Kucinich Alert!

18 06 2008

A quick reminder to tune in to KUDO 1080am in Anchorage tomorrow to listen to local progressive talk show host Shannyn Moore speak with Congressman and Progressive icon Dennis Kucinich!  Her show starts at 1:00pm and Kucinich is scheduled for the second hour. Lately they’ve been cutting her an hour short for Anchorage Bucks baseball.  (Not nearly as interesting, imho…)  They’d better not try that tomorrow lest a pack of angry libruls storm the studio to demand airtime.   If you’re not in Anchorage, you can get live streaming online

Good on ya Shannyn Moore for getting Kucinich on the show.  I’m all ears…

UPDATE:  Wow.  Dennis Kucinich called from the floor of the House for the interview.  He confirmed that if 30 days pass with no result, he will read the articles again…only this time there will be 60 instead of 35!  He also conveyed that his understanding is that Bush can be impeached and subject to penalties, even after he leaves office.  He also spoke fondly of Alaska and Alaskans, recounting his visits here.  He had time to take a few calls, and had to excuse himself once for a few minutes so he could go vote!  This gave me just enough time to flee the office and make it to the car without missing a beat on the way to a meeting.

You’ve got to give this guy tons of credit for being the only one with courage enough to stick his finger in the eye of Bush & Co. and call them out for what they are and what they’ve done – in Kucinich’s words “wanton disregard of the Constitution”.  You said it.

Kudos to KUDO, and Shannyn Moore.

Holy Impeachment, Batman!

10 06 2008

Got this email today from Robert Wexler. Welcome to the biggest news story that the mainstream media isn’t covering. I’ve often wondered how history will judge this administration, and all of us who were (for the most part) silent witness to the desecration of our Constitution, the needless deaths of thousands of people, and the war profiteering of many, just for starters. “Why didn’t you guys do anything??”, I hear my unborn grandchildren asking me. I don’t know what I’ll answer, but I do know that in the face of the torrent of hateful retalliation about to descend on Dennis Kucinich from Republicans and Democrats alike, he is one of the few true patriots out there, and one of the VERY few with real courage. So a tip of the hat to Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler, Congressional Superheroes, for making history, and ensuring that the crimes of this administration are preserved in the Congressional record for all time. We’ve saved face for our generation in the history books.

Our effort to hold the Bush/Cheney Administration accountable has taken another dramatic step forward. Last night, Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced the first Articles of Impeachment ever to be introduced against President Bush. It includes, in total, thirty-five Articles detailing this Administration’s blatant abuse of power. Today, I enthusiastically co-sponsored this vitally important bill.

I am grateful for Dennis’ leadership on this issue and for the steadfast support that countless Americans have given to both of our efforts to redeem our government and expose the crimes of Bush and Cheney.

I will now expand my efforts to secure impeachment hearings in the Judiciary Committee for these new Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.

Many of the charges against President Bush are well known – and would shock the conscience of everyday Americans if only the national media would be willing to report on these stark facts.

The Articles present a stunning narrative of offenses that have go well beyond previous crimes committed by any US chief executive. In fact no President or Vice President in history has done more to undermine our constitution.

These charges are broad, with 35 separate allegations including the deliberate lies regarding WMDs that led us to war and the approval of illegal wiretapping of American citizens. The Articles also include new allegations of high crimes – including the explicit approval for high Administration officials to violate treaties and US law banning the use of torture.

The Democratic Party gained a majority in the House and Senate due in large part to our promises to end the corruption of the Republican majority and to hold the Administration accountable to the law. This courageous bill is a crucial step towards fulfilling this promise, but – like the Articles against Cheney – they require your support to convince Democrats and open-minded Republicans to support this bold but necessary action.

Time is running out so we must work together to spread the message and apply pressure.

First, please encourage your friends and family members to sign up at WexlerWantsHearings.com as it will allow us to keep in touch with you and speak to a wider audience.

Second, call your representative and urge them to support Impeachment hearings.

Finally, contact newspapers, news stations, and your favorite bloggers and urge them to report on this movement. We need to keep Impeachment a significant news story until the Democratic leadership sees the value in it.

For more, since it’s hard to find as of this writing, check out the article in the Village Voice – HERE


UPDATE: The motion to refer to the Judiciary Committee (rather than tabling…and certain death) is adopted by a vote of 251-166, with no Democrats voting against, and 24 Republicans voting in the affirmative.

UPDATE 2: Dennis Kucinich states:

“Leadership wants to bury it, but this is one resolution that will be coming back from the dead,” Kucinich told Capitol Briefing. “Thirty days from now, if there is no action, I will be bringing the resolution up again, and I won’t be the only one reading it.”

Maybe Batman and Robin can switch off, so they can at least take a bathroom break! Interesting times…