New Poll Numbers for Alaska

8 10 2008

We’ve all been waiting for some current poll numbers from Alaska. Here are the latest numbers from Rasmussen.

McCain 55% Obama 40%

Before his selection of Vice Presidential running mate, McCain led in Alaska by a mere 5 points.

McCain favorability rating in Alaska:

Favorable: 64%

Unfavorable: 36%

Obama favorability rating in Alaska:

Favorable: 48%

Unfavorable: 51%

Palin favorability rating in Alaska:

Favorable: 63%

Unfavorable: 37%

Biden favorability rating in Alaska:

Favorable: 51%

Unfavorable: 46%

It is interesting to note that Palin’s favorability rating has plummeted by 20 points since she became the Republican VP nominee. The people of Alaska have been learning a lot about our Governor since late August, and many don’t like what they see. Others are simply rooting for the home team. Others know the issues and where she stands, and like what they see. And while she still retains popular support overall, she has been actively burning bridges with political colleagues on both sides of the aisle, and no amount of federal earmarks are going to build them back. There’s an old adage that says “be nice to people on the way up, because you’re sure to meet them on the way down.” It could be a painful homecoming for the Governor.

Meanwhile in the rest of the nation….

Gallup National Daily Tracking poll:

Obama 52% McCain 41%

This is Obama’s largest lead yet. While McCain isn’t doing much to “change the game,”
and his less than stellar performance in last night’s debate plays a part in Obama’s growing lead, we can’t ignore the Palin effect. The initial “bump” was obvious, but while support from evangelicals and hard-core social conservatives remains galvanized, Palin’s fringe views, low-ball tactics, and obvious empty-headedness on issues of foreign policy have turned her in to a millstone around McCain’s neck in much of the nation.

Obama may not win Alaska, but the numbers are strongly trending back his way. And, for the first time in a long time, there are two very viable Democratic candidates for 2 of our 3 congressional seats, all currently held by Republicans. Progressives in the state are waking up, and Alaska is becoming purple one way or another.



202 responses

8 10 2008

McCain leading by 15% in Alaska?
What’s in the water up there?


8 10 2008
Redwood Man - Santa Cruz, CA

Let’s hope the Countdown To Truth happens and will change some of those numbers in Alaska.

In any event, things are looking good for Barack and Joe nationally.

Keep up the great work, AKM !!!

8 10 2008
Digital Dame

I have to admit I am baffled by her continuing popularity up there. Is there a chance people are simply unwilling to admit publicly that they don’t support her? They sure can’t seem to be bothered to turn out for her rallies, unlike the Obama rallies. I wonder if she’d be as popular if she wasn’t so pretty.

8 10 2008

I also heard that Sarah was chowing on pizza and spaghetti while watching the Presidential debate on FOX.


8 10 2008

This is GREAT news! I wonder who they are polling, and who they are not! Oh, boy! These next weeks could bring even more change in Alaska!

By the way, I sent my emails to our Reps and Senators. I got a very kind answer from John Harris. I wasn’t sure I had said the right things, as he mainly just said he hadn’t been asked to withhold information. But he had clearly read my message, and answered right back.

HOPE! That One Hussein PrObama

8 10 2008

McCain’s performance in Alaska isn’t surprising. There’s still a large number of Alaskans that think Alaska first, and Palin is their ticket (thankfully there’s also a group that still have a realistic perspective of the world.)

As a former Alaskan and Wasilla resident, I’m now a bit ashamed to see how blatantly Palin is treading on issues of racism and hate-mongering.

8 10 2008
horrified new yorker

Hopefully, the numbers will bear out and Obama will win the election. The question is, how will the Alaskan electorate receive Palin upon her return? One term governor, perhaps?

8 10 2008

And that, my friend, is all good news, my friend.

8 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

You have to remember that Alaskans believe that if Palin is in the White House (or next to it) this bodes well for perks for Alaska.
They haven’t yet realized that Palin’s vascillating on everything (including belonging to the Alaskan Independence Party or the Repugs) shows quite clearly that Sarah does whatever is good for Sarah, and screw anybody else.
As shown by her mayoral requests for resignations to show loyalty (I still don’t get that and would like someone to explain it to me- am I dumb?), if you don’t agree with Sarah, she’ll wipe you out, so, it really doesn’t bode well for Alaska in the future, since she seems to enjoy hanging with the fat cats in the lower ’48 (especially when there’s some loud music to be faced in Ak)

8 10 2008
Amanda in Virginia

I have to say, my friend, I’m a bit disappointed. I had myself convinced that McCain would be tanking a bit more there. There’s still time…

8 10 2008

If Obama can win Alaska, I’ll fly up there and do the Snoopy dance with anyone…

I hope that the report becomes public, McCain blames the his choice, uh no the accusations aimed at her, and the ticket melts like an iceberg in the Pacific…

Then the hockey puck comes home to meet her fate.


8 10 2008

i am sure this number has been thrown out there before, but by what margin did palin win governor?

8 10 2008
Steak Leather

I just wanted my fellow Mudflatters to have a chance to see this video. It says much about his character, i.e. temperament.

Ron aka Steak Leather Palin

8 10 2008
jas (AKA Stoppage Lead Palin)

I keep watching the electoral maps, hoping the Akaska will turn pink. It would be so cool if Alaska went for Obama!

8 10 2008

I was wondering how the Congressional seats were doing in Alaska this year. Perhaps if people learn the real facts they will vote with some intelligence this year. Many of the issues that Alaska are facing are big concerns for the people and environment. Thanks in a large part to you, AKM, these issues are finely getting a voice — the poverty, injustice regarding women, threats to wildlife, the big oil issues that using those revenues wisely, corruption and greed by leaders (Palin among them), special education, etc… These are areas that all need attention, and it does not take a rocket scientist to make a positive difference. This is where Palin is entirely incompetent. I hope that the politicians currently running are addressing these issues with the people.

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
Sara without an H

I wonder what the voter turn-out is in Alaska… it’s awful overall in this country (I think I read it’s averaging 54% for the last 9 PRESIDENTIAL elections)

Registering new voters is turning Virginia blue! I’m from NY originally, VA now, and I like being in a swing state for a change.

Virginia – 348,978 New Registered Voters (up 7.13%)
Charlottesville City – 2,889 New Registered Voters (up 10.65%)
Albemarle County – 4,779 New Registered Voters (up 7.27%)

8 10 2008

Palin just intro’d McCain in PA. Lots of talk of Reagan and the culture of life. Not a mention of Geo. Bush. Crowd loves her.

8 10 2008
upnorth minnesota aka hose Hussein hotrod palin

Listen to Donna Brazile on Obama, race and goin’ forward. It made me tear up. She’s not going to the back of the bus ever again.

hose Hussein hotrod palin

8 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

This was on the last thread, but I thought I would reply here.

Meg Stapleton, a local spokeswoman for the McCain-Palin campaign, said Todd Palin is answering Branchflower’s questions but isn’t hopeful of a fair outcome.
When is truth “hopeful”?

8 10 2008

McCain in PA. Says gov’t will prevent homeowners from being crushed by a bad mortgage. Bet Reagan would LOVE it. (not)

8 10 2008

Fantastic news! Congrats to all.

8 10 2008
reveur1147 aka Crop Schooner Palin

omg, I have to share what I saw on my way to work this morning…. There was a small SUV in front of me with a bumper sticker plastered to the right rear of its rear window. What caught my eye was its color pattern what had some indistinguishable (from my distance) text in the middle of it. When I finally was able to change lanes and speed up (carefully ! lol….) to confirm what I thought I might be seeing, I was right ! It was a SARAH PALIN bumper sticker ! The text in the middle was her name. Just above the colorful design bordering her name, and appearing in TINY print was “John McCain”. Has anyone EVER seen, in the history of all conventions, a bumper sticker for vice president ?? The woman is tooooooooooooo much !

8 10 2008
8 10 2008

Beauty is only skin deep and with what we are hearing about the Branchflower Report due out on the 10th, we just might see the true ugliness of Palin’s administration. Some low information Alaskan voters won’t be bothered by this new information because for them, staying on top with an unwavering support for the home team is more important than integrity and abuses of power. I hope that the other half of Alaska’s Palin supporters will live in the moment, realize her shortcomings, and be able to change their minds as to which candidacy has the best character to lead this nation forward.

There is a whole world of difference between self-serving ambition and selfless aspiration.

8 10 2008

Just catching some of McCain/Palin on CNN. Never seen a more whitebread crowd. I am white, and I don’t think I’d be comfortable there. Not one face have I seen in that raging rally that is not white. We are going to be a nation of minorities, but McCain only has support from whites. God help us if he wins.

8 10 2008

Trivia Question:

Why is Palin NOT wearing her wedding ring today???
Are the rumors true?

8 10 2008

OFFICIALLY (10:48:43) :

Trivia Question:

Why is Palin NOT wearing her wedding ring today???
Are the rumors true?

Okay. I’ll bite. What rumors?

8 10 2008

McCain’s lead in AK is not surprising but of no consequence given the number of electoral votes in play. It will be interesting to see the impact of the Troopergate report Friday.

Slightly off topic but I have been looking for a place to ask this question: does Palin’s church really believe the ‘rapture’ will happen in December of 2012? Coincidentally this would be near the end of McCain’s term with Palin likely at the wheel due to death or disability of McCain. If Palin believes the ‘rapture’ timing, why not launch the nukes to make it a reality??

Can anyone in AK shed some light on this subject?

8 10 2008

upnorth minnesota : Donna Brazile – Oh that was powerful. Brought tears to my eyes too but also made me laugh and smile and feel good. Andrew Sullivan also has it on his front page. I hope it goes viral. That should be required viewing for every American.

Contrast Donna Brazile with Sarah Palin. Contrast Donna’s message of hope and tolerance and a bright future, with Palin’s message of hate and fear and intolerance and a future filled with doom.

Sarah Palin, you should be ashamed! Not only do disgrace women and Alaskans and Christians, most of all you disgrace Americans! America doesn’t need your kind anymore!

As Donna Brazile said as eloquently as anyone as ever said it, we are moving forward, not backward.

8 10 2008

From Conservative NRO, Mark Steyn (his own words):

Well I have gone outside and pulled up my Mcain/Palin sign. This election is over. I will vote for Mcain but I know that come Nov. 5 Obama will be our president-elect. I weep for my children and their families.

I feel sorry for Sarah Palin. A once promising career will be permanently connected to the landside loss of John McCain. His [McCain’s] charge that Obama doesn’t know the difference between “strategy” and “tactics” could equally well be leveled at his own campaign.

8 10 2008
Tom from PA

McCain/Palin is currently speaking at my alma mater which is a short drive from here. It is being televised locally at least. I only managed to watch about 20 minutes of it but I must say the rhetoric was really toned down. I did not hear one mention of Ayers but I came a bit late.
Sarah Palin seems to like the national spotlight….Please tell me that there is little chance that she could win Ted Stevens senate seat if she tried (which I’m sure she will)

8 10 2008
Crunk Petrol Palin

I have friends from Arizona. It is their view that a number of people in Arizona are supporting McCain only because of the “home team” effect and that they are growing tired of him. (Of course, supporting him for president is a way to get rid of him as your Senator, but there has to be better ways).

I found it interesting that for the 1st presidential debate, the TV market with the lowest ratings was the Phoenix area. I guess they have already heard enough from McCain.

8 10 2008

Up North.. love that video. It was very moving. It reminds me how good we can all be… thank you.

and I second the request.. WHAT rumors?? TP in AK.. wifey in PA sans ring.. hmmmm

AND last of all, if I remember correctly… many briefs and legal docs and oral arguments are due today at AK Supreme Court… or did the pltfs withdraw their appeal in light of the pending “co operation”???

8 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

@Tom from PA

I was watching MSNBC and saw a woman in that crows with a sign that said, “Nursing Mom for Palin.” Yikes!

8 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

sorry meant crowd

8 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

I don’t know about all the rapture stuff, but if mccan’t gets elected on
January 21st the headline in the paper would be “Pres. mcain slips on some lipstick and dies”

8 10 2008

Anybody catch this yet? “Palin said also claimed her husband, Todd, is ‘an open book’ on the controversy back home involving allegations that the couple pressured state officials to fire the governor’s former brother-in-law, a state trooper. ‘Nobody has anything to hide,’ she said.”

That’s rich. Even better, earlier in the article she claims truthfulness and judgment are important. Are they, Sarah?

8 10 2008

You know, a lot of people liked Eliot Spitzer- he was a “maverick” governor until he started pokin’ some fillies on the side…

The same people that say they will “weep for their children” are the same ones that enjoyed Clinton’s economic boom and bridge-building to the future ( which GWB subsequently blew up )

8 10 2008
Lana, KY

Another thing to celebrate. : )

Feds investigating sheriff after ‘Hussein’ remark

( LEE COUNTY: Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott may have more to worry about than just the court of public opinion. Federal investigators are now looking into whether Scott broke the law by campaigning for John McCain.

Officials with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel say they have received so many phone calls from the public that they launched an investigation into Sheriff Scott on Tuesday.

The question is – did he use his position as sheriff to influence an election? If so, he could be in violation of a federal election law called the Hatch Act.)

8 10 2008
8 10 2008

I love how they keep saying that Obama is pointing backwards to the president that is Still in office, but love to invoke the ghost of presidents past…Regan. Isn’t that pointing even further in the past? What does that have to do with the future? Unless her witch-doctor can bring him back from the dead???!!! EEEEEK!!!! :-0

8 10 2008

Denise : I caught a few minute of Randi Rhodes yesterday as I was driving to lunch. She was talking about the venues that Palin was speaking at in Florida the other. She said they were the most ultra right-wing areas in the states.

Palin is ONLY preaching to the choir. She is a joke. She isn’t converting anyone or helping McCain a bit. I think they are putting her out there spouting her inflammatory rhetoric just so they can get her on the nightly news so as to distract from the real problem McCain has – himself.

It’s beyond a losing cause for McCain. All Americans care about is the economy. They don’t care about terrorists, the war, social issues etc. All they care about is their jobs, their savings and the future. They don’t want to hear hate, they want to hear solutions.

McCain hasn’t got any. Sometimes distraction politics work but in times of REAL crisis they don’t at all.

But I hope she keeps it up because the more she does it, the more people see who she really is – a ignorant, hateful, racist nutjob.

8 10 2008

ANY word on the Alaska supreme court today and how the arguments are going?

8 10 2008

If Sarah isn’t wearing her wedding ring today, it could mean she can not juggle home, family and the country. I bet she puts country first.

8 10 2008

@ rpahk (10:51:31) : Slightly off topic but I have been looking for a place to ask this question: does Palin’s church really believe the ‘rapture’ will happen in December of 2012?

I don’t know if they gave 2012 as a date. I don’t think I’ve heard that. But I have watched an internet video of the pastor of WAG saying that hte rapture was coming (they’ve been saying that for over 2000 years, even Paul thought it was coming “soon”) and that Alaska will be refuge for the saved.

I didn’t quite understand why God needs a refuge on earth if the saved are going to ascend to heaven, but I’m probably missing something about the theory of the rapture (not intended to be disrespectful, the rapture is no more fantastic a belief than many other things that many intelligent people believe every day – that God gave birth to a son through an unwed, pregnant, woman to start with; that a man lived in the belly of a whale, and if I knew other religions better I’m sure there are more examples. And there are morals and good lessons behind the stories. Not meaning to be disrespectful)

8 10 2008

A must read: Sean Hannity, Robert Gibbs and anti-Semitism: How to go on Fox News

8 10 2008
Catherine Howard

I know so many Alaskans who are BLINDED by Sarah. Utterly blinded. I cannot even discuss the upcoming election without getting blasted by the PRO-Sarah team. Those who side with me whisper their viewpoints, until they can confirm that they truly are in a safe environment. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the number of people who are voting for Obama, just to vote against Sarah.
When did supporters of a candidate get so rabidly defensive? I personally feel attacked, when I criticize Sarah. The term “Haters” came from her supporters, not her criticizers. Sarah has a support system that defies logic. She’s the Teflon candidate. Not only is she coated in Teflon, it runs through her veins. Our society keeps forgiving her transgressions.
Why hasn’t the MSM aired the video of Sarah’s “Welcome to the AIP Convention” speech? Talk about pallin’ round with terrorists. She’s married to one.
How about her sexy “you have an obligation to come to Alaska and feast on wild succulent salmon” video she sent to Craig Ferguson of the Late Late Show? How Presidential was that?
Who can forget the speech she gave with regard to redecorating her Mayoral office and the purchase of a Suburban for the Mayor’s use: “I’m the Mayor and I can do anthing I want until the courts tell me I can’t”
Apparently everyone.

8 10 2008
Mustang Rust

I live 15 minutes or so from Lehigh U. but could neither bring myself to attend the McCain-Pailin rally nor watch much of it on television. It’s totally irrational, I know, but the pair of them seem even worse when you know they’re close by!

8 10 2008

The likely reason for Sarah’s numbers not dropping lower in AK is her connection to the regular every day “Joe Six Pack” with the photo’s of her bagging a moose and Todd out racing snowmachines and flying his Super Cub around the wilds. This sort of thing is the Alaskan dream life for many up here (not this one however), and no amount of ignorance of world issues on her part will ever change their opinion of the Palin’s. We live in a bubble here, like to think we are independent, and that the rest of the world is a nightmare, but of little consequence to us here. As much as I would like to see my state turn blue again like in the 60’s, I am not holding my breath just yet. However there is some movement that direction which is encouraging!! Besides, AK’s 3 electoral votes are of little consequence to the general election. The main thing is to get the Thugs out of the White House.

8 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

@ Sara without an H (10:28:58) :

“Registering new voters is turning Virginia blue! I’m from NY originally, VA now, and I like being in a swing state for a change.”

I have lived in VA for a long time and I am so excited that it is FINALLY a swing state. In the past 30 minutes I have gotten two calls from the Obama campaign – one asking me to canvass this weekend (yes – Sunday) and another asking me for another donation (yes – $50). We are working hard to turn the state blue!

I have been canvassing every weekend and had one of the most startling moments of the campaign last Sunday when I doing a walklist in my neighborhood and saw a listing for none other than David Addington!!! He is Dick Cheney’s chief of staff and co-conspirator in legalizing torture. Though I truly would not wish harm to him or his family, I have to think it was karma when Addington’s house got struck by lightening a few years ago.

I worked up my courage and knocked on his door. Though I could hear people inside, no one answered. I made sure to leave them some literature!

8 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

oh, no…tell me it isn’t so, lara.
a man didn’t live in the belly of a whale !!!!

8 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

After the great showing of Obama in the debate last night, it’s so wonderful to hear that AK is beginning to get their fill of Sarahatemonger. Just her tone of voice turned me off before I ever found Mudflats and learned who is really is. This is one pitbull that looks to be ready to bite the hand that feeds her. She could hardly keep the smirk off her face today as she introduced McPain.

My task for today and tomorrow is to make sure our Nez Perce NA young people know about Palen’s record of non-support to AK natives. Nimíipuu Hosts “OMG 27 Days” is happening this afternoon and I’m on my way.

8 10 2008
Catherine Howard

Check out this video from a young Veteran.

8 10 2008

Major McCain gaffe at rally today.

“Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners…

8 10 2008

Denise (10:44:57) :

Just catching some of McCain/Palin on CNN. Never seen a more whitebread crowd. I am white, and I don’t think I’d be comfortable there. Not one face have I seen in that raging rally that is not white. We are going to be a nation of minorities, but McCain only has support from whites. God help us if he wins.

Come to my job. I am the only spot on one side, and another african american guy is the only spot on the other side. No Hispanics, or other ethnic group. The rest, are white.

This is Texas, one of the redest states!

On another note: here is a link where you can go and make calls to election officials, if you are worried about this election being stolen from Obama/Biden.

I posted this a few days ago, a few post back.

8 10 2008

If Sarah isn’t wearing her wedding ring, maybe Todd just became expendable. Or maybe Todd is about to be indicted so she doesn’t want to hanging around with criminals. That wouldn’t look good.

So what are the rumors?

8 10 2008
Meat Notgay Hussein

Mustang Rust,

I know the feeling. Mrs. Palin was here yesterday. We were blessed with heavy rain last night, which helped to wash away the stench.

8 10 2008

@ ocliberal (11:40:18) :

Major McCain gaffe at rally today.

“Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners…
Or more evidence that he is (A) Losing it or (B) too old- and therefore exhausted to be president…

8 10 2008
Indiana Pearl

Hey Mudflatters – I voted early today here in Indiana for Obama/Biden! What a thrill it was! I hope you all will get the same high I did as I walked out of the polling place.

8 10 2008

Digital Dame (10:02:15) :
I have to admit I am baffled by her continuing popularity up there. Is there a chance people are simply unwilling to admit publicly that they don’t support her? They sure can’t seem to be bothered to turn out for her rallies, unlike the Obama rallies. I wonder if she’d be as popular if she wasn’t so pretty.

I think it has to do more with the fact that she is a Republican. You have to remember that Republicans pretty much have Lemming personalities and they see the world in black and white. Either you are a Republican or you aren’t. You are either with us or against us.

All the remaining Republicans I know are not going to vote. They can’t bring themselves to vote for McCain/Palin, but they can’t vote for Obama because he’s a Democrat. These are the kind of people who, even if they agreed with everything Obama had to say, they still wouldn’t vote for him because he has a “D” next to his name.

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
Meat Notgay Hussein

For all of you that were as disturbed as I was about the tone of the Palin rally on Clearwater, here’s a interesting link:×3531927

The sheriff at that rally is now under federal investigation for possible violations of the Hatch Act.

8 10 2008

Indiana Pearl (11:46:17) :
Hey Mudflatters – I voted early today here in Indiana for Obama/Biden! What a thrill it was! I hope you all will get the same high I did as I walked out of the polling place.

Since I live in Oregon, I won’t be in a polling place. But I’ll do a “happy dance” when I get done filling out my ballot and maybe even do another “happy dance” when I drop it in the box at the library.

8 10 2008

ocliberal (11:40:18) :

Major McCain gaffe at rally today.

“Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners…

Where in the world did that come from? What did he mean to say? I think he has lost it completely.

8 10 2008

nocalgal: It is disturbing. It would be interesting to know what he was supposed to say.

Signs of dementia
Problems with language. People who have dementia may forget simple words or use the wrong words. This makes it hard to understand what they want.

8 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Question to those of you who watched Palin on TV this afternoon, did anyone else notice that suddenly the g’s are back on the end of her words?

Internal polling must be showing that it’s not so cute anymore.

8 10 2008

David Brooks: Palin “A Fatal Cancer To The Republican Party”

8 10 2008
SD Surfchick

As I commented last night, the tongue licking, the bit of slurred speech I heard, (I’m a playwright and very sensitive to voices and appearance– after all it’s all just theatre of the absurd) the rambling, and the lack of decorum, all tell me that That Other One was medicated. Either with heart meds or with psych meds. There was definitely something different about That Other Man last night from the first debate: in my opinion, the pugilistic attitude was replaced by chemical calm.

8 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Sweet news. Alaska still has a bit of evolving to do, but it looks like we’re moving in the right direction. And not a minute too soon.

8 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

ocliberal- I think he meant to say Americans. It did remind me of my Dad when his dementia started to show. He would replace words and go on like nothing was wrong. We kids, learned to act like the audience today did and pretend nothing was wrong too. : (

8 10 2008

Sarah Palin is a Empty Dress with a pretty face!!!!

8 10 2008


8 10 2008

If you are worried, as I am about this election being stolen.

Should anyone like to call on their election officials. The link will provide you questions to ask.

8 10 2008
SD Surfchick

So what’s up with the Newsweek cover that has Fox News so twisted? Something about the Palin cover should have been airbrushed and wasn’t, so that it was purposely unflattering to Palin?

8 10 2008

If you are worried like I am, about if the election can be stolen. This link will provide you a list of questions to ask election officials. You can actually help and call election officials in the different states and counties.

8 10 2008
karen "that one" hussein marie

jesus general has a video posted of two people singing their song “oh sarah palin.”

go listen and be amused.

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Yo, upnorth Minnesota! I wanna give a shout-out to another Minnesotan and thank you for the video. Donna is fierce! We need more people to speak the truth.

@antsy, I think you were correct to say crows. That’s what they are, really. Or vultures.

I think the women who like Palin are the ones in high school who sucked up to the Queen Bee in hopes that the glitter would rub off on them, and the men who like her, well, they just want to bang her.

I was listening to MPR today, and they were dancing around the race issue–all white men, by the way. It maddens me that they downplay it. Actually, so did a guy in the Huffington Post–he said, in effect, that we as a country are past that. No, I’m sorry, we aren’t.

8 10 2008

this frustrates the hell out of me. my link won’t post, and i have to keep typing the same thing over and over.

The link would have taken you to the site to contact election officials, but you can go to the website and locate the info.

For those who are worried as I am, about the election being stolen. You can go to the and volunteer to call election officials.

They provide you with questions to ask the officials. If you can make calls, it would be appreciated.

8 10 2008

Indiana Pearl (11:46:17) :

Way to go Indiana Pearl. I can’t wait for our early voting to begin here in texas.

8 10 2008
Merry Prankster

Well Palin/McCain have locked up the racist & the grumpy old men vote. That still leaves Obama with a lot of opportnities. I think McCain realized before the debate that his followers yelling “Kill him!” was not going to win over the independent women vote in the midwest.

McCain has run one of the worst campaigns in recent history. He has schizophrenic messages –
“We need some one new, independent and not tainted by Washington”
“Vote for me, I have been around Washington and know how things get done.”

He has already won the base vote but seems to be doing everything he can to alienate independents.

8 10 2008
upnorth minnesota aka hose Hussein hotrod palin

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (12:07:41) :

Yo, upnorth Minnesota! I wanna give a shout-out to another Minnesotan …

And a shout out back at ya! I live about 130 miles north of Minneapolis. and you?

Yes, Donna Brazile is awesome! That’s one strong woman!

hose Hussein hotrod palin

8 10 2008

Has anyone seen or heard any official explanation from the McCain campaign on why they left the debate hall so quickly?
No doubt someone is getting an ear full of anger for giving up that opportunity to Barack and Michelle.

8 10 2008

bpoint: Loved what Brooks said about Obama.

Obama has the great intellect. I was interviewing Obama a couple years ago, and I’m getting nowhere with the interview, it’s late in the night, he’s on the phone, walking off the Senate floor, he’s cranky. Out of the blue I say, ‘Ever read a guy named Reinhold Niebuhr?’ And he says, ‘Yeah.’ So i say, ‘What did Niebuhr mean to you?’ For the next 20 minutes, he gave me a perfect description of Reinhold Niebuhr’s thought, which is a very subtle thought process based on the idea that you have to use power while it corrupts you. And I was dazzled, I felt the tingle up my knee as Chris Matthews would say.

And the other thing that does separate Obama from just a pure intellectual: he has tremendous powers of social perception. And this is why he’s a politician, not an academic. A couple of years ago, I was writing columns attacking the Republican congress for spending too much money. And I throw in a few sentences attacking the Democrats to make myself feel better. And one morning I get an email from Obama saying, ‘David, if you wanna attack us, fine, but you’re only throwing in those sentences to make yourself feel better.’ And it was a perfect description of what was going through my mind. And everybody who knows Obama all have these stories to tell about his capacity for social perception.

This was my impression too after reading Obama’s book – “Dreams from my Father”. His reflections and observations of people and their psyches especially in regards to racial perspectives and what prejudice really is, were just extraordinary. My thought after reading the book was that is an amazingly perceptive individual. He sees the nuances within the nuances. He is obviously a very deep thinker. I heart deep thinkers.

8 10 2008

KKK rally….er, uh, I mean the PALIN/McCain rally broadcast on CNN was bleached white.

White. White. White. And so venomous they really needed sheets to hide beneath.

8 10 2008

Official reason McCain left the Prez Debate so quickly:
Depends Change Required.

8 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

In the Town Hall debate, Obama clearly stated his priorities.

#1 A smarter and more diverse energy policy to invest in jobs, turn the economy around and stabilize world tensions.

#2 Health care is a right. An emphasis on prevention will reduce costs of health insurance and Medicare.

8 10 2008
Judi B ADA Stepper Choke Palin

This blew my mind! I picked up my mail and lo and behold, there was one of those yellow “Emergency Telegram” letters from…….John McCain! I could not believe it. It was an emergency fund raising letter asking for $5000, $2500, $1000 down to $35 because “the Obama Democrats will rely on their massive fundraising machine to spend and do whatever it takes to bring all our Republican candidates down….has turned toward one target: defeating me (John Mccain) and capturing total control of our government”…”we’ve got to immediately increase our fundraising goals and raise $21.5 million…. ” Wow, I am a registered Democrat, always was, an ardent Obama supporter and fund raiser… How in the world would they get my name and send this to me?… I am tempted to send back a nasty note, but also maybe not so I get more and can see what they are doing!!

8 10 2008
Suchanut Wesson Hussein Scalper Palin

Pollsters facing election’s perfect storm
Three new election factors are keeping pollsters up nights

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@upnorth minneosota–about fifteen minutes north of both cities (yeah, I’m a TC snob as well as an elitist intellectual).

@Merry Prankster–not so sure about the base after what he said about buying up the bad loans last night. They are maaaaad at him.

@Judi B, you shouldn’t give money, but you should write them a note indicating that you can be swayed. You, too, can be a “Barack Operative”.

8 10 2008

Kimbers chop, That Alz thang is a real worry for me.

I would not could not vote for McCain due to his age. I too watched the creep of dementia as it went unseen by all but the very closest intimate companions who spent daily time with those affected.

McCain is too old to adapt rapidly to changing world circumstances. He and his ideas are OLD. He had to rush out and scribble stuff on his notes last night. Couldn’t even trust his memory that long.

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Judi B ADA Stepper Choke Palin (12:32:08) :

Maybe you’re a registered Republican now!

I’m still reeling over the ‘prisoners’ gaffe.

8 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

‘He has already won the base vote but seems to be doing everything he can to alienate independents.’

Personally, I believe his base has shrunk considerably but none-the-less I hope he keeps up the good work!!

If anyone here knows any independents, please, please, please, make a point of talking to them now!!

8 10 2008

Palin and McCain are trying to secure the Hate Vote now. No surprise. Palin was put on the ticket expressly for the 3G vote (God, Guns, Gays).

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

@ rpahk (10:51:31) : Slightly off topic but I have been looking for a place to ask this question: does Palin’s church really believe the ‘rapture’ will happen in December of 2012?


Are there rapturists actually touting Dec 2012? Isn’t that the X-files, Mayan calendar thing?

8 10 2008

As an emergency medical professional I looked at McCain last night and told my husband that McCain was drugged and has been having neurological episodes lately. And I have pointed out that aphasia is a sure sign of such issues. That is the loss of words. Not sure if it also applies to the replacing of words, but I remember my grandmother doing it at the beginning of her dementia too. And now I have a grandfather doing it. I mean we all say the wrong word sometimes, but we usually catch ourselves and correct. Even with the “show must go on” mentality that was not a mix up that should have been ignored. It is just way too likely that there is something wrong with him and that Palin would be president not long after they took office if they somehow managed to pull this off(steal this one too)

Ok will stop for now
Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

But in national, Obama is the best !

8 10 2008

Thinking of signs and buttons and shirts again today…

McCain ain’t Abel, and Palin stinks too

McCain/Palin – Two mavericks promising Bullshit All The Way

Barack or Bullshit, it’s your choice.

Obama has solutions. McCain has hateful words. You have a vote.

Behold The Ballad Of The Ballot
and The Busting Of The Bitch

If this wasn’t one of my headache days, there’d be more one-liners, and a whole snappy poem after the two-liner :o) Any poets here wanna give it a try?

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

There once was a VP candidate from Wasilla
Who had skin the color of pure vanilla
She strutted, simpered, and winked
Though she said she never blinked
She left a path of destruction worse than that of Godzilla.

8 10 2008

I think this was debunked a long time ago. Too bad, because it does sound a lot like Grandpa John:

I believe the first clue was “current bombing” in Iraq in 2000?

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Operation Desert Shield terminated when Operation Desert Storm Commenced on Jan 15, 1991 (some sources say Jan 16, 17, or 18) and lasted into the month of Feb.

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Sorry, not the question you asked – my bad.

8 10 2008

Need to share this with everyone

8 10 2008

With all the posts I’ve made on my blog, about the election, and the stark differences between McCain and Obama, I’m proud to say I have two more votes for O!

8 10 2008

The Donna Brazile clip was powerful…..Thanks for the link.

About the Alaska Polls…..
They skyrockted when he picked her:
9/9/08 McCain 64 Obama 33
and then started to slide
9/17 McCain 55 Obama 38
and now Obama making progress
10/6 McCain 55 Obama 40

Hopefully after they release that report on Friday….
They PLUMMET!!!!!

8 10 2008

Here’s Joe’s take on the good guvnah:

8 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Tuesday’s homework is done! I rather think they are not responding to their non-constituents, but that’s okay. I haven’t gotten anything ‘snarky” in response 🙂

Small note: last week, I got the awful email about Obama (again). I turned it in to the Obama watchers and emailed my friend that it is my intention to vote for BO and I respect whatever decision she makes, but that I wanted no unsubstantiated propaganda. Reminded her that we love them all.

Got an email back saying “I’m leaning that way too…isn’t it amazing what pops up in the internet, though”.

Glad I haven’t lost that friend of 30 years and I hope I got another vote for Obama/Biden.

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Looks like McCain just got tarred with the Ayers Brush – I love it!

8 10 2008

McCain has the beginning of what I call “nursing home eyes” we can soon call him opaque john
Even McCains eyes are going blue … Woo Hoo !!!

8 10 2008

Cassie, May I say you handled that beautifully?

I nominate Cassie for Ambassador to our Republican Friends.

8 10 2008

Just in case any mudflatters might be interested, here’s the Obama web site set up for combatting rumors:

8 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (12:49:18) :

I love it!

8 10 2008

whichferret (12:43:15) :
As an emergency medical professional I looked at McCain last night and told my husband that McCain was drugged and has been having neurological episodes lately.

I totally believe that they drug him up for his debates. On the campaign trail he is listless and slow. When in the debates he’s hyper as hell. Then the next day he crashes. I’ve known people who did uppers and that’s exactly how it affected them.

Just what we need. A President who needs to take uppers to be fully engaged.

8 10 2008
Florida-Turning Blue

From the far corner of the ‘lower 48’, I gotta tell ya….I love this site.

8 10 2008

“Criticizing Sarah Palin is truly shooting fish in a barrel. But given the huge attention she is getting, you can’t just ignore what she has to say. And there was one thing she said in the debate with Joe Biden that really sticks in my craw . . .”

8 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Okay, I’m getting very tense over the ugliness coming from the McCain camp.

This kind of behavior is not, in my opinion, forgivable.

I just emailed him to say “Shame for hiding behind the skirts of the awful woman. Although you may share bigotry as an agenda, you will not win thoughtful,…..”

Mudflatters—give them a shout and let them know this is NOT ACCEPTABLE and it only motivates us further!

8 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Denise (13:04:30) :

Cassie, May I say you handled that beautifully?

I nominate Cassie for Ambassador to our Republican Friends.

Denise, do we have any? Or, will we after this ugly mess shakes out?

8 10 2008
SoCal Bob

Seems like the further JM dives into a negative campaign they go, the more he loses in the polls.

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA


She really is what Bush pretends to be — she ‘s a true anti-intellectual. She’s has this very Pentecostal view of the world. We don’t need to study the Bible, we don’t need ministers, we can just feel the spirit and let the spirit speak through us. It’s this classically Alaskan value system that places experience over all other values. I know what mothers need because I am a mother.

8 10 2008

Please keep in mind that Alaskan republicans are voting down the party line. They are also voting for “Our Favorite Daughter,” meaning that since she’s from here, they feel they need to support her. She has a lot going for her here between the loyal Repubs and the loyal Alaskans (Alaska First mentality).

I think you’ll find that most Democrats and a majority of Independents will vote for Obama, but there are just tons of Republicans here and they tend to vote Republican no matter what. My husband’s one of them.

McCain came in third here in the primary, so you know people are not going to vote Republican because of McCain.

8 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB

SoCal Bob (13:34:18) :

Seems like the further JM dives into a negative campaign they go, the more he loses in the polls.


If you watched the debate on CNN last night, that was exactly what happened with their little “feelings thingy” they gave their focus audience for the graph running under the debate. Every time either candidate went negative on the other, the lines went south. The difference was that McCain went neg more frequently and consistently than Obama.

8 10 2008

I just got in so I need to go back and catch up on all of today’s posts, so forgive me if this has been stated already. Did anyone notice who the Petty Officer was having his photo taken with following the debate? The Petty officer and his son had their photos taken with Obama and not Mcflop. My retired father was so excited about that today. He wondered if anyone else noticed.

8 10 2008
SD Surfchick

whichferret (12:43:15) :
As an emergency medical professional I looked at McCain last night and told my husband that McCain was drugged and has been having neurological episodes lately.

numbers, polls, strategies are all important tools. So is trusting our instincts when we see behavior we somehow know is aberrant. Everything about McC seemed odd last night and wholly unlike his movement and behavior in the first debate. Keep your eyes open and your mind clear. We got hoodwinked plenty in the last 8 years. Ever vigilant.

8 10 2008
mudslide pike

Just a note: the reason I missed work today is I was recovering from a hangover!!! OUCH Last night “My Friends” was used 22 times hmmmm…..
So I don’t know about the rest of you but I ended up with one foot on the floor all night trying to keep the room from spinning….. I guess Obama won the debate.

8 10 2008
SD Surfchick

sorry! I meant to quote you, whichferret! not steal your words.

8 10 2008

OK, so I am looking at the map of Mudflats, and have to wonder … why are so many people watching from the isle of Sao Tome (off the west coast of Africa) ??

8 10 2008
SD Surfchick

numbers, polls, strategies are all important tools. So is trusting our instincts when we see behavior we somehow know is aberrant. Everything about McC seemed odd last night and wholly unlike his movement and behavior in the first debate. Keep your eyes open and your mind clear. We got hoodwinked plenty in the last 8 years. Ever vigilant.

8 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB


RE: the petty officer. Yeah, I noticed it too. In fact, Obama spent quite a bit of time talking with him–more than many others in the audience. I thinkhis name was Terry Shirey…

8 10 2008

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (13:03:54) :

Looks like McCain just got tarred with the Ayers Brush – I love it!

You just can’t make this S*&T up!

8 10 2008

McCain today made a medical slip-up. He called all Americans his “fellow PRISONERS”. Yikes:

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

“kimosabe (13:42:34) :

OK, so I am looking at the map of Mudflats, and have to wonder … why are so many people watching from the isle of Sao Tome (off the west coast of Africa) ??”

I think that’s Ascension Island folks.

8 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@Erin (13:39:33) :

Actually, McSame came in FOURTH in the AK R “primary” thingy, not third. He got beat by Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, AND Ron Paul!

8 10 2008

remember MudPuppies.. strength and resolve for the campaign.

BUT also politics of HOPE not fear. Be upbeat. Do not despair.

8 10 2008
Molten Contra Palin (aka Jen)

I found a link to this on Karion’s website a few days ago, but rereading this letter exchange between Obama & McCain from 2006 has even more significance for me in light of last night’s “THAT one!” comment. Such a telling glimpse into the mindset of these two men.

and some followup/fallout:

Apologies if this has been posted before. I wish I had time to read all the comments here in one sitting!

8 10 2008

now.. it is getting on to after 2 pm in AK.. any word from the Court????

8 10 2008

I saw a reference to the “mudflats map.” Where is the mudflats map?

8 10 2008

I know I can not “fix” stupid….we have been there before….But I really don’t understand how it is that their “base” hears nonsense flow forth from their mouths and concludes that their Leaders are doing a GOOD JOB! I mean seriously there are people who think that it was just fabulous that scarah not only didn’t answer Gwen Iffel’s questions, but told her that she wouldn’t. Oh and I know that she actually said that she just wouldn’t answer them the WAY Biden and Iffel wanted. It is one thing to use the bait and switch tactic of debate, but to come out and say that you are going to do it? WTMF? And then for people to say that that makes her a BRILLIANT DEBATER? My head hurts

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

This is great news!! Thanks for the update on the polls. I think the trend will continue to favor Obama/Biden in the upcoming weeks. Thanks to Mudflats for your pursuit of truth!! Your efforts are truly commendable!!

8 10 2008

From the Daily Kos

The Cowardice of Sarah Palin
by Hunter
Wed Oct 08, 2008 at 02:00:01 PM PDT

I suppose it should go without saying that if Sarah Palin has been reduced to speaking to hard-right audiences, but can’t do any nonpartisan interviews because they’re confident she’ll blow it, and can’t appear without John McCain because he may have to bail her out if things get dicey, and generally can’t do anything but stay in her little anti-media box, coming out twice a day like the little bird in a cuckoo clock to yell a few phrases into a crowd and leave again, she’s all but useless to her own campaign. Her favorable ratings have been diving. She’s still got Troopergate in the works. There’s still gawd knows how much embarrassing tape from her Katie Couric interview, which is probably going to keep being dribbled out from now until the election. So far, she’s been making her most indelible American impressions on the pages of the National Enquirer.

Yeah, she’s firing up the wingnut base. Who cares. The wingnut base is the easiest group of people on the planet to fire up. They get fired up when they think gays might steal their marriages. They get fired up when they have to press “one” for English. They get fired up when some black guy gets all uppity and runs for president. They get fired up when their sub-sub-sub-version of Christianity isn’t the dominant religious ideal of the nation. Holding Sarah Palin in front of them is like teasing a dog through a fence, but that’s about it.

So ya know, McCain — by all means, if you’re going to throw this Hail Mary pass, then throw it in earnest. Let her pop on out there for interviews with real reporters — you know, as opposed to the biting “journalism” of people like Kristol and Hannity. Have her answer questions on the stump that haven’t been pre-approved in triplicate. Right now, “maverick” seems synonymous with “coward” — if the strength of your convictions extends only to inciting crowds against Obama, and you’ve got nothing else to run with, then I don’t think you can get too snippy when the public just starts laughing at you.

I don’t want Obama to win because McCain’s campaign sucks as badly as most Democratic campaigns have in previous years. I want him to win on the issues. But since McCain and Palin are avoiding even mentioning the issues — or even appearing in locations where they might be, shudder, asked about them — I guess we’ll have to settle for the first.

8 10 2008

I do have hope by the way that more and more people have awakened from their slumber and realized that they don’t want to hear nonsense, but still…..

Whichferret Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

I know I’m in the minority here about age but just because someone is in their 70’s does not mean they’re ready for the pasture or unable to perform complex mental tasks. I know and have known countless individuals who could physically and mentally run circles around most of us who are in their 70’s and early 80’s.

It’s amazing that McCain has lasted in this race as long as he has without some sort of major health breakdown. I doubt his health is good and he has long-standing issues as the result of war injuries. My sense is that the McCain we saw last night is simply exhausted from a grueling 18 months of campaigning. I also doubt that his campaign handlers realized how standing and moving next to a vibrant opponent would make McCain look even older and more tired than he is. I’m betting they’re praising the powers above that Obama opted not to do those weekly town hall meetings!

His age is not what concerns me, rather its a life-long pattern of rash and erratic thinking and action.

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

“Lara (14:05:09) :

I saw a reference to the “mudflats map.” Where is the mudflats map?”

On the right side, all those orange circles on the world map, under Categories.

8 10 2008
Sharon Hussein/CA

Official reason McCain left the Prez Debate so quickly #2:

Cindy had to get backstage quick so she could wash her hand after Barack shook it.

8 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

McCain’s signs of deterioration seem to be growing. PTSD and age may be contributing, the stress of campaigning so long may be the root of problem. President Woodrow Wilson’s stroke in October of 1919 is attributed to the stresses of campaigning. McCain has been running at a terrific pace since last year and has been under tremendous emotional stress as well. Cindy McCain’s remark that the Obama campaign is the “dirtiest ever” is strong evidence of the strain they are experiencing. I am worried about and for him and I am very worried about what would happen were he to be elected.

8 10 2008
Susan, WA

@you’rekidding,right? (12:50:11)
Yeah, I’d love to believe the story too. It hasn’t been totally debunked…
check out:

I’m beginning to wonder if Cindy McCain is one of the legion of abused
women…emotionally abused…who ‘stand by their man’ because they can’t
summon the strength to leave.

Thanks for the posts about the neurological changes observed. I’m a
retired Critical Care Nurse and I had wondered about some of the lapses
of syntax in his interviews. God help us if he’s elected! and SP moves into
the oval office.

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Somebody was asking about why Fox Forum had their panties in a wad about the Time cover. Here it is

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Sorry, Newsweeks cover.

8 10 2008

ocliberal (12:26:41) :

That was a very astute observation by David Brooks. Obama’s perceptiveness was also evident in the speech he gave about race back during the whole Rev. Wright thing. Obama can disagree with someone substantively but totally understand where they’re coming from. Contrast that with the dismissiveness of McCain and Palin.

8 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

On a lighter note when I saw the HufPost headline BIDEN: PALIN IS GOING TO A “PLACE WE SHOULDN’T BE GOING” My first thought that Joe was referring to
Palin’s “special place”. But it turns out he didn’t drink the coffee, it was just a reference to going beyond the pale in rhetoric (pun intended).

8 10 2008
reveur1147 "That One" aka Crop Schooner Hussein Palin

@Erin: That’s sad, and I hope that a lot more of your fellow Alaskans can be FORCED to examine the policies and practices of their “Favorite Daughter”. Recently, I watched a gut-wrenching report on the dreadful and dangerous living conditions suffered by Native Alaskan Indians. That $1,200 per person that Sarah Baby likes to brag about having given to every Alaskan certainly would have made a huge difference to the Indians!

For the sake of all of you who must put up with her when she returns — triumphant from this election, or not — one of my most fervent prayers is that she will get hers in the Troopergate investigation !

On a much more hopeful note, aren’t the latest polls GREAT !?!? 😉


8 10 2008


I do not think that McCain’s age is the factor either. I am going purely on his health. My grandfather whom I take care of, is 90 and was very active until last year when he had a very bad fall. In fact, even now as a quadriplegic he gets told that he does not look 90. And he doesn’t. Age is a number….how old you are is a different story. I also knew a guy when I was growing up who was in his 90’s that delivered meals on wheels to “old people.” His words. He was a hoot.

I was raised to judge people by who they are and not by which group they should “fit in to.” That goes for good people and not good people and I try to give people lots of chances to prove that they are good people before writing them off. Took me a long time to come around to the idea that the McCain of 2000 was really gone; broke my heart when I did have to admit it.

Whichferret Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA
8 10 2008
upnorth minnesota aka hose Hussein hotrod palin

Somebody was asking about why Fox Forum had their panties in a wad about the Time cover. Here it is

oh for pete’s sake. and heaven help us if THIS is what’s at stake in this election. aaaaccckk!!

hose Hussein hotrod palin

8 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA
8 10 2008
Lana, KY

twenty-two bottles of beer on the wall . . . twenty-two bottles of beer,
take one down “my friend” and pass it around and they’ll be twenty-one bottles left for all my “fellow prisoners…”

Bad joke – I know, but this has been a long hard ordeal having to watch
mcfud & daffy duck for the last 6 weeks.

Keep up the good work everyone –


8 10 2008

Somebody was asking about why Fox Forum had their panties in a wad about the Time cover. Here it is

Seroiusly they should be more worried about the story IN Newsweek about her, although I doubt any of them will actually read it.

In other news – “Alert the Media! Palin talks to the Media!”

The levels of absurdity here is unfathomable that there is actually are post that is headlined “For First Time, Palin Takes Questions”

” After weeks of limited contact with the news media, Republican vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin ventured to the back of her campaign plane Tuesday and answered several questions from reporters.”

Nothing too groundbreaking a predicable lament about the “partisan” Troopergate Investigation.
Palin said the inquiry “has been kind of a goat rope, very partisan and very controversial type of investigation.”

And even stranger…
And (Palin) said she’d love to appear on “Saturday Night Live” with Tina Fey, who’s made famous a hilarious caricature of Palin.

“I love her, she’s a hoot and she’s so talented. It would be fun to meet her, imitate her, and keep on giving her new material,” Palin said of Fey.

Ooookay…. Yep, yep, just keep giving her that new material.

Oh Vey!

8 10 2008

Ooops – here is the Newsweek link “The Palin Problem”

8 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein "that one" Catfish P.

My fellow PRISONERS??????? Holy Mother of God.

He’s lost it. Reverting. A sure sign of losing brain function.

NOW can we see his medical records? And when was the last time he had a check-up? Someone needs to push this issue.

8 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

I, too, am concerned about McCain’s health. The campaign has been grueling and he looks unhealthy… and as a sort of aside… Why the h#ll does he appear in the sun without a hat? Is he courting disaster? Cindy looks equally stressed and is speaking out about the negativity of the Obama campaign, oh puleez. Sarah did not mention Ayres today. And I am waiting anxiously to see how the court ruled in AK today…

8 10 2008

55% to 40% is do-able!

McCain’s horrific healthcare plan is yet another misguided transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich (McCain’s tax plan).

A Table Worth a Thousand Words… and Millions of Votes

8 10 2008

People have asked on another thread about whether or not Falin was wearing her wedding ring today. She was not. I just watched clips on the news and her ring finger was bare. I know it is a silly little thing, but people asked

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

Judi B ADA Stepper Choke Palin (12:32:08) :
Wow, I am a registered Democrat, always was, an ardent Obama supporter and fund raiser… How in the world would they get my name and send this to me?… I am tempted to send back a nasty note, but also maybe not so I get more and can see what they are doing!!

Judi, if it came with a postage paid envelope, send it back with a big red zero with a cross through it. Then they will have to pay for return postage. That’s what I do whenever I get a credit card solicitation. I once got so irritated I cut the paper into little pieces so when the person opened it, the pieces would fly all over everywhere. Then I decided not to send it because the only person it would effect would be some poor woman in India working for $10 a day who opens the mail.

8 10 2008
Sharon Hussein/CA

Quote of the day from Andew Sullivan’s blog:

“I think McCain is down to seeds and stems,” – Rick Hertzberg.

8 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Great newsweek link… no wonder faux news has it’s panties in a wad! Thanks for posting that.

8 10 2008

@Sharon Hussein/CA

Thanks I need a laugh today

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

@Sharon Hussein/CA (14:46:52) :

That is precious!

8 10 2008

So does anybody know if the Obama camp is aware of how many people have taken Hussein as a middle name at least until this nonsense ends? Just figure it might help brighten their days 🙂

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

I hope the MSM picks up on the wedding ring thing, just to tickle her ‘piss me off’ bone.

8 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

@Nebraska Native:

“Sarah did not mention Ayres today. ”

The way I understand what I heard on Nightly News is that she has been pulled off that attack, but she is still the main attack dog.

Also, Obama has so much money in his campaign war chest and is outspending McCain so heavily that he almost can’t lose. That’s a change from a few weeks ago when Chuck Todd (I think it was him) said it’s normally the candidate with the most money that wins, but this year don’t count on it – or words to that effect.

8 10 2008

Hi all!

PBS has an online poll posted asking if Sarah Palin is qualified. Apparently the right wing knew about this in advance and are flooding the voting with YES votes.

The poll will be reported on PBS and picked up by mainstream media. It can influence undecided voters in swing states.

Please do two things — it takes 20 seconds.
1) Click on link and vote yourself.
Here’s the link:
2) Then send this to every single Obama-Biden voter you know, and urge them to vote and pass it on.
The last thing we need is PBS saying their viewers think Sarah Palin is qualified.


8 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

She can’t mention Ayres since the Lenore Annenberg ghost got out of the closet.

8 10 2008

Did anyone see Cindy Lou Who say anything to the future First Lady?

Yea, I saw the clip with McSame saying “my fellow prisoners”. He needs to take time off to rest.

8 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

They still have that up? I thought they took it down after receiving so many complaints as people could “vote” more than once.

8 10 2008

Nebraska Native: I was struck by Cindy’s statement yesterday. I wish she had eloborated. Exactly what ‘dirty’ things has Obama done? I’m serious. I really want to know. Did he accuse McCain of teaching sex to Kindergarteners? Did he call McCain a terrorist?

I never get these one liner press releases. How come no one ever says something like , “Mrs. McCain, can you give specific examples of the dirty things Senator Obama has done?”

8 10 2008

If someone needs a rigged PBS poll to tell them Sarah Palin is ‘qualified’ I don’t think us voting on it is going to help much.

i’m sick of that poll. I thought it went away. Someone must get paid by the number of hits on the site because it sure gets pushed in every forum.

8 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein "that one" Catfish P.

ignore the PBS poll. In fact I may just write to PBS and tell them what a sham they have there.

And threaten not to send my ten bucks during fundraiser week!

8 10 2008
Debby - Illinois

Grandpa McCain’s presentation last night seemed to be just smarmy – ingratiating and unpleasant. Perhaps he was told to rein in his tendency to lose his temper and this is the result – smug, condescending, and paternalistic. Others have mentioned a drug and/or dementia problems, so that may be it, too, but I just cringed each time he spoke (as others have said).

On another topic: I picked up Thomas Frank’s “The Wrecking Crew” and have only read the introduction, part of which I’d like to share for the insight it brings to conservative rule. I enjoyed “What’s the Matter with Kansas,” which came out during one of the Bush elections – the first one, I think. This is what Franks says about the relationship between Bush/Cheney squad and the government.

“Fantastic misgovernment is not an accident . . . . It is the triumph of a philosophy that considers the liberal state a perversion . . . and the idea of the public interest airy-fairy nonsense. They have made a cult of outsourcing and privatizing, they have wrecked federal operations because they disagree with them, and they have deliberately piled up an Everest of debt in order to force government into crisis.”

Frank’s presents a scary assessment – scary because it all seems so *deliberate.

Sounds like Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine. AKM

8 10 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Here’s what I know. Almost all the people who I know who have moved to Alaska and stayed there or were born there hate the government to the core of their DNA. We’re no talking mild hatred here. They want the government to be as tiny as possible or better yet evaporate into thin air. They all have their reasons, some of them are even really good. These are the folk along with the evangelicals that are McCains base. Now last time I checked the evangelicals also liked to move as far out into the woods as they could get where they huddle in little groups and try to take over the governments (or what ever is available for the plucking) of small towns. We had a bunch take over our volunteer park board this park gave us big time revenue from renting an old gym and a really nice series of baseball fields built with all volunteer labor. The fundies took over the board and actually wouldn’t allow community dances in the gym (generated $7000 or so an event) and wouldn’t allow baseball tournaments to play on Sundays. They went in the hole said the parks were not viable and we should sell them, instead they got recalled now things are humming along again back home. But I digress.
You have these two very rabid republican groups both in Alaska they probably make up the majority of the republican vote, then you have those who like Palin, add to that a margin of error for those who are fearful of telling anyone they are going to vote against their governer ( she is known to be a rather vindictive witch) and you have the majority you see.

8 10 2008

Wow! Just saw on Hardball that Cindy Lou is now getting in on the trash talking. It’s quite disturbing to see how much they seem to enjoy spewing their venom, especially Palin. She had the biggest smirk on her face while Cindy was speaking. My god, what’s WRONG with these people?!

8 10 2008

I know that I’m way behind on this thread, as a result of my working responsibly all day! but that “Tumor of the Soul” article linked toward the top is REALLY GOOD!

I hope lots of Republicans are in agreement!

8 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

I think we have found a new press secretary for Sarah Palin. He’s working for Senator Coleman now, but he may open to moving up to the big time to deal with Trooper Gate – right now he’s only dealing with questions regarding gifys of clothing and his talents are being wasted. Take a look at his audition.


8 10 2008

KAMERUN SCOOP (12:43:27) :
I’m sure it’s a good story, but unfortunately, I’m unable to translate.

8 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein "that one" Catfish P.

teehhee….. just read a comment on one of the HuffPo’s articles…

to wit:

If Obama has been “The One” in the past, and now he’s dubbed “That One”, when he win’s the Presidency, will his plane be “That Airforce One”?

And may I add, will we all be called, “Those Ones” because we voted for him?

The repugnicants can go ahead and claim “No Ones” if they want….

8 10 2008
Kim in Florida

Found this today regarding the overwhelming number Freedom of Information Act requests for Palin’s emails while governor and the attempts to dodge compliance by making it too expensive.

8 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

@judi B ADA Stepper Choke Palin (12:32:08) :

The Republican strategy is based on profiling and data mining base using mailing lists and commercial databases – information from all those customer service cards. They calculate the likelihood of you’re being republican based on surveys of people who subscribe to certain magazine subscriptions or live in particular zip code or shop at particular stores. Somehow you fit the profile.

When Reagan was president I was invited to become an honorary member of the RNC even though I was a registered Democrat. I was able to link that to a gift subscription to a magazine that used the title Professor in it.

The Obama campaign also uses databases, but as you know its done to make personal contacts rather than to bombard people with unsolicited mass mailings.

8 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Susie in Jersey (14:53:08) :

@Nebraska Native:

“Sarah did not mention Ayres today. ”

That’s because the woman who set up the charity, Leonore Annenberg, endorsed, and presumably gave money to McCain!!!!!!!!

Can’t piss off the contributors!

8 10 2008

Mika B. filled in for David Gregory on his show today. I find her views all over the place from day to day but she sounded like a paid shill for McCain today. She and almost everyone she spoke to were insisting that Obama is running just as nasty a campaign as McCain and telling as many lies. Lots of talk about Ayers and that it’s an important issue but the AIP is never mentioned. Palin is wonderful and McCain is a proven leader with great judgment. She covered Cindy McCain’s remark from today criticizing Obama for voting against a Iraq funding bill but, of course, there was no mention that McCain did the same.
She and Mike Murphy (a former GOP strategist) completely blew off E.J. Dionne’s critical column on McCain by saying he was a Democratic partisan and in the tank for Obama. I thought I was listening to Fox.

8 10 2008

Here’s my other thought, regarding McCain’s health. One co-worker (independent) this morning remarked that he looks and sounds as though he’s maybe had a stroke. Manager (Republican) jumped in and said, “no, he’s fine, it’s just that he had his arms broken so many times as a POW. That’s why he can’t type at a keyboard for a long time.”

Be that as it may, it doesn’t explain away the troubles articulating and the slow movements and the funny facial stuff that my co-worker was referring to.

I just watched the “my fellow prisoners” thing. That’s really scary. I’m on the verge of feeling really sorry for the old dude. He’s not gonna make it, and he probably already knows it. He should have stuck to saying “my friends”. Anybody want to drink to that?!

8 10 2008

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (13:02:47) :

Tuesday’s homework is done! I rather think they are not responding to their non-constituents, but that’s okay. I haven’t gotten anything ’snarky” in response
Recieved a suggestion from another mudflatter on another thread
yesterday. Reply to the email and tell the sender that your “automatic
bullshit detector software” alerted you to their email.

8 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein Palin aka the problem child

@ Kamerun Scoop: Thanks for the link. I’ll quote (and half-assed translate) what I think is the most telling bit from that article:
Les Américains ont compris qu’un homme, incapable de diriger son avion et de lire sa trajectoire de vol avant de tomber dans les bras ennemis au Vietnam, n’a rien à faire à la Maison-Blanche. Il est vrai que faire sa campagne sur sa supposée bravoure comme prisonnier de guerre ne trompera pas cette fois-ci l’ensemble des Américains. Les républicains ne semblent pas tirer les leçons de la campagne de l’ex-first lady, Hillary Clinton, dont les enseignements devraient pourtant mettre en garde les républicains qui lassent avec leurs attaques de personnes. Hillary a échoué à ce jeu face à Barack Obama.
“Americans understand that a man, incapable of steering his own airplane and of setting his own flight course before falling into the arms of the enemy in Vietnam, has no business in the White House. It is fair to say that his campaigning on his supposed bravery as a prisoner of war does not fool the majority of Americans this time. The republicans don’t seem to be able to learn the lessons from the campaign of ex-first lady Hillary Clinton, the lessons to be learned nonetheless should have put the republicans on guard against personal attacks. Hillary lost that game when faced with Barack Obama.

8 10 2008

It must be the news takes longer to get to Alaska than the rest of the country based on temperature or communications delays (both are a JOKE) but I wonder if this kind of increasing support will have anything to do not only with Palins’ continues rocket ride to the bottom but the resurgence of Alaskan progressives…

Reference David Brooks, notorious NeoNut self-proclaimed intellectual, says during a PUBLIC presentation said: “Palin is ‘a fatal cancer’ to the GOP.” Ooops…

Here’s the link…

8 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

I’m with you. I think he’s looking shaky, that eye is twitching and he’s forgetting words. Last night he was wheezing. This is all taking a toll on him I think.

8 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

@upnorth minnesota aka hose Hussein hotrod palin

Thanks for that Donna Brazile link. She was amazing!

8 10 2008

I just found this in the SF Gate……i don’t know if it has already been posted……….it is a good article and it is calming to look at a blue world………it gives you a sence of peace and hope

8 10 2008
Seam Marauder Palin

I was in Reedley, California this week. The Baptist Church had put up a billboard–yes, a commercial billboard–saying “Jesus for President”.

8 10 2008

@reveur1147- I saw a bumpersticker just as you described today on the Florida Turnpike. It was really hard to read and it said “Just say “yes” to Sarah Palin…couldn’t read the rest. The car was an old gas guzzling Jag who kept cutting people off. So I pulled up next to him, waved, then popped my 450 horsepower Hybrid Lexus in gear and left him it the dust staring at my Obama bumperstickers! And it felt so good. 😉

8 10 2008
drew hanson

Any chance ya’ll got a “Moose Shit Effect” of there thats similar to to “Bradley Effect” ??

Just wondering !!

8 10 2008
Wilbur Mercer

How about some love Don Young ?

They love Don Young in Saipan.

8 10 2008

well, thanks for the info nonetheless (-:

9 10 2008
Jingo Killah

Vote for Mudflats! The Blogger’s Choice Awards is gathering votes for, amongst other things, Best Political Blog. Mudflats is nominated, but needs your support – if you have a moment, go sign up, and find this page and give Mudflats your vote!

9 10 2008

It appears Alaska republicans are going to go down with the ship, come hell or high water. McCain / Palin………will never, ever happen, not in this day and age. Not with Palin’s history in Alaska. The WH needs throrough cleaning of this slime covering the nation. McCain is part of that, along with his sidekick.

10 10 2008
WHAT HAPPENED IN ALASKA - 10-10-08 | Alaska Hockey Moms For Obama

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