Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama!

25 10 2008

Holy Cow.  Alaska’s largest newspaper has endorsed a candidate for president, and it isn’t the guy that shares the ticket with our own Maverick Governor!  As irritated as I have been by the sometimes cloying, often gushy coverage of Sarah Palin, it is inconceivable that any thoughtful person or entity living in the state of Alaska, could possibly think that she is the best choice to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

The Anchorage Daily News Endorses Barack Obama. (I just felt like typing that again.)

Here are the highlights:

Alaska’s founders were optimistic people, but even the most farsighted might have been stretched to imagine this scenario. No matter the outcome in November, this election will mark a signal moment in the history of the 49th state. Many Alaskans are proud to see their governor, and their state, so prominent on the national stage.

Gov. Palin’s nomination clearly alters the landscape for Alaskans as we survey this race for the presidency — but it does not overwhelm all other judgment. The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation.


Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain.


Gov. Palin has shown the country why she has been so successful in her young political career. Passionate, charismatic and indefatigable, she draws huge crowds and sows excitement in her wake. She has made it clear she’s a force to be reckoned with, and you can be sure politicians and political professionals across the country have taken note. Her future, in Alaska and on the national stage, seems certain to be played out in the limelight.

Yet despite her formidable gifts, few who have worked closely with the governor would argue she is truly ready to assume command of the most important, powerful nation on earth. To step in and juggle the demands of an economic meltdown, two deadly wars and a deteriorating climate crisis would stretch the governor beyond her range. Like picking Sen. McCain for president, putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time.

And to further redeem themselves in the eyes of the Mudflats Editorial Board (me), they have coverage of today’s Obama rally right there on the front page online, with a nice write-up and a picture.  I had given the first ever “Moose Nugget Award” to the paper after their heavy coverage of the meager pro-Palin rally, and hardly a mention of the gigantic pro-Obama rally happening at the same time right down the block.  Now, I would like to acknowledge that they have tried to make amends, and upgrade them to the coveted “Gilded Moose Nugget!”  (Loud applause, and caps tossed in the air!  Approving snorts from polar bears, wolves howling and chasing their tails!)

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121 responses

25 10 2008

Great News!!

25 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin
25 10 2008
Zim in Oz

Saw that !

Will heads roll ?

25 10 2008


25 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

I have now taken out a virtual subscription to ADN!
Night all!

25 10 2008

I posted excerpts of the ADN endorsement on the Denver Post at 1:13 our local (23:13 Alaska time) here:

Go Alaska! Go, go go!

25 10 2008

Must go to bed……… but before I do — if there are any folks from Eagle River here, please please please vote out that schmuck Fred Dyson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He sucks! Let me not be the only person in Eagle River that votes for that nice boy who was in the military and is a democrat!!!

I second the motion! AKM

25 10 2008

Goodnight mudpuppies! Obama rally here in Fort Collins tomorrow. Must sleep now!

25 10 2008

Wow! Thoughtfully written — I can’t agree more. But – hmmm, tap tap tap…. can’t help but wonder what shook them awake. Oh!! There you are 🙂

A huge shout out for your stellar slings and arrows and relentless digging, along with your passionate cohorts 🙂 in the long march for true transparency.

And this?
” … upgrade them to the coveted “Gilded Moose Nugget!” (Loud applause, and caps tossed in the air! Approving snorts from polar bears, wolves howling and chasing their tails!)

… is a big ole dollop of frosting on the cake!

Just another endlessly grateful outsider,

25 10 2008
Dust Chinstrap

Well, good for Alaska! Very cheering news!
Sometimes I imagine it’s all over, Obama has won, and Palin is on the dustheap of history.

But the repubs still luuuuve her. I keep getting pulled up by the thought that Palin will have some sort of political career from now on and her name will never be absent from the political news, likely, for the rest of my life. UNless she shoots herself so thoroughly in the foot that even the diehards in the R party realize she is nuclear toxic waste. We should be so lucky. I will have to endure that voice spouting Palinese forever I guess. Bleh.

25 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Barack Obama has vaulted to a 15-point lead over John McCain in New Hampshire, according to a new Boston Globe poll – a 17 point shift in one month.

25 10 2008

Wow! I was so heartbroken to move back to Alaska, but this gives me hope. Thank you ADN. And thank you AK Muck.

25 10 2008

Yay for Alaska, Alaskans, and America! They were kind to Gov. Palin in their endorsement.

Good for you, AKM. You must be very proud 😉

25 10 2008

Wicked! How I chortle imagining Palin’s face when someone pops it in front of her and she voraciously reads the headline.

25 10 2008

You know, AKM, I thought for a long time that this election would be decided by American women. Please understand that I don’t mean only females, but womens’ influence- from all who have taken action during this election from its beginning, to the HUGE influence from and respect of strong women who stand behind and beside our future President and Vice President…their line is quite long…quite remarkable.

Alaskan women have much to be proud of, thank you so much.

10 more days…yes we can

26 10 2008

Congrats to the Mudflats Editorial Board, excellent writing that demands attention. We are listening from all across the country. Gosh darn Mavericky at times. You betcha!

26 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Dust Chinstrap (23:41:19) :
You know, you’ll really need to practice i”nuclear toxic waste” should be nucular toxic waste (but why would they call it toxic or waste? – SP)

26 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@SMR (23:39:05) :

This is one of the few times I sort of wish I lived up there so i could help with that race… Get him out of there!

26 10 2008
Pesky Rabid Skunk Palin

Well, ain’t that a turn of events. I LOVED the fact that, unlike every other person or newspaper that has rationalized their endorsement of Obama, the ADN say’s they are doing it because of the unsuitability of MCCAIN!

( — riotous laughter — )

Way to save face ADN, (wink, wink) but we know what you REALLY meant. You betcha!

26 10 2008
lauren in SD

I work three jobs in the Lower 48.

I sincerely believe that she is of the ilk of Katherine Harris, Leona Helmsley, and Michele Bachmann…. to name a few. They are beyond description.

I have no words. I won’t even try…. cause I should be in bed!

Nite. Nite.

You are truly awesome… all!

26 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Pro-Palin Alaskans are also organizing this weekend. A pro-Palin family event, Super Sarah Sunday, is scheduled today from 12:30-4 p.m. at the Kincaid Outdoor Center.

I hope the Outdoor Center is indoors – so the tiny ‘crowds’ she’s been attracting can’t humiliate her.

26 10 2008

Has ADN been supportive of her up to this point? Do they fear coming out and saying, oh, maybe, just maybe, SHE is unsuitable for the VP position?
Palin The Unqualified

26 10 2008

Funny story from a funeral service today…….small boy spots microphone being set up for eulogy and sermon…..asks in loud voice, “Grandma! Is Barack Obama coming?”

26 10 2008

Exciting times for Alaskans and Mudflatters who can transform the tired political culture up there with reinvigorated leadership and a focus on rational solutions offered up by a new assortment of political thinkers.

It’s a pleasure to share these steps toward the future with our good neighbors to the north, and AK gets a standing ovation with shouts out to the liberal coffee shops!

Big big day!
We’ll be so glad for the day of reckoning coming for Gov Palin and it’s not just God she has to deal with. It’s real live people who want it ALL cleaned up.
I don’t really think Sarah’s got such a bright future, an unpopular opinion these days to be sure. All hat and no horse. A blip.

26 10 2008
marksmyword aka Barrel McRaven Palin

Wow, this is great news!! Now I feel energized (it’s 4:42 am) and I can do my campaign work. Keep up the good work AKM.

26 10 2008
JS in Chicago

Here’s my favorite part:

Way to go Anchorage and AKM!!

26 10 2008
Dust Chinstrap

Nucular. Nukular. NuKulAr. Noocuelahr.

Nope, dagnabbit, just can’t do it.

*trudges away, hands in pockets*

26 10 2008
JS in Chicago

OK, I’ll try that again – here’s my favorite part:

“It is Sen. Obama who truly promises fundamental change in Washington. You need look no further than the guilt-by-association lies and sound-bite distortions of the degenerating McCain campaign to see how readily he embraces the divisive, fear-mongering tactics of Karl Rove.”

Unfortunately, I just saw this:

Obama lead drops to 5 points:


26 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Wow, this is very interesting news! I also would like to see Ms. Palin’s face when she finds this out.

26 10 2008

Outstanding!!! There is intelligent life on the planet and we are all starting to speak up and speak out!!!

26 10 2008
Zim in Oz

Sooooo Diva-SP is not happy…She forgets, me thinks, that she is not the ‘elected’ candidate. She was ‘picked’ and not for intelligence either.

Diva-SP is getting ahead of herself, somewhat over ambitious. No one really cares if she is happy or not. Her job, even though now dressed in fancy threads is to support her candidate, sinking ship or not. It reminds me of her description of what a VP does….embellishes it to enhance her importance.
As much as I dislike her and her party and everything they stand for it is NOT about her.

McCain’s choice of VP was a gamble, lucky for us…a bad one.

Hopefully after all of this Alaskans who have found a new strength will get rid of her altogether so that us in the rest of the world never have to hear her voice again.

I must visit Alaska one day….you sound like my kind of people
(LOL get rid of her first !) 😉

26 10 2008

What Lauren said. There aren’t words for her. Lengthy story about the squishy bidding process for Trans Canada on the front page of

Let’s hope the ADN endorsement gets lots of coverage. Maybe it will at least keep McCain from repeating the “most popular governor in the country” bit.

you have done a great service to your country AKM, and perhaps at some future cost to your own self (I just mean having to put up with her in Alaska).


26 10 2008

Palin will always have the Louis Vuitton bags as mementos.

26 10 2008
26 10 2008
Chris Blask

Maverick means not needing even your local paper liking you.

Or is that “Rogue”? I get the two so confused….

26 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Shoot! Was hanging laundry and you slipped in a new thread and missed being closer to the top.

Repeating part of what I wrote on last thread :

I say to Sarah “Rogue” Palin : “You Go Girl!” Now that she’s breakin’ loose, the crazy crap she is spewing is becoming more and more nonsensical, her garbled gibberish is making no sense even to her crazed followers. She’s gonna start to say more and more exagerated idiocies (pallin’ around, terrorist/socialist, fruit fly madness and lies about her lies). Did you guys ever read Dickens “Bleak House”? The junk dealer, Mr. Krook, is destroyed by human spontaneous combustion. I forsee this happening here. Now, we can all read so many things into “junk dealer” and Mr. Krook”, but that human spontaneous combustion thing? As long as it happens BEFORE Nov 4! Any bets on when?

ADN endorse Obama is so friggin’ exciting and important! Congrats!

26 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

@Lesley (02:18:01) :
Palin will always have the Louis Vuitton bags as mementos.

I still don’t understand those “Country First” Repubs! They had $150,000 to buy American and they bought Louis Vuitton and Gucci? French and Italian? SOCIALIST COUNTRIES?????

26 10 2008
reveur1147 aka Hussein NOpalin Scorpio for Obama

Ohhhhhh AKM !! lol I just woke up my household (it’s only 6:40 AM in FL) ‘cuz of yer “Gilded Moose Nugget” — but ADN deserves it !

26 10 2008

AKM this is a great way to start my day. SP will feel humiliated by the ADN endorsement of Obama. :o)

As a 32 year resident of New Hampshire, I’m proud that the state is supporting Obama. I do see more of his signs on lawns. Every time I see a McCain/Palin sign, I wonder about the sanity/intelligence of the resident

I am also grateful that Obama’s team is working hard to prevent voter suppression. He’s super intelligent and has surrounded himself with a lot of smart people.

Go Obama!

26 10 2008

What are the odds that some or at least one of the campaign peeps that she dissed will make sure SWWNBN sees a copy of ADN???

26 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper Palin

Top 40?
That is excellent news and a first step in the right direction. Alaskans, encourage them to keep up this kind of thought and analysis of your “most popular governor.”
I was more than a little appalled (watching the Chris Matthews Show this am) that every one of his guests seems to think that she IS the automatic front-runner for 2012!
The truth needs to come out about her lack of a handle on Alaska (as signified by her inability to behave ethically, recognize a separation between church and state, tell the truth, etc.) much less ability to move beyond that. Your work is cut out for you, AKM!
But we’ll all still be here, helping to spread the word!

26 10 2008
disenchanted tore

G’Morning fellow muddies! I’m now sopping up coffee from my monitor and keyboard. Y’all could have warned me!

WOO HOO! This endorsement is unfookinbelievable! Some in your face moments just get trumped by bigger news, huh? Take THAT, Sarah, also!!

LOVE the pictures (and write-up) of yesterday’s rally. You Alaskans have the BEST time no matter what the weather brings. I can’t wait to see the videos and the Obama sign!

I wonder if Sarah will try to trash ADN today during her stumping. She won’t be able to dodge this development. Tee hee.

26 10 2008
rf11 in FL

Huffington Post is reporting “Palin Unhinged” in Des Moines, Iowa yesterday.

Sarah Palin had a few memorable moments during her campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa, on Saturday. But the most eye-opening of them all came, it would appear, when the Alaska Governor somehow drew a connection between Barack Obama’s tax policy and an encroaching, nightmarish, communist government. The Illinois Democrat, she hysterically suggested, would, through his proposals, create a country “where the people are not free.”

Palin: “See, under a big government, more tax agenda, what you thought was yours would really start belonging to somebody else, to everybody else. If you thought your income, your property, your inventory, your investments were, were yours, they would really collectively belong to everybody. Obama, Barack Obama has an ideological commitment to higher taxes, and I say this based on his record… Higher taxes, more government, misusing the power to tax leads to government moving into the role of some believing that government then has to take care of us. And government kind of moving into the role as the other half of our family, making decisions for us. Now, they do this in other countries where the people are not free. Let us fight for what is right. John McCain and I, we will put our trust in you.”

Scary stuff. Do you think she sees this as her chance to make a lasting impression on the base for her 2012 run? If that’s the case, she’s going to get pretty wacko.

26 10 2008
rf11 in FL

Speaking of wacko, this from the AP:

Such as this week when KSDK, a Missouri television station, gave McCain a copy of a Republican National Committee brochure being mailed to swing state voters and asked him if he was proud of it. McCain looked at the mailer, which shows what appears to be a plane about to crash into a building and says “Barack Obama thinks terrorists just need a good talking to,” and “Barack Obama: Not who you think he is.”

McCain replied, “Absolutely,” and said Obama would sit down and meet, unconditionally, with the leaders of nations that sponsor terrorism. Obama’s campaign used his response as a fundraising opportunity, e-mailing an image of the mailer to supporters and asking for donations “to push back.”

26 10 2008
rf11 in FL

You may have already seen this, but just in case, the HufPo now has a link to Ron Howard’s endorsement of Obama, along with Andy Griffith and the Fonz. Responsible people from all walks of life and both parties are making me proud of our country and restoring my faith in the electorate.

26 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Scorpie (03:11:00) :

Ya mean like slipping in a copy of ADN’s endorsement next to her wake up cuppa?

SC Strike Chipper Hussein ProAmerican Goodwill Shopper Palin (03:20:03) :

After she arrives home in the baggage class come November 5, I think the REAL work begins to make things right. I think by 2012, she’ll be *Sarah Who?*

26 10 2008
NY Dem

Andy Griffith, Opie, Richie Cunningham and The Fonz endorse Obama !

What great memories this video brings back ! I grew up with these shows and still watch them whenever they are on. For other “old-timers” like me (age 52) , this video will bring a tear to your eye as you step back in time !

26 10 2008

The Anchorage Daily News Endorses Barack Obama.


26 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

suchanut: on the last thread, you asked for the Obama Virginia rally-in-the-rain pics. Here is a link (I know someone else probably posted this already, but I’m behind reading the posts.)

26 10 2008
MizKay [stuck in] Red Carolina

There are over 50 pics available – amazing shots. I kept this on my facebook page.

26 10 2008
shell from Ohio

That is AWESOME!! I didn’t get to spend much time on here yesterday. I’ve got some catching up to do.

I do want to add that Obama is 5 points ahead of McShame in Ohio!! YES!!

Any chance Alaska will go blue?????? we can hope, huh?

26 10 2008

More good news!
Plus, how do you like this October suprise?

26 10 2008
rf11 in FL

One more great link, this one on Palin, from the HufPo:

This one is titled the Meta-Metamorphasis of Sarah Palin.

26 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@ disenchanted tore (03:41:34) :
>>>Sarah Who ? >>>>

To run for prez in 2012 she would need huge financial backing ( private funds ?)

Could SHE raise ‘that’ kind of money ?
( she does not have a ‘Cindy’ to bankroll her….does she ? )

Ooooo la la….muddies you VOTE next week….!!!

26 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Dust Chinstrap (01:12:00) :

Ah well, as we say in Palin land keep at it practice makes imperfect.

26 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Way to go, ADN. AKM, please know that it’s my belief that you had a large part in persuading the paper to look to Obama and not dismiss him outright.

On another topic, this a.m. I opened my e-mail to see an invitation to join Obama at a rally in Chester (Chester? why Chester? I thinks to myself) on Tuesday. Well, Chester is only 8 miles from my house, my heart is racing and I know what I’m doing Tuesday, to heck with work!

Only when I opened the e-mail it’s Chester, PA, not Chester, NJ. Oh,well.

26 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Zim in Oz (03:52:38) :

She might find she has a sudden affinity for the oil companies. Of course the mining companies, land speculators and the Religious Right would all kick something in.

26 10 2008
joy - fl

Good morning Al,
SWWNBN is really crossing the line big time. Obama is a Communist! WOW

26 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The wires are buzzing with the ADN endorsement 😀

26 10 2008

Just awesome about the ADN endorsement!

26 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Yesterday I read the articles on SWWNBN going out on her own, breaking ties with the campaign, so to speak, because she is upset with her ‘handlers” as well as the article (somewhere, someplace) about her brush-up with her mentor in AK and how she stabbed him in the back.

It just speaks to who SWWNBN truly is – a narcissist who will not take any personal responsibility for her actions. She blames everything that has gone wrong with the Repubs campaign on someone else and cannot see that she is the cause of her own demise.

I proudly state that I said only about a day or two after she made her first appearance that she would self-destruct and she has!

26 10 2008
Jamie, Floridian in France

Human Spontaneous Combustion!

26 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Al Queda supports McCain, from Kristol’s op-ed in today’s NY Times:

““Al Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election,” read a commentary on a password-protected Islamist Web site that isclosely linked to Al Qaeda and often disseminates the group’s propaganda.

The endorsement left the McCain campaign sputtering, and noting helplessly that Hamas appears to prefer Barack Obama. Al Qaeda’s apparent enthusiasm for Mr. McCain is manifestly not reciprocated.

Yet the endorsement of Mr. McCain by a Qaeda-affiliated Web site isn’t a surprise to security specialists. Richard Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism director, and Joseph Nye, the former chairman of the National Intelligence Council, have both suggested that Al Qaeda prefers Mr. McCain and might even try to use terror attacks in the coming days to tip the election to him.

“From their perspective, a continuation of Bush policies is best for recruiting,” said Professor Nye, adding that Mr. McCain is far more likely to continue those policies.

An American president who keeps troops in Iraq indefinitely, fulminates about Islamic terrorism, inclines toward military solutions and antagonizes other nations is an excellent recruiting tool. In contrast, an African-American president with a Muslim grandfather and a penchant for building bridges rather than blowing them up would give Al Qaeda recruiters fits.”

26 10 2008
Laura Lee

Gosh I KNEW IT! It was only a matter of time before the next “BUZZ” word in line after “Socialist” would be “Communist!” I’m highly suspecting they don’t know ANY words that don’t end in “IST”. Here’s one I’d apply to Obama that they would NEVER understand:


26 10 2008

I guess Palin is just like any other wild animal……..becomes dangerous when cornered. What wonderful news …I think all the gates, too numerous to mention, will put an end to her political ambitions and her “formidable gifts”.

26 10 2008
Lets Do It

This is great news. Let us hope that in 2010 when she is up for re-election that they endorse whoever runs against her ( thinin’ Les Gara… Les Gara….). I have already marked my calendar to send a donation to that campaign.
A little off topic .. if there are any Washingtonians .. the state that is .. out there, I hope you will join me in sending Governor wannabe and slime ball Dino Rossi a clear message that it is time for him to slither back under the rock he came from. By the way, he is hoping we won’t notice he is a Republican by using “prefers GOP” as his party affiliation on the ballot.

26 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

Good morning all!

What was it Rachel said the other night? “Every time I speak with someone from Alaska they are intelligent and articulate?” So true!

From the bits above, seems like the ADN hits the nail on the head.

Great news. Now off for coffee & to read the NYT mag article on McCain which is supposedly not flattering.

26 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Late congratulations from PA to AKM for her undoubted part in this miracle.

@Jamie, Floridian in France (02:40:16) :

I LOVE Dickens “Bleak House.” There’s a lot in there that is applicable: the fact the book speaks to the widespread frustration with the Chancery system, and is often thought of as having helped to create change (we can believe in); Tulkinghorn or Dick Cheney; Sir Leicester Dedlock, a grumpy baronet, very much older than his wife and (running mate); Grandfather Smallweed, a money lender who drives folks into bankruptcy; and the despicable grifter Skimpole, an amoral liar who sponges off those around him–sound like anyone we know?

26 10 2008

once again SPEECHLESS !

26 10 2008

Because I know you’re so thrilled about this, AKM, you’ll be glad to know one of our Aussie Politicians with a blog wrote about it also..

26 10 2008
Marie in NH

If Sarah Palin isn’t holding a political office in 2010 or 2011, how can she be a front runner for the presidential nomination in 2012? One can only hope she will be voted out of office at the next election. Assuming of course, that Obama wins.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when she reads the ADN and sees this endorsement. That would be a hoot.

Marie in NH

26 10 2008
Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama! « Nuclear and Indigenous Items of Interest

[…] Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama! Posted on October 26, 2008 by gregornot Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama! […]

26 10 2008
Kelly M

Holy Cr*p! Will Alaska send a blue vote to the election? Imagine…Obama, Berkowitz and Begich in D.C. Makes me want to dance in the snow!

26 10 2008

Whoooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!! Mudpuppies…

the endorsement from ADN just made MSNBC!!

26 10 2008
wired differently

My favorite sentence from the endorsement:

Her future, in Alaska and on the national stage, seems certain to be played out in the limelight.

Notice it doesn’t predict any particular success for her, just whatever she does, we’ll all have to watch it. Oh darn, guess I’ll have to stock up on popcorn and keep reading Mudflats. AKM, we’re counting on you to keep the heat turned up.

Lets Do It: From a fellow Washingtonian (left coast)– Mailed my ballot yesterday. Mr. “Prefers GOP” is going down. I wish I could have voted for Darcy Burner, but was happy to fill in the little oval next to Jay Inslee’s name.

26 10 2008

I am so happy to see that the ADN endorses Obama, and so sad to see my local paper endorse McCain. It seems very courageous of the editors to endorse Obama with Palin as the governor. Way to go Alaska! I hope the undecideds take this as a sign!

26 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Perhaps the ADN can recycle their Moose Nugget…. maybe award it to SWWNBN when she comes home….

WTG Alaska! We KNEW you would get the information out. NOw if the thugs would just listen.

How important is this endorsement? I’d say it’s huge.

26 10 2008

Sarah Palin herself before being veeped talked down against McCain and said the Alaska people wanted somethign fresh, new. She was clearly talking about Obama. I posted the youtube video to my blog. It was one video McCain didn’t get taken off of Youtube. It’s clear to me that people in Alaska support Obama. He clearly won the caucus in Alaska, so there was no doubt in my mind he would take Alaska in the election. So what is Sarah going to do now? Come back to Alaska and cuss everyone out who supported Obama? If you ask me, she’s going to get ready for 2012.

26 10 2008

I’m WAYYYY too late to chime in, really, but my God, what a post to wake up to!


GO AKM for bringing the news to the rest of the world!!


I’m loving it and smiling big enough to swallow a pipeline crosswise :o)

26 10 2008

my Dallas Morning News endorsed McCain, never have I been so disappointed…

26 10 2008

1. CNN just ran a crawler that “Alaska’s biggest newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News, has endorsed Obama … ”

2. Holy crap, is that slimeball Fred Dyson STILL representing Eagle River? It’s wayyyy past time for him to goooooo.

26 10 2008

Congrats to the Anchorage Daily News for taking the time to make a well thought out endorsement and for not reacting to the Guv just cause shes the Guv. Great decision? You betcha!

26 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

yellowdoggranny (07:46:12) :

my Dallas Morning News endorsed McCain, never have I been so disappointed…

It was disappointing wasn’t it! A BIG BOOOOOO to the DMN.

26 10 2008

I have noticed that McCain/Palin have attempted to put their arms around their supporters while Obama/Biden have attempted to put their heads around the issues. We need objectivity and intelligence in the White House. I’m so glad that ADN is promoting that intelligence also!!!!!

26 10 2008
Cynamen Hussein Alaska Blue

Alaskans for TRUTH…you all make us very proud!

Keep up the excellent work as we are nearing the FINISH line…when the real work begins in earnest!

Purple is my favorite color.

26 10 2008
what is this????

You are doing your fellow countrymen and women,…and children, a valuable service….yeoman’s work, as they used to say. Thanks are not enough… and the humor is to die for! Love from Atlanta.

26 10 2008

Maverick – the new personality disorder!

26 10 2008

Anybody know who they endorsed in 2000 and 2004?

26 10 2008

This is awesome news. If I never see Sarah Palin again I will be so happy.
I have a feeling she is going to take a lucrative gig as a Faux News hate spewer. Heck, they just re-signed Loofah Bill-O for a cool 10 Mil, she’s gotta be worth at least twice that much, plus I’m sure they will throw in a nice clothing allowance – an extra $1 Mil a year should cover it. You betcha!
So see, Sarah will have no problem raising funds for 2012. I’m just wondering who she will pick as VP. So many choices – Bill-O, Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh… Or maybe she will do the “mavericky” thing and pick Joe the Plumber.

26 10 2008
KC, Seattle

Is anyone in the media talking about this endorsement?
It’s like a dream come true.

26 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@KC, Seattle (10:19:26) :

Well, I know that it’s been all over NPR this morning. Don’t know about anywhere else…

26 10 2008
Yello Cake

The Obama endorsement notwithstanding, Alaksa is lucky to have such a high quality newspaper. Ever since McCain chose Palin, I’ve been checking out their website regularly and have been really impressed with the exceptional quality of their reporting. I come from a city in Ohio about the same size as Anchorage and our paper does not even come close. It makes me jealous.

26 10 2008

Wow, this is pretty big. I think it speaks volumes. 🙂

26 10 2008
KC, Seattle

Than you InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein… Wow that’s a mouthful! I am now seeing it on MSNBC and it is streaming on CNN. Life is good!

26 10 2008

Lol, that’s pretty funny. I wouldn’t rule-out a Palin run for the Republican nomination in 2012… not only do I think she’ll run, but she’ll probably also win it. It all depends on whether the conservative/moderate side of the party wins back control of the GOP from the Christian right/neocon alliance that has been in the driving seat since Reagan’s days. In the coming internal civil war that is inevitable following McCain’s defeat, it will be very interesting to see which wing of the party gains control.

26 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Not sure how anyone can see Palin being considered seriously in 2012. She’s probably not even going to be re-elected as governor of Alaska. And if the DOJ’s Public Corruption Unit and the IRS do their jobs, she’s not going be anything but Pam Smart’s roommate in 2012.

26 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Suzanne – I suspect ann coulter has her limit when it comes to stupidity. No way does coulter even vote for palin. If anything, coulter is avoiding the voting booth on Nov. 4… unless she decides to go with Barr.

26 10 2008
Buck Naked Politics

Anchorage Daily News Goes for Obama—Obama in a Newspaper Landslide…

by Damozel | According to The Anchorage Daily News, They’re captivated by Palin’s rise, but they’re going for Obama anyway.Gov. Palin’s nomination clearly alters the landscape for Alaskans as we survey this race for the presidency — but it does no…

26 10 2008
drew from little ol texas

In the case of ADN,

could you put the “moose nugget” back in the moose ?!

just curious !!

26 10 2008

Dear Mudflats. Just found you–such a breath of fresh air. I, too, was pleased with the ADN’s endorsement of Obama. However, I couldn’t help but note the encomia for Palin prominently featured in the article. This muted my joy somewhat. I’m not from Alaska; so perhaps this is a big step in the right direction for ADN. But I had to throw up when I read “her formidable gifts.” For WHAT? Sowing hate?

26 10 2008

Thank you God, thank you AKM, thank you Alaskans, thank you ADN !!!!!!

26 10 2008
Deuce2 AL/Axe Diesel Hussein

StagTunnelPalin (00:36:36) :

Funny story from a funeral service today…….small boy spots microphone being set up for eulogy and sermon…..asks in loud voice, “Grandma! Is Barack Obama coming?”
I just love it. I absolutely love it. Children are so

26 10 2008

Good for them for endorsing Obama. But they still gushed about Palin and avoided all of her negatives and the reason why she is sinking the Republican ship.

26 10 2008

Not a big surprise, given the AND position on most things.

26 10 2008

That is NOTHING! Believe this one! The Indianpolis Star – Indiana’s largest read
daily newspaper is declining to endorse a Presidential candidate during this election. That is amazing! From the editorial today – the Editorial Board of eight
Hoosiers was unable to agree on a candidate and were reportedly evenly tied.
This is a first. And, I think it speaks volumes! Indiana has always voted Republican. Normally, John McCain could take out his crayon and color in the
area Cindy pointed to and counted the electoral votes. Maybe not. The GOP in Indiana has been doing everything they can do to quell the Obama vote. They
have went to the Indiana Supreme Court to limit early voting in a largely black county by Chicago. That failed.
Indiana’s voter ID law went all of the way to the US Supreme Court. A lot of people acted like that was voter repression. People who don’t drive can get
a state ID. If you are homebound – do a absentee ballot.
My point is – If you think Alaskan politics are screwed up – come to INDY.
Visit my blog: and let me know what an “eskimo
tan” is and why someone was paid $900 to correct that……
I spent a year at King Salmon Airport Radar Approach Control and I didn ‘t
get a tan………

Please, do Vote


26 10 2008
26 10 2008
Rebel Without a Sauce


They get DAILY news in Anchorage!? :O

26 10 2008

Thanks to AKM, I’ve been barely daring to hope this might happen. And now it has! Hooray!!

26 10 2008
Charles II

Nobody noticed they didn’t mention Troopergate or her abuse of power?

That’s kind of a BIG omission, don’t you think?

26 10 2008
Sir Pent

I’m not saying vote for her…but I want you to show me a politician that has NEVER used their authority, power or influence to make something in their own interest happen.

26 10 2008

lol wow Palin just got pwned!

26 10 2008

I read today that a new poll shows McCain only up by 4 points in AZ. It sure would be sweet if his home state went BLUE. I haven’t seen any polls for AK but seeing the news of the ADN endorsement this morning but a huge smile on my face!

I really enjoy this blog and have been giving people the link to it when I hear them trashing all Alaskans. I live in Florida and I know what it is like to have the rest of the country think your state is filled with idiots. Not all of us in Florida are and it is refreshing to see that there are a lot of cool people up in AK as well.

Change is coming =)

26 10 2008


26 10 2008

That just makes me freaking giggle.

27 10 2008
Alaska's main paper endorses Obama | England for Obama

[…] anyone who follows Mudflats knows – this big news. Big news. Alaska is a firmly red state, and the Anchorage Daily News has […]

27 10 2008

great news for us!!

27 10 2008

Dontcha mean Holy Moose? 😀

27 10 2008
Donny Phillips

Wow. You mean the liberal media is backing the liberal party????? Well that is a big surprise! duh………….

27 10 2008

wow thats great news indeed

28 10 2008

nice post

28 10 2008

@ Roschelle

Maverick – the new personality disorder!

You get the Funny Award!!!