Stevens and Begich on Palin. Two Bad Answers. One Hot Shower.

31 10 2008

I listened to the Senatorial debate last night, and expected that most of the questions and answers I’d heard before.  But Stevens’ recent conviction, I thought, might engender some interesting conversation.  The thing I didn’t expect was the two candidates’ take on Sarah Palin.

Remember, Sarah Palin, who launched her political career at the feet of Ted Stevens, and served as the Director of his 527 group “Excellence in Public Service, Inc” which could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors, has recently turned on her former mentor.  At first she was lukewarm in her condemnation suggesting that he “do the right thing.”  But 24 hours later, after her running-mate asked him to step down, Palin fell in line.  Lisa Murkowski, Alaska’s other Type-A red-suited political woman of power, and Junior Senator for the state, is standing by her man.  She was even one of the speakers at Ted’s recent Welcome Home rally, urging Alaskans to vote for Stevens and give him a “hero’s welcome.”  And our other congressional delegate, Representative Don Young is saying that Ted didn’t get a fair trial.  So, although Palin fell in line with national Republicans, she went out on a Republican limb in the state of Alaska when she threw Stevens under the bus.

Apparently Stevens didn’t get the memo.  After endorsing her candidacy, and waiting unsuccessfully for Palin’s endorsement of his senate campaign, he had this to say about whether he thought she was qualified to be Vice President:

Tracy (moderator): Is Gov. Palin qualified, sir, as president?

Stevens: Yes she is. Yes she is. I think she is. She’s had experience as a mayor. She’s had experience, really, as a governor. And she is what I think the American women have sought for a long time, she’s another candidate for a presence of a woman in our national leadership. So I think she’s qualified and I think our people would like to see her become president… vice president.

I’d like to see her become president, as a matter of fact.

So, she’s qualified to be President of the United States because she’s had “experience as a mayor”, “experience, really, as a governor” and she is a “candidate for a presence of a woman in our national leadership.”  After a few moments of stunned silence, I started thinking about why Stevens said that.  To quote Dr. Seuss, “And I puzzled and puzzled, til my puzzler was sore.”

The only answer is that Stevens isn’t taking it personally.  He knows that Palin had no option with the national Republicans, and he’s willing to take one on the chin and still support his party.  He’s been around the block enough times in 40 years to know she’s not even close to being qualified.  But what’s the alternative – say she’s not qualified and risk his endorsement being the thing that makes Alaska go blue in the Presidential race?  He’d never live it down.  He’s a Republican through and through, even from the pavement under the bus, and even if it means Palin being President of the United States. 

Mark Begich had the opportunity to answer the same question.  Actually he had an opportunity before Stevens did.  Here’s how it went.

Moderator John Tracy: If elected, and if it becomes necessary, is Gov. Sarah Palin qualified to serve as president of the United States?

Begich: I’ve answered this question a lot of times. And my view is, the voters are going to make that decision. If she wins her election as the vice presidential nominee, as she is now, wins as vice president, come Nov. 4, that tells us she’s qualified.

Tracy: I’m going to come back. Sen. Stevens?

Stevens: Well I don’t understand your question in relation to his answer.

Tracy: Yeah, well I said I’m going to come back. But I’m going to give you a chance first.

You saw Stevens’ response above.  After he had his say (and left me slackjawed for a minute), Tracy came back to Begich.

Tracy: Mr. Mayor, I’m going to insist on a yes or no answer.

Begich: Well John, on this one I think, again, the voters are going to make this decision. I think she has proven that she has some strong mettle out there. She’s been out there on the campaign trail. I think that the issue that I have not heard a lot about is where she stands on a lot of foreign policy issues, domestic policy.

I’ve heard her repeat more of the McCain line, but I’m interested in what she’s about. I’ve seen some interviews with her, but they’re not in depth and so I can’t judge that at this point. What I can tell you is, she has made the nomination. She will be there on the ticket on Nov. 4. If she wins, I guarantee you that she’s going to have to be ready.
… Your theory there is something’s going to happen to Sen. John McCain if he’s president.

Carey: It’s not my theory. I simply asked you if you thought she was qualified to be president.

Begich: The President. Well, she’s running for vice president, and she’s on the ticket.

That was Mark Begich’s 162 word response to a yes or no question.  Now, I like Mark Begich, and I’m going to vote for him.  But, he’s not doing himself any favors with answers like this.  Mark Begich can’t really come out and say Palin is an incompetent and unqualified candidate in a state where 62% of the population still thinks she’s doing a good job.  And he can’t do what Stevens did and say she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread because everyone who works for him, campaigns for him, or is related to him would never speak to him again.   I get it.

But there were two appropriate answers to the question that would have done the job, and kept him from looking like a Class A weasel.

Answer #1:  You know John, I have to admit that I have some concerns, and I’m not the only one.  Many prominent national leaders from both sides of the aisle have concerns.  It shows we’re thinking, and it shows we care.  However, anyone who lives in Alaska knows that Sarah Palin is a determined, confident and talented person who has risen to challenges before.  CAN she do it?  I don’t have a crystal ball, but I remain hopeful that this would be a challenge she would navigate successfully if she were put in that position.

Answer #2:  (Holds up hand, palm out, laughing)  John, I’m not touching this one with a 10-foot pole! 

Either one of those approaches would have been better, in my humble opinion.  But Alaskans are tired of lying and partisanship (Stevens), and they’re also tired of tap dancing and non-answers (Begich).

There are no easy answers in Alaska politics, and sometimes the muck gets deep fast, both for those running for office, and for the rest of us trying to figure those people out.  So I’m going to take off these muddy boots, and get out of these wet things, and go take a nice hot shower.


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296 responses

31 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Happy Hallowe’en

31 10 2008
Rope Hoover Recoil Zoo Palin aka Misfit

Does Alaska have a political class How to not answer a question 101 ?

31 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Oh, and FIRST

31 10 2008
Chris Blask

There is no good answer to a question about Palin – other than a cleansing shower. Eagleburger is still trying to eat his own honest answer…

A better answer to the ascerbic exclusivity of Palin’s Religious Right is summed up extremely well by “Brit” aka Peter Jukes, who also wrote a well-read article on the primaries “The Flame Wars”. Today’s insight from Brit sums up this amazing race and what our American politics means to the world: Just Words: The World Holds its Breath .

Thanks in advance for all your good words, AKM. I look forward to reading them for a long time.


31 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Begich simply should have said “Trick or Treat” and made a joke of the question, a variation of the ten-foot-pole answer.

Hey, is anyobody else going up to The Chalet with some toilet paper? I got a 36-roll carton…..

31 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Happy Hallloween for another 50 minutes, East Coast.

31 10 2008
strangelet Hussein

Bec Hussein in Illinois (19:03:23) :

I hate to say this, but don’t expect too much out of Three Blind Moose. You might want to have it after the bubbly.

31 10 2008

What happened to the Facebook share thingie?

31 10 2008

From an interview Sarah Palin did with WMAL Radio in D.C.:

“If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations,” Palin told host Chris Plante, “then I don’t know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media.”

I actually thought Palin got a bit of a bum rap when she gave her vice-president-runs-the-senate spiel, since she was answering a question asked by a third grader and was presumably trying to pitch her response at that level. But here, with her interpretation about what constitutes a threat to her First Amendment rights, I’m afraid she’s just totally clueless.

31 10 2008
strangelet Hussein

Begich really was in a tight spot with that question, but I’d have to say he shoulda seen it coming. If there was one question he should have had a carefully pre-canned answer for, that would be it.

AKM — when you grab him by the tie and say Don’t. Screw. Up., you might want to also suggest Plan. Ahead.

31 10 2008

geraldine- SP got a “bum rap” cause she couldn’t answer a 3rd grader about what the VP does according to the constitution?

31 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

strangelet, I just posted on the previous thread that by law I can only post a “sample” …..

But if anyone wants the whole fabulous song (with extras), PM your email address at the forum.

31 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Happy Halloween Deep Blue and all you Mudpuppies!

We had a “trick” played on us … someone tore our sign up – corner ripped some and the metal thingy was broken up — it was in right by the front porch, but we had to turn out the lights when we ran out of candy. Had about 150+ – many too old to be out IMHO – but also had a huge 10 quart stock pot full of candy. Got out the stapler and stapled our sign to the porch, torn corner and all! Ain’t gonna get me down!

31 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

better question would have been, why should alaska pay for palin to have her anchorage office manager traveling with her on the campaign trail?

why wasnt the lt gov left fully in charge?

Good question. Probably not as fun as travelling with a “long-time friend”. AKM

31 10 2008
strangelet Hussein

Deb (19:16:30) :

geraldine- SP got a “bum rap” cause she couldn’t answer a 3rd grader about what the VP does according to the constitution?

Yeah. The problem wasn’t how she “pitched her answer”. It was that she was WRONG.

31 10 2008
Road Runner


In the top 10.

What a circus. All because of Palin oh-12. She should have stayed in Alaska.

31 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

AKM – I think your analysis is spot-on, as usual. I think Begich should have gone for answer #2. For bonus points, he could have even Palinized it a bit and said, “I’m not touching this one with a ten-foot rifle!”

31 10 2008

Part a “The founding fathers intended ordinary citizens to hold office, so yes she’s qualified, but not as much as I’d like.”
Part B: optional suppliment
And her policies and world view are probably not the right ones for us in this time of crisis.
Thats my diplomatic answer.

I’m thinking that the founding father’s ideas about ordinary citizens was wrong for these modern times. They were bright people, and people like Ben Franklin were geniuses, but apt to underestimate the difference between their intellect and that of the ‘common man.’

31 10 2008
strangelet Hussein

Uncle Joe Mccarthy (19:18:13) :

better question would have been, why should alaska pay for palin to have her anchorage office manager traveling with her on the campaign trail?

Because she needs a nanny.

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Sometimes those “canned answer cards” just get lost in the “shuffle”

Happy Halloween all !!!

I think I need to order a Muthee (sp) ~~ sure lots of witches wandering around

31 10 2008

Anyone who is interested in live chat, a bunch of us are over at the Forum Live Chat.,chat.html

31 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

McCain making jokes about killing people again, but this time he’s not singing about bombing Iran. He’s threatening Americans….

Quote from MSNBC:
Then during a stop in Steubenville, Ohio’s town square McCain encountered some holiday-themed signs picking on his campaign’s use of Joe the Plumber.

“Could you raise the signs again?,” McCain said. “Doug the undertaker. A few Democrats may need to see you Doug after this election is over.”
End Quote

I saw the video earlier, and he laughed just like The Penguin again.

Damn, this little right-wing terrorist prick pisses me off trying to pass himself off as a presidential candidate.

31 10 2008
strangelet Hussein

DrChill (19:19:16) :

Would you care to estimate Thomas Jefferson’s or Alexander Hamilton’s reaction to Sarah Palin as a candidate for Vice President?

31 10 2008

Begich, what a wimp!

31 10 2008

BTW I want Palin to claim her gaffs this year were because her handlers wouldn’t let her be herself.
I want this soul-less GOP to go with Palin on 2012.
I want her to drag down McCain in 08 and the GOP in 2012…

Sa-rah Sa-rah..

31 10 2008
John* The Pitbull Wrangler*

If this is the type of politician Mark Begich is, then Alaskans can expect nothing better from him also. He doesn’t have the fortitude the answer a simple question like that. I call it having no balls whatsoever. I don’t care if he needs the votes to win. If he can’t win by being honest with himself and the public, he doesn’t belong in politics. Sorry, but thats my opinion.

31 10 2008

I’m on the night shift EDT and am sneeking this in on break. Just saw Huff Post Plain say criticism of her by the press breaches HER 1st amendment rights.

What planet did she land from. No real human can be as stupid as she is.

I’ll have to catch up on you mudflatter Sunday to see what is said about this Palinism.

31 10 2008

is begich a newcomer to the political arena? if so, we gotta give him some slack…..

31 10 2008

I’ll take a DEM over steven’s “et al” anytime!

31 10 2008
biglake ak

DrChill (19:19:16): I’m thinking that the founding father’s ideas about ordinary citizens was wrong for these modern times.

And yet they didn’t really trust the ‘common man’ entirely. The U.S. Senate was not originally a popular vote of the people, but an election by each state’s legislature.

I still like Thomas Jefferson’s idea of rethinking the Constitution every generation.

31 10 2008

strangelet Hussein (19:22:55) :

DrChill (19:19:16) :

Would you care to estimate Thomas Jefferson’s or Alexander Hamilton’s reaction to Sarah Palin as a candidate for Vice President
Thomas, what did you think of that confusing blizzard of words? And is she suitable for congress?
Oh, ‘Congress’ ? Yes, she would be quite energizing, but unsuitable for politics.

( Oh THAT congress!)

; )

31 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

AKM “There are no easy answers in Alaska politics”

As much as I would have liked to hear this man hammer her…

I think the Alaskan public, have recently seen, with shock, the depth and breadth of this Palin brain. Most are likely in denial, many blaming everyone else for her national belly flop, the elite media, McCain himself, whoemever. Yes I have seen her approval rating drop in AK, to around 60 (last I heard), but if Begich had said anything perceived as bad about Palin during the debate, he may have sunk any chance he had to win and thats the goal here.

So, he did the political 101 thing to do, sent it up the middle.

31 10 2008

Nice analysis, AKM. I’ll accept that Begich has to hedge a bit to win (if only politicans were rewarded for honesty) but you and other Alaskan voters are right to expect more thoughtful answers.

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Someplace called “Prose before Hos” ?? May have to visit this site again to see some previous work




2. I WILL BE THE DARK LORD OF THE SENATE (make policy changes)


Runners Up In Idiocy:

Sarah Palin Doesn’t Understand Fruit Flies And/Or Science
Sarah Palin Makes Speech At Solar Power Start-Up — “Drill Baby Drill”
Independent Investigators Find Sarah Palin Guilty Of Gross Misuse of Power As Alaskan Governor
Sarah Palin Is A Strong Advocate For Abstinence-Only Sex Education; Has 17 Year Old Pregnant Daughter

read more @

31 10 2008

Marnie (19:26:53) :
I’m on the night shift EDT and am sneeking this in on break. Just saw Huff Post Plain say criticism of her by the press breaches HER 1st amendment rights. […]
What planet did she land from. No real human can be as stupid as she is.
Marnie: Not only is she an idiot, but she thinks we are idiots too. Has that in common with McCain. Almost over: we gotta VOTE! and get others to do the same. No slacking in this election. We finally have an opportunity to CHANGE. Best.

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Oh No — my comment was SPAMMED


31 10 2008
Not your Pal Palin

Mark’s answer got me too. I also knew exactly why he refused to commit and appreciate your analysis there. However, I’d just heard Eagleburger criticize Palin while on NPR the same day, and Mark could easily have supported a more popular position. So, I like your response much better! Let’s hope Mark gains more confidence in his first term and earns the right to speak his mind more candidly.

31 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (19:42:20) :

McCain sign stories

The other day there was a story in the press about a homeowner with a McCain sign who shot a teenager who tried to take his sign.

Tonight I saw a story on TV about another homeowner with a McCain sign who rigged his with electric and then aimed a camera at it. The resulting film clip showed a nine year old neighbor boy being shocked.

No question that these McCain people are angry SOBs. I have not heard of any similar exteme harmful conduct by Obama supporters trying to protect their signs.

31 10 2008

Ten more minutes until Halloween is over EDT….


We’re starting the theme from ROCKY music, heading into the final 3 days before Election Day.

31 10 2008

Jefferson might liken Palin to Marie Atoinette. . . a politically savvy pawn used to make a weak man King.

Did anyone hear about some Rush Limberger clone comment that equality was not an American ideal, but a French one – and then went on to point this out using liberte, fraternitie, egalite? Guess he doesn’t know his world or political history – seems to me that slogan was the cry of the French Revolution – spurred on by the writings of one Thomas Paine

31 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Another way he could have done it would be to say, “I think I’ll follow Governor Palin’s lead from her debate and opt out of answering that.”

31 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

just wondering … is it the lack of sunlight that makes some Alaskans unable to speak clearly, concisely and unequivocally? I thought it was just Stevens, Palin and their ilk…

31 10 2008

Begich started that line at the Ed Schultz Town Hall back in September. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now. Still, voted early for him anyway.

31 10 2008

Thinking that Palin’s feeling more like that Jimmy Buffett song Fins
Can’t you feel ’em circlin’, honey
Can’t you feel ’em swimmin’ around
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you’re the only bait in town
Oh oh
Oh oh
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you’re the only girl in town

Can’t you feel ’em circlin’, honey
Can’t you feel ’em swimmin’ around
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you’re the only bait in town
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you’re the only girl in town

31 10 2008

Or Tina Fey might have answered it:

“I’d like to use my life-line please…”

LMAO! Now THAT’s what Begich should have said! Bet he’d have gone up 4 or 5 points right there! AKM

31 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Bev (19:49:23) :

Keith Olbermann picked up on French comment that and went on to mention the equal protection clause in the Constitution and of course the opening of the Declaration of Independence “with its all men are created equal”

31 10 2008

for anyone who is interested…many of us are over chatting in the forum

31 10 2008

Hey guys – a bunch of us are over in Live chat on the forum. Join if you would like. 🙂

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Wow. I do not like Begich’s answer at all. Unfortunately, we are in a time when lies are uttered with no compulsion, and the truth is cautiously utter.

The proper response: “She is in no way prepared to be president, no matter how popular she is.”

The medium response: “She might have bitten off more than she can chew, no matter how much like a pit bull she is.”

The safe response: “I’ll let the people decide.”


31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

So, what did people do for Halloween? I did my usual. Buy my favorite supermarket candy (Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups), then turn off the lights so no kids come. Fun times! My two cats (both black) and I just slunk around in the dark.

31 10 2008
Palin is fallin

Ted is toast

McCain is chill-en

Bidden is bobbin

Obama is gonna dominate ya

31 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ Eyes Wide Open
Saw some neighbor kids this afternoon as we put out our Barack o’Lantern. They commented on liking our home-made sign. So we got to chatting. Four kids, siblings, ranging from high school to elementary school — all VERY well-informed about the election, and all Obama supporters. They’d moved in across the street when the neighborhood was brand new about 5 years ago, then moved to GA for a while and are back. They were most interested in how we made our sign, and why. Seems another Obama sign at the other end of the street was copped about the same time ours was. They also told of another family whose neighbor’s yard was abloom with McCain signs, so they upped the ante and plastered their yard and fence with at least as many Obama signs. Guess I need to take a walk down and see!

Most of the sign stealing in our town seems to be connected with Prop 8, which I hope the youth turnout for Obama will defeat. It’s the second-most costly contest in this election after the presidential race, and about 1/3 of the money is coming in from out of state.

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Only had about 10 kids tonight — guess the other 5 lbs of candy will head out to work tomorrow so I don’t get an extra 15 lbs of “Halloween Hips”

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Enjay in Eastern MT, new rule. Any candy being consumed in the name of Barack Obama will be pardonned.

More Light Than Heat, you are in CA, no? I gave money to vote no, so I guess I am one of the out-of-state anti-funders!

31 10 2008

Geez. I wish I’d read this before I just sent Begich a contribution. Oh, well, better Begich than the felon!

Don’t feel bad. I’ve given Mark more money than any other political candidate other than Obama. I think he will do a good job. He’s walking a line, but I hope he will gain a certain perspective about how his answers are seen. I don’t mean to discourage anyone from donating, or rethinking their support. No candidate is perfect, but only if we call them out on things we don’t like will they know where to examine what they’re doing. AKM

31 10 2008
Lana, KY

I’ve thought of a perfect new job for Palin, but it’s here in Kentucky.
She’d be a great guide at the new Creation Museum ~ that is if she could remember & pronounce all of the dinosaur names.

31 10 2008

WTH is this f’ing story, CAJUN BOY????

I know……………………..

31 10 2008

oooo, don’t like my brown quilt AKM — can we go back to blue — (waaa…….. waaaaaa……… I’m a’whining……….)

I kinda like it! Sort of…..muddy! 😉 But I think if you reregister for WordPress, you’ll get a new one.


31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

anyone read the article about SP feeling her first Amendment rights are being violated by the nasty press?

Didn’t she major in Journalism? Doesn’t she understand 1st Amendment is FOR the press?


31 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Carrying this over from the other thread, as I figured no one would see it there:

Just in case anyone’s still here–we’ve had all of 12 trick-or-treaters (and had bought 2 bags of 150 pieces each!). SO, I’ll shove Almond Joys and Butterfingers and such through the “‘tubes” for you so you can keep up the sugar high till Tuesday night. Thanks for not being too mad that we close our polls so late. And, thank you for letting me know that we’re not the only state with whacko politicians! You are all still welcome to be Alaskans. We’ll need your help getting rid of her when she returns.

31 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Carrying over this comment too:

@mmboucher (Florida) (19:20:05) :

She’s apparently flying back here Mon. night and heading out to Wasilla to vote then flying on down to AZ to be with the McCains for election night results.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Lana, KY, have you seen the movie Religulous by Bill Maher? He goes to that museum and hilarity ensues. Or else, Palin can go to Holy Land, a tourist attraction at, um, Disney World, I believe it is. They enact the cruxifiction of Jesus.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Crap. I forgot to un-italic. Sorry! Maybe I need more sugar.

31 10 2008
CO Almost Native

Perhaps all of us lower 48ers don’t like Begich’s answer, because we-being infinitely wise and astute- have concluded CBarbie is a conniving no-nothing. However, we aren’t running for Senator against a prehistoric porker, and we don’t need the approval and votes of at least some Republicans.

I’d prefer more backbone, but I understand…grudgingly.

All of the Halloween candy is gone, courtesy of palming it off on the hordes of middle schoolers out on a balmy Friday night. The dog is worn out from monitoring the activity from the study window, and she has headed to bed- probably on mine.

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I celebrated Halloween by working this evening at Trick or Treat Street – keeps the kids off the streets, and off the porches, by bringing them all together in one place. After we got home, we had just 5 trick-or-treaters.

But my big celebration was to put up my Obama sign INSIDE my front window! I’m in a rural area, but there’s a ton of traffic going past my house. I’ve had a Udall yard sign out for weeks, and it’s never been touched, but we have had many negative verbal responses.

Chances are small that the Obama sign will be stolen (I hope! – since it’s in my living room!) but since it’s Halloween and the more immature among the local Republicans will be out and about tonight, I do expect to have some eggs thrown at the house, at the very least.

It’s been a bit intimidating, actually putting the sign up, when everyone knows who lives here. Even though I’m not a ‘closet’ Obama supporter. Now it’s up for the duration. I’m glad we’ve almost reached the finish line. I’m excited. I’m scared to death. I can’t wait till it’s over. I hope we get it right.

31 10 2008

Begich IS a Class A weasel. I voted for Obama, Berkowitz, and Stevens…I’ve seen this trio of signs in a few yards around Anchorage so I know I’m not the only dem who feels this way.

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Love Love Love Almond Joys — will take a few !!!!

31 10 2008

ummm……….is there a reason why my quilt is now brown mayflower (20:40:36) :

Blue is much more peaceful methinks, at least…………..

Peace & Blessings,

31 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Begich answer to Palin question was just like Obama’s. The American people will decide. Didn’t anyone see Palin wink-wink-wink when she said Stevens should step down? Even if it was invisible, it was there. Ted knows that.

Did any one listen to Michael Moore on Democracy Now today? He said he’s been around the block enough times with the getting out the vote capability of the religious right to know that we could wake up on Wednesday Nov. 5 with a President McCain.

Hold that thought and work right up until the moment the polls close.

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

BTW, Mark Udall is our Colorado Democratic Senate candidate.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

I gave to Begich, and I’m not sorry. I would prefer him to a felon.

I bought a long-sleeved Muddy shirt and one of the yellow boots buttons. I can’t wait to get them, though I wish I could have them for V-Day.

I keep thinking of the reputations ruined (or at least besmirched) by Palin and McCain. Monegan, the Alaskan legislature in general, Ayers, Khalidi. They are just ruining lives left and left.

31 10 2008

@ mayflower (20:40:36) :
HELLO? Why did I suddenly change from blue to brown????

31 10 2008

miss sarah a love child???
according to John Ridley miss sarah might have faired better if she was not…

“appearing as the illegitimate love child of Dan Quayle and Geraldine Ferraro.”

now I know why I dislike her so…it’s in her genes 🙂

31 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Volunteers can play a HUGE role in helping a campaign get those last two or three votes that could be the difference between winning or losing. But how exactly do volunteers do that? Though it varies a bit from campaign to campaign, some of the basic jobs that volunteers can do on election day are:

Phone Banks
Throughout the day the campaign will make phone calls to supporters reminding them to go out and vote. Though it seems hard to believe, there are people who forget that it is election day or who just don’t get around to voting. You might also find people who need a ride, or need information about their polling location or need to know the hours of voting. Phone banking is critical!

Runners are doing the same thing that phone bankers are except they are doing it in person. In other words, they are going door to door to supporters and reminding them to vote and if needed they can provide information on the location and hours of the polling place, or can call the campaign office if someone needs a ride to the polls.

In addition to giving rides to voters, drivers are needed to do various errands throughout the day. One important one you might do is deliver lunch to volunteers!

Door Hanger Distribution
Prior to the election campaigns will often put a door hanger or flyer on the doors of supporters reminding them to vote. Often this piece will have their name and the location of their polling place on it. Sometimes this is done the weekend before, sometimes it is done the night before or even early in the morning on election day.

31 10 2008

There is something here….. re a story OK? hold with me……..remember the whole ADN thing?

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Northern Exposure, I saw Michael Moore on Olbermann, and I thought how much less angry he seems. I’m glad he’s in a better place. It makes him much easier to tolerate.

Lighthouse (CO), good for you living the courage of your convictions. For the first time, I am actually wearing the buttons of my candidates. I live in a mostly-blue state, but it’s the first time I’ve felt this proud of my party’s candidates.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

mayflower, you might want to go to the live chat to ask why your quilt changed colors. Snosred (or something like that) is in charge over there.

31 10 2008
biglake ak

Regarding the ‘quilt’ avatars –
I always thought of them as snowflakes!

31 10 2008

I asked Begich a question at a town hall here in Juneau, and got a similar mealy-mouthed non-response. He gave a very wordy answer to a somewhat sensitive question–do you think we’ll keep getting so much money from Washington, and should we, considering the state’s wealth. At some point you’ve got to stop tip-toeing around Alaskan’s peculiar electorate and take a stand.

Although I was disappointed not be able to get a meaningful answer, I’m certainly going to vote for him.

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)


Thank you! It’s soooooooo exciting to be members of this amazing team! I am completely proud of Barack and Joe, and even though most people I know are aware of my political leanings, it was time to publicize.

How excited are we?

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

biglake ak, that makes more sense. I love snow. I hope we get a lot this winter.

31 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (20:54:55) :
“They are just ruining lives left and left.”

Not right and right?

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

biglake ak, that makes more sense. I love snow. I hope we get a lot this winter.

31 10 2008

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (20:54:55) :

[…] I keep thinking of the reputations ruined (or at least besmirched) by Palin and McCain. Monegan, the Alaskan legislature in general, Ayers, Khalidi. They are just ruining lives left and left.

Yep. And look at what their spreading of hatred and rage has done to so many of us who are exposed to it and can do no more than recoil from it and suffer. This may sound pathetic, but I know I’m not the only one who’s fighting a serious case of depression that’s directly related to what these two people have unleashed on the country.

And yet… merrily they go on to do more of the same, as much as they can possibly dish out and stir up. It makes me sick. Literally.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Lighthouse (CO), I am bouncing back and forth from excited to freaked out to passionate to scared out of my mind. It’s wreaking havoc on my sleep.

eajphd Molten Contra Palin, depends on how you look at it. They are ruining the lives of those on the left, trying to drag them to the right.

Nick, too bad Begich isn’t more direct. I think he could afford to be, but maybe I’d have to live in AK before making that assessment.

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I just watched John Cleese and Keith Olbermann, and I’m off to bed, to dream, as I often do, of Mudflats posts. Good night, my fellow prisoners.

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I can relate, Asiangrrl. I haven’t had enough sleep for weeks!

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

ira2, that’s the saddest part. The lives they wreck; the hatred they are inciting, all in the name of winning the game. McCain admitted he doesn’t really think Obama is a socialist, but that won’t stop him.

Like I said, my sleep has been in a turmoil over the last few weeks, and I know the attacks are only going to intensify.

McCain and Palin have been so careless with the health of this country and its people. I can only hope that their punishment will be to not win, emphatically, and then have to face censure in their respective home states.

31 10 2008
CO Almost Native


Where do you live in Colorado? I am in Littleton (well, officially Centennial), on the border of Douglas County.

Northern Exposure-

I am working in the closest field office to me on Tuesday; I’ve very excited!

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Night, Lighthouse (CO), don’t let McCain invade your sleep!

31 10 2008

Hey, OFF TOPIC and ON the latest National Enquirer–did anyone find out what the story inside the new National Enquirer says about Palin’s Other Man?

I asked this the other night but I don’t think anyone knew anything at the time. Anyone have a chance to see an Enquirer? (Tried to find it on their website and couldn’t)

31 10 2008

Asiangrrl….come over to the Forum Live chat and play with us!

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Hi CO Almost Native,

I’m in Kirk! (southern Yuma County, 130 miles straight east of downtown Denver, 20 miles from the Kansas border)

We have friends in Centennial, who we’ve never discussed politics with, except that we know they are Republican.

I wish I were closer to an Obama field office. The Obama ground force has been incredible. People are so inspired. It’s…inspiring!

31 10 2008

@ Ira2
hang in there 🙂 No fight is easy and a good, hard faught one will always leave a mark or two. I have to think Obama/Biden will win…but I hedge my bet with the knowledge of what a democratic majority can do to offset McCain/Palin when I’m feeling down.
Choose to live in your wonderful moment…not the one “they” want you to dwell on!

31 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

ok………i am sorry ………..came allllll the way down her to say…..i still get a smile when i see top ten…….even though evevy one was very good…..Akm…….lsaid ife is to short……kindado what you want……just be nice….and i think everyone is more then nice……….IMHO

31 10 2008

Everyone else can come too! We are having a fun chat!

31 10 2008
Jim, aka Pit Bull Hockey Puck

I remember sleep! I think it was nice, can’t wait to reacquaint myself with it. I haven’t had a day off from our local campaign HQ in 3 weeks now, and none in store until after the 4th. Been fun, intense, and frustrating by turns, but many times it’s exhilarating, especially when someone comes into the office to complain about McCain’s robo-calls and leaves with posters, buttons and bumper-stickers and a promise to vote for Obama… 8)

31 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

I’m confused,…didn’t Arnold say Obama was skinny?

His wife, Skeletor (no, I really love Maria, but, SHE IS SKINNY), endorsed Obama in February!

Oh, to be a fly on the wall around that house!

31 10 2008
CO Almost Native


I think I know where you live, as we drive I-70 often to Hays, KS, where my husband’s family lives. (Repugs, but no one is perfect:)

The office is about 1 mile from me- people are inspiring.

‘night, talk to everyone tomorrow…

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

BTW, I had two choices for this weekend. I could have chosen to go to Denver and volunteer somewhere, or go to Pueblo to see Barack and Michelle Obama.
(of course, I could also clean my house, pay the bills, catch up on my sleep…nah!)

Instead, I’m going to sit in front of my computer and FINALLY write my rebuttal to all my Republican friends and acquaintances who’ve been emailing me about the evils of Barack Obama. Maybe I’ll change someone’s mind before they vote, but whether I do or not, they are all going to hear everything I believe about Barack Obama AND they’re going to see evidence of the untruths they’ve been spreading (like they couldn’t look it up for themselves while they were on the Internets anyhow, emailing me!)

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

There ya go, CO Almost Native! We’re twenty miles north of 1-70, turn north at Stratton. Wave the next time you travel through!

I haven’t made it to bed yet.

31 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)


Good for you! Obviously you are one of those inspiring people I just mentioned. Look forward to a good rest, you’ve earned it.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Jim, aka Pit Bull Hockey Puck, good on you! It takes a village…to elect a president.

31 10 2008

To CO almost native and Lighthouse – I live out in Elbert County and we have an Obama field office only 18 miles away in Elizabeth – two new volunteeers from CA flew in yesterday. Of course the windows were broken out the first week.
No traffic on our road but us so no sign, but my husband is the county Dem chair and working nonstop. There is even a field office in Limon! I have worried about getting my car keyed at the Safeway but more and more Repubs are sneaking over to the good side. Everybody vote, get your friends to vote and stay focused.
I don’t know how we pick these places to live – 28+ years in Alaska and then here. Maybe we should move to Boulder.

31 10 2008

@ Lighthouse,
I’ve been e-mailing all my republican friends too. I hadn’t been too strong, just providing facts to challenge their “statements”. But last week I finally got more than 24 copies of the same letter that explained why Obama supporters couldn’t articulate their views “…all they can say when asked is we need change but not one can tell me what it is they think Obama would change…” well this lengthy letter finally set me off. I viewed it as a personal attack on my integrity (I value my right to vote and take seriously my responsibility to be an informed voter), my intelligence (I believe I can articulate my thought processes and decisions), and my friendship (I would never personally attack one of my friends for differing views…argue, yes; attack, no).
Well, whether those few dozen friends are no-longer friends I can’t say. My in-box has been extremely silent the last week.
I hope you have better luck

31 10 2008

I feel left-out. I have no Republican friends to convince.

31 10 2008

@ Lulu,
I’d offer to be your pretend repbulican friend…but I don’t think I could be very convincing in such a role. I don’t suffer stage fright but that type of roll might be take more skill than I have 😦

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

The problem with confronting Republicans is that any info you give them is dismissed as liberal bias. There is no point, really, in arguing with a hard-core Republican.

31 10 2008

@ assianHusseingrrl
I know you are correct, but when it’s close friends or family I feel obligated to at least try.
I’m pissing off quite a few of my “less-hardened” repub friends by telling them I’m praying they will see the light 🙂 At least they get the joke and we drop the topic.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Lulu, I actually only have a Republican brother, but he’d already decided on his own to vote for Obama.

31 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

pj, good for you! Kill ’em with humor. That’s a great route to go.

31 10 2008
Lacy Lady

I don’t understand why Palin has to fly to Alaska just to vote, then fly to Arizona to hear the returns. Looks like a waste of ENERGY!!!! She could have mailed in her vote and saved big bucks!!!!!!! Of course she is so muy importante , saving money and fuel if just for poor folks.

31 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

pj “I’m pissing off quite a few of my “less-hardened” repub friends by telling them I’m praying they will see the light. At least they get the joke and we drop the topic.”

I wonder if Rev. Muthee would see the joke in prayer warriors for Obama.

Lacy Lady (22:04:48) :
“I don’t understand why Palin has to fly to Alaska just to vote”

Maybe she knows something about the absentee voting in Alaska that we don’t.

31 10 2008
NY Dem

No payday for Palin? Alaska law may prevent Gov. from cashing in on newfound fame

31 10 2008

Until my quilt is rescued, I refuse to be ID’d by some ROGUE brown thing…..

Meanwhile: here’s what I sent to an “outlaw” in the lower 48 —

“Oh my goodness, you guys are just whipping each other into a frenzy, I’m telling you. We are not going to hell in a handbasket. I listened to this yesterday via Drudge and I don’t take away from it the same ‘scared shitless’ radicalism the far-right does. “Re-distribution of wealth” has been taken so far out of context it is ludicrous.

Moreover, I think we need an FDR-type era in this country right now…. Sorry, guys, I do. Got into it big time with John the other day… WHY? Because HE is worried that his CHINA IMPORT business will go awry — well damn right — it SHOULD! The US needs jobs & products HERE — we don’t need the multi-million entrepreneurs who take advantage of China/India, etc. and turn their backs on American workers while they make their PILES of money then complain about TAXES….. Balance the trade— CUT OFF CHINA…….

We are not going to be overtaken by some alien life-force….. we are going to be just fine……

In fact, us middle Americans (& those of us who don’t import from China, broker auto parts recycling precious metals across the border, etc. ….) will see a bit more money in our pockets……”

Rescue me Mudflatters, from this mire!

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Anyone look at the today

less than 1% McC wins popular vote & electoral
> less than 4% to win Popular Vote

Obama over 96% win Popular vote
> over 35% of “L” (not going to say it)

maybe now I can sleep —

31 10 2008

sorry AKM, to confuse you — I’m THAT ADAMANT ABOUT THE CHINA THING — that’s why I posted!!!!!

31 10 2008



califpat (21:13:24) :

Here in California too. I am in San Bernardinq County in Victorville. My husband I usually go to or host Barack Obama “Calling Parties” but today we took turns calling a great number of Move On. Org members to remind some to honor their promises to voluteer at their Barack Obama campaign offices at home and some to commit to volunteering. What was so interesting was that my last call was to a lady in Pennsylvania and she was fired up to be volunteering for Barack Obama tomorrow and we started a conversation about how historical this election is and how excited and nervous we were about it. I told her about you Mudpuppies and she just might show up here on this site. She and I chatted for about two hours and exchanged telephone numbers and email addresses. Also, most of the people we called were so excited to be volunteering that it just made me feel really good. Arnie is not my governor.

31 10 2008

Hello! Join a bunch of us chatting live in the forum:,chat.html

31 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

yes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (19:45:08) :

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (19:42:20) :

McCain sign stories

The other day there was a story in the press about a homeowner with a McCain sign who shot a teenager who tried to take his sign.

Tonight I saw a story on TV about another homeowner with a McCain sign who rigged his with electric and then aimed a camera at it. The resulting film clip showed a nine year old neighbor boy being shocked.

No question that these McCain people are angry SOBs. ++++++++++++++++++++

Lord have mercy.

Extreme and wrong reactions.

31 10 2008

Actually, Megacpephalus……. would you kindly weigh in on this at some point?

Would so value your(s) : – ) !

31 10 2008 the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

As far as Begich’s response as to Palin’s qualifications for president, there is another option:

Answer #3: (scratches side of face; pulls earlobe) Well, I don’t know that anyone is ever really prepared to be president. I mean, she does meet the qualifications to serve as president under the Constitution.

At least it’s honest.

31 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca


How in the H*LL does a President get away with this? The Executive Branch is supposed to be able to suggest laws, not make the las.

The very first thing we need to do is get the voting process fixed. The second thing we need to do is neutralize everyone of these 90 Bush Executive Orders.

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Agree with That Denise —

The very first thing we need to do is get the voting process fixed. The second thing we need to do is neutralize everyone of these 90 Bush Executive Orders.

This should not be allowed !

31 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

califpat (22:27:47) :

Hey CA girl!! There is a bunch of us CA grapes on Mudflats.

I hope the Dems can put forward a better candidate the next gubernatorial election. Arnie can’t be gone soon enough to suit me.

31 10 2008 the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (22:33:02) :

The very first thing we need to do is get the voting process fixed. The second
thing we need to do is neutralize everyone of these 90 Bush Executive Orders.

I hear you…this is going to be a very long list.

31 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Here is a Link on some of Bush’s kicking the country while the election has everyone’s attention.

31 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Bush heading out the door DE-regulating. Is it to late to impeach him?

31 10 2008

Begich didn’t have AKM as speech writer, clearly. His answer sucked big time. Unprepared, I call it. Sloppy. Sloppy. Sloppy.

I heard a sports talk show host in Toronto call JTP, Joe the Boner.

Pailin crying about ‘Her’ First Ammendment rights? She, that journalist? Can we see her grades or did she pay for them online?

John Cleese nailed it. When McCain adressed the crowd, ‘my fellow prisoners…’, what the hell was he thinking. He still thinks he’s a prisoner? Furthermore, McCain has been fed Communism directly from the source for 5 years…

I heard that the Palin’s own stocks in Pebble Mines. Hmmm, one side of her face says but my husband has a fishing permit and the other one, she votes against a clean water act to pave the way for Pebble Mines.
HEY./ WTH is going on there?

Geraldine (19:14:43) :
I actually thought Palin got a bit of a bum rap when she gave her vice-president-runs-the-senate spiel, since she was answering a question asked by a third grader and was presumably trying to pitch her response at that level.

No, Geraldine, Palin not only wasn’t responding to a third grader [it was to a reporter], but the VP only breaks Senate vote ties.
She still doesn’t get what a VP does.

31 10 2008

I agreee. Begich and Berk had best get the idea that a lot of Alaskans (translate voters) are getting WAY fed up with political dodge ball. Even Palin has figured that out. Begich and Berk better too.

Based on what I just saw on Chnl. 11’s Matthew Simmons interview with Palin has raised the bar:

Palin is coming back to Alaska a much more skilled politician. Still Stupid and Transparent but more skilled at being Palin. She at least has figured out how turning interview ‘questions’ back on the interviewers can be effective. Begich and Berk haven’t even figured out voters appreciate it. Not many interviewers are prepared for that from run of the mill politicians either. Especially if it’s a man interviewing Palin.

Palin has even figured out how to include a dodge and a sound bite to go with the turn the question back on the interviewer thingeee….which keeps sheep calm….or what some people call the base.

Is there any chance MUDFLATS can get a Palin interview?:) Somewhere around Nov 10th or so. That might set the proper tone for news reporters that pay attention and learn by example and could change the course of history.

My guess is that wont happen. It seems like no matter how high mudflats sets the bar or her own improved political skills wont cause local ‘interviewers’ to raise their game.

So what I hope happens is that Palin will resign as governor by Christmas and start a talk show. I don’t think there is there is enough righteous anger in this State to prosecute her for her bs. or recall her for her bs.


There might be enough huffing and puffing going on at the State level to get her to take the talk show bait though.

It’s clear to me Alaska can not do anymore for her career. Hanging around has it’s risks to her. Declining oil prices, depressed economy, investigations, democratic control of congress….yah she will make it look like she needs to leave governing Alaska up to someone else, Sean can handle it. She can be the bigger person, live with the personal sacrifice of leaving her home state and put COUNTRY FIRST and do the national thing.

I think it’s a likely she realizes the reality that hanging around Alaska for very long is not good strategy! At least I HOPE she sees it that way.

31 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Been reading article on Spiegel — bit long but good re-cap of the Bush years & what the new President will be facing

“”In his two terms in the White House, US President George W. Bush has presided over a precipitous fall in America’s reputation around the world. History is likely to judge him a failure. Now, his successor will have to dig the US out of a deep hole.””

read more @,1518,587786,00.html

31 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) _ The NAACP is resuming efforts to force Virginia to put more voting machines in polling places in majority black neighborhoods.

The civil rights group’s Virginia chapter will return to federal court on Monday afternoon to argue the state is not prepared to handle an enormous voter surge expected Tuesday.

State Republicans plan to oppose the NAACP’s request on grounds that altering voting procedures on the eve of the election would be disruptive and could unfairly disadvantage their candidates.

Record turnout is expected as Democrat Barack Obama tries to win 13 electoral votes in a state that has backed Republican presidential candidates since 1968.

31 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

I don’t know anything about University of Idaho, but, as I’ve said before, graduating Palin in journalism says they stamped her as someone who can properly express herself in front of crowds or in print. That really brands them as a Boxtop U. Send in your box top and 50 cents and they send you a genuine, suitable for framing Bachelor’s degree on genuine fake sheepskin treeless paper substitute (Warning. may curl up and brown if exposed to heat, cold, air, light, dark, or any organic substance). Just stick it in your printer and fill in your name in the space labeled *your name here* and your chosen field of expertise where it says, *Bachelor’s Degree*. Having a date slot requires an extra box top.
Just to be fair, I say the same thing about Yale. I’d be embarrassed to say I’d had anything to do with letting Bush hang a Yale diploma on his wall. And right now, I think I’d be embarrassed to say I’d graduated from there.
We in CA may have The Governator right now, but another thing we have is Ivy League challenging public universities that don’t take slackers because of their last name or the size of mommy and daddy’s pocketbook. I’m proud to have graduated from somewhere that you get into on merit and graduate–magna cum laude–on merit, as well.
Disclaimer–late night typing skills and warped humor during elections do not properly display merits of any said graduate, and no public institution of higher learning will take the blame for same.

31 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (22:33:02) :

He pulled in about 200 extra ppl , I think it was 2 weeks ago, to read a jillion reports/letters re: environmental rollbacks, just to try pushing it through on his way out the door.
Yep, something up his sleeve there. Wait for it, because he’s sure to gain from it, somehow.

31 10 2008
More Light than Heat

@ asiangrrl…
Hey, No on 8 out-of-state money is welcome! Who, me hypocritical??? LOL

@ all the CO folks
As soon as the housing market turns around here, and my guy can retire, we’ll be heading your way — most likely Ft. Collins. Seems like a great place to retire to, what with a university, a delightful downtown area, and all. Would be great to be able to meet all of you whenever that occurs.

@ SoCal Muddies
Any thought being given to a Mudstock around here? Caligirl and I are at opposite ends of the Antelope Valley, but I know there are a bunch of you “down below” as we call the LA basin from up here in the high desert.

OK, it’s late even here. And I’m drooping. Off to beddy.

31 10 2008 the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

AKM, you are so right. My puzzler is sore, too.

“So, she’s qualified to be President of the United States because she’s had ‘experience as a mayor’, ‘experience, really, as a governor’ and she is a ‘candidate for a presence of a woman in our national leadership.’ After a few moments of stunned silence, I started thinking about why Stevens said that. To quote Dr. Seuss, ‘And I puzzled and puzzled, til my puzzler was sore.’”

Actually, whenever I hear that Palin represents “a presence of a woman in our national leadership” my brain hurts. Why would Stevens or anyone say that? I’ve heard or read this comment in various forms over the past two months now, and I still have the same stunned reaction. What is he referring to–some form of political affirmative action strategy? We’re talking about the President of the United States for heaven’s sake!

31 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Greta Van Susteren Doesn’t Question Palin’s Claim She’ll be a Uniter


31 10 2008

AK907 — God, I hope you’re right. Alaskans will only pay attention to how shite she is if it affects their bank accounts.

ADN needs to do some really detailed reporting — in laymen’s terms — re: the TransCanada pipeline and the oil taxes that took on big oil and screwed Alaska.

It really sucks that I have been here on Mudflats & writing letters to the ADN letter page for over a month screaming “Alaska is socialist!” and “The TC pipeline is a sweetheart deal that will never get built!” and “The tax structure now screws Alaska!” — and it was an AP journo who finally jumped on the pipeline thing, and the socialist thing, and so far nobody has reported on the tax thing.

I’ve said for months and months that she will be long gone by the time Alaskans figure out that the pipeline was a sham and that the taxes screwed Alaska in the long term. When oil prices are not hugely inflated Alaska gets less in tax from the oil companies than they did before she “took them on.” Look for a personal income tax in Alaska within 10 years. You heard it here.

That $1200 dollar check we got because she got so much out of the oil companies????? Why has nobody figured out that we’ve paid that and MORE every time we’ve filled up our cars at the pump? A billion letters to the ADN editor about gas-price-gouging here in AK, and everybody’s so damn grateful for that $1200 they don’t stop to wonder if there’s some connection?

I don’t get Alaskans, and hope I never will as long as repubs are the majority. I’m a stranger in a strange land, even if I was born & raised here.

1 11 2008
GJ in Idaho

My puzzler was sore the very first time I saw the name SP appear as McPOW’s running mate. The only good thing about that day was that I Googled SP and found this blog, and have been hooked every since that day. It seems it was a busy day again here in Mudflats and here in ID. as well. I spent most of the day doing GOTV calls for Obama, tomorrow they are going to have me calling in ND. Something about ND about to go blue. Then I’ll try to do some more calling here in ID.

Funny little tidbit came up this week when I asked my daughter who is an English Prof at North ID College, one of the many that SP attended, if she had heard any more about the puzzler Vp choice of McLoonytoon? According to my daughter, SP’s records have been sealed and no one is allowed to view them, not even the English, Speech or school paper staff. So much for open and transparent in her Education. Then yesterday I see in our local paper, Lewiston Morning Tribune, SP has been award the alumni of the year award for NIC and has been asked to give the 2009 commencement address. Now that is a puzzler, that is puzzler and puzzler.

1 11 2008
strangelet Hussein

GJ in Idaho (00:05:21) :
That is truly a puzzler. And even puzzlerer. Perhaps they will grant her an honorary doctorate, and put all this puzzling behind us. Oy.

1 11 2008

SMR (23:40:35) :I don’t get Alaskans, and hope I never will as long as repubs are the majority. I’m a stranger in a strange land, even if I was born & raised here.

I get it now; finally. It took 40 years, but I get it now.

I thought we Alaskans were a collection of independent people with a low tolerance for corrupt government and political bs. Turns out thats bs.

We have the highest tolerance in the nation for corrupt government and political bs. That is an undeniable fact. End of story.

The FEDS have to enforce our State laws and hold politicians accountable.

I wish they would step right in the middle of this Palin/AG stuff RIGHT NOW. It might ease my mind and could even turn back the proverbial clock and give real Alaskans a chance to take back our State government and put a stop to political bs.

It’s a shameful revelation to me these last few years, and particularly the last few months. I feel like a fool; there is no way to vent the righteous anger I feel for what ALASKANS are tolerating. F*** I absolutely can not believe anybody would publicly say they are going to vote for Stevens. I hope the bastard wins. (not really) It will just make the more clear to the world how full of BS Alaskans are.

The legend of what an “Alaskan is” has proved the majority of us are of fictional character.

I am giving serious consideration to becoming an ex-pat living in Panama. Ya know; just ride off into the sunset and forgetaboutit.

1 11 2008

GJ in Idaho:
Goodness … I think you should show up with some kind of protest signs!
I think she’s getting that award because someone or some entity got some kind of money. That’s the only way she would do it, from what I’ve seen.

Jean in way out remote bush Alaska

1 11 2008
GJ in Idaho

Luckily graduation isn’t until next June. By then I’m guessing SP will have faded way or have something so much more unimportant to be doing than speak to those at a school where she only spent two semisters, if that…as her records are sealed, doncha know?

1 11 2008

GJ in Idaho (00:58:51) :
I would hope that NIC would have more deserving alumni to receive that honor than Sarah Palin. How can you even be considered an Alumnus when you only went to the school for 2 semesters? I would think that you should have graduated from that particular institute if you are to be receiving honors.

1 11 2008
End the End Times

To perhaps lighten things up, fellow Alaskans–

T.S. made it SOUND like all will be well and forgiven re: S.P.

However, I think T.S. is a scorpio. She will get paid back somehow.

At least that might be interesting.

1 11 2008

I’m not even in AK, I’m in SoCal, and I sent Begich a donation. He’s already starting to make me sorry I did.

I think (and this pertains to a spouse as well as a politician) if someone won’t even stand up for him/herself, how can you ever count on them to stand up for you?

1 11 2008

A thing came up on ‘Countdown’, nobody who has run for VP and failed has ever gone on to greater things. So, cheer up.

also: 42 hours left.

1 11 2008

So, when I wake up for work at 04:00 GMT (ZULU) on the 5th there will be a result cos that will be 9pm in California and the polls will have been closed for an hour. Ok, that works.

My partner at work had the temerity to take Monday-> Wednesday off so he could celebrate his birthday with his gf. No taking Wednesday off for me!

Some people; no consideration!

1 11 2008

Enjay in Eastern MT (22:36:15) : The very first thing we need to do is get the voting process fixed. The second thing we need to do is neutralize everyone of these 90 Bush Executive Orders.

This should not be allowed !

Nothing we can do about it. Rachel Maddow covered this last night. Just before Clinton left office, he signed a number of new laws. Because there’s a waiting period (30 or 60 days…can’t remember) before a signed law becomes law, Bush was signed in before the waiting period was up, and simply canceled the new laws before they became effective. The Rethugs obviously learned and remembered the lesson there: Bush is signing new laws early enough so that the waiting period will be over before Obama is sworn in.

You can watch it on Rachel here:

1 11 2008

Let’s call the Palin’s base The Christian Taliban! Unfortunately, I can’t claim that I was that inventive, but you can read the great post it came from here:

1 11 2008

Let’s call the Palin’s base = Let’s call Palin’s base

Obviously, it’s time for beddy-bye. G’nite all.

1 11 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon

“I don’t get Alaskans, and hope I never will as long as repubs are the majority. I’m a stranger in a strange land, even if I was born & raised here.”

AK907 (00:36:10) :
“I am giving serious consideration to becoming an ex-pat living in Panama. Ya know; just ride off into the sunset and forgetaboutit.”

Now knock it off you two, right now! We all know we came here or stayed here because we’re all a little whacky.

I don’t get the red deal either, but I lived in Seward long enough to see a whole different world than Southeast Alaska. Soooooo different. People wanted jobs. Year round jobs. They read the weekly paper but it was so boring (actually the police blotter was hysterical), so they reached for what we called the “Veco Times” (Anchorage Times). HUGE ads, always, from oil companies. Full page, two full pages, often everyday through the period of the oil spill and long after. They believe that the oil companies care about them, or if not – they just want a good living and to quit patching together several jobs. And mining camps, and logging camps…good pay. They vote red for jobs.

And we aren’t all that involved in out state government – you can even live in Juneau and just tune it all out except when you grumble about no parking spaces downtown and needing reservations again at your favorite restaurants. We don’t pay state anything – not prop tax, sales tax or income tax. So Alaskans can go on quite well with their immediate lives without paying much attention. Some vote red for no reason other than it sounds like it would keep jobs, or maybe it’s a nice color.

A lot of us AREN”T from here, or haven’t been here long – so we don’t have the deep rooted communities of several generations as down south. We are spread out from hell to breakfast, with a lot of mountains, volcanoes, oceans, ice and islands in between.

Buck up! Things are changing all around us… we can’t be so sleepy anymore. The Sarah Life Form spawned from Alaska because this is not a hard state to govern, you can act nice and people think you are cool, and we are pretty nice to each other. So she was nice, she smiled, and we were nice and smiled back, and she stabbed us in the back.

We are still who we are, just a lot smarter (but still very friendly and nice – and feisty as always). Where else would you go? You’d snap right back and you know it!

1 11 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Maverick Personality Disorder:

Spot on analysis! What more can anyone say? The perfect psychiatric diagnosis of McLoser and Ice Floe Barbie. If the nation comes through ALL DAY LONG on Tuesday , this coming Wednesday morning they will have the next 8-16-100-1000 years to think about their little walk in the sun to meditate upon for their own psychoanalysis before total oblivion from our national politics.


1 11 2008

NMJ (02:22:22) :
Bush is signing new laws early enough so that the waiting period will be over before Obama is sworn in.


I don’t understand why, if President, Congress and maybe Senate are all in agreement, they can’t simply have a signathon and REPEAL all the lame duck laws and Executive Orders that were put in place in the last few days of the Bush administration.

I believe that to nullify an Executive Order all you need is another EO that states so

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

What a shame he’s not allowed to carry a water pistol …..

Obama gets testy with press on Halloween walk in Chicago with Sasha

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein
1 11 2008
Miemaw from Texas

Mr. Begich is aware that a lot of folks watching that debate are a lot of the folks in Alaska that drive up Palin’s approval ratings to the 60+%.

Nah, I don’t understand it either. But, I do understand his tap-dancing around the question. He didn’t put her on the ticket. He should not have been backed into the corner of discussing her qualifications for the office.

He’s not running for Governor.

Whoever does, if anyone does run against her, can go there.

1 11 2008

i can’t say enough about how the spiritual warfare link to palin bothers me, scares me, frustrates me, and mystifies me……… a country that was formed to keep government-sponsored religion out of politics — we have religious groups organizing to infiltrate politics.

there is a link to the 36 some odd page report of the Muthee transformation goals and dreams of changing america and TONS of links at the end of the diary on religion-palin issues.

stillHARDrock palin

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein


1 11 2008

GJ in Idaho- My niece is also in the English department at North Idaho College-

(are you my sister??)

Small world……..

1 11 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser Palin

What? No “Bedtime in Alaska” thread for tonight? Is someone finally sleeping soundly as we move into the final days?

That One & Joe the Senator ’08

1 11 2008

MSM Uhg! Special Sat. version of Morning Joe on MSNBC harping on the money Obama spent on lighting in Berlin, Germany. Come on guys; I’m sure that you could find something of substance to talk about.

1 11 2008

Caribou Barbi is going to balance the budget in 4 years!!!!!!! Maybe we should rethink our support for Obama. Economists say that that is impossible but what do they know.
I’ve got an idea! How about we send her “Back To Alaska” (had to do it) and let her straighten out their finances first and if she succeeds she can do the same for the rest of us in 3012. Oops-that must have been a typo.

1 11 2008
Gus Philpott

That’s one dynamite posting. Enjoyed every word of it. Not sure how I found Mudflats a while back, but I immediately linked it from my blog. Keep up the great job!

1 11 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein "That One" Cobra

Nice piece from the BBC (originally aradio broadcast) – the last half is best…

“This is the true revolution.

There have been, after all, prominent black politicians for decades now, men and women afforded the full protection and respect that the nation can muster.

But seeing little black children gathered up into the arms of the secret service, surrounded by people who would die rather than let them die, is to see something that must truly make the racists of Americas past revolve in their graves.

….In spite of all the loose talk of the decline of American influence, this is, once again, the greatest political show on earth.

To have watched it has been an honour.”

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Biden: McCain ‘more angry’

“Biden has a reputation for verbal gaffes, and he assured Leno he’d be providing more fodder for late-night talk shows. Leno ribbed him about a slip-up at a rally in Ohio on Wednesday, when Biden referred to “a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.”

“I suspect I’ll make a whole lot more,” Biden said.”

1 11 2008
Jamie Floridian in France

Hey kids! It`s lqte in the dqy here and I`m trying to type on my sons American keyboard as hubby reboots my dying computer, but let`s go.

1) re: SP`s presence as a woman in national politics – I thought McCain-in-the-@ss said that she was a “counterpoint to the liberal feminist agenda”. So what kind of woman in national politics will she be exactly?

2) her answering that third grader: yeah, I did get from her response that she was trying to talk down to a third grader, but if you saw Joe Biden get the same question from Damon the fifth grader,you’d see someone who answered correctly and with respect for Damon’s intelligence.

3) No Halloween here in France, no Halloween candy! That, along with no marshmallow peeps at easter or chocolate-covered marshmallow Santas at x-mas, has been the single most difficult thing about living in France for 21 long years of holidays! Today, on the other hand, is All Saint’s Day, a national holiday and raining. Yuck! And J – 3 as they say in France> I’m out of my mind here with NO candy.

1 11 2008
Jamie Floridian in France

A shout out today to all you muddies living abroad without the privilege of being in the states on Nov 4.

1 11 2008
Jamie Floridian in France

anybody out there?

1 11 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein "That One" Cobra

Me! I’m here!!!

1 11 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

I think it is imperative that you good Mudflat inhabitants give SWWNBN a “nice” welcome home parade… complete with Obama signs and plenty of ones that refer to her ability to govern. Remind everyone about Housegate,
Troopergate, pregnantdaughtergate, Fashiongate, VECOgate, Constitutiongate, and any other gate you can find. THEN get yourselves on the NEWS. Get the word out to the nation that Alaskans don’t even support her. Right before the election, that should help to increase voter numbers, especially in your state. Imagine a blue Alaska. Ice blue. Cool blue.

1 11 2008
Jamie Floridian in France

Oh hey! If it is just us then I can ask you – you told me that you are in sweden, but you are a brit. how come you are following the election. Interest or connection?

1 11 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Bobg for VP!!

1 11 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein McLoser Songbird

wow.. Watching the CBS early show, Ed Rollins, a very well respected GOP strategist said he thinks that not only will Obama win, but he thinks it’ll be a big win, and a lot of dem congressional seats will be created from repugs..

Gotta love it when a GOP guy speaks the truth and concedes what we all know.. So much better than Tucker, Douggie and Nancy who still think mcloser will win..!

1 11 2008
Jamie Floridian in France

Anybody see Obama on the Situation Room with Wolfie Friday night? How was it?

1 11 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

If Ms. Palin sent in an absentee ballot she wouldn’t have the photo op she will get if she flies back to Alaska and votes on Election Day.

I’m sure she’s got her outfit all planned.

1 11 2008
Jamie Floridian in France

Somebody made the comment about why Sarah doesn’t care about the money and energy spent flying up to AK to vote and then flying right down to AZ. Reminds me of several years ago when one of my sons asked me to buy him something. I said, well, it’s expensive and I can’t really afford it now. He answered, just use your credit card and it won’t cost you anything. I think that SP, after so many year of using the state’s credit card and now the RNP’s credit card to pay, maybe she just really thinks that everything is free.

1 11 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“Lani aka Bash Budweiser Palin (04:31:47) : …”sleeping soundly as we move into the final days?”

I hope the term final days has a different meaning than SP gives it.(:

Jamie: “So what kind of woman in national politics will she be exactly?”
Maybe Attila the Hunette.

In regard to candy, it’s strange the Japanese have begun to pick up on the Halloween Candy and costume parties, but not trick or treating, begging door to door violates cultural norms. They also have a multi-decades secular tradition of celebrating Christmas Eve with decorated trees and Santa Claus. Tokyo hotels have pushed the idea that couples who share a romantic Christmas Eve by dining and staying over will be blessed with life long romantic bliss – talk about an effective marketing gimmick.

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Jaime in France,,

I feel for you … I am originally from Germany (been in the US 45 years)…. the only time I get really homesick is the holidays… it’s all about the food. My family has always mailed certain treats we cannot get here. If you want, I’ll be happy to mail you some chocolate marshmallow Santas and peeps to make your holidays complete.

1 11 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Has anyone heard something on news this AM about Obama’s Kenyan aunt living illegally in the US? It was coming up on CNN and I switched to Pittsburgh news and they were starting to talk about it too so I switched channels. I just can’t listen to any of it. The repubs just keep pulling crap out of the sewer.

I’m working today at the Democratic Headquarters. Not sure if I’ll be calling or canvassing, but it will feel good to be doing something!

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama Hustle @ Early Voting

That’s what I’m talking a-BOUT! 😀

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

oops! Jamie not Jaime – sorry not enuf caffeine yet

1 11 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein "That One" Cobra

Hi Jamie! Ummm…. really just following the election out of interest – and frustration. Living in another country somehow gives a different perspective on world politics (dontcha think?). I only got really really interested after Palin was picked and then I got sucked into the Mudflats and haven’t found my way out!

Plus it’s been a good introduction to politics for my son – Swedish politicians are rarely this interesting, and sadly if they are it’s because they’ve assassinated.

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

WV – I found an article about it yesterday … seems she was denied political assylum in 2004 and has stayed here illegally since then. I believe article said she was one of the relatives he does not have much communication with.

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin (05:22:43) :

I hope you have a win or three today. 🙂

1 11 2008
Jamie Floridian in France

@Tired Mom (VA)

I will excuse the mispelling of my name if you did send me chocolate covered marshmallows at x-mas. Whenever I ask my mom for stuff like that she laughs and says I’m nuts and thinks I’m joking. I think that you do have to live abroad to really understand!

1 11 2008

I see a lot (much more than needed) of talk about trivial things that happen in both campaigns. We all need to think about what is really happening. The approval rating of the present administration is about 92% unfavorable. People are discouraged and are starting to have thoughts of giving up because they feel that nothing is ever going to change and get better. They see that certain groups have hijacked our country and it is increasingly likely that the basic concepts of the Constitution will be changed to allow these groups to gain more power and begin to rule our life. People see businessmen doing business without any checks at all and the people are getting poorer and poorer every day. They see a Saving & Loan crisis and think that the worst is over. Then comes Enron, WorldCom, one bankruptcy after another and then comes a near complete financial meltdown of our whole economic system. The people have been walking around in despair for a long time. Obama starts his campaign and it is like someone has thrown a glass of ice water into the collective faces of America. Suddenly people look at this man who has awakened them from their lethargy and they see a man preaching change. They realize that change is what they have been praying for. The man starts talking and the people begin to hear the underlying but largely unspoken message of the Obama campaign-HOPE. Many people begin to believe that there just might be a chance that we can pull ourselves out of this mess we’re in. They check out the other candidate and they are told to stay the course because everything will work out eventually. People begin to listen to Obama more and more. They hear words that are different than those spoken by Obama. Obama says he will help lower taxes; the people hear him say that he offers hope. Obama says that he will make health care affordable; the people hear him say that he offers hope. Obama says that he will change the direction of America; the people hear him say that he offers hope. Many people believe Obama. Fewer People believe McCain. If the ballot dropped all names and just asked the voters to select CHANGE or STAY THE COURSE, Obama would win the Presidency of the United States of America.

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)
1 11 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin (05:22:43) : Obama’s aunt

“Zeituni Onyango, 56, a half-aunt referred to as “Aunti Zeituni” in Mr Obama’s memoir, was instructed to leave the US by a judge who denied her asylum request. But she has been quietly living in Boston ever since, the news agency reported, citing a federal law enforcement official.
Miss Onyango’s refusal to leave the country would represent an administrative, non-criminal violation of US immigration law, meaning such cases are handled outside the criminal court system. Estimates vary, but many experts believe there are more than 10 million such immigrants in the United States.”

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)


email me at, you can give me your address and I WILL send them to you – I completely understand about the “little things”. My relatives didn’t get it either, until I came to visit and when I left I had one complete suitcase full of cooking spices, chocolates and licorice that I cannot get here.

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Today’s Polls from

We have 30 presidential polls today. Arizona is surprisingly close and Obama is running some ads there, but McCain should still win his home state in the end. Yet another poll (from ARG) shows Obama ahead in Colorado, 52% to 45%. With the Kerry states in the bag along with Iowa and New Mexico, a win in Colorado means that nothing else matters. Georgia is getting closer, but McCain will probably hold this one.. Missouri is a real tossup. If it goes for McCain and Obama wins, it loses its hallowed bellwether status. North Carolina is still too close to call. McCain made a real effort to win Pennsylvania, but it is not paying off. Obama’s solid lead there is stable.

1 11 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Thanks for the info on Obama’s aunt. The McCain campaign is just dragging out everything they can.

I’m proud that I’m backing Barack Obama. His campaign has been so dignified and inspiring. None of the dirt that McCain spews out.

I’m a nervous wreck as most of my supporters at work are. We don’t know how we will work on November 5th!

1 11 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Aussies barracking for Obama 😀

“ARE you from New York or Durham?” asks Larry the “visibility co-ordinator”. When we reply “Sydney” he is startled. “What, all of you?” he asks. “Yes, all of us,” we reply.
How eight Australians have ended up in the tiny city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, volunteering for the last eight days of the Obama campaign is a long and complicated tale – but here we are.
Ten minutes later we are standing at the corner of Maplewood and Congress streets waving our Obama-Biden signs at the peak-hour traffic.
The temperature is minus 10 and the wind whips the signs out of our hands but the welcome from our fellow “visibility participants” is warm and, frankly, puzzled. We repeat our story many times but they still marvel.

1 11 2008
biglake ak

Did someone say Candy??!
I had a hankering for some jelly beans for Halloween (which the Ex-pat community here in Tanzania celebrates).
I did find them, but was disappointed in the flavors, especially the licorice.
You think you’re going to get the real deal, but one bite in and there’s disappointment written all over…….Sorry, just can’t get those Republicans off my mind.
; )

1 11 2008

@Tired Mom(VA) :

Will do! You are a doll! As soon as I get my computer back – it died and hubby is rebooting. Thus my occasional absence here – bumming computers from whoever’ll give me a few minutes. Argh!
Where in VA are you. I was born in Newport News – I know, the local rag endorsed McCreepy! But I left when I was two.

Just heard a moderate Repug pundit on CNN asked about any impact the Obama Aunt story may have on the election and he said none. There are too many important issues for people to really concern them selves with this. Which, according to him, is why McCreepy’s campaign went downhill.

1 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin (06:02:29) :

Thanks for the info on Obama’s aunt. The McCain campaign is just dragging out everything they can.

I’m proud that I’m backing Barack Obama. His campaign has been so dignified and inspiring. None of the dirt that McCain spews out.

I’m a nervous wreck as most of my supporters at work are. We don’t know how we will work on November 5th!

Some moron said since Obama is a millionaire he should be sending his aunt money, instead of her donating money to his campaign.

My question was really… many people give their Aunt’s money? I mean give me a break! These people are so desperate it’s not even funny anymore!

1 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

And didn’t Cindy McCain distance herself from her half sister, and she got all of the inheritence?

1 11 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Well, if Obama should give his aunt money, maybe McCain and Cindy should help Joe buy the plumbing business.

1 11 2008

Sarah Palin’s Inaugural Address given February 20, 2009!!!!

Very funny . . . but scary 😉

Sarah Palin’s Inaugural Address

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Yipes – I answered and got filtered. I’ll wait to see if it shows up. No, I get it. I am on hubby’s computer and forgot to fill in my name. My computer died and is being rebooted, so I am wandering the house bumming minutes on other people’s computers when they will give up their seats for a few minutes ata time.

@Tired Mom (VA) :

Will do ! Ain’t you a doll! Where in VA are you anyway? I was born in Newport News and yes I know that their local rag endorsed McCreepy, but hey I left the area when I was two.

I saw a segment on CNN in which a Repug moderate was asked what effect the Obama’s Aunt story would have on the election and he said NONE – people are too concerned with big issues to even have time to think of something of such little concern. Which, according to him, was why the McCreepy campaign derailed – their focus on unimportant little details.

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Anonymous (06:20:45) :

We are just outside the Richmond city limits in Seven Pines, VA.

McC is in Newport News right now, spewing his hatred. Fight – fight -fight! I hate his warmongering talk…

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Okay- I see my first comment posted as Anonymous.

@biglake ak (06:09:30) : and I’m with you on the licorice jellybeans!

I am still waiting for the Sarah Palin October Surprise – where are the medical records, the Troopergate II results, the after-effects of the Abuse of Power call, the people crawling out of the woodwork with the true story of Trig, Bristol, her Wasilla House, the Mansion Renovations, ANYTHING? She has so much dirt clinging to her skirt, how come none of it is having any effect?

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Tired Mom (VA) :

McC is in Newport News right now, spewing his hatred.

That’s why I’m sitting here shivering and it’s raining in my town!

1 11 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

If I were a Republican (YUK) I would be ashamed of the way McCain/Palin are running their campaign. I wouldn’t vote for him just because of that.

It makes you wonder what kind of president would he be? Is that they way he would deal with other countries and leaders?

1 11 2008
SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper

How about a completely technical answer, that is totally true? (I’ve used it to answer the same question)

“She’s over 35 and was born in the US. So, yes, of course she is qualified to be President”

Embellishment is optional: “She probably wouldn’t have been my first choice.”
“I have a few concerns beyond that…etc.”

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)


I agree about SWWNBN … some things are starting to stick a little bit … thanks to the mudpuppies getting this info out there … I keep hoping that on Sunday or Monday there will be a huge ad campaign from the Obama camp, announcing all the lies, deception, corruption, etc. it can end: only a heartbeat away!

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin (06:32:10) :

I actually think that there are quite a number of Repugs that are not voting for them exactly for that reason – and because SHE is on the ticket. If you go back and read all those endorsment for Obama by neo-con Repugs, they all say the same thing – that choosing her was the first sign of how McCreepy would do all the rest.

@SC Strike Chipper :

“She probably wouldn’t have been my first choice” IS good. But then you’d have to add “But as long as she IS on the ticket…” and fill in the rest.

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Tired Mom (VA) (06:35:05) :

After all of this, do you really think that the Obama Campaign would do that? Gotta rely on someone else to do it, even if the Obama Camp DID put out that absolutely brilliant ad with her winking at the end.

1 11 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Doom and gloom from the NYT – Obama ahead in the polls = jinxed (aaaarggh)

1 11 2008
Sparkleball Lady

Report from my RED San Diego neighborhood last night: It’s an unofficial poll but 70% of the children (many latinos) who came to my door trick or treating, bounced up chanting things like “Obama! Obama! Yea Obama!” when they saw our yard sign. Ony one father said to his tiny daughter, “No, you CANNOT go up to that house.” When I heard him and the ugly tone in his voice, I quickly replied, “Oh, there’s no trouble here. My Obama candy is safe.” The little girl smiled, ran up the steps, and the father– a bit chastened– was friendly when they left. . .

the strangest things give me hope.

1 11 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“Jamie, Floridian in France (06:26:03) :
I saw a segment on CNN in which a Repug moderate was asked what effect the Obama’s Aunt story would have on the election and he said NONE -”

Actually it could have a positive impact for Obama among people concerned about the immigration status of their own friends and family, in states such as Colorado, Nevada, and even Arizona. If McCain tries to make an issue of it, it would just as likely backfire. He has all of the anti-immigrant vote to begin with and is worried about alienating immigrants.

1 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)


I know our guy has too much integrity to do that …. dang it …. he’s just to nice and plays too fair (if there is such a thing) …. but someone could do it on his behalf…. i am just hoping against hope I guess….. I just hate that woman

1 11 2008
grumpy in Illinois

I havent had the chance to read all the other comments on this thread, so someone may have said this already…so Mark Begich from this interview is like many other politicians in not answering a direct question. The epitamy of the non response is probably Condoleezza Rice. Even with her feet to the fire in a Senatorial investigation or in her television interviews she never answered a direct question.
I think for politicians, direct questions are so easy to misconstrue even if the yes or no is what they believe is the right answer. They will dance around the issue as otherwise it puts them in a corner, in a box they cant get out of because there is no room to explain. Yes is yes and no is no…there is no maybe. Also they dont want to offend either side of the issue because it could come back to haunt them later on.
So for politicians and others who dont want to be pinned down there is no simple answer like yes or no.

1 11 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

@John* The Pitbull Wrangler* (19:26:17) :

If this is the type of politician Mark Begich is, then Alaskans can expect nothing better from him also. He doesn’t have the fortitude the answer a simple question like that. I call it having no balls whatsoever. I don’t care if he needs the votes to win. If he can’t win by being honest with himself and the public, he doesn’t belong in politics. Sorry, but thats my opinion.
Except that I’ve noticed that Obama and his surrogates mostly answer in a similar way…. that her qualifications are up to the voters to decided. just my two cents.


1 11 2008
More Light than Heat

@ Aussie Puck Mule
Thanks for the great article about the Aussies coming to campaign for Barack. I forwarded it to friends who live in Sydney with our thanks. This is truly an election that the entire world is watching, holding their collective breath that this time we’re smart enough to elect the smart guys.

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

eajphd Molten Contra Palin (06:54:43) :

I thought of that too. The plight of people being refused exile status, people like an old lady who could cause no one harm or steal anyone’s job.

It would be great if McCain picked up on this – what else does he have – he would look even more like a cad! Is his latest attack on tax/spend/socialism having any attack this weekend?

1 11 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

SparkleBall Lady,

What a trick or treat story! You handled that so well. Your story gives me hope too.

I cannot fathom why someone would promptly assume that your Obama sign makes you dangerous (think, People!) but your response obviously did make that dad think.

Good job!

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Lighthouse (CO) (07:06:17) :

SparkleBall Lady,

What a trick or treat story! You handled that so well. Your story gives me hope too.

I cannot fathom why someone would promptly assume that your Obama sign makes you dangerous

Not so much dangerous as contageous or maybe the dad thought he would be condoning your choice/endorsing Obama himself if his kid took your candy.

1 11 2008
More Light than Heat

Re: Biden’s 3-letter word gaffe…
But don’t we remember it far better than if he’d gotten it right? Think of the implications of him saying “a four-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.”

1 11 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

i agree with you 100%. this is a momentous election… I, too, think that focusing on the trivial can tend to make us lose sight of this. Thanks for your very thoughtful post.

If you pray…or send vibes…or whatever you do, please do so on behalf of Al Franken’s candidacy for MN Senate. Electoral vote has MN back in the leaning McCain column, senate-wise. aargh. Four more years of Norm would be so disgusting!

1 11 2008
WV Democrat

One of the terms receiving a lot of play in the media is that Palin appeals to the “base” of the Rethuglican Party. The meaning of the word “base” is:

1. Having or showing a contemptible, mean-spirited, or selfish lack of human
decency. See synonyms at mean2.
2. Devoid of high values or ethics: a base, degrading way of life.
3. Inferior in value or quality.
4. Containing inferior substances: a base metal.
5. Archaic. Of low birth, rank, or position.

Sure fits, ‘eh?

1 11 2008

Hey, folks. The REPUG-planted story on Obama’s Aunt is their OCTOBER SURPRISE. Problem is, it’s happening in NOVEMBER.

And that pretty much sums up John McCain’s sorry-a## campaign.


1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Re: Biden’s 3-letter word gaffe…
But don’t we remember it far better than if he’d gotten it right? Think of the implications of him saying “a four-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.”

And if he had said that : “a four-letter words: jobs” People would have made even more fun of that. (Since when is jobs a four-letter word”

1 11 2008
grumpy in Illinois

Off topic and truly hilarious check this video called, “My Friends, the Musical.

1 11 2008

Hey, folks. The REPUG-planted story on Obama’s aunt is McCain’s OCTOBER SURPRISE.

Problem is, it’s NOVEMBER.

And that pretty much sums up McCain’s sorry campaign.


1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@ sparkleball Lady 6:44:10

My Obama candy is safe.
LOL love that

1 11 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Please talk me down from this one . . .

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Gov. Richardson made a gaffe yesterday on a Colorado radio broadcast about Obama’s tax plan. He said everyone making under 120,000K would get a tax break.

GOP made a big deal out of it here in NM – on the front page of the paper this morning with talking muskrat head Heather Wilson jumping out there and saying, finally someone in the Obama camp is telling the truth.

I hope his gaffe doesn’t hurt Obama and I really don’t think it will. Just wondering if anyone else in other states picked up on this. I don’t think it’s big news, but wonder if anyone had it in their paper or have seen it mentioned on the net.

1 11 2008

@Goalie, No. I have not heard anything yet about Richardson’s error, but I’m on the east coast.

I don’t think that will hurt Obama, especially as it will get more press during the correction phase. Sometimes corrections on the media get even more airplay or space in the paper.

1 11 2008

Need a morning boost?

The above link has good news about how Obama is doing in several states, including PA & Nevada. It also has positive stuff about how more GOPers are endorsing Obama-Biden.

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Today’s numbers.

AP (Obama +8)
– Battleground (Obama +4)
– Diageo (Obama +7)
– Gallup expanded (Obama +9)
– IBD (Obama +4)
– Marist (Obama +7)
– Rasmussen (Obama +4)
– Research 2000 (Obama +6)
– Washington Post/ABC (Obama +9)
– Zogby (Obama +5)

HOPE CHANGE HOPE CHANGE! Looking good, eh?

1 11 2008
White Agate

It’s so interesting, the political culture of each area and state. It really is almost tribal…MN is similar in some ways but Alaska reminds me more of Philadelphia where I grew up. There definitely is a code of ‘We hate the Feds more than our local enemy.’

If I were Begich I would have chosen both options, linking them together with ‘Other than that, I won’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.’ Begich obviously has the wrong staff/advisers (nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)

I am trying not to read too many polls, going to do a lit drop for our state rep. candidate, Andy Welti. He’s a really good guy who is being attacked by the former Republican seat-holder who will stop at nothing to get it back, it seems. Sheesh.

And upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod, yes, Al Franken appears to be behind. The entrance of Dean Barclay into the race has thrown some things into confusion. I am hoping we will not have to deal with 4 more years of Norm ‘I let all the money get stolen from Iraq 2004-2006’ Coleman.

1 11 2008
More Light than Heat

Left-eyed Jack has another great post up today.

1 11 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT
1 11 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Obama live on HuffPo link….watch NOW.

I’m crying and clapping like I was there…I’m hooked.

1 11 2008

@Bobg (05:27:13) :
Great post there Bobg.

What could be better, Saturday morn, cup of java and mudflats.

Is is Tuesday yet?

1 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Good morning all mudsters…

We are in our final day of preparation for Mudflats, Chicago Mudstock II. We are all so jazzed… we’re meeting up (at the red, white & blue balloons) tomorrow at 11:30am on the West side of the incredibly cool Cloud Gate sculpture by British artist Anish Kapoor, at Millennium Park. It’s nicknamed the Bean. Here is a photo if you have never seen the 110 ton sculpture.

Hoping for sunshine, forcast is for drizzle. Then we’re heading to Pizano’s for a luncheon at 12:15pm.

We are going to get our news and photo’s to AKM on the pdq. We will acknowledge all Mudflatters around the globe and especially our dear Alaskan brothers and sisters, we know you will ALL be with us in spirit.

1 11 2008

Caribou Barbi is telling people that she and McAged are Ronald Reagan Republicans. Reagan’s son, Ron Reagan, has endorsed Obama. Another Barbi gaff?

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


Thanks for that info, Ripley.

I could listen to him all day long.

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Hi Shikago,

You muddies will have so much fun! I’m jealous – but happy that you all are making the effort.

You guys rock!…..

1 11 2008
Lighthouse (CO)


It’s so great that you’re getting to do this two days before the election! Hope you all have a great time, and I can’t wait to see the pictures!

1 11 2008

Every time I hear Obama speak, I want to contribute again!!

Had an idea this morning ~ what if those of us so inclined would light a candle for hope, for the landslide of Dems into the WhiteHouse, and for peace in the world ?

Make it a big one, put it in a safe corner, and keep it burning with calm, positive, determined thought. It takes a village of thought…….

yes? Yes, we can!!

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

From Andrew Sullivan’s site this morning.

Rick Davis: “We are witnessing, I believe, probably one of the greatest combacks that you’ve seen since John McCain won the primary”.


Sully commented that “it’s a really truthy thing to say.”..hardy har har.

1 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM
Thanks Goalie

Lighthouse (CO) (08:48:03) :
Hopefully by tomorrow night AKM should have everything.

OK well I am off to buy some balloons and more surprizes!!!

1 11 2008

Rachel did her ‘talk me down’ about huge lines yesterday. I love Rachel Maddow but I was getting a little annoyed by her continued hand-wringing. My take is we are looking at long lines for an election that isn’t until Tuesday! I think Rachel is completely missing the story here.

The very fact that people are willing to stand in long lines to vote 4-5 days before an election means only one thing to me. People want to desperately vote in this election and I would guess that those people aren’t standing in lines to vote for John McCain.

She was also bemoaning the low turnout of students and young people. My first thought was, of course they aren’t standing in lines on weekdays, they are in school. Let’s revisit these numbers after the weekend.

I think her hysteria is a little unfounded. To me the lines looked orderly and no one seemed unduly stressed by them. I could be wrong, but I think to some people, there might even be some pride in standing in those lines. How many grandparents are going to say to their grandchildren some day, “I stood in line for 4 hours to vote for President Barack Obama. And I would have stood in line for 24 hours if that what it took!”

akm: I think your observation of Begich was very accurate.

Begich doesn’t need to convince his base right now, he needs to move Republicans over to him. I’m not Alaskan, but my take on Alaska is that
a: Alaskans don’t ‘hate’ Ted Stevens and
b: Alaskans don’t hate Sarah Palin.
If Begich starts piling on Palin I don’t think it would help him.

I can see that it’s a tricky thing being an Alaskan politician because obviously integrity, ethical behavior and ‘transparent’ honesty aren’t considered necessary and admirable qualifications. There appears to be more of a “What’s in it for me?” mindset. And belive me, I know that is not just Alaska.

I think I’d give Begich a pass and just hope he wins. If not throwing Palin under the bus in a debate is what it takes, then so be it. His answer was pretty non-committal. I also think he probably knows there isn’t a snowball’s chance in Hell for McCain to win this election, therefore by logical inference what he really is saying is…. “If Palin wins she is qualified, therefore if she doesn’t win she is woefully unqualified.”

1 11 2008

Chief Shikago Re: We will acknowledge all Mudflatters around the globe and especially our dear Alaskan brothers and sisters, we know you will ALL be with us in spirit.

Brought me a tear way up here in Anchorage… all have a fine time, it is so heartening to be able to come to the Church of the Mudflats and feel the warmth in these intense times.

Visualize President Obama, sanity, safety and peace for all.

1 11 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin


Best wishes to Chicago Mudstock. Our Pittsburgh Mudstock made us all so very happy to meet fellow Mudpuppies in person!

1 11 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein McLoser Songbird

excuse me while i hurl.. tucker bounds is on.. thank god, only a few more days and he’ll be unemployed.

1 11 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein "That One" Cobra

Well, I knew the deep blue candle I’ve been saving for… oooo… seven years has a purpose and mwTHATONE40yrsAnchorage (08:51:22) has just articulated it. So now it’s beside me on the desk.

Peace, hope and love to you all.

1 11 2008
Daytona News

Daytona Beach has earned the dubious honor of becoming one of the most corrupt cities in the United States. Corruption is so ingrained and so well organized that even the people in charge of prosecuting it are under control of the people benefiting from it.

From the purchase of overpriced land from political cronies, to the sale of the personal residency of a city commissioner to the city by over twice its just value, to the financing of personal hobbies and indulgences of tycoons at taxpayer expense, Daytona Beach has turned into Capone’s Chicago.

The end result is a city in despair, high unemployment, low morale, rampant crime, homeless roaming the streets and an overworked police force that can’t keep up.

Learn more about this poor city in badly need of Federal intervention The Daytona Post – Daytona Beach Unfiltered News

1 11 2008
Susie in Jersey

This morning, I stopped at my local Benj.Moore paint store to get samples to try in a room I want to paint. They were taking a poll of their customer’s voting preferences. There were 2 McCain votes and I was the first Obama voter. I think I’ll have to go back to the store tomorrow to buy another sample, just to see how the poll is doing.


Totally OT, but this NJ older grandma learned to use an electric chain saw today! I wanted to straighten up some of the awful mess left by Tuesday’s freak October snowstorm here in NW NJ. All my appendages and digits are still appended to my body and I am very proud of myself.

So now I can call myself part of the Chain Sawing Grannies for Obama. If there was not such a group prior, there is now and all members are welcome.

1 11 2008
disenchanted tore

G’Afternoon fellow muddies. A quiet kind of morning here and hopefuly afternoon as well. I just couldn’t flip a coin today trying to decide on Mudflats or shovel a wider path through the house 😉

Shikago- I too am so jealous. Chicago Mudstock- YAY! Full report and lots of pics please!

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@Susie in NJ

You go girl. You are cuttin’ the path for the man!

Proud of you too!

1 11 2008

My husband and I don’t really drunk much anymore, but I am buying some champagne for Tuesday night! 🙂

1 11 2008
Lighthouse (CO)


I’ll light a candle for Barack Obama. I will be pouring positive thoughts into this campaign for the next four days.

We need for this to happen.

1 11 2008

Brit: Well, I knew the deep blue candle I’ve been saving for… oooo… seven years has a purpose … So now it’s beside me on the desk.

Wonderful……candles for Obama all over the world! Maybe have some in the store, AKM ?? We can keep lighting them to surround his presidency for 8 years. What a concept!!


1 11 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein McLoser Songbird

MSNBC is having a chat..apparently he thinks Barbie is done.. cooked and ready to be carved… and she won’t be back in 4 years..!!

i like that one!

buh-bye barbie..

1 11 2008
GJ in Idaho

Your idea of lighting a candle for peace reminded me of an email I received this morning from one of my spiritual leaders, that said:
“How do you identify the right leaders?
… keeping in mind the advice of Lombard Mennonite Peace Center: ‘Stay calm, stay connected, stay the course.’ Watching the campaign, I asked, ‘Is this leader well suited for challenges by displaying emotional health? Does that person acknowledge differences in opinion without making the other an enemy? Does this person seem bent on tearing the other down rather than respectfully disagreeing?”

A Warm bright light, shining in my window….

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


That’s such a lovely idea. I was given a box of twelve last Christmas, with things like: Success, wealth, love, luck, health……

I think I will light them all for these three days!

Thank you thank you for that suggestion. We are really united for this effort Muddies.

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Hey I am back.We still on the same thread?

I saw that Ron Reagan endorsed Obama, but then, he’s always bben a Dem or at least when daddy was Pres he criticized him a lot. Now if NANCY would endorse Obama…..

@Lulu :
Wednesday here, but champagne is not a bad idea.. gonna put a bottle in the fridge. I know I’m gonna have to be here and in front of CNN/Skynews all Tuesday night – you with me Brit in Sweden? But I think during night hours in Europe, the Americans are in full swing. I’ll prepare lots of coffee, take out the box of Ding Dongs I brought back from Fla for my son this summer, and a warm blanket. I don’t think I’d really be able to sleep anyway. Even today my husband asked if McCreepy really still had a chance and then said “that would really be terrible!” You betcha!

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Europe is also preparing and the news is trying oh so hard not to be biased, but it does slip through.

1 11 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein "That One" Cobra

Hiya Jamie… yup – I suspect I’ll be with you all night. Shall have to go and buy a mini bottle of bubbly to keep in the fridge (no one here to share it with apart from an 11-year-old and a cat!).

What on earth are Ding Dongs? (I’ve learnt more than I ever thought I could about US sugary snacks in the last week – and they’ve all got odd names!!!)

1 11 2008
More Light than Heat

I like the idea of lighting candles for hope and peace and change. When I lived in Las Vegas, my hairdresser told me to light a red candle to send out energy to the universe, but I just can’t do red this time. Blue it will be.

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Ding Dongs – chocolate cake, kind of a marshmallowy cream filling and chocolate coating. Yum!

1 11 2008
Chin Trout Hussein (NJ)

I’ll be burning a blue candle over the next few days. After reading these posts, I thought I had a blue candle around (under normal circumstances, blue isn’t my favorite color). I found the last of a box of candles that was my activist grandmother’s, who passed away in ’87. My grandparents were ahead of their time, recycling glass in the 70’s, and just forward thinking They protested what was going on in Vietnam along with the youth of our country. My grandfather taught me how vital it is to remember the influence that a president has on the Supreme Court and how that shapes a country for many more years than a president’s 4 or 8 yr term.

All these thoughts swirling in my mind as I set the candle in the holder– Thank you for this idea– it’s wonderful. Good vibes and hope and love will be sent from so many of us to each other, to the country, to the world and of course, to the Obama and Biden Families.

Yes We Can!

1 11 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein "That One" Cobra

Oh, you can eat a Ding Dong or three for me!

I don’t know how many people in the US realise what an odd feeling it is for a European “lefty” to light a blue candle… over here blue is the colour of the right wing, and red the colur of the left. But it’s done – for all of you, and really, isn’t colour just irrelevant after all – hopefully you’re just about to prove it…

1 11 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

In a way, I can understand Begich’ trepidation(?) in stepping too hard on Palin’s neck, just judging from her past record of dictatorship.
I don’t believe that she’ll come back to Ak with her tail between her legs, (as she should), but be more indignant than ever, and now, having swum with the ‘big fish’, will think she can eat up all the little fish in her bowl.
He may be just holding back to see what flavor of Palin is returning.

(For some reason, I keep getting a picture of ‘Malificent, the Bad Queen”,…do any of you remember that witch in Sleeping Beauty, and how she had wild temper tantrums? Well, that’s what I see when I picture Palin behing closed doors after Tuesday. Maybe Begich shares my imagination!)

As for Obama’s half-auntie ,…..grasping at straws aren’t they?
Obama’s aunt isn’t running for president with her non-criminal misdemeanor, BUT Palin is running, and denying, she has been charged with an ethics violation, and STILL hasn’t turned in medical reports!
How the repubs love to try hiding the relevant with BS!

1 11 2008

I totally believe in rituals with candles! And meditations! And prayers! Yes!

Sorry for the typo in my champagne post above….should have read: “don’t drink much anymore…” I am so blind now. 😦

1 11 2008
GJ in Idaho

Yeah, Brit, I was just thinking back to when US lefties, used to be Red here to, I still remember the “better red than dead” days.

1 11 2008
More Light than Heat

Malificent? Or perhaps Cruella de Ville with her fancy clothes….

1 11 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

@More Light than Heat;
Her, too….
There’s got to be a reason for her schoolmates to dub her “barracuda”, and I doubt that it had anything to do with being a ‘team-player’, judging how well she plays ‘team-member’ to McCain.

1 11 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

What about the Ice Queen.

Scared my kids when they were little.

Something awfully cold about Sarah.

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I saw a short clip of Arnie who was in Ohio I think with McCreeps and when he said something about Obama needs a little more meat on his body and a little more meat on his plans – I was furious! I did think better of him than that. I know that he knows better! I am sure in his household, Maria has explained Obama’s plans and policies, so for him to spew this lie in order to get cheers … blah! He’s gross!

1 11 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Hussein "That One" Cobra

I think Cruella de Ville is perfect – disdain for animals (what would she make of us Mudpups) and I can just see McCain as one of her incompetent henchmen… not to mention the sneer.

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Cruella de Ville for the hair, too. And the trying to be nice while plotting to steal and kill your pets. Though the Ice Queen ain’t bad either.

1 11 2008

Morning Mudpuppies,
Just a little reminder for you outside the US…don’t know if its been posted before….tonight we set the clocks back one hour for Daylight Savings.
@Jamie…had to smile about your Ding Dong comment. Comfort food I call it. Mine is Mac&Cheese….:)

1 11 2008
CO Almost Native


Can’t wait to see the pics! I have signed up to drive people to vote on Tuesday PM; otherwise I’d spent all day on the computer with the muddies. And food. And chewing my nails.


I love the idea of a candle; I have one in beautiful shades of blue, deepening to green- lighting it up right now.

Looking forward to saying good bye to Cruella Barracuda (CB, otherwise known as Caribou Barbie) and McGrumpy.

1 11 2008
SoCal Bob

Maybe we’ll all be lucky and the judge will have the courage to put Stevens in prison with Cunningham. They could have their own Republican wing.

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@LA (10:18:07) :

@Jamie…had to smile about your Ding Dong comment. Comfort food I call it. Mine is Mac&Cheese….:)

Anything to get us through Tuesday night…

1 11 2008

Arnold is a jerk! We are in his second term here in Calif and worse off then we have ever been. I took 72 days to get a budget and it was badly flawed so he vetoed it ( which actually wasn’t a bad thing) but the new budget is just as bad.
Our infra-structure is breaking down….our roads are a mess, our Power grid goes down when we get triple digets in the Summer. They are cutting the budgets for the police and the Fire Depts. Not to mention the water issue/pollution of our rivers. Plus we have some of the highest foreclosure rates in the Nation.
His whole champaign promise was to balance the budget…yeah right…last I heard he was going to WashDC to borrow millions of $$$ to bail us out here.
Talk about being unfit to be a Gov…

1 11 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

All you Chicago mudpuppies have a blast at Mudstock II. I keep thinking we should have one here in Juneau, but I suspect we will at Election Central/D victory part at Centennial Hall on Tues. night.

1 11 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I’m glad we’re going to have so many candles burning! We have mwThatOne40yrsAnchorage to thank for that great idea.

As far as comfort foods go…I hope I’m not the only one who is overeating those comfort foods (peanut butter cookie dough!) and spending way more time sitting in front of the computer than doing any kind of activity that would be beneficial to my health.

I’m going to have to change my habits soon, so victory can’t come quickly enough.

1 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Checked out the 538 and Clear Politics polls:

IN and MO are still toss-ups; FL and NC are leaning Dem (Nasty Dole is down 22% to Hagen’s 78%); OH (+5.6), VA (+6.2), and PA (+4-8.5) are in the Dem column. Yahoo! In MN, Franken is edging ahead of Coleman, 53%. Doesn’t MN have a run-off requirement? What about it, Min-pups?

AZ is up only 4.1 for McLame…how embarrassing:)

1 11 2008
CO Almost Native


I’m with you; maybe I should walk people to the polls:)

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@LA :

I’ve heard about some of that happening in CA, but cutting Police and Fire Dept budgets? For shame! Anyway, I hope when Maria sees him on tv giving that slimy speech she hauls off and slaps him one good!

As far as comfort foods go…I hope I’m not the only one who is overeating those comfort foods (peanut butter cookie dough!) and spending way more time sitting in front of the computer than doing any kind of activity that would be beneficial to my health.

Yeah, gotcha on that one. Election addiction – computer, mudflats, polls, with breaks taken to run to the kitchen and once in a while doing a set of aerobics to get the circulation moving again. Unfortunately, I am what my best friend described once as a compulsive baker, and when I’m stressed out I bake – so way too much to eat while I am in front of the computer.

Speaking of which, I leave you guys now to go out and eat Indoan food….

1 11 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Wow, it has taken me a very long time to catch up, even though I spent quite a bit of time here last night, too.
Candles are a great idea — just don’t leave them unattended or anywhere your curious pets can reach them! Safety first.
*steps off my kitty mom soapbox*

Wish I could join the Chicago gang tomorrow. My grandfather and my (half) aunts and uncles were all from there and I used to get to visit as a kid. Haven’t been there for a long time, though. Feel the hope!

1 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@CO Almost Native :

Does it look like the race is tightening in those states? PA VA OH – or has it always been about the same?

1 11 2008

Blue Peace Victory & Change candles…..(sold only through AKM store, I wish) …am glad you pups like my idea…….it is what calms me these days……..and thinking of us all lighting them together is heartwarming. Let there be Light!!

Okay, I will get back to the projects of the day..

1 11 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Good one CO Almost Native! I can see it now… “Come on, it’s just a few miles more! We’re almost there!”

Okay, I actually have to go to my office and do some work this afternoon, on another computer. I’ll be back later!

1 11 2008
Shove Maggot

New thread!

1 11 2008

@AK907 & Martha —

Sorry to say it, but I will happily leave Alaska for Canada in May, with hopes that I never return except for the occasional family get together…

Several years ago I left Alaska full of disgust toward AK voters. Why? BEcause they had voted down virtually every school & park bond and voted to okay some stupid million-dollar “study” of the gas pipeline. So, it was okay, in the eyes of most Alaskans, to let the schools & parks crumble to dust, but gotta spend money studying a pipeline that doesn’t exist! The oil companies had already covered that, and out of their own pockets, it was just plain stupid!

Same sinking feeling this year over Proposition 4. Nothing’s changed here in AK.

I did not come back here because I missed Alaska, I came because BP was repatriating all expats. Within six months of moving here my husband was making plans to go to Calgary. Really, we do not want to be here. I’ve met some wonderful people thanks to the Obama candidacy, but I already had great friends here. More are always welcome, but that’s not enough to keep me here! I still maintain that this gal, born & raised in AK, is a stranger in a strange land.

My mum said just the other day that when she moved here in the sixties the average age was in the twenties (she was not quite that old then). What do you think it is now? I don’t know, but whatever it is, there are too many people here who have entrenched voting beliefs/habits, and whether that’s due to age or upbringing, or a combination of the two, one can only guess. Alaska now is not the Alaska I grew up in!

I am guessing that AK back then was much like the Seward that Martha describes, minus the oil factor (it was too early for that), but lots of folks willing to work hard.

Alaskans imagine that the GOP is the answer to their job problems in relation to fostering oil growth. Bible Spice’s administration has been more hostile to the oil industry than any administration in the history of AK. Thumbing her nose at them over the pipeline deal, cutting off Alaska’s nose to spite its face. And the taxes! Don’t get me started again on what a farce those are! Alaskans have no idea how many hundreds or thousands of jobs Bible Spice has cost this state, and they won’t unless some journo does their job & lays it all out for them! Sadly, until that fine day, Alaskans will continue to be delusional about her and our fight to get her out of our politics will be a tough one.

So, much as I love my fellow Alaskan muddies, I will be happily cavorting to Canada in May, leaving you to soldier on without me. I will regret not being able to be part of the ground forces as the Juneau mansion is stormed by rebels, but will be glad to wave goodbye to all of the idiots, the majority of whom were NOT born here, and came here long after me!

Just so you know — I am not labeling all republicans idiots, just those who blindly vote party lines. My husband & I were registered republicans until after Bible Spice was picked by McPainintheass. I changed my registration the next week, my husband did not, but will be voting for Obama. We know plenty of republicans voting for Obama for the same reasons (Mc is insane & Bible Spice is dangerous), but sadly not enough. Until those religious nutters create their very own special party for their religious craziness or the GOP gives them the big toe, we will NOT vote republican again!

Again — lots of hearts to my fellow Alaskan muddies, but Alaska ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!

1 11 2008

Bobg (05:27:13) :
I see a lot (much more than needed) of talk about trivial things that happen in both campaigns. We all need to think about what is really happening…..

Great post!!!!

1 11 2008

Palin is becoming absolutely Napoleonic in her drive to run the country. Can’t we just do a pre-emptive strike and send her to Elba…I mean Little Diomede…

1 11 2008
Ed L.

Where can we watch this debate on-line? Has anybody streamed it to the internet yet. I wrote to C-SPAN and recommended that they add it to their programing. I was disappointed they did see merit in my request.

1 11 2008
MinNJ Moose Roadster

I love the spirit here! Going to get my tealights now to light them to be in spirit with you all…for Christmas, I take gold and pearl beads (cheapie decorative ones) and put them in pretty glasses with a tealight on top in the all the front windows. I think I’ll get a head start on that…and on Tuesday night have them going as we watch Obama/Biden WIN! Peace and Love to you all.

1 11 2008

Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon (02:36:46) :AK907 (00:36:10) :
“I am giving serious consideration to becoming an ex-pat living in Panama. Ya know; just ride off into the sunset and forgetaboutit.”

Now knock it off you two, right now! We all know we came here or stayed here because we’re all a little whacky.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

This Palin bs. is not about red or blue. Apparently stupidity and apathy is alive and well no matter what color an Alaskan votes. To pretend otherwise is just that; pretending otherwise.

This Palin bs. is about compliance with the law. In Alaska it takes Federal intervention to get accountability from elected officials and State employees who don’t figure the laws apply to them. That is beyond pathetic; not even close to wacky….ESPECIALLY for Alaskans.

I agree with you, Alaskans really are more socialist and less red or blue than any other State in the Nation.

Panama is looking pretty good.

I will stick around for a while and call bs on bs…but if Palin gets away with this bs. I would rather be a tourist visiting from Panama than to be commonly identified as part of a milk-toast majority socialist society Alaskan residents represent.

This Palin thing has awakened me like no other event I have experienced. Waking up in the morning of Aug 29 and finding out McCain picked Palin as VP running mate should have proved to the Nation; especially by now, that the biggest lie McCain could ever perpetrate on the American people (red and blue) is that he is a patriot who puts country first.

The next revelation I had was that Palin actually accepted the nomination and some Alaskans were supporting were saying she is qualified. WHAT?

And today (well yesterday) ‘Begich & Berkowitz are not men enough; Not wacky Alaskans enough to say picking Palin is the VERY LIKELY the stupidest shit anyone running for President has ever done.

Nope, my views of what it means to identify my self as an Alaskan have changed. I am no longer optimistic in the least and maxed out with righteous anger with no outlet and little hope for change in Alaska.

B&B don’t know the difference between a shovel and a spade and Lisa Mukowski is standing by Ted and it doesn’t matter if Young comes or goes. What it used to mean to be an Alaskan is fubar-ed. End of Story.

The only hope I see for Alaska is more Federal intervention; that’s ironic because I believed Alaskans were wacky enough; red and blue, to be capable of managing our own affairs with little or no federal intervention.

The reality is true Alaskans have been taken over by a socialistic majority of red and blue who play political games for sport and entertainment who are just too happy to play games and leave it up to the feds to enforce our laws.

NOW I PRAY FOR MORE FEDERAL INTERVENTION…..that is to wacky to be recognizable as an authentic Alaskan character.

The ideology that there is a majority made up of red and blue capable of holding their own Alaskan elected and appointed officials accountable to the law is an Alaskan fantasy playing out right before your eyes. Wake up and smell the coffee.