And the Mudflats Award for Bravery Goes to… Wasilla Democrats!

10 09 2008

Obama supporters in Wasilla, Alaska!  Yes, you heard right.  A group of intrepid Obama-Biden supporters stood in the rain beside the highway in downtown Wasilla, waving signs and cheering as people headed home from work.

Several rally-goers called in to Alaska’s progressive talk radio station KUDO to report on the event.  By 5:15 they had about 25 people at the rally.  OK, before you think that’s not much…trust me…it’s a LOT, especially for Wasilla and especially considering that this is, basically,  the heart of enemy territory.  According to one caller, there were lots of people honking and giving the thumbs-up.  Of course, there were also those who chanted Sah-rah out the window.

Meanwhile, up in Fairbanks, another form of rally is taking place.  The “Welcome Home” rally for Sarah Palin.  And yes, I’m sure it is better attended.  And yes, they are handing out McCain-Palin buttons featuring a creepy line drawing of a pit bull with big red human lips that I cannot bear to post here.  (shudder)

But the fact that the Wasilla event happened, that 25 people showed up, that passers-by honked and gave the thumbs up at ALL is amazing.  So, a big hat tip and a sweeping bow to the bravest folks in the land!

(Anyone out there in Wasilla get pictures?  Email

And for those of you who feel compelled to look…..the pit bull button is HERE.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.



124 responses

10 09 2008

Go Wasilla Dems!!! That’s really cool. 😉

10 09 2008

The button didn’t show up in the ADN article but as Perez Hilton would say…

If you are easily offended don’t click here

10 09 2008

Woo-hoo! Go, Wasilla!
And Fairbanks had 70 protesters! =D

10 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Sweet! Bravos to our Last Frontier brothers!

10 09 2008

I’m not sure, but when I go look at the pictures from the rally, one lady actually looks like a pitbull wearing lipstick. Sweet christ.

10 09 2008

I just love how the reptards what to be able to belittle and trash 50% of the american people and Obama, but then cry and whine when they get hit back.

This whole I am allowed to attack and you are not is bullshit.

I dont know about you, but where I come from if you are going to talk the talk you better be able to back it up by walking the walk.

I for one am glad to see that Obama realizes exactly what they are doing and is standing up to their cry wolf tactics.

Hey McCain hows about talking about YOUR plans and YOUR specific ideas about how to fix this mess we are in now. Instead of playing this cry baby whining type of politics.

Enough is ENOUGH!!!

Time to show and tell what the hell you have got to the american people besides a beauty queen. Shes old news and its time for you to step up and be the man that you keep talking about who puts america first.

Or are you going to let carl rove stand in your way??

And here I thought you were a maverick??

HA!! I live in AZ before you were elceted there and I can tell you right now You havent done a damn thing worth while in the 16 years I lived there nor since I left.

And how about supporting our troops here at home for a change John??

To tell you the truth John McCain is all talk and no walk.

Its time for change!!!

Obama/Biden!!! 2008

10 09 2008

Okay, did anyone go to the welcome home…whatever that was?
I have been really curious as to how much Native support she is getting.

10 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

@ Jenny. If I were a pitbull, I’d be highly offended.

Is Perez Hilton a GOPer? If not, why isn’t he diggin’ up some on Palin?

10 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Ruby Riddle – Pitbull – Family resemblance?

10 09 2008

Forget Palin shes a parrot and not worth the time.

Go for McCain and Bush and the crap the reptards have done to this country.

10 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Did anyone see Obama on Letterman? I bet I haven’t watched that in years and luckily I just happened upon it! I missed the beginning but it was fabulous!

We were all worried for nothing! Maybe McCain and Palin won’t get in front of us other to rehash the RNC in stumps…Obama is getting out there and talking about all the things that matter to all of us….coupled with that charm and intelligence. The fear is gone.

10 09 2008

Obama on Dave Letterman-

RE: Lipstick on a pig

If he wanted to refer to McCains choice, “she would have been the lipstick.”

Ha ha ha

smart guy.

10 09 2008

Freedom of SPEECH and Freedom of Assembly still lives in Wasilla!

Thanks to the brave souls for standing up for their beliefs!!

10 09 2008

I love you Democratic Alaskans!!!! Brave and plucky. I’m from Illinois, but wish I could support you all.

10 09 2008

My hat’s off to the Wasilla Democrats .. congratulations on a job well done!!

I watched Palin’s return to AK and the Fairbanks ‘rally.’ Is there anybody else that cringes and gets as sick as I am with the ‘big red lips’ signs?? My gawd, what must people in the rest of the world be thinking of us?? Is Palin planning on wearing a ‘red lips’ pin if she were to go abroad? Somehow, I can’t see Putin keeping his usual frigid face.

But her ‘speech’ was as all the others .. totally hollow, saying nothing, and repeating ad nauseum the lies. I about barfed when I heard her going on about her hero, John, and his 5 years as a POW.

Btw, did anybody else see Keith Olberman’s commentary tonight? It was on the disgusting marketing of 9-11 by the McCain group for political gain .. including images that had long been removed from public view due to their disturbing impact. Keith also pointed out that the message was clear .. Obama = 9-11 attacks .. terror .. terror .. terror.

And he also hit McCain for when he said he fully knew how to go after, and get, bin Laden .. but was saying he wasn’t going to reveal it until ‘late January.’ Keith was far more gentle with what he called McCain .. but I’d call him a traitor.


10 09 2008
Memphis, NY

I watched part of her welcome home but I kept switching to Letterman (didn’t want to miss Obama) I NEVER heard her mention the bridge to nowhere I believe this could be her first speech without the Thanks but no thanks MAYBE it wouldn’t have gone over well in Alaska

10 09 2008

I don’t see the pit bull button on the link… : (

10 09 2008

There’s no doubt about it… the woman can give a speech. Especially, when she’s given the SAME one for two weeks!

However, (and maybe I’m crazy) but did anyone else hear her say “RegiNes” instead of “RegiMes” when talking about the Middle-East? I thought she also had a few seconds of “deer in the headlights” look during that moment. A moment where she clearly wasn’t comfortable with the topic.

I just wish the debate w/ Biden were tomorrow. I think she could be proven a fake… before the Bush/Rove machine can coach her enough.

10 09 2008

Perez Hilton is very anti-GOP. He was a big Hillary supporter (for her pro gay rights position) but switched his support to Obama. I just checked and today he is carrying the National Enquirer article about Palin’s son and the Matt Damon Video. He talked about Obama’s response to McCain over Lipstickgate. Perez is probably a lot of of people’s dirty little pleasure. As for me, I no longer have to waste time reading People magazine because Perez breaks it days and weeks earlier. Lots of boring and just rude crap but he’s like the Daily Kos of Hollywood gossip.

I read somewhere Perez Hilton gets over 600,000 hits a day. That’s a lot of people seeing a bunch of pro-Obama stuff.

10 09 2008

There were more than a couple of Fairbanksans out tonight rallying against Palin. The organizers of the “homecoming” made it pretty hard to have a visible presence but quite a few people braved the rain and the pressure to stay home if you weren’t pro-Palin. I don’t know the exact number–one news story said over 70, friends of mine said around 100.

10 09 2008

Go Wasilla Dems!! It’s a growing movement!

10 09 2008

I wish that I would have known, would have been more than happy to stand in the rain with my own Obama sign. Well, my daughter & I will be at the rally here on Saturday, standing up for the intelligent women of Alaska who cannot stomach the thought of Sarah being anything other than mother to her children, wife to her spouse. I would not want her as co-worker, neighbor, friend, nothing!!!! Anyway, this blog is the best ever and since you are all caring people committed to positive change in this country I think that you should all read this article & see the lengths to which the Republicans are willing to stoop, get the news out to every other concerned voter.

10 09 2008
portland oregon native

Wahoo Wasilla democrats!
I just got back from a local organization meeting for Obama/Biden and it was SO energizing and satisfying.
Volunteer folks! You will feel productive and enthusiastic.

10 09 2008

Mad Skillz, son (20:29:45) :

@ Jenny. If I were a pitbull, I’d be highly offended.

Is Perez Hilton a GOPer? If not, why isn’t he diggin’ up some on Palin?


Perez is for Obama. But he is an equal gossip opportunist. XD

10 09 2008
Alexander Rose

A simple response to this lipstick bullshit.

Why. So. Serious?

That pitbull button is really fucking tacky. And if you’re going to show off something that tacky, you probably shouldn’t use a tacky lady to further display the tackiness.

Props to Wasilla Dems…

10 09 2008

Thank you, SMR!

Republicans’ new dirty electoral trick No.1/2008

Again – please ensure your own registrations are watertight, people!

10 09 2008

As an Alaskan woman, here’s the response to Sarah Palin posted on my blog. If you’d like to leave me a comment, please visit my blog at

“For the first time in my life, I am going to attend a political rally. I am starting to realize how important this election is, and I don’t want to stand idly by and let my country become something I am ashamed of. I plan to attend the Alaskan Women Reject Palin (AWRP) rally on the Loussac Library lawn on Saturday at noon. I hope that every Alaskan woman who also finds Sarah Palin offensive will attend.

I’ve also decided to do something radical with my $1,200 rebate check. The money was starting to feel like a bribe from Ms. Palin, and I’ve concluded that I need to distance myself from it. I am going to donate it, but I need your help to decide where it should go.

Here are the choices I’ve come up with so far:

A. The Obama/Biden campaign
B. AWRP (see above)
C. My local elementary school
D. My local church

I’d love some feedback about all of this from you. If you can think of other ideas about what to do with the money, I’d like to hear that too. All I know is, I can’t keep it. It feels like bad karma to me.”


10 09 2008
White Agate

Pigs, pitbulls, moose, let’s talk about anything but HUMANS, especially the ones running the Interior Department. I love moose. I haven’t seen any in the northern part of MN, but I did see a couple of black bears this summer. Elk, too.

I linked to that button article and man there are some harsh comments there. Isn’t there a way to make your point without getting profane and personal? Sheesh.

Great Letterman visit on Obama’s part.

Wonder what he and Bill Clinton will be discussing this week? Isn’t Obama visiting the Big Dog in NYC for a laying on of the hands or something? Boy I’d love to be a fly on the wall…Obama is returning to his alma mater to discuss community service with John McCain as part of a ServiceNation Forum coinciding with 9/11. A trip to Harlem afterwards?

My sister-in-law works there and they are running around going nuts getting ready, lots of security plus 9/11 commemorations in the city.

…That takes a lot of courage, in your hometown. Thanks to the Wasilla Dems, you are part of an honorable tradition in this country, stand proud!

10 09 2008
White Agate

Is anyone else having trouble posting? I just had trouble for the second time tonight. Hope they go somewhere.

10 09 2008

I don’t care what these democrats in Wasilla or anywhere say.

Sarah Palin *is* qualified!

10 09 2008

I don’t know if you guys have seen this before, but I got it from the dailykos post.
It’s an inspirational post from someone who got out there and stared canvassing with her little boy, and this is her story:

Check it out. People are rallying to make a difference. Great job Dem Alaskans.

Let’s take this to the top!

10 09 2008

lol…Rob, great video.

10 09 2008

Sorry, Rob. I respectfully disagree. The ways of our world are far too complicated and to leave it to a small town Governor no, not this time.

10 09 2008

lonewolf, I’m with you

Alaskan Dems who had the heart to show publicly your support for Obama, well, if any of you ever come to LA, I’ll give you a welcome party!

My baby sister was in Fairfax VA at a McSame/Palin “rally” of 23,000. What the corporate media didn’t cover was that at the very least 3,000 or more were Obama supporters protesting the lies of McSame/Palin. Sis said it was funny the way the national media were scrambling to take shots only from angles that the protesters weren’t holding signs “Got Bridge to Nowhere Lies?” & “No way, no how no Mc/Same”

I can’t wait til they even think about coming to LA. I’ve got a bloody wolf paw poster that I’ll make sure gets on at least the local news.

10 09 2008

oops, sorry Rob, I typed before I looked. Pls forgive. I got caught up in the moment.

10 09 2008

Erin, I like your idea of donating it to Obama – Biden.
Or one of the 527 groups!! 😉

10 09 2008

WooHoo for Wasilla Dems! Good going.

I posted what follows in the last thread. I think there’s some interesting info about “her” pipeline, so posting it here also.

Awwww, almost feel bad for McCain after seeing him campaign alone, almost being the operative word. His supporters couldn’t drown out Obama’s. Dana Bash of CNN reports that we can expect to see them together much more on the trail. Keeps her protected, and draws crowds for him. Ummm, isn’t that a ploy? Is she literally going to stand next to him in the Oval Office?

Anderson Cooper asked Bash if Palin has given an interview yet. “People, and she has an interview later in the week with ABC.” Bet the People interview was grueling (for the interviewer).

McCain lauded Palin today for negotiating a $40 billion pipeline. Not so fast. The plan, envisioned since the 70s, is still on the drawing board. “The state legislature endorsed her recommendation to award TransCanada Corp a license to build a 1,715-mile pipeline to Western Canada from Prudhoe Bay. In Alberta, the gas could be diverted to the United States on TransCanada’s existing lines. But there is no commitment to actually build it. The Canadian firm must still convince the state’s major gas producers that its project is their best bet.”

Oh, and the price tag? TransCanada pegs it at $26 billion. State consultants estimate $31 billion. So, while she may have negotiated it, it’s been in negotiation for a long time. It aint gonna’ happen for quite some time. And if McCain inflated the number to impress people, I’m not impressed. The truth impresses me more. I’m funny that way.


10 09 2008

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute!

Elizabeth Hasslebeck defended Obama on the lipstick comment!

10 09 2008

Hey… my icon changed from posting on Erin’s blog… I like it!

10 09 2008
Memphis, NY

Please don’t only donate money. Spend some of your time it is much more valuable.

I live in NY but I have registered to attend Obama/Biden voter registration drives in PA. We are getting close to calling PA DEmocratic but not close enough. I will also participate in Ohio if I can find an appropriate Event.

Go to and check out what you can do. Especially in Ohio, Virginia, Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania

10 09 2008

Oh yes, and another pertinent point about the pipeline: If the State backs out of Palin’s back-door deal with TransCanada, opting instead for a pipeline built by the Big 3 oil companies, the State of Alaska will have to pay TransCanada $500,000,000.00. Yes, that’s right, five hundred million dollars, just to say “no thanks, we’ve got these oil companies here that are more than happy to build their own pipeline to ship their own natural gas.” What in the $%*&ing hell was she doing? That’s a deal for Alaska???? And, as noted in DeMo’s post, this has been on the horizon for years & years. Beyond that, the latest that I heard from my oil-company-employed hubby is that there is a rumor floating around that Exxon has decided to screw the State & BP & ConocoPhillips by getting their (controversial) gas leases renewed in exchange for supporting the TransCanada pipeline deal. Keep in mind that right now the Big 3 are fighting the TransCanada option tooth & nail. This pipeline thing is FAR from a done deal here in Alaska, and could potentially cost the state $500,000,000.00 if we have to back out because the Big 3 say “fine, build it but you’ll never get us to ship our gas down it, we’ll build our own!”

Bottom line: Sarah Palin is claiming she did something that she did not do (nothing new there), and has created a monster that she will not be around to have to feed (business as usual for her).

10 09 2008

It’s fascinating how Sarah Palin fires people for refusing to ban books, refusing to fire her estranged family members, etc. I am starting a survey on my blog…what else might she hypothetically fire people for??

This is just for fun! Please do come and comment! I’m hoping to use humor to draw more focus to this nasty & dangerous little habit of hers.

10 09 2008

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could get a few thousand people up im Wassilla holding signs..Anyone interested??

10 09 2008

Huge respect for the anti-Palin fans in Wasilla. I am headed through Wasilla this Saturday to a family cabin. Well to tell you the truth we always take a short cut to avoid driving through the heart of Palin country.

A few more things to know the town that gave America our Pitlin… this is not a joke…

-Teenagers on 4-wheelers and dirtbikes without helmets racing on the side of the roads outnumber runners and walkers combined. I think pedestrians are too scared they’ll be run over (seriously).

-Pray your car does not break down. It will be shot at, windows broken, tires stolen etc… (again, not joking).

-Confederate flag stickers on some cars/trucks: 10-4. (Do you think I’m kidding?)

-W bumper stickers: the stickers might as well be built in during production. They are very proud of Dubya.

These are just a few true observations.

Oh I almost forgot one more:

-Largest number of Calvin peeing on either a Ford or Chevy stickers in the country and arguably the entire world!

Any one else have any more?

10 09 2008

State implements tougher voter ID rule in Florida
From Palm Beach Post

10 09 2008

Wonderful Wasillans with wisdom – you are role models for us all!

I am proud of your courageous efforts.

10 09 2008

GiGi – I’d go to Wasilla & hold up a sign!

10 09 2008

Erin: give 10% to your church, & split the rest between the Obama campaign and the new Alaska women against Palin group. Keep us informed about your group activities. Gives me hope.

Obama was at my children’s school today. It was low key, only about 150 people were invited. I’m in one of the battle ground states, VA.

We have soooooooooo many people that are NOT registered to vote. 1/3 of all Blacks are NOT registered. That’s a tragedy. Not just because of this election, but because of the people who have died to get us the right to vote. We’ve only had that right for 43 years.

I read today how the GOP is trying to steal the vote from people who have had their homes foreclosed. The Rethuglicans will steal this election if no body is paying attention. In Virginia, they are trying to keep college students from voting in the town where they go to school. Real scare tactics.

I am saddened by the revelations of the last couple of days. I wanted to believe that McCain was going to run an honorable campaign. He has let Rove and his ilk take over and it’s only going to get worse.

10 09 2008

Tspey you are hilarious! You are so very very right about the land that spawned Sarah! The hubby & I drove through the Valley (of Darkness) just last weekend, and there’s one you forgot on your list that’s always been a pet peeve of mine —

What in the hell is the deal with all of the junky trailers & beat up cars & household trash laying around as you drive through what could be considered some of the most beautiful scenery in the US? We joked during the drive that we needed to take some photos to complement the one being shown on the news of the Wasilla town hall (that someone said looked like a bait shop in Louisiana). My better half says it is redneck hell out there, better wear your flak jacket when you drive through, and he says he should know cuz he’s from Montana.

So, tell me about this shortcut, I’d like to be able to avoid Wasilla if at all possible. Never seeing it again ever in my entire life would be nice.

10 09 2008
jack b

Here is a direct link to a picture of the button. Apart from the terrifying pitbull-lipstick monstrosity, my favorite part is the top of the button — not McCAIN/PALIN — but PALIN/McCAIN. Rather telling, I think…

10 09 2008
10 09 2008


Yes. It does say something when the nicest restaurant in town is Chilis.

I did think of the garbage and plethora of veehikels lyin’ every which way but I thought it was just a given.

Oh I forgot to add that after your car is shot, and pillaged it will be burned. (Again I only wish I was kidding).

10 09 2008

Erin, I like the idea of a split: some to the elementary school (I’m sure they could use it) and some to Obama (because it is so important). I’m not one for donating to my church anymore because it’s actually a giant real estate corporation (LDS), but yours may be local and may do some good for others.

My guess is that the wonderful protesting Alaskan women can make up their one homemade signs that would be interesting and eye-catching and don’t really need donations because it’s grassroots and ad hoc and only for the next 58 days till Obama wins.

My two cents for a lovely idea of yours. 😉

10 09 2008

Well done, Alaskan Dems! 🙂

Send some pics to the Obama site. This is one of those stories they would love to see and read!

10 09 2008

Memphas NY,

Trust me I take heart in what you are saying…This weekend I am going to VA and change my residency, apply for a license, register to vote in VA, take a leave of absence from work and go stay at my baby sisters & brother in law’s house for at least a month or so. I plan to campaign there since it is a better use of my time than doing anything in True Blue CA where I can’t walk 1 block and not see Obama bumper stickers, yard signs, t-shirts, visors and even a doggy in an Obama sweater.

I’m also in contact with a group that can produce an hard hitting environmental ad that appeals to emotions 1st, and that is what jars people on a gut level. Besides, most believe the wolves should not be hunted aerially.

10 09 2008

In the Spring of 2005 I saw John McCain speak at the graduation ceremony of my niece from the University of Arizona (Tucson). He was vibrant and ALIVE-and for the first time ever, I heard from the Republican side of the aisle, and he called what was happening in Darfur a GENOCIDE. And then, he did well… NOTHING.
I cite this speach, from the same Spring:
Our dear AZ Senator is presently an ill and shell of the man he once was. That his race for the Presidency was recently seen be a media celebrity as a Disney movie is NOT to be ignored. He is NOT well. McCain looks very ill to us that have known him for so many years. And, T-you Mudflats!

10 09 2008


Your portrait of Wasilla is so funny
That is hilariously sad if that is possible. Makes South Central LA look like a little more welcoming.

I had heard that 17 meth labs were busted recently. Per capita that would be what, 1 lab for every 300 residents? Randi Rhodes said that last week, she also said sexually trasmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy were up there too.

10 09 2008

I can’t believe CNN interrupted programming so viewers could see Palin’s plane approach. When she disembarked, Candy Crowley could barely contain herself. The first female veep nominee on the Republican ticket. It’s historic. Well, yes and no. The Dems did it in ’84. I guess it IS historic that it took Republicans 24 years to catch up. Change. Slow and unsteady.

And she had a freaking teleprompter. Can’t this woman address her own constituents without a script?

Looks like the First Dude (hurts my fingers to even type it) is sporting a lapel pin. Bet it’s not for the AIP. Hypocrisy. I bet if he refused to wear Old Glory, she threatened to drill it into his chest. Drill, baby, drill.

Erin, I said in a prior thread that I’d like to take up a collection for voice modulation classes for Palin. If we have to listen to the nominee for another 8 weeks, we should spare the dogs of America. Can you imagine how their ears are suffering if mine are pained by her pitch?

On a more serious note, it’s wonderful that you want to donate your rebate. Since you mentioned four options that have meaning to you, divide the money amongst them. BUT, if your church is supportive of Palin, I’d re-think it. *I* would be uncomfortable funding my rabbi’s sermon, if he pushed Palin.

10 09 2008

Smitty my man. Yes, funny but VERY sadly true. Meth addiction has skyrocketed as well. In fact the very cabin I’m headed to was broken into this winter along with many others. Ditto on STD and teen baby mamas but I think America could have guessed that one… hmm I wonder how???

Oh and SMR, the short-cut/redneck bypass is: take a left at the Taco Bell. Left at the next light. Follow road to Hollywood (right) then take Vine (left) this will shoot you out to Big Lake. Yep, Hollywood and Vine. Talk about coinkidink Smitty w/ south L.A. reference.

Just trying to keep a bit of sanity in an utterly insane race.

10 09 2008

Excuse me, for I’m home after a long stint of work and am now drinking Spanish red, but I’ve been getting this creepy feeling today that the rabid right has been watching V for Vendetta with admiration for the authoritarian power structure and its method for grabbing and holding power. They’ve been reading Orwell for inspiration. So hurray for the Wasilla protestors, and may they avoid the black hoods! Is it too late to protest? Is it enough to protest?

I drive through Wasilla tomorrow with the usual irritation at ugly strip malls and the new lights that slow passage through them. Yet I take exception to outsiders who demean inhabitants of a town that aspires to become like countless similar, tacky communities spread throughout the Lower 48. Just because Scary Sarah metastasized from Wasilla, it doesn’t mean the town is “redneck hell.” It’s no more or less fucked than anywhere else.

10 09 2008


With respect. My comments are true observations from a 30 year Alaskan who has spent quite a bit of time in Wasilla and who has friends and co-workers from Wasilla who will openly admit to all of the above and laugh about it. Never said it was redneck hell just redneck. It is what it is. Loved your line about Pitlin’s metastasis by the way.

10 09 2008


Equal respect. You did not say redneck hell, and my comments were not in response to your post, but to another who responded to yours.

10 09 2008
John Henry

Maybe we can get them to hold up, ‘You said ‘No Thanks’. Where’s the money!’ signs.

10 09 2008

Aye Merlin,

Enjoy your drink. Next one’s on me.

10 09 2008

On the topic of “Drill, Baby, Drill”

this really gory and disturbing story on the increasing numbers of on-the job drilling deaths came out today. Very important background info. on the on the ground reality here in the United States. One thing I noticed was the rapid increase in drilling and the explosion of new workers, many of whom can barely speak english. Yeah, those new immigrants are really soaking the American people-taking the most dangerous jobs, fighting in Iraq. Ship ’em all home so Americans can bring home a paycheck, will ‘ya.;_ylt=Aqipe_bUgD0qHPvbVCa6AthH2ocA

More deadly jobs for Alaskans. Palin is looking out for her people. Don’t suppose she’d support stricter saftey standards? How well has she worked with OSHA up there?

10 09 2008

What the…?? Are those giant red wax lips they’re wearing? How is that supposed to honor Palin? The Halloween costume vendors got an early bonus this year.

10 09 2008


As a born & raised Alaskan, 40 years old, I have seen many changes in the Wasilla area. I’ve been driving that road a very very long time, used to do it almost every weekend to get to our family cabin in Talkeetna when I was very young. Even lived in Wasilla for about 6 months during my junior high years. That being the case, I see the proliferation of confederate flags thing as a relatively new development, new being in the last 20 years. My comments aren’t personally directed to you or anyone (including Sarah) in Wasilla – I have relatives living there. But Tspey brought up some valid points about confederate flags & other crazy Wasilla stuff (my very dem friends in Sutton’s nearest neighbors are confederate flag crazy & we have lots of good laughs about it) and it’s best to laugh about stuff like that rather than get angry or defensive. I think that everyone that reads this awesome blog can agree that there are things that we need to get energized about & humor can be a great thing when we’re dealing with some very scary issues (scary being the possibility that Sarah Palin could be VP of the US). Sorry if my comment offended you — let’s try to keep this blog & the comments positive (it has been nice not to have found a blog without scary right-wingnuts commenting), and try to keep a sense of humor too.

Interestingly, in my previous post I got distracted and forgot to link to an article that really sums up what is most distressing about Wasilla, the proliferation of drug use, drug labs, etc., and now that I’m back I see that several people have since done so. Wonder what Sarah would have to say about that? Meth labs blossomed in the town she was Mayor of yet she fired Monegan because of differences of opinion re: budgets & he wasn’t adequately addressing the alcohol problems in the Bush (for non-Alaskans that means native villages/towns/etc that are off the highway system, NOT george w. bush). Anyway, see this link for one of the many ADN articles about the issue:

I saw a great bumper sticker here the other day that said “Peace is Patriotic” — so, peace out & hope we’re okay now Merlin.

11 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

as only 3k supporters showed up to welcome gov palin back, 25 dems in the heart of the beast is impressive

those are true heroes

its really disturbing to see the comments in the paper…seems that the wingnuts from the lower 48 have found the site

11 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

confederate flags in wasilla? now what message is that supposed to send?

and ya…wasilla apparently has a huge drug problem

so why isnt the msm talking about it?

15 mil for a sports complex….anything for drug prevention or education?

oh and if the drug problem is so bad, doesnt seem that the churches in wasilla are having much of an effect

and lets see where the “track had a drug problem” story goes

11 09 2008
11 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Sorry, I don’t mean to rain on S’s homecoming party, but I’ve been doing some reading on links a post on another thread here on Mudflats (I wish I’d saved the link, if one of you with younger eyes could find it and post it again I be ever so greatful) , anyway, I just had to ask, “is it realy true that the town of W had 160+ rapes last year?”

No wonder they don’t want to pay for rape kits. I can see that could be a hardship on the police departments budget, but my real concern is sex ed classes aside hasn’t any one ever told the men in that town when a girl or a woman just says no, she means it?

My congrats to those brave 25 who have an opinion and are standing up for what hope they can believe in.

11 09 2008

Why those who support Obama don’t have to be so miserable. According to Gail Collins of the NY Times, it all comes down to the electoral numbers. True. Obama is still ahead and quite close to the magic number of 270.

I am NOT saying we can rest easy, but we don’t need to be so dismayed. What we need, I believe, is to be doggedly diligent. Keep doing what we’re doing (getting the facts out there, contributing time and money), but without the doom we sometimes feel.

Sister Sarah, as Pat Buchanan called her, changed the landscape. The honeymoon will end for most. While she’s shiny and new, she’s catching people’s eye. And some people will never take their eye off her. But she won’t maintain this level of attention.

The expression is read ’em and weep. Read this and smile, but don’t get complacent.

11 09 2008

Thank you, DeMo – I needed that. 🙂

11 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Letterman made my day, let’s see what spin they put on that tomorrow. I hope the pundy’s don’t just clip Obama’s spot to prove whatever point they are trying to claim. I’m out for the night feeling proud and happy to be standing up with all you good people, but for now I can’t read or type another word.

11 09 2008

DeMo, thanks for the link to Gail Collins. I love her humour. I left her a similar comment I’ll leave here, though, wondering whether she’d seen the latest swing state results trending towards danger zones for Obama (see the latest at I don’t want to panic. Even if I am, a bit, hence up in the middle of the night still hovered over the laptop. However, my intention in posting is not to panic people, but to strongly caution those who may be overly optimistic, because we will need all hands on deck doing their utmost to make sure Obama does pull off a win. I am greatly encouraged by the entire Mudflats community, and Karen– thank you for that amazing Daily Kos link. Now THAT made my day. Evangelical vet who voted for Bush twice now for Obama & disgusted by John McCain. Amen!

11 09 2008

Now we understand the Outrage about the common phrase ‘lipstick on pigs’, took the thought of the pitbull with lipstick out of the concious, everyone will think ‘pig’ not ‘pitbull’, even with the buttons!!

And what Message are they sending??

Placing sa—rah’s name at the Top and three times larger than Macs, could McCain be the one the repugs want out just before the election giving sa–rah top billing and possibly throwing ‘the first dude’ in as her VP, Hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

11 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

I was so impressed with the link to Deepak Chopra yesterday that I looked at his website again today and found this:

Agree or disagree? I lean towards agreeing.

11 09 2008
11 09 2008

Bravo Wasilla Dems. Just heard this on NPR out of Philly. McCain made a private, surprise campaign stop in Reading PA to meet 7 women at a diner. His wife Cindy was with him. NPR reporter said the McCain camp keeps these stops pretty secret.

McCain spoke for 2 minutes 30 seconds[wow-so many policies fit in that time frame!] to these women while people stood outside the diner chanting “OBAMA”. They played the tape. It was great!

11 09 2008

and for some humor this morning because I always need a little humor on 9/11 just to get me through the day although, Kate, your story is pretty funny that one can get all those policies into 2 min 30 sec – I’m sure it had the words “fight” “I was a POW” “War” and that takes up what? 10 sec tops?

These are actual candidates running for our top office. . . I’m mopey on 9/11, and although these are entertaining, the biggest question for me is: so this is what our Country has come to? The top spot is a joke? <-This dude even has the year wrong in his URL

11 09 2008

You know, I live in the hotbed of Kansas Liberalism, Lawrence KS. In 2004, in the middle of the night (well ok, it was about 11:30 pm) we managed to turn out about 150 people to stand next to the railroad track as the Kerry/Edwards train came through. We thought they were gonna stop. They didn’t — see Kansas is a Red State and well, they didn’t see us as very important. Elizabeth Edwards did see us and because of her, we got to see her husband two days later in an impromptu visit. Many more people turned out that day. Point here is, proportionately by population, we turned out about as many people that first night as Wasilla was able to turn out yesterday and Wasilla is not the hotbed of Liberalism in Alaska. Go Wasillans!!!!

11 09 2008


11 09 2008

RobSpectre (21:25:18) :

I don’t care what these democrats in Wasilla or anywhere say.

Sarah Palin *is* qualified!

BWHAAHAHAHAH!!! That was the funniest thing I have seen this whole election cycle!!! Thank you for the laugh!!!

11 09 2008

@Anna ref: firing

I think she might want to fire some of her Wasilla friends… they were on Good Morning America and only one would commit to supporting her for VeePee.

Fire your friends Sarah. Make their lives miserable… they’re not being supportive…

I’m telling you … she’ll start an enemies list the likes of which Richard Nixon never thought of… and she’ll start with everyone who has ever posted on Mudflats.

she scares me.

think I’ll go back and listen to Rob’s suggested vid —

11 09 2008

Another example of Republiars policy of “say-it-three-times-and-it-becomes-true”:

this from Anne Killkenney’s article from SF Chronicle

“This appears to have been a somewhat inaccurate statement. Sarah Palin has referred to herself as a “PTA mom” for so long that I just assumed it was true. Having been active in PTA since 1996, I assumed that she was an officer before that. Even McCain, when announcing her as his running mate, referred to her executive experience in PTA. But the Alaska State PTA office says it has no record of Sarah Palin ever having been a PTA board member; they do record that she paid dues.”

11 09 2008
Linda (Celtic Diva)

The Mat Su Democrats got me to Denver and I will always be grateful!

I love them all dearly!!!!!


Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis

11 09 2008

swineprincess: Thanks for mentioning the PTA President fact. I had read it earlier and couldn’t remember where. I too was under the impression she was a PTA President as it was touted as one of her qualifications for VP by McCain.

To quote Mccain: (From a Brian Williams interview)
She’s had executive experience as governor, as mayor, as city council member, and PTA. So, she was in elected office when Senator Obama was still a “community organizer.”

What other ‘executive’ experience is involved with the PTA if you weren’t President? Perhaps she the chairman of the refreshment committee?

The really pathetic thing about this though is the fact her resume is so thin and her experience so non-existent that they needed to pad it with PTA Executive Experience!

11 09 2008

The ‘Pit Bull w/Lipstick’ is a retread of an old joke (no comments about McCain there!) that has been going around for centuries, so, here’s another.

You know what the difference is between a dog locked in a basement and John McCain locked in a basement?

Eventually the dog stops whining.

I’m just saying….

11 09 2008

Erin, you are my hero! I hadn’t thought of it, but I can see how you’d feel like those payments are bribes. All of your choices for places to donate it sound great – maybe split it up amongs them? I live in PA and have visited Alaska twice, and it’s a beautiful state full of wonderful people. I wish I could fly up there to join the rally of women that are not supporting Sarah!!

11 09 2008
Julie Arizona

Blue Luna,

I, too, have watched McCain for quite a few years here in Arizona. He is definitely not the man he once was. I think he is ill and won’t make it for four years. Certainly not for 8 years. At least not in a condition that a president needs to be in to conduct business for us. This campaign has taken its toll on him. But, we all know he is a fighter. He will never admit that he’s not capable, mentally or physically.

That should give us much caution in the VP choice. It is a VERY REAL possibility that she would be president. I don’t think people will find her nearly so cute at that point.

11 09 2008

“That should give us much caution in the VP choice. It is a VERY REAL possibility that she would be president. I don’t think people will find her nearly so cute at that point.”

This is playing out just as the Far Right has planned. Palin will be the mouthpiece for Hagee/Rove/Dobson, and the far right. Lieberman will be the Rumsfield and we will be so pro-Israel you will not be able to see the difference between our two countries.

From what was posted yesterday:

McCain interview from Tim Russert:
> TIM RUSSERT: So we could have two wars at once?
> SEN. McCAIN: I think we could have Armageddon.
> — John McCain, on the Iran crisis. April 2nd 2006, “Meet The Press.”
CUFI Endorsement of John McCain:
CUFI is an organization founded a few years ago. Its founder, Pastor John
Hagee, stated: “the United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.”

CUFI has hosted calls with Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Sallai
Meridor, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Israel’s former Ambassador to the United
Nations Dore Gold.

well now. This explains the Lieberman connection, doesn’t it? Wonder what
they have promised him since he betrayed his Democratic Party at the RNC? Now we know and understand. . . is his job to “control” McCain by the Far Right? Has he been promised the Secretary of State role?

“When it comes to Pastor John Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common. Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought Hagee’s endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at CUFI’s upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still believes it.”

Why should we care, you ask? Well, Palin’s Pastor has ties here, and there is
evidence that she believes the oil pipeline to be built in Alaska is part of
“…God’s plan during the Armageddon….”

This little gem was making the rounds and if you
watch and listen closely, you will see Lieberman “correcting” McCain about
“…it’s Iran, John…” as McCain talks about terrorism

The bottom line is people are buying this hook, line and sinker. The reason they are not talking issues is because THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THESE ISSUES. They have another issue in mind.

Dang. I swore off this site for a day….I am addicted…..

11 09 2008

“That should give us much caution in the VP choice. It is a VERY REAL possibility that she would be president. I don’t think people will find her nearly so cute at that point.”

This is playing out just as the Far Right has planned. Palin will be the mouthpiece for Hagee/Rove/Dobson, and the far right. Lieberman will be the Rumsfield and we will be so pro-Israel and so isolationist against the rest of the globe, we won’t recognize our Country.

From what was posted yesterday:

McCain interview from Tim Russert:
> TIM RUSSERT: So we could have two wars at once?
> SEN. McCAIN: I think we could have Armageddon.
> — John McCain, on the Iran crisis. April 2nd 2006, “Meet The Press.”
CUFI Endorsement of John McCain:
CUFI is an organization founded a few years ago. Its founder, Pastor John
Hagee, stated: “the United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.”

11 09 2008

@JulieArizona – more:

CUFI has hosted calls with Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Sallai
Meridor, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Israel’s former Ambassador to the United
Nations Dore Gold.

well now. This explains the Lieberman connection, doesn’t it? Wonder what
they have promised him since he betrayed his Democratic Party at the RNC? Now we know and understand. . . is his job to “control” McCain by the Far Right? Has he been promised the Secretary of State role?

“When it comes to Pastor John Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common. Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought Hagee’s endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at CUFI’s upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still believes it.”

Why should we care, you ask? Well, Palin’s Pastor has ties here, and there is
evidence that she believes the oil pipeline to be built in Alaska is part of
“…God’s plan during the Armageddon….”

This little gem was making the rounds and if you
watch and listen closely, you will see Lieberman “correcting” McCain about
“…it’s Iran, John…” as McCain talks about terrorism

The bottom line is people are buying this hook, line and sinker. The reason they are not talking issues is because THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THESE ISSUES. They have another issue in mind.

Dang. I swore off this site for a day….I am addicted…..

11 09 2008

@Julie Arizona:
and there’s more. . . you see, McCain is NOT who the Far Right wants in the WH – it’s Palin. I agree with you that McCain can’t make it four years, and if elected, I bet Palin is Prez by 2011. Now I’m being incredibly cynical here, but I’ve watched how some of those extreme groups have taken down moderates. I’m aware of the swinging to the Far Right in many of our churches.

“When it comes to Pastor John Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common. Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought Hagee’s endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at CUFI’s upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still believes it.”

11 09 2008

@JulieArizona –

Sorry for the multiple posts – W/ Palin believing these wars are “holy” and that the oil pipeline to be built in Alaska is part of “…God’s plan during the Armageddon….” she’s the fit — THIS IS WHY SHE WAS HAND-PICKED and not Hutchinson, Whitman or another woman.

Watch and listen closely, you will see Lieberman “correcting” McCain about
“…it’s Iran, John…” as McCain talks about terrorism

The bottom line is people are buying this hook, line and sinker. The reason the Repubs are not talking issues is because THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THESE ISSUES. They have another issue in mind and it’s much more sinister than any of these repub sheep could ever imagine. Open minds bring light. Vote OBAMA!

11 09 2008

For those of you who couldn’t find the slideshow with the Dog buttons and clown-lipstick women, I saved some of the pictures to Photobucket:

Bulldog Buttons:

Clown Lips

Haven’t any of these people seen the latest Batman movie? Remember the Joker? He was supposed to be batsh** insane, and he had bright red lipstick on too. Plus he was evil!!! Hello?

Honestly, this is so crazy that it’s almost funny if the fate of the entire world didn’t rest with the voters who support Palin.

11 09 2008

@DemsAreNotAfraid –

LOL. I think we have all lost our minds!

11 09 2008

Opening Soon – In Wasilla:

♪♪♪ You can get all the lies you want
At the mcShame Restaurant! ♪♪♪

Our Motto: Unfit to Serve -28 hours per day

Today’s Breakfast Special

Gutter-milk PanFakes with Poison-Berry Syrup

Scrambled Lies

Barbecued Fork-Tongue Sausage Patties

Your choice of: Coffee, Tea, or Ice Cold Slander – on Tap

Today’s Noon Specials

Mooselini Burger with a side of Lies

mcShame Sandwich with Red-Lip Lettuce

Famous DisHonor Dessert Tray

Today’s Dinner Special

Fresh Alaskan Slander, grilled or fried

You expected more? Try Abstinence!

11 09 2008


I live in NY, too, and am also going to PA this weekend. I would love to get in touch with you. A friend and I have also set aside the weekend of 10/4 to go somewhere but we can’t decide if we should go to PA or VA. Thoughts?


11 09 2008

As far as I could see from the NYTimes article today, under Sarah’s guidance, Palin’s Paper Pipeline simply entered a new phase of nothingness.

11 09 2008

This appears to have been a somewhat inaccurate statement. Sarah Palin has referred to herself as a “PTA mom” for so long that I just assumed it was true. Having been active in PTA since 1996, I assumed that she was an officer before that. Even McCain, when announcing her as his running mate, referred to her executive experience in PTA. But the Alaska State PTA office says it has no record of Sarah Palin ever having been a PTA board member; they do record that she paid dues.”

Geez, no way, even that’s a lie? I did read the timetable didn’t work out but did’nt bother to debunk it, who would like about being a PTA mom?? That’s like lying about volunteering at a VA hospital or something.

11 09 2008

The button got bumped back into the photo gallery, but you can find it directly here:

11 09 2008

I”m going to go out on a limb here with my thoughts on the lipstick issue. Remember, just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean that people aren’t out to get me.

McCain’t used the lipstick phrase himself. Obama has used it before Palin was named. Rove intentionally inserted the phrase into Palin’s speach, knowing that Obama would use it again. Now they get to be all upset that Obama called Palin a pig.

But it’s all just camoflage for the racist speak of “That N-word ain’t being deferential enough to the white woman”. The crowd of Republicans certainly want to play to the people that think that way. Just look at the crowd in the convention. Look at their base. Conservative whites that want to take the world back to the days of Jim Crow.

That’s one of the things that make me the sickest. In 2000, I thought McCain was a positive force in the election, enough that I considered voting for him in the primaries, supporting a Republican for the first time ever since I started voting in 1972. Now, he represents the worst that politicians have to offer.

11 09 2008

Let me get this straight — McCain throws a hissy fit over Obama’s use of a rather stale saying (lipstick on a pig) while the campaign is actually promoting the image of Palin as a female dog, aka a bitch? We’ve definitely all stepped through the looking glass.

11 09 2008
Mudflats on Sarah Palin & The Donnie Darko Connection « West Coast Grrlie Blather

[…] Mudflats Award for Bravery Goes to Wasilla Democrats […]

11 09 2008

Why on earth would anyone want to be associated with a pit bull (I’m from Minneapolis and we have had some truly henious pit bull incidences and deaths here, leading us to almost ban them in our metro area) and I truly hope Biden let’s her have it to the fullest. I hope the democrats don’t coach out all the political fire and brimstone that Biden brings to the table…..they are giving full permission (IMO) to the dems to let it rip if they compare her to a pit bull…..It will be interesting to see what happens at the debates!!

11 09 2008

If there is nothing to hide, why postpone the subpoenas? Seriously, Palin is claiming absolutely that nothing is wrong — then why delay anything. Get it over with; become exonerated; and move on.

11 09 2008

Dear Barack,

When the McCain campaign tries to manufacture outrage over your “pig in lipstick” comment, the correct response isn’t a coy dismissal. You need to say, in a tone of rising disgust:

Is John McCain seriously going to lecture me about my respect for women? John McCain, who used the exact same phrase about Hillary Clinton’s health care plan? John McCain who listened to one of his supporters call Hillary “a bitch” right in front of him and said nothing? John McCain who once joked that Chelsea Clinton is so ugly “because her dad is Janet Reno?” John McCain whose idea of a good joke is a story about an ape raping a women? If John McCain has so much respect for women, why has he said such cruel and despicable things about them over the course of his entire career? As the husband of a strong woman, and the father of two girls, I find it disgusting that John McCain, of all people, would go crying to the press about sexism. This is man who doesn’t even believe that women deserve equal pay for equal work. He doesn’t believe women should have the reproductive rights over their own bodies. And he doesn’t give a hoot whether they have health insurance. The only women John McCain does respect are those who might help him get elected.

11 09 2008
Wasilla Sign Waver

We will be out there again next week with our signs. Come join us. I will try to post the day and time here on Mudflats. Patti

Please do! And keep me posted at

11 09 2008

Saw this earlier today:
Wonkette Exclusive: Photos From Sarah Palin’s Rally In Fairbanks!

One of Palin’s supporters is carrying a sign that reads
“You can put lipstick on a community organizer… (but they’re still just a community organizer)”

11 09 2008

To Wasilla Sign Waver:

And please post an announcement/report to Daily Kos.We need to know when someone like you, in the belly of the beast, might need guns, money &/or lawyers.


11 09 2008

The Repubs are good at dealing in dirt; and you can believe that Karl Rove is
in their mix. The right-wingers are trying to take us back to the days of Jim
Crowe; think about it…how many black or brown faces did you see at the RNC?
These guys are a bunch of bigots, and sadly, they’re spewing their hatred and
negativity all in the name of GOD, and wrapping it up in the American flag! When you hear “rural, working class whites” say they won’t vote for Barack Obama because he’s a Muslim, don’t buy it! That is their way of saying they
won’t vote for him because he’s African-American…and if that’s the way they
truly feel, ok; but be man or woman enough to admit it. That’s what the good
Senator calls “throwing a rock, and hiding their hand.” The Right-Wing Conservatives of this nation is showing the World their true colors. How can
we be a nation of laws, a nation of freedom and opportunity when we are still
fighting the Civil War?

11 09 2008

I say we go on heavy offense,

starting with healthcare (John, what about the 50+million Americans who a “tax credit” worth less than 3 months of insurance to most) then to the environment (how’s sleeping with the oil giants and shooting wolves and bears aerially working for you?) and ask

What color lipstick are you gonna put on those pigs? (meaning Big Insurance, Big Oil and Big Hunting?

11 09 2008

Hey, Republicans can say anything. Dems should just put on blinders and muzzles and keep their happy mouths shut and let the mud fly all over us. I am so sick of McShame, Gal-Pal, et al I could just cry! It is really disgusting. Thank all of you for your research and time on this blog. It is heartening to know that there are still sane people in America. And particularly thanks to the people of Alaska who stand up against this abomination. You are very brave. I would be most fearful of retaliation from the Sarah machine! She really is not a nice pit bull!

11 09 2008
NY Dem

So, do we want someone with the temperament of a pitbull to maybe one day have her finger on the Big Red Button ??

I don’t think so !

11 09 2008

Pitbulls always get a bad rap, don’t they?

11 09 2008

It’s my understanding that you could put all of the liberals in Wasilla Alaska in a mini-van and if you account for felons who can’t vote, only the driver and a shotgun passenger is left.
I’m just sayin….”

11 09 2008

View HOT TIPS today

11 09 2008

Keep your chin up Wasilla Dems. You’re going to look pretty smart when Obama/Biden win in November. Good on you! YES WE CAN!

Jerame Clough
-Next Gen Politics

11 09 2008

Of course it’s a huge number for Wasilla. That’s like, 49% of the town’s population.

11 09 2008

My dear Alaskan Democratic Friends!!! Thanks for your efforts.
Now that the shine is wearing off mccains new penny you might take heart at the fact that despite what some of the media is still saying about palins wonderfulness – much of the media is beginning to wake up and smell the stink of something fishy walks.
You also need to know that the number of women in the lower 48 that actually support her is tiny.
Please give a medal to the woman who wrote the article about palin calling her out.
Most interesting is a blog called womenagainstsarahpalin which is now receiving an email every 3 minutes from women who are appalled by this selection.
Please don’t be afraid of her or her supposed power. She only has the power that you give her. She appears to be ruthless, conniving, self-serving and ignorant. She will whither under the glare of truth.
As to her pregnant daughter – her eyes tell the story. The pain and sadness there is enormous! Someday we will know that whole story but in the meantime it means nothing compared to the emptiness that sarah would bring to the administration and to the country and which you have had to endure.
Time heals all wounds – it also wounds all heels

13 09 2008

I know that Alaska is near Russia, but with people afraid to speak out and talking in whispers it sounds like you’re a part of Russia.

13 09 2008

I can’t help but wonder if the Mudflats blog isn’t run by the some of the Obama’s staff…so Democrates in Alaska please respond to this:

Press Release – For Immediate Release: – 09/04/08
Contact information at the end of this press release.
Documents filed with the court and a copy of this press release can be downloaded at the end of this press release.
(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 09/04/08) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States, has received confirmation from his Process Service Company that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Senator Barack Obama were served today, September 4, 2008, with the legal documents pertaining to Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083.
The DNC was served at 12:00 p.m. and Senator Obama was served at 1:00 p.m. The U.S. Attorney’s Office accepted service on behalf of the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) on or about August 22, 2008.

Democratic Convention…brought to you by Corporate America!
Reporter pushed around…he was investigating lobbyists at the DNC
Lobbyists and loopholes at the DNC…ABC’s “The Money Trail”

What’s behind the Obama healthcare program..let’s look at the facts

Obama is holding firm to his party’s commitment to full government control — but doing all he can to hide this fact from the public.
That may turn out to be easier said than done. Obama is already on record pledging his allegiance to a single-payer approach, like those now operating in Canada and the United Kingdom. But Obama now says that his apparent 2003 endorsement of a government takeover, captured on a video that was posted on YouTube, was a misunderstanding. What he really meant, he now says, is that if the U.S. were starting from scratch, he would favor a single-payer plan. But since we aren’t starting over, he wants to build on the current employer-based system, not replace it.
That would be reassuring to millions of swing voters who want reform but don’t want to lose their job-based plans — if it were true. But in health care, the devil really is in the details. And despite Obama’s rhetoric and protestations, his plan would destroy employer-based insurance, not preserve it, by pricing it out of business and subsidizing government-run alternatives. That would put the country on a fast track to government-run health care for everyone.
It’s not hard to see how this would unfold. The Obama plan is built on four interrelated provisions. First, he would impose on all employers a new “pay or play” mandate. Businesses would be forced to either offer coverage and pay a substantial portion of the premium or else pay a tax to the federal government. Second, he would create a new national insurance exchange, through which uninsured Americans and others who don’t have employer-based insurance would get their coverage. The government would dictate what would and would not be covered by the insurance offered through the exchange. Third, he would include among its offerings a new, government-run insurance option. And fourth, he would offer expensive new subsidies to offset the premiums for millions of low- to moderate-income households that get their insurance through the exchange.
The fallout from such a plan is entirely predictable. Under “pay or play,” employers would find it increasingly attractive to drop their company-sponsored plans in favor of paying the tax. The tax, after all, would be based on wages, not health care, and wage growth has lagged far behind health-care cost inflation for more than three decades. Over time, without other reforms, paying the tax would almost certainly be less expensive for most businesses than organizing coverage themselves. And with the government making other options available, employers would finally be able to drop their insurance plans without simply abandoning their workers.
As more and more employers chose to “pay” instead of “play,” millions of workers would be pushed into the national insurance exchange, where they would, in theory, have a choice between private insurance and the new, publicly run option. Obama and other Democrats like to say this structure would foster healthy competition between the public and private sectors. But this would not be real, market-style competition. The government would run the new, public insurance option just as it runs Medicare and Medicaid, with plenty of price controls and cost shifting. Doctors and hospitals would have no choice but to accept the government-dictated fees imposed by a federal bureaucracy. These below-market fees would allow the public option to charge premiums considerably lower than those charged by private insurers. And with these artificially low premiums, the public insurance option would become the de facto plan of choice for millions of workers. A recent analysis of an Obama-like plan projected 40 million new enrolle
es in the public option in Year One. That would be like doubling the size of Medicare — overnight.
Once the plan had been set in motion, the momentum toward a full government takeover would be impossible to reverse. Congress would have every incentive to cut doctor and hospital fees further, to control the costs of the new insurance subsidies promised by Obama. It would not be long before private insurers, lacking this ability to control their costs by fiat, abandoned the marketplace entirely.
…This is what ObamaCare would mean for U.S. consumers. It would vastly expand costs and government control, even as Medicare and Medicaid already threaten to push the federal budget deficit to dangerous levels. If most of the country is enrolled in publicly sponsored insurance, as the Obama plan implies, fiscal reality will push Congress to adopt ever more draconian cost-control measures. It will only be a matter of time before stories start circulating, as they do in other countries, of months-long waits for treatment, and of care denied to patients who fall outside formal or informal “guidelines” for providing services.

And what about your candidates slant on equal pay for women…

By CASEY B. MULLIGAN, The Wall Street Journal
September 13, 2008
Article Excerpt:
Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Joseph Biden have proclaimed that they favor equal pay for women, and have alleged that Republicans do not. Sen. Biden has also insisted that Republicans, including vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, represent a step backwards for women. The economic record says exactly the opposite.
I have used labor market data from the Census Bureau to study the amount and reasons for women’s progress in the labor market since the 1960s. One byproduct of my study is a calculation of women’s relative wage growth by presidential administration.
In 1980 — the last full year of the Jimmy Carter administration — the typical woman (older than school age, but younger than retirement age) working full time throughout the year earned 38.5% less per hour than did the typical man in the same age bracket working full time throughout the year. When women earn less per hour than men — even in full-time work — that is known as the gender wage gap. When the gender wage gap narrows, women’s wages have grown relative to men’s.
The gender wage gap was 38.6% in 1976, the last full year of the Gerald Ford administration. By this measure, women made only infinitesimal progress toward equal wages during the four Carter years; women’s wages were essentially stagnant relative to men’s. In 1988, the last full year of the Ronald Reagan administration, women working full time throughout the year earned 30.3% less per hour than did men.
A 30.3% gender wage gap is obviously not full equality. But it is much closer to equality than it was at the end of the Carter administration. Women’s wages grew almost two percentage points per year more than men’s during the Reagan years, compared to less than 0.1 percentage point more than men’s per year during the Carter years.
The nearby chart shows the results for all of the administrations since Lyndon Johnson (I pool Richard Nixon and Ford). Johnson, Carter and Bill Clinton were all Democrats, yet none of them witnessed much labor market progress for women during their administrations. Essentially all of the labor-market progress for women occurred during Republican administrations: eight years of Reagan, four years of George H.W. Bush, and six years of George W. Bush (I do not yet have the data for the last two years of the current administration).
By 2006, the gender wage gap had narrowed to 21%. The Nixon-Ford administrations were the only Republican administrations that failed to witness significant reduction in the gender wage gap during their terms.
Sen. Obama says that he wants equal pay for women. If the historical record is any guide, the best way to achieve this is to work for a labor market that creates opportunities for women like it did during the Reagan and the Bush years. At the Reagan-Bush years’ pace, the gender wage gap in 2016 would be down to about 12%. At the Carter-Clinton years’ pace, women will not see new opportunities, and the gender pay gap will be essentially where it is today.

and don’t forget…

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 110th Congress – 2nd Session as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate
Vote Summary
Question: On Passage of the Bill (H.R. 6304 )
Vote Number: 168 Vote Date: July 9, 2008, 02:47 PM
Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Bill Passed
Measure Number: H.R. 6304 (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 )
Measure Title: A bill to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to establish a procedure for authorizing certain acquisitions of foreign intelligence, and for other purposes.
Vote Counts: YEAs 69
NAYs 28
McCain (R-AZ), Not Voting / Obama (D-IL), Yea / Biden (D-DE), Nay / Clinton (D-NY), Nay
On June 20, the House passed H.R. 6304, an unconstitutional surveillance bill that sanctions warrantless wiretapping and hands immunity to telecommunications companies for their role in domestic spying. Talking Points on the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 (7/1/2008)
The FISA Amendments Act of 2008 is an unconstitutional bill that would significantly modify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It grants sweeping new monitoring powers to the government with little court oversight, and ensures the dismissal of all pending cases against telecommunication companies.
The FISA Amendments Act was passed by the House of Representatives in June. The Senate is expected to vote on the legislation on Tuesday, July 8. Senators should be urged to vote against this unconstitutional bill…the FISA Amendments Act:
• Gives the president broad new powers to spy on innocent Americans’ phone calls and emails – even when they have no connection to terrorism. It legalizes mass, untargeted and unwarranted spying on our international phone calls and emails.
• Restricts judicial oversight of the surveillance program. The FISA court will not know who, what or where will actually be monitored, and the government can continue a spying program even after it has been denied by the court.
• Provides retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies for their role in the president’s domestic spying program. The test in the bill is not whether government certifications sent to the companies were actually legal – only whether they were issued.

I have been voting for 32 years..registered Republican 19 years, then felt my political views had shifted so now I’m a registered Democrate, have been for the last 13 years. I feel you are wasting to much time on your vigilante campaign against Sarah Palin. There still are some of us women out there who have been on the PTO, involved in community service, believe in God, hunt elk, love the outdoors, have husbands who are supportive of our careers, live with teenagers, that are ambitious conservatives. I’ve followed Sarah Palin’s career since she became govenor. I like her! Maybe it’s because I can relate to her because I grew up in a small town in the mountains of Wyoming or “maybe” it’s because I have researched her and I believe she can take on the socialistic trend the Democrates are promising.
I live in Arizona, have lived here 21 years and know plenty about McCain! I like him also! Let’s just say this Democrate, come November, won’t be voting the Obama ticket!

14 09 2008
Bravery | Motivationals Posters

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