“Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Who are THEY?” asks Palin.

8 09 2008

OK, it wasn’t that bad, but it was a pretty bad gaffe.

The number one issue of concern on people’s minds these days is the economy. Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs today Saturday, Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.”


Sorry. These lending institutions “aren’t taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization,” according to McClatchy.

As the current administration skips merrily along with their convenient ideology of privatizing profits, and socializing failures, Palin is obviously oblivious to the inner workings of….uh oh….the ECONOMY.

Palin’s statement “is somewhat nonsensical because up until yesterday there was sort of no public funding there,” said Andrew Jakobovics of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. “The ‘too expensive to tax payers,’ I don’t know where that comes from.”

“You would like to think that someone who is going to be vice president and conceivable president would know what Fannie and Freddie do,” said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. “These are huge institutions and they are absolutely central to our country’s mortgage debt. To not have a clue what they do doesn’t speak well for her, I’d say.”

Neither does she. But notice that Palin didn’t dodge the question. She didn’t panic and say she’d need to check with someone, or that she needed more information, or skirt around it. She actually felt confident enough to answer, and lay it all out there – and be completely wrong. She had no clue.

At least we now know that McCain, who admitted he didn’t really know much about the economy, decided to balance the ticket by choosing a running mate who doesn’t know ANYthing.



181 responses

8 09 2008
What would BAAL do?

We already know Palin doesn’t know how to count…

8 09 2008
wired differently

I don’t know whether to weep or cheer.

8 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

OK, I can’t stay away.

McCain ad called a “lie.” FINALLY! and Obama to Palin: “You just can’t make this stuff up.” Well, no, but that depends on how you look at it. We’ve been saying it for a week for all the true stuff about her.

And finally, also from CNN, the You Tube video of Sarah at her church as part of a report Jessica Yelin, including some quotes. Unfortunately not the entire You Tube vid is included, but just maybe people will search it out. For me, just as important as the content is her demeanor.

8 09 2008
The Traveling Filipina

I just shake my head. Seriously, I think I know more about foreign policy (15 countries and 4 continents under my belt and I’m bilingual–yesh!) and economics (backpacker budgeting) than Palin.

She scares me. Totally. Scares. Me.

BRB. Phonebanking for Obama.

8 09 2008

This one may just be good enouth to get to Olberman or Maddow. It’s way too “technical” for the MSM, I’m afraid!

8 09 2008

Why does the economy matter? If gw says it doesn’t matter, then it doesn’t. Afterall, he’s the guy with the MBA from Harvard.

The fiascos keep on growing. Enron, WorldCom, FannieMae… all the same because gw wants everyone to self-police. There was a time when government kept the abuses in check. Not anymore. It’s bound to get worse with McCain and Secessionist Sarah. He who knows not much about it and she who taxes industry when the coffers are already brimming beyond all belief.

If the McCain/Palin ticket wins, we might as well bend over, stick our heads up our asses and say good-bye.

8 09 2008

Even scarier, McCain applauding in the background.

8 09 2008

are they letting her speak ad lib already? or is she just repeating the errors of the speechwriter in house of mccain?

oh and this is my first post – although i have read just about every comment posted the past 7 days……….wow. love this blog.

8 09 2008
Independent in AZ

SP and JM to the penalty box. SP for “taxpayer funded” fuzziness….JM for overall “lack of economic knowledge” white out..
What will Obama and Biden do while still on the ice during penalty time?
game on!

8 09 2008

OH, I think that was a dang bad gaffe for a possible US President.

8 09 2008
Liisa Reid

FYI – Palin and her stand on issues of importance to all of us, and not just for Natives, of course.

Hello, Thanks for this blog. I just received an email with some important information on Palin’s position on Native Alaskan issues. In case you don’t already have it here it is. Liisa

Source for this info:

Lloyd B. Miller
Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse,
Miller & Munson, LLP
900 West Fifth Avenue, Suite 700
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Telephone: (907)258-6377
Facsimile: (907)272-8332
E-Mail: lloyd@sonosky.net
Temporary New York City phone: (212) 204-6394

Sarah Palin’s Record on
Alaska Native and Tribal Issues
1. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Fishing
Perhaps no issue is of greater importance to Alaska Native peoples as the right to hunt
and fish according to ancient customary and traditional practices, and to carry on the subsistence
way of life for future generations.
Governor Sarah Palin has consistently opposed those rights.
Once in office, Governor Palin decided to continue litigation that seeks to overturn every
subsistence fishing determination the federal government has ever made in Alaska. (State of
Alaska v. Norton, 3:05-cv-0158-HRH (D. Ak).) In pressing this case, Palin decided against
using the Attorney General (which usually handles State litigation) and instead continued
contracting with Senator Ted Stevens’ brother-in-law’s law firm (Birch, Horton, Bittner &
The goal of Palin’s law suit is to invalidate all the subsistence fishing regulations the
federal government has issued to date to protect Native fishing, and to force the courts instead to
take over the roll of setting subsistence regulations. Palin’s law suit seeks to diminish
subsistence fishing rights in order to expand sport and commercial fishing.
In May 2007, the federal court rejected the State’s main challenge, holding that Congress
in 1980 had expressly granted the U.S. Interior and Agriculture Departments the authority to
regulate and protect Native and rural subsistence fishing activities in Alaska. (Decision entered
May 15, 2007 (Dkt. No. 110).)
Notwithstanding this ruling, Palin continues to argue in the litigation that the federal
subsistence protections are too broad, and should be narrowed to exclude vast areas from
subsistence fishing, in favor of sport and commercial fishing. Palin opposes subsistence
protections in marine waters, on many of the lands that Natives selected under their 1971 land
claims settlement with the state and federal governments, and in many of the rivers where Alaska
Natives customarily fish. (Alaska Complaint at 15-18.) Palin also opposes subsistence fishing
protections on Alaska Native federal allotments that were deeded to individuals purposely to
foster Native subsistence activities. All these issues are now pending before the federal district
2. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Subsistence Hunting
Palin has also sought to invalidate critical determinations the Federal Subsistence Board
has made regarding customary and traditional uses of game, specifically to take hunting
opportunities away from Native subsistence villagers and thereby enhance sport hunting.
Palin’s attack here on subsistence has focused on the Ahtna Indian people in Chistochina.
Although the federal district court has rejected Palin’s challenge, she has carried on an appeal
that was argued in August 2008. (State of Alaska v. Fleagle, No. 07-35723 (9th Cir.).)
In both hunting and fishing matters, Palin has continued uninterrupted the policies
initiated by the former Governor Frank Murkowski Administration, challenging hunting and
fishing protections that Native people depend upon for their subsistence way of life in order to
enhance sport fishing and hunting opportunities. Palin’s lawsuits are a direct attack on the core
way of life of Native Tribes in rural Alaska.
3. Palin has attacked Alaska Tribal Sovereignty
Governor Palin opposes Alaska tribal sovereignty.
Given past court rulings affirming the federally recognized tribal status of Alaska Native
villages, Palin does not technically challenge that status. But Palin argues that Alaska Tribes
have no authority to act as sovereigns, despite their recognition.
So extreme is Palin on tribal sovereignty issues that she has sought to block tribes from
exercising any authority whatsoever even over the welfare of Native children, adhering to a 2004
legal opinion issued by the former Murkowski Administration that no such jurisdiction exists
(except when a state court transfers a matter to a tribal court).
Both the state courts and the federal courts have struck down Palin’s policy of refusing to
recognize the sovereign authority of Alaska Tribes to address issues involving Alaska Native
children. Native Village of Tanana v. State of Alaska, 3AN-04-12194 CI (judgment entered
Aug. 26, 2008) (Ak. Super. Ct.); Native Kaltag Tribal Council v. DHHS, No. 3:06-cv-00211-
TMB (D. Ak.), pending on appeal No 08-35343 (9th Cir.)). Nonetheless, Palin’s policy of
refusing to recognize Alaska tribal sovereignty remains unchanged.
4. Palin has attacked Alaska Native Languages
Palin has refused to accord proper respect to Alaska Native languages and voters by
refusing to provide language assistance to Yup’ik speaking Alaska Native voters. As a result,
Palin was just ordered by a special three-judge panel of federal judges to provide various forms
of voter assistance to Yup’ik voters residing in southwest Alaska. Nick v. Bethel, No. 3:07-cv-
0098-TMB (D. Ak.) (Order entered July 30, 2008). Citing years of State neglect, Palin was
ordered to provide trained poll workers who are bilingual in English and Yup’ik; sample ballots
in written Yup’ik; a written Yup’ik glossary of election terms; consultation with local Tribes to
ensure the accuracy of Yup’ik translations; a Yup’ik language coordinator; and pre-election and
post-election reports to the court to track the State’s efforts.
In sum, measured against some the rights that are most fundamental to Alaska Native Tribes –
the subsistence way of life, tribal sovereignty and voting rights – Palin’s record is a failure.

8 09 2008

Hey welcome Enough the more the merrier!

Has anyone asked her about Freddie and Fannie’s sister Sallie??? She’s a real burden on the “taxpayers” too… not to mention the harassed out of their mind former students with student loans… and why hasn’t anyone talked about that to McShame et al…

8 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

and she is asking us to hire her? what a joke!!! It was mentioned on CNN earlier in the day I believe that she was suppose to do a solo event in PA but the campaign said she was not ready!!! But, she is asking us to hire her! again, is this really happening?

8 09 2008

Ignorant comment, but I just have to offer one minor correction: she didn’t say that today. She said it Saturday, when she was here in Colorado Springs. I don’t know what to make of the fact that no one reported it until today…

8 09 2008

No wonder Palin is grounded (having to stick with McCain). She hasn’t studied for any of her tests. XD

8 09 2008

Wow! My local NBC station just reported that Palin’s earmark requests were ten times higher on a per capita basis that previous Alaska requests…

8 09 2008

Oh! Obama will be on CNN for a speech here in a bit. Heads up.

8 09 2008

Ignorance is Bliss!

Miss Bliss of America – Running on Ignorance!

8 09 2008

It does not matter. No matter how ignorant or unqualified for VP and President she may be, those who support her do not care! In their minds she is a soul sister and that is all that counts.

The only thing that will make the unwashed masses see the truth is if she is exposed as a danger to them as well as to the rest of the country/world.

She is a stooge and tool of those who have put her where she is.

Her world view is the same world view of most Americans and that is why we are in big trouble.

8 09 2008
Leila Abu-Saba

Understanding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is ELITIST, don’t you see?

Can’t have elitists running the country who understand economic policy, financial institutions, diplomacy and foreign affairs. If such people were to be in charge of things, the voters might feel INFERIOR. DISRESPECTED. The head of state and his/her second-in-command need to be REGULAR FOLKS you can HAVE A BEER WITH. People who know where foreign countries are and can converse intelligently with foreign heads of state are not real Americans and should not be allowed to attain high office.

8 09 2008
Sarah in CA

I’m sure glad I switched student loan lenders several years ago…

Frightening as it is to think of this woman being this close to the presidency, think of who she might put in her VP spot if God-forbid something happened to McCain?

@ Lisa Reid: “In both hunting and fishing matters, Palin has continued uninterrupted the policies initiated by the former Governor Frank Murkowski Administration, challenging hunting and fishing protections that Native people depend upon for their subsistence way of life in order to enhance sport fishing and hunting opportunities.”

To those Alaskans out there: how big of a deal is made of things like this in Alaska? I know how well we treat our native american populace here in the lower 48 (NOT!), so I was curious how much support there is. From what I’ve read, there seems to be quite a lot of racism toward native Alaskans.

8 09 2008

GREAT new ad calling McPalin LIARS


8 09 2008

Hey Gibson !! Show us that you are a REAL journalist and don’t leave your nuts OR career in Alaska.

8 09 2008
NY Dem

(Posted by ellen at 14:03:54)

She is a stooge and tool of those who have put her where she is.

Good one Ellen ! As I was reading the other post above about Sarah and her hiring of Ted Steven’s law firm, the first thing that came to mind was the olf 3 Stooges shorts, and their law firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe !

That an appropriate frim for SP to hire !!!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk !!!

8 09 2008

Good grief. Palin’s overconfidence in her ignorance is going to help sink her (I hope). I think this trait comes from her Miss Alaska experience. Pageant contestants perfect the art of talking without actually saying anything. Remember that poor girl in the Miss Teen USA pageant who was asked why Americans couldn’t locate the U.S. on a map? Her words were total gibberish, but she had to act confident with what she said. That doesn’t cut it when the whole world is waiting for you to make a mistake.

8 09 2008

NYTimes (sept. 08)

In an interview with “Fox and Friends,” to be broadcast on Tuesday morning, President Bush extols the Republican vice-presidential nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin as an “inspired pick.”

The chat was filmed after the last tee-ball game at the White House, where Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade talked to Mr. Bush about the presidential race and the Republican ticket.

According to limited excerpts sent along by Fox News, Mr. Bush said of Ms. Palin, “I find her to be a very dynamic, capable, smart woman who, you know, it really says that John McCain made an inspired pick, to me.”

“inspired” — how much better can it get?

8 09 2008

To Liisa Reid:

Wonderful info. That is exactly what we need.

Can you provide a direct link on that? We can get that info out. We just need a link so it’s easier for the readers and fact checkers.

Death by a thousand cuts …

8 09 2008

For those looking for a quick & easy contrast of actual Obama/McCain policy that you can use with others: This links to CNN’s matchup of the candidates’ tax proposals. Quickly debunks the utter lies that McCain et al have been spewing about Obama increasing taxes for those who make less than $42k a year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fbxpMw4mco

Also, I’ve seen a couple posts saying that Palin’s special needs funding cut is not true… can we get a definitive answer on this factoid? Has it been disproven?

Thanks Mudflateers

8 09 2008

“Can’t have elitists running the country who understand economic policy, financial institutions, diplomacy and foreign affairs. If such people were to be in charge of things, the voters might feel INFERIOR. DISRESPECTED. The head of state and his/her second-in-command need to be REGULAR FOLKS you can HAVE A BEER WITH.”

For some reason it is hard not to see Palin as a natural for the role of Diana Moon Glampers, Vonnegut’s Handicapper General. (The Wikipedia article for this short story is here.)

8 09 2008

I’m thinking Freddie Fanny and Sallie are probably members of Palin’s conregayshun at that thar snake handlin church…

8 09 2008

Thank you Wolfe Blitzer. CNN just show a clip of Palin criticizing Obama about earmarks and claiming she cut earmarks and Obama asked for much much more. Blitzer immediately followed Palin’s film clip with a rebuttal that Palin’s per capita requests in AK were far more than that of Obama on a per capita basis. Alaska asked for more Federal money than any other state (per capita).

8 09 2008
portland oregon native

Just watched Chris Mathews on MSNBC and he says the race has become not what but who. McCain and Palin are “the pair” she is acting “almost like a first lady”.
It is who do you want to see in the White house? Barack and Michelle or John and Sarah? Who looks like me? All the talk about “community organizers” is nothing more than not so veiled racism.
I think Mr. Mathews may have a point.
Now how do we fight against this? AND take this election process back to real issues? Otherwise John and Sarah are going to be sending out the the White House Christmas cards at our expense.

8 09 2008
Sarah in CA

Apparently McPalin went after Obama & his earmarks in their latest stint in Missouri. Don’t Americans realize that pretty much EVERY bill has earmarks? And that EVERY state more or less requests them? And that some of them are for GOOD, not EVIL?

Palin is quoted as saying, “”Just the other day our opponent brought up earmarks — and frankly I was surprised that he would even raise the subject at all,” Palin said. “I thought he wouldn’t want to go there.”

WHAT? *blink blink*

I just can’t believe the hypocrisy. As Obama said, “Words mean something. You can’t just make stuff up.”

And why doesn’t she ever say his name? It’s always, “our opponent.” I don’t get what that’s about.

8 09 2008

thanks for clearing that up! my local political reporter said it but sort of jumbled it – hey KC is a 2nd string market

now it makes sense and all I can say is BWWWAHAHAHAHAH!

whew I feel better.

8 09 2008

“….The head of state and his/her second-in-command need to be REGULAR FOLKS you can HAVE A BEER WITH.”

How sick I am of that mentality! I want MY president to be the smartest person in the room again for a change, not the dumbest!

8 09 2008

Ok, CNN is talking about her church.

Just how does one “talk in tongues”?

8 09 2008
portland oregon native

great clip from cnn on the taxes

8 09 2008

To LIisa Reid..thank you for that post. You must have been reading my mind. My oh my…is only all voters were as on the ball as the posters here.

I wondered what kind of treatment was given to Native Alaskans, when somebody else posted a site with pictures of a village, where I assumed that some native americans might live.

Of course in Canada, native canadians have issues with the government too, but there are some very basic things in place. Language is protected and it is revered. Children come under the perveryorship of Native Child and Family services. We have a long way to go…but I am proud we are at least trying.

Its good to know Native Alaskans are fighting for their rights

8 09 2008
John Henry

“But notice that Palin didn’t dodge the question. She didn’t panic and say she’d need to check with someone, or that she needed more information, or skirt around it.”

Or worse, ‘I cant remember my position’. That’s because she does not need to figure out which lobbyist she took money from. The last thing you want to have is a pissed off lobbyist calling you up because you delivered your lines wrong.

8 09 2008
portland oregon native

Sarah speaks “in tongues’ all the time. Every speach she has given in the last week has been a stunning example.

8 09 2008

Thank you SO much for that information, Liisa Reid! I was born in Bethel, and have heard how Palin has been treating the Natives. It just makes me sick! What year is it? I hope this information makes it to the National stage. It is simply unacceptable.
Quyana for your post. =)

8 09 2008

Good one, Portland! Some would say the way she twists the truth that she speaks with a “forked tongue”, too!

8 09 2008

to Portland Oregon, I saw that segment too. For once…I liked Chris Matthews. He is right too. There are all kinds of subliminal things being said by McPalin.

If I were palin…I would be humiliated to be recognized more as the “first lady” rather than an actual candidate. Wonder how cindy feels when she hears that.

As far as not saying Obama’s name…that is deliberate. Dont mention his name…he doesnt exist.

8 09 2008

ohhhh….media is starting to get pissed.

8 09 2008

Is it my imagination, or is CNN treating Obama/Biden more fairly lately?

8 09 2008


“If I were palin…I would be humiliated to be recognized more as the “first lady” rather than an actual candidate. Wonder how cindy feels when she hears that.”

Oh, SNAP, you got cindy and sp with one shot! Nicely played, Laurie!

8 09 2008

Its your imagination…trust me

8 09 2008

question from angryxer: Also, I’ve seen a couple posts saying that Palin’s special needs funding cut is not true… can we get a definitive answer on this factoid? Has it been disproven?

answer: i was looking at that topic yesterday for my sister and found this blog entry:

The “proof,” as has been presented, is the part of the fiscal 2007 budget for the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, which includes funding for the Alaska School for the Deaf, students who are patients at the Alaska Psychiatric Hospital, and the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy, a statewide, boot-camp-style program. The budget that year was $8,265,300.

But the next year, fiscal 2008, the budget is shown as $3,156,000, leading to the accusation that Palin cut the department’s budget.

The difference in funding, however, is because the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy moved to a budget line item of its own. In the fiscal 2009 budget, you can see that the academy alone has a budget of $6,082,100. When you add that to the $3,156,000 that is being spent on all the other projects, it adds up to $9,238,100–an approximately 12 percent INCREASE in spending on all those particular programs, put together, since fiscal 2007.

It should also be noted that Alaska spends far more on education than just these few programs indicate. Education is typically one of the biggest parts of any state’s budget, and in Alaska lawmakers plan to spend about $1.2 billion for fiscal 2009.


8 09 2008

to rastamick61 (14:22:15) :

“I’m thinking Freddie Fanny and Sallie are probably members of Palin’s conregayshun at that thar snake handlin church…”

I think you just came up with Caribou Barbie’s newest phrase!

8 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Did you see the ad that the Assembly of God has. The whole country catching on fire and everyone is gong to flee to Alaska. CNN is reporting on Palin’s old Church. Yeah!

8 09 2008

I read about the special needs cuts that claim the amount was raised to 78000 from 28000 per student. Now the per student only followed the 28000 amount. Could read raised 78K total as compared to 28K per pupil. It’s all just to convoluted to tell. Either way she either cut spending or is the least fiscally conservative Republican in history. Lose/lose

8 09 2008

I want to be sure I understand, so let me get this perfectly straight: Sara the Blessed wants to forbid native people from fishing and hunting for their food so they starve to death, which is good, since she will then have lots more land over which she can safely fly and blow apart helpless wolves on the ground below?

8 09 2008
Terrified in the Lower 48

I keep expecting this absolute joke to blow up, yet it keeps plugging along.

She is actually attacking Obama from her weakest posiotions (economy, earmarks, experience) and no one is crushing her.

She cannot be allowed to campaign alone or give an interview because she’s not ready, but in less than 58 days she could be a heartbeat away from the presidency?

I have been reading this blog since she was picked, as well as reading the Anchorage Daily News, etc. I fully expected this Sunday for every major newspaper in the lower 48 to print front page, WTF articles. And what do we hear…..crickets.

I’m scared shitless that my fellow Americans might be idiots.

8 09 2008
Shamelessly clueless » Geoff Arnold

[…] day, another blooper. Mudflats notes Sarah Palin’s clueless gaffe when she was asked about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The […]

8 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

BlueFranco (14:15:32) : – thanks- that is what we need to see

8 09 2008

Seriously for a moment, why is this so shameful that Palin, as someone who is running for VEEP, doesn’t understand this?

1) Her boss was part of the Keating Five, which cost taxpayers over $2B. This was the beginning of the S&L debacle.
2) It took A LOT of lobbying to us into this situation. . . just how many lobbyists does McCain have on his campaign staff?
3) The conservatorship will go under the government – oh boy. Can you imagine McCain/Palin managing this when they don’t even know what it IS? (yikes)
4) Make no bones about it. The Chinese got involved as they watched their investment spiral into debt….$500B…..yep, I say the American markets will be toast until we can prove to the Global Economy that we are SERIOUS about fixing our economy.
5) Wonder if the CEO’s contributed to McCain’s campaign while they were mucking around with the companies?
6) Let me review again: job growth is down; personal income has dropped; housing prices have dropped; the subprime mortgate crisis has hit commercial….yep, I definitely do NOT want someone who has voted with Bush 90% of the time over the past 7 years.

8 09 2008
Ohio Sue

Sarah in CA,

If she says “our opponent” she doesn’t have to remember his name…you know she has a lot on her mind lately….freddie mae, fannie mac (I would have loved that gaffe – I guess there’s still time).

8 09 2008

lol…I love the Obamas! Both of them! Michelle was on Ellen today, and of course they loved her.

8 09 2008

oh golly – even CNBC’s Kudlow & Co. just said that “Palin and her sidekick, John McCain…” has taken the lead in the polls.

8 09 2008

Lou Dobbs is on. He is going to talk about the media coverage, and says the media is not doing their job.

8 09 2008

@ NMJ –

and don’t forget that means more space for those who believe Alaska is state to run to during the Apocolypse.

8 09 2008

“But notice that Palin didn’t dodge the question. She didn’t panic and say she’d need to check with someone, or that she needed more information, or skirt around it. She actually felt confident enough to answer, and lay it all out there – and be completely wrong. She had no clue”

This is classic narcissist behavior, just classic. I had to work with someone like this who was in reality unqualified for the job, constantly made gaffes of this sort, and refused to learn from or even listen to others who knew more about the field. In HIS mind, of course, he was always right, the only problems were caused by other people, and he just barged ahead, dodging any of the falling chips or backlash.

If, by chance, he were caught out in a mistake or outright falsehood, the response would be a stony silence. The implication was that YOU were at fault for being so rude as to bring such things up. If you pushed these negative issues, he would actually try to argue that he had nothing to do with them or that others had twisted the facts. Etc., etc., etc.

I almost know what SP is going to say & do before it happens. The challenge here will be for the McCain campaign to hold her together until the election. Narcissists, even high-functioning ones, have a tendency to implode if they get put under too much performance pressure.

8 09 2008


Send this to everyone you know !!!!


8 09 2008

ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck: Thanks for the special needs funding answer. I really want to be able to compile an airtight case against Palin’s record on all fronts. I’d like to think that the mudflat community could help build the kind of great vetted talking points we could effectively use to convince those getting suckered by the GOP spin machine. Sounds the 62% cut figure, which was all over early posts, is off the table.

8 09 2008

I have a question. I’m ashamed to say I don’t know anything about the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy. It was allocated a great deal of money in the state budget. I did an internet search and can find nothing. Anybody?

8 09 2008
Ohio Sue


The White House blames Congress for the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout.

I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.

8 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

I need a Mudflats 12-step program. What’s step 1, admitting you’re powerless? OK, I’ll admit it. I can’t stay away.

@ Sarah in CA
She doesn’t mention his name … a great way of making someone invisible. After all, isn’t your name the most personal thing you have — your identity. I suspect it’s also because it reminds people of all the great things about Obama.

Another totally true LA Times headline: “3 out of 4 on the Sunday talk shows” Too bad it’s buried on the inside.

Seems one of my last posts vanished… Anyway in case it shows up later from out of AKM’s spam folder, there are a couple of reports on the CNN Political Ticker blog — more indication that the MSM is only, what, 5 or 6 days behind? And there’s another curious article about the exact same thing, again in the Times, but this time in the Entertainment section.
It’s kind of buried in the middle of this but here’s a telling quote in the section titled, “All Palin … all the time.”

“It’s worth pointing out, too, that except for one or two of those stories, everything I read was on a computer screen. With respect for my colleagues down at the printing press, this is a saga not designed for the morning paper. Who’d want to wait that long?”

I’ve emailed the writer(s) as follows:
Interesting how the “new media” is in the lead on Palininfo, isn’t it. I grew up on, in fact you might say I cut my teeth on the LA Times way back more than half a century ago. Despite my disappointment in how it has lost its edge and its nerve, I’m still a reader. (I do definitely miss Paul Conrad, though!).

Like many Americans on 8/29, when McCain made his surprise pick of Gov. Palin, my first reaction was Sarah WHO? So I started digging to find out as much about her as I could. Luckily, early on I stumbled upon a blog called “Mudflats.” Do take the time to visit http://www.mudflats.wordpress.com. Now I do read a number of other blogs and news aggregator sites — I figure the more I can learn about someone or something, the better informed voter I am. The thing that has impressed me the most about Mudflats is that the writer’s posts are informative, well-written, and generally several days ahead of the video and print media. He provides context — the backstory to things from a distinctly Alaskan point of view. We’re learning that those folks are something of a breed unto themselves. And even better, the people who comment are intelligent, concerned about our country, and passionately committed to truth-seeking. The site is excellent at fact-checking, sourcing, and tamping down rumors rather than spreading them. There are commenters from all over the world, and not just the English-speaking world. And of course, many more lurk than enter into the discussion. Discussion is almost always respectful of others’ opinions and consists of sharing information, along with expressions of frustration, confusion, anxiety and a fair amount of what can only be described as gallows humor. Where else could we in the lower 48 see a 55-shot photo safari of Wasilla, AK? Anyone who thinks the “small towns” the McCain campaign has been visiting since the convention are in any way similar to Wasilla would be in for a rude awakening!

I particularly appreciated your analysis of McCain and company bashing the “media elite” when in fact they have been at least as far behind the curve as the McCain vetting team. Fortunately, that same “media elite” is finally getting up to speed. I realize that there’s far more heat than light on many, perhaps even most political blogs, but this one is truly different. See for yourself, but if you become as addicted to it as many of us have, don’t say you weren’t warned.

8 09 2008
Alaskan Woman

If the McCain people ever let her out of hiding from the media, and she’s ever asked a complex question about national or international affairs, she’ll have to answer the way Colonel Clink used to by saying, “I know nothing!”

The Bush mob is training her and they’ve only had time to teach her one speech, so she does it over and over again! It’s like one of those Barbies with a string on the back of her neck. When you pull it she says the same thing as many times as the string is pulled.

Now that’s “change” – NOT!

8 09 2008

Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting that she is so ignorant about these companies and the threat they pose. The problems with them, the dangers they posed to US and global economies, and the huge bonuses the CEOs paid to themselves have been well known and documented since at least 2002. The implications for the US and world financial markets and the impact on international relations cannot be overstated.

The foreign press has been far more detailed & honest about it than any presidential or vice presidential candidate, except Ron Paul:

“There was no way the US Government could walk away … because of the implications for foreign central banks, and more importantly because it would lead to a total collapse of the US banking system, and probably a new Depression in the United States.”
Unambiguously in crisis

“…the Chinese last month warned US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson that if he did not save the two companies, the current international banking order would end…. It was another way of saying that the US dollar would cease to be the international traded currency.
Fannie and Freddie’s quasi-rescue

Everyone needs to understand what is happening, not only the nationalization of these banks, but also the huge bill each taxpayer is now facing to save a formerly privatized business. And, btw, the US automakers are now demanding their own bailouts.

It is essential that our next leaders understand economics, geography and world history. Oh, and some basic knowledge of science would be helpful as well. We are headed for difficult times in a rapidly changing landscape.


8 09 2008

Actually, Fannie Mae is backed implicitly by taxpayers so she actually is correct. And it is getting expensive for us taxpayers to subsidize.

8 09 2008

Maybe she thinks Fannie and Freddie are some of Bush’s friends who run a faith-based initiative or something.

8 09 2008

SP – you are off to a fine beginning! Perhaps you can take a lesson from a true professional (and great American):


8 09 2008

“This is classic narcissist behavior, just classic. I had to work with someone like this who was in reality unqualified for the job, constantly made gaffes of this sort, and refused to learn from or even listen to others who knew more about the field. In HIS mind, of course, he was always right, the only problems were caused by other people, and he just barged ahead, dodging any of the falling chips or backlash.”

Sounds like GW!

I wonder if perhaps her self confidence will end up biting the McCain campaign in the butt. Despite how crazy she seems she has made it pretty far and I’m guessing she is confident that she can handle the media yet they are treating her like a leper of sorts and hiding her. So, either they have a plan that she’s in on or they are just insulting her. I’m guessing she hates having to hide, she wants the spotlight! Come on Ms. Palin sneak out or make some sleazy phone call so we can get some ad lib already!!!

8 09 2008

– she doesn’t fall from the tree with the Republicans from what I can see.

http://www.pubrecord.org/ – this is another interesting site.

8 09 2008

Oops, that wasn’t clear. I was quoting the articles, not Paul. However, he is the one who has clearly and forcefully warned about the looming financial meltdown, some of which is already underway.

8 09 2008
Just Us League

Agree with all….love this blog. Thanks for the continued efforts.

Just had a huge scare….I was on Memeorandum and clicked on a Michelle Malkin link in error. Could not believe the vile language I found on the first page. Commenters were comparing Obama to Adolph Hitler, making racial remarks, and worse. Had to take a shower AND clean off the cache and cookies on my computer.

Led me to wonder at the division this race has caused….or has the hatred always been there? Let out a sigh of relieve when I came back to this blog and the sane comments.

Thank you.

8 09 2008

Yep, Palin says this stuff, McCain is standing with her applauding, the audience applauds, and none of them even remotely seem to know what they are talking about!

ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck – welcome to the best ” mudflat ” on the planet!


8 09 2008

DL, Fannie & Freddie were not implicitly backed by the taxpayers. (Until this weekend, that is.) Here is the statement on the Fannie certificates that were sold:


8 09 2008

You guys are like a breath of fresh air. Finally people that think like I do. I wish I had friends and neighbors like you all. The one thing that scares me the most is that Palin thinks the war in Iraq is a mission from God. Let me think….how is this different from a Jihad. I don’t want a person, a heartbeat away from the Presidency thinking that God is on our side and he wants us to kill the non-believers. Sarah Jihad Palin….. Scary stuff.

8 09 2008

Admittedly, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are probably not well understood by the average citizen who could easily make the same mistake. However, Palin is running for VP and possibly President. She should have a bit better understanding of such things. One has to wonder about McCain and why he chose her. Almost any thinking person would conclude that she is not qualified – even given what little is known about her at this point.

I am also bothered by the fact that the campaign is a way for the employer (us) to interview the job applicant and we are not getting a chance to adequately assess SP’s qualifications via UNSCRIPTED media interviews.

8 09 2008

Just ran across this great article about disabilities/Sarah Palin/ Obama. It is a great read!


8 09 2008
Ohio Sue


I prefer to think of Palin’s “Iraq is a mission from God” view as more Crusades-like, but then I am a “12 years of Catholic school” type (and let me just add that we Catholics owned the Crusades…..all nine plus of them).

8 09 2008

dunno how many of you are listening to KUDO but the outsiders are also Mudflatlanders. One thing that seems sort of “cleared up” is the cuts to special needs… it is a non issue… the larger issue is education. apparently Alaska has a 29% college attendance rate and a 65% (ish??? can’t read my own note) graduation from HS rate. She-who-shall-not-be-elected has not been particularly interested in education… there’s more here I am sure. Tune in to streaming!!!

8 09 2008

CNN / Fortune article gives details contrasting the views of Obama and McCain on the Fannie-Freddie mess.


No sign of spin yet on Gov. Palin’s “too big for the taxpayers” comment.

8 09 2008
Ohio Sue

BTW, I think Obama is doing very well (no surprise) on Countdown.

8 09 2008


“The federal takeover of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will likely lower the cost of a mortgage for buyers with good credit, but it will also likely stick U.S. taxpayers with a bill in the tens of billions of dollars, analysts have concluded. ”

billions and billions and … YIKES!!!

Wonder if Gov. Palin knew about our new tax bill. Her comments sure don’t let on. Maybe her tutors will work on that one tonight

8 09 2008

Fannie Mae and Freddie mac used to be a federal organization but was privatized in 1968…so Palin has her facts right…for 1968. What a complete and utter idiot. They need to ask her about the usps…hehehehe

8 09 2008


I work for an investment bank, and have read indepth on Fannie/Freddie, and have to shed some light on things. I was aware of the fact that Fannie and Freddie were failed entities for almost a year, due to their investing based on the “implicit backing” and faith of the US treasury (and thus the US taxpayers which fund the US Treasury). How do I KNOW this to be true, even if this was not publicly acknowledged by these (publicly traded) companies or the government? Of course the certificates said this as they couldn’t directly be tied to the US Government as this would be explicit socialization, but they DID have implicit backing of the US government which is why they were able to fund mortgages so cheaply and trade at such a small spread over the US treasury prices. This implicit backing of the US government (as it was originally created by the government and only made a public company during the time of the Vietnam War and made “implicit”) was the only reason why China and Russia and others have invested so heavily in recent years in their debt.

So, actually, you are more wrong than Sarah Palin, and it is indeed very true that it has gotten far more expensive that this implicit backing was made more explicit today rather than 1 year ago when the charade continued as if nothing was amiss.

The companies were not the initial problem, but the government was the problem! They should have never from day one provided any implicit backing on the mortgages and thus would have prevented the abuse that occured. Of course the shareholders and C-level people made a killing on this, but so do those who live off government subsidies in every arena (farm subsidies, green energy subsidies, etc. etc.)

Also, there’s no need for articles from an Aussie paper when there are plenty of articles on Bloomberg.com or other sources in the US that state it more clearly from a local source. Furthermore, as I hinted at before, these are not banks at all and don’t have access to the Fed discount window.

I disagree that our leaders need to understand economics in-depth, although perhaps they should learn it better than you know it. However, economic advisers are more important provided they are given latitude to report the results and act accordingly.


8 09 2008

She should know this mantra by now:
Private when there are profits to be made
Public or nationalized when the tax payers are shouldering the losses

8 09 2008


“Fannie Mae and Freddie mac used to be a federal organization but was privatized in 1968…so Palin has her facts right…for 1968. What a complete and utter idiot. They need to ask her about the usps…hehehehe”

Very snarky, it’s good you can read Wikipedia. If you were clued in to the fact that we had had massive backing from PIMCO (multi-billion dollar bond fund) and China for the DEBT of Fannie and Freddie ONLY BECAUSE it had implicit backing of the “full faith and credit” of the US government in lieu of treasuries, you would stuff a stock in it and realize Palin is more correct than you might think. Fannie and Freddie have had a slight spread above treasuries because they were always viewed as low-risk, higher-yield debt instruments.

For all those so transparently in support of Obama, perhaps you could mention the genius ideas this man with background in law (not finance) has brought forward with regard to Fannie/Freddie other than platitudes. I’m not saying McCain has been any more insightful, and Paul would crash the world financial system in order to make the government responsible again.

In other words, I have not found any pol in Washington who has had anything insightful that shows indepth understanding, but why should I when these guys are mostly lawyers (or as Ron Paul, a medical doctor), rather than business executives or Wall Street financeers.

8 09 2008

I think Palin was 4 years old in 1968

8 09 2008

I’m curious about something kind of related to all this, and maybe those of you from Alaska could enlighten me.

One of the issues in the whole housing crisis is “non-conforming loans” aka Jumbo loans, which are for more money than Fannie/Freddie are allowed to finance. The limit for the continental U.S. is $417K:


One reason that a lot of the housing crisis has been centered in California is that $417K simply doesn’t go very far there, or to a lesser extent in Boston/NYC/DC

There isn’t any kind of an adjustment in the loan limit for the local real estate prices; the limit is the same in the entire continental U.S. But…it’s 50% higher ($625K) in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands.

Is this reasonable, or is it some implicit pork? I can imagine that construction costs might be much higher in Alaska due to climate, geography, etc., but I have very little idea of what real estate prices tend to be compared to the rest of the country. I’m curious to hear from those of you who live in Alaska whether a 50% premium in loan limit seems justified.


8 09 2008

to galswhohadenough –

thanks for sharing the link. What an inspirational read – it is great way to sign off for the night. thanks again –

8 09 2008

Just what we need, another person in the White House who discounts the value of being educated. What do you expect from someone who switched schools 6 times before someone felt sorry enough for the sot to give her a piece of paper saying she had (finally) graduated.

Alaska Woman – Colonel Klink was not known for that line; that was Sgt Schultze. Nuthink!

I’ve been reading the interactive national political forum at http://www.pennlive.com. Somewhere above, someone made reference to Palin being scheduled to go it alone in some place in pennsyltucky. Lemme tell ya, as a resident in central PA and as someone who just spent an hour reading the absolute crap on pennlive, she’s got lots of fans here. Not because of substance but because she’s not a black man or a democrat. For too many people in these parts, politics is not about competent governance but about beating the democrats.

btw – have I mentioned lately that John McCain was a POW? I still haven’t figured out what else might make him qualified to be president. Perhaps I need to ask Charles Keating and the rest of the Keating 5.

8 09 2008

Well, it seems she is correct.

They ARE too big for the taxpayers to bail out, but we are going to bail them out anyway aren’t we. All this because a few years ago mortgage institutions were accused of lending descrimination. So the lending institutions implemented their now famous “no job? don’t worry, we can loan you money for a home” policy to anybody that was breathing.

Perhaps a larger group of smaller institutions directly competing with each other and with guidelines would have helped, but complaining Sarah is wrong when she is right goes nowhere in November.

8 09 2008

Sarah is right and you clowns can’t stand it. Read what she said, context and all and she is right.

8 09 2008

So you want us to trust the Center for American Progress on what Sarah said and meant? LOL!

Come on now! Today’s polls should teach you losers that your attacks on Sarah are only galvanizing women. She is right now, has been right in the past, DID end the bridge (even Alaskan Democrats said that in February of this year”, and DID sell a wasteful jet.


8 09 2008

sauerkraut – good luck out there! Your last sentence should resonate with the older voters. We all keep stating so it’s getting out: the American taxpayes absorbed close to $2B+ thanks to the Keating Five and the S&L debacle. What do the taxpayers think about that, because it’s getting ready to start again with the FM/FM announcement today?
People should be hopping mad that there is a small population in this country who are making tons of money through mis-management and poor decision making. They lobbyists ensure the lawmakers (huh, now that’s an interesting word) have their side of the story over and over and over.

How many lobbyist does John McCain have on his campaign roster? The count bounces around but it is consistently over 10, when Obama is stating he has zero. Ask your kind constituiency if they think that adultery gets him qualified for this role, too. I have a lot of respect for any POW and would never question that. . . I would question his actions upon his return from home, and that includes adultery, Keating 5, Patriot Act, and voting with Bush 90% of the time. Are they better off today than they were in 2000?

8 09 2008

Hmm..Beth, no she isnt right. She thinks that taxpayers have been funding it all along. YOU need to understand the context. It is a republican government that is bailing them silly girl

8 09 2008

lol..shes not galvanizing smart women susan…come on now…be real

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

“And why doesn’t she ever say his name? It’s always, “our opponent.” I don’t get what that’s about.”

I think she is a coward. Evidence for that is how she handles confrontations over the bad things she does…she runs and hides, either completely out of touch as she did at the GOP convention, or hiding behind McCain’s coat tails on the road. She was supposed to tour FL by herself starting Monday, but that was cancelled at the last minute.

I don’t think Palin can actually make one of her snarky attacks using Obama’s name, especially when she’s not being carried around on a sedan chair like she was at the convention, because she might have to answer for it.

8 09 2008
both were right, you attack sarah?

At a rally in Colorado Springs, Col., Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said, “They’ve gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers. The McCain-Palin administration will make them smaller and smarter and more effective for homeowners who need help.”

Democratic nominee Barack Obama, speaking in Terre Haute, Ind., said, “These entities are so big and they’re so tied into the housing market that it is probably true that we have to take steps to make sure they don’t just collapse, because the housing market, which is already weakened, would be in even worse shape if we didn’t take some steps.”

8 09 2008

I guess mudflats has scared the sarah lovers. All of a sudden this place is being invaded by trolls. I am not sure why they feel the need….we arent on conservative sights laughing at them.

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

Mary, you are incorrect about Palin’s comments. Clearly she believed that the two institutions were taxpayer funded. You cannot rewrite history on this one.

The really scary part: she just launched into an opinion, being clueless that she was clueless.

8 09 2008
both were right, you attack sarah?

Can anybody tell me the difference BETWEEN the two statements?

At a rally in Colorado Springs, Col., Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said, “They’ve gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers. The McCain-Palin administration will make them smaller and smarter and more effective for homeowners who need help.”

Democratic nominee Barack Obama, speaking in Terre Haute, Ind., said, “These entities are so big and they’re so tied into the housing market that it is probably true that we have to take steps to make sure they don’t just collapse, because the housing market, which is already weakened, would be in even worse shape if we didn’t take some steps.”


8 09 2008
Political Amazon

Palin defenders, pay attention.

“They’ve gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers. The McCain-Palin administration will make them smaller and smarter and more effective for homeowners who need help.”

The clue here is “They’ve gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers,” indicating that (in Sarah Palin’s pea-brain, the taxpayers were able to handle it before but now they aren’t because the two institutions have become too large.”

We won’t even go into the idea of a VP candidate using such piss-poor trash English. “They’ve GOTTEN too big…” Shessh.

8 09 2008

Oh for Jesus Christ. Barack Obama says the same damn thing! See the quotes above. I just checked them and they are accurate. Barack said the entities are so big and that we (TAXPAYERS) will have to take steps to make sure they don’t collapse!

the problem here is you think the CFAP is going to give you the whole truth. They didn’t did they? THEY NEVER TOLD YOU BARACK SAID ESSENTIALLY THE SAME THING!

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

“…your attacks on Sarah are only galvanizing women.”

You are correct there. I just hope the women don’t come after Palin with pitchforks and torches. It may turn out into a bad imitation of a scene from the Frankenstein movie.

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

BTW, I would guess that the reason so many Sarah sycophants have shown up here is because they are monitoring this website and its blogs to find out about the breaking Palin scandals. Once here, they can’t stand to not attack people who are criticizing Palin over legitimate issues.

You will notice that the majority of them do not address the criticisms raised, but simply attack the poster. That is a sure sign of a weak poster and a weak argument.

8 09 2008
peggy w

Oh this will get votes won’t it.

Characterizing Sarah Palin as just another dumb brunette elected by eskimos……

real smart.

8 09 2008
lara west

These incessant stupid attacks on a woman are ticking me off.

You two percenters can shove it!

Sarah Palin for VP!

8 09 2008

“gotten too big” sounds like in MY pea-brain that we’ve BEEN paying for them all this time. “gotten” means past tense in the rural South. What does it mean in Alaska? BTW, if you are a TRUE Republican, you will know that Republicans believe EVERYTHING is too expensive to the taxpayer which is idealistic but sadly unrealistic, especially after Mr. Bush’s run-up of the national debt.

“…we have to take steps to make sure they don’t collapse” sounds like Senator Obama was aware of the mis-management of the two entities and knew something had to be done. I’m not saying he was the expert. Just trying to differentiate the two in my mind.

Political Amazon- you made wine come out of my nose I was laughing so hard with your comments. The last thing women need to do is to be so divisive with each other! One of the beauties of the Women’s Movement was the RIGHT TO CHOOSE. 🙂

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

“Wow! My local NBC station just reported that Palin’s earmark requests were ten times higher on a per capita basis that previous Alaska requests…”

Jeeze, good for them! Take them a box of donuts tomorrow for a thank-you.

I shamelessly ply our local AAR affiliate with treats–homemade sourdough bread being their favorite–because, before progressive programming, our area was a rightwinger wasteland.

If any of our local TV stations ever actually gave an unbiased political report, I would be so shocked I’d probably offer every last person in the station, including the janitor, a blow job.

8 09 2008

Political Amazon – I am sad to see the personal diatribes and attacks. That is sad, and again, unproductive for our political process. Have a good one!

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

Wendy, you are not correct. Obama did not say the same thing. As I said, you have to actually read what they said and understand how the parts of the sentence modify or reflect on the rest of the sentence.

8 09 2008

Nebalaskan….try this. http://www.kiyu.com/news0806_3.htm

It seems to be a boot camp style school for young people who are having problems in school..perhaps discipline etc.

8 09 2008

Memo to:
both were right, you attack sarah? (17:59:43) :

Gov. Palin was wrong. Sen. Obama was right. That’s what it says in the quotes you posted.

If you wait a day, the tutors will have Gov. Palin re-phrase. Then both Gov. Palin and Sen. Obama will be right. Please be patient with Gov. Palin.

8 09 2008

Political Amazon

Those gals are obviously just coming here because they are angry. She wont read it carefully. It doesnt appear as though she is looking for information. She just wants to be right, and she is not.

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

Proud2BUSA: Personal diatribes? Nope, just my opinion based on what I know.

I notice that, like many of the other Palinites, don’t discuss the issues raised, but attack the poster.

As I said, attacking the poster and not the issues is the sure sign of a weak poster and a weak agrument.

8 09 2008

@sauerkraut – the other point to help that constituency is to remind them we have more foreclosures today than we’ve had since the Great Depression. It is a scary but accurate statement.

8 09 2008
Political Amazon

“No wonder Palin is grounded (having to stick with McCain). She hasn’t studied for any of her tests. XD”

Either that, or they’re afraid she’ll get knocked up if left to her own devices. You know those Palin women…

8 09 2008

….MCBUSH and palin have said they are all for LESS government….unless it involves a woman’s uterus. I dare say if we we’re talking about what a man does with his penis, we’d be hearing a whole OTHER side trying to legislate personal decisionsl.

8 09 2008

Political Amazon – I’m all with you, grrlfriend!

I agree – let’s talk facts and agree to disagree, but let’s not tear each other down. I personally enjoy your writing.

8 09 2008

Actually, we posted earlier today that government GROWS under the Republican regimes since Reagan. . . and that IS from factcheck.org

8 09 2008

Just for the record…that chef sarah palin let go…well she didnt really. She transferred her to another job.

8 09 2008

political amazon. . . I’m sorry. . . especially the part of the Frankenstein movie. That still is making me laugh. I agree with you – in my part of the woods, women are bit. . . hmmmm. . . unsettled….that people would think because we are women that naturally we can’t think for ourselves and are going to vote for Palin because she is a female. As Maureen Dowd wrote: “…the only thing I share with Palin is a chromosome.” Most professional women I know are squarely in that camp. For those of us old enough, we REMEMBER fighting for equal rights. We REMEMBER being accused of wanting to go braless (yes, that happened!), REMEMBER being kicked out of restaurants for wearing a PANT SUIT (horrors!), remember our first jobs with crisp white shirts and little Brooks Brothers bowties and shapeless grey suits, that no matter where you graduated in your class and where, the woman got to start as the SECRETARY while her former classmates who had lower grades and maybe an easier major got the title ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, when it was more difficult to get a loan because of your gender. . . shall I go on? The sad thing today is that young woman take this all for granted. i’m with you – do our gender PROUD. If you are going to argue a point, argue the point with clarity and fact. 🙂 Gosh, I’m feeling old.

8 09 2008
Suzi in Chicago

Re: Terrified in the Lower 48’s comment that all we hear are crickets..


8 09 2008

Caught a picture of Palin today. Sandra Bullock should play her when the movie is made. After checking a photos of Bullock there are times when they look alike.

Miss Congeniality meet…

Palin doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. That is scary.

8 09 2008
John Henry

“Mil (18:01:20) : McCain and Palin… Avoidance much?”

Oh this is good stuff! I love it! So if the press can’t ask them questions, can’t we just get regular people with cellphones to do it?

“We were eating outside in the patio closest to the main road and had just finishing lunch when I saw the McCain bus drive by! It was followed closely by a number of police motorcycles, secret service SUVS, and press vans. It was obvious they were coming to El Pinto!

We figured we’d head out and see if we could get a closer look. I decided this might be my one chance, to ask one question of each candidate. I carried Caterina (16 months) along with me to meet the candidates. ” 😉 -Two can play that game!

“McCain worked his way up to me and Cat and as I shook his hand, I asked, “Sir, I respect your service but, why were you against the GI bill?” Senator McCain, paused, he looked a bit surprised at the question and then he said, “Nice to meet you.” I repeated the question and he repeated his non-answer. He quickly worked his way down the line. So much for straight-talk!”

“Sarah first looked at Caterina said hello, and I shook her hand. I asked, “Are supporting Ted Stevens this year?” She replied, “He’s under indictment you know…his trial is in September.” I replied, “But are you voting for him?” She walked away without answering.”

8 09 2008

I don’t think we are arguing whether Sarah Palin is a “good” person or not, we argue whether she is fit, capable, experienced enough to be vice-president, which necessarily leads to the argument as to whether she is fit to be president. When we get sucked into arguments about Palin vs. Obama, that’s a red herring. Obama isn’t running for VP. Better we compare her to Biden. Let McBUSH duke it out with Obama, we all know he can do that!
I must say though, that I find it astounding that McBUSH chose someone under investigation. Sounds like a very BUSHIE thing to do.

8 09 2008

So, I guess people in Alaska do not have any housing problems, so why would Palin have to know about such things? Yeah, right. You would think that the governor of a state would understand about the economic issues (i.e. housing and finance) that affects her constituants? Unbeliveable.

But, unfortunately ( I agree with Ellen) that so many people just like Sarah “just because”. I am hearing them say this now…. I am just stupified. But, I knew this would happen — so many Americans are ignornat and just plain racist. When I give them facts, they just don’t want to hear it… They just say that “Oh, you just don’t like anyone.” What?

8 09 2008

JohnHenry – WOW. That should really make you feel their speeches were heartfelt last week, eh? What is being missed is how engaged and SMART voters are this year – I feel an energy like I haven’t felt in a long time! We want change. It will happen.

The question I have, and boy this is going to open up a can of worms, but if Sarah Palin’s faith is so deep and real to her, why would she allow the Party to write her a speech which she knows is so blatently untrue, e.g. that Bridge to Nowhere, the plane that was not sold on ebay and sold for a loss, etc. I wouldn’t mind the lies if she wasn’t allowing herself to be promoted as this Alaskan version of Mother Mary – and guys, if she was as tough and as wonderful as stated – she wouldn’t stand for it. I feel bad for her in this position, but really, the out and out mis-truths – lying to “embellish oneself” – I just don’t think that follows her faith’s basic tenets and that’s another discrepency that I can’t resolve in my head and heart.

8 09 2008

Deb, 100% agreement. I am trying to stay “on point” when folks ask this, and I can truly say I’m voting based on Mr. McCain’s voting record, past statements, and ethical (or lack thereof) behavior. When one takes the requisite “fear” out of the equation, there is only one candidate this year in the finals: Mr. Obama

8 09 2008

Narccicist or just plain stupid? It is like the blind leading the blind (no offence to the blind folks out there) on economics.

Or a really bad remake of dumb & dumber.

8 09 2008

I see the trolls are out in full force tonight. sigh.

At a rally in Colorado Springs, Col., Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said, “They’ve gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers. The McCain-Palin administration will make them smaller and smarter and more effective for homeowners who need help.”

Democratic nominee Barack Obama, speaking in Terre Haute, Ind., said, “These entities are so big and they’re so tied into the housing market that it is probably true that we have to take steps to make sure they don’t just collapse, because the housing market, which is already weakened, would be in even worse shape if we didn’t take some steps.”

They aren’t saying the same thing at all and Obama, unlike Palin, knows what he’s talking about. As far as I can figure from Palin’s comments, she seems to believe that Fannie and Freddie are large governmental agencies that will need to be made more efficient so they better serve the taxpayers. What Obama says is that they are so large and important to the housing market that they will require a government bailout.

8 09 2008
John Henry

Proud2BUSA (18:41:02) :

“if Sarah Palin’s faith is so deep and real to her, why would she allow the Party to write her a speech which she knows is so blatently untrue, e.g. that Bridge to Nowhere, the plane that was not sold on ebay and sold for a loss, etc. ”

Because its all an image. It says to me that, she does not care, nor does John McCain. This race is all about them and obtaining the power and influence of the Presidency and their MO is “fake it till you make it, and destroy anyone who gets in your way”. Anyone who asks them what they really think is “ground noise and static”. It really disgusts me when I think about it. We need to vet them, don’t we? And they aint making it easy.

8 09 2008

Thank you, John Henry. You know it makes one think of an earlier post who asked what we would ask Sarah Palin’s pastor. . . that has been rolling around in my head along with the question why someone who so publicly professes her faith would allow herself to either be used (which displays weakness – not a good thing for a politician) or totally unaware (again, not a good thing) OR a narcissist. I don’t know which one it is, and I do care more about who gets the top spot, but the choices Senators McCain and Obama have made are interesting to say the least….so….I think my topic for her pastor would be around false prophets. . . that should get the ball rolling. What do you think?????

8 09 2008

Hey all, give her a break, after all she’s running as the Vagina President!

8 09 2008
Ohio Sue


The critical difference between what Gov. Palin said and what Senator Obama said is this:

Gov. Palin explained on SATURDAY that the CAUSE of the then upcoming US takeover of Freddie and Fannie (otherwise known as a conservatorship) was due to Freddie and Fannie having “…gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers….” That was Palin’s explanation for the takeover. Past tense.

Senator Obama said (correctly) that the US takeover (which happened on SUNDAY) would end up costing the taxpayers lots of $$$. Future tense.

Palin’s statement underscores a fundamental lack of KNOWLEDGE about how these two privately owned companies (which own or guarantee approximately $6.5 Trillion in mortgages – that is give or take, about 50% of all of the home mortgages outstanding in the US) function as a major part of the US economy.

I don’t know about you, Wendy, but I am slightly bothered by the fact that Palin doesn’t understand how these two institutions work and [insert here myriad list of all other things she is being tutored on right now just so she can answer a softball question thrown by Charlie Gibson] AND is running for a public office that would make her the head of the Executive Branch of the government of the United States of America if John McCain, say, has a stroke, gets hit by a bus, chokes on a pretzel or falls asleep one night and never wakes up.

So, yes, the fact that Senator Obama gets that the cost to the taxpayer will come after the takeover, and isn’t the cause of the takeover, is important to me.

Go figure.

8 09 2008


8 09 2008

At a rally in Colorado Springs, Col., Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said, “They’ve gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers. The McCain-Palin administration will make them smaller and smarter and more effective for homeowners who need help.”

Democratic nominee Barack Obama, speaking in Terre Haute, Ind., said, “These entities are so big and they’re so tied into the housing market that it is probably true that we have to take steps to make sure they don’t just collapse, because the housing market, which is already weakened, would be in even worse shape if we didn’t take some steps.”

Is there anything even slightly similar about these answers — aside from the word “big”? Palin says they’re too big to sustain, so we need to make them smaller. Obama says they’re too big to fail, so we need to bail them out. Palin suggests that they’re already taxpayer-funded; Obama suggests that the government might have to use funds (which ultimately come from taxes). Palin doesn’t even say anything about the whole freakin’ crux of the matter, whether the bailout is a good idea! There’s nothing to defend from Palin here, and nothing alike about the statements.

8 09 2008

I wonder what McCain/Palin’s throngs of fans will think when they find out that the taxpayers are on the hook for 6 Trillion dollars.

8 09 2008

Actually, it strikes me that this statement:

“They’ve gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers. The McCain-Palin administration will make them smaller and smarter and more effective for _____ who need help”

is probably the Republicans’ all-purpose answer to what they’d do to fix any government program. They can trot it out for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, “welfare,” unemployment insurance…

[It’s like the DJ-bot on The Simpsons that has pre-programmed patter like “Did you hear about those clowns in Congress? What a bunch of clowns.”]

Of course, first of all, it’s hollow and meaningless, like “cutting red tape” and “eliminating waste,” and, second, these aren’t government programs. Other than that, great answer, Govnah.

8 09 2008
Ohio Sue


Not to worry (much). A lot of the $6 Trillion of mortgages are good, performing mortgages – just not all of them. So unless every single mortgage goes bad, the bailout won’t approach the total amount of $6 Trillion.

8 09 2008
DL Landry

Charles Gibson of ABC News has been “granted” the first interview with Sarah Palin since her V.P. nomination. Please take a moment and go to this link and tell Mr. Gibson that we expect him to conduct an interview of substance that will provide some vetting of Governor Palin– not a feel good puff piece. Please forward this email.


8 09 2008

I have been really enjoying the discussions here! Wow! I’ve been telling all my friends about this site. Hadn’t had this much fun reading a blog in quite some time. Now about Ms Palin…it’s sad to see so many fooled by her. Talking about speaking to eager and itching ears….I’m not supporting someone–even a fellow woman–simply because of gender or race. It’s about the issues, especially the economy. I’m not better off than I was before Bush–and I don’t see very many in Texas who are. I’m amazed that people are believing all the hype about Ms Palin. Are they blind?

8 09 2008

I just have this terrible vision of A VP Palin sent to broker a deal with Russia, with her lack of knowledge and intuition,as well as her poor speaking ability(yes,you heard me,she has a poor vocabulary and often uses words such as rhetorically when she means theoretically ,etc.) Just imagine her telling Putin he better get in line because the USA will whup his ass.Just imagine John McCain getting so angry he explodes and tells Putin to go F*** himself.

Evangelicals should be up in arms to keep her far away from the White House, the death toll from war is not something I think God would be happy about.McCain /Palin with his hair trigger and her lack of understanding of the world community,let alone the problems faced by everyday Americans(Anyone checked tax reurns for her yet?),is likely to get us in more hot water around the globe .

8 09 2008
Ohio Sue

FlipYrWhig – LOL.

8 09 2008

Just imagine her telling Putin he better get in line because the USA will whup his ass.Just imagine John McCain getting so angry he explodes and tells Putin to go F*** himself.

Hey, I think I know what happens next… Palin throws her rifle in the air and shouts, “Wolverines!”

8 09 2008

This pair really scare me. We have Mr. “Singing like a songbird so I don’t get tortured POW warmonger” and Ms. “Its all about Oil This is God’s war lets die for Jesus No choice for you ‘cuz I decided beauty queen runner-up”

A bad re-make of Dumb & Dumber.

Neither one has any concept of economics. He’s a knee-jerk reactionary that is in serious need of anger management classes. She is totally clueless on foreign policy. He’s a very old guy in questionable health. She is an opportunist with a very wide Armageddon-est stripe.

If these two, by some bizarre happenstance, become elected to the highest office on 4 November, how many “heart beats” do you suppose this old guy would have left? I’m guessing not many. This is too sweet an opportunity for the “END TIMES” people to pass up. Got to hurry that up, its a coming, duck and cover and all that crap.

Man, I just have such a hard time understanding how we can have so many really really stupid people we have in this country that actually believe these two are the answer to all our problems. Obama and Biden may not be perfect, but I doubt they would cause (on purpose no less) this country to crash and burn in a hard way while trying to take down the rest of the world.

8 09 2008

You people are all nut jobs. You are so in love with Obama and how perfect you think he is, that anybody or anything that might challenge his obtaining the office that belongs to him must be evil.
Yes Palin made a slight blunder, turns out she was simply seeing into the future. This bailout will indeed cost taxpayers a bundle. I assume most of you commenting are not gainfully employed, or don’t make enough that you care where your taxes go.

8 09 2008

Honestly? Seeing into the future? Are you implying she is a “seer” or “prophet”?

Actually her words stated that these two entities WERE as in PAST TENSE a drain on taxpayers. A quote if you will….
Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs on Saturday, Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.”
These were NOT taken over until Sunday.

I’d like to get to know more about this woman, unfortunately she has been very closed about herself, her policies, and what she actually does understand about the job of Vice President. However what I and most of the folks on this blog have discovered has not been very flattering in regards to her decision making or her policies.

8 09 2008
Sarah Palin links for 9-8-2008 « Palin Watch

[…] “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Who are THEY?” asks Palin […]

8 09 2008

LOL, now that I CAN believe!

8 09 2008

Right, she was seeing into the future. In which part of the future will the problems with the agencies be fixed by making them “smaller and smarter”? Because that was what she said she and McCain would do. Because she didn’t know what she was talking about, so she offered up generic Republican boilerplate.

8 09 2008

Also, I know now where a few too many of my hard-earned taxpayer dollars end up. Wasilla, Alaska.

8 09 2008

FlipYrWhig (21:24:56)
Yep thats it. I’m surprised she didn’t throw in ‘lower taxes.’

8 09 2008

nice name. I guess you’re impartial and came here to weigh the evidence.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac don’t cost anything. The bail out may cost a lot, but thats a decision to be made.

So,Its wrong to say they had gotten too big and expensive.

And in this case size does not matter.

8 09 2008

“Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Are they registered voters? Can we get their votes?” Sarah Palin

8 09 2008

We’re very curious what Palin cooks for her family, especially being Governor and having to travel so much…or, when she’s home and still billing the state per diem for not traveling at all:


Perhaps if she considered a more vegetarian/vegan diet, she might begin to understand compassion for the native populations sustainable food sources, for preventing environmental degradation to water supplies from mining and oil drilling, and would immediately stop the shooting of wolves from aircraft.

Just a thought.

Great blog by the way!

For great recipes and colorful steps to sustainable living, please visit:

8 09 2008

Pray for – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

8 09 2008

Two points:

The mortgage bailout is to keep the central banks of other contries, e.g. china, grand caymen, etc; happy. They own a large portion of the debt Fannie and Freddie issued to provide mortgages. Shareholders in the companies will get it in the neck.

I believe the Treasury is taking control of them and providing a line of credit, not a direct bailout. Presumably (yeah, right) the line of credit will be repaid as F&F become solvent again.

I believe, since I did not serve, that the US military after Vietnam changed the training about being a POW. It is no longer expected that POWs go to the breaking point in resisting their captors. The fact that McCain broke should not be held against him. The military recognized that everyone can be broken and that it was not worth the human cost to resist to that point.

Its a shame that McCain, who appears to generally be honorable, is now trashing himself with this campaign. Or maybe he isn’t as honorable as he appears. Sad.

8 09 2008


Full House is on now. Get back to watching tv and leave the conversation to us grownups.

8 09 2008

Now, as I was saying, I love Obama. He is so perfect. Anybody or anything [sic] that might challenge his [sic] obtaining the office that belongs to him must be evil.

(NoBama, are you really gainfully employed? Or, better yet, have you been gainfully educated?)

8 09 2008

Seriously Piper. Get back to bed.

9 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy


are you saying that sarah is a prophet of god?

i must call her and find out what the winning lottery numbers will be for this wednesday

I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 09 2008
Johnny and Sarah, the Clueless Club | Reconstitution 2.0

[…] to be as befuddled as Johnny is when it comes to economic issues. As the fantastic Alaska blog Mudflats tells us, Sarah never met Freddie or Fannie, and she doesn’t know a damn thing about them. […]

9 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Well people this has all been great fun reading and learning about SP, I’ve always known I would never vote for McCain but I stumbled on to this sight to learn more about SO, then I let myself get sucked into the mudsling game. I’ve become a Mudflats addict the past two weeks, and as much as I’ve enjoyed it, I will miss you.

I simply have to remember, “what you resist will presist” and thus can’t help myself and once again see my life going up in smoke. I can’t read any more about SP without my other addiction. I was almost over (smoking) and since I’ve been on the SP going no where train, I’ve gone from one or two cigs a day, back to a whole pack and somedays two. That’s $5-10 a day that I’ve promised my husband I will donate to Obama.

I know that what you put your attention on grows. Sometime it makes you stronger and sometimes weaker. I can see all this attention on SP is just growing the crowds behind McCain. Even the curious are counted as supporters. Every time I focus on her stump speeches her ratings go up and Obama’s go down, so as much as I love it here in Mudflats I’m going to have to try and weine myself from here and from watching her suck in the curious and those under her religous spell.

I’m not sure I can go cold turkey, I have 6 cigs left and that’s it, I’ll save them for when I cave into needing my S barbie fix. I turn my attention to what I really want, out of this nightmare and the last 8 years. I begin now once again living my dream of a Peaceful world – free of war, fear, and torchered souls. I refuse to let that dream go up in smoke. I pledge my alliance to Unity and stand behind Obama.

9 09 2008
at bitter-girl :: musings

[…] Mudflats, everyone’s favorite new Alaskablog: “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Who are THEY?” asks […]

9 09 2008

Apparently getting elected to governor in the State of Alaska is equivalent to being elected president to the student council in high school. You really don’t need to know anything, have cute sayings that don’t offend too many people; “What’s the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom? Lip Stick!”, and have the prettiest smile. The article below was taken from Think Progress by Satyam on 9/8/08 filed under economy.

Palin’s first gaffe: Claims Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac are taxpayer-funded.»
Speaking in Colorado this weekend, Gov. Sarah Palin tried to explain the recent federal bailout by claiming that lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.” The companies, however, “aren’t taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization,” McClatchy noted. Palin’s satement “is somewhat nonsensical because up until yesterday there was sort of no public funding there,” said Andrew Jakobovics of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. “The ‘too expensive to tax payers,’ I don’t know where that comes from.”

Digg It!

I think I will move to Alaska, I really enjoyed the high school experience. They question why the federal government is so involved in their affairs.

9 09 2008

Guys, I think we need to be careful of criticizing “Palin’s old church.” That might get us thinking of Obama’s old church. I think I’d take some holy rollin over his pastor’s hate any day.

9 09 2008

Fortunately, for the world, there are millions of brilliant and intelligent people in America. Unfortunately, Sarah Palin doesn’t appear to be one of them.

These are very dangerous times both economically and militarily. Whoever is elected better know what the hell they’re doing.


I don’t care who wins anymore, just as long as they all have nice hair and flag lapel pins.

9 09 2008

Here is a good article……….

9 09 2008

With a title like that, I would say you’re capable to write for US Weekly.

9 09 2008

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9 09 2008

A added fillup on this is that McCain has long railed at Fannie and Freddie, as have others in Congress to be fair, for their practices, especially their strong arm lobbying of Congress for especially favorable treatment. Today McCain/Palin wrote in an Wall Street Journal Op-Ed article (keep in mind that Palin knows nothing about the two companies) that “We [the government] will make sure that they are…no longer use taxpayer backing to serve lobbyists, management, boards and shareholders.” Interestingly McCain’s Campaign Manager is one Ric Davis, who, when he’s not working for McCain, is a lobbyist. Guess who are two of his biggest clients? Yup, you’re right. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. If the country elects McCain/Palin, we’ll be putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

9 09 2008
Ann de Hugard

I live on the other side of the world, Victoria, Australia, and I know who Fannie and Freddie are. And I’m seriously scared. Not just for you in the US but for the whole world.

10 09 2008
you people are idiots

The US government just seized Fannie and Freddie without a shareholder vote, and will put the US taxpayers on the hook for about $2T in bad debt.

Those of you who claim that these institutions were not “taxpayer funded” have not been paying attention to the news, and don’t understand what the implicit guarantee meant.

Or maybe this is just another symptom of your Palin Derangement Syndrome.

10 09 2008
Grace RN NJ

Ann de Hugard,

Trust me when I tell you this, we are scared for ourselves (and the rest of the world) as well.

Disucssed this today with my ‘lunch group’. We are all for Obama/Biden and aghast at not only the outright blatant lies from McCain/Palin but more so because all too many Americans believe this crap!!

My dad fought in WW2, and one of his ancestors fought in the AMerican Revolutionary War. I fight by volunteering as much as I can for the Obama campaign, and pray intensely.

15 09 2008
Peach Yogurt Coffee Cake | Kermit Verrone

[…] “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Who are THEY?” asks Palin. […]

5 10 2008
Roadkill Toaster Oven Recipe | Kermit Verrone

[…] “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Who are THEY?” asks Palin. […]