Second Troopergate Investigation Moving Quickly.

25 10 2008

Yesterday, Sarah Palin gave her deposition to the second Troopergate independent investigator, Tim Petumenos. Petumenos flew out of Alaska to question Palin on the campaign trail in St. Louis. The details are scant, but we do know a few:

  • The deposition took two hours.
  • Petumenos told Palin he was moving quickly, but couldn’t say whether the investigation would be complete before Election Day.
  • Palin wants to make the transcript of her interview public.

“I am so pleased to finally have gotten the chance to tell what really happened and get the truth out,” Palin said in a statement released by her attorney, Thomas Van Flein.  “It was the right thing to do to bring this before the Personnel Board and have a true arms length unbiased and apolitical investigator look into this.”

I have a hunch that Petumenos will have nothing to do with that last request, for two reasons.  First, although Palin herself has waived her right of confidentiality, other members of her staff have not.  So it would be difficult, if not impossible,  to tease out the information that has only to do with Palin and nobody else.

Second, I think Petumenos will realize that the release of her deposition would make the whole thing look political, which is the LAST thing that Palin wants.  Right? 

We all know that if Palin really wants this “out there,” all she has to do is hold a press conference.  I doubt that reporters will come up with any questions that Petumenos didn’t.  Nothing is stopping her.   So, why doesn’t she do it?  Because she doesn’t want to.  One independent investigation has already found Palin guilty of an ethics violation. Branchflower and Petumenos are both highly respected men, known for their professionalism, and thorough unbiased work.  All of Branchflower’s work was turned over by request to Petumenos for use in his own work.   It would be stunning if the second investigation found anything different.



191 responses

25 10 2008

no way-first?

25 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Hi there!

25 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Cangratulations, Carol. I grew up in Wheaton.

25 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

i just love top ten anything

25 10 2008


I’ve been to Wheaton.
Are you still in the area-will you be able to come to Mudstock II next Sunday?

25 10 2008

Palin pretend’s like this frist investigation doesnt count . What a joke.What planet is SP on anyway.

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Yay Carol – you go girl. I was busy remote hunting. Still no luck.

25 10 2008

agreed ak. Steve Benen has a piece over at Washington Monthly just now about how stunned he is that there’s so little attention being paid to a major ethics investigation of a candidate for VP. Sure hope it’s done by this coming weekend (Monday would obviously be too late). -lemonfair (lost my wordpresslogin)

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Scrimshaw – I’m near Wheaton. Billy Graham territory!

25 10 2008
Dreams in TX

It is my understanding that the Personnel Board could impeach Palin if they found her guilty but that she has the right to fire them. How would that work???

They can take inter-disciplinary action. Impeachment, as far as I know, must come from the Legislature. She has a right to fire members of the Personnel Board “for cause”. Take that for what it’s worth… Am learning all the ins and outs of recall/censure/impeachment, etc… AKM

25 10 2008

Carol – Congrats! It’s a heady feeling being first.

25 10 2008

MSNBC is saying right now that Palin has called an impromptu press conference. Maybe she’ll talk about Troopergate.

25 10 2008
John* The Pitbull Wrangler*

I want to caution everyone who may get the idea this investigation will concur with the first one. I am being cautious when I say this may be what Palin wanted from the start. Someone to side with her and kill all opposition to this Troopergate investigation and a clap on the back for Sarah Palin if Tim Petumenos isn’t as honest and open as Branchflower

Petumenos is very well-respected, and actually contributed to Tony Knowles, Sarah Palin’s Democratic opponent for governor in 2006. This came out after he was hired. I know several attorneys who vouch for his independence and good work. Of course, nothing is ever certain. AKM

25 10 2008

Hey Carol……..I used to live Orland park Illinois, My brother lives on the south side of chicago by white sox staduim.

25 10 2008

Off Topic.

I was so upset by Sarah Palin’s health care policy speech in which she ridiculed fruit fly research that, after a poor night’s sleep, I decided to send an open letter to the Anchorage Daily News about it. Alas, it was too long for a letter to the editor, so I had to just post to their forums where it will no doubt be lost. Because I represent a very diverse patient population, I generally go way out of my way to avoid expressing any political or religious preferences in my professional life. However, for the sake of defending the importance of medical research, I made an exception in this case. The letter is long and I had to edit myself feverishly because it was hard not to just slam the ignorance of this woman who wants to be making national health and science policies. Here it is for those of you who are interested:

October 25, 2008

Dear Governor Palin,

I applaud your interest and stated commitment to improving the quality and availability of care for children with special needs. As the mother of a now grown special needs child and the founder and director of an organization dedicated to research on her disorder, I know firsthand the challenges families of these children face. Unlike trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), my daughter’s disorder, a rare genetic disease called primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), does not enjoy broad public awareness, which makes finding health services and funding for research even more difficult.

Last week, in a policy speech, you indicated that certain research expenditures were wasteful and foolish. The specific example you used was fruit fly research. Because I believe you are sincere in your desire to help those with special needs, I was dismayed to hear your perspective on basic science research. When my daughter was diagnosed in 1991, we were told that her disorder was so rare there would never be genetic research done on it. Finding a patient group large enough for human genetic studies would most likely be an insurmountable challenge. But people were working on PCD genetics–albeit indirectly. Basic scientists were unraveling the genome of a single-celled algae called Chlamydomonos. This organism was simple and plentiful and scientists could grow pools full of it for research. In 2002, the first PCD gene was discovered. Since then, several more have been identified, resulting in the first-ever genetic test for PCD and the promise of genetic therapies for this incurable condition in the future. It can not be overstated that these advances are the direct result of research on, quite literally, pond scum. It would be heartbreaking to me to hear a candidate for national office make a joke of these efforts simply to score political points and I was saddened beyond measure for the families relying on basic science research in fruit flies that you chose to single them out for this unwarranted ridicule.

Translational research, applying the discoveries of basic science to human populations, is a critical element of medical science advancement. In this country, we have suffered through the William Proxmire “Golden Fleece” awards and other attempts by politicians to gain political points by criticizing science they simply don’t understand. Because I was hopeful that you would be a true ally to special needs community, I was particularly dismayed to see you participate in this activity and ask you to spend some time speaking with the individuals involved in basic science research and educating yourself on the promise these activities offer to people with rare, genetic and incurable diseases.

A recent article by the Massachusetts General Cancer Center published in the peer-reviewed journal Current Opinion in Genetic Development states that “more than 60% of genes implicated in human disease have Drosophila orthologues.” A very short list of human diseases with fruit fly genetic correlates includes neurological and neurodegenerative disorders (including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and spinal muscular atrophy), birth defects, development delays (including autism), tumor suppressor genes (ironically in melanoma, your running mate’s genetic curse), infertility polycystic kidney disease, deadly and catastrophic lipid metabolism disorders, and Huntington’s chorea. Again, this is a short list.

I am not an expert at fruit fly research, but was able to compile this list in about five minutes by doing a simple Internet search of the government-maintained National Library of Medicine database of scientific publications (PubMed: I do not think it is too much to ask our national leaders who will be responsible for establishing crucial health and science policies to do at least that much.

Special needs communities have never had adequate representation in this country. Attempting to manage the extraordinary challenges of caring for chronically or catastrophically ill family members leaves us short of the financial resources and time required to mount effective lobbying efforts. As a result, we do not wield political clout and end up being an invisible minority group with few supporters. Your high-profile status gives you the opportunity to change that for us and I ask you to consider working with the groups who are engaged in daily efforts to improve the lives of special needs individuals through important research initiatives. We truly welcome your support.

Michele Manion, Executive Director
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Foundation
Phoenix, Arizona

For more information on PCD:

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

AKM – as we discussed last night – if Sarah wants to call it “Tasergate” instead of “Troopergate” – doesn’t that mean she DID fire Monegan because her brother-in-law did bad things and didn’t get fired for it? Tasering his kid, for one? Just askin’.

Rachel Maddow did a GREAT piece on that last night. I’ll dig it up. AKM

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

I look to my politically smart and savvy husband daily to assure me that Palin will be a distant memory in 2012.

Maybe there are others in public life who so obviously and consistently lie(not spin, not twist, but lie,) and behave in unethical ways but I can’t think of any. I would put Cheney right up there, but Palin wins the award. How someone can behave so unethically across the board, and still be considered by anyone for anything, is beyond me. And, all this in less than 2 years as a Governor!!!

The ironic thing is that the McLame camp is getting a taste of her backstabbing already. It would have taken only a cursory look at her history, and one basic rule of human behavior, for them to figure out they were playing with fire. (That rule : THE BEST PREDICTOR OF FUTURE BEHAVIOR IS PAST BEHAVIOR).

Not surprisingly, Palin has decided to become a ROGUE and follow her own instincts. (Wasn’t there a story about her firing someone for that behavior?)
Here’s the story from

For my fellow mudflatters who are Alaskans, who are these people who are Palin insiders? It was funny to see Sen. Lyda Green as one of her supporters in the picture in the New Republic article. Something happened there, huh?

25 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Carol –
I’d just love to be there, but… I live in AZ now.

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

OT – but oh so good — I see the Australian wine discussion I started last night is continuing! It is so nice to get to know some Aussies here at Mudflats. If you didn’t know it — Aussie wines are way hot here in the USA! (And, of course, your actors) Everything seems to be coming up Aussie these days!!

25 10 2008

Loving the Chicago and environs connections-

Now, all of you need to be at the Bean at 11:30 am Sunday, November 2. It’ll be the warmer meet-up (Bec is making name tags).

Shikago is going to be rounding up all the brave souls for Nov 4 Election Night Rally at Grant Park, while Bec and I sit comfortably at home.

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

Bec Hussein in Illinois (10:16:55) :

AKM – as we discussed last night – if Sarah wants to call it “Tasergate” instead of “Troopergate” – doesn’t that mean she DID fire Monegan because her brother-in-law did bad things and didn’t get fired for it? Tasering his kid, for one? Just askin’.


Bec, you’re obviously too logical and too much a deep thinker for Palin.

25 10 2008

No surprise Sarah has decided to become a rogue.
Isn’t that what a real maverick is supposed to be?
The lone ranger, the one who breaks from the crowd.
A ‘team of mavericks’ is an oxymoron.

25 10 2008

What happened to the good ol’ days when Palin was hiding? Can anyone do anything to keep her out of the media glare? She’s suddenly everywhere!

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

I’m can’t wait to see what happens in the next 11 days if Palin has decided to follow her own instincts!

25 10 2008

rf11 in FL (10:23:40) :

I’m can’t wait to see what happens in the next 11 days if Palin has decided to follow her own instincts!


Show herself for what she really is?

25 10 2008

I believe the reason the media has ignored Palin as much as they have is because the Obama campaign has ignored Palin. Their reasoning is that Palin will hang herself if they just let her ‘be herself’.

And based on her unfavoriblity ratings (-23 points) and on polls that show undecided voters being turned off by McCain’s VP choice as their top reason for turning away from him, I think the Obama campaign is wise.

But I, like many others, are flummoxed by the pass she is given. Since when is being found guilty of an ethics violation not top news? Can you imagine if that were Biden?

But here is another theory of mine. Right now the country and the media is too busy being caught up in this historical election to worry too much about Palin. However, once Barack is elected and all this election hoopla dies down, there is going to be a lot of slow news days. And that is when the post-morteum on this election will begin. And that is when reporters and pundits will start looking deeper into how disastarous the Palin choice really was. I also think at that time their will be many exposes on Palin and who she really is.

Let’s hope Troopergate II not only reenforces the verdict of Troopergate I but gives us some new insights, especially since Ms. Palin has given her ‘version’ of the facts now.

I beth the media won’t ignore the 2nd report quite as much as they ignored the first one.

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

JAK (10:25:20) :

rf11 in FL (10:23:40) :

I’m can’t wait to see what happens in the next 11 days if Palin has decided to follow her own instincts!


Show herself for what she really is?

Exactly. I wonder if she’ll call out the witchhunters to get rid of that old bad liberal media.

25 10 2008

Palin’s own instincts indicate a really ugly character. There will be a lot of mop-up after the election. See Mike Farrell’s post on HuffPo today.

25 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@ds55 (10:15:17) :
“MSNBC is saying right now that Palin has called an impromptu press conference. Maybe she’ll talk about Troopergate.”


Palin is calling an impromptu press conference? Goin’ rogue from the McCain Campaign? This must be where she announces that she’s pushing McOldie out of the way, maybe putting him out to pasture, and announcing that SHE is now the Candidate for Pres! She already has a VP anyway.

25 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@BigPete : Where are you?

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Here is a story about the pipeline. Looks like we could have a pipegate.

25 10 2008

Hey Carol , I would love to meet you all at Grant Park. If only I didnt get laid off work ( job outsourced ) I would jump on a plane and stay with my brother and meet you all there. GRRRPH

25 10 2008

I’m sure SP already has the witchhunters working FT on the bad liberal media. I can hear the prayer groups across the county tongue spewing for her…

25 10 2008

It is interesting to see that SP is willing to release the transcripts of the deposition. But it seems that what she is really doing is knowingly deceptive. SP is using the un-waved confidentiality of the others to protect her’s all the while looking as if she has nothing to hide. She is letting the others hide the truth.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Jamie does msnbc say when? Did you spen some time with your pouty husband?

25 10 2008

Kos has an excellent diary about Troopergate on the front page right now!
“No means no”

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

ocliberal, another great post! I agree that Obama decided to ignore Palin. Besides the rationale you gave, I think the Obama camp is also aware that attacking her will only get her sympathy. Ignoring her is definitely the best strategy.

Secondly, imagine what would be said about Obama if he had an unwed pregnant teen daughter, or if he had the marital history of McLame. Oh my gosh. It would be the shredding of the moral fabric of society.

25 10 2008


My sympathies on the lay off. That’s rough. If we have a laptop or something at the meet-up maybe we can chat with you all at the gathering.

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

rf11 in FL – Bec, you’re obviously too logical and too much a deep thinker for Palin.

Why thanks for the compliment. However, I am pretty sure everyone who ever ventured on Mudflats (minus the trolls) have this fine quality!

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

@Bec Hussein in Illinois (10:33:48) :

rf11 in FL – Bec, you’re obviously too logical and too much a deep thinker for Palin.

Why thanks for the compliment. However, I am pretty sure everyone who ever ventured on Mudflats (minus the trolls) have this fine quality!

Yes, I agree! I was just commenting on your reasoning about “tasergate.” I don’t think your logic would have occurred to a *deep thinker* like Palin.

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Carol – maybe we can set something up in the forum later today for details about Chicago Mudstock Nov. 2 – so we don’t overtake the blog with our plans. We can keep promoting it here. I know Shikago is at a funeral right now and my email to him may have gone into spam. I’m heading out to see “W” shortly. Have to get out of PJs first! Gave up on the remote search for now – I fear I sent it out with the recycling bin yesterday, if it is no longer in the house.

25 10 2008
Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin

A Palinized Impromptu News Conference? My guess is that Tina Fey called the McCain campaign and asked for a few minutes more material for tonight’s SNL.

25 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Blue Idaho (10:32:01) :
Jamie does msnbc say when? Did you spen some time with your pouty husband?

—-I got yelled at today! First I started watching Larry King and he turned it off and said “This is all over when? Nov 4? Whew! I’ll be happy!” and later in the day he got mad that I was neglecting him on his day off – spending more time with my computer than with him. Yipes! And I’m still here!

I don’t get msnbc here – someone else mentioned it and for the sakes of those of us who can’t see it can someone please post what she had to say?

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

JAK (10:30:38) :

I’m sure SP already has the witchhunters working FT on the bad liberal media. I can hear the prayer groups across the county tongue spewing for her…


I’m sure you’re right. I read that there has been a group fasting and praying for
40 days and nights. I’m sure Murthee and Montt, and Wagner followers don’t have to be told to shoo the witches away.

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

She does have a way of comandeering the coverage, huh? I can only hope that all the press she draws to herself backfires. I bet she gets caught lying. Add perjury to her laundry list of violations, methinks.

25 10 2008

Last post on previous thread:

Aussie Puck Mule-

You and all the rest of you Mudpuppies can all become ordained. Just sign up at:

Rev. ecp

25 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA


I think investigations started when Palin was named are now finally getting verified. An AP investigative reporting shows this.

This is all about how she rigged the pipeline contract. This is important. Always follow the money. If someone can reduce this issues to a few talking points, this will kill her in the current economy.

Don’t you think there are a number of such issues that are ready to be collected into a general indictment?

25 10 2008
SanDiego Muslim Jew Christian Hindu Surfchick

Here you go, AKM. More mud for your plate. It’s Pipelinegate! AP Investigation shows Palin curbed bids (among other pesky things) in AK’s mighty 40bil natural gas pipeline deal she loves to brag about.

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Jamie, Floridian in France (10:39:38) :

Scroll down for MSNBC live coverage online

25 10 2008

Bec-good idea. I should use the forum more regularly.

Enjoy “W”. I’ve only got chores but, I need to start them really soon.

25 10 2008

@ jamie, floridian-in exile

Southernmost Fla
“where the alligators roam
and the deer and the antelope play”

25 10 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

News on “Pipeline Bidding”

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Gov. Sarah Palin’s signature accomplishment – a contract to build a 1,715-mile pipeline to bring natural gas from Alaska to the Lower 48 – emerged from a flawed bidding process that narrowed the field to a company with ties to her administration, an Associated Press investigation shows.

read more @

What can we say — she’s not part of the Beltway – but she knows how to play the same game

25 10 2008
SanDiego Muslim Jew Christian Hindu Surfchick

Hicktown in W PA: It’s Pipelinegate! Pretty incredible. The mud duddent stop.

(Aren’t you glad, AKM, somebody besides you is doing some muckraking?)

25 10 2008

This is a great read, and Gov. Palin is getting ready for 2012!! I really do not understand how she truly abuses power and gets away with it. Alaska, only you can stop this. Bush/Cheney type power grabs has to stop.
Alaska is beautiful and great and keep up all your good works.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Jamie- My husband went hunting so I’m FRRRREEEEEEEEE today. But I think I’ll go watch CNN and find out when. Sorry you got yelled at.

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

I’d like to label this latest gaffe by SWWNBN “GASgate”…..LOL

25 10 2008
WV Democrat

Just wanted to share this video that was just sent to me. Sorry if it’s been posted before. Enjoy!

25 10 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

Wow — we are ALL on the PALIN BALL !!!!

Excellent work everyone – more links – prob. same article (AP)


In January 2007, Palin spoke the first of at least two times to Vice President Dick Cheney, the Bush administration’s point person on energy issues, according to calendars obtained by the AP through a public records request. Cheney’s staff pressed the Palin administration to draw in the energy companies, said current and former state officials involved in those discussions.

25 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

A little more Palin salad, anyone?? Excerpts and link to full story here. Dissent in the Republican Party.

“….Four Republicans close to Palin said she has decided increasingly to disregard the advice of the former Bush aides tasked to handle her, creating occasionally tense situations as she travels the country with them. Those Palin supporters, inside the campaign and out, said Palin blames her handlers for a botched rollout and a tarnished public image — even as others in McCain’s camp blame the pick of the relatively inexperienced Alaska governor, and her public performance, for McCain’s decline….But other McCain aides, defending Wallace, dismissed the notion that Palin was mishandled. The Alaska governor was, they argue, simply unready — “green,” sloppy and incomprehensibly willing to criticize McCain for, for instance, not attacking Sen. Barack Obama for his relationship with his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright… “Her strategy was to be trustworthy and a team player during the convention and thereafter, but she felt completely mismanaged and mishandled and ill advised,” the person said. “Recently, she’s gone from relying on McCain advisers who were assigned to her to relying on her own instincts.”… When a McCain aide, speaking anonymously Friday to The Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder, suggested that Palin’s charge that Obama was “palling around with terrorists” had “escaped HQ’s vetting,” it was Scheunemann who fired off an angry response that the speech was “fully vetted” and that to attack Palin for it was “bullshit.” … “She was completely mishandled in the beginning. No one took the time to look at what her personal strengths and weaknesses are and developed a plan that made sense based on who she is as a candidate,” the aide said. “Any concerns she or those close to her have about that are totally valid.” But the aide said that Palin’s inexperience led her to her own mistakes: “How she was handled allowed her weaknesses to hang out in full display.”… “There are people in this campaign who feel a real sense of loyalty to her and are really pleased with her performance and think she did a great job,” said the McCain insider. “She has a real future in this party.””

25 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon

Does anyone remember a link, posted within the last few days, about SP’s religion? I didn’t get a chance to read it (other posters mentioned the word “nightmares” I believe!) and I have a conservative cousin in Indiana who I have been able to open a dialogue with about the election. Shock of all shocks. I dug around the last few posts but am hoping someone here remembers it? Thank you! I’m a workin’ hard on that catholic Indiana cousin. She has a big family!

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

A story on Yahoo said that Palin was becoming frustrated with her handlers and is going to break free. This is going to be fun. Can you hear the roller coaster tick tick tick going up the hill?

25 10 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

Posted BuzzFlash Editorial
October 26

“””There’s no way around it.

Yes, you can parse words, but when Sarah Palin can’t call anti-abortionist killers domestic terrorists, you have a vice-presidential candidate who – along with her support for the secessionist and neo-Confederate Alaskan Independence Party – is indeed a true supporter of domestic terrorism and anti-American activities.

Murderers of medical personnel and clinic staffs who provide abortion have websites, as you know, with lists of names of people – primarily doctors – to be shot. When Brian Williams of NBC asked Palin if such murderers were domestic terrorists, she danced around the question by first, yet again, bringing up Bill Ayers and then – while she had time to think about how to code her support of the anti-abortion killers – deny that they were terrorists.

This is perhaps the most underreported (except for some Internet sites), shocking, and threatening to U.S. security exchange of the election (along with the widely overlooked and documented strong relationship between the anti-U.S. Alaskan Independence Party secessionists and the Palins). “”

read more @

25 10 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

Don’t cha just love a gift that keeps on giving? You Betcha !

25 10 2008

Check out the CNNBC video web page. There is a ‘great get out the vote’ personalized video that you can send out to all your friends.

25 10 2008

Scrimshaw-I was at Luke AFB 1953-1957. I remember that when you left Glendale (a tiny town) there was nothing until you reached Luke. I recently saw an aerial photo of the area and it looks like there isn’t a place to put even one house now. I was glad to get back to Maryland; Arizona is too hot for me. I had pictures of me frying eggs on the wing of an airplane. We were always finding rattlesnakes and scorpions. I found a rattlesnake between the wheel and the chock of a B-26 (trying to keep out of the sun I guess) and I had the plane pull forward and crush the snake.

25 10 2008
rf11 in FL

All this in only 20 months! Wow!

25 10 2008

rf11 in FL (10:19:07) :

Maybe there are others in public life who so obviously and consistently lie(not spin, not twist, but lie,) and behave in unethical ways but I can’t think of any.


I can think of many and unfortunately I think that this is the way of life for most politicians. Until they are caught in out and out lies this is the norm. Deny Deny Deny. Think of John Edwards, lied until the National Enquirer outed him.

This is one of my hopes and dreams with Obama is this will not become the norm anymore. Jennifer Hudson’s mother murdered is shocking. A politician lying or having an affair or trying to get their brother-in-law fired, or going to jail not shocking.

25 10 2008

Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon –

Is this the link you mean?…

25 10 2008

Blue Idaho (10:52:13) :

A story on Yahoo said that Palin was becoming frustrated with her handlers and is going to break free. This is going to be fun. Can you hear the roller coaster tick tick tick going up the hill?


YES SP is ready to blow fuse.She not used to being told what to do. SP gives orders and does not take them well.Her way or the Road to nowhere way

25 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Hey Chi-Town and Indiana folks … have you read this?


What do you think will happen?

25 10 2008
Jackie - Kentucky

Hello all and a good morning to Alaska. Savannah Guthrie just reported on msnbc the “Palin going rogue” story is not true. But we all know that they’d deny it anyway. She said no one knows who from the campaign is talking to the Politico reporter. Anyway, to all of your Alaskans, you are going impeach her or do something to her when she gets back home on Nov. 5, aren’t you? Please, please, we cannot stand the thought of seeing her back on the national scene in 2012. Go get her!!!

25 10 2008

The Personnel Board can’t impeach Palin. If they find an impeacheable offense they file a report with the senate. They can impose fines for civil penalties.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Anyone hear when her press conference is to happen.

I just watched McCain yell fight about fifty times. He is going to start a riot with that talk.

25 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@BigPete (10:42:01) :
@ jamie, floridian-in exile

Southernmost Fla
“where the alligators roam
and the deer and the antelope play”


Actually it’s true – self-imposed political exile when Reagan was re-elected. I knew then I had to get out. Either that or go into politics to change things – but I was too shy back then.

And alligators roam a little bit all over the state. I know they regularly find them in golf course lakes in Tampa (at least when I lived there). And the home of the brave?

25 10 2008
SoCal Bob

What Sarah doesn’t realize is that we (the American public) are really tired of her and her attitude. She leaves an impression similar to that left by Miss So. Carolina. She will never be seen as a serious contender for a major political seat at the national level again.

Once the election is over, Sarah will be known as THE major reason McCain lost. That should pretty much bury her future chances for a national office. I’m just sorry Alaska gets to take her back. Can’t you change the locks on the mansion or something while she’s gone?

25 10 2008
Lana, KY



25 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I hate to say it, but I really think I need to turn off here and join hubby on the sofa until bedtime. Good-night all and I’ll be on tomorrow when we get back from mushroom hunting.

25 10 2008
Jackie - Kentucky

Thanks for the info Kendrick. But I was speaking of everything she has done/may have done, …..Abuse of power, kids traveling on state money, building her house with some “help”, having her husband involved in state business, etc etc. Is there anything that she can be impeached on? Something that can really smear her?

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

SWWNBN should be on MSNBC at about 3:30 Eastern time.

watch here.

25 10 2008
Proud Community OrganzierWA

I am so pleased to finally have gotten the chance to tell what really happened and get the truth out,”


We already know she has a very wide range when it comes to the truth! See that ego at work once again? She has spoken and so therefor it is the truth her truth and nothing but her truth!

Shaking my head

25 10 2008
Medieval nice person

Uh-oh, more bad news for Palin, involving slanted bids on the gas pipeline:

And more for Stevens. 2.7 mil for a road to his pal’s restaurant:

Ain’t it a shame?

25 10 2008
Barb In Knoxville, TN

Looks like everyone is finally on to “Lady Palin”, there is much unhappiness in the McCain camp….drat.

25 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ SoCal Bob
But wouldn’t she just return to Wasilla and charge the good people of AK per diem? No, I think they’ll need to find some way to evict her.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Palin is on CNN with her Polar Bear pin again……………………………….barf!

25 10 2008
Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein

AKM and fellow mudflatters, this may be OT, but I felt that you
might find it good reading. From the Mayor of Ketchikan AK.
The View From ‘Nowhere’
Our town in Alaska sorely needed a bridge to it’s airport.
Instead, we became a national punch line.

Link to full story in Newsweek.

25 10 2008

Don’t cha’ know? It’s Palin truth. Ya betcha!

25 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

From Under the Radar (link of original story links to actual interview of McCain):

“John McCain told reporters last week that he is proud of a mailer his campaign sent to residents of Missouri and Virginia titled “Terrorists Don’t Care Who They Hurt.” It then suggests “Barack Obama thinks terrorists just need a good talking to.”

At an interview with a local television station in Missouri, McCain was shown the flyer and asked if he’s proud of it. “Absolutely,” he said.

McCain’s mailer seriously distorts Barack Obama’s statements on international diplomacy. Barack has said he believes it is important to open up diplomatic dialogues with foreign heads of state — whether or not those states are U.S. allies.”

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

A rolling stone may gather no moss, but it sure can pick up a lot of $hit on it’s way down. That’s how I see SP. More and more stuff is starting to stick to her and soon MSM won’t be able to ignore (or palinize) these truths.

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Blue Idaho (10:52:13) :

A story on Yahoo said that Palin was becoming frustrated with her handlers and is going to break free. This is going to be fun. Can you hear the roller coaster tick tick tick going up the hill?

I caught the video of her breaking free from her “handler” last evening debarking the plane. It was as if she was running towards the press; the handler, after spying SP was frantically saying over and over to the press, “thank you, thank you”, all the while trying to herd SP away. SP was ignoring her as much as possible until it became clear that the handler was just going to talk over her.

Yes, this should be funny. Starting overtly with the B. Williams interview series, I believe she is trying to distance herself from JM prior to the election as much as possible. It was pretty clear to me that she took that interview over. I also have a feeling that she is going to throw herself at the press as much as possible over the next 10 days……..oh lawdy, we will have to listen to more of that voice! Yikes!

All I know is there’s gonna be a lot to talk about next week.

25 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

The story was on the front page of HufPo, too.

25 10 2008

Does anyone know when Obama’s 1/2 hour ad is going to be on? I thought I heard it was before a World Series game but don’t know which one.

My mother-in-law was asking me. She is a life-long Republican who I think is now one of Barack’s biggest fans. She absolutely loves him and wants to see anything he does. She BTW is Japanese and came to this country in 1948 following the war. She became a citizen within a couple of years of arriving and worked her way up from being very, very poor to being comfortably well-off. It boggles my mind the way she has got behind Barack Obama. The fact he reaches so many different people at so many walks of life of so many different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities never ceases to amaze me.

I read a comment over at Dailykos the other day where someone says they love the pictures they show at Obama rallies where it is just hands reaching out to shake Obama’s hand because it always such a diverse mix of hands – so many different races andl colors together.

25 10 2008

I think Palin has already offered some ‘rougish’ freudian slips
In a recent interview she described herself as “VP Presidential candidate”.
In another, she talked about being “in the white house”….I think even Cheney’s offices are somewhere else. Even Palin’s gag about being President of the Senate indicates an oversized ego.

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM (11:25:10) :

oh lawdy, we will have to listen to more of that voice! Yikes!

I hate it too, but that’s the only way her supporters are going to get a ‘fair and balanced’ view of her. I want her to just keep shoveling.

25 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ ocliberal
I think it’s scheduled for the 29th. Not sure what time, though.

25 10 2008
25 10 2008
Blue Idaho
25 10 2008

More dirt on Stevens?

Sen. Stevens got $2.7 million for friend’s road
AP: Alaska senator moved project to the front of the line

…Persons, owner of the popular watering hole where the Republican senator frequently dines, testified as a defense witness this month in Washington, where Stevens is on trial for corruption…

…Trial testimony indicated that Stevens granted Persons power of attorney to guide the home renovation. Among the many presents Stevens is charged with concealing is a nearly $2,700 massage chair from Persons…

25 10 2008

I stumbled upon this :
two AK women speak up about McCain’s choice

25 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon

Dear ECP – that link was exactly the one I was looking for – thank you!

25 10 2008
Linda in Virginia

Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon (10:52:07) :

Here’s another religion link posted a few threads ago:

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


My 82 year old mother has been a life-long republican as well. She adores Obama and can’s stand either Cindy McCain or SP. It’s so much fun to listen to her talk! She is really excited about our guy!

Cool, huh?

Oh, and I know he speaks Wednesday the 29th, but I don’t know when exactly.

25 10 2008
Susan in PA (Goalie Sanka Hussein)

Sarah’s on MSNBC right now, but I can’t bring myself to watch~

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I try to watch she and McCain live, but I usually turn it off in disgust.

25 10 2008

OMG Sp is on Live cnn right now and had Piper talking. SP is let loose now . Watch out.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Palin is letting Piper talk at a rally. Way to pimp your kid out lady.

25 10 2008
Lock Pepper in Honolulu

Right now, SaPa is in Iowa live on CNN at a rally and she just let Piper say a few words…
What blatant hypocrisy! Remember the brouhaha about Barack and family doing that cute brief little interview and how the repugnants screamed that he was using his family? Exposing them to the media?

Now you see Piper and Willow at almost every rally–it makes me almost as mad as…that d— Marie Osmond Nutri System commercial! (of course that’s kind of an irrational irritation and disgust, at least I know why I’m angry with those children being dragged around in the limelight–)

25 10 2008

I can’t wait until this happens, I suppose it’s too much to hope that scientists will have it perfected by Nov 5th?

25 10 2008

Des Moines WTF? Has Palin hijacked the Democrat’s platform?

You’d think that she’d at least offer credit to the authors.

25 10 2008
Susan in PA (Goalie Sanka Hussein)

Oh, G*d, she just mentioned Joe the Plumber – I think I’m going to barf.

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Halcrow (11:34:27) :

Sen. Stevens got $2.7 million for friend’s road
AP: Alaska senator moved project to the front of the line


That was for seven tenths of a mile! Sheesh does it really cost that much to do less than one mile? I really don’t know the answer to that question. Hmmm

25 10 2008
A Fan From Chicago

Is it just me or does it seem like Sarah is packin’ a few extra pounds lately? Must be from eating her own words. Can wait for her to go off the reservation and start doing her mavericky, rogue thing. Should be fun to watch.

25 10 2008
trig or treat

Let’s not just sit on our asses complaining. If you can can possibly do it, please call your local Obama campaign office and offer to donate some time to help today. I’m joining 100 other volunteers here in Oregon. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s get Obama elected!!

25 10 2008

Des Moines WTF? Has Palin hijacked the Democrat platform?

You’d think that she’d at least offer credit to the authors.

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

This is going to be the next thing to bite the McCain campaign. Betcha it was somebody from their side.

I couldn’t watch – as soon as she said what a ‘truthful’ campaign she and McCain were running, I felt like I was getting sick.

25 10 2008

Hick Town in W PA (11:01:47)

Hey Chi-Town and Indiana folks … have you read this?


I am going to go ahead and respond to this and declare myself the “Lake County Indiana Representative Mudflatter Reporter”. If there are others from NW Indiana who would like this title than I suggest a good old mud wrestle.

Lake County’s motto is “Vote Early Vote Often” and without going into a entire blogs worth of explanation we have been riddled with political corruption. We border Chicago so our ties are bound. The southern red part of the state would gladly annex us over to Illinois. Besides BP (located in my hometown) and our steel mills most people from this area work in Chicago so this area is very much BLUE.

They have opened early voting sites in East Chicago, Gary and Hammond. These are very poor/minority neighborhoods. Their current populations are Gary (pop. 96,000), Hammond (pop. 77,000), and East Chicago (pop. 30,000). This makes it easier for the residents of these and their neighboring towns and cities to vote early instead of driving out to Crown Point.

The Republicans have a problem with this because it was not a unanimous vote to open the other sites. I imagine if John McCain was leading there wouldn’t be a problem but that’s just my opinion. Since I have voted myself “Lake County Indiana Representative Mudflatter Reporter” I will try to report more unbiased reports in the future.

25 10 2008

SP actually thinks this is ALL about her NOT us.

25 10 2008

God speaks…the live feed sound is failin…

25 10 2008

Is that Trig behind the sign? Almost child abuse: they should give the poor wee bairn a hard hat, as he’s being hammered senseless by the placard.

25 10 2008


25 10 2008

Did you say BIG SPENDING …….What about the Hockey stadium in your own backyard SP.Thats nat fare.

25 10 2008

OMG Abuses of Power…….Iam geeting SICK

25 10 2008

See I cant even spell.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

How does this sound for a rally sign. McCain 10% Maverick 90% Bush!

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

I couldn’t listen to her past about the 2 minute mark. It’s like when Bush comes on tv… I can’t get to the remote fast enough to mute him or turn the channel altogether.

Now a Biden clip! I love him.

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Wow! I think that I’d be scared to leave my children with that woman.

25 10 2008

@Crust Scramble – SouthGA (11:42:07) :
This is going to be the next thing to bite the McCain campaign. Betcha it was somebody from their side.

This intrusion is probably the actions of the press, not either campaign. If the McCain’s learned of Joe’s story they would not have played it, and the Obama camp would chose to stay away from Joe at all costs. He has cost them enough already.

It was most likely the press.

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Now CNN’s using the ‘diva’ word.

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

bPoint (11:53:56) :

I’m sure you’re right, but with the idiots running their campaign, it wouldn’t surprise me if it tracks back to McCain.

25 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

@Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein (11:19:17) :

AKM and fellow mudflatters, this may be OT, but I felt that you
might find it good reading. From the Mayor of Ketchikan AK.
The View From ‘Nowhere’
Our town in Alaska sorely needed a bridge to it’s airport.
Instead, we became a national punch line.
Link to full story in Newsweek.
Surely they deserve a bridge— they are in a very remote area and with 14,000 year round citizens they are twice the size of Wasilla.

25 10 2008

Has everyone on here already seen this great post on HuffPo, about the McCain/Palin campaign and the Lucifer effect? This is a highly recommended read; I think it could even help some undecided voters figure out how the smears have worked to scare them.

It breaks down the psychological “tactics” of McCain/Palin smears:

25 10 2008
Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein


Obama up by 13 nationally.

25 10 2008

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM (11:53:04) :

Wow! I think that I’d be scared to leave my children with that woman.
I would not leave my kids with that women. Why is she dragging her children around with her. They should be home with Todd in there own home and going to school like Michelle Obama is with her children while her husband pursues his career.

25 10 2008

I am not so sure what Sarah and Todd’s depositions will accomplish. These were “voluntary” depositions, not required by any court and no penalty for failing to answer. Their own lawyer, van Flein, was there to shield them from difficult questions, and if they refused to answer anything there was no recourse to a judge to make them answer. So they got to put their own spin on whatever Petumenos asked them … just recall Sarah’s “answer” to Gwen Ifill in the debate “I’m not going to answer your question; I am going to speak directly to the American people”. If the depositions are ever made public (and my bet is never), all we are going to see is spin, evasion, and non-answers.

25 10 2008
Daisy Hussein

Obama’s New Two-Minute Ad

Huffpo has the new Obama Ad where he speaks directly to the camera. If you want to be uplifted, check it out. I had tears in my eyes by the end. I guess hearing rational, calm, hopeful words for a plan to bring us all together can do that to me now. All the McCain, Palin, Bachmann, etc. hateful rhetoric is bad for the spirit.


Obama/Biden 08

25 10 2008


From the long article on the Lucifer Effect, McCain & Palin above:
“What can the Obama campaign and Obama supporters do to stave off the psyops of the McCain-Palin campaign? Barack Obama and his campaign staff and volunteers are already doing it. Social influence research shows that having shared goals (task interdependence) is the best way to integrate ingroup and outgroup (‘us versus them’) members. Obama, his staff, and his volunteers should simply continue to emphasize the goals, dreams, and values that Barack Obama shares with ordinary Americans. Barack Obama and his supporters should continue to emphasis his shared ‘American experience.’ Feldman wisely notes, though, that this work will not end after the election even if Barack Obama wins: ‘Anyone blaming the McCain-Palin campaign for stoking the prejudices of people in small towns should also be talking about how the McCain-Palin campaign is going to leave these same people drowning in a sea of propaganda-inspired fear on Nov. 5 if Barack Obama wins…'”

25 10 2008
Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein

ocliberal: Obama will be on NBC, October 29th, at 8:pm EST.

25 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

I particularly like the description of Palin the Diva from the CNN interview with McCain advisor.

“Remember: divas trust only unto themselves as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Palin gets off an airplane and has to announce to reporters that she is wearing her own coat. Lord what a moron.

25 10 2008

Well I don’t seem to be a member of the forum any more? I HAVE been a little busy, most recently hand shoveling dirt back into the 8’X 10′ hole in my yard, to cover the pump so it won’t freeze tonight.( The back hoe guy will require another $300. to do it with his bulldozer.
Hopefully the clorax treatment will clear up the polluted well. Right before that I went to the gas station and got 2 gallons of diesel fuel for the heater, so I can take a shower having been without ANY water for 24 hours.
SOmething tells me palin doesn’t live this kind of rugged life up there in alaska!
And I am 69 not 44! My sense of humor over anyone taking her at all seriously has gone missing!
I thought I was Rifle Panzer Palin but it wasn’t recognized?????????????

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@ kimosabe,

Oh, so what we have here is “Faux Depo’s”…okay.

At least she’s consistent. What is the deal with this lady and her version of the “truth”.

25 10 2008

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Tell nephew Sierra Hotel on the game. He’ll know what you mean. DH managed to get it on radio via the pooter. Alas, on the east coast, we seldom get any of their games on the teevee.

Jeez, I can’t believe Palin is letting her kid talk. This is the little one, right? OY!

Just out of curiosity, what are the recall standards in AK? In a lot of states they are not that demanding.

25 10 2008

Blue Idaho (12:18:29) :

Palin gets off an airplane and has to announce to reporters that she is wearing her own coat. Lord what a moron.
WoW Now SP is getting cocky and mocking us

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


Will do. My nephew scored a TD in the game! Good game and I just knew they would do it this year. Hope that made DH’s week a little better…

About your recall statement. I have been wondering if there is any effort in AK yet to do so. Maybe somebody knows something? Sure would give her something warm and fuzzy to come home to..

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

kimosabe (12:05:24) :

I am not so sure what Sarah and Todd’s depositions will accomplish. These were “voluntary” depositions, not required by any court and no penalty for failing to answer. Their own lawyer, van Flein, was there to shield them from difficult questions, and if they refused to answer anything there was no recourse to a judge to make them answer. So they got to put their own spin on whatever Petumenos asked them … just recall Sarah’s “answer” to Gwen Ifill in the debate “I’m not going to answer your question; I am going to speak directly to the American people”. If the depositions are ever made public (and my bet is never), all we are going to see is spin, evasion, and non-answers.
I don’t understand. A deposition, by definition, is taken under oath, by a proper authority. Voluntary or not, it’s still permissible in a court of law. They can’t refuse to answer. They can only take the ‘fifth’. Since it’s her investigation into her, she can’t spin it as being ‘unauthorized’.

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Blue Idaho,

Are you feeling any different about Florida at the moment? You mentioned the other day that you didn’t think Obama would take it.

I’m concerned about the disenfranchised voter there. I hear the lines are 4-5 hours wait; and a request has been made to keep the polling places open for 12 hours each day. Man, that Katherine Harris sure made a mess of things before she left that position. I also heard this morning that over 600,000 votes have been cast already.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Now didn’t Palin say it was sexist to focus on her wardrobe and that a man would never have deal with this sort of scrutiny. Then she goes and brings it up herself. Pat your self on the back Sarah you wore your own coat.

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

C.Rock (12:23:54) :

Blue Idaho (12:18:29) :

Palin gets off an airplane and has to announce to reporters that she is wearing her own coat. Lord what a moron.
WoW Now SP is getting cocky and mocking us
Was it tacky? If not, we know she’s lying. Did she say how much it cost? (I can hear my Momma whispering in my ear, “Now let’s not be catty”.)

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

I guess I just supprized it is so close after what happened 8 years ago. I guess mabie there are still many hold out Clinton supporters. I have a few on my husbands side of the family who I have failed to convince.

25 10 2008

OT but very important re the style of the McP campaign…

Some of you might be interested in this statement from a group of senior communication professors at many of the nation’s major research universities:

Just came back from Obama rally on Anchorage ParkStrip…..grand time had by all! Watch for pix…

25 10 2008
portland oregon native

re: bridge to the airport in Ketchikan;
It is understandable that a politico from Ketchikan would want this bridge. It would have provided more money and some part time jobs injected into the community.
However, the ferry over to the airport works just fine. I have taken this ferry several times in the past 10 years. Any bridge built over to the airport would have had to be at least 225 feet high to accommodate the height of cruise ships whose only route is through the straight between the airport and the town. That is one of the reasons the bridge was so expensive.
Do not despair for the citizens of Ketchikan and Alaska. Sarah kept most of the money allocated for the bridge and used it for other stuff.
I do not know if the federal money was used for this purpose but when we were in Ketchikan in the summer of 07 on our boat, the small boat marina downtown was being ripped out to make room for another cruise ship dock. The yachties are now forced into the marina for the fishing fleet which is a long way from town and the check in for US customs when you come north from Canada.
Not very convenient for shopping or much else though the fishermen and women are great people who work very hard and have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.
It is kinda cool to see the bald eagles sitting on the runway lights during take off and landing.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

I’ll be catty. Why after a 150,000 dollar makeover does Palin still have a mustache? Or was that cover pre makeover.

25 10 2008
SoCal Gal

It’s clear to me that Conservative ideology attracts psychologically conflicted and fearful people. I’ve come to the conclusion that Conservatism is not so much a political ideology, but a tossed together grab bag of psychological neurosis dressed up as ideology.

25 10 2008
WV Democrat

@Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein (11:19:17) :

AKM and fellow mudflatters, this may be OT, but I felt that you
might find it good reading. From the Mayor of Ketchikan AK.
The View From ‘Nowhere’
Our town in Alaska sorely needed a bridge to it’s airport.
Instead, we became a national punch line.
Link to full story in Newsweek.

Very good read and interesting perspective. I find nothing wrong with giving this town the darn bridge. Perhaps Ms Governator can put up half and the feds put up half.

25 10 2008

Saw this today:
T-shirt says ” I’m voting for that one”


: )

25 10 2008

Does anyone know if they have Republicans For Obama t-shirts? I need one before I go over my brother’s house next weekend.

25 10 2008
copybook realist

Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon (10:52:07) :

Does anyone remember a link, posted within the last few days, about SP’s religion? I didn’t get a chance to read it (other posters mentioned the word “nightmares” I believe!) and I have a conservative cousin in Indiana who I have been able to open a dialogue with about the election. Shock of all shocks. I dug around the last few posts but am hoping someone here remembers it? Thank you! I’m a workin’ hard on that catholic Indiana cousin. She has a big family!
here is link form huff post

The other one was from the dailyKOS

A good piece on the “church of Palin”

25 10 2008
Chin Trout Hussein (NJ)

I just rsvp’d to an Obama Rally for Tuesday! My kids (high school and middle school) are very excited to go too. What an honor to hear Obama in person! He’s speaking at Widener Univeristy in Chester (near Philly). Any of you going?

25 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

@ DrChill (12:50:03) :

Saw this today:
T-shirt says ” I’m voting for that one”

I got me one of those. Now I just have to bring myself to take it off long enough to give it a wash. We won’t lose if I wash my t-shirt, will we? 🙂

25 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

New Thread Alert!!

25 10 2008

AKM: these bloody ‘SNAP’ pop-ups are, IM[not so]HO, a PITA!

Anyone else feel they should be like Palin and GO?

25 10 2008
Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein

judi hussein that one Obama (11:58:50) :
I am hopeful that I am not being scolded for posting that link.
I know nothing about the area discussed in the article.
After reading it, I feel that Palin was being unfair, to the people
in that location, for denying them the opportunity of getting
the bridge.

25 10 2008

Hello, to all.
Just dropping in to read and inform myself again.

We should make sure Keith and Rachel see the crazy ladies’ prayer group video. They will do a follow up on the cult that Sarah is linked to.

Thanks to all for keeping me informed.

25 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Bill Clinton is campaigning with Obama on Wed in Orlando, FL .

25 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

I’m putting on my own snow tires and donated $55 to the Obama campaign! Two more to go.

25 10 2008

Here is the best read on the subject of impeachment I have found.

Article III, Section 16, of the Alaska Constitution imposes a nondiscretionary duty on Governor Palin to “be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws.” And Article II, Section 20, of the Alaska Constitution states: “All civil officers of the State are subject to impeachment by the legislature.”

25 10 2008

Not so sure that “all she has to do is hold a press conference.” That would be a good question for the investigator (as to whether he is requesting people not discuss it with the media). If she held a press conference, her testimony would become public information and she would tip off anyone else testifying as to what she said. Often when investigations or legal proceedings are underway, people who testify are asked not to make any statements to the press until the matter is resolved.

25 10 2008

If McCain loses, Palin’s allies say that the national Republican Party hasn’t seen the last of her. Politicians are sometimes formed by a signal defeat — as Bill Clinton was when he was tossed out of the Arkansas governor’s mansion after his first term — and Palin would return to a state that had made her America’s most popular governor and where her image as a reformer who swept aside her own party’s insiders rings true, if not in the cartoon version the McCain campaign presented.

25 10 2008

It looks like the Palin curse is going strong. The Blues lost last night after she dropped the puck and a Blue player was injured in a fight that Palin cheered wildly for. The player tripped over the carpet that was put down for Palin to walk on. Watch it America-the Palin curse could hit here.

25 10 2008

SP has became a monster with a HUGE EGO

25 10 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

I read the article about the Bridge in Ketchikan AK., I totally sympathize about how long it takes to get to the regional airport.

I am wondering about the air service tho – is the airport equipped for large planes – or passenger jets?

I live in a small community (half the population of Ketchikan) – we have a “regional” airport that can only take prop planes & small jets – not “passenger jets” with even 75 ppl on board. To reach the largest “real airport” (Delta / NW / Continental etc.) is over 300 miles- one way

25 10 2008

I’m not an attorney; however, I do believe if she hold a press conference or speak with the press and says something contrary to her deposition, then her statements can be used against her. Can someone verify this please?

Finally, I trust that you great Alaskans will make sure that the proper discipline is issued out; hopefully, impeachment, so we will not have to see her on the national scene again. There is just tooooooooooooooo much corruption surrounding her.

25 10 2008

I heard mention of witness tampering, which may or may not have come up in yesterday’s deposition. Has anyone else heard about this?

25 10 2008

shoeho! a big MWAH! for the moose find! you’re the greatest!!

trooper investigation questions:

1) the findings will be made public, right? just not the transcripts?

2) has Monegan given any thought to running for Governor? i mean, i KNOW y’all have one…but she seems to have her hands full. any forward movement on recalling or impeaching her? listen, i’m not trying to shake up a “As the World Turns” moment or anything, but it seems as though she’s not really lived up – even partially – to the oath she took.

25 10 2008
Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein

WV Democrat (12:48:09)
I was born in Nicholas Co. and grew up in Webster Co.
Left the state not long after Woodstock and a short time
at Marshall Univ. Where do you hail from in WV?

25 10 2008

Got three things to say and in no particular order:

1) Considering the cost of the bridge to get to the Ketchikan airport, wouldn’t it have been wiser and cheaper to build another airport that wasn’t on an island or needed a bridge? Not sure of the geography in question but it has always struck me as odd as to why the airport would have been put in a place where you had to take a ferry or need a zillion dollar bridge to get to it.

2) Considering all that is being exposed in regards to Palin’s 20 month reign of terror as Alaska’s Governor, is the Alaksa press embarrassed that they were in essence her cheerleaders while her and her husband were pretty much a criminal enterprise?

3) This will sound harsh but the heat needs to continue to be held to Palin’s feet as to totally destroy her politically. If not she will someday appear as a Presidential candidate and given what we know all ready that would spell disaster for the country even if she was not elected. She is such a divissive individual that during the course of an campaign (with her on the top of the ticket) she would absolutely tear this country apart. She needs to be sent packing and spend her days as a talk show host of on Fox News where she can do less harm to the country than she has already done.

Anyway, I’m going to research how to get in touch with the Obama folks to volunteer driving people to the polls. While I have donated money during this campaign marathon I’d like to volunteer my time and that would be the best way I think. I’m not the type that would be good at calling people or canvassing door to door but I can drive and help people who have limited mobility so I think that would be my best way to help.

Time to begin getting ready for the Penn State – Ohio State game. At the risk of offending the folks from Ohio….GO NITTANY LIONS!!!!!

25 10 2008
trig or treat

Nice link. Check it out and send it along to friends and family.

25 10 2008
Commando Coalfire Palin
25 10 2008


I had the same thought regarding the airport. I looked on Google Earth (totally cool software) and the area is pretty mountainous, not a lot of room for an airport. But I didn’t realize that the airport is only a mile from downtown, Wikipedia says it’s a seven minute ferry ride. Maybe the bridge money would be better spent upgrading the ferry.

25 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Pursang (14:15:04) : Just contact your local Obama office. If you don’t have one (like me), try the County dems or in my case I contacted the 3rd Congressional District Dem candidate, Kathy DahlKemper. My county dems are rather lame and disorganized.

25 10 2008

Yeah. I love this. Sarah has got to save face somehow so she is going to SHOW MCCAIN WHO SHE REALLY IS. Can you imagine the little wheels turning around in her brain? Sarah’s brain: “No one likes me. The McCain and Bush camps are controlling me and telling me what to say and do. They EVEN went shopping for me and bought me new clothes. What was the matter with my clothes anyway? What is this VP job anyway? oh, GOD, I what am I going to do with the kids when I am out campaigning? I guess I’ ll just have to take them along. I am sure that people will be charmed by Bristol, my 17-year-old unmarried, high-school dropout daughter. But, every which way I turn, I am lambasted, so I am just gonna to show them. I am gonna do my own press conferences, create my OWN policies, and just show them that I am TRULY and maverick. Wow. She is just in a little mouse trap. The Repubicans on one side, public opinion in another, and the problems in Alaska. Yikes!

25 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

Wow, she never ceases to amaze me. This woman is a narcissist. Apparently when she mentioned her own coat, she also said “I and John McCain.” Not only grammatically incorrect but seems to indicate McCain as an afterthought.

25 10 2008

Of all the dumb stuff Sarah Palin may or may have done or not done, this is the one that is potentially the most damaging and
could lead to an actual criminal charge.
Look at the windows of the Palin house and the sports complex:

At approx 2:41 into the video there is a great shot of the front of the complex.
Compare the windows there to pics of the house..

More windows pics from the complex:

VERY similar windows. The trim is a bit different but I bet the sizes match exactly!
Feel free to mix and match!
Someone PLEASE help connect the dots on this. A construction contractor, an engineer, an architrect. Even a plumber!
It is very Ted Stevens-esque, the timeline is perfect and it smells like a rotten salmon.
No offense to the salmon.

25 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@enjay AKA Turbine Yukon (13:21:50) :

Ketchikan gets regular large jets at that airport, 747s or 737s or whatever the big jets that Alaska Airlines flies are. So it is a big airport and runway.

@Pursang (14:15:04) :

Ketchikan is on an island and the airport is on another island. The geography of SE AK is such that is is very difficult to find sufficient space for the size runways we need for large jets. The geography is such that it would be impossible to put an airport on the island Ketchikan is on.

Even Juneau is looking at maybe having to build a new airport on the western side of Douglas Island, as there may not be sufficient space to expand the current one, since it’s bordered by wetlands and the Wetlands Refuge.

Come visit; we’ll show why we’re landlocked!

25 10 2008

Simple question…….tampering with witness – evading taxes by not claiming “gifts” – lying under oath – I’m sure there are other “issues”……..anyway…..are these felonies in AK ?? If so – just by the law of averages…….something gotta stick……..right ?!?! I mean – she is pushin’ a bucket of shit around with a real short stick………someone is gonna trip her or shove her hard !!!! There are too many people who aint gonna take a bullet for poodle OR Dud……..comments.

25 10 2008
wired hussein differently

Michele: Way upstream I read your very moving post/letter. Thank you for giving us the language to speak to the stupidity and offensiveness of SP’s derisive remark about fruit fly research. I think your daughter is very fortunate that you are her mother. And I recall from visiting your blog a couple weeks ago that you are pretty funny, too. Compassionate, articulate, smart, funny. Go, you!

25 10 2008

For those of you who still may want to do something during the next torturous
10 days, you can log onto: website and register to make calls. The whole process is very well organized…no surprise there! I am still making calls to people in PA. , although I live in AZ.

Jane Mayer has an article in the 10/27 New Yorker about SP’s selection. It’s a good read as is the article in the 10/26 NYX magazine section about McSame’s campaign.

25 10 2008
lauren in SD

Wired Hussein Differently!

You eloquently expressed my same sentiment regarding Michele’s incredibly well-written letter.

Kinda reminds me of the intelligent and composed tone of the whole Obama campaign AND fellow Muds!

I am so proud to soak it all in on this wonderful site.

Carry on …… each one of you rocks!

25 10 2008

Thank you for your letter on genetic research related to disability issues. I have a son with a disability, and genetics has always been an interest of mine. Very well written letter. So may people do not understand scientific research and the purposes it serves. Unfortuntely, I think Sarah Palin is deficient in so many areas. She will probably not be helpful in this area because she doesn’t take the time to understand. Now that she has a child with a developmental disability perhaps this will change. But, she has a long way to go and lot to learn.

26 10 2008
Ima Sikadis

Does anyone know what happened to the “Truth Squad”? Meg and Ed were – in a perverse way – entertaining.

This random thought beamed its way through the synapses when for whatever random reason, I had a neural backfire and thought about Theresa Obermeyer (cue the cringes for Alaskans) and her relentless harassment of Ted Stevens. Has she been muzzled too?

Don’t you think Meg Stapleton could be Theresa’s cute little sister or maybe even a long-lost daughter. Just imagine MEG with another 20 years worth of wrinkles and vileness and I think you’d seen the connection.


27 10 2008

The implications of the following link on Huff post are really good for America:

I agree that this is the tip of the iceberg of corruption in our government and on Wall Street. This has got to stop. It is interesting that all these little “coincidences” are occurring right now to place Obama in the presidency. Call it karma or the “stars are all lined up”, whatever you want, but we really need Obama to win. So, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. I just convinced two more people to vote for Obama today. GOBAMA!

27 10 2008
Linda E

I am concerned about Gov Palin’s involvement in the Contract for the 1.715-mile natural gas pipeline that was solicitated incorrectly. Will anyone press this forward? The news media has either not addressed it or have dropped their articles. This is worse than Troopergate This situation involves conflict of interest, manipulating a solicitation to exclude competition and the lack of transparency Ms Palin is supposed to be known for, I’m sure just to name a few. Who know what else.

Being a Government acquisition professional I understand what the repercussions of this act on the part of Ms Palin and her Pipeline Team should be.

Someone needs to nail her for this that is for sure.

I am so concerned that at this point; she is so close to the Whitehouse. What a danger to this nation.