“Alaskans for Truth” are Hopping MAD!

24 09 2008

Shhh. Those of you in the Lower 48 (+Hawaii)…be verrrry quiet…. Hear that? You may just be able to make out the sound of a whole lot of Alaskans throwing open their windows, leaning out, and yelling, “WE’RE MAD AS HELL! AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!” (Remember that movie?)

Who’s yelling? Progressive talk show hosts and Conservative talk show hosts, Democrats and Republicans, Indpendents and Non-Partisans, Libertarians and Librarians, Lawyers and Teachers, Politicians and Political Junkies, Hockey Moms and State employees, Legislators from both sides of the aisle, and ….pretty much anyone up here who is paying attention. Those are the kind of people that always seem to gum up the works for those who try so hard to get away with things. We’re such an annoyance, us damn attention-payers…

This contingent of strange political bedfellows have just about had it with Sarah Palin, John McCain and the shenanigans they are pulling with our state government, specifically the department of law. They’re also sick of watching the insidious influence of nasty national politics (in the form of McCain lawyer Ed O’Callaghan) turning once respected local journalists like former KTUU reporter, now Palin mouthpiece, Megan Stapleton into vicious attack wolves who seem to have no qualms about sinking their teeth into the necks of revered public servants and giving them a good shake. To quote a certain presidential candidate, “ENOUGH!”

So what’s an angry mob to do? There have been letters to the editor, opinion pieces in the Daily News, open letters from Legislators, ceaseless clacking on the keyboards of inflamed bloggers, talk show hosts that sound like they’re going to have cardiac arrest…but it just didn’t feel like enough. People kept asking, what can we DO??

Enter “Alaskans for Truth”, a grassroots organization that has come together to give Alaskans a venue to come and vent. Sometimes there’s just nothing like torches and pitchforks signs and bullhorns. A major rally is being organized that will take place on Anchorage’s Park Strip, a downtown park with plenty of grass and plenty of visibility. Guest speakers are planned.

So, if you are in Anchorage, or within driving distance of Anchorage, mark your calendar, make your sign, bring your friends, and bring some good ol’ moral outrage.

Here’s the official press release:


Hold Palin Accountable Rally

Saturday, September 27th, Noon – 2:00 pm

Downtown Park Strip between I and L Streets, and 9th and 10th.

Main Stage at the Veterans’ Memorial, east end of the park.

Join your Alaskan neighbors in demanding that:

  • Gov. Palin uphold her promise to us for an “open, honest & transparent” government.
  • Gov. Palin uphold her promise to us to cooperate fully with the independent investigation as initiated by the bi-partisan Legislative Council.

We, the People of Alaska, also

  • Demand the immediate resignation of Attorney General Talis Colberg.
  • Demand the McCain campaign immediately remove itself and its influence from our state and local government.
  • Demand the McCain Campaign ends its attorney, Ed O’Callahan’s unlawful intrusion into our Department of Law.



468 responses

24 09 2008

Well, thank you Alaskans! Keep up the good work!

24 09 2008

You GO, Alaska! Now THAT (as opposed to First Dude Secession party membership) is what INDEPENDENCE is all about!

24 09 2008

Wish I good join you. Fight the good fight!

24 09 2008


(Don’t mean to hijack the thread, but MSNBC has just reported that McCain wants to “suspend the campaign” for the week and go to Washington to focus on this economic crisis. Damn these people are good. If Obama had suggested this the McCain people would have said Obama just didn’t want to debate. The Republicans have 8 years practice sounding like they’re above politics and it’s the other people who are down in the mud.

24 09 2008
christy kennedy

If I lived closer to Anchorage than Kansas City, I’d be there. Hope you get a huge crowd. Can’t wait for pictures and a report. Keep it up people!!! We’re reading your blogs and newspapers and forwarding the hell out of everything. Thanks and good luck!!

24 09 2008

What a great birthday present for me! I hope that it is very successful and gets good coverage. Thanks for keeping everyone in the lower 48 informed. I have been reading this post for weeks, but this is my first comment.

Welcome to the discussion! We need all the ‘responsible citizens’ we can get! AKM

24 09 2008

So what do we think Obama should do? He can’t very well say the debate is more important than this crisis, which yesterday McCain didn’t seem very interested in. If Obama heartily agrees he looks “me too-ish.” “We break in with news that will really shake up this presidential campaign.” I am hopping mad. “There are two ways this will be viewed: Some will view this as gamesmanship, and some will view it as leadership.” hmmmmm. which do we think. Obama’s only reasonable “ploy” is to say that the way to take politics out of this is for the two campaigns to stay out of Washington. McCain has “asked Obama to join him” in addressing this crisis.

24 09 2008

Man, I wish I lived in Alaska….

24 09 2008
Chris Blask

Suspend my fanny!

I just went to a National Security meeting with Richard Clarke, Maj Gen Gration and Mike Burns, another Hanoi POW who bunked with McCain and supported him in 2000. All three are appalled by his positions to date (some were an eye-opener to be reminded of) and his choice to throw the country into the path of someone like Palin.

I managed to capture Richard’s comment on the VP picks on video: VPhttp://www.motleymoose.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=235

Suspend the campaign? Why stop there, since they’ve suspended their responsibility to the country already, why not just go to the beach for a few months and drink coladas?

24 09 2008

Rahm Emmanuel pointing out that “we’re making good progress” without the candidates.

24 09 2008


Doe sthis mean he debate is cancelled? How about they focus on the ecomonic crisis in the debate? That must be good use of time….

24 09 2008
Chris Blask

Sorry, bingoed the html again…


or just the video here:

24 09 2008
Chin Trout Palin (NJ)

I’ve been one of the silent ones– reading Mudflats w/o commenting, reading the Forum, watching the live feed of the Obama sign that “signboy” set up :>, reading the Anchorage Daily News, The Huffington Post, watching MSM to see what they’re reporting, even watching Fox to see what on earth they’re thinking, etc… instead of all the things I should be doing— I have to say, I am awestruck at the level of dedication you have AKM– and all the folks commenting- I hope this rally brings Sarah Palin back to earth– maybe it’ll even make her blink! Go Alaska!

Thanks, AKM
Obama/Biden 08!!!!

Welcome Chin Trout! AKM

24 09 2008

But did she have an affair with Todd’s bidness pardner ????

Inquiring minds in the lower 48 want to know.

Jeez…. now McCain is canceling the debate…. no surprise, it’s been a bad week for the goober….

Go AK – can’t wait to see how your rally goes. You guys rock!

24 09 2008

Glenn 2008. Obama hasn’t responded yet. McCain is speaking right now. Sounding so gd righteous. “we must do something about this.” He’s “informed” senator Obama about this. So I guess the debate is suspended because McCain isn’t going to show up. damn, damn, damn. “It’s time to come together.”

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

McCain trying to look presidential – after George Will calling him on it! Guess Rove worked all night on this one.

24 09 2008

Seriously… I wasnt in NYC I’d sooo be there!!!

In other news…check out this….this dude scares me!!!

24 09 2008

TexanJane asked – did she have an affair

Apparently she did.

Hanson family insider, Jim Burdett, has gone on the record and passed a rigorous polygraph test, revealing de­tails of the affair to The NATIONAL ENQUIRER in a world exclusive interview.


24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Oh, Hell, AKM, I think torches and pitchforks are in order here!

AIP aside, I’m sure glad Alaska is one of us, you make me proud!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Guess McCain and Sarah won’t be able to meet with Bono! She won’t be able to campaign either, if he is serious. He was to meet this afternoon with the lovely Lady Lynn de Rothschild and be on Letterman.

24 09 2008

hockey moms…

ever wonder why they never talk about hockey dad, Todd Palin?

A bit sexist to just go on about hockey moms, imho. Let’s get Todd up there too! What’s he hiding?

24 09 2008
Lady Bug

I hope protest organizers are sending press releases to all of the national media outlets, both television, radio and print. The national media needs to spotlight how po’d Alaskans are with Governor Baraccuda.

I hope y’all get a big demo like the Women Against Palin rally a couple weeks ago.

24 09 2008
Chris Blask

Can I come up and carry some torches and pitchforks, or would that be too assuming?

24 09 2008

Lemon Fair you are right — Rahm Emmanuel said he doesn’t understand why the candidates couldn’t multitask. There is no reason to cancel the debate.

24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

@ Chris Blask – that’s a really interesting report, thanks! Everyone else, read the report, watch the film, send it to your neighbours… particularly those who think Obama hasn’t got the necessary national security experience.

24 09 2008

Man I wish I could be there! Sending you all my support from southern CA!!!!!

24 09 2008

What can we in the lower 48 do to support Alaskans? Call, write & em the legislature, the McCain campaign?

What course of action do you think would be the most effective and overwhelming? Give me a clue and I’ll follow up with the em addresses, phone #’s etc.

24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

…and Alaskans for Truth, I’ll be there in spirit at least…

24 09 2008

Could this be the “Shout Heard Round the World?”

( copyright if no else has yet!)

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Guess he can still go on with Bono and stuff – he isn’t suspending until after he speaks at Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative event tomorrow.

24 09 2008

Bravo!!! What amazing courage y’all have. I do have one question though about AG Colberg. Has anyone seen or heard from him since his supposed vacation??

24 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Am I hearing you right? He’s canceling the presidential debate?

24 09 2008

– and it is good to see Alaskans concerned about keeping their own back yard in order.
Kudos! There in spirit!

24 09 2008

So. The $%#(%

Obama called McCain this morning at 8:30 and asked if they could work on a joint statement about the crisis.

At 2:30 McCain called him back and said yes, but also holds a press conference and essentially presents this as his idea “I have asked Senator Obama to join me.”

In business this would earn you permanent enmity. He steals Obama’s idea, and Obama did not preempt McCain and say “I’ve called Senator McCain and asked him to join me in making a joint statement.” Words fail me.

Now of course, Republicans are praising McCain and saying this has nothing to do with politics.

24 09 2008
S in CA

I’m glad to read this!! We should have an “Americans for Truth” rally. I for one have had more than enough and am mad as hell…

24 09 2008

lemonfair, Obama reached out to McCain first this morning. Asking him to join him with making a joint statement about the crisis.

24 09 2008
Rust Mustang

I’m so proud to know y’all. Go Alaska! We love you.

24 09 2008
Stag Tunnel (Cyprus)

Here! Here, Chin Trout. As another one of your silent, but rabidly loyal fans since August 29, I love you AKM! As an American abroad, it’s not always easy to keep up. I read Mudflats before bed and before breakfast every day. Sure, you don’t hide your political affiliations, but when it comes to the facts you’re about as fair and honest as any blog I’ve ever read.

I may be overseas, but I vote in Virginia and we’re gonna go BLUE this year!

Thanks Stag Tunnel! Nice to hear from so many first time posters today. I’ve probably missed lots of you in the past…but all are appreciated! It’s been quite a ride since August 29th for all of us, silent or not! AKM

24 09 2008

GO ALASKA GO! Show the rest of the Country what it is like to STILL be a democracy and to hold the elected officials accountable. WE SUPPORT YOU 100%!!

as for suspending the election, it does feel like a ploy. they are so desperate in that camp.

I say Obama should say that he can do BOTH, campaign AND attend to the details in D.C. as ANY LEADER would have to do! And then he should keep prepping for the debate AND go to DC and look presidential.

I think this is just more evidence of how desperate the McCain ticket is- no media, no debates, no ads on the issues.. it is more of the same!

GO OBAMA- show your leadership!


24 09 2008

Irish girl. Postponing it. Good ole “I’ll debate whenever wherever” has cancelled the debate for Friday night. I am furious.

24 09 2008


24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Jaw hits ground… http://edition.cnn.com/

Please, please tell me this isn’t happening to all of you… and us too…

24 09 2008

This is the first time I have seen an opening for Obama to NAIL Palin..
McCain wants to call off the debate so he and Obama can go to Washington …
Obama should agree to go to Washington and disagree about the debate ..
State on the news right now his Vp running mate will fill in for him at the debate just as he would do if Obama were president … Biden will be more than happy to fill in at the debate and McCain/Palin will be stuck once again with a no show … No reason on earth (other than your VP pick can’t handle the job)
Why the debate can not go on and both McCain & Obama go to Washington..
After all that’s what a VP does right ?? fill in when the president can not be there (or dies)

24 09 2008
Small Town Girl

First of all, I think Obama should stick with the debate schedule. McCain is afraid to answer hard questions in public, and he’s discovered a tactic that will insulate him from doing that for a short while more. If he doesn’t want to debate, just switch the VP debate dates! Have the VP debate on Friday instead. Or, have the Presidential debate in D.C. or Virginia, Maryland, etc. !

24 09 2008

I didn’t think anyone could slither as low as a snake, but John McCain has proved me to be wrong!!!

24 09 2008

way to go alaskans! show ms.palin what you are made of. i hope this gets lots of media coverage…

24 09 2008
Amanda in Virginia

What exactly does McCain think that he’s going to DO that requires canceling the debate? Is Washington at a standstill without him?

24 09 2008

@ResponsibleCitizen08 — Happy Birthday (a little in advance) !! *My* big day is November 5 — can you GUESS what I want for my birthday ? LOL

How many hours is AK behind Eastern Standard Time ? Noon there is … 6 PM EST ? Maybe the lower 48 should do a Blue Solidarity Day on the 27th instead of on the 30th !!

OBAMA/BIDEN ’08 !!!!

24 09 2008

Thanks for asking! I have some well-placed phone calls out and am waiting to hear back about strategy for those outside of Alaska who want to help. I’m hoping to have some clear cut ideas by the end of the day. Hang tight, and I’ll post about it soon.

24 09 2008

If my campaign manager, Rick Davis, rec’d $15,000 from Freddie Mac every month until last month, if I were steadily declining in the polls, if I were caught in one lie after another, I think I’d go into hiding too.

Obama is due to respond in 15 minutes……it’s 3:25 East Coast time. In 2 + hours, prez 20% pokes his head out of the cookoo clock……

24 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

@ lemonfair
I don’t blame you for being furious. I an furious, Enough.

24 09 2008

What exactly is McCain going to DO? Honestly, what legitimate role does his campaign plan to play in this crisis?

This is truly Twilight Zone material. What do you want to bet that “in the spirit of focusing on the National Crisis”, the VP debate is cancelled as well?

I am so encouraged by the news of the Alaskans For Truth rally – now, THAT is the Alaska I’ve longed to see.

24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Oh, gobsmacked as we say where I grew up, gobsmacked… and, no, words fail me… I like the idea of asking the VPs to stand in though.

24 09 2008
carolyn AKA Speck Backfire

Hey everyone..I just signed on and picked up the thread….The debate is cancelled for this Friday?

24 09 2008

Yah know the GOP is really big on states rights. Just who is running Alaska now? Surely someone signs off on paperwork, etc. I am curious about how Alaska will feel if Palin comes back assuming her governor position…….surely she has considered this possibility.

Hope she enjoys her paycheck…too bad about the loss of per diem until she returns North to Alaska!

24 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

Should read: I am furious

24 09 2008

Does anyone know whether McCanine’s schedule is public? Would be interesting to see what he has been/will be doing this week…. Just to put his priorities in perspective. I hope they are not planning to chat with more world leaders about moose stew.

(Not trying to diminish moose, it could be a crucial resource that might save us all soon, when we start surviving off the land, hunting with stones and bare hands. No mortgages, no need for money or even government.)

I think making the strong point about multitasking is a good one while accepting that the situation requires more attention from both sides.

24 09 2008

Well done again Alaskans!!! Maybe it will steamroll the lower48 into an “Americans for Transparency” rally.

I can’t believe McCain – I hope Obama handles it well. Perhaps they should remind everyone that neither is currently the Prez (yet), and while the Senate floor deserves their attention, Americans also need to have a better understanding of how they would be handling this now and how they will handle it in the future.

24 09 2008

AK – I love your sense of humor! (“torches and pitchforks”)

Keep up the good work – much appreciated!

24 09 2008

I would love to see that ,, Obama — Of course I will meet you in Washington ,, have Palin meet Joe at the debate and we will take care of both ….
McCain — well ddrrrr uuuhhhh NO!!!! she’s uuuhhh ddeerrrrr has to get her nails done that day ,, sorry

24 09 2008

Next they’ll want to “delay” the election 8-(

24 09 2008
Lori W.

By the way, this video should scare the heck out of everyone, even the Evangelical Christains:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blumenthal/the-witch-hunter-anoints_b_128805.html (move the cursor to 7 minutes, 30 seconds to see Palin – in case you cannot bear to watch the whole whacky thing). Makes Obama’s Pastor look VERY NORMAL!

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Obama called McCrum at 8:30 this morning and asked him to
meet with him concerning this matter. The repub called him
back at 1:30 EST and said he would consider it. Repub then
ran to the media and made his statement that he had initialized
the whole idea. Obama camp said that they seen no reason to
delay the debate which the repubs stated that they wanted to.
I hope that all of you good folks in Alaska succeed at your
endeavors. GOD be with you.

24 09 2008
Jean Recoil Zoo Palin

Sorry if this repeats, but PBS is running a vote on whether Palin is qualified to be president. Right now the “she is” votes are leading, so go there and vote!


24 09 2008

Arghhhhhh. McCain has figured out that Obama scores points when the economy is bad and that is what people worry about. He knows that Friday’s debate is going to focus heavily on that (which it should, since it is what is on people’s minds) and HE IS SCARED. He is looking for an opportunity to dip out. SHAMELESS.

24 09 2008

If McPOW has his way, I hope Obama says now it is even more important than ever to have a public debate instead of back room deals.

Somebody close to the Obama campaign – holler really loud to him
“Hell NO, we wanna KNOW”

24 09 2008

AKM and all –

What can we do to make this a national rally day? I don’t even know how to organize these things and if it is really possible.


24 09 2008
Dust Chinstrap

My local (Seattle) news program just reported Obama had called McCain to suggest a joint statement, but McCain has co-opted the idea and jumped on the chance to delay the debate (which was not shaping up well for him, what with the economic crises dropping his poll numbers and all) and make a pseudo-presidential announcement. Now apparently both candidates are going to meet with Bush over the economy.

I can’t see that having the two presidential candidates meeting with Bush will accomplish anything.

That debate is essential to the voting public- it is the candidates JOBS to present themselves to us. We have to choose one of them for president! They have to continue with campaign-related duties. Time is too short. We need that debate. Neither of them are useful hooting around Washington.

I smell Carl Rove all over this.

24 09 2008

Typical of McShame to pull this type of easy out skit. He truly is righteous if he thinks something magical will happen if he just swoops into Washington. Fairy dust sprinkled makes the economic disaster go away. Yeah right. He is scared of the debate Friday. As well he should be.

24 09 2008

Sorry, Amanda in Virginia…I echoed your sentiment almost exactly. I just couldn’t type while my heart was racing so fast.

I agree that the VP’s should step up to the plate and take on the duties of the Presidential Candidate’s responsibilities in a time of crisis.

Sarah, are you ready yet?

24 09 2008
Jean Recoil Zoo Palin

Oops, the PBS poll is for veep. But what the heck! VOTE!

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

The info I reported was just on CNN. BTW Jean Recoil Zoo, that is a
fixed poll and is not reliable. SORRY!

24 09 2008

Are you following the Palin “babygate” scandal too? You need to check out this very well-written, thought out website by a usually loyal Republican, childbirth educator and lactation consultant, who points out how bizarre the Trig Palin birth story is and how untrue it is likely to be. If Palin can lie about something like that, what else can she lie about?


24 09 2008
Methlab Earmark Walmart Whitesnake Van Palin (rockin'!)

You guys are awesome! Does anyone have a cheap way I can get up there from Seattle in time for the rally?

I need to see and witness this with my own eyes (and video camera).

24 09 2008


As jean recoil said earlier Palin is leading in this poll. Go VOTE since it is PBS..

24 09 2008

So if McCain is cancelling the first debate, I guess this turn of events could throw off the timing of the SECOND debate (VP) and Caribou Barbie Doolittle might have a little more time to prepare…wonder if this is also part of the ploy…

Seeing Biden today give a SERIOUS speech about foreign policy was so good for my soul and such a contrast to the “speed dating” (can’t remember who called Sarah’s rounds with UN leaders this) and “photo sprays” of the other VP candidate.

24 09 2008

I’m unbelieveably impressed by Alaskans right now. I have a feeling that Ms. Palin is seriously going to regret many of the decisions she’d made lately. By first allowing the McCain campaign to take over Troopergate she’s unleashed a lot of anger towards her and rightfully so. Then given the fact she isn’t around to put down her “haters” she’s allowing them to gain traction and build up a lot of momentum towards recalling the Senate to vote on the suppeona issue.

Given what the investigation report says it wouldn’t surprise me to see her impeached as I think Alaskans have just about had enough of her. Too many things that weren’t know about her at the time of the election as well as what she’s done since has come out and the bloom is off the rose. She’s no longer the reformer or maverick (barf) that she claimed to be and people know it now.

I really wish I could afford a plane ticket up there for this rally. I’ve always wanted to see Alaska but I guess I’ll have wait just a little bit longer. Good luck on the rally and congrats on the great writing on this blog!

24 09 2008

Waiting to hear Obama! MSNBC, said it again. Obama reached out to McCain FIRST!!!

24 09 2008

Since the Campaign will be postponed…does this give Sarah the time to schedule time for the Legislative Branch’s investigation?

24 09 2008

Thanks to AKM and to all of you, you really are keeping me sane these days. I am currently caretaking aging, ill parents, and as if that were not crazy-making enough? They are both rabid republicans.

I flee to Mudflats several times a day 🙂

24 09 2008

I would love to go to this rally!! Wish I lived closer to AK… but the drive from MN might take some time… unless I leave RIGHT NOW! 😉 Keep up the good work, all!

24 09 2008

Sorry to double comment…but jeez..mccain is really senile…

Delay the debates???

Aww whats the matter? Scared?


24 09 2008
JoeAlvord aka Spoon Archer Palin

Jean Recoil Zoo Palin (11:37:38) :

Sorry Jean,
It’s better if we flood PBS with emails to remove this bogus poll. It’s possible to vote any number of times so the trolls are pounding away at it (it’s all they’re good for) and it can not possibly have any validity.

24 09 2008
Jean Recoil Zoo Palin

Axe Diesel,
Who says? How do we know the PBS poll is fixed (she asked, wringing her hands)? And, how do we know “fixed” isn’t a rumor to discourage voting (she asked again, a little more skeptically)?
I voted anyway. Sorry.

24 09 2008

lemonfair —

From both Chicago Tribune and MSNBC: “The Obama campaign said Obama had called McCain around 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to propose that they issue a joint statement in support of a package to help fix the economy as soon as possible. McCain called back six hours later and agreed to the idea of the statement, the Obama campaign said. McCain’s statement was issued to the media a few minutes later.”

McCain just can’t walk the bi-partisan talk! I heard his announcement on an AM talk radio show that lauded him as sounding so “presidential”. Grrrrrr!

Maybe the debate commission will tell him “no, the debates are on”. Can they do that?

24 09 2008

BTW, it looks like the Democrats have pretty much dictated that unless McCain votes yes on whatever bailout proposal is put out that they won’t vote on it or pass it to go to the Bush. I have to find the link if it hasn’t already been posted but I think it’s a good idea. Takes the politics out of this and that truly puts “country first”.

As far as the debate being cancelled. What a crock of crap. Like a two hour debate is going to somehow prevent a bailout of Wall Street from happening. If it’s so important for them both to be there move it from Mississippi to DC, problem solved. Is is that hard for McCain to figure out a solution other than bailing on it and looking weak-kneed?

24 09 2008

More artciles about stealth dominionists and the Palin menace :


24 09 2008

Siege (11:42:52) said:

Seeing Biden today give a SERIOUS speech about foreign policy was so good for my soul and such a contrast to the “speed dating” (can’t remember who called Sarah’s rounds with UN leaders this) and “photo sprays” of the other VP candidate.
Biden’s fantastic speech, which demonstrated his knowledge and comfort with foreign policy won’t even warrant a sentence on tonight’s news.

McCain just hijacked this campaing. At least MSNBC is repeatedly reporting that Obama called McCain 8:30 this morning. No word from McCain until this afternoon. Guess he needed to figure out what was most politically expedient.

My bet is that McCain will distance himself from Bush by rejecting what the administration offered so that he can’t be accused of another Bush presidency. Render null and void that he’s voted WITH Bush 90% of the time.

I like the idea of the Veeps debating instead. Of course, I don’t understand why the presidential candidates can’t debate. As Nora O’Donnell pointed out, Presidents multitask.

Aw, geez, Republican strategist just said this is proof of McCain putting country first. No, it’s proof of McCain putting his campaign first.

24 09 2008

I am just wondering how many of the republican base are on the verge of a stroke.
Their entire platform as well as their pick for vp are going down in a fiery crash of lies and criminal activity that continue to become more appearant every day.

Of course he doesn’t want to debate! What is he going to say “I dunno?” Or maybe he can go into “I was a POW when this all started”.

Perhaps the repub leaders are having a summit to rethink their choice for pres and vp nominations and they will just try to install someone else before the election? They will have one of those “never mind” moments.

Or maybe GWB will announce a postponement of the election? He has the power to do that, you know.

Should be interesting. I have been at the circus far too long.

To the point – you Alaskans, you know, have had an enormous impact on this election!!!! Way to go.

And the American people will be eternally grateful

24 09 2008

SEND SARAH to the debate!!!

IF McShame(less) is too busy, SEND the completely qualified SARAH !!!

24 09 2008

On a gut level I believe that McCain is tied up in the financial mess our country is in. A leopard does not change it spots, and he was the main figure in the Keating Five scandle. The NYTs has linked his advisors to Fanny Mae and Fredie Mac just a month prior to goverment takeover of those institutions. He is just trying to do damage control, and look more like a leader.

Always remember, McCain is the good old boy. He has been in Washington for 30 years. The GOP unraveling and he is trying to go help out.

24 09 2008
Irishgirl aka puck mule

I just don’t believe this is happening. It is unreal. America this really feels like a “coup” to me.

24 09 2008

Here’s a sign I made for everyone to print and bring to the rally:


For bigger sizes, click the link that says “all sizes” above the picture.

It says FREE SARAH … a reference to the McCain GAG ORDER on Sarah.

If you click my name, you can see it on tshirts, too; but there’s no way a tshirt would get shipped up here by Saturday.

24 09 2008

I can’t wait to see what Matthews, KO, and Maddow has to say about this debacle!!!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Friday’s debate was to be on foreign policy – not the economy. We’ll see. Obama speaks soon.

I still think McCain was trying to create a “presidential moment” after the beating from George Will on how unpresidential he is behaving. But he just tried to steal a base on Obama, andI hope the refs call him OUT.

24 09 2008

“On a gut level I believe that McCain is tied up in the financial mess our country is in.”

Lee, you aren’t the only one.

Cindy doesn’t keep her billions in her mattress.

24 09 2008
Political Amazon

Congratulations to ALASKANS FOR TRUTH!

Do they have a website?

24 09 2008


I hope the MEDIA covers this!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Sorry – umps — got my sports mixed up now that we are in the throes of baseball AND football.

Anyway – McCain can not get away with this grandstanding, scene-stealing, act. GRRRRRRRRRRR

24 09 2008

Huzzah!!!! I wish I could join you! I will be there in spirit!


24 09 2008
Audrey in Oregon aka Drink Hack Palin

@ So Sad (11:24)

Great idea….hope the O campaign thinks of that….hope someone reading can reach them.

24 09 2008
Mrs. Smith

Why not just impeach her or have a recall vote if she won’t cooperate in the investigation? Let her lose the national election and come home in shame to a state that kicked her out of office.

I can’t wait to see her with Katie Couric.

24 09 2008

I’ll be there. The sign I think I’ll make:

Abolish the
Palin Ministry for Truth Squad,
where War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery,
Ignorance is Strength,
& Transparency is a Stone Wall.

24 09 2008


I think you guys should take video of your rally and send it to palin on her blackberry, since we hear she has 2 of them and is on them nonstop.

I am sure she will be shielded from the rally by the Mcshame team but don’t let that stop you because it will let others know you guys mean business in your state.

I been to Alaska 4 times and love it there.

great job

24 09 2008

Rick Madden just said this puts McCain back in the driver’s seat. He should have his license revoked!

That being said, he’s not all wrong. How is the Obama campaign supposed to respond? This has to be worded in such a delicate manner. He can’t say no. By saying yes, he looks like he’s following McCain’s lead.

I hope that his announcement includes the phone call he made earlier. I hope he points out that, as president, the person in office is called upon to do many things at once and that he was prepared to work with his colleagues to settle this crisis and debate McCain. Since McCain has suspended his campaign, he can’t debate an empty lectern. As a consequence, he will return to Washington.

GREAT, MSNBC continuing its coverage that, up until last month, Rick Davis’ firm was receiving $15,000/month from Freddie. Mr. McCain, you are a liar.

24 09 2008

mimi (11:49:53) :

Of course he doesn’t want to debate! What is he going to say “I dunno?” Or maybe he can go into “I was a POW when this all started”.

Mimi, let’s hope that you’ve trade marked and copyrighted that, “I was a POW when this all started”, as I’m sure that McCain is going to run with it.

24 09 2008

Obama is going to have to agree, he can’t debate with himself. McShame’s little stunt will backfire on him!

24 09 2008
Freakout in Kansas

I hate to change subjects, but hadn’t noticed this posted here yet:



Fowl Overtime Palin

24 09 2008


I am not positive, but events like the Global Initiative almost always offer an honorarium to each speaker.

I do believe that the economic package is urgent, in fact very urgent.
How can McCain wait until after a speech to return Washington to work on the package? The problem isn’t going to be less urgent on Friday than it is today. In fact if they went at it today with the gusto they promise for Friday, the problem in fact might be less urgent than today.
The idea that McCain will suspend his election campaign ads until this crisis has passed is only contingent on Obama doing the same.

24 09 2008

Wondering_Lake, wha a great sign!
Here’s a sign I made for everyone to print and bring to the rally:


24 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Get one organized in Juneau, too!!! Although so many state employees might be hesitant to show their faces . . .

24 09 2008

The current (Bush) proposal is dead in the water. Even die-hard republicans have said they will vote against it. Are they all going on vacation after Friday? McCain seems to have his knickers in a bunch at the thought of not coming up with a solution before Monday. What’s the rush?

24 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

LOVE the sign DeMo!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I like the header on HuffPo — McCain Wants a Time Out — The Only Thing That’s Changed In The Last 48 Hours Is The Public Polling”

Sorry for the dueling topics here right now – you go Alaskan Rally — you need to keep on Palin — like a — pitbull.

24 09 2008

OK, I love Obama as much as the next supporter, but where is he? It’s taking too long to craft a response. I realize it’s out of the blue, and that I’m sitting and waiting, but time is of the essence.

24 09 2008

Some crappy old troll on the “Strange Bedfellows” thread said something snarky (to me, I guess) about this being like group therapy or some such nonsense (he is such an arse I didn’t really pay attention).

Now we are seeing people comment for the first time and I say COME ON DOWN!!!! This is where we shelter from the storm (by the way, if you’ve not seen Jon Stewart’s Daily Show piece about the Category 5 S$%#tstorm you need to do so) and our go-to place for info from like-minded individuals. It’s the greatest, and our leader is the greatest of the greatest!

Welcome newbies — and keep changing undecideds to Obama, one person at a time, one vote at a time!

24 09 2008

hopefully the stunt backfires.
how stupid and lame can he get?

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

U of Miss reporting the debate is going ahead as planned. – MSNBC now

24 09 2008

University of Mississippi saying debates will go on. Huh?

What if they threw a debate and nobody came?

24 09 2008


If you make a sign like that that says “Free Alaska” instead I will wave it proudly!!!!!!!!!!! Keep everything else the same!

24 09 2008

@ Pursang and Small Town Girl — Right on !! Simply change the venue for the debate ! Surely there is an appropriate venue within the Washington D.C./Maryland area — or is that too difficult a concept for Rick Davis and the other McShame/Failin’ staffers to understand ?

The whole thing smells of just so much moose-dung to me. (But then, what doesn’t smell like moose dung on their side of the campaign ??) McShame must’ve really been frightened by the 52%-Obama/43%-McCain poll results !

24 09 2008

If McCain is going to suspend his campaign, does that mean he’ll call off his dogs up here in Alaska? Yeahhhh…right.

24 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Libbs (11:44:09) :

Since the Campaign will be postponed…does this give Sarah the time to schedule time for the Legislative Branch’s investigation?

** VERY good point, Libbs!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

SMR – I’ve never had group therapy before – but I’m loving it and need it to get me through the campaign and election — knowing all you other Mudflattians exist!

24 09 2008
24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Keith O is going to be on Letterman tonight — instead of McCain! Yeah.

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Live CNN: McDuff has suspended his campaign and delayed the
debate. Obama has just stated that he feels that the debate
should proceed. There is talk of Palin taking John’s place. The
Obama camp will respond within the next half hour. 3:07 CST now.
Will post as soon as statement is made.

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

So, Elmer Fudd and Daisy Mae are suspending their campaign? Beyond belief. Here’s a thought. Elmer can go ahead with the debate and send “Daisy Mae and her executive experience” to Washington to “broker a deal” between the ‘old boys’ network”.

And Elmer, to beat Obama to the punch, uses this financial turmoil to “one-up” Obama by pretending that this was his idea and Obama was asked to “join with Elmer” to help out with this problem. Now, this is from the old guy who has been sitting in a senate seat since Reagonomics was introduced, the cause of this ultimate financial failure, exacerbated by successive republican governments and given the “coup de grace” by the current idiot in office, yet he has done NOTHING and admits that he is not strong re economics. Why, exactly, does he feel he is needed in Washington? There is nothing he can contribute by his own admission of financial ignorance.

This stuff is beyond belief. Coupled with watching Daisy Mae and her witchdoctor voodoo man, I wonder when Salem will re-activate the witch burnings and public floggings. The lunatics have definitely overrun the asylum.

24 09 2008
Freakout in Kansas

I sent this about 5 minutes ago and it still hasn’t shown up – sorry if it double posts:


24 09 2008

Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin (12:03:58) said :

LOVE the sign DeMo!
Oh, if only I could take the credit for such brilliance. Nope. I copied and pasted it from Wonder_Lake’s post. That’s the person who deserves the credit. Just didn’t want it getting lost in all the debate posts.

24 09 2008

Obama called McCain at 8:30 this morning. He wanted to do a joint statement to agree on what should be proposed in this legislation. McCain didn not return call until 2:30. 45 minutes later, McCain was on t.v. trying to steal Obamas Thunder, then threw in a curb ball to cancel the debate.

24 09 2008

sorry for all the spelling errors on previous post.

24 09 2008

The McCain camps says they will suspend his campaign and all ads natioanlly if Obama suspends his and all his ads
There real litmus test of Country first is if Obama continues to campaign while working with the Congress, will McCain still suspend his campaign and go to Washington?

24 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

We will be cheering for you, and anxiously awaiting word on what we can do. I can send on the time and date to some of my Alaska people (those who work remotely and have expressed anger over the silent coup of their state by the senator from Arizona)
Glad to see at least some Republicans are having a come to Jesus moment. People are starting to demand, heaven forbid, integrity and accountability. If some of the republicans also step up to the plate more power to them. Read an article yesterday on how Cheney tried to rally his pet senators to pass the bail out as written, they walked out on him. What can I say I’m happier than a pig wallowing in the mud to see this, to bad it has taken walking to the edge of a repeat of the great depression for it to happen.
Funny thing early this morning McCain ran an add on how connected Obama was to the Fannie Mae thing because Jim Johnston was a formerly employed there and he helped select his vice presidental candidate. Are they so stupid or just so arrogant that they didn’t think we would all find out Rick Davis has been taking money from them for lobbying and counceling up until a month ago.

24 09 2008

McCain is grandstanding at the expense of the tax payers, and he is the one politicising this economic crisis.

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

LOL – on Daily Kos comments about this:

DavidNYC’s wife:
Cleary McCain is afraid to appear at the debate without Palin.

Daily Kos reader fearisthemindkiller:
All McCain’s got are these cheap stunts. See “Sarah Palin.”

24 09 2008

And if starting another market panic helps McCain win the week, well, priorities, priorities! Reckless showboating by a shell of a man.

BTW, somebody on Huffpo, reading abt Sarah’s no-show governorship, called her a Hooky Mom. Hope we can make it, pardon the expression, stick!!

Go Alaskans— New Yorkers are with you all the way

24 09 2008

It would be a fantastic way for Obama to stick this knife in McCain’s back ,,
Let the VP’s take over the debate !!!!!!!! Spread that around like butter on toast .. Is the Obama camp sleeping or what ??? I just don’t get it ,,, FRICK !!!!
They are so slow to jump on golden opportunities it’s sick !!! Let Biden and Palin debate ,, it’s THERE JOB !!!!!!! yes there j o b ,,, take over when the president can not make it or is dead … What if this was a week after the election and McCain won (and died) ????? The VP has to be ready now not later … Obama’s VP pick is ready to go right now today .. PRESS THE ISSUE OBAMA IF YOU CAN HERE ME

24 09 2008

I hope Obama uses McCain’s ploy to highlight the differences between a president and a legislator.

McCain’s going back to focus on one issue is exactly what a legislator would do. That’s their focus. Presidents don’t have the luxury of focusing on one issue. I think Obama could score points with this.

24 09 2008

Reposting for Wondering_Lake:
Wondering_Lake (11:51:34) :

Here’s a sign I made for everyone to print and bring to the rally:


For bigger sizes, click the link that says “all sizes” above the picture.

It says FREE SARAH … a reference to the McCain GAG ORDER on Sarah.

If you click my name, you can see it on tshirts, too; but there’s no way a tshirt would get shipped up here by Saturday.

24 09 2008
Linda in Virginia

@Chris Blask (11:05:14) :


or just the video here:

Chris, Excellent story, thanks for posting. Hope it can get some national play.

24 09 2008

He’s trying to hijack the election. Biden made a brilliant, statesmanlike speech today & the media has turned very negative towards him & Sister Sarah. He’s making Tricky Dick and all his dirty tricks look like a rookie. What a conniving coward.

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

An now Bush (is he still still acting as President?), AKA “the fear factor” President, is going to make another rambling and inarticulate little speech tonight to “really further scare the hell out of his citizens”. These ‘guys and gals’ in this current administration are great at orchestrating disaster. The sooner they’re gone, the better off the country will be.

24 09 2008

“The VP has to be ready now not later … ”

That’s right, sosad…you can’t BLINK! Isn’t that right, Sarah?

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Wondering Lake – I’d rather see a “JAIL SARAH” t shirt.

What are the chances of McCain saying he’s had a rethink on the VP ticket in light of the economic situation and changing to Mittens.?

24 09 2008
Grace RN NJ

McCain’s “suspend the campaign”=”hijack the campaign”

He’s outta ammo-but you guys in Alaska ROCK!! If I could afford to fly there for the rally, I’d join you.

Good luck. Have you notified MSM about this yet?

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

MSNBC — Obama will say debates should go forward. They should be able to “multi-task”

24 09 2008

I wish I could be there; I love a fun time! Go ahead, make some noise! By the way, don’t stop with displaying your frustration with Palin. Take the next step and turn Alaska “Blue” for Obama/Biden. Nothing would get the attention of the lower 48/49 than to see Alaska disown Caribou Barbie.

24 09 2008

hope you guys can get some of your government officials to the Rally – especially a few republicans. It is a big risk – but a few have shown some backbone and started to speak out…..

Not sure how you’d get rid of the Attorney General – sounds like he’s already gone…

24 09 2008

It is absolutely insulting to assume we cannot see politics behind this pulling of fire alarms.

John McCain is canceling the Presidential debate on Friday, but his not canceling his speech at the Clinton Global Initiative on Thursday. Does the Global Initiative conference have some profound importance that is beyond cancellation?

24 09 2008
Charcoal Sniper P.

Yay Alaskans!!!!!!
Stand up for yourselves and your state.

24 09 2008

John McCain is so erratic I can hardly stand it. One day he is saying one thing, then another then postponing this or that!! If this is like his GOP convention and the hurricane, he will pick up the next day like nothing happened. I think he is just an opportunist and grabbed Obama’s idea from
the call Obama made to him this morning (at 8:30 AM) and is trying to
capitalize on it for his own benefit. He makes me as nervous. He is never
steady, just zigging and zagging.

24 09 2008


24 09 2008

Droopy Leiberman is now talking about his “disappointment” over Obama not postponing the debate. The only thing that changed in the last 48 hours is the polling.

24 09 2008

Joe Lieberman is a JOKE!!! Another one, I use to respect, yuuucccck!!!

24 09 2008

Joe Lieberman, STFU. “The American people want…” DO NOT speak for me. I know what I want. I want a debate. I want a bi-partisan solution. I can have both.

As David Schuster just asked Lieberman, what changed between yesterday and today? Poll numbers!

Lieberman is saying McCain realizes his responsibility to the country. Really? We’ve had this crisis for days. McCain just realized that? I’m sickened by all this.

24 09 2008

I wish, wish, wish so much I could be there but I have to say I feel a lot safer here in Obama’s Chicago than anywhere where Palin and McCain have free reign.

Thanks for making me proud Alaska!

24 09 2008
Independent in AZ

Polls go Obama’s way….
Carp feeding National Inquirer releases titilating gossip on our favorite Alaskan family ….
and John today cancels the Friday shindig…um, sorry, meant presidential debate.

Distraction 101.

John, you’re a senator not a savior of markets. But nice distraction nonetheless.

Obama…nice job for not blink’n. You keep on showing me you can jump in the ring with the best of ’em.

24 09 2008

It is 2008. The candidates regularly appear for 2 or 3 campaign events in 2 or 3 states daily. If McCain wants to go to DC Thursday afternoon, there is NO reason he can’t fly to Florida at 5pm for the 9pm debate. Unless he just doesn’t want to…

He’s had all week to suspend the campaign and go to Washington to participate in the hearings and negotiations. Why go at the 11th hour? Do his Repub friends in the Senate want him to help push things through so they can be on-schedule to take their planned recess after Friday?

McCain has just lost his marbles. All this jockeying and shielding Palin from the press is going to catch up with him on November 4. Americans aren’t all geniuses, but they aren’t so dumb as to buy that Bridge to Nowhere…

24 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

We need Teacher’s son to U-Stream the entire Rally for us….oh, but they’re in Oregon. Anyone else in Alaska?

Thanks, AKM and Alaskans!!!!

24 09 2008

To clarify, if McCain wants to go to DC Thursday, there is no reason he can’t fly to Florida on FRIDAY afternoon…

24 09 2008


24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

bPoint (12:18:42) :

John McCain is canceling the Presidential debate on Friday, but is not canceling his speech at the Clinton Global Initiative on Thursday.

Extremely good observation, bPoint. This is blatant politicizing at its ugliest. McCain seems to have abdicated all morality to further his own power-driven agenda. Assuming, that is, that he had any morality to begin with. I begin to doubt anything ever out of the mouth of this guy. I mean, he was called “McNasty” in school – obviously it wasn’t because he was well-liked or admired.

24 09 2008

Send Joe Biden to Washington to work on the bailout bill, and recommend that Sen. McCain send Gov. Palin in his place. She can really “shake things up!”

We’ve been waiting months for this debate, no reason at all to postpone it.

24 09 2008

Bec in Illinois

MSNBC — Obama will say debates should go forward. They should be able to “multi-task”

HHHHHHHaaaa yea ,, Go Obama ,, not sure MCcain will understand the term ..
You could explain it to him like this ,, it’s like drink and drive at the same time … Headed for a crash like his campaign

24 09 2008
Independent in AZ

Alaskans for Truth,
all the best to you guys and thanks for making your voices part of the local and national debate.
thank you.

24 09 2008

Joe Lieberman: “The American people want…:

DO NOT speak for me. I know what I want. I want a bi-partisan resolution to the economic crisis and I want a debate. I think the presidential nominees should be able to deliver both. I know my nominee could do it.

Is McCain so deluded as to believe his physical presence is necessary for a solution? No, he knows he’s behind and some fools out there will see this as a country first move.

Barney Frank called this the biggest Hail Mary pass in the history of football and Mary. Yep.

24 09 2008

He is afraid of Letterman

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Schnauzer (11:34:10) :

Next they’ll want to “delay” the election 8-(

I thought of that, too, kind of like this, though ” Great, now we can become an emerging democracy, too, by delaying our elections.”

24 09 2008

Almost everyone in America does not want a bail out, not under these terms, and especially not rushed in this manner!?
Someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes!

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

I believe one could say that McShame has just ‘blinked’.

24 09 2008

I have to admit that knowing very little about Alaska before this campaign my impression of the place was strongly influenced by Palin, her clan, and the conclusion that any group of people that would elect her governor had to be pretty wacky. Yes it was the general liberal view that most Alaskans were a bunch of bible thumping, gun toting, moose eating, red necks. I have to apologize for that.

Having followed this blog for a while I do see a lot of intelligent concerned people. People that were probably as taken in by a Palin’s marketing as many folks were initially in the lower 48. Now Alaskans seem to seeing a different side of Palin and they do not seem to be too pleased. It will be very interesting to see what happens after McCain/Palin lose and she has to come back home as governor.

I hope AKM keeps going because the ‘rest of story’ may be just as interesting and the first chapters.

24 09 2008

Now they want to change the wording from “BAILOUT” to “RESCUE PLAN”. GEEZ

24 09 2008

PRIOR POST: McCain has just lost his marbles. All this jockeying and shielding Palin from the press is going to catch up with him on November 4.

I think it’s already caught up wtih him. I think it’s why he seems to be imploding. I don’t think what is going on is the real McCain. I think in his heart he believes in fairness, and ethics reform, and lots of other stuff. I also think he really wants to be president, and I also think he is getting enormous pressure from very powerful republicans to do it their way. In fact, I’m not sure how much of it is that he wants to win at any cost, as opposed to he feels trapped by the powerful republicans. This doesn’t absolve him responsibility for his own decisoins, just recognizes that he is in a very diffciult situation, and very human, and I’m not positive whether I would stand up for what I believed, or whether I would cave – especially if I thought there was a greater good given the strength of the powers he is facing. To say “no” to them would cost him an awful, awful lot!!!!

This is not to absolve him of responsiblity, but to suggest that there is a decent man (tempoerarily missing) behind the facade; a man he intends to re-emerge after he is elected – and that is why it looks like the campaign is taking such a toll on him. Unlike Bush, who wouldn’t care – or perhaps be aware – and unlike Rove and party who revel in this, McCain cares. And he doesn’t like doing what he is doing. And it is taking it’s toll.

Well, that’s my most recent attempt to be Freud – only this isn’t my original idea, but I can’t remember where I read it first.

24 09 2008

Harry Reid responds :
Reid: McCain return ‘would not be helpful’

This is a critical time for our country. While I appreciate that both candidates have signaled their willingness to help, Congress and the Administration have a process in place to reach a solution to this unprecedented financial crisis.

I understand that the candidates are putting together a joint statement at Senator Obama’s suggestion. But it would not be helpful at this time to have them come back during these negotiations and risk injecting presidential politics into this process or distract important talks about the future of our nation’s economy. If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership; not a campaign photo op.

If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now.

24 09 2008

Wondering_Lake (11:51:34) :

Great sign, thanks! I can’t make it bigger, though. No button that says, “All sizes.” Help!

24 09 2008

The debate sponsors say it’s still on. What Obama should do is show up in Washington, ask if there is anything he can do to help. Then on Friday fly to Mississippi for the debate. When they ask him why he is there, he can say “it is 8:30 pm on a Friday night and Congress has gone home, so I am here to debate”. Then the debate should go on with Obama debating an empty chair.

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

McDouche is afraid to debate Obama. (As if we didn’t know that
already.) Everyone is saying NO BAILOUT. Hoo—-rah. Congress is
not as fearful as the current pres would like. McDuff hasn’t voted
in the Senate since April. Obama voted in June.

24 09 2008

PRIOR PSOT: es it was the general liberal view that most Alaskans were a bunch of bible thumping, gun toting, moose eating, red necks. I have to apologize for that.

That wasn’t my view. i thought they were a bunch of nature lovers, rugged individuals. I never thought of Bibles/atheists or guns/gun control or rednecks. I may have been naive, but truth is, I didn’t think about Alaska except that virtual friends on internet groups tell such wonderful and exotic stories of meeting bears on jobs, watching moose go by the window, and meat being humongously expensive. And so not to be taken out of context, I don’t think about Oklahoma much, except when friends in OK have storms, or the gulf coast, except when the hurricanes come.

24 09 2008

I bet if they served McCain with a subpoena to appear in Washington on Friday, he would be in Mississippi for the debate

24 09 2008

Thanks, DeMo – spread it around!

And … to the other poster; while it’s cute, I’m not sure “Free Alaska” is a good idea. There’s too much chatter going around about Todd Palin and the AIG wanting to secede from the USA. It’s kinda off message – maybe “Free Alaska from the McCain Regime?” Shrug.

Here’s the sign I made for everyone to print and bring to the rally:


For bigger sizes, click the link that says “all sizes” above the picture.

24 09 2008
Independent in AZ

Erin, sign or crowd cheer suggestion:

“our candidate can chew gum and debate at the same time, how ’bout yours?”

24 09 2008
Rob in Santa Cruz, Ca

I hope we all want a new kind of politics.

Open, honest, transparent.

But also, respectful. Which means families are off limits, as Obama has said repeatedly and also lived up to.

Let’s not lower ourselves by even recognizing this ridiculous Enquirer article. Don’t read it, don’t buy it, don’t talk about it on blogs. It’s beneath us. It just doesn’t matter whether or not there was an affair. That is personal business.

Every time the Palin family gets brought up, we give the Republicans ammunition – and frankly we deserve it. Let’s rise up out of the mud, folks.

24 09 2008

Wow, what a bunch a frustrated mudflatters……we just fired off about 100 comments in ten minutes.

24 09 2008

Well, this explains it. A poll says only 39% said they felt McCain was equipped to handle the economy. I believe it was 53% who felt Obama was equipped.

McCain: “Hmmm, what to do? I know! I’ll fly into DC like Superman and save the day. I’m a POW. I can do anything.” (I’m not making fun of him being a POW.)


Oooh, here comes Obama…

24 09 2008

Obama responding On CNN & MSNBC

24 09 2008
Independent in AZ

phoebe…good point. crazy election times I think…thanks for reminding me.. back to work.

24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

What’s he saying, bit frustrated here in Sweden…

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Good image on Daily Kos:

24 09 2008

You go Alaskan’s!

*Free giveaway on my blog!!!

24 09 2008

I agree with Amanda in Virginia on McCain- will Washington come to a standstill without him ?

These numbers seem to suggest that he doesn’t always feel so needed.


I want a president who can multi-task !

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra (12:42:26) :

Me to!

24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

UK lady – frustrated, but not in Sweden… or???

24 09 2008

Woo Hoo…Harry Reid…you are the man of the day! Well said sir.

24 09 2008

@Wondering Lake:

I like your idea (you’re right about the tpalin secessionist stuff — I’ve never given thought to that crazy stuff, but wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea..) So, if we could squeeze all that on something that I can print out that would be great. I am happy to tape papers together if I have to.

Thanks a million!

24 09 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Palin

Harry Reid responds :
Reid: McCain return ‘would not be helpful’
“If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now.”

Thank you, Harry Reid!!!

Obama ’08!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Yeah – people need to hear the debates — Obama

24 09 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Go Alaskans For Truth!

Fantastic! Everything worth while anymore seems to start at the grassroots level.

WE in the lower 48 are MAD AS HELL for you and we don’t want you TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!

Wish I could be there. Make some noise!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Obama can multi-task – like a president needs too!

24 09 2008


24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

McCain wasn’t really certain on the phone to Obama about stalling the debates – then he turns right around with his stunt and does his press conference where he announces it.

Reminds me of — tricky dick

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra (12:42:26) :

Nej, frustreade i England!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Obama – doesn’t want to infuse Capitol Hill with presidential politics. Will be there when he needs it – but — he doesn’t want to (my words) distract.

24 09 2008


PRIOR POST: McCain has just lost his marbles. All this jockeying and shielding Palin from the press is going to catch up with him on November 4.

And Lara’s response: (Partial) “This is not to absolve him of responsiblity, but to suggest that there is a decent man (tempoerarily missing) behind the facade; a man he intends to re-emerge after he is elected – and that is why it looks like the campaign is taking such a toll on him.”

You do not sell your soul to the devil and then get to take it back again.

24 09 2008

from a small rural town in western new york

WAY TO GO ALASKANS!!!!!! Making all Americans mighty proud!

calling family in alaska tonight to see if they will attend…sister in law and neice attended women reject palin rally

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Love that quote Sharon: You do not sell your soul to the devil and then get to take it back again.

24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

@UK lady. Giggles.

24 09 2008

This stunt by McCain worries me. The last moronic stunt he pulled was naming Palin as his running mate and it had an initial positive impact on the polls. Voters are simpletons and won’t realize that this is a stunt, many will see it exactly like McCain wants them to see it….as him being the guy willing to stop his campaign and work behind party lines to get something done to fix the economic crisis. It’s complete BS, but they’ll buy it. I don’t know if Obama can stay quiet and just act like the campaigns and debates will go on as scheduled.

This isn’t actually about doing what is smart and makes rational sense from an election standpoint for Obama. It is completely rational to not give into McCain and stand firm that there is no need for them to cancel a debate to go “help Washington figure it out”. However, reason and logic are not what always hits hard in the polls and at the voting booth. This is a very important step for Obama and I’m not even sure what he should do or how he can come out of it in a positive light to the undecided or flip-flopping voters. I was afraid one of them would use this week as an opportunity to put the other guys foot to the flame…..it has begun.

24 09 2008

Dear Mudpuppies- I smell a rat . McCain is up to something or he just can’t study for the debate because of his old age tunnel vision.

Do you think he may be trying to get a new VP pick or step down ?

24 09 2008

Hey guys,
Didn’t know if this was posted earlier, but here is Campbell Brown at
it again. She says “Free Sarah Palin”. It’s great, the journalist are annoyed
big time!


24 09 2008

Lemon Fair,

Actually I read this morning that it was Obama that made a call to McCain at 8:30 am yesterday or today(not sure), and asked to put the politics aside until they figure out what to do about the economic crises. Looks like MCcain is trying to ge the credit for Obama being diplomatic.

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

The Obama campaign is very smart. They knew it would be down and dirty by about now. The announcement from Reid should counter this one nicely.

24 09 2008

Do you think this is where Bush enacts patriot act to maintain power?

24 09 2008

Obama is OWNING McCain right now in speech. Best line was something like ‘During this economic crisis, now is the perfect time to debate’ and ‘A President needs to be able to work on more than one thing at a time’.

Now the McCain campaign is saying they didn’t talk to Obama this morning. WTF!??!

McCain camp issues its own account of talks with Obama

24 09 2008


24 09 2008

Obama is OWNING McCain right now in speech. Best line was something like ‘During this economic crisis, now is the perfect time to debate’ and ‘A President needs to be able to work on more than one thing at a time’.

Now the McCain campaign is saying they didn’t talk to Obama this morning. WTF!??!


24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Obama did give credit to a Republican senator for suggesting to him that they give joint commment – didn’t catch name.

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

I hit the wrong button and lost my post. DARN IT! Obama said that the
debate should proceed as planned. He might be there alone. Maybe
Scarah will take McDuff’s place. Wouldn’t that be a HOOT?
Obama said that both candidates have big planes and could be
in Washington quickly if needed.

24 09 2008

So I clearly understand from Obama´s press conference just now that he will not suspend his campaign. What did you guys get?

24 09 2008

A suggestion for a slogan at your rally:


I am sure you have seen Stewart’s show talking about outblinking terrorists….

Some guide to candidate selection:

-Lipstick test: resistance against rubbing with
moosetail – PTA,
rapekit – mayor
front cover of National Enquirer – VP
avoid rubbing & inteviews to preserve lipstick – president (backstabbing required)

a polar bear blinks first -hockey mom
librarian blinks first – mayor
Charlie Gibson blinks first- VP
Ahmedinajad nuked before he blinks – president

Anyone can be a president!

24 09 2008

Obama gave it to McCain. Says the debates are more important now than ever before. He also said that a President should be able to attend to two things at the same time.


24 09 2008
MN Sandy

AKM and all posters, you make my spirits soar! Especially brilliant suggestion that Biden and Palin replace Prez candidates in Friday debate.

Financial crisis fix is a no-brainer. I agree with Alan Meltzer on Jim Lehrer last night: give them a loan with interest and stop right there. Isn’t that the only choice for the rest of us (small) business folks?

I hope half the state turns out for your rally. Feel free to borrow the sign I produced for RNC march in St. Paul:


GOP in red; rest of word(s) in white on black background.

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Now, let’s be honest. Who sounded calm, logical, reassuring and Presidential? The answer is certainly NOT McShame. Why, with the worst voting record this year, would he think that he is needed or even necessary now? His vote is obviously not and never was important. If anyone was undecided before today, I think these two performances have pointed out who is more able to lead the people through example and truth.

24 09 2008

Make sure that if you listen to the video that you take the poll on the window (your voice button) re: whether or not the debates should take place as scheduled!

24 09 2008
karen marie

an anonymous someone above pointed out that mccain is afraid of letterman (mccain’s campaign suspension cancels tonight’s planned appearance).

i would simply add that mccain has every reason to be afraid of letterman. in fact, it would not surprise me to learn that a major reason for declaring the campaign suspended was to cancel that specific appearance.

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Enjoy reading opinions on McCain’s time out here:


24 09 2008
Torpedo Vindicator Palin

Re: McSame’s debate postponement attempt – vote at these polls!

Go to CNN, Quick Vote (right sidebar) at CNN

MSNBC at NewsVine – Agree or Disagree

24 09 2008
disenchanted tore

Is there any chance that there is an Alaskan *SignKid* that can hook us up with a live feed for the lower 48?

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Aarghh! Have to depend on you all for updates, can’t even get Faux News on sky because boyfriend is watching another bloody rom-com. Says he is desperate for some romance.

By the way, to cheer you up – McCain is dropping like a stone in the gambling sites for nominee.

24 09 2008

Obama is saying that he will do WHATEVER the congress asks him to do, including fly to Washington if needed.

24 09 2008

Ha Ha McLame ,, Obama just said on msnbc we should be able to do both .. We can fly there and debate no problem ,, Can’t wait to see what kind of freak plan the McNut camp uses to get out of this one ..
Looks like a set up for sure ,, only McCain set himself up … Too look weak!!!!
Good ol “one task McCain”

24 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

I just saw this while checking in after taking a day off of work TO SLEEP.

WTF! WHAT is going on? The emergency Hurricane Ike excuse but then not for the next hurricane? The Wall Street disaster excuse but have your campaign manager on the dole in a conflict of interest until last month? WTF!



The NO TOUCH Sarah Caribou Barbie Little Princess Adventure set. WTF!

Now suspending all campaign ads?

Campaign threats unless the Congress and Senate pass the Extortion Bail Out with a gun to the heads of the American people?

And now this! What is going on people? If you are running for President and Vice President of the United States you debate, you hold press conferences.

We are through the looking glass folks. We are down the rabbit hole so far that there is no way back other than TOTAL NATIONAL DEFEAT of the Republican Party. All this soap opera just in a political campaign! What is actual governance going to be like?

This man is going INSANE on the stage of national politics right before pour eyes. Help! Help! Help! Somebody do an intervention! Get this man to quit the race for medical reasons. This insane farce cannot go on.

I took a four hour nap after the oreal of the last three weeks, and I WAKE UP TO THIS!

24 09 2008

The key is not what people like those of us here take away from this exchange, but what the undecided voters and even the voters who are vulnerable to switching take away from it. Obama sounds much more in control and feels like much more of a leader to the educated population. We forget that there is a significant portion of voters who LOVE the guy that jumps out to make quick decision and rash judgements. These folks think that being quick, strong and rash equates to being strong and decisive. Dems forget that intellect and being right doesnt always win elections. I will be very interested to see the polls after this mess……if McLame makes any move at all on Obama it will be clear that his tactic worked and his campaign will begin to use this particular moment as their battlecry. I can already see the speeches and the ads from them now if they see the polls start to even out, especially on questions about the economy.

24 09 2008

Rob in Santa Cruz, Ca (12:38:13) :
Every time the Palin family gets brought up, we give the Republicans ammunition – and frankly we deserve it. Let’s rise up out of the mud, folks.

I’ll stop bringing up Palin’s family when she stops using them as props in her play. I saw her getting off a plane last night on the news carrying Trig like he was a rag doll.

24 09 2008

Did you see the difference between a press conference(Obama) and a statement(McCain)?

Now the really tricky questions start. What if only one candidate shows up at the debate…It seems very unlikely that McCain will back up and agree to be in Mississippi.

24 09 2008

Is trying to postpone the debate sorta like calling in sick for a chemistry exam you’re not ready for? Give me a break! About one third one the voters can vote early this election. There is very little time left for the public to hear these candidates weigh in on the issues. Suspending the debates and the campaign is the last thing voters need right now. We have to elect a new president very soon.

Suspending the debate and suspending campaigning sounds to me very mush like suspending DEBATE. In a democracy, suspending debate, suspending the writ of Habeus Corpus, is like suspending elections-I wonder if McCain’s really trying to suspend democracy.

I for one, as a voter, demand that the candidates debate! No suspension of the right of the citizens to question their leaders or to question candidates campainging to be their leaders.
I will not vote for a gd dictatorship. I mean it! I am mad as hell!

What does McCain think he’s doing? Suspending a campaign and debates right before an election does NOT serve the voting public. We have a right to hear from the candidates and they have a RESPONSIBILITY to answer our questions and make their views known.

Let a government by the people, for the people, and of the people not vanish from the earth. NOT THIS TIME!

24 09 2008
Kitten StCyr

I’m trying to think of a way to show solidarity with the protesters in Anchorage. I’m only abt 250 miles away (not far in AK) but I’ve got an overnight shift on Saturday at our local women’s shelter. Where Palin is welcome anytime to come learn how Alaskan women who have 5 children and an absent husband but DON’T earn 6 figures – cope with the stresses of family violence and federally mandated ignorance.
Sadly, while all the staff supports Obama, the women in shelter who can vote say they are “for Palin”. Yesterday, I advised a woman on how to register to vote, knowing that she will vote McCain.
My insides are churning. Writing postcards to battleground states eases it a bit.

24 09 2008

Trig is getting passed more than a ball at a Harlem Globetrotters show ..
watch the ball ,,that’s what people do ..

24 09 2008

Oh crap. Now the term “9/11” is being used by the McCain campaign to describe the economy.

24 09 2008


I live in NYC…here is a page of pics of the Palins…notice the Todd pics with the baby in Central Park.


I am not a fan of bringing the family in, but not taking note of the Enquirer story(They had John Edwards right), would leave gaps in a pattern of deceit. Deceitful politician or even people we don’t need in our America

24 09 2008

MSNBC has a poll up so you can share your views on whether the debate should be cancelled:


And this is a good poll. You can’t vote twice!

24 09 2008

Next up — The bail out package will be called an economic “surge”

24 09 2008

McCain/Palin couldn’t possibly have any clue as to how we’re going to get our country out of this financial quagmire. His top economic advisor landed with her own golden parachute!

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

I believe that Mr. McShame should change his name to Mea Culpa.

24 09 2008

bPoint (13:07:36) :
Did you see the difference between a press conference(Obama) and a statement(McCain)?
Now the really tricky questions start. What if only one candidate shows up at the debate…It seems very unlikely that McCain will back up and agree to be in Mississippi.

What will happen is that Obama will be able to answer the moderator’s questions without the distraction of John McCain. I certainly hope that they hold the debate without McCain. We can’t allow him to manipulate us like this.

24 09 2008

The Repubs suspended their national convention because of a hurricane. Now McCain wants to suspend his campaign because of an economic crisis.

Surely he doesn’t think he can stop the world from spinning every time he must handle more than one issue at a time.

24 09 2008

Independent in AZ (12:37:59) :

Erin, sign or crowd cheer suggestion:

“our candidate can chew gum and debate at the same time, how ’bout yours?”

Excellent suggestion! I’ll keep it in mind…I’m leaning toward “Free Alaska (From McCain Campaign)”

24 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

mccain can’t walk and hold Palin’s hand at the same time!!!! she goes off script!!!!

24 09 2008

Debbie, have you noticed that every time McCain accuses Obama of doing something, that it is John McCain, NOT obama that is doing it.

It’s like the kid who took the cookie, and blames his brother.

24 09 2008

On with the debate! And no stand-in for McCain if he doesn’t have the integrity to show up.

24 09 2008
Linda in Virginia

Sorry, this is way off topic, but since there are a lot of Planned Parenthood supporters here (!), for those who want to comment on the Bush administration’s proposed HHS “conscience” regs permitting medical providers to refuse to participate in medical procedures that contradict their religious beliefs or moral convictions (so vaguely defined that it could cover birth control information or STD information), please remember that tomorrow (25th) is the last day for comments. See Planned Parenthood’s website for more info:


24 09 2008

What about a FREE ALASKA : Jail Sarah T-Shirt? 😉

24 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Ask them to vote “no” to any form of a bailout. It is not the time to take such a huge risk with unknown consequences. It did not work for Japan and it will not work for us.

Go to http://www.votenobailout.org/

24 09 2008

Best quote of the day:

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., a close adviser to Obama, called the idea “the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys.”

24 09 2008

Let us not forget amidst all this debate news, that Joe Biden put an ass whoopin’ on McCain this afternoon.

24 09 2008

I just thought of this-why doesn’t Obama show up at the rally unannounced? Man, I’ll bet that would set this election on its ear. I wish someone in his campaign would push for this. I think that it would win the election for him by a huge margin.

24 09 2008

Some of the latest Alaska poll data can be found here:


She’s down to 68% as of Monday.

24 09 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

I am another person who has been reading the stories and comments for the past few weeks and finally had to sign up. I can’t tell you how great it is to read things about Alaskans who aren’t rushing to line up behind Sarah Palin– we don’t hear a lot about that in the media in the lower 48 (at least not where I am in northern California). I, too, would like to contribute in some way to this weekend’s rally– maybe someone could set up a paypal account to help people get there, or for food and shelter? Also someone mentioned the other day getting together to pay the $88k for getting he emails released– is anything going on with that?

Thanks to everyone!

24 09 2008
skinkor (aka Free Radical Palin)

I left the panhandle in 1982 and can only be there in spirit. If somebody dressed some spruce limbs in an old pair of tin pants and a torn-up hickory shirt, I could be there in effigy. A big pair of bright red ALASKA LOGGERS FOR TRUTH suspenders would be a nice touch.

24 09 2008

I sure hope we are all bugging the hell out of our Senators, and House Reps., by phone, fax, and email.

Fire up that fax machine, tell them to do the Hussman or Mish Shedlock plan, here and here are the phone numbers and fax’s and suggestions. I’m not saying spam, I’m asking for help, and it is making a difference—we need more participtation, please ? http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2008/09/fate-may-rest-with-shelby.html

24 09 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

Sorry.. that should be, for getting THE emails released.

24 09 2008

So how is that Palin approval rating doing in Alaska? Slipping a bit I bet.

I hope the Obama camp is taking notice and tries to make a run for the state. It would be sweet to see him win AK because of Sarah’s troubles back home.

Just another risky, bad decision by John McCain.

24 09 2008
Paris Parfait

Hooray for all you Alaskans who are paying attention! Well done, you! Make your voices heard – we’re all listening!

24 09 2008

don’t forget – if you are abroad and can’t donate to Obama directly, you can always donate to AKMuckraker, the founder of Mudflats! 🙂

24 09 2008

Should the first presidential debate be postponed?

Vote and comment now…for Cafferty about postponing debates. Sorry if already posted but going for expediency here. Then read the comments…it is really amazing.

24 09 2008

OMG- can you imagine Obama showing up for the rally? That would so exciting for us and would totally stir things up. Gives me goosebumps.

24 09 2008

Sorry if this is a repost- can’t find my earlier post on this:

Alaska poll data is found here:


68% as of Monday.

24 09 2008

Another try:

Alaska poll data is found here:


68% as of Monday.

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

“I’m giving you my blanket permission to not only download it, but also to email it, burn it, and share it with anyone and everyone (in the U.S. and Canada only). I want you to use ‘Slacker Uprising’ in any way you see fit to help with the election or to do the work that you do in your community. You can show my film in your local theater, your high school classroom, your college auditorium, your church, union hall or community center. You can have your friends and neighbors over to the house for a viewing. You can broadcast it on TV, on cable access, on regular channels or on the web. It’s completely free — I don’t want to see a dime from this. And if you want, you can charge admission or ask for a donation if it’s to raise money for a candidate, a voter drive, or for any non-profit or educational purpose. In other words — it’s yours!”
– Michael Moore

Watch Slacker Uprising Now!


24 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Bobg (13:38:35) :

I just thought of this-why doesn’t Obama show up at the rally unannounced? Man, I’ll bet that would set this election on its ear. I wish someone in his campaign would push for this. I think that it would win the election for him by a huge margin.
I agree. Just go there and stand at the podium and wait for a question with or without even the MSM there. We can hold it over the Internet with questions from us.

I woke up from a four hour nap to this! WTF is going on? Did the Earth pass through the tail of a comet? It is like we have been in Steven King’s “Maximum Overdrive” since August 29th, 2008 – P-Day. It is like we are careening down the road of national politics in that truck with the Satanic face on it. I can’t take much more of this national psychological train wreck. It’s like we are all held captive at some alternate universe Dixie Boy Truck Stop.





24 09 2008

Go to http://www.progressivealaska.blogspot.com for updated AK poll data.

24 09 2008

sosad (11:24:30) Why the debate can not go on and both McCain & Obama go to Washington..
After all that’s what a VP does right ?? fill in when the president can not be there (or dies)


Joining the conversation late here but RIGHT ON Sosad! I love over on the Huffington Post they are totally calling McLame out on this…Itis to be expected that someone who is running for President would be able to multitask and handle a crisis instead of calling for a “time out”, it is a sign of leadership in a crisis!

Go Obama/Biden

24 09 2008
chalk revelations palin

I have been reading this site for a few weeks now and really enjoy all the comments. They are smart and informative. This site is excellent and well put together. I think Obama blew McParrot away today. I can’t wait to see how this rally turns out on Sat. I am glad there are people in AK that are not willing to put up with this.
On a lighter note I just saw this on Huff Post and if any of you need a laugh, this is good.

24 09 2008

Wow! What a crazy couple of hours.

First of all. AKM! Once again – you rock! I’m predicting your rally has tens of thousands turn out (And I bet the majority of them read about it here at Mudflats!)

This is the America I love.

I was driving in the car getting my lunch when the McCain announcement first came on. I was absolutely speechless. How dare he hijack this election! I swear I started cursing out loud in the car.

But I knew Obama would keep his cool and give the perfect response. And turned out even better than I imagined. Turns out he contacted McCain FIRST – 8:30 this morning to suggest a bi-partisan show of support. McCain used it against him to try and hijack the election.

Bring on the debates!

This is what I want my President to say in time of crisis

First, we need a bipartisan board overseeing accountability.

Second, Americans should be treated like investors.

Third, we will not bail out Wall Street without helping homeowners.

Finally, not one dime to reward the same Wall Street CEO’s who got us in this mess. No welfare for Wall Street execs.

There are times for politics, and then there are times to rise above it.

This is no longer a Democratic or Republican problem. It is an American problem, requiring an American solution.

Keeping talking Senator Obama. America is listening to every word.

24 09 2008
SoCal Bob.

I’m being very quiet but I can’t hear the Alaskan’s screaming over the rumble of the rest of the nation laughing at McCain’s latest great idea of postponing the debate. (can you say transparent Mr. McCain?)

24 09 2008

oh, i love you guys!!! what i would GIVE to fly on up there and participate. i’m not an alaskan, but man…sometimes we here in the lower 48 just have to throw on up some love to you all and help you fine soldiers for truth and integrity fight on. you all are my absolute heros!

24 09 2008

Typical bottom of the class mentality- when you have nothing- steal the smart guys notes!

McCain has grown more thuggish every day. He has abandoned any principle of honor by cashing in on his POW status and co-opting other’s ideas.

He learned nothing from his smackdown in the Keating 5

24 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

AKM and Alaskan Mudpuppies! Wish the tubes in my internets could shoot me up there! So impressed with you all!!!! GO GO GO!!!!

Don’t know if this has been posted yet, but Obama said that it is more important than ever to go forward with the debate. Huffpo is all over McCain— ’tis beautiful site!

24 09 2008
24 09 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Huffington Post regarding Palin/Cheny/Police State. Scary stuff!

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Allen (13:41:36) :

I sure hope we are all bugging the hell out of our Senators, and House Reps., by phone, fax, and email.
Wish I had a fax. I just emailed my senator here in Alabama. It just
happens to Shelby. He seems to be an important Senator regarding
this issue. Don’t mean to interrupt the current theme of this blog.
Both issues are important to America.

24 09 2008

One of the points that is holding up the Congressional action on the Wall Street issue is a fight over CEO compensation. Can you believe it? They have no problem thinking that they should be entitled to THEIR millions. Amazing. I am glad there is so much coverage. I also hope that Obama sticks to his guns and insists that the debate goes on Friday night. McCain is just slinking away and creating fear just like the president has for the last 8 years. A also wonder what kind of career Palin is going to have when this is all over. She is in way over her head.

24 09 2008
Alaskan Dave Down Under

I’ll be there in spirit!

24 09 2008

I just thought of this-why doesn’t Obama show up at the rally unannounced? Man, I’ll bet that would set this election on its ear. I wish someone in his campaign would push for this. I think that it would win the election for him by a huge margin.

I just posted this before and I think its a great idea. I emailed the Obama campaign (and I’m a Republican.)
I really doubt that my email will have any effect but let’s try it. Everyone email the same message to the Obama campaign. If they get thousands og emails-who knows?

24 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Letterman’s not happy McCain cancelled tonight….

David Letterman tells audience that McCain called him today to tell him he had to rush back to DC to deal with the economy.

Then in the middle of the taping Dave got word that McCain was, in fact just down the street being interviewed by Katie Couric. Dave even cut over to the live video of the interview, and said, “Hey Senator, can I give you a ride home?”

Earlier in the show, Dave kept saying, “You don’t suspend your campaign. This doesn’t smell right. This isn’t the way a tested hero behaves.” And he joked: “I think someone’s putting something in his metamucil.”

“He can’t run the campaign because the economy is cratering? Fine, put in your second string quarterback, Sara Palin. Where is she?”

“What are you going to do if you’re elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We’ve got a guy like that now!”


24 09 2008

One of the big differences between McCain and Obama…

McCain makes his announcement and leaves the stage.

Obama makes his announcement and takes questions.

I find that to be very telling.

24 09 2008

The NYT has released a statement from Obama in which Obama states that the next president will have to do more than one thing at a time and that he sees no reason why the debate can’t go on.

24 09 2008
A Nana from Alaska

How convenient!! An economic crisis the week before Congress is to adjourn.
A bailout that would give a blank check and all the financial power of government for the next ten or twenty years to the executive branch.
An opportunity to weasel out on a debate.

There were no “weapons of mass destruction in Iraq” and the perhaps we should also question “the sky is falling” right now this week. ”

We should get lots of information and explore lots of alternatives. Trust Bush? No way.

24 09 2008

Re: Friday’s Debate — jeez, these guys are making Karl Rove look like a class act. As far as I can tell, the U.S. Senate has gotten along adequately without John McCain’s presence since April. I’m surprised he thinks he still remembers the way to the Capitol.

Re: Saturday’s rally. I have to say, this is the first time since 1972 I can honestly say I wish I were going to be in Alaska this weekend. Go get ’em! Please, AKM, if there is anything specific that outsiders can do to help, let us know.

How much vacation time does Talis Colberg get, anyhow?

24 09 2008

Hey Alaska:
We down here in Southern California are so proud of you for standing up for democracy that we are going to get together Saturday and wait for your reports. We wish that we could be there but believe me, we will be cheering for you all the way. You are going to make history this election and help put America back on track. Thanks Alaska, we love you!!!

24 09 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

Furious. That’s me. What could McLame possibly bring to the table in the financial crisis? I agree with whomever speculated that he may want to be in Washington to cover his a$$ on something. He HAS to be in hot water on the Fannie payments to his little friend.

And I think SWWNBN will also not do her debate. This has been also speculated here. They are afraid. I gotta say that I feel like something is definitely illegal here.

What a joke.

Luckily, I have this blog to keep me sane (stop roling eyes). It’s nice to be in the company of other like-minded, intereisting, intelligent people. WE think of all the solutions. They should as US!

1: dump SWWNBN.
2: tie LIEberman to a toboggan in Alaska’s highest peaks and censure him.
3: hospitalize McLame.
4: give Obama the automatic in.
5: pay my mortgage 😀

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Looks like Letterman is really angry over McCain canceling (his show and the debate).


“This doesn’t smell right. This isn’t how a tested hero behaves.”

24 09 2008


Which email did you use? Could you post the address?

24 09 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

OOps.. no spell check!

24 09 2008


Much as I would love to see Obama, if he shows here then that will further inflame the controversy re: this being a “partisan” investigation. No No, stay away, stay far far away! I want him to come here after he wins and say “THANK YOU ALASKANS FOR STANDING UP FOR THE TRUTH, FOR BELIEVING IN ME & FOR WORKING SO HARD TO GET ME ELECTED!”

24 09 2008
Ana Gama

Oh My God. I just nearly wet my pants. Read what Letterman has to say about McCain cancelling his appearance:

“David Letterman tells audience that McCain called him today to tell him he had to rush back to DC to deal with the economy.

Then in the middle of the taping Dave got word that McCain was, in fact just down the street being interviewed by Katie Couric. Dave even cut over to the live video of the interview, and said, “Hey Senator, can I give you a ride home?”

There’s more….


24 09 2008

Pacificnwgal-You’re being bad. You know that if you fail miserably at your job and cost your customers big bucks your boss will pat you on the back and give you a huge bonus. Also, there will be a huge severace package when you leave. He would never hold poor performance against you.

24 09 2008

Oh good god…what does McCain think he is going to add to the debate about the bail out. I just saw Chuck Schumer on C.N.N. who basically said that McCain’s presence could actually hurt, rather than help the process. This is another case of B.S. baffles brains….and hopefully thoughtful people will see through this stunt!

24 09 2008

Anyone here in AK have a techie friend that can stream the rally via webcam on laptop or something like that? We’ve not even hooked up our webcam on our desktop, so I am NOT the go-to person for that!

24 09 2008

SMR: Good point. Let’s keep Obama’s campaign far away from here. Wouldn’t want it to look political, now would we? 😉

24 09 2008


Pictures! We want Pictures! Video! Lots of Video! How exciting!!! Right-minded people everywhere are very proud of you Alaskans! Democracy in Action….way to go! CanNOT wait to see/hear all about it…thank you, Muddyflat for keepin us all posted on shenanagins up yonder.

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

AKM Is it possible to stream the rally Saturday? that would be brilliant.

24 09 2008

Here is the link to the NYT article.

24 09 2008
Mommy Jane

Niiiiiiiiice!!!!!!!!! Keep getting the word out!!!!!! I think nothing is more persuasive than Palin’s own folks holding her accountable. Now, if only the rest of the nation would do the same …

24 09 2008

Don’t know if this Glen Greenwald article has been posted yet, here’s a quote from the Army Times:

“They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack. . . .
The 1st BCT’s soldiers also will learn how to use “the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded,” 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them.”


24 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Palin will testify, McCain thinks Washington can’t function without him – will suspend his campaign to focus on the financial crisis – and Olbermann filling in for McLame on Letterman. ROTFL!

Just like CrackDonald’s, I’m lovin’ it!

24 09 2008
JoeAlvord aka Spoon Archer Palin

How about:


24 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Ahhh… bed time, I’ve just turned into a pumpkin. I agree with SMR about Obama turning up at the rally being controversial… and that live streaming would be great.

Thanks AKM and g’night folks, you’re all wonderful.

24 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Lee and Libbs
Trust your gut! McSame was up to his earlobes in the last round of banking deregulation. That one ended up with the S&L meltdown and McSame’s association with Charles Keating. For that McSame got hammered by the Ethics Committee, but ended up getting a partial pass — “bad judgement” not an outright violation. Some of the others weren’t as fortunate, and Keating spent 5 yrs in the slammer. There’s lots of info out there. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keating_Five for openers. It’s hard to understand why he’s getting a media pass on it now. Keating owned Lincoln Savings, the single-most expensive S&L failure. Keating also had ties to the Cindy Hensley McCain’s family.

McSame has always been for deregulation. Last time it was Keating. This time it’s Phil Gramm. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I don’t believe McSame’s new found enthusiasm for reforming Wall Street for an instant. He’s still a deregulator at the core.

24 09 2008

Demo, you are OH, SO RIGHT.

24 09 2008
California Cowboy

Howdy, all:

A couple of things, the PBS site knows if you have been there previously and will not count a second vote. There is a link on the page you can click that explains this. Sorry if anyone else reported this – there are a lot of posts to read here.

Alaskans For Truth – awesome – this is democracy at work. Let your voices be heard. It all starts with one and it can turn into a mightly clamor. And AKM, thanks for keeping us up to date on what’s up in the far north. It is heartening to say the least.

As far as the cancellation of the debate goes – don’t weigh in on a poll. Contact the McShame/Pallid campaign directly – swamp their email or their phone lines. It sure worked back in the 60s against draft boards. It possible to make their lives very uncomfortable. Here’s a link to the McShame website that will allow you to find your local office to contact –


You can also flood the national campaign office. It is a BS tactic on his part and grandstanding at its lowest. It’s time for a viral response.

Yehaw, where’s my branding iron….

24 09 2008

Maddie (14:16:43) :

Ummm, sorry, forgot to write that the article is about an active army division being posted within the US for the first time in 100 years.

24 09 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Correct Huffington Post Link. Palin/Cheney/Police State. Sorry.


The one in the previous post is good for newspapers across the US you want to write your letters of the editor to.

24 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

I am so excited!!!! Is it possible for us to watch it through our tubes? Maybe the sign watch kid could hook us up 🙂

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

SMR (14:10:35) :

I agree, SMR.

Right now I’m really torn over the wonderful protest Alaskans are planning. It’s not possible for me to be there, but I want someone to carry a sign FOR ME and NC, but I don’t want to add to the intrusion Alaskans have already felt.:(

Could someone do it in “CODE”?

24 09 2008

Will be hearing the screams of justice right next door from Vancouver Island, Canada

You go Alaskans!

Keep up the good work.

24 09 2008

Rep. Barney Frank (Dem) was just on MSNBC’s Race for the Whitehouse. Rep. Frank is one of the primary negotiators on the bailout plan. In a nutshell he said:
– McCain is not needed to get the bill passed.
– McCain’s move is a political stunt, they are making progress on the bill, they have been having hearings all week in Washington-sessions in which McCain has not been involved and, therefore, McCain is not all of a sudden going to parachute into Washington and save the day.
– The bill will happen without McCain’s and without O’Bama’s help in Washington.
– The bill will include (1) oversight (despite Paulson’s initial request to have complete discretion with no oversight or review of any kind, legal or administrative), (2) protection for taxpayer’s via government equity in the companies receiving assistance, (3) taxpayer assistance on mortgage loans and (4) restrictions on CEO compensation for those companies receiving assistance. Note these are all of the principles Obama espoused and then McCain echoed!

If you heard this differently, please jump in and correct.

Also, MSNBC First Read reports that Rep. Frank also said to a group of reporters outside the House chamber regarding McCain’s announcement to suspend his campaign: “It’s the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys.” Here’s the link (I hope): <a href=”http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/09/24/1442448.aspx”. If the link doesn’t work, please cut and paste. :o)

24 09 2008

CNN just announced that the McCain camp is proposing moving the Fri debate to the 2nd — and postponing the VP debate!!!!!! I can’t believe the depths to which these people will sink. PERFECTLY calculated to give Palin more prep time. I’m sick.

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Katie Couric interviews Plainin on CBS at 5:30 CST.

24 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Just checked the national polls on Real Clear Politics. There’s a whole lot of blue there — even FOX is showing Obama ahead by 6. Only one still shows McCain up, and on that one his lead is slipping!

24 09 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.


do this. I did. I used the terms “pathetic” and called McLame a “coward”. That’s is what he is. Thank God I live in a blue state. How do you Obama fans live in red states without going crazy? I know! Mudflats!

And GO ALASKA with your bad selves!!!

24 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

omg!!! Mccain camp just said he will not show up for the debate on friday. I heard that on CNN!!!

24 09 2008

cnn is saying on the situation room that mccain’s camp is negotiating to move the first presidency debate to oct.2 and move the vp debate to another time. man, mccain and his advisors are just amazing. but now it looks more like this delay is about palin’s debate rather than mccain’s-oh they are so sneaky…

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

otisNYC (14:26:55) :

CNN just announced that the McCain camp is proposing moving the Fri debate to the 2nd — and postponing the VP debate!!!!!

So it won’t be a “family emergency” that FREES SWWNBN from facing Joe…do they really think we are that stupid?

24 09 2008

AKM said:
We’re such an annoyance, us damn attention-payers…
Hooray for attention-payers. Hooray for Alaskans for Truth. Hooray for AKM for keeping us up to speed on what’s going on in Alaskan politics. Who knew it was so muddy?

I can’t wait to see pics. I know I’ll feel the same chills I got when I saw the pics from the anti-Palin rally. Hope the turnout is even bigger and better, if that’s possible. (A live stream really would be spectacular.)

Demand the truth! Stay safe! Know that we are with you in spirit!

Loin Falcon Palin (I love my Palin name)

24 09 2008
Sad In Red State Texas

Breacking News CNN……….McSame want”s to change the presidental debates for Oct 2nd instead of the V.P. . What a Joke. No way should Obama agree to this. What a weizel Mcnuts is.What to give Palin more chance to study.

24 09 2008


At the last rally we brought lots of signs (one for each hand, for all of us). I’m happy to bring along whatever you want “your” sign to say, and I will make sure that someone carries it.

24 09 2008
Wisconsin shopgirl

CNN also just reported that the McCain camp wants to postpone the presidential debate until October 2nd……guess what, the very same date that the VP debate was supposed to be held….and put off that debate until some other date. Eeegads. Why are they so afraid to have the good Governor answer some questions??? Why is he afraid to answer questions??? Why is everything so scripted?????

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Looks to me as if the “Trophy VEEP” hasn’t passed her courses on world events and they just admitted it publicly.

They will not reschedule the VP debate if they manage to move it off the plate!

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will “defer” to your judgment, but I kind of like “Trophy Veeps don’t Lie”….

24 09 2008
Char Broil Palin

In the spirit of know thy enemy, I checked out McCain’s website. Interestingly, there is a link on his blog (like he even knows what that means) to make phone calls to undecided voters. How interesting…


24 09 2008

As Friday was the date, then it should remain Friday for the 1st presidential debate. And no “pass” on the VP debate.

24 09 2008
Indiana Pearl

What a joke! Palin is more sequestered than a cloistered nun, Rick Davis is in bed with Freddie and Fannie, the McCain polls are tanking, and now Johnny Mac loses his, er, nerve and wants to postpone or cancel the debate. McCain is ready for the retirement home — does that make eight houses?

24 09 2008

Actually, my analogy of calling in sick for that chem exam was not so good-maybe better, calling in a bomb scare to the pricniple’s office during finals week.

Now both Palin and McCain are shouting from the rooftops that a DEPRESSION will result without the 700 billion “rescue”.

I am getting a sinking feeling that this is the old Repub. trickle down economics again. I feels like the Repubs want to see the Dems take over in Jan. and be the ones to bring the ecomomy back, but with such a heavy millstone around the neck of the tax payers that nothing like universal healthcare could be attempted.

They really want to make the taxpayers take on the burden of a trillion dollars of bad debt while they take a vacation, let the dems do all the work to struggle with the deficit, and come back to power once the ecomomy is healthy again-with no expensive public health or education programs in place-so they can steal it all over again.

Lord save us from thieves and charlatans.

24 09 2008

Just off work and had to rush here for the “scoop”. I am so mad about this ploy of the McCain “gang” I can hardly speak! What BS!!!! On Monday when everyone, the fundamentals are “strong” and in two days he has to cancel the campaign!! Give me a break!! He has to go back to Washington for a photo op???

24 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Well do I cancel my debate party or not? Good thing I didn’t order the pizza. Or should I just bill it to McLame?

24 09 2008

Absolutely sickening! I’m at a loss for words, other than the 4 letter and longer variety! Who the hell does McCain think he’s kidding? He’s making a mockery out of this election, and it’s not befitting a POW.

You knew he was a POW, right?

24 09 2008

McCain’s already been told not to come back to Washington. People are sick of this kind of bullsh*t in an election year. Now is the time they should debate get it out in the open let the people hear and see,, Now is the time to step up to the plate, seperate the boys from the men. Frankly, I think this all boils down to the Fannie Mae and his top aide getting $$$ from there and his hands are in it too,, just another diversion, same with them not allowing the press to cover Palin. Sounds like a bunch of sissy’s to me,, tuck that tail and run back to Mama.

24 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

McCain wants a big trillion $$$ bailout….I just want to be able to pay my mortgage and have a little left to buy groceries, never mind put some gas in the tank to get to Walmart, or maybe pay my medical bills, or help my grand kid go to college.

24 09 2008

Mclame, as with all bullies, is at heart a coward. What a sad end for someone who people used to think highly of.

Last night after reading comments on a horrible blog that I linked to from realpolitics I was really upset about the state of this nation. So much hate, so much divisiveness. I was sick sick sick about the part that mcshame and failin have played in tearing this nation apart to further their own personal agendas. I was pondering whether or not this former military guy, the POW, had ever ever in his life had any honor. Wondered whether or not it was stripped from him while he was held captive, if that was why he’d turned into such a monster. Wondered whether or not I should feel sorry for him for that.

After today, the horrible things that he has done, the leaders in Washington DC have told him to stay away and yet he is still pushing his f$%#ed up stuff on us all, I can honestly say that there is no chance that I will ever feel sorry for him. I can only hope that I don’t have to feel sorry for Americans, I hope that we can survive these dirty political tactics and someday soon have a unified country. The palpable hate from the right makes me wonder if this country will survive this particular election — the conservative right, fueled by mcfame and sailin have made this into us vs them instead of asking everyone to stand together.

I am sick over this stuff! Come on Nov 4th! Got to get my mind back!

24 09 2008

Two lawyers walk into a bar and other treaded over observations


24 09 2008


Show John McCain what you think about his attempt to cancel the debate.

DONATE: https://donate.barackobama.com/page/contribute/standardvidbottom?source=mainnav

24 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

From the NYT article: “Speaking to a small pool of reporters at his hotel in midtown Manhattan, Mr. McCain read his statement from a Teleprompter, and took no questions.”

WTF? He needs a TELEPROMPTER to read a short statement???? No wonder he wants to cancel the debate! [shaking head in disbelief…]

24 09 2008

Nancy Pftonxlszjqhauer, or whatever her name is, just said on MSNBC that Harry Reid wanted McCain back in DC. Guess she missed the memo:

Reid: McCain return ‘would not be helpful’

“I understand that the candidates are putting together a joint statement at Senator Obama’s suggestion. But it would not be helpful at this time to have them come back during these negotiations and risk injecting presidential politics into this process or distract important talks about the future of our nation’s economy. If that changes, we will call upon them. We need leadership; not a campaign photo op.

If there were ever a time for both candidates to hold a debate before the American people about this serious challenge, it is now.”

They really ought to get their lies straight before they go about disseminating them. It helps when the “story” is consistent.

How do we get in touch with the group that runs these debates? I am outraged that McCain wants his debate delayed until 10/2, the very date that Palin was finally going to speak. No. I will not be played like that. I will fight it until the last vote is counted. If I have to live with a McCain administration, I’ll find the appropriate psychotropics to get me through, but until such time, I’m not going down without a fight.

24 09 2008

I hope Barack Obama shows up to the debate anyway. He can still answer the questions and let the people know what he stands for.

24 09 2008
sandybeach in WA

PBS poll WAS flawed. Here is the response one of my neighbors received from PBS:

“Thank you for writing to PBS regarding the Web poll that asks, ‘Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as Vice President of the United States?’ The poll is part of the companion site for NOW, one of PBS’ award-winning public affairs program. The series creates a poll each week that is based on the news to solicit opinions from our Web visitors about current issues. This particular question appeared the week of the Republican National Convention, when Sarah Palin was nominated, and it was designed to reflect a question that many were asking at that time. It is no longer on the Web site home page. The weekly online poll reflects the interest and enthusiasm visitors to pbs.org feel about a particular topic; it is not a scientific measurement of opinion. Due to massive accessing of the poll that was compromising the overall performance of pbs.org, a ‘cookie’ system has been implemented on the Palin question. Therefore, as of September 23rd, a user can only vote once, on one computer. The current poll, also taken from the most recent headlines, is ‘Who [Senator McCain or Senator Obama] do you trust more to fix the nation’s economic mess.’ Visitors can cast their vote in this poll at http://www.pbs.org/now/. We appreciate your interest in PBS and our online content. Sincerely,MaryPBS Viewer Services”

PBS has now posted this story:

Kudos to all who voiced their concern and if you’d like to thank them for the correction:

24 09 2008

Well I am quivering with outrage and it’s not even my government. What a charlatan. I watched a bit of Newsnight here (political programme) and had to leave the room because of the Republican they had on, whose name escaped me, eyes a-glittering with fervour. i was shouting at the TV.

Lordy, lordy. My heart goes out to you all. And my admiration too. And my thanks to AKM for creating a refuge in the storm.

24 09 2008

I think McCain should go back to Washington and give Bush a big hug again. just so EVERYONE can get the picture clearly in their head….THAT”s the photo op!

24 09 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

LOL You do realize this is the “MUDFLATS” Can’t we play in the mud? Just a little bit? We’re wearing our boots 😉

“”Rob in Santa Cruz, Ca (12:38:13) :

I hope we all want a new kind of politics.

Open, honest, transparent.

But also, respectful. Which means families are off limits, as Obama has said repeatedly and also lived up to.

Let’s not lower ourselves by even recognizing this ridiculous Enquirer article. Don’t read it, don’t buy it, don’t talk about it on blogs. It’s beneath us. It just doesn’t matter whether or not there was an affair. That is personal business.

Every time the Palin family gets brought up, we give the Republicans ammunition – and frankly we deserve it. Let’s rise up out of the mud, folks.””

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Something’s way fishy – maybe Palin’s going under the bus, but real late in the process, to change the story again and steal some more O thunder. It is all smoke and mirrors with the McShame campaign.

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

OMG – Palin’s interview with Couric.
Give me some examples — “I’ll try to find them and bring them to ya!

24 09 2008

The University of Mississippi is saying that it has spent a lot of money
(5 million) getting ready for the presidential debate, and that it would be a financial mess for them if the debate does not take place.

The NYT has the story.

24 09 2008


How about this:

Cassie Jeep says pick a new Veep! Send Sarah back to Alaska & your goons back to DC!

24 09 2008

well….if McCain cancels I say McCain should PAY ole miss the $5 mill.

24 09 2008

You know, hearing from McCain and his campaign these days is a lot like walking into a car dealership that has a bad rep for high pressure sales tactics.

You need to bring along a lot of friends and leave your wallet locked up in a safe way across town.

24 09 2008

@Char Broil Palin (14:35:52)
we should all log on and register to call undecided voters on behalf on McCain and then talk only about why Obama is the best choice for Pres. I’m game.

24 09 2008

It has been another very eventful day. I look forward to seeing the photos from the rally on Saturday.

Keep up the good work. Yes we can, and will make a difference.

All my best to Alaska.

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois
24 09 2008

you must be a little devious like myself, cause that thought entered MY mind also!

24 09 2008



24 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Leave it to McCain to try to duck out. I sugest they both go back to Washington and lead their parties to a decision, taking time off to hold the debate perhaps given the situation they could do so in Washington. If he can’t handle that then gee guess he shouldn’t be president. But I think actions speak louder than words as well, Obama is making a mistake if he doesn’t go back and paticipate in working out the best deal he can for the american people. He could really bury McCain once and for all with this I hope he wakes up and does so. We could come out of this with a really great deal that would in the end add to the treasury, keep people out of foreclosure, and put some laws in place to regulate this stuff so it will stop happening.

24 09 2008

I didn’t get a response back from PBS dammit! But if others wrote in their concerns too, and it led to the end of that particular travesty, I guess I’ll get over it and continue to send them money…

24 09 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

Am wondering ~~ last few min at work here — do you suppose McCain wants to suspend cuz he’s already running out of money?
Just a passing thought as my mind dumps all the work stuff and starts opening the gates on the “home stuff”

I believe if McCain “no shows” on the debate – I will just HAVE to donate to Obama again.

24 09 2008

Oops! Refreshed page and see already mentioned….sorry for duplication

24 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Just call to see what my debate party friends think and the word on the ground here is that McDumb has lost it. He’s run out of tricks and this is the best he can do to get out from in front of the coming snow slide, down this very slippery slope. He is so tired and drugged out that he can’t even think of doing a debate, nor can poor Sarah after the trouncing she took the last couple of weeks.

Keep up the rally call in AK it is wearing dear Sarah down. She isn’t safe anywhere, not even in front of her handlers.

24 09 2008

CNN reports that the McCain camp wants to postpone the VP debate.

Stall, baby, stall! Why not suspend the McCain/Palin campaign, oh, until Nov 5th?

24 09 2008

I did hear on my way home this afternoon that McCain started pulling all ads off as soon as he made the announcement. That should save them a bit…but I still say they should compensate ole miss for bein a no show!

24 09 2008
karen marie

i just saw sarah palin’s “interview” with katie couric on cbs — what a nail in the mcpalin campaign!

katie couric looked really irritated at having to go through with the charade, and sarah palin was clearly unable to do more than parrot campaign rhetoric, she has no working knowledge of anything that one expects a president or vice president to have.

and everyone should watch david letterman tonight — he was taping his show when mccain was down the street chatting with katie couric when he found out that mccain had cancelled. dave sent a camera down to ask if mccain needed a lift home and apparently spends a lot of time on the show punking mccain for not being able to walk and chew gum.

24 09 2008


You should do that video streaming thing for us while you’re at the rally!!

Good luck with the whole thing. I’ll be looking forward to the update!

Go Obama-Biden ’08!!

24 09 2008
Cynthia, TX


In a world exclusive The NATIONAL ENQUIRER names GOP VP Candidate Sarah Palin’s secret lover!

No less than three members of the man’s family including one by sworn affidavit have claimed that Sarah Palin engaged in an extramarital affair with hus­band Todd’s former business partner, Brad Hanson.

Sorry this is part of the delay!!! and the mccain camp knows it!!! they don’t want this to blow up right in the middle of troopergate, babygate and affairgate!!!

24 09 2008

Bec! God Bless your heart! I just read that interview and Sarah Palin is in deep s__t! Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see it now.

24 09 2008

We had this info and photo of Brad Hanson weeks ago:

24 09 2008

McCain wants to get out of any debate with Obama because he knows Obama will look great while he just looks stupid, greedy, and old. When Obama offered to issue a joint statement about the economy, McCain jumped on it as a way to avoid having the debate. He is a sneaky coward. As for dumping Palin, I don’t think it will ever happen; she IS a pitbull, and there is no way she would go quietly. She has way too much power over McCain for him to be able to dump her.

24 09 2008
gary aka khaki salmon palin

If McC can’t make it, then his veep candidate should step in. US needsa debate about foreign policy now, so let Biden and Palin go at it this Friday. She’s been to the UN so now she’s prepared (?)

24 09 2008
don’t mess with alaskans. « angryXer

[…] Mudflats, but of […]

24 09 2008

The NPR poll has been fixed so it’s only letting people voting once. That requires cookies, and they had thought it was protecting privacy not to insert cookies, without realizing how many people would vote so many times. Saw a post about it.

Boy, a lot has happened since I left a couple of hours ago!

24 09 2008
JEC aka Torpedo Vindicator

Somewhere I think I read that McCain is a poker player. This move has the feel of grandstanding and a bluff. Fortunately Barack stared back un-flustered. He did not “blink”.

An interesting point … when the President cannot be available for a particular matter, then the VP should step in, right?

So maybe McCain should have asked Barack to send his VP candidate to fill and he (McCain) send Sarah. (tongue in cheek) 🙂

On a more serious note, how does the self admitted “non-economics-expert”, think he is going to solve a problem in a few hours that all the Financial experts have been working for days/weeks to solve. Ridiculous!!!

24 09 2008
Free Sarah Palin Now!

Gotta love CNN’s Campell Brown… denouncing sexist treatment of Sarah Palin:

24 09 2008

Go for it! Alaskans should know what elevating Sarah Palin to the Vice presidency would mean for the rest of the country. The same deceit and conivances that the republican party has been using to usurp the Government and Law of the state of Alaska is what will take place in the country if these people get away with what they are trying to do. Why can’t someone up there press charges against these usurpers and have them arrested for Treason against the people of Alaska and the seizure of their Government. I’m sure there is something like that, that could be done. Come on people, fight these criminals.

24 09 2008

call me a slow learner, but I JUST figured out why she compares herself to a DOG….dogs can be trained in simple tricks….like SIT, STAY, SPEAK! that’s all that is required and she hasn’t had to do much of anything else! she IS a dog!!
sorry, if that’s a little blunt…but I’m just so ANGRY!!!!!!

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Wish I could afford to attend the rally. I would love to meet all
you couragous people. I thought I would share an interesting
quote from Rep. Charles Rangel of New York. I found it here
a long time ago. Well it seems like a long time. Quite a few posts
since it was presented.

24 09 2008
sandybeach in WA

I didn’t get a reply either, but trust my neighbor – so much for membership 😉

24 09 2008

bad link deuce

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

SMR (14:52:44) :


How about this:

Cassie Jeep says pick a new Veep! Send Sarah back to Alaska & your goons back to DC!

I love it! Do it!

Next question: can we figure out a way to make a donation for “rally supplies”?
Please let us know—maybe through AKM’s Paypal?

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

I wrote it in correctly but the page is missing. Word Press should have
included the supremacy.jpg with the rest. We do live in an
imperfect world don’t we.

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Great observation, Deb. She really sounded like a SNO-BOT with what she was spewing to Katie. I haven’t even watched the whole thing. But Katie got McCain to say he didn’t quite agree with Palin. And Palin was pushing the panic/Depression call that I think everyone with a bit if sense is trying to tone down right now while we deal with this.

Very sad – the level of knowledge she showed. Sad for us if people vote them in.

24 09 2008
Char Broil Palin

I *heart* Katie Couric, and I think a lot of Walmart Moms do to. I hope everyone tells all their friends to watch that interview. The transcript was interesting reading. “I’ll try to find you some and I’ll bring them to you” is such a generic, lame response. But when there IS no answer, that’s all you can do. But by god, she better fax over a list of examples within a few hours!

Sometimes I feel like Palin is a big practical joke. Like we’re all on Candid Camera.

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Edna ” Stall, baby, stall! Why not suspend the McCain/Palin campaign, oh, until Nov 5th?”


My thoughts too, why make the suspension temporary, just out right quit!

Then we can all work to get SWWNBN to be recalled from the Governor’s office.

24 09 2008

McCain said this had to be solved by Monday, and I understand the White House is none too pleased with that.

McCain wants to suspend ads because Obama just started spending 3 times as much as McCain.


And I just barely saw a McCain ad (on the New England Sports Network, which is a Boston station that reaches into New Hampshire. during a Red Sox game), so I wonder when the suspension is supposed to start.

24 09 2008
Amy Proctor

Looks like the 20% in Alaska found a home.

Go McCain/Palin!

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Deb (15:11:51) :

bad link deuce
Sorry Deb, check out my last post at (15:14:10). Don’t know how
to correct it.

24 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

I hope Katie is going to be on Utube later, I have a meeting when she is on here and don’t have a working VCR…darn….

24 09 2008

I’m curious why people have trouble posting links. I’ve only right clicked, copied and pasted, and never had a problem. I use Mozilla. Is it an Internet Explorer issue?

24 09 2008

First– I just want to tell you “Alaskans For Truth” that if I get my yellow wellies by Saturday I will proudly wear them in solidarity with you! Go get em!

@ Ripley–just sent a letter to McCain as well. Boy, did it feel good to get that off my chest. This is absolutely a disgrace to our election system. I have had steam pouring out my ears all afternoon.

@SMR–I too have been on many sites where people have been so cruel. I think that is when my rose colored glasses completely shattered. I have been in mourning ever since for this grand old country. It is so divided that it makes one wonder if it can ever be brought back together.

@ Sheyl1218—Just donated again! That was a good idea.

@ Deb–HERE HERE Girlfriend!

To the most wonderful AK: thank you for giving us a place to come and have group hugs all day. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart.


24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)


“dogs can be trained in simple tricks….like SIT, STAY, SPEAK! that’s all that is required and she hasn’t had to do much of anything else! she IS a dog!!”

Woo Hoo! I haven’t giggled that hard in eight long years!

24 09 2008

Please keep us posted re: the rally! I’ve noticed that the media here on the East Coast generally recycle Mudflats news a week or two after akmuckraker posts it, so if you cover the event this weekend, the lower 48 might hear about it before Halloween.

24 09 2008
karen marie

lemonfair (15:06:59) : “The NPR poll has been fixed so it’s only letting people voting once. ”

i think you’re referring to the PBS Now poll?

whether before or now, anyone can vote as many times as they want. all you have to do is clear your browser.

when i first came across the PBS Now poll, the “no” votes were the majority. i posted links to it at a bunch of blogs, including in an earlier thread here. but pretty shortly after the mcpalin crowd got a hold of it and “yes” votes have been in the majority. it’s pretty hilarious. those poor people at PBS. you would have thought they would realize that you can’t have a poll like that up for more than 24 hours.

24 09 2008
NY Dem

Apologies if this has already been discussed – I skipped ahead to the end to post this.

Was just watching the evening news shows, flipping channels, and caught this on the scroll on Fox news:

McCain wants to re-schedule the 1st. Presidential Debate for…………..drum roll please…………………………..October 2 !

That’s right – his plan now is to replace the VP Debate with the postponed Friday debate.

So what happens to the VP Debate, you ask ??

My opinion, the Repubs will say that if the Oct. 2 VP Debate is postponed, with only 33 days left until the election (after 10/2), there will be no time left before the election to re-schedule it.

Bada-bing, bada-boom – we all knew SP was going to get out of sitting down and debating Joe Biden one way or another because the Repubs KNEW she would get her ass kicked.

Well, now they might have their way.

This ‘bailout’ thing came along just in time, if it wasn’t this, it would have been some other lie, like trouble with her daughter’s pregnancy, or whatever reason they could dream up.

ANYTHING to keep SP out of the spotlight, and in the Republican Witness Protection Program !

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

lemonfair (15:18:53) :

Someone did mention that it’s ant IE issue…Firefox performs beautifully.

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Deb (15:11:51) :
bad link deuce
Type it in. I think you will find that it is worth the extra effort.

24 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Bec in Illinois (14:51:32) :

OMG – Palin’s interview with Couric.
Give me some examples — “I’ll try to find them and bring them to ya!

I am watching the CBS interview right now.

Pathetic. She has no knowledge whatsoever of ANY of these issues! She has not personally thought any of these issues out in her life. She is just a Trophy Cheerleader for McCain. She did not make one statement of substance! How is this possible? Am I on some kind of mind altering drug where you take 5 minutes out of your life to become informed by a Vice presidential candidate and they say absolutely nothing whatsoever abut the issues. If the VP debate is this for ninety minutes I don’t think I can make it. Katy Couric I think just can’t believe this just like Charlie that she is interviewing someone so over her head.

I am ill. (She actually said that line about the Wall Street crisis! But I am just a citizen. A VP candidate needs to say something on a higher level.)

Yep. I agree with Bec in Illinois …OMG!

24 09 2008

Cassie. Thanks.

or Deb – if you use Firefox you won’t have trouble, and it’s less susceptible to attack by viruses. free download at mozilla.com

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

lemonfair (15:18:53) :

I’m curious why people have trouble posting links. I’ve only right clicked, copied and pasted, and never had a problem. I use Mozilla. Is it an Internet Explorer issue?
I used Inet Expl. Maybe it is an inherit problem. I’ll try Firefox next

24 09 2008


That Army Times article is beyond scary…

Thank you for posting it. Just in case anyone missed it:


24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

NY Dem

“This ‘bailout’ thing came along just in time, if it wasn’t this, it would have been some other lie, “……………………………………………………………………………………..

Which brings me to my ugly suspicion:

Dubya wanted Social Security monies on Wall Street and he didn’t get it, could this be a way of getting the dollars where he wants them and maybe, just maybe, stop some of the bleeding that republicans are experiencing at every level of the 2008 election?

If they can manufacture a war, an economic crisis is peanuts–especially when Wall Street is so eager to join in.

24 09 2008

You can run but you can’t hide. I’ve heard that McCain takes weekends off, bet this weekend will be no different. Even if not prepared for the debate, a presidential candidate should have the integrity & courage to show up. What a coward! Group anger managment classes should be available after Nov.4th.

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Bec in Ill

Just read your link to Katy Couric interview, thanks.

My eyes are still watering from the last sentence.

24 09 2008
A Mom

You guys give me hope :)))

Sounds like Palin is motivating all kinds of folks to work together. Bet McCain/Palin spin this as showing their ability to bring members of different parties together!!!

24 09 2008

If Sarah can fly 8+hours to have a baby, certainly John McCain can fly an 1 1/2 hours and have a debate.

24 09 2008

CNN is now running a headline that says: “McCain: No bailout deal, then no debate Friday”

I find this outrageous! **HE** gets to force the issue of a bailout, when both elected Republicans and Democrats are saying they can’t sign off on the deal, as it stands?

I called my various representatives (and then some) this week to state my opposition to this bailout. Tomorrow I’m making more calls. And I’m actually going to call the McCain campaign as well and tell them what I think of their attempt to tie these two issues together in such a manipulative, craven manner.

I. am. pissed!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Posting the CBS link again – for watching the Palin interview. You don’t need YouTube or a DVR!


24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

OMG I read part of the Palin transcript before I threw up. Where did she ever learn “doublespeak” like that?

She really does throw out a million words, each of which has “qualifiers” like I would hope, that might not, I’ve been told….how can you not have a definitive opinion? You’ve had well paid experts teaching you for Pete’s sake, for a month?

Ahhhhhh, but at least she did say Barack Obama instead of “my opponent”. So I guess she learned his name after a month.

24 09 2008

sheesh…I can’t keep up with you all! so many good links…so little time! (i’m supposed to be working on an assignment for a class I have tomorrow night…giggle)

24 09 2008


I think the real reason McCain wants to postpone his debate is to prevent Palin from debating next week. He knows she totally screwed up on the interview with Katie Couric, proving she is not ready to be VP let alone prepared to Debate with Biden!

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

My favorite Brit term – Gobsmacked. So, go ahead UK lady – go ahead and say it! I know you are!!

24 09 2008

can’t wait to start looking for those yellow wellies! 🙂

thanks, got sidetracked over at talkingpoints

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Thank God Palin didn’t say Kaa t eee — like she did Char lee. I am quite certain, Couric would have smacked her.

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

““McCain: No bailout deal, then no debate Friday””

Hmmm, it’s starting to smell like the Keating 5 to me…trying to make it his way or no way.

Personally, I hope Obama will take it as a two hour press conference–for free—and that he clearly points out McCain’s position while no McCain is there to dispute it.

24 09 2008

Heads up ! New Thread posted…

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

One more time:

24 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps


24 09 2008

Amy Proctor (15:17:13) :

Looks like the 20% in Alaska found a home.

Go McCain/Palin!


Sorry, Amy, it’s a lot more than 20% by now!

24 09 2008

Bec in Illinois , You crack me up! 🙂

24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

THWI: I did my best. Used Firefox too.

24 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

We are having some fun with CaribouBarbie – turning into ChattyCathy for Couric. But seriously, after seeing this interview and the stunt/gimmick that McCain pulled today, we absolutely have to hand it to our Alsakan Mudflattians who are pulling off this rally on Saturday. Power to the people.

Will this be in view of those cruise folks? That would be a lot of people from around the world to hear your cry!

24 09 2008

Bec, New Thread

24 09 2008
Rust Mustang

Check out Bob Cesca: McCain’s Economic Plan: Blurt Out Random Crap
Bob’s angry but he’s also pretty funny: e.g.

“So it comes as no surprise that the McCain-Palin strategy on the economic crisis is to — that’s right! Blurt out random crap……

What’s next, McCain campaign? A Mogwai ate a sandwich after midnight; morphed into a Gremlin; then caused the economic crisis? Or will it be Marty McFly’s sports almanac screwing up the space-time continuum? Or will it be Reverend Wright putting a curse on the banks? Whatever is next is bound to be crazier than what’s already been said.”

I guess the fact that McCain thinks he’s indispensable to the economic “rescue” is just part of the craziness.


24 09 2008
Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL

Deb (14:49:13)
The link is on the next thread and it is working. I apologize.

24 09 2008

Go Alaskans! Thanks for speaking out.

24 09 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

I am at the other end of the continent and in another country from you all in Alaska (yeah, east coast Canuck). But I will still be with you in spirit for your rally. I am appalled that the rule of law means so little to the GOP and its “annointed” representatives. Not to change the thread, but very vote counts, and mine will be mailed in … for anyone who is wondering if it is too late to register, contact Democrats Abroad for more information on your state’s rules for absentee registration and mail-in ballots. It’s time to CLEAN HOUSE!

24 09 2008

AKM, you are amazing! I, too, would love to see a video stream of the rally. Mudflats has been my center of rational discussion in the midst of the craziness of this campaign. I am so grateful to be able to come to this site each day.

In an article on Huffington Post, Nico Pitney states:

“4) A reminder: President Bush was able to debate John Kerry while he was president. For all of his sudden urgency, McCain acknowledged just yesterday that he had not even read the administration’s three-page bailout proposal.”

What kind of substantive input could he possibly have and how imperative could all this possibly be to him if, as of yesterday, he had not even bothered to read the three-page bailout proposal?

There is another article on Huffington Post about what delaying the debate would cost the University of Mississippi:

“Andrew Mullins, special assistant to University Chancellor Robert Khayat, told ABC News that the Ole Miss campus has been transformed to accommodate the candidates and the press. Road blocks are in place on campus and in the community and the debate television set for the candidates has already been constructed. He said the university has spent roughly five and half million dollars getting ready for the debate.”

What a phony ploy this is and with absolutely no consideration for anything other than possible ways to try to advance his own campaign. I have to believe that the average thinking person can see right through this. Talk about transparency!

24 09 2008

Thank you…

I am in NC, but you have my full support and best wishes. From the things I’ve been reading here on the ADN site this is an unusual and brave move that you guys are undertaking.

I enjoy your site enormously…it’s like a sea of calm in a world of insanity.

24 09 2008

This is the bestest birthday present in the entire world! Thank you, Alaskans, for making my special day astronomical. I wish I could be there!

24 09 2008

Where’s the point that was want Palin impeached?

24 09 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

I suppose this post is a bit redundant but I do just want to add GO ALASKANS for truth. I will truly feel bad for you guys if you get her back but I don’t want her in DC.

Never understood why candidates don’t have to resign one seat to run for something else. Pretty sure In Canada you have to give up one position, i.e. premier of a province to run for Parliament.
Might make some people think twice. Although I am happy Hillary is still a NY senator.

24 09 2008

I wish I could be there.

24 09 2008

View slideshow from Anti-Palin rally in Anchorage, AK

go to:


24 09 2008


Andy AKA Plop Hero

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

After today’s incredulous events, I am still in a state of stunned shock. First McCain pulling this irresponsible stunt for political gain, not giving a thought to the $5 million that Minnesota has shelled out for Friday’s debate (he better get his wife to pay this off for him), embarassing himself by being caught re Letterman, finding time to attend Clinton’s bash Thursday evening but not the Presidential debate, and finally to be subjected to that tiresome woman from Wasilla who is agony both to watch and to listen to (does she ever speak a rational sentence?), then the story in the National Enquirer (and yes, I do give it some credence). Brushing her insignifigance aside, has McCain forgotten that he lives in a democracy or has all pretense of this idea flown out the window? What next? Jackboots on the active-duty troops who will be deployed on American soil for protestor control (first time in over 100 years – see Army Times)?

24 09 2008


24 09 2008
Don’t you wish you could attend this rally? | The Lipstick Brigade

[…] Read more commentary (and the comments are great!) by clicking here. […]

24 09 2008


24 09 2008
Selling your soul to be President « Molly and Ken. Going Places.

[…] are fiercly independent and mostly republican are seemingly ALL tired of the charades. There is a TRUTH rally scheduled for this Saturday that will likely be huge (by Alaskan […]

24 09 2008

Brilliant! I wish I lived there!

24 09 2008

Thank you, AKM. Thank you, Alaskans! This is tremendous!!! From the lower 49, we thank you!

24 09 2008

Way to speak the truth Alaskans. You got my full support.

24 09 2008
Tim Alaskan in Australia

If I was home I would be there in a heart beat. I have Australian’s coming up to me and asking if this is real or a joke! When does the Sarah Plalin Recall Start? Count me in!

24 09 2008

Way to go!! I can’t wait to read about it! You gotta get the word out to the media too, to show the Paloonies here in the lower 48 what those who know her best think of her.

24 09 2008

What a pathetic week. I hope thousands turn out for this rally, and would give anything to be there.

Send a message for the rest of us, Alaska. We need to stand up for our democracy,and you are leading the way.

24 09 2008

Did anyone hear Senator Dodd say Obama has been in contact with him daily, when he hasn’t had a phone call from McShame?

How is it, McShame can’t contact the Chairman of the Finance Committee, but wants to suspend his campaign, and postpone the debate.

Just when you think McShame, couldn’t do anything more to make himself look like an idiot….

24 09 2008
Fellow Citizen from New Mexico

Thank you, Alaska!!!

Is there going to be a webcam? That would be awesome.

24 09 2008
North Dakota New Democrat

If we all go outside on Saturday at 12 noon Alaska time (whatever local time that means to all you readers) and scream loudly that we ARE mad as hell, perhap we’ll be heard. Then again, the latest polls out tonight seem to be picking up our cries.

If McCain’s becomes president, can he suspend things like wars and terrorist attacks and economic meltdowns as though they were DVDs playing on one of his big screen TVs in one of his many homes? I can see it now. “Excuse me, President Putin. I am suspending my ability to deal with your latest incursion and killing of innocent people in Georgia because my Congress is making bi-partisan progress on an economic bail-out bill for the Wall Street fatcats.” Yea, that’ll work…

24 09 2008
Carrie Ann

Beautiful Poster! I’m going to print it out and wear to a Democratic fundraiser on Sunday. GO ALASKANS- Carrie (former Alaskan)


24 09 2008

Way to go Alaska!!!!
Palin has raised such a rufus in such a short time!!! Anyone would be ‘hopping mad’ with all her antics!


24 09 2008

Will there be hot dogs and steaming coffee and all that? Or maybe a burning in effigy, which is always nice.

24 09 2008


Makes me think of the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes” when the wife has had enough…..


25 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Maybe the Kettle Korn guy from Juneau can attend?

25 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

I got this from two different people today – it’s long but I don’t have the link and he said it was OK to share it!

Hi Pals,

I’m against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.

Instead, I’m in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend.

To make the math simple, let’s assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.

Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up..

So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billion that equals $425,000.00.

My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend.

Of course, it would NOT be tax free.

So let’s assume a tax rate of 30%.

Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.

That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.

But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in thei r pocket.

A husband and wife has $595,000.00.

What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?

Pay off your mortgage – housing crisis solved.

Repay college loans – what a great boost to new grads

Put away money for college – it’ll be there

Save in a bank – create money to loan to entrepreneurs.

Buy a new car – create jobs

Invest in the market – capital drives growth

Pay for your parent’s medical insurance – health care improves

Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean – or else

Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.

If we’re going to re-distribute wealth let’s really do it…instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 ( “vote buy” ) economic incentive that is being proposed
by one of our candidates for President.

If we’re going to do an $85 billion bailout, let’s bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!

As for AIG – liquidate it.

Sell off its parts.

Let American General go back to being American General.

Sell off the real estate.

Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.

Here’s my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn’t.

Sure it’s a crazy idea that can “never work.”

But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!

How do you spell Economic Boom?

I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion

We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC

And remember, The Birk plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.

Ahhh…I feel so much better getting that off my chest.

Kindest personal regards,


T. J . Birkenmeier, A Creative Guy & Citizen of the Republic

PS: Feel free to pass this along to your pals as it’s either good for a laugh or a tear or a very sobering thought on how to best use $85 Billion!!

25 09 2008
Earmark Ulu Palin

Grammy aka Commando Coalfire,
Interesting article, unfortunately flawed by a math error. $85 billion divided by 200 million adults comes to $425 per adult–not $425,000

25 09 2008
Renee Johnson

GO ALASKANS! I have been following the news carefully from Alaska and was very encouraged to read this this morning. I live in Atlanta, Ga and immediately contacted all my friends with the number to CNN (404-827-2600) where you can speak with someone personally if you have a news tip. I gave them the mudflats website and briefly read to the representative about the Saturday rally -trying to get you guys some more exposure. Wish I could be there to support you! And wish we could uniformly do just like in the movie Network – yell out our window and state: I AM MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE! –
Everyone needs to know how the state of Alaska has been violated and people that have tried to be decent citizens of this state. It is awful and I commend you for what you are doing. Keep up the good work!!

25 09 2008

What I wouldn’t do or give to join y’all on Saturday. I’ll be quiet here in Dallas, Texas, listening for your voices on Saturday.

25 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Earmark, BUMMER!

25 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Read or re-read this story on mudflats – that was a brave guy and I hope the rally in Anchorage is a tribute to him. Get out there folks, if I could, I’d be there!

Palin Lies: One Man’s Protest on the Juneau Cruise Ship Docks.

25 09 2008

I love your site, read it often. I do wish I could join you guys on Sat., I so know what it is like to live in a Red state (TX). You just have to call the repugs on their lies and injustices. Maybe this will go a long way in helping turn you guys Blue.

25 09 2008
Richard Tarzan

After the years I spent in Copper River country, and the southeast, I was starting to wonder if the glitz of a favorite, uh…daughter running was somehow going to overcome the inate clear vision of my former fellow citizens.

Fears unfounded, confidence reclaimed. Huzzah!!

Wish to bottom of being I could be there.. but in spirit will be.
Go Alaska! Give’em hell!

Commando Coalfire Palin

25 09 2008

I have been agitating for action and posting agitated comments such as on ADN.com for some time ever since I came back from moose camp over several weekends and watched as Alaska’s good name got dragged through the mud (no insult to you) thanks to Republican National Party tactics with McCain/Palin approval.
I was appalled and embarassed at first during the RNC convention with Palin’s performance and the speech they wrote/gave her to read with a few of her personal tidbits and folksy small town sayings thrown in. But now I see how HER true Inner Pittbull has reared its’ ugly head- much like Putin’s and I doubt we will see the former version of Sarah again.
Hoorah for investigative journalists mostly from Outside and Alaskan based blogs. I appreciate you all. Wish they were around when we needed Sarah vetted as she ran for Gov. two years ago, coasted to the seat on the coattails of FBI investigations of dirty AK. republicans.
I live in Interior Alaska in a village along the Yukon and can’t make the rally but agitated for such a response. All you Anchorage and roadsystem folks-please publicize a way for us in the bush to get involved such as recall/impeachment petition, petition to legislators etc. Will donate, sign, write advocacy letters.
I feel like she is a ready to be filled up as a policy windup/pin-up puppet for all those extreme right wing causes that never represented and always seemed to fool the Great Decent Real Silent Majority in America. Eight years of dismal failures, deceptions, war deaths- devastating injuries and economic near ruins is ENOUGH.
End this deja vu presidential stop loss before we lose in so many more ways as a Great Nation. Let America pursue Being America again.
I’m a Clinton demographic for Dems-Obama/Biden.
P.S. Hey-did you all see that great Ohio speech by Biden on Foreign Policy on Wednesday -before it was blown off the air due to Wall Street BailOutGate?? Can you imagine Palin being in that league of understanding? Can’t wait for Veep Debates and next Sat. Nite Live.
Don’t ya all wish you could get inside Hillary’s mind as she evaluates the fem-fantasy candidate Palin ? I think America has been weaned on too much Paris-Lindsay-Michael J.-Angelina-fifteen minutes to lifetime fad fame commercial onslaught for decades now.
This webby ‘Set of Tubes’ and Dish TV really keeps me informed with the world and help this small village gal round out my moose huntin, snowshoeing mom, and grouse pluckin set of skills…that is when I can unglue my eyes from watching out my backdoor for all those Ruskies tryin to sneak onto western AK. coast.
How embarassing for Alaska -who already was perceived with misconceptions in the minds of fellow Americans. Now more myths have been added thanks to Sarah who just had to take her colorful clan on a GOP trip across America-for the first time-at ‘our’ expense.

26 09 2008

I heard many want Palin to pull out…not just us lol but GOP advisers and the like…

Anyone read anything similar???

Anyway…check out this prelude to the debates and be sure to check em out in a little bit….


27 09 2008

Who ever knew people in Alaska were so creative. This needs to get some national coverage. Your signs are LOL great, and an inspiration to us here on the Left Coast. Alaska sign makers rock!!!!!!!