Alaska Senior Senator Ted Stevens Guilty on All 7 Counts!

27 10 2008

The jury, which just got a new alternate juror this morning, has found Stevens guilty on all seven felony counts of lying on his Senate financial disclosure reports by not revealing gifts and services totalling over $250,000.

Mark Begich, wherever he is, is doing the Snoopy dance.


Stevens will still be able to finish out the election, and be elected to office, even though he is now a convicted felon.

The Senate can vote him out by a 2/3 majority.



355 responses

27 10 2008


27 10 2008


Senator Ted Stevens GUILTY on ALL SEVEN COUNTS!!

(1:00 p.m. PDT…CNN)

27 10 2008
Blue Idaho

One down one to go!

27 10 2008
Rapture Spenard Palin

woohoo!! Palin up next!

27 10 2008
Laughingat aka Lightning Panther Palin

omg! yay team! go Begich!!!!!!

27 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Is he still eligible to run for office?

27 10 2008

Down the “tubes” for Teddy.

27 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Lets all do the Snoopy dance!

27 10 2008
Dr. Patois

Guilty all 7 counts per CNN

27 10 2008

I lost a bet, but i don’t give a %&%$… good for the jury, now if onley they can get Lady Sarah..

27 10 2008
joy - fl


27 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

i don’t care about what number i am this time….doing the happy dance

27 10 2008

Q: What is the difference between a hockey mom and a pitpull?

A: The pitbull is polling higher.

27 10 2008
Laughingat aka Lightning Panther Palin

Senators Begich, Hagen, Lunsford, Franken…
(fingers crossed….)

27 10 2008

Lady Sarah if your reading this..why don’t you give Elizabeth Hasselbeck a job and get the off the air..

27 10 2008

Wherever Palin is, you can bet she’s not happy at this moment….heh, heh.

27 10 2008

The jury found him to be a corrupt bastard!
Way to Justice!

27 10 2008

okay, Mudflats! you’re take on what happens next is FAR easier to follow than any media source. What happens next? and WHAT, if anything, does this mean for McCain/Palin and/or Palin’s return and/or Alaska going Blue this election???

PS: DON’T we all sort of feel like we’ll walk away from this election with arm-chair degrees in Political Science?

27 10 2008

WhooHoo!!!! Just saw it on CNN!

27 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

So will Scarah now take credit for “taking down” another corrupt republican?

27 10 2008
Lisa Williamson

Tes Stevens found guilty, or as Sarah Palin will call it, “completely innocent.”

27 10 2008



27 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

Oh, there is Joy, Joy, Joy in Mudville…I mean, Mudflats today!!!

27 10 2008

WOW, that was fast!! I guess they were pretty far along in their deliberation and the new alternate must have been on the same page.

Wow. Wonder how this will affect the election… more evidence of that culture of corruption the Republicans have been cultivating the last few decades.

Thanks for the update AKM.

27 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

reposting, since it was very late on the last thread:

I think if we have any spare change left, we should push it into these tight senate races, maybe especially Begichā€™s ā€¦ in honor of justice being served. But there are so many that are so close, including a three-way horse race in my own state (MN) with Franken barely staying ahead.

Most of these Senate hopefuls are listed on Daily Kosā€™s orange to blue page. You can donate even small amounts here, to several candidates at once, and make a combined payment. Itā€™s pretty nifty. Do what you can. It all matters.

hose Hussein hotrod

27 10 2008

Palin isn’t worried…she doesn’t blink.

I hope she is in for a rude awakening.

27 10 2008

@ Lisa Williamson (12:12:14) :

Tes Stevens found guilty, or as Sarah Palin will call it, ā€œcompletely innocent.ā€

Oh my.. you made me LOL….

27 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Across the tundra, the old grey wolf lifts his head, puzzled. Is that the sound of hoofbeats? Before he knows it, he is stampeded by moose. Bet Stevens didn’t see that one coming.

27 10 2008
A Fan From Chicago

Joy in Mudville. Mighty Stevens has struck out.

Sure happened fast given that deliberations technically had to start from scratch with a new juror this morning.

27 10 2008

thank you Mudflat, I discovered this site the day Palin was nominated, and have returned ever since. Once again, just thank you for this wonderful site

27 10 2008

Wow!! I never expected they’d find him guilty on all counts. I’m with GiGi on this one.

27 10 2008
melba in australia

ted stevens guilty —ahhhhhh— nice to wake up to good news

27 10 2008

Thank you jurors! And thanks for the clear blogging, AKM. Without mudflats I’d never have followed this trial.

27 10 2008
27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

WooHoo…justice!! Yessiree…yippee!

Good news for the GOOD people of ALASKA!!

27 10 2008

Whoo Hoo! But what I don’t understand is, they say he is facing a tough battle for his senate seat. He certainly can’t serve, can he?

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I see the results as:

Another new Dem. Senator

Alaska really re-examine everything. A shake up surely is coming.

Sarah should be just a bit more nervous about her return trip home.

We still might get more excitment out of those final, pending Troopergate findings.

AKM will be feeling the love of all those newly discovered Dems/Dem supporters in Alaska!

27 10 2008
impeach wassila de vil

now WHO built sarah’s house?

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Blue Idaho (12:08:18) :

Lets all do the Snoopy dance!

Snoopy dancin’ all day long…actually dancin’ till election day here!

27 10 2008
Joan aka Timber Challange palin

Is this part of the “righteous wind” Obama has been talking about?! šŸ˜€

27 10 2008

buh-bye, Teddy šŸ™‚

27 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Now lets see how much of Sarah’s house was a gift.

27 10 2008
Star the Wonder Pup

And then there were sixty.

27 10 2008

Sarah defending him… her turn is next… bring it on!!!

27 10 2008
Kim in Florida

I am sitting her at work with my mouth hanging open! It’s a great day in Alaska’s Mudflats!

27 10 2008
Lana, KY

Corruption is corruption ~ wrong is wrong ~
Doesn’t matter WHO you are or who you THINK you are !
Are you listening Gov. Palin ?

Cheers for all the good folk of Alaska.

27 10 2008

Lisa Williamson (12:12:14) :

“Ted Stevens found guilty, or as Sarah Palin will call it, ā€œcompletely innocent.ā€

HAHAHAHAHAHA, good one Lisa!

I have to say tho, I am really surprised. It all seemed so petty. A vibrating chair, for pete’s sake!? But, I remind myself, Al Capone was brought down on tax charges, never mind murders and rum-running.

27 10 2008

Alaskans are in shock and saddened that it has come to this. I myself am relieved as Begich now has a clear road to getting Alaska on a respectable path.

My co-workers are equally in shock though 1 admitted he will still vote for Stevens even after the guilty verdict. Alaskans are a curious breed indeed.

27 10 2008

ATF breaks up skinhead plot on Obama AP

MSNBC shot blip. Robocalls at work…..

27 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

I just popped the top off my odwala Berry drink!

Woo Hoo! My Alaska relatives have rolled their eyes at you for waaaay to many years. I know they’re celebrating like crazy!

27 10 2008
CO Almost Native

Chicago fan-
I’ve been on juries, and alternate jurors can hear everything, but not vote/participate in deliberations (depends on the state)- so they probably didn’t start from scratch. Stevens may not serve any time, due to his age and the fact he hasn’t been convicted of a crime previously (too slippery, couldn’t catch him).

He can still run, and he can appeal the verdict- both big risks.

I didn’t know he has been AK rep since Alaska’s had representation! Yikes!

27 10 2008

Fantastic!!! We’re dancing in TN, too!!!! Thanks Mudflats for introducing us to this slimeball’s record.

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Reality Check – MSNBC saying they are breaking up a skinhead plot to assassinate Obama. Sadly – he must be protected every minute of the day and night – forever.

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


CNN just reported that a skinhead operation to asassinate Obama has been disrupted. OMG OMG

27 10 2008
Marie (themom)

Woohoo!!! Do ya think the McCrack people are writing up some “talking points” for Lady Sarah, as we speak???? She’ll go off track anyway – no problem there!

27 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

@ AZ MOM (12:06:55) :



What she said!


@Lana, KY (12:19:26) :

Corruption is corruption ~ wrong is wrong ~
Doesnā€™t matter WHO you are or who you THINK you are !
Are you listening Gov. Palin ?

Cheers for all the good folk of Alaska.

As well as what Lana said!

27 10 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

(repost from previous thread)
OK, now with Stevens convicted, will Alaskans decide to re-elect him so that the Repubs will continue to control that seat and when the strongly Democratic Senate boots him out, the GOP can appoint his replacement?

And, what ARE the rules in AK about who replaces an elected Senator – Gov Palin, GOP, ???

27 10 2008



27 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Goalie-I know I’ve been walking aroud in the middle of Idaho with a big grin on my face. Seems most people around here are grumpy and angry. Too bad!

27 10 2008
Laughingat aka Lightning Panther Palin

Lisa Williamson (12:12:14) :

Tes Stevens found guilty, or as Sarah Palin will call it, ā€œcompletely innocent.ā€

me too LOL!

great news. i was holding my breath with all of the prosecution’s missteps, but the dc jury saw right through all of the bs.
and as someone mentioned on an earlier thread, they put 250K into that???!!! coulda built a nice one!
thanks ak and muddies! ran in when i heard the news!

27 10 2008

Let’s see what the Republican leadership of the Senate decides to do. Will “John, let’s clean up Washington” have a position on this?

27 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

@Bec Hussein in Illinois (12:21:01) :

“Reality Check – MSNBC saying they are breaking up a skinhead plot to assassinate Obama. Sadly – he must be protected every minute of the day and night – forever.”

Some one noted that his security detail had been increased after his return from Hawaii. This must be the reason.

Please, good God, no matter who you are, keep him safe.

27 10 2008

Apologies, OT; posted this at the end of the previous post, but I’m re-posting here because it applies to Senatorial elections also:

jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin (10:15:44) : My wife and I just returned from early voting in Nebraska. While there is no chance that our votes will actually contribute to an electoral college victory for Obama/Biden, I am deeply moved to be able to say that I cast my vote for one of the most decent, intelligent, thoughtful and inspirational candidates I have seen in my lifetime.

I’m proud of you and your wife for voting, even through your conviction that it wouldn’t help, anyway. Obama has said that he’s concerned that the election could be lost if people thought he was winning, and decided he didn’t need their votes. But no one has mentioned the opposite: He could lose because people might believe their votes wouldn’t help in their state, so why bother? Every vote counts, and I think there are millions of voters flying under the radar (like you and your wife) that could very well swing a state or, at the very least, amaze you by uncovering a state that is surprisingly purple!

27 10 2008
karen marie

yay! yay! yay!

27 10 2008

Very interesting, but puzzling all the same. I’m sure AKM will get the details for us.

Mighty odd that they all wanted to get rid of juror #9, all of them including Juror #4. Then, Juror #4 suddenly leaves town and can’t be reached.

And now, after barely 4 hours of deliberation with a new Juror, there is a verdict.

Was #9 PO’s at #4 because she was the only not guilty?

Details, AKM, we need details! šŸ™‚

27 10 2008

Prison time, baby, prison time! It is up to the Senate to expel him…maybe he shouldn’t have been so mean and arrogant to everyone. I can’t wait to hear the reaction from the real ‘flats. Are there cheers or strange silence on the streets of Alaska? Enquiring minds in the lower 48 would like to know. šŸ˜‰

27 10 2008

Remember, this wasn’t an Alaska jury that convicted him, it was a Washington DC jury (that included, apparently, at least one fruitcake). Stevens asked to hold the trial in Alaska where he would have a jury of his “peers” (other corrupt bastards?), but his request was denied. The disclosure forms were filed in DC, so that was determined to be the correct venue.

27 10 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Hoorah for Alaska! You are leading the way! One more week, and one more to go.

27 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

Tiger Wine – sadly a convicted felon can serve in Congress. However, this should give a big boost Mark Begich’s campaign.

Here’s a link to the story on msnbc:

Can’t wait to see how Keith O handles this tonight! And the skin head plot too! What a day in the news!

Lifting a glass to all y’all mudpuppies in a toast to justice – cheers !

27 10 2008

Whoa!!!! Mark me exteremly and very pleasantly surprised! Poor Uncle Ted. I guess he will have to do a ‘little’ jail time.

Now can we take a look at how Palin’s house was built?

I wonder how Palin is going to answer now when she is asked if she is voting for Uncle Ted?

And I wonder if the new improved Palin will call a press conference to discuss this startling news?

This can not make Palin happy! She had every opportunity to distance herself from Stevens, but she never did!

27 10 2008

@ jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin (12:22:13) :

We hold a special election – no appointments, not after Frank Murkowski appointed his daughter Lisa to fill he seat when he became Gov.

BTW – Lisa has turned out to be a pretty good Senator. Takes after her mother.

27 10 2008

Re: DONā€™T we all sort of feel like weā€™ll walk away from this election with arm-chair degrees in Political Science?

Absolutely, and also I think more qualified to be VP than at least one of the current candidates.

27 10 2008

OMG! I am so freakin’ impressed with the justice system in Alaska as of late. You go, AK!! We down in the Lower 48 salute you!

From “…Stevens faces up to five years in prison on each count when he is sentenced Jan. 26, but under federal sentencing guidelines, he is likely to receive much less prison time, if any.”

27 10 2008

This is an excellent way to start the week. Keep it up Alaska!

27 10 2008

While reading Steven’s sad story on HuffPost, found this:

Pentagon Panel: Joe Biden right about crisis

The McCain campaign pounced the other day, when Joe Biden said that his running mate would be tested by an international crisis. But the chairman of a key Pentagon advisory panel is sounding a similar warning, telling the next administration to “prepare for a likely first-270 days crisis.”

Veteran Pentagon consultant Michael Bayer, chairman of the Defense Business Board, told his fellow panelists that the new president’s inner circle should “set aside time in transition to identify the planning, gravitas and interagency process necessary to respond to a likely first-270-day crisis.”

PS: The skinhead thing horrifies me…Obama knows this stuff is going on and says he has the best security, but sh!t, take care Barack.

27 10 2008

What a rogue. šŸ™‚

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Well now, maybe we can get on with “HouseGate” at the Palin’s.

27 10 2008

“Despite being a convicted felon, he is not required to drop out of the race or resign from the Senate. If he wins re-election, he can continue to hold his seat because there is no rule barring felons from serving in Congress.”

I just don’t know what more to add to that……

27 10 2008

Boom shaka laka laka!!!!!

27 10 2008

I was out of town all weekend and this is my first opportunity to use the “series of tubes” and visit the ‘flats. What a great moment!!

Hoping a similar fate is in store for Governor Free Duds too!

27 10 2008

@kimosabe (12:25:43) :
Remember, this wasnā€™t an Alaska jury that convicted him, it was a Washington DC jury (that included, apparently, at least one fruitcake).
That’s right! This trial was right here in DC! Responsible citizens abound! Gah! Some days America is STILL that shining city on a hill!

A righteous wind, indeed!

27 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

This is just fantastic, congrats AK, you deserve one big ataboy!

27 10 2008

I still can’t quite believe it.

They convicted him. Wow….this is going to be insane!

27 10 2008

@kimosabe (12:25:43) :
Remember, this wasnā€™t an Alaska jury that convicted him, it was a Washington DC jury (that included, apparently, at least one fruitcake). Stevens asked to hold the trial in Alaska where he would have a jury of his ā€œpeersā€ (other corrupt bastards?), but his request was denied. The disclosure forms were filed in DC, so that was determined to be the correct venue.

Thanks for this, Kimosabe. I guess we’re still pretty proud of Alaska.

27 10 2008

Wow….let’s see….

Steven guity_Contractors_Gifts_House

Palin_Contractors *Cough* Buddies *Cough, Cough* House….

See a pattern here?


27 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Now what I want to see:
Alaska insists its governor live full time in the governor’s mansion–starting Nov. 5. Ted Stevens put on house arrest. But, since he shouldn’t get to enjoy the fruits of his, uh, labors, they make him stay in the governor’s mansion, instead! These two deserve each other.

27 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Irishgirl aka puck mule (12:18:56) :

Had just posted in previous thread. Great news AKM.

Off topic from last thread.

OK Everyone, just a little over a week to go. I donā€™t have any story to tell about voting because I canā€™t vote, but there has never been such an important election in my lifetime. Iā€™m with you all the way.

As a side note, I absolutely adore the ā€œme firstā€ part of the thread and the jokes that cause you to spit out your coffee or wine all over the keyboard. As someone who doesnā€™t have a vote or is not able to contribute (due to not being American), I agreed to moderate the forums along with group of very dedicated people – all of them far better moderators than me. That I felt was my contribution from Ireland. I had to make an effort to be online early in the morning and often stayed til 2am in the morning. I felt a little gutted at some of the comments yesterday, after everyoneā€™s hard work.
Blue Idaho, Laura Lee, Oct Liberal, Jamie from France, Aussie sista and many more – please continue to contribute. And enjoy the little jokes.

Ok, rant over, but too much invested in this fine blog to allow one or two people to stifle it.

27 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

Another bad news cycle for republicans.

27 10 2008


27 10 2008
Melangell aka Missile Blunt Palin


ROFLMAO in SC!!!! šŸ™‚

27 10 2008

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (12:07:17) :
Is he still eligible to run for office?

I do believe that he is still eligible. Now it’s up to the people in Alaska as to whether they want to send someone to Washington who may just end up in jail. Since Sarah Palin can’t appoint his successor, I’m betting that the people in Washington won’t take that chance.

27 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy


me 2 and also

27 10 2008

I can see the jury room now:

Foreman: Okay, let’s vote. Guilty; raise your hands. Damn it looks unanimous for guilty. Let’s play cards until lunch and then eat lunch on Uncle Sam’s dime. After lunch we’ll play cards for a while and then give them our verdict.

27 10 2008

Not sure how Stevens guilt will play out for SP, but it can’t make her happy.

The skinhead story is scary. I’m sure those that were arrested are not the only warped minds out there. Such a sad, scary thing.

27 10 2008

The skinhead plot is an old thing that was released through court records now. Gee the timing seems suspect to me. Uncle Ted just got convicted then the skinhead plot pops up. Who runs AP……I’d better get on this Rocky….

27 10 2008

Doesn’t SP pal around with Ted Stevens? Wasn’t he her mentor?

27 10 2008

From AP:

“Despite being a convicted felon, he is not required to drop out of the race or resign from the Senate. If he wins re-election, he can continue to hold his seat because there is no rule barring felons from serving in Congress. The Senate could vote to expel Stevens on a two-thirds vote.”

May be time to rethink the lax view of allowing felons to serve high elected office. I’m sure the founders never imagined a situation like what’s come up with Stevens.

Stevens is refusing to drop out of the race. Again from AP:
“Put this down: That will never happen ā€” ever, OK?” Stevens said in the weeks leading up to his trial. “I am not stepping down. I’m going to run through and I’m going to win this election.”

27 10 2008
SoCal Bob

I liked the “I’m only storing it” line referencing why that gift (chair) was in his house. How dumb does he think the public is?

27 10 2008

It think it is actually up to the sentence to formally censure him and demand his resignation.

27 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")


27 10 2008

Here we go. “I have great respect for the Senator. ” Palin on Stevens.

27 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

MSNBC story on plot against Barack.

Wonder if either McCain or Palin will finally insist that the campaign and its supporters pull back from the brink. This is way too serious for them to continue to ignore the tone. We’ll all be watching, I’m sure.

27 10 2008
Whiskey Otter Hussein

So, let me get this straight…felons can’t vote, but they can serve in the Senate? Ohhh-kaaaay. Then again, perhaps the good Senate never felt the need to pass legislation forbiding felons from serving, since they likely nevery anticipated that felons would actually be voted in by the people.

27 10 2008
Redwood Man - Santa Cruz, CA

Star the Wonder Pup (12:18:37) wrote:

And then there were sixty.


My thought exactly. I’ve heard talk that 59 was a good possiblity. Mark Begich might just make it sixty !

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

bullwinklecringing (12:34:19) :

The skinhead plot is an old thing that was released through court records now.

Really? That is an interesting twist. I would like that explanation as well.

27 10 2008

Despite being a convicted felon, he is not required to drop out of the race or resign from the Senate. If he wins re-election, he can continue to hold his seat because there is no rule barring felons from serving in Congress.

—-according to the NY Times

Any chance he might be re-elected after this?

27 10 2008
CO Almost Native


Juror #4: her father died, so she left to attend his funeral in CA (I think)- she should have notified the judge, but didn’t; the judge couldn’t reach her, so he replaced her with first alternate (usually he confers with both attorneys, ahead of time). Juror #9 heard the “pep talk” to play nice, delivered by the judge- no further problems from her, is my guess.

Sometimes jurors who want to be foreman get grumpy when they don’t get their way- other jurors gang up on them, and solve the issue. Serving on juries can be verrry interesting…

27 10 2008

NEWS FLASH: President Bush was just informed of Alaska’s Senator Stevens guilty verdict. Bush stares into space for a minute and asks, “Where’s Alaska? Have we invaded them yet?”

27 10 2008

AKM – if Stevens is elected, then kicked out of the Senate, could Sarah appoint herself under Alaska law?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Governors can no longer appoint Senators. Alaskans voted to make that law after Frank Murkowski (Palin’s predecessor) appointed his daughter to his senate seat when he became Governor… Then we re-elected her anyway. But we’d need a special election to fill the seat.

27 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Who would be the government agency to issue a subpoena for forensic examination of the Wasilla Rec Center and building materials used on The House that Sarah Had Built?

27 10 2008

doh – Senate

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Bobg (12:38:14) :

NEWS FLASH: President Bush was just informed of Alaskaā€™s Senator Stevens guilty verdict. Bush stares into space for a minute and asks, ā€œWhereā€™s Alaska? Have we invaded them yet?ā€


27 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

I went to New Mexico (from phoenix) this weekend with about 36 others
to “get the vote out” for Obama. All I can say is that the Obama campaign
is a “machine”. It was awesome.

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


I was just about to ask that one, too!

Great minds, ya know. LOL

27 10 2008

I just celebrated the news by watching my favorite “tubes” video.

27 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

kathy (12:38:14) :

According to several of our AK friends here, a Senate vacancy must be filled by a special election.

27 10 2008
Palli from Ohio

Congrats, friends in Alaska and DC (may you gain representation!!!) you do the other 49 proud…we all need new starts… I don’t even care that the bad senator got his indictment in time for Bush pardons…You can save energy for gubernatorial impeachment.

27 10 2008
Mae in Wasilla Alaska

Thank gawd Alaska will be changing !

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Lurker “That one” Hussein Palin (12:40:12) :

I went to New Mexico (from phoenix) this weekend with about 36 others
to ā€œget the vote outā€ for Obama. All I can say is that the Obama campaign
is a ā€œmachineā€. It was awesome.

I’m in NM and hosting one of you wonderful warriors right now. Mine’s from ARK. Shoot Lurker, If I would have known, you could have stayed with us!

27 10 2008

Wow. Just wow.

Will the airport get renamed?

27 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ bullwinkle
MSNBC article says they were just busted on Friday… Doesn’t sound all that old. Is this perhaps another one?

27 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Glad you agree. I’ll pipe down down now. If I say any more it will be too much. Annoyed Irishwoman who loves AKM and Obama.

27 10 2008
Florida-Turning Blue

Okay….question for those who know: Does this mean that Palin is in line for the same indictment concerning her house?

Second question: According to Andrew Sullivan/Atlantic, Palin’s medical records are to be released early this week. Will her records really see the light of day?

And last topic: When will the Anchorage Obama rally ‘human’ Obama emblem be available for viewing? Did I miss it?

27 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB

@Irishgirl aka puck mule:
I’ve never been to a blog before Mudflats, so don’t know the ins and outs of moderating and such. I’m sorry yesterday’s comments were so hard for you and your fellow moderators. You should know that everyone here appreciates all that you do to support AKM and this marvelous community.

Thanks for all you do!

27 10 2008
The Dangerman

Well Done, Alaska! Now, will you please take your Governor back; she’d not quite ready for prime time and her act is tiresome. Maybe by 2012 (if she is out of jail by that time).

27 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

YouTube is already flooded with stuff like this one…..

Warning: Some graphic language

27 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago


27 10 2008
Soldotna Sue

Have you guys noticed the shocking lack of coverage on cable news?

27 10 2008

Any chance somebody could find/post an link to the skinhead story? My work internet is filtered, and I can’t get “News” sites. (Mudflats counts as “Blog/Forum”, so that gets through)

27 10 2008

The Palins have their own little scandal brewing regarding their new $552,000 house that “my husband Todd built himself with the help of contractor buddies.”

27 10 2008
Ana Gama

Congratulations, Alaska! Your fortunes are changing!!

27 10 2008
Laughingat aka Lightning Panther Palin

anybody in eastern PA? i just got a call from chicago to go to PA this weekend.
i’m in nyc so somewhere near the del gap would be good…

have you seen any rise for pappy/scarah there? i thought we were like way up there, but they said its an emergency.

ps: palinaspresident has been added to a bunch… if you haven’t checked it lately…

27 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

We were in Los Cruses (spelling error) and went over in an RV. The
people in NM were wonderful.

27 10 2008

Unfortunately, even though convicted he can be elected. (Unless he pulls out of the race) Should he win the seat, only the Senate can remove him from office. Is there a precendent for this situation?

27 10 2008

I cant wait to watch KO tonight so much has happened since Friday. Palin Going Rogue, Stevens guilty, good weekend for Dems

27 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

In some ways I surprised — it seems like the prosecution had so many Keystone Kops moments, I was afraid the jury would be affected. I guess the simple facts of the case must have just been dead obvious.

While this result certainly can’t hurt Begich, I would counsel against assuming that it automatically ensures his election. There are a lot of Republicans in AK, and some of them might figure that even if Stevens were ejected by the Senate (by no means a certainty, given the 2/3 requirement), they would still get to have a new election with an unconvicted R candidate.

Now, on the other hand, my impression is that Begich is fairly popular in his own right. Please help us out here, Alaskans. Will enough R’s decide they just want Senator Distraction to be gone? (I hope I hope I hope)

27 10 2008

Congrat’s ALASKA ! ! ! !

27 10 2008

It’s disturbing that a convicted felon can still run for and serve in the Senate, but if I were a convicted felon I could not vote.

In fact even if my name is similar to a convicted felon I cannot vote.

27 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

Hmm, also I not proofread so good.

27 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago
27 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Heard this on the way home from work on NPR.

One down, one to go!

27 10 2008

Thank goodness! Who could listen to that “she’s in charge around the TP” crap and not think, “What a bunch of crooks!”

A lawer with a degree from Harvard? His wife is a partner in a law firm? Like they wouldn’t know?

Thank you all, I am beginning to believe we are pulling back from the insane 2000-2008 time period of our country’s history.

27 10 2008

Stevens will appeal – drawing it out – betcha ten to one he’s re-elected. It’s not an Alaskan thing, but a political thing – we (meaning: the voter) prefer the skunk in our backyard over the skunk in someone else’s. . .
As for the skinhead story – seems these yokels planned to rob a gun shop, go to a predominantly African American high school and shoot it up, and then as a bonus, they wanted to take out Obama. . . Some folks may dismiss this as typical hillbilly luvin’ cuzzin thing, but – these wannabe domestic terrorists actually have people who would applaud their actions. . .after all, these skinheads were talking about dealing with “them uppity” others, especially That One. Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks out there who would, just as when MLK and Bobby Kennedy were murdered, dance with joy if this plot had been carried to fruition. So what does that say about America? These are folks who Palin and her ilk point to as Pro American.

27 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Wooo Hooo! I guess this likely puts Dems one seat closer to 60. It will be interesting to look at the polling websites to see how they represent the Alaska Senate race in light of this AWESOME news!

27 10 2008


ATF Disrupts Plot to Assassinate Obama and 102 Black People

Thing about this report, outside of the MSNBC banner report, if you do a search you come up with Brit Papers and Others, this was the only U.S. outlet listed!!

27 10 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

WTG Alaska !!!! — One down — another to one go (SWWNBN)
And you are NOT the only state with corrupt politicians
Every citizen should vote AGAINST those who vote FOR SELF INTEREST

Despite being a convicted felon, he is not required to drop out of the race or resign from the Senate. If he wins re-election, he can continue to hold his seat because there is no rule barring felons from serving in Congress. The Senate could vote to expel him on a two-thirds vote.

“Put this down: That will never happen _ ever, OK?” Stevens said in the weeks leading up to his trial. “I am not stepping down. I’m going to run through, and I’m going to win this election.”

read more @

27 10 2008

fawn and irish- With you all the way. I am proud to be a part of this mudcommunity, from our intellectual ruminations to the silly “woohoo”s. This is an amazing family of caring, compassionate people who inspire me every day. And I hope to be here long after Nov 4th if you all will have me.

I also wanted to share that my hubby and I patiently stood in line for an hour and a half yesterday to vote. I did start to cry while I filled in the circle for Obama/Biden. I was so filled with emotion to be a part of this historical moment. I also heard they are extending Early Voting hours in some counties so maybe my phone campaign to Gov Crist helped in some way.

We are almost there my mudpals, lets keep the Obama Light shining!

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Wow. Color me stunned. I expected a hung jury. As someone on HuffPo commented, it’s nearly impossible for someone who’s convicted of a felony (who isn’t in Congress) to get a job and that person is not allowed to vote, either. It is beyond comprehension that such a person can still run for Congress. WTF?

I just wanted to add two more cents about the ‘silliness’ that some other people find off-putting–I enjoy it. As I stated in an earlier post, I like the mixture of seriousness and silliness that permeates this blog. If I don’t care about a certain topic, I just scroll by the posts discussing said topic. While I, like Chief Hussein Shikago welcome other opinions, I am a tad bit more grumpy about it when people who don’t comment on a regular basis decide to chastise those who are on this blog daily. If you want to talk about something, post about it. If you want to be serious, be serious. There are plenty of folks who enjoy serious posts. I, myself, on occasion, am one of them. In other words, add something positive. We are a friendly lot here and would love to hear from anybody who is lurking.

That said, please don’t just lump together everyone who is on the blog and dismiss them categorically. Yesterday was not a very enjoyable day here, and I am saddened that some people don’t feel welcomed any more. I don’t blame, them, however, as I cut short my time on the blog yesterday as well.

As AKM said, there is so much nastiness in internet-land–let’s not add to it here.

27 10 2008

It’s great to be wrong! I was among those worried about hung jury!
This changes everything.

Hoping for Obama win in our Northern corner!
Snoopy happy dancing all around.

Best from LA to all mudflatters!

27 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

@Bev (03:27:53) : (OT everyone, from the Open Thread)
“…the import of my actions struck me – I, a person of multiracial heritage who has straddled two cultures my entire life, was actually casting a vote for someone just like me. I never realized how much that really meant before this. And I thought of my dad whose entire life was dedicated to helping others, whose work focused on ensuring that the voice of the poor, the disenfranchised, the ā€œleast of these my brethrenā€ – how he would have loved this day. So I voted – for me, for my dad, for hope.the import of my actions struck me – I, a person of multiracial heritage who has straddled two cultures my entire life, was actually casting a vote for someone just like me. I never realized how much that really meant before this. And I thought of my dad whose entire life was dedicated to helping others, whose work focused on ensuring that the voice of the poor, the disenfranchised, the ā€œleast of these my brethrenā€ – how he would have loved this day. So I voted – for me, for my dad, for hope.”
Bev, sorry from bringing this over from the Open Thread, but I just have to tell you how much I appreciate the comment you shared about voting ‘for your father’. I loved reading this.

27 10 2008
CO Almost Native


I agree about Stevens- also, the two Neo-Nazis (aged 18 and 21) wanted to kill 88 and wound 14, then get killed trying to take out Obama. One was arrested on other charges, and bragged about their plans.

Dumb and Dumber, except you’re right: some will applaud their plans. Scary, indeed.

27 10 2008
what is this????

Oh my….MY oh my….are we now seeing deja vu with a certain VP cabdidate who has also had a
ritzy home makeover and ” gifts” that still bear price tags?
Good Lawd!

27 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

Thanks AKM — The timing on this couldn’t have been better. We need leaders like Barack Obama, not politicians who think the favors and gifts come with the position.

27 10 2008

Well, I’m not shocked, just saddened. For someone who has had such a strong record in the Senate and always plugged away for Alaska, it is an incredibly unfortunate ending to his career. He should have had recognized the outcome of these transactions. They only “get by” for awhile!

I have to add: GOOOOO MARK BEGICH!

27 10 2008

skinhead story on

27 10 2008

What’ll be the opinion of people in Anchorage and other places? That all pols are a little shady and Uncle Ted did bring home the bacon? Here in Texas one state legislator admitted he would make money off of a bill he was sponsoring but it “would be just a little bit.”

27 10 2008
Florida-Turning Blue

Yoohoo! Celebrating Ted S’s conviction is wonderful and all…but, please, I have two questions about Palin.

Andrew Sullivan/Atlantic says her medical records are to be released this week. What do you think?

Also—does Palin really shop at consignment stores????????

27 10 2008
Aeroentropy aka Bash Budweiser Palin

Woo hoo! I did the little happy dance when I heard this on the radio — not the smartest move, as I was up roofing at the time. The neighbors came running from all the hollering. Fortunately, no fall occurred (except Sen. Stevens!).

I too need confirmation that this doesn’t somehow leave an opening for the White Queen to appoint herself…


27 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ Jim Staro
They’re picking it up. Just Googled “ATF plot Obama” and lots of MSM hits. Maybe the others were just waiting a little longer for more info???

27 10 2008

Late repost from last thread (just sharing the joy):

OMG, go out to cut up some wood for an hour and you miss the best – A GUILTY VERDICT??!!! Allrighty!! Justice, and all that :o) COOL!

IMO, this is great not so much because Old Sen. Stevens has to pay the piper but because it sets an example that corruption isn’t what it used to be, not even in Alaska. The age of being held responsible has begun… or so I hope.

27 10 2008

I thought SP had gotten rid of all the corruption in Alaska?

27 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

BTW – I thoroughly have enjoyed the humor on this blog. It reminds me of the weirdness and humor rampant in my native Portland Oregon. Makes me feel at home. Perhaps we have a bit of culture clash going on? Let’s continue to give each other the benefit of the doubt, and be gentle with each other.

27 10 2008

@More Heat than Light 12:43:07

Mudpuppies the ‘rest of “More Heat’s Blog is really worth the read:

Thanks MH excellent post.

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

, thank you for all the hard work you and other moderators put into the forums. It is heartwarming to know that people around the world are passionate about Obama, not just us Americans.

27 10 2008

Begich sent me a very nice email yesterday thanking me for my donation. This is the first year I’ve ever donated to a presidential candidate (I’ve donated several times to Obama), and I certainly never would have thought I’d send $$ to a politician in another state! This election has me so involved.

When I phonebanked last weekend, one elderly gentleman in Florida told me how exciting this election was for him, also.

27 10 2008
SanDiego Muslim Jew Christian Hindu Surfchick

AKM, who got the ball rolling on the Stevens’ indictment in the first place?

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Crap. My last post was for irishgirl aka puck mule. Still working on my html skillz.

27 10 2008
CO Almost Native

CNN discussion:
John King talked to several Repug veterans, and all say this guilty verdict will push the vote to Begich. Go Alaska! On November 5th we can do the happy dance, indeed.

Of course, they also reported that Stevens said to his wife, while leaving the DC courthouse: this is not over. Figures.

27 10 2008

Doing happy dance Voted Obama today in Texas. Hopeing to turn us Blue.

27 10 2008
Lori W.

Here is how we celebrated the news of trial: My REPUBLICAN husband (do not worry, we both voted early for Obama) and I just put on “Obama for President” buttons. FIRST TIME for HIM to wear a button! We then “fist-bumped!”

27 10 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) – Federal agents have broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee murder spree, the ATF said Monday.

In court records unsealed Monday, federal agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school by two neo-Nazi skinheads. Agents said the skinheads did not identify the school by name.

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville field office for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the two men planned to shoot 88 black people and decapitate another 14. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The men also sought to go on a national killing spree, with Obama as its final target, Cavanaugh told The Associated Press.

“They said that would be their last, final act – that they would attempt to kill Sen. Obama,” Cavanaugh said. “They didn’t believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying.”

Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

27 10 2008

I got the impression that it was older. MSNBC updated that the tow had been talking on the series of tubes. Seems they got busted awhile back (? time) for housebreaking. went to court on friday for threats on Obama that came up during investigation of other crimes. It looks like they goofball rednecks. I wonder how long they were survailed (sp) on the internets before the got busted.
I wonder why the ATF unseald the info and pushed to AP about an hour after Steven’s conviction.
I’m pretty much paranoid by nature and habit šŸ™‚

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Florida–Turning Blue, Palin does shop at a consignment store, but it’s a high-end one.

In other words, while it’s cheaper than retail, it’s not exactly cheap.

27 10 2008
ann sand

WOW – just got back from driving a 70 year old lady to vote for Obama and found Stevens convicted. Let’s turn the country blue.

on a more somber note, the skinhead arrest is frightening.

if palin and mccain don’t stop the garbage, they are BEYOND abominable!

27 10 2008

That post was not proof read sorry šŸ™‚

27 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ Southpaw
Thanks. Greatly appreciated.

There are a number of Mudpup blogs that are great reads. H/t to Willpen, Arkangel_3, Swine Princess and others. They seem to be hanging out primarily at The Mudflats Forum these days. They may be lurking here, but the conversation over there is way too prolific for me to keep up with on a regular basis. I read the 2 areas I’m modding for, but that’s about it.

Had I not found AKM, I’d never have found many good blogs, started my own, or encouraged my DSS and DS to do the same. So, thank you all.

27 10 2008

An overview of the corruption scandal in Alaska:

27 10 2008

NMJ (13:05:48)

NMJ…please, pat yourself on the back for me šŸ˜‰ great job!

27 10 2008

Doing a fly-by here but I just heard the news and had to add my little


Carry on.

27 10 2008
Florida-Turning Blue


—-thank you. Much appreciated.

I had been wondering if she was telling another ‘story’.

27 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Good morrrrrninggg, Vietnam!

I mean, Alaska.

Well, and then it’s not really morning, is it?

Great news for a great state. Here’s to Ted Stevens taking the correct action by stepping down before he totally strips himself of all dignity by being ousted on a 99-0 vote.

27 10 2008

Listening to Chris Matthews Hardball right now and it’s amazing how the Republicans want to push off everything that is wrong within anything or anyone in their camp and condemning the democrats…wow…amazing — as if this Ted Stevens situation is a non-issue.

Not liking this Congresswoman Stevens lady on Hardball…she gives me a headache …all the Repugs give me a headache…

27 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Gigi – Sarah aint no lady. Lionel aint doing his song for her.

27 10 2008
Lacy Lady

One down—One to go!!!!!!! Will be interesting how Miss Sarah handles this one. She may want to shop for a new house in ?????????!!!!!!!
OMG—-I don’t know if I can last another 8 days of tension.

27 10 2008

This Anchoragean is shocked and extremely happy about this. I truly thought he would skate. Oh my god!! I am so happy for Begich as well. Queen cannot appoint herself as that was taken care of after Murkowski appointed his daughter to his seat. Bizarre….a convicted felon can be a senator but a convicted felon cannot be a barber. What a system – (that we are hopefully changing!)

27 10 2008

Can the same Alaska jury try BushCo for war crimes?
Well done!

27 10 2008

Also – voted in Anchorage today – went very smooth. What a weight lifted.

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Stevens may get out of this on appeal – they are saying on MSNBC there are several possibilities – but the important thing is to get Begich elected right now.

Any who can – maybe we should all send a little “love” gift to his campaign – like we did for Tinklenberg.

27 10 2008

btw…did you guys all hear today about the plot to assassinate Obama and other plans that these guys had started?

On MSNBC about an hour ago…evidently, the ATF released today that two guys (neo-nazi’s) were planning on stealing weapons and planning the plot to do this…luckily they were found well ahead of time, but still scary as to what is going to happen in this divided country, where so many can’t see past race…so sad.

27 10 2008

There has been a tolerance in this country for unscrupulous behaviors and I am sure there has been a great portion of Americans wondering if the country had gone to hell in that handbasket. With the economy in frightful condition, the racism out in the open in this election, the corruption of Bush’s adm., I think it has given people a smack upside the head to become active. Will the momentum continue????

27 10 2008

Congrats Marti!!! Woooohoooo!!

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Repub Rep Heather Wilson finally said something I can agree with — Stevens did a bad thing! I usually mute her – but was glad to hear it directly from her mouth!

27 10 2008

I know I’m preaching to the choir here but here is what I just posted on my blog:

As an Alaskan, I urge you to support Mark Begich in his campaign to unseat convicted felon Stevens. It is past time to promote a hard-working, proven leader committed to serving Alaskans.

Visit Mark Begichā€™s website here:

The state of Alaska IS in turmoil with convicted felon Senator Stevens, a federally investigated Congressman Don Young, numerous former state legislators in prison or under investigation, a head-in-the-clouds absent governor Palinā€¦ the list goes on and on.

All of Alaskaā€™s current problems are attributable to republicans who have used their majority to usher their own interests. Alaskans, it is time to reflect on our future. It is time to stop this utter nonsense.

There is no greater power in this country than our vote.

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Chicago – are you coming to Mudstock in Chicago Nov. 2?

27 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

There was a skinhead plot against Obama?

Anyone know where Joe the Plumber has been the past few days?

27 10 2008

Why is he still able to be elected? ? ?

27 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy (13:22:19) :

Oh no you didn’t!

27 10 2008

Here is the latest on the assassination plot —

27 10 2008

No, Gov cannot appoint a new senator. Special election.

I’ve covered this before — don’t believe for a second that the Gov’s wardrobe is all from Out of the Closet. The shop is too small, the clothes there hit or miss, besides, they are more expensive than plenty of stuff available at the GAP or someplace that like that sells nice basics. As I also said before, if you are 5 feet tall and weigh 90 pounds you could come out with some really great finds, but that does not apply to the gov (or to me).

Okay, I see some Florida voters here — question for you all. Is it legal for FL voters to have their absentee ballots picked up by campaign volunteers, or do they need to be mailed directly by the voter? There is an alarming video at Alternet about paid M/P volunteers encouraging FL voters to vote absentee and then picking up their ballots. This is SCARY to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 10 2008

Sarah Palin: “You can either do the math or go with your gut – but either way Barak Obama is for bigger government and higher taxes. . . :

oooookkkayyy. Let’s see – Paulson, a Republican, is “overseeing” the largest government bailout of Private Business; the Republican administration of GW Bush & Co is now seriously considering “partially” nationalizing the banking system; movement afoot to bailout the Insurance industry; NSA spying, without just cause, on American Citizens, including soldiers calling home from Iraq. . . what the hell??? Sarah, dear, YOU do the history – our government is already HUGE and INVOLVED in every aspect of our lives including. . . omigod. . . you! You, as governor of Alaska, “Shared the wealth” when you upped the oil checks to the citizens of Alaska. . . my dear, that is, in your lexicon, SOCIALISM,
Signals Catalog has a T-shirt for Sarah: “They promised Math wouldn’t be Involved”

27 10 2008
MomsHugs (aka Eve)

Great news! – Big HOORAH for that AK jury!!

Now on to Bachmann in MN who’s hiked up her faith-based skirt trying to back-peddle out of more muck than labeling liberals as un-American.

OT: jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin Don’t give up hope! My Neb. friends & family are voting for Obama. Chuck Hagel might follow Powell with an endorsement yet – he criticized selection of Palin at Columbia University on Friday. []

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Thanks for the Begich link, tspey. Perfect timing. I was just about to look it up. Darn – wish he took PayPal – but I sent a little donation.

27 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

@NMJ (12:23:45) :
“…Iā€™m proud of you and your wife for voting, even through your conviction that it wouldnā€™t help, anyway. Obama has said that heā€™s concerned that the election could be lost if people thought he was winning, and decided he didnā€™t need their votes. But no one has mentioned the opposite: He could lose because people might believe their votes wouldnā€™t help in their state, so why bother? Every vote counts, and I think there are millions of voters flying under the radar (like you and your wife) that could very well swing a state or, at the very least, amaze you by uncovering a state that is surprisingly purple!”
A state like…South Carolina? Well, change happens. Sometimes slowly. But I hope all South Carolina mudpuppies will not give up hope! And vote! I’m planning to help get other folks to the polls on Tuesday. Surprises happen.

27 10 2008

Can Sen. Stevens Still Serve Despite Conviction?
(on NPR)

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Hey, peeps. Here is a KOS blog from the Alaska rally, and it has a picture of the Obama O (not to be confused with the Ohio state flag/pennant O).

It’s pretty nifty.

27 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

insofar as her “out of the closet” shop…. she’s put them in danger of losing their name. It’s already taken by an AIDS and STD testing foundation, with satellite offices all over the place called “out of the closet”. It’s an 18 year old trademarked name.

So, let’s see what that poor shop owner in AK thinks about her little Palinator.

It’s all over the HuffPo

27 10 2008

@Lori W
That is so awesome! I could picture it as I read your words!

27 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

Ok, I guess that makes total sense, he can be elected again but he couldn’t vote if he wasn’t running?!
Nearly drove off the road when I heard the news!

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

I think it’s absolutely amazing how this election has brought so many wonderful, insightful, funny and intelligent folks to this blog!

Thanks AKM!

These last 8 days are going to be intense and it’s great that we mudpuppy and news addicted people have a place to commiserate together. I’m growing to love Alaska and have a huge curiosity about things All Alaskan at the moment.


27 10 2008

Hi, Everyone.
I am not surprised Stevens was found guilty. The evidence was very clear. It seems that his behavior has become common place in our elected officials.

We have the Church messing with politics, and all of a sudden everything goes corrupt. The Church is easily dupped into getting in bed with the devil, and does not question the behavior vs the verbal promise. A man is not a Christian because he says he is.
He is known as a Christian by his deeds.
The Church as a whole has forgotten that.

27 10 2008

@Suchanut. Thanks for the link. It lays it all out there. Here it is in case you missed it:

Congrats to AK!!!! While it is likely that there will be an appeal, there is no reason that Stevens should be appealing to anyone in the voter booth!

27 10 2008

Thank You FBI!

I think we need a thank you FBI rally downtown Anchorage this weekend.

27 10 2008
Anthony Look

ALAKSA is a state that has citizens that are willing to change things for the better. Proud day for all Americans. American thanks those jurors and its supporting citizens.
Now vote him out. You still have Sarah to deal with upon her home coming.

27 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

to wit: “AHF’s (AIDS Healthcare Foundation) ‘Out of the Closet’ chain and our related services at these sites provide the community a unique opportunity to give back. We value our good name and as such, have sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter to the independent for-profit resale shop operating under our ‘Out of the Closet’ name in Alaska….”

27 10 2008

It is very difficult and very unusual to win on appeal.
Rare rare rare

Just hope Alaskans are not comfortable with sending a convicted felon back to his MO.

Best to Alaskans. Big big win for your citizens.
This does not bode well for the many sordid ethics problems Ms Palin will face when we return her to your fine shores and glorious mountains.

27 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper Palin

OK, I haven’t had time to read all of these comments, so I hope my question hasn’t already been answered:
is the senate LIKELY to vote him out? do they have the votes? will supporters abandon him because of these felonies or circle the wagons?

Does Sarah appoint his successor, if he is voted out? THought I read somewhere that the law was changed and the governor DOESN’T make the appointment to a vacant seat…

Set me straight, mudpuppies! and thanks

27 10 2008
27 10 2008

Regarding the skin head loonies. What scares me most is that there are still many many more out there. Heck I think the remaining Repug base if not total skin head is closet skin head. The hate mongering that comes out of that side of their camp is very frieghtening indeed. On accasion I go over to read some of the FauxNews or Supreme Leader SH Limpo posts and litterally have to take a shower afterwards. Someone please tell me where all their hate and anger comes from. Anyway keep vigilent. Keep the faith. Only 8 1/2 more days…only 8 1/2 more days…Peace Love
Obama / Biden 2008

27 10 2008

Convicted on 7 felony counts.

Guess who can’t vote for himself now!

27 10 2008

@Bec Hussein in Illinois (13:27:00) :

‘Thanks for the Begich link, tspey. Perfect timing. I was just about to look it up. Darn – wish he took PayPal – but I sent a little donation.’

Ditto. I just gave $ to Mark Begich. Money well spent.

‘Thank you for inviting your friends, family and colleagues to join our campaign. With your help, we will elect new leadership to move Alaska forward. Alaskans for Begich’

27 10 2008
Susan in PA (Goalie Sanka Hussein)

Laughingat aka Lightning Panther Palin (12:50:44) :

“anybody in eastern PA? i just got a call from chicago to go to PA this weekend.
iā€™m in nyc so somewhere near the del gap would be goodā€¦”

I’m a bit confused – are you looking for a place to stay or just to link up with some area Mudpuppies? I’m in the westerns suburbs of Philly – not that near the Delaware Water Gap! Tom in PA is in the Lehigh Valley, I think…

27 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper Palin

Geez. My mind has been misfiring all day, today. Time for a rest and get some exercise.
I was posting, thinking it was the Alaska senate–not the US Senate–that would be making the expulsion decision. Duh!!
OK, so much for my question. Please ignore me until my brain starts functioning again. But I do want to know if it’s a governor appointment, if he needs to be replaced.

27 10 2008

Nightmare time: SENATOR PALIN

27 10 2008

Yikes we need a proof reading and spell check-ability on this site. Sorry.
Where’s ‘Mega…. when you need him?

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

tspey – let us know later if you hear about a big surge in donations to Begich in the next 48 hours – like what happened for Tinklenberg. That would be wonderful!

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Ok. One more. There is a post by Ellie in the open thread about a judicial election in Minnesota. Seems the challenger is on a mission from God, and he’s a member of Gideon’s Army. Or was.

His name is Tim Tingelstad (not to be confused with Elwyn Tinklenberg), and he’s running against Paul Anderson, the incumbent. In this case, change is NOT good. So, if you’re in MN or know anybody in MN, vote for Supreme Court Justice Paul Anderson.

27 10 2008

@SC Strike
“OK, I havenā€™t had time to read all of these comments, so I hope my question hasnā€™t already been answered:
is the senate LIKELY to vote him out? do they have the votes? will supporters abandon him because of these felonies or circle the wagons?”
I am certain it is time to let our elected officials know what we think about this.
by email and mail and phone

anyone else agree?

27 10 2008

Sparky (13:13:37) : NMJā€¦please, pat yourself on the back for me…

Thanks, Sparky! I’ll try to forget what my mother always told me, “Don’t break your arm patting yourself on your own back!”

She was from the Deep South and had lots of “sayin’s” that probably wouldn’t make much sense to northerners: “I’ll be on you like a duck on a junebug!” “You’re slow as molasses in January!”, etc. And yes, each was always followed by an exclamation point.

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

This is so very hopeful.

Conservatives for Obama!

27 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

I was just reading HuffPo, where Arianna had posted a bit of advice to the Obama team to beef up support of possible Red-to-Blue Senate candidates. She made a point that he will need a 60-vote majority in the Senate to accomplish any significant progress.

I think that is a little bit pessimistic. For the last two years, folks have become frustrated — at times — by the “Democratic-majority” Congress’s inability to dictate terms to W and his henchmen, and I think this frustration has led some to feel that a filibuster-proof majority is vital.

In reality, the Democratic majority in the House is only about 5%, and at least 5% of the Dem members are “Blue Dogs” — i.e., not violently progressive. I personally think that Speaker Pelosi has done rather well in managing the resources with which she has to work. I realize that a good many of my fellow liberals think she should have invested her political capital into supporting impeachment, but I respectfully disagree.

In the Senate, the Democratic majority is really “in name only”. Aside from the fact that the margin is at most one vote, not all Democratic Senators are equally progressive on all issues. The ultimate barrier to “Demo dominance” during the past two years has not been the filibuster, but the inability to get anywhere close to a veto override.

While 60 Senators would be cool, I’m not even sure it would guarantee cloture in all cases. Democrats have never toed (note sp ;>) the line like Republicans, which is a good thing in my opinion. I’m all for “the more, the merrier”, but — oh — 280 MCs and 57 Senators will provide plenty of support for President Obama to make a start at fixing things.

27 10 2008
Proud Community OrganzierWA

Geez Peez Louise! I go away for a bit and all heck breaks loose! LOL

Guilty on all 7! Well maybe justice prevails after all!

Going to be glued to this blog just to see what happens now!

I tell you Alaska is better than the daytime soaps. LMAO

27 10 2008

I really expected a hung jury or a split vote. Has anyone heard anything about what the story with juror 11 was? How did they finally come to agree on everything?

27 10 2008

Holy moly!!!!

I thought it would drag on past the election, but I guess not.

“Snoopy dance” — I love it!!

27 10 2008
Patrick Hadley

When is Palin going to comment on this?

Off topic. You should read the text of her latest interview with Hannity on Fox.
I defy anyone to read those answers to the most friendly questions and find any evidence of intelligent life on Planet Palin. She just burbles away using slogans and soundbites without even trying to make any sense.

27 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

PDX “That One” Hussein MB (12:45:06) :

@Irishgirl aka puck mule:
Iā€™ve never been to a blog before Mudflats, so donā€™t know the ins and outs of moderating and such. Iā€™m sorry yesterdayā€™s comments were so hard for you and your fellow moderators. You should know that everyone here appreciates all that you do to support AKM and this marvelous community.

Thanks for all you do!

Thanks PDX probably mouthed off more than I should have. More as an individual than a moderator, but have been here since early September, and have really been committed to this blog. It hurts when it goes a little astray by a few rouged individuals.
Question is rouge or rogue?

27 10 2008


I am in Chicago too. Will there be a Mudstock this weekend?

27 10 2008
ray michael

I expect to see the Fox Not News headline

Stevens found guilty on all 7 counts by Democratic jury.

27 10 2008
snow leopard

Hey everyone, check this out. RedState, one of the major conservative websites, has just endorsed 2 Democrats in Alaska– Mark Begich for Senate and also Don Young’s opponent in the House. Never thought I’d live to see the day when such a thing would happen….

27 10 2008

Uncle Ted now h as an entry in’s Dickipedia:

27 10 2008
snow leopard

Want to apoligize for my hasty posts yesterday that indicated the Steven’s trial was going to begin all over. I read the headline that jury deliberations were to begin anew, and misinterpreted that as news that the whole trial was going to be a do-over. Sorry….

27 10 2008
Crunk Petrol Palin

I think Sarah becomes Senator through the following scenario:

1. Ted keeps running, claiming his trial was unfair and he will win on appeal. Thus, voters should not “punish” him for that “DC kangaroo court”.

2. Ted wins in a close election.

3. Ted offers to resign from the Senate and drop his appeal if he is not given any prison time.

4. Sarah runs in the Special election and is backed by the Lt. Gov. (who wants to be Gov.) and those in the party who just want her elsewhere.

5. Sarah wins when Alaskans realize it is the only way to get her out of Alaska. (at least for a good part of each year.

27 10 2008
CO Almost Native

Ok, whoever recommended Margaret and Helen (blog) gets a big thank you from me:) I am still chuckling- Helen is right on regarding Elizabeth and Sarah. If you mudpuppies check it out, read at least the first comment/question, and Helen’s response (laughed so hard I almost fell out of my desk chair)

We need a few laughs at this time, besides the ones at Senator Stevens’ expense.

27 10 2008
Laughingat aka Lightning Panther Palin

@Susan in PA (Goalie Sanka Hussein) (13:37:57) :
wow, thanks! i’m thinking about going in 1 day, but meeting mudpups and/or canvassing would be great
oh dear, i must find a map. i’m not too familiar with that part of pa but that’s what i told them was close to me… out rt. 80 i figured….
i’m told the gap is about 1.5 hours, so just a question of how far from there if i stay over.
susan, is pa tightening up?
(all i know how to find in pa is the spectrum and that theater in upper darby!)


27 10 2008

A bit of schadenfraude…and then more a more sober response, as per

ira2 (13:02:16) :
IMO, this is great not so much because Old Sen. Stevens has to pay the piper but because it sets an example that corruption isnā€™t what it used to be, not even in Alaska. The age of being held responsible has begunā€¦ or so I hope.

Good thought. Yes, so let’s hold ourselves responsible: Let’s continue to put all our good energy to good use for Obama/Biden!

For example, note this worrying bit about North Carolina votes:

In North Carolina, a straight-party vote counter-intuitively does not include a vote for president. Voters must make a separate mark under the Presidential Contest box. On Election Day 2008, there will probably be more voters than there were in 2004, and many of them will be first-time voters. “I believe as many as 100,000 votes for president could be lost this time around,” said Lawrence Norden, an attorney at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law.

Nooo! Let’s call. Canvass. Inform voters. Whatever–we can’t let votes be lost or stolen!

Obama’s greatest worry is complacency: Please keep volunteering in whatever way you can. His plea: campaign as though we’re 20 points behind!

27 10 2008

SMR (13:25:33) : Is it legal for FL voters to have their absentee ballots picked up by campaign volunteers, or do they need to be mailed directly by the voter? There is an alarming video at Alternet about paid M/P volunteers encouraging FL voters to vote absentee and then picking up their ballots.

SMR, do you have a link to that Alernet video?

27 10 2008


Not sure but here is the site for the absentee rules in Florida. I hope this helps…. šŸ˜‰

27 10 2008

Shoot, fingers got tangled again. Sorry for the excessively bold comment…

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

bravenyI am with you. It is beyond insane that someone who is a convicted felon can run for office when s/he can’t vote. Again, WTF? This needs to be addressed, especially if Stevens is reelected. I don’t care much if he goes to jail (he is pretty old), but there is no way he should be in the Senate.

Next up, the Palins! Hopefully, the issues will not all just disappear when she returns to Alaska. I am pretty confident that AKM will keep dogging the White Witch’s trail.

27 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

More Light Than Heat (12:37:14) :

MSNBC story on plot against Barack.

Wonder if either McCain or Palin will finally insist that the campaign and its supporters pull back from the brink. This is way too serious for them to continue to ignore the tone. Weā€™ll all be watching, Iā€™m sure

McCain needs to hold a press conference and send a message to these IDIOTS to stop this freakin nonsense!!! I am so mad at the stupidity, anger, and hate of people!!!!

NONE OF THEM ARE CHRISTIANS!!! They can’t even live by 2 commandments.

Love thy neighbor as yourself
Thy shall not kill

27 10 2008
CO Almost Native

Patrick Hadley-

I just read part one of Palin’s interview with Hannity- OMG! I am a retired English teacher, and I never used red pens on any of my high schoolers’ essays (purple, green, but no red)… I would have worn out at least three red editing pens on this one. What a bunch of gobbledygook! Wait, I would have handed it back without grading, and said “FIX THIS! IT MAKES NO SENSE!”


27 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Kim in Florida (12:19:06) :

I am sitting her at work with my mouth hanging open! Itā€™s a great day in Alaskaā€™s Mudflats
funny picture

27 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

I imagine Todd has been busy eating a few invoices himself in anticipation….


27 10 2008

I just read the Huff Post before I even checked in here. Wow. Great. But, I am amazed that convicted felons can serve in Congress. Whaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
This needs to get changed. This country are begin run by criminal organizations wo lie, cheat, and steal. Congress and Wall Street! For Stevens, what a sad ending for a lifetime of work. It is good that others are under investigation. Palin needs to be next on the list of investigation of illegal gifts for the house, if this is true. It’s about time these people are exposed. Well, I guess Alaska is going DEMOCRAT. It’s wonderful.

27 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

mvngfwd (12:56:33) :

fawn and irish- With you all the way. I am proud to be a part of this mudcommunity, from our intellectual ruminations to the silly ā€œwoohooā€s. This is an amazing family of caring, compassionate people who inspire me every day. And I hope to be here long after Nov 4th if you all will have me.

I also wanted to share that my hubby and I patiently stood in line for an hour and a half yesterday to vote. I did start to cry while I filled in the circle for Obama/Biden. I was so filled with emotion to be a part of this historical moment. I also heard they are extending Early Voting hours in some counties so maybe my phone campaign to Gov Crist helped in some way.

We are almost there my mudpals, lets keep the Obama Light shining!

I can’t wait- like you, I easily cry. Roll on next week. It is going to be good I think!!

27 10 2008

Patrick Hadley (13:43:45) :

When is Palin going to comment on this?

Oh my word, and Halparin too! I’m embarrassed reading this.

27 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Whiskey Otter Hussein (12:37:27) :
“Then again, perhaps the good Senate never felt the need to pass legislation forbiding felons from serving, since they likely nevery anticipated that felons would actually be voted in by the people.”

Well that’s possible, but as Will Rogers said about 80 years ago, “We have the best government money can buy.”

Senator Harrison Williams resigned in 1982 after being convicted for bribery. The last Senators expelled by the Senate were supporters of the Confederacy. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was expelled from the House of Representatives, but was reelected and reinstated after the Supreme Court ruled he had been chosen by the people of his district, He lost to Charlie Rangel in the next primary

All of this helps contribute to the low image of the congress. or as Will Rogers might say “They just don’t discriminate against their own. It gives the impression that the only difference between a convicted felon and a congressman is the conviction.”

27 10 2008

Halparin = Time’s Mark Halperin of course (bloody hell, Sparky)

27 10 2008
Lock Pepper in honolulu

“(CNN) ā€” Sarah Palin said Monday Sen. Ted Stevens’ guilty verdict “is a sad day for Alaska.”

“This is a sad day for Alaska and a sad day for Senator Stevens and his family,” she said on the tarmac at Richmond International Airport. “The verdict shines a light on the corrupting influence of the big oil service company up there in Alaska that was allowed to control too much of our state. And that control was part of the culture of corruption that I was elected to fight, and that fight must always move forward regardless of party affiliation or seniority or even past service.

“As Governor of the State of Alaska, I will carefully now monitor the situation and I’ll take any appropriate action as needed. In the meantime, I ask the people of Alaska to join me in respecting the workings of our judicial system and I’m confident that Senator Stevens from this point on will do the right thing for the people of Alaska,” she also said.

Palin did not respond when asked if she will vote for Sen. Stevens and promptly boarded the campaign plane.”

So no worries, mudpuppies–Super Sarah is going to take care of Senator Stevens so that he does the RIGHT thing for people of Alaska–just like you, Right?

27 10 2008

strangelet 13:43:02:

Right!… about the Dems majority in the Congress. Knowing what it is like lobbying the state legislature in Washington State for people with disabilities, it takes citizens advocacy to “educate” the Congress on the real needs of people. So many of our legislators do not understand some of the issues dogging the American people. The phrase “Write to Your Congressman” is vital and has never held more importance than now. We as the citizens really need to be more involved. It is great that AKM started this blog to wake people up and get them going, but it will take a lot more work than this. This is just a beginning……

27 10 2008

@NMJ: Here’s the link to the video. It’s scary to think of paid M/P “volunteers” (how do they make that concept work?) collecting absentee ballots cast by minorities…

27 10 2008
Lock Pepper in honolulu

OOps I meant–just like she does the right thing…point is hypocrisy..well, you know.

I’m actually starting to sound like her in my posts…what’s that all about, LOL!

BTW–Asian Hussein girl–way back in the beginning when you were talking about why you love this community and how we can be both silly and serious–beautifully said!

27 10 2008

Palin gave a statement about Stevens verdit. Nothing like clling the kettle back B***H

27 10 2008

Bec Hussein in Illinois (13:39:41) :

tspey – let us know later if you hear about a big surge in donations to Begich in the next 48 hours – like what happened for Tinklenberg. That would be wonderful!

Will do Bec. I’ll keep an eye and post on my blog and on Mudflats… P.S. My sis who works the Hill in D.C. just donated to Begich as well.

27 10 2008
Lori W.

I just sent Begich $20, even though I am “tapped out.” I cannot even imagine why a convicted felon can serve in the Senate, but let’s not let it happen!
I am impressed with the speedy trial of Stevens, with fingers crossed they can act quickly with the growing number of “Sarahgates.”

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Been trying to reach all you Chicago folks by posting this every day:

Attention all Chicagoland area Mudpuppies – we are having a Mudstock Meet-up on Sunday, November 2, 11:30 AM, at ā€˜The Beanā€™ (Cloudgate sculpture) in Millennium Park. We are then planning to have lunch at a nearby restaurant. We have at least 6 folks coming so far.

I have posted a new thread on the Mudflats Forum under Events and Meets.
Here is the link:,2924.0.html

I believe you need to be a forum member for this link to work.
You can respond there. Or email Shikago at 4waryears at gmail dot com

Canā€™t wait to see how many greater-Chicagoland Mudpuppies there are.
Co-horts/co-planners: Carol (Chicago,IL) and Shikago!

27 10 2008

@mvngfwd: I guess that if the voter requests the ballot (assuming that the form they are being provided is the correct one) that the process is kosher. However, I just can’t shake feeling that it’s a bit strange to encourage voters to vote absentee, then to submit the paperwork for them (how can one be certain that the forms will get to the correct place by the 6th day prior to the election), and then to further expect that those absentee ballots they collect are actually turned in.

Why is the M/P campaign doing this? Am I the only one that thinks something about it smells funny?

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Not really something to dance about, but I am in awe. Is the universe turning on its ethics for change?

27 10 2008

Wow. Well, if God is merciful and figures we have all suffered enough what with 9/11, the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina and 8 years of Dubya, we’ll be sending the good people of Alaska back their governor on Nov.5. I’m sure you all will be able to find something to keep her busy now that the floodgates have been opened.

27 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

Good story at TPM:
“Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama”

27 10 2008

And anyone in the Harrisburg vicinity of PA, Bill Clinton will be here on Wed.,Oct. 29.

27 10 2008
Wolf Pup Hideme Palin

Great article from New Zealand calls it as it is: the rhetoric of “otherness” directed at Obama is “by demonising Barack Obama, it is a subliminal invitation to murder.” Lousy syntax, but they’re right.

27 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

More on nasty little Sarah from two British newspapers:

27 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin
27 10 2008

I see some remarks about criminals and Congress. Are you ready for this?

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

*29 have been accused of spousal abuse
*7 have been arrested for fraud
*19 have been accused of writing bad checks
*117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at leased 2 businesses
*3 have done time for assault
*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
*8 have been arrested for shoplifting
*21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
*84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up yet? (scroll down)

It’s the 535 members of the United States Congress

27 10 2008
Progressive From Oregon

Criminal Stevens can run and be a Senator, but he cannot vote!

Thanks to Shayana Kadidal for this heads up research. He posted just now at

“Felons whose crimes involve “moral turpitude” (defined by state law to include bribery,

<a href=”″ title=”It’s automatic as soon as convicted.””

27 10 2008
Wolf Pup Hideme Palin

Great article from New Zealand calls it as it is: the rhetoric of “otherness” directed at Obama is “by demonising Barack Obama, it is a subliminal invitation to murder.” Lousy syntax, but they’re right.

27 10 2008

I see some remarks about criminals and Congress. Are you ready for this?

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

*29 have been accused of spousal abuse
*7 have been arrested for fraud
*19 have been accused of writing bad checks
*117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at leased 2 businesses
*3 have done time for assault
*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
*8 have been arrested for shoplifting
*21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
*84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up yet? (scroll down)

It’s the 535 members of the United States Congress

27 10 2008

Lurker “That one” Hussein Palin (14:24:42) :
Good story at TPM:
ā€œDozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obamaā€

Good people (I have a quick “Biden choke” moment) this is beautiful. thanks Lurker

27 10 2008
Wolf Pup Hideme Palin

Hmm, my syntax went bad, too. Must be viral ;->

27 10 2008
Mollys Mum


Somewhere on Mudflats over the last several days someone posted a link to a site where you could watch TV shows live, and not have to wait for the distilled versions the next day. Like an idiot I didn’t bother bookmarking the site, and now our Cable has just gone out and I haven’t seen Rachel in three days and I am in serious withdrawal. Does anyone have that link?? Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Back to your regularly scheduled programming…….

27 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM (14:03:45) : Yet another in a series of spews with Todd eating the invoices comment, and seriously, my w key is really messed up… any computer folks to tell me what to do about it? Now it is really getting stuck, and by golly, you would be surprised to learn how many words have a w in them… also

27 10 2008

SMR (14:12:32) : Thanks, SMR. Got it!

27 10 2008

is it really a sad day for Alaska? or is it a day where justice has been served? i mean, unless you’re a big Stevens fan/supporter, this day would be a good day. this from the same woman who wants to go to Warshington with McCain and shake things up, sweep out the corruption with all her reform and maverickyness. i would think she’d rejoice over justice and a cleaner Warshington. huh. it’s a stumper.

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Q. Why does SP wear a polar bear on her lapel??

A. Because she is so polarizing!!!

27 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA
27 10 2008

Isn’t it sad that if you are a felon you can’t vote, but you can be a Senator? There’s something seriously wrong with that picture.

OK Alaska, it’s up to you. Time to turn Stevens out to pasture.

27 10 2008

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (13:56:08) :,

I may be wrong about this, so any of you guys feel free to weigh in, but I believe that technically there is nothing Constitutionally preventing a felon from being Pres or VP, either. The Constitution only mandates that they be people of “good character,” but makes no other distinction. You could arguably contend that felons are not people of good character, I suppose, but it is certainly subjective. I’m sure the founders could not have imagined the tolerance for corruption that pollutes the houses of Government today, or that the populace would be willing accomplices to supporting that corruption. Just look at the recent Troopergate mess. There is a bipartisan report that states Governor Palin violated state statute and abused her authority, yet she still has a 60% approval rating in Alaska (I’m sure there are equally egregious examples in all states). If we the people don’t put our foot down about this stuff, we can’t expect it to change.

What will be very interesting is IF Stevens is reelected and IF he is sentenced to a jail term, would he require special arrangements to fulfill his Senate duties from jail? Can you just imagine? What a bizarro world we’re living in.

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Lock Pepper in honolulu, I think we all channel Palin a bit after listening to her/reading what she’s said. It’s like she speaks a different language–one to which only she knows the semantics. Whoops. She probably doesn’t know that word.

Thanks for the shout-out. I love the fact that I can get the latest, breaking news in Alaska and a recipe for sweet potato pecan pie in the same blog. It truly makes it more like a community.

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Stevens wasn’t charged with bribery. He was charged with failing to report gifts. But evidence of doing political favors for VECO was admitted as evidence in the trial because it provided a motive for concealing gifts.

27 10 2008
karen marie

who wants to put money that bush doesn’t pardon stevens and abramoff?

i think the likelihood that bush will pardon both of them is very high. more’s the pity.

27 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (

How’d I miss the sweet potato pecan pie recipe? That’s exactly what I need to make Thanksgiving. Can you post if (or point me in the right direction?) Thanks.

27 10 2008

Off topic: how much do you think Nicole Wallace (advisor to the McCain camp) hate her job? I’m watching her on Race for the White House. I’m just wondering….seems like November 4th can’t come along soon enough for her.

27 10 2008

Lock Pepper in honolulu (14:11:15) : In the meantime, I ask the people of Alaska to join me in respecting the workings of our judicial system and Iā€™m confident that Senator Stevens from this point on will do the right thing for the people of Alaska,ā€ she also said.

She’s telling Alaskans she expects them to re-elect Stevens! It will be a sad day for Alaska’s reputation in the world if he gets re-elected, in spite of being a felon.

27 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Carrying this over as I just posted it at the end of the last thread. Apologies if someone else already covered this here:

@jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin (12:13:25) :

Here’s the scoop on how we’d get a new Senator, in case Ted were (heaven forbid) reelected then kicked out by 2/3 of the Senate:

In 2004 we changed the law so that in the event of a Senate vacancy we have to have a special election. NO MORE APPOINTMENTS! This was a backlash from Frank M. appointing his daughter Lisa M. to his vacated Senate seat after he won the Governorship. Of course “we” also elected her on her own to that seat (for a full 6 year term) that same election, but…

Anyway, just to clear up any misconceptions, Sarah CANNOT appoint herself or resign and have Lt. Gov. (at that point Gov.) Sean Parnell appoint her to the Senate seat if Ted won it next Tuesday and then was removed by his colleagues or if he resigned.

27 10 2008

“Sarah Palin said Monday Sen. Ted Stevensā€™ guilty verdict ā€œis a sad day for Alaska.ā€

ā€œThis is a sad day for Alaska and a sad day for Senator Stevens and his family,ā€ she said on the tarmac at Richmond International Airport. ā€œThe verdict shines a light on the corrupting influence of the big oil service company up there in Alaska that was allowed to control too much of our state. And that control was part of the culture of corruption that I was elected to fight, and that fight must always move forward regardless of party affiliation or seniority or even past service.

ā€œAs Governor of the State of Alaska, I will carefully now monitor the situation and Iā€™ll take any appropriate action as needed. In the meantime, I ask the people of Alaska to join me in respecting the workings of our judicial system and Iā€™m confident that Senator Stevens from this point on will do the right thing for the people of Alaska,ā€ she also said.”

This is like peering in the mind of a psychopath… I guess I could lose the word like.

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Alaskans will hopefully seriously consider Mark Begich, currently Anchorage’s Mayor for Senator. Although I don’t agree with Begich’s stand of supporting drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, I do think he has a lot to offer Alaska and the nation on many other counts. He will be much more effective for Alaska as the new junior Senator of the majority party than the 84 year old Stevens.

27 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Irishgirl aka puck mule (13:45:23) :

You gave me a laugh. I like the idea of a rogue with rouge.
Similar to a pig with lipstick.

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Molly’s Mom, the station is

I don’t have cable, so it’s a god-send.

Michele, you are probably right, which makes the whole thing even more outrageous.

Bobg, a sobering reminder that there is a double standard in America when it comes to crimes and money. If you are wealthy enough, connected enough, “distinguished” enough, you can always find a job (Congress). If not, then too bad for you!

27 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

I had to mute David Gregory…that girl just want shut up. I don’t even think she takes breath…she talks so freakin much!

27 10 2008

So, a convicted felon can serve in congress, but, does not have the right to vote in elections, excuse me, time for me to go beat my head against the wall some more, ouch, that hurts, ouch, that hurts, ouch, that hurts. Taking a break, I figure 70, maybe 80 more head butts, will make me just barely stupid enough to become a Repugh., Ouch, that hurts, ouch, that hurts, ouch, that hurts.

27 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

Bobg (14:29:02) :

I see some remarks about criminals and Congress. Are you ready for this?

Do you have a citation for this list? 84 DUIs out of 535 people in the past year would be pretty remarkable, and it’s hard for me to understand how anyone could know that 71 members have such bad credit they can’t get a credit card — being as how credit information is supposed to be confidential.

The rest of the numbers don’t seem that surprising on a percentage basis, except for the 117 bankrupt businesses. How do you “indirectly” bankrupt a business?

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Chicago Muddies, will you send us picture?? Like Pittsburgh did?? Please???

27 10 2008

Between Palin’s statement on Stevens and the comment she made yesterday about going back to shop at her favorite consignment store, it sure sounds like she’s figured out she’ll be returning to Alaska on 11/5. On the one hand, all of us “Outsiders” will be glad to be rid of her. Those of you in our 49th state will just need to work really hard to recall or impeach her. Let us know how we can help! You’ve done a great service to us in countering all the spin, and we need to return the favor as our way of thanking you.

27 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (14:38:23) :
Howā€™d I miss the sweet potato pecan pie recipe? Thatā€™s exactly what I need to make Thanksgiving. Can you post if (or point me in the right direction?) Thanks.
~ ~ ~
(I can help you there, saved it but didn’t note which thread it was on…)

Tired Mom (VA) (23:00:58) :

Obama Sweet Potato Pecan Pie:

1 unbaked pie crust
2 cups mashed sweet potato (I nuke fresh ones, peel and run through food processor)
small can evaporated milk
2 beaten eggs
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup light brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 Tbsp black strap molasses
mix the above well, we like it spicy, so I usually use some grated fresh ginger (about 1/2 tsp) also use a dash of nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice and cloves (about 1/4 tsp each) it tastes good without all the spices too, so itā€™s up to you.
stir in 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans (slicing is easier if they are chopped very fine)
fill into unbaked pie shell, gently place 5 pecan halves in center to form a star and more halves around the edges (you can skip this, but it makes a prettier pie if included)
bake in preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour (toothpick in the middle test)
Let cool and enjoy ā€¦. we like it to set overnight in fridge, some in the family prefer it still a little warm, either way is good.

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

That jury was a Washington DC jury, not an Alaskan jury. Stevens asked for a change of venue, but didn’t get it.

27 10 2008
Spoon Archer Hussein Palin

Can we take his name off the airport now?

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Getting rid of Sarah is as problematic as getting rid of Bush. You gotta look at who’s next in line. Halcro, maybe next time around???

27 10 2008
Pesky Rabid Skunk Palin

Who built the house of Palin? And who did the work on the mayor’s $50,000 office redo in that double-wide that serves as Wasilla’s city hall?

Palin is as dirty as Stevens is, and she needs to go down.

Subpoena’s for everyone!

27 10 2008

Does this mean he can’t vote for himself now?

27 10 2008
27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Now that she has national ambitions, she may turn out to actually be a better Governor than before, because she knows the whole nation will be watching her. This whole process may turn out to be good for Alaska yet. Send her home and Alaska will thank you.

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

CrustScramble in SouthGA, I copied the recipe from Tired Mom (VA) because I have to try it. Here it is:

Obama Sweet Potato Pecan Pie:

1 unbaked pie crust
2 cups mashed sweet potato (I nuke fresh ones, peel and run through food processor)
small can evaporated milk
2 beaten eggs
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup light brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 Tbsp black strap molasses
mix the above well, we like it spicy, so I usually use some grated fresh ginger (about 1/2 tsp) also use a dash of nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice and cloves (about 1/4 tsp each) it tastes good without all the spices too, so itā€™s up to you.
stir in 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans (slicing is easier if they are chopped very fine)
fill into unbaked pie shell, gently place 5 pecan halves in center to form a star and more halves around the edges (you can skip this, but it makes a prettier pie if included)
bake in preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour (toothpick in the middle test)
Let cool and enjoy ā€¦. we like it to set overnight in fridge, some in the family prefer it still a little warm, either way is good.

27 10 2008

Finally,m we all knew

27 10 2008
Costly Duds Denial Palin

Hey ladies — LOVE THE RECIPE idea! Keep em’ coming.

How about a friendly exchange for Election Night Pie (cookies, cake), so we can celebrate together!

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

I don’t think we need a filibuster proof Congress. We just need a President who is honest and ethical and inspirational enough to get everyone working together on the same valid goals. Now who might that be??

27 10 2008

Re Bobg comment

“29 have been accused of spousal abuse
*7 have been arrested for fraud
*19 have been accused of writing bad checks
*117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at leased 2 businesses
*3 have done time for assault
*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
*8 have been arrested for shoplifting
*21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
*84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up yet? (scroll down)

Itā€™s the 535 members of the United States Congress.”

This is an email floating around since 1999.

See for assessment on the truth of it.

27 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein (14:45:20) : Thank you, copied the recipe, and with the secret pie crust recipe from the weekend… counting the days to Thanksgiving šŸ™‚

27 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

In honor of the first Alaskan to be found guilty this year, I baked an apple pie this evening! It’s in the oven as I type.

If we get a second Alaskan convicted, along with her husband and any other corrupt political-types in her “cabinet”, I will not only make another one, I’ll send it out!!

27 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Thanks, Scrimshaw! My Mom always cooks the turkey and dressing and we bring the rest. We’re always trying to wow each other with new recipes.

27 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Psst, Nebraska….see, I’m domestic AND I can operate a chainsaw!!! Took down 5 trees yesterday! LOL

27 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Tired Mom in VA:

Thanks for the recipe – sounds simply yummy.

On another topic, driving home from work today I thought about how proud I will be of my country when we have elected this wonderful man to be President of the United States of America.

27 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

judi the daughter, wife, mother, entrepreneur, office manager, sales rep, home owner, tax payer, citizen, democrat just wishes that sarah the governor would just GO AWAY!

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cicely, ah you give her more credit for self-reflection than do I. I don’t think she thinks she did anything wrong, so, I don’t think she will alter her behavior except to cater to whatever her base wants. I hate that word. Base.

Dang, you guys are quick in replying! Glad to know we got each other’s backs.

27 10 2008
Mollys Mum

@Crust Scramble – SouthGA (14:34:47) :

Bless your heart, honey. And I mean that in the best of all possible ways.


27 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

new thread

27 10 2008
mudslide pike

I think in the short session after the election they will ask Uncle Ted to step down. He he doesn’t they can vote him out!! If they vote him out he loses his retirement. Uncle Ted is in a no win situation now. I bet he steps down and saves his retirement.

27 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Greetings Pups – Hearty congrats to all Alaskans on Stevens.

Canvassed Sunday for Obama. No bloody nose.

At one door I said: I’m with the Barack Obama campaign.
Woman said: Oh LORD.
I asked her if that was a hint about her vote.

Went to one house where there were four voters named AYERS. They are all voting Obama. Well, what would you expect??? Tee Hee.

27 10 2008

Has anyone started a compilation of Palinisms?
Remember the Bushisms?

“It’s clearly a budget. It’s got a lot of numbers in it.” 5/5/00

“Actually, I… this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I’m talking about… when I’m talking about myself, and when he’s talking about myself, and all of us are talking about me.” 5/31/00

27 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein Queen Grifter Failin

Overheard in the attorney room off the US Federal Courthouse, Ted Stevens present with lawyers.

Stevens, “Well, crap, you jerkoffs didn’t get me off!!! I told you VECO was willing to pay off those dopes. Why the hell did you screw this up so bad??”

Stevens Lawyer, “Teddy, calm down, you knew damn well you were hosed. They had mountains of evidence against you and you were gonna fry, they don’t like you much”.

Stevens “Well, what do we do now? I don’t really feel like dying in prison.”

Stevens Lawyer “You know you gotta play your ace in the hole and get them to serve no time if you roll”

Stevens, “You think that’s the only choice”?

Stevens Lawyer, “Damn straight, you ain’t got no options left, Teddy”

Stevens looks down and nods.

Stevens Lawyer pulls out his cell phone and puts it on the desk and dials a stored number..

US Attorney’s Office: “Hello, we’re off partying as we fried that dirtbag, Ted Stevens.. WHOOHOO!! We’re a tad busy, celebratin, so don’t bother us now, unless it’s REALLY important, like you’re ready to push someone bigger under the Straight Talk Express.. beeeeep

Stevens Lawyer “This is Teddys lawyer. We’re ready. We’re got the records, VECO and the witnesses. We’re ready to push Palin under the bus. Call me back, lets deal!”

27 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Dang, Nancy, what does it say about our Congress (or about me) that I easily believed it?

27 10 2008

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (14:50:32)
Do you have that pie crust recipe that was going around also?
If you do can you print it. Thanks

27 10 2008

New thread!

27 10 2008

Stevens verdict: Palin reacts

Stevens verdict: Palin reacts
Posted: 06:04 PM ET

Gov. Sarah Palin reacted to Sen. Ted Stevens’ guilty verdict Monday.
(CNN) ā€” Sarah Palin said Monday Sen. Ted Stevens’ guilty verdict “is a sad day for Alaska.”

“This is a sad day for Alaska and a sad day for Senator Stevens and his family,” she said on the tarmac at Richmond International Airport. “The verdict shines a light on the corrupting influence of the big oil service company up there in Alaska that was allowed to control too much of our state. And that control was part of the culture of corruption that I was elected to fight, and that fight must always move forward regardless of party affiliation or seniority or even past service.

Palin did not respond when asked if she will vote for Sen. Stevens and promptly boarded the campaign plane.

What a bunch of doublespeak!

And note, once again Palin had a chance to distance herself from the felon. Once again she declined.

Palin, you’re next. That ‘corrupting influence of big oil’ has shone it’s light on you too.

I’ll never forget this little gem…

While mayor of Wasilla, Palin ran for lieutenant governor in 2002. She gathered $5,000 — or about 10 percent of her campaign fund — from Veco officials or their wives along the way.

Palin knows how to use people and lose them . That is her patented MO. But the fact she won’t publicily discredit Stevens or distance himself is very, very strange.

27 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Mollys Mum, you’re welcome.

You sound just like a Southern Belle – I’m always grateful when somebody blesses my heart. Thank you.

27 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

Pesky Rabid Skunk Palin
Palin is as dirty as Stevens is, and she needs to go down.

She could take herself down as a corrupt republican just to
show how “mavricky” she is. Ha.

27 10 2008

AKM says
Stevens will still be able to finish out the election, and be elected to office, even though he is now a convicted felon.

How fluffed up is that?
Not that he’ll win…his goose is cooked!

27 10 2008
mudslide pike

I do smell a Bush pardon coming Uncle Ted’s way!!! Glad they got him now they need to convict the son….

27 10 2008
Grace RN NJ

Marty (VA) Hussein Queen Grifter Failin T AT 1500

Oh, I SO hope that pans out. In the meantime, Palin today putting positive spin on the verdict sayings it’s good to root out corruption….

She maybe female, but man, she has titanium kahones….

27 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Bec, Shikago, et al. – So happy for your upcoming Mudpups meet. In another lifetime I would just get in the car and go. Maybe 2012.

Was only kidding Eyes Wide about his meeting organized by Hamlets Mill being this year. Two weeks ago feels like two years ago.

On Skinhead plot: Wonder what David Frum and his ilk think of that part of the repug base.

Still so thrilled about the Stevens verdict; gives me great hope for all the hyphengates following SP.

27 10 2008
Mollys Mum

And thank you, too, asianHusseingrrlā€that oneā€MN, muchly. Also.


27 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

On the felon thing: the Framers intentionally left the the determination of right to serve in Congress to each of the houses. I believe this was to preclude the possibility that State governments might try to play games with the eligibility of members. The Senate can expel any member with a 2/3 vote. There have been few felony convictions in either house, so there isn’t exactly a lot of precedent, but I doubt that Stevens would be even considered for expulsion until he exhausts his appeals, if any.

The disenfranchisement of felons is, BTW, done by each state.

27 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

Nancy (14:52:45) :

Thanks, Nancy. I should have just gone to Snopes. Duh.

27 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Lured me out of lurking with pie compliments!! It is a great recipe, and I missed the magic pie crust recipe, so someone please forward it to my email: I don’t want to take up too much more space with this stuff. But I thought it may be neat to put together a cookbook by/for all of the Mudpuppies and have proceeds go to an emergency energy fund for the natives and those living in the rural areas of Alaska.

27 10 2008
Dragon Lady

For those who missed Frontline on PBS last night on this election: it is being rebroadcast here in VA on Nov. 3rd at 9pm. It was excellent. Check your local listings.

It goes into the total disarray of McCain’s campaign even during the primary.

How he assumed he was the heir apparent; ran out of money; flew commercial, was met at the airport by a field worker in their personal car; how even those close to the campaign asked if this is how you run in a primary how will you run a country.

27 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Oooo – A chastened Heather Wilson on Chris.

Not snarky.

No Head Mistress and You Were Caught Smoking in the Girls Bathroom.

Nothing like an associate’s felony conviction to wipe the superior smile off one’s face.

(OT to Jamie in France – Palin should be a character in Ab Fab!)

27 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@C.Rock (15:01:46) :

If you’re on the Forum, send me a message (Forum ID is InJuneau), and I’ll send the pie crust recipe to you. Or figure out some other way to safely get me your e-mail and I’ll do it that way…

27 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@Tired Mom (VA) (15:15:23) :

I’ll send it this evening when I get home…

27 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily (14:43:45) :

Chicago Muddies, will you send us picture?? Like Pittsburgh did?? Please???
You betcha! Shikago is bringing his tripod. My yellow boots are on their way via UPS. We’ll probably even blog a bit from the gathering. Wish our numbers could be as good as other places. Even though we are home to Obama – Mudflats appears to be our best kept secret here!

27 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)


Thanks, I tried to find it on the forum when you posted, but I can’t figure that dad-blame thing out šŸ™‚

27 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

We care that we care, not that we can spell..

27 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Lurker “That one” Hussein Palin (14:24:42) : re: those who walk off the job rather than be live robo-callers

I’m proud of them. Putting principle before pay. I hope they all took the unexpected time off to go vote. Looks like this workplace is ripe for unionization!

27 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Jerry (14:49:34) :

Still need one more for 60.
Yeah, but Alaska is now showing blue around the edges!

27 10 2008
John* The Pitbull Wrangler*

I called it! On All charges. 60 is looking like a possible number.
Next……Palin. OH, HAPPY DAYYYY.

27 10 2008
Breaking: Ted Stevens Guilty

[…] go to MJ for pointing out that Ted Stevens has been found guilty on all […]

28 10 2008

He can still run for office, but as a felon, he can’t vote. I am so psyched to see “Series of Tubes” Stevens go down.