Palins National Numbers Soar…Up to 55% from 50% Two Weeks Ago.

21 10 2008

That’s right. In a national NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll 55% of Americans now feel that Sarah Palin is unqualified to be President, up from 50% two weeks ago. As we all know, breaking that 50% mark is pretty convincing. I think that we can now safely say, that according to Americans, Sarah Palin is not qualified.

We’ve been spreading the news since the morning of August 29, and it seems that it only took 54 days to convince the majority of the country. Not bad.

The one candidate whose popularity has fallen is Gov. Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee. Voters are less likely to see her in a positive light, and much more likely to report negative feelings.

Fifty-five percent of voters say Gov. Palin isn’t qualified to be president if the need arises, up from 50% two weeks ago. And when given a list of possible concerns about Sen. McCain, voters were by far most likely to say they worry about Gov. Palin’s qualification to be president.

The concern about Gov. Palin may also be reflected in the enthusiasm gap between the candidates, which appeared to be closing after the conventions but has widened again. Four in 10 McCain voters call him the “lesser of two evils”; 14% of Obama voters feel the same way. Twenty-six percent of McCain voters say they are excited about their vote; twice as many Obama voters feel excited.

Some daily tracking polls have found a tighter race between Sens. McCain and Obama. But the Journal’s margin is consistent with most national polls, including one released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, which found a 14-point advantage for Sen. Obama among registered voters.

Other numbers on the rise?

People who think the country is on the wrong track is at a new high of 78%.

People who rated their interest in this election as a 10 on a scale of 1-10 is at a new high of 81%.

There are many more interesting nuggets to be found in the poll data HERE.

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115 responses

21 10 2008

Very interesting. Thanks AKM!

21 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

SCORE!!! They are all catching on!

21 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Well, awesome news. I was just about spitting at the TV a minute ago with her talking about her executive experience as mayor being more that Obama’s.
Thanks, AKM

21 10 2008
Susie in Jersey


21 10 2008
joy - fl
21 10 2008
Dragon Lady


Both Chris and David Gregory have reported this along with more interviews that were debacles.

Light candles, pray, pat your head, rub your tummy three times (counterclockwise) that number moves to some 65% think she is unqualified by Nov. 4.

Here’s hoping she moves to the land of Quayledom.

21 10 2008

Gee talking smack about the Americans that question the violations of the constitution and calling them unamerican is having an effect. Gotta Love it. 🙂

21 10 2008

Good thing McCain has been so vocal about how qualified he thinks she is… if he’d been quieter about that, more people might still figure that he’d be running the ship and she’d be in the background not harming anything. After her rampant exhibitionist behavior and his flaming endorsement of her though, people gotta be wary of HIM as much as of her. I like it :o)

21 10 2008
Aeroentropy aka Bash Budweiser Palin

Had me scared there for a moment — I’d expect that to be reported as her numbers plummeting! Call it what you will, it’s good news.

Faster, faster!!

Just seeing who was paying attention! 😉 AKM

21 10 2008

I just love mudflats and everyone who contributes. Keep up the great work. I am glad to see the rest of the country is coming to their senses. Thanks Alaska.

21 10 2008

Dragon Lady,

I’m not sure Dan Quale deserves THAT! Poor guy.

21 10 2008

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (15:16:55) :

Well, awesome news. I was just about spitting at the TV a minute ago with her talking about her executive experience as mayor being more that Obama’s.
Thanks, AKM

*Snickers*… she may have experience in hiring an administrator to do the work SHE was hired to do and doesn’t know how, but she hardly has executive experience herself. Maybe her administrator would be better qualified than she, yes?

21 10 2008

I LOVE question 10 too AKM!

10. When it comes to your vote for (JOHN McCAIN/BARACK OBAMA) would you say that you are excited to be voting for him, you are satisfied to be voting for him, or you are voting for him as the lesser of two evils?
McCain Voters
Excited …………………………………… 26
Satisfied …………………………………. 34
Lesser of two evils ………………….. 39
Not sure ……………………………….. 1

Obama Voters
Excited …………………………………… 52
Satisfied …………………………………. 33
Lesser of two evils ………………….. 14
Not sure ……………………………….. 1

21 10 2008

I take it you’ve all seen the story that’s all over AP, msnbc and abcnews that supposedly the AP broke today?

21 10 2008
21 10 2008

BTW it seems unamericanism is breaking out all over. Up here in FrostBite Falls we have a nut job named Bachmann. Damned scary woman if you ask me.

Oh and lets all send good thoughts to Obama’s grandma. My prayers go out.

21 10 2008
Dragon Lady

Libby – You’re right. Quayle didn’t sound like a second grader; he just spelled like one. (All present company excepted.)

(I still label a left-over potato as Potatoe just to give myself a giggle after all these years.)

21 10 2008
Tired of racism Mom

Congratulations Muddies! Go us!! We did it!!!!! The MSM and rest of the country are finally listening to what AKM / Mudflats and other Alaskans have said all along, also.

And for the cherry on top:

AP is reporting she charged the state of AK for kids travel expenses and then amended reports to make it look legit!! Bet Toad’s urgent trip north was to go shred some gubenatorial paperwork!!!!

Loves it!!! Sorry if the above has already been posted, but I got so excited I didn;t have time to look through the last thread.

21 10 2008
schlock and flaws

Perhaps her administrator would’ve been able to convince her that having the state pay for her kids vacations isn’t such a good idea…

21 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Re-posting from last thread:

Just listening to the radio CBC’s “As it Happens” — A fellow expat, Kate Green, living in Ottawa, was interviewed. She received her absentee ballot from Santa Clara County, CA. Problem was, it was a photocopy of the ballot. There was also a note, on half a sheet of paper, with no letterhead or contact information. It explained that due to a printing problem, they didn’t have a ballot for her. Her information would be copied over onto a “real” ballot and cast for her. She was concerned: just who will be filling it in, and when? As she put it, “This has hanging chads written all over it.” Fortunately, she had (as I did) cast a provisional ballot early in October. But she would like to vote on the ballot initiatives, and had not had the information when she cast her provisional ballot.

Has anyone else heard about this? Any advice? If so, please post it to the talkback e-mail for this show! They post the latest show within 24 hours of broadcast if anyone wants to bookmark it and listen for themselves.

21 10 2008
Big Al of Las Vegas

Now that the Palin-McCain supporters are in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1964 (per the madness they have perpetrated in North Carolina trying to intimidate Obama supporters from casting early votes by chanting hate and racist slogans and slashing tires) it is fair to say that the reverse Bradley effect is in full swing.

Record numbers of moderate Democrats, mild-mannered Republicans and free-thinking Independents are so enraged with the negativity of the Palin-McCain campaign that they are not just early voting but volunteering (as canvassers and poll workers) and donating dollars to the Barack Obama-Joe Biden campaign in record numbers. Palin-McCain has awakened the Sleeping Giant and now they will lose by embarrassing numbers. November 4th will mark the end of Karl Rove style national politicking. The American people will have spoken. Landslide for Obama! Go Home Karl, Go Home!

Maverick McCain might as well concede the election now and put an end to all the hate-mongering and race-baiting that is making his campaign the embarrassment of world politics. The Bush-Cheney presidency will go down in history as the worse ever and now the Palin-McCain presidential campaign will go down as the worst ever. It’s the end of an era in American politics. The Religilous Right has proved to be an embarrassment to itself.

Maybe now Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter will raise the banner of “One Punk Under God” and get behind the new evangelicalism touted by Tammy Faye and Jim Baker’s son that embraces the tenants of liberation theology (gay rights, eradication of racism and poverty, a woman’s right to choose, etc), because if they don’t they are going to have a helluva time selling books and ad space. And, in the end we know it is all about selling books and ad space for these political clowns masquerading as journalists.

21 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@schlock and flaws (15:27:59) :

Naw, that was an administrator when she was mayor of Wasilla…not sure who (other than Todd) is helping her run the state…

21 10 2008

That video of Palin talking about what the VP does… GOOD GRIEF!! May God save our nation from this woman! I just feel sorry for you good people of Alaska when she comes home. (Hopefully soon!)

I had a good and bad day today. The good was I saw Joe Biden at a rally in CO today!! The bad… when I got home someone had stolen my Obama yard sign that I had just put up last night!

21 10 2008

Big Al of Las Vegas (15:29:23) :

Amen, Big Al, Amen…

21 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Dragon Lady
She makes Quayle look like Einstein.

21 10 2008
Dragon Lady


Undisclosed location.

Why Must she continue to be Cheney in a skirt?

With lipstick.

21 10 2008

538 is Reporting that the BATTLEGOUND State Poll numbers are VERY TIGHT! McCain has moved up in Florida and Ohio!

21 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Do not do that to me! I was thinking the other thing (her popularity). Almost gave me a heart attack!

Here is a great video to get you jazzed for the next two weeks:

Here is a sweet pic of Obama and his grandfather. There is a strong resemblance:

Here is a touching pic of his grandparents:

Cut and paste the links if they don’t work.

21 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

Hang on, I have to get a flight for my kids so we can open the afternoon shift at the Wasilla Taco Bell. It’s official First Family business, y’know.

21 10 2008

My faith in the electorate is slowing being restored.

21 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (15:16:55) :

“Well, awesome news. I was just about spitting at the TV a minute ago with her talking about her executive experience as mayor being more that Obama’s.”

She is more experienced as Wasilla’s mayor.

See Jason Jones’s report on Wasilla It includes an interview with the current Mayor it’s hilarious on the October 20th Daily Show

21 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

RE: all the stolen Obama signs

I’d love to think that people are stealing them because they couldn’t get one of their own and are doing a bit of “wealth redistribution”. Unfortunately, I doubt it.

21 10 2008

Thanks AKM:
You and the mudflats always quiet my nagging fears that SWWNBN and McShame will do something that will throw this election. Thanks for the comfort.

21 10 2008
C in CO

Great news about the polls. AKM you deserve lots and lots of credit for the change in the polls since Aug. 29th. Thank you for being a big catalyst for change.

I went to the Biden rally in Greeley Colorado today as well, and it was great!
A lot of positive energy from the crowd and Biden, in a packed gymnasium at UNC.

I am not complacent, but certainly optimistic here in Colorado!!

21 10 2008

Mudpups – check out the whole poll data report – there’s a link at the bottom of AKM’s fab article. It is very interesting data…there are comparisons between the current race and the races between Bush and Gore, Bush and Kerry anbd Clinton and Dole….see Question #19.

very interesting and making me all kind of hopeful….

21 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin

eajphd Molten Contra Palin
Oh, I saw that and cracked up. I’ve been in that little building (not her office), and that’s how I know she did not spend any $50K on redecorating. Maybe she had the bills fudged so she could squirrel away building/decor supplies for the house she obviously had planned,…but, ….
She’s going to cut gov’t spending? Hypocrite!

And, a. socialist, if it means helping other people to have food, shelter, medical care, and education.
Palin’s a socialist,..she hands out those Permanent Fund checks to the people, and hands out per diem checks to herself!

21 10 2008

Old-Time Celebs Launch Ads For Obama!


21 10 2008

Here’s a re-post from another thread (I think it was near the bottom). You’ll find the Intrade market prediction for President on the RCP page, but it’s better to go to the source:

Intrade is real-time market prediction futures, and it’s fascinating to watch. Click on any state and just above you will see that state’s current prediction for Dem vs Rep, as well as some history. Scroll down a bit and you will see the market prediction for Obama vs McC. Go to the bottom right corner and you’ll find short videos on how Intrade works – check out Intrade On ABC 20/20.

Many think that Intrade is more accurate than polls because people are not just answering questions that they may change in the voting booth; they are doing serious thinking and putting down their own money on their decisions. Enjoy!

BTW, the current market predictions for Dems in Ohio is 65%, and for Florida it’s 65%, still good, but not something we should take for granted.

21 10 2008
Rankle Hiway Hussein Palin

Hi all ..Took a break from working on the Gallery/webpage and ran across this on The New Yorker website …

October 20, 2008
First Colin Powell, Now…

Ken Adelman is a lifelong conservative Republican. Campaigned for Goldwater, was hired by Rumsfeld at the Office of Economic Opportunity under Nixon, was assistant to Defense Secretary Rumsfeld under Ford, served as Reagan’s director of arms control, and joined the Defense Policy Board for Rumsfeld’s second go-round at the Pentagon, in 2001. Adelman’s friendship with Rumsfeld, Cheney, and their wives goes back to the sixties, and he introduced Cheney to Paul Wolfowitz at a Washington brunch the day Reagan was sworn in.

In recent years, Adelman and his friends Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz fell out over his criticisms of the botching of the Iraq War. Still, he remains a bona-fide hawk (“not really a neo-con but a con-con”) who has never supported a Democrat for President in his life. Two weeks from now that’s going to change: Ken Adelman intends to vote for Barack Obama. He can hardly believe it himself.
It continues with Mr, Adekman’s comments on his reasons for doing so. Further down the article he says:

The most important decision John McCain made in his long campaign was deciding on a running mate.
That decision showed appalling lack of judgment. Not only is Sarah Palin not close to being acceptable in high office—I would not have hired her for even a mid-level post in the arms-control agency. But that selection contradicted McCain’s main two, and best two, themes for his campaign—Country First, and experience counts. Neither can he credibly claim, post-Palin pick.
(Emphasis mine)
When hard core neo-cons start jumping ship you just know they’re (GOP) done.
Subsistance for the kids, eh? That was some really creative reporting. The kind that draws a fraud charge and (oh, I love it) jailtime.

OK, back to work. Will have something up soon. (New image in the other thread)

21 10 2008

Bi-Polar Disorder: Is The Presidential Race Really Tightening?

“Obama’s lead dropped from 8.2 points on October 14th to 5.7 on Tuesday, October 21st. If things continued that way until November 4, Obama’s edge would shrink to a statistically meaningless 0.7 percent, and a coin flip could predict the presidency.”


21 10 2008

Just saw the Maher item on Hardball. The main trouble with Palin is that she herself is a low-information voter.

21 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

In the right direction/wrong direction poll, I heard that 75% said they were Mad.

21 10 2008
Lucky Shot Landing Palin

And…as her “unfavorable” ratings increase, when she attacks Sen. Obama, more of her slime splashes back in her face. This, of course, drives her unfavorables ever higher and higher.
Earth to Sarah: “No one is buying your crap, Barbie! Give it up!”

21 10 2008

Thanks for the wonderful news. Could you start publishing the blog in some of the Midwestern newspapers? I can’t believe how little info about Palin is hitting even the major papers the papers owe their souls to the GOP?

My friends are amazed when I start reciting the litany of less than honest things Palin has done. They want to know where I got my info….I can read..I thought perhaps they could also but I was mistaken.

21 10 2008

Did Palin get all that per diem AND her very own Permanent Fund check? Sign me up for that job.

21 10 2008

McCain Accidentally Agrees: Western Pennsylvania Is Racist (VIDEO)


21 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Mudflats got a shout out on a San Francisco radio station, 960 AM. The host said Mudflats had been a consistent source of info about Palin from Alaska. Congrats AKM!!!

21 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

OH NO. Olberman just lobbed one at Palin….Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?

21 10 2008
Tristan 57 (DKos)

Hey!!!! I thought you guys broke the Palin news!!! From the APvia DKos:

Oct 21st, 2008 | ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children to travel with her, including to events where they were not invited, and later amended expense reports to specify that they were on official business.

It gets better. Join me over the fold, won’t you?

Digg it!

Digg it again!
(ht kissmygrits)

ChicagoSwan’s diary :: ::

In all, Palin has charged the state $21,012 for her three daughters’ 64 one-way and 12 round-trip commercial flights since she took office in December 2006.

After Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain chose Palin his running mate and reporters asked for the records, Palin ordered changes to previously filed expense reports for her daughters’ travel.

When Palin released her family’s tax records as part of her vice presidential campaign, some tax experts questioned why she did not report the children’s state travel reimbursements as income.

Remember this DKos Diary on Palin’s taxes. What’s that line about getting a newspaper 3 weeks early? But if Joe the Plumber taught us anything , it’s that Real Americans don’t pay taxes.

In October 2007, Palin brought daughter Bristol along on a trip to New York for a women’s leadership conference. Plane tickets from Anchorage to La Guardia Airport for $1,385.11 were billed to the state, records show, and mother and daughter shared a room for four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House hotel, which overlooks Central Park.

The AP reports that Palin attended the conference for five hours, but stayed in the Essex for five days and four nights. You think they ordered lobster and Iranian caviar from room service?

But there’s more:

In July, the governor charged the state $2,741.26 to take Bristol and Piper to Philadelphia for a meeting of the National Governors Association. The girls had their own room for five nights at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel for $215.46 a night, expense records show.

Expense forms describe the girls’ official purpose as “NGA Governor’s Youth Programs and family activities.” But those programs were activities designed to keep children busy, a service provided by the NGA to accommodate governors and their families, NGA spokeswoman Jodi Omear said.

The Ritz-Carleton? That’s not even a Real American Hotel!!!! It’s for Elitists, right?

The state is already reviewing nearly $17,000 in per diem payments to Palin for more than 300 nights she slept at her own home, 40 miles from her satellite office in Anchorage.


The Palins began charging the state for commercial flights after the governor kept a 2006 campaign promise to sell a jet bought by her predecessor.

Ha ha. So after selling the jet at a loss, through a broker, and NOT on eBay, Palin started charging the state for her kids to travel commercially. But that’s a mavericky way to save the state money, right?

Nope…she still takes them on the state plane:

In addition to the commercial flights, the children have traveled dozens of times with Palin on a state plane. For these flights, the total cost of operating the plane, at $971 an hour, was about $55,000, according to state flight logs. The cost of operating the state plane does not increase when the children join their mother.

Sarah Palin. She puts the @#$% in “Country First”

UPDATE: First time on the Rec list!! (well…first time since the Buffy Orpington fiasco…which I deleted) This is much better. Thanks. xo

For more on the tax implication of all this, here’s a piece from ABC back when we were talking about per diems. Choice quote here:

The IRS also strictly forbids deductions for expenses incurred bringing a spouse and kids along on a business trip. Tax authorities say any reimbursement for travel costs for family members would likely incur income taxes.

So, yeah…she’s a tax cheat, and she and Joe the Plumber owe back taxes.

21 10 2008


My third grader knows that the VP isn’t “in charge of the Senate”.

Sarah needs someone to read the Constitution to her.

21 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

well, I’m sure people will like her more once she’s running the Senate!!

21 10 2008

Hey ABC has a great article on how SP doctored traveling expenses 3 weeks before she was announced as McCains running mate. She tried to cover up her kids travel by change the expense reports. I believe MSNBC is reporting it too. I believe we have discussed this a bit here but it is good to see MSM reporting this.

21 10 2008

=========– The Power of Prayer –==========
McCain imagines himself in the white house, thinking
“Just think of all my millions of friends praying for my longevity …”

: )

21 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Dragon Lady I think you were spot on with Quayledom.

The loss of life will be irreplaceable.
Dan Quayle on the San Francisco earthquake

When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame.
Dan Quayle on the complex social issues behind the Los Angeles Riots.

It isn’t pollution that’s harming the environment. It’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.

I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix.

I have made good judgments in the Past.
I have made good judgments in the Future.

I am the future.

21 10 2008

Pennsy governor asks Obama to return

“Democrats generally worry that the race is significantly closer than recent polls have suggested. According to Rendell, there is also worry among Democrats that the McCain campaign has successfully raised the enthusiasm level among Republicans in the state.”

21 10 2008
Redwood Man - Santa Cruz, CA

Great numbers — thanks for the update, AKM.

The music video below came out Sept. 5th. Since many muddies have joined in since then, I thought I’d post a link to it again. Enjoy !

“The Ballad of Sarah Palin”. Song Written, Directed, and Performed by Mason Storm

21 10 2008

Well, my goodness. I am shocked and amazed! It might have to do with her definition of “real Americans” lately. I have a feeling, NO ONE fits her definition. And that goes for that looney-tunes Michele Bachmann and her rightwingnut philosophies about the anti-Americans in the US Congress. I guess I can see why we still do not have an equal rights amendment for women with women leaders like this in our country. BUT, WE’RE GOING TO CHANGE THAT RIGHT?!!!!!

21 10 2008

Not qualified to be the VP and not qualified to be a governor. I mean, she has proved all over the place that she knows next to NOTHING about how government works. I really thought I would never be able to say that anyone was dumber than W. Boy was I WRONG!!!! I’m beginning to think that McCain qualifies also for being dumber than W.

21 10 2008
Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA


Don’t forget,
It’s a terrible thing to lose one’s mind (the United Negro College Fund’s slogan A mind is a terrible thing to waste”.

21 10 2008

re Anne (15:59:49)
I laughed aloud at your friends being unable to read -despite living in Houston and my friends having college education, they too appear to be unable to read or hear more than Fox News much to my disappointment. Although I am a huge Obama fan I always check all media and ‘net info and that’s how I found Mudflats (THANK GOODNESS!). I cannot believe how lazy and uninterested some of my friends are, sadly disappointed.

21 10 2008

Good to know that AKM and all the Mudflatters aren’t the only ones with good sense. Very encouraging!

21 10 2008

kate aka chin duststrap, Palin’s going to get in there and make good policy with the Senators there that helps the classroom. Also.

21 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Does this mean that only 45% of Americans appreciate fear-mongering these days? Why isn’t it only 10%??

21 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

I’ll answer my own question, now that I’ve given myself a minute to think about it.

Building unity, as Obama has done over the past two years is hard work.

Spreading fear and divisiveness can be done in a single moment.

Hoping that hope will prevail over fear.

21 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

well, mudders, I’m gonna shut this contraption off for the night. Been in and out of here all day, from work too, and am just about politicked out. But only for today! I’ll be back from the east coast tomorrow morning, sneaking a peek at a computer whilst on duty to see what tidbits you all have come up with to keep me informed.. .OH and pie recipes! 🙂

Be well and keep the faith.

Obama/Biden ’08

21 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Quaylisms never fail to make me laugh out loud. This has been a good and funny day, begun by Brian courtesy of AKM (thanks again).

21 10 2008

Honestly, If PA doesn’t go completely for Obama. I am going to have to move to another state.

21 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Yes Kat that was a classic Quaylism.
We should start a list of Palinism and McCainisms…The Republicans do provide amusement as long as we keep them out of the white house–inside they are scarey not funny.

21 10 2008

And if they somehow manage to steal yet another presidency, I don’t know where I can live.

21 10 2008

Well, our smiling wing-nut governor continues to rake in personal benefits even while traveling outside of the state.

21 10 2008

Will Palin’s girls get to do “official Senate business”?

21 10 2008

Forty Watt,

There is a bar in Athens, GA named after you…it has been a funny day.

21 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

new thread

21 10 2008

Oops. Here’s the link:
The Palin family is stylin’!

21 10 2008
Buzz B. in Wisconsin

Hi all: I have spent much time on this site but this is my first post. I love it and its so much fun. Just minutes ago in yahoo news i seen SP charged AK over $21,000 for the travel of her kids. Here is a link to it.

The polls are sure working in our ( B.O / J.B. ) favor. I couldnt be happier.
It’s a great joy reading all your posts and coments. The Dems in Wi. are doing pretty darn good to

21 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Hillary should go to Pennsylvania while Obama is in Hawaii. If she can leave the word “me” out of her speeches, it would be even better.

21 10 2008

ira2 (15:23:36) & knikgoose HUSSEIN!! justaskin (15:16:55) :,

You probably already saw this Jason Jones interview on the Daily Show, but in case you haven’t, it demonstrates just how much ‘executive experience’ the mayor of Wasilla needs:

The clip is “Understanding Real America in Wasilla.” It’s fantastic.

21 10 2008

Kat Loves Wolves Hussein aka Kat in FLA,

“You take the United Negro College Fund model that what a waste it is to lose one’s mind or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.”

How a person of his age didn’t know the proper slogan is beyond me:

21 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Here’s more evidence of change. In fact the earth may have shifted. Texas knows how wild this is. Yesterday the Bryan/College Station Eagle (home of Texas A&M) endorsed Obama. He is the first Democrat since Harry Truman. They didn’t even endorse LBJ. .

21 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@prettybrowntee (16:10:21) :

Yup, that new thread that’s up is all about this…

21 10 2008

Buzz B. in Wisconsin, welcome! I’m rf in Florida, and am also a newcomer. I love mudflats! I started posting on the old thread tonight because this one wasn’t up yet. Does that mean I’m addicted?

21 10 2008

This headline from the Christian Science Monitor is great: ‘Bachmann’s campaign implodes — anti-Americans run wild.’ (

About time for Bush to activate the National Guard. Oopsy–they’re all in Iraq.

21 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Welcome, Buzz B! Glad you decided to come out of the woodwork.

21 10 2008

And you heard it here first…


21 10 2008
Forty Watt Hussein

Does Sarah get to take the $150,000 worth of clothes the GOP bought her back to Alaska to wear to her impeachment?

21 10 2008
karen marie


my fellow americans, i thank you!

and to celebrate, i’m going to give you all a tasty little treat. let me introduce you to seymour hersh through an interview he did that was published in the guardian newspaper on october 19.

here’s why you want to know who seymour hersh is:

Like everyone in America just now, [Hersh] is on tenterhooks. A Democrat who truly despises the Bush regime, he is reluctant to make predictions about exactly what is going to happen in the forthcoming election on the grounds that he might ‘jinx it’. The unknown quantity of voter racism apart, however, he is hopeful that Obama will pull it off, and if he does, for Hersh this will be a starting gun. ‘You cannot believe how many people have told me to call them on 20 January [the date of the next president’s inauguration],’ he says, with relish. ‘[They say:] “You wanna know about abuses and violations? Call me then.” So that is what I’ll do, so long as nothing awful happens before the inauguration.’ He plans to write a book about the neocons and, though it won’t change anything – ‘They’ve got away with it, categorically; anyone who talks about prosecuting Bush and Cheney [for war crimes] is kidding themselves’ – it will reveal how the White House ‘set out to sabotage the system… It wasn’t that they found ways to manipulate Congressional oversight; they had conversations about ending the right of Congress to intervene.’

21 10 2008

“Just listening to the radio CBC’s “As it Happens” — A fellow expat, Kate Green, living in Ottawa, was interviewed. She received her absentee ballot from Santa Clara County, CA.”

I live in Santa Clara too. I got a regular ballot in the mail. I was told I HAVE to vote by mail cus nearly ALL my neighbors do, and there are too few to warrant a polling place.. pffft. I always like going to the poll..

but the ballot I got was absolutely real, and NOT a photocopy.

21 10 2008


21 10 2008

Libbs (16:21:35) :

Will Palin’s girls get to do “official Senate business”?

LOL leave it to Sarah they will LOL

21 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Shove Maggot “That One” Hussein aka the problem child (15:28:11) :

Re-posting from last thread:

Just listening to the radio CBC’s “As it Happens” — A fellow expat, Kate Green, living in Ottawa, was interviewed. She received her absentee ballot from Santa Clara County, CA. Problem was, it was a photocopy of the ballot. There was also a note, on half a sheet of paper, with no letterhead or contact information.

Has she called the Registrar of Voters in Santa Clara? This would seem wise. There is a possibility it could be a hoax to invalidate her vote. And if so, it is no doubt happening to lots of folks.

21 10 2008
Edog in L-town

Unfortunately even with these numbers, the result of her prime time appearances from her run as VP will ultimately result in her having some sort of television program. A show that will most likely air on FOX. We have not seen the end of her yet. sigh sigh sigh sigh. [Not that I want to see the end of her but just when I was really loving my country again we get this fear monger stoking the old fires of fear and hate. It will be nice to have her return to her home for a nice long winter hibernation.]

21 10 2008
karen marie

if you don’t know seymour hersh, let me introduce you through a story that was published about him in the guardian newspaper on october 19.

this clip, in a nutshell, explains why you want to know who seymour hersh is, but i encourage you to go to the link and read the whole story. you’ll be glad you did.

Like everyone in America just now, [Hersh] is on tenterhooks. A Democrat who truly despises the Bush regime, he is reluctant to make predictions about exactly what is going to happen in the forthcoming election on the grounds that he might ‘jinx it’. The unknown quantity of voter racism apart, however, he is hopeful that Obama will pull it off, and if he does, for Hersh this will be a starting gun. ‘You cannot believe how many people have told me to call them on 20 January [the date of the next president’s inauguration],’ he says, with relish. ‘[They say:] “You wanna know about abuses and violations? Call me then.” So that is what I’ll do, so long as nothing awful happens before the inauguration.’ He plans to write a book about the neocons and, though it won’t change anything – ‘They’ve got away with it, categorically; anyone who talks about prosecuting Bush and Cheney [for war crimes] is kidding themselves’ – it will reveal how the White House ’set out to sabotage the system… It wasn’t that they found ways to manipulate Congressional oversight; they had conversations about ending the right of Congress to intervene.’

21 10 2008

karen marie (16:35:00) :,

I read this article, too and believe Hersh is right. We have no idea of what nasty, despicable secrets this administration has been hiding. Do any of you remember when Clinton was elected? George H W Bush’s administration had fudged the budget deficit numbers and the actual deficit was nearly double what they had publicized. They announced the real numbers just shortly before the inauguration–a “welcome to DC” present for Bill Clinton. I think we can expect financial surprises at the very least and probably more scandals than can even be addressed.

21 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Shove Maggot “That One” Hussein aka the problem child (15:28:11), from
Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters:

Military and Overseas voters can go to for more information and for forms.

Registrar of Voters
Vote By Mail Division
P.O. Box 1740
San Jose, CA 95109

Fax number: (408) 293-6002
Phone number: (408) 299-8640
Toll Free: (866) 430-VOTE [8683]

21 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Shove Maggot “That One” Hussein aka the problem child (15:28:11), from Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters:

Vote By Mail ballots must be requested in writing at least seven days before an election (the current deadline is October 28, 2008).

21 10 2008
karen marie

don’t expect to get any mileage out of the kids/expense report crap.

if the media covers it, the kittens-and-puppies argument will be brought out and the scolding will begin that why should palin be criticized for being “a good mother.”

palin and mccain will milk this one for all they’re worth because they can smack critics around as being “anti-family” AND it shoves the fact of troopergate farther down the memory hole.

wasn’t la palin supposed to be interviewed by the personnel board last week?

any word on what’s going on with investigation?

and what’s up with talis colberg and the subpoenaes? i have a vague recollection of talk about someone looking into the question of witness tampering.

too many loose ends!

only 15 days to go.

21 10 2008
karen marie

hey! i thought i was in the other thread!

21 10 2008

I can’t believe I am saying how happy this report makes me. She is on CNN now and she blames the media for her poor poll numbers. She said they are overly critical of her. This infuriates me after seeing what Obama has had to gone through the past two years and what Hilary Clinton has gone through. Blaming the media is a bad defense…… I just hope this woman is out of politics at some point. Someone who is a narcissist and power hungry is a very dangerous combination and not good for our country.

21 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

I heart Seymour Hershe! And I’d been wondering why he had been so quiet lately.

21 10 2008

It is reassuring to see poll numbers reflect what I had hoped others would see. I never understood the rationale that Palin would help with Independents. I am an Independent that is very frightened of her. I do not know of any independents that are supporting her. In fact, my father (he voted for Bush twice!) has expressed his concern with McCain’s pick to me. He already voted early and though I do not know who he voted for, I suspect he voted for Bob Barr, which is good because it takes a vote away from McCain. She was always a “base” pick. McCain lost independents the day he introduced Palin as his pick in Ohio. I am glad to see that the numbers are reflecting this now.

21 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

a\@ NoCalGal (16:42:39) :
& Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (16:55:58)
Yes, I gather she had tried to call, but got no answer. So did the CBC & no answer. It sounds like they may have used up all their absentee ballots on actual residents! She was planning on doubling down and casting her photocopied ballot anyway, but sounded nervous about how and who would be transcribing the information. Please do let the talkback people know about this information!

21 10 2008

Just read the latest CNN Palin interview transcript. Nothing she says could ever possibly be translated into another language…words flow out of her mouth in an endless babbling stream.

On a positive note, 17-year-old daughter and I will see Barack tomorrow in Richmond, VA! Hopefully, soon to be officially a Blue State!

21 10 2008
Big Al of Las Vegas

October Surprise

While Barack Obama was in Hawaii at the bedside of his ailing grandmother real-time photos of the two convinced 90% of Republicans and one self-proclaimed redneck that Obama is a God-fearing, nation-loving bicultural American raised by his Caucasian mother and grandparents in the good ole’ US of A. The 49-year old redneck is quoted as saying, “That ‘BA-rack O’-bam-ah’ sure loves his grandma. And, his gran-nee looks like my gran-nee. After 8 years of George Bush-y sending our kids off to war, I am gonna’ vote for this other guy. He may be half-black and half-muslim, but he has got my vote.”

With the Palin-McCain campaign in shambles only able to convince 10% of its party that Barack Obama is a foreigner and a terrorist, McCain moved to resign from the campaign trail and concede the election to Mr. Obama.

21 10 2008
KC, Seattle

I just want to thank you AKM for keeping me sane since August 30th. That’s the day I found Mudflats. Since that day I’ve checked in faithfully every day to get the truth, your insights and great support from all over the country. I confess I haven’t been this nervous about an issue since before giving birth 37 years ago. Congrats on your award. You deserve it for keeping us informed about the “real” Sarah Palin. I’m starting to get the feeling that she doesn’t really care if she wins or not. She gets to keep the $150,000 wardrobe. Life can’t be too bad.

21 10 2008

Tristan 57 (DKos): RE: Sarah’s travel expenses.

You know, the thing with bringing this issue up is that SO MANY of our government representatives and leaders do the same thing and are getting away with it. Why should she be any different? In the end, this should not be allowed. With this big ballout for Wall Street being an example of how we are being screwed and forced to foot the bill for rich people, this kind of excess and using the taxpayers to fund their luxuries is horrible. Ethics reform needs to tackled also. We are in fact electing criminals who lie, cheat, and steal from us.

21 10 2008

Palin’s going to get in there and make good policy with the Senators

Is that what the kids are calling it these days? 😛

21 10 2008

We are in fact electing criminals who lie,cheat, and steal from us. So true,so true. I hope it will be different this time.

21 10 2008

Vote Obama/08

21 10 2008
Hopeful American Voter!

Congrats Mudflats on all the hard work you’ve done in bringing the truth out into the light. Looks like the country is finally catching up to you. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

21 10 2008

Instead of a new wardrobe the GOP should have just bought her a roll of duct tape!

21 10 2008

Why doesn’t somebody in the McCain camp tell Palin the VP doesn’t get to play with the Legislative or Judicial branches of the government. Dear Lord, she has said at least three different times and this thing about expanding the role of the VP. That is so “Cheney”. You would think someone would explain it to her. Look lady, the VP is a “spare”, the “understudy” for the President.

There’s not really much to it. But since you don’t know what the Vice President does (see video, below) we’ll tell you. According to the U.S. Constitution, the Vice-President serves only two real functions. One is to become U.S. President in the event of the President’s death or resignation. The second VP duty is to act as President of the U.S. Senate — casting a tie-breaking vote in the event of a deadlock, and certifying the official vote count of the U.S. electoral college.

22 10 2008

AKM has done such a wonderful job on this blog to not only keep all of us on here informed but the MSM is picking up some very important info that needs to be exposed before people hit the polls. Thank you AKM

I would really really like to see the stuff that is going on with the people in the bushes, as people in Alaska call it, to be exposed and what SP has done about it since taking office.

22 10 2008

Um. Who are the 12% who think this country is on the right track?

23 10 2008

It’s amazing that so few Americans understand the impact that a Democratic House and Democratic President will have on this nation. And so few understand how Obama’s increase on the wealthy will impact our economy.
It’s not going to make it stronger, it’s going to throw us into a DEPRESSION!
Herbert Hoover was the last president to raise taxes during a Recession. Because he raised taxes, the country fell into a Depression!
When you raise taxes on the wealthy, those guys will either 1.) quit working because they refuse to work so hard for those who aren’t making as much money or 2.) raise their prices so that they can take home the same money they are taking home today. or 3.) they will lay people off / close offices / etc. and give employees more responsibility, more work for the same pay.
Guys, we gotta’ think beyond the first step and realize the impact these actions will have on business, the employees, the economy, and our entire nation.
One more comment: As we bitterly fight over the candidates, we need to consider the long-term effects of our decisions as well as the impact our in-fighting makes us appear to opposing nations. As Americans, we are demonstrating nasty division…this simply makes us appear weak and vulnerable.

23 10 2008
Territorial babe

Read all the way throught to Jamel Rachel and back to Kim in Ohio, with undisguised relish. The ol’ pup was wondering what the whoopin’ and hollerin’ was goin’ on. Alaskans in bushes…Bushes in the White House (soon to be Out…) and Alaskans in this blog and beyond have been coming out of the Bush (singular, but plural). As to a response to Jamel, the argument seems logical, but one has to remember that our democracy is not predicated on which party has the majority.There is plenty that needs to be done in the US if our jobs stay here to get it done, as well as increasing certain levels of education and health that are not realized overnight or in only 4 years. But, if there is any validity about one party dominating the government, I could certainly hope that we wouldn’t ‘sacrifice’ the choice of leadership. If the other government branches seem to have an ‘unilateral’ political partyship, one should wonder about Mr. GW Bush’s role in inspiring or de-inspiring House and Senate elections.