Possible Investigation of Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate!

20 10 2008

Well, well, well. Here’s yet another subplot in the saga that is Troopergate. Remember how witnesses, including state employees, Todd Palin and Sarah Palin herself agreed to cooperate fully with the Legislative investigation of Troopergate? If you don’t remember, it’s because that was beFORE August 29th, when Palin was selected to be John McCain’s running mate. It was a whole different world back then. That’s when this investigation made sense to Alaskans, and when we believed the word of our Governor. Now? Not so much.

Ten witnesses, including the Governor’s husband Todd, defied subpoenas to testify before the Legislative Council. When did this mysterious change of heart occur?

Once again, we need to rely on the courage and conviction of the bipartisan Legislative Council, and the likes of Representatives Les Gara to keep the Governor and her administration (including Attorney General Talis Colberg) honest. After the flock of McCain lawyers descended on our sleepy little hamlet, all the rules changed. Now, Les Gara and Audie Holloway want to know WHY. Good question.

ANCHORAGE — Today an Alaska legislator called on the State’s Attorney General to appoint an independent investigator to look into possible criminal witness tampering by McCain-Palin campaign staff in Alaska. Rep. Gara’s call came at the suggestion of the Director of the Alaska State Troopers, [Col. Audie Holloway], who called the potential of witness tampering matter “serious.”

But, as we know, these witnesses did eventually testify in writing, just days before the Legislative Council released the findings of Independent Investigator Stephen Branchflower. Does this make it all better? No.

Their later decision to submit to written questions, after failing to show up for their subpoenas, doesn’t cure this violation, or any criminal conduct by any person who attempted to induce those witnesses from showing for their subpoenas. Complying with the law after breaking it doesn’t excuse a criminal violation. If any person attempted to induce a witness to fail to show for a subpoena, that witness’ later cooperation, after failing to show for the subpoena, doesn’t cure the criminal conduct. (from attached letter to AG Talis Colberg from Rep. Les Gara)

Talis Colberg, who is under considerable public pressure to resign as Attorney General for how he handled these subpoenas, has something new on his list of things that won’t go away. Namely:

Alaska Statute 11.56.545 –

“(a)Tampering with a witness in the second degree: A person commits the crime of tampering with a witness in the second degree if the person knowingly induces or attempts to induce a witness to be absent from an official proceeding, other than a judicial proceeding, to which the witness has been summoned. (b) Tampering with a witness in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.

AS 11.56.540 has similar elements, and is a felony.
The ball is in the court of the Department of Law.

Letter from Les Gara to Alaska Attorney General Talis Colberg: 10202008-witness-tampering-independent-investigator

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324 responses

20 10 2008

Okay I’ll be mature about it…..but am I first???????

20 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB

Me first? Yeah… back to work ; )

20 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB

Darn! Back to work…

20 10 2008

Wow! It does get more interesting by the day, doesn’t it? Thanks for keeping those of us in the lower 48 aware of what’s going on. It’s seems to take a while to make the news here (Seattle), or it gets buried under all the other things out there.

So, one has to wonder, how can they possibly slip out of this mess they created? Makes me chuckle, except that it really is so serious.

20 10 2008

Who could have predicted we would all get to know Alaska so well this Fall? And I’m sure we’ll continue to watch closely as this all unfolds… and unfolds… and unfolds…

20 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

It’s not nice, but I’m sitting here with a big grin on my face.

20 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Yes, Phoebe, you are first!

What does it say about my level of cynicism that I feel so much joy to think someone might do what they are charged to do: uphold the law.

20 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Forgot to add that it couldn’t happen to a better group of people. 🙂

20 10 2008

When do 1st dood and SP get interviewed by the investigating committee? Isn’t that supposed to be this week sometime?

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

I salute Les Gara..The truth shall set us free from the McCain/Palin debacle.

20 10 2008
Lil' Geese Whalebone Palin


20 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

How much do we LOVE Les Gara? THIS MUCH!!! *holding arms as far apart as possible*

20 10 2008

It will be interesting if the McCain/Pain ticket loses…..please, please, please… McCain will throw Sarah to the wolves (heh) & she & her cohorts will very possibly be in a world of trouble. I’ve seldom seen such disregard for the law…such arrogance.

The bad news is there will probably be years of litigation & Alaska will be so changed by all of this.

20 10 2008

I have a **HUGE** crush on Les Gara!

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Susie and Forty,
It may not be nice but it certainly feels damn nice!! What a picture it would make of all us mudflatters grinning.

20 10 2008

i wanna see both them folk in the slammer. and how silly it was to see her on snl and just stand there grinning from ear to ear while they insulted her..she’s such a dumb person.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Happy Monday mudflatters…
First-Sarah Palin does not want to release her medical records because she is a man.

20 10 2008
John Mashey

I’m curious – is this all attributed to Talis Colberg, or is some laid at the feet of “McCain lawyers”?

If the latter, are any of their names known publicly?

The ring leader of the McCain legal team is Ed O’Callaghan, who, until sent to Alaska was a top terrorism lawyer operating out of NYC. Strange times. AKM

20 10 2008

Thank you for reporting this important news in the Troopergate scandal.

20 10 2008
Possible Witness Tampering by McCain Camp | The Ruth Group

[…] MudFlats SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Possible Witness Tampering by McCain Camp”, url: “http://www.ruthgroup.org/2008/10/20/possible-witness-tampering-by-mccain-camp/” }); […]

20 10 2008

How in the world did we get 16 days from the election & have so little health info of these guys? McCain’s starting to look like he may not make it to election day.

20 10 2008

Wow. This is lose/lose for the AG, eh? Go, Les Gara, go! Maybe HE is the cream that will rise to the top in all this mess. [Let us reflect back to his schooling of Meg Stapleton on video. –sigh of satisfaction–] We need more moments of comeuppance like THAT!

20 10 2008

Les Gara is the GRIT in integrity!!


20 10 2008

> ocliberal (13:02:45) :
> When do 1st dood and SP get interviewed by the investigating committee? Isn’t that supposed to be this week sometime?

Yes; I believe I read an article on Huffington Post that said the investigator was traveling to wherever Governor Palin was for an anticipated 3 hour interview.

I took notice that Palin participated in a couple of off-the-cuff conversations with the press over the last week. Hope that continues.

Yes, Tim Petumenos, the special investigator hired by the Personnel Board will interview Palin this week at an undisclosed location out of Alaska. AKM

20 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

The plot thickens. And if Talis Colberg declines to act, boy will that make him look BAD! According to the letter, it seems that the Legislative Assembly might also be able to act if he doesn’t. That’s some pressure to put on a poor little worker’s comp lawyer from the Mat-Su.

20 10 2008
wired differently

Hoo boy, it’s going to take years to untangle this mess. Maybe some of the petro$$ that seem to be so abundant in Alaska’s coffers will come in handy to pay for all the investigations.

I’m still good for the $100 filing fee for the recall petition…

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Yes! I am so glad they’re holding their feet to the fire! I’m so glad y’all Alaskans have AKM and Les Gara on your side!

On another note….. Palin breaks with McCain on gay marriage amendment. Hey,
McCain, how do you like your pitbull now?


20 10 2008
lynn hussein hussein (MA)


I am eager to hear what Alaskans think is behind the Governor’s refusal to discuss her health or share any of her medical records. Is it an issue? Has it come up before? Do folks in her home state think it’s related to Baby Trig, or allegiance to McCain, or is there some other explanation/supposition entirely?

Please note: I’m trying to be respectful here and not suggest she’s had a compulsive lying chip implanted and is afraid it might be revealed.

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Wow. This is the great! I gotta say, I may have to start a Les Gara fanclub, too, to go along with Biden’s Babes. How about Gara’s Grrrrrls?

It is heartening to see one man willing to take a strong and unwavering stance against the festering stinkhole that is Palin and her cronies. Hey, AKM, if Les Gara doesn’t know about your site, you should direct him to it so he can see how much of an affect he is having.

I got an idea. Les Gara for governor, and AKM for Lt. Governor. That should whip Alaska into shape!

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Outstanding AKM, I admire your great work, as always.

20 10 2008

I’m not big on predictions but I feel that the name Les Gara will become well-known to all of us in the lower 48 in the near future. He is a relatively young man and has a huge political future ahead of him if he wants it. BTW-I see that he graduated in law from Harvard. Harvard doesn’t let the casual student in and a Harvard degree is a huge accomplishment.

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

I’m with wired differently. I would definitely contribute to a recall Sarah Palin effort.

Oh, and Chief Hussein Shikago, you shouldn’t malign your (presumable) gender that way! The secret is that she’s a ‘droid!

20 10 2008

Anyone have any idea why we haven’t seen Governor Palin’s medical records yet?

20 10 2008

BTW-Wouldn’t it be funny if President Obama gave Les Gara a cabinet position? LOL Wouldn’t that make some unnamed woman irate?


20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Bobg, you mean, he’s an *gasp* elitist? Say it isn’t so, Bob! Ok, that doesn’t have the same ring, but you know what I mean.

I agree. He, like Obama, is a symbol of what SHOULD be happening in our country’s politics. I hope we do hear a lot more of his name.

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Heidi, because she refuses to release them. Privacy law.

@Bobg, that’s a great idea! Hey, AKM, how can we get Les Gara more pub in the lower 48?

20 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@ocliberal (13:02:45) :

Apparently he’s flying to meet them sometime this week, at a location yet to be revealed, to interview them.

20 10 2008
Redwood Man - Santa Cruz, CA

I hope the citizens in Alaska have as high a regard for Les Gara as many of us in the lower 48 and Hawaii do. The same goes for Col. Audie Holloway as well. I, for one, sincerely hope more people in Alaskan government, like Les, Audie, and Walt Monegan keep on looking into abuses like they have been. I can only imagine that many in the AIP, these days, are more fired up than previously with Washington D.C. lawyers seemingly taking control of Alaska’s government and politics as it appears they have been. While I am not behind the AIP’s goals in the least, I can understand the anger it raises in them.

Keep up the great work, AKM and Les !

20 10 2008

Can anyone tell me what happened to the Obama sign cam? I’m getting a 404 error message… did they shut it down? Too much spam?

I mean, I leave for the weekend and now…. it’s gone…

20 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@LibertyLover (13:36:25) :

Word is that they started getting some disturbing calls after being featured on the news and took it down for their own safety. I think there are more details available over on the Forum.

20 10 2008

Asianhusseingirl-I agree that he is doing what should be done. I remember Micheal J. Fox yelling at Michael Douglas in the movie The American President, “I’m a citizen! It’s my duty to question my President.” We have raised our kids to follow the rules and don’t make waves. Look where that has got us.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN, I have heard the driod theory here before, I could have sworn I saw a protuberance in her skirt the other day. he he he

20 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

I read somewhere, way back in the beginning, that SWWNBN was on anti-depressants. I would think that would count for something.

off topic: The pugs are talking about releasing the fires of hell. Drug use, Wright, etc….I assume that the Obama campaign has plenty of extinguishers on hand, but the problem is this: McLiar is now reaching the “less well informed” units in this country… he’s in the back woods of places. They will believe him because he’s white. I hate that it comes down to that for people, but I am not naive enough to think it doesn’t.

I am beginning to hate this political thing. I am a roller coaster of emotions. I cry with glee at Obama’s speeches… at his touching stories of interaction with the lost… at the photos of him meeting gazes with children. Then I FUME with anger when I read what McHate and McDiscontent are saying in their “rallies”. I swear, they just need hoods.

I perhaps need to break away from the computer. I already don’t watch TV. I am not sure how to deal with this stress. Does anyone else feel like this? And I do have hope that Obama will win, but then I anticipate all the GOP wheels spinning out of control with lawsuits, complaints, bullying, etc……This is going to be rough no matter what.

I almost envy the people who are not following anything at all. Almost.

20 10 2008

@ Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (13:17:02) : //Happy Monday mudflatters… First-Sarah Palin does not want to release her medical records because she is a man.//

You know, I kinda thought the heavy makeup looked like a guy in drag.

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Bobg, I agree. It’s disturbing. I have a friend who teaches at risk youth, so she’s plugged into the youth. It bothers her how many younger people think it’s ok that the government is slowly eroding our civil rights.

@Chief Hussein Shikago, you sure that wasn’t a protuberance disturbance in YOUR pants you saw?

20 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

A few of them need to come clean. Don’t they know when Scarah comes back to Alaska….she is not going to treat them so well!

If I were them, I would tell the truth! They would get more fame and fortune if they did!

20 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

@Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT (13:42:50) :

“I read somewhere, way back in the beginning, that SWWNBN was on anti-depressants. I would think that would count for something.

The pugs are talking about releasing the fires of hell. Drug use, Wright, etc….I assume that the Obama campaign has plenty of extinguishers on hand, but the problem is this: McLiar is now reaching the “less well informed” units in this country… he’s in the back woods of places. They will believe him because he’s white. I hate that it comes down to that for people, but I am not naive enough to think it doesn’t.”

I’d read that also about the anti-depressants.

I wouldn’t get too worried by whatever the other side might come out with, those who will believe it have already decided to vote for McCain. The nastiness of his campaign is impacting the “thinking” electorate against him.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Actually I believe the release of her medical records would show that she is missing a heart and a brain.

20 10 2008
Rankle Hiway Hussein Palin

AH, troopergate…the gift that keeps on giving.

Regarding the med records…since Providence Matanuska Health Care has no records posted for Trig’s official date of birth on their web page, nor several days in either direction, it could be (mere conjecture on my part) related to that.
Hate to get snarky about an issue like this, but one does wonder … I mean the kid didn’t, as did Athena, “spring forth from the head of Zeus”. I can see confidentiality during a Governor’s stay, but afterward? What’s the point?

20 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (13:44:57) :

@Bobg, I agree. It’s disturbing. I have a friend who teaches at risk youth, so she’s plugged into the youth. It bothers her how many younger people think it’s ok that the government is slowly eroding our civil rights.

Boy you hit a hot button with me on that theme! I won’t even get started ’cause I want to go to my yoga class and if I start I’ll never get there.

I truly hope and pray – and I’m not a religious person – that an Obama administration will try to reverse direction on many issues, from listening in on conversations/e-mails to the TSA to torture.

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT, I am right there with you. Sometimes, I just have to walk away from the coverage and do something else because I cannot believe the crap the McCain camp is spewing.

I hope if Obama wins, the neo-cons and the con-cons and the right-wing will devour each other instead of the rest of us.

@judi hussein that one Obama, and that’s a major reason I come here! For the snarky zingers. Thanks.

20 10 2008

@InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor (13:40:12) :

Thanks. Sad to hear… but good that they are keeping safe. Quite a lesson in life that that young man has had during this election season. And really a lesson for us all.

20 10 2008
grumpy in Illinois

Maybe all this is like “Young Frankenstein”, maybe body parts and brains were switched.Some horrendous republican experiment that obviously hasnt worked and no one wants to release medical records.

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Susie in Jersey, yeah, best not to think of it right before yoga. That would be counter-productive. I certainly hope the next prez will take steps to restore the tenets of the Constitution and not just continue to decimate them.

Now, go do your yoga!

20 10 2008
Just Me

@ Heidi,

I’ll bet it has something to do with STD’s.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT (13:42:50) :

I feel as you do Ripley, my blood pressure goes up when I here all this hate crap. They should just put on the robes.

And if the pugs do release the fires of hell, as you said, could we somehow fight to counter that with our own napalm? even though I don’t like those tactics. But war is war.

Example: Help warn and prepare suburban mother’s that McPalin plan to reestablish the Selective Service on June 1st, 2009. Let them know their children will be drafted to fight in Iraq, Iran and Afganistan. Hug your children now while you have a chance, for they may be dead tomorrow type of thingy?

Just a thought…

20 10 2008

I dont think any of this will stick if they win. I think we will only see some serious knock out punches if McCain loses.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Or she or he may have 2 or 3 body parts that we are unaware of..

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

P.S. Michele Bachmann’s lame excuse that Chris Matthews was the one to bring up the word anti-American is, well, frankly, idiotic. As someone commented on a local paper, either she’s a McCarthyist or downright stupid. I vote for both.

20 10 2008

So, Sarah believes that Roe v. Wade should be decided on a state by state basis, but gay marriage requires a rewrite of the Constitution? She’s not even consistent in her inconsistencies. I read on some blog that having her come out with anti-gay marriage rhetoric was actually a tactical decision by the McCain camp. He can seem like the more socially tolerant one while having her energize the base. It’s a two-fer: hypocrisy AND bigotry. Those two sure do know their audience, eh?

20 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

udi hussein that one Obama (13:48:08) I agree…. heartless bitch.

I was wondering if her medical records might show a *gasp* abortion. Now, THAT would be a real reason she would refuse to release them, doncha think? Perhaps from an affair she had? There has to be a smoking gun there.

If she still refuses, can they subpoena them?

And what is going on with Housegate!? that has potential…

20 10 2008
WV Democrat
20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@judi hussein that one Obama (13:48:08) :

Maybe Sarah does not want the rest of the world to know the truth about her Virgin Birth of our next savior? Who she thinks will lead all of the Good Christians to the new Alaskaholyland when she pushes the nucleeare button for Jesus.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (14:04:59) :

I think you may be on to something!

20 10 2008

@ Just me – you know, its got to be something controversial. Why else not release them?

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT (13:58:57) :

Indeed your right ON! She’s had an abortion!

20 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

You read it here first, folks… that is my call.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT (13:58:57

I think you’ve got it

20 10 2008
mhrt oregon

me first
I don’t know about anyone else,but I get a smile on my face when I see it posted………on the other hand when you are the last post and you keep hitting refresh and thinking …….where is everone…………and then I think ……..oh no…….must be new post…..silly me

20 10 2008
More Light than Heat

Well, well, well….
It just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser, doesn’t it. Not only is it getting hard to keep track of all the players without a scorecard, it’s hard to keep up with all the “gates.”

Sure, she was his first pick. Sure, he vetted her. Sure, isn’t it great how she’s excited America???

I’m glad I don’t have to worry about coming home on 11/5 with both my present career and my future hopes in tatters…. It’s almost enough to make me feel for her, but as my dad would have said, “I feel for her but I just can’t reach her.”

20 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Just Me (13:55:12) :

My guess on the meds is the same as yours. Some STD, quite possibly BEFORE she was married, and maybe the Dud doesn’t even know about it. I doubt its an abortion, unless it was from her college days, and again, maybe the Dud doesn’t know about it because it wasn’t his!

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@prettybrowntee (13:56:01) :

I too, am concerned about what all these hate sicko’s are going to do after Barack becomes President. They will do everything in their power to shread any hope our country might have to move forward as one in a new and positive direction.

But, then again, I believe in my heart that this nation is going to rise up to that challenge on November 4th. And that good will win over evil, and that may be how this election is seen in this country after the election, as we watch the republican brand scream “You cursed brat! Look what you’ve done!! I’m melting, melting. …”

20 10 2008

As I stated in other posts, I am a Republican and was slightly leaning toward McCain. He wasn’t my choice but I figured that a good VP could mellow him out. When he picked Caribou Barbi as his running mate I did some quick research on her and swung my vote to Obama. After about six hours of research on Barbi I was really disturbed. Think of all of her public statements; if she became President and her beliefs ruled her actions as President this country would sink into anarchy. Just her statement on global warming scares me. Go to this site:


This will scare you. All of the computer models on global warming are wrong. Global warming scenarios will have to be greatly accelerated.

If she runs the country like the rapture will come soon civilization will cease to exist. Her penchant for getting rid of experienced personnel and replacing them with friends and supporters will affect the operations of government. Her vindictiveness toward anyone that questions her will rattle the foundations of Congress. I could go on and on but you get what I mean. This woman has to be stopped.

20 10 2008

@Ripley…oh my dear…I know exactly how you feel. As a Canadian I also feel guilty and somewhat silly….because we wont even have Obama as our leader no matter what.

I so desperately though, want the US to be the country that I remember…the place it hasnt been for a few years.

Did all this happen after 9/11? I think perhaps the religious right really gained a foothold then…when the nation was in shock and in mourning.

I watched a CBS show called the Passionate Eye last night…called..Jesus Politics. Very interesting, and somewhat frightening.

Anyway…I wont rest until this election is over and Obama has won. Even my husband, who has a difficult time being interested even in our politics is watching events unfold. I often find him watching Obama on TV…and last week I took in the debate in my bedroom so as not to disturb him. Imagine my surprise when I went out to the kitchen for a drink…and I found him watching the debate as well. Transformative indeed.

20 10 2008
NY Dem

Remember a week or so ago, when Sarah Palin dropped the puck at the season opening hockey game for the Philadelphia Flyers ?

Well, don’t look now, but the Flyers STILL have not won a game this season !!

I love it – The Curse Of The Sarah-bino !!

20 10 2008
lynn hussein hussein (MA)

I really really really want people to stop using the words “if the Republicans win,” or “if they win.” It is possible the Republicans could still steal the election through fraud and deceit. But they will not win this election. No way, No how.

They can still steal it, but THEY CANNOT WIN it.

Volunteer! Watch the polls! Bring warm drinks and back rubs to voters waiting in long lines! Any other ideas???

Barack the Vote!

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Good news, Mudflatters! Read the first article on the dailykos.com

Looks like the Wicked Witch of the (Mid)West, Michele Bachmann, is coming home! Yay for America! Boo for Minnesota. (It’s titled, “MN-06: Bachmann Screwed”). Ya gotta love the fact that the Republicans are slow to catch on to how fast and furious the internet is!

20 10 2008
Just Me

@ Shove Maggot & Heidi,

I was just trying to be funny, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense!

20 10 2008
Whiskey Otter Hussein

I’m not understanding why she wouldn’t release even a one page letter from her doctor stating that she’s healthy. This is what Obama did until recently releasing more info. She has about the same chance of having as STD as any of the candidates, and frankly, I don’t care about that. Nothing she does makes much sense to me, so I shouldn’t try to figure it out, but why not a simple Dr. statement?

20 10 2008
NY Dem

Brian’s cousin(?) spotted just 45 miles from New York City !

Unfortunately, the outcome was not good – but the fact that moose are becoming more plentiful in our beautiful state is wonderful !

Just gotta teach them to look both ways when they cross the road 😉


20 10 2008

Lynn hussein hussein (MA) (14:25:30) :

They can still steal it, but THEY CANNOT WIN it.

LOL That is sooo true. No state knows that more than Florida. LOL. We are pushing everyone to go vote early before Nov 4 for that very reason. Who know what the Republicans will come up with this time. It is scary.

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Shouldn’t the Troopergate investigation , for reasons of proof of continued ethics violations, ask Harris about being hounded to fire Bitney , since he was hired by him?

“Bitney soon took a job with the Alaska Speaker of the House, John Harris (R-Valdez), to conduct research
on legislative and budget issues. Harris issued a strong statement in support of the hiring: “John Bitney has
extensive experience with the Legislature, having worked for many years for the late Rep. Ron Larson, former
Rep. Terry Martin, and others. John’s intimate knowledge of state budgets, as well as his recent experience
advocating for the Governor’s gas pipeline bill, will be very helpful in the process going forward into the
coming legislative sessions.”

But according to sources, the Palins and Scott Richter dogged him in that job, too, trying to pressure Harris
to get rid of him. Harris resisted. Bitney still has his job.

The Palins’ interference into the private lives of their once close associates did not end the romance. According
to the Juneau Empire, Bitney and Richter (Ribelin) took out a marriage license in Juneau this past month and
were married on August 23 at a fishing camp in Soldotna, Alaska. Speaker Harris officiated.

Sarah and Todd Palin were not invited.”

20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

When you think about it for even a minute or two, there is no decent explanation for why she won’t release any medical records. There almost has to be something of significance she doesn’t want known, there is simply no other reason for the secrecy. (IMHO)

20 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Whiskey Otter Hussein (14:26:05) :
She has about the same chance of having as STD as any of the candidates, and frankly, I don’t care about that.

I agree, it should be a non-issue, but of course, it would be with the fundy base. And it would be yet more proof of hypocricy (like we needed more, but it might affect independents).
And, it could have a devastating effect on her family life.

20 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

And the chances of us finding out anything about her medical records are slim to none, because she just won’t play by the same rules as everyone else, so mavericky, doncha know, also?

Much more fun to be had in the things the public IS likely to find out about eventually, like witness tampering in Alaska. Wanna bet she sent out an e-mail from one of her secret accounts to her trolls telling them to stick a sock in it.

20 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Slight change of subject. Apparently, John McCain’s campaign has paid $175,000 to the firm of a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states.

HuffPo has the story. Sorry, when I try to link to them today I disappear in a puff of smoke–well, not really–but my post doesn’t show up.

20 10 2008
Whiskey Otter Hussein

No matter how much hypocrisy is revealed, the fundies will still like Palin, as your average fundy is just as big a hypocrite as she is. Tell others to do one thing, do whatever you like yourself. If anything, hypocrisy on Palin’s part gives fundies a reason to feel good and justified about their own hypocrisy.

Can you tell I’m a bit cynical regarding those who are holier than thou?

20 10 2008

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (14:25:42) :

Good news, Mudflatters! Read the first article on the dailykos.com

Looks like the Wicked Witch of the (Mid)West, Michele Bachmann, is coming home! Yay for America! Boo for Minnesota. (It’s titled, “MN-06: Bachmann Screwed”). Ya gotta love the fact that the Republicans are slow to catch on to how fast and furious the internet is!

Hehehe… I love this part:

“Meanwhile, Bachmann has been chided by Republicans such as Colin Powell…and even her role model Sarah Palin:

Speaking with reporters in Colorado yesterday, Palin said she does not agree with Rep. Michele Bachmann’s recent comments suggesting that some congressmen hold “anti-American views,” NBC/NJ’s Matthew E. Berger reports. “Well that’s quite subjective,” she said of Bachmann’s comments. “I would think that anybody running and wanting to serve in Congress is quite pro-American because that’s what the mission is, to better this country, so I would question the intent of that.”

You’ve got to hand it to Bachmann; you’ve really hit the big time when you make Sarah Palin look reasonable.

(Sorry, don’t know how to do a quote thingy)

20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

It’s true, whatever she did I’m sure she believes Jesus forgave her and so it’s none of our business it’s between her and the Lord-that’s how the fundy’s work and they would back her up 100%.

20 10 2008

afternoon mudflattians! just in from work……voted early today in Colorado for Obama! SP was down the road in colorado springs, I heard on the news on my way home that she gave the VERY SAME speech she gave the last time she was here in CO. (and, believe me, in Colorado Springs, it was probably mostly the SAME people in the audience) ……free kool-aid offered upon admittance?

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

I don’t think the fundamentalists will care. They will twist it to fit their screed, just as they did with Bristol’s pregnancy. It’s astonishing to what lengths people will go to in order to make reality fit their perceptions, but there you have it.

Palin is an icon–therefore everything is rationalized.

20 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Heck YEAH. Love this. Love it, love it, love it. Teeth need to be sunk into backsides. Swift justice so they quit these tactics.

Bush and company have operated outside the law. I am very proud of Alaskans saying, “Umm, not in our state.”

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Folks let me introduce you to a scum repug Congressman Mark Kirk (friend of McHate & Bush) in Illinois running for Congress. He states in this interview

“If we see Obama there is a shoot on sight order – ha ha ha (laughter)”

Obama’s choice is Mr. Dan Seals, a democrat, I wish this Kirk jerk would make some Bachmann like statements to help Dan.


20 10 2008

Found another interesting article on how Palin used others to climb to power.


20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@ira2, internet? What internet? Oh, that devious Chris Matthews lured me into saying something I shouldn’t have…Wait, what? You have video? Well, um, it’s the liberal media bias!

I think that’s part of the reason McCain lies about what he’s said–he still hasn’t realized that YouTube.com exists and that we can see for ourselves that he is LYING.

20 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Seth Kantner, author of “Ordinary Wolves” has some plain talk about Palin from his perspective up above the Arctic Circle–published in an opinion piece in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.


20 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

I stand by my first assertion.. she’s had an abortion. It’s the only thing they could not possibly spin. They can spin depression. They can spin STD. Hell, they’ve spun cancer. They’ve forgiven Biden’s aneurysm. An abortion is the only thing they could never come up with any reason for. It has to be the reason for secrecy.

20 10 2008
Whiskey Otter Hussein

Everyone I talk to agrees that the McPalin strategy of late is not appealing to the undecided or Independent voters that McSame needs to woo right now. His base will vote for him no matter what, and those are the only people who believe him about Ayers, socialism, etc. He’s got his base in the bag and needs to come up with a more central message.

All he did with the Ayers nonsense is give a get out of jail free card to racists who weren’t going to vote for Obama anyway. Now they can say they didn’t vote for Obama because he’s a muslin terrier, not because he’s black, silly! 🙂

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

“The magic wand is often used in many ‘witchcraft traditions’ as simple stick of natural wood that is not altered in any way. Often these wands include the bark of the tree still intact.

The magic wand of the ‘pagan craft’ is anywhere from 4 inches to over two feet in length.” Available from dragonoak.com/wands

Sarah Palin said at a rally a few days ago that she wishes she had a ‘majic wand’.
Calling Pastor Muthee, calling Pastor Muthee..we have witches among us!

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Chief Hussein Shikago. I couldn’t watch the video, but that is horrible, simply horrible. I agree. I hope he says something Bachmannesque to get him tossed out on his ear.

I am from the north, but I much rather have the prejudice where I can see it–so I can fight it. Never forget it was McCain and his camp that gave people the permission to say these kind of things.

20 10 2008

Oh, my!! Alaska is suffering from a lack of statemanship on most fronts. You folks need a few good people to come in and fill the void.

It will take awhile to work through the muck, but all will be better for it in the end.

Keep positive!

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Next question:
How is SP’s charge for fishing with her sister-in-laws license any different from Wooten shooting a moose on his wife’s permit? (Except her sister-in-law wasn’t present)


20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

If you want to volunteer as a poll watcher or other on election day:


20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

This is just ridiculous:


Bush refused to let his aides tell him anything negative or say anything negative about him. Yet another connection between McCain and Bush.

20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

I hope you are right Whiskey, that is what I tell myself everyday, here in redville where I live. Also, with regards to the polls slowly closing, I have read that many people believe that Obama’s numbers are understated due to a third of younger people having only cell phones, no landlines, thus not being counted at all. These are the two happy thoughts I try to dwell on when I start freaking.

20 10 2008

whiskey-I think you’re right about the ayers and acorn BS. It won’t matter to anyone except his FUNDAMENTALIST, red-neck base. I think Powell’s endorsement will give the old GOP base pause (maybe we can call it the “Powell effect” at the polls….after McCain loses a lot of the traditional GOP votes!)

20 10 2008

I have a question about voting early in AK. It seems I must fill out an absentee ballot and hand submit it. But my very political friend in NV says its the wrong thing to do. Never having voted early before not sure which way to go. Any local input would be helpful.

If you are in Anchorage, I’d go directly to the Division of Elections. They have all the local ballots there and will give you the right one. You submit it directly to them. AKM

20 10 2008

Oh, this is the gift that just keeps on giving!

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT (14:49:02) :

There is one BIG reason that Mrs Palin’s doctor cannot release her medical records.

Mrs Palin’s doctor has disappeared, doncha know?

Into smoke, doncha know?

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

>Bobg (14:22:41) :
If she runs the country like the rapture will come soon civilization will cease to exist.<

My fear is that Armageddon IS the intent of the right wing Christian. Seems like they all want to be ‘raptured’, and accelerate the return of Jesus. But I do seem to recall that the Bible says he would come ‘like a thief in the night’.

As far as her medical records go, I think it is pharmaceutical drugs that would show up. If she had a checkup today, more than likely a past abortion would not be commented on. A simple blood test, though, could be problematic.

I’ve said it before, if I have to get a drug test to work for a convenience store, shouldn’t all of our representatives be required to do the same?

20 10 2008

A Nana from Alaska (14:48:51) :

Seth Kantner, author of “Ordinary Wolves” has some plain talk about Palin from his perspective up above the Arctic Circle–published in an opinion piece in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.


Awesome article by an Alaskan writer – last paragraph:

“Wake up, folks. Sarah Palin is America’s bridge to nowhere. Get off it.

From up here in the Arctic — not left or right but north of the campaign trail — the reality is clear and cold: When John McCain chose Sarah Palin, he wrote America out of his will. It’s time for us to write him out of our future.”

20 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@empish (14:56:33) :

I think you can just go in to your local early voting location and fill out a regular ballot there (that’s what I seem to recall having done a few years ago when I was going to be out of town for some election or another). You should have received a voter pamphlet/booklet thing in the mail in the past week or so that says where all the early voting locations are around the state. Find your local one and pop on in. They’ll be able to help you figure out what to do.

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

I think SP knows they’ve lost and she’s trying to salvage something that could be ruined should her med records be opened.
Like,…her marriage?

20 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein McGrumpy Finger Quoter

New Article.. Say it ain’t so Barbie..


And if your goons tried to intimidate witnesses,,, could be prison time Barbie..

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

I’m betting she had her tubes tied after Piper was born.

20 10 2008

I don’t think there is a law requiring release of medical history of a candidate. It has become somewhat expected, I think after the Eagleton campaign, but no law REQUIRES it. I remember reading that if one candidate releases info, then it has become an expectation that others do likewise. So, no, I do not think the records can be subpoenaed or otherwise demanded legally.

20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

Voting early makes me nervous, here in Fla. (the land of stolen elections) it just seems like that gives them that much more time to make my vote “go away”. Am I just paranoid(er than I should be)?

20 10 2008

I voted early here in CO, without a glitch. Our machines have an option of making a PAPER copy of the ballot, which I always do. I figure that way my vote is in TWO places.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN

Team McPalin like Bush, do not believe in a free press society. They will not speak or take questions from the press. Kicking journalist off of their planes is the first step in media control. Afterall, freedom of speech is the liberty to express opinions and ideas without hindrance, and especially without fear of punishment.

20 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Palin was just quoted on NPR as complaining about being attacked by the “Feminist Left”!!

20 10 2008

Oh for heaven’s sake, Palin was on claiming “she wished they didn’t have to campaign like this and she could sit at kitchen tables”@@@@ SO GO ON THE MEET THE FREAKING PRESS THEN !!!!!!!!! I wonder how many people eat her bullshit up @@.

20 10 2008
Blue in MT

Did anyone see Obama at the FL (?) rally today talking about how SP even rejected the idea of robocalls. I swear he said something like “Now, you’ve got to sink pretty low to be below Sarah Palin’s standards.” Did I dream it? It was an awesome dream if I did!

I voted today and was I excited (heart racing) as I filled in the Obama/Biden bubble. 🙂

20 10 2008

well…for once SP has spoken the truth! this “feminist liberal) would “attack” her in the same way she attacks truth-and be damn proud while doing it!

20 10 2008
Whiskey Otter Hussein

“I’m betting she had her tubes tied after Piper was born.”

Now you’re on to something!! I bet that’s it!!

20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

Obama’s website is actively encouraging early voting here in FL so since I believe he knows what he’s talking about I am going to do it, just makes me nervous. I have become so distrustful of the political process. Whoever said it above many, many posts ago is right–this election will either go to Obama or be stolen from him via nefarious Republican goings on.

20 10 2008

@empish: according to the absentee voting locations info that I printed out from the AK Div of Elections, the address for the Juneau early voting location is:
Mendenhall Mall Annex
9109 Mendenhall Mall Road, Suite 3


Court Plaza Bldg
240 Main St, 1st Floor

Go to either of those locations to get more information &/or vote. It’s my understanding that at those locations you can cast your vote early and it will be counted along with the regular ballots. I look forward to voting early in Anchorage within the next few days…

20 10 2008

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (13:55:34) : Example: Help warn and prepare suburban mother’s that McPalin plan to reestablish the Selective Service on June 1st, 2009. Let them know their children will be drafted to fight in Iraq, Iran and Afganistan.

If this is something you read somewhere, please provide a link. Is it something you made up?

Most of the posts on this topic are disturbing to me; if I didn’t know this was an AKM page, I would swear it was a McCain blog, because these are exactly the sorts of speculations that we recognize as originating from the Rethugs. And you notice how they all build on one another? It’s the kind of rumor mill that Rethugs count on to build an emotional outcry and that Obama would hate. It’s also the kind of conversation that thousands of people all over the world are reading here (we’re really not in a room by ourselves!), and you know a certain percentage are going to mis-read, take as fact, and that will come back to bite us, taking AKM’s reputation down in the process.

C’mon, people! I need my daily fix of truth, links, facts, support, and humor that doesn’t sound like it comes from a cat fight!

20 10 2008

Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA (15:02:41) :

Voting early makes me nervous, here in Fla. (the land of stolen elections) it just seems like that gives them that much more time to make my vote “go away”. Am I just paranoid(er than I should be)?

I understand who you feel. I was wondering the same thing. I think I am going to go ahead and vote Thursday because Obama kept pushing for early vote today at the rally in Tampa. Plus I heard that there was some lines today. I have to work Nov 4 so. I dont know. I pray nothing happens this year or that he wins so bid they cant hoodwink us. LOL

20 10 2008

Did you all see Tom Ridge on Hardbal saying the “if you asked the troops, they’d say they’d rather be led by John McCain.”????

Guess Ridge hasn’t been informed of the fact that “the troops” have donated SIX to one to OBAMA over McInsane!

20 10 2008

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (15:00:52) :

I think SP knows they’ve lost and she’s trying to salvage something that could be ruined should her med records be opened.
Like,…her marriage?

The marriage which, considering that they might well get sued out of house and home for their actions, provides for her via Snot’s income. Also. It’s not like she’s well suited for a paying job of her own, and I don’t see it as likely that anybody would hire her after community, state, country and the world learned in excruciating detail how incompetent and untrustworthy she is.

20 10 2008

shik- I haven’t seen that anywhere. Where did you find it?

20 10 2008

Did you all see Tom Ridge on Chris Matthews saying the “if you asked the troops, they’d say they’d rather be led by John McCain.”????

Guess Ridge hasn’t been informed of the fact that “the troops” have donated SIX to one to OBAMA over McInsane!

20 10 2008

Blue in MT (15:06:06) :

Did anyone see Obama at the FL (?) rally today talking about how SP even rejected the idea of robocalls. I swear he said something like “Now, you’ve got to sink pretty low to be below Sarah Palin’s standards.” Did I dream it? It was an awesome dream if I did!


Yes I was there and heard that. LOL. It was a great rally today.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@prettybrowntee (15:13:06

How many attended the rally today? I wish I had been there.

20 10 2008

SMR, ty . Im in Wasilla, I’m going to stop by the Borough Building tomorrow and find out if it gets counted right away. Sure would be easier to vote early, but if its not counted right then, I will wait and do so in person election day.

20 10 2008

McCain has a new ploy.. he is looking for more joes to submit their story and video. hmmmm?


20 10 2008

don’t know if anyone has posted this, but a friend just emailed it to me.

I thought it was pretty funny. (sorry about being link-posting challenged)

Russians say ‘nyet’ to McCain fundraising appeal


20 10 2008
Redwood Man - Santa Cruz, CA

Hmmm… Re: Selective Service System re-start

Found this, from October 13, 2008:

Article published Monday, October 13, 2008

Despite war, neither candidate wants to revive draft



Makes me doubt Shikago’s comment.

20 10 2008
Blue in MT

prettybrowntee (15:13:06) :
Thanks! You were THERE?!?! How wonderful. I cannot even imagine the positive energy exuding from the crowd. I got chills when they started the “Yes We CAN” chant. What a monumental time to be living in & I feel so fortunate to have found such a wonderful group to share it with.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@NMJ (15:09:47) :

Hey thanks for noticing… But I was responding to a post stating that the repugs were going to unlease the fires of hell on Obama…

If they …release the fires of hell, as you said, could we somehow fight to counter that with our own napalm? even though I DON’T LIKE THOSE TACTICS. But WAR IS WAR.

NMJ it was just a thought, as I said at the end of the post. If the Republican War Machine releases the fires of hell, What do you suggest we do?

20 10 2008

Enjoyed reading your blog many threads ago regarding the changing Alaska. We see the chaos this campaign is causing in the lower 48 & wondered about Alaska. …..probably very diverse people were able to live together with a certain amount of tolerance….think that has probably changed forever.

20 10 2008

New slogan under Mc/SP Country first.. Reform, Prosperity, Peace. LOLOL
sheesh.. they are digging are they not.

Now I have to go wash my hands for going on that site. ewwww

20 10 2008

judi hussein that one Obama (15:15:11) :

I actually dont know how many attended. The stadium was just about full and I know the it holds 11,000.

20 10 2008
Zim in Oz

Morning…*waves from Australia*

…just catching up…

re the meds, someone here in Mudflats ‘suggested’ months ago that SP had ‘possibly’ had her tubes tied after the birth of Piper….so Trig ?

Did they know something ?

…just sayin’..

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Redwood Man – Santa Cruz, CA (15:18:09)

And all of you!!! Keith Olbermann featured this, he has a program called Count Down, come on, lay off me.


20 10 2008


Immaculate Conception??

20 10 2008
More Light than Heat

Has anyone else seen the updated list of newspaper endorsements? Obama 112, McCain 39. Editor and Publisher has the list, including who they endorsed last time (if known) and the circulation of each paper. Obama’s list includes 24 papers that endorsed Bush last time! Looks like McCain only picked up 2 from the D column last year… and that’s a surprise in intself! And the differential in circulation between those papers endorsing Obama is even greater than simply the number of papers. I posted a number of the editorials last Monday on my blog, and will again just as soon as I can find all the links. Take a look tomorrow sometime. I should have it done by then.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

NMJ (15:09:47) :
C’mon, people! I need my daily fix of truth, links, facts, support, and humor that doesn’t sound like it comes from a cat fight!

Redwood Man – Santa Cruz, CA

NMJ, sorry, I watch this program, it’s called Countdawn with Keith Olbermann it’s on MSNBC. He featured it on his program.


Keith Olbermann and Jon Soltz of VoteVets.org discussed Senator John McCain’s position on the draft. It seems that McCain has supported a draft for some time. His staff released a statement that seems to be at odds with what the candidate has stated.

20 10 2008
Barb In Knoxville, TN

Ken Edelman of very right wing neo-con fame..now only con.? is endorsing Barack Obama…says McCain ‘s temperment cannot handle pressure…is this a good thing?

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

There is much speculation that a McCain presidency would favor the draft because of his insistance that we continue the war in Iraq, etc. Speculation is what it is but not without cause. All one needs to do is to type in McCain draft into ones search engine to find some pretty good arguments.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

I don’t start catfights here folks…

Google, Keith Olbermann military draft

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Keith Olbermann and Jon Soltz of VoteVets.org discussed Senator John McCain’s position on the draft. It seems that McCain has supported a draft for some time. His staff released a statement that seems to be at odds with what the candidate has stated.

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Keith Olbermann discussed Senator John McCain’s position on the draft. It seems that McCain has supported a draft for some time. His staff released a statement that seems to be at odds with what the candidate has stated.

20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

A good thing for us, probably not for him, the right wing neo-cons can be very vicious. I cannot imagine the ugliness that is going to be directed at him.

20 10 2008

@more light

look here for listing from The record.. BO/JB site


20 10 2008
Big Al of LV, NV

Is is just me or did Sarah Palin look star-struck on SNL? I don’t think she wants to be Vice-President. I think she wants to be the Amy Grant of the airwaves. Scoot over Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. The Religilous Right is grooming its newest celebrity author and TV/Radio star and her name is SARAH PALIN. the worst is, i don’t think she believe in half of the Religilous Right’s platform. She is a cynic playing to the crowds for her own glorification. She wants to sell books and ad space just like the rest of the Conservative Cynics. For these underbelly of the American fabric, it is not about serviing your country but about exploiting the fears and hatreds of the undereducated Religilous Americans for their own self-gratification and profit. Totally un-American and un-Christian.

The Conspiracy Theorists (CT) with all their “Obama is a terrorist. Obama is a baby-killer. Obama is a traitor. Obama is Arab. Obama was born in Africa. Obama is an Indonesian citizen. Obama is the Black Panther Party. Obama is ACORN.” did get one CT right. Obama believes in Liberation Theology. And, rightfully so. Anybody who believes in a woman’s right to vote, or the education of poor children, health care for the elderly, gay rights, or the fight against racism believes in Liberation Theology! Thank God Obama and Biden believe more in “prophet” than “profit.” They are the true Christians and the true Americans!!!

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

My posts are being eatin again…

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

You make a valid point and there is much on the web in agreement. I think it is something that we should not discount!

20 10 2008
20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Featured on Olbermann

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Long Lines Form As Early Voting Begins In Florida

(AP) Florida kicked off early voting on Monday, with record crowds heading to the polls and voters waiting hours to cast their ballots. Elections officials said the few reported problems were minor.

Final statewide numbers for ballots cast Monday won’t be available until Tuesday, but counties large and small, traditionally Democrat and traditionally Republican, were reporting record turnout. The early voting sites will remain open two weeks until the weekend before Election Day.


20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Military draft featured on Olbermann he has a program called Countdown with Keith Olbermann

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (15:30:15) :

I don’t start catfights here folks…

Google, Keith Olbermann military draft

You make a valid point and there is much on the web in agreement. I think it is something that we should not discount!

20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

I actually don’t see how we’re going to be able to fight 3+ wars without a draft, I’ve thought that for some time now. Given McCain’s hawkish tendencies I think it’s a real possiblity.

20 10 2008

Yes, Tim Petumenos, the special investigator hired by the Personnel Board will interview Palin this week at an undisclosed location out of Alaska. AKM

Cheney’s underground vault, perhaps?

20 10 2008

well- I don ‘t even have to read the article. If McCain wants to wage war everywhere on the planet except arizona and alaska, there will HAVE to be a draft. Our military is stretched too thin already (even REPUBLICAN generals agree on that), so how could we possibly go further than Iraq and Afhanistan without a draft? That’s simple logic!

20 10 2008

here is the newest attack surge from Obama site:


20 10 2008
Jackie - Kentucky

Hi all, I’m kind of new here. This is off topic, but I found this on a friend’s blog. Is that finger the one I think is is? My Mom says it looks like the first finger. I don’t think so. What do you all think? AKM, have you seen this before?

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

NMJ now that I have posted my PROOF for your NEED for facts PLEASE tell me I am taking AKM’s reputation down in the process.

Thanks for jumping to conclusions…

20 10 2008

*waves at zim …..seeing your wave reminded me of something one of my middle schoolers said last week (not sure why he volunteered this info)–he said that his dad said if obama wins they are moving to australia! (don’t worry zim, sadly I doubt if this family could afford a TRIP there, much less move there)…but, out of the mouths of babes 😦

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

@judi hussein that one Obama

Thank you kindly.

20 10 2008
Barb In Knoxville, TN

oops wrong spelling of the neo-cons name it is Adelman…

20 10 2008

@Big Al

Since Tammy Faye passed away there has been a void of women evangelicals …not in a NY minute do I think Sister Sarah could fill her shoes, but there is job opportunity there & it would keep her out of our Alaskan friends hair. Just saying.

20 10 2008

calm calm mudflatters….all of us are eager to post whatever we may find……and not all links come from valid sources, etc. we don’t have to be threatened by that…we can all do the “vetting” of a source without attacking each other PLEASE?

20 10 2008

A friend send this to me today-has it been posted already? If so, my apologies.

http://www. palinaspresident. us/

20 10 2008
Lacy Lady

Wow!!!!!!! This is really good news!!!! Can’t they get the ball rolling soon. I mean really, really soon—–Like BEFORE the Election.

20 10 2008

RNC On New Mexico “Voter Fraud”: Never Mind
By Zachary Roth – October 20, 2008, 4:10PM
As if you needed any more evidence that the Republican effort to tout voter fraud is less about legitimate claims and more about a political agenda, consider this sequence of events:


20 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

She’s going to be the hottest ticket at Fox News once she slinks away from AK politics. She will be hugely famous, successful and rich. I’m sorry to say it but that’s whats going to happen.

20 10 2008

i’m ok with her going to fox news…means I won’t ever have to watch her talk again!

20 10 2008
More Light than Heat

@ jackie,
I think you’re right and your mom is wishing…. Just look at the expression on Piper’s face!

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@ Jackie – Kentucky (15:37:53) :

Hi all, I’m kind of new here. This is off topic, but I found this on a friend’s blog. Is that finger the one I think is is? My Mom says it looks like the first finger. I don’t think so. What do you all think? AKM, have you seen this before?

Yes Jackie, little Piper is shooting the bird and grandma is smiling. Nice family!

20 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

The thing about not releasing factual information is that it INVITES speculation. I have frankly decided that since the Repugs can speculate and spread vicious lies as TRUTH, I can speculate here about things related to what is not released. Of course, I don’t present any of my opinions as TRUTH, as does the GOP, but simply as options. If enough people think about things enough times, perhaps the pressure to release truthful information will win out.

I have personally engaged in plenty of educated, documented, intelligent discourse here. And to be accused of starting a catfight, along with anyone else who might agree with some of my speculation, is frankly offensive. A catfight is only possible if the other cat shows up. I seriously doubt she will.

Sometimes one needs to let off a bit of steam. And biting back at SWWNBN is becoming something of a hobby for us here. Mostly it is all true. Mostly. And if it’s speculative, then we wait for the confirmation or denial of said speculations with the same amount of rapt attention.

The woman lies and hides things. We want to know what they are. That’s it.

20 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@Jackie – Kentucky (15:37:53) :

Didn’t bother to look at the photo, but if it’s the one I suspect it is, it was Photoshopped to that condition. The original showed her making a V or peace sign. Dillon over at the Alaskan Abroad blog has posts about it with the original photo. A link to Alaskan Abroad can be found up toward the top of this page in the Local Alaskan Blogs section on the right.

20 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@More Light than Heat (15:47:22) : AND judi hussein that one Obama (15:47:33) :

Please see my 15:48:27 post. It’s been debunked as a real photo. Gotta love that Photoshop.

20 10 2008

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Let there be peace in Mudflat World. shwooooo it bit hot in here.

20 10 2008
Jackie - Kentucky

@InJuneau aka Wranger Tractor

Thanks for the info. I’ll take a look.

20 10 2008

I agree Ripley…we do need to keep in mind that MOST of us have said some pretty nasty things about the lady that could be taken away by an observer….in some ways invalid links are not as bad as some of the things we may post !
just good now and then to remind people that there are more than likely “lurkers” here
we also need to remember in our discourse with one another…..with the exception of an occasional troll….WE are not the “enemy”…and, thus, as much as possible be respectful to one another

20 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Nuff-said. I’m off to watch KO, later muddy buddies…

20 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

I’m glad this investigation is ongoing. I really don’t want them to get away with anything.

The medical files bother me because she claims she’s “transparent.” I really don’t care what’s in there, youthful indiscretions, pregnancies or not, I just think she should come clean. Although there would be some schadenfreude if she’d been lying about something big.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor (15:48:27) :

@Jackie – Kentucky (15:37:53) :

Didn’t bother to look at the photo, but if it’s the one I suspect it is, it was Photoshopped to that condition. The original showed her making a V or peace sign. Dillon over at the Alaskan Abroad blog has posts about it with the original photo. A link to Alaskan Abroad can be found up toward the top of this page in the Local Alaskan Blogs section on the right.

She has a pissed look on her face to be making a v or peace sign. Are you sure your information is correct?

20 10 2008
Big Al of LV, NV


i fell in love with the Tammy Faye of the Surreal Life. When Ron Jeremy says somebody is a true Christian that person has my vote. I loved Tammy Faye in her other reality TV starring role opposite her son in “One Punk Under God.” Jim baker on the other hand still the Religilous Right preacher-politician. Yuk!

Who knows, maybe Sarah Palin will get some-of-that old-fashioned true-to-life Tammy Faye Christianity and denounce the hate-spewing, race-baiting, self-righteous, Karl Rove is God religious Republicanism. The Lord knows the vacuum is wide open for a true “born-again” Christian in the fashion of the Surreal Life Tammy Faye to hit the national scene running.

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Lucky PA 😀

New Sarah Palin interview on NBC Augusta


20 10 2008

with warm fuzzy thoughts about all of you….I’m off to eat dinner and watch KO and Rachel….be back in a bit! 🙂

20 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@judi hussein that one Obama (15:53:50) :

PLEASE go look at the links and the original photo that Dillon has posted on his blog… This has been repeatedly debunked, including earlier in this blog too I believe. That’s just a look I’d expect from Piper, no matter what sign she was making.

20 10 2008
Soldotna Sue

Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT (13:42:50) :

I know exactly what you mean about this election season having you on an emotional roller coaster. I too have several ups and downs during to course of one day. I guess it’s because I feel that so much (everything really) rides on this election. I’m from Alaska and the thought of Sarah Palin becoming the President of the United States of America is too much to handle mentally or emotionally! I honestly feel that we’re “done for” if that happens.

20 10 2008

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (15:18:49) : @NMJ (15:09:47) :Hey thanks for noticing… But I was responding to a post stating that the repugs were going to unlease the fires of hell on Obama…

If they …release the fires of hell, as you said, could we somehow fight to counter that with our own napalm? even though I DON’T LIKE THOSE TACTICS. But WAR IS WAR.

NMJ it was just a thought, as I said at the end of the post. If the Republican War Machine releases the fires of hell, What do you suggest we do?

Shikago, correct me if I’m wrong, but I got the impression from your post that we should do what the Rethugs do; make stuff up and spread it around. If you’ve noticed, that sort of thing has been sending their campaign to the basement because voters, especially Independents, don’t like it. Obama gives them the rope and lets them hang themselves, then he effectively uses it against them.

Didn’t you wonder why, in the third debate (Oct. 15), when JM went on about Dem voter fraud destroying the very fabric of democracy (or something like that), all Obama did was smile? He anticipated that; McCain walked right into a trap! The next day, the McThug campaign was in full cry about Obama and voter fraud. Then, WHAM! on October 17, Bob Bauer, General Counsel for Obama’s campaign fired off a 7-page letter to Mike Mukasey, Attorney General of the Justice Dept. and Nora Dannehy, Special Prosecutor, accusing the Bush Administration, senior officials in the Justice Department, the Republican Party, and the McCain campaign of colluding on bogus claims of voter and registration fraud in order to manipulate election results. This is very serious stuff! This is the first time a Democrat candidate did anything other than recognize manipulation, acknowledge it, and sit around whimpering and wringing hands. That’s why we Dems lose so many elections. Obama struck back, and he did it prior to the election! You can read the letter here:


BTW, what do we do? We do what our future Commander-In-Chief tells us to do. This is what wins the battles, while he wins the war.

20 10 2008
Dragon Lady

If this posts twice; sorry.

The only person worse than SP is Bachmann. Matthews ran a segment again; let’s see if KO and RM do too.

I sent El Tinklenburg’s website the price of dinner donation. That’s how Obama raised all that lovely money. The repugs just want your $2300.

$740,000 since her broadcast on Chris!

Read her Wikipedia entry and your blood will freeze. But wait until you get to Lightbulbs! ROTFL.

20 10 2008

Keith O. said McCain Campaign said there is something sinister about donations under $200. LOL My $50 donation is scandilous LMAO I think I will give another 50 this month. LOL

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

KO is on it— buh bye Sarah 🙂 Keep it coming on!

@Ripley… did you see the story on HuffPo about Rachel? Very cool. I wanted to post this earlier, but I was at work and thought that would be wrong.

BTW. All of the spewing of liquids on my keyboard after reading some comments has made my “w” key really wonky, like sometimes this happens: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

*taking donations for a spewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww proof keyboard. Also.

20 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

LibertyLover (15:36:10) :

They couldn’t use the undisclosed location… Petumenos is a Democrat, and they can’t have the enemy knowing where Cheney hides.

20 10 2008

I agree about Palin being star-struck. I think the last thing she wants to do is really work hard at any of the jobs to which she has been elected. She was a lousy mayor, an absentee governor and she would be a nightmare of a vice president. It’s pretty obvious that the day-to-day mundane tasks of actually participating in government have no interest for her. She has no interest or intellectual curiousity in national affairs, foreign affairs or even more alarming domestic affairs.

However, what she does appear to have a very strong interest is, is adulation and attention. And after watching her on SNL the other night I realized she doesn’t even care if it is good attention or bad attention. She just revels in the attention.

I think she suffers from emotional retardation and still thinks she is back in high school where she was the homecoming queen.

Also everytime I see her I’m newly jarred by the disturbing fact that this woman (according to her) is the mother of a special needs 6 month old baby. My heart bleeds for that baby.

I sincerely doubt medical records would show an abortion. I sort of doubt they would even show anti-depressants, stds or tubal litigation. She seems to have her doctor pretty well-trained. The only thing I can think they might show that might prove embarrasing is the lack of any sort of pre-natal care in the last year up and including the day she gave birth.

I thought Sarah Palin was a very strange duck (and still do) but then I learned all about MIchelle Bachmann this weekend. Who the hell are these crazy women??????? And why do they all believe they working under the direct auspices of God almight himself? I mean, if this is who God picks to spread his message, what does this say about God?

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

While trying to find an ADN article from 2006 about SP putting sticky-notes on newspapers telling voters that they had to register as Republicans or not vote,…I came across this tidbit (which I refuse to purchase the remainder of)

Date: August 24, 2006
Publication: Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Page: A1
The Associated Press

Date: August 11, 2006
Publication: Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Page: B1
Tacked up prominently on a wall in Sarah Palin’s downtown campaign headquarters is a newspaper clipping with a picture of two signs beside the trans-Alaska oil pipeline. The first one reads,
“Canada my ass, it’s Alaska’s gas.” Underneath it, the second sign says, “Sarah Palin.”

That defiant message strikes just the right tone for Palin’s gubernatorial campaign.
Wow. Brilliant.
The pipeline has to travel through 2000 miles of Canada, plus several first nations (who have sovereignty) before it gets to the lower ’48, and she puts this on her campaign HQ wall???
ANWR abuts a Canadian counterpart wildlife refuge. The waters and hence underwater boundaries are neighboring.
This is her idea of foreign policy?

I hate to tell her but Ak does not supply 20% of the US fuel. She says it’s 20% but it’s more like 12%. I’ve even heard lower estimates.
Since Canada is the top importer of both crude and LNG to the US:
just what the heck is she trying to say?
Is she planning a takeover of Canada?

20 10 2008
Zim in Oz

Off Topic

@Deb (15:39:35) : >>*waves at zim …..seeing your wave reminded me of something one of my middle schoolers said last week (not sure why he volunteered this info)–he said that his dad said if obama wins they are moving to australia! (don’t worry zim, sadly I doubt if this family could afford a TRIP there, much less move there)…but, out of the mouths of babes >>>

LOL…He’d be disappointed…Australia loves Obama

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@Dragon Lady (16:01:29) :

I agree with your opinion of Bachmann and I also sent a donation. It felt good didn’t it? How I hope Tinklenberg wins.

20 10 2008
Deuce2 AL

I for one hope that Palin loses all positions in AK government.
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the events AKM.
A friend emailed this song to me today and I thought I would
share it with all of you. It’s titled “VOTE FOR ME!”

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Kim… I am moving, too. Howw much room do you have? 🙂

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

ahh, Ripley, I do so count on you to keep us on task. Thank you.

From the newsvine re:medical records – No Palin Medical Records ’til after the election


I don’t know that they’re hiding a thing – but I’d sure like to live there. Hey, future employer, FU, you don’t get my medical records ’til after I’m hired.

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

>Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (15:18:49)

sit around whimpering and wringing hands<

Hey, that’s McCain’s SOP now. Thank you, Jesus.

20 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Everyone in my part of NJ must have received their Obama signs/merchandise today as our small town has blossomed with signs!

My yoga instructor was anxious to get home open her package and get her sign out. I have to give my sign to another supporter as it will disappear if I put it out at my place.

I’m a happy camper this evening.

20 10 2008

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (16:15:21) : sit around whimpering and wringing hands< Hey, that’s McCain’s SOP now. Thank you, Jesus.


20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@ Crust Scramble – SouthGA (16:11:13) :

ahh, Ripley, I do so count on you to keep us on task. Thank you.

From the newsvine re:medical records – No Palin Medical Records ’til after the election


I don’t know that they’re hiding a thing – but I’d sure like to live there. Hey, future employer, FU, you don’t get my medical records ’til after I’m hired.

If she has nothing to hide why doesn’t she just release it–didn’t we have a similar conversation about her reluctance to answer questions at the troopergate hearings? Seems there is a lot she doesn’t want to talk about.

20 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Judi H – Yes! Yes!

It felt wonderful sending Tinklenberg money.

Who but Bachmann (per Wikipedia) would sponsor a Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act? That the government telling us what kind of bulbs to use is Big Brother!

Protect your right to choose your light bulbs mudpuppies.

A clock is missing its cuckoo.

20 10 2008
Big Al of LV, NV

News Flash!

Sarah Palin resigns as McCain’s running mate to launch her campaign to become the next conservative achor of Fox Noise. As part of her campaign, her family will be part of a new Fox Reality Show named “Gov24/7” which will feature all the ups-and-downs in the every day life of the Alaskan Governor and mother of 5.

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Okay, I hauled all this crap together re: Housegate

It’s a lot of stuff, but it shows who and how they had the “buddies” to build the house,..and not far-fetched, IMHO.

I think I found the ‘gun’ but can’t tell if it’s ‘smoking’.
It’s a bit of a convoluted trip, but I need to point out some odd things along the way, which I can’t explain, but my sixth sense tells me, is important.
I had this rotten smell going off about Scott Richter trying to seal his divorce papers, then about Bitney getting fired but not Debbie Richter.
So, here goes.

Okay, first bit that puzzles me.
In the PFD (Alaska Permanent Fund) where Palin made her buddy (with no qualifications) the Director, in 2005-2006 there was an Investment Officer by the name of Eric F. Richter. He left, in a hurry about the same time that Palin decided to run as Governor. (He still hasn’t filled out his last financial statement- for some odd reason)
It’s pretty hard to find any info on this guy, it almost seems to have been ‘scrubbed’, considering he was a public employee.
The only way I found that he had ever worked there, was from this site,


“Mr. Richter was a Vice President/ Portfolio Manager for HarbourView Asset Management & Oppenheimer Funds Inc. since February 2006. Mr. Richter has an extensive background in structured products, and was focused on the AAArdvark products, specializing in residential mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, and collateralized debt obligation investments. Prior to joining Oppenheimer Funds/HarbourView, Mr. Richter was an Investment Officer at the Alaska Permanent Fund Corp.

Okay, that’s one of those weird things I wanted to point out, since he seems to have been erased from the history of the Alaska government, except for:

And: his incomplete financial disclosure.


So, now Palin gets into office and puts her friend, Debbie Richter (still married to Scott and maybe not having an affair,…yet) into the position of Director of a $30B + fund. Whatever.

Palin’s and Richter are partners on a number of Real Estate deals. How many before these were disclosed, who knows, since the purchases of Richters, Palins, and Richter Investments LLC, can easily be confused, especially with the LLC covering their butts. But, I have tried to post as many of these properties held by either, or both parties as possible, so you can see where I’m going here:







Todd Palin is also a partner on this property:
(Note: This is 5 acres)

And the partner(s) own this:



(Apparently related to his former business partner, Brad Hanson- that’s a guess, okay?)

(So, much for Joe Six-Pack average ppl,..anyway….)

I warned you, this is convoluted.
Scott Richter’s property outside of Wasilla is at Big Lake. Now, I know there are loads of “Richter’s in Ak but, there are a lot living in Big Lake and Scott Richter’s phone comes up as
(907) 376-3966 for the address in Wasilla, and
(907) 892-3966 which is a BigLake number.
Now, I’m not saying anything about the last 4 digits being identical, except that he also has a business. There is also a listing under “Stone Richter” with many assorted numbers, many of which come back to:

GR Services
PO Box 520058
Big Lake, AK 99652-0058
(907) 892-6567

Imagine Home Improvement
PO Box 57
Big Lake, AK 99652
(907) 892-6567

Greg E Richter
PO Box 0058
Big Lake, AK 99652-0058
(907) 892-6567

It also states that GREG is 45-49 years old.


Name: GREGG E RICHTER <——-Same guy from BigLake
License Number: 32574
Expiration Date: 12/31/2009
Current Issue Date: 01/16/2008
First Issue Date: 10/25/2006 <———–NOTE FIRST ISSUE


Name: GREGG E RICHTER <———-same guy as in BigLake
License Number: 977
Address: 14040 W CHERRYWOOD DR, WASILLA AK 99654
Expiration Date: 12/31/2009
Current Issue Date: 10/01/2007
First Issue Date: 08/29/2006 <———————?????
Additional Info:

GR SERVICES <————————-assigned to himself

License Number: 26955
Address: HC 89, BOX 8579, TALKEETNA AK 99676 <—not that far from BigLake
Expiration Date: 12/31/2009
Current Issue Date: 09/09/2007
First Issue Date: 02/11/1999
Additional Info:


Finish Carpentry

Rough Carpentry



License Number: 26011
Address: PO BOX 870501, WASILLA AK 99687
Expiration Date:
Current Issue Date: 08/07/1999
First Issue Date: 02/11/1999
Additional Info:


Finish Carpentry


Name: RICHTER CONSTRUCTION INC <———–Scott A. Richter
License Number: 27455
Address: PO BOX 521591, BIG LAKE AK 99652
Expiration Date: 12/31/2008
Current Issue Date: 04/19/2007
First Issue Date: 12/22/2000


License Number: 22723
Address: 1861 KODIAK DRIVE, WASILLA AK 99654-0000
Expiration Date:
Current Issue Date: 09/17/1999
First Issue Date: 10/13/1994
Additional Info:


Rough Carpentry

Anybody wanting to dig through the rest of the Richter in Alaska in Construction (I left out people in Sitka, and the real estate appraiser, and a civil engineer in Anch):


So, it’s not like they would have any shortage of ‘buddies’ to build that house, is there?

Now, in case there’s any doubt about this second address of Richter in BigLake, look at this,.
You’ll see palin’s good buddy Debbie Richter has her address as “BigLake”


In case you can’t get to it, it’s the campaign contributors list

1 FRANCIS RICHTER Anchor Point Heavy Duty Mechanic Vi
2 MARION RICHTER Anchorage None
3 MARION RICHTER Anchorage Unknown
4 MICHAEL A. RICHTER Anchorage Vice President
7 PAMELA RICHTER Anchorage Unknown
8 R RICHTER Anchorage Laborer
9 RICHARD RICHTER Anchorage Retiree
10 RICHTER Germany
15 RICHTER, DEBORAH Juneau n/a
16 RICHTER, FRANCIS Anchor Point Heavy Duty Mechanic Vi
17 RICHTER, FRANCIS J Anchor Point Heavy Duty Mechanic Vl
18 RICHTER, FRANCIS J. Anchor Point Heavy Duty Mechanic I V
19 RICHTER, FRANCIS J. Anchor Point Heavy Duty Mechanic V I
20 RICHTER, JESSE Juneau n/a

And her contributions include this odd “non-monetary” one:


Again, if you can’t get there:

# Date: Amount: Type: To Candidate/Group: Election:
1 05/01/2006 $199.97 NON-MONETARY PALIN, SARAH 2006 State Primary
2 06/21/2006 $5.00 MONETARY PALIN, SARAH 2006 State Primary
3 07/10/2006 $5.00 MONETARY PALIN, SARAH 2006 State Primary

And that’s about it. No idea if it helps establish that somebody didn’t get taxed for the gifts of free labor, or whatever.
If you read this, you get a medal!!
I just hope it posts okay because I don’t want to do it twice!

20 10 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

@ Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT (13:42:50) :

RE:I read somewhere, way back in the beginning, that SWWNBN was on anti-depressants. I would think that would count for something.

In the news stories, the suntanning bed is due to S.A.D.. One can only assume she has had problems with depression.
She packs on so much make-up she looks like a drag queen. I keep checking for Palin Drag Queens, but no one is “dragging” her yet.

Ripley…I too keep having these moments of insanity in my head where I just don’t think I can take any more of this. I really honestly can’t wait for the whole mess to be over. No matter what happens, I fear the country will react violently.
This IS going to be rough, but I’m not backing down anymore. I am not saying I am sorry or being polite about it anymore. I’ve been trying for the longest time, to not call names and say that the stupid people keep calling the shots, BUT THE STUPID PEOPLE KEEP CALLING THE SHOTS AND I AM TIRED OF THEIR WILL BEING IMPOSED ON ME BECAUSE THEY WATCH FOX AND WAVE A FLUFFING FLAG!!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

OMG, I hardly believe this quote:

“What we have heard through some mainstream media is that folks have hollered out some atrocious and unacceptable things like ‘kill him'”

…. hardly believe it

20 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@Whabs, Seattle, WA. (16:27:34) :

Suntanning beds don’t provide the right kind of light to treat SAD, in spite of what she may say.

AND, you should search around the blog for the photos from Juneau’s Obama-Rama on Oct. 4 for a FABULOUS Sarah impersonator!

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

I need to go meditate,…..

20 10 2008

judi hussein that one Obama (16:24:34) :

If she has nothing to hide why doesn’t she just release it–didn’t we have a similar conversation about her reluctance to answer questions at the troopergate hearings? Seems there is a lot she doesn’t want to talk about.

And the funny thing is that every time she doesn’t want to talk about something or fights tooth and nail to make sure whatever she’s hiding will stay hidden, it turns out to be something that she did wrong – like bad-wrong, not just oops-wrong.

One good aspect of this is that she’ll never be able to claim that she didn’t know the wrong thing was done or that she didn’t know it was wrong. *Snickers*. The more she hides, the more is found, the deeper she gets into trouble, the less her chances to wreak havoc in the future.

20 10 2008
Dragon Lady

AKM: Meant to say earlier our collective thanks to you for this site.

I know more about AK politics than the six states in which I have lived combined.

Who knew I’d donate to a Congressman in Minnesota? Doubt I would have except for our collective fear and loathing of Bachmann expressed in comments here.

Cheers to you and yours.

20 10 2008

Okay, we need something to chuckle about:

McCain’s response to Powell’s Obama endorsement

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

>judi hussein that one Obama (16:24:34)

If she has nothing to hide why doesn’t she just release it–didn’t we have a similar conversation about her reluctance to answer questions at the troopergate hearings? Seems there is a lot she doesn’t want to talk about.<

Oh, I think she has plenty to hide, but this she can hide (HIPPA) until after the pig in the poke is purchased. (Which I don’t think is going to happen – I don’t believe she’ll be VP)
But it is easy for her to hide this hand.

20 10 2008

Dragon Lady (16:26:09) :

[…]Who but Bachmann[…]

A clock is missing its cuckoo.

OMG, that’s priceless!!! ROFLMBO!!!

20 10 2008

Hi Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT,

Quote: “McLiar is now reaching the “less well informed” units in this country… he’s in the back woods of places.”


Quote: ” I am a roller coaster of emotions. I already don’t watch TV. I am not sure how to deal with this stress. Does anyone else feel like this?”


20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@ira2 (16:32:41) :

You are right. She usually has plenty to hide.

I wonder how she can blame Todd for something in HER medical records. huh, I’ll bet she will try. She has blamed him before.

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

My, GOD, knikgoose, that is some real impressive investigating. All that info needs to be forwarded to Les Gara. I’m floored, that gun looks smokin’ to me, you betcha!

20 10 2008

AKM—all the REALLY good stuff happens when I’m away!!

It matters not, it’s just sooooooo good that it’s happening! Les is my hero! I think he should join President Obama’s cabinet…fair trade, right? You get Palin back and we all share Les?

Oh, please keep up the good work, Alaskans! We’re counting on you.

20 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Ira2 – could you make up something like the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act?

That would be so perfect for Rachel. I laughed so hard my ribs hurt.

I wanted to post that on a previous thread that had republican light bulb changing jokes but didn’t make it.

20 10 2008

Obama’s grandmother is seriously ill. Obama is canceling his campaign events for Thursday and Friday. 😦

20 10 2008

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (16:26:44) :

Wow! Good work. Very interesting…

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

This is a great review

“Relishing the underdog mantle

For a moment I thought the McCain-Palin campaign had changed its slogan. In the car park here in Belton, Missouri I saw a bus, with big colour pictures of the two candidates grinning from the side, and in-between them words along the lines of “Stop the Obama campaign.” It wasn’t THE campaign bus though, just a supporter’s group rallying the faithful. Someone nearby was shouting: “Obama! Socialist!”


20 10 2008

lol, I give up trying to figure out who is who between here and KUDO, but thanks for the info regarding absentee voting, both here and on the air.

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Prayers for Obama, his grandmother and the rest of his family.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

I know that Barack is very close to his grandmother who raised him. My heart goes out to him.

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I need y’all’s help. Here’s the start of my list of anti-Americans,

George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Sarah Palin,
John McCain, Michelle Bachmann, James Dobson,
Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Dick Morris, G.
Gordon Liddy, Franklin Graham

Please add to my list.

Some of you may deplore the addition of the Christianites listed here – I don’t mean to offend.

I’d really appreciate your thoughts on these and any others you think should be added. (I’m working on an art project). Thanks.

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

‘Schleppers’ Run Into Tough Crowds

“I was down there as a 19-year-old talking to these people who have been voters for half a century, Andrew said. “They would not afford me any credibility — I had to win them over.”

He compared this election to that of 1960, when most of the people sitting at that table chose a youthful John F. Kennedy as president. He also found similarities between Obama’s economic programs and those of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was very popular among this contingency.

“The older generation always has this mindset that the old educate the young,” Steinmetz said. “This election is really turning that convention on its head.”
And Bender’s own grandparents? “They both said that they’re voting in this election for their grandchildren,” he said, pulling the lever for Obama.


20 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

The woman who said Obama was an Arab (irrelevant by the way, nothing more or less wonderful about being of Arab ethnicity), was interviewed by an individual at the rally. It isn’t the best quality video as it has campaign music in the background. But the woman-75 year old Gayle Quinnel-says she got the info in a Repub letter. So incensed was she that she had 400 copies of it made at Kinkos, then mailed them. Gayle confirms many McCain volunteers at the local headquarters believe the same thing.

Seems to me there is a real danger in the lies and smears being perpetrated by McPalin.

20 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (16:26:44) :

You have been digging… I’m not sure what this gets us to, however. It sure looks like there are a lot of blue-collar Richters, though.

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

>Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (16:51:00) :

Prayers for Obama, his grandmother and the rest of his family.<

I’m praying.

20 10 2008
Lana, KY

Just heard that Obama’s grandmother is very ill and he will cancel his campaign appearances later this week to be at her bedside. She’s in Hawaii and he will fly there to be with her.

Heard this on Olbermann and he said Rachel will talk more about it on her show.

To Jackie – Kentucky ~ sooooo glad to see another Ky member.

20 10 2008
TiredMom from the "real" Virginia

So sad about Obama’s grand mother, prayers go out to him and his family.

Obama did not, however, cancel his appearance on Wednesday here in Richmond at the coliseum, I’ll be there with bells on!

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (16:51:00) :

Prayers for Obama, his grandmother and the rest of his family.

20 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

The woman who raised Obama is 86, and evidently in failing health. God bless her and O. I pray she makes it to see the good man she helped shape become President.

20 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I’m going to try and post this again. For some reason the spam filter caught it.

I need y’all’s help.

Please add to my list.

Some of you may deplore the addition of the Christianites listed here – I don’t mean to offend.

I’d really appreciate your thoughts on these and any others you think should be added. (I’m working on an art project). Thanks.

Here’s the start of my list of anti-Americans,

George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Michelle Bachmann,
James Dobson, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Dick Morris, G. Gordon Liddy, Franklin

20 10 2008
Deuce2 AL

Jackie – Kentucky (15:37:53)
Jackie, that is definitely the SCREW YOUfinger!

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@TiredMom from the “real” Virginia (16:59:20) :

Pleased to see you’ve discovered which Virginia you’re from; we only learned recently that there were a few more Virginias – I’m from Central Upper Left Virginia myself – it’s really the really real Virginia. 😀

20 10 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

The other thing I am no longer saying I am sorry for, is for coming here to be among people who think the same and BLOWING OFF STEAM.
I had seen the Olbermann story so I knew it wasn’t bullshit AND I have half a brain. We have been “at war” since 2003, we have lost over 4000 men and women. The military is taking non Americans (but we give em citizenship if they die), criminals, and upping the age of who can serve. Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure out if we keep going at this rate or the rate McCain would like, we can’t afford to NOT have a draft much longer?
Over my fucking dead body will they take my child. NO WAY! NO HOW! NO WAR!!!

20 10 2008

I believe she won’t release her medical records because it will prove that Trig is not her child. Look for Bristol’s medical records. May have to research using her middle name and her boyfriends name??

20 10 2008
WV Democrat

God Bless Senator Obama and his grandmother. Prayers going out to both of them and their family.

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin


20 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

I think this shows the kind of man Obama really is. Taking time out for the woman who raised him.

20 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Has anyone else noticed that Palin’s refusal to discuss her medical records takes attention away from the issue of McCain’s medical records? It allows their supporters to turn the issue into another example of press persecution and they are still making the now false claim that Obama only released a one page Doctor’s letter. Their whole intent is to eat up “news cycles.” They really don’t care what gets said on the “Internets”, because they are aiming at low information voters – last minute deciders, non-internet users who mainly want to choose people “just like” themselves.

20 10 2008

msbeader (17:06:09) :

I believe she won’t release her medical records because it will prove that Trig is not her child…
My wife, who is a health care professional, has been saying the same thing.

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Hey Cassie! I told you so! 😀

Racists for Obama?

New polling and a trickle of stories from the battleground states suggest that Sen. Barack Obama’s coalition includes one unlikely group: white voters with negative views of African-Americans.

“What you see is it’s perfectly possible to hold a negative view of at least one aspect of African-Americans and yet simultaneously prefer Obama,” said Charles Franklin, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Racial feelings are not as cut and dried — not as black and white — as people often say.”


20 10 2008
WV Democrat

Wonderful article about Mrs. Dunham.


She sounds amazing!

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Is America now finally seeing the difference between Obama and McCain? Do the “fringe” people care about their families?

20 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

I voted in WV today. I am happy to say that here in Monongalia County the machines (at least the one I used) worked fine. Ours have a paper that registers your vote on the side and I made darn sure mine said Barack Obama.

Like some others I was a little concerned to do early voting as I was also worried about a chance of my vote getting “lost”, but decided to go ahead. It was really busy. The lady that checked me in said she didn’t think there would be many people left to vote on election day.

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

OK, I have been pissy all day, so here we go… I also believe that Trig is not her child, especially with the pics of Bristol and Levi fussing over him at the convention. Do boyfriends who don’t want kids kiss their sister’s baby brother??? Why is everything about Sarah subject to her whims and her censorship? Why is this allowed to continue? What happened to the press? Why is there such an incredible double standard? I am so %%^ing frustrated.

20 10 2008
TiredMom from the "real" Virginia

@Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

I didn’t know there was more than one Virginia until that Puffinhuffin woman pointed it out, along with Johnny’s brother! 😉

Okay, Mudpuppies …. lets get our collective prayers together … send good thoughts, and prayers for her health … Please, dear God … let her see her grandson elected as president! She and her husband worked so hard to raise this honorable man, I want her to see it all pay off.

20 10 2008

Just to let everyone know, Senator Obama’s grandmother is in serious condition. He will be flying out to Hawaii to see her for two days. Wishing our very best to Senator Obama and his grandmother during this very difficult time.

20 10 2008
WV Democrat

@ West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

LOL! I am planning to vote tomorrow as I wanted to check to make sure that the machines are working correctly in Marshall County.

Obama / Biden 08!!!

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

What has been hidden in relation to Trig’s birth (including the doctor) is equally bizarre as what has been “admitted”.

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

TiredMom from the “real” Virginia (17:14:44) :

Okay, Mudpuppies …. lets get our collective prayers together … send good thoughts, and prayers for her health … Please, dear God … let her see her grandson elected as president! She and her husband worked so hard to raise this honorable man, I want her to see it all pay off.


My ‘advent’ calendar will a different flower in a vase every day when I pray for Mrs Dunham.

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

I was so stupid. I thought that the national publicity would drive her back to Alaska. I had no idea of the depth of her ability to deceive, spin, hide and obfuscate–>That’s fun to type… almost as good as the f word.

20 10 2008
Soldotna Sue

Barack has to miss 4 days of campaigning out of 14 left! Oh no! I’m sorry about his Grandmother. He is doing the right thing. I’m just afraid what the Repugs will do while he is gone!

20 10 2008
WV Democrat

Some West Virginian’s Question if Their Vote is Being Counted

Posted Monday, October 20, 2008 ; 07:29 PM

Voters report problems with touch screen voting machines.

Story by Nicky Walters

CHARLESTON — Some problems with early voting are creating concern for some across the Mountain State.

People in Putnam and Jackson counties have complained about the accuracy of the touch screen voting machines being used in their counties.

West Virginia Secretary of State Betty Ireland says the touch screens are sensitive and need to be calibrated from time to time.

She says if a voter is concerned about the machine they are using, they should ask poll workers to move them to another machine.

“We need the voter to tell us when there’s a problem and we need poll workers to help,” Ireland said. “We all need to work together to have fair clean elections in West Virginia.”

Ireland says as of Friday 21,000 West Virginians had already voted. So far five complaints have been registered to the Secretary of State’s office.

For story and video use this link:

20 10 2008

Hang on, Mrs Dunham. We’re working hard to make your grandson our 44th President. Sending hugs, love and positive energy your way!

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

So Joe the Senator takes time off when his mother-in-law dies, and “That One” does the same when his grandmother is seriously ill….Isn’t that true family values?

20 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

For all the folks who are questioning Sarah Palin’s last pregnancy, here’s several minutes of video supposedly when she was 7 months along. It is a podcast promoting Alaska featuring Juneau. They take coffee to the Gov’s Mansion and walk with her to work at just about half way through the video, if you want to skip to the good stuff.


20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

This is really catty, SWMNBN is on TV on Rachel, sound bite… blend that bush missy. Her make up acumen is deteriorating as quickly as her ability to tell the truth.

20 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

Here is a great letter — bear with the premise, as it is a wonderful piece — brought tears to my eyes.


20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

BLUSH BLUSH… now I am *blushing*

20 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin & Chief Hussein Shikago, the media has slowly been curbed and tamed and tamped since W. took over. Then, Sept. 11th happened, and it was like a moratorium on the truth was issued. McCain and Palin have only taken it to its logical conclusion–complete and utter control over the media.

I agree that Palin shouldn’t be covered until she agrees to do a sit down interview on “Meet the Press” or something like that and until she as press conferences. It goes both ways. I am disturbed by how brazenly McCain and Palin are flaunting their disrespect for the media, but to be fair, traditional media isn’t putting up much of a fight. Just like after 9/11.

Unfortunately, for the sizable faction of Republicans who only watch FOX News and listen to Limbaugh and his ilk, it wouldn’t matter what the traditional media said about La Palina anyway.

20 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Everyone see KO’s comments on SP, Bachmann, Pfotenhauer and lay it all on JM’s doorstep?

(Ira2 – don’t say *snickers* – I had to make a pan of brownies. Dinner of Champions.) Hope we are all taking our vitamins and eating our vegetables. Sixteen days to go. Sleep we can do without.

Very sad about Obama’s grandmother; I so hoped she would live to see him elected. My stepfather, same age, just died October 5th; I had hoped he would do likewise.

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein
20 10 2008
TiredMom from the "real" Virginia

Soldotna Sue (17:21:10) :

Barack has to miss 4 days of campaigning out of 14 left! Oh no! I’m sorry about his Grandmother. He is doing the right thing. I’m just afraid what the Repugs will do while he is gone!


Don’t worry Joe’s got his back! Hopefully Bill & Hill will step it up while he is gone.

20 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Antsy aka CommaLibertyP:

Thanks for that post, it brought a tear to my eye too!

20 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

More proof that Senator Barack Obama knows what is right. So sorry to hear his grandmother is ill.

I think the campaign will take care of itself for a couple of days. Public opinion will only condemn the McCain camp more if they take this opportunity to further malign Obama.

20 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

On a better note, many of us have already voted and WE can get Obama’s back by reaching others as he reaches out for his family.

20 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

TiredMom from the “real” Virginia (17:33:02) :

Don’t worry Joe’s got his back! Hopefully Bill & Hill will step it up while he is gone.

Bill & Hill & Jill

20 10 2008

You guys have to see some of the disguisting comments made regarding Senator Obama’s grandmother’s ill health. Very disappointed in so called “Christian People”.


20 10 2008

Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (17:38:14) :

I completely agree it takes everyone.

20 10 2008

Dragon Lady (17:32:01) :

I’m so sorry for your loss. ((hug))

I think Barack is only taking Thursday and Friday off and returning to the campaign trail on Saturday, from what I heard on Countdown tonight.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (17:25:27) :

For all the folks who are questioning Sarah Palin’s last pregnancy, here’s several minutes of video supposedly when she was 7 months along
She was 7 months pregnant when the video was made and Trig was born 1 month later and weighed 6 lbs. Hard to believe.

20 10 2008

I’m already in tears hearing that Barak Obama’s Grandmother is ill. I will be saying numerous prayers for their entire family daily.

It makes me sad, because Barak Obama has already lost both parent’s, and now he may lose the lovely grandmother who raised him to become the courageous man of integrity that he is today. 😦

**Off Topic: Obama asked that everyone lay off the kids, so can we please repect his request and not speculate about Trigg?

20 10 2008

JR50 (17:44:11) :

You guys have to see some of the disguisting comments made regarding Senator Obama’s grandmother’s ill health. Very disappointed in so called “Christian People”.

I read some of the comments. I am a christian and I dont know that I believe those comments were written by christians. If so I just feel sorry for them. The Hate on that sight is typical though. That is the direction of the GOP at this time. It just motivates me to work harder to get Obama in office.

20 10 2008

I just have to weigh in here – the photo of Piper is altered. snopes.com has the original, with two fingers up.

Back to your original programming 🙂

20 10 2008

JR50 (17:44:11) :

You guys have to see some of the disguisting comments made regarding Senator Obama’s grandmother’s ill health. Very disappointed in so called “Christian People”.


Just DISGUSTING. Truly. Especially the ones who think it’s about his birth certificate. SO ironic, since it is JOHN McCAIN who actually wasn’t born in the US and not on a US base either.

20 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (17:38:14) :

On a better note, many of us have already voted and WE can get Obama’s back by reaching others as he reaches out for his family.
Yes Nebraska Native, we should all double our efforts while he is with his grandmother. We can’t let him down.

20 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

JR50 (17:44:11) :

You guys have to see some of the disguisting comments made regarding Senator Obama’s grandmother’s ill health. Very disappointed in so called “Christian People”.

It’s pretty shocking how cynical and heartless some people can be–let’s keep the Obama family in our thoughts and prayers. We need to rise above these crass comments on Fox Noise.

20 10 2008

@ Dragon Lady (17:32:01):

So sorry :o) But we’re talking politics… you know, McCain and Palin and Todd being like the three Musketeers… *snickers*… wondering if Palin will decide that she wants to be a star in the Milkyway once she gets slapped out of politics, even though she’d have to leave the considerable Bounty from her mayor and governor years behind… lamenting the fact that there’ll never be a Babe Ruth in her collection of airplane and sports equipment children… waiting for the Crunch when she gets hit with lawsuits back home… shall I go on?

On the upside, if this makes it too tempting, remember that good cookies consist of grains, milk, protein (from nuts), fruit (throw in a dab of jam), and vegetables (chocolate = cocoa bean – sounds like a vegetable to me, or else make it a legume). Worthy of being declared food-pyramid-healthy. In short, cookies are good for you.

I love my logic side :o)

20 10 2008
Lori W.

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (16:26:44) :

Okay, I hauled all this crap together re: Housegate

I will try to sort it all out, what an amazing research job. May I forward your findings to news outlets? Thank you.

20 10 2008

I wish I had not clicked on the link to read the article on the Fox website. Thanks for reminding me why I NEVER WATCH FAUX NEWS.

20 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Ditto, MJC–what a nightmare! Better to go and read the letter on DailyKos–“I didn’t vote for Obama”–far better than the garbage spewed on Fox.

20 10 2008


20 10 2008

Re; The juneau video w/allegedly pregnant gov…..

I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen the skinniest celebrity looking as UN-7-months-pregnant as she is looking (if you buy the story that she was pregnant). And the skinny high heel boots for a 7-mo-preggers person? If you’re Gwen Stefani, maybe. I could get by with big shirts until about 6 months, people would tell me that they couldn’t tell, but I can tell you that at 7 months it was a totally different story, and I had an itsy bitsy baby.

20 10 2008
fawnskin chipdragon mudpuppy

disgusting and sad…dead bear left at school covered in obana signs:


20 10 2008

In Scotland two fingers up is as bad or worse than one middle finger up…

20 10 2008
fawnskin chipdragon mudpuppy
20 10 2008

Here’s a good synopsys(see link below),,, McCain wants to win the WH….Callaghan wants to be appointed to the federal bench.

If any of you had followed the firings of the U.S. Attorneys you will remember that a possible judgeship position was used as a carrot on a stick to some of these U.S. Attorneys to just slip away quietly. Thank heavens for the blogs and constant questions………


20 10 2008
mhrt oregon

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (16:26:44

I betcha……. you don’t want to do that twice………what a hugh amount of work……..seems the whole family were supports………

20 10 2008


Tina Fey’s real name is Elizabeth Fey, So:

“Elizabeth Fey, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Rink Rebate Palin”

20 10 2008

Help!! Of Topic.:

I just wanted to share this wih you and see what you think. Yesterday my daughter attended church that my family has attended for years in San Bernardino, California. My husband and I recently moved about 45 minutes away and are looking for a new church home. This said, my daughter called me yesterday horrified. The pastor, who my family have always had much respect for, asked church members to meet him in the church auditorium if they wanted to discuss the coming election and/or get clarification on issuesand policies. My daughter rushed to the auditorium. She said that she looked around and noticed that there were mostly elderly people there and she was the youngest to attend. (She’s thirty something). She said one elderly lady was crying and saying that she had always voted Republican but was seriously thinking about voting for Obama. My daughter said that the pastor and his deacons jumped all over the elderly lady, telling her that they were all Republicans and that God would want her to vote for McCain because the Bible said that same-sex marriage was a sin and that was ahat the Obama campaign was all about. My daughter said they literally lectured these mostly elderly people on continuing to vote Republican without giving them any of the policies the two candidates were offering rhe people. My daughter was appalled that the pastor and the deacons were all Republicans when they do sermons teaching against the sins of lying and deceit. She was horrified that these men of the cloth were choosing to overlook that McCain and Palin were/are outright liars, hatemongers and are playing with fire when they whip their rallies up to hateful frenzies with lies of Obama being a terrorist and a Socialist. The pastor never informed these members that a vote for McCain would be a vote against what would be best for them economically. I am fuming. I told my daughter to find out if they were going to have another meeting so I could attend and voice my opinion. We are no longer members of that church, but I think that these church members should be informed about the issues and the policies so that they can make informed choices that will benefit themselves and America. I truly believe that these members are creatures of habit and will vote as they always have without facts, that the pastor should have given them. I told my daughter that I would consult with the Mudpuppies concerning what to do. Do you think we could flood the church with emails or phone calls? It still will not informed the members of the church about presidential candidates and what they are up against. What do you think?

20 10 2008

You know, I’m real curious about her medical records. Is it possible maybe that it would show that some time in the past that she she recieved a Tubaligation if that is the correct term? That would surely blow any credibilty she might have thought she had. What’d ya think?

20 10 2008

Regarding the medical infor: my guess is that Trig is not her kid. That story of flying back from TX made absolutely no sense. I think she was covering up for the fact that Bristol is the mother. Her “doctor” was given an award or something after she became governor, my guess is for payback for the coverup. I know Obama said not to take on the kids, but this is about her medical records. If she has nothing to hide, the records would have been released.

20 10 2008

The church in san BErnardino has jeopardized their irs and their state tax exemptions.
Members need to object; they broke laws–they should be reported to higher church authorities asap, and let those guys handle it.

Good luck, a serious matter, my family’s
lutheran pastor did (and more) that many years ago in LA area. He was replaced and the church was re-focused away from VERY OBNOXIOUS right-wing activity.

20 10 2008

I saw a great bumper sticker today, something to the effect of “If churches want to get involved in politics they have to pay taxes first”.

20 10 2008
A nation dissolving into a cesspool of dishonesty « Mercury Rising 鳯女

[…] tampering in Palin’s Troopergate? Via Mudflats, a letter from Alaska Rep. Les Gara to Attorney General Talis Colberg asks the question: I am […]

20 10 2008

She can’t release her medicals cuz they will show she didn’t really have that baby couple months, ago. Haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa, she will be busted soon after the election or whenever y’all recall her lying ass or whenever someone with some nuts up there continues to take her to task for walking all over her ‘subjects’.

Hopefully, all this ‘action’ will not be forgotten after the election. It will be interesting, also, to see who is paying the attorneys to defend her through all of this.

20 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Lori W. (18:01:00) :

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (16:26:44) :

Okay, I hauled all this crap together re: Housegate

I will try to sort it all out, what an amazing research job. May I forward your findings to news outlets? Thank you.

Please do,..it gave me a massive headache! I am fine now though- chocolate solves everything.

21 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

One way to show the love: donate to the Democratic party in Alaska’s campaign (Les Gara and David Guttenberg’s (BOTH replied to me via email regarding Troopergate and BOTH were/are on OUR side!) – even $5.

I have NEVER been involved in donating, calling people I do not know, basically doing what it takes to fight the evil Republinazis like I am this year….it feels REALLY good!

I cannot wait for Palin to lose and to be thrown to the wolves! And, muddies, if McCain and Palin do not lose, we need to be on Congress’ ASS 24/7 to SAVE America!

21 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

This website proves that all you need is someone to gather the information and supply it and people will respond! We need to have more public figures monitoring our government, unfortunately. We need more people to get involved. Anyone want to start a coalition in the USA to start this?

21 10 2008
Olay Biscuit Barrel Icky Patang Palin

What’s the Eskimo word for “bubba’s bitch” in jail?…Talis better learn it pdq so he can get the tattoo…

21 10 2008
Olay Biscuit Barrel Icky Patang Palin

Hey after Nov 4th you can dig all you want…

21 10 2008
Possible Investigation Of Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate! « MyAyiti.Com

[…] MudFlats For Suggestions + Investment And/Or Advertisement Email: […]

21 10 2008

I’ve been screaming about this for weeks. What I still want to know is where is the FBI? If the McCain people went over state lines to make mischief with a legal proceeding, doesn’t that all by itself constitute a federal crime? Leavenworth. Marion. That’s what I want to hear. And not Allenwood — that’s where they have tennis courts, I believe.

21 10 2008

I just can’t believe that this blatant misuse of power is not getting more television coverage. The news outlets should be refusing to cover anything Sarah Palin until she decides to show her face and answer some damn questions in front of the camera. This needs to break big and either ruin the campaign or force McCain to choose another running mate.

I think we are too far along for him to toss out Palin, but he should have done this the minute he heard about this whole abuse of power crap. Maverick my ass.

21 10 2008
Possible Investigation Of Criminal Witness « Rockpunkchic876’s Blog

[…] Possible Investigation Of Criminal Witness Possible Investigation of Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate! […]

21 10 2008

>>I think we are too far along for him to toss out Palin, but he should have done this the minute he heard about this whole abuse of power crap.<<

The minute he heard about it? That would be the minute he sent that team up there ostensibly to “vet” her (failing to mention that the time to “vet” her was weeks before), probably loaded down with wads of cash, threats, and promises of a better life if they played ball.

I hope it comes out that this all began the minute those clowns stepped off those planes.

21 10 2008

And by the way, I wonder what her dunderhead fan club thinks of the fact that she’s being sued by the police organization. Maybe they figure that organization isn’t part of the real America.

One thing I’m starting to think might really happen, and it will be so fantastic, is that this smartass dolt, who thinks she can wiggle up to a mike and hoodwink America, is gonna get hers big time. I feel sorry for the kids, but I hope to God this woman gets brought down, with her little dog Todd too.

21 10 2008
Op Ed Calls for Criminal Witness Tampering Charges again McCain Campaign. - PoliticalGroove Forums

[…] for Criminal Witness Tampering Charges again McCain Campaign. Possible Investigation of Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate! 20 10 2008 Well, well, well. Heres yet another subplot in the saga that is Troopergate. […]

22 10 2008

Oh, please dear lord, I’ll never ask for anything else again if you just get these bastards indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced to time in a federal pen.

12 11 2008
richsir.com » More from below the waterline

[…] into the perjury trap, there’s plenty left for Governor Palin to worry about in Troopergate. Mudflats has a good post up exploring the possibility that the Legislative Council might launch an investigation […]

12 11 2008
More from below the waterline - Tobe123

[…] into the perjury trap, there’s plenty left for Governor Palin to worry about in Troopergate. Mudflats has a good post up exploring the possibility that the Legislative Council might launch an investigation […]