McCain Blinks. Palin Not Ready for Prime Time.

20 09 2008

So, how badly will Sarah Palin lose the Vice Presidential debate?  Because, lose she will…but to what degree?  Not one to relish in the misfortune of others, I’ve been having a mental battle with myself when thinking about the upcoming VP debate.

Good Me:  There’s no doubt she’s going to lose.  And she’ll probably embarrass herself.  People will see her for who she is, and they will note her lack of experience and wisdom, and Biden will demonstrate his superiority in every facet of the debate.  The rightful winner shall win, and that’s the end of it. I feel no joy that it had to come to this, but that’s the way it is. We will all learn and move on.

Evil Me:  Please, let them ask really tough questions about foreign policy.  I want Mbeki, and Mugabe, and Odinga…  May Gwen Ifill be a salivating bulldog.  Joe Biden is going to run mental circles around her and then drop her like a bag of dirt, and I am going to love it. (rubbing hands together like a fly) That scrappy terrier from Scranton will kick the pitbull’s behind all the way back to Juneau. She will be so humiliated and so exposed, she’ll slink out of public life forever after being Alaska’s most infamous one-term wonder. She wants “Stump the Candidate”, then give her “Stump the Candidate!”

Good Me:  Ahem…Are you listening to yourself?

Evil Me:  ….and maybe they’ll ask about the capitol of Uzbekistan…..what?   Oh. (sheepish grin)

As this battle rages on between me and myself, the following news comes out today:

At the insistence of the McCain campaign, the Oct. 2 debate between the Republican nominee for vice president, Gov. Sarah Palin, and her Democratic rival, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., will have shorter question-and-answer segments than those for the presidential nominees, the advisers said. There will also be much less opportunity for free-wheeling, direct exchanges between the running mates. McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive.

McCain advisers said they were only somewhat concerned about Ms. Palin’s debating skills compared with those of Mr. Biden, who has served six terms in the Senate, or about his chances of tripping her up. Instead, they say, they wanted Ms. Palin to have opportunities to present Mr. McCain’s positions, rather than spending time talking about her own experience or playing defense.

I had to read that a couple times.  Go ahead and read that again if you need to.  (pause)

So, when the McCain team decided upon the terms of the debate, a debate in which any future candidate worth his/her salt should be able to participate, it obviously never occurred to them that their actual pick would be completely and utterly unprepared and unqualified.  At this point, they are basically saying, “We know she’s going to lose, but we want her to lose less catastrophically.  And we don’t really care that the American people will never get to see the woman who we want to be a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land engage in actual conversation, or be called out for her lack of knowledge. Allowing the debate to continue as is, would be far worse for us than being called out for giving head starts to ignorant people, and grading the debate on a curve.”

They’d rather she have more time to spit out the talking points, then have to defend her own qualifications.  They just came right out and said it!  Our little hothouse flower will be protected.  Quick, add another circle of barbed wire, and dig a deeper level in that subterranean, undisclosed location…Sarah’s coming.  But is she Ready to Lead?



430 responses

20 09 2008

I the Palin albatrosse just got a lot heavier around McShame’s neck.

20 09 2008

I’d just read something similar about the debates earlier. So, the question is as always, why are the Democrats allowing this? The Republicans would not only have said absolutely not but Fox News would’ve devoted the entire evening to mocking the Dem candidate for even suggesting this. So again, why do the Dems roll over so easily? Some say bend over but I’m a lady.

20 09 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

It all boils down to the idea that you can’t “fire up the base” with real information. You need slogans and sound bites – it’s a continuation of the direct mail fear factor mentality of Rove and company.

By the way I think they use the word base as a reference to their own moral baseness.

20 09 2008

this is either hilarious or very sad.

just as we emerge from a week of financial insanity where one of the conclusions is that the best statistical models are are best not that good,

we have predictions of all shapes and sizes for the upcoming election.

sorry to see that they did not credit mudflats for any of the swing.
clearly, they are missing some important data points in the analysis.

20 09 2008
Catherine aka Bullpen Cola Palin

Sometimes, evil isn’t that bad. Especially when they bring it on themselves. 🙂

The Democrats probably didn’t want to make a fuss because she is going to be badly beaten no matter what, and Biden feels competent in either format.

20 09 2008

Unreal….just unreal. Obama agreed to this?

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Perhaps she has fungible molecules and can trade them for, oh I don’t know, brains?

20 09 2008

I don’t get it. Why did Obama’s people agree to this. Is this actually constraining the questions that Gwen Ifil can ask?

Instead, they say, they wanted Ms. Palin to have opportunities to present Mr. McCain’s positions, rather than spending time talking about her own experience or playing defense. Does this mean Gwen Ifil has to ask questions about Obama’s and McCain’s positions, or rather that that’s the way she’ll answer. I can’t see any reason on God’s green earth why the Democrats should have agreed to this.

That said, I think that direct exchanges between the running mates would have been a trap for Biden. Maybe Obama and Biden saw this as a way out of the dilemma of how not to be attacking her and at the same time not to seem to be ignoring her. In that case, it’s up to Ifil to ask meaningful questions.

20 09 2008

I’m not so sure it’s going to be obvious to “Walmart Mom” that she does poorly.

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Regi – Why are they allowing this? Certainly is she were a man, they would not. And certainly if she were a woman of any self-worth, she wouldn’t allow it. Could it be true? Is it possible? Is the McCain camp………….. SEXIST? LOL !

20 09 2008

The situation is hilarious, sad, and very, very scary.

Given McCain’s age, Palin has a better than even chance of becoming President if they get elected. And even her own party thinks she’s too incompetent to have a discussion on the issues she would have to deal with if McCain kicked. These guys are actually betting the country on the hope, if they are elected, they can put her off in the corner someplace where she can’t do any harm. Personally, I don’t want to put money on that.

If we’re not going to have a debate why don’t the Republicans just save the airfare. I’m sure Gwen can ask the question and then call up their talking point on the computer and read it to us.

20 09 2008
Mimi Mauro

What a disappointment to hear that once again the GOP is insisting on deference for Sarah. If they win and McShame kicks the bucket, will we be expected to grant her deference again?

I live a hop, skip, and a jump from Biden and have followed his career from the time of his personal tragedy. He’s smart, good at politics, and has never sold his soul to win an election.

Like Palin, his son Beau, is also going to Iraq but unlike Palin, this fact has not been mentioned publically by the Party or by Biden. They don’t want to use it for political advantage like Palin, who is willing to use every one of her kids to her advantage.

20 09 2008

Well Muckraker, there is no good and evil side of me. There is just me.

And “me” wants to see Sarah Palin gasping for breath like a goldfish out of water. I want her to sweat (Not that bullshit female glowing thing either, real SWEAT). And I want her to stumble from the stage after the debate like a second rate boxer who just got her ass kicked so bad that there will bruises on her descendants.

But hey I am just a guy who has watched many of the people that he has admired have their reputations smeared just so that an old man and a glorified PTA mom can have a chance to continue the slow destruction of this country that George W. Bush and his cronies started eight years ago.

So I may have an axe to grind. But I will bet anything I am not grinding alone.

20 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

I don’t think it makes any difference where they move the goalposts to – she will either babble incomprehensibly, or robotically repeat herself.

20 09 2008

where did you read that article? I’d like to pass it on to others…

Oops! I forgot to insert the link. It’s there now. The article is from The New York Times. AKM

20 09 2008

What’s really important here to the Grand Old Pedophiles is that they steer this thing as far away from anything of substance as possible. I am thinking they’re going to mess with her hair some more and I wonder if they can get some eye catching cleavage out there too ? Muck, as a man of letters always remember the punchline of that Rime of the Ancient Mariner :
The self same moment I could pray;
And from my neck so free
The Albatross fell off, and sank
Like lead into the sea

I wonder of you can see Russia from that sea ? Keep up the great work.

20 09 2008
Wired Differently

Oh, for pity’s sake. This has gotten beyond ridiculous. It’s beginning to make Nixon’s machinations look amateurish. I’m almost starting to enjoy it, and I am imagining my children, all of voting age now, reminiscing about this election when they’re my age.

“Yeah, remember ’08, when the economy collapsed and the Republicans ran that senile old geezer and the whack job woman from Alaska?”

“Shizzle, those were some crazy times.”

“President Obama had a mess on his hands– took the full two terms to get it sorted out.”

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

This is fun, compliments of Bill Maher. Note how mccain looks rather like a gargoyle.

20 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀


Ugh. I also battle “good me” and “evil me” when I think about the VP debate.

Evil Me: I want every question about the foreign and domestic policy to be asked and I want to watch the little piggy with lipstick cry all the wee way home to Alasak. I want to see the pitbull with lipstick run home with her tail between her legs and then watch her end up a an outcast in her own community.

Good Me: I still want all the questions about foreign and domestic policy asked and just by way of a good discussion show that the hockey mom should just go back to organizing pep rallies and bake sales and that Biden is truly the one who can help carry our nation forward with Obama.

In any case, WTF kind of comment from the McCain camp is that? He needs to protect our VP candidate because she’s a poor debater?? What’s going to happen when she has to negotiate with heads of state?? How is she going to negotiate with all of the various people in Washington D.C. when policies and decisions need to be made?? I could go on!

This entire McCain-Palin farce is seriously scaring the crap out of me! I’ve been volunteering for the Obama-Biden campaign and I just hope that the American people open their eyes to the reality of what’s going on with McCain-Palin!

Go Obama-Biden ’08!!

20 09 2008
Georgia peach

well, don’t forget, anything Biden says or does during the debate will be seen as sexist. I know he can out debate her, but I they are going to betray him as some big bad bully no matter what he does.

and I scoff at the fact they made such a stupid choice and are now having to live with it. scoff.

20 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

VP, Flat Earth Society (18:26:44) :

Perhaps she has fungible molecules and can trade them for, oh I don’t know, brains?


20 09 2008
Ohio Sue

God bless you, AKM, my snorting just woke my dog up.

20 09 2008

Just google Debate biden palin under news and stuff is there. So disappointing. I agree the average Rightwing woman will be satisfied if she can speak in complete sentences and gets some cheap shots in on Biden. Oh and mention THANK YOU Jesus every five minutes as if he’s her personal waiter.

20 09 2008

No, I think you’ve got it wrong…

The ZEN me sees no good or evil…

Her butt should not be kicked, she should crash and burn on her own.

She should launch head long into so self destructive tirade that will be having everyone saying WTF !?

Followed by – “She’s McCain’s choice” !!??
“Holy $#!+ unbelievable … what a hockey puck”


20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Bottom line – if she isn’t ready to debate in real time – she isn’t ready to be VP.

That should be the mantra of the Dems for the next couple of weeks.

While this is ridiculous, the Dems really don’t have a choice to just pull out. They need at least this one opportunity for Biden and Palin to go head to head. It sucks big time.

20 09 2008
MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin

I’m at such a loss for words. I don’t understand why Obama’s camp agreed to this, or at least didn’t kick and scream throughout.

For goodness sake, whats next?

20 09 2008

Unfortunately, I worry it may not matter. She will have plenty of sympathy from those who thought W “won” his debates because he didn’t screw up as badly as people thought he would. The strategy is to set low expectations and make Biden come across as one of those “elitist” know-it-alls. My other fear is that there will be some type of electronic help for her. I really hate sounding like one of those crazy conspiracy nuts but there is no way that the Republican machine with all of its resources is going to let her totally blow it.

20 09 2008

reality check.

you are forgetting that at least 45% of the people in this country are not rational thinkers. they want to be fed their opinions. they want to be told
‘the truth’ by their savior and not asked any hard questions. and they like
the flying nun look over the plugged hair implant look. did you watch the
‘interview’ with Hannity? you really need to get the perspective of the closed
minded in order to understand how to defuse their explosives. that thing was a joke. he more or less had a series of ‘please repeat what your campaign has been saying about you on ___________’ ‘questions’ to which the candidate did as requested. and if you were clueless or brainwashed or wanting to hear ‘the truth’ from your savior, that is what you got.

so i am going to expect that the rational thinkers (approx 45% of the population) are going to come away saying Biden walked away with it
hands down. and the irrational thinkers (approx 45% of the population are going to come away saying she nailed it. he looked like a buffoon.

and the other 10% are going to say nothing because that is what they usually do.

the other thing to understand here, is that undoubtedly, the McCain strategy is now to build down expectations in this event. make the people who read this sort of short piece think that she would flop on any question other than what is the closest foreign country to Alaska (which she would probably get wrong by naming Russia rather than Canada).

but, that’s just what i think only time will tell

20 09 2008

this is just getting ridiculous.

why is noone reporting on this??

20 09 2008
The Watcher

Give me a freekin’ break! Well, of course she can’t debate…she’s never HAD to debate. In her world it’s “her way or the Alaskan Highway.” I would just LOVE it if before the debate McCain’s demands were re-read to the millions of people tuning in. That way those who might be actually expecting to sink their teeth into a meaty debate with intelligent, thought-provoking, and insightful dialogue will understand that they will be fed pablum and milk from a pit-bull. (Not that intelligent, thought-provoking, and insightful dialogue could ever come out of Palin’s lipsticked pie hole). I guess “Evil Me” is winning out in my mind…

20 09 2008

So many Questions for Sarah – Hope the moderators show her appropriate deference – would hate to have the campaign pull her mid debate…

Road to Nowhere….

Seems to me like we need an article on the “Road to Nowhere”. From what I can see this was nothing but taking Federal money just to spend it – with no apparent benefit to anyone – except that it provided some jobs. Not that infrastructure projects to provide jobs are all bad – especially in a tough economy, but it seems to me that this is more decoration or superstructure rather than infrastructure. What do the locals say about this? Is this the next issue that Fiscally Conservative Reformer Sarah will have to explain…. Any talk up north on this?

20 09 2008

She is really an embarrassment to women everywhere. This is the woman who in March of this year said Hillary was a whiner. Watch for yourself
Sarah, stop now or WORK HARDER!! Anyone can learn to shoot a gun or butcher a dead animal; not everyone can learn to be President. That’s why it’s so difficult to get there.

20 09 2008

Aussie Puck Mule:
You said, “she will either babble incomprehensibly, or robotically repeat herself.”

* I would prefer that she babbles longer.

20 09 2008

Good me: Every 30 second answer is peppered with the words: McCain, reformer, maverick, shake up Washington, Hockey Mom and no blinking, but there is no substance on which to hang her lipstick.

Bad me: She trips walking out on stage and then throws up on the podium.

Totally evil me: She calls Biden a bully, hikes her leg and for some reason begins to bark.

20 09 2008
Wired Differently

I agree with the good Dr. Chill. Biden just needs to stand back a bit and maybe not wear his best suit so he doesn’t ruin it when she comes unglued and splatters all over the place.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I’m going to assume that Obama/Biden supporters will think he won and McCain/Palin supporters will think she won. Our only chance if for some sensible indies to see the light – and that other things will further taint her image between now and then. I can’t see MSM not picking this bone a bit, as well. They have come through on a few things so far.

20 09 2008


20 09 2008

Bec in Illinois (18:39:36) :

The Obama campaign seems to be taking the high road and ignoring her.. insignificant little gnat.

We on the other hand can make this a point of conversation and persuasion- that she is unprepared- not ready –
to talk on her own, get grilled in an interview, engage in significant debate, speak extemporaneously, and of course is
not ready to lead on her own…

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz


This really makes me mad !

How the hell are women ever going to be taken seriously if this sort of thing continues.

There have been amazing women in politics. There have been many women leaders…UK, Pakistan, Israel, India, Liberia ….etc etc. ie Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Islam etc
They did not get any special treatment, they earned their positions.
They all had to fight tooth and nail for their jobs.

Why then do the Repubs continually cry ‘sexist’ if they are the very ones that are creating a sexist platform…?

Surely they are not saying that SHE is not experienced and needs special handling…are they ?

Surely not…

20 09 2008

Axelrod has shown how smart he is………he beat 2 Clintons at once no less…..rather than letting Biden kick her ass……..poodle will lie once again (very likely)………and-or say something stupid (good chance)…….and the moderator would obviously have to pounce…… know……..hand her enough rope……..just my 2 cents…………flailin’ Palin !!!!!!!

20 09 2008

Oh, the debate debacle is front page of the NY Times.
Register, it’s free to read.
Maureen Dowd’s column for tomorrow is a riot!
It’ll cheer ya up tonight!

20 09 2008

Maybe the Obama people can run and ad at the beginning of the debate explaining the rules they had to agree to.

Maybe something like the opening scroll to Star Wars….Due to the inexperience and incompetence of Sarah Palin and the desire of the Republicans to have deference shown to her ignorance, we have reluctantly agree to allow Sarah to take this exam open book. Joe Biden will be expected to show his understanding of various topics important to a potential leader of the free world. Sarah on the other hand will be allowed to read the answers provided to her. She will also be give extra time to find the correct card. Furthermore, there will be no penalty assessed if she inadvertently chooses the wrong card and gives an incorrect answer. There will be 15 second broadcast delay to make corrections.

20 09 2008

Does anyone else think that they may be caught up in a terrible nightmare?

20 09 2008
Ohio Sue


I think Obama Campaign knows that no matter what the format, she’s going to flame out. I think that that’s the reason they actually haven’t gone after her directly. All the criticism of her really has come from voters, blogs, MSM, etc. I don’t recall hearing either Obama or Biden stick it to her publicly – and I think that they are right not to – I think because she is clearly the underdog, people will feel more sympathetic if they think the mental giants are going after her. I think it will end up being fine for Biden. He’s going to make her look vacuous in any event. I think…..

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

What matters most — Obama kicks McCain’s ass in their debates.

20 09 2008
Wired Differently

speaking of splatter– “lipsticked pie hole”. must now clean computer monitor.

20 09 2008

I think that she’ll do OK, at least in the eyes of people who are still giving her a chance. All she has to do is not say things that will turn off those who have not already decided to vote against her, and she can do that by simply saying nothing of any substance, and mixing in standard Republican criticism of Democrat positions.

Biden may be way better at this sort of debate, but the chances of it being him that makes a gaffe would have to be about equal – he has form in that regard.

20 09 2008

I don’t think she’s gonna be ready for her close-up, Mr. DeMille.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I LOVE your suggestion Wilber! Get that on YouTube right away.

20 09 2008

Good heavens, who is calling Uncle already.. sounds like a cop out to me. If she can’t handle a debate, wth will she do IF she is VP or President? I agree w/ Georgia Peach, anything Biden says will come back to haunt him as a sexist pig. If u can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen..
So what’s the next road block in all this? If this were Dancing of the Stars, she’d done been kicked off. This election REALLY UPSETS ME

20 09 2008

I agree with you. The nutwings will think that she is successful if she doesn’t screw up as badly as we expect her to. Then they will attack either Biden or the moderators just like they beat up on poor Charlie. Cry babies!

20 09 2008

Gryphen (18:32:53) :

Well Muckraker, there is no good and evil side of me. There is just me.

And “me” wants to see Sarah Palin gasping for breath like a goldfish out of water. I want her to sweat (Not that bullshit female glowing thing either, real SWEAT). And I want her to stumble from the stage after the debate like a second rate boxer who just got her ass kicked so bad that there will bruises on her descendants.

COULD YOU LOOSEN UP A LITTLE AND TELL US HOW YOU REALLY FEEL ABOUT THIS??? I just spit my quiche all over my keyboard when I read your post!

20 09 2008
Steve D

Evil me has taken control and I just want her to go down in flames, but….the fix is in. They will have her wired and feed her any information she needs while she delivers a boilerplate beginning and then finishes with some relevant information from the feed.
The dems need to be certain that she is in a “cone of silence” during the debate – but they won’t. Biden just agreed to get hosed.

20 09 2008

I will be honest. I signed on to the Obama bandwagon the first day he announced his candidacy in Illinois. That said, I would never vote for McCain because of his age. I think this campaign has been incredibly hard on him physically and mentally and he is slipping all the time now. he gets confused. He looks bewildered. He flip-flops on everything from what he had for lunch to whether or not the fundamentals of our economy are strong. I think maybe he thought that Palin would take the heat off of him, and that was true for a few weeks. But now, her total lack of preparedness for this job, and given his age, health and physical and mental sluggishness, I can’t see how any thinking America would DARE to vote for that ticket.

20 09 2008
sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin

I truly cannot understand why this change is even being tolerated by the organizers of the debate, Washington University and Gwen Ifil. Palin either shows up and shows us she can play with the big dogs or she backs out and they cancel the event.

This is pure bunk!

20 09 2008

I think the Obama campaign wants this debate to be a snooze-a-thon.

I believe they’ve come to realize that any day the media focuses on Palin, (or anything but the REAL issues), Obama loses the day.

Media focuses on the Economy = Obama wins the day
Media focuses on the War = Obama wins the day
Media focuses on Social Security = Obama wins the day
Media focuses on McShame gaffe = Obama wins the day

Media spends the better part of a week focusing on the monumental smackdown Biden just gave Palin. Then spends days on all sorts of stories questioning whether Biden was belittling or sexist, even though he wasn’t. = McCain wins the week!

A truly contentious debate between Biden and Palin could be the top story for ages. By asking for a fully structured, give-a-speech (booooorring)debate, the McShames played right into Obama’s hands. The debate will be a snoozer with both VP contenders never straying from talking points or prepared speeches.

It will get a bit of press leading into the debate and then disappear completely from the media’s radar within 24 hours of the event.

Mission Accomplished.

20 09 2008

Someone up there wanted the actual text – NYT has it

20 09 2008

Didn’t she have to debate in her race for the governorship?

Sounds to me like they used to do with Bush – set the bar so low that if she makes it through, speaking in anything approaching english and without launching into some lunatic tirade, then she is considered to have “won”

20 09 2008

I’d like to make a prediction: She is going to mess up. She even messed up with Charlie Gibson, for goodness sake. She messes up whenever she opens her mouth. We all know she is incompetent. She will be sooooo nervous. The chance for her to exchange concepts is high; remember, this was a woman who said “Grand Rapids” instead of “Cedar Rapids,” and we know where she stands on “fungible.” Sorry, Senator Lieberman, but your Eliza-gal is no fair lady.

20 09 2008
Digital Dame

I’m going to sit with your evil twin and hope for a really spectacular flame-out. As Dorothy Parker said, “If you can’t say something nice, come sit next to me.”

The only way this will really turn the tide is if it’s so mind-numbingly bad that McCain collapses in tears.

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

A question – while Soundbite Sarah and the First Dud are out on the hustings, who’s minding the kids and who is the little baby bonding with? Somehow I can’t help feeling these kids are getting the short end of the stick.

20 09 2008
Wired Differently

jude– I’m with you. I think the McCain campaign is sh*tting its pants. They know how the numbers are changing and they’re desperate.

Zim– yes, this is a total setback for women. Which makes me think it’s also a total setUP (but not by McCain, by Porky Pig Rove, who probably has no love lost on McSenile). I’m just sayin’…

20 09 2008

Did anyone mention to McCain that he was selecting someone for the Job of VP and that the actuarial tables say there’s a pretty good chance she could end up in a position to have to debate with folks like Putin….. Maybe he thought this was a beauty contest and he figured she’d lose ground on the questions, but make it up in the swimsuit….

20 09 2008
Gary, Amery WI

The “debate” will note even be a debate. It will be a re-hash of her sickening stump speech. I’ve got $5.00 that says she’ll have the audacity to bring up her role in “killing the Bridge to Nowhere” again. Remarkable.

20 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Make no mistake: Sarah will do what she’s been told to do.

But if I hear a sneer in her voice, I expect Joe to smile and nail her ( and I really want him to do that).

Protected, maybe. But Gwen Ifill is a sharp lady. People have tried to feed her road apples and I’ve never seen her accept them.

We’re in the big leagues now, and the operatives may feed Sarah well, but Joe may just make her puke it all out.

She’ll use those pointing fingers, make a sigh,and try to postulate, but the tighter rules may sink her.

Yeah, they’ve all blinked, AKM.

20 09 2008

JUDE: You read my mind.

Is this for real? What kind of debate is a debate without debate?!?!?

I almost want to fast forward to November 5th for it all to be over with.

20 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

If she shows up!

20 09 2008

The only reason why the Obama camp isn’t going after the McCain camp on this one (at least in pushing back on debate rules changes) is because if they do, they may very well get NOTHING. And I would rather have something of Her Nothingness rather than nothing of Her Nothingness.

The surrogates, Keith, and Rachel and any other self respecting Journalist will be all over this one this week. Are those Zeros I hear in the distance…? 😀

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz

@Katie (18:43:08) :
You said>>
Good me: Every 30 second answer is peppered with the words: McCain, reformer, maverick, shake up Washington, Hockey Mom and no blinking, but there is no substance on which to hang her lipstick.>>

Don’t forget….he was a POW !

20 09 2008

No Gryp, you are NOT grinding alone…

20 09 2008


20 09 2008

@VP, Flat Earth Society

Latest news I saw today said that the Bristol, Willow and Trig flew out to spend to Florida to spend time with their Hockey Mom and First Dood. I can’t believe she’s off lying to America while her teenage daughter, her other pregnant teenage daughter, and a 5 months old special needs baby is home alone. It must be great having a family when you don’t have to raise the kids yourself!

20 09 2008
sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin

Lacy…I think you’re spot on with that assessment. Let’s hope it’s a snore-fest and let Obama trounce McCain when it’s his turn.

20 09 2008

winstonsmithcloned (18:41:01) :
reality check.
you are forgetting that at least 45% of the people in this country are not rational thinkers. they want to be fed their opinions. they want to be told
‘the truth’ by their savior and not asked any hard questions. and they like
the flying nun look over the plugged hair implant look.

I agree. To many, it won’t matter how poorly she answers the questions – I couldn’t say it better than you – they like the flying nun look over the plugged hair implant look. LOVE IT!

20 09 2008

Lacy (18:52:28) :
I think the Obama campaign wants this debate to be a snooze-a-thon.

I think you’re absolutely correct. Obama’s people are saying right now, “Yup, yup, she won. Nothing to see here. Move along.”

I also think they bargained for something having to do with the other 3 debates with Obama vs McCain. It’s why it appears that they caved on this one. I’m sure they didn’t. I haven’t seen them do anything really dumb yet.

20 09 2008

Obama’s campaign allowed it purely to avoid any criticisms of “sexism” or “meaness”. And because they know she’ll still lose miserably.

Excepting the wing nuts (the same ones that think Charlie Gibson was entirely too hard on her), everyone knows the woman’s an idiot. Look how little press and coverage her interview with Hannity generated—other than the odd smug snicker.

It’s also an excellent way to pull attention AWAY from the GOP poster girl, since now the GOP has made the debate infinitely less interesting.

20 09 2008

@Lacy: GREAT analysis!

20 09 2008

I’ll take bets on how many times she says her favorite words.
blink, blink
good old boys club
shake things up
thanks but no thanks
I can see russia from my backyard

hmmmmm….what else? give me a minute and I’ll think of some more.

20 09 2008

The McCain camp just admitted her incompetence.

Why isn’t this being trumpeted across the airwaves?

20 09 2008

As others have said, the MSM will probably give this a bit a shake, and the McCain camp will be grateful that once again the MSM have taken the bait by:

1) lowering expectations, so that Palin can exceed them, as with her convention speech, and

2) reinforcing the notion amongst the wingnuts that the media is the enemy.

Number two is very important for McCain. Building a distrust of the media amongst your supporters is insurance against any valid criticism of himself or Palin sticking in the minds of Republican voters, and having the media howl about how McCain disrespected them by nobbling the VP debate is red meat (and that it makes the debate easier for Palin is a bonus).

20 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

LMAO – Katie – you forgot about McCain being a POW

Katie (18:43:08) :

Good me: Every 30 second answer is peppered with the words: McCain, reformer, maverick, shake up Washington, Hockey Mom and no blinking, but there is no substance on which to hang her lipstick.

Bad me: She trips walking out on stage and then throws up on the podium.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Daktari said — I can’t see how any thinking America would DARE to vote for that ticket.

Sadly – many of us have those folks for relatives and friends. We know too well they are out there! We just need more like us.

20 09 2008

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (18:56:09) :

Make no mistake: Sarah will do what she’s been told to do.

But if I hear a sneer in her voice, I expect Joe to smile and nail her ( and I really want him to do that).

Protected, maybe. But Gwen Ifill is a sharp lady. People have tried to feed her road apples and I’ve never seen her accept them.

I agree with you. However, I still think this will be more about PERCEPTION than debate or, God forbid, the tough issues that the next administration will face.

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

MJC – you forgot that she’ll mention that “John McCain was a POW”. Maybe you weren’t aware of this. He does keep it to himself – he’s a modest little man.

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz

@Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (18:56:09)

Aahhhh….LOL All Biden has to do is smile….and he will win.

Man, just lurve that smile !

20 09 2008

VP, Flat Earth Society ,
What?! McShame was a POW? Really? I never heard that before.

20 09 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

There is an interesting article on HufPost about the “Ground War”

It shows how the difference in voter analysis between Obama and McCain is astounding. It also shows that Obama is relying on personal contacts and social networking rather than on broadcasting messages. This is a critical factor in the different approach to the debates. McCain’s people want to set up a series of sound bites for a last minute emotional blitz to turn out the base. They also want to get the support of willing pastors as endorsers. It is an “old media” approach. Obama’s approach is “new media” and word-of-mouth oriented, which is much more effective for recruiting – so the campaign can rely on lower key issue oriented approach and depend on volunteers to talk with friends and neighbors to “make the sale.” Word-of-mouth is the most powerful method of advertising and persuasion – that’s why volunteering and communicating are important. It is what will win the campaign.

20 09 2008

Instead of announcing the rigging of the debate rules to favor feeble-minded Sarah , MSM like Yahoo-AP are sowing the seeds of racial divide.

This is disgusting

20 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Zim in Oz (19:08:32) :

@Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (18:56:09)

Aahhhh….LOL All Biden has to do is smile….and he will win.

Man, just lurve that smile !
As do I! It’s beautiful! : ) *melty melty*

I hope she slips and says “If elected president, I…”. I know she’s not running for VP, but rather the top of the ticket!

20 09 2008

jude (18:45:16) :

Does anyone else think that they may be caught up in a terrible nightmare?


20 09 2008

You know it’s really MSM that is AWOL in all this crap. None of the news organization seems to be all that concerned about the fact the McCain people selected an unknown person with no identifiable experience to be Vice President and now they want to keep from answering any questions. There is something seriously wrong. These guys should be screaming.

We spent about 18 months watching Obama have to answer on just about everything conceivable, deal with unforeseen problems, and debate some really tough opponents. But, McCain can seriously ask for people to vote for him when he wants to hide is VP from the public. It is ridiculous.

But, then again, it’s like his economic plan, his Iraq plan, and his plan to get Bin Laden…..he knows how to do these things….he’ll tell us after we elect him. Maybe he’ll let us get to know Sarah Palin after we elect him. Not likely.

20 09 2008

Instead of announcing the rigging of the debate rules to favor feeble-minded Sarah , MSM like Yahoo-AP are sowing the seeds of racial divide.

http: ****://

This is disgusting

20 09 2008
John Nail

Troopergate – Monegan Trip – Firing Excuse

Here are all the details I discovered in full:

The latest story about Walt Monegan’s firing was a “rogue mentality” and taking a trip that was not authorized. Thanks to ABC we know the trip was authorized and for good reason.

Most importantly going to talk about sexual abuse funding was timely. Monegan listed on his trip request meeting with Sen. Lisa Murkowski and was to leave AK 7/22. Why would he go on 7/22? An important bill “Tribal Law and Order Act of 2008″ (S3220) was introduced by Murkowski.

HR 6583 is its House counterpart appears to have been introduced between 7/23 and 7/30.

Seems like he timely and excellent reasons for the top law enforcement official in AK to go to DC and meet with his Sen. and others about her new legislation aimed at …you got it sexual abuse against Native women…..

It is also high profile enough that NPR has done a segment on it as part of an ongoing series.

Take a look at the press release below:

Of course his trip was legitimate and not “lobbying” without permission.

The Gov. office had to know about this bill so more BS…

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

OFF TOPIC — Saturday Night Live alert — it is a new show again tonight – to start shortly – I’m hoping for another “Sarah” appearance. Anyone know if she is expected?

20 09 2008

eajphd Molten Contra Palin,
The right wingers game plan seem to be affective too. They utilize Faux News, Rush Looney, and pulpits, and rightwing blogs.

20 09 2008

Possibly not the “good” or “evil” but RATIONAL side of me says we should not underestimate this self proclaimed pitbull with lipstick. People like “glitz” and fast, snarky answers. Remember the Saddleback forum…yes, yes, no! McCain won!

Surely this woman didn’t earn the name Sarah Barracuda for being a wilting flower. I think Biden has a fine line to walk – trying to show he knows the answers and has plans, without looking mean to princess Palin. However, I can’t tell you how many people have told me they thought her acceptance speech was funny and entertaining – to me it was vile…PERCEPTION is the key!

20 09 2008

Why agree to this ?

Biden has been known to gaff a bit himself, and as he says is not the kind of debater that will use zingers or knock out punches.

He might try to trip her up and mention Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i, since she’s SO fond of mentioning Ahmadinejad.

Like Bush when he can say ‘Botswana.’ : )

20 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Sadly, quite a bit of the people that are “looking or seeking the answer” are due to the state of our education system. Schools have taught that “this is the answer, everything else is incorrect” they haven’t taught the younger generation to THINK and REASON. They only know that A = BxC, so therefore A is better. Not considering that BxC means jobs, medical insurance, home ownership.

There has been long debate about Science vs Creationism — sometimes I think we can have both in the schools – it is not necessarily the end result “pass or fail” – but how well a person does on presenting their case. Thought process, written support (be a bible or a science book), point and counterpoint.

Perhaps the young constantly need a cell phone in hand – because they DON”T KNOW, and need to consistantly ASK someone – what to do – how do I ?

I know — am a wandering thought process here … lol

20 09 2008
John Nail

Guys she is doing such a good job hanging herself day to day and her ratings are dropping I think Obama’s folks feel that she will be mediocre at best side by side w/ Joe and the few minutes of direct contact they will nail her when she starts trying her crap on Joe…

They know what they are doing and in the Pres debates there are going to be more direct comments which Barack will crucify McCain on he has so much material now…

20 09 2008
John Nail

No Tina Fey tonite I do not believe – she is on again next week I beleive

20 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀


@ Bec in Illinois

I heard Tina Fey agreed isn’t going to appear tonight, but she’s supposed to appear next week and every week thereafter.

20 09 2008
sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin

Thats the key word AnneinWA…perception.

20 09 2008
portland oregon native

wow! great posts tonight
Glad you got something to eat Annie.
I would love to see her flame out. I liked the “can’t debate in real time/not ready for v/p” from Bec. Another bumper sticker.
However I am hopeful this may ultimately benefit Biden. He can get a bit long winded at times. If the Rovians give Sarah a few more tidbits like fungibles of which she doesn’t know the meaning and cannot use in a sentence, she will come off as a fundie wing nut.
Who knows she may even end up really “speaking in tongues”, which might turn on that 5% of the population but will just leave everyone else speechless.
There is also the possibility that the rigors of the campaign before the election may do in McCain before Nov 4th. I see him seriously slipping mentally and physically as well. Then what I wonder???
In the mean time I will watch and wait. It is scary but interesting.
Volunteer Donate Vote // Obama Biden 08!

20 09 2008

I’m still betting that she never shows up for a debate at all. She will be called back to Alaska for some kind of a family emergency.

20 09 2008

I wish Biden would announce during the debate that he is either outraged or embarrassed to be part of the debate, that it is not a debate but a live commercial.

20 09 2008

I read about this earlier and cackled with glee. Palin is not going to make a truly good impression at this point with *anyone* who is not already worshipping at the alter of Palin/McCain. (Yes, that was intentional.) The most she will get from sane people will be a “Hmm, not *too* bad. Could have been worse. Could have been a hell of a lot better.”

I’m still dreading an encounter with a family friend that is at that aforementioned alter regularly. I hope to ban politics from the conversation from the gitgo.

20 09 2008
ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin

mudpuppies! i haven’t even read the responses to this,,, i’m totally having a techno crisis and i need your help. I want to send so many of the posts here to my aunt who is sending me all kinds of “go Palin” type stuff

please explain to me, in very simplified english, how to send this post (and others) to her and all of her lame ass friends! i really am a techno “no nothing” and i need directions in plain english.


20 09 2008
Sarah - aka Froth Moonshine Palin

My pentecostal, GOP loving ex-husband promises to move to another country if Obama wins. That would be like winning the lottery.

I say: YES WE CAN!

20 09 2008

eajphd, yes, that it Obama’s game plan: word of mouth, face-to-face. Not the old media model. I wish I could get everyone on here to canvas or talk to a neighbor about voting for Obama. Then we would win and it wouldn’t matter what SP does.

In terms of women and the female vote, I spoke with 3 couples in western PA today when I was canvassing who, in the couples, the women were for Obama, and the men were for McCain (all were white voters). I found that very interesting.

20 09 2008

Frig it, folks, this is all part of the master plan.

McCain knows that his days on Earth are numbered, and that the Grim Reaper will call him home from the Oval Office (and, yes, dammit, the Grim Reaper knows that McCain is an ex-POW!!), and then, in the bold stroke which will prove for posterity that McCain just wasn’t merely a POW, he was a masterful mentor and a strategist, Palin will announce their choice for the now-vacant Vice Presidency:

Pastor Thomas Muthee

20 09 2008

BigSlick (19:12:49) :

Instead of announcing the rigging of the debate rules to favor feeble-minded Sarah , MSM like Yahoo-AP are sowing the seeds of racial divide.

BigSlick…started to use your initials…that could be trouble 🙂

We discussed this earlier today (there’s a perk for spending the entire day and night at Mudflats!). Check out the site (scroll down to the middle of the page by now) to Race Based Voting – the article discusses the poll and its discrepancies. Like the poll numbers there today too!

20 09 2008

AnneinWA (19:14:52
re acceptance speech-

I’m AMAZED that people have rushed to defend community organizers, instead
noticing the -amazingly- lopsided apples and oranges comparison.

They should be saying “WTF! when Obama was a community organizer you were reading a TelePrompTer as a sports caster. Your real responsibility was what? pronouncing the names right, and looking perky?”

Sportscaster – Community Organizer
Journalism – Harvard Law review
Mayor – State Legislator
Governor – US Senate

and she had to hire an administrator to help her be mayor — so much for executive experience…

20 09 2008


20 09 2008

MJC (19:09:33) :
McShame was a POW?? You must be kidding, haven’t heard that a million times before 😉

20 09 2008

I’ve noticed stark contrasts between McCain and Obama when they are giving a speech or answering questions. McCain is always trying to connect with people and can be vague, and Obama answers are more intellectual and sometimes too lengthy.

20 09 2008

Here’s a petition for WOMEN AGAINST SARAH PALIN

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Thanks for the Tina Fey update guys! I’ve been on here so much – didn’t see any entertainment news. They’ll do some other political stuff, I’m sure. Right now I’m enjoying MadTV. They are having some political fun. Spoofing FOX – funny – they ARE on Fox.

20 09 2008
one backward glance

The article on the debates quoted in this Mudflats post is here:

Yes, this should be more widely circulated. And how do we ensure that the questions are held secret until the debate occurs? If she can prepare all of her answers, then we are screwed. If the Gibson interview didn’t convince undecided or uncertain voters, then another series of prepared answers won’t either. If the questions are new to her however, no amount of preparation may save her. I trust Gwen Ifill, but wish I had a better understanding of how questions are chosen and confidence that they cannot be leaked.

20 09 2008

Sign the petition women against sarah palin, it won’t let me put the site in, so put in http:// and then womenagainstsarahpalin (then)

20 09 2008

drchill (19:23:28) :
re acceptance speech-
I’m AMAZED that people have rushed to defend community organizers, instead
noticing the -amazingly- lopsided apples and oranges comparison.

drchill –
EXCELLENT POINT. However, I say TAKE HER ON – on BOTH counts!

S. Pitbull came out with everything but her “pom-poms” trying to fire up that old, white crowd with her mockery and it worked (and I am an old, white woman and I am not trying to be sexist or racist!).

20 09 2008


20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Love trifecta’s diary post on the debates on Daily Kos:

I wish I was making this up. We have a 72 year old formerly tortured POW candidate with invasive melanoma with Caribou Barbie as his running mate who just did a really intensive hardball interview with Sean Hannity. So, to allay our fears that this dominionist nutjob may not be qualified to run the country, they have to make sure that Biden doesn’t have a chance to openly debate her because it may make her look unqualified?


20 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@BigSlick (19:12:49) :

You had me worried for a moment with that survey. I don’t care if a percentage of Democrat voters has a negative view …… Obama doesn’t fit their general view in any way – and they know that. I believe very firmly they will know where to put their vote. 😉

20 09 2008

Wait wait wait. Did someone say McCain was a POW?

20 09 2008
Chris Blask

Good Lord.

I have a friend in Utah who feeds me the muttering on the ground there. Mostly, it is a litany of “Seriously, I think McCain is trying to lose on purpose. Here, let me explain…”

I have to call him tomorrow and get the feedback on this one. :~)

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

ayerishgrl – just type out the above into your email (exactly as it is written) and it will automatically become a link that your aunt can click on.

20 09 2008
John Nail

SNL opened w/ Darrell Hammond as McCain recording lying ads about Obama- pretty funny….

20 09 2008

I wonder what would happen if they conduct a normal debate anyway, even after agreeing to the dumbed-down version. Would McCain leap onstage in a rage to protect his befuddled Sarah?

20 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

katiebegood (19:20:14) :

I’m with you.

20 09 2008
portland oregon native

Will the “family emergency” facing Sarah on the night of the debate be Bristol’s miscarraige????

20 09 2008

This is kind of funny – McCain gets National Guard and Army mixed up:

20 09 2008

If all Palin is going to do is spitball McCain’s talking points, then what is the point of the debate?

20 09 2008

McNutty is flip flopping on Privatizing Social Security!

20 09 2008

Okay. I truly have been here WAY too long. On some thread HOURS ago we discussed this and decided on the final rules of the debate. They went something like this:

the moderator will be Palin’s pastor
all question must be answered by “in tongues”
no questions regarding foreign policy or the economy allowed
Biden must show Mis Piggy – oops! Miss Pitty deference at all time
you get the gist…and the beat goes on

Thanks to all of you who have been concerned that my husband FINALLY brought me my dinner! I love this place!

20 09 2008

PJ (19:38:03) :

” If all Palin is going to do is spitball McCain’s talking points, then what is the point of the debate? ”

To win by presenting an image. Like OZ. Don’t look behind the curtain.

I just hope she starts speaking in tounges… and barking like a dog..
(The evil DrChill said that…)

20 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

There was speculation that if Sarah attended the rally (that she was dis-invited from in NY) she would appear in person on SNL.

Another thing to thank Hillary for!

Can President Obama PLEASE put us all in one time zone until I catch up with this site??????!

This is killing me! Got to sleep!

20 09 2008

“Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm, Democrat of Michigan, is playing Ms. Palin for Mr. Biden’s preparations”

–can’t be much fun for Gov. Granholm, but big thank you to her

20 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

I just hope she starts speaking in tounges… and barking like a dog..
(The evil DrChill said that…)

heehee I like the evil DrChill

20 09 2008

I’m in Colorado and volunteered today for the Obama campaign. I had 50 houses on my list that were undecided voters. Lot’s of those voters are not on the internet and are just waiting for the debates.

( I also had a guy go on and on how Obama is a muslim) – scary that some people are so clueless

20 09 2008

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout) (19:42:56) :

Can President Obama PLEASE put us all in one time zone until I catch up with this site??????!
This is killing me! Got to sleep!

Cassie Jeep,
Please ask President Obama to make that a first priority!

20 09 2008

I welcome the debate as the Repugs want it. I am just waiting for the moment when Biden lets loose with the “What the F**K did you just say?” face. You know he’s gonna do it too. She’s gonna drop some dandy about “Seeing Russia from her kitchen window”, or “we really need to invade Spain” and he is just going to loose it. I just hope when he does, he turns to the camera and asks the American public if they can’t believe it either. I have to agree with my new hero Andrew Sullivan “She is a f**king joke”

20 09 2008

Read this article and pass it on…it’s long but well worth the read.

20 09 2008

Chris Blask (19:33:36) wrote :
I have a friend in Utah who feeds me the muttering on the ground there. Mostly, it is a litany of “Seriously, I think McCain is trying to lose on purpose. Here, let me explain…”

Well, the Republican machine didn’t really want McCain as their candidate, so their strategy seems to be to take huge risks, and either McCain is forever in their debt, or he gets burned so badly no maverick will ever dare stand again.

I think that’s why McCain’s campaign was so invisible and ineffective after wrapping up the nomination, and before Obama had secured the nod from the Dems. His minders were giving him some time to do it himself, without help. When it was clear that without them he was useless, they stepped up saying “OK, you’re sinking here – now we do this OUR way”. Crash or crash through.

20 09 2008

Ye gods! Don’t we Americans have a right to demand more?

Wow, I wonder if mcShame picked her that way too! God forbid you know the devil before you sleep with her!

Let’s initiate a gigantic campaign to reverse this!

Should CEO’s also be hired without much vetting – even in a free-wheeling interview? Should teachers just be hired from anybody walking in off the street? How about anybody being a baby-sitter? Doctors? Nurses? Why bother to make them “take a test” before practicing?

This is insanity!

20 09 2008

here is some fairly good evidence that there will be plenty of people giving
the governor the thumbs up after the debates no matter what does or does not come out of her mouth.

20 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Just wanted to say there are so many great points being made here. (no surprise there)

I’m forgetting what I wanted to say and nodding enthusiastically at the same time while reading the comments. Great job AKM and everyone.

20 09 2008

From the NY Times article about the Debate Rules:

“Mr. Obama’s advisers have been studying in particular Mr. McCain’s temperament and mood and looking for potential flash points of anger.”

Someone is FINALLY getting the message I’ve been posting for WEEKS now.

20 09 2008

Hey, folks!
Please, don’t worry. It is being talked about, and people know what is going on. Sarah needs to stand up and take it just like everyone else. It just makes the McCain ticket look weak. Which they are.

On a lighter note. Did you see that Keith Oberman wrote the Special Olympics up in Alaska a check for $3,700.00 and sent it in to them. It was $100.00 for every time Sarah lied this past week. Ha, Ha! I love that!

20 09 2008

Actually, the VP debate format is close to what was originally proposed for all of them. The big change is in opening up the Pres ones for more give/take. Biden said he’d accept either format. Whether that was a good decision or not is to be seen. The ‘woe is us’ from the McWorse camp is the ultimate in tha lowering expectations game, so do not be fooled into believing they think she will be a disaster.

Bedtime story (hope this is not a repeat):
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, whose hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Palin and her bid.

The old rancher said, “Well, ya know, Palin is a ‘Post Turtle'”. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a ‘post turtle’ was.
The old rancher said, “When you’re driving down a country road you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle’.

The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor’s face so he continued to explain. “You know she didn’t get up there by herself, she don’t belong up there, and she don’t know what to do while she’s up there, and you just wonder what kind of dummy put her up there to begin with”.

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

How truly offensive is this?

I think if the MSM was doing their job, they would highly publicize this request from the McCain camp, tell them to take a flying leap and cancel the debate on principal.

Make the buck (or moose or caribou) stop right with McCain.


While there would be some complaints, if I was a betting woman, my money would be on the collective national kudo’s that would be ringing out from rooftops across this country thanking whoever in the media called this farce exactly what it is.

20 09 2008
Axe Diesel Palin

It so doesn’t matter how she does..they are going to LOOSE and LOOSE BIG!!!!!
Obama Landslide folks!!!!!!

20 09 2008
Gossip Rocks Forum

John McCain Blinks. Sarah Palin Not Ready for Prime Time….

McCain Blinks. Palin Not Ready for Prime Time.

So, how badly will Sarah Palin lose the Vice Presidential debate? Because, lose she will……

20 09 2008

The chincher for me was when I heard that orders for Palin’s Kazuo Kawasaki eyeglasses– off the charts a couple of weeks ago— had fallen faster than her approval ratings. After wildly raising expectations at the Republican Convention, Palin suddently just seems— well, ordinary, really. Above all, what she says is vapid and just not that interesting, from any angle.

Now that there are real things to talk about in the campaign, won’t the vice presidential debates just seem like an anti-climax?

20 09 2008

I noticed something interesting today. A neighbor had two signs up for the past week or so. One for a candidate in a local election and one for McCain. Well today, there were two for the local guy and the McCain sign was taken down!
Maybe this guy had stock in Lehman.

20 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Maybe the 2nd part of the VP Debate will be shoot & field dress a moose
(just so she can come in first)


20 09 2008

Enjay aka Turbine Yukon (19:16:38) :
Sadly, quite a bit of the people that are “looking or seeking the answer” are due to the state of our education system. Schools have taught that “this is the answer, everything else is incorrect” they haven’t taught the younger generation to THINK and REASON.

Don’t even get me started on public education. I have taught for MANY years, but I have taken a leave of absence this year. The mandates of No Child left Behind (and the reactions of school districts) have left us treating children like empty vessels that require “answers” crammed into them – the kids have to pass “THE TEST” or the school fails. Period. Kids are viewed as human capital, teachers have “teacherproof” manuals in each hand, and there’s a pacing schedule to keep – what a shame.

It has taken so much energy for me to find ways to allow children to learn, while following their passions, while learning to think and reason, that it has literally made me sick. I don’t check my heart and soul at the door…and I don’t want kids to check their’s either. We are all real people, leading real lives – good, bad, sometimes very ugly, but the relationships that develop between teachers and students, when children and their curiosity are respected and valued, are PRICELESS. And when school is a safe place, where questions can be asked and kids learn how to find their own answers, it can be magic.

20 09 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

“MJC (19:14:30) :
eajphd Molten Contra Palin,
The right wingers game plan seem to be affective too. They utilize Faux News, Rush Looney, and pulpits, and rightwing blogs.”

I agree with you MJC that their approach is affective – it certainly plays on the emotions, but the ultimate question is whether it will be effective – will it actually get the job done.

20 09 2008

I really wish I could be as confident about this as so many of you are. My understanding is that Palin actually did ok in the Alaska debates for Governor.

I agree that she is a joke but her beauty pageant training coupled with her well-memorized stump speech should get her through it. She wont actually “say” anything but she will doublespeak her way through it well enough to satisfy most of public.

I would love to eat my words on this one!

20 09 2008

Also, you know someone has jumped the shark when the satirical versions are less ridiculous than the real thing.

20 09 2008

I think she will fall flat on her face anyway…and I say thats only right. She was a terrible choice…and the lying about who she is and what she can do has become just stupid.

As far as the debate rules change not being reported…well…its Saturday. None of the regular anchors on any of the channels on the weekend. Perhaps tomorrow it will be brought up on the Sunday talk shows…but certainly the media will have a field day with it on Monday. I cannot wait for Keith O and Rachel next week. Get out the popcorn.

20 09 2008
White Agate

Mudpups…y’all are forgetting the critical word here, ‘deference.’ It’s all about deference. And I think the format was some kind of bargaining chip.

Still thinking about the ‘post turtle’ thing, sometimes people are just so wicked dead on.

So, defer to the post turtle, all!

I said goodnight before but all the laundry’s folded and this time I really mean it. I feel like I am now existing in several universes at once with the Forum, too. Yoikes! I hope I don’t start to repeat myself.

20 09 2008
Porcupine Palin

A friend of mine here in San Francisco was making calls to Nevada for the Obama campaign yesterday. She said she spoke to one man who said, and I quote:

“I’m not voting for Obama. I’m voting for the other guy. What’s his name?”

20 09 2008


I think the schools are doing a great job of turning out nice little consumers who believe what they are told, understand their place in society, and don’t ask too many questions. Then we wonder how people grow up and believe all this horse**it.

I’m sorry you are frustrated. It seems like you really care about education and children, and we need more like you.

20 09 2008

@ladybug….she didnt do really great on the Alaska debates. She sounded like a dumb hick then as she does now. I saw parts on cspan.

Her questions were not that difficult…it was all Alaska related…specific topics re: ongoing oil company issues…blah blah blah about the corruption she was going to fix etc.

The national and international stage is very different…and the girl just doesnt have it. Her world view is about the size of my powder room.

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz

@ RW
You said>>I’m in Colorado and volunteered today for the Obama campaign. I had 50 houses on my list that were undecided voters. Lot’s of those voters are not on the internet and are just waiting for the debates.>>

Something I have wondered about for some time….
JMcC often says he is not internet savvy too.

Most of what we have learned about HER has been from the internet, just as most we have learned about all of the candidates. We have not learned much from MSM.

How many (estimate) people are not online…?
Are they mainly older folk ?…..Perhaps they do not know the truth or what’s really going on.

Perhaps this is an age group that should be concentrated on…

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

ladybug — the gov debate obviously dealt with state issues – I just can’t imagine she can do that well with the national and international issues we have to deal with. She’ll rock at BS – but I don’t think she can get by on that alone. The scary thing however, is how she says things with such conviction – she could be quoting directions on how to field dress that moose and certain people would hang on every word. Some just don’t get what is at stake.

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

“I’m not voting for Obama. I’m voting for the other guy. What’s his name?”

Hopefully you said Ralph Nader, Porcupine… : )

20 09 2008
Georgia peach

I had an IM debate with a friend who is a Republican; he swears SP is qualified to be VP. I kept asking if he was serious. He said she’s more qualified than Obama. I had to sign off before I blew up my computer.

McCain’s campaign is setting women’s rights back ions. and maybe that is his goal.

20 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Agree AnneinWa ~~ 20:01

There is so much more to life than a “black or white answer”
and NCLB has failed our students, and teachers, in so many ways

20 09 2008
portland oregon native

Read Margaret Atwood’s book “The Handmaid’s Tale”.
Written in the early 80’s it tells the story of what is happening now!
Very scary stuff.

20 09 2008

ladybug-red (20:02:20) :
I really wish I could be as confident about this as so many of you are. My understanding is that Palin actually did ok in the Alaska debates for Governor.

I would love to eat my words on this one!

I agree with you. I hope you have to eat those words, but I’ll say it again…it will be people’s PERCEPTION of her that counts.

20 09 2008

here is some fairly good evidence for a claim that no matter what happens in the vp debates, the people who like the Palin McCain ticket will like their candidate’s performance

20 09 2008

Good me: Half way through the debate palin is visited by the spirit of muthee and begins to rant in tongues
Evil me: Half way through the debate palin is visited by the spirit of muthee and begins to rant in tongues

She is just a disgrace. Does she have no clue as to what a clown she is in this republican master design. Does she not know what people are saying about her? Does she have no self-worth?

From watching Biden I would say he has a fairly good sense of humor and I can seriously see him bust out laughing!

I cannot watch the woman so it will be interesting to see what the remarks are about her performance which is exactly what it is. A performance. She may as well do a pole dance.
So, has anyone pointed out yet that the country that muthee comes from still practices female genital mutilation and I wonder what her thoughts are about that little horror. Yep er doo – a real champion for her sisters.

20 09 2008

I know we are are not happy that the Obama campaign has agreed to this debate style for the VP candidates, but I trust that Obama is smart enough to know that it would raise questions about Palin and her inability to play in the major league. You also can’t have Joe look like he is beating up on her and that would happen in and open forum.

This is seen as a negative for the McCain campaign is says she is not ready and she needs to be treated with kid gloves. The Repugs and Dems will continue to question McCain’s judgement of choosing Palin.

I believe Barack definitely knew what he was doing. Keep the negative spotlight on Palin.

20 09 2008
Cal Al

below is a funny piece that I copied and pasted from the Onion

McCain Speechwriter Trying To Write Lines That Don’t Lead To Creepy Smile

PHOENIX, AZ—According to campaign sources, Joseph Chappel, a 38-year-old speechwriter for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), has spent the last two weeks attempting to combine words and phrases in such a way as to not provoke a tight-jawed, dead-eyed smile from the presidential hopeful. Dreading a repeat of last month’s speech to a group of businesswomen in Ohio, during which McCain followed a mention of his wife with an awkward and eerie smirk, Chappel has avoided personal anecdotes for the new speech, omitted any mention of “God” or “this great nation,” and cut several phrases that had the potential to draw the 72-year-old candidate’s mouth open in a horrifying display of teeth and gums.

“I’ve managed to make two out of every three sentences a question, but I’m not sure that will help,” Chappel said shortly after deleting an introductory paragraph in which McCain welcomes the crowd. “Jesus, that [smile] makes me feel cold inside.”

Chappel told reporters that if he is not able to write an appropriate, smile-free speech in time for the Republican National Convention, he will resign his position and return to his previous job, taking photographs of abused children for police reports.

20 09 2008
20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

“She’ll rock at BS”

Exactly why the MSM should be telling them BS and kill this debate.

Too many people are willing to live by the soundbite. If this debate is made easy for Palin, Biden will be stifled by default and he won’t look good either because he will appear by being his normal intelligent self to be trying to make her look bad.

This is a ploy by the McCain campaign to work up the sympathy vote. It’s a trap and a good one. The Obama campaign looks bad if they complain the rules were changed and Biden is going to look bad just for answering questions.

The MSM really does need to step up here and do the right thing.

20 09 2008

Bec in Illinois (18:43:27) :

I’m going to assume that Obama/Biden supporters will think he won and McCain/Palin supporters will think she won. Our only chance if for some sensible indies to see the light – and that other things will further taint her image between now and then.
Usually, I would agree with you. But there’s nothing usual about this election.

I know a number of people who planned to vote for McCain who have changed their minds BECAUSE of Palin. Too frightening to contemplate her as prez. I know REPUBLICANS who are voting Obama because of her. Of course, for every person I know, there are folks others may know who are doing precisely the opposite.

As long as she repeats her Charlie Gibson nonsense, or spews fungible words, she’ll drill her own hole. Biden doesn’t need to do it. And better that he doesn’t. The man is tough! Too risky that people will give her the sympathy win in the debate if he’s seen as having pounced.

20 09 2008

Gina (20:07:19) :

I think the schools are doing a great job of turning out nice little consumers who believe what they are told, understand their place in society, and don’t ask too many questions. Then we wonder how people grow up and believe all this horse**it.

I’m sorry you are frustrated. It seems like you really care about education and children, and we need more like you.


Thanks. I can’t tell you how much I miss the kids. I went to school yesterday, for a visit and a boat-load of hugs!

I have run a “subversive” classroom for years. When I was told there’s no time to teach social studies? 30 mins for science? Hello! How will our young people ever learn to understand or question this world or system in which we live? How will they ever learn to participate in this democracy – it’s messy, but it’s the best form of govt in the world. KIDS ARE CURIOUS. I don’t want to be a part of schooling that curiosity out of them…or dumbing them down. My Friends, as JohnnyMc would say, I have never won the Miss Congeniality award at my school. It’s not popular to have opinions there.

20 09 2008

Well, I am certain that her verbage will be very, very impactful.

20 09 2008
portland oregon native

Ok one more, and then I am going to go to bed.
Head over to the New York Times and read Maureen Dowd’s Sunday editorial.
I’s a good one.
g’night folks, see you all tomorrow!

20 09 2008

Cal Al (20:14:36) :
Chappel told reporters that if he is not able to write an appropriate, smile-free speech in time for the Republican National Convention, he will resign his position and return to his previous job, taking photographs of abused children for police reports.

Cal Al,
Thanks for the belly-laugh **I type with coffee spurting out of my nose***

20 09 2008
Independent in AZ

LMAO…post turtle story. that is the one thing that makes the most sense after these 3 crazy weeks of never ending Palin drama. thanks for posting!

20 09 2008

Perhaps she’ll talk in tongues and that will win her a lot of support from the evangelicals.

20 09 2008


I’m sure you’re students won’t forget you. Teaching can be a powerful thing.

Night all!

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

OMG Mudflats people – hope you’re watching Saturday Night Live now – they are doing a skit on NY type press infiltrating Alaska to scope out Palin.

20 09 2008

portland oregon native (20:24:06) : – Good nite!

@kimbers Chop Meth Palin (20:18:25) :

“She’ll rock at BS”
Too many people are willing to live by the soundbite. If this debate is made easy for Palin, Biden will be stifled by default and he won’t look good either because he will appear by being his normal intelligent self to be trying to make her look bad.

I believe too many people DEMAND the soundbites and want NOTHING MORE. Watch movies or TV shows – I read somewhere recently that the average “clip” is about 2 seconds…

20 09 2008

Folks, I’m begging you, PLEASE, when you reference another post, copy and paste it into the reply box first. Then, when you respond to the post, the rest of us know what you’re talking about.

There are a lot of insightful, wonderful posts here and scrolling up and down to find the one a poster references is difficult.

20 09 2008
Lana, KY

very interesting article in:

The Center for Public Integrity

ELECTION ’08: The Buying of the Presidential Debates
By Josh Israel | September 18, 2008, 8:01 am

here’s one of the largest donors: • Anheuser-Busch Companies ( Cindy McCain is chair of one of its largest distributors of . . . none other than Anheuser-Busch )
Something stinks!

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

DeMo – I like your friends! I think we still have enough time for more folks to “see the light”.

For the concerns from posters about MSM. I see it as evolution (but don’t teach that in your schools!)

Mudflats —- evolves to “downstream media” (KO,Rachel, Daily Kos, HuffPo – which featured the Doug Cruise Ship story on their front page today) —- to MSM. The stories do eventually make it there.

If they don’t cancel it — I do think Katie Couric will give Sarah a real run for her money in that interview. She can be a really tough cookie. Remember the Bush interview?

20 09 2008

Good night from the great Northwest! I must say there is one advantage to spending all day and night (including mealtimes) at the computer today…I am still in my pajamas, so I have only a bit of freshening up to do 🙂 Thanks for the great conversations!

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

I agree with you Annie, my husband likes his information via video “Cliff Notes”.
Too bad (or maybe its a good thing) he lives where he receives a steady diet of “Kimber Notes”.

I would never expect him to share my passion for detail but once in a blue moon, or at least every four years, I don’t think it is unreasonable to want my husband and others to open their eyes and ears a little wider before voting on everyone’s future.

Of course, that hope just proves the old adage that if wishes were horses, I’d be in Texas by now…. : )

20 09 2008

I don’t mean to be such a cynic, but I’m with Ladybug-Red on this one. Is it possible for Palin to be equipped w/some kind of earpiece that will allow someone from McCain’s campaign to feed her appropriate responses during the debate. Obviously there would be a delay between the question and her answer, but I was just wondering….. anyone else? Maybe with the restrictions they’ve imposed this won’t be necessary though?

20 09 2008

kimbers Chop Meth Palin (20:44:13) :
I agree with you Annie, my husband likes his information via video “Cliff Notes”.
Too bad (or maybe its a good thing) he lives where he receives a steady diet of “Kimber Notes”.

My husband too – but he’s a Republican, so if we don’t badly maim each other before election day, it won’t be because we haven’t wanted to! He’s thrilled that I am QUIETLY sitting at the computer…now, really outta here!

20 09 2008
McCain Senses Ass Whoopin’ in VP Debates | via Mudflats « The Indignation

[…] McCain Senses Ass Whoopin’ in VP Debates | via Mudflats Lovely. I will still be watching the train wreck debate.Mudflats […]

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Goodnight Annie! Sweet dreams!

20 09 2008


everyone says mcsame won that one….HOGWASH
Every answer he gave was a verbatim exert from his many many many identical townhall meetings. as soon as the moderator asked a question I knew the exact answer mcsame would give….right down to the the tired jokes he repeats.
He’s like a robot or toy doll that has a dozen sayings when you pull the string.

Obama on the other hand gave insightful, intelligent and thought out answers (though the MSM viewed them as long and indecisive)

I agree that the debate will be a snore fest with SP only giving memorized talking points with no furthr explanation.

Everytime I hear mcsame speak giving his talking points the only question I always have is HOW????? He never explains that part

Obama / Biden ’08

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

‘Is it possible for Palin to be equipped w/some kind of earpiece that will allow someone from McCain’s campaign to feed her appropriate responses during the debate. ‘

No Way! Being the honorable patriot he is, John McCain would never stand for such shennanigans!! You know he spent years as a POW don’t you? How dare you even suggest such a thing??

: )

20 09 2008
Cynthia Ohio

About this topic–horrifying.

I feel so disrespected as an American citizen. Talk about sexism–why give her a much easier format than every other vice-presidential candidate? Can’t she handle it? No? She can’t handle it and has no business being a Vice President.

Please, America, don’t reward McCain, Palin, and the Republicans for their utter contempt and disrespect for us, the American people, and our government.

I have no respect for McCain or Palin.

20 09 2008

onlooker (20:52:50) :
Obama on the other hand gave insightful, intelligent and thought out answers (though the MSM viewed them as long and indecisive)

I agree that the debate will be a snore fest with SP only giving memorized talking points with no furthr explanation.

Everytime I hear mcsame speak giving his talking points the only question I always have is HOW????? He never explains that part.

20 09 2008

No Way! Being the honorable patriot he is, John McCain would never stand for such shennanigans!! You know he spent years as a POW don’t you? How dare you even suggest such a thing??

: )

^^ i’m sorry you can say whatever you want about the man, you can call him dumb you can call him anything but dont make fun of him for being a POW. lack of taste.

20 09 2008

Op-ed piece by Maureen Dowd

Seeking a President Who Gives Goose Bumps? So’s Obama.

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

You are spot on Cynthia. Spot on.

It is so offensive.

Even more offensive is that everyone involved is willing to go along with it.


20 09 2008

I think I should be an M.D. cuz I’ve been in an operating room!

20 09 2008

give me some ” notes” and I can spew about being an m.d! and next week, I actually get to MEET some M.Ds!!!!!

20 09 2008

Please, America, don’t reward McCain, Palin, and the Republicans for their utter contempt and disrespect for us, the American people, and our government.

I have no respect for McCain or Palin

agreed Cynthia.

20 09 2008
SparkySacramento Fungible Commodity Pahlin

I’m a strong believer that really bad people (evil?) get their due eventually. That said, I also thought that there was no way in hell that the American voter would re-elect Bush in ’04…my bad. And i’m still in disbelief, but there it is.

Republicans have found a nasty, repugnant, repulsive, shi__y way of campaigning that works with some voters, no matter what actual truth comes out. Lies run rampant and ethics are in the crapper. Honestly, I don’t know how they live with themselves or look at themselves in the mirror without hurling.

Obama and Biden have been handling the Pahlin with more panache than I would have. I would love to see my man Joe in action, give Pahlin a good whack, and smile that beautiful smile the whole while.

But I also believe Obama and Biden and their campaign know what their doing, their smarter than I am. When McCluck attacks Obama with lies, I get fired up. Each time I see Obama or Biden speak, I am so proud of the high road they’re taking and proud to be liberal.

I think because Obama/Biden keep the high road and give Pahlin barely minor attention has set the Repugs off balance…can’t use the sexist attacking B**S*** of Pahlin because it’s not there and never has been. I’m very active in Obama campaign now because of Obama/Biden, and believe it or not, because of McCain/Pahlin…for totally different reasons. Let’s assure that good wins.

But, I’d sure like to see that whack…oops, that’s my evil twin talking 😉

AKM, as always, thank you!

20 09 2008
SparkySacramento Fungible Commodity Pahlin

their = they’re

and I’m an editor…ugh

20 09 2008

lol nice sparky.

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Hey Sad, I’m not making fun of him and I’m sorry you took it that way. I certainly didn’t mean it that way. I apologize.

Aside from the topic of this post, one of the things I resent most about
John McCain, is that he himself reduced being a POW to nothing more than election fodder for an entire generation who have no clue what being a POW meant, nor what the Viet Nam war years were like by using it endlessly as an answer for whatever.

My grandfather was a POW too and I know the suffering these men went through, what it did to them and I honor them and am so grateful for what they did for all of us.

I apologize to you and anyone else who I may have hurt with that statement. I meant no offense. I let my anger at John McCain get the better of my posting judgement. I’m sorry.

20 09 2008

yes, sparky..
is amazing to me, that this woman who “CLAIMS” to know god’s plan….has so deviated from what those of us who have a real spiritual basis ((*intentional separation of religion from spirituality) god does NOT tell me to kill other people…….no way no how! no Palin/mcCain

20 09 2008

<So this comes out on Saturday afternoon, ahead of the pre taped Sunday pundits, slow news day.

Jeez, so few hours in the day, so many things to do in the next 40n days. Now we gotta mobilize and press for a list of questions that MUST BE ANSWERED.

Help a fella out here – come up with “must answer” questions about Palin & we’ll contact ALL the media.

In the meantime get to and keep our 527 ad running in OH & FL and give a few bucks to add VA & PA & MI & WI.

Great news,I was watching my hometown news KCAL channel 9 news and THEY PLAYED THE VIDEO, albeit with the manufactured pros & documentable cons.

20 09 2008

…McCain, ridiculed recently for not knowing how to use the Internet, has been on an “invention binge.” In the past two days, McCain has unveiled a wood-burning home refrigeration device, a line of designer laxatives and a coal-fired cigarette lighter….

…McCain spokesperson David Plouffe again denied repeated claims that the candidate is certifiably insane. “Senator McCain is alert and oriented, shows no outwardly signs of dementia and, in fact, has now learned to speak in tongues thanks to his new running mate,” he said…

20 09 2008

This is part of the ‘no child left behind’ act isn’t it?

20 09 2008

omg erica! DEAD ON!

20 09 2008

Well im glad you didnt mean it that way
My grandpa was a POW as well, he was in a POW camp for 6 years before he was finally released. So, whenever i hear someone even coming close to disrespect to Veterans or POWs I tend to get a little edgy.

But, back to topic, I think that Palin is doomed. there is no way in hell that she would win in an open debate without any teleprompts or earpieces, why? because she is a robot, that they tell her what and how to do anything.

20 09 2008

unfortunately, if our lovely hostess is correct, it wont’ be a “debate”, it will be a chance for sarah to just “spew” from note cards……mccain’s campaign can’t trust her to debate

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

‘Is it possible for Palin to be equipped w/some kind of earpiece that will allow someone from McCain’s campaign to feed her appropriate responses during the debate. ‘

Nothing that a high-pitched dog whistle won’t take care of.

20 09 2008

VP, Flat Earth Society,

that would be so funny.

20 09 2008

Palin didn’t have a problem debating her way over incumbents and seasoned politicians to be governor. As an intelligent person, do you REALLY think Biden will dominate her? And even if so, you do realize these are only VP nominees, right?

20 09 2008

my only concern about said “debate” is that biden will get so totally frustrated with the bubblehead, that he will lose it!

20 09 2008

loudelf…. do you know ANYTHING about alaska politics?

20 09 2008

sarah to just “spew” from note cards,

wow do you really think its going to be that bad?

5th grade debate style? lol… (memories)

20 09 2008

it looks like mccains machine has maneuvered this to be a “stump” speech..not a debate

20 09 2008


20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I just read Maureen Doud’s new column on Obama in the NYTimes – thanks for the link Halcrow.

I came across this article as well – about the false rumors that Obama is Muslim. An easier way for people to get around the race issue?

Interesting conversations today. What will tomorrow bring?! Nite all….

20 09 2008

right on, AZ

20 09 2008
mizkay aka spackle camshaft

I’m glad to see the discussion turn to education again. I’m concerned that no one is paying attention to what McCain-SP want to do with public education, especially concerning school choice. (I’m not against choice per se, but I am against paying for attendance at private schools with taxpayer funding.) Note that the words ’empower parents with choice’ (see below) are code for programs like ‘Putting Parents First,’ a plan that is focused on taking the ‘dollars per student’ out of the public schools and using them to pay private school tuition.
Education Week: McCain Promises To ‘Shake Up’ Schools
(from the article)
“Republican nominee focuses on choice, quality of teachers” By Alyson Klein and Mark Walsh; St. Paul, Minn.

As the long race for the presidency enters its last two months, John McCain is offering positions on educational accountability and school choice that most of his fellow Republicans are likely to support. But those ideas don’t address the sharp divisions within the party over the No Child Left Behind Act, the centerpiece of President Bush’s agenda for K-12 education.

“Education is the civil rights issue of this century,” the Arizona senator said in his Sept. 4 speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination. “Equal access to public education has been gained. But what is the value of access to a failing school? We need to shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition, empower parents with choice, remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward good teachers, and help bad teachers find another line of work.”

The education portion of the platform doesn’t mention the No Child Left Behind Act by name. Instead, it calls for “accountability for student achievement; periodic testing on the fundamentals of learning, especially math and reading, history and geography; transparency, so parents and the federal government know which schools best serve their students.

That general language doesn’t endorse elements of the NCLB law that President Bush and Secretary Spellings have repeatedly said are its hallmarks. Those include requirements that states test students in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8 and once in high school, and that districts intervene in schools that are failing to make progress toward the goal of universal proficiency in reading and math by the end of the 2013-14 school year.”
(Contrary to what the article’s author says, the platform does actually endorse testing by specifying ‘accountability.’)

I also found a blog called that has a thoughtful discussion of the Republican education plank. Quite interesting to note that far down on the page of the article Republican on Education is this paragraph quoted from the platform:
“We renew our call for replacing “family planning” programs for teens with increased funding for abstinence education, which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and expected standard of behavior. Abstinence from sexual activity is the only protection that is 100 percent effective against out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS when transmitted sexually.”

The blog goes on to say:
While those words echo the views of the religious right, data on abstinence only education classes reveals that such instruction has no impact on teen sexual activity.
(While I’m reading this I’m laughing because over on the left is a link to a previous blog post: Teen Sexual Abstinence Education: Statistics Say It Doesn’t Work

So my main problems are: the hidden private school voucher agenda, the push for abstinence sex ed, and the continued love of NCLB. Bleagh.

20 09 2008

According to Palin, Biden has been in the Senate for a long, long, long time… since SHE was in second grade! So, how could she POSSIBLY compete with that? This was a very age-discriminatory statement on her part, so as far as I am concerned, sexism is just off the table now. The debate is going to be such a waste of time, that I am not going to watch it. I have had my fill of Palin. Except for this blog, I am trying not to pay much attention anymore. I just focus on Obama and his strategies and ideas when he becomes our next president.

20 09 2008

i was refering to the question and answer segments that they always have for the vp’s they wouldnt remove that from it. and we both know elbows will be thrown. im just wondering how much time they will really be allowed per question.

20 09 2008
John Henry

I can hear it coming:

“Sarah I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a good senator. Sarah, you are no Hillary Clinton!”

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

I think I share your edginess Sad. Truly I do. That edginess is what has fostered my resentment of McCain over the past few months. I don’t know about your Grandpa, but I’ll hazard the guess that like mine, he never used being a POW as a reason to get anything, no matter how much he wanted it. I get misty eyed just thinking about it.

I hope you are right and Palin is doomed. Even with shorter questions and answers a robot still needs commands.

20 09 2008

I’m a product of private (religious) education, which my parents paid for because that was their choice. what no child left behind and voucher proposals fail to explain is that it is all about MONEY for public education…..and, yes, my parents could have used a “subsidy” to pay for my private education, but they would NEVER have dreamed of asking the government for paying for their CHOICE. Vouchers will not PAY for the total tuition of poor families to send their children to public schools, nor will it solve transportation and other costs…hence, vouchers are a “subsidy” for those that can afford to send their kids to private/charter schools. i.e. poor kids have to stay in public schools, richer kids not only GET to go to private schools, they get a subsidy to send them there

20 09 2008

sad. (21:05:22) :

No Way! Being the honorable patriot he is, John McCain would never stand for such shennanigans!! You know he spent years as a POW don’t you? How dare you even suggest such a thing??

: )

^^ i’m sorry you can say whatever you want about the man, you can call him dumb you can call him anything but dont make fun of him for being a POW. lack of taste.

Hey Sad, I’m not making fun of him and I’m sorry you took it that way. I certainly didn’t mean it that way. I apologize.

Aside from the topic of this post, one of the things I resent most about
John McCain, is that he himself reduced being a POW to nothing more than election fodder for an entire generation who have no clue what being a POW meant, nor what the Viet Nam war years were like by using it endlessly as an answer for whatever.

Amen. It is McCain HIMSELF who denigrates every POW when he plays the POW card. “Senator, how many houses do you own?”

“For years, I didn’t have a home. I didn’t have a kitchen table to sit at…”

That wasn’t the question. He avoids giving direct answers by going back to his service to his country. That doesn’t address the issue that he is out of touch with ordinary Americans. At the point that you have multiple homes, you can’t accuse the opposition candidate of being elitist.

He’s out of touch with the needs of soldiers and vets. In the Senate, he’s voted against them and their needs. I may not support the war, but I sure do support the soldiers. How in good conscience can McCain vote against soldiers? He supports the war, just not the men and women fighting it.

Moreover, when your father was an admiral and you attended boarding school and got into Annapolis because of legacy, you don’t know the daily struggle of Americans stretching their paycheck to feed their families.

I get it. He served his country. His plane was shot down. He was a prisoner at the Hanoi Hilton and endured torture I couldn’t begin to fathom. Can we stipulate that and move on and address his ability to lead the nation?

McCain claims he can win wars. How? “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”? That was the height of _________. (I don’t even know how to define it.) And when called on it, he said people should lighten up. That’s not an acceptable answer.

Why is he able to win wars? Because he served his country? Lots of people have served our country. Doesn’t mean they have the credentials to lead.

He’s served 26 years in the US Senate. Maverick. Deregulation. But in the last week, he’s called for regulation of Wall St. I agree it needs to be regulated, but he didn’t, until it failed. And this is the Wall St. he wanted privatized Social Security to invest in. That’s great. Let’s wipe out the seniors of our nation.

He uses his POW status as a shield. I’m tired of it. I find it insulting. It serves to silence those who oppose him. Sorry, but you can’t silence me.

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t suffered in life. But our sorrows cannot be a shield.

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Here’s the original article in the 1989 issue of the Phoenix Times. McCain seems to have been the most reviled of the Keating Five. I really don’t like liars.

we must keep this link alive and pass it on to everyone as a refresher course to show what type of person we are dealing with.

20 09 2008

I hope you are right and Palin is doomed. Even with shorter questions and answers a robot still needs commands.

I couldnt agree with you more.

20 09 2008

Just took a break to digest this all and decided that the whole republican repertoire is like a skit out of clown school. I must stop being a mudflats junkie –

20 09 2008

I respect all POWs and the sacrifice and horrors that they went through.
what I DON”T respect is a presidential candidate who USES that to advance his standing as a candidate.
he is a POW….that deserves respect. THAT said, don’t USE that POW status for political purposes That is why you see the repeated comments about McCain and his flagrant use of being a POW to advance his own political aspirations.

20 09 2008


McCain has been known as a maverick for bucking his own party. He has actually been for regulation of Wall St., and in 2005 tried to put forth some plans to stop what was already becoming aparent back then. At the time he was shot down.

20 09 2008

An Op ed columnist in New York Times called her SnowJobSquareGlasses.
Imagine our next VP

20 09 2008

i don’t know if this has been said.. too many posts to read through.. but since palin was supposed to appeal to Hillary voters ( or dare i saw woman), and was said to be taking them away from the democrates, how would this really reflect with TRUE feminests? i mean its like telling your teacher you can’t take the test cause you had cramps or something… this is offensive!!! this isn’t a strong female leader! she is getting points for being a woman and this is demening to woman (myself included) if Hillary had ever suggested this you know the gop would of threw a huge hissy fit… not that Hillary can’t stand on her own just fine..
btw i thank you Alaskians for this site! it was been so helpful and i have passed it on to many ( gop and demos alike)first post for me too.. this has been bugging me really bad all month then i read this today… KEEP UP THE FIGHT!

20 09 2008

i thought he was attacking the POW men as a whole, i mistook it. i wasnt silencing him. And i wont silence you either. Just look at it this way, if someone made fun of your family or families past it would offend you. and thats the way it works. but i do agree that mccain has been hiding behind the POW curtain as i like to call it, if someone questions how he feels about iraq and what are his strategies are…. and believe me i feel insulted by it as well.

20 09 2008

you left yourself open here….in the past, McCain WAS known as a maverick…and many who have issues now see him as bucking under to the Republicans to win the election. What happened to the maverick? can we say…”I was FOR de-regulation and now I’m against it”…can we say I was against earmarks for alaska govenor palin before I was for them” ….
so much for your maverick of by-gone years!

20 09 2008


I’m not going to disagree with you on that. McCain’s employing Politics 101: Say what ever gets you elected. Just as Obama was against offshore drilling before he was for it. They all do it.

The point was that DeMo was trying to hang Wall St’s woes on McCain, when it obviously was quite the opposite of reality.

20 09 2008

i realize that, if you had read the comments between me and kimbers this would be a whole lot easier, but i guess you had not, i thought he was attacking POWs as a whole, but through talking to him i found he was not. no big deal. 🙂

20 09 2008

offshore drilling is a “compromise” that the dems have agreed to…..have you watched anything lately?……but then…those of us who believe in reaching across the table believe in compromise. Obama has said we will “seek all methods”…not just “drill, baby, drill, mentality” I like creative thinkers…call me crazy!

20 09 2008

lol if gas gets more pricey i might go for the drill baby drill mentality.

20 09 2008

loudelf (21:48:32) :


McCain has been known as a maverick for bucking his own party. He has actually been for regulation of Wall St., and in 2005 tried to put forth some plans to stop what was already becoming aparent back then. At the time he was shot down.

Yep, he was a maverick when it served his political needs as senator from AZ. Now as a presidential candidate, he is following the Republican party line to the letter.

As for regulation, “McCain has not always opposed government regulation. He supported efforts to allow the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco. ( My thoughts: Tobacco regulation, OK. Regulations on alcohol? Never! That could impact family business.) And he pushed to strengthen the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements, which were put in place after the accounting scandals involving Enron and other major firms.

But he has usually reverted to the role of an unabashed deregulator. In 2007, he told a group of bloggers on a conference call that he regretted his vote on the Sarbanes-Oxley bill, which has been castigated by many executives as too heavy-handed.

In the 1990s, he backed an unsuccessful effort to create a moratorium on all new government regulation. And in 1996, he was one of only five senators to oppose a comprehensive telecommunications act, saying it did not go far enough in deregulating the industry.

As chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee for more than a decade, McCain did not have direct oversight of the financial sector. But he sat at the center of arguments between telephone, cable and satellite companies, almost always pressing for more competition.

“I’m always for less regulation,” he told the Wall Street Journal in March. He added: “I’d like to see a lot of the unnecessary government regulations eliminated.” ”

20 09 2008


The Dems have “comprimised” on offshore drilling as that’s what the polls say Americans want. Instead of standing strong on an issue he and his party have fought for, he’s worried more about being elected. He’s full of a lot of hot air, just like McCain. Don’t kid yourself.

20 09 2008

I am just worried that the same people that watched dubya the last 2 times and declared that he was a clever debater are gonna just think she is the cutest, sweetest little darlin out there. And wasn’t that man just mean and awful to her? No matter how stupid and insipid she actually is. Seriously they said that dubya was brilliant. My brain still hurts from having to listen to those people. I am just gonna break down and cry if someone says to me that scarah is clever or was just scared or couldn’t talk cause that bully wouldn’t let her. I don’t think the world is going to forgive us this time just for putting up signs on a blog that say we are sorry. Even if they know that there are some of us that tried.

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz

@Pacificnwgal (21:35:50) :
You said>>According to Palin, Biden has been in the Senate for a long, long, long time… since SHE was in *second grade!* >>

Some one metioned this a while ago…. Joe Biden was sworn into the Senate in 1973 (25 years ago) If she is 44 years old today 25 years ago she would have been 19 years old.

Second grade at 19……I don’t think so….LOL or she is only 21 today ! Durrr

20 09 2008
mizkay aka spackle camshaft

Deb: (I’m a product of private (religious) education, which my parents paid for because that was their choice. what no child left behind and voucher proposals fail to explain is that it is all about MONEY for public education…..and, yes, my parents could have used a “subsidy” to pay for my private education, but they would NEVER have dreamed of asking the government for paying for their CHOICE. Vouchers will not PAY for the total tuition of poor families to send their children to public schools, nor will it solve transportation and other costs…hence, vouchers are a “subsidy” for those that can afford to send their kids to private/charter schools. i.e. poor kids have to stay in public schools, richer kids not only GET to go to private schools, they get a subsidy to send them there)
Thanks for explaining this. I get so mad at how they keep this vouchers stuff all hidden, that I forget that it needs to be explained. You did a good job of that.

20 09 2008

so demo…let me just see if I have this straight….mccain has (dare I use the word flip-flopped?) “mavericked” from supporting regulation, to supporting de-regulation, to supporting it, and last march was AGAINST regulation, and now is (somewhat) supporting regulation in the face of the economic crisis?
Did I get it straight?

20 09 2008
mizkay aka spackle camshaft

Yes, only the last part of 22:06:47 was me. The rest was all Deb.
“Thanks for explaining this. I get so mad at how they keep this vouchers stuff all hidden, that I forget that it needs to be explained. You did a good job of that.”

20 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

For the clowns who don’t wanna register – here’s the jump info:

Here are the highlights:

McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive.

The wrangling was chiefly between the McCain-Palin camp and the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which is sponsoring the forums.

Commission members wanted a relaxed format that included time for unpredictable questioning and challenges between the two vice-presidential candidates. On Wednesday, the commission unanimously rejected a proposal sought by advisers to Ms. Palin and Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican presidential nominee, to have the moderator ask questions and the candidates answer, with no time for unfettered exchanges. Advisers to Mr. Biden say they were comfortable with either format.

Both campaigns see the four debates as pivotal moments in a presidential race that is not only extraordinarily close but also drawing intense interest from voters; roughly 40 million viewers watched the major speeches at the two parties’ conventions. The upheaval in the financial markets has recast the race in recent days, moreover, which both sides believe will only heighten attention for the debates.

A commission member said that the new agreement on the vice-presidential debate was reached late Saturday morning. It calls for shorter blocks of candidate statements and open discussion than at the presidential debates.

McCain advisers said they were only somewhat concerned about Ms. Palin’s debating skills compared with those of Mr. Biden, who has served six terms in the Senate, or about his chances of tripping her up. Instead, they say, they wanted Ms. Palin to have opportunities to present Mr. McCain’s positions, rather than spending time talking about her experience or playing defense.

While the debates between presidential nominees are traditionally the main events in the fall election season, the public interest in Ms. Palin has proved extraordinary, and a large audience is expected for her national debate debut.

Indeed, both the McCain and Obama campaigns have similar concerns about the vice-presidential matchup in St. Louis: that Ms. Palin, of Alaska, as a new player in national politics, or Mr. Biden, of Delaware, as a loquacious and gaffe-prone speaker, could commit a momentum-changing misstep in their debate.

Mad Skillz take: Folks can knock O on his lack of foreign leadership, but homie went around the world, greeted by massive crowds. He was being shown love by world leaders. And had the Dems asked for a pass, the GOP would have said ‘Never … deal with it.’ With Palin, WTF? I guess she expects Putin to show her mercy.

No doubt – Country First – she’s so ready to lead, and can’t handle a real debate. Is anyone taking her seriously?!


20 09 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

RE: “reform
blink, blink
good old boys club
shake things up
thanks but no thanks
I can see russia from my backyard”

Don’t forget
“This is what you get with a Palin/McCain Ticker”

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Oh I don’t know elf…. I think the Republicans might have been out-foxed…

This bill permanently bans all drilling within 50 miles of the US coast, which just happens to be where most of the recoverable oil and gas reserves are. It permits drilling between 50 and 100 miles out only if the adjoining states agree – which they won’t, since the bill denies them any share in the royalties the oil companies would have to pay, thereby eliminating any financial incentive for a state to say yes. Virtually all the oil off the California coast and beneath the Eastern Gulf of Mexico would be locked up for good. Don’t be fooled: The only offshore drilling this bill really opens the door to would have to be 100 miles or more out to sea, where the oil companies have no infrastructure.

20 09 2008

miz –
I work in public schools and I challenge ANYONE in favor of vouchers to visit LA or other states where public schools are for the poor, and private schools for the wealthier………it is SHAMEFUL!!!! vouchers are for the wealthy…end of story
my parents CHOSE to send me to a private (religious) school……and did NOT expect a government “hand-out” for doing that

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz

ooops….that would make her about 33 not 21….LOL

20 09 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.


20 09 2008

miz- btw I have four kids ALL products of public schools and all with advanced degrees!

20 09 2008

30% of the voters are *not* going to change their minds about Palin no matter what. She can go crazy and do a strip tease on stage, complete with a Ping-Pong ball popping out of her vagina and they’d still vote for her.

What I’m saying is that the expectation for her is so low, that all she has to do is show up at the debates and she has a decent chance of improving her approval rating to 31%

20 09 2008

and some still going on for PH.ds!! 🙂

20 09 2008

dammit PHD.s

20 09 2008

yes GT….as I posted here last nite…we don’t change the minds of the “base” we can only change the minds of the undecided

20 09 2008

goodnight everyone.

20 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

OMG GT!!! You owe me a keyboard!!! Mine’s covered with Diet Coke!!!! LOL!!!

20 09 2008

going to bed here…thank you all, for stirring me on to THINK…and not be a sheep!

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz

@Zim in Oz (22:06:14) :

@Pacificnwgal (21:35:50) :
You said>>According to Palin, Biden has been in the Senate for a long, long, long time… since SHE was in *second grade!* >>

Some one metioned this a while ago…. Joe Biden was sworn into the Senate in 1973 (25 years ago) If she is 44 years old today 25 years ago she would have been 19 years old.

Second grade at 19……I don’t think so….LOL or she is only 21 today ! Durrr

LOLOLOL….I really stuffed that one up ….right ????
Just goes to show….do not repeat everything you hear !

Math was never my strong point….. !
( I will just shift away, have a dose of nicotine and caffeine with my very, very RED face …..)

20 09 2008

Sadly, I think you are being way too optimistic. It doesn’t matter if she loses. To supporters, she is the “everyone can be VP” candidate who will have been treated in an unfair, condescending manner by those “elitists” and that “uppity black woman.” Definitely can’t wait to see the debate though!

20 09 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

@Porcupine Palin (20:07:14) :

“A friend of mine here in San Francisco was making calls to Nevada for the Obama campaign yesterday. She said she spoke to one man who said, and I quote:

“I’m not voting for Obama. I’m voting for the other guy. What’s his name?””

I spent THREE hours talking to a person in Nevada today. With all the info, link, and truth we have here, I turned one!

We CAN do this!

20 09 2008

Deb (22:07:47) :

so demo…let me just see if I have this straight….mccain has (dare I use the word flip-flopped?) “mavericked” from supporting regulation, to supporting de-regulation, to supporting it, and last march was AGAINST regulation, and now is (somewhat) supporting regulation in the face of the economic crisis?
Did I get it straight?
You got it right, based on what I previously wrote. I’m flip flopping myself.

“Although conservatives bristle about Mr. McCain’s proclivity to cross party lines to vote with Democrats, a glance at his voting record over 25 years in the Senate portrays a solid Republican. For instance, he voted for every item on the Republicans’ Contract With America, the document penned by conservatives in 1994 that called for shrinking the federal government, cutting taxes and reforming welfare.

The senator from Arizona, a staunch pro-lifer, has an American Conservative Union rating of 82, not a top-rated conservative but certainly a solid member. As Mr. Obama regularly points out, Mr. McCain voted in line with President Bush’s wishes 95 percent of the time in 2007, and 100 percent of the time so far this year.”
He voted for campaign finance reform (McCain-Feingold) and with Kennedy on immigration overhaul. Those are the high profile stances that allowed him to brand himself as a maverick. The record says otherwise.
loudelf (22:03:40) :

The Dems have “comprimised” on offshore drilling as that’s what the polls say Americans want. Instead of standing strong on an issue he and his party have fought for, he’s worried more about being elected. He’s full of a lot of hot air, just like McCain. Don’t kid yourself.
I think every politician compromises and does what it politically beneficial. I suppose one needs to discern for him/herself, what compromises are acceptable and which are a selling out of who they are.

*I* can’t accept what McCain has done, and I was leaning toward voting for him! Between his own record and his judgment in choosing Palin as his running mate, he lost me. I would say that Palin sealed the deal.

Despite the fact that many are saying it’s not about the veep, many I know, who are Republicans, walked away after listening to Palin for the past few weeks. She’s just too frightening to picture as prez. For me, I’m thrilled that he chose her.

Full disclosure: If Obama goes ahead with his tax plan, I will pay more. My wallet will NOT benefit. But it’s not about me. It’s about the economic health of the country. So, Senator McCain, this voter IS voting country first. I’m just not voting for the country you envision.

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin (19:22:09) :

mudpuppies! i haven’t even read the responses to this,,, i’m totally having a techno crisis and i need your help. I want to send so many of the posts here to my aunt who is sending me all kinds of “go Palin” type stuff

please explain to me, in very simplified english, how to send this post (and others) to her and all of her lame ass friends! i really am a techno “no nothing” and i need directions in plain english.

ayerishgrl ,

The most flexible and easiest way to do this in the long run is to buy an “infinite clipboard” program like Clipmate for $34.95:


Or just google “Clipmate” or “Thornton Software”.

Once you learn how to use it, you can copy and paste comments and links you like on ANY thread here or anywhere else on the Internet and “glue” them together in various combination sets to paste into e-mails to the various people you are trying to send information to.

I am a professional computer programmer. I will tell you a trade secret. Professional computer programmers make very good money. But to have a sane life you have to build libraries of code snippets of solutions for specific situations which you keep organized in a program like Clipmate or you will never have enough hours in the day to work professional coding miracles on command! You can’t make the pie from scratch all the time or you will never get ahead. The trick is to be a very good Unitarian Minister where your write genius good sermons from scratch for five years. Then you move to another church ministry and give the very same sermons to a different congregation while you sleep in all week and show up on Sunday looking earnest but very well rested. Actually like having your own tanning bed! All good professional programming careers over the last 30 years have been built on knowing how to use a simple $35 program to great effect in each era.

So likewise with skillfully cutting, organizing, and pasting little snippets of posts and links on Mudflats when trying to save the civilization you have been born into. Do it well because, unfortunately, there is no other civilization to move onto come the next four years. We have to get the sermons out there right from this source.

If you get the program and need help, you can contact me at or post to me on the forum at HamletsMill.

I hope this helps!

20 09 2008

The format designed to help Caribou Barbie, ‘ a less experienced debater ‘ ( question has she ever DONE one before? ) should tell us one thing.

She is NOT ready to lead, not as VP not as President …

20 09 2008

DeMo said:
I think every politician compromises and does what it politically beneficial. I suppose one needs to discern for him/herself, what compromises are acceptable and which are a selling out of who they are.
Because I can’t tolerate improper English, especially from myself, and because we can’t edit posts, let me say it again.

All politicians compromise on positions. It is up to each voter to determine what constitutes compromise and what adds up to selling out.

20 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh


The expectations are already low for Sarah Palin, even among her loyal fans. All she has to do is muddle through without misspelling potato and they will declare victory.

On the other hand, Joe Biden must be flawless in the debate. The expectations on him are already very high. Joe Biden has much more to loose. He cannot afford an off night.

Do the debates really matter anyway. I thought Kerry crushed Bush. er, um, Bush ended up winning the election anyway?


On another subject, notice how cranky McCain has been this week. I think he has been missing his nap time. (Of course, temper flair ups are a regretful symptom of senility.)

I am amused by how Obama has been playfully taunting McCain lately in response. Just the right tone. Kind of like teasing a tied up dog. I don’t know how much longer McCain can keep that famous temper tied up. It has to be straining at the leash. Watch for McCain to blow a fuse or two during his debate with Obama if Barack pushes the right buttons.

20 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

McCain saying the governor’s experience is irrelevant ….. oops – wrong governor 😉

20 09 2008

” Instead, they say, they wanted Ms. Palin to have opportunities to present Mr. McCain’s positions, rather than spending time talking about her own experience or playing defense. ”

Can’t Mr McCain present his own positions?
It seems the missing ingredient all along has been Palin explaining her own experience (outside of hockey mom).

20 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh

coping with alzheimer disease *** tip of the day***


…as alzheimers progressess, it becomes difficult to remember names of people around you. One good tip is simply to refer to everyone as “my friend.” People like that. It makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. I fact, it is best to begin all your sentences with the phrase “my friend” or “my friends” if speaking to more than one person.

20 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh

New York Times article on the VP debate just released onto the net:

20 09 2008
Eyes Wide Open in Pittsburgh

New York Times Just published article on debates a few moments ago……

“Mr. Obama’s advisers have been studying in particular Mr. McCain’s temperament and mood and looking for potential flash points of anger.”

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

coping with Alzheimer disease *** tip of the day***


If you are in a discussion, take the other person’s argument and make it your own argument too. Something like “Change You Can Believe In” is good for starters. Then you won’t have to even remember what your original argument was. Just take what your opponentt is saying on any given day and say that is your argument too! Combine this with calling everyone “my friends” and, bingo, you don’t even need que cards. You don’t even have to take your meds. You’re good to go. You can address any audience at anytime at any place 24/7.

Unfortunately video of your last appearance that contradicts today’s appearance is all over the world on the Internet. But that doesn’t matter because you can’t remember that the Internet is even out there or even know what it does.

20 09 2008
lonewolf a.k.a. Luger Otter Palin

Important endorsement!!!

The conservative Seattle Times has endorsed Obama:

It’s a great article .. and not one mention of Palin. Just the facts, ma’am .. and the important ones.


20 09 2008

All. I suggest we all contact Gwen Ifill at Washington Week or The News Hour and tell her that regardless of the new deferrential format of the vp debates, we hope and expect her to ask hard-hitting, succint questions to reveal Governor Palin’s positions and range of knowledge on the topics important to all Americans. About which she had thus far been too green or too clueless to discuss with the press corps.

Couldn’t find Gwen’s direct email, but here are the links to the comment pages for both shows–direct your remarks to her.

20 09 2008

I think the format is good…no matter what format Sarah has she cannot compete with Biden. She has the format they think will work best for her but I think it works best for Joe also. Keeps his answers short. Keeps his answers on track. Gives him less chances of saying anything that can be misconstrued as sexist. She will fail, except for the 30% that is all religious right Republicans.

20 09 2008

biglake (23:01:12) :

” Instead, they say, they wanted Ms. Palin to have opportunities to present Mr. McCain’s positions, rather than spending time talking about her own experience or playing defense. ”

Can’t Mr McCain present his own positions?
It seems the missing ingredient all along has been Palin explaining her own experience (outside of hockey mom).
So, I guess the idea is to make Palin the Cheerleader in Chief. Point the camera at McCain so the lens doesn’t focus on her.

I don’t envy Biden. Totally new territory. A woman. A candidate who hasn’t spoken with the press.

I still think he should just let her drill her own hole. She’s good at it. Let her fungible her way through the debate, while Biden answers questions in a confident, straightforward manner.

21 09 2008
Sparky Fungible Commodity Palin

(yawn…smack) ‘night AKM and Mudpuppies…nox!

21 09 2008

I for one, am rather nervous about the presidential debates. McCain doesn’t give a great speech, but if you watched any of the Republican debates he was very good. And of course that “faith” thing they did with both candidates last month showed McCain outperforming Obama big time. So don’t be concerned about the VP debates, they aren’t going to matter. Even though McCain has looked like a fool all week on economic issues, he knows what will be asked him Friday and will be ready. No will dare bring up the Keating 5, so I am sure Grandpa will have some very soothing things to say to middle America. And they will fall for it.

He does have an awful temper, but count on him being under control while the cameras are on.

It’s pretty hard to dumb yourself down to sound bites like Obama will have to do. McCain gets lost after a couple of sentences, so he always likes to keep it simple and short – just what those ridiculous people who are undecided want to hear.

Then again, maybe I worry too much. But, I do think the presidential debates will decide the election. With the first one way more important than the following two.

21 09 2008
lonewolf a.k.a. Luger Otter Palin


“WASHINGTON — Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is scheduled to meet with Afghan President Hamid Karzai this coming week in New York, campaign officials for GOP nominee John McCain confirmed Saturday.”

“The meeting comes as the campaign works to assure voters that Palin has sufficient understanding of foreign policy to be vice president. She’s acknowledged having little experience in international affairs….”

“Palin’s meeting with Karzai was part of an effort by McCain’s campaign to help her prepare for the interactions with international leaders she would have if she becomes vice president, campaign officials said.”

Like trotting out a brand new little puppy. I hope she doesn’t mess the carpet.

21 09 2008
Soldotna Sue

Maverick= an unbranded range animal. So, maybe it isn’t lipstick on a pig, but some other wild critter. Perhaps it could be a cow, mule deer, or a jackass even!? Ha!

21 09 2008
NY Dem

I have the utmost faith in the people running the Obabma campaign – they are all very intelligent individuals. I’m sure they debated amongst themselves and decided that these rules for the VP debate are in their best interest.

They have a game plan, and they are sticking to it.

Let the MSM pick apart the VP debate, that’s their job. As someone above said “Yup ! Nothing to see here. Move along”.

The Dems want the attention where it rightfully should be, on Obama / McCain and the presidential debates. THAT is where they are going to make hay, and clinch the election.

Obama is starting to pull away in the polls, and in the Electoral math. To use a baseball terminology, Obama’s magic number (number of Obama wins plus number of McCain losses) to clinch the ‘pennant’ is 2 — so after he trounces McCain in the first debate, that’s all she wrote folks.

21 09 2008
NY Dem

ps; Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Tina Fey as Sarah Palin would do a better job against Joe Biden in the VP debate than the ACTUAL Sarah Palin will do 😉

21 09 2008
Catherine aka Bullpen Cola Palin

“I’m not voting for Obama. I’m voting for the other guy. What’s his name?”

Hopefully you said Ralph Nader, Porcupine… : )


I would have said, “Do you mean Joe Biden?” 😀

21 09 2008
Prole Art Threar

Am i go to be the only person who points out it’s ‘Mugabe’ not ‘Mugave’. Oh, go on. Even Palin might ‘ave you on that one!

21 09 2008
mizkay aka spackle camshaft

Deb – still loving your education comments.

21 09 2008

There is more than one way to skin a cat…..remember that phrase cause you are going to see it unfold before your very eyes. Biden is a master…watch his body language. His eyes and face just light up and he is very animated. Can you say the same thing about Sarah?

Get your popcorn ready, sit back and watch the body language……… are gonna be in for a show like you’ve never seen before. I remind myself constantly that it is not what my ears hear…but what my eyes see!

21 09 2008
John Nail

Watch for McCain to blow a fuse or two during his debate with Obama if Barack pushes the right buttons.

Eyes Wide Open – you “nailed” it pardon the pun. Barack is trying to get under his skin big time. A blow up or bad behavior in the debates would finish the election

21 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

I don’t think “WalMart moms” watch debates so I don’t see that as much of an issue.

Palin will find some way to mess up – she always does.

21 09 2008
Alaska Tripe detector

If Obama is such a strong runner why does he need to dig up dirt on Palin?
Obama can`t run on his own record cause he has none
Face it Obama = Empty Suit

21 09 2008

I have to admit that I am feeling the “old me” more. I am so sick and tired of all the propping and setting up of everything, it reminds me of the way that you feel when you are watching a magic show or a movie and then you find out everything is fake and all set up. I remember when I first started working in radio and TV, I was so sad to find out that everything is fake…kinda like finding out Santa is not real. I guess we all grow up beleiving the best about our country and the people that are running it, and the older you get and more involved you get the more you realize that there is really nothing there to beleive in…. it’s all an illusion, nothing is what is seems.

I mean here it is the biggest decision that we have had to make in a long time. I am sure that all will agree that we all have a lot on the line here, and here Sarah is trying to trick us all into beleiving that she is actually smart and qualified for the job, and then the people that we trust to bring us the truth, are busy in the back room trying to come up with some kind of deal to make this chick look good. This is the biggest scam in history… you sometimes ask yourse “Am I in the twilight zone?” is this really the way things are done here. I am floored!!! I often feel that I have to pull back from following this stuff so much, because it makes you so angry!!!!

No disrespect to the Alaskans, but if this lady were my govoner… I have to tell you, I would be so embarresed and ashamed of her. I mean what is this ladies IQ? I mean this is bad. I would do everything in my power to have this woman recalled as a state.

I will say that I am sorry to all the Alaskans that have to take this woman back after she is sent home with a big loss on Nov 4. because she is coming home!!! We will make sure of that.

21 09 2008

Can this get any more frustrating? I am tired of going around clutching my chest all day long in response to the unmitigated gall of this ticket.

Should she suddenly find herself in the Oval Office (shudder) would her handlers prevent her from dialogue with difficult leaders so she won’t be at a disadvantage?

What the heck are we doing even considering this disastrous pair to lead our country? This isn’t funny any more.

21 09 2008

Alaska Tripe detector…are you running for a cabinet post in the McCain/Palin (or should I say Palin/McCain) administration?

Your understanding of the current economic problems and how they developed, as well as the responsibility of this president and the republicans in Congress in getting us here is so bizarre and convoluted, you would fit right in.

21 09 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

People, you are all talking about wanting to see her sweat, shake in her mukluks, fear Biden….. how about this: I just want to see her CRY. Wouldn’t that just be the cat’s a$$? She’s an unstable, power-hungry, narcissistic chump who is going to take the beating of her life. I’m a woman. I want tears. I have a hard time believing that she’ll be able to hold it together.

I think that Obama is doing exactly the right thing. Now they can’t change it up, since they already agreed. If (when) she crumbles in the national spotlight, the Repugs will not be able to say that the Democrat’s forum made her nervous. No matter the playing field, she’s going to have to open her mouth in front of the throngs. We all know what happens when she does that. Sound bite heaven for us.


21 09 2008

If I’m going to keep spending all this time at the bottom of Alice’s Rabbit Hole, the least I could do is move a comfy chair in here and maybe a book and a coffee pot.

I continue to find myself speechless at the latest McCain/Palin statement. Near constantly, there I am, mouth hanging open, frantically waving my arms around.

This isn’t happening. It just can’t be.

I think it’s time to watch Wag the Dog again.

Connie (looking around for the Cheshire Cat)

21 09 2008

Keep the faith Alaska. Over here in Ct. we have our own albatross we have Lieberman. I feel you pain. As far as the debate the key is the moderator. As long as the moderator plays by the established rules Joe Biden will be able to do his thing. I think Palin will find this a little harder than shooting wolves from a plane.
Here is a good perspective from a woman general in the military on Palin. Enjoy.

21 09 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

@ Reklaw

RE: Earpieces.

Ya know, we mudflatters know how to use a-mail really well. It’s not too late to start an e-mail campaign voicing our suspicion and asking BOTH candidates to allow their ears to checked.

21 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

Don’t feed the trolls.

21 09 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.

@ sad

RE: “i’m sorry you can say whatever you want about the man, you can call him dumb you can call him anything but dont make fun of him for being a POW. lack of taste.”

Sorry, but when he has EXPLOITED the fact over and over and over, it becomes a joke, sort of like that bridge to…where?

21 09 2008

Another troll — AKM you really have hit the big time!! Thanks again for all intelligent posters, this is keeping me motivated as I swork through my daily task of emailing every possible MSM outlet with questions/feedbacks/links to wake them up and demand they cover the real issues of the election. Thanks again to the poster who listed all the email addresses of these outlets — I’ve printed/deleted mine, can we re-post this please??

aka Stepper Choke
Steppin’ out for Obama/Biden
Chokin’ on GOP tactics

21 09 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

“demright (05:30:39) :

Keep the faith Alaska. Over here in Ct. we have our own albatross we have Lieberman. I feel you pain.”

Hello neighbor! I’m glad we don’t have to worry about our lovely state going red, but it sucks to have to watch the others get it right.

And as for LIEberman, he can just move out, as far as I’m concerned. We don’t want him anymore. Traitor.

21 09 2008

The Dumbing Down of America

We are doing the same thing to our highest office that we did to education. If you aren’t smart enough to pass the test, change the test. How dare they change the debate forum for a person who can’t debate? That is part of what is required for this job!
“This is too scary to me to even joke about. I have intelligent friends who think she is wonderful. As Joe Schmoe wailed on the fake reality show, ” WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?”

That said, I have an important question: Where can we get a list of all the people she has appointed since she was elected governor of Alaska, and can we see where they are from (Wasilla area high school friends?) so that we can see if cronyism is something she banties around because of first hand experience with it?

I love this post, and wish more American voters were paying attention.

21 09 2008

Don’t get to upset about this agreement. Obama knows what he is doing. Evry time we complained about decisisions he made it has alwasy turned out for the better. Trust me, he knows what he has agreed to. It reallly isn’t going to matter what questions are asked because she is going to try and steal the show any way by improvising her ansewrs which will make her look even worse. “Politics aren’t for the faint of heart”

21 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Please, please watch this short clip. It showns not only what O is up against in the debates, it shows what a nasty, nasty little man McCain is (YUK).


21 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps
21 09 2008

Watching her deny to Gibson that she had ever harbored the slightest doubt about her readiness to take command of the world’s only superpower, one got the feeling that Palin would gladly assume any responsibility on earth:

“Governor Palin, are you ready at this moment to perform surgery on this child’s brain?”

“Of course, Charlie. I have several boys of my own, and I’m an avid hunter.”

“But governor, this is neurosurgery, and you have no training as a surgeon of any kind.”

“That’s just the point, Charlie. The American people want change in how we make medical decisions in this country. And when faced with a challenge, you cannot blink.”

The prospects of a Palin administration are far more frightening, in fact, than those of a Palin Institute for Pediatric Neurosurgery. Ask yourself: how has “elitism” become a bad word in American politics? There is simply no other walk of life in which extraordinary talent and rigorous training are denigrated. We want elite pilots to fly our planes, elite troops to undertake our most critical missions, elite athletes to represent us in competition and elite scientists to devote the most productive years of their lives to curing our diseases.

21 09 2008
NY Dem

Do “trolls’ know what ‘punctuation’ is ? Ever hear of a comma ? Or a period ?

Yes, the Dems have been in control of Congress the last two years; but, in the six years previous to that, WHO dug the hole so deep that we may never climb out of it ?

Who de-regulated the banking industry ?

Who dragged us into a needless, trillion dollar war ?

Who fails to stand up and say “yes, we are at fault” ?

Can you say “Republicans’, boys and girls !

21 09 2008

Who’s takng care of the infant?

21 09 2008
NY Dem

Alaska town opens ‘road to nowhere’

Associated Press Writer
Buy AP Photo Reprints

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JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Alaska now has a Road to Nowhere going to what would have been the Bridge to Nowhere.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s transportation department has completed a $25 million gravel road leading to the site of a bridge that Palin, as John McCain’s vice presidential candidate, now boasts that she stopped, so as to save taxpayers money. The road was built with federal tax dollars.

Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein said the 3.2-mile road will be useful for road races, hunters and possibly future development. But with no bridge to serve it, that’s probably about it.

“I think it will be good for recreational things like a 5K and a 10K,” Weinstein said. “And instead of people walking through brush, it may be used for hunting in the area.”

Full article here:

21 09 2008
21 09 2008
NY Dem

With McCain, It’s Bombs Away
Gene Lyons 9/17/2008

By actual count, Sen. John McCain has favored five of the last two American wars. You heard me.

For the GOP presidential nominee, it’s evidently not enough to have U.S. troops stalemated in Iraq and losing ground in Afghanistan. If McCain had his way, we’d be at war with nations stretching from the Mediterranean to the Himalayas. It’s legitimate to wonder where he thinks the Pentagon would find the soldiers.

Definitely not at the “think tanks” where the neoconservative loons who dreamed up this grandiose scheme of world domination hang out, that’s for sure.

Dubious readers should examine a world map. Since 9/11, McCain, who has rarely seen a bombing target he hasn’t liked, has vigorously advocated attacking not only Iraq — a conflict he championed a year before President Bush caught the fever — but also Syria, Iran and North Korea. He has proposed to deal with the Middle East’s 1,300-year-old Sunni-Shiite schism by giving both sides an ultimatum to “stop the bulls**t.”

Now comes his excellent vice-presidential nominee, Alaska’s 1984 Miss Congeniality, to suggest war with Russia in an interview with ABC’s Charles Gibson — a nation whose remote Siberian arctic is dimly visible from the Aleutian Islands. Palin imagines this qualifies
her as a foreign-policy thinker. (Yes, she actually said that. Palin has also claimed that a refueling stop in Ireland qualifies as a European visit, and peering across the desert at the Kuwaiti border constitutes a mission to Iraq. So she may think she can see Russia from her tanning bed in the governor’s mansion.) Meanwhile, it’d be interesting to know whether she has heard of Napoleon Bonaparte or Adolf Hitler, who actually tried invading Russia.

Full article here:

21 09 2008
NY Dem

It’s ‘their’ –not ‘thier’ — DUH !

By the way, nice language.

Real professional.

OK folks, I’m done feeding the Rovian trolls now.

21 09 2008
Jane Kyle







21 09 2008

There is an excellent article about the horrors of Sarah Palin Phoenix “New Times” by Amy Silverman, a working journalist and mother of a Down Syndrome child.

Like shooting wolves from airplanes, this story could form the basis for an “impactful” (Sic) ad on one of the terrible consequences of Palin’s anti-abortion policy: what happens if a Down Syndrome child is sexually assaulted and becomes pregnant?

Read Silverman at

21 09 2008

It’s just nice being in a place with so much sanity and rational thought being conveyed. I can’t wipe the smile off my face even though watching and witnessing our country get “owned” literally. Maybe this will be the straw that wakes up the war mongering rights back, and teaches them to spend what they take in. Perhaps if our government displayed this characteristic it would show its citizens to do likewise. That deficit does matter, debt is a rule is bad not credit good; credit bad. Amazingly I am still being told that Ronald Reagan was a brilliant. Hello, aren’t we currently living Reaganomics in full bloom? Genius, I think not.
Any economic plan can be successful until you insert greed. Greed is the one factor that will destroy one, and if you set the table to let greed run rampant. Well then you are a Bush supporter and well to be quite honest you’re just not smart. McCain/Palin more of the same so their supporters will have to fall into the previously mention Bush category.
It’s too bad it has had to come this far to get everyone’s attention, but make no mistake we are witnessing the purchase of the United States by foreign entities as well as U.S. private money sources we are being bought.

21 09 2008
Off The Old Block » Go read Mudflats

[…] McCain Blinks. Palin Not Ready for Prime Time. « Mudflats […]

21 09 2008
Idaho 43

Thanks to Anne for the directions to Baby Palin Name Generator, I will now be Steak Leather.

Ron, aka Steak Leather 🙂

21 09 2008
Harley A.K.A. Pinnochio Palin

RCP Nat’l Average: Obama +2.3% / RCP Electoral Count: Obama +13 EVs

as of today

21 09 2008
Steak Leather

I see that Caribou Barbie is about to gain her “international experience” this week by meeting Karzai at the UN. She may also meet other unnamed leaders 🙂


21 09 2008
Kathi from New Jersey

I am almost grateful for the new limitations on the VP debate. First, it is announcement to the American people that the Republicans do not trust their choice to talk about issues unfettered. It is a blatant showing of no-confidence, plain and simple.

Secondly, since Joe Biden will win anyway, it will demonstrate that even given the simplest of formats and cushiest of set ups- she doesn’t know squat.

Third, there are Sarah Palin fans out there who truly believe that if you let the pit bull loose, she’ll tear up Old Washington, aka Sen. Biden. Once it begins to dawn on them that she can’t hold up and that her own party doesn’t think she can hold her own (see points 1&2), the disappointment will become tangible. Even if they continue to think she is that reformer and maverick (which she has no record of being), they will lose faith in the Republicans for failing to give her the opportunity to show what she’s got. And that kind of angry makes folks stay home on Nov.4th.

And all of this translates into a larger margin of victory for Obama.
Hope will win out- it does every time.

21 09 2008
nancy-INDIANA a.k.a. buck shot palin

what do you think the repugs would say if the dems had requested the same for a debate with hilary? or any other dem candidate for that matter? unbelievable.

21 09 2008
skinkor (aka Free Radical Palin)

So what IS the difference between pit-bulls and a hockey moms?

There’s the lipstick shtick.

And the feathers. Bit-bulls don’t peck at the ground, cluck, or lay eggs, either.

Do chickens hunt witches from airplanes?

21 09 2008

Here’s my analogy:
Two of the nation’s top coaches are asked to choose their very best athlete to compete in a grueling, cross country race. It is to be long and difficult. Over mountains and through the desert. In the sweltering heat and the blistering cold. Each coach is fully informed of the terrain and that it is to be one of the most important races in the world so they MUST CHOOSE WISELY.
They make their choices and, just before the race, one coach complains to the officials that the other athlete is in better shape and, therefore, more likely to win the race. He asks that the race be made easier (say, a few laps around the local high school track instead) to accommodate his poor choice stating “We don’t want her utter lack of preparedness as an athlete to become apparent during this race.”
Instead of allowing this the officials reply “YOU PICKED HER YOU IDIOT NOW YOU DEAL WITH THE RESULTS!” Oh, wait that’s not what happens…

21 09 2008

I find it interesting how the trolls joined in this conversation at the same time. The monthly Rush Limbaugh fan club must have just ended. Go home little sheep.

21 09 2008
nancy-INDIANA a.k.a. buck shot palin

just an update from the reddish states of KY, IN, and OH i drove through all three states this past week and saw only 1 mccain bumper sticker. i saw quite a few obama stickers and yard signs. and they keep going up around here in my IN city. on the flip side my friend who lives in TX said she sees mostly mccain signs, so i don’t think we have any hope with that state.

but probably the most exciting news from IN is that latest polls show Obama ahead in Indiana for the first time! please vote even if you are in the reddist of states because you just never know.

21 09 2008

bluepress26 (06:10:08) :

Who’s takng care of the infant?

That’s what I’d love to know. All these conservative, traditional women genuflecting to Sara and you have to wonder, does this mean they’re all full of shit and would love to dump junior with grandma and get out in the world? I feel so bad for those Palin kids, the first two are screwed up and that poor new baby will never know his own mother.

21 09 2008
Judy in Chicago

This is what the past 8 years has done to me.

* I’m paying more for gas

*My portfolio is shrinking on wall street

*The value of my home is less

*The price of food is getting higher every week

*Healthcare in costing me more

*My college educated kids are having a hard time finding good jobs

*A family friend died in Iran

I can read and listen to info, debates, whatever till the cows come home. But basically all I have to do is look at my life for the past 8 years.

21 09 2008

Please, do not feed the trolls.

Let’s keep intelligent/ thoughtful communication regarding the truth of this campaign going. That is how we win.
Thanks to all of you Mudflatters!

21 09 2008
Joe C

I thought she was chosen to break the glass ceiling on her merits?

21 09 2008
SoCal Bob.

We need a new sub forum…
McCain/Palin daily gaffe.

21 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

PBS has a poll up that asks if Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President.

Just thought the Mudflatters are qualified to vote on this one.

21 09 2008

i think palin’s unequivacable statements against abortion is so important to some portion of our nation that it won’t make any difference what she says – how she says it – or the longterm implications of her obvous pathological nature.

we have reached a tipping point on the power of extreme religion in the US and we best be getting a handle on it this election. and we must insist on the enforcement of 501(c)3 restrictions on lobbying with respect to politics in the pulpit. as far as i am concerned the most aggregious megachurches clearly make plenty of money and some taxes from their efforts would help offset the crazy economic policies that they insist on supporting in their own deal with the devil.

ACK. and ditto to just about everything else posted thus far – except the trolls of course.

still HARD rock palin reporting for duty……….

21 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

I think the new rules favor Biden in a big way. If he is addressing Ifill or the audience in the hall or the viewers, he can speak authoritatively and coherently on the vast range of issues he knows well. She can’t.

The rules allow Biden to speak on the issues as a highly qualified Democratic candidate because Ifill will have more control of the debate with less “back-and-forth” between candidates. The contrast will be stark, and it will be produced by questions and answers, not “gotcha” moments.

If Biden spends too much time talking “to” Palin, he risks all of the things anyone risks when talking to an ignorant bully.

The Democrats win on the issues. They win on who knows most. They win when the subject is: Republicans have screwed things up. And in the VP debate, they will win on the evident contrast between a candidate who is prepared and one who is not.

That will not decide the election. Bush 41 running mate Dan Quayle got creamed in his debate and the ticket still won. But for the independents, especially women who will have Hillary Clinton’s evident intelligence and competence as a measure, Palin will be exposed for what she is–unqualified, unprepared to be President, and all too much like George W. Bush.

21 09 2008
McCain Blinks. Palin Not Ready for Prime Time. « Nuclear and Indigenous Items of Interest

[…] McCain Blinks. Palin Not Ready for Prime Time. Posted on September 21, 2008 by gregornot McCain Blinks. Palin Not Ready for Prime Time. […]

21 09 2008

Gees…I just went to the PBS poll and 46% actually think Sarah Palin is qualified to be V.P. Those Republicans must be busy voting over and over again for her.

As I watch my stock portfolio diminish in value, it strikes me that Ms. Palin doesn’t have much economic experience either…She is one scary woman!

21 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

When you try to absorb too much information in too short a time you get very confused and cranky – so that’ll make two of them then. (Failin & McGrumpy)

21 09 2008

I know this is unlady like, but F*CK PALIN and MCCAIN!

21 09 2008

too little time for Palin
to stick foot in mouth.

21 09 2008

But, but, but, what about all her experience debating when she ran for office in Alaska? Oh wait, maybe McCain’s camp has watched the videos. In full disclosure am I to assume the moderator will announce to the viewing audience that the McCain camp has demanded these conditions?

21 09 2008

Why do we feel a need to edit our reactions to this mockery of a sham? This debate is about demonstrating “goodness of fit” to the position of VP of the U.S. Given the spectre of either VP choice ascending to POTUS, lowering/constraining the debate standards has bad written all over it. America has a duty to judge the reasoned thought processes, body of knowledge, and beliefs of both VP candidates while they are on their feet, sans script, sans talking points, sans kid gloves. At issue is engaging Americans in the debate of important, salient issues. Lowering the standard of debate is a forfeit on the opportunity to bring Americans up to speed, effectively courting their ignorance.

21 09 2008
Alaska Tripe detector

Obama`s home state voting record

Biden said it best Its Patroitic to pay Higher Taxxes unless your kid work`s DC as a lobbyist

21 09 2008

How refreshing to see Democrats criticizing the UN! It’s good to know that not everyone here is a sheep towing the party line.

That’s right; No Child Left Behind is straight out of the UN’s Goals 2000.

21 09 2008

The idea of “handicapping” the debate is probably nothing new. The history of televised Presidential debate is replete with examples of one party or the other attempting to tilt the field for advantage. “Town hall” or ” classic debate”, the podia height, etc., have been discussed in past debate negotiations.
These negotiations, though, are different because the Republican side acknowledges that its candidate is, essentially, a rookie not ready for prime time, so she needs a little head start to keep it fair.
That idea is way too egalitarian with so much at stake in a national election. Sounds like we are “dumbing it down” for Gov. Palin’s sake. That’s unprecedented, and it’s a terrible idea.

21 09 2008

Not blinking much, Palin?

Quoted from :Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD
“The Psychopath’s Brain”
(Sociopaths) blink less the eyes in response to the startling noise when they are watching stressful pictures ! However, only the sociopaths who had traits of emotional detachment showed this phenomenon. This could be explained by a lack of emotional reactivity in these offenders.
However, all this doesn’t mean that sociopaths do not have emotions. They have, but in relation to themselves, not in relation to others. In fact, such individuals are unable to feel “social” emotions such as sympathy, empathy, gratitude, etc. This may explain why sociopaths are so willing to inflict suffering and pain onto other people without so much of a BLINK OR REMORSE. (my emphasis.) For them, the emotions of other people have no meaning at all; they “are unable to construct and emotional facsimile of others.”
What kinds of emotions do sociopaths have ? They are quick to become angry, are aggressive, irritable, and are very sensitive to shame or humiliation. They are also get pleasure by means of dominance and are exhilarated by this.

I’m just sayin’…

21 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Alaska Tripe detector (09:43:33),

So what then would be your recommended plan on the following:

(1) Iraq
(2) Afghanistan
(3) The Wall Street fincncial crisis.

Let’s hear it step by step what you would do if you were elected President of the United States?

21 09 2008

Why the special rules? Would these special rules apply if the inexperienced simp of a running mate was a man? Naahhh. This is beyond ridiculous. It’s absurd! I say let Biden have at her. On the other hand, even with these shorter question-answer sessions, I’m pretty confident that the debate will still provide enough rope for Palin to do herself in.

21 09 2008
John Sampson

While I am not American, I still think this is a mockery of America’s Election process.Why would Obama even agree to this in the first place. This is just another move on McCains part to work this into another advantage. I have been watching this race with awe and absolute bewilderment at the percentage of Americans who is actually buying this garbage. The Polls show that McCain is actually tied in the Electoral State polls. This to me is unacceptable and I cannot for the life of me understand a reason for this but one thing. RACE. I’m sorry America, I love your country and as a friend and neighbor, what I see here totally discust me. There is no other explanation for this race to be so close. Americans are some of the most intelligent people on earth and no one will ever convince me that they do not see what this party has done to their country. To purposely elect these people in again to do more damage to your economy is unbelievable. To even think McCain and Palin would actually do anything for them after the last 8 years is ludicrous. Your children will be struggling for years to make ends meet because of this. Your economy will fall and in the end, will destroy your way of life as you know it. The only people who will benefit from McCain and his Cariboo Barbie will be the rich,while they sit on their Caribbean Islands caring nothing about what is happening to all of you. Those are the very people who are trying to elect these two. The very people who has been bilking millions on the middle class of America and yet 45% Americans cannot see beyond the color of a mans skin. I truely, truely fear for most of my brothers and sisters to the south. God help you all if these two get into office. All I see is total devastation for the American economy, with soup kitchens and food distribution centers popping up all over your country from donations around the world. One thing Americans need to remember. The Great Depression. And it will happen again if you leave these people run your country. They will not stop till they have sucked every dime out of your economy they can.

21 09 2008

Thanks for all the info I’ve been getting from your site!
I’m a really lazy person but since Palin was picked I’ve noticed a change in myself. I’m not blinking when it comes to working for Obama!! Again this morning I needed no alarm clock. My dreams this last month have only been waking nightmares that feature McCain and Palin…just being themselves.
I got out of bed at 8:30 this weekend and went and met with a group of women to write letters to undecided voters about why we believe in Obama. I had so many good things to say about Obama that I didn’t even need to mention McShame or his horrible excuse for a VP.

21 09 2008
John Sampson

The Stench of Librail Lies ///It’s because he is a socialist, friend of racist ministers, a political insider now a convicted felon, home grown terrorists///

My point exactly. Racist. Theres the proof people. Just reat the comment on my post. Fraws them out like flys on honeys. Thanks The Stench, for proving my point , Racist like you are a dime a dozen.

21 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

The Stench of Librail Lies (10:27:54),

So what then would be your recommended plan on the following:

(1) Iraq
(2) Afghanistan
(3) The Wall Street financial crisis

Let’s hear it step by step what you would do if you were elected President of the United States?

21 09 2008

See what I mean?

Mccain supporters only have these horrible lies to spread. He’s not talking about how awesome McCain is. That’s too bad. Really… I’m sorry for you that McCain does not have a lot of things you can talk up because it would really help your cause.

21 09 2008

I want to watch the Shark rip the Barracuda to shreds and have her for lunch AND dinner.

21 09 2008
V.P., Flat Earth Society

The Stench of Librail Lies


And folks, this is a perfect example of your hard-earned tax dollars at work in today’s education system. Lol. LibRAIL? Come on, little fella, learn to spell. IF Liberal is spelled Librail, then Republican must be spelled Uneducated.

21 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Palin wins the 2008 Rubber Dodo award for her hard work exterminating endangered species.

21 09 2008
V.P., Flat Earth Society

The Stench of Librail (sic) Lies – sweetie, go back to school, learn to spell, grow up, and travel outside of your cocoon of racism and bigotry. Then go to church on Sunday and pretend you are a Christian – you certainly prove the old adage that “fools are a dime a dozen” and “a sucker is born every minute” – for you and your Neanderthal types, yes, vote Insane McCain and Ailin’ Palin’ – you all deserve each other in your bubbling cauldron of 19th century ignorant racist hatred.

21 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Here is a petition circling demanding Palin and the Alaskan gov’t to enforce the law against shooting denning wolf cubs. Interesting to see what spin they put on this if it gets out. I for one am passing this to everyone and am working hard to get at the 10% “undecided voters” in Florida. I have written off the Republicans here, they are drinking the Kool-Aid and no matter what you tell them, they don’t want to hear it and are just a bunch of fervent fevered f*cking idiots.

21 09 2008

I had to read this twice before I realized that this is not a debate. It will be a recital for Ms Palin.

Biden will answer the questions, and she will recite what the GOP has told her to say about McCain.

In effect it makes her the GOP puppet.

21 09 2008
skinkor (aka Free Radical Palin)

Dear Chicago Snap
aka Alaska Tripe detector
aka The Stench of Librail Lies
aka Ignorant Fool Palin

1. The word “taxes” only has one ‘x’.
2. The gas tax (which helps pay for the roads where the gas is burned) accounts for a tenth of the price of gas. Crude accounts for about three-quarters.
3a. Illegal aliens did not cause the mortgage meltdown.
3b. Illegal aliens did not cause high health care costs.
3c. Illegal aliens did not cause whatever you were trying to say about Judy’s kid’s jobs.
4. You are correct. Obama is not an old white guy.
5. As to, “We won’t even get into the fact that he only has 143 days experience as a US senator,” I’m not sure who your “we” is, but not getting into it would probably be a good idea. Oops! Too late. You already did. (Obama was sworn in as a US senator in January 2005. Buy a calendar. Actually, you will need a few of them.)
6. I take it from your comment about Rains and Mudd that you now oppose the decades-old Republican-led deregulation frenzy because a couple unscrupulous Democrats profited from it, too. That’s an ignorant and foolish reason, but welcome aboard anyway.

PS: Only one of the Keating Five was a Republican, and only one is still prominent in politics. (Hints: He’s really old, really muddled, and he’s Palin’s running mate.)

21 09 2008
A Mom

Better to be the underdog. Less expectation. Play it down for Biden, not raise expectations on him.

Besides, the people who are moved positively by Palin, don’t DO FACTS. So there is no winning any debate with them that is Fact-Based rather than Faith-Based.

21 09 2008

Let’s hope that the media powers-that-be don’t try and dumb-down the debate for us: that the usual game, “if she doesn’t fuck up too badly she wins”, is cast aside this time. But I’m not holding my breath because politics in this country is all about the lowest common denominator, no matter how grave and complex the problems we face. When did we start demanding that our leaders be people we would like to have a beer with? I for one would hope that their taste in liquor is better than the beer I drink. By the way, the South African scene has changed: Mbeki is out. And I think you meant to write Mugabe, who is now sharing power (supposedly) with the opposition.

21 09 2008
Kate aka chin duststrap

I think no matter what the questions she’s going to fail. Can Gwen Ifil ask follow-ups? As in, what’s your answer to the question?

Seriously, I think the candidates can still be asked difficult questions that she can try to answer with stock answers but it will be very obvious that’s what she’s doing. I think Biden can talk pretty well off the cuff and will handle whatever is thrown his way. She’ll be standing there trying to listen for “buzzwords” i.e. Israel, ” won’t second guess”, Iran “ahmadinejad, bad. ”

I’ve said from day one Biden will crush her in the debate and I think that will still happen whatever the format.

21 09 2008
skinkor (aka Free Radical Palin)

Judy in Chicago wrote:
*My portfolio is shrinking on wall street

Lucky, lucky, lucky me. I rolled over my 401k last summer, just before my financial advisor went on vacation. When she got back, we decided to leave it in Treasury Bonds until the sub-prime mortgage meltdown finished melting down.

It’s still there, earning a little-bitty 1.5%. Had I been quicker, we would have put it in the stock market, and I would have lost tens of thousands.


21 09 2008

While I find it a bit painful that we’ll have these limitations on the VP debate, the upshot for Obama was that he successfully negotiated a more free-wheeling style in the Presidential debates. Indeed, Obama has to keep focus on providing terse answers in order to appeal to a greater section of the population (including those who do not wish to think about issues), but the campaign believes that he will benefit from this format.

On the VP debate, I actually think the limitations may prevent the ridiculous but possible situation in which Biden dominates and is just considered to have been “too mean” to the female candidate. Clearly it would be due to sexism rather than his superior capabilities as an orator, debater, or statesman. At least that’s how I imagine the McCain campaign might spin it…

21 09 2008

Trolls are among us and they can not spell or punctuate! Go home, Alaska Tripe Detector, The Stench of Liberal Lies and! Trolls! They cannot stand to read or hear the truth! Methinks they are trying to take over AKM! Get the behind me, Trolls!

They were all the same troll, and they are vanquished. AKM

21 09 2008

So wait a minute……they can choice what kind of debate they want to have?

What’s the point in calling it a debate if the two candidates can’t go at each other with all they’ve got. Another thing that is unfair because the American people can’t see how Palin would act if she were to become the Vice President. How would we be able to judge if she is the right choice?

21 09 2008

That is so much BS. They keep finding ways to cover Palin’s shadiness. Stop it, GOP!

21 09 2008

That “completely unqualified” to participate thing might come back to bite you! At least on the GOP side it’s the Veep who needs to learn — not the top guy like on your party’s ticket.

Now then, that said, what do Alben W Barkley, Charles Curtis, Charles G Dawes, Thomas R Marshall, and Charles W Fairbanks all have in common — oh ye ever so Wise Guy Mudflats?

Oh, Dems. Fear this: reality.

21 09 2008
John Nail

John McCain exhibited his executive judgment in picking Sarah Palin and telling America she is qualified to be VP and step in as President if need be and far more experienced than Obama or Biden due to her "executive experience". How did he do? Well, for a woman who introduced herself to us so feistily all as a "pitbull with lipstick" the cone of silence is like a federal witness protection program and special rules she needs to be the first Republican female VP are getting silly, but are nonetheless quite disturbing. First we got the "Human Kid Shield" after she throws her daughter under the bus for her pregnancy at the convention and then procedes to trot the kids, including her Downs Syndrome baby around St.Paul. If she and McCain had simply been honest about this in the first place no one would have cared. Second she couldn’t give interviews or answer either media or voter questions except now we have: We got Charlie Gibson’s interview where she can see Russia and embarassed herself or spouted catchwords and catchphrases. Then Hannity’s absurd palavering and drooling all over her and more lies coming out and the same 6 or 8 words repeated dozens of times with no information coming out just platitudes and lies like the Bridge etc Third she goes home to get her life ready to go on the road and send her son off to Iraq and she is all by herself on home turf and what happens? In her speech sending him off she invokes the old Cheney belief that we are fighting the people in Iraq who attacked the US on 9/11 and that the war is "God’s will" for the US. The Pentagon had warned her in advance to not politicize the event. Fourth  McCain discovers from 2 & 3 that she can’t really be out on her own AND without her no one come to see him alone and what happens? Finally on the stump with McCain as training wheels she answered, or tried to, a couple of voter questions in controlled situations with McCain and we got "Stump the candidate" avoidance line and an answer on energy and "fungible" resources (from the foremost expert in the US on energy) that was unintelligible. Fifth after not fully vetting Palin and making a rash last minute call on her McCain’s team quickly realized that they had a number of serious issues to deal with, the biggest of which is Troopergate. What do they do? Parachute in a legal SWAT team headed by a "Rambo" – the former counter terror chief from the US Attorney’s office in NY. The team now runs all aspects of this probe that was created in July by the Republican AK legislature. All the witensses who were called have refused to testify including her husband and McCain’s team have essentially usurped Palin’s responsibilities as Governor to try and hide the apparently damning facts about Palin’s abuse of power and her husband’s shadow role in the state until after the election. All inquiries related to Palin on AK issues run thru the McCain SWAT team. The McCain campaign is essentially running a large part of the business of AK. Is this America?? Sixth we now see that the McCain campaign is concerned that Palin is not ready to debate and negotiates a set of rules to protect her. Hmmm, I wonder how world leaders would feel meeting her with "rules" in their talks with her? is this reverse sex discrimination that Caribou Barbie isn’t ready to go toe to toe in public with her Democratic counterpart. "McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive." In fact in her 2006 gubernatorial debates she tried to have a stand in appear for her Everyone is trying to be polite to this national newcomer but enough of this bullsh*t! Special rules for a "woman"?? The big bad world she wants to "reform" doesn’t work that way. The problem is that McCain has no clue as to women, women’s issues or respect for them. He just hastily chose this poorly vetted and clueless, incompetent small town mayor and poorly educated Governor to try and win an election. Now in order to try and shatter the glass ceiling he has to put her first on training wheels, then in a bubble and then add special rules to protect her to try and limp to the election. This entire selection and nonsense is an insult to every person in America, Alaska and particularly to qualified women like Hillary whose supporters McCain was trying to peel off. Even Peggy Noonan called it – "It’s Over". Let’s call this what it is – lipstick on pitbullsh*t!

21 09 2008
shocker! palin needs easier format for the veep debate « angryXer

[…] expectations, now in overdrive. Thanks to AK Muckraker over at the magnificent Mudflats blog for highlighting the absurdity of the […]

21 09 2008
Political Amazon

On today’s LATimes, FRONT PAGE, print edition, is a great article about Alaskans not liking it much that they have to call John McCain’s campaign to find out info on their own state government.

Does Alaska allow recall of a governor? If my state’s governor, Schwarzenegger, pulled this crap, he’d be recalled in a heartbeat.


From the Los Angeles Times
Alaskans angered that Palin is off-limits
Queries are directed through the McCain campaign machine. Her political capital at home is eroding.
By Kim Murphy
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

September 21, 2008

ANCHORAGE — Jerry McCutcheon went to Sarah Palin’s office here last week to request information about the firing of former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, the scandal that for weeks has threatened to overshadow the governor’s role as Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s running mate.

McCutcheon was given a phone number in Virginia to call: the national headquarters of the McCain-Palin campaign.

Why, he wanted to know, did he have to call a campaign office 4,300 miles away to find out what was going on in Alaska government? The longtime civic activist phoned his local state representative, Les Gara, who quickly filed a protest.

These days, many such queries about Monegan — or anything else involving Palin’s record as governor — get diverted to McCain staffers. A former Justice Department prosecutor from New York flew in recently to advise the governor’s lawyer and field reporters’ calls about Monegan. Soon after, Palin’s willingness to cooperate in the Legislature’s probe of the affair ended.

A recent call to John Cramer, the head of the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs — who clashed with Palin during her years as mayor of Wasilla — was returned by a McCain campaign operative who had just arrived from Washington, D.C. “John who?” she asked.

In stubbornly independent Alaska, the sudden intrusion of a political campaign into so many corners of state government — not to mention Wasilla, where a dozen or more campaign researchers and lawyers have also begun overseeing the release of any information about Palin’s years as mayor — has touched a raw nerve. McCain staffers have even been assigned to answer calls for Palin’s family members, who have been instructed not to talk.

“Why did the McCain campaign take over the governor’s office?” the Anchorage Daily News demanded in an editorial Saturday. “Is it too much to ask that Alaska’s governor speak for herself, directly to Alaskans, about her actions as Alaska’s governor?”

The partisan spillover of the presidential campaign into the statehouse, political analysts here say, now threatens Palin’s most powerful political capital in Alaska: her commitment to transparency, her willingness to forge bipartisan alliances with Democrats to advance her legislative agenda, and her battle to upend the good ol’ boy network….

21 09 2008


21 09 2008
Political Amazon


But they’re so cute when they beg for attention!

21 09 2008

Great post! And great site!

People have got to keep on the press to keep beating the drums, nonstop. Why won’t Palin speak to the media? Why no press conferences? Why no real interviews?

This has to be asked every single day in every single medium. And repeated. And repeated.

They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this disgraceful charade.

21 09 2008

Are you the only politically savvy person in Alaska who doens’t like Sarah Palin? You would think, from all of the media coverage, that Alaska in IN LOVE with Sarah Palin. I’d love my Governor too if I got a check from him every year.

Isn’t that what her popularity is really all about? I mean, she didn’t sell a plane on Ebay, she has a tanning bed paid for by the State, and charges the State to sleep at her own house. And one can tell that under the surface, she is a barracuda, and not the nice kind that you want on your side. She the kind the will litterally gnaw your leg off if she’s pissed at you.

Great site, keep up the good work.

21 09 2008

I live in St. Louis, where the VP debate is being held. I expect the Wash U campus to be completely electrified on that night, with MANY pro-Obama folks on hand.

I mean, this is the same school where students organized a large-scale protest to demand higher wages for campus food-service and janitorial workers. They picketed, rallied, held a five-day hunger strike, and occupied the admissions office for almost a month!

And Wash U ALWAYS reserves a sizable number of debate tickets for students, so it should be very interesting. The campus is also surrounded by some of the most liberal neighborhoods in St. Louis.

21 09 2008

Now I’m even more excited for the VP debates! I gotta say, I’m really agreeing with your evil side on this one. Just hearing her try to remember who those guys ARE will be entertaining; watching her try to pronounce them will be even better 😀

21 09 2008

I have heard a rumor that when Sarah wears her hair down it is to cover up the wire she is wearing and she is being fed the answers to questions that the McCain camp knows she can’t answer. It will be interesting to see how well she does. Hopefully the Obama/Biden camp is aware of this possibility. Knowing how the GOP camp works, I wouldn’t put this past them. Remember the bulge in Bush’s back?

21 09 2008

Scott, if the VP debate questions deal with moose, hockey, hairspray, lipstick, snowmobiles, or how to drag your state down in a national embarrassment, Sarah Palin will win with ease. Otherwise, Biden is going to make her look like the empty-headed, blindly ambitious fluffball that she really is.

Now go away.

21 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Los Angeles Times article about the takeover of the Alaskan government by the McGrumpy group. Go Les Gara!,0,2158301.story

21 09 2008

Actually, the reason for so much attention on the V.Presidency is simply because Palin did up-stage them to some degree and for various reasons not exactly important in this line. The one claim Palin holds is that she is definitely more about CHANGE than anyone, and while not exactly a great candidate but that makes it even more obvious.

Here’s what I think, my opinion, she will start out just ok in a debate, then she’ll drop a good 30 pts or more but before it’s over – she’ll be back to even if not ahead some. When is the last time a non-Washington name has been brought to the front and one who took on their own party. I mean hasn’t everyone dreamed of this before …. like I said earlier, she can put CHANGE behind her name, can Obama or Biden or McCain or even Hillary or Bill?

21 09 2008
Top Posts «

[…] McCain Blinks. Palin Not Ready for Prime Time. So, how badly will Sarah Palin lose the Vice Presidential debate?  Because, lose she will…but to what degree?  […] […]

21 09 2008

Palin will get up there, with her folksy persona, and repeat McCain talking points. The McCain campaign has pretty much admitted that is why they are asking for the change in the debate formatt. So Palin can spend time talking about McCain’s policies and not have to spend time talking about her background or being on the defensive. She may get a few zingers in (she will have them memorized) but will not say much of substance.

The debate itself is not the goal. It is the SPIN that will come after the debates that is important and is the true goal. Remember everyone said Kerry won the debate with Bush immediately after the debate? Remember that? By the end of the week – the media declared that Bush had won. Get ready for it to happen again.

21 09 2008

Our comments, of course, sound like a Dem fest, but in light of my recent experience listening to “J. Public”, I know first hand, the soundness of eajphd Molten Contra Palin’s comment/opinion.
It seems that wherever I travel, I am surrounded by pro McCain~Palin citizens, citing sound byte after sound byte, sounding like Rush Limbaugh echo, echo, echoing machines. Separated by hundreds to thousands of miles, these individual, unbeknownst to each other, repeat the rhetoric of the Republican machine, almost word for word, i.e., “Obama is a Muslim,” Obama can’t be trusted,” “What has Obama done for this country?” “Do you want a man that came from that black church that blames whites for all their woes?” “Are you voting for him because you think he’s the Messiah?” and “If you think you can handle the taxes, go ahead and vote for Obama.”
Back in the days when I was responsible for press releases, sound bytes were “Press 101″~~for a very good reason…they work. So WHY doesn’t the Democratic camp employ this effective device? Perhaps their hope to fall on the ears of the thinking is still alive?
Palin is a pawn, much like a “dumb terminal.” If McCain wanted anyone more than that, he had only to look to his own Senate; but, he and his campaign knew that only a “dumb terminal” could appeal to that portion of our American population that want to take their signals from such. Anything further would require independent thought. Quite frankly, I find myself resenting that aspect of our humanity that falls prey to such an obvious ploy, and those who would devise and use it. Oh, for a Nation of THINKERS rather than REPEATERS…of DOERS rather than DELEGATORS.

21 09 2008

I too am hoping that Biden trounces Sarah Palin soundly in the debates. But, I think a lot of you are missing a very obvious point. The debates are probably a bigger potential pitfall for Joe Biden than Sarah Palin especially after the Gibson interview.

He’s expected to be dominant. She’ll be graded on a curve. All she has to do is not completely embarrass herself and it will be considered a win.

In addition to having to meet up to high expectations (like those voiced by many in these comments), Joe Biden is going to have to watch his tone very carefully. He doesn’t want to end up being charged with being sexist or overly aggressive. Oh, and with all that in his head, he needs to be sure not to be too laid back.

Sorry for this blatant plug, but if you want to read more of me blathering on about this, go to:

Sarah Palin’s Big Advantage Over Joe Biden!

Thanks for the chance to comment,
Tidewater Jackson

21 09 2008

The GOP is working hard to “prepare” Palin for the debate, but I highly doubt it will work. Joe Biden is skilled and just has to play his game. Good post.

21 09 2008

I would like her to lose, badly. Unfortunately, she won’t. Here’s why:

"Joe Biden is no gentleman."


21 09 2008

I continue to be astonished by the American political forums. It seems that there is a desire for reality and information but when given the chance to be real and let questions be asked and answers tested the American system fails miserably. Just look at the British debates and forums. Let it all out-ask real questions that you truly want an answer to. I understand that people here want to know what economic plan each has etc.. but truly that is not what everyone wants to know. We want to know how she plans on being a mom, or whether or not she will push for a non science curriculum to challenge a scientifically tested one– creationism. We want to know the petty and this debate will show it for all tough questions will be velveted in a let’s chose something that could be construed as sexists or belittling. And all response the same when in rebuttal.

21 09 2008

Great post, it made me laugh out loud….
I also can’t wait to see her trip up in the debate. I’m expecting the McCain campaign will cry foul and accuse Biden of being a bully and picking on the moose hunting beauty queen. We’ll see……

By the way…
I love your evil side! 🙂

21 09 2008

I am betting on her performance to be simply embarrassing…

However, I truly believe Obama will smokeeee McCain…

Because he will try to put up a fight…

Check out this hilarious pic on my debate post…

21 09 2008

Apparently Keith Olbermann is donating $100 to charity every time Sarah Palin tells a lie. (I don’t have speakers that work right now so I haven’t seen the video.)

21 09 2008

Advice to Palin: Save face while you can and get out of politics immediately. Say God spoke to you directly and become a Televangelist who has a daily show on TBN with the other Elmer Gantrys. :>)

21 09 2008
Sabo Pike

No! No! No! We need to tell everyone how great she will do and how badly Biden will do. I am sick of people (Bush) winning elections because they don’t act as stupid as pundits expected them to.

That said, I hope they ask questions about violence against women so that Biden can showcase his efforts and make Palin explain why she didn’t want her police commissioner getting funds in the program sponsored by Biden for the state with the highest rate of crimes against women.

Sadly, I don’t envy Biden. I am sure they already have the whiny news releases written about how Biden picked on her

21 09 2008

This is just about like Troopergate; the coverup may be more damaging than the actual investigation. The fact that they are requesting this formal tells me a lot. This way also, she won’t be able to “baffle us with B.S.”

21 09 2008

The question really isn’t so much about Biden beating Palin, it has more to do with how well she comes accross, whether she wins or not. If she shows as well as she has so far, gives good enough answers and does not embarrass herself, then she does well.
Biden may surprise you by not trying to destroy her at all. In fact, the Obama team runs the risk of making it look like they MADE her look bad. There are higher expectations of Biden than ther of Palin. If the expectation is that she will come off like Dan Quail, and she does better than that, she wins! That’s really all she has to do. The public isn’t a bunch of professors who are going to tear apart every word. It only matters how she looks and sounds. She already won the rest of the debate. Biden isn’t an evil guy who will attempt to destroy her. Can you say “Doris Day Attacked by Politician”?
The “evil you” in the article is unrealistic.

21 09 2008
John Peddubriwny

Greetings from Dublin.

I honestly feel you have misjudged Palin. Check this out: Michael Palin will make a great VP.

21 09 2008

I can’t possibly read thru all these comments, but is anyone else having major trouble sleeping thinking about waking up on November 5th to a Mc-Palin administration??? It’s making me majorly cranky with kids, hubby, work friends, etc. It is becoming an obsession, it’s so frightening — I go to sleep thinking about it and wake up wondering what diabolical thing the Rep’s worked on overnight – what lies do they freakin’ MAKE UP and there’s McCain “approving the message”. Also, why is SP getting a freakin’ handicap on the debate (forum modified to try to keep her from looking like the absolute fool she is).

I once worked for a vindicative “charmer” like her – someone who is smart in some ways, presents well, gifted crowd pleaser, but inside, a heart of pure self-righteous, self-centered evil towards anyone who would “dare” cross her – there’d be hell to pay, loss of job, social ostracization, (sp?) and more.

I’m working hard to see that it (Mc-P) doesn’t happen, I’ve upped my Zoloft dosage and suggest we should all take a page from SP’s playbook and pray, pray, pray to whatever higher power you may or may not believe in, that McCain-Palin does not come to pass.

PS – At the risk of being called ‘sexist’, I do wonder what kind of mother would not “blink” on accepting this “job offer” when she has a 4 month old infant and a teenage daughter who is at a major traumatic time in her life – but especially the baby – when does she even see him or hold him or nurture him? Kiss him or cuddle with him and tuck him in?

21 09 2008

Is anyone really surprised?

21 09 2008

it’s not hard to find the foreign policy issues with an economic mess this big

…specifically the effect of a weak dollar, exploding deficit, imploding markets have on our strategic partners and opponents and our ability to influence them.

Remember that China and Russia are 2 of the largest holders of U.S. treasury debt at this point. That now is a critical limitation on our strategic flexibility both economically AND OTHERWISE, simply because they both have massive heavy chains to jerk.

This doesn’t make them evil, or even our enemies. Just global real-world politics.

21 09 2008
21 09 2008

My friends and I were wondering if Sarah Palin was going to cry during the debates. I hope that it doesn’t come to tears, and I don’t think it will. Loose, she will. I think your correct that it’s just a matter of to what degree.

I’ve posted a drinking games entry. Please add to it, if you have any good rules to contribute!

Peace to all.

21 09 2008

i am so glad that there are people out there who see her for who she is. its nice to see i dont stand alone! excellent post.

21 09 2008

I would add a question of why this is being allowed by the Dems, but I ask the same question about why anything is being allowed by the Dems. ~~Dee

21 09 2008

You forgot to mention the Democrats are equally as anxious about Joe Biden. Paragraph 10 of the same NYT column:

“Indeed, both the McCain and Obama campaigns have similar concerns about the vice-presidential matchup in St. Louis: that Ms. Palin, of Alaska, as a new player in national politics, or Mr. Biden, of Delaware, as a loquacious and gaffe-prone speaker, could commit a momentum-changing misstep in their debate.”

21 09 2008
Valerie Curl

Having watched her gubernatorial debate recently aired on C-SPAN, I’m still wondering how she won the governor’s election. She was soooo outclassed by her opponents. Granted her Democratic opponent did not have much (any?) charisma, but her Independent opponent had both charisma and far superior knowledge. So how did she win? Was it all Republican politics?

There is no doubt that Joe Biden will out pace her on every question. However, Republicans will claim she was being picked on…and many Americans will believe such rot. The over riding question every American should think about, though, is if something suddenly happens to McCain which is more than likely, how will she manage one to one deals with other leaders. Will we end up continuing the neo-con Bush cowboy legacy of fight rather than talk? How will she handle the leaders in Congress? Will she pull a Bushism and refuse to talk to them?

If that’s the case, should she enter the oval office, we should all plan to move to Canada or Europe or wherever. ‘Cause this ain’t gonna be a good place to live.

21 09 2008

very good

21 09 2008

John Peddubriwny (18:53:34) :

Greetings from Dublin.

I honestly feel you have misjudged Palin. Check this out: Michael Palin will make a great VP.

Fabulous!!!! Thank you Dublin – I just sent this round the world to all my email contacts
Got to remember to laugh during the circus

21 09 2008

I like so many he would love to see her break a good sweat on stage and get embarassed out of the arena…… however it hurts my heart to see that the race is actually this close and this “gimmick” is actually almost one heartbeat away from the presidency.

It would be funnier if it wasnt so sad….. who are these people backing Palin/McLame at this point….. should be 95% Obama/Biden 5% McLame/Palin

21 09 2008
skinkor (aka Free Radical Palin)



Besides, xenophobia never will be an attractive mental disorder, and really poor impressionism will always be really painful to read.

21 09 2008
skinkor (aka Free Radical Palin)

Naomi Klein talked about the mortgage meltdown in terms of her ‘Shock doctrine’ thesis on Real Time with Bill Maher. See

Andy Sullivan: You don’t believe the government should be socializing all these industries. I thought you were on the socialist . . .

Naomi Klein: This is socialism for the rich. If were socializing things, let’s nationalize something profitable. Let’s go for Exon. . .

Go Naomi.

21 09 2008

She wants to talk about Senator McCain’s positions and not be required to defend her own?

Isn’t this about who will make the best VP? What do Senator McCain’s positions have to do with that?

These people are shameless, because they know that if the truth is unpalatable, their base will simply refuse to believe it.

21 09 2008

“Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is scheduled to meet with Afghan President Hamid Karzai this coming week in New York”


For Palin’s first meeting with a foreign leader, they trot out an American puppet who doesn’t have to return home to a free press and answer reporters’ questions like, “what do you think of Palin?”

A European leader would’ve had to return home to answer such questions and if he/she said Palin was ready, he would be ridiculed and lose support in his constituency as people would conclude that he is either a lier or completely incapable of making informed judgement. On the other hand, there’s no diplomatic language in the diplomats’ toolbox wriggly enough to make someone like Palin look half decent without sounding like an utter lie.

21 09 2008

Concerning Tina Fey, the republican army of comment trolls are spreading the line that it wasn’t Palin, McCain or Cindy that claimed Palin had foreign policy experience because her state bordered Russia, it was Tina Fey the comedienne making a joke!

The fact is Fey did make that joke, but only weeks *after* Palin et al had made the same claim with a straight face. SNL didn’t even have to write that joke because the McCain camp had already written it for them

21 09 2008

Hey, “The Stench of Librail Lies (04:38:18)”

You’re pretty good at putting words in liberals’ mouths. Let me putn a few in conservatives’ mouths: You believe dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time on earth just a few thousand years ago and want to tech that to American kids.

Oh! wait! you actually *do* believe that. OK, I give up. I can’t make up anything outrageous enough to put in your mouths that tops what you are already saying.

22 09 2008
Dai (VEB Zardoz the Gravyboat)

I’d just like to say I mean to cause no offense to you personally, or to any other Alaskan readers of your most excellent Blog, in the event that you should come across this:

Spot which Palin was carrying the 'Good Omen' baby?

I hope you get where I’m coming from with this (not always appreciated abroad) typically “british” type of humour.

Let’s hope that things don’t get TOO strange & funny, come Presidential Election time, for all our sakes!

22 09 2008
jean beverly

this is a poll asking ‘do you think sarah palin is qualified to be vice
president?’ and conservatives have organized a yes vote. take a minute
to tell them differently.


22 09 2008

Urgent – vote on this now and forward! PBS poll on aPALling’s qualifications!

22 09 2008

Many of you would appreciate Cerebral Itch’s new line of FREE political e-cards. They are hilarious! I’ve sent them to a bunch of my friends! Check them out at:

23 09 2008

First – check for the bump on her back under her blazer – it’ll be attached to something in her ear so someone can whisper the answers to her. Remember George Bush with that during those debates?

Second – I am also furious with the Dems for agreeing to this. After all of the screeching by the Republicans about how ready she is, unblinkingly ready on day one! then they should prove it to America by allowing the regular debate format to go on. This only proves that they once again are uttering words that are untrue and no one (excepting her) in her party really thinks that she is ready.

24 09 2008
Grammy a/k/a Commando Coalfire Palin


Demand that Ed O’Callahan’s be charged with the unlawful practice of law in Alaska.

24 09 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Correct Huffington Post Link. Palin/Cheney/Police State. Sorry.

The one in the previous post is good for newspapers across the US you want to write your letters of the editor to.

25 09 2008
News This Week « A Hippie’s Musings

[…]  With all that executive experience Palin’s got, I wonder why they’re so worried!  Here’s a good commentary on the decision from a native Alaskan, […]