The Palins’ Imperfect Union.

8 10 2008

Sarah Palin has taken her position. She has shown her cards. She has stuck her flag in the ground. She has crossed her arms.

Palin likes the spotlight, she likes power, and she has decided she will do or say anything to get it. That much is obvious to anyone who has been watching her performance over the last week. Many Alaskans have watched, sickened, at Palin’s insinuations, before cheering crowds, that Senator Obama is a terrorist sympathizer. Others, have agreed. She stands in the glow of the lights, soaking up the energy from a crowd, whipped into a frenzy of hatred, engendering comparisons to a Nazi rally or a KKK meeting. Shouts of “Kill him!”, and “Terrorist!” referring to Senator Obama have been picked up on media microphones covering the McCain-Palin roadshow.

Hatred, like an iceberg, leaves 90% of its mass below the surface. The media has not picked up on comments that aren’t screamed at the camera – the conversations in living rooms, the knowing nods, and the dark thoughts that McCain and Palin have given people permission to think.

“He doesn’t think like we do,” she tells us. We love the country. We are patriotic. We are like us. We can’t turn our country over to THEM.

The Republican party has become very good at pointing fingers, both literally, and figuratively, at Obama. Last night, McCain pointed a finger at him during the dabate and referred to him as “that one.” The undercurrents of dehumanization, objectification, and scorn rose to the surface.

Attack Obama on his “lack of patriotism” and his “otherness”, and he’ll spend his time defending it. It’s never good when you have to defend your position. The attacker always has the greater position of power.

Strangely, in light of this new patriotic furor, the following video has not gained much traction in this election. It surfaced some time ago, and I’ve posted it here before, but its worthy of another look. This is a meeting of the Alaskan Independence Party. The speaker is Vice Chairman of the AIP, Dexter Clark. A partial transcript is below. It’s worth watching in full.

The Alaskan Independence Party believes that Alaska may have become a state against its will. Anyone in the party today, is likely there because they think Alaska would do just fine without the rest of the country being attached to it. The image, on most maps, of Alaska detached from the rest of the country in its own little box works for them just fine.

They don’t like the way the statehood vote was worded, and Clark explains why.

The basic argument of the Alaskan Independence Party has always been the number one plank in our platform – the question of our vote to become a state. So…the most blaring disparity in that vote was the definition of an eligible voter. Among those qualified to cast a ballot were 41,000 American soldiers and 36,000 dependents. Now, to the native population of Alaska, to me, these were occupation troops! And they were made eligible and, in fact encouraged to vote. There were educational meetings held on the military bases. I can’t imagine them telling anyone that anything but that statehood would be very good for the military – in fact they still have 6, 7 big bases and numerous smaller holdings in the state. Statehood would be good for the military. Now can you imagine the international uproar if American troops had all went and got their purple fingers in Iraq?

After Clark’s discussion of the American ‘occupying troops’ getting the right to vote on Alaska statehood, he goes on to say that Alaskans should have been able to vote to remain a territory, become a commonwealth, become a state or become an independent nation. In reality, voters were only given the option: Statehood? Yes or No.

Now, we get to the interesting part, just before 6:00 on the video.

“Our current governor, we mentioned at the last conference, the one we were hoping would get elected, Sarah Palin, did get elected. There’s a joke, she’s a pretty good looking gal, there’s a joke goes around we’re the coldest state with the hottest governor. (laughter) And there was a lot of talk about her moving up. She was an AIP member before she got the job as a mayor of a small town — that was a non-partisan job. But to get along and go along — she eventually joined the Republican Party, where she had all kinds of problems with their ethics, and well, I won’t go into that. She also had about an 80% approval rating, and is pretty well sympathetic to her former membership.

What Clark is saying here, is that Palin’s philosophical loyalties lie with the Alaska Independence Party, but in order to get elected, she had to distance herself from the AIP and pretend to be a Republican, because that was the only way for her to get elected. But not to worry, Clark reassures those in attendance, her heart is still with us at the AIP, and her sympathies are with our agenda, namely, Alaskan ndependence.

He goes on:

If there is ever a time that is right for change, this is it. [snip] The pitfalls of an organized political party – you don’t have any control over who joins that party. They put the X next to it on the registration form, and if they join the — go into the primary, and win that primary, they’re your candidate, like it or not. I think Ron Paul has kind of proven that. He’s a dyed -in-the-wool Libertarian. He came to Alaska and spoke as a Libertarian. And he put the Republican label on to get elected. That’s all there is to it. And any one of your organizations should be using that same tactic to infiltrate.

Palin claims to have been a member of the Republican Party since 1982. Clark is telling us that Palin ‘marked the Republican box”, but she isn’t one. He loves the fact that she got elected. He’s already dreaming about ripping one of those stars off the flag. And though Sarah Palin’s membership is not documented officially, there is no dispute that Todd Palin was a card-carrying member of the AIP as recently as 2002 when his wife was the mayor of Wasilla. After that, he decided to change his registration to “Unaffiliated.”

How does the rest of the country feel about the concept of Alaska secession, especially considering the strategic importance of the oil reserves in Alaska of which Governor Palin is so fond of reminding us? Works well for the nation of Alaska, but not so well for the truncated version of the United States of America it leaves behind.

I don’t think that the Alaskan Independence Party stands much of a chance of getting their wish of an independent Alaska. But, how can we allow Barack Obama’s patriotism and loyalty to his country to be challenged, without ever mentioning the fact that the woman who may be a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States, and her husband have legitimately condoned and supported a secessionist group?

And finally, here’s the quote of the day from AIP founder Joe Vogler.

“The fires of Hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won’t be buried under their damn flag! I’ll be buried in Dawson, and when Alaska is an independent nation, they can bring my bones home.”

Reverend Wright suddenly sounds stunningly patriotic.

Sarah Palin, meanwhile, is saying that the fact that Barack Obama served on the same non-profit board as Bill Ayers a Weather Underground member 40 years ago, “is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.” She continued, “This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America,” Palin said.

Here’s Palin addressing last year’s Alaska Independence Party’s convention.

So, how does Sarah Palin “see Ameirca?” Does she see it as “so imperfect” that one of its 50 states needs to vote on whether it wants to secede from the Union? Should a political party in this state “target its own country,” and if successful, devastate energy reserves, and compromise the national security of the rest of the nation by taking its oil, and leaving? Maybe, maybe not. But you just watched her tell the group whose purpose it is to vote on that issue to “keep up the good work.”

If Senator Obama had made such an address to an Illinois secessionist party, or any other group who wanted to make off with 13% of the nations oil supply, what would be said about his patriotism?



327 responses

8 10 2008

I’m afraid. My country is hurting, and McCain and Palin can do nothing but incite fear. My 401 has lost 50% of its value and I feel like I’m just floundering. My wife and I voted early ballot for Obama and will be attending a rally tomorrow in Prescott Valley Az. We feel that Obama’s all we’ve got left. Were just two seniors that are scared. I don’t know what else to do or say.

8 10 2008
Democrat Dave

Very powerful contribution to the discussion about Sarah Palin. Americans aren’t as stupid as McCain, Palin, the GOP and the NeoCons think. We get it. No thank you. Enough! Obama-Biden in 2008. Democrat Dave

8 10 2008

akm: It’s just mind-boggling. Why does no one call Palin on this crap? Oh, that’s right, we aren’t allowed to ask her questions.

But there she was today talking to reporters on her plane (for the first time!). How come no one asked her why her remarks just last summer to an organization that hates America telling them to ‘keep up the good work’ aren’t a hundred times worse than trying to tie Obama in with a radical who was a radical when Obama was 8 years old?

She wants to questions Obama’s judgement? What does it say about HER judgement?

But the worst part is why does media let her get away with it?

There are so many disturbing questions about this election and the way the media has controlled the message that it does strike fear in me.

I will agree with Palin on one thing. Barack Obama does NOT see America the way she sees it. And for that I am extremely grateful.

8 10 2008

Why has THIS not made the national news? I am just so sick of what she and McCain are getting away with in their campaign. He’s bad enough, but she just makes it all worse than I ever could have imagined.

Another Arizonan for Obama.

8 10 2008

pvazwindy: My advice. Don’t look at your 401K. At least not for 5 or 10 years…. That is what I have decided to do. 😦

8 10 2008
Suchanut Wesson Hussein Scalper Palin

Awesome, AKM! Well done and timely!

8 10 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Hussein Failin

If anyone has had any success connecting with the msm, now is the time to do so again. This is incredibly painful to read and watch and must be shared with the rest of the country. Her nomination and potential election. This woman must be stopped now. And she is posturing Obama as a terrorist?? Unbelievable. There is a special place in hell… just like it says on the starbucks cup.

8 10 2008
karen "that one" hussein marie


(sorry i’ve never been first before)

8 10 2008
karen "that one" hussein marie


looks like i wasn’t first this time either.

oh well.

better luck next time.

8 10 2008

I’m feeling moderately confident that Palin will soon be back in the State of Alaska to serve out her term as governor. I’m still doing all I can personally to make that happen.

8 10 2008


Republican in name only…

she is a fraud in every political sense. This too will come to bite her in the posterior.

8 10 2008
Amused and Bewildered

The double standard in this election is simply apalling. Palin owes a debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton for being handled with such kid gloves. The media is afraid to pounce. The GOP knows it and has taken every advantage of the situation. If any of the other candidates had ties to a party whose goal was to secede from the US and bashed the country, actively impeded an ongoing and valid investigation, attributed their political office to someone like Pastor Muthee, lied through their teeth about things they did and didn’t do and failed to give one REAL press conference at this late date, it would be OVER. We all know there are other things but this is enough to get the point across. She is a complete and utter disgrace to Alaska and the rest of the country.

I’ve seen this video before and especially with the introduction of the Obama/Ayers bashing, it’s time it gets out there. Thanks for putting it up on the blog today, AKM.

Media, GET SOME BALLS. Kudos to the journalists and television reporters who have spoken out. This isn’t a bias — there are simply questions that need to be answered! I would be saying this about any candidate who skirted the issues. It should not be tolerated!

8 10 2008
Meat Notgay Hussein

One thing that is almost never mentioned about Rev Wright – he is a combat decorated veteran. In my book, that gives him the right to say whatever he wants to.

8 10 2008
Susie in Jersey

Thank you NoCalGal! I’ve been trying to recall that phrase for weeks – Republican in name only – RINO.

I believe lots of RINOs will be voting for Obama on Nov. 4th.

8 10 2008
Pennsylvania Mom

She scares me on many, many levels. I read a wonderful diary on KOS relating her connections to the Third Wave, which really fits quite well with the AIP. She sees nothing wrong in what she is doing, since it is all Gods work. If she riles the mob up enough for them to commit murder, well she be held accountable??

8 10 2008

Have you all seen this TERRIFYING video featuring a sermon from the leader of Sarah’s ‘Prayer Warrior” group?:

(no sound until 45 seconds in, BTW)

8 10 2008
Newfoundland Dogs Rule

Dear pvazwindy,

cut: I’m afraid. My country is hurting, and McCain and Palin can do nothing but incite fear. My 401 has lost 50% of its value and I feel like I’m just floundering: cut

I hear you. I wish I could say that it will be better, but I’m not sure. It just scares me. When Palin was first announced, I had dreams that I was trying to save her children from her. Strange. The dreams have now stopped, but my concern for this country has not.

8 10 2008

Why don’t you send these two videos to CNN and all the other news stations?

8 10 2008
Susie in Jersey


“I’m feeling moderately confident that Palin will soon be back in the State of Alaska to serve out her term as governor. ”

I’m hoping she goes back to find a s*** load of ethics problems.

8 10 2008

Another video worth watching that condenses all the info on the Palin’s AIP involvement:

8 10 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

An excellent one-stop-shopping-facts post, AKM. A great service to us.

There are truly astounding symmetries of depth psychology going on here under the surface. A woman who is HERSELF in HER PROVEN HISTORY a part of the “psychological terrorist mindset” in Alaska, then accuses a man in the Lower 48 to be a terrorist because he sat on a public service board once with a man who did something radical when that man HIMSELF was EIGHT YEARS OLD!

It is pure raw, unadulterated. psychological PROJECTION upon the OTHER!

This is one sick person. I am just astounded. A person who thinks it is appropriate to speak to a crowd at a political gathering where someone shouts “kill him” from the crowd without taking any action. Does she have any understanding of those words?

I guess she wasn’t born yet on November 22, 1963? Or the days of the killing of MLK and RFK in 1968? Or when 500 were dying a week in Vietnam? What a completely uneducated person. Didn’t her parents raise her better than that?

Does she even understand what violence is? It is not a sport. It is not a joke. Does she have any understanding of the risk Barack Obama takes each day to be a candidate as a fellow citizen given the sorry history of this country.

I am just astonished at the shallowness of this idiot. If I was a speaker at a political rally where someone in the audience shouted out “kill him” at my political opponent. I would ask the crowd to identify and seize that man while I stopped the rally. I would then come down off the platform, go to this man and knock his G-d damn f****** teeth down his throat in a fair fight. Then I would go back to the platform and resume the rally.

This woman is clueless beyond words.

The bumper sticker we need should say:


8 10 2008

Hey AKM,
What other items are on the AIP platform ? What are their views toward minority’s such as the Native Alaskans? Could say a lot about Palin’s views towards Obama.

8 10 2008
karen "that one" hussein marie

keith olbermann did a pretty good job of getting AIP some national air time next week.

don’t despair — sarah palin’s national political aspirations are indeed as dead as her conscience.

her performance over the past month, on top of her pre-august 29, 2008 history, is very well documented and will be available if she ever sticks her snotty little nose outside of wasilla again.

how do you think she is going to be greeted when she tries to run in 2012?

do you really think the republican party is going to be in a better position than it is now? and if by some wild chance they get their act together, do you really believe they would select her as their nominee?

the only people who actively support palin’s candidacy are far rightwing christianists.

there are simply not enough of them for her to be anything other than a footnote of the 2012 election. she’ll be another bob barr.

ted stevens’ senate seat will not be up for re-election for six years (2014). lisa murkowski’s seat is up in 2010. what is her support like in alaska?

if palin successfully re-assumes her governorship after this vp fiasco and is reelected, or not, is it possible for her to take murkowski’s senate seat?

my prediction is that sarah palin will return to alaska, after several months of having to live with the mess she created pre-august 29, she’ll quit in a fit of pique and take a high-paying gig with fox news, doing her own show, where she’ll have an excellent platform to “spew her bile” (as her club members like to say except in reference to “others”) and keep those home fires burning.

yeah, i see a long and amusing future ahead for sarah palin. well, maybe not amusing to her but what the hey ho, huh?

my prediction is that palin will
even were she to get into the united states senate (god forfend),

8 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Well that really brings into focus her many comments about how, if she and McCain are elected Alaska will benefit.

Why isn’t the media covering this?


Why have you abandoned the American people?

8 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

CBS and CNN!

8 10 2008
karen "that one" hussein marie

first sentence above should be “last week” — argh!

8 10 2008

Whoops, the previosu video, while okay, was not the one I meant to post. This one gives much more info on Palin and the AIP:

8 10 2008

Give Palin an gun and airplane and she can become Dog Catcher

8 10 2008
karen "that one" hussein marie

where is the “preview”!

that last bit of “word salad” was leftovers from my editing … 😦

8 10 2008

Palin doctrine: Kiss ass and take names and suck up to John McCain. He’s asleep now so I can say this—there’s NO Fool Like and OLD fool HHEE. Grandpa john is so boring he needs me to liven up his presidency.

8 10 2008
Miemaw from Texas

“This One” is supporting “That One.”

Obama probably shouldn’t touch this AIP stuff, but Biden probably should.

Y’all please go to— — and vote on the poll they have up, as to whether or not you think she’s qualified to be the V.P. or Pres. I think it’s on the “NOW” page.

We can’t have PBS telling the American public, that their viewers think she is.

You cannot vote but one time. This one is important also.

Thanks, takes about 20 seconds.

8 10 2008
Ripley AKA Copper Hussein "that one" Catfish P.

luckily for us all, when things come out from this blog (thank you akm) they seem to get legs.

This needs to be out there in the real world. I hope that Olbermann gets it.

Heck, look what happened with the Obama Sign Watch after we all got invested in it.

We can do anything. And with the help of this blog, and the organizations that pick it up, things will get out. Fear not.

8 10 2008
kem hussein Ok, I am not first but let me say I just really like “that one” too!!!! I had to stay away for a while as I had to go watch the ‘streets’ burn but then I decided I needed to take a vacation back in the mudflats. HOOORAY for AKM!!

8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

I heard on the radio this evening that in London a man had on a Barack Obama shirt, and a man came up to him and said he hated n****rs. When the Obama supporter went to his car, the man shot him 3 times. One hit the man in the face, hand, and stomach I believe.

It seems the crazies are coming out the wood work, and it is going to get very bad, if this nonsense doesn’t stop.

I’m not afraid, on the other hand. I have said it before, and will say it again! If we have to go to battle with the nuts and idiots….so be it!!!

Those that think they can shoot, and kill us because of the color of our skin…we are a new generation, and WE will not tolerate these cowardly acts!!!

8 10 2008

Bea, WOW!!! This is scary and needs to get out!

8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

On a softer note. Michelle Obama will be on Larry King Live tonight.

8 10 2008

WakeUpAmerica (15:45:31) :

Why don’t you send these two videos to CNN and all the other news stations?

Do you really believe they don’t know?? They won’t run this until it’s been shoved down their throats, they’re a bunch of scared rabbits afraid the Republicans are going to accuse them of being biased. I’ve seen some real fire though lately and have hopes they’ll stop allowing the GOP to define them.

8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

And today….John McCain’s second bimbo goes on the attack. Cindy McShame!

Cindy McCain goes on the attack

8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin
8 10 2008

What, in Heaven’s name, can we do?! I read this kind of stuff, and believe it’s true, and I just don’t have a CLUE what can be done. If it’s this obvious, why… how… How could we be in this situation? Why is this not obvious, and clearly unacceptable? And out there? I mean we have been hearing about this since I got on this site on Aug. 29, but it’s still not a national issue. Now it’ll just sound like “so much more reactionary mud slinging,” and get chalked up to freak-out by Dems.


8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

I’m not sure why I can’t post a link here, but on CNN’s website, Cindy is now attacking Obama!

8 10 2008
NY Dem

Keith just reported that the sheriff if Florida yesterday is under federal investigation for possible violation of the Hatch Act. Basically, thr Hatch Act says it is illegal to campaign for any candidate while in uniform. The sheriff could lose his job, and they could stop all federal money from going to his county, sayd Keith.

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Let’sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin (15:59:49) :

I heard on the radio this evening that in London a man had on a Barack Obama shirt, and a man came up to him and said he hated n****rs. When the Obama supporter went to his car, the man shot him 3 times. One hit the man in the face, hand, and stomach I believe.


The victim was a black man, but he’s OK–wearing-Barack-Obama-T-shirt.html

8 10 2008

I have a question here that I hope someone can answer.

If these people truly want to cancel statehood, don’t they know that the US would then own Alaska?

The land was purchased was my understanding
Wouldn’t they end up in a worse predicament then they now see themselves in?

I am sorry if my history of Alaska isn’t what it should be.

8 10 2008

I sent copies of this to NY Times daring them to see what good journalistic investigation is about and hope that they learn from you.

Also sent a copy to Huffington news. I can’t believe how the media plays the Ayers & Wright thing over and over and totally ignores McCain’s ties to G.Gordon Liddy, the World Freedom group, Hagee, Keating5 and it goes on.

As for Palin, the Press is absolutely cowardly. That they don’t headline the fact that McCain & Palin are accepting the crowd’s “Kill Him” and “Terrorist” with their silence is horrific.

Let’s hope that if enough of us keep at the Media by emailing them, they will gain some courage for a change from the last 8 years.

Thank you for all you do…you are much appreciated in getting the truth out.

8 10 2008
Scrimshaw aka Sack Panther Hussein Palin

Hindsite2020 (15:52:51) :

“Hey AKM,
What other items are on the AIP platform ? What are their views toward minority’s such as the Native Alaskans? Could say a lot about Palin’s views towards Obama.”

Whether it is part of the AIP platform I don’t know, but I have read that SP has opposed or blocked Native Alaskans in their traditional hunting and fishing rights, their languages, and allowed their living conditions to deteriorate. Someone here could fill in the details much better, but this much I remember… she has called them “Arctic Arabs.”
Sorta similar, methinks, to her remarks this week.

8 10 2008

Um I think I am going to join P Diddy under the covers. Because not only does Sarah Palin Scare me, but so does McCain and their Followers do too. And yes they are Followers…you know like a CULT!!!!!

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

Well done AKM!!!

8 10 2008

It will not be good enough to see Palin blown out on November 4th. She needs to be completely destroyed as a viable political entity. Scortched earth until this hag can’t get elected Chief Fish Wife of the village she hails from. I never thought I could despise anyone more than GWB. Then I was introduced to Sarah Palin , and her brood of half-wits.

8 10 2008

Good job Muckraker.

Since Sarah Palin has decided that it is time for the “gloves to come off”, it is high time she received some incoming blows as well.

And to answer your question about what would happen if Barack Obama were to be connected a secessionist organization? Well he would finished is what would happen.

And this kind of thing should finish Palin as well. All things being fair and all.

8 10 2008
Hampden Hon

So Palin is actually the Manchurian candidate, not McCain.

This would be so funny, except this is serious and so frightening.

8 10 2008
Cynthia, TX

Mudflats the problem you have with this story is you need the MSM behind it and it’s never going to happen. Let’s face it this is a race issue and the darker of the two looses. Sen. Obama you loose this one. The only way he does not is his “non minority” supporters have to stand up for him and demand the respect.

8 10 2008
copybook realist

Thanks AKM.

This is very well written. Let us hope that the MSM takes it up

8 10 2008

Wow, it’s frightening to have at least some proof of the racism inherent in the Republican party. I can imagine the kind of things that do get said in the privacy of some people’s homes.

8 10 2008

I am truly praying that the Troopergate Report will be so damaging to the Palin/McCain ticket that more influencial people will start endorsing Obama/Biden. I am still hoping that Colin Powell will endorse Obama.

8 10 2008
copybook realist

Here is something to cheer you all up after another tough day (:

8 10 2008

…AIP platform I don’t know, but I have read that SP has opposed or blocked Native Alaskans in their traditional hunting and fishing rights……

When the Natives at Point Hope slaughtered 120 Caribou in early July Palin shut the investigation down…..coincidentally (maybe and maybe NOT) that is precisely the time Palin FIRED the commissioner.

Backing up a year I called AIP and asked them what their position on the issue of Alaska Native Sovereignty [Native Alaskans are not sovereign people btw] and they said; paraphrased…..well the Governors and her husband who is an Alaskan Native support our platform if that tells you anything.

8 10 2008
copybook realist

Darn it I can never get the smile face right…I am such a hack 🙂

8 10 2008

You can have Palin
back, Alaska — I’m sorry
she’s your governor.

8 10 2008

I hope you all will enjoy a little humor. This is funny, I don’t care
who you are. Gotta love Homer.

8 10 2008
copybook realist

Thanks Deuce2

That is funny…hopefully it does not have truthiness.

Spread Mat…love and this guy is such a hero. I have a dream of seeing Obama and Mat dance together throughout the world.

Spread this to right wing blogs as well…perhaps we can turn some people,

8 10 2008
B Johnson

As it appears that Gov. Palin has real fondness for AIP, her motive for skipping through Texas and other American states, where she could have delivered her baby at less risk, seems more clear. After all, wouldn’t being born on Alaskan soil make a difference if Alaska became an independent country?

8 10 2008

I’m from Clearwater, Florida and was sickened at the Palin rally here yesterday. I realize most people will understand that most Floridians in no way agree with what the McCain ticket is doing. But, boy oh boy do I hate that there are even a few who think those bigots represent my state. Just as you all do.

And we will prove that come election day – Senator Obama and Senator Biden will take our state. Those who spread fear and hatred will lose. I look forward to our future with a smart man running this nation.

This is a great blog – it’s good to see what Alaskans are thinking!

8 10 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

You know, I don’t think SWWNBN actually has a clue as to what her political beliefs are. I think she is an opportunist and will latch on to whatever gets her farther, and at that time it was the AIP.

She seems to use people [using people as mentors and the turning against them]and now she’s being used by McCain, which she is too dimwitted to figure out.

I really can’t take much more of this. I think McCain is shaky, losing his mind and not well. I’m not a medical professional, but he’s forgetting words and that eye is twitching and last night he was wheezing. And she’s next in line if her wins….ARGGGGG

8 10 2008

Kudos to you AKM. For those of us that have been following this blog since Palin was chosen this shocking video has been viewed before. In fact, many bloggers keep trying to recycle it every few threads in hopes that MSM will pick it up….. it is so important & so damaging. Watched Keith tonight & thought after all the mud McCain & Palin are slinging now is the time to bring up Palin’s AIP connections. Nope.

8 10 2008

Anyone remember Eliza Doolittle from the “My Fair Lady” film? It was about a egotistical linquistics professor (Prof. Higgins) who made a huge wager he could take any poor girl off the street and make a lady out of her. Eliza Doolittle was a waif, a cockney flower girl without any skills. Professor Higgins wagered with a friend that he could make a lady out of her, and that when he was finished with her, societies most elite would never discover the ruse.

Sarah Palin is John McCain’s “Eliza Doolittle!” She’s BEEN molded, and molded, and molded THROUGHOUT HER SHORT POLITICAL CAREER into anything they’ve (her mentors) wagered was important on for the good of their campaign…problem is, the power hungry interior of this gal will be their “undoing”. Eliza Doolittle will soon turn in to their “Frankenstein”.

8 10 2008

Haras ( sarah) was born in ’54 after JFK’s death. SHe was only 4 when MLK & RFK, were shot.
Strikes me that she would look more authentic with a little square black moustache!

8 10 2008

ooops sarah b. 1964!

8 10 2008

pvazwindy…your comments touched my heart, you left me speechless!

I am certain that it’s times like this that we need to come together not only as Americans but as as Humans! I am certain that we’ll pull thru this…even this will come to pass!

8 10 2008

So we have to wait until tomorrow for word from the AK Supreme court don’t we? grrr. This is worse than waiting for Christmas(kid at heart 😛

8 10 2008

AKM, Thank you for bringing that video to our attentiion again.
There are a lot of computer literate persons on this blog.
Will someone please get that video to some one in the MSM.
It really needs to be seen by Americans.

8 10 2008
copybook realist

This is my favorite “Where the hell is Matt” video. please take some time and smell the roses! 🙂

8 10 2008

First time poster that has been an avid follower for the last six weeks.

I believe that what’s apparent throughout all of the background information provided on SP as well as her own actions is that she cares about nothing other than accruing as much power, regardless of posting.

Dependent upon the valuable information provided by folks like our lauded host, I am not so convinced that SP has a distinct and/or principled ideology per se. My guess is that if she grew up in Georgia, she’d be as much a devout southern baptist; Salt Lake City and she’d give Romney a run for his money.

I believe that SP lacks the intellectual capacity to compete with those who wield more cognitive capacity than she possesses though has enough of an understanding of her own limitations to see that she’s at a distinct disadvantage. As a result, she attempts and often is able to overcompensate with her very visible strengths.

In the final analysis, her contrived attempts to be the “beauty queen” or political populist fall short on a national stage, relegating SP as the perennial runner-up. The more she campaigns on the national stage the more that it apparent that SP is willing to say or do anything to reach her desired objective.

The more I’ve watched her in action the more I’ve come to believe that she has numerous “chips” on her shoulders. Whether her self-perceived and/or actual lack of education, professional experience, “small town” upbringing, or the like, what underscores all of those aspects is her bitterness.

Oregonian living in DC

8 10 2008
Chris Blask

AKM, you really are doing a wonderful job.

Thanks for the “Another Alaska” piece, this shows a whole new level of failure on Palin’s part to those of us just getting to know her. What the hell was she doing that she could not begin to address the people of her own state who need it most?

I forwarded the link for that article to several large groups and wrote an article of my own on the topic. This is the kind of information that should be available, both to protect us all from incredibly bad leadership and to bring attention to the folks who need it.

Email me or leave comments on The Motley Moose if you have information about what needs to be done to help Alaska’s rural poor.

8 10 2008

Ok… it is after 5 pm in Alaska.. how was the supreme court thing this afternoon???? anyone hear any news????

The ruling will come tomorrow. AKM

8 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

Today’s Disturbing Ebay Auction #1

I Want to Be Sarah Palin little girls t-shirt political – eBay (item 250305902907 end time Oct-11-08 10:13:54 PDT)

8 10 2008

Mudflats Blogger (sorry don’t know your name)

Have you approached any mainstream media with this? Why is this not going public in a huge way? Your points are beyond legitimate here. This goes so far beyond a double standard it’s ridiculous.

8 10 2008

Maybe this has already been posted, I haven’t read ll of the comments..

Alaska Magazine has six pages on the AIP out now. of course they have watered everything down to a bland come all tourists Alaskana kitschfest

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@PleaseSendThisToMainstreamMediaNOW (17:09:12) :

Mudflats Blogger (sorry don’t know your name)

Have you approached any mainstream media with this? Why is this not going public in a huge way? Your points are beyond legitimate here. This goes so far beyond a double standard it’s ridiculous.

We are all free to send it to the mainstream media. 😉

8 10 2008


Is it true that the Troopergate report is coming out tomorrow (Thursday) and not Friday?

Nope. It is scheduled to come out Friday. They got this one wrong, but it looks like the post has been updated with the correction. AKM

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
A Fan from Chicago

My site is missing the regular Comments link so I’m not sure if I’m going over plowed ground. But I want to say it. AKM, some quotes you put in bold and some you didn’t. The one that jumped out at me from his quote was “we’ve got the coldest state with the hottest governor.” Not bold.
That’s what Dexter Clark says in the clip.
Remember that was THE hot button going around the Republican Convention. Lots of people had it on and lots of commentators mentioned. Truely the HOT button. And the hot burron issue. I said it before and I’ll say it again.
Dog Whistles. These people are talking on a different frequency to their supporters like we saw in the 1960’s.
The momentum is on our side. Keep the faith and continue to work hard.
This site is brings together people who can mke it happen.

8 10 2008

ugh, how do I post a link to an article?

Have any of you seen the article written by Bobby Lee May of Virgnia? McCain’s campaign chair in Buchanan County? Truly appalling and undeniable racist. Please someone post the link or tell me how and I will.


8 10 2008

I passed this along to the NYT. You can contact them at and ask why they are not investigating/covering this story.

Or pass this along to any other major media outlet, it’s important.

8 10 2008

PVAZWINDY: Hang in there; you are not alone in Arizona. I live in Scottsdale and, while McCain will probably win the State, the winds of change are blowing. Arizona is turning from red to purple and I think the State will rebound in 2009 as will the USA. I wear an Obama button when I go out and it is amazing how many people will favorably engage me about Obama. I know it is very troubling right now but we will get through this.

8 10 2008
8 10 2008

@ Sandie,
either cut and paste it or left click the mouse and drag it down and drop it where you want it in your post.

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
8 10 2008

thanks for the help!

not sure this worked, but I did cut and paste.


8 10 2008

Remember that old credit card commercial that used to say: “Membership has it’s Privileges.” ?

In this case, as in the case of Palin and her Pregnant teenaged daughter and the case of Palin’s witch hunter/doctor … it appears that Palin gets a pass for all these things. Let’s call it what it is: white privilege.

If Obama had done any of these things it would have been on the news 24/7 — just like the Rev. Wright episode continued on for 8 days straight on the corporate media. If Obama had an unmarried pregnant teen that came up on stage after a debate, then what do you think the Hannitys and the O’Reilly’s would be wagging their tongues about? Hmmm? Does anyone really think that if Obama had an African minister praying about protecting him from witchcraft that he would be the Democratic nominee for president much less dog catcher.

Indeed. Membership does have it’s privileges.

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
8 10 2008
ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin

Speedy (16:16:53) :

It will not be good enough to see Palin blown out on November 4th. She needs to be completely destroyed as a viable political entity. Scortched earth until this hag can’t get elected Chief Fish Wife of the village she hails from. I never thought I could despise anyone more than GWB. Then I was introduced to Sarah Palin , and her brood of half-wits.
Speedy, I’m with you! I can’t tolerate this woman for much longer. She is the culmination of everything the Bush administration has taught this country. She creates an alternate reality with the things she says, repeating lie upon lie as if indoctrinating into a cult, and the base rallies… they are like the villagers in Frankenstein, with their pitchforks and torches, screeching “kill him” and “terrorist”! Why oh why aren’t they being called out on this?

This woman has such delusions of grandeur, and believes herself to be an unstopable force, chosen by God (and Pastor Muthee ;)) to lead,,, and the followers just get inline behind her. If she is as Christian as she professes to be, why doesn’t she call out these people at her rallies who threaten Obama? Isn’t a Christian supposed to be against murder? Isn’t he supposed to love his neighbor? Argggggggghhhh!

I just can’t wait for her to go crawling back to Alaska and have to face all of you who live there… hopefully, she will be impeached after the truth comes out about Troopergate.

8 10 2008

Dexter and Lynette Clark are good friends of mine. We go back to at least ’79 (as in the previous century, not the one before that). I am an out and openly Gay man living in the SF Bay area with a significant period of experience in Alaska (’72-’79).

Were in not for their sincerity of belief, I would make fun of the Clarks like there was no tomorrow. Here is the only thing I will say about them and their Quixotic battle for Alaskan independence: neither of them were born in Alaska. Neither of them were raised in Alaska. Neither of them spent their formidable young adult years in Alaska. Their opinion about Alaska’s “right” to independence is equivalent to farting and calling it singing.

They are placer gold miners. I hope I have that term of industry right. They “rinse” the gold out of topsoil. In order to do that, they move tons of earth, whole mountains. Placer miners have been known to use various chemicals and metals to facilitate the separation of the gold from the earth. The federal government’s nefarious Environmental Protection Agency has determined that many of those things are harmful to the environment and have prohibited miners, such as the Clarks, from pursuing their chosen professions. THAT, my dear friends, is the root of the Clarks motivation for Alaska to secede.

I love ’em to death, so don’t get me wrong. If anyone would like to know the Clarks better, Google “Yukon Yonda and Dexter Clark.” They are minor celebrities and hundreds of thousands of people all around the world have seen their schtick up at the Eldorado Mines in Fox, Alaska.

I think they’re pretty harmless. As awful as their point of view might seem, they are more in the tradition of Alaskan characters than true revolutionaries. When I was up there for Dexter’s 50th birthday, they were driving old cars made before 1954 so that they would be exempt from being required to use seat belts. I’m just saying, that’s all.


8 10 2008

ADN Article on Supreme Court/Troopergate issue (updated at 5:04 pm):

I have commented many times on the Alaska stuff. Here I’ll comment again:

Alaskans, as a group, do NOT have anything against government. Some Alaskans do, but relatively few of them. On the contrary, I think that, due to the huge amount of military people up here, currently serving & retired, it is actually more likely disproportionately “patriotic” (as defined by the many Republicans who consider the only true form of patriotic to be pro-military). I was born here in AK, and my family has been here for approx 50 years now. My family is very very liberal, apart from the born-again christians, who the rest of us consider nutters. Alaska has always, and will always, attract a lot of end-of-the-road types, as it is a very long way from the rest of the US, and there are a lot of towns here where one can get lost & still eke out a living. Those are almost always the anti-gov types. Not coincidentally, many of them are on the run from the law or life or whatever, and that is probably where a lot of the anti-gov’t sentiment comes from. Would be interesting to know the backgrounds of the AIP folks, but really I don’t want to get too deep inside their heads or thought-processes.

The most important thing, though, is that I consider Alaska to be shifting to a more liberal demographic. Anchorage is growing and attracting lots of people, and many of those are outdoorsy (in a fun way, not hunting way), sensitive to environmental issues, etc. Further, there are many like me who have been here a great deal of their lives and are just now finding our political voices, and finding that the republican party does not represent any of our values. Alaska has a HUGE immigrant/non-white population, and caucasians are very close to being outnumbered by other nationalities. There is no getting around that, so it is inevitable that our voting demographics will change in the next election (I am not holding my breath re: this election, but I do have hope).

Regarding how much scarah won governor by, I think it was approx 25,000 votes. That should give one a bit of hope. There are a huge number of people who she has since alienated, I think we can safely say that very few of the State Troopers, Anchorage Police & Fire Dept employees will support someone who has targeted their boss (Monegan) and basically shat on their unions. The Alaska Native vote has also had a huge wake-up call, having been treated like shite by her, so let’s hope they vote accordingly & in droves.

Any other Alaskans want to weigh in on that?

8 10 2008

So the “I wanna be Sarah Palin” t-shirt proves a long held theory….Republicans are seeing PINK Elephants 😛

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

and yes I do need to get out more 😛

8 10 2008
ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin

tblzr- Excellent post, i totally agree. This woman is a complete egomaniac and will say or do anything she can to get where she wants to go.

8 10 2008

Why does the media let her get away with this? MSNBC does report on it – Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow but CNN has disappointed me this election season. What is funny is in their political ticker people are always accusing them of being too much to the left because they aren’t like FOX. Fox is not even a news station, I mean come on ! It is amazing to me that people watch that moron Sean Hannity. Back to CNN, Campbell Brown and Jack Cafferty have spoken out about Palin but not the majority of the reporters. For her to not give interviews to CNN is outrageous, but only to FOX? I am speechless.

8 10 2008

It is VITALLY important that Obama-Biden win with a healthy margin. A close win won’t do the trick. If they win by 1-2 points (popular vote) or, heaven forbid, Obama-Biden win by electoral votes (and lose the popular vote), the right wing nuts will scream that Obama is not a “legitimate” President and hound him just like they did Bill Clinton.

This needs to be a crushing, no holds barred defeat.

8 10 2008

After November 4th, McCain will blame Sarah for losing the general election. Sarah will blame McCain for coercing her to mismanage Troopergate. Todd will blame McCain for bedroom down-time. None of them will admit how they contributed to their own failures.

8 10 2008
Laura Lee

My staunchly Rep co-worker insisted a few weeks ago that the Dems didn’t have a chance and that he “liked” SP. I told him I was surprised by that because I figured he would like smart women being he was so smart himself.

Flash forward to today…he sent me an instant message asking if I saw the debate. I said no, but I listened to it on the radio because I had a dinner to attend. The next line floored me….he said, “I am now with you on Obama.”

A small victory one small blue step at a time;)

Also, apparently a shop owner in my quaint small town thinks we’re going to hell in a hand basket. Outside the shop written on a chalk board was the following:

On Friday, October 3rd we became a Socialist country. Join the NRA today.

Unfortunately I don’t follow the logic there – it made me feel sad on this bitter sweet beautiful fall day.

8 10 2008

details on the “overhead projector” reference in the debate

8 10 2008

This is a video that i just picked up , I thought that you all might be interested in it.

8 10 2008
possum hussein lady

Thank you AKM! I truly feel you are making an ENORMOUS difference in helping to save our country from pure evil.

8 10 2008

oops my mistake i will find a video later.

8 10 2008

@PJ (17:32:44) : //It is VITALLY important that Obama-Biden win with a healthy margin. A close win won’t do the trick. If they win by 1-2 points (popular vote) or, heaven forbid, Obama-Biden win by electoral votes (and lose the popular vote), the right wing nuts will scream that Obama is not a “legitimate” President and hound him just like they did Bill Clinton.//

You know what? I don’t give a rat’s fat patootie if Obama wins by half a vote.

As Chris Rock said to Letterman, the Patriots got a lot of points too, but they lost to the Giants.

8 10 2008
Bob AKA Tristan57 on DKos

OK, YOU GUYS UP there are supposed to have the handle onthese kinds of things. What about the connection between the Wasilla Sport Complex and the Palin’s house???

This showed up today on DKos:

The Book of Sarah (Palin)
Strafing the Palin record
By Wayne Barrett

Alegedly, Todd n friends built it but no record of friends exists. Whassup with all this? Is there a there, there? C’mon, we need you if the smoke proves fire.

8 10 2008

I was watching CNN today, I *think* that Michale Obama made a reference to this very topic.

I look at it like this. You bring up Ayers, we’ll send up a scatter shot of Keating. You should stop NOW. If not we’ll play the AIP videos over and over and over and over. When that gets old we’ll start talking about Pastor Muthee.

8 10 2008
Windy City

My husband’s father was a registered Republican and died three years ago. My husband has been taking care of his affairs and we regularly receive fund raising material from the RNC, which we peruse to know what they are doing. We have never responded and I was about to just send the mail back marked “Deceased” when my husband told me that he began receiving emails at his personal email in his father’s name from the RNC. We are confused as to how they got my husband’s email address. Any thoughts?

8 10 2008
Windy City

Regarding a Hawaii gathering–what about local gatherings a la Or can we show up at their functions with some way to identify ourselves?

8 10 2008

While campaigning in Pennsylvania today, John McCain said:

Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners…

Here’s the video:

8 10 2008
Proud Community OrganizerWA

Windy City, No Ideas but that is creepy!

8 10 2008
Palin’s American-hating pals

[…] Source: […]

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

I think that the AIP connection is one which will not get big MSM play unless the Obama campaign actually uses it first. And I doubt that the campaign will use it because, while the AIP appears to be a seriously intended organization, they have not — as far as I know — committed or publicly called for any violent acts. Joe Vogler’s anti-American rhetoric is offensive, but it doesn’t seem to appear widely in the AIP’s “official” positions, and — except for Alaskans and mudpuppies — no one has ever heard of him. The riff about Palin’s “stealth” support for AIP could indicate some sort of conspiracy, but it could also indicate that the speaker had ingested a little more wishful-thinking juice than even the AIP normal.

Even Dudd’s documented membership until 2002 isn’t a really strong hook, unless perhaps he can be shown to have been active in the party. His leaving it in 2002 could easily be spun as “putting away childish things” now that his wife was in real politics.

I don’t see it as a particularly good topic for Obama or Biden to raise, exasperating as that is; and if they don’t, the MSM won’t get on it much.

If Palin/McCain trot Ayers back out again, Lenore Annenberg is a much more effective counterpunch, anyhow.

Now, if they try to ratchet up Rev Wright again, then I’d say that old Joe Vogler’s comments might be a nice counterpoint…

8 10 2008
Bob AKA Tristan57 on DKos

OK, YOU GUYS UP there are supposed to have the handle onthese kinds of things. What about the connection between the Wasilla Sport Complex and the Palin’s house???

This showed up today on DKos:

strong> The Book of Sarah (Palin)
Strafing the Palin record
By Wayne Barrett

Alegedly, Todd n friends built it but no record of friends exists. Whassup with all this? Is there a there, there? C’mon, we need you if the smoke proves fire.

8 10 2008
Bob AKA Tristan57 on DKos

OK, YOU GUYS UP there are supposed to have the handle onthese kinds of things. What about the connection between the Wasilla Sport Complex and the Palin’s house???

This showed up today on DKos:

The Book of Sarah (Palin)
Strafing the Palin record
By Wayne Barrett

Alegedly, Todd n friends built it but no record of friends exists. Whassup with all this? Is there a there, there? C’mon, we need you if the smoke proves fire.

8 10 2008

From the Wall Street Journal: McCain Addresses ‘My Fellow Prisoners’

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

Windy City — Obviously, I’m not sure, but if any of your father-in-law’s affairs involved real estate, the probate and title transfers, etc., are public records.

8 10 2008
Nina "Scat Dubya Palin" from SC

I think that Obama is the most patriotic of ANYONE because he knows that he is not only risking his life in doing so, but that of his wife and children. As sad as it is, the reality is that his life is going to be threatened (if it hasn’t been already) time and time again WHEN he gets voted into office. But he feels that strongly about changing things, he feels that strongly about his country, that he is willing to risk that to help others. Isn’t that what patriotism is all about? I am so proud to be a liberal in this backwards state of mine!!

8 10 2008
MissSue MI

@pvazwindy (15:26:07) :

I’m afraid. My country is hurting, and McCain and Palin can do nothing but incite fear. My 401 has lost 50% of its value and I feel like I’m just floundering. My wife and I voted early ballot for Obama and will be attending a rally tomorrow in Prescott Valley Az. We feel that Obama’s all we’ve got left. Were just two seniors that are scared. I don’t know what else to do or say.

pvazwindy, reading your post made me so sad. I know you speak for so many seniors who have worked hard to live comfortable at this time in your lives. I pray that our economy turns around quickly for folks like you. Have faith in the people of this country who hear and feel your fears, and will vote Obama into office. Good luck to you and your wife.

8 10 2008

The NSA wiretapping could have something to do with it. Also your husband’s email is probably linked with your mailing address, which is then linked with your late father-in-law’s name. Really really creepy and sick huh? Oh and telling you all of this is adding to my file *wave to the agents*

8 10 2008

Now with linking goodness *blush*
The NSA wiretapping could have something to do with it. Also your husband’s email is probably linked with your mailing address, which is then linked with your late father-in-law’s name. Really really creepy and sick huh? Oh and telling you all of this is adding to my file *wave to the agents*

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008
Search the Web on

@Let’sGetReal (12:03:01) :

If you are worried, as I am about this election being stolen.

Should anyone like to call on their election officials. The link will provide you questions to ask.


great site!

8 10 2008

The Book of Sarah (Palin)
Strafing the Palin record
By Wayne Barrett

Alegedly, Todd n friends built it but no record of friends exists. Whassup with all this? Is there a there, there? C’mon, we need you if the smoke proves fire.

ALL you have to do is follow the money. HOWDY INVESTMENTS and CONSTRUCTION are the “friends”….built the rink and the house!!

8 10 2008

Now with linking goodness *blush*

The NSA wiretapping could have something to do with it. Also your husband’s email is probably linked with your mailing address, which is then linked with your late father-in-law’s name. Really really creepy and sick huh? Oh and telling you all of this is adding to my file *wave to the agents*

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008
MissSue MI

Windy City (17:48:22) :

My husband’s father was a registered Republican and died three years ago. My husband has been taking care of his affairs and we regularly receive fund raising material from the RNC, which we peruse to know what they are doing. We have never responded and I was about to just send the mail back marked “Deceased” when my husband told me that he began receiving emails at his personal email in his father’s name from the RNC. We are confused as to how they got my husband’s email address. Any thoughts?

I would go to his normal polling place this Nov 4th and make sure they mark their records “deceased”. I don’t trust the RNC not to use dirty tactics to get votes. As for how they got your email, that is kinda odd, and arouses suspicion. Ok, so I’m paranoid, lol

8 10 2008

Nina “Scat Dubya Palin” from SC (17:57:55) :

I think that Obama is the most patriotic of ANYONE because he knows that he is not only risking his life in doing so, but that of his wife and children. As sad as it is, the reality is that his life is going to be threatened (if it hasn’t been already) time and time again WHEN he gets voted into office. But he feels that strongly about changing things, he feels that strongly about his country, that he is willing to risk that to help others. Isn’t that what patriotism is all about? I am so proud to be a liberal in this backwards state of mine!!

I agree, I’ve never been prouder to be a Democrat than I am lately. This has gotten so bizarre, backward and ugly. McCain/Palin are intentionally terrorizing Obama and his family. I hate to drag religion into it but God have mercy on all our souls that the US can sink so low in 2008.

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Well, well, well. This is interesting:

Looks like McCain has a few worrisome links of his own.

8 10 2008

U.S. General David Petraeus said “it’s important to talk to your enemies”.

He also said, “negotiations with some members of the Taliban could provide a way to reduce violence in Afghanistan”

Is Sen. McCain hearing this? Here’s the video:;_ylt=Av8PHBsKIsJGyRCYhIpiaUBn.3QA

8 10 2008
Sharon Hussein/CA

Is it true that the Troopergate report is coming out tomorrow (Thursday) and not Friday?

No – the blogger meant to post it later so that ‘tomorrow’ would refer to Friday. He as since corrected it. Sorry Christmas will have to wait another day.

8 10 2008


My Fellow Prisoners……Freudian slip……..guess that’s what we would be alright!

8 10 2008

General David Petraeus said negotiations with some members of the Taliban could provide a way to reduce violence in Afghanistan.

He further stated, “it’s important to talk to your enemies” Is go-alone Sen. McCain listening?;_ylt=Av8PHBsKIsJGyRCYhIpiaUBn.3QA

8 10 2008

Right now, JM appears to be letting women, SP and CM, do his dirty work for him. He apparently is not courageous enough to do it himself. With all this talk about “terrorist connections”, I think he hopes to create enough doubt in voters’ minds so that when they go into the voting booth they will have second thoughts about voting for Obama. I also think that he may drop Palin from the ticket at the last minute after she has done the heavy lifting and bring in someone else.

8 10 2008

General David Petraeus said negotiations with some members of the Taliban could provide a way to reduce violence in Afghanistan.

General David Petraeus also stated, “It’s important to talk to your enemies”–> these were the General’s words!

Is Sen. go it alone McCain listening. NOW even General David Petraeus agrees with Senator Obama!

8 10 2008
Bob AKA Tristan57 on DKos

Petraeus is fatigued and any negotiations with the Taliban is a farce! The Taliban by definition, beat women, stone women, cut off hands ears, eyes and heads but they’ll negotiate to not do it in front of us or the media…like Saudi Arabia.

8 10 2008
Sharon Hussein/CA

KO is referring to you-know-who as ‘Gov. Demagogue’ this evening ……… perfect.

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

My friends, the flecks of spittle, sprayed from the foaming mouth of the now-rabid John McCain, are turning more and more thinking people away from his lobotomized rants to the calming balm that is Barack Obama. I do believe that we need do nothing – just let the dog and phony show do its thing – it’s an amazing thing to watch – they are actually cannibalizing themselves.

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Severe ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION – McNasty in a nutshell.

8 10 2008

Bob AKA Tristan57 on DKos your point is well taken.

8 10 2008

Missy, that is spooky. But the political parties (especially Repubs) get info from all over the place, collated and collected by massive filtering operations belonging to retail operations.

Likely they referenced your husband as being a GOP son and voila, you got mail.

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

My favourite quotes from the Alaska Magazine article……. 😉

“I think those actions that I took in the past … established that I would be an Alaskan first before my chosen party, the Republican Party,” [Sarah] Palin said.

“We’ve said all along we are going to be open and honest,” [the Governor] said. “We’re certainly going to have to continue to let our actions speak louder than words. Some lawmakers just need to feel more comfortable and confident that our part is to work with them, not against them.”

“She can be on the phone with Dick Cheney and have (Republican Senate President) Lyda Green right outsideher door, and her kids call and she goes, ‘Oops, hold on,’” said Leighow, the deputypress secretary.

8 10 2008
Windy City

@Strangelet, MisSue MI, which ferret –thank you all for responding regarding my husband’s receipt of RNC fundraising on his personal email addressed to his deceased father. Yes, he was the executor of his will so that may be the connection and it is public record. Still…they looked for and found his email address due to the street addresses matching.

On the last one he received he replied back. They were asking for donations to fight back against the Obama operative’s distortions of facts and accused them of a smear campaign. My husband replied back asking them to give examples of these distortions and what did they consider a smear. Everything was vague except for the request for money. He told them he can respect differences of opinion but will not accept vague accusations.

8 10 2008
Bob AKA Tristan57 on DKos


if they only knew…

8 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

cute Vlad

8 10 2008

ocliberal (15:30:50) :

pvazwindy: My advice. Don’t look at your 401K. At least not for 5 or 10 years…. That is what I have decided to do.

Normally that’s excellent advice during a bear market. And we’ve rode them out before that way. But with house values still dropping, jobs on the line, we could not risk our 401K or wait out an upswing. We don’t have much anyway being relatively young but we stuck 75% in ultraconservative funds, even they came down a bit. We may miss those first big gains, but at least I’m sleeping a bit better. This is in now way advice, I’m totally acting out of fear for the entire economy.

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

The Republican Dirty Tricks Machine rolls into MO to harrass ACORN there

“The starting line-up of the Dallas Cowboys” …… give me a ****ing break!!!

8 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh

As a Christian, Sarah should practice what she preaches and insist upon forgiveness of this boy before his life is destroyed:

8 10 2008

I went to that rally in Clearwater so I could hear for myself the crap McPalin spout off and you should have heard the garbage that was said!!! The guy who yelled “kill him” was less than 100ft from the stage and Palin looked in his direction and gave a half smile before continuing her tirade. DO NOT BE FOOLED! She most definitely heard him and sanctioned it by her silence. Others said far worse..I heard the “N” word used like a noun and people saying that it was a shame they didn’t allow lynchings anymore!!! Yeah, it takes REAL “mavericks” to encourage racist & hate mongering comments to win an election!!! McPalin are disgusting and I can’t wait til Nov. 4th to see them get what they deserve! Sorry Alaska, but you can have your Caribou Barbie back!!!

Wow. My hat’s off to you for going. I’ve gone to Palin rallies here, but nothing like that… Scary. AKM

8 10 2008

I have to point out that lobotomized people don’t rant any more…that is why you do that surgery. Not that I am suggesting doing that to ANYONE. That was a horrible surgery that never ever should have been. Mental health is not a laughing matter. It is really scary that McCain is losing his neurologic pathways and so many people in this country at least appear to think that this acceptable and not the least bit worrisome. Or maybe they are hoping that his VP will get to take over soon, which maybe even more disturbing on sooo sooooo many levels. *shudder*

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

So Todd Palin’s “affadavit” in Troopergate was slipped to the Associated Press tonight. Hmmm…..

8 10 2008

To stretch a colloquialism just a bit,
the governor is “Palin’ around with separatists.”
groan.. bad puns ..
I love bad puns…

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

Does it ever happen that the crooks have to pay?

McCain housing proposal: Easier said than done

8 10 2008
Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater

Hi all..

iF you’re a woman, know a woman, would like to be a woman.. Read this..

And send it to evertyone. This may be the best story reflecting a woman’s view of Palin i’ve read to date.. What do you all think..?

8 10 2008
drew hanson

Just saw Michelle Obama on larry King and I thought she was awesome !!

If I listen to her a couple more times, I might wind up becoming proud to an American again !!

I’m a 53 year old honkey !!

I’m lucky I didn’t know Ayers back when I was 8 cause he would have been about the same age as me and I can just tell that if we knew each other back then we probably would have done terriostably things togeather like gone fishing out of season, j walked to get to the fishing hole, dug up worms prior to an environmental impact report (strike the last one cause W don’t give a fuck about dat) and (promise not to tell??) ok, I’ll trust ya with this !! we mighta smoked a cigarette if we coulda hijacked a dry match !!

8 10 2008
Maggie "Molten Contra Hussein Palin" in NC

Thanks, AKM, for all your efforts to inform the world! I’m grateful to have found your blog at the time of Palin’s selection as VP nominee. I’ll be honest . . . I am a Republican . . . but please, folks, don’t hold that against me. I am aghast at the McCain/Palin ticket. When Palin was selected, I wondered who the heck she was, and I immediately began to look into it. My research at that time led me to the Mudflats, as well as to the Muthee story, the AIP connection, the 6 colleges in 6 years, the Per Diem abuse, the “Where’s Sarah?” buttons, etc. That was before the Couric interviews . . . !

Has anyone seen the latest commentary from Kathleen Parker? She’s the conservative columnist who wrote an article a couple of weeks ago suggesting that Palin should step down from her position on the ticket. Parker received a great deal of criticism from fellow conservatives for that column, which was entitled, “The Palin Problem”.

Now Parker has written another OpEd piece entitled, “Call Off the Pit Bull”, and it is an excellent piece about the subtext in Sarah Palin’s rally speeches. Here is a link to that article in the current issue of the Washington Post:

Here’s an excerpt:
“Democrats and other critics distracted by her winks may have missed the message, but Palin’s target audience heard it loud and clear. She is like the high-pitched whistle only dogs can hear. While Democrats heard non-answers, superfluous segues and cartoon words — shout-out, I’ll betcha, doggone, extra credit — Republicans heard God, patriotism, courage, victory.”

— Maggie

8 10 2008

wow…just read todd palin’s response to the subpoena
he addressed Wooten a lot more than he addressed Monegan….
some of his ramblings about sarah made me a little ill!

8 10 2008

found the pdf of the subpoena next to this story about it

8 10 2008

sorry…tried to paste the link…
obviously not working??

8 10 2008
kokofish palin

@Houston (17:23:57)
@SMR (17:28:33)

Thank you both for some good insight. My experiences in Alaska are limited to rafting, visiting a good friend of mine (who has lived there since 1980’s) and loving everything about it — big, vast, tall, geology in action, porcupine caribou herd, the fact that nature doesn’t compromise. So I can see how folks who want to get lost, start again, pursue nature on nature’s terms easily ended up there from the Lower 48 or elsewhere. Like Dexter and his wife (placer mining is the correct term). I am not convinced that SP-AIP will get alot of MSM play – but it should get more exposure.

(What really horrifies me is the shooting in UK)

That the demographics are changing is especially interesting because I live in SoCalif where our demographics have shifted significantly over the past 15 years. I just never thought that Alaska would be experiencing a shift also. You really have to be committed to live in the weather/climate of Alaska, something that seems a better fit with iconoclasts (like the Clark’s), or government/oil folks (who might not have a choice, get paid alot). SMR’s observations are great, thank you.

There is a piece of Alaska in all of us.

8 10 2008

ok…sorry…kept trying to post the link that has the pdf of wooten’s subpoena responses…but it’s not working here

8 10 2008

Hello from your neighboring state of WA; I love Alaska and I am “shocked” I had NO IDEA you had a Gov filled with so much HATE.
I have watched you guys protest and cried with joy and wish I could fly up to help you march on… keep up the good work and know most of this country is behind the good that comes from you guys up there! … it’s a far-out wish, but wouldn’t it be nice to see Alaska turn “blue” 🙂
keep the faith…

8 10 2008

err…sorry todd palin’s subpoena responses

on the left side of this article is a link to a pdf showing the subpoena responses

8 10 2008

OK.. uhm.. How did we miss this??? lol


talks about SP’s affair with Todd’s business partner.. maybe that is why Todd hung around the office.. to head off repeats…

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
8 10 2008


I use quote marks ” ” around the link.. then I can just cut and paste.. try that.

8 10 2008

sorry I meant Todd Palin’s subpoena responses

it’s on CNN

8 10 2008
Grassroots New Mexico

Yikes. Everytime I come to this site I learn something new and more disturbing about the “Lady in Waiting.” It’s absolutely frightening — not to know that there are people who think and feel this way, but that someone of that mindset is so dangerously close to the highest office in our country.

McCain is a dirty, rotten scoundrel and unpatriotic.

May we be blessed very soon with an Obama/Biden administration.

8 10 2008

ahhh thanks NoCAL


on the left side of the article is a link to be able to read the legal document (subpoena) itself

8 10 2008
Sharon Hussein/CA

Maggie “Molten Contra Hussein Palin” in NC

I’m sure I speak for may others who hang out in this safe place ….. welcome. Our common bond here is that we all see through this woman to dark heart. You sound like you will be an intelligent addition to the group.

8 10 2008
Sharon Hussein/CA

Boy do we miss the edit feature! Should read ‘her’ dark heart. Oh well, that bears repeating.

8 10 2008

On the note of independence and all… it’s been mentioned (in articles linked here or in comments, I can’t remember) that, out of all the states, Alaska gets the most money from Washington. If it wasn’t a state, that money wouldn’t come. Do those who favor Alaska secession realize that? Do they propose to pay for the next bridge or road to nowhere out of their own pockets?

It’s not just a matter of oil which Alaska has and the lower 48 want… it’s also about a crap load of free cash which Alaska wants and the U.S. government gives out. Me, I’m all in favor of independence and I can’t stand it when stupid rules are imported needlessly from who-knows-where into an area that does just fine without them. But it also takes the understanding that “self-sufficiency” must be a big part of “independence” to make that independence work.

I don’t see any reason why people can’t go ahead on their own and make wonderful improvements to their families’ lives and their communities and their state, and strive to be self-sufficient and independent from government hand-outs first before they holler for secession. I mean, it’s kinda weak to ask for independence while ringing the bell and holding out the hat like the fake Santas do around Christmas.

This is personal, in a way. I myself am trying hard to find a way to be independent from government assistance, and if it’s clear to li’l old me that I’ll have to see to my own support if I don’t want to be tied to the government, it sure as heck should be clear to people who want independence for a whole state. How about that? Do they have plans for producing in Alaska everything which has so far been imported from the lower 48, from government handouts to specialist personnel – not to mention a military which keeps those pesky Russians out of Alaskan front yards?

There seem to be some similarities between the independent hand-outer-holders and Miz Sarah, don’t you think?

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Sharon Hussein/CA (19:23:26) :

Maggie “Molten Contra Hussein Palin” in NC

I’m sure I speak for may others who hang out in this safe place ….. welcome. Our common bond here is that we all see through this woman to dark heart. You sound like you will be an intelligent addition to the group.

Sharon, this is not a site focused on Sarah Palin – that is not our common bond.

8 10 2008

I would add more about it here…but it’s introduced by a sob story about why he is so involved in sarah’s JOB, and why wooten is such a horrible man…then this LEGAL document goes on to answer the questions of the subpoena…as one might expect there was FIRST a lot of LEGALESE objections to requests…then the respoonses to the actual questions had a lot of “I don’t recall….”
He really paints wooten as a “bad dude”

8 10 2008

Todd Palin’s written responses to subpoena:

Click to access todd.palin.10.08.08.pdf

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

@Deb (19:26:56) :

I would add more about it here…but it’s introduced by a sob story about why he is so involved in sarah’s JOB, and why wooten is such a horrible man…then this LEGAL document goes on to answer the questions of the subpoena…as one might expect there was FIRST a lot of LEGALESE objections to requests…then the respoonses to the actual questions had a lot of “I don’t recall….”
He really paints wooten as a “bad dude”


Poor Deb 🙂

you could maybe give us a hint of the url – or download the article to a Microsoft document and upload it to yousendit, if you think it will be dragged from the net

8 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Hussein Palin aka Canuck for Choice

Thanks for this post AKM. You write so well, I hope that someday when I’m a full-fledged adult that I’ll have the wisdom and experience to express myself as well as you do. The information you’ve presented needs to be seen and heard by every American. I hope that the Obama campaign will decide to “drop the gloves” and educate the public about SP’s treason.

@Let’sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin (15:59:49) :

I heard on the radio this evening that in London a man had on a Barack Obama shirt, and a man came up to him and said he hated n****rs. When the Obama supporter went to his car, the man shot him 3 times. One hit the man in the face, hand, and stomach I believe.


Aussie Puck Mule wrote: The victim was a black man, but he’s OK


This news makes me feel sick. Because I read “conspiracy theory” or ” truth about the Illuminati”, or whatever you want to call it, and agreeing with much of what I learn, I’m of the mindset that random “mavericks” who commit such acts of hatred may well be stimulated by the words of the New World Order, embodied in Sarah Palin. I see her as a catalyst to said violence against Black people. At first I was against her because she is anti-choice, then I was also opposed to her because she’s a corrupt politician. Now I am fully aware that she is a complete bag of dirt and full of sh*t. If anything happens to Barack Obama or his supporters, I put the blame squarely on her. She’s not “red red meat”, she’s rotten, putrid, contaminated meat and I wish the worst for her in prison.

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

Can the person post the link to the Ko’s story about the sport complex?
Could be another ethic’s violation or worse 🙂
Also Did anyone see Cindi McCains disgusting speech today? It was so unreal, she has the beadiest eyes (outside of her husband) and her hate filled face…:0
Contrast with Michelle Obama, classy did not say anything bad about anyone on Larry king show today.
Unreal, I could not imagine having Cindi mccain as first lady, she is just scum :0
Oh and some Repub women are mad at the new TIME mag, which has Saracuda’s pic on it…WhY?? Because its untouched!>b> showing every pore. OMG!

8 10 2008
Divatalk Hussein

I don’t mind telling you guys, I’m more than a little concerned. I am not of the Euro American persuasion and I do remember what it was like during the riots of the 60s and 70s as I am sure most of you do also.

It is really ridiculous when we believed we had come so far the heal and to bring races, nationalities and cultures together, it will be unhinged in a short period of time with this person (and I use the word loosely)

The problem is we know racism has never gone away, but at least it became a little more subversive. However when you have the VP candidate inciting it, it is as though she has given everyone permission to not hide their true feelings and to make it acceptable for them to be blatant.

It’s Jim Crow all over again. She’s not only setting women’s issues backwards, but race, religion and cultures as well. The deal is this, there will be no peaceful marches, because we have had enough. The climate for this type of thing is very ripe. People are scared of what is happening in the economy, their homes,jobs, unable to feed their families. Their lifestyle is being threatened and it doesn’t take much to find someone or some group to lash out at and blame it on.

I was planning to go to VA canvassing this weekend, but I need some non-African American protection to go into those neighborhoods.

8 10 2008
Laura Lee

Two funnies from today ….

Comment one (it’s been a long day forgive me if I butcher this): The difference between Biden & Palin is the difference between shooting a bullet and throwing a bullet.

Comment two: Nickname for SP…Moose-ilini (my sincerest apologies to Brian!!!)

Good night all:)

8 10 2008

sorry aussie- for my lack of “linking” skills…but maybe the link ds posted shows the document?

8 10 2008
8 10 2008
Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater

Maggie.. It’s always nice when a Repub sees the light and escapes the dark side..

I think you’ll find a nice chance to air your opinions and views here as I have..

Alaskans seem to have been against Caribou Barbie for way longer than us uneducated schmucks from the other part of the USA.

It’s time that people know the truth about her. It’s really evolved to being about more than politics and who wins the election. It’s about how someone like Palin could actually become President of the United States of America and God only knows what damage she could to do this country. She’s already basically expressed herself as a traitor.

Now it’s up to us to make the rest of the country know it. I sent this story to an Editor at USAT.. He’s in sports, but it’s not hard to walk down the hall..! I hope he’ll read it and take it seriously enough to give it to the national news desk.

We’ll see.. Everyone hope to see a news bulletin about it.. Of course, troopergate may get her first..

Doesn’t matter as long as she’s buried deep enough she can’t climb out..!

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

Deb, thanks for providing that. I could only skim it, though, because of his appalling lack of self-awareness.

You in Alaska better be ready to welcome your co-governors home in less than a month.

8 10 2008

Well, here’s to (holding up a champagne glass) White Fang, the Alaskan Gold Rush, the Golden Staircase, and the great frontier of manifest destiny! So…. does Sarah think that her job is to lead Alaska as commander of the National Guard against the US military? Or are they just going to do a backwoods kind of war with their AKA’s like those orginal rugged settlers in the Revolutionary War? She must have scouted out plenty of terrain during her helicopter hunting trips on defenseless wolves. She is either just playing these guys in the AIP, or she is seriously delusional and grandiose. I have a feeling she is will do and say anything to further her own super ego. She is a character to say the least.

8 10 2008

OK, for what it’s worth, I published large excerpts with video and full credit on NowPublic – – so-called “citizen journalist” site. Also I put it on my blogs, again, for what it’s worth.
AKM, if there’s a problem with this let me know.

8 10 2008

The Clarks and the AIP may be (at least around their political activies) harmless goofballs who just get drunk in the woods, or maybe their serious.

Eitherway, they are not people who grownups should take seriously. The association went on for years. I suspect we can find a cross-over period during which Palin (as council woman or mayoral candidate) cc-ed Todd on emails while he was a member in good standing of the AIP.

I am not aware of any mitigating factors – such as the AIP was a well-funded, well-respected organization that drew national attenion for its methods – that would “balance” this association or put it in perspective. Additionally, I have not heard much about Palin excepting some garden variety board posts like for a senior center – all of which she seemed to have joined for resume cred and none of which will now speak well of her or can point to anything she actually did in that position.

So, all points Obama. Whole season to Obama.

8 10 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Hussein

I won’t bother delving into Todd’s stuff just yet – but my favourite Wooten story is how Sarah rushed over to her sister’s house in response to a desperate phone call, and looked in the windwow and [quote Sarah] there was Wooten, waving his arms about wildly, and I thought, “He’s gonna blow.”[unquote]

So what did brave, helpful sister Sarah do? Oh …. she had a meeting to attend – so that’s what she did.

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Divatalk Hussein, I hear ya. All this racial hatred is making me a wee bit tense.

Everybody stay safe out there.

P.S. The guy in London who was shot for wearing an Obama shirt was luckily shot by a gun that didn’t have real bullets but some other kind, otherwise he would be dead.

Let’s all send out good vibes/light a candle/pray to whatever god you believe in that this next month will not result in tragedy.

P.S. I just got an e-mail from Joey B., our dignified, intelligent, and sexy VP candidate. Who’s jealous? Ok, I know it’s a form e-mail, but still….

8 10 2008
Divatalk Hussein

I believe we as citizens have to stand up to this and write to the MSM, the newspaper, the campaigns, etc. We can’t allow this type of thing to continue. Someone is really going to get hurt and I am telling you, it will be very ugly. I know my people and I don’t want it to go there!

8 10 2008

the subpoena itself asked questions about communications with a NUMBER of individuals…some of which I recognized from stories seen here….but others I was notfamiliar with…I was wondering if these are ALL people that have testified about communications with either Palin about the firing of Monegan. He also included in the subpoena his taking pictures of Wooten on a snowmobile and how he reported that as “evidence” against wooten’s disability claim…so it looks like both issues are being looked at…not just the firing of monegan

8 10 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Thanks AKM for putting my own feelings into such eloquent words.

I also appreciate the transcript with the video. I know that’s extra work for you.

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Divatalk, but it’s not easy because many of the non-people of color think we are past this and I even saw a headline in the NY Times that said Barack may be helped by being black.

It runs too deep, I think, for it not to overflow. Yes, we need to talk about it, but I don’t think the MSM will do anything more than superficially gloss over it. Like I said, on MPR, they were saying how they didn’t think race would be an issue. Same as on the Huffington Post. Of course, this was all from Europeoan-American men, some who were still calling for Obama to get mad and fight back.

Sometimes, the divide, it’s just too deep. Racism is not logical or rational, and it’s deeply shameful to feel or to have it aimed at you. We try to pretend that it’s all better because it makes us all uncomfortable to confront the enormity of it all.

Somebody talk me down, please?

8 10 2008

AKM, remember an earlier thread where a link was posted for messaging several MSM newspapers etc. Two ideas:

1) could you send them your article incl the videos re. “AI Gate”?

2) this link to the MSM would come handy to many bloggers. You could consider placing a direct link to it on the righ hadn side of the Mudflats site.

8 10 2008
caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin

First dud’s deposition make me sick!!! He’s real slick! He will slip up, and so will she. What goes up must come down, and I want them to fall all the way down.
Want to here more on the sports complex. I think in light of “troopergate” every thing she has done must be scrutinized b/c she is not a honest person.
She spent 50K in Wasilla redecorating, funds she obtained illegally, someone, besides Alaskan bloggers needs to bring this up and investigate it.
She and first dud are not honest people….:(

8 10 2008
Elmer Creek

Once again guys and gals, email all the news agencies and ask them to cover this. This is Sarah’s Rev Wright.

Here’s a link to the addresses

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

leave off the http:// and just post the link starting with www. and the link will work

8 10 2008

I think the reason the Obama campaign does not use the AIP story is because right now they don’t need it. Comfortably ahead there is no reason to blow them out of the water. If they can hold steady until the Nov.4th, the Dems will still be able to play this AIP card should Palin seek office in 2012. Obama is building a strong lead right now. I think if McCain somehow, which I doubt he will, but somehow turns this into a 2-3 point race in the last weeks of Oct. you can be they will play the AIP ace. Making the story is as simple as playing Sarah Palins 2008 address to AIP convention.

8 10 2008

Re. contacting MSM

If I recall the link was enabling one to post messages to several newspapers at once. If many bloggers send messages to all places, the MSM migh eventually take notice…

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

hmmmmm – that 2nd http:// isn’t supposed to be there – it appeared magically on its own. anyway, just leave the http:// off of the link and it will be ‘clickable’ when you post it.

8 10 2008

pvazwindy (15:26:07) :

I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you and your wife to never underestimate the power of HOPE…which will keep us all afloat during these historically tough economic times. Know that you two are not in this thing alone…and that I’ll add you to my prayers. Take heart, for the winds of change are stirring all across this country; and quite frankly, all over the world.

Peace is a priceless commodity ~ and may we finds creative ways to foster it each day…and in every conceivable way….until our CHANGE comes.

Calgon and candles work for me…

8 10 2008
Laura in Phoenix, AZ

I have been following this story since it first broke yesterday and have been waiting for my local newspaper to follow…I need to mention that I am a new resident in Phoenix, AZ.

This evening, I came across a blog by Linda Valdez from the Arizona Republic, making valid points of Palin’s leadership skills during her rallies. The following posts by Ms Valdez’s readers caught me totally by surprise…I would like to share them with the Mudflats, Huffington Post and Twitter readers.

As a new resident, I am at a loss for words…not to mention, embarrassed.

Palin’s Dangerous Talk

If the link doesn’t post, you can find the article on Ms Valdez’s blog is titled “Palin’s Dangerous Talk”

8 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Evening all —

Think I need less tired eyes to read all the deposition — have saved a copy for another time – for those reading it online – about the first 10 pages is objections to the deposition – Todd actually doesn’t start “talking” until page 11.

8 10 2008
Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater


I think that McOld/Failin are just lost as to what to do. As a desparation tactic, mcold announced he’d buy up mortgages and sell them back at market price.. The only problem is it would probably cost $3 TRILLION..!! It’s proven there aren’t easy ways to even impliment it, but it would be perhaps even worse than what they’ve already done.

So, they have nothing left, so it’s time to drag out the race card. calling him barack hussein is nothing less than an acronym for any one of a dozen racial slurs.

Feel sorry for them. It’s all they have left. Dignity is gone. Common sense is gone.

They’re finished and are just playing out the last few innings with the score 85-5.. They know it’s over. So maybe cheat a little is ok.

And everyone.. read this:

8 10 2008
Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh
8 10 2008
8 10 2008
Nickel Chicken Palin from Seattle

You know, the uglinest that has developed with the McCain campaign is not very surprising and how the whole “terrorists” talk from Palin is making the “crazies” come out!! Any respect I had (which wasn’t that much) for John McCain was lost several years ago after seeing this article: So, it doesn’t surprise me the racist turn the McCain-Palin campaign has taken. He really has nothing to lose.

8 10 2008

Ms Palin is the worst kind of hypocrite. She projects her own failings on someone who opposes her — all the while it turns out that she is quadruply guilty of worse things.

Alaska, I weep for you. Sarah, go home and meet your true fate there… your people now know what a two-faced witch you really are.

8 10 2008

I am so f&*%ing sick of those Palins! If you want to be ill, go ahead and read the First Dud’s court filing:

Click to access Todd_Palin_s_Subpoena_Responses_10-8-081.source.prod_affiliate.7.pdf

8 10 2008

well….after all the debate wine-drinking and late hour kept here at mudflats last night….I promised myself I would go to bed early tonight.
again…thanks, AKM….and everyone!

8 10 2008

NoCalGal (19:19:39) :

OK.. uhm.. How did we miss this??? lol


talks about SP’s affair with Todd’s business partner.. maybe that is why Todd hung around the office.. to head off repeats…

Ummm… we used to have a little joke line about the German equivalent (in quality and type of reporting as well as in level of readership) of the Enquirer: READ “BILD” FOR AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THE CORPSE!!!!!

A sworn affidavit, hm? So, in all the digging that everybody and his sister-in-law’s best friend’s great-aunt’s doggie sitter have been doing, this hot topic hasn’t surfaced anywhere else except at the Enquirer? Wow.

8 10 2008
Divatalk Hussein

One thing I’ve learned is doing nothing makes it worse. As we have seen with Alaskans, a few people doing a lot can make a huge difference. This is an election year and they need our votes, the MSM needs our support etc. And with technology we have no limits to get to a ton of people really fast.

We cannot let this go. I am not in the mood to sit back and then when something tragic happens, everyone is wondering what could have prevented it.

We have to get them to stop! We have to tell them ENOUGH! We are not taking it.

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

Eyes Wide Open In Pittsburgh (19:19:45) :

Mcain/Palin supporters

Let’s hope this “UGLY American” is the last of a dying breed.

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@Nickel Chicken, maybe he was the one who painted that word on my family’s car twenty years ago! I had forgotten this incident. Thanks for reminding me; I think it just adds weight to the idea that he was never a good guy in the first place. (Along with all the other stuff, of course).

8 10 2008

In Palins address to the AIP she mentions the Alaska Constitution several times and that she knows the members of the AIP will uphold it.

So is that local code for secession or affirming the legality of statehood?

8 10 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

For those that aren’t aware – I live in the Big Sky state of Montana – we have a wonderful Democratic Governor AND Republican Lt. Governor I believe this is a unique “ticket” and has worked well in our state.

Our Lt. Gov. (John Bohlinger) wrote a Guest opion in the papers which might be of interest regarding the Repubs. trying to invalidate 6,000 voter registrations in our State. NOTE: “A significant number targeted are servicement”


“””Not only was the effort blatantly deceptive, but the Republicans based their challenge on a national change-of-address database from an out-of-state vendor who sells personal information. Among other problems, this database lists servicemen and women who have been deployed overseas as having moved out of Montana. In other words, if you go to Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Fort Sill, Okla., to report for active duty, you have “moved out of the state” according to this list.”””

Read more about our REPUBLICAN Lt. Gov. take on the REPUB PARTY tactics:

8 10 2008

Sandie (17:12:49) :

ugh, how do I post a link to an article?
highlight the link in your browser, right click, choose copy.
go back to mudflats comment area, right click, choose paste.
That should post your link.

8 10 2008

Seriously, the desperation in McCain’s and Palin’s rhetoric that has pushed them to use these racial slurs is very, very dangerous. Do they want to incite a riot? Or get someone killed? This is escalating and needs to be toned down seriously. Isn’t their anything in campaign ethics laws that state that hate language is against the law? I suppose they will say the first amendment and all that, but they know better. McCain has just about done himself in with this shit. And he obviously doesn’t have the guts to do a lot of this himself so he hides behind Sarah and now his wife, Cindy… He is just using them for his own ends. He knows that these women have problems, and he exploits them.

Now the right is even ridiculing the way Obama pronounces Pakistan, which is correct, by the way. This is another racist remark. It is the same mentality as when people say ” If they want to come to the American, they need to speak English.” I guess as an ESL teacher, I find this appalling. This speaks to our disconnection as a country about the rest of the world. This is why we need Obama. He is at least a person who understands a diverse and multicultural society and where we are headed. It is very exciting and I am thrilled when I think of the future of what this country could be like in the world if people would stop the “us vs. them” mentality.

Great quote “We are all equally different.”

Anyone catch Michelle Obama on Larry King tonight? Superb. She wouldn’t play. Good for her! Larry likes women he can admire for their integrity and incomparable minds, and she is one of them. She will be a great first lady.

So…pronouncing Pakistan correctly is bad. Pronouncing nuclear “nookyaler”….that’s OK. AKM

8 10 2008

New post is up with links to Todd’s subpoena response, and a clip of the latest press conference with “the Truth Squad.”

8 10 2008
Nickel Chicken Palin from Seattle

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN
I remember reading about it in 2000 and was sickened. People need to be reminded of it and if he can throw that word around and not apologize for it, or even state that he was wrong, what other racial epithets does he use to describe other races? Some people don’t know who the real John McCain is….I think that article shows a great deal about who he actually is!

8 10 2008

@WW85 (19:55:50)

No, I think she was just trying to cover her behind.

8 10 2008
Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater

My Friends.. what’s wrong with saying NEWQLER???

they’ll say it as they attack EYERAN..

8 10 2008
asianHusseingrrl"that one"MN

@enjay, you’re representatives rock. I hope you tell them so. I am tired of the two-party system, but this is not the year to vote third party.

@Divatalk, you are right. We need to take a stand, to let them know we won’t be intimidated. Thanks for reminding me of that.

@Nickel Chicken, I think McCain’s reputation is going to suffer a great deal from now on, and that’s the biggest blow to a proud man like him.

By the way, WTF is up with Stepford Cindy?

8 10 2008

Backing up a year I called AIP and asked them what their position on the issue of Alaska Native Sovereignty [Native Alaskans are not sovereign people btw]

They actually are sovereign people. The 229 federally recognized tribes in Alaska have the same rights as sovereign nations as any other federally recognized tribe in the US. The only difference being that the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act did not include the establishment of reservations, so there are no land areas that are under tribal jurisdiction. Well, except for Metlakatla, which is the only reservation in the state of Alaska.

In fact, one of the biggest complaints about Sarah Palin’s record with Alaska Native people is that she won’t recognize the authority of family tribal courts. Which have been upheld by the Alaska Supreme Court. This holds up adoptions and makes it harder for a tribe to provide the assistance needed with their families.

8 10 2008

On the topic of race, has anyone picked up on the fact that she touts her husband’s heritage (whatever small percentage there is of it) when it fits her speech and she damns Obama’s “differentness” when that fits her speech?

8 10 2008
Vlad the I'm HUSSEIN Palin

@ Laura in Phoenix

Did you read the comments from the readers after this article?? Wow – ignorance and bigotry are alive and well in Arizona. Why are there so many Americans filled with hatred? I really don’t get it.

8 10 2008


I NEVER gave any credence to the Natl Enq… then came the story about John Edwards… and I had to step back. I don’t know how reliable it is… but I too saw the words “sworn affidavits” and so far- no libel lawsuits so….

I dunno

8 10 2008
BigSlick THAT ONE Hussein Clamp Noodle Palin

Alaska is NOT self sufficient.

If Alaska were isolated from the lower 48 in wintertime, how many days perishable food supply would the State have?

I have heard anywhere from 14 to 3. 3 days before at least some people start running out of fresh food, and don’t tell me hunting will make up for it.

Non-perishables, I have heard from a month to a week.

Batshit crazy is too kind a descriptor for Sarah. Scurvy would probably improve her condition.

8 10 2008
Elmer Creek

We need to write the news agencies about this . This could be Sarah’s Rev. Wright

Here’s a link again for the addresses.

8 10 2008

Vlad, I think it’s safe to say that especially Phoenix is full of people who’ve moved in from all over the country. Even the tiny community in the White Mountains, on the stateline to NM, where I lived for 10 years was taken over by Californians. I sold out to them (rot my soul, *sigh*) which is why I am now debt-free in MN.

REAL Arizonans, the way I’ve gotten to know them, are neither ignorant nor bigoted. ‘Course, they’re in the minority.

8 10 2008
Wesson Scalper Hussein Palin aka Canuck for Choice

Divatalk Hussein (19:54:06) wrote :

One thing I’ve learned is doing nothing makes it worse. As we have seen with Alaskans, a few people doing a lot can make a huge difference. This is an election year and they need our votes, the MSM needs our support etc. And with technology we have no limits to get to a ton of people really fast.

We cannot let this go. I am not in the mood to sit back and then when something tragic happens, everyone is wondering what could have prevented it.

We have to get them to stop! We have to tell them ENOUGH! We are not taking it.


I too, am not in the mood to let attempted genocide or a patsy shooting a black politician happen because the Illuminati want to make it happen according to plan. Then afterward, everyone’s saying, what could we have done to prevent this? blah blah blah.

I’m in Canada so I cannot vote for Obama. 😦

I was asked to make a presentation about an “important person” for skool, I picked Margaret Mead. The quote I am about to type pretty much sums up The Mudflats.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
US anthropologist & popularizer of anthropology (1901 – 1978)

8 10 2008

Michelle Obama live on Larry King. What an amazing woman she
is. Her words almost bring a tear to my eyes. OK, they do.
I’m a man, it’s hard to admit that I’m emotional. All should hear
what she has to say. She and her husband are the coolest.

8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

Michelle Obama is just as AWESOME as Barack is!!!! I love them, and pray for their safety everynight!!!

Did you guys see her on Larry King Live! She is truly a Virtuous Woman!!!

8 10 2008
Let'sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin

Deuce2, wow…we almost said the same thing and almost at the same time. Scary!!!

8 10 2008

So do we know which “Blogger” is referred to in the first dud’s response? Is it this one or another one? Would Mudflats be That One?

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Hussein Palin

8 10 2008

Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL HUSSEIN (20:28:01) :

Michelle Obama live on Larry King. What an amazing woman she
is. Her words almost bring a tear to my eyes. OK, they do.
I’m a man, it’s hard to admit that I’m emotional. All should hear
what she has to say. She and her husband are the coolest.

Having no TV service and dial-up working against watching online videos, I haven’t seen her “live” or heard her speak, but just going by what’s been written about her, I have the impression that she’d truly be a first LADY. The word “lady” is synonymous with “female” in this country these days, which I find aggravating. It’d be nice to have a very visible reminder of what a LADY is.

(Cindy don’t cut it, there.)

8 10 2008

@bPoint (20:07:39)

Thanks. I should have remembered that all important third option…

8 10 2008
Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater

holy crap kids.. time for comedy..

IF you’re in AK, watch Craig Ferguson (CBS LATE LATE SHOW) later.. he just did McCain’s Penguin with the original penguin.. His whole monologue is Funny..!!

most of it is mccain..!

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

@asianHusseingrrl”that one”MN (19:43:32) :

I don’t know if I can talk you down, but I’ll try this.

Racism is still alive and (un)well in the U.S. — and pretty much everywhere else, there just aren’t many countries with as much ethnic/cultural/religious variety as we’ve got.

Some of the apparent reduction is in the U.S. is because of laws and social norms, which have pushed it somewhat underground.

However (and this is the best I can do at talking down), I do believe that there has been real improvement in the last forty years (that’s sort of my observational timespan). I believe that there is a smaller percentage of people who behave overtly in a racist manner, and also that — on average — the ones who do are less vitriolic. I talk about “overt behavior” because that is all you can really measure. I’m an old white guy, and I do not expect that I will ever be able to claim that I am internally free of racism (or sexism, for that matter). However, I try hard not to let that affect how I act, and I think many others do too.

I do not expect that the younger generations are going to suddenly become completely race-blind. That would be expecting an awful lot. Hell, we sixties-types didn’t manage it, and we thought we were pretty advanced. But I do think that steady (although damn slow) progress continues to be made.

I’ve mentioned before that when this election cycle started, I supported Senator Clinton because I feared that Senator Obama would lose the general election because of race. Last January, I would have told you that I thought a woman could, possibly, be elected President this year, but that a non-white Pres would probably not happen until 2040 or so. Because of three things — Obama’s sheer quality, McCain’s degeneration, and the economic meltdown
— it looks like I was way off. This is way cool, not only because we’ll get a respectable President, but because it will accelerate the breakdown of racially-based perception.

(Final attempt at talk-down). If Obama and the Dems are reasonably successful, when kids who are now six reach fourteen, the only President they will really know of will be “mixed-race” — aka, American. In my wilder dreams, he will be succeeded by a woman, and in 2024 a whole lot of new adults will find the idea of a white male President to be a novelty. I hope to live that long.


8 10 2008
Anners Hussein Scribonia Caesar

McCain’s campaign is getting downright creepy. It’s like the last stand on Fiji or something. Did anyone notice Palin’s face when McCain’s molten barbie doll of a wife “spoke out” against Obama? What the hell was that about?

*And I thought I was clever adding the ‘hussein’ to my name.

8 10 2008
strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin)

caligrl Hussein wolves eat Palin (19:44:15) :

I have not looked at Dudd’s depo yet, but the biggest drawback to written depositions is that you can’t really ever tell who drafted the answers. It’s sworn to, same as an oral deposition, but in an oral one you have to speak for yourself.

I’ve had one experience with each (as a fairly uninvolved witness), and there’s a huge difference. And I wasn’t trying to conceal anything.

8 10 2008

Let’sGetReal aka Falter Locust Palin (20:30:59)
So happy to hear you say that. As a “Picses” it comes naturally.
(the emotional portion)

8 10 2008

ira2 (20:44:49) :
This is the link to the LK interview with Michelle Obama.

8 10 2008

ira2 (20:44:49)
Link to Larry King Live with MO.

8 10 2008

ira2 (20:44:49)

8 10 2008

ira2 (20:44:49) :
Tried to post link to show but didn’t post. Must have been
seen as a scammer by AKM’s FBI. (no offense)
Search Larry King Live/Michelle Obama interview.

8 10 2008

ira2 (20:44:49) :
missed the dial up part. Maybe you should check out Hughes Net.

8 10 2008

strangelet (Speck Backfire Hussein Palin) (21:20:30) :
So very well said. As a 56 year old ex-hippie I too hope I live to see
just a few of the things that could come to pass due to this historical

8 10 2008
biglake (sack panther hussein)

Billions of dollar a month are leaking from our treasury to the wars promoting our empire.
Thomas ‘Mr. Free Market’ Friedman alludes to an economic perfect storm.

If today’s situation can’t bring us together in outrage against the system that brought this upon the world, we don’t deserve the mantle of world leadership.

And we certainly don’t need Palin polaraizing ‘her base’ with incendiary language.
President Obama will have to double his secret service staff.

8 10 2008
mwlf now Drink That Man Hussein Hack Palin

I just send the bulk of this info/article on to Larry King and referred them to the video and to this blogsite. Hope that is kosher. May peace rule.

8 10 2008



Information ………….

Make sure to tell everyone to thoroughly read the summary page before casting their vote. Better yet, don’t even use the straight dem option, just go through the screens and still read the summary page!

Guys this is so serious… It has been confirmed on Snopes as well (please follow the link below)

For those of us who normally vote “Straight Democratic”, please pay

close attention!!!!! I was informed this weekend by a group of Obama

volunteers that when voting for the presidential candidate this

November, you have to make sure you punch Barack’s name first, then

proceed to punch “Straight Democratic” or else the vote for the

president won’t count. I’m not sure if any of you are aware of this,

but we know they won’t tell us this at the polls. Please make sure you

inform others.

According to there was an issue in 2004, not sure about this


— see for yourself.

8 10 2008


8 10 2008
InJuneau aka Wrangler Tractor That One Hussein

@whichferret (20:33:25) :

I believe that would be the blogger Andrew Halcro.

8 10 2008
Roger "Shrubber"

Before America has run its full course in hisory, it may well be perceived as one of the most complex, paradoxical nations in history. Astoundingly successful at expressing and establishing greater and greater liberties (of speech, religion, ideas, civil rights, and much more) that other places and times could scarcely have dared imagine; and mind-bogglingly successful at fostering a culture of inventiveness that has brought medical, agricultural, material, and other benefits to much of the world that were likewise previously undreamt-of … all this, even while (paradoxically) those benefits are inceasingly seen as often bringing mixed blessings or contributing to unintentional problems, and while our progress in liberties and civil rights has consistently stumbled over one after another prejudice that blocks their path.

I know this isn’t exactly to the point that’s been raised in the blog, about Palin’s bizarre and disturbing duplicity on matters of her “patriotism” vis-a-vis her AIP position … which certainly deserves to be brought into full light for the court of public opinion to consider & gag over, before we go to the polls next month … but in a more long-term view, it might be well to keep in mind that questions about American or Native sovereignties, rights, and all that are likely to be brought up more and more, in all sorts of contexts (not just elections), whether we want them to or not.

After all, the flip side to America’s breathtaking successes in liberty and beneficial innovations is the rather ugly fact (to put it mildly) that our entire nation’s expansion was an unrelenting process of a lot of the things we have rightly stood up to other nations for perpetrating: aggressive war, genocide, “ethnic cleansing,” forced confinements, and all sorts of what these days justifiably get called war crimes, atrocities, or crimes against humanity. “Manifest destiny” was, after all, only our own attempt at self-justification, not as though a mandate were handed down from heaven writ on stone (or, as is supposed to have happened in another part of the Middle East, proclaimed by an angel). And, so far, any attempts (which are fairly rare, at least without descending into rant or screed) to point up the glaring contradictions between our opposition to other nations’ atrocities, and our failure to address our own, are met variously by silence, condescending attempts to qualify or justify our history, opposing sides talking right past one another, or outright anger (sometimes using the orthodox term for patriotic heresy, “America-hater!”).

So what am I doing … ranting, screeding, or America-bashing? Some people raised similar objections when “heretical,” even “anti-American” notions were brought up in other times: for example, abolishing slavery, granting women the vote (Palin might be reminded that Susan B. Anthony was a “community organizer”, too!), supporting workers’ rights (you have your weekends off courtesy of that, among other things), and a whole raft of civil rights that are still being fought over on many points and in many quarters. I might be wrong, but it seems to me that the nation as a whole has, in the long run, turned out better off for most concerned, when those “heresies” were eventually accepted as orthodoxy. It seems the vision and ideals of our founders, for liberty and equality (while, of course, being exactly right) have, on the road to get there, hit lots of bumps, any time the validity of those ideas has run up against challenges to how genuinely we were prepared really to practice what we preached in 1776. “Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness” … oh yeah, you mean, for people we enslaved, too? Oh, and for women, too? Oh yeah, and in the workplace? …

So as I said far above in my utterly long-winded (rant, screed, babble, you will fill in the term here), it might be well to keep in mind that similar questions about Native sovereignties, redress of war crimes (as anyone but ourselves would probably describe it), and so on, are likely to surface more and more, if our just pursuit of “liberty and justice for all” takes us full circle to ask whether we really mean it, when it comes to Us vs. Them, cowboys vs. Indians, or however it may be seen by any side.

And I’m under no delusions about the earthshaking implications all that would have for reshaping, if not shaking, this nation as we have known it, not to mention our impact on the rest of the world. (Although we might find that, in some significant ways, we aren’t nearly as important to the world’s wellbeing as we might sometimes like to affirm to ourselves that we are. After all, it managed to muddle through for millennia before we came along; it just might be clever and resourceful enough to muddle on still, if we somehow became a different America than they have known so far.) I abhor and denounce violence, but I’m not fool enough (which may surprise some of you) to suppose that everyone will just get along and waltz happily into some bright new world … any more than we ever have, through any major change. I would, though, dare to hope that “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” would continue to be proclaimed and defended for every individual and group; I just dare also to hope that we the people of America will be the ones to proclaim and defend it in our own borders, and not see turbulence or chaos rattle the gates in attempts to see real liberty and justice practiced. I also hope, though, that as a nation we won’t forever go on pretending that we can proclaim liberty, equality, and justice, while ignoring that we have attained those ideals for ourselves largely at the expense of those same ideals on the part of those who stood in the way of where we wanted to grow. It’s not as though we deserved to attain and defend our liberty, while the Native nations somehow didn’t deserve to have theirs also defended and preserved.

And as I mentioned, this isn’t an election issue; but it’s a broader issue that I suspect we will see increasingly over the long term, so it’s worth thinking about now, before it erupts in more AIP-style controversies. And again, I know it will take a lot more than just “thinking about,” but agonizing and wrestling over the mountainous implications and dilemmas that are obviously involved, and that may take much longer than a lifetime even to begin to resolve. But we found the same ideals of liberty worth thinking and agonizing about in the matters of slavery, women’s rights, and other “heretical” “anti-American” notions; and we came out all right … far from perfect yet, but all right; in fact, as long as we keep moving toward genuine liberty and justice, that’s about as all right as anyone could ask for. Justice overnight seldom happens; but moving toward it is the best we can do.

Meanwhile, those of you who long since got disgusted with my going on and on about all this have scrolled on past to read whatever comments may follow. And so now, back to our regularly scheduled blog comments. Oh yeah, and I’m glad it looks increasingly certain that voters will opt against the McFossil/Canine-n’-Cosmetics ticket. See? I got back on topic at long last, believe it or not. If you even read all of this, I commend your vast patience; and I respect all readers, no matter their views (paraphrasing Voltaire: even if I disagree with your views, I would defend to the death your right to express them).

In case anyone wonders about such things, I am multiracial; a Christian; and my hometown is in Southern California, about an hour from the border.

Why are you reading this? You should be reading the rest of the blog.

8 10 2008

Tee, hee, hee! It’s late. I’ll take some more time with this passel of interrogatory answers, or whatever they are, later. Some strange remarks in there, though. Funny that he should raise a question of Wooten “framing” up a Palin kid by tossing weed in the back seat of a car. Story there?

8 10 2008

Roger “Shrubber” (23:42:30) :
Please tell me that you didn’t make that all up.

9 10 2008
enoughAlready n nc AKA Soup Landmine Palin

Thank you for this well-written and informative article! It is time that information like this get into wide spread media!

I do not understand why information like this and others go unreported, while the Ayers/terrorist/”kill him” scene is broadcast around the world.

On another subject of Palin, do you have more information about Palin’s involvement (or lack of involvement) in the Northern Forum?

This article was in New York Times on October 2

The part entitled TRADE talks of the Northern Forum, and the fact that “Under Ms. Palin, the state has reduced its spending to the base-level membership dues, $15,000, and the administration has not attended any forum meetings, including one last fall in Russia.

“Had she participated, in the last 18 months she would have met ambassadors, governors, heads of the European Union’s programs, of United Nations programs,” Ms. Wohl said.

While trying to visual Russia from Alaska, she totally missed the opportunity to meet with this international organization. WHY HAS NO NEWS BROADCAST THIS INFORMATION, juxtaposed with her “I can see Russia from Alaska” quip?

9 10 2008
Ladel Torque

NY Dem (16:10:40) writes:
Keith just reported that the sheriff if Florida yesterday is under federal investigation for possible violation of the Hatch Act. Basically, thr Hatch Act says it is illegal to campaign for any candidate while in uniform. The sheriff could lose his job, and they could stop all federal money from going to his county, sayd Keith.


If I’m not mistaken, this was in the Fort Myers area. My mom told me last night that he had gotten over 600 phone calls (probably more by now, she had cataract surgery yesterday) from his constituents (so this doesn’t include anyone outside the area that may have watched it on TV) vilifying his public display.

9 10 2008
enoughAlready n nc AKA Soup Landmine Palin

Check out The Northern Forum:

WOW, more missed opportunities for PALIN…embarrassing!

9 10 2008

You posted Keith Olbermann’s rant and that was the best thing I’ve found to send around the net! I’m so happy I found your blog. We here in Western NY are shaking our heads at all this. I actually know 4 Republicans who are voting either Obama or Barr because of Palin! She and McCain complain about the “mainstream media” but boy, they’ve certainly not been raked over the coals like they should be. Not one bit!

9 10 2008
Marty Hussein Wolf Lover Idiot Hater

One of the best anti-Palin articles I’ve read to date :

Article published Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Betcha not all ‘down-home’ women love Sarah Palin

I CAN honestly speak from the experience of a woman who is a wife and a mother who also has been a working mother for most of her married life.

“Down home,” “Joe Six pack,” “hockey mom,” “gotcha,” “betcha,” “maverick” – what naive terms used by someone seeking second seat to the most powerful person in America. I cannot begin to describe how offensive I find Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Well, yes, I can. And I shall.

First, she wants to present herself as being the consummate working mother to appeal to all women.

This offends me in so many ways. When I decided to have children I opened my arms to my babies, regardless of health, as have all the women I know. That she did not abort or give away her son with Down syndrome tells me that she is not totally self-serving, but this does not make her special; it makes her a mother.

But as a mother, I felt then and now that the first and most critical responsibility as a parent is to be there to raise that child, to make my family my priority. She understands all about special-needs children, and to some degree, so do I. The first rule of parenting is to be there. Mrs. Palin promotes herself as everyone’s ideal of a mother, yet she obviously cares more about her career than her family or she would not have dragged her children into the limelight, especially her pregnant daughter. She would have done what most mothers’ instincts would dictate: protect her family first and foremost.

As governor of Alaska, she can do that. She can be home and be there for her children. As a political candidate for vice president, she and her husband are continually on the road. Who is there for that baby, and who is there helping her daughter through a deeply personal situation? The teenager is there, living in the public eye.

Mrs. Palin keeps saying that her daughter is going to get married. Why? To protect whose image? The father is 18. They are just children. While I respect Barack Obama for saying that the family is off limits in the campaign, as a voter, it is not off limits to me.

I was not a hockey mom. But I’ve been a baseball mom and a swimming mom and a theater mom and a band mom and working mom, as well as a wife. I also was a teacher and, afterward, ran two successful businesses, one a large child-care center, and the other a travel agency. None of the above would qualify me for political office.

I will certainly give her credit. She was, let’s see, in parent-teacher organizations, so was I. She was a mayor of a small town. I come from a small town, and although I have never been in politics, I am well aware of how much power that position generates, especially when it is a part-time job. She was a business owner. I’m curious about what business she owned.

Now my husband and I are one of millions of families of retirees who are worried about myriad things. We are deeply concerned about the cost of medical care. My husband and I have already lost a portion of what was his automotive pension package. Our investments are bottoming out. I live in fear that our teenage grandsons may end up going to war. I worry about my children being able to support their families and themselves.

Under previous administrations, we have had the good fortune of traveling to many parts of the world and we have friends in Europe. With the experience of extensive travel and ongoing conversation with people from other countries, I guess in the context of international communication, this means I have more experience than Mrs. Palin.

My degree is in education, hers in journalism. I suspect we are almost equals in our government preparation.

As for her being governor of Alaska, I will give her the benefit of the doubt. She may be the best governor Alaska has ever had. So that’s where she should stay.

People who are responding to her social conservativism must wake up and realize this self-described maverick’s hypocrisy. She can talk down to people and make them feel that she is just like their neighbor, not putting on airs, but her money is not where her “good-old girl” mouth is. She insults our intelligence with her “down home” rhetoric, but perhaps this is just her inability to communicate on a higher intellectual level.

How can anyone begin to imagine Mrs. Palin dealing with Vladimir Putin and the Russian increase in aggression? Maybe she could float a note across the Bering Strait from Alaska, saying, “Now Mr. Putin, that’s not nice.”

Why, considering the long history of nuclear situations, can she not be taught to pronounce “nuclear”? And all the “betchas” and “Joe Six-pack” idioms will certainly go a long way toward destroying any possibility of global acceptance of her intelligent leadership. We need a leader. We need a communicator.

We must understand that although we are voting for president, there have been too many times when the vice president has needed to take over the job. And those people who fall back on the idea that we are voting only for a president are frighteningly naive. It is a serious package deal and both candidates are equally important.

I like that she is gutsy, pretty, and presents herself well. She means well too – I think. But, electing her to a position that could result in her running a country at war, suffering the worst economic crisis since the Depression and the loss of respect from allies, and dealing with leaders of other countries is tantamount to going into an operating room and finding out that your surgeon just finished a two-month course in basic pre-med.

She has been coached, but she cannot hide her naivete and lack of knowledge. When she doesn’t have an answer, she simply refuses to do so. She did this a number of times in the vice presidential debate.

During the debate, Mrs. Palin scolded Joe Biden for looking to the past. Did she miss his important comment that “past is prologue?” When we disregard the past, we are doomed to repeat it.

People must understand that if they vote for John McCain, they are voting for a ticket that could catapult an inexperienced, naive, “hockey mother” of five into the position of becoming this nation’s leader.

Remember, too many people deemed the “good old boy” George Bush qualified to run this country, and look where that “down-home” guy got us.

I just don’t get it.

Rosanne Hemond, of Clinton Township, Michigan, is a former teacher and a concerned constituent.

9 10 2008

I am astounded and furious that this isn’t covered in MSM. If they can bring up the paper-thin Ayers connection on a nightly basis, why doesn’t this get more play?

Can anyone explain this apparent double-standard to me?

9 10 2008
Obama responds to the Ayers attacks as Palin sits in her own glass house | England for Obama

[…] domestic terrorist”. She filmed this welcome video for the AIP convention last year and here’s more about her association with them. Pass it […]

9 10 2008
Jingo Killah

Vote for Mudflats! The Blogger’s Choice Awards is gathering votes for, amongst other things, Best Political Blog. Mudflats is nominated, but needs your support – if you have a moment, go sign up, and find this page and give Mudflats your vote!

9 10 2008
Lady Rose

This kind of information has to get out and told to every one. I’ve written a post about it with a link here that will go live on Oct 10th, urging folks to read it.

9 10 2008
Lady Rose

This kind of information has to get out and told to every one. I’ve written a post about it with a link here that will go live on Oct 10th, urging folks to read it. (previous comment had the wrong blog address – this one link to the correct blog where the post will appear)

9 10 2008

It’s probably futile to point this out, but as a two-time Bill Clinton voter, I’ll try:

Don’t you folks see that the vicious things you’re saying about Sarah Palin are almost mirror images of what was said about Bill Clinton when he ran in 1992 and 1996?

His worst critics, including the Limbaugh/American Spectator/far right crowd, treated him like a piece of garbage before and after he was elected. There was nothing they would not say, no half-truth they would not spread, no insult too slimy to hurl.

If you’re brand-new to politics and you don’t believe me, Google some of those old stories and see how he was trashed.

Their motto: “It’s okay to treat Clinton like a trailer-trash horndog hick who’ll give the country away to the socialists and welfare queens, because we know we’re right.”

Your motto: “It’s okay to treat McCain and Palin like KKK/Nazi book-banning Bible thumpers, because we know we’re right.”

If you want to show you’re better than the right wingers, start by refusing to emulate their tactics. If you want a better country, start by insisting on higher standards in our political campaigns.

All you’re doing right now is proving that political zealots on the left can be as destructive as political zealots on the right.

9 10 2008
Comma Liberty Palin

Mudflatters — mobilize! Follow this link to CNN and ask them to cover this:

It’s about time someone did!

9 10 2008

Put my California vote by mail ballot in the mailbox today. Another vote for Obama/Biden. Winning this election is just the beginning. We are going to have to stand up every step of the way for the change we need. Keep your walking shoes on folks.

9 10 2008
Comma Liberty Palin

I’m sorry ctddd, but I respectfully disagree. This goes far beyond (mis)characterizing someone as a “horndog” or “hick”… when you have people yelling out “kill him” and “terrorist” in response to Obama’s name at McCain/Palin rallies, and the top two on the ticket are inflaming that very rhetoric, we’ve gone beyond what the GOP did to Clinton and what has become mostly commonplace in modern politics.

Need proof…just watch this: This is more than just “sliming” a political candidate.

9 10 2008

Great website. so everyone should check out the script of the Larry Flynt porno movie about Sarah Palin:

9 10 2008

pwazwindy….I too am in the same boat….scared to death…we do not have the 5 to 10 years for it to recover…I emailed both my senators yesterday and told them they needed to “bail us out…or rescue” whatever term they want to use…we are hurting and so scared…

Keith did mention at least her husband Todd involvement in this. It was interesting, and something I think should be more in the news…the difference between their involvment in this group and mccain’s involvment in that anti communist group…is that both joined the GROUP…knowing what they stood for

on the other hand Obama never joined the weathermen…he just met and was on a board with someone who in their youth had belonged…big difference

I wonder how this can get out there more….people need to hear things like this

9 10 2008

Looks like The Huffington Post is jumping on the AIP connection. Read RFK Jrs story.

9 10 2008

What she is doing, is illegal, then why allowed? She is inciting ‘hate’ ‘racist’ views of another, she needs to be dewitched, and dewormed.

9 10 2008
Pam R.

I have been lurking here for the past several weeks and I want to let you know how much I appreiciate you getting the word out about Sarah Palin. As a black American, I am hurting inside,due to John McCain and Sarah Palin’s recent actions. The sutle remarks,the reactions from their crowds,the borderlining racial overtones. It took me back to other times when we as a people had no say,no voice. I was feeling a tinge of fear for Barrack Obama and his family. Living in Ala. I have seen first hand the grumblings and whispers,but I have also seen many who look past race,and for that I am so grateful. As a mother of 4 kids in the military(all have been to either Iraq or Afghanistan more than one time),with 1 set to go again in Dec.), I am so angry at the way she as well as Cindy McCain seem to use their kids as tools in this election. I have never been one to “sling the mud” in the past ,but their actions have caused me to change my way of thinking. I am hoping that the MSM will get access to this video and bring it to light for the American public to view. Thank you once again and it is so nice to meet such nice, warm people as the ones who post here.

9 10 2008
Ghazala Khan

Interview Request

Hello Dear and Respected,
I hope you are fine and carrying on the great work you have been doing for the Internet surfers. I am Ghazala Khan from The Pakistani Spectator (TPS), We at TPS throw a candid look on everything happening in and for Pakistan in the world. We are trying to contribute our humble share in the webosphere. Our aim is to foster peace, progress and harmony with passion.

We at TPS are carrying out a new series of interviews with the notable passionate bloggers, writers, and webmasters. In that regard, we would like to interview you, if you don’t mind. Please send us your approval for your interview at my email address “ghazala.khi at”, so that I could send you the Interview questions. We would be extremely grateful.


Ghazala Khan
The Pakistani Spectator

9 10 2008
9 10 2008
The Palins’ un-patriotic associations « Unapologeticsouthernliberal’s Weblog

[…] articles floating around about Sarah Palin’s ties to the Alaskan Independence Party that her husband was a member of as recently as 2002, when Palin was mayor of Wasilla. Salon’s article from October 7, is good, […]

9 10 2008

Yeah and Palin in this video contradicts what Cindy said….this whole platform is just messed up confused and everything

9 10 2008

Your blog has become my first place for news lately and just wanted to thank you for all you do!

9 10 2008

This is a video from people who think Obama is a terrorist. I am sure some of you have seen this. I am looking at these people and thinking about them as they are saying this….. Who are they? Where did they get their information? Why do they think what they think? It is sad, really. This does call for education reform in this country where students are required to think critically, engage in community service, and take a Civics class. McCain and Palin need to be prosecuted for inciting hatred. If this leads to any hate crimes, they need to be brought to justice along with every member of their campaign staff approving this crap. I also think the criminals who ran off with millions of dollars in perks and golden parachuttes need to be sitting in jail. I wish Congress would toughen up about this stuff.

9 10 2008
John McCain

Sarah is perfect.
As I am the perfect president.
I agree with everybody’s opinion.

9 10 2008

No matter what Crazy Joe said, Ron Paul is NOT a Liberatarian . . . he is a Libertarian . . . they are two completely separate and totally different “parties”. Check out the Liberatarian website and see if you can find the difference.

9 10 2008

Oops! Sorry, it was Dexter Clark who said Ron Paul was a Liberatarian. Apologies!

9 10 2008

Great post. Props.

Acura Headlights

9 10 2008
mary b

Hi all you people up there in Alaska!
I don’t know how old you are (whoever posted this blog), but when the Civil Rights days were pretty bad, I was a young girl. (i’m 50) I remember my Mom always made me and my sisters watch the atrocities on the news so that we would see how ugly it was in America. My Mom’s family came here around the turn of the century, through Ellis Island. They were Sicilian. They were treated very badly, so in turn, we were raised to accept ALL people, regardless of race, nationality, religion, etc. The Italians were treated really badly. I am so grateful to my Mom for raising us that way. When I saw what was happening on the TV, I was blown away, to say the least. Even as young as I was, I could not and still cannot people who are prejudgist(sp?).
It is a very sad part of our history. Now, that Palin/McCain are doing their best to raise all this sh*t up, well, it’s so hard to put into words. Disgust? Racist? Makes me ashamed FOR THEM. After the long, long struggle that African-Americans have had to go through, and they are still not finished, why, why would they do such hateful things? How can they look themselves in the mirror each day? How can they show their faces? I am simply beyond words.
I hope when Palin/McCain lose, and she struts her stuff back to Alaska, you people who are stuck with her do a recall on her. You know that she’ll blame the biased media, how they would not let her talk for herself, etc. She always has an excuse and it’s always someone elses fault. Please, as a sister in humanity, don’t let her have power. She is too dangerous. Her ego simply cannot handle it. The rest of us, in the lower 48, we will stand by you. You don’t even have to ask.

9 10 2008
mary b

Sorry about losing a few words and my spelling. I’m pretty upset by all this hatred.

9 10 2008
The Baffled Blog

[…] away in a recent post on Mudflats is an amazing little video clip, which we have brought to this post for your ease of reference. […]

9 10 2008
tina t.

is she still killing the moose and eskimos?

9 10 2008

Palin is an embarrassment to Alaskans everywhere. She gives Alaska a bad name. And I’m Alaskan!

9 10 2008
John McCain

You’re Alaskian?
So you voted for Sarah and made her Governor.
Why don’t you support her then?

9 10 2008

I said I was Alaskan. I didn’t say I voted for her.

9 10 2008
Baby Power Dyke

There is a lot about the McCain/Palin ticket that smacks of entitlement and manipulation of racist group think here in America.

This AIP affiliation; her academic history; her outright lies about the bridge to nowhere; her consistent misrepresentations about her fiscal responsibility and her refusal of a woman’s right to choose while parading around her unwed, pregnant daughter speak to this.
As do McCain’s infidelity; his anger management problems; his Keating-5 and Fannie Mae connections and his refusal to respect Obama’s position as both a fellow senator and the person running for President on the opposing ticket.

Any one of those things would have been used to discredit Obama. The McCain/Palin ticket is FULL of them.

9 10 2008
Roger "Shrubber"

Deuce2 aka: AXE DIESEL HUSSEIN (23:52:58) :

Roger “Shrubber” (23:42:30) :
Please tell me that you didn’t make that all up.

Deuce2 … hmm? “Didn’t make all that up”? I’m not sure what you meant by that comment; of course none of it is made up, but I figured all of it was pretty common knowledge, to anyone with a basic familiarity with American history; just stuff that we’re mostly uncomfortable looking at face-on (so to speak), for obvious reasons. I’m not comfortable with it either, of course; but honest questions are the ones that can make us the most uncomfortable. That’s all I’ll say on it; as I indicated, I was only pointing to obvious questions that we’ll have to look at, as a nation, sooner or later … not in this election of course, nor do they conflict with the immediate issue of Palin’s own glaring inconsistencies, that deserve to be brought to light (as they are in this blog).

9 10 2008
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Sarah Palin « thinkPOP

[…] Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Sarah Palin Posted on October 9, 2008 by jamesbedell Hawt Post on WordPress on Sarah Palin […]

9 10 2008

Deuce2 – just found your replies, thanks! I’ll check out

9 10 2008

Okay now that the McCain campaign has gone so negative perhaps the American people need to know “who are John Mc Cain & Sarah Palin” . See this web site
Does anyone have good video clips of John ?
Perhaps there are some real ( not photoshopped) videos out there that MSN & CNN or even the Obama campaign could use. John the gambler in Vegas , John the partier, John the womanizer, John ignoring Families of Missing POWS . Just a suggestion.

9 10 2008

Sarah Palin is an idiot. What she lacks in intelligence and eloquence, she makes up for in charisma. That’s probably why she has gotten as far she has.

9 10 2008

Scream, hatred, fear,sounds Like good old dead Anita Bryant in the 1970’s. Orange juice lady who preached hate–Florida orange juice went belly up and she was not the spokesperson for the them. Let the Palin douche bag keep talking and she will talk herself into a hungry polar bears mouth and be spit out because she is filled with poison. Go Barack and keep your cool, because McCain and Palin are beyond left field.

9 10 2008

I guess you liberals have never heard about fighting fire with fire! What do you think your savior (Barack) has been doing all along, only thing is he lied while taking in the spot light from his heaven! Drill Baby Drill its ours and we want it now!

9 10 2008
Daddy Yankee « The Sound of EmCeeKhan

[…] people manage his campaign, I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers talk about how Palin spreads racial hate. I’m not sure if she does, but this election has triggered the idiots again. Some are saying […]

9 10 2008
Sue Ann Edwards

Oil at this point, is for fossilized fools.

9 10 2008
9 10 2008

She’s a hoot that Palin, just watch her smile as Cindy McCain attacks Obama! Palin loves to smear, she must be very bitter that her own children are druggies and preggers and seem to lack from good parenting skills. I suppose that is because the dad always has to be with the mom to make sure she does not screw things up so they probably raised themselves. Palin is dangerous, she could turn back the laws of the land for women if McCain drops over. She will set womens’ rights back to the 50’s, she will demand powers that equal Dubya’s, she is one asswipe who was in the right place at the right time,
PEOPLE DON’T GIVE HER AN INCH OR SHE WILL TAKE A MILE! We can only hope that she will get cited for abuse of power in firing the state trooper…

9 10 2008

I have from a reliable source that John McCains’ cancer has spread to more lymph nodes. He is currently undergoing radiation treatments, hence the swelling on the left side of his face. This is why they will not release his medical records. The people have a right to know that the top of the ticket is really Palin.

9 10 2008

I suspect that once the election is over, we will find her as an analyst on Fox news. They have the same audience.

9 10 2008

I too am a RINO and live in McCain’s state of Arizona. I too will be voting for Barack Obama, and I too am disgusted with the GOP, John McCain, and most definitely Sarah Palin. Why more Americans cannot see the charade that the McCain/Palin campaign is is beyond me. Hopefully the election will not be close enough that the Republicans can pull off election fraud shenanigans and steal another election. Go Barack!

9 10 2008
Process This « All That We Let In

[…] Only.  Don’t be fooled, my friends on the right.  She is FAR FROM PATRIOTIC.  Please go to this blog and read while you listen to the […]

9 10 2008
Carson Park Ranger

It’s been tough on old-fashioned Republicans since the rise of Bush.
My aunt was chased out of the Democratic Central Committee in San Diego by Christian conservatives.

I’m comfortable with folks who call themselves Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists or Presbyterians, but usually when they say “I’m a Christian,” it’s bad news.

9 10 2008

….2-headed sociopath…..

9 10 2008

Yesterday I got so unnerved by the smear campaign of McCain and Palin and their obvious relishment in denouncing Senator Obama at their rallies that I called information for McCain national headquarters. I wasn’t able to reach anyone to talk to but left message on their answering machine. If anyone has free long distance on their cell phone . . .

9 10 2008

For such a worthy cause I would donate a free long distance call.

9 10 2008
Pam R.

Here is another wesite with some more info about Sarah Palins connection with AIP. There are at least 2 different news stories that you need to know about.

9 10 2008

This excellent piece from the Daily Kos about who else is palling around with terrorists. When you fit all the pieces together it comes full-circle to John McCain. It’s pretty terrific.

10 10 2008

As a woman, I am offended that John McCain thinks that he can put an underqualified “hockey mom” in the seat next to him, and just because she has a vagina, I’m going to vote for her. He is sadly mistaken, and I am sad to say that it is working for him as far as my friends and family. My grandmother thinks that Sarah Palin is “awesome” and one of my friends is so gung-ho over Palin that she and her husband refer to Obama as Osama, which is offensive in its own right. I think my grandma watches too much Fox news and listens to too much NPR and my friends are insanely ignorant. Why can’t the media tell the truth about these candidates? I’m not head over heels in love with Obama, but I would vote 100x over for Biden and Obama over McPain and Failin. I am outraged and disappointed that a party that I supported for 8 years, (yes, I voted for GW. I claim green behind the ears as a reason as I was only 19 and then 23) has put a woman on the ticket who is Sarah Palin. What is this going to do for women in the future who want to run on the ticket? They will be laughed at! Sarah Palin has made the idea of a woman in the office a joke, and McCain and the Republican party have had a heavy hand in that as well. I viewed Hilary as too obrasive and I view Palin as a joke. Where is the in between??? I’d vote for Michelle Obama anyday, over either of those women as well.

Obama/Biden 2008

10 10 2008

McCain is just a Desparate, Angry, Erratic and Confused Old Man. He hasn’t told us how many nations he is planning to attack if he is commander in chief. Allow him option to push the red botton? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my dears. This guy is a disguised dictator. Count the number of times he talks of veto veto veto

10 10 2008
WHAT HAPPENED IN ALASKA - 10-10-08 | Alaska Hockey Moms For Obama

[…] The Palins’ Imperfect Union. […]

10 10 2008

Seems as if Palin has almost as much negative as Obama… Wow and I was shocked, but then I sat back and realized opps… One is running for President and the other for VP and the one running for president has less experience, and oh yeah the one running for president is Democrat and seems as if they have had the power in Washington for the last 2 years. And at this point I really don’t care if we have a perfect economy because in a world of terrorism the economy does not matter.

10 10 2008
11 10 2008

I emailed Brian Ross at ABC News and referenced Mudflats with a link to this story about Palins association with the AIP. Am planning to send to other networks. It will really help if other folks do the same. The more comment made the better the likelihood someone will actually investigate this mess.

11 10 2008
Sam Bolivar

Dear pvazwindy, ocliberal, & Newfoundland Dogs Rule:

I have some good news and some bad news about 401K’s/ the Dow. The good news is that starting this next week (from 10/14), there will probably be a market rebound, at least short-term. So please don’t panic-sell at these levels. (Personally, I covered the last of my short positions this past Friday because I believe this rebound will occur, and I am now essentially 100% long on stocks.) However, afterwards, the Dow will fall back into the 7000’s, or possibly lower. The reason that I can say this with near-100% certainty has to do with technical price action visible on the DIA (Dow ETF) price chart from back in 2003; when DIA bottomed out last time, it left price gaps down in the 7000’s. I know that my claim sounds bizarre and esoteric, but if you talk with anyone who can read stock price charts, they will (if they’re honest with you) agree. FYI, I have been telling friends & family about this for some time, in an attempt to warn them.

I plan to buy SLV (an ETF based on silver) when it gets down a bit lower. It should eventually appreciate fairly nicely, partly because of the upcoming inflationary pressures almost certain to appear due to the Bush administration’s profligate and irresponsible policies, the bailout for the parasites on Wall Street, etc. Also, theoretically SLV cannot go ‘bankrupt’, because it’s not a corporation (although the feds could suspend trading in it, if they wish to stop the middle class from controlling precious metals, and/or derivatives therefrom).

Lastly, US Treasury securities will lose their AAA rating – it’s just a matter of time. I predict it’ll happen within two years. So please be ready…

A stock/options trader trying to re-distribute wealth to worthy NGO’s


pvazwindy (15:26:07) :
I’m afraid. My country is hurting, and McCain and Palin can do nothing but incite fear. My 401 has lost 50% of its value and I feel like I’m just floundering. My wife and I voted early ballot for Obama and will be attending a rally tomorrow in Prescott Valley Az. We feel that Obama’s all we’ve got left. Were just two seniors that are scared. I don’t know what else to do or say.

ocliberal (15:30:50) :
pvazwindy: My advice. Don’t look at your 401K. At least not for 5 or 10 years…. That is what I have decided to do.

13 10 2008
13 10 2008
Chris Crews

For all of those out there blaming McCain/Palin and the Republicans for the current financial crisis, you might want to take a stroll down memory lane. As early as 2004/05/06 the Republicans were trying to rein in out-of-control lending to sub-prime buyers. The Democrat-controlled congress in 2006 turned around and stonewalled the attempts to stop Freddie and Fannie from bringing this to this point.

It is the Democrats in congress whom you should be blaming. This is just another one of their failed social experiments that we’ve all got to pay for. Their doctrine of fairness for everyone is a fantasy that’s been perpetrated on everyone in the country. Life isn’t fair, society “owes” you nothing. We are are all accountable for our own actions.

Lastly I don’t want to hear any crap from P.O.’d bloggers about how I’ve had a free ride. I and my family have had to suffer plenty of bad situations that would have crushed others. What God didn’t fix for us in his grace, we fixed for ourselves. QUIT MAKING EXCUSES FOR FAILED LIBERAL POLICIES.

13 10 2008
Chris Crews


pvazwindy (15:26:07) :
I’m afraid. My country is hurting, and McCain and Palin can do nothing but incite fear. My 401 has lost 50% of its value and I feel like I’m just floundering. My wife and I voted early ballot for Obama and will be attending a rally tomorrow in Prescott Valley Az. We feel that Obama’s all we’ve got left. Were just two seniors that are scared. I don’t know what else to do or say.

ocliberal (15:30:50) :
pvazwindy: My advice. Don’t look at your 401K. At least not for 5 or 10 years…. That is what I have decided to do.

13 10 2008

Chris Crews wrote:
“Lastly I don’t want to hear any crap from P.O.’d bloggers about how I’ve had a free ride. I and my family have had to suffer plenty of bad situations that would have crushed others. What God didn’t fix for us in his grace, we fixed for ourselves. QUIT MAKING EXCUSES FOR FAILED LIBERAL POLICIES.”

Hm. A bit of revisionist history from you. No, your rewriting of history won’t sail here. If you don’t want to hear the truth, why come to this blog?