Let the Troopergate Fallout Begin.

14 10 2008

The second Troopergate investigation is still underway, but the karmic returns of the events which brought about the whole mess to begin with have started to manifest.

The rumor mill is churning, and the news today is all bad for Governor Palin. 

Trooper Mike Wooten is none too pleased at having his name dragged through the mud by the Palins.  What might be on his mind these days, we wonder?

Wooten, the state trooper, is prepared to sue Palin, her husband, and the state for spending the past three years trying to get him fired from his job, according to John Cyr, the executive director of the Public Safety Employees Association, the union that represents state troopers.

Also, a top Alaska State Trooper official who works with Wooten said Wooten has told several close associates that he will soon file a multimillion lawsuit against Palin. The official requested anonymity because Wooten, who has declined interview requests, did not clear him to speak about the plans.

“Trooper Wooten intends to sue Gov. Palin, her husband, and some people in her administration for slander defamation of character, and civil rights violations,” the official said. “His attorneys are considering filing in state and federal court.”

And what about Walt Monegan, Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety – one of the most highly respected public servants in the state, and an ex-marine that Palin said has a “rogue mentality” and committed acts of “outright insubordination?”   He has engaged the services of crackerjack Anchorage attorney Jeff Feldman.  Mr. Feldman has asserted that Palin’s charges have damaged Monegan’s reputation, and has laid the groundwork for a lawsuit by submitting a complaint to the State Personnel Board:

“Mr. Monegan does not challenge the Governor’s right to discharge him as the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety,” the complaint said. “But the Governor is not entitled to make untrue and defamatory statements about her reasons for discharging a cabinet officer.

“Gov. Palin’s public statements accusing Mr. Monegan of serious misconduct were untrue and they have stigmatized his good name, severely damaged — and continue to damage — his reputation and impaired his ability to pursue future professional employment in law enforcement and related fields. This damage thus implicates his constitutionally protected liberty interests.”

Monegan’s attorney signaled that a lawsuit was in the offing, stating that “Mr. Monegan requests that the board declare, or secure a declaration from the Attorney General, that Mr. Monegan has exhausted his administrative remedies and may assert his claim in Superior Court.”

And last, but not least, the people of Alaska are not amused.  Yes, her support here remains strong, but the process of erosion has started.   A recall petition is now being explored… More details to follow.



133 responses

14 10 2008
Bella the Bunny Girl

Pass the popcorn, lol.

14 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

me first me first

14 10 2008

Wow! The gift that keeps on giving

14 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

darn you bella

14 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

good for wooten and monegan

lawsuits mean that both sarah and todd must give testimony under oath

they mean discovery….discovery means looking in every nook and cranny

every piece of shit these two have dropped since she was a council person will be open to the public

she is done

hey sarah….where is your god now???

14 10 2008

Loving it!

Looks like Little Miss Bible Thumper forgot some important words:
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
From the Bible, Galatians VI (King James Version)

In the words of Pastor Muthee, “Make a way, Lord.”

When I was a kid, I loved soaps. This storyline is better than anything ever written for Erica Kane on All My Children.

14 10 2008
Alexander Rose

What else can you say other than wow?

“How long have I been at this, like… five weeks?”

So… what’s the over/under on the fastest meltdown in political history?

Irony. Sex. & American Politics Presents: High School Musical IV…

14 10 2008

Sarah sinks like a stone, taking the McCain ship down with her.

14 10 2008

*doing happy dance*

14 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

i wonder if mcctaint campaign officials will be sued also?

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

go Mike!

I wonder how much more he suffered at their hands that we don’t know about.

14 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

And the Gates just keep opening up…Go AKM

14 10 2008
Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin

I’m just going to go out on a limb and suggest that her approval ratings in AK will dropping to 50% by the end of the week and that after the election her political fortunes will plummet rapidly with a recall.

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

I like the look of Tim Petumenos.

Can we sic him on Talis Colberg, too?


14 10 2008
NY Dem

Question about the ‘house’:

If it turns out it was built through contractor favors, and was basically ‘kickback’ for the sports arena contract; how can they be deducting mortgage interest from their income tax returns ?

I read somewhere that on their last 2 returns alone they claimed $10,000 worth of mortgage deductions – is that correct ?

Me-thinks the IRS is eventually going to have a very curious interest in the Palins.

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

DeMo (22:56:05) :

Loving it!


Isn’t it great that we get this amazing, free sideshow while we’re waiting and worrying? Lord, make a way ….. 😀

14 10 2008

Ben Stein is on Larry King basically saying that of course Obama will win. Paulson gave him the election with the fumbling of the economy. Thanks, Ben, why don’t you diminish the candidate completely.

There’s another way to look at it. Obama earned this lead. He has inspired America to believe in the United States again and the promise of what the nation once stood for.

I watche PBS’s Frontline tonight and they aired a really interesting show profiling both nominees. What impresses me most, and makes me feel safest is that Obama is a deliberative thinker. He attempts to build coalitions of people.

McCain was portrayed as someone who goes with his gut. I might admire that in an entrepreneur, but I won’t entrust a nation’s economic and international welfare to someone’s gut. That’s like trusting Bush’s perception of Putin’s soul because he looked into his eyes. Were they on a date? Had he found his soulmate?

It was a little sad to see the contortionist McCain has become. He twisted himself into every possible shape to earn the endorsement of the religious right, Bush, etc. The ultimate sadness was hiring the very Bush people who took him down.

But I’m not so sad that I won’t cry from joy and cheer when Barack Obama is inaugurated, poohpoohpooh (that’s to ward off the evil eye [I’m as superstitious as Obama]).

14 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

A note from Votemaster (the people who compile the electoral map posted at Mudflats)

U.S. Government Will Nationalize the Banks

Just a week after announcing that it was absolutely essential for the government to buy up all the toxic mortgages and that no other solution was possible, treasury secretary Henry Paulson has now ditched his plan and is going to (partially) buy the banks. This move effectively nationalizes them. The British government did this over the weekend and it led to a huge stock market rally in Europe. Paulson II caused the Dow Jones index to jump 936 points yesterday, its biggest one-day gain in history. While Paulson will never admit it, the plan to buy the banks was originally proposed by the liberal Democrats. However, he steamrollered them into submission and they voted for his plan because without it. he said, the sky would fall. Government ownership of the banks is a hallmark of socialism, of course. Who would have thought that the October surprise was for the Bush administration to come out of the closet and become overt socialists three weeks before a hotly contested election? The reaction of the Republican rank and file is yet to come. No doubt this subject will get a lot of play in tomorrow’s third and final presidential debate

14 10 2008
ergot-AKA Rankle Hiway Hussein Palin

Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin (23:09:35) :
Recall hell, the legislature has been doing pretty well so far…and impeachments are so much more fun!

We’ll have to wait and see on that one. A lot will depend on what our Legislature looks like after November 4th. There are actually a few races to be concerned about… I wouldn’t bet on the political will that would be necessary to bring about impeachment. At least not yet. AKM

14 10 2008

This is the best scandal movie ever! Can’t wait for the movie to end to find out what the ending will be lol.

14 10 2008

Seems I’m Chatty Cathy tonight.

I was at school in DC when Reagan was inaugurated. My friends and I went because it seemed the thing to do. No excitement. I took some pics, but threw them out long ago.

Oh, to be in DC this January. To stand along the route from the Capitol to the White House. To see the Obama family…a dream come true, poohpoohpooh (see my superstition above).

But I’m not saying it’s a done deal. Still work to be done and I’m thrilled to do it. YES WE CAN!

14 10 2008

My prayers are with Monegan!!!
But i’m also still prayin’ ya’ll get the she-bitch back…sorry

14 10 2008

Don’t feel bad DeMo,
I actually voted for Reagan…it’s an independant thing! 🙂

14 10 2008

No offense to anyone, but I am concerned that there is a lot of nonsense starting to creep into these discussions. The “First” thing going for 10+ posts and other off-topic chit chat that will not help AK develop her blog, it does reflect on her credibility. I hate to see all this good stuff sink to the bottom with silly posts. It will definitely impact the readership and quality. This is stuff for a chatroom or a different blog.

15 10 2008

@ Anonymous
I’m not sure I understand…I read the first 10 posts
who did they offend?
Please clarify

15 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 2 of what I was wishing for – though I didn’t count on someone like Wooten having the guts! Now my third wish is recall or impeachment (I agree that that would be more fun), but the sooner the better! What chances that something will come out of this Personnel Board thing before the election???

DeMo : I get the Larry King you were commenting on here in about an hour. I love seeing Ben Stein squirming in his chair “I support McCain, but Obama is right.” And I was just out of school and working in NY when Reagan was re-elected and that is why I am now living in France! If Obama is elected, I may be able to convince hubby to finally move to the States!

15 10 2008

pj (00:02:47) :

@ Anonymous
I’m not sure I understand…I read the first 10 posts
who did they offend?
Please clarify

I think it’s more in the previous thread or two maybe.

15 10 2008

Anonymous (23:57:24) said:
“…I am concerned that there is a lot of nonsense starting to creep into these discussions. The “First” thing going for 10+ posts…”

Glad you brought that up. It’s bad enough when I see it on gossip blogs. Without intending to hurt anyone, I’ll rhetorically ask what is the big deal in being the first to post?

The only firsts I’m interested in at this moment are the first African American as potus, First Lady Michelle Obama, and the first female Republican veep nominee getting her just desserts. May she eat much humble pie and pay for every slice.

15 10 2008

I would think that the citizens of Alaska, regardless of their political or religious leanings, would be offended by the McCain gang of heavy handed thugs coming into their state and effectively taking over part of their, not McCain’s, government.

Unfortunately for Texas the Bush mafia/Repocons were already pretty much in control of all of the stage’s governmental apparatus, and local as well. They have ruined that state and turned it into an off ramp for NAFTA. Private property, family businesses, and family farms that have been owned for generations, are turned into trash dumps, Wal Marts and highways from Mexico to California, Chicago and the NE.

Alaskans can learn from our sad lesson, don’t let these slime balls take over your state!

15 10 2008

thanks LaNon,
I’m a wee-bit slow…I didn’t mean to interrupt

15 10 2008

ergot-AKA Rankle Hiway Hussein Palin (23:33:25) :

Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin (23:09:35) said:
Recall hell, the legislature has been doing pretty well so far…and impeachments are so much more fun!

AKM replied: We’ll have to wait and see on that one. A lot will depend on what our Legislature looks like after November 4th. There are actually a few races to be concerned about… I wouldn’t bet on the political will that would be necessary to bring about impeachment. At least not yet. AKM
She may not be my governor, but I think if she comes home in shame, she’s going to be rather impotent. Though she claims to see Alaska, does she also see a pair in her pants?

Ain’t enough lipstick in the world to cover the frown of a defeated nominee, one found in violation of ethics, abuse of power and G-d knows what else will be coming down the pike, or salmon, as the case may be.

While I think Palin is a vile human being, she is still human and possibly given to human emotion. Law suits, shame, declining approval ratings. Can she really be impervious to all that? She said on Rush today that she has nothing to lose. Oh, Governor, there’s so much to lose. Respect. Standing. The support of the people you were elected to govern. Without that, it’s tough to accomplish much. Lady, you’re going to have a brand of impotence no dosage of Viagra can help.

15 10 2008

Actually, Anonymous, there’s no mandate here for what is discussed. Who on earth are you to say what is or isn’t ok/appropriate here, especially if AKM hasn’t? The sheer numbers of people who have been moved to comment here have done so not just because of AKM’s excellent posts but because of the community, which has grown organically since P-day into an extended national and international following. Some threads are more serious than others; many develop their own individual character on any given day. If you don’t like one, move on! Easy solution. The credibility of a blogger is certainly not defined by commenters! But, I would argue that the good will, intelligence, and humour consistently demonstrated here amongst the commentariat speak highly of the atmosphere our fearless blogger has created. It’s a wretched long haul till Nov 4, with jarring new developments every day, and if you’d been reading for the past month-plus especially, you would know that huge numbers of people come here for a multitude of reasons– information, of course, but also support, comic relief, commisserating, celebrating, blowing off steam. I love that so many people can come here in different moods, seeking different things, and find what they want. It doesn’t always have to be what I want; who cares? No blog, or person, or ANYTHING, can be all things to all people. Not every last thread interests me, but I always learn something and enjoy something on this blog every day, and not just from the incomparable AKM, but from the community too. I have NEVER been a regular reader of comments and semi-regular commenter on a blog, ever, until this one. So, long may the Mudflatters continue, without feeling constrained by how they express themselves. Safe to say we all respect AKM enough that if she wanted to try to put a mandate out there, we’d try hard to follow it, but I have a feeling the phenomenon has grown well beyond her control by now (if it ever was controllable).

I can only speak for myself, of course, but I’ve read thousands of comments on this blog, and so my response is informed by the diverse opinions people have shared about why they come here and what they love about Mudflats.

So I guess I did take offense. And I’m not sure how you could make a comment like that and say none was meant. I just don’t see that the comments here were worthy of the judgment you just dumped on them. What the hell is wrong with lighthearted? You are so reminding me of Frum and his criticism of Maddow last night. It’s not for nothing that I chose this handle. Here endeth the full head of steam.

15 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

I agree with Angryxer. It is a bit of light-hearted fun to be the first to respond to a thread.

15 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Just heard KO. Tellin McCain some home truths in his usual forthright way.

15 10 2008

gotta luv Miss sarah and the blush brush…just for fun check it out 🙂


15 10 2008

@ angryxer
thanks for the clarification…I like your response.
I got a bit worried that may-be there were prerequisites to posting!
Boy, if there were I blew that!

15 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

thank you, angryxer – never let it be said we are making cerebrial posts.

I vote NO to Proposition 8!

15 10 2008
Lady Rose

What great news for the folks of Alaska – cheers! 🙂

15 10 2008

“1964 was the year Palin was born. It is also the year when a dozen Americans were murdered by thugs who despised the people they murdered simply because of race, religion, and politics. Palin tells us she reads “everything.” If that is true, she should go back and read that history or at least look at the pictures that show what is possible when we are urged to despise one another. ”

Interesting article…but sad


Sarah Palin
John McCain
Barack Obama

15 10 2008

‘1964 was the year Palin was born. It is also the year when a dozen Americans were murdered by thugs who despised the people they murdered simply because of race, religion, and politics. Palin tells us she reads “everything.” If that is true, she should go back and read that history or at least look at the pictures that show what is possible when we are urged to despise one another.’

interesting article at Huffington by Papantonio

15 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Mucky has gone to bed now – very late tonight. It’s been a big day in Alaska. 😉

15 10 2008
UK lady turning turtle Palinps


Agreed, If somebody doesn’t like us they can find somewhere else to go.

15 10 2008

We’ll have to wait and see on that one. A lot will depend on what our Legislature looks like after November 4th. There are actually a few races to be concerned about… I wouldn’t bet on the political will that would be necessary to bring about impeachment. At least not yet. AKM

The question of Impeachment probably should not be associated with what our legislature looks like after November 4. imo. Having said that, I believe by January republican legislators who are still drinking the cool-aid will be called out by there own party leadership; more importantly, their constituency. At least we will know which legislators are still drinking by then.

Just press on, stoking the boilers with simple truth and avoid the very best we can at even a hint that recall and impeachment come with a partisan bias and we can all put this State back together; better. Neither a recall or impeachment charges are in fact partisan issues. If the people understand that; the legislature will too. Making either issue partisan probably only works to the advantage of republicans….which are still fairly strong in this State. I-M-most-H-O bows to the host.

15 10 2008

Thanks Irishgirl & pj… I really don’t know what I’d do without the laughs that the mudpuppies bring to this joint (and AKM has demonstrated a great sense of humour all along too). How else to survive the unending news of lies, hypocrisy, and incitement the last 6 weeks have brought?

Way to stay vigilant with that cerebrial stuff, Aussie! Thanks for the shout-out to No on 8!

K, horrendously past my bedtime. Plus hey, open thread has arrived over yonder…

15 10 2008

Well, I really hope that the Governor of Alaska has to answer again for going after two different people, being found guilty of ethics violations, and then boldly lying on television that she has been “cleared of all wrongdoing.”

I can’t believe someone running for Veep could lie repeatedly about that and her own crowd is still cheering her on. Good luck to them on Nov. 4th because they are going to lose in part due to SP and her own version of the world.

Anyway, Alaska – you’ve got your hands full with this lady! I don’t envy your state government at this point!

15 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I agree with Angryxer. I don’t think anyone has said anything truly derogatory or threatening. Some of us need a place to blow off a little steam, express our fears, anxiety, frustration or disgust.

For my part, I am forced to live through these elections far from the United States, and this blog (and this group of people who make it a conversation) is my chance to feel like I’m sitting around a dinner table or in someone’s livingroom with friends talking politics and events as they happen, a way for us to sit around and hash it all out. And I thank you all for making it possible!

15 10 2008
aka Klomp Molen Palin from Holland

@ Anonymous / angryxer:

As an addicted reader and now-and-then-poster I have to say that with respect to the ‘top 10-issue’, I agree with Anonymous’ post. It was not so bad this thread, however, there have been some in which I started to consider it slightly annoying too.

I did not read it as a plea against all forms of lightheartedness. Frankly speaking, for me the massive format of angryxer’s response was more out of tune with the atmosphere in this blog than the original comment.

(Being not a native English speaker, in this kind of responses I struggle with language subtleties – apologies in case my wording should happen to be offensive. Not intended so.)

15 10 2008
NY Dem

Anyway, Alaska – you’ve got your hands full with this lady!


Just wait until she comes back and you get her bill for ‘per diem’ while she has been on the campaign trail !

If she can get money for sleeping in her own house, why not now — what has she got to lose !

15 10 2008
Lil' Geese Whalebone Palin


15 10 2008

I had my doubts that Alaska could get beyond the “drill baby drill” drones and actually do something about a Gov who uses her power to be vindictive. I hope this wokrs out for you guys. What Palin has done is wrong, and we should not let elected officials use the power we give to them to settle personal scores and promote their friends at the expense of a fair, honest, and competent gov. Palin seems a lot like Bush to me… promoting horribly inept people and using her psoition to settle personal scores.

Alaska is red, but it is small… eventually, she was going to run out of people who she had not bullied. What goes around comes around sometimes. In this case, it is well deserved. Let’s just hope the people who have the stones to stand up to the schoolyard bully are not too outnumbered by the “drill baby drill” drones”.

15 10 2008

Good Morning and wishing you all a wonderful day.

I ask, with tongue in cheek of course, the following. Is it remotely possible that SP’s assessment of last Friday’s release of the legislative investigation’s findings (ie: “I am pleased that it has been determined that I did NOTHING wrong) was because she didn’t, or couldn’t, read the actual findings ??

“COULDN’T”?? IF she couldn’t read (literally), that would explain why she wasn’t able to answer Catie Curic’s question when she asked SP what she reads. It would also partly explain why the “Dude” (sic) spends so much time in the governors office, day in and day out. Maybe he’s there to read the regular mail, read and respond to emails in the official and non-official accounts, and write her speeches using crayons and pictures so that she can interpret what she is suppose to say.

Who knows?? The longer this saga continues, nothing would surptise me any more.

Smile everbody and make the most of your day. :))))

15 10 2008
15 10 2008

** suprise

15 10 2008

@ aka Klomp Molen Palin from Holland / angryxer / Anonymous

I, too, am a long-time reader and very infrequent poster who sincerely and deeply appreciates this site, and I must say that I agree with our Dutch friend’s comments.

The “top 10” bit, which I gather is fun for some, can seem a tad juvenile to others. Please remember: this is simply one person’s opinion, and we do welcome everyone’s opinion, right, if offered politely and with respect?

What I myself love about Mudflats is the timely, fact-based, “insider’s” information and insight served up by AKM with intelligence, wit, and humor. And most Mudpuppies’ comments are germane to the topic, even if tangentially, or at least enhance understanding or enjoyment in some way. Which is why I’m addicted to this blog.

That’s why taking undue and extended offense to one poster’s comment seems so uncharacteristic and inappropriate for the welcoming and smart community that this place has been. We don’t want to establish a mob mentality found on other unthinking, unintelligent blogs, do we?

15 10 2008
aka Klomp Molen Palin from Holland

Lil’ Geese Whalebone Palin (02:24:44) :



15 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

angryxer (00:43:53) :

But, I would argue that the good will, intelligence, and humour consistently demonstrated here amongst the commentariat speak highly of the atmosphere our fearless blogger has created. It’s a wretched long haul till Nov 4, with jarring new developments every day, and if you’d been reading for the past month-plus especially, you would know that huge numbers of people come here for a multitude of reasons– information, of course, but also support, comic relief, commisserating, celebrating, blowing off steam. I love that so many people can come here in different moods, seeking different things, and find what they want. It doesn’t always have to be what I want; who cares? No blog, or person, or ANYTHING, can be all things to all people.
Good post angryxer!

So what I want to do now to start the day is repost my link on my image of “Safety Bear” in Atilla the Mum Bible Spice’s head because it makes me happy!

Only two more weeks to go in this ordeal of destabilized psychological hell. And then she will be your problem in Alaska. But now we will support you in this battle. All power in heaven and Earth must be completely taken away from this person. Every last atom.

Good day to all Mudpuppies worldwide!

15 10 2008

Last year I requested an IRS pamphlet on deductions on your house if you are using it as a small business premise..
The bulk of the information was about THE HOUSE AS the business; (rental or house flip for profit) Not about making & selling widgets IN THE HOUSE.
ONE paragraph really caught my attention.
Kickbacks are ILLEGAL.
The next paragraph???? HOW TO PAY THE TAX ON your illegal kickback!
Insanity has invaded every little corner of our govt.!

15 10 2008
Wesson HUSSEIN Scalper Canuck for Choice

Good morning. I’m very pleased to read of the impending lawsuits and potential recall petition, AKM. Good for Safety Bear and Walt Monegan! Not even Pastor Muthee can save SP now, her life is going to be a living he**. 🙂

Off topic, but for any Mudflatters interested in Canadian politics, I’m posting this reply to earlier comments.

rebullwinklecringing (18:55:24): Canada even has the Radical Marijuana Party 🙂

The Marijuana Party gets most of their support from British Columbians. Many Canadians smoke marijuana openly. Unless one is convicted of trafficking or growing it, casual use of marijuana is a very minor offense in Canada. In 2003, it was legal to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana in Ontario.


That ruling’s since been overturned, but Canadians with disabilities may legally smoke medical marijuana for pain relief with a doctor’s recommendation. Marijuana would likely be decriminalized in Canada by now were it not for the threat of economic sanctions from the U.S. Every April 20 at 4:20 p.m., there are huge marijuana rallies across Canada.

Michele: Would love to hear input from any of our Canadian neighbors about Canadian conservatism and how it compares to the, frequently frightening, American version.

From 1867 until well into the 20th century the principal difference between the Liberals and Conservatives was the Liberals were in favour of greater independence from Great Britian and the Conservatives (Tories) sought to maintain close ties with the British monarchy.

Over the years, the federal Liberals and Conservatives have traded off running the country, one after the other with few exceptions. Traditionally, both parties would fall under the right and left leanings of the Democratic Party in the U.S. Simply put, the Liberals have favoured a strong social safety net while the Conservatives have maintained that charity is up to the individual.

Ontario and Quebec have generally favoured the Liberals while Conservative supporters have stemmed from western Canada.

Since Alberta native and son of an oil executive Stephen Harper, 49, became Prime Minister in 2006, the Conservatives have forged a strong alliance with U.S. imperialism, it’s really taken a turn for the worse. Conservative Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has increased government spending by the largest percentage in this country’s history, despite some selective tax credits and a token two percent cut in the GST sales tax.

These days, Liberals are in favour of taxing corporate polluters, the continuation of no-cost health care for all Canadians, and government funding for arts and culture. Conservatives oppose the Kyoto accord and favour tax breaks for big corporations, privatization of health care, cuts to arts and culture, and running up the federal deficit with increased military spending. I went to the Conservative Party webpage, and under “Plan” besides “cut taxes” there was no further information as to their party platform – only criticism of the Liberals. No surprise there, transparency is not a priority as is their preference to govern with secrecy and manipulation. As for their stated platform of “cutting taxes”, the Harper government wants to cut taxes only for the wealthy and big business, not the middle class.

Both the Liberals and Conservatives support Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

Unlike in the U.S., gay marriage and abortion, both legal in Canada, aren’t galvanizing issues between the two parties. Climate change has been the hottest issue in this election. All parties but the Greens agree with financial experts that Canada will be little affected by the current economic crisis. That is a joke. The Toronto Stock Exchange just had the biggest drop in its history. With the lack of regulatory provisions in the Wall Street bailout plan, Canadian workers and investors are certainly at risk to lose their jobs, investments, and pension plans in future financial crises which are sure to come.

Since Harper took power he’s rallied his base in favour of increased law and security, more military spending, two-tier healthcare, and sweeping cuts to arts and culture. He wants to follow the Repug way of putting more people in prisons, including having 14 year olds convicted of serious crimes sentenced as adults (“fresh meat” for the prisons, this is sickening). 18 people have died so far as a result of contaminated meat products at the country’s largest processor, Maple Leaf Foods due to the Conservative government’s cuts to food safety inspection. Harper forbids his government to speak to the press (all correspondence/interviews must go through his minister of communication, very Orwellian); and in February 2008, he secretly signed The Security and Prosperity Partnership with the Bush administration, which will effectively assimilate Canada’s military and economy into the emerging U.S. police state by 2012. In short, Harper’s an autocrat and favours the Bush Doctrine.

The New Democratic Party (NDP), which has a strong labour union membership, is a party in transition, and its support is rising, which is a positive development for the social justice movement. The NDP opposes Canada’s military involvement in Afghanistan; wants to end tax giveaways to large corporations; tax polluters; and create green collar jobs in the new energy economy. The Green Party wants to impose a carbon tax on corporate polluters, emphasizes preventative and alternative health care, and proposes increased government funding for the arts. The Bloc Quebecois wants independence for Quebec, obvs, and is a party on the wane, unable to either reach their goal of sovereignty or to participate effectively in federal government.

Harper broke election laws by calling this election, which brought out only just over 50% of Canadian voters. He didn’t get the Majority government he wanted, and though quoted as saying he would quit if he didn’t, that’s just another one of his lies.

The Liberals lack party unity and have an unpopular leader, Stephane Dion. Certainly Dion will be replaced soon, either by former Ontario N.D.P. Premier and now Liberal Bob Rae, or Micheal Ignatieff, a Canadian-born former Harvard professor, both in their 60s. Younger contenders for the Liberal leadership include Justin Trudeau, 36, son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (unlikely because he’s a political novice), and Gerard Kennedy, 41, the most left-leaning of the bunch. I’m hoping for Kennedy, although Mr. Trudeau is very easy on the eyes IMHO. 😉

It’s good to see some American Mudflatters taking an interest in the politics of your neighbour to the north. 🙂 I’m only a student of politics, not an expert by any means, but hopefully this post helped bring you up to speed on Canada’s dire political situation.

Here are a few links you might find interesting:




For Canadian political humour, if you can tune them in, I recommend the TV programs, “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” and “The Mercer Report” both on the CBC network.


15 10 2008
Wesson HUSSEIN Scalper Canuck for Choice

Good morning. I’m very pleased to read of the impending lawsuits and potential recall petition, AKM. Good for Safety Bear and Walt Monegan! Not even Pastor Muthee can save SP now, her life is going to be a living he**. 🙂

Off topic, but for any Mudflatters interested in Canadian politics, I’m posting this reply to earlier comments.

rebullwinklecringing (18:55:24): Canada even has the Radical Marijuana Party 🙂

The Marijuana Party gets most of their support from British Columbians. Many Canadians smoke marijuana openly. Unless one is convicted of trafficking or growing it, casual use of marijuana is a very minor offense in Canada. In 2003, it was legal to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana in Ontario.


That ruling’s since been overturned, but Canadians with disabilities may legally smoke medical marijuana for pain relief with a doctor’s recommendation. Marijuana would likely be decriminalized in Canada by now were it not for the threat of economic sanctions from the U.S. Every April 20 at 4:20 p.m., there are huge marijuana rallies across Canada.

Michele: Would love to hear input from any of our Canadian neighbors about Canadian conservatism and how it compares to the, frequently frightening, American version.

From 1867 until well into the 20th century the principal difference between the Liberals and Conservatives was the Liberals were in favour of greater independence from Great Britian and the Conservatives (Tories) sought to maintain close ties with the British monarchy.

Over the years, the federal Liberals and Conservatives have traded off running the country, one after the other with few exceptions. Traditionally, both parties would fall under the right and left leanings of the Democratic Party in the U.S. Simply put, the Liberals have favoured a strong social safety net while the Conservatives have maintained that charity is up to the individual.

Ontario and Quebec have generally favoured the Liberals while Conservative supporters have stemmed from western Canada.

Since Alberta native and son of an oil executive Stephen Harper, 49, became Prime Minister in 2006, the Conservatives have forged a strong alliance with U.S. imperialism, it’s really taken a turn for the worse. Conservative Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has increased government spending by the largest percentage in this country’s history, despite some selective tax credits and a token two percent cut in the GST sales tax.

These days, Liberals are in favour of taxing corporate polluters, the continuation of no-cost health care for all Canadians, and government funding for arts and culture. Conservatives oppose the Kyoto accord and favour tax breaks for big corporations, privatization of health care, cuts to arts and culture, and running up the federal deficit with increased military spending. I went to the Conservative Party webpage, and under “Plan” besides “cut taxes” there was no further information as to their party platform – only criticism of the Liberals. No surprise there, transparency is not a priority as is their preference to govern with secrecy and manipulation. As for their stated platform of “cutting taxes”, the Harper government wants to cut taxes only for the wealthy and big business, not the middle class.

Both the Liberals and Conservatives support Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

Unlike in the U.S., gay marriage and abortion, both legal in Canada, aren’t galvanizing issues between the two parties. Climate change has been the hottest issue in this election. All parties but the Greens agree with financial experts that Canada will be little affected by the current economic crisis. That is a joke. The Toronto Stock Exchange just had the biggest drop in its history. With the lack of regulatory provisions in the Wall Street bailout plan, Canadian workers and investors are certainly at risk to lose their jobs, investments, and pension plans in future financial crises which are sure to come.

Since Harper took power he’s rallied his base in favour of increased law and security, more military spending, two-tier healthcare, and sweeping cuts to arts and culture. He wants to follow the Repug way of putting more people in prisons, including having 14 year olds convicted of serious crimes sentenced as adults (“fresh meat” for the prisons, this is sickening). 18 people have died so far as a result of contaminated meat products at the country’s largest processor, Maple Leaf Foods due to the Conservative government’s cuts to food safety inspection. Harper forbids his government to speak to the press (all correspondence/interviews must go through his minister of communication, very Orwellian); and in February 2008, he secretly signed The Security and Prosperity Partnership with the Bush administration, which will effectively assimilate Canada’s military and economy into the emerging U.S. police state by 2012. In short, Harper’s an autocrat and favours the Bush Doctrine.

The New Democratic Party (NDP), which has a strong labour union membership, is a party in transition, and its support is rising, which is a positive development for the social justice movement. The NDP opposes Canada’s military involvement in Afghanistan; wants to end tax giveaways to large corporations; tax polluters; and create green collar jobs in the new energy economy. The Green Party wants to impose a carbon tax on corporate polluters, emphasizes preventative and alternative health care, and proposes increased government funding for the arts. The Bloc Quebecois wants independence for Quebec, obvs, and is a party on the wane, unable to either reach their goal of sovereignty or to participate effectively in federal government.

Harper broke election laws by calling this election, which brought out only just over 50% of Canadian voters. He didn’t get the Majority government he wanted, and though quoted as saying he would quit if he didn’t, that’s just another one of his lies.

The Liberals lack party unity and have an unpopular leader, Stephane Dion. Certainly Dion will be replaced soon, either by former Ontario N.D.P. Premier and now Liberal Bob Rae, or Micheal Ignatieff, a Canadian-born former Harvard professor, both in their 60s. Younger contenders for the Liberal leadership include Justin Trudeau, 36, son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (unlikely because he’s a political novice), and Gerard Kennedy, 41, the most left-leaning of the bunch. I’m hoping for Kennedy, although Mr. Trudeau is very easy on the eyes IMHO. 😉

It’s good to see some American Mudflatters taking an interest in the politics of your neighbour to the north. 🙂 I’m only a student of politics, not an expert by any means, but hopefully this post helped bring you up to speed on Canada’s dire political situation.

Here are a few links you might find interesting:




For Canadian political humour, if you can tune them in, I recommend the TV programs, “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” and “The Mercer Report” both on the CBC network.


15 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Pat (03:29:22) :

The next paragraph???? HOW TO PAY THE TAX ON your illegal kickback!
Insanity has invaded every little corner of our govt.!

Remember Al Capone! 😀

15 10 2008

Can you say acorn. Wasn’t Obama’s claim to fame community Organizing. I wonder if he ever register some homeless guy seventy-three times.

15 10 2008

I cheer the lawsuits on…especially Walt Monegan…who seems to be a good guy who was just doing his job…and knew the law (telling them several times he could not talk about it…the implications)

I still for the life of me cannot figure out the Palin’s obsession with Wooten. Now I have an ex myself, and know of many exs…some are not nice people at all. but I nor any of my friends or family has ever done anything to try to destroy them. This is just too weird for me…wonder what it really was all about

15 10 2008

I only wish you guys could be this reved up about procecuting those guys in gitmo caught shootin at our sons and daughters. Instead you want us to invited them home for dinner. Strange; isit the air up there or the water?

15 10 2008
CT for Obama

What is going on in AK is very important. Many on the conservative side see your wonderful governor as an up and coming star in the Republican party and while I disagree with much of what the Republican party stands for, Palin is so extreme that her rise in national politics needs to end on November 4. The best way to do that is in AK. These investigations must show her for what she is: a common bully with no true ability to govern. While the law suits will highlight the civil damage she has done, the official investigation is the most important part. If she can be thrown out of office or, better yet, kicked out she will be able to go back to Wasilla where she belongs and should stay.

From the lower 48, I would like to thank all of the Alaskans for keeping Palin away from me all these years and will appreciate it your continuing to do so for the rest of my years.

15 10 2008

And I thought ya’ll didn’t like witch hunts.

15 10 2008

We can only hope that Monegan and Wooten file their lawsuits before the Nov. 4 elections. That would almost ensure a landslide for Obama.

15 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@disgustedfemale (03:43:45) :

I’m thinking what it was really about was – he crossed Sarah! The same women who asked them all to resign to prove their loyalty to her! This is not someone you can cross and get away with it.

15 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

*woman* sorry ;(

15 10 2008

Ah… it seems the Governor is beset on all sides by trouble…. booed at a hockey game of all places, mistaking her own supporters for protesters (a little sensitive, these days?), Legislative reports that clearly state that she violated her ethics….

At least she is safe from witches thanks to Pastor Muthee though…. eh?

15 10 2008

Hey, quickhit superdave….

I’ll personally take a Constitutional Law Professor (Obama) over a Journalism major any day of the week, but that’s me. As for ACORN… you might want to ask McCain if Acorn is so bad, why he would give a Keynote speech there in 2006…and he seemed to support them up to about 5 minutes ago when his polling started slipping…

Superdave… don’t fall for Lee Atwater’s/Karl Rove’s tricks again, this year, eh? you’re only voting against your own best interest, my friend.

15 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

As always, it is good to get the Alaskan perspective on what is happening with Troopergate fallout and how Palin is perceived. Ari Fleischer was on Jon Stewart last night again with the “80%, most popular gov” and it seems to be generally accepted by people who aren’t really paying attention to what’s happening in AK.

This goes back to McCain et al’s shortsightedness. Did someone not realize that Troopergate could potentially bring lawsuits? Was there no one on the McCain team who thought about a “worst case scenario” when looking at the VP pick? Did someone not think, well, maybe we could have a VP candidate being sued?

Really, hasn’t that been a major issue with this pick? They didn’t vet and how that reflects on how he’ll do his job.

15 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

To superdave – I agree with LibertyLover – you should do a little research first instead of taking what sarah Palin shouts out so smugly at rallies without herself being familiar with facts and records as the truth. First, those guys at “gitmo”, if they had shot at our sons and daughters they would’ve already seen a trial. I have seen the good that ACORN has done in very poor neighborhoods – my brother worked as an organizer for ACORN for several years in both Tampa and Boston, and, yes, McCain’s keynote speech in front of ACORN only 2 years ago is all over the net. Watch for yourself.

Look up all of their records – Obama, Biden, McCain and Palin to see what they have accomplished, how they were educated, their voting records (you may be surprised looking at McCain’s voting record on veteran’s benefits, GI bill, etc), where they have been and who they know (and knew). You should do this before the election, because you may very well be surprised!

15 10 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

Off Topic
I have gone to other sites and read comments and seen some of you there speaking reason and leading the logical fight.
The thing I don’t get, even when I see it pop up here once in a while is this: “Will you people please keep your Pit bull there?” This is usually followed by a redneck insult or some other backwoods slur about Alaska and it’s population.
I don’t bother arguing with trolls here and it has carried over to other websites. I was reading Shannon’s post last night and wanted SO badly to reply and say my “peace” to those who would blame Alaska. Just can’t make myself sign in to insult someone.
I would like to say that I think the people of Alaska have done MORE to save our asses than anyone has or would have done. Look at how much attention a few people in Alaska have brought up front. Look at what they have given us! Look at the fallout SP is facing due to a few brave souls who found other brave souls!
Instead of YELLING to take her back, I’d like to thank those of you who have taken every right that men and women have died for, so that we may continue to speak, search, talk, and fight for the truth.
They may have lied and started all this CRAP for oil, but we have now turned it in a way that has truth and honor on our side.
Thank you to those of you blogging and fighting for your rights, my rights, our children’s rights… we owe you more than a post on a blog, but that is all I have.

15 10 2008


roflmao at the pic you posted
too funny with the oil wells and dinasours in the windows

15 10 2008

Yes, I can say ACORN. I also know that registering people that do not exist or registering someone multiple times, in no way interferes with voting. It is a hassle for the secretary of state offices and local elections boards, but it doesn’t affect voting. Why? Because non-existent people do not show up to vote. I am sure that ACORN employed people that are probably unemployable to gather new voter registrations. Instead of doing the work, these people made up voter registrations. These people have perpetrated fraud on ACORN for getting paid and not doing the work they were hired to do. In any case, non-existent people do not vote and people signed up to vote multiple times can only vote once. This is a made-up threat to the integrity of our elections. Caging and the purging of legitimate, eligible voters is more of a threat to our elections. I wonder which political party is engaging in those activities?

15 10 2008

Well said, whabs.

15 10 2008
divatalk Hussein

Good morning guys,
I am gong to get some work done today so I’ll make this quick. I am curious
as why I still don’t see the video clip done yesterday on CNN about AIP.

Plus I saw all the interviews they did with regard to ACORN, but nothing on the interview about AIP.

Only clip was on Salon and YouTube. What’s up with that? Did I overlook?
Did anyone else see the clip on CNN site?

BTW, that’s good news about Monegan. I hope he gets what he seeks.

15 10 2008
divatalk Hussein


ACORN was the one who called attention to the problem. It wasn’t as if they got caught doing something, they noticed it happening and brought it to the front.
This is just another thing the Republicans are trying to do to throw a smokescreen up on something that is nothing.

15 10 2008
divatalk Hussein

The repubs are the one who do the voter suppression and fraud. They are masters of that game because they have been doing it for so long.
Check out the book “How to Rig an Election”. I can’t remember the authors name, but he went to jail for voter suppression and has written a book on how it was done and how the Repubs have been doing it.

15 10 2008
Political Amazon

[[[“Trooper Wooten intends to sue Gov. Palin, her husband, and some people in her administration for slander defamation of character, and civil rights violations,” the official said. “His attorneys are considering filing in state and federal court.”…]]]

Hmmm…could the “and some people in her administration” include the insufferably offensive Meg Stapleton?

15 10 2008
Political Amazon

[[[And what about Walt Monegan, Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety – one of the most highly respected public servants in the state, and an ex-marine that Palin said has a “rogue mentality” and committed acts of “outright insubordination?” He has engaged the services of crackerjack Anchorage attorney Jeff Feldman….]]]

Well, good for Monegan. He’s very smart to get a strong Alaskan attorney. I think Palin’s case against the Legislature over her investigation started going south when she allowed GOP legal thugs to invade Alaska.

15 10 2008
Political Amazon

Quoting DivaTalk:

[[[ACORN was the one who called attention to the problem. It wasn’t as if they got caught doing something, they noticed it happening and brought it to the front.
This is just another thing the Republicans are trying to do to throw a smokescreen up on something that is nothing.]]]


Anybody who has ever done voter registration, or supervised a group of registrars, knows that there will be a certain part of the registrar task force who will add phony names to their list. It happens. The administrator of the registrar task force has to really stay on top of it.

When I have participated in a voter registration outreach, actually doing the registering, I always asked someone for peer review of my registrants before I submitted it. I reviewed them myself, of course, but it’s easy to miss a registrant with a subtle red flag.

So they truly are making a big deal out of something that routinely happens, for both GOP and Dem voter registration outreaches. The McCain campaign is counting on the fact that people who have never registerd voters aren’t aware of how it works and the given fact that some registrars will add phony registrants.

Once again, they are exploiting the lack of knowledge of their base, and I find that repulsive.

15 10 2008
Political Amazon

Quoting I Superdave:

[[[I only wish you guys could be this reved up about procecuting those guys in gitmo caught shootin at our sons and daughters. Instead you want us to invited them home for dinner. Strange; isit the air up there or the water?]]]

The vast majority of detainees at Bush Jr’s Cuban concentration camp are not there for being involved in shooting anybody.

The reality of the situation is that the vast majority of what we know is going on in Bush’s Cuban prison comes from the Bush Administration and it’s toadies.

There may be many things us MudFlatians are, but gullible is not one of them. We don’t take information from a proven consistent liar and believe it. Like any habitual liar, you listen to what they say and then suspend belief until further informaion comes out.

15 10 2008

Go Monegan! And thanks so much AKM for keeping us posted on this.

15 10 2008

Of these – I think the strongest case is Wooten’s which is sad in a way, because he seems the least honorable. However, someone in power can not purposefully attempt to ruin a person because of a family issue, which is basically what the Palin’s did. I think he has a very strong case – and the Palin’s are going to be looking to try an negotiate a settlement. Sucks to be them.

15 10 2008

Here’s my question: who’s paying for the lawyers on both sides? Remember that the lawsuit to stop TGI was funded by that neocon/religionist group from Texas. Palin may be forced further into the wacky right camp if she has to depend on them for legal support.

15 10 2008

@0whole1 (07:36:16) :: Here’s my question: who’s paying for the lawyers on both sides? Remember that the lawsuit to stop TGI was funded by that neocon/religionist group from Texas.

Generally, in broad strokes, in a civil lawsuit for damages, the attorney is paid on a contingent fee basis – meaning the attorney gets a portion of any award the plaintiff receives (even if there is a settlement before trial.) Nothing has to be paid up front.
In the lawsuit to stop the TGI, there were no damages alleged nor sought. I assume it was either pro bono, part of a contract for services, or paid on an hourly rate (non of these would be improper.)

15 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB

To Wesson HUSSEIN Scalper Canuck for Choice

Thanks for the great piece on Canadian politics. A dear friend of mine just returned to Canada after 6 years in the states. I get good info from her, too. We’re lucky to have such wonderful neighbors to the north!

15 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (23:26:29) :,

The bank nationalization plan could get really ugly. Smaller banks are already resisting and may be “forced” to accept gov intervention. That will no doubt start a small riot among the free market’s at all cost crowd. Wonder what will happen here?

15 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Palin

Gotcha, Whabs.
I haven’t made any such comments to the fine folk of Alaska, because I wouldn’t wish her on anyone. Couldn’t be more impressed by the actions of Alaskans for Truth and others who are doing everything they can to bring light to the actions of this governor and her minions. That’s democracy in action and it’s almost as exciting to watch it from afar as it is to participate–which is nice, because I’m a LONG way from AK.
It’s hard to imagine SP in another elected position once all of this plays out. Anyone can be fooled once, but I think most of Alaska is not going to let this one fool them again.

15 10 2008

Irishspacemonk (07:13:55) :
Of these – I think the strongest case is Wooten’s which is sad in a way, because he seems the least honorable.

And why do you think that Wooten is the “least honorable”? Do you have an inside track on who he is or are you basing your opinion of him on Palin’s slander. Right there you have justified his lawsuit.

15 10 2008

There have also been a few posts, recently making mention of the verbiage of some of the other posts as to their cerebriality and humorosity. This is kind of the elitist attitude that remarks on the fact that Sarah attended 5 colleges in 6 years. Let he (or she) that has not had 6 years of college experience cast no more stones.

15 10 2008

1superdave (03:42:22) :
Can you say acorn. Wasn’t Obama’s claim to fame community Organizing. I wonder if he ever register some homeless guy seventy-three times.

What is your IQ? It seems like it is in the room temperature range. ACORN has NEVER been sued for any illegal activities for registering people. A couple of their employees have and ACORN participated in their prosecution.

On the other hand, the Republicans have been caught, sued and convicted on numerous schemes to disenfranchise voters.

Lastly, why would ACORN register the same person 73 times? What would they gain by it? Do you think the Registrar of Voters wouldn’t notice the same person registered 73 times. Do you think that the precinct people working the election wouldn’t notice if one person showed up 73 times to vote?

Here’s a hint. Anything you find on Michele Malkin’s site is guaranteed to be a lie.

15 10 2008

DeMo (00:40:14) :

Believe it or not, Bill Kristol, the right wing ‘intellectual’ who brought us the Iraq war (ta-da!) by installing a puppet president in thrall to some seriously bad people actually wants this woman to be groomed for a 2012 shot at the White House. He is scary wrong about everything, but somehow he manages to have a lot of clout, so I wouldn’t count Ms. Palin out just yet–unless, of course, she is in prison by then.

Wesson HUSSEIN Scalper Canuck for Choice (03:32:35) :

Thank you for your very thorough review of the Canadian political scene. My heart sank just a little when I heard Harper was re-elected because I had developed a picture of him as a Bush clone and your post pretty much confirms that he would at least like to be. I guess I have always believed our Northern neighbors were just a tad more intellectual and enlightened than we here in the states, so wondered if it were possible that ‘conservative’ there might equate to ‘moderate democrat’ here. It doesn’t really sound like it, at least Harper’s version of conservatism. I am involved in medical research and we work with a wonderful doctor from Sick Kids in Toronto. Because of the context of my relationship with this doctor, I have never felt comfortable asking her about politics, but have certainly been curious, so thanks very much for taking the time to post.

15 10 2008

Political Amazon (06:08:26) :

Andrew Halcro is going to be having an ACORN discussion on his show this afternoon. Callers to yesterday’s show were in a lather about ‘voter fraud’ and he, by his own admission, really didn’t understand the ACORN situation. I sent him a long email with information and links–including the fact that the US attorney firings were larger due to US attorneys refusing to prosecute ACORN for voter fraud because they couldn’t find any evidence to support it. David Iglesias, the recently vindicated US attorney from Nevada gave an interview to PBS about it a while back–transcript here: http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/330/david-iglesias.html

Iglesias and the others were defamed by the DoJ in an effort to get rid of them so the Bushies could appoint more virulently partisan attorneys (hmm, defaming someone to justify an improper firing–sound familiar?). A recent report on this whole ugly incident vindicated the 7 individuals involved and there will be an investigation after the election with possible prosecutions of people in Gonzalez’s DoJ.

But I digress. I got a note back from Andrew Halcro thanking me for the information and stating he would use it on his show today. Unfortunately, I can’t listen to the webcast today (damn actual work and life responsibilities), so I don’t know if it will be helpful or not. The main point I tried to make with him is to stop calling it “voter fraud.” At the very most it is “voter registration fraud ” and does not become voter fraud until someone actually tries to use one of those bogus registrations–which is almost never. Also, you are not registered to vote just because you fill out a form. The state or county registrar has to verify the registration form and certify your eligibility, so this whole brouhaha over ACORN is simply an effort to distract. Callers to his show were livid and felt their right to a fair vote was being undermined by ACORN. Granted, ACORN needs some better organizational policies, but this is really ridiculous.

15 10 2008

Recall? Recall you say? Where do I sign up?

15 10 2008

One of the things that bothers me the most about Sarah Palin is the example she is showing her kids. She is showing them that it is OK to lie to get what you want. That’s very sad.

15 10 2008

So she’s gonna be a broke nobody at best. And an infamous broke at worst.

Epic Fail!

15 10 2008

Anonymous (23:57:24) wrote :”No offense to anyone, but I am concerned that there is a lot of nonsense starting to creep into these discussions. The “First” thing going for 10+ posts and other off-topic chit chat that will not help AK develop her blog, it does reflect on her credibility. I hate to see all this good stuff sink to the bottom with silly posts. It will definitely impact the readership and quality. This is stuff for a chatroom or a different blog.”

Question to Anonymous: Why are you trying to assign gender identity to AKM? You blame us for the “level of commentary” here but then your transgression–that of assigning a gender to AKM–seems to me to be far more damaging than “silly posts” to the reputation of our esteemed blogger.

15 10 2008


Thx for the reply.

15 10 2008

But But But! Thanks too Senator McCain Sarah Palin has become the new face of the republican party!!!!

The GOP needs a new face!!!

Instead of an elephant mascot the new GOP mascot should be a moose much like Teddy Roosevelt’s Bull Moose party.

15 10 2008

DeMo (23:24:14) :

Ben Stein is on Larry King basically saying that of course Obama will win. Paulson gave him the election with the fumbling of the economy. Thanks, Ben, why don’t you diminish the candidate completely.

There’s another way to look at it. Obama earned this lead. He has inspired America to believe in the United States again and the promise of what the nation once stood for.

From what I’ve see Stein is dead on. But it doesn’t diminsh Obama, it just goes to show there’s still a huge population out there that is just not going to vote liberal, black, pro choice, gay marriage or what I like to call “freedoms and rights”. I think less than 25% of the country have Bachelor degrees or more? And I’m no elitist, I don’t have one either, but it shows how utterly uncommitted we are in this country toward education and intellect. Of course rather than change that the current crop of Republicans would rather make sure our public schools only have time for teaching to tests and sneering at intellectuals.

15 10 2008

If Moneghan and Wooten need our support we’re behind them. Where can we e-mail them? or any other way to show support.

15 10 2008

@aka Klomp Molen Palin from Holland/Anonymous / angryxer:

I agree with Klomp Molen. The response was far more harsh than the comment. Everyone is free to post what they wish, but from this thread it seems that the point Anonymous made in her original post–about the “good stuff” sinking to the bottom under the volume of “nonsense”–happened here, in a discussion over people’s opinions of what can/should/shouldn’t be posted. I enjoy hearing about people’s husbands and kids going to bed or watching football to give the Mudpuppies time on the computer, but maybe Anonymous was referring tto the discussion of Cloris Leachman’s dancing prowess on a previous thread.

Whatever, peeps! We have each other! All opinions welcomed, and if you disagree with with a simple comment, perhaps the response can fit the offense. Rarely, if ever, is a tirade necessary in our happy little mudflat. Can’t we all just get along?

15 10 2008

As per Superdave and ACORN. Dude, there are many, many agencies that endeavor to register voters, and many many reasons why those registration forms go through a “check” system before the names are registered. They don’t pass from some poorly-paid ACORN employee right into the voter rolls. They are sent to an office and each name is checked via telephone and other methods more than once before the name is added. No system is perfect, but dude, Mickey Mouse and Tony Romo are NOT being registered in Ohio. Or Nevada. Can we move on from this non-issue?

If we want to get particular, ACORN is non-partisan and Obama’s association with ACORN is from over a decade ago when he represented them, co-represented them with the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT to establish Ohio’s motor-voter law.

Perhaps more disturbing was the Republican idea to cage voters if they’ve been put out of their foreclosed homes recently. And that IS partisan.

15 10 2008

“Scorpie (05:16:07) :


roflmao at the pic you posted
too funny with the oil wells and dinasours in the windows”

I blew past that link until Scorpie made a comment. For a good laugh you should look and click.

I liked the empty frames with only one with a diploma. And the other baby names. BRAVO! I needed a little levity.

And Bravo to the push back about defamation. On a minor scale, we have that in my HOA and it needs to stop. I personally think in the HOA, it is a smokescreen for the defamer to hide the likely embezzelment from the Association over the past 10 years by a pretty little secretary who was fooling the older men who ran the board. Or, possibly with their complicity and kickbacks. I have evidence from the bank about repeated maximum cash withdrawals from the Petty Cash Account and there is going to be an investigation. If nothing was wrong, why would she have to accuse the former female president raised by a Jewish couple that she was anti-Semetic? There are all men on the board now, but there are 3 women and a man who are going to bring this out, BECAUSE IT IS WRONG!

A mild parallel to the Alaska situation. Thank you AKMuckraker for bringing all this to light. The above is just a minor influence of yours!

15 10 2008

Coup de grace

Holy smokes! This item in Daily Kos reviews the Wooten wolf-hunting story. Read it!

Apparently what happened is it was Chuck Heath who shot the wolf in question (at least twice) from his own snowmobile, failed to kill it. Wooten followed its track, found it down, but still alive, walked over and tried to put it out of its misery with a headshot from his pistol. He shot it a second time when it still seemed to be moving.

Wooten sounds like he was cleaning up someone else’s mess. A responsible hunter doesn’t let animals suffer unnecessarily. Palin is despicable. Chuck Heath is the real bad guy in that wolf story.

15 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Toon

1superdave’s site = http://1superdave.wordpress.com/2008/08/24/still-trying-to-find-my-way-around/

1superdave’s blog: “If you read about (me) you will see that there is no deception here. I welcome debate. I won’t be rude to you or make fun of spelling mistakes. I make lots of typos but my mind and heart are clear. Thanks for the comment.”

Troll, probably not. Single-minded and predisposed to being a Republican at all costs, probably so. 1superdave has the guts & energy to put up his (I’m assuming gender due to the name) own site. Trolls tend to be nasty and anonymous. I don’t agree with 1superdave, but as long as we don’t spend too much time & energy answering his questions more than once, he’s welcome here as “devil’s advocate” in my opinion. Just don’t get distracted, and don’t expect our discourse to sway him, but at the very least, the Mudflatter’s informed & intelligent responses to his questions have been enjoyable to read. If he’s not rude to the blog community here, then we can do the same in return as has been already demonstrated here.

It’s not like all conversations “around the dinner table” are going to be high minded and witty – we are all human and have to delve into the comic and ludicrous sides of ourselves and events to maintain balance and perspective. It’s always fun to be here and I enjoy all of you SO MUCH! What an amazing place this has turned out to be – I can’t believe how much I’m learning about other states and countries. That just doesn’t happen on other sites and we all know that from experience! You go Mudflatters!

15 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

I just came from reading that Daily Kos wolf-hunting article. That was just horrible. I wish more people knew about Sarah Palin’s family’s activities.

15 10 2008
Washington State

Will the recall petition be filed and heavily publicized throughout the country prior to November 4? That would be the icing on the cake!

15 10 2008

@Paul & @Duct, I agree. Absolutely appalling story about the Heath family hunting trip & smearing Wooten. I couldn’t even finish reading it, it was so brutal.

15 10 2008
WV Democrat

@ 1superdave

Nothing wrong with being a “community organizer”. I’ve done this myself over several different issues in my own small town. If one disagrees with the status quo, how else do you unite people with like minds to get things done and/or make your opposition known? I’ve even registered people to vote. Nothing wrong with that.

As for ACORN, they pay people to go register others to vote. The ’employees’ (and I use that term lightly as ACORN tries to hire people who can’t get regular jobs) are paid by the registration. As with many things that are good intentioned, sometimes there are bad apples and employees commit fraud. Sounds to me as though this was what was happening.

I worked in radio advertising sales for many years. I don’t know how many times I had to go clean up a mess committed by an ex-sales person writing fraudulent broadcast orders. This is not new and happens a lot when paid on the order and not the collection.

15 10 2008

Paul (10:31:40) and Duct Idaho Palin (11:17:37)

Re Palin’s wolf-huntin’ and critter killin’ roots: take a look at the pictures of her parents at home surrounded by dozens of skins, skulls, “trophies” and other bits of dead animals, and you’ll have some clue was to where Gov Palin gets her bloodlust. Kill Baby Kill !


15 10 2008

Paul (10:31:40) and Duct Idaho Palin (11:17:37)

Kill Baby Kill! Re Palin’s wolf-huntin’ and critter killin’ roots: take a look at the pictures of her parents at home surrounded by dozens of skins, skulls, “trophies” and other bits of dead animals, and you’ll have some clue was to where Gov Palin gets her bloodlust.

Drat, since I couldn’t get the link to post, google “palin parents skins” and look at the first couple of hits. Photos from KTUU TV shoot.

15 10 2008
WV Democrat

Here’s a cross-section of the people attending the Palin rally I protested on Sunday.


15 10 2008

Hey, is anybody making a film stringing together all Palin’s statements in outright contradiction of the TGI findings, like at the end of this: http://thinkprogress.org/2008/10/15/palin-no-abuse-troopergate/


Interspersed with the words of the one finding, I think, make for the second best of campaign advertisements when her term’s up in a couple of years.

Bestest would, of course, be some of them–all of them–any of them.

But really, she’s *outright* lying on camera, repeatedly. Normally, you expect the lies to be at least less ham-handed, or well-documented.

15 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Curiouser and curiouser and yet curiouser still. The electric fan is beginning to sieze up what with all the stuff that’s been hitting it lately.

15 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Apparently what happened is it was Chuck Heath who shot the wolf in question (at least twice) from his own snowmobile, failed to kill it. Wooten followed its track, found it down, but still alive, walked over and tried to put it out of its misery with a headshot from his pistol. He shot it a second time when it still seemed to be moving.

What is wrong with these people? And this ‘father’ is into killing wolves and enjoying letting them suffer at his hands? These people (subhumans) quite literally make me sick. Sometimes I hope there really is a hell !

15 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

uh boy… stupidave returned. who wants to fess up to letting that naughty dog out of his box? he’s so dumb that he’s still not realized that obama didn’t do the community organizing thing for acorn; but obama did some legal work to help enforce motor voter accessibility to the people of Chicago.

Now… since I am last, I want you all to know that there’s no more popcorn for the Sarah Palin movie. I also got a message from Pam Smart – who wants to know when she’ll have to get the bunk on the other side of her jail cell ready for her new cellmate. What should I tell her? And should I tell her that the new cellmate’s personal movie will probably do better than hers?

15 10 2008

Please direct all inquiries to the McCain campaign headquarters, “Putin’s head” division.

15 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

@ DeMo (00:40:14

Harper is our “Minority Man”. He was elected a 2nd time in Canada and with fewer votes than he got in 2006, but because it was the lowest voter turnout in Canadian history (just 59%), he actually increased his seats in Parliament by 19 seats – go figure. He received 37% of the vote which represents 22% of the electorate, so only 1 out of 3 Canadians actually voted for him (1 of 5 of the total electorate), so he does not represent the vast majority of Canadians by a long stretch. We are a left-leaning country but it doesn’t carry the same connotation as it does in your country (which I gather is translated into bugaboo words such as “Socialist” and “Communist” in the USA). We’re quite like countries such as England, Scotland, Switzerland, etc. – just normal, rather boring but contented, people who mind our own back yards and just try to get along with the world.

15 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palin Pity Party

As for Mike Wooten, he ought to simply take the hits Palin dished his way because her attorneys will slash him to pieces on the witness stand. Just look at the suspension letter from Julia Grimes, then head of the Alaska State Police. He’s just not a very good trooper.

15 10 2008

Couldn’t happen to a nicer woman.

Sauerkraut, disagree. If Wooten did indeed file suite, the state would probably seek a settlement rather than go to trial.

15 10 2008
Joy from Wisconsin aka Chisel Dustup Palin

Disgustedfemale said: I still for the life of me cannot figure out the Palin’s obsession with Wooten.

Okay this is what the bottom line of the Wooten vendetta was (is?) about:

Molly asked for a 55/45 (time placement) custody split with the 55 in her favor. The more time mommy gets, the more child support money she gets and the less she has to work. (BTW, this is in Branchflower’s report although he stated it more “nicely” than I’m doing.)

According to the divorce record Molly is a dental hygienist so she could both work a full time job if she wanted and also make a reasonably good living for herself. Judge Suddock told Molly basically that he thought she was currently willfully *under* employed and she had the option to work more hours if she chose to do so but he did not find a compelling argument for giving her a larger custody placement with the kids just so she didn’t have to work or work as much time. Obviously that alone didn’t set well with her.

Judge Suddock ordered a 50/50 shared custody between the parents meaning Molly received little in the way of child support or even possibly no child support at all. Each parent fully supports the children when they are in their care per most 50/50 custody splits. Obviously Molly didn’t care much for that idea either.

So..with the help of Big Sister Sarah and her sidekick husband,Todd, they hatched a plan to make Wooten into an “unfit” father so the judge would give Molly sole custody. In that effort they drummed up all of these stale old “bad things” he did, most of them in which the trio were also a party to the crimes. Then the Troopers’ Union investigated Wooten and gave him a 10 day (reduced to 5) non-paid disciplinary lay off. Not what the trio wanted. They wanted Wooten fired.

Then Sarah (somehow???) was elected Governor. SarahandTodd Palin then began using that official office and its power to try again to get Wooten fired. You know the dirty details. By now they were thinking if they could get Wooten fired and kept him from getting another job (like the police officer job they kept him from getting in Wasilla a few years earlier), that Wooten would have to leave Alaska and go to Canada or the Lower 48 to find a comparable job in his field. Leaving Alaska would mean he could no longer maintain that 50/50 physical custody split…..

So then Molly would get sole custody of the kids, she’d be rid of Wooten, he’d be unable to even regularly visit with his kids AND….Ta da!!! Molly would get a big child support award and could either quit working entirely or work less hours.

That’s what all this misery for Alaskans boils down to…one lazy and vindictive ex-wife not wanting to work for her living and her nasty Governor sister and her weird husband wanting to help.

15 10 2008

i can’t believe i am saying this is all good news for those of you in Alaska, but it is……

i have been surprised at the level of hate and disgust i have for palin but I do. If by some strange turn of events McCain wins, we are all in HUGE trouble. Can you imagine her as the vice president?? How can that even be? Her husband was a member of that crazy group and on Huff Post today it said that would restrict their security clearance. i mean this is NUTS. I like what Tina Fey says, if they win, I am leaving earth!

i am think ……..costa rica; but i really prefer Obama wins. Palin is one of the worst things to happen to the McCain ticket.

Thanks for keeping us informed…….i hope she gets sued for millions and millions and is recalled…..

15 10 2008

looks like I’m late to the party, but no worries I’ll bring my binoculars to watch the show. 😉

Oh but the third presidential debate has my feathers all ruffled. When McCain said, “Americans have gotten to know Sarah Palin. They know that she’s a role model to women.” I came unglued. I don’t think I’ve ever been so mad at my TV.

15 10 2008

A role model to women? When he said that one, I laughed.

15 10 2008
Palin Heading for More Trouble | The Ruth Group

[…] From The MudFlats […]

16 10 2008

Palin and her loyal thugs are going to cost the state millions more than she’d ever saved by slashing the budget. Borne by taxpayers, state and federal (AK will need more earmarks to make up the difference).

I hope to see that recall petition. It shouldn’t be anyone’s financial burden except for Palin, her husband, and her cronies. Alaskans are already paying for her lawyer.

16 10 2008

wow. what a bleak and dastardly picture that is. i am going to explore those ideas a bit further, i think.

16 10 2008

eh, post above was supposed to include a blockquote but i guess i didn’t crack the code…
marnie: “Unfortunately for Texas the Bush mafia/Repocons were already pretty much in control of all of the stage’s governmental apparatus, and local as well. They have ruined that state and turned it into an off ramp for NAFTA. Private property, family businesses, and family farms that have been owned for generations, are turned into trash dumps, Wal Marts and highways from Mexico to California, Chicago and the NE. Alaskans can learn from our sad lesson, don’t let these slime balls take over your state!”

16 10 2008
Georgia Peach

Great job Alaska! Hurray for Mr. Monegan! Mudflatters rock!

Obama 2008!

16 10 2008
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN ALASKA - 10-16-08 | Alaska Hockey Moms For Obama

[…] Let the Troopergate Fallout Begin. […]