Local Reaction to the Palin Bombshell.

29 08 2008


I, like all Alaskans, have been glued to the news media today, watching with amazement as Sarah Palin was tagged as McCain’s vice presidential running mate.  Local radio talk shows are all a-buzz.  The progressive station has a mixture of callers who are amused, horrified, and bewildered.  The conservative station has a mixture of callers who are amused, enthusiastic, horrified and bewildered.  No one is really sure how this happened, or what to make of it.  Citing the fact that she was the mayor of Wasilla 2 years ago in her list of “executive experience” doesn’t even pass the giggle test in Alaska.  Palin does have many supporters here in the state, but even many of them are doubting whether she can cut it in the Veep slot.  A few callers have said they feel sorry for her, because they like her but she’s obviously being “used” and is way over her head.  Local politicians are fiercely divided.  Those who like her are generally appointees who are locally referred to as “Palin-bots” and have drawn comparisons to George Bush’s idealogical croneys.  Many, Democrats and Republicans, are fierce opponents.

Here’s a smattering of reactions:

Alaska State Senate President Lyda Green (R): “She’s not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? Look at what she’s done to this state. What would she do to the nation?”  (Green is from Palin’s home town of Wasilla.)

Alaska House Speaker John Harris (R): “She’s old enough. She’s a U.S. citizen.” 

Alaska Democratic Party Chair Patti Higgins:  “In this very competitive election for them to go pick somebody who is … under a cloud of suspicion, who is under investigation for abuse of power. It just sounds like a pretty slow start to me.  We need a vice president who can step in if, God forbid, something happened to John McCain.  I don’t think she’s someone who is ready for that 3 a.m. phone call.”

Randy Ruedrich, Alaska Republican Party Chair:  Not giving interviews.

Alaska Attorney General Talis Colberg: “a mixed set of emotions, kind of an odd sense of Alaska nationalism or pride. This is like watching a moon landing or something. It’s just something you don’t expect to see very often. It’s wonderful. It was an emotional thing to see the governor walk out with her family and I say, wow, I work for her.”

McHugh Pierre, Alaska Republican Party Spokesman: “She brings her voice of new energy and change. And she knows Alaska.”

Indicted Alaska Sr. Senator Ted Stevens (R):  “it’s a great day for the nation and Alaskans.”

Andrew Halcro, local blogger who ran against Palin for governor:  “This shocking choice says more about McCain’s desperation than it does about Palin’s qualifications”.

and my favorite…

Alaska State Representative Mike Doogan (D): “Either Sarah Palin has talents and skills we were not aware of”, or “John McCain fell down and hit his head”.  He also called the prospect of Palin potentially needing to take over as President”pretty scary.”

Other local bloggers talking about this:

Progressive Alaska

Andrew Halcro

The Immoral Minority

and I’ve written extensively on Palin issues.  Just click on the Sarah Palin category and dig in.



148 responses

29 08 2008
Why Palin is the Best VP Pick Ever « A Hippie’s Musings

[…] 2: Here’s two more great posts about Palin from an Alaskan’s perspective.  It’s very enlightening. Possibly related […]

29 08 2008

Congratulations. I think you win the New Blogger of the Week contest. I came across your blog from a Google search about either Palin or Wasilla, I forget, and liked it so much that I read your entire blog, beginning to end, and was entertained by the many parts and their sum as well. Did you ever believe you’d get over 200 comments to one of your posts? That’s incredible.

I’m bookmarking you so I can come back and get the lowdown in the weeks to come. My fascination with All Things Alaskan dates back to the Pipeline and the Army in the 70s. Oh, and my best friend lives in Girdwood. In fact, I get to Girdwood so often I feel as though I’ve lived there for the past 30 years.

Keep up the good writing. I’m looking forward to reading your blog this next year.


29 08 2008
Palin Comparison « Beware The Man

[…] 7: The hits just keep on comin’. More from some actual Alaskans. But for God’s sake, what would these people know compared to, say, Joe Scarborough or Luke […]

29 08 2008
WitnessLA.com » Blog Archive » Palin 2: Mudflats Speaks….

[…] More Alaska response at Mudflats. And for those of you who’d like to dig a little further, click on the Sarah Palin topic link […]

29 08 2008

Ohhh man, greetings from New York. I can’t tell you the sorrow I feel seeing this woman’s warped view of executive power (and power sharing with her evil husband, The Todd.)

What the hell are we gonna do?

29 08 2008

Thanks for the local
perspective — it’s been a bit
surreal today.


29 08 2008

Interesting reactions. I certainly wouldn’t listen to anything Ted Stevens says (positive or negative). I’ve only heard a little about Palin in the last year, and I can’t even remember what it was I heard. The sad reality is that this is simply a publicity stunt to try to win the jilted Clinton supporters and change the image of the Republican party.

I guess I’ll use my absentee ballot to vote for Kodos.

29 08 2008

Thanks for the nice words, Houston. Yes, the blog has been humming today! Quite extraordinary!

29 08 2008

Very interesting posts on Palin – thank you!

29 08 2008

I spoke to a friend of mine earlier who is a nurse who happens to live about one hour north of New Orleans. She has been working around the clock all day taking in patients to fill all available beds in preparation for another possible hit on New Orleans by Hurricane Gustav.

After an exhausting day she finally managed to sit back and see the news of the day in the Nurse’s Lounge. While discussing the news of a another possible disaster in New Orleans along with the announcement of Sarah Palin, all one of the other nurses could do was muster up the ability to comment that she loved the choice because Palin was a member of the NRA.

Needless to say this friend told me that if she had not gotten up and walked out of the room at that moment she would have decked the bitch. Now that is really putting stuff in its proper prospective. The right to bear arms over the possibility of another mismanaged disaster from our present administration. Some people will just never get it.

29 08 2008

Thanks for the insightful posts on Palin. My first reaction on hearing McCain’s pick was he sealed his doom. I knew nothing of her prior to his announcement, but saw the pick for what it was, a desperate grab for votes. What you’ve written about her scares me quite a bit. I’ve posted a link to your blog on mine, as I think everyone should read this.

29 08 2008

Greetings from California. Nice blog– impressive

So, about this rumor that the baby is actually the oldest daughter’s– any creedence to this? It does look a little suspicious. The recent photos don’t lie, and her getting on an 8-hour plane flight after her water broke– yeah, right.

29 08 2008
Robert's Good Twin

Bitter much?

29 08 2008

Crikey…I’ve been in Wasilla, briefly. Is it even big enough to qualify as a “town”? Village or hamlet seemed more likely.

Anyway, as I recall, it’s chief claim to fame was being the home of the Poop Moose:


29 08 2008
Judy Asman

Thanks for your bold commentary. Keep it comin’, I RSS’d you on judythefoodie.com.

29 08 2008

Well, thanks for providing us with some useful information. I am still baffled how somebody could end up as a VP who governed a small town less than two years ago. I mean that is hard to imagine…

Greetings from Austria

29 08 2008

Thanks all.

Jim – I don’t know about the baby rumor. Nothing would shock me at this point, but it’s unsubstantiated as far as I know.

29 08 2008

Another Alaskan POV. Another muckin’ sick Alaskan. For all you muckers out there… beware.


29 08 2008
Sue Williams

As an Alaskan who lives in “the Valley” with Sarah – like everyone else who lives up here – I am stunned. Simply stunned. Bottom line: there is no possible way she is capable of being vice-president. No way. She knows NOTHING of international matters, very little of national affairs and struggles sometimes to articulate points about affairs of our own state. This is just unbelievable.

Here is my analysis of how differently the two genders react to Sarah. First, to both men and women she makes a “wow!” first impression. She is beautiful – and she, more than anyone else, knows this is her foundational appeal – that’s why she spends a tremendous amount of time getting her pedicures and manicures and hair extensions and shopping for the latest, greatest clothes and shoes. This is her primary appeal – her appearance. She knows this and focuses a lot of attention and time on this.

So, she makes a great first impression. If she’s working from a mostly memorized script or telepromptors she can come off sounding articulate. She can work a crowd in the rah, rah venue very well (like she did today in Ohio).

But here’s what happens – she’ll be asked a question that she clearly doesn’t know any specifics about and you can watch her pull out a 2-3 second delay wherein she is working feverishly to figure out what she is going to say. But during that little momentary delay she’ll sigh, or cock her head, or bat her eyes, or twist her lips, or some other kind of delay tactic.

Men and women respond very differently to this. Women see right away that she simply doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

Men, on the other hand, watch this, and it has enough of a feeling of mild flirtation – that they just eat it up. It’s like some sort of weird eye candy for their soul, this little drawing her audience in to this playful exchange with, usually it involves her eyes. It’s so weird, and if I hadn’t watched this thing play itself out over and over and over the past years, I would think a post like this was crazy.

But. But eventually the guys wake up. Eventually they realize that, no, Sarah is not a conservative (fiscally, at least) and that Sarah is not ethical (remember – she’s the only sitting governor under investigation for abuse of power in the Republic); Sarah, with her track record of calling people she doesn’t like, “haters,” and “dumbass,” and giggling like a school girl when, on a radio show, the DJ’s called a cancer-surviving grandmother she doesn’t like a “bitch” and a “cancer,” and no, Sarah’s hasn’t run the “open, honest and transparent” government she touts. In fact there are over 1,000 emails she doesn’t want to release (sources say it’s because they’ll paint the clear picture of how petty and vindictive she is). The status of the emails is most heading to court.

So, no. Sarah Palin isn’t the paragon of virtue she’s being touted as. She’s not the reformist. She’s not ethical and honest and open and transparent.

And when men wake up to the reality of who Sarah is, there is this weird sort of self-loathing phase they go through; it must be akin to what the morning after feels like to some guys. Especially men who fall hard for the Sarah line – when they have their wake up call, it can be painful to watch. Men don’t like to feel they’ve been had. Well, none of us do, I suppose.

Sarah has never faced true scrutiny before in her life. Ever. The Anchorage Daily News, early on realizing she was more liberal and more socialistic, has given her a free pass. But I can’t imagine that will continue. The national media won’t be so forgiving; so willing to turn a blind eye and deaf ear when she says silly, nonsensical things.

But mark my words about the differences in how men and women respond to her – and keep your eyes open for the “Flirtatious Pause” that she is well known for. It only lasts for 2-3 seconds, but men and women respond completely differently to it.

29 08 2008
McCain’s Choice « Zacca

[…] Local Reaction to the Palin Bombshell. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Palin Focus of Probe In Police Chief’s FiringA Tenacious Reformer’s Swift RiseWhy McCain Picked PalinMcCain announces Palin for VP […]

29 08 2008


I second your remarks. I hear ‘She’s hot’ everyday from fellow co-workers… with zero follow-up on the issues, on failed promises and on questionable and even illegal matters. Maybe it’s the ratio of men to women in this state. Maybe it’s the 6 months of winter. Beauty is to the eye of the beholder and the beholden are in a trance that has now been expanded exponentially. The question is… is America this superficial? I hope not.

29 08 2008
Phil Munger - ET

You are HOT today!

What an impressive set of essays.

Just starting, eh….?

29 08 2008

Found you today. Think I’ve seen you before elsewhere? Excellent blog. Now bookmarked.

Can’t wait for the debate with Biden! Let’s just hope the CORPORATE MEDIA doesn’t throw her all softball questions like, “Would you cook up some moose burgers for foreign dignitaries?”

30 08 2008
Alberth Christian Nahas

Hi, I’m an Indonesian who put a lot of my interest to US Election 2008. It seems like your blog become a star of the day. Yeah, it’s very confusing when McCain pick Palin as his running mate, considering of her ‘local’ records. Interesting to see how it is going on Nov 4.


30 08 2008

just curious about these daughter pregnancy cover-up rumors. anything on your blog or these others about the subject? after looking at how thin she was just before giving birth and the whole story about leaving the conference in dallas sounds pretty suspicious…


30 08 2008

Hi from Florida who was sent to your site by someone in Ohio! Definitely bookmarking your page and will be returning.

30 08 2008
Jim Waits AK

You don’t see the irony here…?

Politicizing of a branch her government (law enforcement via a cabinet oversight)… Bush Admin politicizing the justice system for their own political agendas…

This nomination reminds me of when Bush tried to make Harriet Miers the AG with zero qualification.

PS- Palin has 67% approval, not a 90% like you Lower 48’ers want to believe.

PSS- She had been governor for a year and has basically done nothing. Governor of Alaska is a part time job, it’s pretty boring and quiet up here (I like it that way), and the only thing really going on is oil. We are nothing like the lower 48, there is no cross compatibility. We are basically like our own country which has little in common with the rest of country on a state level.

And… Before that she way a mayor of a village (not a city) that you could liken the one you watched in show Northern Exposure. I’m not kidding.

In terms of being president… I bet at least half of the readers here have just as much if not more qualification, judgment and morality. It would be interesting to have someone from Alaska as VP, but it’s not in the country’s best interest unfortunately, especially not this person.

30 08 2008

The strangest choice. What were they thinking? The mind boggles. Thanks for the fascinating well-written info and perspective Mudflats/akmuckracker. May your 15 minutes of fame endure a little bit longer than Sarah Palin’s!

30 08 2008
Jesse Deese

I think this country could use some politically unqualified leadership…

30 08 2008
Alaska Blogs on Sarah Palin – nemski.com

[…] mudflats: I, like all Alaskans, have been glued to the news media today, watching with amazement as Sarah […]

30 08 2008

Howdy up there from down under,
A famous (LOL) American once said “surprise,surprise surprise” .
Sarah who?
Hay John (mccain)don’t ya just love these interweb tube thingies ?
Imagine John back in the day ,you could do something dumb and a handful of people would know ,but now the whole fricking world knows when you miss your meds.
Moose burgers in the Rose Garden anyone ?

No seriously ,never ever forget no matter how old, no matter how stupid ,no matter how many houses he owns ,no matter how bush-like John McCain is HE TRUMPS IT ALL BECAUSE HE WAS A P.O.W. FOR 5 1/2 years ,just ask him.

Hard to believe its the same America that landed a man on the moon almost 40 years ago.
mick in nz

30 08 2008

I emailed your link to TalkingPointsMemo. You are way ahead of every body in Palin info. You need to be widely read. I found you while trying to find out why anyone would have to “pressure” a police/public safety chief to fire someone who had been CONVICTED of tasering a child. I wanted to know, where are the arrest reports? The pics the police would have taken of the injured child? I got my answer on your blog, thanks.

Obviously the brother is an idiot, but…he’s being portrayed as a violent psychopath. This sounds more like Jerry Springer than the Burning Bed to me. I can’t wait till the brother in law hits the national stage.

30 08 2008

Great site…got it off a link at another blog….will bookmark you and pass it on. We’ve learned that the vetting process was thin…she and McCain met once. Choice was made Thursday, after he was talked out of his real choice, Lieberman. If VP choices predict behavior as pres., McCain is an impulsive decision maker picking from choices he knows precious little about that feel good to him…sounds very familiar.

30 08 2008
local alaskan reaction to palin nomination - PoliticalGroove Forums

[…] alaskan reaction to palin nomination Local Reaction to the Palin Bombshell. 29 08 2008 Local Reaction to the Palin Bombshell. Mudflats I, like all Alaskans, have been glued to the news media today, watching with amazement as Sarah […]

30 08 2008
local alaskan reaction to palin nomination - PoliticalGroove Forums

[…] a comments post on mudflats: Local Reaction to the Palin Bombshell. Mudflats You dont see the irony here? Politicizing of a branch her government (law enforcement via a […]

30 08 2008

Many thanks for this. I, like many others, have bookmarked it. Keep up the excellent writing!

30 08 2008

I’m new here, I saw a link from here and thought I’d check it out. Great post.

Living in New York, coming from Illinois, by way of Virginia, I know what it’s like to have state pride when it comes to influential governmental officials. One of the first thing I thought of when I heard Obama was running was about how Hawaii must feel to have one of their own. With Palin, since I knew absolutely nothing about her, I was a little intrigued to see how Alaskans were taking it. I appreciate your posting this!

BTW: The most telling quote for me was Randy Ruedrich, Alaska Republican Party Chair: Not giving intereviews. Silence can tell a lot more than words!

30 08 2008

After all the reading Google could provide and a solid night’s sleep, I am even more distressed by this gimmicky, cynical choice of VP that presents a serious threat to our national security.

All I can say to John “Country First” McCain is this: C1MA!!!!

30 08 2008

AK Muckraker, as a matter of urgency, can you help me find a local news link describing how Palin went outside of the official investigation to head it off?

That may be the key fact that shows that she’s a liar and that she and her goon husband will hijack government and abuse power. Please, I’ll be looking myself. There’s not much time to get her vetted and defined.

30 08 2008

Thanks for the info! I, too, believe you should win “Blogger of the Week.” I would love to add your blog to my blogroll. Do you have any objections to that?

And Sue Williams, thank you for your very insightful info. I will pass all of this along to my readers.


30 08 2008

I saw your answer to one of the commentators above about the baby rumors, that you don’t know, they’re unsubstantiated. Do you think anyone is going to attempt substantiate them up there? Because I am wondering how the story that Palin gives that her water broke IN TEXAS, but “after consulting with her doctor by phone” she gave her speech anyway, and then…got on an 11 and 1/2 hour plane ride back to Alaska to give birth there! is even passing the laugh test??

30 08 2008
Wer ist Sarah Palin? « Denkraum

[…] wie ein Blogger aus ihrer Heimatstadt Wasilla (Alaska). Hier ist der Link. Und hier weitere lokalen Reaktionen auf McCains überraschende […]

30 08 2008

Hi Mudflats,
Thanks for an on the ground report which would have huge interest over at perhaps the biggest (Democratic) political blog in the country…Markos Moulitsas’ “Daily Kos”

please cross post over there

It used to take a week after signing up to post a diary – not sure if that is still the case but your insights and knowledge would, I believe, be very welcome.

30 08 2008

The question was answered for me about Palin when I saw the schocked look on David Gergan,s face and heard his comments.He has been an advisor to presidents for the last thirty years.If you want an informative opinion ask an expert

30 08 2008

I’ve been posting the link in every other new dkos diary this morning.

That she is interfering and lying about an ongoing investigation of her must be the most reported fact about her now. Now.

If she gets through the convention, she will be Ms. Special Needs Mom.

We have to document her interference and ruthless insinuation of her husband into the governement as a goon, and using power to settle personal scores.

30 08 2008

I like your information and reactions re Palin. Keep it up. You will get lots of visits from around the country. I will pass your site on to thousands.

Tom Heuerman

30 08 2008
Cherie Clark

Thank you thank you. I’ll be back you are bookmarked!! from Colorado

30 08 2008

Keep us updated on local reactions… thanks

30 08 2008

It’s not about how ridiculous of a choice this Palin character is for VP. It’s about McCain and Obama and which of them have the ability to lead and insight change (in the general sense). This decision only lends credence to the ideal that McCain has poor judgment and is self serving (in the bad way). Palin has been picked as a mascot and not for what sort of judgment, input, insight, expertise, knowledge that she can lend to the President. Obama on the other hand picked someone that can compliment and empower his vision.

McCain picked Palin to try to win the presidency.
Obama picked Biden to try and make him a better president.

This does not even make mention of the argument that the VP pick is -supposed- to be the person you feel could make the most out of a presidency in the event of your demise.

This whole spectacle is an attempt to curb talk about McCain’s own inabilities and judgment by giving pundits and otherwise naive people something to focus on. This is what I fear will earn McCain more than what he deserves.

Obama isn’t the best candidate either, but he at least had the ability to make a realistic choice (whether it is the right choice is irrelevant) in making Biden his VP. This makes him a better thinker and in turn a better leader than the alternative.

30 08 2008

Just added you to my blogroll (“Here Comes Trouble,” , and thank you very much for posting this. I hope it’s just the first foray into finding out who this person is. Of course, the fact that we don’t know makes me think that McScum put her on the ticket for just that reason. Now we have to spend time investigating some nobody instead of engaging in substantive debates about actual issues. Very Rovian, not at all surprising…

30 08 2008

Damnit Mudflats where is your damn e-mail address?

Never mind I will just have to ask you here.

Listen buddy Enigma at Watergate Summer is putting together a potentially explosive post about Palin: http://watergatesummer.blogspot.com/

Her e-mail address can be found in her Blogger profile. She asked me to contact you, so please go visit with her a little today.

Thanks buddy, and keep up the good work.

30 08 2008
Cyd RN

I can’t believe that McCain is stupid enough to believe that women will simply vote for a vagina. This says volumes about his judgement. She is Cheney in drag, waiting to give Big Oil more more more.

30 08 2008
Jose Montoya

Interesting to hear more about the timeline of the birth of the last baby. I cannot imagine there would be any truth to this. If there is, then McCain himself would have to surrender his nomination.

30 08 2008

Found you linked on the front page of the chicago tribune as a must read blog. Thanks for the Alaskan perspective to this mystifying vp selection.

30 08 2008

Here is the link re Palin’s preemptive investigation:
Reader comments are also informative. Keep in mind that the centrist Anchorage Daily News is frequently accused of being the ‘liberal media’ so commenters generally fall left of average for Alaska.


30 08 2008
More on Sarah Palin from an Alaskan blogger « DNCC ‘08 via Houston Texas

[…] click link to full article here ] Posted by cyberchucktx Filed in […]

30 08 2008
D. Edgren

Wow! Do I hear a lot on nervous bravado in here or what? I think, frankly, all you lefties know that McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin has left you screwed.

For those of you visiting “Mudflaps” from elsewhere- don’t buy the line you have seen that this is just a local Alaskan writing an objective blog about the goings on in this state. Take a look at the other threads- you’ll figure out pretty quickly what the party line is.

I live in Wasilla. I’ve been registered as an Independent since arriving in this state about 20 years ago. I voted against both Don Young and Ted Stevens in the primary because it is time for them to go. Sarah Palin was a good mayor of my home town. She’s been a great governor of my state.

And when the Red Phone rings at 3:00 a.m.- Sarah Barracuda will already be up, feeding her Downs Syndrome child…

…and she will still kick Putin’s/Achmedinajad’s/Chavez’s/Osama’s butt!

Yep, you lefties- You. Are. Screwed.

30 08 2008

Hi, there! I’m so pleased to have discovered your blog. This is what the internet is really for, being able to get the perspective of the people who are actually there when considering any issue.

In the event, I have a post up on Palin today and have linked extensively to you. Maybe tomorrow you’ll have 1,000 comments on your posts. Well-earned too! Good job. I’ll be back.

30 08 2008

Wow , so Palin was the mayor of a village only slightly more populous than my subdivision , and is governor of a state with less people than the city that I live in. Add to that that she has ZERO foreign policy experience , and as of a few weeks ago wasn’t even sure what the VP does. And then there’s the whole Talibangelical/flat earther issue. Boy am I skeeered!

30 08 2008

You are bookmarked, Mudflats!! Great find for me, thanks. Dick Cheney has turned the office of Vice President into a vast, unaccountable, secretive position. He claims it is not part of the Executive OR the Legislative branches of our government. He will not reveal how many people work for him, what their names are, or what their salaries are. When he DOES permit his people to testify before Congress, they do so with the utmost contempt and offer meaningless testimony.
And now we are to believe that this neophyte politician from a small town in a remote state is going to take over that operation. I sincerely hope the Dems will use this as their opportunity to shine a light on just WHAT the job of Vice President has become and just WHAT this woman will be doing.
Democrats need to compare and contrast her to CHENEY, not Biden.

30 08 2008

D. Edgren:

What’s up with you Rightwingnuts and your constant mentioning of “her Down Syndrome child”? As a parent of a child with autism, am I to be commended for not giving him away or parking him in an institution when I learned of his condition ? Does this somehow qualify me for public office or sainthood? It’s obvious that the constant reminding the electorate of this fact is meant to play on some sort of emotional level, and indeed it is tragic for any family, but c’mon. Just like Ms. Palin’s involvement in the PTA or being mayor of some backwater podunk berg where you live, it has nothing to do with the Vice Presidency of the United States.

And as far as being “screwed”…thanks for the laugh. No doubt that’s the funniest thing I’ll hear all weekend and perhaps in the next month. You are truly a provincial idiot. Congrats!

30 08 2008

from [b]willpen[/b], 20:29:46 above:

[i] “While discussing ….Sarah Palin, all one of the other nurses could do was muster up the ability to comment that she loved the choice because Palin was a member of the NRA.”[/i]

Isn’t this why that Obama comment about “bitter Americans….clinging to guns and religion” as topic to base important decisions on was so spot-on????

Note the biggest whiners about that truthful statement are the people clinging the hardest to guns and religion. Truth hurts, ye bitter ones.

Some people just don’t get it. They vote based on useless parameters. They don’t care about substance, experience, track record, ….but hey, she hunts and wears fur!!

They are deep down so disillusioned about the chance of any substantive issues having an impact in American politics, they gather themselves into the pro-gun, anti-abortion, religious-xenophobia camps and stay there. Their minds can only process these simple plus-minus, left-right train of thought. They vote based on these lines because they cannot process anything beyond a brain-stem level of consciousness. Even lab animals can learn to think two, three steps ahead.

(And this goes for the Democrat zealots too: just because you are right this time about POTUS GW Bush being the worst ever and McSame will be McSame, does not mean that voting Democrat with blind fervor will be right all the time. In the state of WA the zealots are giving Dems free rides to the state capitol and to elected offices, so the governor here does nothing for 4 years and expects to be re-elected. Same for Seattle mayor, city council….)

So when McCain throws out the same ol’ pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-drilling, anti-environment platform, these people shout out from behind their circled wagons with their approval. That’s all they look for. That’s all they want to hear. They don’t care about more pressing but slight more complex issues of asset distribution, long-term strategy in energy or economics or Social Security or health care. Pro-gun and anti-abortion?? I’m all yours! Oh, and pro-Creationism? Even better.

So, while the press hammers away at Obama’s campaign for its “lack of specifics,” has anyone really looked for any specifics from McCain? No need according to them, because McCain has already fulfilled his GOP image checklist so there’s no need to look any further.

Palin is one more desperate throw for the end zone by an election team that is so useless they allowed just one meeting with the potential VP before offering her the nomination. This speaks volumes on how McCain is much more volatile and unpredictable, and may be even more incompetent, than George W. Bush.

30 08 2008
D. Edgren, the Provincial Idiot

As a parent of a child with autism, am I to be commended for not giving him away or parking him in an institution when I learned of his condition ?

Well, “joko”- I’ll call you and raise you one. My wife and I adopted two special needs kids whose “mother” used meth during her pregnancy. Now, I’m sure recreational drug use and a “mother’s” right to “make lifestyle choices” are just fine in the extremely sophisticated place where you live- as for me, Wasilla…

…Oh, I’m sorry, “Podunk”…

…is just fine. In fact, I’d go so far as to say much more representative of this country than wherever you hail from.

Oh, by the way- I’m voting for Mark Begich this fall. Maybe someone from around these parts can fill you in on how likely your “Rightwingnut” label is to be accurate.

And, btw, it’s “burg.” A “berg” refers to a mountain or peak in the German language.

Sorry, I take back what I said about the possibility you might be sophisticated.

30 08 2008

Thanks, D. Edgren. As you’re aware, you didn’t answer my question why the fact of her Downs Syndrome child is trotted out as some sort of badge of courage or reason for holding her in high esteem. But you can’t answer it, because it’s irrelevant. It was beyond her control and has no bearing on whether she’s competent for the office to which she aspires. It’s a pathetic tactic by the Republican spin machine that perhaps will prove effective with some, but just illustrates once again how far your party has sunk into the mire.

“I’d go so far as to say much more representative of this country than wherever you hail from.”

Thanks for the illogical assertion. You have no clue where I hail from, obviously, but I’d expect nothing less from a denizen of small town redneck hell like you.

30 08 2008

AMAZING stuff….Word last night was that the McSame campaign was dispatching a team to AK to look further into the “Trooper Gate” thing….Did McSame’s campaign vet this pick at all or was she just in Rove’s “Pick-from-the-hat” model??

This is scary stuff…Women everywhere should be insulted at the very least and highly aggravated/screaming at everyone should be normal…

Great blog..keep up the great work..catch some fish this weekend..be rested because the next 60 days are gonna be a real ride for you guys… SALUTE!!!

30 08 2008


raising a Down Syndrome kid, or 4 months into it, qualifies you for being a VP? Puh….lease.

Who institutionalizes Down Syndrome kids as a routine these days? What century are you from? I have known many families with special needs, yet unless there is a serious medical condition (rare) children do just fine and much better at a home environment.

While many American women can identify with her, most of those will also have enough sense to realize “who am I kidding? She’s kinda like me, but what qualifies me and her to be in the VP spot??”

30 08 2008


I can look in my neighborhood and find 4 moms raising Down Syndrome kids at home. I think they all were called by McCain three nights ago but hung up on him.

Not exacly sure why McCain called them at 3AM. Must have been looking for someone really important…..like a VP candidate.

Bottom line: you have a child with autism. Good for you. I have friends too with kids with autism. What was your point again about raising a Down child at home and being qualified for the VP spot? That’s pretty darn flimsy qualifications you demand in your VP.

Because if that’s all it took, McCain must have been turned way down by millions of people before Palin said “Yup, Yup….”

30 08 2008


Dude…calm down. You need to re-read my initial post. I was pointing out that the Republicans seem to be repeating the fact that Ms. Palin has a Down’s Syndrome child ad nauseum to (evidently) garner some sort of sympathy vote as well as to assert she is somehow a great person because she didn’t opt to abort him. No one is suggesting institutionalizing anyone (except perhaps D. Edgren).


30 08 2008

As a Christian , and stay at home mother of 3 , I have deep concerns over Sarah Palin’s decision to take on such a time comsuming job when she has a newborn with Down’s Syndrome. While I am thrilled at the prospect of having an Evangelica in the Vice Presedency , I have to wonder how she will properly care for her child. As I’m sure she’s aware , childen are God’s bleesing to us , and I feel that caring for your children should come first for women.

30 08 2008
D. Edgren, the Provincial Idiot

Heh, “joko”-

You have no clue where I hail from


responding in kind

…you have no clue period. You know, arguing with a half-wit isn’t really all that much fun.

I am wondering, to the extent Mudflaps claims to be an Alaskan blog, presumably with at least some Alaskan readers, where are the folks from up here who would take some reasonable degree of offense that commenters from Outside are saying such uncomplimentary things about Wasilla and the rest of our fair state?

Just asking.

30 08 2008

“…you have no clue period. You know, arguing with a half-wit isn’t really all that much fun.”

Excellent point. That must be why I was so bored responding to your inane crap.

30 08 2008

The retard that runs this site in not actually from Alaska. He’s from New York
City, so obviously he’s a left wing party hack trying to make a name for himself. I wonder did you return the oil revenue check that you received
from the state of Alaska/Palin or did you use it to set-up this BS BHO site.
For all you Dummacrats out there, why don’t you talk to a real Alaskan not
this party hack. I see you set down deep roots in only two years. Gimme a break. You are nothing more than a con for the Dummacrats searching for
dirt on Palin.

30 08 2008

So the question of the day is, will Palin last the week? Or will she “decide” to focus on her family with a little nudging from McCain (My Dad things this will be another Eagleton)? If McCain has to dump her, who will accept the VP slot as a second pick knowing that the campaign is doomed?

30 08 2008

More of those who know Sarah Palin who are restless:

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:

And she started pumping up her image undeservedly right from the start. From the same Fairbanks editorial:

“I told Congress `Thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere,’ ” Palin reported to the crowd in Dayton, Ohio. “If our state wanted a bridge, I said, we’d build it ourselves.”

But the state kept the bridge money. …We build very little by ourselves, and any governor who would turn that tax money down likely would be turned out of office.

So much for fighting pork barrel waste of federal dollars. Palin kept the money but got to say “No Thanks,” eh???

30 08 2008

I love the joko, jim and Edgren battle but what’s the point of all that?

Love the info, muckraker, and I like how it appears you’ve not censored any comments. Thanks also to Sue WIlliam at 23:20, above, and to Jim Waits for providing additional local commentary. Am linking to here because people should read 1st hand opinions straight up rather than 2nd hand.


30 08 2008

Hey Chud , can you actually read?
(From the bio)
“Personal background? I grew up on the East Coast and attended an ivy-covered New England liberal arts college. After graduating, and diving in to the business world, I decided to flee the NYC area and take a two year adventure to Alaska. When I arrived in Anchorage in February of 1991 without knowing a soul, only one month rent paid and $300 to my name, I looked out the window at the snow falling in the dark and wondered what I had done. By the time my two years were up, I was hooked.

I’ve put down deep roots here, and consider Alaska my home in every sense. I see it as a place of tremendous potential for business, for energy, for innovative thinking, and for citizen activists to be able to make a tangible difference in their local and state government.”

If you had comprehension skills beyond the usual wingnut grade school level , you would have noticed that the site owner has been in Alaska since ’91. As to “not even being fron Alaska” , you DO realize that Ms. Palin is a transplant too don’t you ? In fact , I imagine quite a few Alaskan residents are transplants.

30 08 2008


Here’s an editorial from a Fairbanks, AK newspaper basically saying that Palin has nothing to show for any qualifications to be VP.

As far as I recall, Fairbanks, AK is in Alaska.

So for you to claim those who distrust Palin are all from “New Yawk City” is just wishful thinking.

….but maybe you know Alaska better and maybe Fairbanks is actually a sixth secret exiled borough of NYC and taking the A train will eventually get you there from Manhattan.

30 08 2008

I am very excited about the pick of sara palin as VP candidate. Being a governor requires much more executive experience than a senator any day. In fact governors make choices all day long and everyday, whereas, senator listen to someone speak on a certain bill for such a short time and that same bill gets hashed over and over. sen. bama has nowhere near the experience that Sara Palin has. sen. obama has not voted a yes or no practically at all since he has been in the Senate. Almost all his votes are voted as ( I should say, that he actually was there to vote on, which couldn’t have been many since he has been running his campaign since he practically entered the Senate) have been present. That present vote means as much as voting I pass. it’s probably good that he voted that way as i shudder to think how he would have voted. Sara Palin, yeahhh! you go girl! you’re for all Americans and you will be a great vice president!

30 08 2008

rere: Using that same logic McCain has no experience either and since he’s the one actually running for president…

30 08 2008
Not vetted by McCain, Sarah Palin gets vetted by the voters « The Litterbox

[…] Sue Williams adds to the discussion over at the AKmuckrakers site (https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/08/29/local-reaction-to-the-palin-bombshell/#comments at 23:20.37)  by providing indepth commentary about Palin and what she personally […]

30 08 2008

Absolutely not! mccain has more experience since he was a naval officer in charge of putting people, under his leadership, lives’ on the line, and to a lesser degree the responsibility of millions of dollars of aircraft that he was charge over. and of course, he was a sen. alot longer than obama.

30 08 2008
Mother Who Thinks

I am a mother who thinks. I am a mother of a child – now 21 – with Down syndrome. I am an Alaskan who raised her child in Alaska (along with another kid, a husband, an education, and a job with benefits.)

IT IS THE HARDEST THING I EVER DID. It took everything I had, and more. There were highlights – but they in no way balanced the demands, frustrations, and dark nights of the soul. The impact on my nondisabled son is still being felt. My marriage effectively turned into a parenting partnership with no future that escaped the impact of having a child with significant and inescapable needs.

I was, by our society’s standards, well-equipped to cope with this unexpected aspect of parenting. It devastated me nonetheless. When my son was born I had no idea what lay ahead. It was gut-wrenching determination and motherlove that carried me forward. I still can’t count it a success.

I learned, through much hard work, how to navigate the system that we all think exists for “all” children and adults with disabilites. Had I not been intent on accessing services, finding out how agencies and regulations work, and forcing them to work for us, the outcome would have been far worse for my child, family, and self.

Had I been less able, less determined, less economically able, less educated….I don’t know how I could have survived to “make the best” of the life I had been handed. I can’t count the times I thought, “What do other parents do? I want to quit trying to make this work.”

Do I wish I could have been spared this challenge? Make that a resounding YES. Do I think that my child should have been spared the difficulties, loneliness, heartache, and exclusion that disability, by nature, means? Make that a YES too. Would I have chosen to terminate the pregnancy had I had the foreknowledge and choice? Yes, even from the other end of the trail, now that my child is grown in years but will forever remain a child, dependent, vulnerable in an uncertain world.

What disturbs me most about Sarah Palin’s choice to continue her pregnancy, knowing that her child would have Down syndrome, is that she would make that choice for me, or my sister, or my daughter, or my friends, male and female alike. No one can decide for us. Certainly not “government” who cannot be counted on to help the hundreds of thousands of those with disabilities, already and to-be-born.

Oh, and have I mentioned this? I, who through struggle and persistence and crisis, mastered the service and funding system, have a reasonably happy kid. He still and will struggle through his lifetime with mental retardation and related behavior and communication issues. He lives in federally subsidized housing, attends public school as an intensive-needs student, gets his healthcare through medicaid, and has 24 hour care from direct service providers. When you make the system work, you can build a community-based life for your child.

Only a small percentage of those who need this level of care can get it. Without advocacy, forget it. Without continued funding of education, healthcare, vocational, and independent living services, this will all go “POOF.” The waitlist, even in a small state like Alaska, has over a thousand people on it, many for years. Most languish at home with aging parents or siblings. Some are receiving “care” in corrections while they try to find someone to “take” them. Some are homeless.

My son’s cost of care is over $200,000 a year. Thank you, taxpayers. And the Chinese lenders.

Palin has delegated the care of her infant with Down syndrome to others. I don’t know how this can be done, emotionally or financially. Kudos to her if she and her family pull this off. They are well-positioned financially, socially, and politically to do this. I think that this is not an option for 99.9% of families who include children and adults with disabilites.

To take the position that EVERY American family SHOULD and MUST be denied the option to terminate a pregnancy that will result in hardship, cost, heartache, and diminished possibilities that will last a lifetime is just plain wrong. I could never support a candidate on any ticket that would take the hardline prolife position she takes. She can no more use her experience to decide for all than I can.

But it is about CHOICE. About REALITY. And no one can decide that for someone else, and force them into the netherworld of disability.

30 08 2008
Yale Sacks

Beyond anything else she cannot be very bright to accept this nomination for Veep with as little experience she has with anything outside of Alaska and her anti-environmental agenda. She is opening a can of worms about herself and her ignorance which (hopefully) will be exploited to its’ full extent by the D’s. We all know McCain is senile, an elitist, a jingoist, ignorant of economics, education, and medical care for all Americans- especially Vets, and thinks foreign policy is no big deal; so why is anyone surprised that he chose someone just like himself to be stallwart against progressive ideas and change to build a safer, stronger more equitable America? Let’s cut the trees, drill for oil, approve the Pebble Mine and have no remorse or conscience – it’s easier that way.

30 08 2008
Rumpled Foreskin

Whew! Read all the posts in this thread. Please add me to the multitudes who landed here from other sites (I got here via Crooks & liars) and decided to bookmark for return visits.

What is it about righty-tighties who post snide, sarcastic and disrespectful comments…and then take offense when they’re called on it?

To D. Edgren:

There’s a site on the blogosphere called Little Green Footballs. It was created for people like you. Enjoy!

30 08 2008
Quickie (OR Palinfo) « Damn Lefties

[…] Quickie (OR Palinfo) Local Reaction to the Palin Bombshell […]

30 08 2008

Time will soon tell on this VP pick since she has to hit the ground running over the next 2 months. I really hope she is not allowing herself to be used by the McCain campaign, and not being taken seriously by them. It will be a tragic day for American politics if this is the case.

30 08 2008

Just found your blog.

I find this whole situation very sad.

Sad for the United States

Sad for the Palin children

Sad for Alaska.

It shows McCain’s poor judgement and devious ways.

Pray for our country.

30 08 2008

This was a very informative blog and I appreciate the attempt to drag Palin through the “Mudflats”, but as an Alaskan seeing all this through the eyes of a liberal media, she’s already accomplished what needed to happen. MSBNC, CNN, NY Times, etc… they all got slapped across the face by this. As a mediocre McCain supporter looking at all the possibilities, all I saw was a list of the same old names. I thought to myself, “maybe I should write him a letter and ask if I can be his running mate”. I’d love the chance to negotiate non-proliferation, foreign policy, and economic spending! But, instead we got someone far more qualified than a joe shmoe like me, with minor baggage (by-the-way, I’d like my governor to maintain the right to fire whomever he or she desires to get the job done), a normal husband and a normal family. At least when she looks at those treaties and those foreign policy political train wrecks, we’ll know where she’s coming from and to whom she owes her loyalty. She loves her state, but if you knew anything about her, you’d also know that she loves her country. Unlike Obama and Biden, America hasn’t “embarrassed” her and she cherishes her citizenship and her country more than either of those men combined. I’m currently a deployed sailor missing Alaska and the news of our very own “hockey mom” possibly headed to Washington has done more to energize this election and motivate the common man (and woman) to shout out “FINALLY SOMEONE NEW” than anything could have. “Under qualified” is the liberal term for refreshing and untainted… exactly what this country needs Though I don’t want to see McCain kick the bucket, I would love to see this brilliant woman as Commander in Chief! At least I’d have a little more hope that our country’s political system isn’t completely corrupt. So here’s to every middle class American wanting to be heard!

30 08 2008
Homesick Alaskan

“Mother Who Thinks”, I hope your little boy never reads your recent blog post. How sad to think you could have missed out on all the amazing delights of a REAL LIFE with your son… If you would have chosen to “end your pregnancy”, you would have ended a life, make no mistake. Please never allow your son to identify himself with anything other than loved and wanted. You make me sad and I hope you’re too depressed and miserable to get out and vote.

By-the-way, my mother was told I had a 90% chance of having down syndrome during her pregnancy. Now I’m serving YOUR country as a deployed Naval Officer. I hope I can be a father some day (even if it costs me $200,000 a year) and not miss out on all the things you claim to be a “hardship, cost, heartache, and diminished possibilities that will last a lifetime”. Again, please do not let your son find out how unwanted he is and how selfish you are.

30 08 2008
Jose Montoya

Dear Homesick Alaskan,

There are lots of unwanted children born in this world. George W. Bush is one that comes to mind. Amazingly enough, this knucklehead is our president! So in a sense, I guess I agree with you, mental retardation…not a problem, you too can become president!

Vice president Palin…what a freakin joke! Hope she slept at a Hoiday Inn Express last night, because the straight talk express is NOT.

30 08 2008

This blog is only getting better as time progresses! I have sent a link to everyone I know! As to Miss Sarah…..being the mother of a downs syndrom child qualifies a person for nothing! Being the mayor of a town with population 5,500 and governor of a state with pop. of 900,000+ also qualifies you for nothing! Now, being investigated in “Troopergate” qualifies her as something….a good Republican! The “Pubs” used to honorable men/women, if somewhat misguided. Now, you almost have to be a crook or a pervert to belong or get elected to office. And guys, did you notice McCain checking out Miss Sarah’s butt during her acceptance speech? It was really strange. Maybe he was looking at something else but sure looked like butt to me!

30 08 2008
Jose Montoya

“And guys, did you notice McCain checking out Miss Sarah’s butt during her acceptance speech? It was really strange. Maybe he was looking at something else but sure looked like butt to me!”

It is well known that John McCain left his first wife after she became crippled (after cheating on her multiple times) for Cindy McCain. Maybe now that Cindy has hurt her dainty little hand shaking someones hand, maybe he has plans to change wifes again. Then he can say he really is for change!

30 08 2008

Hello Alaska !
I am amused as to how the press and people in general are viewing Palin..
They have fallen all over Barry,but knock down Palin as not be qualified.
Well,I have looked into Barry’s qualifications as being President,and the stats
fill half a paragraph.
Sarah’s are most interesting and sound terrific to me.
She actually has accomplished CHANGE.
CHANGE is really what we want.
And Barry has done what ? And windbag Bidden ????
So don’t talk to me about being qualified.
Bidden who has been in Washington forever sure isn’t change.
And do I feel safer because of all his experience ?
I think he is a jerk. Sarah has a brain !

I noted the film the other night before Barry took the stage as pure drama..
making Barry appear larger than life. It would have been nice to include
Michelle dragging down America,her constantly complaining self,a few sound bites,etc.
And gosh,to leave out the most important guy that shaped your early political life..The Rev ???. How do you leave out a few God dam America
soundbites ??

But back to Sarah versus Barry..
right now if I made a choice after reading about her background actually doing something vs CHANGE talk..yes talk.
McCain and Sarah are the most qualified.

Just a minute,I have to turn down the tv,Bidden is spouting off on tv..
He sounds like a car salesman on Broadway trying to sell ya that car that you just have to have.. Whew is he bad unscripted !
But then that’s the way I have viewed the team of Barry and Bidden..
They do sound pretty good with Teleprompters and scripts.

I have a feeling Sarah Palin would sound as impressive even without a script.
You have my full support Sarah Palin !!

30 08 2008
tony sacco


30 08 2008

I totally thought he was checking out her butt…and he kept playing with his wedding ring. He looked so uncomfortable. I was laughing so hard…it seemed just like a Saturday Night Live Skit!

30 08 2008

yes, i agree with claudia, i was just listening to biden and he is so condescending when he speaks. oh, and by the way, he is the same man who not very long ago said he would be honored to run with mccain , presumably if mccain changed parties. mccain has not always pleased republicans so because of his maverick streak biden thought so much of him he wanted to be his running mate. funny to hear biden talk now, i wonder how he can spout what he does without growing a long nose!

30 08 2008

This is just the beginning of the fallout from Alaska. It is obvious that the McCain people and the entire Republican party did not do a proper job investigating the life and history of Sarah Palin. I do hope that she will retire from the race stating personal issues, like taking care of her Down’s Syndrome infant, so she will not have to debate with Joe Biden. Joe Biden is such a gentleman it would be a disgrace to have a man of his background and experience in a world class debate with this unfortunate woman.

I honestly feel sorry for her and the entire fiasco shows the inability of John McCain to be President of the United States. What was he thinking? The answer to that question is, he wasn’t thinking.

John McCain says he has the experience and judgement to be President of the United State. I don’t think so. Look at his choice for Vice President. Read the McCain interview in the current issue of Time magazine. Go to MoveOn.org to found out what has been discovered about Sarah Palin in just one day.

30 08 2008
Jose Montoya

Memo to Tony: You are not a democrat, so don’t lie. Sarah Palin will take the womens movement back about 40 years. No self-respecting democrat would ever vote for that.

30 08 2008

I can’t help but wonder why a man running for president wouldn’t have picked out his vice pres months ago and maybe even have a pretty good idea of who he would want in his cabinet

30 08 2008

Homesick Alaskan (13:51:03) :
“Mother Who Thinks”, I hope your little boy never reads your recent blog post. How sad to think you could have missed out on all the amazing delights of a REAL LIFE with your son… If you would have chosen to “end your pregnancy”, you would have ended a life, make no mistake. Please never allow your son to identify himself with anything other than loved and wanted. You make me sad and I hope you’re too depressed and miserable to get out and vote.

To Homesick Alaskan,

How dare you have the audacity to respond to this woman in this manner. She came here and opened her heart up to make people understand what her life, and the life of her child, has been like. If you haven’t walked in someone else’s shoes, then shut up.

Twenty-four years ago I gave birth to a premature baby girl who was born at barely 27 weeks. Her lungs were very underdeveloped and she did not have oxygen to her brain for 1-2 minutes. She survived only 16 hours tied up to tubes. Those 16 hours were horrible for me and my husband. We had a health two year old at home that needed me. I prayed through the night for God to be good and take her peacefully. She would have lived a life severely disabled. When I buried my daughter I put a picture of my son and my husband and myself. I grieved for a child that I never had the chance to know and for the life that she could have had if she were not born prematurely.

I subsequently had another son and my husband and I were able to give them both good lives. Six years ago my husband passed away. I sometime think what my life would be like now if she had lived. As I said before, never …never.. assume to know someone else’s pain. Those of you who rant and rave about the right to life never have to walk in the shoes of the people that have truly suffered.

30 08 2008
McCain Supporter


I know you and I am sorry to have to call you a liar. NOTHING you state is true regarding Sarah. Or is it maybe that I don’t know you at all and you don’t know the Palin family? Sue Williams, what a respectable name you chose. You make it sound like you know what you’re talking about but how would we know for sure?

Bloggers, do you see how you are being influenced by a blogger that you don’t even know? It scares me to think that anyone can post anything and many will believe it.

In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty; is it different in Alaska?

If you disagree with her beliefs fine, that’s politics. Don’t speculate and pass judgement before you know the truth.

30 08 2008
USS Forrestall

Hey McCain supporter , did you know John McCain was a POW ?
Well I did , I’ve read the transcripts from the propaganda broadcasts he did for the NVA. Isn’t collaberating with the enemy a BAD thing? And before you start , I’ve got a buddy that was a POW in NAM , and HE never broke.

30 08 2008
News » Amidst the Palin din

[…] FWIW, she’s got some taint too. […]

30 08 2008

Plain to see you are influenced by the Democratic Party. Only about 2 responses from people with conservative values. Makes this a liberal blog.
What a shame you are doing this so soon. And talk about Sarah not having foreign affairs experience, give me a break, what do you think Obama has Biden along for? That’s Biden the Plagerist, remember.? Well, I won’t be book marking this blog. So much trash.

30 08 2008
McCain Supporter

Dear USS,

Yes, I knew McCain was a POW. I will never pass judgement on someone held captive. Were you present when they were POW’s? Do you know what they were put through? Could you honestly know how you would have reacted?

Please people. Let’s stick to the facts and make decisions based on those candidates that clearly support our belief systems.

You make statements of “fact” that really are left to ones own interpretation. BTW, I’m a veteran and mother of a 17 year old son who’s leaving for the Marines in two days and I still support McCain because it is what I believe in.

30 08 2008

Someone said that Sarah Palin could not help it if she had a Down syndrome baby. Somewhere along the line Sarah should have known or at least been advised by her doctor that having children late in life was a risky decision.

“The likelihood of Down syndrome continues to increase as a woman ages, so that by age 42, the chance is 1 in 60 that a pregnant woman will have a baby with Down syndrome”…..from the NIH National Institute of Child Health & Human Development

I don’t believe she deserves our sympathy for having a Down syndrome baby when it was her choice to make such a risky decision to create that baby. It was a selfish decision and shows her lack of judgment.

30 08 2008

Thanks for your thoughts, mudflats–here’s hoping they get wider circulation.

Claudia: Here’s a brief rundown on Sen. Obama’s accomplishments:

Obama’s Education: degree in International Relations from Columbia, graduated magna cum laude, voted Editor of the Harvard Law Review by his peers(and graduated magna cum laude there too) Professor Laurence Tribe, one of the nation’s foremost authorities on Constitutional law, declared Obama the greatest student he ever taught.

Obama managed: The Developing Communities Project, Project Vote(registered 150,000 new voters and won Illinois for Clinton in 1992)

Obama, Early Career: Lecturer and then law professor at the #7 ranked University of Chicago Law School(the UofC confirmed that title). Spent 8 years in the Illinois State Senate representing a district of roughly 200,000 people. Wrote and passed the first ethics reform bill in Illinois in 25 years. Passed a death penalty reform bill that, among other things, forced all police interrogations to be taped, the first law of its kind in the country. Passed a middle class tax cut. Gave healthcare to 150,000 Illinoisans.

Obama in the Senate: Obama was in the minority of his first two years, but that did not stop him from getting things done. He worked with Republican Tom Coburn to pass the Obama-Coburn Transparency Bill which sets up an online searchable database where every dollar of federal spending can be tracked and accounted for. Obama worked with Republican Dick Lugar on locking down loose nuclear weapons in the former Soviet Union. Once the Democrats retook the Senate, Obama passed the Obama-Feingold Ethics Bill which bars members of Congress from receiving gifts, meals, and corporate jet rides from lobbyists, and requires members of congress to disclose their lobbyist bundlers. Obama’s least known peace of legislation passed was his work with Sam Brownback to send millions of dollars in aid to war-torn Congo. As a member of the VA committee, Obama garnered more funding to VA hospitals around the country including Walter Reed. He helped pass the new GI bill.

That’s just in brief. By the way, most people refer to him as Obama–is there a reason you keep calling him “Barry”? It’s not a nickname he uses any more, and it strikes me as somewhat demeaning. No one’s going around calling Gov. Palin “Sarah.” I’m also confused by the reference to Michelle as “constantly complaining,”; I haven’t heard that in any of her speeches. Do you have, say, multiple quotes from the past four weeks to support this characterization?

Finally, if you’re concerned about Rev. Wright’s quote, I’m sure you’ll be equally concerned about John McCain applauding as a conservative choir sings “Why should God bless America? She’s forgotten he exists” at the values voter debate in ’07:

Right? Right? You’re equally offended by that, right?

30 08 2008
D. Edgren, the Provincial Idiot

“God Damn America!”

Just recalling a little bit of Senator Obama’s pastoral counseling…

…but I digress. Every time someone mentions Sarah Palin’s lack of experience as a disqualifier for the veep job, how many folks do you think are immediately thinking about Senator Obama’s equally sparse qualifications to be Commander-in-Chief?

Like I said, you’re screwed, lefties. You. Are. Screwed.

30 08 2008
McCain Supporter

Greg, you crack me up. You might want to go watch the video you linked us all to and think about why he might be clapping (I’m assuming he did since the video didn’t actually show us that). Perhaps out of professionalism and appreciation for the choir? Perhaps because he supported what they were singing about? Really makes me question the authenticity of the other information you posted. I’m going to assume since this is a debate that you embellished much of what you listed and you left out a few concerning items as well. Well done.

30 08 2008

D. Edgren – The Village Idiot:

See you’re still hard at it. What a hoser (eh) you are.

There you go with that screwed stuff again. The only person being screwed is your wife behind your back.

30 08 2008
Mad Skillz

The last post was classic. ROTFLMBO. Doogan, FTW!

30 08 2008

A question Ms. Palin should be asked: Does she believe the government should force a 18 year old rape victim to be taken to term?

30 08 2008
allen bean

Not only all that, but Ms Palin has had virtually no contact with
Jewish people in America. In fact, most Alaskans still use the term
“to jew someone down” as part of their every day vocabulary when
speaking about bargaining at the store….so I guess Ms Palin has a
huge storehouse of inherited antiSemitic fixations based not on hatred
but on ignornace. Ask her what she thinks of Jewish people someone? I
am sure he only knows about 3.

30 08 2008

Please visit a new SARAH PALIN fan and supporter website at:


It has a bio,photos,contact information and free Sarah Palin computer wallpaper.

30 08 2008
Lycanthropia » Blog Archive » Things Are Palin Alaska

[…] Alaskan blog Mudflats has a few local responses to the Veep choice. Most are […]

30 08 2008

I think I know why Palin was chosen – McCain did the dirty with her and she’s blackmailed him. I’d wager that the infant with Down’s Syndrome is their love child..

I kid. But seriously, you never know… I’m kidding… Sorta…

I think the real reason he chose her was to remind the electorate that Obama is inexperienced. Give people the option of chosing either an experienced nominee with a crappy veepee or a crappy nominee with an experienced veepee and you know who they’ll choose… The prettiest VP and the “guy they can have a beer with,” of course! Idiots.

Palins total lack of experience is the one thing that Obama/Biden will want to talk about but will be the one thing they can’t talk about.

I say well played, McCain. Of course, I could be wrong and McCain is just soft in the head and chose the VP based on gimmick and girly gametes.

Oh, the horror! The farce. I’m moving to France.

30 08 2008

Uhhh,yeah I loved all of Barry’s accomplishments laid out like that..
why is is we read over and over that he has never really done anything
except tell us that he is going to change the world..

Think small at first ?
“Citizens of the world” he said..
Uh no..dom’t thinks so.

And his bitter scowling wife who never was happy..remember the raising
the bar story ? And those nasty old loans they were still paying off ?
Or the keep beating poor Barry down story ?
And how about the job she held to keep all those poor folk from using the
emergency room where she worked ??
And guess who her friend was during this time ??
Good old David Axlerod..he kinda helped word some of the hospital’s
paperwork ??

And they did so well together that when Barry decided to run,hey David would be a good choice for the speeches..eh ??

They have really shut her up and told her to smile..
She is just like us..
except for I have always loved my country.
I didn’t need Barry to run.

31 08 2008
What Was McCain Thinking?? « Falling Into The Gap

[…] https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/08/29/local-reaction-to-the-palin-bombshell/ Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)One Short Thought on McCain’s VP pickMcCain’s Harriet MiersMcCain Makes a Girl His VP!Slate: The Road Ahead for Obama […]

31 08 2008
More Palin | meme patch

[…] writer quoted above is the semi-anonymous Alaska Muckracker of Mudflats blog home to a series of articles on Palin. […]

31 08 2008
Laura Fleming

If you look at the photos from the Megan McCain website and lighten them, any doubt that Brigid Palin is currently pregnant will evaporate.

31 08 2008
Laura Fleming

Ok, the child’s name is Bristol, not Brigid. I am trying to be accurate. I do not know the family. The photos taken on Friday last week by Ms. Megan McCain and posted on her http://www.mccainblogette.com/ show a pregant teenager.

I wrote the following yesterday, and attempted to post on Huffington, under a Jane Smiley story, “Make Her Whine.” Huffington Post deleted the posting.

Who’s baby is Trig Palin?

I have no problem with a mother covering for her daughter’s out-of-wedlock baby. That’s a noble and ancient undertaking. But it’s a tough stunt to pull off if either woman is in the public eye, and particularly if one of the pair is undertaking a bold and high profile campaign.

From the public record that I could find this morning, the facts seem to be that Trig Palin was born on April 18, 2008, at the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, Anchorage, Alaska. It was reported in the Anchorage Daily News, on 4/18/08 that Trig was born a month premature, and weighed in at 6 lb 2 oz.

I had to get my calculator out. It’s been a long time since I calculated gestation periods, expected due dates, etc. I remember touring a hospital before my son’s birth, and discovering that my three companions during that hospital tour had all been born “premature.” It often takes a child sometime into their adult life to realize that their parents had in some way been non-conforming with the natural legal progression of 1) marriage, 2) carriage, 3) baby.

So, why was there so much surprise about the arrival of Trig Palin on April 18, 2008?

According to Newsweek’s Karen Breslau, who has drafted an article to run this week, she interviewed Ms. Palin at the Women Leadership Event in Los Angeles, March, 2008. “I joked with her about being on McCain’s short list for vice president, and we had a good chuckle. We also talked about the challenges of running a government while also raising a large and young family. At the time, I didn’t know that Palin, clad in a loose, dark dress, was seven months pregnant with her fifth child. An aide called me the next day to tell me that Palin would be announcing the pregnancy at home in Alaska and that she had wanted me to know as a courtesy. She was sorry she hadn’t mentioned it the night before.”

When exactly in March was this conference? Early or late?

Also, there is an article set to run in People Magazine which states that the Palins had the results of the amniocentesis tests done last December, when Ms. Sarah Palin was 13 weeks pregnant.

So, a full term pregnancy is nine months. Generally speaking, that is 39 weeks. A week has 7 days in it.

Don’t laugh at me, but if Ms. Sarah Palin is a creatonist, she probably follows the “young earth theory,” which is that God created the Earth in 7 days, and that each day was 24 hours long, and further that the entire creation of this earth occurred 5,000 years ago. Time stands still.

So, let’s do some more fact checking about this pregnancy. And, frankly, part of the reason we need to pay attention, is that there is a claim being circulated that the child is not Ms. Sarah Palin’s son, but rather her daughter Bristol’s son. I don’t care one way or the other, but if I was Ms. Sarah Palin, I would want to put this story to rest immediately.

Gestation for human embryos is between 37 and 42 weeks. I will send this out to my OB/GYN friends for review, but it seems that the Palin family is playing a bit loose with gestational dates. A 6 lb 2 oz new born is close to full term. When did inception occur?

Sarah, I applaud your recent nomination to be the Republican Vice President candidate for the United States of America. At the same time, I pray that you are a straight shooter with your family, your community, and the voters. Our nation depends on your honesty. Today, and tomorrow.

31 08 2008

had to almost fall out of my chair when greg spouted off prof. laurence tribe’s name as the prof. that praised obama so greatly. look up his bio from sources that are not the ultra- liberal and you will find he does not come with a great history. very hateful i believe.

31 08 2008

Thanks, Greg, for your summary of Obama’s record. I’d like to add that Senator Obama has written– by himself, in his own words– two best-selling books, both of which were critically acclaimed. “Dreams From My Father,” published when Obama was 35 years old, reads like it was written by a professional writer and talks with incredible insight about how he came to terms with his personal identity. His second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” lays out the Constitutional and experiential roots of his political philosophy, addressing the big issues confronting Americans, including the role of religion in our public life, the damaging effects of divisive politics on our public discourse and legislative process, the need to rid our political system of influence-peddling, the role of the U.S. in the world, and the challenges of creating an economy that doesn’t displace ordinary working people.

These books complement Obama’s public service and his scholarship at some of America’s most outstanding and competitive academic institutions. They demonstrate Obama’s deep and consistent capacity for leadership, his critical thinking skills, his pragmatism,his respect for individuals, and his commitment to the American promise.

31 08 2008
sauer kraut

Claudia – no one in Obama’s circle calls him “Barry.” Why then must you?

Michelle Obama is not known to her friends or to those who know her as a “scowling wife.” Stories I hear are of her sense of humor and loyalty to friends and dedication to her children. Why must you bitterly paint her otherwise?

Face this, Claudia. The current issue is Sarah Palin and whether she’s even close to being qualified to be VP of the USofA. Perhaps you are comfortable with her paper-thin resume, but I have higher standards. How about you?

31 08 2008

Great site AKM. I have bookmarked it and recommended it to friends. I wish I could buy stock. I believe your little local blog is going to be very much in demand over the next couple of months.

Obviously, living in Florida I didn’t have any information on Sarah Palin. Based on what I have been able to find out over the last couple of days I don’t know whether this is another one of those sick McCain jokes or he needs to be committed. It is hard for me to decide which one is nuttier; McCain for selecting the PTA lady to possibly lead the free world, or someone who said 6 weeks ago they didn’t know what the Vice President does, accepting the position. It doesn’t say much for either ones judgment only their ambition.

What a great Republican ticket; ‘McNasty’ McCain and ‘The Barracuda’ Palin. I’m sure we’re giving the whole world a great deal of confidence in our system.

31 08 2008
Meah Bottoms

Great blog and appreciated by the lower 48. Things are exploding on the internet regarding Sarah Palin. Not sure it bodes well for the Repbulicans or Alaska. Will keep an eye on your assessments.

31 08 2008

D. Edgren

I do have to comment on the lunacy of D. Edgren’s note yesterday. The only way Democrats are ‘screwed’ (as DE so eloquently puts it) with McCain’s selection of Palin as a VP is if a large portion of the currently undecided voters:
– decide they never want to have reasonable health care for everyone
– want to continue to have our energy based on fossil fuels
– embrace the idea of an open ended commitment to Iraq
– think it is a fine idea to ‘bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran’
– like the idea of permanently giving tax breaks to the upper 1% of tax payers
– go back to coat hanger abortions – based on religious morality of course
– teach fairy tales as science
– continue the Bush/Cheney Neocon foreign policy until we have no allies

and that’s if McCain stays alive. If Palin should become President who knows. (Maybe a snowmobile in every garage and moose in every pot.)

31 08 2008

First: The marketing hat: Please take advantage of your hits–get some advertising revenue. These opportunities are few and far between.

Second: Thank you for your perspective, and let’s all hope that she either drops off the ticket, or sinks McCain to the depths, never to resurface again.

31 08 2008

I heard that Palin’s husband has a wondering eye, my friends daughter called her saying that someone she knows had been to parties with Pain in Alaska. Do not know if it is true – thought I would ask if anyone knew.

Is he going to stay home from his fishing business to raise the kids. I agree with Cynthia earlier – if you choice to have kids you had better be there to raise them not pretend they are going to be alright without out you or expect someone else to be there mother. A giving attention to 5 children takes (time) – does she have time to be VP and raise young children – this is what people have to ask themselves, whether you are a Dem or Rep – this is truly an indication of McCain’s inability to serve as President of one if not the most influential country in the world. Do I believe this women if need be can stand up to Putin – H—-no.

As a women her selection is an embarrassment, did the Rep pick her over Lieberman because there are not that many Jews as compared to Evanglical’s – as one said prior -McCain picked her out of trying to win the presidency by picking up votes based on religion – as a Christian – another embarrassment – not all Christians believe the world is 5000 years old etc.

31 08 2008
Mudflats: the real deal about Sarah Palin « Suz at Large

[…] there’s a hilarious list of reactions from Alaskans to the August […]

1 09 2008

D. Edgren’s comment about Democrats being screwed has an odd echo in the comments about the Palin mistake from Republican insiders.

The only difference is that GOP insiders are saying “WE (as in Republicans) ARE F*CKED”. As for why they are saying that, ask them, they’re your friends, not mine. Perhaps they know something you don’t. Actually, I’m sure they know a lot of things you don’t, but the relevant things they know and you don’t are about Sarah Palin.

It’s obvious that McCain reached out to Palin as a life preserver. It’s equally obvious that he got himself a boat anchor instead. Do please cling to “Insane” McCain / Sarah Palin as they sink without a trace in November.

Oh, and you are aware that calling McCain “Insane” is a charming idea generally credited to Karl Rove back when he was running W’s primary campaign. Well, you’re aware of this now.

1 09 2008

Love this blog. Have you all seen this?
Wonder if McCain knew this? I personally doubt it. I bet the daughter just told her Mom. This is getting very interesting.

1 09 2008
…MORE Sarah!!! Whew (check out these pics) « Suzie-Q

[…] She doesn’t seem to know anything on the economy, or global politics….Many Alaskans are scratching their collective heads in bewilderment…Yet John McCain’s Republican Vice Presidential running mate is SMOKING HOT (& […]

1 09 2008
sickened and terrified

porn leaning, people with no morals usually produce children that follow in their path. she has less morals than most prostitutes and less intelligence also, also check dna to see if her baby is mcvains or her pregnant , unwed 17 year old’s is mcvains? and that thing is going to provide respect and leadership for our country. she has the morals, evidently with her pot smoking (according to her she smokes) and her rise in politics is evidently just like a lot of other celebrities (movie stars, band members, etc, lots and lots of xperience in body pandering and sex) that all good women and mothers DO NOT promote and teach their daughters and sons. I would still be laughing, if it wasn’t such a horrific , terrible thing for her and mcvain to try to do to this country and countries around the world. i hate them both. they are both sick,sick, sick. obama/biden 08

1 09 2008

What’s with the Twilight Zone meme?

Christian Science Monitor have a very similar graphic as you do..


1 09 2008
Pale in Comparison « Forth and Back

[…] I’ll leave you with this quote from Alaska’s Republican State Senate President Lyda Green: “She’s not prepared to be governor…. […]

1 09 2008

I think Governor Palin is an excellent choice for VP and I would think most Alaskans would rally around her selection. For those that want to mock her selection, feel free to do so, but one only needs to look at VP selections of the past and conclude that she will do just fine.

As far as McCain, his experience speaks for itself as does Obama’s lack of experience. Instilling “hope” in people is a nice thing, but probably better left to those that stand behind a pulpit on Sundays. Once he loses maybe he’ll enter the Ministry…seems he has quite a few glassy eyed followers already.

Experience goes to McCain-Palin. I’ll be proudly voting for that ticket come November!

1 09 2008

As a staunch Republican I had planned on voting for McCain. However, with McCain’s selection of this bubble brained backbencher that’s changed. I’ll be pulling the lever for Barr in November.

How could McCain do something the stupid? It’s like he wants to lose.

1 09 2008
Voodoo Master

“How could McCain do something the stupid? It’s like he wants to lose.”

Well I think Gerry hit the nail right on the head. McCain *does* want to lose … that’s his evil plan! Remember when Bush beat him for the nomination back in 2000? Has everyone forgotten that already? Remember how disillusioned he was and how he seriously considered switching parties? No? Apparently nothing came out of that but that’s what you think. In actual fact, top-level Democratic operatives had secretly converted him to their party and planted him as a one-man sleeper cell in the Republican Party, watching and waiting till Bush’s terms ended. The plan, obviously, was to reinvent himself, ingratiate himself to his party and to his erstwhile rival Bush, so that he could get the Republican ticket. That done, he would systematically destroy his own candidacy so as to grant victory to the Democrats. Sarah Palin is only the first of his machinations my friends! Mark my words he will destroy the Republican candidacy. When all that is said and done, he will openly join the Democratic party as part of Obama’s cabinet! There he will get his last and greatest laugh!!

Sorry to say, the Republican party has been had. To bad, shoulda gone with the initial instincts and rejected McCain. We all knew he was trouble and yet we nominated him.

1 09 2008

The best thing I can see coming out of the Palin story are repeat episodes of ” Twin Peaks” and ” Northern Exposure ” that will surely be hitting the the airwaves and cyberspace any minute now.

2 09 2008

This has been a very entertaining and informative read. Far more exciting and amusing than any Aussie election. Will watch and read with interest.

2 09 2008
Scott Davis

This is a sad day…..what has our nation come to when you put an unknown indenpendance show girl on your ticket 😦

2 09 2008

Thank you so much for this blog!

I’m still shaking my head over this situation. And this republican line that she is more qualified than Obama, Biden & even McCain because she has so much “executive experience” is bull. Please wake me up and tell me this is a dream (or nightmare).

4 09 2008

1. Interesting that the pro-lifers, the pro-abortionists and the Christians are complaining about the American right to free choice in keeping a damaged child and equate that with the free choice and Right of all Americans to keep and bear arms (NRA). When German eliminated the right to keep arms, the Nazis came into power.

2. Interesting that the husband and father went moose hunting–comparable to Bill C’s pleasure hunting in the White House. –Gov. Palin didn’t kill the moose out of season any more than Hillary killed the Presidency when embarrased as her husband waffled before the Congress. A family member’s error doesn’t assign blame to any one else — except in the press it seems.

3. Interesting that the ignorant remain so about abuse being hidden for years before victims come forward to face public embarrassment and humiliation a second time. The bullies and antagonists made the embarrassment and humiliation impact the first time, then kept the victim “quiet” by threats if they did tell the truth. Agencies created to defend the defenseless who have members empathetic to the perpetrator should be not be excused. Hiding behind the law is what the Nazis did to excuse death camps. Seeking special investigations by a qualified third party to verify facts is “damage control”– a part of the judicial, legislative and executive balance of power.

4. Interesting that the size of a town is the criteria for experience for VP. Our Founding Fathers and recent former Presidents come from small farms, small towns, small families–not small mindedness. Hollywood, the press and folks who like the sound of their own voices believe themselves to be the all-knowing authority, probe no deeper than their own feelings and “provocative” stories, and then site them as truth using themselves as references. They claim to know facts that are kept hidden from public scrutiny while the investigation of issues continue. Military men and women in upper levels, Secret Service, CIA and FBI records, courts and investigators for our courts who seek the exact truth are not open books. Why? Because the press, the Lime-light seekers, and non-military trained blab out the location, numbers and weaknesses of our military during battle as if they were broadcasting a football game. They “befriend” the enemy by loose lipped, nonthinking reporting which tells the enemy just where to fire, kill, and maim. Gossip-mongers believe they are the ones who know the hearts, minds and records of those who are really doing the work and living through difficult times. Reports by the “all knowing” citing themselves and the sensationalistic press waste time and destroy the truth.
Wait, listen and watch…loose lips sink ships, reputations, and countries.

5. Interesting that nothing goes on in the State Capitol? That’s smacks of the same silly thinking that a woman at home does nothing everyday. Budget matters (small income or large), medical emergencies (1st aid triage for the doctor or the hospital), illnesses of minor or major proportions, deaths, family crises (i.e. divorces, anger, fighting, emotional traumas), schooling, educating herself for the family and helping with homework, volunteering for church, PTA, Scouts, not to mention laundry, cooking and cleaning are the “do nothings”. If a woman finds time and interest in keeping herself looking good on top of these activities more power to her. Maybe the complaining ones should try look at their own efforts at self-upkeep and improve instead of chewing up and spitting on someone who does.

6. Interesting that worries of re-runs on sticoms is surfacing. Perhaps that’s because the actors portrayed a partial bit of real life in the northern state (and some of the lower 48 too.) Perhaps partial truth is really that the truth of blogging, gossiping and “sharing of tasty stories” strikes too close to home.

6 09 2008
girdwood alaska

girdwood alaska…

Some weblog software programs, such as WordPress, Movable Type and Community Server, support automatic pingbacks where all the links…

6 09 2008
Carrie Ann

I remember Palin’s brutish behavior in Wasilla when I worked at the Loussac Library in the 1990s. We were all disgusted by her. I wish the former Librarian would speak up about her. I wonder about that. I think McCain may have a tiger by the tail and he could be pushed aside by her. Thanks for your work on Palin’s record. Keep up the good work. I will return again and again.
– former Alaska and Librarian

17 09 2008
5 10 2008
Rich in Michigan

When I first heard that a woman was chosen as McCain’s VP selection, I was delighted because no matter who won, we’d have some long overdue diversity in high office. No offense to white, Christian, straight, able men, but there are a lot of other people in this country. After I got to see Sarah Palin in the media, it didn’t take long or take much effort to see this was an inappropriate choice. I took a slight offense from the blogger who seems to think those of us in “the lower 48” are bamboozled by Mrs. Palin. We are not. This will be demonstrated in early November. We also know that there is a significant population of intellectuals in Alaska who are beside themselves with the thought that “the lower 48” will think Sarah Palin is a typical Alaskan. We know she’s not. We know about the beauty pagent, we know about Wasilla, we know her experience as Govenor. I’m confident we will be sending her back to her office in Juneau shortly. After that, we must stand together, Alaska and the other 49, and get things fixed.