Son of Troopergate.

14 10 2008

Let me start by saying we know nothing yet. However.

The “other” Troopergate probe into Sarah Palin’s abuse of power in trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired, is taking an interesting turn. The investigation, sanctioned by Palin herself, stems from the Personnel Board. This board is composed of three people, all governor-appointed, two by the previous Republican governor Frank Murkowski, and one re-upped by Palin.

The Legislature, of course, had its own investigation and concluded that Palin was, in fact, guilty of abuse of her power as Governor. But Palin has been decrying the Legislative investigation as a “partisan circus” and a kangaroo court. The REAL investigation, she says, comes from the Personnel Board. So convinced of this was Palin, that she herself is the one who filed the ethics complaint against….herself, just to make sure this Board had the final say.

Timothy Petumenos was appointed as the independent investigator for the Personnel Board. The buzz around town is that he’s a good guy, a competent and aggressive trial lawyer, a straight-shooter, and will do his job well. Then came the awful revelation…Timothy Petumenos is…..a Democrat. (loud ominous chord plays on the Mudflats organ) And not only a Democrat, but one who had contributed to Tony Knowles 2006 gubernatorial campaign when he was running against Palin! (loud, slightly higher on the scale chord plays on the Mudflats organ)

Palin, who said she would cooperate with the Personnel Board’s investigation, is scheduled to be questioned by Petumenos next week.

We took a gamble when we went to the personnel board,” said a McCain aide who asked not to be identified discussing strategy. While the McCain camp still insists Palin “has nothing to hide,” it acknowledges a critical finding by Petumenos would be even harder to dismiss.

But wait, there’s more.

We learned, in the wee hours of the morning, that Timothy Petumenos’ job has gotten a little bigger. The nets are cast wide, and there are more fish than we thought.

The state Personnel Board investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin’s firing of Walt Monegan has broadened to include other ethics complaints against the governor and examination of actions by other state employees, according to the independent counsel handling the case.


Two other ethics complaints involving Palin are known. One, by activist Andree McLeod, alleges that state hiring practices were circumvented for a Palin supporter. The case is not related to Monegan’s firing. The other, by the Public Safety Employees Association, alleges that trooper Mike Wooten’s personnel file was illegally breached by state officials.

John Cyr, the PSEA executive director, said Monday the union plans to amend its complaint to be sure the board investigates “harassment” of Wooten as well.

There’s no way of knowing how long this will take, or what the results will be, but we may be in for some more surprises before this is over.



241 responses

14 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

The 2008 election, as Sen. Obama has stated repeatedly, is about us. It is about our believing in ourselves. It is about our being willing to become involved and to work for the issues that are important to each of us. It is about our own personal integrity and capacity for empathy for others.

The 2008 election is about working people standing up and speaking out for themselves. It is about believing that our own health and welfare is as important as corporate health and welfare. It is believing that trickle-up economics is stronger than trickle-down economics. It is about demanding affordable and accessible health care for all, as a right.

The 2008 election is about a smarter and most diverse energy policy that will help create new American jobs, boost the national economy, and reduce world tensions. It is about hope, not fear. It is about the better America we know we can be when we work together for the common good. If America is to have the change we want, it is our votes that will lead the country in a new direction.
We are the change we have been looking for. It is about us.

Thanks, AKM, for doing your part. And then some.

14 10 2008

Ms. Palin and the McCain campaign are going to scream “partisan witch hunt”. The problem is, she asked for it. I have to say that I admire the three members of the board because they have certainly set themselves up to be fired by Palin. But, I’m pretty sure she won’t do it because that would make her look really, really, really bad.

14 10 2008

Your writing is just terrific! I did the sound effects over here…organ …laughing so hard! Thanks for all that you do!

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca


14 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

There is a risk not covered, above.

The risk of having all the ethics complaints (what are all of these besides the two referenced??) dismissed in one fell swoop.

It’s good to read, however, that two of the panelists were appointed by the disgraced Murkowski instead of by Palin. This reader has the impression that Palin is not held in high esteem by Murkowski’s people and that they will give her an extra going over.

14 10 2008
14 10 2008

Thank you once again AKM for clear and succint distillation of the issues and the facts. We are so glad to have you there doing this for all of us.

And, apropos your prior thread…

“Curiouser and Curiouser” Alice said…

I can’t wait to see what happens next.. son of troopergate, house gate,
my oh my…

14 10 2008

Yes, I saw this earlier today on the ADN site.

Be careful what you wish for, Sarah.

14 10 2008

Professional inbreeding has occurred in Alaska since the Russians left. For a more recent example, Frank the bank’s kid, Lisa Murkowski…

Then again it depends on how one defines professional.

14 10 2008
G. Stone

What can you -someone – tell me about the Anchorage Daily News? Are they traditionally Republican? Usually conservative? Pro-Palin? Anti-Palin? Progressive? I ask, because I was real impressed with their editorial on Palin’s incedible response to the Troopergate Report.

Here’s what they wrote:

Sarah Palin’s reaction to the Legislature’s Troopergate report is an embarrassment to Alaskans and the nation.

She claims the report “vindicates” her. She said that the investigation found “no unlawful or unethical activity on my part.”

Her response is either astoundingly ignorant or downright Orwellian.

Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: “I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.”

In plain English, she did something “unlawful.” She broke the state ethics law.

Perhaps Gov. Palin has been too busy to actually read the Troopergate report. Perhaps she is relying on briefings from McCain campaign spinmeisters.

That’s the charitable interpretation.

14 10 2008

KO on MSN will be talking about Troppergate2 in a little while.

14 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

And don’t forget “Manipulate-the-Wording-on-the-Ballot-Initiatives-Gate”!

Moving ahead into the 21st century with integrity…..

14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Watch Keith Olbermann tonight. He’s got a “special comment” on tonight entitled “Silence the Violence”–aimed at the ugliness of the McCain/Palin campaign. Should be as good as the last comments.

14 10 2008

Mudflats is #2 on the voting for Best Political Blog. Voting ends on 10/16/08.. come on everyone… can we put Mudflats over the top??

Please vote. Button is on the left at the top!!

14 10 2008
Ted Powell

Off-topic, well … tangential:
In my wanderings on the net, I came across this article: Pentecostalism‘s Dark Side by Roger Olson, who teaches at George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. The article does say that the conditions described are generally improving (and mentions in particular the “Memphis Miracle”) but there are things in the article that definitely struck a chord. For example, this:

… A favorite Pentecostal saying is “Touch not God’s anointed” (a paraphrase of Psalm 105:15). The saying is meant to forbid criticism of the movement’s leaders. When I was a boy the worst label my parents and Pentecostal relatives could put on a person within the movement was “critical” or “negative.” Too often Full Gospel leaders insist on total, abject loyalty and uncritical acceptance of whatever they say. …

brought to mind a recent interview with a spokesperson.

14 10 2008
Chris Blask

The worst part of the whole Troopergate thing is how Keystone cops it was executed. If she can’t do a simple little abuse of power racket right, how will she handle the Rooskies?

14 10 2008

WOW quite the editorial from ADN.. I think SP will be having a real tough time when she returns to AK… from ALL sides.

14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Check out Shannyn Moore’s “Open Letter to Alaska” on Huffpost!

14 10 2008

Items to know — at least as I understand it — about TGII (Electric Boogaloo) is that the 2nd investigation is under no obligation to make their findings public (although I believe the investigator at some point acknowledged “great public interest in the case”) and is under no timetable. I think I saw on the Daily Dish dates re: this investigation at or post election day, so unless items leak I don’t think it’s going to affect Herself’s National campaign.

However, it may affect her gubernatorial prospects, either reelection or ability to perform duties. And it may affect her re-electability.

You know the old saw about a face made for radio? Well, she’s got a face made for the big screen backed by a mind made for [insert small town name here]. She’s just too interested/involved in penny-ante crapola to make it in a larger arena.

I could be wrong.

What happens to Herself after this election? The defeated don’t just disappear…

14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Oops, sorry! “Open Letter to Alaskans”

14 10 2008

Sorry off topic

how do I put my pix by my name?
I’m new to this… BTW KO is doing acorn rebuff to cnn

14 10 2008
14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Thanks, Teresa!

14 10 2008
UK lady turning turtle Palinps

As I understand it the ADN was quite pro Palin, her influence seems to be waning.

Have you all seen the PalinasPresident site? Hilarious!!

What the hell is McCain to do? Palin has surely ‘jumped the shark’!

14 10 2008

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water …..

The cynic in me says someone else is being set up as the scapegoat.

14 10 2008

Well, this woman is a complete nut.

A sane person would not have thought she could get away with all this in the closet. It’s not a skeleton, it’s an ENTIRE GRAVEYARD, for crying out loud!

Thanks to AKMuckraker. YOU ARE THE BEST POLITICAL BLOG, no matter what anyone else says!

14 10 2008

1) Don’t forget about the 1100 e-mails (?) from Palin’s Yahoo accounts that have been requested, that should be made available in a few weeks hopefully.

2) And the Per Diems not filed on Palin’s Tax Returns!

3) And I hope someone is seriously investigating “who” helped Sarah and Todd Palin build their house, which is very suspect.

14 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein

It is truly beyond my comprehension how anyone could vote for McCain, he seems positively demented. KO is on a roll.

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

You GO KO!

14 10 2008

Oh, Keith Olbermann almost made me cry.

14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Wow! Go Keith!

14 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Whoa… KO just unloaded, very appropriately, on McCain/ Palin. Look for this clip on, those of you who don’t get msnbc… very very powerful.

14 10 2008
Steph aka Beans Harpoon Hussein-Palin

Keith Olbermann just did an AWESOME special comment IMPLORING Sen. McCain to stop inciting violence at his rallies. It should be up on YouTube shortly.

14 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Oh boy, he’s going to go after Sarah dear in a moment. GO GO GO This madness has to stop!

14 10 2008
Kim in Florida

LOVING KEITH! Just blasting McNasty and Co for their hate rhetoric!

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

On KO just now — Love the Italian Prime Minister accidently ripping apart the podium at the White House dinner! Saw that earlier today.

Now a feature on polar bears — has everyone seen Sarah wearing her white polar bear pin lately? What’s up with that?

14 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

i love this… truth.

14 10 2008

ACORN to McCain: Have You Lost That Loving Feeling?

14 10 2008
UK lady turning turtle Palinps

More please Bec, more!

14 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Seriously… what are the AK mudpuppies going to do when the wing nut returns home?

14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

I’m very interested in Todd Palin’s odd role in this campaign–and in his wife’s administration in Alaska. What’s going on with that? Is anyone investigating his interference? And what’s going on with housegate?

14 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

I am not Bec, but KO is talking about the Bradley effect…

14 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Ripley.. so proud of us, we are staying on a cerebral topic…

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Here is a little fun from the Chicago Tribune (while watching KO) — Downloadable masks of the candidates. Right now they just have McCain, Palin, and Biden posted. Guess Obama is coming.

I was actually looking for an on-the-mark cartoon of Palin in the paper today that I wanted to share. Will keep looking.

14 10 2008

A little OT, but I just learned that Christopher Buckley (William F. Buckley’s son, who writes for the National Review) but published a blog piece (not connected to NR) about supporting Obama 2 days ago. The NR has been inundated with so much hate mail against him that he offered to resign and, in his words, was “briskly taken up on the offer”. Interesting read:

14 10 2008

what’s really up with Rhonda McBride resigning, if she feels she shouldn’t have the job, why did she take it??? It’s all crumbling down on Sarah, but oh well, she doesn’t have anything to lose, right? That’s what she told Rush today, LOL

14 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (16:40:42) : that’s Cerebrial, doncha know. I decided that means mercurial, also, and cerebral at the same time. I like the word mercurial. Also 🙂

14 10 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

RE: Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (16:36:34) :
“Seriously… what are the AK mudpuppies going to do when the wing nut returns home?”

Continue to donate at least ten dollars a month, silently read and be eternally grateful that I have a place to click my heels and think of as home.

14 10 2008

I don’t know if you have manure spreaders up there in Alaska, but Palin sure qualifies!

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Sounds like KO is gearing up to be backup on Letterman – if McCain is a no show again. I can’t believe McCain would go on there after all the blasting Dave has done just about every day since he bailed on him. That is just how desparate McCain is for some “positive” press and exposure. I’m sure Dave will hold his tongue — but his eyes will be rolling like crazy!

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Hey UK – coming up on KO – the top 10 things McCain has to do to make it up to Letterman. I’ll report back…

14 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Doggone it Ripley, cerebrial, I gonna do better next time. “Mercurial” is used in all of them, all of those magazines I read, also.

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Bec Hussein in Illinois (16:35:00) :

On KO just now — Love the Italian Prime Minister accidently ripping apart the podium at the White House dinner! Saw that earlier today.

Now a feature on polar bears — has everyone seen Sarah wearing her white polar bear pin lately? What’s up with that?
It is thought to be a “shout out” to her friends AIP 😀
afterall we KNOW she doesn’t LIKE Polar bears…sho what else can it be?

14 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (16:36:34) :

Seriously… what are the AK mudpuppies going to do when the wing nut returns home?

I have this sinking feeling that the wingnut that surrounds the shrill and grating voice will find her new home on Faux News, along with Bill-All-Riled-Up. Or she could end up as a sidekick to Rushed Lowbrow for a new show entitled “Crackers for Christianity”. In either case, Alaska will probably be dumped for more fertile ground, where she and the First Dud can further delude their followers with their ‘”continuing open, transparent and ethical” behaviour.

John McCain will FINALLY retire to Celebration, Florida, along with Cindy-Lou-Who.

14 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

mercurial: 1. changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic: a mercurial nature.
2. animated; lively; sprightly; quick-witted.
3. pertaining to, containing, or caused by the metal mercury.

I like definition #2, myself 🙂

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

There have been quite a few discussions of the Bradley Effect in voting — will it cancel each side out? etc. But I am hearing more thinking that ultimately Obama will benefit — more people who are secretly willing to vote for a “black” man because they know he will be better for the country. Let’s hope. I think it is quite possible. Thanks to Palin – anything is possible!!

Oh – and I agree with a comment earlier this morning — I think Palin is wearing a bit “sexier” outfits. Why not. Play what you got! I bet there are about 3 million guys out there (and maybe a few gals) who are just waiting for that sexy librarian to rip off her clothes for them!!

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Oh…BTW in case you don’t know its “their” symbol…
from the bylaws of AIP:
1.02 Symbol

The symbol of the Alaskan Independence Party shall be a polar bear depicted with the Big Dipper and north star in the background. The party symbol incorporating these elements may be used on clothing, on pins, signs and other means for advertising and raising party funds.

14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Christopher Buckley’s story about his experience with the National Review and it readership shows how incredibly intolerant the right really is. More and more courageous conservatives are revealing how morally bankrupt the GOP has become.

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama, McCain seek leader’s image in final debate

“We cannot spend the next four years as we have spent much of the last eight: waiting for our luck to change. … As president I intend to act, quickly and decisively,” McCain said Tuesday in battleground Pennsylvania. There, he unveiled new economic proposals and previewed a possible debate strategy: argue that he would be different from Bush and better than Obama.

Our luck IS changing, you old fool.

14 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

AKM — you must know, by this point, that major media figures are snooping your excellent blog for material daily. We read it here first and then we see it on HuffPo, or Countdown, or … wherever. I honor and appreciate the fact that you stay ahead of the pack, consistently. You are THE leader when it comes to AK progressive news. Real news. I don’t know how you come up with 2-3-4 awesome stories/angles each day. I have a blog but I’m just a parrot. You are a captain. I salute you — you have real talent and serious dedication. May you be able to parlay this talent into a salary worthy of your efforts.

As for the blog entry above our comments, I have thought that Trooper Wooten has the best case I can think of. His name (yes, good Walt Monegan has been trashed too, but…) has been besmirched, fouled, dragged through the mud, over and over and over again. His reputation has been permanently tainted by the constant and repeated smears from Ms. Palin et al. His assignments, his future, have been irrevocably damaged. I truly hope he finds a way to sue the extended Palin family for a few million. Nobody deserves the bad-mouthing he’s got from Sarah’s minions.

14 10 2008

Whoever decided to hire Timothy Petumenos knew what they were doing if they wanted a fair, very detailed, and scrupulous investigation. Among other things, as his bio for the firm where he now works states “In the state Exxon Valdez oil spill case, Mr. Petumenos was counsel for the Alaska Native Corporations who owned the contaminated beaches. Many of his major cases, including other catastrophic oil spills, criminal tax proceedings, environmental trials and wrongful termination actions have led to important issues of law being established in the Alaska Supreme Court.”

It sounds to me like someone associated with the state Personnel Board decided to grow a pair!

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

caligrl – I hope that is true and they can prove she is shouting out to her AIP friends by wearing the Polar Bear pin. Have they used it before? Would she be that stupid? Don’t answer that.

Does she have a polar bear rug in her office to match her bear rug?

14 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

Timothy Petumenos, Les Gara, Stephen Branchflower… I hope they all have food tasters. I’m beginning to see the eyes of many an Alaskan opening. I know all of us here “get it”, but her favorability ratings are still too high…not for long, as the ADN ia also doing their job, finally. Yay Alaska! Bring it on home!

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Speaking of Letterman, did no one watch him last night?

He spoke truthfully about the outcome of the report, and the Top Ten was “surprises in the report”.

I was surprised that I’d seen no mention of it at Mudflats.

14 10 2008

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (16:51:34) :

Oh…BTW in case you don’t know its “their” symbol…
from the bylaws of AIP:
1.02 Symbol

The symbol of the Alaskan Independence Party shall be a polar bear depicted with the Big Dipper and north star in the background. The party symbol incorporating these elements may be used on clothing, on pins, signs and other means for advertising and raising party funds.

Heh. Boobie made another boo-boo in public, then?

14 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Here’s the link to Letterman’s Top Ten about Sarah Palin and the Report:

14 10 2008
Kim in Florida

Just voted again with hubby’s email! Stealth voter, lol. Mudflats is THE #1 Blog no matter how this vote turns out. Looking foward to the debate tomorrow. I would love it if Obama would bring up the Ayers thing first and really stick right up McNasty’s unmentionable.

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Darn – I thought KO was going to give a top 10 list. But he did discuss what McCain could possibly do to turn around his bailing on Letterman.

I will say that when McCain did SNL – he was excellent as the totally creepy lurking husband. He really read his lines well. Convincing as a creep!

14 10 2008
A Fan From Chicago

It’s pretty clear that the vetting process from the McCain Campaign was non-existent.

Heard Sarah on Rush today and she was parroting the campaign lines but with a noticable lack of enthusiasm. And he was stumbling over himself (Oxyconten?)

Seems like people across the board (Republican operatives, pundits, columnists, our uncommitted friends and relatives, sane people everywhere) have seen and heard enough.

Not Ready for Prime Time Players.

The debate tomorrow hopefully will seal the deal. Part of me thinks McCain will just lose it. Maybe wishful thinking.

We’re down to the short strokes. A bit hard to be in Illinois because it’s a foregone conclusion. But if you’re in a Blue State remind everyone of the down ballot races. We need Senators and Memembers of Congress elected to help with the clean up of this mess.

And Take Nothing For Granted.

They run the voting machines. We need an overwhelming turnout.

Yes We Can.

14 10 2008
Political Amazon

[[[Tippy-tippy-TAP! Tippy-tippy-TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP!]]] <==Amazonian Ritual Happy Dance

Oh, I could not be MORE pleased. Mudflats, you made this tired old Amazon’s fracking DAY!

I just knew that the Legislature’s investigation would be opening up a Pandora’s cesspool of Palin and circa-Palin nefarious acts.

My hope: That the insufferably arrogant Meg Stapleton will get her smart-ass mouth (metaphorically speaking) slapped to the back of her head by Mr. Petumenos.

And how perfect that, after all of the stonewalling and grandstanding about Mr. Branchflower’s investigation, the investigation Palin/McCain INSISTED on is going to be oh so much worse for her.

And–dare an Amazon let her hopes run away with her?–will the mysterious building of Palin’s house be investigated?

And, while we’re dreaming big, I don’t suppose the IRS will be called in to run an audit on the Palins?

Thank you Mudflats!

14 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Here is a nice polar bear pin – to be worn by people who really do care about the environment and the future of our wildlife…………..Obama and Biden

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Hey caligrl – I missed you providing the evidence of the bear symbol for AIP. Now I’m going to go hunt for their little store to see if her pin might be directly from them!

Rachel continuing the discussion of the hate vibe with Palin rallies.

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Bec Hussein in Illinois (16:53:14) :

caligrl – I hope that is true and they can prove she is shouting out to her AIP friends by wearing the Polar Bear pin. Have they used it before? Would she be that stupid? Don’t answer that.

Does she have a polar bear rug in her office to match her bear rug?
Well I don’t know if anyone can PROVE it, but, since she is suing the gov. b/c the polar bear on the endangered species is blocking “drill,baby,drill….” what else can it be???
I don’t know about the rug…but she has everyother head,skin there…except McCain’s….:D

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The good guys are coming out for Obama!

Obama makes inroads into America’s wealthiest

BOSTON (Reuters) – The billionaires and others in the wealthiest strata of U.S. society traditionally vote Republican, but that’s changing this year, say advisers to the wealthy.

Despite plans to boost tax rates for the wealthiest 5 percent of Americans, Sen. Barack Obama is making the deepest inroads into wealthy voters in more than a decade for any Democratic presidential nominee, suggesting the November 4 election could mark a fundamental shift in voting patterns.

Running out of time to reshape a White House race that appears on the verge of tipping decisively toward Obama, Republican Sen. John McCain also faces a drop in support from a once-reliably Republican segment of society: the wealthy.

14 10 2008

You go Alaska! You make us all remember what this country was, and can be again. Thank you.

14 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

I’m really late to the Mud today, so this may be totally old news, but I see where Sarah was on Rush Limpo, and commented that she “had nothing to lose” by attacking Obama and Biden.

I have to mostly agree with her — she has long since lost any credibility or honor. She probably figures that the things she DOES have to lose — lawsuit judgments, fines, re-election, friends — will not be affected too much by her slams on the stump.

Of course, she may find that Alaska is not quite as forgiving a place as it was when she was last there.

14 10 2008
Political Amazon

[[[It’s pretty clear that the vetting process from the McCain Campaign was non-existent.

Heard Sarah on Rush today and she was parroting the campaign lines but with a noticable lack of enthusiasm. And he was stumbling over himself (Oxyconten?)]]]

Perhaps Palin has become a political pariah such that even Rush doesn’t want to catch her politcal cooties?

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The good guys are coming out for Obama!

Obama makes inroads into America’s wealthiest

BOSTON (Reuters) – The billionaires and others in the wealthiest strata of U.S. society traditionally vote Republican, but that’s changing this year, say advisers to the wealthy.

Despite plans to boost tax rates for the wealthiest 5 percent of Americans, Sen. Barack Obama is making the deepest inroads into wealthy voters in more than a decade for any Democratic presidential nominee, suggesting the November 4 election could mark a fundamental shift in voting patterns.

Running out of time to reshape a White House race that appears on the verge of tipping decisively toward Obama, Republican Sen. John McCain also faces a drop in support from a once-reliably Republican segment of society: the wealthy.


14 10 2008

Yeah sweeeeeet! sounds good they may not have it done though before 3 weeks. I wonder what it will be like when she looses the race and has to go back and face all this.

14 10 2008

sarah’s whole rotten life story is great on under the book of sarah, and john mccain’s whole rotten life story is best in the rollingstone mag this month., they’re both rather lengthy, but quite informative.

14 10 2008
Isle of Man Palin

1st post, have really enjoyed the discussion on this site, you guys rock.

Great YouTube Video . . . John Cleese on Sarah

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

SSEIN Palin (17:05:48) :
I like that polar bear Pin 😀

I’m sure She thinks no one is smart enough to put two and two together…Just like “housegate”
And now that CNN did their special today…….:D she’s probably like Oooops!
Or she will spin, like she’s really for the polar bears….{{{LIE}}}

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama makes inroads into America’s wealthiest

BOSTON (Reuters) – The billionaires and others in the wealthiest strata of U.S. society traditionally vote Republican, but that’s changing this year, say advisers to the wealthy.

Despite plans to boost tax rates for the wealthiest 5 percent of Americans, Sen. Barack Obama is making the deepest inroads into wealthy voters in more than a decade for any Democratic presidential nominee, suggesting the November 4 election could mark a fundamental shift in voting patterns.

Running out of time to reshape a White House race that appears on the verge of tipping decisively toward Obama, Republican Sen. John McCain also faces a drop in support from a once-reliably Republican segment of society: the wealthy.

Go to if you’re looking for a husband 😀 I can’t post links right now.

The article also has a larger, colour version of the Obama “Halo” pic – you can see what the photographer had in mind.

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P. (16:54:10) :

Timothy Petumenos, Les Gara, Stephen Branchflower… I hope they all have food tasters. I’m beginning to see the eyes of many an Alaskan opening. I know all of us here “get it”, but her favorability ratings are still too high…

Any ideas on when the next Palin Poll will be conducted in Alaska? Would sure be interesting in light of the Branchflower Report, Palin’s spinning, and ADN’s blast back.

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I found on other blogs, including MSNBC, discussion of the polar bear pin and tie to AIP. I didn’t find a polar bear pin on their store site – but gee -there are some lovely things you can purchase – like the “Alaska Terrorist Hunting Permit” you can get to stick on your vehicle.

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Isle of Man Palin, ain’t this a great place to hang out?

14 10 2008

I notice on the AIP store website there are pins in the shape of the State of Alaska. Doesn’t Sarah wear Alaska-shaped pins at her rallies, too? Of course, she’s the governor of AK, so an AK pin is more ambiguous than a polar bear pin. Which other candidates wear pins shaped like the states they represent?

14 10 2008

*** Isle of Man Palin ***

that was a nice youtube post.

14 10 2008
Proud Community OrganzierWA

Well that onion keeps getting peeled. I think I will be right by the time we hit the middle it will be putrid and rotten.

Thanks for the update AKM!

14 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein

Hi Isle of Man

I surfaced today after lurking since early Sept. Probably spend a couple of hours a day, everyday, reading comments and links and AKM’s threads, I love this place.

Just as many people said to me, welcome!

14 10 2008

Well I see all us muddpuppies are all fired up and ready to go. Up here in frostbite falls things look good for Obama/Biden. Close with Franken(fingers crossed)

Rachel has a good show going shes doing acorn also.

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Bec Hussein in Illinois (17:16:13) :

I found on other blogs, including MSNBC, discussion of the polar bear pin and tie to AIP.
Any good comments? So other’s noticed and connected the dots on this?

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Just asked my Repub hubby what he now thinks of Palin.

He said he agreed with Bill Clinton and Presidential historians who think she has great promise and political skills. He went on a bit. Then I asked him, “You are quoting Clinton to support your opinion of Palin?” He reacted by saying the Liberal HateFilled MSM thinks Palin is great too or they wouldn’t spend all day every day hating on her (This man has 2 engineering degrees and an MBA).

Next I asked did Palin have what it took to be President in the event of walking corpse McCain having the third recurrence of melanoma? Yes he said because of 3 executive experiences as council member, mayor, and governor.

I moved on to the fact that Alaskans were less happy with what they’d been finding out including per diem for staying in her own home. He replied that that man wanted to kill her daddy. (Does this sound like Bush to anybody else? That is who Palin has always reminded me of.)

Conclusion, the 20 odd percent who still support Bush will vote for Palin. Her image will be appearing on e-bay toast in the near future. Ok, I had the idea first. Here I come oven!!!!

14 10 2008

Rachel has a great story on Acorn. Acorn was the won that brought this to election officials to help weed this out. they were not caught in anything they asked for assistance to view the registrations

14 10 2008

Denise, I feel for you. 🙂

What would your husband say about Sarah P and the AIP? How does he feel about secessionists in terms of their allegiance to the USA?

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

bullwinklecringing (17:36:32)
Good thoughts to Al Franken. He would be a real asset. He does a good job explaining policy in an understandable way.

14 10 2008

republicans are declaring a victory in ohio in lawsuit over voter registration-court rules all new voter regisrations must be verified before voting

(republicans are fighting new voter registrations everywhere hence their need to keep bringing up acorn- this is just the BEGINNING of their move to down the dems voter registration machine!)

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

ds55 — I thought it was extremely weird that Palin wore an Alaska pin (word spelled out) in her convention speech. I would have thought that was the time to start showing how you’ll represent the country – that very night. Not show an Alaska bias (or – OK – pride). Have you ever seen any other candidate wear a pin for their state like that?!

So it was even weirder when McCain didn’t wear a flag pin during his speech. Apparently he has rebelled against wearing them a long time ago. I never see him with one. But of course he gets a pass on it. MSM never brings that up. Obama of course took the heat on this a while back.

LOL – just had a memory of his speech at the convention with that crazy picture of a middle school in California behind him – that looked more like a mansion than a middle school. How silly was that?!

14 10 2008

Frontline is doing Bio’s on Obama and McSongbird. Mc is first hour so at top of hour should be Obama’s I’ll tune in then LOL

14 10 2008
Steph aka Beans Harpoon Hussein-Palin

My Republican husband is voting for Obama. He is completely disgusted by the antics of McCain, the racism that is coming out of his camp, and he is left speechless about Palin. However, he never was a “Limbaugh/Hannity/O’Reilly” Republican. He is pretty smart and keeps informed. I still don’t know why he was so infatuated with Bush. Neither does he. 🙂

(To repeat, he said there are women you “take home for the night” and women who are “life partners”. Palin is a one-night stand after a night of drinking.)

14 10 2008

0whole1 (16:10:58) :

TGII (Electric Boogaloo)

You owe me a new keyboard! LOLOLOL!

14 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

I’ll be back to post because I think so many of you have brought up amazing points, again…started by AKM.

But this is for all your Republican undecideds ( I forgot all about this! )

It’s a calculator for what the Obama/Biden tax proposal will mean to you. Fill in your numbers, dependents, etc. completely anonymously and it will let you know in real dollars.

14 10 2008
Kim in Florida

A little OT, but I am so excited, I had to share this before I log off: I went to check to check today’s electoral map and for the first time, the State of Florida is dark blue! Obama will likely win Florida! Having voted since 1986, this is a first for this Dem! Woo Hoo!

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Oops – my bad — it must have been the Ohio announcement where Palin wore the Alaskan pin (still thought it was weird). At the convention she had on a tiny pin I wasn’t sure that night what it was. It doesn’t look like the Alaskan flag. I believe it was a Blue Star Mom pin.

14 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

G’ night Puppies… See you at the live blog during the debate tomorrow? We are having one aren’t we? After 20 something “My friends” last time, I think we should remove that term from the drinking thing… I don’t think I can take that many drinks again.

14 10 2008
Lighthouse (or Sport Grunt Hussein)

First just let me say that I can’t keep up with you all! There aren’t enough hours in my day to get through all your posts, and then respond intelligibly!

However, I’m thrilled to be able to stop in here when Ido have a few minutes and check things out. I watched a video today of a woman at a McCain rally (I wanted to see Palin speaking and sounding frightened, as mentioned in a post here earlier.) Instead I heard a woman in the audience thanking John McCain for Sarah Palin, and then getting thunderous applause, and then going on to challenge the media to expose what’s really going on between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers.

I got a bellyache.

I do appreciate all the great info that I get here. I just hope and pray that Sarah Palin is NOT going to be able to go back to her status quo in Alaska, that all of this stuff is not going to just “go away”.

I really would love to visit Alaska some day, and meet some mudpuppies in person!

14 10 2008
Kim in Florida

Think my post got lost; Florida is now blue on!

Woo Hoo! G’night mudpuppies. I’ve got my mudslides ready for the debate tomorrow!

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (17:38:17) :

Guess it is my night to be a little obessed about pins. Sorry. But yes – from Google I quickly found at least four other blog/posts (including MSNBC) that were saying the same thing as you about the polar bear pin and AIP. I had noticed her wearing it yesterday (first time she has worn that white blouse) and posted about it on Mudflats. But I didn’t know about its use with AIP.

I just think it is really ironic she would wear it — this week. It was bound to be figured out by sharp folks like you and the AIP tie-in. I’m guessing there are tons of polar bear pins and other polar tchotchkes floating all around Alaska and bought by Alaskan tourists (I’ll find out next year when I am one!) But the AIP association, and the irony of her fighting to keep them off the endangered species list, just makes it – well – kind of stupid for her!

14 10 2008

AH my picture test
Frontline is doing Obama bio

14 10 2008

This is terribly awesome:

Monegan wants a hearing before the Personnel Board.

“Governor Palin’s public statements accusing Mr. Monegan of serious misconduct were untrue and they have stigmatized his good name, severely damaged — and continue to damage — his reputation, and impaired his ability to pursue future professional employment in law enforcement and related fields,” said the hearing request filed by Monegan’s lawyer, Jeff Feldman.

Monegan wants the board to hold a hearing and issue public findings on whether he demonstrated a “rogue mentality” and engaged in insubordination. If the board doesn’t grant the hearing, Monegan indicated he might take the matter to court.

Go Walt! I hope the Personnel Board grants you the hearing, although I have my doubts (given the scope of the investigation). I also couldn’t believe this statement from Palin’s attorney:

Van Flein said Palin released the reasons behind the commissioner’s removal only when Monegan made “incorrect claims” it was related to Wooten. He said Palin’s first explanation of a “new direction” was a polite euphemism to indicate change without airing all the details.

“Rather than take the cue, Monegan chose to air this laundry in public,” Van Flein said.

This laundry? No, ma’am. This is your misconduct and unlawful and unethical activities as Governor.

14 10 2008
karen marie

denise, did you point out to your husband that when sarah palin became governor she REDUCED the security detail from six to three and never notified her reduced security that her family had any concern about wooten?

14 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

OT – OMG – Cloris Leachman is STILL on Dancing With The Stars. She is apaprently getting the “old pride” vote that McCain isn’t. (Sorry if I’m a spoiler for the west coast). Love Cloris, but her Bolero getup looked right out of Young Frankenstein.

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin (17:54:05) :

G’ night Puppies… See you at the live blog during the debate tomorrow? We are having one aren’t we? After 20 something “My friends” last time, I think we should remove that term from the drinking thing… I don’t think I can take that many drinks again.
Is that where Tina Fey, got the drinking game “maverick” from??? 😀

14 10 2008
October 14, 2008 « the haiku diaries

[…] rachel’s post | Tags: alaska, ethics, haiku, Palin, Personnel Board, Toopergate, VP candidate Son of Troopergate – perfect length for a haiku – saga continues. No Comments so far Leave a comment […]

14 10 2008

Walt should raise McCain….

Sorry I couldn’t help it.
BTW Frontlin bio show keeps jumping between both candidates……… SUX

14 10 2008

karen marie (18:03:12) :

denise, did you point out to your husband that when sarah palin became governor she REDUCED the security detail from six to three

You know what the best part of that story is? Only one of the three remaining officers was full-time and he is – wait for it – 70 years old.

14 10 2008

Bec on Cloris Leachman…
BUT she went serious last night and did good!!!

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Bec Hussein in Illinois (18:00:09) :
To me…It can be nothing else but a “shout out” to AIP! Her and “first dud” probably Laughed their A$$es off about it thinking no one would “Get it”!!!!
I think she will have a big, big surprise when she come home to Alaska…
troopergate I & II , housegate, pingate and whatever else is lurking out there!!!
I know a commenter on SF chron has said that he has a friend in Wasilla who is a lawyer, that he visits/keeps in contact with, and that it’s “common knowlege” that Trig is Bristol’s baby. When she is not VP it will not be off limits to seek the truth!
Oh yes, something stinky in Alaska, and it’s not moose S*it!!! 😀

14 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Toon

The Wasilla Frontiersman printed my Letter to the Editor, which is a copy of the email I sent directly to the (my EX) governor’s office. Ya gotta love the comments, I guess I’m just a “plant” because I’m too dense to be a REAL ALASKAN. I love it!

And my sister’s letter was published to (she was treated a little nicer by the posters)

14 10 2008

I would think that McCain would be angry at Sarah for wearing the polar bear/AIP pin, when he figures it out.

14 10 2008

This is like the Alaska version of the Bush Administration. Just when one thing is brought to light and it looks bad, others keep cropping up. You really wonder when it will stop and what the final body count will be.

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (17:39:03) :

If you read the Branchflower report you will see that before her inauguration, Mrs Palin declared to her new security people that no, there were no family security concerns she needed to raise with them. It’s there in black and white.

Mike Wooten only became a security concern after the inauguration. What does that say? 😉

14 10 2008

>>Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

It’s close but we have an Indy running up here, Indy guy helped get Pawlenty re-elected. Hoping the Indy guy takes votes from norm this time.

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

karen marie (18:03:12) :

denise, did you point out to your husband that when sarah palin became governor she REDUCED the security detail from six to three and never notified her reduced security that her family had any concern about wooten?

He replied that she was cutting the budget, the guy before her wouldn’t. He asked me if I’d heard the word Cracker and Honky being used at Obama rallies. I told him no, but that Obama had called for folks not to boo McCain. He said that was because the Liberal HateFilled MSM wouldn’t show both sides. He emphatically told me if I watched more fair and balanced news (can’t figure that one out) then I’d find out things.

14 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

A Nana from Alaska-
Thank you for reminding us (many of us) of our sojourn to Mudflats. A great many of us wandered around the internet looking for some indication of who this Sarah Palin person was and what she might mean to us. Many of us had already seen the number of revisions done to her Wikipedia entry or heard the NPR story early that day about the Wiki article jumping the gun and listing her as VP candidate before it was announced.

Most of us were doing so because we were driven to see something relevant about McCain’s choice to oppose Obama/Biden…..repeat, McCain’s choice to oppose Obama/Biden.

Not everyone here is an Obama supporter, I would guess, but many of us are. Your words to us, it the first post here reminds us that this “is about us”. I’m a little at odds and ends here in NC because we finished voter registration last week (except for one stop voters) and cannot begin actively voting until later this week. It’s a good time to reflect on why we are voting the way we will.

ScaredinFairbanks: Petumenos represented native Alaskans in Exxon Valdez spill.
Oh, I thank you for that information on the good barrister…is anyone else thinking of Atticus Finch? Lo, those many years ago, I wrote two letters, one to the State of Alsaka and one to Exxon, offering the services of two adults and four teenagers who were willing to drive our travel trailer, and stay for six months to help clean the shores, by hand if need be. Husband put in for a sabbatical and we gained permission for the children to take educational leave from school in order to become active in this project. Then we waited.( no internet in those days!) Finally, we got a short note from Exxon stating a “thank you for the offer, but that they had everything under their control”. ..and I guess they did.We got no response from the State of Alaska. We aborted that plan.
Bec Hussein in Illinois (17:43:42) :
“LOL – just had a memory of his speech at the convention with that crazy picture of a middle school in California behind him – that looked more like a mansion than a middle school. How silly was that?!”

And don’t forget, it was the Walter Reed Middle School instead of the Walter Reed Medical center where our injured soldiers are treated stateside. Had McCain had any familiarity with the hospital, he might have known that.

14 10 2008

It’s a bit like, hmm,
shooting fish in a barrel —
she’s an easy mark.

October 14, 2008

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Martha Unalaska Toon :
I thought your letter was awesome! 😀
Some of the comments are from clueless or people afraid to speak out against SP. Or they are her friends…for now!
I like the comment:
” Martha Toon- I love the tune your singing! ” 😀

14 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

Martha Unalaska Toon (18:11:18) :

Love your newly enhanced name. Were you in Unalaska when you were in Alaska, or is it metaphor? For some reason, I have always loved the name “Unalaska”.

14 10 2008

ok forgive me…but sometimes I crack myself up….I just figured something else SP could say to show she has experience in foreign affairs…..

she’s obviously familiar with the state of DE-NILE!

yuck yuck yuck!

14 10 2008

Denise wrote: “He replied that she was cutting the budget, the guy before her wouldn’t. He asked me if I’d heard the word Cracker and Honky being used at Obama rallies. I told him no, but that Obama had called for folks not to boo McCain. He said that was because the Liberal HateFilled MSM wouldn’t show both sides. He emphatically told me if I watched more fair and balanced news (can’t figure that one out) then I’d find out things.”

Denise, how does your husband feel about the ties between the Palins and the Alaska Independence Party as reported today for a 10 minute segment by CNN?

14 10 2008

AKM, thanks for bringing back Snap-Shots!!!

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Lulu (17:41:58) :

Denise, I feel for you.

What would your husband say about Sarah P and the AIP? How does he feel about secessionists in terms of their allegiance to the USA?

Honestly, I think he has formed his beliefs and facts are not going to move him. A lot of Repub faithfuls out there like him, oh, about 24%.

You’ll laugh about this. One of my friends sent the youngest daughter an Obama yard sign as part of her BD gift. Daughter promptly taped it on her bedroom door. Dad comes home, goes up stairs, comes down stairs. Says to youngest daughter, take sign down. Bickering ensues. Daughter places yard sign on inside of her door. Dad blames my friend. He evidently hasn’t realized the $50 daughter gave him for me to order her something online was—a donation to Obama.

14 10 2008

Denise wrote: “He evidently hasn’t realized the $50 daughter gave him for me to order her something online was—a donation to Obama.”

Good one! 🙂

14 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Toon

strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.):

No, I have never been to Unalaska. There are many parts of our huge state that are not easily accessible. I’ve lived most of my 29 years in Southeast Alaska, Juneau, with a few years spent in Southcentral and Kodiak. I have always loved the name, too! We have a lot of fun village and town names up here. It’s an amazing place. But somehow we spawned SP, and that’s just beyond me how that ever happened! We will be ever vigilant…

14 10 2008

>>Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

You say your hubby has multiple degrees? How can someone so smart be so dumb. LOL 🙂

BTW C-span2 is doing Canadian elections..
Election night in Canada slight lead for Harpers conservatives…
Up there conservatives are Liberals to people like Rush…

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (18:29:12) :
Denise sounds like you raised your Daughter right! You should remind DH about Free speech :0
I saw on TV today maybe MSNBC, they had a poll that was for children…who would they vote for? Overwhelming vote for Obama 😀

14 10 2008

Oh and the Conservs are Blue and Libs are Red I Love Canada

14 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

A family member is a young audio engineer. He just sent me this link, saying he tracked the vocals for the music vid.

The artist was “Hott 4 Hill” but is now working full-time for Obama as a volunteer. The vid is aimed at the younger set, but take a look and pass it on.

Palmdale, CA

14 10 2008

Martha wrote: “But somehow we spawned SP, and that’s just beyond me how that ever happened! We will be ever vigilant…”

Since Palin was born in Idaho, they must take some of the blame, too! 🙂

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Lulu (18:44:04) :

Martha wrote: “But somehow we spawned SP, and that’s just beyond me how that ever happened! We will be ever vigilant…”

Since Palin was born in Idaho, they must take some of the blame, too!

Bush is a true uppercrust Connecticut Yankee, and he plays the Texas Cowboy. Sarah is playing Alaskan Frontier Snow Queen working on oil derricks in her spare time while barefoot and pregnant. A new age Paulette Bunyon. A myth.

By the way, MudFlatters from Texas and Connecticut, no offense intended.

14 10 2008

Steven Harper didn’t get the majority of seats. His call for elections failed. Now he has to build another coalition….
Four major parties in Canada. Talk about working across party lines…

14 10 2008

Paulette Bunyon. A myth.

oh so true

14 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Don’t let the idiots get you down, Martha Unalaska Toon, we mudpuppies know you’re the real thing. Glad to see your letter published.

14 10 2008

bullwinklecringing (18:42:10) :

I was watching some news program lately and it pointed out that America is the only country were libs are blue and conservatives red. Most other countries equate red and ‘liberal’ both with socialism, and our system seems entirely backward to them. Just saw that Haper is projected to be re-elected. I don’t know much about him, except that he seemed to try to pull a few Bush-esque moves early in his administration. Would love to hear input from any of our Canadian neighbors about Canadian conservatism and how it compares to the, frequently frightening, American version.

14 10 2008

Canada even has the Radical Marijuana Party 🙂

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

3 pages from ABC …. 😀

Ex-Official: Palin Lied, Threw Me Under Bus

The man at the center of the Sarah Palin “Troopergate” scandal says the Alaska governor lied about him, and he wants his reputation back.

14 10 2008

I just read your letter. Good work!

14 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

AKM, thanks for the once again riveting account of the next episode in this continuing saga of “The Lies of Sarah”. The sound effects were perfect.

14 10 2008

We Americans just gotta be contrary sometimes ….. Make that most times.

This is better than SE Asia in the sixties though LOL and MN isnt too bad.

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Michele, a lot of Canadian Mudflatters were hoping for Harper to go back to wherever he came from. I was, too. 😦

14 10 2008

Daily Show Time….

14 10 2008
kokofish palin

AKM, great post.

When I think back to the introduction of SP by JM to our nation, I cannot but help think he misunderstood Rick Davis and his other campaign advisors:

“Eh, eh? Oh, yeah sure, I’d like para sailin.”

(ht to the fellows in Anchorage who unfurled that wonderful sign at the first Pailin protest)

14 10 2008
John Mashey

“more fair and balanced news (can’t figure that one out)”
He means: watch FOX News.

14 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

@Bec in Illinois–

I so agree about Cloris Leachman and Dancing with the Stars! As much as I love her, she’s just gotta go!

hose Hussein hotrod

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The Hartford drinking protocol for tomorrow night – you can see we hate to drink 😉,0,6491758.story

14 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Thought my fellow mudpuppies might enjoy this cartoon.

14 10 2008

Hurrah for Keith-o’s special comment repudiating McCain! I was so shaking mad at the gall of him not only crying victim but blaming Obama (#5, ), I needed a serious dose of righteous indignation calling the man out

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Another Rocky Song Choice for John McCain 😀

John McCain’s stereo is running on empty.

While Barack Obama’s campaign seems to be overflowing with contemporary musical contributions, yet another group of rockers wants the Republican presidential candidate to quit using their song without permission. Or at all.

A member of the band Survivor has requested that the McCain-Palin campaign stop playing their signature Rocky III anthem “Eye of the Tiger” for any election-related purposes.

“Survivor has no affiliation with John McCain or Sarah Palin,” guitarist Frank Sullivan said in a statement obtained by E! News.

14 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

@ Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (18:49:43) :
Bush is a true uppercrust Connecticut Yankee, and he plays the Texas Cowboy. Sarah is playing Alaskan Frontier Snow Queen working on oil derricks in her spare time while barefoot and pregnant. A new age Paulette Bunyon. A myth.

Aack! Don’t you be smearin’ a good ole Minnesotan like Paul Bunyan with such a comparison. 🙂

hose Hussein hotrod

14 10 2008

About McCain….remember when he lashed out at Obama for Obama’s remarks on Pakistan (and then Palin said close to the same thing)? I’m paraphrasing: “We would never tell someone we were going to attack them before doing so…that’s terrible…”

Well, that’s all he does…McCain signals EVERYTHING he is going to do in the campaign before he does it, in terms of attacks. Ayers: yep, he said today that Obama has “ensured” McCain will bring it up tomorrow in the debate. More negative campaigning: the McCain campaign now says it’s “worst stuff” is coming in the last 10 days. (No worries, I don’t think they have A THING) My point is: he signals every attack he’s going to make now. Palin was his only surprise and we see how that went.


14 10 2008

Hello Puppies!

two thoughts tonight//

1) Re the Pin.. is this for real??? Is it really an AIP Pin??? If so- AKM should do a little snippet on it, with pictures, as that would get picked up by MSM. (Not sure they read all of us- but I know they read AKM!!)

2) Not sure if this is accurate- though John Kerry just remarked on it tonight on Rachel Maddow-

Apparently one of McCain’s key team ppl was a lobbyist for—- wait for it–

Saddam Hussain! WTF?!?

How can this not be HUGE in MSM??

14 10 2008

Ari freedom watch Fliescher is on DS HE”S BUMMIN YEA

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Martha, I liked your piece. I tried to leave a positive comment, but they told me it was 101 words and they only wanted 100, to hit the back button to edit it, and when I did it zapped me.

Noticed there were several supportive comments.

14 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

If I were McCain I think I’d be ratcheting back on the slurs. Looks like Miss Sarah’s got a bushelful of ‘more to come’.

Oh yeah, and didn’t she just disagree with him on North Korea?

14 10 2008

Hey Hot Rod she was dissin his wife 🙂

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Sarah Palin’s rah-rah rigamarole

Smart women from Dallas speak up

14 10 2008

Ari just lied about SP approval ratings again LYING BASTARD TO THE END.

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The M/P campaign has started using Eye of the Tiger ….. and Survivor has joined the long list of artists to tell the McCain campaign to p*ss off and stop besmirching them.

I guess little Johnny will have to come out boxing to some other tune.

I wonder what it might be? 😀

14 10 2008

My fellow Muddies,

While there’s a lull in the board and leading up to tomorrow anticipated lively discusstion, I have a mission for you should you care/dare to accept it…

There was a pic of SWWNBN at an event on the AK Craigslist R&R section a while back. Maybe about a week or so after she was selected. It shows her front and center wearing some type of parka with fur collar amongst about a dozen people dressed in dead animal furs, one I believe had a viking style helmet on. Does anyone know about the pic? Can we find it? Need to send it to PETA pronto! I think it tied into AIP or one of Toad’s hunt clubs. Please find it!

Thanks Muddies – I know I can count on y’all

14 10 2008
Florida-Turning Blue

I found this at:

… this site is surprisingly well done. Move your cursor around and click on various objects. (Pay particular attention to specifically what’s on the
computer monitor, what’s behind the drapes, and what happens when you open the Oval Office door.) A fun little diversion.

Hope you ENJOY.

14 10 2008

Russian Gas Executives Visit Palin’s Turf

14 10 2008

That one…

At You tube is a defender of widlife video that has that photo as part of it.. MAYBE they can give a cite to the photo


14 10 2008

Florida-Turning Blue

That is Awesome

14 10 2008
Bella the Bunny Girl

siiiigh $300million for an election the country didn’t want or need to end up with roughly the same minority government we had before.

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

ohn Mashey (19:05:25) :

“more fair and balanced news (can’t figure that one out)”
He means: watch FOX News.

Oh you mean ” Faux news”!

14 10 2008

Except the Globe should be flat

14 10 2008


SWEET!!! I knew my Muddies wouldn’t let me down! You betcha also!


14 10 2008

Hey akmuckracker,

I was wondering what insight you may have into the potential Palin house scandal:

Massive Palin Scandal Brewing

Any info or background you may be able to share with us would be great!


14 10 2008

Hello Mudpuppies.. this may end up being a double post. as my last one went missing.

Two thoghts leaping out to me tonigt-

1) The Alaska Pin AIP thing. Is that truly an AIP Pin?? If so, I would like to suggest to AKM that she do a little snippet on this with photo evidence. The MSM reads AKM (tho not so much us down here on the flats…lol) IF it is an AIP pin, that needs to be pointed out to MSM.

2) There is news beginning to make the rounds that one of McCain’s key ppl is a guy who used to lobby for— wait for it— Saddam Hussain!

IF this is true (and John Kerry referenced it tonight on Rachel Maddow) than this should be HUGE News!!! OMG.. WTF?!

Here is the kink

14 10 2008
Dragon Lady

AKM: you and the ever brilliant mudpuppies have saved my sanity since first I saw Herself introduced.

The moment I heard her say she’s a Mawm (aw shucks, what talent!) and gosh she was just so pretty, so righteous, (so right wing), such a -a – a sexy Christian for Heaven’s sake I was literally sleepless with terror that she would swing the election and we would wake up one morning to find her President.

That was pre-Gibson and pre-Couric of course. Never been more delighted to see such a vapid, witless wonder as SP.

Still much to be feared from the men who find her irresistible and the women who think she is just like them.

It up to Mudpuppies and the brilliant AKM to stay on her until her political future is over.

Does she really think she can run again on the national scene appearing only on Fox? Is she that stoopid?

When will I.C. give his report? Are you sure the findings won’t be confidential since they concern other people?

14 10 2008

Colbert just did his “The Word” about the old john Mc.

Ended with his “My fellow prisoners” thing…But then were all POW’s

Prisoners of W

14 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

THAT ONE TiredMom HUSSEIN (19:29:35) :

It’s actually on someone’s website, and Alaska organization concerned with wildlife. It’s the first pic at that website. Not sure where. Will try.

14 10 2008

This is a funny cartoon of SP:

14 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

plaidlemur (19:39:19) for house info, go to “Housegate” at the top of the page on the right, about 10 threads down.

14 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA


Look back through the threads for the onion. AKM, as always, succinctly describes the issue. I think it’s 11 or 12 threads back, entitled House Gate?

14 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (19:17:03) :

“Pie”? I think the Courant may rely too much on short-term statistics.

14 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Ok, Obama voters have really out done themselves during this election. We now have Obama pumpkin carving and there is a website dedicated to it. Some incredible carving! Please check it out and spread it.

14 10 2008

@THAT ONE TiredMom HUSSEIN (19:29:35)

Do you mean this photo?

14 10 2008
wired hussein differently

Nana from Alaska– Waaaay downstream already, but I want to say thank you for a beautiful first comment.

Question: McCain was supposed to announce (drum roll, please) his economic plan today. Did he?

Can’t wait for tomorrow evening. McCain, you are down for the count!

Now off to watch Keith and Rachel on my intertubes. Oh, and btw, asiangrrrl and I already had a Rachel lovefest last night, several threads ago. Dibs.

14 10 2008
Meat Notgay Hussein

Wow, I go to work for one day and it takes hours to catch up. Y’all are brutal.
And I love it.

14 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

THAT ONE TiredMom HUSSEIN (19:29:35) :

Here it is!

It’s a Norfest celebration.

14 10 2008

I can’t find the video or print article on about Palin and the Alaskan Independence Party. I bookmarked the video on YouTube, but it’s strange there’s no sign of it on at all.

14 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

ds55 (19:55:26) Try it a bit later. Sometimes these clips are inundated with hits.

14 10 2008

Thanks all y’all!! Is this a “normal” event up there?

Just seems like a lot of gratuitous killing to me…

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

OMG! Who ever posted this: thank You! It is too funny! be sure to point and click with you mouse 😀

14 10 2008

@ds55 (19:55:26)

I can’t find the video or print article on about Palin and the Alaskan Independence Party. I bookmarked the video on YouTube, but it’s strange there’s no sign of it on at all.

Wow, that is so odd. I wonder why. Any thoughts?

14 10 2008

ds55 (19:55:26) wrote :
“I can’t find the video or print article on about Palin and the Alaskan Independence Party. I bookmarked the video on YouTube, but it’s strange there’s no sign of it on at all.”

ds55, this might be of help. It has the CNN clip on its thread:

14 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Evening Mudpuppies —

Even with the election 3 weeks away …. do believe I will continue to be a regular visitor here in “The Flats” SWWNBN will be tucked away in AK – and the investigations & scandals will go on —

Also – when Obama becomes prez. – he’ll need a fun place to visit with the enormous weight of the office. In my ideal world – ha ha – it will be a place for those of us living on “Main Street” meet and discuss events in “our world”

And we’ll need this site more than ever to get thru the tough times our country is going to go thru on its way to recovery. It’s not going to be easy – but we’ll get thru this “together” as mudpuppies.

However – just for a couple minutes —->I want to revel in the moment – right now – where Obama is leading (with strong & leaning at 264) and McC has to take all his strong states (125) PLUS all his red leaning (49) PLUS all the toss ups (100)

I know – there is work to do and emails and canvassing and all — but just for the moment — WE CAN – BELIEVE – YES WE DO !

14 10 2008
14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

OK we really need to keep our eyes on this blog:

Massive Palin Scandal Brewing

14 10 2008

I keep thinking SWWNBN = Sarah Wicked Witch of the North Ballistic Nutcase

Help me out here

14 10 2008
Lana, KY

Jon Stewart asked Ari Fleischer, ” just how do you perfume this turd ?”

Classic . . .

14 10 2008

I mean, it’s really strange that the video is nowhere to be found on, since that’s where the story originated. It’s as though they scrubbed it clean from the website. No print article, no video, a search on does not bring it up at all.

14 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

Housegate and per diems should both turn out to be causes for aggressive IRS action against the Palins.

Funny thing about the Rocky movie… didn’t Rocky lose to the other (billy dee williams?) guy? So, the tune is for a movie in which the white guy, Rocky, loses to the black guy, Apollo? Someone needs to clue McCain in on that one.

It is now past midnight on the east coast and I again thank AKM and all you mudflatters for providing great entertainment this evening. Let’s return tomorrow and do it again.

14 10 2008

ds55, and I was able to find some notes about it on Rick Sanchez’ MySpace page:

14 10 2008

NEWS – Big new torture scandal now breaking for the Bush administration. This won’t be good for McCain. Check out the Washington Post!

14 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Palin – She Who Would ( or will) Not Be Named

14 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (20:02:03) :

OMG! Who ever posted this: thank You! It is too funny! be sure to point and click with you mouse

I played there earlier – did you find the lipstick pit bull?

14 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Hi ya Muddies..

Here’s a new one..

Press Release

John McCain has announced, a new financial incentive package. Due to polls showing things are going into the toilet, a major announcement will be made at the debates on Wed.

This program is assured to appeal to the middle class.

A cash payment of $10,000 will be made to everyone who votes for John McCain. This first payment will be paid on Nov 5th. Proof of who you voted for will be required and if John McCain loses, then this offer is null and void.

Payments will be made in $1.00 increments annually, until John McCain dies then the balance is immediately void.

We are confident this will help undecided voters make up their mind.

Vote for John McCain and vote often.

Thank you.

14 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Here’s a new one..

Press Release

John McCain has announced, a new financial incentive package. Due to polls showing things are going into the toilet, a major announcement will be made at the debates on Wed.

This program is assured to appeal to the middle class.

A cash payment of $10,000 will be made to everyone who votes for John McCain. This first payment will be paid on Nov 5th. Proof of who you voted for will be required and if John McCain loses, then this offer is null and void.

Payments will be made in $1.00 increments annually, until John McCain dies then the balance is immediately void.

We are confident this will help undecided voters make up their mind.

Vote for John McCain and vote often.

Thank you

14 10 2008

Thanks for pointing out the link guys,

I never, ever, ever shall underestimate akm again. Never. Ever.


14 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

Press Release

John McGrumpy has announced, a new financial incentive package. Due to polls showing things are going into the toilet, a major announcement will be made at the debates on Wed.

This program is assured to appeal to the middle class.

A cash payment of $10,000 will be made to everyone who votes for John McGrumpy. This first payment will be paid on Nov 5th. Proof of who you voted for will be required and if John McGrumpy loses, then this offer is null and void.

Payments will be made in $1.00 increments annually, until John McGrumpy dies then the balance is immediately void.

We are confident this will help undecided voters make up their mind.

Vote for John McGrumpy and vote often.

Thank you

14 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Enjay aka Turbine Yukon (20:17:36) :

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (20:02:03) :

OMG! Who ever posted this: thank You! It is too funny! be sure to point and click with you mouse

I played there earlier – did you find the lipstick pit bull?
YES!!! OMG! Classic!!!! I’ve sent it to all my friends 😀

14 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

New thread is up. New Chat line open on the forum. See top of page.

14 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter - Get the HouseGater

I don’t think that chat works.. it just sat there..

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

bullwinklecringing (20:05:20) :

Try this

Thank you, bullwinklecringing and ds55
I was wanting that video clip of Sanchez and Neiwert. N was so cautious and careful with facts that he had credibility.

14 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

New Chat line works fine if you are signed up on the forum. I was just there and about 15-16 people were all talking about debates tomorrow night.

14 10 2008

Marty Hussein That One Voter – Get the HouseGater (20:38:53) wrote :
“I don’t think that chat works.. it just sat there..”

It doesn’t work for me, either. But that’s okay. Maybe it will help cure my Mudflats Addiction! 🙂

14 10 2008
mizkay spackle hussein camshaft

Speaking of disappearing material – you might find this link interesting. It dates from just before SP was named as JM’s running mate. I grabbed it from a thread on this site early on.

Old wiki article:

14 10 2008

Okay written transcript of the Rick Sanchez segment on

Neiwert segment is about one-third of the way down the page.

14 10 2008
Kate in Canada
14 10 2008
14 10 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Sarah Palin: For Democrats, the gift that keeps on giving.

14 10 2008

Hi out there! Yay!
Haven’t read through all your comments as yet .. so this may be a repeat .. but …. Rhonda McBride has resigned from the Palin circus.
(if the site doesn’t work .. check out today’s Daily Beast)
Anyway .. interesting … always respected Rhonda and anxiously awaited her reports when all we had available was a radio …
For those of you outside .. Rhonda is/was Sarah’s rural advisor who historically worked as a journalist/radio gal who would give fishery and AK reports via static-y radio. Which .. not too long ago … was our (or some of us/a lot of us???) only connection with the rest of the state or world.
Check it out.
“Everyday is a winding road
I get a little bit closer
Everyday is a faded sign
I get a little bit closer to feeling fine

I’ve been swimming in a sea of anarchy
I’ve been living on coffee and nicotine
I’ve been wondering if all the things I’ve seen
Were ever real, were ever really happening” Cheryl Crow

May love and peace and sanity reign!

14 10 2008
Dr. Patois

Denise, is it possible your husband is just enjoying “twisting your knickers”? My beau (9yrs) LOVES to send me into a spin. He is always asking me, “How’s my gal Sarah doing?” I try very hard to not take the bait. I also made him put an Obama sign in his front yard. 🙂

14 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Dr. Patois (21:42:47) :

Denise, is it possible your husband is just enjoying “twisting your knickers”? My beau (9yrs) LOVES to send me into a spin. He is always asking me, “How’s my gal Sarah doing?” I try very hard to not take the bait. I also made him put an Obama sign in his front yard.

Sadly, no such teasing in play. He is a Bush supporter. Makes perfect sense that Palin gets his support.

He has been having a hard time with all the worldwide economists commenting on the end of the era of Reaganomics. And expecially with the evidence crashing all around him.

But, he has FOX. A safe place for him to hide.

14 10 2008
ergot-AKA Rankle Hiway Hussein Palin

Took a look at your letter, and the >few< positive comments about Ms Palin. You, of course being condemned by Territorygirl and what’s ‘is name…Wes. Looks like Territory girl is resident Palin-clone there, eh?
Also looked at the article about the “BIG” rally on the hiway for Palin…
WOW – twenty people showed up (including two “who had no idea what ther were getting into”
Then took a look at: ,
the Obama rally. Looked like a whole lot more than twenty… It is to laugh.

14 10 2008
Liberul Redneck

I think the pin code idea brought up has little significance, as an alaskan I would think more of it representing the “made in alaska” program we promote up here. I also think it reminds me of the “flaship of the State funded college system” University of Alaska Fairbanks, UAF, the Nanooks emblem is a polar bear. These are things I think of before AIP, I think many herein the state would also see it that way.

14 10 2008
ergot-AKA Rankle Hiway Hussein Palin

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin October 14, 2008 at 11:45 pm

Reference not to a post here but at, nice one. and the second, too.
Seems to be lots more trolls over there…I guess we manage to scare most of them off here. “Course they’re pretty easy to recognize since they don’t have “family” 😉 names.

14 10 2008
ergot-AKA Rankle Hiway Hussein Palin

Liberul Redneck (23:20:43) :

“University of Alaska Fairbanks, UAF, the Nanooks emblem is a polar bear.”

Oh, did Palin go there, too?

14 10 2008

ergot (or anyone),

Should I be more strict in my filtering of comments? I hate deleting comments that aren’t explicitly racist, derogatory, or the like, but if it creates an uncomfortable atmosphere on my blog, I would like to know.


14 10 2008

Can’t wait until Ms. Congeniality falls off the stage and runs back to her home state of Alaska where she’ll find two lawsuits waiting her at the end of the tunnel!

15 10 2008
Liberal Redneck

LOL no I don’t think the Gov or first dude went to school at UAF but you know these republicans they just make S*&t up. I think her going to 5 different schools to get an undergraduate degree in journalism says enough about her desire for putting that notch in her belt. The pin in the picture does have a strong resemblance to the one used on the “made in alaska” logo so it just may be advertising the state.

15 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

re :Isle of Man Palin (17:12:20) :

Great YouTube Video . . . John Cleese on Sarah

“Monty Python could have written it”. Beautiful and great!

15 10 2008

For the issue of the State Personnel Board investigating the allegation of the Palin’s breaching the Personnel File of Wooten’s it appears to be a slam dunk.
I recall reviewing the Interrogerities provided by Todd Palin to the legislative investigation, in which was attached a copy of the Internal Affairs findings of fact against Wooten with a date stamp from personnel affixed to dated in Feb 2007. I can’t think of any reason or excuse for Todd or Sarha Palin to have copies of this document even in her capacity as governer.
This appears to be another given abuse they were involved in.

15 10 2008

Do you consider other leaks of government documents as abuse or potential Pulitzer Prizes?

15 10 2008

I knew it would only be a matter of time before Wooten and Monegan become very very wealthy people.

15 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@THAT ONE TiredMom HUSSEIN (19:29:35) :
AND everyone else wondering about the photo of SWWNBN in the fur ruffed coat with all the fur clad folks around her.

It was/They were taken at the Little Norway Festival in Petersburg, AK, prob. this past spring though maybe in 2007. I could actually confirm which year with a friend of mine who is IN the photos if anyone cares (and NO, she’s not too happy about being in photos with SWWNBN!).

15 10 2008

i wonder how many people would have done what palin did in respect to wooten. i mean, he tasered a child, for crying out loud… and no one talks about that.

just another way of looking at things.

15 10 2008
Top Posts «

[…] Son of Troopergate. Let me start by saying we know nothing yet. However. The “other” Troopergate probe into Sarah Palin’s […] […]

15 10 2008

Sarah Palin needs to address this directly. Surpisingly a lot of people like her. She is very conservative and remains true to the parties values stronger than McCain. However, this “troopergate” thing isn’t going to be ignored away she needs to speak out. Either she did it or not.