Sarah the ‘Fiscal Conservative’ Comes Out of the Closet.

5 11 2008

‘If people knew how frugal we are,’ said Sarah Palin. She told Fox News that her ‘favorite’ store is an Anchorage consignment shop called Out of the Closet. That was how she defended herself from the accusations of an over-the-top shopping spree at Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and other high-end clothing stores.

An article coming out in Newsweek tomorrow has more information from behind the scenes. According to the article, Palin spent far more on her family’s wardrobe than the originally reported amount of $150,000 that was reported last month.

NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin’s shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain’s top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family — clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent ‘tens of thousands’ more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide … said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.”

Newsweek reports that McCain rarely spoke to Palin during the campaign and aides kept him in the dark about the details of her spending on clothes because they were “sure he would be offended.”

An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as “Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast,” and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.

While already being labeled as a “drag” on the McCain campaign, Palin may end up being her own worst enemy. She’s back home in Alaska now, and her antics on the campaign trail of this supposed ‘fiscal conservative’ will follow her. Not merely an obscure Alaskan politician who will fade into the woodwork, Palin’s unlikely celebrity will continue to fuel her coverage in the media over the coming months.

Expect Palin’s wardrobe, and other evidence of her fondness for suspect spending to come out of the closet. Pass the popcorn, and put it on my tab!

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365 responses

5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Oh Gosh…you have lot’s to say today!

5 11 2008
Grammy a/k/a WE WENT BLUE PA

The saga of Sarah continues!

5 11 2008
the problem child

Wow — near simultaneous new posts.

5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Yes the newsweek article was a good read. I especially liked the part about her parading around in her towel in front of the boy’s social club.

Now that’s just nasty. Really.

5 11 2008


5 11 2008

ahh sarah, you just cant stop now, canya?

5 11 2008
Lock Pepper in honolulu

I think she has narcissistic personality disorder. That’s my pop psychology diagnosis!

I’m walkin’ on air, today, you betcha.
Yes we did, also.

5 11 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

No it isn’t. 😉

5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@Irishgirl….okay not that nasty. I just like that word!! LOL

5 11 2008

Bring on the real stories. I can’t wait to hear them. I was willing to give her the benefit of doubt here and assume a staffer did most of the shopping. Looks like I was wrong.

Is Todd going to wear his new clothes in the Iron Dog this year ? 🙂

5 11 2008
Steph aka Beans Harpoon Hussein-Palin

The lost items will suddenly appear at the consignment shop. Oh, and did anyone here know that the AK “Out of the Closet” store is being sued over the name? Apparently, the name is owned by an AIDS charity consignment store in (I think) California.

5 11 2008

I read the whole thing on the Newsweek site–UNREAL!

5 11 2008
ReaderInMD aka Krinkle Bearcat

If you’re in Alaska, you might want to start frequenting “Out of the Closet” for some great high-end clothes!

5 11 2008

Just when I thought things might quiet down . The gift that just keeps giving. Apparently, she threw Nicole Wallace under the bus on clothesgate. Unbelievable!

5 11 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

The name is owned by a chain of stores, not just one. The article also says that she wanted to speak last night at the concession speech. She just doesn’t quit, does she?

5 11 2008

I suggest you AK residents request a list of the missing articles of clothing from the RNC, then be on the lookout as Sarah makes her rounds…lol.
From the Newsweek article, I love the following:
An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as “Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast,” and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.

5 11 2008


Link with details? That’s amusing!

5 11 2008
Grammy a/k/a WE ARE BLUE PA

Nothing fazes this woman – the world revolves around her – she is used to being the center of attention and doesn’t care who she tromps on – she really is a whack job. What goes around comes around and she will find that out.

5 11 2008

Chicago South Side

Hello Mudflatters–fired up, ready to work because YES WE DID!

God has smiled on us, he has set of free of the disaster of radical right-wing dominionists Christians for now. God is good–but please Jesus deliver us from the hypocritical religiosity of the greedy self-described ‘do gooders.’

The Newsweek story includes appalling behavior about behavior. We can be fairly certain that more wretched Sarah stories will surface. Also.

Just coming in from work in the Hyde Park area and because this area is so OBAMA, it feels wonderful just being alive at this historical-shift time. I’m old enough to have never thought I’d live to see it. My grandmother, born 1884 in Mississippi did not vote until she was 84 to 1968 as a direct resuklt of the the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

5 11 2008

Has anyone checked to see if Todd ever had a vasectomy???

Nice website:

5 11 2008
SC Torpedo Vindicator

Interesting …

5 11 2008

Did you see that Newsweek will not only publish a special edition tomorrow (oh goodie can hardly wait & I’m with you, AKM, I need some ‘fluff’ reading & popcorn to snuggle in with!), but also more chapters over the coming weeks?

I’m wondering if that Cajun Boy story got waylaid over to WaPo who owns Newsweek & we’re in for some fan-tas-tic dish! Hee hee hee!!!!

5 11 2008
Meah Bottoms

Perhaps Sarah will drop the clothes off at the back door of one of her consignment stores, then enter the front door and buy them back for $5. each.
Yea, sounds about right. The Palins went whole hog with other people’s money. Watch out Alaska! That’s a bad sign for you.

5 11 2008

So what about Ms Megan? I think she should have to walk around Alaska with a big “L” on her chest for Loser, Liar, Lacky….feel free to add your own here.

5 11 2008
samihawaii hussein that one stevens

this is hilarious! i’m so glad newsweek and the msm are finally onto her phony-baloney act.

5 11 2008

@Nisperos (11:32:48) :

There was info about it on Huffington Post a couple of weeks ago. I’ll have to see if I can find the link. Ah, here it is:

5 11 2008

Palin could be in a world of trouble.

5 11 2008
Moons in Leo

Can someone put her on an ice floe and push her out into the Strait?

5 11 2008

Okay, this time when she returns to Alaska you have to promise not to let her out again. Do what you want with her and her illegal acts, but keep her up there!
The less we hear of her, her husband and the 5 children, and the soon to be grandchild, the better. She’ll want the Steven’s job if that opens up; don’t let her get it. She has plenty of nice new clothes now so she does not have to leave, even for a shopping trip.

5 11 2008

I’m sorry folks, but we’re going to have to return Mrs. Palin to you up there in Alaska. She certainly was an interesting choice for McCain to make, but I don’t believe McCain was putting “Country First” when he chose Mrs. Palin, but rather, he was putting “McCain’s Campaign First.” Clearly McCain didn’t think that through all the way. Before the campaign started I was a registered Republican, but Mrs. Palin showed me just exactly what a dirty word “Republican” is and I had to go and change my party affiliation. She ran a disgusting campaign. Loosing is exactly what McCain/Palin deserved. I know politicians are known for being dishonest, but cripes, those two didn’t even life a pinky in the name of honesty. It’s gross. And she calls herself a Christian! Good Lord!

5 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Wonder if the Alaskan taxpayers will be picking up the IRS tab on those clothes?

5 11 2008

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) “A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.” The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power and prestige.

5 11 2008

I want to know who Obama’s American Indian Policy Advisor is going to be? Is there some way to unite elements of the Peace Corps with elements of Americorps and the U.S. Military Corps of Engineers? Can we help get some of that desperately needed infrastructure out to Alaska Natives (roads, sewers, gas lines)?

One of my favorite YouTubes is this one from May 19, 2008 of Obama at the Crow Agency in Montana where he promises to Native Americans, First Americans, or as they say in Canada, First Nations, that he will appoint an American Indian Policy Advisor to Senior White House Staff and have an annual summit at the White House, that we need to stop the one size fits all as regards tribes/nations, shake up the BIA, and provide health care and world class education for all. What a contrast, for example, between his words and the treatment of Alaskan Natives, huh? (Have tissues ready.):

5 11 2008

BRRRRR…certainly is cold out there without McLawyers, McPRspinners, McSecretService, McPlane etc. Even the GOP is giving the Palins the cold shoulder. I think Alaska will be a bit colder as well for those Palins now that the Big McFreeze has rolled down the ice slope and right on the Snow Queen. 😉

5 11 2008

Someone in Alaska should gather photos of Palin’s campaign outfits, then keep track of future photos of your Governor — keeping an eye on whether she actually keeps any of those outfits we were told would be donated to charity.

5 11 2008
Grammy a/k/a WE ARE BLUE PA

She said:

“You know, if there is a role in national politics it won’t be so much partisan,” Palin said. “My efforts have always been here in the state of Alaska to get everybody to unite and work together to progress this state … it certainly would be a uniter type of role.”

She is in la-la land!

5 11 2008
kas (from Oregon)

The newsweek article if full of great tidbits – more than just the wardrobe issues. I especially like the idea that Obama thought some of the debate questions by Tom B were stupid. We were all here together that night groaning over his job as “moderator.”

And really – if the towel escapade is true – I am even more grateful this morning than last night.

Also info on hackers breaking into both campaigns computers – FBI invovlement.

Full article

5 11 2008

P.S. There are plenty of Anchorage thrift stores… Salvation Army, Bishop’s Attic or whatever it’s called… Palin should “spread the wealth around” by donating one outfit to each.

5 11 2008 the Pine Barrens aka Sap Needles Understory

I just hope that she thought to pick up some towels when she was doing all that shopping. The ones they give you at the hotel are always so skimpy.

5 11 2008
Geneva FreeSpeech formerly Wolf Pup Hideme Palin

“I’m going to spend all this money. Help me. But don’t tell Dad.”

Dysfunctional family dynamics.

5 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Hard to believe that the hotel they were staying in didn’t provide bathrobes.

5 11 2008

I wrote about this on another thread, but it seems more apropos here.

I’m in NYC but am willing to donate some money to making sure that Palin never again has the opportunity to be part of the national political scene. That can be accomplished by having her recalled or impeached and pushing all of the Palin-gate ethics problems to whatever end. If she is convicted of some criminal activity — tax fraud, the HouseGate scam like Stevens, etc — her political career will come to an abrupt stop.

So, can someone let us know to whom money can be sent to to deal with Palin and help end her political career. Thanks.

5 11 2008

It will be easy to find the “campaign clothes” They will be the ones with the big pin holes in the lapels left behind from the big AIP bear pin. And those holes never go away.

5 11 2008

“. . .it certainly would be a uniter type role.”

She is in la – la land.

No indeed, she’s not. She truly believes that she is a uniter. Except her idea of uniter is “Everybody do it my way and we will be united.”

5 11 2008

Sorry ‘Grammy’ not ‘Granny’

5 11 2008

“Clothesgate” I think is really a smoking gun in suspecting she really does have a narcissistic personality disorder of some kind. As she began to feel so inadequate inside as she faced this situation (a situation – that would actually be terrifying to any normal person who had gotten themselves into a situation so over their heads) she goes into some kind of mode where she “does not blink” (ie. thoughtfully reflect about reality and consequences). She is an incredibly mentally hyper person. The punked radio call clearly shows that she does not hear, perceive, or listen to the outside world. She lives in another reality in her head. No one can grasp how extreme this is because it is so extreme and foreign to everyone else’s way of dwelling in the world.

Did anyone else see the interview with her today on CNN. Her new shtick was that she doesn’t look back. To me it was almost another personality from perhaps her many personalities. Nothing adds up about her. Nothing. This is a very strange person. She needs serious help. I still say Johnny Mac is using politics to self treat his PTSD problems. What a pair! The Harold and Maude of mutual psychological derangement. How could the Republican Party have ever let this happen? If it is true that he rarely spoke to her, then this is truly bizarre! Could you imagine what that would have been like in the White House? I say she would have plotted and done him in politically in some way. The compulsion to dominate is completely unmanageable in her. there would have been conflict. But that will never happen now. We stopped them. Apparently 60% of all voters read her like a book and stepped forward to stop her. The collective mature wisdom of the American people said “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!”

I honestly think that future revelations about what really happened will end any future political career that any Bill Krystol’s might have in mind. I think she is toast in this very, very strange tale of ill conceived ruin.

5 11 2008

mvngfwd (11:43:27) : BRRRRR…certainly is cold out there without McLawyers, McPRspinners, McSecretService, McPlane etc.

ha, good one mvngfwd!

Okay, so Palin wasn’t even sorta kinda vetted…what did Repubs base their selection on? I can only imagine. She must have a voodoo effect on some people, whereas they simply are completely oblivious to real Sarah. I think Sarah is oblivious to real Sarah and imagines herself as someone or something else.

Once in Alaska, she’s gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do.

5 11 2008

mvngfwd (11:43:27) :

ha, good one mvngfwd!

Okay, so Palin wasn’t even sorta kinda vetted…what did Repubs base their selection on? I can only imagine. She must have a voodoo effect on some people, whereas they simply are completely oblivious to real Sarah. I think Sarah is oblivious to real Sarah and imagines herself as someone or something else.

Once in Alaska, she’s gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do.

5 11 2008
Grammy a/k/a WE ARE BLUE PA


No prob

I still don’t understand what she doesn’t get about using other people’s money for her personal use. What kind of values did her parents instill anyway? I guess she thinks the public’s money is hers and hers is hers and Alaska’s oil wealth is hers. It’s beyond my comprehension. (oh and it’s not OK to spread the wealth except to her???) Scream . . . .

5 11 2008
From England aka Spoon Archer Hussein Palin

Lordy lord! AKM, this is where the fun with SWWNBN begins. I’m freed from the shackles of feeling a moral responsibility to take the high road now that the election is over.

Laughs from this side of the pond. The British High Comissioner to the US has revealed that according to John Mccain, SP is “more trouble than a pitbull”. Full story here:

5 11 2008

I wonder who gave Newsweek all the info……maybe Nicole Wallace…. Schmidt . They must have been sure of the info to publish it so soon after the election. It’s Newsweek not the National Enquirer. Think Sarah has made lots of enemies within the repub party who are more than willing to talk.
Probably blame her for their job loss.

5 11 2008

OK… another re-post, but all that talk about Palin’s narcissistic personality…

Caribou Barbie and First Dude:

As described in a 1965 Ramparts article by Donovan Bess entitled The Menace of the Barbie Dolls:

“…This year about six million [girls] are playing Barbie, who isn’t the kind of woman you would want to hug (unless you are a GI just coming back from a year in the Aleutians). Barbie is a frigid-looking teenager who somehow, through the magic eyes of childhood, is able to be simultaneously a sorority girl, a bride, a career girl, a debutante and a general all-around Superwoman…

Barbie is 11½ inches tall and has the long, unnatural legs of a Soviet female Olympic 800-meter runner. Her breast development, of course, is that of a healthy American woman of twenty. She can wear wigs in blonde, ash-blonde, platinum, brunette and titian. Her eyelids, to borrow Walter Pater’s phrase about Mona Lisa, are ‘a trifle weary.’ Last year she appeared in stores looking like a coed in a red jersey swimsuit. But in the 1965 deluxe model, she has been promoted; she looks very much like a bored but well-subsidized suburban matron: she sits in a stylish garden swing besides a planter, wearing a pink swimsuit with a matching fluffy bathing hat, matching earrings and matching high-heeled pumps. She looks as though she were waiting for a lover (the kind who would bring her a dozen American Beauty roses, sit at her feet all evening long and never go near the bedroom)…

The fiction and feature articles in the fan magazines depict these dolls as having upper-upper-class incomes and lower-middle-class tastes. Barbie is 100 per cent Caucasian, and she never associates with a racially impure person… There is little or no evidence that they ever read books or listen to music. Clothes and money seem to motivate their conversations and strategies…

One feels sorry for the small boys who will grow up to be the men in their lives. A solution may be found in the work of Remco Industries, Incorporated, in Harrison, New Jersey. This company has developed a doll called ‘GI Joe’ -’America’s Movable Fighting Man.’ After some hours of sincere play with GI Joe, your boy might well become more impolite, hateful, sadistic and subhumanly mean than he now is…”

5 11 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")
5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@ Sparky,

This is what made me sit up to attention when she was first picked. I’ve written about this before but the threads go so quickly not every one reads everything.

After reading this article (if you choose to read it) google the Council for National Policy. This is a movement for the Christianizing of America. Scary stuff if you ask me:

5 11 2008
nswfm CA

Sucks to be Sarah.

I had my parents listen to the “Punked” call last night when I went to see them and watch the results. My mom couldn’t believe the call. I gave her a copy of the transcript, and this AM, Mom said there were at least 10 clues that this was fake. She didn’t even listen to what they were saying.

She did it to herself.

5 11 2008
kas (from Oregon)

According to MSNBC and HuffPo Rham Emanuel named chief of staff

5 11 2008

Just saw on CNN that McCain is really disappointed. He’s going to his creekside cabin in Sedona….then a return to the Senate….hopefully, with a paper bag on his head. Man everyone knows what an ass he is.

5 11 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Moons in Leo (11:41:48) :
Can someone put her on an ice floe and push her out into the strait?

There’s no ice flows left! ;-(

5 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

HeHeHe…pass the popcorn, they are already starting to throw her under the bus. 😀

Visitor (11:42:55) :

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) “A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.” The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power and prestige.
That description fits her to a T!!!

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

eeeuuuu… heather muskrat wilson is still around.. help us..

5 11 2008

Marty, where are you?!!!!
Your gal, Heather ‘Muskrat’, was just on MSNBC.

5 11 2008

Susie in Jersey (10:47:26) :
I am considering trying to make the inauguration but I need to find someone to take care of the 4-legged critters for two days and I’m concerned about being on my feet for many, many hours. I, also, thought if I go I’d stay north of DC.

If you do find a “critter sitter” make your way south. DC is actually very “feet” friendly. The transportation system is amazing, open and accessable. Lots of elevators/escalators. I used the system with a One y/o in tow and really got a system down for getting my sweety to daycare and myself to work on time. I suggest bringing a portable chair (tri-pod type would be good) and when you need to cop a squat, you can do it anywhere you want.

As for staying North of DC – you can take the train from Penn Station in Baltimore City directly into Union Station. This is the same train that Joe the Veep took everyday from Deleware! From Union Sta you can take the Metro to our meeting spot near the Jefferson Memorial.

Ooooo, I love making travel plans. I really hope I can convince my family to make the trip.

5 11 2008

Alaska,, please keep Palin up there, we made it clear, we don’t want her dowin in the lower 48 by voting for Obama/Biden.
Ps, I feel sorry for you guys.

5 11 2008

Marty, LOL.
I knew that would bring you around!

5 11 2008

@ Democrat G

That CNN video was pretty funny; funny, but tragic that she continues to lie so much…

5 11 2008

The Republicans can blame Palin for their loss if they want to, but McCain is to blame. He talks about being tested, about having all this military experience. But in reality, he is a commander who cannot control his officers. He is a commander who doesn’t even communicate with them. If he ran a war this way, we would be destroyed! And war is his strong point. No, McCain has no business leading our country or anything else. He does not have the abilities needed.

5 11 2008

You can have her back.

5 11 2008
Jan Arnold

About the ice flows or lack thereof as a nice little boat for Ms. Bath towel 2008 … Rumor has it Robert Kennedy Jr (ring of fire, air America, favorite show) may have a job in the new administration in environmental area…. if not Kennedy I am sure someone else very good, but Kennedy would be GREAT. There is HOPE.

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

Augie.. i turned the tv on was in my office.. and came up and saw her.. just thought those morons would be gone..!

5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

That silly talking muskrat head Heather Wilson was on MSNBC……..saying she was 18 and a democrat once too. And that things change when you mature or something like that.

HA….I’m 57 and have honored my duty to vote since I was 18 as well. Registered Democrat – and always a democrat.

Bu-Bye Heather – you have been booted out of NM. We DON’T WANT YOU HERE!

5 11 2008

OOh can’t wait to see the fallout of Palin’s antics. At our election party last night everyone gasped big when McCain shook Palin’s hand, that was very telling. The politics here are so weird though, I still have hope that Begich will be our new senator, whether by special election – or still…maybe this one.

5 11 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

@ Sue

I agree, McCain is to blame. And another thing that really bothers me – His military experience was dreadful – had he not been the son and grandson of 2 very influential Navy Admirals, he would have been out on his ear after he destroyed the first plane he crashed. So his military experience was nothing at all to be proud of. As for his being a ‘hero’ – this makes me very uncomfortable and I really don’t like how the press continues to blithely repeat this. He was as courageous as the other 600 POW’s for he did indeed suffer as did they while a POW. But to be a hero, at least in my eyes, means that you did something ‘heroic’, such as saved someone’s life or put your life at risk while trying to save someone else’s life. I don’t think he did that, did he? Hero is a word that should be used sparingly. Overusage and applying it to everyone just cheapens the word and is an insult to those who are truly heroic in every sense of the word.

5 11 2008

Palin: Not my fault McCain lost

Was it Sarah Palin’s fault? She doesn’t think so.

Here’s the link to the AP story:,0,3106803.story

5 11 2008

Ohh more good news! I finally looked at my hotmail and saw that a NEW Sheriff was elected on Orange County, FL. Now I know a lot has happened but remember back at the Palin rally when that Sheriff got up in uniform and spewed racial crap? He is now unemployed!!!!

5 11 2008

I bet the item that have ‘disappeared’ are items that they did not want ‘donated’. Keep your eyes open up there! The RNC may want to be reimbursed for her lavish ‘free for all’ shopping sprees.

5 11 2008

mvngfwd (12:32:28) : Yesssss!

5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


That is awesome news! HAhahahahah….big old tough sheriff!

Unemployed racist, blow-hard! Serves him sooooo right!

5 11 2008
Northern Exposure

Hey, Alaska. Can we put Sarah up for sale on E-Bay? Might get some pretty good bids out of say, South Carolina?? West Virginia?? Texas?? Wyoming?? Alabama??

5 11 2008

McCain wanted a woman….period. And of the few women governors she was the youngest….the others were too old…that’s it in a nutshell. They figured what harm could she be coming – from the tundra…

Today Sarah threw McCain under the bus too while looking ahead to her bid in ’12. She said she had nothing to do with McCain’s loss…it’s the econony, stupid!!

Sarah is trying to distance herself from McCain’s defeat…like she was an innocent participant…eegads Alaska…what were you thinking? LOL

I can’t remember detesting a political figure this much in my life. Everything about Sarah Palin makes my skin crawl – starting with her voice, her mockingness (is that a word?), her sarcasm, the way she screws her face up and squeaks her repetitive lies…..the way she waves her knuckle in the air to make some emphatic, ignorant remark….

Come moosehunting season I hope you Alaskans arm the moose…

5 11 2008

Maybe MsP can hire him as a babysitter?

5 11 2008
Jan Arnold

Sorry Northern Exposure, I am in SC and although still overall Red, lots of us blue voters worked hard here… Try over in Tennessee – they were alot more red than we were….

5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@ Northern Exposure,

Is that with or without the “towel”?

Just askin’

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

in case you missed barbies concession speech..grin…

News Alert.. Recovered from the trash at the McFailin hotel last night…

Palin Acceptance Speech, final edit.

My Fellow Americans,

As many of you know, I had the glorious and God given task to run for President , I mean Vice President with my BFF, John Sidney McCain. The honor and incredibleness of this day has been forever etched as my best experience as both a maverick and and a uniter. We must resolve to strive to achieve those highest possible goals as possible to achieve them with most achievers that achieve their highest potential.

Today, as the election has come to a close, it’s my great pleasure to not look backwards or playing the name-game and I won’t be playing anything negativity about my special gift from God to be the leader, I mean co-leader, I mean, there is so much to say about being a Diva, and Yes, I am now positive about the greateness of myself and Alaska and all her most amazing beauty and the excitement of being a Govenor but that has grown to the extent that I don’t feel the humbleness to appreciate the job before me.

I must express much joy and admiration to the people running against me, and for their ultimate cheating and smearing of my great name, the great name of Alaska and America and for saying mean things about my goodness and my best dude Todd, who is the greatest snowmachiner ever in the land of goodness. I have several children, Piper, Willow, Track, Toad, Horatio and Glorius. Many had asked I release my medical records, and for that honor and duty, i turned to my friend and doctor pal who wrote all you need to know about me and all you’ll ever know as my medical records were shredded into confetti last night.

I must thank the goodness and specialness of the Republican party for buying my family this most wonderfulness of a God-given wardrobe that came from consignment stores like Saks Consigments and Neiman Marcus Consigments. Those special stores only sell special things that makes me special. There’s nothing more special than spending $2300 on a pair of lace panties since it makes me feel more than special, it makes me appreciative for special silkiness which is so wonderful.

I want to announce, as per the wonderful and grand Constitution of America, I will be taking my place as President by invoking the rule in there somewhere around the 3rd page that says the Alaskans running for special offices get preferences over the less special non-Alaskans. All those who doubt my authority, can talk to my hand. I will be too self-absorbed to bother listening.

My tenure of course, is now over in Alaska as the limelight I’ve experienced as just so amazing that God blessed me with such goodness to be able to serve these wonderful people in all the great small cities where real Americans live and thank you for all the wonderful priviledges to have succeeded as something as special as I’ve accomplished.

Tonight, I will rest and go on vacation to tahiti, as I still have a GOP debit card, and the greatness about this debit card as it never runs out of money and as such, means my special God given right to go to Tahiti is fixed in the plans of Greatness God has in store for me.

I must leave now as I see people running towards the podium and i have a feeling they found the Rolls I bought yesterday. God loves me and God loves America. The rest of you, I don’t think as much.

5 11 2008
Miemaw from Texas

I’m speechless — almost.

She probably needed clothes for the campaign trail. Maybe Mr. Palin did.

However, I question buying a 6-7 year old girl, a Louis Vuitton handbag, at the cost of $650.

She got y’all (the State of Alaska) for per diem expenses while she lived at home, travel expenses for her kids, and who knows what the hell else.

She got to the Republican Party for a wardrobe. A very expensive wardrobe.

We are all blessed that she didn’t have the opportunity to loot the United States Treasury.

This is a person with a sense of entitlement that is beyond belief.

Obviously, for some reason, she thinks the world owes her.

We are again blessed that she is now, once more, the problem of The State of Alaska.

5 11 2008
Jan Arnold

Hee Hee, I am actually at Chic fil a and they are giving free chicken sandwiches or something for election yard signs through Nov 12. I cant get one because some jerk stole my nice Obama sign with the peace dove in the background that ran me about 20 bucks on cafe press. But, anyway, a lady came in with her yard sign for McCain Palin and I thought but did not say “We got a shiney new president and all you got was that nasty old yard sign.” But then I remembered. She also got the shiney new president. He’s for EVERYBODY. Hey, she got a sandwich too. 😦

5 11 2008
Irish in FL

ED (11:58:00) :

“. . .it certainly would be a uniter type role.”

She is in la – la land.

No indeed, she’s not. She truly believes that she is a uniter. Except her idea of uniter is “Everybody do it my way and we will be united.”
That is the thinking process of a narcissist with full blown NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) because they ARE their world…noone else counts or matters unless it affects them somehow….really sick thought processes in order to maintain and protet the ego…..

5 11 2008

bringing this question over from last thread:

LaNon (12:38:45) :
did the poll numbers close on begich prior to stevens’ win, or was the win a total surprise?

5 11 2008

Did anyone hear on CNN today that there may be plans in the making for a SP talk show. I think someone wants to make her an Oprah .

5 11 2008

Ya’ll need to check out the latest (and probably the last) version of the famous “Palin as president” link.

Beautiful, truly beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 11 2008

To the Tune of “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”:

Sarah got run over by a snowmobiler
Coming back to Alaska inauguration eve
You can say “There’s no such think as karma”
But as for me and Obama we believe…

She’d been drinking too much “Red Bull”
and we asked her please to go…
But she wanted more compensation…
And she wandered out the door into the snow…

When we found her inauguration morning
at the scene of the attack…
She had tread marks on her forehead…
And incriminating hockey marks on her back…

5 11 2008

For an amazingly narcissistic, snarky reply to the question did she cost McCain the elecftion, see Sarah Palin in short video here:

and tell me this woman is safe to be let out in public with her mouth open. Her Valley Girl Voice-Sneer is unmistakeable.

5 11 2008
eajphd Wolves Run Free

Well I guess this will put an end to “faith-based vetting” (deliberate pun). I hope that the blow back hits where its due – Dobson, Limbaugh, Kristol, Rove and all the others who groomed her in the belief that she would do their bidding to insure the “permanent Republican majority.” I wonder how Rev. Muthee is going to explain the failure of the anointing – do you think the towel business has something to do with being clad only in the spirit of righteousness?

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

Barbie could never be a political talk show host.. You gotta have brains and intellect and intellectual curiousity and read.. read a lot..

Who’d take her seriously beyond my honey, heather muskrat love wilson?? 🙂

5 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

McCain’s verdict on Sarah: More trouble than a pitbull


5 11 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Uh, Marty, that speech was way to understandable to have been written by her! Must have been Todd. 🙂

5 11 2008

Wonderful video posted by Nisperos (11:43:24)

That’s why we’ve got something to be grateful and happy for today.

5 11 2008

The Newsweek Report was put together by a special team of reporters who spent time with both campaigns during the election, with the agreement that they would not report anything until Nov. 5th. These reporters were separate from regular Newsweek reporters; no info. was shared. It looks like it will be released in installments. Can’t wait until the Palin chapter!

5 11 2008

don’t bet on mainstream success for SP.
won’t happen.
my guess.

5 11 2008

her silly real voice will return without the expensive vocal coaches
also her vocabulary will decline (if poss)

5 11 2008
Joy from Wisconsin aka Chisel Dustup Palin

I read Republican blogs. Mostly because it feels so good when I stop. But anyway those folks still believe Sarah Palin walks on water and they ain’t giving up on their female version of The Savior.

So I’m depending on the good people of Alaska to either recall her now or impeach her…anything to keep her from turning up like a bad penny in 2012 and we all know she will if she can.

I read that Ted Stevens won yesterday by a small margin. I fear that Alaskans are not only going to give Sarah another free pass on her political misdeeds but might actually re-elect her as governor in 2010. Please tell me that won’t happen. I can’t stand the thought of seeing her running for President and those Repubs are gullible enough and stupid enough to run her.

On another note, there were several prominent female Republicans McCain could have chosen over Palin. I can’t help but think that women like Elizabeth Dole, Kay Bailey Hutchins, or even Christie Todd Whitman would have come with their own clothes as would their families. I don’t understand why *any* campaign would have to furnish any clothing for a running mate. I just don’t get the hold Palin has over so many people.

5 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Hawk (12:52:40)
What is new there?

5 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

eajphd Wolves Run Free (12:55:44) :

I wonder how Rev. Muthee is going to explain the failure of the anointing – do you think the towel business has something to do with being clad only in the spirit of righteousness?

5 11 2008

crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl (12:59:21) :

Hawk (12:52:40)
What is new there?

Everything. Can’t you go to that link?

5 11 2008

campaign clothes are expensive
and are part of the telegenic picture,
most candidates have more money than the palin’s
don’t be naive
what’s amazing about the clothes thing is that they were not more discrete

no one could run with what is in their closet (except maybe cindy mccain)
not even hillary
not even laura bush
not even michelle (do not kid yourself on this one)
her affordable clothes were carefully choreographed

it’s a look and it is expensive
coordinated with the set backgrounds
and really a prop more than a wardrobe.

the clothes are not the problem
it’s the intellect stupid!

5 11 2008

uh oh
apostrophe police
*palins* above
my grammar is in the tank after
this election

5 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

sparkleball (12:55:38)
She is pissed in that vid 🙂 I can tell her of at least 2 vote I personally know of that SHE cost John mccain!!!
And I know there’s a whole lot more. Barbie is a sore loser….8)

5 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh


What was McCain’s biggest mistake in the campaign?

His running mate 41% 97,317
Not distancing himself enough from Bush 24% 55,724
Blunders on the economy 15% 34,218
His attacks on his opponent 11% 24,959
Other 9% 23,330

Note on Poll Results
Total Votes: 235,548

5 11 2008
Susie in Jersey


Your post about travel made me realize that if I got a reservation early enough I could take the train from Princeton Junction, NJ – maybe even down and back in one day.

5 11 2008
Ripley in CT

Sorry Alaska, you can have her.

5 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Joy from Wisconsin aka Chisel Dustup Palin (12:59:19) : … those folks still believe Sarah Palin walks on water

Maybe when her water breaks?

5 11 2008

aol poll is voluntary right? not a statistically selected sample?

5 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Oh boy! I was at the old link! All pretty and bright, “yes we can” 😀

5 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Great article AKM!

5 11 2008

I never heard that song before. Is it new?

5 11 2008

How is she getting home after her dream turned to shit !!! Those lost clothes got shipped back……on the GOP dime !! you betcha!!

5 11 2008

Advice sought here.

Many white people can applaud themselves for their lack of racism and rejoice that their state went/is blue (not totally based on race), however, I cannot. I live in Mississippi where David Duke has been attempting to hold a conference.
I have been part of a task force that fought against racism (not here) and would like to work toward getting programs established here.

If anyone has hands on experience in this area or advice I am wide open to receive what you have to offer.

As some of you know, I live on a Choctaw reservation. Today I only felt comfortable talking with Choctaws and African Americans. I sought their advice, as well. None had any idea of how to go about getting the ball rolling. Nor do I. I belonged to groups that were already established. Have lost contact with them.

We need discussion groups. Educational materials. And money.

Where do I start.

5 11 2008
Susie in Jersey

Who were all the people on the stage with the Obamas and the Bidens last night. Obama’s 1/2 sibs? Who on the Biden side?

5 11 2008

So does she have to pay taxes on the clothes, at least the ones that were “lost”. That will be a chunk of change, anyone from the IRS on this blog?

5 11 2008

The Robinsons were up there. MO’s bro Craig and his wife and kids.

5 11 2008
eajphd Wolves Run Free

‘A Palin aide said: “Governor Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense. Nasty and false accusations following a defeat say more about the person who made them than they do about Governor Palin.”‘

What’s interesting here is what’s not said – no denial that Sarah wanted the clothing, no denial of the amounts involved. Just who was that glib aide – the inestimable Meg Stapleton perhaps?

5 11 2008

depends on who owns the clothes

5 11 2008

bleep my comment on clothes

enough on the clothes already
they distract from the real evil

5 11 2008
Linda in Virginia

Marty (VA) Barack “Mr. President-Elect” Obama (12:38:23) :

in case you missed barbies concession speech..grin…

News Alert.. Recovered from the trash at the McFailin hotel last night…

Marty, Love all the “nesses”!

5 11 2008
Obama Wins! and Palin…Spends « Mamadance

[…] eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.” Read the full article at Mudflats for […]

5 11 2008

is there a welcome home party for sarah?

btw, how’s bristol?

5 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@ Dianna (13:15:13) :,

I applaud your efforts and wish I had some sage advice to share. What about your past task force members. Would that be a place to start for advice and direction?

I sure wish I could assist more; but I am at a loss!

5 11 2008
portland oregon native

Jack Caferty on CNN just called Ted Stevens “that worm Stevens” a while ago.
I am so sorry you folks up in AK are kinda stuck with all the loosers right now, but things will have to improve eventually!
AKM for Senator! Maybe public service will become a respectable profession again soon.
Best of luck, you Alaskans will need it.

5 11 2008

Unfortunately I’m in my 12 hour shifts cycle of, so I work, eat and sleep, and missed all of last night’s fun of watching, reading you guys, and celebrating.

I mentioned the other night that how the Republican party continues or discontinues supporting, and footing the bill, on Troopergate etc. will tell us whether they intend to groom Palin for Repostarletdom or not.

Looks like we may already have an answer.

Some of you are from Florida, what are the Republican Party’s relations with Katherine Harris like? As well as the woman who was a Repub. and became a Dem long enough to design the Butterfly Ballot, and returned to Repubdom.
The Republican party has a tendency to use and abuse women. Once they have debased themselves for the good of the Party they then discard them.

I wonder if Ms Dole is wondering today, if she just hadn’t followed the Bushies’ tactics of gutter snipping, and descended into the sewage, if she would still be in office?

Congratulations, to Mudflatters and all Americans who have joined the effort to end the Bushie 1000 Year Reich.
And who have made history. The Wow factor is just huge.

But just remember that the Nazi are still with us, and they are always plotting and always planning. They will come after Obama with a VENGEANCE.
One of you correctly stated that they think they are entitled.

Remember how they came after Bill Clinton, as soon as he was elected?

I heard a radio interview to two Republican spokes persons, before Clinton was even sworn in, they were already planning to impeach him. (I still think Monica was a Repo plant.) And in that same interview they were already referring to Duhyba as President Bush. They were already planning cheating him into the Presidency, eight years before he even ran!!!
That’s the type of people we are fighting against.

CONGRATULATIONS AMERICA. Praise the Lord but continue to pass the ammunition.

5 11 2008
GJ happy n blue in Red Idaho

Speaking of a Welcome Home party for the Gov. I hope the families of special needs kids turn up at her office, very,very, soon to ask her just what kind of friend she is going to be now, and if she has considered donating her stage clothes to help adult DS with independent housing, as well as other special needs programs.

Right on their heels, maybe the Native villiagers and line up asking for emergency heating and energy vouchers, and funding.

I’m sure AKM and the rest of you native AK’s can think of many more issues you can now demand that she stop overlooking.

5 11 2008
eajphd Wolves Run Free

Do you think that parading around in a towel was her way of letting them know she had “nothing to wear?” After seeing that, the campaign people were probably willing to sign off on any request for clothes.

5 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

Surely if you are not directing staffers to put anything on their personal credit cards, they are acting without your consent. Therefore, why would you reimburse them for any purchase made in this way?

Just askin!

5 11 2008

staffers, learned this one the hard way (PR pro for 30 years):


5 11 2008

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM (12:05:15)

Goalie, thanks for the link. I just read it (at work), and not only is the Nation’s article interesting itself regarding Palin’s so-called vetting process, but the readers’ comments are are also enlightening. Perhaps the secret group (for crying out loud) thought that they would be able to fool most of the people most of the time. Very insulting, so I look at Palin as a big help to Obama’s campaign, and attribute a great percentage of September’s $150,000 in donations to the GOP VP pick. I know I contributed the day after Palin’s horror speech, and continued until the day before yesterday.

And it was good 😉

5 11 2008

er, that would be September’s $150 million to Obama (sorry)

5 11 2008

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM (13:28:59) :
@ Dianna (13:15:13) :,

I applaud your efforts and wish I had some sage advice to share. What about your past task force members. Would that be a place to start for advice and direction?

I sure wish I could assist more; but I am at a loss!

Unfortunately,I am not in contact with them anymore as that was years ago in another state.
This is going to take some organizing and teamwork.

5 11 2008

LaNon (13:34:23) :

staffers, learned this one the hard way (PR pro for 30 years):

to fully complete the thought: putting stuff on credit cards is LOANING money. I did it for newly formed high-tech zilionaires & it was f’ing stupid of me. took forever to get repaid..(course, via expense accts)

5 11 2008

i bought one guy a tv on my card
kill me now

5 11 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA
5 11 2008
eajphd Wolves Run Free

“Dianna (13:15:13) :
Advice sought here.”

Hi Dianna, start by telling your story, your hopes and dreams on a face book page, then network with native American blogs and forums – you just have to do a google search for them. Put the word out here and at other blogs once you get started. You are part of a global community now (I’m writing from Japan) – nothing can stop that. Even Mississippi is going to have to change.

Be sure to come back and tell everyone how you’re doing.

5 11 2008

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM,

I think I’ll post this again tonight as I would might find someone that comes on later.

Thank you for responding!

5 11 2008
John* The Pitbull Wrangler*

I said it would happen. An Obama/Biden landslide. Now, if Alaska could only get the Snow Queen up on Abuse of Power charges. We all knew how the other investigation would turn out anyway. If I were an Alaskan resident, I would be screaming for the idiot womans head. Congrads to all Americans and to all you mudpuppies out there who did a great job electing Obama.

5 11 2008

Okay…better late than never! Remember on a thread way back when I mentioned the video of cops helping steal Obama signs in Florida? Well finally he has it up here… You have to watch it a few times to see everything but it was turned in to OB HQ nonetheless. “Hey, you can have the signs…we got the President!!!!!!!!!”

5 11 2008
Mae in baracuda country...

Cuda Country an Alaskan Soap Opera

Scene Four

Cuda decides to take a month long vacation prior to resuming the Governorship of Alaska. Cuda is resting and taking care of family business. The duties of propelling Alaska to the front lines of national media & her heroic capture of former US Congressional Rep. Don Young has left her family needing a ‘different kind’ of parental presence. Everyone in Alaska welcomes her vacation needs.

First Dude Todd and his future son in law get hired on with the filming crew of Deadliest Catch and deport to Dutch Harbor to get their crab boat assisgnment. Three US Marshals also deport to Dutch, undercover of course. This mission for Todd is a important step in gaining more information on the famed guppy, Ben Stevens.

The Cuda can’t avoid the incessive media coverage and gets caught flying to the Seattle Warf area with the Alaska State Trooper airbus to shop for Todd’s necessary raingear.

Convict Ted Stevens gets a budget from the Alaska State Legislature of 40 million dollars to begin the Alaska State Trooper Mafia Ethics and Complaints (ASTMEC) Commission. Stevens suggests the Legislative Council appoint Commissioners and the Alaska Democratic Majority demands that the make up of the new ASTMEC Commission include convicts from both Republicans and Democrat parties.

Trooper Whooten is planning for his 5th wedding in the town of Ketchican. The ceremony will take place on former Senator Frank Murkowski’s land on the famed Gravina Island ( where one of the bridges to nowhere lands).

Cuda releases one press release while on vaction:

Dear Folks,
I take this moment to assure the people of Alaska that the new ASTMEC Commission will only employ one convict. Former Governor Bill Shefield is not a convict and will only serve as Ted Stevens Administrative Assistant.
Governor Cuda

5 11 2008

e in Jersey (13:15:27) :

Who were all the people on the stage with the Obamas and the Bidens last night. Obama’s 1/2 sibs? Who on the Biden side?

Yes, I believe Mr. Obama’s siblings and families, but I don’t know a lot about Barack’s family outside his wife and daughters…I think we will get to learn much more. The big chunk was the Biden clan, including Joe’s sister, his son Hunter and his family, Joe’s daughter Ashley and I would think his son Beau’s family as Beau is in Middle East, and Joe’s mom. Lots of children and grandchildren.

5 11 2008

just in case this link was missed here at Mudflats, I must offer it ..again?..however so 5 minutes ago it is, it incredible all the same….

Lurching Forward…’-)

5 11 2008

eajphd Wolves Run Free (13:40:38) :
“Dianna (13:15:13) :
Advice sought here.”

Hi Dianna, start by telling your story, your hopes and dreams on a face book page, then network with native American blogs and forums – you just have to do a google search for them. Put the word out here and at other blogs once you get started. You are part of a global community now (I’m writing from Japan) – nothing can stop that. Even Mississippi is going to have to change.

Be sure to come back and tell everyone how you’re doing.

HA! Excellent idea. Was thinking of connecting locally and here @ Mudflats. Hmmm. When I moved here, I did an internet search for MS groups and checked with one of the colleges looking for activism but find nothing. I am in a remote area, so it is a challenge, making you suggestion a wonderful solution.

5 11 2008
SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper

Gosh-golly! I’m thinkin’ I may have to write her a folksy little thank you note, seein’ as how she REALLY is the gift that just keeps on givin’ and all, also. I mean, ya know, I was thinkin’ that with the campaign over and Joe the Plumber under IRS scrutiny for bein’ a big ol’ scofflaw redneck and Bush FINALLY gettin’ off my radar and it’s all about jobs, ya know, and Obama–bless his heart–inheriting 20 kinds of SH*T in his new job…
Well, I was just thinkin’ there might be a letdown or somethin’, don’tcha know? But here, the Lipstick Lady is keepin’ on and givin’ us the best material. It’s not as funny as it used to be, so that wonderful Tina Fey can go back to her real day job, ya know, also. Since it’s all about jobs. Or hockey. Or teen pregnancy, I just can’t remember, but I’ll get back to ya!

PEACE, y’all!!

5 11 2008

Well now that the election is over the press can mine Alaska for the information on The Wasilla Hillbillies without fear of being called sexist or liberal or trying to tilt the election. They can quietly dig without the election deadline looming. I am sure patience will uncover more over time. I am sure within the next 12 months we will read the e-mails, have answers to the building and a better understanding of which children belong to who and where education plays in all of their lives. It’s a taudry affair, but the called for it, each day standing at podium throwing mud, while screaming like a banshee when a flick of dirt hits her. Now the press can take their time, dig the dirt, make the mud and let’s hope it hit the truth.
The biggest offense the Hillbillies committed was believing they were not accountable to the public.
Not one single press conference. How dare they.

5 11 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Is she back home yet? Is she? I know I saw her leave for the airport….

In all honesty, SWWNBN is surely the bittersweet part of an otherwise wondrous Obama win. I am sorry she’s returning to you fine Alaskans.

A word to the wise among you: she has learned enough in the past two months to really be dangerous. You’ll need to watch her every minute of every day. As the balance of the Newsweek stories come out, and then the “expose” books get written by former staffers you’ll get a more complete picture of what you need to watch out for.

She’ll likely try to find a “sponsor” to buy her clothing in future or make an endorsement deal with some clothier…she kept winking the whole time she was watching how it gets done.

5 11 2008
Nebraska Native

HI PUPPIES!!!!!! I loved chat last night! So much fun, I left to watch the totals come in more closely and fell asleep. Coulda been too much wine, I’m just saying that when my nerves got the best of me, I was encouraged to have another glass… so I did.

Congratulations to all of us! We still have some cleanin’ and organizin’ to do in our adopted state, but with reports like the one from Newsweek, we’re gonna have some help, also.

Thank you AKM for this wonderful site, my guess is that you are stuck with many of us for some time to come!


5 11 2008
GJ happy n blue in Red Idaho

@ Dianna
Do you have a website?
Here are a few ideas to begin with:
1. Take some hints from the recent Obama campaign and how it’s organization worked.
3 Begin one supporter at a time, but inspire others to get involved.
4. Set a goal, like getting (insert favorite number) of people to support you each day.
5. Build a data base of those that want to see change. Connect with people both inside and outside of your home base.
6. Post your request for help on any blog online that looks like it has the same goal as you.
7, Google to find others that are doing what you want to do, and ask them how and what they are doing.

5 11 2008

I don’t know if she’s back here yet or not. My guess is that she’ll be in Wasilla before anyone knows she is back. I wonder what her security will be like now?

This is a really interesting look at how Sarah Palin impacted the Republican vote. Check it out.

5 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon

@ Dianna

Do you think contacting these agencies would help? I’ve never done that type of work so don’t want to distract your efforts – but I will help do Internet research if that helps.

5 11 2008
5 11 2008

A couple of things really stood out in that article.

First of all, how McCain’s staff hid stuff from him about Palin because they were sure he would be offended. That is a problem right there. Did anyone else get the impression that McCain wasn’t really in charge of his campaign? And if he was, he should have been paying attention to what was going on around him.

I also thought this was interesting…

Palin launched her attack on Obama’s association with William Ayers, the former Weather Underground bomber, before the campaign had finalized a plan to raise the issue. McCain’s advisers were working on a strategy that they hoped to unveil the following week, but McCain had not signed off on it, and top adviser Mark Salter was resisting.

It sounds like the McCain campaign had little control over Ms. Palin. I think she really thought she was doing them the favor by showing up for work everyday.

I was also deeply disturbed by this

The Obama campaign was provided with reports from the Secret Service showing a sharp and disturbing increase in threats to Obama in September and early October, at the same time that many crowds at Palin rallies became more frenzied. Michelle Obama was shaken by the vituperative crowds and the hot rhetoric from the GOP candidates. “Why would they try to make people hate us?” Michelle asked a top campaign aide.

Why indeed? Why Ms. Palin were you trying to make people hate the Obamas to the point there were threats being made against them? The Obamas who never once said anything deprecating about you…

5 11 2008


These groups have been with us for a long time. The FBI will pick up on this, and monitor it. In the short run we need to see who these people are, and want them to come out into the open. Good to know where trouble might be.

My great grandfather owned a tobacco plantation in Kentucky. He paid his black people, and the KKK burned his plantation down. They are an ugly bunch of bullies. Today they are called terrorists, and the law today is on our side.

5 11 2008
SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper


Please contact the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have a lot of educational materials that could help and can probably give you good advice, too.
SPLC, 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery AL 36104

I’m going to renew my membership today.

5 11 2008

I have been at work, so am not sure if you folks have heard this tidbit yet. I came home for lunch and of course….turned on MSNBC, (have to withdraw slowly) and Andrea Mitchell was interviewing Kathleen Parker.

Andrea told her, that she had been told…and it will be a news article, that at the beginning of the campaign…Steve Schmidt and someone else went to Palins room to brief her. She came out of the bathroom in only a towel…chatted for a min…then told them to talk to Todd and she would be right back. WTF kind of professional woman…or VP candidate does that???

5 11 2008

Mike Scott, the sheriff that caused all of the hoopla, is from Lee County not Orange County. I think he received something like 95% of the vote. Many people wrote on different websites in support of what he did. One of them ended the blog with Heil Sheriff or something to that effect.

5 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon
5 11 2008
End the End Times


Now that’s what we call vogin’ rogue. Boy, what to do with our rascally lil’ S.P.?

So many brilliant posts on here today–esp. Marty (VA) Barack “Mr. President-Elect” Obama..

@ C.Rock How in the world will they afford the BUDGET for an Oprah type T.V. show? She’d need an army of enforcers to keep a lid on the spending. Not that I wouldn’t rather have her on faux news than here in Alaska.

Maybe President Obama could make her a member of the NASA team and send her on a one way trip to Mars. Her return to earth could be faith-based.
Oh, and send David Duke with her.

5 11 2008


Sarah Palin, freeloader. Also.
by Kagro X
Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 01:30:05 PM PST

Dansac has already introduced you to today’s version of the story, but I feel compelled to revisit an earlier call on this in order to restate a now obvious theme: Sarah Palin is The Chiseler Supreme.

What a really, truly unpleasant experience has been our exposure to the two insta-celebrities created by the McCain campaign. These two grubbers, Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin, became the perfect symbol for everything that was wrong with and ingenuine about modern Republicanism.

Joe griped endlessly about taxes even as it turned out he was ducking them, and groused that Obama’s “socialism” would mean there was no incentive to work hard and succeed in earning more than $250,000 a year, even as he shopped around for an agent and a Nashville recording contract. (And excuse me — what?! A recording contract? Based on what, Mr. Hard Work?) Meanwhile, there was Sarah griping about pork and wasteful spending even as she tried to rip off the Feds for the Bridge to Nowhere, rip off the state for her per diem, and rip off the campaign for her clothes (and her husband’s, and her family’s).

Yes, in the few short weeks we knew her, Sarah Palin turned out to have more hands in more pockets than we could keep track of. She and Joe were the perfect pair. Instantly famous but for no good reason, pushy, greedy, and all the while cheating behind the scenes, and cheating on the very issues about which each of them complained that regular Americans were getting a raw deal from the elite.

Good riddance. I get enough of that crap from Reality TV as it is.

It’s like a whole election nearly went down the wrong pipe. Thank God the country coughed them back up.

5 11 2008
SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper


It would probably be very complicated and a lot of network issues to work out, but there shouldn’t be any compelling reasons (except that they’re all in IRAQ) that you couldn’t get some help with infrastructure from the National Guard and others of the groups you named. I know that the Congaree National Park, here in South Carolina, had their new visitor’s center built with NG help. It’s quite nicely documented with photos and such. Guard personnel used their warrior weekends and summer obligations to show up and build the thing, assisted by various volunteers from the community. Honestly, I don’t remember how they managed the costs, but it’s possible that the Park Service paid for the materials, since they were getting so much free labor. I only know the name of one of the people involved in getting that effort going, Martha Bogle with the National Park Service. Or you could contact someone at Congaree National Park and ask about it. It’s worth a try!

5 11 2008

Being from Alaska, you may know the answer to this: Is Todd Palin really stupid? Or does he just not have any personality? Or both? Or is it something else?

5 11 2008
Lock Pepper in honolulu

“She came out of the bathroom in only a towel…chatted for a min…then told them to talk to Todd and she would be right back. WTF kind of professional woman…or VP candidate does that???”

Hi, Laurie–
Apparently that’s true–saw it on huff po:
I’m sure it was for attention…

5 11 2008

A couple of Mudflatters noticed the frosty body language between Palin and McCain at the end of last night’s concession speech. Apparently, Palin asked for some ‘screen time’ in the form of a concession speech, and was rebuffed.
So the battle between city slickers and hillbillies goes now to round 2

5 11 2008
the problem child

Dianna (13:42:36) : You may have been out of touch with your former contacts for years, but I bet you could find at least some of them by googling their names. If they are still active, they probably have websites with e-mail addresses now. I bet they’d be happy to hear from you after all this time and give you tips.

5 11 2008

GJ happy n blue in Red Idaho (14:05:18) :
@ Dianna
Do you have a website?
Don’t have a website but eajhd Wolves Runs Free suggested going on Facebook.

Here are a few ideas to begin with:
1. Take some hints from the recent Obama campaign and how it’s organization worked.
3 Begin one supporter at a time, but inspire others to get involved.

4. Set a goal, like getting (insert favorite number) of people to support you each day.
5. Build a data base of those that want to see change. Connect with people both inside and outside of your home base.
6. Post your request for help on any blog online that looks like it has the same goal as you.
7, Google to find others that are doing what you want to do, and ask them how and what they are doing.

I am saving all the above and have written it down. I don’t want to lose any of it. Thank you.

Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon
I saved both those sites you provided and wrote the down as well. Not taking a chance of losing one piece of information, here. Also, snail mailing you a small gift to thank you for the signs.

5 11 2008
the problem child

Dianna: And if you set up a facebook page, you can look for people that way, too. Good luck!

5 11 2008

YAY!!!! I watched the whole thing live and danced a wee jig of happy elation when he was called Pres Elect. CONGRATULATIONS USA!!

I raised my glass in cheers to Mudflatters and Americans who got out, despite the barriers, and did the right thing.

I now look forward to a lot less tears and fears – the world truly celebrates with you all.

I still don’t quite understand what happened with the Alaska vote, but shall go back a few posts and read your analysis AKM, that I have come to trust and rely on.

I cannot wait to see The View with Elisabeth’s pained face (it screens a week late in NZ) and to continue to learn about Palin’s ‘cheapy’ wardrobe and the muddy waters of Alaskan politics . I’ll happily shout you the popcorn!

5 11 2008

megacephalus (14:25:58) :

It’s like a whole election nearly went down the wrong pipe. Thank God the country coughed them back up.

5 11 2008

So she really was the rogue and diva that mccain’s aides were talking about in the last week and a half of the campaign.

5 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky Hussein

eajphd Wolves Run Free (13:18:05) :

‘A Palin aide said: “Governor Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense. Nasty and false accusations following a defeat say more about the person who made them than they do about Governor Palin.”‘
This was being written about in the MSM at least a week ago, maybe more – it’s hardly a false accusation made following a defeat.

The old bat has a few too many aides, clearly. What a shame they were so focused on clothes that they thought Sarkozy was a haute couture label.

5 11 2008

SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper (14:15:15) :

Please contact the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have a lot of educational materials that could help and can probably give you good advice, too.
SPLC, 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery AL 36104

I’m going to renew my membership today.

The educational materials should be most helpful and I would love to see materials provided to educators at all levels. Perhaps, there aare programs that I am unaware of but we need it escalate our efforts, if that is the case.

I would love to establish discussion groups.

And thank you!

5 11 2008

How much will IRS ding Sarah for her flight back home to vote and back to Phoenix? I didn’t even pay attention; was she in Phoenix on Election Night? Why didn’t someone tell her about absentee voting? For the price of a stamp, she could have saved thousands of dollars in flight expense (true cost of her campaign plane?) and corresponding thousands of dollars in Federal Income Tax on that flight cost. Did First Dude and the family fly both ways with her? Add in the true cost. It’s personal income to her.

5 11 2008

> I still don’t understand what she doesn’t get about using other people’s money for her personal use.

No, see, that’s the thing — in Our Sarah’s world, using other people’s money for your personal use is a GOOD thing, because *it keeps her from being poor again* which she will take any steps to avoid. She’s a grifter.

Hell, using other people’s money for her own personal use was probably why she got into politics to begin with.

5 11 2008
GJ happy n blue in Red Idaho

CNN has been predicting SP will not be a frontrunner in 2012. Just as I typed that I remembered….2012, isn’t that the year all the funddies will be beaming off planet in that Rature thingy?

5 11 2008

AH. I completely forgot dinner bubbling away.

Lee (14:14:41) :

These groups have been with us for a long time. The FBI will pick up on this, and monitor it. In the short run we need to see who these people are, and want them to come out into the open. Good to know where trouble might be.

My great grandfather owned a tobacco plantation in Kentucky. He paid his black people, and the KKK burned his plantation down. They are an ugly bunch of bullies. Today they are called terrorists, and the law today is on our side.

David Duke picked TN and MS. to convene.
Hardcore racists are beyond me, but ones that can be reasoned with seems workable. Children need to be reached.

5 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[CNN has been predicting SP will not be a frontrunner in 2012. Just as I typed that I remembered….2012, isn’t that the year all the funddies will be beaming off planet in that Rature thingy?]]]

Isn’t it also when the Mayan Calendar ends?

I do believe that Sarah Palin will become the new Ronald Reagan for the gullible fundie Republicans, unless Alaskans can get her *ss convicted and sentenced.

5 11 2008

Guess Joe the Plumber is looking for a new line of work.

5 11 2008

the problem child (14:30:11) :
Dianna (13:42:36) : You may have been out of touch with your former contacts for years, but I bet you could find at least some of them by googling their names. If they are still active, they probably have websites with e-mail addresses now. I bet they’d be happy to hear from you after all this time and give you tips.

I would love to have some of those people down here with me now. I am sure there are people here, however, that are wanting things to change but we have to find each other.

5 11 2008

Ava- opps! My bad and thank you for catching my mistake. Well that stinks!

5 11 2008
j faith l

my cousin told me that people in Tucson are hugging one another on the street today

5 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Gus (14:43:01) :

How much will IRS ding Sarah for her flight back home to vote and back to Phoenix? I didn’t even pay attention; was she in Phoenix on Election Night? Why didn’t someone tell her about absentee voting? For the price of a stamp, she could have saved thousands of dollars in flight expense (true cost of her campaign plane?) and corresponding thousands of dollars in Federal Income Tax on that flight cost. Did First Dude and the family fly both ways with her? Add in the true cost. It’s personal income to her.
Yes, and she could of voted by absentee….! And did you see, the Repugs are trying to charge Barack for misusing campaign funds when he went to see “Toots” last week? This was announced hours after he made his announcement of Toots death the day before…
And their jetting Barbie all over the place…????

5 11 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Maybe some of you have seen this open letter from Michael Moore. It’s worth a few minutes. I love every word, but in the spirit of the unity Barack Obama has set as his task, this is my favorite paragraph.

We really don’t have much time. There is big work to do. But this is the week for all of us to revel in this great moment. Be humble about it. Do not treat the Republicans in your life the way they have treated you the past eight years. Show them the grace and goodness that Barack Obama exuded throughout the campaign. Though called every name in the book, he refused to lower himself to the gutter and sling the mud back. Can we follow his example? I know, it will be hard.

And here’s the link:

hose Hussein hotrod

5 11 2008

the problem child (14:31:47) :
Dianna: And if you set up a facebook page, you can look for people that way, too. Good luck!

Thank you.

5 11 2008
Susie in Jersey

Thanks, LaNon

5 11 2008
GJ happy n blue in Red Idaho

@Political Amazon

As I understand it the Mayan calendar doesn’t exactly end, it just rolls over kinda like our millenium, and that for them our 2012 was the date that a major decision has to be made on which path we will follow, the high road or the low road. I could have some of my theology confused, just now as it’s getting close to my nap time.

5 11 2008

Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon
I saved both those sites you provided and wrote the down as well. Not taking a chance of losing one piece of information, here. Also, snail mailing you a small gift to thank you for the signs.

5 11 2008
automatic slim

Nasty to the end: Palin was not allowed to speak on the podium with McC last night, but in her “concession” audio bite today, she congratulated Obama on his skillfull use of all that money. Please go away.

5 11 2008
Susie in Jersey

@Sparky (13:47:10) :

Lots of children and grandchildren.


And wasn’t it beautiful to see them all up there? They even seemed as if the LIKED each other, unlike the McCain crew.

5 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky Hussein

automatic slim (15:05:43) :

Nasty to the end: Palin was not allowed to speak on the podium with McC last night, but in her “concession” audio bite today, she congratulated Obama on his skillfull use of all that money. Please go away.
Every media service here has called McCain’s concession speech ‘gracious’. I guess that’s what they picked up on the wires.

IMO the speech was not gracious in any sense. The theme was “the black guy beat me”. Nothing more. He is a creep. And so is she.

5 11 2008

You left out the best part.

She met with staffers wearing nothing but a towel.

I know there’s a joke in there somewhere.

5 11 2008

Talk about nail biters …

Coleman (R) 42% 1,211,643
Franken (D) 42% 1,211,167

less than 500 votes !
( Yes that Al Franken )

5 11 2008

phoebe (14:51:21),
Sure looks like Joe the Plumber has found a way to capitalize on his 15 minutes. How much do you think he will pay himself as the manager of this ‘charity’? It’s also a good that he’s got a writing partner for the ‘book’ as he seems to have no understanding of the fundamentals of the English language.

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

nbc nightly news..

barbie is carrying trig like the usual ragdoll.. over one arm with him looking at the ground. that woman has about as much maternal instinct as a fruit fly.. sorry to insult fruit flies but they only live about an hour, so they won’t likely notice..

5 11 2008


About an hour after Sarah Palin arrived back in Alaska the police were called to investigate a disturbance at the Anchorage Airport. When the police pulled up to the campaign plane they saw Sarah and Todd heatedly arguing with the pilot and co-pilot. The officers questioned all participants in the argument and finally convinced Sarah and Todd Palin that they couldn’t keep the airplane. Sarah and Todd Palin left with the warning that they would attempt to keep the airplane from taking off. Sarah said as Governor of Alaska she owned the airport.

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

Dr Chill. there’s an election here in VA.. separation of 15 votes.. automatic recount kicked in..

i think over 120.000 votes were cast.. who says your vote doesn’t matter..!

5 11 2008

marty- you always make me laugh!

5 11 2008

Man those chickens sure do make a LOT of noise when they come home to roost, don’t they???

Get used to it SP… those chickens are ALL YOURS…

now maybe the truth about Trig and Briston will come out… after all shes sposed to be due in December…..

5 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky Hussein

Palin Reveals 2012 Plans: Kindergarten For Son

“Asked about the finger-pointing that has gone on among some McCain and Palin staffers related to her role in the race, Palin made it clear that she was not going to get involved.

“I don’t know what they’re saying or who they are but certainly if anything is based on any kind of anonymous source, I certainly won’t even comment on it,” she said.

“But I have absolutely no intention of engaging in any of the negativity because this has been all positive for me, for what I believe in, the values that I represent and the progress that I want to see America be able to make. Just absolutely no time for the pettiness. And that’s kinda just the way I’m wired. I don’t have time for that.”


5 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

Megacephalus – glad you’re still with us, always love your posts.

Agree with you about the gruesome twosome SP and JTP.

JTP will have to watch the door does’t hit him on the way out. SP may be a tad more difficult to see off, but AKM will do it if anyone can.

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

mvng i’m glad i’m accomplishing something positive.. 🙂

Lets travel to Alaska to see the Diva lifestyle.. ! hahaha

5 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

speaking of grandchildren……my 5 year old granddaughter just came in with a paper air plane she made with her grandfather to show me… is very cute with colored flowers all over….. with the word STOP printed in black letters ….. I asked her it she wrote the word….she shakes her head yes……I tell that it is very nice printing….she says it is for john macain…..I say John macain??……she says …I am telling him to STOP……I start laughing and told her it must have worked…..because he has stopped… are great….i guess I have spent to much time on the computer…LOL

5 11 2008
shell from Ohio

good afternoon/evening to everyone. There’s always seems to be some new little tidbit, huh?

5 11 2008

marty- Oh I will admit that on numerous occassions during the last two months that I have visualized/fantasized/verbalized what I would say and do if I came face to face with the Palinator. Let’s just say it would make for some serious Pay-per-view akin to a Krystal/Alexis takedown of Dynasty proportions! Stilletos and all….. 😉

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

News Alert..

After interview with CBS at the airport, Barbie tossed all her valuables in her 46 luggage trailers, loaded the 3 semis and headed home. When they got home, they realized Trig was missing!! After a search, they found they’d packed him with all her other stuff. Fortunately he’s ok, although it was considered odd no one noticed he was missing for over 3 hours. When questioned, Trig said ‘get me out of the lunatic fringe, my family is WACK’.. As if on cue, he hurled up his most recent meal.

When asked what was in the 3 truckloads.. Barbie replied “souveniers”.

5 11 2008
FAilure 2 Palinate

Sarah made a lot of enemies in the campaign, and they have nothing to lose by exposing her for the sticky fingered egomaniac she is. Hell, she’s been stealing from Alaska voters for years — now that she’s been to Neimans’ and Saks on the voter’s dole, her massive sense of entitlement has grown to epic proportions. Kind of like the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man in the in the Ghost Busters movie!

(Hey, Alaska? Somebody better keep an eye on the state budget and the surplus. Sarah’s back in town!)

5 11 2008
Jim, aka Pit Bull Hockey Puck

Just a note–that skinheaded sheriff Mike Scott is in Lee County, not Orange County. Jerry Demings is the new sheriff-elect in Orange. Check him out…

5 11 2008
rf11 in FL

@Aussie Blue Sky Hussein

IMO the speech was not gracious in any sense. The theme was “the black guy beat me”. Nothing more. He is a creep. And so is she.


Aussie, I had people say all day, “And, wasn’t McCain’s speech wonderful? He was really gracious.” I really didn’t want to get into anything negative today, so I usually just mumbled something unintelligible and moved on.

I agree with your assessment. I will forgive McCain for his sleazy, slimey, disgusting campaign eventually, but not today.

5 11 2008

Thanks to all who provided information.
Very much appreciated and I am very encouraged.

I can’t find an update on David Duke and his activities in MS. It was on NPR this morning and I just barely caught part of the story. I would go protest but I definitely wouldn’t go alone. I’ll work on gathering information and contacts. Step one.

Again, thank you.

5 11 2008

I’ll be happy to contribute to Sarah’s defeat, recall, whatever. AKM, let us know when she rears her head.

Payback is delightful.

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Barack "Mr. President-Elect" Obama

In my view, the McGrumpy concession speech was the only one he made during the entire campaign that could be termed nice.

How sad is it that he gave thousands of speeches and only one qualified as nice and it was the last one he’d give as a candidate for president.

5 11 2008

Here is an example nationally of what is to become of Sarah Palin: On NPR’s Talk of the Nation, Juan Williams was speaking with his guest and truly struggled with her name – like you know..”what’s her name again? Oh ya, GG-PP–Governor Palin…. This was very telling.

5 11 2008

Sorry to miss your reply earlier. Had to leave for awhile.
For what it’s worth, tho, I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of ol’ Heather as she’s now looking for a new career and seems to fancy herself as some sort of expert commentator. It’s amazing who the repubs put in front of the cameras to represent them!

5 11 2008

I’d just personally like to remind Sarah Palin that sometimes, God’s answer is “NO!” you can’t be President.

5 11 2008

LOL Go Palin, Go Palin. LOL It go on and on and on. Thanks goodness she is gone (smiles)

5 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

Juan Williams can’t remember why he sold his sorry ass to Faux news.

5 11 2008

OK, so I lost all the wordpress stuff I had years ago and so started a new thingie, and I am running a check of what my avatar looks like now, and also, I know this is so unimportant, but I want to lose that avatar pic from long ago and can’t figure out also what this new one will look like, so here goes, also.

5 11 2008

Back to a quilt block, works for me… and back to regular programming, also.

5 11 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Beautiful open letter written from Alice Walker to Barack Obama today.

5 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady
5 11 2008

mvngfwd (15:22:18) : I like your quilt block more than mine.

5 11 2008
SoCal Bob

Sarah has learned defeat. She needs to become familiar with it as it represents her future. Her successes are in her past.

5 11 2008

Dan Quale redoux? I can’t remember how to spell his name and I think that’s a good thing.

5 11 2008

nebraskanative But you have the blue quilt block.

5 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

This one is called “comedy gold”. Just a pic of SP going home, but click on and read the comments underneath, priceless!!

5 11 2008


Looks like another grifter to me. Where did McCain find these people? At least he didn’t get the clothing allowance that Ms. Palin helped herself to. Lordy, lordy. Well , I guess we’ll have plenty to keep us busy during the winter months. Having worked for a nonprofit, I shutter to think how much would go to the disenfranchised & how much to Joe.

5 11 2008

Well, she’s still got a wedding to plan, a grandchild to raise, and sending a young groom to earn money in the oil fields. I think that the corporate media might just have a field day with her up coming antics…

Hey… BTW, did anyone see the SNL pre-election day bash? I know that it was supposed to be comedy, but Palin’s segment was kinda creepy. I’m not sure that she was kidding.

5 11 2008

Dianna… green is my favorite color and I used to be green before WordPress outed me as a former blog “owner” *sigh* this doesn’t matter, this really doesn’t matter. 🙂 Having Sarah exposed as a fraud means more than an intricate green or blue quilt block or being able to not have your name run together.

5 11 2008
Political Amazon

[[[Being from Alaska, you may know the answer to this: Is Todd Palin really stupid? Or does he just not have any personality? Or both? Or is it something else?]]]

I’m betting on “p*ssy-whipped.”

5 11 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Wow Let the blame games begin! I said last night that I got the impression that J. McCain looked like he was going to spend what is left of his career making sure SP never makes it back on the national scene.

Things that make you go hmmmmm

5 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

OMG! According to the comments on the article I posted just above, FOX are really dishing the dirt on SP, Please read them!! She didn’t know AFRICA was a continent!!

5 11 2008

I have no doubt that McCain is a misogynist based on his known history with women, including his first wife. Now the Rolling Stone expose’ of his behavior is topped by this article suggesting Cindy McCain is an abused wife from CounterPunch:

It’s only fair to note that the years in questin were at the heighth of Cindy’s addiction, so injuries may have been related to that. In any case, just another reason to be happy he is not our next president.

5 11 2008
Betsy in the Midwest

Dear all–I force myself to listen to talk radio a few times a week so I don’t make the mistake of feeling like everyone views things the way I do. Today, it is all over the air that Palin will be immediately getting in line for 2012. PLEASE do everything possible to keep putting the truth about her in front of people.

5 11 2008
eajphd Wolves Run Free

“If people knew how frugal we are” – Frugal We Are – Sounds sort like Clowns are Us. AKM if you can keep track of everything she says, you, might have a new genre to work with – the comic reality show, sort of a continuous SNL with the dialogue provided by SP and company and acting provided by professionals.

5 11 2008
Ripley in CT

Some news from CT: I heard from an eye witness, that in Hartford (our Capitol) the streets erupted in people when Obama was declared last night. This is truly a celebratory time for a lot of people.

However, I can tell you this: I work at a high school of 2400 kids. The racial tensions were high today. We had to deal with at least two (discovered) instances of KIDS saying that they wished Obama would be killed. Of course, they were white kids. Racism is alive and well in these kids’ households. This school, rich in diversity, interracial dating, multiracial students, still has to deal with the close-minded teachings of racist parents.

A lot of the kids of “color” ran around shouting “Obama” all day…. and got their fair share of stares and snickers. It was sort of sad. Unfortunately, those kids don’t understand why he won, either. It wasn’t because he was black. It’s because he was right. I told that to several kids today. Soon, they will see what it all means. I am happy they are finally feeling proud, though. They no longer need to feel so burdened by the color of their skin and can rise above the prejudices. I counseled three boys today about this. They were upset about the term “nigger” used by a white kid. I agreed it was offensive, and asked them what they think their new president would do about it. I reminded them of his grace and fortitude under the similar circumstances, never bitter or vengeful, and that he rose above it and proved that he was not worthy of the acrimony. He commands respect by the way he chooses to live. Right, true, and just.

These were 15 year old boys…. and they looked me in the eye and they knew I was right. I hope they take that with them into their new tomorrow.

Hope Floats.

5 11 2008

nebraskanative (15:46:58) :
Dianna… green is my favorite color and I used to be green before WordPress outed me as a former blog “owner” *sigh* this doesn’t matter, this really doesn’t matter. Having Sarah exposed as a fraud means more than an intricate green or blue quilt block or being able to not have your name run together.

I have David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard or grand dragon or grand lizard, whatever grand title it was, floating around in my state. Yippee.

5 11 2008
Chris Blask

Back in the closet, Sarah…

5 11 2008

Now it’s your job to keep her out of the lower 48 for good!

5 11 2008
5 11 2008

Ripley in CT
Do you have any racial education programs in the schools?
Collecting info on this.

5 11 2008

It won’t surprise me to soon hear that someone has filed a lawsuit against good ol’ Joe.
A grifter for sure!

5 11 2008

CNN reporting that Palin newfound neoCON loyalist Randy Scheurman was FIRED for being the leaker about the trashing of Palin

get out the popcorn the leaks are coming hourly

Sources: McCain aide fired for ‘trashing’ staff

5 11 2008

Ok, so she winks at crowds and blows them kisses and then parades around dressed only in a towel. How is this behavior representative of fundie’s values? Not only is she a fraud, but about as smart as a bag of hammers.

5 11 2008

Ripley in CT (15:50:10) :
What a wonderful resource you are for those young people. Thank you for being involved in the lives of children.

5 11 2008
rf11 in FL

Ripley, did you get any sleep last night?

5 11 2008

MSNBC is going to talking about the clothing thing. LOL KO is so funny

5 11 2008

In Response to LibertyLover (15:45:49) :

Hey… BTW, did anyone see the SNL pre-election day bash? I know that it was supposed to be comedy, but Palin’s segment was kinda creepy. I’m not sure that she was kidding.


I almost missed it. I thought it was a commercial, and tuned her out, then realized it was SNL. I don’t remember anything that she said, but she appeared embittered and entirely humorless. Very strange.

5 11 2008

Go Ripley!!!!

Dianna… I thought we were done with David Duke, I am sorry to hear he is still active spewing his hatred. We have lots of room in Nebraska if you want to move.

5 11 2008
rf11 in FL

Dianna, this is a great resource for teaching tolerance:

5 11 2008
Ripley in CT

Dianna (15:57:04 Yes, we have a very active Diversity program with a Director who is a wonderfully strong and intelligent black man. We have 35 different languages spoken on campus. We have 11 academic buildings. It’s a lot like a college campus, really. I expect that it will die down, but I am taking every chance to educate these kids about humility. I showed a bunch of them the photo of my ballot on my phone, for instant credibility!

I love working with teenagers. They are very open to information, though they pretend they aren’t listening most of the time. I know how that is!!!

and thanks responsiblecitizen08 (16:00:10) : That counts big.

5 11 2008
Lacy Lady

I thought Sarah & Dude looked a little strange last night. She had a forced smile on her face. And he didn’t even try to crack one. Could it be, that they know what is coming their way??????

5 11 2008

So cool about Rice propping President Elect Obama— a day late and more than a dollar short Sweetie.

5 11 2008
Ripley in CT

rf11 in FL (16:01:50) : Sleep? Does 4 hours count? man… well worth it,… I operated on pure adrenaline today.

5 11 2008

Hi all. I realize this is off-topic, so forgive me. I know we sort of covered it last night / early this morning.

I just wanted to thank all of you (and especially AKM) for being here. I’m a lurker, but I’ve been all over this blog obsessively since the Alaskans for Truth rally. The humor, the insight, the inspiration…I couldn’t have made it through this election without you guys. Mudflats was (and still is) my first stop in the morning, my last at night, and at many other points in between.

Though I’ve never met or even spoken to anyone here, I feel like I know you in some way…and maybe I do. What we all went through in this past year–and especially in the last 2 months–was extraordinary.

So thank you to the friends I haven’t met yet in states all across this country…to our friends in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Sweden, and every other corner of the world.

And again: especially to AKM. Write a book someday, please ? 🙂

Wordsmith NY, aka Quarter Granite Palin

5 11 2008
rf11 in FL

Lacy Lady (16:05:04) :

I thought Sarah & Dude looked a little strange last night. She had a forced smile on her face. And he didn’t even try to crack one. Could it be, that they know what is coming their way??????


She would have to be delusional to not know what is coming her way.

Oops, never mind.

5 11 2008

Puppies… We need to keep a watchful eye on Dubya… dirty dealings coming our way.

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to

Hi Mudpuppies..

Important.. Please read, and no, not a comedy piece!

This was such a great election season and many of us made great ‘blogfriends’ on here. Who’d have thought a little Alaskan Blog would draw us all together in such a way. I think for many, it helped survive the ugliness of the McFailed campaign, and for others, it was a place to just talk. I found some comfort in being the silly one, writing humor to help people relax and laugh a little.

There’s been talk about having a party in DC for the Inauguration but there would be many hurdles to overcome.

Expect literally millions of people to all come to DC, with hotels and travel methods bogged down. DC can handle huge crowds, it’s what we do. But for the mudpuppies, it could be tricky.

Of course, who’d ever tell an Alaskan, native or adopted as we’ve become, that it’s impossible,,?

So, here’s the deal.

Deep and I would plan one if there’s enough interest to do this. We’d find things to do, costs, etc. Maybe local mudpups who have room would open their homes to out of towners. But before we invest a lot of time in this, we need to see who’d want to come. DC, in Jan, can be anywhere from cool to frozen. We’d never touch Alaskan cold of course.. 🙂

So, i have a new email in my title so everyone can write.

Please let me know if you can come, might wanna come, will think about it as it’s sooo far off, or can’t come.. And if you’re local, if you can house a mudpuppy or dozen.! Right now, this is simply exploratory.. If there’s an interest, well get more details.

AKM if you can put something online everyone would see, that would be super..!

If you see me or Deep, feel free to ask questions although it’s too early to have any idea what we’d do or even when we’d do it, but it would be tied in to the Inauguration Week somehow.

It’s already late planning,,,, really.. hahaha.. DC holds an Inaug every 4 years, but my feeling is this one will be the biggest ever. So, we need to make plans VERY SOON!


5 11 2008
More Light than Heat

@ Dianna
How about contact Morris Dees at the Southern Poverty Law Center?

5 11 2008

with respect to the question of mississipi

(We need discussion groups. Educational materials. And money. Where do I start.)…….

i would start at the Rose Hill church in Natchez MS.

5 11 2008
Phillies Phan

Hello, all! Long time lurker, and now I’m coming out!

The day after our spiffy new president-elect acceptance speech at Invesco Field, I was streaming in my NPR station (WNYC) to find out who would be McCain’s running mate would be.

Brian Lehrer called McCain’s choice about five minutes before all of NPR went “All-McCain-All-Of-The-Time” for about an hour.

So, I listened to her speech on the radio, and I thought, wow…maybe he’s on to something here. Maybe we should be truly worried about his VP choice.

Is he courting the Hillary vote? Is this the plan?

Well, no.

Of course, she’s a post-election joke now, and I’ll leave up to you great Alaskans to decide what to do with her.

While I can’t fit into those size six jeans, I’ll gladly take the shoes! 😉

5 11 2008

Apparently somebody in the McCain campaign has called them “wasilla hillbillies”.

5 11 2008

rf11 in FL (16:03:56) :
Dianna, this is a great resource for teaching tolerance:

If you scroll up, so many have provided me with information and I have saved every bit of it. No Mudflats for me tomorrow.

And I thank you for the addition of this link.

5 11 2008

You know, watching the goings on of Sarah Barracuda is kind of like the fascination of watching a train wreck.

5 11 2008
CO Almost Native

@Marty ,Nisperos, et al-

And here I thought I was going to have blog withdrawl…LOL! I read the Newsweek, and saw the interviews (I snickered at CB’s response-if I lost John a vote or two, I’m sorry, but I don’t worry about those comments- to “were you the cause of McCain’s loss”- a vote or two?!), but your posts are much better.

BTW- why did Princess Palin snarf up all the $$$$ clothing if she prefers to run around in a hotel bath towel? Inquiring minds want to know…

@UK Lady-

I don’t know which is funnier: the caption, or Fox calling itself “Fair and Balanced”:)

Can I be the first to get one of the new Alaska license plates? The state should sell them-on eBay (heehee) to the highest bidders and replace the funds lost to the oil price downturn. Just a thought-

5 11 2008

nebraskanative (16:03:51) :
Go Ripley!!!!

Dianna… I thought we were done with David Duke, I am sorry to hear he is still active spewing his hatred. We have lots of room in Nebraska if you want to move.

Boy, I sure felt like moving out the state last night but that has passed.

5 11 2008
rf11 in FL

More Light than Heat (16:11:35) :

@ Dianna
How about contact Morris Dees at the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Great minds and all that…

I gave her a link to Teaching Tolerance, which is one of the programs of the Southern Poverty Law Center. I’ve seen Morris Dees speak several times – he’s one of my heroes!

5 11 2008

rf11 in FL (16:07:11) :
Lacy Lady (16:05:04) :
I thought Sarah & Dude looked a little strange last night. She had a forced smile on her face. And he didn’t even try to crack one. Could it be, that they know what is coming their way??????

My first thought is that they both looked like they were ready to spit nails. My second thought was that they were a thoroughly unpleasant couple. My third thought was where are Bristol and Levi? Who has seen a picture of Bristol since the Convention? Why is she being hidden away from prying eyes. Could it be because she is not pregnant?

5 11 2008

More Light than Heat (16:11:35) :
@ Dianna
How about contact Morris Dees at the Southern Poverty Law Center?

I believe SC Strike gave me that information and I am looking forward to getting on this.
Thank you.

5 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Re: DC Mudstock-

Thanks, Marty for setting up that email.

Marty and I have been communicating on the side about trying to arrange some kind of gathering. But we do need to know how many people we might be talking about.

I have not posted on the forum yet, but I’ll try to set something up over there so we’ll have that venue to discuss it too, in addition to using these comments or contacting Marty via email.

In the meantime, think about coming to DC and joining in on what just might be the party of the century!

5 11 2008

rf11 in FL (16:27:01) :
More Light than Heat (16:11:35) :

@ Dianna
How about contact Morris Dees at the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Great minds and all that…

I gave her a link to Teaching Tolerance, which is one of the programs of the Southern Poverty Law Center. I’ve seen Morris Dees speak several times – he’s one of my heroes!

Wasn’t he a lawyer?

5 11 2008

ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck (16:12:50) :
with respect to the question of mississipi

(We need discussion groups. Educational materials. And money. Where do I start.)…….

i would start at the Rose Hill church in Natchez MS.

Thank you. Do you have a contact name by chance? And this, too, is added to my growing list.
I feel a thousand times better after coming here and asking for help. Today was a rough day with the election results for MS and Duke blowing in.

5 11 2008
rf11 in FL

Dianna, Morris Dees has taken the KKK to court and won! He has an awesome history of fighting racism and hate, and has put himself on the line to stand up and do what is right.

If you’re in the mood to read about an inspirational hero, this is an easy read but a great book about Morris Dees:

And, a link to the Southern Poverty Law Center:

The info Morris Dees has on David Duke would probably fill a library.

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to

Deep, we got a yes a few min ago in the inaugural mail about the inaugural party which is just fate and the wonderfulness and goodness of … ok.. never mind.. even i’m sick of barbie..

5 11 2008
Phillies Phan


I’m seriously thinking about doing just that!

5 11 2008
Nebraska Native

Dianna (16:26:38) :You will be welcome whenever and if ever you need an escape 🙂

5 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

party? party?
what party?

5 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Re: DC Mudstock,

Someone had already taken the initiative and started a thread on the forum. It’s under Events, and it has several replies.

Check it out and let us know if you’ll be there when history is made!

Marty – good news about the email – I’m glad it’s already working!

5 11 2008
Nebraska Native

Ewwww… the old avatar is back…

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to

phillies if you might come, reply to my email above so you get on the mailing list..!

And anyone interested, add to your title so more people see it..! We wanna rock DC.!

5 11 2008
Ripley in CT

LOL @ Nebraska!!! Nice “I Dream of Jeannie” you got goin’ on there! Also!

*I’m gonna sort of miss speaking in Palinese*

5 11 2008
Phillies Phan

All done, MudstockDC!!


5 11 2008

Nebraska Native (16:40:32) :
Dianna (16:26:38) :You will be welcome whenever and if ever you need an escape

Oh, that would be wonderful! I extend an invitation to you should you want to come see the swamps and the Natchez Trace. Can’t promise any alligator viewings as I have yet to see one.

Your blonde ponytail avatar is back. lol Where the blue quilt block go?

5 11 2008

Nebraska Native (16:40:32) :
Dianna (16:26:38) :You will be welcome whenever and if ever you need an escape

did Where did the…

5 11 2008
West Virginian

UGH! I went to the Fox News website to see what they were saying about Palin today. (I know, not a good move). There was an article with questions they asked her as she was leaving the Biltmore this AM.

The comments made on the article are just horrible! Very anti-Obama, racist and hateful.

Hard to believe these are the people who think they are so “moral”.

5 11 2008

I didn’t believe it could get worse for her..
I hope the people of Alaska wake up soon ..
Stop this opportunist fast..

5 11 2008

It puzzles me why the pundits, in discussing the rebuilding of the Republican party, would even consider Governor Palin.

Not even including the new clothes, why would anyone want an individual who appeals to the basest qualities of crowd mentality. Scary.

5 11 2008

GJ happy n blue in Red Idaho (14:05:18) :

@ Dianna
Do you have a website?
Here are a few ideas to begin with:
1. Take some hints from the recent Obama campaign and how it’s organization worked.
3 Begin one supporter at a time, but inspire others to get involved.
4. Set a goal, like getting (insert favorite number) of people to support you each day.
5. Build a data base of those that want to see change. Connect with people both inside and outside of your home base.
6. Post your request for help on any blog online that looks like it has the same goal as you.
7, Google to find others that are doing what you want to do, and ask them how and what they are doing.
Good advice. Good to read one more time.

Add to this list careful use of email:
Headline subject lines that cannot be resisted

YouTube. YouTube is really important. Your posts on websites (news and cause) can point to YouTube messages. Use different styles too–newsroom, compilation of clips, originally-produced material. Get the kids who will benefit to help with message and production.

Look for co-sponsorships for events and information campaigns. Win-win.

5 11 2008

I love KO!!

5 11 2008

Did the campaign seriously fly her back ?? After the lame-ass whining about Obama going to see Toots on her deathbed – and they flew this turd home ??? I mean – I understand good riddance and out of sight-out of mind……..Could’nt she fly commercial ?? She did it in labor with broken water !!!! Oh yeah- with what the airlines charge for extra bags…….all that loot would have cost a fortune !! Lets stay on her ass about the “donation”

5 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to

how funny. .. According to Fox, elizabeth hasselbeck was so inspired, she’s now going to support Obama.. Even the dumbest of the dumb sometimes catch Obama Fever..!

5 11 2008

Ripley in CT (16:04:46) :
Dianna (15:57:04 Yes, we have a very active Diversity program with a Director who is a wonderfully strong and intelligent black man. We have 35 different languages spoken on campus. We have 11 academic buildings. It’s a lot like a college campus, really. I expect that it will die down, but I am taking every chance to educate these kids about humility. I showed a bunch of them the photo of my ballot on my phone, for instant credibility!

I love working with teenagers. They are very open to information, though they pretend they aren’t listening most of the time. I know how that is!!!

and thanks responsiblecitizen08 (16:00:10) : That counts big.

I am daring to dream that MS could have this, too.
You sound like a wonder teacher.

5 11 2008

Okay, who else is crying again while watching Keith?

5 11 2008

Sorry if this is a repeat, but remember how fun it was to watch the tricks added to the interactive website?

Check it out now:

5 11 2008
rf11 in FL

Augie, I’ve been crying on and off all day!

5 11 2008
Ripley in CT

Augie (16:59:09 I cry every time they show the announcement at 11 PM to the crowd in Chicago. Amazing.
then I cry again when he has all those thousands of people saying in one voice, “Yes We CAN!” at the end.

5 11 2008

Holy s**t! Is anyone watching O’Riley on Fox! I never watch Fox but I was switching channels and saw they are discussing inside info about Palin. Wow! She would throw rabid temper tantrums when she read negative press clippings in the mornings for much of the campaign after the Couric interview disaster. She went into rages against her staff and put people in tears. At least one person was fired for leaking information about what was going on. So our intuitions here on Mudflats from P-Day onward that she was truly unstable beyond the pale. Someone will probably write a book and this will all come out. She was a total train wreck. Such a book eventually existing will probably end her career. I honestly think she is a sociopath far beyond what anyone can yet fully grasp. McCain was foolish beyond words for not properly vetting her. I think by not doing so it reveals he really did subconsciously want to lose the election. By August 29th he knew his physical strength would never be enough to be President of the United States for four years. He just simply crashed his fourth or fifth plane (I have lost count) to get out of it. Palin obliged. She had the aerodynamic qualities of a lead paper weight. Truly as disturbed and deluded a human being as has ever appeared on the national stage to get 15 minutes of mind bending reckless fame.

His plan, in fact, worked and we are all the better for it. But the American people had to come through to make the plan work. Thank you to everyone here who did!

5 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

rf11 in FL (17:03:22) :

Augie, I’ve been crying on and off all day!
I have also! This is just so emotional for me!

5 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

I guess my question to President Elect Obama is: What can I do for our country? To help with the change we so desperately need!

5 11 2008

Yeah, me too. I’m glad it wasn’t just me.

5 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky Hussein

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to (16:58:05) :

how funny. .. According to Fox, elizabeth hasselbeck was so inspired, she’s now going to support Obama.. Even the dumbest of the dumb sometimes catch Obama Fever..!
Why do I feel like my IQ just went down?

5 11 2008

HamletsMill (17:05:33) :
I saw it too. Incredible.
Thanks for good posts here and above on shopping (!).
You have a flair for psychological insight..

5 11 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

I love the fact that they describe her and her family as Wasilla hillbillies looting Nieman Marcus! I’m sure there is much more dirt which I will guiltily enjoy.

People at work were so happy today. Everyone was saying thet were proud to be American again!

5 11 2008


Add to this list careful use of email:
Headline subject lines that cannot be resisted

YouTube. YouTube is really important. Your posts on websites (news and cause) can point to YouTube messages. Use different styles too–newsroom, compilation of clips, originally-produced material. Get the kids who will benefit to help with message and production.

Look for co-sponsorships for events and information campaigns. Win-win

I wrote everything down and saved the websites, plus have added your information, as well. This is unbelievable. In a few hours, so many people have provided info that would have taken me forever to find.

5 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

HamletsMill (17:05:33) :

Holy s**t! Is anyone watching O’Riley on Fox! I never watch Fox but
I love your insight!

5 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Aussie Blue Sky Hussein (17:08:13) :

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to (16:58:05) :

how funny. .. According to Fox, elizabeth hasselbeck was so inspired, she’s now going to support Obama.. Even the dumbest of the dumb sometimes catch Obama Fever..!
Why do I feel like my IQ just went down?

Are you serious?

5 11 2008
Nebraska Native

HamletsMill (17:05:33) There is a German word that starts with an “S” that describes what I feel reading your post… vicarious icky is the translation. I shoulda took German instead of French long long ago, eh?

5 11 2008


5 11 2008

thanks augie–i was too afraid of the spelling to try to post it.

5 11 2008
CO Almost Native


Campbell Brown on CNN just had a panel discussion, including Roland Martin and Catellanos (Rep), discussing the disarray of the Republican party- and Castellanos said he didn’t think she had a place (all were in agreement), unless with the evangelicals, because she was such a light weight- hard to get rid of that reputation. The video may be up later, or maybe the program will rerun later tonight. And all agreed that McCain had no chance of winning- mainly because of the state of the Repugs- interesting…

5 11 2008
Nebraska Native

Augie (17:15:03) :Thanks Augie! That’s it 🙂

5 11 2008
Phillies Phan

@UK Lady

Well, you must remember the old Elvis Costello song…

“I used to be disgusted, but now I try to be amused”


5 11 2008
kas (from Oregon)

OK Oregon Mudfans — I have created a yahoo account so we can have our own mudfest

Let’s meet sometime in the near future – celebrate our victory – talk about the cabinent and wish each other a happy – healthy holiday season.

I will repost on a couple of threads…

5 11 2008
CO Almost Native

@Aussie Blue Sky-

Elizabeth Hasselbeck?!?! For Obama?!


5 11 2008
Nebraska Native

kas (from Oregon) (17:19:11) : Holidays! Yes, we have holidays coming! I feel my life returning… cookies, pies, birthday (what a great early present to all of us scorpios) good friends, so much to be thank (President Elect Obama, Mudflats, Mudpuppies) ful for! “It’s all good” as my son likes to remind me when I start whining!

5 11 2008

Have you thought about posting on That could also help you network with activists, and there are usually lots of good suggestions on the threads, esp. when seeking help for something important like this.

5 11 2008

Chilly Up There
What is it about Alaskan politicians? Palin is given a $150,000+ wardrobe, which she wears, but doesn’t own it. Stevens was given furniture, but he doesn’t own it, yet it still sits in his home. Stuff is given to them, but they don’t own it? Steven and Palin must attend the same seminars on electoral ethics.
Wasilly Sarah…

5 11 2008

You’re welcome. I can occasionally tap my German heritage.

Oh, get this, ya’ll.
Best recycling of Halloween decorations seen in the neighborhood.

Large plywood painted like a tombstone. Flowers in front.

5 11 2008

Now we know why we only got ” The Letter” in lieu of a real report……….just a list of her pyscho meds would scare us !!!

5 11 2008
CO Almost Native

There is a very provocative article about voting in Alaska, the current results vs the polls, on Five

I’d be interested in hearing from AKM or any Alaskan mudflatters on their perspective.

5 11 2008

Lulu (17:25:27) :
Have you thought about posting on That could also help you network with activists, and there are usually lots of good suggestions on the threads, esp. when seeking help for something important like this.

Another idea going on the list. Thank you.
Thank you.

5 11 2008

Trini (15:59:46) wrote :
“Ok, so she winks at crowds and blows them kisses and then parades around dressed only in a towel. How is this behavior representative of fundie’s values? Not only is she a fraud, but about as smart as a bag of hammers.”

It’s the ZOMBIE BEAUTY QUEEN SYNDROME (see Bachmann, Michele) and the GOP–and its fundie obsession–has got it bad.

Here’s the real truth about the GOP & the fundies. The GOP just wants their $$$. The “fundies” think it’s about religion; the GOP thinks it’s about fund-raising.

5 11 2008
karen marie

UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady, you’ll be interested to know that what you heard is true — la palin thought africa was a country rather than a continent. she also did not know what countries are signatories to NAFTA (north american free trade agreement — canada, us and mexico).

“dependable renegade” has the fox news video clip up here. go watch. and the next time you listen to a news program, ask yourself “what horrible thing do they know that they are not telling me.”

5 11 2008

IMO, Palin juicy item disclosures will be a lucrative cottage industry in the coming weeks. After hearing the “africa is (not) a continent” line, I concluded that the leakers will have a field day out-doing each other for the most outrageous deficit in Palin’s intellect and character in a kind of reverse-grifting scenario. I expect it to be a short but hilarious interlude with the ratio of true stories to fantasy running around 50%.

5 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Re: Elizabeth Hasselbeck now supporting Obama-

Um, the election is OVER, Elizabeth. Support tends to help more BEFORE voting takes place…

5 11 2008

@karen marie — UNBELIEVABLE! I cannot wait for more of these Palin revelations.

5 11 2008

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to (16:58:05) :

how funny. .. According to Fox, elizabeth hasselbeck was so inspired, she’s now going to support Obama.. Even the dumbest of the dumb sometimes catch Obama Fever..!

Oy. Can’t wait to see what Helen Philpott has to say about that.

5 11 2008
MomsHugs (aka Eve)

Y’all must’ve voted on Hawk’s AP/ story of Palin. Results (4191 total responses)

Should Sarah Palin run for president in 2012?
Definitely, the country’s ready – 16.2%
No, she’s fine in Alaska – 66.6%
Only if she brushes up on current events – 3.9%
Ask me in three years – 13.2%

5 11 2008
CO Almost Native

@Deep Blue in VA-

good one- LOL!

5 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky Hussein

Elizabeth Hasselbeck eats post-election crow on ‘The View’

5 11 2008

Let’sGetReal for “That One” (17:13:03) :
Aussie Blue Sky Hussein (17:08:13) :

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to (16:58:05) :

how funny. .. According to Fox, elizabeth hasselbeck was so inspired, she’s now going to support Obama.. Even the dumbest of the dumb sometimes catch Obama Fever..!
Why do I feel like my IQ just went down?

Are you serious?

Enjoying this.

5 11 2008

HamletsMill (17:05:33) :

I think the semi-intellectual “thought leaders” of the Repos are going to waste no time flaying Palin into irrelevance. And she makes it so easy.

Seriously, days ago there were some Repos drawing a “for her or you’re gone” line. It was hilarious at the time: Noonan and Brooks are going to be dis-Republicanized? Even Limbaugh isn’t that stupid.

The Rs with partly-functional brains know that the Sam the Jackass vote is only just enough to lose by a lot. They’re gonna expunge her and her little Dudd too.

Not to say rehabilitation is off the table… We need to count on Alaskans to prevent that.

5 11 2008
the problem child

There’s a new post!!

5 11 2008

The embedded reporter who was “in the bubble” as the Guv’nor went to vote early yesterday morn caught a pic of Bristol during a stop at a gas station owned by .. one of Sarah’s sisters and her husband, I think.

Hope that link works.. if not ADN has the story of the early morning voting.

5 11 2008

karen marie (17:34:04) :

I wonder if she got Canada right (re NAFTA). She can see Canada, right? And is giving a Canadian company half a bil ti think about a pipeline… That’s some pretty free trade right there.

5 11 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

didn’t know Africa was a continent? Didn’t know who was in NAFTA?

It gets better and better.

5 11 2008

From England aka Spoon Archer Hussein Palin (12:02:45) :

SP is “more trouble than a pitbull”.

I heard a comment this morning on NovaM on Obama’s promise to his daughters to get a new puppy if he wins:

Apparently it will be a pitbull and will be named Sarah.
So after all the struggle, she does get to the White House…

5 11 2008

This is for the management of this site. I think a great investigative reporting job would be to see if palin actually donates those close
As she says she will. I think there are enough photos of her wearing the close as one possible avenue. I am sure there are many
Others available to an innovative person.

5 11 2008

Heads up – new post

5 11 2008

FYI – Neiman takes back pretty much ANYTHING – even stuff a year old that’s been worn. Sales types are seeing a LOT of that lately as the Wall Street wives are adjusting to reduced incomes…..

So….. that campaign donor might want to try and recover some of his expenditures by having Sarah return some of her purchases before returning home. The local thrift shops might not end up with as much of an inventory increase as some are expecting.

BUT – do you REALLY think she’s going to be donating any of this to charity?

Here’s how it’ll go down (seen this scam among suburban housewives). She’ll ‘donate’ all of this to a cooperative charity (though instead of taking a tax deduction she’ll turn over the receipt to the RNC). Todd or someone else will be waiting as the shop marks up the new donations – and then buys them as soon as they go on the rack (at a price far lower than the original purchase price). Normally, this ‘routine’ allows people to take hefty tax deductions AND still retain use of the clothes – or allow their friends to pick them up cheap – think of it as ‘having your cake AND eating it.’ In this case it provides a ‘legal’ way for Sarah to hold onto her new ‘makeover’ wardrobe.

So….. if Sarah is spotted wearing any of those outfits, there’s a perfectly LEGAL explanation. Just ask to see her purchase receipts. Bet you’d have loved to gotten that jacket for $7.

5 11 2008

Ripley, I’m very late to this thread, but I hope you see this. I’m giving you a cyber standing ovation. How fortunate your students are to have you.

5 11 2008

This narcissitic woman is such a pathelogical liar! She went on stage during her campaign trail and told her supporters that she knew nothing about the expensive clothing given to her and her family to wear and that they were only being borrowed to the family just like the lightings, stage craft and settings that are all borrowed by the RNC. What a liar this woman is and will continue to lie about everything just to get what she wants!

5 11 2008

Well I guess McCain should have listend to his staffers and aids when they were complaining about Palin being a wacked job and a drag that they couldn’t tamed this woman even when they tried. Instead he chose to believe Palin over his staffs and now it’s going to cause him a bigger embarassment that she actually lied about the shopping spree and used McCain’s staff to get what she wanted. Now with this truth coming out, that’s got to hurt McCain’s campaign how things were being handled even more.

5 11 2008

Anyone find the statement ‘a generous donation for clothes from a gentleman was shocked when receiving her receipt for clothing’ sound like sanctioned prostitution to anyone?
Seems oddly worded. Very odd, indeed.
‘…a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill.’—Newsweek

What was the amount of the vastness of this majority, praytell?

HamletsMill (12:00:13) :
“Clothesgate” I think is really a smoking gun in suspecting she really does have a narcissistic personality disorder of some kind…

I agree with you. I’ve been up close and personal with someone with that disorder. Clearly Palin exhibits the same denial and tendencies and script. Very charming, good looking too. Unfortunately, the reason for this disorder [includes Borderline Personality Disorder] is the result of an abusive childhood/young adulthood and suffering much violence. It’s sad, really, because the person is unaware of their behaviour, even when presented with facts and you question why they did what they did, one is met with avoidance. It always seemed to come out of nowhere, when the person snapped and turned on you for no imaginable reason. It also means treatment and getting to well is a long ways away, if ever and the person will never be happy nor at peace with themselves, but constantly lashing out at those around them and pay back.

Sorry Alaska, she’s making you pay.

As for pit bulls being vicious and unpredictable — only if they’re beaten and abused.

5 11 2008
No We Can’t: The Sarah Palin Story « The Scarlet Raven

[…] And, so much for being a financial conservative: Read about Sarah Palin’s shopping spree! […]

6 11 2008

And you guys believe everything you hear?!!! I can make up anything and say that this was disclosed by top aides. People had some pretty “far out” things to say about Obama, but you chose to ignore them. When are you going to learn to not believe everything you hear?!!! It only takes one lie to ruin someone’s reputation, and telling a lie is quite simple, as you well know.

6 11 2008

If there is any truth to what rumors you are spreading, then we will hear actual names given of people making these claims — people who are legit. — and we will hear official reports by truth-reporting media. We sound pretty foolish when we believe every claim that is circulating.

6 11 2008

People, you must have missed the interview where she said the RNC bought her cloths, they are not hers to keep. She doesn’t know what the RNC will do with them when the campaign is over, which it now is.

Seriously, did you here anyone on the right busting Obama about his cloths. I’m sure tailored suits don’t come cheap. Plus many of his cloths were made for him, as the suit he wore at his acceptance rally.

This is a case in point why people get tired of politics. This has nothing to do with issues and it isn’t a fair assessment. I have to agree with Hilary on one thing, the media is in bed with Obama if this is all the dirt they can dig up on the opponent.

6 11 2008

looks like the wolves are all attacking each other….believe it or not this is from FOX..

Sarah Palin “I’m Sorry If I Cost McCain Even One Vote”.

6 11 2008

RE: bclong1998…”…she said the RNC bought her cloths, they are not hers to keep. She doesn’t know what the RNC will do with them when the campaign is over…”

Just because she said something publicly doesn’t mean it’s the truth (well, obviously!). I frankly think the woman is a bit pathological the way the lies spew forth…

And very interesting that these clothes…about which first she said she didn’t realize their cost, and then that they aren’t her’s to keep and that they’e to be given to charity after the election…have now started disappearing. How convenient…but not surprising!

Anybody that want’s to bitch about Obama’s clothes can look at this picture I posted on my blog some days ago:

6 11 2008

You have a point Amy.
As Bill Watterson’s Calvin of ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ once stated, “They lie, I lie”.

These ‘official reports by truth-reporting media’ you speak of… which ones might they be? Can’t say I read any headlines that unequivocally debunked the numerous lies perpetrated by the Republican party — nay, they kept piling them higher and deeper.

Where’s that Ministry of Misinformation?


6 11 2008

Sara Palin is stupider than George Bush. Stupider from Jupiter. God help us all if she runs in 2012. Maybe Russia will take her. They can wave her over just outside her window.

6 11 2008

get a life! What a waste of your life! Did you know the election is over? Prepare for disappointment as Obama fails to live up to any of the masquerade he put on for the last 2 years. Did you notice how he was backpeddling the last 2 weeks trying to lower the expectations of the unintelligent masses?

6 11 2008

Dumb dick loves her–spend, spend and show the ass and legs…VP=VICIOUS PUSSY!!!!

6 11 2008

haha…i guess McCain din really take into a/c her spending patterns when he decided to make her his running mate….

can u imagine if he had won and she became Vice President? Neiman Marcus would get bigger than WalMart with her a/c alone

6 11 2008

I just have a simple question, has anyone thought about looking into how much Michelle Obama spends on clothes? Or am I going to be accused of being a racist just for asking this?

6 11 2008

Yes you are a racist. Don’t you know that God is black, and his current son is now in charge? Mud Flats has sunk into the defrosted tundra with this attack on Sarah.
I’ll trade her for Obama in a New York minute. When can we send him up? I’d like to see him speak eloquently on the benefits of “COLD.”

6 11 2008

Does this blog seriously have nothing better to do than say that Sarah Palin is crap? If it’s supposed to go through Alaskan politics than why are we just hearing about Palin and federal issues? Don’t Alaskan democraps also do bad things for you to spout BS about?

6 11 2008

First, excellent blog, folks. You surely had an impact on the election, and I thank you for that!

But ughhh…just heard on CNN that the Alaska senator Ted Stevens might be asked to resign. They said that he showed obvious resistance to doing so, in which case there is an overwhelming likelihood that amist the current anti-corruption political climate, his own colleagues will vote to expel him. And who did CNN mention as a likely replacement candidate?


Just a tip worth looking into.

6 11 2008
Change? Maybe

This is definitely an excellent blog, however, I am surprised that such smart readers have fallen onto this bandwagon laid out and gift wrapped for the American people by large media networks. In a simple statement, WHO CARES. Does this have an any impact on your life, your taxes, your job? Does it not amaze you that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and other media outlets have teams and correspondents covering this story and other useless facts. What is there to gain from running this crap?

If the media spent have as much time on digging through congressional hearings and identifying poor and ridiculous opinions and relationships that our lawmakers represent then worrying on useless facts that are designed to smear one party or the other we may have really brought change.

Obama was only one step in change, the disappointment comes in all the other elected officials. Overwhelmingly the incumbents won. What does that say? What is Obama going to do with the same bickering children that are responsible for our current mess today? Has anyone read through any transcripts and seen some of the crap pushed by either party like Barney Frank assuring leaders the housing crisis was not a problem and tax payers would not be responsible in 2003 (in a transcript, no secret source, no un-named identity). I suppose if Barney Frank said he wore briefs over boxers we would know about that and CNN would send out a team to confirm.

How about CA whose state is nearly BK. If it was not for the efforts of a small newspaper, the democratic law makers would have let a key policy expire that amends a ridiculous union measure that all government sponsored programs must pay a fair wage essentially forbidding volunteer work. Amazing that no media picked up that considering that every non-profit corporation doing work for the government such as city homeless shelters would have to pay the volunteers or stop the programs. Hundreds of government sponsored volunteer programs would have stopped hurting the people that most need help. But hey, I guess that does not matter since we all know what Brittney is wearing under her dress on any given night.

I expect more from the readers of this blog, not sheep which is what stories like this are made for.

6 11 2008

Meh… presenting facts is not a character assassination. The assumption is that Palin is going to pursue a position in national politics, giving it relevance. Subsequently, what’s important is that people like her do not exist in a vacuum. Total venality while spouting anti-corruption rhetoric is only one part of a much larger organism of political hypocrisy, a phenomenon that has not suddenly been exorcised from American politics, when this kind of behavior is really an instinctive mechanism of our politics. And if the rabid talk coming out of conservative circles is any evidence, the Palin army is only re-grouping. Luckily, however, their first victim will be their own party, when they split it right in two. Toodles!

And with regard to my prior comment, I saw that you’d already covered the potential for Palin to move into the senate position. Well-covered!

7 11 2008

The Sarah Palin Fact Sheet

I am not sure how wrote this.

Bible Spice” has been involved in many scandals & potential scandals. It’s hard to keep track of all the terms and “‘-gates,” so here is a list of them with a short explanation for each one.

For more information about her, see the Sarah Palin Factsheet or challenge yourself with the Sarah Palin Quiz.

Aerial Wolf-gate: Palin spent $400,000 taxpayer dollars on a campaign to push aerial wolf hunting even though people of Alaska had already voted the other way, twice

Affair-gate: The National Enquirer has insisted that Palin had an affair with one of Todd Palin’s business partners in the mid-1990s, and even says they have an assortment of witnesses who took lie detector tests and all that jazz.

AIP-gate (aka secessionist-gate): Todd Palin was a card-carrying member of the Alaskan Independence Party for 7 years, which seeks to secede from the USA. Sarah has long-term ties to this group, having coordinated on policy initiatives since the mid-90s and having shown direct support for the party as recently as 2008. AIP was once supported by Iran and was founded by a militant lunatic who died in the 1990s during a black market sale of explosives that went sour.

Antisemitic-gate (aka Israel-gate): Palin’s church embraced antisemitic views and commentary. The pastor embraced a sermon by a guy who says terrorism against Israel is the fault of the jews for not supporting Jesus.

Bear-gate: Palin sought to take polar bears off the Endangered Species list, so that they could be hunted. She claimed their populations had become healthy enough to justify this measure.

Birth-gate: In April of 2008, a preggers Sarah Palin started having contractions and leaking amniotic fluids. She was at a conference in Texas at the time. Instead of going to the hospital there, she got on a plane and headed back home. She took two separate flights, with a stop in Seattle with a 2 hour lay-over and final landing in Anchorage. She proceeded to drive an hour to a hospital in Wasilla and gave birth to Trig the next day. Many observers have questioned the decision making in these actions to spend 8 hours in the air while going into labor.

Chef-gate: Sarah Palin has enjoyed saying she fired the chef at the Governor’s mansion. In truth, soon after becoming Governor she decided to work out of Wasilla/Anchorage rather than out of the Capital. She got the chef another position and eventually the chef went to work for the Legislature where she continues to cater at events in the Governor’s mansion.

Church/State-gate: Sarah Palin has spent $17000 taxpayer dollars going to church events. She has also funded her old Pentecostal church’s recruiting center with taxpayer dollars. Most disturbing is that she also went to tell these people that her policies such as the proposed gas pipeline were “god’s will.”

Climate Change-gate: Sarah Palin has repeatedly denied that man has caused global climate change. Since becoming the VP nomination for the GOP, she has tried to back-pedal on this, slightly.

Couric-gate: The 2nd interview Palin had after becoming the VP nomination was with Katie Couric of NBC. This interview went horribly and spawned several new Gates. Palin later would attack Couric, suggesting the interview was unfair, being filtered and generally a liberal media gotcha session.

Dairy-gate (aka Mat Maid-gate): Palin tried unsuccessfully to rescue and maintain the state-owned dairy. The famous Mat Maid dairy and creamery had become a financial disaster, yet Palin replaced the entire board of directors with friends and then infused millions of taxpayer dollars to keep the state-controlled dairy industry afloat. This failed, Mat Maid was eventually closed and all its assets divided up to friends of Palin.

Dino-gate: Sarah Palin told a local pastor in Alaska that she believed dinosaurs and humans roamed the earth together.

Email-gate: Sarah Palin was found using multiple non-Government emails to do activities that State law require be done in a manner that is recorded. A judge stepped in to demand all her email accounts be accounted for.

Eminent Domain-gate (aka sports complex-gate): As Mayor of Wasilla, Palin pushed for a very expensive sports complex that was one of the many reasons her town of 6000 went deeply into debt. The sports complex was built on private property without the owner’s approval, and eventually the City took the property through “eminent domain” powers. This cost the City considerably more.

Energy Supply-gate: Palin used to brag that Alaska provided 20% of the nation’s domestic energy supply. She was off by 600%. It’s only 3.5%. This might be insignificant if she hadn’t held up her expertise on energy policy as her primary national security qualification.

God’s Will-gate: Sarah Palin told a church congregation that her gas pipeline, the Iraq war, her rise to power in Alaska… were all God’s Will and that they should “pray on that.”

House-gate: Todd Palin has claimed he “designed” and built their home “with some buddies.” This is a $553,000 2-story waterfront home. Nobody has been able to determine exactly how this house was built and who paid for it. However, a fellow at the center of the Ted Stevens trial (about free house work) placed a legal claim on the Palin property and apparently provided all the materials for the house. Stay tuned.

Library-gate (aka Book Banning-gate): Palin inquired into banning books at the Wasilla library, and fired the librarian 2 weeks after a confrontation before the City Council.

Newspaper-gate: When asked by Katie Couric what newspapers she reads, Palin answered roughly “any, all of them” but couldn’t or wouldn’t name a single one.

Nowheres-gate (aka bridge-gate or road-gate): Palin fibbed when she claimed to have told Congress “thanks but not thanks” and “you can keep the money” pertaining the infamous Bridge-to-Nowhere that is the national symbol of Congressional pork. In truth, Palin always supported the project. She blamed Congress for not fully funding it. She spent the remaining money on a “road to nowhere” and never completely shut down the bridge project.

Pakistan-gate (aka Bin Laden-gate): Mccain criticizes Obama for saying he’d go after OBL if we had intel on his position and the Pakistani government was either unable or unwilling to do anything. However, Palin has repeatedly expressed the same viewpoint as Obama on this matter causing Mccain to do damage control.

Pentecostal-gate: Palin told Time Magazine in August that she spent her life in a non-denominational church. This is a lie. She spent roughly 37 years in a small Pentecostal church where folks speak in tongues, teach prophecy and engage in anti-witchcraft ceremonies. The church also happens to be part of a network that seeks to take-over government on behalf of God.

Per diem-gate (aka tax-gate): Palin decided to work out of her home in Wasilla (commuting an hour to the office in Anchorage) rather than out of the Capital. She has given herself $17,000 in extra per diem to work from home. She then never paid taxes on this additional income.

Philly Flyers-gate (aka Boo-gate): Sarah Palin got boo’ed viciously in front of a major hockey game in Philadelphia (against the NY Rangers). What wasn’t reported widely was how she had previously shown up in Philly wearing a NY Rangers jersey. And she jokingly brought her poor 7 year old daughter out onto the ice as a “shield.”

RapeKit-gate: While she was Mayor, Wasilla required victims to pay for their own rape forensic kits. This became an outrage across the conservative State of Alaska. Wasilla refused to change policy, and the State passed a law banning the activity. Palin now claims she never supported the practice.

Real America-gate: Sarah Palin spoke to rallies about enjoying being in “pro-America areas of this great nation” ans also about the patriotic values of “the real America.” When challenged on this absurd line of rhetoric, she later apologized for “the way it came across.”

Redecorate-gate: One of the first things Mayor Palin did was to spend $50,000 redecorating the Mayor’s Office. When her political mentor confronted her on this matter, saying it wasn’t approved by the City Council… he claims her response was: “I’m the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can’t.”

Robocall-gate: The Mccain/Palin campaign has been running scare mongering robocalls to millions of American homes. They imply that Obama has ties to terrorism and folks actively bombing the Government. The campaign has been challenged on this by other Republicans, and some have noted that children are picking up these phones and being frightened. Palin simply said that robocalls are not the ideal way to communicate with Americans.

Russia-gate (aka Putin’s Head-gate): When asked about her national security credentials, Palin has repeatedly discussed Alaska’s proximity to Russia. She said you could see Russia from parts of Alaska, and that she has some type of experience dealing with Russian planes and/or Putin’s head in US airspace…

Tanning Bed-gate: One of the first things Palin did as Governor was to install a tanning bed in the Governor’s mansion. The campaign said the purpose of the installation was to counter depression from low light levels up north. Perhaps nobody told her (or them) that tanning beds can’t actually help with that.

Teen Pregnancy-gate: Palin’s teen daughter, Bristol, was unveiled as preggers just days after Palin’s name being added to the ticket. Rumors had been flying that Bristol was the real mother of Trig, and eventually the truth of her teen pregnancy came out. Her teen boyfriend was flown in and it was announced they’d be married. Palin applauded her “choice” to have the baby. The future son-in-law forgot to register to vote, for the record.

Kid Travel-gate: Not only has Palin spent the first 1.5 years of her term as Governor charging the state to pay for her own travel, her own working from home and her family’s travel… but it now turns out that she’s continuing to charge the state for her kids to travel with her during the Campaign. She pulled them out of school and has the state flipping the tab. She apparently also retroactively fudged the records to claim the kids’ travel was “official state business.”

Trooper-gate: Palin’s sister had an ugly divorce & custody battle several years ago. It got so nasty that the Judge told the Palin family to stop disparaging and harassing the State Trooper (the ex-husband). The Palin’s pushed for an investigation into this guy, seeking to get him fired. The investigation ended in a very short suspension and closed the case. Sarah & Todd Palin were not done. When she became Governor, they engaged in a full-spread assault on this guy. The State Legislature eventually formed a (republican majority) committee to investigate her abuse of power. They hired an investigator who found that she had abused power and violated State Ethics Law. A 2nd and more serious investigation is now under way by the Personnel Board.

VP Job Description-gate: Before becoming the VP nomination, Palin had once joked on TV about how she didn’t know what the VP did. Just recently, when Palin was forwarded a question during an interview from a 3rd grader asking what the VP does… Palin said the VP is “in charge of the Senate.”

Wardrobe-gate: It was recently reported that the RNC had spent roughly $150,000 on Palin’s wardrobe and style-stuff during the election.

Windfall Tax-gate: Sarah Palin’s primary achievement in Alaska was to raise the windfall tax on oil revenues. Between fees and taxes, the State of Alaska takes about 75 cents of every dollar worth of oil pumped out of Alaska. Given the high gas prices in the last two years, this has given her a $5 billion dollar surplus. She cut a check for $3200 to every Alaskan.

Witchcraft-gate: Sarah Palin went to visit her old Pentecostal church and was “blessed” by a pastor who basically cast a Jesus spell on her to ward off witchcraft.

8 11 2008

I’d like to post an equal match called Obama-gate, but here in Illinois all we can find is “Present.”
He was elected and paid good taxpayer money to represent us, he did. He is on the record as having been “PRESENT.” I guess he spent my money wisely, by letting the other State Reps do the work for him. Truly a testimonial to productivity. Then he went on the represent us in the Senate. What did he do, he gained enough experience in record time to set up his campaign. Again, he did it on taxpayer’s money.

8 11 2008


Sarah Palin: Gate-gate? LOL. That’s quite a good, comprehensive list. It’s amazing how long it really is once you put it all together. If you were to see any one of those incidents on a well-put-together politico, it would be bad news. But to Palin followers, it’s as if the more incidents there are, the more they can be consolidated into one, giant, irrational claim of sexism.