The Lyin’, the Witch and the Wardrobe – An Alaskan Tale.

26 10 2008

Sarah Palin has “fairy tale” written all over her.  From her humble beginnings to her humble middlings, to her swift Cinderella rise to fame as Alaska’s first female governor.  And now to the surreal celestial realm of national celebrity, riding around in her pumpkin coach with her glass stilleto-heeled slippers trying to be the second-most important person in the land!  I had almost convinced myself that this was the Palin metaphor, except for the one glaring problem.  Cinderella was nice.  Cinderella was humble, and sweet.  She loved the little creatures.  She sang like an angel.  Cinderella was not a diva, or a pitbull, or a hockey mom.  Not even close.  And she didn’t shoot the little creatures for fun.

The quest for the perfect Palin metaphor fell stagnant, until coffee the other day with a couple friends.  We were talking about how Barack Obama truly represents the American dream, but Palin is nothing but a fairy tale.  Quest for metaphor woke up again. “There has GOT to be a perfect metaphor for Sarah Palin,” I kept thinking.  What are her features…She’s beautiful, she’s seductive, she’s not what she appears to be, she sucks people in, she has an agenda that people don’t realize, she has no qualms about throwing people under the bus if it suits her, she’s manipulative, she has a lust for power, she is the center of her world……lights flashing, buzzers buzzing, whirring machine noises……..DING!  A small index card is ejected from the metaphor machine. 

“Sarah Palin, Queen of Narnia”.  Remember the White Witch?  Well…everyone else called her the White Witch, but she called herself the Queen.   Now close your eyes, and imagine…  After struggling through the world of Alaska political corruption, we suddenly find ourselves out in the fresh air, standing by a lamp post, in a strange new place.  We see a sleigh silently moving across the snow. Everything is glittering, and we can see our breath.   It’s been snowing for a long, long time.  The sleigh is pulled by six pure white caribou, (or polar bears…take your pick).  There is the silver tinkling of little bells as the sleigh approaches, and we see sitting there, wrapped in the furs, and clad in something fabulous from Nieman Marcus, is the White Witch.  Stunningly beautiful, icy cold, smiling.

She sizes us up.  She smiles, a radiant glossy, tattooed lip-liner smile.  She winks.  We feel warm and reassured.  She scoots over and pats the white furs on the seat, and we climb in.  We’re special, she tells us.  She’s here to serve us, to help us, to get ‘er done.  She knows what we want.  Even though she’s wearing a $3000 polar bear fur jacket and $400 designer snow boots, under all that, she’s really just like us.  Are we cold?, she asks.  We are offered hot cocoa.  “Thank you”, we say, “That cocoa is just like a breath of fresh air!” ” The last guy that asked us into a sleigh, kind of beat us around a little bit”, we confide.  “He told us we could trust him, but he was a bad bad man.” 

The White Witch bites her lip a little, in sympathy, smooths our hair, and tells us the bad man is gone forever…she saw to that.  He’ll never come back.  She even sold his sleigh on Ebay so we wouldn’t have to think about him any more.  We smile, and start to feel a little sleepy.

You seem so cold, she purrs.  Is there anything I can do for you?  “How about some Turkish Delight?” we timidly suggest…hardly daring to hope.  Her eyes twinkle…”I’ve got something even better.”  A beautiful tin box appears out of the snow.  She reaches down and gently takes up the box.  She sets it  in our lap, with a look that tells us it’s something special.  We coax the top off the box and peer inside….It can’t be!  It’s a check for $1200!  “That will keep you warm this winter, won’t it?” she smiles.  “Thank you!” we say.  “My family of four will be so grateful!”

“Family of four?  Well, gosh, why didn’t you say so?”  Three more $1200 checks suddenly materialize in the box.  We are speechless.  We kiss her cold white manicured hand.  She pats our head, and puts her hand back in the wolf fur muff.  “I killed it myself,” she confesses with a smile and a coy downward glance.  “Now, off you go!” We climb reluctantly out of the sleigh. “I ask only one thing.  Do you see up there between those two mountains?  Right past the big strip mall? That’s where I live.  The castle with the float plane out front, and the windows that look just like the ones in the sports complex next door.  And there’s my church over there.  And there is where I work.  All I ask is that you never ever come there, do you understand?  Do not ask any questions, do not use the freedom of information act, and do not question what I do in any of those places, am I making myself clear?”  Suddenly, her eyes flash.  We’re not sure we like it.  It makes us feel a little uncomfortable.

She tucks the four checks in our breast pocket and pats them.  She kisses our forehead.  We feel all warm and gooey inside.  “OK,” we hear ourselves saying.  We won’t do any of those things….Bye!”  We wave wistfully, ” Will I see you again?”  She turns around and winks as the sleigh moves silently on.  As we give one last look, and as the hot cocoa starts to wear off, we make out something on the back of the sleigh.  It’s….it’s people, but they are all grey and frozen like stone and stacked up in a little pile like cord wood. Like someone used a magic staff of evil to rob them of life and soul… Who are they? If we didn’t know better we’d guess it was our Commissioner of Public Safety, a State Trooper, and 3 or 4 members of the Narnian Legislature! Is it?  Should we tell someone? ….Nah….that’s crazy.  It couldn’t be.  She’s so wonderful!  And besides, we need to run to the bank.

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302 responses

26 10 2008
Laura Lee

Dibbs on first? I can’t wait for part two of the story!!!

26 10 2008
Sandia Blanca

Beautiful! Inspired post, as always.

26 10 2008
Turbine Yukon Palin (OR)

I’m gonna be too scared to go to sleep now!

26 10 2008
marksmyword aka Barrel McRaven Palin

A wonderful tale AKM! The White Witch for sure.

26 10 2008

Perfect!! What a writer you are!

26 10 2008
Joy from Wisconsin aka Chisel Dustup Palin

I liked this story very much but part of me still pictures her as the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Off With Their Heads!!!

26 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Ohhhh, I’ll have to set my alarm an hour earlier for tomorrow so I can catch up on all the saga. 4 time zones away- NO FAIR!

G’night fellow muddies. And thanks AKM for the bedtime tale. Praying for sweet dreams for a change (no nightmares).

26 10 2008
Gravel Blood Palin

As a lay student of both myth and metaphor, I would say you got it, AKM!

The rest of the story in oh, about 8 days, huh?

My, my, my. How they mighty do fall.

26 10 2008

Brilliant title….brilliant article….brilliant lady!!

26 10 2008

So that must make Barack Obama Aslan the Lion now doesn’t it?

26 10 2008

Did I just lend more fuel to the Christ metaphor?

Oh well, we could use somebody who can walk on water about now.

26 10 2008

I’m really hoping you go national after the election. Maybe a separate blog for Washington politics or some kind of dual daily post thing 🙂

26 10 2008

first comment?

26 10 2008

That. was. perfect.

Spot on.

26 10 2008

darn you guys are fast. it said no comments and i blasted one off, came in 13th

26 10 2008
Lin Hussein

What a great story; I truly appreciate such a finely crafted analogy. Brilliant!!!

26 10 2008

GREAT story!!! Gawd, you have a way with words… love it!!

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

man not even top 10

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

ohhh………..i like this post………….

26 10 2008

Gryphen (18:51:25) :

Did I just lend more fuel to the Christ metaphor?

Oh well, we could use somebody who can walk on water about now.

LOL aint it the truth. LOL 🙂

Empish I know the feeling LOL it like how do they catch it that fast LOL

26 10 2008

South Side Chicago

My husband and I associated Sarah Palin with the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon character, Natasha, and John McCain with the Boris Badenov character earlier when Sarah appeared to be simply a vampish cartoon charactor.

AKM, your take is more on point and of course because the characters are more finely drawn (more real), and the story a classic–we’ll go with your White Witch of the North!

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

AKM…….you nailed it this time……… perfect

26 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

AKM – you really should do something on Daily Kos!

26 10 2008

Nice Halloween tail on scarier thing I can think of right now is if she actually becomes VP. ooooooooooohhhhhhhh the thought.

26 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

AKM, that was so well written I went back and read it two more times, you cast a spell with words.

26 10 2008

oooopss I mean Only scarier

26 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

AKM…You must write a book, You really have a feel for the “Queen” grifter of the North!

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

ohhh…….how easy to stay on topic with this……….this is great

26 10 2008
kas (from Oregon)

It is perfection with a grateful nod to C. S. Lewis.

26 10 2008
Vice Peeper Palin

Wonderful post – I’m visiting Wisconsin, and am doing my best to explain what SWWNBN has been doing to/in Alaska. Now, I will refer this post. I could never explain it better.
Any Mudpups in Oshkosh, Milwaukee, Racine?
PS – my sister was a BRILLIANT Scarah in the neighborhood trick or treating last night. I have pics but they are stuck in the camera for now…

26 10 2008
Rope Hoover Recoil Zoo Palin aka Misfit

HAHAHA, What a wonderful bedtime story!!! Perfect analogy!!!! You not only hit the nail on the head, you drove it home with one swing of the hammer!

26 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I am a fan of the Chronicles of Narnia. You have hit the nail on the head.

Now let’s hit the witch on the head. Truly, the woman is evil.

26 10 2008
GJ [old community organizer/VISTA] in Idaho

Took time to read the post, so Knew I wouldn’t be 1st….the post was just to spot on….

Ice Queen, indeed! But, we know what happened to her, right?

26 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

A bedtime story. So thoughtful, AKM.

Yes, Cinderella loved the little creatures.

Loved the wolves howling at the ADN endorsement also.

26 10 2008

My husband and I associated Sarah Palin with the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon character, Natasha, and John McCain with the Boris Badenov character earlier when Sarah appeared to be simply a vampish cartoon charactor.

I always think of the Penguin and Catwoman.

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA (19:11:53) :

AKM, that was so well written I went back and read it two more times, you cast a spell with words.

26 10 2008
Lori W.

AKM – you mentioned you were having coffee with some friends. Was this at that “liberal “coffeeshop perhaps?” Great story, you are a talented writer!

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Quick, Quick, am I comment 37? Do I have dibs on 37 tonight?

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA


26 10 2008

AKM, this literally sent shivers down my spine. Just climbed out of a cozy, warm lavendar bath & your allegory finds me wanting to seek shelter in it again…. Before heading upstairs though, must send a link to two fellow C.S. Lewis fans (& wise anti-Palinites)! Have a peaceful evening.

26 10 2008

fabulous. perfect. if only more people saw things this way. I just had a conversation with a co-worker, who said, “I like Sarah Palin. She has spunk. Any woman who can win a beauty contest and then go shoot a bear is awesome!” I just looked at her and smiled. “Well, she certainly has spunk,” I agreed. I just couldn’t argue. If she is saying that… she’s already too far gone.

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

[I posted this on last thread after everyone left, without me realizing it.]

What does the fact that Sarah Palin recently purchased land in the antarctic finally confirm that many of us have long assumed?
She is bipolar.

26 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Damn, you’re good, AKM. I bet C.S. Lewis is smiling.

26 10 2008

oh (she whispers) a very spooky-ghosty story, in time for Halloween. But I’m okay (she says, feining bravery) as long as it’s not true.

26 10 2008
Vise Peeper Palin AKA That One

That was awesome and so accurate. Bravo

26 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Lori W – when you mentioned that liberal coffee shop it reminded me of something I had meant to do earlier today. Palin was bragging about getting her clothes at the “Out of the Closet” resale shop in Anchorage. I wanted to look up and see if it indeed had a deeper meaning.

Through Google I just found this post on another blog —

I wonder if she knows the whole deal with Out Of The Closet thrift stores. Surely she must. What will her Christian voter base think of her shopping at a store to help gays with HIV?
She’ll wear their clothes, but not let them get married.

26 10 2008
rf11 in FL

Great story! Thanks for your always creative and entertaining postings!

26 10 2008
kathryn jones

I agree… Palin brings up the same feelings of rage, of unjustness, of helplessness that the White Witch stirred in me as I both read the book and watched the movie (with the absolutely stone cold, gorgeous Tilda Swinton).

I am determined not to sit helpless however, which is why this thursday I am producing “Real Women Respond to Palin” a LIVE, 8 hour webathon which will give voice to the thousands of women from all across America who have expressed their great rage and disappointment in the nomination of Sarah Palin for VP.

All the info can be found at

The power of this project lies in the community that surrounds it. I hope you and your readers will embed the webathon on your own blog (its easy, all the directions are on our site) and I hope you will share it with others.

With much thanks and much hope!

Kathryn Jones

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (19:26:43) :

[I posted this on last thread after everyone left, without me realizing it.]
—————————————————donya just hate that when it happens……..I have sat there so many times thinking ……..ha…….. were is everyone……….then thinking …..dud……… post………..i am so slow

26 10 2008 the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

No…no…AKM…wake up…wake up! You can’t go to sleep yet. No fair. You can’t just end the fairy tale there. You have to finish the rest of the story. I mean, get to the part where the poor, hardworking, blue collar woodcutter and his frail little wife in her respectable cloth coat, struggling to keep body and soul together, and their seven starving, undereducated children who have never seen a dentist or doctor in their entire life, just….SNAP. You know…something like where they just can’t bear the thought of living another day under the spell of the beautiful Ice Queen and her ugly step-sisters, and they just…SNAP! And then they do something completely out of character for such decent, God fearing, kindhearted, hardworking folk like…oh, I don’t know…think of something…just make something up (this is a fairy tale, right?) I mean, think of the children…you have to finish the story for all of the poor, innocent little children who desperately need to hear that good triumphs over evil, the guys in the white cloth coats and hats come riding over the mountains in their dog sleds or whatever…a happy ending. Think back to your childhood, your children’s childhood, and hurry up and get to the part where something bad…I mean, something fair…happens to the ruthless, selfish, hardhearted Ice Queen and all the other bad people, and all the town folk and their sweet, little children, all the wonderful animals in the land, all the fish in the waters, even all the lovely trees of the forest all live happily ever after. So, please, please, I beg you…finish the story the right way. Do it for the children.

26 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein Queen Grifter Failin

What a great visual..! Barbie better watch out for this place when she comes back without the hundreds of lawyers to protect her from AKM..!

After such a great story, try adding this to your little pile of charm. Barbie has an evil twin, Michelle Bachmann.. Here’s a previously unseen video that will make you care and love her even more than you really do. She could really be as evil as Barbie, maybe worse in some ways.. Watch the video and decide for yourselves!

26 10 2008

You wonderful people up there in AK need to get the Queen re-called in the next two years or else the rest of us in the lower 48 will not have seen the last of “this one”.

26 10 2008
GJ [old community organizer/VISTA] in Idaho

Bec, I checked out the Out of the Closet in AK and I don’t think they are affilated with those in CA. They do not have any of the same sponsor’s, so I’m assuming the AK store stole the name…and she isn’t aware of what we down here know about the name….

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago


26 10 2008

The White Witch was in our town in Indiana last night. She had good old Hank with her to stir up the crowd. I watched on TV and it was the funniest thing as the camera stayed close to her so the only part of the crowd you saw was this group of people right behind her most of whom were quite young and they were quite busy texting and looking at the ceiling and such. But she worked her magic because they interviewed a guy coming out and he said she could get things done and she would get things done.

26 10 2008

Thanks AKM for the bedtime story. You really do have a way with words.

Night all

26 10 2008

Excellent fairy tale, AKM, but a bit night-marish for bedtime. In addition, I remember the epic battle scene that takes place between the White Witch and Aslan and how the latter gave himself up so the nation could rise as one.

I think we are in for a hell of a fight over the next week and a bit, plus, let’s not forget we still need to soldier on after the election.

AKM, you are truly an inspiration to me as a writer and a liberal. It’s time for me to get to work on my own writing again!

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Maybe Sarah will buy cheap knock-offs and pull the old switcharoo when she is supposed to return the fancy duds to the RNC. Hmmm, remember the pict of Piper carrying the white queen’s knock-off purse. Maybe the real purse is already squirreled away in Wasilla.

26 10 2008

Fantastic! You must find an illustrator and publish a graphic novel.

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

mhrt oregon”steve” (19:31:27) : donya just hate that when it happens……..I have sat there so many times thinking ……..ha…….. were is everyone

Ouch! Suddenly I am getting flashbacks from the playgrounds of my childhood.

26 10 2008
rf11 in FL

I can’t get Palin’s house off my mind. There is no question that it doesn’t pass the smell test.

Just think about it – she is building a house at the same time that the hockey complex is being built. The contracts for the hockey rink were awarded to Palin supporters, so they stood to make a lot of money.

A mile or so away from the hockey rink, *Todd is building their house* with some buddies at the same time the hockey rink is being built. Was her house being built as a kickback from those who were awarded the contracts for the hockey rink?

She had successfully eliminated building permits in Wasilla, so there is no paper trail to identify who actually built her house. I just checked the Wasilla website about building permits. Sure enough, here’s the Q and A straight off the city’s website:

Q: Do I need a building permit?
A: The City of Wasilla does not require building permits.

How did she ever get the city council to agree to no building permits, and on what basis?

There are just too many coincidences in this story. I’m sure there are many people in the small town of Wasilla who know the truth.

By the way, do you know the difference between Sarah Palin and Ted Stevens?


26 10 2008

Annnnd, more on the Red (Scare) Witch, Michele Bachmann:

My, my, my, if you want to talk about the friends you keep, Michele Bachmann should definitely not be throwin’ stones.

26 10 2008
Siege (GA)

You were patient and it came to you…so you could share with us.
A brilliant metaphor and beautifully written.
The part at the end with the bodies on the back really creeped me out!

26 10 2008

Clever Obama Song….hope the link comes out ok

26 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

GJ – thanks for the update – I did go with the first Google find. My bad. But hearing her brag about it – I almost don’t think she realized the double-meaning. No – she can’t be that stupid??????? I mean she is bragging about it to a big bunch of right wingers!

26 10 2008

Oh my gosh! It worked!!!!! YAY!!!

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (19:34:10) : 52nd

No Shikago, I am sorry to break this to you, but GJ clearly beat you out on the 52 slot. You came in 53rd. Better luck next thread.

26 10 2008

dowl (19:00:14) : South Side Chicago

My husband and I associated Sarah Palin with the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon character, Natasha, and John McCain with the Boris Badenov character earlier when Sarah appeared to be simply a vampish cartoon charactor.
And who was ‘fearless leader’ ?
; )

26 10 2008

Oh, I second the graphic novel comment. If you need an illustrator, I know a few.

26 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Financial Times comes out for Obama! (hoping I don’t get spammed!)

For all his experience, Mr McCain has seemed too much guided by an instinct for peremptory action, an exaggerated sense of certainty, and a reluctance to see shades of grey.

He has offered risk-taking almost as his chief qualification, but gambles do not always pay off. His choice of Sarah Palin as running mate, widely acknowledged to have been a mistake, is an obtrusive case in point. Rashness is not a virtue in a president. The cautious and deliberate Mr Obama is altogether a less alarming prospect.

The challenges facing the next president will be extraordinary. We hesitate to wish it on anyone, but we hope that Mr Obama gets the job.

26 10 2008

Here’s hoping the stacked people in the back of the sleigh aren’t rural citizens unable to afford heat this winter…

Just talked to my hubby — he’s in Calgary, keeping the home fires burning there in case I need to apply for political asylum. Asked him (he’s much more of an energy expert than Bible Spice) what the windfall tax dollar figure is for Alaska big oil. He said that he thinks that amount is $80/bbl, and that he thinks that the state sets its budget based on an average price of $83/bbl. He said, and I quote, “I heard that the state is taking it in the a$$.” Bottom line is that thanks to Bible Spice, the state of Alaska is in worse position now than they were before her taxes that she put into play to “take on big oil in Alaska.”

Let me see if I can explain this correctly and in easy to understand terms:

Alaska used to have a taxation rate for the oil companies that was not tied to price per bbl of oil. As I have explained in other threads, Alaskans have a bizarre relationship with big oil here and like to hate on them in direct opposition to their own best interests. That being the case, and following all of the “scandals” related to former gov, current senator Stevens, many legislators — all tied to big oil &/or big oil contractors — there was a big outcry, citizens demanding that big oil be taken to task. In a monetary fashion, of course! So, in steps Bible Spice, and she changes the tax structure to taxation that is tied to high oil prices, meaning the higher the price, the higher the taxes. Of course, the lower the price, the lower the taxes, is also true (but not true in the same direct fashion under the previous tax structure).

So, now oil has fallen well below both the windfall amount AND the amount on which the state bases its budget.

Can anyone say “Alaska is screwed unless prices go back up. A lot. Immediately.”??????

So, take that Lyin White Witch of Narnia. There goes the fallacy of you “taking on big oil.” And take that all of you blind Alaskans who have believed every word that she said — your Queen has NEVER had your best interests in mind, and never will. That $1200 is going to have to last a long time. What’s that? You already spent it on a big screen TV because you foolishly thought oil would always be high & the stock market would never crash leaving our state savings account minus $10 billion dollars in one week? Oh well.

I vividly remember when BP bought ARCO (where hubby & I were employed) ten years ago. Oil was $10/bbl. Hundreds & hundreds laid off. They got big packages, though, and that may not happen the next time the big layoffs come…

That’s my scary story for the night.

26 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Listening and Lovin’ in, Sue. Thanks.

26 10 2008

Wow that was so well written I think I am going to have nightmares tonight. My husband enjoyed the storytime too….he loves when I read to him 🙂

26 10 2008
GJ [old community organizer/VISTA] in Idaho

I love the part of the story about the castle on the hill with, “the windows that look just like the ones in the sports complex next door. ” Can we have pictures please? I would love to see those pictures on KO or Racheal.

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Eyes Wide … 52nd, 53rd who cares I’m spinnin the cylinder…

26 10 2008
Lori W.

Bec Hussien in Illinois:
I wonder if she knows the whole deal with Out Of The Closet thrift stores. Surely she must. What will her Christian voter base think of her shopping at a store to help gays with HIV?

I checked, the “Out of the Closet” you refer to (and we have them here in CA), is NOT part of that group. Sarah’s shopping place, IF she actually shops there, is a consignment shop that just happens to have the same name. Too bad, it WOULD be ironic if it were true.

26 10 2008

It’s very hard doing without Rachel and Keith for two whole days…..

26 10 2008

Sue, thanks for the song. It’s well-written, and he’s cute!

SMR, thank you for continually educating me on the ways of the oil companies. I know it’s eating you up inside, but I hope you can find some comfort that you are droppin’ knowledge on the Mudflat clan.

26 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA

SMR, That was very informative and would certainly scare me if I lived in Alaska.

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

rf11 in FL (19:39:09) : By the way, do you know the difference between Sarah Palin and Ted Stevens? Lipstick.

What is the difference between Sarah Palin and a pig with lipstick?
One is them is a stupid illiterate animal that enjoys wallowing in the mud and the other is…………………………………………………………………………………………..
come to think of it, there is no difference.

26 10 2008

Wow! That analogy was perfect, spot on! And that my dear AKM is what makes it so utterly frightening.

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Thanks AKM, awesome tale. I just wish it was fiction.

26 10 2008

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (19:52:16) :


26 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

SMR (19:45:04) :
Thank you for laying it on the line for me. There’s still a lot I don’t know, but, thanks to you, I’m slowly getting up to speed.

26 10 2008
Alaska Pi

I don’t know how to write a picture of laughing and crying at the same time…Thank you . Wouldn’t be making it through this last few days before the election without your wit and good sense…

26 10 2008

The “witch” metaphor continues…unfortunately

Tensions rise as Palin polarises nation and party

I will do everything in my power to stop this person.

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

it is not just backmann-5 kids
palin………………………….5 kids

blond protenffffffff 5 kids

katheryn harris………………who knows how many kids……but she was on bushs train………and handled his hanging chads

marcia strirman

michele malkin……………i just heard about her today …….have not had time to look her up…….but she sounded like another clone………..It seems as if they are cloning these women to run in the goverment……..but of course they do as their husbands tell them to do…………scary

26 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I found Sarah’s shop. (In an ADN article from March 2007) If the owner gets lucky – maybe she’ll get the RNC clothes on consignment and Sarah can buy them back. Guess our Queen of the Snow already had designer tastes. Read below.


Location: 720 D St.

There’s no doubt about the fact that Out of the Closet! is cutting-edge chic. The store seeks out and sells brands that aren’t easily available in Alaska, such as Prada, Gucci and Chanel.

But there’s a quainter side of the downtown boutique that includes selections from less- expensive brands like Kenzi, Express and occasionally, in one of those “Really?” moments, you’ll find worthy Old Navy pieces.

26 10 2008

CNN just said Obama call a 106 year old lady to thank her for voting for him. That is like sooooo sweet. she wasnt home so he had to leave her a message and she is just soooooo happy.

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

SMR (19:45:04) : Thanks for the details.

26 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Evening all Mudpuppies —

Absolutely wonderful story AKM – can’t wait for the next chapter

Will it be the dreams & lives of those who she has ruined? (Monegan)
Will it be the “Master” she learned her tricks from? (Stevens)
Will it be the off-spring she parades around to protect herself from criticisim & harm? (Media & Political)
Will it be the forgotten ones in the bush that may freeze to death this winter due to lack of affordable heating?

Such choices…….. hmmmm

26 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Joy from Wisconsin aka Chisel Dustup Palin (18:39:17) :
“I liked this story very much but part of me still pictures her as the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Off With Their Heads!!!”

That transformation takes place when she leaves Narnia through the looking glass into the lower 48 and puts on her magical red leather jacket that had suddenly appeared in her luggage from Lord* knows where, free of charge, oh what a magical world she lives…

*actually Saks apparently Lord and Taylor are too gauche in fantasyland.

26 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Donna (19:34:21) :

The White Witch was in our town in Indiana last night. She had good old Hank with her to stir up the crowd. I watched on TV and it was the funniest thing as the camera stayed close to her so the only part of the crowd you saw was this group of people right behind her most of whom were quite young and they were quite busy texting and looking at the ceiling and such. But she worked her magic because they interviewed a guy coming out and he said she could get things done and she would get things done.
That sounds marginally more interesting than her usual rallies. 😀

I can’t stand Randall Hank Jr

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

I love that ………the white witch……..soooooooo perfect

26 10 2008
Soldotna Sue

Off Topic: (I’m sorry. I can see that you Mud Puppies are having so much fun.)

We went to a neighbors’ for dinner. On the way home some right-wing wacko was on the radio saying that McCain had to bring Jeremy Wright back in a huge way as a last ditch effort to win the election. Do you think that would work at this late date? The video of Wright yelling, “God damn America!”Is pretty powerful in a very negative way. I hope it would backfire at this point!

26 10 2008

@Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA, hey! No insulting pigs. They are intelligent creatures who snuffle in the mud to stay cool. I collect pigs as it’s the year of my birth.

Also, I like real witches much better than I like Palin. We need to come up with a special nomenclature just for her.

26 10 2008
Blaster Commando CO in Cecily

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the fairest of them all?

“John McCain disputed the polls that show him trailing Barack Obama by double digits, saying that he would rather rely on his “senses” and is encouraged by the enthusiasm at his events…

“I choose to trust my senses as well as polls. In the enthusiasm, at almost all of our campaign events is at a higher level than I’ve ever seen and I’ve been in a lot of presidential campaigns,” McCain said. “I see intensity out there and I see passion. So we’re very competitive here and I’m very happy with where we are and I’m very proud of the campaign I’ve run.”…

But Brokaw sought details into the role Palin has played in the campaign as well as he rising unfavorable poll numbers. McCain stumbled through the answer, citing her experience as a small-town mayor and two years as governor of Alaska. He also claimed that she had “more experience than Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama together.” In a line bound for Saturday Night Live, McCain also let loose with a line on their similarities, “We’re both mavericks!” he said….”

Full story Wall Street Journal:

26 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who’s the fairest of them all?

“John McCain disputed the polls that show him trailing Barack Obama by double digits, saying that he would rather rely on his “senses” and is encouraged by the enthusiasm at his events…

“I choose to trust my senses as well as polls. In the enthusiasm, at almost all of our campaign events is at a higher level than I’ve ever seen and I’ve been in a lot of presidential campaigns,” McCain said. “I see intensity out there and I see passion. So we’re very competitive here and I’m very happy with where we are and I’m very proud of the campaign I’ve run.”…

But Brokaw sought details into the role Palin has played in the campaign as well as he rising unfavorable poll numbers. McCain stumbled through the answer, citing her experience as a small-town mayor and two years as governor of Alaska. He also claimed that she had “more experience than Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama together.” In a line bound for Saturday Night Live, McCain also let loose with a line on their similarities, “We’re both mavericks!” he said….”

Full story Wall Street Journal:

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (20:02:51) : hey! No insulting pigs.


What is the difference between Sarah Palin and a pig with lipstick?
One is them is a STUPID illiterate animal that enjoys wallowing in the mud and the other one is…
a pig.

26 10 2008

Oooh AKM.. what a way you have with your writing…

I never DID like that ol White Witch.. never.

I hope you all find your Alaskan Aslan (and that she hasn’t shot him from a plane) to rescue you!

thank you once again.

26 10 2008

@Soldotna Sue, oh, please, pretty please bring out Jeremiah Wright again (who also served his country, I might add). That would give Obama full license to pull out every nutball story on Palin’s religious beliefs (and how she billed the good taxpayers of Alaska for it to boot) that exists, and there are many. I think Obama has honed this fight after slugging it out with Clinton.

Bring it.

26 10 2008

@Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA, why thank you for the addendum. That was actually where I thought you were going with the joke.

26 10 2008

suchanut (19:50:45) : It’s very hard doing without Rachel and Keith for two whole days…..

Ditto. Every weekend I go thru withdrawal and can hardly wait ’til my Monday fix!

26 10 2008

Brought over from the last thread…

Stevens’ trial- no- the TRIAL does not start over. The jury deliberations start over with the new, alternate juror participating.

Energy- McCain said that SP’s national security experience was related to her VAST EXPERIENCE with oil and gas etc. So, how is it that she fails so miserably on this issue? Shouldn’t she excel? ah- me

100,000 people at the Denver rally (where just two months ago there were 80K+ at the convention; yet they come back out again. Amazing. And, many Americans like a winner… if you were the sort of person who likes to be on the bandwagon which campaign would you choose?

Oh I know it is about the issues- but.. I’m just sayin’

26 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (20:02:51)

Also, I like real witches much better than I like Palin. We need to come up with a special nomenclature just for her.

How about stupid, arrogant, repugnant, asinine, hateful? Acronym – SARAH

26 10 2008

Springtime is coming to Narnia.

26 10 2008

@Asiangrrl —

You’re right — it’s close to home for me. Hubby & I are both pretty well oil-entrenched by trade & education. Not many jobs for petroleum engineers outside of the oil industry. Not any, as far as I know! Not any IN the oil industry when times are rough. So many Alaskans just don’t get it. They don’t understand how they have been manipulated. They don’t understand how vulnerable they all are — whether or not they are directly employed by big oil, a phenomenally HUGE proportion of Alaskans are financially tied to the jobs that big oil bring in. Energy independence, my ass. If Alaskans drill baby drill that just makes them more dependent upon big oil. We lose our ability to negotiate with the companies. We lose our ability to effect positive change by exploring green energy options.

I just don’t know if Alaskans will ever get it — and that really really gets to me.

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Sparky (19:56:37) :
I know many of us who feel the way you do. Palin’s political career must end in Alaska.

I had read somewhere, hufpo me thinks, that there is an approaching republican blood bath, within the party. I believe we are seeing the trickle begin.
Either way Sparky, I’m stocking up on pop-corn, this is going to be so fun to watch.

26 10 2008
Anchor Jack

Is server down on the other site??? Cannot access.

26 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Well, time to log off tonight. Tomorrow my 12 year old daughter and I are going to the Obama rally. Nite.

26 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Growing Asian-American Vote Sheds Passive Past

LORTON, Va. — For a long time, says Loc Pfeiffer, his fellow Asian-Americans were passive participants in American politics. But things are changing.

“Asians don’t like confrontation or being adversarial, but that’s politics,” said Pfeiffer, a 41-year-old lawyer who was 6 when his parents brought him to America from Vietnam.

“The more we’re raised and bred here, the less likely we are to be passive. So much of our culture, it’s a very, very obedient culture. … You don’t argue with the government. You don’t argue with Big Brother. There’s the assumption that you give up all your individual rights for the whole. Which is astounding to me, because I’m American now,” he said.

26 10 2008

Great fairy tale! Quite accurate a description of Sarah Palin. Thanks for sharing that. It was funny and frightening all at the same time. Kind of like Palin herself.

26 10 2008

Anchor Jack (20:15:25) :

Is server down on the other site??? Cannot access.

I got into the forum no problem…is that what you meant?,forum.html is not functional at the moment.

26 10 2008

Have you guys gone and looked at the prices on the Out of the Closet AK website? She seems super frugal to me. I know prices there are higher than they are in say Kansas, but seriously wow. Of course the big problem is that most of the people she is talking to don’t understand the difference between a consignment shop and a thrift store. Just the rules alone for that store tell you that their prices are going to be high… about snotty/elitist

26 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Intrigued (20:21:31) :

The American Dream is NOT for a Marxist/socialist country!!
What are you talking about?

26 10 2008


26 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

hey, suchanut, we posted at exactly the same time – maybe it’s happened before, but this is the 1st time I noticed.

26 10 2008

My brother-in-law is in oil drilling here in KS and we thought he was starting to come around at one point because he was seeing what the anti-immigration laws were doing to the farmers and to the meat-packing industry(he lives near a big meat packing plant) But then with the oil drilling boom he has lost his ever-lovin mind and is convinced that “Drill Baby Drill” is the answer. Plus them Islamic terrorist are scary….My husband does not know what to do about his brother at all. He has tried for many years

26 10 2008
portland oregon native

Thanks AKM and all the mudpuppies out there. I really, really, really needed you all this evening. It is good to be back on the mudflats.
I was subjected to a couple of hours listening to a very disaffected Hillary supporter who now talks like Rush and O’Reily this afternoon. YIKES! It was scary stuff. There was no talking to this person. She was just wacko!
Thanks for the White Queen story. I am going out shopping tomorrow to perfect my Halloween costume and I am now inspired!
Night all.

26 10 2008

Yeah I am on the ??? for Intrigued bandwagon too

26 10 2008

Has this been the longest October in the history of all Octobers, or is it just me?

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago


Oh YES, Dig this from Monday’s Telegraph in England hitting the streets as we post… being referred to on right wing blogs…

On the bloodbath…

“The litmus test will be: where did you stand on Palin?”

HEADLINE: Republican fears of historic Obama landslide unleash civil war for the future of the party

26 10 2008

Crust! I know! We are so special! 🙂

Michele – it is true. I have never been this anxious about anything before in my life. Counting down the days would have been pure agony without AKM and Mudflats….the one stop shop for the very latest.

I keep reminding myself to breathe!

26 10 2008
scarlet in Oregon

Disney has competition from you!!

It’s so refreshing to be connected to the truth you write after a long day of watching Palin spread her smears & people like Elizabeth Hasselbeck ‘defending’ her highness Sarah.

As for her donating those clothes…..where and to whom???? Certainly we ‘average citizens’ can’t wear them to Walmart or to clean house, so are they going to the consignment shop?

Thank you!!!!!

26 10 2008

Soldotna Sue (20:02:30) :
If fox news , as fair and balanced as they say they are, they would have stated that rev Wright was quoting Ambassador Peck.

“I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday,” Wright declared. “He was on Fox News. This is a white man and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out, a white man, an ambassador, that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Muhammad was in fact true: America’s chickens are coming home to roost.”

26 10 2008

She sizes us up. She smiles, a radiant glossy, tattooed lip-liner smile. She winks. We feel warm and reassured. She scoots over and pats the white furs on the seat, and we climb in. We’re special, she tells us. She’s here to serve us, to help us, to get ‘er done. She knows what we want.

Something I’ve noticed from the beginning is the complete disconnect between SP’s on-stage persona and the words she speaks. You see this in a lot of people: the relaxed smile combined with words of fury.

She’s got the whole fairy princess look and act down pat, but every speech drips venom, including her “policy” speech about special needs. All you have to do is close your eyes and picture the same words, syntax, and emphasis coming out of the mouth of someone with a ruined face, long, tangled, greasy hair, filthy clothes, and a kidnapped child locked in a closet. Or anyone in her loyal “Christian” base. Take your pick. I think people hear what she says, but believe what they see: “She looks like sugar, so what she says must be sweet.”

The really disturbing thing for me is that she is so completely comfortable spewing venom. Any normal person would be playing a part and would look discomfited, at least occasionally.

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

2nd try…This is great!!!


Featured in the 10/26/08 LONDON TELEGRAPH…

“The litmus test will be: where did you stand on Palin?”

The spam filter won’t let me include the link…
Google news: Headline: Republican fears of historic Obama landslide unleash civil war for the future of the party

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Pop that popcorn folks this is going to be good.

26 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

OMG — Like Alaska Ethics would be a problem for her …..

Law may preclude TV stardom for Palin

If Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin does not become vice president on Nov. 4, she can look forward to a sweet payday for a memoir about her unlikely VP run should she choose to write one. But she might have to forgo hundreds of thousands of dollars in lucrative speaking fees and perhaps even millions more should she be asked to host a cable or network television show.

Palin, who is expected to serve out her term as governor, which runs through 2010, would likely be allowed to write a book about the VP race under Alaska state laws that govern outside pay of government officials. But restrictions under the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act could disallow her from accepting speaking fees or a salary for television appearances while she’s serving in state government. “”

read more @

26 10 2008
portland oregon native

If you go to the web page for the Anchorage Out of the Closet shop you will note that they feature models wearing examples of their clothes.
Maybe Sarah P can get a job modeling those clothes?! She does like to pose.
I’m also ‘a thinkin’ that the other Out of the Closet shops may want to check on the legality of use of the name by the Anchorage store.

26 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Oh thankie! Our AKM has tucked us into bed with a bed time story worldwide (or at least on the East Coast!)

You must keep this as part of the Mudflats Blog as we go forward after the Election. That you will always advertise a few days ahead of time that there will be a Special Story Night on such and such a date for all the Little Muddies worldwide in every land!

That the Muddie Story Hour will be on the digital airwaves!

I am NOT scared by AKM’s wonderful Scary Halloween Story because I just listened to the Bill Cunningham Sunday Night radio talk show and that man and his lobotomized callers ARE scary!

But I comforted myself while driving in my car having to hear his idiotic fare on the ONLY FM talk radio signal I could get by humming the SACRED MANTRA to myself.

One that we may ALL be singing in nine short days!

Save this link for possible future use in communications with your friends in nine short days.

26 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Jump off the Intrigued bandwagon everyone. S/he is a firm believer that if Obama is elected, we will go commie.

Jamie, Floridian in France, would you like to make a comment on this when you get up?

Yeah, I hate the socialist ideas like public transit, public education, social security, Medicaid and Medicare. I would really hate it if we had universal healthcare so the emphasis was on preventative rather than emergency care. Wow. Imagine a country where people truly were equal. No, don’t want to go there, do we?

A proud socialist capitalist am I.

@SMR, keep fighting the good fight. Hopefully, the Alaskans will understand one day.

26 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago, it’s already happening. The schism between theo-cons and con-cons makes me think that we will have a third major party in the near future. I don’t see a mending of fences between the religious rights and the true conservatives, especially as the former has a ‘you’re for us or you’re against us’ mentality.

26 10 2008

$2,000,000 net worth for Sarah Jessica Palin and Big Todd and they’re just like us. $150K clothing allowance for a couple months??? Ironically, I lost as much from my 401K as she spent on her makeup and hairdresser in the last three months, $30K(which is just a little less than my wife and I earn in a year)!!! Pigs and lipstick my arse, I want my $30K back!!

26 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

C.S.Lewis is right up there as one of my all-time favorite authors. I wrote a stage-play based on The Great Divorce, and when I was very young (maybe 15) I was first introduced to him by reading The ScrewTape Letters. Later on in life I found his trilogy – Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength. When I first found the Chronicles of Narnia I devoured the 7 volumes and later read them to my children and made sure they had the books as well.

Thank you for the imagery and analogy, AKM. It’s so wonderful finding people who’ve made similar discoveries in their lives.

And good night all, tomorrow will be 8 days to go. Be sure to keep warm and hold open the place in your hearts where good things still can happen.

26 10 2008

Hey everyone.. If the blog eats your comment, please don’t post it multiple times. I know it is frustrating but if you could restrain yourselves because it is frustrating to everyone else, to have to read 2-8 of the same thing once I (or AKMuckraker) pulls it out of the spam bin.

I’ll be rescuing comments about once an hour for the next few hours, I’m in the mudflats chat and if the blog eats your comment please go to the chat and let me know instead of reposting it. 🙂

You can get to the chat by visiting the forums, and then clicking on Live Chat now available 24/7 right here in the top right hand corner. The forums are here –,forum.html

26 10 2008

Aw, AKM…did ya just have to use one of my favorite “old” stories to represent on of my “newest” nightmares??? Fer shame on ya now…that be the worstest of bads…Oh well, I hope yer she-beast dies in this newest story-tellin’ of yers! Her came into her own in the original story-tellin’…
Sorry to say so, but I pray (as a right-regular Christian kinda sort) ya’ll get that wee-bit of a gal back…no offense meant 🙂

26 10 2008
portland oregon native

OMG Obama’s rally in Denver had 100,000 people.
I am hopeful again.

26 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Signing off muddies… til then. Thanks again AKM.

M U D S T O C K II – C h i c a g o (IL, IN, WI, MI)

Chicago area Mudflatters!

Mudstock II Pre-election Day Gathering
Sunday November 2, 11:30-???.
We are meeting at the bean then were off to Pizano’s for lunch . Reservations needed. Send us your e-mail addy with your Mudflats pseudonym to Or shout at one of us when you see us on.

Bec Hussein in Illinois
Chief Hussein Shikago

O B A M A – B I D E N 0 8

26 10 2008
Lacy Lady

Great Story!!!!!!! I can just visualize the illustrations!!!!!! There would have to be a big black witches’ hat on her!!! And lets not forget the broom. The one I hope she rides back to Alaska. Not exactly what she would like–Broom Stick 1

26 10 2008
Presbyterian Gal

Ok, now someone needs to Photoshop Palin’s face on a still of the White Witch from the film. Then we all put it on our blog sidebars.

26 10 2008

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (20:14:49) 🙂

26 10 2008
26 10 2008

@ Lacy Lady
no, lewis’ witch was beautiful to behold…with gentle speech that made her audience know she knew their enemies (enemies they did not even know they had)…just like palin

26 10 2008

If and when McCain/Palin are sent packing on Nov. 4th(I DO NOT underestimate the republicans abilities to steal/manipulate elections!!!!!) what do we do about Gov. Palin?

It appears by the many blogs I’ve been reading that she is the next great Republican hope for ’12 OR McCain is setting her up to take his defeat.

But, she is really playing to the religious right big time, flaming their racial hatreds and promoting the abortion agenda.
She is very scary because she is devious and not very smart.
We need to make sure she only visits the WHite House, never lives there!!!

26 10 2008
Lacy Lady

That makes her even MORE SCARY!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!

26 10 2008

AKM, Story couldn’t have been more detailed into he truth of this women.
Hopefully she won’t walk away scott free, like step down from governor and become this big fantastic star, she needs to be put where she belongs …….
Locked up and/or weaving baskets. We’re all here, we’re not going to let you down. When Alaska calls we’re here to answer.

26 10 2008

@ Diane
that’s why we need to stay vigilant and active…pray Alaska can deal with her when the legislature comes back into session…or Brian decides to take her out for survival reasons 🙂

26 10 2008

Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago,

Just realized you did manage to post the link.

On the issue of the election being over: if that is true, McCain has been effectively “Palinized”.

Don’t take things for granted. A true maverick never gives up; he might trade SP for Paris Hilton.

26 10 2008
Daisy Hussein

Bravo, AKM. You nailed it!

26 10 2008

26 10 2008

Thank you for making me laugh. I will be so glad when Alaska get’s her back. You deal with her!!

26 10 2008

Diane (21:05:34) :

“If and when McCain/Palin are sent packing on Nov. 4th(I DO NOT underestimate the republicans abilities to steal/manipulate elections!!!!!) what do we do about Gov. Palin?”

I hate to remind you again that you are dealing with Mavericks. Country first. Secede Alaska, and happily drill ever after…

26 10 2008

AKM: What a magnificient story! One of your absolute best. You have nailed Ms. Palin perfectly. She IS the Ice queen! Thank You for such a beautiful effort.

NMJ: The really disturbing thing for me is that she is so completely comfortable spewing venom. Any normal person would be playing a part and would look discomfited, at least occasionally

One question I have been asking from the beginning of the Palin nightmare is “Has anyone seen an ounce of humanity from this woman?” I’ve asked this question a few times and no one has ever answered. And I ask this question in all seriousness. Seriously has anyone seen one tiny little ounce or human compassion in this woman? I never sense any warmth from this woman – none. I never saw warmth towards her newborn baby and I watched her carefully. In fact the very first red flag I had about this woman was wondering how a mother with a 4 month old baby could leave that baby and go off and be a VP candidate. She is a scary strange woman. I got a chill when she told Charles Gibson she never blinked when she accepted the VP nomination! My God! How could you not blink? You have a newborn baby! I think that is why I believe the Trig wasn’t hers story more than any other reason. The fact that she could leave a brand-new baby and go traipsing across the country without a moment’s hestitation.

So yes, I agree. A normal person would not spout such hateful, virotic rhetoric without a tiny bit a hestitation. She, however, delivers it with glee. She is a scary, dangerous woman. One thing I think we can all agree on is that she is not a normal person.

SMR: Thank you for some very insightful info. It makes one wonder if Palin’s willingness to jump so quickly on the first straight-talk express out of town has anything to do with her hoping to not be around when the proverbial shit hits the fan. I bet she was really hoping she wouldn’t have to come back and actually have to be a governor again. She has left lots of messes behind that I bet she was hoping she wouldn’t have to clean up.

26 10 2008

I did a little “Joe Biden choke” of emotion when I read this from the NY Daily News:
“Hey, Sarah Palin, there are real American heroes, even here in New York City”

26 10 2008

@ mudflats
ty, as a sponsor of disabled veterans in the Winter Sports Clinic (Colorado) I appreciate that video. Whether those men were veterans or not it’s a remarkable show of strength, fortitude and blessings.

26 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (20:24:52) :

Intrigued (20:21:31) :

The American Dream is NOT for a Marxist/socialist country!!
What are you talking about?

Where have you been? We HAVE LIVED under corporate war socialism 24/7/365/66. The Military Industrial Complex is all PURE CORPORATE SOCIALISM. War are us. War is what we do as a nation. This is our sure money maker. This has been our way of life since World War II since that experience filled the coffers of the banking, University, and industrial economic system.

War is good business. Invest your son or daughter. Hell, invest yourself! War is a money maker for a few. It is destitution and loss for many. And I say this as a veteran. We are led by madmen and always have been. Maybe we will get it right now to change this nation? I am certainly happy about trying.

This is as good a depiction of war as you will see at the cineplex.

As I have said here before, my oldest sister will be glad to get you air dropped into the Infidel Quarter of Afghanistan on the border with Pakistan if you want to find out what war is. Just tell her where to send your body to your family.

The United States IS a SOCIALIST COUNTRY for the Military Industrial Complex. It is how the Keysnian pump is primed for our economy. It is the great scam that has robbed the people of this nation for almost 50 years now. Where have you been since 1960 when Eisenhower made his famous speech of WARNING?

He called it. He warned us. And the rest is history.

This is corporate war socialism for the few.

So why not try something truly “socialistic” now for the many!

Plus REAGAN REPUBLICANS NATIONALIZED BANKS this month in a page right out of the Lenin Playbook! So WTF are you talking about.

How do you explain that?

Sounds like socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor to me! And the poor have to foot the bill!

The American Dream is right now a NIGHTMARE! We are broke as a nation! Do you get that? WE ARE BROKE! WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED!

We have to try to change it. I still think we can. Especially with the rise of the Internet now in our politics.

So tell me what you mean?

Tomorrow! Because I am going to bed now!

26 10 2008

Some posts about the white witch reminded me of this…

Local hero – NYC 911
On 911 a Brooklyn firefighter couldn’t drive to the towers, so he ran… to his death.

NYC is the ‘not patriotic part of America’

…When Stephen heard on his scanner that the World Trade Center had been hit, he turned his vehicle around and headed towards the site. When his truck was prohibited from entering the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, typically of him, he raced on foot towards the site with his gear strapped to his back.

He was last seen alive on West and Liberty Streets where he, more than likely, went looking for his Squad, all of whom perished. The Tunnel to Towers Run retraces Stephen’s footsteps on that fateful day.

26 10 2008

Well, here is another character for the story… Elizabeth Hasselbeck as Sarah Palin mini-me. Watch below

I really do not see the point in her speech. Nothing of any of it had to so with the issues. It was just another sarcastic snear at Obama and mostly a pack of lies… again. I really do not understand why she has not been fired from THE VIEW. Her conservative voice is not constructive. It is right-wing fanaticism. I am disappointed in Barbara Walters for not choosing someone with an “intelligent” conservative viewpoint as a valid counterpoint to the other women. The spectacle that I have seen on the clips of this show has convinced me not to patronize that show and not to watch. It just wastes my time.

26 10 2008

HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin (21:27:18)


26 10 2008
Zim in Oz

If according to Alaskan law, she cannot accept appearance money/book fees whatever
I wonder if she will resign.

I read an article in LA times yesterday sugesting that this little lady never was a hockey mom, she is the one sits in the cadilac in the parade waving to the hockey moms.

She has tasted fame and likes it…fame is intoxicating. Stuff the power she’ll take the cash and as she wants it…more fame…and move to Hollywood with Todd and the kids.

(LOL like the hillbillies….I can see it now…) 😉

26 10 2008

I LOVE it when you write like this AKM! In fact, I’m downright jealous when you write like this, LOL! 😀

BRILLIANT satire! Made my early morning here on the East Coast.

26 10 2008
Click here for a picture of the Ice Queen

26 10 2008

“‘Family of four? Well, gosh, why didn’t you say so?’ Three more $1200 checks suddenly materialize in the box.”
that cracked me up. talk about literally mortgaging your childrens’ future. morally, ethically and now financially bankrupt. the circle is almost complete!

26 10 2008

Depending on a person’s perspective our “progressive” tax codes, with loop-holes that only corporate or wealthy entities/person(s) can take advantage of could be viewed as socialism. We have been spreading the wealth in an upward trajectory for a very long time…depending on how you view things.
IMHO only a foolish person would equate either canidates tax proposals as being “new”, “differant”, “socialist”, etc.
McCain wants to basically keep to the “status-quo” and Obama wants to return to a 1990’s Clinton-type of taxes. The main differance is Obama is promising to go through the tax code and make fundamental changes…McCain is offering temporary legislative changes.
The IRS and our tax code needs a wee-bit of tweakin’ …can it get any worse if we try some changes?
Just a thot

26 10 2008

This post really made me glad that I decided to donate my rebate check. Half went to Obama, 1/4 went to my left-leaning church and the other 1/4 to my local elementary school. It sure felt good, since accepting the money felt like a bribe.

Great story, btw.

26 10 2008

Outstanding blog here, Akmuckraker! Simply outstanding!

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Gayle (21:21:43) :

Thank you for making me laugh. I will be so glad when Alaska get’s her back. You deal with her!!

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Siege (GA) (19:41:56) :
A brilliant metaphor and beautifully written.
The part at the end with the bodies on the back really creeped me out!

Ditto. Were the frozen bodies from freezing without heating oil?

26 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@MUDFLATS………………you need to get a new name……………..mudflats is AKMunless you are him /heri can’t read you comments

26 10 2008

ocliberal (21:25:11) : Seriously has anyone seen one tiny little ounce or human compassion in this woman? I never sense any warmth from this woman – none. I never saw warmth towards her newborn baby and I watched her carefully.

Yes, she has the same disconnect between her words and her actions, like how she handles Trig. I see her showing occasional warmth towards the other small one – Piper(?), usually when she’s parading her around like a show dog in an arena. However, she handles Trig as though he was just a plastic doll. I actually did think she was carrying a doll, one time as she exited a plane; I recorded the newscast and watched it several times, frame by frame. Finally, I saw Trig move an arm slightly. I have never seen her look at Trig when she held him, or touch him with anything more than the minimum body contact to keep him from falling.

I read somewhere long ago that, if you want to know what kind of friend someone will be, look at how that person treats his/her children. Children are powerless, so the potential friend will show his/her true personality to the child.

26 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin (21:27:18) :

So tell me what you mean?
Tomorrow! Because I am going to bed now!

Please don’t worry yourself to respond to the troll Intrigued. It was an ignorant and indefensible statement and doesn’t deserve a response.

Intrigued appears every now and then to stay something disagreeable. You have seen for yourself how little Intrigued has ever added to Mudflats.

26 10 2008

Hi, asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MNi,

I see you were born in the year of the pig.

You probably know that this is the year of the rat, and that McCain was born in the year of the rat.

We do not need a rat as head of state. Not a good choice.

26 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Obama Wages `Uphill Battle’ to Wrest West Virginia From McCain

Obama’s having a serious crack at West Virginia

26 10 2008

NMJ, there was something published on Sat that mentioned that SP has no trust for anyone in the mcShame campaign – or her family! Really horrifying.

Here’s a link to an emptywheel blog on that:

26 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Diane (21:05:34) :

In Japan in years gone by they had no prisons, instead they exiled wrong doers to remote Islands. I think we all know of one of the coast of Alaska that you can see Russia from. Much as I hate to do this to the inhabitants of Little Diomede, I think SP should be given the chance to keep an eye on Russia from a new front porch for a very long time. Then we can all rest better, knowing she’ll be there to warn us if “Putin raises his head.”

26 10 2008

That’s exactly who Palin is. On the outside, she’s hypnotically beautiful, but on the inside, that woman’s a monster.

26 10 2008
Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein

AKM, A truly delightful and entertaining bedtime story. Can’t wait
for part 2. Found this editorial on MSN and thought you good
people might enjoy reading it. It sums up Barack Obama from
beginning to the present. What an amazing individual, as we all
know. Hope you like the story.

26 10 2008

When I first started reading your description a term popped into my head – succubus.

Had Amy Poehler read this post before she did her Palin rap maybe she would had added: “The chroni–what?-cles of Narnia!”

Nice tie in to Turkish Delight. Of course she wouldn’t call it that because Turkey isn’t a Christian nation. Given that the funds would keep coming from her continued push to drill baby drill, the more appropriate and accurate term would be Baked Alaska.

26 10 2008

AKM, thank you so much for this great story – you write so brilliantly! I keep coming back for more because you are so right on.
Thanks also to all the great people in AK for all their hard work and support for
the Obama/Biden ticket!
Keep up the great work!

26 10 2008

@ eajphd
I think NORAD would just love her expertise…oh, wait…I think they already wrote a letter sayin’ they’d appreciate her not helpin’…oh well
Banish the bitch then… 🙂

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Pacificnwgal (21:35:13) :

. . . someone with an “intelligent” conservative viewpoint as a valid counterpoint to the other women.

Who do you have in mind that might do?

I can’t come up with one name. Most of the conservatives I know or am familiar with tend to be light on facts, which is sort of basic to building a strong intellectual argument. On the other hand, faith based arguments allow reinterpretation of or rejection of facts to fit into a pre-existing world view.

26 10 2008
Pat, Washingonton state

Loved the bedtime story, disturbing as it is. That was always one of the most sinister scenes in the book as well.

Anyway, someone mentioned the “Out of the Closet” thrift store, so I did a quick google and found this lovely piece. My apologies if someone has already posted it, but I can’t read through everything tonight – I have to get some sleep. So, if you haven’t read about the real Out of the Closet stores in California and Florida, enjoy. This should make for an interesting press conference on Monday:

Night night, mudpuppies – and sweet dreams.


26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Betcha saw how about 60% of Independent Women Voters now disapprove of SP. Also. In September this number approved. Short time for such a reversal doncha know.

26 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

8 days to go — seems so close and yet so far away

I am nervous – excited – that it’s finally going to happen
– please keep Obama & Biden – as well as their families safe
Anxious & dreading what the GOP has for the next 8 days
– how much more damage can they do

First get thru the next 8 days – then on to Jan for the swearing in

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Pat, Washingonton state (22:20:55) :

What a hoot! Thanks for the link. Bet Palin’s favorite store is wishing she had not endorsed them. Too funny.

26 10 2008

@ Denise
unfortunately I have to agree with you.
Conservatism has become religion run riot and in a country whose constitution calls for a seperation of state and religion that seems to cause “issues”.
As an independant voter I think it will be a very long time before I will vote republican again. That makes it hard in a “red” state…I’ve voted for Chuck Hagel every time he’s been up for re-election. But their new platform and statements that are just F*^&ed up makes me re-think my stance that I should vote for “the best qualified, best positioned” canidate.
That’s kinda sad for this ol’ lady…I like to vote for those who cause me to believe they are intelligent and believe they are really trying to do best by us.

26 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

I reached that same conclusion earlier, glad to see they are calling AK Out of the Closet to task, for a copy righted name, that supports such a good cause. I also took a look at the AK Out of Closet website, and have to say that there wasn’t anything listed that I could wear or afford, so will not be shopping there for oh, so many reasons.

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Amazing photo of 100,000 in Denver to see Obama.

26 10 2008

To Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

You have a point about finding an Intelligent conservative to fill in at THE VIEW. Actually, lately I have heard conservative columnist and writer Peggy Noonan in Book TV, Jon Stewart, and a few other places (maybe Huff Post or its links). She is really interesting and is supporting Barack Obama. She wrote a book about Regean back in the ’80s, so I always thought she was Republican. Although she says she is a conservative, she is flexible. She does not like Palin. She calls her devisive and vulgar. “Somebody” like her on THE VIEW would create an intelligent counterbalance, but not be as ditzy as Hasselback.

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

pj (22:32:42) :

I like to vote for those who cause me to believe they are intelligent and believe they are really trying to do best by us.

Yep. Did you catch how a real conservative intellectual–Willam F. Buckley’s son–has endorsed Obama? There is no reconciling the positions of Bush and McCain with the facts and reality of the situation.

An example of the religious-conservative influence is the Terri Schiavo case. Not going into it, but Bush’s rush back to sign Congress’s bill for one vegetative person to be kept alive sort of did it for me. The Repubs are going to have a lot of infighting. Hope it isn’t the Palin wing that emerges on top.

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Pacificnwgal (23:00:11) :

Peggy Noonan is conservative as the day is long. And I agree she would be an interesting counterbalance. But maybe not as appealing to the right wing base of the current Repub party.

26 10 2008

Denise (22:57:04)

Thanks for the link. Those were GREAT photos!! I LOVE the Witch story & this site. What I am really surprised to find out about is that it appears that most (or at least a lot of) people in AK don’t like her any more than everywhere else! I never knew!! I really thought she was well-liked……
I’m from MO (St Louis) & I am PRAYING that we go blue!!!! The next 8 days will be torturous!

26 10 2008

@ PacificNWgal
“ditzy”? is that code for a dumb-ass?? a “dumb-ass blond”??? a “dumb-ass blond chick”??? or just a “pathetically ignorant, easily led-by-the-nose celebrity”???
Wow, I’m sooo glad Obama’s not the celebrity now…sorry, just havin’ a wee-bit of fun…miss sarah’s the bomb now, right? Gonna blow mister john right outta his white house bid 🙂

26 10 2008

@ Denise
I did catch Buckley Jr. going for the “other” guy…and gotta say I’m lovin’ it 🙂
His dad had some righteous views and he damned well would not have backed a McCain/Palin ticket!!! But he might had a problem with the whole “kinda black guy” thing:)

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Ellen (23:10:59) :

What I am really surprised to find out about is that it appears that most (or at least a lot of) people in AK don’t like her any more than everywhere else! I never knew!! I really thought she was well-liked……
I’m from MO (St Louis) & I am PRAYING that we go blue!!!! The next 8 days will be torturous!

Hey Ellen. Somewhere back in the threads, Palin’s poll numbers in Alaska had fallen into the 60’s. That was BEFORE the Branchwater Report on Troopergate was released and Palin was so insulting about the findings. Sarah is no longer the highest rated gov in the USA. And, one has to think that any gov who was able to give every resident $3200 checks would be pretty dang popular.

My niece and her family live in MO. They are voting Obama. I LOVE Claire McCaskgill (spelled wrong no doubt). What a great Senator she is for MO.

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

PJ, it seems a lot of the conservative thinkers are offended by McCain’s here-there-everywhere-backagain campaign. It is a shambles. Which is sort of what comes from gambling. Shudder. McCain doing the same running the country is a nightmare.

Anyhoo. The conservatives never really wanted McCain, so that makes it easy for them to break the Republican lockstep. Those Repubs do like the Congo line; one right after the other.

26 10 2008

Will the path of Sarah’s destruction never end? Now that store in Alaska is going to have problems because of her. By the time this is over, she won’t have a friend left in the world. (and that’s not a bad thing)

26 10 2008

@ Ellen,
I’m a neighbor (Nebr) and come to MO several times a year. Branson for Veteran’s day, and once in the summer, and KC to visit 2 granddaughters!
If MO goes blue and we can get one EV from NE wouldn’t that be an awesome thing?
Yippee…Kansas and S. Dakota next 🙂

26 10 2008

Thanks for the article about the Out of the Closet chain. Interesting. Kind of a bummer from my perspective — the girls that work/own/run that shop are really nice & didn’t deserve this huge dump. Particularly since I don’t believe for a second that that is where any significant amount of Bible Spice’s shopping is done. As I’ve said before, it’s a very very small shop, sometimes you get really great stuff, but it isn’t cheap! It’s basically as likely that you would happen upon an entire suitable wardrobe at your Salvation Army as it is at Out of the Closet, the reason being Salvation Army has hundreds of pairs of jeans/shirts/dresses/etc (and I know because I’ve bought myself some Diesel jeans there for $3), and OOTC has a tiny fraction of that on any given day. I paid about $50 for a pair of Diesel’s for my daughter at OOTC, identical in size & wear to the $3 pair I bought for myself at Sally’s. There are some really great things at OOTC if you are 5 feet tall and weigh 90 pounds, though. That description does not fit either myself or Bible Spice.

By the way, no guy’s section, so wouldn’t work for the dud. No real kid’s section (just now beginning to accept “unique” kid clothing — not much of that here!), so wouldn’t work for Piper. That said, there’s no way the “family” shops there.

It’s all pointless & meaningless anyway, except for the fact that I find it very difficult to believe that she shops there to any extent, so it is yet another lie, and further this lie has led now to a bunch of headaches for a really great group of people.

She is a sucky liar icky person.

26 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

I thought, watching the interview with Walt Monegan at the native conference, that he looks a lot like a lion.
A really wise and courageous lion.

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

I like this! It talks about how Obama is really getting ready for voter trouble or election problems.

26 10 2008

@ Denise
now yer jes’ bein’ mean ther’ gal!! Ya know them republ’cans don’t go fer that there congo thin’…ain’t that a voo-doo african thing?
Sorry, feeling a bit testy tonight…kind of worried we won’t make it. I know better than to worry, but I so want this to happen.
Even if Obama makes some initial mistakes I just want something so very differant from what I’ve had the last 50 years…the last time my generation (progressive types) had any hope was with Kennedy! Poor Johnson just couldn’t quite fill JFK’s shoes or our country’s hope!

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Here’s an article that sports Palin as a real feminist step—BECAUSE PALIN IS MEDIOCRE.

“Mediocrity, after all, is the privilege of those who have arrived.

Palin is a woman who has risen to national prominence without, apparently, even remotely being twice as good as her male competitors . . . She is a woman who is able to not only get by but also be quickly promoted on the kinds of attributes that were once the exclusive province of unremarkable white men: rapport, the right looks or connections, an easy sort of familiarity.”


26 10 2008

@ Denise
“an easy sort of familiarity”…
now I know that quote is not intended to make me go where my mind first went…but damned it makes it soooo easy 🙂
Easy isn’t going to be a familiar word for republicans for a very long time…miss sarah has seen to that!

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

McCain can’t even help Repubs in his own state. AZ just might have more Congressional Dems than Repubs for the first time since 1966.

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

ARIZONA just might elect more Dems than Repubs to the Congress!!! First time since 1966.

Oh my, the Maverick is not even able to help his party in his own state.

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Okay. Not posting, so bye all. Thanks for the excellent company :-)))

26 10 2008

Totally off topic, but under the heading of “How Low Can They Go” — is this even legal? Are these people legally allowed to “pick up” absentee ballots? This stinks to high heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Finally, I get something through. But I was all set for nap time. Sleep tight all my Mudpuppy friends.

26 10 2008

@ Denise,
goodnighty-night! thanks for your insights

27 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

SMR, I was set for bed, but you lured me back in with that video of McCain’s FL paid volunteers PICKING UP ABSENTEE BALLOTS. Definitely sounds suspect. Laws vary by state, but given the premise that voting is supposed to be anonymous, I doubt this practice is kosher. I really wonder what is going on.

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (20:47:10) :
Jump off the Intrigued bandwagon everyone. S/he is a firm believer that if Obama is elected, we will go commie.

Jamie, Floridian in France, would you like to make a comment on this when you get up?

Yeah, I hate the socialist ideas like public transit, public education, social security, Medicaid and Medicare. I would really hate it if we had universal healthcare so the emphasis was on preventative rather than emergency care. Wow. Imagine a country where people truly were equal. No, don’t want to go there, do we?

A proud socialist capitalist am I.

Hey, AsianHusseingrrl !

I am up now, tho I am supposed to be downstairs overseeing the locksmith put in the new lock on our building’s front door – people come in our building to shoot up during the day!

Are you still up? Give me some background on this quote before I answer cause I don’t quite get it. Count on me to comment on it – you all know how hepped up I am on their demonizing and misunderstanding of Socialism! And I watched part of the Michelle Bachmann speech she gave about the riots in the “suburbs” here in France. In France we would say “mon dieu, qu’elle est conne!”. What a flaming idiot!

Ooh! Lot’s of noise downstairs. Be right back. My lil’ bro’, former Repub, is going to see Joe in Melbourne Fla tomorrow!!!

27 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Now I am off to have nightmares. A corpse like McCain raising his skeletal hand to take the oath of office. A breaking news report of McCain collapsing at the Inaugral ball—during his dance with VP Palin? A brief period of unexplained illness with death ensuing for McCain. President Palin takes the oath of office.


27 10 2008

@ Denise
that is soooo bad !!!!
did ya really have to go there?
Now we will have mutual McCain nightmares…ain’t that illegal or somethin’? 🙂

27 10 2008

You have a talent, that’s for sure. Glad you’ve done this blog — I will share this post with all my friends, even the one or two that are voting for McCain!

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Saw the headline for SP’s rally in Tampa Fla this weekend that said “Thousands pack Palin rally…” but first line was “A few thousand made their way into the Tampa Convention Center…”

And 7,000 in Kissimmee. Okay, 100,000 for Obama in Denver, but that was Denver. But 60,000 last week went to hear Obama/Clinton in Orlando, and only 7,000 next door for SP. Let’s see what the Orlando Rally with Obama/Bill Clinton brings.

27 10 2008

@ Jamie
throngs will always turn out when religous fever helps motivate those easily swayed that way.
More seem to be turning out when logic and human kindness are the topics of discussion.
I’ll chose and support logic and unity as a Christian anyday!!

27 10 2008

PPL, you’ve been lulled to sleep by the tale of Alaska’s Grifter Queen and The Headless of the Apocalypse. They are the ones that follow her,
while you stare at the departing Grifter Queen’s carriage in shock of what you see. That, that, what’s that behind the carriage, after such wonderful gifts, yessssss. While you sip your cocoa oil for warmth.
Well presented, AKM.
Sweet dreams you say? *shudders*

I’m concerned that someone’s been watching over and over, Leni Riefenstahl’s The Triumph of the Will and stealing lines.
Lies are one thing, but preaching hate, now that’s a criminal offense.
It’s looking more like 1933 Germany… you remember Kristallnacht. Maybe a Nuremberg surprise?
Sorry, someone mentioned a surprise.

Ontario has a Pitbull ban, this means Sarah isn’t welcome here, right?

BTW, whom are these people called the army of god. You will be shocked.

27 10 2008

Brilliant, AKM. What fantabulous range you have in post writing. Now I go to sleep, hoping for witchy-free dreams…

27 10 2008
New Boston Yankee

Actually quite beautifully and lyrically written (Virginia Woolfe would be proud). I’m looking forward to the sequels.

27 10 2008
New Boston Yankee

I misspelled Virginia Woolf’s name; but you get the message.

27 10 2008
PoliTrix » Blog Archive » AKMuckraker: The Lyin’, The Witch and the Wardrobe - An Alaskan Tale

[…] post on Mudflats If you like this post and would like to receive updates from this blog, please subscribe our […]

27 10 2008

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

This fabulous story of the Queen of Narnia made me think of an old episode of Absolutely Fabulous, when Eddie, after years of sucking two ex-husbands dry and living high on the hog off the alimony, discovers that they are both cutting her off! She is forced to meet her accountant and go through her accounts, bill by bill, to see where cuts in spending can be made. He pulls out bills for furniture and accessories for her “shop” but nothing ever seems to be sold – her daughter adds that everything is in Eddie’s living room – and Eddie says “It’s for business! My home is my showroom!”, then beautician for eyebrow waxing and nose plucking; “In my business I have to always look good!”, and the list goes on, always with her saying, but it IS a business expense. That’s our SP!

So what will SP do when she no monger has HER 2 exes – Alaska and the RNC – to bleed dry!

27 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

“Pennsylvania Republicans are disavowing an email sent to Jewish voters that likens a vote for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to events that led up to the Holocaust.

“Jewish Americans cannot afford to make the wrong decision on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008,” the email reads. “Many of our ancestors ignored the warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s and made a tragic mistake. Let’s not make a similar one this year!”

A copy of the email, provided by Democratic officials, says it was “paid for by the Republican Federal Committee of PA – Victory 2008.”

It warns “fellow Jewish voters” of the danger of a second Holocaust due to the threats to Israel from its neighbors and touts Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s qualifications over those of Obama.”

27 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

You can relax, Jamie – it’s my turn to get smapped.

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Hey and g’mornin’ to you, Aussie Puck Mule!

27 10 2008

I just received a picture from “The Wizard of OZ”, where Obama was the Tin Man, Biden the Lion, McCain the Scarecrow, and Sarah, of course, Dorothy. The caption read “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Alaska anymore”. Too funny!

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Look how BLUE some of those states have turned!

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

I got filtered :

Just to show you how BLUE some of those states have become!

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Watch the video with 5th grader Damon Weaver who got to interview Joe Biden. It is adorable!

27 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

As Monty Python would say


27 10 2008

New thread, Mudpuppies, and a chance to vote. Love to you all.

27 10 2008

LOVE the story, AKM…and boy, did you hit it ON THE HEAD!

I had her pegged for a while as Dolores Umbridge (from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix……but the White Witch/Queen is a more chilling comparison (yeah, I know…puns are evil, too).

Keep it coming! And I hope to keep coming back here after next week!

Love from Seattle…

27 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

SMR (23:53:59) :
Thanks for posting this video. I’m amazed at the professionalism the reporter was able to mainain.
Just a reminder to everyone – when you follow these great links that ppl post – ‘Digg’ the articles so they reach more readers.

27 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper Palin

Run, Virginia Woolf, RUN!
There is a helicopter overhead!

27 10 2008
27 10 2008

Your Narnia Parody is exquisite and right on the money!

Ice Queen indeed!

27 10 2008

Inspired. Perfect. Thank you!

27 10 2008
Stanley Krute

Wonderful post. Wins the 2008 Russert Prize for Best Extended Political Metaphor Based on Existing Memes.

I truly thank McCain/Palin for bringing AKM to a much wider audience. Looking forward to your continuing one-human takedown of the Gov. upon her return to Alaska.

27 10 2008

Wow – I’ll never view that movie the same way again. Fantasy has a strange way of becoming reality. I had no trouble seeing Ms. Palin wrapped in fur riding on her sleigh. I have often wondered why so many people in this great nation of ours have had their respective blinders on these past few months and have not looked to see the whole package that is Ms. Palin. Its like having the prettiest present under the Christmas tree and never looking to see what is inside. Ms. Palin has always been a little bit off in her respresentation of self. Maybe its how she carries herself, that smile, vocabulary, sense of self worth who knows what it is. She is definetly not in a position to assume the role of Vice President (assuming she finally figures out what that entails) so should return to her ice castle in the hills.

27 10 2008
27 10 2008
Joan aka Timber Challange palin

What else is there to add? Just a wonderful piece of satire! You can do whatever you want with this kind of talent, AKM! Just glad you are here for all of us!!

I just heard that Chuck Todd called the state of Colorado for Obama this morning – when is it going to turn dark blue on the map?! 😀

27 10 2008

If only there was time to put this into a book, comic or otherwise..
think about it in case she runs for any other office
you could raise big bucks for her opponent..

27 10 2008
27 10 2008
Stanley Krute

Prediction: when she runs for Pres. at the top of the GOP ticket in 2012, Sarah SHALL be known as: the White Witch.

27 10 2008

How do you know what Cinderella was like after she married the prince, had kids, and got elected governor?

27 10 2008

Palin is obviously the Wicked Witch of the West.

27 10 2008

There was a prequel to the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe in which, with the unwitting help of children, the White Witch escapes from an ancient dying world, first to London, where she breaks off part of a lamp post, then to Narnia as it being born. She drops the lamp post bit and it grows into a complete one, which explains how it got to be in the middle of the forest.

C.S. Lewis’ books are all heavy-duty Christian allegories. Keep in mind that they are very popular with the evangelical right.

27 10 2008
JB in Tennessee

Maybe White Witch in public, Red Queen back at the castle, behind closed (closet) doors? The archetypes I have been searching for–we all know ’em.

AK, you are brilliant!

27 10 2008
The Lyin’, the Witch and the Wardrobe - An Alaskan Tale. « Nuclear and Indigenous Items of Interest

[…] The Lyin’, the Witch and the Wardrobe – An Alaskan Tale. Posted on October 27, 2008 by gregornot The Lyin’, the Witch and the Wardrobe – An Alaskan Tale. […]

27 10 2008

OMG! This is so-o-o-o absolutely hilarious! Great job!

From an Obama/Biden supporter in the great State of Washington…..also a single, full-time working Mom of a son with Down syndrome.

27 10 2008

Please have this published in a magazine or in a book.
You are hilarious and it really cuts to the root of the problem!!!!
Loved it!
Katie in San Antonio

27 10 2008
Blaster Commando Community Organizer in Cecily

Like the pig joke.

27 10 2008

Best metaphor ever–although it’s terrible when you realize how many ‘Edmunds’ she has managed to recruit.

Far too often people judge by the package, rather than the contents.

27 10 2008

Wow, brilliant!!!

27 10 2008
Surviving Fitness

Great creative writing. I would laugh…but then again…maybe it’s just a little too real.

27 10 2008
The Carnival of Political Humor and Commentary Issue #2: The Sarah Palin Comedy Special « The Vine

[…] The Lyin’, the Witch, and The Wardrobe–An Alaskan Tale […]

27 10 2008

Perfect metaphor! Well done!

27 10 2008
Queen of “Narnia” « Jomabivi89’s Weblog

[…] reason why I really wrote this post is due to a blogpost at Mudflats, about a Sarah Palin metaphore.. see the pic below and click the link for the post.. Happy […]

27 10 2008

LOL!! This is excellent!!!

27 10 2008

I loved your post!.. Brilliant, in such a degree that I just HAD to make it more realistic.. in a sense… ENJOY Sarah Palin; truly the Queen of Narnia..

27 10 2008

Like most political tales this one is based upon second, or third hand information. I like to base my opinions on fact, fact that I have a first hand knowledge of and can prove. Being a writer is more than just putting words on paper or on the web, it is knowing that what you write if fact…that is if you are not writing fiction, is this fiction?

27 10 2008

pj (23:11:16) :

Re: your quote of my quote (ha ha):
“ditzy”? is that code for a dumb-ass?? a “dumb-ass blond”??? a “dumb-ass blond chick”??? or just a “pathetically ignorant, easily led-by-the-nose celebrity”???

Yep. You are correct. All of the above. 🙂

27 10 2008

This is sheer genius! Wonderful.


27 10 2008
Jenny in Maine

Brilliant metaphor! Just brilliant. We see her just as clearly in our neck of the woods. I have my hopes set on only having to tolerate one more week of this Ice Princess, but you folks are stuck for a bit longer. My sincere condolences.

27 10 2008
Barry Lauterwasser

I will vote for Barack this year, even though I’ve voted Rep in every Presidential election since I was 18. And part of it will be because of John’s pick as VP. But not because she’s any of the things portrayed here or other places on the wonderful wordwide waste of time.

I think that Sarah Palin will someday be a good rep for the GOP, but right now, if McCain wanted my vote, he would have needed to pick a more middle of the road, or somewhat liberal conservative. And he needed someone with more experience, should anything happen to him.

Barack, while inexperienced for sure, surrounded himself with great picks in my opinion to help him along. John McCain did not.

But my whole point is we need to get off of these trivial matter and start dialogues about things that do matter. If the republican party wants to spend THEIR donors money to dress Mrs. Palin up, I have no problem with that? And you know what gang, there’s no such thing as the “perfect” candidate. All of the candidates have SOME baggage, so we need not fret over such things.

Let’s take a page from O’Bama’s playbook and focus on the things that DO matter as our country goes forward…

27 10 2008

AK I hate to tell you this, but my daughter ClipDragonPalin had this metaphor in mind several weeks ago…..great minds think alike!!!

27 10 2008
Sarah Palin…the White Witch « Desert Homespun

[…] 27, 2008 by deserthomespun A wonderful story brought to you courtesy of […]

27 10 2008

Right on, really well written, go Mudflats. I speak with a certain
authority as a Narnia-steeped Alaskan-since-the-60’s fiction&poetry-writing christian-history-studying whatever. You’ve nailed it in a delightful way.
That check from Palin, that was Turkish Delight all right. I love it & it
rots our teeth. Keep it up, sheer genius.

27 10 2008
Cynthia Ohio

Oh, I love C. S. Lewis’ Narnia. You captured Palin perfectly. Grew up with those stories–the White Witch is a perfect comparison.

27 10 2008

Excellent post, great storytelling as always! Looking forward to the next one.

27 10 2008

The Lyin’, the Witch and the Wardrobe….brilliance! I only wish I had heard it last week at this time…what a BRILLIANT protest poster it would have made when she showed up here to swoon us into voting for the “underdog”. Absolute brilliance!
Keep up the great posts and blog!!

27 10 2008

I’ve been reading your site religiously but never posted. But this was an excellent metaphor – makes me want to read Narnia all over again and compare it to life now. Actually, when you started mentioning metaphors and Disney tales I started thinking about Ursula…

27 10 2008

@Soldier —

This is a blog. Not the WSJ. Opinion from Alaska perspective. The $1200 checks are fact, the rest is just made up for entertainment purposes. AKM is a very entertaining writer — that, and the other commenters, is what keeps a lot of us coming back regularly.

@Barry —

As a born & raised Alaskan who has lived 35 of her 40 years in Alaska, was a republican until the week after the Palin pick, and is married to a registered republican who just voted absentee for Obama, I say this: Sarah Palin will NEVER be a good pick for the GOP.

She represents everything that has driven me away from the republican party. My husband remains a registered republican solely so that he can make a statement by voting against their candidate. I somehow doubt that my husband will ever make the huge leap to check the Democrat box on his registration, and I did not either, choosing the undeclared box, however, we are a long way from feeling comfortable with the party that the GOP has become. Perhaps we are hoping that they will shed the religious fundamentalists & the neo-cons & the racists — they can all form their own party — and get back to being the party that we used to believe in.

My husband, the sole republican in a family of dems, a staunch fiscal conservative & keep-gov-hands-off-business guy, was all set to vote for McCain (I had already decided to vote for Obama) UNTIL Sarah Palin was picked as his VP. It was that easy for my extremely intelligent oil-company-employed republican husband. If she was on the ticket, it wasn’t getting his vote. If you want to know why, from an Alaskan working for the oil company perspective, you can go back through these threads and read my take on all of the ways that Palin has screwed Alaska and Alaskans to advance her own personal agenda(s). It has next to nothing to do with Troopergate — she telegraphed her intentions long before she fired Monegan.

So, if she is what the GOP wants for the future of their party my husband & I will obviously have to continue to look for a new party or wait much longer for the republicans to come to their senses.

27 10 2008

Excellent post!

27 10 2008
Queen Unique

Absolutely BRILLIANT! The plot, the character, the entire storyline is the PERFECT metaphor made especially for… well, you know! Great write!

27 10 2008

I’ll share this with all of you, it is well said…

Juicing up the ticket

By Garrison Keillor

Oct. 8, 2008 | We are a stalwart and stouthearted people, and never more so than in hard times. People weep in the dark and arise in the morning and go to work. The waves crash on your nest egg and a chunk is swept away and you put your salami sandwich in the brown bag and get on the bus. In Philly, a woman earns $10.30/hour to care for a man brought down by cystic fibrosis. She bathes and dresses him in the morning, brings him meals, puts him to bed at night. It’s hard work lifting him and she has suffered a painful hernia that, because she can’t afford health insurance, she can’t get fixed, but she still goes to work because he’d be helpless without her. There are a lot of people like her. I know because I’m related to some of them.

Low dishonesty and craven cynicism sometimes win the day but not inevitably. The attempt to link Barack Obama to an old radical in his neighborhood has desperation and deceit written all over it. Meanwhile, stunning acts of heroism stand out, such as the fidelity of military lawyers assigned to defend detainees at Guantánamo Bay — uniformed officers faithful to their lawyerly duty to offer a vigorous defense even though it means exposing the injustice of military justice that is rigged for conviction and the mendacity of a commander in chief who commits war crimes. If your law school is looking for a name for its new library, instead of selling the honor to a fat cat alumnus, you should consider the names of Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift, Lt. Col. Mark Bridges, Col. Steven David, Lt. Col. Sharon Shaffer, Lt.Cmdr. Philip Sundel and Maj. Michael Mori.

It was dishonest, cynical men who put forward a clueless young woman for national office, hoping to juice up the ticket, hoping she could skate through two months of chaperoned campaigning, but the truth emerges: The lady is talking freely about matters she has never thought about. The American people have an ear for B.S. They can tell when someone’s mouth is moving and the clutch is not engaged. When she said, “One thing that Americans do at this time, also, though, is let’s commit ourselves just every day, American people, Joe Six-Pack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say never again. Never will we be exploited and taken advantage of again by those who are managing our money and loaning us these dollars,” people smelled gas.

Some Republicans adore her because they are pranksters at heart and love the consternation of grown-ups. The ne’er-do-well son of the old Republican family as president, the idea that you increase government revenue by cutting taxes, the idea that you cut social services and thereby drive the needy into the middle class, the idea that you overthrow a dictator with a show of force and achieve democracy at no cost to yourself — one stink bomb after another, and now Gov. Palin.

She is a chatty sportscaster who lacks the guile to conceal her vacuity, and she was Mr. McCain’s first major decision as nominee. This troubles independent voters, and now she is a major drag on his candidacy. She will get a nice book deal from Regnery and a new career making personal appearances for 40 grand a pop, and she’ll become a trivia question, “What politician claimed foreign-policy expertise based on being able to see Russia from her house?” And the rest of us will have to pull ourselves out of the swamp of Republican economics.

Your broker kept saying, “Stay with the portfolio, don’t jump ship,” and you felt a strong urge to dump the stocks and get into the money market where at least you’re not going to lose your shirt, but you didn’t do it and didn’t do it, and now you’re holding a big bag of brown bananas. Me, too. But at least I know enough not to believe desperate people who are talking trash.

Anybody who got whacked last week and still thinks McCain-Palin is going to lead us out of the swamp and not into a war with Iran is beyond persuasion in the English language. They’ll need to lose their homes and be out on the street in a cold hard rain before they connect the dots.

© 2008 by Garrison Keillor. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.

27 10 2008
Rebel Without a Sauce

Waaait a second… are you being political!? :O

27 10 2008
Rebel Without a Sauce

You are! You are!

27 10 2008

Absolutely brilliant. I’m going to twitter this post to make sure a lot of people read it. I agree that you deserve best political blog. I read you often and I’m in Texas. Thanks so much!

27 10 2008

I really hate saying this — because I have literally made my living writing … for 30 years, no less. Needless to say, I have always felt pretty comfortable about my writing ability. So thanks a lot for crushing my self-esteem! I humbly kiss the hem of your garment.

27 10 2008

“And she didn’t shoot the little creatures for fun.” Great line and excellent overall metaphor.
However, the CNN election tracker that someone posted in reply has scared me – as an Australian you mostly hear pro-Obama and negative Palin comments, so I’m amazed that it is in reality so close. My fingers are crossed for you guys, because really, whomever is in power in the US, influences the whole world.

27 10 2008


27 10 2008
Sarah Palin - she is a liar & a witch in her fancy wardrobe « Heart Issues for LDS

[…] 27, 2008 by Todd Wood This is the Gospel according to Mudflats, a WordPress political rockstar dramatist.  Read her personal literary […]

27 10 2008
Expat Deb

AK, that was some GREAT storytelling…. and an absolutely perfect metaphor!!! For a while I had considered the Eliza Doolitle analogy, because it fit the “made for tv diva” image, but this storyline never really captured any truth about the cruel, manipulative nature lurking under Sarah’s facade of faux-beauty. Yours is a perfect description, especially with the image of all the grey and frozen people used, discarded and stacked up in a little pile like cord wood.

I am a Mudflats fan now and forever! Love your stuff – your wit and insight are fantastic.

Congrats on the ADN coverage and the endorsement. Can’t wait to see the video from the Ovama rally! (I was smiling, because the live-action logo is a lot like what my marching band director used to do with us often in our half-time shows – very fun stuff!!)

27 10 2008

Love it! Thanks for writing.

Voting Obama in Washington State!

27 10 2008

Wow, so well said.

27 10 2008

I love how you called her the White Witch, it suits her perfectly.

27 10 2008

that was good reading I must say!

28 10 2008

and a strong emphasis on the white, huh?

i like this post. ^_^

28 10 2008

I greatly enjoyed the post and the analogy, but to me Palin and her whole crew seem like characters out of a primetime evening soap opera – they did Willow’s pregnancy on “Desperate Housewives” last season, and Sarah’s “transformation ” from suburban mom to Power {W}itch is straight out of the later seasons of the ’80’s series “Knots Landing” – anybody who remembers “Knots” will recognize Abby Cunningham Ewing’s wardrobe as the model for Palin’s respectable leather blazer. I think she even wore little rimless glasses once in a while.

28 10 2008
Help Animals

Sarah Palin wants to remove protection from polar bears, a species which the USGS say could become extinct in 31 years’ time. She also wants to kill belugas and grizzly bears, and uses crank global warming sceptics’ ‘evidence’ (paid for by oil companies) to support her view that there is no global warming. She thinks that the Earth is ~6000 years old, that dinosaurs walked alongside humans, and that at the end of the world, Alaska will have special protected status from God. 7 years ago, her husband was a member of a group which wanted to fight the US for independence for Alaska. She hates God’s creatures and she herself is not one of them – she is one of those ‘false apostles’ the Bible warns us about. p.s. she also slanders innocent people – “By ther fruits you shall know them”. She also makes people who believe in the Bible AND science, like me, look like utter morons to the general public, and she wants to force her crank teaching into the state school system. A vote for that evil, obnoxious, monstrous woman is a vote for ignorance.

28 10 2008
Help Animals

p.s. Palin is encouraging Alaskans to shoot (rare) gray wolves from aircraft – I thought federal airborne hunting legislation said that this is illegal.

28 10 2008

Wonderful post! Thank you!

28 10 2008

Where’s the rest of this story? You’re such a good writer! 🙂 I had to link to you!

Here’s what I called my post: Put On Your Big Yellow Boots And Come With Me To Visit AKMuckraker On The Mudflats Of Alaska. (Should it be IN the mudflats rather than ON the mudflats?)

28 10 2008

I really like this story and can’t hardly wait for the next installment!

29 10 2008

Wow. An article filled with cheap shots and wild accusations, without an ounce of substance, plus a little old-fashioned sexism thrown in just to make it interesting. Just what we’d expect from those crazy closed-minded right wingers! . . . oh, wait a minute.

29 10 2008

The prequel a poster mentioned above is called The Magician’s Nephew and it is well worth reading. The children are sent by the devious Uncle Andrew to the Wood Between the Worlds and from there they end up on the dying planet of Charn. The chapter where they walk through the Hall of the Kings and Queens, who start out looking beautiful but then begin looking hardened and cruel, and how they finally get to the end where Digory rings the bell and awakens the last Queen, is an amazing piece of writing.

The Queen’s name is Jardis. Queen Jardis of Charn. She attaches herself to the children and ends up in London, and the chapter where she takes on London is extremely funny as she still has tremendous powers (including the use of the Deplorable Word, which turns her enemies into dust), but her powers don’t work quite as she expects. However, she does not let that faze her in the least (sound familiar ?) and ends up in the brand-new world of Narnia.

Towards the end of the book, she eats an apple which is not meant for her, which grants her an evil form of immortality and she becomes the White Witch. The apple leaves a dark ring around her mouth. I think of this every time I see that lipliner. The prescience in this book is astounding and I have been calling Sarah ‘Queen Jardis of Charn’ for some time now.

29 10 2008
Do All Alaskans Support Sarah Palin? « The Hunter Family in Alaska

[…] Click here to read a post concerning her written by an Alaskan that does this issue justice; it’s an excellent read, even if it is by an Obama supporter. […]

3 11 2008
Watchin’ The Game… Havin’ A Bummer « monkeyBLOGmonkeyDO - This banana’s outta ink!

[…] political discourse on this page because there are far better blogs on WordPress for that (such as Mudflats and Margaret and Helen for example).  But this I found via BlackSpin and I’m sure it will […]