Open Thread – Homework!

1 10 2008

Alaskans are working their tails off to bring focus and attention to the stonewalling of the Troopergate investigation by Palin and the McCain campaign. We’ve organized and pulled together the largest rally in the history of the state. We’ve gotten thousands of names on a petition. We’ve delivered the petition to the Governor’s office. We know there is information that needs to get out!

Stephen Branchflower has been interviewing many people concerning the firing of Walt Monegan from the position of Commissioner of the Dept. of Public Safety, and concerning Palin’s alleged abuse of power in several areas of government. All Americans have a right to know the findings of this investigation before they cast their vote on November 4th. This is no longer just an issue for Alaskans.

So many of you have been asking, “What can I do?” Here’s your answer. Your homework, should you choose to accept it, is to write one letter about why you want the Branchflower Report accepted and released to the public once it has been received by the Legislative Council. It doesn’t have to be long. It just has to urge the members of the Council to vote to release the report. Once you’ve got your letter, save it. Then email it to the 14 members of the Legislative Council below. (Sorry…You’ll have to cut & paste…I cannot put an email link in the post).

In the subject line of your email, remind them about the Countdown to Truth. “9 Days”, “8 Days”, “7 Days” and so on, until October 10th.

All of the members of the Legislative Council who were present at the last meeting have already voted to do the right thing once. These people are under tremendous pressure to vote against the release of this report. They need our support, and they need to be reminded that this issue is important not only to Alaskans, but to all Americans.

Have at it Mudflatters!

Countdown to Truth: October 1 thru 10

The Branchflower Report on the independent “Troopergate” investigation is due to the Legislative Council on October 10.

Alaskans for Truth has been informed that the members of the Legislative Council have been put under incredible pressure by the McCain Campaign to VOTE AGAINST releasing the report to the public.

The Legislative Council MUST accept and release to the public the final report from Independent Investigator, Stephen Branchflower. All Americans have the right to know the results of this ethics investigation.

What we can do: TAKE ACTION!

· Starting Wednesday, October 1st email and/or call all 14 members of the State Legislative Council each day! (contact information listed below)

· Respectfully urge the legislators to stand up for truth and vote YES to accept Branchflower’s report and make it available to the people!

· Alaskans, call and email the legislators from your districts. Send the message that you expect them to support the Legislative Council’s investigation and reject the McCain campaign’s attempt to stonewall the democratic process!

The McCain campaign is attempting to stonewall, subvert, and remove the Legislative Council’s investigative rights through lies, smears, and legal wrangling.

KNOW THE FACTS and include them in your emails and phone calls:

LIE: The State Legislative Council is a group of partisan Democrats.


· Ten Republicans and four Democrats are voting members of the State Legislative Council.

· All Council members who were present (eight Republicans and four Democrats) voted unanimously to hire Stephen Branchflower, a former prosecutor, to investigate possible wrongdoing by the Governor’s office

SMEAR: Walt Monegan was fired for poor job performance.


· Sarah Palin has changed her explanations as often as she changes her shade of lipstick. Since July, she has claimed that a) she didn’t fire Walt Monegan — he quit, b) she did fire Walt Monegan but it was only in order to go a “new direction,” c) she claimed it was for poor job performance; and the latest one d) Walt Monegan is insubordinate and a rogue cop. She seems unable to make up her mind.

· Walt Monegan has a record of 30 years of exemplary public service to the State of Alaska, including his role as of Commissioner of AK Dept. of Public Safety.

LEGAL WRANGLING: Talis Colberg, on the advice of the McCain campaign, has filed suit to quash legislative subpoenas.

FACT: This is an attempt by Colberg to protect himself from the consequences of his blatant and possibly illegal intrusion in the legislative investigation, and to prevent the release of the Branchflower report!

Urge our lawmakers to accept Steve Blanchflower’s report on October 10 and promptly make it available to the public. U.S. voters deserve this information!

Members of the Legislative Council:

Kim Elton (D) 907-465-4947

Bettye Davis (D) 907-269-0144

Lyda Green (R) 907-376-3370

Lyman Hoffman (D) 907-269-0269 (Not present at the last vote)

Gary Stevens (R) 907-486-4925

Gary Wilken (R) 907-451-5501

John Cowdery (R) 907-269-0222 (Not present at the last vote)

John Coghill (R) 907-488-5725

Nancy Dahlstrom (R) 907-622-3783

Max Gruenberg, Jr. (D) 907-269-0123

John Harris (R) 907-269-0129

Ralph Samuels (R) 907-269-0240

Bill Stoltze (R) 907-376-4958

Peggy Wilson (R) 907-747-4665



197 responses

1 10 2008

Onnit, boss!
While I’m at it, I am going to see what can be done about turning those red prairie states another color.

1 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

Ok, it looks like I have a lot of copy and pastinng to do tomorrow. I will start first thing in the morning. I’m a bit blurry eyed tonight, but this is a “Yes we can”! moment. I support you all the way. The people of the US all 50 of them have a right to know.

2 10 2008
carolyn AKA Speck Backfire

Oh Boy…this is going to be fun! We can make a difference and Thank you AKM for giving us all that chance.

ps maybe a new pic of Brian when you have time…:)

2 10 2008
clip dragon palin

O’Callaghan is the Vic Vickers of the legal world. We ran him out and we’ll run this guy out too…anyone who comes to this state with this kind of load needs to haul it out with him.

2 10 2008
Derek Rock Crane

I’m on it like white on rice.

Lucky me, I’ve even got a Korean three-day weekend in which to do it!

Bless you, AKM for your fine community organizing; and from all of us Mudpuppies – consider yourself hugged! 😉

2 10 2008


2 10 2008

I apologize that this is off-topic, but does anyone know a good site where the VP debate will be shown live? I’m outside the country and don’t currently have a TV hookup but do have an obscenely fast Internet connection. Thanks!

2 10 2008
Sue from Georgia

C-Span will broadcast the debate.

2 10 2008

Thank you, Sue!

2 10 2008
Kim in Florida

Off topic, but does anyone have any comments on the existence of Palin’s gay best friend of 30 years? Dying to hear you local folk’s take on that one 🙂 Writing my letter later today at work…..

2 10 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

I’m impressed, my first day of following the lead to write these fine people and I received back an email from Rep David Guttenberg who said:

“When the Branchflower report comes before the Legislative Council on October 10, I will vote to accept it and make it public to the extent rules regarding personnel records allow. Thank you for contacting me.”
David Guttenberg

Nice to at least get some acknowledgement, now we’ll wait and see!

2 10 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

Help – I received a call to action yesterday via email, seems the response I got was from someone on the original email, not on the one posted above, David Guttenberg? or Max Gruenberg, Jr – which one should it have gone too? – Rep Guttenberg responded, forgive me if I’m behind times and have missed something or ‘someone’, I just jumped all over the email and got my letters off quick, ooops?

2 10 2008
Laura whyisthis

This blue southerner will rise to the occasion. A million thanks!

2 10 2008

A bit of fun:

Dutch television’s take on the Replublican campaign’s effort at the building of Sarah Palin’s image.

After some introductory comments, the announcers asks:
“Isn’t the Replubican party somewhat overzealous in building her image?” The fun part starts at 0:22.

The comment at the end says:
“The Republican party denies that Palin’s display of initiative was staged and distances itself from the shown footage.”

2 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

From Roger Cohen’s column in today’s NY Times:

“I know one thing: this is no time for further gambling. John McCain rolled the dice on Sarah Palin. I’m grateful to Bob Rice of Tangent Capital for pointing out that the actuarial risk, based on mortality tables, of Palin becoming president if the Republican ticket wins the election is about 1 in 6 or 7.

2 10 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

’tis done… big smile!

2 10 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

does anyone know if our letters should be addressed to
Rep David Guttenberg? or Rep Max Gruenberg, Jr.?

2 10 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

OMG!!! Did you see the Dutch film??? She killed Brian!!!!!

2 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

@ A Brita Abroad

Absolutely no mercy for her now!

2 10 2008

Rubby – I’ve tried to post answers to you twice, but they’ve been swallowed. So I won’t post links this time.

There will be live feeds on the network that used to be called Clinton Cable News, and also on the network that has Olbermann and Maddow. Let’s see if this posts.

2 10 2008
Amanda in Virginia

MSNBC and CNN both ran live feeds of the debate. They were a few seconds behind so if you’re watching with a group of chatters it’s awkward but works. CNN also runs a nice live poll of how people are feeling while each person is speaking – that was fun!

2 10 2008
Amanda in Virginia

My email was rejected by

I can only hope it’s because his mailbox is totally full!

2 10 2008

On it. I will do that today afternoon[EST] and make sure to give them a good lecture on right and wrong .

2 10 2008
Miemaw from Texas

Sarah Palin’s lack of knowledge, and John McCain’s age – are both risks the American people cannot afford.

We have two wars going in two separate countries, (that we know of) an economy on the verge of collapse, and more problems with our own infrastructure than you can shake a stick at.

How do these people who make up the majority of this legislative council justify not giving the rest of the American people the information, about Governor Palin, which is necessary for us to determine her qualifications, (or lack thereof) to occupy the second highest office in our country – which is after all, a heartbeat away from the presidency?

How the hell do they justify keeping a lid on this?

This is not fun and games. It is not make believe. This is real life.

This is people’s lives, their fortunes, and their futures, and the lives and fortunes and futures of our children and grandchildren.

How the hell do they justify withholding this information from the American people?

2 10 2008

Rubby Hmm. Clinton Cable News should be Clinton News Network. Initial caps. Feel like I’m sending a spy message or something.

Some time ago I wondered if McCain was getting a boost of some sort for debates, because he always seems to step up his game when he’s in critical situations. (Remember JFK was getting all kinds of shots that no one knew about).

Now Huffpo has a story about him using herbal supplements (for memory) maybe obtained from Bill Romanowski. I was expecting just something for energy, but a memory enhancement is another kettle of fish. Hope this gets legs. Let’s see if good ole’ “absolutely 100% tell the truth” McCain answers any questions about this.

2 10 2008
Wayne A. Schneider

The Republicans want to keep the truth from coming out, just as they always do. If they are successful at this, and if hell freezes over and McCain/Palin win, the next day the Republicans will dismiss this all by saying, “The American people looked at the facts and decided they wanted Sarah Palin to be Vice President.” (Of course it’s stupid, but that’s what they’ll say.) They’ll ignore the fact that the American people were not told the whole truth. Then, to top if off, they’ll say that the investigation does not need to continue because the election’s over. They did it with Phase II of the Iraq Misused Intelligence Report, and they’ll do it here.

2 10 2008

Did anybody try to send the post to any MSM networks/newspaper? Is there anyway, we can have more people involved in this movement.

2 10 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Gary Wilkin bounced my e-mail too, but I get “unknown recipient” as the reason. Any suggestions?

2 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

“Gary Wilkin bounced my e-mail too, but I get “unknown recipient” as the reason. Any suggestions?”

Put him on your “safe recipients” list?

2 10 2008

Off Topic: This is a very powerful speech. Worth taking a few minutes to watch the video.

2 10 2008

I’ll take it to a postcard party too and get more people involved.

2 10 2008

What about snail mail? I understand it’s more effective than email, although email that is sent is more effective than postcards that aren’t sent. However, if I take something to a postcard party, snail mail could be easier. Is there a URL with all the snail mail addresses?
That’s the link to the Senate. Use the “Interim Contact” address, rather than the one in Juneau. There’s a tab at the top of the page for House member. Thanks! :0) AKM

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Obama Rally in Philly:

I got this in an email this morning:

Vote for Change Rally
with Bruce Springsteen

Benjamin Franklin Parkway
between 20th and 22nd Streets
Philadelphia, PA

Saturday, October 4th
Gates open: 2:00 p.m.
Program starts: 3:30 p.m

2 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Palin

I will try to do my homework tonight, before the debate. I never was very good at homework, though–used to leave it to do during my study hall period… but you have made it very easy to do, so I really have no excuse.
Since there is another Strike Chipper Palin commenting here, I shall henceforth sign in as SC (South Carolina) Strike Chipper, lest there be confusion and comments from one be attributed to the other…

2 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Lara (04:30:27) :

Lara, I have it on good advice that an actual letter is worth 50 emails and a hand-written letter is worth 100 emails. 😉

2 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

David Guttenberg responded within a few hours. That is fantastic that his office takes this seriously! He said he will be voting YES to the Branchflower report being public! GO SENATOR GUTTENBERG!!

2 10 2008

Hey! What up! has a lead on their home page that Biden and Palin’s finances virtually identical….thought she wasn’t releasing financial disclosure until tomorrow.

Did this happen sooner than expected?

2 10 2008

OFF TOPIC: Gen. Clark in Florida for Obama! (w/video,pics)

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

HUH? I see a Max Gruenberg, but no David Guttenberg in the list?

2 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

I have been having trouble all day opening Mudflats and have been unable to get pictures (other than ads) to show up onthe Huffington Post. All other sites I visit have no difficulty. Is anyone else having the same problems? If so do you think it’s just traffic overflow or a Denial of Service attack?

2 10 2008
2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Thanks, Sara, we can do one mass bcc!

2 10 2008

Done! It was easy and it felt so good to help!

I’ll make it part of my am routine — coffee, dress, brush teeth, email Alaska Legislature….

2 10 2008

My emails to Senator Coghill, Senator Chowdery, and Senator Wilkin were all rejected by their servers. I’m hoping that their email accounts are FULL. I’ll try resending later!

Thanks, AKM, for listing the email accounts!

2 10 2008

Help me out on this people from Alaska. We want to track down Sarah Palin’s “absolute best friend” for the past 30 years who is a lesbian.

In 1970 there were only 300 people living in Wasilla. One third would have been in the right age range and half would have been men.

So there are approximately 50 women living in Wasilla in the 1970s who could be the potential “dearly loved” friend of Sarah Palin – who just happened to pick the gay lifestyle of crazed carefree sin and fun.

Who is she? Every person in that town either knows who she is or knows that she’s telling another big one.

2 10 2008
2 10 2008
The Messenger

So Couric asked Palin what magazines and publications she reads. She could not name one periodical. Randi Rhodes said that Palin reads the Wasilla Home Penny Saver.

2 10 2008
Kate Henry

2lesbosgoinatit (05:36:17) :

Help me out on this people from Alaska. We want to track down Sarah Palin’s “absolute best friend” for the past 30 years who is a lesbian.

And this is significant how?

2 10 2008

I’ll get on this this afternoon. Thank you Saraj for the email links. I am also willing to call if that is more effective. Does anyone know? And as alway…thanks again AKM

2 10 2008
Kate Henry

lemonfair (03:59:09) :
Some time ago I wondered if McCain was getting a boost of some sort for debates, because he always seems to step up his game when he’s in critical situations. (Remember JFK was getting all kinds of shots that no one knew about).

Watching how animated he was at the debate, as compared to his other recent performances, I came away thinking that he was high on uppers. That would probably be the reason why no one saw hide nor hare of him the next day when he crashed. I also suspect he got his left eye botoxed because it was mysteriously more open than before.

2 10 2008

@2lesbosgoinatit (05:36:17) :

Help me out on this people from Alaska. We want to track down Sarah Palin’s “absolute best friend” for the past 30 years who is a lesbian.
About a week or so after the convention, one of the networks had her 5 or 6 closest friends in a room to discuss Sarah Palin. They were the women she went to step class and coffee with every week. I recall a couple would not say out loud if they would vote for Sarah “it’s a very personal issue”. You might look there. But like Kate Henry asks, why?

2 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

e-mails sent. Follow up snail mails written and to be posted shortly.

To the people who want to find Sarah’s gay friend:

Let it go.

If it’s true- that person deserves their privacy and since they themselves have not publically come forward, I would hazard a guess that the dynamics of that friendship have changed since becoming political fodder.


do what I do and assume that anything Sarah Palin says is either an outright lie, a lie by omission, a lie for political gain, an exaggeration, warped truth or the answer of someone who feels they have to say something.

IMHO, this is a non-issue. There are enough proven lies that have passed through her lips that are much more important to this election than whether or not she has a gay friend.

2 10 2008
Meat Notgay Palin

So I’ve been sitting on the side lines, it’s time to jump in a little. Thanks to you, Muckraker, even folks in the “Redneck Riviera” are listening.

Complete contact information for all Alaskan senators can be found at

I’m going with a fax plus email. I’m thinking of sending snail mail to the Republican Senator just so they know I serious.

2 10 2008
Meat Notgay Palin

Sorry, add ‘s’ to ‘Republican Senator’

2 10 2008

Kate Henry –

One of the things that makes this of particular relevance is that McCain is the one who insisted on hearings into steroid use by baseball players.

Most of us use a little caffeine now and then to enhance our performance, but I can’t help but think it’s not a good thing for McCain if he’s using Performance Enhancing drugs. It is true that there have been some bizarre appearances by this man that make you wonder if he’s losing it, yet he does just fine when the game is on the line. I figured it might just be a little of his own adrenaline pumping in.

I hadn’t thought about his crashing the next day. Are we sure there were no appearances the day after the debate? Course he had to be up late.

2 10 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

I have been having problems to, but I know they are still working on the server.
As regards huffpo, for me it is very slow but I eventually get in and everything (pics) seem to be there.

2 10 2008

Also, re SP having a lesbian friend: More power to her if she does.

Exactly whose vote would she lose if you could prove this? Not any of her evangelical base, who seem convinced she’s been Chosen, and who think any attack on her is nefarious. And not any who are Independent or Democratic, for whom this bit of information might soften their view of her.

So I agree. Let’s drop it.

2 10 2008
Audrey in Oregon aka Drink Hack Palin

Count me in!

2 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Done with homework. Can I come in and play now?

2 10 2008

It is a very interesting day to watch. I am so hopeful the judge in Anchorage will rule in favor of the legitimacy of the states legislatures right to investigate Troopergate and rule all the subpoenas are valid and enforceable.

It is interesting to me that Pat Dobsons “Focus on the Family” is paying the way for the 5 legislators who are trying to put handcuffs on their own branch of government,in order to hamper the checks and balances of democracy.
The family in focus is the Palins and everyone in Alaska.

The legislators suing to stop the investigation are also being represented by the Liberty Legal Institute, the Texas-based legal arm of the Free Market Foundation, which is associated with evangelical leader James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and lists its guiding principles as limited government and promotion of Judeo-Christian values.

2 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Re: Gary Wilken’s e-mail. Wilken with an E, not an i, as posted above by Saraj (05:19:32) :.

2 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Saraj, Thank you! I have done my homework and now I am going to get my next mug of caffeine to throw down my gullet.

I feel I have accomplished so much already this morning.

2 10 2008

Thank you! Got it…WilkEn. It went through!

2 10 2008

Spoke too soon. It was kicked back. I think some email boxes in Alaska are too FULL! ; ) That has to be good news.

2 10 2008
Tom from PA

The Palin financial records are due tomorrow. Does anyone know if that would include her tax returns?

I was just a bit disappointed that according to MSNBC, Palin’s approval rating in Alaska dropped but only to 68%

2 10 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

Hi SC Strike Chipper Palin

I got that name out of the name generator a few weeks back, sorry for the confusion, I’ll change my name so you can have it without the “SC” if you want. I would rather be Strike & Chop Palin anyway 🙂 – reflects my feelings more accurately…

2 10 2008
Tom from PA

Bill Clinton held 2 rallies in Florida yesterday. I agree that he seemed a bit tepid in his support during TV interviews but in rallies he can be a completely different person and is still hugely popular in FL I believe.
Does anyone know how well those events went?

2 10 2008
Strike & Chop Palin aka sunny Florida

There, now I’ve assumed my new identity…I just want to tell you all I just discovered the most wonderful thing this morning, a dear friend of mine – and co-worker is from Alaska, we don’t see each other much, usually around once a month and I’ve never probed into exactly where she was from in Alaska BUT this morning she revealed to me she’s not only from Alaska but from Wasilla. Waahooo, let me tell you how excited I was to find that out AND her Dad still lives there – now in addition to this awesome site, I feel like I have ‘another’ direct line to our northern brethren (and sisterin!). I told her about Mudflats and she’s very excited herself to get on here and browse around, what a wonderful day it is!!

2 10 2008
Earmark Ulu Palin

For tonight’s debate, be sure to download your bingo cards at

2 10 2008

Tom from PA (06:46:09) :
Some of the financial issues are already being leaked.

2 10 2008
2 10 2008
John aka The PitBull Wrangler

I emailed everyone of them demanding the truth be told. A heads up on one of those emails. I got a feed back on this one, ,
Reason: No such user – psmtp
Can someone look into this.

2 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Ohhhhh, I got my first reply from Senator Wilken!

“Hi Kathye,

I don’t care what happens in New Jersey. Do me a favor and let Alaskans take care of Alaska.

Gary Wilken
Sent from my Alaskan BlueBerry Wireless Handheld
Gary W.”

Gotta appreciate the Northern hospitality! LOLOL

What now?

2 10 2008
Strike & Chop Palin aka sunny Florida

Wow disenchanted – that was slightly rude of Mr. Wilken, how bout shooting him back an email and telling him “what happens in Alaska is now the entire countries business” – give him some good ole fashioned New Jersey spirit!

2 10 2008

@disenchanted tore (07:06:59) :

Wow!!! Gary Wilken is quite the American! I hope that we get enough replies like this from him, and they get passed along to other media outlets, it will put a great deal of bearing on letting him know that Alaska is not a country, but a state, and New Jersey Senators and Congressmen vote for his freakin’ earmarks., just like all the other 49.

We should collect all such replies and responses and create a “Book of Replies”.

2 10 2008

Homework !

Uhhh my pitbull ate it.

: )

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin


I love the bingo cards!!!

2 10 2008

@disenchanted tore (07:06:59) :

One other thing, you should forward his reply to the big media and CC him on it.

2 10 2008
Belly Queen

Oooo…I just received a similar message from Gary:

Hi Lisa in NC,

Let Alaskans take care of Alaska.
Move here, then you can lobby me.

G. Wilken
– – – – –
Chilly! That’s his response to my message:

Dear Members of the Legislative Council,
Patriotic Americans want to know: What were the circumstances surrounding Governor Palin’s termination of Walt Monegan from his position as Commissioner of the Deptartment of Public Safety? Did the Governor abuse the power of her office, using the position entrusted to her by the voters for a personal vendetta?

I understand you’re under considerable political pressure to keep the report secret. Nevertheless, I urge you to cast your own “profile in courage” by accepting Stephen Branchflower’s report on October 10 and making it immediately available to the public. Voters throughout America need to know the truth of the record set by the Republican nominee for Vice-President.

2 10 2008
John aka The PitBull Wrangler

Hi disenchanted tore , I just sent him an email, saying he should do what people elected him to do, serve the peoples interest and not his own and that all Americans need to hear the truth or is it in he’s best interest to keep Alaskans and Americans in the dark.
Heehee. I can bets what he’s reply will be. LMAO

2 10 2008
karen marie

disenchanted tore,

from wilken’s response, my guess is he’s inclined to vote to quash the report.

it will be interesting to see what he does.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Oh geez, I am disappointed in Wilken’s reply – maybe he should be on the list for DOUBLE the emails for that.

2 10 2008
Strike & Chop Palin aka sunny Florida

@Grammy – SUPER idea, double or even triple the letters Wilken’s gets, spread the word

2 10 2008

I liked this from the Guardian –

Why Sarah Palin is totally rock’n’roll

“A few weeks ago, Sarah Palin burst into the popular consciousness like some kind of super Kylie and won the hearts of an entire hemisphere. Then, like a giant moth flying too close to the sun, poof! She self-destructed in a flaming tangle of gossamer wings, furry thorax and horrid leg bits.”

2 10 2008
fawnskin chipdragon mudpuppy

i did it (patting herself on the back).
homework done.
do i get a gold star. i love gold stars.

2 10 2008
fawnskin chipdragon mudpuppy
2 10 2008
fawnskin chipdragon mudpuppy

there is a new article in the washington post re: skepicism of palin grows.
it won’t post the link here.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Here’s the link to Wilken’s bio –

2 10 2008
karen marie

Strike & Chop Palin aka sunny Florida (07:17:43) :

@Grammy – SUPER idea, double or even triple the letters Wilken’s gets, spread the word

to me this sounds like a bad idea, especially if people suggest they are familiar with his “alaska for alaskans” response to disenchanted tore.

always be polite and respectful, and non-alaskans should remember how important sovereignty is to alaskans. everyone wants them to do the right thing but some people do not react well when that appears to include a loss of their own agency.

2 10 2008

Maybe people getting the rude replies from Gary Wilken could email him back and respectfully suggest to him that he needs to get those outside politicians–non-Alaskans (e.g. McCain campaign)–out of Alaska’s business.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

p.s. I note that Wilkens is from Fairbanks and that is very conservative area and they apparently don’t learn to talk nice to people either. Guess he figures you can’t vote him out if you’re not “from around” there so he can be as rude as he likes. Doesn’t seem to grasp the concept that SHE strutted herself onto the national scene, WE didn’t invite her . . .

2 10 2008

Posted MudFlats request over at Obama website and Ed Schultz Show.

Can anyone else think of a good place to spread the word to engaged folks?

2 10 2008
Freakout in Kansas

Most of us use a little caffeine now and then to enhance our performance, but I can’t help but think it’s not a good thing for McCain if he’s using Performance Enhancing drugs. It is true that there have been some bizarre appearances by this man that make you wonder if he’s losing it, yet he does just fine when the game is on the line.

I wonder if Sarah got into Johnny Mac’s jimson weed tea? That might explain some of her unintelligible answers!

2 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Well, it seems that will be his standard response. How unbelievably rude, especially coming from someone in ‘public service’.

In hindsight, I should have counted to 1000 before shooting back the following but too late now. I don’t expect an answer. (and for the record, I would not fight worthwhile earmarks)

Mr. Wilken,

Don’t be mad at me. Be mad at your Governor. Be mad at John McCain for picking her. Clearly being thrust into the national spotlight has not been an easy transition for you. While I kind envy of your ability to deny the rest of us exist, I haven’t seen any news stories yet that Alaska has suceeded from the Union.

Reminder to self: Never, ever, ever again will any of my tourist dollars be spent in Alaska and do everything possible to lobby to see that no federal earmarks that include my puny tax dollars find their way to Alaska again.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin


EXCELLENT idea – if they can be from out of state and put in their “2 cents” so can we, I like that answer the best!!

2 10 2008
karen marie

i expect any minute that the brilliant defenders of palin are going to rise up and demand that the selection of president and vice president in future be done through a lottery — the name of every citizen be placed in the hat and the winner is announced and sworn in on january 21st.

imagine the excitement this would generate! everyone would be on the lookout for the white-house-prize patrol! you too can be president!

2 10 2008


Only respectful requests from Non-Alaskans.

2 10 2008
John aka The PitBull Wrangler

Heres another one of the 4 I have already sent Gary Wilkens.
Dear Mr Wilken,

You may not like outsiders asking you to vote on an issue that does not concern anyone outside of Alaska but you yourself must know that in theory it does concern all Americans and even other nationalities as well. Being one heart beat away from the Presidency of the most powerful nation in the world should concern you greatly as well as everyone else. I’m sure you wouldn’t purposely put yourself before Alaskans and your own country by trying to hide the truth about Sarah Palin, now would you? Do what you were elected to do Sir, and that is represent the people and not your own best interest. Americans and Alaskans need to hear the truth about this woman and i’m sure you wish that also. It would sadden me greatly to find out that a Senator is more interested in his best interest than the security of his country, don’t you think so Mr Wilken?

I’m waiting to hear his reply to that one. SHould be a doozie. Hehehehe

2 10 2008


2 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

karen marie (07:28:59) :

Strike & Chop Palin aka sunny Florida (07:17:43) :

@Grammy – SUPER idea, double or even triple the letters Wilken’s gets, spread the word

to me this sounds like a bad idea, especially if people suggest they are familiar with his “alaska for alaskans” response to disenchanted tore.

always be polite and respectful, and non-alaskans should remember how important sovereignty is to alaskans. everyone wants them to do the right thing but some people do not react well when that appears to include a loss of their own agency.

Very good point. As a Georgia state citizen, my concern is the any weakening of any legitimate State Legislature by strong arm tactics, potentially weakens all legitimate State Legislatures by strong arm tactics. Not good, in my humble opinion.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Bad John – You didn’t show him due respect and call him Senator Wilkens!!!!

2 10 2008

Homework is done! Doubled up on Rep Wilken ;

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

EEK, yes, I think I have to agree w/ Crust Scramble on that point – it won’t do any good to appear to pick on him and will only make him angrier, which may not be to our benefit.

2 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Very good point. As a Georgia state citizen, my concern is the weakening of any legitimate State Legislature by strong arm tactics, potentially weakens all legitimate State Legislatures by strong arm tactics. Not good, in my humble opinion.

(Grammar correction!)

2 10 2008

oops…Senator Wilken!

2 10 2008

I know that the actuarial tables say that JMc has a 1 in 5 chance of departing within the next 4 years but that’s just the odds of dying. If we are trying to discern Sarah’s chances of actually being allowed to play with things like Carrier Battle Groups and B52s don’t we have to factor in the chances of him being taken ill to the point of incapacitation?

Anyone done the odds on death OR incacacity?

2 10 2008
disenchanted tore

My first instinct is to shoot back a nastygram but I’ll count to ten (million) and wait for further *orders from headquarters*. I really wanted to ask him who peed in his cereal this morning? I gotta give him credit that he’s responding in the 5th hour of the day up there (unless he’s in DC).

2 10 2008

Crust Scramble, I agree. This tactic does not need to succeed or it WILL be repeated in other states across the nation.

2 10 2008
disenchanted tore

oh yeah, hopefully he’s in DC doin’ his job! lol I bet I interrupted his lunch date.

2 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Hmmm interesting response from Senator Wilken. What ever happened to a simple answer like “Thank you for your interest in this matter” ?

Seems to me that he is playing a dangerous game. If he does not realize the ramifications to the rest of the United States, I have to wonder why he should be re-elected to office.

Boy SP sure has opened a large can of worms for Alaska that may have legs way past the election.

Anyhoo just my 2 cents.

2 10 2008

Done and done. Felt good.

Oops, just got Wilken’s reply. For those of you who also received his curt reply, notice that the subject line now reads SPAM.

This is the follow-up email I sent:

Were it only a matter of Alaska, I wouldn’t dream of involving myself in this matter. However, Governor Palin is on the national ticket to become Vice President of the United States of America. As a proud citizen of this country, it is very much my concern that the truth about this investigation be made available to all Americans. How can I make a responsible and informed vote until I have all the information available?

Surely you wouldn’t want me to blindly vote for or against a candidate. That would be irresponsible of me.

I feel my email to you was nothing but respectful. The same cannot be said of your reply, timely though it may have been. The mere fact that the subject line now reads SPAM tells me what you think of my request. What a shame.

2 10 2008

I sent an email to Gary Wilken (who I know) and I still have not heard back from him. Emailing other legislators, as well. I plan to hand write them each a letter too because I know that does count for a lot more in this game.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Scared in Fbks

I read his bio, it’s quite impressive and he has been in AK for a long time but apparently he has that view of “outsiders” – still can’t figure out why he doesn’t have a problem w/ McCain heavies in his territory??

2 10 2008
Left-Eyed Jack

Mrs. Jack and I will be glad to join your efforts by writing one letter each asking for the release of the Branchflower Report. In addition, as a citizen of Texas, the state who gave the United States the worst president in my lifetime, I feel your pain. The Dixie Chicks were right about George W. Bush when they proudly proclaimed their embarrassment. I enjoyed reading your site and look forward to returning in the future. Keep up the good work.

2 10 2008
disenchanted tore

DEMO- I’m sure by now his Blueberry has been peeping constantly with incoming mail..teehee

BTW, your response was eloquent. On the other hand, I still want to ask him who peed in his cereal! lol

2 10 2008

Re: The Wilkin replys

We really should forward them to the media while at the same time CC: Wilkens. He should be exposed, not just tormented.

We used to say this every single school day before class even started.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Wilken should know it.

2 10 2008

Veterans Administration has info on ex-POW life expectancy and diasbility projections because they use it for planning purposes. VA doc told my dad POW experience would shorten his life span by a decade.

Yes. My dad was also a POW, and was told basically the same thing by his doctor. No one wants to talk about this. I mentioned it in a past post, but haven’t seen it anywhere else. Post a link if you’ve got one. Thanks,

2 10 2008
Strike & Chop Palin aka sunny Florida

HOLY SCHNIKEEES – I was only kidding about tripling up on emails to the honorable Senator Wilkens, sorry if several thought it was a serious plan. I do still feel his off-hand responses are rude though and have alerted, in my opinion justifiably so, several other media sources about them, unfortunately for him, Alaska’s business has become the entire countries business as I stated earlier.

2 10 2008

I have this idea for electing presidents.

We serve everybody this meal and the one who gets the special bean is President for 4 years. Then, on the Winter solstice we hunt him down and sacrifice him to the gods of the harvest.

I swear to God that it makes more sense.

2 10 2008
disenchanted tore

I miss the edit feature from crashed site. 😦 Wanted to add:

Scaredinfair- as an Alaskan, you will probably get the *constituent* response from Gary. I’m curious to know how it will differ.

2 10 2008
Strike & Chop Palin aka sunny Florida

spelling correction ‘Wilken’ not Wilkens – sorry

2 10 2008


2 10 2008
sharon in canada

a little off topic..just an observation re earmarks. McCain will take out that old pen and veto all earmarks and will make anyone asking for one famous.I assume he is including those asked for by Wilken and Ted for the state of Alaska.Maybe that’s why Wilken is so grumpy of late.The handouts will come to an end if his party wins …oh what to do..what to do?

go Obama

2 10 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

Beautiful Idea… I will take care of my end when I get home.. while I’m popping corn for “the Show”.

insofar as Mr. Wilkins, I suspect that after the MSM gets wind of this, and of his responses of “thanks but no thanks” to all of you, he may just end up with egg on his face.

I love the Community Organizing done here. AKM, you are the BOMB!!!

rise up, people. Be heard. that’s why we all live in these united states.

2 10 2008

Here is what I wrote to senator

Hello Senator Wilken

As a part of being on council that has the authorization to release this particular report, I request you to please support the effort. We, the citizens of United States have every right to know what our Vice President Hopeful does at home in Alaska. Even though, we respect Alaska to take care of Alaskan matters, considering Mr. McCain’s campaign is already taking care of matters in Alaskan government[i.e. Non-alaskans by definitions] – We have to equal right to be the participant in Alaskan matters. Thanks for your time


2 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Perhaps Mr. Wilkens has decided to ignore all outsiders now.
Mine went like this:

Honored democratically elected representatives of the State of Alaska:

As a concerned voter living abroad, I am doing my best to keep on top of all of the news related to the candidates of both parties. I am writing you to urge you to vote YES to accept Mr.Branchflower’s report and make it available to the people of Alaska and American citizens everywhere.

Without transparency, there can be no accountability. Failure to release Mr. Branchflower’s report can only lead to further uncertainty about the integrity of the Republican vice-presidential candidate, while at the same time casting doubts on the integrity of Alaska’s legislators.

Thank you for considering this request.

I have not received any responses yet from any of them.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Don’t legislators take an oath to up hold the consitution of the UNITED STATES as well as the Alaska Constitution? So first and foremost, Sen Wilken should not be turning a blind eye to his fellow countrypeople!!

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Shove Maggot – terrific 2nd paragraph. I imagine his email has crashed by now – and they’re probably working on a canned auto reply.

2 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Sharon in Canada-

Considering that earmarks are McCain’s signature issue, I’m glad he missed the real chance to take a stand on that issue yesterday and voted AYE on the ‘recovery bill’ last night.

I’m betting he didn’t even read the bill and gave up any claim he might have had to wave that veto pen around now or in the future.

2 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

I guess maybe the Alaska legislature isn’t very used to out-of-staters being interested/involved in their activities. Here in California we have several ballot propositions that are attracting a lot of out-of-state funding– one on the proposition that would require marriage to be between a man and a woman, and one that would require ranchers to provide enough space for livestock and laying hens to fully extend their limbs/wings and lie down, stand up, and turn around, for most of the day. Lots of interested organizations (Mormons, the Humane Society, out-of-state egg producers) are shoveling a lot of money into campaigns. You’d think though that with Alaskans getting so much federal money in earmarks, members of the legislature would be a bit more diplomatic in how they speak to outsiders.

2 10 2008

The amount of their diplomacy is directly proportional to the amount of money they receive.

2 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Thanks Grammy! I wanted to give the impression that I might be an undecided voter, which would make a rude response all the more stupid.

2 10 2008
karen marie

Kimbers Chop Meth Palin (08:31:16) :

Sharon in Canada-

Considering that earmarks are McCain’s signature issue, I’m glad he missed the real chance to take a stand on that issue yesterday and voted AYE on the ‘recovery bill’ last night.

I’m betting he didn’t even read the bill and gave up any claim he might have had to wave that veto pen around now or in the future.

no, actually, that is where mccain THINKS he’s done an end run on the democrats “forcing” him to back the bailout bill. mccain did not speak in support of the bill on the senate floor, as obama did. mccain did not release a statement that he voted for the bill until AFTER it was passed by the senate. and this morning he was on teevee shaking his addled head and sighing about how he didn’t want to vote for it because of all the pork that had been added.

he will use that pork to avoid discussing the bailout and the actual financial crisis and his obvious lack of support by his own party . fortunately, i think too many americans have been following the events of the last couple weeks and he’s not going to make up any ground with that kind of silliness.

2 10 2008
jwa-Cheney Wolfhound Palin

If we were really serious about controlling earmarks, we would lobby congress to give the president the line-item veto power.

As it is, the president has to accept or veto the entire bill. That’s also where political opponents get much of the dirt they throw around when they say so and so voted FOR or AGAINST some particular issue. Something you don’t like gets burried inside a larger bill you DO like and you have to vote for the entire thing. Or you vote against a really bad bill that has funding for “starving babies” tacked onto it and your opponent comes back on you later and says you voted against “starving babies”

In reality, most congresspeople favor earmarks as long as they get their share and don’t want to give the president the power to do anything about them.

2 10 2008

Whew! Just sent all my emails. I kept it pretty short and sweet, figuring that if they actually read it they don’t want to read much. Because – we’re going to inundate them with things

2 10 2008

This issue with releasing the report will become moot should the judges ruling today says the investigation by the legislature is in fact valid and legal. Then all finding in during and as a result of the investigation are of public record and for public scrutiny. Let us hope the checks and balances of government work today

2 10 2008

“Saraj (05:19:32) :

Easing your cut and pasting… just the email addresses from above:


Thanks, Saraj…makes it easier….am composing my letter now……hope all this helps!!!!

2 10 2008
Mother Who Thinks

For those of you joining with friends tonight for the VP debate: How about DEBATE BINGO?? I made a list of buzzwords and catch phrases, googled a bingo card generator that uses your list, generates a card, and then “redraws” as many cards as you want from your list.

I’m going to the Dollar store to buy cheap lipstick to use for markers. Also to the liquor store. For Russian vodka and Alaskan Ale.

You could just play DEBATE BINGO, but as we like to drink I wrote some simple rules. You can modify them if you like, cut and past into a Word document, and print them out:

PLAY ALONG! It’s a drinking game. (We think you’re going to need it!)

• When a word or phrase is mentioned, mark it with your lipstick and take a sip.
• When you get a “BINGO” (and don’t pretend you don’t know what that means) finish your drink.
• KEEP PLAYING! The first one that gets a BLACKOUT (all spaces marked) wins a BOTTLE OF RUSSIAN VODKA!!!
• You can play as many cards as you like.
• Winners will be challenged. Count on it.

Here is a list, formatted for the bingo card generator I used (words separated by comma, no space). There are many free bingo card generators you can find through a search.

OR – make your own! Minimum of 25 words.

Country First,Leader,Patriot,Partisan,North Korea,Iran,Iraq,Voter,Running mate,Mayor,Wasilla,Gun,Beauty pageant,Press,Media,earmarks,Free market,Torture,Guantanamo,HIV/ADIS,Lies,Corporations,Banks,Deregulation,Greed, Deficit,bipartisan,National debt,jobs,attack,Terrorist,9/11,bailout,hockey mom,Gwen,Joe,Sarah,Russia,Putin,Alaska,Wasilla,Hero,Supreme Court,Nuclear,Troops,Bush,“Gotcha”,glass ceiling,executive,old boys,reform,union,Health care,sacrifice,POW,faith,God,Obama,McCain,Christian,Witchcraft,Foreign,Family,Democracy,democratic values,family values,Reagan,Republican,Crisis,Mainstream media,,Border,Illegal immigrant,Welfare,Israel,moose,maverick,Main Street,Drill,Bridge to Nowhere,Energy,Oil,Friend,“You know”,lipstick,pit bull,“I’ll get back to you”,liberal,elite,evolution,Osama bin Laden,Bush Doctrine,Foreigners,world leaders,Pakistan,Fannie Mae,Freddy Mac,Job creation,Reign in spending,Tax relief,raise taxes,cut taxes,Freedom,Youth,National defense,Bush,God,Porkbarrel spending,Fix Washington,privledge,blessing,poverty,economy,Vietnam,Surge,victory,Right,Left,China,Candidate makes hand gesture,Candidate smirks,Candidate flounders,Candidate ignores question,Moderator cuts off rambling answer,Candidate looks confused,Candidate looks Angry,CEO,golden parachute,small town values,Change We Can Believe In,dependence on foreign oil,alternative energy,Commander in Chief,Troopergate

Let us know how your bingo game goes! Cheers from Yakutat, Alaska

2 10 2008
karen marie

and further, on the topic of earmarks — they are not a significant portion of the budget.

as obama pointed out $18 billion in earmarks is dwarfed by $300 million in tax cuts promised by mccain.

2 10 2008
Sky Pape

It made me feel good to know I’m in such fine company with all of you others, sending word to the AK Legislative Council to encourage them to do release the Branchflower’s report.

I wish I had been as articulate as Shove Maggot:
“Without transparency, there can be no accountability. Failure to release Mr. Branchflower’s report can only lead to further uncertainty about the integrity of the Republican vice-presidential candidate, while at the same time casting doubts on the integrity of Alaska’s legislators.”

Most likely many of the dozens of friends to whom I passed on the homework assignment will be more eloquent than I’m capable of being. Let’s hope the point gets across!

Thanks for pointing the way to action.

2 10 2008
wired differently


Homework done!

2 10 2008
Steak Leather

I don’t care what happens in New Jersey. Do me a favor and let Alaskans take care of Alaska.

Gary Wilken
Sent from my Alaskan BlueBerry Wireless Handheld
Gary W.”

Should ask this guy to tell McCain’s goons the same thing!


2 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

I know it’s tough to see a bill that’s passed with earmarks so that it gets enough votes. But personally I oppose the line-item veto because that puts the power into one person’s hands. I’d rather have legislation that was agreed upon by the whole Congress (even though it sometimes requires pork) than to have one person basically rewriting legislation.

I just for the life of me can’t understand why some Alaskans seem okay with having the McCain campaign basically running parts of their state.

2 10 2008
jwa-Cheney Wolfhound Palin

“Sent from my Alaskan BlueBerry Wireless Handheld
Gary W.”

which was invented by John McCain

2 10 2008

“The legislators suing to stop the investigation are also being represented by the Liberty Legal Institute, the Texas-based legal arm of the Free Market Foundation, which is associated with evangelical leader James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and lists its guiding principles as limited government and promotion of Judeo-Christian values.”

2 10 2008

Does anybody else want to put bets on how many times she uses in today’s debate

1) Also & Too in the same sentence
as in, Also, it has to be all about job creation too [From Tina Fey Classic]

my bet is atleast 6 times..

any more of those combos? any bets?

2 10 2008
jwa-Cheney Wolfhound Palin

Duct Idaho Palin (08:54:31) :
But personally I oppose the line-item veto because that puts the power into one person’s hands. I’d rather have legislation that was agreed upon by the whole Congress (even though it sometimes requires pork) than to have one person basically rewriting legislation.

Well, I think the legislation would still have to be agreed on by the body. It would basically have the effect of narrowing the scope of many bills. I do see your point on allowing the Prez to rewrite the bill. Not sure how you get around that – esp with the current admin’s practice of issuing executive orders that in effect say “I disagree with this bill and chose to change it”

I do know that many states’ governors have the line item veto. I’m not an expert on the subject and don’t really know the pros and cons of it but it seems like there might be some way to try and limit the power while still trying to encourage responsible legislation.

2 10 2008

Funny, I didn’t get a nasty email from Gary Wilkens. I signed my letter, Erin, Anchorage, Alaska. Guess he doesn’t want to piss off Alaskans but doesn’t give a whit about anyone who can’t vote him out of office. What a putz.

2 10 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Thanks Karen Marie! I didn’t watch the news this morning.

McCain ‘sighing about how he didn’t want to vote for it because of all the pork that had been added.’ really is inspiring confidence to the republicans I’m sure! LOL! How presidential!

Honestly, if the Republican Party even remotely had their act together, they would cede this election, start trying to figure out where they went wrong (they could ask me and I’d be happy to clue them in since many years ago I was once there) and begin to regroup for the future.

But they won’t. Luckily for us, especially this year, winning is the most important thing for them and they never figured out an alternative plan in the event the rest of us caught on to their tricks and manipulations.

2 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Thanks Sky Pape! I wish that I had also said that “sunshine is the best stain remover”, but it’s probably best to have kept it short.

2 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

Cherry Wolfhound (hee!) I know, it’s a complicated subject. And of course I wouldn’t mind having a Democrat in office wiping out line after line!

Erin, can I ask– are you actually in Anchorage? Or Alaska? I was wondering how to sign my letters. Thanks.

2 10 2008

Also re: Gary Wilken, he is a senator in the Alaska STATE legislature and he is not running for re-election. Perhaps he feels free to be just as rude as he wants. I am a constituent but have not received any reply to my email so far.

2 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Interesting union protest in West Virginia. Think they all wanted a day off to catch up on mudflats? (kidding) But there really does seem to be more push-back from the people this election cycle. Good to see.

2 10 2008
JudiB AKA Stepper Choke

Did my homework and so far, no nasty reply from Wilken. I just said “We have spent eight years living with lies and secrecy in our beloved country. Please vote YES to releasing the Branchflower Report. Let
the sun shine in once again”.

Also, signed it Thank You…. Maybe by now he is just swamped by emails he won’t bother to email back.

2 10 2008
Bellaboo Kahki Salmon/Log Justice Palin

I exchanged two emails with Senator Wilken, both courteous. He asked me a couple of questions, I answered and he replied. Perhaps he realized that terse replys in emails are a no-no? I basically told him that I lived my life with integrity and honesty and I expected him, as a legislature, to do the same. I told him that I had great faith that he would put our country ahead of politics.

2 10 2008
Steak Leather

“as obama pointed out $18 billion in earmarks is dwarfed by $300 million in tax cuts promised by mccain.”

I assume that the tax cuts are either greater than 300 million or the earmarks are less than 18 billion…which is it?


2 10 2008

Heard from Gary WIlken again.

Hi Deb, (not my full name)

Thanks and have a great New York day.

G. Wilken

I was sooooo tempted to write back:
Hi Gar, (written with the same sarcasm you directed toward me)
Every day in NY is great. Not too sure you can say the same about Alaska at this moment in time.

However, I didn’t think that would do much. I took the high road.

Hi Gar,
Thanks and have a great Alaska day.

His sarcasm is straight out of the Sarah Palin handbook. May she show it tonight during the debate and turn off even more voters. I know the diehards will vote for her no matter what, but the polls are showing women don’t like her as much as the McCain camp hoped.

Palin generated initial excitement. The vast majority of people I know who thought she was terrific have changed their minds. I’m eating it up with an elitist silver spoon that people are repelled by her politics. It’s not even so much about her position on issues, which are bad enough for me to discount her. It’s her demeanor. Imperious. Mocking. Sarcastic. It’s all very ugly and I will revel in the moment she falls on her face.

If the party line is that they are going to let Sarah be Sarah, I’m fully hoping for a chef-like comment she made about one of her opponents. (Can’t remember his name.) Juvenile doesn’t cut it in a national campaign. We expect more from our candidates. Civility. Respect. Maybe, dare I say it, an ability to articulate knowledge.

2 10 2008
karen marie

kimbers chop meth palin,

in the meantime, i read this post tiitled “after the gop apocalypse” over at american conservative magazine that i would recommend.

i recently have taken the plunge and begun following a couple “conservative” blogs such as the one above and have discovered, much to my relief, that not all people who identify as such are what many of us think of as “wingers” (i.e., drudge report, free republic, michelle malkin, etc) and in fact have relevant things to say.

only time will tell whether the republican party itself can free itself of its lunatic fringe and join the reality-based community.

2 10 2008
Flex Gunship Palin

homewok done…no reply yet.

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

scared in Fbks

I can’t believe it – Wilken’s not running again? So maybe he doesn’t care what we say, he can do just as he pleases w/o ramifications; I wonder why Alaskans aren’t getting a reply especially if he doesn’t need their votes?

2 10 2008

Holy Schneezies.

I’m not sure if this was already noted, but did you native-AKers catch this?

From”Judge may rule today on Troopergate tangle” in ADN at

“The legislators suing to stop the investigation are also being represented by the Liberty Legal Institute, the Texas-based legal arm of the Free Market Foundation, which is associated with evangelical leader James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and lists its guiding principles as limited government and promotion of Judeo-Christian values.”

Um… have an out-of-state Christian Extremist group trying to influence Alaskan politics.



2 10 2008

btw, I called 2 offices so far -Kim Elton & Lynda Green and both their representative said , they are in support of releasing this report. Next call in next 5 just excited to participate (you can tell :))

2 10 2008

Got all 14 out,
we have to stand together Alaska needs us and we need Alaska.

2 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Palin

Wow. Now I can’t wait to get home tonight and do my homework. I love rude replies from elected politicians. Wilken must have been having an easy time of it, up until now. Hard to believe he didn’t realize that responding to the concerns of citizens is part of his job. Granted, he’s only truly ACCOUNTABLE (if at all) to his own constituents, but how careless to be so flippant and rude to any of this country’s citizen/voters!
Especially now that we have the Internet (thanks, Al Gore) and many have Blackberries (ditto, Papa John McSame) and in a country so full of apathy, it is only sensible to at least afford some courtesy to anyone who takes the time to write! Well, Wilken is obviously not the brightest bulb on the circuit.
Word gets around, whether you like it or not…

not to worry about the name, Strike and Chop–I am usually Cluckhead out in the ethernet, so I don’t care what name I use. I have already been mislabelled Chip Striker (which isn’t bad, actually) but I’d hate to give up my Palin name until after the election…at which time, I dearly hope, it will become obsolete!

2 10 2008

Sarah Palin’s Secret Service code name: Frosted Flake.

2 10 2008

scaredinfairbanks said(09:10:32) :

Also re: Gary Wilken, he is a senator in the Alaska STATE legislature and he is not running for re-election. Perhaps he feels free to be just as rude as he wants. I am a constituent but have not received any reply to my email so far.
Maybe that’s because he can’t tell you to butt out. Seems quite easy for him to tell citizens of other states to mind their own business. What he fails to realize is that it is the business of EVERY American to know the truth about a vice presidential nominee.

If this matter weren’t so important, I would let loose and tell Senator Wilken precisely how I feel about his terse, obnoxious reply. I don’t have that luxury. Of course, that hasn’t stopped McCain and Palin, but I refuse to sink as low as them. I will remain civil and courteous because the issue is more important than my personal anger.

Don’t tell them, but if McCain and Palin recognized that, they might not be slipping in the polls.

I tip my proverbial hat to Obama. People have called on him to get angry. To go on the offense and to defend himself when attacked. He has remained a gentleman. He has remained calm. In the face of slurs, smears and attacks, he retains his composure. That is part of his appeal. So I will take my cue from my candidate and do the same.

But between you and me, Wilken can kiss my a$$!

2 10 2008
GJ in Idaho


Homework done!

2 10 2008
karen marie

steak leather, pardon the typo — they are both “billion.”

earmarks cost $18 billion a year.

mccain taxcuts would lose the treasury $300 billion a year.

earmarks are not understood by most people who only know that they are “bad” because the republicans keep telling us they are (while at the same time, raking them in at an astonishing rate, a la sarah palin) but they fund anything that is not a permanent budget line item. all of the departments (education, defense, justice, health, etc) are permanent budget line items. cleaning up after katrina is an earmark.

understood in that light, mccain’s insistence that “eliminating earmarks” is a strategy to govern by looks pretty idiotic.

2 10 2008

Duct Idaho Palin (09:06:10) : I am in Anchorage, yes, so I thought that that might get their attention better than if I had just left it blank. If I were you I might just sign it “Concerned Voter” and let him wonder if you’re an Alaskan.

2 10 2008

Un-be-frickin-lievable. Charges against Ted Stevens may be dropped this afternoon due to misconduct by the prosecutor’s office.

The rats truly do keep winning the rat race.

2 10 2008
karen marie


thanks for the link to the cnn story on the stevens trial.

the thought that came to my mind was: the prosecutor works for the bush administration — why would it be surprising that they would blow the case through incompetence?

2 10 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin
2 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")


YOU MUST FORWARD THAT EMAIL TO EVERY NEWS OUTLET IN NEW JERSEY AND NEW YORK CITY (where I live) because a LOT of people from New Jersey work in NYC and will get the news from NYC if they do not get it from NJ!


2 10 2008
Democrat G (formerly "G")

The ONLY one who has responded and should be supported as of now is:

When the Branchflower report comes before the Legislative Council on October 10, I will vote to accept it and make it public to the extent rules regarding personnel records allow.

Thank you for contacting me.

Representative David Guttenberg

2 10 2008
Sandy Beach

I am from Juneau, so I got no sarcastic reply from Mr. Wilken.

The only reply I’ve gotten so far is from Mr Guttenberg, who says he plans to vote Yes.

The original request from the Alaskans for Truth people is to repeat this exercise every day until Oct 10. I hate to continue to spam Guttenberg, who already told me how he was voting. What do you all think?

2 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

I’m not in Alaska (so, feel free to give me a snide response!!) but personally I think there’s no use in resending the message to anyone who’s told you either way how they’re voting. Although I guess if the McCain campaign continues to put pressure on people, someone might change their mind?

2 10 2008
Sandy Beach

Update: Moments ago, I got a nice note from Kim Elton, who is not only my Senator but a Democrat, a good guy, and chair of the Council. He says “Thanks for the message. I am committed to having a report by October 10 and making it public!” and he signs it “Kim.”

So I am inclined to not continue to spam anyone who responds that they are on board.

2 10 2008

Welp, Senator WIlkin’s e-mail keeps coming back to me as undeliverable because the addressee is unknown. I’ll keep trying. However, here’s what the other Senators should have received from me:

Honorable Senator,

As a resident of one of the “lower 48” I would not normally write to members of the legislature of Alaska. However, as you know, your Governor has been thrust into the national spotlight and her suitability to serve all the people of this nation is now something we each must examine.

I am writing to urge you to accept and release the contents of Steve Branchflower’s report, as scheduled, on October 10.

I am also writing to let you know that millions of Americans still have faith that your bipartisan and legitimate ethics investigation can survive derailment by heavy-handed one-sided political pressure. In a very real sense, the future of our country may depend on it.

Thank you.


2 10 2008

Because this is America, we the citizens of this great country have the right to know the findings of Mr. Branchflower’s report. No matter what the outcome we have the right to know,because this is America. I feel that if these facts are not released we will lose much of what “This is America” means. What it means to me is honesty & openness in government “by the people, for the people, of the people”..
My understanding is that Mr. Branchflower was hired by the state legislative council composed of 10 republicans and 4 democrats whom were all present at the vote to hire. If this is the case, what possible reason could there be to withhold the information reported by Mr. Branchflower?

2 10 2008

ennealogicThe name was originally misspelled – it should be “wilkens” instead of “wilkins” – try that and it should go through.

2 10 2008

I just sent my emails. Although I’m from Tennessee, I love Alaska and hope to live there someday and I want the Alaska government to be better than it is.

2 10 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Sandy Beach (10:28:20) :
I agree with you that the ones who respond positively should get a pass for future e-mails. Let their poor assistants get on with state business.

2 10 2008
Sandy Beach

Mother Who Thinks:

I just made my bingo cards for tonight’s party, using a combination of your words and mine. Thanks for the great idea!

Now I have to come up with prizes…

2 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

I addressed them as “Honorable Legislators,
…my note to them, in part
…”I understand that your investigations began before your governor was selected for the national ticket. Alaska’s future decisions regarding people’s failures to testify rest in your hands. That decision is yours alone to make.

However, my decision is what to do with my vote for the Presidency. I request that you offer the rest of America the information we need to make our individual decisions without campaign pressure.

I got TOTALLY dissed! You guys at least got a response, even if it was rude, and I sent my emails YESTERDAY!

2 10 2008
cal al

The unions are wearing some real balls!

AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka on Racism and Obama

2 10 2008

Emjay Thanks, got it through this time. No replies yet from anyone though.

2 10 2008

OK, Wilken’s email has been fixed. Sorry everyone.

2 10 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

MJC (04:24:44) :

Off Topic: This is a very powerful speech. Worth taking a few minutes to watch the video
Thank you so much for that link. It is very powerful! I sincerely hope
that the people of WV will backseat their racism and vote for a true
leader. AKM, will be sending out emails from BAMA, ASAP.

2 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Palin

OMG, Mildy Disturbed–thank you for that one!
However, I would not be thanking you if I hadn’t already finished with my Diet Dr. Pepper, as I snorted aloud when I read it (imagining said drink exiting via the nose, thankful that was NOT the case–what would my coworkers say?)

That reminds me, I need to go to the grocery store and get some cereal…

2 10 2008

To people who don’t wish to continue spamming, i suggest sending a daily or trice-weekly post card. They are quick to read, don’t require as much sorting through, but keep the issue on the front burner – you never know when someone will get pressure to change their vote.

2 10 2008

I didn’t mean to suggest people were spamming. I think someone used that term to explain why they were consdiering not sending emails to legislators who have taken the desired position.

2 10 2008
SC Strike Chipper Palin

Homework done–hallelujah!
Just less than 3 hours until the debate. I think I will try to get on this site and watch, but my head was spinning during the first debate, trying to keep up with the commentary. And tonight, I feel honor-bound to keep an eye on that treacherous Gwen Ifill to make sure she is fair!

2 10 2008

Email sent to all…

3 10 2008
Open Thread - Countdown to Truth, 7 Days to Go! « Mudflats

[…] you need a refresher about what to say, here’s the original Homework Assignment!  And thank […]

3 10 2008

Here’s a positive answer I rec’d:
“When the Branchflower report comes before the Legislative Council on October 10, I will vote to accept it and make it public to the extent rules regarding personnel records allow. Thank you for contacting me.

David Guttenberg”

Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 7:57 AM
To: Rep. David Guttenberg
Subject: Branchflower Report

Dear Representative Guttenberg,
The Alaska State Legislative Council is not a partisan body. They voted unanimously, 8 Republicans and 4 Democrats, to have Stephan Branchflower, a highly respected former prosecutor, investigate Governor Palin.

Talis Colberg has tried repeatedly to evade the consequences of his own possibly illegal disruptions of the Legistative Council’s investigation. His credibility is now in question.

You must respect every U.S. voter’s right-to-know, and accept and publish the Branchflower Report on October 10. The entire nation awaits your decision.
Elizabeth L Jones

9 10 2008
9 10 2008
Max's Dad

Gary Wilkins is Gary Wilken. That’s why your email is getting bounced. Check the spelling in his address. We had a dialogue back and forth and he was very personable. Said he would be traveling and won’t be at the initial meeting accepting the report and wouldn’t be a part of the (initial) decision to immediately release it or no. A bit evasive I thought, but he responded cordially (3 times) from his BlackBerry, once I got his email address right.