McCain Campaign Rewrites Alaska History.

30 09 2008


Every once in a while we hear tha sound of hoofbeats on the Mudflats….  Hark!   Is that…..a horse?  Why yes, it’s our trusty white knight Representative Les Gara galloping up to deliver his latest opinion piece on the Palin debacle.  He unfurls his scroll and reads…


Over the past few weeks we Alaskans have been scratching our heads over the interesting claims the McCain campaign has made about our Governor.  A lot of them have been news to us.  Governor Palin’s nomination to the McCain ticket has created unusual common ground for Alaskans.  Whether we support her or not, we’ve been furrowing our eyebrows a lot lately as we watch the McCain campaign re-write Alaska history.   


            As a legislator who’s both agreed and disagreed with Governor Palin, I know some of her positions are difficult to sell.  Some are not.  But to avoid that whole messy thing of explaining controversial positions, the spin doctors running the McCain campaign are doing what got George Bush elected.  Many campaigns spin in the gray areas, where the truth isn’t clear.  But the McCain campaign’s taken a page from Karl Rove, and decided to spin past the margins.  They’re pitching the verifiably false as true.


            During the August Republican National Convention, Alaskans heard for the first time that our Governor opposed a national symbol of federal pork, what folks in the Lower 48 call the “Bridges to Nowhere.”   We didn’t know that.  In her 2006 Governor’s campaign, when her opponents took the risk of telling boomers these two bridges might be too expensive – candidate Palin said she supported them – and said she’d work to get more Congressional money for them.


            Now the campaign has a new line, that Governor Palin “told Congress thanks, but no thanks” for this money.  That’s a problem.  See, she never could have said that.  Congress debated our Alaska’s request for $400 million in bridge money in 2004 and 2005, before Palin was elected Governor.   A national outcry against these projects, at a time when a Republican Congress was pushing pork over effective relief for Hurricane Katrina’s victims, forced Congress to re-write this earmark.  Alaska ultimately got the money in 2005, but the Congressional language requiring that we spend it on these bridges was deleted.  We said thank you.  Governor Palin never opposed this funding.  She never offered to return it when she took office in 2007. 


            Then there’s the claim by Senator McCain that our Governor has been a “maverick” fighting federal earmarks.  We didn’t know that either.  Alaska takes more federal earmarks per capita than any state in the country.  Governor Palin asks for them.  She, like her predecessors, happily accepts them.  Alaska’s budget contains hundreds of millions in earmark dollars.  Alaska politicians love earmarks, and campaign on their ability to get them.


            We also heard at the Convention that Governor Palin’s been a budget cutter.  But in Governor Palin’s two years as Governor state spending has gone up by 20%.  She did veto projects, and I supported those vetoes.  But after vetoes, there’s still been a 20% budget hike.   Depending on your views, a 20% spending increase might be defensible.  It’s not defensible to make people believe you cut the budget when you didn’t. 


            Here’s what else I know about my state.  We have the third worst children’s health insurance program in the nation.  The Governor wouldn’t support cost-effective measures to extend insurance to the 10,000 children of Alaskan working parents who cannot afford coverage.  She campaigned against a recent proposal to prevent large strip mines from spilling toxic chemicals into Alaska’s salmon waters – something that’s raised the ire of fishermen and Alaska Natives in remote Southwest Alaska communities.  Thirty-five to forty percent of our kids don’t graduate from high school, and we can’t convince Governor Palin to join the 41 other states that have accepted the science showing statewide pre-k education helps kids succeed when they don’t have other good options at home. 


            There are a lot of important issues to discuss this campaign.  They should be debated honestly.  So far, as Senator McCain’s joined Barack Obama’s call for change, he’s only succeeded at changing the truth.


We now return you to the McCain-Palin campaign already in progress.



62 responses

30 09 2008

Wow, Mudflatters, I saw got DoS’d! (At least that’s how I’m interpreting the error message I saw). Clearly a sign that you’ve riled someone up! Maybe even the right people to rile!

30 09 2008

I want to thank John McCain for announcing Sarah Palin as his running mate on August 29th, 2008. Since that time, I’ve learned some amazing things about our 49th state. However, I’m sadly learning that not everything that I’ve learned is true. Shame, shame, shame McCain. And the same goes for Ms. Palin. Shame, shame, shame McPalin.

30 09 2008

Representative Gara,

I so appreciate reading your forthright, fact-filled posts here at Mudflats. I ask myself, “Why isn’t the MSM interviewing Mr. Gara EVERY day, so all Americans can hear the truth?” How can we help get your message out? I would be thrilled to assist your effort to set the Palin record straight!


30 09 2008

McCain in Des Moines today

he is a MESS!!! must watch

30 09 2008
strangelet (Wesson Scalper Palin)

Yay, Les.

30 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I had just posted this on the other thread – happy reading — good night…

Had to surf one more time before shutting down my laptop and found this article – Palin’s BIG newspaper interview — ta da — drumroll — with the – Wasilla – Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman. Yikes

Love some of the comments afterward.

30 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Here is one of the 14 Q & A in the Palin article above:

12. On Sept. 19, Attorney General Colberg wrote a letter stating he had confirmed with bar counsel that his contact with former Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan did not create a conflict of interest. If this is the case, why have you hired private counsel in the Monegan inquiry? Are attorneys from the McCain/Palin campaign advising the Department of Law as well as Thomas Van Flein?

The subpoenas were responded to. The Attorney General has determined that there are valid challenges to the subpoenas, so he filed a motion to quash the subpoenas in court. Until motions are decided, the employees are not obligated to testify. We hired private counsel to assist us with the legal questions that have arisen in the course of the inquiry and to ensure that Alaskans would not have to foot the bill. McCain-Palin lawyers are not advising the Department of Law, and of course Thomas Van Flein consults with attorneys as he determines is necessary.

30 09 2008
Wesson Scalper Palin

Les Gara – lay down the law. Don’t back down.

Les, you have the law on your side. I’m just a broadcaster from Niagara Falls Canada. I say, don’t back down. I’m rooting for you.

30 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Yay for Les Gara and yay for Mudflats. I’m so glad to have found you again…

30 09 2008

Cheers to you Les.
I don’t know which impresses me more, that you lay out spin vs truth so effectively, or that you’re willing to admit on mudflats that you have sometimes agreed with our Governess.
All I can say is, I voted for Tony Knowles. But really, if everyone that I’ve heard say THAT in the last month were telling the truth….Palin would working at that car wash right now.

1 10 2008
Rob in Santa Cruz, Ca

Thanks Les! Once again, just the truth. I applaud your courage.

1 10 2008
angry lefty

great article! May I quote you?

p.s. I’ve been linking you everywhere I go (and I go everywhere) — I hope I didn’t contribute to the crashes, but it’s gratifying to see your traffic increase. People need to know what you have to say here, especially since it’s not being covered anywhere else!

Les Gara needs to be on Letterman. I’ll see what I can do!

1 10 2008
angry lefty

I had a thought — could you put in an “email” or “share” button so people could send the articles out? That might save on the traffic.

1 10 2008

Yahoo, Les Gara. You are a wonderful writer and are made up of good “stuff.” You’ve put all of our thoughts and feelings in a quality piece. Nice job, and many truly thank you.

(Those hoofbeats could be the wildly popular Brian, a moose with attitude!)

Good night AKM, Brian, Mudpuppies, and Mr. Gara.
Congrats AKM on pissing off the big-time McCrazies…you must be pushing some serious buttons…ha!


1 10 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

Great post, as usual!

1 10 2008
Cluckhead Strike Chipper Palin

Greetings from Gamecock Country! Saw a neighbor on these posts, yesterday–a long way from home. I am sorry for contributing to your crashes; I can’t even remember how I found this site, now, but I’ve been here on a daily basis and have been sending the link and the articles to non-Repugs in South Carolina, Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee ever since.
All I knew about Alaska, prior to this, was what I’ve learned in the novels of Dana Stabenow (which are also impressive) and I thank you for my continuing education.
Only 38 hours until the Great Debate!

1 10 2008

re Melba – Mc Cain in Des Moins – boy is he MAD! Thanks for posting. Who were the ladies asking the questions – any ideas? I’d love to have seen the whole thing.

1 10 2008

Wow. I hope this gets posted absolutely everywhere!

1 10 2008
MissSue MI

@ Melba (22:34:14) :

McCain in Des Moines today

he is a MESS!!! must watch

Wow That’s frightening. This guy is scary.

1 10 2008
Barb Snow

Pretty good comparison…don’t you think?

Keep up the great guys are the site and I keep passing it on…

1 10 2008

Les Gara needs to go on CNN AND Fox.
I’d like to see O’Lielly spout “I’ve been to Alaska…” nonsense.

1 10 2008

Wow Miss Sue..he really is frightening…

1 10 2008
Kate aka chin duststrap

AS usual, an insightful article by Les Gara. Thanks for having him on.

CNN had a great report with Gary Tuchman on Little DIomede. The only part of Alaska you can see Russia from. & I love the New Yorker cover!!

1 10 2008

Wow – the Des Moines interview…comes off like a real jerk of a human being… angry, intolerant (of the truth or anything that questions his authority).

Also, I was wondering if anyone was going to make the comparison between Troopergate and the Bush administration’s abuse of executive power. Wish the msm would pick this us. Hey, maybe Rachel M will over at msnbc?

1 10 2008

We need to see Les Gara on about contacting NBC..from there he can go to Count Down can do it Muck…I know you can

1 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

Even if you’ve already watched the Des Moines interview (well worth it and short) you should really check out today’s post at about McCain’s “tongue jut” and then watch the interview again.

1 10 2008
kathy in Austin

I read your site daily. Thank you so much.

1 10 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

Seems as if the new site pulled a “Palin”… got too big for it’s britches! Either that or someone derailed it on purpose…. GO LES GARA!!!

the commonalities are too good to be true, here, between the site crash and the impending crash of SWWNBN.

I posted this in the Obamasignwatch chat yesterday…..

“She’s a bit like Christmas to me- No “L” = PAIN (get it? Noel?)

ba dum dum*

1 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

@ Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P. (05:59:39) :

“She’s a bit like Christmas to me- No “L” = PAIN (get it? Noel?)”

Thanks for the chuckle, Ripley.

I think she’s also a bit like Christmas for all the conservatives – once the initial Christmas morning excitement wears off, Christmas is often a bit of a letdown…

1 10 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

It’s good to see our community grow, guess growing pains are part of it. When I first started coming here I thought I was the only one in the world who really thought Sarah was scary. I found my way here by a link, think there were about 12 of us at that point but it was good to know I was not the only one who was unimpressed by her. It has become like a secret hideaway from the craziness that is going on around us. It would be so nice if our presidental choices were all good and no matter who we voted for things would improve, but I just don’t think this is so. John McCain seems to be imploding based on his weird actions, and some of his speeches. Think that the stress and exhaustion are taking it’s toll on him. But as president he may have an emergency that will also cause this same stress, will he implode again and do something stupid? The thought curls my hair.
Have a good day mudflats family, I am off to do my part to restore the economy, this morning I am bringing a dozen people back from being laid off. Then I am taking my new friend the Japanese excutive horseback riding before he heads back. They don’t call me the cheif cook and bottle washer for nothing. 🙂

1 10 2008
Joe Lang

Love it. You’re my hero. 🙂

1 10 2008
Harley Pinocchio Palin

McCain Pushed Iraq War 2 months after 9-11

New unearthed Video

1 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Fencepost Turtle Palin

It took a few days for the MSM to “discover” Lyda Green but I suspect that as members of the MSM are visiting mudflats, someone somewhere is going to interview Les Gara and then the fan is really going to spin it.

Just out of curiosity, did Gara’s time at HLS and Michelle Obama’s time at HLS overlap? Did they know each other then, if so?

1 10 2008

I don’t live in Alaska, but it really upsets me to hear these things. Children need decent education and healthcare. AND we SHOULD NOT be continuing to ruin a pristine environment. Most people have this vision of a beautiful-beyond-belief Alaska. But, when we finally get to visit, this won’t be so….. Thanks for bringing this to light. These things still need to be addressed before, during, and after this election. To some degree, I just don’t think that Palin GETS IT.

1 10 2008

I am just wondering if the Alaskan Knight might send this loverly fact-filled opinion to the lower 48, say via the New York Times?

Methinks many might benefit seeing the true pedigree of the princess. Before the coronation.

1 10 2008
Mine Guy

Truth has no role in the Republican machine. Why are these jokers elected and re-elected?

1 10 2008

82 voters registered at our local JC yesterday. Nonpartisan drive, but only 2 Republicans, 25 Independents, and 36 Democrats. These folks care about seeing if the Palin Hype is for real. So deep in the trenches Republicans might not care, but many Independents, Democrats, and other Voters who are Undecided do.

Why? Bush.

Showing McCain lies shows more of the same. McBush.

1 10 2008

Republican Politicians running for office in the Northwest are being sued to have REPUBLICAN put by their names on the ballot. They want GOP because less people know it is Republican.

Bush. Bush. Bush. Doesn’t that just leave you with a sick feeling?

The more it is tied to McCain, the better.

1 10 2008

In that Frontiersman “interview” that Palin claims to have written herself via email, she says, “Ever since I took the chief executive’s job up North…” An Alaskan would never say “up North” when referring to Alaska. Obviously someone else wrote this.

1 10 2008

I, like other “longtimers” on here, have been directing lots of people to this site, and it doesn’t surprise me that the traffic is exponentially increasing.

I was posting on a Biden-Palin debate thread on, and soon the GOPers on there accused me of being a paid Obama staff member because I knew so much about Palin. I LOL’d and said, no, I was just a regular citizen who read Mudflats!

Thank you, Rep. Gara, for this excellent “reality check” about Gov. P. Please, would you contact MSNBC (esp. Rachel?) or the NY Times with it?

1 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Les– I suppose this story could be called “How to Configure Lies”. The problem with campaigns is that people who know the truth rarely have the opportunity to directly confront the liar(s). When the finally have the opportunity to do so, the point is moot.

Thank you for taking the time to confront the lies here on Mudflats…in my opinion, the truth is never moot and it should never be mute!

1 10 2008

Wow, McCain isn’t an astronaut but he understands space! And Sarah Palin isn’t a foreign diplomat to Russia but she can see it!

People really buy this stuff. I think my #1 cause in America is going to be education from now on.

1 10 2008

D’Oh! I was sidetracked by the McCain interview and I forgot to mention how much I love reading these proclamations from our favorite white night, Les Gara!!!

Thank you mudflats!

1 10 2008
Frank aka liar skunk palin

Hmmmm I guess it’s not right to follow your own advice/rules.

1 10 2008

Here’s an interesting conservative view on why they shouldn’t jettison failin:

I personally hope that all of the troopergate stuff will force the issue, but apparently (and unsurprisingly) the legislature is receiving a great deal of pressure from the mclame legal thugs to quash Branchflower’s report. I have posted all of the email addresses & phone numbers for the legislators on the forum, under action & alert, titled Countdown to Truth. Please help out Alaskans by contacting them!

I’ve contacted all of them and the only response that I received was from Kim Elton.

1 10 2008

You go MUDFLATS – rile everyone up down here in the lower 48’s. Keep up your incredible work and if I ever get to visit Alaska I want a personal tour from you. If you ever get to the Outer Banks in NC I will personally escort you around!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK.
😉 Mart

1 10 2008

I thought the reason for Alaska was Santa Claus and Oil?

1 10 2008

I just found you, in the nick of time. I thought I was losing my mind with all the scatter shots from the McCain group. I haven’t been so scared since Bush (the first time), Bush (the second time), Bush (the third time) until now with an ugly possibility of the fourth bush.

1 10 2008
McCain Campaign Rewrites Alaska History. « Nuclear and Indigenous Items of Interest

[…] McCain Campaign Rewrites Alaska History. Posted on October 1, 2008 by gregornot McCain Campaign Rewrites Alaska History. […]

1 10 2008

I hope this link works. Sarah has now decided we’re all Joe 6 pack people. She also talks about her and Todd being in financial trouble like all the other folks.

1 10 2008

John McCain (13:01:10) :

That black guy Obama doesn’t even know where Alaska is.
I do.

Speaking for myself, I enjoy AKmuckraker’s forthrightness and clarity.

You on the other hand are playing some kind of game or parody with a fake identity, and I’m not having any of it.

Some, perhaps most of us here are looking for a sharp honest focus on the unfolding events, and how to respond to them.

Yes, I followed your link.
No, you’re not helping.

1 10 2008


1 10 2008

ROFL! The Palins are worth ~$9 mil, and she claims in that Hugh Hewitt interview that they are “struggling” financially.

Is anybody STUPID enough to believe that garbage?

President, LoudElf Fan Club

1 10 2008

They’re about to call the vote in the Senate for the Bail Out bill – McCain hasn’t put out a pre-vote statement. I am afraid it means McCain is going to vote nay – leaving Obama holding the bag. Am I just super-paranoid, or has anyone else got any anxiety over this?

1 10 2008
Coco McBean

McPalin officially a McMess! Let’s see if you guys let them rig the election again.

2 10 2008
John McCain

You’re just communist censors. That’s why we Republicans always win.
Go on censoring, I will be president anyway.

2 10 2008
Sarah Palin: A Third Course of Quail, Served a la Moose |

[…] just found another item: Les Gara on Mudflats, noting that Sarah’s recounting of her own history is as much a fairy tale as her rise to […]

2 10 2008
John McCain

drchill, thank you for helping me win.
Thank you for your support.

4 10 2008

Yuk i dont want her back what a liar she is. YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 10 2008
Palin and the Elusive Truth | meme patch

[…] the good Governor’s honesty and character. Troopergate Witnes Flips Like a Pancacke and McCain Campaign Rewrites Alaska History. The history rewrite review comes from Alaska State Representative Les […]

5 10 2008

thank u

26 10 2008

If I remember right, there’s a video somewhere, in which McCain said Palin had 80% approval ratings from Alaskans??????