Palin’s “Travelgate” Swings Open – Let the Fallout Begin!

29 10 2008

You know at the DMV, or the deli, when you have to pull one of those little ticket things off the roll, so you know where you are in line? They need to install one of those at the Department of Law in Alaska.

There is so much we never knew about our Governor. Nothing like being under the national magnifying glass, accompanied by a mass influx of some of the best investigative journalists in the world, to properly vet a candidate.

It feels like we were just hanging out at home, minding our business, and all of a sudden several hundred FBI agents descended on our house with fine-toothed combs, and electronic devices, and fingerprint gathering tools. We find out we may have been the victim of a crime and we didn’t even know it! Go figure.

Well, those metaphorical FBI agents (aka journalists) did a really good job. They even looked under the bed, and in the back of the sock drawer. They looked in the freezer, and they found that secret cubbyhole under the floorboards. They may not have found everything, but they sure made us think about all those other places we might look, now that we know.

Now that all these little Sarah Palin scandals have been excavated by the national press, there they lie. Right there on our dining room table with little color-coded evidence tags. They just sit, waiting for someone to come along, pick one up, examine it and say, “Heeeey. I didn’t vote for this!”

We were all promised “open, honest and transparent” government from Sarah Palin, and we find, to our amazement that what we actually got was a big steaming pile of just the opposite. Time to start taking numbers.

The first one to pull his ticket off the roll is Frank Gwartney, a retired lineman who lives in here in Anchorage. Let’s call him “Frank the Retired Lineman”. It makes him sound like one of those people Palin says she’s accountable to. He is “tired of the hypocrisy that exists in Government,” and thinks, “people need to know the truth.” This reminds us of that famous pre-VP quote that defined Sarah Palin’s rise to Governorship, “Hold me accountable.” Apparently, Frank was listening.

The complaint against Governor Palin, alleges Misuse of Official Position: “Gov. Palin attempted to and in fact did use her official position for personal gain by securing unwarranted benefits for her daughters…” All the allegations contained in the complaint are related to state reimbursed travel.

In Alaska, ethics complaints filed against the Governor are confidential. “We can neither confirm nor refute that a complaint has been filed against Governor Sarah Palin. Any complaint remains confidential unless the person being charged waives confidentiality or if the complaint progresses to the state of probable cause,” Assistant District Attorney, Dave Jones told CBS News.

Bristol, Piper and Willow, Palin’s daughters, accrued $32,629 in travel expenses while Palin’s husband Todd raked up $22,174 – all billed to the state for a total of $54,803.00.

“The Governor’s office has expended $54,803.00 in Alaska state dollars for family travel since December 2006,” according to the Governor’s Administrative Services Director, Linda Perez. “The documentation related to family travel has changed and you have to keep in mind that the governor and her family are very popular,” added Perez.

Sharon Leighow, Deputy Communications Director, said “Governor Palin followed state policy allowing governors to charge for their children’s travel and there’s also the expectation that the first family participate in community activities across the state.”

We all know the drill. Here’s what happens next. Attorney General Talis Colberg will refer the complaint to…..The Personnel Board. Those guys are busy these days! Still wrestling with the second incarnation of the Troopergate investigation, they now have another item on their expanding “To Do” list. Then the board decides if the conduct would violate the ethics ace if it were found to be true. If it would, then they go through the process of hiring an independent investigator. Much happens out of the spotlight, but after interviews, and evidence gathering, and when the board reaches a decision, they make recommendations to impose penalties, and/or disciplinary action. The process may take several weeks, or several months.

Governor Palin would be advised to get used to this. Grassroots discontent can be a formidable thing. You never know who will show up to pull the next ticket. Frank Gwartney? Who’s that guy?  The answer is:  The first guy in line.

Anyone worried that Alaska political junkies will have nothing to talk about after this election can rest easy.

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631 responses

29 10 2008
Mad Skillz, son


29 10 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Karma is a mofo … the GOP is going down like a cheap hooker.

29 10 2008
jwa-Cheney Hussein Palin

first?? can’t help myself

29 10 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Nah, you no first, jwa. Haha.

29 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Well, well, well. I’ll never look at those ticket things the same after this. Great writing, as usual, AKM.

29 10 2008

Thank you for being on this, AKM. Sorry, but “In your face Palin and the evil part of the Repubs!

29 10 2008
Dan G

An informal survey at the Eagle River AK Fred Meyer (supermarket) parking lot last night at about 6pm: six Obama bumperstickers, one McCain sticker, one pro-Ted sticker, and two anti-Ted stickers (“reTirED”)

29 10 2008

Oh my god – you sure have a way with words and the picture you paint is beautiful to gaze at.

29 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Top ten? lol I JUST walked in the door and must now attempt to catch up.

29 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago


29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

Sarah Palin is now saying that she will absolutely continue her political career as a national figure should McCain lose. She announced her plans to run for president in 2012 … and the current presidential campaign is not even over yet.

This lady is truly whacked! What does she think is going to happen over the next 4 years?

Does she think she can do more next time to suppress the votes of women and minority groups because we know all the “socialist,” “marxist,” “traitor,” “terrorist” accusations did not work.

Or, does she think she will actually grow a brain over the next 4 years and be able to rise above the mudslinging and actually be able to address policy issues?

Or, does she think with a little prayer all the liberals can be de-witched and become born-again Republicans?

29 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I do hope they’ve got a big roll of those tickets at the Department of Law there in Alaska.

29 10 2008

I was just watching CNN when they told about her plans via an interview with ABC. Wolf asked the CNN reporter traveling with McCain camp how they felt and she said she called a senior advisor and read Palin’s exact quote and the result was dead silence and then a loud whoosh sound…..WOW! Guess they didn’t know.

29 10 2008

Go get her Frank. The wheels are coming off the straight talk express. oh yea Joe the Plumber is a big PLANT.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

I was thinking that maybe the people of alaska should post those lost dog type flyers all over Wasilla saying something like “Village Idiot Missing”

29 10 2008

I wonder when the MSM is going to pick up on the $900,000 Palin spent on unnecessary renovations to the Governor’s Mansion? Ya’ know the one she didn’t live in because she was too busy charging per diems for sleeping in her own house?×214580

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

How about placing an employment add in the Wasilla paper “Wasilla Village Idiot Position Open”

29 10 2008
Lana, KY

I can just hope the list gets soooooooooo long that they will have to open a separate warehouse just to handle all of the complaints & lawsuits.

29 10 2008
Blue Idaho

It would be pretty funny if many many Alaskans followed Frank the Lineman’s lead.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Donna (14:17:00) : OMG, are you kidding? She announced a 2012 run and McCain didn’t know? Seriously? Honest, really? I thought I was going to have a quiet evening compulsively knitting badly and watching the Obama show, and if this is true, I will be attached to the computer again…

29 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Big Al from Las Vegas (14:12:46) :

She thinks she’s Esther reincarnated, anointed by God, blessed by Murtha, called by the masses to wage war with the AntiChrist (whoever she thinks that is), oh, and Dobson’s egging her on.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

MJC (14:18:55) : I thought it was more like $50K.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

How about T shirts that say: “I have been screwed by our governor.”

29 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Chuck Hagel: P has thinnest resume-

29 10 2008
disenchanted tore

I just watched the Anchorage video. Tears streaming. Pride swelling. 20° weather (and having the time of your life)? PRICELESS! I’ve become such a wimp in my old age but major MAJOR KUDOS to our Alaskan sisters and brothers!

Has anyone sent that video out to Rachel? I bet she’d give it the national coverage it deserves!

29 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Can you imagine how furious McCain is? She might as well have shot him from a helicopter.

29 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Palin isn’t that stupid to announce she would run for PTOTUS if McShame loose…oh wait….yeah she is!

You can’t make this sh*t up!

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Crust… is there a link? I’m dyin’ here (Member: Drama Queens United)

29 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

POTUS i meant

29 10 2008
disenchanted tore

Yeah, she’s singing the *don’t you forget about me* lyrics. Ummm, I think you’re gonna be really busy the next four years answering to your constituents, hon.

29 10 2008

Nebraska Native: Yep, she did. Part of the quote was that she didn’t do all this for naught…..

29 10 2008

In reviewing the Palins tax returns that were disclosed there was a business deduction for the snowmobile racing business, which includes the Iron Dog race. I recall one of the questionable perdiem vouchers was for the Gov. and family to be at the race in an official capacity. Based on this I would venture to guess the same expense is deducted on their tax return, which is Tax Fraud, as well as filing a false public voucher, you can’t have it both ways.
This angle shuld be looked at in the investigation.

29 10 2008
judi hussein that one Obama

Try this:

“I don’t believe she’s qualified. The first judgment a potential President makes is who their
running mate is – and I don’t think John made a very good selection. To try to make the excuse
that she looks out her window and sees Russia – and that she’s commander of the Alaska National
Guard. This is arguably the thinnest-résumé candidate for VP in the history of America.”
— Chuck Hagel, Link

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

don’t mean to yell… but, WHERE IS THIS??? i MUST READ THIS AND PARTY ON!

29 10 2008

If Palin wants to ‘lead’ the Republican Party, she is going to have to stay in the spotlight. I think she is going to get her wish. Tom Delay was on Hardball today, also trying to remain in the spotlight. Delay might want to caution Palin about having her wishes fulfilled.

29 10 2008

Did Palin really just announce she would run in 2012? I gotta turn on MSNBC pronto! OMG! McCain must be sooooo angry. What a way to end their awful campaign.

29 10 2008

Wow, Joe Biden is on fire in Florida. The Obama Biden and Obama Clinton rallies will totally rock the house.

29 10 2008

back to work…I was feeling a little Mavericky there 🙂

29 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (14:29:02) :

don’t mean to yell… but, WHERE IS THIS??? i MUST READ THIS AND PARTY ON!

I want to read it also!!!

29 10 2008

Here’s what she said about her past in a 2006 ADN article:

“Let me help you out if you’re looking for skeletons in my closet,” she said. “I got a D in a macro-econ course 24 years ago in college (and) hollered at the wrong kid this morning for not taking out the garbage.”


It also says:

“One of her most influential backers is former Gov. Wally Hickel, another Republican maverick who won his second gubernatorial term as the Alaskan Independence Party candidate.”

29 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (14:23:15) :

MJC (14:18:55) : I thought it was more like $50K.

That was her Wasilla mayor’s office–how you spend $50K to redecorate a double wide is beyond me…

29 10 2008

Oh and Mudflatters, I can no longer keep up with all of the myriad and sundry Palin scandals. Anyone have a website that is keeping a flow chart?

AKM, did you see that Andrew Sullivan at THE DISH gave you a shout-out today with a link? I’m sure someone on here has already posted that info….everyone is always so on the ball here. I just got here.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Oh. I shoulda known it was more. My bad. Meanwhile, waiting for the link to the 2012 thing.

29 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

I’m trying to absorb this Palin 2012 announcement.

Does that mean she assumes Obama will win, or does she assume McCain is only up to one term. Either way, McCain has got to be PISSED.

I think I need a glass of wine. Too bad I don’t have any of the extra-strong Australian variety!

29 10 2008
PDX "That One" Hussein MB

for the 2012, just go to and then click on the newslink. It’s first thing.

29 10 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin's mom

We definitely need Alaska to come through with something. I don’t think I can stomach a Palin presidency.

29 10 2008
Lacy Lady

Florida today—-McCain Rally——
After viewing /reading about this rally today ( )
I have decided they need to change the name from Republican to KKK. Now
I am wondering if I should go shopping, wearing my Obama T shirt. I have received a lot of dirty looks, but also some smiles. The dirty looks don’t bother me, as I just give them a smile. However, I do worry about being attacked, since I am an elderly woman. I must say that I am proud of Iowa, as Obama won 1st in the Iowa caucus , and we are 98% white. I also feel that Iowa will be a good judge when looking at what the cat (McCain) dragged in, when it is time to vote. I am looking forward to working as a poll watcher on Tues. I Pray that Obama will get to the finish line and we can all take a deep breath and a sigh of relief.

29 10 2008

Evening folks! Just had to stop in here to see how you all were reacting to your Governor telling ABC that she doesn’t plan to go back to Alaska if (when) they lose, saying “I’m not in this for naught”.

As I have learned reading this wonderful blog, Sarah has crapped on everyone who has given her a hand up. Of course McNasty would have known this had he bothered to vet her. But, alas, she’s shown her true colors and thrown Grampy under the bus.

How do the people of Alaska feel about a Governor who doesn’t want to come back to her home state and do her job?

29 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

@Lulu (14:32:12) :

AKM, did you see that Andrew Sullivan at THE DISH gave you a shout-out today with a link?


Andrew Sullivan seems to be a true fan of AKM. And in my view, that’s a compliment.

29 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (14:26:54) :

I looking, but they just reported it on CBS News, quoting her as saying, “I am not doing this for naught.”

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

I can’t find this on or… oh please let it be true, oh please oh please oh please. So unusual for the VP to tank the election 6 days out and yet so mavricky, also.

29 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

WOW! Real Clear Politics has moved GA to the toss-up column!

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Charlie just got done talking to O and I missed that too.

29 10 2008

Found this on Daily Kos about Palin in 2012, CNN, and the “for naught” quote:

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Who is Naught? OK, the stress is showing and I am cracking up at my own stupid humor.

29 10 2008

“It Takes A Village”….and I think you Alaskans are up to it.

What was with the SHIP HAPPENS t-shirt Ms. Palin had on at a rally today?? That may be just a little too mavericky when you’re running for VP.

29 10 2008
jan jan (Possum)

Whoa… I just heard about Palin on the news… But the truth is – is ANYONE surprised??? I mean besides McPain???
Can you all impeach her????? Don’t you think there is enough crap piled up in her corner to get rid of her? But I bet she runs for the Senate if she is no longer governor to spend her time waiting to run for Pres. Oh, my…

29 10 2008

Deep Blue in VA wrote: “Andrew Sullivan seems to be a true fan of AKM. And in my view, that’s a compliment.”

I totally agree with you, Deep Blue! Big compliment!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Open note to AKM. Product idea for your cafe press store.

Shirt with Palin’s swimsuit beauty pagent picture on it and the message:

“I have been screwed by our governor.”

29 10 2008

Here is the Palin for 2012 quote on ABC:

29 10 2008

How can the Personnel board not be forced to recuse itself for the Palin complaints, since they pretty much all have a major conflict of interest?

29 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Thanks for the Daily Kos link, Lulu. Yes a flow chart would be nice.

29 10 2008

Nebraska Native go to

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Thanks for the Kos Link… ABC is teasing with Vargas’ interview with Palin but they missed showing that part. This is incredible. Sarah apparently stressed “if if” they lose. WHO IS THIS WOMAN? That is simply not done. McCain should dump her now and go to AZ and call it over. It is over. This is nuts. What an election. Also, what abysmal sentence structure. I am in shock. This just does not happen. OMG. Also. Go Sarah, let’s all see just what a wing nut you really are. Way to vet the VP candidate John. I am stopping now. Really. But I will continue typing in my mind.

29 10 2008

So when do we luck out and end up with an ethics investigation related to AGIA and Transcanada? The AP investigation seems to point out pretty clearly that the govenor failed to do the best for Alaskans….then there is the potential conflict of interest attributable to a DNR employee consulting for Transcanada… gets better and better!

29 10 2008
Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin

What amazes me is the shamelessness of this woman. I’m not that old, but I can remember a time when even one of her “gates” would’ve caused a politician to resign in disgrace.

After the election, I don’t think Frank the Lineman will have to stand alone. I predict he’ll have plenty of behind-the-scenes help from the RNC. The Wall Streeters and other corporatists who own the national Republican Party are not going to allow control of their investment to pass to a “rogue-diva/whack-job” from Wasilla. No way, no how.

29 10 2008

Nebraska Native go to

29 10 2008

Just a thought…saw McCain on TV today with the best & the brightest repubs looking more presidential than he has in two months….. it made me very, very nervous. They are telling McCain that he should pick Romney at Sec of State NOW……are they going to throw Ms. Palin under the bus?

29 10 2008

Oh, my. Now it’s really time to sing again: “She’s come undone.”

I. am. in. shock. Did Sarah Palin REALLY just do this major gaffe? Is her ego really that big? Is her brain really that small? Just too mavericky to be a team player, you betcha.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Thank you Lulu… now I will continue typing in my mind as I scrape my jaw off the floor. I am scaring the cats.

29 10 2008

Is it just me or does anyone else think it pretty darn tacky to announce your 2012 presidential plans when you are still campaigning for 2008.

Didn’t anyone teach Miss Palin good, old-fashioned manners?

I just watched the Tom Delay interview on Hardball. What a HUGE tool! I loved Debbie Wasserman Schultz though. After Delay came on and did the the usual Barack is a socialists/communist/radical/scrariest-guy-in-the-whole-wide-world smear, Debbie Wasserman comes and says,

With all due respect consider the source. She went on to point out that Delay was tossed out of Congress in disgrace and that he had presided over the most corrupt Congress in recent history!

Chris Matthews just cracked up with the her saying ‘with all due respect’ and then slamming him.

She is really cute and so damn smart!

Tom Delay is a class-one creep!

Video here:

29 10 2008

Listen…just recall her. Save all the taxpayers a lot of money on special ethics “closed doors but we’ll tell you we’re open and transparent” investigations and slap her with a petition to have her recalled when she arrives on the welcome mat Monday evening to cast her ballot on Tuesday. She’s already screwed AK out of a lot of money, slimed one of your most loved civil servants, brought a cease and desist from the CA Aids foundation to her fave store, and ignored the Native Alaskans needing emergency energy relief. So just cut to the chase – RECALL HER ASS!

Walt Monegan for Governor!

29 10 2008

Walt Monegan: The REAL First Dude of Alaska

29 10 2008
29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Fox news anchor? Rush Limbaugh sidekick? Politics?

With SP at the helm, the Republican Party will continue to sink and shrink (and stink!).

Mission accomplished. I found a computer with You Tube capability. Awesome rally in Anchorage and like those photos from across the state also.

29 10 2008

Sounds like she learned more from your beloved “Uncle Ted” than you guys imagined. Or is it just that power most corrupts people who actually begin to believe in their own PR?

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Donna.. thank you for that link too.

Lulu “She’s come undone” perfect theme song for her…

29 10 2008

You know, I don’t know what I thought about why Palin wouldn’t release her medical records…(I know that Trig’s amazing birth story is still much ‘wondered’ about). But after the McCain camp said she was a “whack job,” it has made me wonder if there are mental health issues in her records…I mean, look at what she has just said about running in 2012….It’s crazy.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Puppies… thanks for all the links… I am calming down some now. I heard that drinking clear liquids helps with stress, and wine is clear, so here I go 🙂

29 10 2008
Deep Blue in VA

I read the ABC news story and to me it’s kind of ambiguous. I think I would need to hear the whole thing or see a transcript to see if she’s being explicit about intending to run in 2012.

I fully believe she IS planning to run, but it seems incredibly stupid to announce it 6 days before the election.

29 10 2008

cross post from logo thread (sorry), but human logo now going viral

watch those viewer numbers climb and alaskans get props and sending it all to the obama family!

29 10 2008

Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh (14:17:36) :
I was thinking that maybe the people of alaska should post those lost dog type flyers all over Wasilla saying something like “Village Idiot Missing”

You made my day! I laughed so hard that my stomach was twisted in knots

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Georgia moved from “leaning McCain” to “toss up”.

Nevada moved from “toss up” to “leaning Obama”!!

29 10 2008

Oh, Mudflatters. November 4 is going to such an historic day! I have already voted, but I actually think it will be amazing to be in a voting booth on Tuesday. And I bought my Mudflatters tote bag today!

29 10 2008

OC Liberal, I agree with you about the Delay appearance on HARDBALL Debbie Wasserman Shultz was masterful!

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Matthews is live (strange, 6PM is usually a repeat of the 4PM show, not that I would know, heh heh heh) and he may just cover Sarahs’ ambiguous tanking of McCain… I need to get back to my life, I need to get back to my life, I need to get back to my life…

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Holy cow MSNBC is ALL live tonight.

29 10 2008
Sarjo Mullet Troll

Via Andrew Sullivan’s site, here is a great “feisty old broads against Sarah Palin” blog. Teh cuteness!

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Except for Tom Delay, they are showing that again. Tom is doing his own hair color with Grecian Formula. I will shut up now.

29 10 2008

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (15:02:23) :

Matthews is live (strange, 6PM is usually a repeat of the 4PM show, not that I would know, heh heh heh) and he may just cover Sarahs’ ambiguous tanking of McCain… I need to get back to my life, I need to get back to my life, I need to get back to my life…


LOL! We have a similar line except it’s my husband, “You need to get back to our life! You need to get back to your life!” :::sigh::: I miss it. I’m so ready for November 5th….

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

I want a number, too! I’m only one little lower 48’er who has been away for 12 days, but she did ask for my vote—not that I EVER ( thanks to AKM ) intended to give it to her, but she lied to me!

I soooo look forward to November 5th and doing what we can to help our fellow mudpuppies to boot her out!

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Cassie, you must never leave again. Unless of course you have too, but stay if you can until the election OK? You were missed!

29 10 2008

Poodle is smokin ‘ crack !!!!

29 10 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Perhaps we should all get together and compile a book on the political adventures of Sarah Palin, we could call it “Gates to Nowhere” with various chapters like “Shoppinggate”, “Troopergate”, “Travelgate”, “Wolfgate” and “I got my first baby through the abstinence only program gate”.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

I like “Frockgate” but then I made that up.

29 10 2008
nswfm CA

Mad Skillz, son (14:02:02) :

Karma is a mofo … the GOP is going down like a cheap hooker.

I had coffee in my mouth when I read that! Almost had a messy screen there for a minute, but I was able to hold my laughter in until I swallowed the coffee! I usually hate the term mofo, too, but this was just perfect!

29 10 2008

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (15:04:29) : !!!!!!


we missed you 🙂

29 10 2008
GJ in Idaho

The list of Scahagates is getting so long I can barely keep up.

I just got home from doing my 3 hrs of volunteering at the Demo Office, calling to remind people to vote on Tuesday. It was so much fun, and I enjoyed all the other volunteers. I am a bit hearing and sight challenged so being in a room full of people all talking at once, while fun and exciting did give me more of a challenge than I expected. What to do? What to do? I talked the headman into letting me talk the program home so I can call from the quite of my own little office, with my big wide flat screen and my hearing enhanced phone. So, if any of you Mudpuppies are in ID you may be hearing from me in the next 5 days. I’ll just be asking if you are going to vote, if you know where your polling place is, and if you need a ride to the polls.

Vote 11/4 Obama/Biden

29 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

sorry OT
does any one know what time Obama is on tonight PT………thanks….

29 10 2008
Chin Trout Hussein (NJ)

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (15:04:29) Welcome Back!!!

29 10 2008
More Light Than Heat

OMG Tom DeLay on Hardball, calling Obama a Marxist, radical. Linking him to Rev. Wright — black liberation theology is Marxist, he says. But won’t go so far as to call Obama anti-American. WTF????

29 10 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Cassie!!!! Please don’t wait until the 5th to vote, the election is on the 4th, lol.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

HEY! Check your email… I just got a list of 5 Florida supporters to call. This campaign is brilliant!

29 10 2008

mhrt, all I know is that it is 8 p.m. EDT for Obama’s speech. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

29 10 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (15:07:29) :

“Frockgate”. That is brilliant! Somebody in MSM is gonna steal that from you.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Phoning my new best friends in Florida… wish me luck! BBL

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Oh, thank you mudpuppies for the welcome! As I explained, I tried everything to get out of going to the wedding, but being the mother of the bride makes it obligatory!

I’m back for the duration!

I’ll be trying to catch up, but this from me:

Pennsylvania is going to be a tight race from what I’ve seen and folks I’ve spoken with. Repugs are not happy, but they will remain repugs.

VA is looking good from conversations. Mass. is a shoe in and I love them for it!

Still looking forward to getting folks to the polls here in NC.

What ALL have I missed?

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Todd Palin featured in ads and mailers to rural Maine and elsewhere.
“Will this be your last winter snowmobiling in a national park?…This election will decide.”

Jeesh!!! Seven more days of this c..p!

Obama is responding. Stay tuned tonight for prime time report from Obama on all major stations for the real issues–the economy, jobs, your health, global health.

29 10 2008

8 in cali, left coast

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Cartoon Pig Dog (15:10:46) :

Never fear! I voted on October 16–before the wedding—in case I dedn’t get back! 😉

29 10 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Oregon Steve, if they show the thing at the same time across the country it should be on at five o’clock there, but I think it’s going to be shown at eight in each of the time zones. (don’t take that as fact, check it out at five just in case I’m wrong).

29 10 2008

This is starting to remind me of Sartre’s “No Exit”

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)


29 10 2008

Phoebe wrote: “This is starting to remind me of Sartre’s “No Exit””

LOL! Does that mean we will all be stuck forever in a room with Sarah Palin?????Nooooooooooooooooooo.

29 10 2008

I haven’t seen but two MSM sites so far this evening (EDT), then came quickly to the real news sites, but if Palin has actually announced – then you might wonder that the timing was planned to distract news coverage from Obama’s ad tonight.

Kind of like McCain panicking when Obama got such a big crowd at his acceptance speech and announced Palin to take some of the post convention coverage away. I hope the present “political” move works as well as that one –
And we see Sarah tank as more Repugs jump a ship that she is trying to hijack.
My suggestion, to Republicans – chain her and McCainRoveChaneyBush to the masts and the last decent Republican off the Reocon ship of Fools gets to scuttle the ship.

Who does she think she is, God? She can just waltz in unprepared, largely unwanted, and take over anyway?

The McCain campaign has literally been calling Obama the anti-Christ. Wouldn’t that scenario work better for Palin? Lucifer disguised in Neiman Markus clothing, red spike heels over cloven hoofs, little horns under what ever that pile of hair is called, claiming to be a Christian until she has lead the world into the self immolation of multiple simultaneous World Wars and environmental destruction??

Consider the lilies of the field – that are now extinct.

Does God’s gift of human life on earth end when we have destroyed his handiwork, one day’s worth (the sky, seas, polar bears, plants etc.) at a time?

Boo! Did I scare ya? Trick or Treat!

29 10 2008
SoCal Bob

The real question is whether she’s going to be welcome back to Alaska with open arms. I sincerely hope that the good people of Alaska realize that they don’t need a narcissistic “whack job” running their state.

29 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

just received this from the florida station that aired the barbara west interview with biden:

Dear Viewer:

Thank you for taking time to contact us regarding Barbara West’s recent interview with Senator Joe Biden, the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate. Thousands of viewers have contacted us. We have personally read hundred of emails and listened to callers expressing their opinions on this interview, both critical, and supportive. Your comments are important to us. This interview is part of a much larger body of work that has covered both campaigns for months. In addition, WFTV has interviewed numerous other candidates from both parties throughout this election process, and we pride ourselves in offering many diverse on air and online opportunities for candidates to explain and communicate their views.

We will continue to offer a broad range of coverage of Vote 2008, through election night. This will include live coverage of the Obama/Clinton rally in Kissimmee on TV27 on October 29, and live coverage of any McCain stop in Central Florida before the election. You can see all of our interviews with political candidates at Based on your passion during this election process, we know we will see you at the polls on November 4th. Thank you for sharing your comments with us.

29 10 2008

The sheer arrogance of this woman is just absolutely mind-boggling.

Here is her quote:

I think that if I were to give up and wave a white flag of surrender, I think that some of the political shots that we’ve taken – that that would bring this whole – and I’m not doing this for naught.” </blockquote?

What exactly is she doing?????? What has this woman done. She has been on the national political scene for LESS THAN TWO MONTHS! She has given ZERO press conferences. She has made blunder after blunder after gaffe after gaffe. She has proved herself to be embarrasingly IGNORANT on just about everything from foreign affairs to the economy or anything at all that doesn’t involve calling Obama a terrorist! She has the worst VP ratings in the history of poll-taking. She has single-handedly cost McCain whatever chance he had to win this election. She is the reason almost every intelligent Conservative has fled the party.

She has more baggage than Paris Hilton arriving at LAX from London and she has a new scandal pop up about once a day.

And she thinks this is hard work? What has she done besides dress up in really expensive clothes, had her hair and makeup done by Hollywood professionals, read from cue cards and called Barack Obama names?

She is truly a certifiable whack job! The only thing more shocking then her unbridled UGLY naked ambition is her pathological, clincially, delusional mental illness that has her believe that she has even the slightest qualification to be President of the United States?

She got where she is ON HER LOOKS and the fact she is a right-wing nutcase! PERIOD!!!!!

29 10 2008

It’s 50k for redecorating the Mayor’s office. If she ALSO redecorated the Gov.’s mansion that’ll really tick me off. She never even stays there! She spends all her time either at home in Wasilla, while charging us a per diem, or flying around the country. The Gov.’s mansion sits empty. (It was nice when Tony was in town. He lived in the mansion and made himself a part of the Juneau community.)

29 10 2008
Rapture Spenard Palin

off Palin topic…Tom Delay was on msnbc today, I think hardball (it is all blurring together now) said, in response to a question, that he “pegged Obama as a Marxist months ago.”
Soooo…the scummy ethics violator drummed out of Congress spotted the raging Marxist in the midst of those scruffy commie liberals he’s had his eye on. lol.

29 10 2008
enjay AKA Turbine Yukon

This was posted on the DU — very thoughtful

“”This has probably been posted before. But I haven’t seen or heard it. So, for those, like me, who’ve missed it … let it inspire you.

Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…
Martin walked, so Obama could run…
Obama is running, so our children can FLY!

Heard this from a gentleman on NPR. “”

29 10 2008
Rapture Spenard Palin

I got the same form letter email from the florida station.

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Big Al—

What is the source of the announcement by SWWNBN?

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Obama’s State of the Election Address..
one half hour of prime time on major networks tonight.
4PM Alaska time

29 10 2008

Cassie, Palin’s words about 2012 are on ABC news

Here’s one link:

29 10 2008
Tom from PA

OK…how hard do most Alaskans need to be hit over the head to finally say enough. The latest Rasmussen poll has McCain/Palin back ahead by +16.
I know I’m preaching to the choir here 🙂 but I had to vent.

29 10 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (15:20:03) :

Hmmmm, they never anwered my letter to them. Come to think of it, Hannity never answered my letter to him after his propaganda filled show “10 top reasons not to vote for Obama”, I have to admit though that I did hit him pretty hard on honesty and on FOXNEW’s “Fair and Balanced” reporting slogan. I believe the words liars, propagandists and idiots did find their way into my letter in several places so maybe I was just being too fair and balanced for them.

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

It was sort of a roundabout announcement. Probably will be a roundabout denial pretty soon. Just sittin’ here watchin’ the wheels go round and round.

29 10 2008

I think y’all should make the “Senior Campaign” person who called the Governess a “whack job” an honorary Alaskan or somesuch.

I’m personally hoping that her stint as “America’s Most Popular” Governor is now over. Perhaps she’ll find her last two years in office (if it’s not possible for y’all to get rid of her) far less pleasant than the first two.

29 10 2008

@Northern Exposure.

I just read something on the updated Daily Kos article that said “That isn’t what she meant” was sputtered out of the Palin camp, so you are on the money! The merry-go-round of Palin denials is spinning.

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

OK, I’m ducking out for a few minutes—12 days without TV or internet has KILLED me–I’m checking email fro folks to call then about a million things, but I’ll be back—-not until Nov 5, but until the avalanche buries SWWNBN!

29 10 2008

Did anyone else read that the GOP is going to gather in Virginia two days after the election to map out the future of the party, and that dear young Gov. Palin will definitely be there? Andrew Sullivan linked to an article about it. Perhaps you all have already discussed it on Mudflats…

29 10 2008

Here is what I think is really stupid.

They didn’t call her a whack job because she wears phony glasses.

If she keeps this up, whoever said that will give us all the reasons WHY he or she said that!

I, for one, can’t wait!

Keep it up Sarah!

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

I just knew you all were wondering how my calls went, 1 no answer- left message, 1 hang up, 1 disconnected number and 2 will vote early. Did anybody else get this email, or am I just that special.( heh heh heh)

29 10 2008

You know that Palin is PISSED they called her a whack job. This is probably her idea of getting even.

Let the games begin!

29 10 2008

I’m just a hockey mom, I want my finger on the bomb, (yes, THAT bomb)
People know I’m busy prayin’…(just ask the witch doctor)
I get applause for every lie, a scarin’ folks they’ll die (if they vote for Obama).
Every night I’ll be a betrayin’ (The Constitution).
There may come a day when John passes away, (hope not but…)
Then what will they say about me, (yup yup, you betcha, wink wink, I wanna be President)?
But when the end comes I know they’ll say, “She was just a mat-su valley ho”, anyway, (like daughter like mother)
As life goes on without me…(WE CAN ONLY HOPE)

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Editor and Publisher maintains a list of newspaper endorsements from across the nation.

As of Tuesday: Obama = 222 & McCain = 93

29 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

they should have looked in the toilet tank… that’s where they will find her political career… in the upper deck

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas


Sarah Palin has been admitted to a local hospital in Jeffersonville, Indiana for “observation.” She was admitted by her handlers after a group of protestors outside of her scheduled evening political rally questioned her love of Christ. According to eyewitnesses, Palin took off her Neiman Marcus heels and threw the shoes at the protestors yelling, “I am full of God’s love. I am full of Christ’s love.” Then, Palin had a meltdown burying her head in her hands sobbing, “I am Hilary Faye. I AM Hilary Faye.” A close friend of Palin’s told the local media that Sarah Palin has often thought of herself as the character Hilary Faye played by movie star Mandy Moore in the religious satire film Saved!

About Palin’s hospitalization, john mccain himself commented saying, “it’s a fine line between a maverick and a wack job!”

29 10 2008
Chin Trout Hussein (NJ)

enjay AKA Turbine Yukon (15:22:11) :

Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…
Martin walked, so Obama could run…
Obama is running, so our children can FLY!

Heard this from a gentleman on NPR. “

Thanks, enjay– I had heard it but was driving and didn’t get to “digest” it.
Glad you posted it.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

RIPLEY! I made calls for Obama tonight! I am so excited!

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas


Sarah Palin has been admitted to a local hospital in Jeffersonville, Indiana for “observation.” She was admitted by her handlers after a group of protestors outside of her scheduled evening political rally questioned her love of Christ. According to eyewitnesses, Palin took off her Neiman Marcus heels and threw the shoes at the protestors yelling, “I am full of God’s love. I am full of Christ’s love.”

Then, Palin had a meltdown burying her head in her hands sobbing, “I am Hilary Faye. I AM Hilary Faye.” A close friend of Palin’s told the local media that Sarah Palin has often thought of herself as the character Hilary Faye played by movie star Mandy Moore in the religious satire film Saved!

About Palin’s hospitalization, john mccain himself commented saying, “it’s a fine line between a maverick and a wack job!”

29 10 2008

“Who is Naught?”
She is the biggest political Zero of this century.
Alaska really is bigger than Texas (Bush).

My apologies ot Alaskan’s but it was too good a line to let pass. At least it looks like you will get rid of your two biggest Zero’s all in one week. Texas is still stuck with Bush number one and Bush number two, Delay, Graham, Rove and a state full or Repocons.

29 10 2008
Canadian Neighbour

Kewl Human Obama Logo!!! Excellent video!!!

Just saw soundbyte that Todd will be on the gossip show ‘The Insider’ with Laura Spencer on Thursday for an interview.

Also saw that CNN is not acknowleging Palin’s statement from the ABC interview that it is in regard to 2012, until they see the full transcript or interview. They jump on everything else like ACORN and run rabid with it, so why should this be any different.

Unfortunately for me, in Canada where I am, CNN is the only US news station we get. I don’t get Fox, MSNBC and whatever others there are. Depend on computer for those. I usually turn the station when Lou Dobbs is on or I will break my TV. I have bought marshmallows to throw at it just in case!!!!

29 10 2008
WV Democrat

Northern Exposure (15:15:50) :

Todd Palin featured in ads and mailers to rural Maine and elsewhere.
“Will this be your last winter snowmobiling in a national park?…This election will decide.”


What is the world was the reason why this was sent out? What is the issue behind it?

29 10 2008

We can be sure of one thing………if Palin is still ‘scandal-free’ in 2012, she is going to have to run independently ala Huckabee. As was commented previously, the RNC will not trust her.

29 10 2008

The ABC link once again mentions Palin’s medical records. Why are they not released and will they be. How can we make this happen?

29 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

I’m so tired of the disgusting comments and ads by McCain and company. I can hardly stand to have the TV on anymore. I agree with everyone, Palin is a complete nut job. Running for VP qualifies her to run for President?

29 10 2008
Jean from Holland (Europe)

OK, like enjay I have something that may have been posted before, but I only saw it once, posted by “untomcat” on Oct-26.

It ‘s a little story.

A woman in a hot air balloon (let’s call her Sarah) realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him: “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.” The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re traveling by hot air ballon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.” She rolled her eyes and said, “You must be a democrat.” “I am,” replied the man, “how did you know?” “Well, answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.” The man smiled and responded, “You must be a republican.” “I am, replied the balloonist. “How did you know?” “Well,” said the man, “You don’t know where you are or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it’s my fault.”

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Less than ten minutes to Barack’s 30 minute speech on the following networks:

NBC, CBS, Univision, BET, FOX and MSNBC

29 10 2008

Avahome wrote: “The ABC link once again mentions Palin’s medical records. Why are they not released and will they be. How can we make this happen?”

I am getting suspicious that there is something about Palin’s mental health in her records. Here’s why: 1) Looking at her performance in this campaign only, she is very strange, illogical and frankly, crazy. 2) The McCain camp leaked that she is a “whack job.” 3) Why else would they let her be the only candidate in the race who has not released health records?

@OC Liberal, I LOVE what you wrote about Palin saying what she said today for revenge, since the McCain campaign called her a “whack job.” You are brilliant! Great observation.
And now to watch soon-to-be President Obama! 🙂

29 10 2008

Who is the frontrunning Democrat to compete against Palin for the governorship in 2010, or to possibly succeed her should she be impeached (or, god forbid, become vp) in 2009?

29 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

In all fairness to the current Alaskan administration, the Governor’s House (the one in Juneau, not “her” house in Wasilla) is very old and has been in need of a lot of work in the past few years. Nancy Murkowski started a committee to take over dealing with maintenance of the House and start dealing with some of the serious issues. It was built in 1935, I think, so it wasn’t up to any current codes for much of anything. There have been significant window leaks and other structural problems, as well as seriously outdated plumbing and electrical systems that need/needed updating (notwithstanding the issue of updating the 1930s electrical system so that it could handle a tanning bed! LOL). While I don’t think it’s appropriate IF the First Dud’s friends did the work, I know that it’s the “job” of the First Spouse to oversee the maintenance of the house and the House Committee, so it’s not like he was out of line in taking on that task. From the reports I read recently on some website, I think that ~$50,000 was spent on repairs, not $900,000, but I may have missed some articles.

I have no such insightful comments on the other Housegate, however.

29 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

Oops, obviously didn’t figure out how to turn OFF the bold font in that last post. My deepest apologies!

(help? One of you amazing smart tagging people know how to turn that off?)

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

Obama is back in Vegas on Saturday morning. Hee-haw! He leads in the Nevada polls. Another red state turning blue!

29 10 2008

“In the medical records you’ll see that I am just a hockey mom with 5 kids….if they are released…”
I said ‘yes’, before I said ‘if’.

Now, arent my clothes fantastic. These are MY clothes. Not those clothes in the belly of the bus. MY CLOTHES. Right Elizabeth? These are MY CLOTHES.

And, Barack Obama has a funny name and is a socio-marxist-wealth spreader with ties to the weather people that I hated in 2nd grade. Vote for Palin-Mcain!

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (15:36:18) :
Frothie, of course you’re special! You’re a mudpuppy! LOL 🙂

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Edie (14:56:45) : You made my day!

Thank you for the kind words Edie. It is so unusual for someone to find my comments to be funny in real life. I am accustomed to getting blank stares from my family and friends.

29 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (15:38:52) I’m so proud of you , my friend! You should send me an e-mail so I can get your address and we can pen pal… or penpalin! LOL also.

I saw today when I got home from work that McLiar’s poll numbers went up.. I had a bit of an attack… and that Obama dipped a little bit. I hope his 30 minute thingy tonight (in 3 minutes~!) helps those numbers for the good side soar!!!

29 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@mmiddle (15:53:54) :

If she were impeached or recalled, current Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell would become governor. I’m not sure there have been any possible candidates that have revealed themselves yet for the 2010 race, but I would bet that there are a few waiting in the wings to see how things go over the next few months.

As they say, stay tuned…

29 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

The polls make me so nervous!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Obama coming on TV in a few moments, at least on East coast

29 10 2008

“I’m not doing this for naught.”

What a pity they didn’t have her do 3 pressers a day from day one. The sayings of Sarah would fill a book.

Thanks all for this evenings chuckle.

29 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein

Tom from PA (15:26:28) :
OK…how hard do most Alaskans need to be hit over the head….

Don’t worry Tom. They probably made those polling calls while most Alaskans for Obama were out campaigning or digging up evidence, or running about in 20 degrees, making human logos.
Just a chart blip.

29 10 2008


Oh God, I hope not!!!!!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

It is on

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

8:00… time for history..!

29 10 2008

“Village Idiot Missing”
Unfortunately I had to leave my beloved Texas for work in the NE a couple of years ago.

But increasingly it was becoming an underground joke referring to Bush “Somewhere in Texas a village is missing its Idiot.”
unfortunately, he will probably keep his ranch as a tax dodge, like his daddy keeps a Houston Penthouse. But hopefully he will go live elsewhere – like Saudia Arabia where real men hold hands with each other.

29 10 2008
fawnskin hussein mudpuppy

i’m watching it here in california

29 10 2008

I think McCain should move to London. Less sun, preserve his skin.

29 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

That’s our guy— a man with a plan!!!

Go Obama Go!

29 10 2008

I just had a horrible thought {as I sit watching OBAMA ;)}…what if Alaska won’t take Sarah back…what if you banish her to the lower 48’s….OMG…please…take her back!!!!!
😉 Mart in NC

29 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)


We can send her to England — they seem to like her and her cohort on the BBC website

29 10 2008

Ahhhhh the programs is really great and informative. I wonder what kind of spin McNasty is going to put on this

29 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

Jean from Holland (Europe)

Jean I also use the hot air balloon analogy for ID.

Comparing evolution to ID is like comparing the space shuttle to a hot air balloon the balloon doesn’t fly, but is bouyed up by a lot of hot air.

29 10 2008

I doubt Alaska wants her “back”. She is not Alaska’s problem, whether they win this election or not, she is a problem for ALL of us. Remember the unity.

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Thank you Barack…

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

My God, this is live, look at that crowd

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)


Felt like his first presidential speech to me..

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

wow. We are supporting the right guy.

29 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

O….M….G…!!! Obama makes me cry like a baby! That’s how I know he’s for real… cuz mama didn’t raise no fool!

29 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Inspiring program!

29 10 2008
MissSue MI

Wow…”that one” is so inspiring!

29 10 2008
Aeroentropy aka Bash Budweiser Palin



29 10 2008
Librarian from Bay

We are so blessed for having Obama as our President!!!
I cried a lot!!!

29 10 2008

Wasn’t that amazing????

McInsane must be weeping into his Depends.

29 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT,
I cried too! We are definitely supporting the right one. This man can change this country!

29 10 2008
WV Democrat

One word… WOW!!!

29 10 2008
grumpy in Illinois

Very moving half hour. Quite impressive and presidential.

29 10 2008

He is just so inspiring. I have not felt this way about a candidate since I supported Bobby Kennedy

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

Umm.. I have a copyright on Wow.. Everyone, please send me $1.00 each time you say it.. I’m donating all proceeds to Obama.. 🙂

29 10 2008

Northern Exposure (15:15:50) :

Todd Palin featured in ads and mailers to rural Maine and elsewhere.
“Will this be your last winter snowmobiling in a national park?…This election will decide.”


What is the world was the reason why this was sent out? What is the issue behind it?

I moved to Downeast, Maine a couple of years ago from Texas. Snowmobiling and moose gutting are big deals here too. But the state is increasing the milies of snowmobile paths by buying up old railroad lines and converting them.
I’ve been walking on one that is still being worked on.
No RV’s permitted but snowmobiles will be.
There apparently are speed limits and other restrictions for snowmobiles and RV’s in the more heavily populated parts of Maine where there are many more pedistrians using the same paths as the RV’s and snowmibiles. So maybe that is what the first dud is talking about.
Or maybe its just Repocon BS. Or maybe the dud thinks it is OK to run over and injure pedestrians.

The beautiful fall foliage just got whipped off the trees in the last two days but all ya’ll southerners come see our trees and eat our lobsters next year. Ya’ll heah.

29 10 2008

Wonderful program. I don’t see how anyone could fail to be moved.

29 10 2008
Mollys Mum

I liked it very much, but as I posted on the MF forum, I wish he’d concentrated a bit more onthe military, how he plans to end the war in Iraq, maybe some response to the “invasion” of Syria, etc. He only had one high profile military official singing his praises and I’m worried the GOP may pounce on that.

Other than that, I love the man to death and think he is the last great hope for our country. Don’t get me wrong. 😉

29 10 2008

The half-hour special that Obama has paid for, that was broadcast across several media outlets, was exactly what I hoped for.

He knocked it out of the park.

Gobama. GOTV. If you can, go help, call, canvas, sign wave, blog, share the wealth that fills our hearts with hope.

29 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

He had me at hello!

29 10 2008
WV Democrat

What was that McCain ad airing in Keith O??? Say it’s not soooooooooooooooooo!!!

29 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

wv dem, that’s so they can’t accuse Keith of being one sided.. it was a weak commercial hit. “He’s not ready….. yet”. WTF does that mean?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

So, how many of those assinine undecideds decided tonight? How can you not have your mind made up?? But tonight.. Now it should be easy to pick.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

he should go back to the senate until mcgrumpy dies.

29 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

*thinks that Olbermann could use me as a writer* LOL SNAP

29 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

We had to keep switching ’cause I was sobbing. The bit about his mom dying always gets to me. When they switched live to FL, my husband said, how can people not vote for him?

Watching the Phillies for a while, then hope they will have Obama & Clinton live later.

Can’t believe SWWNBN said that! Obviously she doesn’t want to got back to AK>

29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Going to knit badly in a compulsive manner… anybody want a skewed scarf?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)
29 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein

Going to GO knit…. geez, Palinese is catching. G’night puppies!

29 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

Today my hairdresser said she was undecided! She’s registered Democratic, but doesn’t know who to vote for! Of course I told her I was supporting Obama and some reasons why. She said what bothers her about him is his Muslim connections and Jeremiah Wright!!!!!!!!

I spoke with her about those things, but it is just amazing how the McCain camp has poisoned people.

I love that Obama’s ads are so positive, telling what he will do and how. All McCain can do is cut up Obama because he has nothing else to offer!

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Barak’s 30 minute commercial is posted on his website. Worth watching if you haven’t yet.

29 10 2008
Blue Lonestar

Obama again didn’t disappoint me. I had tears in my eyes at end of the 30 minutes. I tried not to have my hopes up too high for this election after the big disappointment in 2000 & 2004 but I really can’t keep my enthusiasm down. He is not perfect and he will not be perfect but he gives me HOPE!

29 10 2008

These people are trying to make me crazy. First Caribou Barbi announces for 2012 and then “Joe the Plumber” announces that he has hired a publicist. Could I be President of Finland? I’ve never been to Finland and I think I have some idea where it is but I could run the country.

29 10 2008
WV Democrat

Going to go protest McCain rally in Steubenville, OH on Friday. Anyone here want to join me? McCain speaks at noon on the Jefferson County Courthouse steps.

29 10 2008

I am soooo inspired!! How anyone can see this man and not know that he is the right man for the job at this time? My daughter just called to see if I was crying, and of course I was. I haven’t felt this hopeful in 8 long years.

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

I had tears in my eyes! How can anyone hate this Man???
He is truly a Spiriual beautiful Human Being!
I bet the hate talk express is reeling….they can spin,spin,spin…
Obama said it all….
He is the Man…
He is going to be a very beloved POTUS!

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (16:47:52) :

Going to knit badly in a compulsive manner… anybody want a skewed scarf?
Heck. I’ll take it!:) Everything I knit is crooked. I’m used to it!

29 10 2008
Lana, KY

I cannot wrap my mind around why anyone would NOT vote for Obama/Biden after watching that 30 minutes.
Obama is the HOPE for this country. Please keep him safe.

29 10 2008
West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

WV Democrat (16:52:38) :

I wish I could go to protest McCain with you! Unfortunately I have to work. I will be anxious to hear how it goes though.

29 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

WTF I live in Arizona and the Obama speech was not aired?

29 10 2008

Keith Olberman-“Joe the Plumber” is shopping for a book deal. What is the title going to be; “I Am A Nothing Made Famous By Another Nothing.”

29 10 2008
WV Democrat

@ West Virginian aka Halter Grasshopper Palin

‘S ok. I’ll make sure I get my licks in. Going to hand out Obama literature and film the crowd. Wanta guess how many racists I’ll uncover? OkOk I should go into this thinking the best…but….well… *sigh*

29 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

Oops not on till 7pm local time.

29 10 2008

I was right with you all – tears in my eyes and running down my cheeks. This man is our generation’s FDR, Lincoln, JFK. We live in amazing times.

29 10 2008

Hey folks – anyone going to a McCain rally to advocate for Obama PLEASE WATCH YOUR BACK!!! See this:
So please be sure to 1) do not engage with these people 2) be peaceful and nonconfrontational, 3) think MLK Jr and walk that path of peaceful resistence . . .and give Steubenville hell-o from me! And if any one from Bethany WV is on this posting, head out to Steubenville and show your support for Obama.

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

8) I’m so excited! I just checked my absentee vote online and it was recieved today!!!!

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

I just check a redneck music site where I know some people are voting for Obama although more are not. Not a single post in the hour around the broadcast, which is very unusual for this time of night. 😉

29 10 2008

My husband and I went together to vote on the way to work last week. This is the first time in a long time, maybe ever, that we were both truly excited and inspired. Tonight was the icing on the cake. And AKM, thank you as always for seeing us all through and giving us a place to go when we need a lift or to share.

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein


29 10 2008

Caribou Barbi in 2012?

John McCain I’ll never forgive you!

29 10 2008

Caribou Barbi in 2012? John McCain I’ll never forgive you!

29 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin


Rally and March to be held November 1, 2008.

The people of Arizona have decided to divorce John McCain. Arizona’s “favorite” son has lost his luster. As his campaign implodes across the country and Barack Obama continues to poll convincing numbers in battleground states, McCain faces the real possibly of losing even in his home state. Yes, the separation is already underway.

Led by the Phoenix-based End The War Coalition, several progressive organizations, including Progressive Democrats of America, are planning a major rally and march on Saturday, November 1st. The “Arizona Divorces McCain” rally kicks off at 11:00 a.m. at Madison #1 School parking lot, 5525 N. 16th Street, Phoenix. Following the rally, organizers plan to march to McCain’s Arizona campaign headquarters and deliver the divorce decree.

I will be there.

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Bev (17:04:43) :

Hey folks – anyone going to a McCain rally to advocate for Obama PLEASE WATCH YOUR BACK!!! See this:

Officially scary.

29 10 2008

Caligrl, can you tell me how to check an CA Absentee ballot? I could not find a link. Thanks.

29 10 2008

I think McCain is on Larry King right now but I can’t bring myself to watch. I’ll just catch the high(low) points when it’s over.

29 10 2008
Kim in Florida

I am glad I was not alone weeping away watching Obama! The lady who said she feels like she can’t breathe — I can relate! Hubby and I decided last night to let our youngest daughter skip school tomorrow (she is 8) to see Obama. She has been on board from the beginning and watched with me tonight. What a huge once in a lifetime opportunity for her (and a reward for making the honor roll 🙂 I voted last Sunday and am canvassing on Saturday. I tell everyone and anyone about Mudflats! You folks ROCK!

29 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Please note: McLiar addressed his own crowd, assuming they would be “watching the infomercial”. Get that? He was telling them that WHEN they watch it, remember how it was paid for. You’d think he’d tell them not to watch it….Heck I bet he watched it!!! AND LOVED IT!!! LOL

29 10 2008
Kim in Florida

Premature posting — was going to mention I was soooo moved by your rally video! I passed it on to many!

29 10 2008

Hey guys – just got home from work here in AK – missed the 30 minuite ad during my commute….

Anyone know of any links? I’ve been surfing around to no avail!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

Ripley, yea, obama paid for it with thousands of $10 and $20 donations. Americans paid for it, and I think we got our moneys worth..

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Suchanut, Denise posted one above

29 10 2008
Kim in Florida

my daughter is 8 somehow picked up a smiley

29 10 2008

Was he wonderful? OHHHH I have 30 minutes to go to see him her in Ca. And have the tissue box ready….:)

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Anyone who is dealing with Evangelical voters, here is a post on a blog worth reading…
from “Cajun Boy” (who has also promised to bring us (possible NEWS) on Grifter spice…
anyway this is a awesome read “who would Jesus Vote for?

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein (15:54:13) :

My house was built in 1883. Where does that put me?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

LA, yup.. can’t you tell from all the positive comments? 🙂

29 10 2008

suchanut (17:19:08) :
Hey guys – just got home from work here in AK – missed the 30 minuite ad during my commute….

Anyone know of any links? I’ve been surfing around to no avail!

@ Obama’s website.

29 10 2008

@Caligrl, can you please tell me how to check if a CA Absentee ballot has been received? I could not find a link when I looked last night. Maybe I was on the wrong CA website. Thanks!

29 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein Catfish in CT

Cassie, I’m right there with ya! My house is circa 1865!!! Yeah, I need some updating, too!

29 10 2008

Thanks Aussie, Thanks Denise!

29 10 2008

@ suchanut (17:19:08) :
Denise just posted a link above:

–> Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca (16:51:09) :

Barak’s 30 minute commercial is posted on his website. Worth watching if you haven’t yet.

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)


I don’t have a government to update me, do you?

29 10 2008

I’m so nervous that I can’t sit down so I’m pacing thru the house waiting untill 7PM…I can’t wait to see it…..:)

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Lulu (17:23:43) :

@Caligrl, can you please tell me how to check if a CA Absentee ballot has been received? I could not find a link when I looked last night. Maybe I was on the wrong CA website. Thanks!

I thought I heard of someone else in cali checking on absentee…? You might be able to call them tomorrow and give the number on your ballot or maybe they can look up by address and b-day.
Good luck 8)

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

But I feel the weight of preserving it…if there is a “here” after 🙂

29 10 2008

Thanks, Caligrl! I appreciate it! 🙂

29 10 2008

@ suchanut (17:19:08) :
Whoops… you already got the info a few times over while I was refreshing the dial-up page.

29 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

Daughter of slave votes for Obama
109-year-old Bastrop woman casts her vote by mail.

Amanda Jones, a delicate, thin woman wearing golden-rimmed glasses, giggled as the family discussed this year’s presidential election. She is too weak to go the polls, so two of her 10 children — Eloise Baker, 75, and Joyce Jones — helped her fill out a mail-in ballot for Barack Obama, Baker said. “I feel good about voting for him,” Amanda Jones said.

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Rachel Maddow—Bush Doctrine II?

I already don’t like it.

29 10 2008

ira2 – Thanks for the link to Obama’s 30-minutes; was @ a meeting & missed it. WOW! I’ve gotta agree with so many of you — I cannot fathom not voting for the man. If there are those who still can’t make up their silly minds after watching that, then I worry….

29 10 2008

Ok. I am going to be a tiny drop of, um, not negativity,, I wasn’t overwhelmed by Obama’s program. I tried to watch it from the prospective of an undecided voter (Rachel just reported that three percent of the early voters (people who VOTED) didn’t know for whom they were voting), and I found mysef wishing he would have gone more in-depth about one or two issues rather than lightly touch all of them.

In addition, I would have loved it if Dick Luger had appeared. All in all, it was nicely done, but too overly-polished for my taste.

Sorry! I will now duck and hide.

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Seems to me that the most appropriate place to file these types of complaints and the department most appropriately equipped legally to handle these types of complaints is the federal DOJ’s Public Corruption Unit.

Taking public money when one is not entitled to that public money is a criminal act. Palin’s Personnel Board, as your spineless AG knows, has no authority to investigate or otherwise handle criminal matters.

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Bush Doctrine I

Find people……..kill them.

Bush Doctirin II

Imagine people….kill them.


29 10 2008

To WV Democrat @ 5:45:57 :

You asked “What is the world was the reason why this was sent out? What is the issue?” in regard to the following post by Northern Exposure @ 15:15:50:

Todd Palin featured in ads and mailers to rural Maine and elsewhere.
“Will this be your last winter snowmobiling in a national park?…This election will decide.”

The answer is that snowmobile access to national parks is a long-lived, major controversy for Yellowstone National Park. Must be in Maine, too.

Read about a Sept 2008 court decision to protect Yellowstone at

29 10 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

I just can’t wait till tomorrow to see what kind of reaction McCain had to Obama’s message. I know he watched it, his envy wouldn’t let him do otherwise. I’d be willing to bet he tries a similar message before the election, not that it would help, the thought of McCain actually trying to sound and act sincere about anything at this point kinda makes me nauseous.

29 10 2008

P.S. I love the ingenuity shown by this woman whose Obama sign was stolen:

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

That was wonderful Obama TV! I know that there were no koolaid drinkers watching – or if there were, they didn’t believe a word they heard – but I hope there were thousands of fence sitters watching and they just fall off onto our side of the fence.

It was excellent!

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

It was excellent – even though I had to reach up and keep one hand on the rabbit ears all the way through it! LOL

29 10 2008

I love how the ingenuity of this woman shines through after she got her Obama sign stolen:

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (17:34:22) :

I voted…last week. I knew it all. I spent the past 12 days “talking it up”. I got some voters, and some who said they would not vote…because they could nor vote for McCain. I consider that a win.

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Sarah Palin can better believe that if she runs for President in 2012, that the Republican opposition research will find mudflats. She’d be well advised to high tail it back to the house Todd built for her with his “construction buddies.”

She needs to read the writing on the wall… if Stevens is convicted as he was, what makes her think she’s going to escape that same type of scrutiny? Yes, there are scads of women out there who really, really really, want a woman for President.

But most of those same women do not want a woman president who has the stench of public corruption following her around like a wet, smelly fart.

29 10 2008

Crap. Ok. Let me try this. This woman got mad when her Obama sign got stolen. So she did something about it. /dpp/news/politics/Woman_paints_lawn_after_sign_is_stolen

I put in an extra space after the com to see if it’ll go through.

29 10 2008
Kim in Florida

My previous post was “palinized.” Sorry about that, but I use an ergonomic keyboard at work and typing on a regular keyboard on a laptop with long fingernails at home causes strange things to happen on occasion. I meant to say we are going to the Obama rally to see “that one” in person tomorrow in Sarasota. Must go get my beauty sleep and will be sure to wear waterproof mascara. I will send some pics when I get home tomorrow. Who am I kidding–I am too excited to sleep.

Thanks for the store link AKM. I plan to do some shopping as soon as I can narrow down the items I want to one or two instead of ten or twelve.

29 10 2008

@caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (17:20:34) : re that ‘possible story’ ‘cajun boy’ referred to, someone posted a letter to the editor of the Anchorage Daily News earlier today, suggesting that all readers interested in seeing that story come out follow up. Just go to Friday’s post & look under the comments, copy, paste & send it along to ADN.

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

asiangrrrl… I don’t care what you think about the ad. I’m still in love with you.


you ain’t voting for skanky-skirt and her grampa so it’s all good.

29 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN May I suggest that you are such an Obama
junkie that it wasn’t enough to add to your “buzz”? Ha!

29 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

mayflower: wow – so it’s the ADN that is holding on to the story?!? Oh – I have to go and send an email now 🙂

29 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Most enjoyable watching the shism open up between McCranky Pants and What’s-Her-Name. Too bad George Bernard Shaw isn’t still around to update his play to “Pigpalian”. Someone on some blog referred to this as “The McCaine Mutiny”. This Grifter creature sure is a piece of work.

29 10 2008

Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:) (17:19:34) :

Ripley, yea, obama paid for it with thousands of $10 and $20 donations. Americans paid for it, and I think we got our moneys worth..

And with $5 donations too :o)

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Nebraska Native:

I, for one, would love a skewed scarf!

29 10 2008

@Wrangler: That’s just rumor…. but it would make sense….

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy


Todd Palin featured in ads and mailers to rural Maine and elsewhere. “Will this be your last winter snowmobiling in a national park?…This election will decide.”

The answer is that snowmobile access to national parks is a long-lived, major controversy for Yellowstone National Park. Must be in Maine, too

Todd Palin is an idiot of the highest magnitude who doesn’t know squat about National Parks or Maine.

There is but one – just ONE!!! – National Park in Maine. That National Park is known as Acadia National Park and is located along the coast. It does not get a whole lot of snow. Probably not enough snow to make snowmobiling an issue up thay-ah. Something he would know if he actually knew what he or his ad-writer were writing about.

29 10 2008

And heck, I’m for hitting every paper if that’s what it’ll take — letters to all the majors.

29 10 2008

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout), any GOP person who doesn’t vote is good people by me.

I love your concise sum-up on Bush Doctrine Part Deux (which Rachel just mentioned). I wonder what Palin thought about it?

I don’t think anybody who is still undecided will watch the Obama special and say, “Yup, he answered my questions” because, quite frankly, if they haven’t decided by now, they really shouldn’t be voting, anyway. Anything either candidate comes up with now is purely spin.

i would rather have watched an entire Obama speech.

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

mayflower (17:40:05) :

@caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (17:20:34) : re that ‘possible story’ ‘cajun boy’ referred to, someone posted a letter to the editor of the Anchorage Daily News earlier today, suggesting that all readers interested in seeing that story come out follow up. Just go to Friday’s post & look under the comments, copy, paste & send it along to ADN.
*Done* 8)

29 10 2008

ooh, I can’t wait for Sarah to return home after the election so i can tune in to “As the Moose Turns – Back to Wasilla”

What do you Alaskans think – will Stevens be re-elected, will he step down, will Sarah seek to horn in on his job?

29 10 2008

sauerkraut aka palins Moosecandy, whew! I am glad I am not going to be kicked out of the Mudflats for my heresy–I usually go against the tide.

Lurker “That one” Hussein Palin, I think you’re right! It’s time to up my fix. I’m jonesin’….

29 10 2008

Caligrl You Rock!

29 10 2008
just a little old lady

Obama was BRILLIANT for doing the 30 message. Had tears in my eyes. Haven’t seen anything so inspirational since the Kennedy boys.

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Rachel Maddow: there is no “i” in team but there is in mavericky.

29 10 2008

Meanwhile, let’s all just keep our fingers crossed that her true character will be exposed once and for all.

29 10 2008

Oops. Sorry I didn’t unbold.

As for Palin and her future in the GOP, if the fundies win out, then they will be relegated to the hinterlands as they should be. I don’t think Palin will be in politics in 2012–I really don’t.

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Does anyone else wonder “what’s up with RM” today? Is she trying to be “devil’s advocate?”
I thought she would be wildly happy about BO “state of the election”??
Or am I crazy? 😦

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

I think RM is suffering from pre-election traumatic stress…and she doesn’t have the option to step away from the computer or television.

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Eyes Wide : I am seriously thinking about making a sign to wear on election day.

I Village Idiot I
I {palin’s pic} I
I Missing I

29 10 2008

Re the ADN letters from Friday and comments – i can’t find anything of interest – a little more direction please?!

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Why are they dissing Obama’s “30 min. speech?” It was beyond ♥AWESOME♥

29 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

OMG! What was that “dog poop ad”?
said it was someone from Alaska?

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Hey Mudpuppies, I’m 28 hours on the road…rest well and dream of a Dole (NC) defeat, and an Obama WIN!…in NC.

Please tell me you had tears in your eyes!

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

it was hilarious. i think the point was that she has experience shoveling sh..?

29 10 2008
SoCal Gal

OT: Congratulations Phillies! Go PA!

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Rashid Palasdhi?


29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Phillies won the World Series! Pitcher doesn’t care “about that other crap; this is what it’s about”

29 10 2008

MJC (14:18:55) :,

I’ve been wondering about that, too. They’re all over the $50,000 story, but that is a drop in the bucket! I think the FBI needs to take a close look at Todd Palin’s bank accounts. Can’t imagine those are $900,000 of legitimate expenses and I’ll bet there was some “spreading the wealth” going on between he and his contractor buddies.

29 10 2008

Scotsgirl (17:57:12) :

Re the ADN letters from Friday and comments – i can’t find anything of interest – a little more direction please?!

The post and comments are here:

Down a ways in the comments is this:

PolySciSuzie said…

I’d like to ask the bloggers on this site to go to the Anchorage Daily News site and send a letter to the editor, here is the site:
Here is a copy of the letter I sent:
“We down here in the lower 48 will in part rely on the media in Alaska to tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Governor Sarah Palin as we head to the polls to vote for the next leader of the free world and their running mate. We were let down by an intimidated mainstream media in the lower 48 the past 8 years when they did not investigate the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about George W. Bush and his team. For that we now have an economic meltdown, 2 wars, an energy crisis not to mention the deteriorated state of our education system, our unfavorable standing in the world and pending environmental issues. I hope the Alaska Daily News has the courage and foresight to not be intimidated by a label of “liberal media bias” in presenting the whole truth on Governor Sarah Palin. ”
It’s time “we the people” started asking for some truth and accountability from the media. Thanks.


Hope that helps :o)

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Worth repeating, except that I think it’s an IRS matter. Anyone out there in mudflat land want to drop a dime?

Randy (14:28:23) :

In reviewing the Palins tax returns that were disclosed there was a business deduction for the snowmobile racing business, which includes the Iron Dog race. I recall one of the questionable perdiem vouchers was for the Gov. and family to be at the race in an official capacity. Based on this I would venture to guess the same expense is deducted on their tax return, which is Tax Fraud, as well as filing a false public voucher, you can’t have it both ways.
This angle shuld be looked at in the investigation.

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Don’t know if this has been posted yet, but here’s SP stakng her claim to the GOP future.;_ylt=AjPQ4M9kH57gHA_3UvjhWLth24cA

29 10 2008

Lana, KY (14:20:19) :,

Palin will just use the need for extra staff in the Dept of Law as a talking point in 2012, touting how she ‘added jobs’ in the state. It’s about as honest as her current talking points about reform and transparency.

29 10 2008

@Scotsgirl (17:57:12) : Don’t mean to be cryptic or anything, but I don’t think anyone wants to dredge up rumors… But on Friday there was a post on this site about a Palin ‘story’

If you click on it, you can read it and all the comments. At the very end, someone earlier posted a letter to the editor of the ADN & asked readers to follow up if we feel that’s who is holding on to the story.

I have long been advocating that something come out of a more ‘personal’ nature because I feel that if anything is truly there it must be shown and dealt with on the national stage. Mommy Dearest’s behavior in the ‘family room’ has everything to do with her judgment, her blind ambition, etc… That is, IF there is anything substantive that is being withheld…..

So, Scotsgirl, click on the link & some others, and you decide. Another blogger, Gryphen, (Alaska’s The Immoral Minority) is also a good source.

29 10 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

G’night, Mudpups…I’m way too tired…too much traveling. But Barrack’s MY MAN!
I’m one of those million contributors!

29 10 2008

ira2 — thank you so much for helping out — I’m so slow & have kids to get in bed….

Scotsgirl — hope this helps! 🙂

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Scrimshaw, where in Sweden are you from? I have been as far North as Jokkmokk and have friends in Umea.

29 10 2008

hi fellow mudflatters! I am just back from a LONG 5 days in texas (went to visit my mother in the very RED texas panhandle)….if it weren’t for my 89 year old mother who (as a lifelong republican) is voting for obama, I would have been clawing the walls. My mother has only basic cable (fox news was the only NATIONAL news channel evidently on basic cable in the texas panhandle) I did end up at the library the past 3 afternoons, to get some REALITY check….but given my mother’s relatively LIMITED exposure to anything but FOX news ….I must say, I was most impressed with her ability to come out STILL in favor of Obama (she actually gets rather emotional when talking about him)
I did catch a CSPAN program last nite…with two progressive pundits talking about obama’s campaign and how we can expect a president who understands and will take advantage of 21st century technology! (they gave his campaign great raves about use of youtube and the internet
Anyway…I am so glad to be back in the land of the INFORMATION!!!

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

from KO:
“Yesterday, country music artist and producer Aaron Tippin formed a partnership with [Joe the] Wurzelbacher and two others, to try to get him a recording contract and concert dates.”

Tippin can go keep Randall Hank Williams company out on the mudflats. Good riddance!

29 10 2008


I didn’t see Obama tonight, but for an interesting response check out the normally very snarky and hyper-critical young hip politica/media/gossip site, jezebel.

They find fault with EVERYTHING but said BO knocked it out of the park. You may be interested

29 10 2008

Is there a running tally yet??

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Phoebe: What was with the SHIP HAPPENS t-shirt Ms. Palin had on at a rally today?? That may be just a little too mavericky when you’re running for VP.

Ship is where Palin spoke yesterday afternoon between her Hershey and PSU appearances. Ship is Shippensburg University in south central pennsyltucky; in fact, not far from me. I have one of those Ship Happens t-shirts.

Dickinson is a small college north of Shippensburg in Carlisle; some sport there has a t-shirt which says Run Hard Big Dick. Yet, it’s considered a conservative school. Go figure.

29 10 2008

Thanks Ira2 and Mayflower – I finally figured it out and I had seen Cajun Boy’s site and comment on Friday but didn’t realise the comments continued after that day…duh!
I too am sending a letter to the ADN – as a former midwife I continue to be concerned…..
You see, this is what I love about Mudflats – you have a thought or question, you ask and you WILL receive!
Thanks a million,
A x

29 10 2008

OT from a few threads back, Whabs, Seattle, WA., I was touched by your story, and I am glad that you are finding the strength to go on. Keep visitng the Mudflats. We will be here.

29 10 2008

Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin (14:46:11) :,

I think there’s a couple of things going on with her. First, she has some sort of personality disorder that allows her to compartmentalize her idealized view of herself and protect that self-evaluation from reality and second, her extreme religious beliefs (bordering on religious hysteria–a recognized mental illness) allow her to rationalize that everything she does is okay because she is God’s chosen one. This pattern has manifested itself throughout history–in some of the most vile and destructive tyrants the world has known. All I can say is if she should get elected, YIKES!

29 10 2008

…and WHERE THE HECK are the MEDICAL RECORDS she promised!

29 10 2008

TexChick, thanks for the link. I can see how emotional strings are being tugged by this program. I guess I am just more hardened or something.

I am still firmly behind Obama, of course. I just wasn’t that moved by the program.

Night to those going to bed, and welcome back, Deb. Glad you survived your trip to Texas.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

trig, just tell us who’s your momma.. We don’t need any records.. we have you..

29 10 2008

fawnskin hussein mudpuppy (15:20:03) :,

Maybe they should change their call letters from WFTV to “WTFv?”

29 10 2008

Here’s a good post on reaction to The Ad:

29 10 2008

Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:) (18:23:36) :
@ trig, just tell us who’s your momma.. We don’t need any records.. we have you..

thanks for the laughter Marty!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

mayflower i try to entertain.. 🙂

29 10 2008

One more thing, I loved Chris Matthews on Keith clearly stating that Obama IS the American Dream and that he called out Americans saying, “What more does he have to do?” I don’t know what’s gotten into Matthews (probably sick of all the lying), but I am lovin’ it.

29 10 2008

Michele (18:04:24) :

MJC (14:18:55) :,

I’ve been wondering about that, too. They’re all over the $50,000 story, but that is a drop in the bucket! I think the FBI needs to take a close look at Todd Palin’s bank accounts. Can’t imagine those are $900,000 of legitimate expenses and I’ll bet there was some “spreading the wealth” going on between he and his contractor buddies.

I’ve been looking through the five million political links in my favorites and finally found it again:

That’s the DailyKos story/video/expense charts on “mansiongate”.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

asian, sadly, there are a whole lot of people who have been on a koolaid drip for months and still believe his lies..

and even if you tried to like him, he’s just got this vile look about him and i can only imagine what his private conversations are about.. if one of his office people recorded him in some tirade, cursing and screaming, then we could put this election to bed tonight..! We gotta assume he’s screaming at his staff 1constantly.. maybe he’ll stroke out.. how ironic if that happened on monday..

29 10 2008
Baseball Hussein Daytona Palin (CT)

Wahoo! Keep up the great work! My 19 year-old son is estatic about this election!

AKM: Any chance you can post a separate topic to put the heat on MSNBC so we can be with KO and CM on election night? I already sent the network an email, but I’m just me…

Gosh, if we can’t celebrate with these guys, it will suck!

29 10 2008
Lurker "That one" Hussein Palin

If you haven’t seen this yet It reminds of Barack.

It’s a clip of the song “Stand by me” part of the “Playing for Change”
Peace through music documentary.

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Marnie (16:36:43) : Todd Palin featured in ads and mailers to rural Maine and elsewhere. “Will this be your last winter snowmobiling in a national park?…This election will decide.”

What is the world was the reason why this was sent out? What is the issue behind it?
I moved to Downeast, Maine a couple of years ago from Texas. Snowmobiling and moose gutting are big deals here too. But the state is increasing the milies of snowmobile paths by buying up old railroad lines and converting them. I’ve been walking on one that is still being worked on.

Marnie points out an important distinction that is way beyond First Dud’s comprehension. The STATE, not the National Pak, is converting rails to trails in Maine. Also, snowmobiling is allowed in certain STATE parks. I am not sure if snowmobiling is done at Acadia National Park – in part due to rules and in part due to practicality of it, ie, snow doesnt stick on the ground deep enough along coastal areas to allow for snowmobiling.

As with Sarah not understanding the constitutional limitations on the VP’s duties, the First Dud simply does not understand that there is a difference between federal and state.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

I do not wish to offend Palin supporters, so PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW IF YOU SUPPORT SARAH PALIN…

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

Barbie talking about Khalidi or whatever his name is as another connection to obama.. except mccain gave the same dude $500k.. that’ll be a good talking point tomorrow..

she’s dumber than a bag of rocks.. didn’t she ask mccain about him before using him as another bad example..?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

barbie supporters here? hmmm.. funny..

29 10 2008
Goalie Sanka Palin in NM

Oh, Gosh…I missed everything! I was out at a function.

How did he do? Was it great, good or just okay?

Please give me a something about it…TY!

29 10 2008
Tess In TX

AKM & Alaskans in the know,

So how long could it be until someone else “pulls a ticket” and “house-gate” is flung open wide? Isn’t this still an issue that Palin has yet to be held accountable for as well? Sounds like that Personnel Board is going to get busier and busier. Also, will actions be taken against her (if any) in January as a result of the Legislative Counsel’s findings regarding Troopergate?

Thanks yet again to AKM and all you wonderful Mudpuppies for keeping this Texan informed of all things Alaskan.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

goalie.. go to baracks website.. you can see it for yourself.. and it was great..!

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

Breaking News!

Unable to manufacture a tie between O.J. Simpson and Barack Obama which would have put Obama at the murder scene of Simpson’s wife, the RNC has decided to label Obama a canibal.

How do they plan to sell this canibal allegation to the public?

The RNC claims to have a video of Obama in Mike Tyson’s corner during his 1997 heavyweight championship boxing match against Evander Hollyfield oft-labeled “The Bite Fight of the Century.” According to a McCain spokesman, it was Obama that shouted the corner instructions to Tyson to “bite his ear, Mike. bite his ear and chew on it. it is a good source of protein. it will give you a protein boost so you can win this fight. do it! bite that ear!!”

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

If you need to be motivated to vote, or know someone who is thinking Obama is so far ahead that one vote won’t count, then check this out. A San Francisco based radio host has collected links to show the current voter suppression, purging, vote flipping, absentee ballot mischief, and other efforts underway to suppress the vote.

I could not stand it if on Nov 5th McPalin is pronounced the winner. We have to get out every single voter—in order to arrive at a net surplus even after subtracting whatever votes are lost.

29 10 2008

Goalie Sanka Palin in NM, it seems like I’m the lonely minority of one (well, two, with Keith Olbermann) who was underwhelmed by the program. Everybody else is glowing about it. Apparently, it’s on his website, so you can check it out for yourself.

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Big Al – I’d like you to address the real internet rumor: the one about Obama fathering two black children. What have you on that?

29 10 2008

For Scotsgirl, Ira2, Cali & anyone interested in the Cajun Boy stuff… here’s another link:

One of the comments here is:
Patrick said…
@ Anon:
“I already tried asking someone in AK about the ADN, her response was that if the ADN had something on Palin, she’s pretty certain they’d be running it.”

I would think that too, except that the ADN just endorsed Obama, and I can understand why they would not want to follow that so soon with this kind story. Doing them back to back would make it too easy to question the credibility of either. Unfortunately, if that is what is going on, I highly doubt that they will run the story before the election because it is just getting too close.

But I’m keeping my fingers crossed, whoever has it.”

So…. *sigh*, if getting a story on her true character out there in any way would mess up the Dems’ momentum, then I will certainly wait it out…. But man, oh man, it had better get out there before that Madwoman gets any other ideas about doing anything other than high tailing it into the hinterlands come Nov. 5th…

29 10 2008

Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:) (18:23:36) :
trig, just tell us who’s your momma.. We don’t need any records.. we have you..

Marty gets the Funny Bone Award! LOL
Poor Trig. Being put in the limelight.

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Karen (18:24:08) :

Here’s a good post on reaction to The Ad:
What a great reflection on the fans. My own team won the equivalent last month, so I know the crowd would have been tense and excited and restless and not a little impatient.

AND I’m glad they won. 😉

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (18:34:55) :

Love it. WINK. The Obama ads using McCain’s words have been very effective.

29 10 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

Post conviction poll Rasmussen

Begich 52
Stevens 44

29 10 2008
Lana, KY

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this before but Barack is scheduled to make a satellite appearance on Jon Stewart’s ~ The Daily Show tonight.

29 10 2008
lauren in SD

My son just called from Orlando, Fl. and is at the Obama-Clinton rally. He says it is PACKED and helicopters everywhere! It starts in 15 minutes …11:00 EST.

He compared it with Mpls/St. Paul Metrodome events and says it is beyond anything he has ever seen there!


I am stuck in the middle of SD and am 78 miles from any civilization, but for obvious reasons do not shop at WalMart! (Might back over Sarah in the lot!)

I do order online from J. Crew! Go Michelle O.! (NOT to be confused with Michele B., District 6, MN “whack job”!

29 10 2008
More Light Than Heat


You might try calling the HQ of your local dem club. Is V-ville part of the Democratic Club of the High Desert? If so, email me at
stitchergini at sbcglobal dot net
and I’ll pass on the info. I contacted them today to see if there were any early voting stations locally (NO), but they also checked on re-registration status for a family member who recently submitted a change of address and who hasn’t yet received a mail-in ballot.

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

hooray for Begich!!! Thanks UK Lady!!

29 10 2008

I was just wondering…..of Todd’s “buddies” who helped to build his house, how many of them ended up with contracts to work on the Gov’s mansion? I think there is much, much dirt there. Someone here had posted the bills on the work here, but I can’t find them. I’d like to see them again. From what I recall, they were huge and seemingly overinflated. Like, $50K to replace carpeting on the front stairs. Anyone have the link to the bills?

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Brief web ad for Obama supporters.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

this is an oldie but will always be a goodie..

29 10 2008
karen marie

the thing that struck me about the kids’ travel expenses is that the majority of the plane tickets were for ONE WAY tickets, which is way more expensive than round-trip.

why were they buying the tickets this way? who was the travel agent? was someone getting a commission from these plane tickets?

inquiring minds wanna know.

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@lauren in SD (18:49:18) :

My son just called from Orlando, Fl. and is at the Obama-Clinton rally. He says it is PACKED and helicopters everywhere! It starts in 15 minutes …11:00 EST.
This is going to be one wild night. I’m soooo envious.

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

lauren in SD (18:49:18) :
I heard a story on MPR a couple of days ago about the voting situation for Native Americans on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations in SD. The gist was that there is only one polling place and some (with no car or gas money) have to go 100 miles one way just to vote. Is this right? Can you shed any light?
My dad’s family was from the Sioux Falls, Chancellor, Lennox part of your great state. Is that anywhere near you?
And will you go blue??
hose Hussein hotrod

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy (18:45:40) :

Big Al – I’d like you to address the real internet rumor: the one about Obama fathering two black children. What have you on that?
Unfortunately, some rumors are true. Barack did father two black children within wedlock.

The rumor that is flying around right now is that it is the white half of Obama that can dunk a basketball and it is the black half of Obama that graduated Harvard.

29 10 2008
UK Lady Turning Turtle Annette AKA UK Lady

You’re welcome UpNorth ME, great news isn’t it.

I’m still trembling with terror from the suggestion earlier from I think it was Marnie? that Sarahaha be sent to England – AAaaaarrghhhhh!!!!

29 10 2008

karen marie (18:53:51) :
the thing that struck me about the kids’ travel expenses is that the majority of the plane tickets were for ONE WAY tickets, which is way more expensive than round-trip.

why were they buying the tickets this way? who was the travel agent? was someone getting a commission from these plane tickets?

inquiring minds wanna know.

Yeah, I was confused by that. Was she trying to leave them somewhere? Anywhere!

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy (18:45:40) :

Big Al – I’d like you to address the real internet rumor: the one about Obama fathering two black children. What have you on that?

Not only that, but he actually fathered two black children with A MARRIED WOMAN!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Breaking News!

Obama/Big Al from Las Vegas/Khalidi Relationship

The following is being released by the Republican National Committee:

While Teaching At The University Of Chicago, Obama, Big Al from Las Vegas And Khalidi Developed A “Longtime Relationship”: “[O]bama’s Longtime Relationship With Columbia University Professor (And One-Time PLO Adviser) Rashid Khalidi and Blogger Big Al from Las Vegas Has Provoked Speculation In The Israeli Press That both Big Al from Las Vegas and Obama May Secretly Be Terrorists. Another Chicago Academic Ally Of Both Big Al from Las Vegas and Obama is Professor William Ayers, A Weather Underground Radical In The 1970s.”

29 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (17:37:27) :

I love how the ingenuity of this woman shines through after she got her Obama sign stolen:

I love it!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA


29 10 2008

Here is the link to the Kos story about Mansiongate:

While I think it’s acceptable to do some upkeep on an old house, I do NOT think it’s okay to pay your good buddy’s architectural firm $200,000 just for the architectural bit of that. How many architectural hours does it take to replace a window or two & a pocket door? WTF? That is, of course, the architectural firm that did the sports arena from hell in Wasilla, the company is her former “political mentor’s.”

Something strange is afoot at the Circle K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29 10 2008
Tired Mom (VA)

Former and future Presidents will be live on msnbc momentarily

Crowd is massive @ 11 pm in Florida

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

Eyes, it’s amazing how low mcgrumpy will go.. and what happens when the Obama campaign announces info about mcgrumpy giving the same guy 1/2 a million bucks????

29 10 2008

Eyes & Big Al —

You are too much!!!!!!!!!!! I heart you mudflatters!

29 10 2008

sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy (18:34:12) :


As with Sarah not understanding the constitutional limitations on the VP’s duties, the First Dud simply does not understand that there is a difference between federal and state.

I think that’s because to many in Alaska the state IS the country? “First Family” and all? It’s kind of like to many in the U.S. the country is the world. As in, the world reaches from West Coast to East Coast. It doesn’t have to make sense, it’s just how it is.

If you or your state or your country are basically cut off from the bigger world out there, be it geographically or mentally or traditionally, where you live your life IS your world – or your country, whatever.
It doesn’t have to make sense… on a personal level, I’ve learned that this kind of thing goes with the general non-elitist American assumption that all Germans are blond and somehow way behind the times (Old Country = people walking around in quaint clothing and whittling things like odd clocks, maybe), which in the mind of the non-elitist American is not at all at odds with the parallel knowledge that Mercedes-Benz and Porsche are German-made cars.

It’s simply the kind of perspective that grows from living where and how they do. Though I would really, REALLY expect wanna-be top politicians to have broken out of the small world of their own before they meddle in the big world.

29 10 2008

Cassie Jeep are you still here?

If you are, here are my rally photos (finally), I am holding your sign!

Obama Kids
29 10 2008

Annnnd of course my post about what the woman did after her Obama sign got stolen gets rescued three times (thanks, AKM). Sorry about that, folks.

My post got rescued, I mean, not the sign.

29 10 2008

Let’sGetReal for “That One”, the thing I love is that she created something beautiful out of something ugly. Would that we could do so to McCain’s campaign.

29 10 2008
NY Dem

I thought the Obama-mercial was fantastic ! Especially how they seemlessly switched from the taped portion to the conclusion of the Florida rally. His closing remarks had shivers running up my spine.

I probably won’t sleep much on Monday, November 3;

You know how little kids can’t sleep on Christmas Eve, with the anticipation of waking up the next morning and running downstairs to see what Santa left under the tree —

Well, that will be me, but with the anticipation of waking up the next morning and rushing to the polls at 6:00 AM before work and pulling that lever for Obama !

And I’ve already scheduled a vacation day for Tuesday, January 20, to watch Obama’s swearing in and all the inauguration festivities.

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (18:59:12) :

Breaking News!

Obama/Big Al from Las Vegas/Khalidi Relationship

Nice. The RNC has not found out yet that I blog from my ACORN office.

29 10 2008
Let'sGetReal for "That One"

Here is the link to the Kos story about Mansiongate:

The 700,000 to replace piping got me! Goodness Grief! SMR (19:01:29) :

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

I think Khalidi married my sister and they moved to the West Bank.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

smr, which sign is it?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

The money spent on the mansion is just absurd.. The museum isn’t much better.. I think Barbie uses her office to make money for herself.. She’ll be able to share Teddy’s cell when this is all said and done.

And a convicted felon can’t run for pres.. so that’ll shatter her dreams after 3 months in the national spotlight.!

29 10 2008
Jenn L

Tonight on Larry King, McCain said that Sarah Palin is the country’s most popular governer. Geez, what kind of crap are all the other governers pulling to be so disliked?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

billy is on stage..! 🙂

29 10 2008

SMR (19:03:04) :

Eyes & Big Al –

You are too much!!!!!!!!!!! I heart you mudflatters!

I’m way behind again, but DITTO!!! You crack me up!!!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

anyone else think clinton needs a nose job? 🙂

29 10 2008
karen marie

eyes wide open in pittsburgh:

mccain is really a moron. he’s not just playing one on tv.

During the 1990s, while he served as chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI), McCain distributed several grants to the Palestinian research center co-founded by Khalidi, including one worth half a million dollars.

A 1998 tax filing for the McCain-led group shows a $448,873 grant to Khalidi’s Center for Palestine Research and Studies for work in the West Bank. (See grant number 5180, “West Bank: CPRS” on page 14 of this PDF.)

The relationship extends back as far as 1993, when John McCain joined IRI as chairman in January. Foreign Affairs noted in September of that year that IRI had helped fund several extensive studies in Palestine run by Khalidi’s group, including over 30 public opinion polls and a study of “sociopolitical attitudes.”

the only people who are going to listen to mccain’s nonsense at this point are people who are functionally illiterate.

29 10 2008

Thanks SMR! You’re the best! I was looking for the link to the costs of rennovating the Mansion and SMR found it again. Take a look mudpuppies at these costs! Unbelievable!

29 10 2008

Jenn L, her popularity percentage has dropped some fifteen percent in a month. She’s popular because she gave each person in AK a little over a thousand bucks from the oil countries. Oil countries? Companies, really, I meant companies. I have a feeling her popularity might dip to fifty or below in a few months.

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Wow. Bill Clinton is entirely pumped!

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

Big Al from Las Vegas (19:10:42) :

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA (18:59:12) :

Breaking News!

Obama/Big Al from Las Vegas/Khalidi Relationship

Nice. The RNC has not found out yet that I blog from my ACORN office.


like… wtf… Big Al is nuts?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

bill is on fyre.. 🙂

29 10 2008

Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:), aw, don’t pick on Uncle Billy. All those years of hedonism will catch up to ya.

God, can he orate, though.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

asian i agree.. i love uncle billy.. he’s incredible. i’d vote for him anytime for anything.. ! he still needs a nose job.. 🙂

29 10 2008
sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy

I’m running on empty here trying to stay awake for Leno… been reading so many of these comments that my left eye is starting to twitch and my head hurts.

Maybe I ought to simply go to bed as my reading isn’t for naught.


29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

god bless bill for saying obama hit the vp decision out of the park

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

this is truly a fantastic clinton speech..!

29 10 2008

sauerkraut aka Palins MooseCandy, also.

Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:), I have long said that I would support Uncle Billy to go back to the White House. Hell, I would even write in a clause that he be, um, serviced whilst presiding.

Uncle Billy can sway the white males, me thinks.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:)

How about we just call the election now?

after tonight, his poll numbers will go up multiple points in every state..

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I love Bill Clinton! My daughter didn’t remember him as the president, but she did know he was when I said “he’s married to Hillary”!

I can’t watch him on tv, so I’m ‘watching’ through you all!

29 10 2008

Yes, upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod, Joey B. deserves lots of love, too.

Preach it, Brother Billy!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

there.. think this is better.. 12 points.

29 10 2008

I is watching online, MSNBC link.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Isn’t O cute – sitting there watching Bill? Whatta guy!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Clinton has always been a fantastic speaker.. And tonight, he is hittin it out of the park..!

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

But sauerkraut, you’re not doing this for naught – stay up and watch Leno for me!

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Thanks Asiangrrl!

29 10 2008

Bec Hussein in Illinois , I bet somewhere inside, Obama is heaving a sigh of relief. Bill can be unpredictable.

Oooh, it’s time for Obama!!!!!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

35,000 at 11pm.. amazing 🙂

29 10 2008

Lighthouse(CO), I got the information here, so I’m just passing it forward.

29 10 2008


29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

bec there was no question he would hit it big time..

29 10 2008

Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:), I woulda been there. What a powerhouse duo. And Jimmy Smits? Yummy.

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Marty — I think you’re right about calling it now…but I’m too superstitious! oops. maybe i just did!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

isn’t it amazing that they talk positively.. and don’t even bother mentioning the loser, mcgrumpy..!!! just soooo nice..

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I wonder what job Bill will get? I think Hil might want to stay in teh Senate – but Bill could help out most anywhere.

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

asiangrrl–yes, Jimmy Smits is very yummy!

29 10 2008

Nice to hear a stump speech _without_ the crowd booing every few minutes. McCain/Palin should give it a try.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Up, tonight was momentous.. it showed the poise and the man. he’s someone we can be proud to call Mr. President and not be ashamed.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

This is the speech Obama unveiled in Canton, Ohio Monday afternoon. We heard it in Pittsburgh Monday night.

29 10 2008

had so much “catching up” to do after my jaunt to the red state of texas!

thanks, asian….I did survive….glad to be breathing the relatively BLUE air in colorado again! 🙂

I’m thinking if Palin is thinking she would even be a VIABLE GOP candidate by 2012….they must be REALLY shielding her from the “news”

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

It took a long time – but Bill really does want to be on this bandwagon. If his own wife hadn’t been running, I think Obama would absolutely have been his choice.

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:) (19:33:06) :

isn’t it amazing that they talk positively.. and don’t even bother mentioning the loser, mcgrumpy..!!! just soooo nice..

yes! that’s such a stark contrast!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Presidential, determined, destined.

29 10 2008

Not sure if this information has been posted already somewhere. Google Maps finds your voting location (from my brother-in-something’s blog):

29 10 2008

Regarding Obama and Rashid Khalidi, why does Sarah Palin think it is so dangerous to have friends who have a different opinion? Is there no room for intellectual discourse? Can we not listen and evaluate information from a variety of sources? Must everyone share the same ideals and values in order to be friends? Sounds a little like fascism….

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA


29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

So true – anti/anti. Oh – there was a little boo. But the Alaska women’s vid is perfect proof of just how happy we Obama supporters are. Positive. Happy. Forward-thinkers!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

his first mention of mcgrumpy..

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Dang, I missed all of Bill, but it’s okay, cause that one is talking now.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Vote, McGrumpy gave khalid $500.000… what’s that mean? !!

29 10 2008

Bill for ambassador to UN…

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

UN sounds good! Right wing hates UN! Bill had tremendous world stature – and O will to. Can we dream of a day, again……?

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

too —

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Has Bill been smoking a little reefer?

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

I want to be able to travel again, and not try to hide that I am an American. Yes we can.

29 10 2008

Marty-Rachel had the whole McCain/Khalid contribution covered earlier tonight….McCain campain will be trying to rein that back in! you can’t DONATE half a million to someone and then say they are BAD!!!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

He was sure giggling over the peanutbutter sandwich joke

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Thank goodness, in the world view, Chicago will be known for something other than gansters! Yay. We hope to have the Olympics. I bet we will have a much better chance now. Maybe the Sox will win the World Series again next year.

Yes we can!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

MSNBC is the only one showing the speech i think..

give em credit.. showing the whole thing..!

29 10 2008

seeing Jimmy Smitts makes me long for the good old days of The West Wing…

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

AZ Mom.. he was better on NYPD BLue.. ! 🙂

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

You can catch Jimmy on Dexter now, if you get Showtime. New character this season. Love that show.

29 10 2008

Marty (VA) Hussein:

Oh, I know…although it’s the last season he was on that has haunted me. I can’t look at pigeons the same. I loved him WAY back in the LA Law days…..WAY back in the day. 😉

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Lighthouse (CO) (19:26:55) :

I love Bill Clinton! My daughter didn’t remember him as the president, but she did know he was when I said “he’s married to Hillary”!

I can’t watch him on tv, so I’m ‘watching’ through you all!

Cool that your daughter knows of him because of Hillary. I prefer Barack but I like Hillary too and hope she will play a major role in the new U.S. government. Bill Clinton is a great speaker. So he had an affair or many. At least he’s not a pedophile like several in the Repug party.

I read an recent interview with Noam Chomsky about the U.S. election from the German newspaper Spiegel online. Can’t seem to get a link, the “circle with a line through it” symbol comes up when I try. I’ve been studying him, and maybe other Mudflatters are interested in hearing what Chomsky has to say. Go to (I think) then do a search for “Chomsky”. Here’s a sample:

Chomsky: This Sarah Palin phenomenon is very curious. I think somebody watching us from Mars, they would think the country has gone insane.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

AZ yup.. 🙂 yea,, my wife cried when he ‘died’.. i kept telling her it was a tv show but she didn’t care..

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

I remember Jimmy on LA Law too! Of course, I was very young at the time!

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

Bec Hussein in Illinois (19:42:14) :

I want to be able to travel again, and not try to hide that I am an American. Yes we can.


29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

MSNBC is paying back Obama for cutting away from his speech late this morning to cover a long car chase in Miami area. Plus – he just paid for a full half-hour of their time. They owe him!

29 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

GOP Congressman: Democrats Are Pacifists And Hawkish Jews (VIDEO)

This guy ain’t “old-timey” enough. Just another Homer Stokes Republican blow hard from Michigan.

Does anyone know if this Repuke has ever served in the Armed Forces of the United States? I doubt it. Where do these people come from? This guy better start tuning in to the Pappy O’Daniel Flour Hour because come Wednesday morn’in the Soggy Bottom Boys are going to be on the radio.

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

doing the speech late was brilliant.. slow news time.. and yes, he did pay them some bucks..!

that was a good chase though..

29 10 2008

Bec-while I was in Texas I read a book called “the devil in the white city” it was an intertwined story of the 1893 world’s fair in Chicago…and a serial killer there at the time (world’s fair based on truth…serial killer mostly based on truth with some literary license taken by the author)….was a fascinating story about how Chicago won the world’s fair, hosted it against many odds…..
Good luck with the olympic bid!

29 10 2008

Marty (VA) oh, it’s always so much more than a TV show. i was wrecked when Dr. Mark Green died on ER. Oh, GAWD! A mess…

OT: I’m watching Obama in Florida on the talkie tube, and watching McCain on Larry King Live on the “tubes”…my brain feels like it’s doing the splits through two different eras. And it’s weird. Because here’s the NEW generation on the communication medium of the OLD generation and the OLD generation on the communication medium of the NEW generation. It makes my brain a little hurty.

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Hussein Canuck for Choice (19:47:32) :

Cool that your daughter knows of him because of Hillary. I prefer Barack but I like Hillary too and hope she will play a major role in the new U.S. government. Bill Clinton is a great speaker. So he had an affair or many. At least he’s not a pedophile like several in the Repug party.


Yep, I know that Bill is definitely not perfect, but I love to listen to him speak too. I could never stand to look at or listen to Bush. And I really think Bill is a good guy. Definitely human anyway!

Chomsky: This Sarah Palin phenomenon is very curious. I think somebody watching us from Mars, they would think the country has gone insane.

I think we’re certainly finding out here on Mudflats how “insane” we look to the rest of our world. I hope the aliens are as understanding as our international Mudpuppies are!

29 10 2008

I hope Alaskans will keep her honest when she goes home on November 5. You folks do not deserve the skimming of your taxpayer money by the Palin family.

Who really built her $552,000 house? Why are the Palins paying contractors exorbitant rates to constantly enhance the governor’s mansion? What do they owe those contractors? Why $50,000 to replace stained carpet in a stairwell? $10,000 to replace a perfectly ordinary looking pocket door? $30,000 for a rail on the front steps?

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Deb – my whole family loves that book. It is a read page turner, murder mystery, and so much historic info about the Columbian Exposition. My Mom and I are trying to take the tour the Historical Society presents periodically. It is fascinating.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Chicago is a gorgeous city folks – you all come now!

29 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"thatone"MN, people. It’s great! You can watch “That One” through the MSNBC stream.

VoteNov4, I completely agree. Khalidi is not a terrorist. He did not bomb anyone. He believes passionately in Palenstine, which may not be popular, but it’s not illegal.

I love the fact that Obama added the idea of helping kids go to college if they pledge to serve the community in return.

29 10 2008

lighthouse….after having read everything about SP since aug 29th…and most initially revealed here on Mudflats..I have to agree with the, as yet, unnamed McCain campaign staffer who says she’s “whacko”

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Deb, I read that a few months ago. I was surprised that i had not heard of the killer before I read the book. It would make a gripping movie.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Marty – you watched the chase, too?! We are such suckers for that stuff. Since they broke away from the Obama speech – were you as relieved as I was to see the criminal was a white guy?

29 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“Marty (VA) Hussein 10 Point Lead..:) (18:36:13) :
Eyes, it’s amazing how low mcgrumpy will go.. and what happens when the Obama campaign announces info about mcgrumpy giving the same guy 1/2 a million bucks????”

He thought since he was on local radio so no one would pick it up. That was the same idea he had when he was the songbird of Hanoi (it’s in the Rollingstone piece on him) he figured his father would never hear his broadcast so it would be OK. That was way pre-Internet. Now he figures no one will hear what he says on the radio here. It seems he hasn’t learned anything in the past three decades (or maybe longer).

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

I’d say it was merely fantastic..

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Randy (14:28:23) :

In reviewing the Palins tax returns that were disclosed there was a business deduction for the snowmobile racing business, which includes the Iron Dog race. I recall one of the questionable perdiem vouchers was for the Gov. and family to be at the race in an official capacity. Based on this I would venture to guess the same expense is deducted on their tax return, which is Tax Fraud, as well as filing a false public voucher, you can’t have it both ways.
This angle shuld be looked at in the investigation.

Randy, you sound experienced and detail oriented. Have you perhaps earned a living as an accountant or an IRS agent?

29 10 2008

Bec Hussein in Illinois (19:57:02) :

Marty – you watched the chase, too?! We are such suckers for that stuff. Since they broke away from the Obama speech – were you as relieved as I was to see the criminal was a white guy?


29 10 2008

HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin, that is what KILLS me about the Republicans. They are so hawkish, but few of them have served. They escape as often as possible, but they think nothing about putting everyone else in danger. Torques me off.

29 10 2008

khaladi reference is meant to sway florida jews…..not that he is a terrorist. is CODE for anti-israel

29 10 2008
Lana, KY

George Stephanopoulos gives Obama’s 30 min. infomercial a big thumbs up…

Obama’s ad was directed by Oscar-winning director Davis Guggenheim, who directed former vice president Al Gore’s global warming documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary.

Add all that good news to the joint rally with Bill Clinton and in my humble opinion ~ Obama’s Team ’08 won the real World Series tonight.

I just might be able to sleep tonight. . .

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Bec.. a white guy and a woman..!!

eaj… I think you’re right.. doubt he realizes that communications is world wide and instantaneous.. I read the songbird stuff too.. And the issue that he may have killed someone in a car accident in 1964 and the Navy buried it.. left him to go off on his career without a problem.

29 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

Totally OT I think with the clothing issue, she’s really earned the title for field dressing a moose, and humbly suggest she be given the added sobriquet “Moose Dresser Barbie.”

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)


I do so like the term ‘whack job’ for Sarah Palin!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

I have a sizable collection of souvenir paperweights from the 1893 fair. I read “The Devil in the White City” for background on the fair in preparation for a lecture i had been asked to give.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Does Craig Crawford’s voice crack anyone else up as much as me? He is on MSNBC all the time. Funny guy.

29 10 2008


29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Every little girl will want one for Christmas the ‘Whack Job Moose Dresser Barbie’
available at fine stores starting November 5, 2008!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Bec Tucker bounds is the one who makes me wanna hurl..

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

So is Palin “The Devil in the White State” ? Are the mudflats littered with the carcasses of former mentors she used and then abused?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

AZ a couple of bank robbers in a little police chase.. !

29 10 2008

@Eyes — It’s a sign that says Blah blah CASSIE JEEP SAYS GET A NEW VEEP blah blah. That was a special request from her — she wanted to be with us Alaskans in spirit…

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Eyes – that is really interesting! have you been to Chicago? Most everything is torn down, of course. But there are great collections of images from the fair. Obama actually doesn’t live too far from the spot. And the Olympics are planned to use some of the same land.

29 10 2008

Marty (VA): thank you. I have two kids so I sometimes feel like it’s necessary to throw a fit to be heard. bank robbers weren’t Paulson & Bernake, right?

“The Devil Wears Moose Pelt”…did I read that here?

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

don’t steal mcgrumpy’s blah blah blah line.. just cause he used it about nooqler power isn’t important.

29 10 2008

eyes….it was an intricate book….so well researched! I finished it this morning before I had to go catch a plane……I told my mother this morning about the original Ferris wheel which carried over 2000 people- 60/car….amazing feat!

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

AZ, nah.. think these guys actually robbed a bank.. they just robbed america.

29 10 2008

Hey — mudflats t-shirt design idea — I heart (with the little heart, not the word) Mudflats OR I heart mudflatters (cuz I love everyone who hangs out here, even the people who aren’t regulars!)…

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Marty -AZ – this morning, with the chase being featured, it reminded me of what we are going to be back to on stations like MSNBC and CNN. Car chases, planes trying to land without their full gear. Boring stuff they have to pick up on because they are on 24 hours a day and need filler! I keep MSNBC on a TV by my computer (work from home, day and night) and I have really ODed on cable news for a while.

29 10 2008


29 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:) (20:02:59) :
Bec Tucker bounds is the one who makes me wanna hurl..”

Interestingly “tucker” is Australian slang for lunch, and of course “bounds” means to leap… not quite hurling, but I think you can visualize your leaping lunch.

29 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

Marty – I have a friend who has a saying “she’s as dumb as my trashcan” sadly that friend was sporting a McGrumpy shirt 😦

Bill was awesome – totally hit it out of the park. (and way to go phillies!) two huge crowds in Florida in one night – Wow! And after his very cool 30minute show.

Apparently when McCain pointed one finger at Obama for Kahlid he forgot that 4 were pointing back at him. When he was on some Committee it gave $500,000 to Kahlid’s Palestinian group. Hah!! HAh!! What an A$$!! Oops ;0

Glad to see Mark Begich is up in the polls!!

Keep dreaming and get out the vote. 6 days!

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

I referred you to a link that’s TOTALLY IN GERMAN. Yikes! I’m sorry. As I tried to link it but could not, I would suggest that anyone who REALLY wants to read the interview google “Chomsky” and “Spiegel” – I tried it and it will get you to the interview.

Chomsky: The American society has become more civilized, largely as a result of the activism of the 1960s. Our society, and also Europe’s, became freer, more open, more democratic, and for many quite scary. This generation was condemned for that. But it had an effect.

SPIEGEL: Professor Chomsky, we thank you for this interview.

While I am a supporter of Barack, I respect Chomsky and want to read more of his books. I really hope that Barack is more of a “dove” than a “hawk”. One thing that has impressed me about Barack is that he wants to withdraw from Iraq.

I listened to the Alex Jones radio show today ( and all Alex did was sh*t talk Barack to my bf’s delight. I do not agree with Alex Jones and my bf knows it. He is pissed that I donate money to Barack and read and sometimes make comments (usually incendiary, so I apologize to anyone who’s offended) on Mudflats, HuffPo, etc.

Anyway, point being, are there any other Mudflatters who derive extra joy from knowing their spouse/partner/family is pissed that you read/comment on, Obama-supportive blogs? Just wondering.

29 10 2008

bec-I’ve been to chicago once (other than flight delays)…..and it was during once of the coldest weeks on record, so I didn’t get out and about much…..would LOVE to come back, though! 🙂

29 10 2008

smr-excellent idea…!! I would definitely wear a shirt….that said “i (heart) mudflats”!!!!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

This last week is “Shock and Awe” with the 30 minute timeslot, speech with Clinton, warnings against complacency, etc. Military theory of overwelming force. A political “Surge.”

29 10 2008

Bec Hussein in Illinois: i’m upping my Netflix after the election. i’m getting all chick flicks and goofie movies…and maybe a few documentaries so i can SLOWLY come down from this ride.

Marty (VA) That line…”these guys actually robbed a bank…they just robbed America”…that’s good stuff!

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Oh Marty – I think we’ve talked about the invaluable MUTE button on the remote. Tucker gets it immediately. I don’t even want to chance hearing him really screw up. Can’t take one bit of him. Doesn’t he look like he was plucked right from the role of President of the Young Republicans Club at some uber-conservation college – like Liberty U?!!

Maybe he was a classmate with all those young lawyers they filled up the DOJ with, who were firing all the states attorneys for Bush.

29 10 2008
Denise ThatOneFromMSgaAZca

Deb (20:06:17) :

Totally irrelevant, but I love your snowflake. The light gray/white makes it look like a real snowflake to me. But I am NOT snowflake literate.

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Hussein Canuck,

Um, yeah, I didn’t want to mention, but I don’t read German! LOL

My spouse supports Barack Obama as vocally as I do. Okay, he’s actually more vocal than I am. But he pays no attention to the blogs, the videos, the speeches, etc. It just drives him crazy that I do this all the time!

Kind of like the Mudpuppy who’s hubby wanted him to check out a different ‘poll’ the other day!

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Oh no — conservative — NOT conservation — (that is one of my lines of work but definitely not Tucker’s)

29 10 2008

denise…thank you! “bows deeply showing off snowflake”

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

Bec yea.. the trifecta of slime.. Tucker, Douggy and Nancy..

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Watching the rerun of Hardball now. Here’s Deb Wasserman Schultz – a future star of the Dem party — I know she has a lot of fans on Mudflats.

29 10 2008

my husband it d.o.n.e. with me and this election fixation. i’m thinking he’s probably grateful for these sort of conversation blogs – let’s him off the hook. oh, he’s voting for Obama! for his own reasons. but he is fried on my talking points. 😉

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

AZ my wife totally tunes me out.. I could tell her im having an affair with the hot chick next door while talking about obama and she’d say that’s nice.. 🙂

she doesn’t pay any attention to any of this.. although she IS votin obama on tues..!

29 10 2008

well…it has been a long day for me…..travelling and then trying to catch up….I am going to bed…..I’m still on vacation….so I can enjoy mudflats over the next few days to my heart’s content! I missed you all…and am SOOOO glad to be back!

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Wish you all could be at Chicago Mudstock on Sunday. We’ll send pics. We may only have about 10. Mudflats is kind of a little secret here, apparently. But the masses who will show up Tuesday night in the Obama victory party in the park will make up for it. I’ll be enjoying from the comfort of my own home Tuesday. But it will be a momentous occasion.

You should all plan a future trip to Chicago. Home of the President! Last Illinois president was – Abraham Lincoln!

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Bec Hussein in Illinois (20:05:15) : Eyes – that is really interesting! have you been to Chicago?

Only the airport, to change planes. I tried a few years ago to talk my two older kids into a trip to tour the University of Chicago when they were looking at colleges, but they were looking at Eastern schools. One ended up at Yale and another at Cornell. I still have a 12 year old at home. I am hoping that when she is college age it will be lawful by then for me to sell my body parts on ebay. Educating the first two wiped us out. What could I sell a kidney for? Anyone know? But I digress. I do want to plan a week in Chicago sometime.

29 10 2008
Blue Idaho

That was me. I just checked it again. Every three days.

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)


Lucky you!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun playing in the mud for the rest of the week!

29 10 2008
upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod

I have been to your fair city many, many times and I am entirely in love with it. I almost took a job there lo these many years ago (at DePaul). I’ve been many times to the Art Institute, the Opera, the Cubs AND White Sox, as well as an International Car Show and a handful of academic conferences among other things. I absolutely HEART Chicago!

Sadly, I’ve not been now for a couple of years, but will be rolling through there in January or February. That’s not the best time weatherwise…but it’s no worse than northern minn. It’ll be nice to be back!

hose Hussein hotrod

29 10 2008
Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:)

see ya deb.. and all.. im sick. .getting over this damn cold.. so i’m off too.. tonight was just wonderful.. way better than those lame debates!

See ya all in the mornin..!

29 10 2008

Night, Deb! Welcome back to the ‘flats.

I am single, so the only person I bore with talk about Obama is myself. And my cats, but they just ignore me.

29 10 2008
CO Almost Native

Nebraska Native and all the other Mudflatters/Mudpuppies:

The 2012 story is running on CNN, MSNBC, and Huffington Post, to name a few (if you already know because I am late to the party, sorry). The Travelgate and Mansiongate stories are on CNN and regular channels- tsk, tsk; not polite for a current VP candidate to diss those who brought her to the dance. At the same time, John McCain is talking to Larry King Live and praising his running mate, how she is so ready to be President, he has complete confidence- very happy with their relationship.

I think I’m watching a new episode of “The Twilight Zone” (where is Rod Serling when you need him?)

I must now go back and read everything I missed…

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Blue Idaho:

That’s funny! I’m going to have to head that direction myself in a few minutes.

Hopefully, the polls are up!

29 10 2008

Night, Marty (VA) Hussein 12 Point Lead..:) .

29 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Wow, I went from 10 to 503 or 4…

Oh, night Deb… sorry I missed ya

29 10 2008

have you all seen this??? you all are so quick and on it…and it might be up there in the 200 or 300’s of comments but i just stumbled it on Jack and Jill Politics…

29 10 2008

Bec Hussein in Illinois (20:20:17) :

You should all plan a future trip to Chicago.

It’s been on my list ever since I watched The Ghost And The Darkness :o)

29 10 2008
Blue Idaho


29 10 2008

Chief Hussein Shikago! You snooze, you lose. We have mad tying skills up in this blog.

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

Okay, I really do have to go to bed. I wish I could take you all with me, but my son has confiscated my laptop. I’ll be off to work again in the morning, trying to sneak a peek at Mudflats while pretending to be a responsible adult.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

nite asianHusseingrrl, and don’t forget to call Acorn and register those cats to vote.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

AZ — AKM removed the link to the Mudflats Amazon store, but it is still accessible on Amazon. I checked out her movie picks the other day and there are some great ones that I love, too. Wide variety. I stayed up till 3 last night (craziness) watching the remake of The Heartbreak Kid. It wasn’t nearly as good as the original (love Charles Grodin!)

There are some really great old election movies to watch — The Candidate. Election.
Brain too tired to think of the others my husband and I were talking about a few days ago.

29 10 2008
Blue Idaho

Az-Mom I love that old lady.

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Lighthouse in CO

It drives my bf so crazy that I won’t play XBox with him now but rather spend hours on my computer reading Mudflats for example. Strike one. Second, we listen to Alex Jones broadcasts together and while I agree with some things (9-11 was a controlled demolition, etc.), I really think Alex Jones and his ilk are paranoid and deluded. I voice my opinion. Strike Two. I donate to the Obama campaign. Strike Three. It’s sweet that we have such a good relationship that the good outweighs the so-called bad. He doesn’t tell me what to do or think, same with me about him. Maybe that’s why our relationship is strong? My bf is a “truther” or “conspiracy theorist” – better than a Repug I suppose.
I’m wondering what it’s like for other Mudflatters in similar situations, with a spouse, partner, family who is not merely indifferent or unsupportive of their political views, but opposed.

29 10 2008

@Eileen (19:53:59) :

I hope Alaskans will keep her honest when she goes home on November 5. You folks do not deserve the skimming of your taxpayer money by the Palin family.

Who really built her $552,000 house? Why are the Palins paying contractors exorbitant rates to constantly enhance the governor’s mansion? What do they owe those contractors? Why $50,000 to replace stained carpet in a stairwell? $10,000 to replace a perfectly ordinary looking pocket door? $30,000 for a rail on the front steps?

Yes Eileen, what is up with this? I totally agree. Didn’t Stevens get 7 felony counts for similar conduct? Why is the Palin family somehow insulated? This stuns me.

29 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

asianHusseingrrl, I guess so… wow you gotta Hussein stuck between your asian and grrl !!!

29 10 2008

I don’t know how all of you feel up there, but as a US taxpayer I sure wouldn’t want to foot the bill for Palin’s enormous and expanding family. God help us.

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Had to take a break for our little Obama group in Cecily.

The snowmobile thing is both a lie and non-issue as far as Obama is concerned. Obama has never taken a position on snowmobiling one way or the other as far as I know.

It’s like the NRA saying Obama is going to take away your guns. It’s a lie–Obama supports the right to bear arms.

Todd is saying–Obama is going to take away your snowmobile fun. It doesn’t have to be true. It doesn’t have to be a real issue. It’s just another smear campaign to create fear among the base the Palins know and cater to all too well.

Palin is trying to demonstrate that she knows how to stir up the base–whether there is a real issue or not, whether there is truth involved or not. The message is–See Republicans. We know how to mobilize the base–because McCain doesn’t. So pick me to be your leader next time.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Bec Hussein in Illinois (20:28:17) :AKM removed the link to the Mudflats Amazon store, but it is still accessible on Amazon. I checked out her movie picks the other day

Bec, has AKM confirmed that he/she is a she? I was guessing a she.

29 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

asianHusseingrrl, I have been swamped here. I care for disabled spouse, try to watch msnbc, try to get to the puter to read latest comments on thread. So much happened tonight. And I am so excited about our Mudstock II.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Ira2 – I actually had to look up The Ghost and the Darkness – some Chicago trivia I didn’t pick up on right away. But of course – the man-eating lions who are on display at the Field Museum!

29 10 2008

I noticed that the Anchorage Daily News has not posted any letters to the editor for the past 2 days. I would like to encourage people to write a letter to the editor via this site…
Ask them to publish any information on Sarah Palin that they may have so voters can make a fully informed choice when they go to the polls. It is imperative that we the people know as much as possible regarding the character of the candidates and it is the medias DUTY to report the truth prior to the election.

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)

It sounds difficult, Hussein Canuck! Good for you making it work! I’m sure that it’s worth it.

I have many more friends who are Republican than Democrat, although my family is pretty blue. I have some very dear friends who drink a lot of kool aid though. The red kind. And, from my point of view, the good definitely outweighs the bad.

While my husband is a Democrat, he’s the only one in his family who is. I’m afraid that I don’t try very hard to change their minds, which are not very open.

I am so proud of him for opening his mind up wide!

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Eyes – oops — just my instincts about sex of that voice. I’ve been wrong before. AKM did call spouse “he” once, but that doesn’t mean anything for sure either. Keep us guessing.

29 10 2008
Lighthouse (CO)


It’s good that you’re here! It’s even later for you than me, but I really am heading off to bed.

My posts are sounding slightly Palin-like, I think. also.

29 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (18:15:13) :

OT from a few threads back, Whabs, Seattle, WA., I was touched by your story, and I am glad that you are finding the strength to go on. Keep visitng the Mudflats. We will be here.

also touched……..was going to go back and respond………..but i speaking for my self ……..I feel that you are able to share here………that you finally found a group that you feel good with……….that is the same way i feel ………… one corrects your spelling………ha i may not spell well………but it does not mean that i can not think and feel………… ask a questions …………you do not get put down………..what you get is …….20 answers…….. thank you every one……..i go all over the net……….but this place is the only one that i can let out a whole lot of held in breath………..and just read and have a smile……….alot of the the time………….I think about suchanut………..and it is ………no………..they are all ……suc a nuts…………so much fun……….not that this is not a terrible and scary time……….but at least here we can smile………..
am i 1st……….no…………9th………….ok………….ok 52th is ok………..i love it………..except for when i go to sleep on the key board………….and i have to pick up grand daughter form pre school and i still have the impression on my cheekkkkk

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

The bookmakers at is predicting Obama wins the electoral college 364 to 174.

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

I don’t have a TV or video capability on my own computer. So I’m glad to hear that Obama’s State of the Election Address brought forth some emotion from at least some of you. You’ve got to hand it to the guy. He’s doing his very best, brilliantly with the campaign, right up until the last minute. I have no doubt he will continue to do his very best as President to have an open and transparent government, to work hard for all people and their dignity, for their “right” to health care, for jobs, for diplomacy, for peace, for women’s rights, for the health of the planet. May everyone vote and may all the votes be counted.

29 10 2008

What about the house that Palin built????
Who’s tax dollars paid for that fancy place on a Mayor’s salary?

Who are the “friends” that Todd had helping him to build that house…just asking to be able to put that one to bed.
If legit then show the receipts for the lumber, paint, nails etc…had to have that stuff for tax purposes right???

And Todd knows plumbing and electrical work?
Here in the lower 48 you have to have a license or permit before you get that work done…how does it work up there?

29 10 2008
portland oregon native

I can relate to all of you out there with disinterested spouses. My hubby just says he will be “glad when all this is over!” We have cast our Obama ballots here in OR so we are off the call lists.
I am hooked and watch all the programs, read the internet papers, blogs etc.
I will only breathe easier when the results are final, and then again after the inauguration.
It would be so wonderful to have a real renaissance in our country.

29 10 2008
no more

Where is Meg? Don’t we need some comic relief from the Truth Squad about now? Where oh where is Meg?

29 10 2008

Chief Hussein Shikago, yeah, had to make it known that I am for Barack Hussein Obama. Sounds like you’re bogged down in life, so I’m glad you get to take time out to visit us here in the ‘flats.

I think AKM only says spouse and doesn’t use gender-specific pronouns. I personally think she’s a woman, but others are equally convinced he’s a man. Shrug. Whichever, whatever.

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh PA, registering my cats to vote, well, they are black, so they would be for Obama!

29 10 2008
Lock Pepper in Honolulu

I watch Obama on the stump (and in all honesty, mccain as well) and wonder how they can keep going and going and going…they must be EXHAUSTED! How do they do it?

Of course Obama does it with quite a bit more elegance and grace but you got to give it to old mccain–he’s old! and still going!

Just sayin…I couldn’t do it and I’m 45…

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Northern Exposure:

It’s like the NRA saying Obama is going to take away your guns. It’s a lie–Obama supports the right to bear arms.

I know! That’s such a crock of sh*t!

I used to respect Alex Jones (Info-Wars) for his infiltration of Bohemian Grove, for his investigation of 9-11, for discussing the Bilderberg Group, but many of his guests this week are saying Obama wants to take their guns away. What bullsh*t! That is such a lie!

29 10 2008

mhrt oregon”steve”, ditto that. I have to laugh, though, at you falling asleep on your keyboard. Now that’s dedication to the Mudflats!

29 10 2008

It appears that Stevens will still be allowed to vote dispite his conviction:

Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) will be allowed to vote in next week’s election despite being found guilty of committing seven felonies, an Alaskan agency ruled Wednesday evening.
In order to be disqualified from voting in Alaska, a citizen must have committed a felony involving “moral turpitude” and the guilty verdict must meet the legal definition of a conviction.

Stevens’s crime does amount to a felony of moral turpitude, but since the court case is not officially concluded, he has not technically been convicted, according to a memo from the Alaska Department of Law.

“Accordingly, we think that Sen. Stevens should not be barred from voting…until a final judgment and sentence has been entered by the federal court in the case,” Michael Barnhill, senior assistant attorney general for Labor and State Affairs told Gail Fenumiai, director of the Division of Elections, in a memo.

29 10 2008
Lock Pepper in Honolulu

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (20:43:08) :
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh PA, registering my cats to vote, well, they are black, so they would be for Obama!

Mine are orange and grey, therefore multicultural and they’ll be voting for Obama on a Purrfect election day–meow!

29 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

In a last-minute effort to reach out to urban youth, John mccain has signed a record deal with Suge Knight CEO of the L.A.-based Death Row Records. In a press release, Knight says he will record and release one McCain rap song before Election Day. The title of the song,:”Straight Outta’ the Hanoi Hilton.”

When asked by a reporter why he was supporting McCain and not Barack Obama, the African American record producer Knight answered, “taxes, duh?! i make more than $250,000 a year, fool!” A perturbed Knight then abruptly shouted at an Anglo cameraman, “Sit down, boy!”

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

The Republican base is shrinkin’ and sinkin’–but they know how, when fired up, to turn out a huge vote at the last minute. For a variety of reasons–fears, smears–they are fired up. Be vigilant all. Use the next six days well. Make phone calls. Knock on doors. Be kind. Be honest. Help where help is needed. Take nothing for granted.

29 10 2008

no more, that is a good question. Maybe she is hiding from Les Garas!

Lock Pepper in Honolulu, I really think there needs to be a change in how candidates campaign. As I have stated before, they are not doing the jobs they were elected to do, and they have such grueling schedules to boot. I would be grumpy all the time if I had to stump like that.

Apparently, I am still the only one underwhelmed by Obama’s State of the Election Address (love it, Northern Exposure). Oh well.

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN (20:43:08) :

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh PA, registering my cats to vote, well, they are black, so they would be for Obama!

Hehe, hells yeah.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

For what it’s worth — AOL poll about Obama’s 30-minute program:

Did you watch the 30-minute Obama ad?
No 48%
Yes, all of it 41%
Yes, but only part of it 11%

Total Votes: 164,844

Was the 30-minute prime-time ad a good idea or a bad idea?
Good idea 50%
Bad idea 36%
I’m not sure 14%

Total Votes: 167,860

Up until recently, AOL poll responses are usually quite right-leaning. I’ve seen a change – even on AOL!! But I did look at the national map from the last poll I took, heavy concentration of Texans on AOL.

29 10 2008
jwa - Cheney Hussein Palin


Must. Get. Air.


29 10 2008

Lock Pepper in Honolulu, heh. The only cats voting for McCain are older white or gray male cats. The Cat Show had a McCain cat (gray British domestic short-haired) compete against an Obama at (Bombay, which are black), and Obama won! Is that the election to which you are referring?

29 10 2008
29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Da*n! I’m so fired up about Barack and this election. I wish I could go door to door or supervise polls re: voter intimidation. You Americans are lucky. Oh well, I’m going to make a donation, hope that helps, money talks, right? In any event (<how pretentious a phrase is that, I dunno, I just typed it so too bad) I will be celebrating alongside you when Barack becomes President in only 5 more days.

29 10 2008
Lock Pepper in Honolulu

I’m falling sleepy even though only 6:53 in Honolulu (but pitch dark).

Kids at my school wore me out today but I have a day off tomorrow (dr appt, may go vote if I can)

Love to all mudpuppies–til tomorrow!

29 10 2008
CO Almost Native


I understand your point, but elder statesman Tom Brokaw said the 30 minute program was just what Obama needed to do: present himself to the voting public, be hopeful, look toward the future. Not a time to discuss hard issues.

There will be lots of time for that once he is elected…

Back to catching up-

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Lock Pepper – I totally agree about your endurance on the trail comment. I couldn’t do it either – though I have 11 (soon to be 12) years on you. I really expected McCain to have collapsed by now. So he does gets points for continuing on, though his speech fumbles are great fodder for YouTube.

Still like the fresh young Obama to be running things, thank you very much.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

Bec Hussein in Illinois (20:37:04) : Eyes – oops — just my instincts about sex of that voice.
I agree. One post mentioned getting cold thighs outside. I have never known a guy to complain about cold thighs.
asianHusseingrrl”thatone”MN.: registering my cats to vote, well, they are black, so they would be for Obama!
I would certainly hope they will cast their votes on Policy and Platform and not on fir color.
to all, good night from Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

29 10 2008
CO Almost Native

oops- it was Dan Rather, not Tom Brokaw- dang, I need to wear my glasses when watching TV, or stop trying to multi-task…

29 10 2008

Does anyone know a link to the 30 min ad online? Thanks!

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Lock Pepper in Honolulu, heh. The only cats voting for McCain are older white or gray male cats. The Cat Show had a McCain cat (gray British domestic short-haired) compete against an Obama at (Bombay, which are black), and Obama won! Is that the election to which you are referring?

What is the Cat Show, AsianHusseinGirl?

My cat is 14. Gray tabby, female, my BFF, and this is what she has to say:

George Bush and Dick Cheney should be posthumously impeached (o.k., so I put words in her mouth).

I’m getting a bit silly, hope no one is pissed.

29 10 2008
Northern Exposure

Bet that legal opinion on Stevens came down straight from Talus Colberg. Must be true then. Talus Colberg for Attorney General. No one in government will ever have to respond to a supoena. Executive privilege reigns. There are felons and then there are felons. The legal system has yet to run its course. Only gifts that are wanted and asked for and held in one’s residence for more than fifteen years are really gifts and must be reported.

Maybe with Stevens conviction, the law will change to be more compassionate so that felons who have served their time will find a path back to citizenship and their right to vote.

29 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh, PA

I’m getting a bit silly, hope no one is pissed.

No one here is that catty. 😉

logging off, 1 am here nite

29 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Lighthouse (CO) (20:38:29) : Hope I didn’t just miss you, thank you, I am heading off to bed soon too.

29 10 2008
CO Almost Native

Hussein Canuck-

I have cancelled out my husband’s conservative vote for years:) He did admit that he made a mistake voting for Bush the second time- I tried not to be too snarky.

I studied Chomsky when I was getting my Masters in ESL; he is a founding father in the body of research on language acquisition. He also has written about the effects of society on acquiring and losing language. I saw him speak years ago- fascinating.

29 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

OMG _ just read I’m # 557? Wow is that like a record for Mudflats? sorry for hte OT post!

29 10 2008

Link to the Obama 30-Minute Ad:

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Hol-y moose nuggets, 556 comments so far!

29 10 2008

Bec Hussein in Illinois: Celtic Diva refers to AKM as “she” if that is of any help.

Off topic: Hey, Alaska! What sort of “welcome home” party are y’all throwing for Gov Palin Monday night? anyone know her polling station? anyone organizing a little demonstration (well outside the jurisdictional boundary, of course)?

forgive misspellings. long day. off to bed. a big hearty AZ hug to all you grand puppies! sweet dreams!

29 10 2008
lauren in SD

hose hussein hotrod from MN!

I am a Minnesota Viking from Concordia College, Moorhead! (The men went to St. Olaf!) I grew up in Beaver Creek MN and the first cheer I ever learned was, “Go! Beavers! Go!” How thwarted is that?

I am on the Missouri River near Chamberlain SD and am about 2 plus hours from Sioux Falls and Lennox! I have a sister in Willmar MN and vacation at Lutsen in the summers!

I DO believe in Minnesota and South Dakota “nice” and even Lake Wobegon!

I raised my family in Moorhead and Lake Marion near Perham and just returned from 20 years in the Tampa Bay area to my Midwestern roots.

So glad to hear from you!

29 10 2008


29 10 2008

Rats! 563.

29 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

@SMR (19:04:24) :

Cassie Jeep are you still here?

If you are, here are my rally photos (finally), I am holding your sign!

Obama Kids

yaaa you did it………………..lottie is ………….so cute and i love the name…..

29 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

ds55 (21:07:29) : Thanks for the link, I missed the first few minutes.

29 10 2008
Lori W.

Can this be for real? Seems unlikely, but nothing surprises me these days:

Simpson to reveal names of 30 Palin ex-lovers
WEBWIRE – Wednesday, October 29, 2008

NEW YORK, NY (October 29, 2008) Jessica Simpson, one of America’s most popular singers and actresses, says she will reveal the names of 30 men who are former lovers of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin – and according to sources, one of them is a married television station executive and one is a former police chief.

Simpson has achieved seven Billboard Top 40 hits, and has three gold and two multi-platinum RIAA-certified albums. Simpson rose to fame when she starred with her then-husband Nick Lachey in the MTV reality show “Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica.” She has also begun working as an actress, and is the older sister of Ashlee Simpson, an internationally successful pop rock singer and actress.

According to sources, six of the Palin’s lovers are from the state of Hawaii, five are from Idaho, one is from England and the rest are Alaskan. The list of names will be revealed “by the end of the week.”

“There should be no surprises on the list,” says a source.

Says Simpson: “Governor Palin is a woman of my own age and generation and success level and attractiveness who is rightfully being held up as a role model to young women nationwide. Given that she has thrust herself into the public eye, it is not just her political accomplishments should be held up to young woman as an example, but her sexual record as well.”

Simpson’s new country album, entitled “Do You Know,” debuted #1 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart this fall in both the US and Canada, led by the popularity of the single, “Come On Over.”

Simpson says Palin –- frequently ridiculed on the David Letterman Show as having the look of a “Lenscrafters spokesmodel” — is far from a cold lifeless idol placed upon a pedestal, but is in reality “a living, breathing, very sensual and sexually active woman who has accomplished a lot — and done it on her own political and sexual terms.”

The popular singer says she is releasing the list of names, apparently compiled by her celebrity security firm, to refute the double standard that cheers when men “play the field” before marriage but chastises women such as Palin and herself who do the same thing.

29 10 2008

I say let Ted Stevens have his vote since he was eligible to vote absentee before the conviction anyway. The conviction should sway enough to give Mark Begich a solid victory. Young and Stevens are both toast. Oh to have 2/3 Democrats in Congress again! It’s been a loooong time!

29 10 2008
Shikago aka Chief Hussein Shikago

Night EYES…

I too, will say good night my mudflat friends.

29 10 2008

You should all plan a future trip to Chicago. Home of the President! Last Illinois president was – Abraham Lincoln!

Hey Bec! You forgot our recent contribution to the country – the man from Tampico.
Of course, neither Lincoln nor Obama were born here, so we’ll let California claim Reagan, right?

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

CO- Almost Native, cool that you saw Chomsky speak live. He is a smart m*therf*cker.

I try not to be too snarky with my conspiracy theorist bf. Usually I just change the subject, then we play a video game (Dead Space, Battlefield Bad Company – for any fellow gamers out there, these are awesome games IMO) and everything is cool.

When I donated to the Obama campaign last week, I was told (upon asking) that “part of” my donation was going to CO. I hope that my $ helps.

29 10 2008

I enjoyed the awsomemercial…infomercial seems to demean a well produced half hour most would be proud of, even though Obama used it himself on the daily show — but really enjoyed his and Clinton’s speeches. It had been a while since I listened to his full stump speech and it just reinforced everything I like about him. He sees the gray in everything and understands that there is a middle ground to be had across the board. That’s what I like about him and thats why I proudly voted for him today.

Oh, thanks for the heads up on the The Devil in the White City. It was actually recommended to me by a docent at the Field Museum when I was visiting. I tried to find it at the library but had the name wrong. Now I can go find it. I love this site.

Its like that “priceless” commercial with the three kids going back to school: backpack – $20, being with people who understand you – Priceless. Y’all are my homies doing the funk down the hallway with me. I just love that commercial. Only good thing about the recession is that Mastercard brought it back to save on advertising. Gotta see the silver-lining sometimes I guess.

29 10 2008

Big Al,
Her fantacy is become president someday even if it means she’s not fit to be one. You’re right this woman is one wacho!

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Oh – yeah – Diane! Regan is from Dixon – went to little Eureka College (where my husband went for 2 years). My husband and I had a discussion of this the other day. I guess the tradition is for the president to be claimed by the state where they started their political career. So Cali can have Reagan, and we get Lincoln and Obama! (Lincoln born in Kentucky of course). But we will certainly share a portion with Hawaii! And a dab for Kansas.

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Angela nails it, once again.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Oops – correction – yes – Reagan born in Tampico, grew up in Dixon! Thanks Google.

29 10 2008
Wrangler Tractor in VA

mhrt oregon”steve” (21:15:03) :

@SMR (19:04:24) :

Cassie Jeep are you still here?

If you are, here are my rally photos (finally), I am holding your sign!

Obama Kids


I love the signs! You all are creative “Mccain says sure I’d like to try Para Sailin” ROTFLMAO!!! But the one with the kids of deployed dads 4 Obama put a tear in my eye! Those kids were cute. Tell them thank you for their sacrifices and we are praying for their daddies to come home!

On a whole other note – it’s 1:30 and every other letter is a typo I have to backspace over. think I should hit the hay. tomorrow is already today. i’m too tired to haiku.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Krystal – do read it- you’ll enjoy it. I was on a cruise with my sister and recommended it to her. At the airport (LaGuardia) she bought it at the newsstand. A guy standing next to her pointed at it and said something like “it’s a good book!). After he walked away, she saw the photo on the back and was pretty certain it was the author.

He does like to visit Chicago. Stays at the hotel where my daughter works – one of the last standing buildings in Chicago designed by Burnham.

I’m just a regular Chicago infomercial tonight! Do come visit, Mudpuppies.

29 10 2008
Deuce2 AL

This link provides a path to another nail in the coffin of
Sarah Palin.

29 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Aaaaand I’m back for a bit. Night to all who are going to bed. My cats would vote for Obama because they know that I feed them. Voter intimidation? You betcha!

The Cat Show–I just made up the name, but some fancy-schmancy breeders group started a cat show like the Best in Show dog show thing. It’s on the game network (don’t know why). I didn’t watch, but I read about it online

I know that the Obama program was to reassure the undecideds and, as Matthews said, white voters that Obama is not scary and a terrorist. It was well done, delivered on that point, and just a bit emotionally hollow for me. Again, I seem to be the only one, but I can live with it if it swings voters Obama’s way.

The Obama program is also on his website.

Lori W., I don’t think it’s true, but I could be wrong. Jessica Simpson is ten to fifteen years younger than Palin, so they aren’t really of the same generation. I wouldn’t blink if Palin had that many lovers, but I wouldn’t care, either.

29 10 2008

@Lori W — That must be from The Onion or something like that. Could not be for real!

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

AZ Mom – if you haven’t gone to bed yet (where I absolutely must go right now) — I heard that Scarah (and I assume family) are going to be in AZ election night with McCain. Lucky you. I’m guessing they’ll beeline it back to Alaska after that. Let the games begin.

29 10 2008
Lacy Lady

Just wondering if the story about Palin going to the hospital in Indiana is a real story? It sounds like her, but thought someone is just clowning around. Hee Hee!!!

29 10 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“Bev (20:39:13) :
And Todd knows plumbing and electrical work?
Here in the lower 48 you have to have a license or permit before you get that work done…how does it work up there?”

There are two ways, you call Joe the Plumber, or you rewrite the laws regarding building permits so no one knows who did the work. SP chose the latter route, but now that she has her own unlicensed plumber we’ll have to see what happens next.

29 10 2008

Saw this Diggit comment/response from someone in the UK

“A bunch of UKers took the week off work and came to Virginia on their own dime to canvass a couple weeks ago — thank you, from VA!”

Also view this blog

All I can say is WOW!!!!

29 10 2008

This campaign is making everybody nuts, as evidenced by the fact that the Jessica Simpson story appears to be legit:

Can’t wait to read the analysis at HelenandMargaret!

29 10 2008

@mhrt Steve — You must have missed the other two posts with links that I put out there for you… Sometimes the comments come so fast here that it’s easy to miss when people give you a shout-out.

Yes, I finally got it figured out! I’m not sure if there are any further rallies for me this election. Maybe someday… Next election? Sure wish I was down in the lower 48 close to where the Obama action is, the live Obama in-person action, that is.

Charlotte was the only name that my husband and I agreed on. Of course once you name your child you cannot imagine them having any other name… but we DO love it too!

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Deuce2 AL — too funny — that link you just posted – that is what this whole blog entry from AKM is about! But we are up to nearly 600 posts by this hour of the night and pretty much gotten “off topic”!!

Time for me to post my butt to bed.

29 10 2008
Enjay in Eastern MT

oh my — we’re up to 580 posts —- wow

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Lori W., I don’t think it’s true, but I could be wrong. Jessica Simpson is ten to fifteen years younger than Palin, so they aren’t really of the same generation. I wouldn’t blink if Palin had that many lovers, but I wouldn’t care, either.

I DON’T CARE EITHER, Lori W. Palin could have f*cked over 1000 dudes from all 52 states, and be aiming for 5 digit stats. That matters f*ck all. What matters is that she’s a corrupt politician and needs to pay the “piper” – so to speak. She is a liar and a fraud, and she’s toast. As I wrote in one of my earliest Mudflats posts, STICK A FORK IN HER, SHE’S DONE.

29 10 2008
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Toon

OMG – is there REALLY 580 posts in this thread right now? No wonder I can’t catch up! Hey – I went to watch the Obama & Clinton speech and returned to over 580 posts – WOW. Now I’m going to have my little tantrum, cause I don’t have time to catch up with all the banter, links and ideas before going to bed. Someone please yell MARTHA WAKE UP! if you have a really cool idea that I’m missing. And if someone solves the Palin problem tonight, definitely wake me up for that!

29 10 2008

Lori W. (21:15:44) :
Can this be for real? Seems unlikely, but nothing surprises me these days:

Simpson to reveal names of 30 Palin ex-lovers
WEBWIRE – Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Exactly how would she know this? dumb dumb dumb
Both of them. One feeding off the other.

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

I just watched Bill Clinton’s speech. I’ve been waiting weeks to hear him. What a blessing that our candidate has a popular past president to stump for him.

29 10 2008
Bec Hussein in Illinois

Parting thoughts — great quote on HuffPo by Bill Cesca:

There are a lot of things to ridicule about Sarah Palin’s incomprehensible speaking style and backwards, simplistic views on the issues. But it’s her politics of fear and division that must be wholly rejected on Tuesday because it’s practically too terrible to imagine waking up one week from today in an America that rewards the awfulness and fear she and her allies rely upon. So before we arrive at the end of the Bush dark ride, let’s make sure the Palin dark ride comes to a complete stop on Tuesday.

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

As polls tighten, Democrats redouble efforts in Georgia

WASHINGTON — Just more than a month ago, Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s campaign pulled a number of field staffers out of Georgia and sent them to such emerging battleground states as North Carolina.

But that was before Georgia’s early voting showed record-high Democratic turnout, especially among African-Americans, and polls found a narrowing margin between the major presidential candidates.

That was also before Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss found himself fighting for his political life against Democratic challenger and former state Rep. Jim Martin, who’s benefited from the Obama campaign’s voter-registration and get-out-the-vote efforts and from increased funding from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

’bout time 😉

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

Tuesday – stick a fork in Palin, she’ll be done like dinner. Doncha know. Also.

29 10 2008

New post up!

29 10 2008

Copied this off of Cajun Boy’s blog — it sums up everything that is wrong about Bible Spice, everything that the good Christians here understand, and so many other Christian’s just don’t seem to get.

Warning: Cajun Boy uses some strong language (which doesn’t bother me a bit), but if that doesn’t bother you then it is a very entertaining place to go. I’m immune to bad language, so I go there daily…

So, here’s the excerpt from his blog titled “Who Would Jesus Vote For?”:

But the poster-child for the Republican assault on intelligence is the once honorable John McCain’s running mate, who, by the way is also an affront to Christians. While professing Christianity, Sarah Palin has shown a penchant for lying whenever she opens her mouth. Whether she’s making up the story that the Alaska legislature fully exonerated her of abuse-of-power charges, proclaiming that Obama is an anti-American terrorist sympathizer, calling Obama a socialist (and now, a communist) who will raise all our taxes and “redistribute wealth”, or reveling in the hatred and rage she incites at her rallies, Palin has proven herself to be a lying, vengeful, slanderous hypocrite who uses Christianity as a resume booster.

And here’s the link to the blog:

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

What do you all think SP will do once she’s “done like dinner” – kicked to the curb (of politics)?

– “lay low” and wait for the godbothering Religious Right to “REAR THEIR HEAD” re: 2012?

-go to jail?

-be convicted but just pay a huge fine?

Any thoughts?

29 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

I have a thought ….. who cares? 😀

29 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@Nebraska Native AKA Sista Froth Hussein (16:47:52) :

Darn, upnorth MN aka hose Hussein hotrod (16:56:54) beat me to the request. I misplaced the one from my SIL in the move, and I’d better find it soon–winter is upon us.

@Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (17:20:56) :

WOW; now, if you could just find a dud to work on fixing it for you, you’d be all set. I think that most houses the age of ours (ours was built in the 1890s) have prob. been updated a bit more than the Governor’s House. Besides, do you really NEED the electrical upgrade for the tanning bed 😉 ?

29 10 2008

@Hussein Canuck —

Ignore Aussie, she must be getting tired. That wasn’t nice!

I cannot imagine that Bible Spice knows how to lay low. I don’t think she has it in her.

I don’t think she’ll go to jail — not unless there’s still something out there uncovered and it’s pretty heinous! This stuff looks like stuff you get impeached or fined for, to me. I can hope & dream that she has to share a cell with the chick that Charlize Theron played in Monster, but sadly I don’t think it’s in the cards.

I hope that Alaskans will continue to be tenacious and not let this float on by. We must stick together & demand accountability.

I feel my cold med kicking in and cannot seem to type now, so must go…

29 10 2008

its incredible how palin and stevens have both been found guilty of wrongdoing and they both carry on as if they were “vindicated”. heck stevens was at a rally today talking about how if his trial was in alaska he would have been acquited. go figure. but not to worry alaska, stevens assured voters that “its all about alaska”. if palin or stevens had any regard for alaska, or its reputation they would go hide under a rock. in the kremlin.

29 10 2008
Sarah "honey bucket" Hussein

Women governors can screw you, too

Screwed by a pitbull in lipstick

Palin—-012-016 years

29 10 2008
mhrt oregon"steve"

SMR (21:46:11) :

@mhrt Steve — You must have missed the other two
I saw the first night…………and responed i think…… gets so late…………as you said the………the post…….icks………i copy and save some that i want to get back to and before you know it ……….there is five more………but you had it figured out fast………i read what you had done and i was ………like what did they just say…i am a little older then some…..but my kids get a kick when their mom sends them a picture from my phone…..but i keep trying………text is hurting me though……that thing keeps telling me what it wants to say…………
your little one is so cute………so which one is you

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

I agree with Aussie Hussein – who cares.

29 10 2008
Hussein Canuck for Choice

I take no offense. I put my comments, as incendiary as they may be, on this blog, and if anyone is offended, SWEET, and TOO BAD FOR YOU, who may be offended. Freedom of speech. I can say “Sorry” but I’d be lying. I comply with not swearing, and post my youthful thoughts, sometimes sounding like a complete retard, and welcome constructive criticism. But I will continue to speak because I’m aware and alert and while cancer is invading my body, I’m not dead yet. Thanks to the Mudflatters who want to engage in a discussion with me, that means a lot.

30 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@SMR (22:44:36) :
Ignore Aussie, she must be getting tired. That wasn’t nice!
It’s daytime here, I am not tired, I just don’t care whether Sarah Palin lives or dies.

30 10 2008

I just found this article on Rolling stones about her it was an awesome read about Palin and why so many of us despise her

I am new to this website so hope it is not construed as spam by the board op
I do want to say this is an awesome website

Ex US Coast Coard
3 years in Kodiak Ak on the CGC Ironwood
USCGC Polar Sea (breaking ice and partying with Polar Bears and Rainier Beer

30 10 2008
WV Democrat

@ SE_Idaho_Reader (17:35:01) :

To WV Democrat @ 5:45:57 :

You asked “What is the world was the reason why this was sent out? What is the issue?” in regard to the following post by Northern Exposure @ 15:15:50:

Todd Palin featured in ads and mailers to rural Maine and elsewhere.
“Will this be your last winter snowmobiling in a national park?…This election will decide.”

The answer is that snowmobile access to national parks is a long-lived, major controversy for Yellowstone National Park. Must be in Maine, too.

Read about a Sept 2008 court decision to protect Yellowstone at

Can’t find any studies done. Was this just a whacked enviro stand or is there any merit to it? Or is this just a bunch of sport riders all worked up about “their rights”?

30 10 2008
WV Democrat

ira2 (20:25:09) :

Bec Hussein in Illinois (20:20:17) :

You should all plan a future trip to Chicago.

It’s been on my list ever since I watched The Ghost And The Darkness :o)

Yep, on my one and only trip to Chicago (other than flight layovers), I sought out the Field Museum just to see the Tsavo lions. The movie was terrifying and so was the book.

I went to Chicago with my son who was doing a science fair project and was invited by a few scientists to visit Fermilab. He was trying to prove dark matter existed.

30 10 2008

Sorry I mean ATVs, I think, instead of RVs.
Can you tall I’m a city girl lost in in rural Maine?

30 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

ATVs are a category of RVs in my book. So are snowmobiles. If its a vehicle used for recreation, then it’s an RV. If you are more likely to use them for fun than to commute to work, that makes it an RV in my book. No offence intended to those in the far north who actually do use their snowmobiles to commute. But we don’t do that in Maine or New Brunswick.

30 10 2008
Shove Maggot "That One" Hussein aka the problem child

I should say we don’t do that commuting on snowmobiles MUCH. also.

30 10 2008
sizzle snap pailin

OT, but BABYGATE is cracking wide open:

The ADN is sitting on the story…call or email to demand the truth!

The Anchorage Daily News


30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

Another Cajun Boy update– he’s finally named the ADN as the newspaper that’s withholding a story on Sarah Palin.

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

Think my first post might’ve gone into the spam blocker because of an http. I’ll try again. Cajun Boy, mentioned above, has an update in which he names the ADN as the paper that’s holding on to an “unsavory” story about Sarah Palin.

30 10 2008
Duct Idaho Palin

Oh sorry– I didn’t think to look in the comments about the Ted Stevens story, since the Cajun Boy story is just about Sarah Palin. Someone mentioned it there, too.

30 10 2008
Big Al from Las Vegas

Lacy Lady (21:40:10) :

Just wondering if the story about Palin going to the hospital in Indiana is a real story? It sounds like her, but thought someone is just clowning around. Hee Hee!!!
Yes, my Newsflash! about Sarah Palin being admitted to an Indiana hospital for observation was a joke. Not sure about the Jessica simpson press release though. That could be true.

30 10 2008

I found this last night.
Unfortunately I did not put the link on my copy and paste.
I am pretty sure it was Alternet.

“While driving this evening, I heard a portion of the Mike Malloy show on Sirius Left. Mike had some interesting information about the redistribution of wealth concept. First, he pointed out that the quotation originated with Louis Blanc, in his book, “The Organization of Work”, written in 1840.
More interesting, however, are a couple of passages from Acts of the Apostles. First, Acts 2:44-45:
“And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.”

Next, there is this from Acts 4:32-35:
“Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.”
That sounds pretty socialist/Marxist to me.
Why do Sarah Palin and John McCain hate the Apostles?”

I really enjoyed all the “Wow” responses to the Obama speach last night. I only have a low power FM pick up for internet and am lucky to have that, no TV no radio. So I was not able to see the speech, but had a lot of fun reading all your reactions as you loged back in. And really that’s one of the biggest differences that Obama is trying to make. Being a lover of the Constitution et al. has been so grim for the last 8 years. And he has returned “Wow” to American politics. So I am content.

30 10 2008
Ethics Complaint Filed Against Sarah Palin For Using Taxpayer Funds To Travel Daughters on Private Plane | Prose Before Hos

[…] So Sarah Palin is the economically conservative and responsible maverick, but she has no problem spending $150,000 on her wardrobe, giving her kids thousand dollar handbags, or using tax payer money to fly her kids around the US? […]

30 10 2008

“maryjblog (17:48:53) :

ooh, I can’t wait for Sarah to return home after the election so i can tune in to “As the Moose Turns – Back to Wasilla”

What do you Alaskans think – will Stevens be re-elected, will he step down, will Sarah seek to horn in on his job?”

OOOOh. Veeeery Interesting. (Spoken with German accent.)
If Stevens wins and has to step down. Who get to name his successor? Probably the governor. (Isn’t that how Senator Muckowski (sp?) got in? So Palin apoints her self to the US Senate. Is a special election required in Alaska?

Got the link to “Why do Sara Palin and John McCain Hate Jesus’ Apostles.”
It has the two quotes from Acts referring to the apostels communal sharing or property, and sharing based on need.
All those years of Bible Belt Sunday school, going to church, singing in the choirs, MYF. OMG I’ve been worshiping Marksist Communist!

30 10 2008

Well I caught up with all the posts through 07:43″48.
I voted today.
So what’s your excuse.
Mudpuppies rule!
See you later.

30 10 2008
Sarah “Saks Pack” Palin on why you should donate to the Obama Campaign

[…] of more than half a million dollars to a PLO-friendly organization, Wardrobegate and now Travelgate.  It’s that “liberal” media (including Fox News) that stood up and said the […]

30 10 2008
Sarah “Saks Pack” Palin on why you should donate to the Obama Campaign

[…] of more than half a million dollars to a PLO-friendly organization, Wardrobegate and now Travelgate. It’s that “liberal” media (including Fox News) that stood up and said the […]

30 10 2008

So does Palin try to snag Steven’s seat? Has her “brand” been destroyed by these scandals and the botched McCain campaign? She obviously has higher ambitions; how much longer before we see her back on the national stage?



30 10 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Hussein Canuck for Choice (22:15:48) : What do you all think SP will do once she’s “done like dinner” – kicked to the curb (of politics)?- “lay low” and wait for the godbothering Religious Right to “REAR THEIR HEAD” re: 2012?-go to jail?
-be convicted but just pay a huge fine?
Any thoughts?

I think the first thing she’s gonna do is go on Ebay and see how much she can get for Micheal Jackson’s “Thriller” jacket that she’s been wearing.

31 10 2008

Why doesn’t she care for her baby the way a Downs’ Syndrome child needs to be cared for? Early intervention and early nurturing are everything in achieving the highest potential with these children. When the opportunity is gone, it’s gone forever.

The campaign trail cannot be good for him either. Late hours, lights and noise, strangers, no stable place to sleep, no peace… it’s child abuse. It would be child abuse even for a normal child. Today he’s on stage in an elephant Halloween costume, for God’s sake. Who is running for VP – she or her entire family?

Jackie Kennedy said, if you bungle the job of mother, nothing else you do really matters very much.