Todd Palin Subpoena Dump & the Latest from the “Truth Squad.”

8 10 2008

Well, here’s the official subpoena response from Todd Palin through his lawyer, Thomas Van Flein.

Click HERE.

And here is the latest video from…..The “Truth Squad”

Click HERE.

I suggest aspirin for the first, and Pepto Bismol for the second.




164 responses

8 10 2008


8 10 2008

Seriously, the desperation in McCain’s and Palin’s rhetoric that has pushed them to use these racial slurs is very, very dangerous. Do they want to incite a riot? Or get someone killed? This is escalating and needs to be toned down seriously. Isn’t their anything in campaign ethics laws that state that hate language is against the law? I suppose they will say the first amendment and all that, but they know better. McCain has just about done himself in with this shit. And he obviously doesn’t have the guts to do a lot of this himself so he hides behind Sarah and now his wife, Cindy… He is just using them for his own ends. He knows that these women have problems, and he exploits them.

Now the right is even ridiculing the way Obama pronounces Pakistan, which is correct, by the way. This is another racist remark. It is the same mentality as when people say ” If they want to come to the American, they need to speak English.” I guess as an ESL teacher, I find this appalling. This speaks to our disconnection as a country about the rest of the world. This is why we need Obama. He is at least a person who understands a diverse and multicultural society and where we are headed. It is very exciting and I am thrilled when I think of the future of what this country could be like in the world if people would stop the “us vs. them” mentality.

Great quote “We are all equally different.”

Anyone catch Michelle Obama on Larry King tonight? Superb. She wouldn’t play. Good for her! Larry likes women he can admire for their integrity and incomparable minds, and she is one of them. She will be a great first lady

8 10 2008

The McCain/Palin rallies have now become Anti-Obama rallies.

8 10 2008

So, pronouncing Pakistan correctly….that’s bad.
But pronouncing nuclear “nookyaler”….that’s OK.

8 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

was close to the last on prev. topic so moving over ~~~

For those that aren’t aware – I live in the Big Sky state of Montana – we have a wonderful Democratic Governor AND Republican Lt. Governor I believe this is a unique “ticket” and has worked well in our state.

Our Lt. Gov. (John Bohlinger) wrote a Guest opion in the papers which might be of interest regarding the Repubs. trying to invalidate 6,000 voter registrations in our State. NOTE: “A significant number targeted are servicement”


“””Not only was the effort blatantly deceptive, but the Republicans based their challenge on a national change-of-address database from an out-of-state vendor who sells personal information. Among other problems, this database lists servicemen and women who have been deployed overseas as having moved out of Montana. In other words, if you go to Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Fort Sill, Okla., to report for active duty, you have “moved out of the state” according to this list.”””

Read more about our REPUBLICAN Lt. Gov. take on the REPUB PARTY tactics:

8 10 2008
Lori W.

Todd’s affidavit released – sort of.

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Enjay, I responded to this on the other thread as well, but your gov’nah and lt. gov’nah ROCK! I am tired of the two-party system, but this is not the time to vote third party.

I am listening to a clip of Joe Biden speaking at a rally today, and it’s so positive. Even when he’s saying McCain didn’t talk about the middle class, the people are polite. Joe is talking naturally and making jokes and being intelligent.

Boy, do our guys have it all or what?

8 10 2008
Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater

Hmm,.. An Alaska Press Conference with a McOld/Failin sign instead of the Alaska State Seal? Shouldn’t something that’s a state matter not be promoting a candidate in a national election?

That could border on misconduct..

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Hey, AKM, how about doing a blogging of the First Dude’s depo just like you did with the debates? You know, ‘Me stupid. Wife needs plane now. Blah blah blah.” I really don’t want to read it.

A little insight into John McCain, from fellow AZ people.

8 10 2008
Cynamen Hussein Alaska Blue

akmuckraker (20:07:13) :

So, pronouncing Pakistan correctly….that’s bad.
But pronouncing nuclear “nookyaler”….that’s OK
So Bushlike ~ it’s disturbing.

Nevertheless, YES WE WILL!

8 10 2008

He has very selective memory.

Well maybe this will cheer you up. I thought this was toooo funny

8 10 2008
Bill R.

Just wondering.. how does racial hatred play in Alaska? Are Alaskans proud of their KKK governor? Is this what you do in Alaskan politics?

8 10 2008

Soo agreeing with AKMuckraker!! We’ve had nearly 8 – count them 8 years of George W. saying NU-CU-LAR!! There is NO WAY that I’m going to tolerate 4 MORE YEARS of the mis-pronunciation of such a simple word by another “SIMPLE-MINDED PERSON!” NO WAY, I tell you!!!


8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

Michelle Obama is just as AWESOME as Barack is!!!! I love them, and pray for their safety everynight!!!

Did you guys see her on Larry King Live! She is truly a Virtuous Woman!!!

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Aw, shucks, golly-gee-whillikers! Everyone will love me as long as I give them stupid nicknames. Isn’t that right, Mr. Cheney?

Barack and Joe: two handsome, intelligent, warm, compassionate, funny, and DIGNIFIED men.

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin–wearing-Barack-Obama-T-shirt.html

Here’s the article on the London attack on the man wearing an Obama t-shirt

8 10 2008

Brought over from last thread…

Re: Nat’l Enquirer article naming SP’s affair co respondent…


I NEVER gave any credence to the Natl Enq… then came the story about John Edwards… and I had to step back. I don’t know how reliable it is… but I too saw the words “sworn affidavits” and so far- no libel lawsuits so….

I dunno

8 10 2008

Will someone from the “Mudflats Legal Department” weigh in on Todd’s statement? I have skimmed it but I’m truly not sure how it measures up as a response to the matter legally at hand…

8 10 2008

Why do these people feel they can get away with crap like this? Are his answers even responsive? Anyway, there’s a disturbing video on the Daily Kos: some stupid folks from Ohio gathering for a Palin rally…

8 10 2008
Divatalk Hussein

asianHusseingrrl – me thinks you are smitten 🙂

8 10 2008

Well Lulu..

I noticed that the interrogs were NOT under penalty of perjury…. hmmmm

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

On CNN, there was this poll:

Who would make a better first lady?
Cindy McCain 10% 4139
Michelle Obama 90% 37535
Total Votes: 41674

Woo hoo!

@Divatalk–oh, yeah. What’s not to like about our guys? I usually crush out on intelligent, funny people, and these two fit the bill perfectly. What’s not to like about them?

8 10 2008

I have this horrible feeling she will skate.

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Aaaaaand one more: at the McCain/Palin rally today, after McCain talked about Obama’s tax plan, a man yelled, “Off with his head.”

Read the second paragraph here:

8 10 2008

So do we know which “Blogger” is referred to in the first dud’s response? Is it this one or another one? Would Mudflats be That One?

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

Andrew Halcro. He ran against Palin for governor. He’s got a blog (in my sidebar) and interviewed Mike Wooten when the whole thing first started. AKM

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Hm. Don’t know if this went through. At the McCain/Palin rally today, as McCain criticizes Obama’s tax plan, a man yells, “Off with his head.”

Great. Just great.

8 10 2008

I hope Branchflower will eventually address these attacks on his integrity. Pretty rotten.

8 10 2008
Tim Hussein N - THAT one!

The duplicity, dishonesty and lack of ethics/morals of this pair (Todd and Sarah) are astounding. John McCain could not have made a better pick!

I hope Todd and Ted get adjoining cells!

8 10 2008

And from those “evil” people in Chicago(that McCain does not need to take lessons from)

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

One more time:

Hm. Don’t know if this went through. At the McCain/Palin rally today, as McCain criticizes Obama’s tax plan, a man yells, “Off with his head.”

Great. Just great.

8 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

holy crap

just got finished reading the depo and watching the vid

truly amazing

here are some of my thoughts

on the vid…seems like the press in alaska is just way too nice

on the depo….where do i start?

the workers comp case…..why does todd know anything about it? who put him in charge of any investigation, and how does he know what restrictions that wooten was placed on? (btw, is alaska the only place in the world that calls a snow mobile a snow machine?)

did not a judge in the custody case find no standing for the claims of threats alledgedly made by wooten, and stated that the family should cease and desist this apparent slander?

todd thought that wooten would plant drugs on his kids?? where does that come from? (btw, lends creedence to the rumors that both track and bristol were party animals) but in any case, this sounds totally paranoid

todd compares his relationship with his wife to former governors and their spouses? did any of the former govs have their spouses sit in on legislative meetings and did they cc all state biz emails to their spouses?

sarah was pissed that monegan had a problem with trig being driven sans car seat, and that made sarah go ballistic??? wasnt this reported by more than one source?

the plane bit is hilarious….ya sarah, they were pissed at you for selling the jet, so they didnt let you fly out to the bush….and this was never given as a reason why monegan was terminated….but damn, seems if you dont do what sarah wants….you better get the fuck out of the way

i do not want these two in dc….they are evil

8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

Meg needs to use Scarah’s tanning bed. She is not pretty, and her character makes her even uglier! What a puppet!!!

8 10 2008

A bit of news from Chicago….a good guy being vilified, at least as I see it.


Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008
Divatalk Hussein

asianHusseingrrl –

Yeah I have to admit, I find myself smiling every time I see Obama or Joe. They both have beautiful smiles. Man, it will feel good to feel good again once they are in.

When I look at them and their families together, I am always struck to say, they encompass American and what it represents. Not just wealthy white men and their wives. But racially, ethnically and culturally diverse. They make me feel happy

8 10 2008

NoCalGrl, thanks. Here’s what I noticed: he defends his obsession with Wooten as a normal “spouse” perogative….even after he admits the Governor told him she didn’t want to talk about the case anymore.

And what was with those discussions of the Governor’s driving Trig around without the correct car seat?

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin
8 10 2008

No surprise that “Mr. Palin objects to each and every” question AND the mere fact that he’s being asked them.

Who do these mere mortals think they are trying to bring down the future Queen of the Rapture Prom and her King??

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Divatalk Hussein (gotta include the Hussein), you got that right. Obama has an Asian half-sister and a really cute Asian brother-in-law. When I first saw Obama and his family up on a stage (when he won senator), I was struck at how diverse his family was. It’s a beautiful thing.

@Lulu, I agree. From the little I read (I couldn’t stomach reading the whole thing), he’s got a paranoid outlook on life.

Enough! They must go back to Alaska. Sorry, Alaskans, but we don’t want her!

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin
8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

8 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

If you read the entire 25 pg. document, is their extra-strength tylenol available for free?!

I’m struck by the following:
1. Todd Palin’s obsession borders on stalking.
2. Why was Todd Palin the one scheduling the gov’s plane for her? Isn’t that an admin function?
3. She made a big deal about selling (and losing money) the gov’s plane (on eBay, doncha’ know…) and then he complains constantly about the plane not being available for her junkets because it’s being used by law enforcement? Maybe selling the plane wasn’t such a good idea?!
4. Why did Palin spend personal money on a private investigator when he had no standing in the divorce?
5. Todd Palin spent a ton of time talking about Wooten to anyone who would listen. Why doesn’t this guy have a real job?
6. Anyone else catch how leading the private investigator’s questions were? Is this guy licensed? It reads like a bad TV show.
7. Mostly, the guy didn’t recall much which I suspect will be contradicted by everyone else.

Please… more tylenol!

8 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Hussein Palin aka Canuck for Choice

Todd, look at me, Todd, relax, Todd, please relax, relax please. OK! Great! You’ve relaxed? Yes? Welcome, Todd Palin, to the COURT and its proceedings. You are on the witness stand. You’re gonna swear on the bible and I’m going to ask you questions, and if you don’t answer them your ass is grass.

I can’t wait to see this idiot proscuted for crimes committed.

8 10 2008

Thanks, Taupe. I just skimmed the document, but I was struck by his non-responsiveness as well.

8 10 2008

@Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater (20:20:00) :
Hmm,.. An Alaska Press Conference with a McOld/Failin sign instead of the Alaska State Seal? Shouldn’t something that’s a state matter not be promoting a candidate in a national election?

That could border on misconduct..
Very interesting~

8 10 2008

On a postive note — in contrast to all this crap that we read day in & day out about those shi!!y rethuglicans and the Failin family, please watch this video. If you’re going to be on here for a while, watch it just before you go to bed so that you have some of your faith restored. I loved it. I can’t wait to have the Obamas in the White House! Ira2 I am sorry that you are stuck with dial up, and don’t know how long this would take to download for you, as it’s quite long, but it is worth it. (P.S. thank you cajun boy for the link)

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Wahoo! Enjay, have you seen this?

Score one for sanity in Montana!

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Damn. Try again.

Wahoo! Enjay, have you seen this?

Score one for sanity in Montana!

8 10 2008
Catherine Howard

After reading his statement, I have come to the conclusion that Todd is OBSESSED by the Wooten situation and would not let it go. I’m sure he harrased Monegan constantly.
Todd might have been smart enough NOT to ask Monegan to fire Wooten, but the constant badgering must have felt like pressure.
Sarah herself said that Todd was holding Trig while she was driving from Seward to Wasilla. She said she ducked down while driving so that the road construction crews wouldn’t see her and give her give her special treatment.
She has made statements that infer that Trig has never been in a car seat. We haven’t seen one yet within the campaign.

8 10 2008

Darn it! I was feeling all happy after watching the Obama video, then I traveled over to Shannyn’s blog (always excellent, of course), and her latest thread is this:

Palin: Pallin’ With Hypocrisy

I’ll let you all discuss, while I do other things, as it could seriously harsh my mellow.

8 10 2008

Taupe: thanks; analytical questions about areas of strong curiosity. PI? Weird.
Not able to follow these details as they unfolded, your socratic summery is so tight.

One impression: DO NOT TEST THE PALINs

I like the part in Todd’s responses where he worried that someone would “throw a bag of dope” in the back of the car to get one of the kids. Course, the *children* are protected by juvenile laws, but it seems oddly pre-emptive and specific and much less a worry than physical danger. He doth protest too much.

Appears that he is most definitely over-involved in the actions of the Governor’s Office…this is far more than going to the governor’s conferences, meetings etc.

ARE bars in Alaska open 24/7? Sarah worked for that too, in Wasilia, right? Pretty loose with the substances in public places. Arhnold’s daughter is possibly pretty wild, but I can’t imagine him musing over the possible “bag of dope.”


8 10 2008
White Agate

Hey, all, tuning in late.

What a day! I skimmed Palin’s statements, and it looks like a lot of legalese and lack of clarity to me. They clearly have a strategy to stonewall by pretending to cooperate. So much for transparency. And I guess Gov. Palin will never give a press conference before the election. Maybe Tina Fey will give one for her and then we will be totally through the looking glass.

I saw this at the ADN web site. Apart from the hilarious Alaskan glossary on one tab, I’m not sure what to make of it. AKM, of interest? I’m sure you know all about it.

I was over at the Atlantic web site and someone posting a comment said something about new revelations on both McCain and Obama will be ‘surfacing’ on October 26th. Something about (a) sex scandal(s). Can’t imagine what it would be, hopefully just a rumor. We’ve done corruption, ‘associations,’ etc. etc., but they haven’t tried the sex angle yet. How nice to bring it up a week before Nov. 4th, very kind indeed.

With the economic concerns all have now, for McCain/Palin to be out there fanning the flames of racism is dangerous and despicable. Everyone is in a bad mood, scared about their retirement fund disappearing and their job losses, and then we have these speeches from Gov. Palin.

MPR has a great morning show by Kerry Miller weekdays, and the other day they were discussing racism in the campaign. One guest pointed out that we live in a post-apartheid (yes, sounds harsh, but if you think about it, true) and inherently white supremacist society. How that translates in the voting booth remains to be seen.

Some of you may have seen that piece that went around by the activist Tim Wise, ‘This is your nation on white privilege.’ We’ve come a long way but I feel like those tensions have sort of gone underground for some…some people are still pretty overtly racist and sexist. Joe Biden and even David Brooks were right for calling that out today.

I still remember that ‘Sambo beat the bitch’ comment early on. It still clears my sinuses, and that’s saying something as I grew up with a very colorful, shall we say, grandfather.

I have worried about Obama and these issues since day one of his campaign. I am glad the Secret Service are watching over him and I hope he his family, and everyone working for the public good stay safe. I know Michelle addressed it one time by saying ‘We are standing on the shoulders of Dr. Martin Luther King here.’ Reassuring in one way, not others.

AKM, I wondered if your thoughts on the AIP have changed? I remember when you first introduced them as a bunch of ‘crazy uncles,’ but further analysis of the videos does indicate more serious pathology there. Why is there no MSM discussion of this…is this what Tim Wise is talking about?

G’night. Lots to think about and we are in the home stretch.

You’re right. I did refer to them as “crazy uncles” and I still feel that way to a point. I’ll try to clarify. I don’t believe that anything will actually come of the secessionist movement…at least not in the near future. I know a couple of AIP folks who are pretty adamantly pro-secession, and it’s hard not to smile when they get going. I noticed another commenter in the previous thread said he knew Dexter Clark, and felt the same way. However, there is a serious side to this, especially in the light of the recent accusations by the McCain-Palin campaign. Do I think that the AIP are really a bunch of dangerous terrorist radicals? Not really. But it certainly ought to raise eyebrows more than Barack Obama serving on a non-profit board with Bill Ayers. The hypocrisy and the hate mongering are just unbelievable, and they need to be called on it….imho.

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

An interesting little tidbit I found on McWarmonger

Pastor Hagee’s email to members of CUFI:

Membership Update

January 29, 2007


This morning I had an extended breakfast with Senator John McCain of Arizona. Our topic of discussion was Israel and his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States of America.

Senator McCain’s comments concerning Israel are on target! He gets it! While I do not want to put the specifics of our conversation in this update I am glad to report to our leadership and supporters that John McCain is solidly pro-Israel.

We discussed his positions on other matters that I will share with you when I speak with you in person. This newsflash goes to the ends of the earth and I don’t want to read it in the media tomorrow.

A couple months later:

TIM RUSSERT: So we could have two wars at once?

SEN. McCAIN: I think we could have Armageddon.

— John McCain, on the Iran crisis. April 2nd 2006, “Meet The Press.”

8 10 2008

Has anyone seen this at Politico: McCain camp making news in the morning

On what, they won’t say.

“We’ll have something to talk about,” is all a campaign aide would allow.

Check back again in this space or over on our front-page in the morning.

Now my stomach is in knots and I won’t be able to sleep. There is nothing to which they won’t stoop.

8 10 2008

Karen, maybe they will announce Palin’s withdrawal from the GOP ticket….

Or maybe Palin will explain why McCain said “My fellow prisoners” today…

Or maybe McCain will withdraw from the ticket….Or…or….

8 10 2008

Karen, P.S. Don’t worry tonight. They are trying to “game-change,” as the momentum is all for Obama. But whatever stunt they pull, it won’t work. Remember, they run an inept racist campaign and it’s not working. No reason to think they would suddenly have a good idea that will work at this late date…

8 10 2008

I don’t get how Todd can go around acting like he’s a PI (private eye) taking pictures of wooten , complaining about a plane for the Palin’s disposal let alone saying anything to anyone about Wooten, he’s a private citizen. Why did Gov. Palin have her husband saying anything to anybody ? I never knew that the spouse of a Gov. can go and make indirect accusations on behalf of the Gov. Sure as heck couldn’t happen in any other state in the Union. This is so paper thin anyone can see through it. I hope she gets whats coming to her and that stupid PI todd too.

8 10 2008

I still want to know why Sarah Louise Palin was not wearing her wedding ring at todays rally.

8 10 2008

@Karen (21:41:32)

I bet he is going to announce a treasury secretary selection, who is going to start working on a new economic plan right away.

8 10 2008
Divatalk Hussein

SMR – thanks, I needed that. I felt like to just took a shower and washed away
all the dirt and grim away watching that.

8 10 2008
White Agate

Just skimmed that Politico post, per Karen, and comments, and then I do have to go to bed! Apparently someone traded a ton of Obama shares at Intrade this past evening, and the speculation is there’s some huge news that will affect his campaign. I don’t know much about these betting sites, except that they are supposed to be predictive of the outcome of the race.

Speculation includes: proof of Obama’s membership in a fringe socialist organization in Chicago, other ‘associations’ revelations, maybe that ‘sex scandal’ thing I mentioned above, something about Michelle, general hatred, and someone speculating something designed to detract from Troopergate. Someone even suggested Palin’s resignation, but I don’t think it’s likely.

Should be interesting, thanks for the link, Karen. Can anything else happen during this campaign and during this month? Sheesh.

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Please may we have the records of Mrs Knowles and Mrs Murkowski attending Government business meetings? 😉

I got to Page 2 of First Doody and 1:13 of the Truth Squad before I realised I could have written it all myself.


8 10 2008

re: Intrade, I can EASILY see a McInsane supporter buying up a bunch of stock for the sole purpose of dumping it and making it look like there was some ‘credibility’ to whatever piece of vile BS the Straight into the Ground Express is going to fling next.

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@White Agate (21:59:20) :

Speculation includes: proof of Obama’s membership in a fringe socialist organization in Chicago, other ‘associations’ revelations, maybe that ’sex scandal’ thing I mentioned above, something about Michelle, general hatred, and someone speculating something designed to detract from Troopergate. Someone even suggested Palin’s resignation, but I don’t think it’s likely.

How about just a dirty big lie?

8 10 2008
White Agate

@Aussie Puck Mule 22:04:59: You got that right.

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

I’m beginning to feel embarassed for Rumpledoldskin

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

Well, that was a fascinating read. From what I had read before on the subject, I didn’t think anything could make me sympathize even slightly with Mike Wooten, but they were really out to get him, no?

Something all mudpuppies should bear in mind is that the opening riff on Wooten as Satan, and the voluminous objections, are not the central part of the document. The only evidentiary information is in the responses to the interrogatories. And darn little of that, eh?

As you know, I am not a lawyer, but it appears to me that Dudd basically admits to having talked at length to anyone who would stand still about what a jerk Wooten is. It doesn’t appear to have occurred to him that when you are the spouse of someone’s manager, bitching to that someone about a third party who is also managed by your spouse (got that?) is problematic behavior.

I’m also interested by the number of “didn’t communicate withs”. I am assuming that Branchflower didn’t just pick those names out of thin air.

I think I’m amused. It appears that Dudd was viewing this as a continuation of the divorce proceeding. This is a legislative investigation — I expect that Branchflower will simply ignore the ranting parts. I suppose his lawyers are setting up his plausible deniability defense if the legislature reccomends a follow-up criminal investigation.

8 10 2008

@White Agate (21:59:20) :

This was on the InTrade comment board:

Who spent $140,000 against Obama on Intrade between 8:45 and 9:15 PM today?

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

I wonder if the economists who invented Intrade allowed for deep-pocketed folks trying to game the system?

8 10 2008

marksmyword (20:42:25)
thought you might find this interesting and funny.
leave it to homer simpson to make life real. (well maybe not)

8 10 2008

This bit of info was on http://www.fivethirtyeight in Sept., So the InTrade thing might now be the story.

It’s pretty obvious that this is not some sort of random walk. Rather, every so often, some individual trader or some small group of traders are shorting all the Obama contacts in bulk and resetting the entire market. The markets then organically climb back upward until the rogue trader strikes again six or eight hours later. The volumes on these contracts have been very high for the past week as a result.

Most likely, this is just some idiot degenerate gambler who is trying to have some fun. Between the Obama and McCain contracts, there appears to be about $400,000 in contracts changing hands every day, which is a lot by Main Street standards, but minuscule by either Vegas or Wall Street Standards.

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin
8 10 2008

Enjay, This is disgusting.

The Repubs seem willing to sell their souls to win.

Read more about our REPUBLICAN Lt. Gov. take on the REPUB PARTY tactics:

8 10 2008

Hmmm. This behavior, well, beyond being fundamentalists and neo-con type Republicans (as in beliefs shaping Palin family behavior), could they be on drugs?

8 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

I just noticed the MT electorial map on CNN is pink….mmm me thinks CNN needs to know about this attempt by the repubs to dish the good military folks that are or who have served in active duty.

CNN…I know you read this blog, because I’ve seen you do stories that only appeared here first…so pick up on this now, please. the link is just above…maybe a few comments but not to many…

8 10 2008

Could this be McFailin’s big announcement?:

McCain changes homeowner plan

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) made an overnight change in the homeowner bailout he proposed at Tuesday’s presidential debate, making it more generous to financial institutions and more costly for taxpayers.

8 10 2008

Politico is reporting that the McCain camp announced tonight that they will be making a major announcement tomorrow. Hmm….what could it be? Is it possible they have some trumped up Obama bombshell? Or maybe someone on the team is going to get fired? Their communications people (Steve Schmidt) and all their strategy folk should all canned. Is it possible that Sarah will suddenly need to “spend more time with her family?” He’s probably just gonna suspend something else.

8 10 2008

If the new were game changing in a way that would take Obama out of the race, the McCain camp would be pulling all the fire alarms right now, so that when we wake up we would be hit in the face with the cold news. No way would McCain wait one minute with any election ending news. In fact if he had the game changer story he would go to Obama’s hotel tonight, knock on his door and hand deliver the proof.

8 10 2008

SMR (21:22:53)

SMR (21:22:53)
Thank you, I really enjoyed that. It ignites a fuse that will explode
the dynamite in my heart for the team.
asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (21:24:12) :
Prior to posting your link, type the “http:// at the beginning and
wordpress will automatically make it a clickable link.

8 10 2008

oh dear god. so much slimy political news out there today. this is the worst i’ve heard in awhile. please pass on this info about the voter roll purges that have been going on–guess where?–primarily in swing states. people who have every reason to believe they are registered may get a nasty shock at the polls, and i’m still not clear what kind of recourse will be available. so please, if you can vote early, especially in a swing state, do so, and at the very least confirm your voter registration (i included links for that along with the article here).

voters losing their rights under the . . . wait for it . . . help america vote act of 2002

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Indiana the day after the debate. 21,000 people. This is nice.

Obama: ‘Better days ahead’

8 10 2008

If you want to sleep well just visit where he expands on Todd’s deposition and raises numerous arguments which is rather a detriment to Tod’s truthfullness. And as to the book9MENTIONED IN AN EARLIER THREAD) coming out on Oct 26th I feel it will be more detrimental to dear Sarah – read some of the excerpts and the author’s biography. Perhaps Dear Sarah will be returning to Alaska sooner then expected. GOP to reveal maor announcement in the morning.??????????????????
Keep up the good work all.

8 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

@bPoint where on the “comment board” did you see that question about the $140,000 against Obama? I can’t find it.

As far as Johnathan Martin is concerned it is clear he is trying to promote his own republican leaning blog. It’s all hype.

8 10 2008

SMR: Tried several ways to view your video but could not.
Try to copy from your browser and paste in the comment

8 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@whichferret (20:51:11) :

I believe the blogger in question was Andrew Halcro.

8 10 2008

I love how Toddy mentions how bad it is the state spent $100,000 just to get him and his beloved Sarah. Yes Todd, it’s all a big conspiracy based on those nasty truths that you and your wife like to ignore.

Someone mentioned it earlier and the thing that struck me as well was the number of people that The Dude mentions he didn’t talk to or had no recollection of talking to. It would be pretty clear to me if they bring up names then more than likely they have said you had contact with them. So it may be beneficial if you put your thinking cap on Todd and try to remember EVERYONE you talked to in your efforts to get Wooten and Monehan (sp).

I hope the people of Alaska do a rethink on the involvement of Todd Palin in how their state is being run. Yes it is common for a husband and wife to discuss their jobs and their lives. But his involvement goes far past that and he is acting as a co-governor regardless of what him and his wife say. A spouse can not have meetings, make phone calls, and take trips while using the power of the office that he was NOT elected to. I bet the people of Alaska didn’t know they were getting two governors for the price of one did they?

As far as the Truth Squad, why does anyone show up to these debacles? Nothing those two hacks have to say is worth anything so why waste the time and effort to attend? Like Sarah Palin herself, I doubt Ms. Stapleton will have much of a career left once all of this is said and done. When you’re a loser’s lackey there isn’t much left of your career when your boss goes down the tubes. Meghan you may have two more years but I would begin working on your resume because I doubt Sarah will need a mouthpiece once her term as governor is over.

So in the end this is what transparency of government means to Sarah and Todd Palin. Add in the 10 or 12 private email accounts to keep their actions secret from the people that elected them and you have a Dick Cheney in training that may have already exceeded the master.

It’s going to be interesting to read the whole Branchflower report as well as the reaction from the McCain campaign…um I mean the Governor and Co-Governor of Alaska.

8 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Oops, I’d forgotten to update my name on this computer. All better now. Did anyone see Michelle on The Daily Show tonight? She’s awesome!

8 10 2008

@Deuce2 aka:

Try this blog, the video is at the top, latest post. Warning, the language there can be offensive, but if you can handle it the blog is veeeeeryyyyy entertaining…

8 10 2008

@Deuce2 aka:

Try this blog, the video is at the top, latest post. Warning, the language there can be offensive, but if you can handle it the blog is veeeeeryyyyy entertaining…

add the http


8 10 2008

eajphd Molten Contra Palin (22:54:57) :
@bPoint where on the “comment board” did you see that question about the $140,000 against Obama? I can’t find it.

As far as Johnathan Martin is concerned it is clear he is trying to promote his own republican leaning blog. It’s all hype.
Who spent $140,000 against Obama on Intrade between 8:45 and 9:15 PM today?

Posted By: intrade | October 09, 2008 at 12:20 AM

8 10 2008

Bea (22:41:57) :

Could this be McFailin’s big announcement?:
What an intolerable, dishonest, indecent, uncaring, stupid, inconsiderate,
immoral, destructible, dangerous, illiterate, and ignorant plick.
(think there was supposed to be an r in there somewhere) oh well,
no time to edit.

8 10 2008

This “news” could be about the fake Obama’s birth certificate story. Remember that Jerome Corsi who wrote the book The Obama Nation has just returned from Kenya.

8 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

So Todd throws himself under the bus!
Must be a whole lot of faith these folks have that he can claim to be needed at poor Sarah’s side all the time, but, when it comes to this,..he did it all by his lonesome, all this callin’ and complainin’ and follerin’ and accidental runnin’ into 100 miles from home out in the bush, and gittin’ P.I. guys, and lookin’ fer Sarah’s plane when he was takin’ free plane rides from the Canadians at Pebble Mine, and tellin’ Bristol she couldn’t have leg was cuz they needed the money fer gas, and makin sure that scary Wooten didn’t get to go to the town pic-nic cuz he might go crazy in front of the entire town and shoot the governor, and God forbid! dropped his kids off at school in the patrol car cuz, y’know, in a town of 5000 ppl all kinda heck is breakin’ loose, 24/7,….he mighta had a call, and while we’re at it, which bar is it that Todd hangs at? Is it the same one where the bartender shooshed somebody out the back door cuz he was threatening a woman and Wooten stopped him?
(Course, now we won’t wonder why the town doesn’t supply rape kits, it’s apparently a no-no to stop a man threatening his girlfriend, unless it’s the governor’s sister.)

Glad I got that out.

BTW, AIP aren’t dangerous critters. I know a few. (There are a few 1000 in Ak) These days they’re just another independent party, hoping they can someday have a properly run plebiscite vote.
Yes, Sarah was there and was probably hoping to use them to stand on to get to her ambitions, but she managed to crap on somebody in the Wasilla City Council (whom she has convinced others was a corrupt entity) and stole his job first.
We all know this kind of person. She’ll stand on, stab, bite, spit, and have sex with whoever/whatever is necessary to get where she wants to be.
I just don’t want the hate-mongering that she’s promoting to bubble up on this side. It’s not right for any angle.
She’s a manipulator, right down to using her own husband and children.

You lying so low in the weeds
I bet you gonna ambush me
You’d have me down, down, down, down on my knees
Now wouldn’t you, barracuda?

If the real thing don’t do the trick
You better make up something quick
You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick
Ooooooh, barracuda?

How well they fit! Too bad Ann & Nancy stopped her from using these, but then, the RNC idjuts wouldn’t get the irony.

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

Pursang (22:58:01) :
I agree with all you say, but please (this is petty, I know), don’t call him “The Dude”.

8 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

In regards to Intrade, there is a lot of discussion there regarding a rogue trader who has been “shorting” the Obama price – pushing it to go down in the same way as on the regular stock market. Since shorting has been suspended on a good portion of the regular stock market. It seems likely somebody has decided to play the political market instead.

8 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Another point to remember is when people are playing this Intrade market it’s for real cash, but it isn’t governed by the regular trading rules – so it is open to deliberate manipulation – this includes trying to sucker people into playing it by creating a sense of urgency and also by spreading rumors to change the prices.

8 10 2008



8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! (23:11:19) :

“accidental runnin’ into 100 miles from home out in the bush”

That’s the part that made me laugh the hardest. 😀

8 10 2008



add the http — my comments aren’t posting with it!


8 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Every country has a strong thread of “know-nothingness”. It’s actually more of a class issue than one of race or ethnicity. Because we pretend there are no class issues in the US, it is harder to directly confront it. Many people hate Obama more because he is a brilliant, educated black man than because he is simply black. These same people often have little problem with sports and entertainment celebrities. They also don’t especially like educated whites either. That has been the tar and feather the Republicans have used against the Democrats with great success since Nixon. This is the core of Palin’s rant.

In my little neck of the woods the God fearing Presbyterians burned down a town of 10,000 in the 1880s because of alcohol and the Catholicism of Italians, Irish, and Polish workers. The whole Prohibition movement came from those fears. Those folks were getting too uppity and needed to be under control. It took the depression, WWII and the cross-fertilization of military experience to tear those walls down substantially.

To the extent that people are isolated, uneducated, and inexperienced they fear. To the extend they broaden their horizons and learn, they get past it. That’s what a liberal education used to be about. The Republicans would love to change the subject. The problem is, if they push too many buttons, they can’t unpush them. I suspect there have been complaints to the Justice Department that can’t be ignored.

8 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (22:52:47) :
Thank you for the video. What an incredible, intelligent, sophisticated
and talented man. VERY PRESIDENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!

8 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Hey, I just realized that Montana is gettin’ pink!
I know I saw that one of our posters, much earlier today, said he/she was heading out to the Flathead Reserve to see if she could register some of the folks there, and ……was she successful? In less than 12 hours?

Or maybe they just don’t like liars and racists, either, Ja-think?

8 10 2008

SMR (23:03:32) :
How right you are.

8 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

PS Those 1880s fights were over oil also. Some people had oil, coal, and gas on their lands. Others didn’t. The have nots kicked the dog because they were taking over their neighborhoods.

8 10 2008

Hick Town in W PA (23:18:21)
You must be talking about Alabama, West Virginia, Miss, Mo. Too
many to mention. Makes me sick to my stomach. There is no
medicine to treat against a$$holes.

8 10 2008

I just read the whole PDF file on the Todd Palin “testimony”.

I’ve been through depositions myself and this to me looks like he was heavily coached in what and how to say.

Lawyers will often get you to say “I can’t recall” instead “no” to give the person being deposed wiggle room.

Anyway, I’m certanly not convinced of all the “coincidence” involved in Todd Palin saying he just happens to be on the same trail with Wooten, then just happens to have a camera ready, happens to get the pictures taken of him (of both on the trail and also ones of him moving the snow machine). Seems to me pretty preposterous that he got that kind of data “accidentally” and then of course managed to send it around to everyone in Alaska.

Hopefully the AK Supreme Court will throw out the silly appeal to quash all this and we get a full report on Friday with broader accounts of what really happened, especially those not with ties with the Palin family.

8 10 2008

Rumor has it that Tod Palin has three other children, anything to it. Does he also spend a lot of time away from Sarah during the year? Heard they live separate lives, could be why they didn’t sue National Enquirer. Anything to this?

8 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

I should clarify something I said above:
Like at least a third of the Alaskan population, including my AIP friends are , for the main part, mesmerized by Ms. Wonderpants. She’s wonderful! Lovely! Nice! Gorgeous!

Now, after I pointed out a few discrepancies to them, (Weeks ago) I don’t think I had much effect as the Stapleton machine has done overdrive work to refute all things questionable- as in the rape kits.
Palin has also managed to convince the majority of ppl that Wooten is a cancer on the whole of Alaska,.way too many people know terrible and probably untrue things about him for this to be just a regular messy divorce. Either Todd is obsessed or Sarah is obsessed and getting Todd to do her dirty work and take the rap for it. (I mean, think about the money she stands to lose!)
And maybe Wooten has some serious D.I.R.T. on the Palins which is what he meant when he said he would take “them down”, (because he said “down”, not “take them out”,….which would be more fitting if he meant to physically harm them )
So, I figure this whole obsession with Wooten is about some incriminating muck that he knows about. Hopefully his lawyer has a copy of whatever it is, for his safety.
Now, Wooten’s off somewhere incommunicato, (Do the RNC boys have him holed up somewhere to stifle him?) Hopefully, he isn’t being held against his will, but, things are getting hairy and if it were me, I’d be hiding in Waziristan (Since my whackjob sister-in-law doesn’t know where it is).

So, while I’m saying that AIP or AKIP is no longer a dangerous group (they had their chance in 1990 with Hickel and nothing transpired), the point is, Sarah Palin is a pretend Republican. If a Dem. seat had been the one she had to climb into, then that’s what she would be. She doesn’t care what she has to say she is, as long as it gets her where she’s heading.
And that’s what republicans need to know,..that she is NOT a Republican.
She’s a chameleon. She’s whatever the flavor of the day says she is.
Most of all, she’s a power-hungry nutjob who needs to be kept far away from any public office.
She’s a fake.
How do we convince the Republicans of that?
What would convince them that she is not “One of them”?

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL HUSSEIN (23:19:42) :

Thank you for the video. What an incredible, intelligent, sophisticated
and talented man. VERY PRESIDENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Add that to this:

and we have a small slice of Hoosier Heaven. 🙂

9 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

It did seem very odd to me that Todd made over $110K working for BP in 2006 and only $40+ in 2007. I guess he was just too busy being Co-Gov. Two for the price of one, is about right. Wonder how this would have worked out as VP?
No chance….that’s going to happen now. No one wants Scarah, let alone a 2nd dud.

9 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! (23:54:32) :

What would convince them that she is not “One of them”?

Do ya really think they give a good Goddamn? She is doing the marketing job they want her to do – and when the heck did they start bothering themselves about genuine-ness, anyway?

9 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Well, if he’s her right-hand man as he claims, then wouldn’t his working for BP, regardless of the capacity constitutes a conflict of interest?
How could she/they claim to take on big oil when his/there check comes from there?
That’s gettin’ smelly.
They can’t have it both ways, although they sure seem to like claiming things both ways. Like the per diems.

9 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (00:03:45) :

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! (23:54:32) :

What would convince them that she is not “One of them”?

Do ya really think they give a good Goddamn? She is doing the marketing job they want her to do – and when the heck did they start bothering themselves about genuine-ness, anyway?

I could hope for a moral compass?

9 10 2008

OK, now I just finished watching/listening to the truth squad video.

They are still pushing the BS on the “lawful objections” implying that if you complain through a lawyer, you can ignore a legally generated subpoena.

Here is an excerpt from ADN on this back on Sept 24:

O’Callaghan said Palin’s husband, Todd, filed “lawful objections to the subpoena, through his attorney, Thomas Van Flein. And those objections were lodged with the Senate Judiciary Committee, the authority that issued the subpoena in the first place.”

Anchorage Democratic Sen. Bill Wielechowski, a member of the judiciary committee, argued that’s not an option for dealing with subpoenas. People subpoenaed either have to appear and testify or go to court to try and quash the subpoena, he said

“There is no option three of not attending and not filing anything with the court,” he said.

Hopefully as part of its ruling the AK supreme court also validates that an AK legislative subpoena can not be just blown off. At least being the supreme court, it should hopefully put an end to at least some of the legal BS going on, although I wouldn’t be suprised that the McCain-Palin lawyers won’t try and make a federal case out of this.

9 10 2008

Different topic on Todd Palin. He flys his Piper floatplane without a valid seaplane pilots license. Not as big a scandal as troupergate, but more signs of disrespect of the law by the Palin family.

Link here:

9 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

I don’t know if you people saw this yet, but ADN’s story is up. You have to read the comments from Stalin_Palin especially,…I’m in pain from laughing.

9 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@oc4obama (00:10:01) :

I wouldn’t be suprised that the McCain-Palin lawyers won’t try and make a federal case out of this.

They’re fighting hard in Alaska because they think they might have a win in Alaska.

If they take it out of Alaska, do you think they could get a win?

9 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

Hoo-hoo, I just remembered that part in the affidavit where Todd said Wooten shot the moose twice, and then, SOMEHOW, he doesn’t have any idea what happened to the moose after that.

What? Okay, Wooten did NOT pick the moose up by himself.
Even if Molly helped.
I distinctly remember somebody saying that the Palin family ATE the dang moose which is why it didn’t get reported as an unlawful shoot until well after it happened!
These Palin people are really good at bringing things up when it’s convenient for them!

9 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

1) Todd is still open to contempt charges for not appearing

2) He has left himself more vulnerable by answering in the way he has and I believe he runs greater risk now than ever of obstruction charges

3) If his written testimony is contradicted by statements from any other witness, he may be vulnerable to perjury and obstruction charges

4) I believe he expects to be at least challenged, or even charged with a crime, since his lawyer obviously advised him to preface answers with “I remember” and “I think” or any other “fuzzy” modifier to try and create wiggle-room for later

To tell the truth, the sheer amount of talking this guy did about Wooten to others was bigtime stupid, and he is tripping all over himself now and if he is forced to testify under oath in any court of law he will hang himself, of this I am sure — if anyone has a photo of Sarah riding around the prison yard with Trig it would be worth a cool million on eBay or to any self-loathing paparazza

The biggest red flag of all — where is Sarah’s deposition????? If she submits a statement to the Personnel Board but not to the Legislature, is there any way to charge her with contempt?

The one biggest failure of the investigation was to not issue a subpoena to Governor Palin…..

9 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@bPoint (23:07:07) :
>>>This “news” could be about the fake Obama’s birth certificate story. Remember that Jerome Corsi who wrote the book The Obama Nation has just returned from Kenya.>>

Corsi did not get thru the door…refused entry at the airport. No work permit.

Obama was born in Hawaii. fact check

9 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! (00:38:31) :

haha! Eating the evidence only works if the evidence is a dead moose. 😉

9 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

I believe the news is related to TrooperGate. Mccain surrogates will try to play this as persecution of Sarah and Todd by Obama operatives.

9 10 2008
Bella the Bunny Girl

Oh man, this is just fanboys run amok. Judging by the number of comments, this blogger isn’t a big deal, right? And the entry is just ‘they’ll have something to talk about’, not HUUUUGE ANNOUNCEMENT ZOMG!!!1!

I’m new to politics blogs but you see this kind of panic and lack of common sense in every other area of the internet, why not here? Although there are quite a few voices of reason explaining why they wouldn’t release damaging info that way.

I’m betting it’s either fairly routine campaign news, like new economic plans or….

I have the feeling someone from the Secret Service must have sat them down and explain the legalities involved if something violent happened because of their hate speech, since they’re investigating the threats.

I can see McCain making a big splashy announcement that he wants the campaigns to agree to suspend the character attacks for the good of the country – pretending he’s the real victim of course. And before anyone knows what’s in the Troopergate report.

9 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

@oc4obama (00:10:01) :

I wouldn’t be suprised that the McCain-Palin lawyers won’t try and make a federal case out of this.
There are no federal issues in this case for the Palins. Wooten, however, may have a civil rights violation. So far the issues are all related to the Alaska legislature and and Gov.

9 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Alaska Supreme Court will likely rule against blocking the investigation, so they will try to get the Federal Court to hear a motion to supress.

They overplayed throwing Todd under the bus and are already trying to run interference before the MSM get a chance to poke holes in the story.

Who could ever believe Todd was acting alone, without Sarah, based on that testimony? On the one hand Todd says Sara calls the shots, but on the other he claims she wasn’t part of his crusade?

This is not Sarah’s parents they are lying to this time, and they probably don’t get the chance to “elope” to Washington DC either by the looks of the polls.

The next protest sign I’d like to see is “Governor Sarah is a One-Term Weasel”, or even “Impeach Her Now, Save The Nation the Trouble of Doing it Later”

9 10 2008
NY Dem

The shooting in England of an Obama supporter is exactly why I won’t put an Obama sign ion my front yard – way too many crazies out there. I support him 110 %, and will vote for him, as I suspect a lot of people that are afraid to reveal their allegiances are going to do once they are privately behind that curtain in the voting booth.

On the lighter side of the news:

Britney Spears’s sister Jamie Lynn ‘pregnant again’

Britney Spears’ teenage sister Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant again, just months after having her first child, according to US reports.


9 10 2008

This is not a set of interrogatories. I’m dismayed that a Governor would stoop to this. Reading Palin’s submission you get the feeling this guy was a pretty hectic gossip. Is there anyone he didn’t discuss Wooten with?
Was the First Dude that terrified?
This thing smacks of non-truth and a generic obfuscation of facts trying to fit and anticipate contradictory testimony.

9 10 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

OOoh.. how about this announcement from McCan’t?

He’s suspending his campaign (yawn) to go negotiate the release of 2 American captives in Lebanon…

Now THAT’s something he could turn into something.

9 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

The “news” from Politico would appear to be more Ayres nonsense.

But go check out the front page of the website where the headline is:

Dem strategists see landslide in the making

9 10 2008
Jingo Killah

Vote for Mudflats! The Blogger’s Choice Awards is gathering votes for, amongst other things, Best Political Blog. Mudflats is nominated, but needs your support – if you have a moment, go sign up, and find this page and give Mudflats your vote!

9 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin


Big news from McCain is a new video ad about the Ayres connection!!!

Sure enough, it’s Bill Ayers.

From JMart:

The McCain campaign is launching a web ad accusing Obama of trying to hide his ties to the 60s-era radical.

“Too risky for America,” the ad concludes.

The idea here is to keep Ayers in the mix without spending precious dollars to put real points behind it on TV. Republicans know that cable TV stations will play the spot for free, regardless of it being a web ad.

I can’t stop laughing. The McCain campaign has nothing!

9 10 2008
Miemaw from Texas

If first Dud was not under oath, none of this is — literally — worth the paper it’s printed on.

Over-impressed with his own importance — doncha think?

AKM – count the silverware before all those Texas lawyers leave the state.

9 10 2008

Reading these interrogatries it becomes clear that Todd Palin is very active and involved in the day to day running of the State of Alaska, don’t recall his name on any ballot for the job. He seems to be a gossip munger and can’t help from discussing information that is actually not his concern with every one he meets, not good. More of a concern is the fact that Todd Palin provided copies of the internal affairs documents to this investigator. These documents without a court order should not have been in any ones possession outside the realm of a specific chain of command, which I’m sure Todd Palin is not part of. Based on this fact alone there is obviously a problem with the Governer’s Office and disclosure protections in the law, thus providing a foundation for an obvious Civil Claim against the State of Alaska by Wooten.

9 10 2008
Marilyn in Connecticut AKA Hose Hotrod Palin

After reading Todd Palin’s responses I, like others, was struck by the fact that he appeared to spend an inordinate and obsessive amount of time complaining about Wooten to anyone and everyone. Does Todd Palin always carry a camera when he drives around on his snow mobile? He stated that it was a coincidence that he was out on his machine and just happened to see Wooten on a snow mobile when the trooper was supposedly disabled and so took photos of him. This incident smacks of stalking. It sounds to me that Sarah Palin got her back up (which she seems prone to do) when Monegan tried to give her a heads up about the infant car seat. She and Todd apparently interpreted this as Monegan telling Sarah she was a bad mother (does anyone know what a projection is?). This whole situation just reeks of vindictiveness on the part of the Palin family. I agree about the plane – why do they think the former governor had it in the first place? Does the governor seriously want to use the plane and take priority over police business? Do I smell entitlement here?

9 10 2008
lovethecountry AKA Rust Mustang 'THAT ONE HUSSEIN'

First, I am denouncing my PALIN Last name, even for the sake of having fun I somehow felt very disgusting to have that as my last name..I rather have ‘THAT ONE HUSSEIN’ as my last name.

Good news second, just after hearing about the England shooting -my republican sister has decided that was the last stroke for her. She has decided to vote for Obama. Also has decided to be donate money and time both for Obama and also has decided to talk to all her Repub friends / in-laws family about the this hate and on that point alone, people with brain and heart should change their vote.

Third, did anybody else notice that gov.sarah@yahoo on the last page. Which means she was talking to POLICE CHIEF on a FORMAL COMPLAINT from unsecured yahoo account.

On that note alone, it proves she has been using that account extensively for all state businesses, isn’t it a big no-no and now that she herself proved it, why can not we sue her?.

Fourth, Regarding this whole Ayer thing – I want to know from some legal expert – Why isn’t Ayer suing McCain as everybody is calling him ‘domestic terrorist’. He, for god’s sake, a professor at University – What exactly is his own legal stand here?? Our society/law even christianity says that once a criminal rehabilitates, he is not subject to the scrutiny that Ayer is going through. What about his personal life? Isn’t he a respected citizen of US now – somebody who can be a board member for Charitable trust or somebody who is professor and teaching the youths of our country?? Is everybody saying that our youth is learning from terrorist? oh yaa- let me rephrase – former terrorist… What the hell, doesnt he have any RIGHT of his own??

I think I just have one too many frustrating things today going on

9 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin


I downloaded the 52-page set of Palin’s responses to the judicial committee subpoena and this is what a think of it.

What a load of horseshi… eerrrr… road apples.

The response itself is 25 pages long, with less than 2 pages of substance.

First, allow me to address the attachments:

1) 3/1/06 Colonel Julia Grimes 4 page letter to Wooten re suspension for conduct unbecoming, etc. Also contains 2/13/08 date stamp DOA Personnel-Employee Services-Employee Records Section (significance?)

—> investigation re allegations of improper conduct over 2-year period between the trooper and members of his family. Covers 11 sustained acts, including the tasering, the beer drinking and shooting a moose. (The letter also makes reference to 7 other actions taken against Wooten between 2001 and 2005, including another suspension.) Interesting read that clearly shows that Wooten is not someone who ought to be in uniform.

Todd Palin references the Grimes letter right on page one of his response, even before entering his general objections to the subpoena. States he was not aware of the Grimes letter until July 2008 (page 3, line 13). On page 23, line 1, Todd Palin states that in late December 2006 or early January 2007, he gave Monegan “communication between us and Col. Grimes.” He complains about not being informed about the results “until Wooten released, and then the ADN posted [Wooten’s] personnel records in July 2008.” (Wooten released his own records??)

2) Ex Parte Protective Order, Palmer District Court Case No. 3PA-05-210CI 6 pages. Ex parte means only one side (the ex-wife) of the dispute was at this hearing for a 20-day protective order. In this case, an expansive protective order was issued against Wooten on 4/11/05 and custody of 2 young kids given to Molly J. McCann.

3) 2 page document from Alaska Dept of Law website FAQ, including how to file a complaint against a police officer.

4) 13 pages of investigators reports from Leonard Hackett related to the Wooten divorce matter. Interviews of Chris Brightbill, Greg Goodale and Wasilla police officer Chris Watchus conducted in mid-2005. All appear to be negative character references against Wooten related, respectively to a bar incident, a disputed fee at the local landfill, and the moose shooting. Packet includes transcribed witness statements and fax cover sheets to Todd and Sarah Palin. (why were these done for people not parties to the divorce?)

The fax cover sheets contain Hackett’s statements, including comments not supported by the actual witness statements. (if the witnesses made those statements, then they were made extraneous of the actual statements).

4) James Clark (Murkowski Chief of Staff) 7/13/04 memo to Linda Perez re “First Lady.” Indicates that Mrs. Murkowski also serves as “a senior advisor [who] participates in business meetings, discussions and conferences which requires Mrs. Murkowski to accompany the Governor.”

Contains handwritten note (from Murkowski?) “As a general rule, if Nancy doesn’t go I don’t go.” Appears to address more recent comments about Todd Palin’s close involvement in the operation of Sarah Palin’s state government.

5) single sheet page of 4 email exchanges on 6/30/08 re: two things, printed out 9/25/08. email addresses shown are “gov/” (x3) and “”

This pertains to the childseat issue referenced by Todd Palin in his response (page 12, line 22 thru page 13, line 16) but is not included in his response to communications with Mik Nizich or Kris Perry. Todd Palin’s recitation and interpretation of the emails is odd and off-the-mark. He complains about “the same false rumor… repeated on an anti-Palin blog.”

Todd Palin’s Responses: I need to look thru the many things available on blogs and the ADN site to see how truthful and complete his responses are, but my impression having read twice thru the entire 25-page document is that his responses are evasive and incomplete. He really only touches (not at the level of discusses) some complaint about Monegan not satisfactorily scheduling an airplane for the governor’s travel schedule – to the point of suggesting retaliation by DPS staff because Sarah Palin sold the jet.

In Int. Nos. 29 and 30, he says nothing about what he may have heard or said in any of the various meetings he attended as a shadow state employee. He does not attach the pictures he took of Wooten, nor does he provide complete answers as to his reputed habit of following Wooten around with a camera. He barely says anything about Wooten’s WC case. But he does, again, misdirect with the Air King airplane as the only “such as” example.

In Int. No. 31, he admits to “interactions” with Monegan on various plane trips but provides no substance as to conversations he had with Monegan on those hours in a small plane. Some of his dates are off.

He fails to completely answer Int. No. 32 and does not attach the pertinent documents

Seems to me that the Judicial Committee needs to file a motion to compel full and complete responses or to move for an action of contempt. I’m not sure any of his non-responsive answers rise to the level of perjury, but that’s something that could change based on available documentation. Franly, they ought to depose him after serving him with a request for documents.

9 10 2008

Re: McCain’s BIG announcement today. No surprise to me. I tried to assure people last night on here that McCain has nothing….it’s the worst run political campaign in modern history…that I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, for sure.

If McCain were running a real campaign, his big announcement today would be that he has fired Schimdt and all the others, and hired a brand new campaign manager and was trying a new approach which restored integrity to his brand.

9 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Oh, and I agree with everyone’s sentiment that Todd Palin was a bit too enamored with Wooten, perhaps it’s an alpha-male thing, but Wooten should have filed for a protective/anti-stalking order against Todd Palin.

btw – having read Grimes’ letter, I may very well agree that Wooten is a jackass who has no business being in a uniform but that does not excuse Todd Palin’s excessive obsession (redundancy there, I’m sure) with Wooten or with Sarah Palin’s interference in the operation of the Alaskan DPS or with the apparently unlawful disclosure of Wooten’s WC or personnel file.

9 10 2008

Thanks to Sauerkraut and all the others for your takes on Todd’s depo!

9 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein Palin aka the problem child

@sauerkraut: Agreed.
What really came through to me in reviewing the interrogatory and documents was just how obsessed the Dud seems to be. He does not seem to recognize any boundaries about what is or is not appropriate / rational / going to make him look like a whacko.

9 10 2008
lovethecountry AKA Rust Mustang 'THAT ONE HUSSEIN'

On the second note, why are all 527’s not compiling a video of McCain’s use of profanity in Senate or even when he used ‘C’ word for his own wife and all about his temper in one of those..

BTW, the way Sarah Palin(believe me, I know its wrong but I really hate this lady now) keeps on saying ‘Who is barack obama’ and stuff..why aren’t some ads about who is sarah palin – that picture of her and her daughter with dead wolf..who is sarah palin – and then picture of any big news paper with her ethical investigation…who is sarah palin – and then video of her on debate when she said, she is not gonna answer to Moderator , and again who is sarah palin – and then 1st video of AIP guy talking about her and saying that you become repub..then video of sarah congratulating them and telling them keep up the good work..

Is anybody else as frustrated as I am..I want to see some negative campaign not only against McCain..but against Palin too..

9 10 2008

I want to see Obama sue McCain and Palin for slander and libel.

9 10 2008

Good Morning Mudpals! On the Intrade thing- My husband used to trade and still does (not right now) occassionally. However when we first saw Intrade, which I used as a way to get him into the politics thing, he wanted to “short” Obama. Of course he didn’t under threat of no meals for a year but the trader/gambler in him saw this as “fun”. When I told him about yesterday, he totally saw it for what it was…a trader being an a^%^hole for fun. So don’t worry, just some jerk who can’t play on Wall Street anymore…maybe a guy laid off from Lehman Bros.

9 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (23:57:26) :
Thank’s. I Love It!

9 10 2008
kokofish palin

@San and the rest of the Pups who read TP’s written response to his subpoena:

“…Reading Palin’s submission you get the feeling this guy was a pretty hectic gossip.”
And as others pointed out, First Dud obsessed with an arrogant cop involved in a nasty divorce.

Here is what I don’t understand: General Objections, #2, p. 6 he writes he objects to each and every interrogatory to the extent it seeks disclosing….mental impressions….”

So in #14, p. 10 he describes French as engaging in “impropriety or appearance of impropriety….” Isn’t that a mental impression? Because if French said it could result or could lead to impeachment, he means the possibility of something. Which is surely a statement and not an improper one.

He later writes that Walt Monegan made an implied threat over the “awkward” matter of rumor that Trig was without a car seat. Isn’t that a mental impression?

And he claims Executive Privilege? Help lawdogs, does EP extend to spouses? And spouses whose elected SO uses a private email account for official business?

Aaagh. Cannot wait for the Report.

9 10 2008
Jamie, expat in France

I saw Michelle Obama on Larry King and I think she is a wonderful, brilliant, strong woman. When I saw her on The View I also saw her very charming, funny side. Brilliant First Lady! I am glad that she is so grounded and is staying above the fray, yet I would have liked her to say something a bit more negative about Sarah Palin when she talked about fighting to allow all women to be able to have what she and Gov Palin have – she should’ve said that tho Palin has all these opportunities and choices, she wants to keep other women from having them.

I just saw today’s Gallup Tracking Poll and Obama is over the 50% line! He is now 52% to McCain’s 41%. Rasmussen has them at 50% Obama – 45% McCain. And the BEST news of the day is that my home and voting state of Florida is now 52% – 45% in favor of Obama! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

@claudia – what book are you refering to that is coming out end of October?

9 10 2008

Did anybody notice in the Todd rant disguised as a response to the interrogatories that he mentioned somebody made a complaint or something that Sarah had been driving around with Trigg not in a car seat?

Is this indicative of how through her actions she conveys her tremendous respect for life? Fail to use a car seat?

9 10 2008
Political Amazon

Thanks for the link to the Taawwwd document. I’m looking forward to reading it later.

Any news yet on the pending court decision?

9 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

BS SUPREME! Now they are trying to make it as though Todd was the one who was on the hunt for Wooten blood and not Sarah! SURE!

Sarah really will throw anyone under the bus to get ahead, even her own husband!

Too bad that Todd’s statements make it even clearer that Sarah abused her power.

This whole situation brings up how insane it is that worker’s have NO rights in this country!

9 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein Palin aka the problem child

kokofish palin (07:39:49) :
Executive privilege likely only extends to the Dud if he was employed by the governor to give her advice and is asked testify as to matters he advised her on. One, he wasn’t employed by the governor; and two, he’s not being asked about advise he might have given her.
I’m not at all sure why one would object to testifying about “mental impressions”. For one thing, the questions asked didn’t ask about “mental impressions”. Maybe “mental impression” is the Alaskan equivalent for the legal jargon “expert opinion”. Not that the Dud has anything approaching expertise on anything that would relate to law enforcement or anything else the inquiry is concerned with ;>)

9 10 2008
Major Domo

While I haven’t read Toddy-boy’s creative writing essay, from what I have read across a few blogs is he’s quite opinionated, but has no substance or facts to fall back on.

For example, just because Sara Palin is the governor doesn’t mean that she has exclusive rights to anything that is communal, such as the state’s air service. She has to preplan her needs just like everyone else. Courtesy goes a long way when used properly.

Another example, his badgering state officials about an issue that had been settled in accordance with published state guidelines. Furthermore, those public officials were not associated with the Department where his grievances were addressing. Having worked in a state government position, I was made aware that when confronted by any individual concerning a subject not related to the business section I was to politely refer them to the appropriate individual in the department that would be responsible for dealing with their grievance – it was not my job to facilitate a solution for them. Just because Todd Palin is the husband of the governor does not give him any special rights to interject himself into the government to satisfy his personal grievances.

Finally, I have yet to see where, in this troopergate farce, Todd Palin has sustained any injury, in a legal sense, that gives him any rights to pursue his vendetta against his former brother-in-law.

9 10 2008

Did anyone else notice that Gov Palin got all offended by the insinuation that she had not used a car seat for baby Trig, adamantly declared she had never driven without one, asked for the name of the accuser, etc. and then Todd went on to explain that the “incident in question” was in a “pickup truck on a private road at a slow rate of speed.” So which is it? She never did it or she only did it in a way that doesn’t count? A lot of this stuff sounds like small town pettiness, but all these little pieces are adding up to a picture of a family with too much influence thinking they are above the law and not tolerating anyone who dares to question their royal authority. I hope the Supreme Court rules wisely in this case and that the Alaska legislature will make the report public. Can’t wait to see the Republican spin doctors go to town.

9 10 2008

@Deuce2 AKA 23:27:01 —

I hope I’m right about the entertaining bit and not about the offensive bit! If you were shocked about the language I hope you remember that I warned you! In spite of the language, he has a pretty entertaining take on some aspects of the crazy scarah issue. If I knew how you felt about the language I’d direct you to my favorite parts……..

We’re pretty shock-proof in this house in regard to language (our teen, unfortunately, often graces us with less than stellar language). I’ve often been shocked by the hatefulness & vitriol — THAT is new to me.

9 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

Why is it that this country is so divided? That is what bothers me the most. It is as though almost half the country are as nasty as the Palins of this world and the other half are the anti-Palins. It is really sad how hateful and disgusting some people are…..and it is not the anti-Palins.

9 10 2008

One last comment, then I’m off to work. REally irritated that I’ll be there until 10 pm and will have to wait until tomorrow to finish reading all the comments here! But here goes: all this whining about how Todd is not overly involved with Sarah’s business, etc. they are a couple like any other, yada yada yada… Uh, NO. I do know plenty of couples who discuss their work with each other and some of it is even of an officially confidential nature; however, I’m trying really hard to come up with any of them who go to work with their spouse, take children to the workplace on a regular basis, discuss official business with the spouse AT WORK, etc. Todd should not have had access to the fact that anyone (not supervised by him) was getting worker’s comp or whether he’d been suspended or disciplined in any way. I’m not defending Wooten, either, I’m just saying that TP’s big nose needs to stay out of it: not his job, not his place. He was not elected OR hired for any of these functions.
OK. I’m calmer now. Off to work!

9 10 2008

NPR Talk of the Nation is discussing the advertising currently being done by both candidates right now. Interesting discussion, tune in if you’re able.

9 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein Palin aka the problem child

What I find interesting is that the FAQ page states that complaints to the Commissioner about a Trooper are to be in writing (it helps to protect civil servants’ asses if there is a paper trail). But apparently, no written complaint was ever made. If one had been made, I am sure that they would have received a polite response indicating that the matters complained of had already been dealt with and that as it was a personnel matter, no further information could be released.

9 10 2008
Catherine Howard

With regard to Sarah driving Trig without a car seat, read the Wall Street Journal article here:

It looks like Sarah said Todd was holding Trig while she was driving.
I’m sure Sarah will spin it differently, she always does.

9 10 2008

The Wall Street Journal article makes it clear that Palin held the baby while she told the story, not while she was driving in the car.

9 10 2008
Cin O

I wish the people of the USof A could be smarter, pointing to the republicans, who have watched the country fall apart. And to elect such an idiot to be their next pres. As soon as he asked Palin to join, and the lack of real knowledge she has, not to mention that she is Anti-American, should have made them gag, should have made them feel embarrassed, right now they should be red-faced. An now with Troopergate, and the evil that is spewing from their lips as to Obama and terrorists, my thought are that they are on an even threatening mission and that is to spur someone to actually try to assinate Obama………. They are sick people, really sick!

9 10 2008

I think Olive’s interpretatin of the WSJ article regard Trig and the carseat is most likely correct, but the story was badly edited if it is this confusing. I also don’t think this explains Todds’ comments in his deposition. Not sure the WSJ incident is even related to Todd’s comments, i.e. what Monegen talked to Sarah Palin about that supposedly contributed to his firing–it’s simply not clear. His answers sound like he is saying Sarah said “it never happened,” but Todd is saying it was just a misunderstanding, they were on a “private road in a pickup going slow, so it was no big deal,” but not denying it happened. Again, the issue is not what Sarah did, it is whether she is lying about it and vindictively firing people who point out her lies.

9 10 2008

The holding the baby in a car story was something to do with her being on a tour of something — jail? detention center grounds? somewhere “official” in the state of AK anyway! — and while she was being driven around this place she was holding the baby on her lap instead of having it in a car seat (or not taking it to this official place in the first place!!!!).

I’ve decided, for my mental health, not to read that document in its entirety, so can’t comment on what the first loser dude said, but do recall the original issue that I’ve mentioned here. She was being driven around some place that would have been under Monegan’s authority, someone there mentioned the matter to him, he told her what was said, and so of course he’s the bad guy. What a typical pile of shite from the Failin family.

Can’t wait til they are drummed out of my state!

9 10 2008
Territorial babe

And, Mr. LMcCain bringing up Mr. Obama’s neighborhood meetings as evidence of dishonesty! Anyone notice how he doesn’t have any original cohesive ideas? It seems he’s pretty good at copping his protagonist’s ideas from the day before and reiterating them as his own. Maybe he’s had a 70 year history as honestly trying to confuse himself and having to work with worsening neuronal disconnection. Silly Ms. Palin trying to talkdown ‘country’ for us po’ common folks. Ya betcha I saw thru that ‘un, too.

9 10 2008
kokofish palin

@Shove Maggot “That One” Hussein Palin aka the problem child

Hey thanks! On the FAQ: complaints in writing on government conduct is officially requested all of the time. However — at least where I work — if the Mayor wanted to register a complaint, he’d call the Chief and tell him. If a regular Joe wanted to complain, she’d have to do it in writing.

I never imagined that “mental impressions” could be the same as “expert opinion.” Maybe Alaska lawdogs will weigh in on this. That reminds me — time to play with the puppies.

10 10 2008
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