I am Jealous of a 7-Year Old.

13 11 2008

I came across this story on Crooks and Liars about a 7-year old political blogger named Stanislaw Gunkel.

His first blog post reads:

Welcome to Planet Stas’! This is my blog. And my favorite thing is Lego Aquaraiders. My blog is going to be on Aquaraiders, space and all my favorite things. I am five and a half years old and I’m in Kindergarten.

Apparently, one of his “favorite things” has turned out to be politics, and specifically Barack Obama. He’s been blogging from a kid’s perspective on why he wanted adults to vote for Obama. Here are a couple of my favorites:

You should vote for Barack Obama because McCain / Palin (and Bush) want to keep the war in Iraq going and I don’t think this is a good idea. Senator McCain has supported President Bush in the war in Iraq for the whole time. This shows that McCain would not be a good President because this would give us another Bush in the White House. Instead, vote for Barack Obama because he did not support the war and he will bring our troops home.

But here’s the best one. Remember when Sarah Palin made that snarky comment about bloggers wearing pajamas and blogging in their parents’ basement? Well, maybe she has good reason to fear them, because apparently even a seven-year-old can see through her like a pane of glass.

My mom told me that I shouldn’t base my election analysis on “feelings” (I like him/her) or “beliefs” (I share his/her beliefs) but on logical arguments. She asked me to create my own rational explanations for my support of Obama. Here is one of my arguments:

McCain and Palin are not be qualified to be President / Vice President of the U.S. The President’s job is to do good for the country and the world. To do good for the country, the President must make smart decisions on important situations.

Governor Palin believes the world is 6000 years old. This is absurd. This is not a rational belief. This is a mistake. Scientists, experiments and evidence have shown this to be completely false. Therefore, she is not rational. If she is not rational, she should not be allowed to be President or Vice President.

This kid is good…so good, in fact, that he got a letter from Barack Obama!

Senator Obama’s advice to me:

“Dear Stas, Thank you for your kind words and for your support. I am impressed with your interest in politics, especially at your young age. I encourage you to visit my website kids.barackobama.com to learn more about everything we’re doing to make your family’s future even brighter.

I leave you with three bits of advice that will make your life more fulfilling: Look out for other people, even when it does not directly benefit you; strive to make a difference everywhere you go; and get back up every time you are knocked down.

Thanks again for writing to me. Seeing young people like you who care about making things better inspires me and gives me great hope about the future of our country and our world. Sincerely, Barack Obama”

*ahem* Excuse me….President Elect Obama? Um, I know you’re really busy and all… (looking at the ground) but how about an anonymous Alaskan blogger? My favorite thing is politics too. I like it so much that I don’t even have time to play with my Lego Aquaraiders. I’m a little older than 7, and not quite as adorable as that kid….but….you know….if you have time, maybe you could drop a little note to Planet Mudflats?… (hopeful smile)

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205 responses

13 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

me first…not always a good thing

13 11 2008
Whale Island Mussels

You go Stanislaw!

13 11 2008

News Bulletin: Fox Network announced today that they are premiering a new show aimed at third graders.. “The show will start airing next month.” Said a Fox Network spokesman.. It will be called ‘Are you smarter than Sarah Palin?” .. “The show will consist of questions posed to Sarah Palin over the last few months.” added the spokesman. He also intimated that the show was being run in conjunction with the RNC “In order to find a better quality VP choice for 2012.”

Disclaimer for Palin supporters: This is a parody….:)

13 11 2008
Goalie in NM

How fabulous!!

Stanislaw…you da kid!

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Wow.. AKM hits another home run..

That kid is amazing.. clearly either he’s just brilliant, or someone helps him. His grammar and world knowledge far exceeds that of our own Barbie..

Amazing and inspiring.

13 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France


You’ll get the shout out from President Elect Obama! Just be patient. We know that he will recognize the enormous impact you have had on this election and helping him get elected. We love you AKM!

13 11 2008
Mollys Mum

Look at the walls of books in that house! And the kid is a musical prodigy, too.

I think we’re getting a peak at a future POTUS. Hang in there, AKM. I’m sure he’ll need someone in his cabinet who’s intimately familiar with the history of Alaskan politics.


13 11 2008
SmallSteps in Blue VA

Wow – that kid is cool. Perhaps he inspire my son to blog. He hates to type, and spelling is not a favorite subject, so typing on the computer, ugh. Now, if he could dictate to the computer ….*ahem* if mom and dad would buy the software so that he could dictate to the computer instead of typing and having to think about how to spell all those words *yawn*, *stretch* I think I need a break.

AKM – Here’s hoping you get your Barack Obama letter soon.

All – I think I’m getting over my OCED (obsessive compulsive election disorder). I finally got a major project off of my to do list. Yea, it’s done. And I ran in the rain, which is a crazy thing but I love it!

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Jamie, I think AKM has her sights set far higher than Obama. . Pretty sure the crosshairs are pointed at a certain Barbie, and for Alaska and the world, getting rid of her may actually be more important than what campaining we did for Obama..

Ridding the world of a moron who wants to kill wolves and polar bears, destroy the ecology in Alaska and drill and destroy might be more important than a letter from BO.. We seem to have taken this journey together on a higher calling.

And I think AKM knows who the real friends are.. 🙂 waving..

13 11 2008

The kind of people we need in the future. Go kid go.

13 11 2008
13 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Stas just may be president in about 30-40 years.

He would win hands down in a match with Palin on – are you smarter than a 7 year old.

13 11 2008
Kittitians for Obama

Hi Mudfaltters..
it’s been ages but I was yet to get off my victory high and get back to planet earth..you guys might like this

Barack Obama is IRISH!

13 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Wow, think about the future he has as opposed to a little 7 year old girl we know in Wasilla. Sad that there is probably potential but her mother will not let her reach it.

13 11 2008

also the kind of people we need now also,

13 11 2008
Goalie in NM


You WILL get your due! It is only a matter of time – why you already have the honor of the Blogger’s Choice Awards ’08 for the BEST Political Blog!!

Big Grin…you are on everyone’s radar!

And…AKM when you do get your suitable for framing letter from our President, you will have to stand up and OUT yourself!! So, be careful what you wish for as that coveted letter could be the end of your anonymity!!

Just sayin’…

I know. I was really just kidding…(almost)! It would be fun if he joined us in the chat room some time though! 😀 AKM

13 11 2008
Don Smith

Out of the mouth of babes? There used to be this bilboard over on the Interstate out by the airport and it boldly proclaimed …. PAY YOUR NATURAL GAS BILL ONLINE … And then in smaller lettering directly below it read …. “Ask Your Kid How To Do It.”

Nice article thanks,

Don Smith

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Grammy, we’re all the results of our parents parenting. ! 🙂

In my case, both of my kids voted Obama, while their mom was diehard McLost..

So, in my case, i think my kids were parented correctly by 50% of their parents..

In the case of Barbie, what parenting skills does she possess and show publically. ?? Taking her kids out of school for some percieved advantage, using Trig as a sad prop, using them as shields at hockey games..

This isn’t parenting. It’s sad. A good mother (and there IS a father who agreed to this abuse) would never have done what she did with her children.

13 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I’ve overdosed on Palin – but I was loving Margaret Carlson of Bloomberg on MSNBC just now with Andrea – talking about Palin’s presence at the Governor’s Conference. How she didn’t even participate in the meetings where they are talking about important issues. Quoting another Gov – “When is she going to get serious and be part of the group that is trying to come up with policy that is going to move them forward.”

I say never. She is a maverick. And she is going to “maverick” herself right off the playing field.

13 11 2008

Wow! This is the kind of kid that gives me great hope for our future. Just think, this kid is the same age as Piper! Although it looks like he was fortunate enough to come from the deeper end of the gene pool.

13 11 2008

Hey, AKM, I love ya and all, but did you notice in Barack’s letter he said “thanks again for writing to me?” See the kid took the initiative to write to PE-Obama. So, methinks you need to write to him first. Sorry to burst your bubble that Obama writes to random bloggers. It’s a good fantasy though. Also.

13 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com (09:30:49) :

I agree – she will not give her children the nourishment they need to go far in life, hanging out at the rink or getting pregnant, hunting wolves from airplanes, living a very sheltered and shallow life, that’s what Piper & Willow will get.

13 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Augie (09:32:10) :

Wow! This is the kind of kid that gives me great hope for our future. Just think, this kid is the same age as Piper! Although it looks like he was fortunate enough to come from the deeper end of the gene pool.


Exactly! They are never going to learn more than what Barbie expects of them.

13 11 2008
SmallSteps in Blue VA

Marty – yep our Caribou Barbie could certainly learn a thing or twenty from this young man!

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing many gifted and highly intelligent people in my life, some of them children. They talk like adults, in fact, they usually speak better than the average adult (like Joe Six Pack and Caribou Barbie). I doubt this young boy needs much assistance in his grammar and word choice.

I’m just thrilled to see a news story shining the light on highly intelligent people. It’s so easy for gifted children to lose their drive, and yet brilliantly smart people are the key to our future. As a society we need to encourage our gifted children. I’m glad to see Stas is getting lots of encouragement from his family. Wonderful!

13 11 2008

This truly is the “O” Generation as someone on MSNBC said. I am a leftover from the X Generation (on the older side) and am so hopeful for this bright new generation.

13 11 2008
Kate in Canada

The British Weekly Telegraph just reported on the Alaska Senate race, concluding that by blocking Palin from gaining the polish of 4 years in the Senate, you have saved us from “the worst of all possible worlds”.

The writer concludes: “Politics is a cruel sport: it may be that a couple of thousand votes cast in the frozen wastes of Alaska have altered the course of American political history.”


13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Bec, i totally agree.. I like Maggie.. She’s a smart cookie. And accurate.

Also liked what Tim Pawlenty’s comments. While he’s still a repug, he was interesting to listen to, intelligent and actually said something. He said drill baby drill is not an energy policy and he went off to explain why. And the GOP needs more than a combover.. hahaha

She said it’s not a place where Divas are welcome.. !

And yes, being ostracized away from the real meeting where Govenors need to actually have some ability to discuss state issues shows volumes of how little she’s regarded.

You can see her sinking in her own bog of moosepoop quicksand. The more she struggles, the more she’s going to sink deeper..

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Man, that kid should start looking through that Plum Book of jobs or whatever it’s called. Obama could use that combination of youth and brains in his administration!

13 11 2008
Melody - Oregon

Hey everybody – here’s a fresh Gallup poll showing another decline in Palin’s popularity index:


13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"



13 11 2008
Mollys Mum

@Shikago aka Chief Shikago (07:34:31 on the previous entry)

My deepest condolences to you, Shikago. 😦 Today is my brother’s birthday as well. I will always think of your son now, on this day. Can I ask what his name was? So I can put a name to the memory and the prayer.

My heart goes out to you.

13 11 2008
Newfoundland Dogs Rule

Wow, I had one ADHD and one ADD son and at seven writing a political blog was the last thing on their minds. Of course, things didn’t stay in their minds for long. LOL.

They grew up to be Obama supporters, so there you go. Building sinking rafts, digging for treasure in the back yard and driving their mother nuts worked just as well.

13 11 2008

Based on the degree of vetting the Obama Administration is reportedly undertaking for higher level positions, this kid may be the only person clean enough to get a job.

13 11 2008

I think that it goes beyond expectations, though. It has to do with capability.
The thing that amazes me is how someone like Sarah can continue to fail upwardly even though she maxed out her intellectual capability a long time ago.

13 11 2008
Political Amazon

Call me “cynical,” but it doesn’t sound like it was written by a 5 or 7 year old child.

In between comments that one would believe came from an extremely bright and communicative 5-7 year old is stuff like this:

“…My mom told me that I shouldn’t base my election analysis on “feelings” (I like him/her) or “beliefs” (I share his/her beliefs) but on logical arguments. She asked me to create my own rational explanations for my support of Obama. Here is one of my arguments:…”

If a 5-7 year old boy did, ineed, write this, he should be arranging now for early admission to the college of his choice.

13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Another OT from an email I received: It’s a long Read But Please Read Because Since Obama has been Elected President you can expect S@$## like this!!!!!!


I am a student at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Following Obama’s victory of the 2008 Presidential election we (ASU
students) witnessed extreme police brutality and racially charged chaos
in our area. Below is a statement of what went on. The media is only
portraying one side of the story and have not yet given us the
opportunity to tell our side to let it be known what really happened.
Following the results of the 2008 Presidential election, we all began to
celebrate by means of meeting in the parking lot of the campus apartment
complex. There were people, cheering, driving and blowing horns, and
hanging out of their cars. When we arrived in the Grove Apartments, in
front of building five (5), a crowd began to accumulate, at this point,
a police officer drove up.

Jeffrey Boyd, one of those arrested, went to
the officer to ask if we needed to leave. He said no and congratulated
us on Obama’s victory. He also advised us that we could celebrate until
12:30 due to it being a school night. We then, continued to play music,
cheer, and dance and take pictures. 10-15 minutes later, the same
officer showed up again. He proceeded to tell us that he has been
getting complaints from the nearby building and that we would have to
turn off the music. The driver of the car immediately went to his car
and turned off the music. At this point, we obeyed the officer’s command
and continued talking amongst ourselves and taking pictures, including
one with the officer on patrol. Around 11:00 pm, the officer pulled up
again this time he just sat in his car with the lights directly on the
crowd. He sat in his car for about five minutes before three more cop
cars pulled up. By now, the first officer was out his car telling us
that we needed to leave. Due to it not being 12:30, people began to ask
if there was a problem.

The other officers had, by then, made their way
to the crowd. While a few people talked to the officers, the crowd began
to chant “OBAMA” again. The officers finally got the pathway cleared
when an officer grabbed a bystander (Clifford Crisswell) and handcuffed
him. Everyone automatically, came to his defense asking the officers
what had he done wrong. Approximately 30 additional officers were now
present as they began to handcuff three other guys (Seneca Hart, Kevin
Jones, and Donte Jones), one of which whose chest had been pushed and
covered with 6 or more infrared lights. The 30 officers continued on
with their rant threatening us to either leave or be taken to jail. At
this time, two guys were thrown to the ground (Kiano Prater and Leroy
Trahan) with police lying on top of them. Jeffery Boyd, was later also
thrown to the ground where he was continuously kicked in the stomach and
head by a female officer before and after being cuffed and put in the
car. The crowd began to leave due to the police repeatedly stating that
they would release everyone if the crowd dispersed. At this point,
everyone had made it their respective destinations. We looked out the
apartment window to see police with dogs and rifles. We let no one in
and no one was allowed to go out. The officers continued to search
outside for about 30 minutes as if they were looking for something.
After we were allowed to leave, we decided to go find out where the guys
had been taken. When we arrived at the detention center at 12:00
am.(midnight), they told us that everyone was booked there except the
guy (Jeffrey Boyd) who had been hospitalized due to injuries suffered.
He and the female officer were at the hospital being treated. The
officer on duty told us that some were going to be facing “failure to
disperse” and “inciting a riot” charges. He then, gave us a number to
call 2 hours later to get the outcome. When we called at 2:30, they told
us that the guys had to stay throughout the night and would have been
reporting to court at 1 pm the following day (November 5, 2008).
As previously stated, the media is only telling one side of the story,
that being the story that the Jonesboro Police Department is giving out.
Their reporting that there were 200-250 of students acting in a
disorderly manner, when there were only 60-70 of us at the most
CELEBRATING, with permission, a very momentous night. A few were
interviewed on the scene, but none of their stories have been either
published or aired. Six of those arrested are currently facing a Class D
Felony for Inciting a Riot and one, Jeffery Boyd who was injured is
facing two charges: inciting a riot and 2nd degree battery to a police
officer. The guys are all upstanding young men. Some are seniors,
fraternity members, well-known football players, and have no criminal
background. We have video documentation of the incident and would like
to get our side of the story heard, by all means.
This has been a nightmare to us all and if you can help in any way it
would be greatly appreciated. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS,

Feel free to contact:
Chelsea Adams

LC Kennedy

Chelsea B. Adams
Arkansas State University
State University, AR. 72467

13 11 2008
nswfm CA

Grammy in PA (09:34:14) :

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com (09:30:49) :

I agree – she will not give her children the nourishment they need to go far in life, hanging out at the rink or getting pregnant, hunting wolves from airplanes, living a very sheltered and shallow life, that’s what Piper & Willow will get.


I know people have said she should be taking care of her kids, but given the track record with the older ones, I’m hoping she doesn’t screw up her younger kids any more than she already has.

And I don’t believe her story of coming back to Alaska to deliver Trig. That story is fantasy. I have a 38 YO friend who had a tear in her amniotic sack -OB told her go straight to the hospital, don’t go home and get your bag, have someone bring it later. The hospital was 10 min away from her work, her house was 20 min away in the other direction. No one flies on a comm’l airline at 8-9 mo pregnant. Luckily, she and the baby were OK afterward.

Caribou Barbie’s story is just moose poo.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Deep, yup.. he is definitely an amazing kid.

Barbie should feel stupid as Stas probably would come out on top in a debate between them. And as a kid, he might be able to respond politely to an adult, but have less inhibitions to not respond to what would be Barbie’s non-answers..

Mrs Palin, I’m really sorry, but exactly what did that mean? You didn’t really explain why it’s appropriate to drill baby drill when Alaska only has 3% of the US oil reserves and experts have said it would take 10 years and $3 billion in infrastrucure improvements to refine that oil. ….”

Then we watch her as she blinks rapidly, and starts sweating.. Finally “Young man, go to your room, it’s rude to talk to an adult like that and I’m done talking to you”..

13 11 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

It would be nice if Prez. Elect dropped by or dropped a note to the “formally little” oasis called Mudflats. But wow, A 7 Year Old !!!

Even if the Prez. Elect doesn’t say Thanks for the Good Work — The Government should add Mudflats as a Mental Health Serices Vendor for keeping us all sane during such an insane election.

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Wow – I’m even more impressed with Stas after watching the video. He is a perfect example of a kid who truly needs a gifted education program – unfortunately these programs are being scaled back in many places due to increased emphasis on standardized testing.

13 11 2008

AKM, I think that a little pat on the back is the least Obama could do you for you, after you nearly froze your feet off in the service of your country and all..

13 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

AKM–whether you hear from President Elect Obama or not, we all appreciate you and on some levels, he is aware of your efforts, too.

I, for one, like to think of you as a highly precocious 7-year old boy/girl who enjoys humor and has kept a level head in a crazy cyberspace world.

Hugs to you!

13 11 2008

We’ll know when Stanislaw has Really made it….he’ll receive the camera crew in his pj’s….and his parent wont mind.

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

Can someone repost the link to the constant updates for the Alaska vote count?
I know it was on the last thread, but I am blind and dumb and can’t find it. ;-(((

13 11 2008
Digital Dame

Political Amazon:

I’m with you, I’m not buying it. It’s a cute front for someone, but it’s definitely not written by someone who is either 5 or 7 (I got confused which age this person supposedly is).

13 11 2008

Audrey, blogmistress at http://www.palinsdeceptions.com is encouraging her readers to offer their support to Andrew Sullivan of Atlantic magazine in his effort to hold the Republican party, MSM media, and voters responsible for their absurdists acceptance of SP as a VP candidate.

Read his post, and you’ll want to support him, too:


13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com
13 11 2008

Stas is amazing. Obviously of the “talented and gifted” ilk. Having a pretty smart kid myself, it’s a challenge to raise someone like that. Keeping them stimulated in school is a constant battle. The blogosphere didn’t exist when she was that age, and what a great outlet it is for a child like him. He will definitely be a leader some day.

OT, the articles referenced herein of hatespeech against Obama and the negative reactions of school personnel are appalling. These frustrated adults try and take out their disappointment or spew their racism on children who can’t respond are cowards of the first order. I hope the discipline is swift and firm.

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

AKM, blogger extraordinaire, 7 years plus some birthdays (who’s counting anything but candles?), reporter of remote local news which impacts the rest of the nation, analyst with a keen nose for moose poo, writer of whimsical parodies, and keeper of the Alaskan flame.

Hope the compliments from your many Muddy fans give you a well deserved sense of appreciation.

13 11 2008
mudslide pike

Repost from earlier…. do anyone know if the count continues today? sipping coffee and looking for a wider spread between Begich and stevens.
GO Mark!!!!

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

Marty, thank you much :-)))

13 11 2008
13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

Mudslide, Marty posted a link to a continuous update of the vote [not too far above].

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

mudslide if i remember correctly, the rest won’t be counted til next week..? Think it was something about waiting for the last date absentee ballots are allowed then they’ll complete the count when all ballots are in their possession.

13 11 2008

@ digital dame

if you read the blog and go back to the earliest post, you’ll find that it was made on March 17, 2007, and refers to a March 16, 2007 concert.

March 16, 2007 to November 13, 2008, is about 609 days, which is 87 weeks…add that to 5 1/2 years and you do get at least seven years.

13 11 2008

“Remember when Sarah Palin made that snarky comment about bloggers wearing pajamas and blogging in their parents’ basement?”

I wonder what Palin thinks about businesspeople wearing pajamas in basements and making multimillion dollar deals while visiting their parents for the weekend…

13 11 2008
mudslide pike


Thanks Marty was hoping to put Stevens away today so Palin would be coming home and finding no hope for her Senate run……

13 11 2008

The media haven’t been able to get enough Palin 2012 speculation in the run-up to her speech today at the Republican Governors Association (RGA) convention. In almost every interview with GOP governors over the past couple days, hosts have been asking them their thoughts on a future presidential run by Palin. These governors, however, have been less than enthusiastic to embrace Palin as their future candidate:

CNN: So let me ask you point blank, governor. Is she the future of the party?
MARK SANFORD (SC): I don’t think I’d define it that way. [11/13/08]

TIM PAWLENTY (MN): She [Palin] is going to be one of the voices that will help lead the party for months and years to come, clearly. … I also think it is too early to be talking about 2012. My goodness, we just had an election. People are sick of that. [MSNBC, 11/12/08]

FOX: What do you think her future is?
HALEY BARBOUR (MS): Well, I think the future she’s talking about is 2009 and 2010. [11/13/08]

MATT BLUNT (MO): I think Republican governors were surprised when she [Palin] was selected, but at the same time they were impressed. … There are a lot of great candidates out there for 2012. I don’t think the American people want to — want to hear much about that at this point.[Fox News, 11/13/08]

MSNBC: So broad hints there from Palin again today with reporters, certainly with Matt Lauer. Is that the solution?
JON HUNTSMAN (UT): The solutions are going to be many-fold. You can’t look to one personality in particular. [11/12/08]

Watch a compilation:

13 11 2008

AWWW. I hope President Obama drops you a line. You deserve a shout out or at least a fist-bump!

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

mudslide i think that has about already been accomplished..

AKM made reference to the fact that the votes they DIDNT count yet are in areas that polled heavily dem, so the press consensus is that Begich’s lead should only get bigger and Teddy will be off to prison without having to worry about his senate seat and Barbie can’t somehow steal it for herself.

Maybe she can try to get Walt’s vote invalidated.. a few thousand others and Teddy could win..!

13 11 2008
mudslide pike

every time Palin opened her mouth it cost me $25 that I would send to the Obama camp….. Guess I am going to need to start sending to the Dem in Georgia.

Go Mark, Al, and Martin (Georgia)

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

W’s giving a speech…

Imagine this..:

The Official George W. Bush
“Days Left In Office”
Countdown Clock

21 Hrs 37 Min 44.2 Sec

Doesn’t that look sweet???!

13 11 2008
mudslide pike

I was thinking maybe I should by Uncle Ted some soap on a rope and cut the rope off….hahahaaa Guess he knows to keep his back to the wall and never bend over to pickup the soap, and to sleep on his back…….

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Apparently Rachel Maddow did a bit sticking up for bloggers – while wearing pajamas.

Here’s a link to the story on HuffPo:


13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

As the Alaska count continues, it may be worthwhile to look at where undercounts occur.

In Minnesota, they are finding that counties where Obama won are where Senate votes did not get counted. Hmmm. http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/34116044.html?elr=KArks8c7PaP3E77K_3c::D3aDhUoaEaD_ec7PaP3iUiacyKUnciaec8O7EyU

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Marty – re: Bush Countdown Clock,

I remember so vividly watching the days tick away before Clinton left office and Bush came in. I was dreading, dreading, dreading inauguration day.

What an amazing feeling to have it finally turned around – Jan. 20 cannot come fast enough!

13 11 2008
Goalie in NM

The far right is becoming a faction of their party that is polarizing IMHO; and is out of step with the mainstream conservative republican. She can parade around as their leader if she likes.
I was just visiting at Free Republic and they are still calling her hot and saying Todd is one lucky dude…every single post. Nothing about her qualifications or any discussion of issues. They are nothing more than groupies. Sarah’s groopies. Ackkkkk….

Does this woman ever think outside herself?

13 11 2008

A surprising moment occurred late this afternoon in a press roundtable featuring Govs. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Jon Huntsman of Utah, former Ebay CEO and McCain national campaign co-chairman Meg Whitman, and former OMB Director Rob Portman. A reporter asked whether they would have felt comfortable with Palin as president. After a moment of awkward silence, there were several answers given—but no one said “yes.”

13 11 2008

Lets get real
That is messed up and I have heard story after story like this. DO NOT LET THEM TELL YOU WE HAVE RACIAL EQUALITY!
When it is OK for people to make assassination threats or suggestions against OUR President Elect and no one follows up on it…there is no equality.
When we are harassed and herded because our guy won…there is no equality.
When women cops act like male identified THUGS with a badge, there is no equality.
I can’t wait to march on Saturday and guess I will pack my protest kit. I have always been a pacifist when I protest. I am SO SICK of this shit. That is what they want, they want us riled up.
Careful what you ask for.

13 11 2008

Kittitians for Obama (09:26:27) : Barack Obama is IRISH!

Thanks for the link, Kittitians! I not only watched it with a big smile all the way through…I found myself signing along!

13 11 2008

@whabs (10:35:30) :

Easy there….Do you know how many US Presidents have been assassinated?

There have been 20 attempts to kill sitting and former presidents as well as presidents-elect. Four attempts on sitting presidents have succeeded: Abraham Lincoln (the 16th president), James A. Garfield (the 20th president), William McKinley (the 25th president) and John F. Kennedy (the 35th president). Two other presidents were injured in attempted assassinations: then-former president Theodore Roosevelt and then-sitting president Ronald Reagan.

Everyone of them were white!!!!

13 11 2008

McCain and Palin are not be qualified to be President / Vice President of the U.S. The President’s job is to do good for the country and the world. To do good for the country, the President must make smart decisions on important situations.

Governor Palin believes the world is 6000 years old. This is absurd. This is not a rational belief. This is a mistake. Scientists, experiments and evidence have shown this to be completely false. Therefore, she is not rational. If she is not rational, she should not be allowed to be President or Vice President. -AKM


13 11 2008

Was Stas wearing pajamas in his Mom’s basement?
Does Sarah know?

13 11 2008

@ Goalie in NM

There’s likely still some money left in the advances paid to Free Republic for “Internet support” (keyboard monkeys, trolling for the Republicans). Doubtful if Free Republic gives refunds…they just up the output of spew.

I well remember the dreck when Free Republic was working the Natalee Holloway Internet-focused misinformation campaigns and donate-to-me drives back in 2005.

13 11 2008

Well …the election is over…and yet I am still salivating to get to mudflats every day!

That kid is something special…so very smart. I wonder if Palin has ever seen his blog? Perhaps she should.

Just wanted to note…as much as it pains me, I have been listening to bible spice everytime she speaks these days. I am happy to say, I believe she is making herself look more silly each and every time she opens her mouth. She is unbelievable! Her Larry King interivew was a disaster from where I sit…but I will bet there are some who still think she is magnificent. I love how she is giving Michelle Obama advice on how to raise her girls in the white house.

I heard on MSNBC that the fellows at the Governors conference dont take too kindly to divas. She is hurting herself I think. Pretty soon the upper echelon of the GOP will have had their fill of her. Cant happen soon enough for me.

13 11 2008

Kate in Canada (09:36:25) : The writer concludes: “Politics is a cruel sport: it may be that a couple of thousand votes cast in the frozen wastes of Alaska have altered the course of American political history.”

…and by extension, the world.

13 11 2008

RE: Prop 8 in California, specifically Sacramento, my back yard

Theater exec Eckern, caught in Prop. 8 flap, resigns

Scott Eckern, artistic director for the California Musical Theatre, resigned Wednesday as a growing number of artists threatened to boycott the organization because of his $1,000 donation to the campaign to ban gay marriage in California.

“I understand my supporting of Proposition 8 has been the cause of many hurt feelings, maybe even betrayal,” Eckern said in a written statement. “I chose to act upon my belief that the traditional definition of marriage should be preserved.”

Richard Lewis, the executive producer of the California Musical Theatre, said he does not plan to immediately seek a replacement.

“We’re not going to worry about having a so-called artistic director. That was a title specific to Scott,” he said. “… I do need another No. 2, but in the interim, I think it will be a committee of my senior staff.”

News of Eckern’s campaign contribution, which popped up on Web sites following the passage of Proposition 8, quickly spread through an industry that has long advocated for gays on rights and health issues. It was met with shock, disbelief and ultimately anger.

Eckern’s duties as artistic director include helping select touring productions and creating the annual Music Circus season. He also was responsible for Music Circus casting.

Los Angeles-based and Tony Award-winning composer Marc Shaiman (“Hairspray”) wrote a blog saying he would never allow any of his shows to again be licensed or performed by California Musical Theatre while Eckern was employed there.

Despite support from many in the local community who valued his contributions and championed his right to free speech, Eckern decided he could no longer be effective as the creative force behind the area’s largest producing and presenting performing arts organization.

Lewis, who is also chief executive of California Musical Theatre, accepted Eckern’s resignation but said he exerted no influence over it.

“Scott made a decision, and he informed us of the decision,” Lewis said. “He sent his release around to the press, which we knew would happen, and we wanted to make a statement as well. We want to make sure the public understands that I didn’t put any pressure on Scott and nor did anybody else.”

In his statement, Eckern, who is a Mormon, said, “I am leaving California Musical Theatre after prayerful consideration to protect the organization and to help the healing in the local theater-going and creative community.”

Mormon church leaders supported Proposition 8 and encouraged members to contribute time and resources to its passage.

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca


This is not new, and no doubt has been posted in Mudville already, but did you see the Secret Service credited Palin’s “palling around with terrorists” attacks on Obama coincided with increased death threats against Obama? From white supremicists.


13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

Sorry for the sentence MIS-structure in my last post. Hope it makes sense anyway.

13 11 2008

Cracking the Code

Peter Suderman says that he doesn’t understand this Palin statement:

Sitting here in these chairs that I’m going to be proposing but in working with these governors who again on the front lines are forced to and it’s our privileged obligation to find solutions to the challenges facing our own states every day being held accountable, not being just one of many just casting votes or voting present every once in a while, we don’t get away with that. We have to balance budgets and we’re dealing with multibillion dollar budgets and tens of thousands of employees in our organizations.

I have concluded that the problem that so many people have in understand what Palin is saying is that we make the mistake of assuming that all of the words have some reason for being there. What we have to do instead is decrypt her message by filtering out all of the confusing chatter that keeps her statements encoded and difficult to follow. Let’s take the first sentence, and identify the essential elements in bold:

Sitting here in these chairs that I’m going to be proposing but in working with these governors who again on the front lines are forced to and it’s our privileged obligation to find solutions to the challenges facing our own states every day being held accountable, not being just one of many just casting votes or voting present every once in a while, we don’t get away with that.

read the whole thing here:


13 11 2008

Oh geez, here I am crying again and laughing through those tears.

And yes, President-elect Obama, I do hope one of your assistants points out to you the huge following of your supporters that frequent this muddy little blog here, and how intrepid and wonderful its host, AKM, is.

I do believe AKM is responsible in very large part for turning Alaska very much more blue than it was a few years ago! So a little letter to this steadfast blogger would go an awful long way toward saying thanks! Heck, just an e-mail would do! 🙂

13 11 2008

Here’s the article from Rochester NY where my daughter saw ten celebrants arrested election night for unlawful assembly:
Who could imagine a bunch of music students being arrested for singing and playing patriotic songs on an historic night in the city that boasts of the legacies of Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and George Eastman?

13 11 2008

After hearing Stas…I have no fear of our future world as long as his type will be in charge.
Now, how to figure out what to do with Palin and the brood she bred!!!!

13 11 2008
SoCal Bob

I foresee great things for this young man. Let’s get him a DNC card and a super delegate spot for the 2020 election.

13 11 2008

Very touching. Even a 7-year-old is smarter than Sarah Palin. The letter from Obama is wonderful. He demonstrates his love and commitment to families.

13 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Bev (11:11:05) :

After hearing Stas…I have no fear of our future world as long as his type will be in charge.
Now, how to figure out what to do with Palin and the brood she bred!!!!


So far Barbie isn’t doing too well w/ her brood! I’m sure she doesn’t think her kids need to exercise their brains to go far, she sure didn’t!

13 11 2008

Today in an interview, Sarah Palin referred to her son in the military as “my sole son”. Did she just admit that Trig is not her son?

13 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Isn’t Alaska the only state of the 50 state strategy that Obama has not visited yet??
We have been very patient and supportive anyway–but you know, a little nod of acknowledgment would be awesome.

But then there was the Palin factor–and you can’t blame him all that much. In fact, Alaska has some soul-searching to do–on the whole of it.

AKM, you stepped forward and brought us together and we made tracks in the mud.
Muddies acknowledge and appreciate you. And we’re still in here wallowing.

Lots of people across this land worked so hard!!!

13 11 2008

Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca (10:26:36) :

As the Alaska count continues, it may be worthwhile to look at where undercounts occur.

In Minnesota, they are finding that counties where Obama won are where Senate votes did not get counted. Hmmm. http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/34116044.html?elr=KArks8c7PaP3E77K_3c::D3aDhUoaEaD_ec7PaP3iUiacyKUnciaec8O

Since the Minn recount is going to be a hand recount, it’s going to be interesting.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Awww.. MSNBC is reporting that it’s possible the remains of Caylee Anthony may have been discovered in a bag with bricks, toys and possible human remains.

That mother is one cold bitch.. Hope she’s locked up for life.. Taking the life of a beautiful little girl because she wanted to party is just the ultimate in evil.

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

katiebegood (11:17:30) :

Today in an interview, Sarah Palin referred to her son in the military as “my sole son”. Did she just admit that Trig is not her son?


Is this a certain translation? Twinkie rambles so much, it is easy for me to attach a word to a phrase as my mind tries to find a logical conclusion.

13 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

I hope this kid continues to get lots of stimulation. This isn’t a politically correct thing to say, perhaps, but I think precocious children have “special needs” as much as those who are usually thought of as having special needs. Hope he keeps up his interest in politic long enough to make it to voting age!

13 11 2008
mhrt oregon

i am hoping when he does his listening tour in December one of his stops will be alaska…..I heard about his listening tour on the radio but so far no where else……..any one else hear anything

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

KatieBgood, Could Twinkie have been intending to say soldier? Goodness knows, it sure sounded like sole. Gotta consider a Freudian slip being a possibility.


13 11 2008
Grammy in PA

Maybe she omitted the jer and meant to say soldier, sort of like dropping the g’s on her words . . .

13 11 2008
13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

gotta give barbie credit.. she manages to muck up most everything.

13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com (11:20:41) :

Awww.. MSNBC is reporting that it’s possible the remains of Caylee Anthony may have been discovered in a bag with bricks, toys and possible human remains.

That mother is one cold bitch.. Hope she’s locked up for life.. Taking the life of a beautiful little girl because she wanted to party is just the ultimate in evil.
I would have gladly taken little Caylee, I’m sure the grandmother would have to. I am a mother, and sometimes I will daydream about what if something happened to any of my children. I find myself actually shedding tears just to think if someone harmed them and I could not find them. 3 are adults, and 1 is pre-teen, but I just can’t imagine harming any of my children!

So, this is very hard for me to even try to understand when a mother takes the life of their child/children!

I will never by in to the sanity thing! I had a horrible childhood, but I just could never bring harm to someone I carried for nine months and gave birth to.

I hope people will stop buying into “she was sick” “she wasn’t herself” “she had a rough child hood”. IT’S A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT!!!

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

the problem child (a jerk, also) (11:21:59) :

I hope this kid continues to get lots of stimulation. . . I think precocious children have “special needs” as much as those who are usually thought of as having special needs.

This mom says YES. Even though it is not the same kind of attention often required by what many often think of as “special needs” kids, the two quite bright girls raised at this house have taken huge amounts of attention/time/effort.

13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

I will never by (buy)

13 11 2008

But we love you AKM.

As someone who pretty much stopped taking the “News” seriously in Nixon’s last 4 years; I am so delighted to have access to multiple on line sites and multiple voices.

Its much harder to get away with lies when there are so many eyes watching, researching and speaking out.

Even granting that much of what us blogees write is conversational trivia, there is real information is added by their (our) comments, insights, and links. The more voices the better.

Go Stas. Go AKM

13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

I will never by in to the sanity(insanity) thing!

I am on a roll today!

13 11 2008
Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca

The parents of the bright 7 year old blogger deserve some credit. Praise to the mom for the logic direction to her blogging boy. She was encouraging critical thinking.

13 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Welcoming the new era of ethics into the White House:

“…Mr. Obama’s emphasis during his campaign on government ethics now is being adopted as policy. Under the rules, practicing lobbyists will be barred from participating in transition activities, and those who had been a lobbyist in the past 12 months will be barred from joining the administration to work on issues they handled as lobbyists. Transition participants will be barred from lobbying the White House for a year; the length of the ban will be doubled for officials who join the Obama administration, Mr. Podesta said.

Mr. Podesta estimated that 450 people would make up the transition team and that the entire exercise would cost about $12 million….”

Full story Wall Street Journal:

13 11 2008
Search the Web on Snap.com

Let’sGetReal for “ThatOne” (11:33:10) :

If it helps at all, the bag found was said to have no evidentiary value. Guess that means no human remains/case related stuff.

Caylee seems to be a sad case. One of many. Wish they all got this much press and attention.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com


When my son was 3, he disappeared when my ex came inside to get the kids outside juice boxes.. in the 3 minutes she was in the house, he disappeared even though 7-10 other kids were all outside on a nice sunny summer day.

I was in my office (I work from home) and she came back in screaming David was gone. I rushed out, and his big wheel bike was on the sidewalk, but he wasn’t anywhere. She was yelling for him without an answer..

I went and called the cops, (way before cell phones) and all the kids went off looking for him. They had a mobile command center and a helicopter on standby..

Fortunately, he’d just followed a dog into the woods and got tangled in some thorny vines and couldn’t come out. A few of the teens heard him crying and rescued him.

This whole event lasted maybe 15 minutes, but it was the longest 15 minutes of my life. I remember it like it was yesterday. David will be 20 in January..

So, the fact that Caylee’s mom did nothing while she was ‘missing’ for like a month is rediculous. Clearly, the cops thought so as well and were just building the case against her. (Ohoh, Florida is saying the bag found was nothing evidenciary).. Damn..

But regardless, there’s no doubt that she killed her daughter. I was freaked after 3 minutes, how could a mother not do anything for a month?

13 11 2008
Search the Web on Snap.com

LOL. An elder newscaster on MSNBC just said Palin was in WITHDRAWAL.

As in from the attention she had received on the campaign. He wondered if she could settle for the frozen tundra after the bright lights of Washington.

13 11 2008
Pat, Washingonton state

yikes.. she did say sole son..


listen at the :27 mark


I see what you mean, but it almost sounds to me like there is a “d” at the end of “sole”, which might mean that someone edited the clip. I’d like to see it from the news media instead of youtube. Does anyone have that?

13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Search the Web on Snap.com (11:41:05) :

If it helps at all, the bag found was said to have no evidentiary value. Guess that means no human remains/case related stuff.

Caylee seems to be a sad case. One of many. Wish they all got this much press and attention.
It doesn’t help! Because her body is still somewhere unearthed! This has got to be eating away at the (not a mom in my eyes). Or, perhaps she doesn’t have a soul…so maybe it doesn’t bother her.

13 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

re: sole son – Why would she use “sole” instead of “only”? Is this more Palinese or a slip of the truth?

13 11 2008
Sarah lieslikearug Palinese-ah!

“If a 5-7 year old boy did, ineed, write this, he should be arranging now for early admission to the college of his choice.”

No way did a 7-y.o. write that. If he did, he’d be so far ahead of the curve that he’d run up behind himself.

But it makes for interesting conversation nontheless.

btw – what’s the most recent vote count? Is Begich more than 1,000 votes ahead by now? Will Ted Stevens finally do the right thing and concede? Stevens needs to focus all the energy an 84-y.o. is capable of focusing… on his appeal of the felony convictions.

13 11 2008

Denise MadLibFromMSgaAZca (10:45:43) :

This is not new, and no doubt has been posted in Mudville already, but did you see the Secret Service credited Palin’s “palling around with terrorists” attacks on Obama coincided with increased death threats against Obama? From white supremicists.

It has been metionend and we are all waiting for news that the SS is has a serious talk with her. Stay tuned.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Pat, I must defer to you as you may well be correct.

When i watched it full screen you can clearly see a few milliseconds seem to be missing as there’s an obvious edit at the 26 second mark. They pulled a Letterman i think.. he loves making edits, although his are clearly edits and meant to be funny..

I’d have to say this was an attempt to slur Barbie and as much as we hate her, she does enough real things she doesn’t need to have help with creative editiing..

13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

My children say I’m over protective. Even the young adults.

I make sure my daughter calls me the minute she get off the bus and stay on the phone with me until she unlocks the door and is in the house. I walk with her to the park to meet up with her friends, and she calls me when she is ready to come back home, and I meet her.

I constantly remind them not to talk to strangers and to start running and screaming if someone is trying to get near them, whom they do not know.

It’s just too much stuff going on in the world…and it is making me to really freak out!

13 11 2008

the problem child (a jerk, also) (11:49:02) :

re: sole son – Why would she use “sole” instead of “only”? Is this more Palinese or a slip of the truth?

It sounded (to me) like she was trying to say ‘soldier’
was it SOLE or SOLD ??

13 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Here’s Jim Martin of Georgia’s homepage to provide support. With Begich, it’s counting the votes.

Jim Martin’s home-page: http://www.martinforsenate.com/home.html>http://www.martinforsenate.com/home.html

With Franken, it’s recounting the votes (and it appears some Senate votes turned up missing in some pro-Obama parts of Minnesota).

With Martin in Georgia, who won 47% of the vote intially, it’s a whole new election and the Republicans are pouring in money.

13 11 2008
Grammy in PA

There was definitely a D sound at the end of sole – someone is just trying to bait people.

13 11 2008

She said “soldier son”. Here is the un-clipped video on YouTube, listen at 2:18 mark.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

that video is fake.. don’t listen.. watch.. full screen.. you can see the edit where about 5 milliseconds are removed. that made it sound like sole not soldier..

barbie has ample ammo to use against her. we don’t need to resort to fake attacks..!

13 11 2008

This is a comment from a blogger on Huff Post re: article about Palin’s press conf.
This is just like what one pundit said on a morning talk show this morning:

“The McCain/Palin campaign and the GOP is one big car wreck and Palin is the hub cap that’s still rolling down the street”.
The imagery is perfect.

13 11 2008
13 11 2008

I, for one, fully believe that post could be written by a 7 year old. When I was in grad school I had a classmate in Russian class who was 11 or 12, and I know a 9 or 10 year old here who is being homeschooled at an 8th grade level or higher. Just because most kids aren’t that articulate at 7 doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few out there. Thank goodness at least that one is headed in the correct direction…

13 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Interesting factoid about Saxby (R incumbent against whom Martin in Georgia is running): Esquire Magazine named him one of the “10 Worst Members of Congress,” right alongside Ted Stevens, Michelle Bachmann, and others.


13 11 2008

@ Mollys Mum (09:21:20) :

jeez Molly cut the trailer-trash some slack!

SP’s dad-the-teacher said they sit around the table and read together…

The Readers’ Digest…

13 11 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Oh good, Trig conspiracy sub-plot defused in under an hour! See how easy that was? All she has to do now is release her medical records! Freakin’ eedjit never will, though.

13 11 2008
Steph in KS

I got a form email back from my Congressman regarding inauguration tickets. Apparently, we won’t know until after Christmas, which means we need to decide NOW if we want hotel rooms/flights, etc. The parade is free and doesn’t require tickets, so we have to decide if we will risk the expense knowing we have a slim chance of getting tickets.

Here’s the letter:


Thank you for contacting the office of Congressman Dennis Moore regarding the 2009 Presidential Inauguration. On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, Senator Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America .

The swearing in ceremony will take place on the west steps on the United States Capitol. Although the details of the ceremony are still being worked out, it will likely begin the late morning; the actual swearing-in of President Obama will occur at Noon. Tradition holds that after being sworn in, the new president will travel from the Capitol to the White House along Pennsylvania Avenue in the Inaugural Parade. Later in the evening, President and Mrs. Obama will appear at several different inaugural balls, held at various locations in Washington , DC .

Tickets are required to attend the swearing in ceremony. Every U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative will receive an allotment of tickets to be distributed to their constituents. Our office will be providing tickets to constituents; however, it is a strong possibility that we will not be able to provide a ticket to every constituent who wants one. Congressman Moore will not find out how many tickets our office will receive until late December at the earliest. Our office, therefore, can not guarantee or offer tickets to anyone before late December or early January. If you would like request tickets to the inaugural ceremony, please be sure to send your name, home address, phone number, email address, and how many tickets you would like to Scott Stinson at scott.stinson@mail.house.gov or 202-225-2865. We will make every effort to fill as many requests as possible.

The tickets are free of charge, but must be picked up in person from Congressman Moore’s Washington , DC , office by 5:00pm EST on Monday, January 19. Each ticket will include detailed instructions about where to enter the National Mall and what items (e.g. cameras, water bottles, etc.) you may or may not bring with you to the National Mall. Although there will be a section of seated tickets for dignitaries and VIPS, the vast majority of tickets are for the large standing section that stretches from the Capitol down the National Mall.

No tickets are required to view the Inaugural Parade. Like any parade, you are welcome to simply line up along Pennsylvania Avenue , between 4th Street and 15th Street Northwest .

The Inaugural Balls, which will take place in the evening on January 20th, will be organized by the Presidential Inaugural Committee. As of today, this committee has yet to be formed. The inaugural committee alone is responsible for planning and distributing invitations to the galas. Congressional offices are not provided with ball tickets to distribute to their constituents. It is possible that, at later date, our office may be able to provide you with information about how to obtain a ball ticket, but as of today, there is little information available.

Finally, our office is not able to find airfare or hotel accommodations for constituents traveling to Washington , DC , to participate in the inaugural festivities.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. The Joint Congressional Committee on Presidential Inauguration has also created a website, http://www.inaugural.senate.gov, that you may find helpful.

13 11 2008
Presbyterian Gal

Linky, linky Mudflats. Thank you.

13 11 2008
Grammy in PA

VTJen (12:10:27) :

Awesome, but I hope they aren’t jumping the gun by predicting a Begich victory. I think Dittman just wanted to be the first one to say it, in case it came true!!

13 11 2008

Grammy in PA (12:17:44) :

True, true, but still nice to hear that from their side.

I also liked the comment about freeing up Palin to do her job. And freeing us up to push for impeachment!

13 11 2008

Has anyone noticed this — the Alaska absentee and EV ballots being counted now have not only shifted the race from Stevens to Begich, but they have also shifted the PERCENT by which McCain wins over Obama. Remember throughout the initial counting stage, the percentage remained steady at 61-36 as more and more precincts reported in. It’s now 59.88 – 37.47, the first time there has been a significant change.

Does this have to do with the greater number of observers watching the late-received ballots being tallied? What would it take to recount the entire thing, under watchful eyes?

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Steph, if you even think you’re coming, you need lodging now. It actually may already be too late. I think every hotel room IN DC are booked and the rooms outside of DC are going 30-40-50 miles to find a room.

This is a once in a lifetime inaugural celebration and i think 1/2 of America wants to come.

Living in DC, and having a spouse who works in DC. it’s not going to be fun.. Imagine the Olympics all descending on the Mall in DC at the same time.

As a note, my wife works literally next door to where Obama’s transistion team offices are going in. Lots of concrete and cops.

anyway, if anyone’s planning in coming to dc, we’re looking to have a dc mudstock, but you need a room already booked of friends/family where you can stay.

anyone coming/thinking of coming, email me so you can get added to the party plans as we creep into January. Deep and I have started this, although not many responses yet. We need enough for a Mudflats Caucus..!

13 11 2008

Ennealogic (12:22:39) :

This parallel shift in votes in the Presidential race could also just be due to the early / absentee votes being disproportionately from Dem-leaners. Certainly, that effect was seen in a lot of early-voting states.

I’m not trying to say there couldn’t be something hinkey, but AK is an awfully red state.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Ennea , it makes sense.. That shift in votes for obama is about what you’d expect as Begich/Dem votes are counted.

AK is reddddd.. it’s about what you’d expect. If McCain’s #’s went up in percentage, that would be odder..

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Thanks for plugging DC mudstock again, Marty!

I posted on another thread a couple of days ago, that another possibility is home exchange. There are probably a few Repubs who want to get out of town for the weekend! You can join home exchange sites, or just look on Craigslist.

We got an offer the other day from someone in Wilmington, NC. I’m def. planning to be here for the inauguration, so I had to say no, but I have at least one neighbor who’s considering renting out her house. So that’s a possibility too.

13 11 2008
Forty Watt

Lovely article about Stas. What a sweet boy. I have passed the site onto my 7 year old grandson. I know he’ll get a kick out of it.

He had to write three reasons why he would vote for his choice (Obama) for school. He did list the war and looking after poor people, but his number one reason was totally about feelings: “Obama’s a really really good daddy.”

13 11 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

THANKS SPARKY for the article! Glad he resigned. HE SUCKS!

13 11 2008

Democrat G (formerly “G”) (12:37:20) :
THANKS SPARKY for the article! Glad he resigned. HE SUCKS!

copy that, Democrat 😉

13 11 2008

Northern Exposure (11:56:53) :
With Franken, it’s recounting the votes (and it appears some Senate votes turned up missing in some pro-Obama parts of Minnesota).

That’s why I am so glad they are doing a hand recount in Minn. There are way too many ballots that were counted in heavily democratic districts with supposedly NO vote for Senate. You can program a counting machine to do something like ignore every 100th vote for Senator, but you can’t program people to do the same. I am so sad that we have chosen to privatize our voting system (voting and counting on unverifiable machines). Until we go back to a strict hand count (which is what they do in Canada), we are always going to be in peril of a stolen election.

13 11 2008

I dunno AKM.. good thing his blog wasn’t in the running for best political blog….

😉 you might have had a run for your $$$$ lol

Thanks for the link. This is just a cool cool world!

Obama is the Pres elect, AKM is still counting votes and there are smart engaged kids out there.

Life is good!

13 11 2008

Yes AK, I can understand why you are jealous… I was way, way back in the crowd when Obama came to a rally in Fort Collins, CO where I live. After the rally, I made my way up to the stage even though our fearless leader had departed the platform. Some of the lingering crowd remained near the front waiting for a distant view of the motorcade leaving from near the CSU Oval (the outdoor office before the indoor one).

Some of the African American students had camped out since maybe about 4 A.M. for the 3:30 P.M. rally. People were busy on their cell phones calling everyone they knew. One person who got to shake Obama’s hand said she had asked Barack if he wanted to go out to lunch with her and he had reportedly replied, “only if you’re buying”. Another person calling lots of people was saying over and over to different people that yes, they had gotten to shake his hand. I waited for that person to take a break and then, while they talked to an in-the-flesh friend, I walked up and asked if I could shake the hand which shook the magic hand. (True)…

You are wonderful AK, and this is such a super blog! Your blog is so awesome, and you have attracted so many smart, funny, warm people to your site and done so much for your state and country by your efforts here, that a little something from O’Bama is more than your due. Be patient, because lots of us believe that it will surely happen and you will get to meet him in person. I think you have done so much more for bringing positive attention to your state than SWWNBN. I’m hoping that perhaps there might be something fairly big in your future. Yes, those keys you type are indeed a mighty weapon and the heat generated warms many around the globe.

13 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[yikes.. she did say sole son..


listen at the :27 mark]]]

That just proves that stupid people should not tell lies. It’s too hard for them to remember the lie they told.

13 11 2008

Well, I got an A in my statistics class. 🙂 And after the last 8 years, I think I’ve earned the right to be skeptical of funny numbers.

I was so wishing though, that the difference between red and blue in AK would dwindle to single digits. Ah well.. we may never know.

13 11 2008

From http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/gerald_warner/blog/2008/11/13/sarah_palins_presidential_hopes_dashed_by_alaska_senate_poll
Politics is a cruel sport: it may be that a couple of thousand votes cast in the frozen wastes of Alaska have altered the course of American political history.

As mentioned above – the possible loss of Palin’s maybe having access to Stevens vacated Senate seat – if he is reelected – giving her the opportunity to get experience and knowledge as a Senator. And then presumably after a term as Senator being able to launch a successful Presidential campaign —
I dispute that scenario. As the Republican Party is learning, Palin doesn’t just lack facts and experience, she lacks wisdom and judgement, and she either denies or is blind to her own short comings. Her ignorance is of her own choosing.
She is not a team player. There is a difference in having a big ego and being totally egocentric. Politics is a team sport, especially on the national level.

So if the Repugs want her they are going to have to smack her down hard, stand on her chest and force feed her the rules of Party and National political etiquette that are the rules of the Game in DC. That would take some real effort on the part of the RNC with her still in Alaska, but they could if they felt like it would be worth the effort.

However, it continues to look like the more the RNC sees of Palin the less they like her. Surely there are religious conservatives in the Republican party who are less embarrassing than Sarah.

13 11 2008

Marty & Deep,
I just sent an e-mail about MudstockDC – e-mail me.

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Awesome – VT Jen! We hope we can get a group together.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Deep, did you see there are homes on craigs list .. houses being offered for $5-10,000 for a week.

Personally, i don’t think i’d want strangers in my house, even if they could afford that much ..

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

That sole son video is edited.. it’s fake..!

13 11 2008
Stanislaw for Pres

Long time lurker, first time blogger:

Political Amazon (09:46:37) :
Call me “cynical,” but it doesn’t sound like it was written by a 5 or 7 year old child.

This kid sounds just like my oldest did at 7. She couldn’t blog, such technology not existing, but she wrote a diary and papers for school, and this is they type of writing she did and questions she asked, and reasoning she did.
She also had teachers year after year that asked if we did her work for her. Her dad laughed and said he couldn’t write that well, himself, and to have her turn out something at school that they could watch her do. She also had a teacher that told her she didn’t understand a book she read (it was later assigned reading in high school) and so couldn’t do a report on it. Bushwa. She understood it better in elementary school than most of her cohorts did in high school.
There are some extremely bright kids out there. A lot of people don’t believe they do what they do, but that doesn’t change what they’re capable of. Unfortunately, they’re often stifled by a cookie cutter educational system. Mine would have been better off with something better than the mid west offers, that’s for sure.

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Deep, i heard that VTJen was a huge troublemaker.. maybe we don’t want her a dcmudstock.. 😉 hahaha

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Marty – I heard houses were going for that amount – that is amazing!

Home exchanging allows folks to stay for free – if you can find someone who wants to go to your house!

My family has been doing home exchanging for a couple years and we love it, but it did take some convincing for my husband to come around to the idea.

13 11 2008
shell from Ohio

We should write President Elect Obama and fill him in on the Planet Mudflats.

That kid is amazing!

Thanks for all you do, AKM!!

13 11 2008


13 11 2008

What a cute kid!

AKM, your blog is great! Sincerely, FilterSkateP. 😉

13 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

deep, do me a favor and email me at my mudstock link so you’re in the mix.. !

we have about 10 emails in there now.. obviously til we know what we’re doing it’s hard to say who’d attend, but we’ll see how it goes.

I think more people will sign up as it gets closer.. and those fears of attendance on here seem to have been completely wrong, thanks to barbie..!

13 11 2008
Stanislaw for Pres

VTJen (12:10:27) :
This just off Huff Post;
Looks like God just slammed the door in the hubcap’s face! 😀

13 11 2008

MIAMI (CNN) — Some Republican governors tell CNN they were not particularly happy with the way the Republican Governors Association press conference was executed Thursday, saying that they agreed to go as a show of GOP governors’ unity — but they ended up feeling like silent Palin supporters, since it was clearly a press conference called for her.

The GOP governors spoke to CNN on condition of anonymity.

One called it awkward: “I’m sure you could see it on some of our faces.”

Another Republican governor eyeing a presidential run in 2012 told CNN the event was “odd” and “weird,” and said it “unfortunately sent a message that she was the de facto leader of the party.”

There has been palpable tension among some GOP governors gathered in Miami that Palin has been sucking up all the media oxygen.

In an interview with CNN, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour shrugged off that suggestion.

“That’s just somebody running down a rabbit trail. There’s plenty of oxygen here,” he said.

13 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

OK, I have to jump into the fray on the question of whether or not Stas’ blog entries were indeed written by him.

I think it’s perfectly possible it’s a hoax, or that he had some coaching from his parents.

BUT, as a teacher of gifted children I know for sure it’s possible a 7-year-old could have the insight and intelligence to express these thoughts. A typical 7-year-old, no. But an extremely gifted 7-year-old, yes.

These “profoundly gifted” kids are rare, but they are out there, and they have serious intellectual and academic needs that sadly are all too often unmet.

I never thought my big issue would come up on this blog, and I tried to resist getting up on my soapbox, but I finally just had to add my 2 cents.

13 11 2008
Forty Watt

@ Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com (12:58:11) :

That sole son video is edited.. it’s fake..!

It certainly sounded that way. What was audible was “sold son.” My guess if that Grammy from PA was right–she actually said soldier.

13 11 2008
Forty Watt

“guess IS” sorry.

13 11 2008
Vlad the I'm Palin

I just wanted to alert everyone to something I heard this morning. We all know that Bible Spice and her “Drill, Baby, Drill” crowd are advocating drilling for oil in ANWAR. What I didn’t know, was that, on the relative quiet, in an area of Alaska of the same topography and about the same size as ANWAR (I think it was military land or leases?), they drilled 18 holes at a cost of 3 1/2 billion dollars and all the holes came up dry, so they quietly closed up shop and went away. There is no guarantee that they’d find anything substantial in ANWAR and best-case scenarios for that precious area is that it would total about 5 years worth of oil. So, for short-term gain, this “drill, baby, drill” crowd and their bimbo exploiter would destroy a gift of nature which also happens to be traditional birthing/calving place for the caribou herds, and has been long before Sarah’s 6000 year-old-earth was magically created.

13 11 2008
Susan in PA

Forty Watt, I love your grandson and agree with him 100%!!

13 11 2008
Forty Watt

Palin from Governor’s conference today: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/13/palin-keeps-attacking-oba_n_143562.html

‘Governors, she said make “tough decisions to best serve the people who hire us. And we are held accountable every day. The buck stops on our desk. We are not just one of many voting yea or nay or present. No. There is no present button in our office, is there? We have to make the tough decisions.”

The line about voting “present,” of course, is a clear jab at Obama — lifted from an attack line that the McCain campaign (and the Clinton camp) used repeatedly on the trail. The crowd, it seemed, got the joke.’
I can’t make up my mind if she’s really attacking Obama or it’s just that certain words automatically trigger a pre-learned response. I’m talkin’ governor stuff–Obama wasn’t a governor–he doesn’t have executive experience–he was a state senator–he voted present.

People often get like this with advanced age.

13 11 2008
Forty Watt

@ Susan in PA (13:17:20) :

Forty Watt, I love your grandson and agree with him 100%!!

Well, of course, now you’re on my very favorite person list!

13 11 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

There were two quotes I have captured from the article on Stas and his blog.

1) I have no problem accepting wisdom from a 7-year-old child

“Governor Palin believes the world is 6000 years old. This is absurd. This is not a rational belief. This is a mistake. Scientists, experiments and evidence have shown this to be completely false. Therefore, she is not rational. If she is not rational, she should not be allowed to be President or Vice President.” – Stanislaw Gunkel

Logical reasoning in its purest form. If all the pundits could just say it as simply as Stas has done here people like Palin would have no ability to game the system!!!!!

2) This is a mantra of faith in the basic good that exists in both self and others. It demonstrates the true character of the person who made the statement:

“Look out for other people, even when it does not directly benefit you; strive to make a difference everywhere you go; and get back up every time you are knocked down.” – Barack Obama

President-Elect Obama’s sound character shines through in his mentoring here.

What strikes me most is that we normally expect faith from children as we adults strive to provide order through the employment of logic in dealing with the big wide world we live in. Perhaps this should be more of a two-way street than it has been lately. Stas is very wise and we would do well to listen.

13 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Deep and Marty
I just officially emailed you re DC Mudstock, but here’s another option….old accountants don’t die, they just lose their balance:)

There is a provision in tax law that you can rent out your own home (if under 10 days) and you don’t ever have to claim the income. It’s worked for folks who lived in Atlanta during the Olympics for New Yorkers for the millennium celebration and 2004 RNC and Boston for the 2004 DNC—-but it’s usually a last option due to cost.

Try checking Craig’s list.

13 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Inauguration specials in DC via Craig’s list—–


13 11 2008
Political Amazon

Sufferin’ Jesus!

First Sarah Palin throws Stevens under the bus, then drags him out from under the bus, and now Stevens campaign chairman throws him under the bus.

At this point it won’t be getting run over by a bus that will hurt Stevens–it will be the road rash from the multiple bus throwings and retrievals.

13 11 2008
Cynthia, TX

Sarah Palin Speaks a bunch of bull sh** here is a part of her speech today! please try and read this. I bet you can’t. And remember this woman is the governor of a state.

Sitting here in these chairs that I’m going to be proposing but in working with these governors who again on the front lines are forced to and it’s our privileged obligation to find solutions to the challenges facing our own states every day being held accountable, not being just one of many just casting votes or voting present every once in a while, we don’t get away with that. We have to balance budgets and we’re dealing with multibillion dollar budgets and tens of thousands of employees in our organizations.

13 11 2008
Susie in Jersey

@Steph in Kansas:

The response from your Congressman reads to me like if you don’t have a ticket you don’t get to see the inauguration.

Would others interpret it that way also?

13 11 2008

megacephalus (12:12:02) :
@ Mollys Mum (09:21:20) :
jeez Molly cut the trailer-trash some slack!

Hey! Hey!
I live in a trailer.
Granted that’s becasue there are no apartments or affordabe rent housing available.

Its not the kind of roof over your head that counts it what’s inside the head that’s under the roof.

A lot of the greatest minds and greatest leaders that this country has created have come from small villages and very rural parts of this country, and from the depths of poverty.

13 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Shikago

Mollys Mum (09:44:48) :
…My heart goes out to you…
His name is Aaron Robert H. 11/13/05 – 9/28/04.

bbl, or for the next thread.

13 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Cynthia, TX (13:30:42) :

Sarah Palin Speaks a bunch of bull sh** here is a part of her speech today! please try and read this. I bet you can’t. And remember this woman is the governor of a state.

Sitting here in these chairs that I’m going to be proposing but in working with these governors who again on the front lines are forced to and it’s our privileged obligation to find solutions to the challenges facing our own states every day being held accountable, not being just one of many just casting votes or voting present every once in a while, we don’t get away with that. We have to balance budgets and we’re dealing with multibillion dollar budgets and tens of thousands of employees in our organizations.
I thought my grammer was bad!

13 11 2008
13 11 2008


13 11 2008

AKM: Wow… seriously… think about it.

We are witnessing a turning point of a nation. Our Nation!

The. Most. Important. Election. Of. Our. Time.

[I’m not an historian, so I should probably have prefaced that with “Arguably”… although instinct says, ‘Arguably…? *snort* Not in MY book!’ (As Stosh’s mom has rightfully pointed out, I shouldn’t base my political analysis on “feelings”, but… well… lemme put it this way: My immediate reaction to my first sight of SWWNBN, before she even opened her mouth, was laughter. ‘Nuff said.)] But I digress….

Yours is the best political blog of 2008. YOU created this place. You have punctuated a place for yourself in the timeline of American history.

And it’s a light bright enough, that it’s seen around the whole effin’ WORLD.

So be aware that WE are all jealous of YOU. Beeyotch! 😉

((In all seriousness: I’m ALL the way out here in CT. If I buy a teeshirt, would you autograph it for me? I’ll even promise to only wear it in the basement!))

13 11 2008

@Cynthia, TX (13:30:42)..

Thanks a lot Cynthia.. I tried to read it got all dizzy fell off m,y chair.. Now I have a bruised elbow…:)
I would just ONCE like to hear somebody in the MSM call this Bimbo out for what she really is… Why do they feel they have to be so polite?

13 11 2008
Sarah lieslikearug Palinese-ah!

Marnie – the possible loss of Palin’s maybe having access to Stevens vacated Senate seat – if he is reelected – giving her the opportunity to get experience and knowledge as a Senator. And then presumably after a term as Senator being able to launch a successful Presidential campaign –
I dispute that scenario. As the Republican Party is learning, Palin doesn’t just lack facts and experience, she lacks wisdom and judgement, and she either denies or is blind to her own short comings. Her ignorance is of her own choosing. She is not a team player. There is a difference in having a big ego and being totally egocentric. Politics is a team sport, especially on the national level.


I’m reposting Marnie’s comment because it’s worth repeating.

The two major reasons Palin will never get the Republican nomination:

1) lack of intellect

2) not a team player, ie, too “mavericky”

13 11 2008
Forty Watt

@ Stanislaw for Pres (12:58:22) :
This kid sounds just like my oldest did at 7. She couldn’t blog, such technology not existing, but she wrote a diary and papers for school, and this is they type of writing she did and questions she asked, and reasoning she did.
She also had teachers year after year that asked if we did her work for her.

I had one too. The accusations of “he must have had help” or sometimes of out and out plagiarism eventually stopped when we found the right school. As Deep Blue in VA (13:07:58) said, it’s not so easy to find the resources. I wouldn’t describe my son as any sort of prodigy, but the thinking, reasoning, and writing skills were highly developed very young.

13 11 2008

talk about out of the mouth of babes…the kids right on the money…the parents have done a wonderful job with him..

13 11 2008

A InJuneau (12:10:37) :

updated 5:26 a.m. PT, Wed., May. 14, 2008
DOWNEY, Calif. – With the end of another school year approaching, college sophomore Moshe Kai Cavalin is cramming for final exams in classes such as advanced mathematics, foreign languages and music.

But Cavalin is only 10 years old. And at 4-foot-7, his shoes don’t quite touch the floor as he puts down a schoolbook and swivels around in his chair to greet a visitor.

“I’m studying statistics,” says the alternately precocious and shy Cavalin, his textbook lying open on the living room desk of his parents’ apartment in this quiet suburb east of Los Angeles.

Seven-year-old Cyril heading for Royal College of Music
May 14 2008 By George Kotschy

A gifted seven-year-old Birmingham schoolboy has won a place at the Royal College of Music in London.

Cyril Vinzent, a pupil at Blue Coat School, Edgbaston, has only been playing piano for two years, but has become one of the youngest pupils to win a place at the college after impressing in an audition last month.

He will take advantage of the training opportunities the college offers to children aged 8-18.

Thursday, 26 August, 1999, 13:23 GMT 14:23 UK (BBC)
Seven-year-old makes GCSE history

A seven-year-old boy has become the youngest pupil to pass a higher level GCSE exam.
Nirav Gathani has received a grade B for his information systems exam, after studying for four hours a week at a private college in Watford, Hertfordshire.

It is the second time in two years that students from Ryde College have made GCSE history.

Last year, six-year-old Krishan Radia became the youngest person to pass a GCSE, after gaining a C grade in the foundation level of the same computing exam sat this year by Nirav.

13 11 2008

Bye Guys, gotta to to work.

13 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to

I didn’t say these places were affordable, just that they might be available!

A lot of media staff rent out these places because hotels near are so expensive!

13 11 2008
Susie in Jersey

@Digital Dame

I’m with you, I’m not buying it. It’s a cute front for someone, but it’s definitely not written by someone who is either 5 or 7 (I got confused which age this person supposedly is).


The child was on NBC Nightly News last evening and he is for real. Very well spoken and obviously extremely intelligent.

13 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[jeez Molly cut the trailer-trash some slack!]]]

There’s an old C&W song that goes:

“Since I kicked you out
This trailer no longer has trash….”

ITA. Trashy folks aren’t limited to trailers. Look at the house the Palins live in, and they are about as trashy as any “trailer trash” i’ve ever encountered (some of whom are my relatives, BTW).

13 11 2008

@halcrow (14:06:46) :

Thank you! See, I knew I wasn’t the only one who knew a bunch of smart kids!

13 11 2008

BTW, NEW THREAD, for those of us still checking this one out for new news…

13 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[….I had one too. The accusations of “he must have had help” or sometimes of out and out plagiarism eventually stopped when we found the right school. As Deep Blue in VA (13:07:58) said, it’s not so easy to find the resources. I wouldn’t describe my son as any sort of prodigy, but the thinking, reasoning, and writing skills were highly developed very young…..]]]

Yeah, when I was a kid, I was accused of plagiarism—but it was from teachers who had not read my essays before. Once they were familiar with me, they saw that I CONSISTENTLY wrote at an advanced level and grew to expect it of me.

The 5-7 year old kid on the website has a wide variaton in the level of his writing skills. There are only a few instances of truly advanced writing, and those (to me, at least) stuck out like the Palins in a Saks 5th Avenue.

In one post he goes from good (but simple) writing to high-school-level verbage.

I’m no saying he’s not a good writer for his age—I’m saying (based on the wide inconsistency in his writing skills, sometimes in the same post) he’s not way advanced for his age.

13 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[I had one too. The accusations of “he must have had help” or sometimes of out and out plagiarism eventually stopped when we found the right school. As Deep Blue in VA (13:07:58) said, it’s not so easy to find the resources. I wouldn’t describe my son as any sort of prodigy, but the thinking, reasoning, and writing skills were highly developed very young.]]]

I’m glad you found a good school. Teachers who think that kids consistently performing at an advance level, even in the classroom, are “getting help” are clueless. If the child operates at an advanced level in class, there is no reason to believe that he does not also operate at an advanced level when doing homework.

13 11 2008
GJ in ID


I’m about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first. We just made history. And I don’t want you to forget how we did it.

You made history every single day during this campaign — every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it’s time for change.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign. We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I’ll be in touch soon about what comes next.

But I want to be very clear about one thing…

All of this happened because of you.

Thank you,


[ I just wanted to share my letter from Barack… it’s because of you and this blog that I decided to volunteer as an online caller for Obama, so you deserve to get this note too!]

13 11 2008
GJ in ID

Ok, geesh, where is a kid when you need them, that last post didn’t turn out like I though it would. I’m still trying to learn that code stuff…and not doing a very good job…I don’t have any 7 yr olds here at home any more.

13 11 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

Political Amazon (09:46:37) :

Call me “cynical,” but it doesn’t sound like it was written by a 5 or 7 year old child.

In between comments that one would believe came from an extremely bright and communicative 5-7 year old is stuff like this:

“…My mom told me that I shouldn’t base my election analysis on “feelings” (I like him/her) or “beliefs” (I share his/her beliefs) but on logical arguments. She asked me to create my own rational explanations for my support of Obama. Here is one of my arguments:…”

If a 5-7 year old boy did, ineed, write this, he should be arranging now for early admission to the college of his choice.

OK, you’re cynical.

But you’re still ok. (hug)

13 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

GJ in ID (14:36:57) :

You did just fine. 😉

13 11 2008
MissSue MI

AKM, this story was adorable. As much as I’d also love to hear from our newly elected President, you left me hoping that he would write to you. Simply adorable.

13 11 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

did you see the backdrop of the room where his computer lies? walls filled with books….can you imagine???? books…real books

i love this kid and his parents

13 11 2008
Search the Web on Snap.com

Deep Blue in VA (13:07:58) :

OK, I have to jump into the fray on the question of whether or not Stas’ blog entries were indeed written by him.

Thanks for the expert input :-))) I’m not a gifted teacher, but a mom of two bright ones. There’s a lot of range in the abilities of bright kids in their classes and it takes a special super-dee-dooper teacher to keep all that energy harnessed and challenged in many varied ways and still be appropriate for their developmental ages. Thankee thankee thankee. You are very greatly appreciated!!!

13 11 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

Clamp Noodle Palin

the kid has a prestigious violin scholarship….when he speaks, you can tell that he understands what he says

he most likely will blow through hs and earn early admission to the university of his choice….at 14 or 15

he is a true prodigy

so yes, i believe that he wrote what is on his blog

13 11 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

So do I, I was answering someone else….

13 11 2008

I’m watching SP rehash the campaign trail again for the governors….like we all didn’t listen to enough of it during said campaign…the real governors must want to choke the breath out of her…she’s like a bad train wreck you can’t turn away from….and each time I hear her speech I catch something I missed the previous time…she just babbling non-stop at this point…about Trig in the White House and wanting to cry so many time along the stump….I know how she feels, I wanted to cry many times when I saw her too….also, too.

13 11 2008

hhhmmm I think I’ll be voting for this kid in another forty years. 😉

14 11 2008

You’re kidding, right? There’s no way this writing is the voice of a 7 year old. Most seven year olds are much more interested in video games and cell phones than in anything remotely political. Indeed, it is extremely rare to find a seven year old whose view is anything but myopic, let alone whose grammar is superior to that of many English teachers.

14 11 2008

I have another 7 year old for you to be jealous of. I have an mp3 file, but not sure how to get it to you; I’ll look around for an email address.

14 11 2008

Smart kid, but why do his parents dress him that way? I’m sure they wanted him to look nice for the camera, but a button-down shirt and a sweater-vest? Come on, let’s at least pretend like smart kids get to have some semblance of childhood.

14 11 2008

Berryjo – Prob for the cameras. However, It mentioned he attends a gifted private school, and those look like his school uniform clothes. Chances are, he wears those clothes most of the time except for weekends. He seems like a very driven and serious child – so the clothes do reflect his personality. We do have to give him credit for being a smart little guy, but his parents are obviously influencing his views of the world and writing style. It’s much more a “family blog” than just Stas.

Obama is employing savvy marketing by using him as a publicity/poll booster. Sorry, Mudflats – you’re probably not cute enough. But it’s worth a try.

14 11 2008

Most of the time children repeat their parents beliefs and this is no exception.

14 11 2008
WV Democrat

Sorry, but I’m not at all convinced that Stas is writing his blog.