Pulling the Chair Out from Under Joe Lieberman.

14 11 2008

One of the big perks of this election, after getting Obama elected, and after all those positive changes that lie in the days to come, was the ouster of Joe Lieberman. He undoubtedly holds the title of “Most Despised Democrat” in the Senate. His betrayal of his party, his slanderous comments about Barack Obama, and his contstant sucking up to John McCain and the Republicans had many Democrats seething, staring at the clock and waiting for the day they could strip him of his key committee chairmanship.

Seeing the writing on the wall, Lieberman made a donation this summer- a big FAT donation – to the DSCC to the tune of $100,000. This contribution came on top of last year’s donation of the same amount. Apparently Joe thinks that’s what the going rate is to buy friends. Behold the grown-up political version of “If I give you my lunch, can I sit with you?”

Insiders were saying that he was scrambling to keep his Chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which several Democrats who were actually loyal to their party, were champing at the bit to pull from him after the November election.

On top of this year’s $100,000, his PAC has donated an additional $30,000 since last year. Will this be enough to change the opinion of those who regard Lieberman as the Benedict-Arnold-turncoat-McCain-hugging-Judas-Escariot-war-monger of the Senate? Is $130,000 the cost of a chairmanship, or will the Democrats ‘pull the Chair out from under him’?

In addition, the Senate is perilously close to the coveted veto-proof, filibuster-proof Democratic majority that seemed like a dream until recently. With the races of Begich vs. Stevens, Franken vs. Coleman and Martin vs. Chambliss hanging in the air, things are uncertain.

A few Senators have come out in recent days calling for Lieberman’s removal – Senator Bernie Sanders, and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Senator Patrick Leahy, both from Vermont. “I am one who does not feel that somebody should be rewarded with a major chairmanship after doing what he did,” Leahy said in a Vermont Public Radio interview on Friday.

Some of Lieberman’s attacks on Obama “went beyond the pale,” Leahy said. “I would feel that had I done something similar that I would not be chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee in the next Congress.”

“To reward Senator Lieberman with a major committee chairmanship would be a slap in the face of millions of Americans who worked tirelessly for Barack Obama and who want to see real change in our country,” said Sanders in the statement sent our way by his office.

“Appointing someone to a major post who led the opposition to everything we are fighting for is not ‘change we can believe in,'” Sanders continued. “I very much hope that Senator Lieberman stays in the Democratic caucus and is successful in regaining the confidence of those whom he has disappointed. This is not a time, however, in which he should be rewarded with a major committee chairmanship.”

The in-boxes of Democratic Senators across the nation are being filled to capacity as we speak. I don’t have a Democratic Senator…..yet. But if I did, I would be adding to the electronic pile of outrage in my Senator’s email account.

This will be voted on by the Senate NEXT WEEK, so time is of the essence if you want your voice to be heard.

And I’d like to post again one of my all-time favorite political cartoons for all the Senate Democrats (and those who caucus with them) except for the two distinguished gentlemen from Vermont.




78 responses

14 11 2008

eh, as unlikely as it sounds that expression is actually, “chAmping at the bit”.

Go figure. Live and learn! AKM

14 11 2008
14 11 2008
Blue in Tennessee

Must be a slow Friday night. If I had a Dem Senator, I would have already been on the phone. Now, I will pick the ones to which I have donated. This is unbelievable that this would even be a question.

14 11 2008

I thought Rachel made a very reasoned argument last night.. I have to agree with her thought process..

14 11 2008
mudslide pike

new count at Secretary of State Begich up by 1061

14 11 2008
jwa - Cheney Hussein Palin

Go Mark

14 11 2008

Rachel nailed it. The root problem here is that Democrats usually work from a position of weakness. They just can’t seem to wield power with authority.

IMHO, the best reason for throwing Lieberman out of the caucus and denying him a committee chair is that he isn’t very bright or competent. His disloyalty to the Democratic Party is an issue, but the far bigger item of concern is that this schmuck actually believed that McCain/Palin was team that deserved to be in the White House. Anybody who thinks it would be wise to entrust the nuclear arsenal of this nation to Sarah Palin ought to be disqualified from any position of resposibility in our government.

14 11 2008
mudslide pike

Young still leading by 16288

14 11 2008
mudslide pike

Mark is starting to look safe….. Anchorage to be counted next week. He is going to need $$$ help in case of a recount

14 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Number of Precincts 438
Precincts Reporting 438 100.0 %
Times Counted 293995/495731 59.3 %
Total Votes 290122


Begich, Mark DEM 137527 47.40%
Bird, Bob AI 11933 4.11%
Gianoutsos, Ted NA 1218 0.42%
Haase, Fredrick D. LIB 2215 0.76%
Stevens, Ted REP 136466 47.04%
Write-in Votes 763 0.26%

14 11 2008
mudslide pike

Lie Ber Man is a problem in the caucus because he also is very willing to have close chats with the Repug. He owes them for his re-election. Kind of like a mole in your mist.

14 11 2008

Joe the Panderer needs to do a roadshow with Joe the Plumber and Tito the Builder – the three Amigos could go around the country serenading Sarah. . . maybe even sing “Hit the Road jack”

14 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Palin/Lieberman 2012.. That would be huge.. hahaha

14 11 2008

AKM – a reminder that Bernie Sanders isn’t a “Senate Democrat” even though he, too, caucuses with them. (During Bernie’s tenure as mayor of Burlington this sign greeted you as you arrived at Burlington International Airport: “Welcome to the People’s Republic of Burlington.” A socialist he really is, though a little more tempered than he was in those days)

Yes, you’re right, and I knew that….sigh. Thanks! AKM

14 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

It is worth mentioning, however we may personally feel about Joe, his constituents elected him after he lost the primary.

How those same constituents feel after Obama’s election and Joe’s support of McCain/SWWNBN is yet to be seen. Anyone know offhand how CT went in the presidential election, specifically?

14 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Shikago

Joe the “Dick” Lieberman, Weasel 1st Class.

14 11 2008

Oh, and here’s a good Vermont Political Blog, with a little more on Leahy and Bernie. You might need to scroll down to get all the posts.


14 11 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Nate Silver just announced on Hardball that Alaska “is over.” Bye, bye convicTed.

14 11 2008

Lake Champlain, home of the legendary Champ, naturally makes VT Senators likely to champ at things.

(Actually, Bulwagga Bay is the site of many Champ sightings, but hardly ever makes it to MSM because of spam filters.)

14 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

I’m with Rachel – kick his a$$ to the curb.

14 11 2008

You know, the truth is that even with a 60-seat majority it is highly unlikely that the Democrats could prevent any filibuster. Our party suffers from a catch-22 issue: we don’t always work in unison. As such, it is rather unlikely our party could ever muster the 60-votes anyway.

As such….

Let Lieberman go. It probably would have been okay if he had only endorsed McCain, but actively campaigning for him, appearing at the convention and casting ridiculous aspersions about Obama are beyond contempt.

14 11 2008

I can understand them allowing LIEberman to caucus with them, but if they don’t strip him of his Chairmanship they will be telling the world that the Democratic Party is no different than the Republican Party – you know, the party that doesn’t believe there are consequences for your behavior. I will be sorely disappointed in the Democrats if they allow LIEberman to keep his chairmanship.

14 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[…Seeing the writing on the wall, Lieberman made a donation this summer- a big FAT donation – to the DSCC to the tune of $100,000. This contribution came on top of last year’s donation of the same amount. Apparently Joe thinks that’s what the going rate is to buy friends. Behold the grown-up political version of “If I give you my lunch, can I sit with you?”…]]]


I never thought of it before, but Lieberman probably was one of the whining, sniveling kids who had difficult making friends.

I’ve thought the same about Bush Jr for years. If he had any friends it was because of his family’s wealth and power.

This concept of choices made when young regarding with whom one shares their noon dining experience reminded me of a P.J. O’Rourke article I read when Bush Jr was running in 2000.

O’Rourke made the argument for Bush Jr being a sniveling coward, who would hide behind his family’s collective skirts, and was probably despised by most of his school peers (except for the ones who could be bought with money).

O’Rourke made the argument for his thesis statement by pointing out that the same problems Bush Jr had in junior high would still be his problems now.

So his thesis was this: “Don’t vote for somebody or president of the United States if you would not have welcomed him to your lunch table in junior high school.”

I think it is something to ponder. I don’t need the POTUS to be my best buddy, but I do want him to be someone I can be proud of, who would be able to act appropriately in situations, and who would not whine, snivel, and blame others for his mistakes. A bright person with integrity and who acts responsibly.

That doesn’t describe Bush Jr, but it sure describes Al Gore and Barak Obama.

14 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[IMHO, the best reason for throwing Lieberman out of the caucus and denying him a committee chair is that he isn’t very bright or competent. His disloyalty to the Democratic Party is an issue, but the far bigger item of concern is that this schmuck actually believed that McCain/Palin was team that deserved to be in the White House. Anybody who thinks it would be wise to entrust the nuclear arsenal of this nation to Sarah Palin ought to be disqualified from any position of resposibility in our government.]]]

Excellent point. He actually was supporting McCain/Palin when he knew Palin might well end up being president.

It’ either one of two things:
1) Lieberman has extremely poor judgment, which puts America at risk if he has a powerful position in the Senate.

2) Lieberman full well knew that McCain/Palin would be the end of America, but chose to put his own best political interests ahead of the best interests of America, which also puts America at risk if hehas a powerful position in the Senate.

It’s the same argument I made againt McCain and his choice of Palin. Either way, he was ready to destroy America to achieve his own best interests.

Neither McCain nor Lieberman should have any power. With such poor and/or dangerous judgment, they should be on Meals-On-Wheels, not on the Senate floor.

14 11 2008
nswfm CA

Political Amazon, they make WAY TOO MUCH money to be on Meals-on-Wheels!

14 11 2008

Lieberman made a donation this summer- a big FAT donation – to the DSCC to the tune of $100,000.

What is the DSCC????

14 11 2008

The thing that truly frosted my oats was the fact that he shamelessly campaigned for the ‘downticket republicans’ saying that it would be a horror if the Dems controlled the executive and legislative branches.

Because of that, not only have I contacted all of the Dems on the committee and my own senators, but I had the greatest fun contacting Joe’s office and in person, in real time letting one of ‘his people’ know that I felt that if he had any integrity and really meant what he said during this past election cycle, specifically regarding Democratic control of both houses and the executive, he has it in his power to make a difference and that he should resign from the Democratic Party…But that I know that he is so slimy and self serving that he would never ever think of doing something like that…and on and on I went until sated…

You can reach him at 202-224-4041 if that interests you…

14 11 2008

Gizmo wrote: “Anybody who thinks it would be wise to entrust the nuclear arsenal of this nation to Sarah Palin ought to be disqualified from any position of responsibility in our government.”

Nobody could possibly say it better. Nobody. Bravo to Gizmo.

14 11 2008

Lieberman has demonstrated that he can be “rolled”. As a pragmatist, I, myself, would consider putting him in a position where he could continue to be “rolled” to my advantage. Sometimes I might need him, and sometimes I wouldn’t care. During the close calls I would want to be able to force him onto my side.
Obama is a pragmatist and a downright political genius to boot. I trust him to do whatever he believes he must do.

14 11 2008
UK Lady

Can somebody please tell me why these rich old guys are so ambitious?

What in the hell are they doing? Why don’t they just take their sorry wrinkly a**es off to some golf club or beach and leave the field clear for people who they know are smarter than they are, and clearly care more about the people than they do. I just don’t get it.

How can the Dems even stand to be in the same room as Lieberman?

14 11 2008

Excellent points on why Lieberman deserves to be stripped of his chairmanship. Joe is all about Joe. (Joe the Egotist?) When he lost in the Democratic primary in 2006, he said something to the effect that he would run as an independent b/c he knew best – damn the election results, Lamont was too dangerous and CT and the nation needed him. I think Lieberman actually lost the Dem vote in the general, but the Repub candidate was so bad that Lieberman unfortunately got the Repub vote. Joe Lieberman believes he is always right, as well as indispensable. He certainly has the right to his opinion, but to come out so viciously against Obama is unconscionable. I will email my Dem Senators tonight and respectfully request that they dispense w/ him ASAP.

14 11 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin


There is no logical reason to want to keep Lieberman in the Democratic Party.

There are myriad reasons to boot him, and as publicly as possible.

First and foremost is to send the message that although cooperation with non-Democrats on individual issues is tolerable, even desirable, out and out mutiny will be dealt with via the plank walk.

Avast ye Dems, to the plank with him. To the fathoms with Joe the Sharkbait.

14 11 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

@ gr8husseinmcpalin

You can reach him (Joe Lieberman) at 202-224-4041 if that interests you…


Thanks, I called and you can get voice mail. I respectfully demanded he resign from the Democratic Party in less than 10 words.

14 11 2008
katek formerly cd

Every time I saw Joe up there smiling behind McCain, it really bothered me. I mean, this guy was the democratic vp candidate 8 years ago! and probably was thinking he had a shot at being the veep candidate on the Repub ticket this time(as reports seems to back up)

I understand that P-elect Obama wants to heal the divisiveness but don’t let him keep the chairmanship.

14 11 2008

Here you go. Fortunately, I have two Democrat Senators in NY. However, I sent emails to all the Senators (see link) as well as to Sen Evan Bayh. I just told them (more or less) that as a lifelong Democrat I’m enraged at Lieberman’s behavior, and as an American I don’t trust his judgement to hold Committee posts. Joe must go.


14 11 2008

I know there’s a new thread. But I just have to add my voice to stripping Joe the NON-Democrat from his chairmanships. I mean, face it. He’s been wearing a phony suit for the last 4 years. He’s been pretending to be a progressive. Yet his actions speak louder than his words. Let him vote his “conscience” … when it comes to social issues, when it comes to what else…? He’s a very sorry excuse for a progressive. He loves war. He will not be a voice in a 60-vote filibuster-stopping motion. Why play games?

Fine, have discourse with him and take his points under consideration. But he does not deserve, not even one whit, a chairmanship on a Senate committee.

Goodbye, Joe. Once upon a time we thought we knew ya. No more. Go play grabsies in the Republican locker room. And get your giant head out of the Dem caucus.

14 11 2008

Lieberman should be stripped of his plum chairmanship. He is a first year Senator (Self Serving Party) and should not be so arrogant.
If he decides to act spitefully -everyone’s big fear-that is a matter for his constituents to decide at election time.
He is not trustworthy, so if he quits it wont be a great loss.

Personally, I am starting to hate him even more than Cheney!
I’ll take my chances with him quitting in a spiteful ‘huff’.

14 11 2008
Buck Naked Politics

Leahy and Sanders Demand Lieberman’s Ouster from Homeland Security Committee…

by Damozel | Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), much admired by all of us at Buck Naked Politics for being one of the few Congressional Dems with a spine, steps up. Every Senator will have to vote the way he or she believes they should, Leahy said, in a ref…

14 11 2008
wired differently

Emails to both of my *real* Democratic senators. CHECK

Email to Lieberman to tell him I had done so. CHECK

Great start to the weekend.

AKM, what flavor of Tums do you prefer? Not the tropical fruity ones, I hope… gack

14 11 2008
Pat, Washingonton state

You and Rachel have hit the nail on the head. I think the thing that irritated me even more than the stupidity falling out of Sarah Palin’s mouth during the campaign was seeing Lieberman standing behind McCain every time he spoke, with that insipid smile. Disgusting. If he wants to be a Democrat, then be one – but “palling around” with the Republicans isn’t the way to do it. No matter which ticket he tries to run on next time around, I’d bet that his credibility is toast.

And yes, he needs to lose that power that he should have, but hasn’t ever really used to anyone’s benefit. And better to do it now before he has the chance to do any more damage.


14 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Being filibuster-proof is not worth being unprincipled. Let the chips fall where they may. Filibusters serve a purpose (not a great, or grand one, but a useful one). They make the party in power stop and think before they leap, and work to line up bipartisan support for their bills.

14 11 2008
Karin from CT

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (15:33:34) :

It is worth mentioning, however we may personally feel about Joe, his constituents elected him after he lost the primary.

How those same constituents feel after Obama’s election and Joe’s support of McCain/SWWNBN is yet to be seen. Anyone know offhand how CT went in the presidential election, specifically?

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (15:33:34) :

It is worth mentioning, however we may personally feel about Joe, his constituents elected him after he lost the primary.

How those same constituents feel after Obama’s election and Joe’s support of McCain/SWWNBN is yet to be seen. Anyone know offhand how CT went in the presidential election, specifically?


Firstly, as a constituent of Joe the traitor, and a life-long Democrat who has been involved in local/state/federal elections since I was old enough to vote, I’d like to set the record straight about Sen. Lieberman.

Until he started to suck Republican ass for the past 4 years or so, he was an excellent Senator for our state since 1982. He and Chris Dodd worked hard for our state and it was a no brainer to vote for these guys over and over again.

Joe Lieberman lost in the 2006 Democratic Senate primary to Ned Lamont. The race was close, but Joe lost. He then ran as an Independent and beat Lamont in the general election. Trust me when I say that NO ONE with a brain here in the progressively liberal state voted for the guy. His votes came from the likes of idiots who voted for Ted Stevens, the “Oh, you don’t like Joe?” uninformed losers and from the right. Our state is a hands-down, slam-dunk guaranteed, blue state. Although, we have a wonderful GOP Gov in Jodi Rell.

Let me conclude by saying that Sen Lieberman will NEVER get re-elected in CT.

14 11 2008
True Blue Texan

I have no Democratic Senator from Texas but I just emailed every member of the Democratic Steering Committee. They may not listen, but at least I have the satisfaction of having said my peace.

14 11 2008

Proud Vermonter here!

14 11 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

here is the wallace show with bayh and lieberman…watch holy joe’s body language

and rachel nails it….it isnt just that he supported mccain, that could easily be forgiven…its that he chose to hold no oversight hearings about anything…so what did he gain by being chairman? it was just a bully pulpit for him to attack the dems

so the dems dont get the 60….better to lose a battle than sell your soul

14 11 2008

Sarah, you should be proud. I’ve emailed Clinton and Schumer, and I hope they’ll be equally courageous.

14 11 2008
pdx mb

Ditto on Rachel for me, too. Anyone raising children knows that there must be real consequences for screw-ups. If we’re lucky, there is an obvious and natural consequence that follows a mistake, so we don’t have to get too creative about it. It seems that Lieberman losing his chairmanship is simply a natural consequence for bucking the party to which he has been INVITED. Very poor behavior by a guest. After all, when a guest behaves badly, he generally isn’t invited back. Inviting Lieberman back, IMO, only sends the message that he can be a spoiled brat and get away with it. Bad parenting and bad politics.

The dirtbag needs to go.

14 11 2008
pdx mb

Karin from CT: Thanks for that insider info!

14 11 2008

Lieberman’s problem does not stop with his nose being stuck up McCain’s buttcheeks.

Lieberman’s homeland security chairmanship has gone against the democratic grain. He’s done nothing to get the Katrina mess adequately addressed or cleaned up. He’s held no one’s feet to the fire on the missteps of Brown or Jerkoff. Same with the messes Texas faced with Rita and this year’s monster that cracked apart the coast into Houston. He simply has not done a good job in that position. Incompetence alone should result in his removal.

Frankly, as with McCain, the man who was just a few years ago is no longer present in the current encarnation of Joe Lieberman. He is but a shadow of his past. If he truly loves his country, he’d put his ego aside and step aside. Allow CT to put someone into the position who can do some good for that state.

14 11 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

Karin from CT,

i think you meant 88….and i was warned about holy joe by a dem operative even then

he said that he would rather have a liberal republican like weiker, than a conservative dem, like joe. he didnt trust joe and felt that he could bolt to the republicans at any time

14 11 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

oops…forgot to leave the link for the vid

14 11 2008

Love the cartoon………..it’s late so I had to look at bit to see the spine!

Lieberman likes to talk loud and draw a crowd….but he wants to be with the winners. Wonder why he was so cock sure McCain would win? Also, Palin never considered she’d be on the losing team. So what was their little secret…sos servers being highjacked…voting machines rigged….lawsuits….

14 11 2008

Lowell Weiker was a darn fine public servant.

If you really want to know what some people in CT think of Joe Lieberman, go ask the Pequots. He’s had no respect for that native group, despite their many successes economically and culturally, for a couple decades.

14 11 2008

Despite his avowed political affiliation, I like Bernie Saunders. The man has integrity. People laughed when he was first elected but those same people look up to him now. How many people from other states can honestly say the same about their representatives in DC??

14 11 2008
White Agate

I think that is the funniest cartoon ever! I must save it.

Go Begich! We are in the thick of the recount still, although more votes are being found for Franken. Amy Klobuchar said today she felt of the three contested Senate seats, at least one would go to the Dems if not all, in which case even without the magic 60 number, a lot of good legislation will get passed.

I wish I understood Lieberman, I mean, I wish I could listen inside his head. I think he should be demoted from a committee chairmanship and then put into whichever committees as a junior member. It would then be up to the senior Dems to see how much information they really want to share with him. Actions have consequences.

14 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

Repeating myself from 2 threads ago – My take on Lieberman:

“Though many people I know lost some respect for him when he went independent after losing the Dem primary, and mine IS a very blue state, I thought he’d gambled on the idea that people are creatures of habit, and would vote for a name they recognized. He won that bet.

And yeah, he tends to vote with the Dems 85% of the time, or so I’ve read.

But if his behavior during the campaign is indicative of how he leans the other 15% of the time, the Dems are already a non-filibuster proof majority, even if the 3 outstanding Senate contests all go to Democrats.

Think of the leverage he’ll have, with or against BOTH sides, if he remains an Ind / Dem. Will ‘keeping’ him a Dem ensure party loyalty? Hard for me to believe so, given his recent actions…

I don’t know that he’ll actually switch his affiliation. (Most people I know didn’t care much for his first switch, I doubt they could handle a Darth Lieberman.)

It will take a far more politically savvy mind than mine to determine how or if he can be trusted.”

I should have known – that ‘far more politically savvy mind’ belongs to Rachel!

14 11 2008

One sunny day in late January, 2009 an old man approached the White House from Across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he’d been sitting on a park bench.

He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, “I would like to go in and meet with President Bush.”

The Marine looked at the man and said, “Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here.”

The old man said, “Okay”, and walked away.’

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, “I would like to go in and meet with President Bush.”

The Marine again told the man, “Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here.”

The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying “I would like to go in and meet with President Bush.”

The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at th e man and said, “Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I’ve told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don’t you understand?”

The old man looked at the Marine and said, “Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it.”

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, “See you tomorrow, Sir.”

14 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Okay, OT, but I find it kind of weird looking at Rachael Maddow. See, she and I could be sisters. Same hair colour, texture, and haircut. Same complexion and colouring. Same dimples. She has a slightly squarer jaw and slightly larger teeth and nose than I do. Otherwise, it’s like looking in a mirror. We seem to share a wardrobe and even have the same taste in pyjama bottoms.

So when everybody goes on about how cute she is, THANKS! 😉

14 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

MonaLisa (in CT) (18:54:08)
Thanks for reposting that. I was about to go back and copy it for present discussion, since I thought it deserved to be looked at again.

14 11 2008
Chief Shikago

OK, so have I told you that Rachel Maddow and the problem child (a jerk, also) are absolute dolls?

14 11 2008

CRFlats, Best stroy I’ve heard tonight. Thank you!

14 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

(*blushes*) Aw, thanks Problem! 🙂

14 11 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

So, then… Rep Gov. Jodi Rell. She IS pretty respected, but how sure are we that she’ll appoint a republican in Joe’s place? Does she have to bow to pressure from the RNC, rather than the (considerable) pressure from upstanding Connecticut constituents?

Wow. Seems like I know more about Alaska’s politics than my OWN state’s.
(*crawls back under rock, peeks out to wait for ridicule*)

14 11 2008

I’d like to see them pull the chair out from under him and then smack him upside the head with it..traitorious bastid.

14 11 2008

Oh, man… that cartoon is the all-time funniest thing I have ever seen!

14 11 2008

Chief Shikago (19:09:24) : If we be dolls, then WTF is Barbie?
(And thank you, I think she’s pretty sweet/ hot, too.)

14 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

I am willing to trust Obama’s judgement. He has demonstrated the ability to think through complex issues. The disposition of Lieberman might as well be to Obama’s advantage, which afterall is to our advantage. Use Lieberman as you will, Obama.

On a personal level, my desire to see Lieberman have his comeuppance may eloquently be satisfied by seeing him serve Obama.

14 11 2008

I had seen the cartoon before and enjoyed it. However you notice that the back bone does not have a Democrat wraped around it yet.

Lieberman like Palin and McCain is just plain wierd, as in slimy-spooky. What is to keep him from walking out of private Party planning sessions and running and taddling to his buddy McCain?

I personally think the practice of the political parties to act like drunken frat boys in an intermural football game is hugely damaging to this country. But if that is the way they want it to work how can either party honor someone who cheats the accepted system of cheating?

14 11 2008

to CRFlats…I love reading that!


14 11 2008

I have been enjoying your site since August and just pulled in to thank you for writing “champing at the bit.” That’s one phrase I am willing to just give over to common usage, but it’s so nice to see it used correctly.

15 11 2008

Attention US Mudflatters!

If this election has made one thing abundantly clear it is that we are all affected by the outcome each state makes as to who goes to Congress. As a resident in Washington, DC, I know too well that the actions of the village idiots sent to my city from around the country has a direct impact on my life, and I’m tired of various congress people using my city to score points back home – but that’s a conversation for another day.

AK, or your state, doesn’t have a Dem on the committee – So What!

Contact the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee and let them know you worked hard and voted for change – and Lieberman is not Change We Can Believe In!

Thanks to FireDogLake: Here’s where the tally of the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee currently stands. Please call / email Senators who are undecided or are considering backing Lieberman. http://tools.advomatic.com/7/kickjoe/totals

Thanks to Credo Action: Here is link to sign petition to remove Lieberman from his Chair.

Don’t just vent online – Do Something.

15 11 2008
Ripley in CT

I for one, cannot wait to vote him out. I don’t care who he’s running against. He’s a typical traitor, and we here in CT know what they smell like…

I totally agree with Rachel’s take on this… of course *waving to Rachel* ;). It’s not as important to have 60 seats as it is to have the support of some moderate Republicans. I think Obama can bring together the Senate to make decisions that are less contentious than they have been in the past 8 years. It’s time that it isn’t about the numbers game, but about doing the right thing.

Lieberman will be looking for a job in 2 years regardless.

15 11 2008
Miemaw from Texas

Rachel is right. Senators Leahy and Sanders are right.

Lieberman needs to go.

We, on the hurricane-prone gulf coast can’t wait two years.

Hurricane Katrina victims are still waiting for help.

Hurricane Rita victims are still waiting for help.

And, now Huricance IKE victims are waiting for help.

We can’t wait any longer for some competence in Homeland Security, and FEMA. And, we sure can’t wait and hope for Lieberman to hold hearings on why there is so little being done, when so many need so much.

The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane IKE just terminated 3,800 people. It was the one health care facility on the Island that offered treatment to the indigent and uninsured.
Those let go were hospital staff.

We definitely cannot wait two years for Lieberman to do anything with this committee. Or lose his job, or anything else. Someone competent and capable needs to head this important committee, starting immediately.

15 11 2008
Zim in Oz


15 11 2008
Zim in Oz

…that did not work…sorry

15 11 2008
Zim in Oz


15 11 2008
Zim in Oz

last test..


15 11 2008
Zim in Oz

damn ! back to the drawing board !