What Was That About a Place in Hell?

6 10 2008

At a campaign stop in California on Saturday, Sarah Palin told one of her cutesy folksy hockey mom stories about reading the quote of the day on her Starbucks mocha cup. The quote was from former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright.  “Now she said it, I didn’t,” quipped Palin with her finger in the air.  ” She said, ‘There’s a place in Hell reserved for women who don’t support other women.'” In a bit of irony, the crowd was actually  booing Madeleine Albright, the first female Secretary of State, and had to stop so they could laugh and cheer at Palin’s “gotcha” about not supporting women. 

It turns out the actual quote was, “There’s a place in Hell reserved for women who don’t help other women.” Albright responded, saying she was “flattered” Palin chose “to cite me as a source of wisdom” but said the quote “had nothing to do with politics.”

“This is yet another example of McCain and Palin distorting the truth, and all the more reason to remember that this campaign is not about gender, it is about which candidate has an agenda that will improve the lives of all Americans, including women.”

Palin told her cheering audience to watch and see how her comment is “turned into whatever it’ll be turned into tomorrow with the newspaper.”

Well, this isn’t a newspaper, but I’m going to turn it into this:

Hmmm….Governor Palin, you were saying something about a place in Hell?



94 responses

6 10 2008

This was well done. Thank you for posting it.

6 10 2008

This woman drives me nuts! Nothing that comes out of her mouth is true. It’s absolutely sickening that everyday there’s a new article documenting lie after lie.

I can’t wait for the Obama-Biden landslide in November!

6 10 2008

Remember the old song, “Time After Time” ? Rewritten, “Lie After Lie”

6 10 2008

Excellent video!!!

Shameful behavior by the mayor and Police chief at the time.

6 10 2008

From everything I’ve read, Palin ran the city hall with an iron fist. Wanting to take credit all the good stuff and wanting to make sure the dept heads did her bidding, and no one else’s. And she seems to have a pattern of not wanting to admit mistakes. What could have been her thinking in addition to saving money? Did she imagine gathering forensic evidence would interfere conception? That any crime victim should have to pay for the investigation of a crime is beyond cruel. Crime is bad enough. Rape is reprehensible. But to punish the crime victim … well, how could call yourself a Christian as she does?

Thanks for this great video. These are terrible times we are living through.

We feel your pain, Alaska. And we are cheering your efforts in Alaska for the Rule of Law. You’ve got a lot ahead of you. And we’re right by your side.

6 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

Wow….you’ve done it again. AKM I’m always amazed at how well you cut right through the crap and get to the heart of the matter. This is the one thing that has gotten to me more than anything else she’s done or said.

6 10 2008

my word.

she needs to be as far away from pennsylvania avenue as is possible.

6 10 2008

Absolutely disgusting! Another item to keep posting to the msm – I know that Rachel Maddow did a piece about it but it is probably time for another – and Kieth Olberman – and, heck, everyone.


6 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Lots of us have computers that don’t do video. So give us some hints in the text!!
Pretty please.

6 10 2008
not your pal Palin

Eric, Geran, Coleen, and all the others participating in this important story, thank you! I don’t know the others personally, but all of you shine through with integrity.

Sarah Palin is not a woman’s pal.

6 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

I’d say we all know where Failen’s special place is, now don’t we. I’m more the karma kind, but she being a true believer has already claimed her spot.

6 10 2008

Great video, very informative and convincing. BTW I really enjoy reading your blogs. They are effective in helping us in the lower 48 to better understand Gov. Palin and stay abreast of the McCain/Palin shenanigans.

6 10 2008

I think there is a place in hell for women like Palin. I don’t believe that the media and other politicians are not DEMANDING that Palin give more interviews. SERIOUS interviews so the public can assess her true knowledge. Second, she is spouting hateful speech on the campaign trail. Why does McCain tolerate this? How can conservatives tolerate this. Have any of you read what some of the people in the audience are shouting out about Obama? “Kill him! and “he’s a terrorist.” What has happened to our country! Why isn’t their more moral outrage about this.. I am so upset!

6 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

I think this should be linked to the fact that Palin’s staff says that Walt Monegan was fired for being a rogue – for going to Washington to seek funds for a program to combat sexual violence against women.

“Monegan told ABC that the travel authorization was explicitly to pursue funding for the anti-sexual-violence program, though the document does not state that as a reason for the trip.”


6 10 2008

The video made me cry. If what was stated in it was true, I am in shock beyond belief. Wow. Just wow.

6 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Palin aka Canuck for Choice

Charging women for rape kits. Sarah Palin did that. Jesus Christ and Mary Mother of Jesus. That is unheard of in Canada (and the lower 48, too, I think). Sarah Palin charged raped women for “rape kits” in Alaska.

All I can say is: No!

6 10 2008


McCain Campaign Circulating Petition in AK to Squelch Troopergate Investigation
By Bademus – October 6, 2008, 9:26PM

6 10 2008

Or is this a variation of the petition that was featured last week?

6 10 2008
Jackie Lee


Be sure to DIGG this video


And add it to other sites?

Thanks–this is important info to share.

6 10 2008

These two links go back several threads. I do feel that they will
fit well with the current topic. My name is Hussein and I approve
this post.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have and will share them
with others as I have many times.

6 10 2008
not your pal Palin

eajphd Molten Contra Palin,

I agree completely. In fact, this video would be even stronger if it had that little piece included–that the state police commissioner lost his job for pursuing a pro-woman agenda. Of course, that whole rogue cop story was a later rationalization, but still, it would fit the pattern here.

6 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Palin aka Canuck for Choice

Sarah Palin should be ground up and fed to the animals.

6 10 2008

AKM, I took the liberty of saving the video you posted. It will be
a good thing to bring up again in the next few weeks. Several
people that live in my area of BAMA do not have TV’s. (strange as
it may seem) Some folks really are poor. Two factories shut down
here today and over 600 more people are unemployed. I like to save
and share many of the links you and my fellow mudflatters are
kind enough to post on this wonderful and insightful site.

6 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein Palin

Well, I am daily comforted by the electoral vote map at http://fivethirtyeight.com …where again today the blue pie grows, and the red pie shrinks, and the ‘win percentage’ or chances out of 10,000 computer scenarios for the odds of a McGoo/Purloin win, goes from 8 to 1 against yesterday, to nearly 9 to 1 today, an eency weency red slice left in that big blue pie, equivalent to a snowball’s chance – in Hell.
Thank you Nate Silver, immeasurably.

6 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Palin aka Canuck for Choice

I am sick of hearing excuses being made for her, truth be told, Sarah Palin should just go back to Alaska and be a Lancome rep.

6 10 2008

AKM, thank you so much for posting this. Terrific comeback to the Palin b.s. of the campaign trail this week. I duly posted it on my site, with the added detail that wasn’t mentioned here, that the kits cost a sickening $1200. Women shouldn’t have to pay a single cent, of course, but when I first heard that number, I was revolted on an even deeper level. The whole thing is so horrifying.

6 10 2008

First Palin admits to reading the NY Times and now that she patronizes Starbucks. What is she, some kind of liberal elitist???

6 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

There goes her Joe Sixpack image.

6 10 2008

Great, but very sad video!
There was a link a few threads back…to a story about a songwriter and the song Independence Day. This artist is donating all her royalties to planned parenthood in honor of Miss Sarah.
There definately seems to be a connecting thread here…and I hope it leads her to that “special hell”

6 10 2008

When I read this I cried: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/06/california.murder.suicide/index.html

She is stomping around the country in her stilettos preaching hate & racism & anger & fear, manipulating the “regular” folk, leading the media around by the nose, and people are in such despair that this is what they are doing. The 90-year old in Ohio multiplied x6. The hate, fear & sorrow today in this country breaks my heart.

6 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Edie (23:25:09) :

Or is this a variation of the petition that was featured last week?


Edie, I’m pretty sure this is the same petition, but what an interesting cut-off date – Tuesday. I wonder what strategy meeting is taking place Tuesday afternoon. 😀

7 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Palin aka Canuck for Choice

Really, Sarah Palin’s the V.P. Candidate? Tell me. How did this happen? How did this twit who dresses like a Lancome rep. get this far – oh, she was vetted by GODBOTHERING EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS. Ok, I get it.

7 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Palin aka Canuck for Choice

Sarah Palin Donation Drive

7 10 2008
American in Asia

“Sarah Palin should just go back to Alaska and be a Lancome rep.” LOL

Last night CNN International had on Joe Hilley, some guy who was plugging his book “Sarah Palin: A New Kind of Leader” (published by the Christian publisher Zondervan) and he was blathering on about how great Palin was when the desk anchor interrupted him with a look of disgust and said Palin has said nothing in her campaign stops about the economy, then actually threw up his hands and said that’s enough, we have economic news to report (the Dow was down 500 points then) and cut him off in mid-interview!

It was amazing to see and I wish someone had the clip on Youtube so you all could enjoy it as I did.

It is great to go to fivethirtyeight and watch that unappetizing slice of red in the pie shrink, I agree with you all.

7 10 2008

Yeeeehaw! Latest polls over at fivethirtyeight:

of course, who knows what’s to come, but for the moment, ’tis a thing of beauty.

7 10 2008

Ha– American in Asia, great minds think alike! Just read your line about 538 right after I posted…

7 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

and now, tax experts are questioning how palin did not claim the travel expenses for todd and the kids as taxable income

this is what happens when you hand over your forms to hr block

now palin has claimed that her kids needed to travel because there are events where the entire family of the governor is expected to attend…however, the state spent over 43k on those travel expenses…thats alot of events

and questions must start in regards to how the family is treating trig

dont have to lay this on sarah, todd can take some blame too

it is well known that with a down syndrome child, in order for that child to hit milestones at a close to normal rate, intensive physical and speech therapy should be started from day 1

the child is now going into the 6 month, and looks and behaves very close to a newborn

serious lack of muscle development…he basically looks like a rag doll

and this woman expects people to believe that she will be an advocate for special needs kids?

7 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

Oh my day is complete, the Sumthers Brothers were on Freggy’s tonight.

7 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy


i am still concerned about the polls

if the red states stay red by large margins, whatever the majority won in the electoral college, we are still looking at a very divided country

7 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Here’s an answer to someone’s earlier question. This has even made it to Yahoo news:

McCain linked to private group in Iran-Contra case

WASHINGTON (AP) – GOP presidential nominee John McCain has past connections to a private group that supplied aid to guerrillas seeking to overthrow the leftist government of Nicaragua in the Iran-Contra affair.

McCain’s ties are facing renewed scrutiny after his campaign criticized Barack Obama for his link to a former radical who engaged in violent acts 40 years ago.”


7 10 2008

@ aussie
that horse is just one of many that the maverick has in his stables! I hope they all get out and he retires in complete disgrace. Whatever honor he may have had has been trodden under his own heels, and those of Miss Sarah as well

7 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Palin aka Canuck for Choice

I would like to invite everyone who is sickened, as I am, by PALINOCCHIO (Sarah Palin and her lies) and McCorrupt (John McCain), to hold true to the idea of karma. Karma will take John McCain and Sarah Palin somewhere and KILL them, no?

7 10 2008
Laura Lee

THE IDIOT SPEAKS! She’s nothing but a conniving, mean wench and every since she opened her mouth at the convention my gut has revolted. Lovely to imply we’re all going to hell for not supporting her – well at least I will be in excellent company! So much for her christian values.

The ONLY reason she’s out there spouting off like a lunatic is because she’s hiding behind the sexism card knowing that Obama/Biden are not going to go after her. Too bad the campaign(s) are focusing on negativity instead of how the country is flailing by the wayside. Grrrrrr……………..she’s got a special place on the bottom of my shoe I tell ya’!!!

7 10 2008
Laura Lee

P.S. I can’t wait until this country bleeds BLUE on November 4th!!!!

7 10 2008

@ Laura
I know your frustration, but that wouldn’t be such a good thing. Having both parties represented creates checks and balance.
Remember Lincoln was a republican
The party just needs to change some and rid itself of some self-destructive behavior.
Thank God I don’t have to be a part of their growing pains though b/c that is one FU”d party! Sorry if I offended JMHO

7 10 2008

I have been so ticked off by the “Special place in hell” comment, that I couldn’t even come here all day,. I was hunting for dirt, instead!

How dare she say such a thing knowing full-well that she contributed to the horrific suffering of women and children in Darfur by refusing to agree to divest the money held in the sudanese investments for the entire time she has been in office!

I am so pleased to see this video and I am sending it on to some MSM , that I am sure will be happy to do something with it, since it is obviously bi-partisan and the TRUTH!

BTW, the Canadian company that owns the Pebble Mine contract were ALSO confused as to why they were taking Todd Palin along on flights:

7 10 2008

Sorry. That post was in Palinese.
Must be playing back those sound-bites a bit too often.

7 10 2008
mizkay spackle camshaft

@ American in Asia (00:29:08)
You betcha, I’d love to see that video!

7 10 2008
West Virginian

Amazing how she can lie! I hope and pray this woman is not our next VP.

OK, about “Joe Six Pack”. I’ve obviously missed something. Is the six pack Budweiser made by McCain’s wife’s company or is it muscles? (I know not just Bud, but had to throw that in).

If it’s Bud, is she saying men sit around and drink all the time? Don’t intelligent men find that offensive?

7 10 2008

AKM excellent video. I am very surprised more national woman’s groups are not more vocal about this…….but then, it is a man’s world!

7 10 2008

Even if the quote was “… support other women” instead of “help” … does that mean that women must support other women even if that woman is proven to be a liar and not really what she seems to be?

Now that… I’d like for Mrs. Palin to answer.

7 10 2008
White Agate

That is a great documentary, thanks AKM! The web site for the Wasilla Project is worth checking out, it seems they are going to do a bunch more.

I remember reading, too, that if you didn’t have the money to pay for your rape kit they went after your annual state oil check, too, and deducted it. If each rape kit was $1400, that might not leave much left. Trauma from all sides. As a taxpayer I wouldn’t want to participate in any part of this terrible policy. And as the one interviewee said, why just rape kits? Why not other types of crimes? Mmm-hmm.

Also, I think I read that Alaska, sadly, has a fairly high rape/violent crimes against women rate, and in the Native communities it’s higher. The first step in bringing those numbers down is having a government that makes it easy (and inexpensive) to report the crime, and one that doesn’t blame the victim and further stigmatize a horrible experience by charging money for the one law enforcement practice that might bring the numbers down.

A culture of life, right? Whose life? Seems to me that phrase is pretty selective. Is this also an attempt to prevent the morning after pill and therefore by some stretch of the imagination ‘pro-life?’ Sheesh.

Finally, the fight over this policy says to me that at least in Wasilla, this was a misogynistic practice out of line with the rest of the state. Organizational culture starts at the top. What does it say about what then mayor, now Gov. Palin thinks about other women, particularly when she has young daughters herself? Hell, indeed.

We will never have a press conference with her, will we? They simply will not do it. Maybe Tina Fey will do it on SNL and the echo chamber will be complete.

Have a good day, all, waiting for that report to come out and items #3, #2, and #1.

7 10 2008
WV Democrat

@ White Agate:

You said, “And as the one interviewee said, why just rape kits? Why not other types of crimes?”

Because when a rape occurs an extended kit may provide the victim with any preventive medicine necessary — for tetanus, sexually transmitted diseases, anti-virals for AIDS, and the morning after pill for pregnancy prevention.

Palin obviously regards the morning after pill as an “abortion”. Silly twit.

7 10 2008

Next time Sarah Palin runs for office in Alaska, voters will have the opportinity to see justice done.

7 10 2008

First-time reader here- boy is this ever a great page! Thank you, Conscience of Alaska!
Previous contributor asked “Where is the moral outrage?” Well, it went out the door eight years ago and in walked the “We win at all costs” attitude with George Bush and his Rethugicans. Let’s face it, folks- Morality is the last thing on their minds, and McCain/Palin would continue that modus operandi if elected.
I am suspecting the Troopergate investigation will result in nothing more than a slap on the wrist (if that), and Palin will be “business as usual” if and when she returns to Alaskan politics.

7 10 2008

Can you IMAGINE if Hillary Clinton had done this?

Imagine the rightwing RAGE at Clinton making crime victims pay for police work…. we’d hear it every DAY.

Richard Cohen explores the “If Clinton had behaved like Palin” meme: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/06/AR2008100602634.html

7 10 2008
Moons in Leo

I hope Sarah has a cot next to the furnace in hell.

7 10 2008

From the story above: Palin told her cheering audience to watch and see how her comment is “turned into whatever it’ll be turned into tomorrow with the newspaper.”

This comment by Plain is very telling about her personality. She knows she is wrong, but she has a “so what” attitude. She can say anything she wants and feels she is somehow protected from her own selfish and stupid comments. She also thinks she is immune from consequences of her actions. Im no shrink, but this is a very troubled and dangerous woman.
What is more troubling is how many people buy into her crap!!

7 10 2008
From The Wasilla Project, one to pass along | folo

[…] Mudflats) […]

7 10 2008

This was a disturbing video to see, but it is a story that must be told. I had the pleasure of working in my previous state of residence as a public health educator. I gave many presentations on sexual assault and date rape for teens, parents and young adults. I was also fortunate to be art of a domestic violence and sexual assault conference. The speakers at the conference were phenomenal and the victims were courageous for sharing their stories. I wonder how their stories would have been different if their assaults had occurred in Wasilla,Alaska. This is such a shameful story and I cannot believe that a woman would allow for this behavior of the government she was charged to oversee. Women must know that she certainly has not been “helping” them.

7 10 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Last night i heard that Planned Parenthood is funding an ad on the rape kit issue that will start to run on Thursday in selected states. I wonder if this is some of the footage that will be used? Hmm. Thanks for posting this, AKM!

7 10 2008

Thanks for the link rewinn.

7 10 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Read, heard, whatever…I’m on such media overload I forget! I read it. Here:


You can get to the ad from that link, which has been placed on YouTube.

7 10 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Here’s the lnk to the Planned Parenthood ad:

7 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Because Palin mangles everyone she quotes I’ve found the actual text of this Madeleine Albright quote:

Madeleine Albright and technology for women’s empowerment

A woman who gets power – either because she has a particular position in society or government or because she has a cell phone – can’t become a queen bee! Women must help other women. I have this saying that I use quite frequently, which is that there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other. A woman with power must understand that, in actuality, her role is to help others. For a woman who wants to be at the center of power, she must understand that her power is actually maximized by encouraging more women to participate in the system.

How ironic that the same woman who would be “queen bee” is the same woman who charged rape victims for rape kits. Could it be because rape kits often include a morning after pill? It all comes back to her determination to take away a woman’s right to choose.


7 10 2008

Maybe it has been prominently posted somewhere and I missed it, but it was only going through these comments that I learned what the forensic kits cost — one poster said $1200, another $1400. That’s a lot more than I, and probably most people, would have guessed. As a matter of principle, of course, a crime victim shouldn’t have to pay anything. (What next, charge by the hour for the services of the policeman who takes the report?) But it really hits hard to think that a rape victim and/or her family is out this kind of money. I would be curious to hear how the Wasilla police chief (or anyone else) defended the indefensible.

7 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Thank you, AKM, for the video. As we have come to expect—you cut right to the chase.

Has this occurred to anyone else, that WHATEVER SWWNBN utters (coherent or not) you can almost immediately find evidence that it is a lie?

Think about it…she seems to deliberately invite us to find the lie, the dichotomy, to catch her…newspapers she reads (pre then post), Supreme Court rulings, annoyance at Katie Couric, selling the plane on ebay, bridge to nowhere, the ayers attack, the incitements to crowd violence…etc.

Others who visit Mudflats are certainly more competent to comment on this particular behavior, but this layperson finds such behavior most disturbing and completely bizarre.

I just want to stop her winking, blinking cult of personality long enough to ask “What do you hope to accomplish with this look directly into my eyes and lie technique?”

She seems to be begging to be called on these lies. Is it merely a test to see how far she can go with them? Or is it a means of mocking us mere mortals?

7 10 2008

I hope and pray that when that sum bag looses this election and returns to Alaska, you all make her life a living hell. She is a dirty bird. How dare anyone proclaim to have any core Christian values and be such a piece of trash like she is.

7 10 2008

This needs to fly through the space into everyone’s mail box.
Thank you Muck….

7 10 2008

With each day and each
new Palin lie, my anger
rises and rises

October 7, 2008

7 10 2008

i read a reply on Huffington that said something like, “Is there a support group for the rage that swells whenever she opens her mouth?” i had been thinking the exact same thing. and i’ve only known about her, what? five weeks? six? she’s gotta feel like she (and McCain) is running for her life…because if they don’t win…well, i’d imagine there will be very little more than a band of crickets welcoming her home.

7 10 2008

“Is there a support group for the rage that swells whenever she opens her mouth?”

Yes AZ. Mom
It is at your nearest polls on November 4th..
Bring your friends…

7 10 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

Very powerful, as the truth always is. Thank you.

7 10 2008

Did anyone see the ‘debate analysis from Wasilla’ on the Daily Show last night?


it’s..uh… a little disturbing

7 10 2008

Just a nod back to West Virginian– and whether Joe Six-Pack is insulted. Most of the Joe Six-Packs I know life have long since switched to 7-Up and are very clear-headed on who will be the best president for our country. People who make and fix things are often the most astute bullsh*t detectors and McCain/Palin are not rating high in this community.

7 10 2008
Canadian Neighbour

Palin reminds me of the story of the Embezzler that went on vacation. In her absence, everything unravelled. Meeting her at the airport on her return — a set of handcuffs!!!

7 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Palin

Second, she is spouting hateful speech on the campaign trail. Why does McCain tolerate this? How can conservatives tolerate this. Have any of you read what some of the people in the audience are shouting out about Obama? “Kill him! and “he’s a terrorist.” What has happened to our country! Why isn’t their more moral outrage about this.. I am so upset!

Why does McCain “tolerate” it? Bet your bottom dollar (if you have one left) that he and his handlers ORDERED it! She is doing exactly what he wants her to do. He wants to win this election, even if the result is that everything Americans have always loved and valued about our country turns to SH*T to make it happen.
He’s not a conservative; he’s a pathetic wreck who wants to be President and nothing else matters. NOTHING.
I am EXTREMELY outraged about their failure to respond to the hateful things being screamed at their rallies.
Silence is the voice of complicity.

7 10 2008
Dr. Patois

I must say my first thought upon hearing that Palin quoted Albright was, does this mean Palin voted for Clinton in the primaries?
Here is a little psychological insight you might find interesting.


7 10 2008
Spoon Archer Hussein Palin

Sarah had the New York Times article wrong, too. It concluded that Obama had little or no close relation to William Ayers, but I guess she didn’t get that far in her reading. She doesn’t read too well, I think.

7 10 2008

Simply put, Winky is a:

…..Professional Sociopath……

7 10 2008
Jill Oserowsky

It’s against the law to incite violence against a presidential candidate. Why is Palin getting away with it?

7 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Palin

That’s a good question, Jill. If you or I had made some of the same comments, we’d be getting visits from the FBI and Secret Service and would probably spend a few hours in custody if the candidate were speaking anywhere within an 8-hour drive of our homes…

7 10 2008

Discussed this thread and the media clips off the TV this morning on her speech in California with my sister. She firmly believes and I agree that this woman is totally certifiably NUTS.

While there may be a “special place in Hell” for us because we do NOT support Sarah Palin, there is most definitely a very very special level in the deepest bowels of Hell for Ms. Sarah.

7 10 2008

If anything were to happen to Obama, even so much as stubbing his toe in the dark, I would lay the blame squarely at Palin’s feet.

7 10 2008

Not sure if this was brought up earlier but this policy was a clear support of Palin’s stance on her views against abortion even in times of rape/incest. Charging victims for the kits would put additional financial pressure and put another obstacle towards a woman’s Constitutional right.

7 10 2008
C from CO

@SC Strike Chipper Hussein Palin (10:48:54) :

That’s a good question, Jill. If you or I had made some of the same comments, we’d be getting visits from the FBI and Secret Service and would probably spend a few hours in custody if the candidate were speaking anywhere within an 8-hour drive of our homes…

I wondered the same as well. Where was the secret service and why didn’t they arrest that guy, because that was a very clear threat against Obama?
They could arrest Palin as well, for inciting the crowd to violence.
I almost expect to see people with torches and pitchforks at Palins next rally.

AKM, I hope this video, and your very powerful and well written post makes the MSM.

7 10 2008
Kim in Florida

I too am extremely disturbed by the Repugnants violent and anti-American, ignorant, racist, and hate-filled campaign and their red kool-aid drinking glassy-eyed followers. MSNBC reported tonight the Secret Service is investigating the wingnut who shouted “kill him” I want to stand on the rooftops of sleepy little Venice, Florida and scream at these morons who support the two morons McBush and his Pawn. I am sick of the evil that is emanating from them. Ok, got that off my chest. Keep the links coming — I pass it all on and it gives me hope. I have joined the wasillaproject email notification and can’t wait for the next video. I have no words strong enough to express my revulsion at what Palin did to rape victims. She should rot in hell!

7 10 2008

pj (01:42:25) :

@ Laura
I know your frustration, but that wouldn’t be such a good thing. Having both parties represented creates checks and balance.
Remember Lincoln was a republican
The party just needs to change some and rid itself of some self-destructive behavior.
Thank God I don’t have to be a part of their growing pains though b/c that is one FU”d party! Sorry if I offended JMHO

No offense at all! I just mean bleed enough blue so that Obama wins:) I do realize that great ideas come from everywhere not just the Dems.

7 10 2008
Jim, aka Pitt Bull Hockey Palin

I wondered that if by charging victims to purchase and process their own evidence, how many sexual assaults went unreported? It used to be bad enough when a rape victim was herself seemingly put on trial because, let’s face it–she have brought it on herself, right? Now charge her for the rape kit on TOP of the humiliation of the trial, what’s the likelihood of her coming forward? Probably not as likely, unfortunately, but HEY–don’t our stats look better?

7 10 2008
Jim, aka Pitt Bull Hockey Palin

Must. She must have brought it on herself. Darned code, anyway…

8 10 2008

Palin drives me nuts! When I first heard her speech at the RNC I knew right then that this cocky woman must be some type of phony! I guess I was right all along when more and more truths came out about Palin. Pple who only use others to their advantage to get where they are will never succeed in life. The truth will always come back to haunt you and bite you in the butt. And now I see that that is exactly what’s happening to Palin ever since she’s lied about her record of being a mayor and gov of Alaska. That’s what happen when you fake your image. Sooner or later pple will realize you’re not really who you claim to be!

8 10 2008
Ithaca real estate broker

Thanks for the info. What a slap in the face to these woman who were innocent victims. Just another reason to ask – what was John McCain thinking?

8 10 2008

Thank you for this post & for your site in general. As someone who grew up in Anchorage, it’s such a lovely change to hear Alaskans speak clearly and articulately. Listening to Palin makes ears twitch and I was starting to think that my memories from childhood of all the intelligent and well spoke people I knew were a figment of my imagination. What is up with her accent anyway? Does everyone in the Valley talk that way?

10 10 2008

This in a state that has a terrible record of rape, abuse, and violence against women makes this all that much worse. There is no defense for this practice.