Infiltrating the Palin Rally in Anchorage.

13 09 2008

I just got back from the Welcome Home Sarah Palin rally. Still figuring out how to process through the entire experience.

The first noticeable change in downtown Anchorage was the police cars on every corner. I decided to park a distance away and walk to the convention center. There was a small but discernable pattern of people wending their way in the same direction. I figured they were all on the way to the rally. They were.

I approached the Den’aina Center and saw the t-shirt vendors out on the sidewalk. I readied my camera and headed in. A man in a suit stepped in front of me and said, “This is just like the airport.” I had no idea what he was talking about. Then I saw the line and realized they’d be checking my bags when I entered. I remembered I had an Obama button on my camera strap, and I quickly took it off and stuffed it in my wallet. I passed the check, and realized how many secret service guys were around. They weren’t hard to spot. Suits, glasses and wires sticking out of their ears. It almost made me chuckle. If they really wanted to be ‘secret’ that wasn’t the way to do it.

I walked in to the large “Eklutna Room” where the rally was to be held. More TV cameras than I have ever seen in my life were set up on risers all around the room. The room itself, when filled to capacity, holds 5000 people. I tried to eyeball it, and I’d guess there were 1000 or so there. Everyone was pushed into the center of the room where the podium was set up.

I arrived about 45 minutes before it started so I’d get a decent spot. Bad plan. I ended up getting stuck between a guy on my left who kept spontaneously bellowing “WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” at the top of his lungs about 18 inches away from my ear. On my right, the current Mrs. Alaska 2008. How do I know? She was wearing her sash. Next to her was an espresso-fueled couple who kept initiating chants of U-S-A! U-S-A!, and “Gimme an S! Gimme an A! Gimme an R!”…you get the idea.

There were little girls with signs that said ‘I [heart] Sarah’, and people wearing t-shirts with disturbing images of pit bulls in lipstick, and “Hottest Governor in the Coolest State”, and most of them were women. Hockey jerseys were also popular. Part of me wanted to ask everyone if they knew what the McCain-Palin platform actually WAS. But, I kept quiet. Being there by myself was odd. I was just starting to feel really really alone, when they started the motivational music. And you’ll never guess. Bruce Springsteen! It was like a voice of sanity filling the whole room, and it made me smile. I’m sure he wouldn’t be thrilled that his music was being used in this context, and would probably be as bewildered as me at the choice of “Born to Run”, but at that moment I didn’t care. It was a little gift from the universe. I will be forever grateful to ‘the Boss’ for being my little piece of musical driftwood, in a big churning sea of right wing rhetoric.

Then came the pledge of allegiance. A teenage boy in front of me said, “What’re you a communist?” and smacked his brother’s arm so he’d put it over his heart. A small group behind me yelled “UNDER GOD” louder than the rest of the pledge. More chants of U-S-A.

After the invocation, came Lt. Governor Sean Parnell, and Sarah Palin herself. And of course the crowd went wild. Her speech was Alaska focused, and she was definitely talking to the ‘home crowd’. She even made me laugh once, talking about how the secret service motorcade wanted lattes and she told them there was a coffee stand on every corner (which there is), and they parked the cars and got out to place the order at the little window. If you’re in Alaska, you get why this is funny. For those of you ‘outside’, the little window is a drive up.

After the Alaska references, came oil talk, and chants of Drill Baby Drill (initiated by the group on my right), followed by WOOOOOOOOing (by the guy on my left). She didn’t talk long, but the crowd seemed to think it was “worth the wait”. After the speech, she worked her way through the crowd shaking hands. I was pretty close, and maybe got a picture that’s usable. Then I was overcome with the irresistible urge to flee. So I did.

Outside, in the crisp autumn morning, I took a big deep breath. Across the street were two guys holding up a sheet, criticizing Palin’s stance on the Iraq war. One of them was talking to someone with a microphone. I crossed the street, looked at the other guy and gave him a big ‘thumbs up’. He looked completely surprised, as he probably saw me coming from the rally, but quickly flashed a big grateful smile.

And the day has only begun…  Next stop, the “Alaska Women Reject Palin” rally.  Mental whiplash awaits.



421 responses

13 09 2008

When Obama wins, I will also be WOOOOOOing as loud as possible. Only, I think it will be less annoying than someone at a Palin rally

13 09 2008
Sarah in CA

You’re braver than I, my friend. I probably would not have been able to sit through that.

Glad to have a report, though! Thanks! When I think of all of those SS and reporters and so forth crammed into Anchorage, it makes me kinda laugh. Must be surreal.

13 09 2008
Pointed Revelations


“McCain’s Ties to Shadowy Security Company Confirmed”
(revised September 13, 2008)

John McCain makes occasional mention of his friend, Admiral Chuck Larson, whose distinguished career includes the command of nuclear submarines and the management of the Naval Academy.

Not as well known but by no means concealed is Larson’s link to Washington’s ViaGlobal Group, the successor company to ViaFinance and Galway Partners.

ViaGlobal was serving as the “business incubator” for Rosetta Research and Consulting LLC, best known as the company involved in luring Afghan tribal chieftain and accused drug kingpin Haji Bashar Noorzai to the U.S., where he was arrested in April of 2005.

Rosetta’s Department of Defense sponsors, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, brokered an introduction to CNN military commentator General David Grange, who serves as an advisor to ViaGlobal.

Grange made the initial arrangements between Rosetta, represented by former Katten Muchin Zavis Rosenman partner and ex-NSC attorney Joseph Myers, now with the International Monetary Fund, and ViaGlobal’s chairman, Frank Gren.

Another former Katten Muchin Zavis Rosenman partner, Carole Van Cleefe, brokered a deal between Rosetta and Oracle. Oracle project managers Barbara Bleiweiss and Peter Bloom attempted to establish a joint venture using an existing contract vehicle with the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force (FTTTF), but was unsuccessful due to Rosetta’s cost demands.

Gren and his colleagues sought to obtain additional funding for Rosetta, as millions of dollars in investment money had been spent on payments to secure the confidence of Noorzai. Myers, Gren, and others sought sources of funding such as a contract with the FBI as well as an investment from fallen tobacco lawyer Dickie Scruggs.

ViaGlobal appears to have used McCain, acting through staffer Chris Paul, to divert a 2004 FBI internal investigation into dealings between Rosetta contractors and certain FBI employees. This was the subject of a meeting held with the FBI’s Deputy Director John Pistole in late 2004.

In mid 2006, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General conducted an investigation into criminal activities of the same FBI employees. Rosetta’s phone, email, and contractual records were subpoenaed. In addition, several Rosetta officials and advisors were questioned for several weeks.

Papers filed as part of the Noorzai case show that Rosetta, acting under the orders of senior U.S. officials, promised Noorzai he would not be arrested. Rosetta also paid substantial sums to various foreign government officials who then lied to Noorzai about the actual purpose of the meetings. Noorzai had been indicted as a drug kingpin, and since efforts to secure his cooperation in other matters had failed, the decision was made to bring him to the United States and arrest him.

The papers also show that Rosetta sought and obtained in excess of ten million dollars from investors, who believed they were investing in a security company.

Instead, the money was being used to finance the lavish and extensive travel needed to locate Noorzai and gain his confidence. The investors are understandably upset, but since the Rosetta principals are known only as “Mike” and “Brian” no success has been had in locating them.

Rosetta also had improper relationships with a handful of FBI employees, who were later investigated for contributing to Rosetta’s alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices and Neutrality Acts.

As part of the incubation arrangement, ViaGlobal sought to obtain ownership of Rosetta’s proprietary database of terrorist financiers as well as access to the extensive network of contacts in the Middle East developed as part of the dealings with Noorzai.

For more information:

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

thanks so much for the report
i have been looking for coverage, and nothing…

– Goober Swill palin

13 09 2008

My sis lives in Wasilla, says the place is crawling with media. I mentioned previously that she was pro-Palin at the beginning, now is a bit more subdued – and rightly so. I think this has brought Alaskans to the forefront, to the realization that politics outside our state really DO affect us Alaskans, and to vote for this woman who is so obviously, painfully unprepared (so many descriptive words to choose from) would be like putting the cover of People magazine on your political rally sign. For my sister to question….there may yet be hope.

I’m in the wilds of the interior or I’d be among the visible who are opposing this madness.

13 09 2008

Palin = McCain’s trophy VP

Thanks for the report. I don’t think I have the stomach to be in the same room with her. Read Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh’s websites to see how the conservatives adore her and blame the “liberal media” for tearing her apart.

Ha ha ha ha …. the “liberal media” are treating her like a rock star…!

13 09 2008

Glad to get your report but sorry you had to witness the disgusting display of human ignorance.

The below link to Obama Waffle Mix will disgust you or nothing will…;_ylt=AlmYiBeHj6CL5bNvFkhoHMZh24cA

I’m off to make another contribution to Obama/Biden!

13 09 2008

Thanks for the report, I’m sure the MSM will sway it to a packed crowd of 5,000!

Finally the Obama campaign is back on the offensive. They just set up the website so everyone please check it out when you get a chance. It’s important to know that cast of characters that are shaping the Republican non platform.

13 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Wow, AKMukraker. You described some pretty scary people.

13 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Thanks for the report, AKM! Sorry you had to endure the Woo Woos in your ear! So, you said that when you arrived the room was around 1/5 full and they pushed everyone to the center of the room (good for the cameras, I know). But did the room ultimately max out? If not, doesn’t seem like the crowd was all that impressive. Am I wrong?

P.S. Good call on removing the button!! Oh, and I’ll get the Springsteen thing out to some people who will care.

13 09 2008

Well you do have something in common with the lower 48, we also have drive up windows for coffee! At least in Ma, Me NH, CT, Fla. NY, NJ, PA. MAybe not so muchin DC where the secret service men came from?
Of course there hasn’t been anything on TV, It’s all Ike, all day long.
Those reporters LOVE to wear hipboots and stand out in a tearing rain!

13 09 2008

AKM: Glad to get your report, but sorry you had to witness the shameful display of human ignorance.

If the below link to a very distasteful Yahoo news story about a conservative group does not disgust you, nothing ever will-;_ylt=AlmYiBeHj6CL5bNvFkhoHMZh24cA

Now I am off to make another contribution to Obama/Biden

13 09 2008

I don’t think the people at the rally would take this very well:

13 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

I Understand your pain. I was reading and saw the brief headline of Sarah Palin coming to Dallas for a fundraiser on Oct 3. And to my thought was the charge of $1,000 per person to see her speak from teleprompters just somehow made me think what a joke. I can not believe someone would pay to see this woman shoot out her mouth talking points and not TRUE ones at that.

This country scares me. But, then America overwhelming voted for GEORGE W BUSH.

13 09 2008

The Old McCain: Mayor Rudy and Governor Mitt weren’t prepared to lead America

Sam Stein reports that McCain vehemently asserted that the Mayor of New York City (population 8.2 million — 1000 times more than Wasilla) and Massachusetts (population 6.4 million — 10 times more than Alaska) didn’t have the national security cred to be President:
Back in October 2007, when McCain’s candidacy still appeared dead and buried, the Senator berated the two Republican front runners for lacking the necessary political experience to handle commander in chief responsibilities.

“I have had a strong and a long relationship on national security, I’ve been involved in every national crisis that this nation has faced since Beirut, I understand the issues, I understand and appreciate the enormity of the challenge we face from radical Islamic extremism,” the Senator declared. “I am prepared. I am prepared. I need no on-the-job training. I wasn’t a mayor for a short period of time. I wasn’t a governor for a short period of time.”
That was one of the last remnants of the old John McCain. The new John McCain, the compulsive liar, thinks Sarah Palin can step in and handle the job. John McCain will say anything and do anything to be president — even sacrificing the security of the nation. He used to think that was important.

Rudy and Mitt didn’t meet the McCain national security criteria: It is impossible to see Russia from either NYC or Boston

13 09 2008

I live in Austin,Texas………Home of Ann Richards AND Molly Ivins. They would SO take care of McCoward and Poodle. keep up the fine work.have you seen Rove or Schmidt up there ?? I’m sure a putred smell would be the 1st clue…

13 09 2008

I wonder if the “Christians” in this country realize that right-wing theocrats don’t support a religious government, they support a specific Evangelical Protestant religious government? If they are allowed the power they crave (and certainly craving power is a Fruitage of the Spirit, right?) we won’t be saying “One nation, under God,” we will be saying “One nation, under the Assemblies of God.” I am simply awestruck by the blind stupidity of these people.

13 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Judi, why would we expect anything different from the GOP. If you looked at their convention side by side with a picture of Dem convention the contrast was so stark. The America we know is still divided. But, I do believe in this election we have the opportunity to finish the chapter if we choose to.

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

judi, they didn’t realize…. thought they were just waffles….. right.
(insert bridge story here)
we should send them some Credibility Muffins,
so they will have 1 oz. of cred.

13 09 2008
Miss Mickey

Oh my god – I winced while reading this. You brave, crazy man – I give you much credit for your tolerance of obnoxious bullshit.

13 09 2008

Just a reminder of the big picture and what’s at stake here.

13 09 2008

Laughing—The one thing the regugs do well is LIE! Sad isn’t it 😦

13 09 2008

Um, to the poster who suggested we visit Hannity and Rush’s sites, um yea thanks. Next time some warning to bring a vomit bag? If Rush’s obscenely Vegas like blinking crap didn’t do it, Hannity’s “I’m getting richer on American stupidity everyday” smirk sent me running for the toilet, read the comments? I don’t think so dude, garbage in, garbage out. Good GOD how do I get the tacky out of my eyeballs !!!!!!!

13 09 2008

Hey, it worked.
Thanks again, Karen Marie, wherever you are!

13 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered KTUU says it was “a cheering crowd of more than 2,000 people”.

Uh, I guess we can safely say it was more like “over 1,999”. 😉

13 09 2008

mde, thanks to the link to Seitzman—Goood stuff!
“Now, I want to be clear and speak directly to those of you who LOVED that Palin interview. You’re an idiot. I mean that. This is not one of those cases where we’re going to agree to disagree. This isn’t one of those situations where we debate it passionately and then walk away thinking that the other guy is wrong but argued well. I’m not going to think of you as a thoughtful but misguided person with different ideas who still really cares about the country and the world. No, sorry, not this time. This time, if you watched those interview excerpts and weren’t scared out of your freakin’ mind, then you’re mentally ill, mentally disabled, or mentally disturbed. “

13 09 2008

I have to say better the Jew than the Nazi and better the free thinker than the by the nose led Republican attracted to that flashy junk like thoughtless bimbos to the shiniest cubic zirconia. If McCain/Palin does actually win I’ll sleep just fine on election night thank you very much.

13 09 2008

Brave work AKM! Into the lion’s (pitbull’s) den!

13 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

Quote from ADN about the rally:

“”Alaska, I’ll be doing it for you,” Palin told the roaring crowd of about 1,500 at the new Dena’ina Convention Center downtown . “Going forth in these days ahead, Alaska, I pledge to do my level best to be worthy of the confidence this beautiful state has put to me.” ”

1,500 people in an facility that can hold 5,000 isn’t much to crow about – even 2,000 isn’t great.

1500 is really pushing it. I’d be surprised if it was that many. Really closer to 1000. And whoever said “more than 2000” is grossly exaggerating.
Seems like perhaps Alaskans might have stayed home in droves?

13 09 2008
A Brit abroad

Anchorage municipality has what – 250,000 people? Is a turnout of a little more than 1,999 at a rally a good turnout (regardless of how loud they WOOOOd)?

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

There was a gaffe on FAUX news- (that would have been played up had it been on the left) -some analysts were lamenting that CNN started to go in for the sleeze and pandering on the right… the FAUX news analyst said, “there’s only so much trailer-trash pie to go around”

yes, they called their audience trailer-trash.
they said no, we meant like a pie chart. ok, then they still called the section of the pie chart that denotes their audience, trailer-trash.

its not like you could visit any one of those sites and have a real conversation with someone with actual reasons for supporting the republicans. they have turned the brand into a macho self-identification that kicks-ass and doesn’t care what those foreign sissies think.
all those fat couch potatoes get to “be” a john wayne for a day, riding into the voting booth and saving america for the tough guys. big macho hannity, skinny little dweeb colmes. the marketing, the imagery, its amazing how people can be conned to vote against their own interests.

13 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

RE: Yahoo article and accompanying AP photo…
And these people are VALUES VOTERS?!! They certainly don’t share the Christian values I was taught! They need to be exposed for the hateful bigots they are!

13 09 2008

Thank you AKM from the bottom of my heart for your work.

stay brave and safe, we are all with you.

@Michele, amen!

if you post links to articles & videos it is deeply appreciated

13 09 2008

With Gov. Palin, the bar has been lowered across the board.

13 09 2008

Interesting that Palin is not drawing a capacity crowd in her own state, where she is supposed to be wildly popular. The description AKM gives is of a gathering of true believers. Where is everyone else?

I’m reminded of Ralph Nader in 2000. His supporters turned out in force and were wildly enthusiastic during the whole campaign. Yet he finished in the single digits. If, after all this media frenzy, Palin can’t even fill a fairly small hall on her own, what does that bode for her political future?

13 09 2008

Lots and lots of amazing stuff here:

Will any amount of tawdry and embarrassing information be enough to bring this nomination, and McCain’s candidacy, down? The linked article goes a long way toward that!

Circulate it widely.

13 09 2008

Thanks, Michele 12 11 57 I have addressed these same issues in my blog. As an individual that got out, the fact that Sarah Palin may be president is a surreal nightmare. She should be marginalized in the strongest way…

13 09 2008

because my mind always seems to play with words..
don’t you mean Palin sends us BORED to a bar???

13 09 2008

Cynthia, TX:

It’s important to remember that the country did not vote overwhelmingly for Bush.

The first time Gore received more of the popular vote.

The second time Kerry might have won if he’d held his ground and demanded the vote fraud in Ohio be investigated.

Even as an incumbent Bush barely squeaked by.

Do not lose heart.

13 09 2008

Loved the driftwood and rhetorical sea metaphor. Nice touch.

13 09 2008


You are doing your country a great service. Protect yourself.

13 09 2008

The bar has been lowered with regards to, among other things:
Knowledge of policy

13 09 2008

o.m. GOOODDDD! Thanks for sharing….

13 09 2008


Point taken. 🙂

13 09 2008

A Brit abroad-

My thought exactly. Obama drew a crowd of 5,000 here in Minneapolis before he announced he was running. After that, his next visit drew upwards of 40,000 people for an arena that only holds about 20,000. A thousand or two on a Saturday morning sounds really anemic to me.

13 09 2008

Definitely a brave boy. Back in late February just before the Ohio primary, I got a chance to be on a women’s panel with Michelle Obama at a daycare center. Secret Service was there, too, but probably a little more subtle than for the Palin rally. One of the guys was guarding the door of the kitchen where all the women on the panel (just 6 of us) were waiting to meet Michelle. He tried very hard to keep a straight face, but we were funny women, and he couldn’t. So there.
It just stumps me why any woman would support Sarah Palin. She does not represent me or my sister or my 13-year-old daughter or my best friend… Crap. I’m preaching to the choir again.
I love your page and check in here multiple times per day. I’m going to share this link with my sister, dude. Thank you for keeping us so well informed.

13 09 2008

From Andrew Sullivan:

“In the last month, McCain has become the biggest liar in the modern history of presidential politics. He makes Bill Clinton look like George Washington.”

Given Sullivan’s past comments about the Clintons, this is really saying something.

13 09 2008
David Harper

I was at the rally as well, really trying to get an in person feel for Sarah as a candidate. I’m going to have to agree with you, most of the audience was pretty ridiculous, but I have to admit I did find her speech pretty stirring. Not going to be a popular opinion here, but I figured I’d share. I’m not 100% on either side, but Palin is a very charismatic orator.

However, the highlight of the event had to be when the people behind me suggested we start an Obama chant – “Give me an O! Give me a B!” etc. – and see how long it would take the audience to figure out what they were doing. We guessed they’d get to the M and their faces would be replaced with sheer horror.

Oh yeah, and I’m fairly certain even if you kept the Obama pin on you’d be fine. The Secret Service isn’t quite Gestapo, and I saw someone there wearing an Obama shirt. Apparently that guy was truly all in.

13 09 2008

Thanks for the info.

Just E’d a message about “Born To Run” to ‘Backstreets’ supposedly a Springsteen site, wether it is or isn’t they may be able to message him about the use.

I doubt he gave permission.

Also don’t Repugs ever Listen to the Words of songs, always wondered that with some of their choices, like Raygun and Bruces “Born in the U.S.A.”, a protest song about our conflict ‘Nam.

13 09 2008

I think I am jealous of AKM.

Damn good article. Excellent writer.

13 09 2008
Joy first

Holding onto my sanity

Everyday I read these treacherous newspapers or listen to the MSM I get more and more troubled.

AKM I am glad you are able to give us some insight into that rally.

Do you think Alaskans are finally seeing sarah palin for the opportunist that she is?

Listening to charlie gibson question her on Night Line last night about economic policy,or social security – the woman doesnot have a clue – she was babbling all over her face and saying nothing like that miss north carolina contestant who kept talking about EYE-RAQ and maps and EYE-RACK.

Boy oh boy,is this what America has come to – one of the dumbest female govenors around could potentially be Vice President of this great Nation.

13 09 2008

The above link is of the Wasilla city documents and cover the time Miz Paling was their mayor. No books were banned, but during her tenure, a challenge was put forth in 1997 on the book “Heather has Two Mommies”. In 2005, a challenge was put forth on the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart’s book “America (the book)”.

Somewhere amongst the budget reports at above site is, apparently, the item re charging the victim for rape kits. I didn’t look for it.

13 09 2008

Laughing, you are so right…sorry make that you are so correct, I hesitate to use ‘right’..Fox is as evil as its audience…………..
Sad because they all know about the lies and they don’t care, they just don’t care. The viewers don’t even care if they are called trailer trash–You could no more change their minds than you could fly unassisted to the moon..They want a conservative in office and it doesn’t matter if it is satan and of course this year it is…:(
I have confidence that truth and good will overcome…Obama/Biden will win :), we can’t afford to let them lose!

13 09 2008

the FAUX news analyst said, “there’s only so much trailer-trash pie to go around”

Thanks for sharing that ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

13 09 2008

On the recent “The View” show with McCain, McCain stated that Miz Paling had not requested any earmarks since becoming governor. According to the Huffington Post, this is not true and quotes:

“McCain also claimed that Palin has never asked for money for pet projects as Alaska governor — when in fact she has sought nearly $200 million in earmarks this year.”

There are lies and there are lies. It is up to each citizen to ferret out the truth and not blindly follow like dumb sheep.

13 09 2008

Well, you just got your first taste of a staged event! Pushing the crowd to middle to make it look bigger, and just why was Mrs. Alaska there with a ridiculous banner? Why, you don’t think it was for the cameras do you? How many of those i heart Sarah cards were hand made by the campaign and passed out? How many of those attendees were pressed into an appearance by the McCain people and Palin supporters? And how many of the whoopers and chanters were campaign staff or supporters called to show the lower 48 how much Alaska loves Sarah?

This is a honest question — how many were spontaneous attendees, and how many were there to keep their jobs, show their colors, and respond to requestrs? Because that is how this type of event is organized.

The comments by your guest writer about how Alaska was being changed by Palin’s candidacy were very, very thoughtul and interesting. We are so awash in this sort of chicanery in the lower 48 that a state that is shock because of it is a refreshing (if distressing to AK) reminder that this is not how people act in a functional COMMUNITY.

Maybe the contribution Alaska could make the the country is to say, “We’re independent minded folks and some of us support Sarah/some don’t, but this is not how we are going to do thiings here, and you don’t get to come in and run roughshod over our legislators, our heroes, our respected leaders and our state so your election can go the way you want it to go.

13 09 2008

The Christian Right has a publication out that specifies the two biggest issues for the US are gays and abortion.

Isn’t that just amazing..???

Let’s ignore the economy, trade, education, foreign policy, and etc and focus on putting our nose into someone’s private business.

You have to read the other side. It’s just mind boggling!


13 09 2008
Audrey in Oregon


Looking forward to the pictures! Did you make it to the other rally too? How about Ed Shultz’s show last nite?

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

thanks for the seitzman link.
he said it so much better than i could.

i have someone in my life i know that i cant be friends with anymore unless he can come around. its kind of harsh, but i feel like there is no argument here, just laziness or failure to see, or racism perhaps. he is not anti-choice, does not own an oil company, not over $250K a year, or any other reason that some might give. i feel bad about it, but i am taking it very personal this time, because it is (and i will not get tax cut.)

13 09 2008
Ohio Sue

Good afternoon, all. AKM, you are very brave. Can’t wait to see the pics.

Also, and off-topic, but….
in case you haven’t seen this, ThinkProgress has a story about an INCREDIBLY racist waffles mix box being sold at the Value Voter Summit (the christian political event sponsored by Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council).
Here’s the link to the ThinkProgress story:

It’s a riff on the Aunt Jemima brand (obviously), but using two different caricatures of Barack Obama (one in a muslim headscarf).
Okay, that’s offensive enough, but the icing on the cake is that Lou Dobbs (who is speaking at this “event”) bought a box and is quoted and photographed with the vendor of this drek saying “My wife is going to love this [the waffles box]!” Here’s the vendor’s site:

I think that people should complain to CNN about something that is so overtly racist which looks as though it is being “endorsed” by one of its anchors (or whatever he is). Really. I’m going to complain and I hope that many of you will, too. Here’s the CNN contact info:

Maybe there is no redress for every single wrong committed, but I am really offended.

13 09 2008

This blog is so refreshing!

I keep checking the MSM for updates – although more truth is being reported, so MUCH is still omitted! For those not paying attention, it really would be easy to ignore all the lies out there.

I agree with those of you who are emailing friends re: this. Pass it forward. Email the good legit links.

Today I think I will email 2 of the most significant stories I have read in the last day – 1) warren buffet endorses Obama as a competent candidate and 2) Greenspan does NOT endorse McCains plan.
(I have to get back to work other wise I woudl seek the links, but I will try and do so later).

We’ll never get the uber neo-cons to change, but there are a lot of reasonable people who might actually care that economically the obvious rational choice is Obama.

13 09 2008
Ohio Sue

oops…sorry to duplicate the waffles story…

13 09 2008

Oh, Mudflats… I’m in a quandary.

I don’t want Palin to be VP, but I don’t want her to be governor for another 6 years either! What say you?

13 09 2008
13 09 2008
Ohio Sue

Kelly – I luv it. “No, you take her” “No. YOU take her” LOL

13 09 2008
Old Time Dem

Does anyone have any idea of when the Palins will release their tax returns? Biden and his wife released 10 years of returns this week, and there are no surprises there. Any idea, you Mudflats folks and AK folks, if there are likely any surprises in the Palin financial reports? This really tripped up the Ferraro campiagn, the last time we had a female VP candidate…. Just wondering….

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

when Obama wins she goes back to AK famous, but damaged.
people in fla with shame were quite embarrassed after 2000.
nobody want their state to be ridiculed publicly like that

13 09 2008
Then Came Bronson

Here in Michigan if Obama doesn’t draw over 10,000 it’s considered a small crowd. If Sarah Jessica Palin can only draw 1,000 on her home tundra I’m less than impressed. Hopefully the novelty is wearing off and we can start getting to issues.

13 09 2008
Wired Differently

Ohio Sue, thanks for the waffle tip. Just wrote my message to Lou Dobbs, now I’m going to go buy some postcards while I wait for news on the real rally.

13 09 2008

Thanks Eric!,

That is great article…thank god the NY times is finally waking up. What a scary article. She sounds like a Hitler with lipstick on.

When are Palins connections to the AIP going to be revealed? It is frustrating that she is called a reformer…but this so-called reform was supported and enacted according to the AIP agenda.

When are they going to dig up some information about the first dude.

All this secrecy…so much for transparency

13 09 2008

Les MisBarack Viral Video

This video has gone viral.

Spread it about MudFlatians

13 09 2008


Not a good thought on a pulic or private board!!

13 09 2008

I’m crossing my fingers that Palinmania is on the wane. After her interviews with Charlie Gibson, it’s clear that she really doesn’t have any fresh ideas. The public is going to get bored if they don’t contribute something substantive to the discussion. And every day, another lie of hers or McCain’s is being revealed. Add to that the brewing Troopergate scandal, and it really isn’t good news for them. Also, it seems that McCain has been inflating his rally attendance numbers. He is certainly drawing more people than pre-Palin, but not as many as they are claiming.

The SF Chronicle quoted someone the other day who said that Americans love celebrities, but even more, they love seeing them fall.

13 09 2008

Just got back from the Anti-Palin rally, it was SO inspiring to see so many out there!! Way to go AK!!

13 09 2008

Laura how was it..?

13 09 2008

A good article from the NY times

13 09 2008

Apparently her live speeches are better than her television interviews.

Last night, while watching her lame regurgitation of memorized lines on 20/20, I wanted to ask “Pailin want a cracker?”

13 09 2008

How was it Laura you lucky gal !

13 09 2008

Eric (12:39:09) :

Great NYT article. Perfect for sharing with friends. Thanks for the tip.

For those who have not read about Sarah and her vendetta posse, this is good Saturday afternoon reading. Eric needs a tip jar.

In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics

13 09 2008
A Brit abroad

Tell us Laura… please!

13 09 2008

I must agree with Jimstaro, there are some things that should not be said, even in jest.

And the fact is, for those fanatics that take those things to heart, they are not only insane, they don’t grasp the realty that it is never the solution. Never.

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

corrie- i totally agree!
this is my post to my school blog, my “reasonable person” response to the talking-point parrots that say its the liberal media blah blah blah attack palin blah blah. its my neo-intellectual attempt at “stfu”

I am very impressed with Barack Obama’s demeanor. We have heard about a “different kind of politician” before, but this time I think we are really seeing one. I saw (Bill?) Burton from the Obama campaign on the cable news, and he said they are not going to overreact to one poll. I think the debates are the time when people can see the two candidates without all of the noise that constantly surrounds. Many statements have been made about John McCain’s temperament, most notably by Republicans during the primaries. The difference between the two candidates should be striking. The projections are that 90+ million viewers will tune in. I am starting to think that this huge Palin factor is just an “equal and opposite reaction,” and that it will die down. Americans generally don’t like extremists. I am hoping that slow, steady, thoughtful, and deliberate will take the day.

13 09 2008

Thanks for the report, AKM. Only a crowd of 2000? Dare I hope that – except for the true believers – the novelty is wearing off? I remember how excited everyone was when Geraldine Ferraro was nominated – that didn’t last long after revelations about her husband’s financial dealings. I gotta believe that even those who think it’s great to have a VP candidate who’s “just like one of us” recognize that like most of us, she’s really not ready to be the Veep or POTUS.

13 09 2008
Frances Dale

Having spent the last 2 weeks on the internet(never before in my life have I been so addictive)–Confident,now more than ever,that younger generation,first-time voters,women of all ages, enlightened men(thanks to the women in their lives),retirees,veterans,and “old school” Republicans –will knock it out of the park,put Obama/Biden in office and election night will be thrilling.We have to stop fussing and stay positive,give $$,send postcards,just convince ONE fence sitter and you’ve made a contribution to victory.

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

AKM – you have my deepest gratitude for going into the Lion’s den with those…uh…bodies….it’s like another planet has snatched their brains. Good for you. And yes, she may be a good orator. . . that does not equate to Leader of the Free World.

@Eric (12:39:09) : Lots and lots of amazing stuff here:

LMAO. “….when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as one of her qualifications for running the roughly $2 million agency….”

This argument has obviously been used prior to national media espousing Palin’s foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from Alaska.

13 09 2008

The Republicans and Conservative Right are using Bush’s trick of “renaming” something to make it true. For example, No Child Left Behind actually means leaving most children behind. And the Clean Air Act means more air pollution. But by calling it a “feel good” name, the truth is masked.

So, I heard Sean Hannity’s show (I was trapped in a car pool for an hour and the driver chooses the radio program, ok?) and every time he mentioned the democrats, he would call them “angry democrats”. What?? Where are these angry democrats? I don’t see them.

He’s playing mind games and planting the thought into the head of his audience.

The latest trick is telling his audience that Obama is running scared. Really…??

Trust me… it is very hard to keep my mind shut during the tirade.

13 09 2008

Kelly (13:06:36) :

Please, Alaska needs to take one for the team. If you promise to take her back, maybe we can rally all us O Team members to fund her defeat up there. Fair enough?

Oh, and one totally esoteric detail for Mudflats Our Hero: the Secret Service isn’t clueless as to the drive up. They are not allowed to put themselves or a candidate into any situation they cannot control or surround. Sandwiched in a drive up/drive through is a big no-no. Oh, and some of them being visible is the point. There were just as many there you probably couldn’t pinpoint. I’ve been on the organizing end of several early mid-west O events. Working for a candidate who receives many threats, we have come to love these guys with all our hearts! So just as we love you. Mudflats, I just had to give them some love here too.

13 09 2008
13 09 2008

Judi, that’s the sort of thought that is not just reprehensible, but quite possibly a basis for federal investigation.

13 09 2008
Mollys Mum

I can’t find the OP to credit who originally put this link up, but it’s an excellent discussion on how people react to candidates and their speeches, why Sarah Palin was and continues to be such an effective candidate, how Obama has fallen short and what he needs to do to win the election. The show is PBS’s NOW, and the guest is Drew Weston, author of The Political Brain. I certainly hope this makes it to Obama HQ.

13 09 2008

Sorry folks–it was a joke–I admit it was distasteful, but a joke none the less…

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

molly’s mum- didn’t they say he was a consultant for the campaign? sure hope he is.

13 09 2008

Laura…we’re anxious for a report on the numbers, the vibe and the overall reaction to the anti-Palin rally…bated breath here 🙂

13 09 2008

Just wanted to post this link to the NYT article again – it’s definitely worth reading and forwarding.

Maybe one reason the media has been fairly focused on shallow details of late is because they’re actually busy researching substantive articles, such as this one. They interviewed over 60 people to gather the facts and it looks like they got lots of supporting information from acquaintances of the key players, instead of just meaningless sound bites.

Thanks Eric for pointing this out:

“Lots and lots of amazing stuff here:

Will any amount of tawdry and embarrassing information be enough to bring this nomination, and McCain’s candidacy, down? The linked article goes a long way toward that!

Circulate it widely.”

13 09 2008

There were probably about 3 thousand people there, men, women, young, old, white black. Several naysayers as well but not as many as I thought. And they were getting shouted out (“Obama!” over “Sarah!”) I’m not a writer, I’m sure Mudflats will have a better description. I was just super impressed by how many peeps there were. I loved seeing the kids with signs like, “I want to have a reproductive choice some day,” and mom’s wearing hockey shirts with signs saying, “Hockey Mom’s Against Sarah.” And of course the fully dressed costumed polar bear with a “Polar Bears against Sarah” sign. Wasn’t there too long, only about an hour but I was blown away, lately I have been feeling ashamed to live here and this renewed my love for our beautiful state!

13 09 2008

I am sure it was a joke, Judi. But you — and everyone — ought to know that even joking about the death of a candidate is a very serious matter, since law enforcement can’t know who is joking and who isn’t, and people get investigated for this sort of thing.

13 09 2008

Hi All, There were probably about 3 thousand people there, men, women, young, old, white black. Several naysayers as well but not as many as I thought. And they were getting shouted out (“Obama!” over “Sarah!”) I’m not a writer, I’m sure Mudflats will have a better description. I was just super impressed by how many peeps there were. I loved seeing the kids with signs like, “I want to have a reproductive choice some day,” and mom’s wearing hockey shirts with signs saying, “Hockey Mom’s Against Sarah.” And of course the fully dressed costumed polar bear with a “Polar Bears against Sarah” sign. Wasn’t there too long, only about an hour but I was blown away, lately I have been feeling ashamed to live here and this renewed my love for our beautiful state!

13 09 2008

Did this ViaGlobal outfit ever do anything in Alaska? I wonder if McCain and Palin have been hatching plots for a while.

13 09 2008

NY Times article says Wasilla bought a white SUV for the mayor during Palin’s tenure. I wasn’t able to tell if that was while Wasilla was still billing victims for rape exams.

13 09 2008

Unraveling The Myth Of The Straight Talk Express

From The Jed Report Link Is Above

To: Press Corps
From: Obama Campaign
Re: Unraveling the myth of the Straight Talk Express

Since naming Governor Palin as their Vice Presidential nominee, the McCain campaign has distorted, distracted, and outright lied to the American people about her record in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that a McCain/Palin Administration would be nothing more than a continuation of the failed Bush policies of the last eight years.

Indeed, today alone we learned that the McCain campaign’s claim that Governor Palin traveled to Iraq is a lie. In fact, she didn’t cross the Kuwait border. We learned that the McCain campaign is desperate enough to tell the press phony crowd numbers, which they falsely attributed to local elected officials and the United States Secret Service. And we learned that despite Senator McCain’s claim that Governor Palin is a fiscal conservative, spending actually increased during her brief tenure as Governor.

Here are the facts. Governor Palin supported the Bridge to Nowhere, requested hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks, never visited Iraq, increased spending as governor, increased taxes as governor, and was about as successful selling that luxury jet on eBay as the McCain campaign has been selling her reputation as a reformer. Oh yeah, and the gas pipeline she touts won’t be usable for at least a decade, if it’s completed at all.

While the media is slowly starting to call the McCain campaign on their dishonest tactics, McCain’s staff boasts that they don’t care. As a McCain spokesman told the Politico, “We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media filter tries to say about it.”

To help you cut through their lies and spin, below are the facts you need to set the record straight.

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Visited Troops In Iraq

FACT: Palin Did Not Venture Further Into Iraq Than It’s Border With Kuwait

“In The Second Official Revision Of Her Only Trip Outside North America,” Palin Aides Concede That Her 2007 Visit To Iraq “Consisted Of A Brief Stop At A Border Crossing.” “Sarah Palin’s visit to Iraq in 2007 consisted of a brief stop at a border crossing between Iraq and Kuwait, the vice presidential candidate’s campaign said yesterday, in the second official revision of her only trip outside North America. Following her selection last month as John McCain’s running mate, aides said Palin had traveled to Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq to meet with members of the Alaska National Guard. During that trip she was said to have visited a ‘military outpost’ inside Iraq. The campaign has since repeated that Palin’s foreign travel included an excursion into the Iraq battle zone. But in response to queries about the details of her trip, campaign aides and National Guard officials in Alaska said by telephone yesterday that she did not venture beyond the Kuwait-Iraq border when she visited Khabari Alawazem Crossing, also known as ‘K-Crossing,’ on July 25, 2007…It was the second such clarification in as many weeks of the itinerary of what Palin has called ‘the trip of a lifetime.’ Earlier, the campaign acknowledged that Palin made only a refueling stop in Ireland.” [Boston Globe, 9/13/08]

::: :::

McCain Myth: McCain’s Appearance Drew Crowd of 23,000 to Event

FACT: Crowd-Size Estimates Provided By Campaign Aides Not Backed By Officials.

Bloomberg: “McCain-Plain Crowd-Size Estimates Not Backed By Officials.” “Senator John McCain has drawn some of the biggest crowds of his presidential campaign since adding Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to his ticket on Aug. 29. Now officials say they can’t substantiate the figures McCain’s aides are claiming. McCain aide Kimmie Lipscomb told reporters on Sept. 10 that an outdoor rally in Fairfax City, Virginia, drew 23,000 people, attributing the crowd estimate to a fire marshal. Fairfax City Fire Marshal Andrew Wilson said his office did not supply that number to the campaign and could not confirm it. Wilson, in an interview, said the fire department does not monitor attendance at outdoor events. … The McCain campaign said 10,000 people showed up at the Consol Energy Arena in Washington, Pennsylvania, home of the Washington Wild Things baseball team. The campaign attributed that estimate, and several that followed, to U.S. Secret Service figures, based on the number of people who passed through magnetometers. ‘We didn’t provide any numbers to the campaign,’ said Malcolm Wiley, a spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service. Wiley said he would not ‘confirm or dispute’ the numbers the McCain campaign has given to reporters.” [Bloomberg, 9/13/08]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Is a Fiscal Conservative

FACT: Palin Has Grown Government in Her Time as Executive of Both Alaska And Wasilla

Boston Globe: “Fueled by Oil Taxes, Alaska Spending Soared Under Palin.” “Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska has also presided over a dramatic increase in state spending in the last two years. Still, she can accurately claim that her state is in good fiscal health, thanks to an explosion of revenues from state taxes on oil industry profits. Indeed, in her 20 months in office, Palin’s toughest financial decisions involved dickering with the Legislature on creative ways to spend and salt away the billions of dollars in oil revenues pouring into the state treasury.” [Boston Globe, 9/13/08]

* In Two Budget Cycles, Palin Only Vetoed $2.6 Million In Spending Requests For Alaska’s $8.1 Billion Operating Budget – Which Has Increased 30 Percent In Two Years. “…in two budget cycles, Palin has vetoed a total of only $2.6 million in spending requests for the state’s now $8.1 billion annual operating budget, which, according to an analysis by the legislative finance office, has increased about 30 percent in two years. The increase figure includes the one-time energy rebate checks but no increases in reserve accounts or any capital expenditures. It also doesn’t include a supplemental appropriation for additional expenditures, which is routine. Last year, the supplemental budget was more than $4 billion, mostly deposits in reserve accounts when revenues continued to pour in at high levels.” [Boston Globe, 9/13/08]

Wasilla’s Total Government Expenditures Increased 63 Percent Under Palin. In fiscal 2003-the last fiscal year Palin approved the budget-the total government expenditures of Wasilla, excluding capital outlays, were $7,046,325. In fiscal 1996-the year before Palin took control of the budget-the expenditures were $4,317,947. The increase was 63 percent. [Wasilla Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2003, Table 1]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Has Succeeded in Signing a Deal to Build Alaska’s Long-Stalled Gas Pipeline

FACTS: High Gas Prices Have Given Alaska a Huge Windfall, Passed on to Alaskans Like Sarah Palin in Huge Dividend Checks – And Palin Has Backed Shipping Alaskan Natural Gas to Asia

Palin Touts Her Pipeline Deal, But It Has Not been Started, Would Take Years to Complete and Could Never Happen, Costing Taxpayers $500 Million for Nothing. “When Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska took center stage at the Republican convention last week, she sought to burnish her executive credentials by telling how she had engineered the deal that jump-started a long-delayed gas pipeline project… But an examination of the pipeline project also found that Ms. Palin has overstated both the progress that has been made and the certainty of success. The pipeline exists only on paper. The first section has yet to be laid, federal approvals are years away and the pipeline will not be completed for at least a decade. In fact, although it is the centerpiece of Ms. Palin’s relatively brief record as governor, the pipeline might never be built, and under a worst-case scenario, the state could lose up to $500 million it committed to defray regulatory and other costs.” [New York Times, 9/13/08]

* Republican Lawmaker Worried Alaska Bargained Away Too Much Leverage, Has No Agreement to “Lift One Shovel of Dirt or Lay Down One Inch of Steel.” “As Ms. Palin takes to the road to campaign with Mr. McCain, invoking the pipeline as a major victory, some Alaska lawmakers who initially endorsed her plan now believe it was a mistake. State Senator Bert Stedman, a Republican who is co-chairman of the finance committee, said that in its contract with the chosen developer, TransCanada, the state bargained away too much leverage with little guarantee of success. ‘There is no requirement to lift one shovel of dirt or lay down one inch of steel,’ he said.” [New York Times, 9/13/08]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin’s Energy Experience Will Lower Gas Prices and Reduce Our Dependence on Foreign Oil

FACTS: High Gas Prices Have Given Alaska a Huge Windfall, Passed on to Alaskans Like Sarah Palin in Huge Dividend Checks – And Palin Has Backed Shipping Alaskan Natural Gas to Asia

Thanks To “Soaring Oil Prices And A Higher Windfall Oil Profits Tax,” Alaska’s State Coffers Are “Overflowing With Petrodollars.” “Soaring oil prices and a higher windfall oil profits tax – an increase pushed through by Palin, now the Republican vice presidential nominee – have state coffers overflowing with petrodollars. The Alaska oil industry calculates that its annual payments to the state doubled in a single year to $10.2 billion.” [Boston Globe, 9/13/08]

* Every Alaskan Receiving $1,200 From The State, Along With Annual Check From The Permanent Fund, Which Is A Record $2,069 Per Resident This Year – Palin Family Eligible For $19,000. “And Alaska residents are getting their cut. Starting this week, every Alaskan who has lived in the state more than a year will receive $1,200 from the state, a total of about $756 million in rebates to offset high energy costs in the 49th state. That’s on top of the perennial check each will receive from the state’s oil revenue-endowed Permanent Fund, this year a record $2,069 per resident. The large Palin family is eligible to receive more than $19,000 from the combined payments.” [Boston Globe, 9/13/08]

Palin Backed A Two-Year Extension Of The Export License To Export Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) To Japan And Other Asian Countries-Criticized Because Alaska’s Gas Reserves Are Declining. “Alaska producers can continue shipping gas to Asia after DOE last week approved an extension of the export license for the Kenai liquefied natural gas plant owned by ConocoPhillips and Marathon. The companies will be allowed to export up to 98.1 Bcf to Japan and other Pacific Rim countries over a two-year period through March 31, 2011. […] The application came under fire from local end-users, including gas distribution companies Enstar and the Chugach Electric Association, as well as fertilizer maker Agrium, all of which claimed the exports would exacerbate the problem of declining gas reserves in south-central Alaska. Agrium permanently closed its plant near Kenai due to an inability to find enough local supply for the facility that used 53 Bcf/year. In January, ConocoPhillips and Marathon reached a deal in which they agreed to step up development in the Cook Inlet region in return for the state’s support of the export license extension. The producers also agreed to divert gas from the LNG plant as needed to meet the peak winter supply needs of the local utilities. […] Alaska Governor Sarah Palin welcomed the DOE approval. “In these times of economic uncertainty, this is great news for the state and its residents. This extension will secure a future for the LNG operation and is another step toward ensuring energy supplies and energy security for Alaska,” the Republican governor said. [Platts Inside FERC, 6/9/08]

::: :::

McCain Palin Myth: Sarah Palin Told Congress “Thanks But No Thanks” On That Bridge to Nowhere

FACT: Palin Was Before It Before She Was Against It – Kept the Money for Other Projects

Politifact: Palin’s Stance On “The Bridge To Nowhere” Is “A Full Flop.” Politfact, a service of CQ and the St. Petersburg Times wrote, “McCain said Palin has ‘stopped government from wasting taxpayers’ money on things they don’t want or need. And when we in Congress decided to build a bridge in Alaska to nowhere for $233-million of yours, she said, we don’t want it. If we need it, we’ll build our own in Alaska. She’s the one that stood up to them.’ Nevermind that Alaska didn’t give the money back. It spent the money on other transportation projects. The context of Palin’s and McCain’s recent statements suggest Palin flagged the so-called Bridge to Nowhere project as wasteful spending. But that’s not the tune she was singing when she was running for governor, particularly not when she was standing before the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce asking for their vote. And so, we rate Palin’s position a Full Flop.” [Politifact]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Sarah Palin NEVER Sought Earmarks As Governor.

FACT: Palin Sought Nearly $200 Million Earmarks For The Coming Year.

AP Fact Check: McCain “Erroneously” Asserted That, As Governor, Palin Never Sought Earmarks. “John McCain continued to laud his running mate, Sarah Palin, as a budget cutter on Friday, this time erroneously asserting that as governor of Alaska she had not sought congressional earmarks for her state. In fact, while Palin has significantly reduced the state’s earmark requests, she asked for nearly $200 million in targeted spending for the 2009 fiscal year. And in an interview with ABC News aired Friday, she defended her earmark requests, emphasizing that she opposed ‘earmark abuse.’ … Appearing on the ABC television show ‘The View,’ McCain was pressed on her record of seeking such targeted money for Alaska. ‘Not as governor she didn’t,’ McCain said. McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said that McCain’s remark came ‘in the middle of a conversation, the middle of a back and forth,’ and the reference was to her record of cutting spending.” [AP, 9/12/08]

McCain Myth: Sarah Palin Has Taken a Tough Stance Against Earmarks

FACT: As Mayor, Palin Hired a Lobbyist Tied to Ted Stevens Who Got Wasilla $27 Million in Earmarks and as Governor, Alaska Has Sought and Received More Earmarked Spending Per Person than Any Other State

Lobbyist Hired By Palin Secured $27 Million In Federal Earmarks for 6,700-Person Town. “Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin employed a lobbying firm to secure almost $27 million in federal earmarks for a town of 6,700 residents while she was its mayor, according to an analysis by an independent government watchdog group.” [Washington Post, 9/2/08]

In 2008, Alaska Got More Earmarked Federal Funding Per Person Than Any Other State. “Arizona, the second fastest growing state in the nation, will receive just $18.70 per capita in federal earmarks this fiscal year. By comparison, Alaska – with roughly a tenth of Arizona’s population – is set to receive $506.34 per capita, the highest in the nation, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group which tracks earmarks. The state of Alaska receives about three times as much as Arizona receives in actual dollars, $346 million to $119 million.” [USA Today, 3/22/08]

Palin’s Requests – More Per Person Than Any Other State. “Just this year, she sent to Sen. Ted. Stevens, R-Alaska, a proposal for 31 earmarks totaling $197 million – more, per person, than any other state.” [Seattle Times, 9/2/08]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Cut Taxes

FACT: Palin Raised Wasilla’s Sales Tax

Palin Supported First-Ever Wasilla Sales Tax to Pay for Police Department. In 1992 “Palin, a political newcomer, was one of two supporters of the police-sales tax plan elected to the city council in Wasilla, Alaska.” [Anchorage Daily News (AK), 10/8/92]

Palin Supported Increasing Wasilla Sales Tax From 2 to 2.5 Percent to Build $14.7 Million Sports Center. “Wasilla residents have given the go ahead to building a new multiuse sports center in town and to raising the city sales tax to pay for it. With the final votes counted Friday, residents voted 306 to 286 in favor of a measure to raise the city sales tax from 2 percent to 2.5 percent to pay the estimated $14.7 million cost of building the center…Mayor Sarah Palin, who supported the measure, said the tight vote will motivate city officials to keep a close eye on the budget for the center.” [Anchorage Daily News, 3/9/02]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Is a Reformer Who Brought Ethics Back to Alaskan Politics

FACT: Palin Is Under Investigation, Faces a Separate Ethics Complaint and Signed a Weak Ethics Law

Joint Legislative Council of the Legislature Voted Unanimously to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Palin Abuse of Power Claim. The Alaska State Legislature’s Legislative Council voted 12-0 to approve $100,000 for a special investigator to begin an investigation into claims Palin fired a former state official because he would not fire a state trooper who was involved in a bitter custody battle with Palin’s sister. [KTVA 11, 07/28/08]

Ethics Complaint Filed Against Gov. Palin Over Alleged Involvement in Hiring a Campaign Contributor. In August 2008, former state House member Andree McLeod” filed against Gov. Sarah Palin and her staff today with the Attorney General’s Office. It accuses the governor’s office of using its pull to get a Palin supporter hired to a [Department of Transportation] job in Fairbanks.” McLeod said ” ‘Executive branch employee shouldn’t be getting involved in the recruitment process unless it’s based on merit,’ said Andree McLeod, who wrote the complaint based on a series of e-mails between members of Palin’s team…The complaint accuses Palin, her acting chief of staff and others of breaking executive ethics branch and hiring rules. It centers on the hiring of surveyor Tom Lamal, who once co-hosted a Palin fundraiser, for a state right-of-way agent job in Fairbanks.” The complaint is available online. [Anchorage Daily News, 8/6/08; Anchorage Daily News, 8/7/08]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Traveled Abroad to Ireland

FACT: Palin Stopped In Ireland To Refuel Plane.

Palin’s Ireland Trip Was A Refueling Stop. Politico’s Ben Smith reported, “I wrote the other day that a Palin spokeswoman said trips to Germany, Kuwait and Ireland made up her foreign travel. Two details worth clarifying: The Ireland trip was a refueling stop on her trip to military installations in Germany and Kuwait, spokeswoman Maria Comella said. And she’s also visited Canada, another spokesman, Ben Porritt, says.” [Politico, 9/2/08]

McCain Myth: Palin Has Experience in Foreign Affairs Because She Was Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard

FACT: Palin Has No Role in National Guard’s National Defense Responsibilities or Overseas Deployments and Never Issued Any Orders to the Guard Since She Took Office

Adjutant General of Alaska National Guard Said Palin Plays No Role in National Defense Activities, Even When They Involve Alaska National Guard. “Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell, adjutant general of the Alaska National Guard, considers Palin ‘extremely responsive and smart’ and says she is in charge when it comes to in-state services, such as emergencies and natural disasters where the National Guard is the first responder. But, in an interview with The Associated Press on Sunday, he said he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard. The entire operation is under federal control, and the governor is not briefed on situations.” [AP, 8/31/08]

* Palin Has Not Issued Any Orders for Guard Activity Since Becoming Their Commander in Chief. “Occasions in which Palin retains command authority over the 4,200-member Alaska National Guard are whenever the Guard responds to in-state natural disasters and civic emergencies, said Campbell, who also serves as the commissioner of the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.Some examples? ‘We’ve deployed individuals in state service all over the state under Sarah Palin,’ he said. ‘We had defense men down in Seward for the (Mount) Marathon run doing security. ‘Out west and northwest we had erosion problems, and the National Guard was involved in some of the protection out there. About three days ago, the Army National Guard picked up a lady from Little Diomede (Island) . . . at the request of state troopers.’ Did Palin directly approve each of those activities? No, Campbell said. The governor has granted him the authority to act on his own in most cases, including life-or-death emergencies – when a quick response is required – and minor day-to-day operations.” [McClatchy, 9/3/08]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Sold the State’s Jet on eBay

FACT: Palin Sold the Jet to Campaign Contributor at a Loss of $600,000 for the State

Palin Did Not Sell Murkowski’s Plane on eBay – Sold it to an Alaskan Entrepreneur at a Loss of $600,000. “One of the compelling anecdotes about Sarah Palin is that she auctioned off the Alaska governor’s jet on eBay after taking office – a swift move made by a reformer hoping to clean up the excesses of her predecessor. But in fact, the jet did not sell on eBay. It was sold to a businessman from Valdez named Larry Reynolds, who paid $2.1 million for the jet, shy of the original $2.7 million purchase price, according to contemporaneous news reports, including a story in the New York Times… What happened? It appears that, as promised during her bid for governor in 2006, Palin did try to sell the plane on eBay, but that doing so was not as easy as it might have sounded. After putting it up to auction, there was one serious bid, in December of 2006, and it fell through. Still, the Westwind II was sold about eight months later, achieving Palin’s goal of ridding the state of a luxury item.” [Washington Post Blog, 9/5/08]

* Larry Reynolds Made Campaign Contributions To Palin And State Rep. John Harris, Who Is Credited With Brokering The Sale, In 2006 And 2007. “Dan Spencer, the director of administrative services for Alaska’s Public Safety Department, said that the Republican speaker of the Alaska House, John L. Harris, brokered the deal. Reynolds made campaign contributions to both Palin and Harris in 2006 and 2007.” [Washington Post Blog, 9/5/08]

::: :::

McCain Myth: Palin Fired the Governor’s Chef

FACT: Palin Did Not Fire the Chef, Just Reassigned Her to a Different Job – She Now Cooks for the Legislature

Contrary to Palin’s Claim, Governor’s Chef Wasn’t Fired, She Was Just Reassigned. “Remember the long-time executive chef who lost her job at the Mansion when Sarah decided to live mostly in Wasilla instead of Juneau? Stefani Marnon was first reassigned as a ‘constituent relations assistant’ in the governor’s office and later to the state museum. Earwigs report she’s finally landed where they really appreciate a good chef: the Legislative Lounge. Lawmakers were smacking their lips in anticipation, according to Sen. Kim Elton’s newsletter.” [Anchorage Daily News, 9/9/08]

13 09 2008

oops sorry for posting twice

13 09 2008

Sorry folks–it was a joke–I admit it was distasteful, but a joke none the less…

I understand, but in light of what went down in Denver folks are watching the boards, I just turned in a couple of clowns who thought it was alright to paste someone elses comments, I gave the user names of the originals and the clowns and the sites.

I just wanted to say to keep it mild, never know who’s lookin, and even a joke, while not getting you in trouble, can be a big hassle in this day and age.

13 09 2008

I want to add something to my agreement with Jimstaro, about some comments (especially those that suggest violence) EVEN if kidding, are not appropriate, and are dangerous.

What I want to add is this…

I pray SP stays safe and secure. I would never want to see anything happen to her. Although I do not agree with her views, I do not believe she is inherently evil. Maybe not the nicest person in the world, yet I would not wish her ill.

The fact is, this is NOT about Sarah Palin. It is about a political machine that is using SP’s appeal to manipulate the voters.

The only way we can win, is to win at the polls. The only way we can beat them is to get Obama LEGALLY elected into office, and show them that the American people are smart and are tired of their political shenanigans.

Anyone who thinks everything would be sunny and safe again with SP out of the picture, has absolutely no clear view of what is really going on.

13 09 2008

Hey AKM,
I’ve got a bulletproof vest you can borrow anytime. Got it from my older brother who quit a police force because he couldn’t cope with the aftermath of a DUI fatality that killed a Mom and 3 kids. He lost it on the drunk who tried to run away & took a leave of absence, then became a real estate agent.

Thanks for the “inside peek”

OMG – something is happening. At the YouTube site the Repugs are out en masse commenting on the aerial wolf slaughter. They are trying to change the subject and talk about baby killing, abortion and “culling herds”.

THEY ARE SCARED OF THIS AD so it must be working

Please hit it and comment

13 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Laura are you talking about the rally against sarah?

13 09 2008

Way to go AKM! you were in dangerous territory!

In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics
Published: September 13, 2008
This article is by Jo Becker, Peter S. Goodman and Michael Powell.

WASILLA, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin lives by the maxim that all politics is local, not to mention personal.

So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as one of her qualifications for running the roughly $2 million agency.

Ms. Havemeister was one of at least five schoolmates Ms. Palin hired, often at salaries far exceeding their private sector wages.

When Ms. Palin had to cut her first state budget, she avoided the legion of frustrated legislators and mayors. Instead, she huddled with her budget director and her husband, Todd, an oil field worker who is not a state employee, and vetoed millions of dollars of legislative projects.

And four months ago, a Wasilla blogger, Sherry Whitstine, who chronicles the governor’s career with an astringent eye, answered her phone to hear an assistant to the governor on the line, she said.

“You should be ashamed!” Ivy Frye, the assistant, told her. “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

Ms. Palin walks the national stage as a small-town foe of “good old boy” politics and a champion of ethics reform. The charismatic 44-year-old governor draws enthusiastic audiences and high approval ratings. And as the Republican vice-presidential nominee, she points to her management experience while deriding her Democratic rivals, Senators Barack Obama and Joseph R. Biden Jr., as speechmakers who never have run anything.

But an examination of her swift rise and record as mayor of Wasilla and then governor finds that her visceral style and penchant for attacking critics — she sometimes calls local opponents “haters” — contrasts with her carefully crafted public image.

Throughout her political career, she has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and sometimes blurred the line between government and personal grievance, according to a review of public records and interviews with 60 Republican and Democratic legislators and local officials.

More if you click on the link above.

Way to go AKM!

13 09 2008

Protest Rally info:

Hundreds turn out for anti-Palin protest

Anchorage Daily News

Published: September 13th, 2008 01:18 PM
Last Modified: September 13th, 2008 01:19 PM

Hundreds of protesters are outside the Loussac Library in Midtown Anchorage in a rally against Gov. Sarah Palin candidacy for vice president.At least 100 of Palin supporters are on the other side of the street.

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The protest comes two hours after the governor held a morning rally in downtown Anchorage, attended by as many as 1,500 cheering supporters, then flew off to Nevada to resume campaigning. It’s the first public demonstration against Palin since she accepted McCain’s offer on Aug. 29.

The protesters include a mix of Obama supporters, anti-war protesters, abortion-rights advocates and people upset that Palin asked a Wasilla librarian about removing books from the Wasilla library.

Protesters said they were surprised at the size of the crowd, and said it was the result of e-mails that have been forwarded over the past few days about the event.

“I was stunned when I was coming here; I ve never seen anything like this,” said Marybeth Holleman of Anchorage.

Most of anti-Palin protesters are on the south side of 36th Avenue, in front of the library. The Palin supporters are across the street on the north side, with many shouting “Sar-ah! Sa-rah!”

I can’t get the rest to come up, but it said there were a few police cars, but that there had been no disturbances. Praise the Lord!

13 09 2008
Alaskan Dave Down Under

And remember, this “lady” wants armegeddon to happen in her lifetime so she can be raptured!

As an Alasakan out in the world, I have a very interesting view… Folks down here don’t know whether to laugh or be afraid. I don’t think there’s any country in the world where Mcbush/Palin would be anything except the lunatic fringe –Oh, with the obvious exception of the US.

13 09 2008
Just Us League


Much thanks for your excellent writing and especially, for your courage.

13 09 2008

The most famous celebrity in Alaska.

Pay it forward.

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Laura –

1. Was the media there?

2. Did you get the sense that people were trying to hit some middle ground? I know when all the Senator Edwards thing hit, most NC’ians just wanted to sink under our seats. What is the sense out there?

We are all so proud of you! Frankly I have to admit I am proud of everyone who turned out for both rallies as it shows some interest in the electoral process. I love it when kids are engaged as it injects a sense of duty early on! And who could not love the Polar Bear!

13 09 2008

Judi – but joke or not, it’s a personally dangerous thing for you to say. The secret service might not think it’s a joke.

13 09 2008

Kelly (13:06:36) wrote:
Oh, Mudflats… I’m in a quandary.

I don’t want Palin to be VP, but I don’t want her to be governor for another 6 years either! What say you?

Kelly, I am inferring you are from Alaska. If that’s the case, you guys voted for her, she was yours first, so YOU WIN…YOU get her! We give! She’s yours!

AKM – great job of providing us with the “flavor” of the rally. Stellar writing! Woooooooo!

Now I am now off to make myself a “Mrs. Washington” banner! 🙂

13 09 2008
deb in oregon

Yeah to hear about anti rally laura….. can’t wait for the pics and full report

13 09 2008
karen marie

hey, augie! glad i could be of assistance!

i’m pasting in here another link to another post at steve benen’s “political animal” which i would encourage you all to go read. in the post benen “[compares] the legislation each person [obama and mccain] has sponsored (later I’ll do co-sponsored legislation) that actually became law. For one thing, this gives some idea of how effective they are at working with Congress, and for another, it’s easy to write a bill that promises the moon so long as you don’t think there’s the least possibility that it will ever become law; sticking to legislation that actually got enacted avoids bothering with that stuff.”

go to the link to actually see what an “empty suit” mccain is and how much more effective obama has been, and the differences in their priorities.

13 09 2008

Yep, there was an Alaska Women Against Sarah rally today at noon.

13 09 2008

13 09 2008

Yes media and cops, the whole shebang. Impressive for us, I really do believe. I actually drove past the anti-Sarah Wasilla rally a few days back and I was so happy they were there, but it was small. This was BIG. Again, I am sure Mudflats will tell the story more eloquently.

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

I struggle with this Left Wing/Right Wing thing and try to stay moderate, you know the three sides to every story approach. But the more I read and the more people are trying to get information out, the more I realize we need to help our moderate friends understand what is at stake here.

13 09 2008

oops…sorry guys… I meant to post the link

It is from Barack Obama himself

13 09 2008

I wish Ms. Palin no harm, my joke was extremely distasteful and again, I apologize. If I had the nerve to cut off my typing fingers I would do so. Now it is after 5 on the East coast and I hear a bottle of pinot grigio calling my name..Keep up the good work.

13 09 2008

Thanks to all Mudflatians… Mudflatteers? Mudflappers? Mudpuppies? who keep bringing great links and new info to our attention. So much to keep up with, so little time! Trying to do my bit, I’ve added an additional McCain lobbyist link here plus highlights of Creepy Charlie Black’s fine resume. Pass it on!

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

judi- i’m with ya… cheers!

13 09 2008

BTW, McCain just had his annual physical, and:

You heard it here first…

To coin a phrase, John McCain is afflicted with Cognitive Psoriasis [tm],

Newly coded ICD-9 290.115

Presenile dementia with delirium
Presenile dementia with acute episodic confusional state


13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Judi – no more jump on Judi!

I think you probably meant no harm. As you can tell from the various posts over the past several days we are increasingly concerned about the loss of some basic constitutional rights. Bush/McCain has given the FBI more leniency in who they can interrogate. We posted several links to this this AM about profiling – starts 10/1/08 which is just around the corner. So be safe.

We wish no harm to Sarah Palin, and I don’t think you do either. I know we all get caught up in the moment and frustrated. It’s a race and we want the best candidate to win. But we need a place to vent our frustrations without fear of retribution and comments like that can put us all, especially our fearless leader, at risk.

13 09 2008
deb in oregon

On a positive note: I think one thing the McCain/Palin camp didn’t count on was the power of the internet…. all the complaining about the attacks on Palin…. these attacks would be impossible without the internet and the ability to disseminate information so quickly…. what we may ultimate be witnessing is the death of Rove style politics thanks to the information age…. Palin could end up be a blessing in disguise.

13 09 2008

Why The F___ is the press not covering Biden?
Seems totally unfair to the American public to me.
Sarah Palin – won’t talk to press
Biden – will talk to press anytime , anywhere
Seems to me the ” press” ( and I use the term lightly lately )
should say ” Fine Ms Palin, go talk to yourself ”
I am definitely living in Bizarro World.
Everyone, having this woman as a potential President should scare the bejesus out of American.
Do the people who are going to vote for these two ” wingnuts ”
realize that IF they are voted into office the likelihood of ANY WORLD LEADER
giving them the time of day is less than zero.
Dear God, please bless America.
Dear God, please open the eyes of those who will not see and the ears of those who will not hear.
Dear God, please open the hearts and minds of those who harbor fear,
Dear God, please help all of to elect Barack Obama Ptresident in November 2008

13 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@JT I pray SP stays safe and secure. I would never want to see anything happen to her. Although I do not agree with her views, I do not believe she is inherently evil. Maybe not the nicest person in the world, yet I would not wish her ill.

I agree. As an outsider, my view is that I just don’t want someone with such little experience, myopic views and ignorance about the world having the 2nd most important job in the United States. I also don’t want someone who wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, screw with the first amendment and who believes that man is not part of the global warming problem. Among other things.

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@Harley –

thanks for the link! How positive, and it is how I will start my Independent Friends who must be Enlightened Dinner this evening. You know, the thing is he can back up everything he is saying. I am so proud to support a candidate who is positive and not deceitful; who can stand on a record of constitutional protection and change versus Keating 5 and past Cold War tactics, and who continues to try and bring to the American people the issues that should concern them the most.

Are Americans just tired of everything this year, and think of the election as a diversion? I would have thought the Olympics did this for them.

The only primary thing I disagree with Mr. Obama is the use of ethanol. BUT at least he HAS A STAND and a platform which is more than I can say for Mr. McCain who supports drilling and then exporting the oil to other countries.

I am proud of Senator Obama. VOTE!!!

13 09 2008

no more jump on Judi!


13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

the whole left/right thing has devolved into a bucket of hooey.
since when do conservatives take on risky foreign adventures? or, get involved in peoples private medical lives? those are not conservative, they are republican. how many real conservatives, the federalist society types would ever agree to make a law for ONE person, a la Terry Schiavo.
It violates the whole premise of equality under the law.
the republicans that are smarter than talking points are going along with this charade over power and judges, but they know it.
then they like to use “left” like fiscally, cuz we’re all commies! except my state did not send me a check for the surplus dividend. i guess we didn’t have any surplus. and while those in alaska got 1.52 in fed earmarks per person, we got a negative here in ny. we gave more per head than received.
so, when they tell you they’re voting for mcplain because they are conservative, please challenge them on it. show them conservative in any dictionary. its a good place to start.

13 09 2008

Eric et al, Thanks for the link to the NYT article.

Many times over the past two weeks, I’ve thought that the Obama campaign seemed to be incredibly slow to respond. But it’s starting to look like with the help of a little scrutiny from both the Internet and MSM, maybe the SP bubble is beginning to burst. Several posts on Andrew Sullivan’s blog caution the value of patience, sticking to the issues, and taking the high road. The Obama campaign seems to prefer a measured response – remembering the swiftboating, it’s kind of scary – but it’s also kind of refreshing after 8 years of Bush.

13 09 2008

I decided to get on my horse and ride around to visit with a few neighbors today. It’s sunny here and they all love my young filly, so they come out to greet and treat her.

Of course, I had an Obama mission in mind, but I realize how conservative most (almost all) of these people are. I had several friendly chats. Interestingly enough, most asked me what I thought of Sarah Palin. One neighbor asked, “Are you thrilled about her or scared of her? seems like nobody is in-between.” She added that her family supports her because SP’s views are those of their family…AND OBAMA IS A MUSLIM. At that point, I almost fell of my horse but reminded myself to breathe.

I asked her what had led her to believe that about Obama’s religion and she said they have received an uncountable number of e-mails substantiating that fact. Another reminder to self: BREATHE. As our conversation continued, she admitted that she simply doesn’t know what to believe any more, who to trust, or how to discern fact from fiction. We agreed to meet again this week – I’ll get down off my high horse next time – and sit down at the computer and do some fact-checking.

As I rode around and talked to others I don’t talk to often, it seems they are also willing to meet and talk, even though most say their minds are made up (and they aren’t for Obama, so I have nothing to lose). It’s okay with me that we disagree. I simply want us to have a civil conversation and talk about the issues. We all agreed that we will do our best to talk about FACTS and keep our emotions in check. Once more reminder to self: BREATHE.

One vote at a time…Patience and Steel…Yes We Can!

13 09 2008

Jump on Judy?

Hmmm….sounds kinda kinky.


13 09 2008

Lies, lies and more lies….
I finally understand why certain right wingers always want to post the 10 commandments everywhere. They have a hard time REMEMBERING them, that’s why! What happened to “Thou shalt not bear false witness?”

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@Laughing No Longer –

Excellent points, and I agree with you. I consider myself fiscally conservative, but there is a time when one must do what is for the greater good. The article someone posted this AM from Bloomberg re Greenspan critizing McCain’s plan is how I will start with the Repubs. Most of them have revered Greenspan – and he spanned Clinton’s presidency as well so he’s pretty bi-partisan. I hope it resonates.

13 09 2008

Great article on how Sarah rewards cronies and goes after “haters”.

13 09 2008

A little levity…. Forwarded from the Best of Salon message boards (

QUESTION: If Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience b/c you can see Russia from a remote Alaskan island, how are *you* qualified to be on a national ticket?

***Why am *I* qualified? I’ve been to Germany twice. My mother is from Poland. And I lived in, actually in, Washington, DC, for two years. Vote for me!

***I’m in the PTA. And my kid is on a sports team. I have fished.

***I can SEE the (CT) Capitol from my office. I totally have governing experience! Pick me! Plus, my grandmother was Russian — foreign policy experience right there! AND I have a cute kid.

***Russian grandparents-in-law, lived in England and Germany for six years, temp duty in the Sahara desert, got that foreign policy thang wired. Was inside Hq SAC once and I’m married, so wars are no problem.

***I got y’all beat. I used to live in Vermont and it borders Canada, French-speaking Canada no less! I also used to live near the NJ shore and it’s the first line of defense against invading Viking hordes from the North Sea. I now live in California, the first land the Chinese will hit when they come here to foreclose on us.
Also, I’m responsible for my pet cat. I never was in the PTA but I could always join PETA and they have 33% more letters in their acronym.

***On a clear day, we used to be able to see Nebraska across the Missouri River valley from my father’s farm and by golly, Nebraska has a Unicameral legislature. Oh, and now and then we can even get Nebraska Public TV from where we live now.
I’d have to bone up a bit on parliamentary procedure first though just in case a few hours of running the US Senate might be required.
Oh, and once years ago, I actually held a Russian language textbook in my hand.

***have ovaries. And wear glasses.

***I don’t blink. Ever. It’s not a condition, it’s a qualification.

***I’ve been in the PTA since 1992 and chaired several committees (publishing and student directory). I was a soccer mom and my kids played street hockey which I watched from my window. I have traveled extensively having been to every state except two and been to the state capitals of 16. (I have been on tours inside 2 of those buildings.) I have visited Washington, DC so know my way around with a map. As far as foreign experience, my travels have taken me to 11 foreign countries, most 40 years ago on a student tour, more recently to Nogales, Mexico, and Niagara Falls, Canada. I am fluent at a 35 year ago high school level in German and Spanish enough that I recognize the signs in the Walmart.
One disqualification, I do not wear lipstick.

13 09 2008

OH. MY. G.

This person is not just ignorant. She is HATEFUL.

13 09 2008

Your all welcome !
And I too am proud of our leaders, Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden.
They are the leaders need !
They are like Superman ! Truth, Justice and the Real American Way!
They show us how to live by example and by words and deeds.
They are SUPERIOR to John McCain anyday.
From this point forward, all my posts will concern ONLY Obama or Biden.
Ms. Palin is now of little to no importance to me.
Hello President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden!
Welcome to sanity!

13 09 2008


They can’t even remember a three letter word, Sin, which should leave one with a guilt conscious when committed, like say Lying!!!!!!!!!

13 09 2008

Wow, thanks for the NYT article. That ALMOST made me feel a litte better af ter seeing the “Values” Waffle box. I know racism is alive and well, but it used be a least undercover a little. But we have truly turned back the clock.

I’m glad my grandparents are not around to see this. They went through too much
to know it hasn’t really changed in all these years.

13 09 2008

Oh AKM! You are soooo brave. And ‘Born to Run’ is my favorite alltime song of all times. It invokes memories of so many good things in my life. But have to laugh that a song with the bridge, “Tramps like us, Baby we were born to run” was deemed the definative song for the occasion.

Anxiously awaiting news of the important rally…

13 09 2008

If someone has the Warren Buffet endorsement and the Alan Greenspan No McCain article link, can you put that out again please. I trying to keep up,

I will send a letter to CNN. I thought Lou Dobbs was so Independent.

13 09 2008
A Brit abroad

Interesting article from the UK on the difference in campaign tactics:
“This is the field operation versus the news-cycle election.”

This is also excellent, valuable reading (reposting it from earlier in the tread as its so worth reading):

13 09 2008

JIm, they suffer from “cheap grace” described in John Dean’s book “Conservatives Without Conscience”. They can sin as often as they want as long as they are saved and forgiven by Christ.

13 09 2008

“…[The Secret Service] weren’t hard to spot. Suits, glasses and wires sticking out of their ears. It almost made me chuckle. If they really wanted to be ’secret’ that wasn’t the way to do it.”

When they come to Hawaii, they go out and buy really, really awful aloha shirts and *wear* them at the events they attend with the person being guarded. So, you have a bunch of burly guys, wearing sunglasses, wire sticking out of their ears, and aloha shirts so dreadful that not even most tourists would look at them. I suppose there’s a strategic motive to this but danged if I know what it is!

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

@ Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat (14:15:49) :

@Laughing No Longer –

Excellent points, and I agree with you. I consider myself fiscally conservative, but there is a time when one must do what is for the greater good. ”

there is no BUT! you WILL be doing the fiscally responsible thing. wasn’t it johnmcicky who said that bush is “spending like a drunken sailor” then went along with ALL of it. They talk about “smaller government” they don’t mean less of it, just look at the bloated beaurocracy of the bushies, ie: homeland security, huge and ineffective. they mean less regulation, that which brough us the mortgage mess, which is gonna cost a LOT!
so, from one fiscal conservative to another, welcome home!

13 09 2008

Judi, stay tuned for Sarah Palin’s own take on the rally and concurrent protest. Coming soon on . . . .:)

and thanks for your live reporting. your voice is critical.


13 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Hundreds turn out for anti-Palin protest

Hundreds gather for anti-Palin rally in downtown Anchorage

McCain campaign systematically targets the news media

13 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline


Good work! Good move on the badge. This kind of maneuver is absolutely necessary sometimes in the path of cutting edge journalism. Always the first rule of journalism is NOT to get beat up so you can fit in and get the story. Some over zealous goons from the Wasilla Bible Church may be functioning as axillary plain clothes crowd control police in Alaska so kudos on your quick wits. Also, nice observation and reporting on the Springsteen usurpation. That is a sacred chord progression and the policy should be HANDS OFF to anyone not of Springsteen’s actual politics or, at least, not personally from North Jersey. I consider that from the Pine Barrens to the outskirts of Hoboken. Along this standard I am supplying a version of this anthem that perhaps you can listen to tonight as you unwind from this hard day of investigative journalism for the benefit of your worldwide audience. I, myself, have been know to do my version of the tune in this same innovative style to the amusement of my co-workers. And, yes, for you also, imbibing some Jack Daniels might help take the edge off as you relax tonight and review your journalistic adventures of the day in your mind. Try this version of “Born to Run” as the anthem for today’s Great White North episode: The Homecoming of Johnny’s New Squeeze in this new reality TV show as you take to your grounding muse.

Enjoy for a job well done!

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@AnneinWA –

See! YES WE CAN one vote at a time. I admire that woman’s courage to ask you what you thought – she’s been thinking, (yippee, sign of life) and probably wise enough to know that something is not adding up.

Her media sources may have become too shrill in their excitement (an image of the LION KING and those hyeanas just came to mind..) and too extreme for anyone outside of the most extreme right. Let’s hope they continue this tactic and overstep their bounds. My prayer over the past several days has been for those who deceive to show themselves to Americans and for Americans to have a soft heart and open mind to receive and hear the REAL messages.

After awhile even the most jaded American gets tired of the shilling.

I think we need to have a Come to Mama conference. Some of these people’s mamma’s have just got to want to take their child by the ear and wring ’em one!

13 09 2008

Maybe we could send Ms. Palin and V.P. cheney on a hunting trip together. May the best person win!

13 09 2008
Kate Henry

I heard the most amazing thing while driving today. Apparently John McCain IS NOT eligible to run for President. The law that was passed to make people born in the Panama Canal region a “natural-born citizen of the United States” was passed when McCain was 1 year old. And it was not retroactive. That means that John McCain is not eligible to be the President of the United States.

13 09 2008

Politico reports Palin, in fact, did have a book she wanted banned:

13 09 2008

They can sin as often as they want as long as they are saved and forgiven by Christ.

Oh I know, but I often wonder if they wear Knee Pads, otherwise those Knees, especially in the younger ones must be getting worn out asking for All That Forgiveness, but they probably just say, under their breath, “I’m Born Again, J*E*S*U*S!” and move on to the next lie, or hand signal, or whatever!!

13 09 2008

Holy crap, reading the article someone posted, have to say I think McCain’s boys have more on their hands than they imagine. If it wasn’t so damaging for our country, would be interesting to watch her get in office and see how they “handle” her. I think she is only putting up with it now, so she can get into office. Once there….uh ohhhhhhh!

13 09 2008

I am glad so many anti Palin folks turned up. God when is this going to be over.

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

kate henry- shouldn’t the dnc be on that?
i wonder what they would do….? palin as the candidate, the default #2, huckabee? ron paul never dropped out.. wow, what a mess it would be!

13 09 2008
13 09 2008

Doesnt matter where he was born, if his parents are citizens.

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

@jimstaro –

on the Christ forgiveness thing:

BIG DIFFERENCE though! They are trying trick God by just asking for forgiveness and then going and doing the same thing over and over. I don’t think that goes over with Him very well…..(lots of references in the Big Book).

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

not true jt. its in the Constitution
35, born in the us

13 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

What great work and terrific reporting! I am a thousand miles away and can feel the energy! I am so thankful to have found this blog!!!!!

13 09 2008

actually….panama was specifically excluded from the parental right to citizenship….but….it seems to be questionable as to whether he is or isn’t…was brought up in the 2000 election

13 09 2008


13 09 2008

I thought I had posted this earlier but it may have gone into the missing links bucket. I found this article from The New Yorker a very fascinating read and gives some very strong insights into Alaska, their politics and their ‘mavrick’ governor.

The State of Sarah Palin

After reading this article my first thought was, I wonder if Sarah Palin, the governor even really likes Sarah Palin, the VP candidate. I’m also wondering if Ms. Palin doesn’t sometimes wish she had just said, “Thanks, but no thanks” when the circus asked her to join up. This article gave me strongerinsights as to why they loved her in Alaska so much, but it also made 100 times stronger my conviction that choosing her for VP was a grave mistake.

Anyway, it’s a long read, but a very interesting one.

Sorry if It has been posted before but I had never seen it.

13 09 2008

I heard the most amazing thing while driving today. Apparently John McCain IS NOT eligible to run for President. The law that was passed to make people born in the Panama Canal region a “natural-born citizen of the United States” was passed when McCain was 1 year old. And it was not retroactive. That means that John McCain is not eligible to be the President of the United States.

Who, What, Where, When, How?

We need information

Dear God, I honestly knew he was born in Panama and have heard Chris Matthews say McCain Is Indeed Eligble, but if the caveat is true…oh
beautiful day.

( mmmm maybe not……..OMG, what if, dare I say it?

13 09 2008
Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat

Do any of the lawyers know LNL post. . .now, THAT would be funny and a real treat to ship out some of those John McCain Credibility Muffins!

13 09 2008
A Brit abroad

Some might define the term “natural-born citizen” as one who was born on United States soil. But the First Congress, on March 26, 1790, approved an act that declared, “The children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond sea, or outside the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens of the United States.” That would seem to include McCain, whose parents were both citizens and whose father was a Navy officer stationed at the U.S. naval base in Panama at the time of John’s birth in 1936.


13 09 2008

That would be a hunting trip I’d support as long as it was just the two of them & no clipped winged quails or aerial hunting of anything. Just the 2 of them

13 09 2008

hmm…really? Gee, I need to give the ol’ Constitution another relook.

That would be a bizarre turn of events….

13 09 2008
White Agate

Tuning in after a day of carting peeps around…and going to the Farmers’ Market here. Sigh…is there anything better than early-fall Farmers’ Markets?

I’m glad you were able to be a participant-observer, AK, but were not hurt in any way. Be careful out there. Did you read Judith Warner’s NYT article about a similar experience the other day?

Anyway, has anyone else been getting what I think are fraudlent ‘absentee ballot’ materials from McCain/Palin? I know there are robo-calls and push-polls going on, but yesterday my husband (not me) got a mailer from them that encourages you to file for an absentee ballot. I Googled it and this is happening in ‘purple’ states, like mine (MN), and in swing states, like MI, PA, OH.

I think the idea is that the voter considers it a good idea, fills it in, and then the traditional Dem votes (they have that history, I guess) get ‘lost’ in the mail. Then you go to vote and you’re told you can’t because you registered for AB and that would be double-dipping. So it’s caging.

I mean, I wasn’t going to fall for it because why would I trust my vote to McCain/Palin? Plus I like to go vote in person unless I can’t for some reason. Anyway, I reported it to the DFL office here and I am going to bring it by to them tomorrow. Apparently they’ve been getting a lot of calls.

There’s a rogue’s gallery of terrorists on the front and the text implies that McCain is the only one ready to lead our country during these times. Of course it was tackily sent the day after 9/11.

Couple of links below, if this is happening, report it to the Secretary of State in your State (This document has that seal on it and LOOKS official, but I’m not convinced.) and your local party office. If it is false or being used incorrectly it is breaking the law.

Thanks for the AIPAC info Proud2B and JimStaro. Still wading through it, very interesting. I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer someone leading the country who doesn’t think nuclear holocaust as a GOOD or RAPTUROUS thing. I’d like a planet for my grandchildren and beyond, thanks very much, and so would all the creatures on it, I think.

Sent this info to Andrew Sullivan, here are some links:

Had some good conversations today, unpacking views on candidates and their voting records. Clinton nostalgia from some (the economy, stupid!). Many really feel that John McCain is the same old guy underneath and will act accordingly. Perhaps, but the campaign’s actions to date (as above) indicate a point of no return to me.

I hope all affected by the hurricane are on dry ground for now. Time to donate to the Red Cross again. I hope this season is over soon.

13 09 2008

snopes says “citizenship: undetermined”

13 09 2008

Kate Henry (14:30:14) :
[ John McCain was] born in the Panama Canal region a “natural-born citizen of the United States” was passed when McCain was 1 year old. And it was not retroactive. That means that John McCain is not eligible to be the President of the United States.

Kate Henry,
There has been a great deal of conversation/investigation into this “technicality”. His father was in the Navy at the time and was stationed in the Panama Canal region. I believe it has been well thrashed out…and you might not have heard, but McCain was a P.O.W. 🙂 Sorry – I keep telling myself I will remain civil instead of cynical!

13 09 2008
White Agate

Whoops, just posted something good and I don’t think I can type it all again. AKMuckraker, I hope you can find it.

13 09 2008

The law contains one other section of historical note, concerning the Panama Canal Zone and the nation of Panama. In 8 USC 1403, the law states that anyone born in the Canal Zone or in Panama itself, on or after February 26, 1904, to a mother and/or father who is a United States citizen, was “declared” to be a United States citizen. Note that the terms “natural-born” or “citizen at birth” are missing from this section.

In 2008, when Arizona Senator John McCain ran for president on the Republican ticket, some theorized that because McCain was born in the Canal Zone, he was not actually qualified to be president. However, it should be noted that section 1403 was written to apply to a small group of people to whom section 1401 did not apply. McCain is a natural-born citizen under 8 USC 1401(c): “a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person.”

13 09 2008

A Brit abroad – that is how I remember it. Yet, I will confess it has been many years since I’ve studied the constitution.

I find it hard to believe children of US CItizen, in the US Military would not be considered natural born.

13 09 2008
Mollys Mum

Harley – I adore Joe Biden, but I am kind of glad the press is not covering him too much these days. He makes me laugh and laugh, but then I have a sense of humor. At a rally the other day he told a paraplegic to STAND UP for us, man! Then he caught his gaffe and said, “Oh, God love ya, what am I saying?” He’s an absolute charmer but he has that Irish gift of gab that doesn’t always serve him best (and which I share, temperamentally and congenitally, which is probably why I love him so much. But it could be fodder for more narrow-minded souls.

13 09 2008

what I read said that most likely his citizenship would be granted were it to go to court…but the actual law has never been tested in court

13 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin


At least you got in. At Penn State four years ago, at a Bush rally, you could not get in without producing your invitation! At a political rally for the sitting president running for re-election!

13 09 2008

From Andrew Sullivan

“I cannot quite keep count at this point of the bald-faced lies that the McCain-Palin campaign has been telling to a pliant, pathetic, useless excuse for an American press corps. But here’s the latest. We were all told by the McCain-Palin campaign that Sarah Palin had visited Iraq earlier this year:”

Another friggin lie??

Palin is another fiasco….

The news that Palin made sexual assault victims pay for their own forensic exam while mayor of Wasilla is making my head spin. Where does this nightmare end?

13 09 2008

Just had a vision….all those posting right now, googling Constitution websites…


13 09 2008

Proud2BUSA aka Krinkle Bearcat :

I’m Catholic, though don’t really practice it as to church etc. but do still live by the way my folks raised me, and my mom is very religious, we just lost my dad, he was 90.

And read the Big Book every once in a while, at least sections that pertain to something dumb I might have caught myself doing.

And Boy do I know the Protestants, no matter how many names they hide behind, the good and the ones who pick and choose.

13 09 2008

Mollys Mum,

Good point, but not good enough to help us win the election I fear.
He needs to be seen and heard.

The press has gone so silly over Palin, he has been forgotten.

The press will tire of this beauty queen dufus soon enough tho I think.

13 09 2008

Hi All, There were probably about 3 thousand people there, men, women, young, old, white black

Get out of here ! More than showed up for her rally? How wonderful 🙂

13 09 2008
In the Land of Disbelief

I just got home from the Alaska Women Against Palin Rally. It was fabulous. Great signs, great energy. Couple Hundred the Daily News says? NO WAY! WAY more than a couple hundred and only a dozen or so McCain/Palin supporters. Tons of cars honking in support. For an hour or so it seems like all is possible. It was great. I’ll leave it to Ms Mudflat to give an official numbers count, but it sure seemed more like 1000+ to me.

Go Alaskan Women!!!

13 09 2008

Here are some pics I posted of the Anti-Sarah rally in Anchorage today:

13 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Ahhh… I admit defeat… I have to go to bed before AKM makes a post from the real rally (almost 1 a.m. here in Europe). Enjoy your chats with the undecided neighbours and good luck!

Had to add my Palin Baby Name too, couldn’t resist…

13 09 2008

I am a 3 1/2 breast cancer survivor who found herself after changing jobs, without health care..I hope you will all forgive me for my gross remarks, although in jest, which were unforgivable…I get carried away sometimes because I am so Pro universal healthcare..If you want me to leave this group, I will do so, but I hope you understand where I am coming from and that I meant no harm to Sarah…

13 09 2008

I am testing my next link to see if works on this site.
Just in case, I have added the regular link as well
Sept 12th
Dems Pass Important Highway Bill

link if the button does not appear:

13 09 2008

thanks SOOOO much for the pics, laura…..looks awesome!! and the signs all looked PERFECT!

13 09 2008

Off for dinner have fun folks bbl

13 09 2008

judi stay!! we all say things that we have to take back in the heat of this campaign….

13 09 2008

Personally, I would not want to see McCain out of the running due to some technicality. Considering his POW status, contesting his right to run on some vague wording, would make those pressing the issue appear petty, mean spirited and desperate.

We already have one party with those qualities. We don’t need two!

13 09 2008

That NY Times article was an awesome read, and just goes to reinforce how dangerous a person Sarah Palin is to this nation and the world. She is not prepared. She is not qualified. She is a danger to the Republic. The only way that our country can be taken back is by the ballot box rather than the bullet or they bayonet. I am a strong advocate of non violence, and wishing the worst to happen to anyone is just to a cool thing to do. Hell, when Reagan was shot, I was dumbfounded and prayed for him to pull through…and at the time I was a registered Socialist! When the Challenger disaster happened in 86, I wanted to hear from him. Despite the fact that I never embraced his policies when I was younger, I always liked him personally and felt he had a soul. McCain has no soul, and Palin has a Black Hole.

The Neocons who hijacked the Republican are not the TRUE Conservatives or the TRUE Libertarians. If they were, we wouldn’t be involved in a foreign war, we would have a balanced budget, there would be no waste of resources on a Drug War (although I do not agree with their stand on hard drugs, so-called soft drugs are OK by me…and this coming from a recovering alcoholic. After all, is a joint any more dangerous than a martini?). They believe in less Federal Government, no interference in your personal affairs, and could care less what religion you are or if you have one. This is NOT the Republican Party that some of us knew back when. This is a group of ideological nutcases posing in Republican’s Clothing.

I consider myself an Independent, with both Liberal and Libertarian leanings on differing items. I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment (hey, just cause I don’t want a gun doesn’t give me the right to deny you one). It IS there for a reason. I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. I do not believe in amnesty for illegal aliens, as I myself am descended from Irish/English/Italian ancestry; my late 99 year old grandmother was from Sicily. I believe in Universal Healthcare and Education on the Government’s dime until College. I do not believe in foreign engagements by the US unless we are in a situation like World War Two, which brings me to my next point.

Suppose the rest of the world suddenly decides to look at the US like we looked at Nazi Germany? It’s not too hard to believe, given the direction this country has been taken in over the past 8 years. Is is a possibility that we may have a “Coalition of the Willing” fighting against US? Food for thought.

I have always liked Senator Obama. I have found his intellect, passion, and demeanor to be just what this country needs right now. I agree with 98% of what he wants to accomplish. I re-registered as a Democrat to vote for him in a Primary (New Jersey), that Hillary won in a walk. But I am moved and motivated by him.

John McCain once had my respect. He used to be a man of honor, and beliefs who had a really bad temper (I am no angel in that department either, believe me). Now he is a man with no honor who sold his principles out to the Right Wing just to he can win, and seriously placed this Nation and the World in severe danger by nominating Sarah Palin as his running mate. He does not deserve to be President. She does not deserve to be anything but a Hockey Mom; that’s the most qualified position for her right now.

Her looming, ever present “First Dude” of a husband who probably has the IQ of a pit bull to begin with (and that probably gains him a point if he wears lipstick. I was going to use a pig analogy, but pigs are smart creatures). What EXACTLY is the connection going on with HIM? There is more here than meets the eye. Bad enough she sounds like a poster child for Miss Fascist 2006…but it’s something about her hubby that is bothering me. The power behind the throne?

Just a lot of thinking done today that I should have used for my own blog, but given the relevant articles posted here, maybe it belongs here. Sorry for being WAY too long.

13 09 2008

Deb (14:43:54) :
what I read said that most likely his citizenship would be granted were it to go to court…but the actual law has never been tested in court

Deb – I believe you are correct. There are differing legal opinions on the 1937 law:

However, Senators Introduce Resolution To Make Clear Senate’s Position On Candidate’s Status (April 10, 2008)

In an effort to put this long-standing debate to rest, at least in the case of John McCain, Senators Patrick Leahy and Claire McCaskill introduced a non-binding resolution in March 2008 expressing that John McCain qualifies as a “natural born Citizen” as specified in the Constitution. The resolution, supported by Senators Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Jim Webb, was unanimously passed by the Senate later that month.

13 09 2008

Click Here For Lauras Pics !!!!

Hope that makes it easier Laura

Will click it myself after dinner.

13 09 2008

Just took a look at your pics Laura…great signage! Loved the ‘MLK was a community organizer…George Wallace was a governor’ one. Looks like it was well-attended and orderly. My, my, my….where are all those ‘angry democrats’ Mr. Hannity keeps referring to?

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

i think judi should leave the group:
but just long enough to fill up that glass…

13 09 2008

CORRECTION: Wishing the worst to happen to anyone is NOT too cool do do


13 09 2008

Judi – Don’t worry. You’ve already made it clear you weren’t serious. Besides, Palin doesn’t have time to go hunting.

Relax, people.

Is Sarah P not the most divisive candidate ever???

13 09 2008

haha, welcome to DC 😉 Great blog, BTW.

13 09 2008

Laughing No Longer… (15:00:33) :

i think judi should leave the group:
but just long enough to fill up that glass…

She can blame the drink ! Aye it’s a curse I tell ya ! Makes your mind wander into all sorts of dark corners !

13 09 2008

Judy….we all understand. Now come on, you promised to get all liquored up, and we were gunna play Jump on Judy which sounded kinda kinky…oh wait….said we can’t play that.


Sorry if I sounded lecture-y like earlier, wasn’t really aimed at you, was at those out there who are not kidding.

So please cheer up!!!!

13 09 2008


Just posted your site link to the pics over at Kos, on the top front page post, Great Shots, especially from the side showing the spread of the crowd, Great signs as well, Congratulations to the ‘Real Ladies of Alaska’!!

13 09 2008

off for a birthday dinner myself….my four children are taking me out!

way to go mudflatians….you help me keep my sanity in this upside down race!

13 09 2008

i’ve been reading here at mudflats since palin was picked,posted once or twice,i have been asked by a few people in our small town why i do not like this female.the reasons i’ve been asked is 1.i hunt 2.i fish 3.i work 4.i have 4 sons 5.this is the real kicker i’m female.i do not get this girl power thing,we are picking people that will be running this counrty,she just does not have it.i made myself watch her interview last night.and listening to her speak i am so very glad my son is out of the marines.she scares the hell out of me.all 4 of my sons will be voting OBAMA even the one that turned reb.

13 09 2008
Kate Henry

Cynthia, TX (14:25:16) :
Hundreds turn out for anti-Palin protest

The McClatchy newspapers are the only fairly independent newspapers left in this country.

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

happy birthday deb
you know what wish to make!
(i did on aug. 8 – and blew out ALL the candles. so its gonna come true!)

13 09 2008

Judi, Don’t Go, wanted to just point out, you weren’t over the line and the joke was recognized, so get back to Normal Bashing of an Incompetent VP pick and I’m guessing leaving questions as to Governor as well.

13 09 2008

Don’t know if this has been linked, but the NY Times has a great story about Palin’s true colors.

13 09 2008

Raingods…after reading that article, kinda wish Palin was a friend of mine.

Could really use a better paying job….with benifits!!

13 09 2008
Mollys Mum

Totally, TOTALLY off topic:

Anne in WA– I want to know more about your filly! I am a three-horse mum–one golden-retired Appendix eventer, one semi retired Connemara/TB slut, and one feisty little Arab/Saddlebred I am legging up for endurance. Email me if you like. Horses are the very best therapy when it comes to the ills of the world… 🙂

13 09 2008

Oh I Like That One Poster:

Dr King was a Community Organizer!!

George Wallace was a Governor!!

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

i cant seem to get the pics- error 404 message?

13 09 2008
Kate Henry

If you folks want to see something completely ridiculous, go here:

Be forewarned, it will probably make you vomit. I am not a person who hates. But I am getting to the point where I HATE REPUBLICANS. They have ruined this country. Why can’t people see that? How in hell could anyone with an IQ out of room temperature range possibly not see how dangerous McCain/Palin are?

13 09 2008

A friend of mine said “Calling Sarah Palin a fiscal conservative is like saying Donald Trump lives within his means.”

I am going to change my name on this blog to YESWECANinfairbanks. I have Sarah fatigue and it doesn’t seem like the mounting evidence and information about her unreadiness, her style of governance, her very petty and personal style of politics, much of it being covered by the mainstream media, is making the tiniest difference in public perception. Time will tell, I guess.

But I am going to stop obsessing about her and the fact that so many people do not see through her surface charisma to what is underneath and turn all my energy and attention to doing what I can to help Obama get elected. I might take a leave of absence from my job and go help his campaign in one of the really tight states. Or something. Anything to help turn the tide…

And thanks again Alaska Muckraker, out there in mudland, for keeping the information coming!

13 09 2008

I am posting AWRP (Alaskan Women Reject Palin) rally photos on my site. Check it out:

Keep checking back because there are a lot of them and it’s taking me awhile to get them all uploaded.


13 09 2008

raingods: Great article. I just finished reading it as it on the front page over at KOS. Mudflats is getting a lot of attention over there too as news of the anti-Palin rally is spreading like wildfire.

Reports are saying over a 1000 people at the anti-Palin rally. Is that true???? I can’t wait until AKM turns up with pictures.

I think one of the mudflatters wrote a comment in the ADN (who has the anti-rally on the front page right below the pro-rally.

Comment from ADN: Is this someone here?

I was at the rally and there were at least a thousand anti-Palin men and women there to speak out against the McCain Palin candidacy. I am an intelligent woman, mother, professional and Christian who will vote on the issues. It seems pretty clear to me, as a mother to two daughters, that the McCain Palin ticket is not there for my daughters. I fear for their future as I contemplate the possibility of 4 more years of the same. That is why I was there today. We need to speak up and not let this travesty continue and vote for the Obama Biden ticket

13 09 2008

OMG, love your pics Laura! My favorite sign was the one stating..”Dont insult my pitbull”

13 09 2008

Palin never in Iraq, campaign now says

A Palin spokesperson also confirmed that the governor had visited Mexico on a personal vacation. She has also visited Canada

This is one of the most humorous sentences I’ve read in a while.

13 09 2008

Laughing No Longer…:

Are you hitting this link:

If so you might be timing out depending on your connection.

13 09 2008
In the Land of Disbelief

Best part of the Reject-Palin rally is the number of folks I talked to who said they had never come to any kind of political rally before. Seems like we were all drawn by this overwhelming need to shout. Lots of press taking photos and talking to folks.

13 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Regi (15:01:59) :

Laughing No Longer… (15:00:33) :

i think judi should leave the group:
but just long enough to fill up that glass…

She can blame the drink ! Aye it’s a curse I tell ya ! Makes your mind wander into all sorts of dark corners !
Judi, I also think you should ONLY leave the group to fill your glass, make something to eat, or pee sitting down. There is a place for you here along with everyone else all on this crazy ride.

A good example of forgiveness here is Regi above! I totally misread one of her posts ten treads ago and totally unloaded on her only to realize I was completely wrong! Now I am one of her biggest fans here! We have all had our moments under this monumental disorientation.

So stay, Judi, stay in the Mudflats with all of us in this very odd hell we are going through since Johnny Mac lost his mind.

13 09 2008

Damn, Alaska is beautiful!

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

cool jimstaro.. thanks!

13 09 2008

Might have been a broken link or traffic, LNL.

13 09 2008


They say way more than a thousand words! Alaskan women rock!

13 09 2008

Completely OT to Laura. Is that reddish dog with the black a mask a Leonberger?

13 09 2008

I missed two signs; one was a sled dog that was wearing a sign that said something like, “A real Alaskan dog, NOT a pitbull” and the other was, “Bristol had a choice.”

13 09 2008

J T, I agree! However I’d probably piss her off and get fired.

13 09 2008

I just got back from the Alaska Women Against Palin rally. I think the ADN’s estimates of “hundreds” must be low. When I left, word was being passed that at least 1,000 to 1,500 were there, and I’d agree. (Maybe 25 Palin boosters showed up.) Great signs, great energy, great showing. A real morale booster. Some of the national press was there (a Washington Post reporter interviewed me), so I hope there’s some wider coverage. And everyone who showed up was there because the organizers sent an email that got forwarded over and over–I got three or four of them from different people. Let’s hope some momentum takes off.

13 09 2008
From England

Laura, Erin…fantastic pics, well done all od you who took the time to show up and take a stand! I love the sign you did for Jeep Pike. Christy and Diana

13 09 2008

“A real Alaskan dog, NOT a pitbull”

Damn Would Have Loved To See That One, Maybe At The Next Rally!!!

13 09 2008

Laura, your pictures are proof that “a picture is worth a 1000 words”. Have you sent the link to MSNBC and CNN?

My first post here but I’ve been reading since AKM since the Land of Palin began.

13 09 2008

Glad you like ’em, anyone may use them!

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

yes- send to cnn i-report
lazy journalists love this stuff
and i-report tallies how many to gauge interest
send to current tv too

13 09 2008

AKM…great photos and writing as always.

Long winded poster’s note: My correction was to my post, not anyone else’s.

I’m out of sorts today because I just got slammed with some medical bills that were supposed to be paid for by insurance, and now they’re not. Of course we’ll appeal, but the red-tape…and if we lose, any saving we had will be toast.

So Judi, I’m all with ya on Universal Healthcare.

13 09 2008

I’m thinking I could put a call in for an ambassadorship based on the countries I’ve visited, but if I play this right, I might be able to have my pick of countries. Just have to plan a vacation accordingly. This may be the better plan. It would strengthen my application credentials, as I will undoubtedly have a leg up on competition from all those who may have visited the desired country years ago.

13 09 2008
Sad In Red State Texas has Obama’s birth certificate with stamp and all.

13 09 2008

I got permission to post this. Thought it was soooo funny and true!

If you’re a minority and you’re selected for a job over more qualified
candidates you’re a “token hire.”

If you’re a conservative and you’re selected for a job over more
qualified candidates you’re a “game changer.”

Black teen pregnancies? A “crisis” in black America .
White teen pregnancies? A “blessed event.”

If you grow up in Hawaii you’re “exotic.”
Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, you’re the quintessential
“American story.”

Similarly, if you name you kid Barack you’re “unpatriotic.”
Name your kid Track, you’re “colorful.”

If you’re a Democrat and you make a VP pick without fully vetting t he
individual you’re “reckless.”
A Republican who doesn’t fully vet is a “maverick.”

If you spend 3 years as a community organizer growing your organization
from a staff of 1 to 13 and your budget from $70,000 to $400,000, then
become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a
voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new African Amerian
voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, then spend
nearly 8 more years as a State Senator representing a district with
over 750,000 people, becoming chairman of the state Senate’s Health and
Human Services committee, then spend nearly 4 years in the United
States Senate representing a state of nearly 13 million people,
sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment
and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, you are woefully

If you spend 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a
town with fewer than 7,000 people, then spend 20 months as the governor
of a state with 650,000 people, then you’ve got the most executive
experience of anyone on either ticket, are the Commander in Chief of
the Alaska military and are well qualified to lead the nation should
you be called upon to do so because your state is the closest state to

If you are a Democratic male candidate who is popular with millions of
people you are an “arrogant celebrity”.
If you are a popular Republican female candidate you are “energizing
the base”.

If you are a younger male candidate who thinks for himself and makes
his own decisions you are “presumptuous”.
If you are an older male candidate who makes last minute decisions you
refuse to explain, you are a “shoot from the hip” maverick.

If you are a candidate with a Harvard law degree you are “an
elitist-out of touch” with the real America .
if you are a legacy (dad and granddad were admirals) graduate of
Anapolis , with multiple disciplinary infractions you are a hero.

If you manage a multi-million dollar nationwide campaign, you are an
“empty suit”.
If you are a part time mayor of a town of 7000 people, you are an
“experienced executive”.

If you go to a south side Chicago church, your beliefs are “extremist”.
If you believe in creationism and don’t believe global warming is man
made, you are “strongly principled”.

If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your
disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you’re a
If you have been married to the same woman with whom you’ve been wed to
for 19 years and raising 2 beautiful daughters with, you’re “risky”.

If you’re a black single mother of 4 wh o waits for 22 hours after her
water breaks to seek medical attention, you’re an irresponsible parent,
endangering the life of your unborn child.
But if you’re a white married mother who waits 22 hours, you’re spunky.

If you’re a 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton, the right-wing press calls you
“First dog.”
If you’re a 17-year old pregnant unwed daughter of a Republican, the
right-wing press calls you “beautiful” and “courageous.”

If you kill an endangered species, you’re an excellent hunter.
If you have an abortion your not a christian, you’re a murderer (forget
about if it happen while being date raped.)

If you teach abstinence only in sex education, you get teen parents.
If you teach responsible age appropriate sex education, including the
proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

13 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

Old Time Dem

Re those tax returns–think about this for a minute. These people have had so much going on in their lives, babies, more babies, unexpected babies, changes in jobs, deployments, etc…do you really think they’ve filed for 2007 yet? My guess would be they’re extended until October 15. As for prior years’? See reasons listed above! They probably don’t know where they are and they requested copies from the IRS.

Oh, we’ll get them, but I wouldn’t expect them really soon.

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

i know its been said, but i’m so happy that more showed up for anti-rally than her staged farce. you go, alaska girls! i’m afraid that if the news broke away from damage for even a second, they’d have to cover it. so they’re not.

13 09 2008

Mollys Mum (15:09:12) :
Totally, TOTALLY off topic:
Anne in WA– I want to know more about your filly!

Mollys Mum- I will be pleased to e-mail you about my filly. She’s a Rocky Mountain Horse and absolutely the sweetest animal one could imagine!

13 09 2008

What Clinton did to his family was despicable but it was the LYING that was what bought him an impeachment according to the Repubs. My my, how time have changed in 8 years……

13 09 2008

Thanks for the photos Laura!

13 09 2008

I think one of the things that bothered me the most about right wing politics is the nasty comments about the looks of some pre-teen or young teen first daughters.

Can you imagine how difficult it is to mature into womanhood, and then have some a**H*** like Rush or McCain say a nasty public joke about your looks?

That is absolutely the LOWEST.

That and shooting wolves from planes.

13 09 2008

Okay, I just did the ireport for cnn and the msnbc…will wait breathlessly for our local news to cover…maybe I shouldn’t hold my breath…

13 09 2008

Barack Obama under fire for ignoring advice on how to beat John McCain

Not to be a downer, but this does really worry me. I keep wondering where on earth all the Obama surrogates are?? (I guess we need to take it as a given that Hillary has no intention of lifting a finger to help; where has she been since that lukewarm FLA appearance?). The Republicans, true to form, have stayed on message and displayed a powerful show of party unity, up to and including their b.s. Truth Squad of women from all over the nation. What on earth are the Dems doing in response? Where are the governors and senators showing their support and hitting hard? How do we turn the tide? We simply cannot rely on the “trust in the ground game” line from here till election day.

13 09 2008

If a personal vacation counts as foreign policy experience, would a court appearance be suitable for appointment to the United States Supreme Court?

13 09 2008
Wired Differently

Judi – don’t go away, do be kind to yourself. Have you read the remarkable book by Jill Bolte Taylor “My Stroke of Insight”? In it she says, “Internal verbal abuse is not acceptable behavior.” We all say things sometimes that we wish we hadn’t. It’s okay.

Laura – Great photos! Thank you for sharing them with your anxious, snorting and pawing Mudflats homies.

13 09 2008

I agree about Clinton…

BUT….unlike all the Republicans, Bill is still with his starter wife.

Look at all the big mucky muck Republicans that left their starter wives for a younger trophy wife? (most who were most critical of Bill)

In the end, Bill had the most family values! AND, his daughter is an amazing young woman.

13 09 2008

In the Land of Disbelief

Thanks for your activism. All I can say is I admire and LOVE you. You AKMuckraker and the brave souls have more heart, courage and soul than the beach has grains of sand.

Tonite I am off to VA to live for a month or so, keep up your good fight. We’ve got your back

13 09 2008

Way to go Alaskans! Have viewed your photos of todays events and want to let you know there is a Canadian neighbor rooting for the woman of Alaska and all that you are doing. Fantastic signs! My favourite…”Don’t Insult My Pitbull” lol

Thanks mudraker for keeping us informed!

13 09 2008

Repubs are terrible offenders of marriage vows…no denying that.

13 09 2008
White Agate

Breaking! Check it! Page 1 NYT, haven’t read the whole thing.

13 09 2008

Thanks for the report — and for all the great work you’re doing with Mudflats. We appreciate is down here in the lower 48 — I appreciate it over here in the battleground state of PA

By the way, speaking of Springsteen:

13 09 2008


Don’t hold your breath, unless you think you can till tomorrow, both are still covering ‘Ike’, but that may change shortly as it’s starting to get dark and they’ll only have the past photo’s to use till tomorrow, so maybe later but probably tomorrow.

13 09 2008

Judi has been a bitch on other threads, so she can leave; fine with me.

What happened to BabyGate?! I am dismayed to see that it has lost its legs. Even the bloggers have stopped reporting on it.

We need for some very tenacious Alaskan investigative reporter(s) to aggressively pursue the story and BUST IT WIDE OPEN!! No way Trig Van Palin is Sarah’s, no way! There must be SOMEONE who knows something who is willing to talk.

13 09 2008

We all know where you are coming from. Forget about that statement, have your glass of wine and come back and chat tomorrow. This is a great blog site, no one is going to remember it. Really.

AKA Puck mule Palin

13 09 2008

The McCain story about not being a US citizen is also being floated around for Obama.

It’s all b–t

13 09 2008

“Then came the pledge of allegiance. A teenage boy in front of me said, “What’re you a communist?” and smacked his brother’s arm so he’d put it over his heart.”

You know, nothing terrifies me more than this type of anachronistic, McCarthy-esque patriotism. Seriously. Then again, Alaska IS in the sights of those damned “ruskies,” and who better than to protect the homeland than young zealots like these. I can only imagine what the dinner-time discussions are like: Dark Age banter about the sins of technology and logic. Foget “God save America…” It’s more like “God help America…” and even if the almighty were to take up the challenge, I doubt much could be done.

13 09 2008

Geesh, what country are we living in? Check out this piece about the hateful radio talk show host, Eddie Burke, against the organizers of the anti Palin rally. ug….

13 09 2008

Rolltide, not sure what type of dog that is, it’s a “Village dog,” I don’t own it…wish I did…

13 09 2008
Ohio Sue

After reading the NYT article on Palin, I think McCain should hire an official food taster.

13 09 2008
From England

@angryxer…that article left me feeling quite sick. Thanks:(
I hope there’s no truth to it….I hope that the SP selection was the wake up call Obama campaign needed.

13 09 2008

Okay, all my photos are up and running (there’s about 30 of them), so if you’re interested, come on over. I’ll go back and post the “Real Alaskan Dog” picture I took.

I tell you, I’d be surprised if there was less than 1,000 people. It was so encouraging, exciting and heartening. We were bonded together like never before. Horns honking, etc. I was interviewed by a CNN reporter, so maybe there’s hope that the MSM will pick up the story and run with it.

Oh, and Jeep Pike, there’s a picture of your sign on my site. That’s not me in the picture, but I stopped to chat with the lady who made it- she’s really nice.

13 09 2008

Laura, beautiful dog. He resembles my dog who is a leonberger.

13 09 2008

What a great rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So uplifting & positive!!!! I was so happy to have my family (2 daughters & husband) with me to make history! Let’s get out and do all that we can to get Obama/Biden into office. The postcard-writing gathering was great as well, I think most of the participants were mudflats readers!

There were hundreds & hundreds of Obama supporters out there, only a handful of pro-Palinites out. I would guess 30-50. There is a disgusting article in the local newspaper with completely distorted numbers, which should give you some idea of why I so loathe that newspaper and why I think that they are unable to be truthful & balanced about Palin reporting. Their credibility in the eyes of anyone participating in the rally or anyone driving by could not survive this farce of an article. If you really want to see the worst of Alaskans supporting Palin go ahead & read the comments, but don’t eat first!!!

Let me say also that the vibe at the rally was all positive, even when icky Eddie Burke showed up. He must have been crushed that there were so few Palin supporters, I am counting on what comes around goes around with regard to him, and that Obama supporters in Alaska will boycott his sponsors, write emails & letters to his station & sponsors, etc. BTW, ERA Aviation has a big old banner on their web site, so be sure to bombard them with complaints about their support of his hateful diatribes.

For those with strong stomachs, here’s the link to the ADN news article. Please feel free to write them and tell them how much they SUCK for lying & for such shoddy reporting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 09 2008

You people make me weep. This is NOT what I wanted to spend my vacation doing, but for once, it is a good weep. It warms me to feel surrounded by sane persons and if I could hug you all and say thank you, I would.
I lie…really I just think AKM is a freaking hero and is saving the country from certain doom.
Really though, you all do leave me needing a hug. I can’t thank you enough. It’s been lonely hating what has been done to the country and feeling so alone.

13 09 2008

Great work, AKM and all who attended the rallies!

OT, Is Sarah Plain lying about visiting the troops in Iraq?

Seems to me, if you really SUPPORT THE TROOPS, you don’t use them as props and you sure as hell don’t lie about visiting them in the theatre of battle!

13 09 2008

A growing pack of lies about trip to Iraq! WaPost story “…she did not venture beyond the Kuwait-Iraq border when she visited Khabari Alawazem Crossing, also known as “K-Crossing,” on July 25, 2007″ Of course we already knew she only stopped in Ireland to refuel.

13 09 2008

NY Times Hammers Palin–

13 09 2008
Mollys Mum

Anne in WA — OMG, those Rocky Mountain horses are so gorgeous!! Please do email me, and send pictures! I will reciprocate with some of me and my little girl.

(Apologies to the Mudflats crowd. Get horse people together and the rest of the universe just disappears. )

13 09 2008


Thanks for sharing that. Glad to hear rally was safe and numbers supporting SP were low.

13 09 2008

You were brave to stomach that. I hope you got a chance to read the latest NYTimes article on her today. It’s scarrryy. She’s more and more like Bush/Cheney clone everyday.

13 09 2008

No probs Molly’s mom, dog people do the same thing. 🙂

13 09 2008

I want to thank everyone who attended the anti-Palin rally today. Whenever I start feeling down, this blog cheers me up. Go Obama/Biden!!

13 09 2008
Jan Arnold

Hi Mudflatians – I am catching up on the comments today after work – one thing I have been wanting to mention (which I am sure you are all ahead of me on) is that we need to do one more thing – work for and donate to other races than the presidential race. We must gain full, uncontested majorities in the house and senate – If Obama wins (please, dear Lord) then real progress and change can occur – and, if, by some horrible turn of events, he does not win – this may be the last and best defense against the end of our country as we have known it. And, the other thing we all need to do, is harp on the campaign that we MUST stand up to the powers that be if we suspect election fraud and FIGHT IT. So, we must all volunteer to be poll watchers and support out local organizations that will monitor the elections.
THanks! Sure do get alot of comfort from reading this blog! I am in South Carolina – Sarah Palin would fit in pretty well here!

13 09 2008
Mollys Mum

Intrigued, where on EARTH are your priorities?

We ALL put our foot (or our typing fingers) in our mouths sometime. See my post on Biden and his comment to the paraplegic. God knows I have done so enough times myself. To err is human, to forgive divine, yadda yadda yadda. Judi is a great girl, and frankly, I don’t think we care about Babygate anymore; there are more serious issues at stake.

Come on, wise up.

13 09 2008

Thanks Laura and Erin for the pics.

13 09 2008
Jan Arnold

Hi Mudflatians – I am catching up on the comments today after work – one thing I have been wanting to mention (which I am sure you are all ahead of me on) is that we need to do one more thing – work for and donate to other races than the presidential race. We must gain full, uncontested majorities in the house and senate – If Obama wins (please, dear Lord) then real progress and change can occur – and, if, by some horrible turn of events, he does not win – this may be the last and best defense against the end of our country as we have known it. And, the other thing we all need to do, is harp on the campaign that we MUST stand up to the powers that be if we suspect election fraud and FIGHT IT. So, we must all volunteer to be poll watchers and support our local organizations that will monitor the elections.
THanks! Sure do get alot of comfort from reading this blog! I am in South Carolina – Sarah Palin would fit in pretty well here!

13 09 2008

I have been thinking for the past day, of how Obama can get his MoJo back! He has to appeal to regular folks like myself. Of course, I’ve been sold since the first speech!

I don’t live paycheck to paycheck, and can manage to save a little. God has been a blessing, for real! I am a divorced mother of 4. I was pretty much homeless a little over 2 years ago, no job.

Perseverence, prayer, faith, and dedication has brought me to where I am today. My car is paid off, I bought a home this past February. One daughter in college, and two young adults who work. One still in school.

These are the stories people need to hear. And this is why I support Obama, I don’t want what I worked, cried, sweated for, to be gone just like that. My daughter’s future, and dreams! She wants to one day become a fasion designer and live abroad!

People need to hear these stories, and I’m sure there are so many like mine!

Maybe Obama should go to work with people like this, for a few hours, with the camera crew.

Perhaps it will open so many eyes, and bring those who have drifted over to the right back to reality.

Of course, I could be living in fantasy land. I just don’t want people to have buyer’s remorse! And I assure you they will once the shit hits the fan, if McShame/Plain are elected!

13 09 2008
Jan Arnold

Oops. Clicked twice by accident! Sorry. My posts are bad enough the first time! Don’t need to subject you to them twice!

13 09 2008

Before you go and hack off some fingers, lift your glass. Let’s have a drink! We’ll all get through this together. Love your posts, keep them coming.

13 09 2008


I imagine you were also at the ‘AK Women Reject Palin’ gathering. I have some photos (a couple of them stitched together to provide a panoramic view from the library hill). Let me know if you’d like other documentation from people on the ground.

As to the event – it was wonderful! I’ll wait to add my particular 2 cents response to your story. I’ll only add this now. A friend of mine was interviewed by Maureen Dowd during the event. Ms. Dowd told her that there were more people at our event than at the morning Palin gathering. I’ll wait and see if she writes a column about this. After all, there’s so much for her wit to write about at the moment, it must be hard to choose…

13 09 2008

Slightly off topic:

HuffPo just posted a NYT article to appear tomorrow on SP’s governing style. If you haven’t already seen this, you must go to

It is worse that I thought.

13 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

Kate Henry

That’s only partly right I think. Mitt Romney actually brought this up during the primary, and although I never heard a satisfactory resolution to the question ( McCain was born in Panama and the US was “leasing” the Canal zone which makes it different from a US base, territory, etc.) I seriously doubt that the RNC would allow his nomination and acceptance if there were a ghost of a chance that he is ineligible.

But, on the other hand, I’ve lived long enough to have seen some really strange things happen…remember, the Terminator would love to be prez. and if the Supreme Court had to render a decision about McCain, we could see a whole new ball of wax.

13 09 2008

Woohoo! The American nurses’ association is backing Obama. 🙂

13 09 2008

Wow! What a crappy turn-out!

13 09 2008

Erin…thanks for those pics! You got some good angles there to show the size of the turnout…excellent. Conversely the lineup of gun rights signs (and sorry….as a native of SF we do not refer to that great city as ‘Frisco’….there’s a town in Texas that takes that title) looked a bit puney.

Just glad that y’all up north are safe and spoke for all of us 🙂

13 09 2008
13 09 2008
iona aka Can Lightning

@AnneinWa – you go girl. that’s the way to do it. after checking out the Naomi Wolf article, I checked out her book. I believe this is step 8, control the press: “a stream of false info. so relentless it is increasingly hard to sort out truth from untruth.” I agree with other posters: this is beyond left/right, not about SP, it is a classic case of “divide and conquer” and we can’t afford that to prevail. obscuring facts with relentless misinformation & most folks don’t have time, resources, or inclination to sit down and search the net. with the help of links, we can substantiate the truth and present it to them. plus it helps us re-educate our selves. our own education and our children’s, how do you find out the truth, how separate fact from fiction, is so important, it is crucial and it is empowering – good luck to you!

13 09 2008


Thanks for the report on the rally and the pics. I was most struck by the poster that said “Real Women Vote on the Issues Not the Gender.” Something, obviously, the McCain campaign doesn’t realize – which makes me both sad and furious.

I’m curious about the the political demographics in AK. From what I’ve read, there’s a significant Christian fundamentalist/rightwing influence in the Wasilla area, but that’s an anomaly. And while there are more registered Republicans than Democrats, there are even more independents. And the Anchorage area seems to have a lot of progressives. Is that about right?

13 09 2008

Femalady … that’s a fabulous rant. Who wrote it?

13 09 2008

Wow Sheila….that’s great! Hoping to see Maureen’s take on it soon. I do hear that Gov. Moosellini is winging her way to Carson City, NV and will be all by herself (unless you count ‘the first dude’). Quick….anyone out there in Reno/Tahoe who can organize something on the fly???

13 09 2008

I should also say that today I was sooooooo proud to be an Alaskan!!!!!!! And let me tell you — in this state of so many small minds that doesn’t happen often! And I especially usually don’t feel proud to be Alaskan when PFDs are distributed and everyone heads out to buy big TVs and snowmobiles! But today, wow, I am still high on the rally experience!

Let me give you a bit of Alaskan insight into one very poignant moment that pretty much sums up everything wrong with Palin/McCain/Bush/etc:

On our walk to the rally we passed through a newly-completed park near the library. There were 3 quite intoxicated Alaska Natives in the woody part of the park, it was quite obvious that they were wondering where in the world all of these people had come from (it is cold out and very cloudy and definately not a day to be out at the park). Anyway, we said hi, waved our signs, shouted vote Obama, and continued on our way. It is quite common to see drunk people in the parks, so nobody ever raises a brow. Well, a few minutes later (10?) I was on the corner with a few others, one of them being a great guy with a wonderful sign that said BUSH IN A SKIRT, another being a woman with a big sign inside a fishing net, said something along the lines of I LOVE ALASKA BUT NOT PALIN FOR VP. So, then two of the intoxicated natives showed up, likely wondering what was going on, then a local television person showed up with cameras, and the natives grabbed the signs of two people and were interviewed. I didn’t hear much, but did hear one of them say that she thought Sarah should be President, not VP! No, this is not a comment about everyone supporting Palin/McCain is obviously drunk, this is really about a state that is so wealthy that it can give away thousands & thousands of dollars to every resident, yet still asks for earmark money, and cannot adequately take care of the people living on the fringes of society. Yes, this is played out throughout the US and the world, but what a bizarre moment that was, watching those two, knowing that they are so removed from day to day life that they have no idea what is really going on in the world, yet they’re able to say that Palin should be President. Is it just me who thinks that is heartbreaking?

13 09 2008

McCain was born in Panama

That’s a no go.

I was stationed in the Zone, across the bridge from the civilian sector where the hospital was, for a year and a half before CI/SERE and ‘Nam, the Hospital, in the Zone was considered U.S. Territory, same as the bases

13 09 2008

Alaska women soundly rejected Sarah Palin today!! It was a fabulous rally. A woman moved through the crowd with a clicker – someone asked her and she said 1300 so far and she hadn’t been across the street!

FRAN ULMER DROVE BY!! She stopped and thanked us for coming out. I thanked her for driving by! Oh yeah, Fran Ulmer was Lt. Governor under Tony Knowles. She ran against Frank Murkowski but lost. She’s now Chancellor for the University of Alaska Anchorage.

The synergy was amazing. Women leaving would hand their signs to women just arrived. Chants would erupt spontaneously: “O-BA-MA!” “Eight is Enough!” “Mama’s for Obama!” “Yes we can!”

There were lots of beeping from cars zooming by – women hanging out of their vehicles with Obama signs! I saw an elderly guy whaling on his car horn as his wife gave us thumbs up! A young mom drove by with a van full of kids all of them waving and cheering us on!

There were a few Palinistas there. One was particularly obnoxious and yelled into the ear of someone standing next to him. She got ticked off, rightfully so, but she took the high road and ignored him. He was hefting a sign that said “Proud AK Papa against abortion” or some such. Ignorance is bliss.

I think I saw that KBYR shock jock Eddie Burke. He was on the median in the middle of the street but the cops made him leave.

Of course what rally would be complete without several drive bys by teenage boys giving everyone the finger?

The big buzz in my area near the corner of 36th and Denali on the Loussac side, was the Post Card Event. If you haven’t heard about it here’s the link.

Excellent Photos Laura!!

Write Postcards! Donate! Donate! Write Postcards! Donate!

13 09 2008
Jan Arnold

On the earlier thread about Palin stretching the truth on visiting only the border but trying to indicate she had gone into Iraq – they also say she had been to Ireland, but my understanding is that was a fueling stop along the way on that same trip ….. sort of stretching it again, isn’t it? My 17 year old son does a pretty funny Bill Clinton impersonation and everytime Sarah Palin or republican talking heads come on, he stands up, and puts on his Bill Clinton act and says “this is the BIGGEST fairytale I’ve EVER seen…” It’s pretty funny.

13 09 2008

The polls are still acting oddly. Even has been swinging around lately. The owner/analyst of this site has been dealing with polls that seem out of kilter with the rest (like Zogby Interactive, done through the internet) by heavily discounting them and disparaging the methodology. Meanwhile, I heard the Zogby folks a few days ago touting Interactive as a tested way of getting around the cell phone problem and the wave of the future.

538 has also pointed out that it is pretty easy to get into the polling business these days and the field has become crowded and highly competitive.

I’m more and more thinking that no one has a handle on this stuff.

13 09 2008

Two more great articles in NYTimes: 1st Dude’s activity in Gov Office:

And a 5 pager on SP and the way she’d get even with those she didn’t like:

13 09 2008

We heard on the news SP will be in Seattle on Sept. 24th. Wooooooooo!

13 09 2008

Page 1 of the NY Times:

In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics

WASILLA, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin lives by the maxim that all politics is local, not to mention personal.

So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency.

Ms. Havemeister was one of at least five schoolmates Ms. Palin hired, often at salaries far exceeding their private sector wages…

13 09 2008

THANK YOU Laura for posting your anti-Palin rally pix. I especially loved the “HYPE” poster and the “Hockey Mama for Obama.”

And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the women (and men) of Alaska who marched against Palin. I’ve been in a deep funk since McCain announced his running mate over two weeks ago, and your bravery and creativity really cheered me up.

Greetings from Brooklyn, NY.

13 09 2008

Thank you for going to this and reporting about it. It must have been difficult.

How do you keep from feeling depressed? I mean, is there any hope for our country?

13 09 2008
Just Us League

More Gibson interview debunking….20% of US energy?

“Palin claims Alaska “produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.” That’s not true.

Alaska did produce 14 percent of all the oil from U.S. wells last year, but that’s a far cry from all the “energy” produced in the U.S.

Alaska’s share of domestic energy production was 3.5 percent, according to the official figures kept by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

And if by “supply” Palin meant all the energy consumed in the U.S., and not just produced here, then Alaska’s production accounted for only 2.4 percent.”

13 09 2008

@ elie:

My first thought was “what if Cheney took Ms. Palin on a hunting trip” too!

(Although I think being eaten by polar bears would be more fitting.) 🙂

I’ve been thinking I have some pretty decent foreign experience credentials – I have actually taken a trip to Russia (including Moscow and St. Petersburg), with a few days in Helsinki, Finland, and an emergency stop at Keflavik air base in Iceland. I also live in Michigan, which is very close to Canada (in fact you can see the country from many places in the state), AND I get CBC on my cable and faithfully watch Hockey Night in Canada. And our governor is Canadian.

Wait a minute – do I even count as an American with those credentials?!? Now I’m so confused! 😀

13 09 2008
13 09 2008

Video- About Anti-Rally and there was a cut with the Rally

13 09 2008

Ok – I too went to the anti Palin rally today. I was kinda nervous thinking maybe there would only be a few people. Holy crap! There were hundreds – maybe 1000? We were so jazzed! We decided to cross the street and spread out and there were some with Go sarah posters over there. I was standing next to a guy who kept saying “stupid, stupid people” He had a stupid Go sarah sign. 🙂 Then he started chanting NO-Bama and so many of us started adding our voices “0-Bam-A. He got into an argument about baby killers and was screaming at this other supporter. Then he went and stood directly in front of these guys holding up a big 2 person sign against sarah. He was practically in the street (and this was a busy street) But then…he shoved one of the guys and other people got shoved – . One of our people went over to the police who were a ways down the street – I don’t know what ever happened to the guy as I was waving my sign and waving. Then….there was this other guy – I’m not kidding…he had on a McCain hat and was wearing a holster with a handgun in it!!!! This is legal in Alaska – but I couldn’t believe it because you just don’t see it. He was belligerently standing directly in front of Obama people. About then the 3 of us decided to go back to the library side of the street where the mccain/sarah people were WAY outnumbered. We stood and waved for 2 hours – it was invigorating and huge. What a tremendous showing for Alaska. Thanks for reading this far. I know there must be hope!!!!

13 09 2008

Does anyone remember how far off the polls were for the NH primary? Everyone had Obama up by a significant margin but Hillary ended up winning. Polls are notoriously inaccurate. I don’t take much stock in them at all even when Obama is ahead.

13 09 2008
13 09 2008

@Just Us League (16:20:02) :
More Gibson interview debunking….20% of US energy?

“Palin claims Alaska “produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.” That’s not true.

Alaska did produce 14 percent of all the oil from U.S. wells last year…

AND: Do we reliably know where that crude oil went? Was it all (or any of it) refined in the U.S. for U.S. distribution and consumption? Where do those tankers go?

13 09 2008

Wow, just catching up on all the postings, Laura, Erin, and everyone else who reported and posted pics about the anti-Sarah rally, thank you. As someone else posted, it gives us hope!

13 09 2008
Anchor Jack

Good blog. A question for the Alaskanians: Canada is sitting on a whole lot of OUR oil !!! Does the Alaska National Guard have enough Abrams M-1 tanks and Boeing B-52s to take over Canada? As Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard, Palin has been remiss in not getting that oil under our control sooner. ~~ Now would be a good time to begin recall or impeachment proceedings on this wingnut for non-feasance, among a thousand other issues.

13 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

everytime i see that “childhood love of cows” makes her qualified for Dept of Agriculture, i just laugh and laugh.
i like to eat, so i should be in charge of the FDA
i have a house in a city, maybe i could run HUD

13 09 2008

Good Lord, I just saw a new McBush ad that was of course full of lies and nonsense about Obama and his “liberal allies”, and then at the end it said “That’s just more of the same”

Has John MCBush lost ALL of his mind???

Now he is stealing lines from the Obama campaign???

Does her really think people are that stupid??

It’s blowing my mind!

13 09 2008

Wrong One, Try This Video:

The link above played right after when first hitting the vid over at kos

13 09 2008

Hmmm….reading over some postings, makes me wonder if someone slipped in unnoticed?

Oh well…have a wonderful evening all, and congrats to all those fearless Alaskan folks who attended the rally!

Be safe.

13 09 2008

Just viewed the HORRIBLE YT video of the aerial wolf hunting.

I was raised in Louisiana, part of the Ole Deep South. LA is known as “Sportsman’s Paradise.” Both my father and dad were avid hunters, as are many people down there. It is also Die-Hard Conservative Country.

NO WAY would any ethical hunter endorse, embrace, or turn a blind eye to these practices. Hunters are supposed to do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to minimize suffering of their prey. A quick kill is the goal for that reason; anything less is unsporstmanlike and is NOT REAL HUNTING!! This aerial BS flies in the face of that. And Palin and her fellow Alaskans know it!

13 09 2008

Sounds fabulous.
Would love to see the photos.

13 09 2008

Great Pics Laura !

Can you say BLOGROLLED !!!!!

And link was forwarded as well to KO, Rachel and Chris.

You might make MSNBC !

hey, one never knows

13 09 2008
Copper Catfish

I like your site and visit it to see what new insight you have on Gov. Palin. There was not a lot of folks there. I find that kind of funny!

As for McSame, here is a great story on MSNBC about his economic plan and Greenspan states that we cannot afford McSame’s tax cuts:

Keep on with the great stories and information!

13 09 2008

The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was GREAT! I’ve got lots of pics to post later. Now I’m off to the Ed Schultz Town Hall meeting. What a day! Pictures of the Palin rally are now in the post.

I’m starting a new open thread for discussion since this one’s getting long.


13 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

whabs (15:55:02) :

You people make me weep. This is NOT what I wanted to spend my vacation doing, but for once, it is a good weep. It warms me to feel surrounded by sane persons and if I could hug you all and say thank you, I would.
I lie…really I just think AKM is a freaking hero and is saving the country from certain doom.
Really though, you all do leave me needing a hug. I can’t thank you enough. It’s been lonely hating what has been done to the country and feeling so alone.

Consider yourself hugged! We are all here. We’ll get through this. There is strength in numbers. Everyone just keep trying to do something to help get information out to undecided people. I have passed the Mudflats link to every person I know who is thinking. My extended family is 24 Obama 5 McCain. My work is now 20 Obama 2 McCain. Keep talking with family, friends, work colleagues, and neighbors.

I read your post to me on another thread. Always remember I actually met Kurt Vonnegut face to face in NYC back in 1983, so I often ask questions with a, well, twinkle in my eye… Even though Kurt has passed beyond the vale, somehow he is always with me from that wonderful experience in the space-time continuum. Your point was well taken as I, myself, often pee sitting down. It is often quite reasonable to do so. At my age, I relish EVERY opportunity to just sit down in life. Anywhere. For any reason. (grin)

I am firmly convinced Kurt Vonnegut would love this Blog!

May Kurt be with us in spirit through the next 57 days and counting.

13 09 2008


I read your link. I am not sure all the bold parts were in fact edited out. I know I heard her talk about the trade delegations for example. I think part of the problem may be the way ABC presented the interview in so many pieces. Some parts on the daily news were cut down, but on the 20/20 show they were shown in full. It may not be as bad as you think. Too bad they didn’t just do a single long interview.

13 09 2008

Jimstaro….WOW! check that link out of the anti-Palin rally….impressive numbers lining the street. WTG AK!!!

13 09 2008

Regarding Mark Levin’s version of the interview, I don’t trust that is true. We’ll see.

13 09 2008
Ohio Sue

@tonya (16:22:01)

Honestly, I read the (alleged) unedited version of her interview at that linked site and I think that ABC did Palin a favor by editing it.

13 09 2008

Can’t find Laura’s pics.
Anyone got a link.
Thanks in advance.

13 09 2008
13 09 2008

Sorry if this has been posted before, but it looks like SP will be on Fox news next.,0,4953179.story I guess Sean Hannity will give her another chance to prove she’s ready to be VP. Can anyone say “softball”?

13 09 2008

iona aka Can Lightning (16:08:41) :

Thanks Iona. I am a teacher who has taken a year’s leave of absence (after MANY YEARS in the classroom). In my “teacher’s life” I don’t stop for a moment, once the kids enter the door. Now that I have more time, I am trying to find ways to promote the principles in which I believe. By the time this afternoon of meeting with neighbors was over, I had agreed to tutor a group of homeschooling students – most whose parents have fallen on tough times.

I love working with kids, so this will offer an opportunity for me to teach in the creative way that public school seldom allows in our current times. It will also offer a chance to meet and talk with more folks who I might inspire to become involved politically (okay – I might even change a few minds – this is a very conservative homeschooling group). All in all, this experience will give me an opportunity to learn more about the community in which I live.

One vote at a time…

13 09 2008

Hey Alaskans: Please please please — if ADN cannot report truthfully on the rally issue, say an honest & accurate counting in an article tomorrow, CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS and let them know why!

And to those of you who, like me, read this wonderful blog & comments, and have also read the ADN article & comments, please please please do not bother to comment there! The hateful bitter comments from the right do not merit responses! It is a waste of time to try to reason with those people or get them to see the truth. The comments are getting more & more hateful. Please don’t let them take up space in your head, leave the space for happy thoughts about the rally instead.

13 09 2008

Re: Harley’s post about not much press interest for Biden and all ga-ga for SP, she is playing the classic and often successful role of hard-to-get. So far, only Chaarleeee has been deemed worthy of her attention. They are chasing her and the campaign is eating it up.

13 09 2008
Suzi in Chicago

Ms Mudflats..congrats on the infiltration, Sister! I did the same many years ago at a Reagan Rally. I put on my best Rep blouse w/bow at collar, tan corduroy jacket and slacks, pearl earrings. I had a Mondale/Ferraro campaign sign folded up and stuck down my back. Waited patiently in line, surrounded by Michael J. Fox/Alex Keaton characters. I remember one of them commenting, “Look at that guy in the sweatsuit, HE can’t be a Republican.” I was able to hold up my sign and get on camera. Whomever was sitting next to Reagan was nervously whispering in his ear. Of course by the time I got back to my car, my Mondale bumper sticker was ripped off…but AH what a feeling of satisfaction I had! Keep up the fantastic work.

13 09 2008

@Irishgirl – try this link

@tonya, I’m pretty sure I read (or heard) some of those supposedly “edited” comments on another site yesterday. I don’t think ABC was really trying to hide anything, but it makes a good conspiracy story for the McCainiacs.

13 09 2008

Hey Molly’s Mum, Please reread what I wrote.

I said that Judi was a BITCH (toward me personally) on OTHER THREADS. I was not referring to her “foot in mouth” faux paus on THIS thread.

Ergo, if she lives then that is fine with me.

13 09 2008

pay no attention to the troll known as intrigued

13 09 2008

Here is my “big picture” rant
As to democrats being angry – I just refer you to David Greenwald at the Regressive Attitude who says rightly so – If you aren’t Outraged you Aren’t Paying Attention!
Palin is an idiot and the republican party is a tool of evil.
We will lose this country for good if these people are not stopped in their tracks in this election.
Please have no concern about the Alaskan People looking dumb. What you are doing to speak out about this woman is tremendous and certainly helps those of us in the 48 to understand who she is and what she is up to.
I hope that some of you will write articles about your personal experience and send them to major news outlets and media.
And DO NOT be intimidated! There is power in truth and certainly power in organizing.
I do not want this woman in any way representing the women of this country!
Now I go scream!!!!

13 09 2008
Mollys Mum

angryxer (15:39:57) : I read that article and it made me very nervous, too. I do hope the Obama campaign managers are not being arrogant and resistant to advice. I have written twice to the campaign, but they’re inundated with messages lately and I can well understand that it’s impossible to get a personal response.

These are certainly anxiety-provoking times.

13 09 2008


Thanks for hitting the ad

I saw your comment and “thumbs up”ed it. We’ve gotta make this video viral to get picked up by corp media and we gotta fund it to air it in VA MI & FL

13 09 2008

The rant above was sent by Mark Blumenthal of Oregon. Fw: Contrasts in Politics Saturday, September 13, 2008 7:09 PM
From: “M Blumenthal” < The nice man kept me sane until I found this site. Thanks AKM and the mudflatlanders!

13 09 2008
iona aka Can Lightning

dear AnneinWA (by the way, I’m in OR) – I’m a teacher too and writer. this is the real work, I am convinced of it. this is what will endure when all this has passed away. “love your enemy” “do unto others” right? somehow, I don’t see any other way to make change real.

I posted on the new thread and will say to all: I hope?? you all are keeping some kind of handwritten journal of these days. we are living history. and history buffs like me do spend time combing through the diaries, letters, and journals of “regular folks” who took a little time each day to write down their experiences. even if you print it out and paste it in a book. something that can’t be erased with one click (paranoid? afraid so, but also I just love books). if you live in south, in alaska, in oh, co, va, nm, fl, etc. or anywhere, please please keep a handwritten journal!

books to read: War is a force that gives us meaning – Chris Hedges

The terror dream: fear and fantasy in post 9/11 america – susan faludi

must go yes we can vote at a time patience and steel! xo

13 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone connected with the AWRP rally! 8)

I am so impressed!

13 09 2008

Diary Up at Kos:

With the above Video and adding more in the replys, got an account go over and rate it up, no account go over and read, also a couple of Dig links.

13 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@tonya, good find. re: the ABC interview edit!

I glanced quickly and although it’s not going to be regarded as good that they edited (which was fairly apparent) it didn’t seem to change the meaning to me. Can some diligent Mudflatter with more time possible take a better look?

Here’s the link again that tonya provided with the edited out portions of the interview. (Note the nasty comments below on the page that supplied the interview.) They shouldn’t be crucified for editing, but if it changed the meaning (which I’m sincerely hoping it didn’t) it shouldn’t matter. It’s hopefully just a timing issue. Of course what they’re already saying is that ABC edited it to make her look stupid!! I’m sure this will be all over Fox News tomorrow (if it isn’t already).>/i&gt;

13 09 2008

Thanks, enjoyed the pics.

AKA Puck Mule Palin

13 09 2008

OMG – something is happening. At the YouTube site the Repugs are out en masse commenting on the aerial wolf slaughter. They are trying to change the subject and talk about baby killing, abortion and “culling herds”.

THEY ARE SCARED OF THIS AD so it must be working

Please hit it and comment


Linking this video to my blog as we speak. Thanks for the link

13 09 2008

CANCEL YOUR ADN SUBSCRIPTION!!!! My husband says that if everyone at the rally (he estimates there were about 1500 attending) cancels their subscription it would cost ADN $288,000 per year. With luck we can convince some friends/relatives to cancel too. It’s online if one feels like one must get local news, and that’s free. If they don’t print an accurate account of the rally tomorrow I will be phoning them to cancel, no joking!

13 09 2008

ABC didn’t need to Edit to make her look rediculus, face and body language gives her away as well!!

Tell that to the folks over there!

13 09 2008
Jan Arnold

Off topic but Just for a smile – yesterday on one of the threads someone mentioned they had seen a bumper sticker “fight truth decay – reject McCain/Palin ” I thought it was funny and found it on Cafe Press (got me one!)

13 09 2008

Bobby G – a note about the tankers – they are going all over the world for refining. Oil is shipped overseas to be refined as our refinery’s are only running at 85% capacity. They refine it overseas and sell it back to us for their profit margin. Only 3 % of the oil used in this country is refined here. Otherwise we purchase it from the open rip off market.
So what would happen if our oil fields were nationalized? All of the oil drilled here would stay here and all of the oil refined here would stay here. Surplus product would be sold on the open market. The profits realized from oil would belong to the people of the country and the oil giants would not be raking in their 17 billion dollars of profit per quarter.

Thanks for the rally today – you guys need a medal for bravery but I am glad to see your ranks rising. As the republicans become more desperate you can be sure they will become more violent. Be careful

13 09 2008

WOW! A first-hand account at the pro-Palin rally. Thanks SO much for your blog! A friend and I attended the “reject Palin” rally and were amazed at the turnout! It was great and so much fun! 🙂

13 09 2008
Just Us League

@ Amused and Bewildered: regarding the ABC interview edits, I really liked this article responding to the right wing spluttering….Daniel Larison argues that ABC was actually trying to do Palin a favor and keep her from looking even more ignorant….

13 09 2008

Good day today People of Alaska. I and I’m sure many more that will not be posting am very proud to see you guys out there today. Made my day. There is hope.

13 09 2008

ABC didn’t hide anything! They showed those supposedly “edited” parts on the Nightline edition. I watched all of the interviews… the nightly news edition, Nightline… and 20/20.

13 09 2008
D Landry

Just got back from the Obama/AKwap rally here in Anchorage. Akwap is Alaskan Women against Palin. I’ve got to say that I was absolutely floored to see so many fellow Alaskans for Obama so energized. The local paper ADN has totally lowballed the number of people at “hundreds”. The crowd was about 15 to 20 “hundreds” in my estimation. Lots of energy from the crowd and from the drivers on 36th ave. They were going nuts honking and waving and giving the thumbs up. Very little negative feedback. That was just what I needed to see to restore my faith in the belief that there is still rational thinking going on here. We had a record turn out for the Democratic Caucus here last winter–today proves that energy is still going!

13 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Just Us League , LOL!

Samantha — whew!

Samantha, that’s what I thought. I saw EVERYTHING, World News Tonight, Nightline and 20/20 and although I only glanced quickly, the words looked familiar to me. I’m in the middle of a project and don’t have time to go back and look (I’m cheating enough by coming to visit Mudflats! 🙂 )

You know they’re going to use this though — oops! They already are.

13 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

All who attended AWRP, welcome home and good job!!!

13 09 2008
NY Dem


Biden Releases Tax Returns

Joe Biden has made good on his promise to release his tex returns for the previous 10 years. Even something fairly standard like a candidate releasing his tax returns gets spun. For example, the CNN story emphasizes that he is the second poorest senator, with an average income of $245,000. Open Secrets says he was the poorest in 2006. In contrast, the USA Today story is headlined “Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year.” There is no mention of his not being a millionaire (like Obama and McCain) and having only one house, from which he commutes to his Senate office everyday 90 minutes each way by train. Why is small charitable giving more important than his relatively modest circumstances? Depends on the point you want to make. Obama gave $240,000 to charity last year and McCain gave $105,000. Both of them are millionaires. Obama made his money from royalties on two books he wrote. McCain’s money comes primarily from the beer distributorship his wife inherited from her father. Sarah Palin has not released her tax returns.

13 09 2008

I think Tonya might be a troll looking for traffic – AKMuckraker if you get a chance, can you perhaps edit that post to state that ABC did not edit out those parts of the interview. Even I saw those parts of the interviews, and I am in Australia and was only able to see youtube clips of the interview.

13 09 2008

Last night I posted on my blog that you guys who would be at the rally would be a “…small group, but big in spirit”. Looks like I was right on the spirit part, and wrong on the attendance! Great job guys! This better get MSM coverage!

That NYT article is graining some traction and attention, that’s for sure. As for the Gibson Interview editing comments, it’s interesting to note how they are released NOW, right before the Sunday Talk show circuit tomorrow. Expect the usual talking points from the usual suspects now that they are armed with something.

Question to you Alaskans about that gas pipeline: I remember reading somewhere that Palin cost Americans jobs by putting that through Canada instead of an all-Alaska route. True?

13 09 2008

…by the way , I just watched this on ABC news , its a video of Sarah publicly thanking Monegan 3 mths before firing him .

interesting .

13 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Snoskred I don’t think Tonya is a troll. It came across to me as concern and yeah, it made me concerned for a minute myself! It’s not a bad thing to post that the link — it’s good to know what the other side is thinking. 😉 Maybe I’ll try to register for the site tomorrow and post that it was shown in full on 20/20. I’m sure I’ll be met by some friendly folk there — NOT!

13 09 2008

Thank you all for the community of this blog! Thank you Laura for the pictures and thank you Harley for the easy link. I’ve sent it on to many others!!! Keep up the great work.

13 09 2008

Our Hero AKMuckraker is on HuffPost

Let’s support him with subscriptions and comments.

13 09 2008

What might have happened with the ABC interview is that for the 20/20 show, they might have shown different clips to what they did on the other shows. I saw clips from the original two interviews and they contained the bits in bold.

But if you saw the 20/20 show and you did see all those clips, then that can’t be right either.. I’m not sure, but I do know I saw many of those bits in bold in various video clips across the sites.

13 09 2008

judith —

You’d be surprised how many people you know aren’t registered to vote.

Registration deadlines are coming up soon, and we need every single vote we can get to win this election.

Tell your friends, family, and neighbors to check out our new one-stop voter registration website.

Just forward this message.

13 09 2008

AKM…Congrats on the story and HuffPo recognition! Take the battle onward!

13 09 2008
13 09 2008

Thank you for reporting from the inside. I loved the pictures of the small crowd. I am in California – San Francisco Bay Area – strong Obama. But my husband just returned from a drive to the midwest and back and the Obama presence is not strongly visible along I80 so we have work to do to get the message out to everyone. Glad to see that in Palin’s home state the opposition rally was bigger than the supporter rally. Thanks!

13 09 2008
Dem in VA

Great post. And thanks for the “Karl Rove in Alaska” post too. I can’t believe she is calling herself a reformer while stonewalling her own investigation.

I agree that Bruce would hate his song being played there…but I think he would be happy that he was your “musical driftwood”.

13 09 2008

Palin : Brutal

If you love wildlife you may not want to watch

13 09 2008

I don’t know if anyone else has checked but I went to the KTUU TV page about the Palin rally that someone said included the 2000 people in attendance.

Perhaps they’ve looked at the pictures here because the article says “hundreds” now.

13 09 2008
Anchorage Protest « Golden Years, My @$$ (GYMA)

[…] Mudflats went to the Welcome Home Rally itself and says the room holds about 5,000 but he thought only about […]

13 09 2008
Political Amazon

Thanks so much for the pictures. I will be gloating (picture of the small “2000” turnout at the rally) and having nightmares (pitbull apparel) for a very long time.

I will tell you one thing…if I see one of those damned pitbull shirts in my town, there WILL be a confrontation.

13 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

You’ve got to see SNL. It’s starting out great!

13 09 2008
Political Amazon

[[I arrived about 45 minutes before it started so I’d get a decent spot. Bad plan. I ended up getting stuck between a guy on my left who kept spontaneously bellowing “WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” ]]

Hey, I sat next to that guy at a Van Morrison concert! Except at that concert he had a briefcase stuffed with Van Morrison sheet music, from which he’d withdraw the appropriate sheet music for each song, and a nanosecond before Morrison would launch into his next son, the guy would bellow out “TUPELO HONEY!!” and then turn to me and say, “He knows I’m out here.”

No shit. It was one of my more memorable concert experiences.

My husband, sitting next to me, kept offering to sit next to the guy, but I said, “No way. He’s mine.”

You don’t get to have experiences like that very often, and I hope you enjoyed yours as much as I enjoyed mine.

13 09 2008

I’m sorry, if these links were already posted. I haven’t read all the above posts and won’t until tomorrow morning. I spent the day over in Wisconsin doing some canvasing for Obama. These were waiting for me when I got back.

BTW, came away from the canvasing feeling pretty darn good- I’m going to fall asleep smiling tonight.

Goodnight all.

13 09 2008
Cassie aka Jeep Pike Palin

Yup. SNL opens with Sarah and Hillary!

13 09 2008
Political Amazon

Thanks, fellow MudFlatulents, for the many links.

The NYT article about her appointments is a bell-ringer, by gosh and by golly.

The person she named to head Alaska’s State Ag Department’s qualification was “as a child she love cows”? Holy shit. That means that me, with a degree in horticulture and soil science from an aggie college, is more qualified to be head of Alaska’s Agriculture Dept. than the current leader.

I don’t care who you are, thet thar just ain’t right.

13 09 2008
Kate Henry

I was very sad tonight to see that my “news” station of choice MSNBC chose to cheapen themselves by running a “Sarah Palin fluff piece”. If it were not for Countdown and Rachel Maddow, I would be boycotting MSNBC now.

13 09 2008
AKMuckraker: Infiltrating the Welcome Home Palin Rally | Cross Party Lines

[…] (See the Palin rally photo gallery at Mudflats) […]

13 09 2008
Kate Henry

J T (14:59:06) :
Personally, I would not want to see McCain out of the running due to some technicality. Considering his POW status, contesting his right to run on some vague wording, would make those pressing the issue appear petty, mean spirited and desperate.
We already have one party with those qualities. We don’t need two!

And what do you think the Republicans would be doing if the situations were reversed. They are already trying to claim that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii even though he has an authentic Hawiian birth certificate.

Personally, I am happy to have McBush stay in with Sarah Barracuda and I am happy to have the polling outfits cooking the books on the polls to make it look like a horse race. Why am I happy to have that? Because if it looked like a landslide a lot of the current Obama supporters would not be out there walking the streets and a lot of the young people newly signed up to vote might not show up at the polls.

13 09 2008

I appreciate political satire and humor as a reprieve… but this made me very sad for our nation:

(Watch the video)

13 09 2008


I laugh at you leftist/sO! cialist obamanuts.

Your candidate is as presidential as Joe Biden is quiet.

O! the ‘community organizer’ (so was Pol Pot) should stick to gladhandling and giving self-congratulatory speeches to the Germans. O! should step up and defend his pastor Jeremiah Wright and speak of his 20-years of instruction, sitting in TUCC and learning Black Liberation Theology. O! should stop throwing his supporters under the bus when they become troublesome and get in his way.

later, freaks~!

13 09 2008

After reading the NYT article, I’ve come to the conclusion that Palin is just plainscary… I had chalked her up as not being very bright, but I was mistaken. She is definitely lacking intellectually, but not in political manipulations. It seems that she is power-crazed. Please don’t use her as an example of a typical Christian of any denomination or nondemonination faith. Based on my observations of her interviews and the information that is coming out about her, she is very typical of someone who is trying to ride on any coat-tail necessary to get what she wants. The only “higher being” she worships is herself and her own vain ambitions. Wake up America–history will repeat itself if we are not vigilant! This is how dictatorships begin…Whew! This woman and her cult following is like a bad episode of the Twilight Zone.

13 09 2008

Troll Off! Apply Directly to the Asshole!

13 09 2008

There is a tremendous New York Times article, as noted above, titled “Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes.” It pretty much confirms everything I have been thinking about the “leadership” style of this small minded, vengeful woman. Guess I had better start watching my back!

13 09 2008

Charles…I just described her as a “Modern Day Marie Di Medici” in my blog 😀

13 09 2008

Here’s something a friend sent to me. Perfect, I say… spread it around:

I’m a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight…..

* If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you’re “exotic, different.”
* Grow up in Alaska eating moose burgers, a quintessential American story.
* If your name is Barack you’re a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you’re a maverick.
* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you’re well grounded.
* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, you don’t have any real leadership experience.
* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking executive.
* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you’re not a real Christian.
* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you’re a Christian.
* If you teach children about sexual predators, you are
irresponsible and eroding the fiber of society.
* If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state’s school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you’re very responsible.
* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family values don’t represent Americas.
* If you’re husband is nicknamed “First Dude”, with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn’t register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that hates America and advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

OK, much clearer now.

13 09 2008

So my husband and I just analyzed the first pictured of the rally and based on the area that was roped off there is no way that 2000 people could comfortably be in that space. What happened is that 40% of the venue was set up for the rally and then they just declared that 40% of the total number of people that could normally use the full space were in fact there. When in fact they so clearly are not. I guess that is why repugs are so against teaching science and math….because it will be used against them so often

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Palin

13 09 2008

Thanks for the update! I love the zoomed out pic of the “convention center”. I had caught a bit of the live feed on CNN and they made it look like she was speaking to a really huge venue. What a joke! When I saw the feed I had the impression she was talking at a pep rally. Your pic confirmed that suspicion!

Here’s a really damaging NY Times article on her.

Looking forward to the update on the anti-Palin rally!

13 09 2008

@ AnneinWA:
“We heard on the news SP will be in Seattle on Sept. 24th. Wooooooooo!”

What? Where? When? I’ll bring the whole dang company!!!

13 09 2008

Can any locals shed inside light on the following claims which are circulating about Palin? If able to, I strongly suggest any logical points that deflate the following be blogged and sent to the Huffington Post as a posting. The Democratic community needs to know that THIS is what is circulating in Palin’s defense of experience, and compile a rebuttal…and quick!

Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.

As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter-terrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden’s and certainly by far exceeds Obama’s.

She’s also the Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security’s counter-terrorism plans.

Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country’s defense. Given Alaska’s proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don’t even know about.

14 09 2008

ummm….your VP Candidate is actually the socialist. Afterall, she taxed the oil company, and then divided the money between the citizens. That is pretty socialistic.

14 09 2008

debra, I think what you’re referring to is an e-rumor meant to give Palin more int’l experience than she has.

Here’s what I found:
The foreign deployments of units and the operation of missile interceptors are not the responsibility of state governors. That comes down from the regular U.S. military chain of command.
(You might want to save the source article for when someone sends you an email rumor. That’s what I’m doing!)

Her “experience” is no different than any other governor’s experience. She’s got zero to do with the 49th Missile Defense Battalion. If she did, the Republicans would have been shouting it from the rooftops. She would have cited it during her interview with Charlie Gibson. The stumped surrogate on CNN would have offered it when Campbell Brown asked about her experience.

In researching this, I came across blogger after blogger claiming she’s integral to the nation’s security. No. No more and no less than any other governor. She’s not hunkering down in a bunker getting briefed on homeland security. It’s merely conservative bloggers grasping at straws.

Disclaimer: I’m NOT denigrating the National Guard. I’m not casting aspersions at what they do when they are called up to serve overseas, and not dismissing what they do at home.

14 09 2008

I just got an email from my daughter in law….she wont be voting for McCain. I sent her a link of the wolf killings, she told me she hadn’t cried so much in a long time. She is a pretty devout Christian, so I imagine when more see this video, it will turn off many who are animal lovers.

14 09 2008

@ Snoskred

No, I am not a troll. And I apologize if I posted something I shouldn’t have. I’ve actually never really been on a blog until Palin was announced as VP candidate and I came across this site, and like many others, have become addicted. I didn’t even know what a troll was until yesterday. lol

I am definately for Obama!! I think it is a HUGE insult to the American people for McCain to pull Palin out of a hat to help run this country and not expect us to want to know who this person is and what they’re about. After all it is OUR tax dollars that’s paying their salary.

I haven’t really posted much, just a few links to articles. I posted the one about the Paline interview because I saw the article on several different sights. I didn’t get to see the 20/20 interview. There seemed to be a lot of comments about it on all the sights, so I figured it was going to be the next thing they were going to scream foul play about. Just thought it was good to know what the other side was doing/saying.

It’s funny how they handpicked the station and the interviewer and then whine about it when she doesn’t look any smarter.

14 09 2008
Guess you just hadda be there | folo

[…] flocking as captured by intrepid Mudflats (sorry, this photo enlarges better […]

14 09 2008

Well, during the rally, did anyone, including any of the speakers, ever talk about a real issue? I mean like whether she supports another 100 years war, like McCain. Whether she intends to start the Cold War again with Russia?
Any mention of health care? Any mention of the Bush years? The economy?

No, I didn’t think so.

14 09 2008
Now with RSS!

Great Photos of democracy in action, did you catch sarah palin on SNL last night?

14 09 2008
location location …

[…] A great post from an Obama supporter in Alaska who just ‘infiltrated’ the latest Sarah Palin rally in Anchorage.  This is by far the most telling picture in her series.  The hall holds 5000 at capacity, the MSM reported about 2000 people at this rally.   What do you think? […]

14 09 2008
Carole in Ohio

I am a total fan now of mudflats. You people are incredible! Kudos and Pulitzer’s? Medal of Freedom?
I did a straw poll at the local grocery store, majority are for Obama and the usual sentiment was something like this “I’m so depressed, gas prices are so high, heating season’s coming up – don’t know how I’ll heat my home and buy groceries and everything else. Just not making it. How can ANYONE in their right mind be for McCain and this idiot she devil from Alaska?” That was met by a rounding Amen by checkers, baggers and most customers and a “We’re voting Democrat”. This is in a REPUBLICAN county – Darke County Ohio.
I still worry though — there are a lot of stupid voters — my brother in law in Colorado, voted for Bush x2, he was for Obama after his speech, but now there is a new shiny object (the guy is not a rocket scientest and a serious red neck biggot from Ohio, mad at everyone who is successful because he’s not & getting older by the minute, he’s 62) he’s saying garbage like “I like that Palin, really like her, she’s gonna clean up Washington and clean house”. Like I said, he’s pretty below average.
We have talked to many previously Republicans in Ohio here and many are TOTALLY disgusted with Bush-Cheney, and now McCain.
One of the Republican heads of the ohio party refer to Bush as “Dumb, Dumb”, so that gives you the flavor of that sentiment.
I will be keeping my hopes buoyed with reading your website daily, Thyanks

14 09 2008

We, the women in The Netherlands are sooooo proud of you all!
Thanks for the pictures and reporting from the inside. I will send these [page to all the women I know and as I am 72 I sure know a lot of women.
Good luck to you all and may Obama be the winner.

14 09 2008
Anti-palin Rally Biggest In Alaska History–mudflats - Sarah Palin | Sarah Palin - Sharpy News

[…] Alaska has a Facebook gallery of rally photos here. It was a busy day for AKMucker. First, she infiltrated the highly-orchestrated “Welcome Home Sarah Palin” rally: The first noticeable change in downtown Anchorage was the police cars on every […]

14 09 2008
Sloan J.

I was born and raised in Anchorage, and when I left for college, I always thought that I would return to Alaska. I didn’t, and a big part of why I chose not to was because liberal politics was incredibly important to me, and I felt so politically isolated and frustrated when I was living in Alaska. I love Alaska, and though I still have family there and get to visit, I miss calling it home. Reading about Palin and her sky-high approval ratings has been so disheartening, even though I know how much approval ratings are worth when the price of oil is high. Reading this post and seeing these pictures–which feature the faces of former neighbors, past teachers and old friends–literally made me cry with relief and joy. I can’t even begin to thank you for what you are doing with this blog.

14 09 2008

I love Alaska, and though I still have family there and get to visit, I miss calling it home. Reading about Palin and her sky-high approval ratings has been so disheartening, even though I know how much approval ratings are worth when the price of oil is high.

Of course they love Ms. Palin. If my governor taxed oil companies and gave me a $1,200 check each year because they did it, I would love my governor too.

I’m wondering how popular Ms. Palin will be when she is sent home with her tail between her legs. I get the feeling that Alaska didn’t really know much about their Governor before she was picked for VP. They know more than they want to know now, if they are paying attention.

15 09 2008

Remember when George Bush got 90% ratings? Where are the ratings of yesteryear…

Financial markets are in turnmoil today, following the collapse of our fourth largest investment bank and other companies “too big to fail” teetering on the edge. You can be sure that Wall Street is not cheering over the prospect of Palin-McCain taking over. I wonder if any of the financial Republicans will come out publicly against them. No one thinks Palin is qualified to make decisions on these tricky issues and I doubt many think McCain is.

By the election, the Wall Street economy could be in really, really bad shape. I personally think a lot of the wealth of the Bush years was no more than hot air wrapped in derivatives.

15 09 2008

Great Obama link for insight on this election. See below:

15 09 2008

My husband and I also attended both rallies and noted the exaggerated and understated numbers published by some media. There were clearly more people at the anti-Sarah rally. Your descriptions of both are right on. Thanks for taking photos to back up the facts.

15 09 2008

Also, those two with the Iraq War sign did make it inside the rally for a few minutes. They raised their sign and it was blocked with upheld McCain signs and then aggressively pulled down by Palin supporters. The two were then escorted out by security. Brave attempt.

16 09 2008
Rally vs. Rally. Do the Math. « Mudflats

[…] Infiltrating the Palin Rally in Anchorage. […]

16 09 2008
Get your anti-Palin groove on « VIVIAN J. PAIGE | All Politics is Local

[…] example, the writer attended two rallies in Anchorage last Saturday – one, a “Welcome Home” rally and the other for women who reject Palin. You’ve probably already seen the […]

16 09 2008

Andew Sullivan’s blog, “The Daily Dish”, at The site has commented on the AK Women Reject Palin.

“Alaskans Protest Palin
16 Sep 2008 04:26 pm
According to Mudflats, the anti-Palin crowds that greeted this joke of a nominee in her return home to Alaska out-numbered those who attended the pro-Palin rally. Mudflats is a liberal Democrat, of course. But the Youtube of the protesters is impressive.”

16 09 2008

Read ‘White House Idol’ .. ” .. Palin – that bloated, aged Angelina Jolie is more ‘appealing’ than the serious looking Barack .. You know he might make a clever pass at you but Palin would go the WHOLE way .. And boy, what a jolly romp it would be .. So let it be known – the American Presidential elections are not about a particular job of leading a nation .. ” Continue on

17 09 2008
Palin’s ‘Welcome Home’ Protest! « Painfully Honest Letters To The Editor

[…] For more pictures of the pro-Palin rally go HERE […]

19 09 2008