He’s Baa-aack! Infiltrating the Welcome Home Ted Stevens Party.

29 10 2008

Ted Stevens is back in Alaska. I decided to crash his welcome home party at the Pen-Air hangar out by the airport.  I had no idea what to expect with this one, but I just had to do it.  I’ve never been to a welcome home party for a convicted felon returning home to run a Senate campaign.  And I probably won’t get the chance again. 

Driving out to the airport, it became increasingly obvious that more and more cars on the road were sporting Ted Stevens bumper stickers, and heading in the same direction.  As I got closer to the hangar, I noticed immediately cars parked everywhere.  Could this really be for Stevens?  People were walking toward the hangar, so it must be.  I had to park some distance away and by the time I got in the hangar, I was freezing.  The place was packed, and brightly lit.  Boxes of Ted Stevens buttons and stacks of bumper stickers greeted us at the door as smiling people welcomed us.  The sound system was blaring Journey, and that made me think of the long strange journey Uncle Ted has been on for the last two years.

I noticed Assemblyman Chris Birch from South Anchorage milling around, and there was former Assemblyman and Anchorage Mayor wannabe Dan Sullivan.  And over there, Senator Lisa Murkowski in the obligatory red suit, smiling and shaking hands.  I estimated the crowd at about 600.  Bigger than I thought it would be.  But I didn’t see Republican Party Chair Randy Reudrich.  Or State Senate President Lyda Green.  Just one assemblyman, one former assemblyman, and our Junior Senator.  The missing persons were obvious, and it demonstrates the interesting fractures developing in the state’s Republican party.

I snapped a picture of the crowd, and a lady grabbed my arm. “You should take a picture of those t-shirts!” she beamed.  “Did you see them??  They’re great!  They say ‘Fuck the Feds! Vote for Ted!'”  This took me by surprise, and I sort of did a choke/gasp combo, and she reassured me, “Oh, they made those marks instead of some of the letters…but you can tell that’s what it means.  Look!  There’s one!”  She pointed.  I snapped. And thus the Republican Party in the State of Alaska has officially hit bedrock.

Our emcee was Rick Rydell, a long-time conservative radio talk show icon.  “I don’t know about you, but I don’t like outsiders telling me what to think!”  Wild cheering with a peppering of testosterone drenched “YEAHH!”.  And if any of ’em tries it, says Rydell, they can “kiss my moose-hunting behind.” I almost didn’t tell you that part, because it’s people like that that make me cringe as an Alaskan.  Then he went on to say that there were people that call his radio show all the time and say, “How can you not think Ted is guilty?” and then he says, “Why do you think he IS guilty?  And then they tell him, ‘I read it on the internet and the Anchorage Daily News.”  Laughter and scorn from the audience.  And finally he reminded the crowd that “the prosecutors don’t know Ted….I know Ted, and I choose to believe him.”  

Yes, apparently to Anchorage’s conservative radio audience, not only the Anchorage Daily News (Alaska’s only large newspaper), but the entire internet is a bogus source of information.  What the talk show guy “chooses to believe” is infinitely more reliable.

Next up,  Lisa Murkowski.  Here was one angry lady.  After being introduced by Rydell as the “other Senator”, she was met with lots of cheering and chants of LEE-SA! LEE-SA!  She flashed the crowd what I can only describe as a you’re-in-deep-trouble “Mom face” and said “NO.  NO.  This is not about me. THIS IS ABOUT ALASKA!”  Then, she went on and on about how Ted has “more to give”, and he had faith in us, and we need to have faith in him, and that it was “not a good day for the country when justice is not duly served.”  Then she proceeded to slam everyone she could think of for turning on Ted, including the Democratic National Committee (boos from the crowd).  She, of course failed to mention that the Republican National Committee, The Republican Senate Minority Leader, The Republican Presidential Candidate, and our own Republican Governor VP Candidate Sarah Palin ALSO asked Ted to step down.  Details, details.  Much more fun to Boo the DNC.  And then the grand finale…we were told to “feel the love in the room” and “wrap our arms around Ted” and give him a “hero’s welcome.” 

Senator Lisa Murkowski

Senator Lisa Murkowski

And then, Lily Stevens, Ted’s daughter spoke.  “We need to send a strong message to my Dad. We need him!”  Chants of WE NEED TED! WE NEED TED! WE NEED TED!   And then, the man of the hour arrived, with his wife Catherine on his arm.

He looked a little tired, but was definitely as cantankerous as ever.  “I am innocent of the charges against me!”  “I will be vindicated!”  “I will NEVER stop fighting for the people of Alaska!”  “My future is in God’s hands.  Alaska’s future is in your hands!”  “I have helped every Alaskan that has ever come to me for help!” Lots of cheers.  “I naively trusted someone I thought was a friend.”  This reference of course was to former Veco CEO Bill Allen who turned on his buddy and served as the prosecution’s star witness.

It was a short gathering.  Only about 1/2 hour.  Well attended by a devoted cadre, who can only be described as being “filled with righteous anger”.  And we learned that there is no way he’s stepping down.  There was absolutely no mention made of Mark Begich, Stevens’ Democratic opponent.  “The feds” are the clear enemy here.  And we know how we feel about THEM.  Just read the t-shirts.

I skated out quickly, and zoomed across town to the open house for Mark Begich.  I’m always glad these things happen at the same time, so I can end my journey in a comfortable venue.  He made a great speech – short but positive, and hopeful.  Young people were everywhere, a great swing band played, there was popcorn.  The room was packed. There was a happy flag cake.  There were no expletives.  Nobody was angry.  It was nice.

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340 responses

29 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

first and out

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

AKM you’re back. Just heading to bed. Wild nite on Mudflats!

29 10 2008

3rd maybe

29 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

and as i go sleepy bye i’m hoping to have dreams as magically adventurous as akm’s blogs.

night all

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas


The RNC vehemently denies rumors that Sarah Palin is a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

29 10 2008

AKM you are so amazing! What a fabulous thing to do! I am so glad you went so that you could give us the AKM view of things!

29 10 2008
Susan, WA

Great reporting, as always! So we’re all on pins and needles, not just
for the national election, but what’s gonna happen in AK! At least
there’s some comfort that if Stevens is re-elected he’ll be facing
ethics charges in the Senate.
Off topic: Huffington has just reported that ABC is recanting its
account of Palin’s interview where she supposedly implied that she’s
planning to run in 2012 (altho we all know she wants to be POTUS)…
ABC has apologized to the McCain camp for bad reportage.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Well I had to put off going to bed to read the whole story. Thanks for the report and detective work, AKM. Hopefully, for Alaska and the Senate, that crowd of 600 is the total number of voters who will punch Ted’s ticket on Tuesday. Go Mark. A little Illinois money went his way. Here’s hoping.

It will be interesting to see if these same folks will come to a Palin return rally. Since she suggested Ted should step down. Oh how interesting it will be for all of us to watch how her return goes!

29 10 2008

AKM you have lots of guts. Sure hope one of the Party Faithful don’t spot you and give you a good going over sometime.

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

I’m # 8! Cerebral!

Sickening how people are so loyal to Ted. Mark’s going to win, right? Mark! Mark! Mark!


29 10 2008

Wasn’t ABC the network that didn’t show Obama’s 30-minute ad?

29 10 2008

How do people live with themselves? Yikes.
Denial denial denial.

29 10 2008

Regarding the Ted Stevens supporters, I think it excites some people to have something to fight against. Fight! Fight the Feds!

29 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Wow! Just finished the morning coffee – it’s 7 am here in France and I have to go back and catch up here!

How was the infomercial? Gotta find it on the web to watch. I did wake up to a funny e-mail from my Republican-Obama-voting younger brother who watched the infomercial. He saw my Decocrat-but-I-don’t-know -what-to-do-can-I-trust-Obama? old Jewish mom afterwards (doubts she watched it) aand asked her about her vote, and when she still couldn’t say he said “Oh, put the schvartze in the white house!”. Mumbled answer, but after all maybe that’s the way to get her!

29 10 2008

oooohhh..Teddy-Boy look’n kinda mean 😦

Mark has a good face…love that smile (I’m a smile person, yah!) 🙂

29 10 2008

I’m so conflicted about Ted Stevens. I didn’t vote for him, but if he could have an honorary vote, he would surely get my ticket. I don’t think it’s something people who live outside Alaska can understand. I’ve worked in public health and research for many years, and everywhere I go I hear stories about how Ted Stevens saved so many programs and somehow found funding for others. I don’t think there’s a place in Alaska that doesn’t have an Uncle Ted story.

But he’s 84 and now a convicted felon. It’s disappointing to see someone you respect immensely turn out to be just as corrupt as the next Alaskan politician. If there was a democratic candidate that I felt completely confident in, I think I could be more enthusiastic about Stevens’s inevitable downfall, but Begich is not exciting to me at all.

29 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

I never could understand how people once they get started down a road to no where, even when they know it’s going no where, can still keep going to the very end. I know a few to many of those people and come to think of it all of them are Repubs and most of them seem to live in AK these days. Sorry, there isn’t a bridge on that road to no where, is that why the keep supporting Ted the Fed hater?

Thanks for the great report, AKM

29 10 2008

Yo, Jamie “waves”

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

NBC Takeaway:

This election better happen before they start waxing poetic on Joe the Cocaine Addict and Joe the Murderer.

29 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Big Al from Las Vegas (22:13:56) :


The RNC vehemently denies rumors that Sarah Palin is a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

You mean a teenage mutant ninja turtle, dontcha?

29 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Jamie, Fla in France:
The link to Obama awesomercial here…

not including live part at end, which local CBS did not show, btw,
switching immediately to Ol’ Christine.
Maybe someone found a Youtube of live portion.

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

hey Jamie, this is for you

Seinfeld star Jason Alexander stumps for Barack Obama

“He said his mother, Ruth Greenspan, was among those who resisted Obama at first, because she had supported Hillary Clinton. He’s persuaded her since to vote for Obama. A few weeks ago, Alexander said, he decided to help reach out to her demographic-elderly, Jewish, South Floridian– after seeing the polls comparing Obama and John McCain.”


29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Jamie, I just had a post for you go to spam

It’s an article from yesterday (I may have posted it yesterday) from the sun-sentinel about how Jason Alexander the actor from Seinfeld is in Florida talking to old Jewish folks.

I hope you find it.

this is the bit that goes after the sun-sentinel.com -> /sfl-george102508,0,4258177.story

29 10 2008

Well, its nice that so many people feel that they should be loyal to Ted. However, when the dust settles and they get over the shock, perhaps they will start to believe the actual evidence against him and have some respect for our judicial process. After all, it is supposed to protect us from criminals who lie, cheat, steal, and kill. But, just like with Palin, people will accept lies right to their faces and stay in denial. Amazing. Some kind of disconnect there.

Thanks AKM for braving the cold to get this story for us. Good night.

29 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@Sparky (22:32:31) :
>>>…love that smile (I’m a smile person, yah!) >>>

Me too…Obama and Biden have wicked smiles 😉

LOL…I am also a voice person….lurrrve a good voice !
I hope Obama releases all of his speeches on CD.

29 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

The Obama program is also on his website. I will restate (at the risk of getting egged or worse, banned from the ‘flats) that I was just whelmed by the program–indeed, I was a tad underwhelmed.

I understand it was to sooth people’s fears that he’s a terrorist and all that crap, but it was juuuuust a bit too polished, slick and light on the emotions for me.

That said, I loved listening to him and Bill Clinton later in the night in Florida. That was amazing.

Thank you, AKM for continuing to infiltrate the other side. I am amazed there were six hundred people waiting for Stevens. I really wonder how many will be there if Palin loses and has to go back to Alaska.


29 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Soothe. Soothe the fears. It really is time for bed.

P.S. Those Republicans are classy, aren’t they? I much rather watch the video of the Alaskan women forming a human O logo.

29 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

I hope this is OK blog etiquette, but I’m transferring a link from the previous post. It shows the Obama message of Hope can cross those articial party barriers.

@caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (17:20:34) :
this is a awesome read “who would Jesus Vote for?
My response:

I followed Cajunboy’s link to the original evangelical Christian’s commentary; it is a thoughtful, honest read.
A Christian who happens to be voting for Obama (yes!), but who clearly states why religion should not affiliate so irrevocably into political parties.

A couple of examples:
“…the GOP exploits our values to demonize or vilify those with opposing viewpoints.”
“…twisted and distilled our values to the point where we are just hot-button sound bites wrapped up in a platform designed to benefit the wealthy and corporate classes.”

I smell a new political party in the works.

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Sarah Palin was the chick who would rat you out for showing up to practice late so you wld be off the court – penalty. I didn’t play competitive basketball but I was a competitive synchonized swimmer, a competitive 1500 metre runner and a competitive volleyball player in the early 2000’s. In short, I was a “star” high school athlete. Seriously, I won awards.

Point being: from being a team player, and being in competition, it is a wonder that Sarah Palin wasn’t kicked off the basketball team for the kind of shit that she does now in politics. Yes, you heard me. It is beyond my comprehension, especially now, now knowing that she’s the dirtbag she is, that she was even allowed to be a member of the basketball team. I have no doubt that she was “Sarah Barricuda” because she was just, so, well, distasteful, but I suppose that she served the purposes of ppl, so she was used or whatever, good. Sarah Palin, like Dick Cheney, would be of greater good to the American public, as chopped up into lures for fishing. Yes, that’s right. Sarah Palin is of better use to America as bait. You can quote me on that.

29 10 2008
Zim in Oz

I went to the hospital today for an annual major op check up. (Melbourne, Australia)
It is usually a real a long bore of queues and xrays etc… it can take anything from 3 to 6 hours and annoys me even tho’ I know it is neccessary.

Today it was a ‘long’ time but far from boring. I sat next to a lady (40ish) from the US, now resident in Oz. After asking if she had voted she told me that her grandmother (I assume in her 80s) was right into it, that ‘Gran’ was in Arizona and knew McCain ‘real’ well….hates him and is voting for Obama…

Everyone I chatted to was hoping for that young man Obama to win.

How nice was that !

29 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Hey Sparky! Still awake?

@Scrimshaw and Aussie Puck Mule –
Both thanks for the two links! I will look at both. I think I found a site -obamasocialnetwork.com – that had the end of the informercial. I’ll go to all links and see which comes in on my computer and so I see the whole thing.

AND I saw that Bill and Barack spoke in Kissimmee in front of 35,000 people. Yeah! But couldn’t find numbers for Joe in Jupiter. Anybody got that?

29 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

ok i am forty something………..

29 10 2008

Back from class…

30 minute infomercial absolutely fabulous!

Bill Clinton? Oh Bill, you so redeemed yourself this eve. I think I can forgive you.

Barack…..no words…..

I’m locked in at Anchorage Obama HQ Sunday and Tuesday all day…calling battleground states it will be good.

Everyone….get out the vote, get out the vote, do not feel confident, work, work, donate, work….

29 10 2008

mhrt oregon”steve” (23:17:21) :

Forty something?

Didn’t you mention me in an earlier post? I am honored!

29 10 2008

Ted is back, stern, righteous, ready to fight!

This battle is his last great stand, his false truths ring loud, his mind is slipping, his pride is ever present.

Bow down with grace Ted, your time is done, the fight is won.

Its time for Mark to lead the way, for its time for Begich’s new day!

We need his guidance in the north , his local rule, his life line of wisdom, his clear new light will lead us now.

For Alaska is clean house of corruption and sin. The “Northern Lights”, will burn bright again.


29 10 2008

Amen, turns!

29 10 2008
Phil Munger

Great photos! But your essay is one of the most powerful documents yet of this strange time for us. Thanks!

29 10 2008

akm: Mark Begich had a very tasty looking cake. I hope you got a piece. I doubt there was anything sweet at all at Uncle Ted’s welcome home party. You are a very brave soul and loved the picture of the back of that woman’s coat. Did you have to take it surrepitiously or did she proudly pose for you?

asiangrl: I don’t think Barack’s ‘informercial’ was for us die-hard political junkies who have probably heard Barack Obama’s message many, many times. I think it was for the undecided or lukewarm casual voter who is just starting to pay attention. It was mainly to humanize Barack Obama and let people see he’s not some ‘scary’ radical terrorist. I think the impression came across pretty clear that he’s a decent, smart guy who has a real connection to real people.

Personally I thought it as great. It didn’t bore me and parts of it were very moving.

I will be very interested to see what the ratings are for it.

29 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

Thanks AKM for once again venturing into the depths to bring us photos. Comparing the photos of Stevens and of Begich is like looking at McCain-Palin supporters compared to Obama-Biden ones. The former seem so angry all the time — angry at the world. Meanwhile the Dems are downright joyful, like those plucky women making the Obama logo and having fun despite the cold. I love seeing all the smiles. I am so ready to dust mine off again after the past 8 years!

29 10 2008

Thanks AKM, this site has been a terrific resource (but it does cut into my r.e.m. time).

Regarding Obama and Rashid Khalidi, why does Sarah Palin think it is so dangerous to have friends who have a different opinion? Is there no room for intellectual discourse? Can we not listen and evaluate information from a variety of sources? Must everyone share the same ideals and values in order to be friends? Sounds a little like fascism….

29 10 2008

AKM: Did you grab Mark Begich and tell him: Don’t. Screw. Up.

ROFL! Actually my spouse leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Go ahead, tell him!” It just didn’t seem like the right time. And then I thought, if any of his people read Mudflats, and he mentioned how I grabbed him by the tie and told him not to screw up, I’d be outed in a big way! AKM

29 10 2008

Jennyb (22:32:48) : I’m so conflicted about Ted Stevens. I didn’t vote for him, but if he could have an honorary vote, he would surely get my ticket. …

But he’s 84 and now a convicted felon. It’s disappointing to see someone you respect immensely turn out to be just as corrupt as the next Alaskan politician. If there was a democratic candidate that I felt completely confident in, I think I could be more enthusiastic about Stevens’s inevitable downfall, but Begich is not exciting to me at all.

Jenny, your reasoning is exactly what keeps so many people in bad marriages. Remember the good times, and that you were in love once. But understand that you’ve grown apart and he needs to follow his own path, to a place where you cannot follow. You’ll never forget him, but you need to go live your life with new people. It won’t feel the same, but change isn’t always pleasant at first (which is why so many people avoid it). Trust that you’ll grow as a person and better things await you. Don’t forget that it was his choice to live a life that now leads him to smaller, more confined spaces and ways of thinking, while you have the whole world at your feet. >wink, wink<

29 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Ted Stevens “My future is in God’s hands. Alaska’s future is in your hands!”
In other words, I’m covered, you’re on your own.

29 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

YES you are…every one …..here s such a nut………but
that is what i love about mudfallts……………..every one is NUTS.about mudlets

29 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (23:00:14) :

I think the problem is that it wasn’t aimed toward your demographic: wild, free-spirited Harley riders.

29 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Your bike is a Harley, right?

30 10 2008

Zim in Oz (22:53:54) Me too…Obama and Biden have wicked smiles

Yes, for sure Zim, both are A++ mega-watty

Joe has a very beautiful smile 😉 of course, Sparky “heart” Joe Biden

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Hey, I just received a very warm automatic e-mail from WFTV thanking me for my comments re: the Barbara West/Joe Biden faux-interview. Evidently, my comment as well as all of the others, both critical and supportive, was very important to WFTV. Well, so what are they gonna do about it?

30 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

So, when La Palin gets sent home in defeat and loses her job too, will Todd hook up with the AIP again and lead the Secessionist movement? He might be the new Arctic Che Guevara…ooops…wrong arm.

30 10 2008

biglake (sack panther hussein) (23:01:25) :
I hope this is OK blog etiquette…Works for me, Biglake, thanks for the post.

Hussein Canuck for Choice (23:06:56)
But how do you REALLY feel about Palin 🙂

30 10 2008

I was at Mark’s rally, too……he came up to the ladies I was talking with, nodding to me (recognizes me, but we aren’t closely acquainted); anyway, there was a suggestion among us something about the debates Uncle Ted has promised to do, and it seems that there is “protection” around him such that any conversations will be next to impossible; another shielded one! dang……

30 10 2008
Anthony Look

You great folks in Alaska are resilient. Some of your GOP leaders like Lying unethincal Sarah and Felon Ted, are unrepentant. Today Sarah announced her intent at forgoing your great state and aiming at bigger fish come 2012.
I think Alaskans have learned plenty about your representatives this year; but, three’s a charm. I await (obviously equally unethical) Senator Lisa Murkowski revelations to come spewing out soon, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

I’ll be interested to see what bubbles up once Frank Murkowski starts getting scrutinized, and what ties in to Lisa. And then there’s Ben Stevens… AKM

30 10 2008

AND I saw that Bill and Barack spoke in Kissimmee in front of 35,000 people. Yeah! But couldn’t find numbers for Joe in Jupiter. Anybody got that?

I’m bumping to the bottom and someone may have told you and I missed it, but I didn’t find numbers for Joe. He was on fire through the state, though, and I believe a Mudpuppy (or an article…busy day) said that Joe’s son Hunter was with him. I believe he had three rallies? And was gunning to get through one and on to another. I’ve read a lot about whistle-stops for candidates in the past. I don’t know how they remember their names let alone the towns they’re in. I’m sure a few verbal flubs, but an energetic time.

30 10 2008

I picture four or five campaign planes taking off and landing all day. We’re in a very important last few days, indeed.

30 10 2008

Hey, mhrt Steve, I forgot to give you a shout-out! Hi 🙂

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin (00:03:55) :
So, when La Palin gets sent home in defeat and loses her job too, will Todd hook up with the AIP again and lead the Secessionist movement? He might be the new Arctic Che Guevara…ooops…wrong arm.

Hey, yeah, and I betcha that SP would love to be Evita!

@Sparky :

I picture four or five campaign planes taking off and landing all day. We’re in a very important last few days, indeed.

My husband would complain about how much that would be adding to global warming! Lucky for SP that global warming doesn’t exist.

30 10 2008

VoteNov4 (23:45:42)
Palin just says anything, any lie, any race-bating piece of filth that will stir up the crazy base. I honestly believe it’s a feeling of power — very controlling –and certainly a chance to use those top-notch manipulative verbal skills of hers.

I wish someone would tell Sarah to shut up and make it stick!

30 10 2008

Jamie, Floridian in France (00:03:18)
Yes, I received my piece of rubbish form letter from “WTF” tv station too…numerous other mudpuppies stated the same. At least they got feedback. I also signed the petition and left a more “creative” bit of feedback on that form of what I felt about (Verrry creative!) the interview etc., and posted the TV station and petition links on HuffPro and received positive feedback from posters there who pushed it to other websites as well as linked to the petition. I know the boob reporter person was on Faux news trying to argue her case among friendlies. Grrrr

30 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“Jamie, Floridian in France (00:03:18) :
Evidently, my comment as well as all of the others, both critical and supportive, was very important to WFTV. Well, so what are they gonna do about it?”

I don’t know what they’ll do, but you might want to post both your email and their reply up wherever you can to start the process of ridiculing them. I’m serious about this. Being laughed at really gets to these people. Victor Borge got himself on the Nazis hit list (in the Mafia sense) because he ridiculed Hitler. Fortunately he escaped, and pursued his efforts in the States with great success. Of course Charlie Chaplin’s the Great Dictator was the all time example of this sort of comedy. I can guarantee you that they can’t stand being ridiculed. That’s what has set Sarah off on the clothes issue.

30 10 2008

Okay, I’m writing Palin Word Salad, so must be time for sleeping…also.
G’night everyone…Jamie, et al, turn out the light when you come to bed.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

The latest from the French media (what we watch): Yesterday’s France Inter journalist reported from the largest Navajo Indian reservation in AZ. Today, the journalist was at the big double fence at the AZ-Mexico border, telling the story of how McCain-in-the-@ss was for helping the Mexicans who wanted to come work in the States, but then decided to support the construction of this double fence at the border once he decided to run.

On the tv news two nights ago was the new Wassup Guys pro-Obama commercial – which they showed the French audience in its entirety with sub-titles.

Gonna see today what they will say about last night’s Obamathon.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Good night Sparky – we are like one of those couples where the wife works the day shift, the husband works the night shift (or vice versa). You are off to bed, I’m just starting my day! We will see each other tonight – my time – same time, same place or whatever…

30 10 2008

We need Ted…

To tell the truth.
To apologize to the citizens of Alaska.
And to quit politics.

By the way, that Senator Lisa Murkowski sure sounds like a piece of work. Who in their right mind would want to issue a “hero’s welcome” to someone who had just been convicted of seven counts of failing to report more than $250,000 in gifts and home renovations? She’s either corrupt herself or perhaps she wants her home remodeled, too.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Yipes – Larry King is on, with McCreepy. Gonna try and watch.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Hundreds of millions of dollars in undocumented donations for Obama? Hundreds of millions?

30 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@Jamie, Floridian in France (01:03:08) :
>>>Yipes – Larry King is on, with McCreepy. Gonna try and watch.>>>

It’s on here too…. I just can’t watch it…just can’t.

30 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ Jamie,
Yes, undocumented — because they were under the $200 threshold for reporting them! So, once again McSlime’s truthiness is on display.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Okay, just another short interjection during LK commercial break. He is apparently cutting up the McCreepy interview in order to fact check – the first one about Khalidi and PLO and their relationship with Obama. One for Obama. Good for you, Larry!

I could tell that over the last couple of months Larry getting more and more pissed off over the repetitive lies and smears by repub guests, so I was hoping that he’d take this time to correct them.

30 10 2008

I can’t watch him or his surrogates anymore either. Its just too painful and I yell at the tv as he lies, lies and lies. So I have to go to bed, its like 4:12 am but here I am still up. Anyhow, its been a good day for our camp. Feeling happy and did a random google search for some reason.

Hope – 636,000,000 Hits
Fear – 233,000,000 Hits
Love – 1,920,000,000 Hits
Hate – 242,000,000 Hits

Hope and love triumph once again. This election has made me super sappy.

30 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

And it’s on at GMT+3. I’m going to see how long I last by turning the sound down and just glancing up occassionally to see when something else comes on. Just opposite of my normal TV viewing habits – leave when the commercials start.

30 10 2008

Has anyone seen this article of the Wasilla pitbull and her crew helping to take away more reproductive rights? I hope Bush doesn’t help the bitch.

30 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin (00:03:55) :

So, when La Palin gets sent home in defeat and loses her job too, will Todd hook up with the AIP again and lead the Secessionist movement? He might be the new Arctic Che Guevara…
Actually, that thought has been scaring the crap out of me for weeks.
If you look at the record of one of her evangelical mentors, Montt, who was responsible for the murder of 200,000 Mayan Indians,..yet, and then, take a good look at what she has been NOT doing for natives in Alaska, Her “pro-Christian/screw everybody else” attitude, and her absolute cajones in using/abusing/standing on whomever she needs to use to get what she wants,…it’s a real threat.
Considering one famous evangelical, Rioss Montt: the plan is to rid the country of anyone who is not of the evangelical Christian persuasion,- and native americans who often straddle a fence between a Christianity that was mainly forced upon their grandparents, and traditional beliefs that were kept under the radar for centuries – do not fit in to Palin’s plans for “Palinland”.

“It all seems so pointless now, and would be if the toll of innocent civilian lives was not so high. Ríos Montt was not the only brutal despot to rule in Guatemala and half of the estimated 200,000 dead were murdered before and after his brief reign, but he was the worst, the most ruthless and unforgiving, despite his “born-again” Christian beliefs. Never trust a dictator, especially one that reads the Good Book.

There are also a lot of nukes in Alaska, and I hate the thought that there are so many members of the same “Doomsday” church who could have access to what SP, with her charismatic ability, the church’s refusal to accept that they could be wrong, and evidenced by the almost demonic behavior filmed and produced by the church as ‘promotional’ videos,…it gives me the willies.

The sooner the FBI and reporters flip over enough rocks to get her indicted (and I’m sure there’s enough there, somewhere, in that house built by ‘buddies’) , and plonked in a jail cell somewhere, like Uncle Ted,..the better.

Funny part is, the AIP doesn’t stand for and isn’t interested in half of what she’s pushing for. She used them like she uses everyone else.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Krystal (01:16:11) :
I can’t watch him or his surrogates anymore either. Its just too painful and I yell at the tv as he lies, lies and lies.

Oh yes me too. Liar liar liar.

Ooh John King is showing the new electoral map and turned CO blue Now they have it 287 – 163. And Florida is now 51%-47% Yeah! VA 53%-44% Yeah!

30 10 2008

Hey, asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN @23:00:14,

No banning fear here I trust, and I pretty much agree I was “whelmed”. It didn’t kick me in the pants, but then, as others have mentioned, it wasn’t designed for us already believers.

However, the idea and the decision to end with a live feed of a rally was absolutely brilliant.

The underlying message was that Obama is the one who understands and can use the modern technologies to respond to what people are worried about right now, today. I even noticed how much of the informercial was commenting on very recent events, meaning it wasn’t something that was completely in the can weeks ago. It showed a great balance of advance planning combined with flexibility.

Heck, I’ve just convinced myself that it was better than I suggested at the beginning of this post!

As for Ted, ay yai yai, “unblieveable” was the word going through my head as I read AKM’s article. Yet, s/he was there, it was real. It’s almost enough to make you want to become a psychologist, the trying to rationalize what seems to be unrationalizable (did I just invent a word?).

Putting on my tin foil hat, is there any possibility that Stevens will attempt to harm Palin’s carreer in the future for not supporting him on this? Is it possible he knows things about her that she would rather not have come public (altough seriously, how much more can there be that hasn’t been either uncovered or rumored)?

30 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

*Jamie* – Larry King may be getting pissed at the repubs, but I still think he’s smitten by the ‘Cuda. Ever notice how she gets prominant visuals? She’s often nicely focused in front, McCain all blurry in back; and yesterday her rally (thankfully sound was off) took up 2/3 of the screen while the panel responding to it got a sliver off to the side. He does know how to go with the entertainment factor.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@biglake –

You are right. I turned yesterday’s off after he kept returning to her rally. Couldn’t take her screeching voice and all those lies!

And Larry isn’t listening to me as I sit here and scream suggestions – he missed THE PERFECT opportunity to ask about SP’s spreading the wealth around by raising taxes on Oil and handing out checks all around as Gov.

Oh good, Larry just announced the “remaining moments” with McCreepy. And now come the lies lies lies – SP’s pipeline, reform and helping special needs kids.

30 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

OMgosh, here’s McCain on LK with the SourGrapes Express.
Geez, doesn’t he get it? Obama got donations because neither he, nor his running mate, are LIKEABLE.

I must say, Obama made me cry tonight with the infomercial. Definitely, the man was born to be a leader.

30 10 2008

Responsibility…regarding Palin:
I read on some blogs that to top it all off, the elder children are delinquents’. The first vandalized buses in the valley. Break lines were cut on school busses. This could have been very serious. The choice was jail or the army. The second born, got pregnant at 16 years old. Moreover, a 44 year old woman with a CHOICE has given to us a child who is now “our child for life”. This child will need all of the special services that our government has to offer. In other words, share the responsibility for another persons’ irresponsibility. The only problem I have is the holly rollers attitude: “my turds don’t stink” attitude. Had this not been the case, compassion would rule. Mostly, a neglectful mother guilty of inaction and SELF LOVE above all, is a crying shame! These are not the qualities I look for in a leader.

30 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

I, who never watched Larry King when I lived in the States (couldn’t afford cable), find myself often turning him on….the only TV/radio news option besides BBC Network Africa.
I’d still much rather be able to get my old standbys like Diane Rehm and Amy Goodman. Ah well, there’s the occassional podcast.
Thank god for Mudflats!

30 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Jamie, Floridian in France:
BTW, that “double border fence’ ran right through the reserve and destroyed the farms of several native families who have lived there for over 100 years. No compensation was offered, I believe.
Oddly enough, a large number of those Mexicans being kept out are actually of native american ancestry. There’s a lot about that history that the American people have never been allowed to know.
People have to remember that those border lines were not there when white men arrived, and in many cases, still do not exist for natives on the northern border, under the Jay Treaty. So, that double wide fence is cutting families in half, even though the inhabitants were there long before the “aliens” who arrived with Columbus.

30 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Where is SP’s medical report?

Gee, doesn’t want to show it because,…?
She’s not running in 2012,..she’ll still have to cough up that med report.
I’m betting she’s going to try and run Alaska like her new republic under Queen Sarah.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@biglake (sack panther hussein) (01:47:22) :
I, who never watched Larry King when I lived in the States (couldn’t afford cable), find myself often turning him on….the only TV/radio news option besides BBC Network Africa.

Same here, tho I now get BBC World and Skynews. During the 2004 election, I completely stopped watching CNN because of their increasingly blantant pro-Bush, anti-Kerry slant. I finished the election with Skynews and their very balanced, unbiased, non-infotainment news coverage.

30 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

knikgoose –
“There’s a lot about that history that the American people have never been allowed to know.”

Absolutely. And for a start, we should insist that school rooms use texts like Howard Zinn’s ‘A People’s History of the United States’. That might at least get a dialogue going about other facets of our past. (like the “illegal immigrant” deportation program in the 30s, supposedly to open up jobs during the Depression; most rounded up and sent to Mexico were Legal immigrants or US citizens)
If we don’t understand our past, how can we choose the best path for our future? oh oh – more of that dangerous elitism. don’t think, just react.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Great Scoop, AKM.

Seems you might need to invest in an industrial size Pooper Scooper.

Whatever Ted Stevens himself might believe, it seems to these jaded and far away eyes that a branch of Alaskan Republicans are using Stevens to keep the Senate seat Republican. Whether from age, prison, or shame, it is unlikely that a re-elected Senator Stevens will get to finish his six year term. And whatever legal process Alaska employs will be operationalized to seek a replacement early in the new term.

30 10 2008
Zim in Oz

…just thinking …

The Christian right (I am Christian) are pro McCain?Palin

yet… McCain never talks about his faith, he is an adulterer, tells lies etc I bet I could go through many of the 10 commandments that he has broken.

Obama is a Christian, discusses his faith, is committed to his wife etc etc

I understand it probably has something to do with abortion but is that it ?

They would rather back a bad Christian/anti abortion than a good Christian/pro choice ?

I don’t get it…

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Flipping channels, I paused on Morning Joe long enough to see them checking various front pages of today’s newspapers. Former Repub Representative from FL, Joe Scarborough was waxing over how every 4 years up comes the temporary employment over vote theft and he said “Get over it. States get stolen.”

Sorry, but for me that pretty much says Repubs have employed vote theft strategies so often that it is a norm. And are trying to do just that again. I mean, what other hope do they have this cycle? The tide is rising to sweep them out.

30 10 2008

I read on some blogs that to top it all off, the elder children are delinquents’. The first vandalized buses in the valley. Break lines were cut on school busses. This could have been very serious. The choice was jail or the army. The second born, got pregnant at 16 years old. Moreover, a 44 year old woman with a CHOICE has given to us a child who is now “our child for life”. This child will need all of the special services that our government has to offer. In other words, share the responsibility for another persons’ irresponsibility. The only problem I have is the holly rollers attitude: “my turds don’t stink” attitude. Had this not been the case, compassion would rule. Mostly, a neglectful mother guilty of inaction and SELF LOVE above all, is a crying shame! These are not the qualities I look for in a leader.

30 10 2008

I hope Alaskans kick Stevens out. Also, wasn’t Palin going to release her medical report earlier this week?

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Zim in Oz :

They would rather back a bad Christian/anti abortion than a good Christian/pro choice ?

I think that is it, plus that group within the group of people who are against abortion but love war and guns. Crazy, huh?

But someone put up the link to an Obama endorsement by evangelical Christians that is worth finding and reading.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Zim in Oz (02:27:38) :

Don’t know. Seems the abortion issue gets a higher priority for certain Christians.

Feed the poor, what you do to the least of these you do to me, etc… All get ignored.

My cynicism (sp) leads me down a path that saysobjecting to Abortion does not cost the objector in any tangible way. It is not an action that the objector must take. Anti-abortion means denying someone else the legal right to act. Whereas feeding the poor and helping the least in our society WILL cost.

30 10 2008

Steven’s ballot should be shredded right in front of him. Take that you FELON!!!!!!!!


30 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

biglake (sack panther hussein) (01:47:22) :
Jamie, Floridian in France (02:03:12)

If you have sufficient bandwidth you can get the MSNBC shows about an hour after their regular broadcast time at msnbc.com. You can get the Daily Show on the next day at [http://www.thedailyshow.com/] and Cobert report at [http://www.colbertnation.com/home]. If you have realaudio [free player at http://www.real.com/%5D, you can access npr and if you like sardonic commentary Harry Shearer’s le show [http://www.harryshearer.com/
news/le_show/]. The bandwidth requirements for audio are much lower you can even access it on dial-up. All of these things make a big difference in living in Japan.

30 10 2008
NY Dem

Bit off topic here, but I was wondering what happens to the Senate seats of Obama (IL) and Biden (DE) after they are elected to the White House ?

Did some research, and found out that the Respective Governors of each state will appoint a successor to the Senate seat, until a special election can be held.

Both Governors are Democrats, although Ms. Minner of Delaware is not running because of term limits (something drastically needed in the House and Senate too !).

A Dem is predicted to win the Delaware seat anyway.

So, it looks like an Obabma win will hopefully not affect the goal of 60 Dems in the Senate.

Anyone here from Delaware or Illinois that knows who is in line to run in a special election for those vacant Senate seats ?

Thanks !

30 10 2008
NY Dem

A Dem is predicted to win the Delaware seat anyway.

Edit: that should read: A Dem is predicted to win the Delaware Governorship anyway.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Jamie, Floridian in France (01:31:08) :

@biglake –

You are right. I turned yesterday’s off after he kept returning to her rally. Couldn’t take her screeching voice and all those lies!

When Palin raises her voice, my ears bleed.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

NY Dem, Jesse Jackson Jr has hopes of taking Obama’s seat.

30 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

**Zim in Oz, are you looking for a rational, Christian answer?

Check out this website:


30 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“Zim in Oz (02:27:38) :
…just thinking …
The Christian right (I am Christian) are pro McCain?Palin”

Zim religion in the real sense has nothing to do with their beliefs. Their churches are meeting places where they bond and reinforce a sense of community and identity that has its roots in American “nativism”, which is largely xenophobic, authoritarian and often bound up with the idea that theocracy should supplant democracy. A key feature of all of this is a desire to exercise control through submission to a charismatic or at least domineering leader. So control over women’s bodies is central to their ethos, as is the idea of a domineering, stern, judgmental God, who punishes those who displease him with death and eternal suffering and who makes his will known through the church leader. The internal logic works, if you buy their basic premise that they are the only ones who truly understand the Bible. That’s why they are so determined to suppress those who reject it.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

CNN just ran a video clip from Steven’s welcome home at the airport. Looks like the lower 48 is going to keep an eye on what goes on with Stevens at home.

30 10 2008
30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Wonder…. were the Fight the Feds bunch members of AIP?

30 10 2008
Zim in Oz

…about the abortion thing….

I am a woman, a female animal/human. As such I am, as all women are against abortion…BUT we have to acknowledge that sometimes there are circustances that even an animal is forced to abort it’s offspring. I have never been in that situation Thank God and I would hate to make that decision but it happens, as it does in all animals in dire circumstances. It has to be a person’s choice. Surely the right way to deal with this would be to have a little more compassion and a little less of the unsympathetic objection.
My heart really goes out to those that have had to make that choice and I will never judge them …I comfort them.

Is that not the right thing to do ?

Oh and BTW…..when men start getting pregnant they can comment. (Harsh I know…just my thoughts)

30 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (01:53:24) and
biglake (sack panther hussein) (02:19:02) :
Absolutely. And for a start, we should insist that school rooms use texts like Howard Zinn’s ‘A People’s History of the United States’. That might at least get a dialogue going about other facets of our past. (like the “illegal immigrant” deportation program in the 30s, supposedly to open up jobs during the Depression; most rounded up and sent to Mexico were Legal immigrants or US citizens)

Thanks for mentioning the history book, and for your input on this important subject. Our family actually has no proper box to check on the U.S. census form, since we are of Hispanic heritage – a family that settled in what is now northern NM over 400 years ago, but we are not ‘immigrants’. NM land has been New Spain, Mexico, Republic of Texas, U.S. – the border has crossed these lands many times, and the people never crossed a border. Yet because our heritage includes a language other than English, most Americans are led to believe, erroneously, that anyone speaking Spanish is an immigrant, irregardless of the fact that they were there first.
The true history of California and its first Spanish-speaking leaders is also unknown by most U.S. citizens.

30 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Driving to work this morning, I wondered what SP will have to say about God’s will when the Repubs. lose on Tuesday. Since she intimates that she puts everything in God’s hands, how will she interpret the loss? Will she blame it on God?

30 10 2008

Poodle has lost weight……..saying crazy shit……..just like a crackhead………medical records please !!!!……..where is the Dr. that delivered Trig ?? Seriously……..AKM….with your impeccable resources – where is the Dr. ???

30 10 2008
Rope Hoover Recoil Zoo Palin aka Misfit

My husband swears that terrorists must be putting something in our water: it is making people STUPID/CRAZY….of course I laugh at this absurdity…….then again……..

Perhaps his theory isn’t too far off.

Sarah and Ted and all those faithful followers are good examples of this theory in action. The criminal behavior, the lies, the proof, the convictions; yet they ALL remain in denial. And so, they continue to stroll happily along that bridge to nowhere…following their corrupt leaders to the end.

Really makes one wonder if it could be more fact than theory.

30 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (01:53:24) :

Jamie, Floridian in France:
BTW, that “double border fence’ ran right through the reserve and destroyed the farms of several native families who have lived there for over 100 years. No compensation was offered, I believe.
Oddly enough, a large number of those Mexicans being kept out are actually of native american ancestry. There’s a lot about that history that the American people have never been allowed to know.
People have to remember that those border lines were not there when white men arrived, and in many cases, still do not exist for natives on the northern border, under the Jay Treaty. So, that double wide fence is cutting families in half, even though the inhabitants were there long before the “aliens” who arrived with Columbus.

That border fence was constructed because Michael Chertoff, Secretary of DHS, is allowed to ignore any law that he feels might get in the way of accomplishing what he see as his mission of “protecting” us from “terrorists.”

I pray that President Obama will quickly address the despicable agency that DHS has become, will appoint someone with some common sense and knowledge of the Constitution to head this agency.

30 10 2008
Zim in Oz

Thanks to everyone that explained the Christian/abortion thing.

Can I go to another off topic thread ?


I have just watched Obama’s ‘infomercial’ on line. It was lovely.
He has a very soothing, reassuring voice. Like a caring doctor.

Earlier we were discussing not being able to list to Larry King tonight because of McCain.

If Mccain had had a half hour ‘infomercial’ would anyone have listened ?
I could not have.

30 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Bill Ayers was a big girl’s blouse compared to McCain’s terrorist buddy

McCain’s campaign and advisers find themselves allied with and/or supporting militants who have committed acts that any reasonable observer would define as terrorism. On July 20, while campaigning for McCain in Miami and just prior to speaking at a McCain event, Sen. Joe Lieberman met with the wife of convicted serial bomber Eduardo Arocena and promised to pursue a presidential pardon on his behalf. Arocena is the founder of the notorious Cuban exile militant group Omega 7, renowned for a string of bombings from 1975 to 1983. Arocena was convicted of the 1980 murder of a Cuban diplomat in Manhattan. In 1983, Arocena was arrested and charged with 42 counts pertaining to conspiracy, explosives, firearms, and destruction of foreign government property within the United States. He is currently serving a life sentence in federal prison in Indiana. His targets included:
 Madison Square Garden (he blew up an adjacent store);
 JFK airport (Arocena’s group planted a suitcase bomb intended for a TWA flight to Los Angeles—in protest of the airline’s flights to Cuba. The plane would have exploded if not for the fact that the bomb went off on the tarmac prior to being loaded);
 Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center (causing damage to three levels of the theater and halting the performance of a music group from Cuba);
 the ticket office of the Soviet airline Aeroflot;
 and a church.
He also attempted to assassinate the Cuban ambassador to the United Nations.


why has this not come to light???

30 10 2008

The word is- Palin is still running Alaska!


30 10 2008
AK Sandhills aka Mullet Troll Palin

Great piece as usual AKM. This may sound crazy but I do want to get one of those Fed/Ted t-shirts – just as a keepsake – I would never actually wear it in public. In this bizarre election year for Alaska I think it just about sums up everything and I hope marks the end of an era & the start of some interesting dilemnas for Gov Palin.

Begich & Berkowitz in 08!

30 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Susie in Jersey :
And one of my pet peeves of the Bush Administration.

I don’t understand why no one in the media or the Obama camp (maybe I missed it) has responded, while Palin has to keep pumping her ‘maybe’ pipeline deal with “We must reduce our dependence on foreign oil” – to the fact that we must reduce our dependence on oil,…period.
It’s not a renewable resource. The human race survived for at least 6000 years (yes, I’m being sarcastic) without gas, oil, and even coal. The pipeline is a waste of money and time, and we’d be better off developing NOW, renewable energy infrastructures, and the electric and/or hydrogen vehicles to go with them.
The technology is already there. What’s the hold-up?
I lived in England in the 1970’s, when the milk trucks were all electric- so it’s not new stuff.
(But then, if oil has limited value, what would people war over? Wind? Sun? )

30 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (03:58:56) :

Bill Ayers was a big girl’s blouse compared to McCain’s terrorist buddy

That definitely should be sent to KO

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (03:58:56) :

re : Arocena – you are absolutely right, why has this never come to light? But it goes with the Dem ideology – or I should say the Obama Campaign ideology – of not talking about Liddy or AIP or US Council for World Freedom or now Pinochet – and talking about the issues instead. But some Dem SHOULD give this stuff to the MSM and push it until it is brought out. Nice is good, but too nice while the other guy is punching below the belt is nuts!

I stuck through the McSleezy and Marry “I started to get tough but wussed out” King and then they showed a comment someone had sent to Larry’s blog saying “You say that CNN decided not to air one candidate’s infomercial opting instead to continue our coverage of the election, yet the McCain Campaign didn’t have to pay for tv time for an infomercial as Larry King gave it to him for free”. Go blogger!

30 10 2008
Rope Hoover Recoil Zoo Palin aka Misfit

Zim in Oz, I agree 100% !!!! You said it so well, it bears repeating. ===========================================
Zim in Oz (03:06:22) :

…about the abortion thing….

I am a woman, a female animal/human. As such I am, as all women are against abortion…BUT we have to acknowledge that sometimes there are circustances that even an animal is forced to abort it’s offspring. I have never been in that situation Thank God and I would hate to make that decision but it happens, as it does in all animals in dire circumstances. It has to be a person’s choice. Surely the right way to deal with this would be to have a little more compassion and a little less of the unsympathetic objection.
My heart really goes out to those that have had to make that choice and I will never judge them …I comfort them.

Is that not the right thing to do ?


As to your question @ (03:43:32) :
“If Mccain had had a half hour ‘infomercial’ would anyone have listened ?
I could not have.”

I could NOT have listened to 5 minutes of McCain or Palin! Both grate on my nerves; what they say, how they say it, the tone they use and those horrible, irritating voices…………….My head hurts just thinking about them

30 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (04:06:35) :

If you or anyone has an email address, feel free.

I believe something like this will make KO spit bullets. 😉

30 10 2008
30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Palin’s “Anchorage office director and hometown friend, Kris Perry, has been with Palin for almost a month to help facilitate communication between the governor and her staff back home.

Perry travels at the expense of Alaska residents — probably at a cost of more than $1,000 every day.” http://www.newsweek.com/id/166238

How do Alaskans feel about that? What else might Alaskans be paying for during Scarah’s campaign fun?

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Oops! You know I meant Larry not Marry. And don’t forget Cindy’s business dealings with Charles Keating that continued for 11 years after the scandal erupted – and wasn’t he convicted?

I too watched the infomercial this morning, trying to see it through my undecided mom’s eyes. He is brilliant and so smooth. Then I saw him on last night’s Jon Stewart and he really is one funny dude!

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Article in today’s ADN:


Alaska pays for Palin to govern state from afar

Good Grief

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

More from ADN

Perry continues to draw her regular salary of $105,060 annually, and the state will pick up the tab for her travel and expenses, Perez said. She said some items, such as rides on the McCain-Palin campaign bus, will be difficult to estimate for reimbursement purposes. Perry also may use the state credit card for travel, said Perez.

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Re the Obama 30 minute ad:

My husband has always voted Repug however I have been harping and harping about where McCain (and BIMBO) will lead this country. We watched the ad last night, I was seeing it through his eyes and very impressed – then my husband told me, he was very impressed and I’m pretty sure he’ll vote Obama – so two votes at least in the redneck area of PA!!

30 10 2008

Slightly off topic but – for Jamie, Floridian in France, the Palm Beach Post reported approximately 2,500 people at the Sen. Biden rally in Jupiter. You are missing quite the parade of candidates and surrogates in Florida this year, it is fun still being up for grabs (although would gladly give that up for Florida being solidly blue). Caroline Kennedy is visiting my neck of the woods (Port St. Lucie) today and a couple of weeks ago we had President Clinton in Fort Pierce. My wife, a Cocoa Beach native, is having trouble convincing her mom to vote for Sen Obama because she is a strict pocketbook voter and she is convinced that Democrats will raise taxes.

Back on topic – for me it is easy to understand why Alaskans would still support Sen. Stevens. A lot of people feel that most politicians accept “gifts” along the way and Sen. Stevens is legendary for his ability to direct federal dollars to Alaska – therefore, it is in Alaskans’ self interest to continue that relationship. If Mayor Begich is elected he will be at the bottom of the Senate food chain – and in the short term Alaska will suffer. All that being said, I still have my lantern in hand and pancho by my side hoping for good to ultimately prevail. And as always, thanks AKM for the fascinating reporting from Alaska.

P.S. Where would Brian and Brenda wander off to?

30 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Good Morning Mudpuppies!

Wow I just love how Ted is blaming the FEDS and anyone else he can think of. Kind of sounds like he may head up the AIP by some of his quotes.

I can’t decide if the politicians that showed up to support him are smart or stupid. They may get the support of the Ted people of Alaska but in the case of Lisa she has to go back to Washington and deal with the people who have renounced him. I am betting they won’t want to get near her with a ten foot pole.

My new rule I will never vote for any politician that is under investigation for anything! IF and that is a big if they are cleared of charges then maybe I would consider it in another election cycle. I try to keep an open mind but as we have all seen lately were there is smoke there is usually a smoldering fire somewhere.

Crazy days for the Repugs.

30 10 2008

Since she first went on the campaign trail, Sarah Palin has been called many things, but I think Judith Warner might have come up with a new one in her op-ed in Sunday’s Times…

She essentially calls Palin a schlemile. (Sort of. Warner quotes the great Bella Abzug saying, “Our struggle today is not to have a female Einstein get appointed as an assistant professor. It is for a woman schlemile to get as quickly promoted as a male schlemile.” And then she applies that to Palin.)

It’s a mostly fair characterization.

In fact, it’s worth one’s time to look at the classic definition of a schlemile, going by Leo Rosten in The Joys of Yiddish) which goes something like this:

1) A foolish person; a simpleton. “He has the brains of a shlemile.” [MPG: Rosten very rarely uses the “c” in his “sch” Yiddish words.]

2) A consistently unlucky or unfortunate person; a “fall guy”; a hard-luck type; a born loser; a submissive and uncomplaining victim. “That poor shlemile always gets the short end of the stick.” A Yiddish proverb goes: “A shlemile falls on his back and breaks his nose.”

3) A clumsy, butterfingered, all-thumbs, gauche type. “Why does a shlemile like that ever try to fix anything?”

4) A social misfit, congenitally maladjusted. “Don’t invite that shlemile to the party.”

5) A pipsqueak, a Caspar Milquetoast. “He throws as much weight as a shlemile.” “No one pays attention to that shlemile.”

6) A naive, trusting, gullible customer. The usage is common among furniture dealers, especially those who sell the gaudy, gimcrack stuff called “borax.”

7) Anyone who makes a foolish bargain, or wagers a foolish bet. This usage is wide in Europe; it probably comes from Chamisso’s tale Peter Schlemihl’s Wunderbare Geschichte, a fable in which the protagonist sold his shadow and, like Faust, sold his soul to Satan.

Obviously, not all of these things fit precisely with Sarah Palin. I would be hard pressed to think that someone who has come so far on so little is in any way “unlucky” or “unfortunate.” Quite the opposite.

Nor is Palin a social misfit — if anything, her social status is her greatest strength. (Her only strength, when you get right down to it.)

But she certainly fits in with the first definition. (You really couldn’t ask for better words than “Foolish” and “Simpleton” to describe her.)

The third definition I could go either way on. Who knows if Sarah Palin is handy around the house (I’m sure she is) but she definitely strikes me as more than a little gauche.

And I think definitions five, six and seven are all very fair. (Certainly if you watch Tina Fey’s portrayal.)

30 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“VoiceofReason (04:22:37) :
All that being said, I still have my lantern in hand and pancho by my side hoping for good to ultimately prevail.”

“Diogenes Quixote”?
It would make an interesting variation on the Palin baby names.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I just saw that stuff about Perry, too – getting her salary and Alaskans paying $1,000 bucks a day for her to be a go-between! They have got to be kidding. And what kinds of decisions is Ms. Gov. making out there on the trail?

@VoiceofReason (04:22:37) :

Thanks for the Biden info. I know, I am pulling out my hair knowing I am not there to live this! Plus, my good friend in Cocoa Beach volunteers in the Rep Tony Spasso office and gets tickets for reserved places for all these rallies. Man! Obama WILL be elected and then I say “Honey, we are moving to the US now!”

I am thrilled that Caroline Kennedy is speaking in Fla. I was wondering what she was doing to help the cause. I hope that she of all people can change some votes and convince the undecideds.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@bPoint (04:38:39) :

And don’t forget McCain’s Schlimazl to Palin’s Schlimil – “The Schlimil is always spilling his soup – the Schlimazl is always getting the Schlimil’s hot soup spilled in his lap”

30 10 2008

I’ve often marveled at the American political devotee. “Sure, my candidate is a swarmy, money-grabbing scumbag that sexually abuses young boys but he’s our party’s candidate so I have to vote for him.” (This is not a reference to Ted Stevens.) Christians believe the God gave humans free will. I would think that God expected humans to think once in a while.

30 10 2008

So, Ted Stevens is the victim of an out-of-control over-zealous prosecutor, the verdict a fraud perpetrated by the “feds”. Let’s be reminded that Stevens was represented by Brendan Sullivan, one of the most famous, expensive and able criminal defense lawyers in America. AND Sullivan’s team of a half dozen partners and associates. Yet, Ted was found guilty by a unanimous jury of 12 citizens. What strikes me is that Stevens’ supporters yelling “F&%@ the feds” are the same people who would be the first to put some inner-city kid away for life when found guilty of a trumped up-drug charge and represented by an inexperienced and over-worked public defender.

30 10 2008

Good morning all,
This is off topic, but back to the ‘cajun boy’ story.

Brand new link:http://cajunboyinthecity.blogspot.com/2008/10/is-major-us-news-publication-sitting-on.html

OK: Don’t know if any of you saw the plug for ABC’s 20/20 tomorrow night, but Elizabeth Vargas to Gwen Ifill on GMA — “She’s tougher in person. And the kids have been smeared as well.” (cut to: “Watch 20/20 tomorrow night 10/9 central). God help us if SP has done an end run on the ADN story that is not coming out….

I’ve got the day off & I’m going to make some calls!

30 10 2008

check out ‘Cajun Boy in the city’ blog is this the real October surprise? Taking it very close to the end of October if yes!

30 10 2008
Rapture Spenard Palin

morning. I”m off-topic, but does anybody else feel totally slimed by Exxon-Mobil’s third quarter earnings statement today? They posted the largest profit of ANY AMERICAN CORPORATION EVER. During a quarter when the GDP shrunk by .3%
That’s nuts. We don’t need energy independence from foreign oil as much as we need energy independence from our OWN oil companies. Dare I use the word, “un-American”? I’ll settle for slimeballs. grrrr.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Who else is writing to ADN about Sarah’s October Surprise? I already have an e-mail ready to go.

30 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

Rapture Spenard Palin (05:11:02) :
morning. I”m off-topic, but does anybody else feel totally slimed by Exxon-Mobil’s third quarter earnings statement today? They posted the largest profit of ANY AMERICAN CORPORATION EVER. During a quarter when the GDP shrunk by .3%
I noticed this too – my next thought was whether that is the source of cash for the Alaskan ‘checks to every citizen’ plan?

30 10 2008

Scotsgirl & Jamie:

I’ve dashed off an email with my name, phone number etc. to the Sr. VP & editor, the managing editor and asst managing editor. If you need those contacts, hang on a sec & I’ll get the link….

30 10 2008

Here’s a link to the ADN newsroom contacts:

30 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

eajphd Molten Contra Palin (04:41:58) : Diogenes Quixote Palin aka the Palin child who keeps getting burned while tilting at windmills

30 10 2008
Lets Do It

“F*#@K The Feds…”??? Excuuuuuuussss Me????
Please, oh please tell me you sent this picture to Keith O and Rachel M.
My mama taught me, “If you don’t want to see it up on a billboard, don’t do it, don’t say it!” What is wrong with these people?

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I just wrote what I hope is a very convincing letter to ADN asking them to release whatever information they have about Palin (courage, responsibility, concerned voter, the right to make an informed decision, Palin hiding her past and whitewashing her record, we count on our media to..blah blah blah).

Anybody else?

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I sent the e-mail to newsroom@adn.com + managing editor + ass. man. ed.

30 10 2008

Good morning all — Just popping in into later, after i get some work done.

First of all my roots to AK/mudflats are genuine — I cry every time I watch the human Obama logo video. Thank you Alaska — your efforts mean so much to us.

Ted Stevens epitomizes the repub junk we need to throw out. These worshipers are that way because they are too afraid to consider anything different. their group is always small since they can’t except anyone who might have an independent thought. So to prove they are right they pass blame.

We spent yesterday driving, standing in line and attending two events that will impact the rest of my life. In the morning we attended a rousing Joe Biden rally in Jupiter, Fl. Press says 2500 there. Then we stood in line for three hours in Sunrise and barely got in to witness the magic of Barack Obama. More than 20,000 got in and another few thousand were shut out by the fire marshals. Would have been even more people in line, but they stopped cars coming in about 90 minutes before the event got started. We were the live portion of his TV special. Truly remarkable.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

And it felt responsible and really goooood!

30 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

The worst thing about being in a ‘solid repub’ state is that my candidates never come to campaign here. 😦
But we did have a great time during the primaries here in SC. Mr. Obama did many rallies throughout the state. I couldn’t attend the rally nearest us, but I let my teenage son attend instead of going to school that morning. I want him to remember being there at the beginning! 🙂

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

This is really lame and off subject, but how do I put those little smily faces in my messages?

30 10 2008
Thinking Woman

A faithful reader, but this is my first post.

What strikes me about the Stevens homecoming is the vitriol targeted at “the Feds.”

Is this a natural Alaskan trait? My husband and I are both Federal employees in Washington, D.C. We had a fantastic trip to Alaska in 1993, but the very first thing we intuitively figured out was: under no circumstances let any Alaskan know what you do for a living. So I told people that I was a high school teacher; my husband said he owned a shop that sold athletic gear.

The grizzly guys in flannel shirts made us feel alien enough that I shudder to think what would have happened if they knew we were actually “Feds!”

Thank you for this sanity-saving forum!

It’s a complicated question. The vast majority of Alaskans would have no trouble at all with what you do for a living (we have “feds” here too!). There is a certain breed of Alaskans that hold some major resentments about past “interference” from the Federal Government in terms of locking up land, and “telling us what to do.” That was during the Carter administration and the Alaska Land Claims Settlement Act. In this particular instance, I think the hostility was directed to the FBI in particular. The more I write, the more I think this needs a whole post…. AKM

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Alaska Statutes – Executive Branch Ethics Act provides in part:

Sec. 39.52.110. Scope of code.
(a) The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.

Sec. 39.52.120. Misuse of official position.
(a) A public officer may not use, or attempt to use, an official position for personal gain, and may not intentionally secure or grant unwarranted benefits or treatment for any person.

(3) use state time, property, equipment, or other facilities to benefit personal or financial interests;

(4) take or withhold official action in order to affect a matter in which the public officer has a personal or financial interest;

(6) use or authorize the use of state funds, facilities, equipment, services, or another government asset or resource for partisan political purposes; this paragraph does not prohibit use of the governor’s residence for meetings to discuss political strategy and does not prohibit use of state aircraft or the communications equipment in the governor’s residence so long as there is no charge to the state for the use; in this paragraph, “for partisan political purposes”
(A) means having the intent to differentially benefit or harm a
(i) candidate or potential candidate for elective office; or
(ii) political party or group;

30 10 2008
Wolf Pup Hideme Palin

Someone here referred to Trig Palin as “a child for life.” As a former special education teacher (who despises Palin’s dragging a baby with disabilities, or any baby, all over the country on a plane), and a former job trainer for people with disabilties, I need to respond. People with cognitive disabilities may need supports to live as adults, but they do become human adults with human experience. They go through adolescence and their brains, like ours, change. They are not perpetual children, angels, or subhumans. They are human beings who show us the full range of human possibility. Many can work with some support, and become taxpayers. Some cannot, and need some social services–the way we all do; how many here have built the road in front of their house? Some need more services than most, but are loved and loving human beings. In any case, haven’t we all seen that the quality of our lives depends on how we accept each others’ humanity? In the time I worked in special ed, I saw a deep-rooted bigotry against people with disabilities that was the worse for being unexamined. I’d like to remind everyone that the most anyone achieves in this life is being “temporarily abled” between childhood and old age.

30 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

Just now on MSNBC-
Effigy of Barack Obama found hanging in a tree on the campus of Univ. of Kentucky.

Obama effigy found at U of Kentucky

Univ. President Comments on Effigy Incident

Campus Forum to Discuss Effigy Incident

30 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

AKM, thanks for this. It is amazing that you go to these things. I don’t know that I could bear it but I am glad you do. Really quite unbelievable. Don’t you need a sedative after?

Lately I’ve been thinking alot of this line from The Cremation of Sam McGee:

There are strange things done in the midnight sun!

30 10 2008

Thinking Woman: Yes, Alaskans have a real love/hate relationship with the “Feds”. The Feds are a huge source of necessary money for Alaskans (biggest per capita federal expenditures), but also are reviled for “locking up the land”, i.e. no hunting mining logging etc on a lot of national public lands.

30 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

@ Wolf Pup Hideme Palin (05:58:05) :
Thank you – I noticed this and am glad you could respond to it.

Question – what about this repub focus on untraceable donations? At first I thought JM was disparaging my small donations – but now I’m reading stuff that makes me wonder if the Obama campaign wasn’t careful enough? Help, I’m getting nervous again.

30 10 2008

Jamie, Floridian in France (05:35:01) :

Thanks so much for staying on top of this & being so articulate!

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Wow…might have been cheaper to keep the governor’s private jet afterall.

Boy, ain’t that the truth, she is racking up more costs to AK than Frank M. did, I’m sure!

30 10 2008
ttownlotta in Oklahoma

Hey AKM, great article. You are so good. Love reading your stuff. Oh I must be 152 on the list. Yeah!!!!!!!

Listened to the speeches of Clinton and Obama last night. FANTASTIC!!!!! What a crowd they drew for it being midnight.

The infomercial (hope everyone got to see it) would bring tears to your eyes. It was so well done and true might I had.

One thing about the Repugs. It is always someone elses fault. Ever notice that? They need to get a life.

Everyone have a great day.

30 10 2008

Ted worst ?

Obama the best of the world


30 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Rapture Spenard Palin (05:11:02) :

morning. I”m off-topic, but does anybody else feel totally slimed by Exxon-Mobil’s third quarter earnings statement today? They posted the largest profit of ANY AMERICAN CORPORATION EVER. During a quarter when the GDP shrunk by .3%
That’s nuts. We don’t need energy independence from foreign oil as much as we need energy independence from our OWN oil companies. Dare I use the word, “un-American”? I’ll settle for slimeballs. grrrr.

very well said, rapture! it IS nuts! and also un-American. I love the ‘coincidental’ way the story on Exxon profits and the coming ‘Depression’ were so neatly next to each other on Huffpo this a.m. Throws these abominable profits into even more stark relief.

30 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Thinking Woman— welcome!!

30 10 2008
Thinking Woman

Kimosabe: Thanks. “love-hate relationship with the Feds” seems like a good way to sum up Alaskan (and general public) attitudes.

However, it seems that every election cycle, politicians love to beat up on Washington. Voters seems to feed off that sentiment too (until they need to be bailed out or want a subsidy).

The truth is that the majority of the Federal workforce is made up of public servants trying to do their best every day to serve our nation. We are not political appointees. We’re the ones who show up to work every day to keep our government running.

All I hope that most people still try to distinguish between the politicians and the career civil service. I guess Alaskans see the “feds” as a loathesome, monolithic bloc. Disappointing.

Proud Fed in Washington, D.C.

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

mcliar is on msnbc..

i think if we all looked at the tv and willed it together, we could make his ugly head just go poof and he can run around like a beheaded chicken..

his stepford wife could take over..

30 10 2008
Mother Who Thinks

On the “child for life” In the initial post, I think what was meant was “dependent for life” which is reality.

On the response: Thanks for your insights, eloquently spoken and true. I am a “retiree” still raising and financially supporting and adult son with Down syndrome….and trying to save something for when I’m not here.

And on that topic: Would you PLEEZE – all of you – lay off the “Your village idiot is missing” and the “retard” language? I know that no overt harm is intended. It’s so ingrained in our culture to despise and belittle disabled people in large and small ways but we have to evolve, to become better than that.

Obama 08 for all of us!

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

i am confused.. he is touting his assinine ‘let me buy your losing mortgage’ again… i don’t understand how buying a mortgage then selling it back to the same person at a huge discount isn’t socialist.

he wants to drill now. screw the damage.. screw the reality that there is no additional refining capacity and no one’s building new refineries in this economy..

just can’t stand the jerk..

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Godd Morning Mudpup’s!


AKM you are amazing to infiltrate these events and share! Tee Hee. The Ted welcoming was a hoot to me. Silly fools…

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

God, mcliar is now blaming obama for Joe’s problems.. Yet, he plowed thru the crowd to get to the rope line to confront him on made up issues that weren’t true..

now joe wants to be a country music star.. he hired a manager and is trying to get a book deal. lets look at this and wonder how big a scam joe the plumber really is..

30 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina (06:09:33) :

@ Wolf Pup Hideme Palin (05:58:05) :
Thank you – I noticed this and am glad you could respond to it.

Question – what about this repub focus on untraceable donations? At first I thought JM was disparaging my small donations – but now I’m reading stuff that makes me wonder if the Obama campaign wasn’t careful enough? Help, I’m getting nervous again.
I’m pretty sure this was about donations that are under 200 bucks and aren’t required to be publicly reported. But that doesn’t mean they are “untraceable” (they will not accept your donation anonymously or without address and other contact info — so the Obama campaign can certainly trace them from their internal records), it’s just that the Repubs don’t get the information they want made public so that they can “investigate” donors.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@mayflower (06:11:00) :
Jamie, Floridian in France (05:35:01) :

Thanks so much for staying on top of this & being so articulate!

My pleasure! I just sent the link and an explanation to my friend Judi in Fla who is working for the campaigns of Rep Tony Spasso and Obama and told her to write and then spread it around!

30 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Marty— your stomach must be iron clad. I don’t know how you watch him, esp. with the volume up. I have to mute so many of the nasty ones now, and McCain and his diva are top of the list. Sometimes I even have to flip the channel away…can’t even look. Yuk.

30 10 2008
Tom from PA

It is now Day 8 since SP declared the release of her medical records

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@Thinking Mom,

Thanks for that. You live up to your name TM! A healthy reminder never hurt a soul. Respect uplifts us all.

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

up i have soft mute.. 🙂 It’s on but very quiet..

Barbie Dimwit is on now.. she’s just a vile excuse for a human being. she lies with the ease of a psychopath. they rehash the same lies and it seems they never get called on it.

Although their crowds are dropping like their poll numbers!

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

@ Mother who Thinks…

That last one was for you. I think I need more coffee…embarassed here….

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:) (06:34:18) :

he wants to drill now. screw the damage.. screw the reality that there is no additional refining capacity and no one’s building new refineries in this economy..

Yah! I forced myself to watch the interview with Larry King and got through it without gagging, but I spent a lot of time screaming Liar Liar Liar! at the tv. The most despicable was McLiar saying “Yeah, I was against drilling in ANWR but once I’m elected (gagging sound) I know Sarah will drag me back up there and I’ll have to look at it again and rethink it.” Man oh man! We would be royally screwed if they get elected!

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Tom she said she didn’t mind her records being made public if the campaign chose to release them. Obviously they didn’t choose to release them!

They don’t want the lies about Trig made public.

30 10 2008

The Straight Talk Train WreckEugene Jarecki, 10.30.2008

“The larger moral of my story became clear in recent weeks as the McCain camp entered a pattern of spiraling electoral thuggery that bears all the markings of the behavior I experienced.”


***THIS IS A LENGTHY ARTICLE, BUT IT IS GOOD. Considering McCain tried to ruin his career please take a couple of minutes to read his article.

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Barbie Dimwit is only running for VP, because she figures a USA Visa Debit card is way bigger than an Alaskan one and she’ll be able to buy even more cool stuff than while in Alaska.

She’s going to go down soon enough. One has to wonder what she thinks about with all the embezzlement hanging over her. True sign of a sociopath is when they are oblivious to the things they do that are patently wrong or illegal.

30 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Am I the only one soooo tired of hearing “fight” out of McC’s slimy sideways mouth? My hubby is ready to take him down in 3 rounds! I can’t take much more of the politics of war, which is all I hear from “them”. I don’t understand how they can continue 5 days before the election to spout lies and halftruths and to continue to use the “fight” metaphor. Aren’t we tired of fighting so hard just to survive the bills, the gas tank, the heating bill, the insurance payments, the prescription costs? I feel like I have been fighting to keep the smallest of things since the W administration took over. I lost my $37K/yr job to someone in India about three years in to the W administration. I have yet to be able to replace that income. It has left my family fighting, particularly during those years where all five of our kids were teenagers living at home , in school and still not earning their own spending money. I don’t want to fight anymore I want to live in peace….

30 10 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket That One Hussein Palin

Wait, there was cake? I knew I should have been in less of a hurry to shake our future senator’s hand.

Seriously, thank you for going to both rallies. We couldn’t bring ourselves to go to the Stevens one, so we got to hear more music and people watch. Yay!

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Okay folks…The Ancorage Daily News is sitting on an explosive story regarding an unsavory investigative report on SP compiled by members of it’s staff.

Read the story here: http://cajunboyinthecity.blogspot.com/

WOW! A must read.

30 10 2008

I’ve been working this morning and haven’t had the TV on. Has anyone heard any fallout from Caribou Barbi announcing for the 2012 Presidential Race?

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Does anyone have the link to

Obama’s appearance on the Daily Show from last night?

30 10 2008
sharon in canada

Do the reps in Alaska think that Ted will deliver earmarks and Pork if he is elected? (his claim to fame) Without the pork, what else can he deliver?McCain has been very clear that he will veto every pork bid with that good ole pen of his.

30 10 2008

Frampton fuming over stolen Obama signs
Rocker says his right to free speech violated in upscale Cincinnati suburb

The Associated Press
updated 10:18 a.m. ET, Thurs., Oct. 30, 2008

CINCINNATI – Rocker Peter Frampton is wishing someone would show him the way to keep his Barack Obama yard signs from getting swiped.

The Grammy winner is complaining that signs showing his preference for the Democratic presidential candidate have been stolen repeatedly at his home in the upscale and predominantly Republican Cincinnati suburb of Indian Hill.

Frampton, 58, is so angry, he called The Cincinnati Enquirer asking to be interviewed.

The British-born singer of “Show Me the Way” and other hits told the newspaper that one reason he became a U.S. citizen was so he could vote. Now, he says his American rights to free speech and political speech are being violated and it “bugs” him.

Frampton said he has installed a video camera to catch the thieves.”

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27454819/

30 10 2008

Re: CajunBoy’s blog post…I just emailed the ADN, too. I don’t see this mentioned on Democratic Underground or DailyKos, two sites which are too confusing for me to enjoy fully…but if anyone else knows how to direct people to CajunBoy’s website, those might be some good places to hit.

30 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

@ MJC (06:53:09) :

The Straight Talk Train WreckEugene Jarecki, 10.30.2008
“The larger moral of my story became clear in recent weeks as the McCain camp entered a pattern of spiraling electoral thuggery that bears all the markings of the behavior I experienced.”

***THIS IS A LENGTHY ARTICLE, BUT IT IS GOOD. Considering McCain tried to ruin his career please take a couple of minutes to read his article.
Not too lengthy, and worth the read. Thanks for posting the link.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin (07:06:29) :
Does anyone have the link to

Obama’s appearance on the Daily Show from last night?

Just go to http://www.thedailyshow.com and you’ll easily find last night’s show

30 10 2008

This is the link to cajunboy.


30 10 2008
portland oregon native

‘We the people”; of the people, by the people, and for the people…..
Is this not the basis of OUR government? The founding fathers would put the repugs in the stocks for such insolence.
The narrative was corrupted by the repugs to an “us vs them” story. The government became ‘them’ and then there is the rest of us, as adversaries.
It is all of us; to repair our infrastructure, schools, to provide health care and help us, all of us, not just the super rich and the corrupt corporations.

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

OK, peeps, my son (going for his master’s degree and obviously smarter than his mom) keeps sending me links to Wall Street Journal articles that set out the reasons why McCain’s plan on everything is better than Obama’s. I need a retort (besides saying that I’m too dumb to understand what the WSJ says half the time) to make him stop!!!!!!!

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Jamie, thanks, now I feel dumb for not just searching for the obvious!!

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)
30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Hussein Canuck for Choice (23:36:03) :

I put my comments . . . on this blog . . . Freedom of speech. I . . . post my youthful thoughts, sometimes sounding like a complete retard, and welcome constructive criticism.

Gotta disagree with you Canuck. You sound passionate and thoughtful and searching, but never ever ever mentally deficient.

Thanks for your contributions.

30 10 2008

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM (06:57:06) :
Jen (07:14:17) :

The more emailing, calling we can do to get this thing ‘legs’ the better. And before tomorrow! I just talked to KUDO in Anchorage. They are aware of the blog & also of Palin’s character flaws….

Let’s hope this thing gets out & is uber credible, so 20/20 blows up in her face!

30 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

I do not know how to feel anymore. I really do not. I am seriously frustrated at America and the people living in America especially the citizens and myself.

Over the past 8 years, most of us have sat on the sidelines and allowed our country to be ruined. We did exactly what the Republinazis wanted us to do: worry about our bills, our families, and how we were going to survive, all the while, they kept lining their pockets and ruining the country. Many of us knew what was going on. I personally tried to start waves by trying to get people I knew to speak up and try to get our Congress (one lives down the road from me) to speak up and change this world. Nothing happened.

People really had a “how can I do anything attitude?” It is great to see all of us on here and our efforts now that everything has turned to complete crap! BUT, we must continue after the election. HOPEFULLY Obama/Biden will win.

WE MUST constantly research and speak up in the states and countries we all live in. Sarah Palin should have been impeached or lost the election for Governor and never chosen as a VP candidate (well, she is the perfect Republinazi candidate – a liar, a thief, a self absorbed piece of shit, delusional, cares about no one except herself and people who think like her, etc.). I believe she is a thief (housegate, travelgate, and almost everything else), a liar (I am so pleased to have been cleared of any wrongdoing), and a f*cking psycopath (just the way she can lie the way she lies and believe the crap she believes) and we MUST make sure she is out of politics and pays for her actions.

Ted Stevens is the perfect example of what a MESS we are in – BESIDES that McCain and Palin even stand a CHANCE of winning this election!!! A rally of about 600 people WHO LIKE HIM! People who believe he did nothing wrong after EVERYTHING that was brought to light? These are people that are our neighbors and people that vote. SCARY!

Republicans and Nazis are too similar nowadays. We the people have to protect the world and fight. Our ancestors did it and made America the great place it use to be. If we sit back and are too absorbed with GARBAGE, America and the world are going to be similar to the state of Britain in V FOR VENDETTA or 1984. The time is now to change it. It only took 8 years for Bush to destroy America. It will only take 4 years with McCain and Palin to bring us to our knees begging for mercy while the health care system disappears, more wars occur and people are drafted, the national debt starts being called in and people are FORCED to work for free for the government to pay off their debt, and WORSE!

So, keep up the work MUDDIES! WE have a long way to go! OBAMA/BIDEN – – – – BUT WE STILL HAVE TO KEEP UP THE FIGHT AFTER THEY ARE ELECTED!!!!!

30 10 2008

Democrat G- I think you covered everything.

30 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Thanks for another great post, AKM. My favorite line:

I’ve never been to a welcome home party for a convicted felon returning home to run a Senate campaign. And I probably won’t get the chance again.

30 10 2008

If Stevens, a convicted felon, is given a hero’s welcome, what will Sarah get?

My bigger concern is that she won’t need a welcome home. Polls are tightening, as is my stomach. I don’t think there’s any talking me down today.

Receive a daily mailing from Jewish World Review, an online “newspaper.” The editor, whom I know to be a good, moral man, published a piece asking for donations to create a “bounty” so that the LA Times will release the video of Obama and Khalidi at the going away party.

I emailed the editor and told him that he might want to seek out McCain for donations. Since McCain gave $500,00 to Khalidi’s Center for Palestine Research and Studies in the West Bank, perhaps he’d be willing to give more.

I told the editor that if he wanted to point a finger at Obama, he’d have to point one at McCain, in the interest of fairness. I told him that his article was right out of Karl Rove’s playbook and that he was too good for that kind of fear mongering. Haven’t heard back.

I don’t know, folks, it’s feeling frightening. I’ve never been so invested in the outcome of an election and I fear what November 5 might bring. If McCain is elected, we’re as f*cked as Stevens’ supporters want to f*ck the Feds. Ain’t a strong enough condom in the world to protect us from the metaphoric STDs McCain Palin will inflict on the people of the US.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin (07:24:44) :

that’s ok about asking for the daily show link. Sometimes since we are already here it is just easier to post a question and have somebody else pass us the link!

About your son – oy! That’s a hard one and may not even be worth it at this late date! You can try sending him a copy of the report by the Tax Policy Center that compared the two tax plans and Obama’s came out much more positively. Another independent organism did the same with the two health care plans – I also just read somewhere (?) that the cost of the two plans was compared and McCain’s was more expensive. Maybe go on google and plug in comparison + independent study + whatever plan or something like that. That’s what I do.

30 10 2008
Mae in Wasilla, AK

First hand account of the implosion of the Republican Party of Alaska!

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin (07:24:44) :

OK, peeps, my son (going for his master’s degree and obviously smarter than his mom) keeps sending me links to Wall Street Journal articles that set out the reasons why McCain’s plan on everything is better than Obama’s. I need a retort (besides saying that I’m too dumb to understand what the WSJ says half the time) to make him stop!!!!!!!

Since son likes the WSJ, try the economist. It’s survey of economists backs Obama. And the very conservative Economist magazine will be endorsing Obama “wholeheartedly” on Nov 1st. http://www.economist.com/world/unitedstates/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12342127

30 10 2008

Way behind as always (I toddled off to bed somewhere in the upper-300 comment range on the last thread, I think), but –

AKM, YOU ROCK!!! I absolutely LOVE your writing style. Said it before, say it again, you put the reader right there in the action whether it’s on the White Witch’s sleigh or in the Tedlovers’ hangar. Love it, love it, love it.

Getting to know about the ins and outs of Alaskan politics – and about Alaska and its people – is cool enough, but to get to know about it through your writings is downright DELICIOUS :o)

Thank you!!

30 10 2008
knife pile palin

whoa!!! thursday am, oct 30

heads up!!! cajun boy is calling out ADN to spill a story they’re sitting on about Sarah concerning Trig, he’s asking everyone to contact the paper to break the story now not after the election. Here’s his blog


30 10 2008
Blue Idaho

I just sent an e-mail ADN. Everyone please read and pass around.


30 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

This Just In…

The RNC to release a new ad labeling Barack Obama as a full 100% Caucasian white male.

According to the report, Obama is the real-life character Mark Watson from the 1986 film Soul Man starring C. Thomas Howell. In the movie as in real life Obama-Watson exploits the institution of affirmative action by chemically transforming himself into a white man to earn admission to Harvard Law School. Watson decided to give himself a Muslim name- Barack Hussein Obama- to earn a joint PLO-IRI john McCain funded scholarship.

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Jamie – thanks, I’m thinking that I might be better off not opening his emails at all!! He sent me the link to the comparison of their education plans and believe me, I am not capable of debating these types of issues w/ him! I have tried to gently tell him that he’s not going to change my mind on who I’m voting for but the WSJ articles keep coming!!! Make it stop!! He is 34 and taking himself verrrrry seriously!

I did look up on Obama’s site to see how they compare the education plans – don’t really see anything good about McCain but apparently it’s the voucher issue that my son feels is so great (did a research paper on it). Sheesh!!

30 10 2008

In regards to the Cajun Boy story:

Does anyone even know if this Blogger is even credible? If his information and sources are true and have factual evidence, then it would definitely be damaging…..however, if he is not credible and we are helping to spread these rumors, this can backfire on the Democrats and especially Obama who is totally against smear tactics….especially these type of rumors. Just my humble opinion.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@DeMo (07:36:22) :

First, as a Jew and maybe I am being prejudiced, but I am always embarrassed when Jews do stuff like this. Anyway, go on CNN and see if last night’s Larry King segment interviewing McSleezy is on video and watch – if you can – because Mc loses no time bringing up the Khalidi/Obama thing, feigning innocence and all “Gee, I don’t know about it, but we all have the right to know the truth.” But during a break, LK breaks to say that CNN did a fact check and found out that though Khalidi, a distinguished Columbia and former U of Chicago prof did host a party for Obama, he was never PLO leader and LK explains the non-existence of any recent relationship. Find this clip and forward it to the editor.

30 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

Breaking News!

According to a report just released by the RNC, Barack Obama is the real-life character Mark Watson from the 1986 film Soul Man starring C. Thomas Howell. In the movie as in real life the 100% Caucasian white male Watson (now known as Obama) exploits the institution of affirmative action by chemically transforming himself into a black man to earn admission to Harvard Law School. Watson decided to give himself a Muslim name- Barack Hussein Obama- to earn a joint PLO-IRI john McCain grant-funded scholarship.

30 10 2008
upnorthMN aka hose Hussein hotrod


Thanks for this article. As you say, a must read!

***THIS IS A LENGTHY ARTICLE, BUT IT IS GOOD. Considering McCain tried to ruin his career please take a couple of minutes to read his article.

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

RE: Cajun Boy

Quite credible. AKM, would agree, I believe.

Want to weigh in on this AKM??

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

RE: Cajun Boy

Quite credible. AKM, would agree, I believe.

Want to weigh in on this AKM??

30 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

@ Democrat G
Naomi Wolf’s new book, “Give Me Liberty; A Handbook for American Revolutionaries” should be required reading for all of us Mudpups who want to support Barack in taking our country back. And what she has to say applies equally at the local, state, and national level. Those wonderful, brave Alaskans who’ve spoken out (AKM included, of course) are fine examples of just what Wolf is calling for.

She starts out with the premise that America (the ideal of America as set out in the Declaration of Independence) is a state of mind, that the founders intended freedom to be a challenge — one that each generation would need to take up. She lays out 7 principles or core values, then goes on to provide us with a “user’s guide” on how to drive change, hot to petition (and play hardball thereafter), protest, deliberate, community-build, organize, etc.

I’m only about 50 pages into it, but it’s clearly a guide to being an active seeker of freedom and owner of the responsibility our founders placed on us.

30 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

RE: Bobg (07:35:54) :

Democrat G- I think you covered everything.


I am going to be a mess if McCain and Palin win and will need the help of fellow MUDDIES cause everyone around me is a lot more relaxed…….I will want to move out of America – which is VERY sad to write.

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Denise, thanks very much!!

30 10 2008

I consider Cajun Boy to be credible. He’s not a WSJ or NYT reporter as far as I know, but he doesn’t make stuff up for sensational purposes like some bloggers. He never says who the newspaper or reporter is, so I don’t know if there’s any value in a letter-writing campaign to ADN.

30 10 2008

I live about an hour north of San Francisco & was delighted when I opened our local paper this morning and there on A3 is a small but very noticeable article… PALIN ACCUSED OF ETHICS LAPSE. Just thought Alaskans would be pleased to know that the word is out & reaching all parts of the US.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin (07:45:15) :

I have a friend (who may now be no longer talking to me) with whom I was arguing Mc vs Obama, too, though he kept sending me those smear e-mails instead of WSJ articles. His big thing was ex-military/POW – so i looked up Mc’s military/veteran’s voting record and that’s the first time that I saw how consistently Senator POW voted AGAINST increased funding for almost everything veteran’s related – GI Bill, health, education, equipment (plus his 20% grade given by the Dept of Vet’s Affairs as opposed to Obama’s 80%). For my mom I did the same re: Women’s Issues – Overturn Roe v Wade, voted against Biden’s Violence Against Women Act, voted against Lily Ledbetter Act, etc. On every issue, compare the voting records (easily findable on line) and look to see what bills they have written or sponsored.

Plus there are things that McCain flip-flopped on again easily findable – immigration, bush tax cuts, to show how he is willing to compromise his integrity and what he stands for in order to appease the right.

Come on girl! Fight! Only a few days left!

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM (06:57:06) :

Okay folks…The Ancorage Daily News is sitting on an explosive story regarding an unsavory investigative report on SP compiled by members of it’s staff.

Read the story here: http://cajunboyinthecity.blogspot.com/

WOW! A must read.


Do we need to start writing the ADN? Really, if ADN has something, it is only being fair to the nation to release it.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

phoebe (07:55:24) :

I live about an hour north of San Francisco & was delighted when I opened our local paper this morning and there on A3 is a small but very noticeable article… PALIN ACCUSED OF ETHICS LAPSE. Just thought Alaskans would be pleased to know that the word is out & reaching all parts of the US.

Hello from Santa Rosa!!! Funny that we’re meeting in Alaska.

30 10 2008

CNN covered this last night on AC360 with David Gergan and Gloria Borger. From CNN’s investigation, they said that there is nothing to the Khalidi story on Obama or McCains end.

From what I got out of it, It is basically a misleading last minute “throw in the kitchen sink” effort to keep in the headlines in the remaining days to sow seeds of doubt about Obama.

Khalidi is supposedly a Palestinian-American who is a Professor and an expert on Palestinian foreign affairs. What’s sad is that McCain is basically going to ruin this man’s career and smear his name just to win the Whitehouse

30 10 2008
knife pile palin

okay…..is this the spin tale? 20/20 story

yes, I’m very upset that my children have been smeared too through all this political fighting……I have to share that as a mother who would rather die for her daughter than see her hurt or damaged I stepped in and chose to accept her pregnancy as my own in order to protect my child from the evil media and public unloving wolves.

Palin the sacrificing saint?

other thoughts?

30 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Pro American Goodwill Clothes Shopper Palin

You know, I really do understand the sentiment about Uncle Ted. The old guard usually have been champions for their constituents (well, their staff are) and have been around so long that it’s hard to imagine life, otherwise, and that it’s hard to believe that someone you’ve liked, supported and admired has been convicted of felony charges–but at some point, doesn’t reality hit?
The Senate has clear rules about gifts and he exceeded them by over 1000% and compounded the crimes by lying about it. And because these gifts came from corporate folks who would be affected by decisions he would make–well, it easily crosses the line from “gift” to “possible bribe.”
I know that Alaskans don’t really believe that this is no different than some constituent(s) giving him a gift that’s worth just over $250, right?
He knew the rules, going in. The “Feds” didn’t force him into anything. If he doesn’t want to live by the rules, he can quit!
(Or secede?)

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Have you guys noticed this has changed from yesterday?? 🙂

375 v 157 they moved another state into Obama’s column..!


30 10 2008

Thanks so much for attending the rally, it adds a much needed “voice of the Times” crowd perspective to the reports I’ve read elsewhere. Pretty shocked at Lisa Murkowski’s attendence, and her angry speech as well. An ex-Ak resident, I’m now officially embarrased to tell people down here in Seattle that I’m from Alaska…

A side note on my thoughts about Alaskans and their disconnect about the “Feds” locking up “all” the public land in Alaska. Once again… how much tourism money flows into Alaska because of these parks, refuges, etc.? Alaska’s reputation outside the state is based on it’s natural beauty, and these parks are a huge reason why. Short sighted disconnect, an Alaska disease.

30 10 2008

In my opinion, vouchers only work if you are able & willing to send your child to a private school. There are plenty of areas where the voucher system is available already. Alaska even has it. There are 2 problems with the voucher system (well, there are a lot more, but I’ll start with these two):

1) Say you get a voucher for $10,000 for educating your child. What if the only acceptable private school you find for your child has a tuition of $19,000/yr? Then you have to come up with the remaining $9,000 unless they have a scholarship? Here in AK there are many religious private schools, but only a couple that are not, and they are quite expensive. The private international school that our eldest went to when we lived overseas — $40,000 per year. She was too old when we arrived in the UK to easily assimilate into the British or Scottish system, so private was the only option that worked for us.

2) What about the rest of the education system? It is broken & needs fixing! There are too many families out there who cannot afford even one additional dollar to send their children to school! THis voucher system is a nice option for the upper-middle-class, but it is, in my opinion, like telling everybody else & their children “tough sh!t!”

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Democrat G (formerly “G”) (07:54:18) :

I am going to be a mess if McCain and Palin win and will need the help of fellow MUDDIES cause everyone around me is a lot more relaxed…….I will want to move out of America – which is VERY sad to write.

Dear DemG – I know how you feel. I left a long time ago partly because Reagan was re-elected and couldn’t get past the idea that so many people really believed in what he was doing, and all those middle classers who started to feel the weight dropped onto their shoulders, well, how could they have accepted it all? I can’t understand that GWB was never impeached for the lying and the law breaking. Obama being elected will be proof for me of the true smartness and goodness of Americans, knowing that they can no longer be fooled or threatened. And my one chance to finally convince my husband that we can indeed move to the US because things will finally get better.

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

Cajun Boy does name the ADN in today’s story (apparently after hoping for the last week that the paper would publish it).

Hi to the NoCal folks from Petaluma!

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

TRIG-onomics . . .

Let Mudflatters know if we need to beg and beseech ADN to release info that will be vital to the rest of the nation.

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Wash Post just reported 52% – 45%.. thats huge.. over 50% is critical.

30 10 2008

Jamie, Floridian in France (07:47:26) said:
LK breaks to say that CNN did a fact check and found out that though Khalidi, a distinguished Columbia and former U of Chicago prof did host a party for Obama, he was never PLO leader and LK explains the non-existence of any recent relationship. Find this clip and forward it to the editor.
Thanks. While I didn’t send the editor the link, I informed him that CNN provided a fact check and found nothing nefarious about the relationship between Obama and Khalidi.

Larry King, though not observant, is a proud Jew and fervent Zionist. If there’s a fundraiser, he’s there. Asked to emcee, he does it. If anyone would expose a “dangerous” relationship, he would. He may be getting old and I find him difficult to watch at times, he has journalistic integrity and I was thrilled that the show did a fact check and reported it.

I have to admit that when I first learned of the going away party and what was allegedly said at it, I was concerned. But I worked my Google and found out about McCain’s ties to Khalidi.

Just because Obama was in a room in which anti-Israel sentiments were expressed doesn’t mean he subscribes to those sentiments. But I like that he has relationships with people whose viewpoints differ from his own. It means to me that his vision of the world isn’t myopic. We’ve suffered through George McGoo Bush and his us against them mentality. It’s time for a new vision and Obama’s got it. I just hope the majority of the electorate sees it and appreciates it.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:) (08:02:19) :

On Cnn today (last night’s for you) they put the change at 386 to 163 or thereabouts.

30 10 2008

SMR (07:54:56) :
Check out his latest post as of this morning — he does out ADN & asks for callers, emailers, etc.


30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

I really have to say that is a big deal about the ADN stonewalling a story. I firmly believe if they are withholding credible/true information regarding Ms. Palin and Trigg that it is their obligation to come forward with the truth.

Just my opinion – but fer cryin’ out loud people need to know!

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Duct Idaho Palin (08:04:14) :

Hi to the NoCal folks from Petaluma!

Backatcha from 15 miles north of Petaluma.

30 10 2008
Mired...in the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

NY Dem (02:45:39) :

You are correct…the governor’s seat in Delaware will likely remain Democratic. Jack Markell, the current State Treasurer, is the predicted winner over Bill Lee, a retired state Superior Court judge.

In the hopeful event of a special election for Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate seat, it is not certain that Democrats would hold it. While it may seem odd (in a good way), Delaware politics appear to be more conciliatory than other areas of the country, especially Alaska. Here, party affiliation is not always the overriding factor in the way races are decided. For anyone interested, here’s an taste of how friendly (Yes, really!) politics can be (eat your heart out):


The bottom line here…Mike Castle, if he wants Biden’s seat, would probably win this one. Sorry.

30 10 2008

SMR (07:54:56) :

Re Cajun Boy — he did mention ADN in his post this morning. I tried to post a link to you, but it’s not here. Forgive if this posts twice.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@DeMo :

I am losing my memory more and more as the weeks pass, so I can’t tell you exactly what Larry said, but he did stress that Obama and Khalidi disagreed quite strongly and that Obama stated his belief in Israel. And of all the lies that flew out of McLiar’s mouth, this is the ONLY one that Larry corrected and fact checked, so that was something.

30 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")


Will be picking up a copy of Give Me Liberty; A Handbook for American Revolutionaries this weekend or sooner! THANK YOU!

I wrote to everyone at ADN to release the story on Trig and Palin. My feelings are that Palin is lying about that story just like everything else. How can AMERICA be SOOOO stupid and allow this woman to be in ANYTHING – even the PTA!

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Mayflower and SMR, posted above by Goalie I believe:

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Mcloser is just spewing anything he can think of. They are beyond bothering with anything true since thats’s proven a waste of time.

McLosers next tv ad…

shows obama smiling… with that scary music and the block typeface..

the caption.. “Pssst.. Be very scared…. He’s black”

30 10 2008

Amen Andy! Alaskans have got that shortsighted disconnect disease BAD! It really gets to me that if you held a vote tomorrow asking “Should we open up all of Alaska to oil drilling?” it would probably pass! The majority of Alaskans would probably okay a drilling rig in downtown Anchorage if they thought it would give them a shot at a job that paid over $100k/yr. And mine everywhere/anywhere with no restrictions, screw the salmon & pristine outdoors, cuz it means more money & jobs…

Sadly, Alaska has not achieved a reasonable middle ground, and those who live in AK because they value the outdoor life-style are waaaaay outnumbered. I say this as an oil-company employee (husband too). But one who feels there’s got to be an acceptable middle-ground AND some sort of effort, even the tiniest one would be nice, to look for alternative energy options!

30 10 2008

@Hi Denise

I’m in Santa Rosa too. I guess it’s a small world after all. Oh no, I sound like Walt Disney. I’m envious of the folks living in the states with the closer races…we don’t get to see the candidates in person. I’ve only seen two McCain signs around here.

30 10 2008

Thanks Mayflower — I don’t usually go to cajun boy until later in the day (have to give my sense of humor a chance to wake up, and less apt to be shocked if I’ve had some time…). I’ll go check it out.

30 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Pro American Goodwill Clothes Shopper Palin

AKM, I am most impressed with your attendance at an event that had to be pretty unnerving–especially as an undercover operative!
I did a bit of that in my younger days, but now–I’d be hauled out of there by the cops or somebody, unable to listen to the BS without a very obvious reaction!
Better you than me–
Great work!

30 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

Democrat G
I got mine from Amazon. You might check AKM’s Amazon store on The Mudflats Forum. If it’s there, it’s a good way to help him/her out with part of the proceeds.

AKM, if Wolf’s book isn’t in your store, it really should be — along with her previous one. Is there a way we can easily send you recommendations to add to your list?

30 10 2008
Sarjo Mullet Troll

@KnifePile Palin:

VERY interesting take on how SP might respond to exposure as fake mom of Trig. In fact, you’ve got me wondering…Might the ADN be holding the story to HELP Obama? A last-minute, sordid revelation about SP’s “private life” (which I do NOT think should be private, if it includes lies and deception) might redound to Obama’s harm. Many people might be touched by the “SP-as-fierce-protective-mama-bear” story–especially if she were to cry on camera (remember the WATERPROOF mascara, though, Sarah!).

So, just an alternate take on whether exposure at this late date would help or hurt.

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

knife pile– I agree that’s the only way to spin it. But it doesn’t work for me because Palin made the coverup decision before she was asked to be VP. Is the Alaska media really so unforgiving? I thought that the reason for all the travel reimbusement requests was that the First Family, including the girls, was so popular.

For me this has nothing to do with that sweet little boy, other than that I think he’s better off with Bristol. But Palin has made a lot of hay out of the fact that she kept her special needs baby– it doesn’t sound quite the same if she says “I forced my teenager to keep HER special needs baby.”

Her campaign, and the reaction of some of Ted Stevens’ loyal constituents, seems to me to highlight some interesting differences between the lower 48 and what strikes me as a kind of “frontier” outlook, where people are more used to being accountable only to their direct circle of friends and acquaintances. Stevens is not the first congressman to take illegal gifts, but the others, like Duke Cunningham, weren’t so fiercely defended even by a small group of constituents. And Sarah Palin seems not to have ever considered what her actions would look like to the lower 48.

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Sarjo, i think people have a tolerance limit and finding out she lied about something as important as a child may be enough to push people over the edge..

She’s a perpetual liar. That’s just one more issue she has to deal with.

30 10 2008

Knife pile — In my opinion, as someone who used to be a republican until the palin pick, someone who is pretty much allergic to conspiracy theories, and basically un-shockable, I think your summation is pretty likely to be what the real story here is.

As with so many of her things, the cover-up is so much worse than the crime. But, when you’ve already got dreams of greater things dancing around in your head you start to get some crazy ideas!!!! It’s hard to hide a whole lot of skeletons in so short a time.

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

Sarjo, what a good point.

30 10 2008

OK guys, I’ve just gotta say this re ‘rumors’– I have never been convinced about the rumors, but I am convinced there is SOMETHING there & it is mighty big. SOMETHING terribly wrong — not quite sure, but I’ve got my own ideas & I haven’t put ’em out anywhere, but believe me there is more to the story — I’m just praying it comes out.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Phoebe, I live on the east side and see scattered McPalin signs around in yards and on cars. Not many O signs, but then the Dem headquarters didn’t have them for the looooongest time. Too popular I guess, and heard the signs were being funneled to swing states. Yet more evidence of a well organized O.

30 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

I think the reality is McLoser has nothing left to offer American people but lies, slander, innuendo and other of the usual Rove politics.

Obama, simply ignores it, and moves forward, giving speeches of hope and expectation. That’s the difference in this election, and shows the most important aspect of them.

One is a sour, vile, nasty, ugly old man. The other is classy and Presidential.

30 10 2008

The weird thing is: I agree with blogger “Audrey” who comments on Cajun Boy that despite anything else, the trip from Texas to Alaska makes absolutely no sane sense….

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Should point out that the reason we’re talking about McPalin signs in Santa Rosa is because the place is overwhelmingly Dem/Indy. Obama will win by a mile here.

30 10 2008

I woke up this am with the what if’s & found this reassuring

If Trig is really Bristol’s it would sure make Sarah look like a “whack job”. I saw her close up on tv the other day & she looks close to sheer panic. By the way, where are the medical records she promised to release & where is Bristol?

30 10 2008

About the T-shirt. Real class act Ted. Speaks volumes about your character.

30 10 2008
Sarjo Mullet Troll


Audrey’s blog (http://www.palindeception.com/blog/) is a great read if you’re a Palin-scandal junky (like me!).

30 10 2008

are you lurking? 😉
I found your last comments “interesting,” and curious.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

AZ in play!!!

Wonder how McCain feels about Obama being about 2 points up in one poll in his own back yard?

Gosh, I hope everybody votes and the votes get counted.

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

I would actually think better of SP if she didn’t travel for over 12 hours, on different planes and not telling flight attendants that she was in labor, after her water broke. I was appalled at the risk she took with her already high-risk baby. If it was really her fifth delivery, she could easily have had him on a plane. To me that shows an astonishing lack of judgment and common sense. Especially considering the excellent hospitals she bypassed in Texas, Seattle and Anchorage.

30 10 2008

Oh, I think people will embrace brave Sarah if she decided to parent Trig as her own to protect her darling daughter. The Republican base will eat it up with a silver elitist spoon. I have no doubt they will spin it into a valiant story, despite the villainous lie, if it’s true.

Of course, if Michelle Obama did the same, she’d be ____________ (insert all manner of despicable stereotypes).

If it weren’t frightening, it would be comical that the Palin family is admired for their shortcomings. BIG question as to who is the mother of Trig. Pregnant Bristol. Rumors that Track is in the army to avoid jail time for his high school hijinks. What a family.

On another topic, if McCain uses air quotes one more time I might have to buy a new TV because my screen will have a shoe embedded in it.

30 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

Jamie, Floridian in France (08:03:12) :

Thankfully, my father is VERY educated and my mother is VERY smart. Both are CARING and LOVING and AMAZING. Neither cares if you are Jewish (which we all are), Black, Asian, Muslim, Gay, Straight, or anything. They only care that you are a good person. That has been how me and my MANY brothers and sisters were raised!

My father taught me (I am only 30) very young that Reagan was horrible! I use to bring things up in elementary school when my teachers were praising Reagan and even the teachers would be shocked that an 8 year old was so involved. I thought and still believe REAGAN is SCUM!

I lived in France for a few months on and off – basically just traveling with a friend who lived there. Will have to arrange to move there or somewhere if McCain and Palin win, cause I don’t want to be here…..

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

The single fact that there have been NO MEDICAL RECORDS released on a young supposedly healthy woman is enough to raise flags.

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM


On another topic, if McCain uses air quotes one more time I might have to buy a new TV because my screen will have a shoe embedded in it.

You get the funny bone award for that! LMAO
(I threw my soft houseshoe at mine when he said “my friends” for about the zillionth time…)

30 10 2008

As juicy as the Trig story might be, it is based only on rumor and conjecture. Neither the ADN nor nor any other responsible MSM can publish a story about something potentially so damaging without being certain about its facts and sources. No matter how many people write to them urging them to do so. Can you spell L-I-B-E-L ? I think that if ADN has a story to tell, it will so only when and if the story is rock-solid.

30 10 2008

This is off the subject but….Bill Clinton certainly has a big ego. Obama’s wise to placate him, but Bill sure does love Bill. Sorry, I’m still more than a little pissed off at him.

30 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Denise – McCain has started RoBo calls in Arizona. I think he is nervous.

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Hey Phoebe, maybe we could dish Mudflats over coffee? Any other NoCal Muddies out there? NoCal Mud-vention sounds good to this puppy.

30 10 2008

Great work AKM. Lisa has lost most if not all of her ‘built from scratch’ political capital in my mind. Danny Sullivan was a given. Like McCain, he will do anything for higher office. But a missing Reudrich? Say it ain’t so. Why was one of the most unethical repubs not present?

BTW, as I was driving to work this morning the Repubs for Begich sign was back up at Bill Allen’s abode…

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

The other half of the story is that if Trig is Bristol’s, she’s probably not pregnant now. And was Sarah going to force her to marry Levi, regardless? Personally I always expected we’d get a “miscarriage” story before the election. Maybe Sarah got wind of the ADN story, which would surely come out if Palin tried to claim Bristol had a miscarriage, and both Palin and the ADN are waiting to see what the other one does.

If it’s true, the most interesting part to me is why Sarah wouldn’t just decline the VP nomination. How could she think that it wouldn’t come out?

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Blue Idaho (08:39:55) :

Denise – McCain has started RoBo calls in Arizona. I think he is nervous.

LOL. Having to spend money in his own state. Sorry if this sounds like gloating. But strategically, losing AZ would be devastating to McCain personally and to the Repubs in general.

30 10 2008
disenchanted tore

G’Afternoon fellow muddies,

Busy BUSY day here but I just want to weigh in on the Trigonomics mystery and repeat that my gut says that the *owning of the child* part had more to do with a stealth move for health insurance coverage. Would Sarah’s AK governmental policy cover a minor dependent’s pregnancy? If ADN is indeed sitting on concrete facts, we ALL need to know.

As a part Alaska Native, Bristol’s health coverage is free in the Native healthcare system. So it Todd’s, and Sarah’s pregnancies would have been covered too, if she had chosen to have her children at the Native Hospital. AKM

30 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Pro American Goodwill Clothes Shopper Palin

I will have to look for Wolf’s book and thanks for the recommendation. I will add that a (now) fairly old book that is on my bookshelf is also a good one:
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Now, you may not want to read it because he was just a community organizer (no responsibilities, after all) but when I heard one of the McCain/Palin team trying to smear him in a brief newsclip the other day–well, I have to object and want to recommend this (and his other books) to anybody who cares about someone other than themselves.
I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to a mandatory, work-related talk many years ago by someone from the Detroit area whose name I’m sorry I can’t remember. It was Saturday, I should have been OFF instead of spending free time there, etc.,etc., etc. I was not a happy camper. However, I was so struck and inspired by the speaker that I started scribbling notes and then went out to find the books he referenced. It was well worth it.
I think it was Scarah who mentioned him–oh, Scarah? It’s pronounced “Uh-LIN-ski” not A-line-ski.

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

“As juicy as the Trig story might be, it is based only on rumor and conjecture.” The Cajun Boy story says that the story’s been factchecked and it’s just the editorial board holding it back because it’s “unsavory.” Of course anyone can choose whether or not to believe Cajun Boy but I don’t think anyone can say out of hand that the story is based only on rumor and conjecture. There are a lot of people who would have to be involved in a coverup and I don’t think it’s farfetched to think that some of them might eventually speak up.

30 10 2008
Reality Has a Liberal Bias « ENDAblog

[…] the proprietor of Mudflats, who was bitten by curiosity and went to a post-conviction ‘welcome home’ party for […]

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

disenchanted tore (08:45:18) :

Good angle with the insurance. Yet another FRUGAL move by Palin? HA.

Still, without even speculating about motive, if there is any indication that Palin misled about whether or not a child is hers . . . well, not suitable for high office.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Democrat G –

Yeah! Come join me and Johnny Depp!

About SP’s secret and Trig : here is what I think. 1) I don’t think that she has any tears in her to cry.

2) What if the truth that came out that Baby Trig wasn’t born a month early but a full 9 months – and counting back puts Todd out in the oil fields! She’s the mother, but who is the father?

3) Everybody thinks about how incredible and irresponsible that long flight/drive back to MatSu while in labor was. But who, 44 years old, 8 months pregnant and carrying a Down Syndrome child would even consider driving then flying on two flights DOWN to Dallas in the first place! If she was so gung ho and ambitious enough that she absolutely HAD to give that speech why couldn’t she have done it via video? And didn’t anybody at that dang conference notice that she was pregnant?

30 10 2008

Sarjo Mullet Troll (08:30:17)– Thanks Sarjo. Yes, I discovered her just the other day when I read the whole Cajun Boy thing. 😉

30 10 2008

A little bit on the Ted Stevens appeal. This from my business law courses-I am not a lawyer. The fact that you do not like the jury’s verdict or that you do not think you are guilty has no bearing on if you get the appeal or not. The verdict is in and that’s it. The only basis for winning an appeal is if proper trial procedures were not followed, the jury was improperly instructed, the jury was compromised, the law was not followed or some other act that should have resulted in a ruling by the judge or a mistrial. Rarely is a verdict overturned on appeal as the judicial system places great store in a jury’s verdict. It is relatively rare that an appeal is successful. I feel that Ted Stevens is hoping that the fact that he is a sitting Senator will sway the Appeals Court. It does not as the Appellate Judges answer to the public also.

30 10 2008
Blue Idaho

McCain has misplaced Joe the Plumber. Teee Heeee


30 10 2008

@Kimosabe: “Neither the ADN nor nor any other responsible MSM can publish a story about something potentially so damaging without being certain about its facts and sources. No matter how many people write to them urging them to do so.”

That’s what all the hullabaloo is about Kimo — it’s that Cajun is saying the story DOES check out/sources verified, etc. but that the board is stonewalling. NOW, no one has said it talks about ‘who’s the momma’ etc., just ‘deception’….. Like I said, I believe there is a much more complicated & deceptive bag of lies in that woman’s diaper bag….

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Wow! Robo calls in AZ! Amazing! And that sure says a lot!

Boy! Poor Bristol. If she was hidden away for 5 months because she was preggers with Trig, and now she has to be hidden away because she’s not preggers, and all for her mother, well, If I was her I’d be furious with my mom!

As we have all gotten to know Sarah, do you think that, offered the VP slot, there would be any way in hell that she would have turned this down for anybody, family or not?

30 10 2008

Still here? Try this linkhttp://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf.
Might give you some info that you can use. Don’t know if this has been already posted so if it has…please excuse.

30 10 2008
Road Runner


Just heard on Thom Hartmann radio show: The Republicans are saying that if Stevens resign, Palin oh-12 can run for the seat and be elected. Then she will get to sit on the Arms Services Committee and get the experience she will need wof 2012. They are planning already. Now, if Uncle Ted will only cooperate and resign. He will be pressured going forward.

Palin cannot appoint anyone to an empty senate seat, including herself. This was ruled by the Alaska Supreme Court back in 2004, and also by a “Trust the People” ballot initiative that passed that year. AKM

30 10 2008

AKM says, “There were no expletives. Nobody was angry. It was nice.”

I’m so tired of angry republicans. I guess I have to accept it since I have been one heck of an angry NON Republican for 8 years.
I can certainly empathize with them and the feelings of dread they share as I have lived with them through 8 years of the WORST Republican Administration EVER.
Six Days to go. I made a donation to Obama today and felt good about it. I can’t really afford it, but I can’t really afford NOT to donate.

People should not be afraid of their Governments. Governments should be afraid of its people!

30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

RE: Trig

No mother supposedly in labor that is in their right mind (remember who we are talking about here) would board a plane from Texas to Alaska with amniotic fluid leaking. It’s just about the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard as that would be putting the child in danger.

Now, this may sound totally unscientific, but being a mother myself, I have to say the way that Bristol handles and cares for and LOOKs at that baby tells me that is the child’s mother. We mom’s happen to know that look very well.

No medical records, either.

It’s all so darn strange. And, as far as rumors go….you know there is always a basis in fact there somewhere.

So, something is definately stinky about this whole theatrical production of the Palin Family.

30 10 2008
Road Runner


Just wondering why!
If they don’t like the Feds, why do they want to become one? Huh!!!

30 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

AZ robocall details.

Seems McPalin don’t have enough AZ volunteers. Hence robocalls.

30 10 2008

@Jamie, Floridian in France (08:54:40) :

As we have all gotten to know Sarah, do you think that, offered the VP slot, there would be any way in hell that she would have turned this down for anybody, family or not?

Hell. no.
And that’s what is so darned sick & sad.

30 10 2008

O.K…..I said I wouldn’t speculate but I can’t help myself. Did anyone find it interesting that the Troopegate report revealed that SP stopped using her Bodyguards right around the same time?

30 10 2008

Seem to me that with HIPPA being what it is, there are facts that a reporter could never uncover without access to protected information.

So, how could a “solid” story be out there? It would have to rely on either reliable 3rd party reports or protected information, right?

30 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")


@ Jamie, Floridian in France

PLEASE remember me next week….I may need help getting out of here. 🙂 It sucks too cause I have 2 more family members on the way (a niece and another niece or nephew (we do not know the sex yet)) and I LOVE my family!

As far as Palin and Trig: I do not know what to believe. I never came up with a theory cause Alaskans have been pretty much SILENT about TRIG, The SCHOOL BUS INCIDENT, and her kids in general, except for the pictures of what proves to me that some of them are drunk and wild skanks! All I know is, HER OWN VERSION OF THE STORY MAKES HER THE WORSE MOTHER ALIVE! As Jamie, Floridian in France said in scenario 3 – WHO THE HELL PUTS THEIR UNBORN BABY WITH DOWN SYNDROME AT RISK BY FLYING THE WAY SHE DID? That alone makes me the most unqualified person to be a MOTHER yet alone a PTA member or a COACH of a little league team! Her experience as a flat broke but not flat busted LOSER who I feel is a pathetic and nasty evil skank who deserves to be sent to jail not a VP candidate or Governor.

And The National Enquirer already talked about her AFFAIR on TODD! Why more people do not know about this makes me ill. Could Trig NOT be Todd’s! HELLS YEAH!


30 10 2008

Just a thought-I agree that it was stupid to fly from Texas to Alaska after her water broke. Not a lawyer but wouldn’t there be a case for child abuse for putting her unborn child at risk?

30 10 2008

I am here in Az ,,got my first robo call last night … A pathetic attempt ..
Very annoying to say the least ..
All the republicon fliers we get in the mail are mysteriously blue and lack any “R” reference …
I am less that 200 ft from a school that is a polling place .Parking lot full twice a day with people dropping off and getting their kids ..
I have Obama signs all over my yard right in direct sight of the school 🙂
Wish I had a giant sign I could hang off my house ..
I’ll add a sign to my yard fro every robo call I get

30 10 2008
Road Runner

The repugs are squabbling among themselves:


30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Take a moment and check out Shannyn Moores Blog, listed on the right under “Local Alaskan Blogs”, for the cutest Obama Logo that is all Alaskan!

So cute!

30 10 2008

VOTE PALIN IN 2012!!!!! (for cleanest cell on her cellblock.)

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

“All the republicon fliers we get in the mail are mysteriously blue and lack any “R” reference …” Isn’t it funny that the usual red Republican signs are all Democratic Blue this time around?

30 10 2008

Duct Idaho Palin (08:43:43) :

If it’s true, the most interesting part to me is why Sarah wouldn’t just decline the VP nomination. How could she think that it wouldn’t come out?
The woman has an ego that is as big as the great outdoors. Nothing will stop her from pursuing what satisfies her ego, her children and truth be damned.

I find Palin to be a truly frightening person. She personifies all that is vile and ugly, and that’s not mere rhetoric. From the moment she was introduced at the convention and immediately dispalyed her mocking sarcasm, I knew I was not going to like her. I don’t care what she has done for the people of Alaska and what she has achieved because it has all been done at the expense of others.

I’m sure those with psychological experience could diagnose her with a true DSM code. Yes, I think she is that unstable.

30 10 2008

What I find worth mentioning over and over is that it really doesn’t matter all that much HOW Palin (and Ole Ted, et al) screwed up, but that -and how – they keep trying to cover up what they did. Even in the face of documents and statements and evidence galore, they keep coming up with improbable stories why it all isn’t true and they’re innocent and it’s all just smears from bad people who don’t like ’em.

A bit of honesty and guts to admit a wrong would go SO much farther with voters than these flimsy attempts to deny and paint over reality. To me, what they’re doing screams “COWARD” and “LIAR”. If Palin put a 10th of the effort in trying to straighten out her “mistakes” as she puts into covering them up with more idiotic lies, she might have a chance to be taken halfway seriously one of these days. As it is, she keeps digging her grave deeper and deeper and fills it with more and more slime. It seems extraordinarily stupid to me, but then what do I know about grave-digging… never tried it myself. Jeez.

30 10 2008
portland oregon native

@ Grammy
Send your son George Will’s latest editorial from the Washington Post. Mr. Will lists all of McCain’s failings in detail and calls him ‘careless’.
This from one of the leading conservatives around. However, Mr. Will is considered an ‘intellectual’ so that of course is a negative to the repug base.
good luck

30 10 2008

Bobg (09:12:46) :

Just a thought-I agree that it was stupid to fly from Texas to Alaska after her water broke. Not a lawyer but wouldn’t there be a case for child abuse for putting her unborn child at risk?

Nope, binding your stomach with tight clothes, running around in stilletos while pregnant, denying a disabled child quality, immediate prenatal and delivery care is a “choice”.

30 10 2008
Sarjo Mullet Troll

@MJC (09:05:40) :

O.K…..I said I wouldn’t speculate but I can’t help myself. Did anyone find it interesting that the Troopegate report revealed that SP stopped using her Bodyguards right around the same time?

Hey, I like the way you think–good catch, MJC!

30 10 2008

On the topic of HIPPA as a person in the Dental Field; we can’t even have schedules in the rooms that are uncovered in case another patient sees them. We can’t write anything on the front of charts; can’t even send out postcards with any info other then
“you have an appt and such and such a time”.
Its even worse in the Medical Field. 4 years ago when I had surgery and had a room in the Materinty ward, the nurses couldn’t even tell me if we had any new babies born that day. Violation of patient’s rights.
I can’t imagine how anyone could get hold of SP’s records leagally. And she sure hasn’t released them has she…hummm

30 10 2008

That was probably harsh but that poor little guy’s comfort has been last on that woman’s list since she got the amnio results.

30 10 2008
Road Runner

sosad, for a ticket that doesn’t look at polls, why are they making robocalls in AZ?

30 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

Bobg (09:15:56) :

VOTE PALIN IN 2012!!!!! (for cleanest cell on her cellblock.)

HA HA HA HA HA HA!! I will go to Alaska to visit her in prison just to say to her “Now, these are tax dollars WELL spent!”

30 10 2008
WV Democrat

I checked on my local newspaper this morning to see what more lies they were going to print about Obama and lo and behold I found this amazing letter to the editor from a Bishop no less:


30 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

New Thread Up Muddies!

30 10 2008

From today’s ADN: Ted Stevens wants prosecutors investigated.

Sullivan asks for the Justice Department to “commence a formal investigation into the repeated misconduct by federal prosecutors in connection with this case.” They add that the trial was “irretrievably tainted by the prosecution team’s zeal to convict a high-profile but innocent defendant.” The Justice Department had no comment on the letter.

See, we knew he was innocent; it was those nasty prosecutors.

30 10 2008

@MJC — I noticed that too…….. I guess it would have been strange to have bodyguards, who shadow you constantly, more people out there to say, when asked “I had no idea, she didn’t look pregnant to me!” Not to mention the fact that they would have had access to the family in a way that would have meant that they could know which Palin was pregnant.

Something about this is not right, true. Actually, there are a lot of things about this that are not right. But she has so many things that prove that she’s a liar & fraud & incompetent that it’s a drop in the bucket in my view. That’s why this Alaskan has never really cared about it — lots of other things that involve taxpayer dollars that are more important and make a recall/impeachment possible.

30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I hate to be the one to bring this up, me being a nice girl and all, but there ARE more sleezy and disreputable scenarios for the Trig thing (think political ambition/political image and black market babies…)

@Democrat G :
“PLEASE remember me next week….I may need help getting out of here.”

You betcha! Plenty of room in our big apartment that we can’t unload thanks to the housing crisis. My husband may even understand all the Americans showing up, suitcases in hand, at our front door asking for political asylum!

One question for the Alaskans – after all of these -gates coming to the surface, would SP even be elected to the senate?

30 10 2008

FL election offices revolting against GOP tactics (updated w/good OH news)



30 10 2008

To Wolf Pup Hideme Palin and Mother Who Thinks

Thanks so much for your comments regarding people with developmental disabilities.

I have a friend who has Down Syndrome, and she is a kind, loving, dynamic, 54-year-old adult who contributes to her community every day through a variety of volunteer activities. She’s enriched my life and the lives of many others, and she’s absolutely “no child-for-life.”

30 10 2008


30 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

New thread dudes and dudettes. Hope you got my message here Dem G. See you on the new thread.

30 10 2008

There was a time when people in high places gracefully withdrew when they had outworn their welcome. I think that time has come for the senator from Alaska.

30 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Morning Muddies,
I have been reading every comment (above) all morning, on my cell !!! Yikes I hate that. But I have the media center up and humming, aaaahhhhh so nice.

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin, I wanted to say, don’t even get me started on the atrocities brought on the American native populations. I have been one outspokan advocate for our native brothers and sisters and their forefathers my entire life, yet my lone voice is often regarded as just some weirdo.

I use this example often when I speak on this issue: Take for example our Lakota and Dakota Souix friends and family, their most sacred land is the Black Hills, in South Dakota, taken from them by white American’s who have never settled on a payment for the land to this day. And smack dab in the middle of this sacred land we have Custer State Park! The guy who wanted to totally annihilate every native man, women and child, and attempted to do so. So why isn’t there a Hitler State Park in Krakow, Poland? Thats why stupid people show up at Custer to watch stupid Cowboys and Cowgirls round up Buffalo for their annual stupidness slaughter. Jag-offs…

30 10 2008
Road Runner


McCain arguing with himself. What a tool!!


30 10 2008
knife pile palin

She had her eye on the VP seat and gunning for it LONG before being chosen. Spinning, scheming and plotting. Blind and selfish ambition makes one stupid enough to through logic out the window and risk anything.

Remember, she really believes in her mind she is the God chosen one for this position. It’s a part of the evangelical prophecy thinking. Believe me they do think God has a plan for them.

I can’t even imagine the stories that will come out in time, the books to be written.

Another thought that may or may not come out but could be true….that Bristle was pregnant but when discovered went into rehab because of drug/alcohol abuse thus the mentally injured baby, where the baby may have actually been born?

I’m just guessing. I don’t know where Bristle was during all this time or when she showed back up on the home or public scene.

All I do know is a pathological lair knows instinctively how to do it well and skilled at how to plot….. I don’t trust her, not one little grain of sand. This is like crazy afternoon soap crap, can’t tolerate that stuff either.

30 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

AKM, I love your covert ops. Proud of you for getting right in there and exposing the truth. After the election we should all commit to infiltrating every white-wing group, (cough) I mean right wing group who will be out to destroy an Obama Presidency in anyway they can. It may be war folks, our side will need good spy’s.

30 10 2008

To Wolf Pup Hideme Palin and Mother Who Thinks:

Thanks so much for your comments regarding people with developmental disabilities.

I have a friend who has Down Syndrome, and she is a kind, loving, dynamic, 54-year-old adult who contributes to her community every as a volunteer and great neighbor. She’s enriched my life and the lives of many others, and she’s absolutely not a “child-for-life.”

And as for the currently popular use of “retard.” I’ve known many developmentally disabled children and teens through work as a tutor, and one of the most difficult things that many of them must cope with is the awareness that many people consider them “not-smart” and “less-than” everyone else. It’s heartbreaking. It can’t be said enough: words do matter.

30 10 2008
Road Runner

AKM, since you are able to infiltrate these organisms, try and get Levi to answer questions. Since his ego is just as BIG as Palin oh-12, tell him his “fans” want to know the real truth.

30 10 2008

Bristol had mono for 5 months — that’s the story.

And yes, Bible Spice has had her eye on the VP job since last summer. It’s been written about over & over that she’s been vying for the position since the cruise season of 2007. That being the case, a pregnant teenage daughter in the midst of that would require some creative cover-up. Which could be what we’ve seen/heard. Not a great job, the flying while water broken story is not very credible to me. Either is a 5-month case of mono.

30 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (08:48:47) :

disenchanted tore (08:45:18) : on insurance for Bristol: As a Yupik native (like her dad) isn’t she entitled to free health care anyway? I remember hearing that fact passed around back when SP was claiming that she “knew what it was like” to worry about health insurance for her family. Just sayin’.

Yes, Todd and kids get free healthcare, and Sarah was eligilbe for free healthcare in relation to her pregnancies. AKM

30 10 2008
Crunk Petrol Palin

Here are the ratings for the “Obama Special”.

The Obama special was seen by 26.3 million viewers across broadcasters CBS, NBC and Fox, according to preliminary Nielsen ratings.

Now the tricky question is: What do you compare Obama’s ad to? After all, such a national pre-election special hasn’t been attempted in 16 years.

The entertainment programming that usually runs in the time period on those three broadcast networks has averaged 7.7 million viewers and a 2.4 adults 18-49 rating since the start of the season. In the preliminary ratings, the ad pulled an average of 9.2 million viewers and a 2.7 average rating.

But the usual shows are comedies and dramas. Can one realistically compare “Knight Rider” to a political ad? That would normally seem unfair — to the politician. Obama improved NBC’s rating by 43% and CBS by 10% compared with last week. And keep in mind Obama was competing with himself.

The lowest-rated of the three presidential debates received a 52.4 million viewers — but that was carried by more networks and was, after all, a debate.

The Ross Perot specials in 1992 averaged 11.6 million viewers, but those were 15 separate specials that ran on different nights.

30 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

@ Jamie, Floridian in France

we’ll find a way to get in touch….thanks!

30 10 2008
aka Klomp Molen Palin from Holland

@ Wolf Pup Hideme Palin (05:58:05) :

‘I’d like to remind everyone that the most anyone achieves in this life is being “temporarily abled” between childhood and old age.’

Wow. That’s a beautiful one..

30 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago:
We walk the same roads, I think, and yes, I’ve nearly bitten my own tongue off trying to keep it still, so, I won’t get you going. I just hope that after Nov. 4th, we can all keep up the fight, and the ‘bringing to awareness”

OT, with all this worrying about voting machines switching votes, and hanging chads,…I thought I would point something out here.
Canada just had a major election. No one ever worried about switched votes or hanging chads or uncalibrated machines, because the “machines’ they used for that major election involved a paper and a pencil. Imagine that!

30 10 2008

Let me see IF I can get this straight in my head.

In Alaska, if you’re a convicted Felon you can still get elected as a Senator. However, if you were an everyday JOE, who was a FELON, you can’t even vote.

In Alaska, if you’re the Governor and the Alaskan Legislature states you’re found guilty of Abuse of Power, and unethical behavior, nothing happens to you at all. In fact, you still remain as Governor. Yet, if an EVERYDAY Joe or Jane for that matter, abuses power in any office in the USA, you would be fired.

Not only do you remain as Governor of Alaska, and happened to be picked as a VP nominee in the RNC, and if your team loses, you automatically become “head” of the party.

Someone please explain this to me!

30 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (10:57:04) : voting with paper and pencils in Canada

It’s true, we don’t worry. For many years I have voted on a piece of paper the size of a post card, with about 16 point type on it (mind you, we’re only voting for our riding candidate in our federal elections, and while there are five parties nationally, there are only four running candidates in my province). But, for the first time this year, the paper ballots that we marked with pencils were actually optically scanned, which meant that there was a preliminary electronic count from the machines. If a poll was a close one, the candidates could request paper recounts.

30 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Sorry, the optical scan vote was only done in our provincial election. The ballot we used federally was the same old postcard. I was confusing the two because we have had so damn many elections lately. 8

30 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

So the old coot thinks he’s innocent, eh?

I suppose that’s why the jury convicted him.

Part of the article reads like it’s out of the old John Gotti and other mobster trials. We are innocent. The prosecutor is corrupt. The jury is made up of idiots and retards. We ain’t never giving up. Miscarriage of justice. We offer so much to the community. And the crowd goes wild with adoration. Youse all are our heros!

Until they get old and wrinkly and are forgotten as they die in jail.

Have these people really forgotten that Alaska is part of the USA and that the laws which apply to us also apply to the citizens of Alaska? People of each and ever state deserve to be represented by men and/or women who are neither crooks nor politicians convicted of corruption by a jury of their peers.

Cannot wait to see what that appeals brief contains in it.

30 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Maybe the Ted Stevens supporters are not really in denial… perhaps they are just poor dyslexic folks who think they are in Denali.

30 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin


30 10 2008

So I got this from ADN re: “Sitting on a story”. I never SAID what the story they were sitting on was, so unless everyone wrote about triggate…I wonder why they chose to include this link;

It’s not true. We aren’t sitting on any story. I’d like to refer you to the story where we interviewed Palin’s obstetrician: http://www.adn.com/politics/story/382864.html

30 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin (07:24:44) :

OK, peeps, my son (going for his master’s degree and obviously smarter than his mom) keeps sending me links to Wall Street Journal articles that set out the reasons why McCain’s plan on everything is better than Obama’s. I need a retort (besides saying that I’m too dumb to understand what the WSJ says half the time) to make him stop!!!!!!
Simple – ask your son to set out for you in black and white figures and hard numbers just how you will profit from a Republican win.

Won’t happen.

30 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Abuse of power. Opposing clean water. Not supporting clean election initiative. Implementing the slaughter of wolves. Allowing the wording of ballot initiatives to be manipulated to achieve agendas. Smearing and lying and fear-mongering. Service of self over service of others. Opposing womens right to make their own choices, just because those choices may be different from her own. Belittling the work of community organizers. Not having a shred of substance or vision of her own. These reasons are enough to reject a Palin candidacy for much of anything. We really don’t need to chase rumors that are unrelated to public policy, do we?

30 10 2008
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[…] He’s Baa-aack! Infiltrating the Welcome Home Ted Stevens Party … […]

31 10 2008

OK, this is coming from an outsider, but …

These people say f*%k the feds, but they gladly take all that federal tax money from the rest of the country with Uncle Ted’s earmarks. Seems like when it comes to federal largesse, their hands are open wide.