Todd Palin Refuses to Testify? Shocking! Shocking, I say!

18 09 2008

Ed O’Callaghan, erstwhile top terrorism prosecutor from Washington D.C., now holed up in Anchorage Alaska giving legal advice in the Troopergate investigation, announced that the “First Dude” will not be cooperating.  He will ignore his subpoena, O’Callaghan says, because he no longer believes the investigation is “legitimate.”   Why?  Didn’t say.  It must have something to do with that hideously partisan unanimous vote by a council of 8 Republicans and 4 Democrats.  Those damned Democrats wielding their minority power all over the place, forcing consensus!  Who do they think they are? (Big red “Illegitimate” stamp slams down on document) Those buncha <grumble grumble grumble>…..

Todd, along with other witnesses, can stall without penalty for months, pushing this investigation well past election day.  To bring contempt charges, which are punishable by a fine up to $500, or up to six months in jail, the full  Legislature must be in session.  That happens after Christmas.

Surely there will be other nuggets of intrigue to come, but few doubt at this point that the final chapter of the Troopergate tale will be told until after November 4. (puts reading glasses away, and closes the Troopergate book.  For now.)  The damage that this stonewalling has had on Sarah Palin’s “image,” that the out-of-state lawyers and the McCain campaign were trying so fervently to craft, has yet to be measured.



545 responses

18 09 2008
18 09 2008

My My My…. how very surprising… :::: shaking head as I take two advil::::

18 09 2008
Quarter Granite Palin

That’s a very scary picture of Todd. His eyes are boring right through me.

18 09 2008

I hope they all get exactly what they deserve in the end.

18 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

I think it is time for the national press to take up the cry, : “What are you hiding from us, Ms Palin?”

This should not be alllowed to slip under the rug; she is on the ticket for the highest offices in the land.

18 09 2008

Coverup! Coverup!

What is Palin hiding?

Also, why won’t Palin release her Tax Returns and Medical Records?


Where is this “Open and Transparent Government” she keeps talking about?

18 09 2008

Oh my!! (shaking my head). What a sorry mess. There really is nothing clever to say here.

18 09 2008

They make me sick.


18 09 2008

A shame! and there is nothing anyone can do in alaska except vote agaisnt her in the election.

18 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

wonder what would happen to me if i just ignored a subpoena?
this is ridiculous. its so bush.

18 09 2008

It seems as though the state of Alaska is being run by someone other people from outside of Alaska.

18 09 2008

you’d be locked up within 24 hours

18 09 2008

They’re hiding something an I bet it’s something big. Why would they airlift all those high-powered attorneys to Alaska? Smells fishy (pun intended) to me. Piss-poor job of vetting I’d say.

18 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Iron Dog Winner – what an azz clown.

I can see why McCain has Cindy at his side. I do think she keeps him slightly on track. What does Todd do for Sarah, except get her knocked up 4 times?

What does this fool actually do? And why can he just say ‘I am not gonna testify?’ Can private citizens just laugh off a subpoena without fear of getting tossed into jail? AND why do folks allow this stuff to happen?

Lock Iron Dog up and put him on a lease.

18 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Nixon, Bush, Cheny, Rove, Scooter Libby, Harriet Miers, Sarah Palin.

18 09 2008

Too bad the investigation is quashed. It really makes me feel like drinking. But I can’t because my alcohol money is going to pay off a $50 donation to Obama’s campaign. Five more days to go. Best thing is to go in and read Hardy Brothers mystery (reverting to childhood).

18 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

Rachel is all over this–> Alaska politics… must watch!

18 09 2008

He looks like he’s been hitting the tanning bed a little too often.

18 09 2008
She Can Suck It!

ok, I am not in AK. But, do you think a protest would draw some attention to this matter? Perhaps at the statehouse?

18 09 2008
Laughing No Longer...

what about scarahs felony… didn’t she plead guilty?

18 09 2008

Suggestion for the members of the AK legislature. Get enough members together, hold a press conference and announce that they plan to introduce a censure vote. Doesn’t matter when they hold it.. just announce that that is the plan.

18 09 2008
Georgia peach

well, so if the McCain/Sarah plain and tall ticket ends up winning, and then they find out she did abuse her power as Governor, what? too late for the rest of America.

we just have to keep her out of the White House.

18 09 2008

It does make you wonder what is up…this was supposed to be a minor investigation and now it has turned into a Big Deal…..
I also would love to see the medical records.

18 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

@ Rabbler

The probe will still go on. However, if these fools can’t enforce the subpoenas, and they find her guilty, what will it matter? I think if she’s found guilty, the Honorable Trooper Wooten should go and lock her hot tail up. Bondage is what this election cycle needs. Uh, wait a minute …

18 09 2008

Tony Knowles on Maddow! Working it good.

18 09 2008

Did any of you doubt the Palin experience? They have just shown tremendous legal knowledge in avoiding to testify in a slicker way than Rove ever did before.

In fact, the Palins have just demonstrated extensive international legislative experience. (The refusal messages had to go through Canada to get to the lower 48). A sparkling demonstration of brilliant competence.

Not bad at all….a promising potential for Washington!

18 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀



This is surprising because…?

Does anyone else notice how, after three weeks of Palin stuff coming out of the woodwork, that Obama, Michelle, Biden and Jill have no dark secrets or anything “questionable” that hasn’t already been picked through?

I can’t wait to see Obama-Biden win with the craziest landslide ever!!

18 09 2008

I hope the people of Alaska are outraged by this. I hope that when the Palin/McCain ticket loses and she has to head back to her regular job she and the “first dude” get the shit kicked out of them for being so incredibly disrespectful to their state and to their country.

But unfortunately, she’ll probably end up as some obnoxious talking head on Faux News after being impeached.

18 09 2008

Isn’t it time to send the US Marshall service to pick up this fool and take him directly to the big house? If he refuses – handcuffs too!

If the next person refuses put him/her in the back of the police cruiser with cuffs as well, as the convoy speeds toward the nearest federal lockup.

This was nothing but a Rovian game of chicken and the Alaskans involved with McSame won. (so far)…Hopefully this is NOT the last of this childish game we’ll see over the next 30 days.

18 09 2008

What do we need for a recall? If our state officials won’t work for us, let’s kick ’em to the curb.

18 09 2008

As a lower 48-er, I abhor the introduction of Rove-style stonewalling and smash-mouth politics to Alaska. After McPalin has gone down to defeat, I hope the voters of Alaska will mete out an appropriate punishment to Palin come re-election time.

18 09 2008

Hmmm. I’ve always been told that Alaskans didn’t like to be told by the lower 48 how to conduct their business.

Has this changed?

18 09 2008

Has anyone seen Jim Staro around? I have been missing his comments, and hope he is ok.

18 09 2008

On a previous thread a lawyer type said that if Palin’s people refused to testify, then Branchflower et. al. could release some of the facts already collected as a leverage or pressure (because the facts would make PalinCo look bad and they would have to answer).

Is releasing partial results of the investigation in this manner a possibility?

18 09 2008

So subpoenas in Alaska aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Thanks KKKarl Rove. Only the little people have to abide by the pesky things.

18 09 2008
John Nail

You are right on the damage down in the lower 48. Every news outlet has a daily update and commentary on this and nothing else much on her, and if they do it is first and others are after.

Along with the gaffes, puff ball interviews etc the big time is working her over down here…as well as her medieval beliefs and pro life extermism.

Keep up the good work!!!

18 09 2008

Seriously, how many times do I have to say it. I am not surprised anymore by anything the Republican party does. Would any of this be happening if Sarah wasn’t running for VP? She’s got the big wigs behind her now and they will stop at nothing to well just about prove that those damn republicans in Alaska, with the help of those asshole minority democrats brought this about because you know, it’s all because she’s a woman or something.

18 09 2008

QUERY: I assume there’s an answer to:
1. Why can’t Branchflower issue and interim report
2. why can’t Branchflower issue a report based on what he has – there are things he knows, because we’ve learned them. We know people contacted him. We have Monegan’s testimony. If they choose not to let those who can clarify testimony, well….. I believe an adverse inference is reasonable.

I’m not sufficiently familiar with rules for reports, but I’m guessing they don’t need more than Preponderance of the Evidence, and adverse inferences can be made, just like in a civil case.

If Monegan knows enough to know things are likely to be not favorable (something he shouldn’t have said, but he isn’t the investigator, and hehasn’t been removed) why can’t Branchflower issue a report based on everything that was known when that statement was made, plus what he has learned since, plus adverse inference for failing to cooperate.

18 09 2008

Sarah Palin could very well being ruining any chance that she may have had for future office anywhere…anytime. Well…maybe dog catcher.

18 09 2008

Former Guv Tony (for those of you out of state–he was our gov for 8 yrs, timed out, then Murkowski for 4 long, disrespectful years, then Sarah beat Tony for a return engagement. She ran as an “outsider, reformer”) was just on Maddow and hit all the right buttons about Palin:
The oil price swollen state budget that explains her popularity (when Tony was guv, oil was $9/barrel, Sarah got $130/barrel–85% of our State budget)
The heavily R’d Leg. that voted to investigate Troopergate
The AG not upholding the LAW!
The stellar reputation of the Trooper Commissioner that Palin fired.
He done good.

18 09 2008

Why can’t I understand this? Seems like a bench warrant could be issued, the “First Dood” (I know – creative spelling) could be arrested and hauled in. I believe that’s what would happen to me…should happen to Rove if our Congress were to “grow a pair”.


18 09 2008

Surely, please, tell me that the average American Redneck (Lady Rothchild’s word, not mine) is beginning to see this?? I know the Republicans thought we would connect with the Palins because we would see ourselves in them. . . . uh. . . NOT.

I don’t want her for a friend because she appears to stab everyone in the back (although she was nice to her friend who likes cows).

I don’t want her as a neighbor because I’ve done my dead level best to keep my children away from households who do not have their children under control as evidenced by a junkie son and a pregnant unwed daughter.

I don’t want her as my Vice President because she does not have the experience nor the desire to go get the experience before running for a major office, and I never know when she is telling the truth.

No, no and no.

18 09 2008

Bush League!

That’s my new sign if I ever have a chance to show up at a McSame-Impalin’ event!

My head hurts.
Whitewater anyone?
Gennifer Flowers?
And let’s not even speak the “M” name….

Can you imagine the Rs putting up with sidestepping a Liberal owned Troopergate?

Okay, I said it a long time ago, (like four days ago—but with this election, time moves like a dying turtle)—somebody, put on a fleece pullover, grab two coffees and smile really nice on the doorstep of the librarian.

Can we not charm her into talking on or off the record?

Yes, Mary Ellen what’s-her-name has already gone on record, uh, kinda, and talked about whatever, but she’s pure 20/20 GOLD!

On the fence senior citizen voters don’t like to see librarians bullied.

The fact that the church lady in red heels inquired about book banning BEFORE she was major, WHILE she was mayor and then took a revisionist history pill and said, “Uh, it was a rhetorical question”….and then popped another lie-aid and said, “Charlie, a parent asked me about banning books, Charrr-lie”….

Since Troopergate, all the chewy nuggets of democratic goodness will be postponed until next year, if ever, the librarian needs to be convinced to stand up and do the AMERICAN thing.

Librarian, Mary Ellen, this is your chance. THIS is your moment.

Few people, like, maybe five in American history, EVER have had a chance to stand up, be brave, do the right thing and speak before the masses to right a wrong and to make the all important pre-emptive strike.

I have a dream…anyone?

Stand up and talk to a reporter, print or electronic, but talk….tell America the truth about how a woman who not only doesn’t understand the difference between church and state, but who WANTS to cram her beliefs down our throats and on our wombs, please just tell everyone about your experience with Mayor Palin.

I know Alaska is actually a very small place (as far as people are concerned) and maybe you think you won’t be able to live there much longer if you speak.

But speak.

There are millions, like, 300 or so who need to hear your voice.

Katie in San Antonio

18 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

If I were in Alaska, I would encourage a protest rally with speakers denouncing Sarah Palin for placing herslef above the law and breaking her word to cooperate. I would be after the legislature to call a special session to vote on contempt charges for the people who defied the subpeona. I would be suing Sarah Palin for failing to execute her duties as the executive branch in enforcing the rule of the Alaskan constitution.

I would be taking polls on how the citizens feel about thos iutrage and publishing the results in every media outlet.

18 09 2008
Gravel Blood Palin

These Republicans rant and rave in all 50 states about lawyers and “trial lawyers” and about they are all going to bring the world down around our ears.

Except when they need to hire them some lawyers to drag things out or to get specious legal opinions.

There is justice in this world, and it’s comin’ callin’ soon.

18 09 2008

Well, I’m shocked — just shocked!
I wondered how the First Dude
was gonna back out.

18 09 2008
oklahoma independent

How is this okay?? She is running for VP and is allowed to stall an investigation for abuse of power. What the hell? Protest Alaskans!! Protest Americans!! The press should demand a comment or explanation from her, or God forbid, a press conference. I hope karma bites her in the butt.

18 09 2008

Laurie…I hope you are right, except I am a dog/cat lover. As a member of the ASPCA, I cannot condone cruelty to animals.

18 09 2008

This makes me sick too! These people, who the hell do they think they are? Oh my God – what is happening here? The book cannot be shut on Troopergate for now – I cannot get Walt Monegan’s face out of my mind – he is a good man – the truth has got to come out BEFORE the election. There must be intelligent, savvy lawyers who can fight this and prevail.

18 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

Yes, why can’t the investigation proceed, and use the absence of subpeona witnesses as assumed guilt?

18 09 2008

Rabbler (17:51:56) wrote:
On a previous thread a lawyer type said that if Palin’s people refused to testify, then Branchflower et. al. could release some of the facts already collected as a leverage or pressure (because the facts would make PalinCo look bad and they would have to answer).

Is releasing partial results of the investigation in this manner a possibility?

If nothing else, it seems some “insider” in the investigation could play his or her own Karl Rove politics – LEAK BABY LEAK!

18 09 2008

So, the “Palin and McCain” campaign flies around with Gramps and the Mrs., Sarah and First dude all doing their thing at the same event. One event.

In the meantime, the grownups on the other side have Obama in one place, Biden in another, Michelle holding her own and Jill off doing something else. 4 events at once! What a concept! Guess that’s what happens when you don’t need training wheels.

I just can’t wait for her to get her due in the next life. I really need for her to get it now.

18 09 2008

Alaskans –

How are Palin’s ardent supporters feeling about their Governor Palin NOW? Surely, even the most blind supporter has to begin to question this. .. . .

Down here, my Republican friends are cringing and preferring not to engage (of course, that just won’t do)! There is a wrinkle in this perfect little o holier than thou, you democrat slugs Republican Party, and for those of us who have tolerated their smug behavior during the past years, I’M LOVING IT!!!!!

18 09 2008

Katie (17:56:38) : – YOU GO GIRL! EXCELLENT POINT! We NEED to hear from this librarian.

18 09 2008

BTW–The silver lining in all of this is we now REALLY know our Guv.

I honestly can say, “Who knew?”

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I am willing to place a bet – big bet — that when McPalin lose the election, these lawyers will drop their participation in this case faster than you can say “bridge to nowhere.”

LOL – on Olbermann they just showed her in Iowa calling it “the Palin-McCain” administration.

18 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

Where’s that army of lawyers who supposedly give big bucks to the dems? We need to send them all to Alaska.

Dead certain Palin’s approval ratings in AK tanking as we speak.

18 09 2008


Love it!

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I don’t think Dems should fight this. Just let the bad smell of this permeate.

That – and maybe some more of those hacked emails can be released!

18 09 2008

That does it kids, time to put some manners on these brats.

BigSlick Daddy is on a flight home from Tokyo next week.

18 09 2008


SWWNBN will be here again for a $1000 plate fundraiser. All info is posted at I’m lucky..I can re-arrange my schedule and I will be there with my sign. Hope any or all of you can make it! If anyone wants to contact me: is the best way.

E-mail sent via the Blackberry which John McCain invented
Slap Spear Palin

18 09 2008

Been saying this for over a week and I’ll say it again: They MUST keep the lid on Troopergate, otherwise Shadowgate will be exposed. That is what they are REALLY desperately wanting to cover up.

The average Joe still doesn’t know — via the national press — that The First Dood has been acting as Co-Governor. The fact that he was cc’ed on those e-mails is damning evidence that will lead to revelations about his sitting in on official state meetings, etc. That revelation may in turn lead to an even bigger one that ties in to her wacko religious philosophy: That Todd is the “godhead” in the house so Sarah must answer to him.

What do you think that will do to the McCain-Palin ticket?!

18 09 2008

lol…Intrigued…now that is an area I agree with you on. I mentioned about a week ago, that Sarahs religious beliefs are centred around the husband and father being the “god head”. As such, he is the one who makes all of the decisions and his word is law. What you say about him being involved as a shadow co-governor is not a far out speculation at all in my opinion, and I am not a conspiracy theorist.

18 09 2008

There are a couple of things I wish the media would do:

1) When things like this are asked, and in particular when they refuse to do press releases, print a BIG BLANK SPACE with Senator McCain and Governor Palin refused to speak, to participate in a press release, etc. The digital media should run that irritating beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep for as long as they thought they would give the Republican Party time on the evening news. I understand that the media needs to be there to ensure there is at least some news coming out, but I really believe the media needs to grow some, uh, appendages and throw Rovian plays right out of the playbook back at the Rovian Party.

2) I think everyone needs to be keeping a list of all of these holier than thou “I am above you and the law” kind of behavior and play it in all the battleground states over and over and over. At some point in their subconsciousness, even the most ardent fundamentalist has to ask him/herself if Palin is following the entire Word and not just selecting bits and pieces that suit her most current needs. I think there is enough data now that one could just roll and roll and roll all the silly stuff the Republican Party has done over the past 72 hours. Let me see, how many of these yahoos have called the Democratic Party elitist:

– Carly (received a $40M payout to LEAVE HP)
– Romney (billionaire)
– Lady Rothschild (multi-billionaire)
– McCain (7-9 homes, husband of an heiress)
– Palin (is it true that she is worth $9MMUSD under a public servant’s salary…)

18 09 2008

…sorry! meant press conferences.

18 09 2008

For any of you Colorado women and men out there who want to attend a ‘women against Palin’ rally, mark Sept 23 on your calendar.

Here are the details

18 09 2008

Intrigued (18:11:34) wrote:
Been saying this for over a week and I’ll say it again: They MUST keep the lid on Troopergate, otherwise Shadowgate will be exposed. That is what they are REALLY desperately wanting to cover up.

My Republican husband agrees with you wholeheartedly. He says while all of us are frantically fussing about Troopergate, it’s because there’s something REALLY dirty the R’s know is lying under a nearby rock.

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

When Palin was selected, I heard a few people mention the movie “Dave.” But does anyone else think of the movie I really think this is closer to — “Being There”. Palin is the Chance Gardener character. People (well the conservative/right) thought she was brilliant. But now we are all finding out she was a fabrication.

Love the connection with this IMDB synopsis:

Being There is a story of a man who has been totally isolated in his life living in a man’s house and tending to his garden. Upon his benefactor’s death the isolated gardener is thrust into the cruel world and by acts of fate he becomes a prominent and important celebrity. His opinions are sought after yet he is oblivious to anything important.

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@CRFlats – yes, I was wondering what the ex-Governor’s reputation was. It was good to hear him speak. More than the cover-up, it really seems that what she’s now done to Monegan is what’s costing her supporters. Loyalty seems to be a big thing in your state and it cuts both ways. It’s so important to her that she fired people for disloyalty and now, folks are being loyal to Monegan by coming to his defense and in the process, their eyes are opening and they’re seeing the Governor in a different light.

Bec — I posted to you in the other thread. You might be right about that guy. Anyway, it was good to see your post about Debbie. I’m with you!

18 09 2008

Intrigued, although we have had our differences on other threads, I hope to goodness you are right about this.

18 09 2008

I am so with you on the librarian telling her story- right down to showing the letter re: intent to terminate and having multiple supporters who kept her from being fired speaking up as well. It is the right thing to do. Period. And that goes for anyone else who can contribute relevant information about SP’s behavior as mayor and governor. Ask not what your country can do for you…

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Oh – scary thought re-reading this — if McCain is the “old man” — I know this is how it would turn out.

Palins opinions are sought after, yet SHE is oblivious to anything important.

18 09 2008
Methlab Earmark Walmart Whitesnake Van Palin (rockin'!)

Apparently all of the Palin clan were sent a copy of the Bush playbook. It fits on a note card, actually:

Deny, Delay, Denigrate, Distract

The 4 D’s of BushCo politics, now in zesty but cool Alaskan flavor!

18 09 2008

“Librarian, Mary Ellen, this is your chance. THIS is your moment.- Katie”

I agree. She needs to be a true patriot and tell her story and not be intimidated. Maybe she can give AKM an exclusive interview first to test the waters. I sure as hell know we’ll support her!

And now that we have one scandal that looks like it’s on the back burner, it’s time to move one from the rear burner to the front one, and MENTION IT BY NAME: KEATING 5. I know the Dems have been dancing around it, but it happened; it true, and a clear similarity to the current situation can be drawn while casting a shadow on McCain while remaining above the fray. Yes, he was exonerated, but he got lucky because the only other Senator to be exonerated as well was John Glenn. Apparently, we like to maintain our heroes as much as possible.

The surrogates have mentioned it starting today (Begala on Maddow). It’s only a matter of time before Biden goes for it too, and then Obama uses it. The Republicans might have stonewalled an investigation, but they will lose on this one. I told ya a few days ago: they were keeping this card ready to play when they needed to. Now is the time.

18 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

so basically, the power of supoeana in alaska is one big joke

and i guess that although the state house can be called back into emergency session…it will not

and i guess alaskans are just so overjoyed at finally being the focal point of the news, they dont care that the world looks at them as one big joke

so sad

18 09 2008


I agree. We need to get The Keating Five Scandal back in the public eye. It shows what kind of man McCain is – especially given the fact that we are in similar circumstances.

18 09 2008

@RW I was just going to post this! Are you able to attend? I’m going!! Woohoo..the first time in my life I have done something like this and I am so excited. If you are going e-mail me at Maybe we could hook up!

slap spear palin

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

I can’t resist — I think I got this from a comment someone posted on an article in ADN online this morning:

Palin Obtained a Business License For Marketing and Consulting, Saying that She Wanted To Line Up Her Ducks if She Chose to Pursue It.

Asked about the business registered under her name, Palin said, “Rouge Cou, it’s a classy way of saying redneck. It’s a French word, rouge is red, cou is neck. It’s for marketing and consulting, in case I wanted to go that route, I’d have my ducks all lined up and have a business license. I just was granted that business license… I would like to, with some of the endeavors that I have going on right now, there comes a time when one desires to be paid for them!” [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 6/8/05]

18 09 2008


– I will be there! I’ve sent emails to a bunch of women I know already! I’m thinking about a “Cheney with Lipstick” sign… but don’t know yet. I’m open to sign ideas.

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

CNN ALERT!! First Dude’s “role” in government! Branchflower made a brief comment but I think there’s more coming.

18 09 2008

They are talking about the first dood’s influence on Alaska politics right now.

18 09 2008

Ahh you beat me to the story this time Muckraker. Well good for you because this sorry deserves ALL of our attention.

I have listed all of the contact information for the State Senate , the House of Representatives, as well as various news agencies.

With Muckrakers permission I would like to encourage you to stop over and click on one or more of the links provided and let a lawmaker or news paper know just what you think of how the McCain/Palin campaign is treating Alaskans and our attempts to investigate wrongdoing and make sure justice is served.
Great! Thanks, Gryphen. AKM

18 09 2008

There is probably something hiding out there that is worse than the Trooper Wooten affair. But I expect that Branchflower and the committee will issue an interim report on 10 Oct based on what he has got from Monegan et al. The committee is made up of politicians, and even some of the Republicans have it in for Palin at this point. They can say that, yes, it is one sided, but that Palin et al are welcome to come give their side, under oath. It is hard to imagine that it won’t be pretty damning, even if its incomplete. We already know about the recording, and Monegan testified for hours (7-8 I think) to Branchflower, and I am sure it is all recorded. McPalin and their campaign have shown very poor judgement all along—they pissed off the entire Spanish speaking world with McCain’s gaffe last night, and are still trying to spin instead of saying “McCain was tired and slipped a digit.”

Yes, I think they will release something. We may know more tomorrow after the meeting. We’ll see… AKM

18 09 2008

@RW–how shall we tell the world that we are mudflatians? I would really like to meet you. I think I will go review the signs from the Alaska rally and see what speaks to me. I have also e-mailed my gals to see if anyone is interested in going with me. Big Smile here:):):)

18 09 2008

Amused and Bewildered (18:30:12)
LOL! I was so excited I didn’t even include the channel!

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Re: First Dude. Copied on lots of state emails — nothing to do with Troopergate. They showed a shot of them on Anderson Cooper 360. So if this is out in the open, why isn’t this more of an issue?

18 09 2008

Did Sarah put her hand on the Bible when she was sworn in as Governor? If so, has she upheld the oath? Depending on the answer……..does the Bible mean anything anymore or is it just a prop?

18 09 2008

Doh !
typo – drchill (17:43:13) :

Announce a censure vote ( or threaten one )

Suggestion for the members of the AK legislature. Get enough members together, hold a press conference and announce that they plan to introduce a censure vote. Doesn’t matter when they vote … just announce that that is the plan.

18 09 2008

galwhohashadenough! –

Maybe we should add something special to our sign – a code.

What should it be?

18 09 2008
Missle Blunt Palin

I am an Alaskan and I am angry. Our governor and her administration are showing an astonishing level of contempt for us and for the legislators we elected. Isn’t there anything we can do? Flood our legislators in-boxes and voicemail demanding that the investigation proceed? Take to the streets? Can we get something going here? Anybody got any ideas?

18 09 2008

galwhohashadenough! –

Just FYI- my blog with contact info is . My pics on there, but my hair is a little longer, and a little blonder. 🙂

18 09 2008

Well, this is just proof of the pudding. When you get elevated into big money, there is no end to what your lawyers can do.

The Palins are in big time money now with McCain. I ask all of you readers how easy it would be for you to refuse a subpoena…..??

18 09 2008
Jan Arnold

CNN just ran a great piece on 360 about Todd, floating the shadow theory. They discussed how he would show up in official meetings, have copies of emails, went on state business trips, etc – and that he was ignoring the subpoena. Good for Anderson Cooper – we should all write to say we want the media to follow up.

18 09 2008

From Huffpo about a surrogate mentioning Keating 5 today It also has a brief recap of what the K5 Scandal was, just in case you weren’t born back then!

18 09 2008

jhh (18:32:29) :
There is probably something hiding out there that is worse than the Trooper Wooten affair. But I expect that Branchflower and the committee will issue an interim report on 10 Oct based on what he has got from Monegan et al.

I hope you are correct. In fact, I wish he would announce their plan to do so NOW.

Oh yeah…transparent government you can count on!

18 09 2008

Nice Try….. Alaskan state employees and state leadership are united in saying no to the bogus and frivolous attempts to create a national issue out of a non-event by the Obama smear machine for purely political purposes.

18 09 2008

Did I mention hard ball with the big boys? Yes, I believe I did. Did I mention Valerie Plame and her destruction and her assets as a US intelligence officer? I mean playing hard and smart for our side investigating nuclear weapons in either Iraq or Iran? (can’t remember which at the moment) Because her husband criticized the Bush Administration? I believe I did. Well, isn’t this just something? Yes, indeed.

18 09 2008

jhh (18:32:29) :
There is probably something hiding out there that is worse than the Trooper Wooten affair. But I expect that Branchflower and the committee will issue an interim report on 10 Oct based on what he has got from Monegan et al.

I hope you are correct. In fact, I wish he would announce the plan to do so NOW.

Oh yeah…transparent government you can count on!

18 09 2008

Intrigued – I think you are right – after you first mentioned this I also discussed it with my s.o. (not because I had too before forming my own opinion 🙂 – The fundamentalist view in most cases IS that the husband is the head of the family and being such is the decision-maker. I’m not a conspiracy theorist either but Todd’s role and Sarah’s compulsive cc’ing makes your idea one with eerie validity.

18 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Dang, I wanna hear more about Shadowgate. Being a Christian, submission is an essential concept. If First Dood is really pulling the strings, and that makes perfect sense, this would be huge. What should be done is – someone hacking into his e-mail account. Dang – talk about a real-life shell game.

She’s clueless, but if he’s in charge, and it’s likely if McShame kicks the bucket, look out. Lord, I beg you to let the truth be revealed in this situation fully.

Talk about a real-life Manchurian candidate …

18 09 2008

Has anyone heard the Plain lawyers raise “Spousal Privilege” yet, in defense of ignoring the First Dude’s subpoena?

18 09 2008


Instead of making noises when Palin turns down an interview, the networks should hire Tina Fey to fill in the slot for her. That would put the thumb screws on…

I wonder how many viewers wouldn’t realize that Fey wasn’t the real thing?

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Amused – I had read about that Palin Rouge Cou/Red Neck business name the week she was introduced to the world. It is a source of pride. Levi bragged about it on his webpage.

On Olbermann just now (watching rerun) Howard Fineman of Newsweek just said that if McCain-Palin win, McCain will find she will be most assertive in the administration and make sure she has “her hand on the tiller” — he won’t be able to shuffle her back to Alaska.

He also said that the more they keep dodging the Troopergate investigation, the more it will appear they are trying to hide something. We here all know this – but it was good to hear him say this because Howard tries to be fairly evenhanded and not one-sided with his comments.

18 09 2008


I think the spousal privilege defense has the same Catch-22 as pleading the 5th. You can do it but if you do it sure makes it look like you are guilty.

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Missle Blunt Palin I’m curious, were you a supporter of Palin’s before this came to light?

18 09 2008

National Enquirer is running with Todd’s refusal…but look at the stories about Todd’s family’s run-ins with the law in Alaska.


Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin has hushed up a series of scandals including her own brother-in-law’s shocking criminal past!

18 09 2008

Is there any penalty in Alaska for refusing to testify after being subpoena’d? I always thought a person who refused would be jailed, but the Bush administration evidently put an end to that.

18 09 2008

@RW–I think at the bottom of our sign it should say MUDFLATS!!
These are what I came up with going through the Alaska rally signs:


Pitbulls bite, but how good is their judgement?

Hey hockeymom, keep the puck out of DC.

Sorry we are off thread…but hey, we have a rally to attend. Anyone else who has ideas for signs…let us know!

Slap Spear Palin

18 09 2008

Mad Skillz, son (18:39:08) :
Dang, I wanna hear more about Shadowgate. Being a Christian, submission is an essential concept. If First Dood is really pulling the strings, and that makes perfect sense, this would be huge.

Mad Skills,
I’m with you. Troopergate is a distraction form SOMETHING the
Incontintent/Imcompetent ticket wants to hide!

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

has the national enquirer website gone down?????

18 09 2008

@plwalsh (18:42:38) :

I think the spousal privilege defense has the same Catch-22 as pleading the 5th. You can do it but if you do it sure makes it look like you are guilty.

No, I don’t think so overall, but it’s limited to preventing one spouse from testifying against the other spouse. If the questions to be posed of Mr. First Dude are about his actions alone, then it would not rightfully apply in any event. Though, they would of course try to blur the distinction.

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Bec, I saw Olbermann earlier. VERY good show tonight! From the beginning to the “worst person of the week”, LOL.

I never looked at Levi’s myspace page but I heard about the Redneck thing — but I didn’t know he was talking about the business!

Speaking of myspace, I DID see the myspace page of the kid who was NOT a minor when the bus incident happened. (The one that’s being speculated that Track Palin was involved in as a minor.) The page was set to ‘private’ but you could see his user name and a blurb that said “Any reporters who want to talk to me, call xxx-xxx-xxxx” (Real number was supplied.) Quite frankly, I forgot all about that until now! I guess no one called, there was nothing to it or he was suppressed!

18 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

We need to launch a big push to have Todd and Sarah (and Cindy) release their tax records. If Theresa Kerry had to release hers, no reason why Cindy doesn’t.

Anyone know how we start this? Locally, from Alaska? Or a National signature gathering campaign? Who do we nag?

18 09 2008

jhh, I hope you’re correct and the report gets out. I am outraged by this.

Websters Thesaurus:
The new government aims for better transparency openness, accountability, straightforwardness, candor.

She must use a different dictionary and bible than the ones I am familiar with.

18 09 2008

I’ll put Mudflats on the bottom of my sign!

Thanks for the sign ideas.

AKA – Maybe we should start a thread with sign ideas for all the rally’s around the lower 48 that will be happening.

18 09 2008


If you refuse to testify when subpoenaed, the judge can hold you in contempt of court and have you jailed until you do. That happened in Whitewater you may remember. BTW, Congress could actually have those Bush administration officials who refuse to testify jailed in the basement of the Capital if they had the guts to do it.

18 09 2008

too long for a sign?

straight talk express on a bridge to nowhere

18 09 2008

has the national enquirer website gone down?????

those links i posted are still live.

18 09 2008

What is wrong with this country? If you or I were to just “refuse” to answer a subpoena do you know what would happen? I do. There would be a sheriff at your door with a warrant for our arrest.

I am so sick to death of these people, just refusing to show up.

This country’s economy is circling the drain, and John McCain picks this “Jerry Springer side show” as his running mate.

God help us all!

18 09 2008
sandybeach in WA

We’ve been known to call a special session down here…

18 09 2008

– good one!

18 09 2008

I am praying that people will wise up and do the right thing. Us Ohioians have the focus on us after the diebold fiasco of 2004… AG Marc Dann scandal. Look beyond race and vote for the best candidate to pull us out of the cesspool created by an intellectually challenged Go Ole Boy from Tx. Go O’Bama…..

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

ok Halcrow, it’s just me then.

18 09 2008


Right. What I meant to imply was that if the Dude used this excuse not to testify it would make Sarah look guilty. (Hell, at this point pretty much everything they do makes Sarah look guilty.)

18 09 2008

I’m trying to remember life pre Sarah Palin. It was so calm…..
I guess Rove miscalculated that the lower 48 would embrace the bible thumpin’ , igloobillie and her disfunctional family and not ask any questions.

I feel like this is an episode of the Simpsons!!!

18 09 2008

A few thoughts…

The Bipartisan Judiciary Council meets tommorrow. You can bet they have some good legal minds in attendance. I hope they want to do the right thing. The outcome of that meeting will determine what happens next.

I wonder if Walt Monegan printed out some e-mails he received from the Palin Administration’s Yahoo accounts. Is there is enough there to make things very uncomfy for SP?


18 09 2008


The Enquirer links worked fine for me about five minutes ago. Probably the site just got overloaded. This has been happening.

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Updating myself here. I guess someone did call Deryck Harris, the guy who was not a minor in the bus vandalizing incident:

“Track wasn’t with me. Track had nothing to do with it,” participant Deryck Harris, 20. “I was friends with him. We hung out. But he wasn’t there,” Harris said, describing the incident as a senior prank gone awry.”

18 09 2008

I think Todd Palin probably knows things he heard about Troopergate from Sarah at home. Also, he is most likely one of the members of the Palin clan who made harrassing phone calls to Wooten. I think that is why Todd P was subpoened. I think Palin just doesn’t want it to be officially declared that she abused her power for a personal matter. If there is something else, I suspect it may have to do with her son’s arrest for the bus vandalism. Wooten may have been involved in that in some way.

18 09 2008

SARA PALIN APPOINTED A KENAI COP , CHUCK KOPP, to replace the FIRED MONEGAN and he has a SEXUAL HARRASSMENT letter or reprimand from the City of Kenai (AK)???

What the hell?

Ah, yes. Chuck Kopp. Use the little search box at the bottom right of Mudflats and you’ll find lots on ol’ Chuck. AKM

18 09 2008

Wooten undoubtedly knows where most of the bodies are buried. (Is this story starting to seem like a cross between Northern Exposure and the Sopranos?)

18 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

Now, I’m really scared. If Todd is calling the shots, and she is ccing him all of the info, that would mean … this is massive.

Dang, Michelle Obama said she was proud (taken out of context, also) and she was hammered over it by the right. And yet, here this fool is – just inches from being the Second Husband, soon to be first, and he’s above the law – and no one is calling this out, except for MSNBC’s attack dogs of O, Maddow and Matthews? Insane.

Only in America can a person say they can see Russia from their house, let their husband, with no executive experience, run a leading superpower.

And it can only get worse. You think you have some freedoms revoked – under their admin, he will use Alaska’s constitution as law. Oh well – guess I’ll just move to Costa Rica or Canada.

I hope J6P will overlook race and realize Obama will help, not hurt him.

18 09 2008

@arkangel3: Keating 5

This was finally mentioned tonight on KO as well as on CNN earlier. We’ve been asking about it for a few weeks because if we are going back to POW days, everything after that is fair game.

I’m still curious as to how Alaskans are feeling about their Senator now. Guilty or innocent, the fact remains they are trying to act above the law. I could no more say “nope” to a subpeona than any of the rest of us on this blog and not be thrown in jail. This is such an abuse of privilege and of power, and unfortunately for Alaskans playing out on a very public stage.

Women are coming to Obama’s camp in droves now. It will be hard to stem that tide as we talk A LOT to each other about these issues. No woman in her right mind is going to vote for the candidate that denies choice at any cost while cutting WIC completely out of the State budget. (and I only bring this up because this is the only platform it appears the Rovian Party is running on nowadays….)

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Amused and Bewildered (18:53:59) :

you can bet there was something that persuaded him to join the army.

Or did he willingly turn his back on all that the governor’s lifestyle could offer? Yeah, right!

18 09 2008

oxypolitis (18:38:23) :

“Nice Try….. Alaskan state employees and state leadership are united in saying no to the bogus and frivolous attempts to create a national issue out of a non-event by the Obama smear machine for purely political purposes.”

Ummmm, I think the issue was well on its way to national attention long before Palin was even nominated. Nice try oxypolitis. See link to New Yorker article/interview before nomination.

18 09 2008

Here’s a question I am interested in:

Have there been any stories about Palin that have floated around the blogisphere since her VP tap that have been definitively debunked? The Republican pundits have been implying that they are all vicious lies.

18 09 2008

@aztopcat–I completely understand where you are coming from. I feel like I’m in some other world. I went to sleep with Obama’s speech ringing in my ears. Then, awoke to SWWNBN(Sarah Palin=She Who Will Never Be Named). Ever since then my world has gone topsy-turvy. I will say it again as I have said it before. The ONLY place which has kept me sane is Mudflats. So, once again I give a big thanks to you AK for doing what you are doing. People are reading, people are linking, people are giving, people are going to rally’s. This is because of you and your willingness to speak. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

18 09 2008
Missle Blunt Palin

Amused and Bewildered
No I wasn’t. Still, I never imagined she would cripple our state government so quickly and so spectacularly. She has allowed outside political operatives to hijack our legislature and our AG is AWOL.

18 09 2008

Sign Ideas:

Hey Pitbull! The pound is coming!
Obama ’08!

Hey Palin! Got Mud?
Mudflatians Unite!

Don’t Impalin’ Yourself
Vote Obama!

Lipstick Covers Lips, Not LIES!
Obama ’08

Palin? O-No!
Obama! O-YES!

Maverick! Your Goose is cooked!
(Okay, this is so stupid, but I need some help with the Top Gun reference and some sort of clever cut down)

And…we need T-shirts that say:

Got Mud?

Just a few ideas!

Oh…gotta run Tony Blair showing up on The Daily Show!!!!!

Yee to the haw as we say in Texas.

Okay, nobody says that, but me.

18 09 2008

I don’t think Todd Palin has had anything to do with governing Alaska. Sarah runs the show wherever she is–at home, or at the office. I think he knows she wears the pants and just tries to stay out of her way and do his own thing.

18 09 2008

Question: Does Todd Palin have an undergraduate degree? If so, do you know what from which institution?

18 09 2008

It’s interesting that I get kicked out of aol dialup everytime I post a comment here….hmmm? Maybe they don’t like what I’m saying. Go O’Bama

18 09 2008

To be fair, it was Tina Fey, not Sarah Palin, who said she could see Russia from her house. I know it is getting hard to keep track of which part of this is satire…

Sarah would have to travel over 500 miles west to be able to see Russia…which sort of makes it even worse, if you’re using it as actual criteria. AKM

18 09 2008

I believe Todd Palin never attended any college.

18 09 2008


Somewhere in the last thread – oh that seems so long ago – there was a mention of finding the link to ‘tell us where you are’ (or something like that) so we can locate each other

Sorry. I tried to find it again – so little time, so many posts to read. Does anyone know if this was a reference to “the list” Palmdale has been tracking (yikes! “tracking” that sounds like a another Palin baby name!)…Thanks in advance, for any assistance.

Worn out in Washington

18 09 2008

I thought it was interesting when I film group was there this spring and it showed Todd sitting in the governor’s chair behind her desk?

18 09 2008

Bec in Illinois
Did we see the same movie? It’s been a long time, but I believe the Peter Sellers character was intellectually challenged and thus manipulated by those around him, much to his happiness at being noticed and his ignorance of what import his actions really meant. This does not describe Palin at all to me. Just the opposite, and she is now in her very best dream of all…Palin/McCain.

18 09 2008

Tisk, tisk…naughty dude….usually, people don’t smile in mugshots.

18 09 2008

plwalsh wrote:” I believe Todd Palin never attended any college.”

Thanks, plwalsh. If that is true, that could be a real Achilles heel for him, especially considering her academic background.

18 09 2008

Wooten may know where the bodies are buried, and I’d love to know what he knows, but he may also want to protect his children and his family from further scrutiny. He is the visiting parent (for the moment anyway), not custodial parent, and he may not want to risk time wtih his children – or risk putting everyone back in court to hammer out visitation denials, or risk angering the mother who then makes efforts to poison his relationship with his children.

18 09 2008

Can you say “one term,” Governor? Where’s Ivan Moore with a favorability poll?

18 09 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

Is it just me or did anyone else catch this lie?

Last night an interview was partially aired, I heard Scarah saying she brought the VP decision before her family (kids and all) for a vote, before she decided to take it, meanwhile the night before first dud “Toad” gave an interview to Fox Noise – Greta, the wicked witch, and told her they took the kids cell phones away and didn’t tell them a thing about where they were going or for what or even that Mommy dearest was being selected as VP? as they were whisked away to some far away never never land.

Where of course she would be knighted by McSenile, now, according to hubby, only he knew of the VP thing, according to ‘Mother of the Year’ Scarah, the whole family was in on the decision making process and knew damn well where they were going and for what, can’t they evey coordinate the story?

Geesh, the Pale’ns smile too much to be telling the truth, and he dances around whilst being interviewed, very strange – am I wrong or did anyone else hear this mismatched story?

Wake me when it’s over, this McPalin thing is obviously a cruel joke on all of us!

18 09 2008

CharlotteNalaska: a reminder regarding Chuck Kopp – he had a letter of reprimand in his personnel file for sexual harrassment – AND was given $10,000.00 when he resigned after 2 weeks. 10K – WTF?

18 09 2008

For the past 8 years I feel as though I have been slapped up side the head on a daily basis with some bs coming out of this administration. Lies, misdeeds, illegal and unconstitutional activities and just a general disregard for either the rule of law or the people. Now this has filtered down into this election process. Now I am pissed! I want all of this monkey business to stop. Just say who you are, and what you believe and what you intend to do and for god’s sake just tell the truth!
If you have good ideas and experience to carry them out maybe you will be elected. Otherwise just go away! In the meantime this is my plea:
Library Lady – please come forward!!! Alaskan citizens arise and demand accountability. (Not to dismiss the fabulous efforts to date.) Alaskan legislators, aren’t you angry? Do something.
Can we all just find an island somewhere and start over?

18 09 2008

This is a direct quote from Andrew Halco’s blog;

Alaska law deems disobedience of a Legislative subpoena to be unlawful and provides a stiff punishment:

AS 24.25.080. Punishment For Disobedience to Subpoena or Refusal to Testify.

A person subpoenaed as provided in this chapter who fails, neglects, or refuses to attend at the time and place where the person’s presence is required, or fails, neglects, or refuses to produce the books, papers, or instruments or other evidence designated in the subpoena, or who having attended in response to the subpoena, or having appeared voluntarily, refuses to testify as to any material and proper matter within the power of the senate, house of representatives, or a committee to investigate, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500, or by imprisonment for not less than 30 days nor more than six months.

So the question has to be asked; is anyone is going to file a Bar complaint against the Attorney General for advising 11 state employees to disobey a legislative subpoena.

Usually, is a lawyer or a party believes that there is a defect in a subpoena, the remedy is to go to court and ask the court to quash the subpoena, not advise the client to ignore it.

But not only has Colberg advised his clients to ignore the subpoenas, but he broke a written agreement between one of his assistant attorney generals and the Chair of the Legislative Council Kim Elton over the ground rules so state employees could testify.

Shouldn’t the state’s top cop know the law?

Shouldn’t the state’s top cop abide by the law?

18 09 2008

Sign idea:

Sarah, it’s 10 o’clock. Do you know where your children are?

18 09 2008
18 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀


@ galwhohashadenough!

More sign suggestions:

Failin’ Palin
McSame and Failin’
Your Lipstick Is Fading
Char-leee, Don’t Blink. Code Pink!

18 09 2008

To be fair, it was Tina Fey, not Sarah Palin, who said she could see Russia from her house. I know it is getting hard to keep track of which part of this is satire…

Palin has security experience b/c Alaska is close to Russia

I don’t know if Cindy McCain was the first to offer this talking point, but she wasn’t the only one to push this line of reasoning.

18 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

For those of you who are making sings, how about a pair of yellow boots in a bottom corner, to identify yourselves?

For those of you in Alaska (I wish I was there, right now! My grandmother and I would create a ruckus!), I would harass the heck out of your local/state lawmakers.

It would be really cool if there was a statewide protest, as well, all scheduled for the same day, at the same time. Every Alaskan could protest, regardless of what town they lived in. Create a scene! Let people know this is NOT okay!

18 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Haha! Don’t make “sings” make “signs”!

18 09 2008

Did Cindy McPain get a haircut?

18 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

Re: Todd’s role: It’s been mentioned here before that according to Assemblies of God doctrine, the husband is the god of the household and makes all the decisions. I think he’s played a much larger role in Sarah’s decision making than she lets on. There have been instances when she’s sent him to meetings to represent her, or allowed him to sit in meetings. So much so that her staff stopped noticing him sitting in the background. Why else would he be copied on her gov’t biz emails?

18 09 2008

@ Katie (19:01:26) : I love this will be my sign.

Lipstick Covers Lips, Not LIES!
Obama ‘08 & in the corner will be MUDFLATS UNITE

I will take photos. Hopefully, AK will let me post them here. AK, will you let me??

Great sign ideas. Thanks!!!

Yes! Email photos to me and I will put them in a post! Go get ’em! AKM

18 09 2008

plwalsh (19:03:06) : I believe Todd Palin never attended any college.

Hmmmmmm. Maybe that’s why he looks so uncomfortable and out of place in all the campaign videos?

18 09 2008

Off thread a bit but the New Yorker article Dr Chill mentions at beginning of thread-
The writer is making significant implications about the personality of SP as experienced before 8/29. She comes across as uncontrolled, dramatic, and trying to work her charm (which it seems was unsuccessful with this interiewer). There are a couple of times she spontaneously role-plays (talking to Bailey and later to Alaskans). It is such interesting insight since the reporter was there to cover the other stuff in AK BEFORE she was named by McCain.
I have said it before and I will say it again, her personality really scares me. It would not scare me if she were not vying for VEEP and maybe President but wow. Her lack of self-control with an interviewer, lack of self-awareness, lack of reflection before speaking, lack of pausing to think while being interviewed…this is why Charlie Gibson mentioned her “blizzard of words.” We did not get to see the unedited version or the total amount of chatter throughout the time Charlie spent with her but this is what he was referring to, IMHO. With Hannity, she seemed really focused on staying calm and measured- someone gave her a valium perhaps?

18 09 2008

And, gee, Colberg is on *vacation* in Kansas this week. Oh, my. I wonder what and who is in *Kansas* with him? This makes me sick.

18 09 2008

There’s also this:

Palin talks tough on Iran, Russia in ABC interview

Gibson alluded to McCain’s recent statement that Alaska’s proximity to Russia lent Palin some expertise on that nation, asking Palin to explain.

“They’re our next-door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska — from an island in Alaska,” she said.

18 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

Todd can use the sposal priveldge to refuse to answer a question about his spouse, but not for questions about other people, such as Monegan.

18 09 2008

The psychological profiles of both ends of the Republican ticket give me the creeps.

Another question: has anyone heard even a RUMOR about why Palin has cancelled so many campaign appearances? All I am seeing are wild speculations.

18 09 2008

@SUE–BIG HUGE LOL!!!!! Thanks

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Missle Blunt Palin Thanks. I really feel like I’ve seen people who DID support her start turning around now, especially with the Monegan thing. I can’t believe it but I skim the front page of ADN every morning, LOL! I’m very curious to hear what people from Alaska think. That’s why I found Mudflats — I think it was a day after the nomination and I wanted to find out who Palin was. What better place to go than to the Alaskans? But when I stumbled across Mudflats I didn’t know what I was in for!

18 09 2008

watch what you say people. this is only the tip of the iceberg.

18 09 2008

mimi (19:06:35) :
For the past 8 years I feel as though I have been slapped up side the head on a daily basis with some bs coming out of this administration.

For the past 8 years YOU HAVE BEEN slapped up side the head on a daily basis with some bs!


18 09 2008

As I understand it, spousal privilege is similar to pleading the 5th. You can say nice things about your spouse but you can’t be forced to say things that would might land them in jail.

18 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

@Annie in WA: Click on the map on the right (under the calendar).

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@SiegeWith Hannity, she seemed really focused on staying calm and measured- someone gave her a valium perhaps?

Or a script? 😉

18 09 2008

It all really bugs America (and the world actually) especially after what we’ve seen go on with the current administration in the White House…and now this just makes it all sting more…

I am sure there are many Alaskans not very happy about this – it just looks really bad on the state, their people, and more. I know if this were going on with our gov. Ted Kulongoski in Oregon, there would be an absolute outrage. In fact, I don’t know of any US State that would sit aside quietly about this because we’ve all been “BUSHED” OUT and won’t take it any more.

Shame on the Palin’s, and shame on McCain.

18 09 2008

If TP doesn’t have a college degree, I would think that right about now he must be very uncomfortable. He is refusing a subpoena (presumably) based on the advice of East Coast lawyers. If he didn’t go to college, in some ways, I’m sure he’s out of his depth. In terms of control, right now he has none. And he has to rely on the decisions of others above him in the McCain campaign. Could be a combustible situation.

18 09 2008

Amused and Bewildered – glad you found us and glad you stayed. You add a lovely voice to the mix here!

18 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Strike Chipper Palin (19:06:21)
Woah! I heard they didn’t tell the children until they were on their way to the first speech! Okay, I need to go research this, now…

18 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

@ Icy Russia Palin

I tell you – it’s downright scary. I’m married and I definitely believe in submission. My wife does – most times. However, in this case, Lord have mercy.

I just hope something is exposed and someone hacks into his account – unless its been deleted. However, if the Feds ask for the e-mail records from Yahoo, Yahoo could produce them. It may be too late for that.

Buckle your seatbelts, folks, because we’re gonna be in for one bumpy ride.

18 09 2008
Lana, KY

Since Sarah & Todd boarded the Straight Talk Express
it has become “The Circle Jerk Express!”

18 09 2008

I really have a hard time calling him “Dude” as I hold “THE Dude” close in my heart.
LizaJane AKA: Little Achiever

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Min – in Being There, Chance was dimwitted and got all of his “knowledge” from watching TV. By accident, the political world discovered him and thought he was brilliant and hung on his every word. But NOBODY HOME up there. While I wouldn’t ever call Palin dimwitted, I do find her to be a phenomenon that the right is blindly enchanted with. But scratch her experience and management claims, and and it is quite empty. Chance learned by rote from TV — Palin has her Repub coaches who are still trying to do a brain transplant on her. (Still not quite ready for prime time though) She is good at repeating what she hears from them. Or can read on the teleprompter. But I still don’t think there is really anything vice presidential (or presidential) up there.

Just my opinion. I loved the movie. Don’t love THIS bad movie though. It is turning into a horror flick.

18 09 2008


Sign should be: It’s 3 a.m. The phone’s ringing. It’s about your KIDS!

18 09 2008

MONEGAN interviewed by newscast. LISTEN, just listen….

What do you think? Do you think she was right to fire him?

18 09 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin (18:47:38) :
Halcrow (18:49:35) :

from australia thru my isp iinet i always get a 404 or other crap from entering

use a proxy eg
it works for me.

18 09 2008

Hi, from down here in Washington State.

The longer this goes on the more votes we get for the Obama/Biden team.

Check out the Huffington Post. Sarah made a gaffee. She refered to her ticket as the Palin/McCain ticket. Also McCain has insulted our NATO friend Spain, and I think the old boy has a medical problem connected to age. Sarah also said that she was in second grade when Biden was first elected. The math puts her at age 21. Says a lot. Ha Ha LOL

18 09 2008
sandybeach in WA

Anne in WA – you can add yourself to the map at the top of the page (Who Are You), right next to About Mudflats.

18 09 2008

For galwhohashadenough and RW:

I looked up the definition of Mudflats and here is what I found-

n. Low-lying muddy land that is covered at high tide and exposed at low tide.

Sign idea:
The Tide will turn and YOU WILL BE EXPOSED!

or something like that anyway… get the idea…..good luck and I will be with you in spirit!

18 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

ohiovoter (19:15:36)

I have accepted the fact that by virtue of being on this blog and by the things I have written on my own blog I am more than likely on several official “enemies” lists… Joe McCarthy & Tricky Dick Nixon would be so proud of Bush

18 09 2008

Not sure a college degree would be much assurance in this situation.

This idiot woman has turned her family dirty laundry into the new Watergate! And she hasn’t even been elected yet!

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@suchanut Thank you. It’s very nice to be here and to find out more about Alaskans for a reason and in a way I never expected! 🙂

18 09 2008

Icy Russia Palin (19:16:37) :

Thanks! I don’t want to miss anything that may be happening!

read, refresh, read

18 09 2008

AnnieinWA…those were my thoughts. If Benchflower would leak some of the information, Palin and Klan would have to answer and try to defend themselves.

I think this is the only way to make them talk before the election, or next year.

18 09 2008

plwalsh, I hear your point. True, a degree wouldn’t be an assurance, but I would think that if you don’t have one, it might make you feel inferior to the guys who are calling the shots and speaking Latin.

Although, I have never been a godhead, so maybe not….

18 09 2008

Heh. Somebody over at Wonkette just referred to our Sara as “Bible Spice”.

18 09 2008

All right you wonderful mudflatians, I leave you with Obama in New Mexico.

30 minutes but well worth your time:


18 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Not everyone’s sold on McCain-Palin after Michigan meeting

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The McCain-Palin campaign plane roared out of this largely Republican western Michigan city Thursday following a Wednesday night town-hall meeting that produced upbeat local news coverage, a throng of Republican faithful and a handful of protesters.

18 09 2008
ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin

This is absurd… a subpoena is a subpoena. If joe citizen ever tried this they would have their doors kicked in and dragged off to jail. It is time for Americans to stand up to this bullshit. Enough is enough. This all started with the Bush/Cheney administration (and it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving). First Gonzo, than Harriet, moving on to Karl…It makes you just stutter,,, how do they get away with it? And why do we let them? i simply can not get over it… how ridiculous our government has become. The last 8 years have done more to ruin this country than any time else in history! I can’t believe that people would even consider voting republican! Somebody get me a valium ‘cuz “i’m mad as hell and i’m not going to take it anymore!” (ok, i’ll settle for just drinking my wine and letting you all listen to my rants). 🙂

18 09 2008


18 09 2008

Does “verbiage” have a different meaning in Alaska. How about verbosity?

18 09 2008

If she’s not going to CA, I bet they’re all in *Kansas* right now, being all ‘statarergy’ with the folks there. Sigh, didn’t just Bush say it the best? I’m so pissed and not nearly drunk enough…could I have another glass, please?

18 09 2008

I’m confused why the investigation cannot be concluded. The prosecution witnesses have all testified and the prosecution has now rested. It seems to me that if the defendant chooses to not put forward a defense, the investigator should make a finding based on the evidence put forward. Ms. Palin and her group have been offered an opportunity to tell their side of the case and have refused to do so – which seems to me to mean that they do not have a defense to present.

What am I missing – why would the people of Alaska accept the idea that refusing to put up a defense means an automatic mistrial. Why not press the investigators to put forth a finding based on the evidense they have in hand???? If the Governor does not like the findings, maybe she appeal on the grounds that her counsel was incompetent.

Alaskans – don’t give up so easy – demand that a finding be put forth based on the evidence that has been provided. Sarah Palin was given a chance to tell her side of the story and chose not to. Do not let the McCain and his team run your state. Fight back!!!!

18 09 2008

as a state of alaska employee, I have been instructed not to answer any questions from reporters while at work. Perfecly acceptable. However I have also been warned not to offer any opinions outside the workplace.
That is a violation of my civil rights, and I refuse to kowtow to the faithful and will raise as much hell as I can.

18 09 2008


You could be right. I’m having a hard time getting inside these Palin heads!

18 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

Re: the national enquirer article about the palin family. i kinda like the one about todd’s mom “accidentally” serving a child “lye based detergent, thinking it was fruit juce.” HOW does that happen?

18 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

I doubt it’ll get lonely around these parts but if it does, you can always play the Polar Palin game. Good night, Mudflatters!

18 09 2008
Bob AKA Tristan 57 on DKos

I posted this on DailyKos but I found the inspiration here on the Mudflats:

Have you ever wanted a “DO-OVER”, like really really bad? I’m thinkin that we’ve we’ve got a ringside seat watching the formulation of one of epic proportions in the deepest, darkest corner of Sarah Palin’s brain…Guinness Book proportions. And, that’s like waaaay big I’m tellin ya.

One of the other Diarists here encapsulated Palin’s situation best and my hat’s off to him. I just wish I could give him the acknowlegdement he deserves cause I’ve used this way more often that I woulda thought.

He described Palin as a “Post Turtle” and goes on to explain that when you drive down the road (in Texas, go figure), occasionally you might come across a turtle sitting atop a fence post, stranded. The turtle doesn’t know how he got there, knows he doesn’t belong there and doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there. Then you go on driving down the road wondering who the dumbass was who put him up there in the first place.

(As an aside, I know that there are a helluva lot of ya out there that can do better with this theme than I but screwya, I beat you to it. And since once an idea has hatched, it’s floating out there in space lookin fer a fertile mind to impregnate, I gotta hurry. Unlike Palin, I fully realize when I’m outa my league but someone’s gotta stir this pot. Please add salt as you feel the urge.)

When Bush won his second term, I was chagrined to read The Daily Mirror’s front page headline “How Can 60 Million Americans be SO Stupid?” or something to that effect. I kinda felt like I wanted to slide down in my seat and not be seen in public even here. Can you even imagine what life’s gonna be like for Sarah Palin when she hasta slink back to Alaska after monstrously bungling an ill advised run at the White House??? Seward’s Folly is gonna hafta be renamed.

Now the biggest difference in the analogy above is that the turtle is innocent and Palin, unfortunately, is wildly and publicly complicit in getting on the frickin fence post herself. Once she saw that post, I would’na wanted to be in her way. However, the poor turtle didn’t hafta slink back home to the tsk tsks, whatcha got to say fer yerself, behind your back whispering neighbors once someoone removed it from the fence post. Palin on the other hand, will be subject to: Bless her lil’ heart, Whatever was she thinking, Didn’t she watch the Beverly Hillbillys, etc. ad nauseum. Believe me, above anything else, Palin cares what the neighbors are sayin.

If politics is local, Alaska is local; I mean like suburb of Atlanta local. There’s no longer any place in Alaska remote enough for her or her family to hide. Pandora’s Box has been opened, the dawgs are out, the toothpaste doesn’t go back in the tube and Palin is pregnant again, permanently. All the little bits of dirt under all the little corners of the rug from all the little offices from whence Palin has conducted her shadowy governance has morphed into the 800 pond gorilla awaiting her and her family in Alaska.

So what is the fallout of the monumental lack of foresight? Earmarks are history. Alaskans are bristling at the interference of McCain flunkeys stalling Troopergate. Her unqualified cronies are exposed. She can’t practice her religious subterfuge in the shadows any longer. What once was compartmentalized Palin information is now common Alaskan, hell, national knowledge. It’s debatable as to whether she can even serve as the Wasilla mayor again. Maybe her church has a missionary position for her under their umbrella. I can’t imagine this experience not humbling even her.

For the life of me I have no remebrance of a single occurance in my lifetime that encapsulates or demonstrates as many cliches, adages or proverbs as this misbegotten presidential campaign. Drawing upon one, this was a whole lotta eggs in one basket and, we thought that McCain was a crapshooter. Hell, even fools don’t rush in this headlong…did she really not consider the limelight or, heaven forbid, FAILURE??

Alas, all could be forgiven and forgotten should she win in November but that possibility is rapidly vanishing. One has to believe that all this is wriggling about in the deepest recesses of her mind but she’s hell bent on the White House, full speed ahead. Given what we’ve learned about her and seeing the effect she has on the GOP, I’m actually thankful for their premature ejaculation (how do you like that analogy Sarah?). The unfortunates in this are the Palin kids, they didn’t ask to bear this cross.

I can hear it now as a future word to the wise: Don’t go pullin a “Palin”.

18 09 2008

Bec in Illinois (19:20:21) :
Min – in Being There, Chance was dimwitted and got all of his “knowledge” from watching TV.


In “Being HERE” Sarah gets all of her knowledge from staring at Russia from her house (I know Tina Faye said that).

Sheesh! All this McPain activity is bringing out the worst in me.

18 09 2008

God, this really IS turning into something out of Stephen King. What next? A severed head?

18 09 2008

There are less than 48 days until the election, an election that will decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. It’s time that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike in a bi-partisan effort for America!

If you support Barack Obama, please drive with your headlights ON during the day.

If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive with your headlights OFF at night.

Together, we can make it happen !!!

18 09 2008

18 09 2008
Grace RN NJ

“Bible Spice” that anything like “Jesus juice”?

18 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Swineprincess,, don’t let it bother you. I have been on their watchlists for quite awhile, I had four of my previous sites dismantled with no explanation, I just went to write something and the site wasn’t there anymore and I couldn’t apply for a new one. I haven’t been on wordpress very long but if I get back to my old style of writing I’m sure they’ll find a way to dismantle it too. According to AOL (they banned me from posting on their news messageboards) my posts are too extreme in their condemnation of the Bush administration. I say they just hit too close to the truth for them.

18 09 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

@Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Found the lie!

She told Hannity, the (VP) decision was put before the kids (girls, since Trackster could care less) before she accepted it – He told Greta in part 2 of his interview with her, the kids didn’t know a damn thing, they thought they were going somewhere to celebrate the parents anniversary.

Why freaking lie? – how bout this, how bout you two boneheads are married so before you go on national TV and make complete a**holes of yourself telling two different stories, compare some notes – now that would be a novel idea…obviously as with everything else in the Palin/McWhackjob campaign, they aren’t very good liars!

Sorry for sounding so disgusted by the BS, I used to be a really happy person til this election, now the sunshine in my day comes from finding this awesome site and Obama/Biden ’08 – smiles

18 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

The reason the CA Palin events were rescheduled was” because Team McCain wants Palin to be more consistently at McCain’s side – in part because she has been a far greater draw for crowds and press than the candidate himself.”

is it because people leave after she talks?

or is it because the mccain camp cannot trust her to hang all by herself with the “elite?”

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Melba (19:20:27) :

thanks for the advice, and the address 🙂

18 09 2008

@ ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin (19:26:10) fantastic post! I’ve been ranting here at home about all this with my husband who normally doesn’t get upset but now he get’s pretty fired up and he’s normally a calm laid back Brit! LOL

Bottom line: Todd Palin is pulling a ROVE..but only worse because Todd is not even part of the government.

What Todd is pulling is UN-American.

18 09 2008

plwalsh, LOL, you are on a roll ( –a head roll, perhaps?)

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Strike Chipper Palin (19:40:11) :

She also said she didn’t blink!

18 09 2008
The Messenger

Like I said last night. America will hold court in the street. The trail of these Alaskan hillbillies (The Palins) has already started.

Anybody for huntin’ Barracuda?

18 09 2008

Tony Knowles is on Rachel right now in Anchorage! He has a tan too! I think he is a golfer….

18 09 2008

Spousal privilege applies to private communication with a spouse like pillow-talk. It does not apply to Todd and the emails in question because they were sent to other people besides just Todd and Sarah.

18 09 2008
karen marie

they’re not even trying to make excuses at this point.

this is so bush. in every meaning of that phrase.

18 09 2008
AK Republican, no more

I know we have already covered this last week sometime, but can someone tell me how to change my avatar?

18 09 2008
karen marie

i haven’t watched rachel yet but i wasn’t terribly impressed with gov knowles when i saw him on one of the news chat shows available via broadcast. he may be a great guy but he’s not someone who should be pushed forward to represent nationally, imho.

18 09 2008
The Messenger

The threads on this blog go faster than live chat rooms. WOW

18 09 2008
AKA Blaster Commando Palin

I don’t think McCain trusts Palin. He wants to watch her–a “keep your enemies closer” sort of thing. Hence their new dynamic duo strategy. (And maybe he feels the same way about the diabolical , subpoena-ignoring First Dude, too. )

18 09 2008

@Bob AKA Tristan…great diary. Loved the analogies…and yes…she has to have some of these thoughts going on. Oh boy…I would not want to be her right now…but especially come November.

18 09 2008

Karen….Governor Knowles was great tonight.

18 09 2008

karen marie (19:46:34)

I thought Knowles did a good job on Rachel. First time I’ve seen him.

18 09 2008
Bob AKA Tristan 57 on DKos

Now I don’t get the “Sarah Barracuda” nickname…you guys sure the two words weren’t elided into “Sarahcuda?”

18 09 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

@Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin (19:42:27) :

Apparently she didn’t blink or “think”

I’m thinking after this VP thing her next ambition will be to take over the world, then maybe push the almighty out of his seat and re’create’ the place in 2-3 days? Anythings possible in Scary Sarahs plan.

18 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

@ AK Republican, no more: Click on “Blog at”, then sign up for an account. It’s one of the account set up options. You can choose any .jpg image as your avatar.

18 09 2008
Jeri a.k.a. Bullpen Cola Palin

She has a personality disorder………

18 09 2008

@ Strike Chipper Palin

Oh, good catch!!! i knew something was off. I’m too suspicious of her to believe anything she says! I’m glad I’m keeping up with all the comments here!

You guys should send it to Huffington Post and Daily Kos!

This lady is something, huh?

Maybe if I blink enough the nightmare will go away???

18 09 2008
Bob AKA Tristan 57 on DKos

Thanks Laurie….its gotta start lookin like a train wreck even to her by now. I know that a Palin kid is the last thing I’d wanna be right now.

18 09 2008
The Messenger

Did you hear Palin today refer to the Palin/McCain ticket instead of the McCain/Palin ticket. WTF is wrong with this dolt? Is she going to kill off McCain if they win the election? Or is she just hoping he dies of skin cancer so she can become President? Remember, Palin is evil to the core and will do anything to get what she wants.

18 09 2008

Ahhh….!!!! She just said she killed the Bridge to Nowhere!!

WTF??? She’s starting to believe her own lies!!!

18 09 2008

I’m referring to the Hannity interview. She just stated AGAIN that she killed the Bridge to Nowhere.

Oy vey!!!!

18 09 2008

I am finally realizing that Sarah Palin sees no wrong in her actions. I truly think she sees herself as above man and man’s laws. She is on a mission and all evidence suggests that she will not let anybody or anything get in her way.

I recently posted an article on my blog titled “Sarah Palin and Magical Thinking” and the more I read about her personal and professional life, the more it becomes obvious that there is a common and delusional tie that binds the two together.

It is becoming more and more evident that nothing will stop her on her “task from God” and that she believes with her heart and soul that she is on the right path, the path laid out for her from God.

Says the reader in the article:

“I grew up in a deeply evangelical family…You are taught not to believe your eyes or your senses, that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God.”

Whatever passes as foolishness to her gets ignored. Like the BIPARTISAN subpoenas that she had previously agreed to.

I invite you to check out the article, look at Palin’s actions, her ruthless ascent to power and ask yourself if this is really who we want holding the second highest office in the world, the one that includes the nuclear codes.

While I am not shocked that the GOP and the Palins are stonewalling the investigation, I am in awe of the blind faith that is shown by her supporters. It makes me realize that the glue that is holding that ticket together is really based on one issue and one issue alone…abortion. Why else would people STILL support McCain/Palin if not for this deeply rooted belief that once in office they will stop the “baby killing maggots” (as Radio talk show host Eddie Burke called the organizers of the Alaskan anti-Palin rally last week) from wreaking havoc on our society.

“God’s will” is the only thing holding this ticket together, and I am dismayed to realize that such a huge majority of Americans are blind to anything else, including our economic meltdown, war and the Constitution.

May God help us all.

18 09 2008
Marilyn AKA Hose Hotrod Palin

Speaking of Sarah Palin lies: – did anyone else catch her telling Sean Hannity that while she watched the Tina Fey impression of herself on Saturday Night Live she had the volume turned all the way down and therefore did not hear a word? Originally she said she thought the sketch was funny, however, subsequent to her voicing that reaction, the Republican campaign people criticized the skit as being sexist, negative, attacking Palin. I guess she had to cover up what she said by claiming that she had the volume off. Does anyone believe that? Who would watch SNL with the volume off, especially if you were the subject matter? (I actually think this is hilarious, right up there with fundamentals of the economy referring to the American work force). The problem is that even if true, no one in their right mind will believe it because of all the previous lies and spin (really Sarah, you turned off the volume and just sat there watching Tina play you? weren’t you curious?) She has lost credibility (an understatement). Her people must think we are a bunch of imbeciles.

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Annie – that’s funny about the Being HERE.

I have to check – Tina Fey played up the window part – but I am pretty sure in her CHARLEEEE interview, when they were walking outside, Palin brought up the – seeing Russia from here. I also believe both Cindy McCain and Laura Bush bragged about the Russia neighbor connection for Palin.

Cartoon Pig Dog — I happen to have an AOL account from way, way back that I still use because of a lot of family on there. But I have been sickened by how conservative most of their polls and articles turn out. I want to strangle the staffers who write some of their headlines. And there are some of the sickest, nastiest comments on just about any topic they have to comment on. Lots of scum living under rocks like to comment there – and vote in their polls.

I have to say – my experience with Mudflats – and also reading Daily Kos, Huffington, and Talking Point Memo – I have NEVER felt so surrounded by like-minded folks. It is a privilege to read and participate in this. And to see so many uniting for Obama – because he is inspiring, not just because you are voting for a party. There IS HOPE for America.

18 09 2008

I really wish they would toss Todd Palin in jail, but I know it won’t happen.

I also wish that justice was actually served, but I doubt that will happen in time.

My only solace is that the public is already suspicious of this whole stinking mess and it’s not likely to fade before the election.

18 09 2008
AK Republican, no more

@ icy russian
thank you

18 09 2008

Waxman – hold up – we are not accepting anything or giving up easily – gee, I (we) are fighting and fretting — any ideas on how to keep the McCain camp from as you say “running your state”.

Empish – Good for you!! Thank you!

18 09 2008
Mad Skillz, son

@ Bob

Barrucuda was a nickname Sarah earned in high school for the way she played basketball.

18 09 2008

I wonder when the made-for-tv movie comes out…


Sarah Dippity
Tales from the Palindrome
McCain’s Mutiny
How to Secede in Politics without Really Trying
Strangers on a Plane
AKook of the North
A Taste of Moose

18 09 2008
Jeri a.k.a. Bullpen Cola Palin

I wouldn’t be a bit suprised if the hacking of her computer was an inside job so they could erase their e-mails.
I remember reading an article, that Rove bugged his own office and blamed it on someone he had a vendetta against. Were dealing with some brutal dishonest people (who have Jesus in their heart). All lies. Very scary!!!!!!!

18 09 2008

Are you Alaskans going to let McCain’s Goon Squad emasculate your Legislature? How is it that Sarah has such a high approval rating with you people? Does she really have everyone that fooled?

Why is Snowmobile Jethro getting to call the shots behind the scenes and now gets to thumb his nose at your laws?

Sarah and Todd Palin have been unmasked for what they truly are…I certainly hope her approval rating isn’t as high the next time you run those numbers..


18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

The investigator has a hotline. Does anyone out there have any more tapes of phone calls? (and can I hear them first?)

18 09 2008
The Messenger

Sarah Plain is a pathological liar. (Period) That is why she can not stop from lying. She does not know truth from the fiction she pulls straight out of her ass. She has the same illness as all Republicans. Palin fits in very well.

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I heard that Palin had joked that she had dressed as Tina Fey for Halloween and people had to ask her who she was.

Just think — less than one month ago, Tina Fey had no idea she was going to be called on to nail an imitation of a vice presidential candidate.

And surely Mudflats didn’t fathom, a month ago, that her blog would turn into this international phenom! With her own gov. being the VP candidate and the world checking in to find out all about it.

For that matter — Alaska (except for Sarah herself and that sorry little support group website) had no idea it would be in this media spotlight and microscope!

I hope it will increase tourism for you! I have a trip planned for next year. Hope you have a different gov – and not because the current one is VP!

18 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

All this Lying, yes – LYING – not mistakes or embellishment – but out and out lies, especially about the small things – makes a person wonder if they EVER tell the truth. Personally, if I see McCain or Palin’s mouth is moving – they are telling another LIE.

Would love to see some “red-necked” cop with an arrest warrant for “failure to show” slap the cuffs on the DUDe – while attending a public event – which is what happens in my county if you ignore a subpoena. They haul your azz to the judge and believe me, the judge is not a happy camper at 3 AM.

18 09 2008

@swineprincess and CPDog: Then I must be in august company! I’ve already told my wife to start looking to see if she sees the same person in a store, a car going the same way, etc. I am almost certain to attract attention, but my writing is not inflammatory, anarchistic, and is most certainly Patriotic! My Patriotism is rooted in the Constitution that these folks are trying to dismantle.

Re: Todd Palin’s segment on CNN- They raise questions, but don’t do any hard-hitting investigations, and they sure as hell don’t follow up. Neither does the rest of the MSM. What needs to happen is Todd Palin needs to be placed in jail the minute he returns to Alaska for dodging the subpoena and until he answers the questions that are required. This guy is the key to the whole thing. I’m tellin’ ya, this guy creeps me out.

Btw, Branchflower looks anything but a shrinking violet! (Pun intended). He looks like one tough SOB. Any background on him?

18 09 2008
upnorth minnesota aka hose hotrod palin


hey! another hose hotrod palin.

18 09 2008

Ok, I think I figured out what they are up to. This is the money quote from the AP article:

“The McCain-Palin campaign said Thursday that Gov. Palin is cooperating with a separate Alaska State Personnel Board investigation into Troopergate. Palin initiated that investigation after she joined McCain’s ticket. The three-member board is appointed by the governor.”

So there’s the Branchflower investigation, and now this Personnel Board investigation (and wasn’t Colberg investigating it as well, or has he dropped that completely?).

Question: is Todd Palin and the aides who all got subpoenas also co-operating with the State Personnel Board’s investigation?

My point: I think Todd Palin’s refusal today is to set-up the report from the State Personnel Board, so if Branchflower releases an interim report before the Election, Palin and McCain’s spinmeisters will claim that it shouldn’t be taken seriously because they didn’t speak with all the players—even though she and Todd are the ones refusing to co-operate!

Think about this. This is pure Rove-Bush.

18 09 2008


18 09 2008
Bob AKA Tristan 57 on DKos

What I’ve gleaned so far from all these discussions is that Todd can’t be held in contempt for not testifying until the complete legislature convenes and votes on it. THAT isn’t scheduled until January.

I hope to high heaven that Palin isn’t let off the hook on her promise of total transparency…What??? the English language changes meaning after you’ve been selected as VEEP candidate??? The lady does AUDACIOUS really well but I guess that’s a talent yone cultivates if you’ve been at it as long as it seems Palin has. Of course, conviction and lack of self-doubt helps as well. Are there pills for that?

18 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Suzanne (18:49:57) :

What is wrong with this country? If you or I were to just “refuse” to answer a subpoena do you know what would happen? I do. There would be a sheriff at your door with a warrant for our arrest.

I am so sick to death of these people, just refusing to show up.

This country’s economy is circling the drain, and John McCain picks this “Jerry Springer side show” as his running mate.

God help us all!
Hummm. Sign idea:

“Jerry Springer For Secretary of State”

“Jerry Springer For Any Cabinet Position”

“Jerry Springer Loves You”

or (alternate design)

“Jerry Springer (heart) You”

Hummm…. there is potential here. Anymore more ideas?

18 09 2008

I’ve been trying to figure out how she is different from other sociopaths, and I came across this article, which I am going to post here, with the original link. I know some pathological liars, but Sarah Palin is a whole different breed:
A reader writes:

Regarding the “odd lies” of Sarah Palin. I grew up in a deeply evangelical family, and through the lens of evangelical thinking the world is magical, populated with demons and angels, devils and gods. You are taught not to believe your eyes or your senses, that the wisdom of man is foolishness to god. That belief is Truth. That belief is Truth before reality is truth. What comes out of this is what I’ll call magical thinking.

You feel the presence of God, feel Him talking to you, feel the mission of your life, the purpose the plan the direction given to you by God. So everything becomes like a mythic fairy tale. You get in the habit of fitting the day to day realities into a ‘story’ the life story of God’s purpose in your life.

This is how Sarah becoming Governor is destiny.

Her memory is constantly rewriting the reality to fit her proscribed vision within an evangelical Christianity that has direct contact with god. If you see all of her ‘lies’ through this lens they begin to make perfect sense.

Thought I would share: I can totally feel what she is feeling. And if you look at those leaked emails, the prayer talk, and faith talk and god talk, it completely fills your thoughts every moment of every day.

The question is simply whether this magical thinking is what we need to address the financial crisis, the terror war and the Iraq occupation. If you want a president who doesn’t believe in empirical reality, you know who to vote for.

Original post here:
Please tell me if you think this fits her persona. What can we do to keep her away from the White House? I feel for you Alaska…she is a living nightmare.

18 09 2008

@ strikechipper: Click on my name and go to my Blog entry called “A Danger To The Republic Part I”. We’re on the same wavelength.

18 09 2008
Strike Chipper Palin

Completely off topic, – I attended the opening of an Obama/Biden campaign office right here in our little Florida town earlier this evening! What a breath of fresh air to be around all those Obamacans, no lies, no spin, no Palin, no McDumbass, wish you all could have been there!

18 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

A little more on Todd Palin’s refusal to testify from a law-blog. Read the comments for the lawyers take….

18 09 2008
AK Republican, no more

I can’t read anymore. It makes me sick to think that I live in place where people are so uneducated and uninformed. How can all this info be out there and people still think everything is okay. No, I don’t think the person I am supporting is the answer to all the problems, but it is a start and we have to do something.

I used to teach school and a fellow teacher hung a poster that she made in our lounge. It was a picture of a donkey (aka JACKASS) and in the body it said “more of the same will not change where we are.” She was referring to the constant testing of the kids. But I think it applies to where we are now.

18 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Awesome catch, Strike Chipper!
Here is the Hannity video:

And Greta’s:

The thing is, I heard Todd’s version of the story, a while ago. The fact that Sarah lied about it? I’m speechless. I am so suspicious about people who feel the need to tell small, unimportant lies, like that.

18 09 2008
ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin

thanks cidy pdx… what todd is pulling is AGAINST THE LAW! Come on Alaskan goverment officials, arrest the guy! Citizens are not allowed to blow off subpoenas. What they must do is at the very least show up (and then they can plead the 5th).

Come on Sarah,,, what are you hiding? Are you completely ignorant of the law or are you just so incapable of providing a transparent goverment that you think you can “pull a Rove” and get away with it?

I got news for you my little Caribou barbie, we “elite”, from the east coast (NYer here) ” are fully on guard (point guard if you will) and we are watching you. Any lawbreaking, republican shenanigans and we are going to call you out. We have been silent and laid back too long… We’re watching and we are going to affect the outcome of this election.

Poor Sean, stuck at Lt. Governor…;)

18 09 2008
Bob AKA Tristan 57 on DKos

Bigslick….IZZAT true??? Did Todd never finish High School??

18 09 2008
Marilyn AKA Hose Hotrod Palin

Hello other Hose Hotrod Palin. OT: I live in Connecticut but was in Minnesota (Eden Prairie, Benson and Minneapolis) for 10 days this summer visiting family.

18 09 2008

You are too funny! Thanks for the much needed levity!

18 09 2008

Goodnight Mudflats!

18 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

Ark3 & Cartoon
If we’re on someone’s list, at least we’re in good company. I’m too paranoid to sleep… think I’ll go watch this Zeitgeist thing… checking back in a few or just email me.

18 09 2008
The Messenger

I just saw someone refer to Palin as Caribou Barbie. That is what Mike Malloy calls the little twit.

18 09 2008

This whole thing smells of stinky fish. I’d be surprised that Alaskans are not dizzy from the twirling spins this has gotten since Sarah was tapped for the Veep spot.

18 09 2008

gossip from 5th Sept ’08
Todd Palin oozes sketchiness

18 09 2008


Watch out. I’ll post my McCain acceptance speech again.

18 09 2008
Debbie aka Commando Coalfire Palin

First Dudd (no typo) is really pushing it. Think they are so full of themselves they think they can’t lose and they won’t have to worry about alaska. With any luck at all the what comes around goes around rule will apply and they will be sent back from where they came. It may be a hard fall for them to be sent home.Mudflats we will expect a blow by blow report of the revenge the good citizens of alaska take. we will vicariously enjoy each moment, in fact I for one can hardly wait. I am guessing John McCain really thinks she sucks he just pretends to like her. She will be on her own as soon as they lose.

18 09 2008
Bluedog aka Bash Budweiser Palin Jr.

Fellow Mudflatters from Anchorage:

I’ve received one email announcing another Alaska Women Reject Palin rally this Saturday at Loussac. Anybody else?

Now it feels like we should have one giant “Get Out of Our State, McCain Creeps!!” and “Don’t Bother Slinking Home, Sarah!” rally, yes? I’m picturing thousands on the Park Strip…..

18 09 2008

@ BigSlick: I KNOW! What’s next? The Palin kids go hog-wild and the local cops are afraid to arrest them? The Palins are untouchable, they can get away with whatever they want. There’s a nasty situation waiting to happen.

18 09 2008

The email hacking was a really convenient way for all those emails to get “disappeared” wasn’t it?

No wonder Palin never got a passport, she knew she’d get disappeared in the same way if she ever traveled out of her safe zone.

18 09 2008

Hold me. I’m scared.

I’m really not adding much to the convo, but this is seriously and legally out of control. I don’t really care about the letter of the law at this point. We know the intention.

Skirting around our laws for personal gain and national loss is not putting country first. It’s putting personal ambition above anything else.

Then again, what would one expect from a candidate who doesn’t blink when asked to be veep/asks her children what they think about being veep/doesn’t tell the kids where they’re going en route to make acceptance speech. Choose a lie and stick with it. Even a kid knows that much.

Hockey mom my a$$. Lying mom! Lying Christian. Lying human being.

18 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

I actually take Palin’s behavior one step further and call her what she is….a sociopath. See if any of these apply:

Problem is that everything I’ve read says…..just to avoid them.

18 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@arkangel 3
I wrote on the K5 just today on my blog. It’s a long piece, mostly about Thursday’s headlines in the LA Times on the economic mess — but in there is a portion about McCain, the Keating 5, and the similarities to today’s financial mess. Take a look. I may decide to repost that part so it can get separate attention…

18 09 2008

ROUGE COU does not mean REDNECK in French

The word order is incorrect and it should be COU ROUGE – which refers to ANATOMY ONLY

The word “REDNECK” when translated into French becomes “RACISTE” as in “raciste americaine”

18 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

BigSlick (20:05:25) :


Well, the Killer Chimp has an MBA from Harvard. Didn’t help him much.

I can’t help but thinking that if there is Divine Justice in human beings and the best of our inner angels finally kicks in amid all this dysfunctional soap opera with a sudden “surge” of the best ideas of rational analysis from the Renaissance and somehow the nation pulls through, then the writers from SNL can have a field day after we have dodged the bullet. After she and First Dude have returned home to Alaska, they can have a recurring skit called simply “The Palins At Home”.

That says it all. The premise is all right there.

I’ll be glad to write the first skit centered around everyone trying to use the tanning bed all at the same time.

You just can’t make this struff up.

18 09 2008

Bec in Illinois (19:56:39) wrote:

Annie – that’s funny about the Being HERE.

I have to check – Tina Fey played up the window part – but I am pretty sure in her CHARLEEEE interview, when they were walking outside, Palin brought up the – seeing Russia from here. I also believe both Cindy McCain and Laura Bush bragged about the Russia neighbor connection for Palin.

Yes. You are correct about the Russian references that were made before SNL – and NOT by TRADITIONAL COMEDIANS like Tina – instead they were made by LAUGHING STOCKS!

Yep. I am at my worst right now. My husband has the Hannity/Palin interview blaring in the other room. She’s talking about how McCain is the SAME MAN all the time. I’d like to ask his former wife about that! Possibly Sarah should J-Mc’s quotes on the economy from JUST THIS WEEK. Talk about playin’ “stump the candidate”…is he a regulator or a de-regulator? uhhhmmm??? Please be more specific about that question, you ask…do you mean his stand on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur…or the last 26 years??? Help! Is Spain in this hemisphere?

18 09 2008

Here’s an idea. The investigators should write and publish their report. They should detail the evidence they have, then detail each and every reason they wanted to depose these law evaders, what knowledge each of them was thought to have, and what role they believed they played in this scandal. They have tapes and documents, which speak for themselves. Then the coward law evaders would be exposed, along with a detail of this scandal. How could the rethugs then complain when they refused to testify?

18 09 2008

@DeMo “Even a kid knows that much.”

My 8 year old is following the Palin spectacle with me and she knows this woman is full of crap and is a liar who hates animals and uses people.

Her question to me “when can we VOTE mommy?”

18 09 2008

@Icy Russia Palin

A sociopath is what she is. No question. A delusional pathological sociopath on a task from God.

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Alaskans – I have a question for you. IF McPalin actually won, can you see any chance that the Toddster and the kids would actually, completely, move to Washington DC?! They couldn’t even move to Juneau when she became gov.

Message to Todd – there isn’t much snowmobiling around DC. No moosehunting. There are people of other races there. Would you really move there? Or would you stay in Alaska and have the US taxpayers pay a per diem for you to live in your home, and then lots of airfare for when you want to make an appearance in DC? I’d like to know your plans.

18 09 2008

We’ve seen what we’ve seen and heard what we’ve heard. So far, it is what it is. There’s time to go still. Developments await.

Nonetheless, if the election is close, that itself says a lot about the state of the country; intelligence, values, fear, media, etc., all are under a microscope of sorts.

While some might say that is nothing new, that a close result is just similar to recent elections and, thus, it is a superficial observation, I’d reply that the things in play this time around are on a different level and scale. It’s in your face. It’s defiant. It’s overt. Increasingly, high stakes elections have become no-holds-barred affairs. No, this hasn’t reached the Supreme Court. Maybe it will, maybe not. But this election is moving beyond that measure. How soon the lawyers et al have been called in, how soon the lines were drawn as to media access, how much voters have been asked to accept.

A close election, IMO, is a poor reflection on the country. A significant win demonstrates conviction one way or another. That would be a mandate or the death knell, I suppose, depending on from which “side” one looks. And it works both ways, paradoxically I suppose.

Know your facts, know the argument, know the story, know the values.
Call out all BS. Intelligence is a virtue. Truth may reside in the middle, but that doesn’t mean anyone must accept a call to put blinders on.

18 09 2008

You know, one thing REALLY bothered my about the Todd Palin interview: the way they were talking him up as “Mister Mom” and doing all the cooking, shopping, etc.

Well you know what? I’m A Stay At Home Dad of two girls ages 11 and 7. I cook (very well, I might add), clean, go shopping, take the kids to guitar lessons, gymnastics lessons, soon to be drum lessons. I help with their homework and their projects. I try and talk about life to them to give them an education outside of the classroom and some sense of morality…most especially the importance of free thinking and to think outside the box.

So while Todd Palin does this flying all over Alaska looking for new pipeline sites (according to the CNN piece), I do it while my wife works 3 12 hour shifts as an RN in a local hospital…and I do it while being disabled.

First Dude can pretty much…well, you fill in any blank you want to.

18 09 2008

WHERE WAS TODD PALIN IN 1981 1982 1983?

Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

18 09 2008

I am absolotootly shocked and appalled. Todd not testifying? Is there anyone on the planet that didn’t see this coming?

The best twist is the jujitsu move the Republicans put on the whole process to accuse the DEMOCRATS of politicizing the investigation. That’s got to be the joke of the day. How naive and stupid do they think . . . . ? Oh, forgot, they selected Sarah.

18 09 2008
The Messenger

I could not listen to Palin being interview by the “Baby Jesus” (Hannity) on Fox News. It was pathetic. Olbermann did a fine job picking out the Republican talking points from that interview earlier tonight on his show.

18 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

empish (19:29:09) : you good…freedom of speech is still a right…there are many who would like to know what you know or even what you think about what is happen around you. Keep a journal it will be worth it’s weight in gold or oild or whatever, one of these days.

Ok, the money here says Palin isn’t going to CA because of the breaking story on the 1st Dud. I’d make a list but it’s longer than my arm and this is a pretty small box to type it all down it, but they got so many big cover -ups to get on top of and not much time to do it.

Now she is blame some kid for hacking her blackberry and Yahoo account, right after she told everyone at her last whisle stop (didn’t get how many but I saw it, the same line from the NRC, “I put AK’s bank book online.”

I thought at the time, that could be the one that comes back to bite her. Don’t you know folks are going to go see, 1st if that’s true, and second if she is that dumb, what has she really been spending the states money one these days? Now, that we have some idea….we are picking on her for letting folks know she bought a tanning bed.

Back to 1st Dud, hey I thought she could do the Gov. job all by her big self, now we see she had to cc 1st Dud, even on Government business and she allowed him to set in on state business. Does that mean when she is VP his going to be the shadow in the room with – oh you pick the room or the leader or the national business.

Well, no wonder he isn’t going to testify…you don’t have to testify against a spouse or yourself. I see the 5th admen coming out here. Palin Place is getting hot….to hot to go to CA, let’s get out of that kitchen and head for the over night rewrites. Can’t wait to hear/read what M/P have to cover-up, spin or repeal next.

Oh, here’s my off topic question for the night. When did mentioning the opponnet in an Ad become a nagative ad?

18 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Thank you, Arkangel (Are you ever going to write a book? Your posts and blog are always so inspiring!)!
Evidently, Todd tried staying home with the kids (I’m under the impression that Sarah assumed he would quit his job when she took office, but never actually talked to him about it. If someone has more insight, please post a link!), but couldn’t do it, so he went back to work. It’s a tough job staying home with children! My hat is off to anyone who can do it! I’m wondering what Todd would do if Sarah did become VP (shudders).

18 09 2008
The Messenger

It is only negative in a neo-cons reality when progressives point out the truth and call out these filthy liars.

18 09 2008

Can someone please describe for me WHO exactly her supporters are and WHAT, if anything, will get through to them?

18 09 2008

Anyone looking for Wikileaks (Have documents the world needs to see? We help you safely get the truth out.)? The old site which leaked the Palin email accounts was abruptly shut down. The new site is located at:

18 09 2008

@NMJ Thanks for the link. Page snagged and archived.

18 09 2008

BigSlick (20:05:25) :



I think I’d be careful on that one. I am a teacher and hold several degrees, but I value learning – in and out of school. I was raised in a family of proud craftsmen, builders and mechanics.

ALSO, Sarah’s taking to Hannity, as I write, about how she and Todd ARE those WORKING FOLKS – the “bitter people who cling to their guns and religion” about whom Obama speaks…now she’s on to her special needs child…religion and faith…how Ronald Reagan inspired her…as well as Margaret Thatcher…and Lincoln and the unique cabinet he assembled, as described in “Team of Rivals” (she was well briefed – who couldn’t love Lincoln and Doris K. G.’s biography)…onto Wasilla – unpretentious, small town independent upbringing – now I have to go wash my hands.

18 09 2008

The Republicans have made a mockery out of our justice system.

It’s my understanding that there have already been quite a few people who have testified. I say they should draw their conclusions from the people who have testified and announce their conclusions.

I am sick to death of what the Republicans have done to this once great nation. Someone has to be held accountable for us to recover what we once had.

18 09 2008
AK Republican, no more

@ NoSarahPalin
Her supporters are people who have lived in their little happy bubble their entire life. Her supporters are people who have not seen other parts of the country. Her supporters are people who are pro-life when it suits them. Her supporters are people who are raciest and I am quoting people I know, “I just can’t bring myself to vote for a black man.” Her supporters are people who are uninformed, or if the information is there they are choosing to not accept it.

My mother-in-law has a close friend that says she can’t support Obama because he is not a Christian. Someone, somewhere please tell me what is Christian about cheating on your wife? Lying? The list goes on and I on, I know we all know that.

Those are who her supporters are! It is pathetic!

18 09 2008
Lana, KY

As the old saying goes, “Give ’em enough rope. . .and they’ll hang themselves.”
One can only hope.

18 09 2008

@ BigSlick: In 1981 to 1983 Todd Palin would have been age 17 to 19 years old. Was he in juvenile detention? Or jail?

18 09 2008

@AK Republican, no more

Do there have to be so many of them?

18 09 2008

aka Vise Peepers Palin

This is all just nuts! I knew this election was likely going to be crazy but I had no idea. After the Gibson interview I just sat back and went ‘whoa boy, this is a joke right? Someone? Please?’ did I really see what I saw? And then I was like okay breathe, it’s just you, your bias showing. But no! It’s just gotten nuttier and nuttier as each day passes. And now I’m thinking good lord please, please let enough people see and understand how just totally insane this is. And get this, I will admit I wasn’t even that enamored by Obama in the beginning, but now I’m just like, ‘Is there really any other choice?’ Please any partisan people out there reading this. This is no joke. Let go for at least a minute and just think, please, this isn’t just partisan spin going on. This is real. Like really, really, really real. This has moved so far beyond just a question of one policy over another or this pegging people into one group or another with these guys good and the others evil. The ecomnomy is falling out from under our feet and yet these shenagins and just plain lies keep going on. It’s not funny anymore. This isn’t politics. This is some really bad dream that I can’t wake up from.
Man, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry sometimes. I feel like I’m watching this really long slow, drawn out soap opera, but it’s real!

Phew, rant over. Thanks all. Everyone here is great and it’s inspiring to see all the work and effort that people are putting into trying to keep it sane.

18 09 2008

Is Todd’s picture recent? Looks like he’s been on the tanning bed at the mansion. I don’t know where he would have gotten a tan outdoors in alaska this year.

18 09 2008

Bec in Illinois (18:09:48) :
I don’t think Dems should fight this. Just let the bad smell of this permeate.

The Democrats have had nothing to do with this. The Republicans are making a mockery out of our justice system and they are making fools out of Alaska. I have the feeling it is going to come back and bite them big time.

18 09 2008

I need to plug this again, pass this information to anyone you know in the Mpls/St.Paul area….Thanks

McCain/ Palin in Blaine Mn.tomorrow
counter Rally in Mpls.
We need bodies to show Mccain/Palin
Minnesota is Obama country!!!

WHAT: Rally to Restore America’s Economy

DATE: This Friday, September 19

TIME: 12:00 noon

WHERE: Peavey Plaza, downtown Minneapolis (at 11th Street and Nicollet Mall)


18 09 2008

Wow. Nice tan. Wonder where he got that?

18 09 2008

Bystander (20:26:03) :
Nonetheless, if the election is close, that itself says a lot about the state of the country; intelligence, values, fear, media, etc., all are under a microscope of sorts.

There is one reason and one reason only why this election is not a landslide. It is the color of Barack Obama’s skin. How sad for our country.

18 09 2008
18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

katie – I was responding to someone earlier who said Dems should send in a load of lawyers. I agree, we don’t need any signs that Obama’s campaign is pursuing this. They want to focus on McCain. This may be good for everyone else to chirp about, but they know it is a distraction they must not engage in. Get McCain on the issues – and there are plenty of them right now. Time to pull back out and shout the chant — IT’S THE ECONOMY – STUPID!

18 09 2008


I hear you. As a registered Independent, I knew I was voting for Obama but never rode on the Obama bandwagon with flags flying. Since Sarah Palin came on the scene, I’ve felt it is my DUTY to do whatever is in my power to make sure that people understand the grave reality of this situation…before it is too late.

I am trying hard to understand the mentality of the McCain/Palin supporters and trying to find a way to get the TRUTH out there, but it seems like these supporters are impervious to the reality of the situation.

Knowing how fervent and blind these supporters are makes me sad, scared and sick…all at once, but there is hope (my Republican mother is voting Obama) and I am not giving up.

Personally, I created a blog ( that is really just a compilation of news stories and videos in one place, so that people like me (rural folk with no cable) might have a chance to get caught up on the latest news without looking too hard, and I will do whatever else I can do…I just wish I could do more.

If anyone has suggestions, I am all ears.

18 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

AnneinWA (20:40:19) :

BigSlick (20:05:25) :



I think I’d be careful on that one. I am a teacher and hold several degrees, but I value learning – in and out of school. I was raised in a family of proud craftsmen, builders and mechanics.

ALSO, Sarah’s taking to Hannity, as I write, about how she and Todd ARE those WORKING FOLKS – the “bitter people who cling to their guns and religion”…

Had to work late so I did not see the interview. I’ll try to find it somewhere for an analysis. How much better she gets in her presentation is a sign if there is anything formidable here. Anyone here who has every known a true sociopath or psychopath know that they are very rapid learners in how to present themselves to try to push every button in the prey. Unstable narcissists that are truly formidable at picking up every nuance in their emotional appeal to the target audience that empowers their psychic feeding for energy. Hitler came to power on one speech of grievance and resentment: the unjustness of the Treaty of Versailles. The rest his history. If she grows in feeding ability at every speech and interview, then she truly is a sociopath. We shall have to see. Because no rational, experienced person in life aware of their true abilities would ever put themselves or anyone around them into a position like this. You and your entire family have to spend a lifetime in politics to work up to being a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States. No rational, sane person of her limited background would ever take this gig. But the sign of how much she is driven by her mental instability will be how quickly she improves in handling herself. I have not made a study yet of the footage on her to date. Can anyone here comment if her chops are getting pathologically better in any way? I would saw putting her self on the ticket first as “A Palin/McCain” Administration is a very telling slip of the tongue. But she can’t get to that unless she can get to the mental frenzy of Hitler in 1926-1929 in rapid fire chops in the speed learning of the psychotic whose entire mental self identity is at stake. I would say she is bi-polar and her religion/politics mojo is how she tries to stay sane.

Is it working?

I just have not seen enough yet to make a judgment.

The VP debate will be a revelation of many things many of which will be completely sub-conscious.

It would be fascinating stuff… except that it involves the fate of all of us, our families, and our futures that comprise the collective fate of our country.

The last eight years have not gone well.

I hold John McCain in complete contempt for his utter recklessness in putting us all through this.

If you want to learn about unstable personalities in a symbiotic relationships with the psychopathology of their times, there are infinite books on Hitler and Stalin just for starters in recent world history.

I’d much rather just read a book that can be easily procured. Unless it is banned from the library…

18 09 2008

This is me, the mom… This is just driving me nuts–today, SP said: we welcomed our nephew 13 years ago, and little “Trig Palin, ABOUT 4 months ago”. I know that she is so busy and the days get mixed up, but as a ‘new’ mom, one remembers exactly when your baby was born and TODAY is exactly FIVE months from April 18th. I just had to mention this. LITTLE TRIG IS 5 MONTHS OLD TODAY. Just wanted to note that point. Happy 5 months, Trig!!

18 09 2008

For those who may be interested.
I am forwarding this on.

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the petition: “Tell The Media to Call Sarah Palin a Serial Liar”

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 100000 signatures – please sign here:

Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.

Thank you!


18 09 2008

And just a quick comment from someone who has actually been in politics. and can see how things play out, like messaging in particular. (Please don’t hate me I got out because I couldn’t stomach a lot of the BS, involved in it) 🙂

Regarding the signs for rallies. If I can pass on some advice. Don’t make comments about her and the kids and stuff along the mothering line. It does turn people off that you’re trying to speak too. There’s more then enough that can be said without challenging that part I think. They don’t deserve any of this also.

Also regarding T. Palin and challenging his education or using lack there of against him. For one I agree with the poster that commented about how just because someone didn’t go to school doesn’t mean they aren’t necessarly educated in some manner. Also a lot of the divide between one side and the other right now is on education. ‘the urban educated elites, stuck up and supperior against the common folk’. I know that’s all bull and more a created divide for political purposes but in my mind there’s no need to play into and lose the main message. If the issue with T. Palin is interference, or playing a co-governing type role. That’s the issue and he has done that whether he’s educated or not. He could be a double PH’d with honors and that still wouldn’t matter to those main issues.

Don’t mean to preach or anything. Just offering an opinion. 🙂

18 09 2008


Todd was in Washington State part of that time.

Did you bump into him there?

18 09 2008


Laura Chase, the campaign manager during Ms. Palin’s first run for mayor in 1996, recalled the night the two women chatted about her ambitions.

“I said, ‘You know, Sarah, within 10 years you could be governor,’ ” Ms. Chase recalled. “She replied, ‘I want to be president.’ ”

18 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

AnnieinWa: i have a bunch of degrees, but i am also the first person in my family to go to college. i think my parents would be the first people to tell you that none of us would belong in the white house. it seems that todd is running the show. i just took an international relations class. it was pretty complex. i cannot even imagine dealing with that in “real life” let alone without any any education or life experience on the subject.

Re the “bitters” comment obama made in sf.–at the event palin is rescheduled to do in in silicon valley, the campaign is charging $50,000 to have people take their photo with her. hypocrite!

18 09 2008

@ Spiralingout

My guess is that she probably didn’t update the script she was given when she said that today. It’s been one month since she first handed notes from McCain.

Ai yi yi!!!

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Some of you are labeling Sarah a psychopath – but I see narcissist first:

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:[1]

-has a grandiose sense of self-importance
-is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
-believes that he or she is “special” and unique
-requires excessive admiration
-has a sense of entitlement
-is interpersonally exploitative
-lacks empathy
-is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
-shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

I’d say she fits more than 5 — perhaps ALL! Do you see how she loves to sign autographs? Is her head going to be fitting inside that campaign plane soon?

Oh – but the fall will be so hard. May it be soon.

18 09 2008

spiralingout (21:04:11) :

This is me, the mom… This is just driving me nuts–today, SP said: we welcomed our nephew 13 years ago, and little “Trig Palin, ABOUT 4 months ago”. I know that she is so busy and the days get mixed up, but as a ‘new’ mom, one remembers exactly when your baby was born and TODAY is exactly FIVE months from April 18th. I just had to mention this. LITTLE TRIG IS 5 MONTHS OLD TODAY. Just wanted to note that point. Happy 5 months, Trig!!

It’s odd, but I’m not sure if it’s conspiratorially odd. Still, in passing, I wonder how this tidbit might fit in with the question of whether Trig’s mother is the Gov. or Bristol.

18 09 2008

I’m inclined to agree and look forward to your conclusions.
The debate will be quite telling.

18 09 2008

Hey Bec – Spot on!

18 09 2008

And this from the party touting itself as supporting the rule of law and debasing lawyers. They have no respect for the law, much less the constitution. If they steal this election it’s time for a Jeffersonian refreshing of the revolution.

18 09 2008

we need 1,000,000 names time’s running out.

Comment: Please support our petition at to help us stop the GOP corrupt tactics trying to stonewall the emerging Troopergate investigation.

18 09 2008

Jade, Anne

Todd’s level of education wasn’t the big deal, except that he wouldn’t answer the question. Why?

So, where was he? What was the Dood doing?

Especially in 1983……

18 09 2008

Video tour of Wasilla, Alaska on YouTube:

18 09 2008
Cynthia Ohio

Completely off topic, but as I was perusing the above comments and saw someone refer to “Charrleee,” I couldn’t help but think of the “Charlie the Unicorn” bit on youtube. The name “Charlie” is pronounced “Charrleee” and said again and again, sort of like my favorite interview.

So stupid and yet so weirdly entertaining.

18 09 2008


Yes happy 5 months little Trigg.

He is a beautiful little baby boy.

Life marches on and things work out.

18 09 2008

Bystander – I’ve got a friend who knows nothing about the Trig conspiracy, but she’s a mom, and her only comment was “I saw that young girl hold that baby and I thought to myself, ‘that is the gaze of a loving mother.'”

When I told her that Bristol had been out of school for the last 5 months of her mother’s pregnancy and filled her in on the saga and the 10 hour trip Sarah took from Texas to Alaska, and the pictures and video circulating of Sarah at 7 months, and how her coworkers were “shocked” when she announced her pregnancy at 7 months, she just looked at me and walked away, shaking her head.

When I’ve seen Sarah holding Trig, I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. There is nothing in her posture, composure or demeanor that says “mother.”

Call me crazy…

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@spiralingout (21:04:11) :

It’s nice to know somebody cares about the poor little bugger.

18 09 2008

BigSlick (21:05:50) :
Todd was in Washington State part of that time.

Did you bump into him there?

oh ker-rap…I hope not! However, I think I would remember that dood!

18 09 2008

Oh this is very good news.

They have done the Worst thing possible and introduced Doubt into her character.

This will kill the polls for them and move many swing voters out of their column.

I could not have hoped for a better outcome.

Do not let this go people press!! press!!! PRESS!!! this story HARD!!!

Make them regret every talking about transparency and ‘accountability’.

Clearly she has something to hide and is not as honest as they have portrayed her to be.

This story needs to continue right up until the date she was supposed to be accountable for her actions.

October 31st!!!

Change agents?? HA!!

More like Sharade Agents!!

18 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

AK Republican, Remind your mother-in-law that Obama is a baptized Christian.

The best thing that could happen at this point is for very good investigative reporters to dig the dirt, dig it fast, and make it public. The word “stonewall” as a verb came into the lexicon through Richard Nixon, who was stonewalling an investigation, like Palin/McCain. It took years to get at the truth, but it was Woodward and Bernstein who pushed and pushed until the story couldn’t be ignored. In those days, there wasn’t a Mudflats community to get the truth out to the whole world. This, we can do by contacting bloggers local and national audiences. Andrew Sullivan reads this blog. Other outlets are, too. The questions are: What are they hiding? Who knows what they are hiding? What proof or substantiation is out there? And how can we get it and expose it here?

Because once we get it, the world will know. They aren’t quashing subpoenas and stonewalling because there is nothing. We’ve got about a month to find out what they’re hiding. So how do we do that?

I, for one, have nothing better to do in my spare time than to see that McCain and Palin never get near the White House. To that end, start emailing your senators and representatives and tell them you won’t put up with Bush starting yet another war just so that the neocons can hold onto power. I am hearing and seeing way too much about Iran right now not to think of World War III as Bush’s October surprise. Make enough fuss NOW so monkeying around with American lives is not an option.

18 09 2008

plwalsh — If only the media would take your suggestion and substitute Tina Fey in interviews Palin refuses. Great idea. And I suspect a LOT of people wouldn’t be able to tell, if Tina just repeated excerpts from Palin’s acceptance speech. But that wouldn’t be any fun — you can watch Palin herself do that any old time.

About the legislative subpoenas: Apparently, Alaskan law only requires compliance with legislative subpoenas when the legislature is in session. If you think about it, for a state with a part time legislature, this probably makes sense from a civil rights standpoint. Most matters that involve legislative subpoenas do not have such suddenly-important timescales as this one.

I think people may get a little confused because the subpoena we are normally familiar with is the judicial subpoena, to which non-compliance can quickly get you in contempt of court and in jail.

This certainly doesn’t excuse the obstruction-after-repeatedly-promising-cooperation of Palin and her minions and hired guns, but there isn’t much the people of Alaska can do about it in the short term except be pissed off.

If there really is a bigger story hiding behind Troopergate, it will probably come out in due course, and even if (arrgh) Rookie and Bullwrinkle win the election, she may get to have a new Palin-name: SPIRO AGNEW PALIN.

18 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

spiralingout (21:04:11)
That is an excellent point! My mom has 5 children. I can assure you she knew how old my youngest sister was when she was 5 months old! Even when you are away from your child for large amounts of time, you think about them. You talk about them.

18 09 2008

I’m really confused about the Tina Fey comment that ‘the sound was off’ because a few days ago I could swear I read a quote from Miss Sarah saying
that she was ‘listening to SNL but couldn’t see the screen’ . . .

And I have the newspaper article where she is quoted as saying ‘we told the kids they were flying down to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary’ and remember thinking at the time, sure, they’re really going to believe they’re getting on a private jet to go celebrate an anniversary . . . now she is saying that they had a ‘family meeting’ and Todd is saying he ‘confiscated the cell phones’ . . .

The family is nuts. How much baggage can you drag into an election in THREE WEEKS TIME ? This has got to be a record. I think that with Sarah’s
obvious capacity for compulsive lying, it’s time to reopen Babygate and really figure out what went down last April . . .

18 09 2008

NoSarahPalin (21:20:13) :

Bystander – I’ve got a friend who knows nothing about the Trig conspiracy, but she’s a mom, and her only comment was “I saw that young girl hold that baby and I thought to myself, ‘that is the gaze of a loving mother.’”

When I told her that Bristol had been out of school for the last 5 months of her mother’s pregnancy and filled her in on the saga and the 10 hour trip Sarah took from Texas to Alaska, and the pictures and video circulating of Sarah at 7 months, and how her coworkers were “shocked” when she announced her pregnancy at 7 months, she just looked at me and walked away, shaking her head.

When I’ve seen Sarah holding Trig, I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. There is nothing in her posture, composure or demeanor that says “mother.”

Call me crazy…”

She is nothing but an actor and a fraud.

You can clearly see that in the way she talks to people and how she presents herself.

Those who have talked about what has been going on in alaska and how she really is are the true witnesses of this women who plays the role of a victim all the while looking for ways to stab you in the back.

Down with Palin!!

Down with the McCain/Palin or as she said today PALIN/mccain Ticket!!!

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


You brought up an interesting point. And where exactly are the Palin kids? Are they back in school in Alaska? Anyone for Wasilla on here who might know? I would be shocked if they were still on the campaign trail. But on the hacked email list the top email entry was from Bristol’s mobile phone sending a picture of Trig to SP after midnight. Is Bristol in charge of raising her “brother” now?

18 09 2008

Cunning, deceit, and Machiavellian Maneuvering need no formal education; they cannot be taught- they can only be nurtured.

A person only needs to be in the right places and times for stuff to happen; take it from someone who was at the wrong end of that equation…big time.

If a person thinks they know who they are, then they really don’t. Confidence without doubt is not Confidence; it is folly.

Ky Fork Decoy Palin (20:33:23) :
Thank you, Arkangel (Are you ever going to write a book? Your posts and blog are always so inspiring!)!

Thank you for the compliment. And yes, I’m working on a memoir about what happened to me on 9/11 and afterward. I hope to have it ready before the 10th Anniversary comes up. The only time I really get to write though is late at night/early morning; I get the best ideas then, and I can think without the distractions and mental dropouts that plague me most of the day. So, it will take some time.

(Btw, thanks everyone for restoring my faith in Humanity. You guys are great)

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Jade, Anne, BigSlick,
I beg to differ about Todd’s education. I am especially disturbed that apparently he has a great deal of influence on his wife’s decision making given his hanging out as a bystander in meetings and getting cc’d on correspondence. This is a huge deal to me.

It’s not about being snide or making fun of someone who didn’t have benefit of advanced education–it’s about being equipped mentally to make informed decisions. Our leaders need to know history to not repeat mistakes. Our national leaders need to have knowledge of the sciences, economics, etc.

And, Jade, you appear to be a very kind person; however, the issue of Palin’s motherhood has been touted by the Republicans, therefore, fair game.

18 09 2008

How accurate and real is that geneological chart?

If that is correct then Bristol and Levi may already be married.

This is where we need to be careful, can this source be verified?

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I totally agree about how Bristol looks when she holds Trig. Much more tender than pics of Sarah with him. Maybe she is just REALLY maternal because she is pregnant. Or there is something else to it. But I’ll never buy that Sarah was of right mind to fly back to Alaska. If she is so pro-life – how could she risk her baby’s life by doing that? I speak from experience with premature births. They don’t always survive. Downs babies also can have additional medical risks.

I also cringed when Sarah bragged about having an autistic kid in their extended family. And then about Trig. Talk about exploitation! I feel sorry for all of her kids – they are all trophies in some way. I really feel sorry for Bristol after reading the Salon article about her and Levi at the rally. Sounds like a totally staged relationship right now. Sarah and Todd paved the way for that situation with their birth 8 months after they eloped.

18 09 2008

Rhett O’Rical (21:07:08) :
i have a bunch of degrees, but i am also the first person in my family to go to college. i think my parents would be the first people to tell you that none of us would belong in the white house. it seems that todd is running the show.

I too was the first in my family to attend college, and although my parents couldn’t have been prouder, they also understood I didn’t belong in the White House (that’s probably not true – they though I could do ANYTHING and told me so – they would have supported me had I run!).

I do think you have hit on the key issue…it seems that TODD is running the show. That seems potentially a much more productive political pattern to pursue (a bit of dueling alliteration anyone?).

18 09 2008

I believe the medical records will reveal that she is a grandmother, pure and simple, this is what they are really hiding.

18 09 2008

NoSarahPalin – That’s the thing. I can’t call you “crazy.” The story has faded, but there were many red flags, easily dismissible with a minimum of effort. Never happened. Lots of contradictions instead. Anne Kilkenny’s letter, I think, put the story that the Gov. was the mother. Yet, I’ve heard the same types of observations and feelings as your friend. Regardless, the story was whisked away. Still, there are mothers who are detached and maybe that is the how the Gov. is.

18 09 2008
The Troopergate stonewalling continues: Todd Palin refuses to testify « Palin Watch

[…] Palins legal advice since the beginning of the investigation, says the subpoenas will be ignored because they no longer feel the investigation is legitimate. Why?  Didn’t say.  It must have something to do with that hideously partisan unanimous vote by […]

18 09 2008

At least now we know who’s using the tanning bed.

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

If Palin were to release her medical records (undoctored, of course) the Trig issue could be resolved. I wonder why she hasn’t done that yet. Are they just hoping people forget about it? Did anyone every figure out if Bristol was out of school because of mono. Her school does report she left unexpectedly early this year and didn’t return.

18 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

good night mud people! i mean that in a good woodstock sorta way. hope you all have a great night!

18 09 2008

DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike (21:29:25) :

Jade, Anne, BigSlick,
I beg to differ about Todd’s education. I am especially disturbed that apparently he has a great deal of influence on his wife’s decision making given his hanging out as a bystander in meetings and getting cc’d on correspondence. This is a huge deal to me.

It’s not about being snide or making fun of someone who didn’t have benefit of advanced education–it’s about being equipped mentally to make informed decisions.

I’m just saying, my issue is that the 1st dood seems to have WAY too much influence on his wife’s public decision making. However…that’s the problem, not his academic credentials. Let’s face it, McCain graduated 5th from the bottom of his class and he’s on the top of the Republican ticket.

I simply think you could be going down a slippery “road to nowhere” by using his lack of education against him…

18 09 2008

There are detached mothers, I’ll give you that, but the bits and the pieces don’t add up….not even close.

I am not even sure that Bristol is pregnant at all. Could she still have the baby weight? Are they setting her up for a “miscarriage?” That would be a nice way to untangle the whole mess, wouldn’t it? Those poor kids!

Sarah’s references to time are all wonky and fit in neatly with the “Sarah Palin and Magical Thinking” article I found, whereby she makes her version of reality sync, no matter how skewed it is. To say “we welcomed our nephew 13 years ago, and little “Trig Palin, ABOUT 4 months ago” is very bizarre.

I’m a mom, and I know that almost all moms count their baby’s age in days and months. I have never met a mom who was a MONTH off in her baby’s age.

Sarah Palin and Magical Thinking

18 09 2008

@HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin (20:21:31) :

“I’ll be glad to write the first (SNL) skit centered around everyone trying to use the tanning bed all at the same time.”
oh my, yes! hahaha! one has to imagine they’d need to have a “Take A Number” machine next to the tanning bed!

18 09 2008

Mississippi Jeep Pike,

Actually, I disagree with you 100% on that point.

Todd Palin is a bright guy regardless of whether he has a degree or not and has proven he can manage at a highly professional level.

This question would be irrelevant if the man were an idiot, which he obviously is not. The relevancy is that he IS intelligent, he has misled, and he has refused to answer that question. Why? If he were just some idiot, I wouldn’t care if he didn’t want to disclose this info, but since he is intelligent, and he may be in a position to influence national and global security issues, I want to know him to answer.

It is not about the degree, nor the intelligence, nor even the capability.

It IS about the ethical ramifications of not disclosing, of hiding, of lying, and it is about engaging in flagrant criminal activity.

So, where was Todd in ’83?

18 09 2008

I would say this: Bristol, we can tell you adore your brother/son. Every child should be adored like that and Bristol looks at Trig with total love and that is the important thing. It makes me want Bristol to be the mom as SP doesn’t look at him that way at all. Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive…

18 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Bristol was out of school for Mono for five months?!
I actually had Mono my Jr year of high school. I was out for about a month. I also had tonsillitis, and it was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I know that you usually catch another illness with Mono, but five months seems a bit…much. Perhaps she simply missed so much school, she couldn’t make it up? I do think Trig is Sarah’s baby. There is still weirdness on this issue, I agree, but I don’t think Bristol is his mother.

Funny. When I did return to school, there was a rumor going around that I was pregnant! haha!

18 09 2008

@Anna – out of school for 5 months due to mono? Nothing I have read indicates this ever happens…a month tops. I read one article that said that Bristol was in Wasilla HS and then transfered to Anchorage HS mid-year, which I am guessing is the school she then left for the last 5 months of her mother’s “pregnancy.”

My Internet was down during the whole ordeal. Was Bristol’s pregnancy announced after the bloggers went wild with the “Bristol’s the Mommy” story?

18 09 2008

Anne, good to see you make your point.

Its not the education. Its the LYING.

18 09 2008

NoSarahPalin – There are detached mothers, I’ll give you that, but the bits and the pieces don’t add up….not even close.
True enough.

I have never met a mom who was a MONTH off in her baby’s age.
Nor have I.

18 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Quick question — I keep seeing notes or comments on the “MAP” what map????

18 09 2008

So much for making the Governors office and state politics transparent. I’d say she is about as transparent as a brick wall.

The more she stalls, the more everyone around her and involved in this dig in their heels and refuse to cooperate with the investigation the more guilty she looks. I would assume (yes, I know, one should never ever assume anything), that if she were innocent she would want to get that out there as quickly and as loudly as possible so she could move on. Innocent people are usually very quick to try to clear their names and show everything in the clear light of day. Guilty people tend to like to stall, stall, stall. Evade, shift blame, hide, cover up and avoid the issue at all costs.

Watching this whole episode, I’d have to say she really looks guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Whether or not she is has yet to be proven one way or the other.

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

On the email hacking: there may be more to come!
According to the Guardian, who also looked at the Wikileaks data, among the emails in Palin’s account were several from addresses belonging to her aides, including a draft letter to California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a discussion of nominations to the state court of appeals, and several bearing “DPS”, the acronym for the Alaska Department of Public Safety.

DPS supervises the Alaska state troopers. Could the e-mails in question be relevant to the brewing ethics storm over Palin’s push to sack her former brother-in-law from the force?

Wikileaks may release additional emails should they prove be of political substance.

18 09 2008

I read somewhere that Bristol went to live with her aunt for those 5 months.

18 09 2008

BigSlick (21:45:42) :

Mississippi Jeep Pike,

Actually, I disagree with you 100% on that point.

Todd Palin is a bright guy regardless of whether he has a degree or not and has proven he can manage at a highly professional level….

It is not about the degree, nor the intelligence, nor even the capability.

It IS about the ethical ramifications of not disclosing, of hiding, of lying, and it is about engaging in flagrant criminal activity.

So, where was Todd in ‘83?

Your point is extremely well taken. DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE WAS IN ’83? If so, spill it! Now I NEED to know if you know something we don’t (junior high mentality?)…or are you simply pondering the possibilities?

18 09 2008

Having been around for 65 years. I have seen a few flashes in the pan, and one hit wonders. The Palin speech at the convention was great, I mean that woman was off the charts. But the next day that plain she eluded to having sold on eBay, and the bridge to nowhere all came crashing down. I mean it all was a flimflam to make one think one thing, when it was all quite different. In the days that have passed, I find Palin does not field question from reporters. And now Troopergate with it whiteness refusing to testify. It sounds as if she has her clones all lined. She now has her very own good old boy net work . I see a great danger in this Palin, she can lead. But she’s one of those few leader that takes you down the road, and when you look, your in a blind alley and your leader is gone.

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

NoSarahPalin: My Internet was down during the whole ordeal. Was Bristol’s pregnancy announced after the bloggers went wild with the “Bristol’s the Mommy” story?

Yes, it was announced after SP was picked for VP and after the “real mommy” rumor hit the ‘net.

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Erin, if you’re still around (or will be soon lol), you will remember last weekend I brought up the subject of amniocentesis. Someone else picked up that ball a couple of days ago and now I have all the info I need 🙂

18 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Disgusting. Beneath contempt. Where is the great hue and cry from the citizenry? Blatant disrespect shown to the voters of America and they are going to get away with it? McCain should be thoroughly ashamed of himself. It would seem that after all this time what we are seeing is the true McCain, the other having been a mask for 25 years. He has sold himself to the devil with the selection of this dubious woman and her questionable family.

18 09 2008

I was reading the Anchorage Daily News story on April 18th and boy, were Alaskans pissed that Sarah had given a speech, then traveled 10 hours to get to a hospital with no NICU to deliver her special needs baby.

I believe she got the call from Bristol while in Texas and then made her way home, but if she truly was pregnant and acted without good sense and judgement, then I am with the Alaskan people.

Thank you all for your posts this evening. The absurdity of it all is what gives me the energy to keep on the issues, the energy to keep posting news articles on my blog, and the energy to fight for something better for all of us.


18 09 2008

I have to agree with you on that, no mother is that off on her baby’s age. Given Sarah’s story on the birth of that little boy and the way she hold/looks at him, I would have to say this is one child she did NOT want. It says loud and clear she is irresponsible and tried to miscarry in hope he wouldn’t make it. On the other hand, she could be telling yet another lie (given film footage and other “evidence” it is highly likely) and this child is really Bristol’s child. Look at the way the two women hold Trig. Look at the way the two women look at Trig.

18 09 2008

More than ever, I wonder what McCain meant when he said Palin was his soulmate.

18 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Good grief. Time to go to bed. I finally turned off all the reruns of the shows on MSNBC to another station just to keep me company while I obsessed on Mudflats and the other sites. I just looked up to find that a show about mold and mildew had been on for the last half hour!

Another question for Alaskans as I sign off — how religious is Todd? I read that Sarah, her sister and Mom went to the fundie church and got baptized and born again, but it didn’t mention her dad. Was Todd always churchie – or did Sarah reign him in? Is he solid – or just for show?

In the lower 48, many fundie churches don’t believe in drinking. Somehow, I see him as a beer kind of guy. Is he really the God-center, he-man of the family. Or just taking advantage of that? I think Sarah could easily be a ball-buster (ouch – I see McCain already getting some of that action). I doubt she is the really submissive type – to anyone. But clearly, Todd is way too involved in her duties as governor.

Let me know what you think. Nite all…..

18 09 2008

Peter (21:53:18) :
Having been around for 65 years. I have seen a few flashes in the pan, and one hit wonders. The Palin speech at the convention was great, I mean that woman was off the charts.

Simply a different take on Palin’s speech: I found her mocking of others truly offensive. As a woman, I was embarrassed for her since it seemed the best she had to offer was making fun of her opponents and introducing herself as the proverbial pitbull.

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Whoa Anne & BigSlick,

I think we are talking about different ideas here. First, I wasn’t going after Todd about his education nor was I even in the conversation about Todd lying or being evasive–I was responding to the issue of his being an advisor of sorts to his wife. If, God forbid, McCain and Palin won, I would be very concerned of his influence on his wife.

I am sure he is a great and wonderful person; however, I wouldn’t want him operating on my heart because, frankly, he cannot operate on THAT professional level. And, neither do I want him making decisions directly impacting this world.

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

I could have read that speech just as well – without a teleprompter. 😉

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

I wasn’t trying to start new rumors, but it was all on this blog over Labor Day weekend that Bristol dropped out of Wasilla “unexpectedly.” There was a news story quoting a higher-up at the school saying he didn’t know why she went suddenly absent. Then there is no record of her at another school, at least that I know of. I could be wrong. Anyone from Alaska know?

18 09 2008

jade (21:05:40) :

And just a quick comment from someone who has actually been in politics…
Regarding the signs for rallies. If I can pass on some advice. Don’t make comments about her and the kids and stuff along the mothering line. It does turn people off that you’re trying to speak too. There’s more then enough that can be said without challenging that part I think…

“Also regarding T. Palin and challenging his education or using lack there of against him. For one I agree with the poster that commented about how just because someone didn’t go to school doesn’t mean they aren’t necessarly educated in some manner. Also a lot of the divide between one side and the other right now is on education. ‘the urban educated elites, stuck up and supperior against the common folk’… If the issue with T. Palin is interference, or playing a co-governing type role. That’s the issue and he has done that whether he’s educated or not.”
Excellent advice. Catchy phrases for signs are great, but they should be issue related. Lobbing barbs at the kids is hitting below the belt. Throwing a fast ball at the candidates’ lies is fair game. Not only is it fair game, it’s right on target.

Go with the truth. Media coverage of an event is important. Let that coverage express voter dissatisfaction with the stand McPalin is taking. Let the coverage illustrate that we demand the promised transparency.

If the objective is to expose them as fools, we don’t have to look foolish in doing it.

18 09 2008

Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin (21:56:18) :

Well, that pretty much covers it, doesn’t it?

You were spot on, you smart cookie, you.

18 09 2008

Look folks, there is real TANGIBLE stories to go after. Let’s put to rest all of the speculation on who’s kids belong to who. It’s only going to sidetrack from the real stories and questions out there:

-Why was the Governor conducting State Business on a personal e-mail address, on a non-secure server?

-Why was Todd Palin cc’d on State Business e-mails?

-Why is he not answering his subpoena? You would think that a guy who’s wife is running for Veep would respect the law.

-Why were those personal e-mails suddenly “hacked” last night, a day before everyone decided not to cooperate?

-Why aren’t those not answering subpoenas being locked up for contempt?

-What is the true mental heath state of BOTH McCain and Palin?

-Why hasn’t she released her Tax Returns; moreover, why isn’t anyone from the MSM pressing the issue? What about her health records?

-What was her and/or Todd Palin’s affiliation with the Alaska Independence Party?

-Why does she wear an Alaska Flag, and when she wears an American Flag on her lapel, why isn’t is a 50 star flag instead of a cute designer Flag?

There’s more than enough questions here…stay off the baby angle. It only serves to empower the GOP’s “they all are against Sarah” message. Look at the legitimate questions, not the made up ones…especially by potential “plants” that could be on here right not lurking for feeding deceptive leads and questions.

Stay focused…stay on message…Patience and Steel.

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

AnneinWA, I had the same feeling. I was shocked at the hatred that sprewed from her during that speech. There was nothing hopeful, there were no plans for the future, there was only hatred and rage. Like an abused pitbull taught to kill.

18 09 2008
Manny Mysterio

Nick Begich Jr. was just on Coast to Coast AM. Always been an interesting guest on that show. Actually he’s identified as simply Nick Begich on the show, but he’s brother of Mark Begich, both sons of Nick Begich, the Alaskan congressman who presumably died in a plane crash in 1972.

He was asked about Sarah Palin, and unfortunately he didn’t have much to say and was generally positive about her. His basic take was she’d be a better governor to Alaska than a VP candidate. George Noory is a notorious soft ball tosser as an interviewer so that was it. But his reaction surprised me, didn’t Mark Begich butt heads with Palin over money needed to operate city lights? (according to this article: )

18 09 2008

DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike (22:01:22) :
Whoa Anne & BigSlick,

DownInMississippi ,
Sorry if I included you in an unintended portion of the discussion, although I believe the issues intersect. I want to know the truth about Todd’s influence over his wife’s decisions (decisions that if elected, could potentially affect our country). I also didn’t mean to insinuate you were going after his lack of education.

18 09 2008

Active role for Palin’s husband in Alaska government

Todd Palin’s involvement in the governor’s office has prompted an irreverent quip by some capital staff members when decisions are to be made that might affect the governor: “What would Todd do?”

Palin has encouraged lawmakers to support his wife’s agenda, helped her review budget items and polish speeches, surprised some lawmakers by sitting in on meetings and received copies of top administration staff e-mail messages.

What are his qualifications for performing these duties or having such access to state matters?

18 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

For those of you who are wondering how to get through to our Repub friends who are still supporting Palin/McCain, here’s part of an email I got yesterday from one of my kids — lives in Ohio and has obviously drunk gallons of GOP Kool-Aid these last 8 years, plus the time he spent at a conservative university there. He admits that he doesn’t read much and gets most of his news from Fox Noise and the local TV stations. I’ll cut him a [very] little slack since he has some learning disabilities, but he has a college degree with lots of econ, history, and poli sci classes under his belt. To be perfectly fair, they were without power for 3 1/2 days when the remnants of Ike rolled through central Ohio, so in case they broadcast some of what we know since Sunday night, he might have missed it.

“I admit that part of what I like about Governor Palin is her pro-life views.
I admire her for being brave enough to stick to those views despite the
challenges she and her husband knew they would be taking on with Trig (the
downs baby she had in February) It takes a strong person to know what kinds of challenges you are going to face and be willing to face them anyway, especially when there is a legal, and for some people perfectly acceptable way out of having to face them. However, it isn’t just the fact that she is pro-life that I like about her. I think she has a good story behind her. I like the fact that she is from a small town. I like the fact that she is for drilling in ANWR. I like that she has been tough on her opponents and willing to take on a system in Alaska she saw as corrupt. It seems to me that she has the ability to stand up and say that she has a record of being for reform and that seems to be something that voters are looking for. I would think that the feminists would be all for someone like her. She has gotten to be governor of Alaska as a result of her own work and merit. But that would be too much to hope for I think. The NOW gang would rather
support a woman who got elected Senator of New York because of who her
husband is, because she shares their views on education, abortion, social
security, and the environment.”

He went on to say, “And the DOW is down again today on the heels of the FED announcing a bail out of AIG. It seems to me that the market knows that this isn’t good news. I understand that AIG insures millions of people and employs thousands more, but if the people running the company don’t run it right then it deserves to go under. Let someone else pick up the pieces and turn it into a better company.”

People, that’s what we’re up against. We’re wasting our time and energy trying to convince them or even trying to figure out what ammo we might use to try. You can’t confuse them with facts because their minds are made up. And their minds are closed. It’s like feeding the trolls. And about as productive as them trying to convince us to vote Palin-McCain. Let’s concentrate on the ones who are still willing and able to thing critically. I have to remain hopeful that they are in a minority. Perhaps, history will eventually convince them to re-examine their views.

18 09 2008

My kid is leaving for college next week and when I heard SP today I got so curious!! I just thought, how can she forget when her child was born??? I still know exactly how many minutes, days, and weeks it was since all of mine were born… OHHHH.

So I knew Trig was 5 months old today and that should be acknowledged by her!!! CRAP…

18 09 2008
Mairona West

I mean how could they keep the truth from spilling out? Prevent her from speaking to anyone, that’s how!

18 09 2008

And yes, I am also ringing doorbells and signing up new voters.

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike


No harm. I think you and I actually were expressing the same concerns!

It is late here and it is rather difficult to keep up!

18 09 2008

Lani aka Bash Budweiser (22:10:06) :
AnneinWA, I had the same feeling. I was shocked at the hatred that sprewed from her during that speech. There was nothing hopeful, there were no plans for the future, there was only hatred and rage. Like an abused pitbull taught to kill.

I truly believe I try my best to give people the “benefit of the doubt” until I have heard them out. However, when Palin delivered her speech, I experienced an almost instantaneous, visceral dislike for her. I felt as though I needed to protect myself from her…and I don’t think it was just her words. Her mannerisms are those of a bully, and I don’t like to be bullied…I’ve had ENOUGH of that…Cheney in a skirt and $2500 jacket!

18 09 2008
Spoon Archer Palin

bystander – the look of the daughter when the baby is in her arms is not big sister (role she has played 4 times now), but 1st-time motherly rapture. Heaven help her for the situation she is in.

Was telling my sister that two of my favorite movies offer some insight into how this all may go:
Blazing Saddles


18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

I think someone asked about the map (or maybe on a different post?). It is on the right side. Click on it and see how AKMuckraker is “Ruler of the World.”

Also, hope you all took notice of the ability to send Mudflats donations.

And, the “Who Are You Button” on the top to post your location.

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

Having worked in both politics and journalism, the access to Palin is OBVIOUSLY being guarded by the McCain people (yep, the boy’s club from DC). None of her interviews have been live, unless you count that sham of a town hall she and McCain did this week. The McCain people are only going to give access to interviewers who will pre-approve a set of questions.

Palin will NEVER go on The View. Could you imagine? That would be a disaster for McCain.

I think that would be a great plan of attack, make her go on The View!!!

18 09 2008

DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike (22:19:20) :

Thanks for responding. I would not intentionally offend or involve anyone. And yes…I AM TIRED TOO!

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

I quite agree with a prior poster that we need to focus on the hard issues. Continue to demand complete medical records for McCain and Palin. (McCain provided only limited paperwork for a limited period of time.) Demand complete tax returns for the McCains and the Palins. This is standard procedure for candiates – except for the magical duo, apparently.

i do have concerns about children with disabilities, but will post those later.

18 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

The principal who flew in to Anchorage to attend the rally summed up Miz Paling the best, I think. “She is like a girl in junior high, very popular but with a mean streak”. That’s how she comes across to me too.

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Anne & Lani,

Well said. Palin is a disgrace to women who have made it on their talents and attributes. I had the same “bully” feeling, Anne. She is even inconsistent in her presentation of who she wants us to believe she is: On one hand, a frail flower who cannot be asked questions but on the other hand, a big bad schoolyard bully. I can’t wait for Biden to gently rip her to shreds. (I’m confident it won’t take much and can be oh so subtle.)

18 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Thanks Jeep Pike — If it would have been a snake – it would have gotten me ….. wow — it is good 🙂

18 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

And I did hit the donation button yesterday 😉

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Flat Earth: Ditto. Like trying to be the most popular girl in the class at all costs. Very, very junior high.

18 09 2008

Palmdale, CA (22:12:35) wrote:
For those of you who are wondering how to get through to our Repub friends who are still supporting Palin/McCain, here’s part of an email I got yesterday from one of my kids — lives in Ohio and has obviously drunk gallons of GOP Kool-Aid these last 8 years, plus the time he spent at a conservative university there.

Are you sure you didn’t receive that letter from MY son? It sounds almost exactly like the correspondence I had with my own yesterday!

Palmdale, CA (22:12:35) wrote:
People, that’s what we’re up against. We’re wasting our time and energy trying to convince them or even trying to figure out what ammo we might use to try. You can’t confuse them with facts because their minds are made up. And their minds are closed. It’s like feeding the trolls. And about as productive as them trying to convince us to vote Palin-McCain. Let’s concentrate on the ones who are still willing and able to thing critically. I have to remain hopeful that they are in a minority. Perhaps, history will eventually convince them to re-examine their views.

I agree. From now on, I am going to choose my battles more wisely. By the time I finished talking to that child I once nurtured, I was absolutely convinced that his beliefs were even stronger. I will not fueling his fire again (do wish I could take his car keys away from him and ground him on Nov 4th…) 🙂 Just kidding – we all have the right to our opinions.

18 09 2008
portland oregon native

OMG… I never stay up this late (11:35 pm here now)!
G’ night all
Very interesting posts form everyone. thanks

18 09 2008

Can she be recalled or impeached?

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Palmdale & Anne, Same stupid conversation with my youngest, 21, junior in college at dinner last week. Loves the idea of drilling ANWR. Thinks Palin is cool. (Did she grace the cover of Maxim or something and I missed it?)

He is at least still impressionable enough (or perhaps he is honoring the holder of the pursestrings) that he conceded by dinner’s end that he would keep an open mind. (Thinks Obama is a muslim and really bothered by Michelle and that statement which I got around by discussing the AIP movement, censorship, gag orders.)

18 09 2008
Zim in Oz

I found this ‘Palin timeline’ interesting.

18 09 2008

For the poor mom with the repub son in Ohio – (I will pray for you) How pro-life is it to endorse wars in the middle east or anywhere else where children, babies, women, men, old people and their attendant animals and crops are bombed to pieces, burned to death or disfigurement by white phosphorus and napalm (documented to have been used in Iraq as well as other war sites) and irradiated with depleted uranium which has caused the cancer rates and birth defect rates in those countries to soar?
Tell me again about the pro-life stance that says that all life is precious while thousands of children die each day in Africa from starvation. I could go on and on but please don’t give me that load of malarkey about being pro-life. It means nothing and it irritates me beyond belief!

18 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Just remember that 30% of the people still think George Bush is doing a good job, even with massive evidence to the contrary. John Dean describes these people as authoritarian followers. They are attracted to media like Fixed News and Limbaugh, highly conservative college/universities that tell them what to think (not teach them how to think), home schooling (for the same reason), and authoritarian leaders who feed them certainties. Dean lays this out in his book “Conservatives Without Conscience.” (I would use itals to punctuate but don’t know how…). I went to conservative college that became very conservative so I have seen how this works.

The good news is that 65-70% of the people don’t think Bush is doing a good job. God bless the internet and people like AKMuckraker, kos, Arianna Huffington, Andrew Sullivan and others (mudpuppies) who may not always be in ideological agreement, but who care about the truth and the country.

18 09 2008
Patricia Day

Hello Mudflat bloggers:
Boy am I ecstatic that I found you. I have been reading your posts for over two days and I am impressed. I am califpat and I reside in Victorville, California. I am appalled that Sarah Palin and McCain ‘s high powered lawyers are being allowed to block the investigation until after the election. These criminals and pathological serial liars are going for a major “Coverup” and we have to do everything in our power to uncover this fiasco and make sure they do not succeed. I am not sure how we combat this but I am going to bed with this on my mind and will be researching as to how to bust this investigation wide open. You have another soldier in me and thanks for being here. See you tomorrow.

18 09 2008

DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike (22:48:43)
He is at least still impressionable enough (or perhaps he is honoring the holder of the pursestrings) that he conceded by dinner’s end that he would keep an open mind. (Thinks Obama is a muslim

My son is 42-years-old – guess that tells you something about me too! He has 4 children and married into a family with VERY fundamentalist views. So…I am staying out of his (their) politics, because to them I am a frapping left-wing radical! That kid of mine has no appreciation for all those times I carried him around, on my hip, to peace and Civil Rights marches…and his mind is made up.

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

That post I mentioned above – I have met parents of children with developmental disabilities who do not bond with their children. They provide basic care, but in a detached way. And the the child reaches 18, he or she is off to a group home. All done. Pat self on shoulder. Duty done.

That’s what I thought of when I saw SP holding Trig on the stage in an odd, detached way. JMHO.

When I was little, most parents put their children with DS and other disorders in institutions at an early age, I’m sorry to say. That was the accepted way. And they had short lives. A very few brave parents fought to have their children receive the care, acceptance, medical treatment and education that they deserved.

Today, I know many, many parents who are giving every dollar and every ounce of strength to ensure that their children with disabilities get the very best shot at independence and quality of life possible. And far too many of them are heavily in debt to provide that care. It is a constant struggle to provide specialized education and appropriate medical treatment. With the housing crisis deepening, too many of these families will lose their homes that are over-mortgaged to pay that very expensive care. The limited state and federal services provided are being cut, and more cuts are on the way.

So when that woman says she’ll be an advocate for families of children with disabilities, what the hell does that mean? Other than requiring that every pregnancy results in a birth? Is she going to give these families free healthcare? Respite? Fully fund IDEA? Encourage cutting-edge medical treatments and expensive/intensive one-on-one education such as ABA?

While she claims alarm over her ex-in-law’s use of a training tazer, I don’t see her mentioning the warehoused children receiving “aversion therapy” – electrical jolts. Or the children killed in schools each year when “restrained” to “calm” them. Or the children medicated into seizures, tics and psychosis so that no one has to deal with them.

So that’s my rage against the machine tonight. Don’t wave a child with DS in front of me and claim to be my advocate. I know the truth! I KNOW what happens to these children and their families.

So show me the action. Show me the money. Or shut the f*ck up!

(Thank you for listening. Or should I say listenin’? I feel better now.)

18 09 2008

mimi (22:54:05) :

For the poor mom with the repub son…

You are preaching to the choir! But thanks from this mom.

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

LoL Anne — these crazy kids

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

a kind person posted this at another thread

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

Can anyone tell me what business Sarah Palin ran? All the GOP pundits keep saying she was a small business owner. Obviously, this business went under as it’s about a big of a secret as the rest of Palin’s life. I did hear that her husband and his business partner sold snowmobiles or something. Was that the business that she supposedly ran?

From the accounts that I hear, Sarah Palin was encouraged to run for office by her in-laws because she couldn’t find a regular job.

And what happened to her TV job? Did she quit? I would just like to see her pre-city council resume!

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Welcome Patricia Day:

Now go fetch a Palin baby name from other there on the right side bar and be sure to put your location in Who’s Here (or whatever it is) tab at the top

Yes, this has been a wonderful place to come to and,unfortunately, I have a hard time getting anything else done because I am so damn concerned about this country.

18 09 2008


I have read your various posts over the last few threads.

I am intrigued. I look forward to your future questions

and your comments.

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


Great post and totally right on the point.

18 09 2008


It probably is no longer valid. Immunity is between 2 ppl (husband/wife; lawyer/client; priest/confessor) once a third party is in the mix, the immunity has been voided. Emails to JUST TODD might be privileged. Emails to Todd and myriad other ppl, no longer protected by spousal immunity.

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike


It is just more of the inconsistencies of Scarah Palin. Just like her suing over the polar bear being listed as threatened on the endangered species list because “she just doesn’t have the science to support it” while at the same time supporting and approving legislation for aerial hunting of wolves because “science” supports it.

It’s downright nutty–especially because she is WRONG, WRONG–

It’s a backwards, upside down world in Palin Land

18 09 2008
hockey thug
18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

resume for anne, the most detailed one I’ve seen

18 09 2008

Good night to all you Mudpuppies who are left standing. I keep complaining to my husband that MY EYES ARE BURNING LIKE CRAZY! Crazy man asked if I thought it might have something to do with the fact that I have been spending about 27 hours a day on Mudflats…well, I answered…NO!

Best to you all…

18 09 2008

Okay, since she is determined to put Alaska through the wringer, in the interests of returning the favor, let’s now have a thread/post that discusses the link between Palin’s little suck-up staffer and TransCanada!!!!!!!!!!

Will have to do some research on ADN, look for the article that discussed that little bit of intrigue.

Leaviing the question of ethics violation re: Palin’s full-page adverts in ADN re: her position on Proposition 4 for another time, as AKM says she’s had that on her mind as well.

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

“The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign, but failed.”


18 09 2008

Here’s an easy way to get people registered to vote: Direct them to this Obama website:

You can use the site to easily register to vote, request to vote absentee, or find your polling location.

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


Thanks, but that has even less about her than her Wiki page. Why isn’t anyone asking why she went to FIVE colleges to earn her degree. That’s CRAZY! Was she about to flunk out of one school so transfered to another? Was she getting into trouble at the schools and had to leave?

Who goes to five colleges to earn a four-year degree. I can understand transfering once if the school isn’t good for you, but five schools? That SCREAMS that something is wrong with this woman.

18 09 2008
Zim in Oz

Reposting so apologies if it comes up twice.

I found this ‘Palin Timeline’ interesting.

18 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

hee hee, one of the comments to the huffing/video link/cbs story supplied by Hockey Thug where Palin mentioned the Palin/McCain ticket today:

“Pit bulls tend to prey on the elderly or very young when they attack. I hope McCain carries a can of pepper spray with him whenever he’s around her… she’s looking a little feral lately.”

18 09 2008
Zim in Oz

testing…my posts are not coming thru

18 09 2008

Anna in Oregon: Bristol allegedly went to the same school as my daughter (West), but nobody there seems to recall actually seeing her there. Strange to think that NONE of my daughter’s friends met her or talked to her or know anyone who did. Further, my daughter says that a teacher said that they were instructed not to discuss the issue of Bristol’s attendance there with students or the media.

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Anna in Oregon, I love, love, love the fact that she first attended college in Honolulu! Does that make her “exotic” like Obama????

Unfortunately, so far no one here can recall her. I can tell you this – if she landed here feeling privileged in any way, she had a rude awakening. We are a very mixed group on some very small rocks in the middle of a very big ocean. You learn to drop the attitude and to get along fast, or you don’t last long. And apparently, she didn’t.

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


WOW, that is crazy! If the governor’s daughter is at any school, you would think someone would remember her being there. And that teachers are instructing students to not speak to the media? That’s just odd.

This is a free country, the last I checked, and if a student did speak to the media what would happen to them? Expelled? McCain lawyers would sue them?

There are so many secrets that are yet uncovered!

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

So – in the course of this preselected crowd “town hall meeting”, Palin answered a question about her being able to manage the both the job of VP and her family. She said that the same question came up during her campaign for governor. And she claimed she assured people then that she would be able to perform her job while pregnant and after the baby was born…… the problem with this statement is she ran for governor the year before she conceived.

18 09 2008
Zim in Oz

OK I tried to send this twice so please forgive me if it displays x 3….

I found this ‘Palin Timeline’ interesting…..puts things into a sort of perpective for those of us that do not live in Alaska.

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Well, well. No one remembers SP in Hawaii, and no one remembers her daughter at SMR’s neighborhood high school. Who needs conspiracry theories with this stuff just pouring out? Or is that “oooozing” out?

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@SMR (23:12:31) : cover uuuuuup!!!!

Is someone here maintaining a list of lies and cover-ups?

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

SMR, how many students at that high school?

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


Is Bristol Palin back at your daughter’s school this year?

18 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Add to that list the fact that the royal birth wasn’t listed on the hospital’s website with all the other babies, and there was no mention of another patient who was quoted as having seen the new mother.

18 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

@Aussie: “And she claimed she assured people then that she would be able to perform her job while pregnant and after the baby was born…… the problem with this statement is she ran for governor the year before she conceived.”

This is reaching the psychosis boiling point.

Can you put dates to this? Date she said this during the campaign, and date she would have been pregnant? And when we get the dates – let’s make it viral!!!

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

Aussie, there was actually a funny story about the hospital where Trig was born. A newspaper quoted someone as saying they say Sarah Palin there, then it turned out the quote was from someone with the same name as a baby born at the same time.

18 09 2008

So – in the course of this preselected crowd “town hall meeting”, Palin answered a question about her being able to manage the both the job of VP and her family. She said that the same question came up during her campaign for governor. And she claimed she assured people then that she would be able to perform her job while pregnant and after the baby was born…… the problem with this statement is she ran for governor the year before she conceived.

Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin,

Was that Wednesday’s town hall meeting, the one with the “stump the candidate” offer? If so, there is undoubtedly video of the entire event.

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

yes, that was the ONLY town hall stupid palin’s done….

18 09 2008

Sarah Palin’s First Town Hall Meeting

Not really, but that’s the title…and it’s pretty funny.

18 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


That is GREAT! Too funny!

18 09 2008
Soldotna Sue

I don’t know if Sarah was abusing her power before, but she, Todd, and their cohorts surely are now! The McCain Campaign has taken over Alaska. It is really scary that they can get away with this bullying treatment of our state like a bunch of federal storm troopers!

18 09 2008
19 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

Soldotna Sue

I love hearing from Alaskans, but I also know that it must be hard for you to post with all the McCain/DC lawyers up there now.

Keep posting! We love to hear about what’s actually going on in Alaska!

19 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Bystander, it was taken from a puff piece written in the last two days, the rest of which was too awful 😉

University days in Hawaii :

19 09 2008
Zim in Oz

4th time lucky…I hope.

Interesting ‘Palin Timeline’

19 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Anna in Oregon
Either a carwash in Wasilla that was closed down by the state due to non-payment of business fees, or pehaps the consulting business by the name Rouge Cou (French – red neck, but in French would have been Cou Rouge and neither is correct translation of redneck, but that’s beside the point). Perhaps AKM can confirm/deny.

19 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


That says EVERYTHING about the flake Sarah Palin. Five colleges to get a four-year degree.

19 09 2008
Anna in Oregon


You are from where my mom is from! Thanks for that info. Still, I don’t think that “business” experience is enough to be VP.

19 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Success of the day, and I’ve had many. All the talk of the election allowed me to open the discussion with my youngest daughter that is married not to a born again Repub, but to a man that has followed in his fathers foot step or to be more correct his wheel chair into the Repub ballot box. Unbeknowns to me, thought we do live in the same town, my daughters Father-in-law on each election day since 1990 (when they got married) has picked her and her husband up to go to the poll, along with his wife. Before getting out of the car, said FIL hands my daughter and his wife a list of people to vote for, make that Repub’s to vote for. Now I know my daughter is a smart woman, but we don’t always think a like, which I encourage as a good thing. I raised her to think for herself. So, I was not sure where this was going and wondered if she had felt she had to or wanted to vote with her husband and FIL. Therefore, I just listened to her a bit, because she seemed ready to talk about how she felt about being put in this postion, and to see if now that FIL has passed away, things will be different this year.

I’m sure I could hide the smile on my face when she tells me that way back when she just took the paper and went in and voted the way she wanted to, even getting so mad during the last election, because she’d already had it with Bush, that she told them not to wait for her to vote, because she was going to walk home, not wanting to ride with them. OK, it’s not a long walk, but it was just so good to see how pleased she was to express her independent choice, after admitting that she doesn’t know most of the local people so a list of who is doing a best job as dog catcher and shierff was something that her husband that works for the city would know. But she does watch TV and she does know who is leading this country where.

And the next best thing was my 18 yr old Grand daughter was sitting there shaking her head yes!

More later, I just tuned into MSN News, first time all day and have some catch-up to do…had stopped watching it a few days ago.

More good news later……

19 09 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

There was a recent CNN Headline about the aftermath of Hurricane Ike that said Bush returns to Texas; Residents urged to leave.

Will they have something similar about Alaska when Palin returns?

19 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Open Post up everybody!

good night room

19 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

To those of you who are also burdened by politically wayward kids, I’m glad to know I’m not alone in that respect. I keep thinking how different it might have been had I not concurred in sending him halfway across the country to school as a not-quite 18yo so he could experience a different way of life. I just chalk it up to his previous life sometime back in about the 15 century. He’s commented that he’d had felt more at home in the 18th, but that was post-Enlightenment. Wish I’d have kept him home and at a community college — even one in Orange County!

And with that, fellow Mudflatters, I’m going cross-eyed. It’s nearly 1:30 a.m. See y’all later today.

19 09 2008
Anna in Oregon

I am getting so confused about where to post! 🙂

19 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Aussie, re University Days in Hawaii:

People go to UH Hilo because they live on the Big Island (cost effective) or because they can’t get into UH Manoa. In the early ’80’s, UH Hilo was more of a community college than anything else. (Don’t bash me, Big Islanders – you know it’s true!) I’m from the BI, and rarely would someone travel from outside of Hawaii to go there. Hilo is just one small town, like most areas of Hawaii. Outsiders are noticed. (Usually due to their sunburn and funny kine talk.) So with that in mind, notice the quote:
“The registrar at Hawaii-Hilo has no record that she ever enrolled, school officials said Thursday.”

Hawaii Pacific College on Oahu was also tiny, graduating only 7 students in 1972 (about 10 years before her alleged attendance). So small, and yet: “She attended only as a freshman during the fall of 1982, school spokeswoman Crystale Lopez said….”We’re trying to track down someone who knew her,” Lopez added.”

We know “small town” in Hawaii! Even today, we are just over 1 million people. I can move from island to island and find links. In fact, when I moved to my current location several years ago, my then potential landlord asked me to name some families I knew on the Big Island. I named a couple. Anyone here for a generation or two is connected, so of course, a family relationship was found, and I got the rental. No joke.

So it amazes me that no one has yet connected she who shall not be named to Hawaii. On the other hand, Obama’s sister Maya is known. She is a teacher on Oahu and married to a UH professor. (oh, and a Buddhist, in case some end of the world nut case wants to run wild with that!) Like I said, it’s all small town here.

Something is wrong with this story.

19 09 2008

Well, this is what I hear from the town meeting:

Audience Question: Hi, I have a question for Governor Palin, and, as a mother, I just wanted to hear your response to the people out there that have said that you can’t be a mother and the Vice President, which, of course, you can.

Gov. Palin: Well, Let’s prove ’em wrong.

[applause and cheers]

I thank you for that question and, just, I’m very, very blessed to have this opportunity to show that, you know, people had asked the question, I was pregnant when I was the Governor and they asked, ‘How are you going to be the Governor and have a baby in office?’, and I said, ‘The same way that every other Governor has brought up a family, had a baby in office.’ Granted, they were men. Maybe that was the difference, but, we’re gonna be able to do it, and I thank you for the question. And you have the most beautiful family and I congratulate you and thank you so much for recognizing though that this is the maverick who would have even chosen such a candidate to partner up and this is the party that embraces the change and the progress that America and American women are craving and deserving.

[applause and cheers]

19 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Thank you for listening to the meeting, Bystander, I couldn’t make myself do it after I heard the first answer.

The quote about the meeting came from the Political Punch site and didn’t say which meeting, and I didn’t care enough to look. I couldn’t disbelieve it at face value …. she told Congress ‘thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere’, you know.

Is she using the word ‘maverick’ in every single response now?

19 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

So is it only strange to me that the person who questioned Palin today didn’t ask a question “like how do you balance running for VP and raising a family”? which if Palin had answered with some real pointers and tips might of helped other young women who would like some real clues as to how it’s done. Instead, to set up the sound bite, the questioner says, “I just wanted to hear your response to the people out there that have said that you can’t be a mother and the Vice President, which, of course, you can.”

So, we know she can be a Gov. and are to assume she can be VP, ‘The same way that every other Governor has brought up a family, had a baby in office.’ Granted, they were men. Maybe that was the difference, but, we’re gonna be able to do it, and I thank you for the question.”

Ok, aside from the fact that as near as I know we have and have had several other women Gov’s, we know that’s doable, right? Still no tip on how it’s done, but let set that aside a moment. And look at the men commet. Maybe she thinks we don’t know that men Gov’s don’t have babies in office though they may have made babies while in office.

Then she adds “we’re gonna be able to do it”….which almost sounded like a “I sure hope “we” can pull this off, ” rather than “this is how I manage, i.e. I do this and this and this…again some tips for those who aspire to crack that glass ceiling, thing. Oh, I forgot this isn’t a sisterhood kind of gal. This more the I clawed my way to the top, gals now you figure it out, but don’t ask me to share, cause I climb over those….oppps don’t tell McLame I’m running over him in the polls. You know the Palin/McLame ticket.

Ok, my pumkin just left and I’m beginning to lose my train of thought, kind of like Palin…on the punch lines. Nite all….

19 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

OK, the qote is “I was pregnant when I was the Governor and they asked, ‘How are you going to be the Governor and have a baby in office?’”

First of all, what’s with the “WAS the governor”? Isn’t she still the governor? And secondly, didn’t she wait until 6 or 7 months pregnant to announce it?

Just gets weirder and weirder….

19 09 2008
Patty M.

Can he legally REFUSE to testify? Can ANY of them REFUSE to testify?

19 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

The Messenger (20:14:20) :

“I just saw someone refer to Palin as Caribou Barbie. That is what Mike Malloy calls the little twit.”

I just call her BimboBush.

19 09 2008

Couple questions:

If Todd Palin is/was involved in official state business, isn’t it of interest to see his emails, phone recs, friends, family, employers, and even his investment list just to be sure he and/or his ‘extended network’ are not benefitting from information they are not supposed to have? Also, if he has some influence then he could be considered as a ‘lobbyist’ right?

It seems to me that unless this family was completely isolated there are plenty of people (friends, neighbors, passersby) who know what’s really going on…especially where kids are involved…nothing is ever secret for long.

Someone needs to do a better job of investigating.

19 09 2008

The Palins have demonstrated that they are NOT reformers, but that they are completely malleable to the extent of even doing something anti-Alaska in their quest for more power. Being adamant about having your own way is not the definition of reform.

The citizens of the State of Alaska should be very, very concerned that a national political campaign is interfering with the governance of the state and that the governor — not for the benefit of the state but for her own political gain — is going right along with it.

Alaska under a bus? How sad. I only hope that the men of Alaska will begin “thinking with their other brain” and decide that Alaska’s sovreignty is worth more than the chance to see an attractive woman as your governor.

If Alaska does not stand up for itself now, expect more of same as the campaign unfolds — and after, whatever happens.

19 09 2008
Penny Moeller

Why is “Todd Palin refuses to testify” not on the front page of every newspaper in the country??!! And the reason for not testifying is even more outrageous. Todd Palin will be unable to testify because he will be traveling. If Todd and Sarah are both out of town, who is raising their children? Where are the family values people on this one???? It is only eight am and I am already worked up. Deep breath.

19 09 2008

AnneinWA (23:11:39) : “I keep complaining to my husband that MY EYES ARE BURNING LIKE CRAZY! Crazy man asked if I thought it might have something to do with the fact that I have been spending about 27 hours a day on Mudflats…”

Annie in WA – you are forgetting to blink
On the other hand, this means that you are now qualified for presidential office!

(PS My eyes are red hot too)

19 09 2008
The Messenger

As a newbie on this blog, I think our mission is to vet Palin. especially after the Republican Party refused to look into her checkered past and most of the so-called mainstream media too. “We the People” have decided to seek the truth about Caribou Barbie. We depend on the people of Alaska to come forward and vet this dolt.

Troopergate has taken on a life of its own. It could have been a small thing had the twit answered some very basic questions about the firing of Walter Monegan, but as Palin stonewalls the investigation, the issue grows exponentially.

As all thinking people know, Republicans never learn not to lie. They are born liars. They can not be trusted with running our government. Their sheep that follow them are just as mentally ill as they are. Whenever I see a Republican talking head on the TV thing, I pity them for their mental illness. You try to teach them the difference between right and wrong, but they never learn.

I’m for the dissolution of the Republican Party. They have demonstrated that they can not govern. Their lack of self discipline and self-control make it difficult to even be around people like these filthy Republicans.

We adults need to take charge. The children have had their fun and now it’s time to put the children to bed and the adult progressives must take our country back. There is no other choice.

Since there are more Democrats as there are Republicans, we Democrats need 100% participation in this upcoming election. This will be the only way to stop the madness. Because as you know, Republicans cheat and lie to win elections. They have to because they have nothing else.

This political season all the Republicans have is McCain and Palin and that is not very much. Let us choose the ballot box with diligence.

i salute all who write on this blog.

“The advance of liberalism… [encourages] the hope that the human mind will some day get back to the freedom it enjoyed two thousand years ago.” –Thomas Jefferson

19 09 2008
Jingo Killah

OK, lots of posts on the appropriate Movie Night selections. I got you all beat.

-followed by-
Jesus Camp

Netflix it. Stock up on the Coors light. Drink everytime you can find a parallel.

19 09 2008

First “Dude”, nah more like First Douchebag.
Haunt the halls of Alaskan Government- stick yer nose where it ain’t belonging and then get executive privilege? I call bullshit!

19 09 2008

I just keep thinking, she has to go home some point (sooner than later because Obama/Biden is going to will) and will probably never get another elected position in Alaska. What must her long term plan be or does she only live in the here and now.

19 09 2008

Alaskians…..the lower 48 are now in the state and will not leave. You can thank your wonderful Governor and the first dude. Their corruption and our facination for dirt will force us to stay and breed and thrive in your state. When this story ends we will find new ones. This is our mission.

19 09 2008

What’s all this talk from Palin about being pro-life?

She kills wildlife for sport. Sends her son to kill people in Iraq.

I guess all life is not created equal in God’s eyes. She better hope not.


19 09 2008

BigSlick (21:30:23) :
How accurate and real is that geneological chart?
If that is correct then Bristol and Levi may already be married.
This is where we need to be careful, can this source be verified?
I took a look at the ancestry link and thought, “Bogus.”

Web source information for genealogy records is the Census. There is a 72-year restriction on access to the Census. The current year available is the 1930 Census. Other source documents are Passport Applications 1795-1925, Border Crossings from Canada to US – 1895-1956, New York Passenger Lists – 1820-1957, Draft Registration cards, WWI & WWII, to name a few.

Looks like Creative Genealogy to me!

19 09 2008
Stepper Choke aka pradicchio

Thank you, thank you AKM from this hopeful mudpuppy — still waiting for a definitive answer as to WHAT can be done to enforce a subpoena without waiting for the legislature to re-convene (when? December? January?) — I take the rule of law VERY seriously. Wilful corruption of the rule of law is a large part of the constitutional/legal/financial/etc. mess the USA is in today. Aren’t Alaska’s legislators outraged to be ignored/dismissed/disrespected? Of course, I’m none too pleased with a Congress that has also allowed the same behavior on the national level — why isn’t Karl Rove in contempt of Congress?

Steppin’ out for Obama
Chokin’ on Palin/McCain

19 09 2008

Why isnt this on tv 24/7. Remember when we couldnt turn on tv without seeing an update on whether Pres Clinton had sex with that girl (as if I cared)

Watergate hearings were about the most entertaining, funniest thing I have ever seen on tv…we need another deep throat. Any takers?

On a serious note, as we are in a financial crisis that has been described by some in the media as on the same par as 9/11 and the crash of 1929….I am in real fear of a war. War is good for the economy…or so many say.

I am in somewhat of a panic here….we have 1 1/2 years left until my husband will retire. Everything we have is in our 401K…we are not rich by any means, but up to now I never thought of us as poor.

I was reading everything I could yesterday on the economy. These things are beyond me…but as I understand it…Phil Gramm (the same one who called us whiners because we were having a hard time paying our bills and buying groceries)…sponsored a bill Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that ” aimed to make the country’s financial institutions competitive by removed the depression era walls between banking, investment and insurance companies.”

Am I making this too simple? Did Congress enact a bill after the great depression, to ensure we would not have another one…but then the Gramm bill removed it…and now we may be facing another great depression?

I also read in the wall st journal april 2008 “During the economic expansion that began in 2001 (when bush took office, my own words), incomes at the middle of the middle class declined—the first time in 50 years–and now more Americans are finding that what they earn isnt keeping up with the cost of living”

Please help out there anyone who understand economy more than me

I am off to a Women Against Palin rally tomorrow in Erie Pa. On Sunday will attend a rally in my home town to celebrate the UN day of PEACE

19 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

Do not be worried about your investments. As long as they are diversified, then you will be fine in the long run.

The very simple, one sentance summary is this:

Those very bad, worthless mortgages that are foreclosing everywhere were tying up all of the financial sector’s ready cash so the governmeny is buying them all up so that the economy will keep on functioning.

How we got into this mess is best explained in this transcript from Public Radio International:

19 09 2008

Interesting point by Andrew Halcro here. Basically he’s pointing out that for the AG to advise someone to ignore a subpoena, he himself is in violation of the law. We got any attorney’s reading this willing to file a Bar complaint?

@Jingo Killah –
Coor’s Light??? *shudder* How about some real beer? Or better yet, a tall glass of Maker’s Mark.

19 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

Cannot the legislature subpeona the AG since he is colluding to obstruct justice?

19 09 2008
The Messenger

Could the Troopergate investigation go forward without Palin and the “First Dude”? (I hate that description) Could Palin be convicted in abstention?

If Alaskan lawmakers do not continue with their investigation, they need to be replaced with leaders who will follow the law.

19 09 2008

Sue (19:01:40) :

I don’t think Todd Palin has had anything to do with governing Alaska. Sarah runs the show wherever she is–at home, or at the office. I think he knows she wears the pants and just tries to stay out of her way and do his own thing.

If that’s true, then what was Todd doing calling Walt Monegan? Why would they even bother including him on official state e-mails (on a regular basis , not just Troopergate)?

19 09 2008

I just got off the phone with my (conservative) local talk radio station. I asked the program manager to have AK Sen. Lyda Green on as a guest and told him that she would reveal all kinds of things about Palin that those of us outside of AK have not heard.

Please do the same in your town. LET’S MAKE LYDA A STAR!!!

19 09 2008

Keep up the good work AKM. I stood up for you at one of your “related” links:

Sarah Palin and the Abuse of Blog Power

19 09 2008

The self-named “Truth Squad” from McCain’s campaign is now running the show and has announced that Todd will not recognize his subpoena. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the similarity between this “Truth Squad” and the “Ministry of Truth” in George Orwell’s 1984?

19 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Join the club — I’m at the very same place. And like you, and millions of other Americans, I can’t afford another 4 years of the same economic philosophy. John McCain’s newly discovered economic populism is a sham, a wolf in sheep’s clothing stalking for votes. He’s nothing of the kind. His entire history and the fact that Phil Gramm authored the McCain economic plan is proof, along with his cozy relationship with Charles Keating 20 years ago. Don’t be fooled. If you want the history on that, from someone who saw the carnage of that attempt at deregulation, please read my blog.

19 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Engine Nighthawk
Diversification is the well-known key for investing profitably, but one’s time horizon is also critical. You talk about things being fine in the long run, but lots of us are at or approaching the wrong end of the long run. We don’t have the time left for the long run to work to our benefit. That’s a major part of the falacy that was glossed over when Bush talked about privatizing Social Security. And McCain’s part of that same philosophy. We’re luckier than some in that we still will have an honest-to-god defined benefits pension coming our way. But with those going the way of the dodo bird in favor of 401(k)s, these are very troubling times indeed.

BTW, new thread alert.

19 09 2008

Spiralingout, Excellent point. It just underscores that Trig is NOT Sarah Palin’s child but is Bristol’s. 🙂

Vi — Online petitions do NOT go anywhere because the signatures cannot be certified.

19 09 2008
Engine Nighthawk Palin

@Palmdale CA

The long run in this case being about five years. If you are looking at less than five years, then you should not be in the stock market with critical savings anyways.

As to where to put your money to protect it, just ask your broker which areas she or he sees as safest. There are a variety of quality, safe places to park you money.

19 09 2008
C from CO

I am also a Filter Skate Palin

Anyone in Colorado know of planned visits by Mac and P and any planned protests? Count me in!

19 09 2008

If you don’t want to obey a subpoena, you have to follow court procedure. Either you plead the 5th or you go to court to have the subpoeana quashed because it wasn’t properly served or some other legal flaw. You don’t get to unilaterlly decide that you won’t want to obey a court summons because you can’t get a “fair hearing”. It’s just unheard of.

And the fact that Colberg has already said he would not force the aides or Palin to honor the subpoenas because the “Governor” has questioned the legality of the investigation–that’s another story altogether. The Governor has no legal authority to rule on the matter.

This is a circular firing squad–everything was pre-arranged between Colberg and Palin’s lawyers. This is a TREMENDOUS ethics violation. Colberg should be disabarred. Instead, he’s on “vacation”.

If Obama had picked a running mate who did such a thing, the MSM would pillory him.

19 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

annonymous (06:56:34) :

The self-named “Truth Squad” from McCain’s campaign is now running the show and has announced that Todd will not recognize his subpoena. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the similarity between this “Truth Squad” and the “Ministry of Truth” in George Orwell’s 1984?
Yep. Sometimes it seems we really ARE there.

But I also recommend John Barth’s great 1965 hysterically funny novel “Giles Goat Boy”. Unwittingly, he seems to have foretold the 24 Hour News Cycle State in that now very prescient book.

19 09 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

I just don’t get the impression that Todd is bright enough to come up his alleged reason for not testifying: “objections to the validity of the subpoena.”!

19 09 2008

Allan –
Thanks for the heads up.

I too stood up for Mudflats and told him a thing or too.

I think he’s jealous- He has so few readers he gets to ‘ moderate each post ‘
Gee I hope he finds my comments suitable…

For jollies, here’s what I wrote.

Doug –

The thing I like about mudflats and the thing I dislike about your blog relates to the use of insinuation. This irks me.

AKMudraker makes it clear in every post, what the facts are and what his/her opinion is.

You on the other hand insinuate that the labels ”Trooper-Gate,” “Baby-Gate,” “Bridge-Gate,” and “Veep-Gate” are JUST labels, and JUST “of ethereal fumes.”

You might want to turn up the contrast on your monitor, and notice the slightly grayed links to previous posts and articles from Alaska Daily News.

You are guilty of hypocrisy. You insinuate that the blogger is guilty of these things, yet you fail to support your views with facts, and ignore the blogger’s meticulous and accurate research.

I have been unemployed and spent nearly full time hours researching info related to this blog, and related stories and found it substantial and well researched.

So I followed your advise, traced it back to the source, and found it to pass your test with flying colors.

You on the other hand … uuuhhhh not so good.

Do the research yourself, and try to find a substantially wrong fact, or false rumor on mudflats.

Then post your findings.

I’ll be back next week to see if you will apologize to your readers

19 09 2008

anonymous (06:56:34)

Truth Squad, Oh geez yes. This is so Bush administration. Name the bill or executive order for the thing its not.
Patriot act,
Clear skies initiative

To some extent these self describing names are part of Madison avenue type promotion that is more hype than truth.

Orwell indeed! It was called newspeak right?

19 09 2008

You can’t ignore a subpeona because you don’t think the investigation is legitimate! That’s like saying “I ran that red light because I didn’t vote for the law that made it legal.” The law is the law and you should follow it, especially if you’re anywhere near public office.

19 09 2008

I wrote a skit I think SNL should do in about 15 minutes. I would love to be a professional writer, but who knows….any feedback would be great.


Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, walk through the door with guns in hands and hunting clothes on. They start to undress.

We will be eating good this winter honey!

You cook the best caribou in the state darling.

Trig Palin walks in.

Mom, me and some of the guys are going to a party. Which cops that obey us are on duty tonight?

Trig my love, you know that anyone who does not obey us is fired.

Trig, don’t be out too late. You have school tomorrow.

Trig pulls a beer out of his pocket, opens it, starts drinking it and closes the door.

What a blessing from God that boy is.

Sarah and Todd are in bathing suits. They walk out their bedroom door and are walking through a hallway. Loud moaning and the bed is aqueaking from a room they pass.

Sounds like Bristol is praying hard tonight!

Levi came over about 20 minutes ago and went straight to her room and closed the door. I wish I could get 20 minutes of praying time alone with you!

Sarah and Todd walk through a door to find 2 tanning beds in another room. As they open the tanning beds and start to get in, the phone rings. Sarah picks it up.

Sarah, this is your brother in law, Mike Wooten.

Mike, how is my favorite brother in law?

Sarah, I have some bad news to report about Track.

Mike, there is never bad news to report about my little angel.

Um, Sarah, this is serious. Track vandalized over 100 buses with his friends and caused almost $40,000 in damage to city property.

Todd Palin is in his tanning bed and upset that he has to hear voices.

Honey, I am tanning, keep the noise down.

Sarah covers the phone and lovingly talks to her husband.

Sorry dear!

SARAH PALIN (cont’d):
Mike, you know how to handle this. Take Track home and threaten his friends that they will face me if anyone lies and says my little angel was there. God’s will is that he was home with me.

Sarah, I can’t do that.

You will do that or else I will tell people how you drink on the job, threatened to kill my father, abused my nephews and family, and you will not like that.

Mike Wooten hangs up. Sarah starts to walk towards her tanning bed, but there is a knock on the door. It is Bristol.


What is it dear?

Levi and I have been praying a lot lately. And, I mean a LOT!

That’s my angel!

Well, I think I am like Mary mom.

What do you mean sweetie?

Well, the school and state have been so great at teaching us abstinence, and Levi and I have been following what we have been taught as God has commanded.

That’s my angel!

Would you 2 keep it down. I cooked all day, did laundry, homework with the kids, and was busy meddling in all of these meetings your mom could not be at! Mr. Mom needs some R&R just like every other hardworking American!

Sorry dear! Bristol, what were you saying?

Mom, I’m pregnant!

(in a tyrant)
What do you mean you’re pregnant! I told you that sex can wait, masturbate! How dare you do this to me while I am trying to become President, I mean Vice President, of this country!

Bristol cowers in fear, starts to cry and runs away. As she opens the door to leave, Track enters. Sarah sees Track and goes ballistic!

Do you know how many people I am going to have to threaten and make promises to in order to hide your juvenille delinquent actions! That is it boy! You are joining the military! I have to make people think you are a good Christian American somehow!

Track seems stoned.

Wow, really mom?

Get to your room and you start praying young man!

Cool, I think I will pray with Miley Cyrus in mind tonight. Oh, and mom, I need to go to the doctor tomorrow. Um, my prescription for, um, my allergy medication ran out.

Firs tthing tomorrow dear.

Track leaves the room. Sarah sighs a relieve and enters the tanning bed.

We have the best kids in the world dear.

Hey, honey. Aren’t you pregnant?

Yes, I am dear, but remember, that is a secret.

Oh yeah. Is it safe to be tanning in this machine?

God has told me it is honey. God has told me it is.

19 09 2008
C from CO

@RW (18:18:54)

Trying to catch up on last nights posts – you answered my recent question.
I will be there at the Colorado women against palin rally on 9/23.
Someone else suggested this, but I will put yellow boots on my sign too.
Mudpuppies Unite!!

19 09 2008

I messed up – it is Track NOT Trig. And Todd does the cooking, not Sarah – in the beginning part. LOL! SORRY!

19 09 2008

“The law is the law and you should follow it, especially if you’re anywhere near public office.”

Yes, and you Dims should advise your fellow Dims that this applies to ILLEGAL ALIENS as well. As someone who is part Native American, I am really tired of hearing the “Europeans stole the land” argument as an excuse not to follow the law.

19 09 2008

we need 1,000,000 signatures, I know we ca do it.

19 09 2008

Remember Susan Smith….stayed in jail for over a year for refusing to testify against Clinton…the locked her up

19 09 2008

Wouldn’t it be shocking to the McCain camp if Alaska voted Blue this Nov?
It may only be 3 electoral votes, but going blue would be a big black eye for the Republicans

19 09 2008

Kagro X on Daily Kos has posted a well reasoned argument for the right of the Legislative Council (with powers delegated by the legislature) to enforce its subpoenas:

19 09 2008

First Duke of the Alaskan Nation says thanks but, no thanks to the investigation by the State Legislature.

19 09 2008

I heard that the rationale behine his refusal to testify…is a state law that says something like someone running for office cannot be investigated while running. But the law does NOT include spouses. Do you know if this is true?

I have read many of the interviews, emails, etc that were on the anchorage newspaper site….I sooo agree with Keith Olberman…if they just complied and maybe if Sarah herself said yes I wanted him fired for the following reasons…it would have gone away…but by making such a big deal out of it , it is becoming another watergate…remember then the actual crime (breaking into the office) was NOWHERE the status of the cover up that then went on following the actual crime….that eventually led to Nixon resignation

didnt the Republicans learn anything from that???

19 09 2008

Matt Taibbi, where are you?
Anyone waiting like a kid on Christmas morning for the Matt Taibbi present to arrive?
He’s the gonzo guy from Rolling Stone who wrote a piece in August about McCain and how McCain might not cave to the religious right this time.
Oooooh, I can’t wait for Matt to drill in Alaska. The crude he will come up with on Palin will be bountiful!
If you can take the curse words and continue to read his article, check out his McCain story in the August issue.
just go to
It’s a grrrrrrreat read!
Matt also shows up on Real Time With Bill Maher and I’m hoping that Matt is in Alaska right now digging up paperwork, emails, info and stalking Palin pols.
Please….Matt, we need you now!

19 09 2008

If you look at his picture just right, you can pretend that he has holes in his head and the wall behind him is showing through.

19 09 2008

shadow governor has been my favorite description of todd palin. to now see it in a headline on cnn is beyond words. it has been my belief that troopergate would have revealed just how involved he is and how inappropriate his behavior and actions were, thus the mcshame coverup.

CNN: Todd Palin: ‘first dude’ or ’shadow governor?’

19 09 2008

“When serious allegations such as these are made against the state’s top public officials, Alaskans deserve to know that the law is being followed and that allegations are investigated independently. To do any less undermines Alaskans’ confidence in their government. Alaskans deserve to know the truth….neither the attorney general nor the governor [should have] an active participatory role in investigations concerning their own actions…Having a lawyer hired by the governor attempt to investigate…is not only not an “independent” investigation; it presents impossible conflicts of interest in the investigation itself… Alaska deserves better.”

Exerts from the letter that made Sarah Palin the famous ethics watchdog. Letter from Palin (RE: Renkes) December 10, 2004

19 09 2008

I see 500+ comments on this site talking about this coverup, so why is the media dragging their feet? Everyone keeps turning their heads like it is no big deal.

19 09 2008

Allbeehive (09:32:54) :

i’d like to think the cnn article today will mean that it will remain an issue. hope it is more than wishful thinking on my part. so love the headline.


19 09 2008
Soldotna Sue

Many Alaskans call Todd the co-governor. He has been in on everything from the beginning of Sarah’s term as governor. It just isn’t right! I think her religion dictates that the man is the boss, so I wouldn’t be surprised that he has the final word on all decisions made here in Alaska.

19 09 2008

The Legislature can call themselves into special session for this purpose anytime they choose.

However, it is doubtful they will.

19 09 2008

Thanks for your blog…
How much more can America take? Alaska has had enough of this unethical and abusive circus show.

19 09 2008
Big Dog

Maybe Sarah should be President and McCain Vice President? Man, if McCain read something like that he would blow his top, leave his second wife and become a democrat, again!

19 09 2008

Such an admission of guilt, like a dog who had pooped on the floor cowering in the corner . Todd should save the ‘no contest’ plea for his arraignment.

19 09 2008
Mine Guy

Cool, you only have to participate in investigations you “believe in”. Does anyone else see how the Republican lawlessness have destroyed everything that is good about this country? This is, without a doubt, the most stupid attitude possible.


19 09 2008

As all thinking people know, Republicans never learn not to lie. They are born liars. They can not be trusted with running our government. Their sheep that follow them are just as mentally ill as they are. Whenever I see a Republican talking head on the TV thing, I pity them for their mental illness. You try to teach them the difference between right and wrong, but they never learn.

I’m for the dissolution of the Republican Party. They have demonstrated that they can not govern. Their lack of self discipline and self-control make it difficult to even be around people like these filthy Republicans.

We adults need to take charge. The children have had their fun and now it’s time to put the children to bed and the adult progressives must take our country back. There is no other choice.

The Messenger,

With all due respect, this is offensively at least a bit over-the-top. If you mean “NeoCons”, I’d say it doesn’t make it much better, as the US is purportedly a democracy, with various freedoms of expression available, etc., but it does make it better. But your broad brush calls out “Republicans.” What other parties don’t make the grade?

I’m not for the dissolution of the Republican Party. I believe, should they lose this election and suffer notable losses in the following Congressional elections, there may be a redefining of what that party stands for, a reinvention, or rediscovering of what that party once stood for. I’m not betting on it though, but one never knows.

It’s a multi-party system we have. I’d like to see and hear other parties make their presence known, but with both the Democrats and Republicans giving appropriate respect for what ideas are brought. Most of all, I’d love to see the intelligence of the electorate, without partisanship, grow to truly reflect and embolden the concept of “We the People”. A one-party system kills many of the qualities that make a democracy great.

19 09 2008

Can testimony be forced anyway?

Hate to do a drive by linking, but dailyKOS are suggesting that there may, in fact, still be a way to enforce the subpoena in a timely way.

19 09 2008

I should have ended my last sentence with a :P.

19 09 2008

Question….when I was in Alaska most if not all of the people I met were very independent types. What is the “feel” you get from most when ‘outsiders’ are interferring??

19 09 2008

Of these three addresses seem to go somewhere.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could email her directly and tell her to sack herself?

19 09 2008
sick of doing nothing

Anyone interested in joining the first 100 signatures to get this started?

Initiative, Referendum And Recall Information
Updated February 20, 2008

The initiative, referendum and recall procedures appear in Article XI of our Constitution, Alaska Election Law under AS 15.45.010 – 15.45.720 and the Alaska Administrative Code under 6 AAC 25.240 and 245. The following information summarizes the statutes and regulations.

This information should not be considered a substitute for reading the statutes and regulations in their entirety.



The initiative is the procedure by which the people instead of the legislature introduce and enact a law. A specified number of voters propose the law they wish to be placed on a ballot to have it voted up or down by their fellow Alaskans.[Ref. AS 15.45.010-245]

The referendum is the procedure by which the people approve or reject a law already passed by the legislature. The referendum petition must be filed within 90 days after the adjournment of the legislative session at which the law was passed, in order for it to appear on a ballot to be voted on.[Ref. AS 15.45.250-465]

The recall is the procedure by which the people may remove the governor, lieutenant governor, or members of the state legislature from office. The recall question appears on a special election ballot. [Ref. AS 15.45.470-720]


The three petition processes follow the same basic steps:

* PREPARATION OF LANGUAGE by a petition committee for the application
* COLLECTION OF SIGNATURES of 100 qualified voters who agree to act as sponsors for petition circulation purposes
* APPLICATION for a petition presented to the Lt. Governor, or in the case of a recall, the Director of the Division of Elections.
* REVIEW by the Lt. Governor, Department of Law and Division of Elections
* PETITION BOOKLETS PRINTED by the Division of Elections for the petition committee
* COLLECTION OF SIGNATURES of qualified voters in at least 30 election districts who support the petition
* FILING OF THE PETITION with the Division of Elections
* REVIEW of signatures by the Division of Elections
* NOTIFICATION by the Lt. Governor if the petition is or is not sufficient (i.e., there were enough signatures) to appear on the ballot,or in the case of a recall, the Director of the Division of Elections.
* PREPARATION of ballot language

19 09 2008
Political Amazon

[[That’s a very scary picture of Todd. His eyes are boring right through me.]]

Quarter Granite, to quote Tony Soprano when speaking to Richie: “Quit giving me those Manson lamps.”

Hey, I wonder if you entered Todd Palin’s name in the baby name generator if “Manson Lamps” would come up?

19 09 2008

Question: does the “first dude” have a voice I don’t think I have ever heard him speak.

19 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Wooo Hoooo Just tuned in and there on the front page of MSN is the news the Troopergate report will be done by the election despite the efforts of the legion of SWWNBN. Think I will have to pop a cork.

19 09 2008
Little Mama

Yes, this is turning into a Karl Rove Special…..Rove to McCain, “I will get the election for you John, but you owe the small “r” republicans BIG time, like cabinet positions and head of committees that kind of thing. And put those moose hunters somewhere out of sight, close the door and throw away the key. They are only to be brought out to wave at crowds, but they cannot talk!!!!!!”

There is already a scandal about this woman and we haven’t even voted yet! Does anyone remember Watergate???? This is really beginning to feel like a “Tricky Dicky” rerun and Rove as the Plumber. Does anyone remember what happened to the nation?

19 09 2008

More examples of “open and transparent”! Three cheers for “open and honest”! Same as the national representatives from Alaska, they hold themselves ABOVE the law. I hope this stonewalling comes home to bite them in their collective butts.

“I will prove my innocence” – Stevens, who is now throwing ANYTHING and everything at the court in DC to get out of a trail. Not gonna happen. He will however be pardoned by his good ole boy buddy, bush.

Don Young has spent over a million dollars of his campaign funds (is that legal?) on legal defense. Legal defense from what? He hasn’t even been indicted YET.

Palin, “I welcome the investigation. I have nothing to hide”. Then wanted the personnel board, republican appointees, to handle the investigation. Then when picked by the mcSame ticket, will not cooperated with anyone. And disallows staffers to honor subpoenas.

The more coverup and lack of cooperation, the more the whole thing smells.

Wake up America, is this what you want in the whitehouse? You already have some who are at LEAST as good at it.

19 09 2008

This is your time, Alaska! Assert your legislative sovereignty! The Alaska Legislature was fully within their right to issue those subpoenas. Are you going to let this ‘First Chump’ piss all over your rule of law? Are you going to let some Washington Goon Squad come in and run roughshod over your sphere of influence?
WAKE UP ALASKA! Recall! Email! Write Letters! Congregate! Protest! Picket! Fight Back! They are taking it to you in the worst way, take it back to them full force! Hold these people in contempt!
Arrest them! WAKE UP ALASKA! They’re coming into your home and telling you what to do! DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!

19 09 2008

I think all of the contestants, whoops, family members, have pretty vivid royal dreams Talk about fun. Someone said it was 7 years since she had had so much fun. Way longer than that for me.
Im 60 and literate and I remember Nixon. This is a Camelot deal here. Loving my country and my state for being so pro for the guy. We can get rid of fools (eventually) but there will be no Oct surprise and Chica and “the man” will soon be a long forgotten nightmare. In my own lifetime. Love this country, this candidate and you folks, I mean you real folks. The stress is rolling off.

19 09 2008

This is an outrage! How dare Palin use her power to fire a state trooper that tazered a 10 year old!? Keep that man on the force!

19 09 2008

Just further evidence McCain and his juvenile running mate will lose. And, lose big time, come November.

20 09 2008

Hold him in contempt, then waterboard him! That is not crewel and unusual now, is it?

20 09 2008

now heres soemthing i can chew on.


21 09 2008

I hope the legislature presses contempt charges on everybody when they reconvene in January. If they don’t, they will have no credibility regardless of party. They should actually be holding an emergency session to address this.

22 09 2008

In a ‘real’ world, the fact that she’s embroiled in so many scandals BEFORE she’s even given her first press conference or had her first debate, would have automatically disqualified her for this post.

But ever since 1-20-2001 we’ve all lived in some Bizarro alternate universe.

The End Timers are still 100% behind her tho. They want the world to come to an end so badly, they can taste it. This is what America has degenerated to: people who want the world to end and they’ll g*d-damned well help it along.

22 09 2008

I was completely up in arms over the foot-dragging over testifying… until the interview with the officer in question. Then I wasn’t so sure. What I’m betting will happen, is that they will delay until after the election, the governor will be cleared of any wrongdoing, but the trooper, and the governor’s sister will have some embarassment due to some details of incidents. My guess is this will have the appearance, once it has gone to trial, of a character assassination attempt.

Palin’s very strong in her stands on the issues people, focus on those instead of questionable digs. Issues should be what drives you to vote or debate.