Breaking News: Palin Says Teen Daughter is Pregnant

1 09 2008

The story has broken and we now know which version of “Babygate” is true.  Palin’s unwed 17-year old daughter is pregnant. 

Palin, who arrived in St. Paul today to accept the Republican nomination for vice president, sent out a joint statement with her husband, Todd.

“Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned,” they said. “We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.

“Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates,” the Palin family statement concluded.

This confirms three very important things:

  1. Trig is Palin’s baby, and the strange strange circumstances of his birth (delivering a speech in Texas while in labor, and taking the prolonged two-pronged commercial airline flight during a high-risk pregnancy without notifying the flight crew, then driving past two hospitals in Anchorage to deliver in a facility an hour drive away with no neonatal ICU) are apparently true.  Todd Palin’s reason for making those potentially life and death decisions about his wife and unborn son?  “You can’t have a fish-picker from Texas.” 
  2. The fact that Palin had a 16-year old who got pregnant out of wedlock was presumably unknown by the McCain people.  After all, he only met her twice, and probably never met any of her children.  And it was obviously too much of a bother to vet the candidate and at the very least know in advance what kind of sensational and unwanted headlines might follow.  AND, Palin didn’t volunteer this information.
  3. Our Republican Vice Presidential candidate is a person of questionable judgment. I don’t think there are many out there who would disagree with this statement at this point.

So, in the first three days, she’s lied about saying “Thanks but no thanks” on the bridge to nowhere, and withheld information from the campaign she’s supposedly trying to help, that could be devastating to McCain.  At the very least, it sure doesn’t help.  What’s next?

As I said before, this may be the tip of our Alaskan iceberg.  There are ‘gates’ a-plenty out there that are just waiting for some pretty basic investigation to reveal their secrets.



437 responses

1 09 2008

If Bristol is 5 months pregnant, that would mean she got pregnant while on medical home stay for a case of Mono?? Explain that one.

1 09 2008

why does it absolutely rule out that trig is not also bristols baby?

1 09 2008

Palin also supported abstinence only education. Check FirstRead. That decision really bit her on the butt.

Poor Bristol. She’ll never live this down. And I do hope she isn’t being forced into this marriage. No one whould have to end up in married before they are ready even if there is a kid involved. It’s bad on the kid too.

I feel so very safe voting for Obama in comparision. The Beauty and the Beast ticket gives me the frights.

1 09 2008

Jon, Bristol is 5 months pregnant. Trig is 4 months old. Unless there was a time warp, lol….

1 09 2008

There is a cover up going on.

The Alaska Daily News re-edited the details on the “baby bump” picture. They added the year 2006, and they also added the line “Trig Palin was born in 2008.” Those edits were NOT there earlier this weekend. l?/1521/gall…

If it really is 2006, then how did Piper age BACKWARDS, seen in this picture from the end of 2006:

1 09 2008

Actually, McCain claims that he did know, but only a few of his staffers knew. I do believe that he knew, which is why it was dumped today. That way it’s possible that the hurricane could cover it up.

1 09 2008

There is a cover up going on.

The Alaska Daily News re-edited the details on the “baby bump” picture. They added the year 2006, and they also added the line “Trig Palin was born in 2008.” Those edits were NOT there earlier this weekend.

Also, IF it really was taken in 2006, then how did Piper age BACKWARDS, seen in this picture from the end of 2006:

1 09 2008

In reference to Todd Palin’s statement about fish-pickers from Texas, something is very fishy here indeed.

1 09 2008

I agree with points two and three, but how does this news about Bristol Palin’s current pregnancy make Sarah Palin’s claim to be Trig’s mother true? IF — and it IS and if — Bristol Palin is little Trig’s mother and is now, still out of wedlock, pregnant again, all this press release tells us between the lines is that this family doesn’t believe in birth control, either.

It’s hard for me to believe that either Todd Palin or Sarah Palin is stupid enough to risk their baby’s life, and Sarah’s life by delaying her hospitalization after her water broke to fly her all the way back to Alaska, and then drive 45 minutes to the local hospital in her hometown, JUST so their li’l “fishpicker” wouldn’t be born in Texas.

Sarah Palin should produce proof of her claim to be Trig’s mother in the form of medical records, which must be released by candidates at this level of government anyway. If she’s telling the truth, I and everyone else who is rationally skeptical of her claims will apologize. If she’s not … well. She’s proven herself to be a liar in this case and in several others. And it should raise further serious concern about her qualifications to be elected as the person a mere heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States.

1 09 2008

We only have the governor’s word that Bristol is 5 months along. If she is lying about it, it would be easy to shift dates around. Bristol could have had Trig, and been pregnant again within weeks. So maybe Bristol is only 4 months along, not 5.

By itself, this doesn’t entirely eliminate the possibility. But whatever. I’ll take her word for it.

But what about the mono? Why was Bristol driving around getting in accidents in February when she had mono? Heh, I guess she had more than one accident this year. 😉

Second, why did Gov. Palin risk her baby’s life by staying in Texas to give a speech, and then flying home, all without seeking any medical attention?

1 09 2008

AKM…”The fact that Palin had a 16-year old who got pregnant out of wedlock was presumably unknown by the McCain people. After all, he only met her twice, and probably never met any of her children. And it was obviously too much of a bother to vet the candidate and at the very least know in advance what kind of sensational and unwanted headlines might follow. AND, Palin didn’t volunteer this information…”

Might this be why Sarah Palin kept her daughter’s pregnany hidden from McCain?

Having an at-risk-of-being-charged-and-maybe-convicted rapist in the family won’t read too well (especially after the Palin clan pulled all those strings to try to get the ex-brother-in-law fired and charged)

Alaska statutory rape law:

“The age of consent is defined as 16 years old, according to Alaska statutory rape laws. If a person who is at least 18 years old engages in sexual activity with a person who is 16 years old or younger, he or she will be charged with sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree. This charge is a felony in Alaska. And remember, it does not matter if you did not force or threaten the other person into performing this sexual act with you. It is still a crime under Alaska statutory rape laws.”

1 09 2008

Keep up the excellent commentary – this has a long way to go yet. By the way, do we know who Levi is and how old?

1 09 2008

The McCain campaign has issued a statement that they knew all along that Bristol was pregnant. How likely is that? And if it’s true, what does it show about the judgment of both McCain and Palin, starting off their campaign as “soulmates” by hiding information from the American public?

Let’s now focus on McCain’s recklessness in picking a candidate for VP so unprepared to be President, and on his disregard for the safely of the American people in favor of pure political ambition for himself.

I do think that Palin needs to release her full medical records regarding the birth of Trigg Palin in order to squash, once and for all, the viral rumors swirling around the Internets. Until she does, there will always be questions about this situation.

1 09 2008

This doesn’t change the fact that she has to be the most negligent and stupid parent i’ve ever heard of. How do you endanger the life of your child and fly/drive 10 hours out of your way to go to a medical center with no neonatal ICU to give birth to a child that has already been diagnosed with down’s syndrome and is a month premature. That’s the type of person I want a heartbeat away from the presidency (sarcasm).

1 09 2008

They’d probably try to spin this likening the whole mess to immaculate conception- by the end of the RNC, the McCain camp would liken the pregnancy to the second coming. Heaven knows that the Republican party wouldn’t be so empathetic to a teenage pregnancy if it came from Chelsea Clinton, or God forbid, one of Obama’s daughters. But a slight committed by one of their own always gets a pass.

1 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Well, so much for “abstinence only”.

1 09 2008

Hate to suggest this because she is a 17 year old. But from what I’ve read she’s had three police issues (one involving an automobile accident which she caused), has become pregnant, and was out of school 5 or so months earlier this year.

Something very fishy here. I find it very hard to believe a right-thinking mother of 4 would fly 1200 miles after breaking water, risking her own life and that of her baby, then drive for an hour to a hospital in West Dogsh-t (stole that from another blogger) while driving past two hospitals with excellent neonatal care, and then go back to work 3 days later. If this is all true, they grow them STRONG (and very stupid) up there in Alaska.

Don’t really want to believe it but I am leaning toward the view that Bristol is pregnant for the second time. Poor kid. Even if this is the first pregnancy, her mother really should have cared more for her child than in her own political future.

1 09 2008

Let’s see… the Republicans choose the day of Gustav’s landing to make this announcement. If true, it would debunk the stories about Trig being Bristol’s baby, which have been circulating for… three days. Interesting timing, that. There’s a *lot* of interesting timing going on here.

I predict that poor Bristol will be the subject of a stillbirth announcement sometime in November…

1 09 2008

Story sure looks debunked, but I was poking around on myspace and found this photo…

Says “mommy in law, trig and myself” in the caption. Which, considering it only says on the page that it’s some girl from Wasilla named sadie, I guess it could mean that Sarah Palin is mother in law to her? I don’t know.

But there’s also this picture with the caption “My self and my new baby brother, TriggyBear:) Most adorable little man ever”

Now it says on the page that her mom is someone named Sherry. So now I see the picture of Sarah Palin looking pregnant, but I would consider these photos puzzling. Or maybe I’m just missing something…

1 09 2008 :: Daniel W. Drezner » Prospect theory and vice-presidential nominees

[…] AFTER A SMALL SPELL:  Wow, the McCain campaign has done some fantastic vetting here.  […]

1 09 2008

So the rumor mill over the past 24 hrs was true. At first I thought it was a Dem Spin (I am Dem) but gezzzz, it was true.

I am a single parent of two teenagers and though with job demands, running a household and a tight ship, I do keep an eye on my teenagers, especially my daughter. What can you expect from parents that put their career first and kids second, things like this will happen?

So how is Sarah going to take that 3 AM call, while breast feeding herself, attending to her own baby with special needs and at the same time teaching her daughter breast feeding as well.

If the Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, etc, are not laughing at in the past, they are for sure laughing now.

How can anyone take the United States serious, when we may have a future PTA and Hokey Mom as the VP and a heartbeat away from being the first Female President.

I am wondering if we are going to make the oval office into a baby nursery.

1 09 2008

I’m exhausted. Can someone please re-cap the last 72 hours for me?

1 09 2008

Either Gov Palin risked the life of herself, her unborn child and airline passengers on the same flight (if they had had to make an emergency landing) – not to speak the welfare of Alaska – or she adopted a baby while in TX?

Something just does not fit! That child looks older than 4 months to me.

Why did these irresponsible people not do their vetting? And why do these Palins subject us all to this soap opera?

1 09 2008

So a lengthy case of mono that leaves her out of school for an entire year, and then she drops out to be homeschooled… couple that with the police incidents and car accidents… and we’re taking it for granted she wasn’t actually pregnant, because none of the locals seem to think that was possible.

I’m just spitballing here, but it sounds to me like this girl is going to make the Bush girls look like Chelsea Clinton. It sounds like she got suspended, or even expelled, but they were willing to cover it up by allowing her to take an extended medical leave. If it were something violent, there would be another angry parent involved, and it would likely have broken by now. But a girl that age, with a mother on an obvious power trip, I could see her turning up at school drunk every day. I knew girls in high school who did that when their mother *wasn’t* the governor and got long-term suspensions for it.

Ah, I’m probably wrong. But it’s the most sensible explanation I can think of if she wasn’t pregnant with Trigg.

1 09 2008

PalinGate (09:58:00) :

thanks, confirms there is in fact a coverup!!!

1 09 2008

GREAT POST lookingglass!!!!!! Made me LOL.

It’s worse than any Lifetime movie ever made.

1 09 2008

Wow all the trees that seem to be cropping up are really obscuring the forest. McCain is insane for picking this woman. That’s your bottom line.

But what is personally most disturbing to me is that this woman would throw her family, in the state it is in, into a political maelstrom. Subjecting her children to wild rumors that everyone in the country will hear, putting them on a grueling national campaign, making them instant celebrities. Her teen daughter is pregnant? She has a brand new special needs infant? Baraccuda indeed.

Lady, simply put, ARE YOU CRAZY? Do you know what this means for your whole family? And for what? Does anyone believe that this woman (short of a McCain health issue) is going to have ANY policy effect whatsoever? They might have picked her to give them an excuse to flip on ANWR (Sarah knows the issue perfectly and was able to show me the light) to keep playing their drill here drill now thing. But she’s the most obvious puppet since Mr. Hand.

1 09 2008

Correction (maybe) to point #2: McCain is apparently claiming that he knew about Bristol’s pregnancy when he chose Sarah Palin and didn’t think it disqualified her from being his running mate.

There are many news stories now about just how little advanced vetting the McCain did on Palin, which was apparently close to zero.

This story has more “other shoes” than a centipede. I don’t think the Republican Convention was counting on quite this much excitement in St. Paul.

1 09 2008

I still think that Palin/McCain are not being honesty about the babygate. Here’s why: this doesn’t proof that Trig is Sarah son, does it? Is this the most direct way of proofing that Trig is actually Sarah’s son? Why don’t they knock out these rumors directly once & forall?
How sure are we that Bristol is actually pregnant or how far along she’s?

I can guess the next lie….sorry to announce the spontaneous miscarriage of ……..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

1 09 2008

This linked family video can’t be real, can it? If it IS a fake, it’s a well-executed one. or

That said, while I think Palin as a VP would be an unmitigated disaster, I am beginning to feel sorry for her entire family. I figure in another three days their dental and vaccination records will be discovered online.

1 09 2008

FIrst of all, I am liberal, pro-choice, etc etc. Lefty. Might have considered swinging over to mccain’s ticket if he had picked condi rice, but am firmly planted in obama’s camp as a fervent supporter with the entire palin nomination.

A few challenges for us..

Lets drop the whole “is trig sarah’s baby” thing. Non productive and now just sounds kooky.

For that matter, the whole pregnant/nursing family thing is kind of irrelevant to the political discussion. Not only that, lets face it, it isn’t really going to change anything other than solidify the far right voters to unite under attack, for “family values”. It’s obvious that Gov. Palin has been an absentee mom, but thats really irrelevant to the question of can she be the VP.

The candidate herself has been caught in a few political lies and scandals less than a week into this process, and I think will continue to be a source of embarrassment to the party. Lets stick with the facts, which are that we have some very qualified intelligent educated candidates available, and to try and rally for those candidates successfully and get the vote out, rather than playing some wacko conspiracy card which will just backfire when the sympathy voters kick in.

Lets keep it professional. Thanks!

1 09 2008

Just ask yourself who uses a purely self serving statement (not medical records) to prove that you gave birth to your child? The statement is that Bristol is five months pregnant. She just doesn’t look five months pregnant. Apparently most bloggers have never been around a pregnant woman. They usually look pregnant before they can prove it. At five months they will be significantly showing. One thing is for sure, if you were five months pregnant, you would not be resting someone else’s baby on your tummy! Who gives a five month pregnant teenager a four month old baby to carry around?

What is needed is medical records of Palin’s pregnancy, and medical records for her daughter’s current pregnancy, since it is being used as a proof that Trig is Sarah’s child. This is a no brainer.

Really: why prove that your unwed daughter couldn’t have given birth four months ago by claiming that she is five months pregnant?

She doesn’t even look three months pregnant.

In a few months, Bristol will not be able to care for Trig. Who takes over that task?

1 09 2008

As someone said earlier, ‘This Beauty and the Beast campaign promises to be very entertaining”. Seems to me, someone should have ‘vetted’ McCain too.

So, why didn’t Bristol marry when she first found out she was pregnant? Smacks of Mommy making this decision for her daugher fairly recently (like in the past week). This is becoming a bad soap opera with B-grade actors.

1 09 2008

What is fishy, really fishy is that if McCain knew this at the time he named her VP Candidate and at the time the Palin family was introduced to the media and the world, why wasn’t it mentioned that Palin is a mother of 5 and soon to be a grandmother?

It would have been natural, up front and honest. Exactly what the GOP is selling Palin to be. Did the McCain campaign think this could be hidden forever from the public? What were they thinking?

It just does not add up that the McCain campaign knew about this baby on the way in the Palin family.

1 09 2008

I don’t think McCain’s a man with “questionable judgment.” He’s a man of no judgment — there’s nothing to question. Either he knew about Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy and was a fool to appoint her anyway or he didn’t know and was a fool not to find out.

My friends, for five years John McCain had no one to vet his decisions because he was a POW in Vietnam. Why should he start now?

1 09 2008

I love the timing of all this – with the “look over there, look over there a hurricane and (muffled) oh by the way Palin’s daughter is preggers. BUT DIDYA SEE THAT HURRICANE!!!” – This is only going to get worse I forsee Palin pulling out of this to “support her daughter and her newborn son – yadda yadda”. McCain will punt and grab Romney.

1 09 2008

Here’s a theory – JUST a theory – on why the Guv elected to not go to TX hospital, fly to AK, not go to Anchorage hospital and drive home to have the baby, even tho the TX Gov was “worried” she was having the baby right there after her speech:

Mom & Dad were hoping that childbirth would occur in worst situation possible, no medical care available, Downs Syndrome baby dies in terrible unfortunate circumstances. The whole situation is resolved with an ‘honorable’ “tragedy”.

Remember – this is just a possible theory to try to expain the gross negligence of these parents. Not a nice theory…but one that makes possible sense out of mom & dad’s decision to not seek immediate medical help when she began leaking amniotic fluid.

1 09 2008

Sex Education?

In Alaska´s 2006 Gubernatorial Candidate a questionnaire was sent out to all candidates, incl. Sarah Palin.

One of the questions was:

3. Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

SP´s answer: SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

Congrat Gand Ma, you son and your Grand Baby will have a change to grow up together, since you dont want to teach our kids, sex education, but stick to the “Bee and the Birds” education.

and, another question:

4. Will you support efforts to raise or lower the mandatory age of education? Why or why not?

and SP answer was: No, again, parents know better than government what is best for their children.

(Yup…we see that Sarah)


1 09 2008

In the South, we love gossip. That’s because it’s the news of the community. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, and my favorite: “If you do it, I can talk about it.” But at this time in our country’s history, with so much at stake, the last thing we need is this kind of silliness consuming our thoughts, presidential campaign, and energy. Jawing over hometown news is one thing. Trying to ferret out the truth on a vp candidate because McCain was grossly irresponsible is another. Thank god for this muckraker guy up there in AK. Thank god for Sue Williams, the commenter who filled us in two days ago. God bless, poor Bristol, Willow, Trig, and Piper who need a mom. God bless the State of Alaska, who may need a new governor by the time this is over.

1 09 2008

Think about this, it COULD happen:

1. Sarah covers up for her less than perfect daughter by pretending Trig is her baby, and gets Bristol off the hook.
2. Sarah is (shockingly) chosen for VP candidate. Rumors start swirling “how could anyone be so stupid to fly after her water broke, pass up numerous hospitals, Bristol looks like SHE is the mom, etc.
3. In a desperate act to save her OWN reputation; Sarah throws Bristol under the bus by whipping out ANOTHER lie: “Bristol is now pregnant, please stop asking if Trig is REALLY my baby.”
4. The whole thing will end when Bristol has a very tragic misscarriage, please everyone go about your business, nothing to see here.

I am hoping this issue is brought out in FULL, we cannot let liars get away with this crap, I can’t BELIEVE McCain is such a bumbling idiot.

1 09 2008

I’m still not convinced that Trig isn’t Palin’s baby. I can’t conceive of anyone in their right mind, leaking amniotic fluid, travelling thousands of miles by plane and 50 miles by car; passing some of the best hospitals around; and arriving almost 24 hours after fluid started leaking; to give birth to a baby, and one who had genetic disorders, nonetheless, and was born premature, and would need a good neo-natal intensive care unit. If it’s true, then it shows the woman’s certifiably insance. But I don’t believe it’s true.

Furthermore, Daily Kos reports that the baby’s not listed on the hospital’s registry for the day of its birth. Why not? Why hide such a fact, especially when it’s the governor’s baby! That should be something for a small hospital to be proud of!

And the doctor who delivered the baby has been placed on a state medical advisory board. Quid pro quo, it seems.

And let’s not forget the pictures. Oh yeah, the pictures. Compare them to pictures of her being pregant with her first child (also available at Daily Kos (, and this whole thing is laughable. There’s no way she was pregnant.

The only way to make this go away is to say that her daughter COULDN’T have been pregnant, because she’s five months pregnant now. So this is brilliant. But I don’t believe it.

I’m sure that once the election’s over (if Palin lasts as VP candidate that long, which I doubt), the baby will have either been given up for adoption (family name kept secret) or something else. There will be no Bristol baby because there is no Bristol baby.

1 09 2008

This is not a disaster this is intentional!!!!!! Think about it. The far right want to make it look cool, or ok to be pregnant as a teenager. I thought this when Jamie Lynn Spears got pregant and after the movie Juno. Why? Because young mothers will not get an education. They may have to depend on religious organizations for help and will feel very obligated to them….and join their ranks. They will probably end up having many more kids so many more people will join their ranks. They will be dependent and brain washed by this type of patriarchal philosophy. This is a long term goal…Even if McCain and Palin don’t win this is what they are up to.

1 09 2008

Of course, Bristol could have a very sad but convenient miscarriage in the next month or two. Just saying.

1 09 2008

one more thing. you can’t tell me that there’s a woman in this country who doesn’t believe Palin’s responsibility to her children comes first– and that it clearly has not been coming first.

1 09 2008

Could this be real??

The dates on the comments are correct and, c’mon, how many baby Trigs are there in Wasilla, AK?
If it is, then doesn’t this say it all? Her brother would be baby Trig’s father and “Mommy Inlaw” is the baby’s grandmother. Someone get hold of this before it goes away!

1 09 2008

Gotta love the comment from Palin’s press secretary when asked if the daughter is pregnant:

“I don’t know. I have no evidence that Bristol’s pregnant,” he said on Saturday.

So which is it: he really did know but was lying because Palin didn’t want him to say the truth, or he really didn’t know because Palin had chosen not to inform him? Either way, it doesn’t reflect positively on Palin.

1 09 2008

There is so much more to find out here. I don’t buy that Bristol being pregnant NOW (when there are photos of her looking pregnant last year, standing next to her mother who does not look pregnant) is any kind of proof that Bristol is not the mother of both children. And who is (are) the father(s) of these children? Why go to the local doctor? Is she the one keeping it under wraps? Were documents faked? All sorts of stuff can get covered up in small towns.

DNA testing is in order. The People deserve to know the truth here. It’s unfortunate for the family that it has to be that way, but if this previously unknown candidate and her family think they can be next-in-line to the presidency behind a tragically old man, these things need to be resolved. They have proven that they can’t be taken at their word, so we should be employing science to find the facts.

1 09 2008

“But there’s also this picture with the caption “My self and my new baby brother, TriggyBear:) Most adorable little man ever””

I’m confused; the Myspace captions just make it more complicated — how is that baby her baby brother? That’s just not possible.

But I would like to point out, there’s a picture of her older brother, and her older brother’s name? “Levi”.

1 09 2008

Since Sister Sarah preaches abstinence as birth control, Bristol’s pregnancy must be faith based.

Eagleton lasted 17 days. How long for Palin? Bets?

1 09 2008

Wow she could be the youngest vice president grandmother. Can the obama campaign start running ads like mccain using the Spears family since Mrs Palin and the Spears have so much in common. Unwed daughters having underaged sex ( isn’t that a crime RAPE ) Is that the new republican tickets values, “children having children is O.K. as long as you vote for Mccain/Palin” Maybe underage sex is o.k. for republicans but it is not for the American people. Enough is enough I am Christan but can not go with the new values the republican party’s has conceded to of allowing children to have children, maybe if she wasn’t out campigning most of her life she could raise her 5 children first instead she will watch her child and yes she is a child raise a baby.

1 09 2008

You know, at this point, all that really seems important is that this offers some vividly disturbing insight into what kind of person and mother Sarah Palin is. How could she drag her pregnant teenage daughter into the national/world press with these these headlines?

It’s disgusting and I cannot even begin to imagine what Bristol Palin must be going through at this moment…. For Palin to put her own ambitions ahead of the emotional well being of her daughter and family speaks volumes, and as the press starts munching on this, I do hope that someone in the pack focuses on this aspect …..

1 09 2008

Oh God. The Republicans are going to have to change their convention theme to “Curiouser and Curiouser.”

1 09 2008

To Paul:

This is from that same myspace. How does this fit in? This girl calls Palin her Mother in law and Trig her baby brother, but this guy in this picture “Levi” is her big brother?

My big brother, and best Friend♥
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From Comment
-°.Johnny.°-RIP TYLER

May 20, 2008 12:40 PM
🙂 he looks so young

cant fuckin wait

October 25, 2007 7:07 PM
levi looks as evil as can be! haha thats levi though


October 19, 2007 12:47 AM
YAH KNOW THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE ever SEEN YOUR BROTHER.. lol.. i hear his name a bunch.. but never knew what he looked like. lol

xo[♥]Just Jenna[♥]xo

July 31, 2007 3:34 AM
wow u guys are all grown up lol well ya ttyl ❤


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1 09 2008

My man Barack needs to stay 10,000 miles away from this story. This story is unfolding rapidly without his involvement.

Remember…..she was only announced 3 or 4 DAYS ago!!!!! Imagine what it’ll be like after a few weeks!

“Labor” Day indeed!

1 09 2008

Is John McCain running the Jerry Springer show now? His first guest is reminiscent of Anita Bryant and brouhaha she caused. By the way, whatever happened to Anita Bryant?

This is South Park run amok!

1 09 2008

PJ wrote:
“Eagleton lasted 17 days. How long for Palin? Bets?”

I laying my money on about this time next week, after the convention and
once the reality of this boneheaded decision seeps in via the polls and the media coverage. The ‘BabyGate’ is sad and points in the direction of Plain placing ambition over family (Gee, she and McCain really are ‘Soul mates!)
But the ethics investigation, Bridge to Nowhere flip flop and God only knows what else, will seal her fate. I say a week from today and she’s outta here.

So then what happens- who’s going to debate Biden??

1 09 2008

Have a look 🙂

Another Palin Firing Scandal Surfaces:

1 09 2008

To Paul:

This is from that same myspace. How does this fit in? This girl calls Palin her Mother in law and Trig her baby brother, but this guy in this picture “Levi” is her big brother?

She said “inlaw” not mother-in-law. That is Levi who is the father of Bristol’s baby/pregnancy.
The girl who has the MySpace page is Levi’s sister. She’s young and I think she doesn’t realize that baby Trig, would be her brother-in-law, not her ‘brother’…..

1 09 2008
Dish it

Wait a minute. If it was easy enough to “conceive” of the mother faking a pregnancy as a cover, why is it suddenly out of the question that the daughter is now pretending?

If the original theory were correct, it would be a natural next step to make Bristol appear pregnant NOW, to rule out the original lie. Also, it gives cover for her eventual “adoption” of Trig when her own pregnancy mysteriously ends (they’ll claim miscarriage of course – but no tragedy here, there’s no (current) pregnancy so no miscarriage.

If we could believe Sarah did it, why not the daughter, especially now when the stakes are so much higher?

1 09 2008

‘Not only that, lets face it, it isn’t really going to change anything other than solidify the far right voters to unite under attack, for “family values”.’

cmac, since the first I heard McCain chose Palin and started questioning why he made this seemingly reckless choice, I think you have hit the nail right on the head.

McCain knows full well that the MSM gives him a really wide berth under the umbrella of not wanting to appear to attack an older candidate or an ex-POW and gambler that he is, he’s willing to bet the media won’t rip him apart now either.

I hope the MSM awakens from their collective coma as far as McCain is concerned and gets all the facts out there (not about the baby- but everything else) so that the American people can make a informed choice.

I’m going to continue to do everything I can to hold the media’s feet to the fire and I hope everyone else will too.

1 09 2008

It may take DNA testing to unravel the family tree of . . . Junogate.

1 09 2008

C’mon girls, we are all told that the risk if conceiving is VERY high right after giving birth. Breastfeeding as protection is a myth, hence the term (sorry) Irish Twins. I have had 2 friends experience this timing exactly. So, the timing argument goes out the window as “proof.”
Another one no one mentioned, if SP is against birth control, will she get pregnant as VP? That couldn’t be good.
All that said, she has clearly told liesin the Abuse of Power investigation. John McCain’s judgement is seriously flawed.

1 09 2008

This family either doesn’t understand how birth control works, or it’s another cover up! Or both!!

1 09 2008

If you look at the Myspace page, it looks like a lot of the girls in Wasilla are pregnant or have a shot of a baby as their profile pic. Maybe thats what happens in Wasilla.

1 09 2008

she wont be the vp candidate, I just really can not see how this last for two more months.

She has only been vp for 72 hrs, and their is baby-gate, troopergate, ethics-investigation- mother-in-law supporting Barack ect ect ect


1 09 2008

take a look at some of the friends. bristol is not alone.
wasilla looks like a party town.

and mr. palin was arrested for DWI awhile ago –

1 09 2008

I think that Myspace page shows that Sarah is the mother of Trig. The person called Trig her brother so unless there was a Chintatown thing going on Levi was not the father. If she wrote nephew then that would have changed things.

As far as the water breaking flight back to Alaska, has it occured to anyone that Sarah Palin might be a drama queen and made the story up. She seems to have a tendency to lie and I bet she told people her water broke as a way of impressing people at the conference.

It appears that John McCain went trolling through trailer parks looking for his running mate. My how far McCain has fallen. He was so admired in 2000 that he could have won the Democratic nomination in 2004. Now he is crashing bad and is rapidly becoming a joke.

1 09 2008
Lisa Williamson

blage: This is not a disaster this is intentional!!!!!! Think about it. The far right want to make it look cool, or ok to be pregnant as a teenager. I thought this when Jamie Lynn Spears got pregant and after the movie Juno.

You have totally read my mind with this wholly rational theory.

The thing is, I think any failing on the part of Sarah ‘Superwoman’ Palin will be immediately spun by the right wing religious fascists as evidence of her incredible moral strength in the face of adversity. And let’s face it, there are a lot of stupid people in America.

Also: these are the most level-headed, intelligent comments on this subject I have read anywhere, so kudos again to the Mudflats guy for creating/maintaining an atmosphere of sane, informed debate.

1 09 2008
Lisa Williamson

slumpattack: This family DOES NOT BELIEVE IN BIRTH CONTROL, or abortion, even in cases of rape and/or incest.

1 09 2008

Clearly, this is a coverup! Even the Conservative bloggers Andrew Sullivan agrees that what they have done is not persuasive. Here’s his actual wordings:

“….But it’s based entirely on a vague verbal statement. Why not kill this rumor with Palin’s medical records? A 43 year old woman’s pregnancy with a Downs Syndrome child would have been intensely monitored, and the records must be a mile long. Just release them, ok? If necessary in a closed room for reporters, just as with McCain. And we can all breathe a sigh of relief and move on”

1 09 2008
Parker CA

Those myspace photos are the best and most convincing evidence yet that Bristol is the mom and Sarah is the grandma. That page is obviously of Levi’s sister, holding Levi and Bristol’s baby, Trig, while Sarah, the mother in law, looks on with a smile, never even knowing that she will be thrust into the media lime-light months down the road. Not vetting this woman is going to prove to be a disaster.

1 09 2008

Considering the circumstances and the coming revelations re: the various antics of Bristol and her friends in Alaska, it’s not too much of a stretch to consider that Trig Palin is a victim of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, not Downs.

1 09 2008

“As far as the water breaking flight back to Alaska, has it occured to anyone that Sarah Palin might be a drama queen and made the story up. She seems to have a tendency to lie and I bet she told people her water broke as a way of impressing people at the conference.”

You know, that is the first possible explanation I have seen that would make any sense at all, if Sarah is the mother, which seems more likely today, than it did yesterday. Though, still not definite and I guess I just have known too many liars who, when caught, admit part of the truth and deny the rest. And since they have admitted part of the truth, people just assume they are telling the whole truth. Seriously, I have a pathological brother, and this Sarah person….I seriously think she’s pathological.

So, let her release her medical records and put this to rest for good. As things stand now: John McCain did not vet this woman, and that doddering fool could win this election, think about it. Also, Palin accepted this knowing all of these things would come out, and that one of the things coming out would hurt her daughter. Frankly, I think the woman is a horror show, and I think John McCain has entered into dementia.

1 09 2008

I have the proof that Palin is not Trig’s mother over at my blog.

I have to give a hat tip to Diva on this comment section who posted the link that broke it open.

Come on over.

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

I thought I would let eveyone know that I have capped the Myspace pages with the pictures of Sarah in them with baby Trig. With the release of Levi’s name in the SP press release something is seriously amiss. There is a serious cover up going on here……

1 09 2008

If the girl holding the baby was Levi’s sister, she’d be calling the baby her nephew, properly. That MySpace page makes MyHeadHurt.

1 09 2008

its her son’s child…and he’s off to the army.

1 09 2008

Who the hell is Levi??? I’ve read where he is the alleged “father” of “Bristol’s baby”, but who is he??? And why isn’t HE the one who is marrying Bristol?

1 09 2008

Wow we must be struggling if her pregnancey is the most “questionable” muckraking we can come up with.

Teaching Abstenance to your children is no guearantee they will follow along.
Wouldn’t the world be so much less troubled if All Children did as there parents said.

1 09 2008

Headsaspinnin, he is the one marrying Bristol!

“We ask the media, respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been…”

1 09 2008

” hotfstop (11:30:02) :

its her son’s child…and he’s off to the army.”

OK, that could make sense. Didn’t I read that there is yet another rumor that he joined the Army in a plea deal to avoid statuatory rape charge??? And as part of that plea deal he was allowed to sign up on 9/11/07 – the infamous 9/11 date that seems to innoculate repubs against any and all charges?????

And is it just coincidence that Sept. ’07 is nine months prior to May ’08 – when the Trigg was born?????????????

1 09 2008

Mainstream media has picked this story up!!!!

1 09 2008
Lisa Williamson

I haven’t watched a soap opera since I was 12 years old, but this is better than anything anyone could dream up.

A conservative commenter over on a media news blog I frequent just announced he’s sick of McCain’s tactics and is switching his vote to Obama.

1 09 2008

” mk2000 (11:36:51) :

Headsaspinnin, he is the one marrying Bristol!”

Thanks, MK – as noted… “head’s a spinnin”!

1 09 2008

I feel so dirty. I absolutely never give credence to weird conspiracy theories (9/11 was an inside job, the moon landing was faked, etc.), but Alaska has taken my skepticism by storm. I now believe anything can happen there. If you told me that Anchorage had a secret landing strip for flying saucers, I would just nod my head in wide-eyed wonder and credulity. Many kisses from the lower 48–I love the h-ll out of you guys.

1 09 2008

Apparently Levi is a high school wrestler.

1 09 2008

Medical coverage is expensive and iffy in the US, isn’t it?

As governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin would have full medical coverage, as would her husband.

Family medical plans cover dependent children, but do they cover the childrens’ costs when delivering a full-term child, and the costs of treating medical issues relating to that child’s child?

Might not that be an excuse for Sarah Palin attempting to pass what might be Bristol’s first child off as her own?

And if Bristol got pregnant again…that’s what happens when you rely on God to keep you unpregnant, after you’ve already forgotten how to say ‘no’, and discovered that abstinence isn’t quite as pleasurable as dalliance during the long winter nights.

1 09 2008

Jon Stewart is going to have to expand The Daily Show to one hour just to cover McCain/Palin!

1 09 2008

Why does the girl keep calling Bristol her sister in law if they are yet to marry.

1 09 2008

Wait…where is the moral in this story. Sarah Palin is going to be, possible, our new VP and even more scary a heart beat away from being the President.

However, what she believe in and what preach for others to do, she can not do at home with her own family.

According to Eagle Forum, Alaska, in the 2006 Gubernatorial race, they sent out a Candidate Questionnaire and SP answered the following question:

3. Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

and SP´s answer to that questions was:

SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

So, what we have here, is a mother and a future VP, that does not believe in sex-education but abstinence until marriage, meaning that she can not enforce her own beliefe at home, teaching her own children right and wrongs and yet, she will enforce it on the rest of this great nation.

1 09 2008
Lisa Williamson

headsaspinnin: Whoa. Wow.

I’m still thinking about the movie “Juno” being about a 16-year old girl who is pregnant and heroically keeps the baby, supported by her loving family… and the convenience of ‘Juneau’ being Alaska’s capital.

I haven’t even had any caffeine today.

1 09 2008
September 1, 2008 « the haiku diaries

[…] the Palin story cannot be topped by fiction. How long can she last? No Comments so far Leave a comment RSS […]

1 09 2008

Wait…where is the moral in this story. Sarah Palin is going to be, possible, our new VP and even more scary a heart beat away from being the President.

However, what she believe in and what preach for others to do, she can not do at home with her own family.

According to Eagle Forum, Alaska, in the 2006 Gubernatorial race, they sent out a Candidate Questionnaire and SP answered the following question:

3. Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

and SP´s answer to that questions was:

SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

So, what we have here, is a mother and a future VP, that does not believe in sex-education but abstinence until marriage, meaning that she can not enforce her own beliefe at home, teaching her own children right and wrongs and yet, she will enforce it on the rest of this great nation.

1 09 2008

This is a weird tale —
this can’t have anything but
a nasty ending.

September 1, 2008

1 09 2008

Halcrow – you raise a point here that I raised a couple of days ago on a different blog: If…and this is the BIG IF…this baby is not the Gov’s, how did she/the doctors/the hospital bill the insurance company for medical expenses? If the Gov was listed as patient/mom, but it was not truly her baby, doesn’t that enter the territory of potential insurance fraud? Not only by the Gov, but also the doctors and/or the hospital who, presumably, direct-billed the insurance company?

1 09 2008
C.B. Todd
1 09 2008

Notice that the Palin family press release today never says that “the young man she will marry” is the father of her child.

1 09 2008

Ijust went and looked at your blog Gryphen, and I swear to God, I, who have studied The Federalist Papers and read Proust, by the way, am so frigging confused by the Wasilla Hillbillies now, that my head is spinning! No offense to anyone from Wasilla!

1 09 2008

blha- Young people do that, sometimes even if a couple is just dating with future marriage not even in the picture. It’s just a fun way of talking and a little jest on relationships.

1 09 2008

I was just telling myself I needed to get a more seasonally appropriate tinfoil hat for still thinking there was ANY way that Trig wasn’t Sarah Palin’s baby, and she’s been lying to the world.

But then that MySpace photo with Trig and the I-suppose aunt… All I can say is that if you disregard the photo labeling entirely,

A) That is still Sarah, no doubt, and
B) If that baby IS Trig, he’s not Sarah’s by birth.

I’ve given birth, and you do not look like that, dress like that (shorts?) or stand like that… ESPECIALLY stand like that, which would stress your glutes… shortly after giving birth. Even an eeeeeasy drive-through one like mine, I looked like I’d been through the wringer and wasn’t exactly doing power squats within the following month.

1 09 2008

Here is a pic of LEVI!!!!

1 09 2008

Wait… here it is!

I was exicted to find it.

1 09 2008

And how many of you voted for BJ Bill when he didn’ know what the definition of “is,is”
Talk about double standards!

1 09 2008

Ooopps. Here is the link of Levi

1 09 2008


1. Clark Buffington, Skyview

2. Trevor Pempek, Wasilla

3. Levi Fox, Wasilla

1 09 2008

Who asked Levi if he wanted to get married? The attorney general or the state police?

1 09 2008

Clearly, the announcement of Bristol’s pregnancy is not quashing these Trig Palin rumors. If anything, it just adds to the X-Files-like conspiracy theories swirling out there and leaves additional questions unanswered. Sarah Palin needs to release Trig’s birth certificate or her medical records, like Andrew Sullivan says. For the sake of her family, for the sake of the voters, for the sake of this election, which should be focusing on the issues, for crying out loud. If the birth certificate is legitimate (or adequately faked), we can put this speculation to rest.

McCain brought this on himself by picking someone so unknown, with such a sparse public record. At least with the other candidates, we have voting records, speeches, media interviews, and 18 months of a campaign to go on. (Even Obama, the relative newcomer, wrote two books about himself.) What do we have for Sarah Palin? A few newspaper clippings and what the McCain camp has been trying to sell us. We are eating up every tiny crumb of information we can get, and it is a poor-man’s meal. The media (and dare I say, the blogosphere) is doing its job and trying to fill in the blanks. We deserve to know who our potential next VP is. Our curiosity is justified.

In a perfect world, family matters would be just that — the family’s business. But the McCain camp has blatantly touted Palin’s parenting choices as the main reason to vote for the Republican ticket. Palin has displayed her family at campaign stops for the world to see. (I find it interesting, though, that not all of McCain’s minor-age children accompany him and participate in photo ops; where is his daughter who was adopted from Bangladesh?)

The Obama campaign is playing this right by essentially ignoring it. When asked, damn her with faint praise, don’t mention Palin by name if possible, and talk about the deliberate process Obama used to choose Biden as VP. The contrast is obvious and implicit. The McCain campaign has hung itself out to dry. They have no one but themselves to blame.

1 09 2008

Sorry, “can’twealljustfetalong.” Bill Clinton had already been re-elected to his second (and final) term when the Monica stuff broke in the media. None of us could have voted for him then, even if we had wanted to.

1 09 2008

headsaspinnin (11:47:02) :

Halcrow – you raise a point here that I raised a couple of days ago on a different blog: If…and this is the BIG IF…this baby is not the Gov’s, how did she/the doctors/the hospital bill the insurance company for medical expenses? If the Gov was listed as patient/mom, but it was not truly her baby, doesn’t that enter the territory of potential insurance fraud? Not only by the Gov, but also the doctors and/or the hospital who, presumably, direct-billed the insurance company?

Palin seems to pack a lot of clout, and it’s possible that the delivering doctor may be beholden to her for political appointments. Nurses are bound by confidentiality laws, and that witchhunt conducted so publicly against the ex-brother-in-law was public knowledge, and would likely have buttoned many a lip. The billing would go out through the hospital, most likely, and the administrator could control that information by handling it on a privacy-issue basis.

I don’t know how wealthy the Palin family is, nor do I know the costs associated with a full-term birth in Alaska, so it’s difficult to assess whether they may have chosen to bite the bullet themselves (or if a benefactor bit it for them. In the political arena, free-of-charge is all too common of a phrase).

I doubt if the daughter, Bristol, has significant income or assets, and 19-year-old Levi will be in the same boat.

IMO, the real burden would be the downstream costs associated with a development-delayed child…easily hundreds of thousands a year to bring the child up to its full potential.

On Palin’s benefit package as a dependant, Trig will be covered. If Trig were Bristol’s and Levi’s offspring, there’d be nothing but family charity (however, gramma Palin would be in a position to offer a health insurance-covered job to Levi…but what if Levi is the father of only the unborn child, and Bristol is the offspring of Bristol and an unnamed other?).

Someone else will no doubt raise this issue and really dig into it. The records can be obscured from public access, but wait until the National Enquirer arrives on the scene with their bags of cash.

1 09 2008

hey cantwe….

bj bill never told me to get one, or not get one. or made or supported laws as such….

and don’t tell me he lied!!!
the lies of the past 8 years are jeopardizing our national security, and now JohnMcShame is trying to jeopardize it further with a purely political choice.
and we know Sarah lies.
So, if Bills “lie” is upsetting to you, please be consistent!

yes, I second the kisses to Alaskans. hi from maryland : )

1 09 2008
A fly on the wall

Palin has been linked with the AIP (Alaskan Independence Party), whose stated aim is the secession of Alaska from the United States.

See this writeup for more information.

A possible reason to fly back to Alaska to give birth is if Alaska were to become independent. Then your child would be considered a native Alaskan.

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

1 09 2008
Miemaw from Texas

You folks in Alaska keep things interesting. Have visited, and love your state.

Lots of speculation on the mother(s) and child.

Mine ended when I read the NY Times a few minutes ago.
At a McCain/Palin rally, both Bristol and Trig were (on the bus.)
Governor said “nap” time. I’m figuring “feeding” time.
Governor mentioned she was breast feeding the baby. (Somebody has to.)

Giving Bristol privacy, will mean giving the baby privacy also. Simple way to get them both off the campaign trail. Like some, I figure an “unfortunate” miscarriage is just weeks away.

1 09 2008

this is how rumors
get started — love just riffing
about the what ifs.

September 1, 2008

1 09 2008

Sue Williams is my hero. She broke this story 24hrs b4 the mainstream media, and continued not to back down. Even when the conspiracy theorists went after her, she said it how it is: Alaska is small. Very Small. So small that it’s smaller than most medium sized towns across America. Everyone knows everyone else’s business. I pray that the mainstream media finds Sue Williams fast, and gets to the bottom of the story on Palin’s character and fast.

This was bound to come out, but more than that, the inevitable course is that Sarah Palin has thrust her family into a world of pain. It’s selfish. It’s demeaning to her daughter. The idea that having a baby at all costs is something to be proud of will be floated by the right wingers…and this idea has to be neutralized immediately. Small town hicks within pregnant daughters will say, aw isn’t that wonderful, she’s keeping her baby. To which, the mainstream media needs to say, this is NOT the model family we need in the white house. This is NOT who we look up to for guidance. We do NOT, especially those of us who claim to hold the moral high ground, ignore the implications of choosing career over family. No, this is not Bristol’s fault: she is the victim. Please dear God, expose this woman for her douchebaggery.

1 09 2008

In all likelihood, the girl on MySpace is referring to Trig as her brother because he’s her brother’s new brother-in-law-to-be and that is the same reason that Sarah Palin is referred to as mama-in-law. Give the conspiracy theories a rest, people. There is plenty of other weird stuff going on with Sarah Palin’s background. It’s obvious she wasn’t vetted thoroughly if at all.

1 09 2008

Levi Fox of Wasilla comes up with someone else on myspace. Different last name…

1 09 2008

Someone hasn’t picked up on this???? Check out her answer to #11

The Pledge of Allegiance wasn’t written until 1892 , LONG AFTER the “Founding Fathers” had passed on. And the words UNDER GOD werent inserted until 1954, at the urging of the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (who, I dont think, were ever considered the Founding Fathers). What a joke – she isnt even cognizant on her own countrys history.

1 09 2008

i am not being funny
just saying
downs syndrome babies have a distinctive look
no matter what race or color they have distinctive features including the face even at birth
from the pictures on the myspace page this does not at all look like a down’s syndrome baby

1 09 2008

The Palin family is telling us that she’s five months pregnant. How do we know that it’s the truth. She might be 3 months pregnant…and then the baby will come late and no one will remember the entire chronology.

At this point, the only thing that will kill the rumors that Bristol is about to be a mommy for the 2nd time is DNA testing of the current child (Trig) and a clear and accurate ultrasound of the one inside of Bristol right now so we can determine how many weeks along she is. If that number is greater than the number of weeks since Trig’s birth, then she’s in the clear. If not, then DNA testing will confirm.

1 09 2008

I’ve given birth, and you do not look like that, dress like that (shorts?) or stand like that… ESPECIALLY stand like that, which would stress your glutes… shortly after giving birth. Even an eeeeeasy drive-through one like mine, I looked like I’d been through the wringer and wasn’t exactly doing power squats within the following month.

Not true. My wife gave birth to our first child (9 lbs) and was out and about in shorts and bikinis after 4 days, trim and fit and no stretch marks. And she was 27 years old with our first. More true with subsequent childbirths perhaps, but not at all true with the first, at least in most of our friends cases.

1 09 2008


DailyKos had that story up yesterday.

1 09 2008

a fundie town like Wasilla would be expected to have a lot of levis

1 09 2008

Trig’s b-day april 18. Maybe a coincidence, but a baby boy was born in Anchorage hospital april 18 (jeremiah) to an Amber and Levi. Anyone know Bristol’s middle name?

1 09 2008

Mary Matalin and CNN finally had to acknowledge this story. I suppose they were hoping Gustav would stay in the news?
Mary says its a private family matter. Really?
Could you imagine if this was a democrat, who, say, once, 20 years ago, didn’t give credit for a part of a speech, and there are many clips of the same speech where he did quote Kinnock properly?
Every time they call Joe Biden a plagiarist, i will split my sides roflmao!

Also, re: Pat Buchanan, he proudly called Sarah one of his “pitchfork people.”
nice pick, john.
And to think in 2000 I thought you were a good guy.

1 09 2008

Seriously? You people using the myspace pictures as proof of something are ridiculous. If you look at the pictures there, there is a picture of Sarah, Trig, and the girl AND a picture of Bristol, Trig, and the girl. Sarah and Bristol are posed the exact same way, so the way Sarah is standing cannot be proof that Trig isn’t Sarah’s, because using your logic he couldn’t be Bristol’s either. You’ll also notice that Bristol looks gorgeous, in jeans and a jacket like she’s ready to go out somewhere. Sarah’s hair and makeup might be done, but she’s in a baggy sweatshirt and lounging shorts. The girl calls Trig her brother because she’s Bristol’s boyfriend’s sister (if you have enough brain capacity to follow that), so Trig is her brother’s brother (in-law), or will be once he marries Bristol. You’re obviously an older crowd who doesn’t understand teenagers or myspace. Let me fill you in — younger people love babies, and love weddings, and love the whole romanticism of it all. So, she calls Sarah mommy-in-law because Sarah will soon be her brother’s mother-in-law, and she loves the family too, so she wants to be a part of it. And she should be, this is a good thing.

I am so sickened by this whole scandal-that-really-isn’t. Trig is obviously her baby, get over it. Please think of something intelligent to discuss if you don’t agree with her policies or her stance on the issues. But please, leave her young daughter out of it. Stop looking at her daughter’s tummy in months and years past to see whether she looked pregnant. Maybe she just had a big ol’ meal and was a little bloated. Either way, it’s none of your business. Sarah’s daughter is not running for office, Sarah is.

And I find it highly hypocritical that the same people who champion women’s rights are the ones who are now coming out and criticizing Sarah for having a career. Who are you to decide how much mommy time is necessary? How about “daddy time” for Obama’s daughters? Again, none of our business and best left for the family to figure out. And so what if the grandparents (ie. Sarah and Todd’s parents) love their grandchildren so much that they are willing to help out as much as they are needed? Would it be better to send them to strangers in daycare? I think that it’s great to have a supportive family that you can count on, and I think it’s great if a woman wants to pursue a career, and I think it’s possible to do so without screwing up your children or being negligent.

So, can we move past the witch trials and actually talk election now?

1 09 2008

What I can not understand is simply this….they risked the life of this child (based on the Gov. being pregnant and flying home to Alaska) Was the idea to have an ‘accident’ and the poor child with down’s syndrome not survive it’s birth?. You have a child that is going to have challenges. You further risk it’s health and wellbeing but placing it in stress and not allowing for it’s natural birth.

These people sound like monsters. If the daughter is the mother, then they are liars and that whole abstinance education is working really well, isn’t it.

Oh…I also stand on the side of the Polar Bears. I know they can be a nuisance but we do live in their habitat.

1 09 2008

David, I picked up on that fact as well, that she doesn’t know the US history, but I am even more scared what she knows about today’s history, foreign policies, foreign leaders, security, etc, etc….I mean, the woman has only been outside the US 2 times in her enterer life and visited 3 countries.

Maybe we need to give her a Geography test and a test on foreign leaders as it was done on Bush on his first election run. He failed big time on the test and look where we are in our foreign policy making today.

Apparently she is not what I call a responsible parent, so how is she going to be as a responsible leader for our entire nation.

1 09 2008

Just want to say one thing — the youtube video supposedly of Palin’s husband is an obvious fake. Don’t buy it. If there’s a deliberate Republican campaign to bait Democrats into making Palin look like an innocent martyr to their evil, life-hating ways, being conned by that video = playing into their hands.

1 09 2008

Well that’s a pretty crazy situation for this day and age. I really thought that “child passing” was a thing of the past. You know what it all reminds me of? The age controversy related to the Chinese women’s gymnastics team in the 2008 Olympics. Even though the Chinese government provided an abundance of explanations and proof that their athletes were the right age it was entirely impossible for many people to believe them since they had previously lost all trust in the Chinese government. I think it’s similar in this situation. It is impossible for someone with any skepticism to believe at face value what this woman who could easily manipulate facts and information has to say after she has already lied to the country (the bridge to nowhere). Although if you believe that there’s no such thing as bad publicity, who the hell knows. What I’d be interested to find out is whether it would be grounds for impeachment if it does turn out that Trig isn’t her son. I am not familiar with such things but that does seem like something that you shouldn’t let an elected official get away with.

1 09 2008

Rollseyes, good point on the posture of the two women in the pictures but your logic otherwise might be wrong. By your reasoning, the teenager would be engaged to this boy within one month of her pregnancy. I doubt she would even have known about it herself by then. This is not an attack on Bristol. She is an unfortunate victim of her mother’s unrelenting and self-serving ambition!

1 09 2008

how about a cool tat and if you look at the other photos posted there seems to be a lot of drinking going on. I look for this to go away real fast.

1 09 2008

I have a crazy idea. The photo’s of Sarah Palin being pregnant, the long plane trip and roundabout hospital trip are still not satisfactorily explained. What if baby Trig is actually Tracks son? They don’t want to get married. So the Palin’s adopt the baby. Bristol’s pregnancy is coincidence and can be blamed on those long nights with nothing else to do up there.

Alright, do sue me!

1 09 2008

Mk, they didn’t necessarily have to be engaged when the picture was taken — just when it (or the caption) was posted.

1 09 2008

I used to spend a lot of time in Alaska for work in the 80’s so at least i know where these places are. But this is just crazy, all I can say is this shows a total lack of judgment from McCain! There is no way this can be hidden much longer the kids who know her will talk before long and let the cat out of the bag, if in fact the myspace pictures don’t already! The idea of her as V.P. scares me enough to move to Europe.

1 09 2008

I still think Trig Palin is NOT Sarah Palin’s baby. And now, with these pics I found on MySpace, I’m suspicious that Bristol Palin may already be married. I hate to see poor Bristol dragged through all of this, when really it’s her mother’s integrity that’s in question.

The pics are from a Wasilla girl named Sadie, whose brother is named Levi and whose “sister-in-law” is Bristol Palin. Sarah Palin is also shown – as the “mommy inlaw” with baby Trig.

1 09 2008

” TH (12:45:12) :

how about a cool tat….”

She gets a tatoo of her BROTHER??????????? OK, that’s weird – not that she loves her brother…..but I just don’t buy that ANYBODY gets a tat of their brother or sister.

1 09 2008
VA Democrat

I think this baby thing shows that the republicans are capable of covering up absolutely anything. I mean, “Trig can’t be Bristol’s baby because Bristol was already pregnant, which happened while she was home with mono?” How did they even *think* of something like that? I think they’re laughing their heads off right now. The republicans want to keep the focus on the bait-and-switch babies instead of having people focus on the more pertinent corruption scandals that Palin has been involved in as governor. Although babygate is much more salacious, ultimately, it will have to be troopergate or bridgegate that does her in. So keep the evidence coming about the corruption stuff – it’s really important.

1 09 2008

” KiwisCanFly (12:46:29) :

What if baby Trig is actually Tracks son? ”

Under this scenario… my questions about the Guv’s health insurance aspect. So how would the Guv’s insurance company feel about covering a non-family member?????

1 09 2008

“VA Democrat (12:50:48) :

Although babygate is much more salacious, ultimately, it will have to be troopergate or bridgegate that does her in. So keep the evidence coming about the corruption stuff – it’s really important.”

Health Insurance fraud?????

1 09 2008

” shstl (12:49:57) :

I still think Trig Palin is NOT Sarah Palin’s baby. And now, with these pics I found on MySpace, I’m suspicious that Bristol Palin may already be married. I hate to see poor Bristol dragged through all of this, when really it’s her mother’s integrity that’s in question.

The pics are from a Wasilla girl named Sadie, whose brother is named Levi and whose “sister-in-law” is Bristol Palin. Sarah Palin is also shown – as the “mommy inlaw” with baby Trig.”

So if Trigg is not Bristol’s, why is she (Bristol) marrying Sadie’s bro?

(See why my name is “head’s a spinnin”?!!!)

1 09 2008

I just woke up after being up late reading all these posts on Mudflats from DAY ONE and writing that long post I wrote last night about the BIG DEBUT in Washington, PA here on Friday…only to be first hit with the article Headline on CNN that IT IS INDEED TRUE that BRISTOL IS PREGNANT! Just like the citizen researcher guy on here confirmed by his detective work on MySpace on Saturday! OMG. This is all right out of the the 1965 novel “Giles Goat Boy” by John Barth! Did the Earth pass through the tail of a comet or something? How could any of this be happening?

And it says McCain KNEW the 16 year old daughter was pregnant and STILL picked Sarah Palin to be Vice President of the United States in the political climate we are living in in this crucial election where ACTUAL ISSUES have to be discussed for the nation with NO DISTRACTIONS? Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

Maybe I should go back to bed! At least all the rational people posting here give me comfort that there are still sane and rational people in the world. I love you people.

But when I wake up next what will have happened?

The most important election in my lifetime has turned into a very badly written movie on the Lifetime Channel.


1 09 2008

If the exact date BRistol withdrew from school was known a lot of the Trig confusion could be cleared up.

1 09 2008

Ref: Bristol=5 months pregnant
I am still not convinced. Palin’s lied and manipulated other things prior to this… Time will tell whether her daughter is 5 months pregnant or 4 months pregnant — maybe she’ll have a 6 pound premie too. Go back and compare Sarah & Bristol’s pictures again — I am talking FACES here — not bump or no bump. Their faces are different and note that Bristol in the more recent picture looks more like her mother did when she was pregnant. Obviously none of this is conclusive — it is just if it looks like a duck…

Ref: fishpickers comment by Todd Palin
HAH! Wrongo First Dude. You can have fishpickers from anywhere – my husband is from Kansas and picked fish for 25 years in Alaska before coming back.

1 09 2008

Can anyone find Bristol’s middle name???????

1 09 2008

I am from alaska and have lived in anchorage for nearly 30 years. I am a health care provider and believe me the news when sarah palin delivered her baby was big. Many of us just shook our head. I was flabbergasted – but it was very believable. The biggest issue I had was what a terrible example to women!! I actually used it for teaching what NOT to do. Palin’s health care decision to fly after her water broke was the most irresponsible act I had run across in a very long time. This was all confirmed in a newspaper article – replete with quotes and interviews – as many of you have already read. Bizarre – but typical for our governor who apparently cares not a whip about what she is dragging her family through.

1 09 2008

Obviously, the pregnancy issue does not affect Palin’s abilities as a VP. But if she lied about Trig and went to great lengths to hide the pregnancy of Bristol, what else would she cover up? How easily would she lie to the American people? That really concerns me. I believe we’re only just beginning to see the real dirty laundry.

And for all the people who say we need to get back to issues, I agree. But I’ll also remind you that a whole lot of Americans, ignorant of issues, voted for George Bush because ” he seems like a nice guy.” At the same time, they called Kerry (and now Obama) an elitist for harping too much on policies and issues.

The character of our candidates, perceived and otherwise, DOES matter.

1 09 2008
M & M

Here’s some reform politics:

Let’s focus on the real issues, folks! Stop participating in rumor behavior you would not endorse in your 12 year old children!!

Obama has remained true to a message of issues and not personal attacks–hitting the mark the vast majority of the time, I’d say (yes, change is hard)! I want to hear from Palin on her bridge flip-flop, Trooper-Gate (sounds like one vindictive woman), foreign policy views, immigration, Iraq, etc. We’ve been focusing on flag burning, whose values are real, gay marriage, etc. for far too long!! ENOUGH

1 09 2008

inlaw and the rest. i am beginning to think that the girl in the picture is track’s wife and also the sister of levi. she is connected to the palins both ways. through track and through levi. that is why the gov is her mother in-law, and trig her brother in-law and bristol her sister in-law. the other possiblity is she is some sort of related to the palin by law hence the term “inlaw” instead of “in-law”, like an adopted daughter (but not exactly). the gov is her mother inlaw bristol is her sister inlaw and trig her brother inlaw. i am not sure if she really knows the difference between the “inlaw” and “in-law”

1 09 2008

“marti (13:18:43) :

I am from alaska and have lived in anchorage for nearly 30 years.”

Marti, since you’re a local, what’s with Track – any truth to another rumor about him joining the Army in a plea deal to avoid statuatory rape charge? Or the rumor that this might not be Bristol OR Sarah’s baby – it might be Tracks????? It would seem at this point that nothing might be too bizarre.

1 09 2008

You ask “what is next?”

I’ve seen pictures of Palin, semi-nude, being passed around. The face looks kinda-sorta like her and was obviously from an earlier day. Guess the real question is “are the pix real?” Perhaps you can ask around. …

1 09 2008

btw – my SIL was enroute to a jobsite on an airplane at 35,000 feet in her 9th month when her water broke. At the next stop, she switched airplanes and flew back home.

The kid has turned out okay.

Palin’s not the only one. Nor is my SIL. But it does go to judgment.

1 09 2008

Reading this from across the pond in England – Gobsmacked is what I am!!! This is better than any programme we have on TV here. I’m astonished about every aspect of this story…for goodness’ sake, 4 days AFTER the announcement and there are pictures of Palin’s children all over myspace??? This is gross irresponsibility on the part of SP as a parent, and Mccain as a public servant!!! Indeed, God Bless America is all I can hope? Surely, please someone assure me that Americans wouldn’t vote for this ticket, I just can not imagine this could be possible – why are we even debating and discussing its merits? This is only good for entertainment value….

1 09 2008

I don’t know if these points has been made because I have not read any other posts but, I believe this new pregnancy announcement proves that there is most definitely a smoking gun for the following reasons:

1. The daughter’s baby is supposedly scheduled to be born in December, well after the election.

2. The story as it stands about the possibility of Palin not being the biological mother of Trig is just too ridiculous to be believed. She announced in March that she was 7 months pregnant, 5 days after either speaking or meeting with the McCain campaign, so she had to know that, albeit a long shot, she was in the running for the VP slot.
3. Also, she is 44 years old and has had 4 previous children. There is no way that you can get to your first 7 months of pregnancy without obviously showing during your first pregnancy, much less your 5th pregnancy. That is not how a mother’s body works. The more pregnancies, the sooner and more obviously you show with each pregnancy. Not one person who she worked with knew that she was pregnant and were all shocked when it was revealed.
4. And, why keep it a secret for 7 months? I could see in the first trimester keeping it secret in case of a miscarriage, but miscarriages hardly ever happen past the first trimester.
5. Also, she is 44 years old. I had my daughter at 35 years old and every pregnancy that a woman has at 35 or older is termed a high risk pregnancy. This means that you go to the doctor very frequently because the older you are, the more dangerous it is that you could jeopardize the health of the fetus. And on top of this, it was known that it was going to be a special needs child, requiring even more doctor visits and follow ups. Which also brings up the question, since a high risk/special needs pregnancy requires very frequent doctor visits, her secretary or scheduler did not know that she was pregnant? A Govenor has a very detailed schedule that must be adhered to making many appearances in and around the State, and it is impossible with a high risk pregnancy requiring very frequent doctor visits, that her secretary or scheduler did not know she was pregnant to accomodate the doctor visits.
6. Everything that was said about how she went into labor in Texas, dripping fluid, yet instead of rushing immediately to the hospital so her high risk and special needs infant could be safely born, Palin instead:
a) Chose to give the Keynote Speech instead AFTER her water broke.
b) After the speech, instead of immediately rushing to the next nearest hospital in TX in an ambulance that should have been on stand by, she chose instead to drive to the airport and take an 8 hour flight back to Alaska. Also, most airlines require that pregnant women let it be known that they are pregnant at 7 months or over, yet Sarah, after supposedly being in labor for hours, not only did not inform the airline or the stewardesses that she was pregnant, but also did not even tell them that she was several hours in labor! The stewardesses said that she showed no sign of discomfort or labor. Any mother knows that this alone is laughable.
c) When she finally makes it to Alaska after her 8 hour flight, (still showing no sign of being in labor according to the stewardesses), she supposedly chooses not to go to the nearest hospital in Alaska, only minutes away from the airport, but instead chooses to drive another 45 minutes to her hometown Wasilla to supposedly finally give birth.
d. She is back to work 3 days later, and by the way, the daughter in question just happened to be pulled from school for 5 to 8 months during this same time period of time of the pregnancy for mono, a condition that usually lasts from 2 weeks to no longer than 3 months.
Just writing this sounds like a comedy!
Here is what I think the announcement today was meant to do:
The announcement specifically pinpointed “liberal bloggers” as to the reason as to why they announced that her oldest daughter is supposedly 5 months pregnant. Why are you revealing a personal and private family matter in response to “liberal bloggers” if the accusations are untrue? Why not produce medical records, which are usually produced by the candidates anyway, proving the frequent doctor visits for your high risk pregnancy, the birth records, releasing a statement from her doctor and the doctors and nurses who delivered the baby? Why would you humiliate your oldest daughter in this very public way instead of doing something, (releasing medical records), which is standard procedure in a presidential campaign anyway. I believe that the reason why is to stop the investigation and speculation until after the Election.
Why is it even more important than ever to get to the bottom of this story once and for all via reviewing of medical records, receiving confirmation from her doctor and nurses all involved with the brith? Because if this is all a sham, which I even suspect more so with todays announcement, it shows the lengths of what this woman and John McCain would go to in order to secure the ultimate seat of power and that diabolical and chilling mindset scares the hell out of me and what this could possibly mean for our country…hell the world! We have already seen this type of mindset from Bush/Cheney. The media and (bloggers) need to continue doing their job because the issue is not about who is the mother of Trig. It’s about who is in the seat of power for our nation in January of next year. I could of course be wrong, but if I am, I should be proven wrong because I truly hope and pray I am wrong. Wake up people! Too much is at stake!


1 09 2008

OK – what you are all missing is the creepy creepy way Sarah Palin pretty much let Bristol have it in the press release –
….”Bristol …came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned… Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child.”

In other words – this kid is going to grow up now, I ain’t taking a second child. That boy is byGod marrying my little girl!

Trig is Bristol’s baby. If she IS pregnant again, that ain’t no miracle. Ask any mother with babies 10 months apart. IMHO they are trying to explain away Bristol’s ‘baby weight’ by saying she’s pregnant (again.) Other posters are correct – we will hear of a miscarriage, and we are so sad about that. OR Bristol will have a miraculously healthy full weight baby prematurely. Poor Kid. Just say NO! No contraception, no sex ed, no understanding of how it all works, no real support from a lying mama. How stupid does Palin think we are in the lower 48?!

IF (and this requires suspending disbelief) by some off chance, that woman left an unborn child inside her for 10 hours without the “water” She should be charged with a crime. Her kind scream about abortion and how cruel it is to take the life of a peanut. What about the cruelty of starving a child IN YOUR WOMB while the placenta drains into your diaper? NO ONE would do this. Water breaks and you skedaddle to the nearest doctor. And babies don’t just hang out in there knitting a sweater after the water breaks! They decide it’s damn time to come out and they start sticking their heads or feet in the general direction of the freaking exit.

Ahh, what a great way to start your candidacy. At least with Clinton we waited a few years to hear, “it depends on how you define ‘is.'”

1 09 2008

As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one -gate worth paying attention to: vetting-gate.
Based on the non-vetting of Palin, McCain has proved himself to be totally clueless and reckless and shouldn’t be allowed within 100 miles of the White House. Sarah Palin may go the way of Tom Eagleton, but the real problem on the McCain/Palin ticket ain’t Sarah Palin.

1 09 2008

If *mercede* is the sister of the boy, pictured, who fathered a child with Bristol (regardless of who carried Trig), here is his (private – but classy profile pic!) MySpace:

LEVI WALLNER. of Palmer, Alaska.

1 09 2008

too funny that the myspace page comes up with an advert ‘who will you marry’….

1 09 2008
The Anti-Palin Blog

“In reference to Todd Palin’s statement about fish-pickers from Texas, something is very fishy here indeed.”

It makes sense if you consider her links to the secessionist Alaska Independence Party – you’ll want that automatic citizenship when AK becomes its own country.

1 09 2008

The AP is reporting that the statement from Sarah and Todd Palin says that Bristol will marry the father of her child, but the statement itself actually makes no mention of the father of the child. Is this a carefully worded statement?

1 09 2008

Let’s take babygate off the table. There are enough other issues to look at to show the Palin is a bad choice for VP: troopergate, dairygate, bridge to nowhere and a lack of relevant experience. Going after any candidates family is not on. Anyone who has had teenaged children know the parents can’t always get what they want.

1 09 2008

I have figured it out.
My new baby brother TriggyBear etc is photographed with his half sister. The facebook girl. Levi is her brother and the young man who is father of Bristol’s baby. Sherry is Levi’s mum and had Trig to Todd and the Palin’s have adopted him. And mummy in law is a reference to Levi and Bristol getting married. Yep everything fits.
It must be them long long nights up there in Alaska.

1 09 2008

Here’s my question, and I think it’s a really reasonable one.

You say you want to put the “disusting rumors” on “liberal blogs” to rest, and prove that your daughter did not give birth in April to a child you claimed as yours. As a 44 year old woman giving birth to a Down Syndrome baby, you would have been to the doctor during said pregnancy many, many times.

So, in order to stop these “disgusting rumors”, you throw your teenaged daughter to the wolves by saying “she’s pregnant now so she couldn’t have been pregnant then, so there”, instead of releasing your own pregnancy medical records, which would be perfectly normal for anyone running for the VP office to do anyway, and then saying “Now leave my damned daughter alone, the child is mine”


1 09 2008

“KiwisCanFly (14:02:11) :

I have figured it out.
My new baby brother TriggyBear etc is photographed with his half sister. The facebook girl.”

If her brother is the father wouldn’t she be Trigg’s aunt rather than half sister?

Can’t tell the players without a scorecard!

1 09 2008

the myspace photos have been taken down!

1 09 2008

Hmmmm. Glad I saved those screen shots….

1 09 2008

Can you imagine the ballyhoo if this had been Chelsea Clinton? Bill All-Riled-Up over at Fox, Rushed Limblah, Pat Bucholic, et al would be shredding the Clintons for their abysmal child-rearing. Tit for tat, I always say. The Republicans were the best teachers in the world when it came to smearing their opponents with slander and lies and innuendo. The chickens are coming home to roost – better late than never.

1 09 2008

i saved them. umm, probably should put them online, huh?

1 09 2008

You know, it occurs to me that this is all a ploy to get everyone to think that Joe Lieberman is an EXCELLENT choice, once it finally gets made. As this mess rocks on, the Republican Base will become more and more nervous, ultimately demanding that McCain choose someone else. Rumor has been all along that he wanted his best buddy Joe to be his running mate but the base would have had a fit. Now Palin makes Lieberman look like a white knight.

1 09 2008


You’ve misinterpreted my meaning. I know it’s screwy. Trig is Levi’s and the Facebook Girl’s half brother. Their mum Sherry (I think that is the name mentioned from the Facebook bio) had the baby to Todd Palin.

So Bristol is Trigs half sister. Levi is Trigs half brother. The Facebook girl is Trigs half sister. Sherry is the mum. Todd the dad. Sarah the adopted mother.

1 09 2008

I love it when the holier-than-thou get caught out. Palin’s daughter is a fornicating slut. It’s hilarious!

1 09 2008

Easy answer. Bristol is NOT five months pregnant. If, at all.

All the McCain/Palin camp has to do is win the election on Nov. 4th. To hold the bloodhounds off until then they put out the new baby story.

If no baby is born to Bristol in December what can anyone do?

I’m sure she’ll ‘disappear’ quietly for the next several months and the press we be told because she’s a child that access to her is off limits.

1 09 2008

” KiwisCanFly (14:02:11) :

I have figured it out.
Sherry is Levi’s mum and had Trig to Todd and the Palin’s have adopted him. ”

Wait a minute…..Who is Sherry? It was Sarah who had the baby. And why would the Palins adopt him if Sarah bore him (as Sarah has said)??? But if the Palins adopted him, then Sarah DIDN’T have him.

The more I know, the less I know! Arghhhhh… “head’s a spinnin”!

Please, Kiwi – don’t give up on me! I’m tryin’ to keep up here!

1 09 2008

There’s no proof that the wrestler Levi linked to is the father, and there’s no proof of the MySpace Levi either.

The odds of a 16 year old having a baby with Down syndrome are around 1/20 of the chances of a 43 year old mother doing so.

1 09 2008

Euridice (12:37:14) :

“Trig’s b-day april 18. Maybe a coincidence, but a baby boy was born in Anchorage hospital april 18 (jeremiah) to an Amber and Levi. Anyone know Bristol’s middle name?”

Unless Levi is a much more popular name in Alaska than it is in NY…that would be a very interesting coincidence.

1 09 2008

they think the meeting went well because Putin was smiling ,,when he was actually in tears holding back a laugh when he saw the wet spot on the presidents suit from her nipple leaking
pop!!!! she hands off (baby)to the secret service ,, milk sprays the Chinese delegation
Looks like saturday night live is going to make a comeback folks ..

1 09 2008

Well, like Sen. Obama says: Families are off limits.
In fact, I believe that this turn of events will make her even more sympathetic to the Right. Somehow what is off-limits to the Left is always permissible for them. All I can say if, it was Sasha or Malia carrying that baby? Fugghedaboutid. They would be all over it, quoting Bible verses so quickly your head would spin.

Whatever. I wish Bristol the best of luck, and I wish Sen. Obama the Presidency in November.

1 09 2008

Ok, I’m not sure what the mum’s name is (I thought I read it as Sherry) whatever. The mum of the Facebook girl and brother Levi.
She had the baby to Todd.
So Levi and Bristol will be half siblings to Trig.
Levi will also be a brother in law to Trig at sometime in the future.
YUP Sarah did not give birth to Trig, but will be his mother by adoption.
To complicate matters Bristol is now pregnant to Levi.

1 09 2008

“KiwisCanFly (14:17:20) :


Their mum Sherry (I think that is the name mentioned from the Facebook bio) had the baby to Todd Palin.

Sherry is the mum. Todd the dad. Sarah the adopted mother.”

I think I’m starting to follow this……Levi’s Mom and Bristol’s Dad are the real mother/father of Trigg? OK…..that could make sense.

And since the father carries the defective gene that causes Downs, that would make sense. (Does anybody know if there is a Palin family history of Downs Syndrome? Or are we still considering Alcohol Syndrome?)

If, of course, ANYTHING could make sense!

1 09 2008

wonder what kind of new car Levi is getting from the McCain camp to make this marriage work

1 09 2008
1 09 2008
Parker CA

Wow, I thought the speculations yesterday and the day before were pretty out there, but this, all this above is just a mess!! Let the National Enquirer dig the dirt on this one. Guaranteed they are already deep into it. If they proved Edwards was the father, they will suss this one out.

1 09 2008


I’ll believe it when I see the DNA proof.

Can’t wait to see what else is in Sarah Palin’s closet.

But I have divided feelings about her being Eagletoned.

First, I’d love to see her gone. Because there isn’t one respectable former A-list Republican who’s going to want to play sloppy seconds with McCain and go down in flames in November.

OTOH, I desperately want to see Joe Biden wipe the floor with her.

1 09 2008

Ok u got it headsaspinning.

Now for the fun part. Later after much speculation and angst for Sarah she will let the cat out of the bag. She will be seen as a true Christian for forgiving her husband who in a moment of weakness did the unthinkable act of betrayal. An adoring and devoted mother and wife. Apologises for fabricating a story but pleads that protecting Trig was tantamount to her and she will be seen as a truly wonderful person. She and Todd have worked thru this trial..nada nada On top of all of this she has coped with her teenage daughters pregnancy It could happen to anyone. Right?

1 09 2008

box of trojans would have been well spent money

1 09 2008

From this little feller’s “baby book’ messages under his picture” from WWJDevolution (14:33:34)’s baby Jeremiah/Amber/Levi’s link:

“Tuesday, April 29, 2008 1:30 PM
Jay Sonnenburg
Welcome, grandson!

Thursday, May 1, 2008 3:44 PM
Dr.Thompson & Staff
Amber, we just viewed you beautiful baby on line. He is SO precious! Bring him to your post op visit so we can ooh and ahh over him. Thanks, The girls & Dr. T

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 10:57 PM
nicole & brandon
Congrats on the new baby boy! He sure is big and strong! We love you! ”

This doesn’t seem connected to the Palin situation.

1 09 2008

Powerfully written, in a respectful manner and in a respected newspaper. The comments cited aren’t very Christian.

By Colbert King | September 1, 2008; 4:45 PM ET
A Story Palin Should Tell

A few weeks ago, I wrote a column about the problem of teen pregnancy and the tragic impact it has had on so many aspects of life in the nation’s capital. Reader response was heavy and, in some ways, disturbing. While I never used the terms “black or “African American” in the column, many readers saw the teen pregnancy problem in only racial terms.

1 09 2008

If Mat-Su Regional Medical Center list all of the babies born on and around April 18th and their parents, can someone please explain why Sarah, Todd and Trig are not listed.

She was the governer for Pete’s sake.

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

“KiwisCanFly (14:36:54) :

Ok u got it headsaspinning.

Now for the fun part. Later after much speculation and angst for Sarah she will let the cat out of the bag. She will be seen as a true Christian for forgiving her husband who in a moment of weakness did the unthinkable act of betrayal.”


So who’s insurance company paid for these medical expenses? Still the potential for insurance shenanigans. Remember…the first lie is the hardest; after a while, lies become really easy. And who wouldn’t want to fleece an insurance company?!

By the way…..any birth announcements for Sherry? Any ‘on the ground’ reports from locals about Sherry being with child during the period in question? (Or did she have mono also?! OK…that was snarky.)

1 09 2008

Nope, I am just flying with speculation. I wanted to figure out a way to make some sort of sense out of the captions in the Facebook girls site.

Time will reveal.

1 09 2008


” JamesRobertSmith (14:19:11) :
Palin’s daughter is a fornicating slut. It’s hilarious!”

Shut the fuck up JamesRobertSmith.

1 09 2008

I just thought of something really really screwy. The mum of Levi and the Facebook girl was pregnant to Track Palin not Todd.

Yet another twist.

1 09 2008

How did you get into the pictures when there’s a “please login” at the top of your picture? (almost cut out)

You can’t view someones myspace pictures WITHOUT logging in first…

Fishy my friend, fishy… looks like you photoshopped it if you ask me.

Anyways, if you vote for McCain you are a true dumbass, he doesn’t know politics (admitted on news), thinks there is a IRAQ/PAKISTAN border (Iraq doesn’t even touch Pakistan) and he said on the news he doesn’t know where his own houses are…

Sorry, only a TRUE MORON would vote for this stupid old man.

1 09 2008

Here’s a pic of newborn Trig:

1 09 2008

“KiwisCanFly (14:51:55) :

I just thought of something really really screwy. The mum of Levi and the Facebook girl was pregnant to Track Palin not Todd.”

But then Trigg wouldn’t be Bristol’s half bro – he would be Bristol’s nephew.

And why would it be necessary for Sarah to cover for her unmarried son? Yes, Sherry may be married…but isn’t that HER problem and not the Gov’s????? And if Sherry is NOT married, no harm no foul?

Dammit Kiwi…..just when I finally caught up — you zoomed off into a different direction.

1 09 2008

I thought of that too Dust.

I mean I just clicked on the link that was posted and found myself in her Facebook. I kinda felt like I was peeking in her undie drawer. I checked it out for a while but u know young girls blogs aren’t really interesting to me. I did note the captions to the pics and was trying to make sense of them. Read abit of her bio about her brother that she loves so much and has his name tatooed on her wrist and her mum, there was no mention of a dad. Then I had my epiphany of flying speculation and now I want to sell my conclusions to one of those soaps that has been running for years.

1 09 2008
tanya tipton

Too bad Palin doesn’t believe in birth control because then her 17 daughter might not be pregnant.

1 09 2008

Let’s get back to votes
and how it’s going to play
out in November.

September 1, 2008

1 09 2008

“KiwisCanFly (14:57:45) :
Read abit of her bio about her brother that she loves so much and has his name tatooed on her wrist”

Still think it’s weird as hell that a sister would have a brother’s name tatooed on her wrist. Course, there may be other Levi’s in her life. Maybe she just LOVES her bluejeans!

1 09 2008

If the rest of mercede’s MySpace page is any indication, I’d say we’re not exactly dealing with rocket scientists here. So her captions may not be entirely accurate in a family tree sort of way.

Maybe she says baby brother because Trig IS Sarah Palin’s, and since Bristol is her “sister-in-law,” Trig is by default her brother. My guess is that Bristol has been married at least since May.

1 09 2008

Re: the pix, I think Sadie (nickname for Mercede) is Levi Fox’s (he comes up on google as a high school wrestler for Wasilla and )brother. I think she incorrectly called him “brother” rather than nephew
Also, I think Levi’s actual first name is Kyle

1 09 2008


YUP (I like that Alaskan way of saying yes). In this scenario of speculation.
Trig is Bristols nephew. Trig is Levi’s half bro still, and soon to be brother in law. Trig is the Facebook girls half bro too. Trig is Todd and Sarah’s first grandchild. Trig is Sherry’s (the mum of Levi and Facebook girl) natural son.
Trig is Track’s son.
I have no idea why this scenario would need a fabrication to hide it. Maybe the mum wanted to have an abortion and Sarah couldn’t abide that and the mum was embarressed to be pregnant to a man old enough to be her son and this is how they all chose to hide it from the public. To protect the mum and cos she may be a school teacher.

1 09 2008

I was not an Obama fan. I would have voted for Hilary, but even then with some amount of reservation. Had decided to go for McCain until he made his announcement of putting this unknown on the ticket with him. I did a short search on the internets (something McCain’s people failed to do obviously) and I was appalled. This woman is frightening! Forgetting for the moment about the “who’s yo momma” deal and the newest announcement, there is enough about her that should make any person–right or left–scared out of their mind to have her in power. Troopergate alone should have been a real big red flag. I half expect this nut to show up at the RNC wearing a polar bear coat. Thanks for the above post about her ignorance about the pledge–she most assuredly seems to be a very dim-witted woman who hasn’t a clue about how stupid she really is although she certainly understands the concept of power. McCain’s people are calling her a hero–I can’t wait until they find out just how foolish this decision was.

I was initially insulted to think that McCain would believe Hilary supporters would flip over to her just because she has a vagina. Now I am insulted that they are trying to promote her as a hero and reformer. Give her a reality show but don’t give her any kind of power to make decisions for my country. She is disgusting. Thanks McCain, tomorrow I am running, not walking, to get my Obama bumper sticker.

1 09 2008


“Still think it’s weird as hell that a sister would have a brother’s name tatooed on her wrist. Course, there may be other Levi’s in her life.”

Well my deviant mind has had an epiphany on this too. However, I am not going there!!! And yup, there may be another Levi in her life. It is a biblical name and apparently them there Wasilla folk are religious.

1 09 2008


Did perhpas its a fake tatoo? She wrote several time she loves her brother and its her best friend. So y not? I did not see on any other photos the tatoo.

just my 2 cents

1 09 2008

“Course, there may be other Levi’s in her life.”

Except the caption read “I love my brother.”

1 09 2008

Well, all the my space pages are now set to private. I guess it took McCain’s people a few days to give out guidence on how to protect privacy. One would think that this would have been done the minute McCain learned of the “news”.

1 09 2008

Again, you MUST be a moron to vote for McCain… I’ve been saying it for a month now and this takes the fucking cake, people!

If you don’t believe he used this UNKNOWN, UNSKILLED lady to get the feminist vagina-loving votes, than you again, are a moron!

I don’t like Obama’s wife though, she’s kind of scary looking and her speech at the DEMO PARTY was pretty tasteless and unoriginal.

The ONLY thing I dislike about Obama is he played the race card to get the black votes, and now he has to give in to all the over-exaggerated “needs” he supposedly is going to take care of for the low-class black people to make America more “equal”… (We know what this really means, cater more to the lazy black people looking for free handouts and abusing the system e.g Katrina)

1 09 2008

There is nothing sinister in Sadie’s affection she comes across as a healthy young fun-loving teenager. She doesn’t mention a dad and that would make her close to her bro. Also, I recall really getting on well with my older bro and I would hang out with him and his dishy mates.

1 09 2008

“Did perhpas its a fake tatoo? She wrote several time she loves her brother and its her best friend. So y not? I did not see on any other photos the tatoo.”

no, it appears to be real. before they made the my space album private, you could see several pictures of her in and in front of the tattoo studio actually having it done. looks like she got it on a trip to mexico. classy.

1 09 2008

You want to talk scary wives…, Cindy McCain! That lady looks like she eats puppies for lunch.

1 09 2008

Whoa Dust, that is harsh.
I can’t even cut and paste that cos it makes me feel unclean.

Please indicate where Obama played the race card? Be specific a date and what he actually said so that I may source it.
I think yr last paragraph says more about u than it does about Obama.
Michelle may look scary to u but that doesn’t mean she is scary. So her speech didn’t impress u that is yr prerogative. U are being very judgmental in an unfair and biased manner.

1 09 2008

So… you want to quell nasty internet rumors that Trig is not your son. How to do that? Announce that Bristol is 5 months pregnant! Um… couldn’t you just, you know, release medical records for a reporter pool to examine–as is standard practice for a national campaign ANYHOW?!

The one person I feel very sorry for is Bristol Palin. Chelsea seems to have turned out alright, but I would hate to see anyone put through what the Clinton’s daughter had to face. (See McCain, John for one of the most disgusting jokes regarding Chelsea.)

1 09 2008

I do NOT believe the Governor, and neither do many of us here on the east coast. I attended a Democratic Party labor day event and all of us who have been following this story (thanks to this blog!) bet that in a couple of weeks we will hear something different, something that will gain the sympathy of the wingnuts. We (my friends and I) believe that Trig is the Governor’s grandson. The press release was issued in the hopes that the bloggers will get off this case. I suggest that you keep digging and the the truth will come out eventually, hopefully before the election. It would not surprise me if the Governor drops out of the race by week’s end. The pressure on and the scrutiny of her family will be too much. She should have considered that before she agreed to accept McCain’s offer.

A.P. (Tony) in Alexandria, VA

1 09 2008

Oh Dust…

Are you in New Orleans and personally involved in the governmental portion of the rebuilding process? That was so racist – assuming you are caucasian, you are clearly white trash. Guess what? I live in New York City… I pay $3600/month to live in a luxury building. Twenty percent of the apartments here go to low-income people who pay $500/month for the same layout. All of the low-incomes are Chinese, and they abuse the system (one was just convicted by a court for having low-income leases on more than one apartment). Some of them walk around wearing Prada shoes. A lot of white people here also abuse the system. So, my friend, people who “look for free handouts and abusing the system” is not a color-coded problem. It is an equal-opportunity scam that all colors take part in. In fact, based on this thread, Sarah Palin fits your people who “look for free handouts and abusing the system” description quite well. Peace out racist!

1 09 2008

Okay, I don’t know what this means but the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center web site is back up now. This is the hospital that Sarah Palin is supposed to have gone to, to have baby Trig. It’s been published that her doctor’s name is Cathy Baldwin-Johnson.

The regional hospital has a birth announcement calendar and Trig does not show up on April 18, 2008, or any other day, for that matter. Further, Baldwin-Johnson does not show up as one of Mat-Su’s affiliated physicians. At all. She runs a clinic that she founded. She is a family physician whose specialty is dealing with pregnant and/or parenting teenagers who have a history of physical or sexual abuse.

Sarah Palin, as governor of Wasilla, provided a letter of recommendation for Baldwin-Johnson which helped her receive a physician of the year award in 2002. Sarah Palin, as governor, created a health care strategy council and appointed Baldwin-Johnson to it.

How does Sarah choose this family physician to handle the birth of her DS baby? Why is Trig not listed as having been born where he is said to have been born? How is the doctor who handled the birth not listed as a physician for the medical center? I guess there could be reasonable answers to these questions. Couldn’t there?

1 09 2008

Err, I meant to say , as MAYOR of Wasilla.

1 09 2008

Kiwi, I see black people here in my area who try to abuse the system all the time, maybe that’s my biased, (maybe racist), but TRUE opinion.

Because you asked for a link:
His speech at MLK Church… look what the black guy in the beginning says (us, as in black people, but quickly adds some words realizing he’s being RACIST… that guy is the type of black people that I am referring to. I like most black people, don’t get me wrong, please.

About Obama’s Wife: I think her speech was VERY made up and made her look very “full of it” I guess I would say…I didn’t believe she actually meant what she was saying. I think she was just saying what people wanted to hear.

Again, I still think you are ignorant if you vote for McCain… either that or you’re a greedy bastard who only wants the tax deduction.

1 09 2008


WOW, the plot thickens. My flying speculation could be nearer the truth.

1 09 2008

I think you are being a bit unfair–particularly about “hand outs” for Katrina victims. I live in Mississippi. I went to the coast and saw it all first hand. I picked through the rubble that was the home of a friend of mine trying to find something, anything that she could reclaim. It was devastating.

I don’t get how you think that Obama, a man with seven years of advanced education, promotes “hand outs.” Sounds to me that he advocates education for all which, last time I looked, also requires investment from the individual.

We may disagree on Obama but I bet we agree that a good start on education for all would be for someone to give Sarah Palin an advanced education–evidently, she didn’t get much out of that undergraduate degree.

1 09 2008

Man, this is by far and away the coolest election ever. I was all out for Obama but now I’m thinking of switching to McCain just because it would be so hilariously entertaining to have the Yukon HIllbillies in the VP mansion, and then the White House, over the next so many years. This family makes the Cheneys look normal.

1 09 2008


That is the most damning evidence of all.

It’s clear she did not have the baby where she said she did. Therefore, she’s lying to the public.

One lie always leads to another one, and then another one, and then another.

You have to keep telling lies to protect the first one.

This little girl is not pregnant now. She was then.

1 09 2008


Says much abt what you hope for ur future! 😦

1 09 2008

“KiwisCanFly (15:04:56) :
To protect the mum and cos she may be a school teacher.”

But how does mum hide her big pregnant belly??? And everybody who talks to mum during her pregnancy would be wondering where mum’s baby is today, no??? Seems like that facade would crumble in a heartbeat. And since there seems to be enough people who don’t like Sarah, that’s a story that would’ve come out right away, doncha think???

1 09 2008

$3600 rent guy (lol, wow, you are getting robbed):

You mentioned China people wearing Prada in New York City… all I can think while reading that is Chinatown Prada knockoffs.

My bit actually happens daily here, while yours is just made up from your one personal experience.

1 09 2008

I think we need to keep digging at this story as well.

For the people who seem to want to beleive that Trig is Track’s son, please tell me where there is even a scintilla of evidence to support that.

Remember that Sarah went to her staffer Bill McAllister and told him not to beleive rumors of BRISTOL’S PREGNANCY, and this was before Sarah claimed SHE was pregnant. As far as I can find there are no rumors of Track having knocked anybody up.

And as for the confusion from the labels that this Mercede placed on the photos my only explanation is she is a “not too terribly bright” teenager. I work with teenagers and sometimes the stupidity can be breathtaking.

And I don’t mean to be mean to this young woman, she clearly created that MySpace for her friends to visit and not a bunch of judgmental adults. But sadly she is in the wrong place at the wrong time. My one regret in talking about this is that I don’t want to hurt these kids. But we cannot allow Palin to lie her way into the White House. And yes these lies matter.

1 09 2008

OK, posted those MySpace pics at

Pics of Bristol with Trig right after his birth, Sarah Palin, etc. Oh, and Levi.

As far as I know, this is the first photo published anywhere of Bristol between the time she got pulled out of school and last Friday, right?

1 09 2008

Sarah Palin is the mother of a 4-month-old DS baby and a 5-month-pregnant 17-year-old unwed daughter, but she’s going to campaign for the next two months criss-crossing the country for the 2nd-highest public office in the United States, and we’re told McCain regards her as a wise choice on his part?

No, it shows he’s unfit for office.

Bristol will be 7 months pregnant on election day, but her mom will have to spend nearly all her time between now and then trying to be V-P rather than helping her daughter, just as she spent all her time trying to be a governor, which was probably a major factor in Bristol’s pregnancy.

And McCain knew this, and chose Palin anyway, and she accepted?

Sorry, this forced revelation ought to destroy the Republican ticket, and it’s mere pusillanimity to pretend that Dems or any other citizens should not use this issue to subject McCain’s appallingly imprudent misjudgment to withering scorn.

My other rhetorical question is, would “Ma water broke in Texas, but I flew home to Alaska anyhow, ‘cos ma teen princess got knocked-up too, and ah had to be there for her, an’ now ah’m-a headin’ for a big White House, where ah’ll breast feed ma child while talking ’bout Georgia with some Russkie dude” make for a good Country and Western song-title?

1 09 2008

Dust I did watch the utube link u posted I have it playing now whilst I type this, it is 34 mins long!

This is what I transcribed from the introduction: He is the embodiment of the American dream, Regardless of whether u are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. When u think about the long history of America, Barack Obama
makes us proud, all Americans, all Americans. BO starts his speech with some scripture.

The minister introducing BO when saying this “Barack Obama
makes us proud” he draws this out and then with the first “all Americans” he says this almost b4 he finishes the ‘d’ sound in proud.

I don’t believe there was a hesitation to emphasis that the ‘us’ part.

I believe u are wrong Dust in what u percieve as the ministers intent. U should reflect on why u may be interpreting this as a racist example.

We all carry baggage around with us. Sometimes we don’t realise it and then we don’t question it.

There are scumbags out there, some are black and some are white, and all the other hues.

We must always challenge ourselves to be better than we are.

Yr mate Kiwi.

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

As predicted, the MySpace pictures have “mysteriously” disappeared. Thankfully, I took screenshots of each page that Trig, Bristol, and Sarah Palin were in. For any reporters who need a copy of the screenshot, email me at and I’d be happy to send.

1 09 2008


Point taken, I was just having fun with my flying speculation.

Time will reveal.

1 09 2008

Nope dust… the Chinese scammers here also drive lexus cars. While I won’t disagree that black people may take handouts, but so do white people, yellow people, and brown people.

1 09 2008

Other source for the vanished myspace photos & captions:

1 09 2008


I was laughing alot to myself as I was posting my flying speculation about the parentage of Trig. I put the school teacher bit in as a joke cos of the recent female teacher / student relationship violations.

Nothing really makes sense and time will reveal.

On Huffington Post I do actually blog seriously, here I was having fun. Sorry.

Yr mate Kiwi

1 09 2008

Found this lovely gem on an ABC forum about Bristol’s pregnancy:

“This country has been ruled by aristocrats for far too long. I think it would be refreshing for trailer people to run the country for a while.”

Sure! Let’s get Larry the Cable Guy for Secretary of State and maybe some pro wrestlers for the cabinet.

1 09 2008

Kiwi, you might be right, but most of the speech isn’t about anything but racism… why? What’s that have to do with electing him as President? Do you get what I’m trying to point out?

It’s like his wife telling the American Public last week “what they want to hear”…. he’s telling the black group here “what they want to hear” so they will vote for him.

I see what you are saying though Kiwi, good point.

Thanks for having a debate without getting hostile, you are very honorable I must say. I can’t say the same for my own words because I crossed the line, but I meant what I said.

Cheers, and please don’t vote for this Liepublicans! 😀

1 09 2008

We only have palin’s word that bristol is 5 months along, my two older sisters were born 10 1/2 months apart. HELLO!

1 09 2008


Barack’s speech had to be in context with his venue. On the day before the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Senator Barack Obama delivers a speech to the congregation of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

So in this regard his speech is targeting his audience in a church, honoring Dr King and what King stood for.

Hillary and I think Bill spoke too. They too would have speeches in context with the ocassion.

Michelle’s speech at the DNC had to be light on the sharp political edge she has been criticised for. Instead, she told a compelling working class story and rooted her own considerable accomplishments in the American dream.
She is a woman with a Harvard Law School degree, who could’ve spoken about the aw and policy and poverty with some authority. Instead she spoke about her kids, her husband, and her family. In an attempt to make folk see her for herself not the popular distortion of her.

She had to do this becos so many find her self assurance, composure, confidence off-putting.
A lot of folk like the Sarah Palin’s over the Michelle Obama’s. I am not one of these folk. I thought she did a good job.


1 09 2008

maybe the girl who calls sarah palin her mother-in-law is dating palin’s oldest, track (what kind of name is that?!). nevermind she’s considering herself a part of the family a little prematurely, that would explain why this is her “little brother.”

1 09 2008

“KiwisCanFly (16:15:00) :


I was laughing alot to myself as I was posting my flying speculation about the parentage of Trig. I put the school teacher bit in as a joke cos of the recent female teacher / student relationship violations.

Nothing really makes sense and time will reveal.

On Huffington Post I do actually blog seriously, here I was having fun. Sorry.

Yr mate Kiwi”

Actually, Kiwi, I think that all of your flying spec finally landed on the most plausible scenario given all of the disparate “facts” known thus far (“facts” = pictures, teenager comments, logic, etc. as discussed thruout this thread).

Your scenario: Todd the Dude is daddy and Levi’s/Mercedes’ mom, Sherry, are the true parents of Trigg. Sarah was covering for her philandering husband. Todd’s wrinkly ole seeds and Sherry’s (L/M’s mom’s) wrinkly ole eggs caused Trigg’s Downs Syndrome.

And then Bristol & Levi get it on as a great big “fuck you” to their parents and end up pregnant also.

Family dinners at the Palin dinner table must really be somethin these days, huh?

And what about poor ole Trigg…getting shlepped all over the USA at a time when babies need stability, strict schedules, familiar surroundings, etc.

And I’m sure all this shlepping with do mom-to-mom Bristol lots of good during her pregancy also. Tip to Bristol: if your water breaks or you start leaking amniotic fluid… NOT tell your mother. Grab the nearest cab and head to the nearest hospital. Show more sense than your mom supposedly showed during her “pregnancy”.

1 09 2008

heads (hope u don’t mind, I don’t mean no disrespect, it being a navy term for the loo)

My whole flying speculation started becos I saw the captions on the pics and thought they didn’t make sense.
Until I started thinking, what if they are correct, what scenario would fit.

It had to start with Sadie’s (we have determined the Facebook girls name) mum being the natural mother of Trig.

It is the only way Sadie could refer to Trig as her little brother.

So off I went on my flight of fancy from that point. Todd or Track etc

I have not one iota of evidence to submit but I did have a really fun time. Thank u for urging me on in my flying speculation, I was never really sure if u were just doing it for fun too. And it did make me laugh heartily especially when I added the school teacher bit. But then u went quiet on me, so I figured u had gone off to eat dinner.


1 09 2008

Please, everyone, let’s ignore Dust the Racist Troll. DRT’s probably a plant trying to redirect the discussion and send it off course by going after blacks.

Reasoning with dimwitted, racist trolls is an exercise in futility.

1 09 2008

Hey Heads

Wouldn’t it be a lark if we had actually figured it out!!!!

1 09 2008

Ms Anon

If u read all the post u may realise that Dust isn’t as u describe. She/He is a person with starkly different views than I on this regard, that we have discussed. Yr anger is understandable but it does nothing productive.

1 09 2008

I know the real substantive issue here is McCain’s recklessness in picking someone he (and we) doesn’t know at all. Still, I can’t shake this crazy baby issue. Palin’s family doesn’t make sense to me somehow. I was pleased to read the comment by te Alaska health professional assuring us that the airplane ride was for real. Please will some Alaskan tell me why getting home would over-ride getting to the hospital? Are you all like salmon who have to swim back upstream and lay their eggs where they were born, no matter how difficult the journey? If so, we must flood your state with documentary filmmakers to record all these fascinating ordeals. I smell Oscar! I wasn’tt going to watch the RNC convention but now I think I’ll tune in to see what the Alaska delegation does. BTW, DowninMiss, it’s still pretty warm in Minnesota so the Alaskans will doubtless be wearing their summer garb–I’m envisioning a sort of Clan-of-the-Cave-bears-style polar bear bikini, maybe with baby seal piping. Don’t disappoint me, Alaska! Oh, and can we stop talking about the 17-yr-old now? Her story–no matter how it turns out–will not change the election. I suspect most people feel like I do–there’s something strange about Palin and the way she makes decisions. This uneasiness cannot be disspelled by rational explanations because no explanation feels like the real story. I’ve fallen in love with the Alaskan commentariat, though.

1 09 2008

“Thank u for urging me on in my flying speculation, I was never really sure if u were just doing it for fun too. And it did make me laugh heartily especially when I added the school teacher bit. But then u went quiet on me, so I figured u had gone off to eat dinner.”

Kiwi – are you kidding? I’ve been having a BLAST!

Yeah, I had dinner then had to take the kid to HS football practice. Their first game this week!

1 09 2008

And a HUGE shoutout to Mudflats for informing us, sponsoring our sleuthing and otherwise tolerating us!

As I just said to Kiwi…..I’ve been having a BLAST here in beautiful Mudflats!

Cheers, Mudflats!!!!!!! And THANKS.

1 09 2008

u know mruth

I am passionate about politcs and have no one to share it with. My hubby and I always argue so we don’t discuss it and my Mother-In-Law is apathetic about politcs and tends to make irrational comments based on snippets from biased tv. So I started making comments at Huffo. That is how I found this blog site from a posting.
I have never had so much fun. A terrible revelation I admit.
As Headsaspinning said….I’m having a blast.
I agree with u I adore the the Alaskan commentary.

1 09 2008


Sorry to disappoint you, but there are some problems to your hypothesis.

There is no gene for Down Syndrome, it’s a certain kind of trisomy. Hence, it can’t be inherited indirectly. So even if there were cases of it in Tracks family, that doesn’t mean anything as long as he doesn’t have DS.

Moreover, maternal age influences trisomy 21 a lot (i.e., older mom leading to an immensely higher chance for the child to be affected). So, if the child relly has DS, chances for Bristol being the mom are almost zero.

Still, the whole story sounds terrible. Every single of those scandals should be sufficient to dismiss the thought of Palin as VP. I could only recommend her to retreat.

Is it only me or is anyone else worried about the thought of McCain having a stroke/heart attack during the next two months?…

1 09 2008

Mudflats is cool > Heads!!

1 09 2008

I don’t think it proves that Trig is not Bristol’s. As a mother whose water has broken, the very last thing a woman can do is fly across the country and then drive 45 minutes to a remote secluded facility. I’m standing by in my belief Trig is Brisol’s and they are covering up how far along she is now. Watch and this child will be a premie too. In the end, it will all come out. People can’t keep their mouths shut forever and there are tons of people in Alaska who know the truth.

1 09 2008

Actually all they had to do was mess with the timeline a bit. Claim she’s currently 5 months thus eliminating the chance Trig is Bristol’s then, after the election, announce, oops, we found out she was only 2 months in August. Gee, can’t imagine why I think Palin and co. would do that. :D.

Nope, I’m still thinking Trig is Bristol’s – or it could be her oldest son’s child too that they are trying to cover for.

1 09 2008


If the flying specualtion becomes fact (won’t that blow ya mind) then imagine doing the Palin family tree let alone sitting around the dinner table at ThanksGiving!

1 09 2008

Micheleami and AQ

U should read the flying speculations between me and Headsaspinning…it is really rather plausible.

1 09 2008


1 09 2008

Well, the possibility of the whole DS story being a fake should not be dismissed – since that would rule out my point.

Still, chances for a 43-year-old mother to carry a DS-child are 1 in 30, but less than 1 in 1000 for a teenager.

But even so, in my point of view, the really scary thing is troopergate. The rest is gossip, but that one makes me shiver with fear.

1 09 2008

I rarely watch episodic television. I consider it too contrived. Even the reality shows.

I think I saw an episode of Sex in the City once, and one episode of Desperate Housewives. And I remember Dallas.

Thish as all the makings of good TV drama:

• The race for the White House, political power and control

• An overheated bloggospher ripe with rumor and innuendo

• Big oil money, the governor’s mansion and wide open majestic vistas.

• Caribou.

• The purposefully sheepish, but over ambition and sexy pin-up girl head of state with wire-framed glasses and her hair pulled up into a beehive.

• Her hunky outdoorsman yet stoic and intriguing husband.

• And their family for whom she will go to any length to protect. Even cover up a secret family scandal that if exposed would bring down a dynasty.

• And their trooper son marching off to fight, and possibly die, in a controversial war.

Is someone taking notes?

This is better than Gone With The Wind.

1 09 2008

“Corejay (17:04:22) :


Sorry to disappoint you, but there are some problems to your hypothesis.

There is no gene for Down Syndrome, it’s a certain kind of trisomy. Hence, it can’t be inherited indirectly. So even if there were cases of it in Tracks family, that doesn’t mean anything as long as he doesn’t have DS.

Moreover, maternal age influences trisomy 21 a lot (i.e., older mom leading to an immensely higher chance for the child to be affected). So, if the child relly has DS, chances for Bristol being the mom are almost zero.”

Corejay, I won’t argue your point for a second, as I have absolutely NO medical knowledge whatsoever. I have been voraciously reading about this whole sordid affair this weekend and, during these readings. saw postings that said Downs Syndrome was a genetic defect and was only transmitted by the father. I have less than zero understanding about this whole medical issue, so I won’t even try to defend it. I was simply referring to what I had read. And if you say the whole genetic/father thing is wrong – I will absolutely take your word for it.

However, based on what you are saying it seems like this still fits into Kiwi flying spec that the mom is Sherry – the mother of Sadie (Mercedes) and Levi. Kiwi’s flying spec rules out Bristol. So your point about the origin of Downs Syndrome would seem to fit with Kiwi’s flying spec.

BTW – what the hell does “trisomy” mean????? And remember – keep it simple for me! Thanks.

1 09 2008

VIDEO: McCain spokesman melts down on CNN trying to define why Palin is qualified to be Commander-in-Chief:

1 09 2008

Okay, I’ll start with the explanation of trisomy. Down Syndrome or trisomy 21 being the most important case of it, as in almost every other case, the child will be a miscarriage. (the only other important case being intersexuals)

During the production of sperm cells in the scrotum and ova in the ovaries, distribution problams can arise. Usually, a “normal” stem cell is more or less split in two sperms or ova. But sometimes, there’s a mistake, and instead of one chromosome of every kind, the ovum (being the more important case) carries two chromosomes of one type; in case of DS, chromosome 21 (hence trisomy 21). The older the mother, the bigger the chance that such distribution mistakes arise.

If this happens to sperms, there’s not too much to worry about, as those sperms are usually uncompetitive and do not reach the ovum, hence not fertilizing. i.e., the father has no effect on DS at all.

However, the cause for DS lies not in the genes, but rather in the superordinate unit – the chromosomes.

The whole thing would not rule out your theory about Sherry, that’s right, but whether Track is involved can not be derived from anything.

I hope this was easy enough.

1 09 2008

shstl (16:15:06) : wrote:

“Found this lovely gem on an ABC forum about Bristol’s pregnancy:

“This country has been ruled by aristocrats for far too long. I think it would be refreshing for trailer people to run the country for a while.”

Sure! Let’s get Larry the Cable Guy for Secretary of State and maybe some pro wrestlers for the cabinet.”

You MUST rent the movie “Idiocracy”

Screenwriters have been onto this theme for years!

1 09 2008

Did anyone save the myspace pics? They’re gone (or now just private).

1 09 2008

“I hope this was easy enough.”
It was, thank you!

“The whole thing would not rule out your theory about Sherry, that’s right, but whether Track is involved can not be derived from anything.”
Well according to the flying spec, it is not Track that is involved, it is actually his dad – Todd the Dude. And your explanation seems to rule out Bristol…but not Sherry. See the many posts up above to see how this flying spec was derived.

Thanks, Corejay

1 09 2008
Andrew Gregg

I think the Coen Brothers are releasing the wrong movie this fall. This pitch is too good to make up:

SCENE OPENS with a sunrise on the Alaskan State Fair. An attractive woman–who we soon find out is a Governor–looks in disconcertingly on a baby in a crib. Is it hers? Is it someone else’s? Regardless, she looks annoyed and a tad distracted. SCENE NOTE: she doesn’t make any effort to feed it.

SCENE CHANGES to exterior of the Best Western. The Governor is looking angry, sipping a coffee, when a young man sidles up to her. His name is Levi. She glares. She tells him she’s gotten rid of worse men than him. Then her cellphone rings…

Anyway, you can see where it goes from there. Hilarity ensues. But I don’t see any happy ending.

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

I think it’s much more plausible that a sixteen year old would name her baby “Trig.” Just sayin’.

1 09 2008

you can find the myspace pics at

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

The issue is not that Palin’s 17 year old daughter is pregnant, but the issue is that Gov. Sarah Louise Heath Palin lied about it and that Sen. John Sidney McCain, III knew about the lie and did nothing about it. Here are just a few of the character flaws of these two candidates.
1. One of them is already lying: When the Anchorage Daily News did report the news today (that Palin’s daughter is pregnant), it pointed out: “The Daily News had asked Palin’s press secretary, Bill McAllister, over the weekend to address rumors that Bristol was pregnant. ‘I don’t know. I have no evidence that Bristol’s pregnant,’ he said on Saturday.”

The McCain team asserted that he knew about the pregnancy when he selected Palin. She has five children and now a grandchild coming as she hits the campaign trail.

2. Palin is already a flip-flopper (a character flaw that the Republicans like to throw around a great deal). “I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere,” Palin told the cheering McCain crowd, referring to Ketchikan’s Gravina Island Bridge. But Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it. The Alaska governor campaigned in 2006 on a build-the-bridge platform, telling Ketchikan residents she felt their pain when politicians called them “nowhere.” They’re still feeling pain today in Ketchikan, over Palin’s subsequent decision to use the bridge funds for other projects — and over the timing of her announcement, which they say came in a pre-dawn press release that seemed aimed at national news deadlines.

3. Palin, the “family values” candidate is already begging the media to ignore her lie “We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates.”

John Sidney McCain, III tells crude and insensitive jokes. Is this the man we want in the Whitehouse?

• “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?” he asked guests at a Senate Republican fundraiser. “Because her father is Janet Reno;” Said by John Sidney McCain, III in 1998.
• “The French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s who is still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it,” McCain told Fox News a few years ago.
• Another favorite has been the elderly. He has recalled groveling for forgiveness when, during his 1986 campaign, he referred to a retirement community called “Leisure World” as “Seizure World.”
• In 1999, in the course of apologizing for his joke about Clinton he recalled for reporters another bad joke: ‘I said, ‘The nice thing about Alzheimer’s is you get to hide your own Easter eggs.'” (Earlier in the 2008 campaign season, he reworked that joke to make himself the target.)
• McCain was also recently condemned by the government of Iran for suggesting that increasing U.S. cigarette sales to Iran could be “a way of killing ’em.”

But most voters will not know about this aspect of McCain when they vote this fall. They don’t know that he’s a guy who uses the word “c–t” to describe his wife–in public. They don’t.

• In an appearance before the National League of Cities and Towns in Washington D.C., McCain supposedly asked the crowd if they had heard “the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die?” The punch line: “When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, “Where is that marvelous ape?” The joke, as one can imagine, did not go over well with various women’s groups, which responded with indignation. But the McCain campaign denied that he had ever said the offensive gag. “It’s pretty obvious to us that this is a politically motivated sideshow,” Torrie Clarke, McCain’s spokeswoman at the time, said back in 1986. Till this day it has never been proven definitively true or false whether the Senator ever said the line. The Huffington Post reached out to the original reporter in that story, Norma Coile (who after talking to multiple sources months after it was told wrote about the response to the rape joke in the Tuscon Citizen) to find out if she thought it was true.” I’m not sure exactly what the wording was of the joke, but something was said. Some joke involving a rape and ape was said. Enough women repeated it to me at the time and the McCain campaign had a non-denial denial,” said Coile, now with the Arizona Daily Star. “It came after his ‘Seizure World’ joke, in which he referred to the [retirement community] Leisure World as Seizure World… I just think it reinforced this idea that John McCain is humor-challenged. Whatever his qualities, he seems to have a tin ear for how these jokes will go over.”

John Sidney McCain, III and Sarah Louise Heath Palin are already beginning the lies for which the GWB administration has become notorious. We cannot afford another 4 years of the Bush type administration. These are selfish, inhumane people with our lives in their hands.
Before you tell me that any of this is untrue …Google it.

1 09 2008

OK from Radar Online:

According to (now set to private)

Status: In a Relationship
Here for: Friends
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: WASILLA
Body type: 5′ 8″ / Athletic
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Children: I don’t want kids <——!!!!! tell that to the VPC
Education: High school


1 09 2008

Way upthread a couple of people said they don’t believe or can’t see any signs that Trig is Down’s Syndrome.

Based on pictures of him at Meghan McCain’s blog, and you have to scroll way far down after the intro speech to where they are back stage, he is very clearly Downs. He has the eyes (see it where Willow is holding him and he’s got a blue pacifier) and then when Sarah Palin is holding him and he’s looking at her, his eyes are really visible and he’s sticking his tongue out at her in that way that Downs children do. I have been around a lot of Downs kids.

It is not impossible for younger women to have Downs babies. It does happen. Odds are much greater the older you get. It is not “passed down” by the father and it has nothing to do with incest (another wild speculation). It’s a chromosomal variation and they aren’t sure why it happens. Nowadays there’s a sonogram at about 13 weeks that can red flag for Downs (I believe it’s that the neck is a certain diameter) and then amnio would confirm. Early pregnancy maternal blood test also gives a “probability” – not certainty. I took one of those at age 36 w first baby, probability came back so low that I weighed the risks of amnio (miscarriage percentage) vs. the risks of Downs (percentage at my age and that blood test result) and decided that for me at that time, getting an amnio was just as risky as possibly having a Downs baby. My kid wasn’t Downs but he has other issues that would not have been detected by amnio by the way, which is how I know so much about Downs – I’ve been in the system.

Re: expense of taking care of Downs child. In California the state Regional Centers deliver services to babies with special needs (genetic disorders, physical disabilities, autism etc.). Early intervention is really really important and in our socialistic liberal state, why, the government PAYS for it so that no child will have to go without crucial early help just because of family income. Rich families can of course do more for their children, but all babies are entitled to certain services and benefits in California.

None of this explains the crazy plane trip, or why the daughter is in charge of the baby, or any of the rest of it.

I will point out to you how the governor holds the baby – he does not nestle into her neck, he kind of leans over her arm, although her flag pin on her lapel would stick him so maybe that’s why she’s holding him like that (and no spit-up rag either). Then look and see how Bristol holds the baby – up into her neck, very maternal and protective, with the blanket etc. It is possible for her to hold him like this if he’s her brother, not offspring. But at the very least – she’s the one who is mothering him. Her mom is just lugging him around. Hubby says that just could mean the Gov. is very self-absorbed.

The baby is getting bottle fed a lot in these pictures. Gov bottle feeds him, some other middle aged lady does, and Bristol does. OK the Gov could be pumping and passing around her breastmilk to all these random people. The liquid itself has that thick yellow look of formula, not that pale watery look of breast milk in a bottle. I’ve done both. However I can’t swear in court based on photographs. I am just saying. The gov. is not breastfeeding him like stopping whenever he needs a feed (and at 4 months they feed a lot) to put him to breast.

To me the pictures look like Bristol is a new mom with pregnancy fat still (normal at 4 months), bonded to the baby, and the Gov. is busy and trim (check that slim figure in that suit, 5th baby, 44, 17 weeks post partum! ok it *could* be possible, but hmmm) and the Gov seems more tender and bonded to the 6 year old (Piper) than to the infant in these McCain blog backstage photos.

It’s all speculation except the Downs baby part. The photos are incontrovertible. The baby, whoever he belongs to, is indeed Downs.

1 09 2008

More Down syndrome babies are born to mothers under the age of 35 than the over 40 group. While the odds increase for a Down syndrome baby the older the mother is, there are more babies overall being born in the under 35 age group.

According to Merck (which also supports the notion of fathers being carriers), the overall incidence of Down syndrome is 1/800. For mothers under 20, the incidence is 1 in 2000 and for mothers over 40, it is 1 in 40. Less than 20% of babies with Down syndrome are born to mothers over 35.

1 09 2008

Sorry, here’s the link to Meghan McCain’s blog, from August 30 I think:

1 09 2008

I got this from Yahoo–the reaction. . .

Life happens,” said McCain adviser Steve Schmidt.

“An American family,” added colleague Mark Salter.

Palin told McCain’s team about the pregnancy during lengthy discussions about her background, and the senator knew about it when he made her his surprise pick Friday, aides said. At several points during the discussions, McCain’s team warned Palin that the scrutiny into her private life would be intense and that there was nothing she could do to prepare for it.

Prominent religious conservatives, many of whom have been lukewarm toward McCain’s candidacy, predicted that the announcement would not diminish conservative Christian enthusiasm for the vice presidential hopeful, a staunch abortion opponent. In fact, there was talk that it might help.

Someone please, please tell me they won’t spin this to look like “Good Family Values.” I’m from the Northeast and thus (I have been told by many conservative commentators) have no Family Values. It’s pretty irritating. If this, though, is spun to be indicative of “Family Values” I will absolutely blow a gasket. Palin says she’s proud of her daughter. Well yes, maybe she made a good decision after the fact, but that doesn’t negate the first bad decision does it?

As a mother, can I tell you what I’m proud of? I’m proud of the fact that my 19 year old son hasn’t gotten anyone pregnant and is going to college instead. Which brings me to another point. . .neither of her older children (right now anyway) are going to college. Her son is going into the Army, and yes, that is a good, honorable career, very worth being proud of. But I have to wonder if Palin has a whole lot of interest in higher education (after all, her kids don’t appear to be interested) and if she isn’t, what does that mean to those of us who are? My gut tells me she isn’t going to push federal funding/loans for higher education, either as VP or (God forbid!!) President.

So–let’s sum this up. Very little experience, questionable “family values” and a kind of shrug to higher education (a big deal for some of us). Exactly what is good about her again?

1 09 2008

Trust me.

McCain didn’t know she was pregnant.

He’s a total doofus!

1 09 2008

Dee – blow your gasket –

“Before, they were excited about her, with the Down syndrome baby,” conservative, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist said. “But now with this, they are over the moon. It reinforces the fact that this family lives its pro-life values.”

If I got a girl pregnant when I was in high school my dad would have sent me over the moon. That is for damn sure.

1 09 2008

it is one of Palin’s daughters and she calls her “Mommy in law” because she is in office… of my teen daughters explained it to me!

1 09 2008

For those who say that Cathy Baldwin-Johnson is not affiliated with Mat-Su Regional Medical Center:

I’m all for this story, and I believe there’s more going on. But let’s try to be sure about what we’re presenting as fact.

With that said, let’s get this bitch.

1 09 2008
hoo boy

The 5 months thing – many people count pregnancy months as if a month has 4 weeks (i.e. 40 weeks of gestation is 10 lunar months, but only 9 calendar months). They said “Around 5 months.” They are implying calendar months, but that could mean “a little shy of 20 weeks.” If she’s about 20 weeks, count back, and that puts her at conceiving about 3 weeks after Trig’s birth. Then induce the delivery of the current pregnancy a few weeks early for good measure, and there you go, perfect math.

Highly unlikely, given that most people wait 6 weeks to get back to business, but I do know a few people who caught the first post-partum egg and are lucky enough to have kids 10 months apart. It happens. It is a truly bizarre notion, but so is not showing at 7-8 calendar months of pregnancy after having 4 previous children. In my first pregnancy, I did not show until 6 months and could have hidden it with a jacket, but by 7.5 months? Whoa. I gained a totally normal amount of weight and was average size to start with, and the bump was unmistakeable. My child was 5lbs, so even smaller than little Trig’s stats. Flying while in labor? Also bizarre. Either she is just built like a brick house and a total loose cannon, or something is not right. I feel really sad for the scrutiny of the daughter in all of this. I think the mother is unelectable on her own merits, story aside, and it is sad to speculate on family issues, although it’s a totally intriguing, soapy story. I simply don’t buy the “math proves it!” excuse. It proves nothing except poor Bristol is in for a harder life based on her current circumstances.

1 09 2008

This excerpt on McCain’s vetting seems to show the careful vetting, if any, is all a lie. Can you research this more?

…“They didn’t speak to anyone in the Legislature, they didn’t speak to anyone in the business community,” said Lyda Green, the State Senate president, who lives in Wasilla, where Ms. Palin served as mayor.

Representative Gail Phillips, a Republican and former speaker of the State House, said the widespread surprise in Alaska when Ms. Palin was named to the ticket made her wonder how intensively the McCain campaign had vetted her.

“I started calling around and asking, and I have not been able to find one person that was called,” Ms. Phillips said. “I called 30 to 40 people, political leaders, business leaders, community leaders. Not one of them had heard. Alaska is a very small community, we know people all over, but I haven’t found anybody who was asked anything.”

The current mayor of Wasilla, Dianne M. Keller, said she had not heard of any efforts to look into Ms. Palin’s background. And Randy Ruedrich, the state Republican Party chairman, said he knew nothing of any vetting that had been conducted.

State Senator Hollis French, a Democrat who is directing the ethics investigation, said that no one asked him about the allegations. “I heard not a word, not a single contact,” he said.

Mr. French, a former prosecutor, said that he was knowledgeable about background checks and that, he, too, was surprised that the campaign had not reached out to state legislative leaders.

1 09 2008

Sarah Palin is fabulous! She needs to start her own fitness line complete with videos. Anyone who can so successfully lose baby weight so quickly while actively tending to the business of the state of Alaska is downright brilliant. Please, please can someone get her in the fitness industry and out of politics quick, like real quick?

1 09 2008

Actually, I take that back. She’ll be the cause of her own un-doing.

1 09 2008


I am confident that McCain looked the woman in the eye and was able to get a sense of her soul.

Pheww to vetting. Only Obama has to be vetted thoroughly.

It is going to sink in that McCain is far too reckless to be POTUS in these complex times.

Experience is over-rated. “No fool like an old fool” Good judgement is what we need in our CIC.

Obama and Biden, judgement and experience.

1 09 2008

Published: September 1, 2008

…’Among other less attention-grabbing news of the day: it was learned that Ms. Palin now has a private lawyer in a legislative ethics investigation in Alaska into whether she abused her power in dismissing the state’s public safety commissioner; that she was a member for two years in the 1990s of the Alaska Independence Party, which has at times sought a vote on whether the state should secede; and that Mr. Palin was arrested 22 years ago on a drunken-driving charge.

Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice…

…brought anxiety to Republicans who worried that Democrats would use the selection of Ms. Palin to question Mr. McCain’s judgment and his ability to make crucial decisions.

At the least, Republicans close to the campaign said it was increasingly apparent that Ms. Palin had been selected as Mr. McCain’s running mate with more haste than McCain advisers initially described….

1 09 2008

That Levi/Amber baby from April 18 is not Trig. Compare the two pics. Check the nose and the slant of the eyes. I am sure they are not the same baby. I am not so sure there isn’t a cover up going on, but this is not the smoking gun.

1 09 2008

I doubt if this farce could play out in the United Kingdom. They don’t have the president/vice president anomaly, and I sincerely doubt if any party would dare to try to foist off a 72-year-old who is in dubious physical and emotional health on the electorate.

I know that it wouldn’t fly in Canada.

However, a president of unsound health and mind, in charge of the most aggressive, rapacious military and economic empire which the world has ever known (Britain’s was larger and lasted longer, but it didn’t have the capacity or desire to destroy countries from afar with the push of a button) is scary: the fact that, if God in His wisdom chose to smite McCain down, he’d be replaced by another wingnut and her unknown minders is 10 times scarier.

McCain’s nuttiness is known…and it petrifies non-Americans and Americans alike. Palin’s baggage is just coming out…and she’s making McCain look like a squeeky-clean Nobel Peace Prize candidate by comparison.

The Christian Right believe that salvation will come only through the destruction of the tribe of Levi and the cleansing flames of Armageddon…let’s not pass the control of Armageddon’s arrival to a button placed in the hands of Sarah Palin.

1 09 2008
Inside Scoop Radio » Blog Archive » The Inside Scoop on Sarah Palin

[…] Sarah’s daughter is not the only one with a troubled pregancy. Did you know that 3) Sarah Palin herself travelled all the way from Texas to Anchorage, Alaska while in labor because she and her husband wanted the baby born in Alaska? (Her husband said “You can’t have a fish-picker from Texas.”) The distance — more than 4000 miles — is farther than the distance from Chicago to London. There is no evidence she told Alaska Airlines on the two-pronged flight via Seattle that she was in labor. […]

1 09 2008
Patty B

Hi all,

I’ve enjoyed this discussion and the local input.

If Levi Fox is the father, here is his myspace page. It is still up…and irony or ironies he wants to be a Navy fighter pilot!

1 09 2008

@ Wren: I’ve said this another site, but IF — and that’s a big IF — the Palins Senior adopted Trig from Bristol, it’s extremely possible that the birth certificate will be under their names and not Bristol’s. Not sure how it works in Alaska, but in Indiana the real birth certificate is locked away tight in a closed adoption, and only the courts can open it under specific instances. They could’ve very easily closed the adoption.

1 09 2008

This is so ironic. My mother and I had just had a discussion about how if something were to get out about one of her kids getting pregnant/drunk/in trouble/etc. Then we come to find out that her daughter is pregnant!

That is definately karma for supporting abstinence-only programs.

I really feel sorry for Bristol. Its hard enough being a teen mother, but add everything her family is going through. That’s gotta be tough.

Let’s just hope Gov. Palin doesn’t try and have her daughter fired.

1 09 2008
Patty B


Would like to update my last post. Other news organizations are reporting that Levi Johnson is the father, not Levi Fox.

1 09 2008
Jose Montoya

I have a difficult time believing McCain properly vetted Palin.

Don’t they say that selecting a qualified Vice President is the first biggest decision a Presidential nominee has to make?

McCain gets an “F’ for the organization, or lack thereof, in ensuring that this decision is handled professionally and thoroughly in terms of the vetting process. It seems obvious that she was not properly vetted.

Oh, and this is not, nor should it be, an attack on the family and the individuals specifically. But her position of advocating against teaching sex education and by teaching creationism in public schools definitely is fair game in determining if that policy is flawed by default and by her example. We all know people who have been in these situations, yes it happens. But lets educate our children with scientific facts, not biblical scriptures.

1 09 2008

“from the pictures on the myspace page this does not at all look like a down’s syndrome baby”

Atme, I have to admit I thought this too. (I also thought the newborn pictures of his do NOT look like a premie– I had two premies about that early, and they looked like premies– kind of shrunken and wrinkly, though of course I thought they were beautiful. 6 pounds is a small baby, but a bit big for an 8 month baby.) There’s a later picture of him at four months (recent) that shows him reaching up to grab someone’s face, and “grasping” is a skill attained at 3+ months, so he’s right on target for that.

But why on earth would they lie about THIS? So I’m hoping they wouldn’t, just that he’s already showing his potential.

But the whole crew seems remarkably cavalier about that baby. She didn’t bother to deliver in a maternity center with an iCU? (I’m sure there are several in Anchorage.) She has no problem just leaving the baby (or dragging him along) for months on a campaign? It doesn’t sound like they’re worried about all those physical problems babies with DS can have, or like they’re focused on the developmental training that can help DS babies. The problem is… they’re not actually even acting like they have a newborn, much less a newborn with rather profound extra needs. Most of us are parents. Would any of us say that we would take on a hugely intensive job that required a great relocation away from family just after we had a baby with such challenges?

I just wonder at her priorities. No, not “country first”– and not ‘family first.”

But maybe the baby just has the regular needs of a regular newborn (which are, of course, still intense).

1 09 2008
They Are Lying

They are lying. These photos were on Levi Johnston’s (Bristol’s bf) twin sister’s MySpace before the MS was locked.

1 09 2008

I finally get it! I now know why she felt it was safe to fly 11 hours while in pre-mature labor. It wasn’t the first time that she delivered a baby early.
Her first child Track was born at about 36 weeks, a full four weeks early.
We know that such a good, Christian woman would NEVER have premarital sex, which means she got pregnant on her honeymoon, August 29th, and then delivered her son the next April 20th, which would make it a 36 week pregnancy.
You silly little people! (sarcasm off)
Looks like that abstinence thing works so well, and th apple apparently doesn’t fall very far from the tree.

1 09 2008

The republicans should really be worried, is Sarah Palin really someone you want to be in the White House representing the United States of America? No! No! No! She could not even manage her home, now she is boasting her 17 year old daughter is going to marry the baby’s father. What 17 year old would be thinking about marriage? Why not college? The 12th grade prom? Hanging out with their friends, fun stuff.

1 09 2008

The generic page you posted for Dr. Baldwin-Johnson shows hospitals in the area.

Please visit and see if you can find Dr. Baldwin-Johnson there.


1 09 2008

What in the hell does this have to do with anything? You people are all acting and sounding like a bunch of Gladys Kravitz’s.

For fear of being lumped with a bunch of loons, I’m running as far away from you people as possible.

1 09 2008

Truthzone, too right. I travel a lot on business, and I just didn’t the last three months of my pregnancies (fortunately– they both came early, the first 6 weeks early!). It’s only 9 months– you make allowances, and big deal. But you do make allowances. And it’s not just for you and the baby. You are putting everyone on a flight at risk when you board a plane knowing you might have a medical emergency– you are occupying the flight attendants, you are distracting the pilots, you are very likely forcing an unscheduled landing. And for what? For the pleasure of giving birth in the middle of an unsanitary airplane aisle, assisted by a flight attendant with a few hours of EMT training and witnessed by a hundred passengers?

Nah. I prefer to think that Sarah Palin made that whole thing up. No sane person would risk giving birth– and a fifth baby could come in 10 minutes!– on an airplane. Surely she’s sane?

1 09 2008

Look in the mirror people. Are you happy with what you see?

1 09 2008

Denver, you are being ignored. And besides, didn’t you say you were running away??

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

No big deal, but notice that Levi’s baby is identified as a “daughter” but the name is “Jeremiah.”

anyone have a closeup of trig to compare?

1 09 2008

none of my business and it’s all very tragic. but as a relatively new mom looking at all of the visual evidence, and by that I mean whatever public photographs are out there, Palin is NOT the mother of Trig, not by a long shot. She has the body language of a grandmother in relation to the baby. eventually the truth will all come out and to the detriment of everyone and to that I include all qualified women who aspire to higher public office.

1 09 2008

Yeah, I’m hoping that this won’t be brought up every time a woman tries to get into high office, but unfortunately it will. Rather sucks. It’s not that Palin is a woman that matters to us. It’s that she is an awful choice for veep.

1 09 2008

This has been the craziest weekend ever.

I think Trig being called Mercede’s brother makes sense if Levi and Bristol are married already, or planning to be married. Mercede’s brother is Levi, so she considers his new/future wife Bristol her sister. She definitely considers Sarah Palin her mom-in-law. That’s why she’s calling Bristol’s siblings her siblings as well. In-law siblings, sure, but I’ve known plenty of people who drop the “in-law” after “sister-in-law”, etc.

1 09 2008

ashenden, here’s one:

It doesn’t look like the same baby to me, but I haven’t caught up to this particular tangent of the story. Are people speculating that the April 18th baby to Levi is the baby listed as Jeremiah?

1 09 2008

People, stop with the Bristol is the mother of Trig talk. As we know from new reports, the whole town of Wasilla knew that Bristol is preggers, the Palins did not try to hide it. If they didn’t hide this one why would they hide a previous one? We also know now that Bristol did not drop out of school for mono, she transferred to a different school. It seems likely that the parents caught the two love birds bumping uglies and tried to separate them. Clearly that did not work.

As far as the Texas thing goes, it appears that Sarah has a bit of an honesty problem. She lied about Ted Stevens, the bridge to nowhere, and being Miss Congeniality and Miss Wassila. Apparently Amy Gwin was the real winner.
She appears to make up a lot of stuff and probably told the tale about the water breaking to impress her governor colleagues.

Ole Jonny Mac sure picked a winner. He’s too stubborn to admit a mistake so this drama will probably go on for a good long time.

1 09 2008

Bob… *applause*

Good summing up.

1 09 2008

Bob said:
“She lied about Ted Stevens, the bridge to nowhere, and being Miss Congeniality and Miss Wassila. Apparently Amy Gwin was the real winner.”
Say it ain’t so! She wasn’t Miss Wassila? Tell me more!

1 09 2008

DEspite the annoucement that Bristol is 5 months pregnant, the stories still do not add up! ACcording to the articles below, Levi and Bristol were an item before their Junior years started in 2007. Then Bristol is removed from school sometime at the end of 2007 because of “mono,” which we can assume is bs. But why then? Withdrawing from a school is a fairly drastic action if this was simply a matter of bad grades or trying to cut ties with Levi. So a bit of speculation: Given Trigs April brith and assuming a full 9 month term, by Nov/December she would have been around 4- 5 months into the pregnancy and clearly showing no matter how bulky the sweatshirt. This would fit with all reports that despite being 7 months along, Sarah Palin showed no signs of being pregnant!

Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Alaska governor and presumptive GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, attended the school until last year. She then transferred to another school, he said.

Mark Okeson, the assistant principal at Wasilla High School, told the Chicago Tribune that Bristol started her junior year last fall, in the town where Sarah Palin grew up.

He said Bristol inexplicably transferred to an Anchorage high school midyear, leaving Levi behind.

1 09 2008
Captain Starbuck

Apparently Bristol Palin is fond of alcohol:


Not quite sure what to make of all of this, except that I wish that the children (or grandchildren) are loved by their parents. Too bad Sarah Palin cares more for her career than her family.

1 09 2008
1 09 2008

I don’t think Trig is Bristols. Way back in high school I was out with Mono for almost 6 months. People seem to forget that a really bad case of mono will knock you out for a very long time.
Why she flew back to Alaska, is something I can’t explain, but I do think the teenage pregnancy thing is being overblown. I think we should leave the poor girl alone. They didn’t hide it. It makes her human…at least it makes her daughter human.

1 09 2008

only in america could a MILF be prez of the usa. cool.

1 09 2008
Todd Wood

Inside Palin journalism at its very best.

I can just feel the luv for this daughter.

(chuckling down in Idaho)

1 09 2008
John Henry

Ok, I’ve read all the blogs and comments. What an excellent blog!

I’ve also started to think the “something” that doesn’t add up is the story about her water breaking and she still gave the keynote. Her whole “story” is just too perfect. My son enlisted on 9/11. Really? Of all the days to enlist, he chose 9/11? What more could a politician ask for?!?! The Bridge To Nowhere and Troopergate lies make you think, ‘What else is she lying about?’.

There’s still the pictures of her not showing at all for seven months. Unless someone has pics from the keynote speech that shows she is clearly not pregnant, I’ll have to accept that the flicker pics of her being pregnant as authenic for now. Plus, if I don’t I’ll never get any work done. I love puzzles and investigations. I must say this one is better than an advanced Sodoku.

The bottom line is: She can’t handle the truth, and that makes her unfit for the vice presidency in my book.

1 09 2008

So, if you see a series of pictures taken in a hospital setting, and each picture shows a seated woman holding a newborn baby with a succession of people hovering over her shoulder one by one… who would you say the seated woman was?

I’d guess it was the baby’s mother.

I would not guess that the woman stooped over to get into the picture was the mother. Not either one of them.

2 09 2008
Joe C

The Mat-Su Regional hospital has a Baby Online Nursery that allows you to search a list of the babies born there
These is no entry for a baby name Trig in April or any other month.

I suspect they may take it off-line as soon as it gets attention, so I took a printscreen of the April calender listing.

How many more layers are left to peel on this onion?

2 09 2008
Harold Wilson

Dear Sue,

Thanks for the great sleuthing.. I love your posts.

Here’s the link to the hospital where Trig was supposedly born.

As you can see, where there’s smoke, there is a ‘bon’fire.

2 09 2008

The Palin/McSame platform –Yet another failed policy: Abstenance only.

2 09 2008

I do think there is more to this story. This announcement that Bristol is pregnant does end the rumors if Trig is really Sarah or Bristol’s son. The media is reporting that Bristol is 17 years old but other reports says she is 16. The father of Bristol’s baby is Levi Johnston. I’m sure he is just as surprise as the rest of us that he will be getting married, especially since he has posted on his MySpace page that he is in a relationship (not Bristol) and does not want any children.

2 09 2008

Bristol Palin Pregnant

tweak it a bit and at least
on 30 Augustus she was pregnant

pictures on

2 09 2008

They have lied before and they are doing it again. I believe that this is Bristol’s second child and she is probably not as far along as they say she is, so that they can “try” and squash that Trig is actually Bristol’s baby.

I have NOTHING against Bristol. I believe this is about Sarah and her lying and possibly forcing her daughter to marry. Though they could always say later that she had a miscarriage and that would “solve” everything.

2 09 2008

Maybe this has already been pointed out, but for what it’s worth, Sue Williams stated that Levi and Bristol had a “quickie” wedding. Sue has stated this a few times now. Are they already married or did Sarah say that Bristol would be getting married? Oh, by the way, thank you for this wonderful blog!

2 09 2008

I love this blog and I love hearing all the great exchanges and debates. Keep it going.

2 09 2008
Sarah Palin & Trig « West Coast Grrlie Blather

[…] a whole lot out there folks. If you’re not already on overload, check out this post on mudflats, along with the many comments. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Bristol Palin is […]

2 09 2008
Suzi in Chicago

More desperate Republican smoke and mirrors. I predict:

1) Bristol will “loose” THIS “pregnancy”
2) Trig’s actual birth certificate will surface somewhere soon
3) When all else fails, bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the glowing, motherly look as Bristol holds her baby Trig so close to her and rocks him back and forth? And why do we not EVER see Mr. Palin holding “his son?”

2 09 2008

I found the wording in the announcement of Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy interesting:

“We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents.”

First, I wouldn’t have thought there was any decision to be made given the Palins’ strong right-to-life views.

Second, it was Roe v. Wade that gave Bristol the ability to make a decision.

Third, if Gov. Palin, John McCain, and the rest of the religious right have their way none of us will have a decision.

So this advocate of abstinence-only sex ed unfortunately has proof in her own home that it doesn’t work.

2 09 2008

I’ve heard that Joe Biden is pregnant with Barack Obama’s lovechild. This is outrageous! Who knew?

2 09 2008

Here is a link to the Google doc page with the MySpace pics on it. (Let me know if it doesn’t work.)

2 09 2008
Baby in the background « To strive, to seek, to find…

[…] Meghan McCain’s blog gives us much more of the same [via Mudflats]: […]

2 09 2008


Here is the original link to the photo published March 9th:

Here is the link re-edited to falsify the claim the photo was taken in 2006:

I already took screenshots of both, in case something “mysteriously disappears” or ends up “re-edited” again.

For screenshots, email me at Sorry I don’t have my own blog to track this stuff, but I have two full time jobs. (trying to solve the Palin mystery might as well count as 3 full time jobs)

2 09 2008

Thanks for the link, Kelly! Now I can put some theories together.

Since it has been announced that Levi Johnston is responsible for Bristol’s current pregnancy:

Regarding the MySpace page:

1. The photo that reads “Mommy Inlaw, Trig and Myself” is Mercede Johnston (Levi’s sister) and Sarah Palin. Mercede (“Sadie”) is holding Trig.

2. That explains why Mercede refers to Sarah as “Mommy Inlaw” since Sarah is (or will soon be) Levi’s mother-in-law when Levi marries Bristol. Since Mercede is Levi’s sister, Bristol is (or soon will be) Mercede’s sister-in-law. Technically, Sarah will not be Mercede’s mother-in-law, but perhaps Mercede thinks that since Sarah will be Levi’s mother-in-law, Sarah will also be Mercede’s mother-in-law. Hey, she’s young! Sometimes those relation connections can be confusing.

3. The “Family Love” photo is Mercede holding Trig, with Bristol (the proud mother) looking over Mercede’s shoulder.

4. The photo that reads “My self and my new baby brother, TriggyBear” is Mercede holding Trig. The term “new baby brother” is probably just an endearment. Technically, Mercede is/will be Trig’s aunt.

2 09 2008

I like your deductions but there is one problem that I see. The pictures of Mercede with baby Trig were taken close to his birth (maybe hospital pictures?) when Bristol probably did not even know she was pregnant. So why would there be a “mommy inlaw” at that time?

2 09 2008

To Just Danish:

“If the Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, etc, are not laughing at in the past, they are for sure laughing now.

How can anyone take the United States serious, when we may have a future PTA and Hokey Mom as the VP and a heartbeat away from being the first Female President.”

Oh, they were laughing long ago, when Clinton was having oral sex with an intern. And then committed perjury. How could anyone take *him* seriously, and he was already president. Doing this deed in the Oval Office. One of the most prestigious and historical rooms of our nation.


As for the issue with Palin’s daugther being pregnant out of wedlock, it’s not a positive thing. But, it isn’t devastating to the nation, either. Those who support Obama should learn from what he stated. Stay out of family issues. Especially ones that involve children. It’s really none of anyone’s business what her daughter does or doesn’t do, or what’s going on in her daughter’s life. Do you really think that she’s the first mother who taught abstinence, whose daughter ended up a pregnant teen? NOT.

Let’s stop bashing her family situations, and wait until we hear more about *her*, and after watching the debates.

That’s like any of us, starting a new job, and being scrutinized and critcized for circumstances within our personal lives. I’m sure that would go straight to HR!

2 09 2008

Straight to HR? Maybe. But we sure wouldn’t bring the whole family to the office every day to show them off. That would probably get you fired.

2 09 2008

nice picture

for extra interest the comment is from “amber baby”
who identifies herself as one of the two party girls.
And, of course, Amber is the name of Levi’s baby mama
who bore a child on 4/18/08

this is just far too good to not be a coincidence – and i mean it

2 09 2008

This is all ridiculous.

2 09 2008

you guys are hilarious.

2 09 2008
Scott Fillmer

I agree… ridiculous… it is enough that everyone seems intent on smearing this woman but her kids too, come on, get some actual facts (that matter to the election). I read so much smear on this woman I had to just write my own

sorry to plug my own post but the smear seems to be one sided.

2 09 2008

Well I guess a lot of things is different from Sweden and the states. If someone eaven would react to a thing like this(on the way this bog is doing) he or she would be called a mean person without a life. Or just called an religius extremist.

If someone that young would become pregmant and decides to keep the baby, no mather the circumstances, well I just think that shows she is ready to take the responsibility. Also that would be a bigger “scandal” if a pro-life vice-presidents daughter did an abortion? And that is not tha case now so…just stop calling it a scandal, its not!

Get a life man, sincerly
Chris from the kingdom of Sweden

2 09 2008


Yes, you are correct in that these photos were taken shortly after Trig’s birth. He looks very tiny.

At this point, Bristol is not yet pregnant (for the second time). *See Note

Therefore, the term “Mommy Inlaw” means that Mercede thinks of Sarah Palin as her brother’s mother-in-law, because Levi (Mercede’s brother) is the father of Trig.

Note: Since Bristol is not yet pregnant for the second time at this point, why would Mercede refer to her as “Mommy Inlaw”?

Because of Trig!

*Note: On another issue, I’m still not quite buying into the story that Bristol is currently pregnant. In recent photos, she looks more like someone who is post-pregnant, not currently pregnant. Perhaps it’s easier to explain her weight gain by saying she’s pregnant now. If Bristol bears another child by January 31, 2009, then this theory is kaput. Let’s just see what develops.

2 09 2008


But of course – that certainly makes a whole lot of sense
and makes disparate things fall into place.
It would make Levi’s sister baby’s mom and Track baby’s
dad. Then Levi and Bristol have separate baby in the oven,
rather than irish twins.

But why would “mom inlaw” take a fall? Dunno – maybe statutory rape?
Incidentally, was bristol 16 or 17 5 months ago at the time of alleged
conception. And most importantly, are statutory rapes prosecuted
for Levi/Track age ranges or is it more of a Northwest Virginia situation up there.

2 09 2008
Why Palin?

My theory about the issue when Sarah Palin flew back to Alaska from Texas to give birth her little boy was because she is member of the Alaska Independence party. Read the philosophy of the man who created this party and you´ll see the conection, you´ll know what I mean.

2 09 2008

ok so is it me or does anyone see the connection in McCain trying to win over the votes Clinton would have brought with the women. I personally was voting for Obama regardless, simply because he represents where this country is going. A melting pot, he’s bi-racial. How many bi-racial people are there today (and to come). Why vote for someone who knows he doesn’t have a chance (McCain) unless he adds a woman to his ticket. Is the man that desperate for votes. Like one other person commented, funny how this baby information came up right in the midst of everyone focusing on a hurricane…hum.

I say why look to the past when the future is bright and a melting pot. Who do you want for President/VP cover up scandal (I smell Watergate…lol) or someone who can relate all across the board. You’ve got the be stuck in the 1900’s to not realize what the has happening to our nation (a change is here, and now ever present). Obama for President!! Let McCain retired and get some rest, bless his heart he looks like he needs it.

2 09 2008

This story is surely a good thing for McCain seeing as it can be portrayed as pitting Palin against the media. Echoes of media attacking female politician could play well with Clinton support still undecided about Obama.

2 09 2008
Judy Asman

How moral! Here’s the B.S.-gate. If it were a Obama or Biden with the pregnant teen, the Repubs would be relentless in their scandal campaign.

Send teen Palin my way to judythefoodie so I can feed her in her trimester.

2 09 2008

“Governor Palin and her husband Todd have a loving family and their children mean everything to them. When their oldest daughter Bristol came to them with news that she was expecting a child they embraced her and gave her nothing but unconditional love and support.”

If they give her nothing but unconditional love and support why did they send her away to Anchorage?

Where and with who is she living in Anchorage?

2 09 2008

i know its indelicate, but what happens if sarah becomes president then gets pregnant while in office? i wouldn’t normally even think such a thing, but then again, most women are responsible believers in family planning. and, yes it is my business because
1.what if her “water breaks” (as if!) during a national crisis like when she was in Texas?
2. she has made MY reproductive rights her business

2 09 2008

According to, Levi’s last name is Johnston; this is supposedly his blog:

2 09 2008

It is very possible Bristol got pregnant for the second time soon after giving birth to her son and her dear mother refused to claim her second son as her own. This whole family sounds fishy to me.
I know we should not involve Sarah Palin’s family in politics because they are not running but the more we know about her family is the only way we can get to know her better.
I really want to know what kind of mother SP really is. What i found out so far does not impress me. If you are not able run your own family than how can you run our country.
I remember not too long ago how everybody reacted when we found out Britney Spear’s teenage sister is pregnant.
And every time Lindsey Lohan acts up we blame her parents.
This should matter even more. Who the next president and vice president are very important to all american people.
Thanks a lot McCain, you picking somebody like SP really shows me what kind of person you are and what kind of people you would have running our country.

2 09 2008

Look at the picture of Sarah and husband holding the baby (looks like they’re still in the hospital) 1-3 days after the birth (she went back to work on the third day). Does she look like a woman who has just given birth? No puffing etc? I know how my wife looked after giving birth, it’s just natural. Here she is, all make-up, no hair out of place, professional. Trig? is not her baby, she is the grandmother.


2 09 2008

Oh those Republican family values…

2 09 2008

clearly, this is yet another point proving that McCain is progressing nicely into his age-related Dementia.

2 09 2008

Disgusting… For a group that is supposed to be progressive, you sure aren’t. I guess I can’t blame you, with the way Obama views abortion, the real “crime” here is that neither Bristol nor Sarah Palin decided on that choice for dealing with their “mistakes”.

Stay classy far-left…

2 09 2008

who really cares, its a baby, her family is probably forcing her to get married because god forbid that she will be a single parent, blah

2 09 2008

Abstinence only sex education at its FINEST my friends.

2 09 2008

why are u guys after their pvt life…let it be…so wat if she is preg…

2 09 2008

Of course this girl is being forced into the marriage. In no way do I believe that a seventeen-year-old girl – who had already discovered the joys of dating and, obviously, premarital sex – is ready for marriage, even if he is the father of her baby. I think deep down, we all know that the obvious story is the true one… Many of us have been there.

Does anyone know how old the father is? Is he over 18? Regardless, according to the “family values” set, doesn’t this constitute some sort of statutory rape? Get thee to a nunnery!

Why am I reminded of that poor African-American kid in Georgia (Genarlow Wilson) who was sentenced to ten years in prison for statutory rape after getting a blowjob from his girlfriend? At the time, he was 17, and she was 15.

According to the conservative controllers, Bristol shouldn’t be marrying him; she should be testifying against him!

2 09 2008

Wow….I think we should be looking at the “political” issues rather then focusing on the daughter. I remember a president who had sex in the oval office with an intern and everyone said…”focus on politics not that”. The same should be said here! Can’t have it both ways.

2 09 2008

no clancop, its about hypocrisy.
your post and all of the GOP statements about this unfortunate matter talk about her CHOICE, and her DESCISION.
that does imply she made one, an admirable one i’m sure.
however, what right do others have removing that choice for other women in their own situations?
that is why we, who feel threatened by the imposition of other people’s moral and religious beliefs on our lives, must point out these inconsistencies.
this isn’t always about i win or you win. can’t we keep the Constitution inclusive so that we all can guide our own responsibilities, instead of having it imposed?
i wish bristol nothing but love and happiness in her life. i respect her decision to make her choice.

2 09 2008

Well all I have to say is we all make mistakes and now she is having to live with hers. At least she isn’t having an abortion because then I would wonder about how conservative they are.

2 09 2008

I’ve seen better conspiracy theories on the Sci-fi channel… and certainly more interesting ones.

Just because a parent teaches a principle doesn’t mean the child will follow it. Everyone has to make up their own minds about how they live their lives, and if they choose to do something other than what their parents tell them doesn’t make the parents teaching or the philosophy it is based on faulty.

I myself tried to instill the principle of abstinence until marriage in my own children. My eldest daughter chose to go against her better judgement and engage in premarital sex, and ended up pregnant very quickly.

Fortunately she did not hide from us and told us what happened, because she knew deep down that we loved her and would love her baby, which we do intensely. I cannot imagine a world without my grandbaby.

It is a fact that if you abstain from sex before marriage, you won’t get pregnant out of wedlock. It is a fact that if you have sex, there is the distinct possibility that not only might you become pregnant, but you may also contract sexually transmitted diseases, some of which can cause female sterility, cervical cancer and death.

Does the fact that teenagers will many times choose to ignore their parents advice to abstain from premarital sex diminish the fact that the above is true? No. it does not.

So the real problem is not abstinence education, but the actions of the individual and the personal choices they make despite the best efforts of those who love them. Some people just have to learn by doing… I did the same thing when I was young and it was certainly no fault of my parents.

To blame a parent or their philosophy which was meant to protect and educate their child simply because their child disregarded their instruction is like blaming the department of motor vehicles for DUIs or the system of law for all the lawbreakers. It’s faulty logic and denies the free-will of the individual.

2 09 2008

Hurrah for the USA.

A dyke and her BJ “first wife wanna be” teach morals?

An unknown VP candidate gets her child smeared by the paragons of morals and ethics.

Bring on the gladiators, bring on the lions- the storm was category II but the Circus is full blown insanity.


We only need the current VP go hunting and shoot up his buddies, oops sorry, that actually happened.

My fellow Americans, You cannot make this stuff up.

Stand by, it only gets better.

2 09 2008

I think the reason why it IS an issue, and why this poor girl IS going to be brought into the spotlight has to do with simple hypocrisy. When an ultra right-wing woman who preaches family values and who thinks that abstinence should be taught in schools is running for vice president, and her teen daughter shows up pregnant, it should be brought into question why she wants to force these things on the rest of us when she can’t hold her own family to the same values. If it were that easy, she should have done it herself.

2 09 2008

so you believe in free-will, but not choice?
ok. i still don’t get why you should choose for others though…

but i think abstinence ONLY education is the problem. i was blessed with wonderful parents that loved and supported me and wanted the best life possible for me. therefore, they taught me about birth control.
i cant know for sure, of course, but i imagine that my decision to plan a family after college allowed for a better life for my family than had i been 17.

2 09 2008

but, more importantly, did we figure out who amber really is? lol

2 09 2008

Levi Johnston to join Palin family at convention
By RACHEL D’ORO – 26 minutes ago

WASILLA, Alaska (AP) — Bristol Palin’s boyfriend plans to join the family of the Republican vice presidential candidate at the GOP convention.

Levi Johnston’s mother said her 18-year-old son left Alaska on Tuesday morning to join the Palin family in St. Paul, Minn.

Sherry Johnston also said there has been no pressure put on her son to marry Bristol Palin, the pregnant daughter of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

“Absolutely not,” Sherry Johnston told reporters outside the family’s Wasilla home. Johnston said the two teens already had plans to marry before they knew she was pregnant.

Sarah Palin announced Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter was pregnant. The father was not identified beyond the first name of Levi.

2 09 2008

a Pentecostal in the White House,,how awesome is that!

“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God,” she exhorted the congregants. “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”


2 09 2008

Surely McCain has lost his mind. This woman is frightening on so many different levels.
Is a mother of five children, one with special needs & a pregnant teenager,
the best and brightest female that the Republican party has to offer?
The fact that she could actually be second in command of our country is unbelievable.
McCain’s blatant tactic to pacify women with this deranged person as a candidate is disgusting.
Losing the election is not enough – can he be thrown out of the country?

2 09 2008

bayted9…I agree that the kids should be left out of the political campaign….lets remind McCain about that, when he at a Rep Senate Fundraiser in 1998 told a VERY Tastless joke….”Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?” he asked “Because her father is Janet Reno.” At that time Chelsea was only 18.

Politics are ugly and Sarah Palin should have known that before she jumped on the VP wagon.

And lets not forget, that Bush supporter started a rumor in 1999, that McCains adobted daughter from Bangladesh actually was his daughter from an affair he had with a Black prostitute.

2 09 2008

To bayted9

AND while we are at it, lets not forget that the Rep. party are praising family values, while John McCain at age 46 had a long term affair (while still married to his first wife) with a 27 year old girl who is now Mrs. Cindy McCain.

How is saying go….dont throw rocks when you live in a glass house.

2 09 2008

AND…one more…and form the News wire Politicol….

He has recalled groveling for forgiveness when, during his 1986 campaign, he referred to a retirement community called “Leisure World” as “Seizure World.”

In 1999, in the course of apologizing for his joke about Clinton — which he called “insensitive and stupid and cruel” — he recalled for reporters another bad joke: ”I said, ‘The nice thing about Alzheimer’s is you get to hide your own Easter eggs.'” (Earlier in the 2008 campaign season, he reworked that joke to make himself the target.)

and he has just turned 72, but in the past…he was pretty much on the attack with tasteless and uncalled jokes, incl. family members of candidates.

2 09 2008
C.B. Todd

So Sherry Johnston says the kids planned on getting married BEFORE Bristol found out she was pregnant. Bristol’s 5 months pregnant -how long have they known? Why do I ask? Because it may be that Bristol became engaged when she 16 years old ( her birthday being this summer). Is that common in Alaska? In most parts, the parents have to approve of under age marriages. Isn’t it statutory rape for Levi to be having sex with a 16 year old under Alaska law?

2 09 2008

I knew McCain’s choice of VP was going to royally backfire on him.

2 09 2008

he had the chance to tell people he does get it,
he could have picked someone that made people comfortable, but he pandered to a small slice of idealogues who threatened to disrupt his party if he did what he apparently felt was best.
he showed reckless disregard and horrible judgment.
politics first, country last
i was laughing fri, but now i’m disgusted.
but this is a great blog : )
kinda like jerry springer, only real.

2 09 2008
Dish it

Can any locals confirm that Track Palin and Mercede Johnston were an item?

Could Trig be the child of Track and Mercede, which would of course involve statuatory rape — is this why he joined the army?

Come on locals, what’s the gossip around town?

2 09 2008


OK, you are in the “I hate bimbos” column.

2 09 2008
Top Posts «

[…] Breaking News: Palin Says Teen Daughter is Pregnant The story has broken and we now know which version of “Babygate” is true.  Palin’s unwed 17-year old […] […]

2 09 2008

Is it true that Bristol is not the first girl Levi impregnated? Have heard that he got a girl “in trouble” while in the 8th grade. If so, what happened to the baby?

2 09 2008

Come on the Democrats are scared to death of Palin. Their immediate response to discredit her in every way possible is a blatent attempt to try to take her out before she becomes America’s sweetheart.

2 09 2008
Lee Ann

My biggest problem with this woman, besides the fact she isn’t ready to be in national politics, is that she knew her daughter was pregnant and, unless she lives in a fog, knew that once the press found out – and they would – that it would put her daughter in the headlines. As a mother, I am a mother bear and I would never put my children out there to be trampled on by a ton of people. As a mother you protect your children, you love them – she loves her daughter I am sure, but you don’t put her pains and struggles on everyones lips. Remember the Bush twins and all the hell they caught for drinking in college – heaven forbid! Every candidates, stars children, are fair game, unfortunately, when their parents are in the news or public eye. That is a sad fact and it will only get worse until we decide that it really doesn’t matter about peoples private lives. The other thing that irritates me with the Repubican “pundits” is how they all say this doesn’t matter – and it shouldn’t – but when my daughter told us she was pregnant two months after she got married, and we started telling people we were going to be grandparents, there was the look – the look of “oh, she had to get married”. She was almost 25, just graduated with her maters degree and an adult, not under my roof and WAS NOT PREGNANT when she got married. So it matters to people when it is convenient to matter, but when it’s not, well, it’s just the times. I would love to tell that girl that I am sorry her mother put her in the spotlight like this. I feel sorry for her; she needs a mother who puts her childs needs first – not her own.

2 09 2008

this is sounding more like a Jerry Springer episode and not a presidental election.
I am very concerned!

2 09 2008

Ok. my turn. Sarah injected her daughter into the fray. Not us. That’s number 1. Number 2 is if you look at the Myspace pic with Sadie cradling Trig with Bristol smiling on, You can tell that while they are not in the hospital, Bristol and Sarah just came home. Look at what Bristol is wearing; Jeans and a shirt. Fresh out the maternity ward!! Sarah is smiling like a proud grandmilf!! And that bambino doesn’t have downs either. You don’t just allow any and all to hold a downs baby for a photo op!! The first thing you do is take the baby home and see to it it has all of its’ meds, not show him off to the world and parade him around the country. This stinks to high heaven. Sarah, we’re on to you. Those Bambi hotdogs and Bullwinkle burgers have affected your cerebral cortex.

2 09 2008

Lee Ann, don’t let ’em get you down. I got pregnant right away after I got married too. People would ask, “So, when are you due?” And then, “When did you get married?” (I kid you not.) I would answer, and there would be this long awkward pause while they tried to count backwards nine months from the due date. I got so I wanted to tell them to count forward three months instead, it’s faster. But I was young then, much more polite than I am now. People are dopes.

That pregnancy, my first, I gained a total of 18 pounds. My son was 6 lbs. 8 oz. And in my 7th month? Big as a house. Waddled when I walked.

If that picture of Sarah is properly dated to a week before she announced she was 7 months pregnant, well, she lied. No question.

2 09 2008

More confusion….

Inside edition is reporting that she was transferred out of school once she learned of her pregnancy half way through the school year!?! (Where’s the mono story?) The timeline is simply wacked. Article below;

“Levi Johnston is the father of the baby that Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol is expecting.

He’s ruggedly handsome, just 18-years-old, and was a high school hockey star in Wasilla, Alaska, where Sarah Palin was once the mayor.

But the national spotlight is now shining on these teenagers, and young Levi’s MySpace page can’t be pleasant reading for Governor Palin.

He writes: “I’m a [expletive deleted] redneck” and “I don’t want kids.”

That MySpace page was taken down after his relationship with Bristol became national news.

Levi has also had a minor skirmish with the law. He was charged in 2007 for fishing for salmon out of season.

Levi has been dating Bristol Palin for about a year. INSIDE EDITION was told that Bristol often cheered for her beau and the other Wasilla Warriors from these stands at the town’s hockey arena.

Halfway through the school year, about the time Bristol discovered she was pregnant, she transferred to another high school.

The teenaged lovers plan to marry. Bristol was wearing an engagement ring during her mother’s history-making first appearance with John McCain on August 29th.

And Levi Johnston’s twin sister, Sadie, was spotted cuddling Governor Palin’s newborn baby Trig, who was born five months ago with Down syndrome. In a photo caption, Sadie already referred to the Governor as “Mommy-in-Law.”

Bristol has become America’s most famous teen mom, matching 17-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears, who was seen in Louisiana last week shopping with her mom and baby”

2 09 2008

It’s like one of those worded math problems;

If a pregnant train is travelling from Wasilla to St. Paul at 100 mph and a freakishly ambitious secessionist is hiking from Juneau to 1500 Pennsylvania avenue at 3 mph…which is more likely to arrive in one piece?

3 09 2008

Dish it,
I have a feeling Track’s escapades will be out soon. A local radio show today was talking about an incident of school bus vandalism he was arrested for, along with 3 friends. And that maybe the army was a better option than jail/wrath/something else. Bus-gate? Get me an aspirin.

3 09 2008

bus-gate!! lordy
thanks ak, you’re great. keep it coming.

3 09 2008

Great story to follow on Track. That probably gells with why he was in high school in Idaho. Why else would she have pulled her kid from local schools?

… anyhow, here’s another one worth finding more about…

Word is that the pink slip given to the then Wasilla Librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, as Sarah became mayor in ’97, was not just “over sensorship issues”, but over the librarian’s refusal to pull dinosaur books from the children’s section.
Wouldn’t you like to see a list of Sarah’s banned books headed by “Barney, the Big Red Brontosaurus.”
Someone’s got to know more about this one.

I love this state!!!

3 09 2008

You know some people make mistakes. And mothers cant always make decisions for their daughters. Sarah taught her daughter the right thing by abstinence, but she obviously chose another path. Children cannot be controlled as long as you might like, they eventually grow up and make their own decisions.

And why isn’t anyone hating on Jamie Lynn Spears? Is it just because she’s a Hollywood byproduct? There are so many other girls who get into this situation too who have good respecting parents. They were taught one thing but obviously chose another. It’s not the parents fault when a kid CHOOSES to do the wrong thing. We all have a free will and when it comes down to it the best we can do is be educated on what’s good and what’s bad. We can be forced to make a choice.

Perhaps you should examine your own mistakes and sins before hounding someone else for something that is so common amongst teenagers (but that doesn’t excuse it either). All I’m saying is we should be more forgiving towards a teenager who made a mistake. All teenagers make mistakes but this one is in the public eye which probably makes it more painful for her and her family.

3 09 2008
NY Dem

Well, you made the big-time with this site. Just caught on Fox News one of the leading Republican operatives talking with Megyn Wells about this site and others (they refused to mention them by name though). Republicans have launched their own site called “Stop The Smears”.

Well, if they really want to stop the smears, then come out and produce hard evidence that refutes any of the stories on this site. Haven’t seen anything yet from them.

Still waiting…….

3 09 2008

This quote from IE does not point out the serious complications with the MySpace pages.

And Levi Johnston’s twin sister, Sadie, was spotted cuddling Governor Palin’s newborn baby Trig, who was born five months ago with Down syndrome. In a photo caption, Sadie already referred to the Governor as “Mommy-in-Law.”

For those of us that saw the original MySpace pages (and I have screenshots too). The photos had comments from the beginning of May so they were most likely put up by May 1.

Why on earth would Sadie be referring to Sarah Palin as “Mommy-in-Law” when the photos were put up 4 months ago? 4 months ago Bristol would NOT HAVE KNOWN she was pregnant and she and Levi would not have been planning marriage.

The only piece of information that shows Sarah Palin pregnant are 2 Flickr photos that have an unfortunate date stamp issue. Why can’t someone produce a birth certificate? Why aren’t there 10 people speaking out from the last month of the pregnancy saying, “yes she was pregnant”?

I don’t think this story is done just yet. It is also bothersome that the delivering MD is a specialist in teen pregnancy.

3 09 2008
Justa Boare

Here is my biggest concern…. all of our focus is on this cover-up and the very strange and dare I say, un-American stances Palin has on so many things are being put on the back burner. The personal issue in this embroglio that really has my back up is the fact that she used her political power to fire an ex-brother-in-law! I don’t care if he is the worst piece of crap on Earth, she wielded her office to get what she wanted for her sister.

3 09 2008
A fly on the wall

Justa Boare (07:50:57) :

Then you focus on the un-American stances, Troopergate, Dairygate, Car-wash-gate, Cut-funding-gate, etc. What’s needed is to unravel everything at once. There is no singular “focus”.

Just encourage everybody to unravel whatever they’re interested in. I’m fascinated by what’s being unraveled and speculated upon by people like therealstory and KiwisCanFly, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not interested in the other scandals as well.

3 09 2008

These blog comments prove one thing – how nasty and desperate the democrats are.

Lefts claim they care so much about helping people. Then they rip to shreds and gossip mercilessly about a 17 year old girl.

God bless her precious, young heart and help her to heal quickly from the stinging blows of people who truly do NOT care about what is best for others.

3 09 2008
A fly on the wall

Carolyn (08:15:48) :

Fuck off. The reason she’s in this position in the first place is because of her self-serving mother. Any sane person in these circumstances would have turned down the VP nod rather than drag their poor children into the spotlight, and then shamelessly use them to try to score cheap political points with the evangelical crowd.

3 09 2008

A fly on the wall:

Nice. You just proved my point.

3 09 2008
A fly on the wall

Carolyn (08:58:57) :

You said nothing to address the fact that it’s Sarah Palin’s fault for dragging her own daughter through the mud. She could have put her family first, but didn’t.

3 09 2008
Justa Boare

A fly on the wall-

I agree with you on all counts but I have to say that with so many scandals lurking on Palin isn’t wise to pick the ones that really matter to the the health of our Constitution? That she has a Jerry Springer-esq family is one thing… that she lies publically about it has character issues, no doubt… But I want the spotlight on Troopergate, Bridgetonowheregate, censorshipinthepubliclibrarygate, and all the other gates out there that attack the Constitution of the United States of America and the fiscal health of our economy. I have not even brought into play the fact that she has ties with an Alaska separatist political party. Let’s hope that the media and the reporters are on ALL of this. She makes Cheney almost look passable.

3 09 2008

Fly on the wall:

I don’t have to respond. You speak for yourself.

Serving public office shouldn’t mean your child is up for malicious attack by a political party that claims to care so much about people.

But that’s the way it operates. If I were pro-Obama, I would reclaim my stance on human dignity, and shut up about her child.

I thought the democrats wanted to focus on the issues. They don’t, they just want to win. And they are thrilled this child is a target for their rage and hate.

3 09 2008

Fly on the wall:

It takes courage of your convictions to move forward to serve your country in the face of immature, malicious, gossipy, nosy voters.

She said, ok, this is what I am being called to do, I accept, and I accept my child and her mistakes. If people want to strike low, so be it.

If you have courage of your convictions, you can face all this hate.

I guess my prayer was wrong, God will protect the young girls heart. Maybe my prayer should have been for God to move your hearts to compassion.

But, that would probably piss you off, so don’t worry, I won’t be so presumptuous and do that. I care about you and your dignity, you don’t need me to make judgements on you.

3 09 2008

Maybe this is McCain’s payback for 2000 he really wants Obama to win. I am more concerned about her flip flop lies than babygate personally it is not my business, but sex of any kind seems to be the Republican’s business, unless it is one of their own.

3 09 2008
A fly on the wall

Carolyn (09:23:53) :

Seriously, STFU. You’re either the stupidest person I’ve ever encountered, or you’re a troll.

You still haven’t addressed the point. It has nothing to do with the kids. It has everything to do with her idiot mother. Sarah Palin has chosen personal ambition over family. She has chosen to drag her family through the mud. She was not forced to accept the VP nod, but she did it anyways, because SHE DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT EXPOSING HER DAUGHTER’S PERSONAL LIFE TO THE ENTIRE WORLD! She is a god damn monster.

Also, I’m not a Democrat, you stupid twat. I’m an Independent, and I don’t like being taken for a fool by the Republican party.

3 09 2008

Fly on the wall:

Yep, you are right. I am the stupidest person you’ve ever encountered, a troll, and a twat.

And Sarah Palin is a god-damned monster.

You are the only one who sees the light.

You sound like you are about to explode and go shoot somebody. Take some Ativan, that might help.

3 09 2008

Fly on the wall:

By the way, I AM a republican, but I can see some definate advantages to a power change and Obama winning the presidency. First, I love Biden. Second, the African-American community stands an actual change of having a voice if our president is African-American. And third, the balance of power is there for a purpose and change is good.

I also love McCain. Sarah Palin is an outstanding pick and I don’t think she should have said “no” just because the American public is too stupid to not judge and attack her child.

That’s just my opinion. If it makes me a twat, troll, or whatever – I am allowed to believe what I do.

3 09 2008
A fly on the wall

Carolyn (09:37:24) :

I’m furious about this woman’s reckless disregard for anyone but herself. I’m particularly furious that she’d do this to her poor daughter. This is going to haunt poor Bristol for the rest of her life.

I’m also furious about the sham-looking wedding they’ve apparently forced these kids into. I’m furious that I just saw them parade around all of the children as well as the new very-uncomfortable-looking Levi on CNN 3 minutes ago.

I’m furious that she preaches “abstinence only”, but has a pregnant 17 year old daughter, and was pregnant before she got married herself!

It’s truly shameful. It’s just terrible. I have no issue with God, but I really don’t like his fan club.

3 09 2008

say for instance it was Chelsea Clinton at her current age but unmarried do you think it would be none of the republican’s business then? If Obama had picked Hillary Faux news wouls spin so fast Bill-O;s head would spin off

3 09 2008

Grimly, side-splittingly entertaining, this whole thing. Much like a car wreck – you *can’t not watch*!

For all that, the issue remains: the Dems need to mobilize in record numbers, and send a couple o’ messages on behalf of the US to the rest of the globe; first and foremost, that we are not a nation of Republican clownshoes!

All speculation about shady parentage aside, this is a woman who is “pro-life” because she’s anti-abortion, but she’s still FOR the death penalty! What gives?!?!?

Everybody here knows that we can’t afford another four years of the current economy (thanks directly to the Shrub and his Dick), and we can’t afford to be deployed all over the world with continual-maintenance-required. Beauty and the (Ancient) Beast will absolutely not be the right answer for the next four days, months, years…

3 09 2008

I think this is the crux of the issue. I think Sarah Palin was trying to protect the kids in either scenario (ie trig is sarah’s or bristol is now pregnant).

Everywhere the Bristol or Levi are mentioned they say Bristol is 17 and Levi 18.

I think that Bristol is 16 or recently was 16.

I think Levi is 19. Here is his myspace page

and the 3 year age difference creates a BIG problem in the state of AK.

3 09 2008
3 09 2008
Dish it


Levi is currently 18. Turned 18 in May of this year

Bristol is currently 17. Turns 18 in October of this year.

The only way any statuatory rape issues come into play is, possibly, if Levi and Bristol engaged in sex after Levi was 18 (after May 5th). But we know Bristol was already pregant at that time and thus probably abstaining. Right? Convenient much?

3 09 2008

The Republican’s think they are the sex police when it comes to a democrat Clinton, Edwards, but now it’s off limits, she wants to dictate what I do with my Daughter’s but can’t get her abstinance til marriage policy work at home

3 09 2008

@dishit why does Levi’s myspace page list 19?

3 09 2008
Dish it

therealstory – myspace has age policies, and kids often fudge their age.

Court records show his dob as 5/3/90. No more speculation needed.

3 09 2008

@dish it link to court records? also where is something that lists Bristol’s official birthday?

3 09 2008

@dish it from the wasilla paper Levi Wallner was 18 back on Nov 7, 2007 per a police report. He also graduated High School in 2007

That seems to make is MySpace age more credible.

3 09 2008
Dish it
3 09 2008
Dish it

Wallner has nothing to do with this story. It’s Johnston.

3 09 2008

@dish it – so per court records there are 2 Levis! And they live in towns 14 miles apart. Both Johnston and Wallner names are in the news reports. The small MySpace profile pic looks a lot like the picture of Sadie with her brother on piggy back though. The hockey photo picture doesn’t look anything like the piggy back photo. And the MySpace status

“WALLNER needs a break from civilization for a bit”

is curious enough.

I give up. There is just too much weirdness.

3 09 2008
Dish it

therealstory – which Levi is not in question anymore – just turn on CNN or any other news and you’ll see Levi Johnston arriving to join the circus

Every Levi in Alaska has probably been under scrutiny for the past few days, leave the rest of them alone now.

Another fine mess brought to all the Levis of Alaska, courtesy of Palin (because she only mentioned his first name and put every Levi in the state through a couple days, or more, of hell.

Maybe a new contingent can be formed: “Levis Against Palin”

3 09 2008
Justa Boare

Dish it-

Funny!!!! “Levis Against Palin” is a natural!

What a silly and dumb thing to do…to name “Levi” and not give his last name. No wonder Wallner has “discontent” as his mood on his myspace. Just add this bit of bad judgement to this rest of what she brings to the table.

3 09 2008

i want to know more about Track Palin and why he lived in Portage michigan for six months during his senior year in high school. something funny about that. everybody wants to graduate at home. strange he went in military in sept 07 and adding up that equates to 9 minths. Word on michigan blogs (can’t find link anymore) is that trigg is Track’s son.

Now the rumors that she was having an affair with Todd Palin’s business partner
…what next

and why does john mccain feel the need to get involved with the enquirer over palin’s “personal life” ….. guess it’s ok for him to do it. we’ll see what the national enquirer has to say.

3 09 2008
Justa Boare

McCain should just admit he had a senior moment and take back the V.P offer. Now.

3 09 2008

I watched Gov. Sarah Palin give her acceptance speech tonight, and really it was about what I expected, not awe inspiring, but not bad either. I write my perspective in tonight. Please vote in my poll and let me know what you liked or didn’t like about her talk tonight.

4 09 2008

The thing that keeps not being mentioned is that if she lied about being Trig’s mom. the lying is a big deal. It was how the republicans went after Clinton remember? It wasn’t that he got a blow job, but THAT HE LIED about it. The Dems will never be the attack dogs that Republicans are, but they need to make sure she doesn’t just slip by on this.

4 09 2008

These pictures have been viewed before, but they’re worth another look. They are copies taken from Merceded Johnston’s myspace page:

Note that Trig is obviously a newborn, probably no more than a week or two old. Note also the picture where the girl over Mercedes shoulder is listed as “appears to be Bristol”. My guess is that this is Willow as she looks much younger than Bristol (and Bristol had mono, right, what would she be doing breathing into the space of a slightly premature, Down Syndrome baby?).

Here is a recent picture of Willow to compare with:

Now, go back to the Mercedes blog. Look at the picture of Sarah. Look at how skinny her legs are. Does this like a woman who just gave birth?

Finally, where are the pictures of that time period with Bristol holding Trig?

Why was Sarah showing off Trig to Levi’s sister only a week or two after the child was born?

4 09 2008

I looked long and hard at those pictures and I still think that is Bristol standing behind Mercedes and Trig. I compared it to the picture of Bristol with Mercedes in her prom dress, which can be seen here:
It sure looks like Bristol in both.
I agree that Sarah does not look at all like she just gave birth.

4 09 2008

Under Alaska law, all Vital Statistics records are strictly confidential until they become public records. Births become public records 100 years after the event; deaths, marriages, and divorces become public records 50 years after the event.

Will we ever know the truth about Trig? And is the truth even on the birth certificate? Has it been falsified?

5 09 2008
5 09 2008

If Sarah Palin lied to her potential boss of the World’s most powerful nation, what would she do if did become the Vice President? I believe the living a life of the elite will never understand the real issues of the common man or woman. She is not living the life of a single mom with a deadbeat ex-husband. She
cannot understand what it is to live from paycheck to paycheck. An ex-husband who does not pay his child support on time or at all. A mom who has to be both father and mother to her children. A mom who has to make excuses to her children why their father does not care to call or come to their functions. An elderly couple who has to make ends meet on social security. Deciding whether they will eat this month or purchase their meds. How can these people (McCain & Palin) ever understand the common person when they do not know how many homes they own or spend over $300,000 in dresses to attend the Republican National Convention? Give me a break!!!! Enough is enough. Unemployment is off the roof and economy is in the pits. Our men & women are fighting a war to help countries whom could care less whether they die for their security. Dying for oil and money to other countries and big oil companies.

6 09 2008

Does Sarah have 4 or 5 children. We “the people” need a simple fact check! If you want to know the truth about the Sarah Palin pregnancy HOAX, check out this website which has all the links and facts/lies in one place. Give yourself an education and then you can judge for yourself! These are almost all news articles and some simple mental conclusions.

27 09 2008
PalinBaby Question

Here are two thoughtful sites that are trying to collect information on the (still open) question of the parentage of Trig Palin:

10 10 2008

so.. after reading most of what people’s responses to this were.. I still have one question.
are there any actual photos of Sarah, supposedly, pregnant with Trig? I tried googling it a bit, but didn’t find anything. I mean, this women would have had to have been photographed being the Governor for about three years now, right?

definitely Obama 08.