Alaskans React to “The Interview.”

12 09 2008

Sarah Palin has her first public debut since getting the VP nod under her belt. The first part of her series of interviews with ABC’s Charles Gibson aired last night. I anticipated that Alaskans far and wide from Juneau to Little Diomede would be glued to their TVs and hanging on her every word. I was very surprised when most people I spoke to this morning said, “I couldn’t bring myself to watch.” Lacking anyone to talk to for local reaction, I spent my morning coffee time perusing the reactions on the Anchorage Daily News blog. Interesting.

There were not nearly as many supportive answers as I expected. Here’s a quick tally:

Bravo – 17

Boo Hiss – 51

There were some interesting subsets of comments as well.

Eyerolling at the “You can see Russia” comment – 5

I am so embarrased – 5

Charles Gibson was trying to ‘trap’ her – 5

Negative comments about Obama – 4

The Dems are Desperate – 4

Vote Bob Barr – 1

Vote Ron Paul – 1

Here’s a smattering of comments for your reading pleasure. If you want to read them all, go HERE.

Bravo Sarah! Good job on a interview that was not a calk [sic] walk.

What an idiot!! She has no idea what she is talking about. Having her in there with her religious ideas is scary enough. But couple that with no understanding of world politics is horrific. Vote Obama and Biden and save our country from these lunitics.

It’s sad really. That people just look past how completely unqualified and unprepared she is for this position. Why? Because she’s from Alaska? Because she’s pretty? Charming? Listen to what she’s saying! She may be a great governor, but that certainly doesn’t mean she’s ready to lead the country. Seriously – you can see Russia from Alaska – so that makes her qualified to do what exactly?

Sarah is my ticket for VP. I’m a Democrat. It doesnt matter what any NBC reporter says, or what the OBAAMA dems mythbuster compagne conludes in Alaska, and quit frankly I don’t care what her qualifications are at this point because she will learn as she goes. She has less polical blemishes on her record as compared to any long term politician. Yes…she may have less experience about foreign policy affairs but I know she will do a good job. Sarah is the fresh new face we need as VP. With all the false claims the dems have made has made me change my view about OBAAMA’s tackics. I say keep up the false accusations and more folks will be changing sides to McCain and Sarah.

I think Palin is likable and does come off as an average person, but that is why Bush got elected and I am hoping the last eight years has taught us that one thing we don’t want in the white house is someone who is average and likeable.

Isn’t the candidate supposed to know more than the interviewer? Sarah should go back to TV sports reporter and let Gibson have her slot as VP candidate.

Great job Sarah! We support you and John McCain.

Message to the citizens of the United States of America: Welcome to Mayberry.

Keep it up SARAH, tell Charlie what we’re about, it makes him mad when you stuck to your guns, he was trying to get you to admit, nice try, but, didn’t work, He’s worried that your interviews with him will look good! and Its good that WE are doing this, because it shows how important our COUNTRY is! your doing a GREAT JOB.

Bobbing and weaving. Our Gov can duck and block better than a boxer with no punch.
Cramming for a test and then getting a passing score doesn’t mean you have a real understanding of the problems.

The bashing continues, the liberals are rabid, Sarah continues to push the McCain/Palin ticket higher in the polls. The Democrats have again given the the republicans the election, putting Joe Biden in as VP was a gift and as the saying goes shows the liberals are “dummer than a box of rocks”.

I think McCain mght be voting for Obama in this election because by now he MUST have figured out that he himself is just not the right candidate for the job, considering who he picked for his VP running mate. By now he must be thinking he would really, really like to go in the “way back machine” and change his mind about his choice. Poor guy must be black and blue by now from smacking himself in the head every time she opened her mouth and answered one of Charles Gibson’s questions. Yikes!

My pit bull is smarter than Palin. She’s doing all the tricks the McCain campaign taught her to do. Very trainable.

I’m sure that those who saw the interview and aren’t likely to blog on the Anchorage Daily News site probably had a more favorable reaction. And I suspect from some of the comments I read that the focus will be “Why didn’t anyone ask Obama if he thought he had enough experience?” And “Charlie Gibson was aggressive and tried to trap her!”

Good thing all those world leaders she hasn’t met yet will play nice.



100 responses

12 09 2008

Here was my take:

Lady McSham: If she’s ready … please shoot me

Ready to run – in a hamster wheel.

Ready to smile and lie – through pursed tongue – on Day One.

Ready to curl up in a ball – with clenched, shaking fist.

America has apparently marched on without me. Somewhere along the way, I was supposed to leave my mind behind – and march on without one.

National Farce is an understatement to describe the Republican side in 2008. Words fail – as my mind descends deeper and deeper into unreadiness. You’d at least like to see people with some humility. But a clenched fist and threats of war, while expressing “no second guesses,” seem to be the “special of the day.”

I’m not sure whether to volunteer myself for a prime time interview where I recite difficult to pronounce names of world leaders with Charlie Gibson – and try to plead for sanity. Or whether I should volunteer to be first in line for the firing squad – cuz I’m simply not ready to face Day “One More” of Lady McSham.

Things like the Constitution and Habeas Corpus and Honor and Dignity and Humility seem to have gone right out the window on the Republican Side this election season. I guess I’m supposed to get ready for de facto dictatorship of the worst sort – where people willingly submit to electoral lobotomies and cheer vapid ghosts and pretty heads – who shake fists while nearly curling bodies in a ball.

I’m ready to eat my last meal. And say my goodbyes. Before they shoot me. I’d rather die – if she’s ready – and they loose her.

12 09 2008

Thanks for the on the spot reportage!

12 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Congratulations AKMuckraker for all the press you’ve received! From one of the articles, we now know that you are a woman. You go girl. You’ve done a great job.

To the readers who were appreciative for the AIPAC documentary: You’re welcome!

It is my way of offering you the “red pill.” Here is the link again. The intro is in Dutch (with subtitles) but the rest is in English. I just love how Richard Perle’s own words end up making the case for the Walt-Mearsheimer report!

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

I really don’t understand what is happening to this country. It’s like someone slipped a drug in our water that is making half the people in this country go bat-shit crazy. How anyone could think that woman is qualified to be VP, much less President is beyond me.

I was somewhat surprised that Charlie Gibson asked some substantive questions, but he never followed up and held her feet to the fire.

Next up, Sean Hannity. That should be a real hoot.

12 09 2008


Thanks again for your diligent reporting!

12 09 2008

The “Fourth Estate” refers to the capacity of the press to frame political issues. As we watch the SP interview and listen to the reports in the main stream media, we see and hear glaring inconsistencies. Perhaps this is a symptom of the national media being held captive by corporate influence.

12 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@Kate, I agree. However, in the words of Tony Sachs in the Huffington-Post yesterday:

“And the election will become about who’s dumber and more ignorant.

And you know which party’s going to win that one.”

The Republicans are much better at the Democrats at one thing — playing dirty. I must say, they’re doing a pretty good job of defending some of what happened last night.

Many, many Americans are generally very ill-informed and choose to stay that way. I’m not even sure who scares me more at this point, Palin or the American public.

Palin is bad for the country but she’s good for the ticket.

Be afraid, people, very afraid.

12 09 2008
Nightmare in America

McCain campaign admits mailing 1 million bad ballots to Ohio voters:;jsessionid=AC2625912236EAA1B7A4A44E84300C79?diaryId=113

12 09 2008

Maybe Charlie Gibson should be VP ! He certainly knows a hell of a lot more than Palin. I’m seeing comments about her being new enough not to be “corrupted” by politics. Um, that’s assuming she started out in this with any sort of idealism at all. Doubtful, I think all she’s learned from day one is how to use corruption to her advantage, how? by out corrupting the corrupters. Well if they want an expert politician in charge of the new-clear codes they certainly have one to vote for in Palin. If they want an informed president they should probably look elsewhere. Remember the outrage regarding the Brits “How could 52 million people be so stupid” headline? Let’s hope we don’t have to apologize to them for taking umbrage.

12 09 2008

Truly it is said, there are none so blind as those who will not see. Anyone who regards Palin’s performance as anything other than a disaster for the ticket, either has the lowest of low standards, or wasn’t watching.

12 09 2008

Do the republicans really believe that Putin would be easier on Palin than Charles Gibson was. What in the world are these people thinking when they complain about the interviewer. Do they really believe the other candidates aren’t treated the same – and even worse. Because she knows nothing, she is supposed to be treated with deference???? Do they think this is an election for the PTA. People – this woman could be PRESIDENT of the United States – I think the Softballs lobbed in by Charles Gibson will look pretty tame in comparison to those lobbed by Osama Bin Laden. This woman could become president of the United States and people are mad because it seemed like the interviewer failed to make her look more knowledgeable that she really is. I’m going to melt away if this keeps up.

12 09 2008

Sarah Palin–If she’s the answer, it must be a stupid question!

12 09 2008

Putin…Osama bin Ladin…do you really think she will be taken seriously. Good lord…Condie was 100 times better…and she had difficulty.

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

Amused and Bewildered (10:54:59) :

Many, many Americans are generally very ill-informed and choose to stay that way. I’m not even sure who scares me more at this point, Palin or the American public.

Palin is bad for the country but she’s good for the ticket.

Be afraid, people, very afraid

I know that I am more afraid of the American public. People keep voting against their own best self interest. Vote for god-guns-gays and don’t pay any attention to the fact that you can no longer support your family.

I can’t believe that even Republicans aren’t terrified of this woman. The other day I had a thought that this was just a grand design. Get McBush/Palin elected, McBush steps down because he’s too sick. Palin becomes President and then the Republicans put in a Vice President to run the show the same way that Cheney did with Bush. BUT, I believe that the Republicans may have decided they made a mistake with Palin. Considering her personality, she is quite likely to tell them to all take a hike and then proceed to run the country the way she wants to run it.

12 09 2008

LOL, Diva. Good one! 🙂

(And yet, it all the GOP can offer our democracy….AGHHH)

12 09 2008

The Talking points of the spinmeisters:

“The interview went great, but Charlie sitting above her? and looking over his glasses was very Intimidating.”

Now she had just said She’s Ready, Day 1, to be President and CiC if need be!!

But the poor little girl was shaken up by the big old Mean Man sitting there Asking Tough? Questions, Booo Hooo Boo Hoo!!!

12 09 2008

I wonder, though … IF Palin makes it to the Naval Observatory, does McCain actually intend to do anything with her? I don’t think she’ll be meeting any heads of state, to be honest, maybe at White House parties, but that’s it. Or maybe her duty post will be Wasilla. Who knows. I have a feeling that Palin serves no purpose than to get attention during the election, and if McCain takes office, she’ll have very few responsibilities. Which will cause tremendous trouble when he kicks the bucket, because, frankly, if he gets that job, it is going to kill him.

Obama/Biden 08.

12 09 2008


12 09 2008

THANK-YOU! AGAIN THANK-YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 09 2008

It’s called militant ignorance. Trying to educate the folks who want a president “I can have a beer with” is futile. While I hate the old electoral college thing, I’m hoping it will save us this time.

12 09 2008

I haven’t seen all the interview segments, so I don’t know the answer to whether Charlie ever asked her about the rape kits. Did he? Someone over on Daily Kos finally got hold of Irl Stambaugh, the police chief Queen Sarah fired, and he says the policy requiring the victims to pay for the kits came during his successor’s tenure. For anyone who was wondering if it might have been a policy Her Majesty inherited, that is not the case. It was something put in place WHILE she was mayor and apparently with her knowledge and approval.

Disgusting. But not surprising, given everything we’re finding out about this very messed-up woman.

12 09 2008

Count me an Alaskan in the “Deeply Embarrassed” column. We have a greater onus than any others now to make sure Alaskans understand we have been duped by this woman, and must stand up. As a lifelong Alaskan, I am proud of our independent spirit, can do attitude, and love of environment and Native culture. This woman is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and a perversion of those values.

12 09 2008
Fired UP

Hello all-

Polls out today suggest that McCain has a slight lead over Palin. I know they may be inaccurate, but they scare the you-know-what out of me.

I am attaching a link to an e-mail I received from the Obama Campaign. It is a call to lawyers and law students to volunteer to monitor polling stations on election day to ensure that all the newly registered voters that our volunteers have spent countless hours registering, actually get to vote on election day. Obviously, this is particularly important in places like Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania where the campaign has registered tens of thousands of new voters and where (particularly Ohio), the Republicans have a history of working hard to challenge democratic voters (google “voter caging” and you will know what I mean).

SO- to all you lawyers and law students out there (and probably paralegals and anyone else in the legal industry), please check out the link below and volunteer to help out in any way you can so we can make sure that we do not have another 4 years of … well… the same (I am trying to be nice here).

12 09 2008

a possible small sliver of silver lining on this cloud: If that was the response from a generally Republican, pro-Sarah Alaska, could it perhaps be indicative of the country reacting even more negatively to her performance?

@ Kate Henry – George Lakoff explained that whole ‘people voting against their self-interest’ thing in the Huffington Post. it’s a fascinating article on what works and what doesn’t in elections:

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

Waxman (11:00:51) :
Do the republicans really believe that Putin would be easier on Palin than Charles Gibson was. What in the world are these people thinking when they complain about the interviewer. Do they really believe the other candidates aren’t treated the same – and even worse.

I have read several places today the statement “No one has asked Obama tough questions like that”. Give me a break. What do they think happened during the 20 or so debates? As to the issue of supposed “gotcha” questions, I guess they have all forgotten that Democratic debate that Gibson moderated.

12 09 2008

Neither John or Sarah have a history of intellectual debate, and rankle at people who don’t agree with them (librarians and intimidating police chiefs, journalists who behave like journalists…). Geo. Bush is infamous for surrounding himself with only ‘Yessir” staff, and I see no difference in this crew.

Alaskans, Unite! OBAMA/Biden

12 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Holy smokes AKM. Just the spelling is evidence enough to discredit most of her cheering squad!

12 09 2008

Here’s what conservative Andrew Sullivan just wrote:
“Chill, guys. The McCain camp is in a death spiral. A reader writes:
‘Like many Obama supporters, I’ve been in a poll-induced funk recently. So I went to the Obama HQ in downtown Orlando looking for a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, something, anything, to make myself not feel so damn worried. Here’s what I found:
1. A brisk campaign operation staffed mostly by 25-35 year olds, all at computers, all analyzing data on GOTV operations.
2. After speaking with my precinct captain who was present, she told me that since August 1, the downtown HQ has registered 80,000 new voters. Let that number sink in. In the last 40 days or so, they’ve registered an average of 2,000 voters per day…'”
More at []

12 09 2008

You can put a tiara on a pig, doesn’t mean you can enter it in a beauty contest.

12 09 2008

My one edit for ‘Sarah is my ticket’ is: She has FEWER political blemishes. I just wish Sarah could pronounce ‘nuclear’ correctly. Eight years of GWB scrambling ‘nucular’ is enough for me. /s

12 09 2008

I wish someone would ask Sarah who is going to support Levi and Bristol (and their baby) now that Levi has dropped out of high school.

12 09 2008

CRFLATS (11:27:42) :

Count me an Alaskan in the “Deeply Embarrassed” column. We have a greater onus than any others now to make sure Alaskans understand we have been duped by this woman, and must stand up. As a lifelong Alaskan, I am proud of our independent spirit, can do attitude, and love of environment and Native culture. This woman is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and a perversion of those values.

I wish those DRILL DRILL DRILL Alaskans would truly understand just what they might be trading for oil dollars. Besides some souls on the part of the Palin types, how about the vast, UNDISTURBED, beauty of Alaska, their privacy, lifestyle, freewheeling society, wait until Alaska truly booms because of oil. OMG you ain’t seen nothing until you have the oil execs, trophy wives and their entourages show expecting Alaska to cater to their every craven whim. Good luck with that. Palin went to Nordstroms pining for glamour and she’s going to see you all out to get some.

12 09 2008

McCain-Palin ticket ready to implode

12 09 2008

That would be sell you all out, not see you all out. My four year old started screeching for ice cream, see what happens when one must actually deal with their children.

12 09 2008

The difference between Sarah “Hockey Mom” and any other ‘Mom”: Mom’s love and respect their children. They don’t serve them up on a platter to the world to be picked over. They think of their family first, then decide what their next move is visa vie their careers, home re-location, health concerns, any number of big decisions. It is not a sexist comment. It is simply a comment that should be levied whether the candidate is a man (father) or woman (mom). Her family has “special needs”, but she seems oblivious to them, beyond convenient political and staging props. “Family Values” my **s. She said herself, she didn’t blink, and said “Yes” when asked probably the most important question of her career. I’m a mom, it is the most important moniker I have, and I second guess every decision, big and small, about my family. Those decisions that are really big, become family decisions, not mine alone. Same goes for my children’s father. She doesn’t have a family, she has a Palin Cult.

12 09 2008
John Henry

Someone has done the work of compiling all the lies from John McCain:

There’s an entire production studio working on Sarah’s. Apparently its a moving target. 😉

12 09 2008

Having only seen Alaska through PBS and relatives who took cruises there, this blog connects me to people, and I am very impressed. I respect your history and your culture. I’m thrilled to be able to learn more about my country through you, and appreciate the true beauty of your state. Thank you so very much.

12 09 2008

Too late, already happening. We were a blue state through and through before oil. The big summer houses, trophy wives, and Valley oil worker minions are already part of the landscape and thus, our Red status.

12 09 2008
RJ Johnson

Last night, Sarah Palin looked like the love child of Phyllis Schlafly and Dan Quayle. Or maybe NNehemiah Scudder in a skirt, I’m not sure

12 09 2008
Darling Turpentine

She pronounces the word “nuclear” just like George Bush.

American conservative governments really do adversely affect the rest of us on this planet. It’s a shame we don’t have a say in your politics. All we see in Sarah Palin is the same level of hypocrisy, arrogance, and rhetoric we’ve endured for the past seven years.

Sydney, Australia

12 09 2008

McCain on Mayors and Governors:

12 09 2008

So what is the deal with this $3,000 or so that Alaskans got paid re the oil thing? What do you have to do to get a share in that money? You just have to live there, or did you have to be born there or something?

BTW The Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers has helped to show some of the beauty of Alaska to the world.. I’m in Australia and we get to see both of them here.

12 09 2008
Sandy Beach


You have to have lived here for 1 year. Normal dividend is about $1000 annually. This year it’s $2069, highest ever, due to oil profits. Plus, we get a one-time energy rebate of $1200 that is supposed to help you play your insane fuel bill but instead will go to ensure that every Alaskan has a flat-screen TV. That last part was Sarah’s brilliant idea.

12 09 2008

Palmdale, CA: Holy smokes AKM. Just the spelling is evidence enough to discredit most of her cheering squad!—

that’s exactly what I thought!

All Americans should be worried and working to prevent her/McCain from becoming VP/President–they will have to reintroduce the draft to cover all the wars they are going to start–Georgia, Iran, Russia, etc. We’re currently screwing up in Iraq and Afghanistan and they want to go fight more….

12 09 2008

About the $ we Alaskans get (PFD- Permenant Fund Dividend), or this Alaskans view: Long Ago, in a galaxy far far away, when the oil folks (enter Darth Vader) first hit town, we had a statesman governor ( a TRUE maverick R) named Jay Hammond who wanted to return a portion of the royalty largess to the owners of the resource–the people of Alaska. He also wanted the same for the following generations, and thus a PFD trust was set up. The earnings reflect the price of oil as well as how well the stock market is doing (where the earnings are invested by the trust). This is a bumper year due to the price of oil and the bribe Palin added on as an “energy rebate” (another story there). You must be a resident of 2 years with other caveats to qualify.

12 09 2008

@RJ Johnson

LOL. I enjoyed that.

To me, it looked like the “question and answer” period of a beauty pageant. No wonder she didn’t win first place all those years ago.
At least she didn’t spout something about “world peace.” But that would have been priceless.

12 09 2008
Rebecca in Chicago

I apologize if this has already been suggested, but I think we all need to email Sean Hannidy before his interview with Ms. Palin. Something along the lines of, “Mr. Hannidy, I know how much you love this country, so please do the right thing in helping us, the voters, decide who the best candidate for President/VP is. While I may not agree with you on all matters, I don’t doubt your sincerity as a patriot and ask you please, as a concerned citizen, to present a fair and balanced interview with Gov. Palin. This is a critical juncture in American history, millions of people all over the world will be affected by the decision we as a country make on Nov. 4th, and nothing will be gained from keeping things hidden from us, the voters. So, again, I implore you, be fair and balanced with Gov. Palin, we need your help to understand where she stands on ALL issues.”

I’m not saying it will work, but if enough people email, maybe he’ll actually ask a real question or two.

12 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

I have read several places today the statement “No one has asked Obama tough questions like that”. Give me a break. What do they think happened during the 20 or so debates? As to the issue of supposed “gotcha” questions, I guess they have all forgotten that Democratic debate that Gibson moderated.

Not only that. Sure, I am willing to concede that the questions were tough (although they could even have been a lot tougher)! The problem here is that the American public has 60 days to get to know this woman. 60 days! Limited time as opposed to the other candidates, ALL of whom we know to a certain extent. Of course they’re going to be tough questions!

So take away all the things that were supposed to be hands-off (which Gibson did), take away questions that face America — what’s left that he was supposed to ask?

We’ve yet to hear about the economy, which I’m assuming we’ll hear tonight. We already know from her little gaffe that she’s not well-versed on the housing crisis so my guess is that all the questions she’l be asked about the economy will contain anwers about “energy independence” and how she put money in the pocket of Alaskans with the rebate.

I thought of 2 things today. One was that the interview last night reminded me that she participated in beauty pageants. The answers were just slightly more specific than the well-rehearsed stock ones you get at the end of pageants from the contestants. The second thing I thought of was that movie, “Simone”, with Dustin Hoffman. You know, that bomb where he concocted a fake virtual movie star. Well, if I hadn’t seen Palin speak to an actual person last night and know from all of you fine Alaskans that she really does exist, I wouldn’t be convinced that she actually does!

Truth is, I don’t know that she’s really much different than “Simone”. Someone is pushing levers for her, too.

12 09 2008

Darling Turpentine (12:18:28) :
She pronounces the word “nuclear” just like George Bush.

American conservative governments really do adversely affect the rest of us on this planet. It’s a shame we don’t have a say in your politics. All we see in Sarah Palin is the same level of hypocrisy, arrogance, and rhetoric we’ve endured for the past seven years.

Sydney, Australia

Conservative governments in any country are directly correlated to increased suicides. In most cases, Men commit suicide at a rate of 15% more and women at a rate of 40% more. The studies on this were done in your country and repeated in the UK.

As for Palin, sheesh, what can I say? These people make me crazy.

12 09 2008

World war 3 is iminent if McCain/Palin win the white house. I am not a religious fanatic, but God help us All, not only the country but the entire human race.

12 09 2008

I can’t get the Beauty Pageant (Mrs. America) vision out of my head. Great Political Cartoon material:
“Yes, Charlee, I will bomb Russia and bring World Peace and Jesus’ Love to the whole world. Have you tasted this delicious Kool-Aid?”

12 09 2008
Darling Turpentine

Whatever happened to Tony Knowles? Is he still alive? I don’t understand how Alaskans could have him in Juneau for two terms then three years later vote in Palin? WTF!?!?

Wally (You can’t let nature run wild) Hickle would be loving this. Where did he get to? I always imagined him holed up in the penthouse of the Hotel Captain Cook opening lukewarm TV dinners with fistfuls of kleenex and ranting about the stuffed bear in the lobby coming to get him.

Sydney, Australia

12 09 2008

Thanks Sandy Beach and CRFLATS for the info re the oil monies. 🙂

I would have thought they could have drilled NEW-CLEAR into her after her speech transcripts were released with new-clear in them. She got it right with the teleprompter but not during the interview. If they can’t even teach her to get that right.. there’s not much hope for her..

12 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Darling Turpentine,
Actually, these two are far worse than the last 8, if that’s possible. With Cheney, at least his decisions were made with his albeit evil brain. As a result they were predictable. And we know that he had a great deal of influence on W and his knee-jerk reactions. And there were a few sane heads in the Cabinet, even if W didn’t ultimately listen to them. But at least they were there to offer a counter point of view.

This time around, both McCain and Palin make ill-conceived and ill-considered decisions. They’ll be aiding and abetting each other. And I have zero confidence that they’ll listen to anyone else. After all, Sarah listens to God, what else does she need. note dripping sarcasm I have a minimal amount of confidence that McCain will at least surround himself with a few thinkers. She thinks she’s smart enough and experienced enough to go it alone.

Any rational person would have asked for a day or two at least to consider a response if asked to be a running mate. She has a family and 650,000 “subjects” to consider. Even if her answer would still have been “yes”, they deserved at least a modicum of consideration and thought before she jumped at the chance.

12 09 2008

Fired up, Thanks for reminding us about the importance of making sure the votes that are cast are actually counted (and not the votes run through Republican servers.) I am less worried about Pennsylvania; Philly and Pittsburgh are controlled by the Democrats and there is a Democratic Secretary of State, so there is not much of an opportunity for monkey business here. Fast Eddie Rendell is not going to let anybody “steal” Pennsylvania.

But voter turnout for Obama here is key.

There is a longish video on conservative (and pro-Obama) Andrew Sullivan’s website. It’s goofy but will make you feel good if you stick to the end.

12 09 2008



And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw, I wondered with great admiration.

And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

And the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning

I know some don’t believe in the bible, or God, but I do. Just something to think about.

12 09 2008

Hey guys, I see everyone is in rare form today!

Okay this is a little off this particular topic, but can one of the Alaskans
tell me why there are wolf and bear haters? Why do they want to kill them?
I never understood that?

12 09 2008


I posted this earlier but it didn’t appear – may have later but haven’t had time to check.


12 09 2008

To be fair, some idiotic Democrats misprounce “nuclear” (as “nukular”) as well. Case in point: Former President Jimmy Carter.

I’m sorry, but to me anyone appearing on the world stage but not only be literate but ARTICULATE.

12 09 2008

LetsGe Real: OMG! That Bible quote is priceless.

12 09 2008

DivaTalk: No Wolf and Bear Haters Here. Just a difference in opinion as to how to control predator populations. The wolf and bear hunt and eat moose. Alaskans hunt and eat moose. The differences show up in which group supports a fair fight, and which do not.

12 09 2008

SP’s performance had all the nuance of a freshman political science major from Bob Jones University. Please God the country snaps out of this swoon before it’s too late.

12 09 2008

CORRECTION: Should have been “should not only be literate…” not “but not only be literate.” I was up too late last night laughing at the Palin trainwreck.

12 09 2008

LetsGetReal–Please state chapter & verse of the Bible of the quote you presented here.

12 09 2008

Revelations 17, 5-7. 18, 4-5, 9

12 09 2008

I almost read the Book of Revelation last night. Then I realized all I had to do was watch it on television.

12 09 2008

Fired Up—At your suggestion, I just signed up to help monitor polling stations on election day and have emailed all the lawyers I know. Here’s the link if any of you want to sign up to help. We need to make sure that all registered voters are actually ABLE to vote, especially given the McCain tricks going on in Ohio.

12 09 2008

Thank you, LetGetReal,
I’ve ordered a T-shirt made. I will wear it to Church soonest.

12 09 2008


Adulterer. Addict. Career-Obsessed Mom: Why No “Character Issue” in this Race?
Maia Szalavitz
Posted September 12, 2008 |

A presidential candidate dumps his wife of 15 years to marry a younger woman. His new wife — whose multimillion dollar fortune comes from booze — steals painkillers from a charity, forges prescriptions and causes a doctor to lose his license because of her lies and manipulation to feed her opiate habit.

The man’s running mate put her unborn child’s life at risk to make a speech important to her career while leaking amniotic fluid. She has a pregnant teenage daughter.

If any of these people were Democrats, I’m sure the media would be telling the story this starkly. It would be called the “character” issue.


12 09 2008

“She’ll learn as she goes”

I thought this wasn’t a time for self discovery or on-the-job-training! Man, I agree teh American public that stopped paying attention awhile ago scares me even more than a possible McCain/Palin win in November.

12 09 2008

Rebecca in Chicago said:

“I think we all need to email Sean Hannidy before his interview with Ms. Palin. Something along the lines of, “Mr. Hannidy, I know how much you love this country, so please do the right thing in helping us, the voters, decide who the best candidate for President/VP is. While I may not agree with you on all matters, I don’t doubt your sincerity as a patriot and ask you please, as a concerned citizen, to present a fair and balanced interview with Gov. Palin. This is a critical juncture in American history, millions of people all over the world will be affected by the decision we as a country make on Nov. 4th, and nothing will be gained from keeping things hidden from us, the voters. So, again, I implore you, be fair and balanced with Gov. Palin, we need your help to understand where she stands on ALL issues.” ”

I think it’s a great idea. Might I suggest that anyone who does this, it is only in the interest of the Obama campaign if we show Mr. Hannity the respect and deference he deserves. (Couldn’t resist.) But I do think it works best to address him in a calm and even tone.

And if he gives her a get out of jail free card, we can blast him then. Let the wolf fur fly!

12 09 2008

I’ve already signed up for polling duties in Pennsylvania. I did it for the primaries. Folks didn’t seem thrilled to have me there, but were pleasant enough. My concern for the general election will be Republican attempts to suppress the vote.

12 09 2008

So if she was plagerizing Abe Lincoln in church, why didn’t she make that reference during her speech right there in the church? I’m sure the church people would have liked to know how Abe Lincoln felt way back when. Oh I know…because she WASN’T referring to Abe Lincoln. The GOP speechwriter/interview cheat sheet writers had to Google “mission from God famous speeches” and they got a hit on an Abe Lincoln quote and ran with it!

By the way, my house is closest to the hospital down the street, so I have a lot of experience in healthcare policy.

12 09 2008
Memphis, NY

Please get involved
All you have to do is send 10 stamped post cards from your state or counrty in support of OBAMA

These will be sent to voters in Ohio

Can you imagine a voter in Ohio receiving a beautiful postcard of Alaska in support of Obama

12 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Early report!!

She’s doing a little better in this one. Still twisting answers to accommodate questions though — even got to throw in the unemployment rate statisic. (Uses the word “also” a lot when she tries to add a fact she knows.) Used the word “reform” too many times to count –so often that when she was talking about earmarks she said EARFORM!!

Oh, apparently she got a crash course in Fannie and Freddie. I guess she’s now an expert on the housing crisis.

To anyone who knows the score, she’s still going to appear like an idiot. I think there’ll be less holes to attack on this part of the interview though. But, I guess we’ll see! I’m sure I missed a lot because it’s another little blizzard of words.

12 09 2008

Just thot of another political cartoon: (picture Sarah in Wizard of OZ with a cranky face):

Yeah, I’m pissed! Someone just dropped a house on my sister!

12 09 2008

I’m off to buy some AK postcards & stamps for Obama—good idea Obama Campaign (sending cards to Ohio). Thank you Memphis NY for the link.

12 09 2008

She was rehearsed and completely unable to veer off the script. She had this deer caught in the headlights look when asked about the Bush Doctrine, which even I knew about and I am in no way qualified to be VP of this country.

The moment that had my husband and myself laughing hardest? You can see Russia from one point in Alaska. Oh yeah, sure you’ve got foreign policy experience. And here I thought Cindy McCain just had an overdose of Botox when she said in defense of Palin’s lack of foreign policy experience that she does live in a state that is closest to Russia. Dumb and Dumber. LOL

12 09 2008

One of my favorite Gospel songs, by Vanessa Bell-Armstrong.

So, I say this to the Repub’s for Obama!!!


You hide behind walls of Jericho, your lies will come tumbling down. Deny my place in time, you squander well that’s fine. My light will shine so brightly, it will blind ya.

Brothers and sista’s when they insist we’re just not good enough, of who we are…we know better, yes we know better, just look em in the eyes and say, we’re gonna do it anyway, we’re gonna do it anyway. Something inside so strong!!

12 09 2008

Thanks to the person who posted the link about postcards. I’ve signed up for the local gathering of postcard writers! Takes place just early enough to allow for time to get to the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally. What a great uplifting day that will be!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Alaskan Women!!!!!!!!!

12 09 2008
Chicago Sue

Obama is right now giving a town hall (its just started, so tune in for a live stream at:

12 09 2008

I know this is off topic but the Anchorage Daily News has an article –

Wasilla rape victims billed when Palin was the mayor

It includes a comment section with the post-


September 12, 2008 – 10:52am | black33
Palin believes life begins at rape
Part of the reason Palin did not support paying for forensic kits is at the end of the rape exam the victim is offered emergency contraception.
Despite what the McSame campaign is saying, she took this incredible stance to be consistent with her view that government should require victims of rape and/or incest to carry the babies of criminals to term.


Does anyone know if this point is correct and if it is being followed up on?

12 09 2008

I want Gibson to ask her about McCain’s demeaning remarks towards women, including his own wife.

LOL – check this out!

12 09 2008

This breaks my heart. I am TERRIFIED for America’s future. The future looks like this under McCain/Palin:

Complete recession…perhaps the GREATEST depression. People lose jobs, their houses, their savings. We’re at war with 3 countries at a time. We start getting attacked on our soil more frequently. Because we’re at war with 3 countries, our national debt increases and we start allowing foreign investors to rescue us because we can no longer survive on our own. Abortions are outlawed, single mother rates increase, health-care is terrible. The death rate increases. Crime goes up as gun laws are completely relaxed. We start a draft because nobody really supports the war; however the Bush Doctrine is finally understood by Palin and enforced. She is president b/c John McCain has passed away. Race relations deteriorate. Economic disparity increases.

12 09 2008

Have people lost their minds! After seeing Palin’s interview last night, I’m appalled that the McCain campaign is still coming to her defense saying she did a terrific job. I’m not suprise that her supporters and McCain campaign would make every excuse they can to defend this woman. These people are either stupid or ingnorant! This is not a game nor America’s got talent, please don’t try to portray this woman as an icon. It is only fair that the Republicans and their stragetist owe the American people their true and honest view of this woman. What I really admire about the Demacrat’s campaign is that they’re more honest on their views but when it comes to the Republicans, they would say or do anything even lie to defend this woman. McCain campaign loves to accuse anyone who mentions the name Palin of being sexist. And now they’re accusing Gibson of not being fair and being too harsh on her. Please, if she can’t even take questions from Gibson how is she going to be ready to lead this nation! Clearly, people are basing this on gender and style. If that is what America wants, another four more year of Bush policy then let them suffer through the bad economy times and deserve what’s about to come ahead for this country if McCain/Palin gets elected. It’s so obvious this woman is not ready and does not have the experience to be the vp. It’s scary just thinking about the fact that she may very well lead this country someday if God forbid something was to happen to McCain if he gets elected. If that is the case, I don’t think I’ll feel safe in my bed every night. This whole Palin pick thing is such a job! She may have done some good for Alaska, but to be a vp of the United States it’s clear that she’s not the ready for that type of position.

12 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

as adn allows comments from all over the globe, im not sure how many of those comments really come from alaskans

and gibson was wrong on two counts

trying to trap her on the “bush doctrine”

and misquoting what she said to the bible students

and has anyone found that lincoln ever said what she says he said….cuz i cant find that quote anywhere…the one i did find that is close doesnt have the meaning that she thinks it does

12 09 2008

@Lady A
You forgot to add revolution to the end of that post, because if all of that transpires, that is exactly what you will have. Only this time the fight will be to take the COUNTRY BACK instead of seceding from it.

God help us all.

12 09 2008

One thing to keep in mind about this interview is that Charles Gibson is widely considered to be a lightweight: he’s hardly inclined to ask a difficult — or embarrassing — question of his subject.

Yet in the brief snippet of the first part, she conveyed to me the impression of someone interviewing for a job, who knows she’s bombing.

Her problem, I believe, is not in that she can’t handle an interview like this. I’ve seen video clips of her where she comes off very creditably — even in that one goofy episode where she grants Craig Ferguson citizenship of Alaska. Her problem is that she has a difficult time negotiating with a stranger who is an equal, someone she needs to persuade to see her own point of view. Up to now, all of her interactions have either been as a superior to a subordinate (e.g., mother to child, mayor to city employee) or a subordinate to a superior. This might explain why she reportedly found her membership on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission a tedious job.

Lack of this ability alone makes her a poor potential President: while I doubt she’ll cave to a foreign leader, I don’t see her having the ability to get them to agree to more than the most simple, uncontroversial requests — like having Luxembourg agree to an official City of Wasilla day.


13 09 2008

Now that SARAH PALIN and the world has been educated – will the infamous Bush Doctrine cause more U.S. casualties?

13 09 2008

I’m not sure which comment I liked better–

the one from the “Democrat” tells us McCain/Palin have his vote b/c of “what the OBAAMA dems mythbuster compagne conludes in Alaska” in what is only the first of very many creative spellings and takings of grammatical liberties.


The admitted Republican who warned us all that liberals are “dummer than a box of rocks”.

Behold 45% of the American electorate. It makes me laugh and laugh until I break down sobbing. My poor country.

WHY are so many SO proud of being SO ignorant??

13 09 2008
sam stevens

Rebecca – great idea about writing for a fair interview…please spell his name correctly and maybe he’ll take us more seriously. It’s spelled Sean Hannity with a “t” – not with a “d.” Good luck!

13 09 2008

McCain should get his tele-prompter as his running mate!

13 09 2008

The fact that Palin can See Russia from Alaska qualifies her to be vice-president (yikes – president) as much as McCain’s POW experience qualifies him.

WHY are so many SO proud of being SO ignorant??—-we have GW to thank for that….remember his first commencement address as president at Yale when he told the graduates with C averages that they too could be president… offense to anyone with a C average intended by me.

13 09 2008

AK49 (14:52:21) : just thot of another political cartoon: (picture Sarah in Wizard of OZ with a cranky face): ——–
This Kansan would love to see her melt in OZ…..or have those spiked heels sticking out from under a house…..

Marsha (15:15:26) :She was rehearsed and completely unable to veer off the script. She had this deer caught in the headlights look when asked about the Bush Doctrine,…..
I can’t wait to see her with Biden…..I wonder if she’ll have a not so secret bulge on her back connected to a hidden earpiece and Rove coaching her the way Bush was coached in his debate with Gore……..

13 09 2008
Paul Stravinsky

She is the wedge issue to end all wedge issues. I’m afraid that all the John Stewart illuminations of hypocrisy, like Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” preach to the converted and cement the opposition’s paranoia of a slanted press.

I like that people with audiences can say things like this: “I never realized that Satan looks like someone out of a LensCrafters ad.” –97.3 San Francisco radio Alice, but it’s San Francisco based. We need Christians for the Environment to say something like that, or Republicans for Obama.

“We felt like we were watching a lady version of George W. Bush, only she’s more eloquent and f**kable.” is a lovely quote by Perez Hilton that only goes as far as a Perez Hilton audience (of which I’m not even a member of.)

While Obama is too much of a gentleman to sink into this muck, he has underlings that would do well to start lobbing their own illuminations of their lies and the language of the radical right (“on a mission to reform this country” Palin said to Gibson.) I think the Clinton’s could address this in a “religiously” savvy way, as, I’m afraid, a lot of “believers” are emotional about God, not man.

Exposing the base motivations of these people will truly awaken even the most enamored personality hounds.

Well, we pray for that anyway.

14 09 2008

is it just me, or do those supporting the republicans seem to have more spelling and grammar mistakes? hmmm…

14 09 2008

I can see New Jersey from my house — does that make me a Soprano??? Just askin’

15 09 2008
joy first


Please tell me how to get my e-mail address off the address form.

I posted once on your site and logged in my email address and now it is turning up on every word press site and this is serious since there are some annoymous blogs I use overseas and it is critical that email address stay off.

What should I do to eliminate the email address popping up every time I access these sites.

15 09 2008

It is a little lighter night and so I wanted to share with you the talents of Rosemary Watson..

.I do not know this woman…(I found her on youtube)….she answers my emails though

Have some fun and enjoy her insightful humor on Hillary, Cindy and Sarah!

15 09 2008

Paul Stravinsky (22:12:33) :

I LOVE –97.3 San Francisco radio Alice,
great radio and a great old-fashioned name!

I have faith that by Obama speaking to us like adults that he will eventually get a mature reponse…the media seems to be adjusting….

let’s hope!

here is more Rosemary Watson for you!