Stevens Shoots Self in Foot. ‘Keep it Up,’ Think Dems.

5 08 2008

There’s some major faulty logic going on in the Stevens campaign. Now back in the state, Ted Stevens did the whole dog & pony show at his campaign headquarters holding a rally, where he was reported by ADN to have been in the presence of a “large, supportive crowd”. He also had quite a spectacle when he was  he was escorted by a parade of bikers. At least Ted didn’t volunteer his wife Catherine to participate in a topless biker beauty contest like McCain did with Cindy.  (There are no words.)

And…Stevens wants his trial to be moved from D.C. to Alaska because sure…we’re impartial here, right? Don’t pay any attention to the screaming crowd at the airport named for him, Justice Department. Nothing to see here…

It’s not like he’s got anything to worry about in the primary. The most recent post-indictment poll indicated there’s really no competition. So why the effort to gather the troops and get that front page story and photos on the Anchorage Daily News? Seems to me like the more balloons and confetti, the less the chances of Stevens getting his way with the trial relocation.

Not that I’m complaining. Just felt a need to state the obvious.

Post-Indictment Poll Looks Ugly for Stevens.

2 08 2008

Ivan Moore Research released some brand new Alaska senate poll numbers today.  Numbers in parentheses were taken 7/18-22.  The second set were taken after the indictment from 7/30-31.

Stevens –  35  (43)

Begich –  56  (51)

Margin of Error 4.8% 

Ker……..plunk.  Looks like barring a well-placed lightning strike, Begich has it.

And lest you worry that he’ll be defeated in the primary leaving a less tarnished candidate to go toe-to-toe with Begich:

Ted Stevens: 59  (70)

Dave Cuddy:  19  (21)

Other:  2 (2)

Undecided: 20 (7)

Looks like Stevens is in.  But, you never know…Vic Other…er, I mean Vic Vickers is waiting in the wings ready to make his move! (stifling laughter)  Well, if he loses, he can still have something to look forward to in 2009…his very first Permanent Fund Check!