Stevens Will Stand Trial.

10 09 2008

Ted Stevens on Primary Night 2008 in Alaska

Anchorage Mayor and Democratic Senate Candidate Mark Begich

Looks like the best efforts of Ted Stevens’ attorneys came up short. They tried to get his ongoing corruption case thrown out on the grounds that it was unconstitutional, and that some of the charges exceeded the statute of limitations. ‘No dice’, sayeth Judge Emmett Sullivan.

Stevens was charged on seven felony counts for accepting home renovations and gifts in excess of $250,000 from the oil services company Veco, and failing to report them on his senate financial disclosure forms. In 2006, to the shock of Alaskans, the FBI raided Stevens home in Girdwood, a small town south of Anchorage. There were guys in baseball caps and mirrored sunglasses crawling all over the house, which Stevens refers to as ‘the chalet’. They took pictures of the roof, the deck, the gutters, electrical outlets,  the ginormous Viking barbeque grill…you name it. And that was just the outside. Nobody could figure out what on earth was going on.

Turns out that Bill Allen, head of Veco, was handling all the renovations. What a pal.  Stevens, who said that he paid every bill “that was sent to him”, failed to disclose all he didn’t pay for. We have recently learned about other ‘gifts’ he failed to disclose – among these, a new SUV for his daughter, a massage chair, and even a sled dog worth $1000. Yes, we Alaskans have to add a little ‘local color’ to our political scandals.

So, while many Alaskans love and revere Stevens, who has been our senator since 1968, many others think it’s time for him to bow out gracefully. Others think it’s time for him to check in at the grey-bar hotel. There is nobody that doesn’t have an opinion about Stevens.  And whether you love him or hate him, it will seem strange when he is no longer the Senior Senator from Alaska.

Stevens easily beat a flock of competitors in the recent Alaska Republican primary. Despite smelling blood in the water, none of these challengers were even able to come close to toppling this Alaskan icon we know as “Uncle Ted”, and the longest sitting Republican member of the Senate.

But, Stevens, for some inexplicable reason, seems to be benefiting from the recent Palin phenomenon. Palin’s approval ratings have remained virtually unchanged, hovering around the 80% mark both before and after her nomination. (They had dipped to 67% after the Troopergate scandal broke, and then rebounded) However, Stevens, who had trailed the Democratic challenger Anchorage mayor Mark Begich by 13 points in late July, has seen his numbers surge to within 2 points of the challenger – a statistical dead heat.  It’s suddenly a horse race.

So, is it possible that Stevens will actually be re-elected, despite his indictment? Yes. He did, after all, win his primary after he was indicted. Why? I wish I could tell you. The only rationale I have heard is that Stevens has ‘done a lot for Alaska’. This is true. He has funneled mega-doses of federal money into the state, particularly as Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He has been a bulldog. He even gave that Bridge to Nowhere thing a pretty good shot (with the full support of Gov. Palin, I might add).

MARK BEGICH, Anchorage’s hugely popular mayor, will give him a run for his money in the senate race, though. He is smart, young (46 compared to Stevens 84), and full of energy. He’s progressive (by Alaska standards) which means he is against No Child Left Behind, for drilling in the ANWR, pro-alternative energy, acknowledges climate change, is pro-health care reform, for closing loopholes in the new ethics reform bill, and getting troops home from Iraq.

It was looking like Begich had the whole thing sealed, until this latest Palin bounce, that strangely didn’t affect Palin’s numbers in the state at all. 

But first things first…Stevens’ jury selection will begin on September 22nd.  You know, if it weren’t for this Stevens trial, we’d be sooo bored with politics up here.



87 responses

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

I heard on CNN they are not going to let her loose on her own even after the interviews! what does that tell you? I think this is going to continue until there is much push back from the people.

10 09 2008

Here we go, peoples. We still have popcorn?

10 09 2008
Clemo KC

How long is this trial suppose to last, approximately? Is it expected to end before Nov. 4?

10 09 2008

Just wonder how the IRS will view all these gifts to Stevens. And for Palin’s charging personal expenses to the State. The Feds eventually got Al Capone on tax evasion charges you may recall!

10 09 2008

You Alaskan’s are a bunch of renegades and now such drama. You’ve been able to stay under the radar as far as the lower 48 is concerned. Wow! and now look, we are all sitting on the edge of our seats, watching and waiting for the next morsel of drama to drop. It’s mind bogeling, heart wrenching and motivating us all to Vote for Obama/Biden

10 09 2008

Mudracker, And I thought politics here in GA(USA) was corrupt! You have us beat..I concede.

10 09 2008

VERY funny Josh Marshall video on Sarah Palin’s earmark lies…

10 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son


10 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Dang – told me not to post so quickly.

I am glad the GOP’s house of cards is falling. I do think the GOP could win the White House – by cheating, of course, but the Senate and House races will really hurt McCain/Palin’s chances of getting any past a Democrat, veto-proof Congress. Oh, it’s gonna be a Blue Crush this year. We just need to make sure the GOP’s shady tricks are called out and exposed.

10 09 2008

believe me…charlie’s questions have already been faxed to the McCain/Palin party..

this interview is a fixed deal..

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Mudflats, what do you know about all the natural gas that is in Alaska of which the oil companies own the leases and are not allowing the use of it. It was stated there was enough to power the united states for a very long time and Palin has something to do with the oil companies not releasing it. Please find out what you know.

10 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

@ Cynthia
Remember high school? How some guys would always hang with their girlfriend and never let her loose? They said they wanted to protect her. Someone is gonna start making a stink about her not being available – MSM is finally gonna get a clue and ask ‘Why can’t we talk to Palin’ and call the GOP on it – and find even more damning stuff on her before the election, and tell voters ‘Vote for the other guy!’

Speaking of – has anyone seen the Ron Paul effect stories? According to reports, Texas’ own Dr. Ron Paul’s supporters could tip Montana and another state where he’s on the ballot for … get this … OBAMA! No joke. I will find it and post the link.

10 09 2008

Some of the things that interested the FBI and ultimately federal prosecutors were “lifestyle” enhancements to the remodel. They were curious about Uncle Teddy’s wine collection, his dining habits at the Double Muskie and who paid the bill, decor items such as stained glass windows. That sort of shit added up fast!

Uncle Teddy’s a carnie act. His big mistake was in taking himself too seriously and he started thinking he was somehow entitled to his skimmings. He may very well be re-elected, but he may be serving part of his term in the pen.

It couldn’t happen to a nicer, more deserving fellow. Okay, the “nicer” is a stretch. There ain’t nothing “nice” about Uncle Teddy. He’s a geezer and he’s mean.

10 09 2008

Mudflats: I understand Alaskans’ love for Stevens….but what about Young? What’s his appeal to Alaskas? Couldn’t believe it when I heard that his race was “too close to call”. Ecchhh!

10 09 2008

Hey maybe the ABC interview is already pre-recorded and they both will be lip- talking it….lolol

McCain and Palin – in a sane wold they would be the butt of every joke……but in “amurica” it’s the rage, second only to camouflaged crocs….and yellow magnetic ribbons made in china.

10 09 2008

@unlikelyburrito: Aw man, now you have me thinking of the Muppets…..Miss Piggy and Oscar the Grouch?

10 09 2008
Kris Franklin

“I can only imagine” what all of the corrupt politicians will do when they have to face God for all of their indiscretions. Everyone is held accountable at sometime in their lives, make no mistake about it ! I applaud all of the Alaskan women who are going to stand up for what they believe in and that they are not going to allow someone with the likes of SP to bring them down on their knees.
And to think that if all of this hadn’t happened, this great change would’t be possible. To all of you Alaskans who are standing up for the truth, I commend you on your courage and desire to see this to the end.
Keep up the good work.


10 09 2008

I thought it was odd that McCain signs were disappearing, in my swing state where McCain used to be very popular. I’ve only seen ONE since Palin got the VP not and I’ve driven widely in the western half of the state.Large numbers that were up a couple of weeks ago are just GONE.

Today a new state poll came out putting Obama six points ahead.

I suspect religion has something to do with it. This is one of the least religious states in the country and mixed religion and politics is frowned upon.

In case you still haven’t guessed, this is New Hampshire, the state that revived McCain’s primary campaign a few months ago.

10 09 2008


10 09 2008

Does anyone know if this:

Is even close to being true? I’m not familiar with Todd Palin, so I have no idea what he would have looked like in 1996 and the camera work seems a little too good for a 6 yo child. But, hey, anything is possible.

10 09 2008

I know I’m asking the wrong crowd … but, have any other women here had a conversation with another woman that was positive about Palin? I have heard nothing but disgust except from one — and that poor woman had to stay on the phone with me until she agreed to look at facts, not stagecraft. Everyone else I’ve talked to is appalled by her and her selection as the VP candidate. If they think women are going to make a difference, it’s not going to happen with the women I know. They are all voting for Obama.

10 09 2008

Breaking News on MSNBC, covering the rally in Alaska for Plain. Please let there be Dems there!

10 09 2008

What I think is surreal is that the Alaska GOP welcome home rally for a vice president candidate is being covered live and I’m hearing some theme music (Top Gun?) and, yes, we’ve got pundits…but that’s not all! An annoucer, probably on the ground, proclaims, “this is history”

Ah, there’s the Van Halen use violation again.

10 09 2008

A ray of hope in this… The popularity of McCain’s choice in AK should be seen in context. If an Indictment can bring you about 50% the votes-approval then
80% for someone who has not been arrested yet- would seem about right.

The silver lining !

10 09 2008
Georgia peach

This is giving me a headache. I have spent way too much time following this mess. I’m sick of dirty politics. I’m sick of our country looking stupid because of our choices in leadership. If Stevens gets re-elected despite his trial and possible conviction, then, I really don’t know what to say. speechless.

10 09 2008

Anyone else watching Letterman for Obama?

10 09 2008

I had to turn away from the MSMs….Can’t stand to watch her! YUCK!!!

10 09 2008

Thanks Mil! I forgot Obama was going to be on Letterman! You saved my sanity!

10 09 2008

why does SP keep referring to Americans like they are DIFFERENT than Alaskans… @ her rally- she refers to “Those Americans”… lol

10 09 2008

You’re welcome, Let’sGetReal!

10 09 2008

She’s from another planet!

10 09 2008

Ray of Hope? Isn’t that a Madonna tune? I like it, actually, but much less than since she endorsed McCain. I could get tired of that song real quick if the McCain campaign starts using it.

I’ve been thinking about blogging about the various Palin indescretions, particularly where it appears that she’s essentially used public money to finance things which personally benefit either her or her children. And then there’s that thing with Gen. Craig Campbell… it just seems so ripe for a referral to DOJ’s Public Corruption Bureau for investigation. Doesn’t that type of stuff violate DOD rules or the Military Code of Conduct, too?

10 09 2008

NoCalGal – don’t forget that Palin is a sympathizer of the Alaska Independence Party. She’d love to have Alaska be separate of the US of A. She’d prolly invade Canada to gain control of their hockey culture and watery beer.

10 09 2008

Is anyone timing this stump speech?

10 09 2008

Thanks for the granite state update plwalsh, the electoral math doesn’t seem to be looking good for McCain. At the high water mark, he still struggles to find 270. Looking forward, McCain faces a lot of challenges: (1) the convention bounce will fade, particularly with Palin off the trail; (2) increasing questions about Palin, ongoing investigation; (3) debates that will almost surely help Obama look presidential (think Reagan in 1980); (4) Obama’s much superior ground game; and (5) a press corps that has turned against McCain.

While democrats are fretting, I have to believe that McCain’s team knows what an uphill climb they face. Hence the over-the-top smears these last few days that seem to have backfired (we’ll see in the next few days).

10 09 2008

I have heard some surprising negative comments from women regarding Palin, from women that normally don’t deal in the idle gossip of the day……maybe that’s the key

Real women know better…… Sarah Palin rings untrue!

10 09 2008

I changed the channel……lol is she still breathing, ooops, I mean speaking?

10 09 2008

sauerkraut (19:40:50) :

Ray of Hope? Isn’t that a Madonna tune? I like it, actually, but much less than since she endorsed McCain. I could get tired of that song real quick if the McCain campaign starts using it.


Umm, It’s Ray of Light, and she endorsed Obama… Just saying.

10 09 2008

I work for evangelicals, they think the media cnn and msnbc are thrashing her with smear. They haven’t even tried to vet her on the internet or asked questions about being able to run the country as pres. They did not even like mccain until she came along/ No questions asked She is pro life, creationism in schools, ban library books and nuke Iran. They thought we should nuke Iraq too! Any body need a kitchen and bath designer, I need a job. I’ve have had three jobs in the last 2 years because of the housing crisis here in California, I was desperate. Did I say I’m an exellent designer.

10 09 2008

still speaking…

10 09 2008

Ahhh… check out the next scandal. At least new to those in the lower 48. Mudflats, what do you know about this and can you tell us more?

The people at the Washington Post are quickly becoming my heroes. Most of the details in this are new to me. They are doing very good work. They’ve got a team of 5 in the state working overtime, and it shows.

10 09 2008

ends with Van Halen use violation.

prime time exposure. 5+ straight minutes.

10 09 2008

Obama’s on Letterman now!!

10 09 2008
Ohio Sue

BJA (19:30:39)

Yes. My sister-in-law who is an evangelical. I think that she almost admitted to me that she didn’t think Palin was qualified to be VP or President, but she clearly was excited about the nomination. She and her church friends HATED Hillary Clinton. None of them were ever going to vote for Obama anyway (I think) so Palin’s nomination wouldn’t have made any difference.

Gotta go – obama on letterman…

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

You guys we just can’t not get bamboozled by mccain and palin!!!

This is 4 more years and then she takes over after mccain if he gets in!! oh my god this is scary!!!

10 09 2008

Palin in Alaska…did she just say NEW-Q- LER for nuclear? Guess the teleprompter was not set on phonetic spelling mode. Boy she is kissing up to the hometown,huh? Is it bothering anybody else how her voice gets kinda throaty, growly when she wants to emphasize the excitement about what she is saying?

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

I am giving a shout out to the brave 8 up there in Wasilla! Good job!

10 09 2008

Gina Gershon Parodies Sarah Palin

A warm up for SNL this Saturday night perhaps …

Gawd would I love to be writing for SNL this week …

They HAVE to open with Tina Fey doing Mooseilini at the RNC in the “Live From New York” Season opening segment.

I would then have her and Mac Daddy just crashing skit after skit showing up as a completely un-invited guests as total non-sequiters for the entire show.

Good night all Mudrats. Sleep well. Get your rest. The tide may YET turn from this cynical Rovian nightmare. I hope tonight I do NOT dream again as I posted on a previous thread that I am trapped in her Tanning Bed in her Alaska Governer’s Mansion and I come out looking like the Caveman in the GEICO commercials. I have to transport my soul to another realm. Calling C.G. Jung. Help!

10 09 2008

She mentioned something about Alaskans “understanding independence”. haha!
One of the reporters said she was surrounded by “her people”, which resulted in my bf mocking me.

I feel so exposed! She’s from a completely different Alaska than I grew up in, and if it weren’t my state, I would probably have a really bad impression of it, right about now.

10 09 2008

The press is catching on to some of this but still giving them so much story even when there is none. Why did they cover the lipstick stuff for soooo much of the air time today? They care about what is titillating, not what is substantial. We cannot afford that after the lies of the GWB administration. Do not let McCain name the game of the day because it is catchy. Ask about what matters. They (with a few exceptions) continue to disappoint me. And, if she won’t be interviewed, why give her so much attention? It is liek a girl playing hard to get. Truly one of the oldest tricks in the book.

10 09 2008

She is definitely branding Alaska in her own image…….sad to ignore the true diversity of that state.

Night all…. stay real…

10 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

gershon is hot…but that bit was lame

the accent was wrong and not one line was funny

did they borrow the manatees from family guy to write that?

wait….palin mentioned something about alaskan independence? cool….time for the obama campaign to take that quote out of context and fry her with it

10 09 2008

So Sarah Palin is the anti-christ and shedoesn’tevenknowit!!!!!!!! Wow, I’m sorry McCain picked her not God. Oh that right, he thinks he is a god.

10 09 2008

Goodnight all

10 09 2008

I didn’t hear her mention the bridge to nowhere in her Alaskan stump speech, everything else was there.

10 09 2008

Maybe this one is better (at least info wise)

10 09 2008

I’m watching Barack on Letterman and he’s doing a great job. It’s nice to see him relaxed and able to carry on an intelligent conversation without interruption.

10 09 2008
Quiet Advocate

Ted Stevens, with all his abuse, still has the public support in AK, and Palin, with all her lies, is “permitted” by the media and the country to run this race to the presidency (well, vice presidency) unchecked and unpunished for lying. That is a fact. There is no checks and balance in this campaign. It’s chaos. It’s Swit-Boating again. How many times do we accept this? It is just unthinkable in other democratic countries. A bully is kicking around the neighborhood kids, and we are just watching from the window of our house.

I just saw Palin arriving in AK. Here’s a VP candidate who is talking about J. McCain as “a guy.” She is using her son’s deployment to Iraq to her advantage… I get an eerie feeling that I am listening to President Palin. It’s moving too fast. I can’t describe how I feel. Sick. Depressed. Used. Manipulated. Sad. Angry.

What can we do? What can we do? What can we do?

10 09 2008

Hello all. I took the day off and took my horse into the woods and rode. I thought about taking my laptop along…yep – addicted to Mudflats! Since I came home, I have spent hours reading your posts! Yep – definitely addicted 🙂

I didn’t see this article posted and found it enlightening – okay, possibly satisfyiing:

McCain Derangement Syndrome – by John McQuaid

“Scanning various blogs today, I’m amazed at the seething outrage at the McCain campaign’s plethora of dishonest tactics, from Sarah Palin’s lie about rejecting the Bridge to Nowhere to the ad charging Obama with promoting sex. Josh Marshall, who normally reads political events pretty coolly, has joined Andrew Sullivan in all-out high-dudgeon mode:

[McCain and Palin have] both embraced a level of dishonesty that disqualifies them for high office. Democrats owe it to the country to make clear who these people are. No apologies or excuses. If Democrats can say at the end of this campaign that they made clear exactly how and why these two are unfit for high office they can be satisfied they served their country.”

He ends the piece with:

“Meanwhile, the howls over McCain’s lost “honor” and the appeals to America’s sense of fair play are, frankly, ridiculous. The man fights dirty. If you don’t like it, find a way fight back.”

10 09 2008

It is enough to give Fairbanks a bad name! Tainted by association.

10 09 2008

The tide will turn. The Rovian gamble is all going to backfire now.

10 09 2008

Obama started off well on Letterman, but didn’t end hot. Alot of stumbling around on answers and pausing.

10 09 2008

Representative Marsha Blackburn from TN said on Larry King that Obama’s lipstick on a pig comment shows a pattern of behavior. Get this. Obama had a chance to pick Hillary and Katherine Sebelius as running mates, but he chose a man. That’s supposed to be an illustration of sexism?

McCain had the chance to pick a competent male or female, but chose a female to capture the woman’s vote (sexism at its finest) and chose one who is ill-prepared for national politics, but pro-life. He could have gone with Meg Whitman (a woman he cited when asked by Pastor Warren to name three people he would turn to for advice), but she’s pro-choice and that just wasn’t gonna’ work for the ticket.

I don’t know why I don’t wait until my dinner is fully digested before I watch this gag-worthy crap.

I though Obama was terrific on Letterman. There was more substantive talk in that interview than in any other forum of late.

I’m taking up a collection for Palin to take voice modulation classes. Please help with this. If we have to listen to her for the next 55 days, we need to protect the ears of the dogs of America. It’s the humane thing to do. If she’s hurting my ears, can you imagine how they’re suffering?

10 09 2008

Link for the John McQuaid article sited above:

McCain Derangement Syndrome (just had to include the title again!)

10 09 2008

Representative Marsha Blackburn from TN said on Larry King that Obama’s lipstick on a pig comment shows a pattern of behavior. Get this. Obama had a chance to pick Hillary and Katherine Sebelius as running mates, but he chose a man. That’s supposed to be an illustration of sexism?

Yep, thats why saying it was stupid. It will look degrading by alot of women.

10 09 2008

QuietAdvocate said
“There is no checks and balance in this campaign. It’s chaos. It’s Swit-Boating again.”

I thought about this today. Companies are not permitted to advertise falsehoods. If a food company wants to say an item is, for instance, low in fat, it must meet certain standards. I realize the FCC can’t preview every ad, but it’s rather remarkable that campaigns can produce lies, put them on TV and people buy it. Once it’s out there, it’s tough to refute. Defend yourself against the lie and you’re giving it more air time. Ignore it and it takes on a life of its own and considered true.

Once bloggers and MSM pick up on it, they start researching and taking time away from the real issues. When journalists are tracking down old footage or quotes, they’re not reporting on the true issues of the day. The art of distraction at its finest.

Forget campaign finance reform, how ’bout reforming campaign advertising?

10 09 2008
Quiet Advocate


You are so right. Look at ads on prescription drugs. They now list warnings. Political ads must also state not just that the candidate approves it, but something stronger. If there are fase accusations, delete it, just as CBS did on the pig ad.

10 09 2008
need to know what they are saying

I received this E-mail at my work from my boss 4-7-2008, this was very disturbing to me. This is pretty much what the evangelicals think and that is why when Sarah Palin came out of the woodwork they do not question her credintials, they do not question her truthfulness pretty sick if you ask me. You be the judge. I changed my name to protect myself.

Keep your eyes on the skies, Jesus is coming soon!!!

God help us if this man is elected!! But it is all stated in the Bible and it will happen sooner or later.

This is from Darlene Millican, wife of the pastor of Trinity Bapt. Church here in Sun City .

I have felt for sometime now that Obama is the one person that ‘Frightens Me’. I believe the Bible has
warned us that ‘A man will come from the East that will be charismatic in nature and have proposed solutions for all our problems and his rhetoric will attract many supporters!’

When will our pathetic Nation quit turning their back on God and understand that this man is ‘A Muslim’….First, Last and always….and we are AT WAR with the Muslim Nation, whether our bleeding-heart, secular, Liberal friends believe it or not. This man fits every description from the Bible
of the ‘Anti-Christ’!

I’m just glad to know that there are others that are frightened by this man!

Who is Barack Obama?

Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice.

If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts…this is very scary to
think of wh at lies ahead of us here in our own United States…better heed this and pray about it and share it.
‘ confirms this is factual. Check for yourself.

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obam a was born in Honolulu ,
Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita , Kansas

Obama’s parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to &l t; /SPAN>Kenya . His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia . When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia . Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim . He is quick to point out that, ‘He was once a Muslim, but that he a lso attended Catholic school.’

Obama’s political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical.

Obama’s introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son’s education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta .

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRIS TIAN when seeking major public office in the United States , Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran. Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their han ds over t heir hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Do you want someone like this as your PRESIDENT?

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama’s expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what b etter way to st art than at the highest level – through the President of the United States, one of their own! The Bible says ‘He will come from among you!’

Please forward to everyone you know.

Would you want this ma n leading our country?



Another note: Oprah Winfrey is one of Obama’s biggest supporters and we all know about her ‘new age’ movement and her declaration all the time that we are all god’s and that goodness and miracles are within us. We can do and be anything all on our own!!!

Jo Anne Foster

10 09 2008
need to know what they are saying

I received this E-mail at my work from my boss 4-7-2008, this was very disturbing to me. This is pretty much what the evangelicals think and that is why when Sarah Palin came out of the woodwork they do not question her credintials, they do not question her truthfulness pretty sick if you ask me. You be the judge. I changed my name to protect myself.

Keep your eyes on the skies, Jesus is coming soon!!!

God help us if this man is elected!! But it is all stated in the Bible and it will happen sooner or later.

This is from Darlene Millican, wife of the pastor of Trinity Bapt. Church here in Sun City .

I have felt for sometime now that Obama is the one person that ‘Frightens Me’. I believe the Bible has
warned us that ‘A man will come from the East that will be charismatic in nature and have proposed solutions for all our problems and his rhetoric will attract many supporters!’

When will our pathetic Nation quit turning their back on God and understand that this man is ‘A Muslim’….First, Last and always….and we are AT WAR with the Muslim Nation, whether our bleeding-heart, secular, Liberal friends believe it or not. This man fits every description from the Bible
of the ‘Anti-Christ’!

I’m just glad to know that there are others that are frightened by this man!

Who is Barack Obama?

Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice.

If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts…this is very scary to
think of wh at lies ahead of us here in our own United States…better heed this and pray about it and share it.
‘ confirms this is factual. Check for yourself.

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obam a was born in Honolulu ,
Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita , Kansas

Obama’s parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to &l t; /SPAN>Kenya . His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia . When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia . Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim . He is quick to point out that, ‘He was once a Muslim, but that he a lso attended Catholic school.’

Obama’s political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical.

Obama’s introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son’s education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta .

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRIS TIAN when seeking major public office in the United States , Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran. Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their han ds over t heir hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Do you want someone like this as your PRESIDENT?

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama’s expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what b etter way to st art than at the highest level – through the President of the United States, one of their own! The Bible says ‘He will come from among you!’

Please forward to everyone you know.

Would you want this ma n leading our country?



Another note: Oprah Winfrey is one of Obama’s biggest supporters and we all know about her ‘new age’ movement and her declaration all the time that we are all god’s and that goodness and miracles are within us. We can do and be anything all on our own!!!

10 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

AKM, please help me out…
Got an email from a friend and she’s asking for confirmation of a story about Palin’s dad going after a teacher and school board member with some pretty nasty tactics. Like father, like daughter?

If this is true, please confirm or explain.

Haven’t heard anything about this one. Sorry!

10 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Needs to Know
Jesus, at least the one I was taught about, would throw these hateful people right out of the temple. If Jesus came back, they’d render him right down to Gitmo or one of the black sites, torture him, put him on trial as an enemy combatant and execute him. Apologies in advance if I’ve offended anyone.

I’m reminded of a story that is often attributed to Gandhi. When asked why he didn’t become a Christian since he admired Jesus, he supposedly replied, “I probably would … if I ever met one.”

10 09 2008

I’m a real chatterbox tonight.

Awwww, almost feel bad for McCain after seeing him campaign alone, almost being the operative word. His supporters couldn’t drown out Obama’s. Dana Bash of CNN reports that we can expect to see them together much more on the trail. Keeps her protected, and draws crowds for him. Ummm, isn’t that a ploy? Is she literally going to stand next to him in the Oval Office?

Anderson Cooper asked Bash if Palin has given an interview yet. “People, and she has an interview later in the week with ABC.” Bet the People interview was grueling (for the interviewer).

McCain lauded Palin today for negotiating a $40 billion pipeline. Not so fast. The plan, envisioned since the 70s, is still on the drawing board. “The state legislature endorsed her recommendation to award TransCanada Corp a license to build a 1,715-mile pipeline to Western Canada from Prudhoe Bay. In Alberta, the gas could be diverted to the United States on TransCanada’s existing lines. But there is no commitment to actually build it. The Canadian firm must still convince the state’s major gas producers that its project is their best bet.”

Oh, and the price tag? TransCanada pegs it at $26 billion. State consultants estimate $31 billion. So, while she may have negotiated it, it’s been in negotiation for a long time. It aint gonna’ happen for quite some time. And if McCain inflated the number to impress people, I’m not impressed. The truth impresses me more. I’m funny that way.


10 09 2008

I sure do miss Ann Richards and Molly Ivins, but in a way I’m glad they don’t have to witness this travesty.

I would love to see them both on Jon Stewart or somewhere talking about Sarah.

Molly Ivins had a good story:
“Well, look at it this way: You cannot keep a dog that kills chickens, no matter how fine a dog it is otherwise.

My friend John Henry Faulk always said the way to break a dog of that habit is to take one of the chickens the dog has killed and wire the thing around the dog’s neck, good and strong. And leave it there until that dead chicken stinks so bad the dog won’t be able to stand himself. You leave it on there until the last little bit of flesh rots and falls off, and that dog won’t kill chickens again.”

Bush and Stevens should be hung around the necks of McCain and Palin until all the flesh rots off.
Story source:

10 09 2008

Thanks, DeMo, for mentioning the TransCanada deal. A fact I find interesting about this deal is that Palin hired Greenberg Traurig, the lawfirm that once employed Jack Abramoff (weren’t Ted Stevens and Don Young buddies of dear Jack?), as “consultants” to the deal-making process. I know Abramoff’s been in jail and just got convicted (with no additional time to serve), but why would she choose Greenberg Traurig? Is this the only law firm on earth with expertise in oil and gas exploration, leasing, etc? Is she unaware or frivolous about the GT-Abramoff connection? Or is she that “in” with the Republican corruption machine that it only makes sense for her career to throw more business GT’s way?

11 09 2008
spiralspin Went to the WashingtonPost article, then I typed in ‘the activist’s’ name and found this article online, from Aug. 7, 2008, about Tom Lamal’s new job. Has this already been brought up? I guess it is part of the request for emails but this seems to be a different part of that email deal. Lot’s of interesting comments there and elsewhere on this. I guess maybe you all got a break while the governor was away. WOW.

11 09 2008

Groundhogday: sorry to burst your bubble, and I want to find a way to stay positive for our chances in Nov, but I think it’s very important that we all have eyes wide open about the current state of affairs. To date, McCain has erased Obama’s electoral lead. Check out the latest here: This site is hands down the most accurate analysis of election data you will find anywhere. I needed a stiff drink after the latest state polling changed the electoral college math.

Of course we could see game changers in the debates or who knows what else, and there may yet be an RNC convention/Palin bounce fade yet lurking, as Nate suggests, but we all need to do our damnedest to ensure an Obama win in November. The campaign needs to start reframing and driving the narrative rather than being so g-damn reactive to GOP b.s. (and will the MSM ever do its proper job?) . And it needs the grassroots– please everyone, donate more, keep talking to those “persuadables” if you know them, and volunteer if you can. We have got to get game on in those swing states! What on earth is happening in New Mexico??

On a brighter note, I want to add a terrific note from by a commenter (not sure if I should include the name or not, so I’m erring on the side of anonymous; hope it’s not bad protocol, I just found this a great shot in the arm):

“Shut up. All of you. Keee-riste this is absurd. Two weeks ago, we were in the middle of the most successful convention in the history of modern politics. McCain took an flying leap and was nailed for it. Then, because of guilt and a tele-prompter, the media decided to suggest that Palin had game. She didn’t and doesn’t.

Look, the only reason why I am seeing panic is because we are acting like it’s over. Yes, we have plenty of reason to freak out, and yes Hillary would have prevented this particular gambit (but SHE DIDN’T WANT IT and McCain would have done something else crazy and effective — the GOP is too good for this not to be a ballgame) and yes, yes, yes, we’ve been here before. But for the love of Gumbi, our fear is confirming the doubts of the moderates. Watch Obama stand up to the “no-spin” treatment and remember that this is not the same kind of candidate we have had. He is smart. He is, in O’Reilly’s words “not wimpy.” He is a winner.

Read the numbers. Love the numbers. But have faith. The republican convention was a disaster. It was awful and boring and rhetorically ineffectual. Palin simply knocked some of the racists (that’s not fair– it’s hard to be racist in North Dakota) off the boat. Better now than six weeks from now.

MY POINT: stop saying the sky is falling. If it is, it falls anyway. If it isn’t, saying so makes it true.”

11 09 2008
Stevens Will Stand Trial |

[…] Original post by Unknown […]

11 09 2008
11 09 2008
From England

Gosh, Muck you’re giving me such a lesson in American politics….just as Obama said, “you can’t just make stuff up”…..I say, “you can’t just do anything”

11 09 2008

angryxer, NOT trying to be confrontational, but on the very site you posted, you can click on the left for a site called They have Obama with 273 votes and McCain with 283. Tied are 27.

Folks, I don’t think we’re gonna’ know until we know. I know, very insightful of me. My humble suggestion? Follow the numbers that keep you motivated. If fear does it for you, follow the ones that scare you. (Not my choice.) If you do better when you’re encouraged, follow those numbers.

Whatever your MO, stay involved. Keep getting the info out there. Volunteer, if you can. Donate what your wallet allows. And until every ballot is counted, don’t give up!

11 09 2008
Wes Nason

“Hugely popular mayor” Mark Begich? Give us a break.

45.01% Mark had the remarkably poor judgment to lead the fight against selling ACS for $500 when he was in the pocket of the IBEW under Tom Fink’s Mayorhship, then reversed himself a few years later and supported selling ACS for half that price. Go ahead and calculate ten years of lost compound interest on the $250 million extra dollars that didn’t make it into the Anchorage ‘permanent fund’ and tell me Mark is the right pick for senator.

Just wait and see what a financial white elephant the new convention center becomes. Let’s hope for the taxpayers’ sake that the hotel tax can cover all the deficits.

11 09 2008
Wes Nason

Last comment should have read “$500 million” not “$500”

11 09 2008

God job muckraker.

Begich can use the positive press (I think your blog qualifies as “press” at this point.)

And the rest of the country could certainly stand to learn that not ALL of our politicians are corrupt old men waiting to be tried, or younger women who cannot tell the truth to save their life.

Mark Begich is good guy, and he will make a great Senator.

11 09 2008

The politics of Alaska, the small town-ness, the backwoods weird and dangerous churches…are you sure you’re not talking about Arkansas?

11 09 2008


It could also be AZ as well.

11 09 2008

That just shows, Raingods, that we need systemic change in this nation. It has been hijacked by charismatics/evangelicals, (as well as loons that still believe “trickle down” economics is going to work for the population. We know already that it works for corporations…), that, I kid you not, want to make this an official “Christian” nation, with dissent shut down swiftly and harshly. Check out what I wrote from first hand experience in the charismatic movement. Unless you’ve been there and got out safely, you can’t imagine the control that is excercised upon you…Peace-Obama 08…

11 09 2008

Dear Barack,

When the McCain campaign tries to manufacture outrage over your “pig in lipstick” comment, the correct response isn’t a coy dismissal. You need to say, in a tone of rising disgust:

Is John McCain seriously going to lecture me about my respect for women? John McCain, who used the exact same phrase about Hillary Clinton’s health care plan? John McCain who listened to one of his supporters call Hillary “a bitch” right in front of him and said nothing? John McCain who once joked that Chelsea Clinton is so ugly “because her dad is Janet Reno?” John McCain whose idea of a good joke is a story about an ape raping a women? If John McCain has so much respect for women, why has he said such cruel and despicable things about them over the course of his entire career? As the husband of a strong woman, and the father of two girls, I find it disgusting that John McCain, of all people, would go crying to the press about sexism. This is man who doesn’t even believe that women deserve equal pay for equal work. He doesn’t believe women should have the reproductive rights over their own bodies. And he doesn’t give a hoot whether they have health insurance. The only women John McCain does respect are those who might help him get elected.