Palin on Stevens. Let the Back-Pedaling Begin!

6 11 2008

Here we go.  Alaskans were wondering how Palin was going to deal with her condemnation of Senator Ted Stevens now that she realizes that close to half of Alaskans still voted for him despite the fact that he is a convicted felon.  This puts her squarely at odds with public opinion, especially Republican public opinion.

Seems as if she’s leaned over and extended a hand to Uncle Ted, to help him out from under the bus.  Will he take it?  Too little too late?  We’ll wait and see.  In the meantime, let the back-pedaling begin!

Ms. Palin faces some complicated political dynamics now that she has returned. Some state Democrats, often her allies in the past, have been angered by her aggressive partisanship on the campaign trail. Then again, Ms. Palin has criticized some important local Republicans, too.

Last week, after Senator Ted Stevens was convicted on federal charges that he failed to disclose gifts and free home renovations he received, Ms. Palin joined Mr. McCain and other top Republicans in calling for him to resign. Yet while Ms. Palin lost her bid for the vice presidency, Mr. Stevens, the longest-serving Republican in Senate history, holds a narrow lead in his bid for a seventh full term.

Asked Wednesday whether she still believed that Mr. Stevens should resign, Ms. Palin was circumspect, saying only that the people of Alaska “just spoke” on the issue at the ballot box and that “they want him as their senator.” She said Mr. Stevens should decide “what happens next.” (Mr. Stevens could still be forced to step down, and Ms. Palin is widely viewed as a potential candidate for his seat if he does.)

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145 responses

6 11 2008
lynn yanis

Hey, “Senator” Palin could be a lot of fun! And we will need some rollicking entertainment to face the shared sacrifice that taking back our country will entail.

6 11 2008

Will the “Hillbillies of Wassila” make it back to the land of milk and money (D.C.) or will they be forgotten by the lower 48?

6 11 2008


6 11 2008
lynn hussein hussein (MA)

Ooops! Forgot to use my mudflats name there.

6 11 2008

Nah. Oh well. Here’s hoping the absentee ballots do the trick for Begich and we can wait for 2010 for more drama on the campaign trail.

6 11 2008

The senate speculation is silly to me. Does anyone really think Palin will find policy-makeen interesteen? If she can’t be in charge of the Senate, she will have no interest.

6 11 2008

How surprising. Sarah is lying. That woman will say anything at any time to further her own ambitions. She is shameless.

And dumb. I forgot that part.

6 11 2008
DL Landry

The election Begich v. Stevens isn’t over.

6 11 2008

The woman is not to be trusted. Obviously Sarah Palin only thinks of Sarah Palin.

What’s going on with the recall?

6 11 2008

Can someone in Alaska explain to me how Palin could get the senate seat? I am not familiar with the AK laws. Thanks

6 11 2008

If she became Senator Palin, Alaskans will have done the rest of the nation a favor by giving John Stewart six years worth of material. Otherwise, I don’t know whom he’ll have to kick around any more.

6 11 2008

***Someone posted in a comment after the election what the results were for McCain vs. Obama as they came in in Alaksa.

When 36% of the vote was in, the percentages were _____
When 45% came in they were, ______

I’ve been trying to find this comment and can’t seem to locate it. If you were the poster, can you repost, or email me at


6 11 2008

Aly, although I am not from Alaska, I believe she would have to resign as Govenor and run for the Senate in the runoff election if Stevens succeeds in his bid and is impeached by the US Senate. According to Alaska law, she cannot appoint herself, she would have to win the seat outright. If Stevens is impeached, then she has to appoint a “temporary” replacement until Alaska can hold an election within a 90 day period.

No disrespect to any Alaskan, but the majority of the lower 48 prefer if you keep her there. It would be an added bonus for us if you guys impeached her, do it for the lower 48 and we promise when you have a “qualified” candidate that we will take him/her seriously and we will not judge all of Alaskan’s by Palin’s evident stupidity, greed and hatemongering.

6 11 2008
Annette, Missouri

Read the Newsweek article, then watch for the investigators to haul her fancy new duds away….probably those shoes she wore home, and some of Todd’s. I heard it was 13 suitcase’s she purchased. If she doesn’t get it donated soon, after paying the taxes on the unreported income for the Per Diems she didn’t claim, and they are now saying she will have to do, then it will get very interesting, and expensive. One report was it was over $200,000 more than earlier reported on the clothes above the $150,000 that was 1st reported. And it was her, not a staffer, for all of them, each of the kids all got clothes too. Like someone else said, They called them the “Wasilla Hillbillies” on a shopping spree.

6 11 2008
Kittitians for Obama

On the Oprah show yesterday BeBe & CeCe Winans, Wynona Judd and Vince Gill sang a song which I found very fitting at the post-election time. It’s entitled “we need each other”…please look at the clip

6 11 2008

Question: can the RNC sue Palin for all the missing clothes and shoes? Or maybe she will be forced to report the clothes that she kept as income?

Or will they have to pry those shoes from her cold frozen feet?

6 11 2008
Lin Hussein

I am curious if anyone has heard comments from Palin about Obama winning the election. I have not seen anything about her congratulating him or saying anything good about Obama.

6 11 2008
crystalwolf a.k.a. caligrl

Barbie threw Ted under the bus, when she thought she would be VP (being on a mission from god and all) but now….returning back to Wasilla, to live a life of frugality (on the taxpayers expense, of course!) she has to rethink her position as most likely he will be re-elected…
Poor Barbie….a girl just can’t get a break…. 😦
And now the entire GOP throwing her under the Bus…..?

Grab the popcorn!!!!

6 11 2008
Drill baby drill

I think Sarah needs a new mantra for the senate campaign.

“Sara first, Sarah first”
“Look at me, Look at me”
“Time to shop, time to shop”
“Arn’t I pretty, Arn’t I pretty”


6 11 2008

CALLING ALL MUDFLATTERS – Reposted from last thread –

AKM deserves a Pulitzer Prize for Journalism, for covering AK politics.

I don’t know how to get a blog nominated, but we should collectively look into it.

OR – A MacArthur Foundation Genius Award! We should collectively look into that for AKM….

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

Really interesting piece from Shannyn Moore over on Huffpo:

“Four years ago, 313,592 out of 474,740 registered voters in Alaska participated in the election-a 66% turnout. Taking into account 49,000 outstanding ballots, on Tuesday 272,633 out of 495,731 registered Alaskans showed up at the polls; a turnout of 54.9%. That’s a decrease of more than 11% in voter turnout even though passions ran high for and against Obama, as well as for and against Sarah Palin!”

6 11 2008

If she takes or runs for the Senate…how can she afford to maintain two houses, one in Wasilla and another in DC?

I believe the Senate only pays between $106,000 or $160,000…not sure which one, they said it too fast on tv.

Cost a lot to find a house to hold 7 people in DC.

6 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

The IRS needs to become Sarah’s new best friend.

6 11 2008
Blue Idaho

Does anyone know how and when the wardrobe will be given away or auctioned off? Perhaps it was yet another lie to get the evil press off her back. I can not wait for the cheesy made for T.V. movie.

6 11 2008
6 11 2008

@ LibertyLover (11:08:48) :

Priceless!! I bet even Charlton is smiling at that.

6 11 2008
the problem child

AKM – The post was not mine, but I remember it. I was not able to find it, either. Essentially, it was that the percentages of support for all the major races varied hardly at all depending on how much of the vote had been counted. Implying, I thought, that someone was cooking the numbers, because how would there be such consistent numbers across all the precincts?

I think the person posting was getting the numbers from the official Alaska elections website. Might google have cached information on the earlier iterations of that page? (I’m not sure how often they cache pages.)

6 11 2008
Kate in Canada

Here is the blog started by Juror 11. Fun to read.

Question: are there things that it is not advisable to say in a blog?

Still enjoying the snark.

6 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@@ SMR (10:35:04) :

I didn’t get a chance of the last thread – your joke was hysterical!

6 11 2008

@desertwind on prior post

Palin will have Secret Service protection for “a few more days as she transitions back to her life in Alaska”.

6 11 2008


I’ve just sent you e-mails about the AK percentages for the Pres. from the Election night We Did It thread.

6 11 2008
Road Runner


Check this out.
Want a job with the new admin, check out the tabs at the top.

6 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

A Brit Abroad

Another interesting take on the Alaska election

6 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@ Lin Hussein (11:08:52) :

I am curious if anyone has heard comments from Palin about Obama winning the election. I have not seen anything about her congratulating him or saying anything good about Obama.
I saw a clip – I think on HufPo – her saying we are all americans and have to be behind the new Pres and of course she is willing to do whatever she can. But of course that was AFTER she ungraciously said “Of course I am disappointed in the outcome and I wish it had turned out differently…” Yah!

6 11 2008

Well Sarah “may think” the people of Alaska have spoken but according to
Brad Friedman of bradblog and Nate of , something smells rotten and being the Diebold/Premier loving State that it is, I have to agree.

Brad quote; “A source of ours in Alaska, has contacted us to let us know about concerns of “shenanigans” in the counting up there. I hope to get more soon, but I’m told that Palin’s Lt. Governor is in charge of overseeing the counting and that some are being denied access from observing the counting. So what’s happening up there?”

6 11 2008
Road Runner

RLS why should she? McLame drove himself home Tuesday night in his Toyota suv. Cindy also drove herself home. Why are we paying for Palin oh-12? I guess she forgot how to drive also.

6 11 2008

It is hard to work the brakes, clutch and accelerator in those shoes.

6 11 2008
White Agate

Just reading Shannyn Moore’s blog, too, on the election. Something is definitely up. Also, remember when you posted 2 days or so before the election and AK was getting robocalled because the point spread was so close? Then the percentages split more along prior years’ during the actual election. The polling is getting so good that I was surprised at the split.

You guys are on to something…would they (they being the Secretary of State) have really done that to save face or something?

Get an audit, call the Obama campaign folks, send lawyers, money, get the international elections people. This is illegal! Alaska has been disenfranchised.

6 11 2008

Oh, the Alaska election smells. Has anyone seen the poll numbers from ANY OTHER STATE GO DOWN this election?

6 11 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

a Pulitzer indeed. Murrow would be proud of AKM.
I am.
I just feel lucky to have found my puddle of mud. This morning on my drive to work, as I BOMBED through the mud puddles on the side of the road and watched the spray go up and over my car, I thought of you all and laughed.

6 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Boy! I am certainly going to apply for a job – maybe in the Office of the First Lady! So cool!

And I say, between Barack, Rahm and Joe, if they keep going on like that, they’ll have an administration worth listening to AND looking at! That’s what I call change!

6 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

I don’t know where this posting will fall in the current discussion but I promised that I would tell of my experiences in Cleveland on election day.
And while I thought to be upbeat about my experiences, today I, instead, find myself with mixed emotions.

Let me preface with a bit of knowledge of Glenville/Cleveland, Ohio.
It is considered to be one of the most dangerous, poverty ridden, uneducated areas in Ohio. It’s grey streets are lined with boarded-up houses still occupied by the homeless and drug ridden. The atmosphere is one of decay and hopelessness. Yet in clusters, sit shabby but freshly painted two story homes, with faded autumn yards tended by proud homeowners. Most of these houses are multi family.
At eleven in the morning the unemployed begin roaming the streets. At two or three in the afternoon they are joined by the druggies and drunks. After school, around four, the kids begin their play.

I was somewhat, incongruously assigned to the Glenville library which sits in this neighborhood on a corner where in October three people were killed in a drug war. My role in the election was to be an “Outside Observer” as part of the Voter Protection legal team. I say “incongruous” because I happen to be a rather tall, blonde haired, woman from California. The contrasts are obvious. This neighborhood is African American to a citizen. I saw not one white face other than my own the entire day. Yet, strangely, my nervousness at being posted in the “South Central LA” of Cleveland was not because of any perceived danger, but rather that I would not be able to do my job effectively if I was seen as an outsider.

My day on Tuesday began at 5:45 A.M. as I pulled into the pitch black parking lot of the Glenville Library. I was to be in place when the poll workers arrived to set up their polling site. No one was in sight but I noticed a back door open and I thought to look inside.
There I found ,quietly waiting, a small crowd of 15 elderly voters. They were to be my first joyful surprise in a day of such surprises.
At 6:30 the polls opened and there was a steady stream of working folk eager to vote before making their way to their jobs…usually several bus rides away. The day progressed with voters of all types- from young would-be gang bangers to the extremely feeble using every bit of energy and courage to vote their final vote. I will confess here that I am both an emotional being and an empapath. I felt the fierce pride and fear of those young people voting for the first time. and I felt the hopefulness and cultural pride of those elders who were finally entitled to vote for someone who truly represented them.
My day was filled with hugs, and hallelujahs, and knuckle bumps. One voter baked a cake for me, another offered me chitlins. Still another offered me a bit of a white substance -at no cost. By dusk I had the chance to score multitudes of illegal drugs and cases of Jack Daniels if i had been so inclined.
I became close buddies with Betty Boo from across the street who in all of her 300 pounds of glory, sat on her stump, extolling the street with cries of “obama, Obama!”. I sat with her son, Dyrell, and cried quietly as he told me that he’d been released from prison the day before after serving 7 years of his young life for robbery. He told me that as a felon he has not a chance of getting a job. He is 24.
Young mothers brought their toddlers to me and prodded them to say “Obama” and then “Biden”. I was propositioned by a middle aged retired bus driver who invited me to his place for some home cooking.
But with the dwindling light of late afternoon, the realities of street side Glenville diminished the carnival atmosphere of the election in progress. I was approached by groups of teenagers who challenged my newly acquired “street cred”. I saw in their swaggering a real yearning for something to change the conditions that are theirs now, to something that could be. So when they asked just what the F Obama could really do for them, i had an answer.
I said, “Well, he’s got you and me talking doesn’t he ?”. And they laughed and asked if I had any Obama stickers.

6 11 2008

@fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (11:39:49)

That, my mudpuppy friend, is a BEAUTIFUL story of your experience. Thank you for sharing!

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

Fawnskin, you made me teary again… thank you, that was wonderful, really wonderful.

6 11 2008

I have tingles going up my spin. Merci

6 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Well, if any of this helps:

NMJ (21:12:31) :
Alaska –
36% precincts reporting
61.76% for McP
35.64% for Obama

NMJ (21:15:47) :
Holy S**t!
45.19% for Begich so far
49.32% for Stevens

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (21:54:54) :
CNN exit polls have Begich winning with all age groups under 65 and with women.
Only 37% of precincts reporting and 49 for Stevens vs 46 for Begich.

DHomer (22:09:39) :
We’ll we are not turning Blue – but the recent Begich / Stevens update brought Begich from 4 points down to just over 1 point down.
He may make the difference up and beat Ted. Sadly, Berkowitz who I greatly admire is having more trouble in the House race with Young – about 7 points down….

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (22:18:27) :
49 to 46, Steven to Begich, with 45% of precincts reporting. Does not define which ones.

El from Saskatchewan (23:05:41) :
66% reporting
Stevens 84830 48%
Begich 81717 47%

Rebecca (23:44:12) :

I just checked on Alaska, last update was 26 minutes ago so I guess the counters are off to get some sleep. lol
Stevens 49%, Begich 46% (I’m sure if Stevens had been a car jacker the Alaskans that voted for him would think he was fit for office too. lol)
Young 52%, Berkowitz 44%
72% of precincts reporting.

NMJ (23:56:42) :
Does anybody but me think the rock-solid percentages for McP vs Obama are suspicious?
36% precincts reporting
61.76% for McP
35.64% for Obama
81.3% precincts reporting
61.54% for McP
35.69% for Obama

6 11 2008

So what happens to Palin now? Fox News reported that she didn’t know Africa was a continent and threw “temper tantrums” about her press coverage, reducing campaign staff to tears. Add to that the manic shopping sprees and she starts to sound even more imbalanced than anyone realized.

6 11 2008


The OP you were looking for was NMJ (23:56:42) : on the “Election Night Open Thread – Yes We Did” entry.

And I dearly hope this has sparked your interest.

6 11 2008
Chin Trout Hussein (NJ)

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (11:39:49)

Beautiful personal account of election day…

Perhaps you’d like to post it on the President-Elect’s new website? There is a link for personal stories.

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (11:48:04) :

Thanks… very interesting reading… something rotten in the state of Alaska methinks.

6 11 2008
AZ Mom

has this election been called officially? allowing for all the absentee ballots? is anyone asking for a recount?

6 11 2008

@ fawnskin hussein mudpuppy: Here I thought that I had cried all my tears over this election, but NO..I read your account of election day and the tears come all over again. Change is a coming! You saw if for real and in real time. Thank you for sharing. Great great story.

6 11 2008

While $150K on clothes is a scandal, it’s not so much a felony. However, I wonder how she squares that with Ted’s conviction on $250K of undeclared gifts. Hmmmmmm.

6 11 2008
Tess In TX

What a great experience, Fawnskin!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

6 11 2008
Grammy a/k/a WE ARE BLUE PA

I second this:

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (11:39:49)

Beautiful personal account of election day…

Perhaps you’d like to post it on the President-Elect’s new website? There is a link for personal stories

6 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Vote Percentages also stayed the same in Begich/Stevens when 36%, 45%, and 72% of precincts reported.

6 11 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Sarah is really drawing fire over the continued unfolding of clothes expenditures—the amount, spent for family instead of candidate, donors and staffers aghast.

Hmmm. Wonder when those clothes show up on e-Bay. Somebody, puhhhhLEEZE let us know.

6 11 2008
Northern Exposure

North Carolina has gone blue, and Missouri, the bell-weather state, is still hanging out.
364 electoral votes for Obama at this stage.
Sweet, sweet, sweet.

6 11 2008
Road Runner

GUYS AND GALS!!! Our new Prez is getting ready to make the changes he promised – starting with Federal programs and workers’ habits. Loving it!!

6 11 2008

I just went and signed the petition to ask the congress to censure Bachmann. I am not a petition-signer, and I’m not interested in people being publicly humiliated. I would like to share what I wrote with you folk, because it means a lot to me, and I think it will be the attitude I try to cultivate as we go into these next months and years trying to get America back to what we had once believed her to be, and now, at last, have some real hope that she will be again! Feedback appreciated.

The most powerful core of the American ideal, in my viewpoint, is that humans, when given the freedom to do so, will continue to strive together toward greater understanding of what it means to be human. The American ideal is that we are made stronger, wiser and more powerfully human when a great diversity of vision, ideas, longing, shortfalls and strengths are brought together, heard and exchanged, to stretch each one to include a balanced understanding and vision for the next steps in human/community progress.

America, to me, is inclusive, wide, deep, fair and ever-reaching for greater wisdom and growth of the human spirit. Without this balance and freedom and the willingness to put everything on the line to maintain it, none of us is true to the American ideal. Ms. Bachmann’s concept of America is only one tiny part of the dialogue. She might need to be reminded of this if she has any hope of joining the conversation in a meaningful way. This view is one that is not hers alone, and it is an important part of the conversation in that it helps us all rethink what it really means to be American in the best possible sense.

I would ask that the Congress take this teachable moment for our nation and guide us all in rethinking it by publicly censuring Ms. Bachmann and helping to put her very tiny viewpoint in the larger context.

HOPE! again!

6 11 2008
Grammy a/k/a WE ARE BLUE PA

Road Runner


6 11 2008
Chin Trout Hussein (NJ)

I’m teary AGAIN– this time it’s from the transition website. We’re being asked to share our stories and our VISION
I never thought Bush was interested in regular people’s thoughts. And from the first time I heard Obama speak and from reading his books, I was confident that Obama is interested in other people’s thoughts. I’m confident too that he’ll listen but make up his own mind. A sign of a great leader.

6 11 2008

@AZ Mom (11:52:05) :

If you’re asking about the election in AK, the Div. of Elections has 10 days to finish counting all the absentee, early, and questioned ballots. I think certification of the results is supposed to happen on Nov. 21, so they’re still working on counting.

6 11 2008
John "The PitBull Wangler"

Akmuckraker, All I can tell you is the percentage in votes for Alaska was 50% for McCain and 41% for Obama.

6 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@ fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (11:39:49) :

Yes yes! Post your beautiful story on – the times they are a changin’!

What I heard was gifts of $200,000 worth of clothing must be declared and paid taxes on. AKM – did any of those “several dozens” waiting at the airport look like they could’ve been from the IRS?

6 11 2008
the problem child

What wonderful day you had — sounds like you got outside your comfort zone and loved it!
OT, from your description of yourself, I guess you’re not the Obama rally picture person I guessed earlier. Maybe someday I’ll go back and try to guess again. Did you have your mudflats messenger bag with you at the poll?

6 11 2008
John "The PitBull Wangler"

This is the only thing I could find.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Alaska voters finds John McCain earning 50% of the vote while Barack Obama attracts 41%. Four percent (4%) say they’d vote for some other candidate while another 4% are not sure (see video report).
While McCain’s nine-percentage point lead is relatively small when compared to recent Republican victory margin in Alaska, it’s a slightly bigger lead than he enjoyed a month ago.
McCain is supported by 82% of Republican voters while Obama attracts 77% of Democratic voters. Over the past month, McCain has gained ground among the state’s large pool of unaffiliated voters. However, Obama still leads among those voters by a 47% to 41% margin.
McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of Alaska voters, down from 63% a month ago. Obama earns positive reviews from 52%, down three points from the previous poll.

6 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Well, kids, I am off to bed here on Day number 2 of this glorious new era!

Thank you AKM for having done this for all of us – giving us a place to gather, share, support and encourage. You are amazing, all of you are amazing!

Bonne nuit!

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

John “The PitBull Wangler” (12:04:49) : Where do you get those figures from???

6 11 2008
John "The PitBull Wangler"

This is the only thing I could find.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Alaska voters finds John McCain earning 50% of the vote while Barack Obama attracts 41%. Four percent (4%) say they’d vote for some other candidate while another 4% are not sure (see video report).
While McCain’s nine-percentage point lead is relatively small when compared to recent Republican victory margin in Alaska, it’s a slightly bigger lead than he enjoyed a month ago.
McCain is supported by 82% of Republican voters while Obama attracts 77% of Democratic voters. Over the past month, McCain has gained ground among the state’s large pool of unaffiliated voters. However, Obama still leads among those voters by a 47% to 41% margin.
McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of Alaska voters, down from 63% a month ago. Obama earns positive reviews from 52%, down three points from the previous poll.

6 11 2008
Kittitians for Obama

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy… really moved me..that was one thing I have been preaching to my co-workers… Obama touches lives in ways we could have never imagined…and I pray that his story would touch the lives of these young black man who seem so lost, and are looking for someone to look up to. I honestly hope that they would make the struggle be worth the cause by doing positive things with their lives.

6 11 2008
John "The PitBull Wangler"
6 11 2008

OH my gosh.

I just came out of a conversation with 2 colleagues at my hospital, who asserted that Palin was the best and brightest politician in the whoel campaign. I couldn’t even respond, I was choking. My only lame comeback was that the rest of america didn’t fell that way, and that I knew a lot of people who didn’t vote for McCain because of her. I was told that that was IMPOSSIBLE.

I am in SHOCK, people. These are educated physicians, same as I. And I’m in liberal california. Oh. My. God. Perhaps she will make it back to the big stage in the future. :/

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

Sleep tight Jamie!

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

John – that’s dated 18 May 2008, it’s a prediction.

6 11 2008

@John “The PitBull Wangler” (12:10:31) :

That info is from an article about a poll taken in MAY! The Division of Elections site is: and shows McCain with 61.18% and Obama with 36.06% of the tallies votes so far.

6 11 2008
John "The PitBull Wangler"

cmac, I wouldn’t worry about what a few of them say about Palin. There are many many more in your country who are a lot more intelligent and they have spoken. I doubt very much Palin will be running for office in 2012 unless she runs as an independant and has about 500 million laying around to do so.

6 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Road Runner (11:29:05) :


Check this out.
Want a job with the new admin, check out the tabs at the top.
I sent my information! I would love to work for the “Change” Administration!

6 11 2008

Didn’t Bush win AK over Kerry with a 61 to 36 % spread in 2004, too?

6 11 2008

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (11:39:49) :

WOW! That’s what it’s all going to be about! Keep finding where we connect! Thank you for your experience!!


6 11 2008
Road Runner

cmac, some people are still in denial. Those are the ones who will lay blame on everybody else. That’s a repug trait. They will not so much as read a newspaper or visit the internet lest they stumble across something that reeks of truth.

6 11 2008
Rose in PA

fawnskin, thank you for sharing that beautiful story.

6 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

I sent this email to a Prominant Paster here in the Dallas TX area. Because I truly believe we need to come together and not continue the negativity and the divisiveness! I know my spelling can be bad at times!

Hi Dr. Haynes,

I am emailing your Executive Assistant as well, I’m not sure if this email will reach you. So, I am hoping if this does not reach you, hopefully Ms. Alexander will forward this email on to you.

I have been involved with the Obama campaign for some time now. Just so you know I am probably one of President Elect Obama’s biggest supporters, I know we all say that, but this is not the reason I am writing this email.

From the time it was announced on MSNBC that Obama was our next President, I cried like a big baby, and I find myself crying when I’m in thought of this historic event! It gives me great pride, it humbles me more, and brings new breath of fresh air to our nation!

However, I have received text messages and emails from friends, and family members. I know these are messages that are going viral throughout the text and internet world. Actually rather negative emails, and I know they are more for jokes, but I don’t think our people realize the negative impact this could bring about to President Obama. I would rather see him in office for 2 terms rather than 1 term.

What if white people didn’t like reaction of how we are viewing this win for President Obama? How will they vote in 2012? Will this be a lesson to us if they vote for the candidate running against President Obama the next time? I don’t think our people are thinking about the ramifications of our actions!

I’m sure there are emails and text messages going around from white people about Obama being in the White House, but I just believe God want us to be better than this! We should humble ourselves and not take President Obama’s huge accomplishment for granted. Isn’t this type of divisiveness President Obama spoke out against as he campaigned? That we should unite, instead of being divided! That we should respect one another, and treat our fellow citizens with dignity! That we should be our brothers and sisters keeper! Help each other! Obama didn’t just campaign about this; it also came from the Word of God! I’m sure you teach this every Sunday to your congregation.

I have to admit, I am not one of those bible toting judgmental people! However, I know God has been wonderful to me and I love Him with every breath in my body! I also admit that I haven’t attended church this year…yes I know…it’s pretty sad!

I really don’t want us to blow it for this wonderful man! Because it is definitely going to take more than one term to even begin to get things headed in a path that will beneficial to our great nation, all people, and around the world!

When I get a text or email that is offensive to white people…I delete it! I am reminded by what Ghandi said! I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ! So, I start to think other people will start to say to us African Americans. We like your President Obama, I do not like your (African American)Obama Supporters. Your (African American) Obama Supporters are so unlike your President Obama!

I send this to you because I know you have a large congregation, and you are also on Ricky Smiley daily, giving inspirational wisdom to the listeners. Can you please let our people know what the consequences and the backlash President Obama could receive if this continues?

I would greatly appreciate it! May you continue to be blessed and speak on the behalf of our Father!

Best regards,

My Name

6 11 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@ A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein (12:11:10) :

Sleep tight Jamie!

Brit – I’ll meet up with you here tomorrow and trade e-mail addresses with you. Night!

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

Ennealogic (12:16:39) :

Didn’t Bush win AK over Kerry with a 61 to 36 % spread in 2004, too?

According to this:

“President George W. Bush won 61 percent in Alaska compared with just 35.5 percent for John Kerry.
Four years earlier, Bush won 59 percent to 28 percent over Al Gore.”

6 11 2008
Never Cry Wolf

Has she learned anything from this experience? Is our candidates learning?

6 11 2008
Road Runner

cmac, one can only hope the truth about Palin oh-12 will come out soon. Still waiting for the info the ADN has on her. I’m sure they’ll print it sometime soon. We can hope the IRS will nab her for back taxes, since she misfiled her returns – not claiming the per diem, the expenses for family travels, the use of those infamous clothes – all of them.

6 11 2008
eajphd Wolves Run Free

plwalsh (11:48:35) :
So what happens to Palin now?

I think if she manages to extricate herself from her legal difficulties she will suddenly find a need to expand Alaska’s role in global trade. This means she’ll start seeking overseas contacts and travel.

6 11 2008

It makes no sense for Palin to become a Senator.
1. How is she going to follow Sugardaddy Stevens, getting earmarks? Will McCain help her, bringing the bacon home?
2. How will a junior Senator in the minority party (which is in disarray) from a boondocks state (sorry!) with no experience, NOT get lost in the shuffle?
3.It would take a couple of terms to be noticed.
4. The Senate requires team play.
5. Palin is an idiot.

Her only chance is to remain a “wildly popular” Mayor. Getting the ‘gas line’ under way, wouldn’t hurt either.

6 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Road Runner (12:00:56) :

GUYS AND GALS!!! Our new Prez is getting ready to make the changes he promised – starting with Federal programs and workers’ habits. Loving it!!

This is awesome! I can think of a few programs that need to be fine tuned and inspected!

6 11 2008
CO Almost Native

@A Brit Abroad-

Nate Silver has an insightful article on the Alaska polls and voting-there may be some voting irregularities. I think Shannyn Moore may have gotten her information from fivethirtyeight (I haven’t gotten to huffpo yet; first things first).

On the clothing: it depends on what the Rep private donor stipulated when he/she promised $$. I know McCain said the stuff would be donated- that way the donor could take a tax deduction-minus the reduction in value-or the high-end stores may take some back. If that’s not the case, and the donor said it was a gift, I think CB has to pay taxes on the total value above $12,500 (or it may be $15,000 now- I’m not sure what the IRS says). Princess Palin can donate items, but she would have to calculate the difference between the original cost (tax) and the donated value deduction)- and donated clothes are reduced in value from the original price (IRS)- unless she donates them to a charity auction, and the group calculates the dollars paid- here’s where it gets complicated, and even math whiz Palin would need a good CPA/tax attorney:)

Either way she gets screwed over the clothes, or the IRS auditors become her BBF:)

6 11 2008

Looks like Obama is going to pick up a patch of the Great Plains. Nebraska’s Second Congressional district seems set to turn blue, giving Obama one more electoral vote. (Nebraska and Maine are the only two states which award electoral votes by congressional district as well as state wide.) This means Obama’s electorial victory is spread even more widely across the 50 states.

6 11 2008

ABC News has an amusing story ‘Strains Between McCain and Palin Aides Go Public’

6 11 2008

I have a question for Alaskans. Do you vote on paper or on a touch screen? It seems to me that something is really off with your election. It would be nice to know that you have paper ballots that can be counted by hand. I hope that Begich demands a recount.

6 11 2008
Rose in PA

If you go to the article linked by Misfit – check out the picture of Palin holding Trig. It’s very disturbing to me…there just doesn’t seem to be any kind of maternal affection there.

6 11 2008

Thanks for the words of comfort re: the rabid Palinites I just ran into. By the way, one called Obama a communist. I told him he really needs to look up what a communist is, and that OUR patients here in the hospital over 65 all benefit from SOCIALIZED medicine. Without missing a beat, he said that kind of socialism was “OK”. And that Palin was “mistreated” by the media. WTF?!?!?

Man, people make me so mad! Thank god you you all in the mudpuddle here. Ok I will go back to work now.

6 11 2008

I think Palin could do well in the Senate. It is the land of the temper-throwing mavericks— just look at John McCain’s Senate career— and it has been the haven of all sorts of off-kilter pols over the last two centuries. You don’t actually have to do all that much as a Senator and it can be a good platform for extemist views (just think of all those southern senators like Jesse Helms). You only have to once every six years and as long as you have a decent following in a small state, you can keep your seat for generations, witness all the antiques in the Senate today.

6 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Rose in PA (12:38:58) :

If you go to the article linked by Misfit – check out the picture of Palin holding Trig. It’s very disturbing to me…there just doesn’t seem to be any kind of maternal affection there.

I noticed that on the ABC News article! I don’t see the mother bond there…none what so ever!

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

Rose in PA (12:38:58) : I saw that too… that’s appalling. She really doesn’t even look like she knows he’s there.

6 11 2008

I think Palin could do well in the Senate. It might just be the best place for her. After all, Senators don’t actually have to do all that much. The Senate has always been a haven for temper-throwing mavericks like McCain who couldn’t survive anywhere else. You only have to run once every six years. And, if you come from a small state and can keep a loyal group of constituents, a Senator can stay comfortably in office for generations— just look at all the antiques the Senate has held in recent years.

As long as the Democrats hold the majority, Palin can’t do a lot of damage from a Senate seat while keeping her wingnut followers happy with her outbursts and reminding everyone else what things would be like with the Republicans back in power.

6 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

I would very gobsmacked to find that there wasn’t anybody inside the SP camp reading Mudflaps, so I am sending a personal message to Sarah and Todd from England – please pass it to them – thankyou


6 11 2008

Let’sGetReal for “ThatOne” (12:21:23) :

Fantastic letter! I think many of the same things as I hear so much negative conversation even among Obama supporters! I’m an Alaskan, and I have so many of the feelings expressed here and in other contexts about the harm that this campaign has done to separate us. We won! But it will take lots of thinking and caring and opening up to each other and to those who are still afraid before Obama’s new Hope will start the change we want to see! He tells us “YOU are that change.” And we need to change this negative celebration and start healing the wounds and not keep them open. SOME of that has to do with directly addressing and changing the abuse. SOME of it has to do with bridging the gaps and not making them bigger. Thanks so much, Let’sgetreal! I hope your letter hits the mark!


6 11 2008

Umm to the poster that stated Sarah Palin still have secret service protection, is not the truth. Secret Service Protection for her and John McCain ended on Wednesday morning at 6 a.m.

6 11 2008

Rose in PA (12:38:58) :
If you go to the article linked by Misfit – check out the picture of Palin holding Trig. It’s very disturbing to me…there just doesn’t seem to be any kind of maternal affection there.

That has always bothered me. She lugs him around like he is a Raggedy Andy doll.

BTW, where is Bristol? Why have we not seen her since the Convention? Why wasn’t she with her family in Arizona? My guess is because she isn’t really pregnant and current pictures would be evidence.

6 11 2008

On another note…

Palin requested that she could speak to the nation on Tuesday night. McCain’s handlers told her absolutely NOT! That she will stand next to him on the stage and keep her trap shut!


6 11 2008
CO Almost Native


Wonderful story, and gives me hope for the future-

NBC/CNN had more stories from the McCain campaign this morning: Miss Sarah refused to appear at several campaign rallies for Republican candidates because they were pro-choice, didn’t want to be prepped for interviews and then raged at sfaffers because she came across as a ditz, went ahead with the Rev. Wright attack even though McCain said no- not a good team player, eh?

Can anyone spell “maverick”?

6 11 2008
Tree Fitzpatrick

I think Sarah should make a big fuss about donating her fancy wardrobe, including the duds for her man and her kids, to a charity. And this charity should auction them off, to raise the most money possible. I am positive that this charity could really score some major bucks. Lots of people would pay a whole lot to buy this stuff. . . because lots of people are idiots or starstruck or some combination thereof.

She could score some positive ink for herself. . . she could have a campaign to enlist input from her subjects (er, I mean, her constituents), asking the people of Alaska to nominate good charities and then to have some kind of survey to choose which charity would get the fundraising opportunity.

It would be a shame to just drop the clothes off at a Goodwill donation bin. . . this is a great opportuity for a lucky charity.

She could donate the clothes to a charity that works for the disabled. . . or that works for unwed mothers or that works to, gosh, promote the pipeline she is in love with. This is a golden opportunity to turn a negative into some positive. . . She’s still a grasping hillbilly who fell in love with couture and who was dippily disconnected from reality — it’s like she thinks being governor makes her royalty and the public purse is her purse. . . .

I am mighty curious to see if Alaskans continue to pay to fly her girls to see their da in the snowmobile race. .. how are the taxpayers served by that kind of expense? These are just three girls going to see their dad. . . the state should not pay for that.

I am also curious to see if she will be allowed to continue bilking the royal (er, excuse me, the public) purse for the nights she spends in her own home.

She’s gonna be fun to keep an eye on. . . I hope she does not disappoint me.

6 11 2008
A Brit Abroad GONE BLUE Hussein

katiebegood (12:49:55) :
I read something on a twitter page (from an ADN reporter following Palin when she voted) and she mentioned Bristol’s “baby tummy” after catching a glimpse of her.

6 11 2008
Road Runner

OMG, where the affection towards Trig? Being on the road so much, I would expect her to not even want to talk to the press, except for a short statement. It’s still all about her. I would want to be vry much alone with my family.
Who were all those people in the entourage from the hotel to the airport? Is that why she needed the campaign plane? WTF??

6 11 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")



November 5, 2008, 8:45 pm
Palin Says Goodbye
By Julie Bosman
PHOENIX – On Tuesday night, standing on stage as Senator John McCain conceded the election, Gov. Sarah Palin silently blinked away tears. Her husband, Todd, was stone-faced.

None of those tensions were visible by late Wednesday afternoon, when the Palins emerged from their villa at the Arizona Biltmore hotel to head to the airport in their last Secret Service motorcade.

“Hi, guys,” Ms. Palin said brightly, approaching a small group of reporters waiting outside.

With her infant son, Trig, resting on her hip, and dressed down in black sweatpants, high heels and a blue hooded sweatshirt that read “Alaska Grown,” Ms. Palin said it had been an “honor” and a “blessing” to be part of this “wonderful, wonderful campaign.”

She shrugged off reports of tension with Mr. McCain’s advisers, saying she wanted to “go above and beyond the pettiness” that had enveloped the close of the campaign.

“I don’t know what they’re saying, or who they are, but certainly if anything is based on any kind of an anonymous source I certainly won’t even comment on it,” she said, smiling. “I have absolutely no intention of engaging in any of the negativity, because this has been all positive for me, for what I believe in, the values that I represent and the progress that I want to see America be able to make. Just absolutely no time for the pettiness. That’s just kind of the way I’m wired. I don’t have time for that.”

Ms. Palin called Mr. McCain “a uniter,” but saved her most lavish praise for Senator Barack Obama.

“This is an historic a moment,” she said. “Barack Obama has been elected president. Let him be able to kind of savor this moment, one, and not let the pettiness of maybe internal workings of a campaign erode any of the recognition of this historic moment that we’re in. And God bless Barack Obama and his beautiful family and the new administration that we’re in. It is time that we all pull together and work together and America is going to reach her destiny.”

Ms. Palin spent the day with her family and friends, hanging out at the pool and occasionally venturing into the main hotel building, where she ran into a television crew and told CNN that “2012 sounds so far off that I can’t even imagine what I’d be doing then.”

But her campaign plane, emblazoned with the words “McCain-Palin,” waited at the airport for one last trip to Alaska. As Ms. Palin’s entourage of two dozen family members and friends boarded the plane, and aides scurried around loading diapers, bottled water and a Louis Vuitton duffel onto it, Ms. Palin darted over to the reporters, whom she regularly derided as “Barack Obama’s friends in the media” in her stump speech, to shake hands and say goodbye.

6 11 2008

UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady (12:46:45) wrote :
“I would very gobsmacked to find that there wasn’t anybody inside the SP camp reading Mudflaps, so I am sending a personal message to Sarah and Todd from England – please pass it to them – thankyou


UK Lady, very funny. They don’t have the time to read this blog. They are too busy counting blouses, skirts, gathering receipts from Neiman’s in September, so no worries.

6 11 2008
Road Runner

AKM, making plans for more infiltration in their next meeting? Can’t wait to read.
Wish I could be a fly on the wall when she went into her office today.

6 11 2008

Katiebegood, there is a slideshow on ADN’s site with still pictures taken when Sarah came to AK to vote on the 4th. One of the pics does seem to show Bristol, and while not conclusive, she does look to be rather pregnant.

6 11 2008

cmac — Most of the MDs I’ve known over the years have always seemed to be “regular folks” except for the dedication and memory skills that led them into medicine. If anything, the concentration and specialized education that is needed to become/succeed as a physician seems in some cases to lead to a deficiency of knowledge, or attention, in non-medical areas. Present company excepted, of course 😉

In my limited experience, I’d say half of them get their political ideas from their favorite drug rep (who is, of course, basically a flack for the pharma company). Even here in liberal California.

6 11 2008

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” – Mark Twain

I’m not keen about discussing politics with anyone. Whenever I drift into a religious or political discussion, I’m almost always stunned and disappointed by the absurdity of views expressed by people I love and admire. Then I remind myself to be tolerant and understanding of folks who don’t share my views.

6 11 2008

Road Runner (12:00:56) :
GUYS AND GALS!!! Our new Prez is getting ready to make the changes he promised – starting with Federal programs and workers’ habits. Loving it!!

I hope he does it and does it soon. He needs to immediately cancel all no-bid contracts and do away with all the privatization of our government that the Bush Crime Family has done. Won’t that piss off the Conservatives if Obama revamps our government and comes up with a lean, mean, less expensive government system that kicks butt!

6 11 2008

Perhaps Palin’s response to Stevens was circumspect due to her distraction while reading Newsweek.

What a piece of work.

6 11 2008

cmac — also (also), good call on the “Communist”. There aren’t any more communists. Even the Chinese Communists aren’t communist. Even politically ignorant MDs shouldn’t be able to call someone a communist without being ridiculed.

6 11 2008

eajphd Wolves Run Free:

Palin is already talking to Japan regarding energy. I am not sure, because I read so much, but I think it was in the Atlantic.

6 11 2008
Tree Fitzpatrick

Say, I just watched a video of Her Highness returning to her kingdom last night. . . I listened to women who appeared to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, i.e. women with some kind of human intelligence, and they are all chortling and trilling exaltantly about how much they love her.

Gosh, what do they love? Her good looks. She is undeniably a very attractive woman. Heck, I am totally straight but I can see she can appear amoking hot and I love to see gorgeous women in positions of power that have, until relatively recently, been reserved only for males. My power is enhanced, as a female, every time any woman succeeds. . the same tide lifts all boats.

But, gosh, what the heck do Alaskans love about their Governor? She bilks the public purse for petty shit because she apparently thinks that as governor she is entitled to be treated like royalty. She seems to think it is eminently reasonable for her to use her power to conduct personal vendettas. She seems to evince almost no interested in meaningful policy analysis. .. she seems to only work on a superficial level. She seems to be only spin. . . and petty petty petty. . .

I read, over on the Anchorage Daily News, I think, an editorial suggestion that the newspaper says it can ‘understand’ why Sarah and Todd wanted to get rid of someone like Trooper Wooten. . . I read that stuff and I am in disbelief. . . it seems that the newspaper editorial staff has lost their perspective. . . the things the Palins have accused Wooten of doing are not all that serious. . . humans are imperfect. Which one of us could have their lives subjected to microscopic, retroactive scrutiny? Any of us could find themselves in the nightmare position Wooten found himself in. He had the very bad luck of marrying, then divorcing, a woman who would become drunk on her power. When you add up all of the Palins acccusations about Wooten, they can sound inflammatory. . . but if they had unfolded, as they actu7ally did unfold, over a period of YEARS and if they did not seem like a big deal at the time. . . nobody should lose their jobs because a disgruntled ex (or, worse, the ex’s powerful clan) decides to use their power to hurt. Sarah Palin thinks she ought to be able to order Wooten’s superiors to fire him, like the queen in alice and Wonderland shouting off with their heads.
She did not break the law when she fired Moneghan. . . but she abused her power. Just because her abuse of power will not be found legally actionable does not make it right.

Man, Palin’s behavior chokes me.

I used to be a divorce lawyer. As any trial judge or any divorce lawyer can tell you, people routinely (not always, thankfully) try to resolve lots of unresolved anger in their lives when a divorce arises. You can microscopically scrutinize almost anyone’s life and find things to criticize and when you do this in an inflammatory environment, where people’s real lives are on the line (the custody of children is gonna inflame, like, everyone who cares about the kids). . . people get fired up. . . but most people get fired up while the divorce is happening and they might even take a lot of cheap, dirty shots during the divorce, hurling accusations against one another but then, when it is over, well, it’s over.

what a nightmare for wooten, that Sarah and Todd decided they would not drop their vendetta, their personal vendetta. It disturbs me, greatly, to read journalists/editors suggest that Wooten is a bad apple. He is a regular guy, doing his best . . . and thank god Moneghan is a man, if not of integrity (I choose to believe he is honest). . . at least Moneghan is smart enough to see that Sarah and Todd’s vendetta was an abuse of power. . . the fact that Sarah and Todd kept going after Moneghan came right out and suggested that their personal vendetta just wouldn’t fly legally . . . I have to conclude that Sarah and Todd persisted because they are sometimes irrational. . . they are drunk on power and they think being governor makes them above the little people. . . man, what she and Todd did to Wooten was small, petty, ugly. . . and the fact that Sarah and Todd kept persisting, over and over. . . gosh, why did Sarah have the time for this petty stuff anyway? why wasn’t she, um, too busy for this?

Gosh, this woman bugs me. . . and I am so gonna miss her on the news.

6 11 2008


You can tell your friends that you heard it directly from the horses mouth, because I am telling you here:

One Alaskan republican in this household who would have voted for McCain, but did NOT because of Bible Spice. He kept his voter reg as Repub to send a message to the party by voting for Obama.

One Alaskan republican who changed her voter reg to undeclared following her pick because it was a strong indication that the GOP was no longer representing ANY of my values. (that was ME)

One of our very good friends, registered Repub, did NOT vote for McCain specifically because of his pick of Bible Spice.

Our daughter, who turned 18 on the 27th of Oct, was quite excited to vote for Obama, and would not vote for Bible Spice for love or money, not even for PTA Vice Pres!

So, yes she DID cost McCain votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots & lots of republican votes!

6 11 2008
CO Almost Native

AKM and Mudflatters-

Can we help you/work together on the Alaskan election? Investigate facts? I imagine lots of people are already doing this, but if we can doing something…

6 11 2008
Road Runner

Tree, remember, the majority of these folks are under the spell of the witchdoctor, Mr Muthee. No doubt, he will be called on to exorcise that witches she picked up in the Lower 48

6 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Reform the Mortgage, Lending Industry!

6 11 2008

Tree wrote:

“Gosh, this woman bugs me. . . and I am so gonna miss her on the news.”

To me, Gov. Palin is like a “Mean Girls Weekend Movie Marathon” on Lifetime.
I still can’t believe she really holds public office in the great state of Alaska.

6 11 2008

DonnaInMichigan (12:51:09) :

On another note…Palin requested that she could speak to the nation on Tuesday night. McCain’s handlers told her absolutely NOT! That she will stand next to him on the stage and keep her trap shut! ROFLMAO.

Not surprised…ugh what a self-absorbed $*#&$#.

Tuesday was Barack Obama’s night, Sarah, (Biden would not think of speaking or interviewing, out of dererence for the President-elect) and McCain’s night as he was Obama’s opponent. Bloody hell…Palin wants that spotlight.

If indeed the GOP think that Palin is their futute, so be it. IMHO, the Internet, emails, and blog made this election happen (and the wise ones running these vehicles). Many repubs were probably unaware of the huge amount of coordination and information sharing that went on “below the surface.” She will be forever in our sights (sites?).

6 11 2008

@katiebegood (12:37:24) :

We do have paper ballots that go through the Accuvote machine for counting, but, yes, there is a piece of paper available if hand recounting becomes necessary.

6 11 2008

sorry about my sad grammatical and spelling display 😉

6 11 2008

Greetings all. Finally recovering from the late hours this past week. I was at the Obama Victory Rally at Grant Park. Didn’t get home until almost 2am. Spent most of yesterday sleeping. I sat up last night till O’Dark 30 this morning drafting my report & photos, I hope AKM shares with everyone. I situated myself at a place called Mudflats Point at the Northern Part of Grant Park.

I need to catch up on some chores, and the mess I created working on Mudstock II. It has been a week I will never forget.

Oh, I have dropped the name Hussein out of respect for our new President Elect and I feel our mission to normalize that name has been successful. So from no on it’s just Chief Shicago.

6 11 2008
Road Runner


Like the repugs, the KKK is spinning our guy’s win. Take a look:

6 11 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

embarassed to admit that i am first on the new thread.

6 11 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

For anyone who hasn’t seen this, Jon Stewart of the Daily Show interviewing Chris Wallace of Fux News – after the election – tooooo funny!!

6 11 2008
Miemaw from Texas is probably the most reliable polling done.

What I’m confused about is this: Why haven’t the EARLY VOTING BALLOTS BEEN COUNTED?

In most states, the whole theory behind early voting is vote early, count early.

That Alaska has not counted early voting ballots, is absoultely mindboggling.

Absentee Ballots also are mostly “early voting.” They have to be mailed and received by a certain date before the election, or taken in person to a polling place, and placed in a ballot box.

Y’all need to follow this one pretty close. The machines have already given their results, from election day. Absentee votes in most places are paper ballots. Early — I don’t know how y’all do it. Probably also machines.

And, it’s ususally the Secretary of State, not the Assistant Attorney General, whose in charge of elections.

Honey, y’all are stranger than we are.

6 11 2008

@ cmac (12:10:43)

I’ve heard similar from some in the medical profession and am appalled!!! Whatever happened to medicine as in part a calling or vocation? Sure, for some it’s a well-paid profession and well deserved for an above average comfortable and secure life, but for others, they get into a practice and then you start hearing (as if they were ring knockers at a military service academy or red hat chasers in the Catholic Church) about whether or not they will ever make partner like they were in a corporate law firm or something, or else how they worked hard for everything they got, are in their 3rd house, and others won’t get off their derrière… In hospital settings, environmental services and CNAs work just as hard or harder. Same with many in allied health or social services work. Yes it’s a stratified pecking order, but leadership used to in part be measured by how well you also looked after the interests of the rank and file who make the system hum.

I commiserate and thank you for being one of the good and caring people. And, I know that there are more out there like you also suffering in oppressive environments. Even in home care…. Does everyone know that CNAs who provide homecare exclusively (and who don’t do any pool temp fill-ins at nursing home) do not have to be paid time and a half overtime pay? Anyone interested in this, let me know and I’ll dig up the link to a court case. Many states are against doing the decent thing because it would wreck their Medicaid and Medicare budgets. Meanwhile CNAs suffer in silence and burn out and turn over quickly. I’m very interested in new appointments to the Federal Bench and Supremes for this reason, among a few others…

Let’s continue to help put nails in the coffin of Calvinisim derivatives and McChurches with their belief systems that wealth signifies God’s favor and return to social justice interpretations of our religious and our moral humanistic heritages.

6 11 2008
rf11 in FL

Great post, Tree. I am amazed that the intensity and longevity of Todd and Sarah’s personal vendetta didn’t get more coverage. Just reading Todd Palin’s affadavit, I was appalled that he was calling Monegan with tidbits like, “Wooten dropped his kid off at school in a trooper car at 8:01am.”

Geez! Obviously, they were paying a private investigator, but didn’t they have a life? Were they incapable of moving forward as most emotionally well-adjusted adults do?

This woman will never be able to hold it together long enough to get through a Republican primary. But, more importantly, I hope that Alaskans will be able to hold Palin accountable for her unethical and appalling bilking of the taxpayers.

6 11 2008

@katiebegood (12:49:55) :

Here’s a link to the photo on the ADN photo blog of Bristol: (hopefully it works).

6 11 2008

@Miemaw from Texas (13:23:16) :

We don’t have a Secretary of State, we have a Lt. Governor, who by Alaska law is in charge of the Division of Elections. He is the one in charge of elections, not an Assistant Atty. General.

6 11 2008

BTW, in case you didn’t see faunskin’s note, there is a NEW THREAD.

6 11 2008
Let'sGetReal for "ThatOne"

Road Runner (13:19:47) :


Like the repugs, the KKK is spinning our guy’s win. Take a look:

I can’t bring myself to look at the klan!

6 11 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Jamie, Floridian in France (11:37:58) :

Maybe we can both be the bakers at the White House kitchen??? LOL

6 11 2008

I just checked the election results and McCain-Palin didn’t win a single COUNTY in New England, not one. The Republican Party seems to have no future up here.

Palin was not popular in this region and must have cost McCain a lot of votes.

6 11 2008

If Stevens, for whatever reason, is kicked out of the senate. Could not The Sarah appoint herself to serve the unexpired term?

I would love to see that.

6 11 2008

I have to agree the mudflats was really special the past couple of months, tons of great ammo during my daily debates with fellow citizens of the conservative Shenandoah Valley.

I also find it ironic that i couldn’t bring myself to fully call it for Obama when the writing was on the wall. I think my post was something like: “I can’t trust election results when they started a war over oil”. And now, conspiracy theories from Alaska.

7 11 2008
First Step to Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back | How to Get an EX Boyfriend Back

[…] Palin on Stevens. Let the Back-Pedaling Begin! […]

7 11 2008
How to Start Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back | How to Get an Ex Girlfriend Back

[…] Palin on Stevens. Let the Back-Pedaling Begin! […]