McCain Palin Rally vs. Obama Biden Rally in Anchorage! The Blow by Blow.

4 10 2008

Once again, there were duelling rallies here in Anchorage.  The McCain-Palin rally was held in the just-completed Dena’ina Convention Center in downtown Anchorage.  The Obama rally was held outside, just a couple blocks away, at the Delaney Park Strip.

One would think that the Republican rally celebrating the hometown girl, in her very very red state would have drawn a huge crowd, and that the Obama rally would be a few brave intrepid souls with a couple signs shivering by the side of the road.  One would be wrong.

The Obama rally was all set up and running when I arrived – tents, face painting, t-shirt sales, voter registration, postcard writing to swing states, a huge stage and sound system.  By 1:00, there were more than a thousand people milling around with signs, kids, dogs and huge smiles.  This was definitely a feel-good place.  Hundreds lined the roadside waving signs to appreciative honking motorists, and hundreds more milled around the tent area.  Anchorage mayoral candidate and former legislator Eric Croft got up and spoke, so did Kat Pustay who’s heading up the Obama campaign in the state.  Then came Ethan Berkowitz, Democratic candidate for the U.S. House seat currently held by Don Young.  Ethan welcomed his “fellow revolutionaries”. The crowd went wild.

I looked at my watch.  It was after 1:30 and I knew if I didn’t get to the McCain Palin rally soon, I’d never go.  So I ripped myself away from all the positive energy and the fresh air, and hurried over to the Dana’ina Center.  3 people stood outside waving signs.  I figured I had to smile, so I did.  “Come on in, we’re having a rally!” one of them effused. I took a big cleansing breath, and in I went.

I just had a feeling this rally wasn’t going to have as big a crowd as the Obama rally, because the rally that was held for Palin herself, when she was in Anchorage a few weeks ago only had about 500 people show up.  But I walked into the room and I really was stunned.  I felt like I had entered an empty chair convention.  It was really bad.  I actually felt sorry for the organizers for a minute, before I snapped myself out of it.   A head count yielded about 250-300 people.  Clearly they had been hoping for more.

Jack Frost, local voice-over guy and conservative Republican who got trounced by Mark Begich in the last Anchorage mayoral race, was the emcee.  Literally right as I sat down he was announcing the “special guest”….a phone call from Sarah Palin!  Her voice was piped in over the loudspeakers, and there was a slide up on a screen showing her photo-op with Henry Kissinger.  I have to say, it was a bit jarring sitting there hearing the ‘giant voice’ of Sarah Palin filling the room.  She didn’t say much.  It was a bunch of “Gee, I miss you guys…  I heard there were a few flakes today.  I miss that weather.  It’s been so amazeen travelin’ across this great country and meetin’ people, and even Alaskans down here also as we travel across the country also meetin’ people…  I miss you guys SOOO much.”

A lady scooted up to me and said, “We’d really like everyone to be up at the front and towards the center, not all spread out.”  Ah…can’t have the news cameras getting all those chairs.  I scooted up and way over to the side so I wouldn’t get on film.

Then the emcee reminded us about how much Alaska would “get” if Palin was the VP, and also reminded us that our enemies hate us because of our way of life, and our freedoms, and “all they want to do is kill American soldiers”.  Then he said the only thing the rally was missing was “an effigy of Katie Couric.”  (Felt pocket for Tums….left them home.)

And look, there’s Meg Stapleton sitting among the empty chairs.

Next up was a local Republican legislative candidate, Bob Lewis,  who told the crowd he had driven past “that other rally” on his way in, and how the people were just full of hate, and anger and fear, and that “we” (the Palin rally) were the ones having a good time.  “So,” he told us, “you need to decide which side you want to be on!”

That was it for me.  Had to leave.  On the way out I noticed clip boards with the “support Palin” petition.  Someone behind the table said that this was “against those people” (described as ‘Obama operatives’) who were smearing Palin and that “we just want to support her.”  I didn’t sign….being an “operative” and all.

Back out into the fresh air, and down the street where signs were still waving.  As I crossed the street there were police cars, and I noticed several very large piles of something in the middle of the road.  The road had actually been closed off from traffic….  at first I thought it was cement, but then I looked closer and it was….mud!  It looked for all the world like muflats mud! Done on purpose to keep visibility of the rally low?  Strange coincidence?  A message to Mudflatters?   I have no explanation for that one…

Crossed the street, and there I was again, back at the rally of “hate, anger and fear” listening to a great local band, and watching kids with painted faces dancing in the grass, smiling people registering voters, busy postcard-writers, cheering sign-wavers, and a community brought together by a shared desire to move the country in a new direction.

Clearly I was at the right rally.



482 responses

4 10 2008

WOW!!!! hope springs eternal. You are a beacon. Thank you soooooo much.
Torpedo Vindicator 🙂

4 10 2008

WOW – that’s all I can say. Just want to let you all know that Mudflats is popping up all the time over at the Huffington Post. People are impressed. Keep up the GREAT JOB!!! I don’t feel alone with my feelings about Palin when I come here…THANK YOU!!!
😉 Mart

4 10 2008

Glad to hear the Palin rally was such a flop. Hope the news reaches the MSM, kinda doubt it though. Thanks for the report!

4 10 2008

Sounds wonderful – what a great and startling contrast!

Also, thanks for all you do – been a lurker since her announcement and have forwarded your site to many… Nothing like watching a train wreck and having front row seats! Thanks again.

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

Hey Alaskans, can you tell me something about the graphic on this guys (AIP chairman) shirt?

4 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Sounds like the Palin rally wasn’t much of a rally, and follows the same roadmap as the mccain campaign in that when it claims something its, it really isn’t. Worse than smoke and mirrors. Phonines and fluff. Just like Palin’s resume.

She lowered taxes when in fact she raised them.

She’s country first but only if that country is Alaska, not the US of A.

She fights the oil companies but only when they are not in her pocket, and she not in theirs.

She likes transparency but only if it doesn’t show her to be full of road apples.

She’ll cooperate but only if she gets to be uncooperative while doing so.

She’s a PTA mom but only if she doesn’t need to be involved.

She’s all for law and order, just as long as the rules do not apply to her.

etc., etc., etc.

4 10 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

WOW! There was mud? haha! Did anyone see how it magically appeared?
Thank you for braving the McCain/Palin rally for us, AKM. Do you know if the Obama/Biden rally will be getting any national attention? I was telling my MIL about the Alaska rallies, and she wanted to know why you guys were being ignored. 🙂

4 10 2008

mud? in the road? wow, that must have taken some effort.

glad to see the Obama rally was so successful (and happy!)
good work!

4 10 2008

Wow! Sounds like the Obama rally was great. Poor Sarah! Well, she will be back with her friends very soon, so she doesn’t have to worry too much. But, there is much more work to be done after the election. Alaska needs a really great Democrat to run against her next time. People need to start thinking….. this rally is just the beginning of saving Alaska, its environment, wildlife, and citizens from destruction. This election and you, AKM, have helped educate your state, the country, and the world about the importance of getting involved in your government and caring about your local towns. I commend you, AKM! I guess education and the ability to communicate DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE (sorry Sarah).

4 10 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!) (18:17:17) :

Eh, it looks like Alaska is squeezing the life out of the lower 48, doesn’t it?! Yowza!

4 10 2008

Maybe someone saw the logo on the dump truck that dropped the mud. How very weird.

Thanks for filling us in on the rally………Alaska seems to be taking care of business….NO FEAR!

4 10 2008

We had a rally in Fairbanks today too. Fairbanks has a much smaller population than Anchorage but we got a great crowd, especially for a cold Fall (some people might suggest it was a bit winterish) day in Fairbanks (18 degrees F, snow on the ground). The crowd was in the hundreds–someone told me that 350 people had signed in and more came later. We were thrilled and it was great fun–music, speeches, dancing, hollering! My sign said “I’m Voting for the Smart Guys! Obama-Biden 08”.

4 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

Really?? After waiting for hours for the update on the rallies, you’re sure there were 250-300 people in that gigantic, empty room??? I would have guessed 50-75 at best, unless the photo is only of one corner. When did that rally get moved from the school gymnasium? There’s an old rule about choosing locations for events — better to have a small room jam-packed than a large room empty. Thanks for proving the rule!

I’m laughing! Great job reporting, thanks for keeping us in the know.

4 10 2008
mary (aka Shank Piston Palin)

Wow! great report. 😉 Not only did you have a wonderful crowd, but many of us from the lower 48 were with you in spirit. My sister has a contribution of sorts – a song defining “Achilles’ Heel” on our myspace page. You can find it here:

You will note that the second part of the song has some relevance to this campaign. We have some northern sound effects in the intro, too!

Mary (grrl 1)

4 10 2008

The empty chair rally, that should be printed on shirts, perhaps sweat shirts? That was a great article, thanks!

4 10 2008

Great news and update….very good news about the Rebug whatever you want to call it…..I have to give you credit for sitting through the phoney liar….I would of probably left then.

4 10 2008

The rally in Fairbanks was an outdoor rally too.

4 10 2008

Again this blog has rendered me speechless :*)

4 10 2008

Hmmm. Not much Palin love, huh? Wonder what she’s going to do November 5th when she has to come home to face the natives. Can’t see her ever getting 80% popularity figures again.

4 10 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

scaredinfairbanks (18:21:37)
Thank you for the info, FBKS! Do you know if any other rallies have been planned? I want to make sure my grandparents are aware of them, if they aren’t already. : )

4 10 2008

You are such a great ‘operative’. Thanks for keeping us in the know.

4 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

AlaskaGuy – perhaps it is time to update that popularity poll, eh? It was less than 68% when last updated; know who did that one?

4 10 2008
Jackie Lee

AKM – keep spreading the hope!

You are a woman REAL women can admire! Thank you for all you do!

4 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

i would like to say that i feel sorry for palin…but i dont

today, she attacked obama for hanging out with terrorists (ayers)

the mccain campaign is getting desperate

booo hooo

4 10 2008

I am so glad I brought my gloves today to the Obama rally in Anchorage – it was chilly! What a great contrast between the two rallies – Thank You!! There was so much positive energy. It was cool to have the communications director (?) from the Obama campaign speak along with the others. Surely we have the potential to be a blue state – I just don’t get it.

4 10 2008

Thanks for the report. I’m beginning to think that the governor will have a few problems when she returns home on November 5th…

4 10 2008
Sarjo aka Mullet Troll

Forgive me, all.


Maybe a career OUT of the public eye is indicated?

4 10 2008

AKM, thanks for taking another one for the team to give us the inside scoop with pictures.

4 10 2008

Brilliant, as always AKM! You have the patience of a saint and a cast iron stomach…there would have been absolutely no way I would have been able to handle that Palin rally.

What amazes me is how much the People CARE about this election. Think of how many new voters…new DEMOCRATS…have been registered all across the country because of a long primary…which, in the long run, did us all good.

Yeah, Hillary supporters got hurt. Yeah, Obama got bruised along the way, but the whole process just made him an incredible candidate. What’s more, it made voters iron willed in their UNITY for Obama. That’s why you see enthusiastic rallies across the country for him, even in Palin’s own backyard.

I am hoping this lopsided show of support translates into victory on November 4th! Go Obama/Biden ’08!

4 10 2008
clip dragon palin

Can’t wait to see the photos from the rally! I was there and it was an enormous crowd, even bigger than the rally last weekend. It really did feel good….didn’t see anyone full of fear and/or hate.

4 10 2008

Kudos AKM; and much love!

4 10 2008
CT Mom

Hope you can post more pictures of the Obama rally — we just love those signs!

I’ve got all fingers crossed down here in the lower 48 that the Supreme Court does the right thing next Wed and allows the investigation to proceed.

I’ve got a question — when was Sarah Palin a small business owner? She mentioned it once, if not twice, at the debate and it made me curious. Between the beauty queen thing, the sports-caster gig, and the five babies, I haven’t heard anything about a business she ran — what’s up with that?

4 10 2008
Big Al from LV, Nv

I am soooo glad I found your blog. We just don’t get the anti-Palin Alaska updates in Nevada. As a matter of fact, everyone just assumes Alaska is 80% Palin supporters. I often point my fellow Nevadans to your blog affirming that Alaska is as much a swing state as our state. When are you going on Bill Maher? America needs to hear from the Mudflats and Bill Maher seems like it would be the perfect venue. The Mudflats and LEVI on Bill Maher. That would be AWESOME!

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

AKM operative.


I almost feel sorry for those poor repugs…I definitely felt sorry for you…having to listen to “You-betchas siren ramblings” in that empty hall.

4 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Pacificnwgal (18:19:51) :

Wow! Sounds like the Obama rally was great. Poor Sarah! Well, she will be back with her friends very soon, so she doesn’t have to worry too much. But, there is much more work to be done after the election. Alaska needs a really great Democrat to run against her next time. People need to start thinking….. this rally is just the beginning of saving Alaska, its environment, wildlife, and citizens from destruction. This election and you, AKM, have helped educate your state, the country, and the world about the importance of getting involved in your government and caring about your local towns. I commend you, AKM! I guess education and the ability to communicate DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE (sorry Sarah).

What can any of us say?

You are Our Leader!

Your investigative journalism has been followed all around the world for 35 straight days now. You and the Women of Alaska have led us by the life giving and protecting Spirit of the Wolf Mother of the Great White North.

I salute all of you!

The Women of Alaska!

4 10 2008

This news just makes my heart soar!! Thank you SO much for keeping us posted.

4 10 2008

sauerkraut – well lets say rally vs. rally 4:1? Quite the reversal! From 80% to 20% in a matter of a few short weeks. And Colberg has realised the writing is on the wall, so I’m expecting, (well, at least hoping for), some new testimonies this week.

Bye bye Sarah!!!

4 10 2008
Grace RN NJ

FYI, per news Todd Palin offers to testify re: Troopergate-but in the 3rd week of October….


how sooo inconvienent for the truth..

4 10 2008

Thanks for this report, it restores my faith in the great people of Alaska. AK, you keep me sane, in so many ways, I ~heart~ you…

4 10 2008

They think Katie Couric played hardball? Twisted poor Sarah’s arm until she had no choice except to speak nonsense?


4 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

CT Mom – from what I’ve read, Palin helped operate a carwash. That business shut down in part due to her failure to pay required license fees and, allegedly, in part due to her doing the wild thing with a man who is not her husband. …

AKM – with so few people going to Palin events, you might want to send in an “operative” so that the opposition cannot easily figure out who you are.

4 10 2008

RE: AIP and list of emails….I realize this should go in the last post, but now there is this new one. I want to thank the person who compiled and posted the media email list. I have sent several dozen of those addresses a letter asking them to investigage the Palins’ ties to AIP. Your list is such a time-saver. Thank you so much!!!!

4 10 2008

Wow! Are you sure the people that showed up at the Palin rally weren’t paid to be there? Who the heck would want to associate with that train wreck? And with her new hyper-negative campaigning, I can’t imagine her having even that much of an audience when this is all said and done.

Good work, akmuckraker.

4 10 2008

Thanks so much for this report – and for your (personal and collective) participation!! I got the sniffles, but it’s really just because it’s dusty in here, honest. Um. Whatever :o)


4 10 2008
wired differently

Do you know if anyone took pictures and put them up on the web? I’d love to see the Fairbanks rally!

4 10 2008

AKM, great entry about your covert infiltration of the Palin rally. You truly are an admirable woman.

4 10 2008

You know, I might just try this operative thing. I guess I’ll watch for an event near me, I wonder if I have any friends willing to be that devious. I’ll bet I could get my sister to go with me. Mwahahahahah….

4 10 2008

Looks like they will need some help from the Obama rally people to help stack all the empty chairs …

4 10 2008
Tom from PA

First the bad news: Joe Biden had to leave the campaign trail for a few days as his mother-in-law has become very, very ill. I’m sue we all wish the family the best.
Now the good news: Not trying to diss the wonderful effort put out by the lovely people of Alaska but Bruce Sprinsteen hosted a rally today for Obama and 50,000 people were there. He was effusive in his praise of the Obama/Bidne ticket saying he wanted his country back. Jay-Z apparently held a similar rally in Detroit and will do one in Miami tomorrow to get people registered by the deadline.
There will be many surprises I think on election day.

4 10 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

AKM, What a great incognito operative you are. I am so happy with the
results you gave us. Please don’t ever stop the wonderful things you are
doing for the citizens of Alaska and those of us downunder.(so to speak)
I hope to see Alaska go blue and maybe BAMA will go light blue.
Been a follower since P-day. So happy you had a good time at the Obama
rally. Would have loved to be there. Looking forward to the pictures.
DEUCE 2 the voting booth and casting for Obama/Biden.

4 10 2008

To AKM, I wish I could write as well as you.

Does the low-turnout out at the Palin rally indicate that Anchorage just doesn’t have any “Joe Six-packs” or were they all at the Obama rally?

4 10 2008
Pistol Tanker Palin (for sure)


AKM, You’re my hero.

4 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I’m so glad we’re on the same side, akm. You’re a formidable opponent, thank God.
Thank you.

4 10 2008

There will be a YouTube video made of the Fairbanks Rally. I will post the link as soon as I have it. Lots of people were taking pictures. I took just a couple with my phone and will post them somewhere and link them on this site.

Also to Ky Fork Decoy Palin (18:23:21) : You asked about more rallies in Fairbanks–yes, there will be several. One mentioned today will be at the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus at the Wood Center on October 17th, I think at 6:00 pm, put on by UAF students for Obama. Another was mentioned but I didn’t get the details. I will find out and post here.

4 10 2008
Vice Peeper Palin

Yup, I was there. Second wonderful, positive, fun, friendly rally for me. BUT, I want to take this energy to a swing state and just made my reservations.
So, any mudflaters in Wisconsin? I hate the concept of calling and canvassing but would love to organize or help out with a rally or two! I’ve learned alot about how its done, Alaskan style.

4 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

The mud it the road? That was just from us virtual mudpuppies tagging along with you, AKM 😉

You are terrifically brave to go into that empty-ish room. Small crowds make it easier to remember your face. You be careful , you AKM. I’m so glad you got back to the sunny ( I wish) side of the street.

4 10 2008

asiangrrlMN (18:44:44) :

AKM, great entry about your covert infiltration of the Palin rally. You truly are an admirable woman.
or man

I’ve seen others who ‘know’ AKM is a ‘dude’…

If you know anything about AKM then you know anonomity is important…
So I’m not sure you know anything else…

Just sayin’

4 10 2008

WO W WOW WOW!!! I knew it would be great! Thank you AKM…I’ve been checking in all day at Mudflats to hear about the rally.

And a big yahoo to scaredinfairbanks and the Fairbanks rally. Sounds like you had a good sized turnout also. Definitely would like to see pictures.

I bet Katie Couric would like to know what the Palin group had to say.

Said it before, “Alaskans Rock!” Do you think there is a chance of turning blue? How fun would that be?! 😉

Obama/Biden 2008
Brian for AK Governor

4 10 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

AKM, again you are sending out the message all Americans love to hear:

“Don’t Tread On Me!”

Well done!

4 10 2008

Wow. Thanks for the insight. I cannot wait for the photos. Obama has inspired so much hope and we all know Oregonians love a candidate that has a plan for the environment. Keep up the good work, thank you.

4 10 2008

From AKM’s report: “On the way out I noticed clip boards with the “support Palin” petition. Someone behind the table said that this was “against those people” (described as ‘Obama operatives’) who were smearing Palin and that “we just want to support her.”

So they weren’t trying to get people to sign their name proudly in support of Palin’s accomplishments, but rather to show some support for her because all them bad bad Obama operatives been so darn mean to her?


Next they’ll ask that people vote for McCain so’s poor Sarah gets a little self-esteem boost after all that meanness she’s had to bear. *Sniff*. Let her run the country, she’s had it so hard and deserves a little kindness?
Uh… methinks not. Sorry.

4 10 2008
Seam Marauder Palin

Let’s hear more about that mud. Veddy interesting.

4 10 2008
Michele aka Mullet Troll Palin

Congratulations, AKM! Can’t wait to see more pictures and video of the rally! –really of both rallies–SP needs to realize how big of an impact her ugly lies are having–on her opponents!

4 10 2008

Alaska rocks!

4 10 2008

Hey I was down at the Obama Rally with my two year old and we had a great time. It was a great feeling and I am so glad I made the drive in from the Valley! It was a real family feeling. I am proud to be a part of that group! There was mud I saw it and it came to be on the road around 2pm. I missed how it got there but what a compliment if someone was angry enough to through that down! Love it.

4 10 2008
Lori W.

A special THANK YOU to the people in Fairbanks for your Rally and efforts!
We appreciate you! Your story may seem lost here due to the rally news in Anchorage, so I want to make sure you are acknowledged.

4 10 2008
wired differently

Well, if we look at the ADN site, we can find out who won the state x-country meet, but no news (yet) of either rally. Saw a picture of Ted Stevens, though. Had almost forgotten about him.

4 10 2008

Thanks for the report. Sounds like Mudflats is doing great! You’re scaring the Republicans! LOL

4 10 2008

Was MSM at one or both rallies?

4 10 2008


Once again, thanks for your “inside” scoop.

PLEASE STAY SAFE! I worry about you. However, I am pleased that Brian is standing guard at your home! 🙂

I am constantly sending positive thoughts, energy, vibrations and prayers your way.


4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Another sterling effort by Obama Operative AKM!

Special thanks for the in-your-face pic! 🙂

4 10 2008

Ah yes… the truth squad. If you say something long enough and loud enough, it becomes true.

“The democrats are angry and bitter.”

I feel like I am in “1984”, listening to rewritten history.

4 10 2008

@Dr. Chill, pardon me, I was just assuming. I am properly chastened and will not speak of it again.

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Lori W. (18:57:44) :

A special THANK YOU to the people in Fairbanks for your Rally and efforts!


Fairbanks, you did a brilliant job!

4 10 2008
R. Trinket Palin

You have nerves of titanium. Bet the Palinists wouldn’t like your getting the shot of the mostly empty room! That’s nothing short of heroic. Brava!

I e-mailed the snotty representative about releasing the report, BTW. Reminded him that SP is running to be my vp too. No reply at all.

My hubby, Sack Panther, says Palin will be groomed by Rovetrons for 2012 if they don’t get in this year. So this is the beginning of a long, long conflict. May the Sarah Scandals of ’08 blossom and multiply.

4 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Ira – the only thing she deserves is a well-placed kick to her arse. And to Todd’s, too.

4 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

We love you AKM and all of your wonderful Alaska compatriots. We’ve been waiting all day for your report and we are pleased as punch. Thanks.

4 10 2008
twinkle toes aka Axe Diesel Palen


You are wonderful! Thanks for showing us the “other” side!

4 10 2008

It was a great Rally ! Lots of energy, a number of local politicians were there (e.g., Ethan Berkowitz, Eric Croft, Les Gara), a voter registration booth, face painting booth, and of course some clever signs. I’m sure some of the usual blogs will post more pix. One of signs, carried by a young woman, just cracked me up. I don’t recall the exact language, but it was something along the lines of “I’ve had enough of being scr$#@d for the last 8 years and am ready for the Big O” ! I hope somebody got a picture.

I spent some of my time writing postcards to undecided voters in key battleground States, telling them why I was voting for Obama. I thought that was a great idea. If anyone else wants to do that, I’m sure you could contact the Obama campaign HQ in Anchorage. Lots of people were signing postcards, and what they need now is donated postcard stamps, for the hundreds of postcards that need to be mailed.

Keep the faith !

4 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Palin

Congrats on the great rally. Can’t wait to see the pictures…but it’s late here on the East Coast (well, it’s late for me, anyway) so I’m going to do my best to stay up for the opening of SNL and then it’s off to bed for me.
Sleep well, fellow mudpuppies!
and Brian, of course

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Vice Peeper Palin (18:51:47) :

Yup, I was there. Second wonderful, positive, fun, friendly rally for me. BUT, I want to take this energy to a swing state and just made my reservations.
So, any mudflaters in Wisconsin? I hate the concept of calling and canvassing but would love to organize or help out with a rally or two! I’ve learned alot about how its done, Alaskan style.


As we say in Australia, “Good on ya!!”

People like you are my heroes. 🙂

4 10 2008
Vlad the I'm Palin

AKM – I have this picture of you sitting scrunched down in a chair at the Sallly Rally and this annoying twat of a woman sidling up to you and sweetly suggesting you move closer to ‘the group’. How did you control the urge to swat her away?? Whatever the outcome, you have to write a book, maybe entitled “What ever happened to Sarah Palin?”.

4 10 2008

sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin (19:02:44) :

Ira – the only thing she deserves is a well-placed kick to her arse. And to Todd’s, too

Oh, there you go, being mean again! Tsk tsk. So, when’s the kicking taking place, and will my pointy boots and I be invited? I’m not allowed to vote, but boy, I can kick when it’s needed to serve the nation.

4 10 2008
Jingo Killah

Beautifully written article, it really deserves attention far and wide. Link to it, HuffPo!

4 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Thanks for the cheer-up. I am ashamed of Sarah and her “pallin’ around with terrorists” comments today. Can’t ever call her “Governor” again. She’s “Sarah Failin'” to me.

4 10 2008
kathy in Austin

Thanks for the truthiness.

4 10 2008
Territorial babe

I’d make up my mind before the primaries, and am so hoping that Mr. Obama wins presidency, but cannot help feel some despondency after reading this blog. When Mr. McCain first picked the governor, I felt anger that the old Geezer was going after someone who, like great many frontier women, might feel it their duty to serve if tapped even if not prepared, nor sophisticated in the harsh light of the national post, by Golly! she’s given it all she’s got with her family by her side. In the end when the circus is over and she returns to Wasilla, it may seem Alaska might feel a little worse for wear with national muckraking of internal problems coming to international attention, on the eve of a major anniversary for the state. Plus, national press screwing up so many beloved landmark’s geographic names, Wasilla, Chugach Range, Mt Susitna, etc. I guess the nation is getting a view outside of Denali, Petersburg, the Kenai, and the Mendenhall Glacier, and no one’s delving into the suggestion to make a road from Juneau to Skagway. On the other hand, there didn’t seem to really be a lot of information about Ms. Palin available to those of us in the US with old dear ties to AK. (Mr. McCain’s strategy, no doubt.) On the other hand it’s not over until it’s over, so it’s said, and I live in one of those mideastern swing states, and there is still a lot of work to be done before the final ballot is in.

4 10 2008
Lacy Lady

Thanks to everyone for a great Rally. I really loved the picture of the empty chairs. They were JUST BEAUTIFUL. Too bad someone didn’t tie big black ribbons on them. Can’t wait until the photos are posted later tonight. It is after 10:00 p.m. here in Iowa—-but I am willing to stay up late to get a good look! I love each and every one of you.
God Bless you–God Bless America!!
Little old lady in Iowa

4 10 2008

Shoutouts to people in Fairbanks as well. That sounds like a great rally as well.

4 10 2008

That local band was Pamyua, pronounced Bom-u-ah. This group has toured all over the US and Europe. They were playing in Montana last week. They volunteered their time and talents, and they are talented. I hope someone got a recording of their Obama lyrics.

4 10 2008

I have to say that your posts and the enthusiasm that your city has shown for Obama has given me hope. It makes my heart soar with the Audacity of Hope ( if I can borrow the title of Obama’s book)
I also live in a Very Very Red state. In fact, I live in Arizona, John McCain’s home state.
I would like to share an observation and an epiphany that I have been having as of late that also give me hope… No political bumper stickers for McCain. I’ve been trying to consciously look for them for the last few weeks. And there aren’t any to be seen, or rather, not very many. In 2004, “W” stickers were on just about every other car, so it was pretty obvious who people were voting for down here.

But now, in 2008, as I drive around my little burb, it is rare if I see one… At the mall today, in the parking lot, I saw one — “NOBAMA” sticker. But that was it. One. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of McCain, but a rejection of Obama in that case…

On the other hand, Obama stickers are prevalent and are as numerous as the Priuses that have replaced the Hummers in my neck of the valley. To date, I have not really dared to hope that Arizona might, just possible might, turn blue this year. It will be a miracle if that would happen.

But I can hope.

4 10 2008

So this is a little off topic and I’ve been hesitating to say anything for fear of being attacked as sexist or something, but I just have to say it. Sarah Palin is an irresponsible mother. It bothers me no end to see her traipsing around late at night through large crowds of people carrying God only knows what germs with a baby with Down syndrome.

Because I have a child with a genetic lung disease myself and work with chronically ill populations, I’ve gotten to know several families whose children have trisomy 21 (the actual name for Down syndrome–and the preference for naming diseases now is to leave the ‘s off the end of the name because it’s a possessive and the disease does not “belong’ to Dr. Down, but enough of the segue into medical terminology arcana). Trisomy 21 is characterized by significant health problems, not just mental retardation. These children have a much higher risk of heart defects, a 30-fold risk for developing acute leukemia (one family I knew had a son with trisomy 21 who had had leukemia 3 times by age 8) and chronic infections of the lungs and sinuses due to both the anatomical problems in trisomy 21 and to genetically conferred immune system issues. It is playing Russian roulette, IMHO, for the Palin family to be exposing this baby to so much simply to garner a few good photo ops.

I’m not saying Palin shouldn’t run because she’s a mother. She can do whatever works for her, but the baby doesn’t need to be a prop in this whole thing. Surely there must be someone who could care for him in a less stressful environment until this race is over? If, God forbid, he gets very sick from all of this, I can’t wait to see how she manages to somehow spin it to be Obama’s fault.

4 10 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

And Bruce Springsteen was rocking 50,000 for Obama in Philly today.

From East to West, rock for Barack!

4 10 2008

Thank you so much for comparing and contrasting the two rallies for those of us in the lower 49 states. I sincerely appreciated reading about it. I can’t wait to see more photos.

4 10 2008

AKM, this is fantastic!! I knew this would be a great rally. Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures.

Palin was right, CHANGE is coming! Boy, won’t she be surprised to see a blue Alaska

4 10 2008

someone should post that pic of the Palin rally with title- Rally for Palin in Alaska-“America’s Most Popular Governor”

4 10 2008
Juneau girl

Juneau had an Obama rally today too! I,m not at all good at numbers, but it was certainly in the hundreds. People had a great time – music, popcorn, conversation. Hundreds of postcards were handwritten and sent to voters in swing states. — As you folks know, Juneau is MUCH smaller than Anchorage (about 30,000 souls) I haven’t heard of ANY McCain rallys The state’s been pretty much written off as republican, but I’m starting to wonder.

4 10 2008
Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker Palin

Thanks, AKM. The picture from the Palin ‘no-show’ rally is priceless!
But 18 degrees ?!! Yikes, I’m such a wimpy southerner, I complain when it goes below 65 here!
Had I been able to attend (well wrapped up in layers and layers of warm clothes!), my sign would’ve been one a friend sent me:

Because two brains are better than none!

BTW, if my Palin name needs a middle name, would it be Oscar? 🙂

4 10 2008
Rickets Nixon Meh Whatever Palin

Meanwhile, in South Carolina …

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

Trumka makes the huff post!


4 10 2008

you are correct, Michelle-
as a speech/language path, I have worked with little ones with Down’s syndrome for over 20 years. They are highly prone to infections-, upper respiratory, ear infections, etc. While these little ones are a blessing because of the great unconditional love they bring to us, there can be many complications as they grow. I do worry about him and the situation(s) he is put in on this campaign trail.

4 10 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Fairbanks, thank you for the info!
I will pass it along to my family. : ) Let us know when the video is up, too!

4 10 2008

Great goin AKM, thanks a LOT> WE LOVE YOU,

Just on CNN Todd is going back to Alaska, has to go back because of Troopergate.

AKM, have any idea why they want him?

4 10 2008
Suchanut (Wesson Scalper Palin)

AKM! Excellent coverage!

For those of you curious about AIP – here’s a link to an article in the Anchorage Press.

4 10 2008

lol…SNL rocked tonight guys and gals…nailed it!

4 10 2008
Bec in Illinois

Tina did a shout out to the drinking game folks – with an extra Maverick! LOL

4 10 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

OFF TOPIC: Great intro on SNL. Very fitting.

4 10 2008
Bec in Illinois

MadTV was great too – I missed the first few minutes of SNL because of MadTV. Decisions decisions. Will have to check YouTube to see them both!

4 10 2008
yvonne in Pennsylvania

Hi everyone!
I am so happy about the rally,and glad it went so well,
I can’t wait to blog about it all over the newspapers out here on the east coast.
Sarah Palin did a rally today in Ca. She publicly accused Barack Obama of paling around with terrorists. And of all places,Ca. she says,Drill Baby drill,only she forgets that Ca. is one of the greenest states in the union!! Only about a 1/4 of the people said it,she says to them “ok, this is when you say drill baby drill”The people did not look all that enthusiastic,I must say,Cnn fact checked her comment,supposedly he had run across some guy ,that was supposed to be a sixties radical hahahahhahahahhahahh. Everyone was a radical in the sixties lol. Obama had a rally in philly and Bruce Springsteen was to do a show,I knew that would go well , But I kept checking back to see what happened up there! I am So psyched, Alaskans are finding out just how fanatical Sarah Palin really is.Alaskans need to know we care! we care about all our states, all our brothers and sisters.from everywhere. The mcCain Palin camp is the one that’s throwing all lies all over the Place. I’m going to go see if snl is on , once again “Way to go”

4 10 2008

SNL…If Sarah Palin has to be in our world, I am glad Tina Fey is here at the same time to give us a laugh until we cry moment!

4 10 2008

Michele (19:26:05) :

I’m not saying Palin shouldn’t run because she’s a mother. She can do whatever works for her, but the baby doesn’t need to be a prop in this whole thing. Surely there must be someone who could care for him in a less stressful environment until this race is over? If, God forbid, he gets very sick from all of this, I can’t wait to see how she manages to somehow spin it to be Obama’s fault.

Agreed. Some friends and I were talking about this today. She carried a special needs child to term, and we’re supposed to admire that, but she hasn’t been showing the world that she’s taking on the responsibility to that child that goes with it. Every time I see that baby I worry about him.

4 10 2008

I don’t know if this has been posted yet. Shannyn Moore already has a video from today on her site:


4 10 2008

we all wonder why Obamba did not choose Hillary for his VP…………we know he is very smart and with her it would have be a given…..we know he is not afraid of smart women…..we know she said she really did not want VP but would run if asked……..could he be saving her for something really, really important like a member of the Supreme Court which is for life and not just for 8 years……….She would be very good for women and america as a member of the supreme court and she is fairly young so she would be there for a long time………Yees

4 10 2008

Agree on SNL -don’t miss it. They really are going after Palin with everything they can. The guy doing Biden was no more than a filler.

4 10 2008

Youtube video of the rally here (4 minutes):

4 10 2008

mhrt (19:46:14) :

Hillary for Supreme Court – I like the way you think!

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

For those of you interested in the AIP here is re-post

Hey Alaskans, can you tell me something about the graphic on this guys (the AIP chairman comes on after the chairwoman) shirt?

(I swear it looks like a python strangling/eating the USA/white house)

4 10 2008
Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin

I’m simply gobsmacked at stark emptiness depicted in the photo of the Palin rally. Pretty damn embarrassing if you ask me. I think they just need to quietly cancel any further rallies or AKM may be the only one in attendence the next time around! Sheesh!

4 10 2008

Totally amazing! Thanks for the update AKM!

Shame about the Palin rally, although I can’t say with any honesty that I’m really sorry. The Obama/Biden rally sounds like it ROCKED!! My little guy would have just loved the crowd and the face painting and the music. (Heck I’d have had a great time too!)

4 10 2008
Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker Palin

@Liberty Lover
I live in a red, red city in a blue, blue state ~ and I have seen only ONE McCain/Palin bumper sticker and no yard signs. Plenty of Obama bumper stickers, though. I wear my Obama button everywhere and am constantly getting positive comments.
What are the rest of you seeing on the bumper sticker front?

4 10 2008

I have a feeling that your Governor isn’t going to recognize her state when she gets back. Her administration that seems to be run on fear and intimidation has lost ground in the bullies absense and on top of that her image has been exposed for the sham it is. One wonders if this wil be the end of her political career, a political career crafted by presenting herself as something she wasn’t and shot down by her desire for more and more power.

The one thing that is clear through this whole campaign is that there really is hope that surrounds Obama. Equally clear is that the Bush fearmongering has now become the McCain fearmongering. Obama isn’t perfect but people want to believe in someone. Someone that can unite the country and begin the march back from the abyss. They believe that person is Obama and that McCain and Palin are just more Bush.

Say no to Blinky and Winky….Vote Obama

P.S. I hope you washed well after being exposed to the the McCain rally. I hear those Republican cooties are hard to get rid of! 🙂

4 10 2008

WOW…awesome………….I’m in Florida and am beginning so see and hear a lot more blue than red around me…………really gives me hope!!!!!!

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Juneau girl (19:31:27) :

Juneau had an Obama rally today too! I,m not at all good at numbers, but it was certainly in the hundreds. People had a great time – music, popcorn, conversation. Hundreds of postcards were handwritten and sent to voters in swing states. — As you folks know, Juneau is MUCH smaller than Anchorage (about 30,000 souls) I haven’t heard of ANY McCain rallys The state’s been pretty much written off as republican, but I’m starting to wonder.


Was wondering when Juneau would show up. Sounds like your rally was as big a success as the others. 🙂

I wouldn’t be writing Alaska off at all. What goes on in the voting booth stays in the voting booth. Whatever color Alaska ends up, the numbers are going to surprise you – yoobetcha! 😉

4 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Congratulations on a great rally! Do you think the mud on the street might have been bull (moose) shit?

4 10 2008
wired differently

Rickets Nixon:

Sadly, No! The photos are something, but the comments! Laughed my ass off!

4 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Here in the Eastern US Saturday Night Live has been on for a half hour now. The opening act of Tina Fey in the debate IS NOT TO BE MISSED.

4 10 2008

For everyone that would have supported an Obama/Clinton ticket, there are many people that would not have voted for Obama if Clinton would have been his running mate. I am an independent and I don’t know if I would have supported the ticket. I don’t think I would have voted for McCain, but I would have chosen a third party candidate, probably Barr. Everyone thinks it would have been a given if Clinton would have been on the ticket and I just do not think that is true. The republicans would have had a lot of dirt to throw around and we would be rehashing everything that the Clintons ever did. We would have had to hear how the Clintons were really running the White House. People would have questioned whether Obama was his own man because he couldn’t get it done without the Clintons. For all the people that like Hillary, there are people that do not. I do not think that she wanted to be vice president. I think he picked the right person. I am biased because I supported Biden in the primaries, but he is a better fit than Clinton would have been with Obama. That is just the way I see it.

It should also be noted that this is a close election because people do not all of a sudden give up there political identities. Republicans aren’t just going to decide to vote Democratic because Bush has not been a great president. There are still people that hold very strong to their political ideologies and that cannot be glossed over. That is why this election really will be decided by Independents such as myself. We aren’t beholden to a political party and tend to make up our minds about who we think the better candidate is for the position,regardless of party affiliation. I think Obama/Biden is the better ticket and I think a lot of other independents are thinking the same way.

4 10 2008

@shilo – do you have link to that CNN news? AP is reporting he’s going to talk to the Personnel Board towards the end of the month, but if he’s heading back this week it could be that he’s also going to talk to the much more important Legislative Council investigator. That would be big news.

4 10 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

I personally feel that Obama should give a speech such as this at
the next debate.
If McDousch wants to get down and dirty, Obama needs to counter.

4 10 2008

akm: The saying a picture is worth a thousand words was never truer than seeing your marvelous picture of the Palin rally. You just need to juxtaposition it against the Obama rally and then we will all help to make it go viral!

Thanks for all you do! You are SOOOOO appreciated!

4 10 2008

I just love hearing about the rallies! I love seeing the pics too. It makes me feel sorry for McSame and Falin’, but not sorry enough! Ha ha!!

Go Obama-Biden!!

4 10 2008

Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child (20:02:36) :

Congratulations on a great rally! Do you think the mud on the street might have been bull (moose) shit?

Maverick (cow) shit :o)

4 10 2008
Lori W.

I AGREE – couldn’t be a classier, better ticket than Obama/Biden – with no offense to Hillary.

4 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Hey Ricketts, Very funny there in South Carolina!!

4 10 2008
wired differently

Juneau Girl– Pictures! We want pictures! Wait, what? 30,000 people in the state capital? And hundreds showed up? No doubt the intrepid guy who went down to the cruise ships with his sign among them. And probably some very nervous state employees. Sweet!

4 10 2008

Pamyua is one of my absolute favorite groups! Although I wish they could have been here with us in Fairbanks today, I am glad they were in Anchorage to Barack the Vote! Here is a link to their website

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

Earlier today there was some discussion about relatives that seemed to be racist and what to do about it. Here the NYTs Kristof discusses the issue.

I am liking the NYT more and more and more these days…especially after the Palin saying that Obama was Palling today. She seemed almost set up by the times.

Still I am worried about all of “the haters” out there which AKM experienced today. I don’t want these people to be so desperate that they do something stupid.
We see such activity on both sides when people are brought to the brink of to what they can stomach (Ayers?). I do believe that we…the operatives…. hate less and hope more.

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@oc4obama (19:48:17) :

Youtube video of the rally here (4 minutes):


Thanks so much for getting this up so quickly – it’s awesome!

My favourite sign: MAVERICKS FOR OBAMA :d

4 10 2008

Lori W. I agree with you as well. I think Hillary is a brilliant woman and politician. I didn’t mean to imply that I didn’t. I just think that she is a polarizing figure, though I am not sure that it is completely deserved, and that she would have been a lightning rod for the Republicans. I really do like and respect her, but I just do not think she would have been the right compliment to Obama.

4 10 2008

Waited all day for the update!! Thanks for sharing the hope.

Spent all day canvassing in New Mexico. This state will swing to Obama this time…..I dare say I am believing so many other states will swing too. We are all working so hard across this country and the neighbor to neighbor “organizing” we are doing will make the difference. As I learned in January when I started this adventure with the Obama team, we are not the “angry” campaign. Isn’t that true?? Anything Obama is electric with joy, hope and community.

As a mother myself, and also as a school counselor, I have been deeply troubled by the “use” of Gov. Palin’s son as she has campaigned. I am a full blooded equal rights woman. She has every opportunity to run in this election-good for her and her political ascension. However, I question her judgment as she totes this baby along-late at night, screaming and clapping crowds, always being held by daughters. It just doesn’t feel right to me…my humble Mama opinion.

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

Check out the Obama sign!

09:11 TeachKids : Sorry to interupt. KATU news is here for a live feed to air at 10:00 PDT. They said this will be the lead story, but you never know.

4 10 2008
Steph aka Beans Harpoon Palin

Tina Fey rocks my world. At least we have each other and her!

Todd is heading back to Alaska. (cheers!) Guess he is finally honoring the subpoena. It would be the happiest day ever if they file ethics violations next week and she is forced to return until the trial is over. Muzzle that woman already…

And Obama has addressed the issue with Ayers several times already. Obama was 8 years old when this man supposedly plotted to blow up the White House. He was never charged with anything and was a professor at the University of Chicago at the same time Obama was. They were on some committees together. They worked together. That’s the extent of it. It’s like discrediting me because I sometimes hang out with my neighbor, even though he did some time 25 years ago for a cocaine charge. That’s how outlandish the claim is.

4 10 2008

Alskans know how to throw a rally, well at least the ones who support the candidates with actual ideas about how to change our country for the better know how to throw a rally.

I’m not the least bit ashamed to say I laughed uproariously when I saw the near-empty room for the Palinites.

AKM, kudos to you for suffering through Sarah’s piped-in voice in a near empty room. That had to be physically painful. I would suggest worker’s comp, but then Todd would have access to your file and things could get really ugly.

4 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Is your local media in Alaska fairly covering the rallies?

4 10 2008

Off Topic, But looking at the Palin tax returns, I see a income from the permanent fund of $2,214 in 2006 and $3,308 in 2007. I was under the impression that this was dispersed per person and not per family. Can someone in Alaska clarify this?

4 10 2008
Steph aka Beans Harpoon Palin

Oh, and McCain should tread carefully when he criticizes another person for who they know. *cough* KEATING FIVE* cough*

4 10 2008
Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin


I’m in southern AZ. 2004 had a plethora of ‘W” stickers on cars back then even though I believe that Pima county actually voted Kerry. This time around I’m seeing few bumper stickers from any party. But the ones that I have seen have all been for Obama 🙂 A few yard signs noted and those were Obama as well.

On the good news front down here; I took off a couple hours early from work to go register voters at the university of arizona. I was delighted that nearly every student I approached who is eligible to vote is registered and voting Obama. I think the traditionally apathetic student demographic will be coming through in full force this November!

4 10 2008

WOW- it was discouraging today to see headlines about Palin saying Obama hanging out with terrorists…
then SO GOOD to have my spirits lifted by the story by AKM! I am so grateful for the bravery you have in walking into that rally and snapping a pic. I am so encouraged by the Alaskans who came out to support Obama. Thank you for being here to tell this story.
The mud is bothersome to me too, as some others have said.
Thanks for your courage.

4 10 2008

I realized a little while ago what the final weeks of the election are going to be like. Palin is going to sling the mud and innuendo in an effort to engage Obama in a character debate. The ‘palling around with terrorists’ thing is just the beginning. McCain will have his lipstick-wearing, smiling, mugging hockey mom throw as much crap as she can in an effort to engage Obama.

As an aside, I cannot believe that a woman whose husband is still a member of a party that openly advocates secession (he isn’t even a Republican) is doing this, but they are playing on Obama’s strategy. No counter attacks, no negativity.

As much ammunition against Palin that is out there and how much I want to see her bullshit trotted out, I think Obama’s strategy is the way to go. He really should just ignore her – she has shown the country who she is and the people who like her because she reminds them of someone they went to high school with aren’t going to change their minds. He won’t change their minds. She appeals to a group of people who aren’t persuaded by reason and facts, and any effort to fight with her about character will just fuel that base.

I’ll say that again – anyone supporting Palin as a VP nominee is not persuaded by facts or reason. They like her because she is attractive, seemingly affable and personable, and seems like an everywoman. There is plenty of information out there that shows her to be, quite frankly, a liar, and wholly inexperienced and lacking in the intellect to serve as the second-highest in command.

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin (19:50:51) :

I’m simply gobsmacked at stark emptiness depicted in the photo of the Palin rally. Pretty damn embarrassing if you ask me. I think they just need to quietly cancel any further rallies or AKM may be the only one in attendence the next time around! Sheesh!

No more name-calling Frisco Eddie across the street (where are ya, Eddie?) ……. the political “streetscape” seems to have changed.

Looks like there won’t be any outdoors-in-full-public-view rallies for Mrs Palin any time soon. 😉

4 10 2008

Hillary for supreme court…………good for all of america………

4 10 2008

@ Alaska guy, It was on CNN around 11:00 pm but I found this site,

Seems they want Todd to talk, here’s with all fingers crossed, I hope this blows wide open.

4 10 2008

Have y’all seen this about a Republican activist suing Palin over the use of personal e-mails for state business?

What do you know about this AKM?

4 10 2008

Shilo –

I explained this in another thread (I think), but Todd is only agreeing to be interviewed by the investigator hired by the Personnel Board. That investigation was launched after Palin filed a complaint AGAINST HERSELF in an effort to wrest control from the state legislature. I should add that she then filed a motion to dismiss her OWN COMPLAINT because it lacked merit. I am so not kidding.

Todd is still not complying with the subpoena issued by the Legislative Council. He is apparently waiting until Thursday, when the Alaska Supreme Court reviews the Superior Court’s dismissal of the temporary restraining order (filed by six legislators who have nothing to do with either investigation).

4 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly G)

Words fail me. Thank you!

4 10 2008
Melangell aka Missile Blunt Palin

AKDude, thanks for the reference to the woman’s sign at the rally! That’s the umpteenth time today I’ve been ROLFLMAO from the good – sometimes hysterical – good news from our chief Mudpuppy and our fellows pups.

Just watched Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin on SNL. She nailed it.

Between AKM’s cloak-n-daggerishness, my fellow Mudpuppies, and Tina Fey’s talent, I know hope. You all rock! 🙂

4 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Waxman (20:17:37) :

It is disbursed per person. The amounts on line 21 are for Todd & Sarah, since Piper is under 12, hers is reported on form 8814 and the kids who are over 12 have to file and report it on their own tax returns.

4 10 2008

AKM thank you (once again) for your thoughtful reporting of the events in AK. You and all the Alaskans from Anchorage to Fairbanks, are true patriots!

I salute you! I honor you! and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Tonight I lift a glass to my most favorite operative!

4 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

karion (20:20:50) :
“the people who like her because she reminds them of someone they went to high school with ”

And that’s just why I don’t like her. Even the people I liked and respected shouldn’t be vice-president.

BTW, kudos to you and Charles on your legal analysis earlier. I had to bow out for a while to write a brief of my own — so glad you were there to talk everybody down.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

Mud Bumps? The new, hip traffic control technique, perhaps.

Did more Palindrones come in after you took that shot? The center section looked like 15 across. Were there really 15-20 filled rows up there in the oh-so-distant front?

Congratulations, again, to all you Alaskan Operatives. You’re an inspiration to all of us outsiders. And thanks, again, to AKM for keeping us up to date on both the Operatives and the Inoperatives.

4 10 2008

Thank you so much for the great reporting about what is happening in Alaska! Just incredible!

Obama and McCain will be in Tennessee for the next debate on Tuesday night, and I can’t wait! Trust me – there will be a huge and fired up crowd there for the Democrats!

Tina Fey was absolutely hilarious tonight – I’m sure that will be up on Huff Post by tomorrow. This was the best night of parody so far.

4 10 2008


I too like HRC. I think she could have brought a lot of problems to the ticket- as the Clintons seem to be so hated by the Republicans…(I think they must be doing something right to incur such wrath)… but

I have another take on this too- I think for Obama to get things done, he will need strong allies in Congress. I think HRC is just such a person. SHE CAN (and I think will) GET THINGS DONE! He will need ppl like her to help him clean up the mess. So I am ok that she is in the Senate still.

4 10 2008

Just when I think they have him all my hope goes down the drain. Are these 2 , the Palin’s as really underhanded as it appears to be. This is starting to look like something out of a MOB FAMILY. Todd and Sarah CORLEONE

4 10 2008

One more thing.. Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic Monthly has picked up on the AIP/Palin association. It is in the MSM now….

4 10 2008
Crazy In Alaska
4 10 2008

On Politico: “GOP dread: Dems could hit 60 Senate seats”

The possibility that Democrats will build a muscular, 60-seat Senate majority is looking increasing plausible, with new polls showing a powerful surge for the party’s candidates in Minnesota, Kentucky and other states.

A poll out Friday shows Sen. Norm Coleman could now easily lose his Minnesota seat to comedian-turned-candidate Al Franken. A Colorado race that initially looked like a nail-biter has now broken decisively for the Democrats. A top official in the McCain camp told us Sen. Elizabeth Dole is virtually certain to lose in conservative North Carolina.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has seen his race tighten dangerously close over the past week — and Democrats are considering moving more money into the state very soon. And there is even talk that Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss is beatable in conservative Georgia after backing the economic bailout package opposed by many voters.

“Before the economic crisis, we had a number of races moving our way,” said Matthew Miller, communications director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. “But now we’re seeing Republican numbers plummet.” GOP officials largely agree.

4 10 2008
Lana, KY

Change is coming to Alaska. Great job.

I read somewhere that during the debate – Palin’s church members had a little “talking in tongues” pray session for her & didn’t watch the debate while it was broadcast. Maybe that’s why no one was at the GOP rally. They were all praying for them –
Also read that Palin’s assistant ( I can’t think of his name right now ) flew down to Sedona to be with her before the debate. Obviously he has a calming influence, or some such garbage.
Sorry, I don’t have the links.
This whole thing just keeps getting more and more bizarre.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

scaredinfairbanks (18:21:37) :

That’s like 1% of Fairbanks, right? Pretty damn good for an outdoor rally at 18F.
Congratulations to all Fairbanks Operatives.

4 10 2008

…oh, yeah, forgot to add:

Obama/Biden 2008
Brian for AK Governor

4 10 2008

Here is the link to Atlantic Monthly abreviated to avoid the spam dump! lol

4 10 2008

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Thanks for the insight on the Permanent fund disbursements – and I think Pike are underated.

4 10 2008
Melangell aka Missile Blunt Palin

PS: G’Night, Brian!

And AKM, I love the idea of a “Cosmic Brian” as concept. I know he’s being suggested as Governor of AK, but maybe Obama could make him Secretary of State. After all, everybody loves him, but he’s got great a$$-kicking potential.

Maybe that younger cousin of his would come down here to SC and run for Governor. We could use a new one…

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

NoCalGal (20:41:57) :
“One more thing.. Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic Monthly has picked up on the AIP/Palin association. It is in the MSM now….”

Horray!…I wish that I had cable.

BTW, wouldn’t Sen. Clinton make an excellent supreme court judge?

and now let me rant…I am so happy that the democrats have so many strong leaders! I am also happy that we have a Barack who will listen to strong leaders on both sides of the aisle!

4 10 2008

Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child (20:37:15)

Heh. Law nerds unite!

I have done a great deal of research and am pretty confident that the Supreme Court is going to send the Texas attorneys packing. They (the six legislators not in anyway involved in the investigation) were entitled to an appeal as a matter of law, although the Supreme Court could have rejected their request for expedition. The law is actually quite clear on this matter – which almost never happens – and, in any event, the judiciary is loathe to tread upon legislative matters.

If Vegas had odds, I would lay down a grand on the outcome. They will uphold the denial of the TRO – which means the report comes out as scheduled on Friday.

4 10 2008

OK, I got it ! Trading places ! Rove bet Cheney a dollar he could get Palin in the VP slot.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

R.Trinket —

My hubby, Sack Panther, says Palin will be groomed by Rovetrons for 2012 if they don’t get in this year.

I have to disagree with Sack Panther. After Palin/McCain loses, she will be tossed onto the ash heap of Repo history (aided by the Troopergate damage).

4 10 2008
Drill Swollen Palin (sweet!)

Dowd is PISSED! priceless!

4 10 2008

shilo (20:40:50) :

All of this is a stall campaign. That is all it is. Funnily enough, Palin couldn’t find more than one Alaska attorney to sign his name to it. The claims are THAT bad. This appeal is their ultimate Hail Mary – if it is rejected, then the report is released on schedule. And the funny thing is, it is a wholly incomplete report. The witnesses that were subpoenaed haven’t testified.

I believe Obama and Biden will be elected – I believe that strongly – and I cannot wait to see what happens to Palin when she comes back. I know that we are all preaching to the choir here, but I have to believe that a majority of Alaskans have at least reconsidered their opinion of Palin as a governor. She probably could have withstood Troopergate on the grounds of the “at will” doctrine, had she not been tapped as the VP nominee and had she not engaged in all of this coverup.

She is betting that she isn’t coming back to Alaska. That is what all of this is about. Again, cannot wait to see what happens when she has to face her legislature in January.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

Juneau girl (19:31:27) :

Hundreds in Juneau? Way to go! Seriously, anytime you get 1% of the pop to show up to a rally without a big hook (the candidate, the Boss, something like that) that’s a tremendous turnout.

Props to the Juneau Operatives!

4 10 2008
Jim, aka Pitt Bull Hockey Palin

Excellent! Thanks for the pictures.

I was at some stock car races today and heard two first-person testimonials from very red friends that had changed their minds about voting for McCain’t based on Sarah’s not-so-memorable performance in the debate. I’m in rural Southern Nevada–I know the map shows us light blue, but that isn’t the reality on the ground outside of the Reno and Vegas Metro areas.

Run Sarah run!

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker Palin (19:55:16) :

OT — perhaps you were really meant to be Oscar Seagull ….

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

Random thought:

“Winken, Blinken, and Todd”

4 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin) (21:10:07) :

Random thought:

“Winken, Blinken, and Todd”


4 10 2008

What is the worst thing that can happen to Palin with this investigation?

4 10 2008

strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin) (21:10:07) :

Random thought:

“Winken, Blinken, and Todd”

So, which is the one that Sarah shot?

(Or wasn’t it one of them, in that picture she posed for?)

4 10 2008

Pictures of the rally still up at

And the mud came from a large dumper truck that was losing part of its load. I saw the cops giving him a ticket for dumping huge piles of mud in the middle of the road. Made me smile. 🙂

4 10 2008

Well, now doesn’t that just make my day.
Great job to all you operatives up there in the beautiful state of Alaska. True red white and blue Americans. I am so proud, and grinning from ear to ear. Thank you for your hard work.
We can be sure of a few things. The truth will out. Good people are winners. Bad people have rotten karma. Karma will catch up with them.

In the meantime. I wish you all a lovely nights sleep. We all have work to do tomorrow. Much good Karma to all.

4 10 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

For everyone concerned about McCains coming attack adds tjis just popped up in my news file this being the thread of good news thought it belonged here.

4 10 2008

Fabulous. I love how the “operatives” >wink?< are described as hateful, fearful, and angry… self projection, anyone?

You should try to get this stuff more mainstream – I wish the whole country would read this blog!

4 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin) (20:55:09) :

Well, Speck Backfire, I tend to support your view that Sack Panther has not foreseen various down hill fates for the the Alaskan component of McPOWPalina.

SNL is over. They did a good job. God bless Tina Fey and Queen Latifah.

Only thing left is my review of the Pittsburgh Steeler Game Plan TV program which is on now here for Sunday night’s match up and then it is off to bed for me. I must keep my strength up.

We all bond more and more each day here in the Mudflats, Speck Backfire! I hope we really do hold MudStock some time in the future after we can all kick back some after this ordeal. Thanks to everyone for the fine threads today!

This is Rot Pipeline signing off.

Goodnight all!

4 10 2008

Greetings from Arizona (where we have our own cross to bear). Just wanted to congratulate all you folks in Anchorage and Fairbanks for the successful rallies. Sounds like a GREAT time. And many thanks to Mudflats for keeping us up-to-date with what’s going on in Alaska. Keep emptying those folding chairs! We’ll try to help you out with the recall election after we send Sarah back up there. I raise a glass to you all.

4 10 2008

“Whycome” I like “Field Trippin'” to Alaska?; in order to find out this kind of information!! :>) [Sorry about the lack of sentence structure.]

This post is GREAT!! Thank you!!

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

responsiblecitizen08 (20:03:36) :

I’m kinda sad to hear that you might have gone 3rd party if Clinton had been Obama’s VP, since we’re all sort of hoping that Clinton’s supporters from the primary (e.g., me) will get on board with Obama.

As it happens, I agree with you that Biden is a better choice for Obama, but that is mainly because I know that there are a lot of Obama supporters who share your hostility to Clinton. Let me rephrase that. I think Biden is a great guy, and a terrific VP pick. I think Clinton, as a VP pick, would pick up swing female votes that Biden will not. However, this would only be an advantage if she did not repel an equal number of like-Obama-hate-Clinton voters. So Biden is a better choice (and another reason to like Obama’s brainpower).

I am a Democrat. I want President Barack Obama. To a certain extent, I don’t care who his VP is.


4 10 2008

I can only hope she’s finally seen for what she is in Alaska, I feel so bad for what Palin and the McCain camp did to Alaska. I’m just worried now that Branchflower won’t have enough to report on this Friday. The way it looks now with Palin out stumping bringing Ayres up might swing the Independents, I just don’t understand why no one is saying anything about the Keating-Five.
Thanks for making it more easy to understand, I thought Todd was done for but it’s like testifying for robbing a bank
to others that helped you rob the bank.

4 10 2008

AKM – You folks are true patriots riding through the country shouting “the palins are coming, the palins are coming”!

Thank you for your efforts and the country owes muchos to Alaskans who will not let this slide!!!

4 10 2008
Vlad the I'm Palin

Random thought:

“Winken, Blinken, and Todd”

Excellent !!!!! Best yet to describe the 3 “mavrix’ (nasty, pasty and first DUD)

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin (21:18:49) :

SNL is over. They did a good job. God bless Tina Fey and Queen Latifah.

I wont get to see SNL until it’s on youtube, but I so hope that right after she winked, Tina Fey ripped open her blouse! 😀

4 10 2008

@karion – Van Plein is trying to talk to Branchflower. My hope is that Branchflower says testify this week or face contempt charges. Colberg wasn’t on the appeal, so I’m hoping he’s going to suggest that the state employees now testify, to avoid possible contempt charges. I’m predicting some testimonies this week. What do you think?

4 10 2008

Here is a link to a YouTube video of Pamyua when they were in Fairbanks a few summers ago. They are just such incredibly good performers. I am so pleased to hear that they are Obama supporters.

4 10 2008

Hurray!! I’m so glad you guys had a great day. I was wishing I could be there so bad all day. Keep up the awesome work Alaska!!

4 10 2008
Greg Davidson

Wow! This is really big news to me. I thought Governor Palin had an 80% approval rating in Alaska. Or maybe it’s because she’s the VP candidate on the “wrong” side. I do have to admit that I feel a little bad for her because she seems like a nice person, but I don’t think anything can change my mind from voting for Obama. He’s the best we have going for us right now and I’m pretty sure he’ll do a much better job than McCain. Hey, if McCain loses maybe we’ll see Palin in the next four years. Perhaps she’ll even be running for president with her own “more qualified” VP.

4 10 2008

In the previous thread, Dee (18:42:32) said:

Along with Rachel Maddow’s contact, we need Jack Cafferty’s on CNN. He’s said out loud on air that anyone who would vote for this woman has got to be out of his mind.
Here ya’ go…
Rachel Maddow:
Jack Cafferty:

I don’t want to pollute a feel-good thread, but it’s a necessary evil. Palin said she’s putting on her heels and taking off her gloves. (What a sexist remark.) She’s claiming that it shows Obama’s poor judgment to pal around with a terrorist. Obama didn’t pal around with Ayers. They live in the same neighborhood and sat on the same board of a charity.

If we want to talk about poor judgment, how ’bout McCain choosing a veep involved in and ETHICS investigation? How ’bout that candidate’s husband being a member of AIP?

To end on an up note, hooray for all who attended today’s rallies, whether in body or spirit.

Yes We Can
Obama/Biden ’08

4 10 2008

Another site addressing the Todd/Sarah Palin AIP connections–a very good article just posted today.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

karion (20:20:50) :

I absolutely agree that Obama should ignore Palin as much as possible. When she spits out something that is demonstrably preposterous, the campaign should release a calm rebuttal, and a reminder to the media that they have a job to do as well. If all she is able to do is inflame the “base”, we’re good. If she continues to act like a twit, the truly independent voters will get sick of her pretty darn quick you betcha. And those are the only voters who are really “in play” at this point.

The rest of us should do what we can to press the media (local as well as national) to pay attention to her “mis-statements”.

4 10 2008

I think I didn’t express myself very well. I do not have any hostility to Clinton. I actually found myself leaning towards her in the primary, but there is an uneasiness that I have with Clinton that I just do not know if I could have supported her. My support of Obama was going to be very dependent on who he chose as his running-mate. His choice of Biden definitely solidified my vote for him. If he would have chosen Clinton, it would have seemed to me to be for the wrong reasons.I have some Libertarian leanings, so I would have felt comfortable voting for Barr and I reasoned that it would be taking votes away from McCain. I do know many independents that would have not supported Obama if Clinton was on the ticket. I just do not think it would have been the slam dunk that everyone suggests it would have been.

4 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

WTG Mudflats ~~ great Pic’s & Video of the Rally — such wonderful work!!

IMO ~ As much as I admire Hillary, it would have been very difficult to win with the GOP bringing up “Whitewater” – “Vince Foster” “Travelgate” etc. Also, with Hillary, we get Bill, and he would have been a liability.

I try to say it often ~ Awesome place you have here AKM, great ppl, great thoughts, great site. Thank you for keeping me sane.

4 10 2008

Vlad the I’m Palin (19:08:35) :

AKM – I have this picture of you sitting scrunched down in a chair … you have to write a book, maybe entitled “What ever happened to Sarah Palin?”.
I’d love to see AKM write a book.
It could lead to other things.

AKM for VP !

4 10 2008

@ NoCalGal (20:40:29):

I agree about HRC’s usefulness in the Senate. In fact, I think she could perhaps make an even bigger impact there than on the Supreme Court. When the new leadership is elected, HRC could easily replace Harry Reid and go on to become one of the most effective and beloved legislators in American history, in the vein of Ted Kennedy. I think Hillary would be a tremendous Lioness of the Senate : )

Nice coverage of the rallies, AKM. I continue to wish I could be there in Alaska, fighting the good fight with y’all.

4 10 2008

I’m really annoyed. Neither nor the ADN website have word one on their of the rallies today.

4 10 2008

AlaskaGuy (21:29:18)

I haven’t heard or read anything about Von Plein talking to Branchflower, and, in fact, the press reports that they (Von Plein and Todd Palin) aren’t going to do anything until the Supreme Court rules on Thursday.

This little investigation will probably have a very large ripple effect. The crazy thing is that Palin probably could have winked and smiled at the legislature and justified all of her actions vis a vis Monegan and Wooten. This was a terrible strategy by Palin and McCain, and one that I consider completely disrespectful to Alaska.

She doesn’t think she is going to have to come home to face the music, plain and simple, and right now, she is going to go balls out. She is going to be McCain’s pitbull with lipstick. When McCain loses, he will go back to the Senate, so he has to play it a little differently. Palin is now a person with nothing to lose, since she is screwed at home, too. She is going to say or do anything to get Obama to fight with her, and as much as I want someone to slap the smug off her face, Obama’s strategy is right on.

You want to screw with an attention whore? Starve the beast. Palin will implode if she is ignored. I kind of love that idea.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

Erin (21:14:18) :

Pictures of the rally still up at

And the mud came from a large dumper truck that was losing part of its load. I saw the cops giving him a ticket for dumping huge piles of mud in the middle of the road. Made me smile.

Kosmic Mud!! Wow.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin (21:18:49) :

Mudstock! You really are brilliant.

Peaceful Steeler Dreams.

4 10 2008

Juneau Rally Today???
I would have come but I never heard a word about it…

4 10 2008

I would like to see Clinton as a senate majority leader. I think she would be wonderful and might actually get something done. I have no confidence in Senator Reid, my apologies to those who may support him.

4 10 2008
Jackie Lee

I had hoped to stay up to see today’s rally pics, but it is pushing 2am here ET, so breakfast pics it is!

We all know you gorgeous, brave Alaskans are facing long odds up there. You fight on. I hope it is very clear to each and every one of you, that what you are doing is helping down here. Even if it doesn’t swing the vote all the way in AK, you are making a difference and giving courage to others.

Don’t give up! Victory will be yours and ours together–whatever the final vote tally is in AK (but I bet it will be better than some people expect).

4 10 2008

@karion From the AP report:

“The two investigators could interview Todd Palin together or Branchflower could use Petumenos’ interview in his own investigation, Van Flein said, though Branchflower is scheduled to end his probe at least a week before the planned interview.

“I’ve asked (Branchflower) to contact me so we can discuss things,” Van Flein said.”

I’m sure it’s a stunt as they don’t plan to have Todd back until the third week in October, but if Branchflower does speak to them I hope it’s as I outlined earlier.

But what do you think of Colberg’s move? Again, I’m just hoping, but it would be nice if he’s come to the realization that the Supreme Court is going to change things and the subpoenas will stand, prompting him to advise the state employees to testify.

4 10 2008

I had to work, so I couldnt’ go, but there was an Obama rally in Homer today too. It was four hours long and lots of people stopped in for just a while. I don’t have numbers but a friend who attended said about 60 people when she was there close to closing time.

I loved reading about the contrasting rallies in Anchortown today. Cracked me up when the McCain/Palin people said that the Obama crowd was full of hatred. Have they heard Palin’s claims in her speeches today about “Obama palling around with terrorists” NOW who is spewing fear and hatred?

4 10 2008

Should be SC isn’t going to change things.

4 10 2008

For a change of pace…

here is a link for another AK band.. that has a very mudflattian approach to SP


I enjoyed it

4 10 2008

SignKId of ObamSignWatch fame interviewed on Portland news 45mins ago

4 10 2008

Please, please please……cross post this, with photos…on the Daily Kos..por favor??
This is SUCH a great story…..and though I do know that you are being read all over the world now….( I have sure become a fan, from faraway New Mexico), still…for even more reader’s pleasure…please post a diary of this great post over there, too.

4 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Alaskans how did you guys vote this woman in office!!!
Check out her latest comment on the campaign trail today.

Palin Misquotes Albright: “Place In Hell Reserved For Women Who Don’t Support Other Women”

At a rally today in California, Gov. Sarah Palin offered up a rather jarring argument for supporting the Republican ticket. “There’s a place in Hell reserved for women who don’t support other women,” the Alaska Governor said, claiming she was quoting former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

4 10 2008

AKM – you are a star at trickle up journalism, So much is fioating up from folks who have no voice to get their views and messages. And from there it trickle’s up higher to local papers, up to local radio, moves to Huffinton Post and on and on. At the same time is empowering folks who don’t have another source to get on board – demand truth and to be heard. Whuuu – Huuuuu

GREAT job!!!!!!!!

Keep truckin’

I bet Amy Goodman would be glad to talk to you – perhaps get you on Democracy Now!

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

JBDC (21:43:18) [and NoCalGal]:

Senator Clinton is not going to become Senate Majority Leader anytime soon. It’s a nice thought, but she is still the junior Senator from NY. The Senate places a great deal of importance on seniority (longevity), as demonstrated by the ability to raise money for other Senators.

I’m sure she will be influential in the Senate, as one of the few Senators with national recognition, and she may get an early chairmanship. But even if her lack of seniority weren’t enough, I’m certain that Ted Kennedy will move heaven and earth to ensure that she is not elected to the leadership.

4 10 2008

Michele – I don’t think it is sexist to say that you fear for the health of a child that is vulnerable.

One of the most striking disparities of the right to life people is that they, without question, feel that a child should be born regardless of circumstances and then completely abrogate any real responsibility for that child – like the normal sacrifices we make for our children. A good example of that is the number of children in this country without health care, adequate food or shelter. Multiply that throughout the world and the numbers are staggering.

I am a believer that if a person chooses to have a child then the needs of the child come first. I do not see myself as non-feminist – to the contrary – reared the children alone, built my own house, owned a business but the children always came first! And they were healthy. Shame on her and whatever her vision of her higher mission is. It is all about her.

4 10 2008

AlaskaGuy (21:49:28)

I seriously doubt Todd Palin (or any other subpoenaed witness) is going to talk to either investigator prior to the release of the report. Furthermore, I don’t think the report is going to be that damaging, actually. It will be highly preliminary in nature and I think it will be neutralized by the McCain campaign. I think that all of the principals in the matter will stall until after the election, because any consequences for defying the subpoenas won’t be inflicted until January, 2009. By that time, the election will be months past, and Alaska will be figuring out what to do with Palin. Voters have short term memories, so we shall see.

If Alaskans have long term memory at that point, I will dance a little jig. Palin is just as corrupt as those she claimed to have smoked out. The attorney general should never be appointed by the governor and beholden to that office – the AG should represents the best interests of the state, not the governor. Furthermore, Coberg should never, EVER, have been appointed or confirmed – he has no experience whatsoever in this field of law, no experience managing attorneys, and he advised people to defy subpoenas before even challenging the validity of those subpoenas. He has made so many professional errors that I suspect he will spend the next year defending himself to the state bar.

Like I said, large ripple effect, and if history is a guide, Palin will be the least affected, while those who did her bidding take the fall.

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Erin (21:43:55) :

I’m really annoyed. Neither nor the ADN website have word one on their of the rallies today.

Erin, I recall the last time duelling rallies were held and the ADN got the attendance numbers the wrong way round – I’m not in a hurry to see that again.

Thanks for your pics – and your patience. 🙂

4 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Got a question for the night here ~~ How does being Chairperson of the Oil & Gas Board for ….. 2 yrs(?) make her an expert on the industry. Granted – she may know more about the rulings & regs (on the Alaska state level)

Just one of those Hmmmmm moments.

Thanks for the link Melba – good story

4 10 2008
Bec in Illinois

Coming up for a little air on a project that was long neglected the past two weeks – now it is crunch time. But thank goodness things are happening like this amazing rally — in Alaska — as well as a consistent upward trend in the polls for Obama. I’m resting a little easier about Obama being our president come January – but of course no guards can be let down. Now – I really want to see a huge win for him. All the McCain nastiness, not to mention the craziness of Palin being on the ticket – really brings on the desire to tromp them.

I just read a great article in Daily Kos about how the Obama campaign is bringing on the attack mode come Monday.

I LOVE this quote from it:
But McCain does even worse by showing his hand WAAAAY too early. I think he forgot he is going against a poker player, not some dumbass at a craps table waiting for the dice to fall his way…

Roger Simon of Politico – who seems to have quite the chubbie for Palin right now – has followed McCain a lot and says he has been with him while he played craps for hours and hours! Lets help McCain retire to Arizona so he can spend more time at those reservation casinos.

I’m voting for the poker player.

4 10 2008

KTUU just reported there was about 300 at the Palin rally and 1,200 at the Obama rally. Unfortunately, most of the pictures of the Palin rally were taken at the front, where you saw lots of people, but the closing shot was from the back, similar to AKM’s picture.

4 10 2008
Bec in Illinois

I also love this article – with photos – about Obama and the radical terrorists!

4 10 2008
Kristin aka mudroom palin

Great post. Keep up the great work. I come here for a reality check, after all the “oh, gosh, Sarah did so well, because, well, her head didn’t implode!” Even after all the winks, and Oh Joe, say it isn’t so!, and Joe sixpack moments.

I don’t know how I’ll cope if they get elected. It’s time we took our country back! I’m getting really tired of feeling like I’m in the minority, when I know I’m not…I’m so glad I found this site, it helps me keep my sanity….

4 10 2008

Sparky (20:43:53) :

That would be awesome if the Dems could get 60 senate seats…. then they won’t need Joe Lieberman and even if McCain ( bless his heart) does get in ( sounds like the chance of that are slimmer by the day now too), it won’t matter so much.

Maybe we should thank a higher power for Palin’s presence on the ticket after all.

4 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Majority Leader of the Senate is neither an honorary position nor a consolation prize. Hillary is only the junior senator from NY. Chuck Schumer is miles down the road ahead of her in becoming the majority leader. He has paid the dues (been on the leadership team for 2 terms) and most of all has been instrumental in getting many dems elected. Those people all have IOUs to him. Hillary angered many people while pushing for votes from the super delegates (her colleagues), particularly women senators who supported Obama in the primaries, and has to make amends. That’s politics.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

karion (22:05:33) :

I think you’re probably right. The McCampain will stall, and the report will — necessarily — be inconclusive. The one possible grenade is the workers’ comp pressure. If the deposition of the WC lady really is that she was pressured by the Gov’s office to kill Wooten’s claim, that will have legs independent of the memory of AK voters.

Perhaps, in the aftermath, Alaskans will have a constitutional proposition to convert the AG to an elective office, like everybody else.

Do you think there is any chance that Colberg could be sanctioned by the AK Bar for being such an obvious dolt?

4 10 2008
carolyn AKA Speck Backfire

Cynthia, TX (22:03:02) :

Alaskans how did you guys vote this woman in office!!!
Check out her latest comment on the campaign trail today.

Palin Misquotes Albright: “Place In Hell Reserved For Women Who Don’t Support Other Women”

At a rally today in California, Gov. Sarah Palin offered up a rather jarring argument for supporting the Republican ticket. “There’s a place in Hell reserved for women who don’t support other women,” the Alaska Governor said, claiming she was quoting former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

OMG OMG I was going to type..I can’t believe she said that…but after the last few days of SP and her lies……nothing surprises me anymore. This just makes me really angry. Is there no end to the people that they will smear and distort. SP would be the LAST person to reach out and help another woman. Madeline Albright is a wonderful, intelligent and lovely person. Hope you like HEAT SP.

4 10 2008
Vlad the I'm Palin

I can imagine Madeleine Albright will just love having her words twisting out of Failin’ Palin’s gash of a mouth. She really is out to lunch – a flash in the pan, or perhaps she would understand it better if I said she is just “fool’s gold”.

4 10 2008

I have to agree that there is little chance that Failin will survive her time as gov should her ticket not win on Nov 4th and go on to do great political things. I honestly don’t think she could be re-elected here in this state. If she is not impeached or recalled as a result of whatever comes of the Troopergate affair, in order to stay in play for any future ANYTHING in political land she would have to be re-elected as gov. I cannot see that happening. I refuse to believe that this state could do something so horrible.

I have a difficult time believing that people will keep faith with regard to the TransCanada pipeline thing. That got her a lot of support in the past (by people wearing stupid glasses), but I don’t see that lasting. There are lots & lots of issues there, that would be a massive post, so I won’t go into it. Suffice it to say that there will be no Alaskan jobs for many many many years, and TransCanada’s legal problems combined with the opposition by ConocoPhillips & BP mean that I, personally, think that “her” pipeline will never get built. COP & BP are smelling blood right now, and so when she comes back to this state after the elections are over (god willing), she is TOAST with them. My husband & I are oil company employees, so I know more than a little bit about all of this.

She has totally alienated too many people here in AK, Rethugs & Dems alike.

Her spouting off about the bridge to nowhere, her refusing pork, blah blah blah (all lies) mean that everyone in the rest of the US will now be scrutinizing every cent in earmarks that is sent to AK. The rest of the US won’t stand for it, and that will mean serious budget issues. It won’t be pretty here.

One of the other major issues: she has totally completely dissed Ted Stevens since he has been under investigation/indicted. She told Alaskans, in not so many words, that he is past his sell-by date and we need a new senator. Not sure if you all have been following this, but in the primary he got huge numbers, even while heading to trial. Alaskans love them some Ted, he has brought zillions of dollars to AK. He’s been in the Senate for zillions of years. Not someone that you want upset with you. If Stevens comes through this trial clean I predict that she is dead meat. Paybacks are hell.

That’s my take on it, as an Alaskan of many many years. Any other Alaskans want to speculate?

I predict that she & 1st dude will become the new Jimmy & Tammy Faye. More money in that anyway.

The rally was great. I love Alaskan Dems, we are really a pretty laid-back fun crowd. I’ve really been missing out all those years that I was a rethuglican and then out of the country once I finally saw the light.

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Melba (21:59:33) :

SignKId of ObamSignWatch fame interviewed on Portland news 45mins ago

* * * * *

Thanks Melba for posting this! Please post the CNN interview from next weekend if you can. 🙂

I love the announcer’s closing remark: “Big Brother is made up of a lot of Little Brothers”.

And sisters! 😀

4 10 2008
Gravel Blood Palin

“An effigy of Katie Couric,” really? In light of right-wing accusations’ that the liberal media of spews nothing but empty, twisted hate speech, I find that really ironic.

4 10 2008

strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin) (22:16:22)

Of all of the people in Troopergate, I think Coberg is going to take the hardest fall. That seems to be the hallmark of Palin – lead your cronies out on a branch and watch them fall.

Coberg was probably stoked beyond belief to get the nod, and I get how that can prompt you to accept a job you aren’t qualified for, but his professional advice in all this is wretched. You want to avoid a subpoena because you think it is invalid? You challenge it in court immediately. He took nearly a month to do it, and after he advised the employees to avoid it.

That is just plain bad lawyering.

4 10 2008
Vlad the I'm Palin

Good op-ed article in the NYT

4 10 2008
Vlad the I'm Palin
4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@AKdude (22:11:59) :

KTUU just reported there was about 300 at the Palin rally and 1,200 at the Obama rally. Unfortunately, most of the pictures of the Palin rally were taken at the front, where you saw lots of people, but the closing shot was from the back, similar to AKM’s picture.

* * * * *

Hey AKdude, you didn’t mention that the First Doody turned up later at the Palin rally!

Woohoo!! First Doody in da house! Gotta be a sign! 😀

4 10 2008

@karion – I’m so clutching at straws, but just once I’d like to be right. 🙂 I’ll keep an eye on the ADN so that I can come back here and say I told you so! 😀

I do agree that the stonewalling is probably going to be much more damning than the report itself to Palin’s political career. I can’t imagine, (other than the workers comp thing), that you could really prove too much in the dismissal of an at will employee, and I’ve thought that from the outset. But the McCain/Palin campaign are just as guilty for turning this into a soap opera as French was with his comments. And I’m hooked! We have an interesting week ahead of us.

4 10 2008

“There’s a place in hell…. ” comment is lifted from a comment McInfame made in response to an insensitive comment by a non-fan years ago. Just read about it today.

4 10 2008

I hope somehow Obama gets the word about all his hard-working, courageous and fun-loving friends he has up in Alaska. Thanks so much for your fine efforts through your blog to connect like-minded people with our *revolutionary* new friends to the north. Your descriptions are warm and vivid and communicate the changing scene in your state—

And of course thanks and props to the many brilliant commenters we shall get to know via these amazingly perceptive and smart posts. And YAY! for all the photographers (it’s OK to mix in a “scenic” or two!).

((OK. I’ll admit it–I’m still so sorry for Bristol…hope she’s doing well and has a good stand-in calabash (hawaiian style) auntie or two for comfort and support. Her next couple of years are going to be very hard ones, no matter the affairs of the heart.))

Ms Anon in Los Angeles
(Hillaryites for Obama)

4 10 2008

Whoa!!!! Todd Palin back in Alaska?!?!

(OK, karion, I’m not going to say it just yet. 😛 )

4 10 2008

“LaNon: I hope somehow Obama gets the word about all his hard-working, courageous and fun-loving friends he has up in Alaska.”

About Obama’s friends here……and whether he would get the word about us ~I was thinking he could surely make a splash (and perhaps take a needed ‘timeout’ ~ ?) by coming up for a rally; sure would make some headlines here, and by then the MSM would be even more interested, since our rallies may be leaking out there soon…….. just a thought.

4 10 2008

About Obama’s friends here……and whether he would get the word about us ~I was thinking he could surely make a splash (and perhaps take a needed ‘timeout’ ~ ?) by coming up for a rally; sure would make some headlines here, and by then the MSM would be even more interested, since our rallies may be leaking out there soon…….. just a thought.

4 10 2008

Bruce Springteen will be at OSU tomorrow for Obama rally. Wish he would rework his song “These are better days” for the campaign.

4 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin (20:00:13) :

We had an awesome rally in Juneau with at LEAST 200+ people (many of us think we were above capacity, not that I know what capacity is in that building, but we were full!). We started inside then were led on a “walk about” as it were outside, down Egan Drive (our local highway) and back by our very own “Sarah” to wave at drivers. We wrote postcards to undecided voters (in spouse’s birth state, which was cool to be able to do), grooved to folk music, hung out, visited, personalized “I am an Alaska __________ and I choose Obama-Biden” signs (one of my favorite was “I am an Alaskan ridiculously liberal 15-year old and I choose Obama-Biden”!), and generally had fun.

Yup, cool to get close to 1% of our population and STILL prob. have more people than the empty chair rally had! WE ALL ROCK!

I’ll try to see about sending some of our photos to AKM for posting here. May take me a while.

@Waxman (20:17:37) :

PFDs are sent individually, but if a couple files taxes jointly, the amount shown on the tax return will reflect both of them.

Oops, now that I’ve read down further, I see that Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (20:36:26) : already answered your question.

@everyone wondering why Todd was headed back to AK.

He appeared at the McCain-Palin (or is that Palin-McCain?) rally today, THANKFULLY (I’m sure) after AKM decamped back to the fun rally. Word is he’s scheduled to talk the the Personnel Board investigator, albeit not till the third week in October. Still no word as to whether he intends to talk to Branchflower, but my bet would be not. And WHERE ARE THOSE CHILDREN and why are they not in school and who is taking care of them?!?

@Erin (21:43:55) :

AKdude is right; KTUU just had a story about both Anchorage rallies on the 10 pm news. Boy was that room empty!

@SEAlaskanWoman (21:47:07) :

Check out the Alaskan Events link here (far right on top of page) or the “Alaskan Lodge” and “Events and Meets” sections over on The Mudflats Forum for additional information, including about the big Anti-SWWNBN rally next Saturday on the steps of the Capital at 10 am. Wear yellow mudflats wellies so I can find you?

4 10 2008

mwlfqotn (22:46:13) :

The numbers (# of voters, electoral college, time and expense) aren’t there at this point in the campaign (when he needs to focus on electoral votes) but the PR value would be HUGE HUGE HUGE…

INVITE HIM don’t wait for others to do it…send some of the postcards to HIM and invite him or Michelle (I saw her in LA with Maria and Caroline and Oprah and Stevie…it was AWESOME).


4 10 2008
Zim in Oz

Well done Alaskans.

I found this interesting…

‘Palin quotes Albright and is endorsed by head of LA NOW’

WTF …?? !!

4 10 2008

karion (22:30:21) :

Of all of the people in Troopergate, I think Coberg is going to take the hardest fall. That seems to be the hallmark of Palin – lead your cronies out on a branch and watch them fall.


I have been following your ongoing analysis of the “Alaska Situation” and want to thank you again for your tenacious research and your patience in explaining the ongoing, legal maneuvering in layman’s terms.

4 10 2008
Zim in Oz

Well done Alaskans.

I found this interesting…

‘Palin quotes Albright and is endorsed by head of LA NOW’


Huh ? WTF !

4 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Zim in Oz (23:00:05) :

‘Palin quotes Albright and is endorsed by head of LA NOW’


Huh ? WTF !

* * * * *

Hey Zimbabe, being a nice Catholic girl I know better than to say “Oh, my God” unless that’s exactly what I mean.

Oh, my God. 😦

4 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Shelly Mandell has the right to her opinion. If I were a member of the LA NOW chapter, I would have her recalled. For demonstrable insanity.

4 10 2008

Let’s not forget one of the biggest problems we’ve had in this country. Blinky McCain’s buddy….George My great Congressman Dennis Kucinich has always looked out for the people of this country. Go to his website and sign his petition of impeachment if you feel it’s the right thing to do. I did.

4 10 2008

This site has photos of the Fairbanks, Alaska Obama Rally from today, October 4th. It was at the Veterans’ Memorial Park on Cushman Street in downtown and went from 2:00 until just before 4:00. As you can tell in the photos, it was a nippy 35 or so degrees, though we had brilliant bursts of sun throughout the afternoon. There were many wonderful signs, lots of smiling faces and hugs, lots of energy and enthusiasm. Chants of “Fired Up/Ready to Go!” and “Obama!” filled the crisp air and echoed against City Hall and the State Building.

Many speakers provided personal snapshots around the theme: “I support Obama/Biden because…….” . Those who spoke included the Alaska Campaign for Change Fairbanks Coordinator, a City Councilwoman, a Republican Mother of Four (one with downs syndrome), a Union representative, a Vietnam Veteran, the wife of a Fort Wainwright soldier who deployed to Iraq just over a week ago, students from the University of Alaska, two women representing immigrants and naturalized citizens, a Fairbanks Women for Obama/Families for Obama representative,…..

We were young, old, black, white, hispanic, athabaskan, inupiaq and yupik, male, female, democrat and republican. We stressed early voting, registering voters, sharing our perspectives with others, contacting friends and family in swing states and letting them know what Alaskans think, feel and hope for. We shared our desire for positive change and the inspiration we’re feeling from the intoxicating possibility of this change.

One more month to go! Yes We Can! Obama/Biden 2008

4 10 2008

Tonight’s SNL debate spoof just up:

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

SMR (22:23:23) :

I’m not an Alaskan, but I spent a year there in the service in 71-72, and Ted Stevens was Senator then. If he gets out of the trial clean, Palin is, well, mud.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

karion (22:30:21) :

Yeah. I’m thinking his private practice in Wasilla may not have been the optimum prep for the AG job.

4 10 2008
Joe C

Even though there is little chance of swinging the state and Obama instructed his campaign to avoid Palin, I think the Obama camp could show some appreciation.

In case anybody from the campaign reads hear, let’s start up the chant, “SEND OBAMA AND BIDEN TO ALASKA” Or start up a petition form. They should be able to spare a day between the next two debates.

4 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

@LaNon (23:22:29) :

Tonight’s SNL debate spoof just up:
My first thought is that it’s eerie how Tina can portray Scarah.

Then I remember that Palin’s affectations are so obvious that it’s probably not that hard for a good actress.

4 10 2008

CHAIRS . . . did you say you need more chairs Governor?

Loved the pics. Ha. Please please please send them to ABC or CBS or somebody.

Thank you Alaskans.

4 10 2008

Fireweed, We tried fireweed ice cream when in Alaska. Yum!!!

5 10 2008

I love you dearly for what you are doing but for God’s sake be more careful. You just walked into a sparsely occupied hall which is newly built and is, therefore I guarantee you, full of CCTV cameras and then told the world what you did.

Please stop handing out these snippets!
Intel is Cumulative!

I’m doing this on my phone from work cos I don’t want to wait until I get home, it freaked me that much.

5 10 2008

@mwlfqotn (22:46:13) :
About Obama’s friends here……and whether he would get the word about us ~I was thinking he could surely make a splash (and perhaps take a needed ‘timeout’ ~ ?) by coming up for a rally; sure would make some headlines here, and by then the MSM would be even more interested, since our rallies may be leaking out there soon…….. just a thought.

Great idea! Thousands of Alaskans would come and also the MSM wouldn’t miss being there. It would show the lower-48, once-and-for-all, that Alaska is NOT 80% for Palin.

Thanks and appreciation to all you brave and feisty Alaskans at all your various rallies! Let’s all keep sending this link and posts to everyone we know, including the MSM.

5 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

There is a very interesting article on the role of racism in the NYT by Nick Kistoff. This fits into questions raised in an earlier thread yesterday and something to consider when talking to people. He cites:

John Dovidio, a psychologist at Yale University who has conducted this study over many years, noted that conscious prejudice as measured in surveys has declined over time. But unconscious discrimination — what psychologists call aversive racism — has stayed fairly constant.


5 10 2008

@ohiovoter (23:11:08) :
Let’s not forget one of the biggest problems we’ve had in this country. Blinky McCain’s buddy….George My great Congressman Dennis Kucinich has always looked out for the people of this country. Go to his website and sign his petition of impeachment if you feel it’s the right thing to do. I did.

I also signed a couple weeks ago…here is the website for our impeaching convenience 🙂

and one more impeach bush petition:

5 10 2008

Thanks, Alaskans, for these amazing pro-Obama/Dems rallies in your great state. And thanks, AKM, for your intrepid reporting and “keepin’ ’em honest.”

5 10 2008

LaNon (23:22:29) :

Tonight’s SNL debate spoof just up:

Watched it on The Daily Shocker. It took over two (dial-up) hours to load the 11-minute video, but it was worth the wait. My poor dog worried himself sick over all the loud laughter :o)

5 10 2008

Wow, another interesting site with facts about Palin.
She had already fired the police chief in Wasilla when she became mayor, and DID go after the librarian.
This is interesting because there is a part in this where she has ‘issues’ with the republicans, just as Dexter Clarke (AIP) reported she had during the time he says she was an AIP member.

(For some reason I cannot right-click on the site to bring you the good bits, but it’s not really very long)

5 10 2008

Much as I would love to see Obama here in Alaska, I hope that he doesn’t come until after the election is over. I don’t want anyone to be able to say a single thing about him coming to meet his “operatives” or anything else like that.

Stay away Obama! Thank us after the election by coming and giving us all hugs! Especially people like me who knock on Republican door after door after door here in Eagle River and get dirty looks and rude comments for doing it…

5 10 2008

Is it just me, or is the bloom off the Failin rose? I always check out the CNN political ticker headlines and occasionally read what’s there (the fact-check ones in particular), but wow, the comments on this one are great!

It could be that the haters of failin are just more vocal, but it seems to me that I used to see lots of that syrupy crap all over the comments.

Is it just me?

Palin disagrees with McCain’s Michigan decision

5 10 2008

Is it just me, or is the bloom off the Failin rose? I always check out the CNN political ticker headlines and occasionally read what’s there (the fact-check ones in particular), but wow, the comments on this one are great!

It could be that the haters of failin are just more vocal, but it seems to me that I used to see lots of that syrupy crap all over the comments.

Is it just me? Add the http to this:


5 10 2008

AKdude (22:11:59) :

KTUU just reported there was about 300 at the Palin rally and 1,200 at the Obama rally. Unfortunately, most of the pictures of the Palin rally were taken at the front, where you saw lots of people, but the closing shot was from the back, similar to AKM’s picture.

Is there a link for this that I could send to the German online publications which still yak about the 80% Palin approval rating in Alaska?

5 10 2008

And another great article from a former Wasillian who didn’t like Palin’s politics when she was mayor, and has her down-pat,…
again, she fires anybody with a difference of opinion:

5 10 2008

@strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin) (22:04:50)
“Majority Leader of the Senate is neither an honorary position nor a consolation prize. Hillary is only the junior senator from NY. Chuck Schumer is miles down the road ahead of her in becoming the majority leader.”

True, there is a lot of tradition in the Senate, and Schumer has many years of experience as a US Representative, although he has just 2 years’ seniority on HRC on the Senate side. If anyone could compel some sort of rationalized break with tradition, though, I think it could be Hillary. She did push for super/delegate votes and perhaps ruffled some feathers, but she is also wildly popular and if promotion is at all associated with raising cash… she’s golden. Perhaps it won’t happen with this election, but a girl can dream : ) Either way, I still think Hillary can best use her talents and make a huge impact on the causes she holds passionately close by remaining in the Senate…

5 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

SMR, I don’t think there’s any chance that Obama would come to Alaska to make Exhibit A of his fabulous support there.

What I do think, however, is that there is every chance that someone will inform him of the wonderful people in Alaska who are supporting him so strongly. 😉

5 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

ira2, the link will tell you all about today’s rallies. It focuses very much on the Obama rally first.

I have to make the comment that the KTUU report didn’t appear biased in any way – you can’t blame them for photographing the Palin rally attendees from the front, because they were a tiny group. 🙂

5 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@ira2 (00:13:53) :

It took over two (dial-up) hours to load the 11-minute video, but it was worth the wait. My poor dog worried himself sick over all the loud laughter :o)

* * * * *

My very expensive DSL internet in rural Australia makes me wait for a ratio of 1:4 to load, but I may stop complaining about that.

No guarantee, though. 😀

5 10 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

fireweed (23:15:34) :

ak mom for obama

Wonderful pictures, thank you! 🙂 My family’s home is just up the street, and seeing Obama supporters right there warms my heart.♥

5 10 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

fireweed (23:15:34) :
Wonderful pictures, thank you! My family’s home is just up the street, and seeing Obama supporters right there warms my heart.♥

5 10 2008
Crazy In Alaska

The place in hell comment is absolutely outrageous! Actually, I think I am more upset by how she ends. She is just egging on the MSM. Ugh! She makes me ill. She still doesn’t talk policy. I wonder what her prep is like:

“Okay, let’s see how I can change the topic from actually policy, oh, I’ll talk about Starbucks, that should be good.”

5 10 2008

New Zealand checking in (not the whole of it obviously).

I love this site, I love how passionate you are about your politics. I’ve just sent an email to the Obama campaign asking them to acknowledge your efforts.

I watched the VP debate and really…what the hell was all that winking and stuff??? You’re supposed to take that person seriously??? I’m sure Helen Clark (PM of NZ for the last nine years for people that don’t know) spat up her cornflakes when she saw it.

I really don’t get people thinking McCain’s $5000 healthcare “rebate” is a good thing. This is what happened over here (and we’re supposedly socialised!). In the 80’s companies used to get a tax break for part paying health insurance for employees…”but you’re solicalised…why would you need health insurance?” you say??? Well because then you have a choice, go on the list or pick to go private. What’s wrong with that?

Anyway, they got rid of the tax break for companies and what do you know? Most companies dropped part paying health insurance, it was then nothing to do with your wages at all you had to look for your own health insurance and pay it direct.

I worked for The Wrigley Company (yes the chewing gum kings, American owned) and they dropped it like a hot potato as soon as they didn’t get a tax credit on it. Did I get a pay rise to offset what they’d paid previously? Of course not. In fact Wrigley’s was very dead set on only paying 20-50 cents above minimum wage per hour in the first place.

The same thing happened with retirement plans. When companies got a tax break they paid into retirement plans, as soon as that was over that was the end of that and you found your own. New Zealand had a good record of saving for retirement when companies helped, totally slack arse once it was gone because again, wages did not go up to cover what was lost when the tax breaks were taken away and people couldn’t afford the high cost of paying the whole whack by themselves.

Now I’m sure there’s going to be some conservatives that think “well why don’t you pay it yourself?” but hell people pay taxes all their life they SHOULD get something back on it and not end up on the street! Not everyone can earn six figure sums to “get by”. I’ve got many relatives that earn way more than me yet they’re broker than I am. Being poor DOESN’T mean you don’t know how to handle money.

That’s part of the reason I don’t understand the whole “Joe six-pack” thing, to me that’s saying that poorer people are just drunken bums that will go along with us Conservatives. If anyone over here tried that they’d been kicked out on their ear but my best friend is from Iowa and he says that’s not a put down. I told him “another difference between our two countries”. You don’t insult the electorate…well you shouldn’t. McCain’s campaign seems to take total pride in that. I don’t get it.

Keep up the good work.

5 10 2008


tell me when McCain has ever supported the troops, he even complained that though HE’D been given funding on it sometimes “it wasn’t the best treatment”. Then he married his rich woman and who cares?????

Another thing, seeing as you appear to be from the party of “family values”…why is it bloody fantastic that McCain went out hunting for a better looking woman than the WIFE he had at home, who waited for him all through his time in Vietnam, and he couldn’t wait to dump her? WTF, really? On the Obama/Biden side you have two men who love their family to death they do part and in Biden’s case even death didn’t part them.

John McCain got home and he was all “Ewww yuck! I gotta find me a good looking woman!” What kind of family value is that??? How fricken’ shallow is that???? No wonder Palin is his ‘soul mate’ *bleck!* ‘cos she’d do the same thing if first Dud got injured. In fact First Dud would toss her on the scrapheap as well! And they way you talk, you’d do it too. You’re sickening.

5 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

I get you, Rebecca. And that’s why I would never consider moving to New Zealand. You have a wonderful Prime Minister in Helen Clark, and a wonderful, independent attitude to the rest of the world, but you are still stuck in that old Conservative economy that serves so few at the expense of so many.

Frankly, I’ve never understood how it has gone on for so long and I ‘spect I never will.

5 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Oh, and Rebecca? That is a troll …..

5 10 2008

quoted from comment on ADN article ‘Pro-Palin rally gets surprise guests’ by funky_eskimo

Palintology — the study of huh?
You heard it here first folks:

Palinomics: Government serves big oil and big business. Let the poor eat cake.

Palinography: The self-reinvention of one’s personal and political history in the dedicated pursuit of God’s plan.

Palinism: The evolution of women’s rights to the point they can break through the glass ceiling only to have the supreme court order them how to deal with the cuts on their body from the shattered glass.

Trans-Palincy: The clear and transparent agenda to deceive the general public and create a new ethical sub-standard.

Palintanical: The careful blending of church and state; wherein state opens the coffers to church, delivers the courts from evil, and the military follows “God’s plan.”

Palinmanship: The right to use motherhood and sex as a political pulpit, and denounce those who dare to even acknowledge she is a mother and/or woman.

Palinocracy: A country ruled by a woman with no experience, no knowledge of interna

5 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

JBDC (00:30:43) :

I think the quote you appended when referring to my comment was actually from Hick Town, but no matter. There are a bunch of senators with more seniority than HRC, plus, I’m afraid that Kennedy will oppose her advancing to the leadership group. And I’m generally a big Ted fan. Maybe he’ll surprise me.

In any case, I completely agree that she will be able to be a strong voice in the Senate, even without an official leadership position. She has more national name recognition than anybody except Kennedy, and she is more current. I expect her to get a chairmanship fairly soon. I don’t think that Obama will offer her a Cabinet position, because of the “What the hell do we do with Bill?” factor.

One scenario I like is: if Obama’s first term is reasonably successful, Joe decides he’s done enough and the 2012 ticket is Obama/Clinton. By then, O would be established enough that Bill as Second Laddie wouldn’t be a problem, and it could set Hill up for 2016.

Understand, please, I am not a Clintonista; I am a Democrat. I see this as a plausible path to having two two-term Democratic Presidents in a row (a unique accomplishment). Probably, something will happen so this isn’t the way things go. With luck, it will be the emergence of some new Democratic personality. I’m kind of sloppy about this. I just want to see Democrats win.

After we have enough Democrats in power, we can start to look at upgrades.

5 10 2008

Don’t pay any attention to the repugs

We all know the only reason McCain hasn’t been in jail is that Daddy McCain paid for his baby boy to be kept out.
Ms. Palin may be visiting one soon though,

And, did anyone see this reference letter Newsweek reported on, where she wrote a reference for Wooten so he could become a trooper?

[i]”Palin didn’t always regard Wooten as a bad guy. NEWSWEEK has obtained a reference letter she wrote for Wooten in January 2000. She described his good works as a volunteer in local police and youth auxiliary programs, including a stint as a football coach for 7- to 9-year-olds: “I have witnessed Mike’s gift of calm and kindness toward many young kids here in Wasilla. I have never seen him raise his voice, nor lose patience, nor become aggitated [sic] in the presence of any child.” She called him a “fine role model.”

With Palin’s reference and other recommendations, Wooten got a job as a state trooper. The following year, he married Palin’s sister Molly. “[/i]

5 10 2008
Zim in Oz

@Rebecca (00:52:11) : New Zealand checking in

Oooo la la Kiwi !….. Go Girl ! 😉

5 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

citizensagainstliberaldemocrats (00:49:40) :

Well, AKM has to sleep sometime, so here we have this dreck.

(1) All your assertion are belong to crap.

(2) Us liberal Democrats are also citizens, you twerp.

5 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

*JBDC I agree with you totally about Hillary staying in the Senate. That’s where her considerable skills are best applied. I just hope that now that she is not running for the prez that she gives up those nutbars at the McLean Bible Church (Jews for Jesus and trying to control official Washington for the fundies). That was scary to me. “Also”

5 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

This is a priceless comment on a NYT blog …. I just love it.

“She is not a person of thought”. Now that’s deep…. Sarah Palin may have cleared a low bar with her performance in the Vice Presidential debate, but the only thing that has kept her form jumping the shark is the campaign keeping her away from boats.

5 10 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin (00:35:48) :

ira2, the link will tell you all about today’s rallies. It focuses very much on the Obama rally first.

I have to make the comment that the KTUU report didn’t appear biased in any way – you can’t blame them for photographing the Palin rally attendees from the front, because they were a tiny group. 🙂

Thanks bunches! No worries about the KTUU photos – I intend to include the link to the mudflats report/pictures as well, for a nice and comprehensive view of reality.

Btw, the price for DSL is probably outrageous in rural anywhere. It’s now finally available here in my neck of the Northwoods, and they sent out fliers to get people to switch from dial-up to DSL… my sister in non-rural Kansas asked what they charge and nearly had a heart attack when I told her. But hey, give it a decade or so and fees will go down some.

5 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

Edie (01:15:12) :

“The study of huh?”

That’s wonderful.

5 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

* strangelet
The problem with your Hillary scenario is her age. She is only a year younger than Joe. I expect that there will be a new generation coming forth. Actually it already is with Obama.

5 10 2008

Edie (01:15:12) :

quoted from comment on ADN article ‘Pro-Palin rally gets surprise guests’ by funky_eskimo

Oh, this is great!! Gotta copy it to my blog :o)

5 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Democrats have a bill to push communications the same way rural phones and post office once were. Ma Bell once had to provide rural phone services at a reasonable fee as part of the licensing. I haven’t read the bill in detail, but it is aimed at providing communications for all Americans.

I’m not sure how the Republicans got away with it but here in the sticks we got free trunk calls to the nearest areas with hospitals. After Bush they started charging. The phone wouldn’t bring in DSL so the local cable did and now we have cable internet that is much better.

5 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Palin)

Hick Town in W PA (01:31:16) :

Maybe I wasn’t clear. If new generation Dems show up, more power to them. I was just presenting a scenario based on the current situation. Hillary and I are almost exactly the same age, so I’m well aware of how old she’d be in 2016.

The best thing, really, would be the emergence of a new group of Democratic leaders in their 40’s and 50’s. I’m just waiting to see them.

5 10 2008

Hick Town in W PA (01:38:42) :

You’re lucky. I just recently spoke with a friend in NY (not too far from Erie) who, after moving “to the farm”, found out that DSL and cable aren’t available and dial-up is slower than a snail on downers and gets dropped every few minutes. Needing a reliable internet connection for work, he’s now looking into satellite service and grumping mightily at the big and unplanned-for dent that’ll make in his budget.

5 10 2008

Thank you to everyone who posted links to photos of the various rallies today. It was definitely much appreciated by me.

5 10 2008
Hick Town in W PA

I know we are lucky. The best luck turns out to be our local cable company. It has its problems but isn’t one of the biggies. You can talk to a real person, chances are it’s someone you even know, and can get help on TV, phone, or net. I was over joyed to kiss Sprint/Embarq goodbye. Now there is a loser company.

5 10 2008

Postcards…keep those postcards coming to the lower 48! A local county recieved 1,000 postcards from NY women that just needed local addresses…folks it make a difference.

Tx so much!

5 10 2008
5 10 2008

@citizensagainstliberaldemocrats (00:49:40)

Your post is one-sided. Below are two fact checks, one from CBS and one from FOX News, which show both Biden’s AND Palin’s inaccuracies during their debate.

The CBS News Reality Check Team fact checks the debate:

FOX News Fact Checking the Vice Presidential Debate:

WASHINGTON — Facts went adrift on taxes, deregulation and more Thursday when Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden clashed in the vice presidential debate.
Some examples:

PALIN: Said of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama: “94 times he voted to increase taxes or not support a tax reduction.”

THE FACTS: The dubious count includes repetitive votes as well as votes to cut taxes for the middle class while raising them on the rich. An analysis by found that 23 of the votes were for measures that would have produced no tax increase at all, seven were in favor of measures that would have lowered taxes for many, 11 would have increased taxes on only those making more than $1 million a year.
BIDEN: Complained about “economic policies of the last eight years” that led to “excessive deregulation.”

THE FACTS: Biden voted for 1999 deregulation that liberal groups are blaming for part of the financial crisis. The law allowed Wall Street investment banks to create the kind of mortgage-related securities at the core of the problem now. The law was widely backed by Republicans as well as by Democratic President Clinton, who argues it has stopped the crisis today from being worse.
PALIN: “Two years ago, remember, it was John McCain who pushed so hard with the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reform measures. He sounded that warning bell.”

THE FACTS: Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska led an effort in 2005 to tighten regulation on the mortgage underwriters — McCain joined as a co-sponsor a year later. The legislation was never taken up by the full Senate, then under Republican control.
BIDEN: Warned that Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s $5,000 tax credit to help families buy health coverage “will go straight to the insurance company.”

THE FACTS: Of course it would, because it’s meant to pay for insurance. That’s like saying money for a car loan will go straight to the car dealer.
PALIN: “We cannot afford to lose against al-Qaida and the Shia extremists who are still there, still fighting us.”

THE FACTS: She appeared to confuse the two main Muslim sects in Iraq. Al-Qaida is solely made up of Sunni Muslim militants. Through the course of the war, U.S. forces fought ferocious opposition from both the Sunnis and the country’s dominant Shiite sects. Now, both groups are largely maintaining a cease-fire with the U.S. A much-diminished al-Qaida, mainly foreign fighters, remains the primary threat.
BIDEN: Said McCain supports tax breaks for oil companies, and “wants to give them another $4 billion tax cut.”

THE FACTS: Biden is repeating a favorite saw of the Obama campaign, and it’s misleading. McCain supports a cut in income taxes for all corporations, and doesn’t single out any one industry for that benefit.
PALIN: Said the United States has reduced its troop level in Iraq to a number below where it was when the troop increase began in early 2007.

THE FACTS: Not correct. The Pentagon says there are currently 152,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, about 17,000 more than there were before the 2007 military buildup began.
BIDEN: “As a matter of fact, John recently wrote an article in a major magazine saying that he wants to do for the health care industry — deregulate it and let the free market move — like he did for the banking industry.”

THE FACTS: Biden and Obama have been perpetuating this distortion of what McCain wrote in an article for the American Academy of Actuaries. McCain, laying out his health plan, only referred to deregulation when saying people should be allowed to buy health insurance across state lines. In that context, he wrote: “Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.”
PALIN: Said Alaska is “building a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline, which is North America’s largest and most expensive infrastructure project ever to flow those sources of energy into hungry markets.”

THE FACTS: Not quite. Construction is at least six years away. So far the state has only awarded a license to Trans Canada Corp., that comes with $500 million in seed money in exchange for commitments toward a lengthy and costly process to getting a federal certificate. At an August news conference after the state Legislature approved the license, Palin said, “It’s not a done deal.”
PALIN: “Barack Obama even supported increasing taxes as late as last year for those families making only $42,000 a year.”

BIDEN: “The charge is absolutely not true. Barack Obama did not vote to raise taxes. The vote she’s referring to, John McCain voted the exact same way.”

THE FACTS: The vote was on a nonbinding budget resolution that assumed that President Bush’s tax cuts would expire, as scheduled, in 2011. If that actually happened, it could mean higher taxes for people making as little as about $42,000. But Obama is proposing tax increases only on the wealthy, and would cut taxes for most others. In the March 14 budget resolution supported by Obama and Biden, McCain actually did not vote.
PALIN: Said a McCain-Palin administration “will support Israel,” including “building our embassy … in Jerusalem.”

THE FACTS: Moving the U.S. Embassy from its present location in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a perennial promise of presidential candidates courting the Jewish-American vote. In fact, moving the embassy is actually required by U.S. law. But successive administrations of both parties, including President Bush’s, have made the same pledge only to find that the realities of Middle East peacemaking have forced them to invoke a waiver to delay it. Jerusalem is claimed as a capital by both Israel and the Palestinians, and Israel’s occupation of east Jerusalem is not internationally recognized. The city’s status is a key issue of disagreement in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

5 10 2008

Posted October 5, 2008 | 05:20 AM (EST)

McCain-Palin Rally in Anchorage is a Whole Lotta Empty Chairs, Gosh Darnit!

5 10 2008

Oh, Todd had little Piper with him – this is as far as the ADN could go:

Todd told the crowd of roughly 300, who didn’t nearly fill the cavernous meeting hall, that he’d just flown in from Denver. And that he thought his wife won Thursday’s debate with Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden.

“Sarah did awesome,” he said, speaking for only a couple of minutes.

“It’s been a crazy month,” he added, and moments later he and Piper stepped down among friends to shake hands and pose for pictures.

Who was it asking about the childrens’ schooling?

5 10 2008
Now that’s product placement | folo

[…] see-it-to-believe-it: Mudflats stories and pix of Anchorage’s Obama-Biden and McCain-Palin rallies yesterday (proving the […]

5 10 2008
Joe C

With the Obama/Biden momentum building, we can also look forward to another game changer. The Democrats could get 60 senate seats.

The decisions make in the next four years could be completely in the democrats hands. We may get to find out if cats can be herded.

5 10 2008

Please, please, when you hear a fact spouted by the politicians check it out on

5 10 2008
Toon Moene

Thanks for this upbeat post (I didn’t want to be awake until the pictures showed up yesterday – I’m 10 hours ahead of you 🙂

I don’t like to share in the Schadenfreude due to the Republicans “have a seat” rally.

Instead, I love the pictures of the Alaskans for Obama/Biden rally … (and the one in Fairbanks – ugh: 64d50′ North and snowing).

You can be assured that all the effort going into getting Obama/Biden elected will earn you praise from the Rest of the World.

Thank you !

5 10 2008

Michele…thanks for the explain on baby Trigg. I cannot stand seeing him drug around like a little rag doll. Perhaps in privaate Sarah tends to this child. I have my fingers crossed the voters will send her and dude back to Alaska where I am sure she needs to be.

5 10 2008
5 10 2008
paul canning

And here’s a fun Palin game

Sarah Palin: Guardian of the Northern Frontier

5 10 2008

There is simply no way to thank you enough for the first-hand reporting from the Palin rally. I can well imagine how painful it must have been to leave the Obama rally to visit the other one! Thank you again! (PS – We went to a very fun “Rally for Obama” fundraiser in my suburban upper-middle class neighborhood Friday night! It raised over $5K for Obama!)

5 10 2008

I sure hope you folks are keeping an eye on Russia while your governor is down here in the lower 48! We’re counting on you to do so, gosh darn it!

5 10 2008
Moons in Leo

I’m so proud of you Obama Operatives!! Keep on fighting the good fight! And thanks for keeping the rest of the world posted on events in Alaska.

5 10 2008

Always wondered why the ‘super patriots’, i.e. repugs, can’t get it together, or at least their flag wavers, when they try and have rallies etc..

Your description, and the others that they’ve had recently, remind me of the ‘Clear Channel Support The Troops Rallies’, more bash the Pro-Peace Unpatriotic Activists, me and thousands of friends.

They could never muster more than a thousand to two thou. even in DC, while within a couple of weeks using this technology we could have tens of thousands, like the very first even before the illegal invasion, on that October weekend, with a Shooter Killing Randomly Around DC, within only about 3or4 weeks we had 150,000 in DC and some 80,000 in San Fran with hundreds of other rallies around the country!!

And the little ‘chimp’ had the nerve to call us a ‘Focus Group’ not to be listened to!!

5 10 2008
Miemaw from Texas

If your Governor is as homesick as she states she is.

Those of us in the Lower 48, would be glad to “excuse” her to go back home for the rest of the year.

Doesn’t she have a subpoena or something she has to take care of?

You do such a great job, Mudflats.

Thanks to Huricane IKE, and the local power company, I was without power, and computer access, for almost three weeks.

At one point, I used an “inverter” that hooks to your car battery, and will allow you to use (1) small appliance, and I plugged in my computer, and tried to catch up. It was an impossible task. A couple of hours with the car running, is about the most you can do.

Too much had happened.

So, from the debate we learned that if elected Vice President, she craves more power. And, from Mudflats we learned that she is ignoring a legislative subpoena, and obviously thinks that both she and her husband are above the law.

What a combination.

Since we have had that for the last seven plus years, I don’t think the American people are going to stand for a repeat.

5 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Alaska is still showing up as a Red state on 538; I’m really beginning to wonder if there are not an awful of “closet” Democrats up there.

5 10 2008
Chin Trout Palin (NJ)

Thanks, AKM! Great photos!!
Question– why does the Anchorage Daily News (online) have a story on the McCain-Palin Rally on the front page and NOTHING on the Obama-Biden Rally?

5 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

Amazing how the handful of folks at McSame/Palien rally label the Obama supporters as negative and nasty, when SP is in another state announcing the McCain campaign is going negative and nasty. Is this Sarah’s Crusade to rid the country of all who do not follow her?

@DonnaFL (18:31:50) : AKM, thanks for taking another one for the team…

Donna, I love that term — yes we are Team Obama. And FL Blue is on offense.

5 10 2008

I love you guys. You Alaskans are the most creative bunch of people I have ever seen. Keep it up!!

5 10 2008
Laura Lee

You surely must win the WOMAN OF THE YEAR award – I can’t believe you could stomach meandering over to the Palin rally!!! Love Love Love the photos of the Obama camp – wow those folks really look full of hate & anger….NOT!!!

People please donate to help support this blog as I’m sure it’s a 24/7 job for our lovely hostess:)

5 10 2008

CT Mom – from what I’ve read, Palin helped operate a carwash. That business shut down in part due to her failure to pay required license fees and, allegedly, in part due to her doing the wild thing with a man who is not her husband. …

CT Mom, I doubt that she made over $250,000. a year operating this business in a podunk town in Alaska…. I bring this up, as SP brought it up in her debate Thurs. night. That small business owners would be hurt by Obama’s tax plan…

BTW, I grew up in a church similar to SP’s. I’m still a christian, but I had a change of heart, in my old age. I’m one of those liberal protestant types, as I would be characterized now by those people who attend the kind of churches SP attends. I remember though how as a kid growing up in the sixties, and seventies, how preachers would rail about sexuality, and if you didn’t follow the idea, of having sex after marriage you would burn in hell forever, and ever, and ever…. And if you did ‘it’ with someone else other than your spouse, you would burn in Hell forever, and ever, and ever,…And heaven forbid if you were Gay, and were doing ‘it’ with someone of the same sex. There was no forgiveness for you. How did these fundies and evangelicals come around to the idea, that this kind of behavior is okay now…. It just boggles my mind….

5 10 2008
Even Alaskans Dun Want To See Palin, 200 At Rally at Jed Yoong

[…] 05OctEven Alaskans Dun Want To See Palin, 200 At Rally submit_url = “”; Next up was a local Republican legislative candidate, Bob Lewis,  who told the crowd he had driven past “that other rally” on his way in, and how the people were just full of hate, and anger and fear, and that “we” (the Palin rally) were the ones having a good time.  “So,” he told us, “you need to decide which side you want to be on!” — Mudflats […]

5 10 2008
Mollys Mum

* strangelet

If Obama is elected, I think the best position he would offer Hillary would be on the SCOTUS. And she’d be a shoe-in.

5 10 2008

Is there any chance that Alaska will go blue?

This website is my only exposure to AK and, yeah, it’s pro-O, but really, is there a chance?

5 10 2008
Tom C.

” If Obama is elected, I think the best position he would offer Hillary would be on the SCOTUS. And she’d be a shoe-in. ”
Well I dont think that this will happen, Obama is too intelligent to give one of the Clinton-Family so much power!

5 10 2008

I came into this election as an independent. Little by little Obama’s grace and intelligence has won me over. Palin has sealed the deal for me. She came out snarky and instantly started participating in the lies and smear that McCain has based his entire campaign on. She has no mind of her own apparently. Just raw ambition sans integrity.
I also live in a swing state, Colorado. There are a lot of independently minded folks here. I have faith that they won’t be easily snowballed by McCain/Palin.

5 10 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

These pictures are the greatest. Love the dogs with the TEE’s. Some of
the sign carriers don’t even look old enough to vote. I Love It, Love It,
Love It. Can’t thank you enough AKM for all you do for all of us. You
are definitely a Prince or Princess, King or Queen, who really knows
for absolute certain. (I think by now we all know, but will keep quiet)
Thank you again and again for all you have done and are doing.

5 10 2008

What does everyone think about Palin’s latest verbal attacks on Obama in regards to associations? Anything on the Alaskan sucession stuff?

Finding someone guilty by association is wrong. However, since Palin wants to go that route, I am sure she has some questionable associations.

We as democrats are in this together. The Obama campaign can not do this alone. We ARE Obama surrogates and must fight back on these attacks.

5 10 2008

Palin’s attack using Obama’s association with a terrorist will just end up making her look really bad. The association was brief and unassociated with any weathermen activities. He simply served on the same board. There are those who are just looking for an excuse to smear Obama. They will do their best to win this election by making him look bad. Obama has clearly stated that he won’t participate in a smear campaign against McCain. It is against his principles to do so. Rather than getting sleazy he is addressing the issues. One of the reasons he has won me over.
We aren’t all just democrats by the way.

5 10 2008
Lacy Lady

After the attack dog Palin accused Obama for hanging out with terriorists at a rally this weekend—-I am happy that the Obama campaign let people know that Obama was only 7 or 8 years old at the time of this event. Wonder what Palin was doing when she was this age—–maybe we would find something we should know about her. From what I see with this woman, she thinks she is really hot stuff, and isn’t going to wait until Mcain kicks the bucket—she is ready to throw him under the bus right now. I am thinking she has voo doo dolls that she sticks pins in , then goes in a trance and has Pastor Muthee pray over her. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

5 10 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

The mud in the road….now THAT’s what I call a “Shout Out”!!! Whoever did that, you ROCK! (we know you’re here…we can hear you giggling).

AKM, I cannot imagine hearing that woman’s voice over the loud speaker. I nearly have to turn the volume down on my tv when when she’s on… I can’t even watch when GW is on, now I can’t listen to her! You are a true martyr, taking one for the team by going to that rally. Thank God they had the OBAMA one to take the taste out of your mouth!

I’m still so pleased about the mud. I wish I could take credit for that one!

5 10 2008

I am so happy to hear the great news from the great state of Alaska! It does my heart good! I am down here in Miami, Florida and this state is turning around! I hope Alaska can do the same! I am forwarding this website to all of my friends! Keep up the GREAT work!

Go Alaska! Go Obama/Biden!

5 10 2008

RE: citizensagainstliberaldemocrats…

To all, don’t waste your great minds on this one…I’m inclined to believe this one is a McCain/Palin campaign inside operative.

5 10 2008
5 10 2008

This is terrific stuff…I’m just really curious to know if once the election is over and Obama has won (please please please), when Palin returns to Alaska, will she face possible impeachment?

Her comments about William Ayers yesterday were just hilarious, since it’s already been totally discredited. Including by the very article in the NY Times she referenced.

The worst one, though, is when she basically said that women who don’t support her are going to hell. Isn’t that special?

5 10 2008

Thank you for the wonderful news! Hopefully here, Floridians will see the light! Cheers AKM. You Alaskans ROCK!

5 10 2008

As an independent voter, there is no contest for me in this election. McCain would have been a decent candidate, but his selection of Palin was 100% his undoing. She is simply not qualified for the job. As a professional woman, I find her extremely embarrassing me, with the winks and the jargon. She is not presidential material.

I am a woman, and I do understand that she has done some pretty remarkable things in her life, but in no way is she presidential material. And, as a physician, I strongly feel McCain is too old, and that his VP candidate is a critical choice, much more so than Obama’s. (although I really enjoyed Biden during the debate).

Obama/Biden ’08

5 10 2008
wired differently

Re: The Madeleine Albright quote

At least now we know something about what Sarah reads– Starbucks cups! I’ll bet she reads the riddles on popsicle sticks, too. And maybe abridged classics on Big Gulp cups.

My wish for today: Madeleine Albright mops the floor with her.

5 10 2008
WVU Employee

The South Carolina sign was just horrible, but it does show the intelligence or education of the person involved. Unfortunately, that sign could very well have been in my state of West Virginia. So many people here have the same mindset, even those who are educated. An IT guy at work said last week that he couldn’t vote for Obama because he is a Muslim. Of course we weren’t able to change his mind on that.

5 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

bill (07:06:54) :

RE: citizensagainstliberaldemocrats…

To all, don’t waste your great minds on this one…I’m inclined to believe this one is a McCain/Palin campaign inside operative.


Right on. Feeding the trolls is counterproductive. They’re as stupid as McIdiot, not vetting his VP, they just haven’t vetted their own candidate for President.

5 10 2008

Also, in regards to the Allbright mis-quote, 2 things spring to mind:

1. Was Palin ready to vote for Hillary if she had been the candidate, or was she prepared to go to hell?

2. I’m not going to hell for not “helping” Palin (in quotes with the proper word from Allbright’s quote inserted). As a matter of fact I know that by voting against her, I am helping the majority of women in the US who feel exactly the way I do.

5 10 2008

buy’embooks1956 (05:14:37) : […] BTW, I grew up in a church similar to SP’s. I’m still a christian, but I had a change of heart, in my old age. I’m one of those liberal protestant types, as I would be characterized now by those people who attend the kind of churches SP attends. I remember though how as a kid growing up in the sixties, and seventies, how preachers would rail about sexuality, and if you didn’t follow the idea, of having sex after marriage you would burn in hell forever, and ever, and ever…. […]

Wait. So, according to Palin’s own declaration, she and Toddie eloped because she was two months’ pregnant. This, then, means that she and Toddie will burn in hell forever and ever and ever.
And her daughter is pregnant and unmarried (if I didn’t feel sorry for the kid, I’d call it “family tradition”). So she’ll burn too, forever and ever and ever.

So, then, do we have a potential VP who’s unpardonably destined for hell along with some of her family?

Or are the preachers lying about the doom, because after all, if you get saved, all your sins are forgiven and they’ll do a 180 about the crap that they swear will land you in hell?

Which one should we believe? Which one does Sarah believe? Why should anyone care about the hell thing if all it takes is a good show of “being saved” at some later point? Is that why Sarah is still going wild committing all sorts of sins, because she knows that she can get out of being held responsible for her actions? Or is it because she knows that she has nothing to worry about because hell is basically nothing more than one big huge tanning bed and that’s right up her alley, you betcha?

Ahhh… sin, punishment, forgiveness, and the gap between the forgiveness-have’s and have-not’s… it’s such an enduring subject. And very useful for politics too! Well, unless them pesky liberal heathens start asking questions, that is.

5 10 2008

Greetings from Minnesota, which, by the way, is a lovely shade of blue this morning! Keep it up, Alaskans – it so lifts the spirits to see democracy in action. In a month from now, I expect to see a hugely attended, hugely successful bi-partison rally in Alaska calling for the impeachment and/or resignation of Governor Palin.

You’re an inspiration!

5 10 2008
A. Natoli

My 13 year old grandson just coined a new word . He said the word was palinate. I didn’t get it so he told me to ask him a question. So I asked him “How are you doing in school?” He answered … “I would like to tell you about my World of Warcraft addiction.” I still didn’t get it lol.

He looked at me like I was dumber than dumb and said … PALINATE Grandma … It’s when you give an answer to a question that has nothing to do with the question … like Sarah Palin does.

So I’ve been PALINIZED!

5 10 2008

wired differently (07:31:05) :

Re: The Madeleine Albright quote

At least now we know something about what Sarah reads– Starbucks cups! […]

Joe Six-pack buys fancy coffee from Starbucks? Say what? Well goshdarnit, and here I thought the “six-pack” part referred to beer. You know, the hockey mom drink of choice. Starbucks six-packs, that just sounds so… wrong.

5 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

My 13 year old grandson just coined a new word . He said the word was palinate. I didn’t get it so he told me to ask him a question. So I asked him “How are you doing in school?” He answered … “I would like to tell you about my World of Warcraft addiction.” I still didn’t get it lol.

He looked at me like I was dumber than dumb and said … PALINATE Grandma … It’s when you give an answer to a question that has nothing to do with the question … like Sarah Palin does.

So I’ve been PALINIZED!

That’s great! Tell your grandson, “Thanks”. I’m adding his word to my vocabulary.

5 10 2008
antsy aka CommaLibertyP

Info on Palin Protest in South Florida Monday

5 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA
5 10 2008
NY Dem

wired differently (07:31:05) :

Re: The Madeleine Albright quote

At least now we know something about what Sarah reads– Starbucks cups! I’ll bet she reads the riddles on popsicle sticks, too. And maybe abridged classics on Big Gulp cups.

My wish for today: Madeleine Albright mops the floor with her.


I betcha she also reads bubble bum wrappers – remember Bazooka Joe ?

Say it ain’t so, Joe !!

5 10 2008

wired differently (07:31:05) said:

Re: The Madeleine Albright quote

At least now we know something about what Sarah reads– Starbucks cups! I’ll bet she reads the riddles on popsicle sticks, too. And maybe abridged classics on Big Gulp cups.
Thanks for the much needed laugh. Why didn’t she just tell Katie that’s what she read. Oh, right, most people find Starbucks (Fivebucks) to be cost-prohibitive.

5 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Last paragraph of the New Yorker endorsement – this is why I’m supporting Obama.

“In the quiet of the Oval Office, the noise of immediate demands can be deafening. And yet Obama has precisely the temperament to shut out the noise when necessary and concentrate on the essential. The election of Obama—a man of mixed ethnicity, at once comfortable in the world and utterly representative of twenty-first-century America—would, at a stroke, reverse our country’s image abroad and refresh its spirit at home. His ascendance to the Presidency would be a symbolic culmination of the civil- and voting-rights acts of the nineteen-sixties and the century-long struggles for equality that preceded them. It could not help but say something encouraging, even exhilarating, about the country, about its dedication to tolerance and inclusiveness, about its fidelity, after all, to the values it proclaims in its textbooks. At a moment of economic calamity, international perplexity, political failure, and battered morale, America needs both uplift and realism, both change and steadiness. It needs a leader temperamentally, intellectually, and emotionally attuned to the complexities of our troubled globe. That leader’s name is Barack Obama.”

5 10 2008

In an earlier post I made a reference to what the ‘religious right wing’ type churches taught when I was a kid during the sixties and seventies. I went to a church as a teenager circa: 1972-73, where the pastor actually prayed in front of the congregation that Richard Nixon would be exonerated during the Watergate thing. I was a poor christian kid whose parents couldn’t afford to send me to some ‘religious right wing hot house’ private school, so I attended the public HS. It was there that I heard Nixon using expletive deleteds in his normal speech while conducting the office of the presidency. If I talked like he did at home, I would’ve had some real repercussions. (Maybe have my mouth washed out with soap!) I guess it was then that I started questioning about the whole idea of the ends justifying the means.

I live in Denver Co. and Amy Goodman has a column today in the Denver Post about a special force that is seemingly being set up, to control the US population if the whole economy goes south, and people take to the streets. I couldn’t find the link on their website this morning, but maybe some other ‘mudders’ might find it and post it if possible.

5 10 2008

Here’s my favorite part of the ADN write-up of the Pro-Palin rally yesterday:

“Todd told the crowd of roughly 300, who didn’t nearly fill the cavernous meeting hall, that he’d just flown in from Denver. And that he thought his wife won Thursday’s debate with Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden.”

5 10 2008

DeMo (08:19:43) : […] Oh, right, most people find Starbucks (Fivebucks) to be cost-prohibitive. […]

Hm. But if our potential VP, a Joe Six-pack just like you ‘n me, sees the Starbucks class of beverage as appropriate for Main Street, it can’t be cost-prohibitive. We’re probably not looking at the right definition of “Main Street” and “most people”.

Now I’m wondering if I can use that classification the next time I’m interviewed about my need or not for food stamps. If Starbucks is Main Street – which makes me Southside trailer park -, they should jack up the food stamps to cover milk and bread, right? And if they don’t agree, can I palinate from now on? ‘Cuz, you know, also too this honesty thing I’ve been tryin’ just doesn’t put food on the table.

Starbucks. Heh.

5 10 2008

SNL debate skit from NBS site. (All others were removed, so I figured I’d offer this one.)

5 10 2008
Kim in Florida

Love the coverage of the rallies! You are an American hero! I have found a story I want people to share to counter McNasty’s new mudslinging ads re: Ayers. McNasty has his own personal terrorist, Gordon Liddy. Keeping up the fight:

5 10 2008
What can you do to help get Obama elected? You might find that you are having fun in the process. :) « Girl du jour’s Blog du jour

[…] 5, 2008 · No Comments Well, like the people in Alaska that are fed up, you can get involved and there are many opportunities to do […]

5 10 2008
where are the statesmen? | get angry WITH me

[…] what an “achilles heel” is. and not even a well-meaning bimbo, either, as quite a few alaskans would […]

5 10 2008

Crust Scramble – South Georgia:

Thanks for the NY Times endorsement. It said in words I could not express this
North Georgia girl’s pride that I am for Obama. My Obama/Biden sign is out front. I got toots from passing cars as I was trying to get the darn thing stuck in the ground!

5 10 2008
jo in AK

I couldn’t believe the news today, the entire article was about the McCain rally with a small paragraph about the Obama rally. Wow, the Obama rally was really warm and sweet. Apparently the McCain folks are the sitting type, don’t really stand up for their candidate……..

5 10 2008

Some of you have asked if we could turn this Red State into Blue for Obama, given the rallies and such we have had up here. There are still four weeks, so I guess anything could happen, but at this juncture, I’d say very unlikely IMHO. Here’s why:

* Alaska has a lot of knee-jerk republicans that vote the party line no matter what.

* We seem to like electing corrupt politicians. While the Alaskans are well informed, some of AMR’s distant readers may not be up on of all our recent State Legislative corruption indictments and convictions (three convictions to date of Anderson, Kott, Kohring; and at least one other indictment -Cowdrey … am I forgetting any?). It took the FBI under Bush’s Administration no less to clean house … yes, it has been that bad here. And there are other legislators who’ve been alluded to in testimony, who have yet to be indicted.

* Many of my neighbors have Ted Steven’s signs in there yards. As many of you know, his triall is underway. And yet, he recently GAINED in the polls up here. Truly Unbelievable. If you go to and look at the Senate Race page, you’ll see that the same pollsters, Rasmussen, had Begich (the democrat) ahead by 13 points in July and his lead was down to 2 points in September. That, my friends, is why I don’t have any faith in the Alaskan electorate to do what makes sense.

* When Sarah was nominated, there was a lot of civic pride among many average voters. This was before all the articles about her came out in the Washington Post, New York Times, etc. And of course her fabulous job during the Katie Couric interviews. So perhaps the tide is changing a bit, and it is hard to judge since there has been no recent polling. The latest one posted on 538 was from 19 September. So a bit dated, given the trajectory seen in other States. McCain was +13 in that poll, I believe.

* That said, I’m going to take Election Day off so I can drive Obama voters to the polls. I hope I’m pleasantly surprised by an Obama victory in AK, but I’m not the gambler that John McCain seems to be, so I wouldn’t put money on it !

5 10 2008

Really hope Obama wins… maybe after 4 more years of the same orchestrated transfer of wealth and power, Republican haters will see that the Democrats aren’t the answer- and maybe someday Democrat haters will see that the Republicans aren’t the answer either. When will good Americans realize that the puppetmasters have two hands going? While Democrats and Republicans fight, the people get robbed- so the rich get richer… and the powers that be grow stronger. Democrats want big govt. for welfare, Republicans wants big govt. for warfare. Neither party cares that we are printing our own inflation, saddling our grandchildren with an 11 trillion dollar debt, losing our liberties and privacy, and actually manufacturing terrorists with the hubris of our foreign policies. Most importantly, neither party cares to follow the Constitution. Throw the bums out. Vote 3rd party!

5 10 2008
Tom C.

Oh year, no it’s war!!
I think this was to hard!! But Obama/Bide will fire back!
And this will hurt the Republics more than all the other attacks in the past.

5 10 2008
Tom C.

Oh year, no it’s war!!
I think this was to hard!! But Obama/Bide will fire back!
And this will hurt the Republicans more than all the other attacks in the past.

5 10 2008

I am very impressed with your coverage of the situation on the ground in Alaska.

I’ve seen this post of the rallies on at least two blogs I read every day: Hoffmania and Alternet.

Keep up the great work!! People like me ARE paying attention.

5 10 2008

WOW! Alaskans really stand up for what they believe in. We in the lower 48 really appreciate all of your hard work. Thank you, Mudflats, for getting Alaska news out there! I check in every day.
I have two Obama/Biden signs in the yard. We have a long fight ahead of us, but each person counts and we can do it!
Go Alaska!!

5 10 2008

You sure that’s a “rally” and not a funeral service? 😀

5 10 2008

Looks like lots of mud is hitting the fan. Keep working on those democratic sign ups in Alaska as changing that State from red to blue would be worth far more than 3 electoral votes. Will be watching the polls.
PS: Have you figured out what to do with Sarah if she returns home. Perhaps she will stay in the lower 48 with the proceeds of the autobiography of her quest for the VP , hopefully scripted by a ghost writer, and appearance fees for subsequent Guest Speaking appearances. There always is the possibility of reporter job with National Inquiry ( Lies, Lies & More Lies) except she would change her assignments at will & totally mess up the editorial staff. Whatever! People like Sarah always land on their feet.

5 10 2008

I write a fashion blog for professional women and cover some of the suits and other styles of Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama.

5 10 2008

The rally was fun and a great success! See Bill Allen’s change of party (and a possible Muck sighting) and more at:

5 10 2008

Wonderful, wonderful job. Congratulations on a great rally, great photos and great story.

5 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

indy (09:29:38) :

Really hope Obama wins… maybe after 4 more years of the same orchestrated transfer of wealth and power, Republican haters will see that the Democrats aren’t the answer- and maybe someday Democrat haters will see that the Republicans aren’t the answer either. When will good Americans realize that the puppetmasters have two hands going? While Democrats and Republicans fight, the people get robbed- so the rich get richer… and the powers that be grow stronger. Democrats want big govt. for welfare, Republicans wants big govt. for warfare. Neither party cares that we are printing our own inflation, saddling our grandchildren with an 11 trillion dollar debt, losing our liberties and privacy, and actually manufacturing terrorists with the hubris of our foreign policies. Most importantly, neither party cares to follow the Constitution. Throw the bums out. Vote 3rd party!

I hear ya. But the Internet will now start to change everything in the DIRECT funding of candidates by the people. Just watch. The Government of the United States has completely failed every man, woman, and child in this nation in my lifetime. But that may now start to change in the 21st Century. These are two very good candidates in the Democratic Party in this election. The Internet has elevated the depth and acumen of political discourse in this country. It may lead to changed parties or third parties, but a sea change is coming in politics everywhere in the world. The cat is out of the bag. And it is called the Internet. There is no going back now.

Everyone keep posting!

5 10 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

in regards to the albright quote, palin got it wrong

she said, “there is a special place in hell for women who dont support other women”

the real quote is, “there is a special place in hell for women who dont help other women”

so she didnt read it off a cup…she made it up

and its so nice to see that trolls have found this blog…that means it is getting popular and having an impact

5 10 2008

Progressives just know how to rally. This post is awesome. I’m going to forward it to my buddies! Thanks.

5 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor

@Helen (02:30:29) :

It was me making the comment about the kids and school last night (before I actually realized that Piper had been at the empty seat rally). Yeah, I know that those kids aren’t in school…it’s obvious from every photo shot where she’s parading the kids around as props but we’re not supposed to say anything about them (or I suppose their parenting decisions either). I wonder who is “homeschooling” those girls while they’re on the campaign trail. Todd? Sarah? Really?

5 10 2008

Please do not fall for the Obama mind trick. Yes McCain/Palin is a bad deal, they are both being controlled by forces that do not have your interests at heart. None of these so called ‘candidates’ can provide ‘change’ because the system has been taken over by criminal, corporate banking oil military structures that will not pass away into the night.
You must get out and fight for an honest election with a verifiable paper trail. The Diebold, Sequoia, ES&S machines are rigged, there is no doubt about that.
If you truly want ‘change’ then you must think and act outside the two party paradigm whom are different wings on the same bird.
The people you think are representing you have a gun at their heads, this is why nothing will change until the will and attitude of the American public changes.
Consider the 3rd party alternative, Cynthia McKinney or write in someone with guts and integrity, at least that will show some resolve and real ‘change’, otherwise its just going to be more tail chasing and bad media theater.

5 10 2008

What are the chances of Alasaka actually turning into a blue state??


5 10 2008

Don’t all those empty chairs at the Palin rally look like they are goose-stepping in unison across the floor? Compare that to the organized, happy chaos of the Obama rally.

5 10 2008


I’ve been writing today about Palin being vacant, and I come here and see the Palin rally is vacant, too. Too funny.

5 10 2008

Donna, I posted my thoughts about your question (about AK going Blue for Obama) above, higher up in this thread. I’d be interested to see if other Alaskans agree with my reasoning.

5 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

DocReality (11:44:34) :

Every person on here who has lived through the second half of the 20th Century, knows President Eisenhower hit the nail on the head on Jan.17,1961

Every thinking person knows the MIC has completely morally destroyed our nation from Vietnam to Iraq in death and destruction and the shameful wasting of national treasure in war. The utterly fake joke of people that call themselves “Christians” these days don’t seem to know their Jesus said : “He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.” This World Avatar was not talking about Roman soldiers carrying swords. He was talking about huge weapons industries that would exist at the end of the World Age and the beginning of another World Age. Yes. These immense forces must be dealt with. Everyone knows Barack Obama will be in considerable danger as President of the United States. We can all only try to serve as spiritual body guards. The Internet must be used to expose lies and find the truth in our situation. This ticket and the power of the Internet is our best hope at this time to try to change our current fate of mind bending national catastrophe. The people must now stand up. If the Democratic Party cannot then do they job, then perhaps a Third Party will eventually come. But changing the Democratic Party from being a corporatist political party too might be worth trying first.


5 10 2008

It is playing Russian roulette, IMHO, for the Palin family to be exposing this baby to so much simply to garner a few good photo ops.

They played Russian roulette with his birth when Sarah flew back to Alaska to a rural hospital without a neonatal unit to give birth to a premature special-needs child. All so he could be born in Alaska. For the life of me I don’t understand why the fundies don’t condemn her for this.

I would really like to know what the parents of special needs children think of Sarah Palin. I think she is expecting their support because she promises them good things from the government if her side wins. Unfortunately the one thing these parents needs is good health care for their special needs children and that is not something they will get from McCain/Palin.

5 10 2008
A hopefully final thought on Sarah Palin « Ned Raggett Ponders It All

[…] the proprietor of Mudflats, visited both and took photos. Her link says it all. To quote: The Obama rally was all set up and running when I arrived – tents, face painting, […]

5 10 2008

CommonSense (12:05:44) :
Sarah tore Biden up this week, “Say it isn’t so, Joe”, and it’s entertaining to see you socialists fighting back with these smears.

And what smears would that be. Please post one smear anyone on this site has made against Palin.

Also, can I have some of what you are smoking. It must be really good stuff to allow you to be that “out there”.

BTW, if Palin “tore Biden up” then why is the consensus that he won the debate and all she did was show the American public that she is capable of memorizing and reading from cue cards.

5 10 2008
A Proud American!

Oh Alaska, you ROCK! You too, Mudflats! Congrats on the amazing rally! I’ve come here many times to commiserate, and celebrate, free-thinking Alaskans, but I’ve never been prouder to be a part of a country that has you as citizens.

People who want change are EVERYWHERE! All 50 States! It makes me a little sad that we could have been doing this all along, but at least we’re doing it now! What a difference we could have made in the last 8 years. Let’s vow to never forget what complacency can lead us into to. VOTE, READ AND BEAR WITNESS. We can educate ourselves and our fellow citizens on the issues that matter. Ultimately, the kind of country we live in, depends on all of us working together.

— A Proud American! (formerly “angry Lefty”)

5 10 2008

CommonSense (12:05:44) :
I’m still waiting for the post on this site showing that Palin has far more executive experience than the Democratic headliner. His executive experience is….running his campaign.

So, perhaps you can tell us what McCain’s “executive experience” is. And may I remind you that we have had a President who came to the office with “executive experience” and look what he did to this country.

5 10 2008

DocReality (11:44:34) :
Consider the 3rd party alternative, Cynthia McKinney or write in someone with guts and integrity, at least that will show some resolve and real ‘change’, otherwise its just going to be more tail chasing and bad media theater.

Sorry, we are not dumb enough to throw our vote away. Obama may not be perfect (no candidate is), but he is light years above what McCain/Palin bring to the table. I have total faith in him that he will bring integrity back to the White House and he will work hard to accomplish the goals he has set forth for this country.

If you want to waste your vote, no one can stop you. But remember, if the voters in Florida who voted for Nader had voted for Gore instead, the nightmare of the last 8 years would not have happened.

5 10 2008

Ginger Kuhn (09:07:57) :
Are all of you stark raving mad. Who in their right mind would vote for a black bi-sexual who my all indications is not even a natural born US citizen. Just look at the people he has associated with they are all American haters or crooks. I will write in a vote for Dr. Ron Paul;

Please take your black heart to somewhere it may be appreciated. It is not appreciated here. Too bad there is no way to report you so AKM can take down your post.

5 10 2008

Actually I think Ginger Kuhn should keep posting. Her postings remind me that there are a lot of people out there who believe as she does. We cannot afford to get complacent about this election.

5 10 2008

Do not feed the trolls, sooner or later they go away.

5 10 2008

Ginger Kuhn (09:07:57) :
“Who in their right mind would vote for a black bi-sexual who my all indications is not even a natural born US citizen. “

Who in their right mind would vote for a person who lives 40 years in the past, and another person who thinks seeing another country from her state qualifies as foreign policy experience?

Helluva team if you consider VACANCY to be a good quality in a President or Vice President!

5 10 2008

Great report!!! Love the pics of Meg sitting with her chair friends. Keep up the great work. America is proud of you all.

“Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools that have not the wits enough to be honest”
Benjamin Franklin

5 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

PJ (12:54:47) :

Do not feed the trolls, sooner or later they go away.
Yes, they suffocate and die without attention.

5 10 2008

I’ve posted some of my photos of this rally here:

What’s going on with the Daily News that they covered Sarah’s pitiful rally and not ours? Have they been pressured?

5 10 2008

Beautiful Alaska. Keep that spirit strong. Let’s make Obama the next President USA.

5 10 2008
On the Rally Battleground in Anchorage Obama-Biden outshines McCain-Palin « PRisGrowth

[…] I found this report about the competing campaign rallies in Anchorage, Alaska from the Mudflats blog to be quite interesting. This information along with other tidbits I’ve read from Alaskan […]

5 10 2008
Laura Lee

BRUTAL & SCATHING article at Rolling Stone about Mad Dog Palin…

Don’t hold back – tell me how you really feel!!!

5 10 2008

Ginger Kuhn (09:07:57) :

Wow! Where does this person come from? I doubt Ron Paul will appreciate her sentiments as I did not see him as a racist.

5 10 2008
Laura Lee

For whom the bell trolls!!!

5 10 2008
Eric L

Keep it up, Alaska! We love you!

5 10 2008
John McCain


5 10 2008

This post was one of the most well-written pieces I have seen on a blog in a long time. Very good writing. Great job. I don’t know what a mudflat is so I didn’t get that part. But honestly, I got a real feel for what it was like that day. And don’t feel too badly for organizers of a rally who claim everyone who doesn’t agree with them is “against” them and is an “operative”. Now I understand why they use fear as a weapon. The all live in fear.

5 10 2008

I was at the rally. It was a lot of fun, and there was a lot of people there. The energy level was high, and there were lots of great clever homemade signs. Without a doubt it was a total success! I didn’t even know there was a competing rally, never heard a word about it, although I did see two people with McCain sings, but I thought they were just anti-Obama folks heading to our rally! Ha ha!

5 10 2008
VtMan W AK Friends

I have not seen any links here for the articles coming out in Rolling Stone that can be read online before print, so here they are!

Enjoy them my friends- they have plenty of ammo to use against the trolls.
And BTW- I thought Joe Six Pack called his morning beer- Cold Coffee!

5 10 2008

Hey karion!!! Told you so!! 😛

From ADN: Seven state employees to honor subpoenas.

5 10 2008
Who is supporting Barack Obama? « blueollie

[…] many Alaskans (albeit not close to a majority) support Obama too. Follow the link to read about how a McCain-Palin rally was sparsely attended whereas the […]

5 10 2008

John McCain is not truthful to the American people.


5 10 2008
Big Al

Geeez, you must have been wayyyyy late for the Palin rally. It was a capasity crowd (first guy in had to get in line at 5:15AM). They had bands and every thing! Sorry! You got talk, but they got V I D E O.

By the way, I heard that about 10 percent of the peole at the anti -Palin rally were anti anti-Palin rally protesters… Shame y’all couldn’t hate in peace.

Funny thing to, your pictures of the site don’t match the presses pictures of the site… maybe you went to the wrong address.

Get in line at 5:15am in ANCHORAGE?? Oh you do make me laugh. KTUU, local news coverage states that the Republican party estimated the crowd at 300. There were 1500 at the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally. There were 93 counter protesters. There were 1800 at the Alaskans for Truth rally. There were no counter-protesters. There were 1200 at the Obama rally. There were no counter-protesters. All supported by MSM. You can go enjoy your little mind movie, though. I won’t stop you.

5 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Trolls are great fun, although I don’t like the visual of them typing one-handed.

Anyone looking for real vacancy or vacancy we can believe in need only visualize that space between Palin’s ears. She has a journalism degree? Really? Aren’t journalists supposed to coherently string their words and thoughts together? How’d it go so wrong with her?

Obama is bisexual? Really? Does he know?

5 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Hey, Big Al. Welcome to mudflats.

So, you heard, eh? But ya didn’t make there to provide your first-hand account, eh? But mudflats was there… sooooo… guess that makes her credible and you just another duffus with his thumb up his butthole. Hope this nice night finds you enjoying yourself.

5 10 2008

You have every right to be pissed at the Anchorage Daily News, but look at it this way: not too many of us in the lower 48 read the Daily News, but tons of us read Mudflats. You got the word out, muckraker.

5 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Obama has done 5x the number of things your homey has “accomplished.”

Unlike your homey, he doesn’t have those 25 things in the negative column… you know those:

1) raised taxes as mayor of wasilla

2) went to 6 colleges to get a degree

3) cannot string words together coherently

4) used email for personal use prior to turning in a fellow commish for doing the same thing

5) chose the building of an ice hockey arena over the funding of a police department

6) left wasilla 20 mill in debt

7) has strong political and marital associations with an radical anti-American seccessionist group

8) raised taxes as governor despite continual budget surpluses

9) continually lies about her accomplishments

10) has continually bitten the hands that fed her

11) has continually showed a lack of loyalty to the people within her own political party

12) had an affair or three

13) contrary to her claims, has never defended the US from Russia

14) is not really in command of the ANG

15) is not building any pipeline but has put the Alaskan taxpayer on the hook for 500 mill regardless

16) cannot get her facts and figures straight. And no, Al, I’m not talking about her boobs and butt.

17) she was for the btn before she was even more for it before she was maybe against it before she figured out that all that was decided before she became governor. but she kept our federal tax dollars nontheless

18) she got knocked up prior to her shotgun wedding – which she tries to hide by tabbing it as a “eloping”

19) she uses elected office as an avenue to settle private scores that exist only in her mind

20) she supports abstinence but only if it doesn’t prevent her own daughter from getting knocked up prior to marriage

21) she supports the concept of charging rape victims for their own rape kits

22) she was only in the PTA for one year – when Track was in 1st grade – but wasn’t a real active member

23) she talks out of both sides of her arse on the issue of climate change, not that she really understands that issue

24) she over-sells her experience and knowledge of issues related to energy

25) she violated federal tax laws by not declaring the full value of those per diems she claimed

Hey, Al !! Shall I continue, or would you rather have other mudflatters chime in?

5 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Hey Big Al !!

here are 5 things Obama has accomplished… there’s more but I am going to start out slow and easy so’s you can understand some basics about the better candidate:

1) worked himself out of poverty

2) got married before getting his wife pregnant

3) undergraduate degree from Columbia

4) law degree from Harvard

5) passed the bar in multiple states

6) gets employed based on his own merits

7) elected state legislator

8) elected US Senator

9) speaks coherently

10) doesn’t kick his friends in the ass after they’ve helped him

Hey, Big Al… oh, shoot. I’ve doubled up on the accomplishments. dang. Hope I typed slow enough for you.

Have a wonderful night.

5 10 2008
Grandma Springer

Wow. I’m down in the lower 48…New Mexico…and am amazed at what I’m reading in both the “dueling rallies” article and the posts…I’m about to spread the word that we down here should re-think our image of Alaskans as lock-step with Palin…Wow. Thanks.

5 10 2008

Excellent, excellent work. Just the kind of ground-eye-view we’re going to need as the campaign get’s nastier. Reality has to be kept in the public eye somehow. Great job doing it.

5 10 2008
Big Al

Hell son, everybody breaths and eats. I meant real stuff. Not ha ha look at me, I can tie my shoes stuff. I never claimed him not to be human… I glad you caught that Barack speaks coherently. Joe says he’s clean, too.

That part about kicking his friends in the ass… well, there’s a bunch of them that might just disagree with you there bub. And that got a job based on merit… well, that might not fly either. But then again, we are talking Chicago, so “merits” could be, well, a bit different than most of us might just define merits. I’ll go ahead and give you that one. It is a good point for political purposes after all, as it’s soooo important to know somebody with ‘connections’ isn’t it. That is if you want to be ‘one of the crowd’.

Shame you had to come up with more BS about palin. Surely there is some real stuff out there to criticize her about without making it up.

Anyway, I’m busy. I’ll check back say, Tuesday. That will give you time to check around and see if you can come up with a accomplishment by Obama (no more fake stuff, or “he can eat solid food” types of things). You talk good, maybe you’ve got enough connections that you can call somebody that can tell you something. Maybe even Joe Biden has one by now. You never know.

5 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

Hey thanks for playing, Big Al. What a great Palinesque effort on your part. You even deny her daughter’s knocked up before being married… wow. Guess I shoulda typed slower. Dad.

Of course all that stuff about Palin is made up. But, hey, I hear she’s running for sainthood next. A real Mother Theresa.

5 10 2008
Big Al

I denied her daughter being pregnant before married? I’m sorry, I didn’t know she WAS married… I’m out of the loop down here in the swamp.

5 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Road Apple Palin

That’s okay, Big Al. I realize that not everyone in this country is literate and I understand that some people believe there’s a great right-wing Alaskan conspiracy against Palin up in Alaska. Even the liberal media is up in Alaska and when they report that the Republican Party claimed 300 people attended the pro-Palin rally then… well, guess they typed too fast for you, too.

I’d go on, but you already stated you were too busy kissing Palin’s arse to continue this with some intelligence. Haven’t found your intelligence yet, eh?

Anyways, if yer gonna leave, how will I ever miss you if you won’t go away?

5 10 2008
Carson Park Ranger

Those lonely folks at the McCain/Palin rally must have taken heart last Thursday when Governor Palin recited from her Cliff’s Notes cram session while winking and smiling at the same time.

As Kathleen Parker said, before she was shouted down and forced back into the fold, “…If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.”

5 10 2008

Thanks to everyone for posting the Rolling Stone articles’ links. They made for some good reads — and I just forwarded them along to my parents. I know they’ll enjoy reading the articles, too.

5 10 2008

Sean Hannity of Hannity’s America Special Report “Obama & Friends – A History Of Radicalism”

6 10 2008

Waiting for your Vote, hereObama vs McCain

6 10 2008

Does this mean Alaska might really be a toss-up state and not a red state? That would be a hoot!

6 10 2008
WHAT HAPPENED IN ALASKA - 10/4/08 AND 10/5/08 | Alaska Hockey Moms For Obama

[…] Palin Rally vs. Obama Biden Rally in Anchorage! The Blow by Blow.  […]

6 10 2008


6 10 2008
Positivity Wins

Seems like everyone wants a bit of positivity in these times and that the politicians – and th broader campaign machines/people – who can present a positive face will draw the crowds.

If you fancy a positive break from politicking, check out

6 10 2008
Big Al

Well, at least you admit your not literate… great Alaskan right wing conspiracy huh? Okay, whatever you say.

Let me know when you come up with one of those accomplishments now. There needs to be some real news out of the Obama camp for a change, not the made up crap. If you can uncover evidence that he has actually done something, some kind of accomplishment he has achieved, that would be big.

In the meantime, watch this video:

It Barack, out campaigning for a communist. Well, socialist… same thing. Just a difference in spelling.

6 10 2008

Way to go … the photos keep up the good work!!!!

6 10 2008

goshdarnnitall, some topnotch reportin’ goin’ on here… ‘course, it’s always “topnotch” whenever you agree with whatever’s bein’ reported…

and golly gee wilakers, really appreciate you bringin’ your six senses to us in the lower 48, too…

Happy trails to you, ’till we meet again.

6 10 2008

Wow, that’s kind of embarrassing.

6 10 2008

Everyone please VOTE! Don’t worry about the polls! Just get out and Vote! Vote early, Don’t wait until the last minute! Make yourself heard!

6 10 2008
6 10 2008

“Anger, hate, and fear.”

Priceless. Honestly…where do they come up with this stuff.

6 10 2008

What a great job. Thank you for all your support, energy and time. AWESOME!!!

6 10 2008
6 10 2008
Poya Shoghi

That’s it man. I also think that the support for Obama is something beyond partisanship. He is maybe the kind of guy the America needs, and I totally definitely agree with u
u did the right thing I guess 🙂

6 10 2008

Thanks for the great post 🙂
It truly is amazing the way the Mccain-Palin camp chooses to view those
hate mongers over in the Obama-Biden camp…
Though I doubt you’d hear any of them talking about their preferred choice in effigy burning.

6 10 2008

Wow. and YAY! From Pennsylvania! 🙂

6 10 2008
Competing rallies in Anchorage at EYEROLL :: Rationalists Unleashed

[…] ARTICLE/PHOTOS « Bill O’ Reilly, at his best. […]

6 10 2008

Thanks again for the info. I needed a breath of fresh air too. Been cruising the blogs and the McCain supporters seem to be sooooo hateful. Thanks for the love!

6 10 2008

Desperate, scared, “Fear of the Unknown”, phuque em, we need to live now and in the future not the past. Obama and the Ameican people will do it and the hate mongers who know no better will be not at the front of the line!!!!!
Thank you.

6 10 2008
Big Al

nearlymormalized, those that don’t know the past are often condemed to re-live it. To know the future one should always examine the past. We did arrive here, in this place and time, from somewhere. And taking someones word for it doesn’t change the facts, but it might just inflence the future. It was the democrats that got us into this, but don’t believe me just because I said it. Go out and find out for yourself what all lead to this…mess.

It’s true, what you said about standing in line. Sad though, for many that might just be the unemployment line…

6 10 2008
6 10 2008

Wow! Thanks for the deal-breaking news! Now that I know Palin only had a few visitors and Obama had a bunch, I will definitely vote for him! Naw…I’m not that superficial!

6 10 2008
What if Obama carried AlaskaM « Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub

[…] What if Obama carried AlaskaM Just wondering, after reading the latest news from Mudflats:  “McCain Palin Rally vs. Obama Biden Rally in Anchorage!  The blow by bl…“ […]

6 10 2008
Reason #30: Hockey is a Team Sport « Hockey Moms for Obama

[…] How about Mudflats‘ spot-on coverage of the dueling Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin rallies in Anchorage? […]

6 10 2008
Rick S

Of course you will never see the comparison of the two rallies on the “liberal” media. It’s a sad day in this country when the media does not release unfiltered news. Be careful what you wish for Governor Palin, because if the media ever does start releasing unfiltered news, this post just may be seen by millions of voters.

6 10 2008
James Clifford

“He that lives upon ‘hope’, will die fasting.”
-Ben Franklin

6 10 2008

Hooray!!! Go Obama Go!! Win Obama Win!

6 10 2008

it’s amazing that people believe this type of crap… This whole thread is based on a big fat lie, and is easily dis-proved.

Heck, so easy one can even go to the opposition and find the truth:

Sorry mudflap, but when you make’em up…
The Obama campaign is based on myths and lies. Don’t be so gullible people.

6 10 2008
6 10 2008

Nice reporting, I would have assumed that Palin would at least carry her own state!

Obama 08

6 10 2008

your blog is FABULOUS!

“the giant voice of Sarah Palin” is a frightening thought

go OBAMA!!!

6 10 2008
Taupe Armageddon Palin

I sent the following email to the managing editor of the ADN Sunday evening. So far, no response.

Ms. Wright:

No, I’m not a citizen of Alaska. No, I’m also not a subscriber. What I am is an average American in search of the truth. Like so many, I’m a new online reader of your newspaper. I realize you have many decisions to make every day about what is news and what the newspaper just doesn’t have resources to cover.

What I don’t understand is how you could devote both manpower and space to the nearly empty room that was the McCain Palin rally when a much larger event was occurring. No, I wasn’t at the Obama rally but I have seen the photos of the huge crowd and read many online sources about the event.

Your newspaper — as evidenced by your home page — clearly has more than civic pride in your home-town governor, but to completely ignore the real news in favor of covering rows of empty chairs is unbecoming of a journalistic endeavor.

May I suggest a name change for your newspaper? The Palin Fan Club Daily News more accurately reflects your editorial policy.

Thank you for your time and attention.

6 10 2008

Ha Ha! I guess this will never see the light of day since my other comment was deleted. No dissention allowed here, eh? I guess the truth hurts. The mainstream media won’t cover it, but Obama pulled out of Alaska weeks ago. I guess he’s already given up on you – particularly because over 70% of Alaskans love Sarah. Gosh are you guys scared! Ha Ha!

6 10 2008

Wow, this article made me happy. Does not surprise me in the least, and hope more eyes can feast on those delicious words. Go Obama/Biden! ! !

6 10 2008

[…] that 1200 people showed up, while 300 people showed up at a McCain/Palin rally.  Some pics are here, here, here, and here, with a grump from Mudflats about the comparative coverage in Big […]

6 10 2008

Ha ha. It sucks to be Palin right now.

6 10 2008

WOW!! Way to go Alaska. Keep up the good work. There should be a sign Mudflats for Obama!

6 10 2008

Thank you so much for keeping it real. This blog is a daily stop for me, and I’ve sent it along to many of my friends. Honestly, what you are doing is a service to the entire country.

6 10 2008
Runescape Forums

Very nice lol 200 people? or 10000?

Obama 08!

7 10 2008
Lady Rose

Great photos! I love reading the real news from Alaska. We so desparately need the truth to come out about so many things, I do the best I can from here on the East Coast, but it’s blogs like yours that are crucial to getting the truth out. I’m glad to have found your blog will visit often.

7 10 2008

What a great review! Thansk for the post and pics!

7 10 2008
McCain Palin Rally vs. Obama Biden Rally in Anchorage! The Blow by Blow. « The Central Tabulator

[…] One would think that the Republican rally celebrating the hometown girl, in her very very red state would have drawn a huge crowd, and that the Obama rally would be a few brave intrepid souls with a couple signs shivering by the side of the road. One would be wrong. Source Article […]

7 10 2008

The rally was filled with GREAT ENERGY and GREAT PEOPLE! Thought I would share the photos I took that day.

They can be viewed at

7 10 2008

Thank you for this post. I hope the people of Alaska vote for Obama/Biden!! This would make a significant statement to the rest of the country that Palin is not ready to become VP, and to us women that PALIN DOES NOT REPRESENT US!!!

7 10 2008

Rock on you guys! It means a lot to someone who is not from Alaska to see what goes on in AK and how people there feel about Palin. Keep the news coming! Thanks!!!

7 10 2008

Thanks for the wonderful report … Right on Anchorage! my home town … Am a woman for Obama… not proud of the likes of Palin …Go Alaska!

8 10 2008
Political Waves » TW3 — and KO #3

[…] to Mudflats for a photo gallery of both rallies. […]

12 10 2008

Yes everybody hates Sarah Palin. I guess she deserves it. But as a woman I wince when she is critisized. None of this is good for women in the long term. Hillary Clinton loses. Sarah Palin is an idiot. Or just inexperienced and nervous.
Very sad.

14 10 2008
Cassandra Kramer

OMG this makes me so proud!! I love it and I love some of the signs!! Keep up the good work 🙂

25 10 2008

I agree with MsMarmitelover on one level that the losers and idiots don’t make things look very hopeful for female leaders in America.
I am a Michelle Obama fan. I know that she’ll be a wonderful First Lady and will redeem our American female leaders. In fact, I feel that she’s already redeeming us because, like her husband, she’s handling the terroristic threats and sliming with much grace and class.

Great job here on Mudflats! Thanks for sharing!

28 10 2008