The Alaskan White Knights are Waffling, and We Have Homework to Do.

25 11 2008


I have a couple questions.

What do you do when your Governor is accountable to your Attorney General, and your Attorney General is accountable to your Governor, and neither one of them will either acknowledge or administer consequences for bad behavior.  It’s like a kid whose Mom says, “Go ask Dad,” and whose Dad says, “Go ask Mom.”  Neither one of them wants to be accountable, and neither one of them has any  intention of answering the question.  They are hoping the kid will go away.

Now I have another question.

What do you do when the Legislature, the voice of the people who hired the Governor, also refuses to administer consequences for bad behavior, and simply stands mute?  And what do you do when that silence then turns into statements that run not only counter to the expectation of the people, but to their job description, and the bounds of ethics and the law? 

What do you do when your “voice” no longer speaks for you?

I have a small understanding about how people with Tourette syndrome, or muscular spasms must feel.   It must feel like a betrayal of mind and body when the things that are meant, on the most basic level, to represent you  (your voice, and your actions) are hijacked by unknown forces, leaving you making declarations and gestures that have no connection with your true intent. 

When the Alaska Legislature starts talking about how we’re all weary of Troopergate, and Governor Palin, Attorney General Talis Colberg, and those who ignored legislative subpoenas should just be able to continue without facing any consequences for violating the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, and the law,  I feel like shouting, “This is not me!  I’m not saying this!  I’m not doing this!”

I have often compared the Democrats of the Legislature to white knights. I’ve been blown away at times by their bravery, their conviction, and the fact that they put themselves out on a limb to do the right thing. And I’ve also given a pat on the back to Republicans who have planted themselves on the right side of the fence despite their party affiliation. In some ways the Repulicans had the harder job. When the bipartisan Legislative Council voted to make public the Troopergate report whose first finding was that Sarah Palin abused her power and violated the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, I was amazed. I began to…dare I say it aloud….have faith in my Legislature.  All of them.

Now, after the election, as Sarah Palin gets back to the business of the state (when she’s in town), I am beginning to lose that faith.  The white knights are starting to pull their punches, the horses are rearing like they’ve seen a snake, and the villagers are getting a horrible sinking feeling. We are wondering what happened to them? We wonder if they are breaking their vows to us, and justifying the betrayal in the name of “moving forward and working together on the issues that really matter.”

Call me crazy, but I think ethics really matters.   If you polled voters and asked if they’d rather have an ethical politician or an unethical one, you’d get the obvious answer. And if you broke down the results of this poll by party affiliation, I don’t think you’d find much difference.  Everyone wants ethical politicians. So, why, after a candidate has been elected, would anyone want to stop a process that was designed to find out if that politician is corrupt?  Why would you budget $100,000 for an investigation to find out whether a politician violated the ethics act if you were going to ignore the finding?  And why, if the findings showed that the politician had indeed violated the ethics act, would you decide to give them a free pass?  And why, if witnesses, and perhaps the head of the Department of Law violated…..the LAW, would you be just fine with that?

For right now, I’m going to give our White Knights on both sides of the aisle the benefit of the doubt.  I, on behalf of the villagers, am going to accept some responsibility for their waffling.   Perhaps we just haven’t been doing a good enough job of letting them know we’re here, and that we’re going to back them up.  Maybe they really think people don’t care.  Perhaps they feel like they’re headed off to battle with no ammunition.  That has to be scary.

So here’s your homework Mudflatters…  As a Thanksgiving present to the Alaska State Legislature, I want you to give them some ammunition.  Every email you send, every letter you write, every phone call you make is an arrow in their quiver.  Phone calls count as two arrows…maybe even three.

I want our white knights to be armed to the teeth.  I want them to ride into battle feeling invincible.  I don’t want them to feel like they were abandoned by the village.  Let’s hang a garland of flowers around their necks, and sent them off with a full quiver of public outrage.

I’m not willing to throw them under the horse just yet.

For emails to all Alaska State Legislators – Click HERE – then cut & paste them all into your email address bar.

For phone numbers of the Alaska State Legislators – Click HERE




144 responses

25 11 2008
Taupe Armageddon

I support your efforts and have emailed your legislators in the past, but I wonder if they’ll get annoyed with hearing from the lower 48?

Here’s my feeling on that. Because Sarah Palin became a Vice Presidential nominee, and as the stonewalling of this investigation was a direct result of the McCain campaign sending in lawyers from out of state who advised the Alaska Department of Law, this got bigger than Alaska politics. If Sarah Palin had committed an offense yesterday, I don’t think outside input would necessarily be relevant or particularly helpful. But this fiasco became what it was, and good Alaskans got thrown under the bus, because Sarah Palin wanted to become your Vice President more than she wanted to do what she said she would do – cooperate with this investigation.

77% of Republicans and 48% of the general population want to see Sarah Palin return to national politics. If people want these investigations to go forward, so that the American people can make an informed decision based on the rightful conclusion of the legislative process, then we ALL need to put pressure on the Legislature to see this through.

You were asked to vote for Sarah Palin on a presidential ticket, and you may be asked to do so again. She stands on her “reformer” image. It is up to us to fuel the engine that will tell us if she can do so legitimately.

Whew!… my soap box! 🙂


25 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy


and actually sad to have read this before bedtime.

i need the good guys to slay some dragons. i want someone to lead the villagers to the castle of the dark queen and throw her in the moat (or mud).
i want robin hood and his merry men to swarm the gates.

anything to make me believe in fairy tales again.
especially before i go to sleep.

Chin up! It’s not over yet! AKM

25 11 2008

You get right back up on the soapbox! When McCain picked her as a VP running mate; he made her everybody’s concern.
Its just not an Alaska problem anymore.
If your Legislators are “annoyed”……TOO BAD.
Emails will start tomorrow to them from me.

25 11 2008

Perhaps time for some new types of “White Knights” – not local govt., but Feds.
IRS. Palin’s local issues may not bring her down (seems most legislators up there are indifferent). I have always thought Housegate or Tax Returns would be her final undoing; The Feds will not wimp out. How do we begin this direction?
Someone had to begin it with Stevens, and my guess is that it was NOT Alaskan Legislators (could be wrong).

25 11 2008

Maybe we get too “scattered” because of too many lies, too many breaches of trust, too many power abuses. Focus on the FEDERAL crimes – write/call FBI, IRS, (who else) and demand investigations and action.

25 11 2008

I gotta tell ya, it feels like a big joke at times. When I think of the culture of the legislature in Juneau with the corrupt bastards club and the culture of Alaska politics in general I think it is a different world, obviously IS a different culture. I realize there has been a little clean up and the feds are working on it, but witness the campaign. And now the talk such a short time after the campaign. The injustice in the name of….winning the election? And now there are millions of dollars being spent on Thanking Palin. I must set that aside and just contact my legislators. Big sigh……No Consequences for the ethics violations?? I should just “pull a palin” and start saying she is being recalled, spread it around , haven’t you heard? I read about it in the Personnel Board’s report.

25 11 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Great post, AKM. I am with you in hoping for the White Knights to defend your state (“Make a way for the White Knights, Lord, make a way” – haha, it cracks me up even to quote Whackjob Muthee).

I hope Alaskans for Truth put several bullhorns in their operating budget and get a Town Crier (Hear ye, Hear ye, Sarah Palin is a FRAUD).

When Les Gara said “let’s move on and not discuss Wardrobegate, etc.”, I said to myself, there goes one of my heroes.

I agree that the Feds should begin investigating her.

I read a post awhile back about a shadow government in Alaska and was intrigued. Please post again, I want to know more.

25 11 2008

I still say she has to be taken down and made to look like a fool from her own words, and with her own people that elected her in the state of Alaska. The politicians in Alaska have to stay fast with what they opened up, namely the troopergate investigation and how she abused her power in her position. Someone needs to erase the last bs crap this woman had to say about thinking she was set free with her own cronies doing her own investigation and finding her innocent. I really hope to hear how she found the same path of Ted Stevens early in her career, where she will be found to have taken undisclosed gifts. It just reaks of the same thing as Stevens. Let’s hope Alaskans will delve deeper into this, and find something on her.

AKM, stay strong. I think with the help of the lower 48 and people reading this blog, spreading the word to other blogs and just getting the word out will make a huge differance. This isn’t a time to become complacent, she’s fueling her engines with her own mandate. Stay on her Alaskans!!

25 11 2008

This makes my blood boil!! It’s on!! I will definitely start emailing and calling the legislators tomorrow. She has to be stopped in her unethical tracks. She appears to think that as Governor, she is above the law. We must yell loud and hard collectively, that the empress is naked and must be banished from the public eyes and position for being unethical along with first “Dud” and the others. If we collectively force the legislators to acknowledge the “Pink Elephant” in the room, they will be forced to remove the ” Pink Elephant”. MudPuppies, unite and let’s not let up for a moment! We can not let this corruption continue and we have the numbers and the power to stop this. Let our voices be heard!! Yes We Can!!!

25 11 2008
Alaska Pi

Thank you for saying this out loud. I’ve been sitting out here listening to the waffling and wondering what’s up…
Has the makeup of the Legislature changed enough that those folks are too busy foodling around getting their bearings in power shifts to hear us out here?
What’s up with all this kiss and makeup and move on to “important” stuff mumblings floating in the air?
I keep vacillating between feeling like there is an elephant in the room the Legs are not talking about ( We ALREADY know the state will take multiple hits re:falling oil prices and likely fewer fed dollars etc. What have we missed?) and feeling brushed off…
You are right- time to let my own Legs know they not only stand for me but I stand for them!

25 11 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

For instance, even if the governor did contact Monegan to ask about the status of Wooten, which she denies, it could have been in the wider interest of public safety, Petumenos said.

“When you break down the events, is there a chain that holds this all together?” Petumenos said in an interview this week. “No.” He didn’t find evidence that Palin herself pressured others to do something about Wooten.

She and her minions were either very convincing, or Petumenos has no clue.

25 11 2008

This may have already been posted but Keith O. announced that the ads thankng Sarah Palin will be run countrywide during the football games on Thanksgiving. What the F**k??!!

25 11 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

For instance, even if the governor did contact Monegan to ask about the status of Wooten, which she denies, it could have been in the wider interest of public safety, Petumenos said.

“When you break down the events, is there a chain that holds this all together?” Petumenos said in an interview this week. “No.” He didn’t find evidence that Palin herself pressured others to do something about Wooten.

I can’t help but wonder if Tim Petumenos is getting a nice home or vacation soon, paid for by Repugs, because even to a novice like me, THERE IS A CHAIN THAT HOLDS THIS ALL TOGETHER. That is obvious.

I guess a lot of people can be bought, otherwise HOW CAN TIM PETUMENOS be such a no-mind?

25 11 2008
Denise sansMSgaAZca

Sigh. The knights seem to be yeilding due to political thinking. Given how Red Alaska has been, well, politicians are likely thinking about that 70 odd percent of voters.

Perhaps they will find a reason more powerful than votes. A reason to take a fatal blow. Hmmm. Likely there’ll be better odds if you can convince them of political advantage.

Think chess. Not checkers. I am too pooped to plot.

Nighty night.

25 11 2008

She must not get away with her crap! We have to do something! If not us – then who? It’s time to stop this sh*t. It’s not right. I’m going to hit “submit comment” and then go directly to Alaskans for Truth and donate. I don’t know what else I can do. I can’t do anything by myself – must have numbers. I hope it will do some good.

25 11 2008

Celtic Diva has a great photo of SP and Kris Perry at Turkeygate. She expression on SP’s face is priceless and should be out in the world. If reveals her true personality. Nuff said.

But it got me thinking about Perry’s 1K per diem travel allowance. Could you please find out how much so far and how much for this next little jaunt?

And what about the children, please. Somebody living up there, please find out what is really going on with that baby. How can a true breastfeeding mother drag a Down syndrome baby around the country like that? Whatever the truth is, it stinks.


25 11 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

To go further, Tim Petumenos is commentating on “the wider interest of public safety” WHICH IS INCIDENTAL TO HIS PURPOSE IN THE CASE. That is EXTRANEOUS to his so-called investigation. Wider interest of public safety is NOT AT ALL RELEVANT in the matter at hand. Just sayin’.

25 11 2008

Do you have a link here to Blue Oasis? If not, you should. Some real truth-telling, with photos, going on there.

Yes! Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis is in the sidebar under Alaskan Blogs. AKM

25 11 2008

I’m getting the same feeling as when Pelosi said “Impeachment is off the table.”
It’s the legislatures job to enforce the ethics laws.
Palin rode in on the white horse of ethics reform. Now that she’s got the horse all muddied up someone has to force her to clean her act up. Keep screaming about this because I honestly think without you and Shanyn and Gryphen blogging about the record low voter turnout in Alaska those last 90,000 votes would have never shown up.

25 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

Hussein Canuck for Choice (22:33:06) :

For instance, even if the governor did contact Monegan to ask about the status of Wooten, which she denies, it could have been in the wider interest of public safety, Petumenos said.
Petumenos says “even if she did contact Monegan” ………
He has Palin’s sworn statement that she didn’t contact Monegan …….
so Petumenos is saying “even if she committed perjury”

what the?

25 11 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

miguelobrien (22:41:38) :

Celtic Diva has a great photo of SP and Kris Perry at Turkeygate. She expression on SP’s face is priceless and should be out in the world. If reveals her true personality. Nuff said.

Hahahaha Turkeygate. I saw the news footage but it never occurred to me to call it a “Gate”. I like Celtic Diva’s blog. But back to Sarah, it seems every thing she does is a “gate” of some sort. My friend from Scotland put it best: Sarah Palin as a person in power – is the world’s worst nightmare.

25 11 2008
Deuce2 AL Renegade

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (21:34:04) :
This is a battle that can be won if we all stand together. Sir Lancelot and his
loyal knights will fight the evil witch and her trolls. She and all her Repub
demons will be cast into the SHARK INFESTED MOAT surrounding the castle
of the KINGDOM OF MUDFLATS. We as mudpuppies have a job to do. The
area of the US where we reside is unimportant. We are all citizens under the
Flag of Mudflats while we are visiting here, and we owe it to our EMPEROR to
fight for what is right. I will do the bidding of AKM to the best of my ability
as I am certain you will. Doncha know? Also. Come to the FORUM and explore
all the wonders available to you. Our guides are willing and able to not only
make you welcome, but will be happy to direct you to the areas that are best
suited for your desires. As a newly appointed governor, I will personally
lead you into the fantasy laden KINGDOM. Come join us. It’s only a click or
two of the mouse away.
Deuce 👿

25 11 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Aussie Blue Sky (22:52:26) :

Hussein Canuck for Choice (22:33:06) :
For instance, even if the governor did contact Monegan to ask about the status of Wooten, which she denies, it could have been in the wider interest of public safety, Petumenos said.
Petumenos says “even if she did contact Monegan” ………
He has Palin’s sworn statement that she didn’t contact Monegan …….
so Petumenos is saying “even if she committed perjury”

what the?


Something smells funny. Yikes! Watch out!

25 11 2008

AKM, your waffling article here says exactly what’s been on my mind since the election concluded. HIJACKED. That’s what was done to the legislative investigation. It’s like it never happened, and $100K down the drain. P*sses me off.

I, too, think it would be advisable for some federal ‘higher power’ to take hold of this. Yes, FBI or IRS would be good. But perhaps a well-chosen attorney could make a case to get it into AK Supreme Court? — anyone out there with a legal background who might know whether that Court would take such a case?

Alaskans For Truth would be the perfect group to hire the attorney to take it on.

25 11 2008
Alaska Pi

Hussein Canuck for Choice (22:42:34) :
Read Mr Monegan’s lawyer’s take on the two investigations- there’s a link on AFT site. Good compare/contrast points… enough to make me feel the Mr Petumenos , who had a very good reputation going into this, did not diligently address all issues at hand… at best. I can think of nastier things to say about it…
How many here remember the Watergate hearings? The great and grand zeal they commnenced with and the slow deflation and almost derailment after Erlichman testified? Like the Commitee members were so sickened and slimed they could hardly go on? They were on the verge of losing all will to keep at it ( The Clinton impeachment proceedings were a joke and not taken with the gravity with which the earlier Congress accorded such a project!) And a TRUE white knight stepped up to the plate… she rekindled the resolve of Americans all across the country. Mr Nixon stepped down rather than face that resolve…
AKM is right- if we are to have White Knights they need to know this is what we want and that we will stick it out with them.

25 11 2008

That ad with pple thanking SP is such a joke, are they all on drugs or something! They all must be crazy thinking this woman is worth thanking for whatever reason. I’m sure a retard wouldn’t even want to thank her if she tried to wink at him.

25 11 2008

can you believe McCain thinks Palin has a strong future in the GOP, He talked about her being an energizer.
” I knew she would be an energizing factor because she energized me” :O That Sl** lol.

25 11 2008

I’m sick about this. Really I am. The Alaskans for Truth Rally that I attended with my girls where I had your back Les/Hollis/Other White Knights — THIS is the thanks I get?

Well, here’s the letter that I wrote to another blogger asking that he address it on his site. I want US-wide outrage! I want our spineless Alaskan legislators to be subjected to the scorn of all Americans! I am sick of this sh!t!

I know that you share my disdain for the Gov of my fine state, Alaska. I also know that from time to time you wander through the Mudflats. Tonight AKM posted a blog that leaves me in despair… Here it is:

Since November 4th I have categorically refused to read any interview or watch any show in which Sarah Palin speaks directly. I have long since understood that anything that comes out of her mouth is a self-serving lie. There are lies, and there are self-serving lies, and Sarah Palin has an intimate knowledge of those that are self-serving, that progress her own personal agenda, and that destroy the career and reputation of anyone who dares to oppose her.

I took part, along with my two daughters and my husband in the Alaskan Women Reject Sarah Palin Rally. I also took part in the Alaskans for Truth Rally. I am a born and raised Alaskan who changed her voter registration from Republican to Undeclared the week following Sarah Palin’s pick by McCain (or whomever it was that chose her). She does not represent my Republican values, and was a signal to me that my party had been hi-jacked by the far right. Enough with them, though, I will wait to see if they come to their senses.

I stood up for Alaskans, and women throughout our country, who utterly reject Sarah Palin’s beliefs and principles. I stood up for Alaskans, like myself, who utterly reject the notion that our state’s best interests and governance can and should be subject to the whims and ambitions of a candidate for President and his poorly-chosen runningmate. I stood up for the legislators of Alaska, both Republican and Democrat, who were attempting to get at the truth behind our Governor’s actions in firing Walt Monegan.

And now I am feeling betrayed. This betrayal on the part of our spineless legislators, and their refusal to stand up to the petty tyrant who is currently our governor, is devastating. Beyond the thought that there is the chance that her unethical actions in the firing of Monegan will not be censured, is the fact that there are so many other ethically questionable actions on her part that look as though they will be swept under the rug as well.

Then there’s the precedent being set, so many precedents actually. Establishing the precedent that a governor can abuse her power. The precedent that a governor can immobilize an entire legislature, legislators who know that they will not be able to address the needs of their constituents if they speak out because of a governor’s long track record of retribution & pettiness. The precedent that ethical leadership is neither expected, nor revered, in Alaska. I thought that all of that disappeared when Huey Long left office — I guess that I was wrong. And come to think of it, I think that Huey Long probably benefited Louisianans more than Sarah Palin has Alaskans, sad but true.

I did not care about the Sarah Palin turkeygate issue. My feeling is that she did it intentionally to keep herself in the news. I did not care about her speech at the Governor’s conference in Florida for the same reason.

But I care about this. I know that she is relevant until she is exposed as a fraud, as being totally devoid of leadership abilities, intelligence & ethics, and I know that you know this. So, please, I beg of you, hold our legislators’ feet to the fire on this one. I want Sarah Palin to make news only when it is related to her governing, or lack thereof, of Alaska.

If you’re a frequent commentor or contributor at another political blog please do the same! Thanks from this heartsick Alaskan.

25 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

OK! My first email to all just went out re: Troopergate investigations. I’m doing one for each complaint – so this could take awhile. Maybe one email everyday, to all, until session starts in Jan? Why stop then? The way SP’s goin’, I’ll be writin’ everyday long past January!

This is fun, join us – AKM and AFT have made it very easy to jump in and make a BIG difference! We NEED your help – do you hear the Whos?

25 11 2008

@Martha Unalaska —

I am going to scream & shout & phone & email & stand out in the snow/rain/whatever with a big ass sign if that’s what it takes!

Time for more rallies!

Are you actually in Unalaska???????? Maybe you could stage a rally there and bill it as the westernmost Anti-Palin rally in the country! Media coverage!

26 11 2008

Does the 800 numbers work for students.

26 11 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

OT – Craig Ferguson’s Thank You Sarah Palin” spoof was priceless, I hope everyone gets another chance to see it.

Sarah Palin continues to maker herself not just Alaska’s problem, but America’s problem, in that she is campaigning nationally even after hew own campaign defeat. Her trip to Georgia says to me that she is fair game for THE ENTIRE WORLD to take aim at her from rhetorical helicopters as she runs across the open snow-covered prairie.

Our Alaskan HEROES appear to be dis-empowered by the second eclipse and nobody knows when they will get their powers back – except for one wild and crazy comic writer whose blog will be the key to said powers returning.




26 11 2008

Wow ! That is one great letter – your frustration and anger is evident to me. I hope your Legislators find their backbone.

26 11 2008

!!! SMR !!!
WA-HOO!!!!! Way to go!!! What a bang-up letter. You have that great gift for words, and it is a gift to Alaska at this critical time.
– grma
(p.s. – if my avatar shows up solid black, ignore it; am trying to fix it, really truly! It’s not that I am in mourning, although maybe I should be.)

26 11 2008
GJ in ID

Ok, it looks like I’d better put my robo call and robo email training from the recent election to work again. I will not set by and let AK suffer fools. The white knights may have been brave when they thought their elections and the elections of their friends depended on saying the “right” thing. Now I’m sure they just want “It” to all go away. But the rug even if it is as big as all of AK, just isn’t big enough to sweep all that SP, 1st Dude and their buddies have been doing and also not doing for the people of AK, lately.

After what she charge the repubs for the recent campaign, and her continued campaigning I’d for sure be keeping a close look at what she is charging the to her AK expense account. As near as I can tell she hasn’t been doing much governing since Aug 29th, and she is still on the campaign trail, doing her thing down here in the lower 48 more than she is in AK.

I think your only hope AKM is that she may be moving to a State with a bigger population of Joe the Plummers soon. From what I hear down here in the back rooms of Repubs they are already making her offers, that she may not be able to refuse. Make sure you hold her to the one job at a time rule!

Could one of you young bloggers, Please post that rule again, so I can begin to quote in my robo emails. Keep up the good work, I’m a supporter and will do what I can when I can.

26 11 2008

@GJ in ID:
So great of you to get fired up for us here in AK … AKM is truly right; this is NOT just an Alaska issue. SP put herself into the national spotlight and she’s made it apparent she intends to milk it for all it’s worth.

Yeah, now that the election’s over, all our AK legislators can sit back in their cozy chairs knowing they don’t have to do THAT again for a while. So why should they care about VOTERS???

Your thoughts about her expense account raised a question in my mind. Has anyone looked at that online state checkbook? Are her travel (and other) expenses listed there? Might be worth a peek. But even better, if someone on the inside (or in Juneau) has a way to find out, go for it!

What bothers me the most right now is her apparent complete disdain for Alaska, at a time when we could really use a governor to get us ready for some harder times. If she doesn’t want to be Gov of AK, she needs to leave, NOW. Just think, if this were a global corporation and she kept taking off on unrelated side trips (while charging the company for every one), would her Board of Directors/CEO put up with it? Well, the people of Alaska are her Board and her CEO.

GJ, you’re right – one job at a time. If she doesn’t want to be Guv, then she needs to make a decision. Like we say to our dogs: “In or Out.”

In the meantime, we should not be paying for her to advertise herself to the world while she shirks her duties here.

(Again, sorry for the black avatar. Guess you should just consider it mourning.)

26 11 2008

Oh yeah, how does she account for her time? I’m sure her position is considered a “total effort” position — but still, being gone from the state more than being here? I mean, really ……

Are there any standards set up for that? Does she have a job description?

26 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

yukonbushgrma (02:00:13) :

Your avatar may be black to you, but to me (ever since you did the test) it’s a blue disc with “Who is Sarah”. I hope that makes you feel better. 😉

26 11 2008

Aussie Blue Sky (02:05:31) :
Wow! You made my day (er, night…. but guess it’s day where you are!). I’ve been messing with this stupid little thing all night! Thanks for letting me know.

26 11 2008

Never ask a politician to hold one of their own accountable. Why? Because they’re afraid that if they hold someone accountable that one day down the road someone will hold them accountable. Politicians like to work in the shadows and accountability is the sunlight that exposes all of their behind closed doors dealings that usually only benefit them.

Ever since Watergate we’ve seen this culture of “let’s move on so the country (or state) can heal”. So now we see it with the ethics violations and numerous Palingates. So as Obama moves on without truly holding the Bush Crime Family accountable for their 8 years of lying, stealing, torturing, and Constitution wrecking we’ll see Alaska do the same with the Palin.

Palin did learn quite well from Bush though. Just as Palin has the AG in her pocket and beholding to her, so did Bush destroy the Justice Department by filling it with political idealogues who believed in Bush and Party first and country second. How can anyone be held accountable when the Justice Department or Attorney General is one of yours? Just as Gonzales and Mukasey won’t look into any of Bush’s crimes you can be assured Colberg won’t delve into any of Palin’s illegal activities either.

In the end Alaska will have to do the same as we’ve done on a National scale. If a politician believes in party first and not doing the job they were elected to do, then you boot them out of office by finding someone who will. If that person does their job you reelect them and if not you boot them and find someone who will. Eventually maybe these polititicans will get it. But first all Americans have to start paying attention and stop being so apathetic. Pay attention to what your elected officials are doing, afterall you get the leaders you deserve so if you’re not paying attention they’ll steal you blind.

26 11 2008
Taupe Armageddon

AKM — thanks for expanding on your original post. I’m always happy to provide the soapbox if it will fire people up to act. As soon as the MN recount is finished, I’ll make this my next political priority. When I’ve sent the AK legislature email in the past, I’ve actually gotten responses from some…generally the Dems. Meanwhile, I’m off to observe the recount in the Coleman Franken 3 of waiting for lost ballots to appear. But, that’s another story. Keep on writing and let’s keep the pressure on.

Thanks again AKM for all your work!

26 11 2008

Sometimes here in AK we tend to forget what the rest of you down there are occupied with …… so right now I wish the best to you there in MN. My daughter works in Mpls, and we have many wonderful friends in your state — so in our house we are keeping an eye on you. Thank you for what you are doing!

26 11 2008

If she is not doing the work of the people she should resign or be recalled.
Start a recall petition.
Why is she off campaigning for Saxby Chambliss? And who is paying for that
I’d be angry if the Gov. of my state was gone more then working.

If this is how she is going to act from now until 2012, with her mind more on national issues rather then on your issues, I’d say get rid of her.

Hilary Clinton was able to run for President and still be a Senator for our state. When her run was over, she was back, working for us.
I have a feeling, you will Never have Sarah’s undivided attention again.

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

GJ in Idaho

Here is the link to the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act:

See section 170

Not sure, though, if that is what you were thinking of – this does not specifically address the governor’s limitation of one job.

26 11 2008

Sarah Palin is
America’s problem — thanks
for reminding us.

26 11 2008

Recall election ?? worked in California………

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

austintx (04:29:45) :

The problem is that her supporters would throw A LOT of money at defeating a recall – then she has one more (turkey?) feather in her cap to just keep doin’ what she’s doin’. Alaskans just aren’t going to be able to afford to fight her on every level. I have a sinking feeling, sort of like quicksand. The best bet would be to send her off to take Don Young’s seat and put her in the big league where she is outnumbered and then vote in a decent governor.

26 11 2008

Alas – Grammy – you are correct…………..I do firmly believe housegate will do the job !! Also – if Monegan files a civil suit – the depositions there-in will also nail her ass……..she has shit too many places not to step back in it……..

26 11 2008

Grammy in PA (04:37:39) :
“The best bet would be to send her off to take Don Young’s seat and put her in the big league where she is outnumbered and then vote in a decent governor.”

Yeah, Grammy, if wishes were fishes …..

But unfortunately Young’s in again, and we’ve got her for two more years. Don’t know if we can take it that long ……..

A successful recall would be the best thing we could dream for!

26 11 2008

Oh, Grammy –

Don’t forget — we have lots of Mudpuppies on the national level … and Alaskans For Truth is doing a pretty good job too. You never know how much steam that recall effort could generate!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

yukonbushgrma (04:59:43) :

But, she will have the whole RNC on her side along w/ big bucks from the fundies – I can picture the money they can throw her way. Not to mention making her a martry and victim.

The Alaskans for Truth are on the right track but I have a feeling she is going to thumb her nose at the legislature if they do try to do something. There has to be something really big scale (as pointed out in other comments) that draw in the feds and the IRS and start crumbling her cookie enough to make charges stick!!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

oops, martyr

26 11 2008
Miemaw from Texas

Oh hell. I’ve beat my head against the brick wall lots of times.

What’s once more?.

I’ll write your legislators. Palin just being in the lower 48 gives me the heebie jeebies. I sure don’t want her here making any kind of policy, at the federal level.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Don’t know what y’all are having…. but after the Palin turkey video, we are going with vegetable lasagna.

26 11 2008

The governor of Alaska may not understand much, but she sure does understand POWER & the power of the press. The repubs discovered the effectiveness of the web & blogs during the election & are now trying to use those tired old republican tactics again. Spiro Agnew’s “Nattering Naboms”…”The Vocal Minority”. Creating the image that most Americans are just like Mom, apple pie & Sarah Palin. Those of us who disagree are unamerican, lefties…maybe even commies. Politics of fear & a distorted vision of what is the status quo. The conservative repubs are hard at work once again trying to redefine America in their terms & Palin is their representative. Someone mentioned the “Thank You” ad is going to be on during all the football games on Thanksgiving. Where is all that money coming from? It is a relief to have Obama in & Stevens out, but constant vigilance is needed to change this country & Alaska is one of those places where change is most needed. And yes Alaska is America’s problem.

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

phoebe (05:29:44) :

I agree; I read somewhere that they are throwing $55,000 at those ads (can’t remember who is forking out the bucks) – if they have that much to put out for ads, imagine how much they will throw to defeat a recall. She definitely uses the press to project an image of innocent girl next door – she is dangerous – b’cuz as awful as she is, she can fool some of the people some of the time, which is a lot of stupid people . . .

26 11 2008

After reading all the comments…… perhaps the key to Sarah is by keeping an eye on Todd. Such as pics of Todd sightings..something that would document his involvement in Alaskan government doings or whatever pops.

Also, does the governor have a guest book re: visitors? This might also shed some light on doings.

There is more than one way to skin a cat!

26 11 2008

Ethics not just “really matters. Ethics totally matters!

Unless people are honest and ethical in every area of society, that undermines the society. Be it stopping at the stop signs or paying for an item. The reason we have laws is really to enforce ethics. To enforce what’s right.

26 11 2008

That’s pretty weird about the thanksgiving day thank-you ads
Somehow to me it ties into gobblegate . . . everyone thought that was so hysterical but it gave me the chills (not because of the turkeys, i live on a farm) because it definitely seemed like a coded message

Sarah is a reptile and they are a different breed and they communicate through metaphor and analogy in ways most people don’t understand . . .
sort of like how parents will talk ‘over’ their children’s heads while in the presence of their kids . . .

My husband says that Sarah is just ‘immature’ to which I reply, “I know, that is what scares the living daylights out of me”, because from his perspective he is right . . .

There is a LOT of money behind her, check out the newsstands and the glossy commemorative magazines such as the HISTORICAL Collectors Edition : Sarah Palin — A Woman for All Seasons. Yikes. That lipliner REALLY reminds me of Queen Jardis of Charn after she ate the Apple of Immortality in C.S. Lewis’ book The Magician’s Nephew.

It’s always instructive to try to find out who publishes these expensive spreads so fast, such as immediately after 911 similar glosssies were on sale courtesy of (wait for it) The Department of Homeland Security . . .

This one is published by something called “Patricia Ann Publishing”. Right.
Wonder what exactly is behind that innocuous sounding name ?

26 11 2008

AKM, you are one of the best journalists I’ve ever encountered, but this article was surely at the top! Impressive.

Here’s the thing:
Either you like SP or you don’t. I don’t. I’d like to see her out of any public office. I think she looks for fuel for her ideology and doesn’t care who she steps on to kill off her enemies/opponents. I don’t care if she’s Republican or Democrat — this kind of politicking has to go away.

Look (Obama-like!), would you rather the legislators stick to business or stew up the Troopergate inquiry? The outcome may never be to your satisfaction, and it may cause an outcry from her supporters like you’ve never seen. You have just 2 years left of her shenanigans.

But, I’m sitting here in sunny Arizona — once a long-time Alaskan, who can breathe because I’m not stifled by that governor there! 🙂 I have Janet Napolitano who I may lose in the next couple of months. Then, I’ll really cry!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Yes, ethics and abiding by the law ARE important but the person has to WANT to do those things – I work for a judge and you wouldn’t believe the things that people do because they don’t care about laws/ethics/common courtesy/family/kids, etc.!! Sarah doesn’t care about any of the above – if those characteristics and values weren’t instilled in her a long time ago, it’s going to be tough to expect a complete turn around on her part!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA


Sarah is a reptile and they are a different breed and they communicate through metaphor and analogy in ways most people don’t understand . . .
sort of like how parents will talk ‘over’ their children’s heads while in the presence of their kids . . .


So exactly right! That’s why when we sit here and wonder why she can be so unethical, etc., etc., we have to understand that she is NOT on the same wavelength as those of us who read this blog!! She talks to her audience – we don’t agree w/ what she says but she doesn’t CARE if we agree – her “people” are hearing her and loving everything she says and does. She doesn’t have to have 100% approval – she is happy w/ her 60% . . .

26 11 2008

After seeing THAT commercial supporting Sarah……I was reminded of the recent showing of the Jim Jones massacre in Guyana……..those people supporting Sarah have that same glazed eye dumbf*ck look……..just sayin’………

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA


Look (Obama-like!), would you rather the legislators stick to business or stew up the Troopergate inquiry? The outcome may never be to your satisfaction, and it may cause an outcry from her supporters like you’ve never seen. You have just 2 years left of her shenanigans.


Good point. I don’t have a good feeling about the outcome of the Troopergate thing – I think there has to be something bigger and more illegal/immoral/unethical out there – at some point this is going to look like a vendetta and I’m just saying that people need to pick their battles carefully – sure, we can pound a nail in her coffin one at a time, and whittle away but I think it’s going to be very slow and painful for everyone. I am contributing to Alaskans for Truth but I hope they get legal counsel to see where they should expend their efforts and money. . . .

26 11 2008

Grammy in PA (05:12:11) said:
“But, she will have the whole RNC on her side along w/ big bucks from the fundies – I can picture the money they can throw her way. Not to mention making her a martry and victim.”

“The Alaskans for Truth are on the right track but I have a feeling she is going to thumb her nose at the legislature if they do try to do something. There has to be something really big scale (as pointed out in other comments) that draw in the feds and the IRS and start crumbling her cookie enough to make charges stick!!”

Yes, Grammy, you are definitely right about that. But if she thumbs her nose at the Legislature, THEY are going to be p*ssed off, including the Repubs. It makes them look like nobodies — and also makes the people of Alaska look like nobodies! She will probably do that, but then they will be p*ssed off.

I do agree with you about doing something on a larger scale. Yes, FBI, IRS ……. but I still think a really, really good lawyer could argue a case in the Alaska Supreme Court on this. It really belongs out of the hands of State Administration and out of the hands of the Legislature — so no one could content that there was a conflict of interests.

And then, if the Alaska Supreme Court didn’t want to take it — it could go on to the US Supreme Court! Now wouldn’t that be interesting?

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

I do agree with you about doing something on a larger scale. Yes, FBI, IRS ……. but I still think a really, really good lawyer could argue a case in the Alaska Supreme Court on this. It really belongs out of the hands of State Administration and out of the hands of the Legislature — so no one could content that there was a conflict of interests.

And then, if the Alaska Supreme Court didn’t want to take it — it could go on to the US Supreme Court! Now wouldn’t that be interesting?

* * * *

I DO like the idea of getting it into the courts – I just trust them more than legislators who have their own agenda – and I think legislators are inherently reluctant to deal w/ unpleasant issues – I hope AFT gets legal counsel and this thing can move along rather than getting bogged down in the legislature; I can just see them saying that they have more pressing issues this session than dealing w/ SP – and they will have . . .

26 11 2008

Housegate Baby !!!!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

And you’ll notice that the RNC was supposed to be dealing w/ the clothesgate issue and nothing was ever publicized about the outcome . . . the “forensic” accountant never seemed to materialize and I’m sure the RNC worked out some deal w/ SP so that nothing negative would come out to stain her pristine reputation – they’re not about to hold her feet to the fire.

26 11 2008
Alaska Pi

I do not think we can merely wait out the last 2 years of the gov’s tenure. Aside from the argument that it could be construed as tacit approval of Ms Palin I think we must be look carefully at the defeatist and circular attitude inherent in ” we have so much to take care of that we don’t have time for a knock-down-drag-out with her supporters cuz-we-so-have-much-to-do”

We must always take time in a democracy to sort out whether our activities correspond and cohere with our ideals. The Legislature is the place to have a public accounting with ourselves and our elected officials.
It isn’t even about winning something to me…We are about to celebrate 50 years of statehood here…
We want to build on what we started… I want to the Legislature to roll up all the rugs and throw the brooms outside – nothing hidden and glossed over and call the gov to task for unethical behavior. This is OUR house. We want it clean!
It is more than embaressing that it took the feds to start the housecleaning here!

26 11 2008


Yes…..housegate. Follow the money…..said in a “Deep Throat” voice.

26 11 2008
Alaska Pi

oops- apologies for multiple spellos and suchlike- should have wiped the frothing spittle off my glasses and proofread better before i hit “submit’…

26 11 2008

Alaska Pi said:
“I want to the Legislature to roll up all the rugs and throw the brooms outside – nothing hidden and glossed over and call the gov to task for unethical behavior. This is OUR house. We want it clean!”
“It is more than embaressing that it took the feds to start the housecleaning here!”

Whoa! Spoken like a True Alaskan! Thanks for reminding me where I live. I needed to hear that.

You are right about that. In our short 50 years of statehood, we’ve barely begun to realize what running a state is all about. Perhaps we need to educate ourselves — the hard way.

I think I’ve reached a decision on what needs to be done here —
1) Confront the Legislature; they must make a stand;
2) Pursue everything that can be pursued within the Alaska Court System (and further if necessary);
3) Pursue all possibilities within the federal justice system (FBI, IRS, DOJ).

But all of these must happen concurrently. We can’t wait for the Legislature to make a stand.

26 11 2008

The cowards in the Leg. are praying for the feds to nail her ass so they don’t have to get their hands “dirty”……..

26 11 2008
Wasilla women

has anyone filed a complaint with the office of professional responsibility? or the inspector general of the united states? there climbing up Attorney General Gonzalez’s and Dick Cheney’s Ass right now. I would suppose they could take a look at Colberg and Palin.. (dont you think??)

26 11 2008

Accountability or the lack of it is the reason we are in the mess we are in now. The horrific deficit problems we are facing did not happen overnight. Our president, congressmen, governors & other elected officials have not been held accountable. If we are to get out of this financial mess elected officials need to start doing the jobs they were elected to do….this includes the lovely Ms. Palin who is most certainly not representing Alaska & Alaska’s best interests. She is helping herself to all sorts of money she is not entitled to. Ignoring her won’t work….she will not go away in two years.

26 11 2008

and……oh yeah……..just lying to a federal agent is a crime in and of itself…..and they sternly warn a person of this the very first time they pay a visit……..

26 11 2008

“A POST FROM ABOVE: Maybe we get too “scattered” because of too many lies, too many breaches of trust, too many power abuses. Focus on the FEDERAL crimes – write/call FBI, IRS, (who else) and demand investigations and action.”

In some ways the legislators hands may be tied, with so many other very pressing issues on hand. They also need to be working on budgets, passing important bills, etc. Therefore I agree with this post, that the FBI and IRS should do some investigations as they did with the other Repubs.

I bet if Walt ran for Governor, he would win by a landslide and that would vindicate his name, and the people of Alaska would have their voice, that they don’t want or trust Sarah.

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

I would love to see Walt run.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Alaska’s governor’s race was a three-way and that Slaughterhouse Sarah only garnered 39% of the vote – it always seems to happen that when there are three candidates, the public gets stuck w/ the worst one (ala Hickel). There should have to be a run off election between the top two vote getters and make sure that someone gets 51% of the vote or more before being declared the winner . . .

26 11 2008

T-shirt………Run Walt Run !

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

I saw Walt interviewed a while back, I think it was at the Native Convention in Anch and I believe he said that he would not rule out going back to work in the Palin administration????????? I’m hoping I heard wrong . . . but in any event, I think he should set his sights on replacing her, he would have a strong backing, I think, and has an understanding of the remote/bush areas of Alaska that gives him a broader perspective than Slaughterhouse. She thinks Wasilla is the be all, end all of the world and doesn’t even have a grasp of issues affecting the majority of her population.

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

austintx (07:19:53) :

T-shirt………Run Walt Run !

* * * *

Run Walt Run . . . PLEASE!

26 11 2008

zee house boss, zee house. many details of that house look a lot like the sports shrine that Petumenos legal firm handled the $15 million bond issue for..

hmmm..follow the money….

26 11 2008

Alaskans — donchya think Walt would get the Native and rural vote?

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

sjk (07:31:46) :

DO you mean that Petumenos may have had a conflict in the whole personnel board review of S.S. since he had (apparently) represented Wasilla in the past? I find that very interesting . . .

26 11 2008

Walt is too humble of a guy maybe to run for Governor, but he does have a lot of administrative experience and is good at listening to everyone, and makes good judgment calls in my opinion. (I have met him personally.) Not only would he get the rural vote, but everyone in law enforcement respect him. And so do many Republicans. Gail Phillips, former Republican and Speaker of the House wrote a letter for his defense regardng Troopergate. I think people would support him from all parties. But, this may be just a fairytale wish of mine. 🙂

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Polly (07:38:47) :

* * *

Yes, I guess it might be wishful thinking b’cuz a lot can happen in two years and there is such a mess on Alaska’s plate right now and after Slaughterhouse runs the state into the ground for another two years, I feel sorry for anyone who has to clean it up.

26 11 2008

p.s. sometimes its harder to get the majority of people behind a huge vendetta -like boiling SP – but easier to get people behind a positive force – like supporting Walt…

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

What are the plans for the 50th year of statehood celebration? Do ya think the Governor might be around for that or just way too busy flitting around elsewhere? I don’t remember seeing anything on the SOA home page about plans for a celebration. I think the Bicentennial was in the planning stages for several years.

26 11 2008

This is the part that keeps me interested in the Palin investigations. I have grown weary of all the sideshow antics and obvious partisan politics but I keep coming back because it seems as if nobody who has the responsibility is willing to take a stand. We have the Mudflats and Halcro and glancing shots from right wing radio (Rydell, Fagan, and Pacaro) but nobody in the legislature, nobody in the mainstream media, and nobody in law that is willing to do the harder parts of their jobs and support the people of Alaska.

It is this behavior that drove me to vote Dem for the first time since Clinton 1. I am hoping the state Dems stiffen their spines and get to work on cleaning things up.

26 11 2008
The Alaskan White Knights are Waffling, and We Have Homework to Do. « Mudflats « The Indignation

[…] The Alaskan White Knights are Waffling, and We Have Homework to Do. « Mudflats The Alaskan White Knights are Waffling, and We Have Homework to Do. « Mudflats […]

26 11 2008

Grammy in PA,

YESSIR. follow the trail. it aint hard since everything in AK seems to be inter-related. no offense to AK’ers!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

sjk (07:49:02) :

If he or his firm handled legal matters for Wasilla when she was Mayor, I now know why the Personnel Board (appointed by Palin) selected him as their legal counsel and why the outcome is as it is (you can’t tell me that she didn’t put a bug in someone’s ear on the board about who to hire). Any ethical attorney would not have accepted the job (w/ the personnel board) – hmmmm, perhaps a ltr to whoever oversees attorney ethics in AK?? Anyone know where to write?

Good grief, ethics doesn’t seem to apply to anyone anymore.

26 11 2008

Good News..Alaskans for Truth just sent out a press release….looks like they are starting to get the ball rolling. Yahoo!

26 11 2008

“I am hoping the state Dems stiffen their spines and get to work on cleaning things up.”

AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!

(and that includes the Repubs too!)

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

yukonbushgrma (07:55:56) :

“I am hoping the state Dems stiffen their spines and get to work on cleaning things up.”

AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!

(and that includes the Repubs too!)

* * * *

If the Alaska legislature made the whole thing a bi-partisan effort, the AFT might just get some satisfaction!

26 11 2008
Abbie Knorrmal

Petumenos also represents Joe Boehm in his civil affairs.

Birch Horton Bittner & Cherot is indeed the law firm that represented the City of Wasilla in the sports complex land deal.

Timmy P works for BHBC, the B is for Bittner, brother in law to Uncle Ted.

26 11 2008

In 2002, his firm handled the $15 million bond issue for Wasilla’s hockey complex,

26 11 2008

he took their word in the deposition and that was that. no foloow up …no search for the missing e-mails. Tod and Sarah said they weren told it was OK to use Yahoo mail and he didnt follow up on it….in the tank.,

26 11 2008

Uncle Ted – talk and the judge will go light on you !!!

26 11 2008

How effing ironic:

Sarah Palin talks about Africa, dictators, corruption & Alaska. Does she not realize she is describing herself????

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Abbie Knorrmal (08:27:27) :

Petumenos also represents Joe Boehm in his civil affairs.

Birch Horton Bittner & Cherot is indeed the law firm that represented the City of Wasilla in the sports complex land deal.

Timmy P works for BHBC, the B is for Bittner, brother in law to Uncle Ted.


Alright, that proves to me that Timmy P is NOT impartial and the whole Personnel Board “investigation” is a FARCE – does anyone know who to contact in the AK Bar Assn???

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Who is Joe Boehm?

26 11 2008

the noose is getting tighter and the moose is loose!

26 11 2008 the Pine Barrens

Pursang (02:44:25) :

“If that person does their job you reelect them and if not you boot them and find someone who will. Eventually maybe these polititicans (sp) will get it. But first all Americans have to start paying attention and stop being so apathetic.”

The insight you provided by the comparison between AK and the national political climate is right on the money. The only difference is that nationally the stakes are higher and the crimes more serious. I remember the sinking feeling I had after the ’06 election when Pelosi became Speaker and took “impeachment off the table,” and instead of ending the war, she led the fight to provide additional funding for it (along with her convoluted benchmarks). And all those subpoenas for testimony and documents from all those committee hearings in Washington…zzzzz. Even now it appears that PE Obama does not favor holding anyone in the Bush administration accountable for any of their crimes. Again, we are told we need to move on and put this behind us.

Alaska’s problems pale in comparison. Apathy may be part of the problem, but I think it’s an apathy born out of a sense of powerlessness in effecting any significant change. Waiting until the next election can’t be the only option available as a form of accountability from those in public office and isn’t always the answer. Ted Stevens was almost re-elected and Young, who is facing possible charges, actually was.

It’s much more difficult when 52% of Alaskans don’t think Palin should face any consequences for her abuse of power and 76% of Repubs nationwide want her to remain on the national political scene. The AK legislature’s reluctance to take action seems to reflect the will of the majority of AK voters.

26 11 2008

So many issues that can be dissected in the sh!tstorm of Alaskan politics, but I really like this blogger’s take on the education issue:

26 11 2008
A New Day

All I can say is, “You’re kidding, right?”

So, Troopergate really was a partisan effort to elect Obama? Now, noone wants to talk about her agregious acts?

When is Bristol due and when do we find out the definitive story on Trig?

From reading these comments, stories, and seeing the lack of followup people must believe that Babygate is her private business. I beg to differ. Babygate has a direct bearing on her ”Persona” she is and was selling the public. She brought her family as ”props” to the public’s attention and ”Led” many people to form an opinion of her based on this, therefore they deserve to know if they were misled or not.

A January/February baby by Bristol will not suffice to end the speculation. Too bad a FOIA can’t be filed in this situation since she’s a Public Person not a private person.

As far as the other ”Gates” go: Maybe legislators have their own misdeeds to hide and can’t bear the scrutiny which is why they’ve backed off. Otherwise what would be the reason to not persue issues once deemed unethical/illegal just because the election is over. IMHO they have a duty to prove to their constituents they are above partisan rhetoric.

If it was illegal/unethical before it still is now…

26 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Mud pups-

Here is the email I just sent to these two legislators; if any of you like the sentiment /language, feel free to copy, edit, add to, whatever…(very unusual for an English teacher to suggest this:-))

Happy Thanksgiving to all; I am especially grateful for you, AKM and your political/community activism- you inspire all of us.

Senator Stevens and Rep. Les Gara:

I am writing to express my concern with the perceived intent to end the investigation into Governor Palin’s abuse of power in regards to Walt Monegan and Trooper Wooten. I read the online version of the Anchorage Daily Newspaper, and I am dismayed that it sounds like the Alaskan Legislature is not going to finish the job it voted to do.

While I know that you, like all of the other states, have pressing business to handle when you reconvene in January- the budget, education, declining oil prices- I hope that all of the legislators also put a high priority of honesty, integrity, and transparency in government. Perhaps an independent commission or appointed attorney can complete the following:

1. Resolve the conflict between the conclusions of the legislatively-directed Branchflower Report, that concluded Governor Palin abused the powers of her office, and the Governor-requested Personnel Board (all appointed by the current Governor) report by attorney Petumenos that concluded she and her husband did nothing wrong.

2. Other important legal questions to answer also: did the Palins and other witnesses commit perjury, did the witnesses break the law by refusing to testify for the Branchflower report, and how to resolve the conflicts in the State Attorney General’s duties- is he primarily responsible to represent the Governor, or is his responsibility to the state of Alaska.

3. Someone needs to determine if Governor Palin wrongly billed the state for travel expenses for her children; establishing this legal precedent will help clarify state law/procedures.

4. I also hope the Alaskan legislature refuses to pay the per diem expenses of Kris Perry, the Governor’s aide, who travelled with Sarah Palin as she campaigned for the office of Vice President. I assume Ms. Perry is already a state employee, and that the extra expenses are campaign costs, to be paid by the RNC.

Governor Palin was elected by a state campaign emphasizing the need to clean up corruption in government; she had the same emphasis in her national campaign with John McCain. Although I am not a resident of Alaska (I have visited your beautiful state), I know Governor Palin plans at this time to pursue a national office again, thus my interest in Alaskan politics.

Please take another step toward honest government by finishing these investigations. I expect the same behavior by my state legislators and officials, and Alaskans should expect the same of you.

Thank you for your attention-

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA


Palin is definitely a poster child for bad or lack of education – since a lot of us can’t understand a word she says, it’s apparent that they didn’t stress English in Wasilla schools; and forget that pesky geography or history, who needs ’em?

26 11 2008
CO Almost Native

I’m going to try to post this again; I’m not sure what happened, and if it posted twice…sorry.

Mud Pups-

I just sent this email to these two legislators; if any of you want to, feel free to copy, edit, and/or use as your own.

Happy Thanksgiving to all 🙂

Senator Stevens and Rep. Les Gara:

I am writing to express my concern with the perceived intent to end the investigation into Governor Palin’s abuse of power in regards to Walt Monegan and Trooper Wooten. I read the online version of the Anchorage Daily Newspaper, and I am dismayed that it sounds like the Alaskan Legislature is not going to finish the job it voted to do.

While I know that you, like all of the other states, have pressing business to handle when you reconvene in January- the budget, education, declining oil prices- I hope that all of the legislators also put a high priority of honesty, integrity, and transparency in government. Perhaps an independent commission or appointed attorney can complete the following:

1. Resolve the conflict between the conclusions of the legislatively-directed Branchflower Report, that concluded Governor Palin abused the powers of her office, and the Governor-requested Personnel Board (all appointed by the current Governor) report by attorney Petumenos that concluded she and her husband did nothing wrong.

2. Other important legal questions to answer also: did the Palins and other witnesses commit perjury, did the witnesses break the law by refusing to testify for the Branchflower report, and how to resolve the conflicts in the State Attorney General’s duties- is he primarily responsible to represent the Governor, or is his responsibility to the state of Alaska.

3. Someone needs to determine if Governor Palin wrongly billed the state for travel expenses for her children; establishing this legal precedent will help clarify state law/procedures.

4. I also hope the Alaskan legislature refuses to pay the per diem expenses of Kris Perry, the Governor’s aide, who travelled with Sarah Palin as she campaigned for the office of Vice President. I assume Ms. Perry is already a state employee, and that the extra expenses are campaign costs, to be paid by the RNC.

Governor Palin was elected by a state campaign emphasizing the need to clean up corruption in government; she had the same emphasis in her national campaign with John McCain. Although I am not a resident of Alaska (I have visited your beautiful state), I know Governor Palin plans at this time to pursue a national office again, thus my interest in Alaskan politics.

Please take another step toward honest government by finishing these investigations. I expect the same behavior by my state legislators and officials, and Alaskans should expect the same of you.

Thank you for your attention-

26 11 2008

@Grammy in PA (09:12:36) :

Here is an old ADN article that goes into details about Josef Boehm:

26 11 2008
Rankle Hiway of the Obamanation

I have qualms about calling/writing Alaskan legislators ( I live in NW Arizona) I hope that the efforts of AFT and AKM, as well as all the Alaskans who’ve spoken out on these issues are able to accomplish the rededication of your legislators towards following up on the charges against Palin.
As I said, I have qualms because I have issues with non-residents of my own state
( Arizona ) pursuing outside agendas to the detriment of Arizonans. We just had a “one man one woman=marriage” amendment passed here, primarily due to a massive spending campaign by non-Arizonan conservative interests. In all good conscience, I can hardly deplore their efforts while participating in the same type of activity myself.
Which is not to say that I can’t cheer your efforts on from the sidelines. Giddyup!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Thanks InJuneau, I’ll check it out.

26 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Rankle Hiway of the Obamanation (10:03:34)

I just sent an email to two AK legislators; it’s posted on the political blog. I felt I could write about honesty/transparency in government, as SP campaigned on that theme- and it is important in my state too.

26 11 2008

I just e-mailed an appropriate message to all the AK legislators that indicated my support, even as an out-of-stater from Oregon, for the mission statement of Alaskans For Truth.

Within 10 minutes I got a reply from Rep. Gara, who sounded optimistic about the recent election, and his own specific interest going forward (also, a robo-reply from Rep. Wilson, who’s out of office ’til Dec. 3rd).

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Someone above was asking who was paying for the thank you Sarah ads:

First, the commercials.

They’re paid for by a political action committee called the Our Country Deserves Better Committee, which originally formed in July to defeat Obama’s presidential bid.

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA


Sounds like Petumenos takes some real winner cases – he used to work in the Office of Special Prosecutions (DoLaw I believe) and was the special prosecutor in the old George Hohman bribery case. Seems like he has turned to another avenues of making a buck; used to be he was on the side of right in politics/ethics . . . .

26 11 2008

Wasn’t Sarahs dad a teacher ???

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Yes, a SCIENCE teacher but she still didn’t know about fruitfly research . . .

26 11 2008

Did he teach evolution???……….what church upbringing did she have??

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

I think she was taught creationism – not sure when she got involved in the fundamental type churches or when their following became what I think is a majority of the population in Wasilla.

26 11 2008

Our legislators are either part of the solution, or part of the problem. It’s a black/white issue to me. If they do not follow up on this they are complicit. Period.

26 11 2008

I think badgering the FBI would be useful in connection with certain parts of this whole situation with La Secessionista. Like, what went on between McCain people sent up there and the Attorney General et al. regarding refusal to be deposed, promotion of the National Guard guy, and so forth. That whole thing stinks to high heaven.

26 11 2008
jan jan (Possum)

AKM, I can’t believe it – but for the first time – I have to disagree with you. You said –
>Call me crazy, but I think ethics really matters. If you polled voters and asked if they’d rather have an ethical politician or an unethical one, you’d get the obvious answer. And if you broke down the results of this poll by party affiliation, I don’t think you’d find much difference. Everyone wants ethical politicians.<
To that I have to say, EVERYONE? If EVERYONE wanted ethical politicians, would Bush have been reelected? Would Steven have come so close? And I could waste a lot of time naming others… The sad thing is – ethics matters to MANY of us (like most of us on this blog) but obviously not all of us. And therein lies the rub. What we ALL, (the ethical ones) MUST DO is make more noise than the rest of those b******s – MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD!
We are making progress here in VA… people like me have come out of the woodwork, stood on our hind feet and said we’ve had enough! We have voted out incumbents and are waiting for the next election.
Well, OK, take Thanksgiving off, maybe Christmas…
Remember – YES WE CAN!!!!!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

CO Almost Native (10:17:02) :

Rankle Hiway of the Obamanation (10:03:34)

I just sent an email to two AK legislators; it’s posted on the political blog. I felt I could write about honesty/transparency in government, as SP campaigned on that theme- and it is important in my state too.


How do I find the political blog?

26 11 2008

Grammy–here’s the link to the Forum thread where CO posted the letter:,4561.msg37861/topicseen.html#new

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Thanks! I can’t find my way around over there . . . .

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA
26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Oops, after reading some of the comments following that ad, it may not be that funny – I didn’t realize what the end of it actually was depicting.

26 11 2008
Rob in Ca

Rankle Hiway: Please rethink this! Expressing concern to the Alaskan legislators is not the same as voting. I am in Ca, and deeply resent the intrusion of the Mormon Church into our politics with their support of Prop 8, but I also believe they have the right of free speech to express their opinion as a church, and individually as members, on gay marriage. The proposition failed because we failed to oppose it with the fervor it deserved. We will not make that mistake again, I assure you!

The legislators need to hear loud and clear that they have a responsibility to their voters, but also to justice. Justice for Monegan. Justice for the citizens whose needs have been ignored while their governor was on her own agenda. Justice for the government employees who have been coerced by Todd Palin into acting against their principles and possibly state law. Justice for the people who were smeared by Governor Palin during the campaign: Obama and Ayers come to mind. Oh, and tens of thousands of community organizers…

The point is, Justice matters for all of us. We have not just the right, but the obligation to point it out, regardless of state lines or county lines or political parties. These questions are crying out to be answered, and no one is forbidden to ask the qeustions.

26 11 2008
GJ in ID

The problem with ethics and truth is that not everyone sees things the same way, what is true for you and me may not be true for SP and people who believe the way she does. And if she and they have their way they will change the laws of the land to uphold their idea of truth and ethics, just like the Bushites have for the past 8 yrs. For a creationist nothing is more true than what they read in their bible. I can never remember which of the 183 Bibles I’ve collected over the years, that might be, when I talk to my sister who claims to be a creationist. One of my hobbies is studing theology and all religions, and I can see some truth in all of them, but creationist only see their Truth with a capital “T” and to them thats the only Truth, so what ever they do that fits in with their truth is ethical. They are going to be working to get their narrow minded view of the world legalized as the only Truth, just like so many other narrow minded people do in other fundamental religions.

When an open minded person thinks of ethics and truth we want a truth that works for everyone and it can be hard to figure out how to work with those narrow minded beings in Whoville that just can’t see us shouting, “we’ve had enough of your truth! We want real change and real honest open accountable government.

It might be hard to make SP accountable for what we think she is doing wrong when she doesn’t believe she has done anything wrong she thinks she is doing what her people and their money is allow her to do. If we keep doing what we are now doing, having and open and honest dialog pointing out when she is actually breaking an existing law and asking ourselves and those who should be concerned by this behavior to hold her accountable we may see some change or we may not. But if we do nothing we will never know, now will we.

I have great hope for a new year and a new deal. I think once we truly get rid of the present Bush administration we will see some leaders with a completely different set of ethics making laws that we do believe. With these leaders in power changes will happen more rapidly.

In the meantime, I call and write and keep shouting, “I’m hear and I count and I matter and it matters to me what you are doing and what you are not doing in AK, and in the rest of the world, just because I care.”

26 11 2008
GJ in ID

please don’t mind my rant and misspellings, I’m here…

26 11 2008
UK Lady

According to Peggy Noonan the only reaon SP is ‘the face’ of the Repugs is because the media has a very quirky sense of humour!

26 11 2008
Grammy in PA

GJ – It might be hard to make SP accountable for what we think she is doing wrong when she doesn’t believe she has done anything wrong she thinks she is doing what her people and their money is allow her to do.


I think this is exactly on point – she was either brought up by a different “code” or she evolved into the way she is but I don’t know if anything is going to make her change or even accept responsibility for doing unacceptable things . . . .

26 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Gobble deegook Palin

If Sarah Palin is a reformer at any level, then I am a saint.

26 11 2008
Sauerkraut aka Gobble deegook Palin

Hussein Canuck for Choice (22:26:07) :

For instance, even if the governor did contact Monegan to ask about the status of Wooten, which she denies, it could have been in the wider interest of public safety, Petumenos said.

She and her minions were either very convincing, or Petumenos has no clue.


If comments on this blog are any indications, the truth seems to be pointing towards the “Petumenos has no clue.” Or, undue political influence/conflict of interest vis-a-vis his employer.

Given the volume of contacts and comments she made about Wooten over a number of years, there is more than just a slight hint or suggestion of pressure from Sarah Palin. In addition, there are Todd Palin’s own remarks. The evidence of undue influence was there. Why Petumenos chose to gloss over the obvious is something only he, and perhaps a small coterie of others, knows.

26 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

@ Denise sansMSgaAZca (22:37:02) :

“…Given how Red Alaska has been, well, politicians are likely thinking about that 70 odd percent of voters. Perhaps they will find a reason more powerful than votes… Likely there’ll be better odds if you can convince them of political advantage.”

With falling oil prices and likely greatly-increased scrutiny before the feds throw any more earmarks at Alaska, your state is on VERY shaky ground financially. Grasshopper Sarah’s going to point the finger at the legislative Ants, to direct negative attention away from her lack of participation in preparing for the long fiscal winter ahead…

Self-preservation might be the strongest political advantage to be had.

26 11 2008

@UK Lady

Noonan thinks the media is up to mischief. Interesting idea…a symbiotic relationship between the media & Sarah. Since all news has become tabloid news I can see how the two can feed off each other.

26 11 2008

NEW THREAD ALERT, in case any one is still here…

26 11 2008
GJ in ID

All the MNM are driven by two things, money and viewers. Ads tell you were some of the money is coming from, but they also have other ways of making money, all of which depend on the number of viewers watching the programing.

Whether we like it or not some of the highest viewing rates lately are coming from “news” or video shots featuring SP. These spots can be either supporting SP or against her, just as long has her name and usually a picture of her from a previously paid for video appears in the spot. So as far as I can see SP isn’t going to fall off of the MNM attention until the viewers get so tired of seeing her they stop watching. Even then when a Youtube video of her gets a million hits in a day, they will bring it back out just to get more coverage out of us.

She can stick her head in a toilet, and come out watching the rats flee in all direction and the public will watch, if for no other reason than to count the number of rats. She has become political entertainment to many, like a bad joke that isn’t funny but we politely watch and listen so we can say, yes we saw that one too.

So count on it, the more we focus on her “mischief and wrong doings” the more we will see of her in the news. This will give her great “name” recognition, which is one of her main motivations for keeping in the game. Least we forget, she is still running for her life, towards that big golden ring, in 2016, psss,…she doesn’t know she doesn’t have a chance for 2012, so let’s not tell her, OK?

26 11 2008

There might be nothing more tiresome and boring than a politician that decides they’re going to start running for a given governmental elected position FOUR YEARS before it’s up for grabs.

The only thing that keeps Sarah Palin from being tiresome and boring is her skewed outlook on life, her career, and how unpopular she really is among the vast majority of US voters that AREN’T the “Republican base”.

26 11 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin


Palin is definitely a poster child for bad or lack of education – since a lot of us can’t understand a word she says, it’s apparent that they didn’t stress English in Wasilla schools; and forget that pesky geography or history, who needs ‘em?

Sarah Palin’s father is an English Teacher

26 11 2008

@BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin (14:37:28) :

No, her father was a science teacher.

26 11 2008

If you’re saying the Attorney General is appointed by the Governor, that is a big problem. In California, for instance, our Attorney General (AG) is an elected official, serving the people of California. This governing approach is probably the same in other states, as well. Perhaps Alaska needs a constitutional amendment to make the AG an elected position. I can see that if the Governor appoints the AG, there is a natural bias against investigating the very person who appointed you to office, and seriously flies in the face of basic internal controls.

27 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

I received a polite response to my e-mail from Anna Fairclough. She appears to be supportive of carrying on with finding out the truth and indicated that she will be asking Trooper Wooten to consider releasing more information from his personnel files. Having received a positive response to my query, she is now OFF my e-mail list in my ongoing quest to fill the in-boxes of Alaskan legislators.

27 11 2008

Our Country Deserves Butter !!

And so does that turkey I stuffed before putting it into the oven.

Our country deserves butter
oh that sarah palin
she is quite the nutter
says alot of words
but is it more than mutter?

oh, our country sure deserves butter!

gobble, gobble

think positive about those ads… the Detroit Lions are so bad that very few will be watching the football game to see the ads.