus regularly, took 5-1/2 years to graduate from the closest thing to a community college that can call itself a university. Shoots her own moose.

What are they going to do next January? Load all the stuff into a pickup truck and drive to Washington, D.C. with the four kids and the baby’s new baby? Will Bristol Belle’s shotgun daddy come along, or will stay back in Alaska? If so, will be get a Secret Service escort?

This The Beverly Hillbillies on steroids!

1 09 2008

This young lady, Sadie from Wasilla, Alaska has these interesting pictures on her MySpace page…she has a brother named Levi (it would seem to be the same Levi from the Palin’s press release concerning Bristol’s pregnancy)

Here is Sadie’s MySpace link…

And her brother Levi’s MySpace link…

Seems as though their last name is Wallner.

One shows her, Governor Palin and Trig and she claims the Governor as her “Mommy-In-Law” (maybe Levi and Bristol ARE married? or have been together long enough for the sister to call Sarah “Mother-in-law”)…

One is her and Trig and she claims him as her ‘baby brother’ (NOT nephew)…

One shows herself and Bristol with Trig…

And one from an earlier album entitled “Prom 08” (maybe April-May) with Bristol to whom she refers to as “Sister-In-Law”

I just thought I would share them…very interesting thread here.

1 09 2008

DB – just look at earlier posts today in this thread. Immed preg is the answer.

1 09 2008

Wow never thought they came any lower than the Bush’s.

1 09 2008

DB, 5 months pregnant is only technically 16-20 weeks, or 14-18 weeks post period.

1 09 2008

but, if you’re right BJ, well, then Sarah and Todd are the stupidest parents alive. And Bristol shouldn’t be allowed to procreate she’s so dumb.

if my teenage daughter got pregnant once, I’d all but chain her in her room to make sure it didn’t happen again. I’d certainly explain what a CONDOM is to her. likewise, if I was a pregnant teen, I wouldn’t run off and immediately have sex again 15 seconds after my baby with down syndrome was born. You really can’t even have sex for about 6 weeks after you give birth. the timing doesn’t work out right for her to be 5 months along now.

(btw down syndrome really is something that presents itself most frequently if the mother is over 35, a woman I knew got pregnant at 36 and the doctors immediately told her she’d need to get tested)

1 09 2008

I wonder if Sue is coming back…

1 09 2008
The Logician

I just can’t bring myself to accept the idea that Sarah Palin walked around for a month wearing an “empathy belly,” but the more that comes out about these hillbillies the more things that might be possible. Apparently the Rhodes Scholar of a husband has a D.U.I. under his belt, too.

The fun part is that Alaska will soon be overrun with hordes of reporters, and their editors are going to want some stories. Not to mention the National Enquirer, which no doubt will be looking into the two-baby theory and the space-baby theory, and every other theory.

It’s pretty funny to watch the right wingers try to blame all of this on the left wing bloggers. Soon enough, they’ll be saying the Daily Kos knocked up Bristol Palin.

1 09 2008

This young lady, Sadie from Wasilla, Alaska has these interesting pictures on her MySpace page…she has a brother named Levi (it would seem to be the same Levi from the Palin’s press release concerning Bristol’s pregnancy)

Here is Sadie’s MySpace link…

And her brother Levi’s MySpace link…

Seems as though their last name is Wallner…

One shows her, Governor Palin and Trig and she claims the Governor as her “Mommy-In-Law” (maybe Levi and Bristol ARE married? or have been together long enough for the sister to call Sarah “Mother-in-law”)…

One is her and Trig and she claims him as her ‘baby brother’ (NOT nephew)…

One shows herself and Bristol with Trig…

And one from an earlier album entitled “Prom 08” (maybe April-May) with Bristol to whom she refers to as “Sister-In-Law”

I just thought I would share them…very interesting thread here.

1 09 2008

DB, you are advised not to have sex in the first 6 weeks, however I know of MANY women who have, and have gotten pregnant again! My own mother did it, as my sister and I are a little over 10 months apart in age. It’s not healthy, its not advisable, but its not /impossible/.

1 09 2008

This is a fascinating stream of comments. Let me summarize:

It’s almost certain that either SP’s dad or Mccain himself got both SP and Bristol pregnant. It’s always an older male who does this kind of stuff. These trailer-trash women are pushovers anyway. Besides the Palins are gun-loving small town republican hicks and this sort of stuff happens in small towns all the time, especially to blue collar yokels . Stay safe because the black helicopter of the evil Rove machine are out there. Luckily the true messiah will save us all from the satanist christian rightwing demon lovers.

1 09 2008

And I mean, its not like she had a newborn to care for, her mother took that from her . . (just speculating here).

1 09 2008

their lack of intellect and parenting skills go without saying.

1 09 2008

Has anyone seen this video and for those in AK who may know the family, is this Todd Palin? :

Wow KVW! The mind boggles. I’m thinking the Republican establishment in Alaska plays very rough.

1 09 2008

you forgot, “Eski-ho”

1 09 2008

Maybe Trig is Track’s baby. Maybe that’s why Track left to join the military, to help support his baby. Lots of possibilities here. On a side note: Trig will become an Uncle when he’s 8 months old.

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

I’m still leaning towards emrysa’s comment this morning: “don’t be surprised for the story in a month that poor bristol is no longer “with child.”

Bristol could have had the baby in May, and she still has “baby belly”. That may be what we see in the pics.

That happening would put all the pieces of this into place.

The tangled webs we weave…

1 09 2008


Even I find this too conveniently planted and hard to believe. We neek Sue or at least the owner of this Blog (who no one has given due credit to. Please read archived blogs on this site) to confirm or negate. Until then, I am skeptical even though it is hilarious.

1 09 2008


any speculation as to why McCain would not pick a more ethical, responsible, QUALIFIED woman?

1 09 2008

Wow, this is all so crazy!

1 09 2008


I was commenting on the existence of the video, not the authenticity. Someone is playing a rough game.

1 09 2008
Dish it

Heidi @12:41:34 said: “DB, you are advised not to have sex in the first 6 weeks…”

Hello? According to the Palin “family values” Bristol supposedly was advised to not have sex BEFORE MARRIAGE and yet she obviously disregarded that advice. Basing any argument on how things are “supposed” to be isn’t really relevent.

1 09 2008

Emrysa, What is your problem? I agree with you. Are you jealous because Sue Williams articulated the truth earlier and better than you?

1 09 2008

I hope anyone who was dumping on Sue Williams will apologize now. Turns out Bristol Palin is pregnant after all.

1 09 2008
The Logician

You’ve got it all wrong, obamatron. The Daily Kos knocked her up. Get with the program.

1 09 2008

Dish is right.

1 09 2008

Dish it, I was saying what you were saying. Someone previously had said you can’t have sex before 6 weeks, and I was saying its technically unadvisable, but you can, and you can get pregnant.

1 09 2008

Are you jealous because Sue Williams articulated the truth earlier and better than you?

oh yes I am most certainly jealous.

my “problem” is with the gullibility of people in this country, and the lengths with which people will go to exploit that gullibility. this is why you can just stick a fork in it – even if obama wins.

1 09 2008

I should say

even WHEN obama wins.

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Hi BJ… Although I’m not a republican, here’s my $.02… Sarah Palin was chosen, 1) because she’s female, 2) because she’d look good on the ticket, 3) McCain and his advisers were dumbfounded by Barack’s acceptance speech and thought Sarah might save the day, and 4) they simply had no time to vet her, since she was not on the short list of candidates for McCains VP pick.

1 09 2008

Okay, Red,
That’s what I came up with as well. Dumbed down, but good.

If it hadn’t been for the 200 and 2004 election curruptions, I would say “We’re safe!”

1 09 2008

Breaking News…

Palin has hired an atty for Troopergate.

Planned Parentood should be her next call.

1 09 2008

This young lady, Sadie from Wasilla, Alaska has these interesting pictures on her MySpace page…she has a brother named Levi (it would seem to be the same Levi from the Palin’s press release concerning Bristol’s pregnancy)

Here is Sadie’s MySpace link…

And her brother Levi’s MySpace link…

Seems as though their last name is Wallner.

One shows her, Governor Palin and Trig and she claims the Governor as her “Mommy-In-Law” (maybe Levi and Bristol ARE married? or have been together long enough for the sister to call Sarah “Mother-in-law”)…

One is her and Trig and she claims him as her ‘baby brother’ (NOT nephew)…

One shows herself and Bristol with Trig…

And one from an earlier album entitled “Prom 08” (maybe April-May) with Bristol to whom she refers to as “Sister-In-Law”

I just thought I would share them…very interesting thread here.

1 09 2008

So who’s the daddy? Let’s get Maury on the case. We’ve all fallen in love with ‘C-Ray’, but now they talk about Levi? Here’s another myspace:
Levi’s sister? BTW, this is all irrelevant, and I should get a life.

1 09 2008
The Logician

curliesue, I just found all that stuff on my own. What, are these people a bunch of swingers who don’t know who’s kid is whose? The closer one looks, the weirder it gets!

1 09 2008

great work Curlie but no link

1 09 2008
The Logician

Correction: ” … whose kid is whose …”

I swear I’m turning into trailer trash myself.

1 09 2008

Darn! I guess I do not know how to include the direct links?

1 09 2008

Team C-Ray!!!

1 09 2008

Wow…I can’t believe you people would post such an obvious fake. Is this blog/board an extension of the Daily Kos?

1 09 2008

I had read that SP was to be desposed this coming week. Perhaps thats why the Lawyer was hired for Troopergate. Also read the result of Investigation into questionable Abuse of Power by SP will be available in Oct 2008. I am grateful to Sue. She shed light.
My heart goes out to BP, what she is enduring now at the expense of her mothers quest for power is shameful. SP is a package of poor judgement.

1 09 2008
John Doe

A few points:

A quick check by an investigator would reveal Palin’s telephone records for the date of the conference in Texas (both cell and hotel). If there’s an incoming call from Alaska around 4 am (the time that Palin herself claims that her water broke), it would more than likely be from one of the in-state-Alaska Palins notifying the gov of her daughter’s impending birth.

As repeated here numerous times, Palin’s “birth tale” is utter BS, either cobbled together to protect her political career concerning the impending birth of her daughter’s baby or, if the completely implausible story somehow has elements of reality, to enlarge her own myth. Neither option is very attractive.

Those investigating this should remember something: don’t let yourselves be mentally manipulated by announced dates or places. Given what I’ve read about Palin’s abuses of power, one could imagine that she’d be capable of controlling (or even changing) birth announcements in-state. However, remember that arrogance can lead to lethal mistakes. Look for birth records before the stated day of birth. Look at the records of other medical facilities. Look for different names (such as the last name of the father of the daughter’s “current” baby, if that doesn’t match the boy linked to upthread). Look in other states (Idaho has been mentioned). Don’t let yourself be led by assumptions that are deliberately implanted in the group-mind in order to obfuscate.

At the risk of painting myself as a tinfoil hat wearer, something is very wrong with this reactive announcement of the daughter’s pregnancy. Palin’s history to this point consists of a chain of deliberate lies and this latest link strongly feels like an obscuring of facts rather than a clearing of the air. Yes, it makes her look like a fool and shows just how ironically barren her spiritual/polititical philosophy (which she’d like to impose on the rest of us) is, but I get a profound intuitive sense that it is painting over something far more grievous. Color me unconvinced. BTW, if Palin wants to prove conclusively that she’s recently given birth, let her submit to an exam by a medical professional of the Obama camp’s choosing (even if the Obama camp hasn’t questioned this). Proof of lactation ought to suffice (Breast pumps at the ready, people).

Reflect on this: there are but two months before the election. McCain/Palin are going to try to run out the clock on this issue, if they can’t dismiss it outright. After that, any and all lies become moot. So what if the daughter isn’t actually pregnant (or doesn’t “come to term”, another Rovian twist for sympathy), but is carrying post-birth weight? So what if she actually delivers in February rather than December? Any and all lies will have become shrugged off “political necessities”.

The remarkable evidence that has been uncovered so far doesn’t become trash overnight with this latest announcement, with it’s calculated dates (or Palin’s claim that she’ll be breast-feeding Trig on the campaign trail…a public event, one wonders?). There’s more to this story than we’re being spoon-fed by the McCain campaign, and while most of you will accept it at face value, I won’t be among you.

(Disclaimer: As the father of a 15 year old Down’s Syndrome daughter, I was originally infuriated by Palin’s pride in the irresponsibility depicted in her “birth tale”, and that spurred me on to look at all of the evidence that has been compiled. No matter what turns out to be true (and/or false) in this whole sordid mess, it has become clear that she is possibly the worst possibly choice for the second highest office in the land).

1 09 2008

Hey Tom – sorry that gimp in the basement thing got under your skin like it did – or is it little Tommy Rove – anyone on here that believes for a minute that your wife works at a maternity store is really smoking some good bud

Did she supply the empathy belly ?

HA !! Ma Freindzzzzzzz !!!!

1 09 2008

What’s the myspace link. then I really have to go..

1 09 2008
The Logician

The father is someone named “Levi.” That’s mentioned in the McCain press release. Whether “Levi” is a given name or a nickname is unknown.

Here is a website that I understand to be Levi’s sister’s My Space site. Levi’s sister’s name appears to be Mercedez Marie. Here is one of her photo albums with captions.

Here is a picture of who I understand to be Levi. Here is a picture of Mercedes Marie holding “TriggyBear,” who she describes as “my new baby brother.”

Here is a picture of Mercedes Marie holding Trig, with Sarah Palin looking on, referring to Sarah Palin as “Mommy Inlaw.” Here is a picture of Mercedez Marie with someone who I looks like Bristol Palin, described in the caption as her “sister-in-law.” Purely for identification purposes, here is a picture of Mercedes Marie and her boyfriend, identified as Cody Russel.

This is all very mind-blowing. Can any locals up there sort it out? By the way, I have taken screen captures of these sites, so if they’re taken down I can (eventually) get them back up. What do these in-law designations mean?!

1 09 2008

I will try these again…here are some MySpace link’s from Levi’s sister, Sadie…

Her MySpace profile…


1 09 2008

Picture of Sadie and her brother, Levi (the supposed father of Bristol’s baby)…

1 09 2008

I am terrible at this!

Picture of Sadie and her brother, Levi (the supposed father of Bristol’s baby)…


1 09 2008

Picture of Sadie and Trig, to whom she refers as her ‘baby brother’…


1 09 2008

Picture of Sadie and Governor Palin (“Mommy-In-Law”??) and Trig…


1 09 2008

Picture of Sadie and Bristol and Baby Trig…


1 09 2008

Ha, she totally just removed the pic where she calls him her little brother.

1 09 2008

Sadie and Bristol…the album is titled Prom 08, so I am assuming sometime this spring? She doesn’t look pregnant…but who knows when this was taken?


By the way, what a prom dress…

1 09 2008

Ha, she’s going through all her photos. Someone alerted her.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

Wow, better save those pictures before they disappear. I also made pdfs of the first pages of the two albums you referenced.

1 09 2008

Try not to spam the board in your efforts to learn cut and paste.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

No worries, Heidi. I have pdfs showing her captions.

1 09 2008

I took a screenshot of the pictures she removed.

1 09 2008

You would think she would leave them since they ‘somewhat’ support the claim that baby Trig is Sarah & Todd’s (if she considers them “In-Laws” because her brother Levi is with, or married to, their daughter Bristol). That would explain her calling Trig her brother…but who knows with these people! I feel like we are all witnessing a real life episode of “Days of our Lives”…

1 09 2008
2 Weird

Unbelievable. Just checked out the Myspace links and noticed that she was online now. While I browsing pages, suddenly all the pix of trig, bristol and Mommy in law went missing. If she is Levi’s sister, she got wind of the leak and has just removed all the incriminating photos. This whole story gets weirder all the time.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

If anyone wants a look, let me know. I have the page in JPG and PDF format.

1 09 2008

Count me among those disappointed at Logician’s sudden collapse, because I think he was right. it is obvious that the “official” storyline is as bogus a tale as one could imagine. That, added to the fact that the hospital has no record of a birth involving its highest elected official, leads me to believe that Bristol had Trig at home after which he was taken to the hospital by his grandparents. Is it possible that Bristol, still mad a mommy for the way the episode was handled, went out and had sex immediately, and said “Oops, I did it again”? Entirely plausible for these hillbillies.

This is just fascinating to watch unfold.

1 09 2008
The Logician

I see that she set her profile to “private.” I have screenshots of everything.

1 09 2008

She actually eliminated most of her photos, went from something like 14 pages of pictures to two. I’m sitting here hitting “back” on my browser button and saving all the stuff 🙂

1 09 2008

This is not about who the Father(s) is / are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get off it !!!

McCain makes a big deal about going to Miss. with Sarah and all in tow – trying to appear Presidential in the absence of the one we already have – trying to make political points all weekend –

Instead !! – Have you heard a word about him marching around saving the Day ??? – Where are they ? –

They are in MAJOR Damage Control. Even hired “Tom” to cover this thing. Tom is actually several people –

Sarah lied to McCain and his troupe of idiots.

Johnny McCain thought she was really cute and charming – she “inspires” him – she is his “soul Mate” – geez –

Johnny McCain can always say he is a WAR Hero !!!

It works every time

1 09 2008

Sadie is quite the little underage drinker!

1 09 2008
The Logician

Count me among those disappointed at Logician’s sudden collapse, because I think he was right. it is obvious that the “official” storyline is as bogus a tale as one could imagine.

Remember: For young Trigonometry to be Bristol (or someone else’s but not Sarah Palin’s) child, then Sarah Palin had to have been walking around for a month with an “empathy belly.” That’s just too far out there for me, although the more I see of this — especially that My Space site — the more I’m willing to entertain almost any possibility, including space aliens.

1 09 2008

Who has the daddy picture? I missed that one.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

Apparently people never learn that MySpace pictures and posts = bad news… though it might turn out to be some darn interesting news 😀

1 09 2008
The Logician

Okay, now the question is: Who has a server account somewhere and knows how to do HTML coding?

1 09 2008

Well, the catpion that she SP should not want linked to her is on the last page that says “Nigs fo life”

1 09 2008

Told you guys. We are giving them too many answers here. You know they can’t figure it out themselves.

If your mommy in law is the VP pick shouldnt’ you have set it to private much sooner than this? Duh.

1 09 2008

I think its interesting that Levi’s MySpace is still up…although it’s set to Private…and his mood is interesting as well…


1 09 2008

Also, per the boyfriend/husband of Bristol’s myspace, he’s 19. And she’s 17. Is 17 the age of consent? Or is she 16? Who knows.

1 09 2008

Hey – Tom is gone – keep an eye out for the next damage control plant – $50 bucks to the first to identify these scumbags

1 09 2008

Hope you guys all know that we’re on THE LIST. Especially SUE Williams if that’s her real name.

1 09 2008

Hope Sue is alright.

1 09 2008

Her myspace page is now set to private! LOL they know the net is on to them.

1 09 2008

Heidi – i love you – another earlier reference to the changing of the age of Bristol – to protect the kid Father from statuatory Rape ? – Someone tell me i am wrong – it is ok !!

1 09 2008

BJ – you wrote:

“If SP thinks that she has the right to discuss and control my daughter’s uterus, I have the right to hear what is going on with her daughter’s uterus. Why should the media respect her privacy when SP doesn’t respect my private right to choice?”.

that is an utterly brilliant point to make, and I think you should make it on every bloody blog and news website out there right now. 🙂

1 09 2008

Logician, send an email to, and I think I can help you.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

According to some sites, the age of consent in Alaska is 16.

1 09 2008

Remember: For young Trigonometry to be Bristol (or someone else’s but not Sarah Palin’s) child, then Sarah Palin had to have been walking around for a month with an “empathy belly.” That’s just too far out there for me

Seriously Logician, what’s so far out? She was faking a pregnancy to “save” her political career. We can see that nothing is more important to her (certainly not her family). How difficult would it have been for her to wear a fake belly for a month? Not very.

1 09 2008

I think Sue is being questioned in a Black Limo by Tom and the boyzzzz —–

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

Hahahaha @ JB. Hilarious. You guys are a hoot. I’ve been following this since it broke yesterday. Color me intrigued, but I just can’t stop refreshing to watch this insane story unfold. I really don’t know how the McCain/Palin camp will respond to this.

1 09 2008

For young Trigonometry to be Bristol (or someone else’s but not Sarah Palin’s) child, then Sarah Palin had to have been walking around for a month with an “empathy belly.” That’s just too far out there for me,

well what would you do if you were trying to fake a pregnancy? don’t you find it interesting that she announces when she’s 7 months pregnant (and no one can tell) and then gives birth a month later?

beats wearing the empathy belly for 2 or 3 months, doesn’t it?

1 09 2008
2 Weird

Ooops, Levi cancelled his Myspace page altogether. “Private” wasn’t private enough, I guess.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Okay, let’s see if I have this straight:

1. Levi is the boyfriend who knocked up Bristol Palin.

2. Mercedes Marie is Levi’s sister.

3. Sarah Palin is Mercedes Marie’s mother-in-law. For this to be true, Mercedes Marie has to be Track Palin’s wife.

4. Trig Palin is Mercedes Marie’s brother. For this to be true, Mercedes Marie has to be Sarah Palin’s daughter. This would also make her Track Palin’s sister, and Bristol Palin’s sister. Her brother, Levi, would be Sarah Palin’s son. This would mean that Mercedes Marie would be married to her brother and Levi would be married to her sister.

5. Mercedes Marie and Bristol Palin are sisters-in-law. If #4 was true, then they would be both sisters AND sisters-in-law

Conclusion: Mercedes Marie is confused or casual about the definition of an in-law, or there’s a whole lot shakin’ goin’ on in Wasilla, Alaska. My guess is the former. From looking around that My Space site, I didn’t get the impression that the Harvard admissions committee was going to be calling anytime soon.

1 09 2008

What is Bristol’s birthdate ? Was she 15 when she was impregnated in Aug. 2007 – Did she turn 16 in Sept. – for example ? – Now she is about to turn 17 –

Lies are all in the numbers – Lies are calculations –

Life is about 0’s and 1’s and neutral – the basics follow all of us around

As do computers of course –

1 plus 1 equals two –

the truth will set you free

1 09 2008

If your mommy in law is the VP pick shouldnt’ you have set it to private much sooner than this? Duh.

well she’s only 17. I wouldn’t expect someone of that age who lives in tinytown alaska to know all the games, even if she does know tinystates’ governor.

1 09 2008

JohnnyBoy at (14:23:11) :


1 09 2008
The Logician

Kyle, will do. I’ve got to go walk the dog, so it’ll be an hour or so. Hey everyone else, send your screencaps to Kyle too. I said I had everything, but I’m not sure it was actually everything. Better that he have duplicates than not enough.

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Yep… None of the links work now. It just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser.

Wait a second… just found this link with copies of some of the pics:

Better hurry before Karl Rove takes it down, LOL…

1 09 2008

Might I suggest that a copy of this page be saved periodically as well?

1 09 2008

Hey back at ya Emrysa –

As what was that guy in Dragnet said ?

Just the facts maaaammmm !!

Do the numbers

1 09 2008

Logician – I am assuming (and you know where assuming gets you) that Mercedes “Sadie” Marie Wallner is making the leap that the Palins are her “In-Laws” because Bristol and Levi are, or were, together as a couple. And it also seems pretty crazy that she would have no qualms about posting the Governor’s picture on her MySpace…

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Found this site with some pics and captions – copied from Sadie’s myspace I assume:

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

Please excuse this if it has already been posted, i’ve had time only to skim through all the comments. However, in putting together the facts presented commenter ‘Sue in Alaska’ and the news released by Palin in the media today, i ran a quick search for info on the husband/impregnator Levi (according to SP) and found his sister’s Myspace page. Which–interestingly enough–has pictures of Levi’s sister holding Trig while seated next to SP and Bristol Palin.

Even more interesting? Levi’s sis captions the photos of Trig ‘My new baby brother’ and captions SP as ‘Mommy-in-law’.

So i’ve no idea what to believe…i was willing to buy Trig being SP’s child and Bristol being pregnant with her first child and about to marry Levi, as per the Palin announcement…but this confounds such info.

Here are the pics. If they’re already removed (there were photos of the kids’ underage drinking/drug activities being removed as i perused the site, although i saved those too) you’re welcome to post your email and i will send them to you.

And if you’re curious as to why i think this is fair political fodder–when SP thinks she has the right to legislate my daughters’ reproductive options, her own daughter’s example will come into play.

1 09 2008

Yeah Logician – I had to take a break and hit the Peace Pipe and then we had to hit to Wal-Mart – need a new cooler –

I think i saw the proposed First Family there !!!

Buying cheap imported empathy bellies from those damned Chinese Christians !!!!!!

1 09 2008

The Logician (14:37:43) :

good one! I agree she’s just confused or using the term loosely, and I also agree that Harvard won’t be showin up anytime soon.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

Yikes, the pictures I have don’t seem to be going through. The error message says the following:

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Put http to the LEFT of the colon at the beginning of this link…


1 09 2008
The Logician

Catch this report, which says the Republican lawyers are in Alaska right now, doing a deeper vet on Sarah Palin. This thing is blowing up in their face as we speak. If a gaggle of bloggers in bathrobes could learn this much, this fast, then God only knows what else is there.

Naturally, the mainstream media is in full Eek! I saw a mouse! mode. This is just hilarious!

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Or try it this way… put html to the right of the last period, just past trig.

You’ll see the pics with captions from Sadie’s myspace…

1 09 2008

Emrysa-I would not expect the 17 year old but isn’t Team McCain suppose to be handling all of this?

I was contacted several years ago by “The Company” when a neighbor (who I never even knew existed) applied for a job with them.

I’m sure that team mccain should have done their seven degrees search.

Come on!

As to Logician’s pt., I am leaning more to the validity of SUE’s statement yeaterday that the BP is already married. Especially given SUE’s sudden silence “coincidently” timed with the press release. SP didn’t issue a statement on her own pregnancy this early!

JB-this is the point that I was making earlier. We have to wonder why BP’s age has suddenly jumped in the last day.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Kyle, I sent you a test e-mail. If hear back from you soon enough, I ship you the screencaps right away. Otherwise, it’ll be post-dog poop.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Sue’s sudden silence could also be a function of her seeming to have given her real name on line, and then being contacted by one or both of the families. The Time magazine whitewash attempt notes that Wasilla is going into full clam-up mode now. Which is perfect for the National Enquirer, which has just what the doctor ordered: suitcases full of cash. If the Enquirer can squeeze information out of Hollywood and Washington, D.C., trust me, they’ll get it out of Wasilla, Alaska.

1 09 2008

I have screenshots and saved files of the photos posted by Levi’s sister that include SP and Bristol…as well as a few of the photos of the gaggle of kids busy with underage drinking/drug use (sadly, there were far too many to choose from among those). I’m sure the press has already found the same photos but just in case…if anyone wants them to pass along, feel free to contact me. ‘asha_shanti4’ at the land of the yahooligans dot com.

1 09 2008
John Doe

Remember: For young Trigonometry to be Bristol (or someone else’s but not Sarah Palin’s) child, then Sarah Palin had to have been walking around for a month with an “empathy belly.”

Anyone who’s worked in community theater for a couple of weeks has the wherewithal to pad a woman’s midsection. You’ll notice in the “pregnant” photo that she shows no signs of hormonal activity that causes the face and hands to puff up and that doesn’t vanish due to “extreme running” or any other hyper-exercise routine (that you’d do whilst carrying a Down’s Syndrome baby?).

There’s something very fishy about the fishpicker’s story, and this latest attempt practically screams SLEIGHT OF HAND!

1 09 2008
The Logician

By the way, I’ve saved a screenshot of this website. I won’t be surprised if the Republicans lean on WordPress to shut it down.

1 09 2008

Red, I’m in agreement with the blogger that this could be Willow in the “sis in law” pic.

1 09 2008

LOL, well Logician, turns out Sue was right buddy. The news media is on this like white on rice.

1 09 2008

Reading through the latest posts here, I had a thought that John Doe also alluded to above.

The idea that the statement announcing BP’s pregnancy kills the “Trig is BP’s kid” is based on the timeline (i.e., if she’s 5 months pregnant NOW, then should couldn’t have given birth on April 18 (and vice versa)).

However, for this to work you have to assume the truth of: (1) the “5 months pregnant” assertion, and (2) the April 18 birth date. Neither of these have been verified.

The “5 months” assertion could easily be off by a few weeks without being obviously false. The April 18 date could also be off by a few weeks without being obviously false – and this conclusion is backed up by the fact that the hospital did not announce it on that date as it normally would have.

The fact is, all we have to back up the April 18 date is a self-serving announcement from the Palin family. And all we have to back up the “5 months” assertion is… a self-serving announcement from the Palin family.

None of this is to say that the “2 Bristol pregnancies” theory is correct. Only that it has not been conclusively disproven by today’s “Bristol is pregnant” announcement.

As an aside, this is one of the most interesting comment threads I’ve ever seen.

1 09 2008
The Logician

John Doe, I starting to warm up to the idea. The weird My Space page referring to Sarah Palin as “mommy inlaw” is suspicious, and you’re right, it would’ve been much easier to simply release a birth certificate to beat down the rumor of who Trig’s mother is.

Why would McCain’s people “out” Bristol Palin when they could have simply established Trig Palin’s parentage?

1 09 2008

Thanks Logician – stay with us – thought we lost you for a minute there – Tom got to you – but Andrea Mitchell – all the rest – in the backroom trying to figure out how to deal with this – BabyGate hitting full force – should they leave it up to the Enquirer like they did with Edwards ? They are so scared of real journalism – where is Walter Cronkite when we need him – Dan Rather in his prime – Morley Safer –

McCain and his cronies got charmed – she got his dick hard –
or at least he felt just a bit of arousal for the first time in a while – too much time with the Ice Princess – money or no money – forgot all those lessons learned in that prison cell

Men are suckers for a pretty woman – i have fallen for it over and over again – with varying degrees of success

They never fully vetted her – she lied to them about the whole thing – just as she has lied to the people of Alaska now since March – from what i am understanding now – well before then

Thanks Logician for starting this up – it has been a lot of fun for us – we admittedly are reveling in this –

Kharma baby. Good or Bad. It will get you every time.

All i can say is these poor kids –

1 09 2008

To curliesue:

You better save those contents because i bet you they will be taken down as soon as you have posted them here.

1 09 2008

Birth Certificates can be altered as well in a state where you are Gov.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Red, I’m in agreement with the blogger that this could be Willow in the “sis in law” pic.

If so, it would have no effect on the wacky schematic that I laid out. If she’s Willow’s sister-in-law, she’s also Bristol’s sister-in-law.

1 09 2008

Why hasn’t TMZ gotten a copy of Trig’s BC…they are usually good with that kind of stuff!

1 09 2008

Poor SUE, trusted her party and therefore felt that she had the right to post her real name. Even if you could goggle it to locate her. All the more reason that she is who she says she is. Of course they told her to pipe down.

1 09 2008
Clever Else

Hi Again,

Just catching up on this link since last night. It’s like a trainwreck; I just can’t help myself. I have never wasted this much time on a blog…well…ever.

John Doe- I’m in complete agreement with your story theory.

Logician- missed your haiku’s. You were the first to point out the inconsistencies in both Tom and Sue’s stories. And it seems Sue has disappeared again?

Emrysa- I seriously am in awe of your lovely cynicism. 🙂

What about what John Doe proposed, that we look for alternate birth info, etc?

1 09 2008

Yeah, Log but it would explain her not looking so preg (not that the pic is dated). It is irrelevant anyway with regard to this thread.

1 09 2008

Well, since Sue from yesterday seems to have been right about everything, I’d say it’s not too presumptuous to say Bristol and Levi might be married.
(BTW, do all the people in Alaska come up with the weirdest names they can for their kids?)

but it seems like there’s only a couple of possible scenarios here

1. Trig is Bristol’s and she should be spayed because she went out and got knocked up again a week after he was born.

2. Trig is Bristol’s and she’s going to suffer a “miscarriage” in a few months. But, since she’s 5 months pregnant now, well, it’s just preposterous to think Trig could be hers so…go away media.

3. Trig is Sarah’s baby. She’s an idiot who waited 10 hours to get to a hospital to deliver her baby. Her daughter is now pregnant.

I’m not even gonna touch the age issue cause it’s getting too complicated.

I would love to see the pics up on the sister-in-law’s page before they were taken down. WHY is the news so behind everyone else on this? Seriously, I should not be discovering this info on a blog, it should be all over ABC. If anyone who has the pics would be willing to send them to me, my e-mail is Thanks.

btw, is anyone else getting concerned for Sue? SP supposedly harassed her own brother-in-law during his divorce and made threatening phone calls. Lord knows what she’d do to a total stranger, right?

1 09 2008

Yeah, Log, but it would explain her not looking so preg (not that the pic is dated). It is irrelevant anyway with regard to this thread.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Birth Certificates can be altered as well in a state where you are Gov.

Which makes the way the McCain campaign went about this even weirder. The Daily Kos did not focus on Theory #2, and even here it was panned before this morning. So, why did McCain’s people “out” Bristol’s current pregnancy supposedly as a means of batting down Theory #1, when all they had to do was release a birth certificate?

And if a state governor can easily have it altered, that’d be all the more reason to go that route. The more one examines this, the weirder it gets.

1 09 2008

Maybe the owner of the blog know SUE and can check in on her.

1 09 2008
John Anon

Can someone put the pictures from the sister-in-law’s website up on a site like imagedump?

1 09 2008

Wierd indeed. Truthfully, I don’t think we ever want to really figure out all of the nuances of this because if we can, we are thinking like them. -Not interested.

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Hey there DB… This link was still working a second ago:

You can see some of the pics and capitons from Sadie’s / Mercedes’ myspace page…

1 09 2008
The Logician

John Anon, I’m not familiar with those sites. Could you give some names? By the way, I never heard back from “Kyle.” Hmm.

1 09 2008

Andrea Mitchell reporting that a team of lawyers is going to Alaska to vet her.


Praise the Lord for stupid intolerant evangelical creationist and bigoted Christians !!!

Not exactly the kind of Christians i grew up with.

But then – back then – people valued honesty just a bit more than they do today

As painful as that may be

The truth will set you free. Once this is over, they will be able to recover as a family and hopefully get some good Kharma back in the household.

Is it the Moose Meat that does it ? – Never tried it

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

Done and done.

1 09 2008

from the time article:

“It makes you realize that a thing like a little teenage pregnancy isn’t such a big deal,” his mom said. “Bristol—and lots of other girl like her out there — are going to be just fine.”

holy hell. I guess this is what it’s come to. I can’t believe the writer had the gall to print this. all these years of trying to get young people to be responsible, and now the potential vp’s neighbors are essentially like “eh. it’s no big deal.”

I noticed the resident didn’t demonstrate 1 bit of concern for the supposed fetus. yeah it’s got a real bright future ahead.

just stick a fork in it.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Fantastic, Moose! That was fast! Now I really CAN go walk the dog.

1 09 2008

Has anyone checked to see if this people are on Facebook or Flickr?

1 09 2008

Why would McCain’s people “out” Bristol Palin when they could have simply established Trig Palin’s parentage?

THAT is the million dollar question. keep asking.

1 09 2008
The Logician

emrysa, but you know what they’d be saying if, say, Obama had a teenage daughter in the same situation, or if Chelsea Clinton, even now but especially at age 17, has turned up pregnant.

1 09 2008
John Anon

Thanks Mooseburger

1 09 2008

thanks for the photos!

wow, Bristol, nice dress. seriously, LOVE the color.
ughh, are this girl’s parents even aware of when she enters and exits the house?

1 09 2008

All ye Praise Logician

I have watched this from early on – and i credit you for your fairness and with sticking with it –

Where there is smoke there is fire

Rotting Moose stink – right ?

Where is Tom ? – i think they gave up on him and decided to send a team of damage control lawyers to Alaska to figure out how to save John McCain’s image as an experience leader – Tom – i love you man – Tom the RNC dude – where for art thou –

Sick bastard

1 09 2008

I seriously am in awe of your lovely cynicism.

yeah it’s bad, isn’t it? heh oh well.

1 09 2008


didn’t you get the memo? Teen pregnancy is no longer an epedemic and the girls in MA that TIME magazine weote about months ago were simply trendsetters! Personally when I hear of teens being pregnant, I can’t help but to think, “That’s so ’80’s!”

Gotta go (the fam’s mad cause I over boiled the potatoes for the potato salad, oops!). Check back later.

1 09 2008

Hello all,

I have registered the domain name palingate08 dot com and will gladly put it to whatever use would be best for presenting and preserving information relevant to this story.

It will take a while for the domain name to propagate throughout the DNS servers, so you might not be able to view it quite yet. Furthermore, I make no promises on the aesthetics of the site (other than it will not look good!)… function over form, after all!

I hope this can be put to good use… dan

1 09 2008

Hello all,

I have registered the domain name palingate08 dot c o m and will gladly put it to whatever use would be best for presenting and preserving information relevant to this story.

It will take a while for the domain name to propagate throughout the DNS servers, so you might not be able to view it quite yet. Furthermore, I make no promises on the aesthetics of the site (other than it will not look good!)… function over form, after all!

I hope this can help somehow… dan

1 09 2008
Clever Else

Emrysa- of course there is only ultimate concern for the fetus, just not the mother. The religious extremists are almost taking not only a woman’s *choice* out of the equation, they’re trying to take the *woman* out of the pic, too.

We are becoming no more than an egg producing incubator for the next generations of Roves and Cheneys. {shudder}

1 09 2008

emrysa (15:29:33)

woops! just re-read my post and of course I was not referring to the fetus when I said stick a fork in it. see earlier post for context.

1 09 2008
McCain Supporter


You crack me up. How many pregnancies have you been through? If you are 13 weeks pregnant and there are about 4 weeks in a month, that would make you “about” 3 months along, NOT 5. Goofball.

For all the other lefties out there, I just keep reading all the hash you keep slinging and I’m very thankful that none of you are politicians. You folks are all so short sided and hung up on pregnancies that it is only a wonder that the whole country goes to hell when a democrat takes the presidency.

The other thing I’d like to mention is that I’ll bet that none of you has made a big deal about all the actors that have children and let others raise them while they are off to this that or the other place filming a movie. I’ll venture even farther and guess that you pay money to see these films in support of the millions of dollars they are paid to have someone else raises those children.

Is everyone on this blog living in a glass house? Should a parent be responsible for every action of his/her child? Be careful how you answer this.

Quite frankly, I don’t care in the least if Bristol is or is not pregnant, is or is not married. What does that have to do with Sarah and her abilities to think logically to make sound decisions?

Give it up folks, or don’t, you all just look stupid.

1 09 2008
Mrs. S.

If there was a birth registered, Trig has a social security number that will relate back to his birth certificate and should name his parents. No choice but to get one for a baby when it’s born nowadays, even in Alaska. And they are very searchable from all over the place, ya know?

1 09 2008
Clever Else

Lol. I knew what you meant. You may be ironic and cynical, but not tasteless.

1 09 2008

Any reason why none of my comments are showing up?

1 09 2008

Nobody gets the $50 – McCain supporter just signed in

Watch this MF go

1 09 2008

Well, fine. Since that one did, I’ll just call myself “test” now… (formerly dan)

I have registered the domain name palingate08 dot com and will gladly put it to whatever use would be best for presenting and preserving information relevant to this story. Any ideas?

It will take a while for the domain name to propagate throughout the DNS servers, so you might not be able to view the site quite yet. Furthermore, I make no promises on the aesthetics of the site (other than it will not look good!)… function over form, after all!

I hope this can help somehow… dan (a.k.a. test)

1 09 2008

I’ve got screenshots if anyone wants ’em. Tons of underage drinking, though.

1 09 2008

McCain Supporter – At 13 weeks a woman is in her 4th month of pregnancy. Those of us whom have experienced a pregnancy understood exactly what Heidi was saying. Gestation/due dates are all calculated from the date of a woman’s last period…for medical purposes, she is due exactly 40 weeks from the date of her last period, even though for two of those weeks she is not pregnant (from period to ovulation/conception). Not that it matters in the least here. Heidi was simply trying to point out that Bristol could be very early in her pregnancy and, due to some ‘fancy’ rounding, the camp could be claiming that she is ‘about’ 5 months, when, in fact, she could be very newly pregnant.

1 09 2008

McCain supporter, how many pregnancies have you had? 4 months along is weeks 12-16. I am in week 13. Therefor, I am 4 months pregnant. Do I need to break this down further for your simple little mind?

0-4 weeks = 1 month
4-8 weeks = 2 months
8-12 weeks = 3 months
12-16 weeks = 4 months
16-20 weeks = 5 months
And so on and so forth! So Bristol is ONLY 16-20 weeks along! And if you use “about” as an estimate, she could be even less!

1 09 2008

Mooseburger Lover – if you have the picture of Levi and Sadie, please post that too

1 09 2008
Clever Else

McCain supporter- You must be daft. Having a child get pregnant out of wedlock may not be “a big deal” to someone not standing on a “family values” platform. But it certainly *is* a big deal to women who aren’t interested in having a woman make executive decisions who puts herself and her child at extreme risk by flying all over the country during a high risk pregnancy (best case scenario) and then bypassing all neo-natal care units to have her family doc deliver her special needs child in some back-water hospital.

If you don’t find her decision making skills questionable in that case, then you are truly beyond all hope.

1 09 2008

@ McCain Supporter – it’s obvious that Palin doesn’t have the ability to make sound decisions if she’s in this much hot water…not just with this baby mess, but with a whole slew of other issues like earmarks, the brother in law, her time as a mayor etc….

1 09 2008
Top Posts «

[…] In the Land of Palin. I’m off for the Labor Day weekend.  Little would I have known that my scheduled weekend away, right in the heart […] […]

1 09 2008

Thank you, curliesue, you beat me to it!

1 09 2008

I’ve got screenshots if anyone wants ‘em. Tons of underage drinking, though.

Heidi – can you post them at imageshack or photobucket and give us the links please?????

1 09 2008

Heidi – watch him try to tire you out – tit for tat – try to change the conversation – think about how he offers nothing but rebuttal to something other than the issue –

Pubs are generally either just real dumb or sociopaths –

About 50-50 – some inbreeding of course

1 09 2008

I’ve also got a screenshot of Levi’s “private” myspace. The picture is real flattering.

1 09 2008
McCain Supporter

Since NONE of you have ALL the facts, keep making assumptions. It’s what you do best. Certainly you’ll convince yourselves at some point.

1 09 2008

Since NONE of you have ALL the facts, keep making assumptions. It’s what you do best. Certainly you’ll convince yourselves at some point.

you don’t have all the facts, either. your point?

1 09 2008
Clever Else

McCain supporter- but she’s really cute, can shoot a moose, is a mean fisherwoman, has some cool black go-go boots, and really is a “maverick” reformer!

How many maverick reformers does it take to request and receive millions in earmarks from Congress?

How many maverick reformers does it take to fire two separate police chiefs within a couple year span in politics?

1 09 2008
McCain Supporter

My point is that I’m not passing judgement and I’m not slinging mud. What’s your excuse?

1 09 2008

Too late McCain Supporter – we are on to you – we are watching you – dont be afraid dear fearmonger – your mind can play tricks on you – once you start to realize that someone knows who you really are – pretty scary thought huh ?

1 09 2008
McCain Supporter

JohnnyBoy, Too late for what? Sounds like you need a therapist.

1 09 2008
Clever Else

oops- forgot the answering links Question#1=,0,6108885.story

[In her role as Mayor…]”Palin acted in a way that eerily foreshadows her recent actions while governor. Early in her tenure as mayor, the city council threatened to recall her over accusations that she fired the city’s police chief, Irl Stambaugh, and the library director, Mary Ellen Emmons, without warning. She accused them in a letter saying: “I do not feel I have your full support in my efforts to govern the city of Wasilla. Therefore I intend to terminate your employment …” (The Anchorage Daily News, via nexis)

1 09 2008

My point is that I’m not passing judgement and I’m not slinging mud.

I think what you really meant to say was “I don’t care if she’s a liar. she’s got an R next to her name.”

1 09 2008

I am sorry if Sue got scared away. I live in FL, and just adore the small town info she provided. You guys, please don’t scare people away from this valuable blog. It’s one of the best I can find on the web. Got others you’re checking regularly? (straight from Alaska?)

1 09 2008

This web site clarifies the birthdate … and the three traffic tickets.

1 09 2008

Mr. McCain supporter has the facts.

That is how he knows that we dont.

As i have said before – dont let the smoke fool you

Mr. McCain supporter will set you straight – he will scare you because he knows that all of the unbelievers are susceptible to fearmongering – it works every time –

watch out for the black limos you libs – the scary men from Washington with the dark glasses are coming to a home near you


1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

I believe the first link to the myspace photos shows the picture of Levi and Sadie.

If anyone has the enlarged version of it, please post it!

1 09 2008

You played and now you will pay.

Snarky, smarmy, self righteous.

Think about all of the insulting things you have said about AK, small towns, Wasilla in particular, working women, and unwed mothers. Especially unwed mothers – how many people do you know that have a similar situation in their family?

How well do you think any of that is going to go over with middle America? How about the Hilary folks who are still angry over the misogyny they were treated to BY THEIR OWN PARTY?

How dare you think you can insult all of those people, and think that people aren’t going to transfer that disgust to Obama?

Well, just stay tuned and watch Sarah’s stock go up – way up! People are galvanizing their support around her. Especially the church ladies. Go ahead, look at the conservative blogs already.

Get your umbrellas ready… a hard rain is gonna fall.


1 09 2008

Fascinating stuff. It all seems circumstantial to me, from both sides, so I’m just reading along, when something just occurred to me, don’t presidential and vice-presidential candidates make their medical records known? (The whole I’m not going to drop dead any time soon defence.) Has anyone brought that up yet?

1 09 2008

According to the website for the court posted above, Bristol will not be 18 until October. . .

1 09 2008

Curious: Great link!! Did they vet this woman at all? If you look up Sarah, Todd and Track, too, they all have a court history!!! McCain needs to dump her now before things get much worse!!

1 09 2008

Of course there is the classic Smirk that they all have – but what really gets me is the dead eyes. The pathway to the soul. Pubs have dead eyes. McCain / Bush / Cheney / Frist / Boehner / they have this hole in their soul that you see in their eyes – really strange stuff – i think it is the Koolaide along with the Oxycontin – just numb myself enough and i can lie along with this crowd – you know – safety in numbers – sheep dont think

Anyone else ever notice that ? – When i pointed it out to my therapist there McCainySupporterBoy – she agreed. What is that all about ?

1 09 2008

Mooseburger Lover (15:28:20) :
Done and done.

Intriguing, but the photo of Sarah the “inlaw” looks Photoshopped to me. The head does not match the body and why is it in black and white when the others are in color. Could it be that whoever did the Photoshopping couldn’t get the colors to match so converted it to black and white where the photo altering would be easier to detect?

1 09 2008
peter jackson

Sue et. al.,

You guys are some serious creeps. Get help.

1 09 2008

I should add I would like nothing more than to remove the Sarah Palin from the national political scene. However, I’m not sure if the MySpace photos are it.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

Jamie, I saved the page as a PDF and then converted to a JPG. There is no doctoring of the photo, unless Sadie did it herself. Good try though.

1 09 2008

Mooseburger Lover – I have the Jpeg file of Levi with Sadie on his back…is that what you want? Where do you want it?

1 09 2008

Well, although I haven’t seen any acknowledgment of creating, nevertheless please send any and all files you may have to and I shall post them to the site anyway.

Thanks to all those who are doing great work in archiving these files. I suppose I’m a day late and a dollar short (well, $8 for the domain), but a bit of redundancy doesn’t hurt, either.


1 09 2008

CNN is replaying the best interview ever right now! McCain’s people are screwed!

1 09 2008

My apologies…

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

curliesue, it would be wonderful if you could upload it to

Also, here is a higher quality version of the images I previously posted. The conversion from pdf->jpg caused some compression problems, so I took a screenshot of the pdf instead and saved that.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lover

curliesue, it would be wonderful if you could upload it to


Also, here is the higher quality version of what I posted before. I think imageshack compressed the really big file too much, but this should be clearer.

1 09 2008

Think about all of the insulting things you have said about AK, small towns, Wasilla in particular, working women, and unwed mothers. Especially unwed mothers – how many people do you know that have a similar situation in their family?

oh good grief.

sure some thing shave been said about alaska (and other states, too – did ya miss that?), but no one has said anything derogatory about working women. and don’t try to connect a pregnant 17-year-old daughter of a abstinance-only-preaching-right-winger to the general statement of “unwed mothers” that’s total bs.

I asked this earlier of someone else, but apparently it applies again – do you have reading comprehension problems? or are you just trying to muddy the waters?

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Hmm, for some reason, my two attempts at posting aren’t showing up. Oh well.

curliesue, if you could upload your pictures to, it’d be super helpful! Thanks so much!

Here is a screenshot of the PDF I generated:

I think uploading the converted pdf on Imageshack caused some compression since it was a really big file, so hopefully this looks better.

Dan, I’ve also e-mailed you with the pictures I have. Thanks for the site!

1 09 2008
Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is pregnant!!!! (again?) - Page 13 - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] going to require a tremendous amount of time and attention. From his mother. This is okay?" In the Land of Palin. Mudflats I think this story ^ is worse than the cover up […]

1 09 2008

There is no doctoring of the photo, unless Sadie did it herself.

when I saw the page earlier (on myspace, before she took it down) I also noticed the different color of the photo. I thought it was odd but I don’t think it’s anything sinister. I don’t think it means much.

1 09 2008

Bravo for a job well done! This paleocon appreciates your hard work and deductive reasoning.

At this point I am thinking that Trig is Levi and Bristol’s child and that Bristol possibly had a previous pregnancy, with C-Ray being the dad of that child. ?

Please note that the MySpace profiles have been set to private so the photos (especially of Levi) are not visible.

At any rate, THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. All we can do is hope and pray that the lamestream media will pick up the story. If McCain is the “chosen one” that will never happen.


1 09 2008

Mooseburger Lover –


Does that work for you?

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

The coloring of the photo is something called the “sepia” effect. Plenty of cameras have it as a built in option-I know mine does. She could’ve done it in Photoshop as well, if she knows how to do it. I somehow get the feeling that she’s not exactly a brain surgeon… correct me if you disagree here 🙂

1 09 2008

Mooseburger Lover –


Does that work?

1 09 2008
John Doe

McCain Supporter,

On the off chance that you’re not particularly net-savvy, get used to the snarky use of these initials:


Which stands for “It’s o.k. if you’re a Republican”.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

curliesue: Looks great! Wow, that’s a lot better than what I had. That’s definitely the enlarged version of the thumbnail I had on the full album page. I’m guessing that’s Levi by the caption?

1 09 2008

Test- I will support your site. Kudos.

Bettina-missed the interview. What was it?

McCain (“suppprter”) – you can not fool us smart Democrats with your Road runner antics. If your family value corrolation is based on actors than you have a real problem. I do not give a damn about actors etc. So I do not comment on them. They are not policy makers. They have NO influence on the Supreme Court. Palin is different. Your thinking is insightful. This is the GOP thinking that your camp wants us to believe. If it’s okay for Jamie Lynn, it’s okay for the United States as a whole? I will not adopt those values no matter how much you try to shove it down our throats.

Good job McCain (“supporter”), your tokens are on FOX right now reiterating your first statement about no info almost verbatim. They are now comparing bloggers to Nazi’s. Hmmmm….

1 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Sarah is clearly wearing a wedding band on her left finger in a photo on ABC news’ website. It doesn’t look like an engagement ring. It looks like a band.

1 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Bristol, not Sarah.

1 09 2008

Mooseburger Lover – I can only assume. Her caption read something like “My Brother and Best Friend” and then one of her friends left a comment about having not seen Levi in so long even though she talks about him constantly…I am not quoting exactly here…and then if you search Levi Wallner on MySpace his private page profile comes up and it looks just like him on there as well.

1 09 2008


Why are the GOPs now blaming this whole thing on “hateful bloggers”? WHERE IS SUE?!?!?!?

1 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Just some thoughts to track down: was there a baby shower? are there places up there to register for baby gifts — like Target, Walmart, BabiesRUs? diaper services?

A woman at 8 months at her age and with a Down’s child, would be having ultrasounds down just about every other week after 30 weeks — in the lower 48. There would be lots of monitoring by perinatologists. Is there a place up there that would do that and if so, are there people in the same office buildings who would have seen her?

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

curliesue: Wow, thanks. I didn’t realize that. I only spent a minimal amount of time on the website. My IQ was dropping at a rate of 10 points/minute just looking at the debauchery 😉 Good to know!

1 09 2008

You guys are great. But don’t give anything away. Sell what you have. McCains rove machine will destroy it all. Sell what you have to people who will print this

1 09 2008

Why are the GOPs now blaming this whole thing on “hateful bloggers”?

because anytime their crap is exposed they have to blame someone. in their f-ed up minds, people are WRONG for wanting the truth – people should just settle for lies they are fed.

1 09 2008
John Doe

McCains rove machine will destroy it all. Sell what you have to people who will print this

And be exceedingly careful with what you upload and how you upload it. Expect mischief. Remember, we’re talking about people who seek to control trillions of dollars and the most powerful mechanisms (of all kinds) in this world, enough motive to justify almost anything.

1 09 2008

Poor SUE…

1 09 2008

ABC news is now reporting that Sarah and Todd were members of a group that wanted Alaska to secede from the US! No one vetted this crazy woman at all!

1 09 2008

Test- saw the site.

This guy clearly keeps company with a quality crowd.

1 09 2008
Mrs. S.

1 09 2008

Well dan’s site seems to be cleared already.

1 09 2008

BJ – CNN’s Campbell Brown totally took McCain staffer Tucker Rounds to task over Palin. He looked like a deer in headlights and sounded like he didn’t know what he was talking about at all. He could not name a single thing Palin has done as governor/head of the Alaska National Guard. It was hilarious. I will try to find it on YouTube.

1 09 2008

In collaboration with Kyle (the original from earlier today), we have agreed that a “private” wiki, editable only by responsible contributors to this page, would be the best route.

Soon and (thanks Kyle!) will point to the wiki.

If you wish to be able to edit this wiki, upload files, etc (as Kyle and I do not have the time to tackle this alone), please send an email to

Everything should be up and running soon! This can be our chance to get a clear depiction of events out to a wide audience…

1 09 2008

The coloring of the photo is something called the “sepia” effect. Plenty of cameras have it as a built in option-I know mine does. She could’ve done it in Photoshop as well, if she knows how to do it. I somehow get the feeling that she’s not exactly a brain surgeon… correct me if you disagree here
Mooseburger, I understand the difference between sepia tone and b/w. I referred to it as black and white because many other people might not. But it’s the same thing in this context. Why would that effect be applied to only that photo? and not to others in the MySpace gallery? The head placement looks Photoshopped to me and applying the sepia tone effect is a good way to obscure the color variations between the image of Sarah’s head and the other image of the girl holding the baby.

As I mentioned before, I would like nothing more than to see Sarah Palin’s web of lies exposed, but this photo looks shady (no pun intended).

1 09 2008

Try this link for the interview!!

1 09 2008

Well I picked my Veep dream girl
I picked my Veep dream girl
But she didn’t tell me
Her record was bad
So now instead of living in a pleasant White House
I’m living in the basement at my Cindy’s pad
Now I can’t get a vote
For a respectable post
Just because my Veep defaulted
On her credentials card
If I’d only gone to
I’d be a happy Prez, with a dog and a yard

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Wow, I can’t believe that’s under question. You’re saying someone (other than Sadie herself) applied the filter to cover up some messy Photoshopping of the Governor’s head on another body? Are you kidding me? Assuming that she’s in the McCain camp, why would the McCain camp do that to themselves? I’ve been in graphic design for 7 years and I can tell you that the filter is something that you can switch on/off very easily on digital cameras. It doesn’t HAVE to be through Photoshop. If you looked through her other galleries, there were other silly filters applied too. Look at ANY teenage girl’s MySpace and you’ll see all sorts of silly effects (blurring, other color filters, etc.)

1 09 2008

You peeps have done a great job. Been here since Saturday – dont give up now – in three days you made it to Bill OReilly / Andrea Mitchell / Campbell Brown – these folks are still not letting on about the depth of this – David Gergen looked really scared – lots of folks who will get to the truth are on their way to Alaska or are already there –

The backlash from the Pub spin machine has started –

Bet that $50 that Palin will withdraw her name by the end of the week

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Thanks for the video link, Bettina! It was hilarious. That was a very valid question.

1 09 2008

I’m saying maybe some bored kid in Alaska did it just to have fun. Maybe not, but this is just too obvious.

I agree that the whole story has not been told, but finding it on some kid’s MySpace page? How stupid are these hicks from Alaska? Maybe I shouldn’t ask.

BTW, I’ve been in the graphic design business three times as long as you, FWIW, so let’s not have a pissing contest about it, OK?

1 09 2008

Dropped this link in a couple of “interesting” places… One BIG site. Who knows; maybe they will link to it!

1 09 2008

@ JohnnyBoy: I went for the 7th on my board, some think she’ll last into the following week. 🙂

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

I’m not trying to get into a pissing contest (though you seem to be by even naming your “3x experience”), so I’ll ask you to not get your panties in a bunch over it. I was saying that from my experience and from when I looked at the photo, it wasn’t doctored. I don’t have the non-thumbnail version but if anyone does, PLEASE post the unresized version of the Palin + Sadie. It was clearly a stupid teenage girl’s picture that she chose to post on her myspace. Your questions involve baseless speculating, and I’m not about to get into that. There is something fishy about why the pictures were deleted, and that’s what I’m interested in.

1 09 2008

But at the rate this is happening, maybe I’m overly optimistic?

1 09 2008

BabyDaddy IDed

Yet another weird name — who the HELL names their son “Jade?!”

1 09 2008

“How stupid are these hicks from Alaska? ”

You’re right, the people on this site have been so respectful.

By all means, keep it up.

1 09 2008

They say a gal should always dress
For the job she wants
So why am I dressed up like a waitress
In this restaurant
It’s all because some slacker
Divorced my sis’ Molly
Now I’m in here every evenin’
Slingin’ Caribou hash and tea
Should’ve gone to (Yeehaa!)
They could’ve seen this comin’ at ‘em
Like an atom bomb
They monitor the Veep blogs and
Send you e-mail alerts
So you don’t end up selling Moose
To fishermen in plaid shirts

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

I would also like to point out that the head DOES match the body–in proportion, color processing, and angle of the neck. You’ll notice the Governor’s daughter’s head in a similar position in the picture to the left. Again, there were other pictures in her other galleries with other processing effects.

1 09 2008
1 09 2008


i bet my husband $20 and a foot rub(he says he’ll forgoe the foot rub if he wins, which he won’t) earlier that it will be b4 the end of the week since the spindoctors and think tanks are at work now by “toning down” the DNC. He thinks they will ride this thing to the end and she will not pull out.

Then again….never mind.
I won’t even touch the obvious double entendre that I just made unintentionally.

1 09 2008

All right, let’s agree to disagree on the Photoshopping of the image Moose. I hope I’m wrong , as I’ve said before because if it brings Sarah down I’m all for it.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

😀 Levi Johnston: Hell-Raiser… because he caught some fish out of season. What a heartthrob.

1 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Jamie, sure. I’m not interested in bringing the Alaskan Governor down–I just want to learn the truth. Is that so hard to ask for in politics? 🙂

1 09 2008

Love you Alaska Guy – my cousin has lived there for about 40 years – and i have always wanted to visit – still have not made it

Anyway – She will not be able to withstand these questions – too many of them – Andrea Mitchell reporting that attorneys are being dispatched to Alaska to vet her ? – too funny – whoops !!!

I say by Wednesday – she will just withdraw her name – and they will postpone the Convention indefinitely until they can put the spin on it enough in order to pick Romney to straighten it all out – he isnt dumb enough to try Lieberman now – or is he ? – blame it as best they can on the Dems. and their hatred of unwed Mothers ? – Or something like that – they are a strange bunch -what with all those wierd hairpieces and sinister smirks-

They will try to shuttle her away and hide her – how do you do that when she is The Gov ? She will be hounded like that dude in Detroit – but she is going to be tough to get rid of – lots of Parliamentary procedures – Alaskan politics in the legislature is already a mess right ? – I admire the pioneering spirit of Alaskans – this is just too damn bad – but your bad Kharma will come around and get you every time –

very difficult problem – even for the Evil Rove and company

I think they have probably already called in Cheney – the CIA is on the way to your door – be afraid – be very afraid –

Bill Oreilly and even that Uncle Tom Juan Williams are all pissed off – blaming those evil Libs. for slamming the beauty queen runner up girl –

trying to say you all hate Bristol – and have no family values – geez – sickos – dumb Americans get what they deserve

1 09 2008

I agree. The reason I want to bring her down is that I’m convinced she’s a liar. BTW, since the father has been confirmed as the same “brother” in the MySpace gallery maybe I’m wrong about the Photoshopping.

Interesting in the article that it says Bristol transferred in the middle of the year from Wasilla HS to an Anchorage HS but other stories said she was out of school due to mono. More lies.

1 09 2008

This blogger’s entry says that the National Enquirer has been on the case all weekend and forced them to admit it!! GOTTA love it!!!

1 09 2008

BJ – i say skip the foot rub – $50 or the BJ –

I will take double or nuthin

1 09 2008

This blogger says that the National Enquirer has been on the case all weekend and forced them to admit it. LOVE IT!!

1 09 2008

She may withdraw, but they won’t have to postpone the convention. Teams of repubs are out now finishing up vetting on Tom Ridge, Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty or some other suitable replacement and they can simply nominate him instead of Sarah. Remember she has not even been nominated yet. Sarah will issue a heartfelt statement that her priorities have to be with her children, particular with Bristol now at this difficult time in her life. Her supporters will continue to applaud her for putting her family first.

1 09 2008

OK Johnny, I’ll take your bet. I say she’ll last just beyond the convention, maybe 3 or 4 days, where does that leave us? 8th or 9th? Now would they have the announcement over the weekend, 7th, or mid week, 10th? Hmmm. Choices, choices. I’ll go for the 8th.

$50 waiting for you if you’re right!

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

Damn it! Jamie makes a good point renomination. Still, I’ve made the bet so I’ll stick with it.

1 09 2008

To Yourinfo–nothing like trying to come off as a no nothing.
Regarding the birth issue–There is the possibility that her daughter is going to have an ‘Irish twin’; could this ‘five month old’ have been born earlier? Like around Christmas? That would explain a lot. Typical of men to treat her so gingerly; that is why this woman is in the position she is in–either you are a beauty queen and you can do no wrong or you are the brain and they treat you horribly, as was Hillary. Crazy double set of standards.

1 09 2008

After reading the NY Daily News piece my question is why in a really, really small town does the assistant principal of the high school not know why one of his students “inexplicably transferred” in the middle of the year? And not just some random student, but the daughter of the governor of the state! Did the Palins not tell the school that Bristol was leaving? Did she actually transfer to another school? This is all adding up to something very fishy—and the Palins seem to know a lot about fish! 🙂

Even worse, wouldn’t the school know if she was leaving because she had mono and doesn’t that have to be reported at the school because it’s contagious??

1 09 2008

from the article posted by intrigued

He said Bristol inexplicably transferred to an Anchorage high school midyear, leaving Levi behind.

so now the story is she was transferred? uh, wait a minute – what about the talk around town of her being out with mono for months?

something STILL stinks here! masters of bs.

1 09 2008

Jamie – you are right – that is how best to handle it – I was saying that they wont go thru with the convention – they wont nominate her – great points

If she was a good Mother – she would do this tomorrow – because her daughter does not deserve what she has done to her – the greed and ambition – kind of an old story in human history – no matter what it takes – get to the top – win – beat the other guy – sad sad – but really the human condition

1 09 2008

Not only that but look at the family situation. Mom is living in Wasilla but working 800 miles away in Juneau, and travelling frequently all over the state and country. Dad apparently works part time in northern Alaska in the Oil industry. A new baby is in the house and now the oldest kid still living at home is going to high school 50 miles away in Anchorage? Who runs their lives this way?

1 09 2008

OK, I’m missing something here. Levi Johnston or Levi Wallner? Not read some of the articles but ‘Leaving Levi behind’ seems odd. The myspace page I saw had him listed in Palmer, a neighboring town, and well Anchorage is also a neighboring town to both Wasilla and Palmer. I rarely get up there, so I think Palmer is further from Anchorage than Wasilla, but it’s still hardly ‘left behind’.

1 09 2008

There will have to be a delay so that there is no roll call. Only way to bow out gracefully.

1 09 2008

Tomorrow I will be calling radio programs to let them know that it was Sue Williams the Palin’s neighbor who has been slandering the Palin family!

1 09 2008

BJ, I don’t think there’s going to be any chance of ‘gracefully’.

1 09 2008

I have to go to bed – 10:30 here in my hinterlands and past my bedtime – but this thing is as good as it gets and it is a lot of fun

Kudos to all of you brave souls – get that .44 next to you tonight and sleep lightly on your back

The evil twins – Cheney and Rove – are on their way through your neighborhood to slit your collective throats !!! They already got Tom and Sue and maybe even my boy Logician –

At least this way – they can shit themselves in my bedroom

1 09 2008

Snooper, I don’t think it’s slander once the so called victim announces it to be true.

1 09 2008

‘transferred’ mid year. why?

what a coincidence that mid-year would have been around 5 months pregnant.

this is such a huge crock of shit. why would she ‘transfer’ the kid out of her hometown in the middle of the school year? why?

and why is this the FIRST time that anyone has heard she was transferred? why did the kids at her school think she was home with mono? for months?

WHAT A LOAD. this story about her daughter being pregnant NOW is a LOAD.

mccain is an idiot.

1 09 2008
test is now active (also accessible from It’s obviously not filled with information yet (although the files that I received so far have been posted).

Please help create the most comprehensive, up-to-date and reliable collection of information, images and everything else about this story by contributing to this wiki. Contributors will need a username/password for the site, to keep out those who only wish to confuse and distract. Please send an e-mail soon to get your account. Let’s keep it as nonpartisan and objective as possible!

Thanks to Kyle, and everyone keep up the good work!


1 09 2008

Wow. He’s hot.

1 09 2008


In efforts to keep your site as accurate as possible, the Levi myspace page does not appear to be the same Levi Johnston.

1 09 2008
The Logician

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have not abandoned you. I walked the dog. Then my sister called. Then I cooked a pizza. Then I fixed a very large Manhattan (shaken, not stirred). Now I am watching documentaries on cable TV. If I may say so myself, I think I have earned it. See you on Tuesday morning!

1 09 2008

While you were gone you missed the link to the NY Daily News where he is named.

1 09 2008

My comment was directed to Test and now applicably Logician.

1 09 2008
The Logician

Haiku: Manhattan

Bourbon, sweet Vermouth
Sun lingers in Western sky
Palins tomorrow

1 09 2008
The Logician

Oh darn. What link?

1 09 2008

Thank you, BJ; I simply posted a file which was sent to me (I’ve been focusing my attention these past few hours on getting everything set up with the website). I will take it down, and gladly, given the depiction in the screenshot.

BJ, could I beg you to contribute to the site? You’ve obviously added a lot to the discussion. (Same goes for Logician, mooseburger, emyrsa, et al.) An average reader will not read a few hundred posts to learn about this very important story, which needs to be read by all potential voters!


1 09 2008
1 09 2008

Will do what I can. The author of this blog is on vacay but is actually an excellent source for AK politcs (view her previous posts) and this is a good place for info as well.

1 09 2008

Actually, everyone should check out the real posts on this blog. Not just this thread. The author keeps you abreast of the REAL issues, not just the juicy ones;-) Truthfully, their all juicy and show that there is no legitimate reason that the Reps should win this one thanks to this last nail in the coffin.

Later gators…

1 09 2008

Concerns About Palin Raise ?s About Vetting Process

1 09 2008

Okay, what happened to the boy that posted “I love Bristol Palin more than anything in the world!”?

That wasn’t Levi right?

Jeez, I leave the board for a few hours then spend another hour trying to keep up!

1 09 2008
First Dude


You guys with a vendetta against Palin are more obvious then a corn stalk in a wheat field. Go ahead and tell her she should resign, spread lies about her family, pretend to take the high road and shout down idiotic lectures from your ivory towers. I feel sorry for your lame attempts at ‘observing’ the situation.

As for Palin’s daughter? You’re going to tell me you hey-ya’alls praise the idea of Abortion and having sex at any age and yet the moment someone gets pregnant and decides to HAVE the baby you decide they have NO CHOICE.

Way to make a choice based on convictions, dudes.

Oh, and wait!! Because Palins daughter is pregnant, Palin has no choice but to ‘bow out’ of the election and go home to raise her children and be obedient to her husband like any good wife?

You’re all living in the world of dreams and wonders XD


I love this. Seriously…

The interview in Time Magazine should have put this old news to rest. Dudes… pick up a publication WORTH reading XD

Palin is an awesome gal with a true adventurers spirit and she has won the heart of the American people. Come November, she’ll be elected along with McCain. Hehehehe.

Man, I can’t wait to vote for this gal… I hope she does for the country what she has done for Alaska.


1 09 2008

First Dude, I’m sure you’ll love it when Sarah announces (tomorrow) that she’s decided to gracefully bow-out.

All do to wanting to spend more time with her family, of course!

1 09 2008

Um, First Dude, I don’t think anyone on this thread has said anything bad about Bristol Palin or suggested she have an abortion. The problem here is Sarah Palin, her terrible judgment and lack of parenting skills. Don’t even get me started about her severe lack of experience to be a real leader in Alaska — let alone the country! Sarah Palin is a hypocrite (and liar, in my opinion) of historic proportions!! Stepping down for the McCain ticket isn’t what she should do, it’s what she HAS to do.

The negative effect this is having on her family is going to lead to years of therapy. She needs to put family first and political ambition/fame-lust aside.

1 09 2008

Veep pick implosion
Panic echoes in the gulf
And the RNC

1 09 2008

I have 4 kids. All delivered naturally, no episiotomy. I was advised to wait between 2 & 4 weeks, depending upon which delivery to start to have protected sex. The first child, 2 weeks. Second child I tore a bit, stitches…4 weeks. #3 was early, 3 1/2 weeks early, 7lbs. Water broke. Not dramatically like in the movies, it was trickling. Doctor YELLED at me to find someone else to take the kids to school, get to the hospital 5 minutes ago. That was the fastest, easiest, most pain free delivery of the 4. I took a breath and he slipped out. I was told to wait between 2-3 weeks. I breastfed all my kids and became pregnant with #4 prior to having a period after the delivery of #3. That was my only pregnancy in which we could not track it accurately and would have to say I was ‘about 5 months along’ and I had a range of a due date. Because there was no objective way to track the pregnancy. Sure, I had several ultrasounds and each time we tried to pin down a due date, but it was always a guess and sometimes I would be told I was further along or not as far along after an ultrasound. My 4th delivery took longer and was more painful…he was full term, not early.

When a woman delivers a baby and either chooses not to breastfeed from the start or gives the baby up for adoption, her hormones go all out of wack. The body thinks that she lost the baby—that it didn’t survive. Nature kicks in and often times this is THE most fertile time in a woman’s life. Women that desire having their children close together are advised not to breastfeed at all and to not use any form of birth control. This is what is called ‘Irish Twins’. Sometimes a woman in this position will produce several eggs per cycle under this circumstance. I, myself have a sister 11 months older than myself and grew up with neighbors that were 10 months apart. When you look at photos of my mother when pregnant with me, she always looked farther along then comparable photos of her other pregnancies. Because her body didn’t have the opportunity to shrink back and then -boom- she was pregnant again.

I don’t know if Bristol was pregnant the first time. But I did have online discussions over months ago with people in Alaska that insisted she was pregnant and that the Gov was lying and claiming to be pregnant. This was before Trig was born.

I don’t know what to believe, but I can absolutely see a young girl’s emotions being all out of wack if her baby was taken from her and either decide to attempt to get pregnant again or not have the proper understanding of how careful she must be and how easy it would be for her to become pregnant again.

I can also see that this 2nd pregnancy is a ruse and will somehow never produce a baby.

What I can not realistically see, is an experienced mother leaking amniotic fluid not rushing to the nearest hospital. High risk pregnancy or not. It is completely unrealistic that any responsible woman would travel any distance by car, train, plane, etc. once she was aware she was leaking fluid.

The minute I phoned my doctor when I was leaking fluid, he had me get a pad and attempt to time how fast it took to become soaked—as I got my other kids ready for school. Once the bag has broken the clock is ticking and there is a exposed opening to the ‘filthy world or germs’. This is a very risky situation for both the mother & baby. I know someone that didn’t rush to the hospital, the baby ended up with an eye infection from passing through the vaginal canal. It was touch & go in NICU for 10 days.

1 09 2008

I’ve been following this thread from the beginning…Logician, you started off strong but got lost keeping up with everyone’s every thought.
Here’s my Hollywood Take:
Bristol is Trig’s mom. Palin lied and has continued to lie, but I notice even though McCain’s flunkies referenced the malicious “internet rumors,” they did not take the opportunity to re-iterate that Gov. Palin is in fact the mother of Trig Palin.
I don’t think Bristol is pregnant.
y gut tells me the stress of the malicious rumors means in a month they will indeed say she is no longer with child. The Gov. will cry shame on you crazy left-wing bloggers(read abortionists) and the religious right will coalesce around her and defend Sarah Palin to the end.
If no one pulls up the real dirt on the Trig story within the next five days, Palin will ride the ticket out to November and hope to mobilize her base in sympathy of what her family is going through.
Watch the timing on this Bristol “pregnency” thing. There was really no reason to out the poor kid when producing medical records for Sarah (which is mandatory anyway) is all that needed to happen.
I smell a BIG FAT RAT. And it stinks. Focus, you easily diverted ….
Come on. The question remains: Where is the proof Sarah Palin is the mother of Trig Palin?

BTW, “Sue Williams” ??????
Even the most unsaavy of bloggers knows not to put their FULL NAME! She did her job. You were the crash test dummies, and sadly now you are all distracted. Now she’s gone baby gone. I couldn’t have scripted it better myself!

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Well said, Bettina… well said…

1 09 2008

Red_d, thanks so much for writing that. I thought my partner was kind of on to something when she first told me that she was sure Bristol Palin was pregnant twice.

This was the first place I came to with the suggestion (many, many posts above ^) and was promptly laughed at by a few.

She’ll be happy to hear that it’s not so far fetched after all.

1 09 2008

I haven’t gone anywhere, just enjoyed a nice Labor Day with family. Looks like I didn’t miss much, just some silly speculation about MySpace pages, in laws, and how soon after having a baby can someone get pregnant again. So, it seems Bristol’s pregnancy was an open secret in Wasilla the past couple of months. Perhaps Sue Williams was the town rumor mill after all! You know the type: tell her a secret if you wan’t the whole world to find out. Still sort of doubt it because she obviously didn’t know Bristol transferred to an Anchorage school. By the way, anybody know the source of that mononucleosis rumor? Probably just some more BS fantasy like 99% of the stuff here and the other blogs. Too bad the real issues about Palin’s ill-fitness for VP are getting buried under a bunch of irrelevant and stinky muck. Rove and the rest of the Republican “strategists” are sure loving this! And Obama is probably going to have to apologize for his supporters! Great going you numbskulls!

Doesn’t the fact that Bristol’s pregnancy was well known in town pretty much destroy the silly theories about all those devious plans to hide the Gubna’s imperfections? It’s sort of like why Bush/Cheney could never have pulled of 9/11: because it worked! Do you not see that when you are PROVEN wrong about all the mud you are now slinging that Palin could very well gain a sea-swell of sympathy, even from people who are opposed to her politics?

1 09 2008
versus politics « drink me

[…] I don’t want to jump to conclusions when Palin has only been around a couple days. Online, things don’t look good, but with two months to go, I can still imagine everything feeling quite different after […]

1 09 2008

Tom, get over yourself! Why would this “current”pregnancy at only five months be so well known when we all know how good the Governor is at keeping babies a secret if she wants! (For goodness sakes she hid her own so-called pregnancy for over seven months from her own staff, supposedly.)
The time line on this thing reeks to high heaven.
Hey fool me once, shame on you…
Fool me twice… well, you know the rest!

1 09 2008

hey my blog is i wore a post on this

1 09 2008

“On March 5th, 2008 Alaska’s Republican Governor, Sarah Palin, announced to the media that she was 7 months pregnant with her 5th child. She is currently 44.

The controversy arises from two sources: First, Palin does not appear preganant in any recent photographs. The announcement came as quite a shock to people who had worked closely with her, and have been quoted as saying that she did not appear pregnant whatsoever during the prior 7 months. While this is debatable, you can judge for yourself here:

Second, Palin’s daughter Bristol is 16 and attends an Anchorage high school. Students who have attended class with her report that she has been out of school for months, claiming a prolonged case of mono.

Apparently, this rumor has made the rounds in the upper echelon of the Alaska legislature, and is a closely guarded secret. As far as I know, this rumor has not been discussed by any media outlets, in Alaska or otherwise.

The points here are based mostly upon hearsay, and I’m not trying to destroy an innocent family. However, a Republican politician hiding a pregnant teenage daughter seems rather newsworthy.”

From another site posted over 4 months ago. Before Trig was born. The mono story isn’t new.

To follow the thread, go to:

1 09 2008

OK, I might have just figured out the original McCain Palin connection….

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Pray tell… Bettina… we’re all ears…

1 09 2008

Wow, you must be talking to the 20% of Alaskan’s who apparently are not on Palin’s approval rating side of 80% – Man it stinks that Alaskan democrats were praising Palin too, I bet you ‘liberals’ are taking names and remembering come re-election time for those traitors, how dare they say something nice about a conservative!

By the way, and I know there was a self-described PUMA earlier in the comments, Palin is going to get some of Hillary’s voters, though it will not be all of them, she will get a group of them. I have seen and heard interviews from them already. A lot of them were coming McCain’s way anyway, even with Hillary and Obama kissing and making up at the DNC…they see it for what it is, politics.

Oh, and don’t worry about Obama going to Alaska to show a sign of strength there, we can look at the National polls to see how weak he actually is. In an election year where experts say he should be pounding McCain, he is only leading by 6 points at the most on 1 poll, all others have him consistently leading between 1 and 3 points (all within the margin of error)…that is why liberals are all obviously scared to death of Palin, because the handful of women (and Hillary), Union, and suburban voters that she will attract, may just push McCain ahead, and they haven’t even gotten the RNC off the ground yet. Keep attacking Palin for petty stuff, especially for these lies and rumors that are increasingly turning out to be just that, lies and rumors, and you will effectively create a victim for the American people to fall in love with.

1 09 2008
Confirmed: Sarah Palin is John McCain's VP pick - Page 13 - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] What one lady in Alaska thinks of Palin in Troopergate I am only reporting what I hear constantly from Sarah and Todds inner circle (it sounds so funny saying that about anyone in this Valley. Its way too high brow sounding – and truly, the more you hear about SP, were certainly not high brow around these parts. By. Any. Stretch.) Fine if Im wrong. I was just hanging out with people who are close friends with the Heath family the last two days and this is what Ive heard. Who cares if Im wrong (Im not). Obviously in the next 48 hours or so I imagine a reporter will try to weasel around the Secret Service and ask her personally. I assume she must have mentioned the whole scenario to McCain, right? She wouldnt have blindsided him with this -? But, I dont know. That was the discussion around these parts this morning – How much did McCain know about the baby stuff and how much did he know about Troopergate (like, the interesting little fact that shes been caught multiple times the past six weeks not telling the truth). This, I think, is what will finally get her. She cant be prepping for the cursory answers shes going to have to memorize on every national and intl issue – AND remember what she said when and to whom re: her Troopergate cover-up attempts. I know this coming week is when the special counsel up here was supposed to depose her. My. My. Its not gonna be pretty. In the Land of Palin. Mudflats […]

1 09 2008

red-d: My wife said the same thing, her doctor had us go to the hospital right after her water broke (I don’t remember it that way but I’ll defer) so I’m going to back off on my prior pooh-poohing of the severe criticism about Palin deciding to fly home after “noticing” amniotic fluid leaking. It was clearly the wrong decision and she should have at least been examined at a Dallas hospital. Even if she already had a prior history of slow amniotic fluid leaking and minor contractions. But she probably figured that once at a hospital, the staff would probably not let her leave and that would mean having a “Texas fishpiker”. I’m sure to her and Todd (who could very well have added pressure) it was good ol’ Alaskan frontier bravado to fly home instead. In any case, she should never have gone on a trip to Texas in the first place at 8 months pregnant.

To answer the person (JohnnyBoy?) who dissed the true story of my wife not wanting me to hand out promotional cards to pregnant women I saw out and about, it had nothing to do with her assessment of my powers of observation (which aren’t always the best, yet I’m the only one who figured out that those two pictures of Bristol could not have shown her pregnant with Trig). My wife’s point was that it is simply not possible for anyone to tell every pregnant woman by simply looking at a fully-clothed figure. At the time I didn’t really agree with her but I kept my eyes open the next few months and it turns out she was absolutely right. And if you can’t always tell even when you can look at someone from every angle, how in the heck can any of you make such absolute judgments from a few pictures or even a video? You can’t. Especially since there are actually a number of pictures that do show Sarah could have been pregnant. No, not just with a “pillow” stuffed for a fake belly, but filled out in the hips and rear as well. Those pictures don’t PROVE that she was pregnant, but they at least cancel out those pictures alleged to PROVE that she was not pregnant.

1 09 2008
Redwood Man

Yep, ncarnes… we all thought it was a lie that Bristol was pregnant… one of those lies and rumors… how many others’ are there???

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

OK, this might be a long shot and I’ve been trying to dig up more details. But Tucker Bounds is a long-time McCain aide. Now famous for being the fool who got trampled on CNN by Campbell Brown. He’s from a tiny town in Oregon, where it’s said his family was in local politics.

His older sister was an energy legislative aide to a GOP congressman.

And, is it me or is Bounds a rare last name? But I did a quick Facebook search and there is a Bounds family in Wasilla! Including Tyler, Ashley and Veronica Bounds who all seem to appear to have attended Wasilla High School with the Palin kids!

Connection? I don’t know, but super strange coincidence!

1 09 2008
Clever Else

NY Post. Notice they say “liberal bloggers” not “bloggers” as some other news sites have posted. I’m a progressive. Already splitting hairs with the name-calling.

1 09 2008

RealityGirl: I’m over myself and I’m not the one saying the “current” Bristol pregnancy was well known, Sue Williams said it and now the local Alaskan townfolk are saying the same thing in interviews. So, I repeat “Reality”Girl (not!), where is the devious plan to hide the daughter’s pregnancy? So what if Sarah Palin hid her own pregnancy for 7 months? That is not the same thing as hiding Bristol’s pregnancy, which if they tried to do was clearly not successful. Are you saying it is impossible to hide a pregnancy for 7 months (more like 6.5)? If so, go tell all the posters on DailyKos–you know, those liberals who presumably would not lie to benefit Palin–who have said they did the same thing for professional or other reasons. Are you even a “girl”? Doubt it, women aren’t this stupid.

red-d: So, as your source you quote yet another rumor, this one from 4 months ago. In it, no names are given and it is all total speculation even according to the person posting it. And that person gets his/her first fact wrong, that Sarah Palin did not appear pregnant in any recent photographs. That is not true, there are several photos where she does appear pregnant. So right there the credibility is out the window, assuming there was any in the first place (there wasn’t). I’m curious, where else is there any reference to mono?

1 09 2008
Clever Else


Palin is no Hillary. Her positions, experience and age are vastly different, (read; practically non-existent) and Hillary managed to, while being first lady (and dealing with a nearly marriage-ending affair) raise a daughter without her becoming pregnant and wed to an unwilling 17yr old father.
I think you’re watching too much Fox News, and the Republican talking points have idled your brain.

Please watch your step on the way out. Wouldn’t want you to trip over your own bullsh*t.

1 09 2008

I’m Republican.

While I would never lie to cover up an unwed pregnant teen, I would be thrilled and honored to raise any unplanned for grandchildren as opposed to my child thinking abortion was the only option.

1 09 2008

Posted earlier by emrysa (22:32:10) :

now the anchorage daily news has it. interesting quote from Palin’s in-state spokesman, Bill McAllister.

from the story:

“McAllister was an Anchorage TV reporter before working for Palin. He said Palin once approached him – before people knew she was pregnant – assuming he’d been hearing rumors.

“She said it’s not true about Bristol,” McAllister said.

At the time, the rumor would have been that Palin’s daughter was pregnant.”

guess I better get a screen shot, haha

I didn’t want this post lost in the great sea that this blog has become.
I think it’s important because it shows that the rumors of Bristol being pregnant started way before Sarah claimed her pregnancy.

1 09 2008

Reality Girl, I agree with you.

Excuse the caps, BUT CAN’T ANYONE COUNT?

McAllister said yesterday in ADN that Palin came to him BEFORE see announced here pregnancy that the rumors about Bristol were not true.

So lets say that is March 1. She announced I believe, March 5. April 5, May, June, July, August now almost September 5. That is almost 6 months.

The statement today said that Bristol was around 5 months pregnant.


When Palin talked to McAllister did she have a crystal ball, a time machine? For 5 months, conception would have been around April 1, and giving some time for a missed period or a pregnancy test we’re now around mid April or early May. So if McAllister can be believed, and the families statement that Bristol is pregnant can be believed, Bristol would have to be 6-6.5 months pregnant, and modern medicine doesn’t make that big of a mistake with durations and due dates. .

McAllister and 5 month pregnant cannot both be true.

I think like you this is headfake to distract from the Bristol is Trig’s mom story. The Bristol is Trig’s mom story is likely more dangerous because (a) it is a direct lie to the constituents (b) if true it might entail insurance problems if the Governor is representing the baby as her’s (3) politically the Bristol is pregnant story actually helps with the fundamentalist voters they were trying to woo with the Palin choice.

But who the heck knows with this crazy story.

1 09 2008

“NYDailyNews has published page, photos

Well, at least they correctly identified one of the photos where Bristol was supposedly pregnant as being from 2006. The other one, however, they caption as: “17-year-old Bristol Palin, (R) one of Alaska Gov. Palin’s five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father.” That implies the photo is recent but it was credited “Juneau 2007” on the State of Alaska website. Way to add confusion, New York Post, you pinnacle of journalism, you.

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

Good digging, Bettina! I guess you were bound to figure out a connection.

Notwithstanding puns, I would like to share Bristol Palin drinking underage:

I have uploaded the picture, and screenshot, onto Flickr:

Not quite sure what to make of all of this, except that I wish that the children (or grandchildren) are loved by their parents. Too bad Sarah Palin cares more for her career than her family.

1 09 2008
Clever Else

Agreed that NY Post is no journalistic heavy weight. And yet…

methinks they got the ‘right’ photo of BP pregnant. If the purported timeline in all the ridiculousness is true, then she actually might have been at least into the early second tri-mester in these photos.

Any thoughts, ladies?

1 09 2008
Clever Else

um…which would make a good case for theory#1… BP is Trig’s mom.

I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I don’t want to see pics of BP underage drinking, etc. It’s bad enough invading her public ‘privacy’ to figure out if her mom covered up a pregnancy.

Which I guess is a moot point, since she has admitted to it, anyway.

I only want the truth. I don’t want to kick the kid, or her mom when they are so obviously down.

1 09 2008

I second Clever Else. I could do without the photos of Bristol drinking, not that it doesn’t matter but my focus is on how many lies Sarah Palin has told and continues to tell.

Great find Bettina

1 09 2008
Clever Else

@ Tom- someone needs to folow up the mono rumour…if you are as into the conspiracy theories as you stated yesterday, that would make you uniquely qualified…

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

I honestly don’t really like it either, except that this site seems to have the most organized and comprehensive discussion on this matter, which was why I provided the link. The picture should not have been originally uploaded for obvious reasons, but one should not put something online that your grandmother might see or could be on the front page of the New York Times, as a general rule of thumb. I merely provided a link and a backup of sorts.

There have been no cited sources, whether in the form of a Sue Williams or otherwise, on the mononucleosis rumor. It keeps getting mentioned, and lends credence to the theory, but there is no evidence but hearsay evidence that keeps getting mentioned from one blog to the next. That is a key component of the argument that Trig is Bristol’s child. Can anyone shed some light on this?

1 09 2008

Check out Bristol’s 2/11/2008 ticket:

Here is the local newspaper’s crime report (event happened on 2/8/2008, note the name scrubbing):

The accident happened at “Seward Meridian Parkway and Fireweed Drive.”

A blogger claims that the following doctor’s practice:

is at that location (though I couldnt’ find Fireweed Drive on Yahoo! maps).

The clinic sounds like a pediatrician, which may not mean much.

Here’s a link to the other blog:

1 09 2008

The better question is what high school did she transfer to? If she actually did “transfer” to a new school, the kids there would be able to quiet the rumors, right??

I am completely decided that Sarah Palin is a total liar and that Bristol is the mother of Trig. This has gone from rumors to a full-out Palin scandal. She needs to go home to Alaska and take care of her family!!

And if I were Bristol Palin I would be really mad that her mother chose the NATIONAL stage to announce her teenage pregnancy!!

1 09 2008


This article:

states that Bristol transferred from Wasilla High to an Anchorage high school at the beginning of 07/08 school year (away from Levi).

Doesn’t say when she stopped going to the Anchorage school (or even if she ever got there).

1 09 2008

Anonymous: No, McWhatever was clearly talking about the period before Sarah announced her pregnancy. Macier got that part right, as it tends to suggest there was already a rumor (or at least Sarah thought there was) about Bristol being pregnant BEFORE March. In other words, there would have been a rumor about Bristol being pregnant with Trig.

Frankly, this McWhatever character is pretty naive: “How does McAllister know it’s not true? ‘The governor’s not a liar. That’s the main reason.'” Nice going, knucklehead! McWhomever’s statement about the hospital isn’t that helpful either given that the allegations are not being made by reasonable people but rather tinfoil hat wearers with agendas. And the excuse about the birth certificate — which is not ultimate proof either given that it would be no big deal to forge if the doctor, nurses and hospital administration were willing to switch the baby in the first place — is goofy, if understandable. Producing a birth certificate to “prove” you are the parents of your child just to shut up the rumor mill would involve a significant amount of indignity and of course it wouldn’t really prove anything as I just noted. The only true proof would be a blood or DNA test and even then the asshats could claim those were “doctored”. So you see, there is no way to prove Trig is not Bristol’s baby at the end of the day. And I tend to think that is just fine, since the onus is on the mudslingers to prove that Trig is is Bristol’s baby. And so far, the score is Mudslingers 0, Truth -1.

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck


That is, her presumed second pregnancy?

1 09 2008

Keystone: Old news!

1 09 2008

Captain Starbuck, yes, I too think it’s her second pregnancy. It’s all making sense with the timeline. I love the other comments that help make sense of all this. I was a doubter at first!!

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck


Thank you for the clarification. I suppose then people would need to contact students at the second high school to find about whether or not she was…blooming.

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

Though wait a minute I read that article a few hours ago when I was in a daze after waking up. Grrrrrr, this is all like a soap opera.

1 09 2008

Notice the OSU sweatshirt that she has is wearing in the picture in the Daily News article:

Were they campaigning in Ohio?

The doctor at the family practice clinic above:

went to OSU.

Might mean nothing…

1 09 2008

Yes, they announced the VP in Ohio!

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

Probably insubstantial. At least we know she’s not a Michigan fan.

1 09 2008

What happened to C-Ray??? His MySpace is gone.

Does he still “I LOVE BRISTOL PALIN MORE THEN ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!” or is it over between them? His page was there just yesterday.

1 09 2008

Can anyone with local knowledge help?

1) The Daily News article claimed that Bristol was supposed to have transferred to a High School in Anchorage. The high schools there look ~40 miles away from Wasilla. Would Bristol:
a)have been driving 80 miles/day
b) or maybe living with relatives down there
c) or just not in school?

2) The AK government page has a profile for Todd Palin:

a) Can anyone say what sort of schedule people keep when working on North Slope? (week on/week off?

b) He races, apparently every year, in the Tesoro Iron Dog, which is a week-long, intense snowmobile race in February: .

3) Can anyone say anything about Sarah Palin’s schedule?
It looks like Anchorage Juneau = ~110 minutes’ flight.

Does anyone have any idea how she typically split her time between Juneau, Anchorage, elsewhere?

4) Is there an upper bound on how much time Sarah & Todd were spending with the 3 kids still at home? And how much, if any, time were the kids living elsewhere, or someone else watching over them? I.e., if Todd was weekon/off, and Sarah were alternating weeks in Juneau, then one parent could have been there all the time. [or not, certainly they were both in Texas for he energy conference].

1 09 2008

So is it Levi Wallner, or Levi Johnston?

1 09 2008
Clever Else

Don’t lose perspective. These rumours (and all of what we are hypothesizing and not reported are rumours) started with the Alaska Daily News story several months ago because no one could believe that SP was 7 ms pregnant. They started all this, as well as Sue Williams, who was nearly the first poster on this thread. This was *not* started by ‘Obama’ supporters, as most on the early thread were self-proclaimed ind, rep, libertarians, etc.

Be careful not to reveal anything personal on this blog. The National Enquirer and multiple others are all following up the story, and they will certainly dig up whatever info is there. They, as well as the McCain vetting people (who should have been there a week ago) are all there together, renting out room in hotels like one big, unhappy bloated media family.

There is no story, other than Bristol’s pregnancy.

When and where that actually took place, and the final outcome all remain in question. That is the only issue we are all pursuing.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition. j/k

1 09 2008

The doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, is not an OB/GYN. She’s a Family Doctor. As a Family Doctor she is qualified to deliver babies, act as pediatrician and care for all members of a family, regardless of age.

Possibly the Medical Office where the car accident took place?

1 09 2008

This picture’s caption:

says she plays for the “Juneau-Douglass High School” basketball team.

Is this the school that she transferred to?

If this is a 2007-08 picture (presumably in the November-January time frame), does she look pregnant (with Trig)?

1 09 2008

Well Tom, you’re either misunderstanding or trying to throw sand in the umpires eyes.

The Mr McWhatever character as you call him is a well know reporter who Governor Palin hired as her press spokesman.

As for the birth certificate yes, it cold easily be forged. But then that changes the game. Right now doctors and nurses can legally say nothing, in fact they are required by HIPAA. In small towns, people protect their own. But forging official government documents, with this intense scrutiny, no that is something else.

You are right, likely people would object to any proof offered. So someone will have to spill the beans if there are leans to spill. However, it has now become so big, it now involves 300 million people in the U S of A, and many more around the world watching, the truth will come out.

Too much money and power at stake to be gambled on a soap opera story from Wasilla.

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

I’m not sure. She has looked slimmer in other pictures, though if Trig was conceived in August/September, there would have been a visible change. She seems a little chubby.

1 09 2008

I’ve read earlier that they split the kids among different households (family) and that Bristol was staying with family in Anchorage. I’ve also read the North Slope shift is week on/week off. If it to believed, supposedly SP assumed TP would stay home and be a house husband should SP become Gov. Apparently she did not actually clear this with him.

1 09 2008

Can’t the doctors and nurses say something if SP asks them?

How many people would have physically seen her give birth (or at least see the skin of her belly as she labored)? 5? 10?

Why throw her own daughter under the bus to refute the rumor when she could easily do it with eyewitness accounts?

1 09 2008
Clever Else

red_d- we all knew yesterday she wasn’t an OB-GYN, but a family practice physician.

They are usually equipped and board certified to handle generally everything a family could need, incluing caring for infants. I was not aware that made them qualified to deliver infants. It’s not common practice here in the NE. The family practice docs can’t get insured to deliver babies around these parts. It’s lmost not affordable for the OB’s.

Especially those associated with high-risk pregnancy…over 40, with identified chromosomal abnormalities and who knows what other issues…much less after a long 10 hr flight with a stop in Seattle, and a drive out past all the NICU hospitals…

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

We do need to remember that Cathy Baldwin-Johnson and Sarah Palin are quid pro quo bffs….

1 09 2008

I haven’t found any sources on the mono and I don’t expect to find any. If any of you do, I assume you will post them here. Absent any real evidence, I’ll just speculate like the rest of you. The rumor is that Bristol was sent to another school for her junior year to separate her (as a good Christian mother would do) from Levi, with whom she had fallen in love. At some point during the school year, she had an undisclosed medical condition (she is a minor, none of your business what it was, you perverts). It may or may not have required her to miss several days, weeks, or months of school. It apparently was not serious enough, however, to prevent her from driving (not very well) as evidenced by a collision on Feb 11, 2008 near a pediatrician (she’s a child) where she might or might not have been receiving treatment. The rumor is that it wasn’t mono because that is a condition where driving is definitely not advised. In any case, sometime late in the school year Bristol and Levi hooked up despite her mother’s effort to keep them apart as evidenced by her being sent to another school 50 miles away, and mother nature did the rest. Where did I get this rumor? The same place most rumors come from, the place that rarely sees the sun.

Regarding the pictures reprinted in the New York Post, none of those actually show Bristol pregnant. The one of the family inside is indisputably from late 2006 and the other one taken outside is from summer 2007. Why not this summer? For one, the outside picture is from the Governor’s office website and captioned “Juneau 2007”. For two, if it is recent then it would have been taken in the past couple of months (short sleeves in Juneau and all). But, where did Willow’s braces go? And how did all three girls sprout a few inches (look at Piper in particular, the height difference is pretty drastic) plus manage to look at least a year older in just a couple of months (compare to pictures from Meghan McCain’s blog)? So no, neither of those NYPost pictures show a pregnant Bristol, unless she was pregnant with yet another kid before the current one (and before Trig).

1 09 2008
Clever Else

…the preposterousness of this whole story is what has kept everyone here at this for nearly 3 days now.

1 09 2008

She looks pregnant in this photo Keystone.

Or maybe she already gave birth since Willow looks to be holding Trig in her arms.

1 09 2008

C-Ray’s MySpace page:

Other Chris Ray from Palmer, AK webinfo:

So is Chris the baby’s daddy? Did Chris and Bristol breakup and now Levi Johnston is the groom-to-be?

We really need more help from the locals.

1 09 2008
Clever Else

Tom- you are still completely locked into those photos. We know that the timelines on those are screwy…you said it yourself yesterday.

I can’t figure you out. I still think you may be spreading misinformation, and seem to have a split personality to boot, since every other post seems to come from a different perspective…first we’re all trying to figure something out, then “we’re” (the rest of us) all perverts.

Let the National Inquirer figure it out. And trust me, they will.

Oh…never mind, the AP is on it, too.
Shortly after her announcement, McCain’s team dispatched a dozen operatives and lawyers to Alaska, fueling speculation that a comprehensive examination of Palin’s past was incomplete and being done only after she was placed on the ticket. Culvahouse denied that, saying his team of 25 scoured public and private records to produce a 40-page, single-spaced report on each top candidate.

1 09 2008
Clever Else

Tom-you are still locked into those photos. The timelines on those are all screwy; you said so yourself yesterday.

It still seems plausible that you are spreading misinformation, and muddy-ing the waters (no pun intended to blog name). That or you have some type of split personality, since every third post sounds like it’s coming from a different person.

The National Enquirer will dig up everything no one else will touch with a 10ft pole. Oh, never mind the AP has already picked up the story. It won’t be long now.

Shortly after her announcement, McCain’s team dispatched a dozen operatives and lawyers to Alaska, fueling speculation that a comprehensive examination of Palin’s past was incomplete and being done only after she was placed on the ticket. Culvahouse denied that, saying his team of 25 scoured public and private records to produce a 40-page, single-spaced report on each top candidate.

1 09 2008

Clever Else: “There is no story, other than Bristol’s pregnancy.” And I presume you mean the current one. That’s still not much of a story considering that there are about 1001 more important things about Palin’s qualification to serve as Vice President that should be examined instead of her personal life. Yes, it’s relevant but to a very minor degree. I’d rather have as VP a somewhat unethical genius who sometimes lies for family and has opposite social values to mine as compared to an agreeable, “honest Abe” moron who can’t tie his own shoes (and yes I am talking about actual politicians past or present). Of course, I’d rather have Biden as VP over both of those, given that Obama heads that ticket. For just once, I’d like to be able to say that the Leader of the Free World is smarter than me.

Anonymous: I’m throwing sand in YOUR eyes, dude. I get who McAllister is but he sure said some NAIVE things, press spokesman or otherwise. As for the birth certificate, let me get this straight. Are you saying HIPAA requires doctors and nurses to stay silent in support of a lie? If so, how is Sarah Palin protected under HIPAA if she was not even a patient (which she wouldn’t be if Trig was not hers)? STEE-RIKE! Are you saying doctors, nurses and hospital administrators would put their careers on the line by helping one of their own to falsely claim a baby as her own? STEE-RIKE! Are you claiming that a birth certificate would not be forged even though one is required to register for school, get a passport, get a driver’s license and even for such mundane things as registering for community activities? STEE-RIKE! Looks like many more coverups will be required at the community center, school district, State Department and who knows where else. YOU’RE OUT!

Keystone: I think you will see plenty of people go on the record that Sarah Palin is Trig’s biological mother, and not nitwits like McAllister either. On the other hand, I don’t think you will see anyone go on the record that Bristol is Trig’s mother. As for throwing her own daughter under the bus, all they did is admit she was pregnant. Would you rather have had them keep that secret until after the campaign?

1 09 2008

Look, it seems like a fact that Bristol is Trig’s mom. Why can’t the Palin’s just admit it! All the facts point to that. Like I said before, unless they have proof they aren’t telling the TRUTH!!

1 09 2008

I was simply bringing up the good doc to see if it could possibly be her office where the accident took place.

I read an interview with the boyfriend’s hockey coach & teammate’s mother in which both stated Bristol was a regular at all his games, cheering him on, and that she arrived with him. (with regards to their being kept apart)

1 09 2008

Wow, Bristol’s accident was Feb. 11? That’s her mother’s birthday.

1 09 2008

Macier: That photo is from the past couple of days, and we already know that she is pregnant at this point, so that makes you right I suppose. Then again, a few loons here think she is merely sporting post-partum puffiness from her alleged pregnancy with Trig. (Derisive Laughter) (Fade to Black)

1 09 2008

Bettina: I never thought I’d make a comment like this, but BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh (though I probably just woke the neighbors). Good night.

1 09 2008

Tom, is she getting bigger or smaller? Her sweatshirt looks to be stuffed in the front pocket. Yes, that photo was taken today. If Bristol isn’t breast-feeding then she might have more post-partum baby weight. This is a scandal anyway you look at it!

1 09 2008

Sarah Palin Flow Chart

1 09 2008

Tom, I am so happy to make you laugh. I guess my 10 years of journalism work didn’t go to waste!! 🙂

1 09 2008

I think accident was Feb 8, court date Feb 11.

1 09 2008

The bottles I have seen in several photos are made by Medela, a breastpump manufacturer. Which one would then hope that someone is breastfeeding this special needs infant.

1 09 2008

Thanks Keystone! I guess Alaska courts are efficient!

1 09 2008

red_d Wow, you are looking close! I was wondering about all the bottles. Of course, Sarah Palin doesn’t look like a breast-feeding new mom to a FIFTH kid!!! Poor Bristol looks more like the new mom!

1 09 2008
Obama baby!

It seems clear that Obama has won this election based on McCain’s super silly Veep pick!

2 09 2008

Can some of you medical professionals asnwer these questions:

1) Wouldn’t a baby born a month premature be in the hospital longer than 2-3 days to assure lungs are fully developed, etc.?

2) Wouldn’t a Down’s syndrome baby born a month premature be hospitalized even longer due to the increased risk of heart defects, etc?

Something else I find curious: The friend, Sadie, has labelled Sarah Paline as her mother in law on her Myspace page. She has also indicated Bristol is her sister-in-law. (Track has recently joined the military and seems to be out of the picture.) Is it possible Trig is Track’s and Sadie’s baby?

2 09 2008

10 years of journalism work plus one dollar will buy you a cup of coffee (not a very good one).

I wouldn’t go as far as giving the following a lot of credibility but it is something to keep in mind while dancing on the “Sarah Palin VP” corpse.

2 09 2008

I think Anonymous (21:30:24) has nailed it. It’s quite fast downhill for SP from here on.

2 09 2008

BJ…Andrea, I thank you and credit you for hitting upon the theme that I will nowuse against the Repug, Right to Life, Christo-Religionists who DARE to think they can dictate what goes on inside my daughters or MY UTERUS. THERE WILL BE NO PRIVACY ALLOWED!!!!! If you Repugs want to make my uterus subject to Gov’t control….then what goes on in ANY GIRL/WOMENS UTERUS should be a matter of public record and indeed, scrutiny.
It is HIGH Time we showed the public just what legislation that regulates abortion or (make no mistake about it because this is the ultimate aim of the Right-to Life Religionists) Birth Control Pills, IUD’s or other Contraceptive methods.
BRING IT ON. Perhaps,(and I’m sorry Bristol or any other minor girl who will find herself in this Hell)….Perhaps it is time to show Women and Men Just exactly what it is like to have you Uterus regulated by Gov’t fiat,
In Colorado, no doubt something that SP and John McCain support, there is a proposition on the ballot to make a FERTILIZED EGG A PERSON (FEP) with all rights, under the law. Just imagine having to report your monthly cycle to the Gov’t to prove you did not intend to ABORT a child JUST BY HAVING YOUR PERIOD. Since there is no ready test to determine if a FEP was present or not…IF you had sex prior to your period….YOU MAY BE GUILTY OF MURDER.

Think about it….I am going to take this idea of the “public nature” of a Woman’s Uterus, under what the Right to Life proposes and run with it.
Thanks so much for the idea, because it could be a reality and women everywhere need to know it.

2 09 2008
John Doe

A couple of thoughts:

Was Todd with Sarah on the trip to Texas, or back home in Alaska?

Was Bristol’s accident at the clinic because she was rushing to get there for some reason?

Where does Trig reside? The McCain campaign has announced Sarah will be breast-feeding him along the way, but if he hasn’t been with her consistently (A breast pump is usable for a day, maybe two of supplying milk during absence, but not much more than that), i.e., if she’s been away from him for more than 3-4 days at a time, this “breast-feeding” (which cannot verified by the public) is clearly a ruse, and a strong indicator that Sarah is storytelling. Breast-feeding isn’t a “stop and then pick it up again at another time” procedure.

The mystery of the two high schools need to be followed up. The curious vagueness of the Principal in that interview makes no sense (given the particular student he refers to).

Chris Ray (“I love Bristol Palin…”) needs to be followed up on. Methinks he has a story to tell.

Photos of Bristol’s underage drinking may seem overly intrusive, but they’re quite germane to this story. They’re clear evidence that little parental control was being exerted, along with the implied lack of sexual inhibition that comes along with alcohol (particularly in the young).

On the blog linked to earlier from four months ago:

A poster there claims to have gone to high school with Bristol and says that she was rumored to be pregnant at the time. Someone needs to track down alumni to get the back-story on this.

The entire “Bristol is pregnant” announcement today resembles nothing so much as a magician that draws your focus to what’s happening in one hand, while the real trick is taking place in the other.

2 09 2008
Palins Suck!

I honestly feel sorry for Bristol Palin. She’s f’d for life! Being saddled with a kid without a husband is INSANE!! Being her age makes it worse. She should be out having fun as a college student. As an unwed mom she is going to become a bitter woman with little chance of getting married!

2 09 2008

Tom – key point of the link you posted:
‘“Authenticity is the most important characteristic for someone seeking public office,” said Nick Ayers, executive director of the Republican Governors Association’

I’m following this and other articles about Palin precisely so I can figure out what is her “authentic self”. That is what this entire presidential campaign has been about to me – authenticity. And so far – NO ONE has my vote.

What has my vote and confidence is the American people of all backgrounds and ideologies questioning, poking, looking, testing, and vetting.

Truth can be a bitch and I like it that way. It has a way of showing the authenticity in all of us.

2 09 2008

Palins Suck!: She shouldn’t be “having fun” as a college student. She’s 17 and a Junior in High School, maybe a Senior, but by all accounts has missed half a year. Don’t confuse her grown-up actions with her age. She shouldn’t be having children at her age (even if AOC in alaska is 16), and considering the fact that she has become pregnant and has or will have had a baby by the age of 18 should tell everyone that “college fun” is not what she should be having–and the pictures which suggest that she is already drinking (while pregnant?) at 16 or 17 are further evidence that she is not the responsible young woman her parents are making her out to be.

You say that she is likely to have “little chance of getting married!”, but her mother has already stated that she will marry the father of the child.

There are important issues being discussed here on this blog, but these aren’t among them.

2 09 2008

Hi All, I am in CA and closer to the AK time zone. (just a point of reference) Perhaps the missing Sue Williams, whom I have always though was telling the truth, in so far as she knew it, has come under some (political) pressure to keep her mouth shut. She did give up much information in the early stages of this thread….all of which seems to be true. Bristol is pregnant now. Sue also said that she heard that Bristol & Boyfriend had ALREADY HAD A QUICKY MARRIAGE. I am wondering that, if this is so, there is a public record of the nuptials. It appears that, things like Birth Records, Marriage Records. et al. are not public records in AK as they are in almost all other states in the US. I know that the Repub. party is saying that Bristol & Boyfriend WILL be married, but Sue has said that they already ARE married. What is the true story here?
I have to wonder, and here I am assuming that SP is the mother of Trig, why is it necessary to say/have a wedding for Bristol if, in fact, the girl is already married???? If the family was attempting to hide Bristol’s unwed pregnancy and did, in fact have that ‘quicky’ wedding earlier, as has been reported on this blog by Sue Williams; WHY have another wedding? Is it because John McCain & Co. did not REALLY KNOW that the daughter (BP) was pregnant because the campaign did not do the ‘vetting’ they say they did?????

No, until BP delivers a baby in about DEC 2008, I will still wonder if Sarah is telling the truth. Bear in mind, the only ABSOLUTE

2 09 2008

Hi All, I am in CA and closer to the AK time zone. (just a point of reference) Perhaps the missing Sue Williams, whom I have always though was telling the truth, in so far as she knew it, has come under some (political) pressure to keep her mouth shut. She did give up much information in the early stages of this thread….all of which seems to be true. Bristol is pregnant now. Sue also said that she heard that Bristol & Boyfriend had ALREADY HAD A QUICKY MARRIAGE. I am wondering that, if this is so, there is a public record of the nuptials. It appears that, things like Birth Records, Marriage Records. et al. are not public records in AK as they are in almost all other states in the US. I know that the Repub. party is saying that Bristol & Boyfriend WILL be married, but Sue has said that they already ARE married. What is the true story here?
I have to wonder, and here I am assuming that SP is the mother of Trig, why is it necessary to say/have a wedding for Bristol if, in fact, the girl is already married???? If the family was attempting to hide Bristol’s unwed pregnancy and did, in fact have that ‘quicky’ wedding earlier, as has been reported on this blog by Sue Williams; WHY have another wedding? Is it because John McCain & Co. did not REALLY KNOW that the daughter (BP) was pregnant because the campaign did not do the ‘vetting’ they say they did?????

No, until BP delivers a baby in about DEC 2008, I will still wonder if Sarah is telling the truth. Bear in mind, the only ABSOLUTE Proof of Paternity/Maternity is a DNA test…which the public will never get. It BP somehow does not deliver a baby in DEC due to miscarriage, etc. SP will still be under a cloud of suspicion.
AS a women, I do not relish the idea that ANY woman should have to account for her sex life, her birth record nor have it be scrutinized by the whole US.
HOWEVER, since Sarah, as a Christo-Religionist-right-to-lifer believes that the FEDERAL gov’t should regulate the very private Sexual and Pregnancy activities of ALL US WOMEN….then I think it is IMPERATIVE TO SCRUTINIZE ALL PREGNANCY RELATED AND SEXUAL ACTIVITIES of every female in her household!!!! This is the inevitable outcome of trying to put your religions views into public law. YES, this means, even your OWN CHILDREN will need to be on public display. if you, as a right-wing mouthpiece (CHOOSE) to try to Gov’t regulate a woman’s fertility or sexual activity.
This is a question, less of fertility, and more of PRIVACY. My body in MY OWN. You, Religionist should have no say/control over it. If you want to try to legislate what happens in MY BODY, then I will DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN YOUR OR YOU DAUGHTER’S BODIES, AS WELL.
Now, doesn’t that just seem fair?

2 09 2008

So if Levi is the daddy why was Chris Ray posting that he loved Bristol Palin more than anything in the world as the title on his myspace as of yesterday? Why was his profile then removed but not before he changed his mood to worried and took the title down. Now even the cached image on Goggle has been changed. Luckily someone on gossip rocks got a screen shot. You can see it here

He also had a livejournal account that was removed yesterday as well.

This is some bizarre sh*t people!

2 09 2008
Sarah Palin Soap Opera

[…] from Sarah Palin’s hometown (pop. 9,000) pops up in the comments on a blog and says, ‘Trig is Sarah Palin’s son, but her 17 year old daughter is pregnant NOW.’ (see comments by ‘Sue Williams’). Then comes the announcement that, yes, […]

2 09 2008

Hi everyone,

National Enquirer-I will never knock them ever again. And, I knew I could
count on them for the story. Liberals bloggers – Liberal sloggers…they
couldn’t find the paper bag, much less find their way out of the paper bag.

Liberals didn’t find this story. The National Enquirer DID.

Capitalism works.

2 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Please note that the doctor CBJ never once said she induced SARAH. She just said “labor was induced” when Sarah arrived. In fact, in reviewing everything the doctor has said, it could just as easily apply to Bristol as to Sarah. She’s been very careful with her wording. If Bristol had been leaking amniotic fluid, and Sarah was notified, it might just have been that the doctor told Sarah it would be okay to give the speech and fly back b/c Bristol was already under care. Read over what the doctor is quoted as saying. She never states she treated SARAH for pregnancy.

2 09 2008

what really strikes me is this: “…We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby…”

decision? excuse me, but:

either there was no decision, or this woman wants to force her morals and viewpoints on millions of women, but not her daughters??? either way, it’s sad, and I hope someone finds a way to get a direct answer on this from her.

2 09 2008
Gia: Sarah Palin Soap Opera « Homosecular Gaytheist (and friends!)

[…] someone from Sarah Palin’s hometown (pop. 9,000) pops up in the comments on a blog and says, ‘Trig is Sarah Palin’s son, but her 17 year old daughter is pregnant NOW.’ (see comments by ‘Sue Williams’). Then comes the announcement that, yes, Bristol Palin, 17 […]

2 09 2008

Wonder how babydaddy feels about the shotgun wedding? Especially since he noted rather emphatically on his facebook page that he doesn’t want kids (prescient?). Guess he’s finding out what no-choice really means.

2 09 2008

From the McCain website:

Statement from Sarah and Todd Palin

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, Sarah and Todd Palin issued the following statement regarding today’s Reuters story:

“We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.

“Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates

The release gives no indication
– that Bristol is ABOUT 5 months pregnant
– that Bristol is due in late December
– when Bristol came to them with the news
– that a baby hasn’t already been born

2 09 2008
independent woman

OK I am Back.. I see my wonderful little friends here have been very busy. Logician, emy and the rest I don’t drink but I’d have a tall one with you folks any day.

I was actually working and watching the spin on this on MSNBC and CNN. They are really making me ill.

Don’t know if this has been mentioned at all but what if Trig is not Sarah’s or Bristol’s baby and she aquired this baby through her Feminists for Life crew? Would this be a possibility for the lil bro mentions?

What kind of parenting is going on here also. I am all over my families MySpace pages regularly. They call me McMillan (from McMillan & Wife). I have been able to save some of my nephews from themselves by being attentive and aware of what they do when they think no one is watching and stepping in with firm, balanced direction.

I unfortunately am staying at my home in the city but when I get to my home in the suburbs I will be requesting some of the info you’ve gathered and make some flash and video content for the babygate site. I have to put my software on this PC dang it.

2 09 2008

Is Levy Johnson related to Dr. Cathy Johnson?

2 09 2008

Here is the Sarah and Todd Palin statement from the McCain website:

The release gives no indication
– that Bristol is ABOUT 5 months pregnant
– that Bristol is due in late December
– when Bristol came to Sarah and Todd with the news
– that a baby hasn’t already been born to Bristol
– that Sarah is the mother of Trig

2 09 2008

Hate to think this is Bush’s reaction to McCain’s sudden downturn:

Keep in mind that McCain has said he will institute The Draft if we are at war with Iran.

The rumors about Bristol being pregnant date back to prior to Trig’s birth. Locally and online. It is possible that Sue was a plant to divert attention from that and now that she’s done her job she won’t be back.

Prior to all of this, I had heard of SP and I had thought she was someone to watch, that she had potential in another few years. This is just all too messy. I believe the American People are looking for leaders they can look up to, that set a decent example. All of this speaks to her judgment, her parenting and partnership skills. A woman may be able to handle family and career. I think she has flubbed it.

2 09 2008

Here is the Sarah and Todd statement from the McCain website:

“We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.

“Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates.”

Note that this statement DOES NOT say:
– that Bristol is 5 months pregnant and due in late December
– that Bristol has not already had a child
– when Bristol told her parents that she was pregnant
– that Sarah is the mother of Trig

If you’re going to refute the “Trig is Bristol’s child” rumor/story, then why not just bring forward eyewitnesses (doctors and nurses) that witnessed Trig’s birth from Sarah?

2 09 2008

If they got married in Alaska, then both of Bristol’s parents had to sign off on it (under 18):

If they got married prior to her “current” pregnancy, that would be pretty strong circumstantial evidence that Trig is Bristol’s son.

2 09 2008

Is Levy Johnson related to Dr. Cathy Johnson?

good morning.

levy’s or levi’s last name is JOHNSTON, not johnson.

2 09 2008

Have you seen the articles out last night and this morning in which McCain’s vetting team supposedly already knew about Bristol’s pregnancy and the other “bad” stuff before she was picked for VP? Here is one:

Looks like the circle of conspiracists is ever increasing. Or maybe, just maybe, there is no conspiracy after all and Palin is merely someone uniquely unfit for the job of VP.

2 09 2008

you watch: the daughter will have a ‘miscarriage’ and be the ideal wet nurse for the special needs baby. very convenient.

2 09 2008

this is an elaborate cover-up for the sympathy vote. nothing else gets the attention like this type of salacious news; and only this kind of thing could knock the two democratic men into an arena where they can’t compete on their strengths. Palin is a female version of the guy you can go drink with/joe six-pack; she’s everything Clinton is not. This is the woman you can sit with and commiserate about the children doing things you can’t control; unlike Chelsea who is the type to brag about. This drama is the tabloid news and they control the dial and the events. It plays up to the ‘forgiveness’ of the evangelicals and their preference for saddling women with motherhood instead of getting a good education. it’s pure Rove-ian tactics. She will have a miscarriage and then everyone will want the poor family to have some compensation. It’s the most cynical bid for office ever concocted. Who cares that it’s Bush’s third term? It’s going to be the baby’s third term and nobody will care about anything else, unless it is miscarried and that will only serve to secure the nomination.
I say that Trig was the daughter’s baby and they have used the baby fat and the the need to cover up the story by being ‘pregnant’ now to good effect. They just have to kill off the pregnancy and it’s a story for the ages.

2 09 2008

McCain’s team has refused to release SP medical records…

2 09 2008

There is a video of Palin out there in which she refers to Trig as “THE” newborn. Strange wording for a “proud new mama.”

Does anyone have the link?

2 09 2008
Wasilla For Change

The fact that she has a pregnant teen-aged daughter is NOT news, it is salacious gossip. The fact that Palin might be the grandmother rather than the mom is not what’s going to oust her back to Alaska. But this IS news…

-the fact that she’s being investigated by the State of Alaska on charges of abuse of power, involving SEVERAL instances where according the special prosecutor in which she may have been complicit, which are substantially more serious that she had first led the McCain camp to believe IS news.(abuse of power/dishonesty)

-the fact that she fired Irl Stambaugh and tried to fire Emmons (for not banning books) because they supported her opponent in her mayoral race (abuse of power/dishonesty)

– the fact that Gov. Palin has taken $27 million in earmarks IS news; (pandering/corruption)

-the fact that Gov. Palin was the DIRECTOR of indicted Sen. Ted Stevens’ 527 and raised millions for him, IS news; (corrupt)

-the fact that Gov. Palin ran up a $20 million debt when she was mayor of a small town IS news.(misuse of authority)

the fact that Gov. Palin begged for the earmarked money, took the money for the bridge and didn’t build it but spent it rather than returning it when the project was canned (pandering, dishonesty, misuse of authority)

– The fact that Gov. Palin was a member of the Buchanan Brigade IS news. (Anti-Semitic conservative, Nazi sympathizer)

– the fact that Gov. Palin is a member of Alaskans for Independence Party IS news;(sedition/treason)

-the fact that Gov. Palin is a NeoPentacostal Dominionist which is a church that preaches purging the Earth of all non-Christians by a specially anointed army of God (starting with the Jews), IS news; (religious fanaticism)

-The fact that as a teen Gov. Palin played a leading role as a member of said army (Joel’s Army or the Army of the Third Wave-which most Christian theologians consider heretical in nature) IS news….

PS: All of these stories have been broken by other major media outlets over the week end… so if any of this IS news to you, my I suggest a Google search.

2 09 2008

Hey “Wasilla for Change”/News Nazi,

Stop telling us what is “news” and not. That is YOUR OPINION, not FACT.

All of those other topics have been thoroughly covered by MSM; BabyGate has NOT.

BTW, BabyGate is NOT that Bristol is pregnant. BabyGate is about Bristol’s current pregnancy being her 2nd, with Trig being her first child and the COVERUP by SP.

2 09 2008
The Logician

The MySpace Page

The original descriptions

On her MySpace page, Levi Johnson’s sister, Mercedes Marie, referred to Sarah Palin as “Mama Inlaw.” She called Bristol Palin her “sister-in-law.” She referred to young Trigonometry Palin as her “brother.” In my original comment on all of this, I noted that, if all of those labels were accurate, it would imply a level of incest that would make the closest knit-mountainfolk of West Virginia seethe with … jealousy. I concluded that Mercedes Marie was unclear on the definition of an in-law.

How it actually is

Mercedes Marie’s brother, Levi Johnson, is/will be Mrs. Palin’s son-in-law. Levi also is/will be brother-in-law to all of Todd and Sarah Palin’s children. However, Mercedes Marie, is an in-law only to Bristol Palin. Her description of Bristol as her “sister-in-law” is accurate if, as Missing Sue told us, Bristol and Levi are already married. If they are not married but will be, then it’ll be accurate as of the wedding day.

Absent a truly rockin’ Christian swinger culture where the whole family is in the hot tub, Sarah Palin is not Mercedes Marie’s “Mommy Inlaw.” She is/will be her brother Levi’s mother-in-law. If Little Triggy is Sarah Palin’s child, then he is/will be Levi’s brother-in-law and no relation to Mercedes Marie. If Little Triggy is Bristol’s child, he is/will be Mercedes Marie’s nephew.

What it means

Given Mercedes Marie’s ignorance — can we get it over with and rename her Chevy or Yugo? — all I can really do is guess what she meant on her MySpace page. Because she called her brother’s mother-in-law “Mommy Inlaw” and her brother’s brother-in-law her “brother,” my guess is that the MySpace page supports a view that Triggy is Sarah Palin’s son and not Bristol Palin’s son.

2 09 2008
Wasilla For Change


I was pointing out the difference between facts about SP and speculation. Even if “babygate” is real, and the baby is BP’s, the MSM and people won’t care. SP will be more sympathetic as a mom trying to spare her child. Proving it will not oust her from the ticket. Concentrating on the facts and keeping them up front will.

As it is, the perpetuation of the “babygate” rumors is being painted as a bunch of loony internet bloggers with a grudge.

2 09 2008

MySpace page supports a view that Triggy is Sarah Palin’s son and not Bristol Palin’s son.

two things here: either

1) chevy knows sp is the mother and bp is not, or

2) chevy knows bp is the mother and sp is not.

choose either scenario, and put yourself in chevy’s shoes.

what would you say on your myspace page?

I’ll bet that with both scenarios you come up with the same answer.

2 09 2008
Wasilla For Change

Dear friends,

So many people have asked me about what I know about Sarah Palin in the
last 2 days that I decided to write something up . . .

Basically, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton have only 2 things in
common: their gender and their good looks. 🙂

You have my permission to forward this to your friends/email contacts
with my name and email address attached, but please do not post them on
any websites, as there are too many kooks out there . . .



I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992.
Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a
first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools. Her
father was my child’s favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a
first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more
City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the
residents of the city.

She is enormously popular; in every way she’s like the most popular
girl in middle school. Even men who think she is a poor choice and
won’t vote for her can’t quit smiling when talking about her because
she is a “babe”.

It is astonishing and almost scary how well she can keep a secret. She
kept her most recent pregnancy a secret from her children and parents
for seven months.

She is “pro-life”. She recently gave birth to a Down’s syndrome baby.
There is no cover-up involved, here; Trig is her baby.

She is energetic and hardworking. She regularly worked out at the gym.

She is savvy. She doesn’t take positions; she just “puts things out
there” and if they prove to be popular, then she takes credit.

Her husband works a union job on the North Slope for BP and is a
champion snowmobile racer. Todd Palin’s kind of job is highly
sought-after because of the schedule and high pay. He arranges his
work schedule so he can fish for salmon in Bristol Bay for a month or
so in summer, but by no stretch of the imagination is fishing their
major source of income. Nor has her life-style ever been anything
like that of native Alaskans.

Sarah and her whole family are avid hunters.

She’s smart.

Her experience is as mayor of a city with a population of about 5,000
(at the time), and less than 2 years as governor of a state with about
670,000 residents.

During her mayoral administration most of the actual work of running
this small city was turned over to an administrator. She had been
pushed to hire this administrator by party power-brokers after she had
gotten herself into some trouble over precipitous firings which had
given rise to a recall campaign.

Sarah campaigned in Wasilla as a “fiscal conservative”. During her 6
years as Mayor, she increased general government expenditures by over
33%. During those same 6 years the amount of taxes collected by the
City increased by 38%. This was during a period of low inflation
(1996-2002). She reduced progressive property taxes and increased a
regressive sales tax which taxed even food. The tax cuts that she
promoted benefited large corporate property owners way more than they
benefited residents.

The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration
weren’t enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed
money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it
with indebtedness of over $22 million. What did Mayor Palin encourage
the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said
she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? or a
new library? No. $1m for a park. $15m-plus for construction of a
multi-use sports complex which she rushed through to build on a piece
of property that the City didn’t even have clear title to, that was
still in litigation 7 yrs later–to the delight of the lawyers
involved! The sports complex itself is a nice addition to the
community but a huge money pit, not the profit-generator she claimed it
would be. She also supported bonds for $5.5m for road projects that
could have been done in 5-7 yrs without any borrowing.

While Mayor, City Hall was extensively remodeled and her office
redecorated more than once.

These are small numbers, but Wasilla is a very small city.

As an oil producer, the high price of oil has created a budget surplus
in Alaska. Rather than invest this surplus in technology that will
make us energy independent and increase efficiency, as Governor she
proposed distribution of this surplus to every individual in the state.

In this time of record state revenues and budget surpluses, she
recommended that the state borrow/bond for road projects, even while
she proposed distribution of surplus state revenues: spend today’s
surplus, borrow for needs.

She’s not very tolerant of divergent opinions or open to outside ideas
or compromise. As Mayor, she fought ideas that weren’t generated by
her or her staff. Ideas weren’t evaluated on their merits, but on the
basis of who proposed them.

While Sarah was Mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire our highly respected
City Librarian because the Librarian refused to consider removing from
the library some books that Sarah wanted removed. City residents
rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin’s
attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew
her termination letter. People who fought her attempt to oust the
Librarian are on her enemies list to this day.

Sarah complained about the “old boy’s club” when she first ran for
Mayor, so what did she bring Wasilla? A new set of “old boys”. Palin
fired most of the experienced staff she inherited. At the City and as
Governor she hired or elevated new, inexperienced, obscure people,
creating a staff totally dependent on her for their jobs and eternally
grateful and fiercely loyal–loyal to the point of abusing their power
to further her personal agenda, as she has acknowledged happened in the
case of pressuring the State’s top cop (see below).

As Mayor, Sarah fired Wasilla’s Police Chief because he “intimidated”
her, she told the press. As Governor, her recent firing of Alaska’s top
cop has the ring of familiarity about it. He served at her pleasure
and she had every legal right to fire him, but it’s pretty clear that
an important factor in her decision to fire him was because he wouldn’t
fire her sister’s ex-husband, a State Trooper. Under investigation
for abuse of power, she has had to admit that more than 2 dozen
contacts were made between her staff and family to the person that she
later fired, pressuring him to fire her ex-brother-in-law. She tried to
replace the man she fired with a man who she knew had been reprimanded
for sexual harassment; when this caused a public furor, she withdrew
her support.

She has bitten the hand of every person who extended theirs to her in
help. The City Council person who personally escorted her around town
introducing her to voters when she first ran for Wasilla City Council
became one of her first targets when she was later elected Mayor. She
abruptly fired her loyal City Administrator; even people who didn’t
like the guy were stunned by this ruthlessness.

Fear of retribution has kept all of these people from saying anything
publicly about her.

When then-Governor Murkowski was handing out political plums, Sarah got
the best, Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission: one
of the few jobs not in Juneau and one of the best paid. She had no
background in oil & gas issues. Within months of scoring this great
job which paid $122,400/yr, she was complaining in the press about the
high salary. I was told that she hated that job: the commute, the
structured hours, the work. Sarah became aware that a member of this
Commission (who was also the State Chair of the Republican Party)
engaged in unethical behavior on the job. In a gutsy move which some
undoubtedly cautioned her could be political suicide, Sarah solved all
her problems in one fell swoop: got out of the job she hated and
garnered gobs of media attention as the patron saint of ethics and as a
gutsy fighter against the “old boys’ club” when she dramatically quit,
exposing this man’s ethics violations (for which he was fined).

As Mayor, she had her hand stuck out as far as anyone for pork from
Senator Ted Stevens. Lately, she has castigated his pork-barrel
politics and publicly humiliated him. She only opposed the “bridge to
nowhere” after it became clear that it would be unwise not to.

As Governor, she gave the Legislature no direction and budget
guidelines, then made a big grandstand display of line-item vetoing
projects, calling them pork. Public outcry and further legislative
action restored most of these projects–which had been vetoed simply
because she was not aware of their importance–but with the unobservant
she had gained a reputation as “anti-pork”.

She is solidly Republican: no political maverick. The State party
leaders hate her because she has bit them in the back and humiliated
them. Other members of the party object to her self-description as a
fiscal conservative.

Around Wasilla there are people who went to high school with Sarah.
They call her “Sarah Barracuda” because of her unbridled ambition and
predatory ruthlessness. Before she became so powerful, very ugly
stories circulated around town about shenanigans she pulled to be made
point guard on the high school basketball team. When Sarah’s
mother-in-law, a highly respected member of the community and
experienced manager, ran for Mayor, Sarah refused to endorse her.

As Governor, she stepped outside of the box and put together of package
of legislation known as “AGIA” that forced the oil companies to march
to the beat of her drum.

Like most Alaskans, she favors drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge. She has questioned if the loss of sea ice is linked to
global warming. She campaigned “as a private citizen” against a state
initiaitive that would have either a) protected salmon streams from
pollution from mines, or b) tied up in the courts all mining in the
state (depending on who you listen to). She has pushed the State’s
lawsuit against the Dept. of the Interior’s decision to list polar
bears as threatened species.

McCain is the oldest person to ever run for President; Sarah will be a
heartbeat away from being President.

There has to be literally millions of Americans who are more
knowledgeable and experienced than she.

However, there’s a lot of people who have underestimated her and are
regretting it.

•”Hockey mom”: true for a few years
•”PTA mom”: true years ago when her first-born was in elementary
school, not since
•”NRA supporter”: absolutely true
•social conservative: mixed. Opposes gay marriage, BUT vetoed a bill
that would have denied benefits to employees in same-sex relationships
(said she did this because it was unconsitutional).
•pro-creationism: mixed. Supports it, BUT did nothing as Governor to
promote it.
•”Pro-life”: mixed. Knowingly gave birth to a Down’s syndrome baby
BUT declined to call a special legislative session on some pro-life
•”Experienced”: Some high schools have more students than Wasilla has
residents. Many cities have more residents than the state of Alaska.
No legislative experience other than City Council. Little hands-on
supervisory or managerial experience; needed help of a city
administrator to run town of about 5,000.
•political maverick: not at all
•gutsy: absolutely!
•open & transparent: ??? Good at keeping secrets. Not good at
explaining actions.
•has a developed philosophy of public policy: no
•”a Greenie”: no. Turned Wasilla into a wasteland of big box stores
and disconnected parking lots. Is pro-drilling off-shore and in ANWR.
•fiscal conservative: not by my definition!
•pro-infrastructure: No. Promoted a sports complex and park in a city
without a sewage treatment plant or storm drainage system. Built
streets to early 20th century standards.
•pro-tax relief: Lowered taxes for businesses, increased tax burden on
•pro-small government: No. Oversaw greatest expansion of city
government in Wasilla’s history.
•pro-labor/pro-union. No. Just because her husband works union
doesn’t make her pro-labor. I have seen nothing to support any claim
that she is pro-labor/pro-union.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Re-Examining Trig Palin’s Parentage

The McCain/Palin campaign’s behavior raises new doubts as to whose mother Trig Palin actually is. If, as their press release stated, they’d simply wanted to disprove the rumor that Trig isn’t Sarah Palin’s child, all they needed to do was release the birth certificate and a statement from the doctor who delivered the child, and then tell the media to go away. It would have closed the case.

However, the campaign’s failure to do it that way does not prove the alternative case. The campaign says that established media outlets were readying stories about Bristol Palin’s current pregnancy, and that they decided to get in front of the story. That’s a plausible explanation for their behavior, and it requires a more thorough re-examination of the case for a baby switch.

Before I go there, let me say this: It could all be addressed if the Palins would release the birth certificate. The Obama campaign released his birth certificate in response to numerous Internet suggestions that he wasn’t actually born in Hawaii. It then took a follow-up inquiry by a respected fact-checking organization to establish that the birth certificate was authentic. As a result, the rumor that Obama was not born in Hawaii died.

Until and unless the Palins release Trig Paxton Van Palen’s birth certificate, I predict these doubts will keep circulating. So, if the Republicans are listening, release the birth certificate and end this.

Now, to re-examine the switched-baby theory, which I had originally called “Theory 1” in light of the latest details that have emerged, let’s start with what would need to be true for this theory to be plausible.

1. Bristol Palin would have had to be out of sight between January or February of 2008 and April 2008. There are numerous reports that she was yanked from school during that period on account of mono; there are also reports that she merely transferred to a different school in Anchorage.

2. Sarah Palin would have had to wear a prosthesis to appear pregnant in March and April 2008. Although she didn’t seem pregnant when she announced her pregnancy in March, there are a few credible pictures that do show her with a protruding belly that suggests pregnancy.

3. Sarah Palin’s story about the events leading up to the birth of Trig on April 18, 2008, would have to be false. I find her story to be unlikely, to put it mildly, and so do many others, including women who have given birth. But is it impossible? Nope.

4. Sarah Palin’s doctor would have to be in on the lie. The Missing Sue says the doctor is honest. I have no opinion, other than to note that the doctor is also a political appointee.

5. Bristol Palin would have either gotten pregnant again in short order after delivering Trig, or her current pregnancy is a ruse. I think the “re-pregnancy” idea is a stretch (pardon the pun), and that the ruse idea is unlikely.

One more thing to consider is that, given the MySpace page from Mercedes Marie Johnson, the sister of Bristol Palin’s husband (currently or to-be), if Trig Palin is actually Bristol Palin’s child, he’s almost certainly her child by Levi Johnson and not by her own brother, Track, or her father, Todd. This would call into question the motive for an elaborate coverup to begin with.

If Trig were the product of incest, I can imagine an elaborate coverup, because that news would surely kill Sarah Palin’s national ambitions. But if Trig were merely the product of an out-of-wedlock union, I doubt that Gov. Palin would’ve gone through all the rigamarole required to conceal it, i.e., the fat suit, the fake press releases, the falsification of records, etc.

I repeat that it’s impossible to be unequivocal. If the Palins would simply release Trig’s birth certificate, they could quash all of this speculation. In the meantime, however, my best guess is that Trig Paxton Van Palen is Sarah Palin’s baby.


The web is tangled
Deception in August light
Confused everyone

2 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

I hope conclusive proof for either possibility comes out soon. Now I know why I don’t watch soap operas – the suspense is killing me!

2 09 2008
The Logician

By the way, even though I’ve splashed cold water on the baby-switch theory, don’t confuse that with any sort of support or admiration for the Palens. As far as I’m concerned, each new revelation serves to further convince me that Sarah Palen is a stereotypical Christian Republican liar, and that the Palin family is straight out of an old Carol Burnett Show comedy sketch.

Consider this: Trig Paxton Van Halen. Why the “Van?” Because the Palens thought it’d be cool if one of their children were named after Van Halen, the heavy-metal mediocrity of the 1980s. Think about that one a second. Naming your kid after a rock ‘n roll band. Poor Trig. You don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

2 09 2008
Carolina Anole

Been following this a few days now. May I make a few points of my own, please?

1) Is it possible that Bristol HAD BEEN pregnant before, GAVE UP that baby, is determined to keep this one (especially now she’s constantly shown holding her brother(?)) ) That might explain Bristol’s evident melancholy in video after video, pic after pic.

2) I do have major problems with the notion that Sarah could’ve been on an airplane, all that length of time (hours!), in contractions, and this not being evident to the flight attendants. I gave birth a month early and was out-of-town at the time my water broke. My husband drove like a bat out of hell on the NYS Thruway to get me back to Buffalo in time, but that was only 2+ hrs away. If we had been in Florida, say, there is NO QUESTION I would have gone to the nearest emergency room. And Florida to Buffalo has to be about as long as Texas to Alaska- Holy Cow! This woman, even if little Trig is hers, WHAT WAS SHE THINKING???? Did she think maybe the attendants would be thrilled to do an emergency delivery in flight, should baby decide to hurry it up? Either way, what a horrendous lack of judgment! Whole thing is getting fishier and fishier and I think all these questions are perfectly legit, at this point. Show us the birth certificate, already!

Oh, and a quick aside to “Sue Williams”, my father is an internist, I have no doubt he would happily lie through his teeth to protect the interests of a valued patient, unless he was under oath, so long as the medical records were accurate and reflected the truth of a situation. You don’t fake Medical Records if you value your license! Docs lie to family members, etc. when the need arises, and family members (and patients) certainly lie all the time to the Docs! “Oh, Doc, Mom never touches a drop till after dinner”, etc. No one could’ve foreseen Palins’ becoming McCain’s VP pick. What passes muster on the local level though is fair game on the federal or international level, which is now where this is at.

2 09 2008


We don’t need any more “pointing out” — that has been done on this blog and others ad nauseum. It’s not necessary anyway — we have SENSE you know. Ironic that YOU feel compelled to “point out” to us the difference between fact and speculation when you don’t even know the difference between fact and OPINION.

I for one don’t give a flying rat’s ass how we are “perceived” by MSM or anybody else. Nor do I give a sh!t what this story culminates in, as, unlike some (?you?), I have no agenda.

My only goal is to pursue this story to get at the TRUTH. After that, the chips will fall — wherever.

2 09 2008
The Logician

And something else: Even though I don’t think they switched babies, I am all for continuing speculation, because at some point it might force the Palins to simply release the birth records, and a statement from the doctor, and put an end to the uncertainty. In spite of my logical conclusions, I find it very curious that they have not taken the most direct path to solving the mystery.

2 09 2008

“1. Bristol Palin would have had to be out of sight between January or February of 2008 and April 2008. There are numerous reports that she was yanked from school during that period on account of mono; there are also reports that she merely transferred to a different school in Anchorage.”

Bristol was transferred to an Anchorage school at the start of the 07/08 school year but began homeschooling at some point after that due to an extended case of mono.

I haven’t confirmed it, but I have read elsewhere that ‘Van’ signifies a child born out of wedlock in German…(???)

2 09 2008
The Logician

I haven’t confirmed it, but I have read elsewhere that ‘Van’ signifies a child born out of wedlock in German…(???)

Yeah, but in Alaska I think it signifies that it was conceived in an Econoline.

2 09 2008
2 09 2008

I wouldn’t be convinced by a Birth Certificate.

They need to release Sarah Palin’s Medical Records.

2 09 2008
The Logician

My name is Van Johnson
I come from Wisconsin
Where trees grow taller than birds ever fly

My sister’s a Chevy
On MySpace I drink heavy
In Alaska I’m just one more guy

2 09 2008
The Logician

SUNRAI, great link. Now we know where Girls Gone Wild come from.

2 09 2008

Logician – lmao….it just gets better by the hour!

2 09 2008

The Logician (09:44:50) :

good synopsis. a few things:

But if Trig were merely the product of an out-of-wedlock union, I doubt that Gov. Palin would’ve gone through all the rigamarole required to conceal it, i.e., the fat suit, the fake press releases, the falsification of records, etc.

I disagree. a high-profile, ambitious politician who espouses abstinance-only would surely be embarrassed when it became statewide news that her 16 year old was pregnant. surely you’ve seen the type before – we all have. mommy CANNOT have her family look anything other than perfect. mommy CANNOT be shamed by children who so obviously do not follow her wishes. she is CORRECT, and her children follow her rules like all good god-fearing gun-loving christians do. remember – with these types of people, appearances are extremely important!

remember too, that she didn’t announce till she was 7 months pregnant (and no one could tell) – so instead of having to do all the “faking it” things you list above for 4-5 months (if she announced at a time that most moms-to-be would announce), she only would have had to do it for 2 – and what a stroke of luck! it only ended up being one month.

but let’s say for the sake of exploring possibilites that I am wrong about her wanting to maintain appearances of perfection. there is also another more reality-based reason for doing it – finances.

her daughter could never afford the financial burden of raising a downs child. but sp, with her state insurance as a full-time employee, can. if they didn’t cover for bristol, the financial bruden would have ended up falling on sp and tp anyway, because clearly a 16 year old with less than a high-school education and no personal insurance cannot afford to raise a downs child. I definitely think financial reasons could be a big part of the motivation here. fake it for 2 months for a lifetime of insurance assistance? totally worth it.

If the Palins would simply release Trig’s birth certificate, they could quash all of this speculation.

somehow, I don’t think it would. it can be faked too easily. and at this point in the game, if there is insurance fraud involved, someone is going to pull out all the stops to make sure that doesn’t get exposed.

of course many will claim this is nothing but speculation, and that is correct.

2 09 2008

The Logician (10:21:18) :

I haven’t confirmed it, but I have read elsewhere that ‘Van’ signifies a child born out of wedlock in German…(???)

Yeah, but in Alaska I think it signifies that it was conceived in an Econoline.


LMAO that was damn good.

2 09 2008
The Logician

her daughter could never afford the financial burden of raising a downs child. but sp, with her state insurance as a full-time employee, can. if they didn’t cover for bristol, the financial bruden would have ended up falling on sp and tp anyway, because clearly a 16 year old with less than a high-school education and no personal insurance cannot afford to raise a downs child. I definitely think financial reasons could be a big part of the motivation here. fake it for 2 months for a lifetime of insurance assistance? totally worth it.

That’s intriguing. Of course, for Sarah Palin to qualify for insurance benefits, she’ll have to grant them access to medical records. There’d have to be a whole lot of fakin’ goin’ on to sustain a false insurance claim. Given the penalties involved, I’m not sure that the doctor would want to risk it. I’d tend pretty strongly to accept a birth certificate and a public statement from the doctor.

2 09 2008

Re: The mediatakeout pics

If that is indeed her, there are some skinny pics.

And I’d say Mom is more needed at home then in the White House.

2 09 2008

“van” means “from” – + is Dutch not German. “von” is German. The name after the ‘van’ isn’t always a place however.

2 09 2008

those media take out pics are the girl who had the my space page, mercedes/chevy. they are not bristol. don’t let yourself get bogged down in that one.

2 09 2008
The Logician

To follow up on the insurance fraud angle, just think about it: Not only would the birth certificate have to be faked, but all of Bristol Palin’s prenatal exams would have to have been portrayed as her mother’s. Which would have meant switching not just names, but the information in the records.

After all, these pre-natal visits would have been costly, and there’d have insurance claims associated with them. For the baby-switch idea to be explained by an insurance fraud motive, the doctor would’ve had to engage in a truly extensive level of fraud. I just don’t see it; in fact, I think it makes the idea that Sarah Palin wore a fat suit look trivial by comparison.

Could it have happened? Sure. And maybe the government does have the space alien that landed in Roswell, N.M. locked up in a secret vault in Area 51. Someone should make a movie.

2 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Yikes, this is getting way too messy for me. I think I’ll just watch as everything spills out!

2 09 2008

“Any one seen the new pics on Media Take Out?

Those photos are NOT of Bristol or Willow. That’s Mercede Marie, Levi’s sister, whose little brother is Triggybear and SP is mommy in law.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Yikes, this is getting way too messy for me. I think I’ll just watch as everything spills out!

So YOU are the one who causes all that spectator slowing next to accidents on the freeway!

2 09 2008

Well, look, once we get into parsing picture by picture, it’s pretty much over with, isn’t it? The April 13th photos from Flickr show a pregnant woman, or a woman wearing (sorry, but I can’t help chuckling as I write this) an “empathy belly.”,Blockquote cite””>

Maybe SP is a fan of desperate housewives…which had an empathy belly storyline.

2 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

LOL @ Logician: No, that’s actually one of my biggest pet peeves!

2 09 2008
2 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Actually, no insurance or medical records would need to have been faked if they paid cash for the pre-natal care and the delivery. Wasn’t that one of the reasons that Sarah supposedly flew back to AK to have the baby? No insurance? If they paid cash, there are just the real medical records, which are totally sealed by privacy.

2 09 2008

ADN: March 14th, 2008
Palin not looking pregnant to my eyes.

Flickr: April 12th, 2008 (?)
Supposedly about a month later, looking very pregnant.

That’s some weight gain. It’s possible. But if that’s the case, I’d argue it might be severe negligence and/or personal mismanagement on a few levels. One month to gain that much observable weight. Or a staged photo op. Press Secretary, someone going by the name “erik” and the governor. A reporter, a cameraman. Has this reporter appeared in any other news coverage stories? Can video not be requested from Channel 11?

From newspaper report:
“The stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation,” said the doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. She said she induced labor once Palin was at the hospital.”

Lots of simple questions which in my view do not constitute an insult or offense to the Palins, but rather, if unaddressed in a non-convoluted, direct, and detailed manner would not take time away from issues of higher priority, but serve to elevate the integrity-in-action of the Republican candidates. Or not.

This isn’t rocket science.

2 09 2008

BP could have had the baby, with all intact medical records, then SP adopts the baby to make it hers and it gets insurance coverage.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Actually, no insurance or medical records would need to have been faked if they paid cash for the pre-natal care and the delivery. Wasn’t that one of the reasons that Sarah supposedly flew back to AK to have the baby? No insurance? If they paid cash, there are just the real medical records, which are totally sealed by privacy.

If they paid cash then but intend to collect insurance for Trig’s future care, all of those records will be open to the insurance company regardless of how the visits were financed. Which takes us back to the need for extensive fraud to accomplish a future insurance fraud scheme that emrysa postulated.

On the other hand, if they paid cash and intend to keep paying cash, then we can discard emrysa’s insurance fraud motive for a baby switch and return to whether or not Sarah Palin would’ve constructed an elaborate scheme to cover up her daughter’s pregnancy. I doubt it, but others may differ.

The bottom line is that, unless the Palins simply release the birth certificate and a statement from the doctor, there’ll be no end to the speculation of what really went on here.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Wasn’t that one of the reasons that Sarah supposedly flew back to AK to have the baby? No insurance?

By the way, that’s the first time I’ve heard of that reason. As governor of AK, she has health insurance. No health insurance plan that I know of would refuse to pay for emergency care in another state.

2 09 2008
The Logician

“The stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation,” said the doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. She said she induced labor once Palin was at the hospital.”

The more quotes I read from the doctor, the less I believe in the baby-switch theory, which would absolutely require the doctor’s connivance. You can’t rule anything out, of course, and as I keep saying, releasing the birth certificate and a statement from the doctor would put these questions to rest, but I think it’s a real leap to imagine that this doctor would go along with such an elaborate ruse.

2 09 2008

If the speculation is true, it will come to light. Nobody, on either side politically, should hope for that to end up as a true story. Winning politically because this became a true story will not make the world better. Winning politically makes the world better when one’s ideas make the world better. And anyone’s vote should always be on that basis.

Now some will say that if true, this was brought on by that family, in the alleged deceptions. True. Not the point; that is a separate issue. Nobody here would care a RAT if this were not a candidate for such an office. They would be just another family out of millions who sadly face such life problems.

Were Edwards supporters “happy” when that became true? Did that becoming true make the world better? Was the world ever made better by such personal matters by people from either party coming to light? I say, never.

Sides need to win because their values make the world better. That is the right justification to those ends. Not all means to the same ends make the world better. Both sides must hope these speculations are wrong.

2 09 2008
The Logician


Jed’s a millionaire
Fifth child a cherry blossom
Palins: Hillbillies

2 09 2008

New wrinkle on why SP may have flown back to Alaska to have Trig–hubby Todd was much more into Alaskan Indpendence than previously assumed. It might have been an ideological thing–child must be born in Alaska. In any case, Todd’s long involvement now breaking, see TPM

2 09 2008
The Logician

Ric, I commend your earnest desire that the world be a better place. Me, I’m a cranky old cynic who thinks that each day’s front page proves anew that there is no need for the comics.


Laugh or cry? I laugh
At scandal: Rush like river
Bristol: Girl Gone Wild

2 09 2008
The Logician

Better Haiku

Jed’s a millionaire
Kinfolk stay for sled dog race
Northern Hillbillies

2 09 2008

“Nobody here would care a RAT if this were not a candidate for such an office. They would be just another family out of millions who sadly face such life problems.”

Nobofy would care a rat if she weren’t a radically conservative, pro-life candidate, pushing her agenda on other women’s bodies and families. But she is, so it’s fair game. Her abstinance agenda doesn’t even work in her own home, how could it work for the US at large?

2 09 2008
The Logician

Remember when the Republicans went crazy about how The Murphy Brown Show glorified unwed motherhood? Look at how much progress we’ve made!

2 09 2008
Redwood Man

Hi Logician. Re: Cathy Baldwin-Johnson’s quote,

“The stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation,” said the doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. She said she induced labor once Palin was at the hospital.”,

please note that it reads she induced labor once Palin was at the hospital.

It does not say the doctor induced Sarah’s labor, just that she induced labor. Could very well be she induced Bristol’s labor, which, of course would take away the problem of medical records and insurance problems.

2 09 2008
The Logician

For those who don’t remember, here is a link that explains the Murphy Brown “outrage.” Back then, the Christofascists were against illegitimacy.

2 09 2008

The salon article was wonderful. Glad a reputable news organization is picking up on this instead of dismissing it out of hand.

2 09 2008

To Logician. The doctor said she induced labor once Palin was at the hospital.

The doc didn’t say she induced Sarah’s labor. Might have been Bristol’s labor.

That means the doc didn’t lie or cover up anything. No ethics or legal issues to worry about.

2 09 2008

Logician, with due respect that is strong language for a topic that should not be determined by political party. I do not believe you are, for instance, for illegitimacy.

When sex-ed or abstinence only doesn’t work it is more a result of our culture (movies, tv, magazines, commercials, billboards, music, etc.) influencing children than parents. 3/4 of blacks are now born out of wedlock, what we all know, *despite* all the sex-ed of today. That was not always true, not back in the 50’s, when there was hardly any sex-ed in schools. Our culture and addiction to sexual gratification is the greater issue with respect to that topic. But that is off-topic here I believe.

If Palin has this secret, one cannot believe it will be kept from McCain for very long. And so if true, either she will be dismissed quickly and another VP chosen right away (I would believe) or they will lose with the news. This is not the way to win, as I said. Nobody should hope for this to be true. Win on being right on the issues.

How much would any of us pay in $ to be the fly on the wall….? Too much I suspect.

2 09 2008

If the speculation is true, it may come to light. There are no guarantees. Time moves on; Frequently, things happen which take on more prominence, whether or not by design.

For my entire life, I’ve heard in effect the cries from average citizens, typical voters, call-us-what-you-want, for media and more particularly, politicians, those who more often than not campaign on the idea of working for those citizens, all citizens -for the public good, etc.- to discuss the issues, to clearly explain and defend their positions, to essentially allow the voter access to the clear policies and ideas in order to make the informed choice.

But there are election cycles, party unity, evolving media, etc. which all factor in to achieving the final goal. After all, no change can occur if one is not in the game. ‘Game’, there is loaded word, yes?

“Alleged deceptions”? As much of this appears to be on-going, I suppose that is a fair, if open to semantics, description. There are significant questions -easy questions- which have not been answered. Yes, it is about the issues. But, no, it’s not about the issues vis-à-vis how the campaign(s) have been promulgated. Voters didn’t bring this approach. The Politicians have. The Voters respond. Politicians react. Ultimately, it’s both the voters and politicians who bear responsibility. But the “leaders” at some point bought in and furthered the method(s). That’s not leadership.

That “nobody here would care a RAT if this were not a candidate for such an office” is probably true, but it’s also not the point. She is a candidate for office.

The Edwards comparison is only viable, IMO, to a small degree. Edwards was out of the race. If that reflects on his party, then we’re reaching into generalities that, if fairly followed, can be applied to any party, any group really. It was more socio-political fodder than a point on which a voter makes a choice because voters could not make the “Edwards” choice. But I agree with your point that issues and policy are what matters or what should matter. That’s for what most folks have been screaming.

Finally, if media and politicians are going to conduct their business as if the constituency are shallow and/or idiots, then they are responsible to that superficial lot and the questions and concerns they have. It is not a “do as I say, not as I do” nanny-state or Federal parenting structure that the Constitution lays out, is it? No, so representatives, who are sworn to uphold those ideals, conduct themselves as such. Regardless of party.

And, on that note, I see Giuliani, in response to a question on how tough he’ll be on Obama and Biden, answer, “(laugh) depends on the political climate tomorrow.”

Fall not a season
Stupid is as stupid does
Every four years.

2 09 2008
Ric has deleted its thread.

we stay tuned.

2 09 2008
The Logician

To Logician. The doctor said she induced labor once Palin was at the hospital.

The doc didn’t say she induced Sarah’s labor. Might have been Bristol’s labor.

That means the doc didn’t lie or cover up anything. No ethics or legal issues to worry about.

Actually, the doctor isn’t quoted on the subject of whether she induced labor. It’s a statement written by the reporter, presumably on the basis of the interview with the doctor. I don’t have a collection of doctor quotes, so maybe I got ahead of myself there. But I really don’t think the doctor is likely to be in on some elaborate ruse. Too many risks to license, livelihood, and reputation. Even in Republican, Christofascistic Alaska.

Sorry, Ric, but if FauxNews can run around attaching the wildly inappropriate label Islamofascist to people and governments in the Middle East that might be Islamic but are not fascist, I think attaching the a variant of the label to the growing merger of far right-wing Christians, government, and business is fair hyperbole.

I used to think that Democrats could rely on “the issues” to win elections. After the campaigns of 2000 and 2004, I decided that unilateral disarmament is not the likely path to victory. It sucks when it’s not fun, but sometimes life and politics just ain’t pretty.

2 09 2008
midnight drizzles

don’t know that CBJ delivers, but most high risk pregnancies are dealt with by one practice of perinatologists only in Anch.

mat-su regional does not have a great NICU nursery – most high risk pregnancies are delivered in anch for that reason also. Mat-Su may be making a bid to up their status and tell people it’s okay to have these babies there, but most people would head for anch out of their own concern. i wouldn’t risk it and i’m not the gov. if there was knowledge the baby had no heart issues and all was thought to be well – they might decide delivery in mat-su would be okay, but i would still be surprised if there weren’t other docs involved.

i’m having someone i know check and try to find out the regs here – i tried to find them online but couldn’t. if anyone else would like to take up the challenge…..

2 09 2008
The Logician

I’m not so sure it matters whether or not the baby-switch speculation is true. By not quashing it with incontrovertible fact — a birth certificate and doctor’s statement — the McCain-Palin campaign has ensured its entry into the slipstream.

This upcoming cover of “Us” magazine shows the disaster that will befall the Republican ticket if they keep the lovely Ms. Palin. On the other hand, if they jettison her, then it’s McGovern and Eagleton all over again, not to mention a whole bunch of very pissed off Christofascists.

Poor Republicans. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch.

2 09 2008

Edit: last bit should read:

It is not a “do as I say, not as I do” nanny-state or Federal parenting structure that the Constitution lays out, is it? No, so representatives, who are sworn to uphold those ideals, conduct themselves as such. Regardless of party.

Addendum: No one is perfect. Mistakes are made. Everyone faces challenges. Honesty and integrity are virtues. The ends do not always justify the means. It does not matter with which party a candidate aligns. It does matter who that candidate is, what they fight for, etc. and how their actions align with those values , and not as seen under the lights and/or through the blur of pop culture, etc.

2 09 2008
The Logician


Rocks and hard places
November winds will blow cold
In Alaska too

2 09 2008

Ric, I was an Edward supporter and yes I am happier once I found out what a lying, cheating snake he really was. I’m happy the truth came out before I wasted anymore of my time on him.

Either the truth will come out about Trig Palin or the curtain will come down on Sarah and her VP run and we won’t hear another word about her.

2 09 2008
John Doe

You can’t rule anything out, of course, and as I keep saying, releasing the birth certificate and a statement from the doctor would put these questions to rest, but I think it’s a real leap to imagine that this doctor would go along with such an elaborate ruse.

I would’ve shared that view if I hadn’t seen the seemingly never-ending list of Sarah Barracuda’s power-abuses and corruption. I’m among those who wouldn’t accept a birth certificate at this point (it’s a piece of paper, no more valid than the yellow-cake document that was used as a rationale to kill over a million innocent Iraqi civilians).

Perhaps you’ve lost sight of the history behind this story, of the rumors of her daughter’s pregnancy prior to Palin’s surprise 7th month announcement? Or how that announcement was preceded by a reporter’s question, which she mistook to concern her daughter’s pregnancy?

Given the threats/reward system of government that Palin has been using (of which there is ample evidence), the notion that her doctor could be coerced into participating in a criminal act (given recent Alaskan history) is not exactly out of the realm of possibility. If you can grant the possibility of credulity to Palin’s utterly implausible 24 hour from water breaking birth story, then you have to concede the much greater likelihood of personal pressure and corruption being behind her doctor’s vaguely worded statement.

2 09 2008

Ah, see that if i use to emphasize should, the word is not parsed.

I’ll try one more time:

It is not a “do as I say, not as I do” nanny-state or Federal parenting structure that the Constitution lays out, is it? No, so representatives, who are sworn to uphold those ideals*, SHOULD conduct themselves as such. Regardless of party.

*the Constitution.

Let’s see what happens with this post!

2 09 2008

Again, foiled!

The “<” -and if that doesn’t parse, know that it is the carrot symbol- is the problem. One mystery solved. Yes, a preview feature would be nice.

2 09 2008
The Logician

This site purports to be Levi Johnston’s blog. It’s a hoot!

2 09 2008

It’s hard to keep up with all the posts here, so my apologies again if this has already been posted.

The AP is now reporting that the reported father of Bristol’s unborn baby, Levi Johnston, is now on his way from AK to MN to join the Palin family for Sarah’s speech tomorrow night.

The article also quotes Levi’s mother saying the kids were planning to get married even before they got married.

Yeah …. sure.

2 09 2008

Sorry I meant to say “even before she got pregnant,” not “married.”

2 09 2008

re: If you can grant the possibility of credulity to Palin’s utterly implausible 24 hour from water breaking birth story

Why hasn’t this remarkable tale been followed-up or promoted? If there are no concerns, it would make for a pretty strong story of one tough lady. Or not. Why are physicians, the AMA (?), and, heck, go to the source, mothers not speaking up, on camera, in print, etc.?

2 09 2008
The Logician

And here’s what purports to be Levi’s MySpace page, complete with parting shot to “the media.” Then there is this picture, straight out of Hooterville North. Is this The Dukes of Hazzard, or what? Yee-hah! By the way, my blog surfing tells me that the young swain Levi is getting quite the gay following. So keep him happy, Bristol!

2 09 2008
The Logician


Is this The Dukes of Hazzard, or what …

2 09 2008
The Logician

The AP is now reporting that the reported father of Bristol’s unborn baby, Levi Johnston, is now on his way from AK to MN to join the Palin family for Sarah’s speech tomorrow night.

Will they be accompanied by the entire state of West Virginia? Do the Republicans have a single clue as to how utterly comical this is to anyone who’s not a Christofascist lunatic?!

2 09 2008

Levi’s MySpace is gone…and the pic is mis-labled. Bristol is not in the picture holding the gun. That’s Chevy.

2 09 2008

Logician, that is not correct. I have seen much wisdom in your posts so far, until now, particularly with hyperbole that satisfies no argument. No label or name is ever an argument.

Using a label as you suggested is not the attempt to indict each and every person. Nobody believes *every* muslim is “fascist”! If hyperbole is wrong, it is wrong whenever and by whoever used, or else the standard was never honest. If so, please inspect what is being traded and what is being won. If one understandibly hates something on the other side, must one dig the same depth?

We already have the advantage in the US, because we don’t wage war or violent revolution to overthrow for power. Winning in any case is not a greater value without respecting truth.

2 09 2008

Family image
Matters more than the nation
Levi’s appearance.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Hey Bystander, a traditional Haiku needs to have an allusion to season. Just trying to help.

2 09 2008

Stolen from another site: The Cover Up

Campaign Aid 1: “Er…John? People are claiming Bristol Palin is the actual mother of Sarah Palin’s down syndrome kid.”

McCain: “Ha! That’s ludicrous! She’s a conservative, staunch abstinence-first proponent. That would be absolutely ridic…”

Campaign Aid 2: “Oh crap! Guys, you’re NOT going to believe this! Bristol Palin is PREGNANT.”

McCain: “That WHORE! Now what?”

Campaign Aid 1: “We’ll release this info, claiming we’re doing it to defuse the claims that Bristol mothered the downs baby!”

Campaign Aid 2: “But that’s absolutely idio…”


Campaign Aid 1: “And we’ll say you KNEW about this all along, John!”

Campaign Aid 2: “Dude, you are a freaking JACKA…”

McCain: “I LIKE IT!!!”

2 09 2008

HIde the candidate
Disclosure is for others
Truth is malleable.

2 09 2008
The Logician

p.s.: Ric:

They’re my postings
And I’ll laugh if I want to
They’re my postings
And I’ll laugh if I want to

You would laugh too
If … you had a sense of humor

Sorry, I had to break the verse.

2 09 2008

😛 Thanks, Logician. I’m aware, but chose to stretch the genre.

Fall from pedestals
Winter of our discontent
Spring, Summer deceits.

2 09 2008
The Logician

John Doe, you have a point about not believing anything. I mean, it turns out that the lovely Sarah even told a Christofascist lie about … about … winning Miss Congeniality in the 1984 Miss Wasilla, Alaska competition.

Amy Gwin, 43, of University City, grew up in Alaska and competed in the Miss Wasilla, Alaska, competition in 1984 against GOP vice presidential choice Sarah Palin. Gwin said Friday that she won the Miss Congeniality award in the competition, although Palin’s Wikipedia entry says she won the contest — and the Miss Congeniality award. Gwin was a year behind Palin, now 44, at Wasilla High School, which had about 800 students. Gwin said Palin was “a high school star in a good way,” a beauty who got good grades and excelled at athletics. Gwin, who was president of her class, does not recall Palin holding school office. The Wikipedia entry on Palin said she was head of the school’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes and captain of the basketball team. Gwin said she was not surprised when Palin became the governor of Alaska, but is astonished that she got the GOP nod for vice president. Asked whether she would support Palin because she knows her, Gwin said: “I wouldn’t support her if she was my very best friend. I support Obama and don’t share any of her (Palin’s) politics. She’s very shallow.”


2 09 2008
John Doe

Why are physicians, the AMA (?), and, heck, go to the source, mothers not speaking up, on camera, in print, etc.?

I suspect it’s from a knowledgeable sense of embarrassment for her and the realization that she’ll implode without them mucking in it (if the media is even remotely capable of doing their job). However, it must be a dilemma for them: how many half-witted mothers-to-be will think they can simply ignore their doctor’s advice on, say, getting to a hospital as soon as amniotic fluid starts leaking? How many of them will think “oh, to hell with the inconvenience of not being able to fly during advanced, high-risk pregnancy, if Sarah Barracuda can do it, I’m gonna give it a shot!”.

I’m sure they’re very uncomfortable with the current situation and not knowing what to do as all of this continues to pan out.

2 09 2008
The Logician

I keep thinking of TV shows and movies. Did anyone see The Election?

2 09 2008
The Logician

There’s a gay website calling for a nude photo of Levi Johnston, but they’re dropping the “T”

2 09 2008

Thanks for the Link to Levi’s purported blog, Logician. You’re right, it’s a hoot! I love this page especially, where Levi is shown with his sister, “Mecede Marie” and the caprion reads:

“Bristol Palin and I during our happiest moments. We welcome our new child in a little less than 4 months. ”

Uh Oh… 😉

2 09 2008

Sarah Palin will not speak tonight at the RNC.


wonder why?

2 09 2008

Nah, this show isn’t going to get picked up… 😛

2 09 2008
From England

Just now on CNN – At the behest of President Bush ALL candidates, presidential and vice presidential will be given full intelligence briefings. Obama had his today….SP will also have one. I am scared for our world. Truly.

2 09 2008
2 09 2008
John Doe

From the Time Magazine article:

At some point in those fractious first days, Palin told the department heads they needed her permission to talk to reporters. “She put a gag order on those people, something that you’d expect to find in the big city, not here,” says Naegele. “She flew in there like a big-city gal, which she’s not. It was a strange time, and [the Frontiersman] came out very harshly against her.”

Gag orders? You seeing this, Logician?

2 09 2008

Shallow, wilting clowns
Like Autumn leaves, they’re lifeless
Calculations failed.

2 09 2008

All do as I say!
Remain silent as Winter
And no one gets hurt.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Hey John Doe, I am not the investigator of all things!!

2 09 2008

Hi there Sue,

I’m sure you must know how common the name Sue Williams is. Well, my grandmother has the same name and she lives in Anchorage. Since your name has hit the news in relation to all the Palin scandal, the media has been contacting her thinking she’s you. Could you please tell the media to stop bothering my grandmother? Perhaps just a quick blog update making it clear to the media that you are not the Sue Williams that lives in Anchorage? I would really appreciate it.


2 09 2008
John Doe

Geez, this is turning from soap opera, to sitcom to science fiction:

Remains of Alaska Separatist Are Identified

Published: October 15, 1994
Fingerprint tests show that human remains found in a gravel pit east of Fairbanks on Wednesday are those of Joe Vogler, the founder of the Alaskan Independence Party, who vanished in May 1993, Alaska state troopers said today.

The discovery of the remains, following an anonymous tip to the authorities, apparently resolves a year-and-a-half-old mystery concerning Mr. Vogler, a folk hero throughout the state who was 80 when he disappeared from his home here.

The blue tarp and duct tape in which the remains were wrapped, officials said, matched a description given by a convicted thief, Manfred West, who confessed last summer that he had killed Mr. Vogler in a plastic-explosives sale gone bad and had then buried him.

2 09 2008

Not quite sure what a 14 year old news story about a dead guy has to do with Plain, but whatever.

2 09 2008
John Doe

Hey John Doe, I am not the investigator of all things!!


I hadn’t meant to imply you were. I was pointing out the curious use of “gag orders” in relation to your earlier comments about her doctor and things related. That’s all.

2 09 2008

I looked at the “Levi” blog and I just don’t think it’s really his.

2 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Levi Johnston was put on a flight this morning to join Bristol at the convention and his mom is speaking to the press. Per AP. This should be interesting.

2 09 2008

If you can grant the possibility of credulity to Palin’s utterly implausible 24 hour from water breaking birth story, then you have to concede the much greater likelihood of personal pressure and corruption being behind her doctor’s vaguely worded statement.

29.5 hours.

sorry, couldn’t resist.

2 09 2008
The Logician

From the “Gawker” website

Levi Johnston at a state dinner:

“yer from Burundi?? Where tha fuck is that?? Sounds like a FAGGOT country! And your name is Sadiki….Nkurunziza? Yeah well my name is suck my fucking American dick! Check this out bitches I’m gonna rip a fuckin donut in the Rose Garden lawn with my Snowmobile!!”

2 09 2008

“Levi Johnston was put on a flight…”

Nice wording.

2 09 2008
The Logician

I was pointing out the curious use of “gag orders” in relation to your earlier comments about her doctor and things related. That’s all.

Okay, I get it. But she doesn’t have to put a “gag order” on her doctor. Federal law (HIPPA) already does that.

2 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah


– your local HIPAA certified student 🙂

2 09 2008
John Doe

Not quite sure what a 14 year old news story about a dead guy has to do with Plain, but whatever.

The founder of the political party that she’d belonged to engaged in, what would be considered “domestic terrorism” these days, and it isn’t relevant?

Sorry for interrupting. Back to your snooze.

2 09 2008
2 09 2008

Then there is this picture, straight out of Hooterville North.

well someone has labeled the girl bristol but that looks like his sister again.

and good gawd wtf kind of gun is that? are those legal? man this is messed up. or is it just a photoshop job. can’t tell on that one.

2 09 2008

re: Palin and AIP:

and as a sample of the party:

2 09 2008
The Logician

well someone has labeled the girl bristol but that looks like his sister again

Or her mother. Or her cousin. Or her … oh, forget it!

2 09 2008
2 09 2008

Sarah Palin will not speak tonight at the RNC.

the vp nominee isn’t even going to give a speech at the convention??? canceled?

hmm… I think the drop out stakes have just risen.

I’d like to write a haiku about implosions. help me out here, logician, I’m not much of a poet.

2 09 2008
John Doe

Okay, I get it. But she doesn’t have to put a “gag order” on her doctor. Federal law (HIPPA) already does that.

Great, then focus on the “things related” that I mentioned. Such as government officials that might have access to records related to pregnancy (or other familiar matters) that aren’t strictly health related, like school transfers (or not), social security number issuance, child abuse, domestic violence or any number of other issues. After all of this “oh, Bristol’s pregnancy was common knowledge everywhere here” talk, isn’t it just a little odd as to how quiet things have become in her community?

2 09 2008

The Logician (15:26:04) :

Hahaha yeah really

2 09 2008
John Doe

re: Palin and AIP

Great video. As much as I can sympathize with the indepencence movements in various states, it also seems more than a little baffling to have a candidate for one of the highest offices in the land actively participating in sedition against it. Maybe I’m just not as open-minded as I should be, but it sort of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

2 09 2008
John Nail

I have looking at your thread here and find it quite interesting as I have been blogging on this for the last 4/5 days.

This whole story does not fit together and look at my posts and tell me where you know I am wrong.

There are links to my first 2 posts and there is overlap as we add info as we get it to the single source.

Frankly is SP wants to put this to bed simply release some pics that we all have of when our kids were born of Mom sitting up in the hospital bed surrounded by the family holding Trig etc.

CBJ was recommended for the award in 2001 and to the state health commission by SP. She used to be on staff at Mat Su and is not any longer. last Friday her name was lsited as a staff physician there. By Sunday she was nowhere to be seen on the site.

As of last nite the couple as not married per the media and she seems to be wearing an engagement ring.

I look forward to local input on this and explaining away all she oddities when a simple picture or 2 or a copy of birth certificate put this away.

Also CBJ was open to talking to the ADN in April why not now. She has disappeared it seems.

Thanks for your time and feedback.

2 09 2008

the vp nominee of the party cancels her speech at the convention with no explanation? this is really blowing my mind. why can’t she get up in front of her peeps and make the case for herself? amazing! lmao!

2 09 2008
The Logician

emrysa, I think there was another posting earlier about how they’re flying the young swain Levi Johnston, the knocker upper of the lovely and talented Bristol Palin, to Minnesota so he can be there when Sarah gives her acceptance speech Wednesday night.

I’m going to be really shocked if the Republicans dump Palin at this late date. The Christofascists who provide them with about a third of their vote would be like the proverbial epileptic in the swimming pool, turning it into a jacuzzi. They’ve fallen in love with this latter-day Murphy Brown, and if McCain removed her from the ticket they would kick and scream and stamp their little feet and generally go nuts.

So, I predict they will tough it out. Which, if you want the Republicans to lose amid gales of laughter, might not be such a bad idea.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Great, then focus on the “things related” that I mentioned. Such as government officials that might have access to records related to pregnancy (or other familiar matters) that aren’t strictly health related, like school transfers (or not), social security number issuance, child abuse, domestic violence or any number of other issues. After all of this “oh, Bristol’s pregnancy was common knowledge everywhere here” talk, isn’t it just a little odd as to how quiet things have become in her community?

If you’re making the case not to trust any person or any public record, well, I don’t know what to say. I doubt they could even pull off what you’re suggesting in, say, Chicago or Boston, where public corruption was a competition sport when the Russians still owned Alaska. So, no, I think the release of a birth certificate and a statement from the doctor would do it for me. But that’s just me. Others may differ.

2 09 2008

How can SP ask for privacy for Bristol, yet they have summoned Levi to come to the convention? It’s sick! Everything is about a political move. No PERSON in their right mind should reward this mental illness by giving these child users (they are assisting in the farming out of their children) their vote!

2 09 2008

I like how the RNC “Country First” video begins with shots of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

2 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Bystander: Sounds like the makings of a parody video. 😉

2 09 2008

That wasn’t the Federalist Papers and the Declaration of Independence.

2 09 2008
The Logician

How can SP ask for privacy for Bristol, yet they have summoned Levi to come to the convention? It’s sick! Everything is about a political move. No PERSON in their right mind should reward this mental illness by giving these child users (they are assisting in the farming out of their children) their vote!

It’s worse than that. Their press release on Sunday read: “We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates.”

It is McCain and Palin who have trampled all over the “privacy” of Bristol and Levi. By late Saturday, the release of photos of a pregnant-looking Sarah Palin had caused the Daily Kos to back off of the original story — which they had framed in terms of the baby-switch theory. When Andrew Sullivan of Atlantic magazine stuck with it, he also focused entirely on the baby-switch theory.

The McCain-Palin campaign could have quashed 99% of the speculation on that issue with the release of a birth certificate and a statement from the doctor who delivered young Trigonometry. Instead, it was they who “outed” Bristol and Levi, when they never had to do it.

2 09 2008
The Logician

To follow up, prior to Sunday morning’s announcement, this thread had focused heavily on “Theory 1,” the baby-switch theory. I had dismissed the Missing Sue’s “Theory 2” as the product of a Republican plant, and the vast majority of people who post here had agreed.

I’m not even sure the McCain-Palin people needed to respond to Theory 1 by Sunday morning. But to do so did NOT necessitate the confirmation of Theory 2. All they needed to do to refute Theory 1 was to release a birth certificate and a statement from the doctor. Instead, they chose to publicly humiliate their daughter and her boyfriend.

2 09 2008
The Logician

And, oddly enough, they still haven’t quelled Theory 1, because that can really only be killed by documentation, i.e., a birth certificate and a doctor’s statement. The McCain-Palin campaign has thus insured that all of this stuff will continue to haunt them from now through as long as Palin is on their ticket, which I think will be until their defeat on November 4.

2 09 2008

Heck, this 15-yr. old sees a lot in the flag. However, I think all who are aware of for which country that flag represents, well, they also see a lot. That flag certainly has a lot of history behind it, even though the United States is, relatively-speaking, a young country. Many eyes have borne witness.

But patriotism is more than symbolic, is it not? There is no monopoly on values or love of country as determined by party affiliation. I see that concept firmly wrapped in the flag.

Nice allegiance though, particularly the line “with liberty and justice for all.”

2 09 2008

She pulled a no show at a Pro-life function today & she’s canceled her speech tonight at the RNC.

2 09 2008


Consistent republican hypocracy. The Washington Post is doing their own vetting and in turn continue to uncover Palin’s record.


2 09 2008

logician, re: acceptance speech:

well I tend to think she’s going to get dumped. but I’m not absolutely positive of that. maybe the true conservative faction (not the religious nut faction) of the party is resigned to the fact that mccain is going to lose anyway, and obama doesn’t look so bad to them at this point. maybe they won’t make a stink about it, and will let the circus continue without any resistance.

I bet the reason that they’re flying the genius out there is that it’s not gonna look so good that sp is draggin her “pregnant” daughter around the country without the baby daddy. got to make the family look whole and united, ya know? keep up the front at all costs!

2 09 2008

No time for functions
Speech and defense to prepare
Summer heat lingers

2 09 2008


let me guess… she’s a compassionate conservative.

2 09 2008

bystander, are you saying that YOU are 15 years old or are you referring to someone from an rnc video?

2 09 2008

“A Big Ole’ Jesus Fish”

This ticket is the epitome of moronic hypocrits.

2 09 2008

emrysa, the winner of an essay contest to lead the allegiance at the RNC was a 15-yr. old.

2 09 2008
John Nail

Here is a lot for you all to chew on:

Read This

To paraphrase Ricky Riccardo “Sarah you’ve got some splaining to do..”. Still. After yesterday there are actually more things to expalin, not less. As you will see as we go through this post there are so many loose ends on this story that don’t fit that once and for all they need to be addressed by McCain’s own vetting team.

I want to preface this update once again by saying that the issue we are interested in is Gov. Palin’s judgment. Period. Any reference to or use of information as it relates to her daughter is required to get at the facts. This is NOT any type of attempt to use her daughter and where possible we simply will refer to other sources.

We are not going to deal in rumor or innuendo – simply lay out some odd things that have happened and a set of questions that can easily be answered to put them to bed.

“Just the facts”, as Joe Friday used to say on Dragnet is what we want. Lets get them answered completely and then let people draw their own conclusions as to what exactly has gone on around the Governor’s pregnancy and her past family behavior, no one else’s.

Here is the link to our original posts for your reference:

* Day 1/2 – Sat/Sun
* Day 3 – Monday

One Caveat

While we will try to be Joe Friday there have been some very bizarre “X-file” type things happening online:

* Web pages disappearing and reappearing changed.
* Pictures removed from the state web site.
* The “bump” photo showing up Thurs/Friday in one context only to miraculously show up Sat. with a 2006 caption on it.
* A MySpace page for another local Wasilla boy that proclaimed his love for Bristol was taken down
* No listing ot the baby’s birth on the Mat Su hospital site and more.
* The delivering MD no longer listed on the staff of Mat Su hospital but was on here earlier. Odd for a national award winning family practice MD who sits on the Governors state health committee and who Palin recommended for the national award in 2001.

These were not coincidences and if the real story is what we found out yesterday then why all of the above since all this related to the orignal rumors? Cached web pages show these oddities so they are not some made up conspiracy.

So our detective work will be Joe Friday with a dose of Scully and Mulder when needed.

The McCain Camp’s Toilet Bowl Perspective

“We are going to flush the toilet.”This is what McCain spokesman Tucker Eskew said as the campaign used news coverage of Gustav to roll out the various Hurricane Sarah issues on Monday.

All this while 12 lawyers and every media outlet descended on Wasilla, AK, population 7000, the city where Gov. Palin got her executive experience as mayor with 50 employees reporting to her.

So what appears to be happening is the McCain camp backpedaling on their thorough vetting and trying to “flush the toilet” on McCain’s impulsive pick and as the NYT reports today their poor vetting. An hour on the googles a week ago would have shown them all the issues that have apparently blindsided them. But we know the candidate, and apparently the campaign don’t really understand the “googles and the tubes”.

In fact Palin’s own media person did not know about the pregnancy 2 days ago:

The (Alaska) Daily News (ADN) had asked Palin’s press secretary, Bill McAllister, over the weekend to address rumors that Bristol was pregnant. “I don’t know. I have no evidence that Bristol’s pregnant,” he said on Saturday.

McCain’s “Three Card Monte” Distraction

The revelation that came out yesterday was stunning. If you think about though it really had nothing to do with the rumors around the Governor’s pregnancy except that Bristol was involved. It was intended to distract attention from the original issue. As Time reported the entire town of Wasilla knew this already. No big deal.

Ask yourself, why drop that personal bombshell when a simply picture, like we all have from out kids, of the family gathered around Mom holding the baby in the hospital bed would have sufficed? Or the birth certificate could easily have been released. Case closed. Scully and Mulder go home.

Done this way in a few weeks there could have been a nice rollout of the engagement, the fact that she is expecting, introduce the dad who is a nice looking young man etc. it would have been a surprise but not a torpedo. So the classic a good defense is a great offense was deployed here. By telling us about Bristol the assumption was that the rumors about the Governor being Trig’s grandmother are proven wrong and go away. Don’t leave yet Scully….come back Mulder…Joe take over again…

Why? Do you really believe McCain knew if her own spokesman did not? Do you really believe he would have picked her if he knew the rumors let alone the reality we just learned? Don’t be naive.

Then the camapign throws out the “respect the privacy”, leave the kids alone defense out there hoping that the larger issue – the Governor’s judgment and behavior in endangering the baby by her trip to Dallas will not get scrutunized by the national media or the other loose ends on that story. In the mounting number of issues around Palin the endangerment of her unborn child would be devastating to the right wingers.

So just like the card game where the shyster quickly moves them in front of you and you guess where your card is the McCain camp has done the same thing here using the hurricane coverage to try and distract us from a set of facts that grow daily. The puzzle still does not fit right but wrapped in the media’s not wanting to get into the personal issues of the family may get overlooked.

The McCain Campaign Wizards are pulling the levers from behind the curtain in Straight Talk OZ but the “googles and the tubes” keep revealing new information now that Gov. Palin is being publicly vetted and real national journalists are on the ground.

Open Questions of the Governor’s Behavior and Judgment

If you have not already take the Decision Tree test. What would you have done? The read the rest of this section.

The following items all facts laid out in a 4/22/08 article in the ADN that need to be addressed by Gov. Palin concerning her trip to and from the conference in TX:

* Travelling to Dallas at 36 weeks in the first place
* Not going directly to a Dallas hospital once her water broke which would be standard procedure per a number of posts from doctors and newspaper articles
* Flying home 10-12 hours with fluid leaking risking infection and delivery in transit
* Not telling the Airline
* Bypassing the premier area hospital – Providence
o 15 minutes from the Anchorage airport (vs. over an hour to your own w/ no NICU)
o With a NICU to handle a 36 week preemie w/ the double risk of Downs Syndrome baby
o That your OB/GYN was on the staff of
* Dr. Johnson, a family practitioner, is an expert in child and adult sexual abuse,
o What does this mean if anything to the situation?
* Baby delivered in the local hospital by this “expert” even though it was supposedly 4 weeks premature and had Downs Syndrome
* Returning to work after 3 days off after this ordeal

In the least I would ask all of you does this type of risky behavior and poor decision making as it relates to Sarah Palin’s own family make you comfortable that she can be VP let alone a “heartbeat away from the Presidency”? I hope that that is all this turns out to be, but I doubt it will.

Some Experts Weigh In

Obviously decisions are made between a patient and their doctor. However I have NEVER met a doctor that takes any chances like these. We are not trying to Monday morning quarterback

I spoke to my wife’s OB GYN and a college roommate who was a pioneer 30 years ago in neonatology and both of them essentially said the same thing – she should have stayed in Dallas. Period. Especially with the double risk of premie and Downs. No question. One said that anything else was a malpractice lawsuit disaster if something had happened.

They also registered some concern based on the attending physicians credentials (family practice) for a case like this.

They would advised against the trip in the first place at 35/36 weeks but if Palin had insisted, esp. as a public figure, they would have had an MD referral established in advance of the trip to a Dallas colleague and an appropriate NICU equipped facility.

What Could She have Been Thinking

I see five scenarios here that explain what would appear to be out of character behavior for Gov. Palin:

1. She was not thinking rationally, had the nesting instinct that women all get and wanted to be home
2. This was the first baby for Bristol, she went into labor early and Palin needed to rush home to be there and the cover up was on by having the baby in the small hospital, with limited number of people involved.
3. There is some other 3rd party involved and a coverup was needed
4. She wanted something to happen to he baby (Unlikely)
5. She was nuts (Highly unlikely)

New Media Reports About Bristol Palin’s School Attendance

Something is not fitting together here and this information is brougnt in solely to support getting to the real bottom of Palin’s pregnancy and Trig’s birth and Palin’s behavior and judgment. They came out of media interviews yesterday in light of the announcement.

You will recall that one major rumor was that Bristol had been out of school for 4-5 months with a severe case of mono which fueled the pregnancy story. This was never answered either in the 3 card Monte game.

With the attention being paid now I found three conflicting quotes about the daughter’s school attendance:

Per an LA Times story – “Bristol is “finishing up her last year in high school,” she said. Bristol attended Wasilla High School last year but left, said Principal Dwight Probasco.”

Per the Anchorage paper – “Mark Okeson, the assistant principal at Wasilla High School, said Bristol started her junior year there last fall, in the town where Sarah Palin grew up, but Bristol transferred to an Anchorage high school mid-year”

From the NY Daily News – “Mark Okeson, the assistant principal at Wasilla High School, told the Chicago Tribune that Bristol started her junior year last fall, in the town where Sarah Palin grew up.”

He said Bristol inexplicably transferred to an Anchorage high school midyear, leaving Levi behind. “I never heard the story why,” he said.”She was very well respected, very kind to be around. She ran in lots of circles.”

Sound a bit odd? These could all simply be a mistake or mis reported or we have from The Christmas Holidays thru the school year that Bristol was at home for her mono or something else.

Remember she had a traffic accident that got reported with another teenager:

Wasilla Police Department (Other Motorist name redacted by me. We have it)
On February 8, 2008, at 1737 hours, Wasilla Police responded to two vehicle collision at Seward Meridian Parkway and Fireweed Drive . Investigation revealed that Bristol Palin, age 17 of Wasilla, was driving a 4-door sedan and attempted to turn into a business when she struck a 2-door sedan driven by XXXXXXXXXXx, age xx, of XXXXX. Palin was issued a citation for Failing to Use Due Care to Avoid a Collision. XXXX was issued a citation for an expired registration and no proof of insurance.

One post from AK I found that provided contact info.for the boy above and said ask him “if the girl driving was pregnant”.


The major issue to address here still are the facts around Trig’s birth.

All the revelation yesterday told us is a new piece of information. That is all. It is not directly related to the rumors and is craftily designed to deflect attention away from the real issue and unanswered questions.

For the MSM and McCain vetters it is pretty clear what you need to review here:

1. Answers to the judgment questions we raised above so that we can see Palin is capable of the type of thinking and decisionmaking for a VPotus
2. Bristol’s school attendance. Where was she in school after 1/1/2008? Was she sick with mono? If so great, if not what else was going on if she wqas out of school?
3. Trig’s birth certificate or hospital pictures to prove he is Palin’s

Once this is done we will know “the facts” and everyone can judge for themselves whether Sarah Palin is qualified, has covered up important information and whether John McCain’s rash pick of her and simple vetting now with the latest sleight of hand yesterday reveals his total lack of qualification to be President.

share this…

2 09 2008
John Nail

CBJ – details

From Palin’s Doctor – Cathy Baldwin Johnson is a family practitioner, not an OB GYN, but a medical expert on child abuse and said – “I don’t think it was unreasonable for her to continue to travel back,” Baldwin-Johnson said. Why? Sounds like a huge malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen if this had turned out badly, especially with a public figure.

Dr. Johnson is ” the region’s “expert” in child and adult sexual abuse testing” according to news articles from 2002 and her Zoom Info profile. She is listed as the “Founder” of the county “Sexual Assault Response Team” (2001/2002) also as a practicing MD.

In a 2007 document Dr, Johnson was listed as the Volunteer Medical Director: The Children’s Place, Wasilla & AK. CARES, Anchorage and in Private Practice and Medical Director, Providence Matanuska Health Care, Wasilla.

She also won AAFP Family Physician of the Year in 2001 a prestigious national award. She was nominated fo the award by then Wasilla Mayor Palin among others. She was even commended for this award in Gov. Knowles State of the State address. In 2007 she was named to the Alaska Health Strategies Planning Council by Gov. Palin. She is listed online as a resource for “meth in Alaska”.

In fact Dr. Johnson’s practice group is listed as – Providence Matanuska Healthcare in her Healthgrades profile. Providence has a number of facilities in AK from local clinics to major hospitals.

Clearly an accomplished woman but not an OB GYN or a neonatal specialist operating in a regional hospital giving advice from 3000 miles away via phone….to a 44 year old woman carrying a Downs Syndrome child.

2 09 2008
John Nail

Doctor’s Competence or Complicity?

A logical question for sheer safety sake for any delivery – let alone the Governor of the state – would be why then did Dr, Johnson not meet Palin in Anchorage at the Providence facility and deliver the baby there instead of an additional hour drive to a local, more out of the way hospital, close to the Palin home with no NICU?

From a purely malpractice perspective this would be suicidal if the facts as we are being told are true, let alone the potential medical consequences to the child.

Dr. Johnson who delivered the child at Mat Su Regional is no longer on staff at that facility per that location’s website but is on staff in Wasilla Providence per the Providence main site. Another odd coincidence since on 2007 she was not only on staff but listed as Medical Director. She is also listed under Family Practice, not OB GYN. Her own bio reveals no advanced studies or specialties

2 09 2008
John Nail

McCain’s “Three Card Monte” Distraction

The revelation that came out yesterday was stunning. If you think about though it really had nothing to do with the rumors around the Governor’s pregnancy except that Bristol was involved. It was intended to distract attention from the original issue. As Time reported the entire town of Wasilla knew this already. No big deal.

Ask yourself, why drop that personal bombshell when a simply picture, like we all have from out kids, of the family gathered around Mom holding the baby in the hospital bed would have sufficed? Or the birth certificate could easily have been released. Case closed. Scully and Mulder go home.

Done this way in a few weeks there could have been a nice rollout of the engagement, the fact that she is expecting, introduce the dad who is a nice looking young man etc. it would have been a surprise but not a torpedo. So the classic a good defense is a great offense was deployed here. By telling us about Bristol the assumption was that the rumors about the Governor being Trig’s grandmother are proven wrong and go away. Don’t leave yet Scully….come back Mulder…Joe take over again…

Why? Do you really believe McCain knew if her own spokesman did not? Do you really believe he would have picked her if he knew the rumors let alone the reality we just learned? Don’t be naive.

Then the camapign throws out the “respect the privacy”, leave the kids alone defense out there hoping that the larger issue – the Governor’s judgment and behavior in endangering the baby by her trip to Dallas will not get scrutunized by the national media or the other loose ends on that story. In the mounting number of issues around Palin the endangerment of her unborn child would be devastating to the right wingers.

So just like the card game where the shyster quickly moves them in front of you and you guess where your card is the McCain camp has done the same thing here using the hurricane coverage to try and distract us from a set of facts that grow daily. The puzzle still does not fit right but wrapped in the media’s not wanting to get into the personal issues of the family may get overlooked.

The McCain Campaign Wizards are pulling the levers from behind the curtain in Straight Talk OZ but the “googles and the tubes” keep revealing new information now that Gov. Palin is being publicly vetted and real national journalists are on the ground.

2 09 2008

I must admit that I definitely like the haiku interludes here.

I’ll give it a shot – keep in mind I know nothing of the technicalities, other than someone mentioned earlier that you must use a season.

appreciating inquisitive minds
read more later
fall issue beckons

2 09 2008
John Nail

Sarah Palin is Trig’s Grandmother – Bristol and Levi Are Parents (Photos)

Link here – w pics –

As I have been saying all weekend this story did not fit, and based on the validation of the pictures and info below by the MSM, the Enquirer or Gov. Palin or others, the lies will be over or answered more fully.

I would allege that if these pictures and captions are proven to be correct that:

* Gov. Sarah Palin lied about her pregnancy before giving birth as many suspected in Alaska and in the blogospere led by the dailyKos, TPM and PolitcalBase.

* Gov. Sarah Palin lied to the McCain campaign about Trig and now about the other pregnancy
* Gov. Sarah Palin lied about the trip home from Dallas which answers all my questions about her reckless behavior and need to get home to the local hospital
* The local hospital, Mat Su, named as the birth hospital may not have been the birth site which is why Trig’s name never appeared on their new baby page
* Raises questions about the Dr. Baldwin – Johnston’s medical ethics and may answer why she is no longer on staff at Mat Su Hospital and raises questions of political favors for Palin who put this doctor on her state health commission
* There has been active cover up of the truth of Trig’s birth , nominally for the sake of Bristol and more likely Gov. Palin who, if this is true faked her pregnancy as many thought
* Answers the question of the long absence from school for “mono’ for Bristol. Was other school complicit in this coverup?
* The McCain Campaign, Gov.Palin and the Palin family may have lied yesterday about whether Bristol is pregnant. If she is it is with a second child and she could not be 5 months pregnant.

2 09 2008

Live with your choices
Fall yields to no exemptions
Babies, cover-ups, …

emrysa, I appreciate your poem. But, just FYI, traditional haiku uses a rhyme scheme of 5-7-5 syllables. Oh, and as a couple of us have been called out for omitting, there needs to be a reference to nature, the season, etc. Unless, of course, you wish to bend the rules of this form of poetry and help bring it into the 21st century! 😛

2 09 2008
The Logician

Raises questions about the Dr. Baldwin – Johnston’s medical ethics and may answer why she is no longer on staff at Mat Su Hospital and raises questions of political favors for Palin who put this doctor on her state health commission

Do you know for certain that she ever was on staff there? The reason I ask is that, with the upheavals associated with managed care, I’m not sure that hospital staff membership means what it once did. So, you’d better check that factoid.

2 09 2008

Logician. “The truth”. It was sentence three in your first post. One was led to believe truth was for you what it must be for anyone – the higher value. You finally acknowledged you now lean to the suspicions being false, in order to reach said truth. One was led to believe, again, truth was to be the higher value.

You should be better than this, better than fists, better than names, those are rubbish. A name or label is never an argument, certainly never logic; it is to acknowledge defeat. Winning must exist on higher ground or nowhere.

2 09 2008
The Logician

I bet the reason that they’re flying the genius out there is that it’s not gonna look so good that sp is draggin her “pregnant” daughter around the country without the baby daddy. got to make the family look whole and united, ya know? keep up the front at all costs!

If they’re getting ready to dump her ass then you wouldn’t think they’d be flying the young Knockerupper out there. But then again, the dumpee is usually last to know that (s)he is being dumped.

A Request

I have utterly no authority to ask this favor, so if everyone ignores it I will have no choice but to live with it. Is it possible that, in this thread, I be the designated Haiku artist? It gives me a reason to get up in the morning. Thank you.

2 09 2008
The Logician

You should be better than this, better than fists, better than names, those are rubbish. A name or label is never an argument, certainly never logic; it is to acknowledge defeat. Winning must exist on higher ground or nowhere.

Ric, I really suck at sainthood. Sorry.

2 09 2008

I highly doubt insurance fraud figured into this. If finances were the concern, BP could have had the baby, and SP could have legally adopted it and the baby would have all the insurance it has now. This certainly would have been the more intelligent move as it is totally legal. People adopt Down’s Syndrome babies all the time–their insurance carriers have no say in the matter.

The only reason SP would have faked having the baby is for “appearances”.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Sarah Palin is Trig’s Grandmother – Bristol and Levi Are Parents (Photos)

Link here – w pics –

As I have been saying all weekend this story did not fit, and based on the validation of the pictures and info below by the MSM, the Enquirer or Gov. Palin or others, the lies will be over or answered more fully.

That site does nothing other than summarize evidence picked over in this thread and elsewhere. I do fully realize that, in the absence of documentary evidence to disprove “Theory 1” (the baby switch), there will be continuing speculation in that direction. That’s why I think the McCain-Palin campaign should release Trig’s birth certificate and a statement from the doctor.

But even if they don’t do as I, and others, have suggested, at this point I do not think Theory 1 is true.

2 09 2008

Then lost is the patience of considering your position and the belief in your potential wisdom, in this or any matter. One does not reach for truth by slurring who one disagrees with. It does not make anyone better, nor the world better. We have higher values, not mutually exclusive, to include such slurs. So should all share in same.


2 09 2008
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s

Hey Logican. Give up the straw man act and go back to playing with yourself.

2 09 2008
The Logician

Give up the straw man act and go back to playing with yourself.

JSHASP, I’ve never stopped playing with myself, for unlike others I can do two things at once. But what is this “straw man act” to which you refer?

2 09 2008

if designated, will you take subject requests?

2 09 2008

Man, this RNC is great viewing!!!!

The slangin’ has begun. That’s why the ditched Gulliani for Thompson who has clearly bumped his head on the way in.

BTW can anyone tell me what Palin has “reformed”?

2 09 2008

Fred Thompson just asserted that “the other side [presumably the Democrats] are in a state of panic.”

2 09 2008

Master Thespian: [ stands ] Very good! I was merely acting!

Baudelaire: Genius!

2 09 2008
The Logician

Then lost is the patience of considering your position and the belief in your potential wisdom, in this or any matter.

Darn, and here I was hoping you interest you in a whole-life insurance policy. Oh well, on to the next sucker. Anyone need some insurance?

2 09 2008

This is the story Thompson will not speak:

2 09 2008
The Logician

if designated, will you take subject requests?

Of course I will take them. What I will do with them, however, is up to me. Only this thread. Consider it my wages. Poetical exclusivity. So don’t start writing couplets on me. It’s all mine. I am Standard Oil.

2 09 2008

the Canadian Broadcast Corporation–the national television station in Canada and a SERIOUS media outlet–just reported the allegation that Palin is the grandmother, discussed the Texas to Alaska trip and showed a non-pregnant looking picture of Sarah. If the CBC is reporting this, the story is gaining momentum.

2 09 2008

@ Logician – I need a drink. This stuff is making my head spin!

2 09 2008

This is why I can’t deal with “artists”. Cheese and rice!

Sure, I’m willing to support your designation.

ATHA-Larry King discussed it last night and that should tell you the magnitude of the issue.

2 09 2008

What could elevate the surrealistic atmosphere of this election would be if one or both of palin and mccain gave their speeches via video.

this quote will have some life:
“a teleprompter speech designed to appeal to America’s critics abroad”
-Fred Thompson on Barack Obama’s speech.

2 09 2008

that would be Barack Obama’s Berlin speech.

2 09 2008

BJ, The National is not Larry King, they don’t trade in idle gossip

go here and look at 8 min.

2 09 2008
John Nail

Logician – SP as Grandma is not dead. Something weird there.

As for the MD – I saw her on the Mat Su staff page Friday and will post links to cached pages of it for you. They were sent to me by another poster on another blog.

Their entire site was down all weekend and reappeared after the announcement on Bristol. Amazing coincidence just like the pictures disappearing from the state site and the one picture showing the “bump” reappearing with a 2006 caption.

I saw it Friday described as a 2007 Holiday photom then from the 3/2008 article and all of a sudden its link disappeared and the 2006 captioned one shows up….

There is something really odd here….if SP had her own baby.

2 09 2008

What about this picture from July 2008 that shows Bristol Palin looking not pregnant at all. The photo id’s her as the one wearing the khaki shorts. No bump is showing at all!

2 09 2008
2 09 2008

Can we get that CBC link?

2 09 2008

Babygate aside, Anne’s long first-hand account (above) of Palin’s leadership “style” is worse than imagined.

2 09 2008
John Doe

But even if they don’t do as I, and others, have suggested, at this point I do not think Theory 1 is true.

While conditions in the U.S. are such that saying “It’s a free country” may sound ironic, in my opinion, you’re still welcome to your opinion.

However, I suspect that your change of heart is due to two reasons: the declaration that Bristol is 5 months pregnant and a single photo that shows Palin looking “large”. Given the lies/mistruths we’ve seen about this issue coming from both Palin and McCain, you’re showing yourself to be an exceedingly trusting soul to take their word that a) Bristol is pregnant and b) that she’s 5 months along. The election may well be over before we find out the truth in the matter, and you may find yourself sorely hoaxed in the end. As to the photo, you might want to reflect a bit on this: the time between Palin’s surprise announcement (when her belly looked completely flat and her staff was caught completely off guard) and the “full belly” photo with the TV newswoman was, what………..2 weeks? I’ll ask the ladies here to chime in on this, have you ever seen a 7 month pregnant flat bellied woman gain 25+ inches in TWO WEEKS?? (As a side issue, just where did that belly go when the Alaska Air stewardesses welcomed their own Governor aboard without noticing she was pregnant, not at all?).

As we speak, every website having to do with Palin or her family/friends is being pulled, modified or blocked. Virtually every photo of them has now been stripped of all EXIF data (ask yourself why anyone would go to so much trouble to do such an odd thing unless they knew there was damning chronological evidence there, somewhere). I recognize that the evidence presented so far is technically “circumstantial” and that a few bits of such do not make a case, but when you’re faced with a tsunami of circumstantial evidence, without any corresponding reasonable explanation for the bizarre story we’ve been presented with, it becomes fairly compelling.

Again, you’re welcome to come to your own conclusions on this but given the meta-narrative of this entire preposterous tale, you may want to reconsider your present position.

2 09 2008

In that July 2008 pic they list Bristol as 16….hmmmm…weren’t they saying she is 17?

2 09 2008

Sunrai, see my post above for the link. The CBC is the Canadian version BBC.

2 09 2008

Sarah gives me a boner. That’s why I’ll vote for her!!

2 09 2008

Thx. Athabasca I got it…thanks…

2 09 2008
Dish it

I’m losing track of where I’m posting on this blog – so many threads, all about the same thing.

I’d like some serious discussion about the possibility that Track and Mercede are the parents of Trig.

Anyone in?

2 09 2008
The Logician

If the CBC is reporting this, the story is gaining momentum.

With all due respect to our neighbors to the north, doesn’t the CBC regularly feature hour-long specials on the crop situation in Nowhereistan?

Logician – SP as Grandma is not dead. Something weird there.

Seriously, I agree. I’m not buying Theory 1, but I’m neither God nor clairvoyant. I think the preponderance of evidence says it’s not true, but until we have objective evidence then that wolf is going to be seen at the outer edges of the carcass.

In that July 2008 pic they list Bristol as 16….hmmmm…weren’t they saying she is 17?

To me, and to Jerry Lee Lewis, and (ahem) maybe to her dad, she will always be “Sweet Little Sixteen.” But seriously, you have to be careful about the publication dates as opposed to the dates a picture was taken. Publications frequently use what are called “file photos.”

Time was, a file photo was identified as such in the caption. Time was, a major political party wouldn’t dare nominate someone with such thin credentials as Sarah Palin. Time was, lots of things.

Again, you’re welcome to come to your own conclusions on this but given the meta-narrative of this entire preposterous tale, you may want to reconsider your present position.

Hey, I’m just some guy with too much time on his hands. I might be wrong. I’ve never pretended otherwise.

I suspect that your change of heart is due to two reasons: the declaration that Bristol is 5 months pregnant and a single photo that shows Palin looking “large”

It wasn’t one photo. It was three photos, along with some logic. I am, after all, “The Logician.” Not “The Magician.”

you’re showing yourself to be an exceedingly trusting soul to take their word that a) Bristol is pregnant and b) that she’s 5 months along.

Oddly enough, I am a trusting soul. But not when it comes to people I don’t know.

The election may well be over before we find out the truth in the matter, and you may find yourself sorely hoaxed in the end

True enough.

the time between Palin’s surprise announcement (when her belly looked completely flat and her staff was caught completely off guard) and the “full belly” photo with the TV newswoman was, what………..2 weeks? I’ll ask the ladies here to chime in on this, have you ever seen a 7 month pregnant flat bellied woman gain 25+ inches in TWO WEEKS??

And you were there with a tape measure, Sherlock?

What about this picture from July 2008 that shows Bristol Palin looking not pregnant at all. The photo id’s her as the one wearing the khaki shorts. No bump is showing at all!

No one theory can explain every single thing. Any theory that does so is a theory that should be discarded. Not even Einstein could come up with a Theory of Everything. And I am no Einstein.

Seriously though, there will always be this or that contrary bit of data. The key is to know which contrary bits are meaningful and which are not. It’s a question of judgment. I’m doing the best I can to figure it out. But who knows, maybe the Enquirer will prove that Bristol Palin was Wasilla, Alaska’s one-girl baby factory.

If that happens, I will stand up and cheer, exulting at how thoroughly I was gulled, for if there is one source I have learned to trust it is the Enquirer. If there’s a two-headed baby, or a two-baby momma, to be found, by God they will find it.

2 09 2008
The Logician


There once was a girl from Wasilla
Her preferences were hardly vanilla
When daddy(?) did call from out in the hall
She said “Oh, (blank) you are quite the gorilla!”

2 09 2008

What in the hell do they keep saying that Alaska is the largest state in the union knowing it it’s the largest by geography and not population! really? Stop playing!

2 09 2008

Sherri Shepherd is on the most ignorant women I have ever heard in my life!

2 09 2008

They wouldn’t necessarily have to falsify the birth certificate. I don’t know what the adoption laws in Alaska are, but when we adopted our son in Maryland, he was issued a new birth certificate with our names on it.

2 09 2008

Note that the hospital that she insisted having the baby in is one that she used to be a board member of. I don’t think it’s beyond belief to suggest that records could be forged.

Something I haven’t seen anyone bring up—another reason women are advised not to fly & not to sit in a car for greater than 2 hours is the increased risk of blood clots while in the later stages of pregnancy.

2 09 2008

Chiming in now with a coupla comments:

* I work in medical and have for 20+ years. BELIEVE ME, docs lie. They falsify medical records and autopsy reports to prevent lawsuits (seen both with my own eyes) and to cover their colleague’s asses, so why not falsify docs for a “friend?”

* Remember that apparently the rumors that SP had faked her pregnancy were flying throughout the AK State Legislature!! Although I have yet to find a definitive source for that one….

2 09 2008

With all due respect to our neighbors to the north, doesn’t the CBC regularly feature hour-long specials on the crop situation in Nowhereistan?

Logician, I see you are familiar with their work. Then surely you can appreciate how bizarre it is for them to report on the national evening news about this. The rumours should have been put to rest by the announcement of Bristol’s pregnancy on Monday so what the hell is the CBC–with all of their gravitas–doing keeping the speculation about the grandmother theory alive on Tuesday? They aren’t known to be slow on the uptake, whatever you may think. And why doesn’t the McCain campaign just release the birth certificate. It’s much easier than scrubbing websites and keeping people from talking. This can be cleared up in 5 min. Why hasn’t it been?

2 09 2008

I can’t get the CBC video to play on my intertubes.


2 09 2008

SUNRAI, this link has her birthday as 10/18/1990

2 09 2008

The leaves drift outside
as poetry written in spite
Do not hog verse

I enjoy others’ efforts. Except, of course, mine.

2 09 2008

Lord I have almost lived on this thread for the last 72 hours, to the detriment of my twin infants (talk about neglectful moms). If there is no real basis to Theory 1, the simple fact that Palin was so ho-hum about imminent prenatal attention in Dallas makes me feel there was a very strong will(ing) from the pro-lifer to let GOD take it. Who gave the late hour synopsis, (Neil?), where you said that scenario was highly unlikely; if there is no Theory 1, I would not at all consider it unlikely, she was subconsciously or very consciously willing it away or she is a manic twit who should be nowhere near the red phone at 3am. The zoo pics add only more confusion, they could only be wrongly-dated, if Bristol is growing a belly or recovering from a belly, in either case it would not be that small in July.
Logician, your haikus were mentioned on Gawker. The owner of this blog should bow to you and the late great ‘Sue Williams’…RIP Sue.

2 09 2008

Hi Logician…
So why ask? Get up in the morning because you are not dead… We all appreciate your posts… and maybe some of your Haiku… but please don’t get full of your self… Please just continue to contribute… Again, please don’t say your being on this blog gives you a reason to get up in the morning… If it is, find and add other reasons… I have many, besides this very fun blog…. My wife, my kids, reading a blog of a 16 year old kid circumnavigating the world alone in a sailboat. Not to mention how I am going to afford to fill the tank this week… Tens, if not hundreds of things… Live your life, you are much more than being someone that has to ask if you can be the designated Haiku artist… Love your posts, Logician, keep them coming… Thanks.

2 09 2008

It’s not enough to monopolize the thread with your logic, you have to squelch others’ creativity? (Please realize that I am aware of how ridiculous my indignation is, but yet: it is.) With all due respect for your talent, creativity, originality, and even logic, please don’t suppress the efforts of others. I have no right to ask, but for those of us who are pathologically fixated on this train wreck, the haiku’s are a treat, even if they aren’t yours. Sometimes even especially if they aren’t yours. But I do appreciate you introducing them. They are always a welcome break. If you agree to encourage others, I promise I will not write another.

2 09 2008

I’m going to throw one more thought out there. I have breastfed all of my children and you get large , full breasts for the whole time you are doing so. Goggle Christina Aguilara(sp) is you need to see picks of a woman with engorged breasts. Sarah Palin does not have have the rack to support her breastfeeding statement but Bristol does. Now that could be from the current pregnancy if she is indeed pregnant but I think Bristol isn’t pregnant,she is breastfeeding and Trig is her baby. Watch for a miscarriage/stillbirth etc to explain it all away after the election. Also watch the tapes of the Palin family coming off stage when Palin was announced as VP. Bristol is talking and petting the baby like a momma the whole time while Sarah never even looks at it once. That baby is Bristol’s. That is my gut feeling.

2 09 2008

Hehehe. ‘Rackgate.’ I think a lot of us are quietly keeping an eye out for leakage.
I bet the bf is being flown in because Bristol demanded it. Give her hell, B.

2 09 2008

A mother watches
Or a mother-to-be hopes
For God to step in.

2 09 2008

Tradition, blah blah, reference to season blah blah.

Thanks, Bystander.

2 09 2008

Young man had some plans
And even though he will fly
Levi’s a caged bird.

2 09 2008

You hit the provervial nail on the head, Kim…

2 09 2008

Proverbial maybe… LOL…

2 09 2008

Logician can stake the Haiku. I’ll work with other forms.

“Unlike English sonnets or couplets, which can have any content within their prescribed form, haiku are not haiku if they are not concerned with nature (including human nature).”

2 09 2008


–If the CBC is reporting this, the story is gaining momentum.
–With all due respect to our neighbors to the north, doesn’t the CBC regularly feature hour-long specials on the crop situation in Nowhereistan?

Here you are questioning the credibility of the source.

–I suspect that your change of heart is due to two reasons: the declaration that Bristol is 5 months pregnant and a single photo that shows Palin looking “large”
–It wasn’t one photo. It was three photos, along with some logic. I am, after all, “The Logician.” Not “The Magician.”

And here you are accepting pictures (those pics from flickr I surmise, because these are the only ones where you can see any serious bump) at face value when the source is anonymous (a certain eric5999s whose first and only picture posts are these only). At the beginning of this thread, I thought you had smarts. Now, I am starting to think that you are a troll.

2 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Charbroiled with fixin’s?
What does mooseburger taste like?
A kaiser roll dream.

2 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

Confused this summer
Sarah Palin is loony
A baby snatcher

2 09 2008

Tomorrow on insider Sarah Palin is suppose to tell all that Trig is not her’s but Bristol’s………

2 09 2008

Hi Rocski… Just went to the Insider web site, nothing there about Trig. Can you link a source?

2 09 2008

Re: the zoo pics

Looking closer at the picture of the girls at the zoo… the caption has the names out of order already, so is it possible that Bristol is the one in the back, with the black T-shirt, looking (dare I say it?) a little pregnant? Willow is usually the tanner one, and from the perspective of the picture, it’s hard to tell which girl is taller.

2 09 2008

The only way I can see Carabou Barbie admitting Trig isn’t hers is if the National Enquirer or the MSM has gotten proof that is irrefutable. I hope it’s true though just for the joy of seeing the repugs scramble to spin this.

2 09 2008

Well the games continue it was a just a game they ran it just a few minutes ago – she still says Trig is hers………..

2 09 2008

it was on the tv – i just posted before this one – sarah is still claiming it’s hers

2 09 2008

Maybe I’m off base here – but I’ve been reading this blog the last 2 days – I started on friday morning gathering all I could online about her mother and why the hell she was chosen for VP.. Its true what is there now is not what was there friday.. Is it possible Bristol has been impregnated by 2 different boys – remember the kid that was totally in love with and now we have this arrogant want-a-be redneck..

2 09 2008
The Logician

The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity

2 09 2008

If Bristol gets even more obviously pregnant in a few months this speculation will all go away. If she suddenly has a miscarriage next month count me in on the Bristol as Trig’s mom camp. But with regard to BP’s treating the child as her own and SP not seeming to give him much attention. Well pregnant women often become very attached to a friends new born. If it is her brother this would be even more likely that she would be all over him especially as Mom is busy in center stage. As for SP’s seeming to ignore him. Heck he is her 5th. I don’t really see this as conclusive.
As for the idea of flying home in labor — to Alaska. And then seeking the VP position with a babe in arms, 3 more at home, one of them pregnant. These are not something a person who cares for her family would do.

3 09 2008

Levi’s page now says,

“My sister and I during our happiest moments. We welcome our new child in a little less than 4 months.”


He and his sister are having a baby together as well?

wtf is going on up there in AK?

3 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

red_d, that would mean that he impregnated her around the same time that he impregnated Bristol. Most likely an error. It should probably mean something more along the lines of “We’ll be welcoming a/my new child in a fewer than 4 months.”

Though at this point, I wouldn’t put it past them.

I wish all these jackasses would stop making fake sites/profiles.

3 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

in fewer*

3 09 2008

Yeah, I definitely favor the moose burger not-haiku.
Bystander for house poet!

Enough babies, let the Enquirer do their work.
Even if Caribou Barbie wasn’t a member of the AIP, Snowmobile Ken was.
Earmarks. Troopergate. Censorship.
And it hasn’t been a week.

(That was not an attempt a verse)

3 09 2008
Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is pregnant!!!! (again?) - Page 25 - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] fully deflect this- but then with the way this family is like its truly a Jerry Springer show. In the Land of Palin. Mudflats This blog has alot of stuff on Palin including the rumours in the comments- I think someone even […]

3 09 2008
Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is pregnant!!!! (again?) - Page 26 - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] fully deflect this- but then with the way this family is like its truly a Jerry Springer show. In the Land of Palin. Mudflats This blog has alot of stuff on Palin including the rumours in the comments- I think someone even […]

3 09 2008

Growing up in the “Ole Deep South,” I knew (and knew of) a couple of people who found out as adults (one quite accidentally) that they were not who they thought they were.

One girl was a good friend of my good friend, so I knew her fairly well. She learned in her mid 20s that her “parents” were really her grandparents, her “sister” was really her mother, and her “brother” was really her uncle. !! Her sister became pregnant as a teenager, and this was the “solution” that they came up with. Since she looked just like the rest of the family and was only a couple of years younger than her “brother” (really uncle), nobody outside the family ever suspected anything. When she did learn the truth, she was SOOOO PISSED!! She learned that her entire life as she had known it had been a charade. She had to go into therapy to deal with the “new reality” and all of the confusion, anger, and other emotions. (Her “mother” [really grandmother] had carried the secret to her grave. )

Also, the EASIEST way to pull off pregnancy lies is to FUDGE THE TIMELINE. How many couples marry and then give birth oh 6 or 7 months later and then claim that the (full-term) baby was “premature?” It’s the oldest trick in the book!

3 09 2008

Point of interest – the San Francisco Chronicle quotes the Democratice State Party Chairman as saying he learned about Bristol’s pregnancy from the Alaska delegates shortly after McCain named Palin as his running mate last Friday.

Seems it was no big secret, so why did they wait to make the announcement until the National Enquirer was going to break the story??

3 09 2008

As another who has followed this great and intriguing blog, and others, for the past couple of days, I urge everyone to keep an open mind to the possibility/likelihood that Sarah Palin is not the mother of little Trig.

The photos that I have seen of Bristol and Sarah are inconclusive. However, the the series of photos, and especially their captions, that show Levi’s sister Mercedes/Sadie holding the newborn strongly imply that one pair of teenagers in these families is either engaged or already married. And this is before Bristol’s alleged current pregnancy!! Something is definitely fishy, but I am not sure what it is.

The MSM needs to look into this matter, in the same way that the very serious CBC apparently did. It is a very serious issue involving deceit, and cannot be compared to needless intrusion into the private lives of candidates children. If there is nothing to hide, SP could clear everything up in a matter of hours and the issue need not be raised again. On the other hand, the public has a right to know of any deceit before going to the voting booth.

3 09 2008


I’ve also wondered about that. The smooth way to handle this would have been to introduce the family, mention how thrilled they are that their daughter is expecting and have her stand next to the young man on stage. But life is messy that way–because the McCain campaign wanted it to be a bold surprise, there was no time to prepare. My guess is that the National Enquirer had it right–who wants to be forced into a shotgun wedding at the age of 17? The campaign probably thought they had more time–the long weekend at least to tie up loose ends. The campaign must have mistakenly believed that they could control the story and spin it into a sympathetic family portrait. And my guess is that the decisions were all being made by lots of old white guys who don’t understand what a visceral issue this is for women–many women identified with the 17 year old being manipulated by a hyper-ambitious mother, not the hyper-ambitious mother.

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Trot out the children
For it, against it, for it
RNC limits.

3 09 2008

I hope it’s true though just for the joy of seeing the repugs scramble to spin this.

I hope it’s true, because I don’t want to believe that a state governor (even of such a state as Alaska) would be so incredibly stupid to take the risks she did flying/driving from Texas to Alaska. Palin sounds to smart, to be that stupid, so I think the rumor is true.

3 09 2008

Now look at this comment from McCain honcho Steve Schmidt to Katie Couric last night: “Members of this campaign went to off-the-record lunches with reporters today, and they were asked if she would do paternity tests to prove paternity for her last child. Smear after smear after smear, and it’s disgraceful and it’s wrong. And the American people are going to reject it overwhelmingly when they see her.”

If the MSM is asking for paternity tests…

3 09 2008


Now look at this comment from McCain honcho Steve Schmidt to Katie Couric last night: “Members of this campaign went to off-the-record lunches with reporters today, and they were asked if she would do paternity tests to prove paternity for her last child. Smear after smear after smear, and it’s disgraceful and it’s wrong. And the American people are going to reject it overwhelmingly when they see her.”

If the MSM is asking for paternity tests…

3 09 2008

This picture’s caption:

says she plays for the “Juneau-Douglass High School” jv basketball team.

Is this the school that she transferred to during 07/08?

When did she leave this school? Why?

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Not on a watch list
Levi, oh, how was your flight?
Make the photo op.

3 09 2008

When will the right wake up and see that SP is not the best person qualified to raise the banner for abstinence only policies? Who could listen with a straight face? She shows that families have tragedies but that is not the best and only alternative and in her position, she needs to show a modicum of efficacy or else we have another 4 years of dreadful incompetence in the White House. I hope that the media who are kid gloving this realize that they are the ones who need to wake up and fight this now. They underplayed Iraq and Swift Boating. They must not let this go by. Dems, get your feet wet! Do you want this woman ruling the wombs of our nation?

3 09 2008

Folks in Alaska, where Palin has an 80% approval rating -so I’m assuming this 80% is comprised of people from a variety of parties- reportedly had questions as to the reality of Palin’s and Bristol’s pregnancy (-ies). It is not only one party that is interested. Also, this isn’t a smear campaign from what I can see. It’s not overwhelmingly of prurient interest. It’s a story with legs.

There are questions that haven’t been answered directly and clearly. These unanswered questions reveal aspects of, at least, integrity and morality. Also, they are simple questions. They are not insulting or offensive, given the choices Palin and others have made. Sure, there are snarky comments, etc. to be found, but that can be found whenever a “scandal” pops up. It’s not necessarily solely reflective of or something restricted to Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, etc., etc., etc. If smear must be used here, perhaps it is a smear against common sense and respect for the common voter, again regardless of party affiliation.

The story started with Palin herself, her choices, and was put, however unintentionally or undesired, in front of the citizens of Alaska. From there, Palin entered the national sphere, and the story (-ies) followed. It is superficial to characterize curiosity or investigation, or whatnot, as a smear campaign. “Public service” means something.

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Not really the point
Our World isn’t all roses
Who believes it is?

3 09 2008

OK, I wanted to believe that Theory #1 is not true after the admission of Bristol’s pregnancy. What makes it clear to me is this telling clue that now leads me to believe that Sue Willaims may not be who she claims to be, but maybe an adversary of the real Sue Williams.

Sue Williams:
During this period is when Bristol, Sarah’s sixteen year old daughter, turns up pregnant. So, it’s kind of interesting to note that the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee and her sixteen year old junior in high school unwed daughter were carrying babies at the same time. Once Bristol’s condition became more obvious this summer, she was whisked out of sight and hasn’t been seen in public until yesterday in Ohio. This is why Trig’s blanket was strung across her entire abdomen and torso, but, when she walked down the stairs from the stage, in a profile shot, it was very clear to see she is well into her third trimester of her pregnancy.

Sue stated that earler this year it was well known that Bristol was pregnant DURING the time that her SP was pregnant. So if she was OBVIOUSLY pregnant earlier in the year (Around Feb/Mar) then how can she be 5 months pregnant now? According to the timeline she should be ready to drop any minute now.

But that is just it for me on this Babygate because the MSM is trying to give her a free pass and I will seriously move out of this country then live under a McCain Palin administration.

I think we need to focus on getting the other information out about this woman’s inconsistencies and untruths. I refuse for her to pis on me and tell me it’s raining.

3 09 2008
independent woman

Thrue Anonymous but when people are trying to mislead you they will give you some truth and some fiction.

What I would get to the bottom of is exactly when did these pregnancy rumours start and if they started early this year then I am going to have to stay on board with Theory #1.

BTW… I am now at my home and compiling content for a series of INTRODUCTIONS of the real Sarah Palin to America. I will create an email address for any submissions as I didn’t have a flash card to transfer the stuff from this weekend’s digging.

So if you have any insightful or hilarious graphics/information on Babygate, troopergate, bridgegate and so on please be ready to send so I don’t have to start from scratch all over again.

3 09 2008
independent woman

OK Here it is

I’m doing story boards and listing talking points as time permits.

3 09 2008

I was on huffington post they show pictures of Bristol w/aka redneck holding hands. If she is 5 months preg. The women of the palins sure do hide their pregnancies well !

3 09 2008

Following this blog from Europe. Also haven’t eaten much in the last few days due to it.
I believe the in-law comments from the my-space pages give it away. They were made when Trig was a newborn and why on earth would they be planning marriage then?

3 09 2008

We CANNOT let up on any of these “issues” – the McCain camp is waiting for us to just get tired of all this so it can all die down…we must press on!

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Now there’s Dairygate?
A different sort of milk
Same problems to face.

3 09 2008

Now this is a recent pic of Bristol getting of the Bull Shit Talk Express… and for some reason she just doesn’t look preggo to me…more like she’s got a bunch of stuff in her hoodie…am I wrong? I need more peering eyes on this one…

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Glass ceiling lowered
Have talking points memorized
Bull in china shop.

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Low expectations
Easy home run speech to hit
What a playing field!

3 09 2008

Thought the same. But 4-5 months pregnant is a time when it is not immediately obvious, if you want to, you can disguise it to a certain degree.

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Don’t talk with the Press
Taking the ball, running home
“Mom”, err, Mum’s the word!

3 09 2008

The picture of her and Levi on huffinton post.
I don’t know but she looks more like a woman who recently gave birth and not one that is 5 months pregnant.
I think there will be a convenient miscarraige in the coming months.

3 09 2008

Sarah Palin three days before she gave birth – April 15, 2008


3 09 2008

@ Irishgirl…yeah I was having a hard time when I was looking at it….it’s inconclusive.

3 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Sunrai, if you look at the pictures of her on the McCain blog, you’ll see that she clearly looks like she’s carrying. I posted them above, but here are the two pictures I found that illustrate this point:

3 09 2008

Mooseburger Lovah, I saw those….I was trying to distinguish between actually being preggo or still just looking preggo cuz she hasn’t lost the baby weight yet….

3 09 2008

Someone remind me, please, what are possible, legitimate reasons for wiping the web (AK gov. site and myspace sites, etc.), removing photos, etc.?

3 09 2008

The photo on

location is:

The pic is named “Palin%20FFD%2006-07%201.jpg”

3 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Legitimate? I don’t know. But it she had been been vetted properly, all of the photos there would have been checked and filed, all of the kids’ myspace/facebook/friendster pages would have been vetted, her wiki page would have been updated, etc. — it would have just been squeaky clean prior to the announcement. Since she wasn’t likely vetted at all, the clean-up happened post-announcement, so everyone who was looking is able to see that they’re cleaning up. I don’t think this is Palin doing it; it’s the Republican spin machine trying to make sure that they can stay in front of everything.

Was anyone ever able to figure out what happened to the doctor who supposedly delivered the baby and then kind of vanished?

3 09 2008
3 09 2008

Nothing to do with babygate, but here’s something I find hilarious!

McCain’s voicemail to Sarah Palin:

(Which of course it isn’t, but it’s too funny to miss!)

3 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

I’m still not convinced that Trig is SP’s baby. There are so many photos around the alleged period of pregnancy depicting her as NOT pregnant than there are photos showing her as pregnant.

The pictures that people are touting as “hard proof” that she was pregnant can be seen on erik99559’s flickr account. Ridiculous–you’ll see that the photos were uploaded ever so coincidentally on August 31st. How is it that she is so OBVIOUSLY pregnant in these pictures, but escaped the attention of her staff, the flight staff, etc.?

There are so many gaps in this story. I wish they would stop trying to spoon feed us a bunch of unbelievable trash… for crying out loud, we’re adults and we can feed ourselves!

3 09 2008

Hi Sunrai. The problem with the pic on the firefighters site is that we don’t have a clue when the photo was taken. The article was dated 4/15/08, but the photo could be an archive photo from a previous visit SP made.

I want the truth to come out, but it does not seem that this pic will do it.

3 09 2008
3 09 2008

Thanks for finding the photo date, Jed.

3 09 2008
3 09 2008

WHY does it say that the photo on the firefighters’ site was UPDATED TODAY, 09/03/2008? What have they changed — the date that the photo was taken???

The COVERUP is rock-solid PROOF that something is going on here!!! If Trig is SP’s baby, THEN WHY THE COVERUP??????!!!!

3 09 2008
Mrs. S.

I have now see it all. The Washington Post is reporting on a story first broken by the National Enquirer — about Sarah Palin’s extramarital affair and Todd’s reaction. And they’re still pushing the BabyGate story.

I am wondering if the party, knowing they were facing a loss, selected her as a scapegoat so as not to mar the reputations of Pawlenty, Ridge, Huckabee, etc. for the next round in 2012. Maybe they figured she had a big enough ego to not think too hard about why she’d be selected, and they knew they could blame her for the loss. I just do not understand why this train wreck would have been chosen. And why, when they knew immediately afterward, she wasn’t dumped.

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Switcheroo, flip-flop
Recast Washington, D.C.
Strong rhetoric, Mitt.

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Knee jerk party lines
Think for oneself? Too much time.
Eyes open? Or blind?

3 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Transparent usurp
Some ideas of another
Last ditch strategy

3 09 2008

PLEASE, knock off the stupid Haiku!

3 09 2008

I am from Anchorage and I know people who know people. I heard a long time ago that bp was pregnant. I believe she is trig’s mother. I base this on the photos and the stories printed in the goddamn newspaper. The most damning photos are of SP when she really was pregnant. And the fact that I heard a long time ago that BP was pregnant.

My daughter is adopted and my name is on her birth certificate and the adoption took place in AK. Re-issued birth certificates are slightly different and someone who handle records can spot it. I just know I am listed on my daughter’s birth certificate as her mother.

This sounds too wild to be true but if you look at the pictures and trace the events, it becomes more plausible. I bet some McCain campaign people are shitting their pants looking at this stuff. If they had conclusive photos of anything to disprove it, you can bet they would. For example, did BP go to a valentine’s dance? Anybody who stopped by the Palins and saw SP hugely pregnant and willing to step forward? Anybody?????

I’ll bet they (mccain’s people) are putting some hard questions to the doctor.

I think baby daddy got called up bc they want to keep an eye on him.

3 09 2008

Also, the photo with the firemen is from the middle of the summer. You can tell by the trees.

3 09 2008

Mrs. S – I can’t find the Washington Post article about the affair – can you post a link?

3 09 2008

Hi everyone,

Just when I thought it was over…National Enquirer is going to have a story
stating, that SP had an extramarital affair with Todd’s business partner.

Who thought the National Enquirer would be the Savior of Democracy.

The McCain Campaign denies the report from the National Enquirer.
Anybody have the real scope? I feel like I’m watching a Reality Show now.

By the way, The Logician- I Enjoy the Haikius!

3 09 2008

I hope Stephen King finds out that his books are on the list that Sarah wanted to ban from the library.

I’d love to hear what he thinks about it.

3 09 2008

* or so I’ve heard.

Since there was no source cited it’s still a rumor but the fact is that she tried to ban BOOKS from a library!

3 09 2008

Hi everyone,

Here’s a news website to cut and paste:

3 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

Okay, now that’s one rumor I don’t have a definite opinion on. I mean, the National Enquirer had it right when they talked about John Edwards and his lovechild a year ago, so this story wouldn’t be something totally out of left field. I’d love to see the evidence they have before taking whispers about any infidelity seriously.

In looking at the kind of exposes that the Nat. Enq. has been involved with, the reporting has always been of a questionable nature. Every once in a while, they strike gold–but usually it’s just a bunch of old bottlecaps. Take the rumors about her infidelity with a grain of salt until a dress of hers with a funny stain on it pops up 😉

3 09 2008
Mooseburger Lovah

kinds of exposes*…have*


3 09 2008

I am back. Here’s what I’ve found out and it’s REALLY odd! So BP left her high school mid-year last school year, which would be late 2007 or early 2008. The rumor is that it was mono, but no record of that. Which there should have been if a student left a high school because of a contagious disease–is the local doctor involved in this too??

Then in an interview with BP boyfriend’s mother, she refuses to say if her son actually graduated from high school, she said that was up to him to explain. Obviously, he didn’t graduate during his senior year (spring 2008)….

Hmmm, was there something weighing on his mind that got him flunked out of school his final semester of senior year??

I still believe that Trig is BPs.

3 09 2008
3 09 2008

Seems to be a fake MySpace. It happens…

3 09 2008

I know that 99.9% of what I have seen and read on the internet since last friday morning tells me its not SP’s baby..if you were watching her speak at the convention tonight – you just witnessed the fall of the republican party… continue to throw her family out in front of the world and announcing when and where Track and McCains son are going to be stationed….I have to admit by law she just conducted treason against her country( the heads of the armed forces were already looking into her for making these comments earlier) tonight by doing what she did was so disrespecting of those serving and their families who are told to not mention in emails or phone calls where they are stationed ..Sarah Palin did this for 2 reasons, to come across to the idiots out there that her family is just like another american family – and too keep her son Track from being deployed..sept.11 Track is only going to be there when his troops are deployed – he is not at this point in his orders to be deployed only to be at the send off to see his fellow troopers leave without him…

3 09 2008

It is the early hours of the morning in the USA but here, in Australia it is early evening…I don’t suppose anyone over there will read this post but I have to send it!
I have just watched PBS showing Guiliani’s speech and Palin’s and I think both hit the spot for all republicans and for those doubtful ones. I also watched an interview by Charlie Rose and Palin and she came across as very competent and confident. I am shit scared!! She just may swing it for McCain and I can’t imagine anything worse for the world than that!!!

3 09 2008

I forgot to say that Palin was not reading a teleprompter…I have a media back ground so I can be quite certain about that. Watch how she moves her head from one side to the other and says quite a bit before moving back to the centre…not possible if reading a teleprompter.

3 09 2008

actually, telepromters are wraparounds. so the speaker can appear to be looking out at the crowd.

3 09 2008

i’m surprised that you didn’t know that arusha

3 09 2008

Remember these reporters are paid to say what their bosses want them to say..On the Huffington Post is a recorded conversation of 2 republican reporters that thought their mikes were off and said some words about sp that were words you don’t want young children to hear basically she is bulls@@t and this whole thing of mccain and her is a joke…So I suggest that you do you own digging if you want to have the truth…

3 09 2008

Yes, fawnskin, in some situations they are but they don’t work in a large arena situation.

3 09 2008

unless the teleprompter is on the back wall of the arena. Her eyes were much more down than up…I guess we could argue this but me earlier email is the more significant from the point of view of those in the antipodes.

3 09 2008

correction…her eyes were more UP than down!! silly me.

3 09 2008

In the Charlie R0se interview Palin made reference to “first dude”…did she know something we didn’t? This interview took place in December of 07.

3 09 2008

What does her reading a teleprompter have to do with any of this – as we speak a lot of the study groups especially womens and their feelings of her speech are being put on the wires…simply the majority of the women agreed she was an ok speaker – but were not satisfied to happy about her negativeness, and the attacks, and were let down that she did not speak at all on the issues that are present and in the fore front of the working class other than her lies about big oil… hold your horses and wait till next week… the real truth will be coming out and she will be asked many a direct question by the press and have a heavy travel schedule…I can’t see the media intellects being so nice after what she had to say about them….

3 09 2008

The first dude is what they have been calling her hubby since she became Gov.

4 09 2008

Mil thanks for that..I didn’t know.
Rocksi my comments related to some from way back that were critical and said stuff like…she’s good at reading a teleprompter. As for your other comments…I hope you are right but I am hearing commentary on the news here in Australia American giving us a rundown on the speech..frank;ly frighteneing because it was full of crap. We are told Palin reduced taxes but I read on this blog that there no state taxes in …where is it she comes from?!!! Who knows what the truth is but I am scared….

4 09 2008

Are you folk who are blogging here locals…that is…,USn’s? If you are you sure are up late!!

4 09 2008

Yes one that happens to really care what may happen to his country..and you if you really don’t have any pertinent info – maybe you should blog else where..

4 09 2008

Yeah, time to go to bed.

Supposedly there was a problem with the teleprompter at one point, and she had to go off script for a bit. Didn’t notice.

4 09 2008

Hey, Roscki…I am relying on you people to give me ‘pertinant info” after all, I live Australia…not exactly the centre of the universe in terms of what is happening in your politics. I would have thought any interest from the antipodes would have been welcome…but maybe I got it wrong…maybe you want to be a closed environment!!!

4 09 2008

I am sitting here laughing at roscki and my response ….here am I .. a world away and I am being asked for relevant info…I reacted but now my response is…your country is fucked up and I am showing interest?!! and you demand of me relevant info…this is Bish world!!

4 09 2008

I meant Bush world…!!

4 09 2008

If any news media are allowed to speak with SP now, which is unlikely, since she’s deliberately keeping them at bay by going on the warpath against them and has an excuse to NOT talk with them, please ask her where her pregnant daughter is going to graduate from. Who is providing her education?
Having a pregnant teen is one thing. Letting her leave high school and be a dropout is another. We have a concern here about the priorities of getting our next generation properly educated.
We already know who is taking care of that poor baby–look at who’s doing the grooming!

4 09 2008

re:ANONYMOUS (18:20:12) :
dates: valentines dance etc

1st March “valentines dance, which was cancelled until march 1st” (from an unnamed Palmer myspacer)
refer to
“I love my sister inlaw” pic.

sadie pink frock Bristol? (not dressed to go to a dance!)not preg, had baby? in Feb? 18? month early? (does Trig look older than a mid-april baby?)

5th March veep recommendation letter from Wev Shea

5/6th March SP announces pregnancy

8th April internet rumour mill Reddit: “Cover-up? Alaska Gov. Palin (R) announced she was pregnant. Local rumors suggest she is covering up for her 16 y/o daughter.”

18 April Trig “born”

early May comments from friends start appearing under sadie’s
family photos,so dont know what date she uploaded them to myspace.

4 09 2008

Wow, it’s getting quiet in here. This thread used to be a-hopping! Where is everyone, and has anyone dug up any new information. Yahoo has an interesting story in regards to Palin thinking the Iraq War was a mission from god . . . Interesting stuff.

And where’s the logician and all of his haiku’s? Were you guys mean to him and scare him off?

4 09 2008

Regarding the ‘will of God’ comments:

From NBC’s Michael Levine
“As questions have been raised over how thoroughly Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign vetted Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for the V.P. slot, it seems the McCain campaign was unaware of a video — available online — in which Palin talks about God’s role in U.S. military action overseas, according to a political operative familiar with the situation.

The video, first reported by the liberal blog, is from a June Palin speech to the graduating class of commission students at Palin’s former church in Wasilla, Alaska. While describing her family, Palin told students about her oldest son, 19-year-old Track, who is set to be deployed to Iraq this month with the U.S. Army. She urged students to pray “that our leaders — that our national leaders — are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

She added, “That’s what we have to make sure that we are praying for: that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

“It’s pretty uncomfortable stuff,” said the political operative, after watching the video online. “It’s bad. It’s really bad. … It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out.”

In addition to talking about Iraq, Palin also referred to God’s role in her work as governor.

“I can do my part in working really, really hard to get a natural gas pipeline, about a $30 billion project that’s going to create a lot of jobs for Alaska. … [but] I think God’s will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that,” she said. “I can do my job there in developing our natural resources, in doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded. But really that stuff doesn’t do any good if the people of Alaska’s hearts aren’t right with God.”

It wasn’t all serious, though. At one point during the address, Palin praised the graduating class as “a bunch of cool-looking Christians.” Then she picked out one student in the crowd and said with a smile, “Ben, I don’t know you well enough yet, but looking at you, I’m thinking, people are going to interested in Jesus Christ through you because of the way you look – this red-headed Sasquatch for Jesus. You look good!” The students cheered. “Times are really changin’. And with the times that change, looks even change.”

The seven-minute speech is posted on the Web site of Palin’s former church, the Wasilla Assembly of God. But, the political operative said, the McCain campaign seems to have had no knowledge of it when Palin was announced as McCain’s running mate on Friday.” (part 1) (part 2)

4 09 2008

quote–Having a pregnant teen is one thing. Letting her leave high school and be a dropout is another. We have a concern here about the priorities of getting our next generation properly educated.–

Bristol has been reported as being enrolled in a public school-at-home program These are quite common in Alaska because of the remoteness of many areas.) It’s like homeschooling, except all work is reported to a public school teacher who oversees it.

4 09 2008

re:ANONYMOUS (18:20:12) :
dates: valentines dance etc

1st March “valentines dance, which was cancelled until march 1st” (from an unnamed Palmer myspacer)
refer to
“I love my sister inlaw” pic.

sadie pink frock Bristol? (not dressed to go to a dance!)not preg, had baby? in Feb? 18? month early? (does Trig look older than a mid-april baby?)

5th March veep recommendation letter from Wev Shea

5/6th March SP announces pregnancy

8th April internet rumour mill Reddit: “Cover-up? Alaska Gov. Palin (R) announced she was pregnant. Local rumors suggest she is covering up for her 16 y/o daughter.”

18 April Trig “born”

early May comments from friends start appearing under sadie’s
family photos,so dont know what date she uploaded them to myspace

4 09 2008
4 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Bloggers are now reporting that this is a second child for Levi – first was with 13 yo/14yo at birth and are calling him a pedophile and wondering why he’s not been put in jail. Must be a local kid if it’s true — I don’t think any of those folks traveled much. Supposedly, the National Enquirer is investigating.

Story about her affair was in THE TRAIL section of Washington Post. I’ll try to find a link.

4 09 2008

Well, he’s only 18 now, so how odl was he when he knocked up the 13 year old?

4 09 2008

ANONYMOUS (18:20:12) :
dates: valentines dance etc

1st March “valentines dance, which was cancelled until march 1st” (from an unnamed Palmer myspacer)
refer to
“I love my sister inlaw” pic.

sadie pink frock Bristol? (not dressed to go to a dance!)not preg, had baby? in Feb? 18? month early? (does Trig look older than a mid-april baby?)

5th March veep recommendation letter from Wev Shea

5/6th March SP announces pregnancy

8th April internet rumour mill Reddit: “Cover-up? Alaska Gov. Palin (R) announced she was pregnant. Local rumors suggest she is covering up for her 16 y/o daughter.”

18 April Trig “born”

early May comments from friends start appearing under sadie’s
family photos,so dont know what date she uploaded them to myspace.

4 09 2008

I am still not convinced that sp is the mother of the baby. but it appears that everything that could be found on the internetS on that subject has already been found, and now it’s up to some people with financial resources (media) to investigate on-the-ground.

this ticket is not going to win the election anyway. sp is a joke. now we’ve got the whole “mission from god” thing worked in there. yeah, just what this country needs is more of the same…

sp has made her family a campaign issue. she has made it part of her resume. and as such, cannot be calling for privacy. “I can use my family but no one else can” – not gonna work.

convention observations:

1) wtf is going on in hi? their governor’s speech was pathetic. I also loved this gem:

After college, she married her high school sweetheart, Todd.

it wasn’t after college, and that’s pretty well known. and it wasn’t a slip up – I just c&p’ed from the internetS – the title is: “2008 Republican National Convention: Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle” – note – REMARKS AS PREPARED.

this is classic spin to reinvent someone. as are many of the other remarks but I’m not going to go thru them all. AP has a list of some of the other remarks that are clearly designed to reinvent (my phrase not AP’s but it’s clear that’s the intent of what is being said by the speakers).

2) loved the scene of sp dumping the baby on the father to greet mccain. that was a “moment” that is worth a million words. I’m sure it will be all over youtube if it’s not already.

3) I could not help but notice that track had an interesting look every time the camera went to him during sp’s speech. he looked scared. I couldn’t help but think “what is that all about?” maybe it’s just the reality of going to iraq but why would you even sign up if you are that scared?

how long till levi signs up? not many opportunities in alaska – especially when you haven’t finished high school.

bystander thanks for letting me know the technicalities of the haiku structure. I’m no poet, and school was a long time ago…

4 09 2008

one more thing I forgot to add:

I think baby daddy got called up bc they want to keep an eye on him.

I said earlier that I thought it was because they needed to make the family look “whole” but I think you are the one who’s right about that. can’t have all those reporters/diggers running around alaska with their bags of money and no one to watch the “baby daddy”

4 09 2008

These pictures have been viewed before, but I think they’re worth another look. They are taken from Mercedes Johnston’s myspace page (Levi’s sister):

Note the pictures of Trig. He is clearly a newborn, no more than a few weeks old.

Now, look at the picture of the girl standing over Mercedes and Trig (identified as Bristol). This is most likely Willow. Here is a more recent picture of Willow (red dress):

If it were Bristol, then she probably did not bear Trig as she is too skinny.

Now, speaking of too skinny, take a close look at Sarah’s legs in her picture. Is it reasonable that she would have given birth in the week or two prior to having had this picture taken?

So, then, where is Bristol? Where are the pictures of her holding Trig?

4 09 2008

Not Really Haiku
Visceral straw man
End Game is all that matters
Sound like folks you know?

4 09 2008

On a soundbite theme:

It is true that Gov. Palin was against assistance for special-needs kids before she was for it and was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, yes?

Not exactly on par with Kerry’s being for the war before he was against it.

4 09 2008
4 09 2008

Pretty humorous:
John Stewart Daily Show

4 09 2008

I think this video speaks for itself. McCain must think ALL women are shallow. Does he think that we all vote for someone just because it’s a woman? He is “older” than I thought then and needs to get out the 50’s. Many of us vote on issues and Sarah Palin does not speak for me or my ideals.

4 09 2008

this obsession with gossip and false witness do not make the world better but only the more indecent. only leading to this!

win on issues and dignity, not slurs. we are better than this.

4 09 2008

Did you know that since SP became governor, she has slashed special needs education in Alaska by 62%? Here is a link to cbs news, with PDF’s for special needs ed for 2007, before she took office, and 2008 and 2009, after she took office:

4 09 2008

Ric – if only it were so! (that this campaign is about issues).

I wish I could find it right now to post a link – Darn! This morning I read a direct quote from a McCain spokesperson that says this is not “about issues” – he goes on to say something to the effect of it’s about who connects with the voters – to which Obama replies something to the effect of “so it’s about biography.”

4 09 2008

“This election is not about issues. This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.” Rick Davis – McCain Campain Manager

Is this what you are looking for curious?

4 09 2008

Yes! Thank you…can you tell me where you found this?

4 09 2008

RedwoodMan (10:41:26) :

Did you know that since SP became governor, she has slashed special needs education in Alaska by 62%? Here is a link to cbs news, with PDF’s for special needs ed for 2007, before she took office, and 2008 and 2009, after she took office:

Well, as horrible as this is going to sound, she’s going to be forced to rethink her policy now, isn’t she? even if McCain wins and she’s VP for 8 years, she’s going to have to return home at the end of that and send young Trig off to school somewhere. I bet you she’ll be grateful for whatever special needs education that Alaska provides for her little boy… Maybe she’ll stop and think about the other mothers whose children she tried to deprive of the same benefits.

4 09 2008
Sarah Palin, Fabulous At Every Age? [Golden Years]

[…] What more could mayhap be said about wife Palin? Except of instruction to point out that Jesus was a accord organizer, tools! But is wife Palin truly the hottest controller since pioneer played Pontius Pilate in The Last Temptation Of Christ?? Just a some life past we would hit told you “Obvs!” but now the mememakers are not so sure. Yesterday a Boston hairstylist declared wife Palin’s hairstyle “20 eld out of date.” (And that’s in Boston!) Blog commenters purporting to be in Alaska hit boost supposed that Palin was erst the acquirer of a bad weave. […]

4 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Actually, Sarah Palin’s sister told reporters, in an interview last night, that she has a special needs child. So, despite having a niece or nephew who is special needs, she slashed the budget that severely. The woman cares about nothing.

4 09 2008

Sarah Palin LIED! She was at no “governors’ conference” in Texas!! She was at a function for big-wig OIL execs, full of Republicans.

This says that “they” want her to be President. NO WONDER she was so determined to stay til the end and give that speech!!

4 09 2008

This is a video that need to be watched over and over since she want to keep repeating her famous lie…

Check out this video…she tell lie again…and…again

We the people…the un-important “Community Organizers” like the job Barack Obama did for three years …to help people find jobs…and many other things…

When she put down and be-little the job that “Community Organizers” do to help everyday people daily life…it was a big mis-take…

Did she forget those people also vote…I guess they got full of themselves when they was writing the speech and did not catch the “Mis-Take”

But the sad thing is people still will go out and vote for this ticket…

She don’t care about any one that is out of work…needing food…or needing health care…

I hope people will do their research … if you love yourself and your children…

I don’t care who you vote for…but please do your fact checks…

The Obama raise $10-million dollar after the lying “Palin Speech”

That is very good but we must not get relaxed…keep working hard everyday…
their to much at state in this election…

4 09 2008

Oh I am sorry the link didn’t copy..

Go here read about her lying

and here

4 09 2008

I work for an oil company. I overheard the president saying today that Sarah Palin has been trying to reach him all day. He said it was probably to spin why she was so hard on “big oil” last night. He said he’s already spoken to McCain and they’re gonna meet up ‘real soon.’

Expect the same ol’ same ol’ if they get elected.

4 09 2008

me again, checking in from alaska:

The thing I find damaging to the whole idea of bristol being the mother:
Her boobs are huge right now. They look real. She’s unmistakably pregnant today and her boobs start right below her chin.
1. if they were trying to fake a pregnancy today they wouldn’t think to make the boobs look so gi-normous.

2.if that is bristol bend over the trig being held by mercedes/sadi, she doesn’t look like the mother of that tiny baby. (boobs too small). Sara Palin doesnt look like the mother of the tiny baby either, bent over in the exact same pose but in b&w. But based on what Bristol’s boobs are doing today, I don’t believe that’s her tiny baby.

I do think it is bristol and not willow bent over by sadie. that looks like bristol in the sweatshirt next to sadie in the pink prom dress. again – no gi-normous boobage. For one thing bristol looks taller than willow in all photos where they appear together and sadie looks kind of tall.

Also, I heard the rumor about Levi being a father for the second time too. jesus i feel sorry for that other girl, if she really was a middle schooler. how knows, maybe he was young at the time too. can’t really blame kids for doing stupid things, imo. can you imagine letting your little baby girl carry a baby to birth only to have it blow up later? my heart goes out to them in advance. in a way, playing right into carl rove’s play book.

4 09 2008

John McCain is a Mama’s Boy!


4 09 2008

Don’t really know about your boobage theory, Anonymous. I, myself have pushed out quite a few and while my boobs always seemed to stay the same size with little change in fullness at all until the milk came in at about 2-3 days postpartum. Then it was pow! 36FF until roughly a year when they had teeth and a regular diet.

I tease my oldest who is taller than me now that I remember when my boob was bigger than his head and he had to hang on with both hand for dear life.

4 09 2008

they are now coming out about SP’s education – 5 colleges in 6 years- and yet no ones sure if she has a degree

4 09 2008

rocsi-they are now coming out about SP’s education – 5 colleges in 6 years- and yet no ones sure if she has a degree-

Do you have any links for this info?

4 09 2008

okay just had to say I was wrong about that whole elopement thing not being after college. that’s what I get for writing before I am fully awake. new rule: no writing until the 2nd cup of coffee is finished.

4 09 2008

it’s on the huffington post – I would put you a click away but I’m trying to get still learn this new operating system on my computer… if you go the the home
page of huffington post and click on the heading of sarah palin it’s about half way down in the middle of the page

4 09 2008

re “valentines dance, which was cancelled till march 1st” could refer to
“I love my sister inlaw” pic.
5th march veep recommendation letter from Wev Shea
5th/6th march SP announces her pregnancy
8th april reddit “Cover-up? Alaska Gov. …”
18th april Trig “born”

4 09 2008

edit prev comment
re valentines dance, could refer to
“I love my sister inlaw” pic.
5th march veep recommendation letter from Wev Shea
5th/6th march SP announces her pregnancy
8th april reddit “Cover-up? Alaska Gov. …”
18th april Trig “born”

4 09 2008

I’m just saying that the Palin women look pregnant when they are pregnant, from what I’ve seen, from the eyebrows down practically. to wit: The famous pic of Sarah in the red/orange shirt and the frizzy hair and the clip of her as a sports caster, pregnant in a black dress.

To me, Bristol looks pregnant today.

Looking pregnant is different from looking/being fat or gaining a lot of weight with the pregnancy.

Which is central to the mystery. Sarah Palin didn’t look one drop pregnant with Trig at any time, from the photos we’ve seen. Even the photos that show her looking pregnant (after the ‘I’m pregnant’ announcement in the freaking newpaper, hello!) aren’t conclusive, imo. They look more like a pillow and loose clothing. Certainly not pregnant from the face on down. especially in other photos where she forgot the pillow taken from the same timeframe.

What the hell are we missing people? I feel like we’re overlooking something obvious.

to me, sadie’s pics are like she’s bragging about being closely related to the family. If the timeframes are correct as pushed by SP, then BP would have been barely, barely pregnant. probably would not have been telling her parents. certainly wouldn’t be engaged and planning a wedding. maybe the explanation is as simple as Sadie is a good friend of Bristol’s, independent of the relationship between BP and Levi and she added the captions later.

i don’t have a lot of doubts about the arrival date of Trig because they botched it so badly. It wasn’t very premeditated. It was so poorly done… and there are early pics of trig and he looks like an absolute new born in them.

rumor up here is levi is a total douche bag and there is no way they were a happily dating little couple who had her parents’ blessings and then turned up preggers.

i think the spread in US magazine is going to force the issue. If there is nothing to it, people will come forward to defend them with facts not just scream “how dare you”?

5 09 2008

Things have quieted down here. It was one of the most interesting blogs on the web for a few days. This has mostly been about “babygate,” which, after the blatant lies and distortions in Palin’s acceptance speech, seems rather minor to me. Probably Bristol is Trig’s mother, and maybe the tabloids will dig up the proof, but Palin’s positions are for me by far the more important and more disturbing issue. Creationism, radical “pro-life,” faith-based foreign policy, abuse of power–a worthy successor to Bush in all this. Her radical Christianist views need to be brought out more–not much sense of that in her acceptance speech. Nearly everything I read suggests that the non-Christianists are sick of this. It’s hard to believe that independents could go for this.

Her appeal to many is scary, but she is so extreme I hope for a Goldwater-like debacle in November.

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
John Nail

Coverup Unraveling:
Rather than post the long version here is the link:

Getting Bristol into CBJ’s abuse program provided the cover for the records to not be falsiified but “locked up” as well as the ability to have the baby anon.
This is where the political favor came in. I am not suggesting any sort of abuse simply the use of it to stage the “cone of silence” needed.

The Doctor and Her Abused Children Program

* Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, “family practitioner”, CBJ as she is called, is the one to follow – the “region’s “expert” in child and adult sexual abuse assessment “.
* She was recommended for the 2001 award she won by then Wasilla Mayor Palin and appointed to the state Health Council by her in 2007 by Gov. Palin.
* Why is she the attending MD then for a prominent woman w/a Downs baby unless the pregnancy came thru her “Center”?
* A 44 year old woman, let alone a Gov. knowing she has a Down’s baby is NOT going to rely on a local family practitioner for her sole medical advice

The Coverup

Here is how the respected CBJ returned the favor for the Gov for putting her on the Health Commission:

* Sarah calls CBJ (in Oct/Nov 2007)as she is known locally, says “Oops” – Bristol is pregnant….MAY be abuse…mistake….embarrassing….can we put her in your program??? Wink, Wink?? OR Palin told Johnson she suspected an abuse issue and the minute the magic word “abuse” gets uttered the “cone of silence” falls and just like the duck with the magic word in the old “Your Bet Your Life” show w/ Groucho Marx.

* Bingo into the program/protected from here on out goes Bristol so there can be no info shared on her legally. One loose end nailed shut.
* After 1st semester at Wasilla High (12/19/2007) Bristol shipped out of town or hidden while pregnant – “Mono” story of 4/5 months sick
* No “leak” related to covering for Sarah’s fake pregnancy through the hospital or medical records which will be legally sealed, much like adoption at birth records are.

* February 8, 2008 – 4 weeks before Palin announces “pregnancy” Bristol is in car accident. She is approx. 6 months pregnant. Why is she out? Drs Appt??
o Was she in town going to the doctor for her “6 month checkup”? (Seward Meridian and Firewood Drive intersection)
* March 7, 2008 – Gov. Palin “stuns” everyone with her pregnancy announcement

I would speculate here that after the 6 month checkup and everything looked fine the decision to do the cover up occurred:

* Why only now?
o A Child born after 27/28 weeks will likely survive (90+%) if in a NICU so miscarriage will not occur and lose child
o Why March 7 announcement – Time to get things organized?
+ One more month went by, absolute latest she could “lie”
+ Get story straight with the few who have to know. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse!!
+ Get needed clothes and fake pregnancy kit lined up. Practice, Practice, Practice!!
+ Palin could put on a few pounds to bulk up her face a bit to look more pregnant

5 09 2008
John Nail

Pictures of the Baby Being held: (bottom of the post linked to)

Anyone on here from Wasilla?

Can you see the room in the background of these? There are 2 views. The second is when SP is in the picture. Does that look like a hospital room to you? Anyway to ID it

5 09 2008
John Nail

Bristol – 7/18/2008 – Anchorage Gov. Picnic Picture

I have hard time seeing pregnancy here…

5 09 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words…in this case it just reeks of millions of words!

5 09 2008

I have to admit, BP does look pregnant – and more so than the 4 or 5 months that the family is claiming. I really hate to give up the “Trig is SP’s grandson theory”. I really liked it and everything fit so nicely. Damn!

5 09 2008
Mrs. S.

Looks like Brad Hanson of the Palmer City Council is the ex-boyfriend with whom SP had the affair. They’ve taken down the direct link to his photo, but I found it through the site map. I have a PDF of the page if anyone wants it.

5 09 2008

Brad Hanson
(Council Member)

Re-elected October 2005, with current term ending October 2008.

Council Member Hanson was elected by the City of Palmer voters to serve in October of 2002 and re-elected October 2005. His current term ends in October 2008.

Location: 325 E. Dolphin
Palmer, AK 99645

5 09 2008
This should work.

5 09 2008

He went to court to try to get the records of his divorce sealed and was denied.

5 09 2008

Bingo into the program/protected from here on out goes Bristol so there can be no info shared on her legally.

hmm… john nail you may have nailed it. you’re right – if she was in that program, all of her info would be off limits. very convenient for the guvna.

5 09 2008

I’ve wonder if BP was in rehab or something.

I wonder if McCain’s ppl are creating new scandals to distract people. If you hear she’s from Mars, had a lesbian lover in college and a boyfriend last year, and it gets published in the National Enquirer you’re likely to ignore all of it.

I have a small request of people posting on the end of this thread: please read the thread and don’t link to pictures we all saw 3 days ago. I hate to sound like a bitch but there you go. I love anything new, for example, the Gov’s Conference photos.

5 09 2008

Hello All

I have had a very bad day…tried to get ready for fantasy football…but the TV for fill with those right-wing-christain-brainwash…lying crying about unfair treatment of SP..

Well if SP can attack everyone else…if she think she is not going to get it right back…what fantasy world is she living in…well enough of that…

McCain and SP say they are not going to let SP talk to news media unless they feel it is in their best interest…and people want to vote for these “Whopper Lier”

This is McCain and SP new name “Whopper Lier”

So here the first ———“Whopper Lying #1————–

Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs — In amongst all the other blatant falsehoods, Sarah Palin’s speech contained a heartwarming section about her youngest son and his special needs. She told special needs parents around the nation they’d have a friend in the White House if she was elected. With friends like this, they wouldn’t need enemies.

I will be posting regular “Whopper Lying #1 as I hunt them down on the internet, TV…she may be able hide from new media on TV but not us here at “mudflat family” … we will report everything..these too are good at lying

September 04, 2008
Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs Kids 60% in One Year
Sarah Palin is proving to be the Mayor of Liarsville and Governor of the State of Deception. Her speech last night was so full of inaccuracies, falsehoods, misleads, and flat out untruths I’m surprised that she thinks the American public is that stupid and I sure hope the GOP is regertting their crazed applause and support of her speech last night.

5 09 2008

Trig Palin conspiracy timeline

sorry if the URL doesn’t come right!

5 09 2008

McCain campaign moves to end troopergate why having it’s allies dismiss the investigation all together.

5 09 2008

Interesting i am on a voxbox- realtycheck is talking about sarah being a grandmother and happy she was that Bristol had the baby..


John Nail you still around

6 09 2008

——–Alert Support For Obama AND Biden ——–

Please go take this poll to show your support for by answering a 1-43 questions.

Please have patients…

Please tell all your famuly and friends and email everyone you know…

Thank you for your support

6 09 2008

This thread, like the scandal, is dead. When you have people posting that we should have “patients…”


And god help the USA with Palin in office. Shudder.

6 09 2008

JAKE88 I agree but will be interested to see if anything shakes out after the stories in US mag and the Nat Enq. Maybe ppl will step forward and really put this rumor to rest. If they don’t, I will always wonder. If nobody steps forward to defend them emphatically, that’s just weird. Really really weird. As weird as flying home while in labor, as weird as not looking pregnant.

6 09 2008

Not to mention that…A baby weighing 6lbs at birth is a little high for a 7 month preemie! Palin is a fraud…but then so are the rest of the republicans.

6 09 2008



Hello, my name is Johnson

I was watching C-span Saturday morning at about 10:45 and a man by the name of Cliff Kincaid,

was on there sprewing lies about Obama being a communist and many other bad names..

Please investigate this information at the website :

or both

Click to access hawaii-obama.pdf

Please send a reply that you receive my important email. I will also
be checking Obama website for additional information.

The GOP is starting a swift-boat smear campaign and a attack on the new media…

I hope Obama/Biden will speak with strong voice …not softball responses

Please help me to find answer to this trouble information

Thank you

Please send a email to Obama at

I have send him one email and I will keep sending it everyday at least 5-10 times a day until I get a reply…

6 09 2008

I agree that something stinks here, and I am certain there is something that is being covered up.

However, that truly frightening thing is that we have seen what we never thought we would see – a Christian convervative parading her pregnant, unwed daughter for all to see, and the Christian right *accepting* it, putting a spin on it so that it’s not only “not bad” but “good.” And this, to me, indicates the kind of twisted, hypocritical psyches we’re dealing with, the type of blindness and narrowness that will not only probably win the election, but destroy the country.

6 09 2008

“On Thursday, we will put aside politics and come together to renew that unity, to honor the memory of each and every American who died, and to grieve with the families and friends who lost loved ones,” they continued. “We will also give thanks for the firefighters, police, and emergency responders who set a heroic example of selfless service, and for the men and women who serve today in defense of the freedom and security that came under attack in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.”

The joint appearance comes as the two senators have turned up the volume of their attacks on one another in the wake of their respective nominating conventions. In a telephone call this week, where Mr. Obama called Mr. McCain to congratulate him on his convention speech, advisers said, Mr. Obama asked his rival if he would like to appear together at Ground Zero. Mr. McCain immediately agreed, aides said, and both candidates approved the joint statement and directed their campaign managers to work out the details.

It will be the first of several joint appearances by Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama in the next two months, including the three sanctioned presidential debates that begin on Sept. 26.

It’s nice for the sides come together. It’s surprising and unique. Wonder if Ron Paul got an invite? Bob Barr? Also, not that this is about “credit” (pun intended, :P), but this solid idea comes from the Obama Campaign. Patriotic and Inclusive.

6 09 2008

John McCain is known for not following scripts very well and said during his acceptance speech:

“The first big spending pork-barrel-earmark bill that comes across my desk, I will veto it. I will make them famous and you will know their name”.

Famous, indeed he made Sarah Palin famous by choosing her as his running mate for Vice President, the first female Republican as a Vice President in Us History. While major of the town of Wasilla, AK she hired a group of Washington D.C. lobbyist and her town received a total of 26.9 million dollars in Federal funds.

Since becoming the Governor of Alaska, she have this year alone submitted a budget for Federal money in the amount of 197 million dollars, including 25 million for studying the Alaskan salmon.

And lets not forget the famous “bridge to no where”.

Yup, McCain sure made her famous.

6 09 2008

I’m really tired of this bridge being referred to as the “bridge to nowhere”. The proposed bridge would have connected the city of Ketchikan with the island where THEIR AIRPORT IS LOCATED, thus allowing residents to actually drive to the airport rather than having to take a ferry.

6 09 2008

Story from 5 days ago indicates others are, too:

Palin “bridge to nowhere” line angers many Alaskans

When she was running for governor in 2006, Palin said she was insulted by the term “bridge to nowhere,” according to Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein, a Democrat, and Mike Elerding, a Republican who was Palin’s campaign coordinator in the southeast Alaska city.

“People are learning that she pandered to us by saying, I’m for this’ … and then when she found it was politically advantageous for her nationally, abruptly she starts using the very term that she said was insulting,” Weinstein said.

6 09 2008

I read that Levi’s first child (to the 13/14 YO) is a son named Connor.

It appears that many have moved on to the most recent posts on this blog. However, there are a LOT of people still interested in Babygate as evidenced by numerous recent posts on various message boards.

I hope the owner of this blog and the posters will keep it up — WE NEED THE TRUTH.

7 09 2008
John Nail

Rocski – we are here. Thanks for the tip

Be sure to visit: my blog:

We are updating daily and staying on this.

7 09 2008

On board with Trig = Bristol’s baby.

Anyone but me think the Trig could be suffering from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Spectrum Disorder vs Down’s?

7 09 2008

So, did anyone ever figure what happened to Sue Williams on this forum? I saw this article about her online:

Do you think the GOP made her disappear (or offer her a little stipend for keeping her mouth shut [if you know what I mean])

She did make for some interesting reading! COME BACK SUE! CHANGE YOUR NAME AND THEY WON’T KNOW IT’S YOU!!!

7 09 2008

Why doesn’t governor Palin just produce a BIRTH CERTIFICATE and get rid of this ugly rumor. The fact that she has been a candidate for a couple of weeks and no one has thought to produce this document is scary! Where is the birth certificate?

7 09 2008

Can someone please answer this questions…

Why is Bristol always the one holding the baby? She is pregnant, so why would her father/mother make her hold the baby all the time. I understand the first appearance with the blanket was to conceal her belly. Why isn’t Todd ever holding the baby? Why isn’t the middle sister ever holding the baby?

I know what it’s like to be pregnant. Your back, butt, and hips are always sore/aching. Especially if your going to spend a good part of the day on your feet. She’s on her feet for periods of time making appearances with her mom.

When your pregnant, even a jacket feels heavy!

7 09 2008

What’s the deal with Sue Williams?

In her posts she talks about NO WAY is Palin qualified, yet when the reporter asks her, she says that there is no reason Palin isn’t ready. WTF?!!!

7 09 2008

Why is Bristol always the one holding the baby? She is pregnant, so why would her father/mother make her hold the baby all the time. I understand the first appearance with the blanket was to conceal her belly. Why isn’t Todd ever holding the baby? Why isn’t the middle sister ever holding the baby?
Maybe it’s some kind of wierd punishment like holding dictionaries on your arms in the back of the room way-back-when in grade school . “YOU WON’T GET KNOCKED UP EVERY AGAIN, MISSY! YOU’LL HOLD THAT BABY UNTIL YOUR BACK ACHES!!” says SP.

7 09 2008
John Nail

You all are asking the right questions and the picture of levi kissing Trig is the checkmate to me…

Anybody on here in Wasilla? I would like pics of Mat Su Hospital roomsif you have any..thanks

8 09 2008
John Nail

The latest on the NYT puff piece article on Palin’s pregnancy:

Greed and Ambition drove her risky behavior….if she really was pregnant…

8 09 2008

John Nail, thank you for that incisive blog post.

Folks, it is CLEAR that the mainstream press can NOT be relied on to get to the bottom of ANYTHING. All MSM outlets are just mouthpieces for dissemination of the BS/propaganda churned out by the powers that be/government. This of course applies to BOTH parties.

IOW, don’t count on the MSM for any TRUTH. It’s not gonna happen.

8 09 2008

With all the misinformation, and disinformation created to confuse and obfuscate the truth, even after B’s pregnancy was announced, it’s no accident that this story has been confusing. Maybe there’s a simple (although) more Machiavellian explanation for all of this… (unless it’s all been a complex ruse designed to throw red meat at the lib bloggers – and that would have taken a lot of planning, and also meant they knew SP was to be VP choice for a long time.)

Suppose that due to certain circumstances a woman might not want her pregnancy to align within a certain time frame. She diets and wears a body- shaper to conceal her pregnancy as long as possible, so that she can eventually claim the birth is premature.

This woman also has a teenage daughter who everyone knows is in a serious relationship (and reported on this blog, someone who knocked a girl up when he was 14/15?). The woman sees an opportunity, and sends her daughter away for 5 to 8 months, using the excuse of “mono”, to plant seeds of suspicion that the daughter might be pregnant.

The daughter gets wind from friends back home that people think she’s pregnant, and being smarter than mom by half, figures out she’s being had, and knows why. In order to trip up mom’s plan, she gets pregnant herself. She wears tight sweaters, and positions herself in photos so as to show off her baby bump. (She even looks a little smug in some of those photos.)

I’m not sure of the dates, but say by March of 2008 the mother finds out the daughter is pregnant. Mom abandons any plans of maybe taking April off to spend “much needed time with her family,” announces her pregnancy. She also needs to make it very public that she’s going to give birth prematurely, so she flies to a conference in Texas, then makes up the story about the leaking amniotic fluid. She flies home, drives 50 miles to her pre-scheduled c-section.

When the woman is tapped for the second most powerful position in the world, suddenly the world wants answers. Bloggers investigate and suspect that the daughter was the one who was pregnant (mom’s original plan). Just one little glitch – daughter is still pregnant, with the improbable, albeit possible “Irish Twins” explanation.

Both scenarios seem, on their face, incredulous, but with all the deleted and changed photos and dates on web sites, double dated photos (a 2006 photo in a 2008 directory), not releasing the birth certificate or a statement from her doctor, T’s name missing on the hospital’s birth announcement web site, cryptic messages and strangely posed photos both on M’s MySpace pages, and of S, herself, not looking pregnant, then as if by magic, looking very pregnant in the last month, one of the two explanations is likely correct.

8 09 2008
John Nail

I think both of you are right. There are simply too many odd things here and the doctor is another major issue as well – she is a child abuse/sexual abuse expert and family practitoner.

Look at these posts to add more meat to the shortcomings and misdirection of the McCain campaign:

8 09 2008

I would like to thank John Nail for being straight up and digging deep about all the lies and inconsistencies that sarah palin has given out to the public.. she is definitely the worst choice to be representing the american people. We are being laughed at by other countries and they see that there are a ton of fools here in the u.s.a.. For alaska to have a 40 billion dollar fund that gives back a stipend each year to every alaskan -when they don’t pay state or federal taxes and yet everything in alaska has been built on federal tax dollars.. sp when she was in wasilla as mayor stepped into that job w/a 4 million dollar surplus, left it with 20 million deficit, then appropriated 27 million in earmarks–that’s over 50 million dollars on a city w/53 employees in 6 years.. and yet that 40 billion dollar fund came from the paid leases of the oil and gas companies, I have never felt so screwed before in my entire life… Tax payers from the rest of the states have built their (alaska’s) infrastructure and they wouldn’t even give a second thought to helping anyone else (katrina) or those that have come upon hard times….For me I see them as the wolf in sheep’s clothing and the fact of the matter is that she and mccain have strong possibility of getting into office based on lies and deception…and if they do be prepared for the absolute worst case scenario..By the way JN I’ve referred your site to many and they all liked it !!!! I hope you guys figure this babygate..

9 09 2008
John Nail

Rocski – thanks. We will get to the bottom of this

Here is another site that is great as well:

Did you see that Wasilla made rape victims pay for their own “rape” kits? 300-1200 per…

That would encourage people to come forward if assualted…

9 09 2008
John Nail

One other – a one liner from a comment to the NYT article yesterday that is classic about her bizaare travel story:

“Next time she’s pregnant she can board the space shuttle as far as I’m concerned and cross her legs ’til they re-enter earth’s atmosphere”

9 09 2008

washington post is just coming out about her pay as Gov. and all the extra charges she has made to the state while working at home , and all the costs of flying her family all over the place including her husbands expenses to go here and there… and if you add their stipend from the permanent dividend fund of 3,000. for each family member this woman is just raking in the bucks.. if you ever get time to figure how much she has cost alaskans for 18 months of service….that would be a number I’d like to know…

11 09 2008

This thread is dead, but the issue lives on.

In light of what the Enquirer is reporting, now it makes more sense. Look at the photos: Bristol’s positioning is almost profile (showing her “bump”) and she is wearing tight clothing. Also look at the family: The rest of them are clustered together, with Bristol sort of off by herself.

If Palin really did throw her daughter out of the house (forcing her to go stay with her aunt, Sarah’s sis, 25 miles away) upon learning of the pregnancy, then indeed Bristol is getting a little revenge of her own posing in these family photos (for public consumption).

One can only imagine the kind of pent-up resentment the poor girl has toward her mother.

11 09 2008

LMAO!!! I just watched the clip of her interview with Charlie Gibson…Her answers remind me of if I’m in a loosing argument with my husband, I may through in a whole bunch of repetitive garbage hoping it will confuse him into thinking I’m right.

7 10 2008


People here in my state love palin. Religious people (specially the females) can’t find error when error is confronted and even faced down. Sad people.

Though I do have a new comeback, which others probably thought of first.

Alaska (Willisa): Come for the Meth – Stay for the Rape.

PS. Down in the Lower48 we call Tim Palin a Government Indian.


3 11 2008
xnzus dojsazip

xbqptye nxywja uawiqf numt ocuiqt akjoldv trzdpfaqs

3 11 2008

Any chance Sue Williams can come back and tell us why Sarah hasn’t release her medical records?