Stapleton, This Town Ain’t Big Enough…

12 10 2008

A lonely tumbleweed blows down 4th Avenue in a little frontier town known as Anchorage.  The sun is cold, and yeller, and low in the sky.  A pair of bat-wing doors swings open.  A man in a white hat.   It’s the Marshall.  He’s cool and he’s tough, and he don’t take no guff from nobody.  The black hat waits outside, and in the street a crowd gathers.  They know what’s coming, and it ain’t gonna be pretty.  The Marshall has his prey in sight, and this town ain’t big enough for the both of them.  His eyes squint as he approaches the varmit.  There is no sound but the clink clink clink of spurs. Their eyes lock, as the crowd presses in. There’s fixin’ to be a fight.

Marshall (Representative) Les Gara doesn’t like how varmit (Palin mouthpiece) Meg Stapleton has been talking about some of the respected townsfolk, like (former Commissioner of Public Safety) Walt Monegan, (Rep.) Hollis French, (Independent Investigator) Steve Branchflower, and (Rep.) Bill Weilechowski. No, he doesn’t like it at all. *squint*

The dust blows…. He confronts Stapleton head on. He wants one thing, and one thing only. *spits tobacco* An apology…

Intermission. Get popcorn.

Stapleton, you no account sidewinder…you’ve crossed the good people of this town for the last time.  You got ’til sundown to get out.



443 responses

12 10 2008
Zim in Oz

ooo la la !

12 10 2008

This Halloween is going to produce some of the best political costumes EVER. Nothing is scarier than a big fat liar with a microphone. 🙂

Obama Halloween Pumpkin ideas

12 10 2008

she’s a piece of work and i’ve got a full career of pr in my trunk–
on to part 2

12 10 2008
Spoon Archer Hussein Palin

Maybe she can get a job with FOX noise.

12 10 2008

First 10 !!!!

12 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

top ten here

12 10 2008

Her loyalties are not to the state of alaska, that much is clear.
She’s way too personally involved in this stuff. Who pays her?
The state, right? She’s made a nice mess of this…

We need more Garas down here in Cali. He’s great, at least here (sorry I don’t know his record or reputation) in getting her more off onto her campaign spiel…this cookie’s performance here pretty much guarantees another level of a look at Gov Palin’s shenanigans. She’s not that smooth; she should have kept on walking when she saw Gara or managed to avoid this in front of cammies. Not that hard. She created more evidence.

12 10 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

THANK YOU, LES! I have been hungry for follow up questions for over a month, and my belly is now full. 🙂 This woman has spread enough lies about the good people of Alaska.

Were any of those cameras from the National news? Can we project this YouTube clip off of the moon, so everyone can see?

12 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Aren’t I lucky that I listened to it a few hours ago when it was just an mp3?

I shouted at her then to shut up. Several times.

12 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Guess that means “No”, she’s not apologizing for her shameful behavior.

12 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Have only seen part 1 and as a retired PR exec, I’ve gotta say this broad is having a major meltdown.

Earlier I suggested that after Palin is impeached, Monagan should run for governor. I don’t know beans about AK politics but a Gara/Monegan ticket might motivate me to move!

12 10 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

I’m glad this is on YouTube, now – I can stop sending all my friends to KTUU’s site and use a direct link, instead.

The Other Human and I have been wondering for weeks, now, what Meg is going to do for work after this campaign closes – will anyone up here trust her again? If the unscientific sampling of my conservative acquaintances holds, she’s alienating people who were willing to give the governor the benefit of the doubt.

12 10 2008

Thanks for this posting; she really is horrible!
Thank-you Les for being such a good guy; and strong advocate for the truth.

12 10 2008

To get the word out quickly and hope this goes viral takes everybody posting links to this on other blogs. “Harpoons” it’s called…with a neat understandable couple of sentences about why this important *to the lower 48*–AK and her army of muddies need to weigh in with some copy content ideas…tied to national “need to know” and for one thing it seems that *Obama* ops had nothing to do with nothing…branchflower is a repub…that’s what hit me…but I’m not in the swim of this as well as many of you all…

12 10 2008

What’s Meg’s background in terms of Palin–did Palin find and hire her? Has Meg been involved in govt/pr relations as a career? National experience? Cuz she’s in over her head.

12 10 2008

It is so scary how she gets in his space and comes off so…..rabid. Bravo Les! I would have punched her flat out if she stuck that finger in my face. He is a better person than I.

12 10 2008

ouch! 🙂

Les Gara, White Hat, Spur Wearing, Mudflat Hero (key theme from any Eastwood Western, preferably the one with whistling)

12 10 2008

make that “you’ve been crushed, Meg” whistling 😉

12 10 2008
Bluedog aka Bash Budweiser Palin Jr.

Wow. Meg Stapleton has bugged the heck out of me ever since she joined the Truthiness Squad, and this was a triple dose of unpleasantness. If there’s anyone more dislikeable in this whole mess than Palin, it’s Stapleton.

Watching those strangely mesmerizing yet repellent hand gestures, I wonder if she majored in drama, not journalism? I used to think she was just parroting whatever the McCainites fed her. Now I think she might believe her own crap. When Palin comes back, it will be The O’Callaghan and Stapleton Show that will keep reminding us of her sins in absentia.

I do wish we could see how this little encounter ended. Did she slink away or crawl back into the gutter?

Gotta love Les Gara. How thrilling to see someone finally talk back to one of these chumps.

12 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Slightly off-topic but illustrative of the damage McCain/Palin and the Repub’s are doing in the lower 48 — a new poll out tonight in North Dakota shows Obama ahead 45-43. Obama pulled his staff from ND several weeks ago, ND’s repub governor is the most popular in the nation (contrary to Palin’s claim), and ND’s congressional delegation is all Democratic. This same poll says 17% of the “strong Republicans” plan to vote … for Obama! WooHoo!!!

The only conclusion I can draw is that the good people of my home state have had it with the vitriol coming from the GOP. We’re smarter than they give us credit for.

One more news flash — Todd Palin is coming to the Fargo/Moorhead area on Friday. I’m so excited to actually have the opportunity to protest. My first one ever. Any suggestions for my sign??

It’s a great day here in Minnesota/North Dakota … take that you witch!

12 10 2008
Lock Pepper Palin

weird–i commented and it didn’t show…testing–

12 10 2008
Dust Chinstrap

We don’t need people like this involved in public service or elections in any way.
Unless we are trying to be the next exploitative dictatorship.

12 10 2008

Wow, Meg Stapleton…another example of the incompetent, feckless McCain campaign….yet another example of why the GOP is going go lose.

If I were an Alaskan, I’d be double boiling mad. As an American, I am livid….Can Walt Monegan sue Meg Stapleton for slander, libel or defamation of character?

Rep. Gara, you are my hero. (Perhaps a cabinet spot on the Obama team?) Thanks, AKM.

12 10 2008


The look on her face after, “he’s calling you a liar.”

12 10 2008

Les Gara rocks!!!! He was right to keep insisting on whether she would give an apology. Stapleton (this was my first glimpse of her) comes across as a very insincere person. I’ll call her a LIAR. She also needs help with grammatical sentence structure (much like Sarah Palin). Does everyone in Alaska talk like that? I’m guessing they do not as evidenced by your blog. I kept rewinding the video because I was trying to understand Stapleton when she said that “he differentiated with her”. Huh? This woman is a spokesperson?

12 10 2008

Meg is a straight face lying witch just like her close friend the wicked witch of the north west Palin!

12 10 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

@ LaNon – Meg Stapleton used to be a reporter for the local NBC affiliate (KTUU, THE news station for most of the people I know), then disappeared from public view briefly while she worked for the local telephone utility. Palin appointed Stapleton press secretary and Communications Director; when the McCain camp moved into town, Stapleton joined the Truthiness Squad.

I actually liked her a lot when she worked for KTUU. Of course, I had a high opinion of Dan Fagan when he was a news reporter, too. Meh.

12 10 2008

@ Taupe. “More news flash — Todd Palin is coming to the Fargo/Moorhead area on Friday. I’m so excited to actually have the opportunity to protest. My first one ever. Any suggestions for my sign??”

“Todd, where is your wedding ring? Enquiring minds want to know.”

12 10 2008

Meg used to be the local Alaska anchorwoman. She was the face of the evening news.

This is what makes her ten times more vile than you see her. People trusted her! When she started showing up on CNN as Palin’s spokeswoman, I thought she was appearing as an actual journalist! I’m sure I’m not alone in making this mistake.

Imagine if Katie Couric took a job as Obama’s spokeswoman, and the national news turned to Couric to ask questions about an Obama scandal? Most people would take her spin as the truth!

It’s beyond disgusting what Meg has done to her reputation AND to journalism. She should be deeply ashamed!

12 10 2008

Thanks Cindy–helps it fit together for me. She’s bad news. Hope some pundit sees here as some fresh meat to throw to the wolves and gets her live and on camera.

ATTN: news shows
We want to see this chick interviewed by someone in the eastern one (get it, NY) to broadcast to the lower 48 (49 if accuracy matters)!

12 10 2008

This lady is as “Craaaaaazy” as her boss. The “Truth Squad” does not appear to be capable of the Truth.

12 10 2008

You called him a a a Democrat !

(woman screams, a baby cries…)

12 10 2008
Hussein! Wesson Scalper Canuck for Choice

Meg Stapleton reminds me of Nicole Kidman’s character in “To Die For”.

My friends and I watching this video were so impressed by Les Gara, thanks AKM. LES GARA IS AWESOME. I love how he kept his cool and was polite.

On a side note (not relevant, but strange) is that I’ve never seen Meg Stapleton Palinbot before, except an image of her on a protest sign at an Alaskans for Truth rally on The Mudflats. When we watched this video, my friends exclaimed that I’m the spitting image of Meg Stapleton, a younger version of her. The resemblance is uncanny, I agree. Like how Tina Fey looks like SP, I look like Meg. Maybe I should change my Halloween costume idea and go as Meg Stapleton? I’m thinking post-it notes with some of SP’s lies stuck to me? I must consult Pastor Muthee to “make a way” for guidance on my Halloween costume decision.

12 10 2008

Taupe Armegeddon Palin,


12 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@LaNon (21:37:29) :

She came to AK to be a news anchor at KTUU from PA, where she was a reporter at an Allentown TV station. She left KTUU a few years ago and was SWWNBN’s press secretary for a while until she had a baby sometime in the past year or so (maybe just over a year ago). Then she went to work for a local phone company as a VP of something (OH, THAT’S why she’s qualified to speak for a VP candidate…). And then the JM/SWWNBN campaign hired her to be the spokesmouth for the “Truth Squad” or whatever it is they call themselves.

BTW, Spouse says it’s ironic that most organizations that have the word “truth” in their name have such a hard time practicing the speaking of it… (Alaskans for Truth CERTAINLY excepted!)…

12 10 2008

…and thanks to W_L and the rest to come!

12 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

I had only listened to a bit of it before because she’s incredibly annoying, but now I have more respect for Les Garas than ever. If I were in his place, I might have to have been physically restrained from biting off her finger–and I’m a pacifist. An angry pacifist, to be sure, but a pacifist, nonetheless. She’s foul.

12 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

I need a little history on this Meg person. Where did she come from? How did she get to stand in front of a podium with a McCain/Palin campaign sign and spew her trash about the legal, bipartisan investigation that the AK legislature was carrying out? What does she owe Sarah? What nasty karma has she earned for badmouthing so many people?

12 10 2008

From Pennsylvania to boot!

12 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

I think Meg is trying to measure up to the standards set by that paragon of Republican PR flacks, Nixon’s press secretary, Ron Zeigler

“One writer, Christopher Lasch, noted in ”The Culture of Narcissism”: ”Many commentators assumed Ziegler was groping for a euphemistic way of saying that he had lied. What he meant, however, was that his earlier statements were no longer believable. Not their falsity but their inability to command assent rendered them ‘inoperative.’ The question of whether they were true or not was beside the point.”


12 10 2008

read upwards pump bust…
good questions to be answered.

12 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Taupe Armageddon Palin–I don’t know what your sign should say, but make sure he doesn’t get a good long look at you or you might be next on his shit-list.

Actually, I like Dr. Chill’s idea. Call him a Democrat.

Or, question his secessionist connection (AIP). How about, “Your wife sleeps with a terrorist”?

12 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

@ Taupe. “More news flash — Todd Palin is coming to the Fargo/Moorhead area on Friday. I’m so excited to actually have the opportunity to protest. My first one ever. Any suggestions for my sign??”


“Welcome First Dud – Your Wife is Crud”

12 10 2008
Dust Chinstrap

oh and how come she keeps saying “this governor” and never says Palin’s name?
It was psycho politico speech of some sort.

12 10 2008

Send the Palins Home
Free Bristol
God wants Obama.

Baaaaddd. Sorry. Taupe will think of something classy yet pithy, I just know.

12 10 2008

OFF TOPIC: Re: Todd’s permanently missing wedding ring….What if Dr. Jill Biden didn’t have her wedding ring on? What would the GOP do? Hmmmm.

ON TOPIC: REP. GARA, you are the best!!!!

Meg Stapleton, I’m wondering where your next job will be….’cause your current job is ending….

Be gone before someone drops a house on you?

12 10 2008

Wondering_Lake, I guess that’s what happens to your image when you surround yourself with lying pple. They will influence you to lie and become just as bad as they are. Just like good kids who surround themselves with bullies or gangs who then influences them to become gun shooters, robbers, killers, etc.

12 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Hussein! Wesson Scalper Cannuck For Choice: Absolutely you should be Meg, but can you get the shrill, shrieky, strident tone down along with the emphatic-but-jerky finger jabbing? If so, then go for it!

12 10 2008

Does’t the legeslture still have jurisdiction over the Ethics Complaint, and dosen’t this behavior reinforce the need for them to act against this “Rogue” Governer?

12 10 2008

Beautiful. I’m stuck out in the Mojave for a couple weeks and short on news from home, and this absolutely made my day. “He’s calling me a liar…” why, yes, I believe he is. Fancy that.
Taupe Armageddon Palin wins the internet – a Gara/Monegan ticket! Yes!

12 10 2008
copybook realist


Things are getting testy up there! I love small towns!…there is so much drama.

Stepletons hand gestures remind me of SPs. Did they go to the same church, go to the same political lying 101 class? What is their connection. I have to say that she is a little cuter and less annoying then the SP

OT. This was posted on the previous thread and I thought that it was worth sharing to all of you night owls. I am taking a walk and then going prone.


Bec Hussein in Illinois (21:16:11) :

Oh my – I just found this when I was re-watching the Les Mis vid.

The 10 Types of Republicans

Apologies to the Repubs on Mudflats.

12 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

LaNon – thanks.

Still would like more info. Is Meg an Alaska native or a PA native? How long has she been in AK? Is she still the Governor’s spokesperson, on a state salary? Who is paying her to be so foul? How do Alaskans in general feel about what she said and did these past few weeks?

Believe she was born in Washington State, and has been in Alaska for 8 or 9 years. She’s working for the McCain campaign. The Alaskans I know feel completely betrayed and disgusted with her behavior. Posts higher in the thread from Alaskans corroborate this. She was a “trusted” news figure, and has sold her integrity to the national ticket. AKM

12 10 2008

@Taupe: Adaptations of a couple of my favorites from the anti-Palin rallies here–Palinocchios (PhotoShop morphed Sarah & Todd) and something like “If the Palins move to DC, Armageddon outta here!” Have fun!!

12 10 2008
Lock Pepper Palin

“Welcome First Dud – Your Wife is Crud”


12 10 2008

So doesn’t Meg have a conflict of interest herself if she represents both the governor and the candidate? This is a pretty dicey area– pesky little detail.

Like posted before, who pays her? Is she being paid by campaign and state? She’s getting the taste of money working two jobs?
She’s consulting to the campaign thru the Gov office job?
You get the drift here.

12 10 2008

The best part is that Meggy, as young as she is, is probably unemployable after this campaign. Palin won’t be able to use her in Alaska because she’s poisoned the well there, there won’t be a job in Washington because there will be damn few Republicans left there, no legit news room will have such a poisonous and ineffective person even reading the local news, and Fox will have enough unemployed RedRightRadical hacks to choose from that they won’t get deep enough into the castoff barrel to get to her.

Sorry, Meg. Join the middle class and hope for tax relief under President Obama!

12 10 2008

I see, pump bust, we are thinking in the same direction:

12 10 2008

Priceless !!!

12 10 2008

She’ll go back to corporate (phone other utility, oil); she’ll be ok with the gov connection in terms of getting a job. No tears over here.

12 10 2008
John Mashey

Again, this is the first (Presidential) YouTube Election, and some people obviously understand what that means, and some don’t.

We saw one of each on the last Presidential debate, and we see one of each in these videos.

12 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Given that she is the spokesperson for the Alaska office for the McCain-Palin ticket, I would surmise that McCain or the GOP is paying her way. I highly doubt it’s Palin. I wonder if she realizes that Palin will turn on her if/when it’s politically expedient.

12 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Ok – about to head to bed here but a theory came to mind ~~
a scary Scarah theory

We all know that Todd was furious that Wooten kept his job

We all know that Todd used Governors office and staff to “push Monegan” to fire Wooten

We know that Monegan let ppl know that “they” could be in trouble for pursuing this tactic (including Sarah)

At “some point” Sarah apparently told Todd to not talk about it anymore
right ?

Suppose he (Todd) didn’t stop talking,
couldn’t quit pursuing Monegan to get rid of Wooten –
(his personal mission to make Wooten’s life hell)

And Sarah – not having “control of Todd” – made the executive decision to reassign Monegan to get him out – because she could “control” that.

So the whole “reassignment” was relocate Monegan out of Todd’s cross-hairs

I know – it’s late and brain is on overload ……. Any thoughts ? Besides get the butt to bed ?

12 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Or your sign could read

“Palin suffers from Truth Decay”

12 10 2008

@ Taupe

“I’d rather eat lutefisk”

12 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. I’ll keep you posted on the Fargo-Moorhead protest. Granted it won’t be Anchorage-style huge but, hey, we’re a small town too.

Anyone have Gara’s email address? Please post if you do… he deserves thank you notes along with a push for the Gara/Monegan for Gov ticket!

Impeach Palin … Draft Gara…Draft Monegan!

12 10 2008

@John Mashey (22:10:49) wrote: “Again, this is the first (Presidential) YouTube Election, and some people obviously understand what that means, and some don’t. We saw one of each on the last Presidential debate, and we see one of each in these videos.”

Excellent point. They are using 20th century PR people (Ms. Meg) and it shows.

12 10 2008

Taupe Armageddon Palin (21:47:09) said ND polling showing Obama up slightly.

What’s your source for this info? Checked local paper web sites and didn’t find anything. Curious minds just have to know. Thanks!

12 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein (22:05:23) :

She moved to AK about 8 years ago or so. I know she came here directly from her TV job in PA but don’t know if that’s her birthstate. I believe this job is a campaign paid job, rather than the Gov’s office. She fed at that trough for just over a year or so as the Press Secretary (see my earlier comment). I think her husband owns some business there in Anchorage, so she’s not likely to be going anywhere any time soon, except maybe back to the phone company. My bet is she was angling for a D.C. job with SWWNBN, but I doubt that’s coming through any time soon!

12 10 2008

Posted in the old thread and here if you missed it

the World turns blue : Global Electorial College

nite nite all

12 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Here’s the e-mail address for the wonderful Rep. Les Gara:

12 10 2008

So, Gov is without press secretary now so the campaign handles this bit of state business? Big ethical problems in this stuff too.
This will be a bad week for Sarah and Meg and Todd.

12 10 2008

Meg should be stuffed with the monkey man.
I almost got sick just now. Had a mental image
of her, T!rd, and Scarah in a porno video threesome.

12 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

@ InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein (22:21:16) — thanks for the additional info. I think I’ll want to keep an eye on her career. It will be fun to do a “Where is ______ now?” in about 5 years.

12 10 2008

Wow…she does that hand stuff when she talks…just like Sarah!

12 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Source for the North Dakota news tonight that Obama has pulled ahead is the Fargo Forum. Note that a month ago it was McCain 53% – Obama 40%. McCain is down 10% and Obama is up 5% … gee, I wonder why?!

Go here:

12 10 2008

She is a witch and for her to say that she only is talking for the governor is BS!!
They don’t care at all that they have destroyed a man’s life. That is what is just terrible about the whole thing (among other issues). And Palin is nuts, absolutely nuts! How on earth did she get elected up there!?
If this Stapleton thinks her loyalty is going to be rewarded, she is crazy. Palin does not seem to care about stepping on people who have helped her in the past. I would guess both these women will be done in Alaskan politics and probably US politics by the time this is all over with. She has NO CLUE how she comes across, that is part of the problem………No clue whatsoever!

12 10 2008

aw, let the pretty gal have her say…ain’t nothin’ but a thin’ right?
you mudflatters will set that ther’ girl right…and bring justice to Alaska

12 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@LaNon (22:29:00) :

Oh no, no. SWWNBN has a current state-employeed press secretary, another former KTUU reporter. She has had at least a couple of them between when Meg left and when the most recent started (a good two months after accepting the job and worked for KTUU during those two months…).

12 10 2008

Another Conservative comes out for Obama.

This election has gotten so crazy, that many start thinking that all Republicans must be ignorant. Especially when people gush over Palin, and how her MILF factor makes her a good choice for VP.

But the fact is, the Hannity group forgot that not all Republicans are stupid. In fact, some very smart folks. They simply have different political views.

And it seems many are waking up from their stupor, and seeing the Emperor is stark nekkid.

Each time a Conservative comes out for Obama, an angel gets his wings.

Or is that when a bell rings??

Either way, gives me hope for mankind.

12 10 2008

I do like the sound of Gara/Monegan -gov & lt/gov ticket.

12 10 2008

Taupe Armageddon Palin (22:18:11) :

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. I’ll keep you posted on the Fargo-Moorhead protest. Granted it won’t be Anchorage-style huge but, hey, we’re a small town too. […]

This just makes me sick… I think Fargo is only about a 3 hour drive from here – a measly few hours and yet it could as well be on the moon. Taupe, if fate wasn’t what it is, you could count on adding one more face/voice/sign/dog.

It happens very rarely, but tonight I HATE BEING POOR.

12 10 2008

well, or the conservatives changing over know which side their bread is buttered on…rats on a sinking ship and all that.

thanks — very important indicators

12 10 2008
Jamie, a Floridian in France

@braveny – I looked at the Global Electoral College and it made me feel good – almost as good as today’s (13 Oct) US poll results. Thank you. As an absentee ballot voter (there are 3 of us here chez moi) living in France I know how much Europeans are waiting for Obama to be elected. Celebrity, as McCain would have it? No, a smart, honest, diplomatic and charismatic man that would make Europeans heave a collective sigh of relief!

When does Monegan file his lawsuit suing Palin for harassment?

12 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Interesting site – lots of good articles on it.

12 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Interesting site – lots of good articles.

12 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin
12 10 2008

just to be fair here folks…one of your outta-bounders landed in our yard so I think we should be served a decent ball…send us Monegan for TSA admin at least…someone sane to help w/homeland security…
you all are the greastest and hats off to Gara too…may-be WH Press…

12 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Sarah”s Body Language Scary

“Sarah Palin belts out her deceptions and distractions with a radiant confidence we usually only see in sociopaths and infomercial pitch-persons. The last public figure we saw who could grin and lie with that kind of sunny confidence was O. J. Simpson. “

12 10 2008

@ bigslick
the difference between O.J and S.P.?…lipstick
you’re great…too funny

12 10 2008
mwlf ~Drink HHPal

I have asked this before, but haven’t found an answer. Has anyone revviewed at least the first video on this page (could skip to the middle if you don’t want to do the half hour!)
There has been talk of the ‘October surprise’ and I just wonder if this is it, and if you are taking it seriously? Is there a lawyer in the house?

12 10 2008
mwlf ~Drink HHPal (forgot to include this in last post).

12 10 2008

Thank you, Rep. Gara, for confronting this narcissistic/evil woman. Sarah Palin and Meg Stapleton both are in denial and are pathological liars. They complement each other well. Palin lies and Stapleton spins Palin’s lies. As the Legislative Council report states that “Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides”, so it’s incomprehensible how anyone with the right mind could keep denying and spin the truth in this manner. According to CNN, Ms. Stapleton called the investigation “a partisan-led inquiry”, but how could she say that, especially when the Legislative Council was made up of 14 members, dominated by 10 Republicans (from her own party) and 4 Democrats?

12 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

mwlf ~Drink HHPal (23:04:35) : (forgot to include this in last post).

No, not taking it remotely seriously.

12 10 2008

Aw shucks, why didn’t one of you cowboys or cowgirls tell me to pour myself a sarsaparilla before I sat down to watch the moving picture shows? It would have made for a much more enjoyable evening out here on the prairie.

My hat is off to Marshall Les Gara. He’s a fine man and I’m glad he put the schoolmarm in her place. Yeehaw!

12 10 2008

Taupe Armageddon Palin (22:36:56)

Thanks for the link to the ND poll. Yippee!

12 10 2008

@ mwlf
not sure what video but in Sept. 2001 of course we had the attacks…in Oct of 2004 we had a recording from Osama that created so much fear that we decided we needed to keep our current party in place…now another Oct surprise could be anything that anyone decides is relevent to our current circumstances.
Given our domestic/financial “crises” unless Osama’s head was delivered to Bush I can’t think of any pressing issue that MAY catch me off gurd.
Unless the news is that Obama fathered a black child…and McCain adopted an Indian child…who knows 🙂
Just keep checking on who owns your mortgage and what your bank”s standing is with the Feds.

12 10 2008

@ Janet
welll now missey…sit yerself down right ther’ and have yerself a gander…ther’s a might heap of sasprilla to go around! Don’t ya fret none now, ya her’?

12 10 2008

This is about the 50th time I’ve watched these videos, and I love them every time. 🙂

12 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

pj (23:17:00) :

“unless Osama’s head was delivered to Bush”

I bet they are praying for that right now…… “Lord make a way, Lord make a way …..” 😀

12 10 2008

@ Blue
only long-suffering patience could give you such joy after 50 viewings…you are the envy of many. I woulda shot the b………well, go figure !
I’m cranky and I don’t even live in AK, but I pray fer ya ever’ day, by golly

12 10 2008

@ Aussie
on bended knees
damned fools, don’t know whats good for ’em 🙂

12 10 2008
Anne P

thank you for posting this. It’s really sad that the lust for power will turn people who probably were of character and integrity into sock puppets for Palin. Meg Stapleton, you have lost all credibility by hanging with the DARK SIDE.

12 10 2008
Lana, KY




12 10 2008

@ Anne P
perhaps the “dark side” held more reward…but i agree it is sad

12 10 2008

@ Lana
I’ll take yer drink an’ raise ya a shot 🙂

12 10 2008
Anne P

PJ: By “dark side” I meant the McCain Campaign Machine. They’ve trained her well.

12 10 2008
Bella the Bunny Girl

I have asked this before, but haven’t found an answer. Has anyone revviewed at least the first video on this page (could skip to the middle if you don’t want to do the half hour!)


Can’t watch videos right now, but don’t need to – any time you see the word “Illuminati” on a page like that, you know you’re dealing with tinfoil beanie conspiracy nuts. One step away from “Obama is a space alien sent to conquer Earth” believers.

12 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein


I hope you didn’t miss this

Obama, like FDR, a good fit for Kentucky

12 10 2008
Lana, KY




12 10 2008

@ Anne P
I knew…and they do hold more reward for Miss Sarah’s soul…she sold Alaska for their words of praise! And that is sad for anyone to have reached such depths…
But she ain’t buyin’ the USA!

12 10 2008

Wow.. Les Gara rocks. How calm was he! 😉

And yes Meg Stapleton, WE are calling you a liar. Not just Les. A lot of people are.

12 10 2008

@ Lana
unlike palin I don’t come cheap…got any water? 🙂

13 10 2008
Lana, KY

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (23:47:51) :


13 10 2008

Check this out from Newsweek today. The Personnel Board that Palin wanted to convene to handle this? They hired a spitfire Democrat lawyer to investigate for them! Sounds as if we may have two reports? (See quote fom Newsweek below)

BTW, Les Gara! What a mensch! Stapleton…unreal! Repeats the same exact lines just like her boss-‘bot. Can’t they figure out a way to give these ladies more than one way to express their spin?

McCain campaign spokeswoman Meg Stapleton dismissed the report as the product of “a partisan-led inquiry run by Obama supporters.” But there could be more land mines ahead. Some weeks ago, the McCain team devised a plan to have Palin file an ethics complaint against herself with the State Personnel Board, arguing that it alone was capable of conducting a fair, nonpartisan inquiry into whether she fired Monegan because he refused to fire Wooten, who had been involved in a messy custody battle with her sister. Some

Democrats ridiculed the move, noting that the personnel board answered to Palin. But the board ended up hiring an aggressive Anchorage trial lawyer, Timothy Petumenos, as an independent counsel. McCain aides were chagrined to discover that Petumenos was a Democrat who had contributed to Palin’s 2006 opponent for governor, Tony Knowles. Palin is now scheduled to be questioned next week, and the counsel’s report could be released soon after. “We took a gamble when we went to the personnel board,” said a McCain aide who asked not to be identified discussing strategy. While the McCain camp still insists Palin “has nothing to hide,” it acknowledges a critical finding by Petumenos would be even harder to dismiss.

13 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Les = Good guy.
Meg = Bad Gal.

13 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

The Guardian covers Palin’s problems ..

This all goes to McCain’s failings. Not vetting her. Pay backs are hell.

13 10 2008
Bluedog aka Bash Budweiser Palin Jr.

Earlier someone mentioned the man who walked up and offered his services as a translator when he said something like, “I think he’s calling you a liar.”

I believe that was Michael Carey, former editorial page writer for the ADN and now a columnist and political commentator. Anyone else know for sure?

I was wondering when this was shot…I presume Friday after the report was released, but maybe I missed something obvious?

13 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but,…isn’t one of SP’s claims of “experience” the notion that she is commander-in-chief of the Alaska National Guard?

Then, she’ s pretty lousy at it.

A report by a nonpartisan veterans group is slamming the ongoing deployments of the Alaska National Guard to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Washington, D.C.-based Veterans For America released the report after a weeklong trip to Alaska.

The report says the Guard was deployed without the proper programs in place to care for returning troops. It primarily blames “inadequate leadership.”

It notes that guardsmen in major cities have limited access to Veterans Affairs benefits. It also says about one-quarter live in rural areas and must spend more than $1,000 to travel to Anchorage.

“The families of Guard deployed from rural Alaska were hit very hard,” the report states. “For instance, those on public assistance lost their food stamps and Medicare eligibility when their husbands were deployed because their household income temporarily increased.”

Let’s see Meg call these guys liars, too.

13 10 2008

Gotta’ hand it to Meg, she done Sarah proud. Evasive and redundant. They’re soul sisters.

I like Vlad’s idea for a sign: Sarah suffers from Truth Decay. (I bet 4/5 dentists surveyed would agree. So would 4/5 lawyers.)

Sadly for me, I can’t fall asleep and it’s 4:53 in NYC. Guess what I have the “treat” of watching? CNN’s bio on Sarah. I don’t know why the extent of her nastiness still surprises and enrages me, but it does.

13 10 2008

Plese don’t give this your time…
Now pls don’t misunderstand…I’m voting Obama/Biden and I am NOT a veteran. I am the grandaughter, daughter, sister and wife of veterans; Mom was a navy nurse, Dad army (both Korean vets), brother ‘peace-time” vet, husband decorated combat ‘Nam vet…this isn’t right.
I did not read the article completely, the first few lines were enough for me. NOBOBY should have the right to judge a veteran unless we were there…and I understand the veteran being interviewed was there, but I (we) were not!
If you question McCain’s support of veterans go to Iraq Afganistan Veterans of America’s website…they grade all congressional members. (He got a D). Judge him on anything; but not this story…unless you were there and actually know!
Iraq/Afiganistan cannot be likened to “Nam; but still no soldier’s committment to duty should be casually tossed out for civilians to judge. Please!

13 10 2008

Hell, I got a better one for ya…I think Palin’s rubbing off on the old dude…check it out

13 10 2008
UK lady turning turtle Palinps

Haven’t read anybody yet, just got up, but look at these 2 young women from Alaska, very impressive – should be govs.

13 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin


How about “DUD/AIP
Palin’ around
with secessionists”

13 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

@UK Lady
Good video!

13 10 2008
From England aka Spoon Archer Palin

Brilliant! That was a great way to begin my week:)

Let’s see how the findings will be reflected in the polls…also look forward to the findings of the other troopergate commission.

Thanks AKM

13 10 2008
UK lady turning turtle Palinps

thanks Irish – ps I’m half Irish.

13 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Oddly enough, if this was happening in the lower ’48, well, it wouldn’t be happening,…that’s all. There would be no spin machine taking over offices or allowing other people to answer for a candidate who is clearly lying!
O’Callaghan would not have taken over a State Dept. of Law, nor would any AG have counseled citizens to ignore a subpoena.
Because they’d all be chastised, and those who could be recalled,…would be.

I believe the difference lies in there being no contiguous states to have cross/inter-state verifiability.Nobody is next-door (except Canada) to say what is and is not going on. No one is on the outlying rural areas with enough clout to tell it like it is and take these losers on.
I am so glad the Veterans have spoken up.
It’s on CBS, now. And while the State may claim that the allegations are unfounded, the proof is already out there.
The complaint has been made. She has a new answer to spin.
Palin’s ONLY executive experience is a failure. Her previous experience, that of managing those 5,500 Wasilla citizens was too much for her, and she had to hire an administrator, which one would assume then, that she is not capable of running a high school.
She claims to have delegated so much responsibility in the Governor position, and it appears she did,..since she couldn’t even handle the National Guard properly. (Maybe that was one of Todd’s jobs)
It’s about time somebody stopped her free ride.

Thank you, veterans!

13 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Well, you have to admit Meg has a breezy personality – the air blows in one ear and right out the other. There’s nothing in-between to stop it.

13 10 2008
Hussein! Wesson Scalper Canuck for Choice

Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, was a member of AIP, who promoted Alaska separating from the USA. Doesn’t that make Todd a terrorist?

Todd Palin – it’s about time that the Obama campaign digs some dirt up about Todd Palin and his long time membership in the Alaskan Independence Party.

So much more of a “smoking gun” than Obama’s so -called “suspicious” affiliations.

What’s going on with the US media? When the Village Voice breaks a story but no other news outlets publish it – wtf? Are they all under a gag order or what?

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

OK, lawyer dudes – saddle up!

“On Monday, Obama’s communications shop is expected to go on the offense on issues of voter protection after a week in which Republicans cried foul about registration efforts in various states and painted the community organizing group ACORN as a criminal enterprise.
Obama aides will attack Republicans over efforts to disenfranchise voters in several states, and announce a voter protection campaign involving hundreds of volunteer lawyers around the country.”

13 10 2008
JK Copper Catfish Hussein RefusetobePalin

This is off topic and probably someone has linked to it already – but Andrew Sullivan’s article in the Times (London) is worth a read. He compares Obama and McCain to the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote and I think that’s a perfect metaphor! I can almost see Obama giving a little “Meep, meep” as McCain crashes into yet another wall painted to look like a tunnel…

13 10 2008

OMG! What a twit!! I am speechless! I have erased many comments but i cannot believe this “goof-ball” represents the possible (!!!) next president of the US!

Sorry,” twit” is still the word…sheesh…………

13 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Will wonders never cease! WAPO has an editorial today that calls Palin on her spinning. The MSM is finally reading and now reacting.

Alaska’s Family Feud Meddlesome Sarah Palin does not come off well..

13 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Palin

I caught that “differentiated” line, too, and was just astounded
But then, like, ya know, they were just conversatin’ and all, ya betcha…wink!

And who is it from South Carolina that’s been in on the “Alaska invasion”? I really would like to know that, so I can spread the word around in SC.
I would have guessed that it was someone on Palin’s side (like Tucker Eskew) not somebody on the side of getting the report out…???????

13 10 2008

Another Alice-in-Wonderland happening.
Is there something in the water up there?

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@ Hick

Thanks for that, I will read it right away.

Hope you are well and re-cuped.

13 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Has this been posted?

What the heck?

Not only is she not qualified, but she isn’t even capable of becoming so!

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@JK Copper Catfish Hussein RefusetobePalin (02:08:40) :

I can almost see Obama giving a little “Meep, meep” as McCain crashes into yet another wall painted to look like a tunnel…


13 10 2008
Zim in Oz


Struggling McCain debuts comeback speech

Viva Obama/Biden

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

If stealing Obama election signs was a sport, Republican operatives would certainly be in a league all by themselves, but it would still only be a Bush league.

The total number of signs now missing from front yards around Lancaster County shows a concerted effort on the part of some dishonorable campaign strategists (insert your own laughter here) to somehow influence the independent drive-by electorate to vote for their Joe Sixpack maverick.

There really isn’t a true relationship between willingness to purloin an opponent’s signs and influencing the election in your favor. But I empathize with your obvious exasperation; desperation is not a desirable atmosphere in which to make any decision. When it’s all you’ve got, it makes you a little crazy, doesn’t it?

At stealing signs, you win. At stealing this election this time, you lose.

Amanda Kemp, Lancaster

13 10 2008
mizkay spackle camshaft

jess (22:18:05) : lutefisk!
Still laughing about that one…

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The miners aren’t for forgetting ….

KENOVA, W.Va. — Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin made a pit stop in West Virginia en route to battleground Ohio, riling up some of Democrat Barack Obama’s Mountain State supporters in the process.

The Alaska governor and family members spent about 25 minutes at Tri-State Airport in Kenova after arriving Sunday. She made no remarks before her campaign motorcade headed into Ohio.

About a dozen supporters greeted Palin as she left the aircraft holding her infant son, Trig. A small group of protesters also was on hand.

Palin’s stop in West Virginia, her first since becoming John McCain’s running mate, spurred several impromptu weekend Obama rallies. One drew about 100 people Sunday outside the United Mine Workers’ Charleston district office.

KENOVA, W.Va. — Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin made a pit stop in West Virginia en route to battleground Ohio, riling up some of Democrat Barack Obama’s Mountain State supporters in the process.

The Alaska governor and family members spent about 25 minutes at Tri-State Airport in Kenova after arriving Sunday. She made no remarks before her campaign motorcade headed into Ohio.

About a dozen supporters greeted Palin as she left the aircraft holding her infant son, Trig. A small group of protesters also was on hand.

Palin’s stop in West Virginia, her first since becoming John McCain’s running mate, spurred several impromptu weekend Obama rallies. One drew about 100 people Sunday outside the United Mine Workers’ Charleston district office.

13 10 2008

I HATE Palin and her bunch, but Stapleton won this one. She had Gara absolutely SPEECHLESS toward the end of the 2nd video.

As she effectively conveyed, criticizing someone’s performance in a partricular element is not a blanket condemnation of the person. This “you owe him an apology” is a red herring, and Gara knows it.

Too much grandstanding and mugging for the camera on Gara’s part.

I just lost a lot of respect for him.

13 10 2008

An additional thought: Someone can serve in the military with distinction and still be incompetent and/or an a-hole. Just look at McCain.

13 10 2008
Olay Biscuit Barrel Icky Patang Palin

“What’s going on with the US media? When the Village Voice breaks a story but no other news outlets publish it – wtf? Are they all under a gag order or what?”

The US Media is like watching a 6 year old soccer match. No strategy, no focus, just run around the field chasing the ball. Not so much concerned with getting the story right, but the story RIGHT NOW.

Les, is more!

13 10 2008
Olay Biscuit Barrel Icky Patang Palin

FWIW this wouldn’t fly in NY. We’ve had our share of political vendettas come to abrupt ends.

Eliot Spitzer ring a bell Ms. Stapleton?

Gray Davis ring a bell Ms. Stapleton?

Sarah is next. She’s Turmminayted!

pathetic little flack is gonna need her own flak jacket.

13 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (02:34:56) : Thanks …. sleeping most of the day cured me. The poor cat (Chuck) was wasted also. We were so lucky that the mile long cloud turned before it got to us. I haven’t heard anything about pets being hurt. Lots of people leave the animals outside here in the sticks.

On another note NYT finally published an article about the cess pool who started all the trash talk about Obama. . What they haven’t done is REALLY deal with the propaganda arm of the Republican Party – Faux News. Faux uses their air waves (promoted by McCain as head of the Telecommunications Committee) to spew this crap and the MSM for the most part turns their head.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Olay Biscuit Barrel Icky Patang Palin (03:22:25) :

The US Media is like watching a 6 year old soccer match. No strategy, no focus, just run around the field chasing the ball. Not so much concerned with getting the story right, but the story RIGHT NOW.


Sometimes you have to wonder why they bother paying reporters, when all the newspapers seem to do is slavishly print press releases and what they get from the wires. We saw that just yesterday, when the ADN reported only 200 people at the Juneau rally – after the organisers counted 300 and suggested there were up to 100 more – and every single newspaper that picked up the story reported 200.

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Bring me up to speed, folks, please.

I’ve not seen the First Dude lately. Is he back in Alaska? Voluntarily or did the campaign send him back there?

13 10 2008
White Agate

Andrew Halcro’s blog has some good analysis:

There’s a lot of good info in this post, but here’s what I found important:

‘The real story…

The pursuit of Wooten wasn’t about a fear for the safety of the first family, it was an attempt to get him fired so he couldn’t pay spousal support and Sarah’s sister (Molly) would get custody of the children.

During the custody battle, Molly had asked for 55/45 custody and Mike asked for 50/50. Judge Suddock ruled that Molly was under employed and he didn’t see the fairness in making Mike pay for Molly’s refusal to work a full time job.

According to Branchflower’s report, Judge Suddock was forced to comment on the ongoing situation where the Palins were trying to get Wooten fired.

He went on to say that the Palins relentless attacks on Wooten should cease and they should remember Aesop’s fable about slaying the golden goose. “For whatever reason, people are trying to slay the golden goose here and it tends to diminish his earning capacity.”

At the end of the day, Judge Sudduck granted 50/50 custody much to the displeasure of Molly.

We know that both Governor Palin and Todd had an obsession with getting Wooten fired to get even while benefiting her sister. This wasn’t about an effort based on concerns for their own safety or the safety of their family, that much we know for sure now.’

They had also interviewed Monegan’s replacement, Kopp, before the firing and mentioned Wooten during that process. Kopp was hired in short order.

So it comes down to getting someone fired so their job prospects would be diminished or ended and therefore that would change the balance in the custody battle.

What were the ‘policy and budgetary differences’ with Monegan that Meg Stapleton kept mentioning? Did anyone ever list those or what was the statement when Monegan was fired? And maybe this was covered before but how was Monegan going behind the governor’s back?

Is there a timeline somewhere of all of these actions?

The whole report will not be released because much of it is confiential personnel material…I wish we could see it, though. Think how much better a report it would be if all of the involved people had testified or given statements. Will Branchflower re-release when all of those folks who agreed to testify last week actually do?

As for out-of-state staff, what about all of the McCain folks from Liberty University (Texas)?

Les Gara’s backbone was on full display…awesome.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Hick, I read the story about the psychopath who started the false stories about Obama, and immediately thought I would send it to someone who is having “trouble” deciding how to vote (already I’ve had to deal with two different Republican trash emails that she received, so I figure she probably has received the “Obama is a Muslim terrorist” one too) ……. but I doubt she has the capacity to understand the article ……

My only consolation is that she lives in CA.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Susie in Jersey (03:47:44) :

First Dud is on a national tour of snowmobile and grass drag events.

MN today, then ND

He is not making speeches, tho. One of the reasons could be this quote from his appeance in Maine …… “They’re doing low taxes.” Possibly he was referring to the Replicans’ economic policy?


13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@White Agate (03:49:46) :

My favourite story from the campaign of persecution against Wooten is the time Sarah rang Molly’s house and there was an argument going on.

According to Sarah’s evidence, she rushed to the house and looked in the window and saw Wooten “waving his arms about”. She thinks, “Oh, he’s gonna blow!” ……. but what did she do???

She went to a meeting. 😀

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Thanks, Aussie Puck Mule Hussein.

I see he’s continuing to destroy our environment while on the campaign trail. Could one expect anything less?

13 10 2008
Zim in Oz

I still wander into African news sites from time to time.

I thought you might like this take from SAfrica. It is IOL which is international so the story is probably sindicated …but still…

Palin is a joke

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein
13 10 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Just who ARE these people? Stapleton has no loyalties to the great state of Alaska. She is a Palin clone: “What’s in it for me? What can I grab for my advantage so I can continue an ascent on the National Stage??”

AKM, I hope on the morning of November 5th after the red, white and blue confetti has rained down on future President Barack Obama, these people wake up from their self-induced selfish slumber. They will hope it was just a bad dream that they abandoned their colleagues for their self-interest. They will shudder to think what might come next for their personal ambition agendas. They are going to give it that good college try to snap back to the good old days with their colleagues. . . their “friends.”

And I hope the great people of Alaska reminds them it was not a dream and now it’s payback time.

13 10 2008
Zim in Oz

…and also from SAfrica… I think this is funny

13 10 2008

DR (04:07:07) :

DR (04:00:17) :

I have a question for all you GREAT Alaskans.


It really doesn’t matter what type of law suit it is or who files it. What does matter is that there be a current law suit (maybe even 2) hanging over the head of the candidate for V.P. of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The implications of that on the campaign would, I believe, be very significant. I can’t even imagine ANY voter in America possibly voting for a candidate who is under the cloud of litigation that could result in impeachment, a large civil penality, or even further criminal charges.

If I was an Alaskan, I’d be at the courthouse at 9 AM on Tuesday morning (that’s only because Monday is Columbus Day) filing as many law suits as I possibly could. COME ON FOLKS!!!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!

Besides, it will be most interesting to see how Sen. McCain, the McCain campaign, the RNC, and the Conserative Base of the party reacts to their V.P. candidate having been charged with serious crimes in a court of law. Especially 3 weeks before election day.

Is there anyone reading this who is going to take the ball and run with it????? This is a one in a lifetime opportunity to settle this matter once and for ALL.

PLEASE, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

13 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

anyone else notice that these Alaskans speak properly?

No dropping g’s, no gosh and golly…. Hmmmmm

13 10 2008
Ohio Sue

OMG. There’s video! I also listened to this with just an audio feed. Now there’s pictures, too!! And it’s even worse.

By the way, all, please take a look at The Page in Time Magazine link here:

Tell me the picture of Obama was not intended to look like he had a halo (it’s actually a blurry State flag). I either have to make my way to the Tinfoil Hats Truth Squad Thread in the Mudflats Forum or someone really did put that particular picture in on purpose.

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

RE: Levi speaks

So now they are going to get married “next summer?”

13 10 2008
Zim in Oz

About Levi….
>>>> He’s bagged bears, sheep, elk, and caribou.>>>>


Huh ?

Dall sheep. They are kind of like the big horn sheep in the Lower 48. AKM

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Susie, I read about the summer wedding some weeks ago.

It certainly made me wonder. 😉

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Zim in Oz (04:12:29) :

Monster feral sheep? 😀

13 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (04:14:14) :
>>>Monster feral sheep? >>>

LOL ! LOL ! I can picture it….Repub sheep 🙂

13 10 2008
Search the Web on

@Ohio Sue (04:09:25) :

I’ve noticed lately that circular ‘frames’ are very, very popular with photographers these days. However, I bet the photog didn’t think it would turn out that well. 😉

Speaking of which, just tonight I saw on youtube the fuss about SP’s pic on the cover of Newsweek …… that Repub woman going spare saying it was “mortifying” ….. and I had to wonder who the heck would have noticed or cared about the mangy old pic if the Repubs hadn’t seen an opportunity to slam the elite liberal media …… would anyone ever had known about her unwanted facial hair, open pores and caked foundation? Bleuch! 😀

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

the above post was from me – who stole my name????

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Zim in Oz (04:16:57) :

Maybe they were ‘Kiwi’ sheep? 😉 😉 😉

13 10 2008
13 10 2008
disenchanted tore

G’Morning fellow Muddies! I actually got a good night’s sleep- Tylenol PM will usually do that for ya.

Catching up on the overnight, I was tickled by the sign suggestion from Vlad- *Sarah Suffers from Truth Decay*. PERFECT!! 🙂

Levi- I truly wish him (and Bristol) well. Hey, who needs a stoopid diploma when you can step into an electrical apprentice job with the oil company? Love his reference to getting married *with or without the kid*, just tugged at my romantic heartstrings.

I listened to the audio showdown last night. I agree with whoever mentioned Sarah’s clone. Meg must have been promised the moon. Two pitbulls in town? WITH lipstick?? Les needs to thin out the vermin population for sure. My (white) hat off to you, Mr. Gara. Don’t back down.

In the midst of all of this, I’m lost as to Walt Monegan’s employment status. Is he working anywhere? Seems like such a loss of talent in a field where there needs to be more people with integrity.

13 10 2008
Ohio Sue

@Aussie (as “Search the Web on”)

I know!! Poor, poor, poor, Sarah. Everyone is out to get her.

13 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (04:23:51) :
>>>Maybe they were ‘Kiwi’ sheep? 😉 >>>

Ahhhh…poor Kiwis….I love NZ and those Kiwis ( LOL )…they play really good Rugby Union.

…Hope they weren’t Kiwi sheep…maybe Russian (do they have sheep ?)

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Palin around with traitors

Strike 1

13 10 2008
Zim in Oz

…I have to know…

Are there wild sheep in Alaska ?

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@disenchanted tore (04:30:23) :

Thanks for the hint re MSD (Mudflats Sleeping Disorder) 😉

Walt Monegan came out of retirement to work for SWWNBN. I hope he has a chance to enjoy life now.

13 10 2008

@ Dust Chinstrap (22:01:56) :oh and how come she keeps saying “this governor” and never says Palin’s name?
Same reason Clinton said “that woman” instead of Ms. Lewinsky (as in “I did not have sex with that woman”) When people wnat to distance themselves from something, or minimize it’s importance, because of lying, guilt, betrayal, etc., they oftentimes refer to the person with a pronoun. (May also be the reason McCain has had a hard time being cordial to Obama.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Zim in Oz (04:43:39) :

…I have to know…

Are there wild sheep in Alaska ?


Apparently so – thinhorn sheep in Alaska and Canada. Kinda takes the fun out of it, though.

13 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (04:47:04) :
Apparently so – thinhorn sheep in Alaska and Canada. Kinda takes the fun out of it, though.>>>

Thanks 🙂 just had to know….;-)

Bed time in Oz, time to hit the hay (…and count sheep)

Your watch USA *passes torch*….it has been fun.

13 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Wild sheep in Alaska? You betcha! And at least one small business owner is cashing in on it. AND they live in Wasilla! lol

I’m not even going to try to link (I’ll lose my post I’m sure) but search for adventuresinthewild dot com and you’ll see the trophies.

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Dall sheep in Alaska, beautiful creatures.

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

Conservative hysteria,

From: Bill kristol (FOX News/NYT contributor)
TO: McSame Campaign

RE: Fire the Campaign

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

Conservative hysteria,

From: Bill kristol (FOX News/NYT contributor)
TO: McSame Campaign

RE: Fire the Campaign

(–>remove the brackets/parentheses

13 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Zim in Oz
Yup, bighorn sheep with white long hair and big curly horns. Some people think their heads look nice hanging on the wall. Course, these are the same people who like a big old buffalo head and a bear head hanging on their wall.
Personally, I’m like a kid – horrified.

Oh, and the sheep like to go way high up on the mountainsides and argue. Sometimes they fall off and a few places on the roads from Whitehorse to Anchorage have signs advising one to watch for them. (No idea what you’re supposed to do if one does. )

13 10 2008
Newfoundland Dogs Rule

Good Morning! Just watched the Two young Alaskan Women video. Wow! Whatever those two get up to as they grow older they are going to be amazing!

Noticed McCain wouldn’t answer questions about linking Osama and Obama without further knowledge of the subject. The idiot. Early his spokeswoman said of course that was wrong to say.

He also says there was a link with 9/11 and Iraq. More of the same, again and again.

Watching that video made me feel much better.

13 10 2008
Newfoundland Dogs Rule

That was supposed to be “earlier” not Early. More Hot Chocolate!

13 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Isn’t it time for someone to tell SP that she either recuse herself or face recall?

13 10 2008
Derek Hussein Rock Crane

that’s the most shameless woman I’ve seen since the last yorkie-owning korean gal I dated. (Which made the lesson sink in!)
Amazing. What was that Replacements song …? Oh yeah:
“Struttin’ up the aisle/Big deal, you get to fly/
“You ain’t nothin’ but a waitress in the sky.” 😉

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! (05:05:08) :

I’m waiting for news about a move to recall. If it comes, it comes – but I’m enjoying the waiting. 😉

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama lead over McCain tightens in Gallup tracking poll

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The race for the White House has tightened slightly, with Barack Obama’s lead over John McCain narrowing to seven percentage points at the end of the past week, according to a Gallup tracking poll released Sunday.


13 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“A lonely tumbleweed blows down 4th Avenue in a little frontier town known as Anchorage…” The wind whistles through Meg Stapelton’s ears and out of her mouth as another word blizzard.

13 10 2008

by the sign suggestion from Vlad- *Sarah Suffers from Truth Decay*. PERFECT!!
The solution ?

Drill baby Drill….


13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

When Barry Became Barack

It didn’t happen overnight. But in college, the young Barry took to being called by his formal name. What this evolution tells us about him.


13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama lead over McCain tightens in Gallup tracking poll

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The race for the White House has tightened slightly, with Barack Obama’s lead over John McCain narrowing to seven percentage points at the end of the past week, according to a Gallup tracking poll released Sunday.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama Lead Over McCain Tightens in Gallup Tracking Poll


13 10 2008

Hope this links properly …

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

yes, I realise the link won’t work (the other one went to spam), so you’ll just have to google it – the results are until Sunday

13 10 2008

grrr mine too-
lets try this

its worth a chuckle

13 10 2008

Shooting a Moose apparently has all the challenge of shooting a parked car
so sheep are probably a step up to the Great White Hunter.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The Obama experiment

FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Lukas McGowan was sitting in an old barber’s chair, a cell phone pressed to his ear, as he contemplated a critical assignment for the closing chapter of the presidential campaign: the ground game.

The most pressing matter inside this field office for Sen. Barack Obama was not the next debate, but getting every possible voter to the polls. As McGowan surveyed an assembly line of activity, he wondered: Have all the spots been filled in the 6 to 8 p.m. shift for walking neighborhood precincts?

“When we identify sporadic voters, we want to go back to their house until they can’t stand us anymore,” said McGowan, 23, who oversees Virginia’s largest Obama operation, in Fairfax County. With a smile, he added, “As long as we’re kind and respectful.”


13 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

When McCain/Palin LOSE to Obama/Biden, will the state of Alaska PLEASE send this woman to the woods where she hunts to live, uses a honey bucket, there is a 100 mile radius between her family and other humans, and her house and other assets given to the State of Alaska since she has betrayed and used the State beyond belief and for personal gain!?!?!?

Bye bye Palin! Don’t let your ass hit the door on the way out! No one wants to have your ass print on a door cause NO ONE wants to remember you!

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Epic (05:25:01) :

Shooting a Moose apparently has all the challenge of shooting a parked car
so sheep are probably a step up to the Great White Hunter.


With the falling thing a degree of difficulty.

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Aussie Puck Mule Plain

“Obama Lead Over McCain Tightens in Gallup Tracking Poll”

This from 538:

“Something is a little bit funny when Matt Drudge is treating 1-2 point gains for McCain in the Rasmussen and Zogby tracking polls as “BREAKING” news. Naturally, Drudge ignores other results like the just-released ABC/WaPo poll that show Obama continuing to gain ground.”

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Susie in Jersey (05:28:36) :

I was under the impression that the Gallup poll is an aggregated one.


13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Oh, that Matt Drudge! Years ago I told him off for publishing a really sick photo of a kitten. Drudge credibility = 0

13 10 2008
Rust Mustang Palin

Having lived in Dallas for 15 years (no longer), I had to hunt for fellow Democrats. There were only two in my neighborhood. That Wick Allison, Editor in Chief of D Magazine, a confirmed and thoughtful conservative, declared his support for Obama is both heartening and, frankly, amazing.

From Allison’s perspective, Obama is not his ideal candidate but is the ideal candidate for this time in America’s history. His reasons for coming to this conclusion are intelligent, cogently argued, and indicative of a man who thinks for himself. A maverick, perhaps? –in the best sense of the word.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Who is the Real Sarah Palin?

Late in a campaign, one thing any presidential candidate does NOT want to see is the name of his VP choice in an official government report that confirms a violation of a state law with the word “ethics” in its title. Especially in Alaska where the Republican Party leadership is notoriously corrupt and cut from the same cloth as Jack Abramoff. In fact, one of the reasons Sarah Palin was catapulted to the governor’s office so quickly in the first place was because she was the last woman standing after the Republican leadership in Alaska imploded under multiple, overlapping corruption scandals. Now, with the commission’s report, even the “maverick reformer” is tainted.

13 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

I forgot I’d changed my name. Rust Mustang Palin now Forty Watt Hussein–a better ring to it, I think.

13 10 2008


One has to wonder how people like Stapleton sleep at night. It seems as though you have to sell your soul to the devil to become a Republican these days.

I heart you Lew Gara!

13 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

*Aussie Puck Mule Hussein
This article in the Guardian addresses some of the problems of breaking through the propaganda. Interesting. .

13 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Go Les Gara! I wish we had more politicians like Les at the national level.

I am sickened by the fact that Meg Stapleton was in my class at Georgetown U. And it gets worse – Ed O’Callaghan went to Georgetown too!

I promise not all Hoyas are evil.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Hick – great article. It’s working!

Please tell me you’ve seen Sarah Silverman’s video. 😀

13 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (05:30:21) :
@Susie in Jersey (05:28:36) :
I was under the impression that the Gallup poll is an aggregated one.

Gallup has the annoying habit of switching back and forth between polling an equal number of Democrats and Republicans (not representative of the population) and the honest way of polling a percentage of Democrats and Republicans based on registration statistics.

Besides, what’s important is:

Even the right wing has Obama winning the EV.

13 10 2008

“Something is a little bit funny when Matt Drudge is treating 1-2 point gains for McCain in the Rasmussen and Zogby tracking polls as “BREAKING” news. Naturally, Drudge ignores other results like the just-released ABC/WaPo poll that show Obama continuing to gain ground.”

Rasmussen and Zogby are the two most conservative polls and they consistently have higher numbers for the Republicans than other polls do. They were rarely right in the primaries.

Besides, even if the polls showed the race was tightening, the polls still can’t account for all the newly registered voters, cell phone users, and the fact that Democrats outvoted Republicans 3-1 in the primaries.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Deep Blue in VA (05:41:54) :

I promise not all Hoyas are evil.

The only person I know who went to Georgetown is a real creep …..

But I’m sure I must have heard of some good people who went there, too. 😀

13 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

New Footage from Inside Palin’s Church from Max Blumenthal

13 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Aussie Puck:

Don’t forget Bill Clinton is a Hoya. For all his flaws, I’m sure we are all looking back fondly on his presidency right about now!

13 10 2008

Les Gara, will you marry me?

13 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Aussie Puck:

Don’t forget Bill Clinton is a Hoya. For all his flaws, I’m sure we are all looking back fondly on his presidency right about now!

13 10 2008
Amused and Bewildered

That Meg Stapleton is a piece of work.

13 10 2008
NY Dem

If they put off the wedding any longer, they’ll be able to use their kid as a ring-bearer !

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Deep Blue in VA (05:53:32) :

Don’t forget Bill Clinton is a Hoya. For all his flaws, I’m sure we are all looking back fondly on his presidency right about now!

Now that you mention it. 😀

As for looking back fondly, I’ve been doing that for almost 8 years.

And I have to say what a joy it was to see Bill and Hillary on the hustings this weekend. A joy!

13 10 2008
NY Dem

86 year old Betty White on Sarah Palin: “That is one crazy bitch” !

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

If anyone hasn’t seen The Great Schlep video, here it is. (Language alert!)

What a creative campaign!


13 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

Palin got boo’d big time at the Philadelphia Flyers game this past weekend

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Struggling McCain debuts comeback speech

“My friends, we’ve got them just where we want them.”

What a comedian! 😀

13 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

Here you can see her CLEARLY say THEY’RE BOOING ME before she hits the event guy….at the VERY VERY VERY beginning

13 10 2008
Rose in PA

re: Levi speaks!

“The young man said he wasn’t an expert on politics by any stretch. Asked about Barack Obama, he replied: ‘I don’t know anything about him. He seems like a good guy. I like him.’

But Johnston still rooting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

‘I just hope she wins,’ he said. ‘She’s my future mother-in-law. She better win.'”

lol nothing about McCain winning…just Palin.

13 10 2008
Rose in PA

re: Levi speaks!

“The young man said he wasn’t an expert on politics by any stretch. Asked about Barack Obama, he replied: ‘I don’t know anything about him. He seems like a good guy. I like him.’

But Johnston still rooting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

‘I just hope she wins,’ he said. ‘She’s my future mother-in-law. She better win.'”

lol, nothing about McCain winning…just Palin.

13 10 2008

Check this out:

It seems that the baby is due on December 18 – considerably earlier than first reported. Assuming he (it’s a boy!) arrives a bit early, conception was probably around March 1.

13 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Well that was interesting! Do they put something in the water on the Hate Talk Express! These people have brought lying into a new art form.

I think it was very interesting how she kept putting it back on the Gov. Does she think that will absolve her when she gets sent back to Alaska?

Good for Les he just kept holding her accountable for her own actions!

I hope God is really paying attention! Judgement day is going to be a bi#ch!

13 10 2008

Sarah Palin – All Hockey – No Puck. Too bad this ended at the Pants on Fire stage. It was just getting interesting.

13 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Worried about Halloween?

How to do the Sarah Palin do

They forgot “insert the dead bird” …..

13 10 2008

Hey Obama; is there any spot on your cabinet for Les Gara? If not you’re missing a great addition to your team.

13 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Bobg (06:45:58) :

Hey Obama; is there any spot on your cabinet for Les Gara? If not you’re missing a great addition to your team.
And how about a position for Walt? Patience, Integrity, Spinal?

13 10 2008

Stapleton keeps talking about Branchflower’s connections to Monegan…

If we are talking about connections in a small town… then….

I’d like to know what Stapleton’s connection to Palin are, if you don’t mind…

13 10 2008
Search the Web on

I hope and pray this video is played on MSNBC and CNN. The Creep channel (Fox) will stick up for this bitch. Who was the guy that said, “I think he is saying you are a lier”. Meg and Palin are two peas in a pod. I can’t believe that intelligent people can’t see thru this bimbo. And at the same time, believe what they hear on Fox News. Hannity should be sued after this election. I would like to smack that cheesy grin off his face.

13 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Yes, what is the connection with Stapleton to Palin? Why was she selected to be the “almighty and pit bill” for Palin? I thought she was a previous news reporter/anchor person on local news there.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

News Alert News Alert News Alert

Due to considerable concern over the last presidential debate, and it’s importance in the race to the white house, it was announced that both candidates will be issued boxing gloves and after a question, there will be 2 minutes of discussion, 1 minute of response and 3 minutes of live, kick ass boxing.

To help with officiating, George Foreman will be there with a truck load of grills for the audience.

Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.

13 10 2008
C in CO

@ Democrat G (formerly “G”) (06:15:27) :

Palin got boo’d big time at the Philadelphia Flyers game this past weekend

The following was posted below the video. Proof of what we have been saying here all along, that Palin is “using” her kids …….

UPDATE II: From Fox News. Palin pretty much admits to using her daughter as a shield. Hockey Mom? How about Creepy Mom?

“The GOP Vice-Presidential nominee said at an earlier fundraiser that she would stop some of the booing from the rowdy Philadelphia fans by putting her seven year old daughter, Piper in a Flyers jersey. She said, ‘How dare they boo Piper!'”

13 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Hick Town in W PA (05:50:54) :

New Footage from Inside Palin’s Church from Max Blumenthal
I got a chance to peek into that video and everyone I would suggest watching it is very disturbing. Matter of fact the whole article is way out in left field! It’s just down right scary. This is how this woman governs.

13 10 2008
Lacy Lady

Don’t know what I did, but the comment “Search the web was posted by me——Lacy Lady

13 10 2008

Good Morning America just discussed how Palin was saying she was cleared of everything, yet pointed out that was UNTRUE.

They discussed her spin on the truth.

They compared it to Bill’s “it wasn’t sex” rationalization.

13 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

Cynthia, TX (07:02:36) : Ok, that’s creepy. Can we talk about separation of church and state now? MSM??

13 10 2008

My husband just told me he talked to his mom….also in Arizona, and she said most the people in her church were NOT going to vote.

Hmm….. would be interesting if just the Dems showed up to vote this year and AZ voted for Obama!

(I can dream!)

13 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

C in CO:

Thank you! I read that. Guess hockey moms and hockey fans do not like her…..I know I LOATHE her! SHE IS VILE!!

13 10 2008
Lacy Lady

I was unable to pull up the video you posted. (Inside Palin;s church)
HELP—-I want to see that thing!!! Is Pastor Muthee on it? Is he praying over Palin again? WHEW!!!

13 10 2008

I have deep reservations about this guy Walt Monegan. Here a guy with 30+ years of public service has the nerve to disagree an admitted professional hockey Mom who has also served as Governor for almost two full years. She also served as the Mayor of Wasilla where she handled the budgets in an exemplary fashion so she knows budgets. The huge deficit when she left office was someone else’s fault. Every town of 7000 people needs a huge sports complex and strip malls. If the other town officials had done their job they would have found out that the town didn’t have clear title to the land. The Mayor has too much on her plate to devote her time to problems that eventually cost the town 1.4 million dollars. Back to Walt Monegan. It is strange that Walt Monegan didn’t learn anything in 30+ years of public safety work. The Mayor of Alaska (mayor for almost two years) had to straighten him out on the needs of the Alaska State Police. Her vast experience in public safety work allowed her to take control of the situation and she had to relieve Walt Monegan for the good of Alaska. Now people are distorting the truth (if you want the truth Sarah Palin will give it to you) and she has had to send Meg Stapleton out to straighten the people out. Meg Stapleton does not owe Walt Monegan an apology. She did not slander Monegan she just told a “political truth.” “Political truths are not lies they are facts rearranged for clarity.

I hope everyone realizes that this is tongue-in-cheek.

13 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

Lacy Lady (07:18:36) :

copy and paste this link into your address bar. Then click on the picture of SWWNBN in front of the dental sign

13 10 2008

I was curious about that Stapleton/Gara interview. Obviously she had her talking points memorized ala Palin but besides completely ignoring the fact that the nonpartisan committee found Palin guilty of an ethics violation, what struck me was her broken record insistence that Monegan was ‘reassigned’ due to budgetary differences with the governor. But then later ‘insubordination’ was also added into the mix because Monegan had the nerve to take a trip to Washington that was approved by the Governor’s office.

So what’s the real story?

I dug back into the archives and found AKM’s blog on the matter which linked directly to Andrew Halcro’s blog posted on 7/17/2008 regarding the Monegan firing.

Walt Monegan got fired for all of the wrong reasons. Walt Monegan got fired because he had the audacity to tell Governor Palin no, when apparently nobody is allowed to say no to Governor Palin.

Monegan said no, he couldn’t cut his budget because his State Troopers were already being stretched to the limit and public safety suffering. He said no, he couldn’t cut his budget because fuel costs for planes, boats and patrol vehicles soaring, while crime in rural Alaska was putting more demands on the Troopers transportation system.

Nothing about insubordination.

But clearly the Palin firing of Monegan is pure Palin. A good man serving Alaska and looking out the best interests of Alaska gets caught in a the personal crosshairs of a Palin-pique attack. I personally think the reason she GIVES for firing Monegan is more outrageous than if she just admitted he wouldn’t fire Wooten!

According to HER she fired him because he had the audicity to ask for more money to fund the underfunded Alaska State Troopers.

This woman is soooo dangerous. Alaskans need to open their eyes and see that her policy of personal issues before the good of the people is hurting Alaska in ways that they may never recover.

Gara could have really nailed Stapleton is he had her explain exactly what those ‘budgetary’ differences were.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Failin is speaking on msnbc.. is it possible her voice is getting higher pitched and even more shrill.

she loves this new thing about applauding military people..

what a joke.

13 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Hick Town in W PA (05:50:54) :

New Footage from Inside Palin’s Church from Max Blumenthal


13 10 2008
Rose in PA

I think Palin probably also pissed off the Philly crowd by not wearing a jersey which is tradition for the person dropping the ceremonial puck. Another thing she forced on her child. Plus she was too busy winking and kissing Scotty Gomez and barely even acknowledged the woman who won the hockey mom contest. So much for Sarah relatin’ to the regular folk!

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

The lemmings are yelling nobama..

don’t they know she’s the queen of lie.???

13 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P. (07:07:16) :

I truly get it your fear after watching that I called some friends to share the video and we all just freaked on that. She governs with her religion no doubt there. Palin is not who we think she is and I bet if given time to uncover more about here we would all be very afraid of her as VP.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

wow.. she’s now promoting mine baby mine .. she just wants to strip everything..

13 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh

off subject but great one of McCain

13 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

I heard this song yesterday… and I thought of the McShame campaign immediately. Listen.

Some is scarily apropos

13 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

What is with the polar bear pin Palin is wearing?!!

13 10 2008

A polar bear pin……OMG. RATS….no cable here

13 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Bec Hussein in Illinois (07:31:14) :

What is with the polar bear pin Palin is wearing?!!

One of her bagged trophies- Muthee shrunk it down to a wearable size! 🙂

13 10 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein " That One" Cobra

Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P. (07:07:16) :
That really was scary… and I really really don’t understand why asking about how Palin’s beliefs would influence political decisions is “inappropriate” (I do, of course understand why people need to know). Any spokespeople with an ounce of brain would/should have immediately replied that they wouldn’t have any undue influence. Hah! They obviously can’t lie on demand as well as Palin!!!

13 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Palin has on a white shirt (trying to look like Obama??) and on the right shoulder area is a white polar bear! It blends in with the white shirt – but it is there.

McCain just mentioned how he will fight for our country from his first day in office until his last. I need to rewind – but I thought I saw a little glint in Scarah’s eye when he mentioned the “last” day! ha ha

13 10 2008
Phnxrising Hussein

JT (07:07:45) :

“My husband just told me he talked to his mom….also in Arizona, and she said most the people in her church were NOT going to vote.

Hmm….. would be interesting if just the Dems showed up to vote this year and AZ voted for Obama!

(I can dream!)”

I can tell you as a fellow Arizonian that if you drive by the Democratic volunteer offices that people are there from morning until very late at night working. But, if you drive by the Republican offices, the lights are out no later than 5 pm. The Dems are working 7 days a week here in AZ to give the win to Obama in a state that is typically red.

13 10 2008
Stepper Choke aka pradicchio

Slightly off-topic, but WHERE is Talis Colberg in all of this? Is he still “on vacation in Kansas”? Seems as though his legal advice to the governor and her cronies has been bad all down the line, aren’t the people of Alaska outraged? In NY the Attorney General represents the people of the State of NY, and does a darn good job (Andrew Cuomo at the moment) — Alaskans are entitled to the same respect and competence! Can’t believe he still HAS a job.

13 10 2008

Oh, now Alaskans owe PALIN an apology? That’s rich.

I’m pretty sure Stapleton casts no reflection in mirrors – that’s what happens when your soul is gone, right?

13 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

Someone above asked who the man in the video was who said – I think he just called you a liar. (I was speed reading down these many comments and don’t remember how far up, or the exact quote)

But I remember watching that at the end of the video, thinking, that guy with the white hair who said he called you a liar – looks an awful lot like Michael Carey of the Anchorage Daily News. He used to be editorial page editor and now he writes occassional commentaries.

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

“It is so scary how she gets in his space and comes off so…..rabid.”

When people are frightened, they tend to act such a manner as to try to keep all the scary things away.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”


13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal
13 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh

(I already posted the below my fantasy last night but thought I would share it again for anyone who missed that thread.)

I just had a fantasy about Sarah Palin -no, not that kind of fantasy! Dah.

Here is my fantasy: Sarah Palin appears on Saturday Night Live later this month assuming that she will be in a comedy routine. Now here is the good part. The curtain opens behind her and there are a dozen well informed Mudflatters sitting in chairs. The next 90 minutes is an impromtu town hall meeting with real questions. What could she do other than answer the questions? Run away?

13 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

By the way, Michael Carey wrote an interesting commentary published on the 8th of Oct regarding Alaska’s 50th anniversary of statehood. This is the site:

It’s an interesting reflection of what the State has become: U.S. Senator on trial, U.S. Representative under investigation, lots of other political corruption around the state, current gov running for U.S. VP, and “and every Alaskan is receiving a $3,269 check from the state just for being an Alaskan”

Not me, though… an expat I don’t get to eat at the trough.
I still get to vote, though. And have already sent my absentee ballot state-side. One more vote for Obama/Biden.

13 10 2008
Big Al from LV, Nv

Phnxrising Hussein writes: “I can tell you as a fellow Arizonian that if you drive by the Democratic volunteer offices that people are there from morning until very late at night working. But, if you drive by the Republican offices, the lights are out no later than 5 pm. The Dems are working 7 days a week here in AZ to give the win to Obama in a state that is typically red.”

Polls are saying that Nevada is a toss-up state. But, either my wife and I are at our regional campaign headquarters every other day in Las Vegas and it is humming. On the weekends, the place is so jammed with volunteers we can’t all fit in the building. The McCain camp can not get volunteers. They only have paid staffers (one of which they let go because of a racist statement she made). A ton of volunteers make the drive from Southern California to Las Vegas every weekend to canvass our neighborhoods. They are AWESOME! And, from what I hear a ton of Nor Cal volunteers travel to Reno every weekend to convass. I don’t see how McCain wins Nevada without troops on the ground. Sure, Nevada has its bigots “that won’t vote for a black man.” But, the overwhelming majority of Nevadans “get it.” They understand we need change. Geez, Las Vegas is the foreclosure capital of the Nation (if not the world). Obama wins Nevada…you can take that to the bank (if your bank still exists).

13 10 2008
13 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Nice sign at the McCain Rally:

Obama Bin Lyin’

13 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

I’m so glad to see that not everyone in public office speaks “doublespeak”, Palin style.
I do hope it’s not a gender thing, though, I would be very disappointed.

Do we know if SWWNBN will actually testify this week for the personnel board? It’s been reported, but will SP only phone it in?

13 10 2008

Somewhat OT, but I have a question. I was watching “The View” and they said that the Palin did nothing illegal in the Troopergate Scandal. This is completely untrue, right? Her violation in trying to get Wooten (not Monegan) fired, as an violation of ethics, is an illegal act, right?

I’ve heard misinformation on the view before, and so if I am right, I want to write to them to fix it. I tried to go to, but they don’t even list it. Help?

13 10 2008

@Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh…

I would LOVE to see that happen!

“Sarah Palin appears on Saturday Night Live later this month assuming that she will be in a comedy routine. Now here is the good part. The curtain opens behind her and there are a dozen well informed Mudflatters sitting in chairs. The next 90 minutes is an impromtu town hall meeting with real questions”

13 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

Someone I work (temping right now) with lives in Philly. He said they boo everyone. However, McCain/Palin are not loved in most areas there! YEAH! Down with McCain/Palin!

The final weeks are here. Obama has to step up his plan! He needs to be cordial, Presidential, and throw McCain/Palin to the herd. Do not underestimate the Republinazis!

13 10 2008

Off topic but I’m wondering if anyone knows the Ohio address collecting postcards. I have another stack to send there but cannot find the address. I believe they need them by 10/15 so kinda in a hurry! Can’t seem to find it on the Ohio Obama site either. Any clues? Thanks!

13 10 2008

WAY OT here:

I just received this oh so “wonderful” e-mail from my Aunt.


This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced. From the
looks of the polls, the Christians aren’t voting Christian values. We all need
to be on our knees. Do you believe we can take God at His word? Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders to behold. His scripture gives us, as Christians, ownership of this land and the ability to call upon God to heal it. I challenge you to do so. We have never been more desperate than now for God to heal our land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 :

If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray,
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

During WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every night a t a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England , its people and peace. This had an amazing effect as bombing stopped.

There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America .
The United States of America and our citizens need prayer more than ever!

If you would like to participate: each evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, 8:00
PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific, stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, for peace in the world, for wisdom and courage for our leaders, the up-coming election, and that the Bible will remain the basis for the laws
governing our land and that Christianity will grow in the U.S.

If you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass this along.
Someone said if people really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.
Thank You

Please pass this onto anyone who you think will want to join us. God Bless

So my rant for the day is thus:

Therefore due to the selected scripture I am wicked and sinning for voting for Obama. I am so tired of being called unpatriotic, un-christian, wicked, sinner for believing that Obama is better for this country then the McCalins. Then to top it off they are PRAYING for our country to be led by the Bible as a basis for laws in this country! So which version of the bible do they want this country to be ruled by…the Old Testament which is full of antiquated stories which would only take us back to the Dark Ages or the New Testament? And whatever happened to the separation of state & religion?? Are we going to be led to a religious war in these United States by those who blindly follow “Christian” values and believe that all who don’t follow these said values are morally corrupt wicked sinners?

I am heartsick because my entire family falls into the blindly following the “Christian values.” There is no amount of conversation with them about this that could ever make them change their mind. It’s a very lonely feeling to know that when these troubled times call for the comfort of one’s family that one can’t go to said family for comfort. If my views of this election were known to them I would be disowned. Now how’s that for Christian values.
AARRGGHHHH…I need some talking down today. Thank God..yes I said it..Thank GOD that Mudflats is here to give us a place to come for comfort, for humor, for a respite from the craziness this election has stirred up. Another layer of innocence peeled away today. And I know deep in my heart that I believe in God..but I certainly don’t believe in a God that thinks I’m wicked and a sinner for voting for Obama. Now, I will go light my Obama candle and pray for his safety, his families safety and for Joe Biden and his families safety. AMEN

13 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

jster: she was found guilty of abusing her power. she did not break any laws by firing Monegan.

13 10 2008
Canadian Neighbour

Mornin’ Mudflat Neighbours!!

Wasn’t it Bill Kristol who was the one appointed to Palin for her “crash course training”?

May Canada borrow Barack for the day tomorrow??

It’s our Federal election for Prime Minister on Tuesday. The one presently in office as minority PM is a Bush wannabe and the other 4 on the ticket are all buffoons which leaves absolutely no one to vote for worth a damm. The Prime Minister called the election early in the hope to get a majority — He11 no!! We need Barack for the day — pretty, pretty please with icing on top!!!

13 10 2008
Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin


The postcard deadline is Oct 15th. Send them (undated but stamped) to:

WFO Post Card Campaign
193 E. Rich Street
Columbus, OH 43215

13 10 2008

I think you North Dakota sign should read, “Welcome First Dud_”

13 10 2008


WFO Post Card Campaign 193 E. Rich Street Columbus, OH 43215

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Terrible fires in California… Woman described as insane, with weird rectangular eyeglasses, a mop of hait and dragging 2 children in hockey jerseys was seen fleeing the scene with an old man with white hair chasing after her.

Police want to question them in reference to these fires.

Report them immediately..

13 10 2008

Don’t forget to support the candidates who support Obama/Biden. They will give Obama the majority he needs and requires!

13 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA


Ignore. I am a sinner voting for Obama and guess what? From what I have been taught I will be forgiven because I just confessed my sin! 🙂

There is no light for the blind and I am tired of looking for batteries to put in the flashlight. So darkness for them.

13 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA


” stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, for peace in the world, for wisdom and courage for our leaders, the up-coming election,”
Sounds like they’re praying for an Obama win to me.

I consider myself a Christian (and an Obama supporter) but this country was founded on “In God We Trust”, not in “Christ We Trust).

Many well-meaning Christians argue that the United States was founded by Christian men on Christian principles. Although well-intentioned, such sentiment is unfounded. The men who lead the United States in its revolution against England, who wrote the Declaration of Independence and put together the Constitution were not Christians by any stretch of the imagination.


And on Deists:

Certainly it is generally the case that these people believed in God, but it was not the God of Christianity. Deism began in the eighteenth century and was very popular in America. According to the dictionary, it was “a system of thought advocating natural religion based on human reason rather than revelation.” Jefferson wrote that the religious doctrines of Jesus that he accepted, and which he regarded as consistent with his deistic perspective were three:

1. that there is one God, and he all-perfect:
2. that there is a future state of rewards and punishments
3. that to love God with all thy heart, and thy neighbor as thyself, is the sum of religion.

Hang in there, we’re with you. Landslide to Obama!

13 10 2008
Freakout in Kansas

Taupe, here’s a sign idea for you:

“Hey Todd, Woot en you rather be fishing?”

13 10 2008

“That One!” aka Dal (05:02:33) wrote: “Conservative hysteria,
From: Bill kristol (FOX News/NYT contributor)
TO: McSame Campaign
RE: Fire the Campaign

Wow, Bill Kristol finally sees the light and as usual, too little too late. We on Mudflats have been pointing out how poorly the GOP campaign has been run since 8/29!

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater


MSNBC is playing a previously unknown audio recording of JFK.

Gave me chills hearing his voice. There’s still a void in my heart.

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Meg knows how to stick to her talking points!!! Sound like a broken record!

13 10 2008

to Lulu and Sheesh, mega thanks! I knew I could count on this great crowd for fast answers! I’m on my way to the post office now!

13 10 2008
Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin

@C in CO

“UPDATE II: From Fox News. Palin pretty much admits to using her daughter as a shield. Hockey Mom? How about Creepy Mom?

“The GOP Vice-Presidential nominee said at an earlier fundraiser that she would stop some of the booing from the rowdy Philadelphia fans by putting her seven year old daughter, Piper in a Flyers jersey. She said, ‘How dare they boo Piper!’”

We all knew it but now she ADMITS this?!?! I’m incredulous how completely clueless she is. Yes…let’s make her kids off-limits but she’ll gladly use them to her political advantage. Talk about some serious counseling for poor Piper in later years….

13 10 2008

syt (07:58:42) :
Somewhat OT, but I have a question. I was watching “The View” and they said that the Palin did nothing illegal in the Troopergate Scandal. This is completely untrue, right? Her violation in trying to get Wooten (not Monegan) fired, as an violation of ethics, is an illegal act, right?
See earlier Mudflats reports from AKM….Report says Palin broke the law, but firing Monegan was legal.

Check out here too (f you want)

13 10 2008
Daisy Hussein

We down here in the Lower 48 are not familiar with Meg Stapleton. I have read about her here in Mudflats, however.

I was wondering if there is a video montage of her disparaging Monegan, French, and Branchflower? Then we would be able to judge whether she is a liar. I am inclined to believe you Mudflatters, but as we are the party of Reason, I feel I should judge her on my own.

I looked on you tube, but did not find anything. Can anyone offer any suggestions?


13 10 2008
snow leopard
13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Lulu… it was quite a concession piece.. 🙂

I would love to have them dump the lemmings and let the media actually have real access to Palin.. it simply won’t happen. It can’t happen. she’s proven she’s inept beyond magnitudes anyone could comprehend.

if she has a speech on a teleprompter, she’s decent at inciting hatred. But the moment a reporter tries asking the most basic questions, she’s at a complete and total loss.

Palin will stay segregated right up to their loss on Nov 4.. She’ll go home and claim it was a wonderful victory and the libs and media stole the election and she’ll be prepared to serve on jan 20. Then she’ll go crawl into a corner, curl up in a fetal position and cry. Her chance at taking over the world defeated.

13 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Palin

Thanks for the article on Levi. Clearly, there will be no major ripples in the gene pool with the impending birth…

13 10 2008
mizkay spackle camshaft

My cousin just sent me this video of Barack Obama on SNL last fall:

13 10 2008

Marty Hussein That One Voter – Get the HouseGater (08:11:13) :

Terrible fires in California… Woman described as insane, with weird rectangular eyeglasses, a mop of hait and dragging 2 children in hockey jerseys was seen fleeing the scene with an old man with white hair chasing after her.

Police want to question them in reference to these fires.

Report them immediately..


“Grab the kids and bring a sweater. Dry is good and wind is better.
Count the years, you always knew it. Strike a match, go on and do it!”

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

TO: Lulu.

It gets more interesting….this one is a must hear!

13 10 2008

@Daisy. Re: proof of Meg Stapleton’s lies and slandering good people in Alaska.

Here is a whopper Meg Stapleton told about Hollis French a few weeks ago:

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

TO: Lulu.

It gets more interesting….this one is a must hear!

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

TO: Lulu.

It gets more interesting….this one is a must hear!

(–> remove the parentheses/brackets copy & past on your browser!

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Did you see the breaking news? Breaking News:

ABC News reports that Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-Fla.), who succeeded disgraced Rep. Mark Foley (R), paid an alleged mistress $121,000 in a settlement.

13 10 2008

There’s a woman on MSNBC “Mean Green Machine” talking about why she’s not voting for Obama. She keeps repeating Obama has no record of accomplishment. She also said he ran on both the Democratic ticket and New Party-Socialist ticket in Illinois (??). She says she is a former Hillary supporter.

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

My sister just texted me and asked me if I had heard that Levi is dropping out of school to start work. Is there any truth in this?

13 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Dang, Tina Fey’s leaving earth if McCain/Palin win. Glad I won’t have to wish her ‘bon viyage’

13 10 2008

@ Let’sGetReal for “That One” (08:50:47) ://My sister just texted me and asked me if I had heard that Levi is dropping out of school to start work. Is there any truth in this?//

I thought Levi was already a dropout, like Bristol.

13 10 2008

I am curious what play the confrontation got on the Alaska TV news.

13 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

sorry, bon voyage. (oops)

13 10 2008

@That One!” aka Dal (08:47:15) wrote :
“TO: Lulu. It gets more interesting….this one is a must hear!
(–> remove the parentheses/brackets copy & past on your browser!”

Thank you, That One! THAT IS FANTASTIC. ALL the GOP pundits are already bailing on them, and we have 3 weeks to go!!!!

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

Let’sGetReal for “That One”

It’s official Levi dropping out of school

13 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

Is Meg the new Ann Coulter? (wonder why ann has been so quiet lately; prolly cuz she’s insulted by McCain’s choice)

Wonder what Maureen Stapleton thinks of Meg?

13 10 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin took office on December 4, 2006. She will complete her four-year term in December 2010. Alaska citizens, cut your losses and recall Sarah. Avoid another two years of embarrassment.

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

ds55 (08:52:43) :

@ Let’sGetReal for “That One” (08:50:47) ://My sister just texted me and asked me if I had heard that Levi is dropping out of school to start work. Is there any truth in this?//

I thought Levi was already a dropout, like Bristol.

What happen to the repubs high impeccable morals, and values?

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

In Kristol’s editorial:

“And let McCain go back to what he’s been good at in the past — running as a cheerful, open and accessible candidate. Palin should follow suit. The two of them are attractive and competent politicians. They’re happy warriors and good campaigners. Set them free.

Provide total media accessibility on their campaign planes and buses.”

Yes, please turn SP over to the media, please, please, please –

13 10 2008

ds55 wrote: “There’s a woman on MSNBC “Mean Green Machine” talking about why she’s not voting for Obama. She keeps repeating Obama has no record of accomplishment. She also said he ran on both the Democratic ticket and New Party-Socialist ticket in Illinois (??). She says she is a former Hillary supporter.”

Hi, Ds55. I wrote a short paragraph on that two days ago as it was debunked on Daily Kos quite well. I will try to find the exact link. Basically, that was not even a real party; it was a fringe hard left element of the Democratic Party, so that’s just something the GOP is trying to smear with. Obama ran unopposed at that time and was endorsed by EVERYONE in Chicago (1996, I believe).

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

@Let’sGetReal for “That One”

“I thought Levi was already a dropout, like Bristol.”

Don’t they have high schools for pregnant students in Alaska?

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

TO: Lulu,

You’re welcome. Pass it on to Obama supporters & especially to McSame/Hatred supporters.

It’s also official Levi is dropping out of school, according to Andrew Sullivan

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Johnston speaks on Bristol Palin, Obama and baby

an insert from the article:

“They’re not telling me anything right now,” Johnston said as he checked his Blackberry. “It’s pretty chill.”

Not surprisingly, Johnston was a little shocked when he learned about Bristol’s pregnancy, but he says he quickly embraced the prospects of fatherhood. The baby is due Dec. 18. Johnston has dropped out of high school to take a job on the North Slope oil fields as an apprentice electrician.

13 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

der Dunkel – you have to understand that certain politicians do not allow ethics, or a code of ethics, to ever stand in their way of political gain; therefore, in her tiny brain, Sarah Palin does not view any determination of an ethical violation as something about which she should be concerned. She only considers ethics a problem when someone, say Ruedrich, engages in it. Then it’s an opportunity to move up the political ladder.

Sound familiar?

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Can’t copy the link but here is one of the statement’s Levi made to the Associated Press. The article in on

“They’re not telling me anything right now,” Johnston said as he checked his Blackberry. “It’s pretty chill.”

Not surprisingly, Johnston was a little shocked when he learned about Bristol’s pregnancy, but he says he quickly embraced the prospects of fatherhood. The baby is due Dec. 18. Johnston has dropped out of high school to take a job on the North Slope oil fields as an apprentice electrician.

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Susie in Jersey (09:02:15) :

@Let’sGetReal for “That One”

“I thought Levi was already a dropout, like Bristol.”

Don’t they have high schools for pregnant students in Alaska?

I would expect them to, we have them here in Texas.

13 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

Susie – why not keep Palin to ourselves? Let’s stick her into a Town Hall forum with us as the audience. Let us be the ones asking her the questions the MSM are afraid to ask.

13 10 2008

sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party (09:04:02) :
She only considers ethics a problem when someone, say Ruedrich, engages in it. Then it’s an opportunity to move up the political ladder.

Sound familiar?
I think I am understandimating what you are gesticulating there and hobo sappyien to which you reefer

13 10 2008

ds55 wrote: “There’s a woman on MSNBC “Mean Green Machine” talking about why she’s not voting for Obama. She keeps repeating Obama has no record of accomplishment. She also said he ran on both the Democratic ticket and New Party-Socialist ticket in Illinois (??). She says she is a former Hillary supporter.”

And here’s the link I was looking for on DailyKos which debunks it….

13 10 2008
disenchanted tore

“They’re not telling me anything right now,” Johnston said as he checked his Blackberry. “It’s pretty chill.”


High school dropout, (presumably) squirreling for a kid and he can still afford a (functioning) Blackberry? Life is good…

13 10 2008
lovethecountry AKA Rust Mustang 'THAT ONE HUSSEIN'

Anybody listening to Hillary on CNN live? It is good, she really is praising Obama from heart.

Good for her!

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Jon Voight was on MSNBC with his smears earlier. I use to like him as an Actor, but he is a freakin ass!

13 10 2008
"That One!" aka Dal

More Red States for McHaters’ to defend:

Obama opens an 8% lead in Missouri & a 2% lead in North Dakota!

13 10 2008
lovethecountry AKA Rust Mustang 'THAT ONE HUSSEIN'

Hillary just gave new slogn in response to ‘drill baby drill’

Her new slogan is

‘Jobs baby Jobs’

Sounds good!

13 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

Der Dunkel writes: “think I am understandimating what you are gesticulating there and hobo sappyien to which you reefer”

Ut oh… Dunkel’s turning Palinese-ah, really turning Palinese-ah, really think so!

13 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

disenchanted tore (09:12:49) :

“They’re not telling me anything right now,” Johnston said as he checked his Blackberry. “It’s pretty chill.”


High school dropout, (presumably) squirreling for a kid and he can still afford a (functioning) Blackberry? Life is good…

I seem to recall that the campaign gave it to him after the announcement of his impending ascendency into the family of the soon-to-be VP.

13 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Thought I would pass this on from WAPO’s political discussion today …

“Henly, Texas : I’m sure I’m among a tiny number of people who read most of the Palin investigator’s actual report. I was struck not by the criminality (or lack thereof) of her actions, but by what a small person she seems to be. After all, carrying on a grudge solely for the sake of personal retribution for years after a divorce is much more “Jerry Springer” than “Meet the Press.” Doesn’t the report raise more of a character question than a legal question about Palin and her fitness for the second-highest office in the land? The Trail: Palin Talks to Alaska Reporters about Troopergate (, Oct. 12)

Shailagh Murray: But it’s perfect fodder for the HBO series or Coen Bros. movie that will surely arise from all this. “

13 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

and another

Chantilly, Va.: Why on earth would any politician voluntarily show up for a sports event in Philadelphia? I know Gov. Palin is big on hockey, but she picked a city that is infamous for booing Santa Claus and their own superstars (not to mention throwing a few batteries). Wouldn’t Pittsburgh have been a wiser option for wooing Pennsylvanians?

Shailagh Murray: I could not agree more. That one was a total mystery.

13 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

What I’m thinking, HickTown, is that Sarah Palin’s 15 minutes of fame are soon to be over. On November 5, she can go back to being that same small person. Except all those good Alaskans are going to thank her real nice with a vote for whomever runs against her the next time around.

Unless the DOJ and IRS step in and do their respective jobs. In which case, she and Pam Smart are gonna be roomies for a few years.

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Meg Stapleton is going to be talking with Andrea Mitchell….I had to turn it. If I watched her, I probably would have to buy another TV.

13 10 2008

AKM, blogger extraordinaire, now playwright, screenwriter, and michaelmoore-style documentarian. Yes!

More good news: Dean Smith, Basketball Coach/God of North Carolina, endorses Obama!

Check it out:

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Meggie is on msnbc right now.. croak

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Apparently she’s not interested in accepting the finding of abuse of power..

more lies.. defined lies..

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Palin and Meggie could be caught holding a gun over the body and still deny they did it.. They have immense nerve and gall..

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Meg even looks like palin.. maybe it’ really her lying sister..

13 10 2008
Suchanut (Wesson Scalper Palin)

Ick – she’s lying through her teeth…

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Funny the personnel board hired a dem.. think they’ll have a fit if he also finds her that she abused power

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Barf palin and her stupid abortion lies.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

meg is able to lie just as fast as palin

13 10 2008

Hello all!

For those of you who haven’t visited yet, I HIGHLY recommend this site put together by a teacher in Asheville, NC–Manifest Obama:

Also this video by a man who grew up with Bill Ayers’ son and knows the REAL Bill Ayers (teacher, humanitarian and Chicago Citizen of the Year in 1987):

13 10 2008
Lil' Geese Whalebone Palin

Meg talking out both sides of her mouth on MSNBC

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Whoa.. she can’t find an answer.. you could see her brain making up crap.

13 10 2008
Suchanut (Wesson Scalper Palin)

oh good….Wexler will come on and my blood pressure will go down…..

13 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

The Washington Post gives Palin 4 Pinocchios!

I would put her in an octopus suit and give her a shovel for each arm.
Halloween anyone??

The hole is getting deeper and deeper for Palin and the Republicans.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Ok.. think i’ll go wash my hands.. i feel dirty..

13 10 2008
Sarah of AZ

Here are a couple of article about the educational percentages of Democrats verses Republicans.

As evidence, Mr. Wolfe points to a new poll by Washington Post/ABC News that found that white people without a college degree favor John McCain, the Republican candidate, by 17 percentage points, while those with a college degree prefer Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate, by 9 percentage points.

That split could have broad implications for higher-education policy, Mr. Wolfe argues. “A divide such as this suggests that Democrats will continue to expand access to higher education while Republicans will oppose it,” he said.

Proof of this theory seems to be in the Republicans that accept Sarah Palin as a viable VP candidate and the lies she promotes on the campaign trail as truth.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Wonder how many piochhios McLiar gets..?

13 10 2008

Bea wrote “Hello all! For those of you who haven’t visited yet, I HIGHLY recommend this site put together by a teacher in Asheville, NC–Manifest Obama:

I want to second this, Bea! I sent it out to lots of people and they all LOVED it, young and old….still getting e-mails thanking me! I just watched it again!

13 10 2008
Lil' Geese Whalebone Palin

It’s clear that the Palins began harassing Wooten before becoming gov…. but has anyone seriously considered the vendette as a motivation for her running?

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Ahh.. Obama on.. gotta love the new map.. mccain is pretty desparate..

13 10 2008

@ derDunkelRover (08:25:51)

Thanks for the verification. I did read AKM’s report, as well as many others’, but I was so shocked that a show that is as well-watched as The View could say something so blatantly false, that I wanted to double-check. I might have dismissed it if it was just Hasselback blabbing untruths as she usually does, but it was Goldberg who said it, and it was how she opened the segment.

If you can, please take a moment to write to The View to call them out on this misstatement!

13 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Marty Hussein That One Voter – Get the HouseGater (09:32:31) :

Whoa.. she can’t find an answer.. you could see her brain making up crap.

Ummm, she was cloned from the *best* of ’em?

13 10 2008
Suchanut (Wesson Scalper Palin)
13 10 2008

Cynthia, TX (07:25:48) :

John McCain really stuck his foot into it this time by not vetting her better. The crazies think that her nomination, despite having no commensurate qualifications, is proof that she is anointed by God, rather than proof that McCain is desperate and senile. She appears to be convinced of her own entitlement, which is proof of her narcissism, not her anointing. His sloppiness just fed this ridiculous beast of extremism. She’s already feeling her oats and suggesting that McCain’s strategy is wrong and is going to cost her the VP spot. I keep telling myself that we survived (barely) 8 years of deceit and abuse of power in the current administration, so we could survive a few more if these two get elected. I am not managing to convince myself, though.

Blumenthal’s report on Salon also goes more in-depth on her ties to the secessionist group, AIP. It is truly frightening. They have a declared strategy of getting their people into powerful positions by having them pretend to be typical Dems or Repubs. The fact that they consider Sarah to be “good for their side” should be alarming to everyone, including the folks at the Secret Service and Dept of Homeland Security.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Is it just me kids, but when you see Obama speak infront of an American Flag, you just want to stop and listen to him?

He just has the charisma and integrity we lost over the past 8 years.

Sounds so Presidential …

13 10 2008

Time Magazine website. This really tells it like it is and it ain’t pretty.

But the Branchflower report still makes for good reading, if only because it convincingly answers a question nobody had even thought to ask: Is the Palin administration shockingly amateurish? Yes, it is. Disturbingly so.,8599,1849399,00.html?xid=rss-politics

13 10 2008
Suchanut (Wesson Scalper Palin)

I’m with you Marty — he is so awesome.

13 10 2008

@syst wrote “If you can, please take a moment to write to The View to call them out on this misstatement!

I just wrote them to complain…Thanks for the link. Since Jake Tapper on wrote a blog about this issue just yesterday, you’d hope The View would be up on the specifics, since their own network is calling Palin out!

13 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Shooting a Moose apparently has all the challenge of shooting a parked car
so sheep are probably a step up to the Great White Hunter

With sheep and mountain goats, the killers just have to climb above them and shoot down. It’s one of the lowest froms of ‘hunting’. The goat meat is not edible as it is quite often parasitic, few eat bear. Deer, moose, caribou, elk are eaten. Goat, sheep, bears, cougars, etc are for the trophy killers – those weekend warriors with tiny feet who have to prove to themselves that they are indeed men (they’re not). I’ve always found that those who get thrills out of killing animals (not those who do kill and use the entire animal for food because they can’t afford to buy meat), tend to have low opinions of women as equals. The supposed ‘trophy’ killers are the worst scum of all – usually leaving the headless body of the animal behind – these creeps have a major problem with their adequacy.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Suchanut, he just looks like a man in control. He is confident and forceful and doesn’t have to attack McGrumpy. I’ve been watching for 15 minutes and not a mention of mcgrumpy..

McGrumpy on the other hand, has talked about how bad obama will be without anything to actually say.. It’s sad, it’s pathetic, and he simply looks like an old tired, angry man.

Makes me proud to be a Democrat..

Thank you America.

13 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Just read a long article about power and politics in Iran and this sounded so much like our Sarah, I just had to quote it.

“Early this year, when Ahmadinejad dismissed reformist politicians as being “ill qualified” to run in the upcoming parliamentary elections, Mohsen Armin, a prominent reformist, shot back: “If ill-qualified people are being advised to desist from registering as candidates so that they don’t inflict a cost on the country, Ahmadinejad is undoubtedly the first person who should be banned from standing in elections.” Pointing to “inflation growing by the day and the people suffering hardship in various ways,” Tajzadeh, the former deputy interior minister, has charged Ahmadinejad with being “incompetent on executive and economic affairs.” Sayyid Mohammad Sadr, deputy foreign minister in Khatami’s government, has written that the defining features of Ahmadinejad’s foreign policy are “his inexpert and delusory outlook,” “a sense of self-adoration,” and “profound ignorance.” Sadr continues: “He doesn’t know that he doesn’t know, so he doesn’t ask anyone. . . . Ahmadinejad needs to travel a bit.” Such attacks had no parallel during Khatami’s presidency. Khatami and his fellow reformists were often accused of being irreligious and anti-Islamic. Ahmadinejad is charged with subscribing to “superstitious religiosity,” magic, and the occult. Some people have even called him crazy. “

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Vlad, maybe there should be hunter hunters.. Those who shoot at the hunters.. Make it more challenging.. !

13 10 2008

I have a continually growing respect for Alaskans – Good Job!!!!

13 10 2008
Jim, aka Pitt Bull Hockey P.

@Big Al in LV NV:
I hope you’re right about Obama winning Nevada. Reno and Vegas may look that way, but out here in Nye County, maybe not so much. I’m doing what I can, and glad to hear you and yours are also, too. As well.

13 10 2008

My mudflat friends you have been very busy! I have a lot of reading to do. Anyway I got this far: Democrat G (formerly “G”) (06:18:09) :

Here you can see her CLEARLY say THEY’RE BOOING ME before she hits the event guy….at the VERY VERY VERY beginning

I watched the video again for about the 4th time and everytime something didn’t seem right. Being a hockey dad I finally noticed that not one of the hockey players on the benches clapped for SHWNBN. Not ONE! When hockey players clap they pound their sticks on the boards. Look at the faces of the players on the benches. They are not AT ALL impressed! Seems they too see right through The transparancy of SHWNBN. Now I’ll shut up and go back to reading.

13 10 2008

I just read the news articles about Levi, and how he dropped out of school. It does trouble me the message that dropping out sends to other children. This McCain-Palin group does not seem to care about education.

They seem to be embracing under-education and muting the importance of literacy (as is demonstrated by the praise for Palin’s folksy lingo).

If a parent does not take steps to teach a child birth control, and goes with philosophy of “just say no”, then a parent must ALSO face the consequences of that policy if the child becomes pregnant and decides to keep the child.

Both Bristol and Levi should be IN school, finishing their education. Their parents should be helping financially, until the child-parents are able to stand on their own, propped up with greater job opportunities gained from education.

13 10 2008

Maybe Moose hunters should be made to hunt their quarry with shield and spear; even it up a bit.

13 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (09:49:26) :

Just read a long article about power and politics in Iran and this sounded so much like our Sarah, I just had to quote it.

Good find Crust..Eerie how similar they are.

13 10 2008
Lana, KY


” Todd Palin is the Dick Cheney of Dumbasses ”

( “Well, I’m very very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing, any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that.”

It’s hard to know what to make of it. It can’t be that she’s a simpleton. (She can see Russia from her house, and Sholem Aleichem was from there, and he was a genius.) So she must be a liar.

The idiot is Todd.)

13 10 2008

oops, there was one player for Philly. My mistake. Still way sad that woman would drag her children out there. Being a ‘hockey’ mom, she knows how hockey fans are.

13 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Just heard Obama talking economics in Toledo Ohio–WOW! Great stuff.

13 10 2008

Lulu (09:36:06) :

Bea wrote “Hello all! For those of you who haven’t visited yet, I HIGHLY recommend this site put together by a teacher in Asheville, NC–Manifest Obama:

I want to second this, Bea! I sent it out to lots of people and they all LOVED it, young and old….still getting e-mails thanking me! I just watched it again!


Lulu, thanks for spreading the word. There were 2313 when I first posted it last night and it’s over 2800 now. I’m betting you and other mudpuppies really helped w/that number!

13 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

judi hussein that one Obama (10:00:47) :

Yea, chilling, except unbeknownst to Sarah, Ahmadinejad actually doesn’t hold much power in Iran, whereas Sarah intends to hold A LOT.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Obama gave a great speech.

His message is full of hope and confidence in america.

All I ever hear from McGrumpy is ugliness and hatred..

Very different in style.

Very different in men.

Very different in honor.

Very different in integrity.

Very different .. One is Presidential. One is not.

13 10 2008
Bella the Bunny Girl

Both Bristol and Levi should be IN school, finishing their education.

Well it says he’s dropping out to take an apprenticeship as an electrician, which is a good thing. But most guys without connections wouldn’t be able to get that apprenticeship without a high school diploma.

He seems dumb but okay, I really have the feeling this is yet another case of a daughter getting pregnant too early on purpose so she can get out from under the thumb of unbearable parents. That rarely turns out well.

13 10 2008

Bella the Bunny Girl (10:08:20) :
…Well it says he’s dropping out to take an apprenticeship as an electrician, which is a good thing.
I have to disagree. He needs fo finish school. The apprenticeship would be there waiting for him. What employer in his right mind would think this is a good idea?

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Is it just me, but do you find McGrumpy reminding you (if you’re old enough to remember) Richard Nixon?

He has that a smarmy, creepy look.. He could be a pedophile poster child, with that yellow toothy grin..

Purely based on aura, and confidence, McGrumpy has none. I just try to think he’s a decent human being, and i can’t see anything. He’s been a lifelong loser.. How the Repugs thought he’s the best??? geeze..

He wants to remove taxes. Make everyone free.. Then he can get elected. There he goes, attacking Obama, his only option.

Lets see.. 5th from the bottom at the Naval Academy, both daddy and granddaddy were admirals, he wasn;t.. He was a crappy pilot.. Shot down by civilians. He crashed 3 planes before he was captured. Told his buddies when he was a POW he was going to be president because he wanted the most power of anyone! A real noble way to want to be President.

Don’t forget, only a few weeks ago, he said he wanted to be Dictator McGrumpy.. He’s scary and insane.

Presidential? Not in this lifetime or any lifetime.

13 10 2008

oops, typo. needs to finish…, and not fo finish.

13 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Is Meg the new Ann Coulter? (wonder why ann has been so quiet lately; prolly cuz she’s insulted by McCain’s choice)


I think Mz Coulter was returned to the wax museum and melted down for candles.

13 10 2008
Newfoundland Dogs Rule

Obama’s speech in Toledo was excellent. The first time he mentioned McCain, people booed. Obama made a point of saying no we’re not going to do that, then he said instead we need to vote.

Image if McCain had done that when he first heard that “terrorist” comment. You can watch him react on the video. McCain just does that caught in the headlights reaction which he seems to do when anything is not scripted the way he thinks it should go.

Great job, Obama.
and Rep. Gara, cool work

13 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

JT (09:59:31) :

I just read the news articles about Levi, and how he dropped out of school. It does trouble me the message that dropping out sends to other children. This McCain-Palin group does not seem to care about education.

They seem to be embracing under-education and muting the importance of literacy (as is demonstrated by the praise for Palin’s folksy lingo).

If a parent does not take steps to teach a child birth control, and goes with philosophy of “just say no”, then a parent must ALSO face the consequences of that policy if the child becomes pregnant and decides to keep the child.

Both Bristol and Levi should be IN school, finishing their education. Their parents should be helping financially, until the child-parents are able to stand on their own, propped up with greater job opportunities gained from education.

This is what most folks do when their teenager makes a mistake and get pregnant. They help with the finances of the children, in order for them to complete their high school education!

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

McGrumpy is still promoting drill baby drill. He refuses to listen to the companies who would process the oil that there is no refinery capacity and it takes several billion dollars and 5-10 years to get a refinery online.

Yet, he doesn’t tell anyone that.. Palin says mine baby mine.. Yea, Pebble mining in Alaska, and kill off the few remaining polar bears. They’re in the way, damn it..

They are sad, pathetic and losers..

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

God help us.. The crowd is cheering and holding up signs..

And suddenly, I had this Heil McGrumpy moment.. IT looked scary, like a bunch of lemmings saluting McGrumpy, ala Nazi style.. Anyone else just see it???

13 10 2008

Well done, AKM. Not only blogger extraordinaire — now you’re screenwriter, playwright, and documentary filmmaker. The things you do to keep us mesmerized on the unfolding drama. Amazing what an Alaskan with an education can do!

More good news: Dean Smith, the legendary North Carolina basketball coach/god has just endorsed Obama. This is HUGE.

13 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Dean Smith is close to God in NC.. That’s a huge thing..!!

Good job north carolina!!

13 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

New thread!

13 10 2008
Canadian Neighbour

Levi & Bristol both dropouts. The writing is on the wall of what the baby’s future will be.

Wonder which “Palin” friend she forced to give Levi a job?

13 10 2008
Martha Toon

This video brought tears to my eyes – coming from both laughter & pain. Please write to Mr. Gara if you have a few minutes, even if it’s just a line or two! My letter:

Dear Mr. Gara,

This long time Alaskan is very proud of you for your questioning of Meg Stapleton last Friday regarding her horrific lies, and for asking for an apology for her creepy smears of Walt Monegan and Steve Branchflower. I will refrain from stating my opinion of the silly spinner but am happy to say that my opinion of you is fantastic! You showed tenacity, courtesy and unwavering resolve in asking for an apology. The video of your conversation has been a gift of great value to those who are truly searching for the truth in this tangled mess, both in our state and for many in the Lower 48.

I can’t thank you enough for standing up for good Alaskans – so just know that you are my hero, in company with many other Alaskans who are braving this political storm of lies and hatred. Yes, hatred is a strong word in describing our governor’s agenda, but it’s quite clear from the report that she is abusing her power and our trust in a manner none of us quite imagined could be spawned from within our beloved state. Ms. Palin is no longer MY governor in any way shape or form.

You have my deepest respect and best wishes to you from me and my family.

Martha Toon
Juneau Alaska

13 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

Obama’s speech today was sooooo good. His command of words that inspire is just excellent. I loved it when he said, “when I am President, I will….”

McCain on the other hand today is say again, “My friends, if I am elected President….” That’s a very big if, with a very little chance of coming true.

13 10 2008
Wolf Cub Hideme Palin

Did anyone notice that near the end of the second Gara/Stapleton clip there’s a sign on a building behind Stapleton that says GASLIGHT? Very appropriate, since that is what the (Mc)Cain/Palyin’ ticket is trying to do to all of us.

13 10 2008

Thanks for posting the video. I shot it and appreciate the extra hits, and love reading the responses to it on here.

For those who wanted to see the rest of the conversation, that was basically all of it. I walked up with the camera on as soon as it started, the only line I missed at the start was Les asking, “So are you going to apologize to Walt Monnegan now?” and at the end, I ran out of tape. He said, “So you’re not going to apologize” or something to that effect and she turned around and started an interview with a print reporter. Les hung around for a few minutes and talked to the media little bit, then went into his office.

So 99.9% of the conversation between the two of them is on there. Thanks again to Mudflats for posting it, and if you ever see anything else you like on either of my youtube pages (AKTruthSquad and Liberalaska , although there’s not much on either right now) please pass them around.

13 10 2008

Les Gara and Walt Monegan are fantastic individuals serving their State and their Country well. I wish there were more people with this much integrity in government.

I hope that one of them runs against Palin if (and WHEN) she returns to Alaska.

13 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Dave (10:44:39) :

Thanks for posting the video. I shot it and appreciate the extra hits, and love reading the responses to it on here.

For those who wanted to see the rest of the conversation, that was basically all of it. I walked up with the camera on as soon as it started, the only line I missed at the start was Les asking, “So are you going to apologize to Walt Monnegan now?” and at the end, I ran out of tape. He said, “So you’re not going to apologize” or something to that effect and she turned around and started an interview with a print reporter. Les hung around for a few minutes and talked to the media little bit, then went into his office.

So 99.9% of the conversation between the two of them is on there. Thanks again to Mudflats for posting it, and if you ever see anything else you like on either of my youtube pages (AKTruthSquad and Liberalaska , although there’s not much on either right now) please pass them around.
Thanks, Dave, for shooting this and allowing AKM to share it with all of us.

13 10 2008
Political Amazon

Stapleton is insufferably arrogant and profoundly dishonest, and Les Gara should be Governor of Alaska.

If Alaska doesn’t want him, he should come to California and we’ll give him a hand getting elected here.

13 10 2008
Bella the Bunny Girl

…Well it says he’s dropping out to take an apprenticeship as an electrician, which is a good thing.
I have to disagree. He needs fo finish school. The apprenticeship would be there waiting for him. What employer in his right mind would think this is a good idea?

I meant having a career goal is a good thing, not the dropping out obviously.

Isn’t a high school diploma required for apprenticeships? Or is Alaska more flexible about on-the-job learning?

As for what employer, obviously someone who owes Sarah/Todd/The Party a big favour, lol.

13 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

Wow, again Les Gara is great. Thanks for the video. Stapleton is really quite despicable and unlikeable.

13 10 2008

Bella The Bunny Girl-I went through the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers apprenticeship and worked as an electrician before I got my degree and went into construction management. I had two years of college before I went into the apprenticeship. Now days there is no way you are going to get into that apprenticeship unless you have some college; some even have a 4 year degree before starting. The field is getting too technical for a high-school dropout.

13 10 2008
Rose in PA

“Why on earth would any politician voluntarily show up for a sports event in Philadelphia?”

Good question! The only reason she was invited was because the team owner is a HUGE contributor to the GOP and actually accompanied Palin around town during her previous visit to Philadelphia. Now why she would actually accept the invitation knowing our infamous reputation for booing, well, I have no idea. Maybe it says a little bit about her – like how could an arena full of hockey people possibly boo the ultimate hockey mom! Golly gee!

13 10 2008

PR not engage the enemy. Gracefully walk away. She’s an idiot.
I can’t believe she stood there that long.
Good for Gara! I love that guy!

13 10 2008

I used to like her when she was on KTUU.

I don’t like her now.

13 10 2008

Is there some kind of CLASS in dirty politics that these people take that indoctrinates them into the kind of convoluted thinking and illogical nonsense that we are exposed to? Or do they attend brain-washing classes sponsored by the radical right? Zealots! Or maybe they are aliens or walk-ins from a galaxy far far away? Clingons? I am scratching my head….. just thinking…. ?

13 10 2008

I yearn for the days when I could listen to my president give a speech(thank you, Bill Clinton). I actually listened to ALL of his State of the Union speeches. For the last 8 years, I have been unable to listen to the sound of the current president’s voice.I swear, I have a petite mal seizure or something when I hear him speak. I am anxiously and eagerly awaiting Barack Obama’s inaugural speech.To have a man of intellect back in the White House is going to be great!!

13 10 2008

Why should Levi stay in school? His role models don’t hold education in high esteem. Palin flunked out of at least one college and skipped around to finally finish her degree. McCain graduated near the bottom in military school. Yikes! These are the type of people who yell for more accountablity among teachers who are some of the most highly educated people in the world, force No Child Left Behind on them and then do not give them the funds to achieve it. These are the people who call Obama elitist for graduating from Harvard and Columbia. Obama is the one who is the maverick, not McCain. Obama is the one who has his priorities straight with his own life goals, family, and principles. I wish people could just see things for what they are.

13 10 2008

Can Florida borrow Les Gara for awhile? We need someone here with conscience and ethics.
oh – and Mr. Monegan – could you come too?

13 10 2008
John Mashey

re: Katie
Yes, that’s what I mean about a YouTube election, which some people obviously understand, and some clearly don’t. This follows the progression of newspapers, +radio, +TV, +Web, but the widespread capture of video beyond that done by professionals, and easy access is new.

It puts a new premium on attributes like:

– Thinking out positions beforehand
– Not shooting from hip and having to change too quickly
– Being calm and disciplined
– Not giving glib answers that don’t stand up
– Sometimes saying “I don’t know, but I will get back to you” and then *doing* it.
[Some politicians actually do this, from firsthand experience. Our Rep, Anna Eshoo, did a town meeting where she answered audience questions for 90 minutes. My wife asked one she couldn’t answer, then got email from Anna within a week.]
– Being happy that anything you say publicly and how you say it:
+ might be posted within 10 minutes ..
+ and easily available to everybody for years thereafter

Smile: you’re on CandInternet Camera


13 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

Random thoughts on reading posts:

@Canadian Neighbour:
Heard it was getting nasty up there: people having their brakes cut and cars keyed if passersby didn’t like the signs on their front lawn.
My husband voted absentee in TO. Harper didn’t get his vote but Dion did because of the person in the riding. Don’t know if that’s any better.

Even though my son goes to Duke that’s one UNC endorsement I’ll take!!

13 10 2008

Watching this YouTube clip again, I can see how great Les Gara is for staying calm, to the point, and talking Stapleton down. Not that many people can do this with these Republican robots. We have seen what it is like on FOX news when someone challenges Hannity or O’Reilly. This is no different. McCain’s campaign and Stapleton included could have handled this entire matter with more dignity. I am really glad that the people on the Legislative Council and the other government officials involved took a stand and did not back down. It is so gratifying to see government work for what is RIGHT.

13 10 2008

meg stapleton…
spawn of satan?

13 10 2008
Bang Walmart Palin

I’m running for president of the Les Gara fan club over here in Michigan ubetcha….

13 10 2008

Stapleton has a very annoying voice/mannerisms. I just turn her off.

13 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Off Topic
Remember those old NY posters that show NYC in the foreground and nothing else until you see SF waaay off in the distance? Well, here’s Palin’s map:

Wasilla in the foreground with state capitol star, Anchorage a dot on the side–East Wasilla. Juneau–West Wasilla–right next to Russia, labeled Putinville.Shoo.
Canada–East Alaska. Lower 48–South Alaska. Hawaii–Left off the map.
Great Britain–Old Alaska. Australia–Southern Hemisphere Alaska. New Zealand–Southern Hemisphere Alaska Annex.
Africa and Europe–labeled Places with unChristian foreign languages. Useful only because they have airstrips for refueling and I can then claim to have visited these Heathen Lands.
Asia–off with Hawaii somewhere
Antarctica–Alaskan Ice. Note–send polar bears here. Don’t need them up north.

13 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

galwhohashadenoughhussienpalin! (08:02:52) :

In the interest of talking you down: the e-mail your aunt received does NOT mention McCain/Palin. Instead, it says that Christians are not voting Christian values. It could certainly be read as an indictment of all those “Christians” who are supporting McCain/Palin. I’d say this is one open to interpretation. And Christians are likely going to pray for whichever candidate they support anyway. I’m pretty sure the Christians on this site are praying for Obama/Biden! Being a non-believer, I don’t think it will make any difference either way, other than perhaps to make the pray-ers feel better about their lives.

In any event, at least it doesn’t smear anyone outright, which is more than can be said for a lot of the e-mails out there.

13 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Probably most would agree that sending Sarah Palin to Philadelphia — a city which booed Santa Claus — to drop the puck at a Philadelphia Flyers hockey game might be risky.

Yep. That idea blew up. Here’s a link to the video. Thankfully there was no snow. Santa appeared at an Eagles game and was greeted by hostile snowballs.

But she’s a hockey mom. What went wrong? Wardrobe malfunction.

She doesn’t even know her own game!

So, here I am, in CA where people say “hockey? Ice hocky? Hockey’s played on a field. But I know better than this. Anyone who actually knows anything AT ALL about hockey knows you don’t wear a Rangers shirt in Philadelphia and think you’ll get out without making a claim against your health insurance (which would probably be denied–for your stupidity)


“Probably most would agree that sending Sarah Palin to Philadelphia — a city which booed Santa Claus — to drop the puck at a Philadelphia Flyers hockey game might be risky.

Yep. That idea blew up. Here’s a link to the video. Thankfully there was no snow. Santa appeared at an Eagles game and was greeted by hostile snowballs.

But she’s a hockey mom. What went wrong? Wardrobe malfunction.

A Forbes blogger writes that Palin brought some of this on herself. Apparently, a week earlier while in Philadelphia she tried – unsuccessfully – to go out for a jog in a New York Rangers hockey jersey.

No hockey fan in their right mind would show up in Philadelphia wearing a jersey of a New York team, or vice-versa, without expecting some sort of fight to ensue.

Yeah, maybe that was a bad decision to go. At least she didn’t turn the Stanley Cup upside down.”

13 10 2008

Shove Maggot “That One” Hussein aka the problem child:

I know it doesn’t mention a candidates name. However, I know my family. They are staunch died through the wool Republicans. My Uncle at lunch recently even made a bigotry veiled statement about Obama. I had to bite my tongue to keep from responding to it. But, I know the source (Aunt/Uncle) from where it came and that was what had me so upset. I am the black sheep of this very conservative Christian family. I don’t believe the way they do and it seems this election just makes it be more in the fore front then usual. It seems I have become much more sensitive to all of this since the Palin nomination.

Just want to say “Thanks” to all who have responded to my rant today. As always I knew I could count on my dear Mudflatters to keep me sane and smiling.

13 10 2008

Sarah “honey bucket” Hussein:
Anyone who actually knows anything AT ALL about hockey knows you don’t wear a Rangers shirt in Philadelphia and think you’ll get out without making a claim against your health insurance (which would probably be denied–for your stupidity)

OR make the mistake like I did attending a Rangers/Habs game at the old Forum in Montreal wearing my John Davidson shirt. This was back in 1979 when the two teams played in the same Division and I was a naive College Freshman. When the game was over, there wasn’t enough left of that shirt to put a g-string on a pregnant ant ! 😀

13 10 2008

ABC’s been put right on The View, for what good it will do.

13 10 2008

Great story. The video was a painful redundantly obnoxious cycle to watch, but some serious props on the great storyline you put with it.

13 10 2008
deb in oregon

Her and Palin are exactly alike. Creating their own version of the story. The thing they don’t realize is people are much more forgiving if you own your mistakes, not deny your mistakes.

I think most on this blog have an underlying anxiety of the direction of this country. We are all feeling the same thing. We can understand the bigotry and hate that is coming from the other side. We understand that ignorance and intolerance ultimately does not solve problems but only creates division. We get it. We struggle daily wishing November 4 would get here. We live with our anxiety not knowing if the McCain/Palin/Stapletons of this country will continue to have the most powerful position in this country. We are struggling to keep our sanity. We can’t take it anymore. 8 years was enough.

I’m tired of all the negative energy so I take a walk down memory lane when Obama’s words were just a whisper to renew my energy and give me the audacity to hope.

13 10 2008
Jim W

In the first video, she claims the only reason Monegan was fired was budgetary reasons, but it was Palin herself that listed multiple other reasons like insabordination, taking an unapproved trip to DC, and not handling alcohol issues in the state. A

13 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@Bluedog aka Bash Budweiser Palin Jr. (00:40:41) : and biglake (sack panther hussein) (07:40:27) :

Yup, that is Michael Carey “translating” for Meg!

@LibertyLover (06:55:14) : and Cynthia, TX (06:59:32) :

Check comments above–she was a reporter/anchor for Anchorage TV station KTUU then was Palin’s press secretary for a year or so before she had a kid and quit. Then she worked as a VP/lobbyist for a phone company before being tapped for this spokesmouth job (paid for by the JM/SP campaign).

13 10 2008
WV Democrat

@Hick Town in W PA

Thanks for posting the link to the new video on Palin’s church. If I heard that accurately, are they now saying taking The Pill is murder?


A sign I saw yesterday aimed at Sarah was great. It said, “Thou Shalt Not Lie, Sarah!” You could just use Todd instead of Sarah.


Todd Palin: Not Qualified For Vice-Vice-President.

13 10 2008


Just curious… presuming that election fraud can be minimized, and Obama/Biden win, what is the political future of Sarah Palin up there in Alaska? When is her term up?

I’m presuming that even the local Republican Party will distance themselves as all these “gates” start to come to full fruition. In other words, is she going to write a book and then come on tour down here in the lower 48? We’ve got enough problems of our own that we’re just getting turned around – don’t need, or want, SP around.

13 10 2008
Stop the Palinator

Hey Meg’s Great! If I ever commit a crime like abuse of power, I want her out there taking care of the character assassinations and smear campaign to covery my a$$! Facts schmacks! Accountability? Who needs it! Talk fast, repeat yourself over and over, and you can be just like Meg!

But what if she and the so-called Truth Squad had been able to stop the investigation? What about the careers of the men she was smearing? She should be held liable for her part in the cover-up. Defamation of character lawsuits for everybody!

What a snake.

13 10 2008

Problem for Meg is that she now may be party to a lawsuit.

PR102: do not get your ass mixed up in a lawsuit involving someone that reporters find interesting, or, an elected official.

(I worked for a high profile state-level political person in CA a while back as campaign press sec and i NEVER let her take care of a parking ticket, having that knack from time to time of thinking of possible future consequences. My client was colorful. If one does not CYAss it will be grass in that cesspool…)

13 10 2008
Untitled « Flockqqa2’s Weblog

[…] Untitled Stapleton, This Town Ain’t Big Enough… […]

13 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

What a great game story!
But I bet you never billed yourself as a number one hockey coed!:-;

13 10 2008
My Top 3 Favorites as of 10/13/08 « Origins of The Notorious TDP

[…] 1. Mudflats: Recently nominated Best Political Blog from bloggers choice awards. 2. The Consumerists […]

14 10 2008

have no idea at all

14 10 2008

I am suddenly glad I am not living in Alaska. In a “small state” as Rep. Gara says, how much more power does a frightening woman like that have? Yikes!

14 10 2008
Troopergate probe broadens — ADN | folo

[…] Okay, while we await developments, enjoy the high-noon drawdown in Mudflats’ Stapleton, This Town Ain’t Big Enough…. […]

14 10 2008

The village voice in Nyc decided to check on the house The Palins built in Wassila and have published this story about Sarah Palin. She might have been better off talking to the media.
Cnn did a story on Troopergate too.
Earlier I asked for help with the media being one sided, turns out there are laws already there for it. The Fcc has them and all political parties must get equal time, they must also be true. So on msnbc, Sunday they suddenly found out that Palin was indeed found guilty of abuse of her power. Cnn found out about Palins abuse of power on Monday! I think we should wait until palin goes to work for fox noise before threatening to report them to the FCC.
Since Monday, the bottom appears to have fallen out of the McCain campaign!
Obama leads McCain. 53 to 39 in a national poll.

31 10 2008
meg's background

Meg’s from central New York. Worked in DC for a number of years in politics. Went back to grad school for journalist. Worked for a few small tv stations, got married, and they both moved to Alaska to work for local tv stations. Got divorced. Married again to someone from her hometown. Quit the tv station and worked for the telecom company. Campaigned for an independent candidate for Alaska governor against Palin et al. Hired by Palin as Press Secretary. Had baby. Quit job. Worked part time as a consultant to the governor. Was picked up by McCain campaign after Palin nominated to do press.

1 11 2008
Prominent Alaskans Demand an Apology from the McCain-Palin Campaign. « Mudflats

[…] when Representative Les Gara, in an epic piece of video footage, demanded that Meg Stapleton (former news anchor turned Palin spokeswoman) apologize to Walt […]