Obama Rally Finale in Anchorage!

25 10 2008

Another great group of Obama supporters congregated on the Park Strip in Anchorage today.  This time, they were on an artistic mission.  The goal?  To create a giant Obama logo made up of pixel people in colored plastic ponchos. 

When I arrived, there were about 300 people already there, and just starting to take their positions.  I laughed because the size of this crowd would have totally blown me away a couple months ago, but now, after a series of enormous rallies (Alaska Women Reject Palin, Alaskans for Truth, Statewide Obama rally), it seemed perfectly normal!

Once again, everyone was all smiles, despite the VERY cold temperatures.  The blue people were being guided into place, by people with bull horns.  Then the white ones filled in part of the center.  Then red ones.  Then more white ones.  All the placement was meticulously coordinated by someone operating a camera from the top floor of a hotel across the street, who gave directions via walkie-talkies to the crew on the ground.  The event was promoted as an Alaska Women Support Barack Obama event, but men were welcome, and plenty showed up!

There were lots of progressive canines decked out in various types of attire, and it was a wonderfully diverse and enthusiastic crowd all around.  Once again there was lots of honking from passing cars, and people rolling down windows to give us big thumbs up in the frigid air.  There was one sad lonely guy on the corner with a sign that said, “Barack Hussein Obama Will Destroy the United States.”  It reminded me of the guy on the street corner with the ancient dog-eared decrepit sign that reads, “The World Will End Tomorrow.”

Finally the finished logo was in place, and the group started chanting O-BA-MA! O-BA-MA! which eventually morphed into “Yes We Can!”  And I allowed myself a few moments of imagining what it would be like if Alaska went for Obama this year. 

Then the coordinator with the bullhorn told everyone to remember where they were standing and what their neighbors looked like.  Then, from the top of a ladder he told everyone to disperse out of the “frame” and then when he gave the command, to run in from all sides and reclaim their positions.  He warned everyone to expect total chaos, but that it would be fun.  He was right.  People of all colors – reds, whites, and blues – separated, and then ran back together with whoops and hollers, spinning in circles, clapping, cartwheeling, and jumping, and remarkably formed a pretty decent regenerated logo in less than a minute!

By the time I got back to my car, my nose was red, my thighs were burning, my fingers were numb, and my face was frozen in a big grin.

The rally was organized to send a last-minute photo message to the rest of the country that Alaskans support Obama in large numbers, and that not all Alaskans are in love with Sarah Palin….not by a long shot.  I’ll post pictures of the official logo shot, and video as soon as they become available!

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312 responses

25 10 2008
Lori W.

Beautiful pics : )

25 10 2008

Simply awesome!

25 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Wow, looks like you had fun. Wish we’d been there (okay, not really… but…)

25 10 2008

Don’t it make my red state BLUE!

25 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

OK, I know my comment sounds funny. For those of you not in Alaska, it’s that most of us who do not live in Anchorage don’t really want to have to go there much, for any number of reasons…

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

That is great – I hope we have a nice crowd in Chicago for our Mudstock on Nov. 2!

25 10 2008

WOW. Beautiful. Keep it up.

25 10 2008
wired differently

You all are the best! Yes We Can!

25 10 2008


25 10 2008
Sandy in Wisconsin

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Go OBAMA GO!!!!
Keep up the great work everyone.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Will there be an aerial shot. That would be cool!

25 10 2008

You got there too late. Before we made the logo we made the American flag. That was fun getting all the stripes and then the stars in. The guy with the bullhorn would holler, “Now lets have a line of 20 reds, followed by 20 whites.” It was great fun and a complement to the organizers who had the patience to steer about 300 very cold people around to make the flag and logo. I look forward to seeing the finished products.

Sorry I missed it! 😦 I’ll see the picture when it comes out, though! AKM

25 10 2008
Mired...in the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein (18:33:07)

You don’t have to explain a thing. We have places like that here, too, and it would have to be something really good. I can’t say as I can think of anything that important right at the moment.

25 10 2008
kas (from Oregon)

I am SOOOO Jealous… It looks like a wonderful time. GO ALASKA GO BLUE GO OBAMA!! We Can Hope!

25 10 2008

You Alaskans are so inventive and have so much fun! I think I’m getting all jealous, now.

I want to see a pix from above of everyone making the logo. Any chance?

25 10 2008
Lock Pepper in Honolulu

Hey, Deep Blue–
I took a break to read a Jodi Piccoult book–Plain Truth–great read!

We must be at a different generator–my initials are MBB. Are you still around?

25 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

See below, posted this afternoon on Daily Kos. Looks like Arizona just might, just might go BLUE. And if Arizona does it, I bet Alaska can too!

AZ-Pres: Hold on to your hats!
by kos
Sat Oct 25, 2008 at 04:23:38 PM PDT

Myers Research (D) & Grove Insight (D). 10/23-24. Likely voters. MoE 4% (No trend lines)

Likely voters

McCain (R) 44
Obama (D) 40

Early voters (34% of the sample)

McCain (R) 46
Obama (D) 47

25 10 2008
Sandy in Wisconsin

My favorite is the lab in the Obama shirt.

25 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

aka Wrangler Tractor in Juneau – I understand 🙂 although I didn’t live too far away from “town”, by Alaskan standards, only 40 minutes.

To the wonderful folks in Alaska who braved the cold – Wow!!! I am so proud to have once called it my home, and you all my friends and neighbors. I heart Alaskans for Obama – you all rock! When people ask me if I miss it I tell them without hesitation I miss the people/the community. Alaskans are a breed apart. The weather, on the other hand – not so much. I love my sun and summers too much. The winters there are beautiful though. I tell people to go visit in the winter – it will amaze you.

It is so refreshing these last 10 days or so. I have been driving around VA and finding more and more Obama signs. I live in a pretty REd part of VA and there are so many new Obama signs every day – hooray! Then I headed up to PA, and drove through a lot of what I thought was really RED PA, but turned out to be BLUE PA. So many Obama signs – make me so happy! When I grew up in Southcentral PA it was so RED, and it is so AMAZING to see the sea-change going on. It gives me hope for the future.

25 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Oh, hi, Lock Pepper:

Here’s the link to the name generator I’ve been using:


25 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

So, no media was there to report on it?? Too bad… that would be a great feed to Rachel Maddow or KO or any of the morning news shows.

As for those burning thighs… there is medicine for that, yanno 😉

My medicine of choice for this one was a giant cup of coffee! 😀 AKM

25 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper Palin

That sounds SO cool and the pictures are great! Can’t wait to see the logo picture.
And I find myself wishing I had a dog to dress up–how weird is that?

25 10 2008

Go, Alaska! Can’t wait to see the pictures!

Also in VA…ran 20 miles through Richmond today…LOTS of Obama signs, including at least 8 of the giant blue yard signs. (Wish I could have one of those!)

25 10 2008
25 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Wrangler Tractor – in what part of south central PA did you grow up?? If I recall, Cassie Jeep is from near Havre de Grace. Not many Obama signs around here… lotsa bitter people. 😦

Already lost my 2nd Obama sign from my lawn. And most of the half dozen I put up on street corners are gone – without any houses suddenly gaining a like number. The mccainiacs don’t care much for education and care even less for educated presidential candidates.

25 10 2008

wonderful pics, wish I could have been there, CNN is now telling us that senior campaign advisers are saying that palin is going rogue and going off script & some are fueding & fighting, this is funny, if she goes rogue enough she just might say something so stupid she could end the election tomorrow, or McCain could just lose his temper & pull her totally off and outathere, either way we win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25 10 2008

WOW! that is sooooo fricken cool. I cannot wait to see the aerial shots!

25 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Lock Pepper:

And the interesting thing is, when I add my middle name into the mix, my name changes from Lock Pepper to Taupe Armageddon Palin.

I think I’ll stick with Lock Pepper.

25 10 2008

Oh, MAN, I missed you again! It sure was fun to see all the happy, enthusiastic women (and men) for Obama. I was looking at my pictures after I got back from the Park Strip and noticed how many of the faces were smiling. It was great, but freeeeezzing. I can’t believe it’s in the 80’s (or 90’s, or 100’s) anywhere. I can’t wait to see the final shot!

25 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

soccer mom – maybe this is an obvious question but… why would anyone run 20 miles in Richmond??

25 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

To all–I think there was supposed to be an aerial photo that was going to be sent to the Obama folks so they could share. I’m sure it will pop up here and elsewhere in the media as soon as it’s available.

@Wrangler Tractor in VA (18:47:29) :

Actually, it’s a nearly two hour long PLANE trip to get to Anchorage from here. And it’s not just that I’ve decided I pretty much hate flying, it’s that in Alaska, most of us who aren’t from Anchorage and DON’T think it’s the center of the universe say that the only good thing about Anchorage is that it’s near Alaska/you can drive to Alaska from there! Apologies to all my Anchorage mudpuppy buddies 😉 !

*sniff* 😦 AKM

25 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Great photos, what a fun event!

OT — stuck in a motel, tried watching “Hannity’s America” until I barfed. It was part of the Repug’s radical=communist=socialist=fear effort as seen in SP’s comments in Iowa today. If the lies being promoted by Rush, Hannity and SP are indicative of what this country would be like if McPain wins, I want no part of “Hannity’s America.” Is his ego really so large that he now claims ownership of the whole country?

On the plus side of being stuck in a motel, SNL is repeating the last 2 Thursday specials…live version in 35 minutes.

25 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Lots of VA folks in the mix tonight! We’re having a huge city-wide canvass tomorrow up here in Alexandria (you know, Communist country) – we’re expecting 200 volunteers.

I just hope I don’t end up with Joe the McCain’s house on my list. I don’t want to get cussed out for causing a traffic jam on his property.

25 10 2008

AKMuckraker said “And I allowed myself a few moments of imagining what it would be like if Alaska went for Obama this year”

YummyMudslides said “Oh Indiana make my wine induced dreams come true and turn this state BLUE”

Dorthy said “I think I can, I think I can”

I’m telling you people dreams do come true.

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

that is so awesome! thanks for sharing this. Gives me a warm feeling inside to see good people with creative ideas coming together for a common cause!

25 10 2008

alright, it wasn’t Dorthy but that little damn train…. it still counts LOL

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

That is so awesome! thanks for sharing this.

25 10 2008

sauerkraut – “why would anyone run 20 miles in Richmond??” Helping friends train for the upcoming local marathon. 🙂 I’ll be on my feet again tomorrow for 3+ hours canvassing! (Wish me luck…I’m a rookie!)

25 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

soccer mom – I grew up in Lancaster County, PA a very Repub place. The Dems here are creative. They have signs: “Seeing Red, Voting Blue”. They are all over the place. 20 miles – are you training for a marathon? I am training for a 1/2 in Dec. but have to take a week off of training after having a mole removed on my thigh. Ugh! I am jealous of your run 🙂 Was it nasty weather there today? We had lots of wind and rain in PA. My mom asked if I run in the rain – frankly I love it! Crazy as that sounds 🙂 But not today – have to rest the incision 😦

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Georgia, Tenn. cope with early voting glitches


25 10 2008

Anybody have a Hobo Jim tape with the Sarah song on it? Wish I could remember the lyrics, we could have a field day rewriting them.
hard to hum in type, hope some locals know the tune. It was a tongue twister song.

25 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

dag nabbit, didn’t mean for that to happen!

25 10 2008
Sandy in Wisconsin

Hey, I just tried the name generator. Cool name: Froth Moonshine Palin
I better go check my home made brew; got to live up to my new name.

25 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

oops sorry that was sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

25 10 2008
gary aka khaki salmon palin

Struggle sharply, Alaskans, as we used to say in the 60s. Wonderful to see and hear about the rallies!

Here in Richmond VA we are preparing a historic event as former capital of confederacy votes for African-American for President and against a secessionist sympathizer.

25 10 2008

That sounds SO FUN!! We had THREE gatherings down here on the Peninsula to send photos up to go along with your wonderful ones in Anchorage, and I know they had a big one in Homer, too! We had one in Kenai at 12:30, one in Kasilof at 2, and one in Sterling at 3. EVERYBODY had a ton of fun in the snow, FREEZING and laughing, with dogs and home-made signs, flags, a dog sled, and LOTS of enthusiasm! At BOTH Kenai and Sterling we had passing people join in!! LOTS of fun! THANKS, Women for Obama for encouraging this!


25 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Hey Wrangler Tractor in VA:

I have roots in Lancaster, PA, also! We moved to ole Virginny when I was six, so I don’t really remember Lancaster as being heavily Republican, more just heavily Amish.

25 10 2008

gary aka khaki salmon palin: Thanks for posting an excellent, funny, and true description of the Richmond vote!

25 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

Wahoo! Penn State just one, and what a great interception at the end!!! Sorry for being off post but Go Blue!! It’s the same theme 😉

25 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

Ok, mudpuppies, I’m tired! Sorry for my typos.

Maybe I should just switch to Palinese at this time of night 😉

25 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

It is great to hear that Obama is closing the gap in the reddest of states- Arizona and Alaska. Obama was in Nevada today with rallies in Reno and Las Vegas. 12,000 supporters showed up in Reno and 18,000 in Las Vegas. There were two bravely insane anti-Obama protestors at the Las Vegas rally I attended. They were up to no-good questioning Obama”s citizenship status and relationship with Bill Ayers. The two protestors had looks of bewilderment and fear as crowds of people continually tried to engage them in debate and conversation about their reasons for protesting. They had no answer just signs. My guess is that they were paid by the McCain camp to be there and wanted to get the paid stint done as quickly as possible so they could take their stipend to the nearest sports book to bet on college evening football. The GOP is on its last leg.

25 10 2008

CNN just now saying campaign advisers saying Palin is only looking out for herself & going rogue on them, LOL LOL

25 10 2008

AZ might go Blue

Alaskans creating human Obama logos

Amy Poeler gives birth to a baby boy

Biden smacks down a right wing nutcase.

good stuff – good stuff.

And of course to balance it out, on Huffington headline is blaring that Princess Palin is warning the electing Obama could mean a “Nightmare Communist State”. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/25/palin-obamas-tax-plans-co_n_137851.html

Although seriously I read this and I haven’t a clue what she is saying????? I mean really does anyone speak Palinese? I try to understand it, but I seriously am lost.

See, under a big government, more tax agenda, what you thought was yours would really start belonging to somebody else, to everybody else. If you thought your income, your property, your inventory, your investments were, were yours, they would really collectively belong to everybody. Obama, Barack Obama has an ideological commitment to higher taxes, and I say this based on his record… Higher taxes, more government, misusing the power to tax leads to government moving into the role of some believing that government then has to take care of us. And government kind of moving into the role as the other half of our family, making decisions for us. Now, they do this in other countries where the people are not free. Let us fight for what is right. John McCain and I, we will put our trust in you

Sarah Palin unhinged? Seriously I think Sarah Palin is insane – I mean seriously…

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

from gather.com

Palin — a corruption factory?

Another day another Palin Scandal. I just have one question — is all of Alaska corrupt, or just the first family?

I have to admit, I haven’t heard what kind of republican Ms. Palin says she is, but clearly she is a W. Bush republican. W. is famous for a scandal a week administration. I feel sorry for the woman, that she was in Alaska, firing who she wanted, making insider deals and now she is one with the rest of the country where everyone but Rusty Limbaugh and Fox News pays attention to what you do.

25 10 2008

AZ might go Blue

Alaskans creating human Obama logos

Amy Poeler gives birth to a baby boy

Biden smacks down a right wing nutcase.

good stuff – good stuff.

And of course to balance it out, on Huffington headline is blaring that Princess Palin is warning the electing Obama could mean a “Nightmare Communist State”. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/25/palin-obamas-tax-plans-co_n_137851.html)

Although seriously I read this and I haven’t a clue what she is saying????? I mean really does anyone speak Palinese? I tried to understand it, but I am sooo confused!

See, under a big government, more tax agenda, what you thought was yours would really start belonging to somebody else, to everybody else. If you thought your income, your property, your inventory, your investments were, were yours, they would really collectively belong to everybody. Obama, Barack Obama has an ideological commitment to higher taxes, and I say this based on his record… Higher taxes, more government, misusing the power to tax leads to government moving into the role of some believing that government then has to take care of us. And government kind of moving into the role as the other half of our family, making decisions for us. Now, they do this in other countries where the people are not free. Let us fight for what is right. John McCain and I, we will put our trust in you

Sarah Palin unhinged? Seriously I think Sarah Palin is insane – I mean seriously…

25 10 2008
Lana, KY



25 10 2008
Lacy Lady

How creative!!!!!!! Looks like a fun day. Can’t wait to see the aerial view!!
Hear there is trouble brewing with Palin and the McCain campaign. She is doing her own thing—-out of control. Guess they didn’t realize she was out of control before she hit the scene. Next thing will be a cat fight between her and Cindy. MEOW!!!!!!!

25 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

Deep Blue in VA – yep. Lancaster PA the county, is very RED. The city of Lancaster is very Blue. But so many folks have moved in since I moved away after college (way too many years ago to admit) that I have been pleasantly surprised. We were up two weekends ago, and I was going for daily runs through my old hometown and couldn’t believe my eyes at the # of signs for Obama, “Seeing Red, Voting Blue” and all the local Democrats for Congress etc. It’s so refreshing. My parents aren’t alone anymore 🙂 In my elementary school I think i was the only democrat, but not anymore. Funny – The Repub office in downtown Lancaster reported an act of vandalism (a bb gun shot at a window). The Democrats have their office across the street from the police station. They are smart!

25 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

soccer mom – hey, that’s great you’re helping friends get ready for the big 26.2!! I’m out the door at 7:30 am myself doing the support thing for a small group of women runners I help coach. Couple will do NYC and another couple will do Harrisburg. Was just reminded that there are a number of pennsyltucky runners who do track/xc with the URichmond Spiders.

Wrangler – weather here s*cked the big one today… morning wasn’t too bad but I went to watch a cousin play in a field hockey tournament game (she plays for Penn Manor, which is in Lancaster County) and it poured sideways the entire game. Fortunately, they won! I was soaked thru and thru for the long ride back home.

Sandy – I never did figure out how to make my own name thru the generator so I did the honorable pennsytucky thing: made up my own. Welllll… the current one is my 4th or 5th. I pulled it out of the same place from which Sarah Palin gets her facts.

25 10 2008

GREAT account of the rally, AKM!! Your writing style puts the reader right there in the middle of it all :o) Love it (but my feet feel kinda chilly right now, LOL!)

25 10 2008

Wrangler Tractor
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Yup, Yup! You betcha! In Uniontown, PA tonight—to Lock Haven tomorrow.
During the primary, that route was covered with Ron Paul signs. It will be interesting to see tomorrow.

I know we still have work to do—never count them and all that—but I’m getting a good feeling about this.

25 10 2008

Hey kids – I am looking for that fabulous photo of Barack in the rain at that rally in Virginia? Did any of you save it?

25 10 2008
Lori W.

Breaking NEWS, a MUST read! Remember David Frum? He was on Rachael Maddow’s show (she ripped him a new one)? He is a NEO-CON. His plea in tomorrow’s Washington Post is essentially to STOP pretending McCain has ANY chance (!) and to now give all RNC funds to Senate races. It is amazing – PLEASE READ IT AND WEEP FOR JOY!

25 10 2008

How to Look Like a World Leader on a Hockey Mom Salary: http://lifehacker.com/5068637/how-to-look-like-a-world-leader-on-a-hockey-mom-salary

“…But there’s no reason you should have to default on your home loan in order to look fabulous…”

25 10 2008

We had fun, didn’t we? Alaskan women are beautiful. I took some portrait shots, since the big cameras would take care of the overhead shots, at Alaskan Women for Obama Rally. Cheered me up immeasurably to see so many brave the brisk weather with such cheer.

Keep up the great work, AKMuckraker! -Jan

25 10 2008

I always knew Alaska to be beautiful, always wanted to visit, but I learned something about Alaska, the people of Alaska, their fighters, they fight for whats right, they stick together and they make sure that their heard, I think maybe Alaska has taught a lot of us a valuable lesson.
Love AKM and her State.

We all have to stick togther for what we believe in and WE WILL!!!!!!!!!

25 10 2008

How fun. You captured me, but I didn’t capture you — at least not that I noticed. I’m the one with the monopod and camera, far right, wearing the attractive white plastic.

*waves* 🙂

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

From UPI NewsTrack

President George W. Bush has asked the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the status of 200,000 newly registered Ohio voters, the White House said.

The request came amid challenges by Ohio Republicans to the validity of the registrations because names on voter registration forms do not match voters’ names on other government databases. Republican officials contend the new voters must reconfirm their registration data before they can vote Nov. 4, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

The U.S. Supreme Court last week dismissed a case brought by the Ohio Republican Party in the matter.

Republicans insist the issue is one of fraudulent voter registration. Democrats accuse the GOP of using such legal maneuvers to suppress the vote by poor people and minorities.

Bush Friday asked Attorney General Michael Mukasey to review the matter, after House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, urged the president to seek a Justice Department probe. In a letter to Bush, Boehner said there is a significant risk if not a certainty, that unlawful votes will be cast and counted.


Did we know about this and I missed it?

25 10 2008

How fun. You captured me, but I didn’t capture you — at least not that I noticed. I’m the one with the monopod and camera, far right, wearing the attractive white plastic.

25 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

Wow -SP is coming to Fredericksburg, VA on Monday. She will hold a rally at Hurkamp Park at noon. I’m volunteering at my son’s school till noon. I might head over there after that with my Obama sign. It only holds about 6,000 people. Obama and Biden came to Mary Washington College in Fredericskburg and dreww 26,000 in the rain! I will try to find a picture of that. It was in the Free-Lance Star, the local Fredericksburg newspaper.

25 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

AKM, I always know when you are up to something good–because there is a bit of quiet time between posts. And then I can’t wait to get back for an update. I’d say Anchorage is creating the Northern Exposure moments at this time–not Cecily. Kudos from the rural reaches where smear rumors are still the ruling MO and a bit disheartening at times. Good to connect at the Flats for a cheer-up.

25 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Palin would be in big trouble if she had me for a child.

Nana aka Blaster Commando Palin

25 10 2008
wired differently

From Frum’s piece in the Washington Post:

“…the political culture of the Democratic Party has changed over the past decade. There’s a fierce new anger among many liberal Democrats, a more militant style and an angry intolerance of dissent and criticism. This is the culture of the left-wing blogosphere and MSNBC’s evening line-up — and soon, it will be the culture of important political institutions in Washington.”

Wow, mean old Rachel must have really hurt his feelings. boo hoo

He’s half right– there is a more militant style among liberal Democrats, but the angry intolerance of dissent and criticism is still pretty much in the Republican domain.

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Wrangler Tractor in VA (19:33:16) :

she’s having 3 rallies in VA on Monday

On TUESDAY, Barack Obama will be in Norfolk ….. I reckon it’s because he just loves those VA crowds. 😉

25 10 2008

I would do almost anything to help Alaska go blue…really! In one fell blue swoop, it could be one of the biggest non-affirmations of her existance in politics. 🙂

An appearance by Barack Obama would set your state on fire. Does anyone have any idea of how we, as a group, could suggest this to Obama/Biden people? I know the Obama website has a “contact form” where one could write such a request, but using that site for such things may be inappropriate. Any thoughts?

25 10 2008

good grief: her = Palin

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Oh, how marvelous! You go, Alaskans! I’m so proud to be a mudpuppy (adopted Alaskan Obama supporter).

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

wired differently (19:41:26) :
Hey, I’m enjoying being fiercely angry…….feels good after all that repugnant apathy!

25 10 2008

The Frum article is insane…is he positioning himself for 2012?

25 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

AKM Thank you again. Great report and pics.

naturalredhead (19:26:36) : Yes indeed, Alaskan women are beautiful (and men and children and dogs).

25 10 2008

Sparky – it would be so awesome if Barack showed up here…in Sarah’s backyard as it were….

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Maybe we won’t all be so fiercely angry when Obama is able to turn around the travesties imparted on us by the Bush administration.

KO just might have to chill out and put on a happy face.

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

naturalredhead (19:33:07) :
Great pictures – thanks for the photoblog.

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

PA, lock your doors – they’ll be holding a rally in your living room next!

On Monday evening, McCain is tentatively scheduled to speak in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, which is in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton market. Early the next morning, he’s going to be joined by Palin in Hershey, for a rally that will saturate the Harrisburg/Lancaster and York market. A rally with Palin in Shippensburg is scheduled for 2:15 pm on Tuesday. McCain might appear in Latrobe later that day — and Republicans are planning for a Tuesday evening event in Quakertown, PA, which would get coverage from the Philly market. Also Tuesday, Palin will hold a rally at Penn State University in State College, PA, and on Thursday, the campaign is preparing for an event in Erie.

I wonder if free face-painting is on offer …… (Pucky, that was NOT nice)

25 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Sparky (19:42:44) :
An appearance by Barack Obama would set your state on fire. Does anyone have any idea of how we, as a group, could suggest this to Obama/Biden people? I know the Obama website has a “contact form” where one could write such a request, but using that site for such things may be inappropriate. Any thoughts?


Is is possible to set up a petition so we can all, as honorary Alaskans known as Mudpuppies, make a collective request?

25 10 2008

I found that rain photo of Barack that I was looking for:


25 10 2008

Did you go to Reno today?

25 10 2008

You guys in Alaska should flood Obama HQ with calls asking for Obama to come for a visit…. it would be cool to see him go there, what do you have to lose for trying?
(866) 675-2008

We’ve been trying for a LONG time. We were actually promised a visit by Obama “some time in the fall.” Granted that was before the Palin selection….but still. He PROMISED!!! 😦
I still hold out a little hope that he might come visit some time after he’s elected. But I wanted a rally. I even had two early posts saying why it would be a good idea. I’m still not convinced that Alaska wouldn’t go blue after a visit from him. Sigh…

25 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

This picture of Sen. Obama will break your heart:


A great day for the Anchorage rally!!

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

AKM, thank you. You have brought a lot of lower 48’s together with you Alaskans and shown us the lay of your land.

25 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

OK…..now I want to move to alaska……but we moved to oregon because of my granddaughter…………she would miss me….

25 10 2008

Wrangler Tractor in VA (19:33:16) :

Wrangler…I found a slideshow on HuffPost. It has several shots, but the site may have others with the rain, etc. This may help. Good luck!


25 10 2008

Intially I was opposed to Obama coming to AK — during those hate speeches by the Truth Squad and the other McLame campaign mouthpieces I felt that it would give credibility to their arguments that “Obama operatives” were at work in regard to Troopergate. Not that it was ever truth, but that people will always see what they want to see… Anyway, now that that is over, and the republican-led legislators voted to release the report, etc etc., well, HE CAN COME VISIT NOW!!!! I wish that some of the doubters here could hear him for themselves, that they could see all of the wonderful people that he has drawn together to support him, I would love to have all of these angry republicans listen to his message of hope & unity. Maybe someday…

What a wonderful chapter in history. We will never feel this way again. If he is elected we will, from that point forward, get his state of the union addresses and other official speeches and get to watch him effect positive change on TV/internet, but we will never again have the chance to stand for hours in the sun/rain/snow to hear him speak about change for our country. Bittersweet thoughts. His words bring me to tears so often, crying for all that this country can be & for the hope & faith that he represents, I cannot imagine what it must have been like for the 80/90-something year old black people casting their votes for this wonderful man. This is definately the best of times & the worst of times.

25 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

I want Sen. Obama to do exactly what he needs to do to win this election. I don’t think time in Alaska is his best choice at this moment. He made us a video though. It’s on the Alaska headquarters site of barackobama.com

25 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

I just passed Aussie Puck Mule’s news of a Republican Rally in Quakertown, which is a few miles from us. His response–let’s find out if there’s going to be a counter rally.

25 10 2008

SMR – well said!

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

SMR (19:55:33) :
This is definately the best of times & the worst of times.
The best is yet to come.

Thanks, Obama!

25 10 2008
Lana, KY

Frum is an a hole, but he’s on to something here that no one else is talking much about. Boy, now it’s out in the open…

Another interesting article on Sarah’s religious preferences ~ New York Times.

“YouTube Videos Draw Attention to Palin’s Faith”

Published: October 24, 2008

25 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Night, y’all. It’s midnight in turning blue Georgia. Sweet dreams.

25 10 2008

LA (19:53:37) :

Did you go to Reno today?

Unfortunately, no…ugh! Some of my family members were in the area (live in Gardnerville), however, and I’m hoping they represented me in some fashion.

25 10 2008
Crunk Petrol Palin

Frum just wrote a book on how the conservatives can have a “comeback”. Of course, it will hurt sales of his book if the Repugs actually win.

25 10 2008
Juneau girl

It would be so awesome if Barcak would come. It might be worth the two hour plane trip and the$$$ I don’t have for a ticket. I’d think seriously about flying up. (It would have to be Anchorage.) Who knows? Maybe its still not too late to turn this red state blue.

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@suchanut (19:53:20) :

I found that rain photo of Barack that I was looking for:

The website positivelybarack has a nifty Dr Seuss-type video called ‘The Vet Who Didn’t Vet’

It’s a great site, btw


25 10 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

I was just reading an article about the latest Palin scandal seems there are several problems with the pipeline contract she is so proud of including making the bidding requirments so narrow it elimated several companies the company the contract was awarded to which apparently has ties to he administration including the fact that the person in charge of the bidding process used to be their lobbyist. Under the pre palin guildlines the same company offered to build the pipeline without subsidy from the state of Alaska, under Palins deal the company will be subsidized up to 500 million dollars from the state of Alaska.

25 10 2008

karen (19:13:19) :

CNN just now saying campaign advisers saying Palin is only looking out for herself & going rogue on them, LOL LOL

LOL actually I just read the article on CNN LOL. She is rebelling against the McCain Advisers LOL. Doing her own thing. I almost feel bad for McCain. He should have vetted better because she is just being herself. Here is the link it is a must read LOL.


25 10 2008
Whiskey Otter Hussein

As Lana from KY notes, the MSM FINALLY picked up on the crazy video of Bishop Muthee laying hands on SP.

About time!!! AKM

25 10 2008

Niters Sista Crust!

25 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

thanks for the reference to the latest ramblings of a frum. I was struck too by his reference to MSNBC. I’ve never seen such a dour, depressing, dull person on tv. Rachel demolished him and I imagine she will again on monday. Can’t wait to see that!

25 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (20:04:14) :

That video was great. LOL they did an awesome job on it very funny.

25 10 2008

“Doing her own thing.” …
is what Mavericks do!! LOL …she is TOO MUCH for JM!!

25 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"
25 10 2008
Polly Hussein

It would be so awesome if Barcak would come. It might be worth the two hour plane trip and the$$$ I don’t have for a ticket. I’d think seriously about flying up. (It would have to be Anchorage.) Who knows? Maybe its still not too late to turn this red state blue.
I would love to have Barack come to Alaska, but as a regular donor (investor) to his campaign, I’m glad he is investing my donations in the big battleground states. Alaska only has three electoral votes, and in my opinion not worth the risk. We residents have a good chance to turn ourselves blue by talking to everyone we know (until we’re blue in the face?). Our whole state’s population is less than many of the metro cities in the Lower ’48 – I don’t think he should come up here, with all the controversy with Troopergate in Sarah’s home territory, the MSM and McCain camp could really politicize his visit to our detriment. IMO

Yes we can. Yes we will!

25 10 2008
copybook realist

I haven’t caught up with all of the posting…but AKM, you and your Alaskan friends have made my day!

I was in a sour mode because I had been shopping for clothes…a loathsome activity…and when I got back I checked the huff post and got my ear blasted off by Palins hateful commie rhetoric against Obama which the MSM is so slow and/or reluctant to pick up on. I was thinking about hate. There are few people that I would say that I honor with my hate. Pity, compassion and fear are more my style. I am thinking now that I might truly hate this SWMNBN. ……I could go on but I won’t because I love you guys.

There are a lot of us lower 48 elitist, anti-Americans, commies, socialist, wet fingered republicans, not-white-enough-homo sapiens and the other type of homos that are suggesting that the F@%ked up religious right from down here should join Palin up there after the election. A coupe of months ago I might have agreed with them. I knew less about Alaska then I knew about our cousin the fruit fly. I would have figured that it would be safely out of the way.

Now I know better. Thank you AKM and all you other patriots!…I here you and I looking forward to seeing the result of the Pro-Obama rally

25 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Maureen Dowd skewers Valentino Barbie.

“How odd then, to learn that McCain advisers have been treating their own vice presidential candidate like Valentino Barbie, dressing her up in fancy clothes and endlessly playing with her hair.”

“…with the economy cratering and the McCain campaign running on an “average Joe” theme, dunderheaded aides, led by the former Bushies Nicolle Wallace and Tracey Schmitt, costumed their Eliza Doolittle for a ball when she should have been dressing for a bailout.”

25 10 2008
Lana, KY

Jeez, McCain is spending some money running his anti-Barack commercials during Saturday Night Live tonight.

SNL’s been smackin’ the stuffing outta McCain/Palin.

Things are gonna get real rough this week ~
hope we can all survive the onslaught.

25 10 2008

@Lana, KY (19:59:26) :
Another interesting article on Sarah’s religious preferences ~ New York Times.


This NY Times story is going to justify the McCain/Palin camp bringing up Jeremiah Wright and pushing it down everyones throat. Unfortunately the “Goddamn America” and we had it coming on 9/11 is going to play louder than the laying of hands.
This is going to make for a very ugly week of campaigning.

25 10 2008

Palin the Running Weight?

25 10 2008
McCain Fortress (DarleenMB) Palin


I just palinized myself. hahahahaha.

GREAT post and great turnout. Our pitiful little rally here in Sheridan, WY was just, well, pathetic. We tried hard though. I put a couple of pics on my sad little blog


Wyoming is a sea of red. Good thing we have the smallest population in the country. Good thing antelope and deer don’t vote.

25 10 2008

If there is anyone in America who does not believe that Barack Obama puts OUR needs ahead of his own, that person should look at the picture that broke my heart–of him returning from his grandmother’s bedside. Please, Lord, let her live to see him be elected President, and please, Lord, let him feel your love and comfort.

25 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

DH just returned with materials for a new sign — 2 heavy-duty metal stakes, a 1″ thick chipboard shelf, markers, screws … and a web cam. Guess I know what we’ll be doing tomorrow. 🙂

25 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@SMR (19:55:33) :

Intially I was opposed to Obama coming to AK — during those hate speeches by the Truth Squad and the other McLame campaign mouthpieces I felt that it would give credibility to their arguments that “Obama operatives” were at work in regard to Troopergate. Not that it was ever truth, but that people will always see what they want to see… Anyway, now that that is over, and the republican-led legislators voted to release the report, etc etc., well, HE CAN COME VISIT NOW!!!! I wish that some of the doubters here could hear him for themselves, that they could see all of the wonderful people that he has drawn together to support him, I would love to have all of these angry republicans listen to his message of hope & unity. Maybe someday…

What a wonderful chapter in history. We will never feel this way again. If he is elected we will, from that point forward, get his state of the union addresses and other official speeches and get to watch him effect positive change on TV/internet, but we will never again have the chance to stand for hours in the sun/rain/snow to hear him speak about change for our country. Bittersweet thoughts. His words bring me to tears so often, crying for all that this country can be & for the hope & faith that he represents, I cannot imagine what it must have been like for the 80/90-something year old black people casting their votes for this wonderful man. This is definately the best of times & the worst of times.
i was so hoping AK would be his surprise visit on saturday…….:(

25 10 2008

The Anchorage Daily News endorses Obama for President (really!)


25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

More Light Than Heat (20:28:14) :

DH just returned with materials for a new sign — 2 heavy-duty metal stakes, a 1″ thick chipboard shelf, markers, screws … and a web cam. Guess I know what we’ll be doing tomorrow.
I hear there is a bunch of folks who would be happy to watch your sign 😉

25 10 2008

@AKM and Natural Redhead, great pictures. I love seeing footage of Obama rallies because they are filled with good-will, joy, and love. I hope to see the logo from above as well.

@Aussie Puck Mule Hussein, i don’t know if you saw my supplication on the last thread, but I humbly apply to be a member of the Church of Puck Mule for Social Justice.

My resume: I am a socialist capitalist, an agnostic deist, a performance artist, a writer, bi, and Taiwanese American.

I don’t listen to rock and roll but to folk and indie (like The Waifs!). I am allergic to wine and beer, so I’ll bring rum instead. I will also bring chocolate and rhubarb pie as an offering as we help those who need it.

If I am accepted, i will take the name of Sister Pleeeeease. (Said with much rolling of the eyes and much snapping of the fingers).

@Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA, I bought the pie, did not make it, but it’s rhubarby and custardy with a flaky, tender crust (top and bottom) and crystallized sugar on top. Man, I want another piece now!

25 10 2008
John Mashey

Anchorage Daily News endorses Obama.

25 10 2008
copybook realist

@Sparky (19:55:04) :

Thanks I love that slide show. The Obamas and the Bidens are so relaxed together…heart warming!

Thank god for the huff post! I love the slide shows. Does anyone have the link to the rainy day pics. There were many great pics taken on that day!

25 10 2008

P.S. The pics of Obama leaving his Toots is just too sad. Let’s all send him our postive thoughts tonight/today.

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Maeve (20:33:05) :

The Anchorage Daily News endorses Obama for President (really!)

WOW! Wait tll Frisco Eddie hears about this. 😀

25 10 2008


Yes, folks, it’s official. Palin has become a rogue!!! Remember a few threads ago that thing my spouse pointed out, about the Republicans being such sore losers, and how the awful things (racist hoax, etc.) that are happening are related to their “sore loserness”? And how we should be on watch for more?

Well, guess who else is a big fat sore loser? Gov. Sarah Palin! Whoda thunk it? And now she’s saying wild, wild things (see HuffPo for the “Obama communist tax rant” she had in Iowa. She’s a total loose canon.

25 10 2008

McCain Fortress (DarleenMB) Palin (20:27:06) :


Be encouraged they were nice pics. You have done your part to help make Obama the next President Come Nov 4th.

Yeahhhhhhhh. Its looking good in soooooo many other states.

25 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@*sniff* AKM

Aw, AKM, you KNOW I love you and all the other Anchorage/ER/MadZoo mudpuppies. I just don’t like flying much anymore (really, does anyone?), and I’ve never been too fond of Anchorage (other than a few restaurants and REI). Not that Mudpuppies feel this way, but you know that many of your citymates think Anchorage is the center of the universe, and it just isn’t…

That being said, I’m with Juneau Girl and might just have to fly up if Obama showed up up there. Juneau, however, is one of the bluest places in the state, so I think we ought to get a visit too 😉 !

25 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

What’s next? The Arizona Republic endorses Obama too? Look out ADN — when she gets back, Palin will be out to get you guys too! Can she fire a newspaper?

25 10 2008
copybook realist

Wow. The Achorage Daily News endorsement is great and well written. My respect for you in Alaska grows by the minute….I would never wish more of the religious fanatics on you.

Well done!

25 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Do you this is the SP “Melt down” so she’ll “Step Down” before the election and Joe the Lieberman can step up to the plate?

Ha ha ha

25 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin


Palin: Obama’s Tax Plans Could Mean Nightmare Communist State


How much longer do we have to endure this?

This from a woman in the Political Party in power that just partially nationalized the major banks of the United States!

25 10 2008
copybook realist

Lulu (20:37:34) :

That is what was so pisssssssed off about earlier…i thought that it was old news here is the link


25 10 2008
Aussie Rational Woman

This is a bit of fun – I don’t know if you have seen it before

25 10 2008

Yes, everyone, could this be the Grand Palin Finale? Is this the Palin Meltdown we’ve long predicted and awaited? It’s so close I can almost smell it….

25 10 2008

Ok, y’all, You have to watch the video embedded here:


It’s at the top left, and it’s a fifth grader asking Joe Biden what a VP does. Unlike Palin, Biden gives a clear, concise and truthful response that is easily grasped. Enjoy.

25 10 2008

@ Nana from Alaska (19:54:28) :

This picture of Sen. Obama will break your heart:

very sad indeed. It is so true that it is hard to leave a beloved feeling that you might not see them again… and in the middle of a campaign- you cannot just take off a week…

My heart aches for that family. And I wish Toot peace and solace.

25 10 2008

On Palin…
Sing along, mudflatters:
“She come undone.
She didn’t know what she was headed for.
And when she found what she was headed for,

25 10 2008
Judy in Chicago

People always show us exactly who they are. It’s her turn. You go girl. Here’s a nice long rope for you Sarah.

25 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@Sue (20:27:56) :

If there is anyone in America who does not believe that Barack Obama puts OUR needs ahead of his own, that person should look at the picture that broke my heart–of him returning from his grandmother’s bedside. Please, Lord, let her live to see him be elected President, and please, Lord, let him feel your love and comfort.
yes sue i think we all agree………..

25 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Wow that Anchorage Daily News endorsement of Obama — isn’t this about the biggest slap to Palin as anything else? Of course they’ll rag about it being the liberal media – but still, your own paper? Ouch.

25 10 2008

With apologies to the Guess Who:

“It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost the sun
She’s come undone”

25 10 2008
copybook realist

@asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (20:45:57

Thanks for the link…Senater Biden is now my home boy too!

25 10 2008

KUDOS to AKM and all those die hard Alaskans! Great rally, great reporting and photos. I am proud to associate with you! and you inspire me.


25 10 2008
Blaster Commando in Cecily

Hasta manana, muck sisters.

25 10 2008
copybook realist

Lulu (20:51:19)

Thanks for the song..it is playing in my head .”she’s come undone” might be my new mantra

25 10 2008

@copybook realist, yuppers. He’s my homeboy forever more. Make that sweet potato pecan pie yet? I have a friend who has a recipe for sweet potato pecan side dish which she thinks she can easily make into a pie.

@Blaster Commando in Cecily, good night!

25 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

All together now:
She’ll be comin’ round the mountain when she comes
She’ll be comin’ round the mountain when she comes
She’ll be comin’ round the mountain
She’ll be comin’ round the mountain
She’ll be comin’ round the mountain when she comes

She’ll be whippin’ John McCain when she comes etc.

She’ll be wearin’ Christian Dior when she comes . . .

We’ll all freak out at her make up when she comes . . .

We’ll use our mudflat names when she comes . . .

We’ll kill the old red repub when she comes . . .

She’ll be spyin’ out Russia when she comes . . .

She’ll bring a sack o’ potatoes when she comes (oh, that’s Trigg!)

We’ll recall her gov’s mansion while she’s gone! (Whee, we’re free!)

We’ll throw a great big party when she goes (Sorry Wasilla)

She’ll also the betcha, donchaknow!

We’ll rejoice in Obama on the fourth (Biden, too!)

25 10 2008

Yes what a way to end SNL Cold Play. Yeah Barak Obama Shout out.

25 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Its a shame McC doesn’t get another “do-over” with his pick – unfortunately, those of us in the “real world” don’t get do-overs either.

This was his first major decision as the head of the ticket, and he blew it — even if he was pressured with SP and not actually “his pick” – no “do overs” !!

Course, those of us in MudFlats have known since our first day here that SP was going to be an issue.

25 10 2008
reveur1147 aka Hussein NOpalin Scorpio for Obama

AKM, great story, as always !! 🙂 And Mudpups !! wow the axis of evil left-wing blogosphere !! lol ! Frum’s lament sounds like Titanic re-scripted; I can see all the neo-cons clinging to life-rafts in their sea of tears !

25 10 2008
Lana, KY

I bet the Wasilla paper will endorse Palin/McCain. LOL and roll on the floor.

25 10 2008

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (20:45:57) :

That was too cute I just love Biden as much as OB (Obama) what a terrific pair we’re going to have, I just feel so good, I love both of them.

25 10 2008
copybook realist

love olbermann?…hungry for a Subway sandwich? this is funny!


25 10 2008

RE: NYT article on SP’s church..

Yes, it may allow them to bring up (again) the Jeremy Wright issue. But I think the electorate has already heard all that and it is “old news”. It may make the base salivate, but not the MSM nor most voters, unless they are just desperately looking for justification to not vote for the black guy. And the Dems never had those folks anyway.

ALSO Jeremy Wright is an angry black preacher, in a country where there was slavery, prejudice, double standards etc. In other words, while I may not agree with his position, I think one can see a rationale for WHY he feels that way.

Then you have SP’s church.. that extreme fundamentalist religion will (I think) be a shock to most main stream voters. It is extreme- it is scary and it is alien. Will it energize the base? Of course, but everything does- if it is far right. But for most middle of the road Americans, that philosphy is scary. I think NYT points this out and I think the MSM will be more interested in the wackiness of this church as it is not “old news” to them (it is to the mudpuppies- but not MSM). So, Murthee (sp?) may get a lot of air play and it is much scarier.

25 10 2008

Enjay in Eastern MT (21:00:04) :

so true. His motto is Country first yet that decision was more of his campaign first thinking he would get more votes because she was a woman. LOL

25 10 2008
Lock Pepper in Honolulu

On Palin…
Sing along, mudflatters:
“She come undone.
She didn’t know what she was headed for.
And when she found what she was headed for,
“It’s too late–to turn back now, yes it’s too late

OMG that song is so stuck in my head now, LOL!

25 10 2008

YEEEEEEEPPPPPPPEEEEEE, I am starting to feel good, I just can’t wait for Obama/Biden first time I feel so good I really really do. I have been so upset through this whole election and know I’m starting to REALLY REALLY feel good. I just love OB so much but I’m fickle I love Biden too.

25 10 2008
5 Little Hussein Peppers who love 'that one'

Hello fellow mudpuppies… I love coming here and reading what everyone has to say, It is comforting to know that there are so many of you that have hope for a real change! My husband is a huge conservative and it makes me crazy! I am sure our kids can’t wait until the election is over so that our heated ‘discussions’ will end. I can escape to the mudflats and calm my nerves! I did get him to admit that he thought Palin was a bad choice. I have hope that he will vote for Obama :o). He voted for Obama in the primary… He ruptured his patella tendon this summer and the day he got out of the hospital he had me drive him straight to vote…with crutches and pain killers and all. I keep hoping that the vote wasn’t a result of the pain killers and that he will use his head Nov. 4th!
Our two oldest daughter have already voted…one is in MI and voted absentee for Obama, the other is just 19 and it is her first year to vote. She came home from college this past week …she goes to school in CO…to see some friends in a band play here at a coffee house (13 hour drive..to be 19 again) while she was home she voted :o)! She was so excited and I was encouraged as all her friends filled the living room and talked about the election and talked about Obama and I just kept reminding them to vote!!

25 10 2008

The neo cons have had Fox news for years (decades?) , Now the liberals have MSNBC.. what is the big deal? The playing field is more even and we on the left finally have an outlet for our views..

But the Faux news are just jealous- cus they cannot stand having successful competition… too bad! and get used to it!

Personally, I am glad to have the other side represented and I enjoy hearing my philosophy on the airwaves for a change.

25 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

a tale of 2 campaigns:

in Albuquerque today, both candidates had rallies. A sign of things to come:

McCain — 1,500 people attended this morning

Obama — 45,000 attended this evening.

25 10 2008
copybook realist

Hannity and Palin orgy…watch at your own risk

25 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Wasn’t there a song once “Cry me a River” ? or River of Tears …..

From the Nation

“Wall Street wives are finding that they must defer dreams and fancy things,” the L.A. Times reported in a page one story on Saturday. One wife, who had been looking forward to her husband’s retiring with “$10 to $12 million,” told the Times she was “so angry” with the stock market meltdown, which was “not in her plan.” The husband made $400,000 last year, “but there are no reports yet on what will happen to 2008 bonuses and options.”

The same day a page one story in the New York Times reported on yard sales at foreclosed homes in working class neighborhoods in California: “three-year-old Marita Duarte’s tricycle was sold by her mother, Beatriz, to a stranger for $3 – even as her daughter was riding it.” The mother had lost her job as a floral designer two months ago, and now the house has been lost.

read more @ http://www.thenation.com/blogs/notion/376093/the_suffering_of_wall_street_wives?rel=hpbox

25 10 2008

NoCalGal (21:07:33) :

I’d like to see Fake news tumble. I’ve called sponsors about them already.
Did you hear O’really wants a investigation about the neilson ratings?
He thinks their fixed because MSNBC is beating him. I guess it can’t be O’reilly with his hateful temper or that twip Hannity, has to be neilson fraud.

25 10 2008

RE: DEEP BLUE IN VA’s comments re: AZ in play

There’s an ASU poll coming out Monday-ish! Speculation is that the race is at least pretty tight if not in Obama’s favor. LOTS of people remember Keating Five – LOTS! And a LOT of us here in AZ remember and many republicans revere Barry Goldwater. So when Barry Goldwater’s family comes out PRO Obama, a lot of other Republicans here listen.

Anyway, I don’t know how interesting any of that was. Just thought I’d share. 🙂 Ah, I love the free therapy of these here blogs. Good stuff.

25 10 2008

@shilo442, I am definitely pround of our guys–and their wives. What class acts, and it warms my heart to see how much the love each other.

As for David Frum, he and all the other conservatives need to get ovenr themselves. We liberals survived having all three branches of government be Republican (barely), and they will survive, too, especially since they have all the money! Wah, wah, wah, cry me a river. The Democrats might finally be able to do something for the poor and the middle class.

Angry? Hell yeah, we’re angry! Militant? Um, not so sure about that. Unable to listen or reason? Now you’re just projecting, Mr. Frum. i loathe him ever since seeing him whine and pout on Rachel’s show. She deserves better than that!

25 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"


i hope this works………I was just telling my sister today….about this thing ………..about about bachmann…………..about how tillenbergin……..what ever his name is …..went to bed and woke up with about $170 .000.00 in his account………….I was sitting here and watching it…………that is history………he was so happy………….i on the other hand was up sooo late i almost missed picking up my grand-d from preschool………………that is very bad

25 10 2008
wired differently

Honey Bucket: It’s not just one mountain, it’s the Seven Mountains (maybe 8 if sports gets included as someone suggested in an earlier thread)!

re. her speech today–omg, she has really gone off the rails. McToast must be crapping his drawers.

A fun, spirited rally in Anchorage, an endorsement for Obama by ADN. Alaska, you da bomb!

25 10 2008

@5 Little Hussein Peppers who love ‘that one’, I’m a big believer in a little friendly blackmail. Your hubby gets no love unless he votes for Obama!

Too harsh?

@Taupe Armageddon Palin, that’s how it’s been all around the country. Makes me feel a leeeeeetle bit sorry for Mccain.

@Enjay in Eastern MT, no way I’m reading that story as I’m already pissed off at the fat cats on Wall Street.

@copybook realist, I will not be watching that as I would like to attempt to get some sleep tonight.

25 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

it’s tinklenberg … and he’s up $1.4 million in the past week.

meanwhile bachmann has come out with a new tv ad that is a non-apology, she “may not get her words right but her heart is right”


25 10 2008
reveur1147 aka Hussein NOpalin Scorpio for Obama

I prefer “she’s MELTINGGG” … kinda like that witch in The Wizard of Oz”, don’tcha know ? 🙂

25 10 2008

I am so proud of you guys…how terrific..
you alaskans are jake in my book.

25 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

I see there’s other songs that came up as I was writing mine. What fun.
She come undone. Absolutely. All the rogue stuff is reminding me of the rogue bludger in Harry Potter–whizzing all over, destroying everything in its path until destroyed itself. She’s sure showing what she is, and most people aren’t fooled.
I couldn’t believe the cost of the make up artist. All that time, I’d been thinking that someone needed to teach her how to apply make up. Then, I realized, they were paying someone for that look, so what was the angle? Ah hah! the make up was meant to appeal to “old men.” And by that, I don’t mean men over a certain age, but men of a certain mind set. My dad looked at one of her closeups and laughed–he agreed, and said guys like that have to watch which head they’re thinking with!

25 10 2008
copybook realist

@asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (21:17:03)

well I can’t blame you for not watching. At least I warned you.

i have a confession……I threw out the idea of sweet potato pecan pie as an inspirational seed…I don’t cook well. I can dream though can’t I. That perfect obama pie with a dullop of vanilla ice crream would be heaven!

25 10 2008

that is AWESOME!!! I am going to Downtown Denver tomorrow to see Barack speak….50,000 people are expected. I will post pictures on my blog and share the link. It’s going to be awesome and I think more people than that will show up!!

Right on Alaskans….these pictures made me smile!!!

25 10 2008

@AZ Mom, Goldwater’s son is supporting McCain, though, and is pretty mad at his niece for her endorsement of Obama. He wrote about it in the Huffington Post.


He comes across as a whiny old man.

25 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

for a great look at the Bachmann Stupid Overdrive, this is hysterical —

a rap video on Bachmann and Tinklenberg:

25 10 2008

Did you hear O’really wants a investigation about the neilson ratings?
He thinks their fixed because MSNBC is beating him. I guess it can’t be O’reilly with his hateful temper or that twip Hannity, has to be neilson fraud.

Yes I hear that. I heard he even through Obama’s name in there saying it was partly his fault some how he had connections to change the ratings. LOL

25 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin
25 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

wired differently (21:16:53) :
Honey Bucket: It’s not just one mountain, it’s the Seven Mountains (maybe 8 if sports gets included as someone suggested in an earlier thread)!

OK. Another verse

She’ll be trounced by seven mountains when she comes (make it eight!)

Moose will be celabratin’ when she goes (doncha know)

25 10 2008

@copybook realist, I actually like to bake, but I haven’t done it in forever. Hm. Maybe I’ll get that recipe from my friend and see what I can do with it. I would love to create an Obama Sweet Potato Pecan Pie.

Anyone know what’s Joe’s favorite?

25 10 2008
portland oregon native

You all rock!
Thanks mudflaters! Barack has just GOT to win this election!!!
night all

25 10 2008
5 Little Hussein Peppers who love 'that one'

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (21:17:03) :

@5 Little Hussein Peppers who love ‘that one’, I’m a big believer in a little friendly blackmail. Your hubby gets no love unless he votes for Obama!

Oh yes! I have made it clear there will be no sleeping with the enemy!

25 10 2008
portland oregon native

You all rock!
Thanks mudflaters! Barack has just GOT to win this election!!!
night all

25 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

suchanut (19:19:51)
I saved one favorite image of Barack in the Virginia rain,
and it was part of a beautiful slide show.
I’ll look out for that link.

25 10 2008

@portland oregon native, night!

@Woo-hoo! A woman after my own heart.

25 10 2008
Alexander Rose

Wow… that is epic.

Goddamn Media…

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Is anyone from Florida going to see Bill Clinton and Barack Obama in Orlando on Wednesday night?

25 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Uh, has anyone noticed that while saying voting for Obama could lead to a communist state, that SHE’S the one wearing red–working for the red party?

Remember the old Dragnet theme?

Dumb-da-dumbdumd DUMMMMMMB!

25 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

This is enough to give any mudflatters nightmares after reading it.

newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/id/165657

25 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (21:39:12) :

Wow he is coming back to central Florida again. Wow I feel so honored He is like here every week. LOL 😉 I guess I will have to go see him again. I love going to the rallies they are so inspirational.

25 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA


This will give any Mudflatter nightmares if you read it before bedtime.


25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)


Okay, I’ve been lurking all night, and now must really speak up … when the very first pie discussion started, I commented on how I make a sweet potato/pecan pie (pumpkin/pecan also delish) for my family. Since I love the mudpuppies sooooo much I’ll even give you the secret ingredient. Make your standard sweet potato pie recipe, and 1/2 cup chopped pecans, secret ingredient = 1 Tbls blackstrap molasses. After filling crust, very gently place pecans halves (5) on the middle of pie and the around the edges for a nice presentation. They will not sink into the pie as long as the sweet potato or pumkin mixture is not too thin.

There ya have it …. family secret is out!

25 10 2008

@Tired Mom(VA), ok, now you’ve done it. That sounds sooooo good! I have to try it now.

25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

@ asianHusseingrrl

Trust me it is! Walnuts work well too, but more so with the pumpkin than the sweet potato – being in VA, I prefer the pecans.

25 10 2008

Does anyone know which night Obama is going to do his Half hours special?

25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

We all seem to be such “foodies” here … the election has me stress eating late at night, since I can’t seem to sleep anymore. It’s 2 am and I am still all worked up after hearing that B^&*c’s speach today!

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (21:42:55) :

This is enough to give any mudflatters nightmares after reading it.

newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/id/165657
It’s not bedtime here so there won’t be any nightmares.

I only read the first page – the fool writer didn’t offer any reason that people would prefer McCain …… I guess that was too hard. 😉

25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)


it’s on Wednesday night, same day as he and Bill will be campaigning together in FL. Hubby says it’s our anniversary gift from Obama, since that’s our day. I think he’s just trying to get out of taking me out to dinner 🙂

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

prettybrowntee (21:59:25) :


25 10 2008
WV Democrat

@ Enjay in Eastern MT (21:11:34) :

From the Nation

“Wall Street wives are finding that they must defer dreams and fancy things,” the L.A. Times reported in a page one story on Saturday. One wife, who had been looking forward to her husband’s retiring with “$10 to $12 million,” told the Times she was “so angry” with the stock market meltdown, which was “not in her plan.” The husband made $400,000 last year, “but there are no reports yet on what will happen to .”


Actually I read somewhere today that the bonuses and options would be paid just that they will be lower than expected. Boo Hoo! Sniff! Sniff!

25 10 2008

first — clearly some alaskan folks are just flat COOL – i cannot wait to see the overhead photo of this wonderful and obviously fun day…….

second — palin is the craziest woman i have ever seen on the national stage.

to quote her iowa speech: “And government kind of moving into the role as the other half of our family, making decisions for us. Now, they do this in other countries where the people are not free. Let us fight for what is right. John McCain and I, we will put our trust in you”

my comment: at least obama doesn’t want to put a webcam in my uterus and decide what i can do in there or not do as the case may be.

the comments by palin today are the most frightening, the most absurd, the most off the reservation hockie palooey i never thought i would ever hear in my adult life.

its late and i am still trying to shake off the cold chill i got listening to her rattle on in iowa.

what crazy palin crap is in store for us tomorrow?
aka – stillHARDrock

25 10 2008

@asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN: I completely spaced that endorsement. My bad. You’re right. I’ll tell ya, though, there are a lot of voters out here who are retired or are about to. And they aren’t impressed with McCain’s reaction to the economy. I don’t know that we’ll go “blue” but it would be a hoot to see McCain HAVE to campaign here.

It’s an interesting thing, here in AZ. I live minutes away from the nicer part of Tucson. ALL lawn signs are McCain. But down where I live, it’s more Obama. I take my son to a private school. There’s a pretty descent split in bumper-sticker support. But the interesting thing, when I talk to the moms driving the cars with the McCain/Palin stickers, they have identical concerns about education as I do. Identical concerns about the housing market, the economy. Healthcare. It takes GREAT restraint to keep from slapping them back into conciousness (sp?). I don’t get how ideology can so significantly overshadow issues. I just don’t. And the terrible thing, the same people who fall back on their party line, tow the talking points, who can’t name ONE McCain policy initiative if their hair was on fire, call ME, a democrat, LAZY! WTF?!

It’s like I live in Bizarro World….

25 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Whew! Trying to catch up on two days of posting – feels like two weeks!

Had not heard that Iowa speech. This is the Big News. She is definitely Off the Reservation. Hear the hesitancy? No one wrote that for her. That is Pure Palin. Now he’s a Communist? She sounds like the 12 year old child of John Birchers.

Check out CNN’s website on diva Palin “going rogue.” McCain aides say “Divas trust only unto themselves; as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”

I think it is wonderful. She has TEN days to Ruin her chances of running for dogcatcher in only one unguarded moment.

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Dragon Lady (22:08:53) :

Hear the hesitancy?
In the few bits I saw, she hardly looked up from her notes.

I hope she’s making herself as sick as she makes other people.

25 10 2008
kem hussein that one

THIS is my favorite picture of his: http://bp2.blogger.com/_f7Q795ksAz8/SJKn4APO7CI/AAAAAAAAASg/NhuZXmT2lVs/s1600-h/barack-obama-shoes.jpg

There is another clip somewhere that has him walking up a set of stairs and you can see the bottom of his shoes and he has put in a lot of miles on them!!

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Dragon Lady (22:08:53) :
She has TEN days to Ruin her chances of running for dogcatcher in only one unguarded moment.
240 hours and counting 😀

25 10 2008

RE: 30-Minute Message from Obama

Just received this in an email from the Obama campaign:

You can amplify your impact and move us closer to our call goal by hosting a Last Call for Change House Party next Wednesday, October 29. Gather your friends, family and neighbors to watch Barack’s 30-minute broadcast airing on major T.V. networks and make critical phone calls. Sign up to host your own house party:

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

WV Democrat (22:06:05) :

Actually I read somewhere today that the bonuses and options would be paid just that they will be lower than expected. Boo Hoo! Sniff! Sniff!
Reckon we ought to send them a few bucks?

25 10 2008

Here is how I really see this election.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have tell to lies because they can’t tell voters what they really believe. In McCain’s case, he can’t say he only wants to help the very rich or that he wants to gets us deeper into war.

In Palin’s case she can’t say that she really wants to take away rights from women, gays and anyone who isn’t a right-wing zeocon like herself.

Neither of them dare tell the truth that they are committed to helping the oil companies get richer, rewarding their friends and cronies and the lobbyists who work for them or that they wish they could just keep black people from voting.

The reason their message is so garbled and convoluted is because they have to keep lying. Their only hope if that they can spread enough smears and inneundo that the ‘low-info’ voter will fall for it. It’s pretty damn sad that their only real hope in this campaign is that there are enough racists out there who don’t want a black president. Pretty damn sad!

Barack Obama on the other hand only has to talk about what he really believes. He gets to talk about enpowering the middle-class, providing health-case for all Americans, getting us out of illegal wars and helping all our children go to college. He doesn’t have to fool or trick anyone. He just has to say it exactly like it is and tell us exactly what he really, truly believe. He doesn’t have to lie to anyone.

Despite what the Newsweek article is saying, here is an even better article from Rolling Stone. It’s called ‘Death of the Red State”. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/23638607/the_death_of_a_red_state

These tactics almost always worked in the past and have carried more than one man into the most powerful office in the world. But they were a house of cards all along, with no substance behind them, and when they are at last put to a vote next month, they’ll blow away forever. That’s what happens with weak ideas: They don’t die a slow, lingering death but lose their power all at once, like a broken spell.

It’s going to be a beautiful day in this country when a man who just speaks the truth about how he really feels is elected to be President the United States. And it’s going to be a historic day in this country when that man who speaks the truth is a black man.

I don’t know if anyone of us can really comprehend how magnificent this victory will be. But I do believe that the majority of people in this country want be on the side of making history happen.

25 10 2008

Tired Mom (VA) (22:03:35) : and Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (22:06:00) :

Cool thanks. I wonder if he is doing a live show from Florida. That would be awesome.

25 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

…And now, an inciteful observation from Eyes Wide Open…….

Do know why Palin is chafing at her handlers and rebelling? It is because she is a Maverick, not a side-kick. She is just being Mavericky.

It should be no surprise. She has always followed her own ego and would not “toe the line” set by her various mentors over the years. Probably a symptom of her narcissism.

No doubt she sees herself in a Presidential run for the Whitehouse in 2012. She can only be happy as top dog.

I guess a “Team of Mavericks” is an oxymoron.

-I am Eyes Wide Open, and I approve of this post

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

prettybrowntee (22:21:52) :
The film has been made.

25 10 2008

Palin would NEVER leave the campaign voluntarity. If McCain tried to get rid of her, he would have to drag her out (well, have her dragged out–he never does his own dirty work) kicking and screaming, and she would bad-mouth him every step of the way, revealing all his vile personal secrets. hmmmmmmmmm…That might be fun to see! : )

25 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

AZ MOM (22:06:58) :

Hi neighbor… I’m in Tucson, too.
Old Town Artisans hosts an Obama gathering,
tomorrow night, 5-10. Autumn at the Artisans.

25 10 2008

@Tired Mom (VA), now I REALLY want pie…I’m blaming the election for eating waaaay too much sugar.

@AZ Mom, I sincerely hope that AZ goes blue. As for those women who have the same interests as you, yet are still voting for McCain/Palin, tell them that Obama is truly pro-life because he’s doing all he can to reduce abortions and to make sure that ALL people can actually live a decent life.

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein
25 10 2008

ADN has a story posted on the rally:

According to the story:
“First, the crowd morphed into the shape of an American flag. Then, the official Obama campaign logo.”

Picture of everyone in the form of a U.S. flag is here:

Also the ADN endorsing Obama is pretty cool. The last two paragraphs are about Palin:

“Gov. Palin has shown the country why she has been so successful in her young political career. Passionate, charismatic and indefatigable, she draws huge crowds and sows excitement in her wake. She has made it clear she’s a force to be reckoned with, and you can be sure politicians and political professionals across the country have taken note. Her future, in Alaska and on the national stage, seems certain to be played out in the limelight.

Yet despite her formidable gifts, few who have worked closely with the governor would argue she is truly ready to assume command of the most important, powerful nation on earth. To step in and juggle the demands of an economic meltdown, two deadly wars and a deteriorating climate crisis would stretch the governor beyond her range. Like picking Sen. McCain for president, putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time.”

Hopefully you Alaskans up there really push the get out the vote for Obama. Even making it close would be very cool 🙂

25 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

Lets just contribute to AKM and this wonderful site — let the wall streeters figure out how many in the rest of this country have been trying to live on a lot less than $200K a yr. (and thats the low end of Wall Street)

25 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (22:23:04) :

prettybrowntee (22:21:52) :
The film has been made.

Oh 😦 :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:

25 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Aussie – Yes, she was looking down but it was a pathetic speech. No pro wrote that.

In Bachmann’s ad she says her heart is right. When Goldwater ran there was a slogan: In your heart you know he’s right. Far Right.

Who’d have thought we’d get to Communism??

Duncan Hunter said yesterday the campaign should switch to Iraq; Huckabee said they should switch to guns and babies.

All Repugs are losing their minds. But I fear it will become very very ugly over the next ten days.

25 10 2008

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (22:22:24) : you nailed it (her?)

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Sue (22:24:10) :

Palin would NEVER leave the campaign voluntarity
LOL she didn’t even leave Michigan voluntarily.

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

M U D S T O C K II – C h i c a g o (IL, IN, WI, MI)

Chicago area Mudflatters! We will be gathering next weekend for Mudstock II in the loop area. Plans are in the works. Send us your e-mail addy with your Mudflats pseudonym to 4waryears@gmail.com Or shout at one of us when you see us on.
O B A M A – B I D E N
0 8
Bec Hussein in Illinois
Chief Hussein Shikago

25 10 2008

Scrimshaw & AZ Mom:

If I paste this in an email:

Old Town Artisans hosts an Obama gathering,
tomorrow night, 5-10. Autumn at the Artisans.

Will my brother & sister-in-law (who also live in Tucson) know where that is, or do I need to get additional info?

25 10 2008
copybook realist

@Tired Mom (VA) (21:49:47) :


Oh that sound like awesome Obama Sweet Potato Pie

Could you you write down the whole recipe so that asianHusseingrrl can bake one for me?

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

prettybrowntee (22:26:33) :

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (22:23:04) :

prettybrowntee (22:21:52) :
The film has been made.

Oh :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:
I posted the link above ……. did you miss it?

25 10 2008

Chief! I was just wondering where you & Ira2 were away to! Hope that you & family are well, sympathies for your loss, I decided that you were probably attending to important family things.

25 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Aurora, betcha she was a ball hog and gunner on the basketball court. I cannot see her as ever being a team player.

25 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (22:29:45)
No I got it I just finished reading it.

25 10 2008
copybook realist

oops i meant Obama Sweet potato PECAN Pie

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Dragon Lady (22:27:25) :

Who’d have thought we’d get to Communism??
It’s where they were always headed – socialism, anti-Americanism, blah blah blah – they have just about run out of isms.

Funny thing is the Republican government just hocked the US to the communists. 😀

25 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Aussie – 239 hours 27 minutes
Not to put too fine a point on it

25 10 2008

Best pie ever: the banana cream pie recipe at epicurious.com. It has a graham cracker crust with mashed bananas mixed in with it. You must look for it. They also have an awesome brisket recipe (well, they have dozens of brisket recipes, but the one on there that I use is out of this world), but we are not discussing meat…

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (21:47:23) :


This will give any Mudflatter nightmares if you read it before bedtime.


Thanks Eyes, I was going to get some badly needed sleep too…

25 10 2008

The ADN endorsement is beautiful…..All you wonderful people up there are helping all the others finally SEE THE LiGHT!!!!!!

Article from new mayor of Kechikan


I sent him an email….hope he get its

25 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon

Way to go, Anchorage! That sounds like a LOT of fun. Just wanted to let everyone know that when I was at the Juneau Obama office writing postcards on Thursday, our staffer told us that 90,000 Alaskan postcards written by volunteers have gone out in the mail to undecideds (determined by canvassing) NV, OH, IA, MO, PA and another state I can’t remember! We started the post card writing blitz about 6 weeks ago and it’s been a big hit, with the AK Obama offices vying for the most sent out. Some of the recipients have contacted the AK Dem commitee with thanks and comments (we put stickers on the cards). Some postcard authors put their phone numbers or email addresses on the cards and have been contacted by the recipients. And then TODAY, while in bed with a bad call (I was supposed to be calling all week for the Obama campaign), I got a call from a 82 year old woman who thanked my profusely & loved my letter posted in the Wasilla Frontiersman. We talked for over an hour, and she wants me to submit my letter to the Oregonian tomorrow, which I will. Lots of cool things happening right now! Chins up, smiles on, we can do this!

25 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Regarding the ADN panning of our favorite AK gov, the only activity that wouldn’t stretch her abilities would be filling a sand box with, uh, Palin talkin’ points. All she’d need for that is the genuine handcrafted moose dispenser. 😀

25 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon

Ooops, in bed with a bad “cold” not bad call. Guess it’s obvious I’m not all there right now.

25 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

People of Alaska: I have a moose question. I was just thinking. I do not ever recall seeing a moose in any zoo I have ever visited down in the lower 48. Do moosed not thrive in captivity. Are moose simply too Mavericky to pen in?

25 10 2008

@copybook realist Heh. Love how you worked me into the equation of you getting a pie! But yes, a detailed recipe would be nice. Mebbe I’ll look it up online.

25 10 2008

All you Alaskans are awesome and inspiring! Way to go!

Just keep the hope, get out and vote!

The McCain campaign story, Dr. Seuss style…

The vet who did not vet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03fcGelz8Hw

25 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Right on Eyes Wide (PS loved the photos and meeting post. Was that this year?)

She is mavericky.
She did take on her own party.
She did after all, say no thanks, ah, after saying yes, and then keeping the goodies anyway … (did the bridge come with clothes?)
And most of all she Uses People and Steps on them with her stiletto heels.
(Some people like that kind of thing.)

Chortle; chortle.

I was worried McCain would blame the Economy or Voter Fraud.

If she keeps it up, he will skewer her. Trust me.

25 10 2008

Can you Imagine such a person have to live a secret life from birth. Growing up secretly Muslim but living Christian, living in a democratic America all the while a Anti American Socialist communist having to hid his secret identity. Being groomed to become president to ultimately take down America from the head and Rule the world. Who wants to carry that burden from birth. LOL It just amazes me what the republicans come up with and people are actually buying this crap. What the heck?

25 10 2008

don’t know if this has been posted elsewhere: alaskan daily news endorses obama???? woo wee


25 10 2008

Oh yeah I forget he is supposed to be a messiah to sent from some place spiritual. LOL

25 10 2008
Mired...in the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

Wow…it sure is nice to hear all the warm fuzzies from you guys for my Joe. God love him, isn’t he wonderful. He’s just so smart, warm and caring, cute, and very funny. I just love him (and Jill, too), and my heart is filled with love and joy for them both and their beautiful family. Throughout the campaign, with all of its ups and downs, twists and turns, smears and fears, Joe Biden continued to be a source of strength and constancy. As a native Delawarean, I can honestly say that as politicians go, Delaware’s loss will be America’s gain.

With Palin soaking up all the air here at Mudflats and in the media (ugh!), I do understand why there hasn’t been much attention paid to Joe. And, he has been relatively quiet for the most part, I’ll give him that. And, unlike Palin, when he does talk, which he likes to do a lot, you can pretty much understand everything he says (and doesn’t say). I gotta admit though…sometimes I feel a little twinge of disappointment that he isn’t getting more attention.

So, I am so sorry that all you nice people of Alaska might be…um…stuck with your old Governor/VP candidate. But, where I come from, and in my old neighborhood, we are just bustin’ (oops..I mean, busting) with joy! We are just so proud of Joe Biden and are looking forward to sending him off to Washington as the next Vice President of the United States of America. We will miss him dearly, God love him. But, our hearts and prayers will go with him, and we will take comfort in knowing that one day he will be coming back home.

25 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Martha Unalaska – re: in bed with a bad cold not a bad call.

It is 2:42 a.m. here and I thought Bec had said Obama had to turn around all the transvestites Bush had saddled us with. No, no – travesties.

Bedtime pups – I have to canvass here in VA. Numbers not good where I am. Very fundie town. Hope I don’t get a bloody nose.

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

SMR (22:30:37), Thanks for asking… the past couple of day’s have been tied up with the passing of “Chicago’s Own, Uncle Bob”. At the wake yesterday the cousins had a beer tent set-up outside the funeral home!!! But today took the cake, a funeral mass this morning that was 2 hours long, (I am sorta anti-mass to begin with) then a sit down dinner in Barrington for 150 peeps! Restaurant had to add tables, another 45 minutes for that. Then lets go to cousins house for big family party with fireworks, Uncle Bobs favorite, well that and beer.
S O G L A D T O B E H O M E A T M U D F L A T S…

But, I will have to get some sleep soon 🙂

25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

copybook realist (22:29:35) :

Will do … give me a few minutes to type it up and will post here shortly

25 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Dragonlady: (PS loved the photos and meeting post. Was that this year?)

We Mudflatters from the Pittsburgh region got together for the first time about two weeks ago. That is when the pictures were taken.

The event was organized by Hamletmills.

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

My favorite pie is Lemon Merange.

Once I ordered it at a Bakers Square and the waitress said, eeww that’s old lady pie… I said eeww no tip.

25 10 2008

@Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon, that’s a beautiful story, and you wrote a great letter. It certainly deserves wider publication. Good luck with that cold.

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck (22:40:46) :

don’t know if this has been posted elsewhere: alaskan daily news endorses obama???? woo wee



Thanks I hadn’t seen that. Much appreciated.

25 10 2008

Sounds like quite a send-off Chief. Irish? Celebration of life. Just watched Lion King with my daughter and that has started the circle of life thing going around in my head, dammit. Get some sleep and wake refreshed! Best to you & family.

25 10 2008
Blue Idaho
25 10 2008

@Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago, WTF? Wow. Was she related to Palin, you betcha? How you holding up? I hope you are taking care of yourself.

25 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Well time for me to collapse in exhaustion for the nite. ttyl

25 10 2008

Lemon Meringue! I asked my daughter what cake she wants for her bday ( this monday) and she said Lemon Meringue pie! I love it too, my fave in addition to my best new banana cream pie recipe… Old lady? WTF? Classics are best! We are having the big 18th bday party bash for my daughter in a couple weeks (when my hubby is home), so I’ll be making a half dozen lemon meringue pies and half dozen banana cream pies (big party). Will think of you & our other mudfriends while I’m baking them & eating them.

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (22:52:31) :

Thanks for askin asian, I am doin fine, just exausted. I hope to be back tomorrow. I am looking forward to working on the gathering here in Chi. Also preparing for the Obama rally here on 11/4. So cool, wish you could come down.

25 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

SMR (22:28:59) :
Scrimshaw & AZ Mom:

If I paste this in an email:
Old Town Artisans hosts an Obama gathering,
tomorrow night, 5-10. Autumn at the Artisans.

Will my brother & sister-in-law (who also live in Tucson) know where that is, or do I need to get additional info?

It’s a well-known old downtown shopping block, but here’s the addy:
186 N. Meyer.
Corner of N. Meyer and W. Washington. From northbound, go
south toward downtown and get onto W. 6th St. Cross the
railroad tracks and signage will indicate OTA. Turn south on
N. Perry, then right onto Franklin and left onto Meyer. Also
approachable southward from Congress St. Turn northward onto
N. Church, go three blocks and turn left onto Washington.

25 10 2008

@prettybrowntee, I think it’s because Republicans are so used to lying themselves or holding dissonance in their minds thatc they can perfectly believe the story you set forth.

25 10 2008

Well Good night all enjoy the rest of your night.

25 10 2008

shilo442 (21:01:41)
That was too cute I just love Biden as much as OB (Obama) what a terrific pair we’re going to have, I just feel so good, I love both of them.

I totally agree. Also, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden have really surprised a lot of Obama/Biden supporters at rallies with their passion and superb speaking abilities. Both have day jobs (Dr. Jill Biden continues to teach at college) but still give our next President and VP great back-up. All are pretty smart.

I think we’re pretty lucky. 😉

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

SMR it’s funny you should say that when I get a Lemon Meringue pie, I am the only one here to eat it. And, like, by the 7th slice the tartness begins to get to me. What a problem I love to have…

25 10 2008

@Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh PA, sleep soundly!

@Chief Hussein Shikago, I would love to go. You guys are going to have a great time. You better post pics! Get some well-deserved sleep and see ya on the blog tomorrow. Also.

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

night prettybrowntee rest well…

25 10 2008
copybook realist

@Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago (22:47:25

Do real men eat lemon Merange? i would have to to bet that it is my home boy bidens favorite pie.

I read that scary piece about how we could lose th election…then I found something on Newsweek that made me feel better..


I am distracted.SNL is pretty funny tonight

25 10 2008

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (22:56:52) :
True LOL I cant rack my brain around it any more LOL

Good night

25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Obama Sweet Potato Pecan Pie:

1 unbaked pie crust
2 cups mashed sweet potato (I nuke fresh ones, peel and run through food processor)
small can evaporated milk
2 beaten eggs
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup light brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 Tbsp black strap molasses
mix the above well, we like it spicy, so I usually use some grated fresh ginger (about 1/2 tsp) also use a dash of nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice and cloves (about 1/4 tsp each) it tastes good without all the spices too, so it’s up to you.
stir in 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans (slicing is easier if they are chopped very fine)
fill into unbaked pie shell, gently place 5 pecan halves in center to form a star and more halves around the edges (you can skip this, but it makes a prettier pie if included)
bake in preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour (toothpick in the middle test)
Let cool and enjoy …. we like it to set overnight in fridge, some in the family prefer it still a little warm, either way is good.

25 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

I think Joe Biden is the greatest. I don’t always agree with him, but he sure seems honest, and he seems to really love his family. None of them are treated like sacks of potatoes, nor props to stop the booing.
Anyway, when our girls were in elementary school, we did quite a bit of traveling from out here in CA, and even got back to PA, MA, OH, MI, etc, etc, but never to Delaware. One of our activities, of course, was to keep track of which states and countries’ license plates we saw. Picked up England, Germany, HI, AK, all the Canadian provinces, including NWT and PEI, but never, ever Delaware! After a while, my kids (fifth and first grade) postulated that the New England states just wanted to have two extra senators and put a fake Delaware to the South, just to throw the rest of the country off the scent. Yes, my elementary school kids knew the basics of the Senate, and also that the VP’s main job was to take over in case the P died. They also knew where New England is–even though the first grader didn’t know all the state’s names or locations.
Now, my grown daughters would like to beg the forgiveness of all you Delawarians (is that a word?) with the wisdom to vote into office such an intelligent and thoughtful senator. And we can all find you on a map! 😉 Next time we’re out that way, what should be come see in Delaware?

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

I have to call it quits here too, 2:00, I can’t believe it.

Till then, good night my muddy buddies.

25 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

copybook realist (23:00:31) :

I am no Real Man, thats fro sure. 🙂

25 10 2008

@Mired — Lucky you. What a difference that must be, feeling proud of Joe, sending him off to the rest of us w/love in your heart & high hopes for him and the country.

That is of course completely opposite of us here in AK. When I (and many others) heard that Bible Spice was the GOP VP pick it was like “Holy Sh!t! We must act now to save the country from this woman!” And so my journey of political adventures began……….. The hubby and I were registered Republicans (who did NOT vote for GW last time), pretty apathetic about most political stuff, and now I am pretty darn energized! I changed my registration the week following her pick (Mr Man stayed Repub so he can make a statement in voting against the party), volunteered, and have been dragging my 3-yr-old with me to knock on doors (not the friendliest neighborhoods around here for that, but then again, I’ve not yet had my hair pulled & my head beat on, knock wood), and we have all gone to three rallies.

On the positive side, her pick has spurred me, and many others, to really become engaged in the political process. I know that I, personally, never really felt so strongly about the responsibility that I have as a registered voter in this country. I sincerely hope that the energy & commitment to the process is something that I can maintain indefinately.

Speaking of that, must do some research on other candidates closer to home, as we received a very interesting mailer about our local candidates, and I need to do some checking……….

25 10 2008

I just saw this in a comments section in Huffington:

Alaska’s Biggest Paper Endorses Obama?? YIKES!

25 10 2008

Night prettybrowntee and Chief Hussein Shikago!

@Tired Mom (VA), thank you thank you thank you! I’ll let you know how it goes.

25 10 2008
copybook realist

Tired Mom (VA) (23:00:58

Thank you for the pie recipe.

i am going to try to bake it myself, asiangrrl, in support of Obama. I might need some back-up

25 10 2008

Chief —

Real men DO eat lemon meringue, I know because my hubby does.

ALSO, I don’t think you’re supposed to eat the whole pie at once, also. If, like me, you only eat a couple of pieces a day, then the tartness is not a problem!!! Thank God I only make them for Thanksgiving. This year is the exception, doing it for my (18-yr-old) baby.

25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Sorry for interrupting the lively discussions with a recipe, but am unable to figure out how/where to post in the forum. Agree about Biden, he is somethin’ else!!! Love him.

good night mudpuppies, sleep well…
Bedtime in Virginia!

25 10 2008
copybook realist

JT50… the ADN endorsement is happy days. it is also such a well written piece.

on the sad side MNs tribune has gone way right.


25 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Oh yeah – Lemon meringue is my favorite too! but I am an old lady nowadays – yikes!!

Happy baking and good night.

25 10 2008

Must point out — Alaska’s biggest paper is not very big! We used to have two papers here many years ago, but now ADN is basically the only show in town. I have to say that I’m amazed re: the endorsement, as, contrary to what all of the right-wing nutters think, I don’t think the paper is really very liberal. As a matter of fact, after they completely dissed our AK Women Reject Palin and Alaskans for Truth rallies (no good coverage for those, but big articles for the pathetically-attended Palin rallies held simultaneously), I canceled my subscription on principle. I got a call from them shortly thereafter asking if I’d like a subscription at a new low price and I got to tell them “I canceled on principle and there is no price that you could offer me that would be low enough, I wouldn’t even take it if it were free.” The poor undoubtedly underpaid guy on the phone just said “okay, have a nice day.”

Even though the endorsement was well-written (if brief), logical, I don’t think it’s going to change any Alaskan minds. You’re either preaching to the choir or pi$$ing in the wind in this state…

25 10 2008

@copybook realist, maybe we can all make an Obama Victory Pie!

Night all!

25 10 2008
copybook realist

goodnite all,

I need to wake up early to watch the Sunday talking heads

25 10 2008

@SMR, thank you for your tireless investigative work and getting the word out on all things Alaskan. I really appreciate it.

25 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

copybook realist (23:17:01) :

JT50… the ADN endorsement is happy days. it is also such a well written piece.

on the sad side MNs tribune has gone way right.



I believe the MN Star Tribune yesterday endorsed Obama.

25 10 2008

Where is Ira2 tonight? She did not get a blue pass! Is her dial-up down? Or is she fending off the attentions of the lecherous old men in her little red town?

25 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin


25 10 2008

Bailed out CEO’s get Bonuses?


This read is quite interesting. more MOOSE POO

25 10 2008
Mired...in the Pine Barrens a/k/a Sap Needles Understory

Sarah “honey bucket” Hussein (23:01:18) :

Well, it is too bad that in all your travels you somehow missed Delaware, but it is understandable. Even I-95 pretty much by-passes the state (which is fine). And, if you blink (OMG now I can’t even use that word), you could easily miss it. I’ve even heard that some people think it’s in PA somewhere. But, if you and your family get back this way again, be sure and stop by. Delaware has some of the most beautiful beaches on the east coast, as well as various historical sites. But, I have to say, the best part about Delaware is its wonderful people, especially Joe Biden.

26 10 2008
Pesky Rabid Skunk Palin

Thanks for the pictures, AKM!

How awesome! Some cold noses, but so many big warm hearts in Alaska!

Love from the lower 48!

26 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Since we’re back to the pie discussion, if anyone else wants my secret family pie crust recipe (hm, maybe not so secret now?), send me a message over on the Forum, where I can be found as InJuneau.

‘Nite, mudpups…

26 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Well, it’s 11 am here in France and I can now join you for a bit. Dog walked, laundry done, gym finished, pizza dough rising, caught up on this thread drinking my second cup o’ joe with a hunk of carrot cake. Hubby was working so I thought I’d have some time, but he just got up and is starting to hover.

I say to Sarah “Rogue” Palin : “You Go Girl!” Now that she’s breakin’ loose, the crazy crap she is spewing is becoming more and more nonsensical, her garbled gibberish is making no sense even to her crazed followers. She’s gonna start to say more and more exagerated idiocies (pallin’ around, terrorist/socialist, fruit fly madness and lies about her lies). Did you guys ever read Dickens “Bleak House”? The junk dealer, Mr. Krook, is destroyed by human spontaneous combustion. I forsee this happening here. Now, we can all read so many things into “junk dealer” and Mr. Krook”, but that human spontaneous combustion thing? As long as it happens BEFORE Nov 4! Any bets on when?

Good to be back among you this morning. The ADN endorsed Obama? That is really amazing news! Obama should definitely do AK and AZ days before the election. Fla seems to be moving back over to our side.

26 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Oh, sorry. Wanted to say how great that rally looks, red, white and blue and dogs and all. A thrill shoots through me every time I read that you guys in AK or VA or PA, well everywhere, are organizing these great Obama events and jealous that I can’t attend! All French people and Americans abroad are with you all.

26 10 2008

Wow! Wish I had gotten cozy with this site months ago! You folks are incredible. The pie recipes make me hungry – I’ve been eating way too much chocolate late at night while watching pundits and reading blogs.

I got an invitation to the recent rally from the AK Obama people, and really wanted to participate. Never could have actually BEEN there, as we live way out in the bush on the Yukon River, our road has been closed for over a week already and can’t afford the airfare. We have 6 inches of snow on the ground now, and the Yukon River is flowing with large chunks of ice … it will freeze to 4-5 feet thick this winter.

Anyway, I did want to take a photo of our dogs (red/white/blue attire, of course) out by the Yukon, but just never got it done — and have been feeling guilty ever since. So to all of you out there, I’m sorry I didn’t come through.

I ran across Mudflats again while reading through HuffPo’s
stories. This time I just had to read through every single post. It is so uplifting to hear from all of you enthusiastic people. I live in a small Alaska town (pop. about 120), and most residents here are right-wing evangelicals. We’re pretty outnumbered. So my ‘campaigning’ has been limited to what I can do by email and phone. How great to hear what you all have done — please keep it up … you’re doing it for those of us who can’t!

TO SMR — You paint a very realistic picture of Alaska, and the rest of us Alaskans thank you for that. I keep writing in blog comments that not all Alaskans are like Sarah Palin.

THE NEWSWEEK ARTICLE — That article is pretty ugly, and we all need to keep in mind that strange things can still happen. Here in my tiny town, I was talking to one of the three teachers, who I regard as quite intelligent. She was asking me about Obama’s tax plan and thought that those making over $250K *gross* would be hit hard. (She has a side business and was worried.) I had to explain that it was adjusted gross income. She also didn’t know that Palin didn’t give a hoot about special ed in Alaska until she had a Down Syndrome child. This is the type of person the Newsweek article is talking about, and we need to talk to them!

MPLS STAR-TRIB — It was Repub Norm Coleman they endorsed — not McCain. However, Coleman was running an ad with him and *Obama* – with a ‘change’ theme! Get that!

Can’t give up now … there are too many strange things happening with voter registration, and I don’t trust the system to make it right. (Paranoid, maybe?) Carry on!!!


26 10 2008

I loved this part of the write-up:

“People of all colors – reds, whites, and blues – separated, and then ran back together with whoops and hollers, spinning in circles, clapping, cartwheeling, and jumping, and remarkably formed a pretty decent regenerated logo in less than a minute!”

I can’t wait until that happens when Obama is sworn into office in January — the Republicans and Democrats will come back together in order to help our nation regain the ground that has been lost over the past eight years.

Go Obama & Biden! Better yet, GO AMERICA!

26 10 2008

@ Taupe Armageddon Palin (21:08:38) :

Albuquerque today, both candidates had rallies. A sign of things to come:
McCain — 1,500 people attended this morning
Obama — 45,000 attended this evening

Actually, I heard/read that McCain drew only several hundred people, and
certainly less than 1,000.

As for Obama’s 45,000, yup! Hubbie and I were there–the lines were loooong but the people were happy and excited to be part of something so good.
@ Deep Blue in VA / AZ Mom
Re: AZ going blue? Maybe….

To wit, while in line for the ABQ Obama rally last night, I saw a family wearing T-shirts that read Arizonans for Obama/Biden!


26 10 2008
Grammy aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Nana from AK

You are right on that Obama needs to spend time in states where the Repugs are working viciously to take (e.g., PA) – he needs to get those big electoral votes and I’m sorry to say, that AK has only three. Right now he needs to put the resources to good use . . .

26 10 2008

God (my kind of God) bless each and every one of you in AK–the “Anti-Christ” is near and it is….wait for it…..Sarah Palin. “They” espouse that the anti-christ will appear as a messenger of God, mimicking their very special message. Who–pray-tell–appears more as a messenger from God?– witch huttin’ Sarah or peace-hunting Obama?

26 10 2008

Whoooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!! Mudpuppies…

the endorsement from ADN just made MSNBC!!

26 10 2008
gollygeez puck mule

Loved the doggies for Obama. Looking good right now for NC to go blue. yay

26 10 2008

Alaska — you make those of us in the “down low” part of the country PROUD! I am definitely coming to Alaska for a vacation 🙂

26 10 2008

this is an interesting story on many levels here at the mudflats — the 0.7 mile road from Ted Stevens house to his favorite restaurant that cost over 2 million dollars to resurface and pave.


but WHY did it cost so much??? would like to see the itemization on that contract and invoice??

26 10 2008

more on the Palin rally in Iowa and government in our “family”

“Now they do this in other countries where the people are not free — government as part of the family, taking care of us, making decisions for us,” she said during a rally in Sioux City, Iowa. “I don’t know what to think of having in my family Uncle Barney Frank or others to make decisions for me.”

that would be Senator Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, to the rest of ya….

disrespected most recently by Bill O’Reilly in a shoutdown of megaproportions (sorry don’t have link handy) during the week of the bailout. lots of anger in bill O – maybe palin doesn’t like uncles either – maybe not even uncle sam?

26 10 2008

Yea Alaska. I just knew you all weren’t all in McCain and Palin’s pockets. I am so very proud of all of you who are standing up for Obama.
Obama 08 from a former five year resident of Anchorage.

26 10 2008


Welcome to this little pocket of sanity! Glad to have more Alaskans! I was born & raised in AK, have lived here for 35 of my 40 years. That being the case, I know a little about Alaska & Alaskans, but since I’m pretty cynical, my take won’t work for everyone!

I hope that someday after Nov 4th we will have an opportunity to gather and celebrate an Obama/Biden victory! Wouldn’t that be wonderful? With that in mind, keep dropping in here & maybe we can arrange an Alaskan get together/celebration! You would have to come, of course, if you are in this neck of the woods (Eagle River/Anchorage).

26 10 2008
Rope Hoover Recoil Zoo Palin aka Misfit

I had a good laugh as I pictured all those colorfully draped individuals frantically searching for the right spot amongst their newfound neighbors.

Sounds like a whole lot of chaotic fun!!!
Thanks for the pics too

27 10 2008
Geran-Women for Obama Event Organizer

Hey folks ~ I was the organizer of the Women for Obama event yesterday. Pics and the final video will be out tomorrow and then we need your help getting it out nationwide!! Stay tuned!

27 10 2008

I miss Alaska, I really do. I would love to have been able to participate with my color decked canines.