The Release of the Branchflower Report.

10 10 2008

It was a long long day in the halls of the Legislature.  What many thought would be a couple hours of waiting turned into an eight hour day.  The hallway outside the conference room was jammed with media, ABC, BBC, CNN, NPR, the whole alphabet soup.  There were bloggers and journalists, camera crews and members of the legislature, Palin folks and Alaskans for Truth – all staring at the clock, and each other,  and waiting for any crumb of news.

Outside the building, standing in the rain, were about 40 Palin supporters with signs saying, “We love our Gov.” and “We are proud of you.”

Every once in a while a legislator would pop out of the room and say, “It’ll be another hour or so,” and back they would go.  Eyeballs pressed against the venetian blinds could see through the little string holes that Stephen Branchflower was talking, going through the report page by page.

There were Hollis French sightings, and Bill Weilechowski sightings.  Les Gara was there, as was Fred Dyson (one of the ‘gang of six’ who filed the lawsuit to stop the subpoenas).  Palin’s spokesman Bill McAllister paced the halls.  Shannyn Moore and Eddie Burke exchanged a brief hello.  It was like a big melting pot of the Alaska political and media world in one little hallway…..all.  day.  long.

The Palin supporters headed over for coffee at a local coffee shop, and after the coffee was made, they found out it was a “liberal” coffee shop and took off without paying, leaving the coffee behind.

Finally, late in the afternoon, the doors opened and the 50+ members of the media flooded in to the room.

A roll call revealed that 12 of the 14 members of the Legislative Council were present.  The two missing members were Rep. Samuels, and Rep. Wilken (known to Mudflatters as Rep. “I don’t care what the rest of the country thinks. Move to Alaska and then you can lobby me.”)

Senator Lyda Green made the motion to release the public parts of the report to anyone who asked, and to not release the confidential portion of the report.  Rep. Stoltze objected for purpose of discussion.

Discussion followed:

Stevens:  The Legislative Council originally voted unanimously, and laid out the rules of the investigation.  It was designed to be non-political.  He’s sorry it was “taken into the political realm”.  Feels it would be a mistake to just read the findings and not the rest of the report.  Urges caution, and thinks the report should be read “with a jaundiced eye.”

Stoltze:  He had some differences with the report, but thought the process was thorough.  Felt the release of the report was a “no brainer.”  It utilized public funds, and is a public document.  He said he had received hundreds of emails from all over the country urging him to vote to release the report, and was hoping if the report was released he’d be able to get through his inbox again.

Wilson:  Felt the report was well done.  There is some speculation in it and she doesn’t agree with everything, but feels Branchflower did a good job.  The full report is more than 1000 pages.  The public will not have all the information.

Coghill:  He was pleased with the professionalism displayed by Branchflower.  He feels the politicizing has “settled down a bit” and didn’t feel it had an affect on Branchflower’s findings.

Guttenberg:  Thanked Hollis French, and Stephen Branchflower.  Says to remember that the report is about “a family”.  Feels that the legislature has done a good job and has served the public well.

Cowdery:  He “can’t fault the Palins for trying to defend their family,”  but will vote to release the report.

Elton:  Thanked everyone for staying up late, going through the 1300 pages of the report.  This was not an easy job.  Thanked French and his staff.  Thanked his own staff.  Thanked Judge Michalski and the Alaska Supreme Court.

By this time it had become pretty apparent that the vote would pass, and sure enough as the list was read, we realized the ruling was unanimous.  I have to say I wasn’t expecting that.

And now I’d like to thank all of you who spent time writing to the Legislative Council with your concerns about releasing the report, and passing the information to others.  I have no doubt that this was a contributing factor.  When Stoltze talked about all the emails he received, you could see the knowing looks on the faces of all those who were there.  They knew they had an important decision to make, and they knew that people across the world were watching.

After the vote, there was a mad scramble by the press to grab their homework for the weekend – a big fat 263 page green-covered, spiral-bound report entitled:  Report of the Investigation of the Circumstances Surrounding the Termination of Former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan and Potential Abuses of Power and/or Improper Actions by Members of Governor Sarah Palin’s Administration.  Volume I – Public Report.

And you yourself may have your very own copy (minus the spiral binding and the green cover)

Just put on some comfy sweats, grab your favorite evening-time beverage, and click HERE

It isn’t often that good people resist political pressure and do the right thing.  I’ve seen things like this go the wrong way, time and time again.  Today renewed my faith in the political process.  I think I’m going to send out one more set of 12 emails saying, “Thank you.”



378 responses

10 10 2008
Pistol Tanker Palin

Am I the first to comment?

I heard this news driving home from work today. Stunning, and yet not totally unexpected. It was absolutely ludicrous for Palin to issue her own report yesterday. Now we know why.

I’ve yet to digest the details, but am happy to hear the words “abused her position as Governor.”

I would hope the American people are tired of elected officials abusing their power. Enough!

10 10 2008

MSNBC on it: go Rachal also McSongbird has to talk the crazies down in Frostbite Falls

10 10 2008

I am on page130. I cannot believe what I am reading.

10 10 2008

Read about Rednecks for Obama today. I’m watching Rachal(sp)Madow and Nascar I guess I’m one myself.

10 10 2008
Prup (aka Jim Benton)

I see that the report says the Wilkins story was a non-story, that the Workman’s Compensation claim was handled properly. I am surprised, given what i’ve read, that it came out that way, but I still have to read the report. Any advance explanation of this.

Btw, a great blog and a great group commenting. I’ve just been lurking because by the time I get caught up on the comments, another 50 come in, and I do have a few other things to do — including writing comments about Her Excellency to blogs I am a regular on. (I’m pushing somebody, anybody, to stop playing ‘blind men and the Elephant’ and put together one piece that covers it all.)

And, to add my geographical position, Brooklyn here, and I’ll probably start making this another place to comment regularly now — along with Alaska Real.

10 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

Thank you AKM… this mudpuppie is turning in for the night. Too much excitement is a good thing!!!!

10 10 2008
Lock Pepper Palin

Boy, howdy, mudpuppies, it’s been a long day!
I’m hoping she’ll stay on the ticket to sink it another 10 points before election day.

10 10 2008

LOL at Liberal coffee shop that was g8 🙂

10 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (17:44:40) :

“McCain’s campaign and the Republican National Committee plan to spend “upwards of $160 million” in the final weeks of the presidential race . . . while Obama is outspending them in all but two of 14 battleground states, “that will change over the last four weeks.”

This Alaska ruling will mean McPalin has to spend money on cleaning Palin up.

Great JOB AKM and MudFlatters!!!!!

10 10 2008
Soldotna Sue

I’m confused. Did this report address the fact that Sarah and the Dud rifled through Wooten’s personnel file? Maybe that’s a different investigation, huh?

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I gotta say it again. McCain would have to drop her like a rock if illegalities were substantiated. Now, thank you God, she’s gonna be the gift that keeps on giving.

10 10 2008
nancy-INDIANA: a.k.a. buck shot palin

I’m confused. Did this report address the fact that Sarah and the Dud rifled through Wooten’s personnel file? Maybe that’s a different investigation, huh?
it seems to be saying that there was no wrongdoing there, but i didn’t read the entire report

10 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

HAhahahah SWWNBN must have blown a gasket when that color glossy of her nemesis ended up on her desk for her to sign!! Seems like that was the straw that broke the moose’s back!

Great report. She definitely abused her power. And that husband of hers??!! Where did he get off pretending to be the assistant governor? How about the comment about “getting THEM elected”… what is THAT!!!?

Great Job Mudpups. We rock the planet. And thank you Mucky for bringing this to us.

10 10 2008
West Virginian

Soldotna Sue–I was wondering about that part. Wasn’t there something about releasing medical records?

10 10 2008

There’s an excellent article on Salon… Sarah Palin: The View From Alaska by Nick Jans.

10 10 2008

I heard the investigation’s results on the radio about an hour or so ago. I was pleased it was released to the public. I plan on reading it this evening. Thank you for including it on the Mudflats website.

10 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Oh mclames campaign just answered, Spin, Spin, Spin-Hate talk express still trying to limp along 😦
They are soooooo out of touch. I still don’t hear about “their” report?

10 10 2008

Thank you AKM for all you’ve done in keeping us informed through this website.
With the initial news coverage concerning the report release I can’t wait for tomorrow or even Monday once the MSM thoroughly digest this initial information.

On a side note I was reading comments from Huffington Post and someone brought up an interesting point. Does SP actually wear perscription glasses? I looked at the picture of her photo on the cover of Newsweek Magazine (the so called untouched photo) and I don’t really see any distorted image behind the glasses. I would expect to see either a larger or smaller image behind the glasses. I wonder if it’s just a way to show inteligence or that ‘librarian’ look.

What can I say………I don’t trust that woman

10 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Please…someone in AK — tell me the name of that liberal coffee shop the Palin creeps stiffed. I want to send them $$$ and urge others to do the same. Let’s support left-wing, liberal-biased baristas who shouldn’t have to take that abuse.

Side Street Espresso, 412 G Street, Anchorage, AK 99501 AKM

10 10 2008
Laura Lee

While I can understand the report declining to find on anything about First Dude because he’s not a “state” employee, his access and actions surely violated some frikkin’ law somewhere! Anywho…I feel greatly relieved to see the fruits of the labor.

10 10 2008

Sarah, tsk tsk, you have been deemed ABUSIVE and UNETHICAL.

I sure hope Walt Monegan’s mother feels better now that the report has been released. I know I sure do!

10 10 2008
Ohio Sue

Thanks, AKM. Following your good idea, I sent “thank you” emails to the 12 members of the Legislative Council who voted to publish the report. I wonder what this will mean in the long run.

10 10 2008

From Vancouver, British Columbia

Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power”Troopergate” ethics report released to the public finds Palin “unlawfully abused her authority” as Governor of Alaska to settle personal grudge

10 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

The scope of the investigation, per the contract, did not include addressing Todd’s behavior directly (since he is not a member of the AK Executive Branch) and did not include examining whether pressure was placed on Worker’s Comp company (or bribes made to the Worker’s Comp company). The scope included only looking at whether or not Palin abused her power regarding the firing of Walt Monegan.

The information that has emerged over the course of both the legislature’s investigation and related inquiries, has, in my mind, opened up a few other cans of worms. I think it remains to be seen whether any future litigation emerges. I am confident (even though I am not a lawyer) that Trooper Wooten has a very good case to press re: defamation of character and unlawful interference in his employment situation. What I am not confident of is Walt Monegan’s ability to press charges, even though his boss acted unethically in firing him. I think this calls for the legislature to change the way laws are written … they currently give the Governor a right to kick any department head out at any time for any reason. They may well want to take a look at that…

My summary? This is THE nail in Palin’s coffin, as far as her being able to spout how righteous she is as a leader. Her political career is in tatters now. And I’m not a bit sad about that.

10 10 2008
Soldotna Sue

Thank you for the responses. I know that the report says that Wooten got all of the Workman’s Comp. that he was entitled to but that’s different than snooping in his personnel file. I don’t remember anything about medical files. Maybe there were medical files connected with the Workman’s Comp. info. That seems like the most serious part of all of this. You know, right to privacy….

10 10 2008
kas (from Oregon)

Please…tell me the name of that liberal coffee shop the Palin creeps stiffed. I want to send them $$$

Excellent Idea…. I am in…

10 10 2008
Debbie A. aka Hen Waffle That One

I have been reading this website since the end of August – have been silent and absolutely hooked! Now that the Branchflower report has been made public I can only hope that the public will see that Palin’s fatal flaw is that she truly does not think before she acts and that her own personal agenda trumps those she was sworn to serve. In addition, as a paralegal for 25 years I can tell you that anyone who shares confidential information as she has must be DUMB AS A STUMP.

I want to let all of you “mudpuppies” know that it has been a pleasure to read all of your comments and hope that the group continues to florish. AKMuckraker you have really made a difference.

I am a registered Independent – who will be voting Obama… Bless you all!

10 10 2008
Joe and Heather Linwood Nj

Palin just disgust us.
This lady is like Bush, she could care less and she is above the law.

The hate that Palin-McCain has stired up with Linking Obama to Terrorist is just outright disturbing.

What is going on in this country?

10 10 2008

I heard on Keith Olbermann (minus Keith) that she had been found guilty of abuse of power. It sounds like a job well done by the group up there. I will try to read more of the report tomorrow. The next few days should be interesting.

10 10 2008

Wait, wait… this might seem trivial, but let me back up there for a second, maybe I missed something or my mind is playing tricks on me.

What do you mean by liberal coffee shop? And how did they identify it as such? Smell test? Smell-o-scope? Infrared sensors? Would a Palin supporter not want to rent my apartment after I move out because a non-conservative, non-Republican lived there before?

10 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Great reporting AKM! My faith has been somewhat restored. Once in awhile right does win out over wrong!

10 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

Thank you AKM — i am so glad we did our homework — I didn’t get any responses, but I guess they probably gave up on replying after a while. I am not disappointed at all. She and dude undertook a vendetta and thought it was fine since she was gov and all. sure this Bro in law was a jerk, but that didn’t give them the right to take justice in their own hands.

We don’t need her lies and we don’t need Sarah Palin.

10 10 2008
Baron Von Butcher

I too will be thanking those that helped truth prevail. I am including in mt e-mails the following quotation on the topic:
“Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.”
Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

Feel free to spread the wisdom.

10 10 2008

I just heard on larry king that the mccain campaign released a statement saying that it was a “partisan” effort and that she acted within her rights by firing moneghan.

10 10 2008

Hey – This is blowing even the stock market news off the top of the news reporting. Congrats Sarah, how does it feel to be a celebrity?

10 10 2008

Just think what they would do if this was Obama.. it would be SO OVER!

10 10 2008


10 10 2008


what does

(sarah with?…)

10 10 2008
nancy-INDIANA: a.k.a. buck shot palin

Hey – This is blowing even the stock market news off the top of the news reporting. Congrats Sarah, how does it feel to be a celebrity?

yup, and keep clicking those articles online at the various websites (especially msm). websites keep track of traffic and these “hot ” articles get the most play

10 10 2008
Lori W.

I do not mean to sound greedy – but how soon can you BRAVE Alaskans start gathering signatures for IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS? I am so proud of Alaskans today, thank you!

10 10 2008


Maybe we can set up a coffee fund for mudflatter volunteers at the *liberal* coffee shop that was abused today.

We need contact info for the coffee shop—
when convenient. You all have been busy, we know!


10 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

@ LaNon

She Who Will Not Be Named

10 10 2008

Well done to everyone who made the effort to send the emails, it really did count!

I just feel awful for the cafe owner after reading this, though. What is wrong with people to do that, tis someone’s livelihood!?

Just so you all know, I found out that Side Street Espresso did end up selling all the coffee, so at least they didn’t lose $$. AKM

10 10 2008
Sarah Palin Get Lost Party

cmac – the clueless McCain campaign can call it what they want, but it is pretty apparent that the straight talk express bus has left the station without them onboard. Better luck next time to them.

It is my hope that should Obama win and Palin disappear into the dustbin of history, that magazines which do People of the Year consider our very own mudflats muckraker as a nominee. And, yes, I did say “our mudflats muckraker.” I suspect that Time may well pick a generic blogger as Person of the Year, but in my heart I know that it’s all those muckraking bloggers up in the 40th State – true Americans every single one of them – who have made the biggest contribution to our country and peoples being able to continue to move forward and progress.

Job well done, AKM. Job well done. Were I up in Alaska right now and were I to know who the hell you really are, I’d give you a big hug and a wet smooch on the cheek.


And a big thanks to all those legislators WHO SHOWED UP to do their duty in the manner in which each and everyone of them felt obligated and comfortable.

A kick in the pants to dinglehoffer… err, Wilkens. And to Samuels, too. How dare they not show up for work today??

10 10 2008
Lacy Lady

I can’t believe they are still defending this woman. They are talking about this on CNN and DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS——-Please can someone tell them the facts. I can’t stand this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CNN was actually there today…. What are they saying? AKM

10 10 2008
Pistol Tanker Palin

GOP tool, Ed Rollins, is trying to spin: “Palin didn’t break any laws, she can’t control her spouse just like any other politician. This will be forgotten by Monday.”

Folks, we have to make sure this story, the POINT of this story, doesn’t go away.

10 10 2008
Sarah Palin Get Lost Party

oooppsss… wrote that with the lights off. meant to write “49th state.”

10 10 2008
Sarah Palin Get Lost Party

Absolutely right, Pistol Tanker. And let’s not forget that it was Sarah Palin who pulled the trigger in the unconscionable firing of public servant Walt Monegan.

10 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Yes, we can’t not let it go away!!!


we are not interested in that we just got ride of 8 years of abuse!!!!

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

This beer’s for you, AKM. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

To all of us! >clink< AKM

10 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

I only wish that Walt had been completely vindicated by a finding that SP was completely out of line in firing him. I’ve also seen the first denials by the McShame campaign overlooking the overwhelming number of Republicans involved in the investigation. My hopes of Sarah’s early withdrawal from the campaign are still unrealized.

10 10 2008
sheryl, washington, dc

As soon as I got home from a birthday celebration this evening I pulled up Mudflats. Outstanding news. I feel a little renewal of my faith in the political process, too. Well done, Alaska!


10 10 2008

We have a “liberal” coffee shop here in Sitka – some people in town won’t cross its threshold. They’ve committed sins like hosting talks by “environmentalists” and having petitions available for people to sign.

10 10 2008
Progressive From Oregon

Below is my comment on Bob Shrum’s post regarding the racism and hate speech from McCain & Palin.

Thank you for unabashedly speaking the truth about the racism and hatred the McCain campaign is promoting and fostering across our country. I hope you speak up loudly about McCain’s tepid verbal opposition to the hate speech coming from his supporters being directly contradicted by his non-verbal communication. Head nodding is not adamant disagreement, after all.

Much has been said about McCain’s unwillingness to speak Sen Obama’s name. After watching clips today, it’s obvious there’s more to the “That Man” appelation; McCain seems completely unwilling to even call Obama an American citizen.

Mr Shrum, this election is unlike any other. In light of Palin being found in violation of an Alaskan criminal ethics law, I propose we demand McCain’s withdrawl from the presidential campaign.

The McCain campaign’s outrageous lie about the Republican-controlled legislative ethics review committee must be loudly opposed and labeled what it is. A lie; just like all of the lies ‘Fraud’ Palin has told to the voters of Alaska and to the voters of the lower-48. The investigation in the fraud behind the ‘per-diem’ will now show Palin is as corrupt as anyone in Alaska she ever accused.

More will also come out about Palin’s closer than previously known connections to the treasonous AIP.

Given what will come out about Palin and McCain’s racist comments and message, it is time for the old soldier to just fade away.


It is fundamentally important that the rest of the story about Palin’s involvement with AIP. I read today that a basic tenet of the AIP is keeping all of Alaska’s oil revenue and redistributing it to Alaskans. WHAT is one of the first things Fraud Palin did as governor?

I was also hearing your Alaskan Air America female host on Jon Eliot’s radio show. She was talking about a well known AIP member who is know for his physical violence towards his opposition. She was saying that Palin attempted to appoint him to her vacant city council position after she became mayor.

The state must be pushed to follow through on the ethics charge AND the per diem fraud. We must push the AIP further into the media; it’s almost a main stream story.

Palin’s political career MUST end with her failure as a VP candidate.

10 10 2008

NO SP has to stay on the GOP ticket, this is our Oct Gift!!!!!

10 10 2008
Gossip Rocks Forum

Alaska Troopergate hearing may "take hours"…

On the release of the report: The Release of the Branchflower Report.

It was a long long day in the halls of the Legislature. What many thought would be a couple hours of waiting turned into an eigh……

10 10 2008
Dust Chinstrap Palin

Yes, I’d like to send a little something to that coffeeshop too — just a couple of dollars for the tip jar.

It’s too bad the shop didn’t invoke the “defrauding an innkeeper” law that holds in most states. I wonder if it’s the law in Alaska?

What’s the name and address of the shop, please?

See above. AKM

10 10 2008
no more

Before I check out for the evening. All you folks in Juneau… PROTEST SARAH PALIN RALLY, tomorrow (Saturday) Oct 11, 10:00 a.m. State Capitol. Bring your signs and your rain gear! A pig without ethics is still a pig.

10 10 2008

Re: Palin Guilty of Abusing Power

Is it not time for impeachment?

10 10 2008
Blue Idaho

The McCain website has no dammage control going on. Makes me wonder If he really knew everything. If he did infact know you would think he would have a statement ready.

10 10 2008
PepperzMom (GA)

Cross posting of one of mine from Huff Post….

Key pages re: Flailin’s ethics violation occur on pages 65 – 68, when there is a discussion about the law, references to statutes, references to definitions (which appear on pages 48 – 51).

She had the right to fire Moneghan.

She did have to power to FIRE Monegan, not but the power to fire Wooten. The probe was never about the firing of Moneghan, it was about the attempt by Flailin’ to FORCE Monegan to fire Wooten, using her position as governor as leverage. The probe was about the “termination” of Monegan and “potential abuses of power and/or improper actions by member of the executive branch.” See page 2 for the contract’s terms.

Flailin’ did NOT have the right to force the firing of Wooten, therefore, her forceful and repeated attempts to have Monegan fire Wooten were a direct and absolute violation of the state’s ethics law.

Logic…beyond Rethugicans in-tel-ligence…

PS: Question:
Do you have a FOI Act or a Sunshine Law that would allow citizens to request a copy of the report? If yes, let HuffPosters/Mudflatters know. I have a feeling many of us here would contribute to the cost of receiving a copy.

10 10 2008

The report seems sympathetic to the Palin extended family
Note the sympathy with their frustration at not knowing the results of the complaints against Wooten, and the recommendations to reexamine the law relating to it.

Note too the characterization of AK law on ethics as a high bar, and S. Palin’s guilt relating to her inaction, not specifically a guilty act.

She is exonerated for firing Monegan.

There is no finding of wrongdoing regarding Wooten’s workman’s comp claim.

I don’t think anyone who reads the report can call this biased against any of the Palins.

Palin can joke about it and make some remark about how she needs to reign in her husband, because he cares so much for his sister…

There will be some fallout, but it will be minimized and dismissed, but perhaps not forgotten.

I think it will have more consequences to her return to Alaska than it will have to the presidential campaign.

my $.02

10 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

kudos to the alaskan bloggers, the alaskan people and the bipartisan committee

you all refused to be put down by the mccain campaign dirty tricks and tactics

i have so much more respect for your state than ever before

i think that after the election, the palin’s may end up on some extended vacation….IN PRISON

good luck and god bless

10 10 2008
nancy-INDIANA: a.k.a. buck shot palin

The McCain website has no dammage control going on. Makes me wonder If he really knew everything. If he did infact know you would think he would have a statement ready.
i have a feeling he knows it is over. he was booed by his own crowd when he said Obama was a decent man. the wheels are indeed coming off of the “straight talk express”

10 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

how did they find no wrongdoing in regards to the worker comp claim?

todd admitted to basically stalking wooten

we have the testimony of the whistle blower

so does this report find palin at fault for anything?

10 10 2008

Dear AK Muckraker:
you are the best. Thanks again for all your hardwork!

I don’t care what the spinner say, this is a huge victory. It’s really hard to walk away from a legislative meeting that decided that you ABUSED POWER.


10 10 2008

I about DIED when Meg Stapleton came on the news this evening and said, “She feels vindicated. Democrats and Republicans alike now know she did nothing wrong.” WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU CRAZY EFFING WOMAN???? ARE YOU INSANE OR JUST NOT PAYING ATTENTION?

Sorry for the yelling, but that’s pretty much what I was doing. Even the newscasters were like, “What did she just say? That’s not what the report said.”

10 10 2008

Watch the video of the protest against Palin in Pittsburgh, and the Pro-Palin demonstration across the street.
She is here fundraising today.

10 10 2008

LaNon (18:05:08)

Some like to refer to her as swwnbn – she who will not be named

I prefer to call her McCain’s choice.
For many of us in the other 49 states she’s nothing more than that.

My sympathies to Alaskans. We in NY had a righteous governor who stood for ethics and such … he got caught paying for high priced prostitutes.

10 10 2008
PepperzMom (GA)

Uncle Joe:
“so does this report find palin at fault for anything?”

YES! Ethics violation…read pages 65-68 of report.

10 10 2008
Matt Ortega » Branchflower Report: Palin Abused Her Power

[…] The report was released to the public by a unanimous, bipartisan vote of twelve to zero, which even surprised Alaska blogger, […]

10 10 2008

Sorry, but you are misrepresenting “at will” employment in Alaska. To wit:

Only eleven U.S. states have recognized a breach of an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing as an exception to at-will employment.[9][13] These 11 states are:


This exception for a covenant of good faith and fair dealing represents the most significant departure from the traditional employment-at-will doctrine. Rather than narrowly prohibiting terminations based on public policy or an implied contract, this exception ” at its broadest ” reads a covenant of good faith and fair dealing into every employment relationship. It has been interpreted, by some courts, to mean either that employer personnel decisions are subject to a “just cause” standard or that terminations made in bad faith or motivated by malice are prohibited.

Therefore, Palin must produce “just cause”.

10 10 2008

Erin (18:22:55)

On the main question of her firing Walt Monegan, the finding is she did nothing wrong.

Prepare to hear that alot…

and prepare to hear that her only wrongdoing was to NOT restrain her loving protective husband enough…

10 10 2008
dove in canada

cmac (18:01:52) :

I just heard on larry king that the mccain campaign released a statement saying that it was a “partisan” effort and that she acted within her rights by firing moneghan.

this is such creepy half truth smokescreen spin by the repugs. the governor may appoint and dismiss the commissioner of public safety……..but She Who Will Not Be Named has violated the ethics legislation of executive branch…….what do they have to say about that finding !?!?

10 10 2008

from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

“About 200 people, almost entirely Obama supporters, gathered at the corner of 10th Street and Penn Avenue to protest GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who is Downtown for a fund-raiser this evening…

… There were a handful of McCain supporters in the crowd. ”


10 10 2008
Dust Chinstrap Palin

I forgot to ask — what’s in the secret portion of the report that’s not being released to the public? Can anyone at least describe the issues that the secret part covers?

10 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish P.

I think Wooten has a decent Libel case…minimally against re-Todd.

10 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

if i were the mccain campaign…i would have sarah make a “checker’s speech”

stop the “partisan” talk

either call a press conference, or buy time on one or more of the networks “not fox”

come out contrite

say that you thought you were protecting your family…that you would do anything to protect your family, and that for a moment it clouded your judgement

and then point out that the only gift you have ever gotten from a contributor is trig the wonder baby…and you aint giving it back

10 10 2008

@erin- I just had a little laugh reading you curse and then glanced up and saw that cutie patootie of yours. Her smile looks like she loves when her mommy gets riled up. 😉

10 10 2008
Sarah Palin Get Lost Party

Soldotna Sue (17:59:12) :

Thank you for the responses. I know that the report says that Wooten got all of the Workman’s Comp. that he was entitled to but that’s different than snooping in his personnel file. I don’t remember anything about medical files. Maybe there were medical files connected with the Workman’s Comp. info. That seems like the most serious part of all of this. You know, right to privacy….


You are absolutely correct about the right to privacy, Sue.

And therein lies the issue.

Snooping in a personnel file is expressly prohibited by law in most states, including (probably) Alaska. When the personnel file includes a WC file, then there’s an additional issue.

Perhaps Alaska keeps all WC and/or medical matters out of personnel files. Many states keep everything together.

When you have a personnel file which includes medical records, hippa kicks in. That’s one little federal bugger which requires the state nose of the narcissistic governor to stay out. Alaska may have its own state law prohibiting the review and/or disemmination of personnel files. Palin could claim that her state attorney general or state counsel did not properly educate her as to the law but I suspect that even in Alaska, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

It’s time to bring that lass and lad to justice. Time for the members of the Judicial Committee – either as a group or as individuals as their consciences allow – to make a referral for criminal investigation to the state Attorney General and to the federal Dept of Justice. Individual residents of Alaska can do that same. If Travis whatsisname refuses or stalls, light a fire under his arse with a Writ of Mandamus filing.

Justice must be served.

Time to send those lipstinked piggies into the pokey.

10 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Dear ALL!
Pat yourselves on the back. And again. Maybe one more time or two. This is terrific news and it sounds like we all contributed a small piece of the moral suasion that backed up this completely justified release of public information! I never did receive a response to any of my e-mails. But I hope they read them anyway.

10 10 2008
Ennealogic aka PumpBustHussein

AKM, all I gotta say is you are a national hero — for your informing, for your community organizing, and for your providing us all a platform to share our heartfelt wishes.

If ever I make it to the Alaskan frontier, I would love to buy you a coffee in that liberal shop and watch Brian in silent awe with you.

10 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy


ok…but what does it mean?

will she be censured or removed from office?

does monegan have a case to bring a lawsuit or demand his old job back

does it now go to the legislature and they have to act on it

im just a bit confused

10 10 2008

Thank you all for your great work. I am exhausted. All day I have been reminding myself to breathe… I have added a new routine in the morning. I pray for the Obama family to be safe and for their secret service protection to be vigiliant. The hate talk express has upset me so much.Does it bother you that Palin gets to lob her verbal grenades and then hide in the cone of silence?

Just imagine what how much power she could abuse in DC. Is the abuse of power mavericky?

10 10 2008

Too bad this story will have no affect on the McCain campaign. It will be talked about a day at the most and then things will move on.

That sucks because this does show the type of leader she is.

10 10 2008
Miemaw from Texas

What a wonderful Muckraker you are!

Unanimous! Unanimous! Unanimous!

Your lege did the right thing, in the face of some pretty intimdating idiots from Texas.

I will suggest to you again. Count the silverware, before they leave your state.

I’ll download this, and read it tomorrow. I got the overview first from David Schuster (filling in for K.O.) and then from Rachel Maddow, who interviewed Walt Monegan. I can see why his mama is so proud of her son. He has finally been vindicated, after all these long months. She can relax now.

“Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts – absolutely.”

You folks up north have really great watchdogs, who actually do hold people accountable.

Thanks for all your hard work on the AKM. It paid off in spades.

10 10 2008

I hear that Palin used her influence when she was on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to help Wooten get his job as a state trooper in the first place. Apparently, when he was engaged to her sister, Palin was happy to help him get a steady job. Is this an ethics violation?

Todd Palin’s overarching role in this incident is quite remarkable, considering that he does not work for the state. Is this another violation of state law?

Such pathetic, small minded politics.

10 10 2008

Got to remember that the sworn testimony of the 7+ members of her administration is not included and is going to come in the form of a separate report. Still waiting on emails, too, so there could be more damning evidence. However, bottom line, I suspect this won’t change the opinions of many people. Those who think she’s appalling will have more evidence of that and those who think she’s being unfairly hounded will defend her even more. She certainly feels no shame according to the McCain camp statement tonight.

I bet there are a lot of Palin adversaries who actually hope she gets elected so she won’t bring her vengeful, petty self hom e to wreak havoc on them.

10 10 2008
Tangle Jig Palin


Wish that would fit on a bumper sticker

10 10 2008

Sarah Palin Get Lost Party (18:30:42) :

the report criticizes the loose definitions about the proper use of state personnel files.
Specifically he criticizes the lax definitions and no guidelines for determining what are valid reasons to release records.

10 10 2008
Clemo KC

Sarah Palin violates state law and the public trust!

What struck me was their relentless efforts to not only get him fired but to keep him from getting another job. Skim to the divorce part and the judge talks about the sister wanting 55/45 family support (because her back might hurt) and ends up being 50/50 because the judge talks about how they’re trying to get him fired and he may not be bringing in later what he is now and how they shouldn’t try to kill the goose with the golden egg (or something like that).

Also, the fact that he killed a moose, with his wife’s gun as she was there too, and his father-in-law helped him dress it, but they want the trooper to be fined/jailed/fired(?) but not anyone else involved. They wanted it to come to trial(?) again=double jeopardy, but nothing to see over here.

Also, that SP’s husband seems to be way involved in her role as Gov., always there in her office, involved in meetings, making calls on her behalf. Does he make the decisions too?

The only reason the judgement states that not firing Wooten wasn’t the only reason WM was fired is because the Gov. can fire at will for no reason at all. If you read clear to the end you’ll see they bring up WM and insubordination due to budgets, etc. They also interviewed someone in WM’s office that talks about a call they got saying as long as Wooten was on the payroll they would not receive additional money for their budget.

But, the nail in his coffin was when WM sent a poster to SP to autograph with a trooper on it for an event she was suppose to go to. Because WM didn’t know what Wooten looked like, yep, you guessed it, the guy in the picture was Wooten! Can you imagine how her blood pressure spiked?

10 10 2008
Chris Blask

Crust Scramble, you get a High Five from the Motley Moose

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (17:49:18) :
I gotta say it again. McCain would have to drop her like a rock if illegalities were substantiated. Now, thank you God, she’s gonna be the gift that keeps on giving.

That sums it up perfectly.

10 10 2008

After reading Todd Palin’s pseudo deposition it is glaringly obvious that having Wooten fired was a family obsession. This comes through in spite of the document scrubbing performed by McCain’s legion of Washington lawyers.

10 10 2008

LaNon (18:05:08) :


what does

(sarah with?…) SHE WHO WILL NOT BE NAMED!

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Michele (18:36:03) :

Got to remember that the sworn testimony of the 7+ members of her administration is not included and is going to come in the form of a separate report. Still waiting on emails, too, so there could be more damning evidence. However, bottom line, I suspect this won’t change the opinions of many people. Those who think she’s appalling will have more evidence of that and those who think she’s being unfairly hounded will defend her even more. She certainly feels no shame according to the McCain camp statement tonight.
You’re right. But I, for one (and I know there are more like me out there) that will continue to hammer my elected officials to pay attention and stand up for what is right in this election. I will not tolerate the hate-speak any longer and I will not tolerate the one-sided reporting, or the out and out lies, or the glamour voting, be it by a former POW or a beauty queen.

10 10 2008

I’ll bet it’s a bad bad night at the McCain hacienda. His reputation and career down the drain. Legacy of stupidity.

10 10 2008

AKM, Nicely done and nicely put above. I also suggested on the previous thread messages of thanks to the Council members. Certainly they were under a great deal of pressure from Party and Public about the release vote. I’m thrilled they did the right thing!

As a fellow Mudpuppy pointed out, Hollis French and Branchflower deserve messages of thanks too.

Well done, Alaska!

10 10 2008
scarlet in Oregon


So happy tonight that Palin didn’t get away with it, but more so in the strength of all of you excerising your Rights and not feeling powerless like we all have in the last 8 years.

Thank you to the Alaskan Citizens, Bloggers and Many good wishes to Mr. Monegan and his mother…..true heroes!!

By the way, at least Rachel Maddow, Robert Kennedy Jr. and Salon. com are pushing the ‘other’ Palin horror of AIP and who knows maybe the NY Times will learn how to write about that although none of my emails seem to be heeded….lol oh well

10 10 2008
Jane in Ohio

I’ve been checking all the news channels, websites, both nationally and internationally. Everyone is carrying this at the top story….before the econony! BBC has a good report heading off their show. We can only hope that this will show everyone all over the world what kind of a mold she’s cut from. I’m in deep, deep republican territory here and I can’t wait to see how they explain this one away. Oh yes, I forgot…it’s all about abortion, not lying or abuse of power.
Pray for me. I may not survive living here. If it was not for mudflats I think I would have gone crazy. God bless my Alaskan friend for turning me on to your site.

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Miss the editing. Remove that ‘that’. Thanks.

10 10 2008
Sarah Palin Get Lost Party

I don’t think this ethics ruling will be forgotten.

There are many supporters of our men and women in blue (just like many of us support our neighbors in uniform who are serving overseas) who are hardcore republicans. I live in a hardcore conservative area where rules and regulations, and doing things the right way are not only important but a way of life. The folks around here greatly dislike democrats and view them as the enablers of the lazy people in society.

But this Palin stuff is making many of them rethink their positions. It’s been a topic of conversation for a few weeks but I’ve probably not heard as much negative stuff directed at Sarah Palin as I have the past couple of days. Nor have I read as many strong opinions directed against her on local newspaper forums as I have this past week. Her strongest supporters have gone silent. And some of McCain’s supporters are starting to say that they’ve had enough of him and her. Just a few moments ago, I read the comments of one hardcore conservative on pennlive. He says he’ll be voting for Obama.

One vote, one person, one heart at a time.

10 10 2008

Thanks everyone for the puzzle help. I’m disappointed in myself that I was unable to guess it…crossword puzzle, license plate champ with degree in English. DUH!

“what does


10 10 2008

Who here thinks this will have an adverse affect on the McCain campaign? I sadly think it will have zero affect. Argh!!

10 10 2008
Manny Mysterio

It’s everywhere. Finally the media has to look at the seedier side of Sarah. I wonder if they’ll finally start reporting on AIP, the rape kits, Muthee, etc.

10 10 2008

When I saw John McCain tonight on television defending Obama’s reputation against the pathetic woman who worried that he is an “arab,” I actually felt sympathy for him. He must wonder how he wound up in this place – a stranger in a room full of wing nuts – certainly he is a better man than this. My advice is that he ask Palin to quit (confidentially, of course), fire his Nazi campaign manager, and redirect his message back to the issues he cares most about. He will likely still lose the election, but probably by a smaller margin, and most definitely with his honor intact.

10 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

I think “0” because the media will handle it as nothing. It’s just not enough of a story for them.

10 10 2008

fixthebroken (18:46:55) :

Who here thinks this will have an adverse affect on the McCain campaign? I sadly think it will have zero affect. Argh!!


nice try.

10 10 2008

mvngfwd (18:30:35) : 🙂 Ha! I don’t normally curse, but Meghan S. really pi$$ed me off, blatantly saying the opposite of what was just reported. Actually, it made her look pretty stupid. My little darling doesn’t see that side of me often. Luckily, I usually peruse the sites after she’s asleep!

And drchill (18:27:56) : There’s no way anyone can say she did nothing wrong. If you’ve been found to have abused your power while in the Governor’s office, then you did something wrong. Violating the ethics code counts as DOING SOMETHING WRONG.

Okay, now I’m off to calm down and snuggle with my baby…that should do it.

10 10 2008
not your pal Palin

Though I think Obama is gonna win in November, I don’t want to become complacent. However, it might be a good thing to stop obsessing on Palin and turn our energy to supporting Mark Begich. He is in a tight race against Stevens, and he could use our energy to get the word out on his good ideas. Mark is ready to serve our state and our nation, and it’s time to give Stevens the retirement he deserves.

This is such a wonderful blog, and it would be great to give some support to Mark.

10 10 2008

the mccain spinners have joined us.

He is cooked. Fork & all that.

Economy + Palin> insurmountable
He blew it. He had it, and blew it.

10 10 2008
PepperzMom (GA)

Uncle Joe:


ok…but what does it mean?

will she be censured or removed from office?

does monegan have a case to bring a lawsuit or demand his old job back

does it now go to the legislature and they have to act on it

im just a bit confused”

So is everyone at this stage. There could be a recall by the citizens or impeachment by the Legislature. I believe ethics/abuse of power is a justification for impeachment.

Also, fuel for the fire, the illegal use of private e-mails for official state business:
Judge: Palin must preserve e-mails on private accounts Posted by Alaska_Politics Posted: October 10, 2008 – 12:33 pm Comments (38) | Recommend (9) From Kyle Hopkins in Anchorage
Andree McLeod just stopped by the Legislative offices, after the hearing this morning on her lawsuit against Gov. Sarah Palin and the state. Looks like McLeod won at least parts of what she’s asking for – to force the governor to retrieve or preserve any e-mails she’s written on private accounts that deal with government business.

She carried a copy of the order signed by Superior Court Judge Craig Stowers. “Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and the office of the governor of Alaska … are ordered to preserve all e-mails (including attachments thereto) sent between December 4, 2006, and the resolution of this litigation…”

But the judge didn’t approve another of McLeod’s requests, which would have forced Palin to stop using private accounts to talk about state business.

There’s load more out there now about her less than reputable governance of Alaska that could be used against her.

10 10 2008

Personally I’d like to see said “Liberal coffeeshop” receive some good promotion, much like “Obama sign” has. I’d laugh my arse off (and I’d like to donate $$ to a tip jar).

A quick (perhaps embarrassingly ignorant if not dumb) question: if (when) Joe Biden becomes US VP, what happens to his Senate seat, as it looks as though he will win both?

Sure be cool if he could designate Beau Biden to step in.

I will continue researching scenarios, as I’ve obviously forgotten my basic Civics 101 high school lessons 😉

AKM: You simply ROCK, my friend…you keep our message together. Thank you

10 10 2008

fixthebroken (18:34:26) :

Too bad this story will have no affect on the McCain campaign. It will be talked about a day at the most and then things will move on.



I agree…there has been so much abuse of power in the past 8 years that it simply seems like Republican “business as usual”

AKM and Mudpuppies alike, good work!

10 10 2008

@olive- I just said the same thing to my husband about that video with that crackpot woman. This is definitely not John McCain circa 2000 and I think more and more Repubs are liking this version even less.

10 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Debbie A. aka Hen Waffle That One (18:00:17) :

Ain’t this a great place to hang out?

10 10 2008

fixthebroken (18:34:26) :

Too bad this story will have no affect on the McCain campaign. It will be talked about a day at the most and then things will move on.


Of course it won’t affect the McCain campaign. That’s not the point. I think it will have an affect on independent voters. That’s where it counts. And I don’t think it will be forgotten. People don’t like ethics violations.

10 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Thanks everyone who has volunteered to send a donation to the liberal coffee shop … when we mail our donations in, let’s send them in honor of Mudflats in appreciation for their hard work and dedication to getting the truth out. Please, post the name of the poor middle-class shopkeeper the palin bums stiffed. They need our help!

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

fixthebroken (18:46:55) :

Who here thinks this will have an adverse affect on the McCain campaign? I sadly think it will have zero affect. Argh!!

I’m happy to disagree with you. McCain has already had to tone down his hate-filled rhetoric, and now he has to tell us once again why sarah is such a great VP pick. Sorry, I don’t think that’s gonna wash anymore. Besides, there is so much more to come.

I’d feel sorry for him, except he’s brought this all on himself.

10 10 2008

LaNon (18:48:30) :
fixthebroken (18:46:55) :

Who here thinks this will have an adverse affect on the McCain campaign? I sadly think it will have zero affect. Argh!!


nice try.



If you have been here long enough you would know that I am as big Obama supporter as anyone here. Some people here would vouch for me. I am not a McCain spinner.

But I am serious. Sadly, I think this will end up being much ado about nothing. I hope I am wrong. But I am not getting excited that this is check and mate for the McCain campaign.

10 10 2008


Biden will relinquish his senate seat and the Governor of Delaware will appoint a replacement who will serve until the next election.

10 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Alaskans puhleeeze with a whole bowl of cherries on top, let the impeachment be put on hold until November 5th.

10 10 2008
Hipple, Rev. Paul T.

I’m sure Jesus will help Gov. Mother Sarah Palin will get through these Dark Times. He may even help her make bail.


“Jesus is my Bail Bondsman”

10 10 2008

Thanks for your very thorough and descriptive report, AKM. Almost felt like I was there. It is kind of too bad this was released on a Friday, and pretty late in the day for those of us in the east and mid-west, but I don’t think it will fade away – it’s just the perfect counterpoint to SPs claims of being a maverick and reformer.

LOL Crust Scramble – “the gift that keeps on giving.”
Here’s hoping Tina Fey keeps this alive on SNL tomorrow.

10 10 2008

Here McCain says that he would Fire someone the other day because he failed the publics trust.

If he is willing to suggest that on the campaign trail as part of how he would be a president of the US wouldnt that mean he should fire Palin as well???



protus (18:51:29) :

In his prepared remarks, Sen. McCain (Ariz.), without naming Cox, said the chairman has “betrayed the public’s trust.”

“If I were president today, I would fire him,” McCain will say, according to his prepared remarks.

10 10 2008

I got a breaking news alert in my email and was thrilled. Hypocrite and liar! Can’t wait to see how they explain this! She’s just as dirty as the rest of the Republican party in Washington.

10 10 2008

If He does not Fire her he loses credibility and respect.

If he does fire her he loses the far right conservatives

Man oh man tough choice there John.

10 10 2008

Going to bed now, but had a GREAT day hanging with the mudpups! Congratulations and sweet dreams, all!
Cincykid (aka Puffin Shrapnel Palin)

10 10 2008
John Henry

All hail Sarah Palin Queen of the Mavericks! 🙂

John McCain’s response to the Branchflower report: “Don’t Be Diverted By The Ground Noise and The Static”

10 10 2008
Roza Hussien

Abuse of power, these people live for it.
Thank you, though I check in here daily.

I am in PA …we are going Obama 🙂 Palin story is teased on our 11 o’clock news.
Quite surprised and thank you.

10 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

fixthebroken and crust scramble,

My humble opinion is that McCain stepped in a big pile of poop when he chose Palin without adequate investigation. And the stink will stick. McCain’s judgement is as bad as Palin’s. This will resonate with independents and those undecided. This underlines McCain’s less than stable behavior.

Plus, this will cost $$$$ and TIME for McCain to clean up Palin.


10 10 2008

Oct: 10: Newsweek’s Howard Fineman talks with Countdown guest host David Shuster about the Troopergate investigation and what the Republican party needs to do in order to spin the ruling in their favor, including blaming the Democrats for a premeditated “witchhunt.”

–IMO, the term “witchhunt” might backfire!

10 10 2008

I wonder if any lawyers or HR folks would know the answer to these questions:

1. Is it legal for a family member to use the governor’s office for a private meeting with the police commissioner? Seems it wouldn’t be, or you’d have a lot more of this taking place in governor’s offices all around the country!

2. What happened to the whistleblower from the private company that processed the workman’s comp. claims? She said there was pressure applied to deny Wooten’s claim. And then the owner of the company reversed her answer and finally admitted the same.

3. Why was it okay for so many members of Palin’s staff to make phone calls and inquiries pressing for Wooten’s dismissal? Isn’t this also an abuse of office or position somehow? This was none of their business and yet, acting upon either indirect or direct guidance from the governor, they chose to make it so.

I just have this sick feeling in my stomach that McCain’s camp will spin, spin, spin and the unschooled public, hearing a blur of facts but nothing actionable, will shrug their shoulders and move on….

10 10 2008


I sure hope so. I just have been around long enough to know how evil Republicans can be nowadays. They will spin this. If that doesn’t work they may concoct an October Surprise of their own to put out this fire.

10 10 2008
hopeless pedant

Once again, McCain has no ability to drop Palin.

She is the VP nominee irrespective of anything he does. She was nominated by the Republican convention. She can no more be dropped than if she were already VP.

McCain could ask her to withdraw. If she said no, then they could take her plane away and not sponsor any events, and then ask any of his electors to vote for someone else he suggests.

But the governing rule here, and it is crucial, since no way she backs off, is that this is ultimately her choice, not his.

10 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Marsha (18:59:15) :

I agree that this shows Palin is just the same. No maverick. McSame.

And ultimately, this issue will serve to make Palin improbable for national office.

And Obama will use it.

10 10 2008

They cant spin it.

Its Says She ABUSED her POWER.

irregardless of what ever else happend.

10 10 2008

Ethics. Morality. Both have been sorely missing from the GOP, the current Republican administration and the McCain/Palin ticket.

Look at the reports that NSA has been ILLEGALLY eavesdropping on Americans abroad whren thec called home.. even the calls of soldiers- those defending this country were snooped on/ SHAME! This is completely illegal- disgusting and reprehensible. Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld set up that atmosphere of secrecy. Welcome to Germany 1939- updated for th e21st century.

Look at Guantanamo Bay incarcerations. Look at abu ghraib. This is not America! This is fascism. This is why we are voting in the campaign of HOPE over that of fear and torture.

And then there is McCain/Palin. Violating ethics in AK and on the campaign trail.

If ever we needed the MORAL COMPASS of Obama- it is now. And it cannot come a minute too soon.

Thank you Obama for being brave and moral. Thank you AKM for all your hard work. Thank you fellow Mudpuppies for holding on to sanity, integrity, curiousity and civility.

10 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

fixthebroken (19:04:54) :


I sure hope so. I just have been around long enough to know how evil Republicans can be nowadays. They will spin this. If that doesn’t work they may concoct an October Surprise of their own to put out this fire.

Of course the REpubs will spin it. Max. But this is going to hurt them with the folks who have not decided.

Telling, my Repub hubby is avoiding the TV. Translation, he hasn’t been told by Hannity or O’Reilly what to think yet. This is good stuff since it is able to distract CNN from the economy.

10 10 2008

The finally: It all comes down to this!!!

10 10 2008

I’ll be curious to know if Alaskans might have a problem with Todd Palin’s access to Government Documents and his Shadow Governorship?

I mean, if Palin was a man and he forwarded government business to the little woman at home…just how would that go over?

10 10 2008
Diva "Slicer Mission" Palin

PBS wants to know if you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be VP. For some unfathomable reason, this poll is tied at 49%. The results will be reported in the MSM. Have at it, folks!

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

I love this blog, you guys are wonderful!!!

Sarah made a huge mistake but I think the most disturbing information is Todd’s involvement. Todd has been impersonating a public official. Alaskans did not vote for him; he has no right to direct the state’s business. Seems to me this is unlawful, you can’t even use a prepaid government envelope without the threat of litigation. Isn’t Todd’s involvement much more than that? Can’t the citizens of Alaska file a lawsuit against the “Shadow Governor”?

10 10 2008
Diva "Slicer Mission" Palin

P.S. Email that link to every breathing being you know! If you live in Chicago, email the dead ones too! (j/k!)

10 10 2008

heres the link I looked up that worked for me

( hope it shows up )

10 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

karion, we’re dying to know what you think! 😀

10 10 2008

Diva, The link doesn’t work.

10 10 2008
In The Land of Disbelief

Consult with your doctor about the new morning after running mate pill, Palinex

10 10 2008
Lana, KY

Everyone remember ~ “IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL THE FAT LADY SINGS” ~
but I do think I hear her warming up …

There’s still 3 weeks of hard fighting to go.


10 10 2008

THWv (19:17:30) :

Diva, The link doesn’t work.

I found it.

10 10 2008

What is a liberal coffee shop? And could you tell us who they are?

10 10 2008

RE: SP on SNL.. I wonder if this will come to pass. The more she delivers these hateful attack speeches, the less “humorous” she seems to be. SNL is about humor- and fun, not assassination.. they may decide to disinvite her…

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Chris Blask (18:39:46) :

Crust Scramble, you get a High Five from the Motley Moose

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (17:49:18) :
I gotta say it again. McCain would have to drop her like a rock if illegalities were substantiated. Now, thank you God, she’s gonna be the gift that keeps on giving.

That sums it up perfectly.

Thanks for the High Five, Motley Moose.

I gotta say, I love you all you guys. It feels so good to be on the side of right! Go us mudpuppies and mooses!

10 10 2008

The only thing I can see them ( repubs ) doing is creating some Home grown terrorist attack to sway the electorate with Fear.

Would the RNC and the Bush Admin go that far?

10 10 2008
Reality Check

“The Release of the Branchflower Report” …ho, hum

I would offer up another title to this such as “Palin Abused Her Power”.

As much attention as this blog has given this topic, I would have expected a more descriptive title then the generic one you gave it!

10 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

Yeah, it’s going to take me at least as long as the legislators to thoroughly review this. My thoughts in the late day tomorrow, perhaps. Carry on with your fun, and I’ll try to catch up later.
Love you all.

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

I am still confused by the Palin pick, why would John McCain in his right mind… oops!!!

10 10 2008

Reality Check (19:23:34) :

“The Release of the Branchflower Report” …ho, hum

I would offer up another title to this such as “Palin Abused Her Power”.

As much attention as this blog has given this topic, I would have expected a more descriptive title then the generic one you gave it!

I agree something like..

Its out!!! Palin ABUSED her POWER!

10 10 2008

What is done in the dark comes to the light. God Bless all the wonderful people of Alaska who felt the need to find truth. What Sarah Palin sows she too shall reap.

Obama/Biden Nov 4th, 2008 and this is so!!

10 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Andres Halcro is now getting nasty emails because of this report. You can check out his blog. Andrew did the right thing.

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

A Power Hungry Pit Bull Chokes On Her Lipstick!!!

10 10 2008
Melangell aka Missile Blunt Palin

Hooray for Alaska! Hip hip hooray for AKM, and all of you lovely Mudpuppies!!

And a big smooch for the Cosmic Brian!

I’m in for the tip jar for the liberal coffee shop! If I ever get to Anchorage, I’ll be sure to stop in for a bite.

G’night, fellow Pups!

10 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly G)


10 10 2008

Ok…the other day I told this board how I had checked out the Hannity forum, to see what the other side was thinking. When I called Rush L, scum, I was banned for life from the board.

Their policy, if you “ridicule” any of the sponsors, you get banned for life. You can still read what is over there, just can’t post.

Anyway, I was curious what they were saying on the Palin ruling, so I surfed over there a few minutes ago. There was one thread where a poster was upset at MSNBC, and quoted what they reported, comparing it to Fox.

This poster was complaining that MSNBC was lying about the Palin Ruling. They were using Fox’s (spin) on the ruling : she was within her rights to fire Wooten.

Another poster promptly submitted the exact quote from the report, to show the truth, that she had been found guilty of abusing her power. They also added a comment about how MSNBC’s version was closer to the truth.

Within minutes after the postings, the thread disappeared. POOF! Just like I witnessed before.

It is amazing. And a little chilling. The censorship of posts that simply present the other side is something out of Nazi Germany. I really have no respect for anyone who works for Fox news.

10 10 2008
Baby Power Dyke

This is one of the best things to happen all day. What a great way to end the week!

I think Nelson says it best.

10 10 2008

Okay. Here’s what happens. She is guilty of abuse of power. For many Independents, this announcement will seal their exit from any support of the McAbuser ticket.

Whether it is a “slap on the wrist,” or the beginning of her end as a governor, due to further lawsuits and proceedings, the damage is done.

She is spilt milk, damaged goods. There is no time to rehabilitate her. From a campaign standpoint, take the fork out and put it in the dishwasher.

10 10 2008


10 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Hussein (19:17:12) :

karion, we’re dying to know what you think!

HA! I just now – just five minutes ago – finished it. The whole damn thing. Every single word – and took notes along the way. I am going to crack open a bottle of wine, and then I will tell you what i think.

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

What’s that old saying, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear…

10 10 2008

NoCalGal (18:58:11) :


Biden will relinquish his senate seat and the Governor of Delaware will appoint a replacement who will serve until the next election.


NoCalGal…thank you! 😉

10 10 2008

HuffPo now has a headline saying that this report of Palin’s Abuse of Power is a major blow to McCain.

10 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter Idiot Hater


It has just been confirmed that Sen John Sidney McCain is really vietnamese after spending 5 years there in the luxury of a Hilton Hotel.

News to follow…

10 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

I think McCain and Palin both got what they deserved.
McCain wanted someone to bring in the conservative, Hillary and white women’s votes. He chose Palin, who was, essentially allowed to self-vet.
Palin saw that a commission of mostly republicans was set to look into ethics violations and so on, and, when asked by McCain to be VP didn’t blink because she saw a chance to get a lot of high powered help with her problem , which she couldn’t afford on her own. She therefore outright lied or downplayed this little investigation which no one outside the state new about.
McCain, being blindsided with this news just a few days after her acceptance speech and overwhelming welcome at the convention galvanized him to send spin doctors to Alaska. Palin probably hoped the attention for Alaska and the perks this could bring would rally the republican legislators to her side. That happened some, but, as we saw today, they held their own against the onslaught of lawyers and partisainship. I’m sure many weren’t happy with the glare of the spotlight on Alaskan politics.
Palin was used as a puppet to bring in the votes. McCain has never supported her–just look at how he treats her when they’re together. McCain was used by a golddigger to finance her necessary defense and mitigate the consequences she deserved–and this probably worked, so some extent.
As ridiculous a national political figure as Palin is, she may very well gotten pretty much what she wanted out of this deal. She used McCain, just as she used so many others in her drive for power.

10 10 2008

Although there were apparently many extenuating facts that played a part in the committee’s decision, it looks like they kept it simple and stuck to one main issue: abuse of power in firing Monegan and Wooten. But, there are a lot of implications in these findings of guilt:

Palin basically has been found guilty of covering up lies. Isnt’ this what got Clinton impeached? Are there grounds for impeachment now? Furthermore, aren’t officials found guilty of breaking the law not illegible to run for higher offices?

This isn’t over. Wooten and Monegan can sue for wrongful termination. I hope they do.

One good thing is that the committee identified areas where the law can be improved to prevent personnel violations such as more safeguards when releasing medical records. They said there need to be a legitimate reason to ask for them. So, they are trying to put procedural safeguards in the Alaska state law for the citizens and employees. That is good. They are protecting the people. The governor is another story, however. Need a new one.

10 10 2008

I’m quite amused at the FACT that Sarah Palin’s SISTER and FATHER would have been charged for their part in the Moose killing too. They were co-conspirators in the Moose Killing and then tried to use it against the Trooper to get him fired! How Stupid is this family?

My, My, My….It appears that Sarah Palin would go to any lengths to lie and to cover up the TRUTH in order to exact her vendetta against anyone that crosses her.

10 10 2008

Wow… Your Meg Stapleton is a piece of work:

McCain spokeswoman Meg Stapleton released this statement:
Today’s report shows that the Governor acted within her proper and lawful authority in the reassignment of Walt Monegan. The report also illustrates what we’ve known all along: this was a partisan led inquiry run by Obama supporters and the Palins were completely justified in their concern regarding Trooper Wooten given his violent and rogue behavior. Lacking evidence to support the original Monegan allegation, the Legislative Council seriously overreached, making a tortured argument to find fault without basis in law or fact. The Governor is looking forward to cooperating with the Personnel Board and continuing her conversation with the American people regarding the important issues facing the country.

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

JT – most independents aren’t on Fox, they are preaching to the choir!!!

10 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Palin’s tenure in Alaska filled with pet projects.

Politico reports on Gov. Sarah Palin’s prolific spending while governor of Alaska. “She supports spending taxpayer cash on initiatives that tickle her fancy,” Ken Vogel notes. “During her tenures as both mayor and governor, operating budgets ballooned by 55 percent in Wasilla and 25 percent in Alaska.” Some examples of Palin’s pet projects:

– $25,000 for the Juneau Christian Center, after Palin started worshipping there.

– $2 million for an academic conference meant to dispel the idea that climate change is threatening polar bears.

– $630,000 for a kitchen in a hockey arena complex the self-described hockey mom built during her second term as Wasilla’s mayor.

– At least $10,000 to help fund the snowmobile race Todd Palin has won several times.

Ultimately, Palin took Wasilla’s long-term debt from $1 million when she entered office to $25 million when she left.” “Anything she proposed is a good earmark,” said Bob Weinstein, mayor of Ketchikan, Alaska.

10 10 2008

Dreams in TX,

I agree. But is is so CREEPY that they try to monitor what those insane people are reading.

It…it is like mind control!!


10 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter Idiot Hater

I thought about Palin (it was not nice, but only lasted 30 seconds) last week and she tried to have me arrested and I live in VA..

10 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Almost, Dreams in TX.

In Alaska, they say, You can’t make a silk purse out of a pit bull’s ear! 🙂

10 10 2008

Check out this video, send it to people sitting on the fence who are not immediately dismissing the foolish & dangerous talk from the McLame campaign:

10 10 2008

I agree with fixtheboken
TRUTH doesn’t matter in politics. I never realized that till this election. We all knew what kind of person SP was before she made her big speech at the RNC. I remember thinking, just wait till you find out all about her. Well guess what. They still love her.

It’s just like when your friend falls in love with a jerk. You can see he’s a jerk and you can talk till your blue in the face about what a jerk he is, but they will just say “you don’t understand”. or “You know how the MSM lies”

10 10 2008


You’re right about FOX NEWS. They are awful. Bad journalism. Hate mongers. For a time a watched just to see where they were coming from, but I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I never learnd this kind of biased reporting in journalism school. They should be boycotted and taken off the air.

10 10 2008

protus (19:20:27) :

THWv (19:17:30) :

Diva, The link doesn’t work.

I found it

49%to49% at this time. Please, let’s change the
margin, as mudflatters we know we can do anything
as a team. AKM has shown us “this is true”.


10 10 2008

Karion — Are you the same karion with the super awesome email on the cajun’s blog?

10 10 2008
mhrt oregon

so many comments
i would first like to say………you all in AK…..ROCK…..six weeks ago did you think you had so much power…….i read her each day and i am still in awe at the things that you all have made happen the rallies, hitting all the major new papers……….who would have known that one women would have so much dirt stuck to her…….all over america small groups are making a hugh diffrence………But if you guys in AK had not started mudflats and ALL of the things that you did……….i really think that they would have gotten away with it……..i was born in a tiny town in arkansas so i do know how small a town can be ( the town had two streets that crossed)…….so you guys were very brave to do this……..i am so glad that the people of AK still hear the call of the wild and can get all (MAVERICKY) when they feel a need to………My thanks to all the people of the 50 states and the world…….my HOPE is the world turns Blue
ammo canal that one palin……………..
any updates on how PP is doing last I heard it $800,000 donated to palin….

10 10 2008

“$630,000 for a kitchen in a hockey arena complex the self-described ”

For a kitchen??????
About a couple years after she became mayor we built an entire restaurant for less than that!! (With a dining room and bar, and the land!)


10 10 2008

AKM, once again, thanks for your report and giving us a place to wait and talk.

Folks, if you emailed the Senators and Reps asking them to vote yes to release the Branchflower Report, please email again to thank them. Emails can be found here:
(scroll down)


What a day it’s been. Felt mildly sorry for McCain when he had to quiet the people at his rally. Classic Greek Tragedy. In my heart, though I don’t support him, I believe he let his strategists lead him down the wrong path.

But then I read the partisan crap about the Branchflower Report and I lose all respect for him again.

I take some solace in the fact that there’s 24 more days of campaigning. If I’ve made it this far, I can make the final days. Focus on the good. Focus on Obama Biden. Work for the campaign. And, of course, come here for my daily dose of sanity.

10 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

I wonder if McCain would have still picked Palin if she’d been vetted first.
Maybe not, because she sure did stir up the country for 6 weeks.

And she’s always got a job selling motivational tapes.

10 10 2008

My mom used to watch Fox news, and she disagreed with them about everything. It got her so upset. My sister and I finally convinced her to stop watching.

Like my grandma used to say….garbage in, garbage out.

She stopped watching, and feels much better these days!

10 10 2008

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (19:22:19)
Go us mudpuppies and mooses!——meese?????????????????

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

JT – It…it is like mind control!!

I do agree with you very scary stuff!!! It’s hard living here in TX sometimes, with all the Sarah lovers!!! I saw a HUGE sign today that was at least 3×3 with SARAH! written on it in huge letter and then a little McCain/Palin at the bottom. It made it look like she was at the top of the ticket.

I could only say…OMG

10 10 2008
Marty Hussein That One Voter Idiot Hater

I read a report that palin paid 50.000 to redecorate her Wasilla office when she was mayor.. Exactly how much furniture can you get for $50k??

Sounds like being in public office was simply a way to get stuff free. Wonder if she demanded keys to all the big box stores she allowed to move into wasilla

10 10 2008

And I read recently (sorry cannot find the link at the moment) that the AK Permanent fund- where the $$$ flows to Alaskans has lost $5.5Billion or some such… now, this is due to the oil situation and not the governors doing- BUT as she claimed some credit for giving the citizens extra money from the fund- will she receive the “blame” for the depletion?

Just curious.

I agree that SP’s political career is over @ least as far as national office is concerned… maybe Faux news will have her.. but I think the rest of the US has HAD ENOUGH! 🙂

10 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

OT, maybe…but I urge you to do the same. Sent to McCain and Palin:
” Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (19:38:37) :

Note to SWWNBN—
“Honorable Governor Sarah Palin–

Your rhetoric in your run to the Whitehouse offends me.

If Senator Obama so much as stubs his toe during this campaign, I hold you personally responsible. Your attempts to stir racial insecurities into this campaign is despicable.

You should be ashamed. I am old enough to remember the brutal killings of leaders of the United States…you are not. Perhaps you play with fire, but you should be very careful.

If you have no knowledge of America’s history of assassinations, perhaps you should try to learn of it.

You tread on shaky ground here.”
10 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (19:40:18) :

Sent this to the Gov’s email—-which one, I’m not sure.

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

Why can’t the election be this next week???? I might have a nervous breakdown before this is over!!!

10 10 2008
Lori W.

I think someone needs to investigate the $630,000 kitchen in the hocky rink – could it be graft? Or $ back to build house for Todd and Sarah? Investigate?
Pile it on.

10 10 2008

One sign of hope is when I hear noted Republicans speaking out against the GOP campaign.

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

JT (19:35:22) :

Ok…the other day I told this board how I had checked out the Hannity forum, to see what the other side was thinking. When I called Rush L, scum, I was banned for life from the board.

And you’re surprised? I learned this on another forum. Right wingers are not investigators of the truth. They listen to the talking heads and they aren’t the least bit curious about the facts. Sad, but true, they represent a whole lotta folks. It’s really quite amazing that Obama’s turning the majority of us blue. GO BLUE!

10 10 2008
King Baeksu

For the good of the nation and indeed the world, it’s time for Sarah Palin to withdraw from the campaign for “family reasons.”

Even better would be for McCain to concede here and now so that we can begin to right our economic ship before it’s too late.

We don’t need to waste another month listening to their endless lies and spin as the GOP tries to defend the indefensible.

If McCain really wants to put country first, there’s only one choice for him at this moment.

Really, the BS must stop now. Our very lives depend on it.

It’s time for the grown-ups to take charge once again.

KB, Seoul, ROK

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL HUSSEIN (19:53:37) :

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (19:22:19)
Go us mudpuppies and mooses!——meese?????????????????
Hey, I’ve never seen a moose in real life. What is the plural of moose?

10 10 2008

Now let’s see the real miracle – that Alaska goes to Obama. This will certainly help!!

Here is a brilliant comment from “whatsthatsound” on the Huffington Post, granted the progressives in Alaska won’t care for this:

“A modest proposal: The supporters of McCain/Palin can be summed up in a few words without generalizing them too much: they are white, they don’t live in big, cosmopolitan cities, they are not all that educated, nor do they value education all that highly, they are a significant portion of the 30% or so that keep giving Bush their astonishing approval, they are ANGRY, and will be even angrier when Barack Obama becomes their president.

So, what to do, after Obama wins?

Create a one time only fund to move them all up to Alaska where Sarah Palin can be their ruler, John McCain can be her Prime Minister, they can make their own currency with Sarah on one side and the Ten Commandments on the other, and they can leave the rest of us to try to fix this country up.”

10 10 2008

SMR (19:49:17) :

Yep. He and I are friends.

Okay, after a quick run fora bottle of wine, I think I have synthesized much of what I read. I tried – and I think, to some extent succeeded – in reading it as an attorney, not a Palin-hater. I am both, to be sure, but I was more interested in Branchflower’s investigation and presentation of facts as neutral.

I think he largely accomplished that. There are some points where it is clear he was aghast at what the Palins did with regards to Wooten. There were some things at the end that were clearly added to attack Palin’s veracity – or complete lack thereof – and I kind of wish he hadn’t done it. They weren’t relevant to the investigation at hand, but I suspect Branchflower knew this was probably the only time he would get that testimony under oath.

10 10 2008
Mullet Troll Palin

I am a 30 year resident of Alaska, and I am a registered non-partisian, but I’ve been a fan of Governor Palin, up to her conversion to the dark side of the Republican Party. We are now witnessing the death of that Party, as it has become. It is not the Party of its origins. The Religious Right will soon be a footnote, and rightly so! It is now time for America to understand that this is not a Beauty Contest. Our country is in crisis. Leadership away from the divisive and fear mongering methods of the right wing control of the Republican Party is needed.

10 10 2008

PepperzMom (GA)
You can download the report here – Branchflower Repot

10 10 2008

Crust Scramble,

The surprise wasn’t the radical views, it was at how closely monitored the forum is. The faintest criticism of Fox makes threads disappear and bans posters.

The control thing is creepy.

10 10 2008
Then Came Bronson

…and so the mechanic says: “Sarah, it looks like you’ve blown a seal.”

My apologies, it’s an old Alaska joke but seems to be worth ressurecting just now. Hang in there.

10 10 2008
NR Davis

Another thing to stress is Palin’s abominable judgment. Remember the man she chose to replace Monegan; I think his name is Kopp. Apparently, she did not vet him properly and within two weeks he was gone too. He reportedly received a $10,000 severance check after 14 days on the job. Monegan received none.

And then, of course, there is the matter of how thoroughly McCain’s camp vetted Palin.

Neither of them are fit to lead or serve.

10 10 2008

McCain was aware of this at the time she was picked. As of today Palin’s spokeperson claimed this was caused by Obama supporters, I guess that Alaska’s 10 Republicans abd 4 Democrats are all Obama supporters!
Amazing, still lies continue!

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

JT (20:01:52) :

Crust Scramble,

The surprise wasn’t the radical views, it was at how closely monitored the forum is. The faintest criticism of Fox makes threads disappear and bans posters.

The control thing is creepy.
Google Murdach and all your questions will be answered.

10 10 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

The thing that should matter most is the abuse of power and the mixing of the political with the personal. The Republicans have made an art form of abuse of power, so that may only stick with those of us who have been sick of that for years.

But what might stick with voters is how she let the First Dude run amok. Palin has presented herself as the independent woman who has it all–and we see that old Todd is basically running his own shadow operation out of the governor’s office. Palin’s numbers have been falling as the country has gotten to know her–and now she is likely to drag the ticket down with her. Not that it has that far to go.

10 10 2008

Crust Scram,

You are giving me nightmares.

I think I want to put my head back in the sand…..

10 10 2008
Dreams in TX

Sarah “honey bucket” Hussein (19:47:08) :

Almost, Dreams in TX.

In Alaska, they say, You can’t make a silk purse out of a pit bull’s ear!

Too funny!!! I love it!!!

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Sorry, I misspelled Murdoch, don’t worry about the Rupert part.

10 10 2008
snow leopard

Former CEO of Bank America Hugh McColl of North Carolina just endorsed Obama. This is a major endorsement, because if a big corporate guy in a southern state is for Obama and feels comfortable saying so in public, McCain is in trouble. I know that most folks are too nervous to go there, but I smell a landslide….

10 10 2008

I know that McCain-Palin and probably many GOP spinners are going to point to the second finding of fact, namely, that she properly fired him. Branchflower’s conclusion is completely accurate and reasonable on this – but mainly because, under Alaska law, she can fire him for any reason at all. Federal civil rights law provides some limitation on this, but those limitations weren’t at issue here.

But Monegan’s firing was just the catalyst to the investigation – it was something to get outraged about, but the issue was whether she abused her power of governor and, as the first finding of fact clearly states, she absolutely did. There is NO question about that. Not just by letting Todd intimidate her employees, either. She was very clearly implicated. Having read (THE WHOLE DAMN THING), I am mostly stunned that she said, early on, that she had one or two conversations about it. That is so clearly a lie.

Todd Palin’s role in Alaska government is beyond the pale bizarre. His obsession was just that – a complete obsession. To give you some examples you probably hadn’t heard, he was calling Monegan to report things like “Wooten just dropped his kids off at school in a cop car.” He did that a few times. Each time, Monegan investigated and found out that Wooten obtained permission from his supervisor to do that, owing to scheduling issues. Todd was absolutely stalking this man.

I’m doing this in parts – just getting some thoughts down.

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

JT (20:08:48) :

Crust Scram,

You are giving me nightmares.

I think I want to put my head back in the sand…..

Hey, I just recently got my head out of my A$$. Sand is easy. Breath, we’re fine.

10 10 2008
scarlet in Oregon

This article absolutely covers all of Palin’s mis-deeds and describes a most beautiful Alaska!! This is what real journalistic ability is about.

10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

karion, that is wonderful news. Especially since I’ve had personal experience with Bank of America’s crappy service here in Jesup, GA. Maybe now he’s gotten his head out of his A$$. I’d really like to be a mystery shopper for them – they seriously need help with customer service.

10 10 2008
NR Davis

She properly fired him IF there were no personal gain involved. There was, Blanche, there was.

That Todd Palin is one interesting piece of work. Imagine him wheeling and dealing behind the scenes in Blair House or — egad — the West Wing of the White House.

10 10 2008

Congratulations to all Alaskans today. Congratulations to all others around the world who chose to support Alaskans in their quest to allow this committee to go forward with this investigation and publish its findings to the public.
As Americans have done throughout the history of America, the people of Alaska have achieved justice in the face of tyranny. I congratulate you all.

As American citizens we must continue the fight of our ancestors who have given of their blood, sweat and tears for the rights of all Americans.

I believe that any American who would now vote for any ticket which has Sarah Palin as a part of that ticket is not looking out for the future of all Americans.

As surely as Sarah Palin has abused her power as Gov of Alaska and therefore abused the trust of the people of Alaska, I charge that Sarah Palin would in fact abuse her power as a vice president.

This is an issue and we should remind all people of America to this fact.

John McCain was forced today to stand up and defend Senator Barack Obama. John McCain today stated that Senator Barack Obama is in fact a decent family man, a true citizen of the USA. McCain went on to ensure all Americans that they need not fear Senator Obama as our President. That Senator Barack Obama does not support any form of terrorism. These are things we, the supporters of Obama – Biden 08, have known all along.
Now it is your turn, stand up and support our choice for the next president of these United States of America, That person being Senator Obama our next President and Senator Biden our next vice President.

Now we have our marching orders! Let’s work together because you have already proven, when Americans work together, anything is possible!

God bless the Obama – Biden ticket and keep them safe.
God bless America and keep all of us safe.

10 10 2008

I was surprised to see that one of the most damning witnesses was Kopp, who, as pointed out, was who Palin picked to replace Monegan.

First, he was appointed without ever talking with Palin about the position. He got a call from her Chief of Staff a few weeks before he was appointed, and he told Kopp that they were taking the Department in ‘a new direction.’ This phrase comes up again later. He met for about half an hour with the Chief of Staff and Frank Bailey (whom Branchflower clearly distrusts), was tentatively offered the job, pending approval for Palin. That approval was given shortly thereafter and he took the job.

At that meeting with the Chief of Staff and Frank Bailey, the issue of Wooten came up, a few times, as did Monegan’s “refusal” to do anything about him. I found that shocking – this is a priority for the state’s new top cop? What of the “new direction” of the Department? Kopp’s testimony was clear that this was a primary concern.

Remember that Kopp stepped down two weeks later, when Palin “learned” about a sexual harassment complaint in his personnel file. Kopp directly contradicted that. In fact, he had been considered for Monegan’s job at the time Monegan was appointed. He didn’t make the cut. Later – a few months later – Monegan went to bat for Kopp, explaining to Palin the nature of the sexual harassment claim as explained to him by Kopp. It was decided that the Governor didn’t think it was a good idea to hire him at the time.

Months later, of course, he was hired without an interview from the Governor, and when the sexual harassment complaint came to light, she claimed her office had no idea. Positively pathological.

10 10 2008
hopeless pedant

My understanding – probably read it here- is that Kopp is a made man within national theocratic political circles, a real insider who clearly was Palin’s idea of a great head of the state police.

10 10 2008

Perhaps Alaska’s and America’s losses will turn out to be FOX’s gain: Sarah Palin and Greta Van Susteren on FOX every night.

Both with wingnut religions (Pentacostal, laying on of hands; Scientology, laying hands on your wallet). Sarah has Thomas Muthee; Greta has David Miscavige.

Sarah has the First Dude, Todd Palin; Greta has John P Coale.

10 10 2008

GO KARION GO!! great work.

10 10 2008

Honestly, I don’t think Palin can cut it on Fox. She can’t ad lib worth a darn.

10 10 2008
hopeless pedant

Mike Huckabee is already going to be on Fox. It would be fun for the two of them compete for the theocratic base head to head.

Elizabeth Hasselback is rumored to be headed there as well.

10 10 2008

Congratulations to all Alaskans today. Congratulations to all others around the world who chose to support Alaskans in their quest to allow this committee to go forward with this investigation and publish its findings to the public.
As Americans have done throughout the history of America, the people of Alaska have achieved justice in the face of tyranny. I congratulate you all.

As American citizens we must continue the fight of our ancestors who have given of their blood, sweat and tears for the rights of all Americans.

I believe that any American who would now vote for any ticket which has Sarah Palin as a part of that ticket is not looking out for the future of all Americans.

As surely as Sarah Palin has abused her power as Gov of Alaska and therefore abused the trust of the people of Alaska, I charge that Sarah Palin would in fact abuse her power as a vice president.

This is an issue and we should remind all people of America to this fact.

John McCain was forced today to stand up and defend Senator Barack Obama. John McCain today stated that Senator Barack Obama is in fact a decent family man, a true citizen of the USA. McCain went on to ensure all Americans that they need not fear Senator Obama as our President. That Senator Barack Obama does not support any form of terrorism. These are things we, the supporters of Obama – Biden 08, have known all along.
Now it is your turn, stand up and support our choice for the next president of these United States of America, That person being Senator Obama our next President and Senator Biden our next vice President.

Now we have our marching orders! Let’s work together because you have already proven, when Americans work together, anything is possible!

God bless the Obama – Biden ticket and keep them safe.
God bless America and keep all of us safe.

Forgot to add. That Meg is a nut case! The committee was both republican and democrat! Obama ticket had nothing to do with it!
She must think the American people are as dumb as she is!
Wake up Meg, many of us have plenty of intelligence, something you are lacking if you continue to repeat this line!
Ok, I am done. Back to supporting my presidential choice.

10 10 2008
Spoon Archer Hussein Palin

I think this could be adopted by lots of coffee shops. A little sign, just like the medic signs companies place on doors of employees trained in CPR. You know…sign of assistance or sanctuary. Liberal Coffee Shop 🙂

10 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Thoughts on the day —

This report is a lot more than we thought was going to be possible about 2 weeks ago. Will it affect the McCain Campaign? The campaign is already scorched for many different reasons. Can it get much worse for him? I don’t think so.

McCain basically had hat in hand today to try and tone down the violent responses he has up to now been encouraging. He better continue to refute the Muslim/Arab/Terrorist cries from his own supporters.He doesn’t have to start endorsing Obama, but his legacy is toast if he doesn’t put a stop to this when it happens at his own rallies.

The question is – how will Scarah behave in the coming days. McCain can’t start claiming Obama is a decent man, and allow Scarah to continue her antics. One would think her credibility is is totally gone – but then this woman has her own set of brass balls and nothing seems to stop her.

The best news is how this is in all the media today – front and center. And the AIP stuff isn’t too far behind. We have 3 weeks to hang on to Obama’s lovely lead, and welcome on board any additional conservatives and undecideds who know that the McPalin campaign doesn’t pass the sniff test. Our country and world are in crisis. People do get that. Feel that.

The wingnuts will always be out there. but we have to keep working on those ladies that look like our grandmas. Some can be calmed and persuaded.

Sadly, the Secret Service needs to be as vigilant as ever. Prayers for safety are welcome. But even some of the wingnuts might find their lives improved under Obama. For others, their hate can never be abated.

10 10 2008

I just hope Mccain doesn’t pull the tear jearker and some start to feel sorry for him, some people will vote with a soft heart.

10 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Dreams in TX
Glad you liked it! I hereby grant you my copyright 🙂 My only stipulation is that you send it on a huge banner to that liberal coffee shop, to be hung over their door!

You know, for the most part the fundamentalists will forgive her. She is baptised into the “right” church, and is therefore saved. All she has to do is confess her sins. Just look at others that have been forgiven, like Newt Gingrich, and that minister what’s his name from Colorado that preached against homosexuality and was then found to be cavorting with male prostitutes. What you profess and where you worship is more important than what you do.

What I’m wondering is if a good deal of Alaska will forgive her for making their shot at the national spotlight into a national laugh fest. More than a few are wondering if the empress with no clothes was chosen by an electorate with no clothes! (Yes, they also know this is true of Bush.) Fortunately, there are people on this site that can say, “Nope, a lot of us are clothed, and in our right minds!”

Let’s hope that, once again, actions will speak louder than words.

10 10 2008

I just visited an old “friends” right-wing” blog..this guys is fairly intelligent, raised rich, and was a previous “libertarian”…..who I thought was going t vote that way…….
tonight I went to his blog…and he has a video of farrakhan saying barack is the “messiah”…..
this is what we are up against….not the red-neck, ignorant people, but the intelligent thinkers who KNOW how to INCITE
I was SICK….and after a quick email to this old “friend” he will know what I think of him and his tactics!

10 10 2008

Ok….so I am interested to post once again. This could become a habit.

This time my comments are devoted and directed specifically to Alaskans.

It seems unlikely that Ms. Palin and Mr. McCain have a snowball’s chance to win. It could happen, but unlikely.

Alaska seems to have a lot of interesting and unique parallels and challenges to the rest of the nation. I see you folks would be particularly interested in the Republican party, whose touts as one of their main philosophies as “pull yourself up from your bootstraps” (at least theoretically at one time). It seems to me Alaskans have to live by that creedo quite literally due to the terrain in which you live. Additionally, much like the whole of the US, your people are spread out geographically, and not readily able to suddenly congregate to the capitol once there is an injustice. People seem more self-contained and self-sufficient in their mind-set in your state. These are American values too, and values I think that have been overplayed by the GOP, just as the Republicans lies have been overplayed to the masses in the whole of the US. I truly hope we (as a human race) are entering a time when we must come together and help out those who we don’t know, because it is the right thing to do.

I want to know what what happens when the election is over, when Ms. Palin returns, when you have to figure out how this state will handle your political situation and those who have abused your good will. I want to see what happens when Alaskans have the opportunity to take control in light of the knowledge they have been given about their elected officials.

Would love to hear any AK comments on this…I know I will check back after this national election to see what happens in your fine state.

(PS. which I hope to visit someday, I have always wanted to see the ice show even if the gov. doesn’t invite me personally or pay my way)

10 10 2008

Deb, with old “friends” like that…..I will worry about you!

10 10 2008


10 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I love Cicero – he said so many good things.

Politicians are not born; they are excreted.

A bad peace is always better than a good war.

A mind without instruction can no more bear fruit than can a field, however fertile, without cultivation. (Hey, Sarah!)

Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.

Freedom is participation in power.
Good night, AKM, and my fellow mudpuppies. Bless you and those you love.

Don’t forget, we’re winning here.

10 10 2008

There were, to me at least, two amusing things in the report, although the second one ended up being the nail in Monegan’s employment coffin.

The first was a call made by someone in Palin’s office (I really can’t remember and don’t want to look at that report any more tonight) to Monegan, complaining that Wooten was going to be at a state fair and that the Governor didn’t want him there. The Troopers had a booth at that fair (for public information and recruiting). When Monegan testified, he said he didn’t know how Palin got that information and said something along the lines of “honestly, I just figured they had spies.”

Turns out, Wooten was scheduled to be in a bear costume. A freaking bear costume – the mascot for the troopers – Safety Bear. Monegan found a reason to get Wooten out of the duty.

The second one was funny when I first read it, then I realized it became the ultimate reason for his firing. There is an annual Police Memorial Day to honor fallen cops. Monegan asked Palin to come and she agreed and he was thrilled (“she is very popular”). The Department prepared some promotional materials about the Troopers, including a photograph of a trooper standing in front of the memorial statue. The Department blew up the picture to poster size, for various trooper offices to hang. Monegan took an 8×10 of it to Palin’s office for a signature.

When he got back to his office, he got an angry call from the Governor’s office, wondering why on earth he dropped off a picture of Wooten for the Governor to sign. Monegan had never met Wooten and the picture was of a trooper in full uniform, including hat, etc. He had no idea it was Wooten, but after some discussion with others in his office, it was determined it was Wooten. Palin bailed out on showing up at the ceremony honoring fallen officers and Monegan was fired shortly thereafter.

Kopp – Monegan’s temporary replacement – testified that this issue was brought up in his interview with Palin’s two aides.

10 10 2008
DF Hussein

Glad to know the report found she abused her power. Any plans up there for a campaign to have her impeached?

10 10 2008

A Lawyer’s View of Palin’s Abuse of Power and today’s events

10 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Well, this really has nothing to do with Palin, but it sure reminds me of her–“a space rock vaporized hurtling through earth’s atmosphere”

10 10 2008

Senator Wilken never ceases to amaze me. I wrote to thank him, despite his nasty emails, which I noted in my thank you. Heard back from him:

“Actually I was in LA for a long standing appointment and couldn’t participate. But I would have voted yes anyway.

Its been a political football for 5 weeks so it is what it is.

If you would like to read the entire report (public portion) I have a link I’d be glad to send you. Its not quite as sensational as the news is making it but everyone is entitled to their interpretation.

Thanks for hanging with me. I’ve had a lot of fun with folks across the nation (I don’t think my bid for President will make it is (sic) some states).

But at the end of the day, I appreciate people who take the time to participate and you’re one.

God speed and thanks.

Gar, whoops, I mean Gary
State Senator
Fairbanks Alaska”

(He wrote “Gar, whoops, I mean Gary” because he addressed me with a shorthand version of my name, which I didn’t appreciate, especially because I addressed him as Senator. In my next email, I similarly shortened his name. I gotta’ say the guy has a slight sense of humor.)

10 10 2008

I got thru page 88 of the report before I had to stop for the day. It left me with several questions. Does a private citizen have the right to exercise as much power in the running of a state as Todd Palin seemed to have? And what Colberg? Isn’t suppose to represent the state and not the governor? Does she need 2 lawyers, I thought Van Flien(sic) was her lawyer.

I live in NC and I’m surprised we have any Obama supporters/operatives left in the the lower 48 because according to Meg Stapleton they are all in AK. If you believe her it appears they have taken over your whole state. It’s a good thing she’s there to let the rest of us know what those dirty obamites are up to. She must be getting paid a pretty penny to spout all that junk/lies with a straight face and a smile. Every time I see her and O’Callahan I feel like I’ve been dropped in an alternate universe and I keep waiting for the theme to Twilight Zone to begin playing.

You go Alaskans…we are proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves for a job well done…

10 10 2008

pearl…we have to be VERY careful about questioning todd’s powers…the right will bring up HILLARY (first lady) in a second!

10 10 2008

Crust Scramble – SouthGA (19:59:46)
Hey, I’ve never seen a moose in real life. What is the plural of moose?

10 10 2008
drew from little ol texas

Texas is proud of Alaska !! How refreshing it is to see a Stae of People stand up to the Bullies !!

10 10 2008

lulu- this is the email I sent to that old “friend”–

it’s amazing after all these years that I still choose those who INSPIRE over those who INCITE (is that so jane smiley like also?) how easy it would be (and maybe even profitable) to be an inciter rather than an inspirer. who knows. Deb

10 10 2008
drew from little ol texas

John Mccain is Morally Bankrupt !!

10 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

This is about as good as it was gonna be.

LEGALLY, Sarah could fire Walt if she didn’t like the color of his tie.

Branchflower’s charter was to investigate Walt’s firing. Ken Starr’s obsessive pursuit of Clinton is not supposed to be the paradigm of a legislative investigation.

If Branchflower turned up any irregularities with respect to Wooten’s workers comp claim, it’s Wooten that will have to pursue it.

This isn’t going to be the final nail in McGramp’s coffin. It doesn’t need to be; the coffin is already pretty well closed up.

The message to undecided voters (if there are any left) is: Palin was willing to screw up the career of a dedicated, non-political civil servant because he wouldn’t be unethical at her command. If there are any undecided voters left who don’t recognize that behavior (think Bush, Cheney), we will just have to win the election without them.

And, ultimately, Alaskans will have to decide what to do about the Gorilla from Wasilla.

10 10 2008
Drink That Man Hussein Hack Palin

About the liberal coffee shop near the legislative office….it has to be
Side Street Espresso Address: 412 G Street Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 258-9055. Owners Deb and George Gee They are great people, and to have ‘tips’ coming in the mail would be a great reward for their contribution to our community over the years. Go, team!

10 10 2008

Deb wrote” “pearl…we have to be VERY careful about questioning todd’s powers…the right will bring up HILLARY (first lady) in a second!”

Deb, let them bring up Hillary. Half of them wanted to vote for her, which is why McCain tried to find a woman for his ticket.

We all know Hillary Clinton and Todd Palin is no Hillary Clinton!

(Did Todd even go to college? Does anyone know?)

10 10 2008

I love you all, but I need to go rub elbows (chat) with some right-wingers….keep your eye on the PRIZE…which is obama in the white house…not palin and mccain and their subterfuge

10 10 2008
Drink That Man Hussein Hack Palin

Todd Palin has taken some college courses but does not have a degree.

10 10 2008

lulu….not “half” of the now repubs wanted to vote for her….there is a VERY small percentage of hillary supporters, who had NO idea what it was they were voting for that are now voting mccain/palin….the republican base has ALWAYS hated BOTH clintons….and especially hillary as being too powerful for a first lady

10 10 2008
DF Hussein

If it’s up to the state Senate to decide to impeach, what do you all think about a letter-writing campaign to the Senate?

10 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

This isn’t over, you guys, by any means.
This was just the tip of the iceberg.
If any of you know sociopathology, this is the way she operates on a daily basis. Find one lie, there are 50 more somewhere.
Just keep turning over those stones.

I still think Monegan can sue her for unlawful dismissal since her claims that he was fired because he was insubordinate is refuted by her offering him the job in Alcohol Control.
If he was so insubordinate, he wouldn’t be suitable to work anywhere in the system. And his insubordination, in her words, was based on his going to Washington to lobby for funding for sexual-violence deterrants, WHICH her assistant authorized (and she claimed he didn’t, but the form is signed and approved).
So, she can either say she runs a slipshod ship and doesn’t know what’s going on, or she can say that the assistant authorized him against her wishes. Why didn’t she fire him, too?
It’s quite clear that she had to move him out of the way and install someone she could control enough to place his new job on the line and go after Wooten.
How is it that Kopp got $10K severance pay after his 2 weeks of employment, yet Monegan got nothing?

There is a lot more dirt in this heap than is visible with the naked eye.
Another is the whole Bitney issue. Bitney was fired for having an affair with her and Todd’s real estate investment partner’s wife (one of the investors, as well), Ms. Richter,..who, incidentally is the Director of the PFD fund, and who also is responsible for the mysterious loss of all data in the PFD system at one point in time. (recently)
Mr. Richter requested his divorce action be sealed, it was denied, but there are those who feel there is damning evidence of some sort in those divorce court documents.

Then there’s the part about Ms. Palin not being a repug. She is not a repug, she is an AIP mole. Mark Chryson is very straightforward and non-secretive about the plans made at HER coffee-table for HER campaign.

These people are not very good at lying nor with coverups. She stabbed too many people in Wasilla on her way up. She managed to somehow get Reudrich’s private information to prove he was campaigning on company/state time. I am sure we’ll find that she did the same thing (sort of like eating the moose before complaining about who shot it) re: her own campaign,…and worse.
And the emails are yet to come. hahaha

So, don’t go away, there’s still stuff to be done. It’s better that she is still on the ticket, because the more public she is while these things get reported, the less likely it is that she will ever be seen again in politics.
And you have to wonder….she obviously wanted Wooten to leave the state entirely. You don’t run a vendetta against someone who has NO record of anything aside of the Palen complaints- for 2 years – and make 940 calls – if the guy isn’t threatening you in some other way.
I say Wooten’s got major DIRT on Sarah.

10 10 2008

Hm. Deb, I know of many GOPers who were for Hillary. Lots of Dems, too, but lots of GOPers. So did McCain. That’s why he picked Palin.

10 10 2008

Drink, do you know where Todd matriculated?

10 10 2008

before hillary ever ran for VP…the GOP’s HATED her..

10 10 2008
Mullet Troll Palin

I believe in fantasy! I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in the Tooth Fairy! I believe in Meg Stapleton!

10 10 2008

drew from little ol texas

Texas is proud of Alaska !! How refreshing it is to see a Stae of People stand up to the Bullies !!

Yep! It’s kind of humblin’, considerin’ the steer patty we helped send to the White House.
Sorry, y’all, but we’re not all idiots down thisaways.
Have a good weekend, now. Ya hear?
from Fort Worth

10 10 2008
knikgoose HUSSEIN!!

This isn’t over, you guys, by any means.
This was just the tip of the iceberg.
If any of you know sociopathology, this is the way she operates on a daily basis. Find one lie, there are 50 more somewhere.
Just keep turning over those stones.

I still think Monegan can sue her for unlawful dismissal since her claims that he was fired because he was insubordinate is refuted by her offering him the job in Alcohol Control.
If he was so insubordinate, he wouldn’t be suitable to work anywhere in the system. And his insubordination, in her words, was based on his going to Washington to lobby for funding for sexual-violence deterrants, WHICH her assistant authorized (and she claimed he didn’t, but the form is signed and approved).
So, she can either say she runs a slipshod ship and doesn’t know what’s going on, or she can say that the assistant authorized him against her wishes. Why didn’t she fire him, too?
It’s quite clear that she had to move him out of the way and install someone she could control enough to place his new job on the line and go after Wooten.
How is it that Kopp got $10K severance pay after his 2 weeks of employment, yet Monegan got nothing?

There is a lot more dirt in this heap than is visible with the naked eye.
Another is the whole Bitney issue. Bitney was fired for having an affair with her and Todd’s real estate investment partner’s wife (one of the investors, as well), Ms. Richter,..who, incidentally is the Director of the PFD fund, and who also is responsible for the mysterious loss of all data in the PFD system at one point in time. (recently)
Mr. Richter requested his divorce action be sealed, it was denied, but there are those who feel there is damning evidence of some sort in those divorce court documents.

Then there’s the part about Ms. Palin not being a repug. She is not a repug, she is an AIP mole. Mark Chryson is very straightforward and non-secretive about the plans made at HER coffee-table for HER campaign.

These people are not very good at lying nor with coverups. She stabbed too many people in Wasilla on her way up. She managed to somehow get Reudrich’s private information to prove he was campaigning on company/state time. I am sure we’ll find that she did the same thing (sort of like eating the moose before complaining about who shot it) re: her own campaign,…and worse.
And the emails are yet to come. hahaha

So, don’t go away, there’s still stuff to be done. It’s better that she is still on the ticket, because the more public she is while these things get reported, the less likely it is that she will ever be seen again in politics.
And you have to wonder….she obviously wanted Wooten to leave the state entirely. You don’t run a vendetta against someone who has NO record of anything aside of the Palen complaints- for 2 years – and make 940 calls – if the guy isn’t threatening you in some other way.
I say Wooten’s got major DIRT on Sarah.

10 10 2008

actually although I have always admired hillary, i did not want her to be the DEM candidate because of the hatred from the gops…I thought they hated HER more than they hated the idea of a black…and it waas more important to me that the dems WON (call me a crazy independent voter!)

10 10 2008

Deb wrote: “before hillary ever ran for VP…the GOP’s HATED her..”

No. Look at the wealthy GOPers. Heck, she even had a meeting with Richard Mellon Scafe (sp.?) this year!

10 10 2008

they only started liking hillary MORE when obam won the nomination!

10 10 2008
mhrt oregon

WOW the Obamba song was awwwsome

10 10 2008

(Did Todd even go to college? Does anyone know?)

If I recall correctly, he took a few community college courses. He does not have a college degree. Thing is, that doesn’t matter to Alaska – he and Sarah are native sons, so to speak. I really wonder whether this will affect her after the election, after she comes home. I think she has really burned some bridges.

I’m concluding some of my initial thoughts. I need a fresh glass of wine.

10 10 2008

Deb, I wasn’t for HRC either…But my point is that she had a very real albeit complex appeal for some in the GOP. Obviously, McCain’s internals bore that out or he wouldn’t have picked a woman.

10 10 2008

Bottom Line

She put family first.
She allowed those around her to act on her family’s personal interest, rather than the interests of the State of Alaska.

Thats not so terribly damning in and of itself.

However it undermines her credibility to stand on a platform of ‘Country First’

There’s just so much wrong with her…

10 10 2008

Thanks, Karion. I was just wondering if Todd and Sarah were ever in any college classes together….

10 10 2008

knik-unfortunately I disagree, the report has come out and although sarah evidently abused power…she did nothing illegal…
I would love for there to be a “smoking gun”…..but we have less than a month…and unless the national enquirer (obviously better at investigative reporting than most MSM outlets today)….we can just hope that this abuse of power holds back the baying wolves a little!

10 10 2008

I think the repubs were impressed/surprised with her numbers in the primary and miscalculated what that meant

10 10 2008

Lulu – they weren’t. They met in high school. It is possible, I guess, that they took classes together in her one semester in community college in Alaska, but they were high school sweethearts at Wasilla High.

10 10 2008

like their interest in sarah palin…hillary’s “powers” over the electorate was a mystery…and still is, I dare say

10 10 2008
Lock Pepper Palin

Hey, I’ve never seen a moose in real life. What is the plural of moose?

Right–kinda like “deer” and “deer” (look at all the deer out there!)

Did anyone hear the mccain campaign’s lame response to the report?
Not surprising!

I love David Gergen–I wonder if he’d let me adopt him as Grampa?
I ramble as I drink Cindy’s bud lite and watch cnn while blogging, LOL!

Is there a tasteless lite beer that isn’t owned by the botox barbie?

Cheers for the report! This has to be devastating for the undecided–though did anyone see Jon Stewart and the reason why 45% of undecideds are undecided? They’re stupid!

I love Jon Stewart!

10 10 2008

Deb wrote:”I think the repubs were impressed/surprised with her numbers in the primary and miscalculated what that meant.”

Some of them were FOR her. We started corresponding over this because you said we shouldn’t point out Todd Palin’s actions, or right wingers would bring up Hillary Clinton’s actions, as a negative. I think that is a very old meme, as evidenced by HRC’s support in the GOP this year. Rupert Murdoch even met with her! They all did.

10 10 2008

Deb (21:12:12) :
she did nothing illegal…

Incorrect. She was found in violation of the state’s ethics statute. She most certainly did something illegal and contrary to law.

Again, this really was never about “did she have the authority to fire Monegan.” That really wasn’t the issue – it was whether she abused her authority as governor by using her position of authority to exact a personal revenge. The report is unequivocal that she did that.

10 10 2008

Karion, thanks for the info. I guess I am curious as to why anyone lets Todd have so much power and say in Alaskan government…was trying to see where his expertise would have been acquired…but perhaps it is purely experiential.

10 10 2008

oh dear! she violated a little “statute”??? need I remind you that this is the party tha made a mockery of the entire CONSTITUTION???? a statute is child’s play to the republicans

10 10 2008

I just realized that you and I are now arguing about “some of them were against her before they were FOR her” !!! forgive me!!! PLEASE!

10 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein P.)

Mudpuppies —

Relax (momentarily). This was never gonna be a quick kill on the lipsticked pitbull. It’s okay. The finding is bland enough that even Meg Wassname isn’t going to be able to convince non-braindead folks that it’s awful; yet it raises enough question of Palin’s ethics to worry the undecided (the half dozen of them that are left).

Most importantly on the national level — Obama is well in the lead. I’ve worried about the Bradley Effect for a year now, but as long as he’s 6% in enough states to do the job, I’m happy. The Branchflower report is not going to HELP McPalin, so let us just keep trucking.

Change of subject: I believe that the long wait has caused me to lose focus (well, the beer may have also had an impact). If I’m incoherent, I apologize. Good night. And we ARE going to win this one, dammit.

10 10 2008

Deb wrote: “Lulu-
I just realized that you and I are now arguing about “some of them were against her before they were FOR her” !!! forgive me!!! PLEASE!”

LOL! 🙂

10 10 2008
Diane - Washington state

We in the lower 48 sure appreciate all your hard work in AK making sure that the truth is known. At such a critical time in our country we cannot afford to have second rate, uninformed, crackpot leaders. Too much is at stake. We appreciate your bringing the facts to us regular folks. Keep up the good work. Maybe their campaign will just implode from all the lies and hot air.

10 10 2008

And while I have a few final thoughts – a preliminary matter. This report came out at 4pm Alaska time – 8pm on the East Coast. I am a ridiculously fast reader and it still took me nearly three hours to get through it, although I was taking notes. Most of the initial newscaster reaction was based, at best, on a skim of it.

I think you will see better and more investigative insights over the weekend and next week. There are several things in there – especially towards the end – that have legs, at least in Alaska. Alaska is a different beast in terms of politics – it is very small town and perhaps most of this won’t matter. But I have a sneaky suspicion it will.

10 10 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

The pro-Palin people did WHAT to George and Deb?! Grrrrrrr.

Does anyone know how many coffees were called for and not purchased? Looks like I have a LOT of Americanos in my very near future.

10 10 2008
mhrt oregon

The only thing I can see them ( repubs ) doing is creating some Home grown terrorist attack to sway the electorate with Fear.

Would the RNC and the Bush Admin go that far?
i am scared to say you may have something there……..if you look at mcsame and palin……….it is like the odd couple…….neither one should be running…….it is like they are a smoke screen…but for what is hiding behind the screen ……..macsane said he would win in the last 48 hours…what is inour future

10 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

It is an honor to be among the “mudpuppies” today.

Granted, the report didn’t give us “everything” – but it did make things more transparent, in addition to bringing legislative credibility to the facts in the national spotlight. (Altho those of us that have been reading about SWWNBN
here in Mudflat world – we’ve known )

S Palin may have had the “governors legal right” to terminate Monegan – but T Palin may have opened himself up to some civil damages. Do not be surprised when the legislature adds some protection in future terminations of public officials. Altho it is very awkward when a new admin. comes in (especially from a bitter election ) its a problem when the admin “cleans house” and brings in new ppl that don’t have the slightest idea how to run an office efficiently.

AKM – as always – awesome writing & reporting and fantastic site.

10 10 2008
Lock Pepper Palin

Todd’s one of the “Styoopids” who prolly jumps up and down on ice to see if it’s thick enough to hold his weight…

wassup with everyone saying he’s good looking? He looks quite meek and
p-whupped to me…course I find intelligent men far more sexy than ummm…his type…no offense–

10 10 2008

@ lulu 🙂 we ARE on the same side…I’m just a bit more jaded here…because it IS appalling….but I’ve seen what the republicans have done to the country in 8 years and a little report from alaska is not going to change their minds….

@strangelet- you are correct…this report is not going to be a “game changer” for the died in the wool redneck/republican/religious right fanatic…but it may cause a few undecideds to give second thought…and it MAY hold off a few attacks for a few days

10 10 2008
Drink H. Hack Palin

Hi, Lulu:
As Karion reports, they did attend the community college together…one semester. There is an article here defining SP’s 5 colleges in 5 years, including the last chapter with Todd in Alaska.

And here is more to feed your interest in our Furst Dud.

10 10 2008

I hear you, Deb. Have a good evening! 🙂

10 10 2008

Deb, the Republican-controlled Legislative Council voted unanimously to release the report, which found that she violated an ethics statute – not some little statute.

Give them a little credit. I don’t know what they are going to do with it, but, again, with her bridge burning, I suspect there will be some consequences. Hell, her approval rating has sunk 20 points since her nomination. That is hardly insignificant.

10 10 2008

here’s a knee-jerk argument that I and 89 year olds margaret and helen would like to bring to the table..since the “race card” seems to have been played by the right
as a mother of4….and a professional woman… how DARE she “represent” being a good mother!!!
we have to ‘tiptoe” around that….??? I have talked to a number of working mothers about this…and we all agree…there is NO way to be a mother of 5 with a pregnant teen-age daughter AND a special needs infant that you can “juggle” all that….
I, for one, stand for MOTHERHOOD…and I am a feminist! she is a CANDIDATE first, not a mother!

10 10 2008

Thanks, Drink! There is a part of me that wants to hear more about the various mysteries and vagaries of Sarah’s peripatetic academic career. I keep hoping that a professional will get to the bottom of it.

Thanks for the links. ‘Night all!

10 10 2008

christian mothers should be ASHEMED for supporting this woman!! and I would say that to her face! and to anyone who argues otherwise…in some circumstances one CANNOT “have it all”

10 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

mhrt oregon (21:27:08) :

The only thing I can see them ( repubs ) doing is creating some Home grown terrorist attack to sway the electorate with Fear

I’ve had that same thought cross my mind – that the ONLY possibility of McC getting voted in – is with another attack. I think back to hearing those “brainstorming sessions” at the DOD or whatever when they (Cheney) talked about making one of our ships look like an IRAN ship & firing on the US ships…. to begin a war with IRAN — at this point – am going to hold my breath that the GOP isn’t that desperate.

10 10 2008

You are like a fresh of breath air and a figure to be reckoned with, I love reading your input. I have to say, we have some great one’s on here.

10 10 2008

christian mothers should be ASHEMED for supporting this woman!! and I would say that to her face! and to anyone who argues otherwise…in some circumstances one CANNOT “have it all”

10 10 2008

Just in from the McCain camp. Big news. Sarah did nothing wrong! Of course, why not? They claim the report supports Sarah! They also claim, again, that it is just the Obama campaign inciting partisan politics! Gee…. I don’t remember talking to the Obama campaign? They are amazing. Palin can’t even admit that she MAY have made a mistake.

In the end, it is going to be up to the Alaskans to step up and vote her out of office.

10 10 2008
Canadian Neighbour

What would be nice is if Barack Obama himself, made a trip to your fair state for a rally!! (Wouldn’t that eat her!!! — Love it!!)

There’s sufficient time for him to fly up for a few hours and back. Maybe some emails to his campaign site inviting his attendance might draw his attention! Email the people who are in office or running and who support him. They too could get in touch with the campaign as I would think they have telephone numbers to contact to inquire about his attendance in Alaska. It would be a great idea as he could thank you all for keeping the fire lit under their butts to get this done. Doesn’t hurt to ask!!

10 10 2008
Drink H. Hack Palin

Just a reminder to us all to stay focused on the Prize and not the Negatives.
Info is great, but please keep posting the links and suggestions about ‘what we can do’……gotta go now and write my thanks to the legislators. What a great step forward today…….let’s keep informing the newspapers. AKM, how about posting on the right column a way to the our legislature and the collection of addresses for newspapers around the country, so that when we are so inspired
we can just click there and go for it? (or am I just too disorganized?) Thanks.

10 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

And don’t forget – Bush holds the office till 3rd week in Jan….. lots of time after the election to create more problems (that will be blamed on the Dems)

But so looking forward to having an intelligent mind in the white house
(- no more fake cowboys – no more Darth Vader in the Veep office – )

10 10 2008

I love AKM and I love all the news that you give us here…..we are down to the wire here……and it will get nastier an nastier from her on…
the MCBUSHIES will continue on….as if this were an inconsequential “blip” in the radar…and MSM will follow where the story is…and if the story is in racist, VILE remarks from that campaign…that’s what we will see
many on the right don’t even KNOW anything about this report…nor will they see it on tomorrow night’s “news” that they watch except as a passing story…but they WIILL see the people chanting “terrorist, terrorist terrorist”…it’s quick, easy, sensational, news reporting…and the average viewer only wants that

10 10 2008
Drumming Fingers In Alaska | The Ruth Group

[…] Anchorage Daily News Mudflats […]

10 10 2008
Canadian Neighbour

mhrt oregon,
There appears to be far too many big-wig GOP’s that have declared McCain as unbalanced, erratic and not capable for holding the office now. They’ve also made it very clear SP is in no position to hold VP so would not even give it a thought as to the Pres office. I can’t see where Bush would upset that now as that would be the death of the GOP party as these politicians have to rely on the massive amount of funds raised by these biggy GOP’s.

10 10 2008

I have one final thought in me, but I still need that fresh glass of wine.

One thought that had me laughing most of the day while waiting for the damn report was that it was Palin supporters, DRESSED AS CLOWNS, who were there today, protesting. Who, exactly, made this investigation political?

I am not a mother and am loathe to pass judgment on any woman for balancing work and family. I think that is a misguided tactic, no matter what, even if her parenting decisions leave me gobsmacked. It is just….unsavory, you know? Like calling Obama a Muslim when you know it is code for the n-word.

I’ll get to my final thought after I refill this empty wine glass.

10 10 2008

Drink That Man Hussein Hack Palin (21:00:53) :
Thanks for the address: My tip will be mailed today.
10\118 From Alabama.

10 10 2008

Did anyone else notice that Branchflower said that the workmen’s comp thing had been handled correctly in that Wooten had been paid all that he was due, YET we have already heard via many sources that Wooten had to go to court to get the workmen’s comp that he was due?

So, were his claims denied due to interference from the sociopaths but he was given the $$ after going to court? Seems like that question is not answered in my books…

Anyway, I am glad that this is over because I am so tired of writing emails. Writing emails regularly about this , writing emails about the bailout, writing emails to newspapers all over the US, writing emails to SNL, writing emails saying good job, bad job, shut up, talk more, blah blah blah. What a relief to have this report released so that at least for a little while we can focus on doing positive things for Obama. I’ve been unhealthily obsessed with worrying about whether or not the wicked witch of the west would get outed in Troopergate. Now I can set that aside until other legalities are addressed in terms of emails & what the legislature will decide to do and whether or not they need a kick in the a$$ to do it (via email, of course) & many other things… I won’t even pay attention to what the McLame talking heads say about it — what matters to me is what ALASKANS say about it and what they will do about it.

I sincerely hope, though, that this is the beginning of the end for icky scarah, her spokeswhore Meg S, her stupid repulsive husband and her stupid ridiculous staffers including, but not limited to, Bailey, the 3 on the personnel board and that F-er Talis Colberg. As Shannyn Moore so succinctly put it: GET THE F$%K OUT OF MY STATE!!!!!!!!

10 10 2008


10 10 2008

shilo442 (21:35:47) :

Okay, that was just plain nice. Thank you. I hate dominating a conversation and am not trying to do that.

10 10 2008

Something wrong with computer, Maybe!
October 11, 2008

10 10 2008

carry on karion

10 10 2008
10 10 2008

My eyes are shot now, but I read the whole thing (the pdf file of the report) and it’s the closest look at the inside of politics I’ve ever had. Amazing stuff. Whoever posted the link to the file two threads back, thank you!! And thanks to AKM and all who’ve been putting the pressure on for the public release!

You people are wonderful :o)

10 10 2008
Drink H. H. Pal

About that coffeeshop……locals love Deb and George. Again, you can know
that it will be one of those random acts of kindness/thoughtfulness to send them your spare $$$ (when you donate to Obama again, of course! )
Again, the address is:
Side Street Espresso Address: 412 G Street Anchorage, AK 99501 (907)

258-9055. Owners Deb and George Gee

10 10 2008
Drink H. H. Pal

oops…phone # (907) 258-9055. [907] is not part of the zip code.

10 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

I’m still wondering if I’ll live long enough to finish reading the report. 😉

10 10 2008

LOVE YA, Your doin just good , real good .Just keep dominating this site , we need that, we need you.

10 10 2008

Deb (21:33:00) :

here’s a knee-jerk argument that I and 89 year olds margaret and helen would like to bring to the table..since the “race card” seems to have been played by the right
as a mother of4….and a professional woman… how DARE she “represent” being a good mother!!!
we have to ‘tiptoe” around that….??? I have talked to a number of working mothers about this…and we all agree…there is NO way to be a mother of 5 with a pregnant teen-age daughter AND a special needs infant that you can “juggle” all that….
I, for one, stand for MOTHERHOOD…and I am a feminist! she is a CANDIDATE first, not a mother!

Especially since it’s not been publically – and under oath!! – stated that Toddie (touted as the one who took care of the kids) spent an extraordinary amount of time in her office (read what the security guy said) when he wasn’t gone for 3 months to work on the north slope or off to train for one of his races, and lets not even mention all the time he obviously spent on following Wooten around with a camera. If he’s either at her place of work or at his place of work or out being sporty or out spying on his favorite enemy, his time with the children can’t have amounted to a whole lot.

So, she’s out doing her political thing and claims that it’s ok because Pappy takes care of the kids. Yet Pappy obviously doesn’t have any more time than she to take care of the kids. Hello? Who in his or her right mind can call that “good parenting” and keep a straight face?

10 10 2008

My take on the “findings” of the workmen’s comp is that they found that the company that handled wooten’s workman’s comp claim was above reproach….(it did NOT bring up any “influence” that the palins may have TRIED to exert)…but the finding was that wooten’s claim was handled by the contracting WC company appropriately

10 10 2008

Thank AKM and everyone. Congrats!

10 10 2008

a side note…
I just wrote a note to saturday night live to voice my objection to them having palin appear on the show

here is a link to their email “contact” should anyone feel the urge to object to this….my objection focused around having a guest whose latest rallies/appearances incite racism and division as being NOT entertaining and should they agree to have her appear on their show indicates to me that they appove such incitements

10 10 2008

oops…forgot link to “contact” SNL (saturday night live)


10 10 2008

Especially since it’s not been publically – and under oath!! – stated

This should be “it’s NOW been publically…” sorry ’bout that.

10 10 2008

sheesh…after 2 months here I STILL don’t know how to post links! call me link-challenged!

10 10 2008

Now what is going to be done about this??

First, AG Colberg should be disbarred for tampering with winesses, telling witnesses to ignor subpoena’s ect. Papers should be filed with the Alaska Bar Assoc.
Then we have Ms. Palin! IMPEACH/RECALL!!

What say you, Alaska??

10 10 2008

Thanks so much AKM for keeping all of us posted on the latest news!

Somebody PM me over on the forum with an addy for that coffee shop if anyone gets it. Sure would be nice to send them a little something after getting stiffed like that.

10 10 2008

Deb (22:14:12) :

sheesh…after 2 months here I STILL don’t know how to post links! call me link-challenged!

Deb, I have no idea if the kind of browser makes a difference or what, but I’ve had every link post correctly if I just copied and pasted it out of the address bar. Have you tried that?

10 10 2008

Dear John McCain and Sarah Palin:

It’s October! SURPRISE!

10 10 2008

I would encourage alaskans to go after her from this point on…..the VP candidacy is going to be “spin from here on out…..but you still have this wayward governor to deal with! (not that she gives a hoot WHAT you do until after nov. 5th)

10 10 2008

she has burnt that bridge and hasn’t looked back….pinning her hopes on being VP (or maybe POTUS?)……lesson #1 for hockey mom-one should ALWAYS have a back-up plan!

10 10 2008

Canadian Neighbour (21:38:53) :

What would be nice is if Barack Obama himself, made a trip to your fair state for a rally!! (Wouldn’t that eat her!!! — Love it!!)

10 10 2008

did that work? (link to saturday night live to object to sarah palin appearance)

10 10 2008

wow! I think it worked! I was making it way too complicated!

10 10 2008

I heard a barack speech today…(in response to “who is barack obama” ad from mccain where he said that over the past 20 months he had been in 49 states………hmmmm……guess where he HASN”T been? despite that….I gotta LOVE him!

10 10 2008

sheesh I need to learn to be vigilant about closing my parentheticals!

10 10 2008

Hey couregeous Mudpuppies:
I wont pretend that I have made it through all of the post, but I saw an above post that mentioned that they hoped that Monegan’s Mom felt better with the results. I suggest that some of the Mudpuppies that have more computer experience than I do send that picture in the political rally of Monegan’s mother where her sign says, ” I am the mother of the rogue”. I believe that this will allow people to see the real destruction that Sarah Palin has caused. Many people will say that this is a non- issue because they arent aware of all the lives that have been touched. Just think, because of Sarah Palin’s abuse of power, she has affected and threatened the livelihood of two people and more. This affects their families, much like the failing of Wall Street. Monegan’s mother had to be devastated that her son had been terminated without due cause. At the same time, what about his children, wife and the bills that had to be paid? His life has been totally disrupted and I can only imagine the feelings of helplessness and frustration, trying to get people to understand that he had done nothing wrong, up against a popular governor. Must have been horrendous. At the same time the charges against Wooten sound very suspiscious, since none of the claims of Wooten threatening Palin’s family, tasering the kid and/or illegally shooting a moose came out until Palin’s sister and Wooten were in an embattled divorce and custody battle. I say send the picture of Montegan’s mother with her sign to the media so that America and the world realizes the damage that Palin has caused and that Palin does not get the sympathy that McCain and his cohorts are going to try to stir up in the people. Let the world see how destructive Sarah Palin has been to Monegan and Wooten’s family and even the people she forced to go along with her corruption. Sometimes we have to literally draw a picture that touches home to the world so that they understand how serious the charges against Sarah Palin is. Otherwise, it will just get swept under the rug as a non issue and the wounded, like Monegan’s mother and his family will be left to suffer.

10 10 2008

Deb (22:12:42) :

oops…forgot link to “contact” SNL (saturday night live)
Link doesn’t work.

10 10 2008

Wow. “governor Palin abused her power.” what else do you need to know about a VP candidate? One point — you cannot fire someone for “improper reasons” under federal law. For example, “she would not have sex with me. he would not lie for me. She got fat, pregnant, or old. he is asian. he spoke to the press about the stuff I was stealing. etc. So monegan would have a case, and this investigation will not help her. watch for a quiet settlement.
One question — the “mccain report” released yesterday is NOT the personnel board’s investigation – that is still pending (though it would take some real courage to make a similar finding about a governor who is going to lose as VP and come back to AK PISSED, and can fire you. In any event, the third (first released) report – done by the McCain campaign – is nowhere to be found on the internet tubes. FOX has a broken link to it, no one else has even quoted it very much. did they withdraw it?? Anyway, this is the one that counts, and the surprise is its release, not its contents. See ya Sarah {obvious theme song for her – Sarah by Jefferson Starship — ” no time is a good time for goodbye.”}

10 10 2008

Deb (22:26:31) :
Link worked great. Just finished sending my oppositon message.

AKM, Thank you so much for this blog. I have been reading for the
past two days and I am sure that I have read at least 1500 comments.
Have made several posts, some worthwhile and some questionable,
but posted any way. Time for rest. Thanks to you and all the great
mudflatters. Good night and may GOD (or however you believe)
bless you all.

10 10 2008

1,000 pages were withheld from the public release of documentation.

Wonder what’s in there?

10 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

Nightline had the abuse of power story, as did our local tv station, so it’s still being covered. I was sorry KO wasn’t on tonight, but will bet he will have something to say on Monday, so this is not going away. Stay tune there will be more coming out, if I were a betting woman, I’d put money on it.

10 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Hussein! aka Canuck for Choice

Knikgoose – I’m reposting your post because I thought of it as one of the best of the day. I also enjoyed Karion’s account of Honour the Dead Troopers day, with the photo of Tropper Wooten in front of the police memorial sent to Palinocchio without malice. I can just imagine her seeing this photo and getting all meth-faced, clenching her jaw and so forth.

knikgoose HUSSEIN!! (21:07:23) wrote :

This isn’t over, you guys, by any means.
This was just the tip of the iceberg.
If any of you know sociopathology, this is the way she operates on a daily basis. Find one lie, there are 50 more somewhere.
Just keep turning over those stones.

I still think Monegan can sue her for unlawful dismissal since her claims that he was fired because he was insubordinate is refuted by her offering him the job in Alcohol Control.
If he was so insubordinate, he wouldn’t be suitable to work anywhere in the system. And his insubordination, in her words, was based on his going to Washington to lobby for funding for sexual-violence deterrants, WHICH her assistant authorized (and she claimed he didn’t, but the form is signed and approved).
So, she can either say she runs a slipshod ship and doesn’t know what’s going on, or she can say that the assistant authorized him against her wishes. Why didn’t she fire him, too?
It’s quite clear that she had to move him out of the way and install someone she could control enough to place his new job on the line and go after Wooten.
How is it that Kopp got $10K severance pay after his 2 weeks of employment, yet Monegan got nothing?

There is a lot more dirt in this heap than is visible with the naked eye.
Another is the whole Bitney issue. Bitney was fired for having an affair with her and Todd’s real estate investment partner’s wife (one of the investors, as well), Ms. Richter,..who, incidentally is the Director of the PFD fund, and who also is responsible for the mysterious loss of all data in the PFD system at one point in time. (recently)
Mr. Richter requested his divorce action be sealed, it was denied, but there are those who feel there is damning evidence of some sort in those divorce court documents.

Then there’s the part about Ms. Palin not being a repug. She is not a repug, she is an AIP mole. Mark Chryson is very straightforward and non-secretive about the plans made at HER coffee-table for HER campaign.

These people are not very good at lying nor with coverups. She stabbed too many people in Wasilla on her way up. She managed to somehow get Reudrich’s private information to prove he was campaigning on company/state time. I am sure we’ll find that she did the same thing (sort of like eating the moose before complaining about who shot it) re: her own campaign,…and worse.
And the emails are yet to come. hahaha

So, don’t go away, there’s still stuff to be done. It’s better that she is still on the ticket, because the more public she is while these things get reported, the less likely it is that she will ever be seen again in politics.
And you have to wonder….she obviously wanted Wooten to leave the state entirely. You don’t run a vendetta against someone who has NO record of anything aside of the Palen complaints- for 2 years – and make 940 calls – if the guy isn’t threatening you in some other way.
I say Wooten’s got major DIRT on Sarah.

I say HELLS YEAH. DIG up the DIRT on MISS WASILLA. DIG, BABY, DIG. Heck, Knikgoose, you didn’t even bring up the Terrorist, I mean the First Dude.

I missed 2 days of Mudflats because it’s Thanksgiving holiday weekend up here. I want to give thanks to AKM for Mudflats! Thanks to Alaskans for Truth, Les Gara, Shannyn Moore, Walt Monegan’s mom (want to know her first name), Carion (and Cajun Boy in the City for the link to The Mudflats) and Mudflatters for their tenacity, humour and knowledge. Happy Thanksgiving to Canuck Mudflatters! btw Canucks, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE against our nazi prime minister and his goal of assimilating Canada into the USA by 2010.

Thanks to liberal coffee shops too.

10 10 2008
Canadian Neighbour

Thank you for the link to BO’s site!!

Thank you AKM for your hard work & dedication.
Thanks to all making this a pleasant place to visit!!

Have a great night everyone!!
Have a super rally on Saturday!!

10 10 2008

Thank you, thank you all for heeding the call to justice, whatever the cost. Mudflats is the brightest spot going for me, the place of refuge when the McPain campaign of hate simply sucks the livin daylights out of me. Surely, the Palin puzzle pieces will be shaped into a cogent profile soon — the groundswell and citizen outrage (via blogs uniting) WILL have its day. Again, much gratitude from the outside for your collective pick’n’shovel efforts.

11 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Branchflower is my new hero.

Page 66 near bottom of page:

“For all the above reasons, I find that Governor Palin abused her power as Governorin that her conduct violated AS 39.52.110(a) of the Ethics Act.”

11 10 2008
RH Omea

You guys showed that there are still some Americans left who will speak truth to power in this country. Now send those POS McCain lawyers out of the state on a frikkin rail and on the way out tell em that the truth doesn’t get intimidated by them in the Great North!!
Having pored over the facts in this case there was no doubt that, if factual, this report would indict Palin’s actions. Almost every Palin family accusation against Wooten was unsubstantiated. The McCain snowscreen was just as absurd – can you imagine the GOP response if it was shown that Sen Obama allowed Michelle to call people into his Senate office to pressure people to fire ANYONE?!?!
Meg Stapleton’s reply is just as inaccurate and untrue as their prior BS – the Alaska Ethics Act is VERY clear and does not require a financial reward for ethics violations:
“Chapter 39.52. ALASKA EXECUTIVE BRANCH ETHICS ACT – Sec. 39.52.010. Declaration of policy.
(a) It is declared that
(2) a code of ethics for the guidance of public officers will
(A) discourage those officers from acting upon PERSONAL OR financial interests in the performance of their public responsibilities;”

Now we down here in the lower 48 beg you all to KEEP DIGGING!!
I’ll bet at the bottom you’ll find more skeletons of legal and ethics violations than a 500 yr old cemetery.

No one lies just once – once a liar always a liar – and we now know that Sarah Palin’s a Champion Dissembler with a Blue Ribbon in Mendacity. There is no doubt in my mind that she is lying about a slew of other matters and I fully expect that she may be recalled or impeached by your great state once the truth about her comes out in AK.

Too bad she “didn’t blink” and was so “confident in that readiness”. If she had just stayed quiet up in Alaska, she might have kept her cushy job and continued getting paid just to stay at home!!!

thank you to all you Mudflatters from a grateful nation of people who still think that telling the truth counts.

11 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Any lawyers out there want to volunteer to represent Trooper Wooten in a civil suit against those in the Palin administration who conspired to have him fired?

There’s a wealth of public record material to support him if he files that suit…..

11 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

And oh, the irony.

The straw that broke the camel’s back and got Sarah to act out and fire Monegan?

He sent her a picture of a Trooper to be signed by the Governor and distributed at a Trooper’s Day event. Apparently the picture Monegan randomly picked to send upset Sarah. The trooper in the picture? Mike Wooten!!!


11 10 2008
Sean Menefee

I’m only on page 42 at the moment, and I’m already banging my head against the desk regularly at this point. My mother works for the Governors office here in California, and if she has done a 1/10th of any these things I’m reading, she would have been terminated, and sued from here to hell and back. Back to the grill again it would seem.

Last note…..

Palin actually ties Governor Schwarzenegger for the most nutty Governor award IMO. I feel bad for both of our states.

-Sean Menefee

11 10 2008
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN ALASKA - 10/11/08 | Alaska Hockey Moms For Obama

[…] Release of the Branchflower Report. (Mud […]

11 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

I’m reposting on this thread something I wrote on the Bedtime In Alaska thread, hope that’s o.k.

This article on the inquiry from the NY Times is very interesting in that it, to my mind, displays Palin’s narcissism to it’s utmost:

From Branchflower:

“The report says she knowingly “permitted Todd Palin to use the governor’s office and the resources of the governor’s office, including access to state employees, to continue to contact subordinate state employees in an effort to find some way to get Trooper Wooten fired.”

Further, it says, she “knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda.”

(As I heard someone say last evening, the Palins don’t have the ability to separate their personal lives from her official life as governor.)

From the Palin side, via Stapleton:

“At a news conference Friday evening, a local McCain-Palin campaign spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, said that Mr. Branchflower’s abuse of power finding was the result of an “overreach” by the investigator who went beyond “the intent of the original” inquiry.

In an e-mail statement, Ms. Stapleton said the report showed that the investigation was a “partisan led inquiry run by Obama supporters and the Palins were completely justified in their concern regarding Trooper Wooten given his violent and rogue behavior.”

Watching Rachel last evening, I found the interview with Ana Marie Cox who has been traveling with the McCain campaign fascinating (and frightening) when she reported that up until the last week or so, every rally would have a few “wing nuts” attending, but in recent days the rally-goers she and others have interviewed were all of the wing-nut variety, “Obama is an Arab”; “I’m afraid for the baby we will be having soon living under an Obama presidency.”

Another person interviewed indicated that if McCain, as he did yesterday, now calls for such comments against Obama to cease and for his supporters to be respectful, the numbers attending his rallies will drop.

11 10 2008
Frank aka. Lier Skunk Palin

I think many of you are being a little selfish. As much as I want Obama to win. This is about a elected official, who wrongfully fired someone as a personal vendetta. I am sure it will have a positive effect for the O camp but, WM and the state of Alaska have just won a major victory. My hat is off to all Alaskans, and Americans who believed in due process, and fought hard to make this happen.
AKM, the next time your on Long Island NY, Stop in. I owe you a few rounds of liquid libation. CHEERS Alaska!!!!!!!!!!!

11 10 2008
West Virginian

Just heard on Pittsburgh news about the $1000/plate dinner held last night that Palin attended. Didn’t the Repubs make fun of the same type of fundraiser for Obama? They have such a double standard!

The news said 400 people protested against her and some of them were dressed as polar bears.

I bet McCain wishes he had checked her out a bit more.

11 10 2008

Excellent work by
Branchflower — you should be proud
of his thoroughness.

October 11, 2008

11 10 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen:

PLEASE!! Yes, yesterday’s news was worth celebrating but, IT’S ONLY THE FIRST STEP IN THE PROCESS. Let me repeat… IT’s ONLY THE FIRST STEP IN THE PROCESS.

We all know that at least short term, the legislature isn’t going to take any action.

In an effort to keep this issue in the forefront and to get to where many of us want to end up, ACTION needs to start immediately. First, there has to be a legal mind from Alaska that is part of the movement. Someone has to learn what ALL the options are that can be taken NOW!! Partitions (centure, resignation, impeachment), rallys, maybe a “STOP SP fund needs to be established to cover costs of litigation, law suits, requests for hearings, etc., etc., etc. The heat needs to be turned up IMMEDIATELY with as much statewide and national exposure as possible.

Someone could create a “DRAFT WALT MONEGAN FOR GOVERNOR” web site. His slogan and his message would be, “A proven leader whose very name is synonymous with HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND THE TRUTH. A governor you can finally believe and a governor you can finally believe in”. If elected, his very first item on his “TO DO LIST” would be to review the backgrounds, experience and qualifications of ALL prior state apponitments and take the necessary steps to bring the very best people into state government. This DRAFT WALT MONEGAN movement would most certainly get everyone thinking, especially SP.

These are but a few of my ideas which, I’m sure, are shared by many Alaskans.

CRITICAL!!! This or any other play moving forward needs to begin IMMEDIATELY.

Whenever any of us feel tired or that the battle isn’t worth the fight, I encourage everyone to click the link below.

OMG !!! I love my country. God bless it and, God bless all of you.

11 10 2008
kokofish palin

Shout out to you AKM! Unparalled reporting, great writing, and splendid communication to a big Mudflats community.

…now I’ll do my homework…..

11 10 2008

When this is all over, can we look forward to seeing Sarah, Todd and Mike Wooton’s appearance on the Jerry Springer show? Honest to God, they are all such trailer-trash. (no offense to my friends who live in mobile homes, lol).

11 10 2008
Cin O

You know they are just gonna bury this, nothing will happen to Palin as a result, and the republicans are already spouting off that it was all Obama`s doing anyway. Of course everyone knows in Alaska this was going on before Obama even entered the picture…………..LOL

11 10 2008
Another WV'ian

Kudos to the people of Alaska and to their state legislature for doing their job without succumbing to political pressure.

11 10 2008

The two missing members were Rep. Samuels, and Rep. Wilken (known to Mudflatters as Rep. “I don’t care what the rest of the country thinks. Move to Alaska and then you can lobby me.”)

So Wilkin is a coward. He chose not to show up and have to vote. Shame on him and shame on Samuels too.

11 10 2008
Ghazala Khan

Interview Request

Hello Dear and Respected,
I hope you are fine and carrying on the great work you have been doing for the Internet surfers. I am Ghazala Khan from The Pakistani Spectator (TPS), We at TPS throw a candid look on everything happening in and for Pakistan in the world. We are trying to contribute our humble share in the webosphere. Our aim is to foster peace, progress and harmony with passion.

We at TPS are carrying out a new series of interviews with the notable passionate bloggers, writers, and webmasters. In that regard, we would like to interview you, if you don’t mind. Please send us your approval for your interview at my email address “ghazala.khi at”, so that I could send you the Interview questions. We would be extremely grateful.


Ghazala Khan
The Pakistani Spectator

11 10 2008

BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin (01:44:57) :

Any lawyers out there want to volunteer to represent Trooper Wooten in a civil suit against those in the Palin administration who conspired to have him fired?

I think that he has already been paid off by Palin and her family. Wooten is refusing to talk to anyone about this case. The only reason why I can think of that he would not want to talk is if he has received a payoff and agreed not to talk.

11 10 2008

It is not outside the realm of possibility that Wooten is fairly close-mouthed because he is involved in ongoing custody issues with his ex-wife. It is on the record that the judge told the Palin family to quit talking smack about him, and it seems logical to assume that the fall-out from this could lead to him going back to court to get an emergency custody motion granted allowing him full custody of the children until this blows over. If that is the case then he would not want to be on the record saying anything negative about the Palins.

It is inconceivable to me that a caring sibling who had been admonished by the court for trash-talking about a former brother in law would then go on to wage her own personal war of hate against him. That judge must be steaming mad that she ignored his orders! If she really cared about her sister, and her nieces/nephews (?), she would have worked toward family harmony instead of fomenting further hate & bitterness. Get a life already, move on!

And I say this from many years of experiencing similar things from my ex & his family — my daughter is now not talking to her father, but finally rebuilding a relationship with her grandmother now that she understands the hatefulness of what her son did and how very adversely that affected my daughter. My daughter took it upon herself to go down to the courthouse and read hundreds of pages of documents in our file, ridiculous allegations, outer limits stuff (this personal vendetta stuff really resonates with me!), and phoned me to say that she never wants to talk to her father again. Some day the Wooten children will be old enough to understand all of this stuff, and the Heath/Palin families will be lucky if they ever talk to them again.

11 10 2008


Eleven states in the U. S. do not use the employment at will doctrine. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Delaware, Idaho, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming apply the “covenant of good faith and fair dealing” to employer/employee relationships.


Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing n. a general assumption of the law of contracts, that people will act in good faith and deal fairly without breaking their word, using shifty means to avoid obligations, or denying what the other party obviously understood. A lawsuit (or one of the causes of action in a lawsuit) based on the breach of this covenant is often brought when the other party has been claiming technical excuses for breaching the contract or using the specific words of the contract to refuse to perform when the surrounding circumstances or apparent understanding of the parties were to the contrary.


11 10 2008

I have so many better things to disagree with Palin about than this. I can understand it being very important to Alaskans, but not to me. Thanks for posting the whole report though!

The Low Calorie Palin Power Scandal
From The Odalisque Project

11 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Hussein Palin

You are clearly a wonderful and forgiving person. Me–not so much. I do not have a shred of sympathy for McCain; he sought out the folks who are currently trashing his name and campaign and he has colluded in all of this with them. He knew what kind of people they were and the tactics they use, because they destroyed HIM in 2000. It didn’t take superior brainpower to realize that he had no interest in what they would have to do to make him POTUS, so long as they did for him what they did for Bush. That’s why I never believed for a minute that he would run an aboveboard campaign. I think he sold his soul the minute he decided to use them (the whole Rove/Eskew gang and all of their cronies-the friends/followers of the late Lee Atwater) and he is only reaping what he/they have sown.
I hope that after this election, he will just go away. Forever.

11 10 2008

I wish that I wasn’t happy that a governor abused their power… but I secretly am. Alaska deserves better than this.

11 10 2008
showing your political stripes with coffee. there’s a right way to do it, and a wrong way. « angryXer

[…] share your politics. This tidbit from AK Muckraker over at Mudflats, describing the day-long wait for the Branchflower report to be released […]

11 10 2008

I have been following your comments and this will be my first post. I fully agree with the continued call for action now there is the momentum and much can be done to see that justice is served for the ones that have been wronged, as well as, seeing that legislation is in place to avoid scandalous behaviors by ones placed in a position of power of serving the people. Lives can be destroyed by people in power that abuse that power as they seek selfish gains and who knows of the carnage left behind? What serious followups are done about victims? Do we hear about the people that suffered due to the Keating Five? What about the Navajo and Hopi people that had a forced removal and live, now, on toxic ground because of McCain? Please see this link, or any link about this:
As others, not the Mccain camp, do the vetting of Palin, each day is revealing her ineptitude and lack of honor. I disagree with anyone with the “good riddance Palin and just go back to Alaska where you come from” attitude. She and her ilk are a problem for all of us and not one single state can claim we haven’t had/ do not have someone equally vile.
One positive that I hope comes out of this, is our continued effort to demand and settle for nothing less than integrity and accountability, not just in our government but in our media, as well. There is no reason that our leaders have a right to be corrupt while we wring our hands feeling we have no recourse. They will be… if we allow it, most assuredly. Too long we have joked about corruption within our government and/or felt it simply came with the territory. We elect people to do the right thing for the people and our planet, not engage in self gratification activities.
Personally, I am sick of the rude, crude, lewd and corrupt mentality representing our nation. We would be the laughingstock of the rest of the world if they weren’t so damn afraid of us. Psychopathic personalities leading and influencing us through government and media should frightening us. Who is pointing out what the criteria is to be considered psychopathic and doing an analysis of certain people out there that, indeed, seem like textbook cases? If you are wondering or think this is overblown, google it. You don’t have to be Charles Manson. In fact, you could be, say, an white collar worker, a politician, or a radio talk show personality. Lack of empathy is a big deal and incurable. And the pretense of remorse after getting caught doesn’t cut it.
At one point in my life, I was an environmental activist and ran across so much apathy and hatred for the cause it made many of us, literally, cry. Now that global warming is a household word, many understand, but there are still the Palins that don’t get it and can make decisions for everything involved. That is scary.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to share about the some of the issues that causes my insomnia. Truly, we can unite to do better than this.

11 10 2008
Jan Marie DeBrossard

Hello, They say that McCain toned down his “HATE SPEECH.” As a retired Law Enforcement Officer this is what I believe happened. MCain and Palin were walking on very shaky ground at their rallies. Precisely “INCITING TO RIOT.” I believe the FBI got in on their act..they had to. If some one was injured or killed at their rally as a result of what they(Palin & McCain) were saying..they would be responsible. What they were doing was very, very close to criminal.

As a Black person, I have never had a problem voting for White Americans. Mr. Obama reminds me of my two sons (they are older and aren’t as educated but walk with the same gaite as Mr. Obama)and they often give me advice that is smart and they help me understand many things better because they ar out in the world today and I am not.

I sit sometimes and day dream about the possibilities of the future………

11 10 2008

Can Mccain and Palin be so caught up in winning, at all costs, that inciting people to cause harm to Obama hasn’t crossed their minds (the commnets “cut off his head”… “kill him”)? Racism is a fact in this country. I currently live in Mississippi but have lived in other states and all of them harbor racists. Yes, I believe we have made positive inroads so that Obama can become our president but why must he, his family, and the rest of us worry about his personal safety because of racism? You can’t be so out of touch as a politician to not realize what you are doing.
And as far as inciting violence, I find it hard that people like Bully Burke know not what they do.

11 10 2008

Hard to believe that is…

11 10 2008

The problem is that htere is no accountability for Palin or any of her minons. If you are Republican….you can do your worse…they can find you guilty of it… and you get a smile, nudge, and VP nomination with the label Maverick. Relaity check here. ~~Dee

11 10 2008

Oh please, one of you must have more than one functioning brain cell. The report states, quite clearly, that the governor did not exceed her authority in firing her appointee. All this socialist hogwash about implied contractual obligations is just that unless of course you are willing to concede that your Messiah’s long term relationship with the criminal enterprise known as ACORN is also a breach of public trust. He contributed $800,000.00 of your money to an ACORN front group for services that were not have been rendered as per the FEC filings. That kids is a violation of Federal Election Law. But, I forgot, liberals get a pass because of they decide issues based upon the socialist need for the result.

11 10 2008

you are full of BS and lies.

you prefer Obama, someone backed by muslim terrorists and arab money

12 10 2008

Hey, Jan Marie…. I sit and daydream about the possibilities of the future too! Sometimes, these McPalin Hate fests make me want to cry.

While we know that Obama is a Christian, does anyone here wonder about how these republican rallies are making the muslims and arabs in our country feel? Is this not the “melting pot” or is it just the melting pot for Christian denominations?

13 10 2008

The people who oppose Obama oppose him, not because of his color, but because of his lies, and fraud, and connection to terrorists.,

THis weekend, some guy named Mohammad called me and asked me to give Obama $200. I told him I was not voting for Obama. He still tried to pressure me into the $200 anyhow. He continued to try to bully me, so I hung up. Palestinian HAMAS members, who happen to be terrorists, have set up phone banks in GAZA, to get Obama elected. I find terrorist support of Obama offensive and alarming. Obama is a thug, and he gets lots of money from HAMAS.

Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud, he is not a citizen. He has been funded by the SYrians and Iranians for his expensive education and housing. He is their puppet. He is totally intellectually unqualified, and constitutionally unqualified, to be President. All he has to offer is veneer.

Calling Palin a pig with lipsick won’t get him anywhere either.

The only American running for PResident is McCain. WHile he may not be perfect, at least he has served his country, and actually understands the government. Obama would have to spend the first 4 years learning his vocabulary.