Behold! The McCain Palin “Truth Squad!”

9 09 2008

Sarah Palin in 2008 in front of a 49star flag... Secessionist? Hawaii Hater? Celebrating Alaska's 50th Anniversary of Statehood? This is a job for: The Truth Squad!

The ‘Truth Squad’? Why is it that Republicans love to have these little names? I’ve posted previously about Alaska’s own Don Young and his “A-Team”, and his “Wolf Pack” of lobbyists. For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with Don Young, these are all the lobbyists that get immediately patched through to our Congressman in DCwhen they call the office. These guys are Don’s big guns. The A-Team was referred to as a separate group, but is also a subset of the Wolf Pack. So if you’re on the A-Team, you’re also by default in the Wolf Pack, but if you’re in the Wolf Pack, you’re not necessarily a member of the A-Team.

We’re not only corrupt, we’re silly.

And now, on the national front, we have the McCain-Palin “Truth Squad”, a group of spunky Republicans put together based completely upon party affiliation, and mostly on ovary ownership, to dispel the myths that are circulating about Palin. A couple of these myths had to do with figuring out budget line items and reallocations so it looked, at first, like Palin had slashed funding for special ed, and for homeless teen mothers. She didn’t.

But other things that are supposed to make us feel better on the list include the fact that Palin didn’t actually attempt to force public schools to teach creationism, but that she merely “wouldn’t oppose” teaching creationism in public schools.

And she didn’t actually fire the librarian who wouldn’t agree to ban books. She only tried to fire her. After public outcry, she agreed to let the librarian stay, even though she wasn’t being ‘supportive’. And the list of banned books that’s been circulating? Bogus! We don’t know which books Palin wanted the public librarian to pull from the shelves for content she found offensive.

And most of all, she was NOT officially a member of the secessionist Alaskan Independence Party, even though the Vice Chair said she was, (and called her out on video tape for infiltrating the Republican Party to get elected, while holding the AIP ideals). It was actually her husband that was a member of the secessionist group. She simply gave a supportive speech at their convention this year and told them to keep up the good work.

Don’t you feel better now? Phew! I was worried for a minute, but my mind is put at ease. It’s fortunate that the Truth Squad will be galloping across the land coming to the GOP’s aid. “We’re meeting it head on,” said Brian Rogers, a campaign spokesperson. All right! (fist bump).

Oh, and they dared to accuse her pastor of being a Jew for Jesus. That guy was only invited to speak by her pastor. And why should we care about her pastor, anyway. People shouldn’t be condemned for the views of their pastors. We learned that from Obama and Rev. Wright. We need to focus on what Palin herself believes. She’s just a normal sensible gal who thinks the world is 6000 years old, and that Jesus will come and rapture the faithful during her lifetime.

So knock it off, and quit with all this fringe, liberal, left-wing nutty blogosphere over-reaction, will you? Sheesh.

So, now that you have the Truth, are you pumped, and ready to meet the ‘Squad’?

National Members Of The Palin Truth Squad:

· Former Governor Jane Swift (R-MA)
· Governor Linda Lingle (R-HI)
· Lt. Governor Sean Parnell, (R-AK)
· Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN)
· Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
· Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
· Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA)
· Congresswoman Mary Fallin (R-OK)
· Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
· Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX)
· Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
· Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-MI)
· Congresswoman Sue Myrick (R-NC)
· Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)
· Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM)
· Jo Ann Davidson, RNC Co-Chair
· Rosario Marin, Former U.S. Treasurer
· Meg Stapleton, Former Aide To Governor Palin
· Kristan Cole, Lifelong Friend Of Governor Palin

State Members Of The Palin Truth Squad:

· Former Lt. Governor Jane Norton (CO)
· State Representative Amy Stephens (CO)
· State Board of Education Member Peggy Littleton (CO)
· State Representative Ellyn Bogdanoff (FL)
· County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez (FL)
· Former Iowa Senate President And Former U.S. Ambassador To The Eastern Caribbean, Mary Kramer (IA)
· State Representative Jackie Walorski (IN)
· State Representative Laura Brod (MN)
· Former GOP State Party Chairwoman And Former State Rep. Barb Sykora (MN)
· Jayne Millerick, Former NH GOP Chair (NH)
· State Senator Jennifer Beck, Honorary Co-Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)
· Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose, Honorary Vice Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)
· Bergen County Clerk Kathe Donovan, Honorary Co-Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)
· DA Dona Ana County Susana Martinez (NM)
· Former Lt. Gov. Lorraine Bono-Hunt (NV)
· State Senator Barbara Cegavske (NV)
· State Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert (NV)
· Sue Lowden, Nevada GOP Chair (NV)
&# 183; Kay Ayres, OH GOP Vice Chair (OH)
· Betty Montgomery, Ohio Women For McCain-Palin Chair (OH)
· Mary Taylor, Ohio Auditor Of State (OH)
· Margie Hughes, Clackamas County Chair Of Women For McCain-Palin (OR)
· Linda Neace, West Linn Small Business Owner For McCain-Palin (OR)
· Deanna Smith, Women For McCain-Palin Chairwoman (OR)
· Renee Amoore, PA GOP Deputy Chair (PA)
· Joyce Haas, PA GOP Vice Chair (PA)
· State Senator Lisa Baker (PA)
· Diana Irey, Washington County Commissioner (PA)
· Christine Toretti, RNC National Committeewoman and McCain-Palin Pennsylvania Co-Chair (PA)
· Kim Ward, Westmoreland County Commissioner and McCain-Palin Pennsylvania Regional Chair (PA)
· Former First Lady Susan Allen (VA)
· Lori Ann Miller, Young Republican Federation Of VA Chairman (VA)
· Former Lt. Gov. Margaret Farrow (WI)
· Peggy Oban Boze, McCain-Palin Chairwomen For King County (WA)
· Susan McCaw, Former Ambassador To Austria (WA)
· Della Newman, Former Ambassador To New Zealand (WA)

Wow. They’ve got everybody, from Palin’s own Alaska Lt. Governor Sean Parnell, to an RNC co-chair, from members of congress, to former ambassadors to nations in the southern hemisphere. Pretty impressive.

Now they’re all set to handle all those other nasty things people have been saying, head on!

I bet they’ll dispel all those horrible claims about her stand on global warming, reproductive rights, troopergate, promoting people who talk nice on Fox News, getting paid to stay at home, intimidating staff, raising taxes, not properly funding troopers, her actual executive experience, her real position on bridge to nowhere, the state of the small town where she was mayor, and being called the Queen of Earmarks! They’ll really clear the air. Right guys??

Right, Squad?




Maybe they’re already on the “Straight Talk Express”?



478 responses

9 09 2008

I hope Huffington Post picks up your blog (or asks you to write a regular column). Soon!

Thanks, Nora! Coincidentally, they have, and this post is cross posted there.

9 09 2008

truth is what you determine it to be… oh, sorry.. thought I was at a republican fundraiser….

9 09 2008

Ugh. Washington Post:

Palin is Energizing Women from All Walks of Life

This woman? To make the first political donations in her life.

9 09 2008

what I wonder is why do men dig her? She is not hot. Well, I guess she’s governor hot – kind of like the hot girl at the office; not hot, just the best of what’s there. And her voice is so grating. I would think that would totally turn men off.

And women? Are you kidding me? Sarah Palin reminds me of the Mom that takes a hit out on the cheerleading coach for not letting her daughter on the team.

And I do think the glasses Sarah wears are intentional. What happened to contact lenses? She is so fabricated it makes me cringe.

9 09 2008

madbluedog-20 27 04
I completely agree…like the Lifetime special about the cheerleader mom in Texas…I pointed this out to my wife the other day…

9 09 2008

I love this blog. I kind of hope it doesn’t get usurped by Huffington. That thing’s a mess. Or at least maintain an independent link? Also, the people who write comments here write in complete sentences and everything. Wonkette is funny but the comments are perverted and really not informative at all. Keep up the good work, Mudflat muckracker!

9 09 2008

Post article sounds like a bunch of far right people who are finally excited about the election. Hopefully most of the moderate PUMA’s will show support, check the facts and move back to Obama.

9 09 2008

So what happens when the convention bounce wears off and Obama returns to a slim lead in the polls? Will the press let go of the silliness and get down to substance? The issues? The real records of the candidates?

Or are we in for two months of caribou barbie?

9 09 2008
Sarah from CA

My friends,

I hate to stray from the topic at hand, but had to share:

I just received a letter from John McCain. Well, that’s what the letterhead says! The “RNC Victory 2008” people have found me and want money and a pledge (hahahahaha). This is the 2nd such Republican letter I’ve received this year — I’m a registered Democrat, but these imbeciles can’t even get that straight.

The letter, among other things (and yes, it’s addressed “Dear Friend”), claims that the Republican Party is a “grassroots foundation” (SOUND FAMILIAR??), and it of course lies about Obama’s tax increases and all the usual bullsh*t.

The letter does sound a bit desperate, though, it makes it sound as if the Republicans are really clamoring for money (they say their opponents are raising record funds — yay!!), and their goal is only 10 Mil. Heh. Didn’t Obama raise that in 1 night?

The best part is that they underline all of their lies for all to see. All of their repetitive talking points, etc. And it’s dated “Tuesday morning.” Like… they can’t even use regular dates now?

The last time I got one of these propagandous things, I hung it on my fridge with a sign that said “Democracy at Work!” Now I’m not sure if I should send it to somewhere more useful. From what I can see, it doesn’t contain any real useful “insider” info.

Anyway. Thoughts? Aside from hysterical laughter?

9 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

LOVE the picture! Well done, and congrats on what you’re doing for Alaska and for the country. From one who’s faith is in serious disarray, thanks to the fundies, you just may be a gift from God!

Am I the only one who almost gagged seeing Michelle Bachman’s name on the Truth Squad? If you recall the State of the Union (I think it was last year), she’s the chick in the red suit who was practically falling all over herself to get Dubya’s autograph on her program. Reminded me of the screaming teens at a Beatles concernt. Ok, that dates me. I admit it. Maybe Miley Cyrus gets similar treatment today.

9 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Oops, hit the submit button too soon. Shouldn’t have had that last glass of wine, but that’s the only way to cope these days.

For those who need a more recent Bachman reference… She also suggested that drilling in ANWR would be great for increasing the caribou population as it would give them a nice warm spot along the pipeline to mate.

You just can’t make this stuff up!

9 09 2008

madbluedog (20:27:04) :

what I wonder is why do men dig her? She is not hot. Well, I guess she’s governor hot – kind of like the hot girl at the office; not hot, just the best of what’s there. And her voice is so grating. I would think that would totally turn men off.


I think Palin is getting the same attention a lot of women who wear glasses and are attractive get. It’s the ‘naughty librarian’ thing. It’s an image of sex and intelligence. And intelligence can really get a man’s attention, whether it’s really there or just a perception, when coupled with sex appeal, no matter how little is there.

I can’t say as I’ve minded benefitting from such assumptions… but I do wish that it was seen through more often. Such as in Palin’s case.

9 09 2008

They need to keep Michele Bachmann front and center. She’s cuckoo. Seriously. And a fine representation of this group. When she was on Larry King tonight, she just smiled like an idiot, the minute the little red light came on and no matter what she said that smile never left her face.

Also, she’s a huge GWB supporter and I think that if they keep putting her front and center, she makes it easy to prove that McCain/Palin is just a continuation of the same.

9 09 2008

I am offended that this mis named “truth squad” is all women.. pfft. Talk about pandering… talk about sexism.. this is so blatantly cynical.

and in that vein from

Alaskan Independence Party chairwoman Lynette Clark talks about why she doesn’t identify herself as an American, and about her kindred spirit Sarah Palin.

9 09 2008

The cruel aerial shooting of wolves is as Joy Behar said on LKL tonite “She’s pretty mean to animals”

Share it on as many blogs & websites as you can. This is horrific and cruel

All the above,truth squad this.

Get paid to bring a wolf foreleg

Oh yeah, the “eBay plane” was sold to trophy hunters & corp media doesn’t mention this please pass along.

9 09 2008

You know what makes me sick? Wasn’t it right about this time that the swiftboating of John Kerry commenced? The right (and by that I don’t mean Republicans – I mean the right wing machine) is incorrigible.

9 09 2008

If America falls for this bologna…the Extreme right could never chant the battlecry Country first ever again!

9 09 2008


Yes, Michele Bachmann is as scary to me as Sarah Palin, except she’s just a relatively harmless member of Congress. I am unfortunate enough to live in her district. I still cannot understand how, in a year that Democrats made large gains in Congress, she still managed to win. Nothing would please me more than to see her unemployed come January.

9 09 2008

Re: the Post article on Palin energizing women.
Take heart! My sister who is usually apolitical gave to the Obama campaign for the first time after Palin’s speech. She said she had to turn the TV off at some point because she was kind of put off by how mean Palin seemed. She lives in California, but still, it’s something. I’m sure there are other women like her who are just now paying attention.

9 09 2008

My daughter text messaged me this is what she said, Hope you do not censor because of the language, she is 25 years old:

“Palin is a looming grey cloud over the USA . Not to mention that “Fuck Face McCain”, what the hell was he thinking “Oh MY God”, I am moving out of this country, if those Redneck degenerates win this election.”

9 09 2008

ok.. hope this doesn’t pop up later as a double post… sometimes the magic works.. and sometimes it does not..

As a woman and a long time feminist (and proud of it!) I am offended that that misnamed group is all women! Ugh. That is blatant pandering and cynical beyond belief! Do they think this means they cannot be attacked?? I attack them.. despicable.

And on the secession issue, Salon has an interview with Lynnette Clark- very supportive of SP.

“Alaskan Independence Party chairwoman Lynette Clark talks about why she doesn’t identify herself as an American, and about her kindred spirit Sarah Palin.”

9 09 2008

I’m still a bit off-put by Palin’s idea that good government is exemplified by billing rape victims for rape-kits used to collect evidence.

Can anyone help me grok the motivity on this issue?

9 09 2008
John Henry

My local news just reported the The Truth Squad wants an apology from Obama because they think the lipstick on a pig comment is sexist.

Great job ladies! Way to debase the meaning of sexism.

I think it was clearly ‘piggist’ and he need to apologize to pigs everywhere.

9 09 2008

Another video on aerial hunting that shows that wolves pose no threat to wildlife and how they are decimating wolves and bears. This video is even better.

Defenders Magazine
Spring 2007
Defenders in Action: Vote Scheduled on Aerial Wolf-Shooting Ban

Alaska voters will have another opportunity to ban the public from participating in aerial wolf shooting. Nearly 57,000 Alaskans signed a petition last year to place the issue on the next state ballot. In February, the state lieutenant governor certified the ballot measure, which will be voted on in August 2008. Alaskans have twice before passed similar ballot measures, but both were overturned by the state legislature. Meanwhile, more than 600 wolves have been shot by aerial gunners in Alaska during the past four years, including at least 38 in the first two months of 2007.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

This will make everyone happy! I promise!

It also illustrates how talking respectfully with undecideds reaps more rewards. Let’s win some people over….gently.

Enjoy the article! It will give you hope!

9 09 2008

Someone, please tell me that all this is a dream or I’ve slipped into a parallel universe.

For a Nation that was once the beacon of hope for the world, look how far we have fallen: Truth Squads to refute the actual truth! Disgusting and dishonorable advertising by the McCain Campaign

I survived 9/11 for THIS? I survived alcoholism for THIS?

9 09 2008

hey 20:18:07 — that washington post article about awakening the sleeping giant……….lookie what was near the bottom right of the page:

From Our Partner

Obama Modifies ‘Yes We Can’ Message to Exclude Area Loser
McCain Speechwriter Trying To Write Lines That Don’t Lead To Creepy Smile
Evolutionists Flock To Darwin-Shaped Wall Stain
More Stories From The Onion

well — i copies and pasted and the ONION didn’t carry over.

that dang tricky Onion – gotta watch those guys THEY ARE GOOD. and i don’t mean like mmm mmm good. i mean they can reproduce a newsarticle that would make their momma proud.

after falling for the Vogue cover – i have become incredibly cynical. that is why i google everything and read several sources before i believe anything nowadays.

what this campaign has truly done is show the world (and us mere webcrawlers) that we have some really talented spoofers and photoshop artists and well, crap – a gal can hardly trust a hyperlink anymore.

if the article sounds psycho – if the content doesn’t match the source – i recommend you lean back, take a sip of coffee or whathave you, i personally light a cigarette and think of ………..who would benefit from this craziness………and THEN i read it again.

you guys tell me – is that washington post article an Onion or the real thing?

9 09 2008

We should form a “Truthiness” squad. Can we get permission from S. Colbert to do this?

I love all of you, but I started to bed hours ago and am not there yet!

Congrats, AKM, I thought I was re-reading, but it is late on the East Coast. Just wanted to peek at HuffPo before dragging the old tired bones….and then the tone seemed a little familiar. Stopped off to run a response to England on the last thread and then…here you were again. Great work!!!!!

Thanks Cassie. And I love the “Truthiness Squad!” That would have been the title if I’d thought of it first! AKM

9 09 2008
Independent in AZ

The above list is missing the names of the Fox News/website political marketing teams; i.e., the scrolling bottom of the screen caption supervisors, visual imaging editors, website “straw man” story placement team leaders and some of the voices and producers who are so adept at what they do well – selling ideas, straw populist movements/stats and various lipstick shades.

I wonder how Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America) would view the truths squads and Fox news? Would he be remiss that the current day press lacks traits that formerly kept a democracy in check?

9 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Arkangel
We’re all right with you, man. No, you’re not crazy. We’re not crazy. Sometimes I think we’re the only sane ones left. It truly is 1984… maybe a few years late, but right here and now. And it’s been coming ever since then. Up is down, down is up, truth is lies, lies are truth.

Those folks down south who survived Bull Connor’s dogs and fire hoses must have felt the same way. They overcame, and so can we.

9 09 2008
Alaskan Woman

John McCain has used “lipstick on a pig” several times during this campaign. However, if Obama uses it it’s sexist attack!

Remember when McCain was running against w? The Bush team accused McCain of attacking Bush all of the time when really they were attacking McCain. It’s a Rove tactic! Now the same ugly head rears up again. Everything Obama or Biden say is a personal attack against McCain or Palin! McCain hated it when it was used against him but it’s fine against Obama and Biden.

9 09 2008
Leonard Pinth-Garnell

Doesn’t anyone remember George Orwell’s [Nineteen Eighty-Four] and the Ministry of Truth</a?? Honestly, folks .. it’s all there in black and white.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Okay. What’s going on? I’ve posted an article from Huffington Post THREE TIMES and it will not show. Although all my other posts do.

You have something against HP AKMuckraker?

I hate when people post long articles here but this one fills me with such HOPE that I have to. I hope it makes you feel as good and hopeful as it did me.

Knocking on Ohio’s Door — My Amazing Weekend

I did something this weekend that renewed my faith in this country, and made me feel great about being an American. I reached out to my “neighbor” about this election – although the neighbor lived 1000 miles away.

I went to Gallipolis, Ohio – a village on the Ohio River, where Ohio borders West Virginia. I took myself from New York City into the “battleground” of this election, and listened and talked to the people who are going to decide it. (As most of you know, there are 6 battleground states… and in most of those states, there are a handful of counties and precincts that are going to sway this election.)

Gallipolis is one of the few places in America that has not been “homogenized.” Just when you think that everywhere in America looks like everywhere else, this town doesn’t look OR sound like it. For one thing, they pronounce the name of their town “Ga-lip-Police.” (The locals, of course, are allowed to mispronounce it “gallipolie” or “gallipol-es”… you would be well-advised to say “gallop-police.”)

The next town is called Rio Grande, and it’s pronounced “R-eye-oh Grand.” As the Mayor of Rio Grande told me “We have our own language in these parts.”

Political campaigns tend to forget this part of America. The Obama organizer in Gallia County (a Harvard senior from rural Connecticut who gave up his first semester for Obama) told me “This is where Gore and Kerry lost Ohio.” When someone from a campaign walks up to someone’s door, there’s surprise, then a little bit of ranting (as in “well, finally someone’s listening, let me hit them with everything you’ve got”), and then … real talk. “Sit down on the porch” talk.

I spent my time talking to what the Obama campaign and Gallia County’s organizers call “persuadables” – voters who had been Hillary supporters and needed a little extra work, Independent voters, or Republicans who at one time or another had been involved in a Democrat’s campaign. And I had some of the best conversations about jobs, gas prices, Iraq, race, religion and abortion that I’ve ever had in my life. They were free from rancor, from easy “sound bites,” and from the usual political rhetoric you see the pundits slinging every day on the air.

I walked for two days, knocked on over 100 doors and spoke to over 50 voters. By Sunday, I’d “gone rogue” and went beyond the “persuadables” list, talking to anyone who was sitting on the front porch. Even the McCain people were cheerful when they told me that I was wasting my breath.
A lot of the comment about this year’s election has centered on a powerful shift in the voting base. I think I saw some of that this weekend. People here tend to be lifelong party members. If you’ve been a Republican, it’s gut-wrenching to say you’re going to vote for Barack Obama. But I heard it. On the other hand, I also talked with a woman who was SO Democratic that she once forbade her son to play Abraham Lincoln in the school pageant, and she told me she might not pull the lever for Obama because of his switch on public financing and his support of FISA.

They are rewriting their political alliances out of a life-and-death sense that this country has gone horribly wrong. When you’ve been paying $50 a month for gasoline to drive to work, and now it’s $50 a week, that’s real. When you’re losing your job because the competition is overseas, and you know in your heart it’s because we’re just not competitive for so many reasons… that’s bad. When your kids are supposed to be educated in the “No Child Left Behind” program, but the school can’t afford the supplies or the teachers prescribed by the program, you start wondering what’s really wrong.

But I didn’t hear simple answers from them – part of that is because there’s a real distrust of Washington and Government in general. But part of it is that they know there are no simple answers. A lot of them are going to vote for Barack because they hate the way things are going now… but they also say he’s “the lesser of two evils.” The way things have been going over the past decade has played havoc on their lives.

This is cattle country and trucker country. (The main reaction I got to telling people I was from New York was “Oh, that George Washington Bridge… it’s 100 bucks for a semi to cross!”) We talked about how bad the highways in this country are, and the railroads, and how the country can’t even ship its own goods any more.

This is ironworker country. People are losing their jobs to foreign trade, and they know it. But one ironworker told me how he and his buddies had erected a giant “Iron Barack” statue outside their plant.

I had some amazing moments — I knocked on the door of a couple from India who will become citizens on the 18th of this month, and had the great privilege of handing them voter registration cards.

I had some weird moments… one guy told me how afraid he was that Barack, the first Black President, would get assassinated… “And it’ll all be on me.” Another woman told me that there wasn’t any reason to vote, that the End of Days was coming. I tried to convince her that, just as an insurance policy for her grandkids, she might want to cast a vote for Barack.

I talked to a Gulf War (the first one) vet who told me “I had Osama right in my sights… then they called us off… this is all about a fight between two oil families, the Bushes and the Bin Ladens.” He’ll vote Obama… as long as I convinced him that registering to vote only made him liable to do jury duty once in a while.

There are a LOT of Hillary supporters here. For the most part, they’ll end up voting for Barack – but there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done to get them to understand that Barack and Hillary share the same goals.

No one I spoke to was buying Sarah Palin. The women turn their nose up at her (and these are the hard-scrabble types Sarah’s supposed to appeal to). “How dare they think we’ll vote for her just because she’s a woman!” A lifelong Republican took Palin’s nomination as proof that “McCain has been bought by the Right Wing of the party… I used to like him.”

Like I said, it was an amazing weekend. And you can do it, too…

Here’s how:

Go to Register. Search for caucuses and “out of town” groups in the battleground states. You’ll find events hosted by Obama organizers in Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, Ohio, and New Hampshire.

Call the organizer up. Introduce yourself. If there really isn’t enough going on for you to come out for, they’ll tell you. (A number of Pennsylvania and Ohio organizers did just that.) But if you’re lucky, you’ll find someone like Seth Bannon, the Gallipolis organizer who was my host this weekend.

Most places can put you up for a night or two – there are plenty of Obama supporters everywhere who would welcome you. Or, enjoy the wonders of the Super 8! (They’ll leave the light on for you, and if you leave your button on, you might have the experience I had of recruiting a new volunteer for the campaign.)

And start walking, start knocking, start talking. You WILL make a difference. I went to the Volunteer Fireman’s Festival in Rio Grande on Saturday night, and Seth and I were “celebrities” (but not like Paris Hilton, I promise) because we had traveled all the way to this part of Ohio to talk about Barack Obama.

The old “organizer’s handbook” says that every three people you talk to equals a vote. In some parts of this country, the election turned on 8-10 votes… precincts turn to counties turn to states… It all adds up.

We can win this election! But we’re in for the fight of our lives… and this is one way to go to the battlegrounds.

9 09 2008

Madbluedog, she is porno hot. A friend of mine has told me this. He says he knows. I believe him. He says that Sarah reminds him of someone called “Janine”.

Palmdale, thanks. Mine is in “disarray” too for the last little while. Must study on this.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

The biggest take-away from the article I posted is this:

He was respectful of these people. He must have been calm and not pushy, otherwise, they would have kicked him off the porch!

We need to be careful when we look down on others…call them rednecks, etc. Except for the obvious die-hard “i’ll vote republican even if they put up a monkey” people, the rest need to be talked to respectfully. It could become a vote and change the course of our war-mongering country.

9 09 2008

Wow Susan. I am truly inspired by your post. Thank you for sharing!!

thank you again… and to further boost your great work-

9 09 2008
Sarah from CA

@ Leonard — yikes, you’re right! And I thought Cheney was scary.

I can’t believe they’d once again try and further inoculate themselves from attack by stacking the deck with women. Dirty. F’ing. Politics.

I hate these people.

9 09 2008

For the record, here is the footage of McCain using the same Pig and Lipstick line:

9 09 2008

I have a few posts that go awry too.. but Susan from Atl.. I wanted to thank you for that post about walking the precincts in Ohio. That was truly inspirational!


9 09 2008

Palmdale, CA (21:03:00) :

@ Arkangel
We’re all right with you, man. No, you’re not crazy. We’re not crazy. Sometimes I think we’re the only sane ones left. It truly is 1984… maybe a few years late, but right here and now. And it’s been coming ever since then. Up is down, down is up, truth is lies, lies are truth.


I’m getting more of a Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood feel with Palin as Offred’s ‘wife’ figure (who was a figurehead for women returning to the home and hearth) and the spokesperson for the aunts, and the lack of equal pay for equal work things.

D’oh, now I have to read it again. lol, I shall enjoy it though. XD If you haven’t read it… you will find it very relevant to today’s world.

9 09 2008

KY.. I think Obama should just run all the footage of Mc using that term as well.. and then the truth squad indignation of the sexism..

I wish they could just run the side by side quotes that the Daily Show ran of Rove, O’Reilly etc. no need for any words.. just run the clips..

9 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Could the Onion writers be Caltech students or grads? Tech has a long and honorable history of the most amazing pranks. One of the more recent in a long-standing competition with MIT students was that a few Techers posing as MIT frosh interested in journalism managed to get hold of the MIT student newspaper masthead. Within a week, the Techers had recreated an edition of the MIT paper, sent it back to Cambridge, and had thousands of copies printed and distributed to incoming MIT students and parents.

Old timers may recall the Rose Bowl game where the card section was pranked to display “Caltech” instead of the rightful team’s name.

There is a tee shirt available for purchase at the Caltech bookstore. The front resembles an official MIT shirt. The back reads, “because not everyone can go to Caltech.” These were distributed one year to incoming MIT frosh. Proceeds from the sale of these shirts go to the school-sponsored “Prank Fund.”

Those interested in more info can go to and search on “pranks”. Enjoy.

9 09 2008


Why do men dig SP? As several have said previously…she has that naughty librarian look. But here’s the real deal….she can shoot a gun, allegedly dress out a moose, chop and haul wood, birth babies, bake cookies, run a business and do it all looking good.

9 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

@ MadDogBlue – you know, she is sexy – and that’s what’s getting attention. However, I find her voice rather annoying. Like Joan Rivers whiney – like Rachel Ray annoying – like Roseanne Barr (though I’d tap Rachel). Seriously, she’s easy on the eyes – a novelty of sorts – and I am praying it wears off before the election. Shoot, I’d hit it – but just don’t talk. Moans are ok.

Seriously, it’s a new twist in a field usually dominated by dudes. And she’s a hockey mom – and women can relate to that. However, her anti-abortion stance is really just drawing women that would vote GOP anyhow – and some disgruntled Dems who are still soar at Hillary losing (I liken them to the fools in the South who still have Confederate money, convinced the Confederacy will rise again).

I just think it’s like buying an expensive toy and playing with it for weeks – then, you realize you have bills to pay, that you haven’t touched it in days and throw it up on eBay or craigslist for cheap.

She will be the Dem’s October surprise when the scandals take her (and the GOP) down for the count.

Obama really, really, really needs to beg Hillary and sic her on Palin. Otherwise, we’ll be wearing VPILF tees and 4 more years of Bush policies and a candidate who is touting change and will be too old to realize what it is.

9 09 2008

Palin’s not attractive to me, I’m just sayin’

9 09 2008

let’s take a moment and read this essay on Renewing America’s Leadership:

July 2007:

Summary: After Iraq, we may be tempted to turn inward. That would be a mistake. The American moment is not over, but it must be seized anew. We must bring the war to a responsible end and then renew our leadership — military, diplomatic, moral — to confront new threats and capitalize on new opportunities. America cannot meet this century’s challenges alone; the world cannot meet them without America.

Barack Obama is a Democratic Senator from Illinois and a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.

—– and now THE Democratic Presidential Candidate September 2008.

This is the level of compassion and intelligence that has ignited our passion for the American Dream and to our Determination to preserve the Spirit of our Constitution………thankfully when we really can appreciate it and work together as a Nation to achieve.

i truly appreciate the fact that he is out there on the road these next two months shaping the hope and the dreams of men, women and children to see beyond our differences. that he is also seeing this crap on the news and on the internet — but bless him — is still standing tall and looking us in the eye and saying without hesitation — we can do this right.

9 09 2008

omg…talk about going overboard- wow…they did not have anyone from the PTA ? or her Beauty Contestant Buddies ? or how about her friends from her waitressing days ? or the Children she babysat ? so are they like in Panic Mode or what ?

9 09 2008

re: palin energizing women

you bet she is. Take a look here:

If you are female I encourage you to contribute as well. And everyone should digg it.

9 09 2008

Mad Skillz, son:

Obama really, really, really needs to beg Hillary and sic her on Palin. Otherwise, we’ll be wearing VPILF tees and 4 more years of Bush policies and a candidate who is touting change and will be too old to realize what it is.


Nah, Change will take on a new meaning. ‘Depends’.

9 09 2008

Am hoping the American public keeps the candidates on track with the issues. Obama / Biden will win the debates since McCain/Palin can’t talk without “checking with staff” to determine their position. (I believe Rove has officially moved into McCains brain now)

9 09 2008

I am posting again, despite my embarrassment at my earlier goof-up.
I got to thinking about the Truth Squad. The unspoken text is that Obama’s campaign is the lying side? And that McCain-ites are the Truth-Tellers? And the ridiculous size of that group! And what’s with the name ‘squad’? Is it supposed to be like some army? It now seems they are now trying to preempt Truth as well as Change!?! And last, there’s definitely something creepily Nazi-like about making a group like this.

I went to find what some other people have said about Truth. People who maybe really cared about it. Food for thought.

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
-George Orwell

“How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” –Abraham Lincoln

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.” -Daniel Patrick Moynihan

“Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.” — Henri Frederic Amiel

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest — but the myth — persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” — John F. Kennedy (June, 1962, from the Yale graduation speech; as quoted by A. M. Schlesinger Jr. in A Thousand Days.) (Here Kennedy was talking about myth in the sense of ‘things you just grow up knowing.’)

Being able to read all the wonderful thought posted here has really helped me through this past week and a half. Because of this blog, and all the great people here, I donated to a political campaign for the first time. I asked a stranger and also an acquaintance at work about registering to vote – and about voting for Obama.
I know I’ve lost sleep trying to keep up here because this whole thing w/ SP is just so incredibly unbelievable to me. So please forgive me for jumping to conclusions earlier; and Rhett, again, I’m sorry.

9 09 2008

meeting the minds of the truth squad:

from minnesota – well at least she makes no bones about it eh? oh jeez

9 09 2008

Palin is a great smarmy-queen. Her nasal female chiding squeeze-throated quibbling. She’s just out to punish all of us woe-be-gone drifters.

9 09 2008

misskae, don’t worry about your mistake. 🙂 I apparently have a conservative counterpart as well. I imagine a lot of names are used multiple times on both sides. So confusion is bound to occur.

9 09 2008

meet the truth squad from oklahoma: her argument about hate crimes and protecting religious thought? you tell me. is it a valid argument against added protection from hate crimes versus just crimes that are hateful?

9 09 2008

@ Mil
Yes, I have read the book, and this whole scenario is something right out of the novel. It’s also my wife’s favorite book (she’s the one who got me to read it) out of the several hundred we have around the house.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this just occurred to me while I was in the shower (where the best thoughts are always given to those who listen): We have two legitimate nut cases on a major party ticket to be President and VP of the US in McCain and Palin. NUT CASES.

As entertaining as Sarah Bullwinkle has become, we need to concentrate on the TOP NUT CASE, John McCain. While I admire Obama’s taking the high road, that last ad threw down the gauntlet. We need to answer in a tough and civilized manner…but TOUGH. Call Mac out on it; this wasn’t a 527 ad…it was APPROVED by Mac. Obama himself needs to make a statement about it that is forceful and respectful, for God forbid we see the “angry black man”…that’ll be an infinite source of fuel for these low lifes.

This needs to stop NOW. ENOUGH! This is the Presidency Of The United States we are talking about here. There ARE issues. There IS unemployment. There IS economic devastation. And all McCain can do is come up with TRASH like that ad?!

I have said this once on some blog: John McCain didn’t have to sell his soul, because he left it at the Hanoi Hilton. This ad and the way his campaign has been conducted has been proof of that.

God help this world if these two are elected. It would not only show the world THEY are NUT CASES but WE are CRAZY for allowing them into office. They are clearly a danger to the Republic and the planet.

9 09 2008

I agree Arkangel. We need to focus on McCain and we need Obama to take a strong, but calm stance against such descipable ads.

ps: Kudos to your wife’s taste in books! It’s one of my favorites too.

9 09 2008

from 2006 vetting document regarding library censorship:

Palin Asked City Librarian About Censoring Books, Insisted It Was “Rhetorical.” In 1996,
according to the Frontiersman, Wasilla’s library director Mary Ellen “Emmons said Palin asked her
outright if she could live with censorship of library books.” Emmons said, “This is different than a normal
book-selection procedure or a book-challenge policy…She was asking me how I would deal with her
saying a book can’t be in the library.” Palin said in response, “Many issues were discussed, both
rhetorical and realistic in nature.” [Frontiersman, 12/18/96]

Palin Fired the Police Chief and the Library Director—Then Said She Did Not Fire Them But Sent
Them “Intent to Terminate” Letters. In 1997, Palin fired Police Chief Irl Stambaugh and Library
Director Mary Ellen Emmons. The Frontiersman wrote, “After news of the of the dismissals broke
Thursday night, Palin said she never meant to fire Stambaugh and Emmons. ‘It was an intent to terminate
letter to discuss my intent to terminate them or for them to submit resignations.’” Palin wrote in her letter,
“I do not feel I have your full support in my efforts to govern the city of Wasilla.” [Frontiersman, 2/5/97]
• Palin Rehired Library Director after Cementing Her Support. The Frontiersman wrote, “Palin
said she cemented Emmons’ support Friday afternoon for her new plan to join the library and
museum departments and felt like she could continue to work with Emmons. Her plan will create
more efficiency within the departments, Palin said, making better use of the public’s money.”
[Frontiersman, 2/5/97]

9 09 2008

ack, typing spoonerism. Mea Culpa.

9 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

From Wed. Guardian ….. food for thought

The world’s verdict will be harsh if the US rejects the man it yearns for

9 09 2008

can someone, please, tell me what XD means. thanks in advance.

9 09 2008
9 09 2008

Here is another tear jerker of dead wolves. Seriously, this environmental issue will stick to Teflon Sarah.

9 09 2008

and thelma drake:

i am at least learning about the republcan women who are standing up for truth in our nation’s time of need ….. i listened to several videos about her various political platforms on youtube – a lot of negative ones are posted – but this one is actually from her campaign so it should represent her position on at least the topic of illegal immigration.

9 09 2008

I know, it’s like Tourettes with me and these dead wolves, but this video is worth seeing and it covers all her egregious anti environmental, anti animal acts as well as the failed dairy.

9 09 2008

You folks raise my spirits and make me believe there is still hope. I get so frustrated watching MSM. I love the story about traveling to Ohio and knocking on doors in small towns. Unfortunately, I have lung cancer and no longer can do these things but I so appreciate your bravery and hard work. I do blog and I do try to forward the best things to people that I think I can influence. And donate the small amounts I can afford. God bless all of you. And AKAMudraker, you deserve big medals, pulitzers, citations and a Nations’s thanks. You all keep me sane and that is hard when you are living in Texas! Take care. dears, and keep up the good work!

9 09 2008

I believe it’s time to rent “V for Vendetta” again.

9 09 2008

World wants Obama as president: poll

Posted Tue Sep 9, 2008 10:50pm AEST

US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama may be struggling to nudge ahead of his Republican rival in polls at home, but people across the world want him in the White House, a BBC poll said.

9 09 2008

McCain’s Lipstick Comment
Wonder if McCain remembers this.

McCain also criticized the health care proposals of Democratic presidential candidates as attempts at a “one-size-fits-all, big government takeover of health care” (CQ HealthBeat, 10/11). He said that the proposal recently announced by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) is “eerily” similar to the plan she proposed in the 1990s. He added, “I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig” (New York Times, 10/12).

9 09 2008

McCain keeps talking about victory in Iraq.

You cannot win an occupation.

Why does he keep wanting victory? What does he think a victory would look like? People getting houses with white picket fences and singing kumbaya?

9 09 2008

Okay, I realize some may raise their eyebrows at the mention of Camille Paglia’s name, but this article is worth the read. One may not agree with her assessment of Palin and the Democratic overreaction to her, but it helped me re-frame my thinking about why so many people seem to be attracted to her. I always appreciate someone who challenges my thinking in a respectful way (well…usually!). 🙂

PAGLIA UNLEASHED: Palin is feminism’s greatest leap forward since Madonna…

Fresh blood for the vampire

“A beady-eyed McCain gets a boost from the charismatic Sarah Palin, a powerful new feminist — yes, feminist! — force. Plus: Obama must embrace his dull side”.
By Camille Paglia

9 09 2008

fawnskin, XD is a big laughing smile as far as I know, it’s a smiley. As for anything else… no idea.

9 09 2008

Speaking of the truth, another WaPo article: how lies turn to facts

McCain tells people almost every day that Obama will raise their taxes. Which is an outright lie. I feel this is the stuff people really vote on and am afraid this will get lost in the shuffle of all the other lies (bridge, chef, on and on). So spread the outrage and let people know Obama’s not raising taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 and wants to exclude seniors who make under $50,000 from income tax completely.

McCain justifies his lie by way of a vote that Obama cast on a budget resolution based on the Bush taxes being rescinded in 2012. But it’s nonbinding and irrelevant as they make up a new budget annually. And there’s nothing that limits Obama from making more tax cuts which he plans to do for some tax brackets.

9 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Important things to do ….

Find out how your local county government selects poll workers; how the party selects poll watchers. Volunteer. Usually poll workers are paid a pittance. This is especially critical in populated cities and suburban areas. If people are being prevented from voting, call the media. Learn all you can about the process so that you know how it works. Make sure the people running the polling place understand the machines.

Press your local election commission to guarantee that all registered individuals are on the list. This is where provisional ballots become an issue. If the county hasn’t done it’s work, then too many people have to use them. Make sure they are offered.

Be a pest!

9 09 2008

I did not open the videos on the wolf killing. While at the office today, I opened a link (from one of the threads here) to an article that discussed the issue, and it described how Palin’s people shot the puppy wolves, after killing the parents.

I broke into tears, couldn’t stop crying. My husband is at the desk next to me, and when he realized why I was upset told me “I wish you would stop reading about THAT WOMAN!”

I am so incredibly disappointed by so many in this country for embracing this women in spite of her horrid behavior.

Yet, grateful to find this blog. Gives me hope.

9 09 2008

The TV media never talk about McCain lying on taxes. They’re talking about “pig on a lipstick” now.

9 09 2008


Don’t watch the videos if they make you cry, just give them the credibility with the hits. That way they will creep into the corporate media. I want the folks who don’t know how horrific she is for the environment to cry. And recoil from McCain and Palin. Not You.

Here is a video that will make you cry for joy in a really good way. Enjoy a real Christian.

9 09 2008

It appears to me Obama can use McCain’s own words to defeat him. Look at all of the youtube new clips where McCain is against what the majority wants changed in our country and our politics. I truly believe the under 30 vote are seriously being under estimanted. No one is polling this group, and they are sick and tired of the war. A large portion of this group have spent thousands on a college education and now they can get a job that pays the bills. My nephew is 26 lives in Austin Tx. He stated the college crowd will create shock and awe on Nov 4th. He has no doubt Texas will go to Obama.

9 09 2008

Aw..J T, that is terrible. I used to think I was overreacting to the aerial wolf hunting because I don’t understand it and someone told me it was an overpopulation thing. But others say there is no imbalance of population amongst wolves, bears vs. moose, caribou.

9 09 2008

Oh to be a fly on the wall at the next ‘Truth? Squad’ meeting. “Okay gals, oh and sorry, you too Parnell. I think we nailed it on the ‘Bridge’ issue. Great idea Bachman to use subliminal messages flashed across Palin’s ‘fashion’ glasses. Next order of business… global warming. Now since our VP does not believe in it we must discuss a way to tie it into terrorism or a muslim plot. Any ideas ladies and Parnell?”

My Prediction from Truth Squad… “No comment. No interviews.” Yes, they will take the HIGH PONY road. Yes, they will use what Palin has used time and time again… their ‘ass’ets, excluding Parnell’s of course. Why is he even in this elite squad of spinsters? Maybe because he really wants a job come November as gov.

Who is really using the ‘sex’ism card here. The squad’s existence is only due to the blaring ineptitude of McCain’s vetting and the one-in-a-million (she is actually the 1 millionth on my list for VP) self-aggrandizing Sarah ‘Baracuda’ Palin.

9 09 2008
Phil Munger

so little time to get the REAL TRUTH out — so many Red Herrings…

9 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Snoskred
As much as McCain talks about victory, he’s never given a hint of what that means to him. Does he mean a country with a functioning government and a rebuilt infrastructure where people can leave their homes and neighborhoods without fear of being killed and can sustain itself economically in a global economy, with education and healthcare for all its citizens? Or does he mean a country that has capitulated to the US oil companies? Two very different visions of victory. Maybe I’m cynical, but I have this feeling that so long as Big Oil gets the lion share of profits, he’ll settle for chaos for Iraq’s citizenry.

9 09 2008

My husband is going to call the office of his fine Repub representative to ask why she has left her constituency during hurricane season to spend time in Alaska? “Are the needs of the McCain campaign more important that the duties you were elected to perform on behalf all residents regardless of party afffiliation?” Our tax dollars pay her salary and I am a Democrat. I think we should all call the current Representatives on the list and ask the same question of each of them. We, the People, pay their salaries and provide them health care….not John McCain!

9 09 2008

Ooh, the MSM’s investigative teams are finally getting some new stuff:

Warned by the Court

A judge repeatedly told Palin and family not to badmouth her sister’s ex
By Mark Hosenball | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Sep 9, 2008 | Updated: 7:36 p.m. ET Sep 9, 2008

9 09 2008

Kay Ayres insures there is Truth in Ohio:

Margaret Farrow has as good if not considerably better vita than Palin ? oh i see at the bottom – she supported George Bush – was she on a short list anyway?

this gal has 10 years experience with PTA – and not on the short list?

i could go on i am sure — but you know what strikes me as incredibly important about this list of 55 republican women?

the majority of them have more experience than Sarah Palin and WOW they are women and republican and they really like John McCain.

i would really like to know how many of them were on the long list for possible VPs.

i mean this is an impressive list. of women. most of them elected positions.

man the more i think about it — the more i really really really do not understand what the truth really is.

did these ladies ALL say no to John mccain when asked if they would be interested in being his VP candidate?

or am i just not understanding something vital here?

9 09 2008

That lipstick on a pig is such a non-issue, the GOP is loosing it. I keep thinking of that interview with Palin where she accuses Hillary of whining over sexism.

Palin is turning out to be the GOP’s little Princess. They are making big deal out of the stupidest things.

Since she is such a cry baby, I am going to come out and say what I have been thinking. She is a shitty mother for throwing her poor teeanage daughter to the press. And she doesn’t show much sense hauling that poor baby all over the place.

Ok…all done being sexist for now. But how can you take the GOP’ s complaints seriously considering their sexist buttons promoting their “hot” candidate. Hell, in any office situation that would be grounds for a sexual harrassment case!

9 09 2008

*sigh* What I wouldn’t do for Berkely Breathed to bring back Bloom County. I love reading and rereading his political comedy from the 80’s and 90’s. His new cartoon… “Opus” just doesn’t have the right feel for me anymore.

I can just imagine him making the Truth Squad into something like the Mary Kay Commandos. *wistful smile*

9 09 2008

My nephew is 26 lives in Austin Tx. He stated the college crowd will create shock and awe on Nov 4th. He has no doubt Texas will go to Obama.

That would be the first time since 1976 that Texas goes to Democrats.
Found this:

“Having a Bush on the ticket each election from 1980 through 2004 (except 1996) has helped make Texas a reliably “red” state. In 2004, George W. Bush won the state by a margin of 61 percent to 38 percent over John Kerry. Texas’ population has grown rapidly in recent decades, and its 34 electoral votes are second only to California’s 55. Depending on the results of the 2010 census, the state could gain up to three more electoral votes in 2012.”

9 09 2008

If you’re interested in the aerial wolf kills (i.e. predator control) read my recent post at The program didn’t start with Palin, but she has had nothing but enthusiasm for it, including her campaigning against the recent ballot proposition that was defeated on the statewide ballot on August 26th. It is all in line with her complete disregard for science.

9 09 2008

Smitty, love that video. I’d seen it before…but still love it.

I don’t understand people that can’t appreciate all of God’s creatures.

9 09 2008

From Newsweek:

Let the Truth Squad handle *that* one!

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Texas will go for Obama???

I guess it’s possible that hell could freeze over! 😉 Joking!

I would be shocked if Gaw ja (Georgia) went for Obama. Clinton got us in ’92 but I think that was the only time other than Carter, in the last 40 years! I’m not holding my breath. I’m originally from Tn and they will go for McCain for sure althought my parents are voting Obama. We are all Independents and have voted both ways in the past. But these days, I’m so disgusted by vicious Republicans, I’ve voted straight democrat even when I don’t like the candidate. Republicans always win though….it is Georgia afterall. Atlanta goes one way but most of the rest of the state goes another. Many never met a war they didn’t like!

Why oh why can’t I replant Atlanta, it’s weather, people and beauty into a blue state?

9 09 2008

Arkangel, I wish I had the luxury of sticking with the issues. They’re relatively easy to debate.

But this election is rapidly becoming a popularity contest. Representative Bachmann, who appeared on Larry King Live earlier tonight, said both old and young women in her district told her they think Palin seems like fun.

Deja vu all over again. Same moronic thinking that got GWB into TWH. People felt they could share a beer with him.

If some women are so hard up for a girls’ night out, post a request in the library, if the library allows that sort of thing, depending on the mayor of the town.

If someone tells me they are voting Palin because she seems friendly, I have to bring up her sarcasm. I have to point out that it’s not friendly to force a pregnant woman to have a baby when she currently has the right to terminate that pregnancy. I have to remind them that it isn’t nice to lie to people and say you didn’t want a bridge when you campaigned for it. A friend wouldn’t lie to you. You have no friend in Sarah Palin.

David Gergen just said that Obama needs to shift his focus from Palin to McCain. I have great respect for Gergen, but at this moment in time, I have to disagree. She’s not a schoolyard bully that can be ignored in the hopes she’ll go away. She IS the ticket. She IS the reason McCain’s numbers are up. She IS the reason crowds are swelling. SHE has to be confronted. Now.

It’s my hope that Obama won’t have to deal with her. Let Biden do it. Let surrogates do it. Let the 527s do it. But do it. Kerry didn’t and he was swiftboated right out of TWH.

9 09 2008

Leonard Pinth-Garnell (21:06:01) :

Doesn’t anyone remember George Orwell’s [Nineteen Eighty-Four] and the Ministry of Truth</a?? Honestly, folks .. it’s all there in black and white.

Yep. Rove is still manipulating the lizard brain of the check out line at Wal-Mart. It is all wearing very, very thin on me now. I am getting very sick of this system of psychological and emotional manipulation. From swiftboating now to shiftboating. Manipulating pooling to make us think we are losing. Waiting for the other shoe of an October surprise to drop. The same old, same old. Why is this nation stuck at perpetual 50-50. Why?

The same old formula of self identity groupthink manipulation since the 1930’s.

Gawd I hate it.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

But I never once voted for Bush!!! So proud that I will always be able to say that!

9 09 2008

Someone used the term “Grok” from Stanger in a Stange Land by Heinlein. Geez! How appropriate. Love that book. Hate the reality! Such smart people, caught up in the muck and mire of Republican/Rove politics!

9 09 2008

“I’m getting more of a Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood feel with Palin as Offred’s ‘wife’ figure (who was a figurehead for women returning to the home and hearth) and the spokesperson for the aunts, and the lack of equal pay for equal work things.”

That is a great book. Palin also reminds me of the narcissist TV weather girl-turned-murderer in “To Die For”. Nicole Kidman played her (quite well) in the movie but the book is good, too; all based on a true story.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

“Rove is still manipulating the lizard brain of the check out line at Wal-Mart.”

I know what you mean (above) but let’s remember that those kind of comments can really turn off undecideds. It is condescending after all.

Sorry, but I want Obama to win and if making myself unpopular by being confrontational, I have to do it. Too much is at stake.

A lot of people that do not comment read these comments.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

SLC said:

Palin also reminds me of the narcissist TV weather girl-turned-murderer in “To Die For”. Nicole Kidman played h

OMG!!! I can’t beleive you said that! I was thinking the same thing this weekend! That is too funny….she really IS like her isn’t she?

9 09 2008

Sally & JT,
WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN! There is no credible evidence about “culling” predators. Just like you are horrified, so will MILLIONS of others. The Christian video reached 27 million people, if we can reach a fraction of those people with her grotesque aerial hunting, it will sway people. Trust me. Just hit the videos & pass them along even if you can’t watch. Send them to AC360’s blog. He is doing a story on the aerial hunting tonite so make a comment! I swear, look at the Mike Vick story. A million dollar QB went to PRISON over 6 dead dogs. She won’t be able to defend $150 bounty for wolk legs.

Gordon Haber is a wildlife scientist who has studied wolves in Alaska for 43 years. “On wildlife-related issues, whether it is polar bears or predator controls, she has shown no inclination to be objective,” he says of Palin. “I cannot find credible scientific data to support their arguments,” he adds about the state’s rationale for gunning down wolves. “In most cases, there is evidence to the contrary.”

Last year, 172 scientists signed a letter to Palin, expressing concern about the lack of science behind the state’s wolf-killing operation. According to the scientists, state officials set population objectives for moose and caribou based on “unattainable, unsustainable historically high populations.” As a result, the “inadequately designed predator control programs” threatened the long-term health of both the ungulate and wolf populations. The scientists concluded with a plea to Palin to consider the conservation of wolves and bears “on an equal basis with the goal of producing more ungulates for hunters.”

9 09 2008

check out this tom toles cartoon at:

the watch obama quick video about lipstick on a pig – 47 seconds video at:

republican blogs are saying obama plagiarized his statement from this cartoon and are sending it out to limbaugh etc, and to this person who did the cartoon.

i don’t know about this person but article is at:

they are planning on making it viral on internet and making a big deal about it.

just wanted to let you know.

9 09 2008


Too true! There are plenty of ADF&G Biologists who agree with you privately, but stay quiet publicly. Their comments are at the heart of my posting in response to the (mostly correct) Salon article:

9 09 2008

DeMo (22:28:39) :
“But this election is rapidly becoming a popularity contest. Representative Bachmann, who appeared on Larry King Live earlier tonight, said both old and young women in her district told her they think Palin seems like fun”.

I strongly encourage you to read Camille Paglia’s article at Salon. As I stated earlier, this article is worth the read. One may not agree with her assessment of Palin and the Democratic overreaction to her, but it helped me re-frame my thinking about why so many people seem to be attracted to her.

PAGLIA UNLEASHED: Palin is feminism’s greatest leap forward since Madonna…

“A beady-eyed McCain gets a boost from the charismatic Sarah Palin, a powerful new feminist — yes, feminist! — force. Plus: Obama must embrace his dull side”.
By Camille Paglia

AnneinWA (22:08:03) :

9 09 2008

Exoticterrain ,
thanks for the info. What I am more interested in is making the US populace SEE what she approves of.

btw, good blog. I was aware that her predecessor was the one who opened the hunting but she offered the reward for the foreleg of a wolf.

This will stick, I swear it will.

9 09 2008

I’m off to bed…but first I have a suggestion.

I think we should all pray for Obama to win!

Why not? Our prayers are just as valid as theirs.

And considering they are busy being hypocrites (can’t believe how they keep repeating the same lies over and over again, even after it has been publicly established they are lies)
I figure our prayers might get bounced ahead of theirs!

Remember the old TV Ad, you can’t fool Mother Nature? (Or the higher power, however you may believe.)

9 09 2008

1984 is a good reference for this, but if you really want a parallel, go for the Handmaid’s tale by Margaret Atwood.

It’s set in the near future. There is a war, martial law is in effect. Women lose their rights. Then because of a decreasing fertility, woman become biblical handmaid’s as in ‘having kids for the rich families that can’t’. Women who can’t bear children either become houseworkers or are sent to clean ‘colonies’ of toxic waste. Men are in charge. There is always a war. There is always fear. No one ever has the truth. And men and women’s roles are determined by the Bible.

At the start of the movement there is a woman… she speaks passionately about women’s roles and ‘responsibilites’ and religion. She helps kickstart it all.

I promise you, if you want a way to scare people and get them thinking, get the book and lend it out. And there is an okay movie version of it. 1984 is good, but the Handmaid’s Tale will hit closer to home. I promise.

9 09 2008

I’m guilty of watching it, but I really think that 24/7 cable news is a major factor in the destruction of our political system.
My daughter has lived in Europe for 12 years and is usually only in the US at Christmas so she doesn’t ever spend time watching the news. However, two summers ago she spent a couple of weeks with me and did have a chance to sample the cable news. She couldn’t believe what has happened and was disgusted. When she returned to Paris, almost the first thing a European friend who had also been in the US said to her was, “Did you see the news channels there? It’s all trash.”

9 09 2008


Pictures and videos are worth way more than words. The little bit of video AC just showed could do major damage.

We’ve just gotta spread the videos out there in every nook and cranny, I sent them to almost my entire address book.

9 09 2008

I could have used you all back before the invasion was declared. I went and found the UN Inspection Reports and read them all. I told everyone there were no WMDs and this was for oil. My husband was totally drinking the Kool-Aid big time. But we made a deal, if they found WMD’s I would vote for who he wanted and if not his pick was mine. Needless to say, he voted for Kerry. Now here we are four years later and, suprise!, another fabrication packaged up with a bow for the American People…all for oil again. This time he sees it all for what it is and he will be (voluntarily;) voting for Obama. Remind people about the old lies and deceptions and what that has cost us as a country. Then ask them why they think this should be any different. Yellow cake from Nigeria…McPitbull with lipstick…it all sounds a little suspect to me, ya think?

9 09 2008

Yay! Other people who have read the Handmaid’s Tale! Let’s get it out there!

9 09 2008
Quiet Advocate

I am really saddened by this Truth Squad. The cable networks are going to be overjoyed with more drama. CNN has used Palin’s former Aide (equally beautiful) two days in a row to explain/validate her claims. Can’t CNN get someone who was not connected to Palin to interview? It is truly not objective reporting. Their analysis of her standing on global warming was good. KO and Rachel were great, but most people in rural areas won’t watch that.

It’s too bad that there were false leads. I think it’s expected, though, considering how little time McCaine gave us, considering no one knew this candidate AND considering the main media didn’t help. Ideally, I wish we had the right figures on the funding for special ed. That hurts. I blame McCain for this. He put us through all this agony of vetting because of the choice he made.

This election is both a disgrace and inspiration. Our country is further divided with Palin, though, and it’s a total embarrassment to display our dirty dishes to the world. They must think we’re nuts. The analysists have different opinions on how Obama should fight — ignoring or aggressively fighting. I wanted, naively, to see a presidential campaign without swift boating. Somehow, the media now has to be strong and stop all of this. Get all the facts, report them, and then move to really discuss issues/assets. They should demand that Palin be released from her crate.

9 09 2008

“republican blogs are saying obama plagiarized his statement from this cartoon and are sending it out to limbaugh etc, and to this person who did the cartoon.”

How disappointed they will be to learn that Obama cited the cartoonist during the Olbermann interview.

Looky here. Looks like a conservative blogger already picked it up AND recognizes that Obama quotes from the cartoon. Damn, Straight Talkers will have to find another piece of BS to throw on the ground and see how many shoes it will stick to.

9 09 2008

I never voted for Bush for our governor nor did I vote for him as president.
Since the 2004 election we had our state electoral maps re-drawn by a repubs who control our state legislature to benefit them. That being said we also have many more hispanics that are eligible to vote and they vote democrat. So we do have some hope. Even our conservative magazine Texas Monthly had a poll stating Obama could pull a surprise win.

9 09 2008

I only saw a short clip on this today, but some survey/poll apparently indicated that a strong number of Independents were breaking to the McCain campaign. Then, there’s Ron Paul’s endorsement of third-party candidates (speech tomorrow?) to figure in.

9 09 2008

I’ll say this once again. I believe we have become distracted by the Sarah Palin pick…and manipulated by Rove once more! We have HUGE GWB issues, which ARE McCain’s issues + his age + a harsh temper against which Obama must prevail…4 more years of the same smug, above-the-law politics is unacceptable.

9 09 2008
9 09 2008


Since it is a popularity contest we need to show them for what they are. McCain as a failed soldier who is surrounded by lobbyists and Palin as a Queen Cruella who aerially shoots wolves and bears against proven science that they are not a threat to caribou or moose.

9 09 2008

thanks DeMo
for letting me know i only saw part of KO and i guess i missed that part. i go worried when i saw it on a repub blog so i thought i would just pass it along to everybody so we could be on obama’s defense.

glad to know he arleady cited the author of it.

it pays for all of us to stay informed

9 09 2008

A realtor once told me, people buy houses on emotion, not reason. I think it is the same with voters. Palin triggers strong emotion. It overrides reason. The Walmart moms (plus a whole bunch of women who suffer from low self esteem) feel they can connect with her. Republicans have their guerilla marketing down a fine “T” – they know how to feed right into the emotional needs of their audience. They create hi-energy cheerleading squads and suck the undecided in. Today I was talking to a friend of mine (I swear to God, till I now I thought she was a sensible “thinking” person) and SHE was going soft on Palin. I quizzed her and she said ” I just LIKE her – she is so down to earth and I know she will get the right people to advise her” OMG I almost fainted. This person is not even a Christian – she is a BUDDHIST! Guys I am trying to be optimistic but there is something subversive going on – I can feel the undercurrent. I think Obama needs a whole new strategy. Reason won’t work. Maybe he needs to “up” his cool index – get whopping celebrity endorsements – something sensational. I don’t know what – a WOODSTOCK ?? I was watching FASHION ROCKS on CBS this evening – celebrities coming together for fighting Cancer. Everybody loves celebrities and celebrities love Obama. If it is a sizzling event – it will skew TV viewer-ship away from Palin and make her look like a frump. The Repugs may criticize celebrities but they will be jealous. One thing Obama has over McCain is the cool factor. And tell me who does not like cool? That is why Apple works. Super brand, cool image, iconic, cutting edge – all of which OBAMA is. Why not capitalize on his best asset to create momentum instead of flinging mud?

9 09 2008

Bystander (22:48:31) :

Ron Paul is also going to be on the ballot in Montana – I can’t remember which party has chosen to place his name there. Paul said he doesn’t mind (paraphrasing here)…and there was more to that story, but I read it this morning and that seems like weeks ago!

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Last post then I’m off to bed.


I agree with you wholeheartedly about our news media. In fact, I’ve written several publications (CNN, WashintonPost, and a writer of another paper (forgot which)) recently to complain about their move to tabloid TV and away from investigative reporting. Without investigative reporting, any democracy is doomed. They are our only hope against authoritative government and having any real knowledge of what the government is doing. But instead, like someone said here, they go on and on about the pig with lipstick and who said it how many times instead of pointing out the inaccuracies McCain states about Obama’s tax plan. I wish everyone would just turn off the TV. I highly recommend Google news for all your information. It makes it easy to see all articles from all over the world on a topic. Especially Israeli newspapers….they talk about half the story that never makes it into our papers. Strange. Also, did you know that Olmert met with Bush a few months ago and tried to talk him into invading Iran before he left office? His staff was quoted in Haaretz. Did you hear that on CNN? I bet not. Google News is my home page. Without it, I might not have had credible information that invading Iraq was a mistake BEFORE we invaded. Obama and I must have been reading the same papers 😉 It was hell being against the war in 2003….

Regarding Paris….oh I love Paris! I have never been able to understand the news when I’ve visited there because I don’t speak French other than courtesies. But I would imagine that you are right since the French like to read and argue politics. And because of that, they tend to be better informed….trashy, irrelevent blathering wouldn’t go over well with them.

Goodnight all!

9 09 2008

I’m in Texas also and can proudly say I have never voted for Bush either. That’s what makes this even worse – I saw what Bush was when everyone was saying what a great fun guy he was. I knew the kind of person he was before he began his destruction of the country so this has been 8 years of a nightmare come true. I couldn’t believe he made it into office (can’t say elected) the first time and was physically sick the second. It wasn’t just him and the entire right wing of the party, but the fact that I was living in a country that wanted them in power.

9 09 2008


Ron Paul will be the Constitution party candidate.

9 09 2008

Bystander (23:04:10) :


Ron Paul will be the Constitution party candidate.


Dare I hope that he pulls a Nader on McCain??

9 09 2008

When a male friend, usually a good Dem, admitted that he was suffering from the “babe” factor, I suggested the following cure for Palin Disease: 1) get into a place where you can only hear Palin’s voice; 2) conjure up an image of the screechiest, whiniest girl in your high school class, who was sure she should be popular and blamed everyone else when she wasn’t; 3) listen to Palin speak and replace her image with this girl’s; 4) repeat as necessary. He tried it. It worked!

My friend linked the “babe factor” to the movie “Varsity Blues” – says the English teacher stripper resembles Palin. Haven’t seen the movie, so have to take his word on it.

9 09 2008

Ron Paul to announce presidential endorsement plans

Looks like he’s just endorsing not running. Maybe a veep slot for him?

“Paul, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination, will tell supporters he is not endorsing GOP nominee John McCain or Democratic nominee Barack Obama, and will instead give his seal of approval to four candidates: Green Party nominee Cynthia McKinney, Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr, independent candidate Ralph Nader, and Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin, according to a senior Paul aide.”

9 09 2008
John Henry

The Real Sexists!

From the Truth Squad:

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Mary Fallin (R-OK) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-MI) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Sue Myrick (R-FL) Voted Against Equal Pay Twice
· Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) Voted Against Equal Pay Once, For it Once
· Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM) Voted Against Equal Pay Once, Absent Once

9 09 2008

Smitty (22:53:20) :

I am not suggesting that we stop putting the FACTS out there. That is simply my point. I believe we need to stick with the issues (what you mentioned are legitimate issues), and substantiate them.

I realize it’s difficult, for me, not to guided by my emotions. My husband (a Republican, but a good guy nonetheless) told me last night that it seems I am delighted each time a potential new rumor, about Palin, comes to the fore. I couldn’t argue with him. I had a visceral dislike for her, far before the end of her acceptance speech. Her arrogant style and smug attacks turned me off. I don’t want a self-described pitbull as a leader – we could simply skip the election and stick with Cheney if that’s our goal! She scares me – so does McCain.

However, I also realize that many others are viewing her through different filters. Camille Paglia stated: “This woman turned out to be a tough, scrappy fighter with a mischievous sense of humor”. Yikes! I thought when I read that, were we watching the same woman?

9 09 2008

Bystander and Mil –

Thanks for the clarification on Ron Paul. I swore I would stay away from this computer today, but here I sit, weary, blurry-eyed…but fired up and ready to go!…to bed…

9 09 2008

No, this kind of trash is not allowed in French elections. The campaign period is short, as it is elsewhere and they hold actual debates on tv. Two or three hours at a time, no commercials, just talk, and I know my daughter, her husband and everyone she knows sits and watches the whole thing. No mention of pigs, lipstick, moose or snow machines.
During the primaries when all the Florida delegate stuff was going on a stranger approached my daughter and asked, “What’s wrong with Florida? Are they corrupt or are they just stupid? Why can’t they ever hold an election?” She was sincerely confused and wanted an explanation. The rest of the world is paying close attention.

9 09 2008

If anyone thinks up a curve ball strategy for Obama – please post. I wore myself out and am off to bed….

9 09 2008

On Ron Paul, found this from Sept. 8: Ron Paul to be on Montana Ballot:

The Constitution Party of Montana has submitted Ron Paul as their nominee, meaning he’ll be on the Montana ballot with McCain and Obama (and Nader and Barr), according to Left in the West.

Writes Matt Singer:

Ron Paul is a big enough name in enough of Montana that this could cause some trouble for John McCain.

In the GOP primary, Paul drew over 20,000 votes. Consider the closely fought 2006 Senate race, ultimately decided by 3,500 votes and 20,000 votes could be a big deal, especially if Bob Barr (a more credible nominee than the Libertarians have had in some time) pulls the same 1,700 votes the Libertarians drew in ‘04.

By means of comparison, Nader and the Green nominee combined in ‘04 received about 7,000 votes total in Montana.

All told—this could be about a 14,000 net vote advantage for the Ds, just based on the other names on the ballot.

Obama has a shot at winning Montana and its three electoral votes, according to the few polls conducted in the state so far. A Democrat hasn’t won the state since Clinton in 1992 when Perot changed the math.

9 09 2008

Thanks for the suggestion of reading Camille’s article. I find it very difficult to digest most of what she serves. In *my* book, she’s a woman-hating feminist. But I did read it. All I got, and it’s late in NYC so I readily admit I didn’t get it all, is that unless women come from hardy stock, they’re not true feminists.

So, Sarah the gun totin’ wolf killer is appealing because she can do what men traditionally enjoyed and some women find that appealing? I’ve got news for her. Feminists come in all shapes, sizes and colors. The woman who CHOOSES to call the kitchen her domain and serve a gourmet meal to her husband and three kids is exercising her right as a woman to define herself. And the woman CEO who CHOOSES to run a comapny is also exercising her right as a woman to define herself.

The women who relate to Sarah Palin because they both wear bras don’t get it and never will.

What I find interesting is that traditional fundamentalist Christians believe a woman’s place is in the home. Why would they vote for her?

I’m rambling now, so forgive me. The Republican signs at the RNC read “Country First.” Since Palin’s “First Dude,” or whatever she called him, was a member of the AIP and Palin addressed their convention, why isn’t anyone asking if she really puts country first? Get the pic of her in front of the flag with 49 stars to go viral. Is her allegiance to Alaska or to the United States? I think it’s a valid question. Hey, it’s more valid than asking Obama about the lapel pin, which was utterly ridiculous. The only people I know who regularly wear the pin are politicians.

9 09 2008

Karen (23:12:58) :
“During the primaries when all the Florida delegate stuff was going on a stranger approached my daughter and asked, “What’s wrong with Florida? Are they corrupt or are they just stupid? Why can’t they ever hold an election?” She was sincerely confused and wanted an explanation. The rest of the world is paying close attention.”

Karen, many of us in this country have also wanted explanations about voting irregularities in Florida – more than once.

9 09 2008

We share similar sentiments about Ms Palin. I believe our instincts, backed up by the facts are right on the money. In order to “shock and awe” the less inclined to pay attention to all that is at stake, we’ve got to pick one or two GOOD issues and go full bore. The environment is double edged right now with the gas prices, however, the aerial hunting is indefensible and the VIDEOS that document them are jarring to the LEAST interested person. They can be packaged and sound bitten and deadly,

We’ve just got to create a buzz about them and the bounty on the wolf leg and the sale of the plane to trophy hunters. That is both wrong and emotionally charged. How is the truth squad going to counter it

By the way, MUDFLATTERS, MUDSLINGERS AND FANS OF AKMuckraker, at least go to HuffPo and “digg” his blogs & sign up for the alerts. He’s put in too much work for us to not support him now!

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl


Okay, I didn’t go to bed. Did you read where Sarkozy is trying to institute major spying on all ciitzens? Sarkozy’s Big Sister. I cannot imagine the French will take too kindly to that. I bet they won’t roll over like we did when Bush brazenly, and repeatedly broke the law by spying on us! They don’t take any crap over there!

9 09 2008
Karen A good post by Paul Begala on the media allowing lies to be repeated.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl


Okay, I did not go to bed.

Did you hear about Sarkozy’s latest attempt at “big brother?”

I cannot imagine the French will put up with that! Unlike us.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Third attempt


Sarkozy’s recent attempt at big brother:

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl


This is my third attempt. I wanted to include a link to an article about Sarkozy (French President) and his recent attempt at a big brother computer that would collect all kinds of data on everyone. This site doesn’t seem to like certain web addresses.

Has your daughter mentioned anything about it? I cannot imagine the French would put up with that (unlike us).

9 09 2008

DeMo (23:18:11) :

Of course I agree with most of what you stated (on this blog, most of us are “preaching to the choir”! – that’s why I think viewing this situation from other’s viewpoints is vital). I would love to discuss the article with you further…maybe tomorrow? I was as interested in her take on the Democratic party as I was on the feminism aspect. As I said, I enjoy having my thinking challenged.

Smitty (23:18:50) :

I have been to Huffpo to “digg” AKMuckraker’s article. Pleased to see we agree.

9 09 2008

From Holland I can only say that that guardian article was spot on. America wil be in trouble if they don’t do better this time. Feelling helpless in Europe..

9 09 2008

Excellent Maureen Dowd!

9 09 2008

Susan in Atl (23:27:20)

I’ll have to ask her but, no, I can’t imagine it happening.
I normally keep up with the foreign papers but have hardly had time for anything else since SP came on the scene.

9 09 2008
Susan in Atl


Thanks. I’ll be watching it unfold myself.


Welcome! See? Not all Americans are crazy! I’ve visited some Dutch friends in Holland year before last. Amsterdam and Deventer (?). You all must think we are all nuts.

Wish us luck!

10 09 2008

Looks like I will be buying my first Nat Enquirer tomorrow!!

The NATIONAL ENQUIRER’S exclusive ongoing investigation of GOP VP Nom Sarah ‘Barracuda’ Palin’s goes far beyond a mere teen pregnancy crisis this week!

The Enquirer’s team of reporters has combed the Alaskan wilderness to discover the hidden truth about Gov. Palin’s family, which has become a central part of political identity.

The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Sarah’s oldest son, Track, was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it. And as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.

THE ENQUIRER also has exclusive details about Track’s use of other drugs, including cocaine, and his involvement in a notorious local vandalism incident.

“I’ve partied with him (Track) for years,” a source disclosed. “I’ve seen him snort cocaine, snort and smoke OxyContin, drink booze and smoke weed.”

The source also divulged the girls would do anything for Track and he’d use his local celebrity to manipulate other guys “to get them to steal things he wanted.”

“He finally did what a lot of troubled kids here do,” the source divulged. “You join the military.”

And as Gov. Palin has billed the state of Alaska for various expenses related to her children, as reported by The Washington Post, The ENQUIRER’s investigation reveals that she was so incensed by 17-year-old Bristol’s pregnancy that she banished her daughter from the house.

Another family friend revealed pre-prego Bristol was as much of a hard partier as Track was.

“Bristol was a huge stoner and drinker. I’ve seen her smoke pot and get drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that the just made out with Bristol.”

When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi Johnston, she was actually banished from the house. As part of the cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!

And the ENQUIRER also learned that Levi Johnston, the baby mamma’s future wedded dada, who was glad handed by John McCain at the GOP Convention, isn’t too happy about his impending shotgun nups either.

“Levi got dragged out of the house to go to Minnesota,” Levi’s friend told The ENQUIRER. “Levi realizes he’s stuck being with Bristol because her mom is running for Vice President.”

The friend also confided that both Bristol and Levi “broke up a few times and they definitely messed around with other people.”

Meanwhile, as members of the Palin family’s war viciously over “Trooper-Gate” and claims of Sarah’s extramarital affair have turned the political race into a chaotic arena of threats, denials and vicious attacks by political black ops, The ENQUIRER has discovered shocking new details about the red-hot affair scandal!

For the full story of the secrets Sarah Palin is trying to hide – pick up the new ENQUIRER!

10 09 2008
no more

Why has everyone forgotten the “really” amazing women associated with this campaign. Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Biden. Both from working/middle class families. One a Harvard educated lawyer and the other a lifelong educator and holder of a doctorate in education. Both mothers. Both unafraid to speak in public and share their views with the voters. These are the kind of women that we should admire.

10 09 2008

timc, I have to admit that I’ll be buying one tomorrow too. XD Guilty pleasure.

Poor Bristol though. She’s never gonna live this down.


no more, you are right. With Palin in the picture, the worthy women are being ignored. We should research for stories on them, and speeches. We need to give a contrast to the Caribou Barbie.

10 09 2008
no more

Can’t resist. Remember back in Oct 06 when Chavez was trying to give free oil to the villages? I found a quote from Murkowski 10/11/06. Governor Murkowski stated, “While the high cost of fuel is something that is heavily impacting rural Alaskans, President Chavez’ use of Alaska as a pawn in his international game to forward his dictatorship’s agenda is deplorable,” Think about that! Sound familiar. Once again Alaska (and this time Alaska’s oil) is being used as a pawn to forward the Conservative agenda. This time using the Gov of alaska as the attack dog (pig). whatever! My stomach hurts…

10 09 2008
10 09 2008

Nice article from my hometown newspaper — Watergate reporter spoke on failures in today’s media to challenge U.S. politics.

10 09 2008

Since Americans are not able to deal with issues and think for themselves and seem to latch onto basic human stories, why doesn’t the Obama capaign come out with the TRUTH about the kind of guy McCain is:

He dated strippers (this does not make him a cool guy, but a cad.) When he was stationed there, he and other mid-shipmen would put mattresses into empty houses in Pensacola and invite strippers and prostitutes. This is the kind of man he is.

This is what he thinks of women — chattel. This is the same man who called his wife a C*nt in a elevator in front of others. Imagine how he speaks to his wife in privacy?

Aside from the disaster the GOP has been and will be for the country, McCain and his Babe, Palin, are not what we can allow to have the highest office of the land. Not what we can have represent us.

Will the Obama campaign tell us the truth of the kind of Pig McCain really is?

10 09 2008

I’ve been reading this site often and checking offered links since experiening the horror show they called the RNC…complete with Palin’s sarcastic, sneering, low-brow introduction of herself. Your website and all the comments and links have helped me get through these past days with smiles, anger and even a few tears (mostly anger and “you gotta be kidding!” moments).

Thanks…I’m good…I donated my first $50 to any campaign, right after Palin’s speech. This to Obama-Biden campaign. I am sending in another $50.

This poll information from BBC site may have already been posted, you people are thorough, but thought it interesting on what the world thinks of Obama being US President (much more over McCain) and how he will significantly improve foreign relations (Joe Biden will help him even more…I love Joe.)

Thanks for such a great site. I hope I’m posting this correctly.

10 09 2008

AnneinWA (23:34:57)
I would truly love to discuss Paglia’s assertions with you, but I think it’s far too comples a convo to have in this forum.

There is, however, one thought I’d like to expresss. Paglia says, “The party is in peril if it cannot observe and listen and adapt to changing social circumstances.” I agree with the notion that a political party must adapt to changing social circumstances, but I would argue that it is the Democratic party that does just that. I don’t think the party bends to gusts, but it adapts and responds to gale force winds, to use a poor metaphor. It is the Republicans who call themselves the Grand Old Party. They look backwards to the days of OLD to see how to move forward.

Routinely, Republicans select justices who are strict constructionists of the Constitution. Generally, Democrats nominate those who interpret the document and apply it to current social norms and mores.

I, like you, grow when my thoughts are challenged. Paglia’s argument only reinforced my belief, at least in this election cycle, that the Democrats are the party of (get ready) change.

Of course, I welcome any thoughts you would like to share.

timc, thanks for the preview of the Enquirer piece. As much as I like to think I’m “better than” common gossip, who am I kidding? That’s juicy stuff. Nothing criminal on Palin’s part, so no reason for her to step down, but good enough to tarnish her image as the mother so many can relate to. BUT, partisan politics creates strange responses. Some might relate to her even more. “Look at what she’s been through.” “Kids will be kids.” If they could make Bristol courageous for being pregnant, who knows how folks will respond?

If any of it is true, the woman has balls to accept McCain’s invitation. And, further proof that vetting was sorely lacking.

10 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Oh, good grief take a brief nap, we all get a bit tired right? Then I wake up to hear Obama is off his stride, losing it….being made to look foolish. The guy looked tired! Sure he got mad, took the bait like they were telling him to do last night. The Media is telling most people what to think, not so much reporting it exceot if they find that long list of spin doctors at the top of this blog to interview theywill know the truth right? So after hearing from them we can decide for ourself, right and more righter?

Well many people have closed minds, sad or not, a mind set is a trap. If you get caught using all your strength watching this stuff I just have to turn my attention esle where. I like the list of values coming out on this blog and have actually learned some helpful things, and it’s value as a place to vent , it has lowered my bloodpressure, for that alone I thank you so much. I will run out a meds six days before our next SS check comes in, so I searching for a way to make some unexpected income.

“More available next week” Palin’s truth will be whatever will sell and get out the most folks to her next big event. “Change” brought Dems delightful audiances, so even dumb folks can learn. These are no dumb folks, they are going to throw curve after curve and we going to have to weather many more storms before 11/4 then Dem’s will have to have a lot of money to hire lots of lawyers to fight it out to get every last hanging chad vote counted in every singlel red or blue state then watch our tv’s and computers holding our breath while the very last light goes out on one of the election night maps, as each state is thrown to who ever has the most money to pay the Media to stay focused on their maps as each state is being counted, could they actual even wait til we on the west coast get done voting, thank you very much! Or are they gong to tell us at 10 pm pst who won the most electorial vote, most of my friends have gone to bed before then. We tent to vote early to beat the working peoples lines, if we can get to the polls that is. Please…….please help someone you know get to the poll. I’m calling to see which senior center buses will be taking elders to the polls, so I can help those that can’t get therre get a absentee ballot.

Money, money, money …follow the money, whose got the most money? To pay pollesters, county clerks and computer programers to fix those paperless trail voting machines, hackers get ready there is money to be made here, lawyers prepare the truth will be told or not, judges and state clerks polish up your party connection and keep your fingernails clean and your hair combed, your going to want to look good when the press and cameria crews show up.

Darn I’m just thrilled to see where all those bucks are going to be going, Obama stay on top of your game, you don’t have much experience with the behind the scene selling of America, sure you won out over Hillary with all her years on the public scene. I give Hillary credit for supporting the Demo ticket now, but if she doesn’t want to give it to the Bush clones, she better find some new words to say or is the media going to keep saying that is old news, unless they want to snip at her for what she said in the primary about Obama. I’ve got to go check my Pro-choice lists to see if all the women with freedom and soverity over their bodies have suddenly fallen off the planet.

BTW, ran into a Fundy friend today and she jumped me to see if I was going to vote for m/p and launched into how great it was that she was a right to lifer, which took us down the slipper slop of discussing when life begins. I listened politely for awhile, told her I’m proud to have worked for her right to choose, but was going to leave it up God as to when life begins, because lately I’m more concern about when life ends! I seen enough news clips of starving, beaten and blown to bits bodies whose life’s ending. I can’t even imagine how young scared 14-18 yro women can want to bring a child forced upon them into the world.

I have a friend that can’t decide if she should pay her heath and funeral insurance or pay the light bill. She’s scared she will not have a decent funeral or her last days will be inhospital, which as already taken over the title of her home for the doctors bills she had last year. I’m trying to help another friend get legalaid, so the developer that wants her house doesn’t convince her that the drop in the market has cut 50K off of it’s value. Another friend doesn’t get out much any more because he can’t afford to drive his car. He is one of the last WWII vets in his neigborhood and is scared he will lose his land for the same reason…high health costs. Their kids and meals-on- wheels don’t come to see them as much because of the price of gas. The city is trying to decide which to cut the senior/ablychallenged buses, the snow removal, or the swimming pool budget. Strange times, I felt guilty not jumping in my car and going over to see/feed everyone on my wellness calling list today then remembered I have already used all my budget for gas and may not get any more until my next SS check comes. Is my life better than it was 8 yrs ago, well only if I focus on the good stuff and keep doing what I can for change we can believe in.

10 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

i read the salon article…and now i want to know why it is not fair game to ask gov palin why she felt that it was important to “be welcoming” to a group that truly hates america

if there was a vid of obama speaking to the nation of islam, his candidacy would be over

this isnt a joke…this woman is a mole..she must never hold national office

10 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy


here is the wingnut take on mccains mispent youth and his adulterous ways subsequent to returning from vietnam

it was a long time ago…and he has repented

oh…and he is a pow

personally, i dont care what he did as a midshipman…those guys are trained to be immoral

one cannot kill with impunity and be moral at the same time…it doesnt work

but what he did subsequent to returning from vietnam, must be revisted

he wasnt a kid anymore…he was a 40 year old man

just because he takes responsibilty for his actions, dont mean squat…he has never suffered for it…and he should now

he can never be president

10 09 2008

Another message from Holland.

I would say the Guardian article is a must read for every American.

However, as the article implies – Obama’s popularity in the rest of the world only seems to lower his polls in the US. The bigger the problems, the more ostrich behaviour..

Every four years I get a lot of stress from the US elections, watching all the BS, feeling absolutely powerless AND knowing what implications and impact they have for the whole world. It is scary to know that these elections are being decided by people who seem to live in some kind of ‘splendid isolation’. And even IF they would want to know, they would have difficulties to learn something about the rest of the world (because of your media that one seriously give the impression there is no other country on earth except for the US – not even mentioned the complete lack of serious content and serious journalism).

In the last 8 years, my American friends became more and more worried and frightened about the situation in the US. I already understood, but reading this blog I learn so much more details that now I really understood. And I must say I am really scared. Already couldn’t understand the choice for Bush, and he didn’t even have the primitive narcissistic attractiveness that has been brought into the arena now. So I think we are all in serious trouble now.

Anyway, one small fact that always strikes me when I read about the current rise in gas prices, being such an important issue for both Dems and Reps. Just to give you an impression from another part of the world: European gas prices have always been double or triple the US prices. Prices go skyhigh here as well.


Yes, I know, the euro is strong to the dollar. Yes, I know we live in a small country (but prices in the rest of Europe are comparable). But still.

The main part of our gas price consists of government taxes. Of course, people are complaining as well, but the government does not intend to lower the prices, since they want people to save energy and to become aware of the choices they make in transportation. And I think somehow everybody realizes that in the end this is the only reasonable perspective.

There is a lot of debate going on here about energy saving plans and long time ‘green’ changes. We are convinced that ‘Drill, baby, drill’ is not going to be the lasting solution. We wait for the US to take action on a lot of issues.
We really need CHANGE!

Obama is very popular here because he clearly knows the perspectives we have and knows how the rest of the world watches the US. Which brings me back to the conclusion of the Guardian article: ‘If Americans reject Obama, they will be sending the clearest possible message to the rest of us – and, make no mistake, we shall hear it.’

I wish you all my support to keep up your spirit and your good work.

10 09 2008

I hate to say this folks. I think I gave Sarah Palin a contribution. Money, not my sacred swimmers.

It was back in the early 80’s during the summer that I was on a motorcycle tour around Lake Pend Oreille and Coeur D’alene.

I stopped at a little place called Sandpoint, Idaho and had a few beers in roadside cafe. There was a sassy brunette dancing the pole there, and as I left I tucked a 2-dollar bill into her G-string even though I was in a big hurry to leave.

I remember the place well because they had an effigy of a black man hanging from the rafters and when I saw that I was sickened and left before my food came to the table.

Apparently, there was a similar place in Wasilla up until the 1980’s that had the effigy hanging from a noose OUTSIDE the restaurant.

if you ever find these establishments, ask em if Sarah Palin ever danced the pole there….

10 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

BigSlick…now that is a creative internet rumour


who thinks this gets picked up by drudge?

10 09 2008

Obviously, I was hit with a stupid stick and suffered temporary brain malfunction. Should the McCain campaign respond to the Enquirer piece, and I doubt they will, it will be along the lines of moral indignance. How could anyone malign this brave young man on the eve of his deployment. Ditto for daughter with child. She’s a young, courageous pregnant girl!

My only question, and I can’t believe I’m not just dismissing The Enquirer, if Levi is being roped into marriage, why did he tattoo Bristol’s name on his wedding finger?

10 09 2008

The very defition of “conservatism” is to DISCOURAGE CHANGE and “conserve the current condition”.

Remember that, the GOP and the Conservative Right are the party who DISCOURAGE CHANGE by definition.


REFORM means to take the same old shit and put it into a different shape.

Shape-shifters are in league with Satan aren’t they?

I think there’s a sound bite evolving there somewhere.


10 09 2008

Hey Uncle Joe,

There’s a lotta truth behind that rumor.

Fact – The lynching effigy in Wasilla was REAL and it was on one of the busier streets in town

Fact – Sarah Palin spent considerable time in Sandpoint Idaho during her bouncing college years

Fact – I did take that motorcycle tour

Fact – the cafe near Sandpoint with the effigy had a pole for dancers, and many were college girls working the summer season

Fact – There’s more truth behind what I wrote than there is behind lies that come out of Sarah Palin’s mouth at rallys across the USA or

10 09 2008

One last thought before I go. Imagine if Track Palin were the kid arrested for vandalizing school buses in a drunken fit of rebellion against his parents, the schools, the establishment…..

Then imagine where his mother went to school and the team name.

University of Idaho VANDALS

10 09 2008

the republicans can smell victory, and they will now stop at nothing. the big story now is the “lipstick on a pig” story, which they will milk for all it’s worth. Can. not. get over the MSM going along with making this comment bigger than, say, Palin’s abuse of power. simpler, for simple minds, I guess. Ambinder has a defense here, and includes a comment from John McCain:

Suddenly, common analogies are sexist?

John McCain. Speaking about Hillary Clinton….

McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health-care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s plan, he said it was “eerily reminiscent” of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the 1990s.

“I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” he said of her proposal.

10 09 2008

Oh my goodness I love this blog and am losing way too much sleep trying to keep up with it. This election seems to have two different candidates running for two different positions. One wants to the be the American President the other wants to be the American Idol. Sadly it seems many people do not seem to know the difference anymore.

I decided to take a break from Mudflats and look around the MSM sites and I took note of the headlines from the last 24 hours. Just looking at headline copy alone I found the following:

13 Obama headlines, six of which were directly related to issues (mostly education and the mortgage crisist)

Three Biden headlines, two of which were about outrage over comments he made the other calling out SP on climate issues

Nine McCain headlines, one of which was about issues (environment), four attacking Obama (sex-ed, experience, etc.) and the rest about Palin’s impact on his campaign

33 Palin headlines!!, six about women the rest about religion, fact checks and speculation about what her stance is

I think that illustrates the distraction is a huge success and we really need to get back to the issues. Obama seems to be trying but no one seems to care. I really feel like I am watching an episode of American Idol!

10 09 2008

“Truth Squad”?!?!..I feel like we are finally living in Orwell’s 1984. I, too, found this blog by an internet act of Grace. It has kept me sane these last few days. Keep up the good work.

10 09 2008

Andrea Mitchell opened Morning Joe with the assertion that McCain himself has used the common phrase. Before breaking for the first commercial, they showed the clip of McCain saying it.

Mitchell also said that it was all female journalists who were on the conference call with McCain’s truth teller and none of them could believe her assertion that it was sexist, especially because Obama wasn’t talking about Palin.

However, they also showed the NY rags (Post and Daily News), both of which have front page headlines. Boar War is sort of clever. Lipstick Bungle not so much.

Joe Scarborough asserts that Obama was at his best during his interview with Bill O’. Rather than letting Bill beat him down, he leaned forward and defended himself. It’s not unlike Tom Friedman’s latest piece that says something along the lines that Obama has gone from cool to cold and that whoever slipped the Valium into his coffee should be arrested by Democrats.

The media wants a fight. I still don’t think Obama should come out fighting. Not his style. Remain dignified. Get passionate about your policies, but not about your opponent.

10 09 2008

Smitty (22:16:29)
Thank you – it made me cry too. (I also haven’t watched the other videos, but after your comment I’ll at least click on them.)

10 09 2008

Even the upstate SC a.m. news included mention of McCain’s use of the ‘lipstick on a pig’ comment. I wish they had shown the video too, but for here, it’s great that they even mentioned it.

10 09 2008

Watching CNN last night from Campbell Brown to Anderson Cooper was a big fat bummer since they seemed to be buying into the Truth Squad PR BS. I am getting afraid, very very afraid. This is totally surreal.

10 09 2008
10 09 2008

Truth Squad

Got these from an inter active blog similar to DKos:

At least two confirmed liars have been named to Sarah Palin’s new “Truth Squad.”

Former Wisconsin Lt. Governor Margaret Farrow, who was widely criticized by state and national media for lying about a former Supreme Court Justice’s record last spring.
Newsweek, among others, called Farrow on her lie.

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, which exposed Farrow’s lie,

Then there’s Jane Swift, former governor of Massachussetts. <a href=”,8599,219749,00.htmlTime reports:

It came out last summer she’d lied on her marriage license” to hide the fact that she’s the fourth wife of her husband, Chuck Hunt.

10 09 2008

If there were anything like a librul media in the US, Palin would already have been blown out of the water. As things stand, the MSM will do their best to ignore the dangerously loony religious cult known as dominionism. The author of the linked piece is an escapee and is well worth reading :

A Palin presidency may have literal apocalyptic consequences

10 09 2008

The Time Magazine link for above

Time reports:

10 09 2008

And the Today Show opened with both clips and a discussion of ‘How can this be sexist’ and ‘Is this an issue we should be talking about?’

10 09 2008
10 09 2008

Chris, agree with you.

America is lost if McCain and Palin get in.

10 09 2008
Suzi in Chicago

Hey Gang! If you haven’t donated yet to Obama, here’s the link:

Everyone hang in there! The debates are coming! I think that anyone with half a brain is going to be watching. The differences between Us and Them are going to be glaringly apparent.

Don’t despair, get involved! Here’s the link:

10 09 2008

There is a very pertinent article in The Guardian today entitled “The world’s verdict will be harsh if the US rejects the man it yearns for.”

Tried to link it, but the post keeps getting lost. Go to for it.

10 09 2008

This is the first time I’ve made a comment without reading the previous comments so it might have been covered already. I hope it has.

The picture of Palin in front of the 49 star flag is great. I have never been to Alaska but I have a 49 star flag. Some one pulled out their historic flag for the 50th anniversary and it is super appropriate. It reminds Alaskans and citizens of all the other states of a proud moment in the history of the USA. This flag and all other US flags (i.e. 48 stars) can be displayed at any time and on any occasion.

I would never vote for Palin, but we can’t knock her for being proud that Alaska was the 49th state.

Obama/ Biden 2008

10 09 2008

A voice from Minnesota here — Michele Bachmann is the perfect person to help out the Queen of the Earmarks. She’s Queen of the Wingnuts!

I have high hopes she’ll get dumped this legislative session. Later I’ll try and find / repost that link where Carville ran her around in circles.

10 09 2008

ABC news this morning had a segment by Brian Ross on the book banning-library story. Seemed to have all the facts straight, e.g. no actual banned book list but the inquiry was made. Had Anne Kilkenny explaining it on camera and also had quotes from the librarian (who did not want to appear and wants to put the incident behind her). They also related the story to beliefs in Palins’s church of the time, and via that method mentioned some books that the church wanted banned. At the end of the story, Robin Roberts holds up several sheets of paper from the McCain campaign and seems to imply that this is their “spin” response to the story. I am sure the clip will be available on at some point.

Maybe a few cracks are finally starting to appear in the floor under Palin.

10 09 2008
10 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

For those who believe that men “dig” SP, please listen to the NBC Nightly News from last night:

Women for some unknown reason are moving towards Palin but MEN UNDER 50 are moving to Obama!

AKM, I stated in another thread that I think the idea of a Yahoo group is great!

10 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

Well, if I put in the link it would help:

10 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

That’s the link I should have put in, sorry about that.

10 09 2008

for BigSlick (02:16:43)

here is a pic of SP wearing a VANDALS hoody

10 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

OK, three attempts to post a link and none of them showed up.

Maybe this one will. If it does go down to the poll results and click on the video.

10 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

I can’t get a link to the video on the report on NBC Nightly News to post. So if you want to view the results, which are very interesting, Google “nbc nightly news” and then go to the Latest Program column, Poll Position.

10 09 2008

The addition of Palin has almost made Obama look like John Kerry – I agree with the post above who said she has become THE TICKET. McCain looks like a doddering old fool next to her. Sex sells, and she’s selling it for sure. Check out the 3 new SP “action” figures, one of which is pretty much a Tombraider, Lara Croft-esque figure with a gun strapped to her leg. WTF?? The New Yorker cover with Michhele Obama toting an AK 47 sent people into caniption fits, but the media is making it seem like the world is just eating SP up with a spoon and asking for more. There is racism, sexism and just ism at every level of this. It is freaking scary and the media is falling down on the job.

Keep up the awesome work Mudflats.

10 09 2008
White Agate

Agreed about Michelle Bachman, another voice from MN. But wouldn’t you expect her to be in this group with bells on? I’d like to see that video.

Sorry, apparently there’s so much ‘truth’ out there that they need 100 people to make sure it gets out. Well, sorry, that genie is out of the bottle. Maureen Down has a ‘Pygmalion-themed’ column today but she didn’t mention the ANG promotion, so I mentioned that in the comments. Someone posted that darn incorrect book list again. I like Ed Koch’s comment about that, ‘Scary.’ Our school librarian is horrified about that. Interesting how that resonates with people.

At NYT people are saying they think Barack has retreated into cerebralism…I don’t know if this is true. I think he and Biden have been out there taking it to the people. Maybe they need a truth squad of their own. I will join it. One of the reasons Republicans are successful is that they are well-organized. But the Obama campaign is, too, and I say, let’s work that angle.

I voted in the primary yesterday (MN) and it was so easy and civilized, not like in GA where the Deibold machines were so rinky-dink, and people would challenge you at the door, even if you weren’t ‘voting while a person of color.’ I am not kidding. People are checking their registrations and doing what they need to do for absentee ballots, etc. right now. Especially if you live in some of the key states, or states where there have historically been elections problems, volunteer as much time as you can over the next few weeks. Here they were saying even 16-17 year-old kids can be junior elections judges.

My husband says calm down, the Obama campaign expected this. But he always says things like that. My view is you can only do what you can do, but do something while you can.

10 09 2008

Continuing to watch Morning Joe. Here’s something that occurred to me. Obama is losing air time because he isn’t going negative and he isn’t responding to the attacks. Yesterday’s air time was devoted to the pig comment, which was blown out of proportion.

So, does he clear the air/defend himself to get air time (address the negative kindergarten ad), or continue to take the high road? The high road is issuing a statement, discussing issues, but the networks aren’t covering that. Respond and it appears he’s on the defensive.

Tough call. The more air time McShame and Palin get, the more it appears that their popularity is growing. It gives the perceived or actual sense of momentum.

I’m starting to think he can incorporate a response in a way that is “folksy,” so that he doesn’t appear bothered by it, gets the coverage and the adoring/applauding crowds.

10 09 2008
White Agate

Also, what about that ‘Rapture’ angle? I mean, I sometimes wonder why policy decisions during Bush have been so bad. Do you think he feels Iraq is a step closer to the Rapture? Or that ignoring climate change is the best bet because of the Rapture? I don’t know about you, but I’d like my kids and my grandkids someday to live on this planet.

10 09 2008

I am a Canadian who is watching your election with disbelief. This is truly a case of perception becoming reality or B.S. baffles brains. Palin is simply being used by Rove/McCain to take attention away from the real issues. Unfortunately, at the moment it seems to be working because Obama’s campaign appears to be totally distracted by her.

We have a Federal election going on right now in Canada which pales in comparison to the antics of the far right in America. If you elect McCain/Palin, there really is no hope for you guys.

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Great website

not a 527 group but they have put together ads for the campaign!!

serious hit hard stuff

10 09 2008

White Agate- Hi neighbor, North Dakota here. Did you read Chris link from above? The rapture angle is very interesting/frightening. I saved that link to research a little more.

10 09 2008


“….if Levi is being roped into marriage, why did he tattoo Bristol’s name on his wedding finger?”

Well, it was either that or Sarahcudda was going to field-dress him like a moose!

10 09 2008

Jim Staro-

I ADORE E.J. Dionne! Thanks, that is such a great post. That shameful ad plays right into the racial stereotype of the “big, bad black man”. I really don’t know how McCain looks in the mirror every morning!

BTW, loving your posts over on dailykos! 😉

10 09 2008

“….if Levi is being roped into marriage, why did he tattoo Bristol’s name on his wedding finger?”

Amazing what instant wealth will do, especially for the youngsters, I’d keep my eye on that couple and follow to see if life changes happen rather quickly, as to materialism.

10 09 2008

DeMo- thanks for letting us know about Andrea on Morning Joe. I’m a regular watcher, but am so discouraged I couldn’t do that, especially with Mika yesterday defending SP about the bridge. Reading the last few entries has reduced my panic just a little. I think maybe the MSM is going to push back a little on the lies. On the other hand I see that McCain already has an ad up about the Lipstick, and Obama’s spokesman says he’s not going to talk about it. Oh great. In the poll below, there’s no choice that asks whether Obama was even talking about Palin. sheesh

MSNBC has a poll on whether “Obama went too far this time” about the lipstick comment.

Go vote

10 09 2008


Thanks!! ;c}

Now for another pot of Java, and check to see if we’ve got any contracts signed, doubt it, I’m getting bored and over caffeined.

10 09 2008
White Agate

I wondered when drugs would come up…I will see about NE tomorrow.

I will check that Rapture link.

Almost more interesting about that list is who is not on it. I don’t know all of the names, but of course, there are no Bush family names that jump out…AKMuckraker, glad you are on HuffPost, more people need to read your amazing info!

It would be interesting to get a mini-bio of each of these women.

Thanks for keeping it real, all!

10 09 2008


“There is racism, sexism and just ism at every level of this.”

This is pure “Rove-ism”! That one word incorporates every evil campaign tactic known to man! What he didn’t learn from Lee Atwood, he has made up on his own!

They will steal this election if we do not get out the vote for Obama! That’s why the polls are so close. They KNOW the cell phones the kids use are not counted, so they will claim that “See? The polls showed this could happen!” as they flip hundreds of thousands of votes to McCain!

GET OUT THE VOTE! Check your registration, make sure your college kids are registered, carry proper ID to the polling place. DO NOT give them an excuse to challenge your RIGHT to vote!

10 09 2008

Video-McCain, Lipstick on a Pig

This is over at kos in the recent posts column

John McCain also recently used this phrase to describe Barack Obama’s plans. Apparently, we should do as John McCain says, not as John McCain does.

10 09 2008

White Agate : Hagee (Pastor Strangelove) described Iraq as the gateway to
the Apocalypse. I remember during the last Israel-Lebanon war, he went to Washington with thousands of supporters (claiming to speak for 40 million
US Christians) to petition Bush to allow Israel to continue bombing and to
push for an attack on Iran.

All these snake-oil salesmen who prey (and pray) upon the gullible are very good at what they do. I suspect that Bush is a rapture-ready moron and it seems certain that Palin is.

Women are flocking to Palin according to WaPo. Obama’s pig with lipstick
gibe couldn’t have been more ill-judged.

I’m not optimistic that good sense will prevail.

10 09 2008

White Agate-

“At NYT people are saying they think Barack has retreated into cerebralism…”

I WANT a president who thinks! I WANT my president to be the smartest guy in the room again! I am so SICK of that bumbling idiot being our representative around the globe!

GACK-these “journalists” are making me ill!

10 09 2008

Seems the WaPo is on it!!!!

Governor Is Asked To Release E-Mails

10 09 2008


Also at kos- “Newsweek Bombshell: Palin & Family Warned of “Emotional Child Abuse” by Judge”

WOW! That hits HARD against her (and his) “Family Values” claim!

10 09 2008

White Agate –

That is what as been bugging me as well. This has a lot of links, but like White Agate it has been bugging me to the point that I had to sit down and try to link up what was going on.

Here is what I have found out, and it’s frightening:

TIM RUSSERT: So we could have two wars at once?
SEN. McCAIN: I think we could have Armageddon.
— John McCain, on the Iran crisis. April 2nd 2006, “Meet The Press.”

Endorsement of John McCain for President:

Pastor John Hagee stated:
“the United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.”.

John Hagee, along with other Christian Evangelical leaders, created Christians United for Israel (CUFI) less than two years ago, yet it has already grown into one of the largest and most politically influential Christian grassroots organizations in the country.

Hagee: “When 50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel, it is a match made in heaven.”

CUFI has hosted calls with Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Sallai Meridor, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations Dore Gold.

Senator Lieberman as late as July 2008 compared Hagee to Moses (now we understand the tie!):

When it comes to Pastor John Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common. Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought Hagee’s endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at CUFI’s upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still believes it.

Unfortunately for Joe Lieberman, it now turns out that John Hagee had in mind another modern-day Moses: Adolf Hitler. Hitler, Hagee tells us, was sent by God to deliver the Jews to Israel.
“Then god sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And the Bible says — Jeremiah writing — ‘They shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and from the holes of the rocks,’ meaning there’s no place to hide. And that might be offensive to some people but don’t let your heart be offended. I didn’t write it, Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel.”

At one point she mentioned that Hitler could be reborn. Across the table, a suspiciously old-looking “student” guffawed. “Hitler reborn? Hitler has been reborn,” he said, pausing for effect, “and his name is Obama.” (DAVID DUKE?????!!!!!!!/????????????? – now that’s a little much!)

MAX BLUMENTHAL: Well, we know in the past that Karl Rove and people in Karl Rove’s shop, like Tim Goeglein and Elliott Abrams, who’s in the State Department, who’s traveling, you know, to Israel with Condoleezza Rice, have met with Christian Zionist groups, so this is not an anomaly. But this group has a much larger voice than any of the other groups that have met with the Bush administration, and they claim — David Brog claimed to me that their principal achievement has been keeping a ceasefire off the table for the past month. So, their principal achievement has been essentially giving Israel a free hand and the IDF a free hand to kind of, you know, ramp up the war, and I think this has had catastrophic consequences for the Middle East and the peace process.

Good reading and things we need to arm ourselves. The truth is middle America is NOT reading these things. It sounds like many Pastors are NOT reading these things. For the good ole Southern Baptist in me, I encourage a good reading of Colossians where the Bible WARNS OF CULTS AND FALSE PROPHETS.

10 09 2008

Diva – the cell phone issue may not be as big a factor as we’d like it to be, particularly with gallup, who accounts for this with weighting demographics to help account for it.

Here’s a link to a Nate Silver column from July about the issue. The real problem is that we don’t know how much of a difference it’s making. It could be none, it could be a lot – but we can’t just assume that polls aren’t sampling cell-phone only users and so they’re left out of the poll. The real question is whether, for example, 18-30 yr olds with cell only service vote significantly differently from 18-30 yr olds who also have land lines. Most polls adjust their sample to see that each demographic is represented as it is in the voting electorate.

10 09 2008

to White Agate:

TIM RUSSERT: So we could have two wars at once?
SEN. McCAIN: I think we could have Armageddon.
— John McCain, on the Iran crisis. April 2nd 2006, “Meet The Press.”

Endorsement of John McCain for President:

Pastor John Hagee stated:
“the United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.”.
Founder of CUFI (Christians United for Israel)– Israel, U.S.A. and the Christian Right

John Hagee, along with other Christian Evangelical leaders, created Christians United for Israel (CUFI) less than two years ago, yet it has already grown into one of the largest and most politically influential Christian grassroots organizations in the country.

“When 50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel, it is a match made in heaven.”

CUFI has hosted calls with Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Sallai Meridor, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations Dore Gold.

When it comes to Pastor John Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common. Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought Hagee’s endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at CUFI’s upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still believes it.

Unfortunately for Joe Lieberman, it now turns out that John Hagee had in mind another modern-day Moses: Adolf Hitler. Hitler, Hagee tells us, was sent by God to deliver the Jews to Israel.
“Then god sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And the Bible says — Jeremiah writing — ‘They shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and from the holes of the rocks,’ meaning there’s no place to hide. And that might be offensive to some people but don’t let your heart be offended. I didn’t write it, Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel.”

At one point she mentioned that Hitler could be reborn. Across the table, a suspiciously old-looking “student” guffawed. “Hitler reborn? Hitler has been reborn,” he said, pausing for effect, “and his name is Obama.”

MAX BLUMENTHAL: Well, we know in the past that Karl Rove and people in Karl Rove’s shop, like Tim Goeglein and Elliott Abrams, who’s in the State Department, who’s traveling, you know, to Israel with Condoleezza Rice, have met with Christian Zionist groups, so this is not an anomaly. But this group has a much larger voice than any of the other groups that have met with the Bush administration, and they claim — David Brog claimed to me that their principal achievement has been keeping a ceasefire off the table for the past month. So, their principal achievement has been essentially giving Israel a free hand and the IDF a free hand to kind of, you know, ramp up the war, and I think this has had catastrophic consequences for the Middle East and the peace process.

10 09 2008

Well, as Elenor Roosevelt famously said: Great people speak about ideas, average people speak about issues and small people speak about people.

Since the public discussion lead by the MSN focuses on the small themes of people, here goes:

Track was expelled and then sent to Idaho. I think some kind of boot camp school.

More details on the real background why here.×6892728

And he went off to another state when?? In 2006??

WASILLA – Four days after teens sabotaged Mat-Su school buses and forced
local schools to close for a day, a Wasilla mother said she is still shocked her son participated in the vandalism.

Coon and three other teens are suspected of disabling nearly half the First Student bus fleet by pulling valve stems from tires on 44 buses, which caused the tires to deflate. They also allegedly unplugged 110 buses from their engine-block heaters so the buses were unable to start in the below-zero weather.

Troopers said Friday that charges have not yet been filed, but on Wednesday they reported that the students – two from Burchell and two from Wasilla High School – were inspired by a popular MTV show, “High School Stories.” The program seeks out high school pranks and then re-enacts those pranks for television broadcast

All four students are on interim suspension and face possible expulsion by the school board.


School bus service resumes after vandalism

ANCHORAGE – Regular school bus service for Chugiak and Eagle River students resumed Wednesday after mechanics repaired brake lines on 50 school buses that were vandalized sometime before Monday morning.

The buses belong to First Student, the company that provides the Anchorage School District with about two-thirds of its buses and drivers and exclusively transports Eagle River students.

District officials said Tuesday that the estimated cost of repairs and lost revenue for First Student was $36,000.

The vandalism left about 2,700 students without their normal transportation to school. More than 560 students were absent from Eagle River and Chugiak schools on Monday, which school officials said is more than normal. Bus service resumed Tuesday on some, but not all, routes.

10 09 2008

To White Agate – I have been wondering the same thing. I can’t post all the links at once, so I’ll try to give you a few to chew on.

TIM RUSSERT: So we could have two wars at once?
SEN. McCAIN: I think we could have Armageddon.
— John McCain, on the Iran crisis. April 2nd 2006, “Meet The Press.”

Endorsement of John McCain for President:

10 09 2008

to White Agate:

Pastor John Hagee stated:
“the United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.”.
Founder of CUFI (Christians United for Israel)– Israel, U.S.A. and the Christian Right

John Hagee, along with other Christian Evangelical leaders, created Christians United for Israel (CUFI) less than two years ago, yet it has already grown into one of the largest and most politically influential Christian grassroots organizations in the country.

“When 50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel, it is a match made in heaven.”

CUFI has hosted calls with Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Sallai Meridor, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations Dore Gold.

10 09 2008

To White Agate:

When it comes to Pastor John Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common. Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought Hagee’s endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at CUFI’s upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still believes it. NOW WE UNDERSTAND THIS LINK FROM THE RNC – AHHHH HA!

Unfortunately for Joe Lieberman, it now turns out that John Hagee had in mind another modern-day Moses: Adolf Hitler.

Hitler, Hagee tells us, was sent by God to deliver the Jews to Israel.
“Then god sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And the Bible says — Jeremiah writing — ‘They shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and from the holes of the rocks,’ meaning there’s no place to hide. And that might be offensive to some people but don’t let your heart be offended. I didn’t write it, Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel.”


At one point she mentioned that Hitler could be reborn. Across the table, a suspiciously old-looking “student” guffawed. “Hitler reborn? Hitler has been reborn,” he said, pausing for effect, “and his name is Obama.” (DAVID DUKE?????!!!!!!!???????)

10 09 2008

TO White Agate:

When it comes to Pastor John Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common. Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought Hagee’s endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at CUFI’s upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still believes it.

Unfortunately for Joe Lieberman, it now turns out that John Hagee had in mind another modern-day Moses: Adolf Hitler. Hitler, Hagee tells us, was sent by God to deliver the Jews to Israel.
“Then god sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And the Bible says — Jeremiah writing — ‘They shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and from the holes of the rocks,’ meaning there’s no place to hide. And that might be offensive to some people but don’t let your heart be offended. I didn’t write it, Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel.”


10 09 2008

Hey guys, I’ve put up a blog entry on my blog regarding the lipstick/pig thing.
Apologizing in advance for being self-serving!

10 09 2008



At one point she mentioned that Hitler could be reborn. Across the table, a suspiciously old-looking “student” guffawed. “Hitler reborn? Hitler has been reborn,” he said, pausing for effect, “and his name is Obama.”

10 09 2008

Sorry, and more:

Point is, it looks like a deal was cut to keep Track out of Jail.

Ok, ok, the election is not about her family. But it is about McCain and Palin and honesty.

And the facts emerging about her family tell us there is LOTS of dishonesty in the background — no to mention severe family disfunction.

10 09 2008

Good morning Mudflat’ers,

Another day, another day to fight the good fight.

Here is a video and text of JFK’s inauguration speech. I re-read it from time to time and it never fails to inspire and clear out any doubts I have as to the importance of individual action in the face of great challenge.

The truth of the matter is that truth does matter.

Be resolute and stay focused on issues of substance!

Volunteer, donate, vote.

10 09 2008


“How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel.”


So Lieberman really was the “token Jew”? 😉

(I can say that because my hubby is a wonderful Jewish man! )

10 09 2008

Lie baby, lie!

10 09 2008

Diva –

Looks that way – he’s being used for this extremist’s groups “greater purpose.” I have several wonderful Jewish friends who are working feverishly for Obama. When I called them about this last night, they were aware of some of Lieberman’s tactics, but they don’t believe Israel will be able to even SURVIVE (physically) with all this talk of war, war, war.

The thing that makes me sad is that there is a small, but strong, contingency of mis-informed people who are going to spill a lot of innocent blood for a cause that they cannot predict.

10 09 2008

Stay focused on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as they were never intended to incite “Holy Wars” but to allow us all to live in peace and worship as we decided to worship.

10 09 2008


you go Obama!!!

Lipstick on a PIG!!! 😀


hey thats what they get for distorting about teaching K schooling sex ed damn reptards.

10 09 2008

Something I read but don’t know if it is true. Is it true that Palin , or maybe it was another governor, they tried to move the state capitol to a different town or city? Is this true?

10 09 2008


As is de rigueur in the Northeast, once they reached a certain age, my in-laws moved to Florida, 😉

My MIL is very politically active down there and was so dismayed that it looked like McCain was a shoe-in. Now, with the Jews for Jesus stuff, along with Ed Koch coming out for Obama, the tide is turning!

Fingers crossed and salt thrown over shoulder! 😉

10 09 2008

Any I am just loving this Lipstick on a PIG 🙂 thing funny as hell! 😀

10 09 2008

I think I’ve figured it out. The McCain/Palin campaign is trying to make US, the “angry left,” unattractive to “them” (independents). They hit hard with lies/distortions, really reprehensible ads, to make us foam at the mouth. It is partly working. I’m going to have an ulcer when this is all over. The thing is, we have to control our anger, and use it in productive ways. We have to strive to be calm, factually accurate, knowledgable about the candidates, and consistant, without being strident in our offense/defense. Be kind to people who don’t agree with you. Let your anger out with people who are already with you, like here. It’s a very hard thing(I know I’ve already stumbled), but it’s that important. Talk well, donate, volunteer, organize, mobilize.
Obama/Biden 08

10 09 2008

Diva –

Tell them to PLEASE GET THE WORD OUT. I was very proud of Mayor Koch, too! We need Florida – we need to remember what happened in 2000 with Gore and the hanging chads (i can’t believe I can even remember the handing dang chad…)


10 09 2008


Wow. Hagee has always scared me, but now… I am becoming more and more convinced that the fundies of every stripe (Christian, Jewish and Muslim) are working to bring about whatever version of Armageddon they believe in. They believe they are the meek that are to inherit the earth and they’re getting weary of waiting for the rest of us to die off. I have heard my fundie uncles, who are both Baptist ministers, admonish their (very small) flocks to do everything they can to bring about the end times. I always thought they were colorfully wacky. Silly me.

10 09 2008

For the record: Jane Swift was “acting” Governor of Massachusetts. She was never elected to the position. Paul Cellucci left to become Ambassador to Canada and then Mitt came along to make sure that Jane didn’t get a chance to become the Gov.

10 09 2008

Swine princess – thanks for the link to your site. Yes, I guess you do get to have the floor on this one!. Glad for the reminder of Torie Clark’s book. Am linking to you on another site I post on.

10 09 2008

More and reasoned comments from an Anonymous poster at

“First, the school bus vandalism occurred late November 2005.

If he was one of students accused of school bus vandalism a few days later in early December 2006, Track Palin likely would have been held in juvenile detention for a few days.

Whether or not he was subsequently expelled might await a disposition of the charges against him in the juvenile court, which could take a few months. That might take it out to the summer of 2006.

It appears that he moved to Portage, Michigan, to join a Midget AAA team there in the fall of 2006. That meshes with his likely expulsion from school locally.

He returned in March of 2007 to graduate from the Wasilla High School. In April 2007 it was announced that he signed a tender to play on the Alaska Avalanche for the 2007-2008 season in Anchorage.

He enlisted in the U.S. Army, sometime between April and September 2007 getting a $20,000 bonus tied joining by September 11 2007.

The Palin campaign issued a press release on September 15, 2007, which said, “Gov. Palin has declined to comment. The Palin family wants to keep private some aspects of his decision, spokeswoman Sharon Leighow said.
Track was adamant about not wanting publicity, according to a military spokesman.”

I would guess that the juvenile court disposition did not directly or indirectly require enlistment because of the sequence of events and U.S. Army enlistment policy.

Moreover, I believe that there could be nothing more required of him by the juvenile disposition before he would be permitted to enlist — the case had to completely closed.

It is difficult to reconcile his decision to sign with the Alaska Avalanche but nevertheless enlist having pursued a hockey career most of life unless (1) he was academically unqualified for college and (2) realized he had no future in professional hockey. It must have a very personal and difficult decision.”

10 09 2008

Actually they are playing the bait and switch routine.

Trying to start something and then pointing fingers afterward.

Pure whinerdom these reptards are. 😉

10 09 2008

does anyone know when the term “Truth Squad” came into the lexicon? I tried to google it and I hit of a LOT of neo-Nazi Gestapo type sites that I’m frankly scared to hit. The term “Truth Squad” just SOUNDS ominous to me maybe because Mudflatters has been educating me on what all of this really means tied together.

Any thoughts?

10 09 2008

Interesting article on Joe Scarborough that has been kept quiet by the MSM!

Lest, we forget, there would have been no need for a Surge if Bush & Co. had not taken the U.S. into a Phony & Pretend War on Terrorism while the Real War on Terrorism in Afghanistan where Bin Ladin lived, was ignored! And if we do not Wise up this might happen in the future!

In a cleverly pre-emptive strike, McCain is falsely accusing Obama of wanting to teach children sex education because they knew Newsweek will be soon coming out with an article on Sarah Palin! “Judge Warned Palin About Emotional Child Abuse!”

10 09 2008

Well I say gloves off and start swinging they aint holding anything back when attacking.

Obama needs to just stay cool and be clever and witty with his responses like he did yesterday.

And remind the public that the McCain people cant have it both ways.

10 09 2008

@Palmdale, CA – the Onion started in Madison, WI, not Caltech. Another great school known for pranks!

10 09 2008

You cant sit there and cry wolf then be a wolf thats just hypocritcal.

But hell when has the GOP not been a bunch of hypocrits??

10 09 2008


The story is already out:

“As the divorce case dragged on, the judge’s concern about family “disparagement” appeared to deepen. In an order signed Jan. 31, 2006, which granted Palin’s sister and Wooten a final divorce decree, Judge Suddock continued to express concern about attacks by Palin’s family on Wooten. The judge even threatened to curb Palin’s sister’s child custody rights if family criticism of Wooten continued.”

10 09 2008


For the record, Sue Myrick is R-NC. I should know, crazy old bat.

10 09 2008

Truth squad, homeland security. I’m sure there are other words that have that ring to it.

10 09 2008

thanks for the link lemonfair

10 09 2008

I feel so much better now that the Truth Squad is on it. Especially JoAnn Davidson, who is the one who called Palin, “Sarah Pawlenty” in her remarks at the convention. (See the Daily Show’s moment of zen–—Sarah-Pawlenty)

10 09 2008

Anyhow got togo to work!!

LipStick on PIG!!!!

classic stuff there man!!

Oh and Palin?? put up or shut up is all I have to say. 😉

Sick and tired of hearing her campaign pull the picking on me card after the attacks shes made this last week.

She aint no Barbie, and she damn sure aint no HILLARY!!!

GO! Obama/Biden!! 2008

10 09 2008


See that screen you’re looking at, checkout that keyboard you’re typing on, and that fanlike sound coming from that box, Use It To Search For What Troubles You, others aren’t your Brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 09 2008
Darina Rasbury

I was starting to loose hope because I keep reading all these articles that McSame/Barbie are leading in the polls, then I read this article

I think the polls are wrong, and the media is trying to dishearten dems so much that we won’t vote. I had to borrow some money from a friend today so I can get to work tomorrow. I can’t live like this anymore. Something has to be done. I am giving all my extra money (what little there is) from now until Novemeber to the Obama campain, and I am going to post the facts on as many “young” people blogs as I can think of. Let’s all get the word out!

10 09 2008

@SwinePrincess –

LOL! Well, I would agree with you that they ARE colorfully wacky!!!!!!!

I guess I just grew up differently. I grew up with a resounding “…be VERY careful…” as Colossians was drummed into my head as it warns against “CULTS” and false prophets and it’s pretty direct, too.

My Church focuses on the positive. You know: Love one another. Help one another. Greatest of these things is Love. 🙂 Prince of Peace. . .that kind of stuff.

I do remember from growing up in a pretty fundamentalist church, however, that our tent revivals talked a LOT about Revelation. A story I remembered was nagging me, so I just looked it up and please forgive me up front if I offend you as that is not the intent:

“…Satan will be released from his prison and will go to DECEIVE THE NATIONS IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH (…let me see here….US, China, Russia? I don’t know….) TO GATHER THEM FOR BATTLE. ….They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves (Jerusalem?)…BUT FIRE CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN AND DEVOURED THEM (from Palin’s oil pipeline perchance?) And the Devil, WHO DECEIVED THEM….was thrown where the Beast and the FALSE PROPHETS had been thrown.”

I’m scared to even write that!!!!!!! Even our Fire and Damnation Preacher growing up didn’t preach the stuff we hear spewing from Hagee’s, Rove, Palin’s mouths. I do remember that False Prophets stuff though – in between the casseroles and fans blowing.

10 09 2008

For the record, Sue Myrick is R-NC. I should know, crazy old bat.

And soon to be unemployed, trust me!!

10 09 2008

good catch. I wonder if the “Web Exclusive” article with move to the print mag as well… three years ago guys — they told her to quit disparaging Wooten 3 years ago. If McCain’s vetters didn’t know this…

When oh *when* will the Eagleton Factor click in???? It is just making me so sad that someone who *should* be a liability is, on a daily basis, pulling more votes in to the Republiars.

10 09 2008


And soon to be unemployed, trust me!!


10 09 2008

The rumors about what books she wanted to ban have been as silly and weird as everything else. But now, in late breaking (and even sillier) news, perhaps we have some genuine insight about it:

10 09 2008

Diva and Proud2BUSA,

I can’t pretend to speak for all Jews, but I can tell you that with Palin’s talk of our troops being on a task from G-d, I emailed all my Jewish friends, both those I am pretty sure are voting for Obama and those who I think are leaning towards McCain. Scare tactic? Yep, and I don’t care. I’m scared! When a candidate is one breath away from saying holy war, I want other Jews to know what she’s about.

I never knew about Lieberman’s relationship with Hagee’s group. I didn’t like the guy to begin with. His appearance at the RNC enraged me. Now? I won’t be able to look at him.

While I currently don’t hold Carter in high esteem (Israel an apartheid state), I credit him with the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. (May Sadat rest in peace.) It wasn’t done on the battlefield. Peace through negotiation.

McCain will jump to the defense of Israel sooner. But he will jump into war. I believe Obama will come to Israel’s defense through negotiations. If there is ever to be peace in the region, and I have my doubts, I know it can only happen through negotiation. When calmer heads prevail (moderate politicians and citizens), then we can begin a path to peace. McCain isn’t moderate about war. Obama is.

I don’t want to hijack this thread with my Jewish/Zionist feelings. It’s not what we’re here for. But, as a Jew, I support Obama because I trust that he will stand by Israel without endangering Israel. And, if necessary, he will support Israel’s right to defend her citizens.

Every Jew I know factors Israel into their consideration when voting for POTUS. Sort of like women wanting to know a candidate’s stance on reproductive rights.

Believe me, I’m getting the word out. Loud and clear. And I’m being heard.

10 09 2008


no offense taken! I grew up with the colorfully wacky uncles… my take on them comes from my parents mitigating their preaching of Revelation. I too grew up with the threat of Revelation hanging over my head should I not make the Rapture cut. Revelation is a frightening book. Hagee and others like Hal Lindsey make it even more frightening by interpreting it for us so that we understand, like the Calvinist Johnathan Edwards in 1741 admonished his church: “The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire; he is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in his sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours.”

I think I was in Junior High or maybe High School when I read that and thought “Wow, that’s not a God I want to know.” and promptly started searching for something else. I found it and ’nuff said.

I really object to religions that use fear as their primary method of recruiting new members. Fear is always about power and control.

I think so many of us have become complacent because of the First Amendment. It is that amendment that guarantees us our right to religion and speech and this wonderful place under freedom of the press. I think that because it is there I am safe. I am not. Because that same Amendment will be used to scare a majority of people in to taking it away under people like Sarah Palin and her spiritual advisers.

Now I really do want to move into Harley’s Canada basement!

10 09 2008

Your post just sent shivers down my spine and my morning coffee all over my keyboard. Armageddon?! Good God, he IS a NUT CASE! :O

10 09 2008
Political Amazon

[We need to be careful when we look down on others…call them rednecks, etc. Except for the obvious die-hard “i’ll vote republican even if they put up a monkey” people, the rest need to be talked to respectfully. It could become a vote and change the course of our war-mongering country.]

I agree, but believe we need to not look down on them for ANY cultural trait. It’s one thing to say they are unifnformed, and another to disparage their social group or socioeconomic status. IMO, it’s as bad as slamming someone for their race.

And it’s inccurate. I know MANY rednecks who are so angry at the way the neocons have destroyed the GOP that they are about read to leave the party. My father-in-law, after a lifetime of voting Republican, is voting for Bob Barr this election.

I see it like this: one of the most insulting things the GOP does to its voters is take advantage of their conservative mindset of following the leader and being loyal, and blatantly lying to them, shamelessly manipulating them to do what the corporate backers of the GOP want them to do.

Conservatives as a group do not independently question their political party’s actions and usually believe what the GOP says, no matter how absurd it is. I don’t see this as ignorance. I see it as how they are wired. Of course, it helps that they have been programmed to shun the very tools that would help them not be a minpulated robot–such as critical thinking classes at college, which (and within the last 3 years I finished my second degree) in California are required to get a degree.

It is a tough position we are in because a large part of the Republican voting base does not question the GOP and simply siphons up the propaganda they are spoon-fed by the GOP propagandists, file it away in their brains under “truth,” and then regurgitate it out to their friends, enemies, message boards, and media feedback sites.

I don’t know the answer as to how to get around this, but I do know that snobbishly dismissing them as rednecks and crackers won’t work. It simply makes them more entrenched in their believe that the GOP is truth and everything else is lies, amps up their natural proclivity to martyrdom and paranoia, and gives the GOP ample ammunition to “prove” to their minions that liberals really are all the bad things the GOP has worked so hard to convince their voters we are.

10 09 2008

Let’s hope that Andree McLeod gets the e-mails that SP sent to hubby Todd. Doing offical state business using a Yahoo address wasn’t too smart. WaPo has a report about this in today’s (9/10) paper.

10 09 2008

Valhalla, got a link?

10 09 2008

@ DeMo –

Thank you for those words and sentiments. You are saying exactly what my friends are saying as well. I think most Jews, Christians and any sane person would 100% agree with you.

As for Lieberman, I will never, ever look at him the same. I thought he was a moderate, and here he is, a fox in sheep’s clothing.

I can almost forgive Palin because she really is just here for this Extreme Group’s puppeteering pleasure (she should be smart enough to know better is the only glitch), but McCain and Lieberman? They have allowed their ambitions to overrun their sense of duty and what is right for their constituency and country. They’ve been bought. How empty that must feel inside.

This is YET ANOTHER REASON why the separation of church and state should stay separate. To have raving lunatics have all these secret scary meetings behind the scenes where they are expressing their true feelings (and I’m okay with freedom of speech, but just come out and say it!) when in the media they are trying to come across as friendly, elderly “statesmen” and mislead a group of people whom they know won’t read for themselves…Now, THAT’S EVIL!

10 09 2008

Rude Post Alert: They’re fixated on the lipstick remark being sexist, but what about the stinky fish comment? That would seem a more obvious…uh.. reference to complain about.

10 09 2008

Hagee is the antichrist!

10 09 2008

Proud2B and DeMo

I am also spreading the word about Palin/Hagee/Lieberman (wow-what an unlikely trio!) Believe me, the Floridian Jews are a vocal, tenacious bunch and they have not gotten over their rage and embarrassment in 2000. Imagine being accused of voting for Pat Buchanan! ACK!!!!

I love this paragraph, DeMo. Your whole post was well thought-out but to condense into a sound bite, I chose this:

“McCain will jump to the defense of Israel sooner. But he will jump into war. I believe Obama will come to Israel’s defense through negotiations. If there is ever to be peace in the region, and I have my doubts, I know it can only happen through negotiation. When calmer heads prevail (moderate politicians and citizens), then we can begin a path to peace. McCain isn’t moderate about war. Obama is.”

Short, concise and powerful! I’ll be including that in my emails! 🙂

10 09 2008

Sue Myrick is from NC not FL

10 09 2008
Matthew Rettenmund

For those of you waiting for the NEW National Enquirer (Sep 22, 2008, edition), I have it pictured and excerpted here.

IMHO, there is nothing in there that seriously harms her. The affair is said to be 10 years old, some deny it was truly consummated. Also, Track ‘s OxyContin abuse is far seamier (lots of details). Bristol and Levi’s wedding is alleged to be shotgun (maybe there will be actual shotguns there, too).

10 09 2008

ds55- NO MORE like that, ok? Totally unnecessary. If you like that sort of humor, you won’t like it here.

Just sayin’

10 09 2008

Jane Swift also told the Globe after she was defeated that it had been a mistake to think she could manage the job and take care of her children at the same time. (don’t have time at the moment to look for a link)

10 09 2008

@SwinePrincess –

I may be asking to join you in Harley’s basement!!!! 😉 Harley, you may need to start building out now – we’ll start a fund.

I am so sorry for your damnation experience. It IS scary, isn’t it that they think that will actually DRAW MORE PEOPLE into their church? It’s kind of counter-intuitive, but look at what there doing in this election and I guess human behavior is counter-intuitive at times.

Thank goodness my background and current belief system remains simple (similar to WHAT I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN). As I stated earlier, we focus on the love your neighbor, respect all living creatures, don’t be a fool, kind of things. In my Church at least, we learn to come to Jesus as a small child would – I don’t think that means starting wars, killing polar bears, and judging people. I thought they meant sharing juice and crackers, taking a good nap or time out when you get crabby, and hugging and giggling a lot. Silly me….

10 09 2008


Please be sitting down before you watch this…I will be posting ads on this site is very poplar…

Vote McCain? (Wake up America!)

Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-08-27, 9:52PM EDT

The video every American must see!

Watch this entire video, very powerful!

10 09 2008

Ah, it makes me so proud that one of her Squadders is from my great state of Minnesota. All hail Queen of the Lightbulbs, Michelle Bachman from district 6. Is Palin just gathering up all the crazies on the conservative side?

10 09 2008


10 09 2008
Political Amazon

[Truth squad, homeland security. I’m sure there are other words that have that ring to it.]

Those terms evoke very bad things and make them seem good, and that is heinous, IMO.

“Truth Squad” takes Orwell’s 1984 term for propaganda gone wild and sanctifies it by filling it with female politicians and calling it the group that will stop the “harassment” of Sarah Palin.

Homeland Security–*uck a duck, that’s straight out of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. When that name was first announced it horrified me because, to take a propaganda term used by Hitler to unite the Good Germans behind his heinous cause, and use it for a government body that is supposed to be protecting us, is too horrible for words. It defiles America. More importantly, it leads the rest of the world to believe that Americans either do not see the homage to Hitler, or condone it, especially when the GOP voters TWICE voted for Bush Jr.

Scary times.

My mother, a union organizer (yikes! does that qualify as a “community organizer”?), raised me in the union. I spent Saturdays since I can remember helping out at the union hall or at an event. Little hands can stuff envelopes as well as bigger hands.

She worked with the migrant farm labor in California in the 1940s to 1960s, and I learned a lot from her. She worked in a very violent situation, as union organizers were routinely severly beaten, sometimes to death, during that era. Women were especially at risk because rape was then (as it has always been) used to intimidate women who were so bold as to speak their mind.

She taught me so much, and one of the things she taught me was this: when you work in the field (meaning the union “field,” not the crop field), go in peace but carry a baseball bat for insurance.

We have other ways to protect ourselves now from physical confrontations. It may not be a baseball bat, but we should be prepared for and aware of what we are getting into.

When I hear the GOP make up names like “Truth Squad” and “Homeland Security,” I think about that advice, and wonder if I will ever need that insurance we should all take with us when we know we will be facing opposition from the kind of people who will use an homage to Hitler’s Nazi Germany and its propaganda campaign to name a new government body whose purported reason for being is to keep us safe.

Scary times. Be prepared.

10 09 2008

Diva –

Include Mayor Koch’s comment about even the suggestion of banning books is akin to going back to the Dark Ages.

I LOVE HIM!!!! 🙂

10 09 2008

‘Lipstick on a pig’: Attack on Palin or common line?

Well some prospective, like even Palin uses it.

10 09 2008

“Ministry of Truth”

Totally Orwellian world we are living in now.

Barack-please, lead us out!!!!

10 09 2008

Here’s the WaPo article on Andree’s attempt to get SP’s e-mails.

WASILLA, Alaska, Sept. 9 — Gov. Sarah Palin is being asked by a local Republican activist to release more than 1,100 e-mails she withheld from a public records request, including 40 that were copied to her husband, Todd.
Palin had claimed executive privilege for documents copied to her husband, who is not a state employee, in responding to an open records request in June made by Andrée McLeod, an activist in Anchorage. The administrative appeal filed yesterday by McLeod’s attorney, Donald C. Mitchell, argued that by copying Todd Palin on sensitive state correspondence, the governor and her aides shattered the privilege rightly afforded elected officials.
“She has allowed Todd Palin — who has not been elected by the people of Alaska, who is not a state employee — to entangle himself apparently as he sees fit in the operations of the executive branch of the state government,” Mitchell said.
“From the case law, if government voluntarily opens up that internal decision-making to what I would call civilians, then that is waiver of that protection of the government policy decision-making process. That is what happened here, and it happened because Sarah Palin doesn’t understand it,” he said.
Todd Palin was frequently copied on e-mails relating to Alaska State Troopers and the union representing public safety employees, according to McLeod, who received four boxes of redacted e-mails in response to her request. At the time, both Sarah and Todd Palin were complaining to the state public safety commissioner about a disciplinary matter involving Sarah Palin’s ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper.
Palin also routinely does government business from a Yahoo address,, rather than her secure official state e-mail address, according to documents already made public.
“Whoops!” Palin aide Frank Bailey wrote, after addressing an e-mail to the governor’s official state address. “Frank, This is not the Governor’s personal account,” a secretary reminded him.
Calls seeking response from the governor were not immediately returned by a Palin spokesperson. Palin last month described McLeod as a disgruntled former employee, though in 2004 Palin endorsed her as a state House candidate “not afraid to stand up for what’s right.”
Mitchell’s appeal, addressed to Palin in her capacity as the decision-maker on the earlier records request, questions the wisdom of the governor and her aides shipping messages about state business between their public and private e-mail accounts “with complete and total abandon,” he said.
“There’s a reason the governor should be using her own official e-mail channels, because of security and encryption,” the lawyer said. “She’s running state business out of Yahoo?”
On March 17, minutes after peppering a state official about whether e-mails about state business contained on a personal BlackBerry could become public, senior Palin aide Ivy Frye addressed a message to both Palins and two other aides: “In sum, it’s just as I thought — questions of confidentiality are still unanswered by law.”
McLeod, a former state employee who once was close to Palin, filed an ethics complaint last month against Palin and others. She cited e-mail traffic that appeared to show that the governor’s office improperly helped a Palin fundraiser obtain a civil service position.
“By withholding these emails, Sarah Palin has broken on her promise of being open, honest and transparent,” McLeod said in a statement. “It’s old-school politics and not the kind of reform she pledged to Alaskans.”
WaPo 9/10 Karl Vick

10 09 2008


Ed’s already quoted! 😉 Yeah, they love him, too. His opinion still holds a lot of weight.

10 09 2008
Political Amazon

Re: “McCain and Lieberman.”

I think the fact that McCain apparently had his heart set on naming Lieberman as VP indicates that McCain, as president, would be willing to do anything Israel wanted.

One of my concerns about Lieberman has always been, even going back to before 2000, the fact that he is a fundamentalist, and fundamentalists see things (especially on issues attached to their religion) as either fundamentally right or fundamentally wrong. If an issue is fundamentally right, then they will stop at nothing to support that right. If it is fundamentally wrong, they will stop at nothing to stop that wrong.

Lieberman is a loose cannon. He has a knee-jerk reflex to support Israel, no matter what the consequences to the United States and the planet. He does not consider whether Israel is right or wrong because, in his mind, it is fundamentally right, therefore it can never be wrong.

So I think that McCain must be similarly oriented towards Israel (but not for fundamental religious reasons); otherwise, he would never have seriously considered Lieberman for VP.

10 09 2008

another topic – from that VoteSmart site I wrote about yesterday, this is what has been compiled thus far – some of this was taken from another blog who was researching at the same time as I was – thank goodness, because going through all of that is very dry:

These are from ACTUAL McCAIN VOTES in the Senate where he opposes positions favored by the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS.

1. 70% of Public thinks invading Iraq was a MISTAKE, but McCain sides with Bush and votes to invade.
2. 70% of Americans think oil companies are too greedy and that is why they are paying more at the pump, but McCain wants to adopt Big Oil plans to drill, drill, drill for MORE PROFITS. REMEMBER, we’re not a socialist country (looks like we’re headed the OTHER way), so the only profits to be made are from Exxon, etc, and the coffers for the Lobbyist who will sway your President’s vote.
3. 70% of Americans do NOT want to invade Iran, but McCain says bomb, bomb, bomb Iran and votes for Kyl-Lieberman saber-rattling.
4. 75% of Americans FAVOR ratifying Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, but McCain sides with Bush and votes against it.
5. 60% of Americans believe workers should have a right to organize into a union, but McCain sides with Bush and votes against it.
6. 70% of Americans favor INCREASING financial aid for college and McCain bucked his party and lost that senate vote 78-18
7. Most Americans are AGAINST fraud in Iraq contracts and want more oversight, but McCain sided with Bush and voted against more oversight.
8. Most Americans believe gun makers should be liable for making defective guns and McCain bucked his party and lost that vote 90-8.
9. Most Americans FAVOR energy assistance to low income people, and McCain buscked his party and lost that vote 94-3
10. Most Americans FAVOR children’s healthcare, just like they do for seniors, and McCain sided with Bush and lost that vote 68-31, and this would have become law with 10 more votes in the house to sustain an over-ride of Bush’s veto.


10 09 2008

Ummm, having former Lt. Governor Farrow (WI) on the “truth squad” is like appointing Colonel Sanders on a Save the Chickens board. She has quite the record of not letting facts get in the way of her ideology. Most recently, in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election this past April, Farrow sent out fundraising letters blasting incumbent Justice Louis Butler for releasing a sex predator into Milwaukee County. Problem was, Justice Butler’s decision did no such thing, and the predator remains incarcerated today. Long story short? She lied. Outright. To help win an election.

I sense a pattern developing…

10 09 2008

Jim, this whole lipstick flap is just WATB stuff! These guys (and gals) think they can keep gaming the refs but the American people are not falling for it!

How many times can Sarah cry, “Wolf!” before the “wolves” fight back?

10 09 2008

Here’s a WaPo article that may explain (reading between the lines) why Scott Richter tried to get his divorce file sealed. It had to do with SP’s firing of John Bitney.

“Sarah Palin and John Bitney go way back. They were in the same junior-high band class. Mr. Bitney was a key aide in Gov. Palin’s 2006 gubernatorial campaign. When she took office, she gave Mr. Bitney a job as her legislative director, and a few months later stood beside him at a news conference and praised his work.
” ‘Whatever you did, you did it right,’ she told Mr. Bitney and his team. Seven weeks later she fired Mr. Bitney for what her spokeswoman now describes as ‘poor job performance.’
“What happened in between? According to Mr. Bitney, Gov. Palin got a call from another old friend, Scott Richter, informing her that his wife, Debbie Richter, and Mr. Bitney were having an affair. Mr. Bitney had kept that secret from the governor, even as he told her of his divorce, he said.
WSJ as reported in the WaPo Media Notes Howard Kurtz 9/10/08

10 09 2008

Political Amazon –

Your mom is my hero! WOW. Now, THAT is a Patriot and a HERO.

Just a quote to complete my, um, research:

In the same way, the Government of the Reich, which regards Christianity as the unshakable foundation of the morals and moral code of the nation, attaches the greatest value to friendly relations with the Holy See, and is endeavoring to develop them. (Adolf Hitler, March 23, 1933)

10 09 2008

Proud2BUSA (05:16:34) :

does anyone know when the term “Truth Squad” came into the lexicon?

I found this at the Online Etymology Dictionary Truth squad in U.S. political sense first attested 1952. Truthiness “act or quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than those known to be true,” catch word popularized in this sense by U.S. comedian Stephen Colbert, declared by American Dialect Society to be “2005 Word of the Year.”

And you gotta love William Safire who wrote an entire article in 1988 on the term

Interestingly the Good Senator from Arizona is mentioned in this article, to wit:
”GET YOUR TRUTH Squad on the road,” the Bush campaign was exhorted by supporters who felt that Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis was making unchallenged claims.

Republican Senator John S. McCain 3d of Arizona was promptly dispatched into cities where Mr. Dukakis was scheduled to appear. His task was to present questions about the candidate’s record. Presumably, Senator McCain or another surrogate for Mr. Bush would remain to rebut his remarks until the Democrat had left.

Safire, in his scholarly way, later delves into the etymology of the word far more deeply than the Online Etymology Dictionary does.

10 09 2008

Political Amazon-

“So I think that McCain must be similarly oriented towards Israel (but not for fundamental religious reasons); otherwise, he would never have seriously considered Lieberman for VP.”

C’mon! We all know he just wanted Joe to keep whispering the answers in his ear! 😉

10 09 2008

“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.”
– Adolf Hitler

“The German people are not a warlike nation. It is a soldierly one, which means it does not want a war, but does not fear it. It loves peace but also loves its honor and freedom”
– Adolf Hitler
WHAT WAS IT THAT MCCAIN SAID IN HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEECH? That he won’t “start” a fight, but won’t walk away from it either. I thought that was an original from the TV series “Rifleman,” but I was wrong!

Always before God and the world, the stronger has the right to carry through what he wills”
– Adolf Hitler

“What we have to fight for is the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the creator”
– Adolf Hitler

10 09 2008

A couple of things and then I MUST get some sleep.

Proud2BUSA said: YET ANOTHER REASON why the separation of church and state should stay separate.” Amen! Critical to who we are as a nation. Religious freedom. I know that wasn’t the exact intent of your words, but I’m taking it (with your permission) to echo that if the fundamentalists and evangelicals gain control, the rest of us will be praying as they see fit. And some don’t care to pray at all and more power to them. We don’t have a national religion and we can’t ever let anything approaching a national religion emerge.

I don’t believe McCain is a religious fanatic. But I think he chose Palin because of her gender and her clear devotion to her religion. A wink and a nod to the core constituency he couldn’t get on his own.

Diva, I’m honored that you would use my words in your emails. Thank you.

Some McCain rep said this morning that the reference to old fish was an obvious reference to McCain’s age. Really? Totally missed that. (A journalist just jokingly quipped that she’s insulted Obama referenced wrapping the fish in newspaper.)

Just heard on MSNBC that Palin’s gripe with Obama’s pig comment is because she’s been telling the hockey mom-pit bull “joke” since its debut at the RNC. Well, maybe you should stop comparing yourself to a dog with an unfair reputation for attacking without provocation. He is steadfast that he will not apologize. He maintains it is a common cliche, which it is, and it wasn’t directed at her. It was directed at the notion that the McCain/Palin ticket is an agent for change when their proposals mimic Bush’s failed policies. Context.

On that note, if I don’t grab an hour of sleep, my posts will get even longer, and nobody wants that. But I’ll be back later! I rely on this site and you folks for my political information. So, thank you.

10 09 2008

They can’t tell the truth for themselves, so they’ve got a whole squad to do it for them!! They must be telling a lot of lies if they need a whole squad.

Here’s an interesting article.

10 09 2008
portland oregon native

Maureen Dowd’s op/ed piece in Sept 10th is great; Sarah as Eliza Doolittle!
and a list of questions for Gibson.

10 09 2008


thanks for being one of the Good Christians… you restore my hope.

10 09 2008

Amazon… I’ve been meaning to thank you for your post on Christian Reconstructionism… I am linking to you from my blog and here’s the post again in case anyone has missed that excellent article

10 09 2008

Concerning Jon Bitney/Scott Richter/SP story, I should used the WSJ source as there is more info there.

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Boy, it looks like the mccain camp better worry about Ron Paul and their supporters!

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

The crazy thing about this truth squad , all 50 or so of them , is that McCain/Palin are going to have to keep them on the same page. So manny lies, exaggerations and daily scandals how can they all get it strait. Someone is bound to blow the gig.

10 09 2008

Opposition to equal pay for women–now that is sexist!
AS much as Caribou Barbs hates whining, her party is doing a lot of whining….

10 09 2008

DeMo –

I hope you’re right about the Jewish community rightly being nervous about Palin, and I hope it turns Florida.

10 09 2008

Palin has hijacked “Rosie the Riveter” picture!,0,4798081.story

I want to throw up!

Estee Lauder doesn’t make enough lipstick to make that pig any better!

10 09 2008

check out what the Alaskan newspapers have to say about Sarah the riveter

10 09 2008

@SwinePrincess – thank you!!! Back atcha. This is such a nice, SAFE place to voice one’s views and not be attacked. I love diversity, and it is what makes our Country GREAT.

I agree with the earlier comment about Barack has got to stop being so Cerebral at this point. You like that. I like that. But is sounds like we’re a minority of Americans who want that in our President. They have to come up with some SOUND BITES. and FAST.

I’m all for Mahr’s comment last night: I’m not against Sarah Palin because she is from a small town. I’m against Sarah Palin because she has a small mind.

10 09 2008

check out what the Alaskan newspapers have to say about Sarah the riveter

here is a great poll site:

10 09 2008


Didn’t Palin play the sex-ed teacher in “Varsity Blues”? I seem to recall…


10 09 2008

Demo –

No offense taken – use it. I say AMEN. There is nothing scarier to me than a State Religion, State Prayer, State whatever because it harks back to some very bad historical events in our history. What is scaring me is WHERE ARE OUR VETERANS FROM WWII – i know they are getting quite old – my dad was a Korean War Vet and he’s mid-70’s, but we need those voices of people who fought facism and Nazi states.


The only people I hear standing up strong against this machine are Bill Mahr (who got questioned for the first time I think last night about being too harsh on a candidate), Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and Olberman. Remember police states? These smart, smart thinkers are billed as “comedians” – Nazi’s can turn them into a buffoon, a shrill, a clown. We have to be careful, and we need others than our smart, sharp entertainers to be up front and center speaking up. WHERE ARE THEY?

10 09 2008

McCain uses “lipstick on a pig” line on Hillary

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Please check out these videos and pass around. This is a duo of two older men who put these ads together for Obama outside of the Obama campaign. I think the ads are very hard hitting against Mccain. Please pass them around.

10 09 2008

Good Morning Mudpals! My husband is getting jealous…he asked if I was going to leave him for a mudflatter;). One other quick one before I get to my point…Diva, would love to connect your FL relations with my FIL. He might listen to someone in his “demo” versus the “liberal” DIL.

Okay, I finally got to copy what I put up on ADN yesterday but I think it is still a good talking point:

Regarding “Questions for Palin”, I would like to put all this in the most simple terms so here it goes:

If The United States was looked at as a Corporation with 51 sub-companies, the American people would be the Board. The Board is in charge of Hiring/Electing the CEO and CFO. Before anyone is given thess very critical positions there would be a very thorough interview process. References would be checked and re-checked. Any questionable rumours would be scrutinized before this person was “hired”. Can you imagine interviewing for an executive position, or really any position for that matter, and telling the interviewer “I will answer questions when I am ready and when you show me deference”? I think you would be laughed right out the door and never considered again. The interviewer(s) has/have every right to ask questions that are relevant to the job because it will have an effect of the company’s future, financial and otherwise, if this person is given the job. Let’s get real people, Ms. Palin has applied for the 2nd highest job at our company! I do care what her thoughts are on aspects that directly affect our “employees”, “stockholders”, “customers”, “competitors”, et al. I have every right to ask questions as does the other Board members whether you like them or not. When you are asking me to give you one of the most important positions in the “company” I must think of the “company” first. That includes questions of judgement, priorities, and the applicant’s ability to handle challenges. Our “company” is in trouble and we need a strong “team” to fix it. The future of the “company” depends on this critical decision. The Board cannot just depend on what is stated on the resume… I mean how many times have people “stretched” the truth on those? So I am sorry if some folks are upset that I want answers but as a Federal tax payer I have the right to ask them. This is our “Company” and it is our obligation to make sure whomever is chosen for these critical positions are the best we can find. We have already made the mistake of believing the resume and look where that got us. All I ask is for everyone to think of this in these terms and I hope you might understand why I want to know if what is on the resume is real or not. Any CEO, CFO etc candidate would be given the same treatment, whether they were a man or woman. And they certainly would not be asking for “deference”.

10 09 2008

Something weird going on w/ Andrew Sullivan over at his Atlantic Mag blog. He’d been covering the Palin story hard for the last week. He disappeared for a couple days , left a cryptic quote in German from Wittgenstein about “things left unsaid”. Today he just ran a surreal tribute to heroic anti-abortion Sarah and her baby with Down’s. This is a 180 degree turn from what he’d been writing.It is bizarre, like the body snatchers left a pod next to his bed. His blog takes no comments, so there is no way for anyone to post and ask what happened. Pressure being applied?

10 09 2008

Diva — love to see that one in an Obama add today ,, this should be sent to everyone possible right now …

10 09 2008
White Agate

Thanks for all of the fundie/rapture links. I will read up today. For a while now I have been thinking, ‘What’s up with Sen. Lieberman?’ I still think that, but it’s a bit clearer.

Hitler has been reborn as Obama? What? These people are truly unhinged. What are they afraid of? The future? Well join the party. But the answer is not to retreat into your own ideology but to look at the world for its possibilities, people and for the wonderful variety thereof.

We are no doubt in Orwellian/Handmaid’s Tale territory. I wonder what the Obama campaign’s ‘what if’ scenarios are. I lived in GA during the 2000 election and I have to say Gov. Plain reminds me of Katherine Harris. If it goes to the Supremes, we are in trouble. That deck is pretty well stacked.

Going to make some more calls and find out what I can about the ‘Truth Squad.’

10 09 2008

Obama is live on MSNBC talking about education and laying out his plan. He’s just brilliant when he takes that approach. He looks confident and actually knows what he’s talking about unlike some who have been reading the same speech (with no substance) for over 10 days now. Let’s not get distracted folks.

Go to and donate. Get involved.

10 09 2008

Cynthia, TX WOW thanks! I’ve only watched one of the vids and I’m already making downloads (my in-laws are computerphobes) and emails! THANK YOU and Mudflatliners keep up the good work!

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

swineprincess, these guys are like 527’s but not affilated with the Obama campaign at all. I heard them speak on radio this morning. I believe they took out a full page ad in this weeks Newsweek or maybe it’s next week.

10 09 2008
White Agate

Proud2BUSA: Agreed! Where are the Clintons?!?! I think Bill Clinton is set to meet up with Obama and McCain at the Columbia U. conference on education, but that’s all I’ve heard. What about the celebs? That’s what I was saying yesterday, what would Vanity Fair do? This is the ‘Truthiness Squad’ I am talking about.

If the powers that be in the Democratic Party dysfunctionally let Obama/Biden twist in the wind, for shame! Then we deserve what we get.

AKMuckraker: Still planning on that town meeting on the 15th. I want to see the transcripts.

10 09 2008

Stop the hand-wringing for chrissakes.

Jefferson hired a scandalmonger to ruin Adam’s reputation–while he was Vice President. He labelled Adams a “hoary incendiary”. The scandalmonger went to jail but the uproar over his imprisonment swept Jefferson into the White House.

These attacks are part of American politics. Get your hands dirty or join Second Life and do something different with your online time.

Also, hello? Palin hit a line drive for American women in politics. Stop running all over the field pretending the sun is in your eyes. Catch the ball and hurl it home, baby.

She’s a savvy politician who has captured the fancy of many conservative voters. She is also sex on a podium and Biden will turn into a blithering idiot in the debates. Steel yourselves for that.

More power to her.

Now, with the help of The National Enquirer (fingers crossed) and the legions of bored reporters in Alaska, let’s get down to the messy business of toppling her off her pedestal.

10 09 2008

“Truth Squad” – Such a friendly sounding name for a group
Kind of like Death Squad or Firing Squad

Of course no one bothers to point out that the reason for this idiotic facisist sounding bunko group is because our own Sweet Sarah – candidate for the VP of the United States of America is not allowed to have a thought of her own or is completely incapable of an saying anything in public unless she is reading it from a teleprompter and therefore needs a whole squad of ‘truthsayers’ to tell us what the ‘real’ truth is.

I clicked on the Newsweek article last night to read a link someone posted here and ended up reading
The Real Sarah

It was pretty pro Sarah but the last page really just drove home to me how woefully unqualified this women is be even considered for the VP OTUS.

Palin started intense tutorials last week in a suite of the Hilton Hotel in downtown Minneapolis. Stephen Biegun, a longtime foreign-policy hand who last worked on George W. Bush’s National Security Council, ran what one participant called a “boot camp on McCain world.” Biegun and others briefed her on international issues. McCain’s top domestic-policy adviser, economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, led other sessions. Before Holtz-Eakin even got started, Palin let him know that she likes to get her study points on large index cards. “What we have to do is take all our accumulated policy and John McCain’s entire Senate history and get her comfortable with the campaign,” Holtz-Eakin told NEWSWEEK.

She knows nothing about the person she is running with, she knows nothing about international issues or nationwide domestic policy. Energy policy is her greatest strength apparently, but hey I would expect that has that is what greases her pockets and allows her to ‘buy’ an 80% approval rating from her constituency.

But the scariest thing of all in that article is this.

More broadly, briefers have assembled a book of every speech McCain gave during the campaign as an introduction to “McCain world.”

I think if I had to read and learn that I would end up poking both my eyes out.

Does Sarah Palin at anytime wake up in the middle of the night saying, “What the hell have I gotten myself into where I am no longer allowed to have an opinion or an idea or a thought of my own?”

As Sarah said to the AKIP last year, “Keep up the good work!”
Yes she does us wommin-folk proud….

10 09 2008

Congrats on the HuffPo cross-post! I’m very happy for you.

10 09 2008

Diane Rehm, on her NPR Show just offered the Mike to Palin in a discussion about the Media and Palin:

Governor Sarah Palin and the Media

Some say Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Governor Sarah Palin, has been subjected to unfair media attention. A look at presidential campaign coverage, allegations of bias, and charges of elitism in the media.

Bill Keller, executive editor of the New York Times

Howard Kurtz, Washington Post media reporter, host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources” and author.

Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, specializes in polling of electoral battleground states, including Ohio and Florida

Ted Koppel, managing editor, Discovery Channel and senior news analyst, NPR

Heather Higgins, chair of the board, the Independent Women’s Forum.

Jonathan Weisman, reporter, “The Washington Post”

Now the show just ended so the audio feed isn’t up yet, probably in a couple of hours.

If anyone wants to listen you can visit the link above than, but you might want to listen especially to Heather Higgins comments, of which she spun Diane’s offer away, her other attempts are just mind boggleing, she Hasn’t A Clue That Elections Are About The People And Their Right To Know, as one caller tried to point out, to Heather it’s Just controlling the Message for the Media, Damn The People!!!!!

10 09 2008

I posted this really late last night so thought I should repost for the morning crowd. I am making my call right now and hope others take up my challenge to question the “Truth Squad”.

My husband is going to call the office of his fine Repub representative to ask why she has left her constituency during hurricane season to spend time in Alaska? “Are the needs of the McCain campaign more important that the duties you were elected to perform on behalf all residents regardless of party afffiliation?” Our tax dollars pay her salary and I am a Democrat. I think we should all call the current Representatives on the list and ask the same question of each of them. We, the People, pay their salaries and provide them health care….not John McCain!

10 09 2008

White Agate:

Now that we understand the link between Lieberman, Rove and the “fundie’s” as you call them, although there is NOTHING FUN about these people, when I went back and played the link that was posted this AM:

It’s so telling! What Lieberman whisper in McCain’s ear what to say about Iran training terrorists! WOW!!!!

10 09 2008

“KILL BABY KILL” followed by these videos:

If you want some hard hitting ads, all we need to do is go for the aerial wolf and bear hunting. EVERY SINGLE PERSON who saw these videos recoiled in horror. Of course we stay on the economy, but folks, nothing will stain the brain as much as saying what they mean is “kill baby kill” in response to drill baby drill.

Let’s make them viral

She wanted a $150 bounty for the foreleg of a dead wolf.…..in_wolves/

Sept. 8, 2008 | Wildlife activists thought they had seen the worst in 2003 when Frank Murkowski, then the Republican governor of Alaska, signed a bill ramping up state programs to gun down wild wolves from airplanes, inviting average citizens to participate. Wolves, Murkowski believed, were clearly better than humans at killing elk and moose, and humans needed to even the playing field.

But that was before Sarah Palin took Murkowski’s job at the end of 2006. She went one step, or paw, further. Palin didn’t think Alaskans should be allowed to chase wolves from aircraft and shoot them — they should be encouraged to do so. Palin’s administration put a bounty on wolves’ heads, or to be more precise, on their mitts.

In early 2007, Palin’s administration approved an initiative to pay a $150 bounty to hunters who killed a wolf from an airplane in certain areas, hacked off the left foreleg, and brought in the appendage. Ruling that the Palin administration didn’t have the authority to offer payments, a state judge quickly put a halt to them but not to the shooting of wolves from aircraft.

The “ePlane” was sold to millionaire trophy hunters to hustle them into AK and Russia (see, she knows foreign hunting policy-AK is close to Russia)…..icleid=349
“The problems associated with firearms transport are discouraging many hunters,” says Don Causey, President/Publisher of The Hunting Report. “Add to that the wildlife inspection problem hunters face when they try to bring trophies home with them and you have a witches brew of discouraging factors. This service is urgently needed right now by US hunters contemplating trips to Petropavlovsk, Magadan and other hunting centers in Eastern Russia. It will be warmly welcomed, I’m sure, by hunters headed elsewhere in the world if momentum can be built behind this effort and costs can be contained.”

The new service will be available between Anchorage, Alaska, and Eastern Russia starting April 1. The start-up strategy involves the use of a Westwind II private jet Larry Reynolds bought from the State of Alaska last August. The craft has a capacity of eight – or five hunters with all their gear – and a cruising speed of 450 miles an hour. It can fly between Anchorage and Petropavlovsk in just over four hours and deliver hunters directly to a VIP Center with no waiting lines. On the return trip, hunters will be able to bring their trophies with them at no additional charge. Arrangements have been made for US Customs and US Fish and Wildlife inspectors to meet the plane on arrival and process hunters and their trophies into the country without delay.

10 09 2008

Speaking of truth squads, will Palin be testifying in Troopergate anytime soon? Wasn’t she due back in Alaska today?

10 09 2008

BEST of the day ,,,, everyone send this as many places as you can right now..

10 09 2008

“She is also sex on a podium and Biden will turn into a blithering idiot in the debates”

Ha! Joe Biden is surrounded by beautiful women. Ever get a look at Jill? She makes Sarah look like a pig in lipstick!

Joe will slowly and carefully take his time with Sarah.

And I DON’T mean that in a good way!

10 09 2008

Isn’t it funny (not funny ha ha) how when we are young and taught history, we imagine that our current generation is so much smarter, wiser, in touch with realty than a culture that existed thousands of years ago?

The truth is, we have only advanced in technology. That is all.

Take away our cars and computers and we are the same people, with the same intellect and same primitive and superstitious nature as those who persecuted witches, and tossed the virgin into the volcano.

We question the bizarre religious beliefs of civilizations from long ago, and analyze why the various civilizations fell.

This does scare me. I do not want those in power to be encouraging the coming of what they believe to be the rapture.

Hundreds of years ago Christians believed the rapture was happening in their lifetime. Opps, they were wrong.

I want our leaders to plan for the future of our great grandchildren.

The GOP has truly embraced the Jim Jones mentality, wanting all of the nation to sit down with it and drink the kool aid, so we can move onto the next level of the rapture.

But even in Jim Jone’s case, not all of his followers believed the hype and were force to drink the poisoned beverage.

Folks, they are trying to force us to drink the damn kool aid.

I wanna live.

10 09 2008


Why do men dig SP? As several have said previously…she has that naughty librarian look. But here’s the real deal….she can shoot a gun, allegedly dress out a moose, chop and haul wood, birth babies, bake cookies, run a business and do it all looking good.”

yeah, she’s essentially their man/mother (except they can also…”you know”..her)

10 09 2008

Today the polls are back pretty much where they were before the conventions— Obama with a tiny lead. Looks like the Republican bounce didn’t last every long.

You know, I am more and more convinced that the Obama campaign really knows what it is doing. It is staying cool and sticking with the message “John McCain, more of the same” rather than getting sidetracked by attacks and Palinmania.

The Republicans really, really want Obama to look angry— I suspect because their focus groups found that white Americans think angry black American men are very scarry. Obama is doing the Reagan thing: looking calm and reasonable while the other side looks wild and divisive.

The Republicans play to their hard-right base is working within the party, but it isn’t playing at all well to independents and moderates. The slow drip of Palin’s real political positions is making this worse and worse. The party has chosen to feature Palin’s bit bull side rather than her down-to-earth charm, which I suspect is a major tactical error. Plus she seems to have only one speech to give, which is getting pretty boring on the 37th hearing.

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Diva, nice find. Why didn’t McCain get chastised for that. Does the Obama campaign know about this clip. It seems that McCain DOES actually know what this saying means but chooses to use it as spin. What a creep.

10 09 2008

Nancy — This man does NOT!!!!! dig her ,, I think she is a fat and I despise the way her lower lip rides up over her top row of teeth … Makes me want to gouge out my eyes with forks .. I would love to shove a hot fire place poker in her ear (hot end out) and watch her burn her hand trying to get it out ..

10 09 2008

I’m afraid I don’t have a basement in Canada, but I do have a camp bed in England. keep up the good work, guys.

10 09 2008

I found this on a website dedicated to vetrans against John McCain thought I would share it and encourage you all to add your two cents to it.

Friends, compatriots, fellow-lamenters,
We are writing to you because of the fury and dread we have felt since the announcement of Sarah Palin as the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. We believe that this terrible decision has surpassed mere partisanship, and that it is a dangerous farce—on the part of a pandering and rudderless Presidential candidate—that has a real possibility of becoming fact.
Perhaps like us, as American women, you share the fear of what Ms. Palin and her professed beliefs and proven record could lead to for ourselves and for our present or future daughters. To date, she is against sex education, birth control, the pro-choice platform, environmental protection, alternative energy development, freedom of speech (as mayor she wanted to ban books and attempted to fire the librarian who stood against her), gun control, the separation of church and state, and polar bears. To say nothing of real preparation to become the second-most-powerful person on the planet.
We want to clarify that we are not against Sarah Palin as a woman, a mother, or, for that matter, a parent of a pregnant teenager, but solely as a rash, incompetent, and all together devastating choice for Vice President. Ms. Palin’s political views are in every way a slap in the face to the accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers so fiercely fought for, and that we’ve so demonstrably benefited from.
First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She does not demonstrate or uphold our interests as American women. It is presumed that the inclusion of a woman on the Republican ticket could win over women voters. We want to disagree, publicly.
Therefore, we invite you to reply here with a short, succinct message about why you, as a woman living in this country, do not support this candidate as second-in-command for our nation.
Please include your name (last initial is fine), age, and place of residence.
We will post your responses on a blog called “Women Against Sarah Palin,” which we intend to publicize as widely as possible. Please send us your reply at your earliest convenience—the greater the volume of responses we receive, the stronger our message will be.
Thank you for your time and action.
Quinn Latimer and Lyra Kilston
New York, NY
womensaynopalin at
Women Against Sarah Palin
**PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY! If you send this to 20 women in the next hour, you could be blessed with a country that takes your concerns seriously. Stranger things have happened.

10 09 2008

Blue Idaho ,Diva — number one find of the day ,, I just posted it all over ,, everyone should do the same till the right person gets it .. Go poeple go !!

10 09 2008

Sorry “People” (dyslexic)

10 09 2008

Ummm……sosad…….maybe time to take a break from the internet for a while.

Lie down, in a dark room…….think happy thoughts…..

She’s not worth the rage…..really! 🙂

10 09 2008

Speaking of truth squads, will Palin be testifying in Troopergate anytime soon? Wasn’t she due back in Alaska today?

it was said last night that something is to happen on friday, wether the report is coming out I’m not sure as I was doing other things when it came across the TV.

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Palin’s on CNN again. Same speech one week later. I think I have it memorized.

10 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

G’morning, all. While I trying to catch up on all the comments, take a good look at the second group of the Truthiness Squad — the state members Look particularly at the states these people are from as well as the states with multiple members. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

10 09 2008

From the WaPo….

A few days ago I talked politics with Donn Teske, the president of the Kansas Farmers Union and a former Republican. Barack Obama may come from a big city, he admits, but the Farmers Union gives him a 100% rating for his votes in Congress. John McCain gets a 0%. “If any farmer in the Plains States looked at McCain’s voting record on ag issues,” Mr. Teske says, “no one would vote for him.”

10 09 2008

Smitty –

Thanks. Ugh. I just sent these out to my Outlook list as well as my local PETA and ASPCA. Ugh. You know that “DO NOT KILL” commandment? I think that included His animals, too, if it was just for pleasure.

Just for full transparency. My family hunts deer, but we EAT the deer, and we definitely do not have any of those trophy heads hanging around on the walls. Hunting itself can really stir some core emotions among rural communities, especially farm communities. A lot of people hunt and fish for food. For deer, it keeps the population down and we had a real problem a few years back with starving deers passing around diseases which is horrible to watch the foes and fawns die. The DIFFERENCE is we hunt in the woods, and it’s hard as the dickens to be successful. This aerial hunting of a lone wolf in the snow is just barbaric and cruel. Ugh.

I can play forward 10 years from now. Is this going to be the “undesirables” who will not accomodate McCain and his radicals with their State Religion? We are going to hunted down? Just a thought……

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Good job sosad. I will do the same.

10 09 2008

Sorry …. Brain fart … WSJ.

10 09 2008

Here’s a pop fly out to left field:

Confirmation from the NE that Palin’s son joined the Army after drug use and vandalism charges.

Happy reading! this may not be enough to sink Palin’s career but to ensure The Enquirer stays on the case–buy two copies of the new issue!

10 09 2008

Diva __ No rage ,, I can toss out a hot poker with a smile 🙂

10 09 2008

McCain is afraid to go out without Palin now. He knows she’ll draw bigger crowds than him. What a joke.

10 09 2008

@chantoozie –

I may ask that you hide my son for awhile if this plays out. He’s all I have, and I can’t stand the thought of losing him.

10 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

hi all-
whew! gets harder and harder to get thru all these great posts. AKM – you rock.

i mentioned my tote-bag in an earlier thread, its an amazing conversation starter, eco-friendly, union made, and is like a donation to buzzflash, a free newsletter with no ads that i read, that wants me to buy something now and then
i got a link today:

the huffpo story about canvassing ohio is great. i am going to Danville Virginia and now i feel totally inspired. thanks

10 09 2008

sosad (07:26:40) :

Diva __ No rage ,, I can toss out a hot poker with a smile

Well, ok then!

As you were! 😉

10 09 2008

My post on the aerial hunting was HuffPo’s “Pick of the Day”

Seriously, this is something that can’t be defended

I am registered as smittynoexecutions

10 09 2008

I’ve decided that every time Palin feels “attacked”, I’m going to donate money to Obama.

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Same bridge lie. Oh god they are chanting again…….Baaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaa

10 09 2008

Proud2BUSA (07:30:39) :

@chantoozie –

I may ask that you hide my son for awhile if this plays out. He’s all I have, and I can’t stand the thought of losing him.


Oh, honey! That’s why I’m fighting so damn hard, too! My beautiful, smart, amazing boy will NOT fight any war for these PIGS! Yes, I mean you, Sarah!

Hell, I had tears in my eyes reading your post, Proud2B, but now I’m MAD!

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

If mcCain and Palin are for change and reform why can’t the change and reform thier speech.

10 09 2008

The Black sabbath song “war pigs” should be The McCain/Palin theme song

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Ky I’m going to donate 25 bucks everytime McCain/Palin give the same speech. This could cost me.

10 09 2008

sosad (07:38:06) :

The Black sabbath song “war pigs” should be The McCain/Palin theme song

Here ya go:

10 09 2008
Kate Henry

timc (20:32:14) :
Post article sounds like a bunch of far right people who are finally excited about the election. Hopefully most of the moderate PUMA’s will show support, check the facts and move back to Obama.

I truly believe there were never any Democrats in PUMA. I believe it is just another extension of Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos. No self respecting Democrat would vote for McBush/Palin under any circumstances. And no woman with any self-respect would vote for Palin, just because she is a woman. I had a heart to heart with a woman at work about Sarah Palin. She thought Palin was wonderful. I sent her here and after some intensive reading, she came back and said “what was I thinking”?

We all need to talk to the people around us about McBush/Palin. There are still way too many people out there who buy the “maverick” image. The MSM won’t do the job, so we have to do it for them.

I’m hoping by the end of this election the MSM will be so trivialized that they will all go out of business. Then maybe we can build a fourth estate that represents we the people and not conservative corporate masters.

10 09 2008

Wow-almost 2 million views!

10 09 2008

Per the Newsweek article on the Wooten divorce:

“In monitoring how a joint-custody arrangement worked out, the judge said in his order that he would pay particular attention to problems noted by a “custody investigator,” specifically “the disparagement of the father [Wooten] by the mother [Molly Hackett, Sarah Palin’s sister] and her family members.”

“It is the mother’s [Hackett’s] responsibility to set boundaries for her relatives and insure [sic] they respect them, and the disparagement by either parent, or their surrogates is emotional child abuse,” Judge Suddock wrote. He added that: “If the court finds it is necessary due to disparagement in the Mat-Su Valley [the area north of Anchorage where Palin and her extended family live], for the children’s best interests, it [the court] will not hesitate to order custody to the father and a move into Anchorage.”

Anyone experienced with such familiar situations should be fearful of placing a person who has engaged in such small-minded viciousness so close to the head of our country. I fear for our country.

10 09 2008

Repeated for truth from Talking Points Memo, re: the jaw-droppingly sleazy recent ad from McCain and more. KEITH, are you out there???

TPM Reader EH …

I think I’m the first one to say it: “honorgate”. Presumably somebody will ask Obama about this today. I hope his response is something like, “look, I don’t know how Senator McCain defines honor, but it’s worth asking: is it honorable to characterize a bill to protect children from sexual predators as ‘teaching sex-ed to kindergarteners’? Is it honorable to accuse your opponent of wanting to lose a war to win an election? Is it honorable to repeat the same lies day after day on the campaign trail, long after they have been proven false?”

10 09 2008

Ms. P is on the stump and I want to kick her upside the head. She is saying we have ‘victory” in Iraq. Really? Go ask the good people of Iraq if 8,000 troops leaving while 140,000 stay is “success”. Go ask if their lives are better…. Ack! She keeps repeating the same tag lines…oh, now she is defining what taxes she has cut instead of “I cut taxes, period”. Oh! She tries to “lead by example”! She has the checkbook “online” for all to see. Okay, where is it Sarah? I ‘d like to see that one and while you are at it, cough up your tax records, health records et al. just like the other candidates did. Grrrr, “thanks but no thanks” okay, where is the $226,000,000 you took from the American people if you told everyone “we can pay for it ourselves”. I mean you had a “surplus”. Really need to mute this! Cindy looks bored with the whole process…maybe she actually sees the writing on the wall. Oh here comes Todd…has he really won this silly dog race more times than anyone? And this is relevant to the Presidential race because why? But more importantly, this is getting redundant with no real talking points. What will McCain do when Sarah runs back to AK? He will have nothing to talk about other than his time as a POW. He’s running for President so my question is “what have you been doing Senator for the last 8 years? What have you done to “change” this country, Maverick?”. I need to make a donation to Obama and get my equilibrium back!

10 09 2008

Palin was long scheduled to speak at the deployment ceremony for the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, at Fort Wainwright, Alaska on Thursday. Her son will be among the soldiers preparing to leave for Iraq.

However, candidates are strictly forbidden from campaigning on military installations. Candidates can appear at events on installations when they’re in an official capacity (as governor, as senator, etc), but they cannot solicit votes or money on a base.

10 09 2008

Our number 4 child just emailed us from Zanzibar and I thought I would share this part

“…I took another pic for you today. In the center of Stone Town is a big tree that’s been named the Obama tree and there are Tanzanians campaigning for Obama left right and center . At least a third of the cars I’ve seen have Obama ’08 stickers on them.

I’m sure she’ll have been asked who she will vote for when she gets back home.
That’s a given!

10 09 2008

All of this reminds me of Sinclair Lewis’ book from 1935: It Can’t Happen Here

Newsflash folks… it can

Call the Obama or Democrat HQ, volunteer, start a blog, blog blog, blog, email, talk to your communities, volunteer, take people to get registered to vote (in Kansas the deadline is October 10), drive people to the polls on election day.

And keep coming back here to remember that you’re not alone! (Is Mudflats a 12 step program or do we need a 12-step program….hmmmm)

10 09 2008
Quiet Advocate

Palin in VA on MSNBC. In my neighborhood. Can you believe she is STILL repeating the same lies? So this is the 8th time now. The Fairfax crowd is computer-literate, having a lot of IT companies, so most of these people should know that she’s telling lies. Karl Rove with no ethics. “Sarah, Sarah!” McCain is making a hero of Palin’s husband. “My friends…My freinds…Change is coming…Change and Reform…My friends…My friends…We will stop this corruption…My friends, we can do it…” Chant:”USA! USA! USA!” He had invited veterans, who are asked to stand. “We owe our veterans every healthcare benefit and…” Chant: “Country first, Country first!” On energy: “Drill Drill Drill, Drill Drill Drill” Economy: Blames the Wallstreet’s CEOs. “We’re not going to let that happen! They shoudl pay back.” More promises. Reform, reform… Ahhh…

I think this is as much as I can take. Obama talked on eduation today in VA after fighting hard on GOP publics, “Enough is enough!”

10 09 2008

I think this truth squad may turn out to be mistake. It makes the Republicans look like hysterical crazy people defending a liar. Again, I think Obama’s calm approach is the winning strategy.

I was thinking about the image of African-Americans in the 21st century. The African-American men who seem most universally loved and admired are tall, fit, calm, smart, very good at what they do, unabrasive, hard to rattle, supremely self-confident, and don’t make whites feel guilty (think Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, Wynton Marsalis, and many others). Oprah fits a similar image for African-American women. Obama carries this out of the sports-entertainment ghetto to national politics.

On the other hand, the snarky devisiveness and kitchen sink attacks of the Rove School of Politics is beginning to grate on anyone outside of the red-wing Republican camp. It plays mostly with an increasingly old and out of touch, all-white, mostly male constituency, i.e., what we saw in St. Paul.

I think Obama knows exactly what he is doing.

10 09 2008

The photo is the best part (now that’s news). Can someone send this to the MSM. Why doesn’t it show up in the HuffPo article?

10 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

You asked about the hate crimes thing…
I think there is a huge difference. A hate crime is directed randomly and motivated by the perpetrator’s prejudice and bigotry (race, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, etc.). The victim has taken no action to provoke the response.

10 09 2008

@chantoozie – thanks for the offer! I hate the thought that I am saying “anywhere but here” but there it is… I am more afraid of McCain than I was of Bombs Away LeMay or Ronald Ray-gunZap

10 09 2008
Kate Henry

Why is Sarah Barracuda still out there campaigning with McBush? I thought she was flying back to Alaska today. Maybe McBush is afraid to let go of her and go back to the dismal turnout he had at his “town hall meetings”.

Besides, they both need new speechs. Ms. Barracuda has told that same speech so many times she should have it memorized by now, but it doesn’t look like that has happened. Every time I see her talking, she is constantly looking down at her notes or at the teleprompter. It’s going to be interesting to see if she will EVER submit herself to a press conference or a real interview where people ask real questions. The ABC “interview” with Charlie Gibson is going to be humiliating to ABC. It’s going to be nothing more than a puff piece unpaid commercial for Sarah.

10 09 2008

Dear God…they are repeating the SAME speech again and again. If I hear one more lie about that bridge, and how tough Todd Palin is because he goes across the frozen tundra in a snowmachine (Hey! This guy from NJ is getting the AK vernacular, LOL!) in 40 degree below zero temperatures, I’m gonna hurl.

The crowd in Virginia at the McCain rally seems a bit disappointed and less enthused than the other crowds so far…perhaps they were expecting a new stump speech? The truth? The proper way to put lipstick on a pig?

Obama’s response to the “Lipstick Controversy” was a good one; he showed his displeasure and disgust without the anger; although a little more fire in the belly wouldn’t hurt. Now he needs to address that disgusting education ad, and stay as FAR AWAY from the National Enquirer material as he can, and make sure his surrogates get the message on that one too. Let the MSM have a field day with that one, get the McCain Camp off message by having them constantly attack the NE, and have Obama stay on message with legitimate issues and legitimate attacks on the factual records of McCain and Palin.

The Polls are evening up again, so perhaps some folks are waking up from their Electric Republican Kool-Aid from last week, only to find out that this is not a dream…it’s a NIGHTMARE and it’s REAL.

10 09 2008

Hope this is not a repeat, but please take the time to sign this letter from People For the American Way:

The letter….

“During her speech in St. Paul on Wednesday night, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin purported to speak for women, small town residents, and everyone who isn’t a member of the “Washington elite.”

Sarah Palin is an intelligent, well spoken woman, but it must be made clear:

We don’t want a country in which women who are raped are refused the right to choose abortion.

We don’t want a country in which religious dogma is taught in public school science class.

We don’t want a country where gay and lesbian citizens are discriminated against.

We don’t want a country where books are banned from public libraries.

America is strongest when we are united, not divided. When our Constitutional liberties are respected. When our politicians rely on ideas and opinions instead of distortions and attacks. The challenges we face are too big to be reduced to name-calling.

Sarah Palin doesn’t speak for us.”

10 09 2008

@ Proud2B and Diva – I couldn’t agree with you more. my brother is a Major in the British Army and has been to Iraq and Afghanistan, and will be in the latter for another six months next year. I hate the slur used against liberals/lefties that we’re ‘anti-troops’. I’m not anti the troops who are out there – I’m anti the self-serving, power-seeking politicians who send them there unnecessarily.

I am doing what I can, as a Brit living in London, to influence any votes at all in this election. It’s just too important. I explained my interest in it to a friend – as opposed to my interest in British politics these days, which is fairly minimal – thus: in the UK, we are already lucky enough to live in a pretty liberal country, where we have free national health care for all, civil partnerships for gays, legalised abortion, no capital punishment (how do pro-lifers justify the death penalty??), and a generally un-warmongering (and that is a word 😉 ) mentality. In America, you have so much to lose if McCain/Palin get in, and so much to gain if Obama/Biden do. It really will feel like a sea-change in your country if Obama wins – not unlike Labour/Blair getting in to power after the years of Conservatives/Thatcher, I imagine. /

10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Blue Idaho (07:37:34) :

If mcCain and Palin are for change and reform why can’t the change and reform thier speech.

You can’t when you don’t have any new ideas to help regular people! Mccain/Palin can only help the big oil companies and other major companies.

10 09 2008

Michigander (07:30:30)

McCain is afraid to go out without Palin now. He knows she’ll draw bigger crowds than him. What a joke.

Palin is to McCain as Princess Diana was to Prince Charles?

10 09 2008

@ swineprincess – And we all know that “there were three people” in that marriage. Perhaps McPalin’s third person is Karl Rove..?

10 09 2008

plwalsh –

I love Martin Luther King and would add him to your list. HIS COURAGE. HIS STEADFASTNESS. I know he was not perfect, but he WAS A TRUE AMERICAN. . . something I cannot say about John McCain or Sarah Palin who are twisting truths into their version of a communist manifesto.

10 09 2008
Quiet Advocate

I think I see the Truth Squad at work. On MSN, a republican congresswoman (didn’t get her name) is accusing Obama of being against women for calling a reporter “Sweetie” and “a pig with lipstick” She said women are discovering Obama’s pattern. The MSNBC’s anchor did not stop her long verbage with this: “Senator McCain should have then apologized to Hillary for the same comment he made, which is taped. Is he also against women?” This is where the media is not doing their job.

10 09 2008
Kate Henry

The Polls are evening up again, so perhaps some folks are waking up from their Electric Republican Kool-Aid from last week, only to find out that this is not a dream…it’s a NIGHTMARE and it’s REAL.

The polls are evening up because the polling companies have been exposed for having moved the goal post. They were polling 10% more registered Democrats than Republicans (even though there are 12% more Democrats in this country). Then, when the so-called bump came along, they started polling an even number of Democrats and Republicans. Talk about “cooking the books”. But, the MSM has caught on and is exposing them, so maybe they decided to go back to a somewhat accurate reflection of the electorate.

The one other thing that we need to keep in mind is that NONE of the polls taken today include newly registered voters and people with no land line. Include those in the mix, and Obama will be way out in front.

10 09 2008

PS forget the camp bed – perhaps I should just book some hotel rooms over here. first night November 5? does that suit everyone?

10 09 2008

Palin is a pig!! But that wasn’t what he meant and they know it. Between this and the smarmy ad, I think Obama should declare both of them irrelevant.

10 09 2008

@chantoozie –

Hugs and prayers for your brother. I have adopted a soldier and send him a letter and package every month. I DO NOT WANT OUR TROOPS FORGOTTEN. I WANT THEM HOME. Where they can achieve the goals and dreams they held as children. Where they can help our nation heal and grow in the right direction. I WANT THEM HOME. NOW.

10 09 2008

chantoozie! bwwaahahahahah!!! good one. slammin’ Palin/McCain and The Prince! I think I need oxygen!

10 09 2008

A thought:

Given that the McSame campaign managers look like they’re gonna keep Sarah Palin essentially in a bubble and away from insufficiently “deferential” reporters, the media need to make McSame her interview surrogate. They should hound him with the specific policy and political questions that would otherwise be directed at her personally (staying away from the red herring tabloid trash queries).

Preface questions with

“Senator McCain, given that time is short in the remaining days until November 4th, and given that your campaign has decided that your running mate is off-limits to the legitimate open questioning to which you and Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden have repeatedly and legitimately subjected yourselves, maybe you could answer on her behalf, given that the American people have both the need and right to have answers to politically relevant and proper policy detail — in light of the fact that you vetted her so thoroughly prior to choosing her. So, let me ask you, __________________…?”

And then sit back and watch his head explode. Get that hothead cognitive-impairment flusteritis goin’.


10 09 2008
Kate Henry

Quiet Advocate (07:52:54) :
I think I see the Truth Squad at work. On MSN, a republican congresswoman (didn’t get her name) is accusing Obama of being against women for calling a reporter “Sweetie” and “a pig with lipstick” She said women are discovering Obama’s pattern. The MSNBC’s anchor did not stop her long verbage with this: “Senator McCain should have then apologized to Hillary for the same comment he made, which is taped. Is he also against women?” This is where the media is not doing their job.

Oh, but they are doing their job. It is the job their republican corporate masters have tasked them with. The job is to question anything that Obama says and never question anything a Republican says. I am starting to see some of the MSM questioning the truth of the Republicans. If they keep it up, we may end up with a fair and balanced press again (other than Faux Noise). If some media starts getting more attention because they are doing their job for us and not for their corporate masters, then the others may follow because they don’t want to be left behind.

One can only hope.

10 09 2008

ps guys if you haven’t clicked on chantoozie’s name and found her site, you are missing out on some nice music.

10 09 2008

Bobby G, good one! At least he’d have something else to talk about.

10 09 2008

Black sabbath —- said it best ,, loud and clear !! here’s what we are in for with McWarpig and Mrs Warpig

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of deaths construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds, oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning
As the war machine keeps burning
No more war pigs of the power
Hand of God has sturck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings
All right now!

10 09 2008

Chantoozie/SwinePrincess – I think you both are wonderful, but to compare Palin to Diana???

Wasn’t she the “People’s Princess”? And didn’t she decide after she had been tossed away by the Royal Family to go and make herself useful defending AIDS patients and bringing attention to landmines?

Just saying…..carry on!! 😉

10 09 2008


True about MLK but he is really a 20th-century figure. He probably set the model for an earlier generation. I think Obama has moved beyond the Civil Rights Movement into something else, in some ways completing MLK’s dream. In another sense, both Obamas are a testament to what his movement accomplished.

Steadfastness is certainly another quality that works for Obama. It was key in the primaries.

I am also seeing more and more signs that establishment Republicans are far less than thrilled about Palin. They aren’t saying a whole lot publicly but between the lines they are implying that they don’t like their party being part of a tabloid tag line. So Sarah may have fired up the hockey mom side of the party only to have the other go home to spend more time with their stock portfolios.

10 09 2008

I just watched the McCain clip with the “lipstick on a pig remark. What hypocrite’s the Republicans are!

It’s about time the very lazy press started doing their job. Perhaps they could start by gathering up some of the hypocrisy and then questioning the Republicans about it….

10 09 2008

Hang on… Palin’s a pig… yet also a babe. didn’t someone make a movie about that once?

10 09 2008


Like Eva Peron, maybe? or what was Hitler’s mistress’ name, Ava . . . ? Lady MacBeth?

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

I just called KUDO to see if they knew about the McCain lipstick clip and they were all over it. They are getting ready to talk about it.

10 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

Have you guys ever read “It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis? If not, I really think it is required reading. The parallels are frightening!

10 09 2008

chantoozie –

LMAO!!!!! And the three little mice who are telling the story can be Hagee, Rove and Lieberman!

Who’s the “that’ll do pig” character??? George W?

10 09 2008

EXCERPT: Regarding Bridge to No Where

Published: November 17, 2005

WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 – Congressional Republicans decided Wednesday to take a legislative wrecking ball to two Alaskan bridge projects that had demolished the party’s reputation for fiscal austerity.

Straining to show new dedication to lower spending, House and Senate negotiators took the rare step of eliminating a requirement that $442 million be spent to build the two bridges, spans that became cemented in the national consciousness as “bridges to nowhere” because of the remote territory and small populations involved.

10 09 2008

Ava Braun was Hitler’s mistress and at the end his wife. But she was always a strictly-in-the-background person.

10 09 2008

actually I was going for the cuckolded prince metaphor

to paraphrase: I didn’t know Diana, but Sarah is no Diana

10 09 2008

@ swineprincess – aww shucks. thanks 🙂

@ Proud2B – to continue the analogy, that would make Karl Rove Camilla Parker-Bowles. the Prince’s true love. actually, come to think of it, I think Prince Charles only met Princess Diana once before committing to her, too.

10 09 2008
Blue Idaho

So McCain/Palin have a truth squad of about 50 people. Too bad Obama has a truth squad of millions fighting back.

10 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Re: cartoon & plagarizing
One more example of slime that the “low information voters” eat up. Obama was describing a “Tom Tolles cartoon in the Washington Post.” How much more sourcing do you need for crissakes! That’s not plagarizing! If he’d just used the material without crediting Tolles or the WaPo, THAT would have been plagarizing. These people are totally without scruples trying to make something out of nothing. And a nice jab at Biden in the process. I’m going to puke.

10 09 2008


needing oxygen again… only met her once before committing!!! hahahaha I think you’re right.

Rhett O’Rical (08:04:43) : didn’t I just say that? I also added some info to my blog ref: It Can’t Happen Here

gotta go guys… have to take a break some time… and chantoozie’s music is bringing me back to sanity — you’re welcome C — I highly recommend it for a little grounding…

10 09 2008

I’ve got it!

“A little governor goes a long way”

anyone got Photoshop? 😉

10 09 2008

@Rhett o’Rical –

Yes, it is scary, and if you look at the timeline when Mr. Lewis wrote this book it really does parallel in so many ways. It’s why we keep quoting Hitler from the late 1930’s. It’s not obvious right now to people, and if you read interviews with the Germans from the 70’s and 80’s who were Nazi Germany, they were completely oblivious to what they were supporting until it was done. Too late. and even then, some of them continued to support, refusing to believe that CONCENTRATION CAMPS really did exist….that Hitler wanted to exterminate an entire race of human beings…that Hitler actually was the one who INVADED countries, not protected the German boundaries. People will believe and believe as long as their day to day is not impacted. It IS Scary. That’s why we all have to talk about this to neighbors without sounding like we’re crackheads, volunteer, donate and VOTE.

10 09 2008

It truly says something about McCain/Palin that they need a group of 50 people to try and do damage control. That says everything about how lacking in integrity they are.

And good morning everyone!

10 09 2008



10 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

The day McCain’s party blew its political advantage

By James Carville

Published: September 9 2008 19:31 | Last updated: September 9 2008 19:31

In all my years in national politics since 1982 there had been one constant until August 29. It was that the Republican party cornered the national security market. They were willing to give up advantages on healthcare, environment and, in the end, even fiscal responsibility. But never, ever, would they cede that patch of high ground they refer to as “American security”. Any time I had a race against a Republican opponent, I respected their operation. And often (I am not afraid to admit), I was scared to run against them because you knew most of the candidates were going to be selected carefully, based on a combination of experience, adherence to tradition, national security or public safety credentials. John McCain fits this profile almost to a T. Strangely, he has chosen to cede this advantage not just for himself but for the Republican party for the foreseeable future.

10 09 2008

Geez, the more I read about this woman and her out-of-control governing style, political alliances, and family, the more I wonder if she can get a security clearance. She does need one, doesn’t she? McCain would not, I trust, have asked her to be VP if he had not made sure that she could get one, right? Right?

10 09 2008
Quiet Advocate

FYI: The meaning of the idiom “pig with a lipstick” (

“If people put lipstick on a pig, they make superficial or cosmetic changes, hoping that it will make the product more attractive.”

It’s also a title of a book, and a phrase used by McCain.

10 09 2008

A bit late and a bit OT; but I work as a debt/budget counselor and on a typical day I counsel 10-14 clients a day and I’ve kept notes for about 4 days now, and 80% only have a cell phone. The MCCain camp can crow about polls, but I know a different story than the one they’d like to spin.

10 09 2008

I think we can assume that the polls are undercounting Obama support by an average of 5%.

10 09 2008

Hi everyone,

Thank You all for my daily dose of sanity. I noticed that a few of you were discussing the topic of “Rapture” and “Apocolypse.”

As a Christian, I find it very unsettling how Religion is playing a major role in these Elections. I grew up as a Baptist but recently considered converting to Catholicism (my husband is Catholic).

I visit both evangelical and Catholic web Forums, and I can tell you without a doubt that the “End of Days”, the “Last Days”, and the “Return of Christ” is a central theme around these Elections. They really do believe that we are in the Last Days.
Sarah is almost considered to be a Joan of Arc figure sent by God.

Here is a couple paragraphs from a popular Catholic web blog:

” The role of religion is bound to explode around the campaigns and to a degree has already. First and foremost is Sarah Palin — whose stunning rise to sudden national prominence seems nearly miraculous. She was born on February 11 (the feast of Lourdes, in 1964) and baptized a Catholic.

” There is John McCain. He was born on August 29 — the feast of the martyrdom of John the Baptist. John the Baptist of course heralded the arrival of Christ.”

The evangelical websites are basically saying that the Rapture is going to occur before the end of the year.

Now you can understand why I have to come here for a dose of sanity.

10 09 2008

Holy cow- the National Enquirer has up their teaser page for next week’s print issue and it is about alleged heavy drug use , vandalism, more by Palin kids and other stuff. Fasten your seatbelts!

10 09 2008

I’ve got it!

“A little governor goes a long way”

anyone got Photoshop..?

10 09 2008
Ohio Sue

Just want to post a reminder – Obama still needs donations – please give anything you can.

Also, if you’re tapped out in the cash department, consider volunteering wherever you are – or you could COME TO OHIO, we could use your help! We’re being inundated with McSleeze ads – YUCK!


10 09 2008

Mudflats or anyone else who may know:

Can you give details on the picture of Palin in front of the 49-star flag? What was the nature of the event? What is the deal with that?

Answers, please?

10 09 2008

Raingods, very valid point! We own a debt settlement company and most of our clientele are either on cell phones only (for $ purposes) and/or they are avoiding “unknown” callers for obvious reasons. Heck, my debt is fine and I avoid unknown calls to our home line. Our clients are good people who got in trouble mostly from the mortgage crisis (ARM’s) or medical bills not covered by insurance, if they had it all. These are the people who are feeling the brunt of 8 years of mismanagement by Bush and his buddies. These are the people who want/need change, real change.

10 09 2008

Good idea OH Sue! My funds are strapped tight due to some major dental work coming up, but I plasn on doing what I can for the campaign.

Obama has a new campaign office here in Phoenix, that’ll I’ll be heading down to Friday afternoon.

10 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

MJC: I think you read my mind! I was just going to cite the Catholic poll numbers when I saw your post. I was raised a Catholic and my family members still go to church. I tell them to tell every Catholic they know about Palin’s dangerous “end times” views. In the Left Behind books the antichrist is the Pope! Check out Hagee’s extreme anti-catholic views. BTW no person in my family has ever voted for a republican (it made me feel better writing that-lol). My 95 year old aunt is out campaigning for Obama.

It is sad Catholics have become one issue voters–abortion. What about the growing rates of poverty? The war? The death penalty? Racism? Intolerance? Dorothy Day must be rolling over in her grave.

“The ABC News/Washington Post survey, John McCain’s lead among white Catholic voters has expanded from an 11-point margin in mid-August to a 23-point gap last weekend.”

10 09 2008

This sounds like an update of Faust: selling their souls to the devil to advance in their chosen careers. Is there a scriptwriter reading these comments?

10 09 2008

Didn’t know if this has been posted yet. Judge in the ex- brother-in-law divorce 2005, tells Sarah and her family to lay off Whooten. Can’t tell me there is no truth in Troopergate. What is the truth squad going to say about this one!
Oops! I mean how are they going to explain away this one!

10 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

Don not know if this has been posted:

Palin Quoted Writer Who Once Lamented Failure To Assassinate FDR. Who read this book? Rove? Palin? It is still scary this person is being quoted regardless who read it.

10 09 2008

Have a look at this ,,McCain on the blue pills ,,, I could not watch the whole thing … He wants to bring up sexism ???

10 09 2008

Take the Palin Plunge: Is it “Lipstick on a Pig” or “Stinking Fish”?:

10 09 2008

@MJC –

Welcome and I am not sure how sane I am, but I know we certainly are trying. Some of you will definitely want to skip my diatribe, but MJC, I believe this important for you:

The blogs you are referring to are a bit scary but as a Christian you know it’s written in the NT to be wary of “false prophets” and “false signs” – Colossians is a good place to start on that topic. And I’m sorry but they are really beginning to upset me with their violent interpretation of His Word.

1. God reminds us continually that only HE knows when the end of days will come and that we are supposed to fill our days with good deeds and not worry about these things – there have been hundreds of “false prophets” before these radicals, and there will, unfortunately, be hundreds more to come.

2. I personally think it must sadden God to think we just want to blow up this wonderful place called Earth that he has made for us. . . kind of blows in the face of everything He provides and gives us. In Proverbs he talks about knowing every hair on your head, the song of every bird, etc. Do you really think it’s cool to blow up all of his creations? I think that’s HIS choice, and not ours.

3. lnstead of getting radical and overly excited by these people (humans, fallable all) remember Jesus did not have a lot of POWER….he had INFLUENCE (and gosh! wasn’t he a great community organizer and encouraged others to do so as well).

4. These people are grasping for POWER, and power corrupts. Right before the Sermon on the Mount (where he tells us to bless and take care of the meek, the poor, the oppressed and the widowed which I don’t think are any of these people but I could be wrong as I’m not God) that the rich and powerful will have a harder time getting into heaven than a camel going through the eye of a needle. Now I know the “eye of the needle” is a particular place, but it is also a metaphor, and I have to believe that statement with all of my heart.

5. Jesus was/is the champion for the trampled, the oppressed and the poor. This is why some of the current folks who are shrilling about the end of times better watch it – the Republicans have continually cut funding for the homeless, they are now advocating young children who are raped by a stranger or family member and who become pregnant stay pregnant, they don’t want people to read (one of God’s gifts is for some of his people to be good writers), they have cut health care for the elderly (meek), they have cut everywhere but for the rich and powerful.

6. They are advocating violence (which you know is the exact opposite of Isaiah: He shall be the Prince of Peace.

7. They hate the poor. They hate the oppressed (in this country, that would be the minorities, the illegal immigrants, anyone from the Middle East, etc). The love the meek because they can speak FOR them. They hate when someone makes a mistake that is not “them.” The commercials they are running against Mr. Obama, regardless of where one believes in his platform or not, are appalling and corrupt. They are lying. They are encouraging people NOT to vote for Mr. Obama because of his last name and his color. Let me think – who else in the Bible had to tolerate that? I think some of these folks are going to be in for a shock if and when we get to meet our Lord.

8. When they start “idolizing” Palin and McCain – remember Babylon and the idols?? Doesn’t make God particularly happy. I wouldn’t want to be on that end of the stick. – they need to remember at least one person on this ticket has broken the sanctity of marriage through adultery. At least one of these persons has lied under oath about his involvement in something that was to make someone wealthy and cost the taxpayers’ $2B+ (which could have been spent to support the homeless, the immigrants, etc.), they have coveted power and position. McCain has 7-9 homes depending on the day – why doesn’t he give those over the poor to help them? Palin is asking people to pray for a pipeline – pray for a pipeline. Let me think. There are children suffering in Darfur, women and daughters being hacked to death in Africa, Inner-city toddlers with mothers who are addicts and they believe the pipeline in Alaska is MORE IMPORTANT than helping her fellow brothers and sisters who are suffering today? Where is Christ in all of this? MJC – he is with those who need Him the most. And it is up to us to bring that Light out.

With all of this said about my faith, I am 100% FOR SEPARATION BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE. Our Founding Fathers worked hard for this. Many of our ancestors died so we could worship as we pleased. I am very sad that people want to take that away. VOLUNTEER. DONATE. VOTE.

10 09 2008

Hi Rhettorical,
Yes, the religious right are “one issue” voters this year, but they won’t admit it. The “low information” voters are right along with them because the will vote for Palin regardless of the muck that the Enquirer digs up.

The thing that bugs me the most is that all of these folks think that they have a lock on the “God factor.” They have God on their side. Well I hope the Rapture happens BEFORE the elections so we would be assured that Palin will no longer be on the ticket, but McCain will be left behind. 🙂
Just Kiddin Folks!

I’m disgusted that John McCain has launched that shameful ad about Obama, when Obama was trying to protect kids from pedophiles……Hmm…. just like the pedophiles that abused all of those poor innocent young boys in the Catholic Churches!!!

10 09 2008

Words cannot express how much I hate this Republican ticket. I wasn’t this angry when G.W. Bush was elected for the 2nd term. I can deal w/ the village idiot … but this McCain/Palin ticket was put together by Satan himself.

Anyone that can’t see the difference between how McCain runs his campaign and how Obama runs his campaign is insane. Karl Rove tactics will either turn off Republican voters OR prove to the rest of the world that Americans are idiots that are easily distracted by shiny new objects wearing lipstick. I look at the news and immediately start to believe that we’re doomed.

10 09 2008

In this case, in addition to the common meaning, it is also especially appropriate when talking about pork-barrel politics, given that while many projects are worthwhile, certainly some are more like asking for funds to build pyramids (“well, it is money for my district…” = lipstick on a pig, as well.)

Seriously, one of the (few) good things about this is that it has raised the visibility of pork-barrell politics. Consider how this works:

1) The US Government collects taxes from us, call this X.

2) Some of it gets spent on truly Federal/interstate concerns, running agencies in various places, the military, etc. Y

3) Some chunk, Z = X-Y, gets divvied up by politicians in Washington, in response to lobbying from people at the state & local level. After all, from the latter’s view, the pot of money Z is now “free money”, so you have to go fight for your share. In that light, given the rules, there’s nothing particular wrong about SP’s Wasilla lobbying efforts … what’s wrong is claiming to have been anti-earmark.

For one reason or another, as shows up in SP”s bridge, people will spend other’s money on things that they themselves will not pay taxes for.

Think about pyramids with lipstick: suppose you are a Senator, and you can get $100M for building a pyramid in your state. That money will go to local construction jobs, managers, local hotels, stores for the workers … voters! Should you go fight for that? Would you make that pyramid look as useful as you could?

4) Somehow, it would seem better if we reduced Z to (maybe) .2Z, and just kept the .8Z at the local/state level, and spent it there directly, without going through all this process, which certainly costs money, and centralizes power in Washington that would make the Founding Fathers shudder. Had there been Founding Mothers, they’d probably have shuddered more.


10 09 2008
phoebe in calif

When of when is the Mommie Dearest book coming out. BRISTOL. I’m not all that young & bought my first National Enquirer…stooping to a new low to get info on Sarah. MSM, WHERE ARE YOU…. you need to do your job & find a spine. This is our country…..don’t let the PODS take over. Thank God for Keith & Rachael.

10 09 2008

I had to google about the ‘infamous jet’ and it is now a Hunter’s Express.

For about $10,000, an outdoorsman — a rich outdoorsman — can buy passage between Anchorage and Petropavlovsk, a trip of about 4 1/2 hours, Reynolds said. If he can lure 300 clients a year, the business will do fine, he said.

Don Causey, a Miami man who publishes The Hunting Report and The Fishing Report, is teaming up with Reynolds and will work on booking clients. Most are expected to come from the Lower 48.

The Russian Far East is a popular destination for hunters and anglers, and the timing for a charter air service to take them there couldn’t be better, Causey said.

“We have a horrible time flying with firearms now,” he said. “One of the enormous appeals of this is not having gun problems.”

Causey said he e-mailed a bulletin about the charter to his subscribers on Tuesday, and within 15 minutes he had a booking from a man in Mexico.

Hunters won’t face the delays, limitations and scrutiny that come with flying commercially with guns, Causey said.

They’ll also get to Russia more quickly by flying from Anchorage, and Reynolds says he’s worked things out with Fish & Game to have agents come to his hangar on Carl Brady Drive to inspect the heads and racks hunters bring home.

Reynolds said the charter business should be up and running in April.

What a country!!

10 09 2008

The McCain-Palin ticket think they can get the job of President and Vice-President, by simply submitting well crafted resumes-waiter or waitress as a food expeditor-and expecting the job without having to interview with the employer who would like to ask before hiring about their experience and former work experience. THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES should not be censored by omission.

10 09 2008
10 09 2008

phoebe in california –

gosh, i so agree. I’m a big believer that this election will HAVE TO BE A GRASSROOTS door to door (oh, I will just go ahead and say it) FIGHT. What just gets my goat is how they are playing so fast and loose with everything, from “change” (my foot) to “Christian” (hmmmmm….) to “end of days” ( I missed the burning bush – I guess it was on FOX news one night) to . . . . to. . . to. . . these people have so much blood on their hands. 4000+ U.S. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN ARE GONE. 100K+ Iraqi citizens. GONE. I don’t feel good about that.

10 09 2008

Hi ProudtobeUsa:

My sentinments exactly. No matter how things turn out, I truly believe that Obama is a Peace Maker, he’s not the one trying to divide this nation again.

10 09 2008

Democrats are offering Americans a gentleman (and I CHOOSE that word) graduated #1 in his Harvard Law Class with focus on constitutional law. VEEP has strong record of foreign affairs. Hey MJC- what do the Catholics think of Joe Biden?????

Republicans are offering a two-timing man who graduated 5th from the bottom of his class and a beauty queen.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………………..ARE WE ALL THE VILLAGE IDIOTS to an earlier post? This one just seems so….well….obvious.

10 09 2008

They have the entire Republican PArty there and they claim to be anti-establishment reformists?

10 09 2008
phoebe in calif

I keep wondering how can so many people be so deceived by this foolishness & then it occured to me…maybe they not…they are just ignorant, prejudice & mean spirited. I keep repeating to myself… this is not an insignificant third world country…this is not an insignificant third world country. Lordy! Lordy! Lordy!

10 09 2008

Great blog. We are recommending you to WhirledView (our foreign affairs/New Mexico based blog) readers:

For the record, one member of the “truth squad” is Heather Wilson, my Congressperson The good news is that she’s a lame duck. She gve up her cliff-hanger House (NM-CD-1)seat to run for the Senate. She lost the June primary to someone even further to the right. The other piece of good news is that Tom Udall (D) is polling way ahead in the NM Senatorial race enough so that the DSCC announced last week that the Republican equivalent pulled $2.3 million for advertising from his opponent’s campaign. Sounds like conceding the race to me.

For your reader who is still getting Republican solicitations: In 2004, I got fed up, tore up the notices and sent them back to the GOP campaign (on their nickel). That stopped the mail solicitations and haven’t seen any since.

10 09 2008

Phoebe in calif:
No, this is not and insignificant third world country but it’s on it’s way. The Repubs along with the help of the media are destroying this country.
Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC did just play a clip of McCain using the pig/lipstick comment in reference to Hillary but and while the person she was talking to admitted it was commonly used, she said we now have a different situation. That’s right, Palin now has a copyright on lipstick.
Do you remember the video bio of McCain at the convention – there was the odd clip of his mother saying he’s a ‘Mama’s boy.” How true that was! He married an heiress and used her family and money to build his political career and now he has picked SP in order to hide behind her skirt while he lobs disgusting lies at the opposition.
I am so fed up with this. Everyone please send emails to the networks telling them you’re mad as hell and you’re not going to take this any more! Stop covering what everyone knows are Republican lies and smears. Ask why there is no coverage of Palin’s ignorance of the Fannie/Freddie collapse as shown by her shocking gaff. The stability of the world’s financial markets are at stake.
Why are they not reporting on the Newsweek article about her family’s harassment of Officer Wooten?

10 09 2008
phoebe in calif

What amazes me is that about half of the voters ….since the polls claim Obama & McCain are neck & neck…. are being duped into voting againt their own best interest unless they are in the $250,000 & above income bracket.

10 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ sosad and others but warning to ArkAngel
Check out this vid on Black Sabbath’s War Machine…

Images speak to a different, more emotional part of the brain. That’s why the GOP used the images they did for their manipulative 9/11 “tribute.”

10 09 2008

@Palmdale, CA –

Thanks for sharing.

What makes me mad:

1) Cheney and his Halliburton buddies made a ton of money every time one of our tanks blew up.

What makes me sad:

1) The mothers of BOTH sides and how they must feel when they hear their child (Iraqi OR American) is not coming home.

Yeah, that’s God’s work alright. NOT MY GOD – NOT MY PRINCE OF PEACE.

10 09 2008

Love the picture. Where/when was it? What organization displays a 49-star flag? Isn’t that a violation of the flag code?

10 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Could you please check something out for us. I just read the First Read piece Harley linked to and one of the comments jumped out at me.

We’ve heard the allegation that Wooten tased SP’s 11yo nephew. For real or just more mud? Was that during his marriage to Palin’s sister or afterwards? If during AND if SP had knowledge of it then rather than after the relationship went south, it would seem that she, both as a family member and as a public official, had some responsibility to take action then and there. I doubt any sane person would support tasing a kid, even having raised 2 boys myself who could be pretty obnoxious at times. Or does tasing under the fundamentalist rubric of not sparing the rod when correcting children’s bad behavior?

10 09 2008
Political Amazon

[you bet she is. Take a look here:

If you are female I encourage you to contribute as well. And everyone should digg it.]

A word of caution. The GOPers are well known for their names of organizations that are the exact opposite of what the organization is actually represents, and often they have webpages that advance this false idea. “Independent Women’s Forum” immediately comes to mind.

So cuidado, my friends. Investigate before you contribute.

10 09 2008
Political Amazon

[“Truth Squad”?!?!..I feel like we are finally living in Orwell’s 1984. I, too, found this blog by an internet act of Grace. It has kept me sane these last few days. Keep up the good work.]

Considering the name of “Homeland Security,” we’ve been living in Hitler’s Nazi Germany since right after 9/11.

10 09 2008
Doing political research? Check out this info on McCain and Palin | Rita Wilhelm's Blog

[…] Here’s the supposed ‘Truth Squad” of women McCain is sending to Alaska to keep things hush hush about Palin: […]

10 09 2008
Charles II

You need taller boots to go wading in this territory, Mudflats.

10 09 2008

I LOVE your blog. Thank you so much for rakin’ it up!
I want to know if the Colorado folks on this “squad” are being paid for heading up there. I’m going to do a little bit of my own ‘vestigatin’ on this issue. I’ll be damned if we have a state rep and a state board of ed member on the payroll at the same time they’re working for these yahoos!
Thanks for lighting a fire under my butt.

10 09 2008

The worst thing about this is that the majority of these women have been in politics and public service a long time and have tons more experience than Sarah Palin. Many of them would have been better choices for VP than her. Yet, the “good ol’ girl” system is just as bad as its nemesis. This doesn’t say much for women’s rights in this country. Sad.

10 09 2008

@phoebe in CA – don’t put everybody in that category, please! Wise voters are wise voters regardless of income. Trust me, there are several “high income” folks who are more than willing to pay a little extra to help, and we do through a lot of social services commitments (that the government has dropped) and volunteering. My beef is this gazillion dollar debt we have now, selling China $500B of our debt which means we are even more indebted, and now trying to cut services for people who are losing their homes and jobs. I just don’t want to WASTE my money.

10 09 2008

@pacificnwgal –

THEN GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE. As some of the other bloggers have recommended, it’s the local races that will mean something directly for us.

Did you call your local newspaper today to ask about the women in your district? How did they vote? Get THEM out – boy, that’s a statement – WE DON’T STAND FOR YOUR TRUTH SQUAD BS! Go, GRRRRRL!

10 09 2008
More Interesting stuff « Eddie’s Life :P

[…] Have fun! :] […]

10 09 2008

maybe the Truth Squad would like to explain the re-exportation of liquid natural gas from US LNG storage in the Gulf to the highest bidder rather than being used to “reduce our dependence on foreign oil”……….. see this letter from AWESOME senator from the great state of oregon:

(followed the post on Daily Kos to the good senator’s website)

and now i am back to reading posts from 7:40 this morning and it is almost 4:30 pm. ACK !

10 09 2008
phoebe in calif

i admit it’s a bit of a generalization, but hey, give me a little slack….. since Mud’s first posting i can hardly believe what has happend. After reading today’s Huffington Post headlines I thought maybe msm is going to some b…., but no they are going on & on about lipstick of a pig. Was everyone struck dumb…what’s the deal? I lived in Berkeley in the 60’s & yes, I was a Vietnam War protester. I just can’t believe the direction we are taking.

10 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Remembering the Axis of Friendship on this Sept. 12 is crucial to resisting another misuse of 9/11. Read the opinion piece, “U.S., Iran, and the Axis of Friendship,”

Sign the Axis of Friendship petition for peace and light a candle on September 12. Celebrate the diversity of your community and help us strengthen cross-cultural understanding and friendship by remembering the people of Iran.

September 11 became a pretext for war against what the president called the “axis of evil.” Congress is now considering legislation, H.R. 362 “The Ahmadinejad Protection and Promotion Act of 2008” that could lead to yet another war, this time with Iran. The legislation has over 260 cosponsors and calls for a naval blockade, an act of war under international law.
Find out more here:

10 09 2008

Want more info on McCain/Palin? You gotta check out .

10 09 2008

Want more info on McCain/Palin? You gotta check out

10 09 2008
The Political Assistant

The Political Assistant says….

The RNC was a 21st century Klan rally. I have never heard so many code words for the N-word in my life. McCain should be ashamed of himself for allowing his campaign to stoop to such low tactics. I’ve watched this race from the beginning.

The McCain camp does not have an agenda, unless it means trying to scare the hell out of everybody. I’ve heard nothing about the poor, I’ve heard nothing about the economy, I’ve heard nothing about the enviornment that I haven’t heard from George Bush. Sarah Palin walked up to the podium during the RNC and gave one of the most insulting, covertly racist, and boring speeches I’ve heard in a long time. When the “Adults” from the right return to this race let me know, because right now the McCain camp sounds like a bunch of petulant children trying to argue why they won’t eat their peas.

10 09 2008
Behold! The McCain Palin “Truth Squad!” « Willpen’s World

[…] Another breaking Palin story from Mudflats […]

10 09 2008

So let me get this right… The GOP see’s Hillary’s success with women voters and then drops in Sarah “I have a uterus too” Palin as the VP nominee only to anger many American women from both sides. So, to stave off the gaff (And maybe to be allowed to sleep in the bed again) they foist off a whole squad of uteruses to convince us that the first one is really great? What next? I feel like any day now I’m going to wake up and turn on the computer or tv and see that the GOP has kindly issued pink sparkly uterus stickers so they can easily lable things that are “good” so we, the (apparently stupid) female voters, can simply match up our anatomy to whatever lies they want to believe.

10 09 2008

i like this blog, it has jumped to top 100 blog now

10 09 2008

previous governors also got paid to stay at home, you idiot. and troopergate is is not a scandal. it’s a joke, as is this blog entry. to use your own sarcastic words, knock it off, and quit with all this fringe, liberal, left-wing nutty blogosphere over-reaction!

10 09 2008

If she was telling the truth, she wouldn’t need a “Truth Squad.”
Piggy Palin is a pathological liar.

10 09 2008

Hey AKMUCKRAKER this stuff is finally making the MSM!

I think I’m in love with Rachel Maddow. heh.

10 09 2008

I thought that was one hilarious post. McCain is so damned afraid that Palin will embarrass him more than she has already, that he has a spin machine out there doing a lot of lying on her behalf. And if you don’t believe the “truth squad” believe McCain’s ads instead. Keep up the good work.

10 09 2008
11 09 2008

After the New York Times issued a retraction on the Alaskan Independence Party story, you would think people would let it go. It wasn’t Sarah Palin, but her husband, MANY YEAR AGO, whowas breifly involved in this party, but I guess that won’t keep your guys from publishing lies about it, after all it was just the other day that Daily Kos and the Huffington Post were tying Palin to al-Qaeda. Under this same train of logic, we should attack Barack Obama on his Marxist/Socialist roots, hell, he is ACTUALLY tied to a terrorist if you haven’t forgotten Bill Ayers and the Weathermen.

Get your facts straight and do the actually research, don’t simply throw-up the crap the far-left is trying to feed the rest of us.

11 09 2008
Yay, Sarah Palin has a “Truth Squad”! « break the terror

[…] what’s Sarah Palin’s “truth squad”?  Well… …a group of spunky Republicans put together based completely upon party affiliation, […]

11 09 2008

Great post! Keep them coming!

11 09 2008

At least Govenor Palin wasn’t served…
“legal documents pertaining to Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083.
The DNC was served at 12:00 p.m. and Senator Obama was served at 1:00 p.m. The U.S. Attorney’s Office accepted service on behalf of the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) on or about August 22, 2008.”
When I ask CNN why they haven’t reported this..well we all know how that goes.
I put the entire story on my blog.

11 09 2008

Well now that is all cleared up…we can all sleep better at night! I never thought I would feel safer with George Bush as President, but you know….better the idiot you know than the freaked-out power princess slated save the USA from its corruption and moral sins. Uh huh….stop the planet…I WANT OFF! ~~Dee

11 09 2008

Hi clancop…..I see your comments and I agree with you…but it cuts both ways. Those on the “far right” also need to get their facts straight before they throw out innuendo as “the truth”.

When Clinton was running, it was okay for McCain to use the “lipstick on a pig” remark against her. I don’t remember any of the so called “Truth Squad” calling his remark sexist. It’s amazing how the same remark is now sexist because Obama used it in a general way. We are just getting more B.S. baffles brains stuff from the far right. as they attempt to keep the focus off the real issues. What a shame the candidates can’t have a dialogue about what matters most to people……

11 09 2008

Just a small point to follow up Proud2BUSA’s informative links about CUFI, Hagee etc. : The American Prospect article references Joshua’s Generation – this is an alias of Joel’s Army, the most lunatic wing of the extreme religious right.

I recommend reading dogemperor on or dKos to learn more about the bewildering array of groups involved in the dominionist movement. Among these groups is the Assemblies of God, which is the main religious influence of the beloved AK governor. As with the AK Independence Party, she is now distancing herself from AoG. Very reminiscent of Hagee’s tactics in trying to present a more moderate image to outsiders.

11 09 2008

R. I. P.

Straight Talk Express

The new bus is called the BS Express

11 09 2008

@ Proud2BUSA (09:21:43) :

phoebe in california –

gosh, i so agree. I’m a big believer that this election will HAVE TO BE A GRASSROOTS door to door (oh, I will just go ahead and say it) FIGHT. What just gets my goat is how they are playing so fast and loose with

Hi Mudflats Family

I am here in Lansing,MI…I am busy volunteering for Obama…we had a meeting tonight…I will be working the phone banks tomarrow night…and Saturday will be canvas door to door…

After I left the meeting…I stop in a shell gas station…and the cashier that was on duty…I ask her was she register to vote …and she said no…and I has forms in my car…so I got one for her and she filled it out…

There is a serious grassroot movement going on across this country…to fight for our country…from the lying republican…and religious right wing movement…

If we are not careful…we are going to find ourselves in a regilious war …right here in the USA…

The republican just keep repeating lies…to brainwash people into thinking they it is true…

The family on mudflats …are thinker…and know how to think for themselves…keep up the fight mudflats family…

When you are fighting lier…you have to fight 24/7….

Good comments…I try to read as many as ossible…

11 09 2008

So what about those Demorcrate/Hillary supporters??
This one switched and is voting McCain/Palin..why the gravy train

Democratic Convention…brought to you by Corporate America!

Reporter pushed around…he was investigating lobbyists at the DNC

Lobbyists and loopholes at the DNC…ABC’s “The Money Trail”

12 09 2008

More from the gravy train..
The night of the DNC Wolf Blitzer casually stated the CFR..Council on Foreign Relations were having a meeting backstage while some of the guest speakers were talking..he paused, looked at the monitor and quickly changed the subject..hmm
Obama’s camp is a who’s who of the Clinton Administration!!
Foreign Policy Brain Trusts: Obama’s Advisers
Author: Joanna Klonsky, Campaign 2008 Staff
Updated July 21, 2008
…Obama has attracted as advisers a number of top foreign policy experts who served under President Bill Clinton. Many of Obama’s top advisers were opposed to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, although a number of prominent Democrats, including Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), supported the action at the time. Obama’s advisers generally appear to agree with his belief that it is “important for the United States not just to talk to its friends but also to talk to its enemies.”
A New Foreign Policy Vision
…Obama was elected to the Senate in 2005 and serves on the Foreign Relations Committee…Like other presidential campaigns, Obama’s draws on a long list of advisers on foreign policy matters. The New York Times reported in July 2008 that the list swelled to more than three hundred experts after Sen. Clinton suspended her candidacy and some chief advisers joined Obama’s team.
The Obama campaign says its most senior advisers include several ranking Clinton administration officials, the Brookings Institution’s Susan E. Rice, former National Security Adviser Anthony Lake, and former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig.
Obama advocates a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions, and has said the United States should invest $150 billion over ten years to advance clean-energy technology.
National Security Advisers
Obama has stressed his commitment to winning the battle against Taliban forces in Afghanistan. He has also vowed that he would pursue al-Qaeda elements into Pakistan, with or without government permission, if he had strong intelligence the group was planning an attack on the United States.
Obama’s leading national security advisers include:
Denis McDonough,
senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, is the national security coordinator for Obama’s campaign. McDonough was foreign policy adviser to former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle.
“Whether it’s our approach to torture, or climate change, or how we’re dealing with Iran, to Iraq, to the Middle East peace process you’re going to see significant changes,” – Derek Chollet, Center for a New American Security.
McDonough has been outspoken on energy and environmental policy. In June 2007, McDonough urged the Group of Eight (G8) to take action to combat climate change, and warned that current levels of development assistance are “woefully insufficient” to help underdeveloped nations deal with climate change. McDonough has also said that the United States should do more to “promote the development of our domestic clean energy sector industry.” McDonough said on a Brookings Institution panel in May 2007 that it is “far past time” for the United States to institute a cap-and-trade system mandating “very aggressive reductions” (PDF) in greenhouse gases, with the goal of an 80 percent reduction over 1990 levels by 2050.
Richard Danzig, Sam Nunn Prize fellow in international security at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, is also a consultant to the Department of Defense on bioterrorism. Danzig was Navy secretary in the Clinton administration.
In a 2007 Armed Forces Journal roundtable, Danzig said U.S. grand security strategy should “aim to keep us and our allies free to pursue our interests and values, to reduce the amount of armed conflict in the world and to protect our citizens as much as possible (both at home and abroad) from the conflict that exists.” He said U.S. defense strategy should not “over-design [sic] our military on the premise that a particular scenario, type of conflict or type of unit is the be-all and end-all.”
In his role as bioweapons consultant to the Pentagon, Danzig has warned against several possible scenarios involving terrorist use of biological warfare. In 2004, Danzig said it was becoming increasingly likely that a terrorist group could create biological weapons. “It seems likely that, over a period between a few months and a few years, broadly skilled individuals equipped with modest laboratory equipment can develop biological weapons,” Danzig told the Washington Post. “Only a thin wall of terrorist ignorance and inexperience now protects us.”
Jonathan Scott Gration,
a retired two-star general in the Air Force, is CEO of Millennium Villages, a project based on the UN Millennium Development Goals aimed at lifting African villages out of poverty. Gration speaks Swahili and spent much of his childhood in Congo.
He was director of strategy, policy, and assessments for the United States European Command in Germany. A veteran of the 1991 Gulf War, Gration also served as Commander of Task Force West during the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq before retiring. He now supports Obama’s proposal to withdraw combat troops from Iraq, although he told the New York Sun in August 2007, “if it’s very clear that the al-Maliki government is making significant progress, that we’re turning the tide, it would be crazy not to readjust” that plan. Gration noted that he was not commenting on behalf of the Obama campaign in that instance.
Sam Nunn,
a former Georgia senator, has led efforts to reduce the global threat posed by nuclear weapons. Nunn is cochair and CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, an organization dedicated to lessening the threat of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. With Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-IN), Nunn introduced the 1991 legislation that led to the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program (CTR). The CTR, which was initially intended to assist the former Soviet Union in dismantling its nuclear program, has since expanded to reducing the threat from all weapons of mass destruction.
For eight of his twenty-four years in the Senate, Nunn served as chairman of the Armed Services Committee. Nunn voted against the authorization of the first Gulf War in 1991. He has also been critical of the Bush administration’s “war on terror.” In 2006, Nunn said North Korea’s test of a nuclear weapon proved the United States “started at the wrong end of the ‘axis of evil'” (NYT).
Nunn opposed President Clinton’s proposal to lift the ban on gays in the military (UPI) and supported the “don’t ask, don’t tell” military policy toward homosexuality. In 2008, however, Nunn said it would be “appropriate to take another look” at that policy.
William J. Perry
is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a professor at Stanford University. From 1994 to 1997, Perry served as President Bill Clinton’s secretary of defense. Under Perry’s leadership, the United States sent military forces into Haiti in 1994 with the goal of pressuring that country’s military junta into reinstating deposed president Jean Bertrand Aristide. Perry also oversaw U.S. military action in Bosnia beginning in 1994. Perry has advocated a national security policy of “preventive defense” and directs the Preventive Defense Project out of Harvard and Stanford Universities.
A critic of the current war in Iraq, Perry served as a member of the Iraq Study Group, which published a report offering seventy-nine proposals for improving the situation in Iraq in 2006. In a 2006 interview with NPR, Perry said there “is no military solution in Iraq.” At the time, he called for the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops by early 2008.
A proponent of nuclear disarmament, Perry dealt extensively with U.S.-North Korea relations as defense secretary and has been critical of the Bush administration’s policy toward North Korea. In a May 2008 Washington Post op-ed, Perry recommended that the Bush administration focus on “limiting North Korea’s nuclear capabilities by concluding the elimination of plutonium production.”
Sarah Sewall
is a lecturer in public policy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and director of Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. Sewall was deputy assistant secretary of defense for peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance during the Clinton administration.
Sewall collaborated with Gen. David Petraeus to rewrite the Army and Marine Corps counterinsurgency field guide. In a Washington Post op-ed, Sewall said the guide stressed the need for counterinsurgent forces to integrate into the population, “assuming more physical risk to soldiers.” She also said humanitarian assistance and construction projects are “critical to the fight.” Sewall also criticized the Bush “surge” strategy as having “too few capable U.S., allied and Iraqi counterinsurgent forces; weak U.S. efforts at promoting political and economic reform; and corrupt or feckless Iraqi institutions and leadership.” In a Foreign Service Journal article in 2007, Sewall called for a national doctrine (PDF) that clearly delineates civilian and military responsibilities in nation building during a counterinsurgency campaign.
Foreign Policy Advisers
Obama’s diverse group of foreign policy advisers includes former National Security Adviser Anthony Lake, prominent lawyer and State Department veteran Gregory B. Craig, and Africa expert Susan E. Rice. All three held top positions in Bill Clinton’s administration. Like Obama, his advisers are critical of the Bush foreign policy agenda in Iraq and Afghanistan, on Darfur, and with respect to U.S.-Latin America relations, among others.
Obama’s advisers are critical of the Bush foreign policy agenda in Iraq and Afghanistan, on Darfur, and with respect to U.S.-Latin America relations.
Anthony Lake was a national security adviser to President Clinton and is now a professor at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. Lake served under President Clinton during several major foreign policy crises, including the conflicts in Bosnia and Somalia, among others. Lake advocated keeping a U.S. presence in Somalia even after many voices in the United States called for a withdrawal. In an interview with PBS’ Frontline, Lake said, “I still believe that if we had immediately turned tail in Somalia, there would have been other similar tragedies around the world.”
On the crisis in Sudan’s Darfur region, in 2006, Lake, with Susan Rice, urged the United States to “press for a UN resolution that issues Sudan an ultimatum: accept unconditional deployment of the UN force within one week or face military consequences.” In a Washington Post op-ed, Lake and Rice argued that the United States could also intervene in Darfur without UN approval. “The United States acted without UN blessing in 1999 in Kosovo to confront a lesser humanitarian crisis (perhaps 10,000 killed) and a more formidable adversary,” they wrote.
Susan E. Rice,
a Brookings Institution senior fellow for foreign policy, global economy, and development, served as assistant secretary of state for African affairs in the later years of the Clinton administration.
Rice has been a critic of the war in Iraq and she said in September 2007 that the troop surge is not achieving “its intended and stated objective of giving the Iraqi political factions the space that is necessary to resolve their political differences.”
Rice has also advocated a tougher U.S. response to the crisis in Darfur, Sudan. In 2007, Rice published a position paper (PDF) calling for more stringent economic sanctions on Sudan and for Congress to authorize the use of force to end the crisis, among other recommendations. In 2005, Rice urged the United States and international groups like NATO and the African Union to “embrace an emerging international norm that recognizes the ‘responsibility to protect’ innocent civilians facing death on a mass scale and whose governments cannot or will not protect them.”
Rice also categorizes global poverty as a factor in U.S. national security. In 2006, Rice warned in The National Interest that poverty “dramatically increases the risk of civil conflict” (PDF) and “prevents poor countries from devoting sufficient resources to detect and contain deadly disease.” Rice has repeatedly said the Bush administration should devote up to 0.7 percent of U.S. gross domestic product, a target set as part of the UN’s Millenium Development Project, to overseas development assistance by 2015.
Gregory B. Craig,
a former Clinton White House aide, served as director of policy planning under former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Craig is a partner at the Washington-based Williams & Connolly law firm. Among his most prominent cases was the defense of President Clinton against his impeachment. From 1984 to 1988, Craig served as senior adviser on defense, foreign policy, and national security issues for Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA).
Madeleine K. Albright
served as secretary of state under President Clinton, and, before that, as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Among the most notable foreign policy challenges during Albright’s tenure were the war in Kosovo, the containment of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, nuclear disarmament talks with North Korea, and efforts to broker a Palestinian-Israeli peace agreement. The case of Kosovo typified her support of a kind of muscular diplomacy to advance U.S. and humanitarian interests…
Albright has been a strong backer of democracy promotion, helping to found the Community of Democracies, an organization of like-minded states, in her final years in office. She has been cochair for CFR Independent Task Forces on threats to democracy and supporting Arab democracy.
Economic Advisers
In turbulent economic times, Obama has promoted an agenda including tax relief for the middle class, “fair trade” policies that protect workers’ rights and the environment, and creation of new jobs in the energy sector. The following are his chief aides on international economic matters:
Jason Furman,
a senior fellow for economics at the Brookings Institution, became economic policy director for the Obama campaign in June 2008. Furman served as special assistant to the president for economic policy in the Clinton administration and was a staff economist at the Council of Economic Advisers. He has also been a senior economic adviser to the chief economist at the World Bank, and the director of economic policy for Sen. John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. Furman formerly directed the Hamilton Project, an economic policy shop housed within Brookings that is advised by former Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin, with whom Furman is often associated.
In 2007, Furman told the New York Times that he believes “the best thing we can do for free trade is focus on strengthening domestic policies that strengthen social insurance.” To this end, he said, the United States should have laws guaranteeing the unemployed with health insurance and granting U.S. workers wage insurance that would pay out if they are laid off and have to work for lower pay. Furman has written extensively about tax policy, fiscal policy and health care reform. Furman calls universal health care an “economic imperative” (PDF).
William M. Daley
served as chairman of President Bill Clinton’s NAFTA Task Force. A few years after the enactment of the trade agreement, Daley became Clinton’s secretary of commerce.
Daley remains a believer in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), even though Obama has criticized it extensively and has pledged to renegotiate the deal if elected. Daley has said he has “a difference of opinion” with Obama on NAFTA. He also warned against making promises about NAFTA that would be difficult to keep. “Saying to the Mexicans, if he were to win the presidency, ‘Now, I’ve got a political problem here. Can we work this out?’ That won’t work,” Daley said to the Chicago Tribune.
As commerce secretary, Daley praised the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and its $60 million equity fund investment in Gaza, the West Bank and Jordan as demonstrating “the commitment of the United States to furthering the cause of peace in the region.”
In 2000, Daley served as campaign chairman for the unsuccessful presidential run of former Vice President Al Gore. Daley now heads J.P. Morgan Chase’s office of corporate social responsibility, where he has said he will try “to reduce our own emissions while upgrading our systems to make us more environmentally friendly” (Crain’s Chicago Business).
Austan Goolsbee,
an economics professor at the University of Chicago, is a senior research fellow at the American Bar Association and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Goolsbee is a free trade advocate who has criticized the Bush administration for failing to enforce the rules of existing trade agreements and for not bringing enough cases before the World Trade Organization.
Goolsbee made headlines in March 2008 over his meeting with the Canadian Consulate General in Chicago to discuss Obama’s critical stance toward NAFTA. Initial reports said Goolsbee assured Canadian officials that Obama did not really intend to renegotiate NAFTA, as he has often claimed on the campaign trail. The Obama campaign denied these reports.
In an April 2007 policy report from the Progressive Policy Institute, Goolsbee said the Bush administration’s tax cuts for the wealthy have failed as policy (PDF). Eliminating those tax cuts, along with federal spending reductions, “will more than pay for everything Senator Obama has proposed,” Goolsbee told the New York Times in April 2008…
Daniel K. Tarullo
is a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, where he teaches international economic regulation, international law, and banking law. He is also a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. In the Clinton administration, Tarullo served as assistant secretary of state for economic and business affairs, deputy assistant to the president for economic policy, and assistant to the president for international economic policy.

28 09 2008
Missouri Sheriffs & Top Prosecutors Form Obama "Truth Squads" - Shopping Boards

[…] Behold! The McCain Palin Truth Squad! Mudflats […]