Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate?

24 09 2008

Alaksa State Representative Les Gara (D) of Anchorage, just released the following press release, plus a big stack of supporting paperwork. Another shout out to Les Gara, who has been fearless and forceful about speaking up in this matter.

Here’s the press release in its entirety, and a link below to the .pdf file of the supporting documents and criminal statutes for those of you who just love document digging!



Palin cooperation ended with VP nomination

ANCHORAGE — Today a State Representative called on the Alaska State Troopers to look into possible criminal witness tampering in the state’s bi-partisan legislative Troopergate investigation. Since Gov. Sarah Palin was named to the McCain ticket on Aug. 29, the McCain campaign has sent campaign workers to Alaska to obstruct this investigation.

“Until McCain campaign staffers flew to Alaska to stop this investigation, the Governor and her staff agreed to comply with what we all know is a bi-partisan investigation. After Aug. 29 the campaign started working to block this investigation, and witnesses began joining that effort by ignoring their subpoenas and risking jail time. Something obviously changed the minds of these witnesses after Aug. 29th,” said Rep., Les Gara (D-Anchorage), a State Representative and Former Alaska Assistant Attorney General.

Alaska’s witness tampering statutes prohibit any person from “inducing” a witness to fail to comply with a subpoena. Almost daily, McCain staffers have called press conferences and made efforts to stonewall the legislative investigation. Prior to Aug. 29 no witness had stated they’d refuse to comply with the investigation, and the Governor in fact promised she and her staff would comply.

Last week three witnesses, Palin Administration Officials Ivy Frye and Randy Ruaro, and Palin’s husband Todd, refused to show up for legislative subpoenas. Also, Attorney General Talis Colberg, whose office had agreed that another seven state employees would comply with the investigation, changed position and said they wouldn’t. Those seven witnesses have been subpoenaed and are scheduled to appear Friday before the Senate and House Judiciary Committees.

McCain operatives have spun this as a partisan investigation. The facts show otherwise. Both Committees voted for the subpoenas last week. Six Republicans and four Democrats voted in favor, and only two Senate members voted no. The investigation was started this summer before Palin was named to the McCain ticket, by a unanimous vote of eight Republicans and four Democrats.

The witness tampering statutes follow:

Alaska Statute 11.56.545 –

“(a)Tampering with a witness in the second degree: A person commits the crime of tampering with a witness in the second degree if the person knowingly induces or attempts to induce a witness to be absent from an official proceeding, other than a judicial proceeding, to which the witness has been summoned. (b) Tampering with a witness in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor. (Emphasis added).

AS 11.56.540 has similar elements, and is a felony.
Please see attachmed letter and statute for more details.
Click HERE for letter and statute.



153 responses

24 09 2008

And the beat goes on….I can’t recall any election with so much baggage attached. I’m ashamed to be an American today.

24 09 2008
S in CA

Wow. I can only hope this actually leads to someone having to take responsibility.

24 09 2008

And we didn’t think it get could get any worse. Oy vey!

24 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

Senor Gara, I salute your cojones! Hasta la vista, Sarah!

24 09 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

Les Gara= the white knight we’ve all been waiting for.

24 09 2008

The coverup is worse than the crime…

I wonder when Palin will blink.

24 09 2008

Wow. Good on you Les Gara. 🙂

24 09 2008

Thank you for the info. I have just posted your blog to an Etsy thread and hopefully you will get a serge of new readers that can inform themselves through you!


24 09 2008

Thank you, good citizens of Alaska, for keeping this alive. The lower 48 is pulling for you!!

24 09 2008

LOVE IT !!! also why can’t poodle stand in at the debate ? …..she is ready……..isn’t she??? It really boils down to one thing……JUDGEMENT.

24 09 2008

oops – are pulling for you.

24 09 2008
twinkle toes aka Axe Diesel Palen

Bush is speaking ans I can’t help but hear the theme from “Jaws” playing in the background.

24 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Very interesting development. Perhaps we should take the whole lot and banish them to a small Aleutian Island where they could live off the land and contemplate their sins. Sarah could show John her hunting skills by field dressing a seagull (do they have seagulls that far north?) Imagine the how much nicer the world would be.

Just in case you really wanted to know…seagulls come up here in the summer and hightail out of here in late fall. To me, the sound of a seagull is like a songbird of spring. AKM

24 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

Les Gara… you give me hope for the future!

24 09 2008

Wow! Great news for Alaska! Perhaps this was a motivating factor in the campaign stalling & debate issue? Maybe the mcshame tickets needs a new VP STAT!!!!!

24 09 2008

Thank God for Les Gara! Enough of this BS! Between Palin’s awful interview with CBS and McCain trying to “suspend” his campaign and delay the debates… I can’t wait until Nov. 4th! Thank you AKM for keeping this AK resident (who’s in the lower 48) up to date. I wish I could attend the Alaskans for Truth rally. Just know that there are many who are behind you that can’t be there in body, but are there in spirit! Anybody know if they’ve come out with an Alaskans for Obama sign?

24 09 2008

The Commander in Thief is raping the US Treasury and McCain is obstructing justice in Alaska.


24 09 2008

I cant help but think they are still going to get away with it. (shakes head)

24 09 2008


and good for Les Gara! I cannot WAIT for the MSM to pick this up..

and the AG needs to go too. He is sworn to defend the constitution of the State of Alaska- that is the embodiment of the PEOPLE of Alaska.. not the Governor NOR the legislature (tho the legislature represents the ppl more than the Gov. does.) He has breached his duty.

24 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Wow, things are really heating up in Alaska! Go Alaskans and Senator Gara! We are pulling for you here and thanks to all you Mudflatters for proving an island in this sea of insanity that is the Palin/McBush (yes I did that on purpose lol) campaign. BTW, I have registered another Obama voter this week and have been trying hard to flip the the few idiots I know who have been drinking the Palin Koolaid.

24 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

twinkle toes aka Axe Diesel Palen (17:14:28) :

Bush is speaking ans I can’t help but hear the theme from “Jaws” playing in the background.
He has managed use all of the democrats demands in his speech except the one where we take prefered stock in the companies as part of the deal. Must have been taking a page from old John try your darndest to steal the best ideas and get everybody to believe they are yours.

24 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

I can’t wait to see how this turns out. It’s getting serious…

24 09 2008

Big Slick- I don’t know who you are, but I have come to LOVE your posts! Thank you for contributing!

24 09 2008

Alaska is hopping tonight! Go, Alaska!

24 09 2008

Wow Bush is really trying to sound sincere. Uggg I just cant take him serious. All I here a lies lies lies.

24 09 2008

Les Gara has truly shown truly shown exemplary leadership and taken the high road in this situation (MESS?). Thanks Les, for representing ALL of us in the lower 49 as well.

24 09 2008
Blue Idaho

So will they have a investagation the to find out if McCain’s people were obstructing the investagation?

24 09 2008

BigSlick (17:19:37) :

The Commander in Thief is raping the US Treasury and McCain is obstructing justice in Alaska.


BigSlick – SPOT ON!

24 09 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

I’m not ashamed to be an American. I’m excited! Seems like all us folks who really matter (read taxpaying middle class citizens) are beginning to wake up and declare our independence.

24 09 2008

Thanks to the Alaskans who are demonstrating such bravery in telling the truth…hope it sets you free!

24 09 2008

Holy heck, can Les Gara come to Washington to take care of Rove, Bolton, and Miers as well? Note to Congress (the Federal kind), this is how you take care of people that seem to think they are above the law.

You don’t sit and whine about them not showing up in an event to shame them, they have no shame. You sit and find an existing statutue that makes them show up for fear of a much more damaging result.

At this point it is almost not about whether she did or didn’t abuse her power as governor. It’s whether she stands for the truth and honestly in not only her actions but those in her administration as well. I care that the Republicans (as I would if these were Democrats) have once again thought themselves above the law and in this case McCains lawyer goon squad has come to a state and done everything in their power to not only ruin the government of that state but some good people as well.

I’m sorry but John McCain has no shred of dignity left and neither does Palin. I sincerely hope that the people of Alaska see what they have in this person and promptly either impeach her or barring that, insure she is not reelected.

Congrats Les Gara, keep up the good fight for the people Alaska!

24 09 2008

LOL at AnneinWA. You said it. LOL

24 09 2008

Go, Les Gara! The McCain meddling in Alaskan affairs must stop! There was also an article about how Edward O’Callaghan, the NYC attorney brought in to advise Palin’s lawyer, may be practicing law without being a member of the Alaska Bar. That’s a class A misdeamenor:

24 09 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Isn’t it ironic? Bush is about to go down in history as being the WORST American President. As well he should.

24 09 2008
Shove Maggot Palin aka the problem child

Brave move. Must have calculated it would bear big, juicy fruit, otherwise would it be worth the risk that this legislator would have to deal with a bitter, vindictive Gov when she is sent home in shame by the electorate? Based on my reading of the legislation, it looks promising…but what kind of caselaw is there on this particular provision … has it been used successfully before and in what circumstances? AK legal minds please respond!

24 09 2008


24 09 2008

Oh that was bigslick LOL

24 09 2008

long time (well it feels like long time) lurker, first time commentator – You people in Alaska have some guts. Good on this rep for calling it what it is. I send this to Drudge Report — just for fun! Keep up the good work – it is nice to see.

Thanks for de-lurking Angela! AKM

24 09 2008

This was posted on the last thread – forget by whom, but it’s a vote being taken by WSJ asking whether or not the debate should go on – 7500+ people have voted now:
74% YES 26% NO Take a minute and vote (look for the small print under Obama’s pict)

24 09 2008

BigSlick (17:31:31) :


Big Slick,

I am seriously afraid you are right! Read the Patriot Act provisions! SCARY! Could it be BUSH FOREVER? Someone who understands this better than I do, please shed some light!

24 09 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

You go, Representative Gara. (Although I was thinking if I ever got subpoenaed, and didn’t want to appear, I could claim the Todd Palin defense.) Oh, well, the only time I get subpoenaed is for jury duty and I always show up. God Bless America and all you fellow Mudflatters.

24 09 2008
independent woman

It’s been a while since I’ve posted but i have read ths blog and ALL comments ever since the weekend of the nomination of SWNBM’s nomination.
I want to extend my deepest love and gratitude to AK Muckracker and the Mudflat family here. I often have to keep my serious face on or clamp my hands over my mouth or keep from clapping as I read this blog in the company of others or late at night when I’m reading on my bedroom PC.

I am now listening to Bush and amazingly his voice sounds so much less irritating to me then McCain or hers.

I guess it’s my lie-dar going off, I can se the BS a mile away and I can’t see how anyone who hears them speak can’t hear and see what I do.

This is going to be the multi-prong attack. There needs not be any further precedents set on avoiding subpoenas in an environment that is going through so much political turmoil, scandal and controversay.

She needs to SUCK IT UP, take her blows and learn her lesson. See we in the lower 48 don’t have to worry about her retribution and Alaskans are finding that they are gaining safety in the support of others. A good way to send your message is to vote out those who won’t support the validity of the REAL investigation and reclaim your state and show them who really hold’s the power… YOU… the voter!

It’s only during this vengeful administration that you can see people AFRAID to tell the truth for fear of retribution to this degree. Literally fearing loss of livelyhood and their future.

I am giving my love and prayerful support to all of you who stand up for the truth, tell the truth and SHAME THE DEVIL.

24 09 2008





24 09 2008

II think that McCain now realizes that Palin does not have the capability to understand and debate the issues. He knows that a palin vs. Biden debate will loose him the election. He is now trying to switch to the time slot scheduled for the vice presidents. If he succeeds then he will find a way to cancel the new vice president debate. He will cancel it at all costs. The Final stop gap would be to cancel all debates.

24 09 2008






24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

OOOOOOOOHHHHHH! this is WAY good. Witness tampering. Basic no-no.

This may be what they do in WaRshington with their plethora of lawyers, but the “regular” people don’ytbuy it!

I love Alaska!

But I’m sorry that you have to suffer this….

24 09 2008
JoeAlvord aka Spoon Archer Palin

Bravo Les Gara. Will you be free to fill out the governor’s term after the impeachment.

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

Notice how Bush used fear tonight to motivate. He says a bank on your street may fail. Your home will lose value. Your savings will be jeopordized. Does this remind anyone of the weapons of mass destruction speeches?

But maybe our world will not come to an end as we know it. If the bailout does not happen, maybe it will be the Bush rats on the top whose “life styles of the rich and famous” will end. I think the rest of us would be ok.

Bush repulses me. Does he repulse you too? Obama needs to keep running those pictures of McCain hugging Bush.

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)


You are really rocking it! This is sooooooooooooooooooo good!

Power to the peeps!

24 09 2008

BigSlick (17:39:53) :

First, I have been reading and responding to your posts and know you are not a troll.

My husband thinks I am losing my mind because I am so obsessed about this election. The Constitution has been badly abused (left out?) by this administration’s “daily business”, so I expect anything from them.

24 09 2008

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin) (17:48:53) :

Notice how Bush used fear tonight to motivate. He says a bank on your street may fail. Your home will lose value. Your savings will be jeopordized. Does this remind anyone of the weapons of mass destruction speeches?

Bush repulses me. Does he repulse you too? Obama needs to keep running those pictures of McCain hugging Bush.

Show those Keating 5 pictures too…maybe loop Bush/McCain/Keating 5picts over and over…

24 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

CIBAA—this means Can I Be An Alaskan?

You folks still have weight—weight to rock the world!


24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

The average person out there is so uniformed. It is sickening. Most voters really are clueless.

When did words like “intellectual” or “elite” or “liberal” take on such negaive connotations? I want to get a bumper sticker that declares that I am a proud member of the intellectual elite.

24 09 2008

Bush is always using fear to get what he wants. That what he did after 911 in order to get the American people to agree to go to war against a country that had nothing to do with it. An we still have not caught the 911 perpetrator mr Ben laden

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

By the way, I have noticed lately that a sizable number of commenters are in Pennsylvania. Nevertheless, we all consider ourselves to be Alaskans now. “Ich bin ein Alaskiner!”

24 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

“Ich bin ein Alaskiner!” 😉

24 09 2008

I’ve monitored federal public corruption trials that were brought on shakier grounds than what I’ve been reading about goings on in Alaska.

Perhaps it is time for someone like Les Gara to make a formal, written request to the Public Corruption Unit of the federal DOJ for an investigation.

Someone, make a call to the state rep.

24 09 2008
Gossip Rocks Forum

Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate?…

Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate?

Alaksa State Representative Les Gara (D) of Anchorage, just released the following press release, plus a big stack of supporting paperw……

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)
24 09 2008

Off-topic but you need to know that John McCain has hired the “American Idol” set makeup artist to the tune of $5,000…. Makes the $400 John Edwards haircut look like chump change:

24 09 2008

Perhaps this has something to do with mccains attempt to cancel the debate.

24 09 2008

drchill – you wonder when Sarah Palin will blink. Perhaps her underling… I mean, Senator McCain blinked this afternoon, possibly due to Les Gara’s efforts to have the McCain campaign to stop interfering in the internal state affairs of Alaska. Yes? No?

24 09 2008

Improved McCain makeup artist link

24 09 2008

Reasons Kaplin can’t debate:
1) Its a bad time of the month.
2) The cat got her tongue.
3) The first DUDE fell off a cliff.
4) He son shot himself in the foot.
5) He doughter is going through labor pains.
6)She was snowed in.
7) She been campaigning so hard she got Laryngitis
8) It’s the last day of dear season
9)As governor she has other responsibilities

24 09 2008

Debbie – why not ship them off to Diomedes? Then she truly would be able to see Russia from her house!

24 09 2008

woops what was name palin sorry

24 09 2008
Ohio Sue


24 09 2008

//cheez (18:13:31) : Improved McCain makeup artist link.//

He’s hiding the tumor growing ever larger on the left side of his face.

24 09 2008

yinzers ich bein?

too bad about them iggles, tho.

24 09 2008

Bush’s creepiness aside, one of the scariest images on the news tonight was that of Sarah Failin’ at the table “working” with McShame and his group of financial “advisors”. On a better note: Goooo Gara !!!

24 09 2008

I have been wondering. I visited Alaska recently and found it a beautiful place and the people somewhat eccentric, which I suppose is not too surprising considering the long dark winters. As a progressive, I never felt unwelcome, but I did endure a number of anti-liberal comments from time to time – mostly from tour guides. I sort of got the feeling that if I expressed my political feelings, there would be problems, so I never did. When I first started reading Mudflats, my feeling was that maybe Alaska was not a place to revisit. Now, after reading many of the posts on Mudflats, I am thinking I should come back some time.

I would humbly like to apologize for the tour guides. Ugh. AKM

24 09 2008

I’ve been ragging on McCain for at least a few months, same as everyone who cannot tolerate mediocrity, but can we all lay off the personal comments about his face? Why lower ourselves to their level?

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

How can the press continue to tolerate Palin’s refusal to answer any questions and her penchant for hiding at the front of her campaign jet, behind the curtain, while the press flies back in coach. Wish the head anchors would all rise up like Edward R. Murrow did against McCarthy and call her out. We need the media to rise up in mass.

“Enough is a enough and I am not going to take it anymore.” -Network

24 09 2008
Anchor Jack

“iggles” ???

24 09 2008
FiredUp AKA Falter Locust Palin


while I agree that snarky personal comments should be left off the blog, I would have to say that most of the comments I have read, and the one I posted, seem to be from people who are truly concerned that McCain may be seriously ill. While most of us on this blog do not want see him elected, I don’t think anyone wants to see him get sick. I hope none of the comments sound as if we do.

24 09 2008

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin) (17:58:59) :

The average person out there is so uniformed. It is sickening. Most voters really are clueless.

When did words like “intellectual” or “elite” or “liberal” take on such negative connotations? I want to get a bumper sticker that declares that I am a proud member of the intellectual elite.


The same time as being INTELLIGENT became less important than “being favored to have a beer with”…ugh!

24 09 2008

Please folks…if you havent seen it, watch this interview palin had with Katie Couric. Am I crazy…or does she sound more nasty and more stupid than usual?

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

Sauerkraut, I grew up in a very Amish rural section of PA. Though I am not Amish myslf, I do use a laptop computer made exclusively of wood and twine. It is powered with a hand pump.

24 09 2008
Andrew Gregg

The wheels are off. Obama wins. In my mind the issue now is moderate landslide or all out obliteration.

The interesting thing is that America (and this is a Canadian writing) has always put its faith in the wisdom of the people. Historians may well write about this election as a complete and utter rebuke of the Bush years. It is interesting to watch the actual machine fall apart in real time, though, from the lunacy of Palin’s appointment (can she really go back to being governor again?) to trumpeting the economy while the economy is on fire to this–suspending he debates because no one besides McCain and his lobbyists can fix the problem. History will regard all of this as a very minor footnote of a larger narrative: the end of neo-conservatism.

That’s what I think, anyway.

AG, Toronto.

24 09 2008

Call me silly, but I dont think Palin is “hiding” from the press and the public. She seemed quite comfy in her interview with Couric…and wasnt at all embarrassed about her answers. She thought she was brilliant! The look on Katies face during the interview is priceless. You can almost hear her say inside her head…” oh brother…who is this dame?”

The McCain camp knows if they let her loose….they will have lost the election the first time she opens her mouth.

24 09 2008

Andrew Gregg (18:33:57) :
Well said, Andrew. I agree. My bet is that Palin resigns and takes another opportunity out of state. One can only hope.

24 09 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Obama accepts President Bush’s invitation. What a class act.

24 09 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Sorry, somebody tell me how to link (please).

24 09 2008


Hello from another Torontonian…transplanted for just a while to Manitoba. I too..see this as the end of an era. It has been and will continue to be, very interesting to watch all of this unfold.

I will admit, I have learned a great deal about the American people…and much of it right here on Mudflats.

The Bush years have done a number on all of us…its truly time for change.

24 09 2008

Last week the fundamentals of the economy was strong. LOL Now McCain has transformed into his Superman suit on his way to rescue us of an economy which he said he was clueless about his own self. (Shakes head) Man I hope they still have the debates. He should send Sara Palin to take his place isn’t that what the VP does. I can here her now telling Obama and the American people as soon as they ask her a question “Let me find you some answers and I will bring them back to ya”. LOL Like she said in her interview today. What the heck Call John a Maverick and then could not name one thing that he did.

24 09 2008

Big Slick – careful with the extra punctuation. There are monitors that will question your education and manners. just saying…………..

24 09 2008

You want this story to REALLY go national?

Then I can’t begin to understand why you folks HAVEN’T begun a RECALL against Palin.

You as citizens have the power. What are you wating for!? A RECALL is EXACTLY OPPOSITE an ELECTION. What is Palin doing? Running for ELECTION. Isn’t it about time the contrary sentiment were ALSO on the table?

24 09 2008

iggles = philadelphia eagles, who beat the steelers on sunday in that unamish of all amish sports: football.

Eyes Wide – the buggies go by mein hausen every day. and them horses leave their apples in the middle of the durn road where the mountain bike tires pick up the wet remnants and fling them unto mein back. yanno, if I sweep them all up, I could probably lay a nice track for the First Dud to race his snowmobile upon. And that Sarah, well iffn she’s on the back end, then she can get all the droppings flung unto her backside. Although no one might be able to tell where the road apple pies landed.

24 09 2008
Theodore Rigley

Oh please, please, can some of these McCain campaign operatives be arrested and put in jail? Please?

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

To Laurie (18:35:38) :

Actually, I guess it is not Palin who is doing the hiding, it is her handlers who are keeping her hidden. True narcissist that she is, I imagine that she would enjoy giving us a good homespun mooseburger press conference. She would even be clueless as to what an ass she would make of herself.

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

Katie handled her perfectly. It was almost as if Katie was gently inerviewing a very dim 7 year old child.

24 09 2008

“[Bush] says a bank on your street may fail.”

Well, there aren’t any banks on my street, so I’m okay.

24 09 2008

JNagarya (18:45:26) :

My opinion: A recall is definitely a possibility, but we don’t want to go there unless we know we can prevail.

So, first the rally on Saturday. Let’s see who shows up to be there and who shows up to speak. And what will they say. And what the coverage is. Then…we’ll think about it.

Alaskans have a tendency to chew things for a while, like muktuk (whale blubber). Nothing up here happens real fast…

That said, I have no doubt that there is a recall group out there ready to strike when the time is right.

Other Alaskan opinions?

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

Saurkraut …grammerically, Palin actually sounds a little amish. The amish are smarter though.

24 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

I just saw a snippet of the Palin/Couic interview. Oh my. I must see if I can find a link! She totally put her foot in her mouth when Couric asked her about Rick Davis!! Braaahahaha! I really needed that laugh tonight.

And of course I must say, WELL DONE Representative Gara! (And of course, AKM!)

24 09 2008

“Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin (17:17:38) :

“Very interesting development. Perhaps we should take the whole lot and banish them to a small Aleutian Island where they could live off the land and contemplate their sins. Sarah could show John her hunting skills by field dressing a seagull (do they have seagulls that far north?) Imagine the how much nicer the world would be.”

There is currently an effort to exterminate all the Norway rats on Rat Island — which rats abandoned a Japanese shipwreck ages ago.

It’s being done with poison pellets. But why pollute the environment? Have Palin rassle each and every one of them, one at a time, to the ground, tie up their feet, and then skin and grind them up into ratburgers.

24 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Yay!!! Here’s the link!

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Very interesting development. Perhaps we should take the whole lot and banish them to a small Aleutian Island where they could live off the land and contemplate their sins.

At least from there, they might actually see a bit of the deserted part of Russia – you sure can’t from Wasilla, except in your dreams.

24 09 2008

Sorry for this in advance 😦

OT- I hate our President. He is an awful, awful, awful man. I reached that conclusion well before now, but I feel I can never say it enough. His speech tonight was a boilerplate of fear-mongering financial voodoo. He knows that by making a speech which plays upon people’s greatest financial fears will drive markets down, not up. He’s making a problem worse, not better, by speaking in this way, all so he can get some possibly criminal, certainly half-assed bill passed without letting congress work through it’s myriad flaws. Yes, things are bad. They are probably going to get worse. What I heard tonight was wrong on why that was, and I heard nothing on how it should and could be made better. I feel like I’m in hole, and someone keeps shoveling dirt on me(metaphorically speaking, I’m not mental, just so very frustrated.) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!. Thanks for letting me vent, everybody. Keep fighting the good fight.
And BTW, there is a credit crunch, not a credit freeze. I know, I work for one the biggest banks in the world. How he could say there was is a freeze is so incredibly irresponsible I cannot begin to comprehend it.

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

You need to hold a really really big rally, with plenty of national press coverage a few days before the VP debate. Start the planning now. All we hear about in the press is the 80 percent approval rating she supposedly has and how beloved she is to Alaskans.

24 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

I keep asking: Who is behind the Palin candidacy? Who decides to stonewall the investigation or do an endrun around it with a different investigation of Palin by Palin? Who decides how she conducts herself as governor of Alaska? Who taught her the Rove playbook that she has used so well to move up the Republican food chain? Who decides what foreign policy factoids she will memorize, or what economic theories she supports?

McCain campaign attorney Edward O’Callaghan for #2 and #3.

24 09 2008
Ben (AKA Fork Decoy) in SF

I am a little unclear (but hopeful). Can this one legislator sending a letter to the State Troopers cause them to initiate an investigation (could the Troopers resist investigating such a well-laid out set of circumstantial and direct evidence from a single legislator)? Would it take a vote of several (or a majority of the) legislators to get an investigation of witness tampering rolling? Keeping my fingers crossed that they’ll jump into battle.

24 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh (Mooseguts trailerpark Palin)

TO: JNagarya (18:58:09) : “Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin (17:17:38)

Sarah and the first dude should shoot the rats from a helecopter. She could then land and collect them up to turn them in for bounty like they do with the severed wolf paws.

24 09 2008

Darcy – don’t fret it none. He don’t comprehend what he said either.

As for banks failing on my street, well, there ain’t none there either. And if there were, I’d simply move my savings to the credit union.

btw – what is Palin’s current approval rating in AK?

Anyone see the latest polls? Obama has taken the lead in Iowa, Ohio and PA, among other states. Of course, I do know that there’s only one poll which counts: the one taken Nov 4.

24 09 2008

how is it that palin can cooperate with one investigation and not the other? I am confused. Is not the one she is not cooperating with the Official one? Is this new investigation legit?

A couple posts back is one called “Palin Investigation vs. Palin Investigation – The Basics.” That should explain it pretty well. AKM

24 09 2008
laura lee

Katie Couric interview tonight – Palin can’t even walk and think at the same time! She couldn’t recall one fine example of McCain’s Maverick-ness…I’ll get back to ya! Doesn’t know if the FAMILIES at the bottom of the bailout buyout should be given help to save their homes. NICE.

I’m sick of those whining GOP-ers on the radio that a truly clueless. It’s a shame to be blatantly stupid and be OK with it. Even one of my own friends said she’s voting for them BECAUSE Palin is a woman. Excuse me, I ordered the Grand Slam, not the Jr. Root & Toot!

Too bad drama rhymes with Obama because it’s the McPalin-oscopy Clan that’s creating the havoc. Media Blackouts! No interviews with Palin! Cancel the debate! Foreign Policy 101 – a one day seminar that qualifies you for the second highest office in the land!

Folks, I slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night so am I now qualified to be a VP also? Stay Tuned for As the Election Sits & Spins….Outta Control!

24 09 2008

I’m thinking that if there is a crime, then we are talking about conspiracy and interstate racketeering!!!! This certainly did not originate with one person.

As for the Republicans suspending the election, you may recall that Rudy Giuliani tried to suspend the New York City Mayors race after 9/11 so that he could see the city through the crisis. People thought of Rudy as the leader of our nation at that point – he was much beloved – and yet it did not fly. If it didn’t fly then, I don’t think it would fly in a situation where everyone believes the best possible move is to get the current Bums out of office ASAP. If anything, they might push to move inauguration up to Thanksgiving!!!

24 09 2008

Andrew Gregg (18:33:57) :

The wheels are off. Obama wins. In my mind the issue now is moderate landslide or all out obliteration.

The interesting thing is that America (and this is a Canadian writing) has always put its faith in the wisdom of the people. Historians may well write about this election as a complete and utter rebuke of the Bush years. It is interesting to watch the actual machine fall apart in real time…
History will regard all of this as a very minor footnote of a larger narrative: the end of neo-conservatism.


Well said…

24 09 2008

I agree that these are very scary times. Nothing they would do on the way out would surprise me. I’m afraid a scorched earth policy is not out of the question. They have no shame, no scruples, no concern for the Constitution. They have trashed everything they have touched.

Andy AKA Plop Hero

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Too bad this performance of McOver wasn’t last week. He could have been a contender for best actor in a cheesy farce and tried to win an Emmy.

24 09 2008

you are so right laura lee . It is just sad and scary. I hope the American people do wake up and come through on Nov 4th.

24 09 2008

@Darcy…I enjoyed your rant. Thank you.

24 09 2008

Darcy (19:00:05) :

Sorry for this in advance 😦

OT- I hate our President. He is an awful, awful, awful man. I reached that conclusion well before now, but I feel I can never say it enough. His speech tonight was a boilerplate of fear-mongering financial voodoo.


Please loosen up a little and tell us how you really feel! 🙂

On a much more serious note, I am in total agreement with you. I don’t want our Congress scared into quickly passing a bill that could (will) affect our country for decades…possibly generations. His tone was calm and measured but his words were as frightening as WMD’s and mushroom clouds…Bush politics as usual.

24 09 2008

@Eyes wideopen…agreed re: Palin. She truly believes she is smart, and that she knows exactly what she is talking about…twit that she is.

24 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Just in case you really wanted to know…seagulls come up here in the summer and hightail out of here in late fall. To me, the sound of a seagull is like a songbird of spring. AKM——I always like to learn something new. I have seen seagulls in Alaska in the summer, understand the need for them to flee in the winter 🙂 One year the ice came down and busted the hull on the boat I own with my cousin. First time I was there in the winter. I didn’t see any seagulls but I was really busy bit*hing about being in a frozen h*ll where the sun barely rose, yes I am truly a wimp what can I say. You all have my admiration for your heartiness.

24 09 2008

Senator McCain, I, for one, would like to thank you. You said you were going to bring transparency, and you have. Your stated intention of returning to DC to work on the economic legislation, suspending your campaign and delaying the debate is patently a political ploy.

You have very little economic experience, as you so freely admitted. So, naturally, you’re rushing back to the Capitol to save the day. Your day. Certainly not mine. You care not for my day, week, month or year.

You are willing to do anything to secure victory. I am too. Y’see, I care about myself, my family, my community and my country. While your tax plan is better for my wallet, it is not best for my country. I regret that there was a moment in time that I considered voting for you. Alas, I am fallible, which is different than fungible. (Ask your running mate.)

In the coming weeks, I will donate more money to the Obama campaign. I will double my efforts to call voters in swing states. All because of just how transparent you are. So, again, thanks for that.

24 09 2008

Re: failin’s approval rating in AK —

It seems to me that I just saw something within the last day or two (so many sites visited about this stuff that I can’t remember where) that put it at about 65%, and I wondered if they were only phoning people in the valley or Kenai, or what, because that seems more than a wee bit high to me.

24 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

JNagarya (18:58:09) :

There is currently an effort to exterminate all the Norway rats on Rat Island — which rats abandoned a Japanese shipwreck ages ago.

It’s being done with poison pellets. But why pollute the environment? Have Palin rassle each and every one of them, one at a time, to the ground, tie up their feet, and then skin and grind them up into ratburgers.

This sounds like a really great idea to me. Maybe one of them would even win!

24 09 2008

Okay, you can all take your shots at me – I am ready.

That said, I am starting to feel sorry for John McCain. I know. I can hardly believe I am saying that, but he wasn’t always the man he is today…at least he didn’t seem to be.

Yes, I know about his bad temper and wild youthful, fly-boy antics, his “unworthy” acts while a POW, his betrayal of his first wife and family – I do know. However, for the most part, I do believe he loves this country (probably at 72-years-old, he loves it more than ever), and he used to be a straight-shooter. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t agree with him most of the time, but he seemed like a man who was willing to stand up for his convictions and take the heat if necessary.

Now he simply seems like a very old, tired, pathetic man who has “sold-out” and has been “handled” by the best the neo-cons have to offer. John McCain does not look well. Watch his announcement from today. I think this race is killing him (and if the race doesn’t, Sarah will). I could simply never imagine this man as our president.

Go ahead…

24 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

Darcy (19:00:05) :

Sorry for this in advance

OT- I hate our President. He is an awful, awful, awful man. I reached that conclusion well before now, but I feel I can never say it enough. His speech tonight was a boilerplate of fear-mongering financial voodoo.

Don’t worry about it Darcie, we are all aware of what our president is. Most of us on the west coast are familiar with his evil when he allowed Enron to run roughshod over us and devistate our economy. Even my teenage niece could see what Enron was doing, yet someone with a background in energy couldn’t figure it out. We will survive, there is life at the end of the tunnel.

24 09 2008
ReaderInMD aka Krinkle Bearcat

“Pakistan President Tells Palin She’s ‘Gorgeous'”

Read it and weep. Or laugh.

24 09 2008
Crust Scramble - SouthGA

Thanks, Demo, you said it better than I could’ve.

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

So what will happen to all the birds and carion eaters who eat the poisoned rats?

24 09 2008

I just want to stand up and applaude the people of the great state of Alaska who are showing the cajones to stand up and show these crooks that Americans do not take this kind of crap. I just wish the rest of the country had done what you are doing sooner and we would not be living the nightmare we are in right now.

Thank you people of Alaska for saving our country! You are much greater heros than John McCain could EVER hope to be!!!

24 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

ReaderInMD aka Krinkle Bearcat (19:43:54) :

“Pakistan President Tells Palin She’s ‘Gorgeous’”

This from the grieving widower?

24 09 2008

AnneinWA (19:39:36) said:
I am starting to feel sorry for John McCain.
I can understand that. Really. But the light of day will remind you that whatever sorrow you feel now will have no rival compared to the sorrow you will feel if he is elected. He’ll go back to the Senate (from my mouth to G-d’s ears) and maybe go back to the man he once was. But that man is gone for now.

And when he goes, so will Sarah. On a shallow note, I can’t cope with her voice. On a more profound note, I can’t abide her lies. The woman is as politically corrupt as they come. And I abhor nearly everything she stands for.

I apologize to our dear friends in Alaska. But she’s yours. I don’t want her. If I did, I’d move to your lovely state. I thought New York politics could be dirty, but she brings more filth to this election than Rudy could have.

Should Obama Biden win, I’ll be doing an Irish Jig, hora, hustle and tarantella on November 5. Perhaps we can enjoy a cyber dance together. If not, I’ll have to find a country more hospitable to my sensibilities. This is the ugliest, saddest campaign I can recall.

24 09 2008

Ich bin ein Alaskiner!”

me too.


24 09 2008

I said:
Should Obama Biden win, I’ll be doing an Irish Jig, hora, hustle and tarantella on November 5.
Make that an Irish jig. Lower case “j.” If I can’t tolerate Palin’s stupidity, I don’t expect anyone to tolerate mine!

24 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

“Document digging” — Is that anything like dumpster diving? Couldn’t resist. After all, this has been quite a day! We didn’t get to watch W — we were getting trained up over at Obama HQ. Figure that was waaaaaaaaay more important. Did catch the Palin interview — or at least pieces of it. Pathetic! And Obama’s press conference was great — his usual calm, rational self. Quite the contrast from McLaim.

24 09 2008

“Suchanut (18:53:40) :

“JNagarya (18:45:26) :

“My opinion: A recall is definitely a possibility, but we don’t want to go there unless we know we can prevail.

“So, first the rally on Saturday. Let’s see who shows up to be there and who shows up to speak. And what will they say. And what the coverage is. Then…we’ll think about it.

“Alaskans have a tendency to chew things for a while, like muktuk (whale blubber). Nothing up here happens real fast…

“That said, I have no doubt that there is a recall group out there ready to strike when the time is right.

“Other Alaskan opinions?”

At very least I hope there is serious discussion about it.

As far as not doing it unless it will succeed!? It would take longer to reach the outcome of it than it is until the election. Since when do we endeavor to do something ONLY if success is CERTAIN!?

The first purpose of it is to DEMONSTRATE how intense the OPPOSITION to Palin is within the Alaska electorate.

AND to worry and distract the pro-McPalin forces — by the fact that it is happening, that they can’t do anything to control or stop it, and that it is getting media attention. That it were getting media attention would be another important instance of egg on their collective faces.

It is also a dramatic and decisive demonstration that the sentiment is OPPOSITE that the McPalin forces want to project: that she is NOT wanted in public office even in her home state, where it is certainly known what she is.

At very least there should be DISCUSSION of recall — of which I’ve seen NOTHING except reference to a recall effort against her when she was [part-time] mayor of Wasilla. A second instance of a recall against the SAME public official is a great deal more powerful than a single instance.

24 09 2008
Fellow Citizen from New Mexico


I hope this gets picked up by the national media. This could be the beginning of the end. Let’s hope.

24 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

Great job AKM!

24 09 2008

I am just so proud to be an American. Where at least one state is doing something

Whichferret aka Trough Gutted Palin

24 09 2008

Good luck with your Saturday Rally. I am looking forward to the coments & photos. I hope the CNN staff will be there & put you on th evening Network news. If I were closer I would be htere but Ontario is a ways away!

24 09 2008

Wow, I gotta hand it to you Alaskans. When someone pisses you off, you don’t take it kindly!

Good on Gara and all the other brave politicians in Alaska.

The lower 48 thank you for your service.

24 09 2008
schlock and flaws

@mpalm–My apologies for your bad experiences with conservative tour guides here. There are many liberal tour guides here doing great work–don’t let your bad first experiences keep you from coming back.

24 09 2008

I hope everyone involved gets nailed to the wall on this. Time for the “above the law” crowd to understand that laws apply to everyone.

24 09 2008
legislator asks troopers to look at possible witness tampering « angryXer

[…] of Anchorage, which AK Muckraker posted over at Mudflats today, where you can find the rest in its entirety, as well as links to the supporting documents and criminal statutes. For […]

25 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Who’s the “maverick” now, eh Sarah?

25 09 2008

Thanks for your kind words, everyone. 🙂 I appreciate it so much. I’m still scared, but I take courage from everyone here. Please keep fighting the good fight.

25 09 2008

Oops, forgot-


25 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh

Thanks for the link to the HSUS – the picture of her w/ the caribou was horrible and the bounty for the wolf forelegs is nauseating; I immediately made a donation to the HSUS. And sent the article to my animal loving friends.

25 09 2008
Kittitians for Obama

Even we here in the Caribbean are ashamed of what the campaign has come too.. Sooo much corruption and dishonesty on the side of the Republican party..we have no respect for them at all..

What did Sarah say when asked by reporters how her meetings went? I think her reply was “nice, or everything went fine, or something of the sort..I do not remember her exact words but whatever they were she sure did convince me that she was the author of Foreign Affairs.. I think even my 5 year old would have given a better reply than she did.

25 09 2008

With all witness tamperings going on, if the GOP would have their ways, they would turn USA into a fascist/dictatorship state just like Russia…

25 09 2008

I’ve only lived in Alaska for twenty years but one thing I’ve learned about Alaskans is that they really HATE to be messed with by the Federal government. I think John McCain is going to be very sorry that he picked this fight.

25 09 2008
Palin-McCain: Criminal Investigation? « Suzie-Q

[…] Criminal Witness Tampering in Troopergate? […]

25 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin

Here is the link to Rep Gara’s bio etc. on the Alaska home page

Born in New York, Harvard Law, clerked for one of the most respected AK Supreme Ct justices AND worked at the Department of Law – talk about some credentials!!

There’s an email address, too!!

25 09 2008

I must add my two cents… McCain just wait (until another century) but if he was to win, I believe Mrs. Palin would definitely kick that CHICKEN right out of the coop.

25 09 2008

Coincidentally…. McCain Suspended his Campaign for a few days.
That leaves Palin completely FREE on her schedule to come back to Alaska and Testify under Oath.

25 09 2008

Given the fact that McCain is self-destructing before our very eyes, who knows what will happen?!? Maybe the Democrats will win by default, if one gets the drift.

25 09 2008

Mr. Gara you are my HERO

26 09 2008

Now we see that McCain is the third coming of Bush, look at this case, McCain have sent his henchmen to Alaska to interfear with a investigation, the same thing that the Bush administration cronies have been doing to the US congress, I guess they think that they are above the law, do you smell a rat in the case, the shame is that Pallin haven’t show up on any of the top political talk shows, how come she haven’t went on the top political show Meet the Press, man only if Tim Russert was still alive he would had called her out onto the carpet, these are the same peoples that got America in the trouble that we are in today, remember this John McCain and the Keating Five, it was all about de-regulating the Lincoln saving and loans with Frank Keating who serve prison time for the scandal, McCain and Palin talk about putting country first, well I guess McCain was putting the country first when he was invovled with the KEATING 5.

26 09 2008

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Come on over!