Hardest Working Campaign Member Flees from Palin at Record Speed!

7 11 2008

With all the players involved in the sordid debacle that was the McCain-Palin campaign, there’s one character that has only been discussed peripherally, despite being one of the hardest workers of the campaign. I speak of the campaign jet. Now, there’s nothing to say that this jet was Republican by nature. Really, if you think about it, it was just an unwitting victim of the political madness.

Minding its own business, and with no powers of self-determination, the JetBlue aircraft was hijacked, if you will, from its normal life, tattooed with a giant blue McCain-Palin logo, and subjected to a gruelling personal schedule. Covering dozens of states and tens of thousands of miles in a few short weeks, the poor campaign jet was forced to haul Sarah Palin, her extended family, the press, the Truth Squad, and untold tonnage of newly acquired wardrobe.

Little did I know, as I stood there in the dark, freezing to death at the Sarah Palin Welcome Home event, that the campaign plane from which Sarah and her entourage disembarked, was about to make history. I was standing next to a future world record holder.

The record flight came Thursday as the E190 was being returned to JetBlue from the McCain-Palin campaign, which had chartered the aircraft. The plane had been ferrying vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin around the USA, and earlier this week returned Palin and her family to their home state of Alaska.

In a message to employees on the company’s intranet, JetBlue says “aircraft 239, the McCain-Palin charter jet, set a new record by jetting from Anchorage, to Buffalo nonstop. At 2,694 nautical miles, this was the longest E190 flight ever operated by any airline on the planet!”

“Flight 4500 took off from Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport at 11:23 a.m. (Alaska time) and landed some 6 hours and 11 minutes later, at 9:34 p.m. (ET), at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. This ultra-long segment was the first leg of the aircraft’s return to JFK and its eventual return to scheduled service in the coming days,” JetBlue adds on its intranet.

Relieved of its oppressive burden of Palin family, staff, press, and seventeen brand new suitcases crammed full of Neiman Marcus goodies, the beleaguered campaign jet finally cast off its shackles, and flew free. The record setting journey ends with a well-deserved aeronautic exfoliating spa treatment of sorts, in which our little friend will have the McCain Palin tattoo scraped off its hull. What’s next for the survivor? Its normal non-partisan routine will begin soon, and the McCain-Palin campaign will be but a distant memory. Hopefully our hero will move forward unscathed to lead a normal life.

Had I been prophetic the other night, I would have given the poor thing a snappy farewell salute, and imagined it soaring off into the frigid arctic night thinking, “Free at last! Free at last….”

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324 responses

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca


7 11 2008
Lori W.

ditto to our Country – FREE AT LAST!

7 11 2008

funny stuff – I’m thinking of it talking to Jay-Jay the Jet Plane – “Free at last, free at last…”

7 11 2008
Rapture Spenard Palin

heehehehee! The little airplane that could……..flee, that is.

7 11 2008

Hello Denise! And didja see Ms. Palin trashin’ those jerks in the McCain campaign who told all those nasty stories about her? CNN will have more on it in 20 min.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Please let Stevens lose in the absentee ballots. Who is looking at the provisional ballots?

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I could feel a new thread coming!

7 11 2008
Chin Trout Hussein (NJ)

You never cease to amaze me, AKM. Poetically beautiful!

7 11 2008

Maybe Levi stowed away to Buffalo.

7 11 2008

The little plane (well not so little) that could. I hope it gets a well-deserved rest, complete with thorough cleaning and airing out. Smudge sticks. Carpet shampoo. Quiet time in the hangar with a blue candle. 🙂

7 11 2008
Rapture Spenard Palin

~life is like a palin airplane, with a pilot that is true~
~breaking records fleeing palin, on its way back to jetblue~
(to the tune of “life is like a mountain railroad)

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Hope for Begich.

From fivethirtyeight.com comes the opinion that Begich might yet win the Senate due to the proportion of votes he is getting from the early/absentee ballots. . . . “Alaska’s Division of Elections webpage suggests that Begich has won about 61% of the early ballots counted so far, as compared with 48% of ballots cast on Election Day itself.”

And for those who really really don’t want a Senator Palin.

7 11 2008

Top 15?

7 11 2008

Will there really be a baby in December?
Will there be a wedding next June?

7 11 2008
West Virginian

I wonder if there is any of that spray tan stuff on the seats of the plane?

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I can see the Little Jet Blue plane coming out with its own picturebook story about its experience with the Palins. I’ll watch Amazon for it – just in time for Christmas.

7 11 2008

I was listening to progressive radio this morning and this mormon called in, but would not give a name and said, Romney is the one throwing Palin under the bus and that he was VERY heavily involved with Prop 8 with funding and campaign promising. It was so bad that if you didn’t support Prop 8 with in the church you were threaten with being thrown out and looked down on … Romney has a BIG political agenda in motion for 2012, what a religious hypocrite!!

7 11 2008
West Virginian

I really can’t figure out why the Bristol/Levi wedding won’t happen before the baby arrives? You would think they’d want them to be married when the baby comes?

Anyone else find that odd?

7 11 2008
Gravel Blood Palin

I came here tonight because I felt lonely. I felt… deprived. I felt like I just needed a fix of Mudflats!

The place where the slow-motion train wrecks never hurt anybody.

I need to find some other interests, maybe a hobby.

I hate to admit it, but I’m going to miss Hot Lips Houlihan.

I want to watch her explain things.

Could this be a fetish?

I could do stamps, but that’s pretty sedentary. I need something that requires physical effort, like… birdwatching.

7 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

Ennealogic (15:48:00) :

The little plane (well not so little) that could. I hope it gets a well-deserved rest, complete with thorough cleaning and airing out. Smudge sticks. Carpet shampoo. Quiet time in the hangar with a blue candle.
Priceless! 😀

7 11 2008


AKM, you are priceless :o) I absolutely LOVE your way with words!!

7 11 2008

Lucky little plane, freed of its horrible bonds. Must be happier today (and I agree that it needs a nice sage smudging).

7 11 2008

Glad I’m not flying JetBlue for the holidays… The name seems like an oxymoron after this tidbit.

7 11 2008
West Virginian

Hmmmm–Jet BLUE. I bet that plane wished he was flying Obama and his family around the country.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Well, no wonder they lost. They chartered a JetBlue!

7 11 2008
AZ Mom

what the heck?! the new poll says 64% of the GOP wants Palin to run in 2012?! are these the same people who felt she wasn’t qualified to be President NOW if McCain couldn’t fullfill his role should he be elected??

7 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

News Alert. After digging and digging, your intrepid comedy reporting team has found ‘THE LIST’.. Yes.. The list of all things Barbie and family ‘aquired’ while on the Dumb and Dumber American Tour.


White Christian Dior Suit – $3040.00
Red Christian Dior Suir – $4030.00
100 Palin/McCain custom sweatshirts $3203.00
Blue Christian Dior Suit – $5304.00
Red Jimmy Choos Shoes – $405.00
Grand Odessy 43′ Motor Home -67,034.00
Blue Jimmy Choos Shoes – $650.00
Blue/Red Jimmy Choos Shoes – $900.00
Green/Blue Jimmy Choos Shoes -$1200.00
Gucci Red Suit – $5595.00
Olhausen Pool Table – $5220.00
Gucci Blue Suit – $6670.00
Gucci White Suit -$7709.00
More Jimmy Choos -$5401.00
Armani Red Suit – $7793.00
Armani Blue Suit – $8899.00
Armani White Suit – $9950.00
12 Louis Vuitton Purses – $12,049.00
4 Microwave Ovens – $1800.00
4 Cases Microwave Popcorn – $304.00
18 Ipod – different models – $4302.00
Tiffany Necklace Diamonds -$19,039.00
1 Steinway Grand Piano – $13,050.00
13 Tweed Suitcases – $9506.00
Snowmachine Tires -$4054.00
28 Various (redacted)toys $2200.00
43 Wigs (Human hair) – $54,003.00
3 Wii Video games – $900.00
1 2300 sq ft condo, NYC Trump Tower – $17.5 million
165 lbs Make up Assorted – $64,095.00
212 Massages – $5409.00

Todd’s Stuff..

2 Walmart Suits – $120.00

Kids stuff..

Clothes – $300.00


diapers – $100.00

List still under research..

7 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Obviously JetBlue is democrat..! 🙂 how ironic.

7 11 2008

After several years with President Obama serving, those who voted for McCain will see that he is not a Muslim or a socialist or etc….and they will see how wonderfully he will have led us out of the mess we’re in. They will see that they are better off than they were before he took office, and they will see that our country is also better off. At that point, the only people who would vote republican would be the anti-abortionists, the racists, and the hate-mongers. I don’t think there are enough of them to win any election. : )

7 11 2008

In honor of the freeing of the plane. Hat tip to Frankie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rAsoLm1Ges

7 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

If 64% of the GOP really do want Palin for 2012, the party is in worse trouble than I thought…

7 11 2008
Zim in Oz

Morning all from Australia *waves*

@Gravel Blood Palin (15:51:43) :
>>>I could do stamps, but that’s pretty sedentary. I need something that requires physical effort, like… birdwatching.>>>

Gravel…are you a stamper ?

7 11 2008
West Virginian

That’s unbelievable! How can anyone read about Palin and think she is in anyway qualified or capable of being president. Deep Blue is right–the GOP is in BIG trouble.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

64% of nothing is still nothing! We are talking the OLD Republican party.

7 11 2008

The Embraer E190 is a Brazilian 100 passenger airplane with a range of 2400 NM. So a 2694 NM flight must have really pushed it. It must have felt so good being free of the Palin clan that it was willing to run on fumes.

7 11 2008
Scott Palin

I haven’t seen this posted yet…

Letterman’s Top 10 Sarah Palin Revelations (VIDEO)



7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

I predict that after Sarah hits all the news and talk shows, bitching and moaning and dissing her detractors, she’s going to leave such a bad taste in so many people’s mouths, that she’s going to sink in the mud of Alaska. As KO says, she just needs to keep talking. She used to be a big fish in a relatively small pond. Now she’s a minnow in a sea. Good luck, Sarah, there’s a whole lotta sharks out there.

7 11 2008

That plane needs to be deloused and fumigated. Ick!!

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

West Virginian (15:51:20) :

I really can’t figure out why the Bristol/Levi wedding won’t happen before the baby arrives? You would think they’d want them to be married when the baby comes?

Anyone else find that odd?
Health insurance. It is a preexisting condition for Levi. Just another socialist solution to a capitalist problem.

7 11 2008

OT, I just looked at the Div. of Elections website, and we’re now up to 81,224 as yet uncounted ballots. I suspect that by the time we hit the deadline for arrival of properly postmarked ballots, we’ll end up with closer to 63-65% voter participation. With the 81,224 and the 224,057 that were voted on election day, we’d be up to 61.6% of registered voters…

7 11 2008
Zim in Oz

@ Sue (15:58:37) :
>>>After several years with President Obama serving, those who voted for McCain will see that he is not a Muslim or a socialist or etc….and they will see how wonderfully he will have led us out of the mess we’re in. They will see that they are better off than they were before he took office, and they will see that our country is also better off. At that point, the only people who would vote republican would be the anti-abortionists, the racists, and the hate-mongers. I don’t think there are enough of them to win any election. : )>>>

I agree.

There will still be those that will be racist etc but mostly they will see that the lies spread pre election were just that…Lies !

I do know I can tolerate many things, but being lied to is my BIG no no !

I find dishonesty hard to forgive.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I just checked out fivethirtyeight over the Begich/Stevens vote. If you trust anyone to crunch the numbers – it is Nate. So it is right to remain optimistic! Not only do we hope for Begich to strengthen the Senate Dems – but it would surely be one of the first speed-bumps in the road of Palin assuming a future in national politics.

I also like the point that the mainstream/revitalized Republicans will bring her down. Dems won’t have to say a word.

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

From a discussion last night. The Plum Book will be published on Wed. and can be downloaded at the GPO. .http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/06/AR2008110602519.html?hpid=topnews

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Health insurance. It is a preexisting condition for Levi. Just another socialist solution to a capitalist problem.
Great point, Hick!

7 11 2008

I heard that the cleaning staff at Buffalo Niagara Int’l Airport found Trig in one of the overhead luggage bins.

Wouldn’t that be a record of sorts, too? Longest E190 flight ever for an under-one baby (that dang birth date still hasn’t been nailed down)!!

7 11 2008
Biodiesel Plans

It’s time to switch to solar, wind, geothermal, biofuels and tidal energy. I manufacture biodiesel processors, which turn used vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel. Change is a good thing, and its coming fast.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

As a Chicagoan – the irony just struck me that the Bulls are playing the Phoenix Suns tonight. Here’s hoping we win again tonight.

7 11 2008
SoCal Bob

Sarah could have beat that jet’s record with her broomstick. Sorry, I just dislike that shrill harpie and her you betcha attitude.

7 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

Palin for president 2012..

Campaign slogan:

Obama is Still Pallin around with terrorists. Just because the economy is better, the war in Iraq ended with peace, Iran is now an allie, Putin is now one of Obama’s best friends, unemployment is down to an all time low, Wall Street is over 14,000 again, Americans have much lower taxes, and John McCain was incarcerated for attempted murder against Keith Olbermann. Vote Palin, and people are still dancing in the streets, it’s time to end all the terrible things that’s happened in the past 4 years.

Vote Palin/Hasselbeck.. Two pitbulldykes with lipstick.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Bec Hussein in Illinois (16:11:16) :
I also like the point that the mainstream/revitalized Republicans will bring her down. Dems won’t have to say a word.
I agree, alot of old Repubs decided to vote for BO b/c of BARBIE! As soon as he picked her he was toast! The ones that like her are the crazies FRREEC’s American Taliban’s!!! American Jihadist’s!!!
I pray to god, that there are not enough of them around to vote her in, and hopefully SOON Alaskan’s for Truth will be blogging about HER trial/imapeachment/recall….all of the above 8)

7 11 2008

Li’l Jet Blue took off and hauled A$$ outta there!

7 11 2008

Too bad the little JetBlue didn’t do-do on Michelle Bachmann as it flew back home. . .

7 11 2008
UK Lady

Couldn’t sleep, got up for water, found this – Me not dictator,, SP enraged –


7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

halcrow (16:14:27) :

I heard that the cleaning staff at Buffalo Niagara Int’l Airport found Trig in one of the overhead luggage bins.

Wouldn’t that be a record of sorts, too? Longest E190 flight ever for an under-one baby (that dang birth date still hasn’t been nailed down)!!
Trig certainly Looks *BIG* for like..what 7-8 months?

7 11 2008

“Hick Town in W PA (16:09:02) :

West Virginian (15:51:20) :

I really can’t figure out why the Bristol/Levi wedding won’t happen before the baby arrives? You would think they’d want them to be married when the baby comes?

Anyone else find that odd?
Health insurance. It is a preexisting condition for Levi. Just another socialist solution to a capitalist problem.”


I assume Bristol’s pregnancy covered by the policy that covers state employees.

They must want to keep that government (socialist?) coverage rather than taking advantage of one of the great options available to Levi in the free market.

Does Levi have a job yet?

7 11 2008

funny post, and it made me wonder – will the “Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport” be getting a name change, or will people like having an airport named after a politician convicted of corruption?

7 11 2008

His birthday is reported to be April 18, 2008, I think, making him almost 7 months old.

7 11 2008

When Palin needed to be giving press conferences, she was hidden.
Now that she needs to lie low, lest she become a cartoon, she’s on TV more often than Obama, seemingly in a never ending episode of The Osbournes.

Maybe she needs a Hollywood publicist to manage her exposure.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

KO’s reporting that Joe the Plumber was TWICE on welfare. Can you spell socialism?
Amazing what some people will do for their 15 minutes.

7 11 2008
West Virginian

Just curious–I don’t think most insurances don’t cover pregnancy in a dependent child. Does Palin’s or will they be paying out of pocket for Bristol’s prenatal care and delivery?

This is trivial I know, just wondering.

Bristol is 1/8 Alaska Native and is therefore eligible for free healthcare. Her child will not be, but her pregnancy and personal medical is covered. AKM

7 11 2008
West Virginian

Wow, I’m getting tired early tonight. I meant to say most insurances don’t cover pregnancy in a dependent child.

7 11 2008

I’ll bet a rattlesnakeburger against a mooseburger that the nuptials don’t happen. Levi does not need the job on the North Slope that Todd got him…….he can get a 6 figure book deal in a heartbeat !!……..then get the hell outta Dodge..er..Wasilla !!!

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Newsweek reports that top McCain aides were stunned by the huge tab, especially after adviser Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three outfits for the convention and three for the campaign trail, with a budget of $25,000; instead, the nominee racked up six-figure bills at high-end department stores. “Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast,” a McCain aide sniffed to the magazine.

You know 3 suits plus 3 more would of been plenty! Plus some tops to wear under, WTF, she is Wasilla Hillbilly!!
If she hadn’t gotten selfish, she probably would of got to keep them…!
This just blows my mind, and these idiots trying to cover up for her????
American Jihidast’s!!!

7 11 2008
More Light than Heat

@ West Virginia & Hick
And an after-the-baby wedding, especially one 6 months after, will allow Bristol to have the white gown of her dreams… courtesy of Nieman Marcus and the GOP perchance? Meow….

7 11 2008

Wonder what model of Arctic Cat?


Sarah Palin offered big money to appear in porn film
Chris Parry, Vancouver Sun
Published: Friday, November 07, 2008
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has received her first job offer since failing in her bid to become vice president of the United States, and it comes with a large cash offer. Florida-based porn director Cezar Capone has offered to pay Palin $2 million to appear in an adult film production.
Capone, who calls himself “the king of all MILF films,” promises in an open letter on his website that the film would be distributed internationally, shot in high definition, and feature a “beautiful mother recognized by all of America…. as the most desirable woman over 40.”
To prove he’s serious about the offer, Capone says he’s prepared to hold the money in escrow immediately.
To sweeten the deal, Palin’s husband Todd has been offered a co-starring role in the production, for which Capone would be “prepared to kick in an extra $100,000,” and a new Arctic Cat snowmobile.
Palin hasn’t publicly responded to the offer, which was sent to her administration office in Juneau, Alaska on November 6.
Capone has previously released such films as Agent Filthy 0069, High Definition and Sophia Revealed, none of which featured any senior members of the U.S. Republican Party.
Hustler Magazine recently released a spoof Palin porn video titled Nailin’ Paylin, which was referenced in a now infamous YouTube prank call made by Montreal shock jocks The Masked Avengers in the final days of the U.S. election campaign.

© Vancouver Sun

7 11 2008
Zim in Oz

Palin said
“That’s cruel, It’s mean-spirited. It’s immature. It’s unprofessional and those guys are jerks if they came away with it, taking things out of context and then tried to spread something on national news. It’s not fair, and it’s not right.”

Wow Sarah….you would NEVER do that !

Karma is a bitch ! 🙂

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble (16:24:54) :

KO’s reporting that Joe the Plumber was TWICE on welfare. Can you spell socialism?
Amazing what some people will do for their 15 minutes.
Check this out! Here is a “Tool” that is defending Barbie and TAKING DONATIONS FOR JTP!!!!(b/c of the DEMS and the meanie media…he can’t get a job!)


7 11 2008

West Virginian (16:25:28) :

Just curious–I don’t think most insurances don’t cover pregnancy in a dependent child. Does Palin’s or will they be paying out of pocket for Bristol’s prenatal care and delivery?

This is trivial I know, just wondering

Wait until McCain’s next Visa bill comes in. The birthing and seven first class airline tickets were charged to the campaign as prepaid services at one of Sarah’s whistle stops in Texas (Bristol don’t want the baby born as a fish picker in Alaska).

7 11 2008
West Virginian

Wow, they’ve raised almost $600! Maybe with Joe’s book sales he’ll be able to pay his back taxes.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

halcrow (16:28:09) :

Wonder what model of Arctic Cat?


Sarah Palin offered big money to appear in porn film
Chris Parry, Vancouver Sun
Published: Friday, November 07, 2008
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has received her first job offer since failing
Gee! That sounds right up their alley!!! Todd does look like the type who like to watch,lol!
He’s creepy!
She could star in her own Documentary!

7 11 2008

@ West Virginian (16:35:07)

Bet McCain hasn’t checked his Visa bill. Sarah charged that $600 to it, too.

7 11 2008

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (15:48:33) : Hope for Begich.
From fivethirtyeight.com comes the opinion that Begich might yet win the Senate due to the proportion of votes he is getting from the early/absentee ballots. . . . “Alaska’s Division of Elections webpage suggests that Begich has won about 61% of the early ballots counted so far, as compared with 48% of ballots cast on Election Day itself.”

Thanks Denise. Just sent a little more $$ to Begich campaign this morning. I hope it helps.

7 11 2008

Todd can get JTP a job at BP…….

7 11 2008

@ crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

When I read that, I couldn’t help but think about Sarah & the two towels episode with the McCain staffers (very poor taste on her part, IMO).

7 11 2008
SC Strike Chipper Sista M Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper

I’m OT and apologize, but I just finished reading the stuff from yesterday. Jamie said that she didn’t think Bush cared about Israel, etc. Don’t think he gave a ratsass about other countries, but with the FREEC types/fundies, Israel is VERY IMPORTANT. Not because they give a da** about Jews, no, but because there has to be an Israeli state for the End Times to happen!
That’s why he was an Israel supporter, no other reason.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

West Virginian (16:35:07) :

Wow, they’ve raised almost $600! Maybe with Joe’s book sales he’ll be able to pay his back taxes.
Hope you left alittle moose chip for the blogger 😀

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

halcrow (16:38:58) :

@ crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

When I read that, I couldn’t help but think about Sarah & the two towels episode with the McCain staffers (very poor taste on her part, IMO).

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

RLS (16:05:06) :
The Embraer E190 is a Brazilian 100 passenger airplane with a range of 2400 NM. So a 2694 NM flight must have really pushed it. It must have felt so good being free of the Palin clan that it was willing to run on fumes.

halcrow (16:14:27) :
I heard that the cleaning staff at Buffalo Niagara Int’l Airport found Trig in one of the overhead luggage bins.

Wouldn’t that be a record of sorts, too? Longest E190 flight ever for an under-one baby (that dang birth date still hasn’t been nailed down)!!

LOL, you two:)

As a retired English teacher, I would give both of your “essays” today “A”s. (And my past students would tell you I’m one tough grader)

Now I must go back and read all of the other clever ripostes…I’ll be entertained all evening, although I am seriously behind in my reading-

7 11 2008
West Virginian

crystalwolf–sorry no moose chips for JTP. I gave all my extra money to Obama!

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

I get it now. McCain’s staffers know exactly how to push her buttons. They want her to give dozens of interviews to reveal her true self. Self exposure in her case will be a killer. Anyone with sense would ignore it, but she can’t. This should be a very public meltdown and I think that was the intention.

7 11 2008
Mired...in the Pine Barrens aka Sap Needles Understory

What a beautiful tribute to one of the many unsung victims in this saga. Little JetBlue was, indeed, an “unwitting victim of the political madness…hijacked…from its normal life.” Suddenly, I found myself identifying with an inanimate, steely-gray behemoth flying free, like a Beluga whale, back to its life of peace and normalcy. The record-setting flight of Aircraft 239 is so understandable. It was motivated by a desire for the warmth and sanity of home and a return, rested and refreshed, to life as it had been before.

Oh, how I wish it could be so sweet for the rest of us, and I am oddly envious of an E-190 charter jet.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Watching KO – Palin caught on videotape today talking about how Alaska has equality down pat – unlike the rest of the lower 48.

In light of the post a few weeks ago about the Alaskan bush country – I find that claim pretty ironic. Not to mention the rumors about nicknames she has for Obama and blacks, and the Alaskan natives.

Oh well.

Yikes – and now they are showing how she flops that poor baby around.

7 11 2008

Enjoying all of the Palinese stuff tonight… good birthday present 🙂

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

LOL Margaret Carlson on KO – the “equality” Alaska holds for electing felons is not something to emulate in the lower 48!

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

KO on the View Monday. Gotta tape that!

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

West Virginian (16:49:43) :

crystalwolf–sorry no moose chips for JTP. I gave all my extra money to Obama!
Oh I didn’t mean chips as $ but, “moose nugget” for the blogger about JTP! or Barbie!
The 3 comments there are from Moi 8)

7 11 2008
SoCal Bob

News flash…Joe the Plumber collected welfare 2 times. (And he’s against sharing the wealth.) Per Keith Olbermann.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

I know that I know that I know that SP is already really damn sorry that she didn’t blink when JM asked her to be VP.

7 11 2008
West Virginian

Crystal–I understand now. I didn’t leave any moose chips, but I did read yours!
Good job!

7 11 2008
Jen in Japan

Hilarious, AKM!

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Here’s a great slam on Karl Rove; a fitting ending to the election:


I read on adn that poor Sarah is bemoaning the “cruel” staffers’ criticism- and she thinks she’s ready to be President?! Better toughen up, CB; you aint seen nothin’ yet, you betcha (wink wink)

I wonder what stories the lovely Blue jet could tell? Curious minds want to know-

7 11 2008

Great site with many headlines from the day after… a great memento


7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Margaret Carlson was tough on SP, but damn she deserves it. The thing that surprised me was that Margaret thinks Sarah’s gonna run for Ted’s seat.

7 11 2008


7 11 2008
karen marie

i hope jet blue puts a little plaque up somewhere in the plane commemorating its historic usage.

can you imagine being on a plane, bored, poking around, and coming across that?


7 11 2008
Baseball Hussein Daytona Palin (CT)

Bec Hussein in Illinois (16:57:48) :

Watching KO – Palin caught on videotape today talking about how Alaska has equality down pat – unlike the rest of the lower 48.

In light of the post a few weeks ago about the Alaskan bush country – I find that claim pretty ironic. Not to mention the rumors about nicknames she has for Obama and blacks, and the Alaskan natives.

Oh well.

Yikes – and now they are showing how she flops that poor baby around.


I was thinking these two exact same things!

Guess Alaska is the only real “pro-America”, Sarah. So good, do us all a favor here in the not “pro-America” states and stay there.

It kills me how she props that baby around too. Just like a sack of potatos.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

karen marie,
If I saw that little plaque, I’d want off fast!

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Hey Baseball – I have a brother in CT – so we must have a little channeling going there.

I’m counting on you and his family to show Lieberman the door, as soon as you can! Love CT.

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Must see TV Tuesday night: in honor of Veterans Day, Jay Leno’s guest will be…(drum roll, please)…John McCain. His first public appearance since the election.

I must TIVO:)

7 11 2008

OT: just visited political wire with a few more behind the scenes photos of Obama’s big night than I found on HuffPo. Reading the comments was rather nice…several from countries other than U.S. It felt very good, and the pictures really say a lot about our special upcoming Administration. Good for America. (I’m feeling a little emotional again 😉 )

7 11 2008

nebraskanative (16:59:37) :

Happiest of Birthdays to you, Nebraskanative! You must feel pretty darned good right now.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

You know, I have two very best friends, one of whom is my sister. If I were acting/talking like Sarah, they would both be in my face telling me to shut the f#&K up already. It’s really sad that she doesn’t, apparently, have a friend like that. If she has a single hope of a future in politics, she needs to go away for at least a year or two, preferably to go back to school and get an education.

7 11 2008

America by Roy Zimmerman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDSAmQ_AqEU&feature=channel

(Check out his other videos too)

7 11 2008

Oh, my fellow mudpups, HOW I have missed you!!!

My tale of woe is as follows:
After working 13+ hours to GOTV on 11/4, we were too weary to attend the returns-watching party, so we opted head home and catch all the action on the internet.

All was well until just after McCain began his concession speech. Suddenly, NO INTERNET!! Zip, nada, nothing!! After a brief period of shock and hair-pulling, we leapt into the car and sped like demons to husband’s office and managed to catch the last 2/3rds of our 44th President’s speech.

Alas, the good people of Verizon were not able to fix the problem until THIS AFTERNOON! Can you IMAGINE the hell of being w/out the ‘series of tubes’ at a time like this???

Needless to say I have been (and will be) glued to my laptop for hours trying to catch up.

I love the idea of sending DofW stuffed wolf toys to the AK legislature and hope we can come up with many other ways to support Obama and use the power of Mudflats to help bring CHANGE.

Virtual hugs to one and all. I’m SO glad to be back in your stellar company!!!

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Rachel’s doing a good job tonight.

7 11 2008
nolipstick in PA

Alaska is so progressive with equality. So says SP.

Rape victims even get to pay for their own rape kits. Now thats equality.

7 11 2008

Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble (17:19:35) :

She just keeps on talking and talking and talking. I say let her, as long as she only embarrasses herself and not Alaska or U.S. Sarah is digging her own big, deep, hole. And everything is being captured for posterity (or 2012).

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Sparky (17:22:28) :

Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble (17:19:35) :

She just keeps on talking and talking and talking. I say let her, as long as she only embarrasses herself and not Alaska or U.S. Sarah is digging her own big, deep, hole. And everything is being captured for posterity (or 2012).
Oh, I agree about her talking. But she can’t help but be embarrassing her family, friends, and the Great State of Alaska. That’s why the folks who love me would be muzzling me, right about now. Well, actually, they would’ve done it sooner.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Sarah today: I want to be able to help American’s know they can trust their media. Make sure there is credibility, trust returned to the media.

and she referred to those “stinkers in the apple basket” of the media.

Rachel thinks Palin is suggesting she is going to go into a media position (with her journalism degree). See – I knew she’ll want to end up on Fox News – where – of course – they get everything right.

Oh – and you know – she isn’t a dictator.

7 11 2008
Baseball Hussein Daytona Palin (CT)

In the days following the election (and celebration), I frequently watched Fix News to see them squirm.

Late Tuesday night AND Wednesday morning, JTP was on wearing scuzzy, logo T-shirts and jeans giving his opinion on the results. He also told the anchorjerks about his “foundation” where people will donate money and he would decide where the money would go because, “every time the government gets involved, things get screwed up.”

So, I am ROTFL!!! The guy has been on welfare, twice, AND his foundation has collected a whole 600.00. Whatcha gonna do with all that money Joe?

7 11 2008

E190….The Plane to Nowhere….

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

This essay is a fitting end to the election; I can only wish it would be an end to Karl Rovian dirty tricks, but that would be a fantasy.


ADN has poor Sarah bemoaning the “cruel” criticisms by McCain staffers; boo hoo hoo- and she thinks she’s ready to be President?! Toughen up bucko; you aint seen nothin yet, if you want to run in 2012.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Wow, McCain’s going to be on Leno. Wonder if it going to be the dueling losers what with Sarah appearing on Greta.


7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

Welcome back, Bea-

Glad you’re in the mudflats…

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Wow, McCain’s going to be on Leno. Wonder if it going to be the dueling losers what with Sarah appearing on Greta.


7 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

Bea (17:20:02) :

Oh, my fellow mu
welcome back Bea…….I would have been nuts by now
You have alot of catching up to do AKM has been busy….wait until you read the post about being at the airport

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Oh Poor Bea! We are all so addicted to this thing called the internet and our connections — I can imagine the agony. Things were going so fast Tuesday night, I wassure the internet was experiencing its busiest night (worldwide) in history. So sorry you got the crash I was sure would happen.

Shikago had the same problem with NO cell phone service from his perch in Grant Park for the Obama rally. Cut off from communicating with us – but he still had a wonderful time. Check out his whole entry that AKM posted – with pictures.

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

oops…sorry about the Karl Rove repeat- I promise it’s not a dirty trick:)

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Last post went to spam. But McCain’s going to appear on Leno. Couldn’t attach the link. Will he trash Sarah? Inquiring minds.

7 11 2008

Bea and others – RE: DOW stuffed wolves has Dr. Patois posed anything about contacting the Defenders hot line? – I’ve tried to skim through the posts but I haven’t seen anything

7 11 2008
GJ happy n blue in Red Idaho

For me the fifth best thing about Obama’s winning in the polls was learning that the radical right no longer have the strong hold on the American voters or our voting machines. Not having to go to court in every state with more than 6 electoral votes (so sorry for those that do), was the fourth best thing. Sending JM and SP back home was the third best thing. The second best thing was winning and the first best thing was sharing the joy with Mudflatters, all of America and the rest of the World. Sanity, peace, and reason come some place in the top ten, as does now being able to travel outside of the US without fear of being looked at like the ugly American.

7 11 2008
Irish in FL

happy n blue in Red Idaho (17:37:48) ……………

I soooooooooooo agree with you in every number……..the world is a better place now for sure…………………………..

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Cute AKM

7 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

SoCal Bob (16:16:34) :

Sarah could have beat that jet’s record with her broomstick. Sorry, I just dislike that shrill harpie and her you betcha attitude.

AHEM….Take that back now! You will give us Shrill Harpies a bad name!!!
Serious, that’s a nick name and I am NOT sharing it with HER

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Another suspicious commentary on Alaska’s 2008 Election http://www.huffingtonpost.com/shannyn-moore/stolen-election-in-alaska_b_141704.html

7 11 2008

Trig in an overhead compartment????? You are joking, right?????

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Maybe Jet Blue could have tried listing the jet for sale on Ebay?

7 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Hick Town in W PA (16:56:50) :

I get it now. McCain’s staffers know exactly how to push her buttons. They want her to give dozens of interviews to reveal her true self.


Yeah, this would not surprise me – many of those hard-core Republicans are true evil geniuses…

7 11 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Lance the Boil,

I don’t think McCain will trash Sarah. I think he’s interested in image re-had at this point and he has to look “honorable” and “decent” above all else. Not to mention he does not want to admit he made a mistake in picking her.

He knows there are plenty of others to do the dirty work (evidently including Sarah herself) so he can keep himself above the fray.

7 11 2008
Baseball Hussein Daytona Palin (CT)

Bec Hussein in Illinois (17:12:50) :

Hey Baseball – I have a brother in CT – so we must have a little channeling going there.

I’m counting on you and his family to show Lieberman the door, as soon as you can! Love CT.



Must be channeling! Where does your brother live?

I was talking to my brother here in CT tonight and I promised that I would single-handedly start a NO JOE movement if he tried to run again. We all hate him here.

In the meantime, I know of a bunch of people, including local elected officials who are looking into the posibility of getting him recalled. The issue is tricky though. Even though he’s still a registered Dem, Joe the Traitor ran as an Independent after he got beat in the primary by Ned Lamont (which we’re all still scratching our heads over that since no one knows anyone who voted for him). So, the Democratic Party can’t really do anything to begin the process, since he is serving our state as an Ind., meaning it would have to be a statewide voter issue.

We’ll see, and hope, because I can’t bear the thought of looking at his pathetic, puppy face for four more years. At least we don’t have to get slapped in the face any more watching him on stage adoring McCain!

7 11 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Oh if only those wings could talk!

7 11 2008

Hi, I guess everyone is here.

I put this on the post mortem thread, but thought you might like to check the article out.

Seems those darn cloths are a real problem.


7 11 2008

Hey everyone – one request please. Leave Trig out of the discussion. Don’t start acting the GOP did against McCain’s daughter. Yeah I know – Palin used Trig as a prop – but when the day is done, Trig is a baby. Leave him out of our adult snarkiness.

7 11 2008

Ya know, if the Obamas don’t pick a puppy soon, Leiberman will make himself available.

7 11 2008

ABC News is reporting that Wooten has been moved to desk duty because of death threats made as the result of the Palin’s accusations against him. He loses his option for overtime with this move. They are rotten people.


7 11 2008

@ Bev (18:14:14) :

Leiberman’s a mutt perhaps, but he’s not hypoallergenic, so no cigar…

7 11 2008
Lacy Lady

Has anyone seen Bristol. I think the last time she was with the family , was at the R. convention. Maybe they want to hide her ?? I have a feeling she is the mother of trig. I will be surprised if another baby pops up.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Deep Blue in VA (17:54:40) :

Lance the Boil,

I don’t think McCain will trash Sarah. I think he’s interested in image re-had at this point and he has to look “honorable” and “decent” above all else. Not to mention he does not want to admit he made a mistake in picking her.

The more stuff comes out about Palin, the worse McCain looks. His image/legacy-as-a-Presidential-candidate is tied to picking Palin.

Whereas, Palin totally wants to blame the McCain Campaign for how they handled her as being the reason she was a NIGHTMARE VP candidate. So, I expect Palin wants to pick these fights so she can air her skewed view.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Lacy Lady (18:22:34) :

Has anyone seen Bristol. I think the last time she was with the family , was at the R. convention. Maybe they want to hide her ?? I have a feeling she is the mother of trig. I will be surprised if another baby pops up.

Who knows? I do feel sympathy for Bristol. I’d never want that exposure for my kids.

In one of the posts, I recall someone with personal knowledge said Bristol was with Palin’s mom.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Deep Blue in VA (17:54:40) :

Lance the Boil,

I don’t think McCain will trash Sarah.
Yeah, I know you’re right, and I’m glad he won’t. But, it’s going to be real interesting what she says on Greta.
He knows there are plenty of others to do the dirty work (evidently including Sarah herself) so he can keep himself above the fray.
Yeah, NOW he can keep himself above the fray – seems like he was right in there with the fray during the election.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Baseball – bro lives in New London area. I was talking to someone on here about it a few weeks ago – was it you?!

I heard on MSNBC today someone suggesting Obama offer him some type of job, to get him out of the Senate. Not a bad idea. It was sickening to watch him glued to McCain and doing all the praising of Sarah. I know a lot of Repubs were forced to sing the Sarah support song (with their teeth clenched) – but Joe outright had no shame doing it.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

From the ABC re: Wooten being in danger

“Following Palin’s comments about Wooten in the national media, “people with little or no knowledge of the situation call and make complaints, make threats, talk about what a danger he is,” explained John Cyr, head of the Alaska trooper’s union, to KIMO. “All it takes is one person to show up and do something stupid.”

Seems like the one person showing up and doing something stupid was our “Miss Sarah”.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Lee (18:04:09)

I notice the date on this detailed blog was from late October. I am wondering if there really is anything illegal here.

I bet Palin can even keep the clothes if they only get used for “work” (politickin’). But Todd might need to be worried about what happens to what’s in silk shorts.

It seems fundamentally clear that the clothes purchase was abused. Alaskans better get an audit going on the Palins. No telling where the FRUGAL Palins have cut corners by using Alaska’s money.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Lacy – I saw a photo on the internet yesterday, of Bristol hanging out at a gas station store while her Mom was voting. So she was in Wasilla. I’d think she should not have been flying around right now if she is over 7 months pregnant – but that doesn’t seem to bother her mother (or not). Maybe she has been in Wasilla area since the SNL showing. She was in NY for that, her birthday. Remember – Sarah offered to have her babysit for Tina Fey’s daughter that night.

I felt really sorry for little Piper in the photo op from I believe yesterday, when they were asking Sarah what she was going to do in 2012 and she said – enrolling Trig in kindergarten and Piper would be in 3rd grade. The kid really looked tired and dazed. What a whirlwind, all the parading her about. And now – bam – back to reality. I don’t wish that on any child.

The Obamas have been so careful with their kids. They aren’t even taking their kids to DC next week to check out the White House because they don’t want to take them out of school.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Lacy Lady (18:22:34) :

Has anyone seen Bristol. I think the last time she was with the family , was at the R. convention. Maybe they want to hide her ?? I have a feeling she is the mother of trig. I will be surprised if another baby pops up.
Oh hey, BEV
said we are NOT supposed to talk about TRIG, how his mother lUGs him around like a sack of potato’s and is totally unmotherly, dragging him all around the country instead of getting him early treatment for his needs. Noooo! We are not supposed to talk about that right???

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Bec in Illinois

I know a lot of Repubs were forced to sing the Sarah support song (with their teeth clenched) – but Joe outright had no shame doing it.

AND Joe L was supposed to be advising Ms Sarah on being a VP candidate. Oh boy Joe, you did a great job.

I hadn’t thought about a “promotion” into the administration. Maybe an ambassadorship to Iraq?

7 11 2008
Mother Who Thinks

about flopping that baby over her arm like a sack of potatoes….

Babies like Trig (and I had one, so I know) have low muscle tone throughout their bodies and are delayed in gaining head control and the ability to sit unassisted. So what you are seeing is what is normal for him at 6 months.

Having said that…..I learned to address that “low tone” from the physical therapist who taught me how to work to support my son’s development. It takes time, attention, and self-discipline on the caregiver’s part. There are ways to hold your baby that encourage him to use his muscles more to support himself and to develop motor skills.

Flopping him over your arm, facing the floor, is not one of them.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Don’t start acting the GOP did against McCain’s daughter.
Oh and BEV have you forgotten what McCain said about Chelsa Clinton? He was awful, google it.

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

The law specifically states that campaign money cannot be spent on clothing. Period. It was McCain’s legislation. IRS usually doesn’t allow such deductions except for uniforms.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Yes, I feel really bad for their children. You know they’re hearing this stuff.

7 11 2008

So just when is the Palin-Johnston wedding taking place?

7 11 2008

West Virginian–I don’t find it odd at all She is underage and would be on her parents insurance if they get married before that she no longer has that coverage.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Mother who thinks
It takes time, attention, and self-discipline on the caregiver’s part. There are ways to hold your baby that encourage him to use his muscles more to support himself and to develop motor skills.

Flopping him over your arm, facing the floor, is not one of them.
Well Barbie as we know DOESN’T think and doesn’t have a clue how to take care of “her” son TRIG!
You would think that fancy/danecy Dr. she has (who wrote a WHOLE page on her health) would of got her in a special program for Trig…You would think…Oh didn’t she slash a program for special needs kids???

7 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

Push to Expand Voter Rolls and Early Balloting in U.S.

‘Richard L. Hasen, an election law expert at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, has pushed for a more ambitious plan in which the federal government would build a national database of registered voters.

“We could minimize long lines, lower the amount of election-law litigation and bolster public confidence in the process of running our elections if we turned over the job of voter registration to the federal government,” Dr. Hasen said. “If the feds were charged with registering every eligible voter, then concerns about voter registration fraud, database mismatches and provisional ballots would be seriously reduced.”

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Mother Who Thinks (18:37:49)
Having said that…..I learned to address that “low tone” from the physical therapist who taught me how to work to support my son’s development. It takes time, attention, and self-discipline on the caregiver’s part. There are ways to hold your baby that encourage him to use his muscles more to support himself and to develop motor skills.

Flopping him over your arm, facing the floor, is not one of them.

Amen from a nurse with pediatrics background.

And Down’s children tend to have compromised immune systems. All the crowds with all the viruses were NOT where that child needed to be. Period.

Hope Trig was getting breast milk with the benefit of passive immunities.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Looks like the IRS might have a lot on their plate. Between the clothes, the Mormons politicking against Prop 8, plus fundamentalist churches politicking for McCain/Palin
(at least in Ga. I have the pictures to prove it), they’re going to be busy little bees over the next few months.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Amen from a nurse with pediatrics background.

And Down’s children tend to have compromised immune systems. All the crowds with all the viruses were NOT where that child needed to be. Period.

Hope Trig was getting breast milk with the benefit of passive immunities.
Well we know it wasn’t from Barbie! No breast feeding MOM in those “power suits”!!!!

7 11 2008

If the Republicans have any brains at all (I know, I know) they will drop the clothing issue. Collecting them from SP will only keep the story in the media longer, and some might see reclaiming them as petty and vindictive (which they ARE, but they shouldn’t want to appear that way).

But, if they don’t collect them, Alaska bloggers might have to be on a 24/7 wardrobe watch, and make sure nobody forgets it…. 🙂 AKM

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Hick Town in W PA (18:39:40) :

The law specifically states that campaign money cannot be spent on clothing. Period. It was McCain’s legislation. IRS usually doesn’t allow such deductions except for uniforms.

Well, I can not wait to see if this gets investigated. If litigated, this is gonna get more coverage than OJ.

7 11 2008
Ben in SF

I’m keeping my fingers crossed re Begich/Stevens. The election maps at Daily Kos had Alaska as a single County, but the New York TImes’ election maps break it down by election district. Besides the results from the 2008 election, you can compare it with elections as far back as 1992 (by moving the slider at upper left) and thus see change of red vs. blue, and change of demographics, for various years vs. 2008.

Of interest to Mudpuppies, a good chunk of (largely rural and probably Native) Alaska is, like the rest of the country except the south-central midriff, turning progressively bluer. Except right around Wasilla. Also worth comparing the “shaded counties” maps vs. the same data with population dots (some of the big red counties are rather bereft of people). Paper version of Wednesday’s NYT had several such maps, and I think I saw one on 538 or Daily Kos (but it’s way down the page, probably even in archives now, with so much going on).

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Thanks – Mother Who Thinks – and speaks from experience. I don’t think any of us mean to imply the baby looks like a sack of potatoes – because of muscle tone. It is that she treats him like one. Thrown over her arm with no support. Her children hold him much more lovingly and with more support. Again, he is like a prop. Except that he is human. Very sad.

I’m sure you could speak to the denial I think she is in about the needs, special care, and personal commitment needed to raise this baby. Properly. He isn’t a girl scout merit badge for her to wear.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

If the Republicans have any brains at all (I know, I know) they will drop the clothing issue. Collecting them from SP will only keep the story in the media longer, and some might see reclaiming them as petty and vindictive (which they ARE, but they shouldn’t want to appear that way).
Why should they drop it??? She’s basically a “Grifter”!!! She was given a certain amount to spend and went hog/pig in lipstick wild!!! Why should she be forgiven???

7 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Bec Hussein in Illinois (16:57:48) :

Watching KO – Palin caught on videotape today talking about how Alaska has equality down pat – unlike the rest of the lower 48.
I wonder when Wasilla elected it’s first black mayor. Maybe before we did 25 years ago.

Oh, and whats this? “She has no sensitivity to minorities,” said the Rev. Alonzo Patterson, a Baptist minister and president of the Alaska Black Leadership Conference.

In Alaska, blacks chafed when Palin opposed a proclamation endorsing a festival that marks the freeing of slaves.

7 11 2008

McCain is toast. He endangered me, my family, my friends, and my country when he chose SP as his running mate. And then he couldn’t even control her. What kind of a leader can’t control his troops? And he claims that warfare is his area of expertise. Good grief! He shows poor judgement AND lack of control of his own campaign. He is finished.

7 11 2008

Geez did they return the jet with all of the clothes still in it? Liar Sarah said during her interview this afternoon that no one was coming to go through her closets for the spensive clothes. She said they (the clothes) were in the belly of the plane. She is the biggest fake.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Well, I can not wait to see if this gets investigated. If litigated, this is gonna get more coverage than OJ.
I think CREW is already investigating, that’s why Barbie made such a big deal and switched back to her own clothes about a week and a half ago.

7 11 2008

@caligirl….They should drop it because it makes them look bad. The longer they keep it in the media, the worse they look. Sure, they could go after her and make her look bad, but they would be working against themselves if they did so. Sort of like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

7 11 2008

LOL. After ‘rearing her head’ at the airport greeting festival for Palin (aka KoolAidstock) so bravely attended and recapped by AKM, guess who doesn’t QUITE get the meaning of the most-used phrase of the month and thus butchers it to defend the Alaskan Queen Crab?:

“It’s a circling firing squad,” said Meg Stapleton, who is under contract as the governor’s campaign spokesman for the next week.


7 11 2008

She was whining about the lower 48 not supporting equal rights, I say the lower 48 did a might fine job of supporting equal right on Tuesday 🙂

7 11 2008

Wouldn’t a circling firing squad shoot each other???

7 11 2008
Irish in FL

Mother Who Thinks…thanks for the input…I simply could not figure out why she was carrying that child that way…you explained it well…….not that she should be doing that, but why she is……………

7 11 2008

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (17:51:33) :

Maybe Jet Blue could have tried listing the jet for sale on Ebay?

Why do you think that little jet was in such a hurry to leave Alaska? Palin’s already listed the FlatTireExpress on eBay, so the little thing just knew it had to get out of there.

Too bad Sarah Palin’s not made any moves to putting Ted Stevens on eBay. Can you imagine how fast he’d concede if she did? Of course, if he had an ounce of integrity or self-respect, he’d bow out now. Not holding my breath, however.

As for Joe Lieberman, even the Pequots wouldn’t hire him at Foxwoods after his scintillating speech at the RNC. Joe might as well move in with the other Joe. Too bad for the wife, tho. She’s a real peach who is underserving of being known as benedict’s wife.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Sue (18:52:00) :

@caligirl….They should drop it because it makes them look bad. The longer they keep it in the media, the worse they look. Sure, they could go after her and make her look bad, but they would be working against themselves if they did so. Sort of like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
They Can’t drop it! Its called accountability! It is a violation to use campaign funds for clothes.
And she is basically calling the Media the “gotcha” media liars, I can’t wait until it comes back to bite her in the A$$. I still think ADN or someone is sitting on a story and now she doesn’t have “mcgoons’ to protect her. 8)

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Sue (18:49:48) :

McCain is toast. He endangered me, my family, my friends, and my country when he chose SP as his running mate. And then he couldn’t even control her. What kind of a leader can’t control his troops? And he claims that warfare is his area of expertise. Good grief! He shows poor judgment AND lack of control of his own campaign. He is finished.
Yes. That is exactly why I got so involved in this election.


Sue (18:52:00) :

@caligirl….They should drop it because it makes them look bad. The longer they keep it in the media, the worse they look. Sure, they could go after her and make her look bad, but they would be working against themselves if they did so. Sort of like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

They should, but at this point they’re not going to be able to do that. Other agencies are now involved. This isn’t going to go away any time soon.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl (18:45:22) :

Amen from a nurse with pediatrics background.

And Down’s children tend to have compromised immune systems. All the crowds with all the viruses were NOT where that child needed to be. Period.

Hope Trig was getting breast milk with the benefit of passive immunities.
Well we know it wasn’t from Barbie! No breast feeding MOM in those “power suits”!!!!

That is my opinion, too. Palin did not look like a breastfeeding mom, but not all mom’s have the same full breasted look. However, they do swell noticeably for them and need to feed/pump/eat more/leak at times. Think I remember some Palin pics of prior pregnancies where she did swell all over, like so many of us do in pregnancy. Like Bristol looked when she was paraded about for a while.

7 11 2008

AZ Mom (15:57:18) :
what the heck?! the new poll says 64% of the GOP wants Palin to run in 2012?! are these the same people who felt she wasn’t qualified to be President NOW if McCain couldn’t fullfill his role should he be elected??

You are mixing apples and oranges. The percentage of people who don’t think she is qualified was based on all people. This percentage is just based on Republicans. All this tells me is that the Republican party is totally lost and is going to have a hard time finding it’s way back to relevance.

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Just a little Chicago brag — The Bulls just beat the Phoenix Suns. We are two for two this week.

Hey HBO folks – Bill Maher on in five. He has on Paul Begala tonight.

Another HBO nugget — did you know that Rahm Emanuel’s brother is a Hollywood agent and supposedly the model for the Ari character on Entourage?

7 11 2008

Thank God an E190 cannot fly to Africa, otherwise she would already have assumed her post there as ambassador. It is nice to warm up after so many years in Alaska…


7 11 2008

Bev (18:13:23) :

Hey everyone – one request please. Leave Trig out of the discussion.

I totally agree. Trig is a child not an adult who might be fair game for discussion. But if Bristol does not have her own baby by the time Obama takes over the White House, then that game is up.

7 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble (18:39:52) :

Yes, I feel really bad for their children. You know they’re hearing this stuff.
it is sad…..except they have lived with her for along time and already know what she is like…..

7 11 2008
Irish in FL

“katiebegood..the Republican party is totally lost and is going to have a hard time finding it’s way back to relevance.”

I’m not sure they can ever find the way back…….

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

That is my opinion, too. Palin did not look like a breastfeeding mom, but not all mom’s have the same full breasted look. However, they do swell noticeably for them and need to feed/pump/eat more/leak at times. Think I remember some Palin pics of prior pregnancies where she did swell all over, like so many of us do in pregnancy. Like Bristol looked when she was paraded about for a while.
And there are reports that she was drinking protein canned drinks to lose weight, something you wouldn’t do if breastfeeding and those clothes Her “power suits”…they were fitted!!!!
She was also seen bottle feeding Trig. Now way she was breast feeding…no way!

7 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Oh geez…


7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Just what I wanted to read – a commentary by Kaylene Johnson. (Don’t kill the messenger).


7 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl (18:56:10) :

They Can’t drop it! Its called accountability! It is a violation to use campaign funds for clothes.
Not to mention hypocrisy.

7 11 2008

katiebgood – I suspect that poll overstates the willingness of republicans to vote for Palin. Cannot tell you how many, but there were many, people who told me that although they were voting for McCain on Tues, they would never vote for Palin as president. Never. She’d never make it out of the GOP primary.

People in NH would probably laugh her out of that state.

7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Try again w/o the http

Just what I wanted to read – a commentary by Kaylene Johnson. (Don’t kill the messenger).


7 11 2008
Joy from Wisconsin aka Chisel Dustup Palin

Bev (18:13:23) :

Hey everyone – one request please. Leave Trig out of the discussion. Don’t start acting the GOP did against McCain’s daughter. Yeah I know – Palin used Trig as a prop – but when the day is done, Trig is a baby. Leave him out of our adult snarkiness.

Maybe I missed it but I didn’t see anyone being snarky about Trig but rather about his “mother” who slops him around like a football or a sack of potatoes. I cringe every time I see the way Palin handles that sweet little baby. There is IMO nothing motherly or loving in the way she handles him. I just wish Andrew Sullivan could get the proof he’s been looking for and end this charade once and for all.

7 11 2008

Sarah, Bristol and other kids spent Wednesday by the pool. Bristol seen heavily pregnant. Pictures, anyone?


7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Aussie Blue Sky (19:03:35) :

crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl (18:56:10) :

They Can’t drop it! Its called accountability! It is a violation to use campaign funds for clothes.
Not to mention hypocrisy.
Yeah, so she could be “frugal” with other peoples $$$!!! Did you hear…the wealthy GOP who donate clothes $$ was SHOCKED when he got the bill!!! SHOCKED!!!
Grifter from Wasilla…she bought clothes for herself, Dud, and the kids, She CLEARLY ABUSED HER POWER AGAIN!
Alaskan’s for truth need to crush her now, or it will not stop!!!

7 11 2008

Wait… there are people not named Sarah Palin who believe in accountability!!

Sacre bleu!!

7 11 2008

Also in Palin’s interview, she claimed Alaska is ahead of the lower 49 regarding the fight on discrimination. Then I see an article in the ADN about the “Blacks’ response to Barack Obama’s victory. No pictures, reference to someone in housing. When I lived in Anchorage many years ago, there was a mess of discrimination against Alaska natives — stereotypes abound. Just look at the people who rule Alaska.

7 11 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

Undecided Minnesota Senate Race Used Machines that Flunked Accuracy Tests

7 Nov 2008 // Voting machines that recently failed pre-election accuracy tests in Michigan are at the center of a disputed U.S. Senate race in Minnesota that hangs in the balance over fewer than 500 votes at press time.

Minnesota Republican Senator Norm Coleman is leading Democratic challenger, and former Saturday Night Live comedian, Al Franken by less than half of 1 percent in a race with almost 3 million ballots cast. The narrow margin will trigger an automatic recount under Minnesota law.

On Monday, Threat Level published a letter written by a Michigan election clerk to the chairwoman of the federal Election Assistance Commission asserting that optical-scan machines made by Election Systems & Software failed pre-election tests because they counted votes incorrectly.


7 11 2008
Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble

Aussie Blue Sky (19:09:54) :

Thanks for that link.

I’m so glad Saxby’s going to be in a runoff in December in Georgia. I really think we’ll be waving ‘bye-bye’ to this a$$. I’ll be doing my part.

7 11 2008
mudslide pike

I find this humorist to think that SP could run against Pawney and Jingle for more then 2 weeks. That should be just long enough to run through all those fancy duds before returning back to Alaska Spike Heel and Meg Staple Tongue right behind her.2012 is a long way off “My Friends”

7 11 2008

crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl (18:47:21) :

If the Republicans have any brains at all (I know, I know) they will drop the clothing issue. Collecting them from SP will only keep the story in the media longer, and some might see reclaiming them as petty and vindictive

I agree.

But not because I don’t want the republicans to appear petty and vindictive.

I want the GOP to drop the issue so that Sarah Palin keeps the clothes. And fails to report them as gifts on both her campaign disclosure forms and 1040’s. What’s the IRS rule on reporting gifts? What’s the IRS limit on accepting gifts?

Then let’s see how things shake out for her.

7 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

the picture of Bristol this week…..she was getting pretty big..not as big as her mom with her first baby……

7 11 2008
mudslide pike

The second time you get PG you get even bigger. Since you didn’t have time to lose the weight from the first PG

7 11 2008

So basically what y’all are saying is that because the GOP chooses to descend to kicking candidates kids, we should too? Boy, talk about Change, Yes We Can. Sorry – I can understand deriding mom because she’s (now) a national figure who led the right wing fundies into their hate filled frenzies, but sheesh. Going after her kids too? That’s crap.

7 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Shikago

antsy (19:09:40) :
See my comment to Bec above @(18:48:33) Sarah Palin has no clue what she is even talking about. She know’s how to smile, wink and sack. Hooker 101, thats it. She also said she is going to what? Take over the media so that innocent people get the truth from their news reporters? I have never seen a bigger political idiot in my life. She can keep it up though, quite entertaining. Was great to watch Rachel fry her some Sarah tonight.

7 11 2008
mudslide pike

If she didn’t want her children in the news she should of kept them off the stage!!!

7 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but it’s not very “free speech” like to be told what we can and can’t talk about on an open blog!
I understand you think Trig should be left out of it but I don’t see the fact people are asking LEGITIMATE questions (considering the exponential lie factor) should be seen as attacking Trig.
I know HE can’t help it if his mother is a narcissistic, self absorbed, Self centered, power hungry, money hungry, towel wearing, trollop.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Crystal Wolf & Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (19:03:20) :

Thanks for the CREW info.

7 11 2008

Scary Story

[Bob and Mark Interview Sarah Palin 11/6 Pt 2 – http://www.bobandmark.com/audio%5D

In a radio interview yesterday on the Bob and Mark show, Sarah was asked what would happen if Stevens seat was vacated due to his being kicked out of the Senate (assuming he wins his seat this time).

Sarah said she would not appoint herself to temporarily fill the seat (but did imply it might be possible because there are different interpretations on the two laws, “the AG is lookin’ into that”).

But then, she told Bob and Mark that, “It is certainly a possibility to consider that kind of strategy there,” where she would appoint someone as a “placeholder” — someone who would NOT run for the office in a special election, so that other people could get out there and “duke it out” and fight for the seat without anyone having the advantage of having kept the seat warm.

I took her remarks to mean that she was not ruling out running for the seat herself. In fact, it sounded to me, given other things she said in the interview, that she was trying to emphasize how her future on the national scene would always be related to taking care of Alaska.

Be sure and tune in to Pt 1, Pt 3 and Pt 4 if you can stand it. Sarah sure is giving a lot of interviews now that she’s been tagged and turned back into the wild. 🙂

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

We are talking about very expensive clothes. They are worth more than most of you would pay for a car and some for a house. The GOP is in serious trouble for buying the clothes. They know they will never get any money out of her so they have to recoup what they can. This is campaign fraud not tit-for-tat. She has to pay taxes on what ever is not salvageable. Because she has been denying that there is an issue, they have to show that they made an attempt to recover and the conditions they faced. This is all legal stuff now and not very nice for Sarah.

7 11 2008

Palin said in an interview today that the clothes were left in the plane’s belly, then she said that there is an inventory being done to send to the RNC, but you stated that she exited the plane with 17 bags in tow. What’s the deal? She said the McCain campaign was not sending a lawyer, but the LA Times said the RNC (GOP) not the McCain campaign she’s the best liar.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

mudslide pike (19:23:48) :

If she didn’t want her children in the news she should of kept them off the stage!!!

The kids seem to have been used as props. I haven’t seen another politician parade their young kids like SP has. In my humble opinion, the kids were part of the Package that the McCain Campaign bought.

Palin sought the VP nomination greedily. And McCain wanted the kids to stay in the picture. So the kids became part of the narative of the 2008 Repub Presidential Campaign.

I have not heard anyone on this site—granted there is no way I have read everything—trash the Palin children. Rather the discussion has often centered around the treatment they’ve endured or the double standard for Bristol or the identity of Trig’s mom.

7 11 2008

ok…darn it…after staying here too late last night, I was “lurking” for a bit, and you guys pulled me in, as usual. The problem with the clothing is that it may have violated campaign finance laws….that’s why the RNC is in a tizzy to get them back!

7 11 2008
Baseball Hussein Daytona Palin (CT)

Bec Hussein in Illinois (18:27:30) :

Baseball – bro lives in New London area. I was talking to someone on here about it a few weeks ago – was it you?!

I heard on MSNBC today someone suggesting Obama offer him some type of job, to get him out of the Senate. Not a bad idea. It was sickening to watch him glued to McCain and doing all the praising of Sarah. I know a lot of Repubs were forced to sing the Sarah support song (with their teeth clenched) – but Joe outright had no shame doing it.



Maybe I did talk to you. I live along the shoreline too!

I saw the same MSNBC report, and I’m not sure if it’s a great idea. None of us here in CT can trust the guy as far he can wipe McCain’s a**, so how can the rest of the country trust him?

2000: Ran as Dem VP
2006: Ran for re-election for his Dem Senate seat (held since 1988) and lost in the primary. Ran as an Independent and won.
2008: A** kissed McCain and Palin, INCLUDING appearing at the RNC and sniffing McCain’s butt all over the country.

Bipartisanship and serving your country and state are one thing, but he has crossed the line of no return. He has wavered to the point that no one even knows who he is anymore.

He needs to be thrown under the McCain bus he was spotted disembarking from.

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Hick Town in W PA (16:56:50) : I get it now. McCain’s staffers know exactly how to push her buttons.


Actually, I am pretty sure her buttons were covered up by a towel.

7 11 2008

Hi there Mudpuppies & great article yesterday in the Huffington post AKM!
I found this page where we can all (that want to) thank Howard Dean for his part in the success of the national strategy for the Democratic Party.


7 11 2008

on the issue of the children…I agree with our man…kids are off limits…and when we start talking about the parentage of a child…that’s as bad as attacking the child (we teeter on being like those who would use the B word to describe a child.

7 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Shikago

Bev (19:21:50) :

So basically what y’all are saying is that because the GOP chooses to descend to kicking candidates kids, we should too? Boy, talk about Change, Yes We Can. Sorry – I can understand deriding mom because she’s (now) a national figure who led the right wing fundies into their hate filled frenzies, but sheesh. Going after her kids too? That’s crap.
Bev whats goin on? 1st you say we’re all sayin…which we all aren’t.

NOTHING in this tread even remotely resembles ATTACKS BY THE GOP ON CANDIDATES CHILDREN. Like when team Bush in 04 assulted McCains daughter as his illegitamate black child.

These folks here are talking about the healthy care and treatment of a baby by his mother.

Joy from Wisconsin already addressed your comment above @(19:04:53). And I agree with her.

Then you throw in Barack Obama’s campaign slogan? What’s up with that?

7 11 2008

Oh, about taking over the media… one of the “7 Mountains” in Palin’s religious cosmography is the Press/Media/Entertainment. That is, that’s one of the targets that her church wants to be totally taken over by christians like them. (The small “c” is intentional.)

7 11 2008

Re: the kids — the campaign is over.

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Hick Town in W PA (19:36:04) :This is campaign fraud not tit-for-tat.


See my comment at 19:40:36

7 11 2008

I worry about Trig. I am afraid that he will never get the love and care that he needs. Once he is no longer useful to SP as a prop, she will probably put him in an institution. While the care there might be good, it would never be the same as being raised by a loving mother. But then, again, neither would being raised by SP.

As for Bristol, I feel sorry for her. She will have a difficult time now, being such a young mother, and she cannot rely on her own mother for helpful hints. In fact, she cannot even fall back on the knowledge she might have gained had she, herself, been raised by a loving mother. All in all, it is sad. I expect to see all of SP’s children, in one form or another, in tabloids and talk shows in the distant future where their various problems will be brought out into the limelight for public airing.

7 11 2008

The “chosen one” speaks-
“If there are allegations based on questions or comments I made in debate prep about Nafta — about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there — then those were taken out of context. And that’s cruel, it’s mean-spirited, it’s immature, it’s unprofessional and those guys are jerks if they came away with it taking things out of context, then tried to spread something on national news,” Ms. Palin said.

Asked whether she was sad about the way she was treated by the media, Ms. Palin said she wasn’t “sad at all,” but she was “disappointed in the change that I’ve seen in the national media compared to, you know, a couple of decades ago when I received my journalism degree.”

Ms. Palin indicated her role now would be to help Americans sort through the media. “I want to be able to help also Americans to know that they can trust their media.”

She said for the most part the media is good but “one bad apple sometimes does kind of spoil the whole bunch” and went on to say that during the campaign there had been some “stinkers that have kind of made the whole basket full of apples there once in a while smell kind of bad.”

The continent versus the country? What the he– is she talking about. HELP!!!!!!!

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

OMG! It just now dawned on me, Sarah Palin is a fricken “TowelHead.” She is worse than Ayers!

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

The parentage of the child became an issue BECAUSE the candidate’s behavior around the birth was loopey—water breaks, hops a plane to Alaska, proceeds from Anchorage to Wasilla, to delive a PRETERM infant known to have special needs.

And Palin lying about a pregnancy would NOT have been about the baby, but about Palin herself.

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA
7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

From Newsweek’s Special Election Project comes the real Sarah Palin. She met staff members in a towel:

At the GOP convention in St. Paul, Palin was completely unfazed by the boys’ club fraternity she had just joined. One night, Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter went to her hotel room to brief her. After a minute, Palin sailed into the room wearing nothing but a towel, with another on her wet hair. She told them to chat with her laconic husband, Todd. “I’ll be just a minute,” she said.

7 11 2008

if our new president -elect says kids are off limits, on that issue, I’m 100% behind him…i’m just sayin’

and although I did listen to the AK governor try to explain herself out of thing today…I have to admit this rather silly thing that I spent my time doing tonight
I found the WHITE HOUSE rooms described…and I spent a couple of hours looking at the rooms, reading about the history of OUR house, imagining where the girls would have their bedrooms..and spent a LONG time trying to figure out where Obama can have his basketball court!
(there is a court outside, but from what I read it isnt so good and we know he has to have a place to play some “hoops!!)

7 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Shikago

testerm (19:47:22) :
SP thought Africa was a country, not a continent. And like South Affrica was part of the country of Africa. She didn’t know, and didn’t understand how Africa was a continent, according to McCain aides who have spoken with several news agencies now.

7 11 2008

what a phenomenal thing to read about the history of the White House and discover that in the top floor, where today they have extra bedrooms, the work out room, what looks like a wonderful “sun room”, etc…..ages ago it was more or less an “attic” and some slaves who worked in the White House had their quarters there! The thought of this beautiful family taking up residence there…took my breath away!

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Whabs, Seattle, WA. (19:28:55) :Sorry to be a wet blanket,


not as bad as a wet towel (see posts above)

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

So does anyone think Palin is about to throw in the towel 😉

7 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

I just love backspace!

7 11 2008
upnorth minnesota

Aussie Blue Sky (19:09:54) :

Undecided Minnesota Senate Race Used Machines that Flunked Accuracy Tests
Thank goodness Minnesota has a paper trail (we use paper ballots and optical scanners). The recount of every single paper ballot will begin on Nov. 19th. It is expected to take at least a month to get the results of the Franken / Coleman race.

7 11 2008

no way, Eyes…she already has an interview set up on Faux News to “defend herself”…and more interviews in the works….she isn’t throwing anything except more BS

7 11 2008

Todd was there when she came out in the towel? What kind of a husband is he? My husband would kill me if I did something like that!

7 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

And you know those numbers are going to change.

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA


Defined as “A boss forcing subordinates of the opposite sex to hold meetings with the boss, who is nude, except for a thin towel.”

7 11 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Bill Maher’s funniest New Rules line tonight —

Barack Obama’s first act as president must be to raise Joe the Plumber’s taxes. Not everyone’s taxes. Just Joe’s. Put him in his own tax bracket with its own tax form: the 1040FU.

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Bev (19:21:50) :

So basically what y’all are saying is that because the GOP chooses to descend to kicking candidates kids, we should too? Boy, talk about Change, Yes We Can. Sorry – I can understand deriding mom because she’s (now) a national figure who led the right wing fundies into their hate filled frenzies, but sheesh. Going after her kids too? That’s crap.
Sorry But I have to agree with Whabs, “I understand you think Trig should be left out of it but I don’t see the fact people are asking LEGITIMATE questions (considering the exponential lie factor) should be seen as attacking Trig.
I know HE can’t help it if his mother is a narcissistic, self absorbed, Self centered, power hungry, money hungry, towel wearing, trollop.”…. blogging is considered free speech and like it or not, issues concerning the Truth factor of Palin, and her kids is going to be brought up. Sorry, If it offends maybe you should….? She…Barbie has thrust HERSELF AND her kids in our face and we can’t help to notice inaccuracies about her pregnancy, how she drags around kids that should be in school, preaches abstinence yet her 17 yrs turns up preggers, 1st time maybe 2nd? We are supposed to believe her truthfulness, she drags her poor DS son around, as a campaign prop?
Excuse me but people are gonna talk.
And she takes clothes from the campaign and tells the media today they are lying?
Yeah someone is lying and the American citizens are not going to stand for it. After all she very well MAY have been our next VP or worse case scenario POTUS!
I am very much relieve BO is POTUS and with starting out with transparency of gov. already evident on the new website. We all know about Barbie. She hides emails, she appoints a board and they convenientlly find her Not guilty. House gate, dairy gate, baby gate, clothes gate…..??????
There are issues about her that need to be discussed. If you think we are dissing her then… sorry.
Its all about truth. Not anything else.

7 11 2008

she has so many “gates” the cows are all escaping and there will be no “meat” left by 2012

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Deb (19:58:55) : no way, Eyes…


Deb, I am kidding, it was a towel joke. I am referencing towel-gate.

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

No wonder Palin spent so much time in Pittsburgh. Betchya she went to the Steeler fan store to buy “Terrible Towels.”

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (19:44:20) : finger waving from up north!

7 11 2008
Shikago aka Chief Shikago

Deb (19:53:16) :

if our new president -elect says kids are off limits, on that issue, I’m 100% behind him…i’m just sayin’

Our President will never turn his back on child neglect. I am not understanding this at all. Most every statement here tonight has been for the healthy support of children.

I’m picking up some bad vibes here tonight. Never happened to me before.

I’ll see you my mudpup friends tomorrow. Good night.

7 11 2008

whabs and crystal-I’m not saying you don’t have the right to say what you want, I just won’t participate…

7 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl (20:01:16) :


7 11 2008

nite all! time for me to turn in anyway 🙂

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

I suspect that the Palin’s luggage was filled with hotel towels and those little soaps when they got home to Wasilla.

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (19:44:20) : She was wearing a Steelers sweat shirt at pool side Wed. Is that the first step for a take over? Does she ever have a lot to learn.

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

nite Deb

7 11 2008
upnorth minnesota

I don’t like the vibes here tonight either, Shikago… See you all in the a.m.

7 11 2008
Suchanut (Wesson Hussein Scalper Palin)

Very funny, AKM – the little airplane that escaped.

My head hurts. She’s back here making a complete ass of herself. We already know she surrounds herself with ‘yes’ people, so no one is going to tell her she is acting like an idiot. So, my guess is that she isn’t going to stop anytime soon. Not until something legal happens and she is forced to lawyer up – with a lawyer not in her current reality who will tell her to shut the f%$k up and that if she doesn’t it will cost her financially or she will find herself in jail. Only that will make an impact on this vainglorious bag of hot air.

It’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck in a rear view mirror – everything is backwards and more than a little wierd.

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (20:06:15) :

I suspect that the Palin’s luggage was filled with hotel towels and those little soaps when they got home to Wasilla.
I get it. Those suitcases weren’t filled with clothes and stuff. They were filled with the loot from all the rooms they stayed in. Also

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

upnorth minnesota (19:58:47) :

Aussie Blue Sky (19:09:54) :

Undecided Minnesota Senate Race Used Machines that Flunked Accuracy Tests
Thank goodness Minnesota has a paper trail (we use paper ballots and optical scanners). The recount of every single paper ballot will begin on Nov. 19th. It is expected to take at least a month to get the results of the Franken / Coleman race.

Worth every minute it takes. You are really right about the paper ballots. We all need them. I think it is necessary to give confidence in elections.

7 11 2008

13 suitcases of clothes.

The other four contained shampoo, soap, towels, mugs, etc from all of the hotels she stayed in.

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Hick Town in W PA (20:08:20) :She was wearing a Steelers sweat shirt at pool side Wed.

Didn’t see that, but I did see Dan Rooney (steeler owner and early Obama supporter) introduce Obama and give him a custom “Obama” Steeler jersey at the Mellon arena on Oct. 27th.

7 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.


I did not mean to offend.
I’ll leave it and that, and leave the posting for the night.

7 11 2008
mudslide pike

I must be a little more clear. SP used innocent children, clothes, and what ever it took to move HER agenda. The little ones are NOT at fault.Where in the world was Todd??? A good father would never of allowed any of this to happen. What ever Bristol has done are any of the other children should of been left off the front pages. SP brought up the PG thing a summer marriage ect…..

7 11 2008
Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com

clearly, everyone missed it.. 13 suitcases of dem ballots..

7 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Ennealogic (19:41:28) :

Oh, about taking over the media… one of the “7 Mountains” in Palin’s religious cosmography is the Press/Media/Entertainment. That is, that’s one of the targets that her church wants to be totally taken over by christians like them. (The small “c” is intentional.)
And I also have to agree here, Barbie has stated this week in fact that “She” should be protected from the media?? If that isn’t controlling I don’t know what is…! No…Things have changed now, Barbie…Alaska’s not what it use to be…Citizens are not about to have the wool puller over their eyes now.
There are “accusations” about her,her clothes, her temper tantrums… but since they are “anonymous” she doesn’t have to address them? If your innocent just say so. Another controlling aspect. Yes these FRREEC’s, American Taliban, American Jihadist’s, they are Nazi’s… 😦

7 11 2008

Trying to get rid of my Palin name…grrrr

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Marty (VA) Mudstock DC Inaugural Party.. reply to mudstockdc@hotmail.com (20:16:18) :clearly, everyone missed it.. 13 suitcases of dem ballots..



7 11 2008
Bec -Yes We Did - in Illinois

Whew – Suchanut — You are “rebirthed”!!

I just changed mine a bit – too.

7 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

i can not wait to see what kind of dog they get…….I know he said they could not do shelter due to allergys……..but they could do rescue…….all of our dogs have been pure breed……we have had two akitas and two poms all rescue…yaaa puppies

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

OT Someone once said that just before Bush does something totally horrifying he makes a nice public gesture (making nice to the Obamas) and then kicking Medicaid and hospitals in the teeth at a time when things are getting worse and worse. .http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/08/washington/08regs.html?hp

But lets keep those tax cuts going for the rich.


7 11 2008

OK – I saved it, I changed it, I saved it again…this should be it. The new me.

7 11 2008

Bec – now I am reborn! 🙂

7 11 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

am falling asleep,…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. my eyes are no longer wide open,
…………………………………………………………………….nite all

7 11 2008

Shikago aka chief…

That is what is so stunning. After the reports that she didn’t know these things, she then comes out today and says “about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there”. Is she still implying that she thinks Africa is a country and a continent?

7 11 2008
Dragon Lady

Catching up here for 5 hours. Hilarious commentary I cannot top.

My take: GOP brilliant quintuple psychology by going after Palin:
(1) Punishment for going rogue
(2) Clothesgate
(3) To divert attention from McCain’s defeat
(4) Distance from the crowds she drew
(5) Make her play defense when she ran her mouth post defeat and prove their entire point.

Point one made her very dangerous. Those were closed door strategy sessions about if and when McCain would go after Ayers. Good thing it wasn’t planning to bomb Eye-ran.

Point four was also dangerous – the Republican brand in the faces of Hank Williams Jr and JTP .

Five is a whole basket of Delicious Apples – she validates the leaks with every sentence and ruins her ambitions for 2012.

7 11 2008
Lana, KY

Does anyone know what happens to Meg Stapleton when she’s through being Sarah’s mouthpiece ?
excuse me, I meant to say spokesperson…

7 11 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@mudslide pike (20:15:24) :

I must be a little more clear. SP used innocent children, clothes, and what ever it took to move HER agenda. The little ones are NOT at fault.Where in the world was Todd???
where was todd when she stepped out of the bathroom with a towel on……..would this no go against all of her church teaching

7 11 2008

Hi, everyone.

Check this out. This is why the cloths are so important.


7 11 2008

Lana, KY
She’ll probably get stepped on and kicked to the side just like all SP close friends and work-mates.

7 11 2008
Lana, KY

LEE ~ that was what made the skit on SNL with McCain & Cindy ( Fine Gold ) so funny. He was part of that reform act.

2002 McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act

7 11 2008
7 11 2008

Hi Lana, yes, CREW has it up on their site… they are asking the FEC to file charges.

7 11 2008

Lana, KY (20:43:18) :

Does anyone know what happens to Meg Stapleton when she’s through being Sarah’s mouthpiece ?
excuse me, I meant to say spokesperson…
I’d live to know that too, Lana. Before the Nomination, and for a little while afterward, Meghan Stapleton was a State Employee working for Sarah. She no longer has an active State of Alaska e-mail addy – I just checked.

Earlier today I read somewhere that the campaign is paying her for one more week – I guess day one of the week would be Wednesday the 5th? Not sure.

It is possible that “Meg Staple Tongue” (thanks mudslide pike – very funy) will show up back in Sarah’s administration somewhere.

But Meg really is a smart woman so she may take this opportunity to distance herself. It might be a really smart move on her part.

7 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Going back to the “clothes-gate” issue (again)

The campaign finance says they cannot use the funds for personal use (clothing etc except under specific circumstances like the convention)
So yes – the purchase of those items in that amount – would be a campaign finance violation

However – if I am understanding some of this … a private “contributor” agree’d to assist with probably more “personal” clothing (that would not have been covered by the RNC) This contributor is now faced with a “contribution” of $150K when they can actually only deduct a certain amount for political campaigns — so not only are they responsible for that $150K – but they don’t get to deduct the entire amount Sarah & her family can’t be considered “Charity cases” not with that kind of Net worth

7 11 2008

Enjay – clothesgate just keeps getting more and more FUN!

7 11 2008
7 11 2008

We all dodged a bullet – Big Time! I can’t believe it came to this. Thank gawd McCain/Palin didn’t win. I can now sleep at night.


7 11 2008
Redwood Man - Santa Cruz, CA

AKM, You never fail at cracking me up. Please, oh please, keep it up !!!

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native


It is my understanding (and I couldn’t go back to what I read- maybe on Huffington Post) that McCain’s campaign made sure that the private donor did not make a donation directly to McCain’s campaign, but donated to a victory committee, or made the promise to pay so much personally, although not as much as s/he was asked to pay. That is legal, barely, but legal.

7 11 2008
Lana, KY

Maybe since she is employed by the campaign she is the one doing the inventory on the clothes & gifts.

7 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Maybe Cindy will have to take the hit — supporting the Wassilla Hillbilly

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

nebraskanative (16:59:37) :

Enjoying all of the Palinese stuff tonight… good birthday present

Happy BD to you, Happy BD to you, Happy BD to nebraskanative, Happy BD to you!

7 11 2008
7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

For a smile read Gail Collins .http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/08/opinion/08collins.html?ref=opinion on political manners

She has a point. If the Republicans get too abusive, people will feel sorry for Palin and that is not acceptable.

7 11 2008
portland oregon native

AKM, you crack me up!
Keep up the good work.
The Oregon mudflatters are growing….I think we will all get to put names to faces soon.
I do wish the media would just leave SP alone and just ignore her. She only gets the power if we give it to her.

7 11 2008
Hick Town in W PA

testerm (21:14:34) :


More christian Hatred!!
I bet those fundies just hate it that they can’t have their own Inquisition. I’m sure they have all the equipment ready.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Compliments to all who come here to participate in whatever way they choose.

Compliments to treating trolls by not feeding them.

Compliments to all who participate in whatever way they choose and allow others to do the same.

Compliments to mudpups all around.

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native


I don’t think the private contributor can count his $150,000 as an RNC donation, or even a business expense. He is limited by tax law to $12,500 as a gift (or maybe $15,000- I can’t remember). That’s why the clothes/dollar amount is important. If Palin keeps the entire amount, I think she/her family would have to pay taxes on the amount over the gift dollar limit. If the clothing is donated, the donor gets a tax deduction- dollar value donated, subtracted from the original cost- I think.

For politicians, gifts have to be itemized, valued- and in some states there are restrictions. I don’t know about Alaska-

So there are several intertwined issues: how McCain’s campaign handles the clothing when it turns in its paperwork, how the RNC deals with it on its forms, and what it suggests about Sarah Palin’s relationship with the campaign.

I think the staffers are protesting this too much, so that they can save their own skins. No one would want to hire these bunglers for another campaign…

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

BTW- I received my issue of Newsweek today; from what I can tell on the web site, “The Inside Story of Campaign 2008” is not on their web site, just pieces.

So far, it is fascinating- mainly because the writers wrote using a parallel structure: telling something (how the VP was chosen) about the Obama campaign, and then relating the same topic for McCain’s. It is very telling how poorly organized McCain’s campaign was-

7 11 2008

Compliments to Denise!

7 11 2008

CO Almost Native (21:31:46) :

So, is there more in the paper copy? I read all seven chapters online and it was quite impressive!

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Well said in 2001 when the Bush twins had public drinking issues:
“Should the media cover the Bush daughters?” My answer: absolutely. They should have in this case and in others where the family has already been introduced to the nation during campaigning. If this were a story about Bill Bradley’s daughter or John McCain’s children doing something unlawful, the media would have been completely unjustified to cover it. The two candidates made a special effort to keep their children out of the public eye and wanted us instead to focus on them as an individual.”

And another in 2008:
“Why should we care, one way or another, about the children of candidates, if it tells us nothing about their suitability for high office? However, if candidates presume to tell me how to conduct my marriage or raise my children, I think it’s only fair to find out whether they practice what they preach, and whether their methods are successful. If they bring it up, they deserve what can follow. ”

7 11 2008

I’ve been so buried in work the last few days that I haven’t had time to visit Mudflats. But before I go to bed, I wanted to make an observation about Palin and this recent storm of unnamed sources from the GOP.

When I first started getting to know Palin, when she was announced as VP, many of us discussed how the GOP had no clue what they were getting themselves into. They figured Palin would be a manageable little prop to get votes. And we all discussed how shocked they would be if they did make it to Washington, and they could no longer control her.

As for these recent stories about her, they could very well be false. I imagine there are many high up in the GOP that don’t want Palin around. She messes with their plans. So time to get rid of her. And we all know what sweet loyal folks those GOPs are.

Now, it is also possible that the stories are true. If the clothes stories are true, that she was directly responsible for the purchases, I don’t see how that won’t come out. After all, there are some legal issues there. Since it is obvious many in the GOP don’t want her, then they won’t be protecting her. They will be driving the bus.

BUT…if the story about her involvement with the shopping is false, then the public will understandably decide all the nasty stories were fake.

And if that happens, she will definitely continue as the sweetheart of the far right, because even her own party tried to destroy her, because she was a….Maverick.

So folks….this will be interesting.

7 11 2008

well said, JT

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

CO Almost Native (21:31:46) :
On Hardball, twas explained that Newsweek had 2 reporters with excess access because they had agreed to not report until AFTER the election. Hence, they have got lots of inside goodies all verified.

7 11 2008
CO Almost Native


I’m not sure; I think it is the way the editors set it up. There are seven chapters, so to speak; in each the writers contrast the various campaigns: Hilary vs Barack, then finally McCain vs Obama. It has great photographs interspersed…maybe it i the same, and I’m old enough to really appreciate print copy:)

I need to go back and read critically, but I came away very impressed with the organization and demeanor of Obama’s campaign.

7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca
7 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Posts going into ether…Sweet dreams muddies

7 11 2008

Seeing her recent interview firing back about McCain’s staff allegation of her not knowing the difference between Africa being a continent vs country is so hilarious! This woman is a big time wack job! She made no sense whatsoever when given her interview with CNN today especially when she said, “I know that I know that I know” LMAO!

7 11 2008
Dr. Patois

Tessa, Dragon Lady, Bea, Whabs, Seattle, WA, asianHusseingrrl, and everyone else interested in the Defenders of Wildlife Wolf pups.

Sorry I couldn’t get on earlier and I have to get back to work now but I wanted to let you know what happened today. Not much. I spoke with one person who sent me to another who said the person I need to speak with was not in but I could leave her a message. Her name is Caroline Kennedy. Can’t be the one. Anyway, I left her a message with a brief description of what we would like to do and how to get in touch with me. I am guessing I will not be able to speak with her until Monday. I will keep you updated.


7 11 2008
CO Almost Native

You are very insightful; now add the egos and ambitions of the staffers of a campaign that failed. a battle for the soul and direction of a party that is perhaps in ruins- I’m not sure that Palin isn’t encouraging the stories to continue, to drum up sympathy…someone more clever than I needs to untangle this in the coming weeks- (AKM, are you up for this?)

I knew there were reporters following both campaigns- I found it interesting that their names were not in a byline or credit in my Newsweek. Hmm…
(BTW- thanks for the gentle reminder to play nice)

InJuneau or any Alaskan flatters-
Are you out there tonight? Is there an update on the ballot counting? Nate Silver on fivethirtyeight suggests Stevens may lose- and congrats to my birth state Nebraska: the 2nd Congressional Dist. went blue, so the Big Red sends one vote for Obama:)

7 11 2008
Kate in Canada

Shortly after clothesgate, several news articles suggested that depending on which Republican organization paid for Sarah’s duds, they might be legal expenditures. Only the campaign itself is bound by the restricitve statute.

Question about Tod’s involvement in AK government:
do you have to accept his active presence? Does it help or hinder Sarah’s job competence?

7 11 2008

OK y’all….10 pm Alaska time….crashing…need at least 10 hours to get the circadian rhythms back on track

AKM – go to bed! 🙂 We heart you.

7 11 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

thanks for the info — I am one interested in contributing

Dr. Patois (21:50:44) :

Tessa, Dragon Lady, Bea, Whabs, Seattle, WA, asianHusseingrrl, and everyone else interested in the Defenders of Wildlife Wolf pups.

Sorry I couldn’t get on earlier and I have to get back to work now but I wanted to let you know what happened today. Not much. I spoke with one person who sent me to another who said the person I need to speak with was not in but I could leave her a message. Her name is Caroline Kennedy. Can’t be the one. Anyway, I left her a message with a brief description of what we would like to do and how to get in touch with me. I am guessing I will not be able to speak with her until Monday. I will keep you updated.


7 11 2008
CO Almost Native



NPR has a really cool video where (I’m not sure exactly who did it) the electoral map is transformed so you can see exactly how the Democrats won.
On my screen it is up in the left corner, and I think it’s called science video-

Good night from the blue state of Colorado-

7 11 2008

No kidding, I agree with you 100% in that now I can sleep safely at night. I’m just glad I didn’t have to pack my things and move out of the country as I said I would if those two dumb and dumber wins the election instead of Obama.

7 11 2008

Goodnite all!

7 11 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

New thread up there…

7 11 2008
eajphd Wolves Run Free

rightbackatyou (19:37:50) :

From ADN

“Palin was at home in Wasilla on Thursday and not giving interviews, while an aide sorted through luggage to identify campaign clothes purchased by the Republican National Committee. The high-end clothing, which Palin intends to return so it can be donated to charity, became a controversy that is still following her.”

This can help the children with the essay how I spent my post-campaign vacation. I wonder how long it will take and what sort of shape those silk boxers are.

7 11 2008

This post brings attention back to the universe of problems that are associated with the amounts of money needed to run even an unsuccessful Presidential campaign. Small wonder that average Americans are not even considered, by most elected candidates, as being part of their professional responsibilities. Small wonder that politicians and political parties don’t think in less than 7 to 10 figure amounts.

How much did just that one flight cost the Repocons? And it was for an empty airplane. How many middle class American families could “share that wealth” amongst them and live their entire life times on the money spent on that one last flight?

I don’t think that, since WWII at least, and certainly since TV, any major candidate has won who has not raised the largest amount of money. Probably the same is true of the pre-convention primary campaigns.

Dean showed that considerable amounts could be raised from internet users, and Act Blue and other sites raised large amounts for national and congressional candidates.

Maybe, just maybe this election will be a partial return of “we the people” as a recognized part of our government’s attention and considerations.

With the internet’s wider variety of news and commentary sites it will, at least, be harder for politicians to lie to and steal from US and get away with it.

7 11 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Jet Blue–AKA Joe the Blue–is really glad to be back to her previous job. I have it on good authority from my Cessna that after a couple of days at the company spa and a well earned vacation at a Miami airport over Thanksgiving, that Jet Blue is going to get to work planning a huge inauguration celebration for Air Force 1, Air Force 2, and Marine 1. Other special guests will be the Presidential and VP limousines, various motorcade vehicles, as well as First Biter Barney’s bicycle pet rickshaw. The main course will be top grade jet fuel, and the decorations will be done in bunting done in the shape of schematics for hydrogen engine retrofits. The pet rickshaw–everyone’s darling–will be given the Golden Vehicle Medal of Honor for service and bravery above and beyond the call of duty–the highest transportation medal given–in recognition of all the various indignities visited upon her during her tenure in the Barney White House. (The last recipient was Spiro T Agnew’s Limo, for having to bear the indignity of hauling around a guy with a watch designed in his likeness.) Various transportation dignitaries will be in attendance, including a live video streaming attendance by the USS Enterprise, the B52 bomber currently residing at South Korea’s war museum, and FDR’s whistle stop campaign train.

This sounds like a worthy cause to me. AKM, can we set up some way to send donations to the Transportation Inaugural Ball? Rumor has it that the west wing mail-carrying robot can cut quite a rug!

7 11 2008

“64% of the GOP really do want Palin for 2012”

But remember what their base has become under the Bushies.
So the question is who are the 64% and what percentage of the total electorate is that.

Reagan won “landslide” elections with only about 30% of eligible voters voting for him.
THAT’s why the Republican party wants apathy and voter suppression. They turn out their hard core loyalists and win, because nobody else voted.

By definition, conservatives will maintain their hard corse base, and liberals don’t really have a hardcore base. Voila, the 1000 year Bushie Reich.

7 11 2008

Hey Mudpuppies:
AKM has carried us through our most trying times, along with the support of all our new friends here during this historical election. We have carried each other when we thought we were down and out. Let us not quibble over trivia, as to who is Trig’s mother and whether Bristol has had one child or two. Doesnt matter because it all will come out in the wash. What is more important Mudpuppies is that we help expose the under cover tactics that SWWNBN has done in Alaska. Bring to light the lives she has destroyed and will continue to destroy if we dont assist in stopping her. We have to stay in unity to bring her to justice together as we helped get Barack Obama in office. We are powerful and can do this. This does not mean we cannot agree to disagree, just dont let petty things get in the way of our bigger challenges. Let’s not isolate, let’s unite once again. Yes we can!! I love this group and we have a lot of work ahead of us. Let’s do this together Mudpuppies.

7 11 2008

califpat, well said and ditto.

8 11 2008

The reason Jet Blue could make such an unusually long flight is that it could carry more fuel –

It wasn’t weighed down carrying Palin’s wardrobe.

With that load off its birdie soul it could circle the world doing 360’s and aerobatic loops.

Palin didn’t learn much from her expereince did she? Still vitupretative, means, selfish and still not incontrol of her mouth or her brain.
If she wanted 2012, why is she not at Repub headquarders planing the party’s path for the next 4 years?

Other than the obvious fact that they don’t want her there.

8 11 2008

Bev (18:13:23) :

Hey everyone – one request please. Leave Trig out of the discussion. Don’t start acting the GOP did against McCain’s daughter. Yeah I know – Palin used Trig as a prop – but when the day is done, Trig is a baby. Leave him out of our adult snarkiness.

I agree.

We may not keep it clean but leave out children and innocent civilian by-standers.
JTP is a different matter.
By the way does he still have a job? He can’t have done much work for his boss the last couple of weeks.

8 11 2008

I’m just glad that the Palin kids will go back to school now. They’ve missed an awful lot of this term, unless they were being homeschooled on the campaign trail. If Chuck Heath (Sarah’s brother) was travelling with them, they were probably doing a homeschool program. He teaches 3rd grade in Wasilla and took this term off to campaign for his sister.

IME, SP doesn’t know when to shut up. Never has. After awhile, it gets really painful to watch.

8 11 2008

About the clothes –
AKM got an in with any baggage handlers in Alaska? How much stuff got unloaded when Sarah returned.?
I’d be surpised if the JetBlue folks don’t check out their planes to make sure there is no personal property left when they reach the end of a contract.

They might have had tme to box a bunch of stuff and UPS it, but a doubt there was much opportunity.

8 11 2008

It was so good to Meg Stapleton at the airport with SP. Was wondering what had happened to Ms. Truth Squad.

8 11 2008
Road Runner

marnie, 64% of 25% of the population is not much = about 48 million. Less than the votes McLame and Palin oh-12 got.

8 11 2008
fiddle mike

Your tongue must wag at both ends.

8 11 2008

haha.. i agree

9 11 2008
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